#lets give jason several boyfriends
kidspawn · 8 months
the loss of potential to make jasper *the* comphet couple.
piper gets a gf.
jason gets a boyfriend.
let's give jason a boyfriend.
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redsray · 4 months
i do love the idea of the wayne kids giving bernard shovel talks about taking care of tim and all that but also give me batfam who are just as protective of bernard as they are of each other.
give me bernard, attending his first wayne gala as tim's significant other. having a suit custom tailored and funded by bruce even if bernard insists it's not necessary because he already has one. arriving at the gala anxious because of course he is, it's a goddamn socialite event, but being protected from every side by the wayne kids even when tim is dragged away.
Socialite: Oh, and who might you be?
Bernard: Oh, um, hi. I'm Bernard Dowd, nice to meet you.
Socialite: Dowd? I've never heard of your family before. Who...?
Bernard: I'm not here with my family, miss, I'm here with my boyfriend.
Socialite: ... Boyfriend?
Bernard: Yeah, I'm here with Tim.
Socialite, frowning: Tim... as in Drake-Wayne? He has a boyfriend?
Dick, coming up next to Bernard: He sure does! Bernard here is practically one of ours now, aren't you? He matters to Timmy, so he matters to us.
Bernard: Dick—
Dick: C'mon, let's get you back to Timmy. Farewell, Mrs!
Bernard: I could've handled that.
Dick: All the rules that apply to my siblings during galas apply to you too. I'm sure you could've, but you shouldn't have to. I've got your back too, now, yeah?
Bernard: ... Yeah. Thanks, Dick.
Jason, coming up to Bernard at the bar: Not to freak you out, kid, but there's a guy starin' at ya from the other side of the bar. Y'know him or should I encourage him to look away?
Bernard, startled: Huh? (looks around) Oh. No, I don't know him. Why... is he looking at me like that, actually?
Jason, scowling: 'S just how the slimy fuckers at these events are. Can't keep their eyes off anything that's small, young or pretty. Disgusting. I'll deal with him— where's your annoying other half gone, inferior blondie?
Bernard: Tim? He got pulled away for quote; 'something important' by some lady. He said he'll meet me here after he's done, so I've been waiting.
Jason: Huh. If I see him I'll point him yer way. Hey, don't be 'fraid to ask any of us questions or for help if ya need it. We know the best how daunting this shit can be.
Bernard, genuinely touched: ... Thanks, Jason.
Jason: Yeah, yeah. Don't tell Timmers I said that, though, he'll call me a loser.
Bernard, laughing: I won't.
Bernard, being talked to by several people at once and a bit overwhelmed by the attention: Uh— I'm—
Damian, stepping between him and the socialites: Dowd. I require your assistance.
Bernard: Um— hi, Damian— with what?
Damian: You will see when we get there. Follow me, Drake's more tolerable half.
Bernard: Okay... so what do you need from me?
Damian: Nothing. You seemed to dislike the attention from all of the nosy adults over there. It was the most efficient way of extracting you from the situation.
Bernard: Oh. Thanks, Damian.
Damian: Tt, don't thank me yet, Dowd. I am still criticising your choice in romantic partners.
Bernard: Didn't you threaten me with a katana to not dampen Tim's mood in any way shape or form?
Damian: Slander. I said quote 'if you make Drake more annoying by breaking his heart I'm going to maim you.' I don't see how you got the message you did from that.
Bernard, grinning: Sure, Damian. Sure.
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apocalypse-shuffle · 4 months
JASON TODD & CASSANDRA CAIN (generalized fanon | maybe wfa)
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“Blind Spot” (Jason Todd x Fem!Reader) and (Cassandra Cain & Platonic!Reader)
| Reader is introduced (this time “formally”) to the second of their new boyfriend’s extended family.
| SFW, stalking(?), batfam shenanigans, worried!Jason
| The pictures used are just for aesthetics and have no contextual meaning to the story. (pic sources: beg.=batman:under the red hood, middle=dceaced, and end=batgirl#1 • all comics)
| part of the meet the bats series
| 3k+ words
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Jason’s roof is bumpy. Not like asbestos bumpy or anything, though in Gotham you could never be too sure, but it certainly wasn’t smooth.
“Hey, baby, was your apartment built before or after 1989?”
Jason answers immediately.
“After. I needed a place without a sprinkler system though, so I wouldn’t bet anything special on this building being too up to code.”
“Mm,” you hum, letting your head drop to the side. That still didn’t rule out asbestos.
The new view that greets you is of the back of Jason’s head and the broad scarred expanse of his back.
You’ve decided you’re not going to worry about the possible poison in the walls yet. Hopefully Jason’s paranoia extends to that type of stuff and he’s checked it out already.
“Hey baby?”
In the beat it takes for Jason to let out an acknowledging grunt your eyes catch the black glint of yet another weapon being picked up. You snort.
“You got all those guns, any of ‘em actually do anything interesting?”
His shoulders shake as he laughs.
“Like what?”
You shrug. “I don’t know, just...” your brown fingers snap and you sit up, legs crisscrossed over the cushions, “…there was a rumor going around the other day ‘bout Harley and a beanbag shotgun. Got anything like that?”
Jason scoffs, “You have got to stop listening to whoever is spreading these rumors and giving you your theories.”
“Shut up.” You wait until he’s taken the last piece of the pistol in his hand apart to knock him in the head with one of his throw pillows. “Answer the question, Todd.”
For a good minute he can’t, keeled over laughing as he is, but you have no problem waiting him out, laughter of your own occupying you.
“Alright,” he gasps in air, talking through his giggles. His voice is a little higher than usual. “Short answer is no.”
When he’s done he lets his head fall back into the couch so he can look at you with raised brows.
“Satisfied?” He grins, voice back to normal.
“Believe it or not,” you wiggle around so you can bend over and smack a wet kiss onto his lips, feeling his smile widen, before sitting back up, “no. What’s the long answer?”
He shakes his head at you, muttering something that sounds a lot like ‘insatiable’ under his breath, before going back to his assigned task for the night. You shrug, but a shiver down your spine cuts off whatever response you might’ve given.
Brows furrowing, you lean back on the couch as an uneasy feeling settles in your gut, gaze moving to slide around the apartment until you settle on a familiar item on the small table near the window.
The aloe plant you’d gifted Jason a few weeks ago sits atop it. Surprisingly, it still looked healthy, which was nice. You’d gotten it for him because they were low maintenance, but you could never be too sure with the vigilante schedule he operated on. There’s a small bit of movement behind the plant though and - without your say so - your eye focuses on it instantly. Or at least tries to. For some reason what you’d thought was a bug ends up disappearing on you though.
The longer you look out at what amounts to nothing the more severe your frown gets, face morphing into a grimace.
The darkness feels like it’s watching you back and the prospect makes you queasy. The possibility of a potentially deadly game of hide and seek runs through your mind; somebody popping up from the darkness and smashing the window—
A particularly harsh clink from in front of you snaps your mind back to reality. Jason’s reaching for his briefly disregarded rag and gun oil, parts of a good sized rifle laid out before him, shoulders rising and falling in easy, tempered motions. Instantly you begin matching your breaths with his own, doing your best to shake the feeling of unease off.
Jason starts talking again with a low contemplative tone and you let his voice settle over you like a blanket, slumping back into the couch as you watch the back of his head.
“The barrel of a shotgun isn’t even big enough for a regular sized bean sack—”
“—Bean sack,” you parrot quietly and Jason flips you off without looking. You snicker.
“A bean sack gun,” he continues like you hadn’t interrupted, “just isn’t practical as a primary weapon. It’ll probably lock up and misfire then - look at that - you're dead.”
You huff, “Jason this is supposed to be a fun conversation.”
“This is fun,” he grunts, picking up a tiny brush to clean with.
Your eyes roll.
“Alright, whatever, what about glitter?”
“Please stop.”
You buss out laughing.
“I don’t think I want to. But- just hear me out,” you cut in when you see the furrow that takes over his face, “If Sam and Dean can shoot salt guns then I don’t see how much different glitter would be if you factor in the weight difference.”
The new expression that takes over his face is even worse than beforehand and he gives you this narrow look like he can’t believe you’re being serious.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Those guns aren’t designed for impact, just range, and,” he scoffs, “to look cool probably.”
“Ohhh—” you stop as the confusing patch of night outside the window catches your attention again before scooting farther away from the window. Why it’s even throwing you off you can’t tell, but you don’t want to stress over nothing. You clear your throat and go back to joking with him. “—You don’t think the salt shotgun is cool, Jay? Is the Red Hood too good for the Winchesters?”
He grins at you over his shoulder and you scoff, kicking out to shove him with your foot. He barely rocks from the force of it.
After that an easy silence fills the space once more and you rest your head onto the back of the couch, breathing in deep in an attempt to quell the clench in your stomach.
When you look over again the image through the window is clearer. On the apartment across from Jay’s there’s a fire escape just slightly above his own and — you squint, crawling to the end of the couch to get a better look — and there! Right there! A short burst of breeze causes a heavy piece of fabric to flutter and what’s wrong finally becomes obvious.
You lean even further.
What should be the rest of the metal railing is blocked by a large patch of darkness that you do your best to follow with your eyes, only going a little cross-eyed and blurry in your efforts.
Passively, it occurs to you that maybe this was something you should bring to Jason’s attention. The night coming to life and inching closer wasn’t normal after all, but—
There! The fabric shifts again, another larger piece this time, and with your gaze now having something concrete to focus on more and more of the misplaced darkness starts to come into place.
Glinting stitches, a brief flash of yellow as another gust of wind displaces fabric. Then a light in the house across from you flicks on. Barely any of it leaks through their curtains, but it’s just enough to make the outline of a person perched on the railing, what you can now tell is the smear of a cape draped over the outside of the fire escape and catching the breeze every few seconds, come into staunch focus.
Your eyes go wide.
His head whips around and he’s looking up at you from his disassembled cache of guns on the floor, gaze sharp. You don’t know what the hell he detected from your voice, but you can see the way his face crests once he gets a look at your expression and your stomach twists.
You didn’t think you looked that alarmed.
Jason’s gaze follows yours when you turn your head back for confirmation, and it’s brief but for a second still the same blotch of black is there before you take your next breath and it’s - the person’s - disappeared.
“Crap,” he curses and you go rigid, falling back as the sounds of him quickly reassembling a gun fill the room.
Next thing you know he’s up and walking over to open the window.
You scramble up from the couch, “Jay! Hold on, are you sure—?”
The window slides open with a small click and a few beats pass before - baffled - you watch Jason sigh and set his firearm down on the side table beside the aloe.
He sticks his head out the window.
“Cass,” he whisper-yells.
From behind Jason you watch nothing happen. It’s quiet except for the city’s usual ambiance and there's a cursory creak of old metal before—
“No, not you too, get out of here. Don’t you have a city to patrol?”
—a face appears in the window, right in front of Jason, and you take in such a harsh breath you stumble back a few steps.
So close to the window with the light from the living room as an aid you can make out the long pointed ears at the top of what you can now tell is the person’s — Batgirl’s, that was Batgirl’s — mask.
Right. Okay. You suppose if Robin popped in to visit and your boyfriend rocked a red helmet and killed people in his spare time then Batgirl also popping in wasn’t too far a stretch of the imagination. You suck in a breath until your lungs fill with enough air to make your chest twinge.
Batgirl’s low scratchy voice fills the quiet.
“The city.” Batgirl seems to fix Jason with a look but the mask makes it hard to tell, before finishing, “Will survive…five minutes.”
Then she pats the hand he still has on the window sill. “Kind of you,” you hear her say before she’s slipping in past the width of his bulk. Jason makes an exasperated noise and moves to let her in - not that she wasn’t already doing that perfectly fine on her own.
After the incident not even a full week ago Jason can’t seem to not throw you a panicked look from behind the woman. You only shrug, heartbeat steadily settling back down. At least you were awake this time. You look over the faceless vigilante, not an inch of skin - of the person underneath - showing. Though you were no less perturbed.
