#bro my nose feels so.. empty
darkbluekies · 1 year
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Mafia!yandere x reader x hidden brother
Summary: Silas has a brother you've never heard of, who seems to be just what you need, so you decide to escape with him, only to find out even more secrets.
Warnings: mafia, crime, scamming, murder, blood, manipulation, mentions of selling a human, smuggling, nsfw mentions (let me know if I missed one)
Word count: 5.5k
Silas has brought you to his family's summer house on the Greek island of Rhodos for you to be alone, away from everyone. Only you and him for a week. Weirdly enough, it brings you some kind of relief. His men and his work has worn you out.
"Stay here, I have to go get some food for us", Silas says and picks up his wallet. "I'll be back in thirty minutes, baby, so try not to die in the meantime."
"I won't", you promise.
Silas smiles and kisses your lips. "Good. I love you, little thing. I'll be back soon."
He locks the door behind him. You breathe out and finally relax your body. Being all alone with Silas has been excruciating. If he learned to keep his hands to himself, you wouldn't feel as tired as you do now. Every night, he wants to feel you underneath him.
Just a few minutes later, you hear the lock turn. Silas must have forgotten something. But the man who walks in … isn't Silas. You could swear that it was in your first glance. The man looks extremely like Silas with thick, black hair, dark eyes and broad build. This man, however, has a bigger nose and lips.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" he gasps as he walks in. "I didn't know Silas was here."
You take a step backwards. When someone knows Silas, it is almost always bad.
"Who are you?" you ask suspiciously. 
"I'm Ares, Silas’s younger brother", he says and holds out his hand in front of him in a pleading way. "Please don't be afraid. I'm not like my brother." He looks around. "Where is he, anyways?"
"He'll be here soon …"
"What's your name? You're Silas’s partner, right?"
You nod hesitantly. There's a bad feeling in your stomach. 
"I've heard about you", Ares smiles sweetly and rolls his eyes. "Or not about about you. Silas never tells anything to the family, but I've heard that he has a partner. There's a rumor."
Ares sits down by the kitchen table. You follow him closely with your eyes.
"How is he treating you?" Ares asks carefully and points at your neck. "He isn't hurting you, is he?"
Your hand shoots up to your neck, remembering the (probably) hundreds of love bites Silas has left on you.
"N-No!" you stutter embarrassedly. "This isn't-!"
"Oh, I see. Sorry for assuming. I just know that my brother isn't a very soft person so I just- … that was dumb of me, I apologize."
"It's okay …"
Ares smiles coyly. You find yourself smiling slightly at the awkward misunderstanding. 
"What was your name?" he asks.
"Y/N", you say.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I didn't mean to intrude like this. I was under the impression that the house would be empty."
"It's fine-"
Your sentence is cut short by the door opening.
"What the fuck are you doing here, Ares?" Silas growls and holds out his hand to you. "Y/N, come here."
You walk over to your boyfriend who is quick to scoot you behind him.
"Mom and dad said that the summer house was free", Ares says and crosses his muscular arms — something that seems to run in the family — with a cocky smile. "You didn't tell them that you were here."
"Why should I? They disowned me, they don't need to know about my whereabouts. Now get out. I don't want you anywhere near my partner."
Ares stands up. He walks over to Sials, glancing at you over his shoulder.
"A tip, big bro", he says amusedly with raised eyebrows, "if you break Y/N when you're having sex, you'll be living in involuntary abstinence for weeks. Don't be so rough."
Silas flinches forward upon hearing your name, as if he's about to attack him, but seems to force himself to remain still. Ares leaves, closing the door behind him. Silas turns to you instantly, cupping your cheeks.
"What did he do to you?" he asks quickly, worry glowing in his eyes. "Tell me everything."
"He didn't do anything", you answer. "I'm okay. You never told me that you have a brother."
"Y/N, he's a horrible man, I don't want you talking to him. I hid him for a reason."
Silas's usual jealousy is talking again, you notice.
"Pack your bag, we're leaving tonight."
"Silas, I don't want to go back. I hate it there."
"You're safe at home. Apparently, you're not here."
"Silas, who cares if your brother knows that we're here?"
"No one should know where we are, do you get that? Only my closest men should know about my whereabouts. I don't even trust people in my organization. Go pack your bags now."
You sigh and give in. You notice how quiet Silas is. He throws everything around and glares. With a harsh grip on your hand, he pulls you with him to his car and speeds all the way to the airport. You're afraid of opening your mouth. He's going to explode at any moment … but you can't stand this much longer. The second his private jet lifts from the runway, you decide to try to ease the air.
"Silas, please", you say quietly with tears in your eyes. "You're scaring me."
That seems to snap Silas out of his dark cloud. His eyes dark over to you and soften, as if he's realized that you're there as well.
"Oh, I'm sorry, baby", he apologizes and unbuckles his seatbelt. "Come here."
You unbuckle your own and walk over. He pulls you down into his lap and hides his face into your abused neck. You can feel his heavy sigh.
"Why are you crying?" he asks quietly into your neck.
"I don't like it when you're mad .. every time you're mad, you kill someone", you whisper in horror. "I don't want you to be mad. I don't understand. He's just your brother-"
"I hate that piece of shit. Don't call him my brother."
You gulp.
"I will not let him take you", Silas mumbles and tightens his embrace on you. "He's always wanted everything I have. Even when we were kids. He threw tantrums when I got presents on my birthday because he wanted his own. If my dense, thick brained parents hadn't given in ye probably wouldn't he a piece of shit now."
Younger siblings are often like that, you're not surprised. Always wanting what the older one has — to be like them.
Silas lifts his head from your neck and presses his lips to yours.
"You're mine", he tells you and gives you a gaze you can't seem to read. "Say it, say that you're mine."
"I'm yours, Silas", you say hesitantly. "Please calm down, I'm uncomfortable."
He sighs heavily and intertwines your fingers.
"I'm sorry, baby", he apologizes. "Ares just pisses me off like no one else."
"You'll not have to meet him again", you remind him. "You ran into him by accident."
"Yeah, I guess. If I had known that he would stumble in like a fucking pig I would never have left you alone. I don't even want to imagine what he could have done …"
"Silas, I'm okay, right? Nothing happened. He was friendly, you have nothing to worry about?"
He scoffs. "Nothing to worry about? Yeah, right."
"Can we please drop this now? I don't want to sit with you if you're going to be like this."
You're about to stand up, but he pulls you down again.
"Alright, alright, I'll not talk more about it. Just stay."
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A month passes. Silas weird behavior has finally toned down and to make up for his extremely overprotective manner, he's agreed to take you out on a car drive. Silas needs to meet up with a "colleague" to trade something he hasn't told you. You don't question that anymore — frankly, knowing will only bring you nausea and headaches.
Silas’s car has many buttons and screens inside, both in the front and behind the seats, LEDs that light up in different colors and heaters under your seat. The car is more comfortable than your bedroom. 
He parks the car in a gas station, making it look like he's supposed to fuel his car, when in reality, he walks off to meet with his contact. Before he leaves, he handcuffs your hand to the steering wheel and locks all doors. Knowing that you can unlock them from inside paranois him. You sigh and look around you for something to keep your eyes on, finding a familiar face in the slot beside you. Ares has parked his red sports car beside the gas pump. He smiles when noticing you and gets out of his car. He looks around in confusion. You point towards the gas station  with your free hand. Ares nods and scurries over to you. You unlock your door.
"Y/N, hi", he smiles. "What a coincidence. I’m so glad to see you. Ever after I was kicked out by Silas, I’ve been so worried about you. Are you okay?"
"What do you think?" you sigh and lift your cuffed hand.
"That's easy to pick." Ares picks up something resembling a needle from his back pocket and inserts it in the lock. Just a minute later, the lock clicks open and you remove the cuff from your wrist. “Y/N, you should come with me. I can save you from him.”
Those words ring in your head. I can save you from him. You can finally get away? Ares tugs on your arm and you realize that you have to decide now, before Silas returns. If you decide to leave with Ares, changes are you’ll have to live on the run for the rest of your life. You’re certain that SIlas won’t let you go that simple. And once he does catch you again, you’ll have to regain his trust — that took such a long time to acquire. But you don’t want to stay. You don’t want to have his suffocating presence around you, don’t want to be locked in his bedroom all day every day, don’t want to be present in that kind of lifestyle. You just want to go back to normal … although that will never happen. You’ve stepped into this world (although involuntarily) and now you can never get out — not fully at least. 
Ares helps you into the front seat of his sports car. You find it humorous that two brothers who seem to be so completely different like the same things.
"Let's go", Ares says and hits the gas.
"Thank you", you whisper, in shock over what just occurred. "I don't know how I'll repay you."
"Don't worry about it", Ares smiles and glances at you. "I don't think it's safe to get you home to your family. That's the first place Silas will look. Let's go to my house."
"Silas doesn’t know where that is, does he?"
"No. Just relax, Y/N, you're safe now."
You nod and decide to sink down into the car seat. You wonder how Silas is feeling right now.
Ares stops the car in front of a white house before helping you out.
"Is this your house?" you ask.
"No, I'm just using this as a decoy", Ares grins and rolls his eyes. "Come, I'll show you to the guest room. You must be tired."
You nod. If you are. Ares unlocks the door and you step into an empty hall.
"You have to excuse the empty space", Ares says, closing the door behind him. "I just moved in, I haven't had the time to get all the essentials — but I do have beds prepared."
"That's okay", you sat softly.
"The rooms are upstairs. I decided to give you an upstairs bedroom so that in case my big brother ever manages to find this house, he won't reach you. I will be able to stop him before he manages to get upstairs."
You start to walk up the stairs. 
"But he has many men …", you say quietly. 
"Trust me, Y/N, after growing up with him, you learn how to win feuds", Ares chuckles. "He's easy to read, you know? He acts like a child. He hates to share stuff, keeps unnecessary grudges and plays too hard with his toys." Ares raises his eyebrows teasingly and grins at you. "I see that your hickeys are gone."
Your hand touches your neck sheepishly. "Oh, yeah …"
"If you're ever up for some soft sex that doesn't end up looking like a murder scene …" He holds his hand up to his head like a telephone, "call me."
You chuckle and shake your head. Ares smiles and opens a door to your left, showing you a simple bedroom.
"I hope that you'll be able to recover from my brother's treatment here", he says behind you. "I'll leave you be for now. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to tell me, alright?"
"Okay", you nod. "Thank you, Ares. Genuinely. For everything."
"Of course."
He closes the door and you sink down on the mattress, breathing out. For a moment, your entire body goes numb. You really did escape Silas … with the help of Silas's brother. You have to be dreaming. How much more absurd can it get?
You find yourself enjoying Ares's company. You often sit on his couch and watch TV while he plays with his phone. It seems to occupy his every hour. You want to ask about it, but after spending so mu g time with Silas and his demeanor of 'don't ever ask what I'm doing' you hesitate. 
"You've been staring at me five times now", Ares says without looking up from his precious screen. "If you're going to ask something, do it."
"What are you doing?" you ask.
"I'm doing some business. I work mostly online."
"With what?"
Ares looks up from his phone and you freeze. You shouldn't have put your nose into his business. 
"I manage a few companies, just a couple small ones", Ares smiles. "You know — buy, sell, trade. All of that stuff. Why? Are you interested?"
"I just … I don't know. I was just wondering why you were always on your phone."
"Yes, shit, sorry. I'm so used to working all the time. Were you feeling ignored?"
"N-No, not at all. I was just curious."
"That's good. Stay curious. Just not too curious, alright? It was curiosity after all that got you into this situation from the start, wasn't it? You shouldn't have watched what was on that USB."
You gulp, remembering how you and Silas met. You had found a USB in your bag that one of his men had dropped one day. He had tracked the USB ones it had been used … and found you.
"How did you know that?" you ask.
"Do you want to know a secret?" Ares smiles boyishly. "Some of my friends work for Silas. Just under cover, to spy on him a little. They told me. That's how I knew you actually existed. You're just a rumor, but my friends could ascertain that you were real."
The mention of 'friends' brings your thoughts back on your own friends and family.
"Ares, when do you think I can go home?" you ask.
"Not for a while", Ares replies.
"But I've been here for two weeks. I'm bored. I want to meet my family."
"I know, little dove, but that isn't the ideal for now. Silas could take you. We need to be patient."
Little dove? You think that it sounds eerily similar to Silas's favorite pet name for you — little thing.
"Don't call me that", you say quietly, suddenly feeling guilt. "It … reminds me of him …"
"Reminds you of him? I saved you, remember? I'm better than him."
"Yes, yes, I know … but …"
"Come here."
You walk over to him and he takes your hand, kissing it gently.
"You're just overthinking because you're scared", Ares says. "I get that. My brother put you through horrific things. But you don't have to be afraid anymore. You're with me now. Trust me. Trust that I'm doing what's best for you."
You nod, but can't help but feel like his grip on your hand is a bit too tight. You look into his black eyes, searching for some kind of excuse for it — he's just trying to be comforting, it's just how strong his hands are … it runs in the family.
When going to bed that night, you're left with a heavy feeling in your stomach. Ares has been nothing but kind to you, so why do you suddenly feel uneasy? Or is it really sudden? Didn't you feel uncomfortable in his presence the very second you met him for the first time? Before he flashed you that boyish smile of his? Or do you just miss Silas? That can't be it … can it?
You turn in bed. 
Something doesn't feel right. Ares is supposed to be different from Silas, why does everything he does remind you of him? Just being brothers can't be the entire reason. Ares's car is the same type, just in a different color, his flirty behavior reminds you of Silas, just a tad bit different, his strong grip in your hand felt exactly like him and the way he called you "little dove" makes your stomach turn. 
What was it that Ares worked with? Did he ever tell you what he bought and sold and traded? He never told you what companies he owns.
You sit up and look around in the dark room. Ares haven't put in any effort to go out and buy furniture for his new house. The house itself doesn't make sense. Everything about Ares seems so similar to Silas, how come the house is the only thing that separates them? Silas has his black, modern, renovated villah and Ares has … an old, white house? While owning a sports car? While managing so many companies?
Suddenly, you get it all. Why haven't you noticed it before? Have you been trying to pretend that everything is fine so badly that you've missed all the red flags? You scurry out of bed and change into your clothes with shaking hands. 
You sneak out into the corridor, hearing Ares's voice from downstairs.
"No, they're asleep", he says. "Yeah, I'm thinking about doing that … they seem to piece things together and so does my idiotic brother. I can't keep them here. I'm thinking Spain. Silas will never find us there. Last I heard he got banned from entering the country. Or that might have been England. I'm not sure. Bastard's probably banned from half of Europe by now." Ares chuckles. "We'll do just fine in Spain. I know some people there that would pay a lot of money for Y/N. All because they're Silas’s partner, isn't that funny? Everyone has something against Silas and to piss him off, you have to use his little partner."
You freeze. Is Ares planning to smuggle you out of the country to sell you to one of Silas’s enemies? You have to get out of here. Oh, how you wish you were at Silas’s house right now, that you had never accepted Ares’s help. You really do miss your forced boyfriend.
You sneak down the stairs, feeling lightheaded when the wood under your feet creaks. 
"I have to go, mate, I think I have a wandering toddler", Ares says.
You hear him get up from his armchair and suddenly he appears in your vision, right in front of you down the stairs. He smiles sweetly, but you tense up.
"What's wrong?" he asks. "Can't sleep?"
"Are you taking me to Spain?" you blurt out before you can stop yourself.
He seems to be taken aback for a second but quickly gathers himself. "Yes, I thought that it would be good for you to change scenery to recover. You'll love Spain."
"I don't want to leave the country, Ares. I can recover here. I promise."
Ares eyes narrow. He must have heard the shaking in your voice that you tried so desperately to hide.
"Y/N, do you believe that I want you harm?" he asks calmly, leaning his hand on the wall.
Your heart starts to beat.
"No, of course not", you lie.
Ares smiles and walks up the steps to you. You fight the urge to flinch, suddenly feeling like you're back in Silas’s house — although you were more comfortable in Silas’s company. You knew him better.
"Let's think about it", Ares smiles and rubs your back. "It's late. Spain doesn't disappear overnight, we have time to come to a decision. Come."
He leads you back to your room and gives you your pajamas before leaving you alone. You change and sit down on your bed, holding a shaking hand over your chest.
Suddenly, you hear the door lock. You rush over, feeling the handle — just to assure you that you didn't hear things. It is indeed locked.
"Fuck …", you whisper. "Oh my God, Silas, help me."
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You decide to play along. 
You sit with Ares in the living room every evening, watching the TV. And then, the day comes when you’re supposed to go to Spain. The night before, you know that you have to do something. You don’t want to leave the country. Not with him. 
You put on your clothes and sneak downstairs, finding Ares on his phone as usual. He doesn’t see you sneak by the living room door, over to the front door. You try it once. Locked. This old house needs to be unlocked with a key from the inside — a key you don’t have. You look around quickly, glancing every minute towards the living room. You try the window. Nothing. The only window responding to your tries are the kitchen window above the sink. As quiet as you possibly can, you get up on the counter and pull the window open. WHen climbing out, you accidentally knock a glass over. The sound of glass crashing against metal in the sink makes your heart drop. You don’t wait for any responses. Without a second doubt, you jump down onto the grass outside and run. Past his red sports car, past the gates, down the street. 
From your month at Ares’s house, you’ve learned that the people in the surrounding houses are nothing more than drug addicted humans. No reason to try to get help from them. You run until an old telephone box appears in the distance. If there’s one phone number you’ve had to memorize, it’s Silas. You’re surprised he hasn’t tattooed it on you to make sure you don’t forget. 
You know that you should call the police. You really should … but you have a feeling that they won’t be much help. If there’s one that will help you at all cost … it’s Silas. He will do what it takes. You can’t waste this opportunity on something and someone that might not work.  
You rip the glass door open and grab the phone. 
“A quarter?” you pant in panic, looking around. “I don’t have a quarter!”
To your big surprise, someone must have dropped one while fumbling with their wallet before you. You pick up the shiny coin and press it into the slot before hurrying to press in the phone number.
“Please pick up, please”, you plead, panting. Your entire body is jittering, you can’t stand still. “Please, Silas!”
Finally, the long signals break. Silence.
"Hello?" you pant.
"Y/N?" Silas gasps.
A weird relief flows through you when hearing his voice. You hadn't realized that you had … missed it. 
 "I was wondering who had gotten my private number!" he continues quickly. "Where are you? Are you safe?"
"Ares wants to take me out of the country — to Spain! He wants to leave tomorrow. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you! You were right about him-"
"Where are you?"
You give him the description of the place while he forces his men to track the call. You crouch down while sobbing. Your entire body trembles.
"Don't worry, baby, I will get you", Silas comforts you. "You'll be safe soon, okay? Just hold out for me. I'll be-"
"Deposit another quarter to keep the call going."
"Fuck!" you shout and slam the phone back in its place. 
Everything seems so quiet again. You open the phone box to get some fresh air when you see him. He's standing with his back leaned against the glass cubicle. You freeze.
"You're not a good actor, Y/N", Ares says with a small smile. "You heard everything I said in my phone call that night. You couldn't fool me."
"You were going to smuggle me out of the country and sell me!" you say through gritted teeth. "Silas was right about you. You are jealous of him, want everything he has. But you'll never have that. You're just a copycat."
Ares stands up and takes a step closer. He towers over you like a predator. You force yourself to stand your ground while glaring at him. 
"A copycat?" he asks, raising his eyebrows testingly. You can hear how he's trying his best to stay calm. "How can I copy someone who isn't deserving of anything? He doesn't deserve even half of the things he's gotten. Not his empire, not his wealth, not his reputation, not you."
You gulp, but train your glare on him.
"And you do, or what?" you question.
"I've actually decided to keep you", Ares says with raised eyebrows. "I'm not going to sell you. How could I? Not after you've been so good to me, actually giving me attention for once. Do you know how sick I am of hearing 'Silas this', 'Silas that'? Despite disowning him, my parents still talk about him constantly! It's always been that way. No one cares what Ares does." He points at you. "You listened to me. You had a good time spending time with me — don't try to lie about it — and I'm not letting you go. I'm not going to be alone again. Silas doesn't take care of you in the way I do. In one month, I've fixed what he's destroyed. Unlike him, I give you freedom. I give you what you want. Silas didn't give you a TV, didn't even let you out of your fucking bedroom! He never answered your questions, I do."
"You tricked me. That day you stumbled into the house the only time we were there wasn't a coincidence, was it? Or the day you met us at the gas station? Your friends had told you, hadn't they? Because if they hadn't, how would you just happen to have a lock pick just when I needed one? You pretended that you were nice to lure me away from Silas, but you're just as bad as him."
"So why do you try to go back to Silas, hm? If he's as bad as me? If you can love him, you can love me too, if you are so persistent that we're the exact same."
"Because at least Silas doesn't pretend to be someone else and would never even think about selling me. But since you're so money hungry, Ares, what do you work with? Your companies. They're not legal, are they? None of the money you have is clean, like you pass them as."
"Silas money isn't clean either. If you're going to call me a scum, you better take a good, hard look at your boyfriend. He has people killed, tortured and manhandled. I don't do that. The worst thing I do is put people into debt, I do not kill."
"People die because of that — and that is your fault. You're both bad, don't pretend to be someone honest." Your eyebrows twitch. "For your information, I would never go to Spain with you, even if I didn't know what a total psychopath you are."
Ares smiles a predatory smile that makes your veins turn to ice. "You're going to Spain with me if I have to drag you by your hair."
You give him one last glare before you run. He sets off after you, grabbing you by your arm. He folds it and reaches for the other while kicking the back of your knees. You fall together and give him just enough time to lock you in place. 
He drags you back to his house where his car is already being loaded with bags. A big box is standing on the grass with its lid open.
"If you hadn't been such a pain, Y/N, I wouldn't have to do this", he pants and pushes you into the box, closing it from the outside. "You could have sat beside me in first class, but now you go with the luggage."
You hit, kick and punch. Stars shoot from the pain.
"Let me out!" you shout. "Ares!"
Silence. You can hear the engine of a car starting and disappearing into the distance. And then comes back.
