#bro I've been in school for like 20 years of my life
familialtoad · 2 months
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Finalllyy done with my Master's Degree!!
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bluecollarmcandtf · 1 month
Bros, Bros, and more Bros
I made a mistake! My cousin told me about this fortune teller that cast a spell on him. Apparently, it made every man he ran into act like a fatherly figure in his life. I had an awesome dad, but I've always struggled to connect with guys my own age, so I tracked the witch down and begged her for another spell. She eventually came around, but the effects aren't quite what I expected...
"Sup, dude! Wanna skip and hit the park?"
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My eyes stretch wide to take in the sight of my own father, carrying a skateboard over his shoulder like it's the most natural thing in the world. He's been acting like this for weeks; not washing his hair, barely even washing himself, and constantly wearing that stupid cap backwards. He's lost any sense of his old self!
"Dad, it's Monday. You've got work," I reply, not wanting him to piss his boss off.
"Work blows!" he sneers, "I hate wearing this stupid tie, and I'd rather hang with you, bro."
I sigh as my father tosses down his skateboard and extends a palm, pulling me into a cliche bro-hug where he claps me on the back. My dad used to give out hugs all the time, but it was never as performatively masculine as this. All this stupid curse did was turn my father into an 40 year-old frat guy.
"You're going to work," I say firmly, "And I'm going to school. We can play videogames or whatever when we get back later tonight."
"Bruuhhh!" he groans, "Fine. I'll catch you later, dude. There's pizza in the fridge if you want."
The idea of leftover pizza this early in the morning makes my stomach ache. My dad used to cook an entire meal every morning, complete with fruits and veggies. Now, he'd probably settle for a bag of chips.
The man leaves the skateboard behind and grabs his suit jacket, pulling it on with an attitude. He gives me one last head nod before bounding out of the house, hair flowing behind him. I imagine it's only a matter of time before my dad's boss is fed up with his new persona. I can't imagine a bro-personality is very conducive to getting work done in a corporate office. Hopefully, he'll mature soon.
With an empty stomach, I saunter out of the kitchen and walk to campus. I'm grateful to live close to the university. Hopefully, my curse won't get in the way of my day.
"Hey, how's my favorite student doing, bro?"
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My professor yells and breaks into a goofy grin at the sight of me. I close the door to his office to give us a bit of privacy. Mr. Carlton only acts like this when I stop by, so his colleagues would be shocked to see such a drastic shift in his usually stoic personality.
"I'm good, Professor Carlton," I say, "I wanted to check on my grade for this course."
"No need to be so formal, dude," he smiles, clapping me on the back, "You can call me Daniel. Want a drink? I have some bourbon."
"I'm good. I really just-"
"Relax, bro," my professor says, shoving a glass in my hand, filled to the brim, "This is good stuff. I save it for special occasions, so sit down! Kick your shoes off! I don't care!"
The department head pulls off his suit jacket and leans back in his chair, propping his feet up on the desk and stretching his arms behind his head. I'd never seen the man act so unprofessional, but ever since the curse, he's started treating me like his closest buddy.
"Professor...sorry...Daniel, I just wanted to hear about my grade."
"I got you, bro!" he laughed, "Just keep doing what you're doing. I don't care if you don't show up!"
My shoulders relax. That's what I want to hear. It's not that I don't want to attend his lectures, but the last time I did, he started acting like a jackass in front of the entire class of 50 students. His presentation went from ancient monetary systems to ratings of best celebrity nip-slips. It's a miracle he didn't get fired!
"Ok, good. I have to go," I say checking the time, "And you have class in 20 minutes."
"Shit, I know," he groans and gulps down the rest of his booze, "Another day another dollar, I guess. When can we hang out, man? Tonight? I really wanna hang out with my guy."
"Nope, sorry!" I tense up and grab my backpack, "Good luck with the lecture."
"Right on, bro," he holds a sad hand up for a high-five, swallowing the rest of the drink he poured me.
I give my tipsy professor a halfhearted clap and scamper out of the office as quickly as possible. These interactions make me cringe so hard when a grown man acts young and cool for me. It's especially awkward to see such a respected individual sink to such a low level. What would we even do if he came over?
"Dude! Long time, no see!"
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In the hallway, I run into the football coach and two of the team's best players. The three of them look like they're getting back from an early morning conditioning session. They're all sweaty, panting, and happy to see me.
"Oh, hey," I muster, feeling increasingly less cool around these jocks. I hate to admit it, but guys like this wouldn't give me the time of day before I got that bro-curse.
"Hey, man! You gotta come hang out with us," the brunette grins, "The team's still changing, but you're cool to come in the locker room!"
"Yeah, bro!" the blonde quickly adds, "We'd love to have you in there!"
My heart pounds faster and faster. This is why I've never been able to connect with guys my own age. I find myself boning up every time they look in my direction. Now that these two athletes are practically begging for me to join them in the locker room, my erection is bursting out of my pants!
"We can take care of that too," the coach suddenly mentions, pointing a finger at the tent I'm trying to hide in my crotch.
"What?" I stammer with a dry mouth.
"What do you think bros are for?" the coach continues, clapping his two players on the back, "My boys would be happy to help a brother out!"
The two football jocks nod. It feels like I'm dreaming, and I don't know what to do. Before I can decide, the two athletes have approached and grabbed me by the arm. Their grips are firm, and I realize I'm being escorted into the changing room whether I like it or not!
"Who's this guy?"
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My stomach drops as I enter the locker room, finding an array of footballers in different states of dress. They all glance up at me with confusion, like I'm not supposed to be there, but then their faces soften. The gypsy's magic sets in, and they don't see a stranger when they look at me. They see their bro.
"Oh, it's you, bro," the same jock says, letting down his guard. I think I recognize him as the quarterback.
"Oh yeah, dude!" the massive lineman stands up and pulls me into a sweaty hug, "Glad you're here!"
"That's right guys," the brunette at my side says, still holding me tightly in place, "Our best bud is here, and he needs some attention."
My face flushes as I suddenly remember the problem poking out between my legs. By now, the entire football team is staring at it. If anything, it's only become more rock solid.
"Let me take care of that for you, bro," the quarterback says, grabbing my crotch without any hesitation.
"Move, I'll do it," says the lineman, pushing the quarterback out of the way and getting on his knees. He opens his mouth wide and-
"Shut up, all of you!" the coach suddenly roars! The locker room falls silent: these athletes are really well trained. "If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it right. Line up!"
"Yes, coach!"
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The jocks back up and form a line in front of the lockers. Even the blonde and brunette that were holding me, release and join the rest of the team on the bench. Suddenly, I'm standing with the coach, looking at an entire team of well-disciplined football players. My throbbing erection is very apparent and pointing right at the small crowd of muscular men.
"Our bro deserves to be kept satisfied, right?" the coach slams a hand on my back.
"Yes, coach!" they shout back.
"So we don't just want to get our boy off once and move on, now do we?" he punctuates his question with another slap, this time lower on my back.
"No, coach!"
"We're going to set up a system for us to get him off whenever he needs it!"
"Yes, coach!"
The broad-shouldered and balding coach gives me one more slap, clapping me on the ass this time while staring into my eyes. "I'm gonna have my boys take turns sucking you off, bro. You just tell me which one's your favorite. Sound cool?"
I manage to mumble my assent, and with one look from coach, the quarterback is on his knees crawling towards my crotch. He pulls down my pants and unleashes my aching hard-on. "I got you, bro," he says, before putting his mouth to work.
After a few minutes, the coach pulls the jock off my pole and orders the linebacker to get busy. Before long, it's the brunette's turn, then the blonde's. I cycle through all 30 of the team's exceptional players, and I've gotten off more than just a few times. It's impossible to choose a favorite.
At the end of it all, the coach pushes the last player aside and says, "My turn, bro," before opening his mouth as wide as he can.
The entire football team watches as I spend the next 15 minutes just filling their coach's eager throat. When I'm finally done, I feel completely spent. I swap numbers with each jock and am repeatedly promised that they will be available whenever I call, but it isn't enough. They want to hang out with me now. They want to go out and party. I find it too difficult to say 'no' to a group of 30 eager athletes, so I let them sweep me up and take me to the nearest bar.
Needless to say, we end up causing a bit too rowdy of a scene.
"I got a complaint about a bunch of college idiots causing a ruckus. Would that be you?"