The only huge difference is that it was the blank mask of the Black Bat that’s staring at you from the darkness and you’re not at imminent risk of being beheaded. That was…something. You purse your lips, rocking back onto your heels with your heart in your throat.
The Bat doesn’t say a thing, just looking at you with indents that probably indicate eyes behind them and a face full of more of those glinting stitches.
Jason clears his throat, moving around so he can stand beside you.
“Is this some kind of trend now?”
His irritated grumble brings Batgirl’s attention back to him and you relax, leaning into the arm he presses into the dip of your back.
“Oh,” she breathes. You’d be pressed to think she was being sarcastic if it wasn’t for: “Heard about Robin. Seemed like…fun,” she proclaims.
You briefly wonder at the fact that you’re apparently an interesting enough deviation for Jason that you’re piquing the interest of vigilantes.
Then Batgirl’s attention shifts squarely back to you and you can’t remember how to breathe again, let alone what you were just thinking about.
“Um,” you choke out, “Hi.”
Jason’s tan hand snakes under your shirt to rub at the dark brown skin there. You focus on the warmth from the point of contact, breathing out slowly.
Batgirl’s head shifts, indicating the window behind her. “You noticed me.”
It’s not a question.
“I mean - barely,” you say. A half aborted chuckle falls past your plush lips. “I pretty much just thought I was losing it.”
“That’s good,” she says and you pause confused. She turns to Jason, tone brightening. “Robin was right. She’s impressive. For a civilian,” she concedes at the end.
When she walks up to you next she holds a hand out. After a moment of hesitation you reach out to take it, her grip is strong and when she shakes your hand you have to steady your arm or else risk her jerking you around.
“You have a good eye. Good instincts. Useful starting point…for learning.”
“She won’t be,” Jason grunts. You roll your eyes at him, you didn’t even want to be a vigilante but he didn’t have to shoot the idea down so hard.
Batgirl shrugs, “I know,” she dismisses. She squeezes softly at your hand. “Y/n. It was nice meeting you. Had to see. Who’d…put up with him,” she ends snidely.
Jason huffs and you laugh despite yourself, squeezing her hand back in turn. That seems to have been enough for her because you can just make out the smile underneath her cowl before she lets go.
She sends a parting nod Jason’s way and he scoffs quietly.
“Yeah, I know,” he says to Batgirl’s retreating form. "See you later, yeah?” he adds, voice dropping.
She stops part way through slipping out the window, half her body already lost to the darkness, before giving a curt nod. A jaunty wave is sent your way next and then…nothing.
You don’t even hear the fire escape creak before she’s melted into the shadows and disappeared back into the night.
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Jason doesn’t know how to conceptualize this, but he has to know. He needs that confirmation before he can truly rest easy.
There’s no one else who reads people as well as Cassandra. Maybe she’ll be able to finally get rid of the way he can’t help but jerk away from your closeness sometimes, from the natural pull you have over him. How much he can’t stay away even as reluctance and fear pulls at him.
Jason sighs.
Or help him figure out how comfortable you really were with the whole Red Hood thing. It’s not that he didn’t trust you to keep the secret, just that he wasn’t sure if you were saving face with him or not. The last thing he wants is for you to feel obligated to stay with him. Or intimidated.
Cass waits until he’s just settled beside her on the roof before speaking.
He’s silently grateful for it. For some reason verbally asking for her assessment seemed like more a betrayal than needing the read at all.
This way he can delude himself into thinking she offered the information up unprompted. Something tells him it won’t change anything; he ignores that voice.
“She’s good,” Cass nods. She pointedly doesn’t leave it at that though so Jason stays still, let’s the wind lap at his hoodie and whisp at his hair.
Cass sighs, so still her shoulders barely move, and then turns to him. There’s a low tuft in her voice like she knows exactly what he’s doing here, knows he’s looking to her for salvation.
“Good,” she stresses. Breathes in once. Exhales. “But hiding.”
Jason’s heart doesn’t skip a beat but his gut does twist, caving in on itself in a bid to hide. He starts shaking his head.
The thing about Jason, he stopped trusting his heart a long time ago. Too late to save him from some other grievances in his life but good enough to keep him alive for this long. To protect this second chance, trusting his gut has been crucial. So why did it feel like he was being gutted?
“…hiding what?” When she takes too long to answer Jason finally turns. “Cass—”
She intercepts him easily, barely a rustle of fabric before her closed fist is pressed against his breastbone. It holds him in place more firmly than it has any right to.
“She’s hiding.” She manages somehow to make him feel the weight of her eyes meeting his own before tutting at him. “So are you.”
The plea Jason’s about to let out gets stuck in the base of his throat and he clears it.
“What do you mean?”
Even in the cowl the disbelieving look Cass throws his way is clear, fabric over her brow creasing.
“You are…leading her.” Her head canters barely a centimeter to the side. “She won’t…move. Not without…looking to you…first.”
All he can do for a moment is breathe deep and swallow back the argument bubbling up his throat. They both know Cass didn’t talk if she wasn’t sure, and Cass didn’t make mistakes about these things.
This wasn’t emotions; it was pure science, and body language for someone like Cass was near impossible to skew at the base intention level. And well…Jason can’t even lie to himself enough to believe he hadn’t expected her assessment to be anything other than confirmation for what he already knew.
He shakes his head, hands shoving into his pockets, “How am I supposed to fix that Cass?”
Cass gives a blithe little shrug, turning away from him again. Her cape billows out wide behind her, wingspan almost large enough to wrap the whole of Gotham in her protective embrace.
She snipes, unrepentant, “Why do I? Have to…know?”
Her voice carries on the wind with more leniency than the question suggests.
Jason sighs, rolling his shoulders back and shifting to look out over the stretch of rooftops laid out before them also.
“You don’t,” he grunts. “Sorry— thanks for this Cass. I owe you.”
She nods, shrugging.
“Cool,” she says. “I’ll call. If I…feel like it.”
He can almost hear the smile in her voice. He imagines it’s the little barely tolerate one she tends to give him. It’s not the smirk he knows she’s prone towards sporting with the others, but the fact he gets anything more than the blank look she gives when she’s mad but doesn’t have the energy or the words to say anything more to him is miraculous enough. He’s lucky to have any of her good will at all considering how heated some of their past conversations have gotten.
Cass never treats him like he’s a ghost, more so like she’s doing him a favor; looking past all the skeletons peeking over his shoulder to see Jason. Just Jason.
It’s not great. Even if he does know why.
It’s not the way you look at him; like he’s whole. Like the him that you want is exactly what’s in front of you, not some specter from the past or poor imitation you have to put up with.
One of Cass’s hands moves to rest against the holster on her belt and she raises one foot to prop up on the border surrounding the roof before leaning into his space.
She punches his shoulder, softly for her, and he takes it.
“You. Should keep her…a civilian. Jason,” she stresses. “An alive one.”
Jason hasn’t even begun to react before Cass is tilting forward, firing off her grappling gun and dropping off the roof in a second.
‘I’m trying,’ Jason thinks at the charcoal of her cape.
He takes another few minutes to look out over the city, let the sounds of a broken metropolis and its people wash over him - for his gut to settle back into stone - and then he climbs down the fire escape.
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!!
Alright, so, this is my first time really writing Cass so don’t hate me. I didn’t want to shove her into a ‘woman who soothes a man’s woes’ role, but I did still want to give her and Jason a more tolerant and supportive relationship than they’d ever have canonically (and this is a Jason-centric story so some centering is inevitable). Also, I tried to match her speech patterns from the 2000’s comics so don’t come for me, she usually only speaks in four word sentences at the longest and breaks her sentences up so she can presumably search for the word she needs, otherwise her grammar is totally fine so yeah, hopefully my portrayal of her wasn’t too too bad. I will be advancing her sentence structure and speech patterns when she shows up again in a later part in order to depict how her speech advances in the comics too, just because I want to practice with her some more. Also just believe that once Cass realized the Reader-Insert had sensed her she stayed in a more compromising position (in front of a potential light source) just to really test how well she’d be at actually finding her after sensing something was off.
Keep in mind that this is “wholesome” bat family fanon, but that I lean towards post-crisis when it comes to characterization and comics I read for reference (except for Duke obviously) because I largely like post-crisis canon more. Though, how I write Damian is definitely more based on the DCAMU version of him because that was my introduction to his character, but I am working on getting closer to his canon character voice for my own sake since he will be showing back up later in this series (& just in general I’ve slightly shifted how I write Jason as well since part one).
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it!
Slightly Rewritten - 6/30/24 (bc the way I reread this and was like “well, tell the woman thank you, goddamn” immediately told me I needed to rewrite some dialogue; like, even though I was trying not to I still ended up prioritizing Jason too much at the end)
Alt. Banner (scrapped) —
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(source - Batman: Wayne Family Adventures)
Tagged: @bandshirts-andbooks
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lilislegacy · 7 months
an analysis: piper calling percy unimpressive
(warning: i wrote this at 1 am)
so basically
remember how we all despised piper mclean when she had the audacity to call our beloved percy “unimpressive” and we all lost our shit on the inside a little bit?
i truly don’t think she meant it in the way we think she did. i think we’re all just defensive of our boy.
piper clearly states that she is comparing percy to jason. first of all, jason is her boyfriend, so of course she’s biased. second of all, hera was manipulating piper to be obsessed with jason. so other guys and girls are automatically unimpressive to her.
and here’s the big thing: piper does not call him unattractive. she does not call him ugly. she simply says he’s not her type. piper is clearly attracted to the “good boy” look. jason is literally your all-american boy. he’s tall with light skin, a sturdy build, neat blonde hair, and blue eyes. part of why annabeth doesn’t trust him is because she is unsettled by his “perfect” appearance. jason is also obedient and well-mannered. he’s your standard good boy.
and the fact of the matter is: percy looks like a “bad boy”. and often, he acts like one too. him and jason are contrasts of each other. a symbolic representation of this: their features. percy has a darker complexion, messy black hair, unique green eyes, and a “sarcastic troublemaker smile.” he’s muscular, but in a leaner and more trim way. he’s tall, but he’s not a towering muscleman by any means. not that jason is either, but don’t forget, percy is a whole one. inch. (GASP) shorter than jason (which to me isn’t even noticeable, so her pointing it out as a flaw just proves that she’s so incredibly biased towards jason.) their other big contrasting feature: their personalities. jason is respectful and well-mannered. very obedient and under control. percy, however, makes jokes during inappropriate moments, talks back to people of power and authority, gets angry quickly, and loses control easily. i mean, literally right after she says this, percy starts insulting the roman god Bacchus and rapidly escalates a situation because of his natural instinct to be disobedient. piper is horrified by him doing this, especially because jason would never. does it make US all love percy very much? yes. but piper isn’t us.
THAT SAID, even she can’t actually call him unattractive. she even went as far to state that she can see why annabeth likes him, which means even her magically-obsessed-with-jason brain can still recognize his attractiveness and see why girls find him appealing. she calls him “cute in a scruffy way,” meaning she thinks that he’s got a disheveled attractiveness to him. she also once said that his pleading eyes are like a cute baby seal’s - even she can’t deny that his eyes are wonderful. so even though piper calls him unimpressive, i think rick put in a lot of clues here showing us that she acknowledges him as a conventionally attractive person, even if she’s not personally attracted to him.
let’s sum it up, shall we?
what does it say about percy? absolutely nothing. piper calling percy unimpressive is an inaccurate and unreliable source when it comes to analyzing percy’s physical appearance, especially if you don’t consider the context. this was rick’s way of showing piper’s clear preference towards jason, just like annabeth has a clear preference towards percy. and even though she said this, rick also made her give us several hints that percy is handsome, just not in a way she’s inclined towards. rick wanted love triangles to be completely out of the question with these 4. he wanted to make it very clear that annabeth had no interest in jason, and that piper had no interest in percy. so since piper is so drawn towards jason, percy had to be very different from him in her eyes.
jason is your a superman, percy is your batman
jason is your captain america, percy is your iron man. some even say spider man.
so put yourself in piper’s shoes: after hearing percy jackson’s name non-stop for 6 months, hearing him compared to jason, hearing of all his accomplishments and how heroic he is - i mean, the guy was literally honored on olympus and offered godhood - she was expecting a stereotypical good-boy hero. a hercules. a superman. your standard muscular blinding-white-teeth-smile hunk. the conventional, well-mannered good boy. and instead she got a wild and untamed, trouble-making bad boy. percy has an edge to him. he’s intimidating and unpredictable. he’s sarcastic and witty. he just looks like he’s up to no good. she wasn’t expecting any of that. that’s not what we’re taught a hero is supposed to be like or look like.
jason is appealing in a “he’d be a respectable and sturdy husband” way.
percy is appealing in a “he’s gonna fuck up my life but i so badly want him to” kind of way. (even though once you get to know him, you see he’s literally the world’s best boyfriend. piper even gets jealous of how loving he is towards annabeth.)
she had this exact idea of what he would be, and he wasn’t that. hence her calling him “unimpressive.” but it says nothing about his attractiveness.
i rest my case, your honor.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
disclaimer: i am not saying percy is actually a bad boy or a bad guy. he is a sweetheart. he has the biggest heart ever. he’s a cute little cinnamon roll. i am simply talking of first impressions from outsiders, and how he appears if you don’t know him.
