#bro..... he literally looks like he wants to throw up after saying this shit
bellamysgriffin · 2 years
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Dana Watches Gilmore Girls: That’s What You Get, Folks, for Makin’ Whoopee (7x02)
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sturnsdarling · 15 days
'Chris likes girls who don't like him back'
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Late night streaming with your best friends turns to a conversation about the boys' type, and Chris gets called out
vibe check: flirty fluffy fun, 3/4 of my favourite f words
1.4k words
A/N: i had this idea literally straight away after what Matt said about Chris' type.........the idea of being Chris' best friend that he openly fancies but you're 'not interested' makes MY TOES CURL BRO LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING anyway I hope you love this.
love and cigs, merc
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"Matt he's right there what the fuck are you doing?!" you scream down the mic, nearly throwing your controller across the room as you jolt back in your chair.
You watch as Matt gets sniped in the head from the back, laughing as he wails on this desk, making the whole stream glitch and nearly crash. Chris is laughing along with you, trying not to make it obvious that he's watching you, and not Matt.
"Matt, bro you need to fuckin' up your game, y/n/n is actually carrying us right now." Chris says as Matt picks his chair up off the floor and sits back down in a huff.
"I always carry when I come on with you boys" you smirk, looking at the tiny square of Chris on your screen.
"yeah because you're a little sweat" Matt chuckles.
The boys had been streaming everyday for over a week now and, after some convincing, they managed to get you to join in on one of their games. At first you were apprehensive, obviously, but they explained that they were trying to diversify their platform and find a more mature audience so, actually interacting with girls on the internet was their first step.
You and the boys had been friends for forever, you met them through Nick in elementary school and had basically all been inseparable ever since, you'd been in some earlier videos but the fans back then made it very difficult to just exist around them so, you took it upon yourself to only exist in their real life, not their online one.
Cut to right now, you're nearly two hours deep in fortnite trios with the boys on stream, everyone was super excited to see you when they announced that they'd be joining and, other than a couple comments that you all ignored, it was going really well.
"Matt, someone asked what our types are" Chris laughed, reading the chat.
"I'm not answering that" Matt dead panned, screwing his face up at the camera
"I can answer it for you both, for sure" you chuckle, "chat do you want me to answer it?"
"yes, yes, yes, yes, omg yes" Chris was reeling off the answers in chat, "everyone wants y/n/n to answer, Matt should we let her?" Chris asked.
Matt rolled his eyes with a smile, "g'head, y/n/n, expose us" He chuckled.
"okay, so" you said, in your best girly gossip voice, "Matt likes nerdy, reader, soft girls" you begin to explain, your train of thought is interrupted by Chris erupting into laughter.
"dude she's so right! you love a girl that looks like she's always buried in a book" Chris wails.
"what are you guys even saying?" Matt complains, the smile etched across his face giving his tone a lot less power.
"you definitely want a girl who will go on a hike with you or some shit, Matt" You say, enjoying this whole interaction a bit too much.
Chris was keeled over in laughter, loving finally being able to talk about this kind of stuff on the internet without everyone going insane.
"I dunno why you're laughing so much, Chris, you're next" Matt states, Chris shrugs in reply.
"i don't give a fuck, call me out y/n/n, gimme the best you got" Chris sits back in his chair, arms folded over his chest.
"hmmmm" you say, exaggerating your thinking, "what is the famous Christopher Sturniolos type" you rub your chin, pretending to be thinking deeply.
A knowing smirk is spread wide across Chris' face as he stares at your face on his screen, tongue prodding the side of his cheek.
"I know Chris' type" Matt adds, a menacing smile on his face.
"g'head matt, you take this one" you gesture to the boy on your screen.
"Chris likes girls who don't like him back" Matts brows raise in accusation towards Chris.
You try and hide the smile forming on your face, attempting to look as focused on the game as possible as your tongue prods at your teeth. Neither of the boys say anything, both of them cheesing, Matt in a teasing and knowing kind of way and Chris more so in a 'I cant say what I wanna say' kind of way.
"damn, Matt, you just called me the fuck out" Chris shakes his head, looking to the tiny version of you on his screen.
You're still quiet, trying to fight the smile on your face and look as focused as possible, you catch Chris looking as if he's looking at you on his screen and shake your head with a chuckle.
"what you grinnin' at, kid?" Chris smirks.
You raise your brows, shaking your head with a downwards smile, "no, nothin', nothin" you say, returning your focus back to the game.
All of the viewers watched the interaction and were blowing up the chat with comments about how Chris definitely likes you, saying things like 'did you guys see that?!', and 'think they're slick look at how they're both smiling!!!!!'. Chris was reading the comments and trying to hide the red blush crawling its way onto his cheeks, Matt was relishing in the fact that Chris was so obviously nervous, and you were just trying not to react.
"Chris, dude, you better wipe that smile off your face, chat's onto you" Matt pokes the bear.
"chat ain't onto shit, Matt, shut the fuck up" Chris says, trying to be serious but unable to push his smile down.
"you know i'm right though, you do like girls who don't want you" Matt pushed on with his joke.
"Matt, shut your fuckin' mouth, dude" Chris rolled his eyes and shook his head, his smile still prevalent.
You couldn't help but laugh, still pretending to not care about the situation unfolding. In hindsight, it probably made it all the more obvious that you knew exactly what Matt was referring to.
"you're awful quiet, y/n/n, you got nothing to say on Chris' type?" Matt extends his joke over to you and your attention is immediately on him.
"nah, you hit the nail on the head, I think" you shrug, stretching back in your chair and adjusting your headset.
"oh really?" Chris replies, brows raised in accusation.
"mhm" you nod, faux innocently.
Chris kisses his teeth, nodding and trying to hide the smile on his face once again.
"yeah, chat, Matts right, I like pretty girls, who don't like me back" Chris says, subtly turning his attention to you and then back to chat.
You roll your eyes with a smile, leaning forward once more to lock into the game.
"you're ridiculous, Chris" Matt chuckles into the mic, watching you shift in your seat, trying not to blush.
The rest of the game went off without a hitch, you guys went on to win multiple times and all the viewers eventually stopped trying to get the conversation back to Chris' obvious crush on you. You played until the early hours of the morning, joking and laughing with the boys' just like old times and relishing in the fact that you were finally able to be a part of their online presence again. When it hit around three a.m you told them you had to sign off, explaining that you had to be up early for college that morning.
"guys, I gotta go, but I'll text you when I wake up" you said, pulling off your headset, and brushing your hair back with your hand.
"alright, y/n/n, thanks for helping us bury kids, its always a treat" Matt grinned at you, shooting you his token boyish smile.
"you know I live to humble kids on fort, Matt" You shrugged, putting on your best boyish persona, earning a laugh from Matt
"okay seriously, I gotta go, bye chat!" you smile, "bye boys" you go to switch off your computer but you're stopped by Chris booming voice.
"bye, beautiful" he says, a cheesy grin on his face.
your eyes roll to the back of your head as an uncontrollable smile finds your lips, "bye, Chris" you reply, switching off your computer.
The whole chat erupts with people losing their minds over Chris calling you beautiful, the boys say nothing, Matt just shakes his head, laughing at the chat as he watches Chris, grinning with pride and completely unashamed of his very obvious crush on you.
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taglist: @sturniozalt@mattslolita@shaquilles-0atmeal@blahbel668@sleepysturniolo@le4hsblog @sarosfilms @joemamaaa42069 @2muchofaslvt @seluky10
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warthogreporter · 17 days
A second look at the human fucker community on monster tumblr
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🧜‍♀️ Hermaid Follow
After a while you start to notice some trends in how people talk about fucking their hoomans
Vampires: This is Brother Reginald Regicus Regicum who I slowly corrupted and tempted with earthly desires across several long years until he became a creature of the night like myself. We're throwing his one year vampirization party in a month, here's the invite, if you don't come it's a personal insult, to me.
Orcs: This is Himby the Himbo who I snagged in some raid I did because I got bored on my way to the grocery store. It's funny when I make him wear cat ears.
🐻 Beard-Toucher Follow
Demons: These are Sir Good and Sir Goody. I make them wear matching collars because of how they were all but boyfriends before I enthralled them with my dark magic. You noticed their matching collars right?
Werewolves: You'll never believe this, but my human Stucky, who used to be called Lady Stuck Up, was actually a repressed and stuck up person before I helped her embrace her wild side TM.
🐍 Scaled-Scales-Scaling-Scales Follow
Naga: ...Anyway after spending 400,000 years praying I finally met the human who is the love of my life and we recited mantras together, after 200,000,000 years of this we began to *blushes* hold hands and then the gods...
Other kinds of dragons: This is King Dragonslayer the Unfucked. I use him as a display stand for my jewels when not fucking him.
(164,597 Notes)
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🐙 WetterThanYou Follow
Showing the humans parts of their world they've never seen (the depths).
(9,846 Notes)
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🐎 Seventaur-deactivated20230527 Follow
Man humans really are such pathetic creatures
🐎 Seventaur-deactivated20230527 Follow
Stop reblogging this as a human fucker post! I advocate for exterminating those pests! It's literally in my bio! Human Fuckers DNI!
👿PazuzuOfficial✅ Follow
Hey OP we need to 'talk' IRL. Don't bother turning on your location, I already know it.
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🐺 HereWolf Follow
Seeing elves in human fucker communities is always such a "bro thinks he's on the team" moment. Oh yeah you're so different from humans with your pointy ears and... oh right that's literally it.
🛣️Elf-Hater Follow
Elves are like humans but lame and pretentious, even lame and pretentious humans are better. Eying a 'human' only to notice pointy ears is like biting into a blueberry muffin thinking it's a chocolate muffin, if blueberries tasted like shit.
🧝Elfeven Follow
🪓Orcasionally-Really-Cranky Follow
If it makes you feel better I fuck both humans and elves, just got back from a raid where I scored plenty of elves to make into my obedient little whores.
🧝Elfeven Follow
That doesn't make me feel better.
(685,734 Notes)
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🦅Feathery Follow
Finally going to an actual human town. What do human eggs look like? Don't want to cause any problems by mistake.
🦋 Gregory-Grigori Follow
People on this webbed site will really just say anything about hoomans huh?
🐂 No-Yournotaur Follow
OP, humans don't lay eggs. It's weird that you thought they did. They're mammals.
🦅Feathery Follow
I thought they were like platypi no need to get up my ass about this
🐂 No-Yournotaur Follow
Okay you know what fair.
(5,873 Notes)
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🦋 Gregory-Grigori Follow
I'd say good morning, but I didn't wake up with a beautiful human on each side of me so actually it was yet another mid morning.
(4,384 Notes)
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Click here for part 1 and here for part 3
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occamstfs · 6 months
Diet Diaries
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Hi all! Thank you so much for 500 followers! Here's a little style switch up to celebrate, got a lotta refs in this one and I quite leaned into the diary entries so I hope it's not too much! Hope y'all enjoy this stereotype reversal and as always, best! -Occam
Monday March 21st-
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I am beyond sick of Steve. Moving in together was a mistake, I don’t care how cheap the rent is, he is a narcissistic slob and I am eager to never see him again. Well no, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. Our R.A. had this idea to try and walk in each other's shoes, which I don’t know? It might not be the worst thing? My big idea was switching diets actually- honestly I’m just hoping if he ate more like me he’ll stop stinking up the dorm. I can dream at least. Literally though he just can’t go to the gym as often if he eats like me. If I'm lucky at the very least his deodorant will last longer, I cannot take another day of his b.o. seeping through the walls, ugh! Anyway, wish me luck! I’m sure this will be a breeze for me, he usually just eats junk anyway, hope he enjoys my salads~
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Andy that little fucker. He was being such a little bitch to James and now I’ve gotta eat his rabbit food for a week or lose this bet or whatever. Steve don’t lose tho. Lil twink’s gotta eat whatever I make him too and you can bet your ass I’m gonna make him match my macros if I’ve gotta starve myself like he wants. Fuck! This shit is going to absolutely tank my routine! I’ve gotta make Andy give up. I’m gonna go so hard on him he’ll have to hit weights if he doesn't want to blow up like a pig. Maybe then he’ll stop bitching any time I don’t fucking shower every time I get back home. 
Tuesday March 22nd-
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My Lord! He is trying to kill me! I don’t know how anyone could consistently eat as much as he’s telling me to. I’m so bloated from all this food.. He looks so smug every time he tells me to keep eating, I’m sure he doesn’t eat like this. He’s just trying to break me but I’m not going to let him win this easy.
Ugh, I feel so bloated my pants are so tight on my waist. I didn’t think meat sweats were a thing but man I am needing to put on deodorant like twice a day now and I’m not even exercising. I will say that now that I’m eating so much, I don’t hate the idea of going to the gym. It’s been a while since I went but I should probably at least hit up the treadmill lest I get even more of a gut- maybe I’ll see if he wants to go tomorrow. This is all just an exercise to understand each other more after all, no need to make it a stupid competition like he wants eh~
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Fuck! I am so tired of Andy’s pussy-ass diet. I had absolutely no energy at the gym today, I told all my bros that I was just gonna take it easy but fuck! I really was working my ass off and I struggled to even meet a PR I set last week. It was supposed to be a push day and I didn’t even get a chest pump! Why the fuck am I still going. I’m abso-fucking-lutely not getting gains on his fuckin’ bitch-ass salads and oats.
Eatin’ like a fucking twink and the fucker has the nerve to ask to go to the gym with me tomorrow. I’ll make sure he regrets that >:) Gonna work him like a horse so he’ll throw in the towel! After feeling how sore actually working on yourself makes ya, he might actually learn something. I’ll turn in early so I can go all out and show him what a real man looks like.
Wednesday March 23rd-
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Man! I totally get why Steven eats so much now~ I am absolutely raring to go and get this; He said I could go to the gym with him today! He even seemed like he wanted me to go with him! I feel like I have more energy than I’ve ever had before, I might even try some weights!! I don’t know but I’m so excited! It’s like I can feel my chest and biceps begging me to go and hit some iron haha! Or whatever those “bros” say~ I hope he’s got something good planned for lunch because I fuck Sorry! I just want to show him that I can do all this dude stuff too! I’m a man right? I guess all this protein is making me feel more like a man than usual idk. Either way though I’m ready to go! Hope we have some fun!
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That bitch’s fuckin’ fru fru salads are ruining my PR’s for sure! I bet he knew that when he begged me to take him to the gym today, knew it was the only time he could show off to me was when I’m so out of it. And he didn't! Just to be clear I could still wipe the floor with  him even if I’m not at my A-game. Ugh, I do gotta hand it to the little fucker though. I KNOW he hasn’t even really set foot in a gym before but man. Beginners luck my ass, as soon as I showed him a technique he lifted like he’s been doing it his whole life! It’s like I could see his pecs and tris swelling up with each lift. Not that I was staring at the bitch or anything but he’s just I just need this fuckin’ diet thing to end so I can get back to my grind, I guess I wouldn’t hate taking him to the gym more often, would be hot to make a bitch into a bro Fuck! What am I writing, I just need to lift again.
Thursday March 24th-
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Bro! Weird? Whatever, I am absolutely on fire! Steven’s diet is absolutely killer! I don’t know how it’s working so well but man I couldn’t care less, I felt like a pro in there! My coaches in school would always shit on me for not trying but man! I was barely trying yesterday but I could tell from the look on Steven’s face that I was acing it! I guess I’ll have to admit to him that he is definitely onto something with his macros but man, not until he gives up haha! Man, I need to chill haha, it’s not like I’m any stronger than I was Monday but man, looking at myself in the mirror it just seems like my clothes are just fitting better. Catching on my chest rather than my stomach y’know? I’ve never noticed that there is muscle on my arms before but man the way my sleeves are kinda hugging my biceps mm. I need to chill haha! Can’t use all my energy before hitting the gym again today!
OH! Also totally weird, I’ve had to shave twice this week! Once last night and then again this morning which is so weird! I’m not complaining though, it’s not like I wouldnt look hot with a beard right? Although my face is a little itchy already, my chest too? Whatever though haha! Time to head back to the grind lol!
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God!! Andy Andrew is being such an asshole! He’s clogging the sink shaving which I know he would so be on my ass if I had done that. Wait, he did get on my ass for shaving! But it hasn’t been a problem this week, it’s like I’m not even growing stubble for some reason? Probably from not working so hard at the gym, is that how that works? Whatever it’ll be over as soon as this stupid diet thing is. We’re halfway through now. Thank God! Because that fucking twink is starting to stink up the dorm which again!! He was such a little bitch all the time to me about that! It’s like he’s literally stopped using deodorant as soon as he started needing it! He’s never exerted himself in his life and now that his pits are sweating at all he’s suddenly allergic to hygiene, ugh! I saw last night too the fucker fell asleep with his head in his pit too so it’s not like he doesn’t know it. 
It was a little surprising actually, cause I would’ve sworn he was hairless like one of those freak cats but man his pit was as thick as my pubes! Thicker maybe, uh? Man I wish I could get that image out of my head, it’s like the tuft was pushing out further each time he inhaled, man that’s kinda hot? Fuck! I swear this twink-ass diet is making me think like him too. I need to sneak to the gym later, without him. I cannot have him getting ahead even while I’m still on his chickenshit diet.
Friday March 25th-
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Ah!! That Little bitch! He was already at the gym when I got there! Ugh! It makes me want to punch a wall, or fight him. Or something I dont know! It’s just, he was lifting my body weight on the bench when he saw me, it was so ho ugh! It doesn’t matter what it was, I can’t stop thinking of that smug look on his face- what I would give to wipe it off… That absolute prick knew what he was doing. Ugh, speaking of pricks! He may as well have not been wearing shorts at all by how much his cock was showing through them.
I knew my meal prepping was fucking tight but man, I can’t believe hot its made him. It just really fucking turns me on, or no its such a turn on for chicks. Yeah. Whatever. I need this bet to end already. Clearly he’s totally obsessed with my lifestyle so he should just admit it already! Also, hate to say it, but to Andrew’s credit his diet ain't too bad either. I’d never tell him this, and it is all a little emasculating but my skin has never looked this good. I’m not even doing skincare or anything but it’s like I’ve been on a routine for years, it’s crazy! It’s still ruining my upper gains but man, my ass looks so good it's crazy..
Oh also re: facial hair, I woke up this morning and could’ve sworn I used to have chest hair but now it looks like I’ve got just a little left around my nipples and leading up from my pubes? I might go ahead and shave those too, might as well be totally smooth like a chick right haha, I wonder what Andrew would think? I need to chill haha, maybe I’ll go see if he’s still at the gym~
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Fuuuuck dude lol. I should’ve started hitting up the gym ages ago. Don’t know what I was even wasting time on before I started doing twice-a-days? Studying I guess but I can figure that shit stuff out hm. Fuck it is so much better to be strong than a dweeb. Every set it feels like I’m just busting out new PR’s! Gonna need to buy new clothes though cause I am absolutely tearing up my crop tops, my twinky little wardrobe just isn’t cutting it anymore. Maybe Steven’d be down for a clothes swap, I’ve seen him eying up my fits all week, god knows he’ll fit them better lol. Oh haha, and speaking of him eying things up >:) You should’ve seen his little face blush when he walked into the gym this morning! He looked so pissed at me lol, but I’m not gonna grab him to come along every time I need to get some sets in right? It was pretty embarrassing for him yesterday anyway, the way I showed him up lol. I’m not just gonna sit around and watch him not lift weights when I can figure this shit out myself, thought it was supposed to be his thing though lol.
Mm, saying that though, I def didn’t hate having a little audience from his treadmill. God, his blushing face as he stared directly at my work-out chub. Fuck, it really got me going. It really helped my sets too haha. Maybe I should hit him up lol, I can tell how bad he wants me >:)
Saturday March 26th-
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Ugh! That douche is walking around the dorm completely shirtless! Do you know what it’s like to have an oaf flexing away across the room from you 24/7! He knows what he’s doing, and thank god my dick isn’t showing through my shorts like I thought it usually does because he might literally pounce on me then-
Ugh! I didn’t even mention this morning. I literally woke up to him jacking off his morning wood! Do you know what a bitch-fit he would have thrown if I did that! He would’ve filed a police report, probably the dweeb, or. I guess I could too?? But it was just so fucking hot. I tried to pretend I was asleep, but he totally caught me. He literally smirked and made eye contact as he finished too- thank god he didn’t see my boner as he asked if I wanted to clean up his mess. He’s such an ass! 
I still have a boner now actually, it’s his B.O. driving me actually crazy! It’s like I can’t think near him if he’s going to stink this bad god.. Oh, he’s doing pullups on the door frame fuck. He’s supposed to be hairless but I see sweat dripping from his pits god I can't. God with each pull up his chest looks even more powerful. His cock is bobbing up and down in his pants and I can not look away. Fuck it’s getting even bigger. I’m supposed to be the strong one right? It’s not, fuck. This isn’t right. He just so fucking, god that body, I need him-
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And Drew:
Heh. I knew that fucking twink couldn’t resist me. Every little thing I do wraps him even tighter around my finger. Every flex and smirk turns him on even more I bet he can’t even think straight the way his little dick is losing it in his briefs- I took all his jocks since I’m sure he would need them anymore. Bet the little bitch didn’t even remember they were his.  