"Y/N?" a familiar voice shouts.
You start to kick and punch the wooden box again, shouting back. Soon, the lid opens and you are met by Silas’s worried face. You have never been so happy to see him before. 
"Oh, Y/N …", he breathes out and lifts you up, hugging you tightly. "My baby."
You cry against his body. He squeezes you in his arms, making sure that you really are real. He examines your poor knuckles, giving them a kiss.
"Are you okay?" he asks worriedly. 
"Ares was going to take me to Spain", you sob.
"Yes, you said something about that on the phone. We'll talk more about it later, okay? Now we need to get you home."
You look around in horror. "Where is Ares?"
"Not here, don't worry. If there's one thing about him that he can't change, it's that he's the biggest coward you'll ever meet. I saw him in his car driving past, shouting that you were here. He'd rather blow off his entire operation than get caught."
You breathe out. Silas hangs his coat over your shoulder before placing his arm around you.
"Let's get you home", he says and kisses your temple. "It's about time. Ive missed you so fucking much. I haven’t been able to sleep without you, I’ve been so scared that Ares had killed you. I’ll cut off his hands for touching you. I’ll pluck out his eyes for looking at you, I promise."
“I’ve missed you too”, you admit and wipe your tears. “He tricked me. I’m sorry.”
Silas kisses your lips and caresses your cheek without saying anything. You can see tears in his eyes, for the very first time.
A paper on the ground catches your attention, but before you have time to look at it, Silas asks about what happened and you have to put it in your pocket.
"He has infiltrated your organization", you say as Silas helps you into the front seat. "He has spies in your group who report to him." You tell him the entire story. "He wanted to smuggle me to Spain to sell em to one of your enemies …"
"Bastard", Silas mutters and hits tye instrumental plate with his palm. "He knows I'm banned from there."
Silas is about to tell you that you shouldn't worry about it, but then sighs. "A murder or two. But that doesn't matter. I'm just happy that you managed to escape him in time to call me. If you hadn't … I probably wouldn't have gotten you back.”
You fiddle with your fingers guiltily in your lap. "I'm sorry for not believing you …"
"Don't be. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have brought you along. I shouldn’t have thought that he’d give up. Ares is a master manipulator. That's why his businesses are going so well. He knows how to manipulate his way into getting what he wants. He played on your insecurities and fears. I should have protected you better.”
“What will happen to him?”
“I’ll let that cowardly cockroach slip away this time. But the next time I see him, I will kill him.” Silas takes your hand with his free one. “From here on, I’ll make sure it never happens again. I’ll get better security and I’ll make sure we can do more stuff … to make sure that you aren’t locked in the bedroom all the time.”
“That sounds nice …” you say quietly. 
You sit in silence for a while. Suddenly, you remember the paper in your pocket. You pick it out and fold it open. For a few seconds, you’re sure that you can’t breathe. 
'I will come back for you and when I do, it’s going to be bloody'
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fortunxa · 3 months
Blue hair, blue eyes, blue lights
Jinx x fem!reader / modern AU
summary: The chances of a blue-haired girl being chased by the cops and hopping in my car, simply yelling “Drive!” are low, but never zero.
author’s note: It’s my first time publishing a Jinx one-shot of mine, I hope you enjoy! This is a relatively new blog, so if anyone wants to become mutuals I’m definitely open to the idea! :)
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Fourteen days.
A mere two weeks stand between me and move-in day for my freshman year of college. In other words, summer break is slowly coming to an end, and I’ve done fuck all to make it memorable.
I can feel life passing me by as I watch like a bystander. Usually, the clock is my enemy—a constant reminder of my youth running out, and, shit, I’m too young to feel that way. This time, it serves as a way to free me from the shackles of the evening shift as a front desk worker at our local gym.
The clock strikes midnight, and, like a modern-day Cinderella, I jump up from my seat and make a beeline for the exit, hurriedly clocking out. I simultaneously greet and say goodbye to the night shift going in, already halfway through the small yet relatively empty parking lot. The smell of sweaty ‘gym bros’ is long forgotten as the breeze engulfs me, my dirty sneakers thudding on the concrete. The rust on my beat-up jeep shines in the moonlight as I approach—so seductive, I snicker to myself. I toss my duffel bag in the trunk, hop behind the wheel, and start the engine. I take this moment to commence my connect-phone-to-car-or-die-trying mission and thank the universe for its successful outcome. I browse a bit through the plethora of playlists before settling on the usual one, the sound of Arctic Monkeys filling the space as I leave the parking lot.
I don’t want to go home—not yet, at least—so I settle for a late-night drive. The cookie-cutter, upper-class houses pass me by as I mindlessly cruise through the clean streets—a stark contrast to my neighborhood, where you either learn to stick up for yourself or go home crying to your mama. A place where there is more sewage sludge than trees. A place where I grew up and one I learned to love.
In the midst of it all, I don’t notice the particularly nasty bump on the road that makes my song abruptly cut off. I take a right, pulling over in an alley with an annoyed groan as I resort to phase two, also known as connect-phone-back-to-car-before-I-impulsively-crash, of my initial mission. As I fiddle with the settings, showing my inner cheek no mercy as my teeth dig into their feast, a hissing and spritzing sound comes through my open window.
I think I’m imagining things at first, that post-shift fatigue surely getting the best of me, but I spot the source of the sound rather quickly: a figure, hidden almost out of sight between the fancy houses, switching between various colors of spray paint as she defaces the picture-perfect facade with her graffiti. The sheer speed of her actions makes it look like she’s juggling.
How do I know it’s a girl? Well, although she is wearing a hat to shield her face from any surveillance cameras, a neck warmer up to her nose, and a black, oversized tracksuit already covered in pink paint splotches, her disguise was blown the moment she decided to leave her blue, ankle-length, twin braids out. I twist my neck and reach over the dashboard to try and get a better look at her work. I can barely make out the shape of a green monkey’s face before moving on to the next element. ‘Get ji-’
My reading is interrupted by the sound of sirens piercing the air and blue lights illuminating the area. Instinctively, I turn my headlights off and duck, watching the girl as she hastily packs the cans into her backpack. I swear I can see her eyes twinkle with excitement as she takes one last glance at her—presumably—finished artwork and takes off running through the gardens. Her faint giggle reaches my ears, and a bewildered smile graces my features. I wanted fun, and now it’s right in front of me. I definitely couldn’t get a clearer sign than this.
I observe as one of the cops chases after her as the other drives away, seemingly trying to cut her off. Lightbulb moment. I put the car into gear and waste no time following them from the comfort of the dark alleys, reaching the mysterious girl first through the shortcuts. I catch her contemplating her next move and, without hesitation, quickly flash my high beams at her twice. This seems to grab her attention, and I signal for her to get in with a simple nod, tapping the car door as confirmation.
To my surprise, she actually runs over and hops in the backseat, her back lying flat as she takes a swift peek through the window, and holy shit, I didn’t think that she actually would.
“Drive!” she yells through her panting, and I do. I feel my heart beating wildly against my ribcage as the blue lights appear once again in my rearview mirror. Don’t fuck this up, I think before taking a sharp left. I hear her elated squeals as I visualize the district’s roads and plan the perfect getaway.
Right, once again.
Straight down the street.
Sharp right.
I can hear the sirens getting closer as I speed through the familiar routes. It doesn’t matter that I know this area like the back of my hand; the cops probably do, too. There is only one thing left to try, and, albeit risky, it should work. They hadn’t spotted my car yet, and we were quickly approaching a busy intersection—the perfect distraction.
The tires squeak as I harshly pull into an empty driveway, turning the engine off in hopes of blending in.
“What the hell are you doing?!” the blue-haired girl grumbles with brooding eyes. I don’t reply. Instead, I shush her as I grab her waist and roll her off the seat, pushing her into the legroom before ducking underneath the steering wheel. We fall silent, holding our breaths in as the police car passes us by. I watch as they get lost in the dense traffic, a sigh of relief escaping me as I throw my head back. I climb into my seat again and take a peek at the tagger in the back, confusion crossing my features as I watch her stuff her face with candy. My candy. “Hefty stash you got back there.” Her mouth twists at the sour taste of a Warhead she picked. She seems completely unfazed by this whole situation.
I notice that she had discarded her hat and neck warmer and take the opportunity to get a better look at her: blue eyes matching her hair, light freckles splattered across her straight nose and rosy cheeks, pouty lips, her dark and expressive brows… She truly is breathtaking. I feel a blush creep up my face as she climbs over the console, wiggling her way into the passenger seat. She takes her hoodie off, revealing her black tank top, and fuck me, she has tattoos.
She faces me with a curious look herself, seemingly analyzing me too. Her gaze is difficult to decipher as her eyes trail over my figure, and I stiffen. She shoots me a knowing smile before throwing her hands around my neck and placing a kiss on my cheek. “You’re a lifesaver, toots,” she muses into my ear. The pleasant smell of paint and bubble gum hits my nose making me lick my lips. “Name’s Jinx, by the way. Stands for Jinx,” she cackles to herself, drawing her lower lip between her teeth awaiting my introduction.
I blink a couple of times, realizing how silent I’ve been throughout this whole ordeal. I can get awkward, sure, but I’m not timid, so I muster up the courage and consciously relax, trying to project a nonchalant attitude. “I’m Y/N.” I shoot her a smile of my own.
“Y/N. Hmm…” Jinx gives an approving hum as she repeats after me, my name rolling off her tongue like honey. “What made you help little ol’ me?” New observation: she’s a teaser.
“I need some excitement in my life,” I answer truthfully and she perks up with a spark in her eyes.
“Toots, you’ve just made friends with the perfect candidate to help you with that.” Her giddy attitude returns as she beams at me.
“We’re friends, huh?” I tease at her choice of words, my eyebrows raised in a cocky manner.
“Sure we are! I feel like running from the cops together is the perfect bonding experience, don’t ya?” She gives me a once-over before her mouth curves into a smirk. “Unless you want to be more than friends. That could work, too.” She winks. Her straightforwardness should make me turn crimson, but instead, it makes my confidence grow. I give a low chuckle as I shake my head in disbelief.
“Tell you what,” I begin, starting the engine and trying to connect my phone back to the car for the third time already, “let me get you home safely, and we’ll see what tomorrow brings to our friendship. Deal?” I extend my hand toward her, and she ponders my proposition. I can practically see the cogs turning in her head, her facial expressions jumping from sour to doubtful, as if she were battling her thoughts before settling on a satisfied grin.
Her soft hand reaches mine in a princess handshake, and I try not to look at her manicured nails for too long. “Deal.” The blue-haired girl snatches the phone out of my hands, adding her number to my contact list and sending a quick text to herself. Just when I think she’s giving it back, she picks a song, and I hear Arabella playing through the speakers. How fitting.
As I leave the stranger’s driveway, I sense her shuffling in the passenger seat, throwing her legs out the window. She puts her head on my lap freely, toying with the colorful charms on my keychain. In the spur of the moment, I gingerly brush her bangs behind her ear, revealing her side profile. Her gaze catches mine, and I see her eyes soften before I turn mine on the road again.
Jinx tells me her address, and I realize how close to me she lives—the perfect circumstances. I feel her lightly bobbing her head to the music as her left cheek strokes my thigh, her fingers tracing mine as they sit on the gear stick. Her demeanor feels different from the badass tagger who willingly hopped in a stranger’s car. She looks peaceful and content now.
My shoulders slump in disappointment as I park outside her house. She clicks her tongue and lazily lifts her head from the comfort of my lap. She looks around the empty streets of her neighborhood and hums, her curious eyes now shifting to mine. As we take each other in, I can’t help but gravitate toward her—her presence feels almost intoxicating, and I don’t want to part ways just yet. To my surprise, she copies my actions. She’s so close I can feel her minty breath mingle with mine. Instinctively, my gaze drops to her lips as she tentatively licks them. I let out a faint sigh, and she slowly closes the distance. I can hear my heartbeat as I wait for our lips to meet.
But they never do. “I don’t kiss on a first date,” she murmurs in my ear, and my face flushes. Jinx pulls away as she flashes me a toothy grin, and before I can even react, she’s already skipping to her front door, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. Wha-? When did she grab her stuff? I stare in disbelief as she turns around, her braids flailing behind her. “Let’s see what tomorrow brings,” she teases and blows me a kiss before disappearing into the dark hallway of her home.
Fourteen days.
Give me two weeks to make her mine.
╰┈➤ sequel – ‘Fourteen days’
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papergirllife · 3 months
Lee Jeno (M)
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fratboy!Jeno x reader
Jeno has a past that holds him back from what life could potentially offer him, and one of those, he thinks, is you.
warnings: minor character death (in the past), themes of grief and moving on, tooth-rotting fluff, Jeno being down bad but he was sort of an ass for a bit, crying during sx, sp@nking, mc's a masoch1st (kinda), body worship, unprotected sx, 0verstimulation, oral sx.
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The music resonates the walls of the dingy frat house as Jeno makes his way through hordes of people on the dance floor, trying his best to squeeze through drunk college students to get to the kitchen, he's too goddamn sober to handle this amount of people as a self proclaimed, he checked his MBTI, obviously, introvert.
“Jeno! Finally made your way down from your room! Finally done studying?” Chenle asks on the top of his voice, clearly a little more than just tipsy, seeing how Jisung's the one making drinks right now, which the latter offers, but Jeno declines, he wants some alcohol to get him going, not blackout drunk, he still needs to get to his quiz in the afternoon tomorrow.
“I don't have much choice, not even the earplugs work against Johnny hyung’s speakers,” Jeno says with a sigh, looking out at the living area, this is going to be a long night, he thinks to himself.
“I told you to get the ones from that brand, they're only slightly pricier, you know,” Chenle chides, the irony, coming from the international student, but he knows his friend means well.
“They're out of my budget, it's fine, I started earlier just to get it done before this party anyways, I'll see you guys later, if you're not passed out by the pool that is,” Jeno jokes as he pours himself a mixture of whiskey and coke.
“Very funny, Lee, even if Mark leaves me out there in the cold, I know Jisung would save me, right bro?!”
Jeno doesn't hear what Jisung has to say, merely chuckling to himself as he makes his way through the crowd once more.
The worn out couch sinks as Jeno takes his seat, he watches as Jaemin talks about something animatedly with bombastic gestures and his tone pitched higher, he's going to be the perfect kindergarten teacher after he graduates being an education major and all, then there's Shotaro, watching wide eyed, engrossed in whatever tale Jaemin is telling, he's going to miss this, Jeno notes to himself, sighing at the fact that his sophomore year has begun and in a year's time he's going to say goodbye to all of this.
“Renjun said you'd be studying, didn't expect to see you tonight,” you say as you take the empty spot next to Jeno, Renjun on your side, you've always been his beloved little sister, Renjun is tiny, but for you? He'd pack a punch any time, his last victim was a 6 feet guy who was too handsy for his liking and dude ended up with a broken nose, he broke a finger too, but no one mentions that unless they want to end up in the same fatal tragedy.
“Finished studying, so I thought I'd come down here and join the rest of you,” and maybe because he wanted to see you too, not that he'd ever admit that, to himself or others, he has no right to delve into these emotions, it wouldn't be fair to you or her.
“Wow Jeno, no need to brag about your smarts like that, all of us know you're the top of the department,” you joke with a nudge of your shoulder, and with that slight movement, your thin cardigan slips down your smooth shoulder, revealing the strap of your tank top.
“Says the one that doesn't need to study and still passes,” Jeno retorts as he lets his eyes linger for a bit, before he decides to finally scoop up the collar section of your cardigan, covering your shoulder once again, and from the corner of his eye, he sees Renjun watching him.
“That's because I only aim to pass, unlike mister high achiever here, and I'm not cold, don't worry,” you say, but regardless, your body naturally inches closer to his, his warmth seeping through his bomber jacket has you hooked.
“Enough about me, what about you? What type of content are you shooting next?” Jeno asks, you're an almost full time influencer, the only reason you're still in college is because you want to get the degree as plan b, and Jeno, one of the few with a car, secondhand from his sister, always offers to drive you and sits through shootings with you, whether it be a trip to Olive Young or the newest cafe on the block.
“Probably gonna try doing those ‘a day in my life as a college student’ vlogs cuz some of my followers have been asking, but I'm not sure, it's a lot of work to film, might just end up going through my PR boxes instead or a review of this lip balm I've been looking for an excuse of getting,” you joke, knowing you, Jeno knows you're gonna get it and review it regardless, unless it's sold out, then he'd be one of the firsts to hear about your complaints.
“I could hold the camera if you want to,” Jeno offers, he always does, and you knew he would, it's why you asked in the first place.
“Thank you, my sweet assistant, knew I could always count on you,” you say before booping Jeno’s scrunched up nose, he always does that when you call him that, very textbook Taurus of him.
“Hey Jeno! Wanna play beer pong with us?” a girl comes up to him over the back of the sofa, tapping on his shoulder, probably his coursemate or something.
“Sure, I'll see you around, let me know when you wanna film, I'll see when I'm free,” Jeno says before giving you a little wave, following the girl to the beer pong area, and everyone knows she's going to end up inviting her to his bed, whether you like it or not.
“Since I'm not drinking tonight and I'm not a smoker, I'm craving Shin noodles, anyone want some?” you ask as you smooth down your skirt, you're gonna borrow your brother's apron, god knows you're one clumsy bitch and you love this mini skirt you searched high and low for, the things you do for a shushu tong dupe.
“Did someone say Shin noodles? I'm down,” is the first thing Mark says when he finally joins your friends’ little section, sex hair and a rumpled shirt triggering a few snickers.
“Sure, Markie, you should probably tidy your hair though,” you say before ruffling it up further, quickly making your way to the kitchen after, distantly, you hear Jaemin’s laughter ringing out even with the loud music playing still.
When you’re cooking the noodles, someone walks in, out of the corner of your eye, you see a familiar mane of orange hair.
“Hi Yang Yang, want noodles?” you could probably look for another pot if he wants some, you're sure Renjun stocked up some extra pots here, and even if he didn't, you're sure Taeyong did.
“I'd be down for your noods, if you know what I mean,” he answers coyly, his hand resting at your waist as he attaches himself to your side, watching you separate the noodles to cook them faster.
“Very funny, I'm on day 6 still, so thanks but no thanks, bud,” you reply, patting him on the hand at your side before you turn off the heat.
“Damn, talk about bad timing, no wonder you're craving for noodles, I'll just have a bit of yours, who's sharing with us? I'll go out and call them in, you can take the bowls out and stuff ” Yang Yang offers.
“Mark, he's at the sitting area,” you say before you feel Yang Yang leave your side, you carefully move the pot before fetching the bowls and utensils, grabbing the big thongs and ladle, you quickly get yourself a small portion, almost moaning at the familiar spiciness that ignites your taste buds in the best way possible.
“Wow, thanks bro,” Mark says, eyes lighting up at the sight of food, quickly fetching his own portion.
The two boys start talking about the latest NBA match while you eat in peace, you love eating while chatting up with friends, but you cherish having one on one moments savouring the food you're eating, Jeno calls you weird for that, but maybe that's because he keeps having that dry chicken breast for meals.
“Oh, if you guys want to fuck, you need to hurry up cuz Renjun just left with this girl not too long ago, and you know how he is,” Mark informs,
Renjun’s very particular about sleeping conditions with his one night stands, one time he was willing to pay extra for hailing a cab at 2am because he was sick of the artificial vanilla scent of this girl's diffuser.
“Not tonight, crimson rain's still in season,” you joke before getting more noodles into your bowl, meanwhile Yang Yang's stopped eating, he was just craving for a little taste.
“Oop, that explains the noodles, too bad for you dude, maybe Yuta hyung would have more luck,” Mark jokes, he always liked joking about how you got a roster of boys lining up at your doorstep, when in reality you're always bouncing between Yuta and Yang Yang.
“He got her last time, I gotta make my move faster this time,” Yang Yang says with a groan, putting down his chopsticks, having had enough of his fill.
“l'll let you know when I'm done, how about that, you whiny baby,” you tease, pulling his ear playfully.
Yang Yang cheers from his seat before getting up to wash his bowl.
“See you when the sky's sunny, baby, and Mark, basketball tomorrow afternoon, right?” Yang Yang bids the two of you goodbye, probably off to find another girl or game with Hendery.
“He's not bad, you know, simple minded dude,” Mark suddenly suggests, scooping more noodles then soup into your bowl before you put your hand up to stop him, that's enough noodles for tonight.
“He's alright, but I'm not looking for a relationship right now,” both of you know you're lying through your teeth, but it's the answer that won't stir anything up, you enjoy the dynamic you share with the boys, you're not gonna risk it, not that your feelings would ever be reciprocated.
“What about Yuta then? Is he more your type than Yang Yang?” Mark asks, always looking out for your heart, more than you ever did for yourself at least, which is almost the same for all your friends.
“Maybe, but no, he's not looking for a relationship either,” you explain, this time, not a white lie.
“Yuta thinks you're cool, I'm sure he'd be down to try if you showed interest,” Mark tries his best to convince you.
“I don't think I can watch idly if he looks at a girl with some neon-coloured box dye hair a little longer, I'd be seething, I need someone who's 100% down bad,” you say, trying to deflect the topic at hand.
“Alright, alright, I'll let you be, I'll get back to you when I think of someone new,” Mark says, not giving up on playing matchmaker.
“Have fun playing cupid with that terrible aim, Markie,” you tease before saying goodnight to him, planning on spending the rest of the night alone rewatching this k drama you love.
You were about to text Yeri, your roommate and bestie who had came with you, but upon opening your chat room with her, you realise she has once again ditched you for a boy she found. Oh well, guess you're just gonna crash in your brother's room, Renjun’s room is slightly bigger than most of the rooms in the house because you had once stayed here for a brief period of time when you were in between rentals, so there's space to fit in one more super single in his room, albeit a slightly tight fit, but at least you get to steal your brother's skincare for the night.
On your way to Renjun’s room, you bumped into Yang Yang once more in the hallway.
“Hey! Wanna game with us for a bit? It's just me and Hendery, we're playing COD,” he offers with that bright smile of his which strangely enough, reminds you of Lightning Mcqueen from the Cars cartoon.