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The officer was all business when he first walked in the bar. My football bros were dancing and yelling, barely even paying attention to the policeman scowling at the wild scene in front of him. He looked pissed, and his glare only softened when it found me.
"Woah, didn't know you were here, man," the cop says, cracking a slight grin on his hardened face.
"Well, I am!" I cry, feeling the effects of all the drinks my bros had been buying for me, "You should forget about work and party with us!"
"You got it, dude! Screw this badge!" the officer yells, pulling me into a tight embrace. I guess the bro-curse even works on law-enforcement!
Just like that, I'm dancing with a policeman in the middle of the dance floor. He doesn't have any moves, but he loosens up after we get some beer down his throat. The football team loves watching the cop party right alongside them. Apparently, this guy has broken up many of their parties in the past.
"Drink! Drink! Drink!"
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The officer gulps down his seventh beer and slams the glass on the floor. It breaks, but the shattering is largely drowned out by the music. His onlookers go wild, but I can see the intoxication on his face. Beer is plastered around his mouth and dripping down his neck to soak into his uniform. I doubt this man has ever been this drunk in uniform before.
He stumbles over and throws a muscled arm over my shoulder, "Come here, bro. Let's do some shots or something!"
"I think it might be time to call it a night, officer," I yell in his ear.
"Oh, screw that!" he whines, "And don't call me officer! It's so formal!"
"Ok, what should I call you?"
"I dunno..." he mutters, "Buck! Call me Buck. That's what my wife calls me."
I roll my eyes at the mention of his wife. Of course this guy is taken. He's a complete stud of man. I've always liked a guy in uniform.
"How'd you like to come home with me tonight, Buck?" I ask sheepishly.
He lights up, "Bro, I thought you'd never ask!"
The cop grabs my arm with a wicked grin and stomps his way towards the door, dragging me along like I'm the prize he won at a fair. The players on the football team all stare at him with envy, mad that he's stealing their new best friend away for the night. I could see how badly each one of the jocks wished they were the one having a sleepover with me tonight.
"Hop in, I'll drive," officer Buck slurs his words and gestures to the police cruiser with his free hand.
"I think I'll handle the driving, if that's alright," I say, "Just hand over the keys."
"Anything for you, bro."
"Looks like someone got lucky!"
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"Oh my God. Dad you're still up?"
"Bro, you said you'd play videogames tonight and then you never showed! What was I supposed to do?" he retorts, unbothered by the late hour or the cop hanging on my arm.
"You have to go to work in 4 hours!" I scream, "And you haven't even changed out of today's work clothes! What are you thinking?"
"Chill, bro," my dad says, turning to the drunk policeman holding my hand, "Take him to the bedroom and show him a good time. I'm sure you were going to, but the dude could use some extra help relaxing tonight."
The sound of my own father encouraging the man I brought home to 'show me a good time' makes me question everything again. My dad just witnessed his son bringing home a cop that's the same age as him. He doesn't even care! I want to tell him to grow up and be the man I used to know, but Buck is already jerking on my arm.
"Let's go, bro," he mumbles lowly, using his strong arms to drag me into the bedroom.
"Enjoy your new cop friend, bro!" my father calls and I hear the sounds of his videogames start back up.
I barely have time to worry about any of it. Has this curse gone too far? Will my dad make it to work tomorrow? Does Buck have a wife I need to worry about!?
It all goes away when I'm thrown on the bed. The intoxicated officer flips the lights down low, and stumbles in front of me. He may be drunk, but he is certainly not a disappointment. The cop stares down at me as he rips his state-issued hat off and unbuttons his dark uniform shirt, all the while moving his hips to the beat of gunfire from dad's videogame in the living room.
With his hairy chest exposed, he crawls on top of me and whispers in my ear, "Where do you want me to start? Us bros gotta look out for each other, don't we?"
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lovelytsunoda · 3 months
welcome to wherever you are // lance stroll
summary: weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions. but for lance's fiancee, the wedding is just another big milestone that her father never lived to see, like her first day of kindergarten, or her high school graduation.
pairing: lance stroll x hutchence!reader
warnings: depictions of greif, mentions of a parental death.
author's note: i've been on such a bender lately listening to inxs, they truly were one of the greatest bands of the 80s, and I think its a shame that things ended like they did with micheal's death in 1997. i could genuinely talk for hours about it, and about the very real daughter he left behind, but for now i'm going to let the fic speak for itself.
also i feel like i've only done smaus lately bc i've just been in a total idea rut and these are so easy to make lmao
y/n.hutchence just posted to her private story!
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VOGUE Weddings: Inside the wedding between Aussie-rock darling YN Hutchence and F1 driver Lance Stroll (you might have to click on these to read them properly)
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y/n.hutchence just made a post!
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liked by lancestroll, kirkpengilly, officialinxs and 34,508 others.
y/n.hutchence today was a hard day, despite being the happiest of my life. like most milestones, it was bittersweet. while i spent most of my day in love, and excited for what's to come, part of me was also grieving. my dad should have been here to walk me down the aisle, to meet my husband. to give a speech at the reception. i miss you, dad. but i know that you'd be so proud of me.
to my lovely lance, thank you for choosing me, for loving me. for reminding me that its okay to feel all the emotions at once. i love you forever, my husband xx
see all comments
lancestroll i love you, my darling wife. you are so strong.
andrewfarriss michael would be so proud of you, kiddo
user the fact that she went public for the day just to speak about her grief on her wedding day . . . that's a caliber of person i could never be
sebastianvettel thank you both for including me in your special day
user she walked down the aisle to 'beautiful girl'....i'm totally not crying my goddamn eyes out
user im not crying you are
user her dad died over 20 years ago....she needs to let it go
-> user lmao imagine telling someone who never knew her father outside of how the media portrayed him after his death to 'get over it'.
mickschumacher 10/10 pasta bar, would come again. your harem of old men scared the crap out of me, though.
-> kirkpengilly old?? who are you calling OLD
-> y/n.hutchence you mean my non-biological uncles? mick, they're the biggest sweethearts
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y/n.hutchence just added to her story
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y/n.hutchence and lancestroll just posted!
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liked by astonmartinf1, sebastianvettel, timfarriss and 29,808 others
lancestroll mr. & mrs. hutchence - stroll, march 2024, sydney australia
see all comments
y/n.hutchence i think lance hutchence sounds pretty great
-> lancestroll and i think y/n stroll sounds pretty good too
scottyjames you're taking her last name? good on you, bro
astonmartinf1 welcome to the family y/n! (or should we say 'welcome to wherever you are'? see what we did there?)
fernandoalonso did anyone else get a little teary eyed during the vows?
-> timfarriss i was right there with you mate
-> mickschumacher i saw esteban cry so hard he gave himself the hiccups
y/n.hutchence hey google, play 'never tear us apart' by inxs ( and say thanks to kirk for playing the sax almost all night)
(next part)
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @httpiastri @lorarri @cartierre @thatsdemko @sidcrosbyspuck @scuderiamh
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biggie-chcese · 7 months
rain code age headcanons because i have literally only ever been choosing ages based on what's funniest but now i wanna cast away my grand layers of irony and be genuine for a moment. also. this goes pretty in depth so be prepped for the long haul when you click read more lmao.
spoilers for the whole game below and it's because of one specific character iykyk
Yakou - this man has the soul of a guy in his late 40s going through what would be his midlife crisis if not for the fact that he's fully aware he passed the midpoint years ago. but that soul is trapped in the body of a guy who doesnt look a day older than 28. what moisturizer does he use? i doubt he even uses anything other than that 13 in 1 shampoo. anyway, i think he's 32.
Halara - 26. nothing really to justify this other than they've got that mid 20s swag but 25 didn't feel right. adult enough to be as competent as they are yet young enough to look like that. moving on.
Desuhiko - 19. i think he's the youngest of the NDA because. well. idk man have you read his dialogue? he's got a whole lot of growing to do and is still very lost on his direction in life. he's giving 'bitch fresh outta high school (or in this case, detective training) and relishing in his freshly obtained freedom."
Vivia - 28? yeah i got nothing for this i am going purely on vibes here. 28 just feels right.
Fubuki - 23. she's clearly still a bit young but is also clearly a grown ass adult who wasn't raised right so i think this makes for a happy medium, especially if she's already been on some worldwide adventures n shit before the game. works out quite swimmingly methinks.