Might as well have been drooling when he saw me jacking my cock this morning lol, surprised he didn’t take me up on the offer to lick up the mess. I know he wanted to lol. He’ll get the chance soon enough though >:) God it’s a two-way street though. That fucking twink is so fuckable now, thank god he doesn’t need to shave anymore, don’t want his peachfuzz scratching my cock cause god that mouth is so fuckable now.. To say nothing of his fucking juicy ass, god! I’ve been working out in the room all morning waiting for him to give in and ask me to fuck him, idk if I can hold it in much longer. I might need to jack it again, my balls are bluer than I ever thought they could be, fuck. It’s like they're sore. Ugh I feel them getting heavier, heh, that little fucker cant resist though. God I feel precum starting to pool in my jock. If I put my pit within a foot of his face I give him five before he can’t help but shove his face in. I need to fuck him, but as if I’m going to let him see how desperate I am. Stevie that little fucker. He’ll be riding my cock any second now.
Sunday March 27th-
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Fuck <3 !! He finally fucked me!! God, it was like nothing I’ve experienced before~ His cock was like a beer can and goddd the scratch of his beard as we were making out.. Hehe if I keep thinking about him I might just cum again right now! He can fully toss my body like a ragdoll and I’d thank him ugh! He’s just so hot, and to think he wants to fuck me!! Ah~ I’ll need to keep myself pretty so he won’t get tired of me hehe! Not that it’ll be a problem, I just need to keep on his diet, God who knew it would be this good! I don’t even remember whatever problems we had before all this and I can’t imagine anything better than getting fucked by him <3 Ah! He he~ He’s staring at my ass right now so I guess it’s time for another round! Can’t thank our R.A. enough for this idea, well he he I’ve got an idea for how to thank him, oh! Drew’s ripped off his jock! Wish me luck he he~
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My little bitch is so tight, fuck. I’m surprised he can even take my cock but god can he ride it. Gonna have a hard time taking a break from fucking him to even hit the gym. Need to make sure the twink keeps up the diet tho or we’ll have an issue. Be sure to make him come to the gym whenever I do, if not to tighten up then to watch me heh. Won’t hate fucking him in the locker room too. Mm, God his fucking tiny body makes me feel so powerful. And I fucking am. God my bis are the size of his thick thighs, fuck his ass. My cock is straining my jock just thinking about it. His tiny waist ugh, I need my sweaty body over him now. Not like he’ll mind, the horny fucker. Mmm hope he’s ready to take my cock, bet his mouth is already watering heh. Pop my pecs at him and he’ll struggle not to cum on the spot, he better keep it together until I let him though. Can’t be having my bitch blow his load that fast. Thank fuck he’s chilled out finally, though I guess my cock’ll work wonders on anyone >:) speaking of it’s about that time again. Hope he’s ready for some more action, hate to have to find another hole.
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mr-bas00nist · 3 months
could I ask for more nanami content? just a drabble would be fine, I'm so hungry for subby nanami fics 😭
˙✧˖°🎂 ༘ ⋆。˚- this is literally perfectly timed for his birthday bro, you’re crazy my friend 🙏🏽
Kento’s B-day Smash
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˙✧˖°🎂 ༘ ⋆。˚-Nanami Kento x Dom! Male! Reader
˙✧˖°🎂 ༘ ⋆。˚-Cw: Rimming, face-sitting, multiple orgasms, asphyxiation (?) and some spanking
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Kento had always been the type of person to not like his birthday. As he grew older and there was less things he wanted he began to not care for it anymore. It was another day to him, a day to represent he was getting older. If you asked him what he wanted for his birthday he’d say nothing really, but you still managed to figure something out.
When you and Kento eventually got married you got a better gauge on what he wanted from being so close to him. He’d always looked towards simpler things like baked goods, quality time or just cuddling. Though you couldn’t help but spoil him occasionally with some fancy watches, shoes and wallets. Of course he appreciated after you convinced him that it wasn’t too much.
Gojo had decided to throw Nanami a surprise party and asked you some questions to see what everyone should get him. You explained to the man how much he hated surprises but, it was Gojo. Yuji helped decorate and made sure to invite everyone who Nanami liked. Everything was ready cake from the local bakery, decorations and presents all set up perfectly.
Everyone hid as you checked the time. Kento would be home at 5. No earlier or later. Within a few seconds the door unlocked as he looked around confused on there being no lights or noise. That’s when Gojo flipped the lights back on and everyone jumped out with a big, “Happy Birthday!”
As much as Kento wanted to be annoyed, he couldn’t. Seeing everyone’s bright smiles and happy looks warmed his heart as much as he wouldn’t admit it. You walked over giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek before smiling. “We spent all day getting ready, I don’t want to hear any complaints.”
He smiled softly rolling his eyes before nodding. Everyone went up to him to ask him about his days as they led him to your backyard to show him everything. You smiled at the sight of the energy of the house. Lively and fun.
The party was amazing, the teen and Gojo capitalized on the piñata and it was just fun to see Kento actually enjoying something like this. You two were mostly sat back on the couch the whole time enjoying the scene and some cake from the local bakery. He gave you a kiss on the lips before smiling. “Thank you, this is really nice.”
You smiled at his admission before nodding. “Gojo and Yuji really went all in.” You checked your watch, it was getting pretty late and everyone seemed to notice too. After gifts everyone left and you made sure to clean up around the house which didn’t take long.
~⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
After Kento finished in the shower he had a towel wrapped around his waist. You smirked to yourself before walking over and grabbing him, mouth immediately latching onto his neck. He laughed as he threw his head back to give you more access. “Eager are we?”
You wasted no time carrying him to the bed and putting his legs over your shoulders. Instead of the usual sex though you couldn’t help but indulge a little. You gave a firm slap to both of his cheeks as he let out a little gasp. “You gonna let me treat you birthday boy?” You questioned, your face moving lower and lower.
He knew exactly what you were suggesting and he wasted no time spreading his legs. You quickly gave a lick from his shaft all the way down to his sensitive entrance. He let out a groan as he felt your skilled tongue teasing the ring of muscle. You wasted no time burying your face into him as you peered up at him through heavy lidded eyes.
Kento loved the feeling of your tongue in him, it came a close second to your dick. When he tried to close his legs around your head you gave a warning slap to his ass to make him loosen his muscular thighs. “Shit- s-sorry, ah!” His back arched a bit as you used all the tricks you knew to make him cum quick.
Your hand trailed up to his cock as you began stroking the appendage. It eventually became too much for the 7:3 sorcerer as his back arched and he released. You pulled off as you quickly stroked him through his orgasm, twitching and pulsing through the sensitivity.
“Sit up, ‘m not done with you yet sweetheart.” You spoke as he came down from his high. He knew exactly what you were suggesting when you leaned back on the pillows. He rolled his eyes as he straddled you’re face, thick thighs on either side of your head as he hovered above you. It took everything in you to not start drooling like dog.
“Sit down Ken, wanna taste you some more.” You smirked as he blushed. No matter how many times you two did this he always had his concerns. Breaking your neck and suffocating you were the biggest ones. You didn’t care though, you quickly pulled him down by his hips.
Being Kento’s chair was privilege and an early birthday gift for you. It was like being in heaven. Seeing his toned back arched and head thrown back as he did his best not to grind down on you was like a drug. With your hands ground on his hips you ate him like a man starved. Reciting Shakespeare on it would be an understatement.
“Honey- oh god… your gonna choke…” He moaned out as you focused intently on the scene ahead of you. The feeling of your hands beginning to move him against you immediately told him, you couldn’t give two fucks whatever the hell happened while you were under him. So he leaned forward as he placed his manicured hands on your chest as he began grinding.
When he was this drunk off the feeling of your tongue he lost all cares in the world which is exactly how you wanted him. Animalistic and horny just like you were. You smiled dumbly to yourself under him as your tongue met his humps. “M’ gonna cum from your tongue…” He whispered shakily, sounding on the verge of tears from the overwhelming sensations.
He brought his own hand down to palm at his cock as he continued to grind against you. With a loud groan his body shook as his head tipped over. You peered over to him to see the ropes of white on his fist. He leaned forward with a tired grunt as you wiped your mouth off.
“You’re…. Not done with me yet are you….?” He raised a curious eyebrow to which you smiled to yourself. “You’re birthday isn’t over till 12am now is it handsome?” You asked tilting your head to which he just smiled to himself before nodding. “Guess not.”
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˙✧˖°🎂 ༘ ⋆。˚- More cake for us ig, yall don’t understand the things I’d do to be under that man’s ass. My tongue WILL fall off after. Anyways, another diabolical write from me, thanks yall. Happy birthday Ken 🥳 btw chapter 263 of the jjk manga coming out tonight yall, lock in ☝🏼
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vminizzle · 1 year
Sweet lips
pairing : fuckboy!jungkook x shy nerd!f.reader
genre : SMUT, FLUFF, angst
warnings : CRINGE ASF, soft dom!jk, sub!reader, shy!reader, tattooed!jk, biker!jk, flirting, possessiveness, jealousy, pet names, teasing, making out, biting, marking, praising, corruption kink, masturbation, fingering, cybersex, sexting, penetration, unprotected sex, creampie, riding (first time), missionary, college party party yea, mention of consuming alcohol, mention of smoking, tipsy!jk, mention of throwing up, mention of period cramps
words count : 13k
A/N : Hi lovely people, I hope you've been doing good. Well, I'm finally posting. I took so much time but I had to do my best to make this as good as possible. I tried my best with that, I wish It will be good. I really wanted to add more but I wanted to post asap,, I couldn't wait anymore so yup. You ain't ready :) Enjoy. REMINDER : poor English,, I wanna apologise in advance like you guys already know English is not my first language so please don't mind the mistake. Love you guys &lt;;3 - sunny
you can part 1 HERE
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You sighed loudly as you sat on the passenger seat making Jimin looked over at you.
“What is it?” he asked making you shake your head.
“I repeat my question. What is it?”
“Nothing.” you said looking outside.
“It’s that Jungkook dude, right?” you gulped denying again.
“Oh c’mon, after seeing him you were literally lost. You weren’t focused on the movie. Usually when I’m ogling over my favorite actor you would glare at me with a disgusted face and make fun of me, but tonight, you just nodded silently and kept on sighing. What happened? Did he say something that ruined your mood? Tell me.”
Jimin said putting his hand on yours gently.
“No no no, not at all. He didn’t do anything.”
“You were with him earlier, before I came to pick you up, weren’t you?” he stared at you, already knowing the answer.
“hm, no?” you pursed your lips, still looking outside.
“Oh c’mon bro! You really thought I wouldn’t notice that big ass hickey on your neck? That man literally devoured your throat.”
“Jimin!” you gasped, finally facing him making the man huffed.
“I already told you to stay away from him.” you looked down to your lap defeated.
You were about to speak when you noticed a group of friends exiting the cinema, they were saying their goodbyes as they parted away.
You easily spotted him-
“bruh, isn’t that mister muscle?”
You heard Jimin said making you gulp.
“wait for me.” he said calmly as he open his car door.
“Jimin! Stop it!” you pulled on his wrist, pulling him back inside, the door closing in the process.
“Don’t, please.” you pleaded making him scoff.
“I was just about to tell him to stay away from my best friend.”
“I told you already... I know what I’m doing.. I will just... well-” looking back toward Jungkook, you furrowed your eyebrows as you noticed the girl from earlier.
“who’s that?” Jimin whispered.
“I don’t know.” you whispered back.
“why are we whispering?”
“I don’t know, I mean since we spying on him.” he joked.
“ha. ha. ha.” you rolled your eyes.
Jungkook was leaning back on his bike, the girl standing just before him. They were too close for your liking.
Your heart picked up the pace as she approached him, her hand raised on his shoulder. You stopped breathing when she tilted her head to the side, her lips getting way too close to his face.
You panicked as you suddenly press on the honk.
Jimin bent down abruptly to hide himself, you doing the same.
“and now why the fuck did you do that?” he whisper-yelled.
“sorry, I just, just panicked.”
“girl..” Jimin started before shaking his head slightly.
You peeked up slowly, staying careful to stay discreet as you heard the whirring of the bike.
“what is it?” Jimin asked curiously.
“they left... together.”
You just watched as he drove away, her arms wrapped around his body as she sat on the back.
You finished drying your body, putting your underwear as you stared at yourself in the foggy mirror of your bathroom.
“What an idiot?” you groaned frustrated, being mad at yourself.
“I hate him!” you exited your bathroom, stomping to your wardrobe.
“hate who?” you heard a deep voice startling you as you turn around only to notice Jungkook sitting on your bed, back leaned against the bed head.
“you look good.” he smirked.
The words making you tripped over your feet, landing on your ass.
“Jungkook?! What are you doing here?”
“your windows were opened, I took it as an invitation for me to come here.” he explained nonchalantly, pushing his black hair back, revealing his eyebrows piercing.
“I know you did it on purpose.” he licked his lips before you gave him a -what do you mean- look.
“you missed me, huh?” his eyes wandering over your half naked body as you finally stood up.
“no... I mean yes? Well, you.. you ... what are you doing here Jungkook?” you looked toward the open windows, putting your arms in front of your chest to cover you a bit.
“you forgot your glasses at home.” he pointed to the glasses he left on the bedside table.
“oh! You could have give it back to me next week. It wasn’t that important for you come here this late.” you smiled at him, feeling soft at the gesture.
“but thank you, I appreciate it.”
“wanted to see you before sleeping.” he added shrugging making your heart skipped a beat.
You stood there silent, not knowing what to do or what to say.
“come here.” he patted his thigh making you gulp.
“let me just grab my pajamas first-”
“no need, c’mere.” he extended his hand for you.
“If you’re cold, I’ll warm you up.”he said with a stupid smirk plastered on his face.
You walked to him slowly, his eyes not leaving you as you approach the bed.
Taking your hand in his gently, he made you sit on his lap facing him.
“how was your movie?” he started, laying his cold hand on your thigh, goosebumps raising all over your skin.
You hated the way your body reacted to his touches, reacted to him.
Wait, did you really hate it?
“The movie was...”
Oh, you didn’t even watched it, you weren’t focused at all.
How was you supposed to reply to his question when you spent the whole time thinking about him.
“well, it was good.” you cleared your voice making him nod.
You stared at him, wondering if he meant what he said earlier – he wanted to see me? You furrowed your eyebrows confused.
“You’re not gonna ask me how was mine?” he raised an eyebrow making your thoughts came to a stop.
“ah yea yea... how was your movie?” you let a breathy laugh passed by your lips.
“good! I liked it. My friends were scared. It was funny. One of them almost jumped on me and had to hold my arm the whole movie.” he laughed making you smile.
You loved his laugh, he was just so cute. The way he scrunches his nose when laughing made your heart melt.
But- who was he referencing to? Was it the girl you saw him with at the cinema.
“we should definitely go watch a horror movie together. I want to see you scared and hold my hand.” he grinned making you roll your eyes.
“by the way, you looked good with my jacket tonight.” he said, one of his hand caressing your side.
You looked down, playing with your fingers nervously.
“thank you.” you whispered timidly.
“I should let you borrow my clothes more often.”
Gosh, why is he like that? You screamed internally, his words making you want to jump around happily.
Jungkook sat up, his face now closer as he did so. 
“Look at me.” he demanded.
“C’mon, what is it?”
“huh? Nothing?”
“you seem off.”
“no no I’m fine.”
“yes.” you smiled at making him hum.
“cool then.”
“are you tired?” he asked biting on his bottom lip.
“not really?” you replied hesitantly.
Jungkook’s lips were ghosting over yours, his hands sliding down your hips.
“your lips smell like.. cherry? You used it again, the same lip balm?” he asked whispering, his minty breath hitting your face.
You were about to reply when he connected his lips with yours, surprising you.
He sucked on your bottom lip making you moan into the kiss.
Parting away, he pursed his lips “taste good.” he grinned as you look away from him.
“you should use that lip balm everyday.” his thumb sliding over your lips as he speak.
“I like it.” he murmured.
“a lot.”
You were feeling hot, even if you could feel the light breeze from the windows caressing your skin, his presence was enough to make you feel weak and ready to suffocate.
You just wanted to kiss him, feel him again.
“you know, I find you so quiet tonight. If you don’t say anything, I’ll try to find a way to make you talk.” his fingers ghosted over your panties waistband.
“still silent? I’ll start thinking you don’t want me to be here.” he started kissing on your neck.
“no, no it’s not that.. I mean, I don’t know what to say y’know.” you closed your eyes, enjoying the softness of his lips against your warm skin, kissing the hickeys he painted earlier.
You shivered when he bite on the sensitive skin.
“Jungkook.” you whimpered, his hand traveling down between your legs.
“tell me princess, did you miss me?” he licked the abused skin, your hands sliding up his broad shoulders.
Jungkook laid you on your back, hovering above your body.
“did you think about me?” he pressed two of his fingers on your lightly covered core earning a moan from you.
“If you’re not replying I will have to stop. Is that what you want, angel-”
“no no please.” you whined as he rubbed on your clit painfully slowly.
Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth as Jungkook bite on your collarbones.
“so? Did you miss me?”
You nodded, your hands flying to his hair as you pulled on them when he started moving faster.
“Jungkook I-”
“Tell me.”
“I missed you, I missed you!” one of your hand gripping on the soft sheet under you.
“are you close baby?” he asked against your skin.
“y-yes, Jungkook.”
“do you want to cum?” you nodded throwing your head back as he went faster.
“Come, come for me baby.”
He captured your lips in a sloppy kiss as you came in your panties, hips bucking against his palm.
You breathed heavily, closing your eyes as you felt a small droplet of sweat sliding down your temple.
“I hope you will sleep well tonight.” he pinched your cheek making you open your eyes again.
After helping you get dressed with your pajamas, Jungkook stretched his arms a loud yawn escaping his mouth.
“well, I think I gotta go now.” you watched as he walk to the windows.
“shut the windows after me.”
“well, just shut your windows when you’re alone, at night or whatever. You don’t want to get robbed or kidnapped? Aren’t you afraid one day I come kidnap you when you’re sleeping?” he joked, a smirk decorating his pretty pink lips.
He turned around one last time tilting his head to the side making you raised your eyebrows curiously.
“I stole these while you were showering.”
He grabbed something from his back pocket making you open your mouth speechless as he showed you-
“my panties?! But why-”
“For me. Personal use.” he said burying it back into his pocket.
“Well, good night, i’ll get going. Don’t think too much about me, or I won’t be able to sleep tonight*” he said before disappearing.
(*well, here, people saying that sometimes when you can’t sleep it’s because someone is thinking about you.)
“you could have just exited by the front door...” you trailed out quietly.
You let your body fell back on your mattress, sighing loudly.
“what do you want from me, Jeon Jeongguk.” you whispered defeated.
[ monday – lunch time ]
“ah I love eating lunch with you.” you smiled as you sat next to Jimin at the wooden table outside the college.
“me too.” he smiled cutely.
“I’m glad your boyfriend is not the jealous type and don’t keep you away from me.” you joked before biting on your sandwich.
“I have the best boyfriend, that’s simple.” he pushed his hair back.
Jimin was gossiping and telling you about that girl he has a beef with in his science class when he suddenly stop making you confused.
“are you okay? What is it?” you put your drink down on the table, waving your hand in front of his face.
“isn’t that the girl we saw at the cinema Friday night?” he pointed behind you making you turn around curiously.
“ah... yea that’s her.” you started at the tall girl, the wind pushing her long brown hair behind, revealing more of her face, her dress showing off her long legs..
“she is so pretty.” you muttered..
“not prettier than you girl.” Jimin said before snatching your drink between your hand to sip a big gulp of it.
“argh stop lying.” you huffed throwing your head back as you felt a slap on your shoulder.
“I’m not lying bro.” he shrugged making you pout.
“thanks chim.”
“y’welcome.” he grinned.
“hm.. but quick question, what is she doing here?” your best friend spoke again.
“I’ve never seen her around.” he added making you think about it.
“yea you right... do you perhaps think she is a new student?” you suggested - not wanting it to be true.
“I don’t think so.” Jimin pursed his plump lips unsure.
“I mean, where’s her bag?” he kept munching on his sandwich.
“maybe she left it somewhere with some friends?”
“yea maybe.”
Sitting in the empty amphitheater, you jumped when someone snatched your phone away from your hands.
“hey!” Jungkook laughed.
“I finally found you.” he pinched your cheek making you sigh in relief.
“did I scared you?” he grinned making you shake your head.
“No, not at all. I was ready to kick you in the face.” you said turning to the side to face him.
“oh I see.” he sat on the table looking down at you.
“you were reading to pick up a fight with a boxer.” he teased making you gulp.
“yea, everything for my precious phone.” you replied confidently making him laugh.
“well, speaking of it. I noticed you were really focused on that screen.” he pointed out.
“what were you doing?” he asked curiously.
“nothing.. I was just... just reading.” you said too nervously for your liking.
“reading what?” he asked again, as he looked at the foreign application on your phone.
“an article!” you grabbed your phone back panicked between the hands of the man.
It was silent for a short moment before Jungkook started talking again.
“what are you doing here?” he tilted his head to the side.
“what do you mean? We have a course here.” you rested your head on your arm as you laid it on the table.
“oh darling.” Jungkook chuckled as he caressed your hair.
“I see no one told you.”
“told me what?” you furrowed your eyebrows looking up at him unsure.
“Mr Kang is not here today. He postponed his course for next week since he is sick.” he explained.
“so you’re telling me I’ve been sitting here for about an hour waiting for his course and no one told me he wasn’t here today?”
“Basically, I just did.” he pursed his lips ready to laugh but try not to as you sighed. 
“Didn’t you wonder why no one was here?”
“no, since I usually come before everyone so I can rest a bit in silence before the course start.” you huffed irritated, letting your head fall back onto the table. 
Jungkook just stared at you silently, hands still on your hair, mindlessly playing with them. 
“you hungry?” 
You lifted your head up to look at the man getting off the table.
“a bit.” 
“what do you wanna eat?”
