kidspawn · 5 months
the loss of potential to make jasper *the* comphet couple.
piper gets a gf.
jason gets a boyfriend.
let's give jason a boyfriend.
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torchickentacos · 1 year
I used to think the percy jackson fandom was weird for shipping a character with a literal brick but no i get it now. you get some people who love media together and you end up with shit like that and it's glorious.
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echo16reads · 9 months
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Brickson has started
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vibe-stash · 1 month
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Hundreds of Beavers (2022) dir. Mike Cheslik
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shurikenfox · 7 months
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Ok, so they haven’t posted this specific doodle on Tumblr, but @brckson posted a small thing about like. tiny zooble creatures. why has this idea gotten so stuck in my brain, to the point I had to draw about it? No clue.
(this actually gave me a good excuse to practice with perspective funnily enough)
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Also, here’s an extra drawing I did earlier…zooble’s eyes dilating like a cat. extra cat zooble content for the fans
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busterkeatonsociety · 2 months
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#TalkieTuesday Ryland Brickson Cole Tews, actor, writer & director insists that there’s no reason movies can’t hark back to the techniques of the comedy greats.
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moviemosaics · 2 months
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Hundreds of Beavers
directed by Mike Cheslik, 2022
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purgatorei · 7 months
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making like a post here as an archive for every single real image of hells chef and judgement boy togehter that i can find dont look at me in crazy
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fearsmagazine · 11 months
HUNDREDS OF BEAVERS | Trailer, Images & Poster
In this silent supernatural epic, a drunken applejack salesman is thrust into the frigid wilderness. Can he go from Zero to Hero, become North America's greatest fur trapper, and defeat hundreds of beavers?
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Hundreds of Beavers made its world premiere at Fantastic Fest and has emerged as one of the year's most unexpected gems, earning critical acclaim at festivals around the globe, including Fantaspoa, the Cinequest Film & Creativity Festival, Night Visions, and the Atlanta Film Festival.
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Reuniting the team that brought Lake Michigan Monster to Fantasia in 2019, Hundreds of Beavers stars Ryland Brickson Cole Tews as the intrepid hero of this frostbitten inventive epic, co-written by Tews and director Mike Cheslik.
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The filmmakers have taken home a number of awards including Best Narrative Feature at the Kansas City Film Festival International, the Oxford Film Festival, the Capital City Film Festival, and the Wyoming International Film Festival. Cheslik took home Best Director at Wyoming and the Phoenix Film Festival, as well as Best Comedy Feature at Midwest Weirdfest. At Mexico City's Morbido Film Festival, Hundreds of Beavers won the coveted Bronze Skull Award.
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Hundreds of Beavers is excited to announce their Canadian premiere at the Fantasia International Film Festival. Hundreds of Beavers will screen July 28th & 31st at the Salle J.A. De Sève as part of the 2023 edition of Fantasia.
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randomrichards · 4 months
Man drunk on cider
Tries his hand at fur trading
Starts war on Beavers
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thepeoplesmovies · 2 days
Watch The Absolutely Bonkers UK Trailer for Hundreds Of Beavers
Someone said to me “all good things come to those who wait“. In 2023 Mike Cheslik‘s Hundreds Of Beavers made it’s debut at Fantastic Fest and ever since travelled the many (50) film festivals worldwide. Today Lightbulb Film Distribution announce next month it will arrive in the UK. You can call this a labour of love for the American indie filmmaker, costing around £150,000. A man versus nature…
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kidspawn · 5 months
my accomplishment for 2024 includes turning @feralkwe into a jason grace stan even if they haven't read the books.
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agentnico · 5 days
Hundreds of Beavers (2024) review
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This is cinema.
Plot: A drunken applejack salesman must go from zero to hero and become North America's greatest fur trapper by defeating hundreds of beavers.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the greatness that is this film’s poster! Very reminiscent of the poster for the 1963 epic comedy It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, it truly encompasses the full scale cartoonish madness of the movie, and honestly is a piece of art in itself. As for the movie itself? Yeah, it’s fricking awesome!
