#olive grant (oc)
phoenix--flying · 1 year
I like to think that I am funny
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lorei-writes · 20 days
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Amberian Demonology AU Headcanons feat. Ikemen OC Community ~3.95k
Thank you for allowing me to write your OCs! When I asked to see who'd trust me, I never expected so many replies >///< I hope that the little something I've come up with is a fun surprise... I'd say you can think about it as of a Dark Fairytale AU as well >:)
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Amberian folklore introduces a hierarchy of supernatural beings. At the bottom of it are dushki, generally kind-hearted spirits of little power who co-exist with humans in symbiosis, often for their own safety. Then, there are s’lna dusha – this class consists of spirits of various powers, but unlimited freedom. They can and generally do exist independently of any other beings, although there exists a substantial disparity in level of might between them. At the top of the hierarchy exist minor gods and goddesses, idit. They are the most powerful among all of the spirits, however, they lack freedom. Each of them has a duty which completely binds them. Their lives are not their own to live for as long as it remains unfulfilled. They are not worshipped; rather, they are the expression of the laws binding the universe and introducing the order to it.
The introduction of monotheistic fate to Amber did not fully erase the old beliefs; rather, it turned them into superstition and beings of lesser importance, placing the God-Father as the only true deity, the maker and the architect of all order.
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Dragini – Melinda @dododrawsstuff
Find her at the crossroads, sitting alone on a stone or staring at the sign with unseeing eyes. Which way should she choose? Dragini does not know. Hopefully, the coming of the next traveller will bring the end to her struggle… Until then, until that yet unseen person arrives, she will bless those who meet her on their journeys.
A kind protector spirit – meeting a dragini is a sure sign that a traveller will reach their destination safely.
The Dragini are no stranger to homesickness and at times, will appear before the lonesome souls who long to return home. They can take them there, or gift them a piece of it – although it may be realised in a rather unexpected form.
Some of the legends claim that draginins are born from spirits of women who died away from home and were not granted a proper burial. Often accident or war victims.
A polyglot, although her preferred language seems not to be of this world. Only few are humoured and have a conversation with her, and even fewer can recount it. It is alleged that they’re the ones to escort a dragini back where she belongs.
Generally seen wearing outfits from faraway lands, a different one each time she is spotted.
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Glodomer – Oliver @evansnoir
He lurks in the corners of barns, in mice nests, in the buzzing of flies. He lives in every ear of wheat, rocked by winds as in a cradle, and dutifully observes the human hands. Dare not disrespect him – to waste food is a sin. A punishment will await those who fail to understand as much.
The Glodomer is a powerful spirit of dual nature – usually a gentle observer, he is capable of calling various plagues upon a region if he so desires.
He lives among the smallest of beings, just barely out of the sight of human eyes. His stealth allows him to come close without being noticed, which he uses to satiate his bottomless curiosity. A glodomer can bring hunger, but he is also hungry and craves to expand his knowledge.
However, glodomers not an omnibenevolent dusha – do not disrespect them or those they rule over. A glodomer is the king of all that lives despite being invisible, including the sick air. With one uttered curse, he can poison an entire village. It is said that he can be appeased with a hefty offering of freshly butchered beef.
Very few people have seen him, but the legend says he can be found napping in black hollyhocks.
Usually portrayed as an androgynous man around the size of a walnut.
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Le’shni – Maeve @keithsandwich
Whenever you cut down an elden oak tree, place an offering at the stump. Spare no expense. The feast must be lavish – ready your goat milk, and cheese, and the freshly brewed beer. Raise your cups and praise Le’shni, and leave some bread for her as well. It is only due to her generosity that you are able to celebrate. Do not take it for granted.
A spirit protector of the forests.
The Le’shni are the force of nature personified, they arethe life and soul of the forest they inhabits. A le’shni cannot ever leave it, for their existence is tightly interwoven. She is its mother.
She takes on the appearance of a woman and wields the human speech. However, be not deceived – the aura of gentle helplessness is but a deception. To protect what is dearest to her, a le’shni will cast away all pretence of humanity.
It is believed that for every cut down tree one must hold a feast to appease the local Le’shni and help her replenish her strength. The alternative offerings include a pot of berries or a mug of warm tea, planting a bush or a tree, or… leaving a child alone in the forest at night, to give the le’shni some solace as she mourns her lost offspring.
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Lay-la-lay – Beatrice @bicayaya
Lay la luli lalalala lay, sleep, my sun, stay asleep, may kind people live within your dreams, the rain is pelting right outside, lay la luli lalala, lay-la-lay…
A household spirit, the bringer of many blessings.
Fairy-like in appearance, female or feminine, with butterfly wings and usually light hair.
It is believed that lay-la-lays are minor nature spirits who, in their kindness, have chosen to watch over the children. They arrive at human houses soon after a baby is born to ward off any beings who’d like to consume their vitality. However, it temporarily severs the spirit’s connection with nature. As such, a domestic lay-la-lay depends on their hosts for sustenance.
Good parents – and by extension, hosts – will offer their lay-la-lay a saucer of milk or heavy cream, a slice of bread, and something sweet to go with it (depending on the season: berries, or a spoonful of jam or honey). If they fail to do so, she may have to move out.
A well-fed lay-la-lay may choose to remain with her family well after the child comes of age. Humans lose the ability to see them with age; in that case, a feline companion must be obtained, to ensure that the lay-la-lay does not feel lonely and will continue on blessing the household.
Each lay-la-lay possesses a pleasant voice. Her melodies are thought to heal and to be particularly effective against colic.
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Rusla – Leyla @violettduchess
Beware of the sudden cold and the mist that follows. One must retreat indoors [once it starts], however, were that not possible… he shall say “Our Father” until he reaches safety, spitting over his left shoulder at the end of every last verse. If that too fails and one begins to hear music, he shall confess his sins while waiting for Rusla to pass her judgement. The innocent will be found safely asleep on the shore. The bodies of the guilty will float at sea until currents carry them into the shallows. [As believed in northern Amber.]
A minor deity, the paragon of justice watching over the coastal regions of northern Amber.
Rusla takes on a form of a naked young woman with long, flowing hair, always surrounded by mist. Whoever hears her call falls into a trance and follows her into the sea, where she draws the crimson thread from their heart to appraise its purity. Only the innocent need not fear – Rusla will call upon the waves to deliver them to the shore.
The legend says a man has once avoided Rusla’s judgement by stuffing his ears with flax tow and wax. He followed her to the sea of his own will and they both disappeared for precisely a year. Not a word had left his lips since.
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Epoha – Iris @yarnnerdally
Tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac, the spinning wheel turns. Epoha’s hands are gentle and dexterous as they pull at the roving. She’s done it for all eternity, and for all eternity she shall continue, the patient mother of all time.
A minor deity, responsible for the cycles of time.
A young woman or a mother, sometimes described as pregnant, usually portrayed by a spinning wheel or with a spindle in her hand; less often – with weaving tablets.
Epoha rarely appears of her own volition, however, it is believed that she can be invited over for dinner. To do that, one must prepare a feast of sweets. Anything less than twenty eggs for a sponge cake is insufficient. Cream and pudding, kutia, and poppyseed roulades… Once everything is ready, the shutters must be parted. A cloaked woman should arrive within the next hour.
One may dine with Epoha and ask her questions about his future. She is a compassionate deity and will answer them truthfully, but only until the first moths arrive, lured inside by the light.
She disappears at the sight of the insects, together with the food that has been so thoughtfully prepared for her. Worry not if not much information has been obtained – she may spin the thread more favourably still, thankful for the refreshing meal.
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Zorana & Nichna – Viva & Esther @lorei-writes
[…] And so it would be known as the equinox, for the day split as they were born. Zorana, that dedicated to the red glow of morning skies, and Nichna, that weaving silver constellations on the night sky. Together they are locked in an eternal game, passing the sun and the moon between each other so that they do not ever get lost. [As told in the story of the Father’s creation of the world.]
Minor deities, recognised in the entirety of Amber. Their other names include: Porana & Nechna, J’sna & C’mna, Zorja & Stra.
Twins, usually depicted as naked women throwing the sun and the moon between each other as if the celestial bodies were balls. Their eyes are said to be as dark as the starless nights, spun light the hair over their heads.
Although none have ever seen them, it is commonly believed that every new moon the twins come to the Krasnawe Oka lakes, where the sky and the ground meet as one. Their laughter carries over the water as they play, more human than divine, yet undeniably unreal.
It is believed that it is the only time the moon or the sun – or either of the celestial sisters – could be stolen. To have a chance of succeeding at that, however, one must brave the marsh in the dark, without the guidance of any light. Cursed be those who fail.
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Banialuka – Katsuko @the12thnightproject
Hear not a word in a crowd unless you know which mouth bore it. Discord and venom all but fly over the instigator’s heads; there is one even above them, however. Do not trust the talking birds.
A shapeshifting spirit that can take on a form of any flying bird, although cases of small rodents have also been reported.
The Banialukas are seen as rather self-serving, although nobody knows their true intentions. Free as the wind itself, they fly above cities and towns, instigating mischief wherever they go. A master manipulator and an adept liar, a banialuka capable of mimicking any voice she has heard – and using that for her own purposes.
According to the legends, she traverses the world in search of treasure, to then return to her castle-nest in faraway mountains. It is said to be built entirely of twigs, dawn and hard, cold stone. Only those willing to brave the steep slopes it oversees can hope to browse through its treasury.
Be careful, however. A banialuka’s tongue is sharp, but it is hardly the only weapon in her arsenal.