You were about to reply when he continued talking.
“If it’s me that you wanna eat, sorry to disappoint but we will have to eat a real meal first since I’m starving cause I didn’t eat lunch earlier” he sighed, pushing his hair behind his ear.
“But you can have me for your dessert darling.” he smirked putting his hands in his pockets.
You covered your flustered face with your hands not knowing what to say at his burst. 
“argh you’re stupid.” you laughed standing up from your seat, grabbing your bag from the floor.
“stupid?” he raised his eyebrows laughing too.
“yea.” you pushed him on his shoulder playfully, passing by him before he suddenly grab on your wrist pulling you to his strong body.
You gasped when you collide against his chest, looking up at him, his eyes staring deeply into yours.
“say it again.” he bent down, face closer to yours.
You gulped, heart picking up the pace as he place his other hand on your waist. 
You shook your head slowly before letting a breathy laugh pass by your lips.
“I was joking.” you waved your hand in front of you, making him grinned knowing you were feeling awkward now.
“Well whatever. Let’s just go eat something.” you grabbed on his hand pulling him with you as you walk before him, the unusual gesture surprising him.
Oh, little did he know that you were surprised too. The simple action was considered bold for you.
“gosh I’m full.” Jungkook stretched his body, leaning back on his chair, throwing his head back. 
You were reading the book you’ve borrowed from the library last week, the attractive man sitting at the opposite seat of you was long forgotten as you focus on the ending of the book.
Jungkook stared at you, trying to get your attention as he tap his fingers on the table.
The café was pretty empty today. You were sat at the table at the back, a group of students were sat chatting and working at some tables away.
“you’re cute when you’re reading.” he stole the book between your hands surprising you.
“what?” you asked confused, glasses resting at the bridge of your nose making him smile as he shake his head slightly.
“nothing.” he pushed the glasses back up, your eyes widening a little when his thumb swipe over your cheek softly.
“there was a little something on your cheek.” 
“oh.. thanks.” you felt your cheeks heat up at the gesture.
“you’ve been reading that shit for awhile now, let’s go eat something sweet.” he suggested, closing the book as he sat more comfortably on the chair.
“what do you wanna eat?” 
“you.” he smirked, before biting on his pierced-lip.
You looked around you panicked as he say it loud enough for the whole area to hear.
“Why are you talking so loud?” you whisper-yelled embarrassed earning a cute laugh from the man.
“C’mon let’s go eat some ice cream. I know you like that.” he stood up, putting his cap back on his head.
“weren’t you full?” you arched an eyebrow teasingly as you pack up your things.
“Oh so you heard me? And you didn’t even react?” he gasped in a playful way acting offended.
“so?” you stood up facing him.
“are we gonna eat that ice cream?” you smiled cutely making him nod.
Walking next to you, Jungkook was about to pinch your cheek when his phone suddenly ring making him huff annoyed, his sweet little time with you being ruined by whatever idiot that disturbed him.
“Sorry.” he apologized looking at the screen checking the id.
“I have to take that call.”
You just nodded acknowledging his words as he picked up the phone. He furrowed his eyebrows listening to the other line, nodding silently as he stopped in his track. You stayed in place, observing him, his facial expression changed. He didn’t look nor excited nor annoyed.
“fine, see you.” you heard him speak.
“hey!” he approached you, putting his hands on your shoulders.
“mmh, so I can’t huh, for the ice cream right now. I have to go. I promise next time, I will make it up, and we will grab ice cream together.” he said calmly hands sliding down to his sides again.
“oh… it’s ok, don’t worry.” you forced a smile feeling a bit disappointed about the sudden canceling.
“I will give you some money so you can buy one.” he started searching in his jacket’s pocket but you grab on his arm stopping him.
“no no no worries! I…changed my mind! I don’t wanna eat ice cream anymore.. I was hesitating because it was getting cold and I don’t.. well yea.” you gulped, feeling weird for lying like that, you knew you were a bad liar so you really hoped that he would believe.
“are you sure?” 
“yea yea no worries.” you nodded immediately, your slightly shaky hands playing with the strings of your hoodie. 
“cool then, see ya’!” he patted your head with a smile, before rushing away.
You watched as he exited the park, your heart beating slowly as you felt sad? It was weird… you hated that feeling - you hated feeling that way for such a thing…and especially - because of him.
“y/n?!” you heard someone call loudly from behind making you turn around.
“Jimin? what are you doing here?” you smiled.
“I can ask you the same, girl.” he put his hand on his hips.
“are you alone?” he asked looking around, searching for someone he probably know that could hang out with you.
“I can ask you the same, bro.” you imitated your best friend, putting your hands on your hips aswell.
“I was with my boyfriend. Since I was near the park I wanted to come buy ice cream. I’m hungry.” he crossed his arms over his chest sassily.
“Yea why?”
“I came to buy ice cream too!” you said smiling a bit.
“let’s eat together then.”
[ later ,, monday evening ]
“fuck it!” you yelled out loud annoyed.
You threw your body on your bed, a large pillow placed under your lower stomach as you try to find the best position to get comfortable because of the cramps.
“are you ok?” your best friend entered your bedroom with a glass of cold water.
You grabbed on your sheet tightly the pain getting unbearable as you shake your head tears in your eyes.
“I hate being on my period.” you whined rolling on your back, closing your eyes.
“yea I see that. Here take that.” Jimin handed you the fresh liquid as you sit up.
 “that was sudden.” he sighed.
“what do you mean?”
“your period. Like we were having a good time and then you got nauseous out of nowhere.”
“oh man, if only we could get a “notification” before having this shit.” 
“I think feeling nauseous was the notification.” he shrugged before dropping on your desk chair.
“yea but days earlier would have been better.” you huffed before gulping the water.
“I feel like throwing up.. right now.” you put the glass on the floor trying to get off the bed, head spinning,
“now?” Jimin jumped out the chair abruptly.
“right now.” you nodded putting your hand over your mouth.
You ran to your bathroom dropping in front of the toilet as Jimin turn on the light for you, staring with a disgusted face waiting for you to get everything out.
“Is everything alright?” he asked approaching you a little hesitantly.
Don’t get him wrong. It’s not that he didn’t want to help you but he didn’t really handle seeing someone throw up or he will throw up too. He is a really sensitive boy.
“I can’t throw up… I mean I can’t get it out.” you whined irritated.
“Should I do something to help? You want me to.. hm tap on your back? or… argh I don’t know.” he furrowed his eyebrows feeling lost.
“no no it’s ok.” you sighed, getting up slowly feeling dizzy.
“Let me help you to bed, you need to rest.”
Jimin covered you with the soft blanket, pushing your hair back from your sweaty forehead.
“be right back.” he went downstairs to search for painkillers and a bottle of water to leave on your bed side table.
Coming back to you, your best friend realized that you were already sleeping, curling into the blanket, discomfort painted all over your face even in your sleep.
“good night love.” Jimin whispered before leaving a soft peck on your temple.
[ Tuesday  ] 
You weren’t feeling too good to go to your classes today. You didn’t like missing courses but you couldn’t risk fainting or throwing up in front of everyone.
Early in the morning you noticed a little note Jimin left for you, explaining that he had to go home last night and couldn’t stay. You also noticed the painkillers and water he put on your desk making you smile a little. 
After your bath, you decided to stay in bed all day to rest.
You woke up time to time to go to the bathroom, feeling uncomfortable - always having that feeling of being stained by blood or whatever. 
It was around 3 when you decided to take a very little nap. (lie.)
You sighed pleasantly, the warm sensation on your neck making you hummed. You started feeling hot, chest raising up and down as warm air caress your cheek. 
You imagined Jungkook close to you, hands caressing your hair, making you furrowed your eyebrows not wanting to open your eyes - you didn’t want to wake up from -what you defined as a- dream.
“J-Jungkook.” you moaned softly.
“I’m glad I’m the one you’re thinking about when sleeping.” you heard a deep voice making you open your eyes only to see Jungkook sat on your bed next to you.
“what are you doing here?” you sat up abruptly, a grimace making its way on your face.
The man narrowed his eyes at you before pointing to the open windows.
“I told you to close your windows.”
“sorry, I was feeling hot earlier… so yea, I opened them.” you explained.
You pushed your hair back, rubbing your eyes a yawn escaping your mouth.
“you look dead. Did you sleep all day?” he asked as he made himself confortable on your bed, laying down on his back. 
“I tried reaching you, when I couldn’t find you in the campus and noticed your friend alone.” he continued.
“oh sorry I didn’t check my phone.” you apologized as you grabbed your phone.
“6?!” you gasped when you saw the time.
“yup m’aam it’s 6 and you spent your day in bed doing nothing while I was busy studying.” he acted tired making you scoff.
[ 9 new messages ]
[ 5 missed calls ] 
                   || 🐥 dramaboy  || 
[ 10:18 am ] dramaboy : hello, are you awake?
[ 10:56 am ] dramaboy : well, I guess you’re resting. Take care bub. 
[ 12:07 pm ] dramaboy : bro eat something when you wake up. You still sleeping?
[ 2:05 pm] dramaboy : damn girl, you better be awake now. Stay hydrated!! I’ll call you later I have a course in a few minutes xoxo
                   || 🐰 jungkook  ||
[ 1:07 pm ] jungkook : hi, you good? you’re not coming today? 
[ 4:37 pm ] jungkook : you’re ignoring me?
jungkook  (4) missed calls
[ 5:38 pm ]jungkook : y/n, are you ok?
jungkook  (1) missed calls
[ 5:43 pm ]jungkook : I’m kinda worried you’re not answering. You’re at your house? 
[ 5:43 pm ]jungkook : i’m coming.
“oh… wow, I’m sorry for not answering. I was so exhausted today I wanted to rest-“
“wait!” he sat up again.
“are you on your girl bloody days?”
“oh, that’s why!” he exclaimed.
“are you feeling better now?”
“did you drink some water today? If you need anything just let me know.” he spoke making you feel so confused and soft inside. And also weird because-
“I’m feeling dizzy.” you blurted out.
“Huh? Is it because of what I said? I know I’m a nice guy you k-“
“no no I meant it ! I don’t feel good!” you threw the blanket aside, falling off the bed on the carpeted floor when you tried to get off.
“oh shit!” Jungkook rushed to you helping you getting up.
“you alright? Let me help you.” he slid his arm behind your back to hold you close, walking to your bathroom.
You dropped on your knees in front of the toilet, finally releasing everything you wanted to let out since last night.
Jungkook kneeled behind you, holding your hair for you as you started crying.
“It’s ok angel.” he rubbed your back gently, looking down.
After a few minutes, you flushed the toilet before washing your face.
“please don’t look at me, I’m horrible.” you sniffed looking down when Jungkook approached you.
You heard him clicked his tongue “what the fuck you saying now?”
You felt him stand behind you, his hand rubbing your arm reassuring you.
“y’know what, just take a warm shower. You’ll relax and I’ll just go find something for you to eat since I’m sure you didn’t today.” he stared at you in the mirror as you keep looking down. 
“You have to eat something. I don’t want you to faint or whatever. Call me if you don’t feel good and I’ll come right away, ‘kay?” 
You nodded silently before feeling his lips on your skin. Leaving a gentle kiss on your shoulder, you watch as he exited the bathroom closing the door behind him.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, your mind going crazy.
why are you like that Jungkook? Why are you doing this? What do you want from me? 
Going downstairs you met Jungkook in the kitchen, this one filling a glass with lemon water. 
Sitting at the kitchen counter, you rest your head on your arm laying on the table. 
“hey, you here? how you feeling?”
“much better.” you replied making him hummed.
“well, I did a little research and found out that noodles are anti- nausea, did you know?” he looked up at you with big eyes the information fascinating him a bit too much. 
You chuckled shaking your head.
“Well, so I made noodles. Let’s eat now.”
Jungkook admired you from your desk chair as you speak with Jimin on FaceTime.
🐥 : bro I’m so sorry for not coming. I’m such a bad best f-
“Oh c’mon shut up.” you laughed making Jimin laugh too.
🐥 : I’ll come visit you tomorrow, I promise.
“fine! I’ll wait for you then.”
🐥 : I’ll bring ice cream. 
“you’re good at apologizing.” you joked.
As you were saying your goodbyes to your bestfriend, Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed.
“hey.” you started.
“I wanted to thank you for everything. I’m so sorry for worrying you. And I’m sorry for disturbing you too. I mean you stayed here with me and it’s so late already.” you sat on your knees facing him. 
“don’t apologize. I decided to do it.” he smiled playing with the silver ring adorning his middle finger.
“well, I’ll let you rest then. Like you said, it’s late. I don’t want to disturb-“
“oh you’re never disturbing!” you blurted out without thinking twice.
“I mean, I.. well, good night!” you cleared your voice - you just wanted to throw your body on the floor. 
Why are you always so embarrassing y/n? you yelled internally.
“Good night darling.” he got off the bed ready to leave but you grab on his wrist.
You just wanted to kiss him before he leave.
You just wanted to hug him before he leave.
You just wanted to feel him before he leave.
You just wanted to tell him that you felt touched for everything he did for you tonight.
You wanted to let him know that you always feel happy when you’re with him. 
Jungkook looked down at you, raising an eyebrow as you open your mouth, no words coming out.
y/n, what the fuck! do something! 
You were about to panicked, why the fuck did I do that?! you whined internally.
“what is it?” 
“I want to… to hm well, I wanted to know… ah! No no I wanted to give your jacket back.” You let go of his wrist abruptly. 
“Ah, well it’s ok I’ll get it another day.” he smiled as you nod.
He was about to walk out the room when he stop turning around.
“for tomorrow, let’s just cancel.”
“what?” you tilted your head to the side.
“tutoring, we will do it another time, just rest. See ya’” he waved before leaving.
“See you…” you trailed out.
[ Wednesday ]
Today, you luckily didn’t have any courses. Your cramps were still bothering you but less than yesterday.
Early in the afternoon, Jimin visited you without forgetting ice cream like he promised.
Jimin was such a great friend, you considered him like a brother. The big brother everyone dream to have. He was always there for you, supporting you with whatever you’re doing. He reprimanded you when needed to. You didn’t seem like it but you’re really silly sometimes. Jimin meant so much for you, and the same goes for him, you meant a lot to him.
You laid on your couch, scrolling on your phone mindlessly. Everything was boring today. Even outside, the sky wasn’t as blue as usual. 
A pout made its way on your dried lips, forgetting to hydrate them today. You couldn’t stop thinking him. You couldn’t stop thinking about what he did last night.
Why all of this? It was so unnecessary? well it was really kind, way too kind. He acted so like a…
“boyfriend?” you said aloud making you stare at the ceiling.
Why do I keep feeling so bubbly when I’m with him? 
“Do I have feelings for him?” you talked to yourself.
“No, no not at all!” you kept on talking, voice resonating in the empty room.
“I can’t!” you put your hands over your face trying to calm down, the thought of liking him killing you inside.
You knew you couldn’t. 
You knew what type of guy he was.
But the way he was acting with you was so, seemed so natural?
You whined kicking your feet in the air.
You felt so affected by today’s canceling. It was weird not being to deal with him today.
You’re so used to him now…
[ Thursday ]
You courses unexpectedly went pretty fast today. Your day was going good, even if you were bleeding like you’ve been stabbed in the lower stomach.
For once, Jungkook wasn’t the one searching for you but you.
You were the one looking for him.
You didn’t even realize it as you keep on walking around the campus, earphones buried in your ears, the music accompanying you everywhere as you hoped to come across the man.
You arrived home later in the afternoon, smile pretty absent on your face the whole day.
You didn’t even get to see him today. Not even from afar.
No messages. 
It was so weird - you hated it.
You kind of miss him. You tried your best to ignore every single thoughts travelling through your mind.
[ Friday ] 
You were on the phone with Jimin debating about what you were about to do tonight.
“Friday night, movie night is an option today. Because hell nah we ain’t going to watch any of the movies at the theatre, they all seem bad.” Jimin huffed annoyed making you chuckled.
“So what do you wanna do tonight? Sleepover? Movie night at home? Gaming night?” you suggested earning a sarcastic laugh from your best friend.
“I’m not in the mood to be stay-at-home tonight.” he replied making you roll your eyes.
“What about a nice dinner at this restaurant we went last month. It was good!” he exclaimed.
“you fine with it?”
“good for me.”
“Hello?!” you heard Jimin gasped.
“I see you girl.” he smiled widely, eyes travelling up and down your body.
“you look so good, I’m speechless.” he kept on complimenting you.
“Shut up.” you laughed when he took your hand to guide you to his car.
“you know I’m a taken man, right?” he joked making you roll your eyes.
“If you’re trynna seduce me it won’t work. I love my man.” he started the engin as you slap his arm playfully.
“Stop it, you look good too Park.” you flattered him smiling.
“I know.” he smirked pushing his hair back, making you purse your lips.
“Let’s go.”
“Allons-y Madame.”
“Oh the French accent ?!” you gasped amazed. 
“My boyfriend studies french, what did you except?” he smiled proudly.
“oh man, I love this restaurant.” 
“Let me guess, he take you there often?” you raised an eyebrow teasingly.
“Well, yea but not totally, cause the dishes are so good here.” his eyes focused on the menu. 
“Good evening, I’ll be your waiter for tonight.” 
Both Jimin and you turned to the young man standing before you.
“Can I start off with something to drink?” he asked politely.
“Yes, I’ll have a red wine and for my friend..” he looked to you waiting for your choice.
“hm, for me it will be iced tea please, peach iced tea.” 
“Good, are you ready to order or do you need a few minutes?”
After ordering, the waiter disappeared making you glare at Jimin.
“red wine?” you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Oh c’mon it’s Friday night, let’s relax a bit.”
“yea yea whatever.” you sighed.
Jimin moaned loudly as he chewed on the grilled meat making you widen your eyes.
“damn that’s so fucking delicious.” he hummed as you agree.
“so what were you saying?” you kept munching on your food.
“Ah, yea he invited me to go with him in Paris for holiday!” he said excited.
“no way! that’s so cool!” you exclaimed before sipping on your fresh drink.
“I know.” he nodded happily.
“and guess what?”
You wait for him to continue.
“About that girl in my class, I stole her pencil and throw it in the bin when she went out to the bathroom.” he said feeling proud of himself.
“aren’t you ashamed?” you bursted out laughing taken aback.
“She stole my answer and said it loudly in class. And you want me to forgive that?” he watched you in disbelief.
“And she really d- oh hell nah, he really everywhere I’m done.” Jimin grabbed his glass gulping the fourth wine he ordered annoyed.
Turning around you noticed Jungkook standing at the bar, probably waiting for a drink. He looked so good. Seeing him after so long ( two days ) made your heart beat faster.
“I will start thinking he is following us every Friday.” he stated as you turn to him again.
“We met him only twice what do you mean ‘every Friday’” you chuckled at his words.
Jimin sighed heavily before grabbing his phone checking his messages, a smile appearing on his plump lips.
“It’s him huh?” you smirked kicking his leg under the table to tease him.
“oh shut up.” He put his hand over his mouth, putting his phone in his pocket.
“Okay, now let’s get out of here. He spoiled my evening.” he stood up grabbing his jacket.
“Oh c’mon bro, he didn’t even do anything.”
“His face is enough to annoy me.” he admitted dramatically.
“We will get dessert somewhere else.” 
Jimin and you walked to the front of the restaurant to pay.
“what!? I only had four glasses!” he gasped loudly.
“why are you making me pay for six?!” 
“Sir, the waiter reported s-“
“What? I don’t care what he reported! Let me talk to your manager!” he kept on fighting making you sigh.
“Jimin let me just pay, so we can go.”
“Hell no! I won’t allow that.” he shook his head pushing your hand away as you took your credit card out of your bag.
“Let me take care of that, go outside and wait for me.” he pushed you away, handing you his car keys.
You watched as he followed the person he was arguing with, at the back of the place.
“ah gosh.” you groaned tiredly.
You jumped when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Good evening, pretty girl.” you hear a deep voice whispering behind you.
Jungkook walked in front of you, a smile plastered on his face.
“You’re so beautiful tonight angel.” he complimented, eyes travelling all over your body. 
You found yourself wordless. Not knowing what to say as you gulp.
“are you on a date?” 
“no! I’m not !” you finally spoked denying immediately.
“I’m with Jimin. We came to eat dinner together. We’re friends! He is taken so it’s not a date? Well, we just ate and yea.” you cried internally, cursing yourself.
You’re sure you were born to be the most embarrassing person on earth.
“I know he’s your best friend, y/n.” Jungkook laughed.
Oh, the way your name dropped from his mouth made your knees buckled slightly. And his laugh, gosh just pin me against the wall and- 
“Where is he?” 
“He really left his pretty best friend alone without worrying someone might steal her.” his hand coming up to arrange the strap of your black velvet dress.   
You wanted to fall down on your knees, melting under his feet. The man knew how to make you weak.
“He… he is coming back. He has to take care of something before we leave.” you explained playing with your necklace nervously making him nod.
Jungkook approached you, his body getting really close to yours. You stopped breathing when he bent down to whisper in your ear.
“I would had really loved to fuck you right here, right now, if you could. You look really exquise tonight princess.” he bit on your earlobe, a soft moan begging to pass by your lips.
“Jungkook I-“
“Enjoy your night pretty girl.” he laid a soft kiss on your neck, a smirk decorating his tempting lips as he moved away.
Your body was on fire. You were really about to fall if you don’t freshen up a bit.
You pushed the restroom’s door open, entering the -too elegant - place for a restroom.
You splashed water slightly on your burning cheeks, breathing in and out slowly trying to stay cool.
