starpirateee · 4 months
Could I request something where Curt tries to stop Owens fall but instead they both end up falling.
Where they BOTH fall?? Jesus wow, i'm all in! again i'm so sorry that this took an absolute age, i wasn't so confident about this one at first and it did go through a revision or two....
tw for injury detail and blood
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The ground was unsturdy beneath their feet as they ran. Curt knew the weight of what he'd done— some confidence that had been present in him before let him completely ignore Owen's bet of four minutes— but he didn't have the time to consider how he could've done anything differently.
"Shit. We gotta run!"
Owen's hand scraped through his hair, exasperated. "For god's-" He cut himself off with a sigh, and shook his head. He was the first to start running past the fallen agents that had collapsed when the ground began to rumble, and sent a sharp gesture to Curt in the hopes that he was following him. "Curt, god only knows you're gonna be the death of me..."
"Nah, no way!" The two of them made a beeline for the stairs, and Curt saw the way Owen's hand had tensed against the railing as he started to ascend. There was going to be two sets of explosions, then. It was a matter of surviving long enough to get out before the second lot threw them off their course again.
He followed Owen closely, briefly glancing behind to check for pursuing agents, and then forced himself to focus. "I'd never let you-"
Owen's foot caught something, and he slipped over the edge of the railing with a cry that perfectly radiated their collective surprise. Curt's eyes went wide, and he scrambled forwards in an attempt to catch him. Just before he could get there, Owen's fingertips scraped the balcony, and he just about managed to catch himself before he fell all the way.
"Jesus Christ-" Curt breathed as he lowered himself quickly, one hand flashing out and grabbing the closest railing for extra stability. "Owen! Take my hand!"
He didn't see the cause of all this, but he had the worst suspicion that he knew exactly what it was... This was the same set of stairs they had been using to make their way down to the main floor, where he had dropped that trash on the grounds that nobody would care if the whole place was gonna be annihilated anyway.
This was the same set of stairs, right?
His heart sank. If Owen was even slightly slower there, he'd have fallen, and it would've been his fault, and he wasn't sure if he'd have ever been able to shake that.
Thankfully, he hadn't. Thankfully, he didn't have to think about that possibility.
Really, he shouldn't have been thinking about that at all, not with what was at stake right now.
Owen struggled to transfer his weight, even after Curt crouched closer to the ground and tried to reach out to his furthest. He could hear people behind them. They were gaining ground quickly, and there they were, looking like they were ready to accept the fate that was to be thrown at them, stuck in a catastrophic balance.
"C'mon, you bastard, it's not gonna end like this! I- said I'd never let you down and I... Damn well mean it!"
Owen reached, and almost slipped again. His eyes were wild with panic, which was unusual for him in itself. It looked so out of place among his otherwise perfect features, and it took Curt a moment to realise it was only multiplying by the second. His other hand was starting to falter, fingertips digging desperately against the edging as he tried to haul himself up.
His effort— their collective effort— was completely in vain. The last time Owen tried to force himself to land a grip and reach up for Curt’s hand, his fingertips gave way with the momentum, and Curt lost him to whichever fate awaited him at the bottom of the silo, carried away by a desperate scream.
Curt stared at the empty void that was the space in which he’d just lost Owen. His breath ran short. His pulse thundered in his ears. Every inch of him was screaming, but he was silent. Too much shock had overrun his body, and he could barely produce a coherent thought, let alone the strength to call out Owen’s name.
He tried to stand, but his legs felt weak. There wasn’t enough time to register the world spinning around him, blurring the edges of his vision, because the moment he managed to struggle to his feet, someone shot at him. The bullet tore through the air from a point on the staircase that he didn’t have the time to locate before it struck him straight in the shoulder.
Blurs of dark colours— shades that all looked the same among the threat of tears that were all too close to falling— flashed through his vision as he stumbled, but he was unable to stop himself, and unable to realise just how little balcony he had left.
He fell. The balcony was left long behind him, and the effort of trying to save himself became too great.
The world went black.
Owen was first to wake. He and Curt were in close proximity, but not in the place he recalled falling from. That was an industrial silo they’d been using to make their escape. This was
 somewhere else.
What had happened?
His head was pounding with the beat of his heart. Twice to every pulse. Once, twice, and then a beat. Once
 And then another beat. It was agonising, and trying to think about the happenings made it worse. Eventually, he decided to just stop trying and focus on something else.
There was little else available to them besides the ominous chill in the air, and the nettle sting numbness that spread across the surface of his skin. It felt like a canvas, pulled taut against a wooden frame, and stretched beyond limits. The muscles in his face were trying to work against him— he could feel the prevalent twitch near his cheekbone, it was driving him crazy— but on the surface, it was tight, and he could still feel a residual heat.
The tightness— a violent and rather dramatic burn, from the feel of it alone— spread from about halfway down one side of his face, down the length of his neck, and trailed far beyond the line of his singed shirt. He traced it carefully, feeling the line between what his skin should feel like and this new area where sensation ended altogether.