Kurumi - 18. for my personal comfort bc we'll get to yuma later but im not gonna sit here and ignore the way the game constantly grovels at the audience's feet to ship them so id rather she not be any younger than this. anyway, more about her: she tends to hold her own as an informant with more competence, maturity, and effecience than most of the NDA. but she also has a pretty childish black and white view on things, like believing her beloved detectives are always right (girl if you were real you would be ENTRENCHED in stan culture oml do NOT get into minecraft youtubers) but i've... seen 18 year olds on the internet that are exactly the same so whatever
Aetheria girls - putting them all at 17-18 because, based on honorifics, they are treated as upperclassmen by their peers in the Japanese dub. i think waruna is the youngest and kurane is the eldest.
Yomi - 25. he has that vibe. old enough to be taken seriously as an adult but young enough to act like That™. yknow?
Martina - 32. she's giving older woman sexy librarian vibes and generally carries herself with a certain level of poise and maturity but is also a freak in a way that can best be explained by being a woman in her 30s. not elaborating on this
Swank - 41. to me he's like those awful surly businessmen who go to cabaret clubs to drink and smoke their office job woes away and cheat on their wives. but he also has extreme mafia boss swag about it so i kinda love him for that. dunno what this has to do with age tho. moving on.
Seth - 22 because he's giving youngest brother. i think he's the youngest of the peacekeepers in general. guillaume definitely bullies him about this.
Dominic - 34. bro is built like a jojo character what else do you want me to say. he's still got that youthfulness about him that makes me think he's still not going through his midlife crisis, so i wouldn't place him any older
Guillaume - 23. guillaume is so girlypop manic pixie dream girl core that she's definitely got the energy of someone who is young but also strikes the balance of being someone who has a job and a mortgage. dunno how she does it. id like to think she isnt even much older than seth but still bullies him for being the baby of the peacekeepers. do u understand my vision. please. they have so much annoying coworker potential.
shinigami - idk like 1000. she's a death god who cares.
yuma - okay. yeah. look i dont give a singular fuck about age discourse- headcanon whatever you want- but from looking at canon material i genuinely think that he could not possibly be any younger than 21. 20 if we wanna push it. yes, i know he looks young. i have eyes. but also, im in my 20s and the most common thing people tell me when i reveal my age is "oh, i thought you were 15." one time a person asked me if i was 12. at my job. that i was actively working at. i was 20. adults can look young, and contrary to the classic 1000 year old loli dragon trope he doesnt act overtly childish. he acts like a normal fuckin guy. yes he cries but like. you wouldn't in his position? bro speedruns lifelong trauma so skillfully that he's backwards long jumping into alternate universes where everything is somehow worse. i'd be freaked out if he didn't cry. also im aware that the child prodigy detective trope is a thing and that kodaka has written that before but... he was number one three years ago. and the training takes two years. which means, if he is a minor in the game's present day, he started working at the WDO at 12 and became number one at 14... at the oldest. have you ever met a 14 year old? forgive me for not suspending my disbelief here. and really the kicker for me is that yuma has a line where he says he's not sure if he's drinking age (which would be 20 in japan), but you know who would be sure? you know who knows yuma's age better than yuma?
makoto kagutsuchi - this megacorporation CEO has a fully stocked minibar installed in his penthouse. <- sentence i cannot bring myself to believe if it's about a child. since i also cant picture him becoming CEO at age 14 without yomi at least once angrily pointing that out (he only ever mentions that makoto is an outsider, or has his head in the clouds), id like to think both him and yuma, at their youngest, earned their top spots at their respective organizations at 18. it keeps their gifted kid syndrome and young prodigy-ness without making things comically ridiculous or uncomfortable for the sheer amount of sexual situations yuma gets put into.
anyway that's my silly little ramble on age headcanons. this was actually really fun to think about. shoutout to kodaka for leaving out the ages. funniest choice he could've made
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loafbud · 10 months
how naive i was to assume not having a job/no college for 7 years after highschool graduation would give me enough freedom to feel inspired, live life and pursue my creative endeavors
it's made me the complete opposite
lazy, uninspired to take action, sleepy, not mentally stimulated...
im here wondering why my life's been so stagnant, why i missed out on having "core experiences" in my early 20s (having irl friends/a job/house/etc, going out to travel, etc), feeling like the world's spinning and its leaving me behind, like its already too late for me to do anything to enjoy life
I have creative projects i just..... sat on, let them live in my head and imagination for years, that I haven't acted on yet because i..... idek the reason, its like this:
i have all the mental energy to get hyped about my projects, freely imagine them in my head, seeing a future for those ideas- but in terms of actually doing it??? im just unable to have the physical drive to pursue those.
so when ppl tell me to "get up and just do it already- dont think, just do or else you'll never make progress"..... it doesn't motivate me, neither does it actually get me excited to do it
if you were to tell me "hey vinyl, u graduated hs now time to go to college!!" in the years immediately after graduation, id fucking cringe and just lock myself in the room.. hs was a hellscape that socially negatively affected my mental health, so my introverted ass going thru another academia experience with social anxiety & being around the same kind of energy was the last thing on my mind
but now that I've wasted my early 20s doing nothing with my life, I finally realize what i need to do to make it out
and after 7 years missing out life, when i think about doing (online) college, i actually get fucking excited??? in a good way?????? i cant wait to fuckin flip thru textbooks and take notes bro, to (for the first time in my life) set myself a schedule and actually take academics seriously, to have fully online asynchronous courses so i could learn at my own pace
to finally give my life that work/play balance. because 7 years of my life's been nothing but 100% play (ex: doing hobbies, gaming, lazing around, sleeping, etc), and i have no one but myself to blame for that
(i know i mentioned me finally choosing to go to a community college weeks ago, i still haven't applied yet but i will before the year ends lmao- i just dont wanna rush into it, i wanna prepare)
....but then idk,, to say 7 years of my life was a complete and utter joke/huge waste isn't entirely true... im constantly learning about myself and those years definitely played a big part in my self-discovery and just see how my beliefs have changed thru time
uhhh yeah
tl;dr- as a 25-year-old artist with 7+ years of a no work/no school life + living w/ my parents my whole life, I've gotten absolutely zero shit done on creative projects and no forward progress in my life in general, so im going into my college/work era
the position I've been in for those years helped me grow as a person internally, but this era i was in has already served its purpose so its time for me to start a new chapter or smthn
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nocaptainonthisship · 7 months
I understand the point of your post but it hurts alot when your fics don't get the kind of kudos or comments other writers fics do.
I completely hear you on this, nonny.
Not comparing myself to other writers is something I am trying to get better at every single day. Its hard! You start to wonder if people aren't reading because there is something wrong with you, or with the way you write. I have to say, I don't think that's true at all.
I think a lot about that old biblical phrase, "there is nothing new under the sun." I think, too, about "there are no new stories, only new writers." Partly, its because I write fanfiction. Partly its because I'm repeatedly drawn to adaptations of older works. Partly its because my number one response to watching marvel movies was usually saying "Cool story, bro, but what if it was about a woman??" and then, a couple years later saying, "Ok, but maybe not like That."
But I get to think about the other implications of that, too. No story I ever tell will be completely 100% from my own imagination. I am the sum total of all my parts. Every book I read and every movie or tv show or play I've seen lives inside me, the parts that most interested me broken down and distilled and recombined to be something that feels entirely my own.
What makes my writing special is ME.
I wrote my first piece of fanfic when I was 12. It was a songfic(Evanescence's Bring Me Back to Life, just in case you were worried I wasn't a baby emo) and it was angsty as all hell(some things never change I guess.) A few people read it. A few even dropped nice little notes about it. I can't tell you if it was actually any good, because that forum has been dead for a long time, and the desktop at my parents house has been replaced in the almost 20 years since. I suspect it was fairly terrible, though. I mean, I was 12.
I wrote a little more as I got into high school, before I started telling myself to grow out of fanfic(don't worry, I also grew out of that.) But I kept writing, mostly just for me. I kept getting better. I kept becoming more and more confident in my own voice and what it is I can bring to the table.
Which, I guess, brings me at long last to my point. I'm not some superwriter who doesn't get a burst of joy when someone leaves a comment on one of my fics. I LOVE connecting with people and knowing that my words touched someone's life in a positive way. But I don't need it. I'm going to write for myself(and the 6 psychos in my dms.) I'm going to write things I can be proud of, things I can stand back and say, "I did that!" I don't need to be the most popular, I simply need to be the best version of myself.