“he’s such an idiot.” you breathed out smiling like an idiot yourself.
“are you talking about Jungkook?” you heard a unfamiliar feminine voice from behind you tearing you up from your thoughts.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” you spoke before turning around facing the girl Jimin and you saw at the cinema last week.
You stayed silent when you recognize her. 
She was prettier closer.
“I’m warning you, stay away from him.” she said before exiting the restroom leaving you speechless.
“And what the fuck is her problem?” you furrowed your eyebrows in shock.
“and where the hell were you?” you noticed a worried Jimin near the car.
“restroom, sorry.”
“I tried to call you, it’s ok.” 
“about the dessert?”
“let’s go home, I have ice cream and cookies. I bought them this morning.” you replied 
“I saw her.” you blurted out making Jimin look down at you curiously from the couch.
“the girl at the cinema.”
“at the restaurant earlier.”
“Oh, Jungkook was there too. Do you think they went together?” Jimin supposed making you pushed your plate further on the table as you laid on the carpet defeated.
“Please don’t say that.” you groaned.
“She talked to me.” you spoke again.
“What did she say?” Jimin sat down next to you on the carpet.
“She told me stay away from him…”
“She said that?”
You hummed pouting when Jimin think for a moment.
“I agree with her.”
You slapped his thigh making him shrugged.
“But why?” he asked seriously this time.
“I don’t know.”
“Maybe she’s one of his bitches.” Jimin yawned unbothered.
“I’m one of his bitches too.” you sighed.
“I’m sure you are thee bitch.” he pinched your tummy making you sigh.
“You still fucking with him huh?” he rolled his eyes knowing the answer.
“nah because I’m telling you again baby, take your distance. He’s not a good guy. I mean he’s not a guy for you. You deserve better than this, you deserve the best.” he flicked your forehead making you glare at him.
“Jimin..” you started quietly after a long silence.
“I think I appreciate him.”
“bruh, I think we all already knew that.”
“nah but I mean… a lot. More than I should.”
“damn bro… I’m sorry for you then.” 
“I’m serious Chim.” you looked into his eyes as he make the -oh - face.
“y/n…” he noticed the tears building in your eyes.
“aw no don’t cry, come here.” he took you into his embrace, patting your back.
“I’m bleeding.” you sniffed.
“It’s normal to feel like your heart bleeding when you're feeling a bit down.” he caressed your head.
“no I mean it. I’m bleeding.”
“Girl you serious.” he laughed making you laugh too.
“Don’t make me laugh bro, it’s getting worst.” you exclaimed making the man part away.
[ Tuesday ]
                || 🐥 dramaboy || 
y/n : guess what!
🐥 : ??
y/n : my period is over!!
🐥 : …
🐥 : I mean … why the need to tell me that?
y/n : sharing my happiness with my best friend is a crime now?? ☹️
🐥 : ahhh well, good for you I guess.
y/n : what are you doing?
🐥 : I’m still at college. I’m waiting for him 😩
y/n : it’s so late dude
🐥 : I know !! His French classes end up so late but I really wanted to wait for him.
y/n : aw what a sweetheart 🤭
🐥 : shut up!
[ Thursday ] 
A notification from your phone was what disturbed you from your - night personal - reading.
You groaned as you got up to grab your phone, checking which idiot disturbed you. You really thought you put it on not disturb mode.
You almost fell on your knees when you opened the message.
                     || 🐰 Jungkook ||
🐰 : you looked so fucking good today. I can’t stop thinking about you. 
🐰 : couldn’t stop thinking about how great you would feel on my dick.
🐰 : couldn’t stop thinking about the way I’d fuck u on Mr. Choi’s desk in front of everyone.
🐰 : u made me so hard.
🐰 : [ attachment ] 
It was the last straw. You really did fell on your knees, hand over your mouth when you  clicked on the attachment.
fuck was the only word coming out of your mouth.
He is insane.
Oh the way your felt your inside twitch when you stare at the picture he just sent you.
The -oh so - familiar feeling between your legs making you whine.
Jungkook sent a picture of himself, pants unbuttoned, hand resting on the bulge over his black Calvin Klein boxer.
🐰 : [ attachment ] 
🐰 : baby I need you so bad right now.
You threw your phone away when your phone indicated the incoming FaceTime.
“no way!” you gasped panicked.
“What do I do? Oh my gosh!” you bit on your fingers.
Taking a deep breath you clicked on the green button, heart skipping a beat when you saw his face.
He was so… attractive, it’s sick.
“hey darling.” his deep voice turning you on even more.
“hi Jungkook.” you forced a smile as you notice he was in his bed… shirtless, a smirk decorating his pretty lips.
Your eyes were glued on the screen as you stare at him silently, his smirk growing up.
“like the view baby?” he teased making you avoid his eyes.
“I… hi! how are you!?” you cleared your voice feeling embarrassed.
“I’m horny.” he admitted right away.
You were speechless.
The man was so bold, it’s insane. The way he was always so direct, always spitting everything out so easily.
What should I say?
“You were pretty today. Just wanted to let you know.” he said before you could talk. watching as you got shy.
“thanks.” you smiled seeing him shift, sitting up, back leaned back on the bedhead.
“I also wanted to let you know that you were so damn pretty that I had to walk around the campus with a big boner.” he continued, eyes getting darker.
“I suffered all day because of you.” 
“But.. I didn’t even do anything.” you protested shocked at his words.
“those pretty lips around that fucking lollipop was enough to turn me on.” he groaned also desperately.
“I thought about the way they would look around my cock.” he sighed.
“Jungkook.” his name leaving your mouth with a soft and quiet moan as your body started heating up.
Oh you were about to lose it if he kept on talking like that.
“angel.” he started again catching your attention again.
“can you do something for me?”
“anything.” You whispered with a nod.
“I m-mean what?” you tried to save a bit of your dignity.
The “anything” leaving your mouth so swiftly was enough to make his cock twitch.
“touch yourself for me.” 
You choked on your own saliva not expecting that.
“I’m not forcing you, if you’re not confortable doll.”
“no no, it’s not that but I’ve never.. y’know done it like that.” you pointed between you and the phone.
“I don’t know how I should do or.. well, I don’t know at all.” you admitted with a sigh.
Jungkook just chuckled, loving the fact that you’re so foreign with the phone sex.
He always loved to be your first times at every single new activities of yours.
“gosh you’re so…” he sucked on his bottom lip, the little rings disappear into his mouth as he do so.
“I’m more than glad to help you with that then.” he said voice laced with lust.
You were feeling so nervous when you see him move, setting his phone on his bedside table.
You watched as he got off the bed, standing just before his phone.
What is he doing?
You gasped when he started sliding his jeans down his legs, revealing his muscular thighs.
“What are you doing!?” you turned your face away giving him some kind of privacy making him laugh loudly.
“Don’t act like you’ve never seen me naked before baby.”
“I know you like it.” 
“no no it’s not that!” you looked back at the screen, your jaw ready to drop on the floor.
Here he was, standing proudly naked for your eyes.
“close that pretty mouth princess, you trynna catch flies?” he bent down, grabbing his phone back sitting on his bed again.
“your turn now kitten.” he put an arm behind his head waiting for you to do something,
“me? my turn?” you panicked, legs bouncing anxiously.
“undress yourself.”
“right now?”
Can someone save me please, I wanna throw myself away, the embarrassment is so high right now.
“yea, right now.” he waited.
Your head was about to explode with all the thoughts running through your mind at the same time. Were you really ready to try this?  Maybe. Were you willing to try it? Hell yea. But what’s blocking you right now is shyness. Undressing yourself in front of him was already a big thing you, but imagining doing it from afar is weirdly difficult for you.
Jungkook noticed your hesitation as he spoke.
“Angel, if you’re not comfortable it’s ok, don’t do it. I don’t want to pressure you or whatever.”
You shook your head denying his words.
“no don’t worry, I’m just.. just thinking where I should put my phone.” 
Stepping closer to your bed, you decide to mimic Jungkook.
You placed your phone on your bedside table, walking backward until your whole body was visible for him to see.
Your hands went down to the hem of your shirt, pulling it up to your head revealing your bare chest.
Jungkook sat up, watching attentively as you strip yourself for him, only him.
Just that thought made his cock throb.
If only you knew how excited you got him. 
Looking down to your feet, your hands nervously travelled down to the waistband of your pajamas short.
Jungkook’s heart started beating faster in excitement. Oh knowing all of this was your first time and he was the one making you experience this was enough to satisfy his ego for a whole week.
It was a boost for him.
He loved corrupting you.
You took a deep breath, sliding the soft cotton material down your beautiful legs, panties falling with it at your ankles.
You were left in nothing, and Jungkook, him, was left in amazement.
He’s used of seeing you naked for him, but tonight hit differently. There is something exciting but he couldn’t really know what.
Your thighs looked so smooth, your legs enough to make him go crazy. Your body was just a masterpiece for me.
“you’re so fucking pretty kitten.” he complimented making you get your phone back, sitting on your bed awkwardly.
You thanked him, staying still not knowing what you should say, what you should do.
“and now?” you asked hesitantly.
“and now, you’re gonna show me how you touch yourself when you’re thinking about me.” he looked into your eyes through the screen, his words making you feel hot.
It was like your body was set on fire.
“w-what?” you couldn’t think straight.
How should your start? How should you do it? Should you lower your phone a bit?
Gosh why did I put myself in this situation?
“do you think about me when pleasuring yourself angel?” he asked lowly.
You bit on your tongue, this man definitely don’t have filter because how the hell can your say such a thing so straight? No shame at all. He is really a thing.
“I don’t… d-“
“you don’t?” he raised an eyebrow surprised.
“no! It’s not that, I meant that… I don’t do.. that.. hmm I don’t do that by myself.” you confessed feeling embarrassed.
“you’ve never pleasured yourself? Like you've never masturbated?” he furrowed his eyebrows not expecting this answer.
You shook your head, a tiny pout making its way on your lips without realizing it.
Jungkook‘s eyes darkened, the new piece of information exciting him even more.
“Oh my dear y/n.” he smirked.
“what an innocence girl.” he tilted his head, eyes glued on your flustered face. 
“I will help you then.” he continued.
“you still good with that?” he made sure you were down with it, not wanted you to do something you don’t want to do.
“yes, I’m still good.”
“good. let’s start then.”
“Let’s go easy. Set your phone against something, so it doesn’t move and I can see you. Both your hands would be free and it’ll be comfortable for you.”
You did as he say, resting the back of the phone against a large pillow, your body on full display for him to admire. 
“lay down.” 
You followed every steps he tell you to do.
“you good?” you nodded as you look toward the screen seeing the shirtless man shifting.
"make yourself comfortable."
He was too attractive, it was hard to not look at him but hard to keep eye contact.
“let’s start slowly angel.”
“Caress your body gently.”
Jungkook’s eyes lingered on you, paying close attention at every of your movements.
Teasing yourself, you just slid your fingertips on the soft skin of your stomach, goosebumps raising after the soft touch of yours.
Your fingers went up your front, up along your cleavage.
“Cup your breast, stay soft and flick your nipple with your thumb.” 
“Do it like I always do baby.”
Jungkook watched as your played with your hardened bud, fingers pinching on your sensitive nipple.
Soft moans passing by your lips, as you rub your thighs together.
The pleasurable sensation throughout your body when you tug on the erected bud made your head spin as you close your eyes trying to focus on everything going on.
“Take your time.” you heard him say.
“Jungkook, I need you.” you whispered.
“Oh darling, unfortunately not tonight, but I’ll try my best to help you.” he sighed as bothered as you.
“Slide your hand delicately down your body slowly.” 
You couldn’t helped but imagine his hand on your skin, the soft feeling of his fingertips dancing down your skin. Gosh you wanted him so bad.
“Open your legs for me baby, I wanna see you.” he demanded.
Spreading your legs for him without a second thought, your hand went to massage your clit slowly, bottom lip caught between your teeth as your pointer and middle fingers slide up and down between your glistening lips.
The slow rhythm made you feel good as you forget everything around you.
“are you wet enough darling?” his deep voice waking you up. 
“Put a finger inside if you think it’s good, do it slowly.”
Sliding a finger in like he said, you furrowed your eyebrows at the feeling.
“Put another one.” he bit on his bottom lip waiting for you to execute his words. 
“Imagine your fingers are mine. Remember the way mine are buried deep inside you, fucking you slowly when I’m with you.”
“d-doesn’t feel the same.” you whined making him chuckle.
“Twist your wrist baby, keep going in and out.”
The way your fingers moved inside you fascinated him. He couldn’t just stay still and watch. You were just so hot for him.
“I’m going to stroke myself while imagining I’m fucking you deeply.” he breathed out making you let out a soft moan at his words.
Jungkook grabbed on his erection, the warmth of his hand enveloping around it.
“yea just like that darling.”
Jungkook groaned when you increase the speed, hand moving faster.
“you’re doing so well.” he praised breathlessly as he started moving his fist faster too, trying to catch up with your pace.
“you’re such a good girl for me, aren’t you?” 
You applied a heavy pressure on your bud of nerves with your palm as you felt the sparkling feeling in your lower stomach.
“tell me baby.”
“are you a good girl for me? Only for me, right?” he tightened his grip around his cock.
“Yes, only for you.” 
“I’m so close Jungkook.” you whimpered.
Jungkook’s hand stroked faster as his eyes followed your hand sliding up your breast, fingers playing with your nipple, your other hand still working on hitting on your g-spot. His thumb sliding over the head of his cock, trying to push him over the edge.
You closed your eyes as you felt your orgasm coming.
Moaning his name loudly, you came on your fingers, thighs shaking slightly, the wave of pleasure exhausting you.
Jungkook cummed after a few strokes, cursing as let his head fall back on his pillow.
“fuck look what you did.” you heard Jungkook said as you open your eyes to grab your phone.
He licked his lips before lowering his phone showing you the white ribbons covering his lower stomach making you swallow hard, cheeks warming up as you look away.
“you did so well.” he said with a soft smile.
[ later that night ] 
                 || 🐰 jungkook  ||
[ 11:47 pm ] jungkook : you sleeping?
[ 11:48 pm  ] y/n  : not yet
[ 11:48 pm ] y/n : you ok?
[ 11:49 pm  ] jungkook : yup. Just wanted to ask you if you’re coming to tomorrow’s party?
[ 11:49 pm ] y/n : ngl I didn’t know there is a party tomorrow.
[ 11:50 pm  ] jungkook : you should come
[ 11:50 pm ] y/n : I’m not into parties sorry
[ 11:50 pm  ] jungkook : oh c’mon, it’s gonna be fun! And it’s Friday, you need to get this week’s stress off.
[ 11:51 pm ] y/n : I’m busy on Fridays
[ 11:51 pm  ] jungkook : oh c’mon, let’s change a bit. It is your besties night thingy? Or I don’t know what shit?
[ 11:51 pm ] y/n : hey! Don’t say it like that! And yes it’s my special time with my best friend.
[ 11:52 pm  ] jungkook : Park will understand. C’mon come. My friend Jay said I can invite who I want, so you’re my guest.
[ 11:53 pm  ] jungkook : Tell Park to come with you. He will be your guest.
[ 11:53 pm ] jungkook : please pretty please.
[ 11:56 pm  ] y/n : I’ll think about it.
[ 11:56 pm  ] jungkook : I take that as a yes. See you tomorrow.
[ Friday ]  
After mentioning about the party with Jimin during one of your classes in the morning, you found out his boyfriend also invited him. Funny thing, both you and him didn’t want to go to the event but wanted to accept the invitations to be nice.
Later in the afternoon, you found yourself struggling in front of your wardrobe.
"What should I even wear? "
Jimin turned around on his stomach on your bed, looking up at you from his phone.
"Just go like that." he struggled playfully.
"Ah ah ah, you’re so funny." you rolled your eyes, as you tightened the knot of the white comfy robe wrapped around your body. 
"Just put whatever your want.”
“You’re not helping.” you sat on the edge of the bed defeated making Jimin get off of it.
“ok let me see what you have in there.” he hummed as he analyzed your wardrobe.
“what about that pretty skirt you got there?” he grabbed the black skirt that was hidden behind all your hoodies.
“and you put this low cut shirt, with a black jacket over it. Taadaaa.” he grinned with both hands on his hips feeling proud of himself.
[ Friday end of the afternoon ] 
“C’mon dadd-“
“bruh, I told you not to call me like that.” Jungkook grimaced as he buttoned his pants.
“where are you going?”
“I gotta go.”
“my friend throwing a party and I’m invited.” he replied annoyed, buckling his belt rapidly as he looked down at his watch checking the time.
“It’s a party, there is no exact time to get there. Why do you seem in hurry?“
“I don’t have to give you explanations. Bye, have a  good ev-“
“you seeing her, huh?”
Jungkook stopped in his track, before turning around curiously.
“y/n. You seeing that chick tonight right?” 
“none of your business.” he said after a few seconds, walking out of the room, slamming the door behind him annoyed.
“gosh I don’t like parties.. I feel weird.” you muttered grumpily, as you held onto Jimin’s arm near his parked car, the cold air hitting your legs.
“me too. I feel unwelcome.” he sighed agreeing with you. 
“Same but y’know I don’t have nothing against parties.. but there are too much people.” you groaned.
“yea I get it.”
“what if we go back home? or we can just going out just the two of us?” you said making Jimin shake his head, denying the ideas.
“We already said yes to come here. My boyfriend is already waiting for me inside or I don’t know.”
“Wait! You letting me alone?” You gasped. 
“Jungkook was the one who invited you. So I guess, you staying with him.” Jimin smirked teasing you.
“Jimin! No please! He just told me to come if I want with who I want. And it’s you! Jungkook will probably be with his friends.” you grabbed on his hand panicked.
“I’m playing, of course we staying together. Like just imagine if he let me alone, girl. And you know I don’t like when you’re with that man but I fear he might steal you from me tonight.” Jimin sighed as you both started walking to the big house reluctantly.
Gulping, you walked through the ocean of sweaty people grinding against each other, half-empty red cups in their hands.
You tightened your grip on Jimin waist as you both tried to find a less crowded place.
“gosh it smells! Can’t they put some perfume or deodorant before coming there!” you heard a disgusted Jimin yelled.
You laughed, slapping his arm.
Standing in the corner of the room, Jimin texted his boyfriend, letting him know that he was there.
After a few minutes, your best friend was with his boyfriend - you decided to give them some time together as you went to sit outside alone, even if both of them insisted for you to stay with them. 
You kept on checking your phone, perhaps hoping to get a message from the one that invited you. 
Looking around, you noticed Jungkook sat with a group of friends all around a table full of alcohol and other things you didn’t even know the name of.
They were smoking, laughing together.
Not only, you disliked him smoking but the girls sitting at each sides of him being too close for your liking. Especially the way their hands were on his thighs made your blood boiled. You hated that feeling. 
You looked down at the ground, feeling a bit insecure. You didn’t even know why you were feeling like that way so suddenly. It was definitely not the best place to be. You weren’t having fun, you didn’t even know anyone here. It was such a bad idea to come here.
“fuck what am I even doing here?” you groaned standing up, before grabbing your phone to send a text to Jimin letting him know you were going back home. 
As you started walking away, you heard a voice from behind you.
"Leaving already?"
Turning around, you were met with the person you hoped to see tonight, the only reason why you came. 
"I really thought you wouldn’t come."
"Well, there is a first at everything." You looked up at him. 
The man nodded approvingly.
"Are you gonna stand there all night? Come with me." He grabbed your hand as he guided you to where he was sat.
You didn’t know what to say, what to do as you forced a smile greeting his friends - one of them offering you an adorable gummy smile.
You stood next to him awkwardly not knowing where to sit since there was no place left. No one making a move to make some place for you to sit. Before you could do anything, Jungkook grabbed your waist pulling you down to sit on his lap making you widen your eyes in utter shock.
In front of everyone? you panicked internally as you stayed still. 
"Confortable?" he asked earning a small nod from you. 
You could feel eyes on you and let’s say, you didn’t enjoy it a lot. 
"Who is she? Is she in our college?" The girl sat on your left asked, looking you up and down. 
"My friend." He replied as he took a long puff of - what seemed like - a  cigarette.
Perhaps, Is that weed? It smelt so much different from cigarettes?
Gosh, you’ve never felt more uncomfortable. 
Jungkook laid his back against the couch as he started chatting with his friends again, but something didn’t go unnoticed by him as he pulled you closer to his chest. He didn’t appreciate the way one of a boy sat on the opposite couch look at you. He didn’t like the way his eyes were going up and down your legs, or the way he stared down toward your skirt that ride up your thighs when Jungkook shifted a bit when he started feeling you pressed harder on his lap. His tattooed hand slid to rest on top of your thigh, fingers sliding just a little down to rest on the inside of your thigh catching the man’s attention. Locking eyes with Jungkook, he knew he was fucked up. 
"Gimme that pretty?" He pointed to the plate placed before you on the table.
"I didn’t know you like brownies." You smiled cutely handing him one of the little cakes. 
"Oh darling. You’re so cute." He laughed, his dark eyes, quite red, staring deep into yours. 
"That’s not brownies." He took a very tiny bite of it making you furrow your eyebrows. 
"Space cakes." He muttered against your neck, goosebumps raising after the warm air caressing your skin. 
Turning around more, you give him a confused look as a smirk made its way on his pretty lips.
"Angel, when eating one of these.. you just.. boom! You’re traveling into another galaxy."
"It tastes so good." 
"Wanna try?" He cupped your cheek softly making you shake your head hesitantly.
"Pot brownies." You heard the guy with the pretty gummy smile say as he gulped his beer. 
