#bro there's things i'm obsessed with that i wouldn't lose my shit and be the worst person alive over it
if Sakharine was real the first thing I'd want him to do is kill D*pp
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slayfics · 10 months
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Super Smash Bros Tournament in the MHA dorms.
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You grabbed the popcorn from the microwave while still having your nose pressed into your book. You’d been obsessed with a recent series lately and not able to set it down. You walked through the common room making your way to the elevators to go back to your room and continue reading.
You were so involved in the book that you hardly noticed your other classmates until,
“Hey! You’re joining the tournament tonight with us right?” Denki called out to you.
“Hu?” You finally looked up from your book.
Since moving into the dorms Denki had convinced almost everyone to play him at Super Smash Brothers. Now he hosted tournaments in his room from time to time
“Nah, I’m super into this book Kaminari. Maybe next time!” You called, continuing to read and walk to the elevator.
“Are you sure?” He said teasingly. “I had you playing Bakugo in the first round. Guess I’ll just have to move the bracket around.” He said, eyeing you mischievously.
You stopped walking and picked your head up from your book.
“Does that mean you’ll play?” Denki asked with a sly smile.
“Fine, I’ll be there. But only because I don’t want to ruin your bracket.” You replied
“Yeah sure sure,” Denki winked at you knowing full well you were only coming because of Bakugo.
Bakugo only joined you all once. He rage quit after one match when losing to Denki and stated video games were a waste of time and didn’t have anything to do with real-life skills. You were surprised Denki had convinced him to try again. Or maybe it was Eijiro who wore him down.
You reluctantly placed your book down in your room and made your way over to Denki’s dorm when it was time.
Denki opened the door as soon as you knocked.
“Hey! Come on in! Everyone’s already here. So we can get started soon,” he smiled and welcomed you in.
You scanned the room seeing Eijiro, Sero, Fumikage, and Katsuki packed into Denki's dorm room.
You made your way in and playfully pushed Eijiro to the side, "Make some room," you teased as you sat down in between him and Katsuki.
"Oh excuse meee~," Eijiro said playfully.
Katsuki just rolled his eyes, his disdain for being here all too obvious.
"Can't believe I let you talk me into this again, shitty hair," He grumbled.
"Awe come on Bakugo, at least try to have some fun," Eijiro replied, trying to lighten his friend's mood.
"Alright," Denki exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "As you can see I have the bracket written out here on my whiteboard. With me as the first seed of course," he spoke, pointing to the whiteboard boastfully. "A six-person turnout tonight not bad, not bad. We'll get started with the first match now. Come you two," He waved at you and Katsuki to sit and get started.
"Why the hell am I first?" Katsuki grumbled.
"It's because you are ranked the lo-" Fumikage began to explain the bracket rules honestly before you cut him off.
"It's random!" You said eyeing everyone in the room and silently begging them to shut up. You knew Katsuki would rage right out of the room if he was told it was because out of all of them, he was ranked lowest.
"Yeah... just have fun, ok man!" Eijiro said encouragingly.
"Whatever," Katsuki said, falling into his chair and picking his character.
"Still sticking with Fox?" You asked as you picked your usual main.
"Just start the damn thing so I can get out of here faster," He complained.
Beginning your match it quickly became clear to you that you were much more skilled at this than Katsuki. It made you feel conflicted about trying to go easy on him or not. However, you knew if Katsuki thought you were holding back it would only piss him off more. It didn't take long for you to beat Katsuki 2-0.
"Whatever this shit is a waste of fucking time anyway," Katsuki said raging out of the room.
Eijiro let out a loud sigh at his friend's behavior and you quickly followed after him.
"Bakugo are you seriously leaving already?" You said following him out into the hallway.
"Why wouldn't I, I'm out right?" He asked.
"Yeah but... You could stay to watch the rest of the matches," You suggested.
Katsuki let out an amused huff. "No thanks, I don't know why you extras get so involved in that game. If that dumb-ass spark plug spent half the time training his quirk as he does video games he might actually be a pro hero someday."
"Come on, I know it's not fun to lose but-" you began to say before Katsuki cut you off.
"Be very careful with your next words," He said through gritted teeth, causing you to let out a sigh.
"Bakugo, listen, everyone in that room knows you're the best at anything having to do with being a hero. Your quirk is the best, you train the hardest, and you beat all of our scores in the last exam. So... can't you give them this? Can't you let your friends have their moment to shine and boast about being good at something?" You tried to reason with him.
Katsuki crossed his arms and averted his gaze from yours.
"Look, don't tell any of the boys I told you this but- they all really look up to you, ya know? So I think it means a lot to them that you finally came to one of these again, and it probably makes them feel really good to be good at something in front of you."
"I'm not sticking around to be made fun of just to make those damn idiots feel good about themselves." Katsuki barked.
"Oh believe me they know better than to make fun of you," You spoke letting out a giggle. "Like I said, they look up to you. Besides, you don't want to stick around and see me beat Kaminari? I'll be sure to wipe that smug look off his face and be the top seed next time," You said, finishing your attempt at reasoning with Katsuki.
"Tch-," Katsuki looked at the floor for a moment before a devious smile spread on his face. "Fine, I'll go back. But you better fucking beat his dumb Pikachu. I'll set off my quirk a bit during your match to throw him off so don't get startled and be ready!" He yelled and started to walk back to Denki's dorm.
"Pretty sure that's against tournament rules but sure let's do it," You laughed following him back into the room.
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries
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sga-owns-my-soul · 2 months
Hello my lovely! 😊 I've popped back in with another ask of my random atlantis thoughts as I'm going through my rewatch
Idk if it's ever said outright, but I'm pretty sure Teyla is the first friend John's ever had who's been pregnant. Like, he DOES NOT know what to do with her and he's overly protective (which is very sweet but clearly irritating for Teyla)
Bro is TERRIFIED because she's his family! And her baby is his family!! Especially considering the guilt he feels about losing Elizabeth and Carson, of course he's going to be fiercely protective of her!!😭
Sidenote: Ronon found her exercising and she was worried that she wouldn't be able to "keep up" with the rest of the team once the baby was born if she didn't and his response was literally "Who says you have to keep up?" that just 🥺 Literally saying they're going to take care of her no matter what. They're so family I can't 😭😭
john sheppard is afraid of clowns, iratus bugs, and pregnant women and that is fucking canon to me. that man would rather SCALE THE FUCKING TOWER than be around a pregnant woman and i for one think that's fucking hilarious
ALSO i know it was like. Huge Asshole Energy when john grounded teyla from missions but like. all i can think about is how john places the responsibility to keep his team safe 100% on his own shoulders, and i FULLY believe that his team (which is strongest for AR-1 but obviously extends to the whole city) includes the athosians, and by this point they've gone missing, and i really do think john believes he's to blame for it. i think johns harsh reaction was purely fear based- teyla's baby, who very well could end up being the Last Athosian, is at risk because they got shot by stunners. not only is john feeling the guilt from teyla getting stunned, but he now thinks he's putting her baby at risk. of course he freaks out!!!!!! he JUST found out about torren and in the same breath finds out he might've led teyla into a situation where she could lose her baby???????? anyways this was a lot to say yes john 100% sees teyla and torren as family and is SO overprotective of both of them.