When in human form, she usually assumes the appearance of a mildly eccentric-looking woman. What gives her true identity away are the brightly coloured streaks in her hair – some claim they resemble rooster’s tail feathers.
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Skrzyp – Romarin @ikeprinces-stuff
Come to the moorlands at dawn to find the common horsetail. Break its stem thrice, each time with an audible creek, and throw it over your right shoulder. Clap your hands three times and bow as deeply as if the most renowned violinist stood before you. If the heathers hum, the skrzyp has arrived. Otherwise, try another day. [As believed in the central regions of Amber.]
A lonesome spirit that is believed to spend the majority of her life in the form of a cricket. However, she can take up the appearance of a young woman in an intricately embroidered (sometimes with emerald-looking insect wings) gown, usually with long hair let loose down her back.
The Skrzyp are virtuosos of music. She can play nearly any instrument, however, she is most adept at the art of violin – the notes she conjures have arcane properties, and so, many seek her in hopes of hearing her song for their own benefit. Some also hope to become her apprentice… Or to convince her to grant them her gift.
However, everything comes at a price. It is believed one can make a request of a skrzyp, but only if they pass her trial. Those who play even one false note will be turned into escargots.
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Gon – Aino @dicenete
They ride on the nights of the full moon, the bellowing of a splendid war horn the signal for their arrival. Close the shutters. Close the doors. Do not let any passing visitors into your house, however innocent they may seem… It is the hunt, and the sinners are the hunted. Hide until they pass.
Gon is one of the minor deities at the head of the hunt, infamous for the duality of her nature – usually a warrior, she can appear as an innocent woman to lure her prey out of its hiding.
She leads the party of spirits together with her lover and his twin brother, the deities of the cycle of rebirth.
It is believed that the hunt targets those who have sinned and have shown no remorse nor will to change their ways. As such, they will be followed through the nation, from woods to the ballrooms of the royal castle. No place will be safe and their torment will know no end until they are hunted and their souls are handed over to the deities of rebirth, to be reshaped and forced to start over in their new lives.
Commonly pictured as either riding an enormous warhorse with a crossbow on her back, or as dancing gracefully in a ballroom, dressed in the finest of velvets.
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Didko – Sigfrit @wordycheeseblob
Young men should be especially cautious when they notice a mysterious woman sitting alone in an inn. Do not tell her a word of any weight until you look into her eyes and hold her gaze – if the briefly change colour or shimmer unnaturally, it is not a woman you are talking to, but a didko. Do not talk to her.
A spirit commonly found traversing the roads and lounging in the inns, among other places where information can be found. It is uncertain what she does with the acquired knowledge, however, it is known it will bring forth mischief. By the end of the torment, the matter will be resolved favourably… for the person the didko sides with.
Didkos are infamous for their charming personalities and adaptability. Some believe them to be living false mirrors that reflect precisely that which one longs to be.
Observant and highly adept at reading people, didkos are susceptible to bribery. Offer her a night of blissful gluttony to win her favour… Be careful, however, as your tongue may unravel, thus revealing many more secrets than you have originally intended to.
Commonly seen among merchants and pilgrims, especially during the Lent.
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Brzdęk – Ciel @floydsteeth
If you hear the metallic jangle of coins out in the middle of nowhere, you ought to stop. Any horse you may have with you will not take a step forward – you, however, should follow the sound. Those quick enough will be rewarded with finding the brzdęk’s liar, where all sorts of treasures are kept. Catch the little spirit before they enter it to demand a hefty ransom. [As believed in eastern-most regions of Amber.]
A lesser spirit commonly found living on the steppe.
Brzdęks tend to share their liars with mice – in exchange for protection, the rodents provide the spirits with food and company. The bottommost chamber of their nest thus becomes the brzdęk’s treasury, filled with precious stones, cut glass, coins, and other marvels big and small.
Their aversion towards horses is infamous – a brzdęk will go to any lengths to prevent the animal from coming anywhere near them. Usually that means casting spells and preparing enchanted rings, however, traps may also be employed.
Commonly depicted while riding on tops of mice and rats… or flying on magpies’ backs. The elder brzdęks may have special saddles made for them as well.
It is believed that they are born out of magpie eggs hatched by hens that are yet to have their own chicks.
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Ohenna – Ava @writingwhimsey
Burn dried grass from wild flower fields to summon her; Ohanna will dance in the bonfires, her body made of flames. Hold her fiery gaze and utter the name of your enemy five times. If you can withstand her scorching breath, you will have your revenge; however, if you falter but once, you will known Ohenna’s wrath. She is the just anger. Do not think you can deceive her. [As believed in the mountains of south-western Amber.]
A minor deity, the embodiment of rightful anger.
Ohenna is not somebody you can stumble into – her existence is tied strictly to the fire. Unless she’s been summoned to talk, she dwells in each flame equally, silently watching over the world through them. She’s the executor, the one to deliver justice to those who have been otherwise wronged and forgotten.
Her will is stronger than iron that she smelts. Ohenna’s judgement is absolute.
One is advised to pick his words carefully while pleading with Ohanna, for she is known for her intelligence and strong feelings.
It is believed any summer or fall fires are Ohanna’s war dance. Many young men gather to witness it, although few manage to follow her movements.
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Bza – Yara @fang-and-feather
If you see forget-me-nots growing by the side of an abandoned house, wipe the soles of your shoes clean upon entering it. One shall never be too certain that a bza does not inhabit it. Do not be rude to her – it is those spirits that prevent the decay.
A timid spirit that generally prefers solitude. Can be found dwelling in abandoned buildings or old houses, less often – in attics, among drying herbs, or in hospital wards.
Despite keeping to themselves, bzas are rather friendly and helpful spirits. They maintain properties and prevent the decay and rot from seeping inside – they keep the space clean and adorned in fresh flowers. It is believed that their presence soothes plants.
One is considered fortunate if he manages to invite a bza to live at his house. To do that, he must press three dozens of pansy flowers and then sew them into a garland. Once hanged above the entryway, it will signal that bzas are welcome in the house; however, it is only an invitation. It is only the spirit’s good will if she accepts it.
Appears as a semi-translucent woman with, at times, vividly coloured hair. She invites the smell of fresh herbs, mint, irises, or – often – jasmine.
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Deshen’na – Caroline @coral-relevium
Find her in every drop of rain, from a warm spring mizzle to a summer thunderstorm. Look closely – she passes through the fields in her long gown, dark against the surrounding greenery. One ought not to talk with Deshen’na, however, just meeting her gaze is enough to ward off a draught from one’s crop for the following months. [As believed in north-eastern regions of Amber.]
A minor deity, commonly associated with the coming of rain and mourning. (The latter is not the case in north-eastern regions of Amber, which are often stricken with droughts. There she becomes a sign of impending good fortune and everlasting love.)
It is believed that the rain is the tears Deshen’na shed while mourning the death of her husband. Her duty is to walk the land and nourish it with her grief, in a loving memory of the deity of deceit.
A few men believe that draughts haunt north-eastern Amber as it is Deshen’na’s last stop during her pilgrimage to her husband’s grave, where they can briefly reunite once every year. It is said he has tricked even the death itself.
Pale, generally seen in intricate black gowns, giving her the appearance of a noblewoman.
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Ne’zvana – Adria @eternallyfrustratedwriter
Do not say her true name lest you wish to summon her; one who does so willingly shall be cursed out, for it is only chaos that follows her. One ought not to even think of her nor picture her in his mind.
An infamous spirit, commonly considered to be the bringer of misfortune or broadly understood chaos.
A ne’zvana is hardly welcomed anywhere, however, it does not mean she lives in solitude. Rather, she hides her existence from those around her. It is said that a person followed by bad luck or otherwise surrounded by unusual events may be haunted, possessed, or in fact be a ne’zvana.
It is believed that a ne’zvana is born when a child grows too moody. Chastising them is one of the few instances when the ne’zvana get brought up.
Due to the fear of summoning her, her original name was used so rarely it has since fallen into complete obscurity. Similarly, hardly any records of her appearance remain, although many believe her to take on a form of a traveller or an insect, such as a bee.
It is said that a ne’zvana can be recognised by her smile. The exact specifics of how, however, are unclear.
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Kania – Marigold @violettduchess
Be careful while in the forest – a batting of powerful wings above your head and a high-pitched screeching are no things to be ignored. Stand still whenever you hear them and take three deep breaths. If no voice comes, you are safe to go on as you were. However, if a stranger woman extends her greetings, you must leave immediately. Do not answer Kania unless you consider yourself the master of riddles.
A shapeshifter spirit inhabiting Amber, generally taking on the appearance of a kite (bird) or a scholarly woman with thin-wire-rimmed glasses.
Kania is a voracious spirit that enjoys toying with her prey. That being said, she is also honest and stays true to her word – as per the agreement from days gone by, she can target only those who acknowledge her presence.
Once that is done, one is given another chance to save his life. He must answer three riddles correctly. Achieving that is said to gain the respect of the spirit who then releases her prey.
It is believed that Kania’s appetite is directly connected with her hunger for knowledge. Feasting on humans during the day, she sneaks into noblemen’s libraries and church archives at night to indulge in the consumption of knowledge.
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Tag List: @lancelotscloak @solacedeer @keithsandwich @bicayaya @faustianfascination
@sh0jun @queengiuliettafirstlady
Tell me if you'd like to be added to my tag list :)
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EMERALD - What do others deem their most valuable trait?
JADE - What year were they born?
FOREST - What is the landscape of their childhood home?
GRASS - Give a fun fact!
LEAF - What do they take for granted?
