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FANNY NICOLE BRODAR (Norwegian/ American b. 1971 Oslo, Norway)
Fanny Brodar: Pineapple tango
Photo: Juan David Cortes
Brodar is influenced by the playful works of Japanese art, as well as the works of artists like Rose Wylie and the simplistic yet expressive characters of artists like Philip Guston. She loves improvisational theatre, and the way she paints is similar; spontaneously from a thought rather than pre-sketching.
This allows the viewer to see hints of her process through exposed pencil marks, paint drips, and deliberate unpainted areas. Fanny starts her paintings by working flat on the floor, layering paint, and then drawing and doodling directly on the canvas turning it upright on stretcher bars or the wall. This also allows her to use her whole body when making the initial gestures.
She was born in 1971 in Oslo, Norway, grew up in New York, and currently lives and works in Maine.  (Text by Carver Hill Gallery)
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movienized-com · 4 months
Memory (2023) #MichelFranco #JessicaChastain #PeterSarsgaard #BrookeTimber #RossBrodar #JoshCharles Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 Genre: Drama Regie: Michel Franco Hauptrollen: Jessica Chastain, Peter Sarsgaard, Brooke Timber, Ross Brodar, Josh Charles, Jackson Dorfmann, Davis Duffield, Rand Faris, Elsie Fisher, Alexis Rae Forlenza, Billy Griffith, Jessica Harper, Elizabeth Loyacano, Conrad Park, Tatiana Ronderos … Filmbeschreibung: Silvia (Jessica Chastain) arbeitet in New York City, in einem Heim für…
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deaddoveeater · 2 years
Can’t believe shigaraki used his gaydar on deku
Like I knew they were glowing from the manga but rainbows? Deadass
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polkadotmotmot · 7 months
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Fanny Brodar - Pink Skies, 2023
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
I was reading about the apollo 11 mission which evolved into Humans on the Moon (and in space) feels, which just made me think about all this in the voltron verse. Bc yeah, voltron is somewhere futuristically where the Kerberos mission was new and dangerous but it was also so much more advanced than the moon. But the accomplishments of the likes of Komarov and Gagarin (and Laika, bless her) or Armstrong Aldrin and Collins and their teams back on earth are still the foundation. Maybe they're not what Brodar was to the Galra, but are in some way, similarly groundbreaking and deserve that respect.
This was a very roundabout way for me to end up wondering what the Galra's start into spacetravel was like and what Lotor would think when he learned about this human history.
I think what would strike Lotor most about the human start into space-travel is how......... reckless we were.
For all the galra mantra of victory or death rings true, they're not a people to just run headlong into a losing battle unless they have no other choice, and space travel was very much a choice for them. They weren't the first people of our universe to leave their homeworld, but they were among them, and when they did so it was after centuries of careful planning and testing and trials with droids (because, yes, they cracked basic AI before space travel!) so as to ensure that "victory" was at least a //realistic// goal if not a guaranteed one.
But humans? We sent Laika into space knowing we'd never retrieve her, and yes it was to prove that a living organism could survive being launched into orbit and continue to function under conditions of weakened gravity and increased radiation, but we could have still attempted that with a damn return journey thrown into the mix but... we didn't. Better yet, we could have sent a consenting volunteer rather than an innocent animal—and the galra would have done, would have probably fought for the honour of such a noble death in the name of scientific pursuit—but we didn't. Even at the point that we started to send people, the mortality rate was frankly Not Great, and the galra would likely look at us with an incredulous sort of horror because there is a fine line between a fearless death and a stupid one, but humans have historically trampled all over it.
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This is one of the first songs I remember having heard in my life, because my mother used to sing it. It's a traditional Catalan song known as "a la vora de la mar" or "el mariner".
It's sung around all the Catalan-speaking territories with very few variations, but I have found that in some places of the Valencian Country the melody can be a bit different. You can listen to that version in this YouTube video.
This anonymous ballad has been passed down from generation to generation, particularly in the coastal areas of the Catalan Countries. Some academics who have studied folk songs say that it also spread to other European sailing cultures who came in contact with the Catalan sailors or fishermen.
Here's the most widespread lyrics in Catalan and the translation to English:
A la vora [or voreta] de la mar hi ha una donzella hi ha una donzella. Que en brodava un mocador que és per la reina [or la flor més bella] que és per la reina [or la flor més bella].
On the sea shore there is a maiden there is a maiden. Who was embroidering a shawl that is for the queen [or the most beautiful flower] that is for the queen [or the most beautiful flower].
Quan en fou a mig brodar li manca seda (x2). Gira els ulls envers la mar veu una vela (x2).
When she was in the middle of embroidering she didn't have enough silk. She turns her eyes towards the sea and sees a sail.