also i'm literally never over teyla and ronon's friendship, i LOVE how ronon pivots between beating the shit out of teyla because he knows she'll give it as good as she gets and being the softest most tender soul with her. like the scene where they find out and he holds her hand and congratulates her and asks about kanan 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 IM GONNA SOB AT WORK THEYRE SO god i fucking love teyla and ronon's friendship it's SO fucking good
also you didn't mention this but i'm incapable of talking about teyla's pregnancy without commenting on how obsessed i am with the fact that rodney is the one who delivered her baby. like. i just. it's everything to me i genuinely think it's my favourite thing to happen in the entire show it was the BEST possible decision for the writers to make and i love it it's my favourite thing and i like to think rodney has a special bond with torren bc of it
thank you for the team feels they're Everything
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msnihilist · 6 months
Person Who Has Never Watched the Reboot Decides to Liveblog Alien-X-Tinction
First scene and I already hate Max's voice. #NotMyGrandpa
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idk what alternate universe this is yet, but I like 1) that Ben is sad :), and 2) that his Omnitrix looks like that??? It really sells the idea of a prototype 🥺
"resistance will only beget pain" — villain who is smart enough to know that Ben doesn't know what "beget" means
"you always try to interrupt" okay, ouch, I actually love that angst (I already know who the Alien X is and what he's been doing to alternate Bens (I'm only watching this because the Wiki page for the special was interesting to me), so this is lovely :3) Max always tries to save his grandson and he never succeeds </3
Side note: evil Celestialsapien is a cool idea, and I like that this one is taking a "hands on" approach. It's about the thrill of the hunt :) And loving making people suffer
"oh, no, not again" LMAO, the dimension-hopping Max sounds soooo mildly inconvenienced
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WAIT, DID THE ALIEN X RIP OFF BEN'S ARM??? I can't tell what happened here?? Fuckin' kid's show censors 😭
Max's face when Ben hugs his grandpa…… I love suffering 🥺
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"you'd think I'd be used to it all by now" coming from a man who lost his grandkids and tortures himself by watching it happen again and again in other timelines hurts so good 😭 😭 I also love that they let Max cry about it. It's a small thing and it only lasts a second, but in the Classic continuity, Ben only cried on screen TWICE, both when he was 10. Letting an aged man hurt like this without making a joke about it is good to see <3
Back in the Real Timeline, I guess, lmao. I love that Gwen is tied up and just looks so bored with the whole affair
GWEN'S VOICE?? #NOTMYGWEN (I like that Zombozo is voiced by Drakken, tho)
Hm. I kinda like this angle with Ben's frustration. He feels like he's not living up to his full potential as a hero because he always has Gwen and Max helping him. It's different from when Ben would get cocky in the OG, and I think it's an interesting point, too :p This blatantly isn't about being a hero, it's about the thrill, which is something that ten-year-old Ben consistently struggled with
Still hate reboot Heatblast, but whatever
I definitely don't like how the fights are animated? It feels... slow. And I get part of that is to build up suspense/show of Alien X's abilities, since this show is aimed at a younger audience who wouldn't be familiar with the Classic continuity, but still :/ I don't like the flat camera angles and the hits don't have a lot of weight to them
Love that Alien X is killing off Ben's, though — something Eon was always too pussy to do
I hate this art style, but I appreciate that the writers are trying
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I love villains who are obsessed with Ben Killing him, hunting him down, whatever. Watching villains shove aside whatever or whoever gets in their way to pursue Ben with single-minded fervor always hits good.
This fight between Ben and Alien X, up until he loses the Omnitrix, is probably my favorite fight in the special. Alien X was at his coolest and Ben really gave it his all, no matter how badly he got beat in return.
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"there's no omniversal road-side service that drops out of thin air" — man who has forgotten that this is Ben he's talking about
BRO, THEY'RE PLAYING THE ALIEN FORCE THEME SONG WHEN OLDER BEN STEPS OUT OF THE PORTAL 😭 Okay, even though AF had kind of a lame opening, I'll admit: that was pretty hype
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Holy shit, wait, the reboot has been going on for five seasons and this Max STILL hasn't told his grandkids about the Plumbers??? I hate him, worst grandpa
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LMAO, Maximillian calling Ben a stubborn brat <3 AF Ben looking away in embarrassment because he knows it's true (he literally JUST tried to walk off and go it alone for?? no reason, literally), I love them. They're a family in every dimension
I think it's cute that Gwen already likes teenage Ben <3
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Alien X: "You're in the wrong dimension." Ben, who's relaxing nonchalantly waiting for his plan to pay off: "Is that why my keys don't work?"
AF BIG CHILL DESIGN + VOICE, MY BELOVED!!! They even kept Ben shouting out his transformation's names, nreulgneklge. That's some attention to detail that almost makes me forgive the art style <3 (almost)
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"little me," omg, he's such a fuckin' dork
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I love that when Bens get together, they literally just love each other, it's so so sweet <3
"I should rethink my prior mercy." "Your generosity will not go unappreciated… or unpunished." ngl, this guy is a sick villain
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Okay, this made me love him. And Gwen's faith in him is sooo <3 Truly the best cousin of all time
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"Are you okay?" "Better now that you're back, cuz." Ben and Gwen are so fucking cute in the reboot, I love them 😭 🥺
I love that Gwen 10 goes, "And, yes, we're [Gwens are] better" and then fucking picks Ripjaws for a fight in a rocky desert, sfbrygbrku. She's such a dumbass I do love her Ripjaws design, tho!! Love that they avoided the Omniverse problem of making the female aliens excessively feminized. ALSO OG HEATBLAST, MY LOVE
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OV Ben ruffling younger Ben's hair 🥺🥺
AHAHA, OG Ben immediately assuming that this Gwen is also a magic user, pfft. Even in a dimension where they don't get along as well, he's got so much faith in his cousin <3
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Gwen's little watch tech is like her UAF powers!!