BUSH - Do they get enough sleep?
TREE - If they have a moodboard, share it! If not, describe their aesthetic.
FERN - Are they more often late or early?
MOSS - Would you kiss them?
SEAWEED - What are they most self-conscious about?
CABBAGE - Do they deserve their fate?
LETTUCE - Do they deserve their past?
APPLE - What is their favourite lie?
LIME - Do they want children?
OLIVE - What keeps them up at night?
MINT - How do they dress?
PICKLE - What is the meanest thing they have ever done?
BASIL - Do they have the same music taste as you, the creator?
PEAR - Do they have any allergies?
CROCODILE - What is the most dangerous creature they think they can take in a fight? Can they?
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neoninky · 2 months
Ok am I crazy...? OR are Jamil, Kalim, Jack, and Leona all the same skin tone/color...?
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Putting their sprites together: I can see some very slight differences. Either way-
I feel dumb because I swear Leona, at least, had darker skin. Also more brown and less olive tone if that makes sense??
Hold up a second-
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Yes Sam I'm looking for the rest of the MELANIN-also your sick skeleton tattoos what the actual fu-
Ok so I just imagined up an alternate version of Leona that was closer to Sam's color/tone apparently. Granted, I get that Leona is supposed to be African versus Sam who is Black American, and that lighter-skinned people in both ethnicities do, in fact, exist. And that's fine. I'm also aware that darker skinned people also exist in both as well. Along with Arabic or Middle Eastern people. And many, many, other groups as well. Variety and diversity are beautiful not just on principal but also in character design and aesthetics. The world ain't gonna fall apart just because characters have more variation in their skin colors, HOYO-I mean-Japanese Disney! Lawd...
Anyway all this to say, I was looking up reference pictures because I got my adapter for my Cintiq in the mail and I wanted to properly draw my OCs from Scalding Sands and Sunset Savanna with accurate skin tones.
And now I'm seriously considering redesigning one of said OCs because there seems to be plenty of room for color diversity in the world of Twisted Wonderland lol.
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keithsandwich · 7 months
Seven Rooms
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Pairing: Keith and Alter!Keith/OC (Maeve)
Word Count: ~4k
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags: Breastfeeding, Parenting, Past Trauma Mentions, Family Fluff, Domestic.
Prompts: Storge (Familial Love) mainly, but with hints of Pragma (Enduring Love), and a teeny tiny bit of Eros (Sensual Love) in the Seventh Room.
Summary: Series of drabbles showing Keith and Maeve putting their six children to bed before finishing the day together.
Notes: Written for the Shapes of Love Creation Challenge, hosted by the amazing @lorei-writes and @violettduchess. Thank you so much! And special thanks to Lorei for being the best beta reader!
Watch out for the little Beatrice cameo @bicayaya 💕
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First Room —
It was a quiet room where a beautiful scene unfolded, one that Keith looked forward to watching every evening. 
By the door, he could see their figures bathed in the dim light of the candles — Maeve rocking in the nursing chair slowly, with their youngest latched onto her breast. She was focused entirely on their baby, smiling and softly cooing, while the little one made little murmurs and stretched his round fingers as if responding to her.
It had been a while since they had a baby as shy as Cosmos. In front of others, even his siblings, he would always hide behind his parents’ legs or stretch his little arms to be picked up, curling up against their chests while avoiding eye contact with anyone. But when alone and enveloped in his mother’s warmth, he would look at her attentively, smile, babble, and move with no inhibition.
And Keith understood him. Dealing with people could be overwhelming, but Maeve possessed this comforting aura that could make anyone feel free to be themselves around her. It certainly worked its magic on him, as her husband. He could only imagine how much more magical it could be for their children, enveloped in her neverending motherly love.
Maybe this was why he enjoyed silently watching such scenes for a while before getting inside the room. The tenderness melted his heart, making all of the day’s hard work even more worth it. Granted, he loved Jade and would give all of himself to his kingdom and for the flowers of happiness to bloom all over the land. But his family were his own flowers of happiness, and witnessing his garden grow radiant and full of love was much more than he could have hoped for in this life.
He would never understand how he could be so lucky.
When Cosmos unlatched and gurgled softly, announcing his satisfaction in his own way, Maeve gently cleaned his little face before covering herself. Finally, she looked up to meet Keith’s loving gaze, offering him a welcoming smile.
“Just in time! His belly is full of milk, and now he’s ready to sleep!” Maeve said with gentle excitement, hoping to make the baby smile without causing agitation. She kissed his cheek before holding him against her shoulder. Meanwhile, Keith approached them, joining their little, perfect world with a delicate touch on Cosmos’ back. 
Together with his wife, he would sing him lullabies and rock him to sleep.
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Second Room —
The room belonged to a girl that was a bit demanding, nonetheless sweet.
“Dada, tell story.” Aurora squeezed the deer plush tighter in her little arms, hanging on to keep herself awake with her sluggish voice and heavy eyelids.
“But mama just told you one, flower,” Keith said softly, his fingers running soothingly through her olive curls as he gently tried to coax her to sleep. She was properly tucked underneath the blankets, the room was warm, and Maeve, standing on the other side of the crib, had already told her a little fairy tale. However, her mind remained stubbornly alert.
“Baby like story…” she murmured so heartfelt a manner that Keith felt a pang in his chest, tearing up. He blinked back his tears and looked up at Maeve. She seemed to be more prepared to handle Aurora’s pleas than he was, discreetly gesturing for him to just go on.
Trying to convince her to sleep would only make her start fussing and maybe even crying. His heart couldn’t bear to see her cry. Given her drowsiness, telling another story would certainly be more effective, and Aurora would probably drift off in the middle of it.
“Alright…” he said, trying to think of a story to tell her. “Once upon a time, in a mystical forest far, far away, there lived two tiny fairies…”
Aurora wasn’t fully focused on his gentle voice. Her eyelashes fluttered more and more as she battled to keep her eyes open, and she cutely yawned every now and then. Still, Keith continued with the story patiently until her lids finally shut, and Maeve leaned in to place a kiss on her temple.
She was asleep at last.
“Good night, little sweet,” Keith said gently and mimicked his wife, kissing her other temple. Aurora stirred a bit, worrying him for a second. However, she simply turned to her side, still hugging her plushie.
Now that the room was completely silent, Keith caressed her soft hair for a while longer. She was a lot like Mireille, not only in the way she looked but also in her demeanor. He couldn’t help but feel nostalgic for the times when he used to look after his little sister, trying to be there for her since their mother couldn’t, and their father wouldn’t. Of course, he couldn’t really replace them, and eventually, he felt like a failure, which led him to distance himself from her, despite her own opinions about it.
Thankfully, a lot had changed since he found true love. Not only the one he shared with Maeve, although it was what opened his eyes and his heart to everything else. Self-love, loving his other self, and renewing the love for his family through his children by welcoming them with open arms, caused him to no longer feel like a failure when it came to caring for and protecting his loved ones. It had been a long journey, but one that had brought his sister, and surprisingly, even his father closer again — although the former king would always be a better grandfather than a father.
It all fell into place, and everything was flourishing as peacefully as Aurora was sleeping now.
“I promise I’ll always listen to you and never push you away,” he vowed to her silently.
Keith felt Maeve’s hands on his shoulders, and they brought him back to the present. He offered her an apologetic smile before moving on with her to the next room.
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Third Room —
The room was… empty.
He and Maeve looked around to find evidence that Iris had been in the room, and that the maid had put her in her pajamas, but her robe and her slippers were missing, as well as the girl. Maeve huffed, placing her hands on her hips and turning to Keith with an exasperated look. 
“I bet she’s on the training grounds, again.” 
She wasn’t happy, for a good reason. Although Iris developed this habit only recently and had never gone farther than the training grounds — unlike two other little rascals — they couldn’t help but worry about her. Iris had way too much confidence and energy for someone so tiny, and they knew it could put her in trouble, something that definitely gave them a headache.
“She’s been getting a little too much into it, hasn’t she?” Keith asked Maeve with an apologetic tone as they rushed to track down their little girl.
“I wish she was into the discipline part of it as well,” his wife was starting to breathe in relief as they approached the training grounds and the sounds coming from there indicated what they expected. 
Iris, in her pajamas and with a wooden sword in her little hands, was sparring with her big brother Helia. During the brief seconds between finding and interrupting them, Keith could see how fiercely the girl charged against the boy twice her size. Granted, Helia was most likely going easy on her. Iris had just started learning how to use a sword — a decision made not by himself or Maeve, but by him. She was younger than her brothers when they had started, but she had always been such an unstoppable force that he assured it was for the best for her to spend her energy in fighting rather than just studying and learning manners. Although it was unusual to have princesses joining in military training, there wasn’t anything official preventing them to. Keith and Maeve didn’t concern themselves with conforming to tradition anyway.
And Keith had to admit, Iris seemed so happy sparring that it warmed his heart and made him feel proud. But too soon him and Maeve had to intervene, and he knew the part each one would take. 
Or the one he would not.
“Helianthus!” Maeve surprised the children by calling Helia by his full name. She would only do it when he was in trouble. Wooden swords dropped on the floor when the protective mother stormed in towards her children. “You’re her older brother, you’re supposed to be taking care of her!”
“But I am, mama! She was sneaking out to come here anyway. It’s better if I am with her, is it not?” 
By the time the boy replied to Maeve, the other Keith had already surfaced, watching the little troublemaker start running around, yelling “I don’t wanna sleep! I don’t wanna sleep!”. He chuckled. He hadn’t switched because he didn’t want to deal with Iris, but because he knew he was better suited for it.