Curt wasn’t conscious. That was enough of a concern in itself, but whatever had happened to them only seemed to make things worse. By the looks of things, he was pretty badly injured too; the most prevalent of which being a large gash that split his hairline from the rest of his face and left a crimson river pooling at the side of his head. Owen pressed a hand gently against the gash, and was relieved beyond measure when his fingers came back relatively clean.
His racing mind wouldn’t let him rest, so instead of straining himself and trying to find out what had happened to them, he gave Curt a quick once over with a glance while they still had the light available to them.
Curt had been burned too, across his shoulders and presumably down his back as well. They’d taken the heat from different angles, but it had struck them both rather harshly.
Owen remembered flashes. An explosion, rescuing Curt from the hands of the Russians, hitting something hard after falling from a height and being surprised when his spine didn’t immediately snap upon impact. He drew his hand away from Curt slowly and slumped back against the closest wall.
One, two, and then a beat.
 And then another beat.
An uncomfortable silence washed over him as he breathed quietly and hoped to god that Curt was going to wake up. He couldn’t face this unknown alone, not when he knew that Curt was right there, and it would be an injustice for anyone to have kept him alive alongside Curt’s corpse, even if they were both alive when they were left behind.
What he had managed to gather was that the two of them were trapped. They were at someone’s liberty, and logic had to determine it was the same people who had captured Curt the first time.
That meant they hadn't left the facility, but the last he checked, he and Curt were—
They were trying to blow the place up.
That would explain things. It explained this twin set of burns lining both of their bodies, and the excess of heat left simmering underneath his skin like a reserve. They had been trying to rig this place to blow, and they hadn't gotten out in time. There was still a large, empty space there in the blurs and eroded edges of his mind, but he had neither the energy or the capacity to figure it out.
Curt was uncharacteristically still. The more he stared— having given himself no other way to cope— the more he had managed to convince himself that Curt wasn't actually living at all.
Surely they hadn't actually left him with a corpse, had they?
Nobody would dare to be so cold, not in their right minds, anyway. Giving him hope that Curt might pull through, and then ripping it away from him with the cold image of his lover, left frozen in time and forever trapped in the same, non-changing body.
But he didn't look like he was moving, not even a slight rise of the chest. He looked like he'd be cold to touch.
He had to check. He couldn't stay here a second longer without knowing for certain whether Curt was alive. So, he leaned forwards, shifting to get himself in position, and then pushed Curt's collar out of the way and desperately took a pulse.
He's dead. They've left you dealing with the aftermath.
A position change. Another check. A breath held in anticipation.
Owen let the dread speak for itself. He knew only moments had passed, but waiting for something of this weight made the moment stretch out into eternity.
Then there was a beat. Owen didn't think he could physically feel more relieved if he tried. The moment he felt a beat beneath his fingers, he sighed deeply and sat back, letting the absolution wash over him.
Shit. Curt was alive.
He tried again, and again he found that there was a pulse present. Curt was alive. All of his stagnant thoughts would subside on their own in good time now, if he let himself really take in the signs that he was still there with him.
The most prevalent factor trying to make sure that wasn't the case was the gash splitting his forehead near his hairline. Sure, Owen was aware that his fingertips had come back mostly clean from his last check, but there was still the fact of the matter: it was still bleeding.
Most of the remedies he could think of weren't possible in such a space where they had nothing to hand but what was on their person
 He couldn't think of a single viable way to tend to it until something in the middle of the blurred expanse of his mind remembered something he should've thought about a long time ago.
Curt was carrying alcohol.
It wasn't ideal, not the best of solutions by any means, but it was a solution of sorts. Curt had whiskey in the pocket of his jacket, and that would at least do something to disinfect the wound
 He could use an edge of his own shirt to apply what was left of the whiskey, pain be damned, and he could make sure that at least that factor had been taken care of. 
There was a whole list of things he could've sorted or tried to rationalise, but his thoughts were taking him nowhere but here. He wasn't bleeding himself— not anymore, anyway, not after he'd discovered a split laced just below his bicep and discovered it to be at least healed over with layers of dried blood— so the only thing he could allow himself to focus on was the fact that Curt was.
He shrugged off his jacket— something that took far more effort than it should've— and tore his shirt at the sleeve, where his own gash had produced a sizable hole in the fabric. The bitter chill hit him immediately, and he winced as the air messed with new wounds just below the cutoff and agitated them further. He'd never been the type bothered by the cold, but there was something about this particular strain of cold that just served to make everything worse about the situation itself. Everything became far more terrifying when things that normally weren't bothersome became noticeable

Owen clenched the fabric of his shirt in his fist until his knuckles paled. He couldn't lose himself now, not when he had something to do. And Curt still wasn't showing signs of coming around, so he still had time to get on with it, too. In fact, there was no better time. Why was he even hesitating? It was sometimes just part of the job to see one's partner sprawled out on the ground, barely breathing and bleeding from the head. That was totally normal, what was he even getting himself worked up about?