Of course OG Ben would get pissy about someone picking the same alien as him 😭 He's so chronically ten years old
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"But I'm not your Ben." "You're all my Ben." Okay, maybe this Max is actually the best one 😭 🥺
Jeez, that tragic backstory was pretty fucking brutal. Vilgax straight-up just vaporized Gwen and Max. I love the idea of an evil Ben who's lost everything, though. His Max and Gwen are dead, what more can they take away from him? Eon could never
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LMAO, MAX JUST FORCIBLY ADOPTING EVIL BEN AT THE END. Ben is so unenthused, he's gonna get loved whether he wants to or not!!
Okay, just finished it. Final thoughts? It was really cute. Is it good enough to get me to watch the rest of the reboot? No. It's definitely not as hype as some of UAF/OV's high points, probably in part because I still can't get into the art style and also because the fight scenes just aren't as good.
It had pretty good pacing! I was surprised by that, I thought 45 minutes was gonna be too short, but it ended up feeling right. (Also, I'm upset to say that Max's voice grew on me. Gwen is on thin ice.)
You can tell that this was made with a lot of love, both for the characters and for Ben 10 as a whole. It really does feel like a love letter to the fandom, and for that, it was a good watch :)
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Final score: 7/10, not NEARLY as bad as I was expecting, worth a rewatch <3
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lutawolf · 10 months
My Dear Gangster Oppa Commentary Ep 6
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So we begin where we left off. Everyone drugged, sleeping on the table. Let's see how much trouble Boss is going to be in.
Muffin wakes first, letting out a scream that wakes everyone else. As expected, Tew loses his shit when he realizes Guy is missing.
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Wish John Lennon has Guy.
Tew tells everyone that he believes they were drugged. The guild wants to help find Guy, but Tew fights them on it because he doesn't want them to get hurt. Eventually they leave and Tew goes into find Guy mode. Both Tul and Tew feeling bad for trusting Boss.
Wow, dumbass really installed an app for Tul to find him. Which leads Tew and Tul right to Boss and Guy. They go in like badasses, showing off why Tew only needed one badass vs a whole set of henchmen.
We have a very bro moment when Tul can't keep going.
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Guy wakes up and starts to flip out. We have a very villianish moment, meanwhile Boss finds Tul. And Tul goes off! Not that I blame him. Boss says he has to, which gets him punched.
Discount Lennon scares Guy into screaming for Tew. Then we switch back to Boss and Tul. Tul tells Boss that if he wants redemption, then he has to go help Tew.
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And I threw up. The way that fucker started kissing on Guy. Just ewww. I'll give it to Tew, he knows Kenji's triggers. What will piss him off enough to rush into fighting. They trade the knife back and forth while fighting. Finally, when Tew gets the upper had, Kenji pulls out a gun, but he points it at Guy and shots. Boss gets in the way and saves Guy. Leaving room for Tew to attack.
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Once again, Tew killed someone and gives no shits. Anti-hero, I tell you. This is made particularly clear when they both look at Boss and just leave him.
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I mean, if he hadn't drugged him and taken him in the first place. He wouldn't be shot.
Guess Guy is the forgiving type because he pushes Tul to forgive Boss. Oh wow, even Tew. I mean, he is clearly doing it for Guy, but that is beside the point.
Finally, they are safe at home. Time for sexy time.
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Things are not going so easily for Boss, who is trying to smooth things over for Tul. I agree Tul. When they go low, go lower.
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Oh Oh, it looks like Boss made headway with that "I really do like you." He might win Tul over yet. Or not, cause home dude just pressed on that wound. Nope, no forgiveness.
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Boss's lip quivers and he just looks pitiful.
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Guy has a fever. Bringing out nurse Tew.
Tew remember two years previously where he was sent to collect a debt. Him and Tul pass by discount Lennon to meet the dude that has a debt to pay.
Wait! Wish John Lennon was hurt protecting Tew???
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Ahhhh so he didn't originally work for Boss Daddy, but it was Tew that talked Boss Daddy into taking him on.
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So what caused all this shit then? And fuck! The dick is still alive.
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Didn't someone check on that? Guess not.
Guy wakes up looking for Tew and finds a lunch box instead of his lover. Kind of curious to know where he is myself. Especially since he isn't responding to Guy's text.
And it's Wahl again. So excited, yay. Insert sarcasm. Wahl is acting like nothing has changed, and Guy wants the truth. Because Wahl had previously been upset. I find Wahl sus.
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Not gonna lie, the whole angle of the picture sounds more like me and my bestie.
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Yeah, okay... Wish John Lennon is seriously bent in the head. A little obsessive. Are we sure he isn't harboring a secret love of Tew? The whole villain sees you through the camera and diabolical laugh was cheesy as hell.
Wahl wants to go eat with Guy, but surprisingly it's a no. Guy has finally learned to say no to Wahl. Instead, he is going to go check out his and Tew's restaurant. Wahl wants to come, but Guy says no again. Practice makes perfect!
Guy shows up to find a Business for Sale sign. Tew is pulling a gun from the freezer. He manages to hide it behind his back before Guy walks in. And Tew asks to break up. Can't say I'm shocked by this. Guy loses his shit. Tew tries to walk away but Guy chases after him. He wants some answers.
I understand why Tew is doing this, but damn. He ran Guy off by totally crushing him. Hope he is prepared to watch him run into Wahl's arms.
Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Boss, you're helping that low life. WJL doesn't think that Boss Daddy has really let go of Tew.
Wahl forgot his gf's birthday. Damn, girl told of Wahl, but she isn't wrong though.
Poor guy walking through the aquarium, just reliving those memories with Tew. Is it bad that I'm hoping Wahl shows up? Yeah, I know that Wahl isn't that great and that Tew has his reasons buttttt. I still think at this moment, Tew is a bigger ass cause breaking up with him isn't going to convince WJL that he doesn't mean something to him. If nothing else, Tew won't have him close to protect him.
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Guess who did show up!!! And honestly in my opinion he is really showing he is best friend material here. Okay, maybe more than best friends, with the way he is moving closer.
Ahhhh!!! I don't know what to think other than this episode was sideways. I'm still showing up for the next one, though, and all together I'm enjoying the story. How is everyone else feeling?