Each one of their children was unique, but he could also see something of the three of them blooming in their personalities. And Iris was the one who carried more of his heart within her. If Keith had had a chance to enjoy childhood, he could see himself being as free and full of life as she was. This is why what could be considered a challenge was delightful to him. He had fun chasing after the little one while Maeve was busy covering Helia with her cloak and chiding him over the risks of catching a cold. Then both his wife and his son would go inside, and in a more carefree manner, Keith would catch his daughter, throw her in the air, tickle her, and play tag again if it was needed to tire her out.
Because much like Aurora, Iris would only fall asleep when there was no energy left. But while Aurora’s mind was more alert, Iris was more physically active, and getting her to lie down in her bed to sleep was almost an impossible task. In the end, Keith would have to carry her to her room, wrapped snugly in his cape and curled up in his arms, deeply asleep. 
Only then could he tuck her under her blankets and kiss her lids goodnight.
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Fourth Room —
In the boy’s room, Maeve had already seen that Helia was in bed and with a warm mug of milk in his hands. Despite telling him off only a while ago, she was now caressing his soft hair like the doting mother she was while he drank his milk. 
Being born the way he was, Keith had been free to avoid the King and only watch his demands and demeaning insults to his other self. He had never met his mother, and there weren’t good examples of a father around. When Maeve got pregnant for the first time, all he could do was promise to himself that he would be different — he couldn’t risk his children growing up believing themselves a failure. And it got even more important when they had Luna and Helia, twins to be looked down upon by the shitty nobles who still believed that nonsense about twins being bad luck. 
In this, Keith ended up being too lenient with them, even more than he and Maeve could be, which ended up causing some problems. “They can’t always ask for fun dada whenever they do something wrong,” his wife told him one day. “Kids need space and encouragement to grow, but they need boundaries too; otherwise they’ll end up hurting themselves.”
And so he understood that being a father should be both fun and boring, at the right times.
“Everything alright there, buddy?” Keith sat on the edge of Helia’s bed and poked his nose playfully, making him giggle. “Did mama explain to you why you can’t train swords with Iris late at night?”
“Mama did, but…” Maeve pursed her lips when the boy said but. Sensing his mother’s disapproval, he leaned towards his father and proceeded more quietly, as if he could keep it a secret between both of them. “Dad, you know I can protect her if anything happens, don’t you?”
“Helia…” Keith understood him, with all his heart. He himself was born to protect, after all. This is why he meant every word when he said next, “I know ya can protect your siblings if you have to, but I don’t want ya to ever need it, especially not now. You’re a kid, shouldn’t be worrying about that.”
Maeve reached out to touch Keith’s hand. Only then he realized he had been tapping the edge of the bed lightly. There was a look in her eyes he was used to seeing when she dealt with him, not him. He turned his hand over hers and squeezed her fingers reassuringly. 
Meanwhile, Helia, who couldn’t understand it, frowned.
“Only Aster is older than me! And Luna by some minutes, but it doesn’t matter…” he muttered in the last part. “I’m better than him with a sword, and he’s good with swords! And I always take care of him when we…”
“When ya both are out there sticking your noses where they don’t belong,” Keith finished the sentence for him and poked his nose again to make him stop frowning. “Gotta stop that, and gotta be a good role model for ya sister. I don’t wanna see any of you gettin’ trouble, gotcha?”
“Gotcha…” the boy echoed halfheartedly. 
Some things take time to sink in, and Keith could only hope he would learn this lesson smoothly. Until then, he and Maeve would keep a closer eye on the three little rebels they had.
She took the empty cup when he finished his milk, and together they kissed their son goodnight.
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Fifth Room —
The room was as peaceful as the girl who lived there. Luna was sitting by the window, a colorful picture book on her knees and a lantern by her side. Her green eyes lit up when she saw her parents by the door, and she immediately closed the book, set it aside, and blew out the candle in the lantern before rushing to meet them. Keith knew she had been eagerly awaiting their arrival, and had she been more outspoken, she would have complained about their delay.
But she was too sweet to say anything. Instead, she took Maeve’s hands and asked, perfectly politely, “Mama, would you braid my hair, please?”
“Why won’t ya ask me to braid your hair?” Keith asked with a playful tone before Maeve could reply to her. He knew his oldest daughter well; she was a reflective child, and he enjoyed teasing her with sudden questions to see her little face twist while trying to find an answer.
And without failing, the girl blinked in confusion a few times, trying to think of an answer to that question. The truth was, both Keiths had done her hair multiple times before, but for some reason she couldn’t quite understand — most likely sheer habit, or the memories of the fun girl’s slumber parties she attended with her mother — Luna always turned to Maeve first.
“Well, do you want your dad to braid your hair, sweetie?” Her mother asked with a smile. Keith could see that she was finding that little interaction funny. 
Luna was still hesitating when she nodded in agreement. He clicked his tongue, crouching down to meet her eye level. 
“Why don't we each do a braid, and then you can decide which one is better?” Keith suggested, and she paused again to consider. 
“I don’t see why not,” she spoke like a true lady, graciously moving between them so she could take both Maeve’s hand and his, and walk with them to her dresser.
Luna sat down and her mother took the hairbrush, parting her long black hair in two so they could each work on one side. Keith still played with her hair a bit, messing it up to try to make her laugh. When he succeeded in amusing his shy and serious daughter, those cute little giggles were enough to warm up his heart. He could keep going just to make her laugh more, but it was late, and she was supposed to go to sleep soon.
“How was your day, flower? I heard you got a letter,” Maeve asked her when she caught her breath. That moment when she was relaxed and enjoying her parents’ company was the best time for conversation.
“Indeed! From godmama. She said Lianna remembers me, can you believe that? We haven’t seen them in two months!” Luna exclaimed joyfully. 
“You’re like a big sister to her too, see?” Maeve said with a smile, reaching out for a pink ribbon to tie off her braid.
“There’ll be a goodwill ball in Rhodolite in a few weeks, so we can pay a visit to ya godmama, sweetie,” Keith decided to cheer her up even more, and the gleam in her eyes were better than her giggling.
“Can I write to her to tell we’re visiting?” Luna turned to her mother to ask her.
It was Keith’s turn to fetch a ribbon to tie off the braid he had done. 
“Of course, dearest! Beatrice will be so happy to know,” Maeve leaned closer to see her reflection on the mirror, and Keith followed her. “But now tell us. Which braid is the best?” 
“Mine, naturally! Isn’t it a perfect braid?” he said with a smug smile.
“I don’t know… Mama’s braid is more neat, but yours got style, papa!”
Keith chuckled. She was way too sweet. 
With that matter settled, they tucked her in bed where she talked a bit more about her day before starting to yawn. It was time for their goodnight kiss, and Luna, being the affectionate child she was, returned the kiss on their cheeks every night.
“Papa…” she murmured drowsily. “I wanna give the other papa a kiss too.”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
He would do anything for her.
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Sixth Room —
The room wasn’t as cozy as the previous ones, with too many candles lit as if the boy who lived there was still fully active, rather than getting ready to sleep. However, the truth was that Aster was deeply asleep, his head resting on open books as he sat by his desk in an uncomfortable position. He probably had dismissed his attendant earlier that night to study, but had eventually become so tired he dozed off while doing so.
Maeve silently brushed his curls away to reveal his closed lids and flushed face, confirming his slumber. She nodded at Keith, signaling that he could pick Aster up and place him in his bed.
His little boy was growing taller and heavier by the day, Keith thought as he carried him in his arms. Being his first child, he clearly remembered how it felt holding him right after he was born, when everything was new and made him so scared. He was so tiny that Keith felt safer holding him in his hands, where he fit better, rather than in his arms. Now he knew Aster would easily grow as tall as him in some years. 
It was magical how a small and fragile sprout could grow to be a tall and strong tree. And Keith knew he would become really magnificent. Sure, he had his share in his parents’ headache when he joined Helia and Iris for some mischief, especially the former, when the boys’ need to explore took them too far into the woods, mobilizing searching parties just to find them. “If I am to be king, I need to know every inch of this land, papa,” he would try to explain himself. And studying how big Jade actually was never made him fret. There were no efforts he wouldn’t make to meet the expectations people had over the prince heir. 
Keith placed him in his bed, and he and Maeve gently removed his shoes, belt, and vest to help him feel more comfortable through the night. As Keith tucked his son under the blankets, Aster stretched his body a bit, and his eyelids opened just slightly, revealing unfocused golden eyes that looked straight at him.
“Dad… Will you help me with politics?” His voice sounded distant, and his speech was groggy and slow. Aster wasn’t quite awake, but he echoed a request he likely had been thinking about before falling asleep. “It’s… So hard to get…”
Maeve, who was ceremoniously extinguishing the candles of his room, turned to stare at father and son with a worried look.
“Don’t worry, bud. We will study together in the morning. Now sleep tight.” Keith ruffled his hair softly and reassuringly. The boy didn’t answer, but he smiled before closing his eyes again.
“Isn’t his tutor pushing him too hard?” Maeve finally expressed her concerns in a quiet whisper, moving closer and taking Keith's arm. They watched their son sleeping together. “He’s just a kid.”
“He’s the future king of Jade, love,” he kissed her forehead and brought her a little closer. Even after all those years, he knew many things about the royal life were still new to her, or just hard to accept. “I’m ensuring that his tutor isn’t overwhelming him, and I’m assisting him in every way I can.”