His hands shook as he reached for Curt's jacket, trembling fingers fumbling with the zip and only managing to get it down at all because he landed a grip for all of a second. This particular issue transcended agency. Went far beyond the professional, and deep into the personal. Sure, it may not have been out of the blue to see one's partner in a bad way after a particularly rough mission, but it was a little worse when the other definition of partner— the one supposed to be a separate matter from business altogether— was bleeding out on the ground with no end in sight.
Owen reached for the whiskey in Curt's innermost pocket. He couldn't afford to even think if that was the direction his mind was going to take him
 At least that would be easier on the aching in his head.
Removing the cap from the flask was certainly not the easiest of tasks, what with the state of him, but he did manage, and immediately poured the alcohol onto the severed sleeve of his shirt.
He muttered an apology to nobody in particular, and immediately pressed the cold, hastily folded fabric onto the wound only not dripping blood into Curt's eyebrow because of the position he was in. His free hand messed with the cap again before anyone who was around noticed that they were carrying supplies, and he just about managed to screw it back on before his frustration boiled over.
Focus, Owen. 
He tucked the flask underneath his jacket for the time being, hoping not to get caught by outside forces, and turned as much of his attention as he could to the repetitive and apparently grounding motion of cleaning the gash on Curt's forehead with his makeshift rubbing alcohol and cloth. 
He almost didn’t notice the fact that it wasn’t one continuous streak of blood until it was too late. The blood was running down the side of his face in a continuous, seemingly unbroken line, but that wasn’t quite the case, as Owen realised when he got close enough to the end of the trail.
Because there was also blood running from his ear.
Owen’s eyes widened the second he noticed that, and he swore he heard his breath catch in his throat. That was never good. That was something that had already caused lasting damage, and was going to have it’s effects later on, if Curt— when Curt— eventually woke up. He couldn’t think about this now. He’d appointed himself a job to make this worsening hell a little easier on both of them, and he couldn’t think about the fact that Curt might have just been close enough to the danger to warrant definitive hearing loss.
That scared him. Why was it so hard to kick his brain into action to produce something coherent on what had happened to them? Why did he have to pull it together from scraps left over from the ashes, and blood, and scars that were going to dig deep and leave an impact?
Nothing he did was enough to be able to account for everything wrong with them or their situation, but he felt slightly more at ease knowing that there was something he could do to alleviate a little of the dread settled deep within his chest, one piece at a time. Even if neither of them would ever recover. Even if both of them had to learn to survive in a different way, in a solidarity with one another deeper than it had ever been before. 
From now, they were the only people who understood. He was right before. This ran far beyond agency, and anything they could comprehend in their limited scope of vision for their agents— no, their assets.
Who cared if a few of them came back battered from a badly done mission? Who in their right minds would even notice if one of them came back with a haunted vacancy in their eyes that was hard to shake, if it was hard for them to concentrate because of what they’d seen?
Who really cared if the scars started multiplying by the day, until the fresh faced recruit who’d walked in through those doors became nothing more than a shell of their former self, with no trace of the spirit that left them the first time they realised they’d be permanently changed by this repetitive purgatory of abuse with no recognition?
Curt awoke to the sound of static. It flooded his ears, pulsing through the space left in his brain. He’d been painfully aware of how little time they had left, but he knew that they hadn’t the time to sort it for themselves. This was what he got for vastly underestimating his own overconfidence and openly jeopardising the both of them. The buzz was a little too much for him, but gave way to certain thoughts before he could even think to make a move to dispel them. On either side of his periphery, there was nothing. Everything in his head was too loud to try and prove that theory otherwise, because he couldn’t hear anything from the outside either, so by all logic, that meant he was alone, at least until proven otherwise.
“... Owen?”
His own voice sounded strange, like no more than an echo through the aether that would never be heard. He was with Owen when all of this happened. He was with him, that much was for sure, so if something had happened to him now, if something had gotten them separated

He pushed himself up against the wall, and immediately winced in pain as the top of his shoulders made contact and some kind of all too recognisable pain shot down his back. It felt heated, and he knew he’d experienced it before, only to a much, much smaller degree.
Fighting through the pain and his own body rebelling against him, he managed to clear his vision enough to see that, in fact, he wasn’t alone at all. There was someone sitting feet away, watching him with a kind of intent. The shadowy nothing gave way to a familiar— albeit bloody— face, framed with familiar waves of dark hair. 
Curt’s relief was palpable. 
There he was. Tense and beaten and shaken in a way that he had never seen on him, but there all the same. Seeing him made all of this a little more bearable, but such a feeling was instantly eradicated when he registered what had happened. The explosion had hit them both. Owen’s low cut shirt was the only thing that made him see how far it had spread, from a point he didn’t want to imagine on his shoulder, to about halfway up his face, stopping in a vicious series of uneven flashes just beyond his cheekbone.