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soleilars · 10 days
୨୧ the one where jason grace wakes up different.
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summary: mountain, giants, romans, swords. those are the last moments jason can recall after waking up. sadly, your relationship seems not to be included in your boyfriend’s memory.
pairing: jason grace x fem!reader
warnings: hurt with no comfort.
a/n: idk if everyone who liked the previous post about tags wanted in fact to be tagged but i assumed so, if not lmk!
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“jason, i love you but this isn’t funny anymore”
fate must be pulling some kind of joke on him.
first; he wakes up in a random bus surround by noisy kids. soon after the girl besides him (who he never saw before) starts talking to him like they know each other and now she tells him she loves him? something isn’t right. before he had time to process an answer a boy appeared in the seat in front of him, staring at him with a funny look on his face like they were sharing an inside joke.
“who are you?” finally! someone’s in the same situation as him. ok, he needs to find out how he and this boy got here. now…
“come on jase, this one is a classic! you’re really trying to pull that one? ‘fraid it won’t work, bud” nope, he’s alone.
this was definitely getting annoying now. haha, funny now stop, was what you wanted to say. jason wasn’t like this. he’d never pretend not to know you. he said it himself once, joking or not. what made he change his mind now? your boyfriend was peacefully asleep on your lap one moment now and suddenly he seemed scared of your touch.
“jason, i’m serious stop it. this isn’t funny” you shot him your most severe gaze, one you tried really hard to achieve giving the fact that tears were forming on your eyes. which jason didn’t let pass by.
“i- please don’t cry. i swear on the…” he seemed a little lost for a moment, more than he was before if that’s possible “i never saw neither of you before. can you please tell me where we’re going?”
what was happening to him? he knew how much you hated this kind of jokes given your own grandfather slowly forgot you given to his sickness at an advanced age.
this was just cruelty this point. you wondered what would be his breaking point. seeing you cry? yelling at him to stop? threatening to break up? leaving him alone and sitting on an empty seat?
jason grace isn’t mean at this point. you knew it. you knew him.
“i’m sorry this seems like a terrible question right now but what am i to you?”
his hand carefully touched your shoulder, dragging you from your own mind only to process the indeed terrible question he just asked.
“my boyfriend? jase, i don’t get why are you doing this?”
leo who had remained silent decided to speak up for his, or maybe not, friend.
“(name), i don’t think he’s joking anymore,” he was quick to continue before you could cut him off. “he looks absolutely mortified, i mean come on! the guy is pale as a piece of paper.”
you swore you could hear jason mumbling a thank you, but you also swore the guy sitting besides you was your boyfriend. suddenly you can’t trust yourself anymore. was it all in your head? no, leo was there too. he remembers. silence overtook the three of you, silence that was broken by leo once again.
“maybe… it just wasn’t real”
“don’t say that. it was real,” you cried, the tears finally streaming down your face “it was real to me.”
once again you were sure jason would say something, comforting or not but was interrupted by coach’s hedge screaming, then he said. amongst the chaos of people leaving the bus and others yelling at one another.
“it’s time to go.”
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tags: @lordofthefrogs11 @heylookwhoitis @loverangels @brunettebitchthatwrites @shxd0wtree @thewhispersofthewaves @rue-eru @helloimamistake @123letsgobestie @sunshine-of-ur-life @aprils-artwork @ifyouknowmeyoudonot @daeronthedaringshoe @autumnnyx12 @justwritingforfun @lovialy @1853cassie @spvilers @metyouattherighttime @enehana @solstices-dreams @lovesickhozierfan
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rapz-rites · 10 months
Ma Belle Chérie
Damian Wayne x influencer!book lover!Reader
If someone was to look up a bookworm a picture of you would appear. 3 times you chose your books over Damian. 1 time Damian was your only priority (yes Damian is a priority, but not without a good book in hand)
A/N: Requested by @vivi-iiis-blog
The title is French and it translates to “my beautiful darling”. At first, it was supposed to be “ma belle fille” but if you put it in a translator it might give you my daughter in law…
Word Count: 1.9K
Warning(s): Reader not putting Damian first, kissing, flirting in public
You were a popular influencer. All your followers knew you loved books. They would often say “If Y/N was a Disney princess, she’d be Belle”
1st time
You were extremely into the book you were currently reading. It was a popular romance book you saw on BookTok, so you obviously had to get it and read it.
You were reading your book in Damian’s bed as you waited for Damian to get home from patrol. You hadn’t even noticed Damian coming in and changing out of his uniform. Usually, he would change in the locker room in the BatCave, but whenever you would spend the night he’d change in his bathroom.
Damian entered his room calling your name several times, but no response. He noticed you immersed in your book on his bed, so he decided to continue his nightly routine and then return to you.
You didn’t realize Damian was even back from patrol until you felt an arm around your waist. You looked down from your book to Damian trying to cuddle into you.
“Why don’t you put your book down and cuddle with me Beloved,” Damian said softly as he brought himself closer to you.
“Let me finish this page first,” you replied to his offer. Damian hummed in response knowing it was going to take more than one page.
After several pleas and several ‘one more page’s, Damian gave up. When you were done you would cuddle with him, awake or not.
“Ok, I’m done. I’m ready to-” you stopped at the site of your boyfriend sleeping peacefully. You smiled at him softly. Putting your book on the nightstand, you cuddle back into Damian as you drift to sleep.
2nd time
You and Jason connect over your interests in books. Often when you would come over and Damian wasn’t there you and Jason would have discussions based on books you’ve both read.
Sometimes you two would pick a book and after about 2 weeks you two would meet up again and talk about it. Sometimes you two would read a book and watch the show/movie based on it.
“Elena and Katherine are blonde in the books though,” Jason started. He was pacing back and forth, running his hand through his hair.
“I know that Jason. I read the book too. But let’s be honest Katherine is better as a brunette than a blonde. It fits her personality in the show way more.”
Neither of you realized that Damian was leaning against the doorway until you turned around in frustration at Jason’s stubbornness. You smiled at him, but Jason spoke before you could greet him.
“You’re right,” he stated. You turned to look at him
“Of course she’s right,” Damian said, drawing attention to himself. “Now if you’re both done I’d like to spend time with my girlfriend.”
You smiled sweetly at him. You loved it when he called you his girl or girlfriend to other people. You didn’t know why but it always brought butterflies to your stomach.
“I think it’s Nina Dobrev,” Jason continued, completely ignoring Damian’s request.
“After this, I promise,” you whispered as you kissed Damian on his cheek. Even though he didn’t show it, he couldn’t believe it. You were choosing to talk to Jason over spending time with him.
“It has to be,” Jason whispered to himself, still pacing back and forth.
“I would have liked to see angel Elena though.”
3rd time
You didn’t go live all that often but when you did, your fans went crazy. So crazy, sometimes after the time was up, you started a new live immediately after. This time was no different. People were checking in 100 at a time. After 5 minutes there were about 11.7k watching.
“Oh my gosh. I haven’t been on live in a fat minute. But guys you have to understand I started reading this series and I haven’t been able to put it down,” you say walking around your kitchen. You walked away to get your supplies for baking. Once you returned you saw tons of comments coming through.
“Where’s Marshmallow?” You whispered as you read the comments.
“YOU KNOW WHAT” you started to yell, waving the spatula in your hand around. You had this serious demeanor to you. “That dog is SO FAKE. I took her with me when I went to see Damian yesterday, and when it was time to go she didn’t want to leave and acted like she didn’t know me. LIKE I'M YOUR MOM”
“I am your mother, you listen to me,” Stephanie started to sing in the background. You laughed at her and your viewers found it funny too.
“Curly fries or waffle fries?” Steph asked, reading a comment someone sent. “Waffles of course. They’re just so much better”
You continued talking to your fans and replying to their comments. Eventually, you ended up playing ‘this or that’ with them. Stephanie read the comments so you could answer as you continued to bake. Some were a simple choice and others had you stumped.
“OMG here’s a good one,” Steph started. “Read the twisted series again for the first time or marry Damian”
You let out a gasp as you froze in place. You place the bowl of icing down on the counter and put your hands to your face.
“Oh my gosh. You guys can’t ask me things like that. ” Now you were pacing back and forth. “I’m about to say something you guys can NEVER repeat. Not even to your pastor in confessionals.”
Once you said that people were going crazy in the comments.
Y/nsbooks: oh this is gonna be good
GingerJT: I can’t wait to hear what he’s gonna say
Emswrld: I think we all should already know her answer 😭😭
“I love Damian, I really do but I’m gonna have to pick the Twisted Series. YOU GUYS BETTER NOT TELL HIM.”
Well, you didn’t have to worry about someone telling Damian. Especially if he was watching your live the entire time off of Jason’s secret Instagram, GingerJT.
Damian 1st
You wanted everything to be perfect for Damian’s birthday. Every year, since living in Gotham, he’s had a birthday gala. This year you wanted to plan a nice intimate surprise party for him the night before.
The week of the surprise party you were extremely busy making sure everything was perfect. You invited everyone in advance(minus Bart or else he would spoil it, so you told him the day of), booked the venue, ordered decorations, and got him a gift you thought he would love.
That same week Damian thought something was wrong and you were sick. He didn’t see you with a single book once. He even took a peek into your bag and saw not one book, you usually have at least 2.
“Are you feeling ok Beloved?” Damian asked, touching your face. He was checking if you had a fever.
“I’m fine,” you chuckle, removing his hands from your face. You kiss his cheek before you get ready to leave. “I have to go to my appointment. I’ll text you later.”
Damian had a feeling something was up but couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
It was currently the day before Damian’s birthday. You had asked him to hang out, and of course, he couldn’t say no. He would never say no to spending time with you. You even managed to convince him to spend the night so you guys could head to the gala together. Little did he know he was falling into a trap. A trap called a surprise party.
You took Damian out for most of the day, doing the majority of his favorite things. You need to give everyone enough time to set the place up. If you and Damian ran into someone, that would mess things up.
The town you took Damian to was about an hour away. There was this animal reserve you thought Damian would love. You learned after your 3rd date that he hated zoos. Though he loved animals, he absolutely hated zoos. He thought them to be prisons for the animals.
Afterward, you two went out and did other things that Damian enjoyed. Now, you both were sitting in the car in a comfortable silence. Damian was following the GPS to his final “surprise”. You secretly messaged everyone to check to make sure everything was in place. Everything was and they were just waiting for you guys to arrive. It took less than an hour to arrive.
Once Damian stopped the car you hopped out to take the lead. Leading Damian into the building, it was dark. Neither of you could see.
“Beloved it’s dark. You should turn on the lights.”
“Right,” you said as you reached for the light switch. Once you flicked the lights everyone jumped out and yelled SURPRISE. You looked over to see your boyfriend smiling as people crowded around him wishing him happy birthday.
