rwuffles · 1 month
Mootie the radqueers came for you too 😭
Why are they attacking all my moots recently
What the hell
LITERALLY. i'm like oh no the rqs r coming for winecovered .... well back to my blog!
Where Did These Radqueers Come from.
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tieflingbi · 9 months
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Saw that I got tagged by @hylfystt to make some OCs in this picrew here!
I haven't touched picrew in a while so this was super fun, thank you so much!! <3 <3
From top left to bottom right:
A'myrrhis Venko - My WoL (FFXIV). Myrri my beloved!! I am kissing her cute lil face!!! Should be a bunny but no bunny ears in this picrew alas, so humansona it is for her this time around. Yuvia - My Tav (BG3). Babygirl with the biggest, wettest eyes. Can't believe the picrew actually had face scales for her!! Maybe I will give her a last name one day, but today is not that day. Bria Duskroot - My Commander (GW2). I've kinda been neglecting her but she'll always have a special place in my heart so I can't do one of these without her!!! Sorry bby I love you enjoy retirement with your husband, kids and (at least) five cats. <3 Felicitas Brightsong - My Bard (DnD). My girl!! I miss my girl!!! Our campaign has been on indefinite hiatus because life but I do think about her and the rest of the gang constantly, so of course I had to throw her in here too. <3
I'm tagging @myreia, @scionshtola, @magnetklaue, @warlock-enthusiast & @aevallare but of course feel free to skip it if you don't wanna! 💖
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I really like your new theme , its very cool ! /srs
- Eid
eid and ray are like my n1 supporters hgfrwsdefrgbh
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saturnidsart · 7 months
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another dnd oc, this one is a newer one for the main homebrew campaign im in hehe
this is nuria theyre a drakewarden ranger. a single mom who works two jobs
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Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them? Do they have a special romance scene at the tiefling/goblin party? Does the romance have different branching paths, or just one route to take? (Especially curious about Tarathil here, but as usual I'd be thrilled with both!)
Okay so I'm going to answer for Tarathil first because they're easier. No, they are not a romanceable character, but more of a "drow twins" potential scene. I'm thinking that they would make a couple comments about Halsin, and players that decide to romance Halsin exclusively (as in Halsin is not becoming a third in a pre-existing romance) would have the option of including a second druid in on the fun. (And... yes, the wildshape would be an option for Tarathil too, mostly because I love chaos but also because I would like to include Tarathil's vaginismus as something that is actually mentioned and they would say that taking a different form makes that easier for them.)
As for Lyra, I would want to do something very fun for her romance, because she would be a romanceable character, but it wouldn't appear so at first. The player would have the option to choose flirtatious options with her, but outright flirting with her would get her to shut them down quickly and decline (she's taken!) and persisting with flirtation would actually get a "Lyra disapproves." However, at the tiefling party, the PC would find that Lyra is a bit off and looks as if she has been crying. Depending on the approval rating, she will divulge more about how she had a very strained conversation with her patron. (Why don't the warlocks get to be happy at the party? Who knows.) And for a player that has successfully unlocked her romance, she would say something about how "do you feel like we're all just playthings for these higher powers?" and then "I have often thought of myself in such a way, just an ant trying to grasp at the heavens... but with you... I start to feel like we can beat this, that we can take our destinies where we want," and then a sheepish brush of her hair back. "Ah, look at me, weighing you down with philosophical conundrums on such a celebratory night. As much as I am beginning to care for you, I cannot monopolize your time. Thank you, though... for coming by. You've certainly raised my spirits."
Oh my gosh this is also getting so long but I have another question to answer which is "diverging/branching paths" for Lyra. I think this would tie into her personal quest, which would be a bit like an inverse of Astarion's endings. There's the healthy choices, where you have her refuse the additional power/info from her patron so she is not as dependent on him and coming into her own power/independence, similar to the spawn ending for Astarion where he feels more himself without the power promised in the ritual. At the six month mark she'd be talking about being on the verge of making some sort of amazing magical or astronomical discovery. She'd be vibrant in sharing her passion with you and for you.