Owen seemed to make an effort to answer. He looked over, his shoulders dropped as soon as he seemed to register the fact that Curt was conscious, and he sighed. That was about where the familiar, comforting presence ended. He went to say something, but through the violent buzz, Curt couldn’t make anything out but the shape of some of the words as they left him. 
The only thing he could truly make out was the fact that Owen looked strained, and therefore probably sounded a little different to that which he was used to. He tilted his head, trying for all it was worse to fight off the static and the ringing, even though they insisted on getting more violent. “Huh?”
It was easy for him to read what people were saying. That was all part of the job, honing in on conversations of all kinds from a distance, to make a judgement on whether a situation was viable for infiltration. But when Owen was injured— and he was injured— he tended to talk fast without realising it, and that wasn’t exactly making things easier.
It looked like he tried to repeat whatever it was he said, but Curt was getting nothing but the violent mess going on in his head. Either his thoughts were running too fast and he couldn’t discern one thing from another, or something had gone worse than he thought when

When he too had fallen from the height of the balcony and left himself and Owen to the depths of the explosion that they’d set up.
He couldn’t hear his own breath permeating the air. He couldn’t hear the sound of Owen's breathing. 
He couldn’t hear Owen. 
What was going on in his head? Why was it only getting louder with every passing second? He tried to think, but was stopped by the pain running it’s course through his body, through his mind, pounding inside his skull.
One thing of everything else was certain.
“Owen, I can’t- I can’t hear you!”
The next thing that was said was familiar. Curt knew well the way Owen’s face fell as a fresh wave of surprise flooded him, and could just about make out the “what?!” that followed.
He didn’t need the repetition, it was clear enough that he had heard him, but the only thing that Curt’s suddenly stricken mind could think to do was say the same words again. Maybe it would solidify it in his head a little more. Maybe he would come to accept it if he just said it enough times for it to stick.
“I can’t hear you! I-I can’t hear anything!”
Owen shifted then, until he was sitting in front of him, leaning forwards against his knees. It was always him. He knew how to sense the panic that lay deep inside his chest, and he knew how to quell the flames for long enough that he could finally think for himself. If he could get rid of the static too— if that were even possible— then he would owe him more than just his life.
An offering was made. Simple as Owen holding out his hand. Curt knew what his instinct wanted him to do, but his stiff, slow working mind didn’t want to allow it. But, he made an effort, and Owen met him halfway, hand so carefully laced in hand. He took a breath, clearly in the realms of being aware of the pacing of his own speech, and making a conscious effort to try and slow down.
 Curt, look at me, okay?”
Curt’s eyes met Owen’s for a moment. For all the world had done to him, there was still a stagnant fire left over in those whiskey depths that refused to burn out. He’d always admired him for that.
“Is this alright?”
Curt just nodded, silent and strangely hopeful. Owen wasn’t a miracle worker, he wasn’t going to be able to fix this, but Curt had the slightest suspicion that he’d at least make it a little more bearable.
Owen nodded too, pressing his lips together for all of a moment. “Alright.” He glanced away, as if there was something on the outside, as if the world was bigger than the two of them, but his eyes were back on Curt in a moment. “I
 I’m not going to claim to know what happened to us, but you can’t afford to lose yourself now
 I’m here, and whatever the hell this is
 We can face it together, like we always have.”
Too quiet? Too loud? 
Curt never knew how much he’d thoroughly hate not even having a gauge on his own voice. Everything was so violent, and the inside of his mind had never been louder. Maybe it wasn’t static at all
 Maybe it was something dragging a sharp instrument directly through the inside of his skull, or a nail being pulled and replaced over and over and over again.
“... Curt?”
Owen looked
 Concerned. No. A little more than concerned, actually. For the first time since he’d known him, Owen Carvour looked downright terrified. He had a passionate fear of the unknown, which was why he put everything he had into researching before anything, to make sure he knew as much as he could. He went out of his way to make sure there were no uncertainties, even mid mission, and he was always so careful about it that it was hard to ignore when that hadn’t happened. Curt knew that. He wasn’t sure if anyone else did.
His brow was drawn, and it was obvious that thoughts were running through his mind at a faster rate than he would normally allow for himself. There was something wild in his gaze, and that was worrying Curt enough as it was. He wasn’t going to pretend to have not noticed the fact that his jacket lay discarded on the ground in a hasty crumple, or the fact that he was missing a sleeve, or the fact that said sleeve was covered in blood and laying just beyond their reach.
Clearly, he’d tried to keep himself as busy as possible by ignoring what was going on with himself, and had tried to keep all of his focus on what he could actually see. 
He wasn’t quite sure what he was apologising for— whether that be the panic beating a heavy drum against his ribcage, or the fact that it was him who had gotten them both into this mess, or the fact that he’d lost focus— but Owen didn’t seem to want to take it, whatever he was trying to make up for.
“You’ve nothing to apologise for, I just- need you to stay with me
The world was bigger than the two of them, but it wasn’t like they had any proof for that in the moment. Curt had Owen. Curt had the feeling of his hand as his fingers brushed his knuckles, and the ghost of his voice, and everything he’d done in the last stretch of time to make sure they both pulled through. 