Maeve sighed, but ultimately she smiled and nodded. She trusted Keith would always take the best care of their children, no matter their responsibilities as little princes and princesses. With time, he had learned to accept that he had done the best he could for Mireille and Tio — no matter how painful the memory still was to his heart. Now, he and his other self could do a lot better to nurture, protect, and work side by side with Maeve and their children as he intended to with his brother.
His family, for Keith, was a chance to start over. And together, they would ensure that the flowers of happiness were always blooming in Jade.
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Seventh Room —
Every night felt like Heaven. After so much work, and so much love, Keith still could snuggle with his wife, laying his head against her breast and intertwining their legs together. He would never be able to describe that feeling. Maeve had become even warmer and softer over the years, so naturally it took a while for him to realize that all of that comfort he felt whenever they were alone in their bed, right before sleeping, emanated from her. And from the neverending love, support, and acceptance she gave him. 
Keith closed his eyes and let himself dive into those delightful sensations. The flowery and herbal scents of her, mixed with the milky one on her skin, filled his mind so deeply he was sure it reached the forest in his head, and his other self was likely indulging in it too. 
Maeve was his safe haven; the one who showed him what true love was in many of its shapes. She had taken them — him and his other self — as lovers, as husbands, as the fathers to her babies. She had changed her life to embrace the title of princess and of future queen out of her immense feelings towards them and their land, and she would always be the symbol of that eternal bond between Jade and the spirit of nature. The Goddess she served, he saw, felt, lived and loved in her. For there was no other word to define Maeve to him that wasn’t sacred.
“I love you…” Keith whispered against her skin, pressing their bodies together even further. He wished he could simply melt into her.
“I love you too…” She murmured so softly and earnestly in return that he felt like it could be possible.
They could melt and become one forever.
Or at least until next morning; when the sun would bring their children barging into their room and jumping on their beds so they could live it all again. 
Happily, and full of love.
Tagging: @bicayaya @olivermorningstar @queengiuliettafirstlady
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xo-xojj · 5 months
Smut = *
Fluff= ~
Angst = +
Percy Jackson and the olympians
Percy Jackson
Thinkin bout you~
Luke Castellan
The Sweetest Thing~
Nico di angelo
Will solace
Jeremiah fisher
Conrad fisher
Steven Conklin
American housewife
Oliver Otto
Hold Me Close~+
These Walls~+
Test Drive/Adore*~
Just like that*
Cooper Bradford
Sturniolo triplets
Nick Sturniolo
Matt sturniolo
Chris Sturniolo
JJ Maybank
Pope Heyward
John b
Rafe Cameron
Topper Thornton
Jason Todd
Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Damian Wayne
CHUCKY(tv series)
Jake Wheeler
Juinor Wheeler
Devon Evans
Grant Collins
Walker Scobell
Charlie Bushnell
Mason Thames
Tom holland
Chris Evans
Jeremy Sumpter(js him alone❤️)
Eternal Sunshine(Gavin Gore)~
Heaven Can Wait(Gavin Gore)*
Gossip Girl S1 (Ghostin)
The Wild Brunch(02)
Poison Ivy(03)
Bad News Blair(04)
Dare Devil(05)
The Hands maids Tale(06)
Seventeen Candles(08)
Blair Waldorf Must Pie(09)
Hi, Society(010)
Roman Holiday(011)
School Lies(012)
A Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate(013)
The Blair Bitch Project(014)
Desperately Seeking Serena(015)
All About My Brother(016)
Woman On The Verge(017)
Much ‘I Do’ About Nothing(018)
Random Oneshots
Phineas Smith x Male!oc/reader
More coming soon
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xlivr · 6 months
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"On Accident" ʚ—ɞ Olijax smau
╰⊃ Synopsis : This year was supposed to be just like the rest; Oliver does what she has to do during school hours, hang out with her friends after-hours, and whatever she does in between. It's not like she minded life like this, but she also craved a little drama—a little flair in her own, personal life. Unfortunately for her, her wish is granted when she's caught by a certain playboy's eye. This school year can only end in disaster.
╰⊃ Charas/People included : @ilyuu (Yui), Scaramouche, @floraldresvi (Vi), Baizhu, @alekav (Alexis), Kaveh, @mondaymelon (Melon), Xiao, @n3r0-1417 (Ari), Albedo, Kaeya, @camvrin (Oliver/yours truly <3), and Ajax ! (and a few of my ocs and in my defense they're my genshin ocs family)
╰⊃ A/N : I let the voices win guys. I let Alexis win I let-
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THE polycule (+ friends) & the girlies (+ friends)
1. Wake up and break up
2. Mystery girl
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dividers by; @cafekitsune
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 3 months
We're All In This Together-Chapter 7
Fandom: Supergirl, Batman, Superman, The Flash
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, Barbara Gordon, Leonard Snart, Mxyzptlk, John Stewart, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Cat Grant, Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Winn Schott, Caitlyn Snow, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Nora Allen, Alura Danvers (OC), Alex Danvers, Martha Kent, Jonathan Kent, Eliza Danvers, J'onn J'onzz
Summary: Kara, Clark, and Barry are taken off guard by a request by the imp Mxyzptlk: watch over and protect the children of their alternate selves from a different Earth. Will our heroes rise to the occasion?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Kara and Barry smiled as they watched the kids sleep. Kara stretched, looked down, and chuckled as she stared at her watch. 
Barry raised an eyebrow and asked, “What’s so funny?”
Kara smiled and said, “We have been standing here staring at them for 30 minutes now.”
Barry smiled and said, “But they are so adorable.”
Kara chuckled and said, “I know, but we should probably be a little more productive. I know I am officially on leave, but I did have three articles I was in the middle of working on…”
Barry sighed and said, “I know what you mean. I had several cases I was working on. Normally, you have to offload your cases before going on leave. Not sure if Mxy in all of his planning arranged all of that.”
Kara shrugged and said, “He seemed pretty thorough…”
Barry rubbed the back of his neck and said, “I will probably run to Central City just to make sure. By the time I find out, I’ll swing by S.T.A.R. Labs to talk to Caitlyn, Felicity, and Oliver.”
Kara raised an eyebrow and asked, “Wouldn’t Felicity and Oliver be in Star City?”
Barry nodded and said, “Normally, but S.T.A.R. Labs is hosting an energy-saving conference with Caitlyn and Felicity being some of the main panelists. Oliver is hosting the entire thing.”
Kara winced and said, “Crap, I forgot with everything going on that I was supposed to be covering that event with Jimmy and Winn today for Catco. I need to check to see if they got someone to replace me for that or not.”
Barry asked, ”Did you want to meet at S.T.A.R. Labs while they are setting up for the event? I would imagine Clark would be back before then.”
Kara nodded and said, “Sure.”
Barry smiled and said, “Okay. Well, I am headed out. I will see you shortly.” 
And with that, Barry zoomed off as a red blur. 
Kara chuckled while shaking her head. She turned to head to the kitchen to grab her laptop when she heard her phone ring. She quickly zoomed to her room to grab her phone. 
“Ah, Kierra. So your phone is working.”
Kara stuttered, “Ms. Grant…”
“You seem surprised to hear from me,” mused Ms. Grant. 
Kara chuckled nervously and said, “I just didn’t know that you got up this early.”
Ms. Grant sighed and said, “I decided on a quick vacation to Paris yesterday. I am several hours ahead of you right now.”
Ms. Grant cleared her throat and said, “That is beside the point. I must say, Kierra. I know that we don’t communicate all the time, but as your mentor, I thought you would have the decency to let me know of important life changes.”
Kara stared at the phone shocked. She knew that Ms. Grant would have received the email from HR about her leave. However, Ms. Grant usually had her assistant field through those emails and dealt with it unless it was something that needed her direct approval. Kara had started to shift slightly back and forth. 
Ms. Grant scoffed and said, “I get that you wouldn’t have been able to tell me in person, but I at least expected a phone call, not a random email from HR saying you have three months of parental leave.”
Kara winced and said, “Ms. Grant, I didn’t mean any slight about not letting you know about the adoption. When, my friend, cousin, and I went into this, we didn’t know that it would be this quick of a process.”
“Adoption agencies usually give you some type of guideline of when you get the child.”
Kara stuttered and said, “We didn’t go through the adoption agency though. We had to do the reclaim process with LexCorp…”
The line was silent for a moment before Ms. Grant said softly, “Oh…I didn’t realize…” Ms. Grant was silent for a moment and asked gently, “Are you okay Kara?”
Kara looked down at her phone in surprise. She had seen multiple sides of Ms. Grant’s personality ranging from anger to indignation, but this gentler side she was displaying was a new one.
Kara said warily, “Yes, I'm fine. Why?”
Ms. Grant was silent momentarily before saying, “What Lex did to you and the others….that is such a violation. I am surprised honestly that Lex didn’t get a harsher sentence for what he has done…”
Kara gave a soft smile and said, “Oh, I agree with you. However, I choose to look at the positive which is that my friend, cousin, and I have three little ones to fawn over.”
Ms. Grant gave a slight chuckle. 
Kara frowned and asked, “What’s so funny?”
Ms. Grant sighed and said, “You are the only person I know who takes such a bleak situation that Lex caused, and puts a positive spin on it. I heard that LexCorp hadn’t been notifying the biological parents when they would give their child to them so some of the parents were not prepared for the kid’s arrival. I hope that you had a more positive experience than that.”
Kara chuckled nervously and said, “Nope, we just had an hour warning before the kids arrived.”