This comes to us from director Mike Cheslik and co-writer Ryland Brickson Cole Tews (by the way holy Moses what a cool name that is!), the pair who gave us the Tews-directed Lake Michigan Monster, a bonkers little indie film that’s a mix of Life Aquatic and The Lighthouse and is immensely entertaining and stupid. What I like about these guys is how they fill their micro-budget productions with so much creativity, humour and visual inventiveness, and it really puts a lot of modern day Hollywood pictures to shame. These guys are great and so when Hundreds of Beavers popped up on my Letterboxd recommendations, it was a no brainer - I had to seek out this movie!
Hundreds of Beavers echoes the structure of video games, especially RPGs. The central character starts out as an absolutely numpty loser, and then as the film progresses he by trial and error improves his craft to become a skilful and talented trapper. This is reminiscent of how in a video game when your first start you’re essentially useless and crap at everything, but as you level up you become an utter boss. Take Resident Evil for example. In the beginning you struggle to defeat a single zombie. Chances are on your first few playthroughs you’ll die like a little b**ch. Talking from experience here, I remember that first village fight in Resident Evil 4! Then by the end you’re drilling through hordes with unlimited ammo and rocket launchers with super high HP and literally nothing can stop you. With Hundreds of Beavers it’s the same. The first part of the film the poor chap can’t even kill a single animal, let alone a beaver. By the end though he’s engaging in an impressive battle of fisticuffs with crowds upon crowds of beavers. I mean, not really a spoiler to say that there are loads of beavers in this film. Not just a hundred, we’re talking thousands!
That brings me to one of the biggest surprises of this film - there’s actually a fully fledged story here. Like yes the narrative exists entirely for the purpose of throwing as many ridiculously nuts slapstick gags in our faces at a rapid speed of a joke every second, but they are held together by a cohesive narrative. The main character Jean Kayak (brought to life by a superbly committed performance from Ryland Brickson Cole Tews, again, love the name) goes through a significant growth throughout the movie, and his mission to get the girl is as timely and charming as ever. I must say it took me about 20 minutes to properly get into the movie, but once I got to the level of whackiness it was going for I was engaged throughout.
So the visuals. Filtered throughout with a surreal black-and-white grainy filter, this plays out like a live-action cartoon in the vain of Looney Tunes or Tom & Jerry. The stylistic choice that really makes this movie so unique is that the overwhelming majority of animals that Jean comes across are played by actors in full sizes costumes. Yep, it’s a bunch furries alright. Smaller animals such as birds and fish appear as little puppets, but all the larger animals are indeed played by actors in suits. You’d expect a gimmick like this to lose steam after a while, however the funny thing about Hundreds of Beavers is that it manages to consistently stay hilarious throughout, and in fact gets progressively crazier as it goes on. The final 20 minutes are truly fantastic, with the creators throwing every creative idea and visual gag they could possibly whip out of their books in your face. This movie could have easily ended up feeling like a stretched out SNL sketch, but luckily the creators share so much ambition to allow this movie to flourish in its endless creativity. Charlie Chaplin would be proud.
Hundreds of Beavers is one of the most creative, inventive and entertaining comedies of the last decade, and I had a smile on my face from start to finish. From the punchy editing, funny music cues, well-timed cutaway gags, goofy costumes or the endlessly creative deaths, this thing has so much unhinged energy it’s unreal. I can see this not being for everyone, but then again silent slapstick comedy nowadays can be definitely classed as an acquired taste, but I truly believe that everyone would find at least some part of this film amusing. In my eyes, this is a comedic marvel. Yeah, f*** those beavers!