Owen didn’t have the memory enough to know what had happened, and that was enough to let the dread settle in and mix with the rising panic that just would not go away. It was only a matter of time before he figured out they were only in this mess because of him, and then what? 
Focus, Curt. Stay in the moment. 
He forced a breath. Held it. That felt right to him. It did a little in alleviating the pressure, anyway. On the exhale, he gripped Owen’s hand a little tighter, only to have that squeeze returned. “What’s going on?” He asked, having not had an indicator either way so deciding to keep his voice just so.
Owen grimaced. “I don’t know. It’s been too quiet.”
Curt could only imagine the resignation in his tone. His next breath came a little slower, though he could still feel the drum beat in his chest. “Nothing?”
“No. Not yet.”
“What happened there?” He nodded over to the discarded fabric. Owen turned, as if noticing for the first time that his jacket was missing, and then looked beyond it at the bloodied sleeve of his shirt. He reached back far enough to take his jacket, and slipped something metal into his free hand.
“Had to clean you up.” He shrugged, nonchalant, and handed back the flat metal something.
His flask. Empty of the whiskey that had once been in it, but familiar. And he really needed that right about now.
He nodded his thanks and slipped it clumsily into his pocket. It was a comfort to know that it was there in the first place, it gave him an edge more confidence, which sometimes felt like a foothold on the world itself. “What about you?”
“... I finished it.”
“No, I mean—”
“I’m fine. You were bleeding from the head.”
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carefulfears · 1 year
And my girl Scully figured out that Diana and Phoebe were abusive to him and that’s why she was ready to disintegrate them with whenever they breathed Mulder’s air iktr. (Also to me that’s part of the reason Mulder was oblivious and defended them, people who are in abusive relationships are not always aware of it)
YUPP you’re literally dead right, anon, in my opinion. it really bugs me when people talk shit about mulder for “trusting” both phoebe and diana, as though that’s not like
the only thing he’s been taught to do.
i’ve been thinking a lot about the difference between scully’s reactions to phoebe vs. diana. when phoebe showed up, scully had only known mulder for a few weeks. and still she knew almost instantly that something wasn’t right.
i didn’t notice until i rewatched fire the way that she never leaves him alone with her. if mulder and phoebe are working on something, you can see scully. against the wall, peeking around the door, pacing in the hallway. he tells her that she’s “off the hook,” that he’s not going to “put her through this” with “phoebe’s little mind games,” and she takes it upon herself to investigate phoebe’s case herself, until she solves it and phoebe can go the fuck home.
girlbosses catch serial murderers singlehandedly to get their best friend’s shitty ex away from them.
when phoebe was around, scully is passive aggressive as hell. constantly hanging around and making little quips and mocking her accent.
when diana shows up? five years later? she’s just aggressive.
she said nah, we aren’t doing this again 😭😭
(one of my favorite scully moments is when she snaps “and not just because i think that woman is a
.well, you know what i think that woman is” and mulder is just like “no you hide your feelings sooo well” lmfao)
i really do think meeting phoebe so early in their partnership informs a lot about the way scully reacts to his exposure and relationship to other people throughout the series. she really doesn’t trust a soul around him.
i always think of this line from madness by kittenscully (a post-syzygy fic, addressing the detective white incident):
“A surge of righteous indignation at the notion makes her sit up straighter, and she bites her tongue to avoid a very unpleasant comment from slipping out. As always, she thinks of Phoebe, of his wide, trusting eyes.”
diana was scary levels of manipulative and violating. but diana loved mulder, scully knew that and used that to plead with her in the end.
phoebe didn’t care about anything but playing with fire. she got off on scaring him, crossed state lines just to fuck with his head and hurt him, just like in their relationship a decade earlier. mulder knew this, he knew from the start what she was doing and what she wanted, and he helped her anyway. he praised her anyway. he connected with her and invested in her anyway.
y’all know i’m always thinking about the script note about phoebe’s coldness “eliciting some old need in him to have her affection.”
by the time diana came back around, scully had sat on the floor of a hotel and watched phoebe smile and shake hands with bureaucrats while mulder couldn’t breathe.
scully had stood in the next room when his questions to his mother got him little more than a slap to the face.
it’s different with diana because there’s a lot more history and connection there, and because at that point there is heartbreak and jealousy on scully’s side (when phoebe was in town, she hung around in doorways. when diana reaches for mulder’s hand, she turns around and holds back tears in the car.)
it’s a difficult position for both of them. he doesn’t know how to do anything but appease and trust and be loyal, to help whoever asks. he doesn’t care if it hurts him, he’s been groomed his whole life for that, to feel like he deserves it.
it makes scully crazy. he’s her best friend. she can’t believe anyone would look at that kind of softhearted hope and want to exploit it or crush it, rather than look up to it, follow it, nurture it.
and it hurts!! it hurts to watch him fall back into these traps, and especially with diana, it hurts to feel that your input and relationship doesn’t matter enough to have influence. to not be listened to, to feel like you’re not being chosen.
she doesn’t know that he went to search diana’s apartment after she told him not to trust her. she just heard, “i know her. you don’t. scully, you’re reaching.” and watched him leave.
it’s just this perfect crossroads of each of their most vulnerable spots. scully wants to protect him, always, and she also wants to be chosen.
mulder has to stand by his allegiances, to seek ‘affection’ in cruelty, to play his role in the larger scheme. this is what CSM knew when he recruited diana into the conspiracy, and he knows because he “created” it.
you can’t judge either of them, they’re both following their natures, and furthering the narrative they were chosen for.