You watched happily as Damian interacted with everyone. His siblings and other hero’s his age were here. Even his friends from GA. Damian would never admit it because “they’re just the most tolerable people in his life”.
The party ended around 12 and you and Damian arrived at your place around 12:30. After getting ready for bed, you and Damian got comfortable and cuddled in your room.
“OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT,” you yelled hopping out of Damian’s embrace. He was confused as you hurried out of the room and returned not even a minute later. Now there was a box in your hand, wrapped in a dark green paper with a black bow on top. You got back into bed and handed the box to him.
“I told you you didn’t have to get me anything Beloved”
“I know but I wanted to,” you responded, ushering him to open the gift. You watched excitedly as he gently opened the gift. After opening the box, Damian picked up the book that was in it. It looked like any other classical literature, minus the two swords embedded on the front cover. Damian turned the box over to look at the spine. And there it was, his name, in Arabic.
Damian turned to look at you. All you did was nod at the book signaling him to open it. After silently reading a few pages, he stopped and hugged you, tackling you on the bed and peppering your face with kisses.
“So you like it?”
“You wrote me a book. Of course I love it!” He said and he continued kissing your face. You laughed. You held Damian’s face in your hands before giving him a kiss on the lips.
Damian held your hand as you stepped out of the black vehicle. A gorgeous dress clung to your body. Emerald matching the accents in Damian’s suit.
“Is it too late to go back? We can watch whatever movie you pick” you whispered as you and Damian walked down the red carpet. You both stopped for a picture. Instinctively, you both smile and Damian puts a hand on your waist.
“You say that every time. You need to come up with something more convincing” Damian smirks at you. You open your mouth to respond, but before you can, a photographer interrupts, “Damian, are you enjoying your birthday this year?”
“How can I not? Have the most amazing girlfriend.”
“Not as amazing as what’s underneath this dress,” you whisper into Damian's ear. He visibly goes red and you just smile at the photographers unfazed at what you just said.
“We’re leaving after an hour” Damian whispers back into your ear after processing what you just said. And with that he takes your hand, walking you inside the building. Smiling ear to ear, you bid the photographers goodbye.
WOOO! What was something alright. In so sorry for not posting in months but school comes first 😭 But I hope you guys enjoy this as I’m now going to try to write more often and in working on requests now.
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
oooh what do you think would happen if jason (grace) stood you up by accident like he was doing something and he just... forgot
Tangerines. Orange peels littered your thighs as you nervously chewed on the fruit. It had been an hour since the start time of your picnic with Jason and you'd gone through 6 tangerines.
You sat with upright posture, despite doubts, he had to show up soon. Your eyes were wide and alert as you searched the crowd on the green patch of park you occupied. He would show up soon with some excuse about getting lost in his work with minor deities and he would give you that lovely, toothy smile as he sat down.
One minute, two, four, seven, eleven, twenty went by. Two more tangerines filled your belly. Why had you brought so many tangerines? You dropped the ninth fruit back in the basket and sighed. The tangy acid of the fruit stung in your nail beds and your fingernails had stringy pieces stuck underneath them.
You pushed your hair behind your ear and left a strand of it sticky with the juice. Your posture failed, you uncrossed your legs with a huff and finally let the tears take your eyes. Just thirty more minutes and then you'd leave. You just had to make sure he wasn't coming.
You sipped at your cup of orange juice and groaned as the sun disappeared behind a cloud. It was dipping steadily, Apollo clearly had no mercy for your need for warmth. Clouds took the sky, popping up out of nowhere and turning the day gray. You looked up and you could swear the gods were laughing at you as a raindrop exploded on your eyebrow.
With a few curses, you began to pack up the picnic basket that was busy with watermelon and pb&j sandwhiches. You stuffed all the peels in unceremoniously as the rain really began to pour. Your ponytail got soaked and allowed the water a single path down your back, each droplet in your hair flowing down it and drenching your clothes.
Snatching the blanket and basket with growing rage, you tilted your chin to the sky and shouted, "I get it! Ha ha! Very funny, Jupiter!"
Several mortals also running for cover in the park gave you strange looks that you discarded. Whatever, fine, Jason and his dad could go sit and spin for all you cared. A little voice in your head reminded you that you did care, that it hurt and that your cheeks weren't wet with only precipitation.
You wiped them with the picnic blanket and when you were done, let it drag behind you in the mud. God, did it have to rain this hard? Thunder boomed in the distance, a reminder of sky daddy's chuckles at your state.
The bus ride home to near Camp Half Blood was barely acknowledged. Walking the half mile from the stop was, the rain blinding you even with the dirty fabric of picnic blanket draped over your head. Entering the border, the weather receded to dark clouds and you dropped your belongings, shaking yourself like a wet dog. Peleus sniffed you and grunted when the droplets hit his face, pulling away and re-tucking his head in the truck of Thalia's tree.
You grabbed your things and marched to the cabins with a frown that couldn't be turned upside down. Right as you passed Cabin 1, a flurry of orange and blonde flew out the door and knocked you on your butt.
Your boyfriend landed on his as well, his eyes flashing with joy that was cut short by realization as he sees you.
"Y/n! I was just about to leave-"
He was on his feet before you, a calloused hand in your face which you pushed away roughly.
"Yeah? Two and a half fricking hours late?"
Jason winced. "I didn't mean- I was sketching a stat-"
You stood up with a red face. "No, no! I get it! You're a busy guy, Jason. You can't be bothered to show up to a picnic you planned because you're so busy!"
A few campers had come to the doors of their cabins to check out the commotion and at Cabin 7, Kayla muttered "Damn."
"I'm sorry, I lost-"
"Lost track of time?" You finished for him. His hands halted halfway up to hold your face, his guilt was obvious and maybe later you'd feel bad for yelling so publicly but Jason had forgotten you one too many times. "Do you know what a clock is, Jason? It tells time. Maybe buy one and you won't loose track of it! Or-! Or even better, Jason, buy an alarm clock! That's a clock that lets you know when you have to do something, like go on a date with your girlfriend!"
You shook with rage for a moment, probably looking ridiculous dripping wet with mud splattered on your legs and shoes and washed away mascara. Nobody said anything for a moment, not even the other kids watching with interest. You met his sad eyes and all the fight left you. Disappointment replaced anger and you sighed, looking away.
"I know that your work is important to you, Jason. I won't give you an ultimatum and that's mainly because I know... you wouldn't choose me. I just wish-I just wish you would try to care about me half as much as you care about that. That's all."
Without another look at your devastated boyfriend, you dragged yourself and your dirty belongings away and trudged to your cabin. Nobody stopped you but one of your siblings did help you out of your dirty shoes at the door and handed you a towel with a hand on your back steering you to the showers.
You brought your hands to your head to detangle your hair and caught a whiff of tangy fruit. You paused and examined your muddy fingers that reeked of tangerines and knew you'd never be able to eat another one without a reminder of today. You practically threw your hands in the sink as you gave them a deep scrubbing.
Jason stood outside for a moment, looking only at the spot you'd been just seconds before. Self-hate bubbled up in his lungs and he couldn't breathe, his hands clenching and unclenching.
"I'm sorry.." He murmured and looked up to see the other campers quickly evade his gaze and duck away. He turned and stalked off into his cabin again, his eyes quickly filling as his brain clouded with shame.
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much-ado-about-whomst · 11 months
I saw a post abput drunk Ness and I couldn't resist. So @blue-sunflower-bee this one's for you.
Drunk Ness fluff
Ness will swear up in down till the day he dies that he's not a light weight. He can hold his alcohol, thank you very much.
The thing is that's a complete lie. Mike's seen him get tipsy on a Mike's Hard Lemonade. A shot of anything gets him drunker than a skunk. It's not a big deal since he doesn't drink much anyways.
Which is why Mike was suprised to see his boyfriend stumble into their house late one night after going out with some coworkers. Ness comes in giggling at nothing, and wobbling so severely that Mike gets up off the couch to help lead the taller man safely to it.
"Hello Sugar!" Ness's voice is louder than normal.
"Hey Darlin', easy now." Mike cautions as Ness trips over his own foot. "I thought you, Chris, and Jason were going bowling."
"We did!" Crise Ness as he finally made it to the safty of the couch.
"Then why are you drunk?" Mike sat down next to his silly boyfriend.
"'m not drunk." Ness pouts as he snuggles up into the warmth of Mike. "Its Chris's brithday. We had some shots in between rounds of bowling." Mike snorts and shakes his head. Ness is mesmerized by the movement of his hair. He sits up as gracefully as a newborn giraffe and starts to play with Mike's hair.
"Mike. Mike. Mike. Do you want to hear a fun fact I learned at work today?" Mike tries and fails to surpress the smile that makes its way up to his face and camps there.
"What did you learn darlin'?" Ness does a little happy wiggle, excited that someone is willing to listen to his ramblings.
"I learned from Amy that you can cook food in the dryer! She told me that her cousin's best friend did it with stake and it totally worked! Isnt that so cool? Maybe we should try that." Ness babbles as he takes his hands through Mike's hair. He starts trying to braid it, bit its too small to really amount to anything. So he gives up and runs his figners through the hair, enjoying the texture, before trying to braid it again.
"Sorry Darlin', but we are not cooking food in the dryer. No matter what Amy's cousin's best friend says." Mike's hands hold on to Ness's hips to keep him from toppeling off the couch
"But Sugar, think of the learning opportunities for Abby." Ness's puppy dog eyes were at full force and aimed right at Mike's heart. Mike steals himself before continuing.
"You can't use that as an excuse every time you want to do something."
Ness yawns real big and then replies,"I can try."
Mike makes sure Ness is sexure before standing up.
"Lets get you to bed Darlin'." He says in a hushed tone as he picks up Ness in a bridal carry and starts making his way to their room.
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hazelsmirrorball · 2 years
The Better Robin, the better lover.
Pairings: Batfam x batsis, batsis x Roy Harper
summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and the Batbros are fighting over who is most likely to get a flower arrangement.
warning: fighting, mentions of death.
a/n: And the Cupids Fourteen love stories continue. Hope you guys are enjoying the series! Lots of love
Previous imagine
Cupids fourteen Love Stories Masterlist
Dick Grayson walked down the stairs in the Wayne Manor heading towards the kitchen to sneak some snacks but his little trip stop when he spotted a beautiful flower arrangement neatly placed on the kitchen counter. Before he had time to pick the card of the flowers his actions where interrupted by Jason Todd entering the room.
“Don’t get near my flowers” he said emphasizing on my flowers.
“Your flowers? Who even got you flowers?” He said inspecting him up and down.
“ I have many lovers, Grayson. So they obviously sent me flowers. Now keep your dirty hands off it” Jason exclaimed, slapping his hand away.
“You can’t just assume these flowers are yours. It’s obvious that the flowers are for me, they are literally f/f, my favorite flowers. So I highly doubt that those flowers are for you. Now step aside and let me thank the person who got me those”
“Answer me this Dick, when have you had a stable relationship that your partner would send you flowers? Exactly, now move”
“Why do you find the need to offend me? I’m not the one that had commitment issues, look at yourself ” Dick said looking at Jason knowingly.
“Die and then you can judge my commitment choices” He muttered, pushing him slightly.
“I already did, asshole. That’s why I’m judging, you can’t use getting brutally murder as an excuse for everything, ” Dick said, pointing his chest several times.
“Dick, listen to what you just said because right now you’re really living up to your name” he said even louder face to face to him slapping his hand away.
“My names not Dick you ass. It’s Richard so joke on you” he said pushing him back. Both of them started pushing each other back and forth each time being harder.
“Oh! They look beautiful” Tim Drake said entering the frame and pushing past his brothers to look at the flowers.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Jason and Dick said at the same time looking down at their brother. Tim turned around to them, glaring at them.
“Please, Jason. I don’t want to get personal but you never leave this house and if you do, it’s for your vigilante bullshit so they wouldn’t know you live here and you, none of your situation ships are giving you such expensive flowers so move and keep on walking” Tim said smelling the flowers leaving two angry guys to stare him down.