"Brownies made with butter that has been infused with cannabis." He explained making you raise your eyebrows at the new piece of information. 
"Oh, I didn’t know about these." You replied making him smile.
Moving forward, Jungkook’s hand went to grab one goblet full of vodka. You watched as he gulped the liquid, his tattooed hand still resting on your bare thigh. 
"Want some?" He asked tilting his head to the side as you deny again. 
"I don’t drink." You pursed your lips innocently.
"C’mon, just a bit."
"Just for tonight." He stroked your thigh gently.
"Like you said, there is a first at everything."
You hesitated for a strong minute debating on what to do.
What if something happen to you?
What if you pass out?
“You’re with me, so don’t worry too much.” he kept on persuading you.
Even though his red eyes definitely show off how high he was, you wanted to try it.
You have one life, right? You nodded giving him the green light.
Lifting the red cup to your lips, you sip a little bit of it. The strong liquid burning your throat as you gulp it down.
"Fuck." You coughed putting your hand over your mouth as Jungkook grinned. 
Jimin will definitely beat your ass when he’ll know you had your first ever drink without him. He’s been asking, more like begging- about drinking alcohol with him so many times. 
He will especially break your hand when he will found out your first drink was with Jeon Jungkook.
Sending a quick text to Jimin, you turn your phone off with a sigh.
|| y/n : I fell like I’m gonna do something stupid tonight.
Jungkook was a really touchy guy. He loved physical contact.
And when he wasn’t sober or high, his hands couldn’t help but get more daring. 
You started feeling him pulling you closer to him, his arms snaking around your front, holding you tight. 
One thing about him, he hated sharing. What his, is his. And let’s say he didn’t get over how the guy sat at your opposite was ogling at you. He hated when other men look at you the same way he looks at you when you’re together alone. 
He snuggled his face into the crook of your neck, making you feel hot, body warming up as you felt his soft lips against your skin. 
"Jungkook, what- what are you doing?" You whispered feeling timid and uneasy at the fact that you weren’t alone.   
"Nothing." he hummed lowly, the tip of your ears burning as you sensed a little wet kiss being placed on your neck. 
"I want you." He whispered into your ears after a few seconds, your body heating up even more as he stood up, hands on both of your sides. 
"Right now." He looked at you with hooded eyes. 
"you leaving?" one of his friends ask with a knowing smirk.
"yea, see ya later." he grabbed on your wrist gently walking back inside the loud and crowded house.
Walking upstairs, he walked through the corridor leading you to the - luckily empty - bedroom at the end of it.
Pushing the door open, he locked it immediately after shutting it.
"Now, I have you all to myself." he tilted his head to the side, approaching your frozen body in the middle of the low enlightened room.
He was way too attractive right now, the small amount of alcohol in your system enough to make you feel lightheaded at the combination.  You could felt that little boost of confidence when you pulled him closer to you by the collar of his shirt, lips mere centimeters away.
"I need you so bad." you whined quietly biting on your bottom lip earning a "fuck" from him. 
"You’re so sexy." He muttered with a wide smile on his face.
Closing the distance between you two, you envelope his lips in a heated kiss, sucking on his bottom lip making him smirk.
Your hands slid down his covered chest tugging on the hem of it, a silent request for him to get rid of it.
Undressing each other's impatiently, Jungkook couldn't help but to enjoy this side of you. He kind of liked this side of you, trying to make the first move.
He sat on the edge of the bed admiring your naked figure standing timidly just before him, between his spreaded legs.
"do you want me baby?" he teased leaning back on his elbows.
You nodded playing with your fingers nervously, guess the bit of alcohol you consumed wasn't enough for you to not be shy around him tho.
"words baby." he wanted you to say it again.
"Jungkook, I need you." you obeyed shamelessly right away making him lick his lips.
"Let's try something new tonight, hm?" he pursed his lips noticing you gulp not expecting that.
"what?" you asked hesitantly.
"oh my princess." he started, the words "my" affecting you a bit too much, you felt like your heart did a backflip.
"don't be nervous." he pulling you to sit on his lap, thighs at each sides of him.
He pushed your hair back behind your ear, before decreasing the space between your faces as he went to whisper into your ear.
"I want you to ride me." he bit on your earlobe, erupting goosebumps all over your body.
"ride you?" you repeated trying to process his words, you've never done that, what if you couldn't-
"don't worry too much, I'll guide you." his hands came down to rest on top of your thighs.
You felt like your body was set on fire. Your body was so reactive to him, to his words, to his touches.
Taking a deep breath, you raised your hips, Jungkook's hands on your hips helping positioning yourself above his hard cock, precum already leaking from it.
Your heart started pounding inside your rib cage as you lower down on his erection.
"ah shit." Jungkook cursed as your walls slowly swallowed his cock in, the warmth engulfing around him making him bite on his bottom lip, the plump flesh turning white.
"Jungkook." you whimpered when you feel his cock buried so deep into you, you could feel him all.
You started rolling your hips slowly, as he guided you like he told you.
Your hand flew up to hold on his broad shoulders for support, your other hand traveling up to tangled up in his hair.
He enjoyed the way you would pull on his hair when he thrust his hips up to meet yours.
You groaned when you feel his teeth nibbling on the sensitive skin of your neck, leaving pretty marks there.
He loved marking you. It's like he wanted to show everyone that you were already with someone even though it wasn't the case.
He always ignored this weird feeling of jealousy he felt when he see a man near you, interacting with you or even for looking at you a bit too long.
"you're mine." he licked on the fresh reddish spot on your skin making you shiver at the friction.
He often said that to you. Especially during the intimate session you have.
Why? He didn't even realise it.
"look at me baby." you heard him breath out, hand coming up to your chin lifting your face so he could see you.
"say that you're mine."
"I'm yours, Jungkook." you whined, when he grabbed on your thigh roughly thrusting up into your hips, your sweaty body falling on his strong one, your face resting in the crook of his neck.
"only yours." you whispered with a soft whimper into his ear, earning a low moan from him aswell.
"move faster darling." he demanded as you raised up before slamming down on his cock again, the head of it hitting directly on that spot that could make you pass out.
You felt him so deep inside you, it was unbelievable.
"it feels so good." you blabbed against his skin making him chucked.
"ah yea?" he asked making you hummed, your hand pawed on his back when you try moving faster, thighs burning from all the efforts.
You couldn't help but whimpered, the feeling of your hard sensitive nipples rubbing on his muscular chest.
Jungkook let breathy grunts pass by his lips, when he felt your nails buried into the flesh of his back, scratching the skin leaving a pleasant burning sensation.
You felt the knot in your stomach tightened when he kissed you, tongue entering your mouth, before sucking on yours.
"I can't." you cried out, as your movements slowed down, muscles aching.
"c'mon darling, keep going." he grabbed on your hips, helping you as you shake your head, a tear sliding down your cheek.
"keep going, I know you can." you were about to whine when he spoke again.
"look at me."
You furrowed your eyebrows, looking into his eyes, still red from his little puff session, you noticed his gaze softened as he take in your exhausted face.
"fuck!" he groaned before switching position, flipping you on your back as he hover above your weak body.
He stayed inside you as he started thrusting into you in a way more faster way than you.
"oh god! don't stop please don't stop!" you cried out, legs trembling slightly as you hold on his bicep.
"you did so good for a first time, baby." he said between breaths looking straight into your eyes.
“you’re always doing so good for me.” he praised, his hand coming to gripped on the headbed for support as he picked up the pace, hips slamming into yours roughly.
You moaned loudly as you felt it coming. You were so close to cum and he knew it.
“c’mon darling, cream my cock.” his lips ghosting over yours, his dirty talk making you close your eyes.
Bending down, he enveloped his lips around one of the hardened bud ripping a loud moan from you as he suck on it, your chest lifting up from the mattress.
“Gosh I’m about to-“
“Come for me princess.” he muttered against the skin of your chest.
His words were the last thing needed for you to orgasm. You closed your eyes shut tight, mouth ajar as a trail of curse words escaped from it.
You felt that adrenaline running through your veins when one of your hand gripped on the sheet, legs trembling.
Jungkook could only cursed when he felt the warm essence coating his cock, dripping down between your legs.
You looked like a mess, body covered with a thin layer of sweat, hair covering your forehead a bit, chest heaving up and down as you breath heavily, but on top of that - the pretty hickeys he painted on your skin was the last push for him to cum.
“please come inside me.” you pulled him down to you by his neck, your words making him twitch inside you.
“shit! you’re so fucking hot.” he said panting as he rest his sticky forehead on yours.
Your tightness was literally suffocating his cock as he groaned, shooting his warm cum inside you, filling you up to the brim, painting your walls with white ribbons.
Jungkook took a deep breath with closed eyes, before placing a little peck on your nose.
Pulling out of you, he watched as his cum was oozing out of you, slowly down on the sheet in awe before pushing it back inside making you whimper from how sensitive you were.
He rolled on his side with a small grin displayed on his face knowing he was the one that made you look like this - your so fucked out face satisfying him way too much.
You opened your eyes, noticing Jungkook already looking at you.
"you're so pretty."
Was he still high? you wondered, heart pounding at the compliment words that came out of his mouth.
"you're so pretty like that." his hand came to caress on your throat, fingers tracing over the fresh hickeys, his red rimmed eyes showing off how proud he looked of his "art".
Dressing yourself up back, you started feeling shy rethinking about what you just did earlier. You knew a part of your mind was still disconnected, alcohol definitely the cause of it - you really should drink water or something else to try to get rid of that boost drink out of your body, you thought.
You walked to a already dressed Jungkook on the balcony, this one holding a red cup - of you didn't even know what it contained - as you stood next him catching his attention.
You both stared at the stars decorating the dark sky, the fresh air of the balcony caressing your skin gently. You felt different, there was something that you felt like doing. Saying it or not, you're not losing anything, right? It was the opportunity for you to finally confess your feelings out. Perhaps, hoping he might feel the same about you.
You cleared your voice getting the man’s attention. 
"I have to tell you something." You gulped, feeling nervous, hands getting clampsy. 
"Tell me princess."
You took a deep breath before talking. 
"Jungkook, I like you." You finally said making him smile cutely. 
"Aw kitten, I like you too." He pinched your cheek playfully. 
"No no, I mean I like you… a lot." You started playing with your fingers getting a bit anxious. 
"Me too, I really like your company and all." He started, hands on your shoulders.
"You’re one of the friends I like the most." He giggled. 
You shaked your head making him tilted his head to the side confused. You had to say it. Right now or never, you can’t back down now. 
"Jungkook, I think…"
"I’m in love with you." You whispered looking into his eyes. 
A/N : well, that was it 🤭 I honestly wanted to add so much things, add angst to get more jealous!jungkook, but I wanted to post this second part asap and I couldn't keep making you guys wait, sorry sorry - so I decided to post it like that. I really hope I didn't disappoint because I took so much time writing this and made you guys wait for a long time. I apologise for the lack of vocabulary again ; I will try to get better in the future! I really want to thank you all for reading this, really hoping you enjoyed! have a nice day and take care of yourself! love y'all &lt;3
TAGLIST : @starstruckfangirls @jeonblisq @rebloginfics @nibi-chibi-blog @lunaiiree @jmscaffeine @kookieees-stuff @idaterosie @nostopshit @jkslaugh97 @musicisme333. @kenqki @cbugs13 @junecat18 @jeonjungukkk @starsinsky1999 @fxirytaetae @fizzaaaabs @saintsugar @lvrjjoyyy @uzispidey @thiccthighs19 @rkivemaar @cherrygukkie @burnahtsw @gyukookswhore @olimpiiaa @elmariajinn
3K notes · View notes
bro-atz · 2 months
starboy [bro's 1k — mingi]
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in which: mingi is the one guy you absolutely do not want to work on a school project with.
pair: college student!mingi/college student!fem!reader
word count: 1.5k
content: enemies to lovers, fluff, stargazing, mingi and reader are both astrophysics majors, kissing, hugging, generally just very cute
rated: PG/PG-13 | safe for work!
author's note: apologies for the indigo text— the indigo is very indigo (and i lowkey blinded myself in the process)
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You stared at the board in complete shock and horror. You were already pissed enough to be in the same astronomy class as him, but to have to partner with him on a school project? Partner with the literal bane of your existence? Incomprehensible. Insane. Impossible.
“Professor, I was wondering… Would it be possible for me to get a new partner?” you asked softly after class as other students filed out of the lecture hall.
“Kid, you see how big this class is, right?” your professor sighed deeply. “I can’t switch pairings like that. Besides, I don’t even know your name.”
You were stunned. Damn, your professor was frank. “Okay, but if I were to switch with someone myself—”
“Sure, if you find someone, go for it. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
With that, the professor left the lecture hall, leaving you stunned once more. At least he was willing to let you switch. You turned around to ask someone— anyone— to switch, but when you looked, you saw that the hall was completely deserted.
Yeah, you were fucked.
You were determined to change your fate, but fate screwed you instead because you were met with that bane of your existence the second you exited the room.
“No, Mingi. I refuse,” you immediately told him while avoiding eye contact with him and walking away from him.
“Hey, I’m not thrilled about this either, but suck it up buttercup,” Mingi sighed deeply and with heavy annoyance as he caught up to you.
“Why would I want to work with you on the project? You’d just slow me down.”
“Hold on,” Mingi grabbed your arm and stopped you, the man immediately letting you go the second you glanced at his audacity. “Let’s just get our shit done and get a passing grade—” 
“A passing grade?! You really think I’m going to settle for a passing grade?!”
At that point, your voice was shrilling, and you gained the attention of everyone around you in the hall. Mingi glared at you and pulled you aside, his hand on your arm once again. He only let go after he dragged you down the hall and around the corner.
“Fine, we’ll get an A. Whatever. We’ll meet up—”
“No thanks. I’ll just do all the work, and you can piggyback off my grade so you can go frolic and be a dumbass at whatever frat party you’re at.”
“Y/N, stop. I’m an astrophysics major, too. I can help.”
You eyed Mingi suspiciously. He had a serious look on his face, and he seemed to be genuine. With a resolved sigh, you nodded. Mingi let out a relieved sigh of his own and held his hand out for you to shake, and you shook on it.
The reason Mingi was the bane of your existence was because he always made fun of you. From freshman year, he would make fun of the things you were sensitive about, so you would fight back, and so on and so forth until you somehow became sworn enemies your second year of college. From that point on, you and Mingi resented each other, so you were extremely weirded out that he actually was working with you on the project and working well. It was insanely unsettling, but then he’d throw in a few jabs whenever you did something stupid or wrong, and everything would feel right.
Then, you were weirded out again.
You and Mingi were outside on the roof of one of the buildings on your campus charting stars for class. You were actually doing the work— as you expected— while Mingi seemed to be in a completely different universe. He was staring at the sky, but he was of no help.
“And you had the audacity to say you could help,” you scoffed as you grabbed his notebook from him.
Mingi, once he realized his notebook was no longer in his hands, snapped out of it and looked at you with mild confusion and… Another expression— one you had never seen on his face before. His face was pink, and he looked like he was about to burst with the way his lips were pursed.
“What’s with you?” you asked him while slapping him with his notebook. “Why do you keep spacing out?”
Mingi’s lips were moving, but there wasn’t a single sound coming from him. You looked at him expectantly— usually, he had a lot to say, but now he was silent?
“Alright then,” you said with slight annoyance before turning to finish up with your notes for the day. You pushed his notebook back into his chest while saying, “Let’s just finish up and head out. I’m sure you’d rather be anywhere else than with me right now, anyway.”
Again, you could see Mingi start to say something, but this time, instead of gaping like an idiot, he clamped his mouth shut. He lowered his head and finished up with his set of notes before closing his notebook. You were so ready to just get up and leave, but before you could even take a single step away from him, he grabbed your arm. You didn’t even get the chance to glare at his hand on your arm before he let go of you.
“Wait, I… I have something to say.”
You eyed him— why was he being so awkward with you?
“I, uh… I’m sorry for all the teasing and bothering I’ve done over the years…” Mingi sheepishly apologized while scratching the back of his head aimlessly.
“…Why are you apologizing? What’s going on?” you asked him slowly while getting even more weirded out by his behavior.
“What? Can’t a guy just owe up to his past mistakes?”
“With you? No. What are you hiding?” you demanded answers.
Mingi sighed. You would’ve gotten frustrated with him, but you actually laid off for two reasons: one: you did want him to tell you what his intentions were, and two: he looked like he was actually struggling to tell you. There was a huge moment of silence that lingered between the two of you as Mingi fidgeted. He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, and he took several deep breaths before turning to you and looking at you earnestly.
“Y/N, do you really hate me?” Mingi asked in a small voice.
“W-What?” you stuttered— how the hell were you supposed to answer that question? There was no way you were even going to be able to when he was looking at you with the most intense puppy dog eyes ever.
“Do you seriously hate me?”
He stepped forward, and you immediately stepped backwards. You avoided eye contact because, oh dear God, you were so not equipped to answer that question. When you looked to the sky, you saw something sparkle. A star crossed the sky, and you tried to direct his attention to that.
“Oh, wow, would you look at that?” you deflected awkwardly. “It’s a shooting star.”
“Make a wish,” Mingi whispered.
You truly didn’t know what to wish for, nor did Mingi even give you time to wish. He quickly cupped your face and pressed his lips tenderly against yours. Your eyes widened as the realization that Mingi was kissing you slowly sunk into your brain. While your first instinct was to push him away, your heart acted before your brain could, and you let him kiss you.
It was only one kiss, but it was magical. You never thought Mingi would ever be so tender with anyone, especially you of all people. When he pulled away to gaze at your face, you saw more stars in his eyes than in the sky, and your heart skipped a beat. Maybe it wasn’t hate— maybe it was frustration because you liked him so much.
“I like you, Y/N,” Mingi whispered. “So please don’t hate me…”
“…I never said I hated you, Mingi.”
Mingi grinning ear to ear made your heart throb in your chest. You had never seen this side of him, and knowing that it was because of you that evoked this side of him, you desperately wanted to see more of it. You were actually planning on making him flustered, but when you felt his arms wrap around your waist so he could pull you in close, you felt your face get way hotter. You couldn’t help but avoid eye contact, but Mingi didn’t allow that for a second. He held your chin and turned your face so that you were looking at him, making your heart beat erratically.
“Mingi, be honest with me,” you said in a hushed voice. “Is this why you were so adamant on us working together?”
“Of course,” Mingi replied while pouting. “I’ve always liked you, dummy…”
“…See, I don’t know if I believe you given that you literally just insulted me,” you said with a snort.
Mingi’s jaw dropped briefly when you pointed out his unintentional insult, his ears burning red. He gaped for a second before saying, “I’ve always liked you, babe.”
“Ew, no, call me dummy!” you nearly gagged as you heard the words leave his lips.
“What about cutie?”
“Mingi, stop!”
Mingi continued to test cute pet names on you while you rejected one after the other while laughing, and the stars twinkled in the background as you realized that you, too, have always liked him.
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bro's 1k event masterlist
@k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols @hwallazia @yunhoszn
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apply for the permanent taglist here!
networks: @atzhouse @blossomnet @cromernet
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allisonlol · 1 month
OO, how would jouno(you can also add whoever you want but JOUNO HEHZGEZGE i love him sm omg) be w an S/o who is very much stuck in the "crush phase", like giggling, blushing, smiling, hiding their face, and everything
a/n: this is such a cute idea 😵‍💫 !! def how i’d act around jouno too like oh my!!!! i also added tecchou cuz how could i not
warnings: none
(Jouno, Tecchou) With a S/O Stuck in the Crush Phase
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he def acts all annoyed but secretly loves this shit
jouno can already tell that u still get nervous and excited to see him by the sounds of your heartbeat 😭
but it warms his heart (something we all thought was impossible) that you aren’t ashamed to hide these actions
bro can’t even walk by you without u getting all flustered and hiding ur face…which is valid bc jouno is very pretty !
but he’ll sigh and shake his head, telling u to “stop being dramatic” 😭
^dw he is very much being lighthearted here and doesn’t entirely mean that!! jouno is just…not used to this kind of reaction to his presence so it throws him off a bit
the worst is when u do this shit in public 💀
^y’all will go to the store together and he leans over u to grab something off a high shelf…needless to say u are blushing and giggling like crazy (I WOULD TOO!!)
jouno gets all embarrassed and is like “STOP we are in public 😓”
which only makes it worse cuz he is so cute when he’s irritated
omfg the other hunting dogs def tease him about this 😭 tachihara practically follows jouno around asking how he can get ppl to act that way around him too??
but anyway. jouno abuses this power he has over u and purposefully does things to fluster u
^such as standing close to you, giving u random kisses, putting his arm around ur waist etc
may act like he hates it but the man has such a soft spot for u <3
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tecchou genuinely does not fully understand how pretty he is nor the effect it has on u
he’s so tall…and strong…and OBLIVIOUS to how ur practically shaking next to him with how flustered u are
keeps asking if ur ok 💀 “are you sick, y/n? your face is all red”
gee i wonder why tecchou
whenever he bends down to kiss u, u get so nervous that you cover ur face with ur hands
he thinks this means u don’t want him to kiss u tho and is like “i’m sorry 😥”
you’re quick to explain that it’s just cuz u still get nervous around him!! but he can’t really fathom the effect he has on ppl so he’s a bit like ?????