“I don't know, Yang, I kinda suck at it,” you would love to have a switch from mobile to Xbox, but not at the expense of potentially ruining someone's game night.
“Come on, we're chill, Hendery dies all the time anyways,” Yang Yang insists, a hand on your back, steering you to his shared room, “but don't tell Hendery I said that,” he whispers by your ear before Hendery turns around to greet you.
“Yo! Nice of you to join us, Ten ditched us for the night so it's nice to have three players again,” Hendery exclaims, enthusiastically passing you the remote.
“Why aren't you guys partying like the rest of the frat?” you ask while picking a character.
“Parties are here every week, this one's kinda boring so might as well game the night away,” Hendery explains before noting how you're an urban tracker girlie.
And after two matches with the boys, you have to agree with the sentiment.
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Jeno throws on a simple sweater before leaving his room to go get some water for himself and the girl on his bed, but something catches his eye from the other end of the hallway, it's you and Yang Yang, cosying up outside his room, Jeno’s fist clenched up when he sees you following into his room, he knows you sleep around casually, but he rarely ever catches sight of it, and it leaves a bitter taste on his tongue.
The party is finally starting to phase out, most of the partygoers are either passed out on the couch, or the unfortunate ones, by the pool or at the lawn. The frat members themselves are mostly gone, either retreated into their own respective rooms or have gone back with someone, so Jeno hadn't expected himself to bump into anyone when he came in to fetch two bottles of water.
“Why do you look like you want to squeeze the life out of those bottles, dude? Was tonight's lay not good enough for you or something?” Haechan asks, car keys dangling from his hand, he must've come in through the backdoor instead of the front, he once had someone puke on his Nike shoes so he isn't taking any chances anymore.
“Nothing, go to sleep,” Jeno deflects, god knows he doesn't need Haechan nosing into his business, which he has a reputation of doing so.
“When you're this pissed off it's usually either you fucked up a test or… is it her?” Haechan didn't even need to emphasise on who's the her when Jeno threatens to throw his half full bottle at him before he was stopped by Jaemin who had come in to dispose of some of the trash he had cleaned up from the living area.
“Jaemin ah, Jeno’s bullying me again!” Haechan whines moving to hide behind Jaemin’s wide frame.
“Stop provoking him and you'd be fine, now go, you're lucky I'm here to take the trash out,” Jaemin says before he ushers his bratty friend out of their kitchen.
“As much as you don't want to hear this, Haechan does have a point,” Jaemin says as he sorts the trash into different recycle bins, “she's not going to be single forever, and I know you love Eunbi, but it's been years, she wouldn't want to see you like this,” Jaemin explains with his most motherly tone that he dishes out unconsciously at times.
Eunbi was Jaemin’s cousin sister and Jeno’s girlfriend from 15 to 17, she passed away suddenly due to a drunk driving accident, and from that day onwards, Jeno has never really been the same again, he swore off the possibility of loving someone again, until you came into his life, his restraint wavering bit by bit as you take up his heart, piece by piece.
Jeno’s hand rises to his chest to feel the familiar butterfly charm hanging on his necklace, Nabi, he used to call her, because she used to love butterflies and also because they rhyme with her name, this necklace is Jeno’s only significant remembrance of her, other than their shared memories.
“I don't have any feelings for anyone, so it doesn't matter,” Jeno brushes off the topic with ease, he's had a lot of practice, and quickly leaves the kitchen.
With a defeated sigh, Jaemin watches his best friend go, hoping that one day soon, he'd be able to finally move on from Eunbi.
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Another week passes and the weekend rolls around quicker than expected, Yuta was in the kitchen pouring himself a drink, spiked punch of some sort that Taeyong whipped up, some people got too drunk for his liking last week, so now he’s doing it himself before Chenle or Jisung gets the chance to.
“Oh, Yuta-ah, can you go and play with the kids? You know how truth and dare gets, and I don’t trust Johnny to be responsible, he’s always been such an instigator,” Taeyong says with a shake of his head, as he measures the vodka down to the tiniest drop.
“And you think I’d be the perfect candidate to keep an eye on them?” Yuta asks in disbelief.
“I trust that you’d do as I say for once, Yuta, the others are all still studying for their finals, just this once?” Taeyong asks, and how could Yuta say no when his best friend pulls out the big boba eyes.
Yuta sighs when he sees the sight of Jisung putting a whole dollop of wasabi in his mouth, but he can’t help but laugh when the youngest rushes to the bathroom before he inserts himself in the circle in between you and Mark.
“You’re playing?” Shotaro asks, already perking up at the idea of his big giving away bits and pieces of himself, Yuta isn’t exactly an open book, so he's excited to learn more about him.
“Yup, Taeyong told me to keep an eye on you scoundrels,” Yuta says before he catches Johnny’s eyes, the latter barking out a laugh, Yuta also notes how Jeno was seated next to his friend, he must be here because you’re here, maybe Yuta won’t keep his promise after all.
Things go by uneventfully other than some truths being spilled and Jaemin being told to twerk in the middle of the circle, which he was more than happy to do, however, when he was done his eyes landed on you, and because you’ve been saying truth for a few turns now, you switch it up by saying dare, and honestly, he knows all the truths because all these boys ask are things in the bedroom, taking advantage of the fact that Renjun is absent tonight, so things weren’t all that interesting, but now, Yuta’s interest is piqued.
“I dare you to make out with the hottest person playing,” Xiao Jun suggests, which garnered some groans, Yuta snickers next to you, Yang Yang isn’t here, so things are very much predictable.
You smooth down your skirt before you circle the men around you, eyes lingering on Jeno for a bit too long, the ones that know watch intently, but when you stop in front of Johnny, gasps ring out around the circle, cheers started erupting when squat in front of Johnny, the surprise on his face was evident, cute even if you’re honest, you’re glad you chose to be chaotic tonight, the panic in his eyes had you giggling, breath hitched when you lean in place a chaste peck on his cheek, when you lean away, and did a quick turn back to facing Yuta, Johnny barks out a laugh, while the rest of them back to groaning, you catch a few of them saying that they knew you were just playing them.
Yuta extends his arms, a knowing smile on his face. His eyes take in your plump lips coated in his favourite cherry lip gloss.
“Someone’s been stirring trouble, haven’t you?” Yuta says before he feels your hands tangled in long hair, and out of the corner of his eye, he sees Jeno glaring at him, Jaemin watching nervously where he’s seated.
“I’m always down for trouble when it’s you,” you retorted before you seal your lips with his, climbing into his lap, the familiar bulge of his belt buckle digging into your pelvic and the feeling of of his hands enveloping your thighs sends a shiver up your back, and you couldn’t help yourself, grinding into his crotch, the material of your skirt covering most of your movements, but Yuta could feel everything, smiling against your lips, before he pulls away from you, he could feel his cock twitching at the sight of your dazed eyes and swollen lips.
“Show’s over, I’m taking this one up,” Yuta announces, carrying you away from the shameless group of frat boys that were watching, it’s not their first time, but their curiosity never satiates.
“Damn it, now I need to be the chaperone,” Johnny says begrudgingly.
Jaemin’s silent as he watches his best friend fume in his spot, with a sigh, he cracks a bottle of soju he placed next to him before the game started, passing it to Jeno, the latter taking a huge swig, not long after, Jeno opts out of the game to look for a distraction for the night.
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Your eyes flutter when you wake, the sun shining from Yuta’s opened blinds, his body warm under yours, his arm tossed over your waist which you remove to go wash up in his ensuite bathroom, the good thing about sleeping over at Yuta’s.
When you’re done, Yuta’s still sleeping away, you close his blinds for him, he’d probably want to sleep longer, he finished his finals not too long ago, he should be getting more rest.
So you put on your skirt from last night and stealing a sweater from his closet before you padded down to the kitchen, opening the fridge to fetch some ingredients for a basic omelette, spinach and eggs.
“There's still some leftover cranberry juice from last night,” Jeno says, startling you from stirring the omelette in your pan.
“Oh, nice, could you pour me a glass?” you ask, “if you want an omelette then you can fetch me more eggs and spinach, I'll make it,” you add on.
“Thank you,” Jeno says, handing you the ingredients after washing and chopping the spinach.
Soon after, the two of you are sat across each other on the island, joking about last night’s events, from the part where Haechan was dared to take off his shirt and go out for a quick run in the cold till the part where Jaemin had twerked in the circle and had accidentally shoved his ass at a very confused Jaehyun who had just finished a round of beer pong and wanted to see what was happening in the truth or dare circle, conversation was going smoothly and lighthearted until it wasn’t, by then the two of you have finished eating and Jeno’s washing the dishes.
“So you and Yuta…” Jeno trails off, his gaze absent, his fingers holding the fork rather tightly, knuckles white from the restricted blood flow.
“It’s nothing serious,” you brush off absently, you’re not lying, what you and Yuta have is strictly no strings attached, but if the lines were more blurred…you wouldn’t have minded if Jeno hadn’t holed up a place in your heart.
Jeno nods, unconvinced, or maybe he’s just blinded by jealous rage.
“Jeno?” your voice yanks Jeno away from the many images of you and Yuta holding hands and kissing, a scene cruller than what he had witnessed last night, but he bites his tongue from saying anything, not when he still has Eunbi’s necklace hanging on his neck, it wouldn’t be fair to any of you if he acts on his urges.
“Yeah?” Jeno grunts out, he didn’t mean to sound mean, but he can’t help it, just the thought of you and Yuta being something more just pisses him off, he isn’t even worried about Yang Yang, he knows you go to him for pure casual fun, you can never settle with a guy like that, he could tell you crave someone who has a natural leading aura, and that’s why he’s so down bad, the way your eyes light up when he helps you with something as simple as carrying your bag or ordering your food, every time he does something for you, he could feel his heartstrings tugging painfully.
“Jeno, if you have something to say, then say it,” you say, you don’t know why you’re feeling so confrontational today, but it’s been two years of running in circles around Jeno, and honestly, you’re tired, and maybe this would send your friend group into a catharsis, but you can’t keep tiptoeing your feelings around Jeno anymore, not when he obviously knows how you feel.
Jeno shuts the tap off before turning to face you, and something breaks inside him when he sees the conflicted look swimming in your pupils, and at that moment, he wants to wipe it away, and so he makes the mistake of pulling you close by the waist, sealing his lips with yours, and Jeno hasn’t felt this alive since a long time, he could feel all the nerves on his lips igniting like a dying flame miraculously being sparked till they’re a blazing wildfire, and the way his hands wrap around your waist, the warmth of your body rekindles a physical craving he’s never felt before with anyone else he used as a distraction of the loss of Eunbi. Eunbi, no-
Your heart shatters when Jeno pushes you away, searching his eyes for an explanation, but Jeno has his eyes closed, he looks too calm, taking a deep breath as if that kiss was merely a simple mistake, you’ve seen him act more emotional when he doesn’t receive his desired grade for a paper, are you nothing to him?
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” Jeno mutters through gritted teeth, eyes avoiding yours at all cost.
“Is that it? That’s all you have to say to me, Jeno? That our kiss was merely a mistake? Don’t tell me what you feel all this time is also some sort of fucking misjudgement, Jeno!” you lash out, venom in your tone as you throw out punches on his sturdy chest, and what made you angrier was that he let you hurt him, like he doesn’t even bother defending or protecting himself from your lethal accusation, you can’t even call him a coward, a coward wouldn't stand there and let you do as you please.
Fortunately for Jeno, Jaemin comes to his rescue, detaching your agitated figure away from his friend, trying his best to calm you down with sweet nothings, that you’re better off, that Jeno’s being an idiot, but the damage has been dealt, there’s nothing that can make you feel better, but you guess you expected this, you had too much faith in Jeno.
“I’m so disappointed in you, Jeno,” you say before you take your leave, casting one more disappointed look at Jeno, and at that moment, the man that you’ve always thought looked so broad in your eyes now looks like the smallest man who’s ever lived.
Jaemin sighs when he no longer sees you within sight, Jeno heaves out a shudder of breath, he could tell his friend was trying his best to hold himself up in front of you, how quintessential of Jeno, never letting anyone into the depths of his mind.
“You can’t keep doing this to yourself, Jeno,” Jaemin mutters as he checks for bruises under Jeno’s shirt, but Jeno brushes his hand away, rolling his sweater back down, even if you did bruise him, he deserved it for what he keeps putting you through, “Jeno, Eunbi wouldn’t have want to see you this way, she would’ve wanted to see you happy, not punishing yourself like this, she would’ve wanted you to move on, Jeno, you think she’d like seeing you wallowing in self loathing?” Jaemin says in a huff, he’s tried spelling this out in a kinder way to his best friend, but it doesn’t seem to get through that thick skull of his.
Jeno doesn’t answer, he just dodges his friend’s attempts of wanting to talk more, locking himself inside his room, wishing that the remorse, guilt, and heartbreak would just swallow him up. He hates himself for betraying Eunbi, even if it was just a mere kiss, contemplating on what Jaemin had said, could he really move on without feeling guilty as sin?
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The cold wind prickles Jeno’s skin, his worn out padding not doing much to block the harshest of the weather, cursing to himself as he climbs down the stairs, not a single person in sight at this period and this hour, and then he sees it, the familiar tombstone, he sighs in relief as he takes in the sight of Eunbi’s tiny photo on the slab.
Fishing out a small cloth from his jean pocket, he wipes the photo of Eunbi before he wipes away the dust atop the tombstone and the dust on the slab of stone where he sits whenever he visits.
“I’ve missed you,” Jeno says as he places down a bouquet of roses, Eunbi loves roses, he calls it cliche, she says it’s because she loves how roses are one of the flowers that attract butterflies the most.
“I used to think I would get the opportunity to grow old with you, a house, a car, and maybe two kids, the cliche, but,” Jeno stops himself, swallowing the lump down his throat before he continues, “I guess those weren't in the cards for us in this lifetime,” Jeno says before exhaling a long sigh, “but sometimes I do think, would we have really gone on our entire lives? Would we have broken up along the road? Those 2 years of loving you, and spending my whole childhood with you by my side were beautiful, and every single day without you by my side was a living hell, but when I thought nothing could really bring me back to life, I met someone, and I feel so fucking guilty towards you, and I don't know if I'm supposed to feel what I'm feeling for her, I love you, and I always will, but I can't deny what I'm feeling for her either, so now I'm here, Eunbi-ah, please tell me what should I do, if you told me to wait till my dying days to reunite with you, I will, please just give me a sign,” Jeno pleads hopelessly, a hand caressing the tiny photo of Eunbi.
Just then, a tiny flutter of wings catches his eye, and a butterfly lands on the bouquet of roses in front of him.
‘Is this the sign I’m asking for?’ Jeno asks himself, but when he tries to sit closer for a clearer look, the butterfly flies away with a quick flutter of its wings, the bright yellow contrasting the cloudy sky.
“Are you telling me to move on too, Eunbi-ah?” Jeno says with a long sigh, next life, maybe things would be different then.
After watching the sunset with Eunbi, Jeno drove home and immediately stormed into Jaemin's room, his friend was busy watching cat videos when he interrupted him, not a surprising thing for him to do honestly.
“What’s up?” Jaemin asks, swivelling his gaming chair to face his friend who had made himself comfortable on his bed.
“I need advice,” Jeno said, which earned him one of his friend’s classic menace smiles which makes him look like the Grinch.
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You have no plans today, you had just finished having pizza with Yeri, your roommate slash bestie announcing that you needed a self care day after the shit storm a certain someone put you through.
Suddenly, your doorbell rings, Yeri’s in the bathroom, so you get the door, assuming that she ordered dessert in advance without telling you, but to your shock, it was Jeno, and in his hands are supermarket flowers that he used to joke were overpriced for its minimal packaging.
“I’m sorry for everything, I was a coward and an emotionally constipated asshole, and I know I don’t deserve a second a chance, but if you’d give me the chance, I promise I’ll try my best not to fuck up, and if I do, I’ll promise I’ll make it up to you,” Jeno says, pleading his case with you, everyone often jokes about how Jeno looks like a samoyed, but right now, he looks like a puppy with the way his eyes are trained on you, analysing your every movement and flicker of expression, awaiting your verdict.
“You’re not an asshole for taking your time to mourn and move on from Eunbi, but Jeno, are you sure you’re ready to jump into a relationship? I know you still miss her dearly, and it was mean of me to ask so much from you, you don’t have to be with me if you’re doing this out of guilt, Jeno, I don’t want your pity,” you explain, you don’t want to see the sight of his guilty eyes whenever you’re with him, it would crush your soul to bits, to never have his heart entirely.
“No, I’m serious, I thought things through and realised that I can miss her and love the moments I had with her and still move on to the next chapter of my life, I used to think to love her means I shouldn’t allow anyone in my heart, but Jaemin’s right, she wouldn’t have wanted to see me like this, and I know you wouldn’t want to see me like this either, I want to give us a chance, I’m sorry I came to my senses so late, I hope it’s not too late,” Jeno says, his heart aches when he sees rivulets of tears stream down your face, he places the flowers on the bench next to him before he extends his arms to you, and he sighs in content when he feels your arms around him, your face buried in his chest, he reaches a hand up to pat your head, comforting you.
“Well, I just got a text from Joy that she wants to grab drinks, so I’m gonna head out, you two talk things out on your own, call me if you need anything,” Yeri says before she takes her leave, wanting to give the two of you privacy.
Jeno directs the two of you to the living room, plopping the two of your conjoined bodies onto the couch.
“Hey… don’t cry for me, I’m not worth it,” Jeno says, his hands wiping away your tears with the back of his hand. You choked up a laugh through your tears, swaying your head sideways.
“It’s not that, I’m just, I already accepted the idea of not having you, and now that you’re here… I’m just, surprised– but glad,” you confessed, god, you hate crying for a man, but at least the fool in this fable gets her happy ending after all.
“I’m glad too, sweetheart. I wouldn’t have been mad in the slightest if you said no, but thank you, thank you for giving me this chance,” Jeno says as he wraps you up in his arms, and he feels you sink into hold, and that’s how the two of you fall asleep on your bed that night.
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‘Come earlier, I have a surprise for you ;)’
You smile to yourself when you see the text from Jeno, wondering if he got you the new grapes that are in season or something. When you got there a few hours earlier, the house was relatively empty, partygoers aren't here yet and only a few freshmen were setting up the place for the frat party. You let yourself in Jeno’s room, surprised to see that it’s empty, but soon you hear light footsteps pad into the room before your eyes are being covered by a familiar pair of hands.
“What grand surprise do you have for me, Jeno?” you ask, turning around, his hands drop from your face, but you keep your eyes closed, not wanting to spoil the surprise on his behalf.
“Wait, one sec, okay, now you can open your eyes,” Jeno says excitedly.
You peered your eyes open and a gasp left your lips.
“Oh my god, it’s blue!” you say, not believing your eyes, your hands reach out to touch his hair, not fried from the bleach dye, thankfully.
“Wanted to have something fresh to mark the start of our relationship, and seeing my hair on those filters you put on me gave me the idea of dyeing my hair,” Jeno explains, “do you like it?” he tapers off, a bit insecure because you look like you love it, but you haven’t said anything to confirm it yet.
“I love it,” you say as you turn his head from side to side to get a better look at the entire haircut with a giant smile on your face.
“Let me take a quick shower and get dressed then we can head down,” Jeno says with a quick peck before he retrieves his things and leave for the bathroom, leaving you to your devices, or moreso Jeno’s devices, you love watching concert videos on his screen, that expensive hunk of equipment is clearer than your vision.
However, halfway through watching old concert videos, you took notice of his drawer not being closed all the way, out of curiosity, you open it to see what it stores, and to your shock, a jewellery box is the first thing you see, the box design tells you that it isn’t anywhere near brand new.
Maybe you shouldn’t be snooping around, but you couldn’t help yourself, Jeno never gets mad at you, he even tells you his phone password, he has nothing to hide, and so you pry the box open with gentle hands.
The glint of the perfectly preserved crystals caught your eye, then you recognise the shape of the pendant, butterfly, Jeno used to wear this ever since Eunbi passed, why isn’t he wearing it anymore? Did he think you’d mind that he did? That wasn’t the impression you wanted to give off, there’s no point being jealous of someone who’s no longer here, that’s just absurd.
“Oh, you found her old necklace,” Jeno notes with no malice in his voice despite the fact that you feel yourself jumping slightly at the sound of his voice.
“I, I saw your drawer wasn’t closed all the way and just wanted to check it out, sorry,” you apologised, but Jeno quickly brushes off your apology with a reassuring smile, “why aren’t you wearing it anymore? It’s not like I’d get jealous,” you say, scared that the reason he felt like he was obliged to stop wearing it was because of your relationship.
“I know you won’t get jealous, and I didn’t take it off like right after you said yes, I just thought it was time a few days ago, to put some things to rest, I’ll look back on these things from time to time, but I think it’s time to put some distance for me to move forward,” Jeno explains as his hands are laid on your shoulders, the weight and the brush of his thumbs comforting you.
“I’m just worried you’re rushing things for me,” you reason.
“I’m not, so don’t worry,” Jeno assures once again, “how about we go down now?” Jeno suggests after hearing the music starting from below, you agree instantly, maybe you’re just too stressed about everything, a drink sounds amazing now.
“Look who just made their long awaited debut,” Jaemin said at the sight of the two of you making way to the usual spot your friend group usually sits at.
Jeno tenses up when Renjun meets his eyes, his best friend had given him a long talk when he had heard from you that Jeno finally came around, needless to say, Jeno would never want to get on his best friend’s bad side, he’s sure he would manage to beat him up despite being much shorter than him.
Distantly, Jeno could hear you tell Jaemin to shut up before there’s too much attention placed on you and Jeno, your skin is thick, but you know Jeno doesn’t like too much attention on him, hence with a little more teasing, your friends switch topics, and just like that things are back to normal, a bit too normal for your liking, because soon, a girl makes her way to Jeno to ask for a dance, but your boyfriend quickly declines and explains that he won’t be casually hooking up with anyone anymore.