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cowboycannibalism · 2 years
I seen this 3 weeks ago but I'm barely posting it because I forgot lol work got crazy
okay some immediate thoughts on The Menu (2022), I literally just got out of the theater so it's very fresh and jumbled in my mind. ⚠️some spoilers included⚠️
Definitely a slow start and requires paying attention to little details to really get a read on the individual characters but I really enjoyed that. It makes you uneasy throughout most of it
It could have used a little more gore/blood but honestly the kills that happened were so jarring and unexpected it made up for the lack of blood
my sister ( a person who went to culinary school), and I (a person who went to art school) both enjoyed the aesthetic of the movie very very much! especially the close ups of the individual courses and descriptions that went along with them. they were beautiful and an interesting way to break up scenes
the characters were all so well done in terms of making you not root for them lol. a group of stuck up, rich people who just right off the bat were people I knew I wouldn't like
that being said the casting was wonderful! everyone played their character so well!
Tyler was so annoying! He had hyperfixated vibes at first where it was very relatable that he was so obsessed with the restaurant and the chef and everything. But as the movie went on he treated Margot like shit for not being as interested even though he was fucking paying her!! like bro you just spent half of the beginning of this saying she was so cool and being cutesy with her and also oh yeah she's an escort so quit being a dick you had to pay her to be there!
I will say Tyler's death definitely hurt me in a weird way. Watching Slowik humiliate him in front of everyone and then say something so cruel that he goes to kill himself...oof.
Also Tyler knowing for 8 months about everything!!! fuck dude.
Lilian and Ted were so realistic in the way that food critics(or any high end critics)talk about the dishes put in front of them. They could never just enjoy something, they always had to find the negative, never could be pleased or satisfied because that doesn't make an interesting review
Margot standing up to Slowik and making him make her a cheeseburger because of his past was so beautiful. Her push back to him being both disrespectful and firm while also giving him back that memory of being a line cook at a burger place from his youth. Of reawakening that love of cooking in him for just a moment.
the overall theme of an artist losing their love for their craft not necessarily it being their fault but because of the community that surrounds that medium was very rough for me to watch as an artist. The art world(any form of art) is so full of classicism and the further you get, the more praise you receive, the more known you become, the harsher it is to you. Not for the sake of bettering you or the craft, no its often just a game of egos and money and fame. Slowik had started off a line cook with a love of what he was doing and then to please the community that surrounded him he changed, and the thing that he loved, that he cherished, it became a chore. a punishment.
Everyone had a reason to be there and I can't find any pity for them except maybe the workers in the kitchen.
the scene with the tortillas had me screaming!!! the exposure of the misdeeds was mwah!!!
Also the fact that no one really tried their hardest to get away was really interesting. they protested things happening to them, they screamed and yelled and tried to escape a few times but it never felt frantic, it never felt like they were desperate to live.
that ties into the way that they eventually accept their fate at the end. they know why they're all there and they know it's pointless to fight or scream about their status or offer money/fame/etc.
they also all in their own way had lost their way in life and the whole menu was designed to show them that as well as how they ruined Slowik's love of his art
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Ok good you've finally seen it. What gets me in atsv (at least the version I watched) Miguel isn't even stated as having and loosing a family BEFORE he just up and leaves for that other dimension. Like dude decided he wanted a different life and a family and went and took up someone else's, instead of starting his own.
I was thinking about this last night and I eventually went back and watched the scene and it's like. Yeah bro you're right they do in fact never specify if he even had a family before
In the comics, he loses his pregnant fiance, and I, assumedly with a bunch of other people, was just kind of assuming that he had the same backstory in ATSV and it was sometime after her death that he tried a second time around. I'm assuming the canon he broke by going to another universe was HIS OWN canon: as a Spider, you are apparently supposed to lose your first love/first crush and move on, but by him jumping ship into another universe, that was breaking the rules (*cough cough* "but what if Miguel realizes being with Reader in his own universe doesn't break canon and he goes apeshit with it" *cough cough*)
But GOD wouldn't it be fucked up if it really was as literal as the way he phrased it. "I found another universe where I was happy" not "I found a universe where my family survived" is kind of sus phrasing. Like yeah bro you technically uh stole the life of a completely different person and helped raise his daughter and presumedly fucked his wife
But one thing a few people have mentioned that kind of took a while to sink in was like. Him losing that second family was RECENT. He didn't form the Spider Society until sometime after Miles became Spiderman, which he's only been wearing the mask for about a year and a half. Peter B was in the flashback where Miguel lost his second family, so like. It's literally been less than two years since Miguel accidentally broke canon. This man has some piping hot FRESH TRAUMA like he's probably still in a stage of grief???
Like I understand he's an antagonist but I'll be legit angry if he becomes like monstrously evil and it becomes "oh no we gotta defeat miguel" in the third movie because his trauma and his actions are completely understandable, like he could be an antagonist but he better not be like Final Boss. Like yeah yeah "he's technically killing people by not letting people break canon" but I mean as far as he's concerned, for all that he knows, what the evidence shows and what he's lead to believe, saving one person could potentially kill an entire universe and destabilize others so like. YEAH it sucks but no one should have to explain the math. Like the man literally had a small child he was helping raise literally vanish in his own arms as she cried "dad help" and people are like "UGH MIGUEL IS EVIL" like bro at the WORST he is obsessed with making up for his sins, dude isn't DELIBERATELY tryna cause shit. Like when you really get into analysis mode you can completely understand why he's so angry at Miles, Miguel was literally chanting "no puedo mas" ie "I can't anymore" at the concept of another hole being torn in the multiverse, like he's literally shouting and throwing shit around because for him it's "oh great here we fucking go, tons and tons of people will die if I don't get this under control, when does it end, how do i fix this"
His line on top of the train really kind of cements it, where he's all "and I'm the only one who's been keeping everything together" because he's not saying that from some source of narcissism, he's BURDENED by this, he's TRAPPED by this, but he feels a responsibility and a duty to make up for what he did. The man is essentially using his role leading the Spider Society as a punishment for breaking canon.