^probably says some shit like “but i’ve literally seen u naked, why are you still nervous around me” 🫠
after awhile tecchou picks up on what is going on and sometimes messes with u to get a reaction
^holds ur face in his hands and just looks at u adoringly before giving u lots of kisses!!! u have to push him away cuz ur blushing so hard
plays it off SO WELL tho like you’d never know he’s doing this shit on purpose
i feel like tecchou was never someone to think much abt his physical appearance or how other ppl perceive him in that way, so ur reactions make him feel something new 🥹
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jistagrams · 9 months
who lasted the longest during nnn (no nut november) riize edition
bf!riize x afab!reader
warnings: suggestive, slight smut, pet names, soft dom! / hard!dom type shit for them all🤭🤭, eunseok calls u whore & slut, oral (both r receiving) , degradation if u squint, praising, fluff, lmk if I missed any
shotaro: 26 days
shotaro def tried to last longer than anyone in riize, only cus he has control and him being so busy with his schedule he didn’t have much time to see you or even get off by himself 😭, but once he saw you he literally went batshit crazy. like YOU in THAT outfit? he couldn’t take it anymore, had to have you right in that second.
“taro calm down..” you whined underneath him, “cant, fuck” one hand gripping onto your waist as the other rubbed your clit deliciously, throwing out compliments. “you take me so good you know that? shit, baby stop clenching, m’ gon-“ he moaned loudly as he came, falling down onto you. twitching slightly.
eunseok: 23 days
he was doing so good, keeping himself busy with his schedule like shotaro and hanging out with friends, shit he even made fun of his friends who lost during the first few weeks, he was excited to see you on thanksgiving since it’s been so long, thinking it would be a cute and adorable reunion. but oh was he so wrong. He didn’t expect to have his dick down your throat in his childhood room.
“such a fucking slut, just wants my dick in you at all times.” he grunted out as he held you down on it, gripping onto your hair with both hands to fuck your throat, tears fell down as he laughed slightly. “whore.” He grumbled while throwing his head back and letting go of your hair to let you do the rest of the work.
sungchan: 10 days
yeah, ten days, during those 10 days he was acting all cocky and laughing at his friends who lost before him, saying how they can’t keep it in their pants, meanwhile the whole time he was fighting DEMONS to keep his in his pants. kinda hard to when he lives with his wonderful partner, who just so happened to not be participating in nnn, (And who also didn’t want him to participate..)
“sungieeee~” you cooed while getting in his lap, he looked at you confused, “what’s up baby?” He held your hips almost immediately when you plopped down onto him, just great, just exactly what he needed. you started to grind on him softly, his eyes went wide as you placed your arms around his neck. “yn.. did you forget?” he sighed softly, the feeling was too good to stop you, “you don’t even win anything out of this” you whined quietly. he threw his head back, perfect to kiss his neck. “maybe I could lose just this once”
wonbin: 3 days
reason he only lasted 3 days was cause of you and the way you were acting, he was getting too cocky during October saying “oh ima win nnn for sure, bet u won’t even last a minute” and so on and so on, so you decided to test him, see if he could really pass nnn. It started off with small touches, small pecks that weren’t really small pecks instead they were long makeout sessions leaving him after touching him like you were deprived. This kept going till he couldn’t handle it anymore,
“think it’s cute to tease me?” he laughed softly as he slid two fingers in, setting a fast pace already. “bin, need you” you begged him as you held onto the hand that was between your thighs, he scoffs at your begging and goes faster than the original pace, “think im gonna reward you with my dick after all your teasing? your funny”
seunghan: 0 days
bro didn’t even get to start it, was already fucking on Halloween, definitely was the member in riize that was getting bullied for not even lasting a day.
“slow down fuck seung” you gasped, gripping onto his hair, “gon fuck you into the next day, yeah? you would like that wouldn’t you?” he laughed while putting your legs up to your chest, “your gunna fail nnn already” you let a breathy chuckle out whole pointing to clock next to the bed, “don’t care, at least I can do this everyday”
sohee: 4 days
idk I feel like he wouldn’t even try to participate, his sex drive isn’t just isn’t as crazy as most people, he could probably go like 5 days max without sex but you on the other hand? you always want him, any type of way. so obviously you were the one to break his “streak”
“your so needy baby” he cooed while kissing your face, holding your hand as he slid in, “can’t help it” you whined softly, tightening your grip on his hand. “your too handsome, makes me want you” he blushed and giggled at your word, he gets so geeked when you call him handsome <3
anton: 30 days
he took this sersiously guys, told you and himself that if he lost he was gonna leave riize. Said he didn’t wanna be teased for losing so he took the long measures to win, this means he literally avoided you like the bubonic plague. Oh you wanted to kiss him? Sure but nothing more than a peck, You wanted a hug? a small side hug will do, you were needy? Well…he could make some arrangements, can’t let his baby suffer like him <3
“you sure you don’t want anything in return?” you asked him, holding the hand in between your legs, softly rubbing his head with your other hand. “cant lose baby” he replied. “not even getting anything out of it” you mumbled, “uh yeah, satisfaction of winning” he spoke like it was obvious.
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logansargeantsbabymom · 5 months
Too Good To Say Goodbye pt3
Logan Sargeant x Fem!Reader, Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
warnings: cursing, more shit talking
part 1 I part 2 I part 3 I part 4 I part 5 I part 6 I part 7 I part 8 I part 9 I part 10
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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“I’m sorry mate, WHO SAID THAT?!” all sense of calmness decimated from Lando’s demeanor.
Everyone’s gaze bouncing between Lando, Logan, Zak and Me. The only thought in my mind throughout this whole altercation ‘Where did Zak get that I wanted Logan back’
Zak’s face went pale as he obviously wasn’t expecting to be outed like this. “N-no that-that’s not wuh-what I- We just had a conversation about their daughter and she”
The glare of Lando’s face was enough for Zak to stop talking. Zak knew he was in the wrong for butting into something that had nothing to do with him.
“You have NO RIGHT to talk to my girlfriend about how she lives her life! We're happy and that's all you should care about!" Lando should've known better than to yell at his CEO but Zak was way past overstepping a boundary and Lando was having none of it. "C'mon mate! I won't my first grand prix, I'm supposed to be out here celebrating with my lovely girlfriend and the rest of you guys and YOU'RE RUINING IT ZAK!"
The whole bar now is paying attention to the incident happening. People are whipping out their phones to record the whole thing, some even try to crowd around us hoping to provoke a fight between the two.
"DAMN BRO, YOU GON LET A BRIT TAKE YO PREGNANT GIRL? I WOULDN'T TAKE THAT SHIT IF I WAS YOU" some random dude yelled, phone in hand recording with the flash on further aggravating Lando
"Mate, this has nothing to do with you so just walk away." Lando said smacking the phone out of the random dude's hand, which then prompted him to start swinging in Lando's direction.
The guy was fairly tipsy so instead of any of the punches he's thrown landing on Lando, the guy lost his footing resulting none of his punches landing on me and THAT prompted Lando to start throwing hands with him too.
A crowd quickly formed around us, everyone was so busy trying to get the best angle for this bar fight laid out in front of them that none of them realized that they were literally trapping a just about 8 1/2 month pregnant woman in a sea of people.
The grid was too busy trying to pull Lando off the guy but once one guy got hit they started swinging until another one of the drunk guys friends jumped in and then it became a big mob mess. Some of the WAGS that were there retreated out of the bar, before realizing that a very much pregnant Y/N was not with them.
"GUYS! WHERE'S Y/N??" Alex shouted looking around hoping she just missed her and that she was out here safe and not in the middle of a literal bar fight.
After no one seemed to have an eye on Y/N, Alex peaked inside the window of the bar in hopes of finding Y/N before she gets trampled. No more than 15 seconds of peaking through the glass, Alex spots Y/N and the big crowd of drunken men fighting around her.
Back on the inside of the bar, I'm surrounded by men throwing punches and I'm trying so hard to not get hit again. I feel a hand pulling on my arm which prompt me to whip my head to see who it is.
"C'mon Y/N/N, you're gonna get hit again, it's not safe. Not for you and our daughter." I turn and see Logan attempting to shield me with his body as he yanks me up and protects me as he's guiding me to a safer part of the bar, pulling out a stool so I could sit down and he could evaluate whether or not I had an injury. Before I could even sit down on the stool, I feel a gush of wetness between my legs.
My eyes widen in horror as I look down at the mess I’ve just made as a contraction hits me “OH MY GODDD. NOT NOWWWWW” I hurl over in pain as Logan places both of his arms around me to steady me.
“Okay pretty girl, we have to get you to the hospital. let’s go, nice slow steps” Logan says as he rubs the small of my back, before looking back at Lando still mid fight.
Alex, who was watching my every movement like a hawk, quickly opens the bar door “OMG YOUR WATER BROKE? GET IN MY CAR” Alex and Logan both guided me into the “LILY, GO GET LANDO AND MEET US AT THIS HOSPITAL”
I was sat in the back seat with Logan as he was helping me breathe through my contractions and letting me squeeze his hand when the pain became too much.
I’ve been in active labor for 2 hours which means with every contraction I think ‘this is it. babygirl is coming right now’ and each time it’s a false alarm. Something about this contraction felt different, Logan could sense it too given that the way I squeezed his hand for this contraction was very much different from the ones prior.
Although this is my second time giving birth, this one felt so much more different then when I was giving birth to my son. After an excruciatingly long 2 minutes of this contraction I heard the door burst open and in runs a sweaty, bruised/cut open nose Lando with the facial expressions reading “please don’t tell me you had her already”
“I didn’t have her, don’t you worry. I would’ve kiAHHHHHHHH LOGAN SHES COMING. SOMEONE GET THE NURSE, I CAN FEEL HER COMING” in one swift motion Logan helps me sit up and breathe through this contraction while Lando yells for a L&D (labor & delivery) nurse.
“Hi honey, she shouldn’t be coming yet but let’s see how dial- OH MY GOSH HALF HER BODY IS O-” the poor nurse tried to be so calm and nice about this but when she lifted up the blanket she was met with my baby halfway out of my body and in one last push, mine and Logan’s daughter was born.
The sound of a silence filled room which triggered me, reminding me too much of the scene I had to endure 2 years ago but before I could scream and question what was wrong with my daughter, a beautiful cry ended up filling a once silent room.
Exhaustion hit me in waves and I plopped back to rest, closing my eyes before I feel lips on my forehead.
“Thank you so much for bringing my babygirl into this world. You’re so strong. I love you so much.” Logan murmurs against my temple which causes Lando to get very upset but given the circumstances, he lets it slide.
“Okay mom, here’s your little precious bundle of joy” my nurse, Kinley whispers as she hands me my baby.
One look at her and you can tell she’s Logan’s daughter, she’s a spitting image of her dad. Blonde hair, green eyes, she even has light freckles.
“What do you want to name her Logan?” I whisper, almost afraid that if I speak any louder that this’ll all fade and I’d be that once empty, soulless mess I was.
“Yelena Ivy Sargeant” I can’t believe that Logan remembered the name I had chosen when I thought our first pregnancy was a girl, I’d only mentioned the name twice before we found out he was a boy
“you remembered” a sigh escapes my lips as I look intensely in his eyes
“I never forgot, that name made you so happy.” one of Logan’s hands found a place on my cheek before silently asking for permission to hold his daughter, which I gracefully handed her over.
“What do you think about her name Lando?” I ask as I turn my head to my boyfriend who’s stood on the opposite side of bed than Logan is.
“I have no say because that’s yours and Logan’s decision but for what it’s worth, I think it’s a beautiful name” Lando’s lips find a place on my temple while a hand strokes my hair “hey i’m gonna step outside and let them know that little miss Yelena Ivy is now apart of the family” lando places one more quick kiss on my forehead before grabbing one of my hands, kissing it too and leaving.
After Lando left, the room fell in a comfortable silence. Just Logan, Yelena and Me enjoying each other’s company.
“she’s so beautiful” Logan whispers as he plants a small, delicate kiss on the top of her head
“she looks just like you” I smile, the first genuine smile I’ve given Logan in lord knows how many months and he smiles right back at me before gently bouncing Yelena as she coos.
As I looked in Logan’s eyes when he smiled back at me before he turned his attention back to our baby, something felt different.
I wish I could capture this moment in time right here, where everything felt so right, so normal. Nothing could ruin this moment, not when I felt like I had it all. A well paying job, my daughter, a man who loved both of us unconditionally, and for a moment i did have it all except for the fact that Logan and I weren’t together anymore and that one fact did ruin the moment.
When Logan handed Yelena back to me, he whispered “You’ve given me the greatest gift anyone could’ve ever given me and I will spend eternity trying to right my wrongs and win you back, even if it’s not relationship wise, I can’t have my daughters mother, the love of my life mad at me forever” tears welled up in my eyes as one thought crossed my mind when he mentioned ‘the love of my life’
why did my heart just flutter?
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal
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yongbokology · 1 year
part dos of ‘don’t accidentally beat your dick to your best friend’
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part one
black coded reader <3
warnings; smut
an: you asked, i delivered 🧞‍♀️
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eren is a mess. a complete utter mess.
after realizing he’s been jerking it to you for the past few months, he becomes a nervous wreck around. oh it was bad.
his first encounter with you after the realization, literally happens the day after.
you were running late for work and your car was currently in the shop so you sent a rather urgent text to him with multiple crying emojis, asking him to take you to work.
without even seeing the message, he begins to panic just seeing your name pop up.
did you somehow use your woman tuition and found out he was fucking himself to you? it plagued eren’s mind for a few seconds, his hands clammy as he grasps his phone.
he lets out a sigh of relief once he reads the message and instantly responds.
‘yeah ofc, see u in a bit’
‘thx ren, you’re the best!’
oh eren feels like shit.
he felt like a pervert. like he wasn’t supposed to see you in your nakedness, pleasuring yourself for thousands to see.
“.. ren, are you okay? you’re awfully quiet today.. i’m sorry if you were busy-”
he immediately shakes his head “no! i wasn’t doing anything. i don’t mind at all.. just a bit distracted is all.��� he clears his throat, eyes fixated on the road. not sparing you a single glance.
you stare at the side of his face, picking him apart in your brain. all these years the two of you had the pleasure of knowing each other, you knew eren’s mannerisms, his nervous ticks and more.
something was definitely up.
“god not this again. connie could you maybe not be so open about the porn you indulge in.” reiner is fed up with the porn talk, just trying to enjoy this sunday afternoon with his friends.
“okay but bro i’m telling you, this girl is fire. i’d def buy her only fans if she had one.”
eren isn’t too interested in the conversation. his head’s in the clouds. lately he’s been fantasizing about you. a lot actually.
breaking you in half. fucking your brains out in every setting possible. this was new to say the least. before, eren hadn’t had such thoughts about you.
i mean yeah he did sometimes think about what it’d be like if the two of you were together. would the two of you be good partners as you are friends? but he never thought about you in such obscene ways.
it is this next part that has eren almost falling out of his chair.
“[your user]. never heard of her?”
both jean and reiner shake their heads.
eren on the other hand feels his skin run cold, eyes bulging out his head at the username. it was your username.
connie is now pulling out his phone and eren quickly catches on that he is about to pull up your page. with frantic eyes and haste, eren waits for connie to unlock his phone and in the split second that connie rotated his screen towards the three men, eren yanks it from his grasp and dramatically let’s connie’s phone fall face down on the concrete.
“yo what the fuck man?!” connie yells, mouth ajar as he looks between eren and his phone that is definitely not working when he picks it up.
“i-i um. i’m sorry.. it slipped..”
both reiner and jean silently blink, throwing glances at each other.
“oh it fucking slipped? my five year old nephew could put on a better fucking performance.”
“i’m really sorry man. i get paid tomorrow, i’ll pay for it. i swear.”
“i really needed this, thanks for hanging out with me ren. karina has been more bitchy than usual.” it was no secret you hated your boss. you often ranted about her to eren, so much so that he hated her as well and doesn’t even know what she looks like.
“of course. you want some more popcorn? bowl’s almost empty.”
you nod and eren gets up from his spot on his bed and retreats to the kitchen to refill the bowl.
you shift your eyes to the tv, ‘bad boys’ currently at it’s thirty minute mark.
you feel a buzz under your butt.
with furrowed brows you shift and pull out eren’s phone that you had no idea you were sitting on.
his phone screen comes to life, him and armin in the background of the notifications that fill the screen.
there were a few from twitter and growing curious as to what eren’s twitter feed looked liked, you unlocked his phone and hit refresh.
your jaw unhinges when you pop up on his screen. fingers knuckle deep in your cunt.
you’re in shock like you literally didn’t film this a few hours ago and hit post. you just weren’t expecting to see yourself on your best friend’s timeline.
you stare at yourself, at first unsure how to react to this knowledge but then the thought of eren touching himself to you skates across your mind and suddenly you’re clenching your thighs, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
the thought arouses you.
eren comes back with the bowl filled to the brim and his smile is wiped off his face once he sees his phone in your hands.
“eren,” you start. your voice is low but sweet. “is there something you want to tell me?”
he sucks in a breath, pupils shaking as you lay the phone on the bed. he sees what you were looking at clear as day.
“y/n.. i-i can explain.”
your plump lips turn upwards into a grin. mischief writes all over them.
“come here.”
it’s a command that has him hesitantly obeying.
he sits down on the bed, farther than where he originally was.
you sigh and close the proximity by climbing into lap, the popcorn bowl being discarded to the side.
eren feels hell fire creeping up his neck. his mouth his dry and he can suddenly hear the thrumming of his blood.
“how many times have you fucked yourself to me. hm?”
his lips tremble. “a few times..” it almost comes out as a mumble.
your smirk widens at his blatant lie.
“oh eren, you and i both know that’s not true.”
you push him until his back is flat on the bed, your thighs on either side of his hips. you splay your hands on his chest and fully plant your clothes pussy on his crotch.
he could literally just cum right then and there.
“you know what i hate more than liars?”
once eren realizes you actually want him to respond he shakes his head.
you lean forward until your lips are grazing against his ear. your tits mushed against his chest.
“i hate disobedient boys,” you lean back up and eren looks dazed. aware but dazed. “are you a disobedient boy eren?”
needless to say, he’s not. he listens to your every command which is why he was currently whimpering, hands pressed against his chest, trying his very best not to touch you.
your mouth works wonders on his cock, it weeps in all it’s 8inch glory, precum finding it’s way onto your tongue.
you pull him out of your mouth with a lewd ‘pop’, eyeing eren as you pump his aching length. “you close?”
tears form in eren’s eyes. everything feels fuzzy. his brain is scattered but he still manages to give a slight nod. he looked so fucked out and god what a sight it was.
“you gonna cum for me pretty boy?”
the nickname makes eren whine.
“eren, answer me or you don’t get to cum.” you grit, your free hand taking hold on his throat, clenching your dainty yet powerful fingers around it.
“y-yes! yes. m’gonna c-cum.” he chokes out. his pupils becoming dilated as you speed up your hand around his cock.
you smile at this. “i want you to come in my mouth ‘kay? and you can touch me now.” your mouth is instantly on his cock after finishing your sentence.
eren props himself up on his elbows, the iron grip you still have on his neck combined with you sucking the everlasting life out of him has eren cumming in no time with a cracked moan.
“fuh-fuckkk.” tears are streaming down his face now, jaw unhinged as you lap up the messy head on his cock.
“got anymore for me?” you don’t expect him to answer, instead you squeeze on his balls and one last spurt of cum falls onto your shiny lips.
this has eren falling back flat on his back, panting heavily like he’d just finished running a marathon.
you lick at your lips and hum at the taste of him. salty, as expected but not overbearing.
“you did so good for me ren.” you smile, crawling up beside him. resting a hand on his naked chest.
eren lazily turns his head towards you, his cheeks tear stained. he looks utterly broken and it ignites something within you.
“this stays between us ‘kay?” he nods slowly at that, too tired to speak.
what in the world did he just get himself into?
tag list: @hellavile @animeloverzx @starlightmid @gobblethiskitty
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cvnt4him · 4 months
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Katsuki has a crush<33
Hey babe, quick pow-wow, so I don't really give warnings like I should especially when writing smut i js get lazy 💀, however this is mainly a self insert and will have a black reader n chubby reader so if that isnt you, or if you don't like it leave quietly or loudly idc. Anyways kisses to all, enjoy<3🎗️
You had always had a love hate relationship with bakugou katsuki.
He would be mean asf, pinching your thighs, poking fun at your tummy and the way it looked in your school uniforms.
But when he'd seen you for the first time in your pyjamas, pink crop top covering your braless bossom, short shorts riding up your ass in such a delicious way, he couldn't take his eyes off of you.
You were just coming down for a snack as he was in the common area with kirishima, sero, denki, and iida, they all glanced over to you being caught off guard by your yawn.
You walked to the fridge grabbing something random and a soda, before stopping to look at the group of boys who hadn't taken their eyes off of you.
"...what?" You asked with an attitude laced in your honey-like voice.
You walked back up the stairs heading to your dorm, as the boys ended up snickering and saying random things falling into deaf ears.
Bakugou just couldn't take his eyes off of you, he didn't want to admit it, but he hated seeing you go yet loved to watch you leave, your ass looking so appetizing in those fluffy pink shorts, the way you seemed annoyed by their stares only made him want to watch you more.
And boy did he, it's like he couldn't take his eyes off of you that night, during school hours he'd watch you from across the room, you sat far away from him, next to the door as he sat next to the windows, he literally was looking at you from across the whole entire damn room, blocking out the numerous of heads that blocked your pretty little face.
Your pretty glossed lips in such a pouty look, you finally glanced over to him with a raised brow and a slight buck of your head, signaling for 'what the fuck are you looking at bro?'
He knew it, he instantly looked away with a growl and a flushed expression. Shit he got caught staring at you.. you'd never let him live this down. You were just as petty as him.
After catching him stare at you, a smile grew onto your face, how long had he been watching you?