I veu venir un galió tot vora terra (x2), S'apropa un mariner que una nau mena (x2).
And she sees a galeon near the land, a sailor who leads a ship is coming closer.
– Mariner, bon mariner, que en porteu seda? (x2) – De quin color la voleu, blanca o vermella? (x2)
"Sailor, good sailor, do you carry silk?" "What colour do you want it, white or red?"
– Vermelleta la vull jo, que és millor seda. La donzella entrà a la nau, trià la seda.
"I want it red, because it's a finer silk." The maiden entered the ship, chose the silk.
Mariner es posà a cantar cançons novelles, amb el cant del mariner s'ha adormideta.
The sailor started singing new songs, with the sailor's singing she has fallen asleep.
I amb el soroll de la mar, ella es desperta. Quan ella s’ha despertat ja no en veu terra.
And with the sound of the sea, she wakes up. When she has woken up, she can't see the land anymore.
–Mariner, bon mariner, torneu-me a terra. –Això sí que no ho faré, que heu de ser meva.
"Sailor, good sailor, take me back to the land." "I won't do that, because you must be mine."
–De tres germanes que som, sóc la més bella. L'una porta vestit d'or, l'altra de seda.
"Out of my two sisters and I, I'm the most beautiful one. One of them wears a dress of gold, and the other [sister] wears [a dress] of silk."
I jo, pobreta de mi, de sargil negre. L’una es casada amb un Duc, l’altra és princesa, i jo pobreta de mi, sóc marinera.
"And I, poor me, [I wear a dress] of poor quality black wool. One of them is married to a Duke, the other one is a princess, and I, poor me, I'm a sailor."
–No sou marinera, no, que en sereu reina, que jo sóc el fill del rei de l’Anglaterra.
"You're not a sailor, no, you will be queen, because I'm the son of the king of England."
A la vora [or voreta] de la mar hi ha una donzella. Que en brodava un mocador que és per la reina [or la flor més bella].
On the sea shore there is a maiden. Who was embroidering a shawl that is for the queen [or the most beautiful flower].
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cosmicanger · 2 years
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Fanny Brodar, A Beautiful Day, 2022, Acrylic, spray paint, and oil stick on canvas, 152 x 132 cm
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Demolidas12 residencias aristocráticas que el patrimonio de Mar del Plata perdió
Texto de Susy Harrington y Adolfo Brodaric 22 de febrero de 2024    Chalet GuerreroDemolido en 1942 Chalet TornquistDemolido después de 1955 DEMOLIDA EN 1994 Villa CantiloDemolida en 1981 DEMOLIDA EN 1994 Chalet PolledoDemolido hacia 1943 – 44 DEMOLIDA EN 1994 Villa AlvearDemolida en 1951 DEMOLIDA EN 1994 Villa MargaritaDemolida cerca de 1970 DEMOLIDA EN 1994 Villa…
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keycomicbooks · 10 months
Sub-Mariner #31 (1970) Sal Buscema Cover Art & Pencils, Stan Lee Editor, Roy Thomas Story
#SubMariner #31 (1970) #SalBuscema Cover Art & Pencils, #StanLee Editor, #RoyThomas Story, 1st Appearance of #Worta & #Brodar "Attuma Triumphant!" https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Sub-Mariner.html#31  #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MarvelComics #MCU #MarvelUniverse #ComicBooks
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blogspud-jobs · 1 year
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New Cotton Silk Saree With Lace Brodar And Blouse Regular Price :389.00 Offer : Flat 24% Off + Free Delivery & Easy Return Coupon Code: BLOGSPUD Buy Now : : https://www.blogspud.com/product/new-cotton-silk-saree-with-lace-brodar-and-blouse/?feed_id=26369&_unique_id=64c8237c69d54 #saree #sareelove #sarees #sareelovers #sareefashion #sareedraping #sareesofinstagram #sareeblouse #sareelover #sareeindia #sareecollection #sareeinspiration #sareeseduction #sareeblogger #sareeshopping #sareesonline #sareeusa #sareeblouseinspiration #sareeshyderabad #sareegram #sareelove😍 #sareeday #sareeblousedesign #sareemumbai #sareelover❤️ #sareeblouses #sariindia #sareebeauty #sareeinsta #sarinah Color: Multicoloured Fabric: Cotton Silk Type: Saree with Blouse piece Style: Solid Design Type: Bollywood Saree Length: 5.3 (in metres) Blouse Length: 0.8 (in metres) Country of Origin: INDIA
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mentalnahigijena · 2 years
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Krsto Gopčević iz Krivošija Gopčević nabavlja još jedrenjaka, i to: 1853. gradi u Malom Lošinju bark Pace (Mir) od 487 tona, a kupuje drugi bark Resolution građen u Engleskoj od 366 tona, dvije nave Impareggiabile (Nesuporediv) od 632 tone i Villutu od 462 tone, obje građene u Sjedinjenim Državama, te brigantin Elleno građen u Grčkoj (256 tona). Iste godine stradao mu je brik Sir Robert Peel kod otoka Jurapolo. Zajedno s barkom Indifferente (Ravnodušan) od 316 tona, sagrađenim 1825. u Bostonu, Gopčevićeva flota jedrenjaka 1853. godine ima 21 brod s ukupno 8.341 tonom. U suvlasništvu ima brigantin Milost od 398 tona, građen 1850. u Trstu (s familijom Radoičić); brik Uredan (356 tona, Rijeka, 1850., suvlasnici Radoičić, Tomić i Matović); brigantin Re Davide (192 tone, Rijeka, 1852.) sa Sbutegom, brik-škunu Dispaccio (Vijest) od 183 tone, građenu u Engleskoj 1820. (sa Sbutegom) i brigantin Zvonimir od 186 tona građen u Americi (sa Fatuttom), tako da njegova cjelokupna flota broji tridesetak brodova, od kojih je desetak, s više od 4.000 registarskih tona, sagrađeno u Rijeci.