Ms. Grant scoffed and said, “The nerve of those Neanderthals.” Ms. Grant sighed and said, “That probably explains why HR put on rush on the leave of absence request for you. Normally, it would have taken a couple of weeks for approval, but we have been making exceptions with this whole LexCorp thing.” Ms. Grant paused for a moment and said, “If you need help with making living accommodations or kids supplies….”
Kara smiled and said, “Fortunately, we had enough space for the kids and enough supplies for them.”
Ms. Grant breathed a sigh of relief and said, “That’s good to hear. It is not only good to have supplies, but also to have a good support system. You know the saying that it takes a tribe to raise a child.”
Kara chuckled and said, “Actually, we are gathering our tribe as we speak. We just got the kids today, but we are throwing a party this Saturday to introduce them to family and friends. I would love it if you could come.”
Ms. Grant sighed and said, “I unfortunately won’t be able to attend. I promised Carter we would stay in Paris until Sunday, but….” Ms. Grant was silent for a moment before she asked, “How old are the kids?”
“The three kids are six years old.”
“That is perfect! They are the same age as Carter! We should do a playdate.”
Kara smiled and said, “I would like that.”
“How would next Monday at around noon sound?”
Kara was surprised. She didn’t think that Ms. Grant would take her up on that so quickly.
“Sure. Monday at noon would be awesome.”
“Wonderful. I will text you my address and Kara….”
“Yes…” said Kara hesitantly. 
Ms. Grant said warmly, “Welcome to motherhood.”
Read the rest on AO3
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mrfancyfoot · 17 days
Plots & Prosody: Prompts
Raphael x Evie (F!OC)
- Supreme - "Evie reflects on Raphael's chosen title as he commences with his plans to take over the Hells."
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This prompt was: Just a random silly musing that popped into my head. ❤️
I can't be the only one, right??
Rating: G / SFW Word Count: 280 Timeline: Plots & Prosody, Part II - Canon Tags/Warnings: POV Evie; Humor; Fluff; Silliness; Modern Girl in BG; Pop Culture References; Befriending the Devil; Sorry, Not Sorry
Main Fic (Rated E/Varied): AO3 + Tumblr | Master List Related Prompts: A Blank Page , Good Morning , Caress
❤️ Thanks for reading! :3 ❤️
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She’d always been - perhaps more than a little naively, given how she knew next to nothing about the Hells - supportive of his dream to become the Archdevil Supreme.
But Evie couldn’t help but bite back a giggle every single time she heard the title.
He was ambitious and goal-driven, intelligent, and had an extremely thorough plan for exactly how he would take over the Hells and what changes he would be making - he liked to tell her all about them in great detail.  Would he make a good ruler of the Hells?  With her limited knowledge...sure, why not?  As his friend, she was more in his corner than any of the other devils - granted, she didn’t exactly know any of them.
There was one teensy, minor issue.
It wasn’t his fault that the word was already tainted.
It wasn’t his fault that every time she heard the title, the image of a pizza with so many toppings was the first thing to enter her mind.  Pepperoni, sausage, peppers, onions, olives, mushrooms…
It wasn’t his fault that every time she thought about the title being announced before him in some pompous, royal manner that she could only think of someone calling out a pizza order for a customer.  “Archdevil Supreme for Raphael!  Archdevil Supreme-!”
But she had absolutely no idea how to go about gently urging him towards a slightly different title, especially when she didn’t exactly know their hierarchy naming schemes as-is.  But she had a couple suggestions in her pocket.
"Super Archdevil" was too saiyan-y.
She was personally fond of “Best Devil” and was considering making a little placard with it for his desk. 
And what happened to just good ol’ “King”?
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swayhere · 3 months
canon starter call - open to anyone !
i have a strong urge to write some canon muses, so if you would be interested in writing against any of the canon muses listed under the READ MORE below, please comment/IM me and i can send a starter your way or reply to one of your starters.
i do not require you to know anything about my muse's canon, but i'm more than happy to tell you about it if you ask. i'd be happy to write canon muses against your ocs! also, mixing fandoms is 100% ok with me unless your canon muse is problematic and makes me uncomfy. my canon muses do not have all their memories or relationships from their life unless we plot it, but they will have the same general personality/ambitions.
if you are willing to write against my canon muses but don't care which, just like this post, and i'll take a look at your open starters and/or send you a closed starter at random with a muse i think fits the vibe.
*please don't agree to write against my canon muses if you're one of those picky weirdos that will be up in arms if i don't write a cannon muse exactly how you would.
( if you'd prefer to write against an oc muse only, check this post. )
canon muses i'd like to write: bold = extra big muse rn. strikethrough = exclusive, so not rn.
muses from tv shows: 
911 — eddie diaz , evan buckley , athena grant , bobby nash , karen wilson
911: lonestar — carlos reyes , grace ryder , judson ryder , t.k. strand , owen strand
as the world turns — dr. reid oliver , luke snyder
boy meets world — shawn hunter , jack hunter , angela moore , topanga lawrence
chuck — sarah walker , chuck bartowski , bryce larkin 
degrassi — jimmy brooks , sean cameron , ellie nash , marco del rossi , sav bhandari , drew torres , zoe rivas , miles hollingsworth iii , tiny bell , esme song , 
gilmore girls — jess , luke
good trouble — gael martinez , jamie hunter , callie adams foster , mariana adams foster , evan speck , joaquin perez , dennis cooper 
how i met your father — sid , ian , sophie , jesse
how i met your mother — marshall eriksen , lily aldrin , victoria
how to get away with murder — laurel castillo , connor walsh , oliver hampton , michaela pratt , frank delfino 
jessica jones — jessica jones
lost — kate austen , juliet burke , daniel faraday , desmond hume , sayid jarrah , sun-hwa kwon , claire littleton , walter ‘walt’ lloyd , charlie pace , hugo ‘hurley’ reyes , shannon rutherford , miles straume 
new amsterdam — lauren bloom , elizabeth wilder , casey acosta
new girl — nick miller , winston bishop , cece parekh
one tree hill — nathan scott , lucas scott , keith scott , chase adams , brooke davis 
outer banks (obx) — jj maybank , kiara carrera
please like me — arnold 
rosewell, new mexico — michael guerin , maria deluca , isobel evans
scandal — olivia pope , prezzy fitz
scooby doo — daphne blake
stranger things — robin buckley , steve harrington , jim hopper , chrissy cunningham , eddie munson , max mayfield , eleven , mike wheeler 
superstore — jonah simms
the 100 — finn collins
the bear — richie jerimovich, carmy berzatto , marcus , sydney adamu  
the mindy project — danny castellano 
the office — ryan howard , jim halpert , pam halpert , kelly kapoor , holly flax
the politician — river barkley , astrid sloan 
the young & the restless — sally spectra , adam newman , chelsea lawson , phyllis summers , lily winters , sharon newman , chance chancellor , victoria newman , tessa porter , amanda sinclair , cole howard
younger — josh , kelsey peters
muses from books: 
along for the ride ( book version only ) — eli stock , auden west , maggie  
one of us is lying ( book version only ) — cooper clay , nate
red white & royal blue — alex claremont-diaz , prince henry , zahra bankston
we were liars — gatwick ‘gat’ matthew patil
muses from movies: 
dead poets society — neil perry , charlie dalton , todd anderson
harry potter — lee jordan
les mis — enjolras , grantaire 
super 8 — joe lamb , martin , preston
twilight — irina denali , jasper cullen
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oc3anawrites · 26 days
Shattered Reflections
Listening to this while you watch will feed the angst
A/N: Loosely based off of the Marvel Tv Series- MoonKnight. There will definitely be show spoilers but I highly doubt any comic spoilers as I have barely just started reading them. The first few chapters will be used to help the reader understand each character, what they know and don’t in this AU and set up relationships. This is my first time posting a fic and actually letting other people read it so please be nice! Constructive criticism is welcome :) I apologize if it gets slightly boring at some points, I just want to paint a clear picture of what is happening in the story so that no one will be confused on what’s going on or who knows what. As the story goes on you may notice the moonknight boys stray a little from how they are in the show but I tried to keep it as similar as possible while giving differences to create a story that wasn’t just a copy of the show with a different love interest. This fic will have fluff, HEAVY angst, triggering themes, talk about mental health, major character death and contain the relationships marc spector x oc / steven grant x oc and eventually jake lockely x oc. Also it is definitely a slow burn so im sorry. I know a lot of people don't like reading OC's fics so if that's not for you then don't feel forced to read, although you'd be missing out haha. There will be quite a few chapters so I hope you'll tune in. :) also not every chapter is depressing i swear
summary: Amaya Young meets a man named Marc Spector, they fall in love and get married, one day he disappears and a few months later she receives a phone call from a timid british man, steven grant.
please check out my introductory post for my OC, hopefully it'll help you warm up to her. You can find it linked here
MINORS DNI 18+ !!!! CW- this chapter includes topics such as: toxic relationship, drugs, divorce, alcohol and unaliveing attempt and panic attack
Please read at your own discretion.
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Chapter One- The flashback.
10 years ago in Cairo.
The air is cold, silent. The day has been long and boring. Today’s mission of recovering an Ancient Egyptian artifact was a bust.
“This was a waste of time.” Amaya mumbles to herself..
 Grabbing her climbing gear, she headed to the exit of what was supposed to be the tomb of Alexander The Great, but contained nothing more than an empty sarcophagus.
“How am I supposed to pay the bills this month? This was gonna be a great score.” She continued mumbling.
As Amaya exits the underground structure, she spots a man standing tall by the vehicle she used to get here.
“Can I help you?” She asks the man.