For a long time. Like 'every second of every day' long time.
Some time passed since you caught him staring at you that day, his remarks toward you had become less.. mean? He kept that loser nickname he gave you tho, "chubs" it didn't really hurt your feelings about def made you feel some type of way.
Like mf are you fr? But anyways you hadn't taken it to heart, bakugou wasn't a nice guy, you knew that. So why has he been treating you rather differently?
You two were paired together for a training group, you had tucked your long UA jacket into your bra making it look like a crop top, the stretch marks showed in your belly as you were reading yourself for the training you two were about to do, bakugou trains hard, real hard his punches hurt like shit n he doesn't go easy on anyone. His hands are fr rated E for everyone.
So as you got into your fighting stance he just looked at you. Like w a dumb face fr, you looked around confused seeing as everyone else had started fighting, so why the hell hadn't he hit you, bakugou always hit first he thought it was better. So why wasn't he fighting you?
Hell even he didn't know his damn self, why didn't he move? Lunge at you? Throw explosions your way, anything?
"are you gonna hit me or...??" You say trailing off at the end of your sentence looking around still confused asf.
"what, afraid to throw the first punch, chubs?" He scoffed and barked back at you quickly before, finally, lunging at you at full force.
It had caught you off guard but despite your weight, you were a good fighter, and damn good with your quirk.
After training you grabbed your bag and left instantly not waiting on him or anyone else bc why would you?
Bakugou just watched you leave, his eyes rolling then glancing down to his bag before instantly finding themselves right back in you and your figure, his volcanic red eye slowly trailing down to your ass, he hadn't even noticed it but he bit his lip as a smirk found it's way onto his face.
Damn you really did look good, but just as he was about to admit it to himself, izuku got in his way and it looked like he was looking at his dick, bakugou instantly looked up looking at the freckled boys face with disgust as he scoffed and grabbed his back before walking past the guy.
"hi!- uh-.. KACCHAN?!!!"
Katsuki was just in bed, scrolling through his phone at ab 6:30 pm, getting ready for bedtime (yk this mf got one) when he came across a poll online, his birthday had just passed a few months ago n still his fans are posting him happy birthdays n shit n one specific post caught his eye, it was a popularity poll which he had won, again.
Katsuki plugged his phone up w a smile, genuinely laughing to himself at how he keeps winning these things, he sighs one last time before his thoughts randomly crossed to you.
Damn, you looked good covered in sweat, he thought.
Wait what?!
No, ew.. where did THAT come from??? He does NOT, think of you like that. He thinks you're weird, gross.. ugly.. well. Not ugly persè, just slightly unattractive, well, noo.. just. Barely attractive. Yeah. That works.
But damn did your ass look good when you walked away.
Wait the fuck? Why had he been having such a weird thoughts about.. you?? You weren't all that great?
I mean you looked good kinda, you had nice eyes... He guesses, your hair always managed to look nice even when it looked bad, it still looked somewhat nice.
Bakugou sighed in frustration, just why couldn't he get you out of his head???
Then it dawned on him like a train crash.
Fuck.., he liked you.
N not js like 'ah, yeah, your cool.' type shit. no, he like ACTUALLY dead ass liked you.
Fuck. This was gonna make things complicated, someone as emotionally constipated as him liking someone couldn't end well, even he himself knew that. He never truly had enough love in his heart for anyone, he had a dream, a goal, and that was to become the number one hero and that's it.
He didn't have time for useless things like love or relationships. Especially not with the likes of you.
At least that's what he kept telling himself whenever he actually managed to hold a good, non arguing, unjudgemental, genuine conversation.
God, the way you actually spoke to him like he was a human being and not some pest you couldn't get rid of, like before. The way you held great eye contact and stared directly at him with no hatred filling them, the way you smiled and he felt the urge to smile back. And he did, that's what took you both by surprise, he actually smiled warmly at you, it left a warm feeling in you.
His smile was actually quite good looking on him, you never had a problem with admitting bakugou katsuki was an attractive man, it's just his attitude that was ugly. With you being pretty chubby or js blatantly fat in other people's eyes you never had a lot of options due to people judging you by your body and not your personality, believe it or not, katsuki was one of the only people to never actually talk about your body besides calling you chubs, and whenever mineta called you ome of the ugliest girls there, die to your weight, he quickly shut that shit down.
Given how people treat you, that truly is the way you treat others, you try to see people for more than just a pretty face, so whenever anyone talked to you, given everyone in your class is at least a little bit attractive, whether you had a bird head and a sexy body, (tokoyami) or had the cutest little freckles, you'd never let that get into your head, being pretty will only get people so far, so you always tried to look inward with people who considered themselves your friend in any way.
You had admiration for katsuki, sure, but you never liked him, you thought he was annoying, brass, hella obnoxious, and conceited.
So when he came to you, holding a good genuine conversation, not looking away from you, never once glancing down at your boobs or body in general, and actually smiled at you, you were genuinely in utter complete shock.
Had he always been this pretty?
"..so.. do you, I don't know... Maybe wanna come to my dorm..? Or, whatever.."
You assumed he had a hard time saying that given the amounts of pauses in his sentence and the way he looked down, hands finding themself in his pockets so they didn't absentmindedly fiddle with themselves and he ended up looking like a dork, like some green haired freckled face loser he knew.
You scoffed at this thinking he was teasing you or trying to make a joke in some way.
"Yeah, because you want to actually hang out with me, sure, when pigs fly, bakugou katsuki."
You snort, as you argued back to a confused, wide eyed, flushed faced bakugou and put your bag on your shoulder. What? Had you really just rejected him? He wasn't even asking you out on like.. a 'date', date. He just wanted to spend time with you.. and, do face masks and play Roblox and bully people and binge watch your fav show and fall asleep in each other's arms as he kissed your forehead?
Was that really too much to ask?
He was pissed, not because you rejected him, not really, more so because he knows you think he's being a dick right now but he's not, hes being genuine and honest. He wants to hang out with you, willingly with no strings up his sleeves to find a way and poke fun at you.
That couldn't be so hard to believe, could it?
"I'm serious, why would I joke about something like that? You make it sound like I'm gonna push you out the nearest window if we just so happened to walk by one together."
He barked back, quick to defend himself and grill you.
You roll your way trying to walk past him as he pushes you by the shoulder making you bounce back, you scoff and try again as he then pushes you against your desk closing you in so now you were basically sitting atop of it.
"what the hell."
Was that left your mouth before he gently captured your lips taking you completely by surprise, not just by the kiss, but by the fact of how gentle he was with you, the way his hand moves up to your shoulder then finding it's way in the back of your neck, pushing you deeper into the kiss.
He pulled away slowly as he just stared down at you saying nothing with a blank face. You were still in shock, your eyes never closed during the previous kiss, but when he kissed you again you felt the random urge to actually kiss him back, and you did, you kissed him, hard.
Grabbing him by his broad shoulders, causing him to pick you up by your thighs, you squeak in intentionally, the way he held you with no problem got to you, it made you feel some kind of way.
He held you with a firm grip, the grip so tight it might've bruised you thighs as they wrapped around his tiny waist, he smirked in the kiss, swiping his tongue at you bottom lip asking for entry to your mouth, and once you granted him access there was no stopping him, he was like an animal that had been held back the entire time.
He slammed you hard against a wall and shoved his tongue in your mouth, licking and dancing with your own muscle as he groaned into the kiss, he pulled away from the sloppy spit filled kiss to attack your neck and put hickeys all over it, nipping lightly at your skin causing you to bite your lip with a smile.
Damn, he wanted you bad and you could tell. He was acting like a damn animal waiting to be met loose.
One of his hands eventually started wandering up and down your body, grabbing and squeezing every bit of your skin he could, nails digging deeply into the flesh of your thighs causing crescent moons to form from how hard they were gripped into you, you winced lightly as he never let up on what he was doing it's like he was solely focused on doing one thing and that was getting you undressed.
He quickly unbuttoned your top before throwing it off of you, your black lacey bra looking so good on your brown skin, the way it held your boobs up made you look so damn sexy to him, he couldn't stop grinding his hard on right against you, a deep moan leaving your bitten lips, that went straight to his ego.
Your hands scratched and pulled at his hair in the most delicious, mind numbing way, the way you edged him on, telling him to keep going and keep touching you like that really got him going, all he wanted to do was fuck you right then and there, but unfortunately you were interrupted.
By nine other than the freckled dufus himself. oh and that four-eyed dork.
You both instantly shit your eyes in the direction of the door opening, neither you tried hiding the both of you just simply looking annoyed, bakugou more than you.
"and I- whUAH!! K- KACCHAN?!"
The room was now unfortunately filled with iida yelling at the two of you on how you should respect school property, and shouldn't be fondling each other and attempting to do sexual things outside of your bedrooms, and deku was shoving out a ramble if 'im sorry's and shit. It was all annoying you so you simply buttoned your shirt back and walked away
Bakugou groaned at watching you leave, iida yelling at you questioning where you were going, you rolled your eyes and offered bakugou a slight smile, winking and telling him to text you before walking out.
Everything that was still being said by the two boys that had crashed you party had again falken on deaf ears, he was too focused on you and the way you winked at him, the fact you'd actually let him do whatever he wanted to you while you were against the wall.
He scoffed before grabbing his bag, you'd better believe you were getting that text tonight.
" ---, at least tell me you two degenerates are being safe, we cannot have a baby popping out, it'll be bad for your reputation, the schools, and everyone's around you both!"
Was the last thing bakugou heard before groaning and walking out, still being followed by an overly obsessed iida and a still profusely apologizing deku.
God the things you get him roped into.
AN: I love him sm
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christinarowie332 · 11 months
i win.
part 2 of : “i’d be an idiot if i said no to that”
matt sturniolo x reader
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warnings : vv suggestive ! drugs , swearing .
matt and y/n spend some quality time with his brothers . who would break first ?
(this is kinda slow so hear me out)
green text : imessage
my phone lights up vibrating from underneath my pillow . i peel my eyes away from “the vampire diaries” playing from my tv and notice the time displayed on my phone. 12:36am . jesus christ .
my eyes scan my notifications as my face id opens my phone . instagram, my group chat “whores.” (56). oops . snapchat , pinterest… oh ?
matt🤭: u up ?
my body shoots up from where i was lay . i frantically tuck my hair behind my ears with my free hand not holding my phone . i open the message , thumbs hovering over the keyboard ready to type before i hesitate. realising i have no idea what to say .
me: yeah i’m up ! what’s up ?
i type . then delete it .
me: hiyaaaa , yeah i’m up wanna do something??? x
me: yeah i’m up . whyyy wanna hang??
good enough idc
i press send with shaking fingers , allmost immediately he replies back .
matt 🤭: you know me so well , i’ll come pick u up .
me: no bother , i’ll come over . send me ur loc
matt 🤭: i’m at mine with chris and nick , we can all hang if u want?
*matt 🤭 shared his location with you*
me: oki! shall i bring anything??
matt 🤭: just yourself and whatever u need in the morning
me: i’m staying ??😏😏😏😏
matt 🤭: 😏😏😏😏
me: OMW!!!!!
matt 🤭: LMAO OK
i smile at the message and take a screenshot immediately sending it to my groupchat giggling , throwing to the middle of my bed and getting up .
after a few touch ups to my makeup i’ve left to marinate on my face a little bit too long .i change outfit into a pair of baggy light blue jeans , that fall on my hips , uggs and a tight fitted white baby tee . i throw on a hoodie that matches my uggs before realizing it’s literally boiling and ripping it off .i grab my phone and my bag , filling it with the essentials and start to exit my house .
in what feels like 30 seconds i’m pulling into what should be matt’s house . i turn my car off and look at my self in the mirror , obsessing over every little detail until deciding i look good enough .
me: i’m here !!
me: hello ??
me: matt are u home ??
after five minutes of waiting outside the door i decide to just knock it . my heart literally racing enough to hear it in my ears . after a few seconds of waiting i hear the door unlock and the handle go down .
his face drops at the sight of me and turns his head away but not taking his eyes off me , his blonde hair falling against his eyes before he swipes it away .
he smiles kindly and i return it . awkward .
after a few excruciatingly painful seconds i see a familiar face poke around the corner, his long and messy hair tucked into a backwards hat . it takes him a second to realize it’s me and his face lights up as he walks towards the door .
“y/n ? yo what are u doing here ? nick bro what are u doing??” he furrows his eyebrows at his brother before opening his arms towards me .
“nice to see you too chris” i roll my eyes and meet his hug .
“OH SHIT MB YOUR y/n ?!?! COME IN FUCK SORRY!!” nick rambles out grabbing me around my back and pulling me in the house .
i take the sight on his house in , the shoes shoved thrown into the corner near the stairs. it smells like autumn, a warm candle burning somewhere. i can hear music coming from what must be the room above . smiling at the familiar beat of mac miller .
“where’s matt? SORRY !!nice to meet you nick!!” i say while smiling , and turning to nick realising i haven’t even greeted the first brother
he laughs and goes to speak before we all turn around and the sight of matt speeding around the corner and skidding to a stop .
“SORRY IVE ONLY JUST SAW YOUR TEXTS” he defends himself before i can even mention it . i smile kindly and relax my shoulders at the sight of him . his hair has been cut , brunette falling onto his forehead in loose curls. the phone he had in his hand tucked in his oversized sweats .lifting his top slightly to find the pocket , showing the band of his boxers for a split second .
“you’re fine , don’t worry” i say , before letting out a breath i didn’t even know i was holding .
matt keeps the eye contact smiling slightly before turning his head towards his brothers and looking at them . “do y’all wanna smoke up?”
“allways” chris replies for both of them before leading us all to their small balcony .
it’s 2 am now , we all shared a joint around their table . chris let matt play his playlist (for once apparently) and we’re now all sat talking .
i’m sat on a bench with matt shoulder to shoulder , a blanket covering us both as the temperature dropped and we were all shivering by the time the joint was smoked .
“i don’t get it nick !! women are just confusing man…..” chris whines out , he has been talking about his girlfriend mia all night and and to be honest i stopped listening ten minutes ago . “no offense y/n/n” he says now looking at me .
i peel my eyes away from matt’s hand on my knee and meet his eyes “all good man i get it…” i don’t get it . i was completely zoned into matt’s hands , and how close he was to me that i wasn’t listening to a word chris was saying .
matt notices and puts his hands under the blanket , pulling it up to his shoulders .
“u wanna go inside matt???” i ask in concern , thinking he was cold .
“no i just got a chill , i’m fine” he says looking at me now with a tight lipped smile .
i mirror his smile and look away at chris who was waiting for us to shut up so he could carry on his rambling. he starts speaking and i keep eye contact with him , now fully listening to his words.
“as i was saying …. i just don’t get it ? taylor swift is mid as fuck , i tell mia that and she literally looks at me like i just murdered a litter of puppies , SHE HATES MY MUSIC TASTE??? i literally tried-“
and just like that i am now no longer listening to chris , as i feel matt’s hand on my knee again underneath the blanket . he strokes it slightly with his thumb and runs it up my thigh , covering it with goosebumps following his touch .
my breath hitches as he takes his hand higher , to rest on my upper thigh. leaving it there and warming it with his touch.
i glance up at him in warning but all i see is him looking straight forward at chris , smirking. little shit .
he must see my face flush in the corner of his eye because he moves his hand ever so slightly higher , his index and middle finger hovering over the seam of my jeans .
my hips move forward slightly and the touch and i gulp loudly , nodding my head at nick who’s now started speaking to me .
“what music do you listen to y/n . if u say some goofy shit like the imagine dragons i may have to throw you off this balcony” he asks me while laughing at himself .
matt apparently thinks it would be absolutely hilarious to start teasing me underneath the blanket , moving his fingers up and down the seam .
“i-um” i clear my throat trying to stay collected “i like all music really …. mac miller …” matt stops moving .
i turn my head towards him to see him smiling at me and nodding for me to carry on .
“ugh let me think” i drag my words as i move my hand on his inner thigh now i feel him flinch at the touch and go to move his hand off my thigh to stop me but i flash my head towards him and raise my eyebrow in warning .
my turn .
i mirror his actions before and take my hand higher . “i like anything really ….. mac ..torylanez…” i move my hand . he shifts .
“skies ….travis….hotel ugly….” i move my hand again over his sweats . he shifts and let’s put a huff of air .
“brent faiyaz…..dominic fike”
i move my hand again and he lets out a soft allmost silent noise . a whimper , only i hear it and i smirk .
“i like anything” i look at matt now , giving him an innocent look and shrugging my shoulders.
i remove my hand as i could feel him slowly becoming harder . and place my hand on his lower thigh , griping hard . saying exactly what i needed to.
“that’s fire as fuck…what’s ur fave skies song?” i hear chris say and i turn my head towards him .
i smirk knowing i won before continuing my conversation with chris , feeling matt sink into his seat more and putting his arm around me . manspreading and putting his palm over his crotch.
i win .
i am a vile and wretched woman .
LOVE YA !!!!
@mangosrar @sturnphilia @littlebookworm803 @lividnity @def-livv @daddyslilchickenfingers @sssturniolofart @soursturniolo @deatthmatch @biimpanicking @bluesturniolo333 @urmyslxt
i love u all 🤍🤍🤍
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redhead1180 · 7 months
My So-Called Punishment
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About - JJ x fem!reader
Summary - You have been in a mood all day and JJ decides to take matters in his own hands.
Warnings - MDNI, smut, hair pulling, rough housing (?), cursing, fighting, p in v, oral (f rec), let me know if missed anything
A/N - I was having a bad day and decided, I thought a little pure JJ smut would put a smile on my face. Between multiple moots talking about his biceps and the above gif, I had my inspiration. I wanted out faster, but I needed a nap when I got stuck. Then I needed a few cigarettes to get thru the smut. 🙄 Don't judge me.
Credit to original owners of gifs and @saradika-graphics for dividers. 😊
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I had been in a shit mood all day. I really didn't know why, yea work was awful, but what else was new. The shit mood started when I woke up. Even JJ's sexy morning voice couldn't make me smile. When I got back to John B's after work, I had at snapped John B, JJ, and even poor Pope, every time they talked to me.
I had gotten a few side eyes from JJ and knew I was pushing my luck with him. The last snarky comment from me to JJ had earned a jaw snap and 'the look' saying I was about to piss him off.
JJ, John B, Pope, and I were watching a movie later in the evening and I got up to get me a beer. JJ asks nicely, I will give him that, to grab him one and I for no reason snap at him "Are you're legs fucking broken?". That was it, he stands up and comes over grabs my hand to drag me to the spare room.
"Somebody's in trouble" John B sings as JJ pulls me through the kitchen to his room.
"Don't be too rough, bro" Pope yells as JJ pushes me in the room.
"Listen, babe, I don't know what the fuck you're problem is today, but I have had it!" He growls at me as he throws me on the bed, slamming the door behind him. I land on my back and my head snaps back up, but I don't waste any time, I turn over and start scrambling to get up and off the bed. I was in for it, I knew it, but I wasn't going down just yet. Maybe this was what I wanted all day, to let off some sexual steam, cause I could feel the heat growing in my core. But I didn't want JJ to know that.
"Oh no, you ain't going anywhere" he snaps as he grabs my ankles, making me slam onto my stomach and starts pulling me back to the edge of the bed. I am trying to grab anything along the way, sheets, pillows, to get leverage to pull myself away. It wasn't doing any good cause they just came with me.
"JJ I ain't in the mood for this" I grunt as I try to kick and thrash at him. He could easily overpower me, we both knew it, but what was the fun in that. He knew I enjoyed trying to assert my dominance, as much as he enjoyed dominating me.
He slaps me hard on my bare thigh and hisses at me "That's for kicking at me". I buried my face as I let out a small moan, hoping he didn't hear it or see the way it soaked my panties. I still wasn't ready to give in, but the fire in my veins was raging. Before I could move, he reaches over me and grabs my shorts and panties, and yanks them both down my legs and tosses them.
"JJ, I swear to God - " I yelp mid sentence as JJ smacks my ass hard, leaving a red hand print. Then leans over me rubbing my cheek to help with the sting.
"You swear what, hmm love?" he teases me in my ear. He stands back up and sits down, hands wrapped around my ankles, attempting to pull my legs over his lap. I am still squirming and thrashing around.
"Stop squirming and being a brat, dammit!" he growls at me smacking my ass again. "You're only making this harder on yourself" I involuntarily let out a moan and feel my hole clench around nothing. I had slowed down enough, his hand wraps around the back of my neck and his other arm wraps around my thighs like a vice grip. I am literally bent over his lap and can't do anything, but squirm a bit. I was getting winded and the fight was getting knocked out of me. He adjusted his arm, effectively pushing my red tinged butt into in the air.
"Is this what you wanted, did you just need a spanking from daddy?" he questions, "Cause from the way you soaked your panties and are dripping down your leg, that's the outcome you wanted." He lets up on his vice grip and I feel him slide his hand between my thighs and pull causing me to gasp as cool air hits my wet hole. I feel his fingers start to run through my folds. I swallow a moan as the fire in my veins starts raging.
"I think 20 slaps are deserved for your brattiness today." he sternly says, "what do you think, princess, hmm?" He continues to rub my wetness around my folds never quite hitting my clit. I stay silent, using the silent treatment against him. I want to growl and moan at the same time. Against my will, I start to move against his fingers, trying for more. He slaps my pussy, making me cry out.
"I asked you a question" he growls. "I can keep this up all day, love."
"Yes!" I huff out.
He smacks my pussy again, drops of my arousal flying through the air.
"Yes what?"
"Yes daddy!" I huff out
"Count for me and don't mess up or we start back at one." He murmurs.