There is always going to be someone out there who is more popular than me.
But there is never going to be another me.
There is never going to be another YOU.
Be the best you that you can be. Tell the stories that you want to tell, not the ones you think will get the most engagement.
What you bring to the table is important, no matter how many people comment.
Keep writing, keep being you. You will find your people, I promise. I didn't find the 6 psychos until my 30s. There was a time I thought no one at all would ever like my words. As much as I enjoy being right, I'm so glad to have been proved wrong on this one.
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fiadorable · 2 years
Twenty-two questions for twenty twenty-two (fanfic edition!)
Thank you @curator for sharing the questions! This was fun to think about.
1, Fandoms you wrote for this year?
Star Trek Strange New Worlds and The Librarians
2. Favorite fic you wrote this year?
the rage that is in my heart was the fic that reignited my imagination and hurled me into writing again after a four year dry spell, so it’s very special to me.
3. Favorite fic you read this year?
Thursday Night Cooking School by igrockspock Summary: Una had always said that Captain Pike was the best captain in the fleet; she’d never mentioned that he was the friendliest captain in the fleet. Or that he’d be obsessed with food, and getting La'an to eat it.
Fantastic fic about La'an and Pike's growing friendship in the aftermath of Una's arrest. The characterization is excellent and effortless. chef's kiss
4. Favorite opening line/scene you wrote this year?
The Librarians: Eve tucked a soft kiss below Flynn’s ear for safekeeping, and left him to his bubble pipe. (a touch of forgiveness)
SNW: Time is not immutable. It bends and breaks, dilates and contracts, spins out of control and in some cases stops completely. Time is but a perception, a tool used to quantify the experience of conscious thought, an inherently neutral concept. Illyrians were taught this from a young age.
And yet, ever since Valeo Beta V, Number One felt that time had turned against her. (the hand on the clock)
5. Favorite ending line/scene you wrote this year?
She touched the door frame, gentle reverence in her fingertips, before turning and leaving everything behind her for the second time in her life, for one last walk to the ready room. (the hand on the clock)
6. A trope you wrote this year?
Third party observes your OTP
7. Pairings you wrote this year?
Eve/Flynn Eve & LITs Pike/Una and Pike & Una Uhura/Ortegas Spock & Una Una & La’an La’an & Chapel
8. A fic regret from this year?
Feeling rushed to put out content and be “relevant” instead of enjoying the moment and the resurgence of creativity
9. A song that helped you write?
Bird Song by Juniper Vale
10. Total number of fics you posted?
Nine one shots (700+ words/per) Twenty-one drabbles (100 words/per)
11. Total number of words you posted?
12. Most popular fic written this year?
revelation in the light of gray
13. Least popular fic written this year?
14. Longest completed fic you posted this year?
revelation in the light of gray
15. Shortest completed fic you posted this year?
I've been doing drabbles this year!
Trekalicious Drabbles SNW drabble collection Promotion NSFW SNW drabble We are the library The Librarians drabble collection
16. Favorite character to write about this year?
Toss up between Number One and Eve Baird
17. A fic you didn’t expect to write?
One Good Reason was a plot bunny out of left field that escaped from a conversation between friends. A La'an/Sam Kirk fic that is very much an AU and very silly.
18. Most memorable comment/review?
“# bro # this fic knocked me in the windpipe and then threw me a kitkat # i love it” from @myenterpriseisparked on boreal
I love these tags, especially because this was a drabble I was very unhappy with (and still kind of am tbh) but decided to post anyway to just kind of document my writing practice. It was nice to see people connecting with it anyway, even if I felt it wasn't quite right.
19. Trends you noticed in your writing this year?
Friendships have been very important in my writing this year
20. Fics you wanted to write but didn’t?
I had an epic fic about the day before Pike's accident and then immediate aftermath that I really wanted to write (and have written a bit of and do plan to write eventually) that just ended up being too exhausting to write this year.
I also have so many ideas for The Librarians but those fics aren't flowing as easy as the Strange New Worlds fics, so they're on the back burner for now.
21. Something you want to write next year?
I wrote a lot of friendship this year. I'd like to try writing more romance next year.
22. An idea from one of your fics that you want people to think about?
Una's arrest at the end of season one is going to be so not a big deal by this time next year, so let loose and have fun with fics set in the future!
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esoteric-prince · 2 years
Hey babygirl, tell me what your autistic about
I've lost rn bro.. I don't really have one big thing like I usually do. My Five Nights at Freddy's special interest is slowing down. I may be creeping back into being hyperfixated on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure since I got a school friend to start watching it (and there's still a whole Part i haven't read yet) I am also getting interested in furby customizing. If I come across a cheaply priced furb in the wild im going to start :)
My mom's (undiagnosed but definitely autistic-with-a-mushroom-special-interest) friend came over and she wants to take me foraging for mushrooms. We had an Autism to Autism communication about new age spirituality and alternative medicines, (normal stuff like tea for headaches, not like, snake oil) and I helped her get some insight on her 20 year old reddit atheist son. So that's also a possible new special interest to look out for.
Right now my day to day life is just drawing while listening to something educational. I found a new youtuber who has a whole backlog of video essays I'm autistic about (PhilosophyTube). I have been watching a lot of youtube essays on philosophy and social justice type stuff recently, and the history of medicine and subjected my mom to a lot of infodumping.
thank you for the inquiry, king, i went back and capitalized stuff to make it more readable
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j2memories · 5 months
ET Online article (November 11th 2014)
EXCLUSIVE! Jared Padalecki is a Nerd, Jensen Ackles is a Fashionista and More 'Supernatural' Secrets!
By Leanne Aguilera 2:00 PM PST, November 11, 2014
Raise the curtain — it's time to celebrate 200 episodes of hunters, monsters, angels and demons!
In honor of tonight's landmark episode of Supernatural, ETonline is spilling exclusive scoop from everyone's favorite brothers Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles and it's guaranteed to make any Winchester fangirl absolutely freak out.
The guys were more than happy to share not one, but two hilarious secrets that you never knew about each of our demon-hunting actors.
After all, when a show has been on the air for ten years and the plot centers on the trials and tribulations of two brothers, it's only natural that the co-stars would become incredibly close. Even better, when it comes to Padalecki and Ackles, the word "close" doesn't even begin to describe their bromantic bond, making their secrets that much better!
First up: Ackles revealed an unknown fact about his gorgeous-haired best friend: " I out all of his flaws to everybody," the actor spilled to ETonline in Vancouver last month. "It's his strengths that I don’t tell anyone about, and that's just because he's a buddy of mine, and you never brag about your buddy."
"But if I was going to reveal a secret I would say that he is the nerdiest mathematician that I have ever met in my life!" Ackles continued, "This guy throws out like percentages, and decimals, and numbers, and it's just like, 'Jared what's 16 percent of 4200?' and he's like, 'Boom! Number!' And I'm like, 'You're such an idiot — I guess idiot is the wrong word — you're such a nerd!'"
Now it's time to turn the tables! Padalecki exposed that when it comes to his co-star — fans should always look twice at what Ackles wearing. "He love to dress up," the former Gilmore Girls star said with a laugh.
"Not like fishnets and make-up, but I think when he heard that we had a 200th episode party, he was the happiest guy on the planet," he explained. "He got to go try on a nice suit, and any excuse to buy a suit and do Ocean's 11 is his wet dream."
Woah! TMI, Jared? Naaaah!
The Supernatural stars also revealed that their close-knit bond was instantaneous — they fell into a bromance the very first time they met! "We were just children," Ackles reminisced of their first encounter at a Warner Bros. chemistry read in 2004. "I walked in and expected to see five other guys reading for the role of Dean, and I see this one gangly-looking, long-haired frat boy, with his long hair and his hoodie."
After bonding over their home state of Texas, and realizing that they both were huge fans of the Dallas Cowboys football team, Padalecki explained that they were confused as to why no other guys were at the audition. "Finally they walk into the room and they were like, 'Hey guys follow us,' and we walk into this room at Warner Bros. and we do this scene," he said, "It was in front of 20 or 30 super high powered execs and it's a terrifying room."