Kao brodovlasnik na vrhuncu je ekonomske moći, tako da u ukupnom brodarstvu Trsta učestvuje s impresivnih 10% . Ustvari, najvažniji je brodar u gradu vezan uz jedrenjake, i to u konkurenciji velikih Morpurga, Minerbija, Rallija, Strudthoffa i Reyera. No, nova konkurencija je Tršćanski Lloyd koji se ubrzano diže sa svojim parobrodima, navještajući novo doba i nove odnose snaga u pomorskoj trgovini. Ipak, Gopčević stiže iznijeti i prijedlog uređenja sasvim nove tršćanske luke, što dovoljno govori o njegovom položaju u gradu, nezavisno od toga što je sve ostalo samo na papiru.
U pismu od 23. Juna 1853. knjaz Danilo mu zahvaljuje na velikoj pomoći koju je dao tokom rata s Turcima 1852.-1853., “kad je na vazi visila propast ili oslobođenje Crne Gore”. No njihovi srdačni odnosi ubrzo su bili narušeni, a počeli su i njegovi ozbiljni ekonomski problemi. Za oboje je krivo izbijanje Krimskog rata 1853. godine. Rusi su zauzeli Moldaviju i Vlašku, što je isprovociralo reakciju Turaka i Engleza, kojima su se priključili i Francuzi. Englezi su odlučili iskoristiti priliku kako bi uništili rusku mornaricu u njenoj glavnoj luci i počeli su s opsadom Sevastopolja u Oktombru 1854., a zauzeli su ga u Septembru 1855. godine.
Gopčević je nudio knjazu Danilu 3 milijuna forinti da napadne Tursku kako bi olakšao ruski položaj, no knjaz je bio svjestan svoje slabosti i nevažnosti Crne Gore u sukobu imperija i nije ništa poduzeo.
Iako je rat već bio stvarnost,  Gopčević je zakupio u Rusiji velike količine žita. S eskalacijom sukoba žito je ostalo u skladištima luka Crnog mora, a nad njegove poslove, kreditirane od strane Bečke banke, nadvili su se prijeteći oblaci. Na iznenađenje poslovnih ljudi u Trstu, Gopčević je pao u stečaj s dugom od 15 milijuna franaka, a austrijska vlada tada je odredila četiri brodovlasnika koji su trebali upravljati njegovim imetkom.
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Krsto je pokušao sam riješiti sve probleme pa se zaputio u Petrograd, ruskom caru Aleksandru II. Car ga je primio uz odgovarajuće počasti, ponavljajući: “Sve što tražite bit će Vam ispunjeno”. A on je tražio privilegij da mu brodovi budu oslobođeni karantene kako bi dobio 15 dana prednosti u odnosu na konkurenciju. Potom je isplovio iz Trsta u Rusiju, uzevši sa sobom najsposobnije kapetane, pa je u Azovskom i Crnom moru počeo s ukrcajem žita. Ipak njegove kombinacije nijesu se ostvarile zbog uništenih skladišta i šlepova. Tako su njegovi brodovi, koji su prvi uplovili u više različitih luka, među zadnjima napustili sidrišta. Osim toga zarada od prodanog žita u Francuskoj i Engleskoj, iako velika, nije bila dovoljna za saniranje ogromnih gubitaka.
U konfuznim vremenima ekonomskog rasapa žena Louise Ehmann rađa mu sina Spiridona u Trstu 9. Maja 1855.