(until scully stands in front of diana and begs, “i just want you to think
stand there in front of me, look me in the eye”
and breaks the whole thing down.)
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mswyrr · 2 years
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diningwiththeasquiths · 1 year
Terry making intersex omega Kreese squirt đŸ„”
Omgggg anon your galaxy brain!!!! đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ’ŻđŸ’Ż
Luckily Terry is rich because the mattress is beyond saving when he's done with John, more soaked than a Sea World visitor.
It takes a good couple of minutes before John's legs stop shaking, something he'd usually hate (trembling is for weaklings) but right now he's too blissed out to care.
Nothing makes Terry happier than taking care of his omega like this, satisfying needs that John himself didn't even know existed.
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nerts · 1 year
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tinymintywolf · 1 year
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i recently finished the bear and its been living in my head rent free ever since. had to do something inspired by 1x07 since its such a brilliant episode 👌
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abeautifulblog · 4 months
Just finished marathoning the Interview with the Vampire show, UGH, IT IS SO FUCKING BRILLIANT.
It is... the absolutely pitch-perfect adaptation for someone who was obsessed with those books as a young teen (seriously, Anne Rice was one of my formative literary influences), but who probably could not sit through a straight/faithful adaptation of them now. There's too much in the books that demands interrogation, but this show does. It digs its fingers into all the dark corners Anne Rice left unexplored and peels back its skin to examine the bones.
And jeezus, the acting is good. Sam Reid's Lestat is off the charts, a character that I previously would have said was uncastable, because of the BUCKETS of charisma it would take to overpower how fucking awful he is, but holy cats, Reid is Lestat, it's like he stepped straight out of the books.
...aaaand Armand, always my favorite character, is fantastic. 👌👌👌👌 *Perfectly* cast - ungodly beautiful, uncanny valley a-f, manipulative, gaslighting void with his big soulful eyes and performative victimhood.
Love it, love all of it, can't wait to see what these horrible freaks do next week.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 24 days
The Wisdom Saga: My Thoughts
Hey all!!!! Here are my thoughts on the Wisdom Saga from EPIC: The Musical!
Overall it isn’t my favorite (Circe/Thunder my beloveds), but it’s still pretty good imho!
Love how upbeat this one is. MICO as Telemachus is VERY good, and I especially liked the little trembles/voice cracks (?) as he sang! Gave Tem a “young” vibe.
also loved that “L-L-L-L-Legendary” lol
Antinuous’s lines are the perfect ick. The ToA Discord and I were all typing out various amounts of EW, ICKY, GET OUT at his parts.
Fight Little Wolf
This is possibly my favorite from this saga! I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while, and I was really excited for it! Athena coming in was brilliant and I love it :3
We’ll Be Fine
Anybody else pick up on a similar melody to Open Arms? Because ow.
Love In Paradise
LOVED the flashbacks at the beginning!
The unhingedness Gigi gave Calypso LMAO Zero social interaction does that to you lol
“Last I checked goddesses can’t die!” Stream gets censored
all I hear are screams
the ptsd is real
“Stay in my open arms” and then IMMEDIATELY triggering an Open Arms reprise. HOW DARE YOU JAY.
God Games
This is in battle with Little Wolf for favorite Wisdom Saga song lol
don’t mind me fangirling he’s my favorite and he was GORGEOUS
Hephaestus being voiced by Jorge’s dad!!!!
I really liked how Luke Holt delivered Ares’s name. Very gritty and perfect I love <3
his part was sadly short, but honestly? It makes sense why it would be! Apollo really has no beef with Odysseus, and the Sirens are a little out of pocket, like he was assigned to play the game but is throwing Athena an easy thing to counter so he can get back to Orestes and also Athena owes him a solid so EPIC’s explanation for Athena helping Apollo in the Oresteia? 👀 I’m a nerd connecting the dots leave me be
“If that’s true then release him 🙄💅” Apollo has no time for this bullshit he’s like “come on dad why did you pull ME into this?” Lmaoooo
Hephaestus’s part about trust!! I love. Also the lyricism here and in Apollo’s is very very good <3
APHRODITE. Unlike Apollo and Hephaestus, who were rather quick to support Athena, she’s moments away from going “no â™„ïžđŸ’‹â€
Also Athena ain’t dead lol she comes back in King isn’t it? Also she’s a GOD. Who CAN’T DIE.