Even though you were silent the entire interaction, Jeno could see the jealousy in your eyes and the way you immediately downed a shot of soju.
“Someone’s jealous?” Jeno asks, clearly amused by the sight in front of him, pulling you closer into his embrace, he doesn't want anyone eavesdropping on a conversation where you could possibly feel vulnerable.
“Nope, not at all,” you say briskly, clearly overcompensating, dodging his kiss, Jeno laughing at your antics.
“Okay, whatever you say,” Jeno says, letting you be.
Although unfortunately for Jeno, things get a twist of events when he sees Yang Yang waving to you from afar with a smile too friendly for his liking when the two of you were swaying to the beat on the dance floor, and you quickly see your samoyed of a boyfriend turn into a doberman right in front of your eyes, gone was the puppy eyes that are quickly replaced by the obvious glare in his eyes.
“Looks like someone's jealous,” you tease, playing with the freshly cut ends of his hair at his nape.
“Let's head up, party sucks today,” Jeno says, pulling you by your hand, leading you upstairs to his room, quick on his feet but not fast to the point where you can’t keep up in your heels.
When the door shuts behind you, Jeno quickly kicks off his own shoes before he squsts down to slip off your heels for you, then immediately he tosses you over his shoulder as if you weigh as much as a feather, tossing you on his bed with a bounce before he climbs on the bed himself, his moves slow and calculative as if he was predator stalking its prey, behind his eyes, you can see the gears behind moving as he thinks of what to do with you, but when you reach up to touch his cheek, you see his eyes softening around the edges, the control you have over him sends a shudder down your spine, Jeno smiles at that realisation when he comes to the conclusion that if you asked, he’d relinquish all control over his life to you if you asked, he’s willing to give you all of him at your request, now that he knows life is fragile not to love wholeheartedly, but he knows what you want, and for now, at this moment, you want Jeno to guide you, but what he asks you catches you off guard.
“What’s your average kill in a match on codm?” he asks as he hovers over you, arms caging your body.
“What? I don’t know, like 15 if you’re asking about multiplayer,” you answer in a tone of disbelief.
Jeno has that familiar cunning mirth on his face when he reaches for your phone that you had previously placed on his nightstand so as to not get in the way when things get heated.
“You think you can reach your average while I eat you out?” Jeno asks as he passes you your phone.
You feel heat crawl up your face when you register his words, can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous he sounds, but you’ll indulge him.
“I’ll try my best, just for you,” you agree, but you know there’s more to his proposition.
“Before you say yes, there’s a catch, if you don’t get 15 kills, for every kill you lack is one spank,” Jeno says with a quirked brow, his eyes challenging you.
You don’t consider yourself competitive, but when it comes to a game you know you’re good at, it ignites the dormant competitiveness in you that you swear you outgrew as a teenager.
“Deal,” you agree, you’re gonna win either way, if you fail awfully at the game, you still get to get your back blown out regardless, and in Jeno’s words, you've always been a masochist, maybe just a little bit. There must be some truth to it since you were sleeping with Yuta of all people.
“Let me know when you start,” Jeno says as you open the app, telling him when the countdown begins, and quickly he takes off your skirt and panties to toss it to the side of his bed.
Jeno starts off slow, his index finger tracing your slit, starting from the bottom, it piques your interest, but it doesn’t take away your focus entirely, until his fingertip hits the bundle of your nerves, your breath hitches, but you still manage to get your third kill of the game.
You look so hot like this, all concentrated on your phone screen, not so different from how you usually game, other than the fact that you now have your bottom lip between your teeth to ground yourself, Jeno hears another three more kills when he decides to go in for the actual kill, leaning down to capture your clit between his lips, hollowing his lips as his fingers enters you, so fucking wet, god, Jeno, groans to himself, he can’t wait to be inside you, your cursing distracts Jeno from his train of filthy thoughts.
“Died?” Jeno asks before he dives back to his feast between your legs, he distantly hears you cursing at a sniper before he feels your legs twitching when he finally finds your sensitive spot, fingers curling upward, knowing that you usually cave in and ask him to fuck you at this point when you’re having regular foreplay.
You curse silently when you realise you lost count of how many kills you managed to secure, you haven’t gotten a single headshot in this match, and when the score limit reaches its end, you can feel the knot in your abdomen threatening to snap, and so you quickly toss your phone aside to grind back on Jeno’s face, his nose has always been such a good placeholder for your clit to hump on, and Jeno loves it, loves how debauched you are, he could just watch you use him to chase your orgasm all night if he wanted to, and when you finally reach your high, a whine of Jeno’s name reaches his ears as he feels your sexy legs wrap around his head and your juices burst in his mouth and the excess dripping down his forearm.
When you finally come back to your senses after ascending to heaven, you check your score on your screen, you breathe a sigh of relief, 11 kills, you proudly show Jeno your score.
“So four spanks, you want to sit through your punishment or would you prefer if I do it in between rearranging your guts?” Jeno offers, since you did so well for him.
You ponder over the suggestion, but the thought of needing to wait longer to get filled has you choosing the latter.
“I think I’d like to be surprised today,” you say before you strip off the rest of your clothing, Jeno’s eyes following every movement you make, licking his lips when he sees the slight jiggle of your tits as you move about, that is until you settle on all four, presenting yourself to him, and a beast claws at Jeno’s belly for a need to just take you.
It’s like you read his mind, because you tell him to just put it in, that you’re loose enough from the foreplay, you say as you spread your cheeks for him, the sight of your wet pussy has him losing all control, who is he to deny you when you’re presented so prettily for him like this? He’s no god, any man would crack under your ministrations.
So he doesn’t hold back, grasping his cock in one hand while he parts your folds with the other, cursing when he finally slips in your warm and wet hole, slowly sliding in till the hilt, he loves this process, loves the way you shudder when you feel him intrude your walls inch by inch, your lips parted as your head rests on his pillow.
When you’ve adjusted to his size, you whimper out a singular word, move, before you feel your whole world fizzle away as pleasure clouds your head at the first thrust, always rough when you need him to be, rough and fast, that’s Jeno’s preferred pace, quickly locating your sensitive spot with the thick tip of his cock that has you screaming into his pillow, but no matter how hard you try to muffle your voice, the headboard banging against the walls is dead giveaway of how you’re having your back broken by Jeno, but you throw all caution to the wind if it means you get feel the feeling of such ecstasy flowing through your whole body, you swear every time he drills his cock inside you, the more pleasure you feel, and the dumber you get, when all thoughts of sanity get replaced by the primal need to chase your high, your train of thoughts, or lack thereof since all you were thinking were the word ‘cock’ on repeat, gets broken by a harsh smack on your butt, it came out of nowhere, catching you off guard, and it shows by how your walls clench tightly on Jeno’s dick, your release coating his length.
“Fuck, you’re such a fucking pain slut, aren’t you? One smack has you cumming on my dick like some virgin,” Jeno spats out as he keeps fucking you, knowing that you’re extra sensitive after two orgasms upping his motivation to drive you absolutely mad.
Jeno quickly finds your clit, the poor thing swollen with the treatment Jeno previously put it through, rubbing circles on your bundle of nerves roughly, which has you bucking before he sends two smacks its way.
“Fuck,” you curse to yourself as you feel tears prickling the corner of your eyes, trying so hard not to cum from the pain, and in doing so, you clench around Jeno so hard that has him stop mid thrust to anchor himself, he still wants to get at least one more out of you before he cums.
He resumes after having a bit fun with fondling your tits, thanking gravity with the way he could feel the weight of them in his palm, he’s gonna have to suck on them after he’s done with this, he thinks to himself before he goes back to chasing his high, planting one of his feet on the ground to fuck you faster, and soon you could feel yourself cumming at any second, whispering how you’re close to Jeno, before you feel another spank being sent to your clit, the pain and the oversensitivity pushing you over the edge with a scream of Jeno’s name and a fist forming with the sheets on his bed.
“Fuck, love it when you squirt for me,” you hear Jeno distantly, not really registering his words until you feel your thighs being slicked with your release, which Jeno promptly cleans up with his pack of wet tissue he’s kept in his room by the dozen ever since he found out you’re squirter.
When the three towels are stripped from under you and into the hamper, Jeno finally joins you under his fluffy blanket, holding you close.
“I didn’t go too far right?” Jeno asks, he trusts that you will use your safeword if he ever goes over the limit, but he always does a final check in after you settle, just in case you drop into a vulnerable state where you need extra care and attention.
“No, of course not, I feel more than fine, but thank you for asking,” you say before pecking his lips sweetly.
“You hungry? Craving anything? I could check if the guys are getting delivery, see if you want anything,” Jeno offers, but you shake your head.
“Just want some cuddles and sleep, I’ll let you know what I’m craving for brunch tomorrow, but now, I need to recharge,” you say as you snuggle closer to Jeno, practically attached at the hip, but Jeno lets you, combing through your hair for you as you drift off to sleep.
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Jeno was first to wake, quickly climbing out of bed to shut his blinds, knowing that you absolutely despise being blinded by the sun rays first thing in the morning, you’ve always been a night owl after all.
After washing up in the bathroom, he makes his way back to you, still sleeping, cuddled under his blankets, just like how he’s tucked you in before he left his room, you don’t move much in your sleep, Jeno notices as he climbs back in bed, it’s no wonder why you always remain in his arms the whole night.
Jeno looked over to his alarm clock to see that it’s almost 10am, he knows this is the time you prefer waking up, and when Jeno sees his blanket slipping off your shoulder to reveal your smooth skin, Jeno has the best idea on how to wake you up, and maybe, even the whole house if he does well enough, and well, unfortunately for the other people sleeping right now, Jeno’s always been a top scorer for anything he puts his mind to, Jeno chuckles to himself at the thought of being a menace as he makes his way under the blankets.
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You’ve never had everyone giving you the stink eye before, well, at least not in this frat house, and the one who looks most annoyed is none other than Haechan, whose room is next door to Jeno’s.
“I swear to god, hearing them made my hangover even worse,” Haechan mutters, but loud enough for everyone at the breakfast table to hear, Johnny was the first one to laugh, Johnny had left the party early for a hookup hence the lack of a hangover, he had just got back in time for this comedy show.
“You’re laughing?! My head is still pounding from last night’s drinking and worsened by their shenanigans and you’re laughing?! God, why did Renjun have to get lucky last night, they always pull shit like this when he’s gone,” Haechan complains, or moreso whining, if you asked Jeno.
“Come on, Haechan-ah, it couldn’t have been that bad, I didn’t even hear a thing,” Sungchan says, coming to Jeno’s defence quickly, they’re coursemates after all, and Jeno is always a big help to him, he loves Haechan, but he’s doing this for his own good.
“Your room is on the other side of the house, of course you barely heard anything, she literally sounded like she was getting mauled by a wild animal, listen, let me try and recreate-
Two taps on Jeno’s lap has your boyfriend springing up from his seat with a deadly gaze and Haechan goes silent before he screams bloody murder, running for Jaemin or Mark, whoever he finds first, Sungchan sighs to himself while Johnny and Jungwoo laugh at the comedic scene in front of them, and you can’t help but laugh along with them too, Haechan might have tried making fun of you, but you know Jeno would always be there to silence him for you, and honestly, you could get used to this life you share with Jeno.
The end.
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dansformations · 5 months
"Influencing influencers"
Im Byron, im kinda popular on the media, wouldnt call myself an influencer but at least an small celebrity for certain people: gay guys. Im popular between gay guys.
Then there is this guy, Tod, he do Is an influencer, another gay guy pretty popular, and we have done some colaboration videos, thanks to this i got a bit of highlights recently, getting more followers, but just some days ago Tod posted something off, at least for his usual:
Fart jokes? Superhero referentes? Both together!? Really weird if you ask me to. The situation got weirder when a lot of popular guys from the "gymbro side" of the media started comenting, celebrating his video... And he wrote back, in the weirder way posible:
"@markobroskii: Sick Bro! Superman Is next
@Tody_yourguy: Aded to the list broski!"
Didnt tought too much about It until he post a video that made my jaw drop:
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He wasnt just wearing clothes that didnt match his usual but he was in the lingerie zone playing with the undies, saying he was making the zone 'More enjoyable to the View"
That sell the deal. I send his a message and went to his place to check on him.
In the way to his place i saw his @ on media changing to @Tod_thebro.
When arrived, i notice diferences since he open the door, he stank!
- Jesus! Tod, thats your smell!?
- Yeah, some bro scent, go ahead bro, take a sit - he said With a voice that sounded diferent, he was talking with this "Frat Bro" acent we used to laugh about.
His apartament was now a mess, full of empty - and not so empty - pizza boxes, empty beer cans, dirty clothes, and sticky looking socks... He offer me a beer from a brand i didnt knew, but i'm not really a drinker so maybe thats why. I took it just to be polite, took some sips... Wasnt that bad.
Tried to find the cleanest place and thats where i sat.
- Sup bro, what did you wanna talk about?
- Well... About this... - I said looking around -Whats happening? First that gross fart video - I saw him chuckle when i mentioned that - then that also gross video on the lingerie store and Now... Look at your apartament, what hapened?
- I woke up bro - thats his only answer.
- Huh?
- I realice that gay life wasnt right for me
- What the fuck you- he interupt me
- Going to the gym, no worries about skin care routine - he keep talking - no worries even about showers, not washing my butt every-time-i-have-a-date - he said that words sounding indeed really sick of it- or not washing my butt at all, no using it for please other guys, just using it for this:
After saying that he lifted a leg and rip a long, smelly and loud fart
PRRRRRRFFFFFFFTTTFFFF the fart resonated for all the place, stinking everything, i had to cover my nose inmediatly, which make Tod laugh.
- Tod, theres no way to go straight, u have always been against that believe!
- Used to, but theres way, and you Will UAAARP agree soon
- What do you mean? - i said confused, and a bit of worried
- See, my awaking start when i had the first can of a beer from this weird brand a hot masc guy gave me, that same beer you are drinking now
Oh fuck.
- It's already starting, bro
- Theres no way, uh-PRRRRRRFFTTTFFFF
Tod was smiling with and almost evil smile, chugged a can of beer, belched and said: Cheers bro.
While here, I was burping non-stop, feeling my brain a bit foggy... Why I was worried about?
@ morningboy💕:
Oh!, Byron finally posted something, and it looks like a colab with Tod! Maybe he make him come back to his senses, all his 'turning straight' story really afect to the community.
Anyways lets see the video...
Ok, that outfit was a choice, Byron - I tough
Keep watching.
Oh... Oh no, is Byron having a fart contest with Todd!?
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This feels wrong... Wait! Why his user just changed to @Byb-ronski...
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chaethewriter · 10 months
Eren Jaeger x alt!grunge!reader
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Synopsis: Popular!college Eren dating a more alternative reader.
Mentioning: jealousy, suggestive content, basketball, fluff, toothrotting fluff, cringey fluff?, barely proofread.
Word count: 4,1K
An unexpected couple. That's what people thought when one day, Eren Jäger walked through the hallway with his arm wrapped around your shoulders. Acting as if you had a demon attached to you— or if you were the demon itself— when judging gazes fell upon yourself. The sound of your heavy platform boots landing on the ground you walked on, echoing off the walls as you took step after step down the hallway, clinging to your lover's shirt all the while.
Unlike your boyfriend, who dressed in a jersey that defined his muscles and a pair of denim jeans– with his hair tied up in a slick bun– you dressed differently, totally different from him. With heavy platform boots digging into your calves, the leftover exposed skin covered with a pair of ripped tights and a black skirt. Your upper body hugged by a black striped sweater where the sleeves are big enough for your head to fit in.
“It's so annoying, it's like an extinct animal is walking past them..” you huffed the words out, looking up at your much taller boyfriend. Eren averted his eyes to the audience around him and he scrunched his nose, clearly dissatisfied with the current situation: clearly dissatisfied that they treated his girlfriend like an animal. He knew that the only reason they didn't dare to utter a word, was because it was him. That didn't change the situation though. You could feel the anger radiating from his body and you knew he would stupidly open his mouth if you didn't distract him.
“Don't even bother, I could care less about their opinions. Let's go to class.” you reached your hand to touch his chest, rubbing reassuringly as you pulled his side closer to your body. This seemed to distract him, as Eren immediately turned to face you, “You were serious about going to class?!?”
You gave him a knowing look, “Obviously. And you are going to focus, your place on the team is on the line.” He didn't reply, but only groaned in defeat. He knew you were right though, he didn't want to lose his place as captain on the basketball team.
You grabbed his hand from on top of your shoulder and intertwined your fingers with his, pulling him with you. And Eren knew he couldn't escape the class that was about to start.
“Eren! Bro! Come join us.”
The moment you entered the classroom, a voice was calling out to him from the back of the room. There sat his friends, all the way in the back like always.
“It's fine, you can sit with them. I'll be sitting in front anyways.” You flashed him a pretty smile to reassure him that he didn't need to stick with you 24/7. You still felt awkward joining his much more popular friend group, after all. Yet Eren had other plans.
While you were about to pull away from him, he only held you tighter. “Thanks guys! But I'm gonna be sitting with my girlfriend.”
“Bro is skipping us for his playtoy.”
“Oh cut that crap, he truly cares about her, apparently.”
Words were exchanged, but you paid them no mind as Eren practically pushed you towards your favorite seat in front and sat you down, before taking a seat next to you. He put his hands behind his head and leaned back, looking down at you through his eyelashes, “are you going to help me, teach?”
You rolled your eyes in response, putting your bag down and unpacking your stuff. You opened your notebook on an empty page, before turning towards him. With your hand on his thigh, you leaned in. This caught him off guard, as he sat straight expecting you to press a kiss on his lips to tell him that he's doing a good job. Instead, you grabbed him by his cheeks with your free hand— squishing his cheeks together, “behave, you're the one that's gonna be in trouble if you aren't passing this class.”
Your hand moved towards his hand to pet his hair and he blushed at the gesture.
“Yeah-yeah, sorry sweetheart.”
“Good boy!” you gave him a sweet smile and settled down in your seat.
Eren put his arm on your chair as he leaned in to look at your textbook, so close to the point his stray hairs tickled your cheek. You turned your head to give him a knowing look. You noticed he wasn't walking around with a bag over his shoulder, so you're not so surprised about it.
“Promise I will bring my stuff the next time… if you be my tutor that is~” his lips landed on your temple, almost like a soft feather tickling you.
You don't say anything, but slip out a smile that your boyfriend also noticed. He stroked at your skin with his nose, his hands roaming around your waist.
His friends continued to complain, but it was all a mere noise in the background for the both of you.
During these events, the teacher entered the classroom with heavy footsteps. He put his stuff down on the table in front of him with a loud thud.
You slightly moved your face away from Eren's, as to tell him to slightly back off as class is starting soon.
He let out a pout, but respected your wishes as he sat in the comfort of his own space, his hands still lingering on your upper thigh. His fingers played with the end of your skirt, prodding at it.
“Class, open your notebooks on an empty page as we are diving straight into it. So for today…”
You ripped a page from your notebook and took a working pen from your pencil case, putting the supplies in front of his nose. He gave you a grateful smile with a quick kiss to your cheek.
His teal eyes bore through the textbook that you laid down in the middle of the surface. It's not like he understood it at all. Luckily, you were writing notes down for him that are easier to understand.
Knowing he shouldn't bother you– especially while you were so kind to help him with notes– Eren decided to keep himself busy. He twisted the pen open and watched you from the corner of his eye to see if you were looking at him.
Satisfied with the sight that you didn't, he leaned down to cover his entire table with his upper body. With the tip of his tongue slightly sticking from between his lips, Eren moved the pen around on the paper.
Checking up on you once in a while, all while drawing tiny adorable doodles. From random animals to what seemed to be you and your interests.
He was so focused that he didn't feel your poking at his arm.
“Psst Eren,” you tried to get his attention, nudging him even harder.
“What are you doing?” You asked out of curiosity once you gained his attention, a slight hum leaving his throat.
“Not telling.”
He's so cheeky.
You rolled your eyes at his sassy demeanor and turned back to your notes, all while wondering what the hell he's doing.
Two hours passed as class was finally dismissed. This entire time, Eren had been doing god knows what on that paper of his– as he kept taking stuff from your pencil case (from scissors to glue) and you wrapped up with your notes. You marked the final sentence with a blue marker and finally put the lid back on.
“I made you something!” He pulled at your sleeve to catch your attention and once he did, he held something up– right in front of your face. You had to squint your eyes and push his arms back slightly to see what this was all about.
In front of you, he held a piece of paper shaped as a rectangle, almost the size of your hand. You tilted your head to the side in confusion, “huh?” You inspected the small doodles he drew, noticing they're your favorite things.
“A phone case! Well, you can put this behind your clear phone case. Can you, pretty please?”
He practically begged you with his palms slapped together.
He was so childish.
You shook your head, before taking your phone out.
You currently had a clear case, decorated with stickers of black hearts and chains.
He immediately snatched it from your hands and you watched with interest as he removed your case, but the paper inside– with the drawings facing up– and slotted your phone back into the case.
You had to be real, it looked really wonky. Kind of ugly, but honestly? It was so sweet it made your heart flutter.
Proud of his work, Eren passed your phone back to you with a proud grin. Knowing he expected some kind of praise, you gave him exactly what he wanted. You leaned in to press your lips against his, sharing a loving kiss with the basketball player.
“Thank you, Eren. It's lovely.”
“Now you will think about me 24/7, not that you didn't do that before, but you know!”
That cheeky bastard.
“Yo Eren! Are you going to ditch us again, or actually sit with us for lunch?” A large shadow loomed over the both of you, covering the light shining down on you.
You looked up in confusion, wondering why the light had dimmed so much.
Looming over the both of you, Eren's friend group (in this class) stood there looking down on you. They were really intimidating like that, if you had to be honest. But you were sure that's also what they thought of you.
When you turned to look at Eren, he was already looking at you with those pretty eyes of his.
As if he was waiting for your opinion on that statement.
You chuckled in your sleeve, “you really don't need my approval. You should sit with them. I'll see you after our break.”
You were tempted to press a kiss against his lips, but with the amount of eyes on you you weren't so sure if you should. So you got up from your seat and greeted goodbye with a wave, but Eren pulled you back towards him at your wrist and pressed a passionate kiss against your lips.