“I’m sorry that you are so in love with your little boyfriend. But you literally couldn’t say it better, they are too expensive for you boyfriend to buy it” Dick responded.
“Are you trying to assume my boyfriend is poor?” Tim said, turning towards him.
“You said it not us” Jason responded, making Tim yell at him. The three of them yelled at each other making a huge ruckus. Bruce passed by watching them fight which made him quickly turn around back to his room. A few minutes later Roy Harper walked into the kitchen standing near the three boys.
“Guys?” Roy said but none of them answered after a few minutes of trying to get their attention.
“What!” The three of the yelled at Roy.
“Why are you guys fighting right now?” Roy asked separating them.
“We are trying to figure out who got us these flowers” Dick responded agitated, looking at him.
“Oh, that’s what this is about? Easy, I got the flowers” Roy responded with a shrug.
“See! I told you guys it was mine! Thank you so much Roy” Jason responded, giving him a side hug.
“You’re welcome? But just so you know this isn’t for you” Roy responded confused.
“What?!” Jason exclaimed, pushing Roy out of the hug.
“Ha! I knew you would eventually come through” Dick said, hugging Roy.
“It wasn’t for you either, Dick” he muttered.
“You disappoint me, Harper” Dick said, letting him go.
“I’m flattered Roy” Tim said walking towards him to walk him but before he did Roy spoke.
“Guys, it’s not for any of you guys. Did you even read the card?” Roy asked, looking at the trio. All three of them shook their heads, not making Roy roll his eyes.
“Well for who isn’t then?” Tim asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Oh, hi Roy!! I just wanted to thank you for the gifts” Y/n said walking in with chocolate covered strawberries in her hand.
“Y/n?!?” The trio exclaimed looking between the pair. Roy quickly blushed covering his face.
“What?” She asked, confused taking a bite of the chocolate covered strawberries.
“The flower arrangements are for you?” Dick asked, raising an eyebrow.
“The flowers, the chocolate covered strawberries and the plushies are for me, why?” She said looking at her brothers.
“I just can’t believe you and him or even better, you with anyone” Tim said looking at the flowers.
“What can I say, I got the romantic genes in our family” She said winking at them.
“You did not” Jason glared at her.
“I’m the only one that got a gift, so..” she said with a laugh making them roll their eyes.
“Just wait until you read the card” Roy responded with a small smirk. The three of them leaned into the flowers picking out the card reading the little note. All three of them angrily gasped at what they read.
“To the better Robin! That’s just insulting”
request are open, xoxo.
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
hello hello!! may I please request steve n hawkins where he’s a little bit more overprotective over her with billy—and she actually just lets him be? haha hope that makes sense and thank you so much for sharing your work!!
“Has Hargrove been buggin’ you again?”
Steve slung a leg over the bench, sliding in beside you. He set you with a soft look, even though his brows were furrowed. Worried. His hand reached out to touch, fingers skimming underneath your T-shirt to graze at your waist.
You thought about lying. You didn’t want to upset him, but you’d told Robin, a frustrated complaint late last night before bed ‘cause Billy wouldn’t shut up after Jason got sick and Murray set him on schedule with you.
Robin must’ve told Steve. You sighed, not annoyed, but tired. Pushing away your lunch, you glanced across the table at Nancy who nodded in understanding. She murmured a goodbye and went off in search for trouble to break up, making a beeline for Dustin Henderson’s table, ‘cause Eddie (who was supposed to be on lunch duty) was too busy talking to the new girl.
Steve squeezed at your hip, waiting for an answer. You shrugged, your smile weak as a little defeated, ‘cause you didn’t want Steve to see how much the other boy was bothering you. As much as the bloody and rugged look suited your boyfriend, the deduction in wages wasn’t ideal, not when you were both saving up for a place together.
“When isn’t he?” You tried to joke, but Steve’s frown furrowed deeper. “Babe, it’s fine. It’s Billy. He’s… Billy.”
But Steve didn’t let it go. He saw the downturn of your lips, the way you leaned into his touch for comfort. “What’s he been saying?”
He wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
“You don’t want to know.” It’s like you could read his mind. The corner of Steve’s lips ticked up. “You’d push him in the lake or something stupid.”
Steve leaned in, chin hooked on your shoulder, nose nudging at your cheek, the closet he’d get to giving you a kiss with all the kids around. “That sounds pretty tame,” he commented.
“You wouldn’t let him back up,” you added, smiling.
Steve grinned, his hand bumping up the side of your ribs, ghosting too close to the band of your bra and you squirmed, shooting him a look that said, ‘behave.’
“You’ll tell me, though?” Steve asked, voice dropping to a low murmur, thumb soothing over the skin on your stomach. You turned into him, nose nudging his and you knew you would only be granted seconds of the closeness before some kid threw food at you both. “You’ll let me know if he takes it too far?”
You nodded, smiling, eyes drooping prettily, that soft, fond way that Steve fucking adored, ‘cause you only did it for him.
And then—
The mess hall doors slammed hard enough against the walls that several kids jumped. And rightfully so. Billy strolled in, sunglasses still on and wearing a denim jacket instead of his staff T-shirt. He bypassed Eddie who rolled his eyes at him, stole a slice of pizza from Mike Wheeler’s page and walked right up to where you and Steve were sitting.
Billy tore off a piece of the crust, grinning at you as he chewed and he looked ready to say something, something lewd, especially for Steve to hear. You braced yourself, eyes bored looking as you stared back at him, chin lifted. But before Billy could say a word, Steve cut him off, pulling you closer into the space between his legs as he did.
“Say one more word to my girl, Hargrove, and I’ll make sure Murray finds a reason to search your cabin again.”
Billy stared, eyes narrowed but still smiling. He was pissed off, you could tell. So could Steve, but the boy hid it with sardonic amusement.
“Is that right? Feelin’ like a big boy with your girl beside you, huh?
From the corner of your eye, you saw Eddie move closer, weaving between tables without drawing the kids attention. Steve met his gaze, eyes flicking from Billy’s just enough to nod at his friend. ‘Wait’, it said, ‘it’s fine.’
Eddie stilled.
Steve turned back to Billy, shrugging as he lay a wide, warm palm on your bare thigh. It felt protective, not possessive.
“Would be weird if he found some snow in July, wouldn’t it?” Steve shot him a look of faux confusion, but he tapped at his nose knowingly. 
Billy glared. But he took a step back, throwing his half eaten pizza on top of your lunch tray. 
“Whatever, Harrington.”
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💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
Joe fucking West. He makes my skin crawl for so many reasons -Not telling his daughter that her mother is alive, pushing his foster son to pursue a relationship with his foster sister, controlling his daughter's life in everything from what kind of career she could go into to whether or not she should know about Barry's identity to -again- encouraging a relationship between her and her foster brother.
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
I think I've mentioned this before, but Bruce/Selina. It doesn't make any sense to me. They don't seem to like each other at all, after the 'We're on opposite sides' thing is taken away. Bruce/Talia is another one, but it's actually even more confusing to me, but I'm not sure if it's considered popular.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Okay, I couldn't narrow down my favourite character, so I'm gonna give you several!
Len- Any time he is written in a way that it isn't obvious that, at his core, he cares about people. Not just his Rogues, but regular citizens. Especially kids. This is a man who doesn't particular enjoy violence, but will fuck your shit up if you so much as scare a kid.
Harvey Dent- Harvey and Two-Face are two separate entities. While 'Face is the crime lord mob boss, Harvey himself is so fucking full of love and devotion and an intense desire to be good. And he fucking hates 'Face. They actually hate each other, but he fights him so hard. If you're writing a Harvey and I don't get the impression that he is the saddest man in the world, would do anything from Bruce or Batman, and that he wants to take care of Gotham, then you aren't writing Harvey, you're writing a dude with scars.
Jason Todd- Jason. Todd. Is. A. Dork. This is a boy who steals his brother's toys and whistles innocently. He grins and waves before blowing up a building with a rocket launcher. When waking up bare ass naked with a hot woman, he shuffles around covering his junk while nerding out over her spaceship. He gets bullied by the family dog. He Grrrs at people. He gets all sweet and doe eyed when he's drunk. Stop writing him as a dark grumbly edge lord! He is soft! He is dork! He is baby!
Conner Kent- If you aren't writing Kon as the saddest boy in the universe with identity and self worth issues bigger than all out doors, then you aren't writing Kon, you're just writing Some Guy. He is also not a dumb jock. He is a tiny (*glares at Johns' TT run*) little twink who collects Magic the Gathering cards, is a Trekkie, freaks out if he's going to miss his favourite show, and if he's going out as Conner instead of SB, he usually dresses quietly and in big frumpy clothes that conceal his body (someone let this baby explore his gender, goddammit).
Tim Drake- Don't waste my time if it isn't blatantly obvious that the Timmy you're writing isn't just one bad day away from snapping and raining hellfire and destruction across the land while he stands at the top of a pile of skulls laughing maniacally as the screams of the damned are echoing around him.
Tim Drake, 2.0- Don't waste my time if it isn't blatantly obvious that the Timmy you're writing wouldn't lose a fight with an arcade claw machine trying to show off for his boyfriend.
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Wil will admit that he‘d been a little worried when Jason told him where he’d gotten reservations.
L'Ombre du Prince is not exactly the kind of place that an alley rat usually gets access to, though he supposes most alley rats don’t end up with an ex-wayne Crime Lord for a boyfriend.
He feels dirty, sitting in the fancy dining hall with enough gold in it to feed the whole alley for a week. People in nearby tables keep giving him disgusted glances, and have since he first started speaking in his thick accent.
As he’d already said, he’d felt anxious when Jason said where they’d be going.
But then he told Wil what they’d be doing.
“Well, it’s Brucie’s favorite restaurant. I figured we’d go in, eat some overpriced deserts, and destroy the place on our way out.” He’d then showed Wil the stash he was planning to bring.
“I’ve got two baseball bats, two sledge hammers, ten smoke grenades, and my personal favorite, ten glitter bombs. Steph taught me how to make them.”
Fuck does Wil love him.
“Zoning out, amor?”
Wil should really learn some Spanish. He doesn’t even know how to say “yes” or “no,” much less the meanings of Jason’s—Hood’s, really, he decided to come in costume, with a nice suit over the top of it; there’s no mistaking the signature red helmet, though—various petnames.
Today he’s wearing the helmet with a detachable mouthpiece so he can actually eat. They’ve mostly ordered deserts, plus a few entrées that Jason recommended. Naturally, Wil ordered something so ridiculously spicy that one of the nearby couples had to move to a different table because of the scent alone.
They’re nearly finished with all of the things they’ve ordered.
…There’s another couple glaring at Wil and staring warily at Hood.
“Ready to blow this joint?” Jason uses ASL so that other guests don’t think he meant it literally.
“I was born ready.”
Simultaneously, Wil and Jason throw several smoke bombs. Jason takes hold of Wil and grapples up to the ceiling where they then throw their glitter bombs into the blind crowd. They reapply the smoke as needed, then let the guests all evacuate themselves (and let the glitter settle) before they drop back down to start smashing things.
Jason grabs a baseball bat, while Wil goes for a sledge.
I love th’s man, Wil thinks as he takes the long-handled hammer and topples some ugly gold statuette.
Jason knocks out a few windows and swipes tablecloths to knock everything to the ground like some overgrown cat with a grudge.
Wil sets down his sledge to start throwing chairs, and Jason takes his own to knock the legs off of the overly-fancy gilded tables.
Jason had the foresight to bring a powerful speaker, so “Highway To Hell” is blocking out the elevator music that is still playing.
Jason laughs in a way that would be terrifying to anyone who’s never seen him cry because Jay will never have the same relationship he’d had with Alfred.
They keep destroying things until it looks like Arkham after a breakout.
Jason turns fown the music, P!nk’s “So What” this time, “Ready to head home?”
Wil smiles, “Yeah, let’s pack up.”
They grab their smashing devices and empty grenade cartridges, as well as the speaker, and walk out the front doors like the protagonists in some “Cool Guys Don’t Look at Explosions” movie.