"Miguel is selfish" "Miguel is evil" bro Miguel is literally just one really really bad accident away from straight up killing himself, like tearing his own hair out as he beats his head into a wall. Miguel is like when you're so extremely stressed out that when you dropped your fresh toast on the floor jelly-down you legit contemplated suicide "because why can't even one thing go right for me". This man is hanging on by a thread but like I'm convinced the third movie will have a happy ending because it just. Doesn't feel right if it doesn't? The entire first two movies were about finding your own identity and making your own expectations and I feel like the whole canon event narrative inherently challenges what the movies stand for, so, really interested in seeing how the third movie goes, waiting will fucking kill me, and also with all the articles coming out about ATSV having insane crunch, I have a good feeling Beyond The Spiderverse is gonna be delayed. I kinda like that though because like, idk, do you guys ever get sad when a show or series ends. It's like the journey is over and then you move on and kind of forget about everything. I'm enjoying these movies and these characters and I don't mind marinating with em a little while longer
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baekhvuns · 2 years
What is this Al Nassr squad??? At this point they should establish their own team, because 😬😬😬😬
France is always full of drama lmao. WHAT AM I HEARING KAKA LOOKALIKE, bestie did you know I used to be a huge Kaka girl when I was in primary school absjsjdbdjhshahshahsjaa. Okay but did Pepe even have hair in his life, he's like Zidane to me, seeing them with hair would be so weird 😭
Well, well, well Baek that's karma lmao. But I hope your knuckle is fine. An iron. Fell. 😭 My hair is indeed too long right now, gotta cut it actually. Can it be a braid instead? Not a fan of ponytails on myself 😅
Ooooh if they had a daughter she'd experience so much misogyny 🤡 but hopefully she wouldn't be out there proving Fr**d was right like Harry 🔪 but honestly I'm not sure, obviously things would be a bit different, but I don't think anything major
I know Lookass' Chinese stans are obviously protecting him, but most international fans are against him, so... weird move. THIS COMPANY IS SO FUCKING BAD .Btw SM, I have some ☕ to spill from a trusted source 👀
Yunjin supremacy <3333 But?!??!! I'M CHOKING
Yes Eunhyuk the black haired one, he's so 🥰🥰🥰🥰 but Mr Dohwa has redeemed himself he's cute, maybe him and the girl end up as friends, so hopefully no love triangle, but let's be honest... we'll never escape the 🔺️
I'm unfortunately a Draco apologist. I mean I wanna slap that lil bitch, but also he wasn't that bad.
Damiano you're a 99 liner, there's no need to go to the army yet 🔪🔪🔪🔪 the day Ethan cuts his hair though...💀
I'd be the last person to judge you for liking cat boys, so I get it osisoduejwhwiwjs
Hwa on a dance show as a judge, yes, but meanwhile some people don't even consider him to be in the dance line so 💀💀💀💀
I think snakes are cool looking, I have snakes tattooed on me, but I'd never own one! Spiders especially the big ass hairy ones though?! I'M MOVING TO A DIFFERENT PLANET NO THX
I'll die on my Tasir hill, idc, he realised he loved Latil and since she chose him as her main consort this can't end like this I REFUSE!!!! The story is probably fair from over though. Latil doesn't really care for her other baby and the baby father, so I'm not sure if the second time will be any different 😭😅
Krystal's solo DO NOT EVEN
Ravi??? 😬 if it's true then he's done for
God I'm obsessed with him. Anyways let me pass the fuck out real quick
But he's so fucking cute?!?! totally the blushing man in a manhwa/anime vibes, kicking his feet, twirling his hair etc
Shakira's diss track?! - DV 💖
What is this Al Nassr squad??? At this point they should establish their own team, because 😬😬😬😬 //// France is always full of drama lmao. WHAT AM I HEARING KAKA LOOKALIKE, bestie did you know I used to be a huge Kaka girl when I was in primary school absjsjdbdjhshahshahsjaa. Okay but did Pepe even have hair in his life, he's like Zidane to me, seeing them with hair would be so weird 😭
ex-real madrid fc im into this actually,, france is so dramatic, from witchcraft to zidane slander 🔫🔫 KAKA LOOKALIKE BFWMBDKW BRO GOT A RED CARD AT HIS DEBUT W CHELSEA 😭😭 KAKA SON omg really??? bestie u were stanning the prettiest men i SWEAR & now ronaldinho’s son??? if he’s at the wc 2026 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 that’ll be a game to watch omg, the magicians son on the field 🤌🏻 and barca madrid for supercopa again????
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no bc pepe suits hair,, zidane tho i think he looks better w none <3 but zidane’s wife??? 🤲🏻
Well, well, well Baek that's karma lmao. But I hope your knuckle is fine. An iron. Fell. 😭 My hair is indeed too long right now, gotta cut it actually. Can it be a braid instead? Not a fan of ponytails on myself 😅 //// TWO OTHER PEOPLE SENT ME THAT HARRY SHIT TO ME WHAT'S GOING ON, WE'RE LOSING THE PLOT HERE HENRY
LMFAOOOO HOW THE TURNT HAVE TABLES it is very fine just that internal redness <3 it looks nice tbh but its fading fbsbdhc YEAH. YEAAAAAHHH fun times i tell u <333 IM SORRY BUT QUIRKY YN ONLY GETS TO HAVE PONYTAILS tho ur bad boy only good to u can braid it for u 🥰🥰,,, NO BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON 😭😭😭😭 WE LOST THE PLOT BEFORE THE BOOK CAME OUT, “we want privacy!” “here’s my dic-“ HARRY HAROLD NO 🔫🔫 i cant escape them theyre eveyrwhere but i agree w this
Ooooh if they had a daughter she'd experience so much misogyny 🤡 but hopefully she wouldn't be out there proving Fr**d was right like Harry 🔪 but honestly I'm not sure, obviously things would be a bit different, but I don't think anything major //// I know Lookass' Chinese stans are obviously protecting him, but most international fans are against him, so... weird move. THIS COMPANY IS SO FUCKING BAD .Btw SM, I have some ☕ to spill from a trusted source 👀 //// Yunjin supremacy <3333 But?!??!! I'M CHOKING