"We walk out and we're like, 'F-ck! I thought that went well but no one said anything,' and then we're thinking, 'And where the fuck is everybody else?!'" Padalecki continued, "So we get back in and everybody stands up and starts clapping and they go, 'You've got a TV show.' — I get chills thinking about it."
Ackles agreed that it was of his biggest life-changing moments. "That was it. And then it was so easy," he said. "It was like immediately, 'Oh I've got best friends that are exactly like you!' and vice versa so good job, Network, on pairing us up together." Awww!
Over the past ten years Supernatural fandom has always been wildly supportive of each and every episode of the series, so it's only natural that the 200th would be a love letter to the fans in the form of an all-girls school play.
"It's just so cool," Padalecki gushed. "The fans have been asking for a musical for many, many years. It was a nice was to kind of give a salute to the fans and keep it true to Supernatural and true to Sam and Dean but give you what you wanted."
Ackles on the other hand, was not too excited when he first received the script. "Reading it I was holding my breath. I was like, 'Oh no, here we go — we are tipping the hat way too much to the fans,'" he explained.
'But then after seeing what Phil [Sgriccia], our director, conceptualized and what he was doing, I really became excited about it," Ackles said. "The guest cast they had really knocked it out of the park and I think it's what's going to make it a hit."
The 200th episode of Supernatural airs Tuesday, Nov. 11 at 9 p.m. on The CW.
Link to the article
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terrifickid · 5 months
Nah nah
I 💯 would but
I get a premonition right when I see this guy that I'll train at his dojo in tel Aviv when I'm 33.
Years later I'm 34 and training there and think, oh well so much for that premonition - he says, 'start your dojo' - I'm like, huh? Ya maybe bro.
I get back and check my ID I turned 33 when I was there.
Before that, I get a premonition from an FB ad. A school, I get a premonition before to go to journey to center in Switzerland - I'm like, never again no way. Sure enough, when I get back home I enroll and the 2 schools taught me the same thing - the very thing I natural did and we can look back now and know it panned.
I noticed this signature way before in my life's events - they were encrypted, signed in causal reality that nobody could control.
Surely it's a prank tho - except the very psalm 91:1 that gets shown to me in my breakdown at a 1-off Bible study is the very same thing - oh and years later it's talking ascension right there. And what happened when I did the thing?
And now, I'm getting the model from zuster denecamp on invitation from the same tel Aviv guy and hit river of deceit and unlock the schizophrenia cause by a mirrored person who's also TK? Cause of the 'bird of prey' early bird premonition from the dojo website which went Christian?!
Ok well, I fly to Maui and lo and behold there's a Christian jujutsu church? We check out that model as well who ever heard of such a thing? That's US code compliant you better believe it.
Ain't no way that's a prank because I already did the noodling on hypnosis which is impossible - I wasn't hypnotized to confabulate premonitions. It's encrypted signed authenticated message from command.
Or schizophrenia, but permiacare told me off the bat spiritual isn't regarded that way - of course it's relevant.
And why? What other choice would I have for SSI the team consensus action? 97 dollar flight to center Pacific with flights to any continent, visa free year round weather. Access to sea and away from brewing civil war. Perfect tactical position. Booked.
It's too improbable, how did I live, this series of events. Thing after thing. It's design.
So we're talking 7 times 11, we're talking dragon. If I don't let go of these resentments somehow I'll mortify.
And again, cut it anyway you like what's indisputable is HI is the only American state with the proper weather at the base case outcome of what I see now and saw the as the only possible future which is starve on the street and get jailed.
Well so what.
So we're already packed and the fitness and diet team I picked up in Colombia came thru. I've got 12 years urban stealth camp experience, equipment - it's now a $10 poncho and a train to LA.
I've been programming quant for 8 years? It's not impossible - I'm 20/20 - it's all been a breakdown of the execution systems. Ok. Small price to pay for unparalleled speed and power.
UpWork was destined to fail and any economic issues only compound. My condition precluded me from any other alternative and the law enforces the status quo.
Why I gotta fight non-stop with everyone? That's not written nowhere. And the very same scenario got me back my will to live - I'm making it up?
Only shot I got. We hit Maui and train up in the mountains shugendo style. Study jujutsu and volunteer. I'll see what contacts I can drum up and assess the terrain and social disposition for long-term entrenchment position.
Bonus is, it's a perfect base to ship animals to, out of disaster areas across the Pacific theater.
It's a dragon or I'm a fool.
Point being is what sense is to be made of this? Is my so-called innate nature or heartfeltness just a brain tumor? Seems like. What am I turning down a promotion to build a baseball field?
We're at a complete impasse,
it's Kobayashi maru and it always was.
We died at 24, followed the inner light for 20 years, battled across the world and when I woke up an purple energy vortex appeared in my new minds eye. I've traversed that tunnel for months, recouped all losses and now I've got a ticket to Maui and a plan.
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heyygela · 10 months
I haven't shared my thoughts for a long time na. I was thinking of creating a new account to burst out all my feelings privately.
But nah, I'm sticking with this. I'm staying here.
I chose not to share as much as I did before. Siguro I get lazy din to type kaya it became less, but I'm a natural writer and a reader. I love how I express myself through words and wonder through different stories and paragraph that I read.
Lately, I'm thinking of buying books. I want to read. But unlike before, I no longer crave for the novels, I want the type of books that would made me feel empowered. I wanna read creativity and positivity from books. I want to embody change.
Lots of things are happening in my life. Life's doing okay though. I passed the boards, attended the oath taking ceremony, got my license and registered myself to start my freelance journey. It was a rollercoaster of emotions.
Family's doing good, couldn't say great because we still tend to fight and miscommunicate with a lot of things.
My two siblings beginning to have their own relationship, wish them the best while my protective yet supportive sistersy side is acting up.
Lil bro's no longer little. Adolescence hitting him so hard right now. He's about to go back to an actual school.
Friends living their own lives. Haven't heard much of them, yet I wish them good health. I've distanced myself from them eh. Not sure why, but it's more on because of my insecurities and anxiousness. I miss the good times though, but I'm sure they're trying to live their life the best way they could.
My lovelife's the real rollercoaster here. It hasn't been screaming of pure fun lately. It has come to the point of screaming our hearts out due to our own differences. I don't know what else I could do. It's so hard to manage the emotions and understanding things at the same time. I don't want to be a burden to her. I don't understand why. Is it because we are still young and still immature to accept and do things better? Is it pride? Is it the struggle of balancing who we are from who we should be? There's so many questions, yet all if these doesn't matter though. It's just very cloudy tonight. My thoughts, my emotions. To be honest there's no problem. We we're okay. Thing's just suddenly exploded, due to being a little sensitive and needy tonight.
Transformation during 20s is real. You really work hard on yourself, you slowly become who you meant to be. You get to know yourself better.
Almost a month away and I'm already 25 years old. That could almost be the half of my living years. Not sure how long I'd live, but I hope wherever I am in the future, I hope I'm proud and happy to where I'm at.
I still hope my parents are still alive by that time, I hope my siblings are married and happy with their family life, I wish i could still spend some time with my friends, and lastly, I pray that I still have her in my life. I hope we're achieving things together. I hope she didn't gave up on me while I'm still a work in progress, while I still haven't proven a single thing. I hope she had stayed. I hope she's still happy with me. I hope she'd passed through the difficult phases of our relationship.
I hope I'm not crying when I get to read this again in the future. I hope there's happiness in me. I hope I'm not lonely or sad or alone.
My circle may be small, but they are the ones that I would like to keep in my life.
But if you have other plans for me o dear Lord, please lead the way. Redirect me if I'm in the wrong path. Show me and I will gladly follow you even if it means losing and giving up with what I want to happen in my life.
My plans are great, but your plans for me are greater.
Please don't let anger grows in my heart when the time comes. Please help me heal if my wants aren't according to your plans. I will truly and willingly follow what you have for me.
Kahit hindi na ako, wag lang mahirapan at masaktan ang mga taong mahal ko sa piling ko.
Kung san sila sasaya Lord, yun lang hiling ko.
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When the best friend I ever had passed away , it was the most painful experience of my life ,so the criticism of my emotional response was upsetting ,like it was fake
And ask myself what kind of pos would think something like that , without knowing how invested in a person's life another Is,
Known him since I was 8 , and I remember telling myself , he fits the space , you know?
The first thing we ever did together was a Doges game with our dads.