“See you soon, babe.”
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You were sitting at one of the picnic tables in the canteen. Preferably the one in the corner of the room. It's not like anyone would steal that place, though, considering not everyone thinks of your group as friendly-looking (yet the bunch of you were much friendlier than the popular group).
You poked in your crunchy wrap with your wooden fork as you listened to the conversations your friends were having.
“No but then fucking Justin fell on his fucking jaw during practice and it was so fucking embarrassing!?!?”
“Is that the only curse word in your vocabulary, Leo?”
You huffed in annoyance as Leo threw himself across the table, his heavy leather jacket hitting you in the face as he pulled his friend by his hair.
“can the both of you sit down, so that I can enjoy my food?” You grabbed Leo by his necktie as you pulled him back down next to you, “You're so annoying.”
“Last time I checked, Eren Jäger is your boyfriend and he couldn't possibly be less annoying than them.” Shoko said as a matter of fact, typing away on her phone.
Your fighting friends agreed with that statement and you gave them a glare, “Are you still going on about that?”
Then your other friend chimed in, “Oh come on guys! At least she's happy. Even if it's with the most terrible person ever.”
“Thank you Jake, for first being on my side and then insulting the hell out of me.” You threw your fork at him at the same time as your response, “he's literally not a terrible boyfriend. It's his friends..”
“-which influences him.” Shoko finished your sentence and you couldn't help but groan again.
Leo then threw his arm around you, “we can't promise if we will ever like him, to be honest. Considering… him.”
“Okay, stop being so rude about my boyfriend.” You grabbed at his locks as you aggressively pulled at them to the point some hairs are actually getting stuck in between your fingers.
“You better stop that, or else I'm going to sabotage your fucking projects! Fuck ow stop!”
The three friends watch the childish bickering unfold, but they weren't the only ones doing so.
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“I'm going to kill him if he doesn't back the fuck off.” Eren crushed the crunchy wrap in his hand to mush, his nails digging through the food as it spilled through the gaps of his fingers– squeezing so hard his veins bulged.
“Jealous much?” Jean practically cackled, satisfied seeing Eren this frustrated.
“I'm not jealous..”
Oh what a lie that was. Eren was jealous, so jealous he could strangle the guy clinging to you. He knew he wasn't actually clinging to you, obviously the two of you were bickering. But he wished it was him instead.
He was so focused on you, he hadn't even noticed that he ruined his lunch.
He felt his insides burn as all he could see was red, especially when your friend pulled you in a hug.
“That's it.” Eren slammed his hands on the table before getting up from his seat, shoving his seat back along the way. His chair fell down with a clatter and the sound of students talking amongst themselves died down.
He made his way to your table, his eyes burning into your skin.
“We can work on the thing you need help with, today after class?” Leo pulled at your cheek as he said that, making you groan as the pinch was too hard.
No way in hell he was going to let that fucker with you.
“You're ruining my makeup!” You pulled at his locks harshly, at this point hoping he truly goes bald.
You felt an overwhelming presence behind you and at the same time a shadow loomed above you. You turned your face to the side to see what that was all about and came face to face with your boyfriend.
The entire table got quiet as they stared at the taller student.
Leo pulled away from you as he looked up at him. Eren was already staring at him, sharp eyes throwing daggers straight through his skin as his jaw clenched.
“Eren!” You exclaimed with a shy smile as you practically threw your arms around his neck. His hands landed on the dip of your waist, while the other landed on your bottom to keep your skirt from flying up. His gaze moved back towards you, much softer as his jaw unclenched. He already felt much more satisfied with the current situation.
“Watch out, you're going to kick your lunch on the floor.” Leo pushed your tray away from the edge.
Eren's jaw clenched again and his grip on your bottom tightened.
“Let's go.”
He took a hold on the strap of your bag and pulled it off the seats, slamming into Leo in the process.
“Huh go where? Oh uh! Bye guys!” You tried waving after your friends, but he was quick to seal you into his side with his hand on your hip as he led you out of the canteen.
“Can't believe some emo girl is making him act like a feral dog.”
“Bro is actually acting like a hormonal teenager.”
“Ren, where are we going?” You tilted your head up in confusion since he had been ignoring you for the past minutes.
You stopped in your tracks as your fist clung to his sleeve, “Ren, what's up?”
The two of you stood in front of the main exit, the halls around there empty as class was about to start.
As a reply, he huffed, and you weren't satisfied with that answer at all. His grip was still immensely tight on you, as if he was scared that you could slip away through his fingers.
“Please, talk to me.” He looked down at you and the way you looked up at him made him so weak in the knees.
He couldn't be angry at you.
And he didn't have the right to be angry at you.
“Let's skip.” he pulled you flush against him yet again. If that was even possible.
You saw the determined look in his eyes. Obviously, there was something bothering him and when Eren Jäger had something on his mind, he would do whatever to pursue that thought.
“Be happy that I didn't miss any classes so far..”
And it made him smile.
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You sat down on his bed as Eren closed the door to his dorm room. From under you, you removed a pile of clothes to sit more comfortable, “Sooooo… what now?”
He put your bag down in the corner, before taking a seat on his desk chair. With the help of the wheels, he rolled closer to you until he sat right in front of you. He brought his hands down as he helped you remove your heavy boots.
Gently laying them down somewhere, careful not to damage them as he knows how much they mean to you, he held your ankles and pulled your legs through the holes of his chair. You chuckled as you pulled him closer and he pressed his nose against yours, rubbing it into yours.
A small pout formed on his lips as he stared into your eyes. Instead of speaking up, you decided to let him do it at his own pace.
After a few minutes of this loving gesture, he pulled his face away from yours and scratched behind his neck, “if I tell you I wanted you here only for tutoring, you wouldn't believe me now would you?”
You gave him a knowing glance and a chuckle escaped his lips.
“What's up with my big baby?”
“I'm not a baby!”
You wrapped your arms around him and pulled his face in your neck. You pet at his hair as he gripped at your hips.
“I don't like your friend..”
“My friend? Which one?”
He hesitated at that question, but you let him know that he could tell you everything by kissing the tip of his nose.
His cheeks grew red at the gesture, “that one friend.. I just don't like him!”
You thought back to who you hung out with today. You were around Eren the most, but besides that you were surrounded with
You covered your mouth as you let out a fit of giggles. He felt your chest vibrating and pulled his face away to look at you, “are you laughing?!”
“No no.. pffhh..”
“You're definitely laughing!” He turned his face to the side, his gaze on one of the posters on his wall as his cheeks flushed redder.
“Ren! Nono it's okay, I'm not making fun of you.” You put your hands on his cheeks, “please look at me?”
“Now don't give me the silent treatment, why so jealous?”
“Is it because he's too close to me?”
Finally, he spoke.
He wanted to tell you, really.
But he was so fucking embarrassed that he wanted to die on the spot.
“Then what is it?”
He murmured something you couldn't catch.
“Sorry?” you grabbed him by the chin and made him face you. You leaned up, until your faces were inches away from one another. He still didn't look at you, though.
“Didn't catch that, baby.”
“You.. his hair..”
“Your hands in his hair..” it came out like a whisper, so you couldn't catch the entire sentence.
“What is it with his hair, honey?”
He pursed his lips, finally looking into your eyes as his face was bright red, “you pulled at his hair! That should have been me!”
His eyes were wide as he waited for your reaction.
Were you going to laugh at him?
Call him too possessive?
Break up with him?
His hair tie got loose, his hair falling down onto his shoulder and tickling his neck.
He then felt a pair of hands in his hair, scratching at his scalp and pulling at his locks, “there there..”
He let out a soft whine in response, closing his eyes as he almost purred into your touch.
You couldn't help but smile.
So he was into that hm?
You climbed into his lap from the bed, you being the one to pull him flush against you now. Not that he complained as he felt your body pressed into his.
“You could have asked, baby.”
He heard that you didn't sound mad at all, your touch still soft and lovingly as your hands buried deeper into his soft hair.
“Kinda embarrassed.. and jealous.. don't do it to him anymore, please.” His nose buried into your hair as he inhaled your smell. So nice, like home.
Instead of laughing at him, you nodded your head with a smile,
“I won't.”
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“You can do it!!”
Even though the colors of the school didn't fit you at all, you wore Eren's jersey proudly. He convinced you to wear it, after some puppy eyes and begging— saying everyone should know he belongs to you and you belong to me– his words.
The shirt too big for you as it basically acted as a mini skirt. Your hands grip at his jersey as you watch in anticipation as the countdown gets closer to zero.
You bring the cloth to your face as a way of comforting yourself– it smelled just like his perfume.
“Will he be okay?” You asked Leo worriedly as he stood next to you in the crowd.
He shrugged in response, “He got hit pretty hard in the face. Wonder how long it will take until he passes out.”
“Okay shut up!” You smacked his nape in annoyance.
Turning back to the game in front of you, you look for Eren in the field. He is on the right side of the field, breathing heavily with sweat dripping down his forehead– his hair in his infamous manbun to keep it out of his face. You watched how he raised his shirt to wipe the excess sweat from his face, giving you a good view of his body.
He looked to the left, your way, as he attempted to give you a wink.
That bastard.
You blushed profusely as you attempted to cover it up with a frown.
He's not dumb, though.
With the last minute counting down, you leaned into the barrier as both teams got into action. With the ball now in the hands of the opponent, they had to try and get it back and also score in that last minute.
One of Eren's friends jumped in front of the opponent to catch the ball, but said opponent did a feint and bounced the ball to the side.
Now you were getting nervous.
In that last minute, a ton of back and forth was happening.
Who could have thought so much would happen in one minute?
“Eren Jäger from Shiganshina managed to get a hold of the ball!! Will he manage to make the final point?!?” The commentary announced through the speakers and a gasp left your lips.
He dribbled to the opponent's side.
He looked your way.
Gave you a teasing grin—
this one's for you.
The crowd of shiganshina roared as you jumped in the air.
Leo shook his head, but ended up clapping as well. He had to say, he was impressed.
Eren's teammates ran straight towards him, engulfing him in a hug and eventually lifting him up.
His arms were in the air as he cheered, eyes closed and looking so ecstatic– so at peace.
You took your phone out to record the moment, maybe a new lockscreen?
He was finally put down and he immediately ran to the left side— your way.
“Sweetheart! Jump!” Eren had climbed up someway, now standing right under you as he held his arms out for you to jump in.
“Are you crazy?!?!”
“Crazy for you definitely, now jump!”
He had the goofiest grin on his face.
And you couldn't decline his offer.
With (not) a lot of trust, you climbed over the barrier and let yourself fall. He immediately caught you in his arms, a wider grin on his face, “told you I would catch you.”
“Oh shut up!” And you pressed a passionate kiss on his lips.
The camera panels towards the two of you unbeknownst to you knowing.
“You're wearing it..” he whispered under his breath once you pulled away, eyeing his jersey wrapping around your body.
“Of course I am. ‘M your biggest fan, ‘Ren.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to you.
“Hmm… should wear it more often, especially during our alone time..” his breath fanned against your ear.
A/N: thank you sm for reading! I know my posts are inconsistent whoopsies. But hope u enjoyed. Like and comment pls <3.
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woominutes · 8 months
ko kyungjun as a boyfriend
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he is THE hates everyone but you bf
bad boy with a soft spot for you kinda trope
just replace bad boy with bully
he doesn't go out of his way for anyone except you
princess treatment? you got it.
he'd make jinha and seungbin do the work when they are around lol
his love languages are;
acts of service
holding doors for you, buying you snacks, walking you home, helping you the week before and during your period. the things he does for you can erase any doubts that may arise in your head about his feelings for you.
he might hold back sometimes to not appear as a simp and maintain his reputation as the tough bully though.
physical touch
always has his hands on you in a way, mostly around the waist or shoulders. it is a sign of affection but also ownership as he wants to make your relationship known to other boys so they don't even dare to make a move.
also having you on his lap, he loves that. especially during recess at school, you can be found sitting on him while he zones out or talks with jinha and seungbin.
and quality time
asking you to hang out after school, inviting you to his place to chill, tagging along when you have errands to run if he is in the mood for it.
this guy literally walks away from people and situations when he doesn't care to be bothered so spending his time on/with someone definitely means something.
now about gift giving
i don't think he'd put a lot of thought into gifts. on specific occasions like anniversaries or trying to impress you, yes, but nothing too fancy otherwise.
however, you'd get little things; like a flower from a random garden he passed by from.
in my eyes, he's a casual sharer in a relationship
what is his is yours, his basketball sneakers being the only exception. food, clothes, his bed, his heart, everything.
you like his jacket? you'll share it back and forth, one week his and two weeks yours. you like his hoodie? take it. you like his shirt? wear it (but bring it back after a month and borrow another). you like his earrings? you can wear the right one and he'll wear the left one.
words of affirmation is not something he is good at
it's hard for him to express himself. he can throw a few playful sweet words here and there but rarely gets serious. he has his moments, especially after intimate situations with intense feelings, but they're few.
rarely says "i love you", he shows it instead.
he'd be the one to secretly need words of affirmation despite denying it
not too much praise though, he'll get cocky
bro felt love for the first time and his world changed #canon
such a show-off, especially with basketball
"this is for you" *misses the shot*
once threw the ball in hyunho's face because you were looking at the poor boy for too long and kyungjun got jealous
cue nahee running to help hyunho with his bloody nose
he eliminates your worries when he can
(we all know how I'm talking about)
tending to his wounds whenever he gets injured
insecure hence extreme jealousy
someone looks at you for too long? glares at them. someone talks to you? either waves them off or mocks them when they leave. someone confesses to you? they get threats as a warning. someone touches you? disappeared from the face of earth.
i could actually see him wanting to kill other boys out of jealousy but he'll hold himself back by giving them a light beating instead.
"me? jealous? ha! I'm better than that asshole"
yeah yeah sure
bro is so aggressive
you'd most likely have to witness a lot of outbursts of anger
but he apologises after, usually
intended empty words or not, you'll witness his wrath again because that is his reaction to almost everything that inconveniences him
he's throwing things and punching walls
even if he unconsciously shoves you, he regrets it immediately
many, mostly minor, arguments because of misunderstandings and lack of communication
he is not very confrontational when it comes to a relationship, either because he doesn't want to appear vulnerable and clingy or he doesn't know how to express himself and figure out why he is feeling the way he does.
when his hidden feelings of insecurity and discomfort bubble up, it's hell for the both of you. screaming, crying, him acting like he doesn't care to protect himself.
and his impulsivity makes it harder to make up sometimes
he might say hurtful things out of anger that will keep you away from him for a while but he rarely actually means them, it's just his defense and illusion of security.
possessive and slightly controlling
he cares too much when he considers his relationship serious and it's not just him fooling around.
unfortunately, he'll use manipulation when he wants something badly or to convince you of something. if you call him out, he'll drop the act and most likely get annoyed.
he needs a lot of work when it comes to the negative aspects of his personality for a healthy relationship to exist
he is not too much of a bad guy, he just has issues
and needs therapy
passionate makeout sessions
those big palms and veiny hands know how to grip. he's the dominant one and he won't have it any other way, wanting to have power and control over the pace and movements.
high libido, that's all i'm apparently allowed to say :P
learns and remembers a lot about you
especially your habits and quirks
if you smoke too;
he'll share his cigarettes with you
and steal a couple of yours when he is out of his
if you hate smoking;
he'll make an effort to not smoke when you are present
brushes his teeth or eats a piece of gum before he kisses you if he meets you after smoking <3
can't have you thinking he is gross smh
if you're short;
he definitely teases you about your height
picks you up just for fun or carries you around like you weigh nothing
ties your shoelaces for you
playfully insulting each other and bantering all the time to show affection
you're the only one he actually listens to <3
you shove him or nudge him when he is being too mean to other people or crossing a line
still goes wild when you're not around
you are his lockscreen <3
not too much of a talkative texter
sort written replies but long voice messsages
oml that voice
sends you pics of himself all the time, expecting compliments and praise
shirtless mirror pics focusing on his abs? all yours. manspreading pictures? you got them. selfies in which he tries to appear tough but his cheeks and soft features make him look like the cutest boy you've ever seen? yep.
cares a lot about how you view him so he takes a lot of time to make sure he picks the right pics to send you.
let's not fool ourselves, he knows you love those muscles and he purposely puts them on display for you
cuddles with kyungjun are warm and tight, becoming one under a blanket
more of a motorcycle guy
buys you your own helmet <3
not one for fancy dates, maybe dinner here and there, but prefers casual hangouts
movie nights at his house, late night walks and rides, chilling at a convenience store after school.
just peaceful private moments.
pretends to not like cheesy couple things, such as matching outfits or pajamas, but they secretly warm his heart
he takes your gifts very seriously; wears them to please you or carries them around with him
get him a neck pillow
you have him wrapped around your finger no matter how much he denies it
jinha has gotten a good smack in the back of his head for voicing that fact multiple times
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© to @woominutes on tumblr; do not repost or steal
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mommypieck · 1 year
My feed is incomplete without u ✨️💕
If u don't mind can I request an Armin x Eren x fem!virgin!reader threesome in the bathroom at a party where the reader is super shy so the boys are gentle at first but they both rlly want her bad so they snap at some point and get a lil rough hehe
And maybe a smidge of jealous boyfight like they get competitive about who can fuck better 🤭
"are you sure you want to do this?" armin asks, stroking your cheek as eren nips at your skin. your head feels heavy because of the loud music but you are sure. you nod, making armin smirk. every single of your friends have already lost their virginity but you still haven't found the one. but after setting an eye for armin you were sure that you want him to be your first. but after arriving to the party, eren caught you into his trap first.
"she's so cute, isn't she?" eren pulls away from your neck to look at your face. he knows that you like armin but he also likes you. and he knows that armin is going to be jealous but ke needs to teach him for to fight for something.
"let's go upstairs." armin says, taking your hand and leaving you upstairs. eren follows you much to armin's dispair. armin leads you into an empty bathroom, locking the door. he doesn't waste any time kissing you, shoving eren away. eren doesn't let himself be omitted as he takes a place behind you to suck on your neck. his hard on digs into your skirt, making you wet all over. armin travels his hand down to your blouse, carefully popping button after button. he throws it on the floor, leaving you only in a lace bra. he looks at you with adoration, kissing you deeply. eren responds by grabbing a handful of your boobs, squeezing them much to armin's dislike. armin squeezes your hips, rubbing them to show you how much he loves you. his eyebrows furrow when eren smacks your ass.
armin teases you over your underwear, tasting the waters.
"can i?" he asks for permission and you nod. he peels your underwear off of your legs, looking at your gorgeous pussy.
thr tips of his fingers rub gently on your clit, making you feel pleasure you never felt before. you yelp as eren's fingers slide between your legs from behind. eren finds you hole quickly, inserting one of his fingers inside. you moan at the stretch, soon his one fingers turns to two. eren fucks you with his fingers, exploding all of your weak spots. armin doesn't let himself be neglected as he shoves eren's fingers aside to position his cock into your opening. he lifts you up on the counter, rubbing his cock up and down your slit.
his cock finally entres you and he feels proud that he is your first. he smirks at eren, showing him that he's the one who should have you. eren just responds with a snort, fisting his cock while looking at you. armin thrusts inside slowly, moaning at the way your pussy is gripping him. he dreamt about this for so long and now he finally got what he wanted. he feels pride overtakes him as he realizes that he's the one who broke you off your innocence. his thrusts get faster as his ego rises. he's not trying to be gentle anymore, he just wants to see you fall apart on him cock.
" 'min, too fast." you moan, your hands flying to hold onto his forearms. he smile at you, kissing your nose.
"but i thought you would be able to take it." he says with fake sympathy, giving you a puppy eyes. he stretches your legs further, drilling into you even harder.
"i want this pussy too. come on, bro." eren interviens. you look between eren and armin, not knowing what's armin going to do. you would be lying if you said you don't want eren to fuck you too but you feel too dirty. you just lost your virginity and another man fucking you right after is just wrong.
armin thinks for a moment and you wish he would say yes and no at the same time.
"fucking god, take her." armin says, pulling out of you. you don't have timr zo register what happened before you're filled again, this time by eren's cock. eren doesn't spare a minute trying to be gentle as he slams inside of you in hard and deep thrusts. you fall limp against his muscles, feeling too overwhelmed by everything.
"i can cum inside of you, can't i?" eren asks but he knows what the answer is. he finds your clit, rubbing is fast as you near you orgasm. another hand joins eren's and you look up to see armin trying to make you cum too. he wants to be the one who makes you cum and he's not gonna let eren take this title. your vision fogs as you finally reach your high. it takes few thrusts for eren before he's cumming inside of you. you try to think about what just happened but your mind is clouded with pleasure and the two boys. armin feels jealous but he knows he will cum inside of you many other times. he can't wait to corrupt you in the worst ways possible.
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pinkslaystation · 6 months
[Part 2] Unimpressive yet Impressed.
König and gn!Reader
Part 2 to Impressive yet unimpressed! In which König attempts to reconcile with you after his attack. TOOK 4EVER but part 2 is here teehee fuck midterms Word count: 4.3k; translations in purple, shout out google translate.
König sat on the cold plastic chair beside your hospital bed in the infirmary, for what felt like months. 2 to be exact.
The room was empty at 2 A.M on a grey Sunday. Of course it was, it was 6 hours past visiting hours ended, but König couldn't help but enter through the infirmary's window, tiptoe past all the injured, asleep soldiers, and rest on the chair, watching your chest painfully heave up and down, with ragged breathes.
His first sane thought was to break into the respected infirmary, where he remembers laying after broken bones, with you besides him. It makes sense for him to return the favour.
I mean...he's the reason you're in a coma in the first place...
After attempting to check up on you, he'd overheard the doctors' order: You see a poorly dressed mammoth of a man, you tell security immediately. The poor girl's distressed enough, mentioned the Colonel's name and her heart rates quicken to an alarming rate.
That broke his heart. He loved having such an affect on you, yes! But in a 'cutesy-butterflies-in-my-stomach' way, not a 'panic-attack-about-to-die-omfg-scary-man-alert' way!