oH UR ABSOLUTELY RIGHT,,, tbh i think, hot take, ive heard charles and dianna rly wanted a girl as their second child and were disappointed it was a boy and how their marriage began to collapse from the small threads it was hung by,,, hot take but id think maybe their marriage would’ve worked 🤚🏻 MAYBE 🤚🏻 i believe the daughter would have brought at least some stability <3 i think it would’ve been a situation of siblings like charles and anne, the nicer siblings and not heir spare drama 🤚🏻 but then again charles only liked one person, so i guess it wouldn’t make a difference 😭😭
THIS COMPANY IS SO MAD THEYRE TRYING TO GET A WRESTLING BID UNDER THEM????? FOR WHAT??? TO PUT WHO AGAINST WHO???? the nct thing???? are they mad??? IN THE SAME HOTEL???? NO??? sm always setting their artists up i swear i think they’ve done this w exo before until it got out of hand,,, have they not learnt what the hell?? ok but imagine picking up a pizza delivery from ur door and u see yangyang at the end of the hallway dancing
omg please do tell, my ears are open 👀
Yes Eunhyuk the black haired one, he's so 🥰🥰🥰🥰 but Mr Dohwa has redeemed himself he's cute, maybe him and the girl end up as friends, so hopefully no love triangle, but let's be honest... we'll never escape the 🔺️
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we will never escape the love triangle and u know the miscommunication trope is also coming bc someone’s going to do something that someone will see at the wRONG TIME I CAN ALREADY SEE THE ANGER
I'm unfortunately a Draco apologist. I mean I wanna slap that lil bitch, but also he wasn't that bad. //// Damiano you're a 99 liner, there's no need to go to the army yet 🔪🔪🔪🔪 the day Ethan cuts his hair though...💀
he really wasn’t 😭😭 it was quite sad to see him go thru, and i made a mistake to see this and i don’t think i have wanted a redemption arc for draco so bad ,,,, the way he’s a 99 liner surprises me bc ive always thought he’s at least 27+ 😭😭😭 OH THE DAY HE CUTS HIS HAIR?????? I APOLOGIZE FOR THE PERSON I WILL BECOME
I'd be the last person to judge you for liking cat boys, so I get it osisoduejwhwiwjs //// Hwa on a dance show as a judge, yes, but meanwhile some people don't even consider him to be in the dance line so 💀💀💀💀
LMFAOOOO FBANBDWNHDKAHDKS i am actually obsessed liking a furry, i never knew id join ur group 😔 but to add to that list, brendan fraser in the mummy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 not consider him in the dance line???? what does he put a whole performance for ?? tbh all of them are dancers, it’s their best, strong suit is their dancing and if not for that maybe they wouldn’t have made it,, so it’s so weird that people don’t think of every one of them as dancers! ANON RHAKDJWK CORSET HWA
I think snakes are cool looking, I have snakes tattooed on me, but I'd never own one! Spiders especially the big ass hairy ones though?! I'M MOVING TO A DIFFERENT PLANET NO THX
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U DO?????? anon u surprise me every time, how big are they??? do u have a name for them, or is just lefty righty 😭😭 STOPPPP THE HAIRY ONES AND THOSE DIFF COLOURED ONES IM SHIVER ME TIMBERS ID PASS OUT U WONT SEE ME UNTIL NEXT TIME,, i once saw one crawl up someone’s leg, i disliked them so i never told them abt it <3
I'll die on my Tasir hill, idc, he realised he loved Latil and since she chose him as her main consort this can't end like this I REFUSE!!!! The story is probably fair from over though. Latil doesn't really care for her other baby and the baby father, so I'm not sure if the second time will be any different 😭😅
tbh why’s the story not even finished 😭😭 is this becoming a new true beauty or i love yoo again 😭🤚🏻 SEE TASIR IM SO GLAD THEY LIKE EACH OTHER BUT I WILL FORVER WAIT FOR SONNAUGHTS REDEMPTION I WILL NEVER LOSE HOPE ON HIM, MAYBE MY HOPE DIMS BUT IT WONT BLOW 🤚🏻 latil in her toxic era
Krystal's solo DO NOT EVEN /// Ravi??? 😬 if it's true then he's done for
brings back pstd,,,, krystal w her dark energy would’ve embodied the concepts,, the witchy red light type of mv too >>> yEAAAAAAH ravi’s,, i think theres some timeline mishaps 😭😭 and ppl are bringing taemin into this
God I'm obsessed with him. Anyways let me pass the fuck out real quick //// But he's so fucking cute?!?! totally the blushing man in a manhwa/anime vibes, kicking his feet, twirling his hair etc //// Shakira's diss track?! - DV 💖
this is seonghwa cullen, oh my god sTOP ONE MINUTE HES A VAMPIRE THE OTHER HE LOOKS LIKE A FANTASY KING,, this??? this is that bad boy hwa u wanted anon, he is alive and he’s KILLING ME TBEMBDMD & this guy here,,, he’s giving phoenix
shakira distrack and pique’s at his shitty behaviour again
and?? 😭😭😭😭 the song is actually rly good! reminds me a bit of teach me out to dougie x justin timberlake tbh dbdbdns
0 notes
shinra-makonoid · 2 years
Making points doesn't mean "teRfS sHowIng IgnOranCe." Your attitude toward ANY question or criticism of queer discourse shows YOUR lack of critical thinking skill and cultic behavior. Actually this is why people are leaving queer community online/offline. One critical opinon and they get called "terf" and treated like a criminal. Your attitude is not healthy at all. You care more about policing & controlling others than about actual oppression or violence.
Bro you just don't understand biology and have moot points about society and use it to hate on people who are already vulnerable. I call you terf. Do you prefer me to call you guys victims of a hateful ideology fueled by conservatism? People stuck in the dark ages? Scum of the Earth? Stupid cows? Let me know I'm fully open to change the way I call you guys, no problem with me, TERF is just faster.
Radical feminism in general have much more in common with cults rather than "queer ideology", like the dimension of self help ("you can "fix" your gender identity if you believe it hard enough/if you do these steps), sacred bodies, recruiting vulnerable/confused people and manipulating them, rejection of medicine/technology, separation from family/friends for who do not believe the same way, internal belief that anyone who isn't in the group is an enemy to convert or destroy, etc. I don't have the same "ideology" as most of my LGBT friends, in fact we would probably disagree on a lot of things and I'm probably one of the less woke I know in my surrounding. I get blocked by "queer ideologues" constantly for not believing the same thing as they do. That's definitely far from cultist behavior.