There was a race for a foul ball that he won and the excitement of the moment was mutual , and fromb' that , moment on , he was the most important person in my lIfe
We got stuffed on dogs and cotton candy , peanuts , not him he was deadly allergic to them,
And soda
I went to check on him every day before feeling comfortable enough to go anywhere or do anything .
After high school it was a given we would room together ,
I hated cleaning
He hated cooking
Which was as if it was to be expected for it to be seemless
And it never is , not ever
the ironic thing is self reliant and responsible he was ,
No matter what I served , he would always say ,
There's no peanus in here , right ?
Right , because , you asking that every single time you sit down hasn't done anything that might suggest I understand lol.
I knowm but I do it because it's my job to ask , no one's to tell
Yeah , I grab it
20 years
And at some point it stopped being ok,
Same as the day before anf the day before that ,
STFU with that , I have been so patient with it , but your getting on my dick nerve with that shit ,
And he tried to give me that reasonable, common sense ,being responsible shit , but u was real for it
it's like you have zero trust in pit friendship and it fucks with me , like
Do I have to ask for my change ?
What does that mean
Its a question, do HAVE to say , I want the change or is it a given,
Because it seems like you see things in extremes, so I was wondering if how you see it , is that it's not your job .
Have you been watching Oprah ?
yeah ,binging .
But it was the flow , again,
Seem less
20 damn years before I could get him not to ask ,
before he would eat what I had waited what seemed like my entire life to feed him,
To watch his eyes open wider and wider as realization crystalized the moment,
To see his hands clutching at an airway he couldn't reach and wouldn't save him if he could
You choking yourself bro?
That's gonna make it worse but go ahead ,
What wrong ,
You don't ;look good ,
I wonder what could be the problem, I mean we know it's not peanuts right , cuz that's your responsibility remember ?
Did you forget to ask ,
You did huh
Oh wow , that's a tough one,
I would have told you ,I swear I would , but it isn't my issue ,
I'm not the one whose dying now m you are,
OI just don't understand , why you csnt find the time to say 4 words to save your life ?
So casual with it , now look at you .
Looking up at me with those sad puppy dog eyes,
Maybe next time you won't think it's ok to trip someone so you can steal the ball that was coming to them,
Yeah ,just like that,
Why did you do that,
Don't be a baby It was fun, we were racing, don't get mad cuz I won,
You won huh , ok
Of everyone I've killed ,
He's the most important person of my entire life
I invested everything in protecting what he meant to me ,
I waited 20 years , because it had to be with the peanuts
So to accuse me of putting on a performance , is really really pissing me off ,
Every single tear was sincere ,
He was the white whale
The first person I swore I'd kill
The impossible one , the errorless one , he was my entire life , killing him was all that mattered ,
Have I ever shown you the foul ball I got at Dodgers Stadium when I was a kid?
It's my favorite thing
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widows-writings · 2 years
Wishing not so good things on the rich because they ruin everyone's lives.
Bro, fuck landloards and corporations that have rental properties. They will fuck you over time and time again because they think it's funny cause they get to leach money out of you. In the 5 months that I have been here, rent outside of my lease has gone up almost 300 dollars and that's not an exaggeration. I'm terrified that when we have to renew our lease that shit is going to be well over 2k and we won't be able to afford it on top of having to fucking pay for school which starts two fucking months after we have to renew our lease, but we have to have 2 years of fucking consistent work history to even qualify for a fucking house. Like can I just fucking kill myself already? I just want to write for a living. Is that too much to ask for? I just want to enjoy life and I don't even get to do that with all of the bullshit that is happening in the world which fucking pisses me the fuck off because yeah sure. I'll go enjoy my fucking 20s during two pandemics and possibly a third, a looming recession, and the world going to shit. Yeah, sure I'll get right on the fucking selling my soul to corporate greed so I can fucking afford to eat. Have to possibly move back home because holy shit does this fucking suck, though can't afford to live back home because shit is so expensive there and it drives me up a god damned wall, but what the fuck do I know. I've only been watching this country go to shit since before I was fucking born and then I was asked to fucking fix it because other people don't want to do their due diligence and fix it. Like genuinely fuck people, fuck society and fuck capitalism. It's not fun. I'm not having a good time. I just want to fucking kill myself. Are you happy now you fucking corporate assholes? Are you enjoying this game that you've laid out for us to play, because if we opt out we fucking die? Yeah, fucking watch, fucking laugh you nasty ass pigs. I hope your fucking dog dies, I hope that you get food poisoning every fucking day, I hope that you lose everyone you love, I hope someone doxes you, I hope that you lose all of your money, I hope someone steals from you, I hope that you live out the rest of your life in dog shit hell because you have made so many people's lives a living hell and it's not fucking fun. I hope that you live in fear because of what you've done to other people because fuck me this isn't nice and I was taught from a young age that if I was bullied, I was allowed to bully back.
Fuck you and everything you fucking love you fucking pieces of fucking shit. I hope you fucking rot in the deepest darkest pits of fucking hell. I hope you have glue shoved down your fucking throat. I hope you get hit by a bus and a doctor refuses to help you. I hope that the package that you ordered gets stolen. I hope that you have the world fucking life ever.
fucking pieces of fucking shit. Fuck you. Assholes. Good fucking god.
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tsuncda · 2 years
every time i log onto instagram to send my mom a silly video i’ve downloaded from this hellsite, another one of my friends is engaged to be married and i just—
#olive rambles#misc#me: *shaking in my boots* hOw OlD aM i AgAiN??????????#*frantically googling in all caps 'MEAN AGE OF MARRIAGE IN THE US' while the camera is shaking and there's sounds of bombs dropping#and then i read their captions and it's like '12 months down :) ' because they've oNLY KNOWN EACH OTHER FOR A YEAR—#like listen listen listen. marry who you want. you do you. be happy and find what makes you feel loved. i wish you the best.#but the tONAL WHIPLASH of me going 'hehe i think this silly little video is fun and i'm going to send it to my mom while eating instant#saimin from two rooms over' to 'we're happily engaged!!! you've never seen this man on my insta before but 12 months down eternity to go <3'#throws me for a lOOP. EVERY. TIME.#the first time it was literally 3 months after graduating hIGH SCHOOL. BABIES!!!!!!!! BOTH OF THEM!!!!!!!!#and like yeah; marriages can work. it's about /wanting/ to put the effort in. i know i know.#but i am inherently wary of marriage and i can't stop seeing myself and my friends as cHILDREN who don't have their lives together.#bro.................. i am happy for them but also i am the pessimist of the group who has taken way too many family life courses to be#100% on board with that decision.#i wouldn't want to LIVE with a man i've only known for a year let alone GET MARRIED TO HIM.#like damn i know i have a lot of LDS friends and i know it's stats that they get married younger but gIRL!!!!!!!#you haven't even reached 20 yet!!!!!!!!!! i wish you the best and i sincerely hope it works out for you.#but also one of my viable career paths is marriage/family counselor for a reason.#i'm not saying it's necessary for you to date around first but i am saying you should know yourself first and girl how cAN you.#and like okay i know i have been very hard in this particular rant but that's because marriage is terrifying!!!!! and it sHOULD be!!!!#that's a big step!!!!! it's like deciding that you've swimmed in the shallows and now you're ready for the ocean!!!!!#but on the other hand i am decidedly nOT the expert on marriage and should have no say in my friends choice.#if she thinks she can do it - more power to her. i truly dO wish her the best. we haven't even talked all that much since high school so i#have the least bearing on her preparedness for marriage.#this is a choice she's gotta make.#it's just so odd to me because it feels like literally yesterday that we were in 8th grade and she was the shy band kid who did and english#project with me for 20 points extra credit. it feels like five minutes ago that we were groaning over math homework.#it feels like i just got off the phone with her; giggling over the too-tall blonde boy she had a crush on and was too shy to wave to.#and now i'm finding out she's getting engaged via an instagram post that i'm two days late to and i just sit here quietly thinking........#where does the time go? and where will it lead?
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dystopia-fantasy · 3 years
Always read the job description -Part 1
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Max was a fit, well built man. He had been body building since he was 14 and now In his early 40s he has the body of a god, but is slowly getting to the age when he needs to find another way to make money. He knows he can't take part in his competitions anymore, and needs to take it easy. He got great grades in school and college, proving people wrong that you can't be a nerd in a jock body.