So he sits here, patiently waiting for the sun to rise, so he can exit the infirmary as quietly as possible, and sneak into, yet again, another room. Yours. Where he lays in your bed. Using your expensive floral soaps. Ate your food. Anything to feel like you were with him again.
He swears he sees your fingers shift, closed eyes twitching ever so gently, but according to your files (which he stole), stated that you 'were in a worse state that before, slowly recovering although there's limited hope,' and ah 'one of the worst non-mission on-base injuries seen'.
His actions caused great harm, I mean look at you. But one would say his plan worked.
News spread like wildfire, with almost everyone talking about the combat room incident. Soldiers murmured everywhere he walked.
König means King you know, bro lives up to the name.
He's a fucking beast, beating her up like that, mans got no emotion i swear.
Heard he's getting promoted for that stunt he pulled...
And indeed he was getting more recognised. His once slow forgotten image was roaring in popularity, with his higher-ups signing him up for more missions than one should be given.
"It's a great opportunity Colonel. I mean you've improved this month! Like you're on steroids or sum'" König finds himself being cornered in the hallway of the barracks by his superior, cheeks wet and reddening under this mask, after sneaking out of your room one morning.
His superior's eyes glisten cunningly, "And uh...those moves, yeah. Impressive." His head nods, gesturing towards your room.
König squints his eyes, glaring so hard in pure shame, he swear he feels his eyeballs vibrate. But instead he walks off, vowing to abstain himself from anymore violence. He's learnt his lesson.
'Unimpressive...' he mumbles, physically shivering as his mind is forced to recall that fateful day again.
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Minutes feel like days and days feel like months, and all those hospital visits from your teammates gradually decrease, some unable to see you resting corpse-like with jagged scars painting your skin, some purposely avoiding the whole situation, with paperwork as their main excuse.
But König finds solace staring at your almost dead but resting state. Yes, he cringes at the slightly bent nose, the busted lip, and the countless stitches on your scalp, but overall he notes you seem peaceful on the bed.
Not like that fearful expression you pulled before he...you remember.
Though he'd rejected the numerous proposals to lead missions, he finds himself persuaded into changing into his musky, unwashed uniform, adjusting his mask whilst attempting to silence his growing headache. One more König, one more mission. Think about who you're doing this for. Think about your future. Think about that cottage. Think about that Austrian countryside.
So he gears up, attempting to push you away from his thoughts, though he can't. He curses himself for using your floral scented soaps, his senses being heightened and hyper-focusing on it the entire ride in that aircraft. It smells like you. Not like that dreaded dull stench of the hospital.
His train of thoughts halt as his superior yells strings of commands towards his team, and his priority shifts to stays alive for you.
After exiting the aircraft he takes a good look of his surrounding, as his team gather round in group, and his face drops. It looks like just Alpbach, the countryside he wanted to settle down in with you.
His eyes catch the small row of houses and buildings kilometres away.
That was meant to be the cottage you two grow old in...
"König! Where's your mind at?"
His eyes clench.
No time for mistakes.
2000 kilometres away, lay you. Eyes indeed twitching rapidly. You were most definitely not conscious yesterday, but the memory of a German bedtime story being read to you early morning comes to you frequently, must be deja vu.
Today though, you open your eyes, lazily making eye-contact with the medical intern who'd been studying you for research purposes.
"Hey, hope you don't mind m- OH MY GOD. UM- OH. MY GOD. ¿QUÉ DEMONIOS ESTÁ PASANDO? EH, ¿POR QUÉ ESTÁ DESPIERTA? VUELVE A DORMIR." What the fuck is happening. Um, why is she awake, go back to sleep!
And a week passes by, and your movements are restricted to sitting up and switching the TV channel. But you're better. Your closest 2 teammates visit you daily now, adorning you with gifts, like your luxurious chocolates.
But no one dares mention his name. Not even you. You don't care about the lack of flowers or medals by your bed like your last hospital visit.
"But you should have seen her face-" One of your teammates chokes on his laugh, caught up on a story you'd missed, "bitch tried to tackle me-" he stifles a laugh, "ever seen a mouse try to fight a lion-"
"How are you still on that, it was 2 weeks ago!"
You turn to your other friend, stationed at the other side of your bed.
"Wow, sounds like I'm stronger than you, and I'm in hospital." You tease her, cheeks aching from smiling too hard, a painful feeling you've missed.
"Dude, I tried to tackle him, König styl- I mean. I- um. Sorry-"
Your face flashes a pained look, before your eyebrows furrow in anger, fixating on your clenched fingers.
"She, um, she didn't mean that. It's just-" your friend tries to defend her.
"So what's that fucker up to, huh?" You ask, though it comes out more like a command than a question.
"Um...he's on a mission, like in Austria or something, I don't know.-"
You scoff, "Good, hope that asshole dies there."
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Another month and another successful mission from König's team go by, and your higher ups have talked you into being stuck at an office desk, buried in paperwork. It's long and monotonous, and although you want to be focus on improving your overall physical ability, your grateful you don't see as many soldiers on the base as usual, given the amount of pitied looks you've gotten after being discharged.
But hey! The good news in that you're not doing it all on your own. You occupy a small office with a lower ranked soldier, and though you both work under different positions, you both share a similarity. Both victims of König. The soldier you'd seen on the floor, who'd looked like he'd left bleeding to death, also recovered moderately well, and he sits across your desk, cheeks always looking flushed. As if he's still sick.
"You have another pen? Um, this one's ran out."
He's got a gentle voice, like König, but his don't make you pause in fear. He's definitely not as bulky as König rather, he's on the other end of the spectrum. Shorter, leaner, less muscular. But his differences to König make you appreciate him more.
"Huh- yeah, here." You toss a pen towards him and he clumsily misses it, apologising before crouching to pick it up, and you don't fail to catch his bruised knuckles and wrists.
"Thanks..." he mumbles shyly, pulling his sleeves down after realising what your gaze on.
You both haven't discussed it, but have mentally agreed not to talk about that night in the combat room.
"Team's coming back from an assignment today. Or so I heard." He strikes up a conversation, blushing and still avoiding eye contact.
You smile at him, humming as your fingers type away at the keyboard, "Hmm, when do they get back?"
"Couple of hours from now...it's been a month I think."
You nod in response, "They wish they were doing paperwork right now."
He snorts, before coughing it away from embarrassment, but you smirk at his reaction.
"Adorable." You mumble.
"What?" His eyebrows raise.
"Huh?" You mock teasingly.
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The evening of paperwork and back and forth banter goes by, and you find yourself with him - who you've now nicknamed 'Paperwork' - at the canteen, sitting and eating alone, isolating yourselves from the obvious glances and murmurs from the other soldiers, yet neither of you want to mention the obvious unspoken tension.
"All my soap's gone, Paperwork!" You look at the obvious peaking black eye that he failed to cover fully with the wrong shade of foundation.
He looks at you curiously, amused at the new found nickname.
"Like, it's gone, and my bed's all messy." There's a cut on his plump lips.
He nods awkwardly.
"Food's nice." You state, receiving a hum from him, but you focus on his swollen wrists, gently reaching to touch them.
He flinches, dropping the steel cutlery on the floor, earning more stares than before, if that was possible, squeaking an apology and continuing to eat like nothing happened.
He's cute. You smile. He's nothing like him.
You continue munching on your food, unaware of the stares you receive. Of the stare you receive.
The 6'10 colonel stands metres away from you at the entrance of the canteen, your back turned to him, as his fists clench and squeeze at the first bouquet of hand-picked Austrian flowers out of envy, as he studies your new found friendship. Considering it's the evening, he's happy he's standing in the dimly lit corridor by the mess hall doors, so he's aware that you cannot see him.
But König can see you.
Most importantly, König can see you, with him.
Was zum Teufel macht er mit ihr? He curses. What the fuck is he doing with her?
"The food's shit mate-" He's interrupted by lower ranked soldiers, and he skillfully moves out of the way to hide behind the door, as they enter the mess hall, and he swears you turn back to look at him.
He wants to walk up to you. He wants to look at you straight in the face and apologise, but he deep down knows that no matter what he says to you, what he gifts you, what he promises you- you will never forgive you for his abuse. For the way he neglected you and your feelings, for putting his greed before you.
And he knows deep down, you'd be happier with...with him. That puny guy. Aren't soldiers meant to be strong and muscular? This guys looks the same weight as König's left calf, no wonder he beat him up to a pulp.
He scoffs, ignoring the sinking feeling in his heart, hearing your laugh at whatever this guy says to you. Deep down he knows he lost you. Deep down he knows he's no longer yours.
"Hey, I'm gonna get my phone, I think I left it in my room, see you in a bit?" You ask the soldier, and after he nods, you find yourself walking towards the entrance of the mess hall.
König watches as you walk towards the door and he swears his mind pauses.
You're walking towards him? Right now? What is he meant to say to you? Are the flowers okay? Would you like them? Would you even talk to him?
He finds his anxiety catching up to him all of a sudden, head feeling light and palms beginning to sweat. Though he feels a rise of panic, he doesn't find the strength to move, not even a muscle. He wishes you were by his side, stroking his biceps.
But you're not by his side. Yet, that is.
You open the semi-transparent door, yawning inaudibly, closing your eyes in the process.
And you walk straight into a brick wall-
"Holy shit, you scared me..." You look up at him, halting immediately after you realise who you bumped into.
König looks down at you, and like his brain, his heart stops and skips a beat.
"Liebling- what- who- why are you talking to him? Are you over me that quickly?" darling-
You glare up and him angrily. Over 2 months without König and no apology? And instead he dares question your relationships with other soldiers.
"Listen mein baby, I'm tired, can we just go back to our room-" my baby
"Our room?" The first words you've uttered to König before the incident.
"Our. Room?"
König looks away in embarrassment. "Liebling, can we talk in our-your room, I don't feel comfortable being here-"
"You don't feel comfortable? You don't feel comfortable? Oh what, now I'm supposed to care about YOUR feelings like you care about MINE? Are you fucking kidding me right now?" You point your finger at his chest as you feel your emotions pouring out.
"You don't get the fucking right to tell me what I fucking do, you insolent freak. Yeah no wonder you were abused as kid, maybe domestic violence runs in your fucking blood." König widens his eyes at that last dig, knowing you said it only to hurt him, which it did.
He watches you walk away angrily, stomping down the dark corridor, slowing fading out of his vision and into the dark.
He knows he lost you.
He knows, but he'll try again.
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The next 2 weeks you receive letter upon letter, all written in various languages, some in English, some in German, some in your mother-tongue, which were definitely google translated.
And every single one, you burnt. You wake up with them under the door of your room, and every single time you take your lighter and burn the bottom right corner without even bothering to read the entire letter. König could write a fucking novel for you, but nothing would fix the evident hatred you felt for the Colonel.
"And he just sends so many damn letter, like enough Shakespeare." You groan to your paperwork partner.
Over the weeks you've definitely bonded with him more, eating together more often, roaming the grounds more often, hell, one night he even slept on the couch in your room! You're grateful to have him by your side, if he weren't there, you would be spiraling down a hole of indefinite depression. Though, you question whether you could say the same to him, and you swear he ever so silently shifts away from you.
"You shouldn't get back with him." He warns you.
You smirk, "Paperwork, you jealous?" and he coughs aggressively in response.
Your smile thins, "But for real, I would never. What he did to me, what he did to you- it's unforgivable. I promise."
He nods wincing at the thought of seeing you with König, a smile ever so gently etching on his flushed face.
"You wanna go take a walk around?"
So you both tour around the base, past the barracks, past the canteen, past that damn combat room, through the gardens, until you find yourselves sitting on the benches by the empty concrete grounds, a comfortable silence filling the air.
The sunny yet cold weather breezes past you, your pony-tailed hair gently swaying towards the direction of the wind as you stare at both your shadows in front of you.
"Weather's nic- are you fucking for real?!" You grip the bench, gritting your teeth as you see a taller third shadow rising beside the original two shadows. Paperwork, looking behind him, jumps out of the bench after realising it was his superior.
"Colonel, sir", he salutes towards König, "sir- I-."
You interrupt him instantly, "Paperwork, I love you, but shut the fuck up."
"2 weeks and we're confessing our feelings already huh?" König stares down at the two of you.
"The only person that should be confessing their feelings should be you, Colonel. To a fucking therapist." You scoff.
"Schatz, listen-"
"Nothing you say will change my mind König. I don't want to see you anymore. Can't you get that through your thick skull or is that shitty cloth on your big head getting in the way?"
König feels his eyes shut involuntarily, being bombarded with all these insults, "Can I not apologise? Did you not read my letters?"
You laugh sarcastically, "König, you're a better clown than a Colonel, cos you're a fucking joke. Now leave me the hell alone." You brisk-walk away, yanking Paperwork behind you, who shoots an apologetic look towards König.
"Scheisse...." König mumbles. Shit....
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König's relentless attempts of begging for your forgiveness were all fruitless. He attempting breaking into your room to leave flowers on your bed, but he didn't realise that he'd see you and Paperwork hanging out in the living room.
"Didn't realise there was a fucking rat infestation in this fucking building." You groaned, before slamming the window shut on König's fingers, as he jumped at the pain before falling 2 stories down onto the hard ground.
And there was a time he even had the audacity to sit next to Paperwork, across from you on the dinner table in the canteen.
"Hallo-" But he was rudely ignored by you throwing your scorching hot coffee straight onto his uncovered forearms.
His useless attempts to woo you remained ... well, useless. You'd never spare a second for him, unless you inflicted pain onto him, like when you knocked down the weights at the gym on top of his feet, or when you 'accidentally' kicked his crotch as he snuck up from behind you. Although you found it funny, going back to your dorm to tell Paperwork about the new event, you just couldn't scratch the burning feeling in your chest. Like you only hit him, burnt him, kicked him out of spite, out of anger, out of revenge from that pain he caused onto you. You may be angry at him for his actions, but you knew hurting him just wasn't what you wanted. You wanted to be the bigger person, and cut him out of your life once and for all.
If only he got the hint.
When you found yourself forcing yourself to knock on his door, cringing at the awkward silence, you had learned from Paperwork that König had be assigned for another mission, which was listed for 2 months.
Ahhhh, 2 months without König. What a dream.
But oh how quickly those months have gone by. One month in, and you and Paperwork were back on the field. The doctor gave you both the signal that physical activity was okay, if done carefully, so now your evenings before dinner, you two would be found dead lifting at the gym.
And damn, did Paperwork look good in a black compression shirt.
"3, come on, 2 let's go Paperboy, 1 more 1 more come on, okaayyy and you're done, well done!" You patted him on his back.
"You're getting better, boy!" You toss him your water bottle, which he takes graciously.
Out of breath but smiling, he nods contently, sitting down on the mat, gesturing you to sit beside him.
"I need to tell you something." He starts, and you look at him narrowing your eyes.
"Don't tell me you have a wife and 3 kids and home..." You snort at him, quickly silencing yourself after he doesn't return a laugh.
"Listen, I was thinking..." He looks away from you.
"This isn't for me anymore-"
You furrow your eyebrows, "This friendship, did I make you uncomfortable, did König tell you I like you?" You ramble on.
"You like me?" He tilts his head, ignoring everything else you've said.
"hUh? No! No. No, I've been thinking about my career in the army, and I've done it for like 2 years now, which you know, isn't a lot, but the paperwork we did together...it changed me."
You're the confused one now.
"Maybe I'm destined for an office job, maybe this, this just isn't me..." He trails off, finally meeting your eyes, looking for an answer.
You nod, and this time you look away, "No, that makes sense."
There's a pause in the conversation, and for a while, the both of you just stare at the other gym-goers in the vicinity.
You sigh, "I've been doing some of my own thinking you know..."
"You have?"
"Yeah, I talked to the boss and I asked for a tr-"
Suddenly the door, bursts open, and your friends run towards you, huffing, "König-" huff, "He's-" huff, "oh my days, I am so out of breath, I've come to the right place, the gym!"
"Get to the damn point, woman! König in the hospital, he's been shot-"
That was enough to get you up and running.
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A 4 hour surgery later, and you and Paperwork sat outside of the hospital door, the same one where you were admitted to, and the same one König lay behind. Paperwork swears he felt his eyes strain, watching you walk up and down the corridor, and he questions whether there was still some unspoken, remaining feelings you had for his superior.
The doctors, leave the room, with a solemn look to their faces, greeted with you running up to you immediately.
"So? Is he finally dead?"
"Ma'am, what- no. He's good, he's recovering rapidly. He's also asking for you." A doctor states, pointing towards, leading both you and Paperwork towards the room.
The hospital rooms still sends shivers down your back, memories of the previous few months rushing back to you all of a sudden, but you're calmed down by the soft rub on the small of your back by Paperwork, who's already looking at you with a soft smile.
You walk towards the bed, with Paperwork standing behind you.
"König. And you're still here."
You look down at you and you wince.
There König lie, bloodied and bruised worse than ever. If your state when you were admitted was described as the worse, you wondered what the doctors were to say when they saw him.
"Schnucki...bist du das?" Sweetie-pie...is that you?
"König honey, what happened?" You gently rub the tears of his swollen face.
"Feind…habe es nicht gesehen…es tut mir alles leid..." Enemy…didn't see…i'm sorry for everything
You hum stroking his bare face, and you look back to Paperwork, knowing it's probably his first time seeing the Colonel maskless.
"Papierkram, es tut mir alles leid...Ich bin ein beschissener Mann mit noch beschisseneren Taten, aber du kannst es in dir finden, mir zu vergeben...." Paperwork, i'm sorry for everything. I'm a shitty man with shittier actions, but you can find it in yourself to forgive me.
Paperwork smiles, nodding as he understood what the fuck the Colonel just said to him in the foreign language, "Sì, non preoccuparti, amico." yeah dont you worry mate (italian)
"Glaubt dieser Idiot, dass ich Italiener bin?" Does this idiot think I'm italian, König warily asks looking at you.
Stroking your cheek, you giggle.
"König, listen. What you did, was...unforgivable."
König sits up slowly with your help, listening intently.
"But as much as I want to strangle you and throw you as you did to me...it's not going to solve any issues."
König tears up.
"I'll never forgive the memories we made together König. I really did love you. But-"
"But?" he squeaks.
"But we're done. I want to be someone's priority always. And König, let's be real, you need to talk to someone about all these pent up emotions."
König nods, tears now streaming down his face.
You wipe his tears, "Hey, hey, don't cry okay, listen. I know it's hard, but it's for the best. We both need to heal and grow separately. Maybe someday we can be friends again, but we need space."
König nods again, sniffling as he tries to compose himself. "I understand. I'll seek help, I promise."
You smile softly, feeling a mix of relief and sadness. "That's all I ask. Take care of yourself, König."
He nods once more, and you lean in to give him a gentle hug before standing up. As you start to stand up, you hear him whisper, "Danke für alles." Thank you, for everything.
Paperwork walks towards you, his arm wrapped your waist.
"Pass auf sie auf, ja?" Look after her, will you?
Paperwork nods, "Sì, signore, lo farò." Yes sir i will. (italian)
"Boy if you don't- listen. I wanted to tell you both something.
The two men look at you intensely.
"What I wanted to say at the gym...and to you König...I've been thinking, for a few months now."
The two men look at each other.
"I've talked to the superiors about this, but I requested a transfer. To England. And...it was approved this morning." You mutter.
König and Paperwork widen their eyes.
"Liebling, that's amazing! I mean I'm sad to see you go as a friend and a team mate, offensichtlich, but I'm happy. Truly impressed soldier." Darling, offensichtlich - obviously.
Paperwork smiles by your side, squeezing your arm gently, "England here I come," and you chuckle to the thought with him by your side.
"Where are you being transferred to you?" König asks.
"Oh, um, Task Force One-Four-One."
Why choose between Paperwork and König when you can have both, YALL GET ME?! Also this should've have taken me so long, my God, but i'm glad it's done fr, sorry for the wait :D also not proofread, so if you see any mistakes, treat it like a middle child and ignore it &lt;3 I have a tag list! -> lemme know you're interested to be tagged in my future posts! tags -> @lilliumrorum
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Hey so could you maybe do ellie with “I was all over her” by salvia Plath
I was all over her - (ellie williams x reader)
Hi anon! i tried a different format because im still trying to get used to how to write and stuff lol, also the song choice??? hello??? one of my favorite crying songs fr, i hope you enjoy <3
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This story is based off the song I was all over her by Salvia Palth! if you can please listen to the song as you're reading:)
Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are open again! send me your silly thoughts
warnings: murder, angst, sadness, mommy issues
Summary: in which she wanted to be all over you
authors note: uni applications are open this month im so nervous that i wont get accepted... im stress writing bro
The light was really bright, it hurt her eyes. Ellie hates bright lights.
The buzzing also bothered her.
"How can you be so bright and also make such an annoying sound at the same time?" she wondered as she stared at the lights on the roof.
It was cold in here too.
it was really cold. She should've worn a jacket.
The room was plain too. There was just a table a few chairs.
Who decorated this place?
Ellie was snapped out if her judgmental thoughts when detective Miller walked into the room, and he sat across her.
"Do you know why you're here?" he asked coldly.
Ellie's handcuffs rattled as she sat up straight.
"I don't" she lied.
"Do you know y/n?" he suddenly asked.
Ellie's eyes widened slightly at the mention of your name. She knew you were. She knew you very well.
You guys were at the same party that night.
That night.
The night she wanted to forget so badly. But how could she? It was engraved into her mind.
She remembered everything.
"She's missing" he said.
"I know"
"I need you to be very honest with me. Do you know what happened to her?"
"No" Liar.
She knew what happened. She was the reason everything happened. She was already drowning in her own guilt.
Detective Miller leaned back into his chair and he let out a dramatic sigh. He knew Ellie knew something, he could sense it.
"Tell me what you remember from that night"
Her muscles tensed when she started telling the story.
"Don't know what I wanted, I have a memory"
Ellie walked into the party, and her nose scrunched up at the smell of weed. Wherever she looked there were people either smoking or drinking, or they were half naked and making out. The room was packed and there was barley space for her to walk.