I’ve seen criticism about Zeus attacking Athena, and about how he wouldn’t do that because she’s a favorite
but the thing is, in The Iliad, he does threaten to blast her and Hera off their chariots at one point
plus Apollo’s a favorite too, and he was nearly thrown into Tartarus by Zeus! Being the favorite doesn’t automatically mean you can get away with anything and everything, so I headcanon that Zeus got a bit more peeved than usual because of just how quickly Athena swayed the others (this can connect to the Odyssey then too, because the majority of the gods already agreed that Odysseus had suffered enough and were quite willing to let him go).
I have additional thoughts on God Games, but that’s for another post since it detracts from the actual livestream, but overall I really enjoyed this one! It’s the first livestream I’ve seen in full, though I do think Thunder Saga was more impactful to watch (I watched that livestream too, but came in at the end of No Longer You).
Two sagas to go!! I’ll be updating my tier list sometime soon as well, so stay tuned for that!!
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ashdreams2023 · 1 year
hello! I honestly never know where to request cause idk what submission means cause English isn’t my first language and the translation isnt really clear so I’ll just request here I hope u don’t mind<3 anyway I was wondering if you could do a harry j potter x fem!reader smut and I have 2 ideas (all takes place in hbp cause it’s legal to have sex at 16 there I think?$ so 1st one is that soft!harry and reader are dating but haven’t really done anything yet except for dry humping and heated makeouts but they want to go further and harry fingers her for the first time and she’s like afraid to cum cause she’s never done this before and he’s like “it’s okay love, you can let go” and he guides her through this cause he’s kinda more experienced so basically just very fluffy smut or the second one where soft!dom harry and reader are dating and they have sex for the first time only reader is a virgin and she’s very insecure and harry isn’t so she’s like very shy but he assures her like “it’s just me, don’t be embarrassed” and it’s like all loving and fluffy and cute<3 only if you’re comfortable tho! I hope you understood everything (I’m gonna get out of fucking Poland one day and learn English perfectly im telling you) sorry that’s kinda long, anyway, thank you!
I get you lol but for the sake of keeping everything together ima mush them up together 👌
Trust me
Harry James potter x female reader
Warnings: nsfw, first time.
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You thought finding out you’re a witch was the craziest thing that could ever happen to you but as years go by, it’s proven to be just the tip of the iceberg.
Just last summer you went on a one on one with death eaters in the ministry of magic and made it out alive.
After that summer came and with it came Harry Potter, who happened to live in the same little town your grandparents lived in.
You spent a lot of time together, he was heartbroken and felt alone, you tried to comfort him and take his mind off things, it took a while but he opened up to you.
One thing lead to another and he kissed you a few weeks after his birthday, fast forward to the end of the summer and things kept getting heated.
You didn’t know if it was because you were both hormonal or was it because he wanted something else to focus on but you knew one thing, you really liked the way he kissed and touched you.
It wasn’t a secret that you two were close either, everyone noticed the way he dozed off looking at you when he thought you weren’t looking, and the hand holding underneath the table, the subtle touches in the halls, a blind person could sense it.
"I thought I was gonna die in there" he kissed you then pushed you on his bed, the dorms were empty and he had the entire space for himself.
"Oh don’t be mean to old sprout, she was just trying to help" you pulled him on top of you and warped your arms around his neck then pulled him down, his lips touched yours in a heated kiss that made your fingertips tingle.
"I was dying out there" he smiled against your lips then dragged his lips to your neck and nippled on your soft skin.
You sighed at the feeling of his lips, his teeth dug into your flesh playfully and his lips sucked on the spot until you let out a desperate moan.
"Merlin you sound brilliant" he lowered his head, pressing his forehead to your chest and catching his breath, his heart raced with anticipation "Can I have you?"
You bit down on your bottom lip, the warmth on your skin was permanent "Yes."
He quickly took off his shirt then helped you with yours, his eyes lingered at your exposed breasts before cursing under his breath and taking the rest of his clothes off.
He’s seen you half naked before but this was different.
The second every article of clothing was on the floor, you latched onto each others bodies, his hands explored every part of exposed skin he could reach, but paid special attention to your breasts, they were just perfect and he was just a guy.
"Are you sure you want this?" You suddenly blurted.
Harry paused and looked down at you "are you uncomfortable with this? Do you want me to stop?"
You shook your head then looked away "it’s just
I haven’t done this before and I’m not sure I’m appealing enough to-"
"Are you naked underneath me or not?"
"Yes I am
"Do you see me doing this to anyone but you?"
"No but-"
"Shush then, I like you and only you
I’m glad I’m doing this with you, you don’t have to continue if you don’t want too"
You stared up at him with wide eyes, you hadn’t expected this reaction, Harry was the chosen one, many girls swooned over him and thought he was quite cute.
"I want too"
"Then do you trust me?"