But, as Astarion becomes Cazador 2.0 and perpetuates the cycle of abuse with his Vampire Ascendant ending, the player is the one who encourages Lyra's cycle and becomes her new Midnight. Not literally, they're not going to be her new patron, but they will play the same role that he played for her. This would have to be handled VERY delicately, because otherwise you just romanticize being an abuser. I really hope that it could come across as truly chilling the way that Astarion's voice as the vampire ascendant chills me. Perhaps the way to do that would be to exaggerate her bitterness. That yes, you have worn her down and stripped her of the personal power she could have achieved, at the cost of the light and love in her eyes. She is resigned, resentful, her smile is forced, but she's tied to you, devoted to your goals and fully abandoned her previous studies. With Ascended Astarion, I feel like you're not sure if he's actually going to lock you away, torture you in some mirror of how Cazador tortured his spawn. With Lyra, you wouldn't entirely be sure if she won't stab you in your sleep to finally be free. You're nicer than Midnight was to her, certainly. Just like Astarion is certainly nicer than Cazador. But does that really count for much? Maybe one day, they'll just crack.
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blurred-cat · 1 year
Listen. I know Hirelings are just vessels without personality but Brinna Brightsong is the best one, no question, no debate, no mercy.
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rollofleaf · 1 year
WIP Wednesday time!
Kanerah smirked softly as she spotted Aurora from across the marketplace, waving her over. She finished up her conversation with the merchant, half haggling and half flirting, and walked off to speak in private. She had been enjoying her time with Aurora, helping to practice her abilities. The half-elf had raw power in abundance, even more than Kanerah, but she lacked control. It was satisfying to see her improve. It was evening, and growing later, so she led Aurora to her house, hurrying inside. Normally she would get tea, but today she decided on wine.
“Thank you as always, Kanerah.”
“You’re getting good at recognizing which of us you’re speaking to, hah!”
“Your eyes are quite distinctive.”
Kanerah smirked. She had caught Aurora staring into her eyes quite often. The girl was cute, almost, like a puppy. And of course Kalikke was being a perfect gentlewoman with the girl and her obvious crush, but Kanerah wanted something more. “Yes, I know.”
“If I might ask, what’s it like, being a tiefling?”
“Oh? Admit it, you like my horns. Or is it the tail?” She grinned showing off her gently flicking tail and running a hand along her long horns.
Aurora chuckled softly, a faint pink flush on her pale cheeks. “I do like them both. They’re unique.”
“And that’s it?” Her tail slowly swayed back and forth as she took a step closer. “I’ve been known to spark… curiosity with them…”
“C-curiosity?” The faintest stammer, so cute.
Kanerah nearly purred as she made her move, approaching slowly and resting a hand on the arm of Aurora’s chair. She accented each syllable with trailing her fingers along Aurora’s hand. “Cu-ri-o-si-ty.” Shadows and flames danced on her face from the fireplace. Her face was close now, tail teasing along Aurora’s leg as the nervous girl fidgeted in her seat. “And I dare say I’ve piqued yours… You are a cute thing…” The poor girl could barely even manage a response, her blush growing worse and worse. Kanerah studied it. This wasn’t just the nervousness of a shy nobleborn woman. A smirk crawled on her lips. “Aurora… Could it be you’ve never been with a woman?”
She finally managed to squeak out a response. “I-I’ve never been with anyone… My suitors were all men, I never found one I liked.” Kanerah chuckled, she could guess why. “And after, I kept away from people in case I hurt them. I… I have never even considered the possibility that I prefer women.”
“Then consider it. And if you don’t, just tell me. We’ll forget this ever happened.” Kanerah’s eyes twinkled, she could see the thoughts running through Aurora’s head. The slow realization setting in as she swallowed and found herself unable to say that she didn’t want Kanerah.
“I… N-no, this is… Nice. You’re a wonderful friend, but… When I think about you my heart flutters. I… I would like to try this.” Her cheeks flushed as she glanced down, unable to meet Kanerah’s gaze for now.