Ellie hated small spaces, that's why she hated parties. The big crowds, the smells and liquids everywhere, she hated it.
She doesn't know why she was there.
She remembered finding you all alone and sitting at the top of the staircase. She remembered sitting next to you. She remembered how you looked at her.
She remembered, she remembered, she remembered, she remember-
"and then what happened" the detective asked her, bringing her out of her thoughts.
"I don't remember" she lied.
"People saw the two of you go into a room together. What happened in there?"
"Back at that party, I was all over her, We didn't make out or do anything, I just remember I was lonely"
You were so sweet. You were so nice and caring. You were the opposite of who she was.
What was a sweet thing like you doing at such a party?
She remembered how you told her that you enjoyed her company, and how you asked her to go somewhere private so the two of you could get to know each other better.
You smelled like lavender.
As she laid next to you on that bed listening to you ramble about why social media is bad for kids she realized how empty she felt.
You made her feel so full, so loved but when you went home she had no one. You guys didn't even have to do anything, as long as she is in your presence.
You made her happy. She needed to keep you. She needed to feel full.
She remembered you falling asleep, she remembered how peaceful you looked, she remembered how she got up and locked the door.
She remembered, she remembered, she remembered-
"Ellie" detective Miller called her. Ellie looked at him with a hum.
"Let's talk about your personal life"
He needed to dig deeper. He knew she was hiding something. He could tell.
"What do you want to know?" Ellie asked with caution.
"Tell me about your mom"
"She left"
"I know she did, but do you remember anything about her?"
She let out a sigh, the handcuffs rattled and she realized that she was still being questioned.
She can't get soft now.
"My mom always made me feel like i was a problem, she made me feel... useless." She watched as he wrote down her words.
"Do you think she was right by calling you useless?" He asked, as if he cared. He didn't care, it was his job.
After a few seconds of silence Ellie answered: "I guess I am always, it's not a problem, it's just something, I got used to it"
Ellie locked the door and she slowly walked to where you lay. You looked so peaceful. She touched your hair gently. She wanted to remember you. Ellie took the pillow she was laying on a few seconds ago and she placed it on your face.
She remembered how you screamed, she remembered how you fought back, she remembered how you begged, she remembered her mother.
Her mother left, but you wont right? this way you'll stay with her right?
She remembered how her mom made her fell, she remembered how heartbroken she was.
she remembered, she remembered, she remembered-
"what did you do to her?" Miller asked.
Tears filled Ellies eyes "i killed her"
She just wanted to keep you. She wanted you to be with her. She wanted to be all over you.
The detective let out a sigh "Ellie Williams you're being arrested for murder"
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hookedonhuge · 1 year
Lucky Shorts
This is a story about the luckiest day of your life.
It all started when you went to a rugby match which wasn’t your usual style as you had no interest in the sport. The people playing the sport on the other hand, well let’s just say they had bodies built to be watched by people like you.
If eyeing off the large men wrestling with each other wasn’t enough for you, then seeing one of the star players peel off their tight, sweaty shorts from their giant, bubble butt and huge, athletic legs and toss it into the crowd after the match certainly was. The icing on the cake was that those very same shorts landed in your hands. It was as if he knew just how desperately you wanted them.
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As soon as you got home you went into your room and pressed those sweaty shorts into your face. You were in total bliss as you breathed in the intoxicating, ripe odours of the shorts, imagining that big, sweaty stud being in the room with you. You revelled in the fantasy of him smothering his stinky shorts into your nose, his face painted with a mix of pride and disgust as you got off on inhaling his potent musk.
“How pathetic,” you imagined him saying. “Not even the sweatiest, smelliest players on my team can handle my post-match stench. Yet, you love it.”
You had to try on those shorts. Even if they were going to be a bit big for your smaller frame, you needed to feel the damp fabric against your ass.
You took the shorts away from your nose, it wasn’t easy to say goodbye to the scent, and pulled them up over your black underwear. Huh, it was a tighter fit than you expected. The sweat-soaked material wrapped snugly around your butt and you could feel the moisture soak into your underwear. You pinched at the shorts and it was so skin tight that all you could feel was the heavier, wet underwear fabric beneath.
Wait, the shorts weren’t just skin tight, there were actually no shorts on you at all. Of course there were no shorts, you had been in your room in just your underwear the entire time. What were you doing again?
You aimlessly wandered around your house trying to think of what you were supposed to be doing. You eventually sat down on a seat in the living room, scratching your empty head in confusion.
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“Bro, if I swung that way I’d definitely hit that ass up.” It was your roommate. He was straight as anything, and a total bro. He was staring at your butt; your big bubble butt. “Why do you always have to stick that massive thing out like that, you’re going to make me hard one day if you don’t be careful.”
“Are you sure it doesn’t make you hard already?” You joked, leaning your body forward and sticking out your dump truck ass a little further. “An ass like this is very popular with boys like you.” You loved teasing your straight roommate.
He took a cautious step forward then pinched his nose in disgust. “Your ass reeks bro, have you just come back from the gym?”
The gym, of course! That’s the thing you were planning on doing this whole time. You quickly got changed into your gym gear, throwing your black underwear on the floor of your room, and rushed out the door.
The gym felt like home to you. You couldn’t wait to lift up some weights and get your sweat on, and boy did you sweat. You were only on your first exercise and already a large sweat mark had formed under the band of your grey compression shorts.
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As you continued your workout you kept getting sweatier and sweatier. It wasn’t long until your shorts were completely drenched. 
The best part were the slaps of encouragement your ass would receive from the gym bros. The slaps would make a satisfying squelch noise and then your bubble butt would jiggle like jelly. This was usually followed by a comment fawning over your dump truck ass or congratulating you about how sweaty and smelly you were (to the gym bros this was a sign of a good workout). To say you were getting a lot of attention was an understatement. You were enjoying every second of it too, even making sure to bend over and stick your butt out when one of your jacked fans walked past.
Once you finished your workout you headed straight home without showering. Why waste all of that beautiful sweat you worked so hard for?
When you arrived home you stumbled across a very fortunate surprise. It was your roommate, and he was on the floor of your room sniffing the sweaty black underwear that you left there.
“Now are you sure I don’t make you hard?” You said with the smuggest grin. He turned around to meet your gaze and he was in complete shock. His face turned bright red and he couldn’t get a single word out. “How pathetic.” You said, changing to a deeper and more condescending tone. “Not even the sweatiest, smelliest men in the gym can handle my post-workout stench. Yet, you love it.”
You lifted up your shirt to show him your spectacular body that glistened with sweat. “No point denying it, you're in love with me.” You were literally talking down to him. “And most of all, you’re in love with my sweaty body.”
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Your roommate sprang up from the ground and began frantically licking the crevices of your hairy abs. You grabbed his head and pushed it into the damp abyss between your two amazing pecs. Moans of pure happiness reverberated into your chest, which only made you push his face in harder.
Once you felt he was done with your chest you shoved his body to the ground. “It’s time for the main course,” you said with a grin. You turned around so your massive butt was facing towards him. Your shorts were so drenched that sweat was dripping off them onto your housemate’s body.
“Yes please, I need a taste!” Your housemate begged.
You lowered your behemoth ass onto his face. Both cheeks spread around his face and touched the floor. His face was completely trapped in the dampest, rankest, nastiest, foulest cage imaginable. You couldn’t tell if he was screaming in joy or screaming for release but either way the vibrations felt amazing as they rippled through your cheeks. How lucky that he has a stinky, sweaty housemate who is willing to use his fat, pillowy butt to indulge his fantasies.
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gay-wh0re-slut · 1 year
God Sent
rhea x fem!reader
content: literally just smut, jealous dom!rhea smut with fingering, strap, spitting probably, definitely some degradation and praise, squirting, multiple orgasms with aftercare too hehe but i need it so i’m writing it
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You and Rhea had been invited to a goth themed party at a friend’s house. It was easy for Rhea to find something to wear but your closet colors were the complete opposite of hers, so you asked to borrow something. Of course she complies because she loves when you wear her clothes, so you decide on a leather low cut top, a skort with a harness attached at one leg, some fishnets and a pair of her platforms. She wasn’t too comfortable with you wearing this knowing people would be staring all night but she wasn’t one to control how you look.
As soon as you arrive, friends began to hoot and holler at the two of you. You twirled around to show the outfit off with Rhea slapping your ass playfully to show the room that you were hers.
The party was going well, you had many conversations about many things with the friends including wrestling, backstories, and crazy imaginations with the people that were high instead of drunk. Of course you had a few drinks yourself so you were feeling a little tipsy. Rhea didn’t want to drink so that you were both safe going home.
You swayed your hips walking towards the australian on the other side of the room, “heyy baby,” you sling your arm around her waist.
She couldn’t help but notice the people staring at your ass that was barely peeking from under the skirt. She gently landed her hand on your lower back having it slide down to your ass, giving it a slight squeeze eying the people behind you; they immediately looked away. “It’s hard dating a hot girl,” she sighs.
“Mmm, why do you say that?” your words start to become a little slurred.
“Everyone looks at you all the time, you know how that makes me feel,” she grabs your almost empty cup and sniffs, “damn, what’s in that?”
You giggle, “Uhmmm I don’t know, Liv made it. It tastes like juice, so it’s dangerousss,” you boop her nose.
“Uh huh, that’s the last one for you then, love. We don’t want a repeat of last time,” she hands you back the cup.
“Aawwww okay,” you finish the last sip. You let go of her and sway your way to the kitchen for a trash can.
A guy you haven’t met sneaks towards you. He was pretty average looking, toned, and quite short but you could tell he was about to do something he shouldn’t: talk to you.
“Hey sweet cheeks, you here with someone?” he leaned on the counter.
You rolled your eyes, “Yes, her,” you point to Rhea who was already making her way towards you. She was moving slowly knowing that you could handle yourself until she needed to step in.
“Oooh big scary woman, what is she gonna do kick my ass?” he said sarcastically as he laughed.
“Yes, actually,” you couldn’t be more serious.
“Oh I’m sure,” he continued the sarcasm, “but, no seriously though, who are you here with?”
“No seriously bro, I’m with her,” you threw back at him.
“C’mon, baby,” he began to walk around the counter towards you as a strong alcohol smell followed him, “I could make you-”
“Make her what?” Rhea growled behind him.
You caught her eyes and smiled at her devilishly. You loved seeing her jealous, it turned you on more than any alcohol could.
He turned around and looked up at her, his head almost fully touching his back, “make her scream my name,” he said a little too confidently.
“I’m giving you three seconds to walk away before I beat your scrawny ass to a pulp,” she whispered.
People noticed the commotion, but immediately turned away knowing it would end one of two ways: him being knocked out, or him being thrown out.
“Or. What,” he whispered back. He was now standing on his toes and looked more ridiculous than ever.
You couldn’t help but laugh, “You better choose wisely, buddy,” you threw in.
“One,” Rhea huffed, her hands balling into fists.
He didn’t move.
“Two,” you could see her vision becoming red.
Stupidly, he still didn’t move.
“Three,” without hesitation she swiped his legs out from under him, landing on his stomach, she placed one knee on his neck and held his arms back, while twisting his whole body in a way it shouldn’t.
“Wrong choice,” you bent over him, smiling.
“Okay! Okay!” He strained to yell, “I’m sorry!”
“Now leave or I will beat your ass,” she forcefully let go of him.
He scrambled to get up, brushing off his shirt.
“Bye-bye,” you wave to him, as you give him a fake pout.
He quickly left as the crowd watched him leave laughing at him, “he should’ve known,” and “idiot” was heard from the partiers before they returned to their drinks and dancing.
“You okay?” Rhea asked.
“Perfect,” you walk towards her and move to whisper in her ear, “but if you don’t take me home right now and fuck me until I can’t walk, you will never see this ass again.”
And with that, she grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the car with you giggling behind her.
She basically sped home, luckily it was only about fifteen minutes away. The ride home was tough because you were already so uncomfortably turned on that you couldn’t help the squirming in your seat.
Finally, walking through the door, she slammed it behind you, “Bedroom. Now,” she commanded.
You were already on the way and you were basically sprinting. You cross the threshold and wait for your next command.
“Sit,” the tattooed hand pointed at the bed, closing the door as she entered.
You sit.
“Good girl,” she strides towards you then grabs your chin and tilts it up towards her, “you look so good tonight baby.”
“Thank you,” you smile.
“You always look so good in my clothes, huh?”
“Yes ma’am,” you squirm under her.
“Too bad you won’t be wearing them for much longer,” she lets go of your chin dragging her hand down to your tits then to the bottom of the shirt, “arms.”
You lift your arms and she pulls the shirt over your head and throws it to the side.
“Scoot back and lay down,” another command.
You do as you’re told keeping eye contact with her the whole time.
“How’d I get so lucky,” she climbs on the bed crawling on top of you, stopping halfway to leave a trail of kisses on your stomach, to your chest, to your neck, to your jaw.
Your hands were gliding up her muscular back and into her hair as she goes until she decided to grab your wrists and pin them down above your head. You huff at her.
“What,” she whispers in your ear, “my poor baby. All riled up for me and you can’t do anything about it. What a shame,” she coos.
“Please, baby,” you try to force your way out of her godly grip but to no avail.
“Uh uh,” she swiftly moved to grab the handcuffs from the side table and clasps them onto you wrapping the chain on one of the many metal rods coming from the headboard, “that’d be too easy.”
“Hmph,” you grump.
She chuckled at your attempt but continued her journey, leaving dark purple marks where only the two of you could see. You’re writhing under the muscular woman, begging for anything more to ease the pressure. Her hands were grazing your skin touching every inch of your torso, gently squeezing your tits as she went. When the hands found the waist band of the skirt, she carefully and painfully slowly, took it off of you, kissing down your thighs.
Once she threw the skirt to accompany the shirt, she took your boots off too. “Wait here,” and she started to walk to the bathroom.
“Like I can go anywhere,” you say under your breath.
She snapped her head around, “What?”
“Please hurry, baby,” you try to cover.
“That’s what I thought you said. Because if you said what you actually said,” she towered over you on the side of the bed and grabbed your face squeezing your mouth open, “it’s not going to be good for you.”
Your eyes were wide but you couldn’t speak.
“Are you gonna be a good girl?”
You nod your head frantically.
“Good,” she spit in your mouth and let go of your face, “now be the slut I know you are and swallow.”
You gulp it down and open your mouth displaying your tongue so she could see that you did.
“That’s my baby,” she patted you on the cheek and walked towards the bathroom.
You finally let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding. A chill ran through your body as you lay there with nothing but fishnets and a thong.
A few minutes later the raven haired woman comes back wearing her sports bra and booty shorts with a strap.
You gasp at the sight, your heart was beating fast in two places. Your gaze flicks up and down her body, not being able to focus on one thing as she crawls back on the bed. Her hands glided up your legs to your thighs and forced them open.
Your back arched as the cool air hit your dripping center.
“You’ve already made such a mess and we haven’t even started,” her accent was thick and deep.
“It started before we left the party,” you admit.
“Oh?” the tattooed hand grazed your inner thigh, “who made you like this?”
You knew the answer she wanted to hear and you were more than happy to tell her, “You,” you gasp as her thumb barely touched your pulsing clit.
“Mmm,” she began to draw small gentle circles with her two middle fingers, “and what did I do, baby?” She already knew the answer, but she loved to hear you say it.
You could barely form words but you tried your best, “when you…were jealous and you…” your back arched as she added more pressure, “mmmmpinned him down… with your knee and… fuck,” her fingers danced on your entrance waiting to go in but was blocked by the lace. The fishnets wouldn’t be a problem though because they were the wide holed ones and she gave those to you for this very reason.
“You love when I get protective, huh baby?”
“Mhm,” your hips grinding for any possible friction.
“Good, because this,” she moved the lace to the side and easily pushed her fingers inside of you as she moved to be face to face with you, “is mine,” she growled.
You moan loudly as your back arched pushing your stomach into her. Her thighs were holding your legs apart, her hand was easily pumping in and out of you at a steady pace. Her other hand was planted near your shoulders, her baby blues staring into your soul. “That’s it…take it!”
You whined with every push gently bouncing on her hand as she quickened her pace. The sound of you against her hand sent you spiraling.
“God, you’re such a whore,” she pulled her fingers out of you causing a groan to fall out of you, “open,” she demanded.
You open your mouth and she slides her fingers in, letting you taste yourself, cleaning them off.
She pulls them out, “spit,” she ordered and she cupped her hand in front of you. You did as told, then she covered the strap. She readjusted herself, letting the tip barely graze your entrance that was now leaking onto the sheets. “D’you want Mami’s dick, beautiful?”
“Yes, god please,” you try to move yourself down onto it but was restrained by the cuffs.
“Such a desperate lil slut, pathetic,” but she slid it in anyway, guiding it and using your hips as a brace.
“Uugghh shit,” you moan as you take the full length. You felt it widen you, the pain was minuscule compared to the pleasure you felt.
She sat there a minute letting you get used to the size, watching you squirm under her, taking in every movement. Once she thought you were fine, she slowly moved her hips back and forth, pumping the dick in and out, in and out.
“Pleeease Mami, fuck me,” you whimper.
“Do you want me to fuck your brains out, princess?” she halted her movements.
You groan at the sudden stop lifting your head up to make eye contact, “do your worst,” you growl.
A devilish smirk grew on her face. In one swift motion she pushed your legs towards your chest folding you in half, and began to fuck you senseless. The bed was squeaking she was going so hard. You moaned loudly, and continuously as she wrecked you.
“FUCK,” you screamed, the pressure in your stomach was beginning to unfold, “Don’t…stop!”
“Never,” she barked.
Pretty quickly the pressure released as you screamed in pleasure with your eyes rolling back and your hands white knuckling at the rods above you. You breath left your body as it tensed. She quickly removed the silicone from you as you squirted all over the bed. “Holy fuck,” you breathe.
“Oh we’re not done yet, babygirl,” she released you from the cuffs, letting your arms go limp. She flipped you over so that now she was on her back with you on top of her.
You took the opportunity to land a sloppy kiss as you adjusted yourself to straddle her waist. Moaning into the kiss while trying to regain movement in your arms. She sits you back down onto the strap with ease, her hands smack onto your ass then guides your hips up and down to ride the dick.
“That’s it, baby,” her hair was sticking to her forehead from sweat but she couldn’t have looked any hotter, “if only that asshole could see us now, huh? You riding my dick, screaming for me, watching me make you cum over and over again.”
“Fuck…him,” you said between bounces. You sat up to fully ride her, leaning on your hands that were holding her thighs for stability. Your tits bouncing with every movement , so her hands gripped onto them holding them in place squeezing tightly.
“He’ll never know what it’s like to make a slut like you cum, right baby?” she continued.
“Never,” you forced out, “oh fuck.”
The knot quickly built up again inside you, “Mami, please let me-”
“Do it, show him who you belong to, baby.”
So you did and hard, “FUCK, RHEA,��� you continued to ride out the orgasm, your legs quivering around her as you buckled over, shaking.
“Good girl,” she praised. You slumped off, lying next to her. “I know you have another one in you,” she sat up and rolled you over. She picked your hips up so you were face down in front of her, displaying everything. “You’re too much of a slut to not.”
She slapped your ass, leaving a handprint immediately causing a whimper to fall out of you. You heard her spit, not feeling it on you, so you assumed it was on the dick.
Your moans filled the room as she plunged into you, tears filled your eyes at the intense pleasure, “God YES… FUCK,” you screamed.
“C’mon baby, just one more. You’ve done so well for me,” her soft tone contrasted with how hard she was wrecking you.
It’s been probably thirty seconds and the pressure was already there. You sneaked a hand down to your clit for added pleasure, circling it lazily. Loud whines made music to the australian’s ears as she smiled wide at the sight of you unfolding beneath her. “Cum for me, baby,” she snarled.
You screamed immediately as the orgasm washed over you, squirting all over the dick once more. She kept pounding into you as long as possible until you let your hips fall sideways having the dick slip out of you.
“You did so well baby,” she crawled to your face and left soft kisses on your sweaty red face, “My lil whore.”
“Only for you,” you forced out as you tried to catch your breath.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” she took off the strap and dropped it with a thud. She scooped you up and carried you to the bathroom and set you down gently on the cool counter sending a shiver through you. She started the shower and let it get hot as she helped you peel off the tights and now destroyed thong. “C’mon baby,” as she helped you down and into the hot water.
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bucknastysbabe · 9 months
I can have an aegon ii crying and whining (love to see that man cry) because he knows you're going to break up with him....
I hope this is alright, thanks for the request. Xoxo
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Rating: Mature
Tags: TW//Alcohol abuse, addiction, verbal and emotional abuse, alcoholic/addict Aegon, codependency, description of DTs, break-up, man tears, modern!au, sorry I projected my alcoholism on this, man tears whiny pathetic babykins
A/N: Sorry Anon if I took some liberties, I felt this as a good reason for him to be crybaby. Alcoholic projection gets me ass sometimes
“No-nononono!,” Aegon cried from behind you.
You poured the last of his bottle out of the sink. The fucker had hidden the booze in your boots. Your boots. After boldly claiming he was sober, clean, and going to meetings. Alas, here you were again, Aegon whining and begging once again. Cycle of insanity as that blue book he owned said. Fat tears leaked from his wide orbs, lips trembling, face blotchy and red.
“You lied to me!,” you barked.
He tugged at his hair, big violet eyes fixated on that precious liquid going down the drain. Aegon whimpered, “Stop. Stop it! I’m sorry, I- I- I won’t do it anymore! I hid it for an emergency!” He sobbed as you placed the now empty bottle onto the counter.
This was on and off for what felt like the entirety of the relationship. It was fun at first— party Prince Aegon Targaryen. You two would go all night. You began to grow tired of the non-stop celebration. He’d keep going, snorting in the bathroom, taking something to sleep, leaving to hang out with the ‘bros’. Always had a reason to have something in his system.
You didn’t know if he had ever cheated. It felt he cheated on you with the bottle— ‘his baby’ he so fondly referred to alcohol one time. He had to take an extra semester only to land on academic probation. You graduated and got a job, got a place with Aegon. Upon moving in you expressed your feelings about his habits, the blonde apologizing and swearing he’d be on the straight and narrow.