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thefuzzzz · 8 months
Ranking Nico Di Angelo ships as a multishipper with a crazy imagination, a Nico hyperfixation of 3 years, and the willpower of a god:
1. Solangelo - 8/10 I love them!! I adore Will in TSATS and he’s easily one of my favorite characters. I wish Rick had let us get to know Will separately before he was immediately made Nico’s boyfriend, but I love him anyway. I think they’re good for each other and very supportive. I think I spend too much time consuming media of them than their actual book interactions, because in media I hate their fanon portrayals, but I adore them in cannon. I only had the chance to read half of TSATS, but I thought it was cute!
2. Jasico - 10/10 I love them for the same reasons I love Solangelo, but Jason got character development and Will didn’t. Also, they had a cool moment with Cupid that I think about once a week at least. Jason is constantly someone Nico trusts and (I may be wrong) hugs at some point in the series. The only people Nico has shown direct physical affection to within the series (to my knowledge) are Will, Jason, Hazel, and Reyna. This proves how much Nico trusts Jason, even after Cupid. Also they’re silly and dumb and I love them so I’m right always
3. Nico x Conner - 10/10 I FUCKING LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Lemme explain. So when Nico came to camp he stayed with the Hermes cabin, but Luke was already fucked off (I think) so Conner and Travis were probably in charge of the cabin. Conner’s age changes several times, so I headcannon him to be just a tad older than Nico. I think since he knew Nico when he was a kid he can make present day Nico less doom and gloom and know when he’s truly happy. Also, Nico went to a notably strict military school before coming to camp, yk what they say, strict conditions raise sneaky kids. Thats right, these two are fucking nuts. They are little thieves. And I don’t even wanna mention the implications of Conner’s dad (Lin Manuel Miranda) being the god of travelers and Nico essentially being an eternal traveller. They make me so sick I love them
4. Nico x Clovis - 7/10 they were mentioned as friends MAYBE once and I took that shit and ran with it tbh. I don’t even remember if it’s cannon. I just love them. I THINK it was mentioned that Clovis helps Nico with his nightmares, but atp this shit might just be my imagination or a fic I read once. Anyways, Nico is noted as a very anxious person, and Clovis is very laid back. I really like that duo and the idea that Clovis can help to ground him a lot and help him relax
5. Valdengelo - 6/10 while I do adore them, they have hardly any time together or any bonding moments at all (Note: I am a hypocrite over Clovis let’s fight abt it) I do love media about them and consume it at rates not comprehendible by mankind though. Aside from no time together, I think they’re epic. Nico experiences a lot of the same things as Leo, such as losing his mother and general sadness, but they cope in wildly different ways (neither of which are healthy). Also, Nico grew up in the lotus casino. I’m sick of us all acting like he doesn’t understand technology. Let them be engineer boyfriends PLEASE
6. Pernico. - 0/10 I don’t care at all if other people ship them, since it’s fandom and you can do whatever you want. I just personally don’t enjoy their chemistry and see them more as brothers. You do you tho.
Keep in mind this is just my opinion please don’t take anything too personal!! I love all ships (almost.) equally and if you have any fic recommendations for any of these please give them to me I’m desperate
(Also, this doesn’t represent my FAVORITE Nico ship, just a ranking based on how much I giggle when I see them. It does not take many logistics into account)
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pedgito · 2 years
went to a halloween party last night and got a little rowdy 😵‍💫 was wondering if you could write a little blurb or something on how eddie would be if you got sick at a party?? 👉🏽👈🏽😘😘
author’s note: super short but i was in the mood for something cute, i hope you enjoy!
cw: drunk!reader, hints at nefarious activities (*cough* sex), eddie being a sweet boyfriend, just lots of fluff, taking care of sick reader, if i missed anything lmk!
word count: 1k
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Contrary to what most people at Hawkins High believed, Eddie wasn’t all about the extravagancy of making costumes, dressing up, and trying to fight for the center of attention. As the resident freak, that all came naturally. Yet still, he dressed up for you—sort of.
“Vampires?” Eddie asks wearily, letting you tie the black cape around his neck, the string tied in a perfect bow at the base of his clavicle. You nod giddily, tugging gently on the string to make sure it was secure.
Yours was matching, but lined with a red satin and slightly flared at the collar where his was full, matte black. Eddie didn’t change his normal clothes, frayed black jeans and his usual worn out band shirt sitting snug on his frame. His fingers ran along the sheer tights you had on underneath your unitard, set to pair with your cape.
“It was that or bunnies,” You shrug, picking out the prop teeth caps from their case—instead of those ridiculous plastic teeth you opted for something a lot more subtle, “and as much as I’d love to see you wear those ears, this was definitely the better choice.”
Eddie makes a face discomfort, letting you set the fake teeth into place until they’re stuck, running your finger along the point. “Where are yours?” Eddie asks suspiciously, slight lisp to his tone as he familiarized himself with the obstruction in his mouth.
“They’re already on,” You reply with smile, canines peeking out just past your top lip, “didn’t think I’d let you embarrass alone, did you? Although—I do still have the ears in my bag if you want to spice things up a bit—“
“No,” Eddie retorts swiftly, hands clasped around your wrist from where they cradled his face, “how long do we have to stay again?”
“An hour, maybe,” You tell him, shrug noncommittal, “it’s not like we have anything else planned for tonight—besides, Robin and Steve are going. Nance said she might bring Johnathan.”
“I can find plenty to keep us busy tonight, you know.” Eddie says playfully, wiggling his eyebrows, mouth turned to kiss the inside of your palm.
You smirk knowingly, pressing a firm finger to his lips to silence him. “Later.” You promise, “If you can behave.”
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Eddie soon realizes that he’s not the one that needs to watched, having to wrangle your from nearly every drinking party game and sign of alcohol that’s thrown your way after a half hour, because the moment you stumble into his side, eyes glazed over—he knows.
“Les’ go, Eddie.” You urge, pulling him toward the backyard of Jason’s house, pool packed with several bodies despite the rigid temperatures, “I wanna swim.”
Eddie purses his lips, pulling the hair back that falls in your face as you stumble forward, leaning your weight on him fully. “That’s not on the agenda tonight, sweetheart.”
You pout, looking up at him with wet eyes. “You’re no fun.”
“I beg to differ.” Eddie counters with a laugh, but it dies out when he sees your eyes zone out, staring at the wall in front of you. “Oh—oh, okay. We’re leaving.”
You groan, “No. Not yet, Eddie.” You yank feebly against his grip, it didn’t budge. “Please?”
Eddie stares down at you, big doe eyes soft and comforting behind the thick ring of eyeliner you’d drawn on his waterline earlier that night. “Look at me.”
You do, but the everything behind him is spinning, causing you to close your eyes with a wince, the bright amber lights strung about the house giving you a migraine.
“That’s what I thought.” Eddie says with a slight smile, “We’re leaving.”
Eddie’s timing is impeccable, having successfully removed you from the house just before you decided to throw up on the front lawn, narrowly avoiding your outfit as Eddie hunches over with you, holding you up.
“Okay,” You groan, “maybe you’re right.”
Eddie responds with a noise of approval, hoisting you back up when you’re through the worst of it, wiping at your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Anything but the shoes, babe.” Eddie pleads, lifting you into the passenger seat of his van. You shake your head, signaling that you were alright for the moment, clammy hand clutched to your forehead. Eddie reaches for the handkerchief tucked in his back pocket, resting it into your hand. “For your mouth,” he motions, guiding your hand up to wipe at the corner of your lips, “—just let me know if you need me to pull over. I’m taking you back to my place.”
You nod silently, struggling to find the energy or concentration to respond.
Eddie only has to pull over two times, both narrow near misses as you barely swing the door open before you’re unloading on the pavement, the cool touch of his hand on your back as you fight through the misery and consequences of overestimating how much alcohol you could handle.
And as chivalrous as Eddie is, he sweeps you up bridal style when you finally arrive at the trailer, not giving you any more reason to stumble and injure yourself tonight.
“I’m gross, I’m sorry.” You apologize when Eddie reaches his bed, laying you down gently. Eddie laughs into the air, hands dragging down your legs to pull at your shoes, before reaching back up to untie the cape around your neck, doing the same to himself a few moments later.
“Have you seen where I live?” Eddie asks redundantly, “Where I sleep?”
No response, a frown stuck on your face as your stomach begins to turn. Eddie panics, fingers flexing as he reached for the small trashcan at his bedside, letting you lean over his lap, cheeks burning with embarrassment as you dry heaved into the bin.
“Nothing grosses me out, sweetheart.” Eddie reminds you, gently pulling the hair away from your face. “You think you can hold it down for a minute while I go grab some stuff?”
You nod weakly, flopping back down on his mattress, regretting the sudden movement as your head pounds harshly. Eddie’s footsteps fade quickly, the faint rummaging heard from the kitchen, talking to himself as he searched around.
He returns with an armful—water, snacks, some medicine that you can’t be bothered to read, letting him shift you around to make you more comfortable.
“I’m fine.” You insist, eyes squeezed shut in frustration.
You were very much not fine.
“You lost your teeth.” Eddie comments randomly, grin growing wide on his face.
“What?” You ask, hands flying to your mouth, searching for something that was already long gone. “Dammit—“
Eddie watches you slump, a bad night becoming even worse, in your eyes at least.
“At least one of us stayed in character,” Eddie teases and you spot the fangs still holding steady in his mouth, “—now, are you going to let me take care of you?”
You sigh, nodding at him with a petulant frown—resembling a child being told they can’t have their favorite toy.
Eddie shoves the open water bottle at you, his hand reaching behind you to lift you up, rim pressed to your lips as he silently asked you to drink, the cold water like heaven as it washed over your tongue.
“You’re gonna finish this, take some medicine for the headache I know you’re gonna have in the morning—and then you’re taking your stubborn ass to sleep.”
You eye him narrowly, only confirming his flippant use of stubborn. “But—I thought we were supposed to have fun.”
“I don’t know,” Eddie chuckles slightly, eyes flicking down to meet your face, “this is pretty fun to me.”
“You’re enjoying this too much.” You say in annoyance, relaxing into the bed again, Eddie’s finger coming up to wipe away the water that had dripped down your chin.
“Only a little.” Eddie admits, “I told you we should’ve stayed in but no—“
You roll your eyes lightheartedly, yanking at the string tied around his neck, “You’re being mean—you don’t deserve the cape.”
The words hold no malice, knowing that Eddie was, without a doubt, the sweetest person in your life—dropping everything to take care of you at his own inconvenience, a cause of your own irresponsible choices.
“And I was actually starting to enjoy it,” Eddie remarks, pulling at the fake teeth and placing them on the table at his bedside, “sort of.”
You laugh a little too hard, curling around yourself in anguish. “You’re a terrible liar, Eddie.” You breathe out.
Eddie shrugs, “Yeah, well—the things you do for the people you love, right?” He tells you, leaning forward to press a chaste kiss against your forehead.
You smile, holding him there for a brief moment.
“Right.” You respond, “I love you.”
“And I love you,” He murmurs against your skin.
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iguana-eyanna · 1 year
From The Bird's Eye View Chapter 2
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
Summary: Although you achieved your dream of being a designer, you never considered meeting a man who's also a father.
Jason (11): First Meeting
You look down at your phone, waiting for the phone to ring. 
“C’mon, Bruce.” You muttered. 
Suddenly, the event planner for today’s ceremony came to retrieve you. 
“We’re ready.” She said.
You nod before placing your phone away, preparing.
Today was the grand opening of Gotham’s first youth center located in Crime Valley, and you and Bruce were the cofounders. He was supposed to be here with you, but duty called. You were a bit upset about it (and at him for other reasons). B ut you continued on, knowing this is much bigger than you.
You arrived at the podium, smiling.
“Hello everyone, thank you all for your support. This project that I and Bruce Wayne have started has been 2 years in the making. We believe that the children of Gotham are our future, and we strive to help them form their paths and passions. I will be answering a few questions for the time being.”
Most of the questions centered on what the process was for the center, as you both chose to renovate a building that was in foreclosure. 
But the last question caught you off guard, and it took most of your will not to break down.