Max had some money saved and was able to keep up on bills for a few months but needed a job to keep his large house, in the rich area of the city. He got a call from a business he applied to a couple of days ago, telling him to go in for an interview tomorrow, and if it goes well he will be sent straight on a trip for the company. He gets his new blue suit ready to be worn the next day.
The morning arrives, it's 5am, and Max wakes. He does his normal morning routine, making breakfast, working out, taking a shower, then gets his suit on ready for his early morning interview. Driving to the office building in the middle of New York, it's at least 50 stories high, and is made of mostly glass, and is one of the newest modern builds in the city.
On arrival a large man in his late 60s wearing a suit greets him, "hello sir, you must be max, Sir Mammon is on his way down to collect you, may I say what an amazing suit you have on today".
Max looks the man up and down, seeing the man's huge belly flowing out from under his dress shirt, showing a massive W shape, "thanks mate, you might want a bigger shirt" then points to his belly.
"sorry if I offended you sir, but all clothing has been chosen by Sir Mammon himself" Mammon is the big boss of the business "if you would like to make a complaint I can print you a form".
Max laughs, "No thanks, I'm gonna sit over there, tell Mammon im there".
"will do sir, have a great day" the man says while max walks away paying no more attention to him.
About 15 minutes later a young handsome slender man walks over. "Max is it?" He says behind Max.
"yes.." max says confused.
"I'm Mammon, nice to meet you" he smiles holding his hand out for a shake.
"oh hello Mammon, is wasn't expecting someone so young, no offence of course" max shaking his hand.
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Mammon let's out a little laugh, with a little grin "it's ok max, people don't expect someone like me to own such a remarkable company like this one would you like to follow me, we can go up to my office, this is Mark by the way, he's my Butler". Mark is another large man aged around 50, he has a massive belly stuffed into his suit, hes huffing and puffing, like he ran a marithon, "don't mind him, most of my staff are..."
Max cuts him off "fat?"
They both laugh, "you could say that Max" the elevator arrives and they all walk in, "now max, you did read the whole advertisement correct?".
Max didn't, it's was 48 pages long, who would read it all? He just looked at the wage he would get, it started at $100,000 per month. "Yes, I did".
"that's good, most guys are more keen to keep their body's but I guess if your struggling you'll do anything."
Max now confused just nod's and watches though the glass elevator as they fly up to the top floor.
"where here sir" Mark the butler says peacefully in his British accent.
They walk into the room, and Mammon sits at his desk pouring himself a glass of wisky, and Max one too. Max looks around in aww, the room was covered in art work, with the walls painted in golds and whites and had its own bar. "How do you have all this money?" Max asked.
"a mix of many things, this company, and a few investments paid for this whole building, I have many other ways but we're not here for that." Mammon points at the seat," take a seat max" Max sits the chair is made from leather and is very comfy. "So, max, I've gone through your file, I think you're perfect for the job."
"so, does that mean I have the job?" Max replies confused, expecting to be asked a question.
"well yes, if you agree to the terms"
"terms?" Max still confused.
"well yes, you expect to be paid 10times the amount the normal person for this job without any terms or conditions?"
"well I didn't know.." Max gets cut off.
"Max let me simplify them for you. You sacrifice your body to the company, and in trade you get, $100k X the amount you weigh paid into your account per month, So if you weigh 450lbs, you get $450k a month."
"what the fuck? That's sick, I'm not doing that, I'm leaving" and with that Max got up from the chair and stood face to face with Mammon, with the desk all that is separating them. "Your sick, you fa**ot".
With that Mammon's eyes glow a bright red. "I'm a what?" Max got through back against the chair by an invisible force. "Max you could have just left with your freedom, but now look what you've gotten yourself into".
"Let me go, What the fuck?" Max says while traped against that chair, it chreeking with the force of his muscle.
"I'm a fucking demon max, I'm never going to 'let you go'" he took a second break to mock max, "now, what did you say? Fa**ot, was it?".
"fuck, I didn't mean it" the force pins him down harder, trapping his arms against the leather chair arms, and pushing his legs against the underboard. "Please let me go home, I won't do it again."
"shut up max, the process is already starting".
Max looks down to see his body deflating, his pecs turning from mountain peaks to a flat surface, his giant powerful arms turning weak and light. And then looking up he sees a whole new man infront of him.
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"Not as big as I thought I would get, but boy I'm big" he took a break to admire his new giant arms and pecs.
"what the?" Max looks in confusion, "how did you do that? Give me them back".
"what are you gonna do max? I'm an infinitely powerful being and you, your an old man, or at least your going to be."
"I'm only 42, what do you mean, going to be?"
"you see I don't have my infinite life span on earth, so to stay alive and in this fit body, I absorb anything a guy has and I want. In your case, these massive muscles, but then I need to absorb their life force as well, in order to make sure I don't age."
"what do you mean life force?"
"well, you have roughly 50 years, worth of life left, I'll drain about 20 years leaving you in your future crippled body at around age 60, force you to work for the company for another 20 years, then when your 80 drain the rest of your life, which after you get fat won't be much, then you got to hell."
"man your sick, let me go, LET ME GO!".
A bright red light shoots from Peters hand enveloping Max's whole body, and he starts to age, his face wrinkling, skin dropping, eye sight worsening, hearing getting muffled, and mind changing a little. "Max, you ok old man?".
"yes sir" max was confused in his mind, why did he say sir?
"max, you ready for your Cruise? You can have tones of food for the next 6 months."
"Yes sir, I'm ready" max lifts his head, opening his eyes to see a new blurry room from his new old eyes.
"you're gonna need these from now on" Peters eyes glow and a new pair of glasses appear on Max's face he can now see clear.
"thank you... Sir", max blinks seeing Peter infront of him, "what have you, done to me".
"Max, I've turned you into the perfect office worker, old, brainiac, who is soon going to get fat and live the rest of his life, in an office chair for me, don't worry for accomodation you live here now, we have apartments on floor 30 to 40, all workers live here, it's policy, we have also sent a team to your house to, well, blow it up, that way nobody is going to be looking for you, becuase we can plant a body"
"give me... My.... Body back, give me... My.. life back."
"Max we both know that will never happen, now enjoy a life of gluttony, and prepare yourself for hell, that's gonna be worse then anything I can do to you." Peter snaped his fingers and a red glow enveloped max.
Recovering from the glow max sees two men infront of him with a trolly of sorts between them. "Is he awake" one says,
"I don't know" said the other.
"im- awake" max said in a much older raspy voice.
"good we can now start the feeding" the man on the left said, his body as muscled as a god, ripped from head to toe, and we can see everything.
Max rubs his eyes under his glasses and opens them again, "Fucking hell, put some clothes on both of you".
Both men where nude, one a ripped god, another muscled up but with a big gut. "Clothes are banned here mate" the beefy man said in a type of Australia accent, "you cant say much fella, look at that tiny pecker".
The men laughed pointing at Max's shriveled up old cock and low hanging balls, "what the fuck"max tries to move his arm to cover him but his arm doesn't move, he looks down to see him stuck in a chair, with a cut out hole under his ass, and straps tying him down, trapping him. "What... Are you gonna do to me?" Max asked sceared.
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The men laughed at him again, "no need to act to sceared, we're here to feed you for the next 6 months".
"but... Sir said..." Max get cut off.
"he said you'd be going on a cruise? Fucking hell are you dumb? He's a demon, you shouldn't trust a demon" The muscled guy says.
"bro let's start the feeding we have 50 other guys to see and I wanna watch football Tonight." The beefy guys says, and in unison both their eyes glowed a bright red, showing they where demons too.
The trolly between them had several items on top, one long tube, which floated in the air for a few moments before shoving itself down maxes nostril and deep into his stomach, his head flipped back trying to wriggle it out, but it was stuck. Another item moved into his frame, a IV bag holder, holding a giant barrel type object made of glass, and two large bags floated of the table again and started to drain into the barrel, and the tube connected itself to it, starting a flow of the liquid into maxes stomach.
"done" the beffy guy said. "Now we'll be back tomorrow to refill your barrel, and clean you up if you make a mess, but youll basically be unconscious for the next 6 months, due to the drugs were feeding you."
"so enjoy your sleep mate, you'll litterally wake up a different man." The two men laughed and walked out, max tried fighting the restraints but in his crippled form could do nothing. The door slammed and locked, and the room fell dark, max screamed begging into the darkness to be let free, and to have his life back, which he had only an hour before, but nothing happened, nobody came. He felt the drugs taking effect, but tried to fight back, but it was useless, his body slumped and loosened. His mind fell blank as he drifted of into his 6 month hibernation.