Kanerah smirked and closed what little distance remained between their lips, her lips warm to the touch. A jolt of static raced along her lip as Aurora melted into the soft kiss, her eyes fluttering shut. She was new, but still a good kisser. So passionate, too… “Good… Though I need to ask a favor. I, ah, hate to ruin the moment by being serious, but I want to ask you to keep everything that happens between us a secret. From everyone, even your companions. And even Kalikke.”
Aurora winced. Her voice was quiet and gentle as she still reeled from the kiss. “I… I don’t enjoy keeping secrets. May I ask why?”
Kanerah sighed. “Having too many eyes on me is uncomfortable. And it would make it harder to keep my secret. If people are whispering that ‘Kaessi’ is close to the baroness, they’ll expect her to behave in a certain way. And I know my sister, she won’t be able to play along, and the secret won’t stay hidden for long. As for her… Well, she wouldn’t approve.” That fact, that disapproval, stoked Kanerah’s fire even more just thinking about it. But she’d keep that to herself.
Aurora fell silent, savoring being so close to Kanerah. Their lips nearly touching again, her warm breath, her beautiful eyes… Finally, she responded. “Alright. A secret it is, then.”
Kanerah couldn’t help her smile, sincere and grateful. “That’s perfect.” She drew even closer, one hand taking Aurora’s while the other kindled a gentle flame in her palm. “The land where I come from is full of opposites. Sometimes it’s so hot during the day that the rocks melt under the sun like snow. But then night comes, and the cold freezes you to the bone. Night is the time when families gather at a fireplace, when parents hold their children… And when lovers share the heat of their bodies, and fill their hearts with each other’s heat as they drift into sleep. I want to show you how it’s done…” Her voice fell to a sensuous purr as Aurora’s breath hitched in her throat. She wrapped her arms gently around the half-elf, leading her off to her bed.
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its-raining-art · 1 month
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panigamermauser · 1 year
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She might be Wither's sock puppet, but Tavala is still happy to have another shortie around😄
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seraphim-coinz · 2 months
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From July 28th to August 12th! It's 15 days long because we're turning 15!
Each prompt for the event is two days long, in order to give people extra time. "Continuation" days are the same prompt as the previous day, there's no need to do the same prompt twice. August 11th is the day for posting things you missed :)
You can do anything! Edits, pixels, userboxes, genders, orientations, literally anything! The tag is #serachurch728 !
July 28th: Something related to sweet things!
July 29th: Continuation of July 28th!
July 30th: A doll or toy!
July 31st: Continuation of July 30th!
August 1: Something related to love!
August 2: Continuation of August 1st!
August 3: Something light purple and/or light red!
August 4: Continuation of August 3rd!
August 5: Free day!
August 6: Continuation of August 5th!
August 7: Anything space themed!
August 8: Continuation of August 7th!
August 9: A kin or yours or something you relate to!
August 10: Continuation of August 9th!
August 11: Makeup day!
The prize will be four terms/requests/etc that you can redeem any time! There will be four winners! Each prompt counts as an extra entry!
tag list (ask to be untagged)
@kylertism @puriette @syswithmanynames @fwus @genderstarbucks @doll-esque @nostalgiagender @disrealities @sanguinaryfreaks @cpunkwitch @delphientropy @stellaimuse @avpdhajime @herrscherofmemories @the-brightsong-system @smilepilled @ender-afton @rwuffles @phantasverie @boyfidere @narcbf @vamp-q @promoblr @ragemachinery @shatterine @hisivan @bunnietism @ender-afton
dude i'll be so real I just went through my DMS + mutual list and then the people I always see get tagged
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fictionkinfessions · 5 days
Dude I miss greystripe so bad bro 😭
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rwuffles · 19 days
Im crying i blocked em but wtf.....
this has been sititng in our inbox i'm so sorry .... there's been so many palestine donation asks that i didn't see this </3 i'm assuming uu were talking about radqueers when they were like invading mogaiblr spaces again and like i'm so sorry 😭😭😭
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rays-lonely-haven · 5 months
My name is ray, and im the host of @the-brightsong-system!