“Can you address the rumors that your son, Dick Grayson, is moving out of Gotham?” One final reporter said out loud.
You knew this was coming, so you simply smiled to appear everything is fine.
“Yes, Dick is furthering his education in San Francisco. Bruce and I are excited to see him form his own path. Bruce is with him to help him settle and that’s why he isn’t present today. That’s all that I have time for, thank you for coming.” You said before walking down the podium. 
Reporters kept on raising their voices, but you didn’t give them the time of day, not when you were still upset with Bruce. 
Over a year into your relationship, you found out that your boyfriend was none other than Gotham’s dark knight, Batman. It was shocking to find him half-conscious in your apartment, but you guys had a long talk. This was his first step in letting you into his life. The second part was when he asked you if you could sign the adoption papers for Dick. 
You didn’t hesitate for one second, nodding with tears in your eyes. Dick was so happy that he gets to finally call you mom. (One time, he accidentally slipped when he called you mom when you dropped him off at school, which made you tear up happily.)
You moved into the manor later on. The public found it strange that Bruce didn’t ask to marry you first before letting you be the legal guardian for his son, but you two didn’t care.
Right now, all you wanted was to become a family.
Several months later, Bruce came to you with not-so-great news. 
The Justice League decided it was time to branch out and have other heroes be stationed on the West Coast. They initialized the Titans, a band of young promising individuals - and Bruce wanted Dick to lead them.
You got a bit unhappy with his decision. You only got to have him for a few months and now Bruce is telling you that Dick had to go. You had so many thoughts, and so many concerns, but Bruce told you all the right things. And you believed him. 
Last night, you were at the airport to drop him off.
“I’ll be fine, mom. You’re more than happy to visit.” He said as you were holding him tight. 
You let go and wipe your eyes. 
“Okay, make sure you call me once you settle over there. I love you.” He smiled back before hugging you once more.
“Love you more.” He said before racing off to his new group of friends. Bruce walks over to you, placing a hand on your back. 
“I’ll be back in the following days, but I can’t attend the ceremony.” He said. 
You nod your head. “I know you’re going to be training them. This isn’t some retreat but remember they’re kids too.” 
You both look over at the group of teens in front of you. Martian Man Hunter was talking to his niece that moved to Earth. Kid Flash was running around, getting to know his new teammates. Cyborg was talking to Dick and Starfire. Then stood alone the new addition, Superboy. He doesn’t talk much, but he’s been trying his best to contact Superman. He wasn’t present like the other heroes saying goodbye to their prodigies. 
“Clark hasn’t talked to Conor?” You ask.
Bruce shakes his head. 
“I’ve been trying to contact him but he needs time. And so does him.” Bruce said, knowing Conor can use his super hearing. 
You stand closer to Bruce, fixing his coat. 
“Before you go, I want to clear the air for some things. I know what I got myself into, but I need to know if we’re in this together as a team. We’re firstly parents to that boy right there and to anyone who needs us. Okay?”
“I know, I promise they’ll be fine.”
He kisses you goodbye and left with Dick and the others. 
That was a week ago. 
And now you were walking away from the center, feeling a bit hopeless. You just started to become a mother, and now it felt like a part of you was missing. 
You didn’t realize how much time passed as you saw the sky darken. You hear footsteps following you.  You slightly turn and see a group of individuals who wore hoodies. Your pace was faster, and your breath became heavier. 
You tried getting your phone but it was dead, you silently curse under your breath. 
You tripped over an even crack on the sidewalk, tripping down. 
You look up and see the hooded figures cornering you. You quickly got up and took off your stiletto heel, using it as a weapon. 
Before anyone began to attack, you heard a voice scream out loud.
“Hey, buttheads!” 
The group looked up including you, and you see a young boy at a fire escape. 
“I just called the cops and they’re on their way any minute, so I’d say you leave her alone unless you want to go to jail.” He said, shaking his phone in his hand.
They looked alert so they ran off into the night. 
You look up again and see that the young boy was climbing down to you. He smirks, throwing his phone up in the air.
“Jokes on them, I stole this fake phone.” He said.
You feel your face burning, crossing your arms.
“Young man, you could have dangerously been hurt!”
The young boy looks a bit shocked, placing a hand on his chest accusingly. 
“A ‘thank you’ would have been suffice. I just saved your life!”
You look at him, blinking a few times. 
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” 
You look up to see the apartment he came down to and see that it was condemned.  
You look back at him, feeling your heartstrings pull.
“Are your parents here?” You ask. 
He hesitates a bit.
“They died a few years ago.”
You knew that was the answer, but it was hard hearing it.
“What’s your name?” You ask.
“Hey, I don’t give my name freely to strangers.” He said defensively.
“Oh, I just thought a hero like you deserves a free burger with a shake…”
His eyes lit up like Christmas lights and he stood taller.
“Jason! My name is Jason, but you could call me Jay for short.”
You smile at him, saying your name. 
The two of you walked over to the diner near where you were. Once you two settled down, Jason was devouring his sandwich and slurping his drink. 
You caught him staring at you.
“You know, bribing kids with food is a form of kidnapping.” He said, wiping his face with a napkin.
You couldn’t help but snort.
“I swear, you’re free to go as you please.” You assured him.
“Not without another fry.” He said, throwing it up in the air and catching it in his mouth. 
You copied his manners and you two were in a giggling fit. Once it died down, Jason looks at you in deep thought.
“You know, I heard about you in the news… how you want to improve this neighborhood.” 
“It’s not like that.” You lightly scolded him, dipping your fry in the milkshake.
“So you’re telling me you and your boyfriend didn’t just throw money where people are struggling to get by to feel good about yourselves?”
You playfully scoff, seeing how forward he is.
“There’s a reason why I chose Crime Alley to open the youth center. Truth be told, I used to live here.”
“No way.” Jason said, thinking you came from a life of luxury.
You lightly chuckle.
“Yes way. After my-” You caught yourself mid-sentence. 
“I moved away when my aunt took me into her place. I wanted to recognize my roots, no matter how hard it got, I remembered that there are kids like me… just wanting to find a safe place and be who they are.”
Jason looks at you solemnly. 
“I’m sorry if I thought you were just some snobby rich lady.” He said in a low tone.
You softly smile at him. 
“I would have thought like that too when I was your age.” You said, making him crack a smile.
“If you don’t mind, I just need to find a phone. I’ll be right back.”
You stood up and went up to the register who pointed out a payphone at the end of the hallway.
Jason saw you dialing and made contact with your purse. You could have taken it with you, but you trusted him. Jason inhales sharply and digs in.
“I’m fine Alfred, just a couple scraps. I’m at the local diner if you could meet me here. And also… could you get in touch with child services? There’s a boy that needs a home and… I want to give him one.” You wrapped up your conversation and headed back to your seat.
But once near, you see that Jason is gone. 
You gaze around to see if he was still there, but Jay was gone. You stare down at the table and saw a handwritten note on a piece of napkin.
Sorry, I used your pen from your purse to tell you I need to go. You’re really nice, there’s need to be more people like you in the world. Thanks for giving me the time of day when others haven’t.
You hold the napkin close to your chest, slightly tearing up. Of course, he had every right to leave as he wished, but a part of you wanted him to stay. Soon, Alfred picked you up from the diner and helped you with the scraps on your palms and knees. You didn’t share much of what happened and decided that you needed to go to bed.
You couldn’t lull yourself to sleep yet, as your mind was thinking about today. Suddenly, you hear the door slowly open. A bag silently thuds on the ground and footsteps were made to the bed. The figure takes off their shoes and slides into bed behind you, hugging you from behind. 
You hum in silence as you turned around, already knowing it’s Bruce. 
“Go to sleep, we can catch up when you’re awake.” He whispers as you snuggle closer in his chest. 
“Can I ask you something?” You whispered in your sleepy state. 
“Sure.” Bruce smiles softly.
“Do you still want more kids?” You ask.
Bruce’s eyes widen from your question. 
“I’m sorry?” He asks, a bit off guard.
You start to get out of your sleepy state and stare at him seriously.
“After the function, this kid saved me in a rough area. I took him to this diner and got to know a little bit about him. He doesn’t have anyone, and I want to know if he’s safe. I was considering finding him a foster home, but deep down I want to bring him into this family.” 
Bruce looks at you softly. One thing about you is that you had a big heart, and you wanted to spread the love your heart produced. 
He holds you closer by your waist.
“We can make a few calls tomorrow.” He said.
Your eyes brighten.
“Really?” You ask, smiling ear to ear. 
He nods eagerly, making you squeal as you hug him, thinking that your family will grow. 
But, the trouble was finding Jason. 
You two tried visiting the building where you met the young boy, but it was getting renovated. You two tried your connections to see where he could be but everything was nearing to a dead end. 
Bruce could see you were losing bits of your hope, as this boy unexpectantly snuck in your heart and left a hole. 
One day, he found you doing some cleaning aggressively in one of the rooms. 
He goes up to you and stops what you’re doing, massaging your back muscles to help you relax. 
“Why is this so hard? It’s like the universe doesn’t want us to find him.” You whispered, sniffing. 
“It’s going to be alright. I’m sure he’s a resourceful kid, he could have found a group home.” Bruce said.
You look up at him, a bit upset. 
“But we still don’t know where he is. What if he’s hurt or worse?”
“Look, I’m just trying to look at this at an alternate perspective.”
You get away from his touch.
“It sounds like you’re wanting to give up.”
“That’s not what I’m insinuating.” He said defensively. 
“There is a young boy out there, probably cold and hungry and you think he’s miraculously alright. Not everyone has those privileges, it’s not like you can just throw money at every problem.” You snapped.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He asks.
You scoff. 
“Oh please Bruce, when have you ever been present to any of the functions outside of charity galas or meetings with big press? Or when did you actually visit the places that you so-called wanted to care for?”
Bruce’s anger was rising as he felt his blood boil. 
“You know very well that’s not true.” He says.
“Why? Is it because you’re saving this city? The world? You’re too busy in space and you can’t be there for your girlfriend who’s trying to struggle with your responsibilities as well as hers? When you’re not Batman, you’re busy being a phony billionaire and when you can’t be that, your risking your life and not thinking of how it’ll affect the people you leave behind!” 
You screamed out the last words and stare at Bruce with wild eyes. Bruce looks just as angry as you, but he just stood there in silence. 
A ring goes off and you see it was your phone, lighting up with Dick’s name and a picture of him. 
You walk past Bruce and picked up your phone, leaving the room with tears brimming in your eyes.
“Hi honey, let me find a place to talk.” You said, leaving Bruce behind. 
He took a deep breath and marched out of the room, wanting to be alone with his thoughts. Making his way to the cave, Bruce decided he needed to get out of the manor. 
So he drove in the mobile on patrol, reflecting on your words. 
Did it appear that he was just some rich guy who didn’t care for every cause he donated for?
Was he always on his own agenda and didn’t make time for what mattered?
And did you really feel alone?
He pulled over an empty alleyway and jumped out. He’s been wanting to solve an old case that he’s been avoiding so he wanted to investigate the building. 
Bruce jumps onto the fire escape and slides in an apartment through an open window. He scouted out a few stories but couldn’t find anything. He didn’t have a clear mind, not when your words were plaguing him. Only staying for just a few minutes, he decided to leave. 
But what he came back to was a sore sight. 
“C’mon…” a young boy gritted as he was trying to pry off the wheels from the mobile. Bruce cascaded his shadow over the boy and he turned around, scared half to death.
“Batman.” He said in a scared tone.
Bruce crosses his arms across his chest, not liking the situation. 
“What are you doing here?” Bruce asks intimidatingly.
He gulps silently and puts his hands behind his back, shifting up and down.
“Oh, just thought you could do a tire change.” He said, but his lying wasn’t very good. 
“It looks like you were trying to steal them.” Bruce said as he could see the discarded tools that were on the ground.
The young boy sighs in defeat, looking at the ground. 
“Is this where you call the cops?” He asks. 
Bruce was about to respond but he takes a deeper look at the kid. 