Finally, in regards to my supposedly lack of critical thinking, I don't think you did even half of the thinking process that I did. You can look in the timeline of my Tumblr, my views changed with time and is pretty nuanced today. I looked at the large majority of arguments displayed by everyone that I could find. I've went on Twitter talking With GCs, I've debated many times with TERFs here, I've listened to many celebrities arguments, I've even talked to people who did researches on AGPs like Blanchard and Cantor, I've looked through scientific researches not done by them also. Not only did it made me lose any faith in feminism as an ideology (which also allowed me to talk to MRAs and see their views with an open mind), but it also showed me how much shit people make up and how much political environment can influence your beliefs surrounding your body and the "Truth" everyone seems to proclaim to have. I think i asked myself and other more questions about that subject than you ever did in your whole life, or your view wouldn't be "buhu you're the cultist! We can't spread misinformation, sophistic arguments and hate you freely without being called a mean word" (picture of the tiniest violin playing a sad song 🎻)
3/4 years ago I thought pretty much there would be a "lot of detrnaistion" because I was also worried for those poor people who got "mixed in gender ideology". And then time passed, and although I did know a few detransitioners, there is no data available today which is anywhere near what I used to parrot before. Even some detransitioners are starting to claim that they were recruited by radfems politically.
You know what we say? Only the stupid never change their minds.
If people are being recruited into hate groups it's often because they have something to gain from it or recruited by people fear mongering them by showing them a dozen of videos of weird people doing weird stuff or out of context shit or criminals that are not even 1% representative of the whole population, or shwoig them doctors being like "in my totally unbiased view this is harmful :'(". Basically manipulating them by using common biases that we know are associated with the human brain and constantly exposing them to it, and forming communities obsessed by those content. Researches done with the scientific method are less trusted than people with political agendas, which is crazy.
Actual oppression isn't being called TERFs online and being offended when I correct you on your bullshit. Stay mad.
0 notes
frenchfrywrites · 3 years
Ok so I was thinking of what they would do if they were to be ghosts and they find themselves having a crush on the new owner of the place they inhabit--
I think Levi would be a very shy ghost, who was so glad that the previous owners left so he had the entire house for himself. Now he can do anything he wants and be alone and not have to interact with others!! Yay!! Except there's a new owner. I think he would be shyly spying on you, trying to figure out who this new person is and what their intentions are and accidentally dropping stuff as he passes through the house. (He drops a glass on the floor. You scream. He screams. None of you expected it.)
I also think he's so used to grabbing things and misplacing them he wouldn't even realize he is lowkey freaking you out.
He would be so perverted too, if you thought Luci watching you shower was bad wait until you hear about Levi, he's a whole ass freak. He watches you piss 😭😭. He's like "Woah!! That's so cool, I wonder if it's warm! *tries to touch the stream and ends up smearing it all over you/the wall*"
MC: 😑
Okay but when you bring the ouija and try to ask him if he is going to hurt you (you have a feeling he won't but you might as well ask), he's so self conscious!! He's also super ashamed of his freakiness. You ask him if he was who dropped the shampoo. He starts "S-O-R-R-Y. I-M. S-O. G-R-O-S-S-H-J-K-L-U-P-YES-NO-A-B-A-S-K-D-K-L-J..." and next thing you know the ouija is flying outside the window like a goddamn Frisbee. Ghost equivalent of a keysmash.
OMG AND WHAT IF HE DIED IN AN ARCADE. First of all: OOF. Second of all, that would be so funny though. You work the night guard shift an arcade, and you think it's a normal job until every friday at 12 am one of the games starts playing itself. (what is this? FNAF? i know.)
It's the oldest game of the arcade and the one almost nobody plays and it's playing itself almost perfectly, so you think the game is just not functioning anymore. Until you see the game ??? lose ??? on itself ??? and then something is thrown on the floor and you get shivers down your spine, someone screams "FUCK THIS SHIT!". And, oh god, is the game possessed?!
No. Leviathan just ragequits after losing.
Eventually after meeting him he asks you to play the game for him because his fingers are too ghost-like to properly press the buttons!! You make one (1!!) mistake and he's mad at you and you're just like. Bro I just work here😑.
ANYWAY anyway here is page 1/190 of my thoughts.
- ♟💙
ohhh my god if you chose to give me more, I cannot wait for your continued thoughts, because already I'm obsessed.
Levi would be such a shy ghost!!
Every thing he does is a complete accident and he freaks out as much as you do. Like every scare has been wildly unintentional. I'm sure the first few weeks are hard for both of you, as he'll forget you've moved in and just behave as usual. But once he does fully register your presence you're all he thinks about.
Definitely watches you all the time, gets off on stuff that you do, then cries because he's so self deprecating around his perversions. You'd piss and then 5 minutes later there's moaning, and a little later a sobbing sound is coming from one of your empty rooms.. safe to say you're terrified lmao. He'd also try to touch you, but since he's shy and scared his hands feel very soft and light causing you to question if there really were arms wrapping around you or are you going insane.
OBSESSED with Levi keysmashing the Ouija board. It takes forever to get a solid response out of him. He'd be swinging the planchette around wildly and throwing it around the room accidently when he gets too nervous. It'd be far better to have him possess your laptop and talk to him through a google doc or something.
I also love the idea of Levi haunting an arcade. I'm sure he's played every game in there, making the owners go crazy because they think their games are breaking constantly. I think your first experience watching him rage quit would be pretty frightening so imagine you find safety in the bathroom or something, from there you hear things get quiet (when he realizes he's upset you), and eventually you come out of your little safe haven and there's a bunch of stuffed animals from the claw machine where you normally sit as a little apology from Levi 😭💖
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cookietastic · 2 years
I know it's an old fandom, but the Kaiba Bros for the Character Meme maybe?
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I feel people who haven't watched yugioh or don't know yugioh lore are going to be like are you crazy/why are you talking about murder but please understand this all happens I'm not joking.
Where to begin with these two.
I love how horrible they are season 0/first manga
that's why their hair is so green because they're so toxic
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Like they BAD like HORRIBLE- And I loved every minute of it.
I love how in the show they still keep those little aspects of them being little shits but it only causes they want to help the other like the best example was that Kaiba knew he was going to lose to Yugi and he knew in his head that would mean Mokuba would die/he failed Mokuba as an older brother and it's like in season 0 you saw how he wasn't such a good brother before due to this obsession he got as well as ended up getting his brain scattered into a billion pieces
SO HE’S LIKE.Hey yugi...if you attack me....that blast....will knock me off this building...and kill me...do you what that to happen yugi :)))?
And Yugi is over here like STOP-DON'T DO THAT???HELLO???
And ends up forcing Yugi to lose so he wouldn't die/off himself.