His hand slipped down to your clit, rubbing it with his finger and riling you up slowly, your body tensed and begged for more.
His fingers felt like magic.
You moaned and gripped his shoulders tightly, digging your nails into his flesh and marking him.
"Does it feel good?"
That was the most confident you’ve seen him off a broom, Harry was usually awkward and sometimes it was just unbreakable.
" your mouth opened when he pushed his finger in, slowly. You reached your hand and touched his dick, it was hard and he hissed when you touched it.
You were soaking and wanted to go onto the next step already but Harry seemed to enjoy torturing you.
He pushed the second finger in and groaned when you clenched around his fingers, your hips moved up and the filthy moans spread in the dorm room.
Harry licked his lips then licked your nipple, it made you shiver.
His cock twitched in your hand.
"I’m going to" your breath hitched when he pulled his fingers out and climbed completely on top of you and slid himself inside of you.
You throw your head back on his pillow and moaned, his hands held you tight by the hips.
Harry groaned as he moved inside of you, you felt amazing, perfect around him.
"So good
you’re so good" he moaned loudly as he kept pushing.
Your body moved along his, it wasn’t uncomfortable but very strange feeling, something new, you felt so full.
"Are you ok?" He breathed, his face was flushed and his green eyes shine with something almost dark.
"Yes" you replied warping your arms around his neck and kissing him, you felt heat build up inside of you and your legs felt weak, shaking slightly as he pounded inside of you.
"Perfect, bloody hell you’re perfect" Harry mumbled kissing your cheek and the rest of your face with breathless butterfly kisses.
Your body reached it’s limit but you didn’t want to let go yet, what if you ruin it? What if Harry regrets doing it with you because of that?!
Thankfully your boyfriend noticed your panicked expression and pressed his lips to your forehead for reassurance ïżŒ"it’s ok, everything is ok, just let go, you can cum" that’s all it took to loosen up your nerves and release on his dick with a silent scream and arched back.
He held you close as the climax road your body and made sure that every muscle in your body would remember this for a while after.
Harry sighed in relief as he pushed inside you a few more times then pulled out and came on your chest.
He laid next to you and pulled the blanket over you both, his face seemed peaceful and the without the glasses, he looked somewhat different, he didn’t look like his father, he was more mature, his face was sharp but soft around the eyes, he was very handsome.
"Thank you" he said.
"For what?"
"For trusting me"
You smiled softly at him then scooted ïżŒcloser to him, at this moment he wasn’t the wizarding world’s young hero, he was just Harry, your Harry.
"I think
I love you" you said ever so delicately.
A boyish grin spread on his face "Little old me?"
"Oh shut up!"
"No say it again!"
A/N: sorry if there was any misspelling or grammar mistakes, I wrote this in one go, so hopefully it’s good enough!
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rustyparable · 3 months
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Hi hi so this super cool human person called @voidsnarrator posted a *beautiful* story and this scene of the narrator waking up in the post-skip button ending was too haunting not to recreate.
The static and sand and the broken hopelessness is just 👌👌👌 I loved it. Brilliant work. I hope I did it justice
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il-predestinato · 11 months
Brilliant how Charles managed that race despite Xavi telling him to lift and coast since lap 5. And the way he passed Lewis and then backed Lewis into Yuki was brilliant racing brain:
Telemetry showing Charles lifting the throttle at the Senna 'S' to prevent Hamilton from getting a run at him and leaving Hamilton vulnerable to Tsunoda: 👌
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thedespot · 3 months
What A Wonderful Day ÂĄ
Via TikTok
Just Brilliant 👌 👏
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pacchipa · 7 months
Hello! I loved the "swapped bodies" one! I would love to see more of that, honestly. Would you consider making it like a series or post some follow-ups? Because it's brilliant 👏👏👏
I’m very happy you liked it! There will definitely be a part two for the body swap AU comic, in the worksđŸ„°đŸ‘Œ I enjoy their silliness!!
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mrghostrat · 6 months
Was home sick today and it's been raining hard outside. So I binge read all of BNF and OH MY GOD. Thank you for making what could have been a miserable day into an absolutely brilliant one. Ajsjdkfkdk ARMS. I get it, Crowley.
the only right way to consume bnf đŸŒ§ïžđŸ‘ŒđŸ‘ŒđŸ‘ŒđŸ‘Œâ˜•ïž
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pigglepiephi · 2 months
Century of Love continues to be everything!!
It’s such a brilliant mix of drama, romance, comedy, action, supernatural-mystery etc etc Lakorn at its best 👌
They packed so much story into those 53 minutes but this scene in particular had me in stitches!
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And then he shamelessly ended with

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And it worked!! đŸ˜†đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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Shoutout to the kid playing Sun being amazing again, and give Offroad all the awards for Vee’s breakdown over his grandma’s diagnosis 😭👏👏
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bumblee27 · 2 months
I just watched an outdoor theatre performance of the Hound of the Baskervilles! It was absolutely brilliant! Holmes and Watson were SO in love, as they should be 👌
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