 He stands with confidence showing in his posture. He has dark brown hair with slight curls, messy and covered in sand from the desert. His eyes are dark brown with a piercing gaze. His skin is an olive tone, covered in dirt and grime. His white shirt is stained from the sand. He looks rugged and muscular. He is as beautiful as what Amaya imagined a god to look like. 
“Couldn’t find anything huh?” The man replies.
“Bad intel I guess.” She says back, scoffing.
“What’s your name?” The man asks.
“Amaya Young.”  
“Hi Amaya, I’m Marc, Marc Spector.”
And that was the day Amaya Young (against her better judgment) fell in love. The relationship had a rocky start as it was clear they were both hiding things but eventually things started to work out.
5 years after meeting Marc, he proposes to her. Another 5 years pass where in that time Amaya finds out about Khonshu and that Marc Spector is his avatar. Over the next course of those 5 years, she and Marc worked side by side to recover ancient artifacts around the world, giving them back to their rightful owners.
Occasionally she’d pocket one or two to pay the bills, each time Marc would give a disappointed scowl but let it happen. Marc randomly disappeared at times for missions, never allowing Amaya to come along. He always stated they were too dangerous.
When Marc worked as Khonshu’s avatar he sported a white, hooded ceremonial suit with a crescent moon symbol on his chest, which added to his mysterious and formidable presence. He called himself Moonknight and said his mission was to “protect the travelers of the night”.
Eventually, Amya and Marc get a place together in London as they were sick of traveling the world, hopping from hotel to hotel. She never found out much about Marc’s past besides that he used to be a mercenary and that he doesn’t have a good relationship with his parents. Marc likes to keep his secrets and while Amaya may not be a fan of it, she puts up with it because she loves him. Their relationship works because unbeknownst to Marc, Amaya has a few secrets of her own.
Besides trying to convince Marc that he should let her go on his missions with him, they are happy, sort of. If only it weren’t for Marc’s ability to do anything but tell the full truth and Amaya’s ability to never let herself be happy. The relationship had its ups and downs but they keep each other grounded. 
However, one day, Amaya wakes up alone. Marc is gone. She assumes Khonshu called him for another mission until 24 hours of missed calls and texts passes. 24 hours turns into a week, which turns into 2 weeks, a month, and then someone knocks on her door.
knock knock
“This is for you Mrs. Spector.” The person hands her paperwork as she opens the door. Divorce papers from Marc.
“He didn’t even have the balls to sign the papers?” She asks as she shuts the door.
A few hours later 
Amaya stared at the paperwork in her hand, “Divorce? Divorce? First he disappears, let’s me think he’s dead and now he wants a divorce?!” She screams out loud talking to herself as if somehow the louder she screamed, the more it would ease the pain. Amaya clutched her chest, she felt like the world around her was crumbling. She couldn’t breathe.
“Breathe, just breathe.” She said, trying to bring herself back to reality. It felt like the world was spinning around her, her vision cloudy her mind full of a million thoughts at once.
‘Fuck it.’ She thinks to herself. Suddenly her vision is clear and her heart rate returns to a normal pace as she grabs a pill bottle on her nightstand. Sometimes, Amaya felt like the less sober she was, the more it was like Marc was there with her. Like the tingling numbness that rushed over her body was Marc’s soft touch, like her blurry vision meant her ‘reality’ is actually just a nightmare and in the real world Marc was in bed next to her. She proceeded to take a handful of pills and felt the bitter taste in her mouth, gagging so much she nearly puked. She pulled out a bottle of vodka from under her bed in hopes to numb the taste of the pills from her mouth. But before she knew it, the bottle was empty too and she was now on the cold, hard tile of her bedroom floor.
A/N: Posting chapter 2 right after this bc i know this is super short!
read chapter 2 here
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phoenix--flying · 4 months
Titans Win AU; Intro Profiles - Cabin Nine
*this au takes place around Sea of Monsters *the current summer is not counted in the amount of summers theyve spent at camp, as they never finished the summer session
Camp Half-Blood Cabins Big Three | Two | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Ten | Eleven | Twelve
Charles ‘Charlie’ Beckendorf (He/Him) Charles is a fifteen year old son of Hephaestus, he has six beads and the head counselor of his cabin. He's currently at Camp Half-Blood.
Jacob ‘Jake’ Mason (He/Him) Jake is a thirteen year old son of Hephaestus, he has five beads for his summers. He's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of his counselor.
Olive Grant (She/Her) Olive is a fourteen year old daughter of Hephaestus. She has five beads and is currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of her counselor.
Briar Rowe (She/They) Briar is twelve year old child of Hephaestus, they have two beads for their summers at camp. She's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of her counselor.
Inko Torres (She/Her) Inko is an eleven year old daughter of Hephaestus, she doesn't have any beads. She's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of her counselor.
Seraphina ‘Sera’ Katz (She/Her) Sera is a thirteen year old daughter of Hephaestus, she only has three beads for her summers. She's currently missing.
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lesbianspeedy · 1 year
Please ma'am can we have some more Arrow facts for those not willing to subject themselves to Stephen Amell?
malcolm merlyn/the dark archer lasted 5 seasons, becoming ra's al ghul at one point, as well as being part of a 3-person legion of doom that time travelled, before ultimately just getting blown up by a landmine. also his whole reason for being the dark archer is cause Brick (played by a white cockney man) killed his wife. also also he's the first mia adaptation's father
in an effort to somehow replicate the devastating blow of prometheus blowing up star city in cry for justice, arrow has him blow up a deserted island with about 15 people on it, and half of them are villains (iirc all but one person survives, the white version of moonday hawke)
in a show about green arrow, there are 6 different black canaries, this does not include the erased future where they create a network of women who all go by canary (one of the canaries is dinah drake, no not that dinah drake)
in an effort to draw in fans of young justice animated, in season 4 they introduce "artemis". except thats a not vietnamese who uses artemis as an alias and her real name is EVELYN CRAWFORD SHARP WHO IS A MEMBER OF THE NEW 52 BIRDS OF PREY ARROW WHAT ARE YOU ON. also her character is introduced by her stealing the dead black canary's sonic scream collar (bc powers werent allowed on this show for a long while)
they had wildcat/ted grant in the show at one point, he kinda dated dinah laurel lance. anyways.
when the white version of connor hawke (william) came out as gay to oliver, oliver's response was "yeah buddy i know" (DIRECT QUOTE) and i still think about it to this day
for some reason in the flashbacks of younger oliver they put him in a light blonde wig, despite stephen amell not being blonde and never being blonde in the show at any other time
in the same way that in comics everyone and their mother was at the circus the night the graysons were killed, everyone and their mother was on the fucking island with oliver, heres a list
deathstroke eddie fyers shado constantine professor ivo dinah's oc sister KGBeast billy wintergreen
oliver later builds a solitary confinement prison for deathstroke on the island. im still unsure how he was fed.
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represseddilfs · 1 year
𝚃𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜
Indie role play blog featuring mainly older male OCs. Smut based. Dark and triggering content will be present and not tagged. Exploration of older, typically repressed married men. OC and canon friendly. Semi-selective, low to medium activity. Dash only. Written by Murdock, 29+ NB.
Use the links below for more information. Mobile friendly list of muses below the cut.
Wanted opposites
Arthur Dawson: Mechanic, 53, dominant (JR Bourne)
Richard Winston: Bar owner, 55, dominant (Jeffrey Dean Morgan)
Santiago Mendez: Detective, 48, switch (Pedro Pascal)
Forest Martin: Rancher, 46, dominant (Ian Bohen)
Alexei Volkov: Arms dealer, 43, dominant (Charlie Hunnam)
Marshall Teller: Personal trainer, 40, switch (Alan Ritchson)
Brandon Harris: Crooked cop, 45, switch (Tom Hardy)
Dominic Ricci: Surgeon, 56, dominant (Joe Manganiello)
Thomas Grant: Motorcycle street racer, 42, dominant (Ryan Gosling)
Nicolas Pederson: Band manager, 42, dominant (Chris Pine)
Carlos Alvarez: Professor, 49, switch (Danny Pino)
Cameron Davis: Baker, 42, switch (Chris Evans)
Dante Branson: Stock broker, 50, dominant (Anson Mount)
Jason Parker: Retired boxer, 54, dominant, (Hugh Jackman)
Elias Hoffman: Soldier, 43, switch (Luke MacFarlane)
Liam Abrams: Retired porn star, 55, dominant (Frank Grillo)
Rowan Montgomery: Gym owner, 45, dominant (Jon Bernthal)
Sebastian Richards: Author, 47, dominant (Liam O'Brien)
Ryan Cho: Theatre actor, 54, dominant (Daniel Dae Kim)
Dylan Cromwell: Tailor, 52, switch (Ewan McGregor)
Joshua Conelly: Stay at home dad, 40, switch (Henry Cavill)
Lance Priest: Construction site manager, 47, dominant (David Harbour)
Andrew Weeks: Lawyer, 45, dominant (Pablo Schreiber)
Oliver Velasco: Musician, 44, switch (Oscar Isaac)
Silas Perez: Outlaw biker, 45, dominant (Santiago Cabrera)
William Reichheld: Bounty hunter, 55, dominant (Tim Olyphant)
Joel Beckerman: Firefighter, 40, dominant (Sebastian Stan)
Bartholomew Walsh: Distiller, 47, switch (Cillian Murphy)
Nathaniel King: Security specialist, 54, doominant (Josh Brolin)
Dimitri Volkov: Arms dealer, 43, dominant (Joel Kinnaman)
Augustine Nelson: Casino owner, 58, switch (Keanu Reeves)
Caspian Fitzgerald: Hippotherapist, 42, dominant (Jake Gyllenhaal)
Max Berry: Contractor/house flipper, 53, dominant (Skeet Ulrich)
Zane Weisman: Wrestling coach, 33, dominant (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
Deacon Abbott: Assassin, 52, dominant (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau)
Wyatt McNabb: Repossession specialist, 34, switch (Ryan Corr)
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Who/What I Will Write For!