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slade-neko · 3 years
Saw this video game tag thing pop up on my dash a few days ago. Wanted to do it.
1. First game you played obsessively? Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I believe I was 5yo. Still waiting on that FF7 Remake treatment.
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2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. Well if I play a game and like it, then I'll create sims of it. Does that count?
3. Who did you play with as a kid? My brother from the day I was born.
4. Who do you play with now? My brother FROM THE DAY I WAS BORN.
5. Ever use cheat codes? I wasn't lying when I made this post. {link}
6. Ever buy strategy guides? Yes! Mainly to look at the artwork though. (Don't need no guide!)
7. Any games you have multiple copies of? Lots of games, most being Left 4 Dead with 6 copies (3 Xbox 360, 1 PC case, 2 PC digitally.) What can I say, its a GOOD GAME!
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection? Gold cartridge Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (maybe that's rare?)
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9. Most regrettable purchase? I don't regret my purchases, but I have received games I have never played like Cubix (PS2) no clue where that game came from, but I have it somehow. Madagascar (Xbox 360) came with my Xbox 360, never opened it from its case. And Monsters Inc. Scream Arena (Gamecube) or something... it was a gift.
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours? No, because then I'd have to interact with people.
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games? I'm only friends with people BECAUSE of video games, so yes.
12. Ever get picked on for liking games? No, that'd be ridiculous.
13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has? Probably a lot, I'd say Call of Duty, but I technically played CoD 1, 2, and 4. The campaign mode was alright, but I don't really care for CoD games at ALL.
14. Favorite game music? Koji Kondo and Grant Kirkhope are two BIG ones.
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick? Triforce is the most basic option, but I'd rather not get a tattoo.
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL? Super Smash Bros. Brawl with hacks, but that was over a decade ago.
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17. Ever lose a friend over a game? No, that'd be ridiculous.
18. Would you date someone that hates gaming? No, that'd be RIDICULOUS.
19. Favorite handheld console? PSP. 3DS is great, but PSP Monster Hunter has ALL of my portable gaming memories. Like playing in school after End of Grade tests with my friend.
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand? Sims 4 I like to think I know everything about Left 4 Dead. Quite a bit about Monster Hunter, more so of a series though than a specific game.
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now? I'd say Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. I loved it as a kid, but had a lot of complex pen & paper RPG mechanics that I never understood. I understand a lot more of it now, but its still complex as all heck. I just know you hit things, they die.
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories? That's the only thing I wear.
23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into? Not sure so I'll list a few. Sims 4, Smash Bros. Brawl, Monster Hunter (its a series though), or Left 4 Dead
24. First Pokemon game? Leaf Green
25. Were you ever an arcade game player? No, don't like paying to play.
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries? No.
27. Game that makes you rage? I don't get mad at games, but I had a custom modded Hard Eight mutation in Left 4 Dead that is absolute bullsh*t!
28. Ever play in a tournament? No, because then I'd have to interact with people.
29. What is your gaming set up? A giant wall of video game consoles spanning from NES to Switch, 4 TVs, but I sit at a desk with a PC.
30. How many consoles do you own? "I own every console that's ever existed." - I Don't Play Games When I Play Games (My STRENTH) original song by Smooth McGroove BUT no seriously I own 32 consoles including handhelds.
31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches? Yes. 3DS gave me headaches though I only really played with the 3D feature in Ocarina of Time 3D. I think my eyes broke because I couldn't get my 3D to work very well after.
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic? Sure I play games based on a lot of things. Literally any anime game. If I had to pick Dragon Ball Xenoverse is kinda like a dream Dragon Ball game. Oh, Attack on Titan 2 is pretty neat too!
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33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games? Some SEGA plug-n-play thing once. Played it like once and now its lost to time (or my closet.)
34. Do either of your parents play video games? Yes. Mom and Dad played NES Super Mario Bros. My Dad went HARD at that game until he saved the Princess. Then he quit forever.
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop? "Hi. Welcome to Gamestop!"I never want to hear that again, but it was my main store until I went full digital/ online orders.
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game? No, I don't tend to get upset or emotional, but Bill dying in Left 4 Dead made me pretty pissed.
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37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination? Never played it. I don't really play "bad" games, but maybe Sims 4.
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like? The Sims 4
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make? Dragon's Dogma 2 WHICH I think is actually in development, so I'd have to say Fallout New Vegas 2. C'mon Bethesda you cowards, hand the keys back over to Obsidian so they can make another good Fallout game!
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls? Two part question, two answers. VR Headset to immerse in world, yes. Motion Controls, no.
41. A genre that you just can’t get into? MOBAs and MMOs. I don't like paying to keep playing.
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness? Nintendo 64 opened me up to what video games could be as a kid. Sad to say my parents' NES didn't really do that for me. And years later Fallout 3 was a big game changer for me too.
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43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else? Every day of my LIFE.
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters? None. I'd rather emulate.
45. How are you at Mario Kart? Pretty dang good. 3-STARS MARIO KART WII, BABY!
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon? Yes, both of those. I preferred when Animal Crossing had more character to it. New Horizons looks so pretty, but feels so bland compared to classic AC.
47. Do you like competitive games? No. Not really. Usually amongst friends or if I can get competitive against AI Bots. I love my machine bot friends cause they don't cry like 10 year olds when they lose.
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character? Too long. I've seriously restarted games because I wasn't happy with my character's appearance.
49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character? Yes, I am always the magic man, my brother is always brute warrior, and my friend is the ranger.
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50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create? I don't really know. Honestly, I'd rather mod already good games to make them better than create something completely new.
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep? No, that'd be ridiculous. But I've had a friend fall asleep playing games at my house 3 different times and currently dozes off during our Minecraft sessions. So, maybe that's not a completely ridiculous thing after all.
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid? Kirby 64 apparently. My brother tells me we had to count out pennies to buy it. I must've been too young with no recollection, but I believe it.
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days? It's good if its not in the game's files from the beginning and is actually developed AFTER launch... and pre-order bonuses should be standard DLC a month or two later. Some games have content lost to time because of that pre-order bullsh*t.
54. Do you give in to Steam sales? Of course. If you want a game and its on sale then why not? I typically wait just for Steam sales to get games.
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them? No? I typically make people and characters I like in Sims. I've made villains like Dio, but he's an anime villain and I don't really HATE him despite the horrible things he's done.
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests? No. Never played that game.
57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements? I try to for all the games I really like.
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick? The Sims 4, Skyrim, & Fallout: New Vegas. Mods make them live forever. Left 4 Dead and Monster Hunter are good choices too.
59. Do you play any cell phone games? Those aren't games.
60. Do you know the Konami Code? No? But I'll take a guess. Is it make an IP and forget it exists?
61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever? Keep forever... even the bad ones.
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game? PS4 Pro for Monster Hunter World. It was basically for early access since the PC version was being developed and releasing after PS4, but I don't like waiting.
63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? Sort of. Been to anime cons and walked into the gaming tournament rooms only to walk out less than 10 minutes later.
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming? No, but I'm going to be doing that soon, hopefully.
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file? GameShark for N64, PS2, Gameboy, and Action Replay for Gamecube, DS, 3DS. And no not really, I would cheat responsibly... but there was this one time at school my friend and I borrowed another friend's Gameboy game, loaded it up with my Gameshark, tried playing, it crashed, loaded it back up, save file corrupted... we just stared at each other jaws dropped, "Here's your game back, dude. Make sure you don't play it til you get back home!"
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it? No, but I remember seeing them on billboards in the game DRIV3R on PS2.
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share? Every game I play is filled with happy memories (mostly.)
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool? These tiger plushes. My brother got white and I got orange. They were the coolest. Got a butt load of tickets from some jackpot spinning light game thing as I was good at the timing with repeated jackpot hits.
69. In your opinion, best game ever made? I've played quite a few masterpiece games, but to pick one, I'd say Fallout: New Vegas
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70. Very first game you ever beat? Super Mario 64. I was a mere child on a Sunday morning and ate celebratory pancakes made by my Dad.
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Wow, that was long... I get the feeling this was supposed to be a "send me ask with numbers" thing, but answering all at once is more fun.
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