Im 14 yo (alter age)! ╪
My other role is emotion holder.
⟡ my signoff is 🌫 (cause im a lonely avatar-/j)
✧ ⋆ ˚。DNI:
(Pro)MAPs, zoos,etc
✧ ⋆ ˚。BYI:
Both i as an alter, and the body, are minors. Dont be weird.
Vastards DNI/j
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MUTUALS reply or reblog and I will give you three words I think describe you.
current list:
red, anger, hedgehog
also honorable mention to your funny as fuck comment.
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blood, pink, dad-ish
cat, dark, silly
french, priest, food
punk, hug, gentle
cat, coffee, primordial
sweet, snek, sleepy
glitch, nice, bot
tree, spinda, swirl
bug, squeal, spin
ube, home, purple
treasure, sky, day
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cheetour · 7 months
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collated Eve reference post (game photography by @mercymaker!!!)
Eve is the protagonist of Stepdaughter of Bhaal, my bg3 playthrough/AU fic! (Or, given that it's 80k+ words now, my novel. yowch)
Heavily inspired by Susan from Discworld and the book version of Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle. I wanted her to be a slightly calmer, more grounded version of the "baffled everyman forced into fantasy adventure" trope, same vibes as Neverwhere or the Hitchhiker's Guide.
The reason she is a Halfling Bard is simply out of protest to the fact there's no Origin character for any of the small races, and I wanted her character to feel like a Companion Character From Another Timeline™. I started writing my fic, got a clearer idea of her, then when I started my honour mode playthrough I decided to make and play as Eve. Now I keep taking screenshots while I play because I accidentally made her too pretty. help
i think she has a cute little dublin 4 accent, also. she is Very Irish
(I'm a little regretful that I didn't think to name Eve or her mother after Brinna Brightsong, the hireling - I didn't look until after I finished the game and started the fic.)
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Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game?  Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes? I think I know this one for Lyra, but still want to hear your take on it. If you want to do both of them, I'd also love to hear about Tarathil's.
Okay, so Lyra definitely has more of a personal quest outlined instead of Tarathil's. Lyra's quest would be something similar to a blend of Wyll's and Gale's. She's in a romantic relationship with her patron, and what she would have as a personal quest is breaking things off with him and understanding her own personal worth again. Much like how Astarion can be more powerful in game if you ascend him, the fight against the Absolute is easy peasy if you let Gale sacrifice himself, and you get information from Mizora if Wyll stays in his pact, there would be some aspect of Lyra getting knowledge/power from her patron if she stays in a romance with him, but it would be bad for her. You'd see her shrink, her voice and attitude would be different. If the Player Character chooses actions that emphasize her own skills outside her patron's power, that display respect for her as an equal or as a scholar, then she'd be more inclined to end her romance with her patron, and in doing so (like Shadowheart becomes a cleric of Selune instead of Shar) would unlock her own powers as a sorcerer. I also think that this would be a two-pronged quest, especially if the PC romances her. She'd be coming to the conclusion that she means nothing to her patron besides a passing amusement end of act 1/beginning of act 2, and her patron is chill with her not being head over heels for him so long as their overall deal is still in place. This begins to change if she unlocks her sorcerer powers/she becomes more powerful period, because then Midnight (her patron) would start changing his tune, being more helpful/offering help with subtle hints that this is with the goal of controlling her/utilizing her power.
Tarathil is a bit weirder as far as any sort of personal quest goes and I feel like it would be a short one without major repercussions. Most of their backstory is resolved for them and in the past, and what I have for them is that they're fresh on their journey of self-discovery outside of the temple they grew up in. I think a shorter quest (like Jaheira's quest is saving Minsc) intertwined with the Open Hand Temple murder investigation is something that would suit Tarathil, possibly something along the lines of making sure the soup kitchen is reopened and they're able to take in refugees again, and we get to explore some of Tarathil's religious trauma through it.
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