Like Kaiba's head 24/ is "Beat the shit out of Yugi" and "Protect Mokuba" vs Mokuba who is like "Kaiba is so cool everyone whos says different is WRONG"
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AND THEN YOU LIKE GOT THEIR BACK STORY AND SEE KIND OF WHY THEY'RE KIND OF LIKE THAT Like "Hm Yeah have an abusive dad who in which you got to adopt you buy winning a game and think of you as his next investment than a son can do that"
So the whole thing where Kaiba had 49% of his Stepdads stocks and the man was trying to get Mokuba to give him his 2% and not Kaiba only for Mokuba the LAST SECOND to switch his stocks over to Kaiba to be like "I would NEVER betray my brother" was such a power move that the man ended up offing himself and Kaiba and Mokuba now ran this bitch and would go to make Kaiba land like What a power move.
I think fans do them dirty when it comes to shipping because I high key dislike it when people ship Kaiba with someone and forget Mokuba even exists especially with stories like my dude you have gone 20k in this story and Mokuba- the sunshine of Kaiba's life-His Little brother- One of the people he would DIE for if not the ONLY-Has not been brought up once.
In short love these bastards
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 2 episode 5
Notes by me
- heard this episode was some good shit with lots of cough whump cough here we goooooo
- the goauld are collecting raw naquada. What do they need it for
- oh I love the pyramid ships their so cool
- *Daniel runs off recklessly*
"Wish he'd stop doing that!"
- its a cloaked lady!
- when she turns around and sees Daniel for the first time. 404 cloaked lady has stopped working
- Jack is so aggravated at Daniel for being too nice
- OKAY what the fuck dude. Get your disgusting hands off my Sam or I'll punch you in the throat
- I dont think theyre gonna listen to reason Daniel
- miners!
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- Sam can sense worms??? She got worm radar ????
- "I get a weird feeling when im around tealc"
"hey who doesnt"
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- "lets go daniel!!"
"I'm coming!"
So innocent 😭
- shit is he dead again👀
- that must have hurt like a mother fucker yikes. Reminds me of the episode of BBC Merlin when the rockslide came down and separated him and arthur
- gurl not even a minute ago you were gonna commit suicide and now you want to take over after your dad? Make up yo damn mind
- a sarcophagus! Oh its Daniel
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- no glasses!Daniel
- she says she dressed him in new clothes while looking him up and down like lady what the fuck. You taking peeps at my boy? You wanna fuckin fight?
- "personal responsibility for you" basically shes saying she owns you now buddy you better run
- wait how many times has he used the sarc now? Its about 3 times I think
- "glass circles" lol
- damn theyre cracked. Makes me think how many times daniel has broken or lost his glasses and had to get new ones.
- whys she so goddamn CREEPY
- why is she so fascinated with trees my respect for her goes down with every second
- she wants to hit that and you know what? She's valid
- "youre my destiny"
"BLEHGR ......what???"
On all levels except physical, Daniel is barfing so hard right now
- also ???? Destiny??? Ok george mcfly
- this psycho: anyway so me and my mom....
daniel: can we back track for a sec I have some thoughts
- "surprisingly difficult to kill you isnt it?" You got no idea Jack smh
- "nice dress"
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- sg1 as slaves is something tho 👀
- I'm laughing theyre throwing a feast for Daniel while the rest of them mine coal. Tough luck guys
- 700 years old YIKES
- "I dont think you understand what they mean to me" ❤💕❤💕❤💕❤☺❤☺❤❤❤❤☺☺☺💗💗💗
- daniel being treated like the princesses boy toy lol
- honey.......dont sleep in the sarc
- what possessed him to think that this is a good idea
- jack, tealc, and Sam update: still in the mine!
- hes LOST his marbles
- "and look!!! No glasses!!" Hes so excited
- hes getting obsessed with this thing
- 9 or 10 times in the sarc???
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Jack: hes drunk as fuck
- hes definitely considering marrying her. Bro youre already married. Did you forget
- Temper!Daniel
- ok so hes totally brain washed!
- he felt out of place on earth :(. You know what? The Sarc is bringing out his deep down thoughts and feelings. Things he wouldnt ever tell anyone bc when hes in his right mind, his logic counter acts these thoughts. But his logic is gone so hes just voicing everything he normally wouldn't
- sams memories of jolinar telling her whats what with the sarc! 💪
- its taking his SOUL WHAT THE HELL
- lounging!Daniel "HI JACK!!"
- kicking his little feet
- of course he wants to marry a woman he met 4 days ago
- "we offer the friendship of our world"
".......well thanks"
Jack is having NONE of her shit and I wholeheartedly agree
- awkward kissing!!
- jittery!daniel
- sir that is no way to talk about your wife. So what if shes different when u get her back! So are you! People change! God not having a logic filter in your brain must be exhausting
- concerned!Sam
- ALRIGHT when you start knocking shit over on purpose its time to sit in the corner on time out
- hes having withdrawals. Didnt I already say this man has been thru Enough
- Jack literally jumps on him to hold him down. Did he crush daniels pelvis or what
- Sam is right they need to let him go thru it 😩
- how the hell did he pull fraiser all the way over him lmfao hes not that strong
- oh boy! Crazy!Daniel
- 🚨the archeologist is loose🚨
- "I know what its like" oh???? Jack has dealt with addiction????
- caretaker!jack
- this is heart breaking
- when he just hugs him. Just holds him. The acting from both of them is making me sob
- P3H826 is ready to be sg1s next mission!
- daniels okay!!!! He got thru it ✊😌
- P3R636 is the planet with the Sarc and princess dick face.
- "id like Daniel back on the team" 😤😤😤😤😤😤
- I dont care about you! Stupid bitch! Manipulative ass hat
- Daniel step away from the sarc
- clearly you have no idea what love is if you think its just keeping ppl hostage
- he literally tells her to stop using it and she IMMEDIATELY picks up a staff weapon and blows it to hell like it took zero effort to convince her
- welp! Cry all you want! Youre a dumb bitch and I hope i never see you again lol
- Let Daniel Rest 2k20
Whump under the cut
Daniel jackson whump: threatened, gunpoint, sore, nervous, crushed by rockslide, healed by sarc, addiction, brain washing, jittery, withdrawal, anger outbursts , passing out, hospital scene, red eyes, sweaty, pleading, restrained, losing his mind, crying, breaking down, caretaker Jack.
Jack Oniell whump: kicked, hit with staff, coughing, fight with daniel
Whole team whump: forced kneeling, dirty, tired, weak, forced to mine
No glasses!Daniel for 90% of episode
🎶listening to Happiness Is A Warm Gun from Across The Universe Soundtrack🎶 for daniels struggle with addiction
🎶listening to Gone by Bazzi🎶 for Daniel being so confident that he was fine
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