Overall score: 9/10
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redeyeflyguy · 1 month
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A Wonderful Week At The Movies!!! As the technology necessary to create movies of decent quality becomes more available to the masses, more and more distinct visions can be brought to the world through the art of film. Unfortunately, without enough money to pump into the ad budget as well, many of those visions will slip through the cracks. But then, once in the while, someone will point to one of those cracks and you may be tempted to take a peek and when you do, you may something strange and wonderful on the other side...like a monster…from Lake Michigan…So yeah, Lake Michigan Monster. It's a spoof of those black and white B-movies featuring monsters from the 50’s. An absurd one at that and that’s this movie’s greatest strength. The base plot may be about a kooky captain hiring a group of mercenaries to help him slay the titular monster in the titular lake but beyond that, you have no idea what kind of wacky out there hijinks or crazy conversation will happen next but you do know is that it will be glorious. Aside from that, Captain Seafield is an entertaining menace, the film uses its budget and locations very well to create a goofy, surreal and at times, creepy atmosphere, and it's got a banger of a credits song and this time…I’m not going to link it. You’re just going to have to watch the movie yourself. Go on. Do it. It’s wonderful! (Warning: Contains language, some gore and implied sexual assault)
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vibe-stash · 1 month
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Hundreds of Beavers (2022)
Director: Mike Cheslik DOP: Quinn Hester Costumes: Casey Harris
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kevinsreviewcatalogue · 2 months
Review: Hundreds of Beavers (2022)
Hundreds of Beavers (2022)
Not rated
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<Originally posted at https://kevinsreviewcatalogue.blogspot.com/2024/04/review-hundreds-of-beavers-2022.html>
Score: 5 out of 5
Hundreds of Beavers is one of the funniest damn movies I've seen in a long time. A mix of Looney Tunes cartoons, wilderness epics, video games, and old-time silent comedy, it's 108 minutes of non-stop, rapid-fire slapstick with barely any dialogue that gets going in the first five minutes and never lets up until the very end, constantly escalating its jokes into the ridiculous in ways that never failed to put a smile on my face. It's the kind of movie where, at nearly two hours, I should've gotten bored given my distaste for comedies that run overly long, but just as John Wick: Chapter 4 managed to pull off the feat of maintaining non-stop action movie energy for nearly three hours, this movie had me laughing out of my seat constantly. If this movie is playing anywhere near you, be it in theaters or on VOD, you owe it to yourself to seek it out.
The plot is simple. In the rugged forests of 19th century northern North America, applejack maker Jean Kayak loses his farm in a comic mishap and now has to survive in the winter wilderness with his limited wits, whereupon he eventually crosses paths with an army of beavers building... something a bit more elaborate than a dam. The only outpost of civilization for miles around is a fur trading post, where Jean both trades pelts for equipment and sets out to win the heart of the owner's beautiful daughter, who's also the trading post's furrier who skins all the beavers he brings them. From that setup, we get a constantly escalating series of comic mishaps and set pieces as Jean sets out to trap rabbits, beavers, and other woodland critters while they in turn try to outwit him -- not a difficult feat, as it turns out. This is a film that runs on cartoon logic where realism takes a backseat, with holes in the ground serving almost as a portal network in the forest and both Jean and the beavers building increasingly outlandish contraptions to kill each other with. This film doesn't have an MPAA rating, but if I had to give it one, I'd probably give it a PG-13, with some light sex jokes (specifically one involving the trader's daughter) but nothing explicit and all the beaver death presented in an extremely slapstick manner that's more Wile E. Coyote than Red Dead Redemption.
Ryland Brickson Cole Tews, the film's co-writer alongside its director Mike Cheslik, plays Jean, and he is an immediately larger-than-life figure, a parody of a 19th-century outdoorsman and hunter-trapper who starts the film cocky and dimwitted and eventually turns into a cackling madman as it goes on. Working entirely without dialogue, he delivers a phenomenal comic performance purely through his expressions as Jean is subjected to every indignity under the sun in his quest. The entire cast understood the assignment, but this was the guy who had to carry the whole film on his shoulders, and after this, I'd happily pay to see him in other films. No less important, however, were the titular beavers, all of them, together with most of the other animals in the film, played by humans in furry animal suits. If Jean is like Wile E. Coyote or Elmer Fudd in live-action, then they're like Bugs Bunny or the Roadrunner, their obviously human proportions adding to the sense of these creatures as mischievous little critters who seem to be enjoying the torment they put Jean through. The overall aesthetic of the film, shot in black and white with gleeful disregard for realism in its special effects, not only makes the painful slapstick that Jean is constantly subjected to feel, well, more slapstick even as it touched on some surprisingly dark areas (including the funniest scene of an animal getting skinned you'll ever see), it also creates the feel of watching a live-action video game, specifically a mix of an open-world RPG with Jean's quest and accumulation of gear and a Super Nintendo side-scroller with the fantastical environments he goes through in that quest. This was a longer-than-usual comedy, but it was one that, between its non-stop onslaught of jokes and the constant progression of its story, never got old or felt like it was spinning its wheels.
The Bottom Line
Great comedies are hard for me to review without giving away the best parts, and this was a great one. I expect everyone involved with this movie to get a lot of attention going forward, such was the great time I had watching it. This is probably gonna be on my personal "best of 2024" list when the year is up, and I'm telling you now: go see it.
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