He looks like he had it rough, looking a bit under weight and pale. 
But the boy’s eyes looks like he lived two lifetimes, and that’s something you should never see in a child. 
“No, I’m not. But you’re going to answer every one of my questions.” 
The kid looks up, gratefully nodding.
“Yeah, name anything!”
“Take me where you’re staying.” Bruce said. 
Jason takes Bruce to a building a block from there as they found a side door which the kid opens forcefully. They take the stairs up to the fourth floor, and Bruce sees a used mattress that laid on the floor and a little made shift fire place in the corner of the room. 
“Making a fire in here is dangerous.” He said.
The kid scoffs as he sits on the mattress.
“If you could find the heating in this place, I’ll stop.” He said sarcastically. 
Bruce slightly rolls his eyes as he looks around. There was an open window that could clearly see where the mobil was parked, so he must have thought this would be a window of opportunity.
“Who put you up to this?” He asks. 
“No one, I thought if I got word that I got Batman’s wheels, I could be able to crash in a hotel for a few nights.”
“And what would have happened if people found out that you did that? They could have used you for their personal gain.” 
“Why you lecturing me like you’re my dad? Heck, you didn’t even ask what my name was.” He replied.
Bruce exhales, realizing he’s just interrogating the kid.
“Okay, what’s your name?”
“It’s Jason.”
Bruce stops in his tracks and looks at him.
“What?” He asks innocently.
All Bruce could do was slightly chuckle to himself, making Jason feel confused.
“You’re a tough kid to find Jason.”
“Wait, you’ve been looking for me?” Jason asks.
“Well, someone else… a nice woman, said that you saved her life in Crime Alley.”
Jason thinks and looks away, feeling slightly guilty. 
“Tell her I’m able to get by, I don’t need anyone’s pity.” He said.
Bruce kneels down to him, feeling his heart shed from the ice that’s been protecting it. 
“She cares for you, Jason. She hasn’t been able to rest because she needed to know if you had a good place to stay, or if you were fed, or if you were healthy.”
“How do you know about her?” Jason asks.
Bruce removes his cowl and looks at the kid. 
“Because she’s someone I deeply love.”
Jason’s eyes widen seeing that Bruce Wayne was Batman.
“Holy Shi-”
“Language” Bruce warned. 
Jason stands up straight, feeling bizarre.
“This is AWESOME! I know a superhero! I promise not to tell a soul about this- Wait. Why are you even telling me this?” Jason asks.
Bruce cracks a smile and looks back at Jason. 
“Why don’t I take you somewhere to eat and we’ll talk?” 
Bruce called you to meet you at the youth center, wanting to talk to you. You met him by one of the art studios. 
“Hi.” You said in a low tone.
“Hey, mind if we sit?” He asks. 
You nodded and you two sat down uneasy.
“I um, wanted to apologize for how I’ve been treating you.” Bruce says.
You give him a puzzled look.
“Bruce, I should be the one apologizing. I said those awful things…” You said.
“No, you were calling me on my bullshit. It’s true. Sometimes, donating money to charities or causes isn’t enough. I have to be here and put in the work. It was unfair for you to step in and take over when it was supposed to be the two of us working together. I lost sight of what’s important. I’m sorry that I wasn’t here.” 
You cradle his face in your palm, moving your thumb across his cheek. 
“I’m sorry, too. I hate staying angry at you.” You said, as you give him a sweet kiss.
He smiles at your action as he takes his hands in yours. 
“C’mon, there’s something I want to show you.” 
Bruce took you outside to the playground in the back. A bunch of kids were playing outside and you see a particular boy playing by the monkey bars. 
“Jason?” You say to yourself. He looked so happy and bright, making your heart beam with relief.
“How did you find him?” You ask.
“It’s a long story, but I talked to Child Services and found him a home.” Bruce said, pointing out an older woman who was in the corner watching him. 
“Oh, where is he staying at?” You asked, sad to see him go. 
Bruce wraps an arm around your waist as he looks at you. 
“Jason’s coming with us, I was able to get the papers. We’re going to adopt him.”
You look up to him, with happy tears filling your eyes. You give Bruce a tight hug, squealing. You turn around and you look over at the playground.
“Jason!” You said out loud.
The boy turns around and lands on his feet, running towards you. 
You kneeled down as Jason came running towards your arms and you two hugged tightly, afraid to let go. 
“You came back!” Jason said.
“Of course I did, I’ve been trying to find you everywhere. You almost gave me a heart attack!”
Jason laughs at your worried state as you ruffle his hair. 
“How’d you like to come live with me and Bruce?” You ask.
Jason cracks into a smile and nods.
“I’d like that.”
Bruce makes his way towards the two of you as he lifts Jason from the floor, making him sit on his shoulders as the Todd boy squeals. 
“Shall we head home?” Bruce asks. 
“Yeah, let’s go.” You said, kissing Bruce again.
“Ewww.” Jason joked. 
All of you broke into laughter as you intertwined your hand with Bruce as you make your way to the manor,
Together as a family.
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willsimpforanyone · 1 year
For some reason I now have a desire for angst, so could you do a Jason grace x male or GN reader
Where Jason has just started to become too busy with quests and being a praetor(?) To camp Jupiter, and the reader just keeps trying to have a conversation with him until the reader just stops and accepts that Jason might not talk with them anymore.
(Note: only if you want to do this)
i can totally do that, sorry you've had to wait so long for your angst!
I buried my face in Jason's neck. "Hey, I've missed you."
His arms wrapped around my shoulders, breathing deeply. "I've missed you too, baby."
Jason had been gone on a quest for almost a month, with no way to communicate with anyone other than the other people on the quest. I'd missed him so much it hurt.
There was a cough from behind us. Chiron stood, a little awkwardly. "Beg your pardon, but Jason is needed to debrief about the quest in the house."
I nodded, and reluctantly let go of my boyfriend. "I'll see you later, yeah?"
He kissed my cheek. "As soon as I'm done." He walked away with Chiron. Well, that's okay, I've spent weeks without him, what's an hour or so more?
It was six hours later and well past the time I should have been asleep before Jason found me looking into the campfire in the amphitheatre. He looked exhausted and I didn't look much better.
He sat next to me, and I wrapped an arm over his shoulders. "They kept you for a long time, huh?"
Nodding, Jason leant against me. "Yeah, they wanted to know every detail." He paused, but didn't say anything else.
I kept my eyes on the fire. "Anything else?"
He sighed. "Um, yeah, I have to go back to Camp Jupiter tomorrow."
I shifted to look at him, eyes wide. "Tomorrow? You've just come back, can't they give you a break?"
Jason gave a small, tired laugh. "Nope, I'm a Praetor, I kind of have to help run the whole camp." He already looked like he had lists and chores to do running in his head.
"But-" I tried not to feel selfish. "-but I've just got you back, it's not fair."
Jason shrugged. "You could come with me."
I considered it carefully. I could spend time with my boyfriend, get to experience Camp Jupiter, it would be cool. But I was the oldest in my cabin- the second oldest was thirteen, the youngest was six.
"I can't leave my cabin, Jas, you know that, I can't leave them the way so many of their parents left them."
He nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I know." Jason stood, and offered a hand. "We have tonight, though, you want to sleep in my bed?"
My heart jumped and I grinned. "Absolutely."
The next morning I woke up alone in the Zeus cabin. There was a note on the bedside table- 'had 2 go, love u - J'. Something cold settled in my stomach; there were several issues with the note, namely that he didn't wake me up to say goodbye.
I brushed off the feeling and shuffled to my own cabin to shower and get ready for the day. At breakfast, I wandered up to Chiron. "Sir? Can I ask you something?"
"You need not call me sir, dear boy, but yes." He turned his full attention on me.
I swallowed. "Um, did you ask Jason to go to Camp Jupiter early this morning?"
Chiron frowned. "No, I did not. Perhaps Reyna requested his presence, perhaps he decided they needed him more than we do."
That cold feeling grew stronger. "O-okay, thank you." I walked away, worried and slightly sick. Why would Jason leave so soon of his own volition? He'd just come back to me, he said he missed me. Did he?
In a slight panic, I pushed that thought away as soon as it came. Of course he missed me, he loves me, Reyna must be in trouble, something really important must've come up, he wouldn't leave me so soon otherwise.
It was a week before I saw Jason again. He came for a visit on official Camp business but I was happy to see him anyway. Or I was, until he greeted me with a quick kiss on the cheek and was swept away to discuss something or other. I was left behind. I felt silly, standing still and watching him walk away, lip quivering as I tried not to cry.
There was a tug on my jeans.
"Why are you sad?" Robert, my youngest brother, looked up at me with as much concern as a six-year-old can manage. I sniffed and put on a smile, lifting him into my arms.
"I'm sad because I miss someone, that's all."
Robert held onto my sweater with one hand and tried his best to wipe away a traitorous tear that had slipped down my cheek. "Why?"
I sighed. "Because I love him very much, and I haven't seen him in a long time." Robert nodded sagely as if he knew exactly what I was talking about. "Do you miss anyone, hm?"
Robert nodded. "I miss my big brother a lot."
"Yeah? Which one?"
He pointed at my nose. "You. Daisy says you are sad a lot and that's why you are asleep a lot."
More tears escaped my eyes. "You miss me, huh? I'm sorry, buddy, I'll try and be a better big brother, okay?"
"Okay. Can we go get a snack?"
"Sure, we can go get a snack."
I'd clearly been letting my feelings overwhelm me; Daisy was thirteen, she didn't need to worry about me as well as learning to live in this new world. I pushed Jason to the back of my mind for now, I had to look after my family.
It was another few weeks and conversations with my friends before I saw Jason again. He gave me a halfhearted smile and gestured to the house, as if to say 'what can I do? I have to go'.
I rolled my eyes and stepped in front of him. "No, you're going to talk to me, now."
Jason frowned. "I have to go debrief from a quest, babe, I have responsibilities." Babe? Really?
"No, we're going to have this conversation now, and then you're free to do whatever you want." That sounded final enough to me.
Jason shifted on his feet, glancing over at the Big House. "You sure it can't wait? I really have to go."
Fine. "You want it short and sweet, huh? Fine, can do." I crossed my arms, swallowing around the lump in my throat. "I'm breaking up with you."
Eyes wide, Jason looked like he'd been smacked in the face.
"W-what? You're breaking up with me? Why?" He sounded so surprised, like he hadn't been neglecting me for months now.
I stood strong, resisting the urge to smooth away his creased forehead and take everything back. I'd talked to my friends about this, I'd prayed to my godly parent, I'd thought long and hard about this decision, I couldn't let him sway me so easily.
"Because in the last 3 months, I've seen you three times, and only one of those times has been for longer than five minutes, Jas." I dug my nails into my palms, I was not going to cry. "It's been like I don't have a boyfriend, and I've been so upset about it that Robert said he missed me even though he sees me every day!"
Jason shoved his hands in his pockets. "Well, you could have come with me to Camp Jupiter."
"Oh, fuck you." I hissed. "I am at least four years older than anyone else in my cabin, I have a responsibility to them, I can't leave them just because the only way my boyfriend will talk to me is if I follow him around like a puppy!"
Jason opened his mouth, but I cut him off. "No, I don't want to hear your defence. I've been so wrapped up in feeling like you don't care about me that I forgot to care about me. We're done, Jason, we're done."
Without giving him a chance, I turned on my heel and walked away, tears welling up and stinging like acid in my eyes. I didn't look back, didn't hear him calling for me, prayed to all the gods that my cabin was empty. I shut the door behind me and slid down it, landing hard on the floor.
My prayer wasn't answered, my siblings were inside and watching something on my laptop. Daisy looked round, looking worried as I hastily wiped the tears off my cheeks. "You okay?" Robert wiggled his way out of the cuddle pile and over to where I sat.
"You're still sad."
I gave him a watery smile. "Yeah, but I won't been soon, okay?"
Robert cocked his head to one side. "Why?"
I hefted him into my lap, sending a comforting smile to Daisy and the rest.
"I won't miss him anymore."
thank you so much for requesting, i hope you enjoyed!
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