He smacks my cheek hard, I bite my lip and grunt "One." He smacks my other cheek, I feel the back of my eyes start to burn, "Two." He smacks the first cheek again, I let out a small whimper, "Three". He continues to smack my ass, switching cheeks after each one. When done, I am in tears, sniffling, biting and gripping the sheets for dear life.
He gets up and rolls me gently over, laying between my legs, then reaches up and wipes the tears away with his thumbs. "Are we gonna give daddy anymore problems today" he gently asks, as he looks into my eyes, nuzzling his nose against mine.
"No." I whimper out looking back at him, with big doe eyes, tears still in the corners.
"Aww baby I tried to give you warnings, but you wouldn't listen." He mewls as he starts to kiss my tear soaked cheeks. One hand reaching down to rub my hip and thigh lovingly.
"I know," I sputter "I just been in a shit mood all day and I don't know why. Then work was horrible, dealing with kooks harassing me the whole time. I just couldn't help it. "
He brushes some hair off my forehead, chewing on his lip, as if having an internal debate.
"Well I shouldn't ask this, since you were just punished, but you want daddy to make you feel better?" he asks with a little grin.
"Mhmm, please"
He smirks and leans down, kissing me gently, his hand moving from my hip to snake up my stomach, leaving goosebumps in it's wake, and pinch my already hardened nipple. He breaks the kiss for a second to pull my shirt over my head and immediately reattaches his lips to mine forcing his tongue into my mouth. His hand reaches behind my head to grip my hair causing my to tilt up, giving him more access. What was a gentle kiss had turned into a hungry, tongue dominating, teeth clashing kiss that was making my toes curl and forget all about my stinging ass. I let out a whine as I kiss him back just as hungrily.
I desperately start to pull at his shirt, wanting it off, letting out whines and whimpers as he continues his assault on my lips. Desperately needing air, I pull back from the kiss and he starts to place open mouthed kisses down my jaw and neck.
"You have too many clothes on, daddy" I moan out. I hear him chuckle as uses the hand that was on my boob, reaches behind his head, grabs his shirt and pulls it off. His hand going back to its previous spot. I groan loving the feel of his back muscles beneath my hands. His mouth finds a new home on my other tit, sucking and nibbling, until I was pushing my hips up to meet him.
"Is my baby girl a little needy?" he teases as he kisses down my stomach.
"Yes, need more"
"Daddy's got you, I am gonna make you forget all about your shitty mood..." he kissed a trail from hip to hip and then settles on his stomach between my thighs. He uses his fingers to spread me open, blowing gently on my hole, sending a wave of electricity through my system.
"Please daddy!" you gasp grabbing his hair, trying to pull him toward you.
JJ places an open mouthed kiss on you and begins running his tongue through your folds. "God baby you have the sweetest pussy on the whole damn island." he rasps as he starts sucking your pearl. You know you aren't going to last long, the fire running through you going straight to your core. Without letting up his assault on your clit, he slips a finger in and immediately curves it to that sweet spot that will leave you in tremors.
"Fuck!" you gasp out, throwing your head back deeper into the bed, grabbing his hair and holding him to you. He adds another finger and speeds up pumping his fingers in and out of you, your arousal juices running down his fingers and hand, being slung all over your thighs. That familiar pain settles in your core telling you that you were on the edge.
"I'm cum-" you start to gasp, but it turns into a scream as you topple over the edge. JJ removes his fingers and moves mouth to slurp the juices spilling out of you.
JJ sits up, wiping his mouth with the back of hand, "We're not done yet princess" he drawls as he grabs my hips and flips me on my stomach. He rubs my red ass and then puts in the prone position, laying down on top and wrapping his arm around me neck.
Without any warning, he thrusts into me all the way, letting out a groan and starts pounding into me. I grab his biceps and bite him to muffle my scream, the burn from him stretching me almost too much. JJ hisses "Easy baby".
The pain doesn't last long and I become a moaning mess, letting out "uh-uhs" every time he slams into me. JJ's essence is all around me. I can smell salt water, weed and mint. I feel the warmth of his body all over me as he lays on top of me, his sweat mixing with mine as our bodies rub together. The strength of his arm around my neck, so strong, yet so gentle and never hurts me. His other hand on my hip, gripping me to the position he wants. I consume it all into my senses, like a hungry wolf.
"Fuck baby you taking me so good, so fucking tight" JJ moans in my ear. As he speeds up, arm squeezing tighter around my neck, I can hear little grunts and whines coming from him. "Jesus fuck, princess, I love you" he babbles in my ear.
"I love you too, daddy" I grunt out.
JJ pulls my butt up and hits my G-spot, making me cry out. I use one hand to grab the headboard and the other hangs on to his bicep for dear life. My vision starts to go blurry as I see stars every time he hits that spot. I can feel my orgasm building as he slams into me.
"Daddy I am close" I moan out.
"Cmon baby, let go for me" JJ whispers as his hand moves from hip to my clit. He starts vigorously rubbing figure eights on it, helping me reach my high. I feel his thrusts start to stutter, can tell he is getting close too.
"Be a good girl for daddy and cum all over my cock" he rasps out placing his forehead between my shoulder blades.
The praise was all it took for my orgasm to hit like freight train and cause me to clench around JJ, screaming to God and Jesus as the pleasure rushed over me in waves. There is a ringing in my ear, I see stars, and I feel the gush of liquid rush out of me all over my thighs.
"O fuck babe, gonna -shit- rip my -o fuck- dick off" JJ stutters out. He lets out a loud groan as thrusts in me and stills. I let go of the headboard and reach behind me to grab his head holding it close to me.
JJ continues to slowly thrust in me, riding out highs out, then collapses on top of me. My legs are shaking and I am gasping for breath. He takes a minute, catching his breath, then starts leaving kisses along my shoulder blades. He slowly slides out of me and attempts to get up, I let out a whimper and hold tight to his arm.
"I'm not go anywhere baby" he softly chuckles. "Just moving over to the side so I don't smush you."
I weakly turn over on to my back and JJ is on his side, head on his hand, elbow bent, looking down at me. He reaches up and pulls my hair off my sweaty face. He leans down and gives me a sweet kiss.
"Feeling better princess" he smirks down at me.
I smile, a little wobbly, and whisper "Yes." I pause and and bite my finger, look up at him mischievously "I think my shit mood is gone now"
He bursts out laughing, grabbing me for a hug, "God you're gonna be the death of me."
We both hear John B from the living room yell, "Are y'all finally done fucking?"
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milesmolasses · 2 years
I'm gonna kill you
miles morales x reader
if you don’t know what “throwing franks” means it basically means telling someone to “suck my dick” lmao
which reminds me the setting is nyc (bk)
is this what ppl call crack? idk man
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"miles I'm not playin with you right now, put my water bottle down I'm thirsty!"
miles walked around the dingy restaurant, my bottle in his hand, which was waved high in the air. "you gon have to come and get it than miss smart mouth! you keep playin with me like I can't beat you up," he joked.
miles has been my best friend ever since the middle of third grade when he switched his elementary school. i remember when he was this tiny, shy kid who sat at the back of the school basement for lunchtime since our school never had a formal lunchroom. all i wanted was to make a new friend, so i walked up to the shy new boy and ate my lunch with him. we would walk home together, play at the park together, and have cute lil playdates scheduled by our mothers; ah, yes, those were the times; up until now.
"bro, my bad, just give me my water bottle my mouth is on fire, no funny shit," i had my tongue out, breathing heavily. my mom owns this restaurant, where she cooks (insert culture) dishes for the world of Brooklyn to enjoy. this space doubled as our hang-out spot, considering i would stop by every day after school for free food. my mom had served me (insert dish) with extra spice; "try something new," they said. "it'll be delicious," they said. while yes, the food was good, the new added spices had me steaming at the ears, tongue out, huffing and puffing like a damn dog.
now you may be wondering, "who the hell told you to do this?" miles. it was always miles. he knows I don't usually stray from the usual dishes that i get every time we come here, but somehow he convinced me that trying something new would be good for me. so, i let him order on my behalf; this dude ordered me (insert cultural food)… with 3x the amount of hot sauce I usually get. leading us to now...
"'my bad' is not an apology, bozo, i need to hear you say what i want you to say," he said with the biggest smile on his face. all i did was throw a frank at him, and he chose to torment me, saying, "i was disrespectful." he wants a sorry? imma give him a damn sorry.
"ok ok I'm sorry, miles please just give me the bottle," this time, my eyebrows were furrowed and i made sure to put my acting skills to the test. miles gave me a worried look, scared that he actually went too far this time in his games. he gave me back the water bottle and came closer to me, examining my face to see if i was ok.
"yo, you good? I'm sorry i didn't know it was that deep. here you go drink this," he looked so sorry. he looked like he really regretted what he did to me, it almost made me feel bad for what i was about to say to him.
"yeah, it was that deep... deep in ya momma!" i watched as miles face slowly converted from looking worried to "what did this bitch just say to me?" i started to run out of the store as fast as i could, chugging the water down my throat with my mouth still on fire. miles was definitely faster than me, so i decided to hide somewhere, anywhere.
i turned the corner, body jerking forward so fast i almost fell face first into the concrete. i caught myself on my hands just in time as i kept my momentum and ran down the block. i looked behind me and he was literally right there in arms reach of me literally, reaching his arm out to grab me. i grabbed the door handle of an unknown store and stumbled into it.
there i could see several women and young girls look up from what ever they were doing to look at me. just as they were looking at me, miles ran in the store and came to an abrupt stop. great now even more people were staring; it was then i realized all the assortments of nail polish laid out neatly on different shelves. oh my god it was a nail salon. miles looked down at me with eyes wide open and a look on his face that screamed "oh hell nah." a lady from the front desk with a slim figure and a headwrap, came up to us and pulled us to the side.
"I'm sorry, you cant just run into this store and be rowdy. we have customers to attend to and they don't need disturbances." i looked up at miles to see him already responding to the lady with prayer hands, "I an so sorry about my friend here please forgive them, sometimes they're a bit hard to control. i think we'll be leaving now, once again, so sorry," he responded whilst dragging me by the shirt to leave the salon. once we were on the side walk again, i busted out laughing so hard, i had to hunch over and close my eyes to keep tears from falling out.
miles gave me the biggest side eye known to man as i laughed in the middle of the street, looking around for people possibly staring at us.
"i swear to god I'm gonna kill you when i get to your house."
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this was fun to write lmao
I was really just writing anything that came to mind
I did this once after 7th grade in the summer with some friends so that’s what I based this on
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youtellmeman · 8 months
Random sully family headcanons
Including- lo’ak, neteyam, Jake, neytiri, and kiri
Definitely dropped all of his kids at least once. Like it’s actually so bad neytiri didn’t let him hold tuk for a minute just cause she wanted to give her a fighting chance and he still managed drop her
“Babe cmon she’s my kid too I just wanna hold her for a bit I promise I won’t-” “No you are a skxawng. You will not drop this one before she’s had a chance to learn to walk.” “But-” “No.”
Despite dropping his children he still manages to be all of their favorites at one point or another. For the boys it was when they turned 7 to age 10 cause he was so willing to throw them around and lift them by their ankles.
This does end up in them all getting in trouble sometimes when they play too rough and one of them gets hurt . “shhh stop don’t cry your fine you don’t need your mom”- him and whichever son isn’t hurt.
For the girls it’s when their toddlers. Jake was definitely always a patient in Kiri’s make believe clinic cause ik that girl was playing doctor
And dear dear tuk gets him where it hurts most. “Daddy let me do your makeup” really it’s just face paint but he will end up looking like a clown. And don’t let tuk catch him trynna wash his face. It’ll be clash of clans up in there.
“Tuk I have to go out I have duties.” “Leave it on” “babygirl daddy can’t-” tears start to well as soon as he tries to fight back. Def attends a meeting or two with his face covered in a blend of colors
Ok ok now not family Jake
Can’t handle spice for shit I’m sorry someone had to say it look at that man he may be blue but he was white first that mf can’t take it
Let neytiri or even you make him something with a lil kick. Keeps clearing his throat and wiping the dribble from his nose like y’all can’t tell he’s literally dying.
Along with the whole food thing I think he definitely knows how to cook. I’m not saying he’s stellar but bro can wip something up when needed
Definitely forgets how big he is sometimes like he spent so much of his life being normal height and part of it being bellow that he will just smack right into thing or get stuck cause he swore he could fit. He cannot
I also feel like he gets still gets phantom pain in his legs like from being paralyzed before moving over to his avatar completely. Like it’s such a big mental hurdle that I doubt it goes away
Last but not least. And this is my personal favorite. Definitely goads his children into shit.
“Well if you’re too scared” “pussy” “I knew you wouldn’t”
Doesn’t work on kiri cause she just walks away from him
The other three tho, fucking horrible will immediately loose all prior hesitation and just go balls to the wall with whatever it is.
My wife 🙏
Okk mom neytiri up first
Fucking soccer mom bro doesn’t give a damn will fight for all of her kids even if they’re wrong
Corrects them in private but in public, will square up don’t play
Also feel like I’m the beginning she was definitely the stricter parent but as things changed she softened up where Jake took over being more rah rah
Will stand by Jake on most things but sometimes he goes too far and trust me he hears about it
Despite Jake having the boys favoritism in the adolescents. Before and after they are big mommas boys.
As toddlers yo they are up her ass constantly to the point where she has to ask her mom if this is normal.
“Sa’nok my sons they stick to me like sap from a tree it cannot be normal.” “They are children it is what they do.” “Mother I cannot relieve myself without one them following.”
When they get over it though. Heartbroken truly distraught. The first time one of the boys decided they’d rather hang out with their father she was betrayed and Jake of course didn’t help.
As teens they’re not as clingy as they once were but they definitely come to her for comfort or just affection. Whether it be random hugs from her or just cheek/forehead kissed from their mother they’re all about it
The girls and her are different I feel like. They’re definitely close especially tuk with how small she is. Her and kiri though I feel as though they connect more through their spirituality
And she def teaches kiri how to bead and sow and make clothing. I think they have little daughter dates where they’ll make an afternoon of just making beads and song cords. Chatting or sitting in a comfortable silence
Moving on cause my girl isn’t just a mom
To rival Jake. Spice monster bros. Tears it up without a second thought. She doesn’t even blink
I feel like it definitely becomes a big thing for a minute like norm grows a Carolina reaper just to see how na’vi taste buds react to what we consider to be real hot and she eats that shit like it’s a cherry
“Ok so this is a Carolina reaper it’s really hot so I’d suggest just taking a small-” *throws that shit back like a shot* “I-” “tiri spit it out.” “Why ma Jake, it tastes good. Could I have another?”
And I feel like it’s just her like the other na’vi def feel the heat on it. She goes around offering her new favorite snack to everyone and leaves a trail of pain in her wake. Offers one to Mo’at, simply gets a shake of the head paired with
“I will not be taken by Eywa today”
Way better cook compared to Jake. Kids will shoot her a painstaking glance as a plea for help if they see him cooking something they know he has no buisness making and she’ll take it upon herself to slip in some spices and correct some of his mistakes when he’s not looking. Saving her husbands dignity and her children’s pallets.
Tears up the dance floor don’t play with her. Feel like Jake introduces the concept of dance battles as a joke and it becomes a thing within the clan but everyone knows not to challenge neytiri cause she with whip ur ass McJagar style
Snorts when she laughs. Real loud too Jake thinks that shit is hilarious until he honks like a seagull one day and they agree to go cut out the laugh jokes for the sake of their marriage
Best big brother every don’t play with it
Takes after his mother in the sense that he is more than willing to kick ass for his siblings
Someone made fun of kiri for not being a “real” part of the family once and they had to call Jake to restrain him (def let him get in a few good ones before pulling him off)
The kind of older brother that steals his baby sister when his mom isn’t looking
Gets to the point that if neytiri or Jake can’t find tuk they’ll just assume she’s with neteyam cause he’ll just snatch her up and she LOVES it
Despite being less of a trouble maker then lo’ak he still definitely does shit he shouldn’t the only difference is he’s better at being sneaky
I think he’s more cautious around humans compared to his brother but he’s definitely really curious too
Ends up getting introduced to some of our music from earth.
Bro is SZA’s number one fan a thousand years later
“I might kill my ex, not the best idea~” singing to himself quietly unaware of his brother and spider giggling in the bushes. “Bravo! Give us more! More I say!” “Oh shove off lo’ak!”
He def got that rnb voice though boutta guve ninat a run for her money
Takes after his mother on the whole spicy food thing. Loves Carolina reapers too, he thinks it’s so funny to eat them and then breath real hard in his brothers direction just to watch his eyes tear up
Despite being able to sing can’t dance for shit, two left feet when it comes to rhythm lord help him truly
Really good at hunting, takes after his mother once again
The only person good enough at stalking that can sneak up on neytiri without her having to pretend she doesn’t hear him coming.
Weapon of choice is a bow although I feel like he has really good aim no matter what, throwing knives, slingshot, even a gun when his dad teaches him. Just a natural
Will say though someone give this boy a hug cause the amount of pressure he is under being the eldest son holy cow bro
Feel like this leads to neteyam having anxiety attacks just at the thought of having to take over the mantle one day.
Always goes to kiri when he has them she’s the only person who can calm him down
Despite loving his family I think he can feel really isolated from them at times
I think him and kiri bond sometimes just over feeling like the odd ones out.
He compares him self to his dad and older brother so much like it’s just sad plus he’s always in trouble so it doesn’t help much
Even though him and his dad have their problems he strives so hard to make him proud
If he had to pick a favorite sibling it would be tuk, because despite neteyam being all over her and her being a snitch from time to time. Tuk just adores lo’ak
“Tuk you can’t come with me, it’s for big kids only” “I’m big!” “Cmon tuk it’s fine you can hang out with me.” “No! I want ‘ak I don’t wanna go with tem” “….damn bro how’d that feel” “ouch”
It’s almost tragic Fr, but he almost always folds when it comes to her. The only time he says no and stands on it so when he thinks she’ll get hurt or won’t be able to keep up.
Him and kiri besides being sad together also hang out pretty often
I think, like kiri and neytiri , she and him make beads together tho it’s more kiri doing it and him trying and failing
They having matching necklace pendants. He wears his in his hair as a charm cause he feels like that’s where it’s closest to him
While he does hold resentment towards neteyam I don’t think it’s enough to mess up their relationship. They were kids together and I think that means more
So that being said. Huge pranksters but only on their father.
The about of times Jake has had water fall on him out of no where is almost sad. They place decoys so he thinks he outsmarted them and then bam, face full of colored powder.
“Hah, those suckers. What do they think, that I’m stupid or so-” *leaf hits him in the face dousing him with bright orange pigment. Followed by the snorts and chuckles of his sons* “I’m gonna kill those damn kids”
Takes after his daddy, cannot handle spice. Minutely better then Jake but like not really
Neytiri makes this na’vi version of chilli and she has to make a tamer version for him and Jake. Even tuk can take spice better than them
Also really interested in human culture and ends up with his own little music taste
Feel like he’s big on 90’s rnb and hip hop. Destiny’s child, dr.dre, Tupac without question
Definitely spits hard ass bars for fun sometimes.
*Spider beat boxing shitily in the background while lo’ak is laying the ground work for some life changing shit. Mean while Jake is watching from afar with their mother* “that’s my son”
Will dance and he will eat y’all up with that shit. Norm lets him watch just dance videos sometimes when he comes over. Changes the course of his life
Will get jiggy with it everywhere and anywhere. Would kick everyone’s ass in dance dance revolution if they had it
Hunting, he’s alright
Bros nothing super special cause he’s clumsy as fuck and loud therefore everyone and their mother knows he’s coming but he’s not that bad in combat
Feral fighter, will bite and scratch, real dangerous with a knife. I’d definitely say he’s more of a close contact fighter over distance
(We need more kiri love out here man)
Jake’s princess I’m sorry
She has that man wrapped around her finger and she KNOWS it
Will literally get in trouble with neytiri over it sometimes
“Dad can I go out foraging?” “No I want you to watch over tuk today.” “Please dad? Can’t lo’ak do it?” Qeue the sad baby eyes “of course baby girl you’re right.” “Tsk ma Jake so foolish”
Loves all her siblings so much tho and if she ever feels left out she knows she can go to them they’ll comfort her and make her feel like one of them again
Def starts shit with lo’ak for no reason, she just thinks it’s funny to make him mad
Will ease off sometimes when she knows their father went off on him recently though
That’s when him and her make neteyam’s life difficult poor boy.
Is neither here nor there on the spice scale. Better than Jake and lo’ak for sure but no where near her older brother and neytiris tolerance. Besides I don’t think she really cares for it anyway
Loves to cook, very bad at it
Truly comical how many times neytiri and even mo’at have tried to teach her. Like she’s given the family food poisoning multiple times
Makes Jake try everything cause she knows he won’t say no
Subject to tuk’s makeup makeover also but is usually a good sport
Music cause I have to now
She’s an indie girl don’t play
Pheobe bridgers, Liana Flores, salvia path
Girl in red (😋🤭)
Cannot sing but is an okay dancer
At least by na’vi standards cause I’m convinced she cannot figure out human dance moves for the life of her
Lover not a fighter
And I mean that literally that girl ain’t throwing or catching hands anytime soon
She’ll bite a bitch quick and in a hurry tho if she really must
Fr Fr tho she’s a healer we know this miss girl is one of the best there is in the class
Taking after her mother and her mothers mother ofc
I do think however that she likes fishing. Not using a bow, stick and string waiting patiently fishing. Always returns her catches to the wild after praying to eywa in apology for stressing out one of her creatures
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