Warning: Mini Essay Ahead
Please Note: If you are requesting, I would prefer if you gave me the desired pronouns for the reader/character!
What I Can / Would Be Comfortable Writing & Or What Topics I Will Cover:
Expansion of plot lines
Writing for established couples
Reader inserts
Any type of romance trope
Platonic relationships
Sibling relationships
Parent relationships (including certain characters as your parent)
Magical beings
One shots and multi part imagines
LGBTQIA + characters and readers
LGBTQIA + romance
Plot line changes, time changes
Non canonical couples
Canonical couples
Non canon friendships and canon friendships
Small age gaps (when writing for older characters I will made ages fitting with the character) ex: Tony stark. WARNING: If the age gap makes the characters have a legal adult and minor relationship (w the exception of a senior and junior in high school type of thing)
Certain characters (non lgbtq) in lgbtq relationships. For example Natasha Romanoff is a lesbian relationship.
Writings inspired by a song. (I have written work planned out already)
Any shapes and sizes
More steamy scenes (prob up to third base
More serious topics I will cover:
Mental Illness (Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia)
Disabilities (From physical to internal)
Health Issues
Eating Disorders
Self harm
Suicidal thoughts / attempts
Dysmorphia and insecurities
Abusive relationships
Vomiting (due to ED or illness)
Sexual assault and rape SURVIVORS and sometimes I may write about a character’s recovery and process of coping with something that traumatic
Complicated relationships
I will NOT Write anything (no hate to those who enjoy reading some of these things, I just personally would not enjoy writing it or be fully comfortable writing it):
Furry related things
I will absolutely NOT change the sexuality of a character if it is specifically stated (ex. Phastos from Eternals, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Santana Lopez, America Chavez)
I will NOT write an age gap more than an absolute max of ten years
I will NOT romanticize things in the serious topics I will write for section. They are serious topics and things such as eating disorders are serious, they should not be romanticized. I write things with heavier topics to help people.
Absolutely NO rape scenes
Inappropriate relationships (college student and professor is an absolute no)
I likely won’t redeem people if they’ve done something incredibly evil
Ok here we go! I apologize for the lack of alphabetical order
I will for almost any character (mainly excluding some villains)
Any Peter Parker (just request which one you prefer)
X men
The princes
Big hero six (I will write for hiro exclusively platonically)
From Og Cast up to season 4, including Sebastian smythe and warblers
No Sylvester, or schue romance
Harry Potter:
Golden trio
Young Marauders
Top Gun (+ TG Maverick):
Charlotte “Charlie” Blackwood
Hangman (I adore Jake seresin)
Non Romantic character relationships I will write for in the Top Gun world:
Admiral Cain
Admiral Warlock
Percy Jackson TO:
Characters of the following actors (so if the listed actor portrayed a character I will write):
Grant Gustin
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Chris Hemsworth
Darren Criss
Dove Cameron
Scarlett Johansson
Emma Wattson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Stone
Margot Robbie
Glenn Powell
Sydney Sweeney
Andrew Garfield
I will update this list as I get reminded of more people. :) Have a great day, you are loved
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✧₊⁺ Oh Who Is She? ✧₊⁺
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Pairing: Roboute Guilliman x OC (Astraea)
A drabble from Wisdom In The Stars
Author's Note: I am aware that there was a xenos in 40k already called Nephilim. Astraea is not from that species, merely, they just happen to have the same name.
**I rewrote this, I am much happier with this version. The power of five cups of coffee and a stimulant will do that**
Quick pro quo on drabbles in this work:
This is all very self-indulgent and I will not apologize. If the Grimdark can be extra, so can I!
Bobby G's love interest is a xenos of my making, so they are as long-lived as him, but not a perpetual.
Again mad self-indulgent. Oozing copium by the ton
Rowboat Guillotine deserves a happy life and some damn peace
So many Primarchs are going to be back in some drabbles. Again no fucks given
Proofread? Never heard of her
Warnings: None. It's just them meeting, nothing more.
18+ Minors DNI
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Oh, who is she? A misty memory A haunting face ⊹ ࣪ ˖
★。------ \|/------。★
The daemons around her lay torn asunder. She appeared out of nowhere like the Warp spit her out of self-preservation. He had not seen how she laid these foul things to waste, but he heard it. Despite the viscera, the stranger stood there with an unworldly grace, watching him and his men with great interest, but also a casualness, like she was merely passing through. Like the bolters pointed at her were nothing of concern. She apparently asked for Guilliman by name. Roboute after everything he'd been through was hesitant to grant her request, but if she moved through greater daemons like his men claimed. Saved them like they shamefully admitted. She earned some form of grace.
His steel gaze took her in; curious who had his sons in a state of awe and pause to their duties to purge xenos and dangerous psykers. Her skin was like the earliest tells of night, even a hint of shimmer, like the stars starting to become visible. Eyes like voids, but bright molten gold orbs float within. Her features were human, but not. Hair long and the color of a raven's feather, but when light hit it right, a tinge of midnight blue could be seen. Her gaze not much lower than his men.
But it wasn't just her appearance, it was what was felt. She filled the room, them, like a song he knew was being played but he couldn't hear. He could feel the tune. It was calming. Running over his mind like a blanket on a winter's night. She was messing with them. Overriding their resistance to such things as if it were child's play. Yet, he could feel she was restraining herself. That bothered him.
"I will admit, I partly expected no such kindness. I am privy to how you humans of the Imperium view other species, mostly those in tune with the great sea of souls," she spoke. Words flowed from her like a slow-moving river. Everything about her was forcing them into a calm, "I am still expecting deceit."
Roboute hummed, not letting her outwardly know she was having an effect on him. But when he looked at those eyes, he couldn't help but feel like he was being read like a book. All of them were. His mind reeling of practicals and theoreticals. If she as a daemon she was not like those he had dealt with before. She in her calm, demanded respect. Forced civility no matter how much their brains wanted to scream other wise. Was this the power his creator had? Was this...no gods did not exist.
“I am not a god, Lord Regent. Perhaps once considered such. But no. I am just old and tired of the snake which eats it's tail. Tired of the long cycle. No more. No less.” her words confirmed his fears.
Roboute momentarily lost himself, but recovered. His men, he could feel them getting tense, but unable to act upon it. Eyes glued to her, but the urge to fire suppressed. “What do you want from me?” his tone even, hiding the growing discomfort in his mind.
"I was elected to extend, what is that ancient expression? Extend an olive branch? For all who reside within our territory. For the dangers that are rising, threaten all. A crescendo of this cacophony of a choir is about to reach it's peak."
Guilliman craned an eyebrow, "Is this so and how did the Emperor manage to ignore such a danger as those like you. Assuming most of you are witches. And why help now?"
Where was your power when our Imperium started to fall 10,000 years ago?
She shrugged, "Galaxies are massive, yes? Sometimes places just fall though. That and my people are good making things nonexistent to those we wish not to perceive us. Your creator's view of xenos and anything not human was made very clear, and the hypocrisy of his machinations."
A deep snarl rose from Roboute, “And what does a xenos witch know of The Emperor's will?”
“Pride is a hubris all young species fall to. Whether or not the survive the fall is another matter. I know much, as much as I know little. That is the wisdom I have come understand. You anger so quickly for a being, you oft yourself took issue with because I am not human? Hypocritical, but a mortal response. To say I wouldn't do the same is a lie. I will explain much in greater detail, should you accept this offer. If not, I will leave and even you with your mind so mighty will forget I was even here.”
"I do not think you know the thin line you walk by my graces." Roboute's voice tinged with anger forged but uncertainty of what was before him.
Again she shrugged, "I am aware. But your primarch aura does not dampen my senses to make me malleable to compliance. My people shrugged that off a very long time ago," she sighed, "I am not here to lecture you, Lord Regent. I am offering help, an alliance, how long it lasts I leave to you. That Rift must be closed, and you do not have the power at your disposal to do so."
She didn't give him time to respond before continuing, "This galaxy is in greater danger than just the parasites that you call Tyranids, or that ugly rift. Events that scarred this galaxy long before humans were speaking are opening. You are a proud species, there is some warranting of that, I am aware. But someone close to me once said 'Sometimes proud people need help' that strength is knowing how to accept help."
It was those last words. Those words single-handedly won him over. Did she know? Is that why she said them? Or did she mean them? Quick thoughts of his mother came forth, but he quickly choked them down, fearful the woman before him would use that against him, if she was indeed so easily in his mind.
“Do we need to worry about you and yours reading our minds?” he asked flatly, “Do not lie to me. I know when I'm being lied to.” he warned.
She shook her head, “No. In truth, it is something we often tune out. Or turn off, if you will. It is deafening and we understand the need for privacy. We too enjoy it. But a show of good faith, if a thought is strong enough, or an emotion powerful enough. We will feel it. That will not be avoided. And like you Lord Regent, we can sense other functionings of bodies. Well some of us. Again I will explain, should you accept.”
Roboute nodded, "I will work with your people, for now. But when the greatest threats have passed. I promise nothing." he replied,"So what is your name then?"
"Astraea Feldane."
"And what are you?"
"Nephilim, but among my people I am called Methuselah."
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