Your stupid simple heart thought he would change, the little oath he made would settle Aeg some. He did at first, snuggling down for movies, grandiose gifts, and dinner for two with one cup of wine. Looking back on Aegon’s behavior he was too settled— a little hazy, forgetful, coming in and out of the world. Checking his bedside drawer that night explained the situation. Bars upon bars of Xanax in a bag. Something to quell the annoyance of being a real boyfriend.
That was a big fight. You ‘broke up’ with him on the spot. Aegon immediately burst into sobs, crying and promising to do better. No more pills. You believed him, again, the fucker even charmed you back into bed. ‘Making love’, holding hands as he filled you up, promising and apologizing. Sorry sorry sorry.
It’s about all he could muster anymore with you. Sorry.
You swallowed a sob and warbled, “You keep saying you’re going to change Aegon! It never happens! Here were are again, finding your little lies all over the place. You need help! Sorry doesn’t change shit baby. I’m done, I’m done with this. Do you even think about my feelings?”
He whined in distress, walking over and dropping to his knees. You let your sick baby cry into your stomach, arms wrapped tight around you. Sighing heavily you pet his white hair, nose wrinkling at the booze coming off his skin, the sink, everywhere.
He looked up with reddened eyes, pretty lips trembling as he begged, “You’ve got to help me, please, I can’t stop. I don’t want to lose you. Don’t leave me alone, I-I’m scared.” Every part of your body wanted to believe him. The trust had been long shattered like the bottle he threw at the wall one time— smashing it in a drunken rage.
“Why can’t you just piss off and let me do my thing? Fucking ball and chain!”
Aegon whined your name some more, gripping harder. He whimpered, “You won’t leave me right? Right my love?” You looked away and wiped a tear. He clung harder, sobbing, “No, please love, puh-please, no.” Wrenching free from the grip you shook your head. He tried to grab again, you stepping backward with a hand up.
“No Aegon. You need to seek help. For yourself, not me. I’m done. You’ve hurt me enough,” softening your tone you added, “Baby, you’re very very sick. You’ll die. Make a choice.”
He looked disgustingly sad and pathetic on his knees, hands wrenching at whatever was available. Aegon’s brow furrowed as he hissed, “So you’re like the rest— just leaving me.” You sighed in pity, running a hand over your brow. This was getting harder by the second, the damn man wearing you down to a nub.
“No Aegon. You made them leave. Pushed all of us away on your pursuit for, for, whatever you’re seeking inside.”
He warbled, “Don’t say that.”
“Just go look in the mirror. Call your mother.”
You stepped out of the wretched apartment, Aegon’s wailing filling your ears. ‘Don’t leave me!’ You’d break down later. It felt like a gaping wound settled in your chest. You idly wondered if Aegon felt like that— needing to fill the pocket with anything that didn’t make the blonde feel like himself.
Aegon stared in the mirror, puking after a short gaze. He hated what stared back at him. Hated everything really. Now he had nothing to suck on to take the pain away. No baby to coddle him, his baby, who he used and abused like everything else. Aegon sniffled and wiped his mouth. Leaning on the wall in front of the toilet he dialed his mother's number. Straight to voicemail.
“Hey Mom. I need help. Like, put me somewhere help.”
He frowned at how worn down and whiny his voice sounded. Whatever. What did he have left anyway? A future? Maybe. He stared up at the ceiling, feeling the inevitable shakes begin. There might be a hidden spot up in the fake fireplace. The prince would get it when he’d start shaking enough to lose the ability to walk.
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seoafin · 1 year
Someone is following you.
You don’t need to look behind you to know that someone has been following you for the last fifteen minutes. Every turn, crossing, and stop. You could feel their gaze on the back of your neck. No killing intent. Yet. You didn’t speed up, you didn’t run. You kept to a steady pace. Your follower could fool themselves into thinking you were clueless.
You take a left instead of the right of your daily commute back to your apartment, and instead, enter a park, cutting across it, past the empty swings and playground, to the alley wedged between two buildings behind it.
The presence disappears. You stop. Turn around.
“Hey stranger!” Nagumo chirps, standing against the chain link fence enclosing the park. He brings a hand out of the long trench coat on his figure and lifts it in an enthusiastic wave. “Long time no see!”
You set your shoulders, instantly on guard. “What are you doing here?”
He tilts his head to the side, as if he’s genuinely confused, before he brushes it off in the same manner you’ve seen him shrug off your barbed words and people’s glares: with a bright smile. “Can’t I visit an old friend? It’s been ages!” 
Just as you move to take a step back, he’s in front of you, taking a step closer.
“I’ve been really lonely these days,” he muses. “You know, with Sakamoto leaving the Order, and you being off the radar and all. Shishiba doesn’t even laugh at my jokes! He can be so du—”
“We aren’t friends,” you say bluntly. “We never were.” Rion was your friend. Rion got along with Nagumo for reasons beyond your comprehension. You and Sakamoto had somehow bonded over the long stretches of silence in which all the two of you could hear were Nagumo and Rion giggling away or bullying some undeserving freshman.
“Ouch!” Contrary to your words, he looks pleased. “Straight to the heart! Guessing if I ask you to be mine again, you’ll kill me, won’t you?”
What a joke. Your gaze sharpens, feeling a rush of irritation. You aren’t in high school anymore, but that smile always made you feel small. Like he’s hiding all your secrets in them. Like you willingly entrusted them to him in the first place. You’ve never trusted that smile.
Once again, you ask. “What are you doing here, Nagumo?”
His smile widens. He likes that you used his name. You don’t know what to do with that information. Your back hits brick.
He’s almost flush against you, despite every atom in your body rejecting your passivity. Your fingers twitch. You ground your feet against the dirt, forcing yourself to stay still. Five openings. You aren’t stupid enough to believe all of those five are actually openings. Even now, he’s guarded, shifting all the vital points of his body away. 
You’re out of practice, but that doesn’t mean you’d go down easy.
Then a finger grazes your neck. You flinch so hard, you move against the brick. The hand drops.
“If you want me to back off, then kill me.” He leans in closer, until your noses are almost touching. He cranes his neck to the side, giving you an opening straight to his jugular. You can see the shapes of his tattoos pressed against skin, strands of his black hair resting against his neck. His voice lowers. “With that pen in your hands.”
You startle, looking down at your hand, fisted around a pen you have no recollection of taking out. You loosen your grip, and the pen falls out of your hand.
Your heart drops, eyes wide. “I…”
An honest life. No more killing. Sakamoto understood. Sakamoto had fallen in love and retired for good. If Sakamoto could do it, couldn’t you? You weren’t asking to be loved. You were asking to be better. To be a person your younger brother could call his older sister with pride.
“Ah! That reminds me! How’s your younger bro—”
The key in your hand is pressed right against Nagumo’s jugular. A thin trickle of blood runs down his neck, down the lines of his tattoos, down onto his pristine white collared shirt, staining it red. His hand is wrapped around your wrist, stopping you from piercing him entirely. 
You stare at him. He meets your gaze evenly.
“See?” He smiles, eyes lidded, and it’s the first time you’ve ever seen a smile touch more than his lips. “I knew you still had it in you.”
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gyuriac · 22 days
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idontwannabemeanymore | i. sae content: don't lose thy self (idk bro i hate summaries) pairings: sae itoshi x fem!reader (implied cz this is like the sequel of my other work Perdiste, but im pretty sure it's not explicitly said so...) notes: ANGST ANGST ANGST (the mc in first fic is using fem pronouns here bcs i cant write them with they/them in this perspective sorry 😓) kinda bad ugh ihatewritersblock ➜ first part
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She was like the sun, the way she lit up the whole room by just existing. Her bright visage was enough to melt even the coldest of hearts. They were akin to moths to flame, Sae just can’t stop longing for her.
You knew he only used you for something, for his ego perhaps. Yet you stayed, played stupid whilst he scrolled through her social media right beside you. 
Only smiling, although with spite, when he immediately agreed when you mentioned her name.
They’ve been scolding you, calling him the most vile words that you didn’t even know, berating you for staying with a moron like him. 
Yes, he has ghosted you on multiple occasions, ignored you unless he had something important to say. But despite all of that, it’s still him.
The Sae who had willingly went outside to the heavy storm just to save you from getting sick yet he himself got sick instead.
It hurts, your heart feels like it's been pricked by needles endlessly before getting run over. You wanted to punch him, scream at him for being such a terrible person-but you also wanted to hug him and tell him how it’s okay and you love him.
It’s a mess and you don’t know what to do.
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Alcohol is disgusting. Its bitter substance gives the feeling of your throat burning but it also makes your pain go numb. So you drink, and drink, and drink. Desperately trying to forget that he only agreed because you spoke of her name.
Your hand reached for another glass before it was taken away.
“Hey… that’s miiine. Get your own..” you slurred over your words, arms flailing around as you stood up wobbly. 
The culprit only sighed. “This is your fourth glass, you ought to be responsible and sober yourself up.” He scolded you before bringing the alcohol to his lips before drinking it all in one gulp. His nose crinkled in disgust before shoving the empty glass at the bartender.
You scowled at the sentiment, letting your head rest on the table. “What do you know?” you mumbled quietly while you stretched your arm for another glass.
Despite the loud buzzing like crazy with music and people, he still managed to hear you somehow. 
“I know that you look stupid downing alcohol like it’s water.” He gripped the new glass from your hands. Even though you’re so drunk that you can’t tell your lefts to your rights, disappointment was clearly exuding from him. So you find yourself pouting, Your gaze rose to his face from his hands ; his cyan eyes, full of irritation, dared you to argue back to him.
Rin Itoshi was never a fan of yours. You can vividly remember him tugging on your hair while playing in the sand pit and then you crying before getting comforted by the red head back then.
You stared at him, examining his features, while he asked the bartender for water. It was unsettling, you don’t remember him being able to drink legally nor being taller than you. Your eyes ended up on his sharp cheekbones replacing the once soft chubby cheeks and it hit you how much everything changed.
Sae wasn’t that boy who won’t eat his lunch unless you're with him, he wasn’t-
“Sae! My man!”
Perhaps it was the alcohol in your system, you bolted upright, turning your heel. The confused calling of your name fell deaf in your ears. All you thought was him and only him.
One more time.
If he looks you in the eyes, you’ll stay.
“Sae!” His name slipped from your tongue naturally, like it was just made for his name-him.
“I’m glad you came! It was such a pain managing by myself, thank the gods Rin was here!”
“How was your practice today? Any improvements lately?”
look at me…
His eyes lingered on your lips for a bit before a call of a name sliced through the whole crowd albeit quite muffled yet you swore Sae’s whole visage lit up like he was just saved from drowning.
And you smiled, tears welling up as you bit your lips hard.
Because no matter what you do to change to yourself, you will never be her. You will never be the one he calls first when he’s drunk nor will you be the one always on his mind.
“I’m sorry.” you murmured, breathing heavily while trying to gather your bearings. He raised his eyebrows, gears not turning in his head. 
With shaky hands, you linked your arms around him, face buried on his neck. Inhaling his musky scent one last time
“I love you so much.” 
Your voice came out as croaky, pulling away from him. 
Your hands found its way to his hair, ruffling his hair roughly that the gel failed to hold its shape. Just as you thought, he looked better this way.
You turned away from him; from your world. You can’t look at him, not when his cold gaze is enough to break your already fragile resolve like glass.
“So…I…” It’s hard to find your words, not when your tears are spilling at this point. Trying to calm yourself with shaky breaths.
You cleared your throat, hands desperately finding something to hold on. “I forgot to do something at home.”
You love him. That’s why you’ll leave him—let him be free of you to pursue her back.
“I’m not coming back, enjoy your night.” 
Like heavy rocks were chained on your feet, it took all of you just to take the first step. A heavy exhale left your lips before you started your stride.
It started slow at first, like a hatchling taking its first step before it hastened.
Because you love him, you wished—prayed even that for once he’ll pick you. Grab your arm, and finally look at you.
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© gyuriac . i'm begging you to not put my works in any a.i thingy and please don't plagiarize. I don't own anything but my edits and writing.
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hqbaby · 6 months
two — you’re so pretty
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tag, ur it! — sakusa ? iwaizumi ? osamu ? 
*ੈ✩‧ love is a losing game your roommate, your ex, or the guy you totally haven’t been seeing—the choice should be simple, right? right?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.2k content. mentions of sex, alcohol consumption, profanity
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It’s these moments that Sakusa loves best.
It’s late at night and the two of you are in his room. He’s on his bed, reading some book or other (he’ll totally forget the plot and have to reread it later), and you’re by his window, standing in front of his easel. From the bed, he can watch you paint, your body covered by an old shirt of his, drowned in the moonlight.
“You know, you could make the colors—”
“Are you really micromanaging my art right now?” you ask, but he can hear the smile through your voice.
You turn back to see him grinning at you and you drop your brush, launching yourself onto the bed beside him. He laughs as you start trailing kisses across his neck and down his chest.
Sakusa’s never been this happy before, it’s getting to be a little silly at this point.
“You’re so pathetic,” you tell him, burying your face in his chest to hide your smile.
“Oh, yeah, definitely,” he says. “Like so pathetic. You wouldn’t believe it.”
He places a finger on your chin and tilts your head up. He swears you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
You scrunch your nose up, growing a little self-conscious under the intensity of his gaze. “You know, people are gonna start catching onto us.”
He kisses your forehead. “And would that be so bad?”
Your face drops a little at that. You probably think he doesn’t notice, but he does. The way your eyes lose focus, the way your smile falters.
You’ve never told him why you’re so keen on keeping this all hush-hush. It never used to bother him, especially when things between the two of you were just starting. But he can’t help the nagging feeling that he won’t like whatever it is when he finds out.
So he doesn’t ask.
“I should head home,” you say quietly. You’re still smiling at him, as if convincing him that everything is fine.
“Oh, right,” he says, holding back his disappointment. “Sure.”
You kiss him one last time and get up.
And just like that, the moment ends.
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You really should’ve read the group chat. It was blowing up a few hours ago, but you were too busy getting railed to even notice. If you had just checked your damn phone.
“Drink up, drink up,” Oikawa insists, handing you a shot glass of vodka. “I’m peer pressuring you. You have no choice.”
You roll your eyes as you down the drink. “How much have you had?” you ask, looking over at the other boys gathered in your living room. There are at least three other bottles of alcohol on the coffee table, all of them empty.
“Not a lot,” Hanamaki slurs. His head drops onto the table and Matsukawa forces it back up. “Quite a bit.”
You chuckle, dropping your bag on the couch and sitting down between Oikawa and Iwaizumi. You look over at your roommate. “Why are we doing this?”
Iwaizumi—also wasted, but trying to hide it—nods at Matsukawa. “Girlfriend dumped him.”
You grimace and reach over to pat your fallen comrade on the back. “Sorry, bro,” you say, taking the bottle of vodka and filling everyone’s glasses up. “Why’d she do it?”
Matsukawa lets out an exasperated sigh. “I didn’t answer her calls,” he tells you. “In my defense, I was just taking a shower. She’s the one who called like fifty times.”
“What did I say?” You tut. “Always—”
“—answer your girl’s calls,” he finishes for you. “I know. She just gets fucking insane sometimes, you know?”
You take another shot and nod. You know what he means. You only met his girlfriend a few times, but you could tell she wasn’t going to stick around for too long. She was a regular college kid, insecure and needy, just like the rest of you. 
You figure that’s why a lot of relationships at this age don’t last. Speaking from experience.
“So where were you?” Oikawa asks, his head falling on your shoulder. He’s all red and woozy, almost like he’s the one that has to drink his heartbreak away.
You frown. “Nowhere,” you tell him. “Library.”
“Not bullshit.”
“No, no,” Hanamaki chimes in. “Bullshit, baby, bullshit.”
You groan as all three boys now turn to you for a proper answer. “I was just visiting a friend.”
Oikawa wiggles his eyebrows and presses himself further against you. “A ‘friend,’ huh?”
“For fuck’s sake.” You reach over and drink his shot for him. “It’s nothing!”
Matsukawa leans over the table and moves his face right in front of yours. You can smell the alcohol on his breath, and you put your palm on his face to push it away.
“Holy shit!” he exclaims when he drops back down in his place. “Were you visiting him?”
Hanamaki gags. “I thought you were over this!”
Oikawa turns to you with a disappointed look on his face. “You were with him?”
You shake your head urgently. “Fuck no!” you exclaim. “I’m done with that.”
“Sure,” he says, unconvinced. “So you’ve just been sneaking around with some random friend.”
“Do you guys want chips?” you ask loudly, trying to distract them. You get up. “I’m getting chips.”
“I’ll help,” Iwaizumi says, dragging himself up and following you to the kitchen.
There’s a strange tension between you and your roommate as you both look through the cabinets to find something. You don't know what it is.
You’re grabbing a bag of chips when you hear a thud behind you. You turn to find Iwaizumi on the floor, a stunned look on his face.
“What the fuck happened to you?” you say, laughing as you go to check and see if he’s hurt himself.
He shakes his head and starts laughing. “I dunno,” he tells you. “Room is spinning.”
“You’re so drunk,” you say, joining in on his laughter.
It’s not every day that you get to see Iwaizumi like this, plastered out of his mind. He’s usually the one who keeps all of you in check, managing his liquor so he can make sure you don’t do something illegal or get yourselves killed. It’s refreshing to see him let loose every once in a while.
“Don’t tell me your girlfriend dumped you too,” you tell him, grabbing him a glass of water. You sit down beside him as he takes steady gulps.
“Don’t have a girlfriend, you know that,” he grumbles, placing the glass on the floor beside him. His eyes land on yours and he tilts his head to the side. “So you’re really not seeing him again?”
You furrow your brows. “No,” you say, then, “Would it bother you if I was?”
He hums, still staring at you. He reaches over and brushes a strand of hair from your face. His hands linger on the side of your face. It’s a drunken action, you’re sure, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t have an effect on you.
And nothing prepares you for what he says next.
“I don’t want you to be with someone else.”
Your eyes widen. It’s the alcohol talking, you remind yourself. But, then again, a drunk tongue speaks a sober mind.
“Why?” you find yourself asking. Your voice is quiet. When he doesn’t answer you, you find it in yourself to press him. “Why don’t you want me with someone else?”
You become acutely aware of his hand still touching your face.
“Because,” he says, eyelids drooping a little, “you’re so pretty.”
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notes. 🫣
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ninnosaurus · 4 days
Yo NINNO! It’s turtle tats!
If you’re still doing the pining prompt request, can I ask for Bayverse Mikey and…. “You like them, don't you?" "I-...no. Possibly. Maybe. Fine, yes." "Hmm, why don't you tell them?" "I can't, I don't want to ruin what we have for what I wish to have. They wouldn't. They could never like me back like that."
Yeh, lets go! I had some trouble with this because I had this clear scene in my head but it was harder to write out than I thought it would be so ahahaaha 🫠 Hope you like it though <333
Contains: Bay!Mikey and Leo. Leo being a lil shit. Pining. Mikey is a lil sad :( but its okay. Gender neutral... uhhh... Leo is wearing grey sweatpants, iykyk 😏 AN: The link provided in the text is for a simple google search to show what kind of "scratch art" I mean in case anyone doesn't know what it is.
“There you are.” 
“Huh? Oh, hi Leo.”
Mikey looked up at his oldest brother. “Didn't think you liked going up here unarmed.” 
The eldest was unusually dressed down for going topside. While Mikey was correct that he didn't like going topside without his gear, he also didn't feel like putting it all on after a shower. Only putting on a pair of sweats and slippers and letting his blue mask hang from his neck. Leo chuckled and patted Mikey's head before sitting down on the ledge. 
“I got my stars on me.” 
The brothers sat in silence for a while. Watching a cat jump down from a reeling. Some people laughed at a party somewhere as a glass broke. 
Leonardo glanced down at how Mikey turned his phone around in his hands. 
“You're uncharacteristically quiet tonight, Mikey. Are you okay?” He leaned back on his hands to give his baby brother some space. 
It was like Mikey's entire being deflated. He wasn't new to showing his feelings, the only one who bested him in emotions was Raphael.  He looked down at the device in his hand, pressing the lock button to check for messages. But like it had been the past four hours, it was empty. 
“ ‘m good.” 
“You sure?”
“Wanna talk ‘bout it?” Leo glanced at Mikey's back as he fiddled with his own phone before putting it down next to him. 
The youngest shrugged. “I don't know what's there to talk about, bro. I sent them a text four hours ago. Still no answer.” 
His brother hummed. 
“You like them, don't you?” 
Michelangelo turned sharply back to look at his brother. “I-... No. Possibly. Maybe. Fine, yes.” He groaned at the shit eating grin and laugh Leo shot him before he turned back to look at the street below again. “Very funny…” 
Leo tapped the screen on his phone again. “Hmm, why don't you tell them?” 
Orange threw his hands up. “I can't! I… Don't want to ruin what we have for what I wish to have.” He unlocked his phone and navigated to his photos. A sigh leaving him as he looked at a picture he'd taken off you in secret. Bathed in fairy lights, a look of concentration on your face as you were nose deep in a scratch art piece. “They wouldn't. They could never like me back like th-” 
His heart nearly jumped out his chest and he almost dropped his phone when a call came in with your name on it. 
You barely gave him time to say “hi” when he answered it. 
“You like me?” 
Leonardo held his phone up to Mikey's face, showing a conversation between him and you illuminating the youngest face. 
Sent 10:45 PM hey, I'm calling you. But don't speak, alright? 
adopted annoyance 10:46 PM Okay? Why? 
Sent 10:46 PM Just listen to me
adopted annoyance 10:48 PM  Fine fine 🙄 
The look on Mikey's face when he realized what Leo had done would forever be ingrained in his mind. He laughed before whispering “good luck, lil bro. See ya at home”, turned and began to walk back home to the lair.
Tag list :3 : @avery73 @thelaundrybitch @the-cauldron-witch @redsrooftopprincess @thegirlwiththeninjaturtletattoos Please let me know if I missed you c:
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