Iste te godine četiri njegova jedrenjaka plijene različite firme, da bi drugih 11 palo pod sekvestar upravitelja njegovom imovinom. Zadnji, posve očajnički pokušaj, uslijedio je nabavkom barka Osvetitelj iz Sjedinjenih Država 1856., no osveta je izostala, jer je i on zaplijenjen 1857. godine. Ironijom povijesnih okolnosti te godine Trst je bio spojen željezničkom prugom s Bečom, što je strahovito ubrzalo razvoj lučkog prometa.
Shrvan nedaćama i neuspjesima Gopčević je doživio slom živaca 1858. i bio prevezen u duševnu bolnicu u Beču. U Maju 1861. ubio se u Trstu, posve psihički rastrojen. Iste godine započela je gradnja nove crkve svetog Spiridona, po projektu milanskog arhitekta Carla Maciachinija. Ta građevina, njegov dugogodišnji san, ostaje kao spomenik za sve njegove uspješne i neuspješne borbe.
Supruga Louise sa sinom i kćerkom vraća se u Beč i preudaje se za navodnog natporučnika Prixa. Mali Spiridon upisuje se kao katolik u isusovačku školu svete Ane. Kao desetogodišnjak s odličnim ocjenama pohađao je četiri razreda gimnazije u Melku do 1869., kad je napustio redovito obrazovanje. Majka mu je umrla 1872., a 1874. upisao se na konzervatorij u Beču (pjevanje i klavir), no izdržao je samo godinu dana, do pobune u Hercegovini 1875. Naglo je otišao prema jugu, sve do Cetinja, gdje se upoznao s dvorskim slikarom Quiquerezom iz Zagreba. Istaknuti hrvatski slikar Ferdo Quiquerez (Kikerec) došao je u Crnu Goru u Avgustu 1875. s namjerom da nađe likovnu podlogu za ilustraciju Mažuranićeva epa Smrt Smail-age Čengića. Zadržao se tamo do Septembra 1876., djelujući kao portretist i ratni slikar za vrijeme borbi u Hercegovini. Izradio je i ilustracije za Njegošev Gorski vijenac. S njim je na Cetinju cijelo vrijeme bio i Ivan Rendić, najznačajniji hrvatski kipar XIX. vjeka, koji je tražio inspiraciju i romantičarsko nadahnuće u crnogorskim borbama s Turcima.
Spiridon Gopčević mlađi dopisivao se s Giuseppeom Garibaldijem, ujediniteljem Italije, koji je trebao pomoći Crnogorcima koji su dizali “hercegovačku” bunu. U Cetinje je došao Garibaldijev izaslanik Pasqua Vivaldi, i pokušao formirati jedinicu od 500 do 1000 dobrovoljaa. U loše organiziranoj vojsci Gopčević se pokušao nametnuti kao zapovjednik, no to mu nije uspjelo. Knjaz Nikola poslao ga je u London kako bi pokušao isposlovati engleski ratni zajam. S novim neuspjehom prestao je biti zanimljiv Crnogorcima. Gopčević se vratio u Beč, gdje mu je Quiquerez savjetovao da se pridružio Hubmeyeru ako se zaista želi boriti. Krajem 1876. Gopčević je dovršio svoju prvu knjigu Crna Gora i Crnogorci. Štampao ju je na njemačkom, kao i sve svoje brojne publikacije, jer je to bio jezik koji je najbolje poznavao. Crnogorski je govorio vrlo loše, s posve krivim naglaskom, pa je izazivao podsmjeh. To ruganje u gudurama podno Lovćena nije zaboravio, pa je u knjizi prikazao Crnogorce kao priglupe operetne junake. Očekivano, knjazu Nikoli se to nije dopalo, no ugledni engleski političar William Gladstone (premijer 1876.-1886.) bio je oduševljen. Od tada počinje njihova neobična veza,  zahvaljujući kojoj je Gopčević imao prilike dobro upoznati London u Avgustu 1879. godine.
Tada se zbližava i s arheologom amaterom Arturom Johnom Evansom (1851.-1941.), najpoznatijem po kasnijim kopanjima na Kreti, no u tom trenutku tek po mrzovoljnoj knjizi Ilirska pisma. U njoj je sabrao svoje, ne odviše objektivne, novinske dopise iz 1877. godine. Na Gladstonov poticaj Gopčević je pokušao stupiti 1880. u lični kontakt s njemačkim kancelarom Bismarckom, no njegova molba za audijenciju bila je odbijena.
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simeriaoana · 2 years
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Trusou cu îngeraș Trusoul contine 11 piese 🔹body 🔹prosop cu glugă pt bebe 🔹fașă 🔹pânză de mir 🔹prosop pentru preot 🔹săpunel 🔹cutiuță pentru firele de păr 🔹sticluță 🔹păturică 🔹perna 🔹cutia mare în care se pun toate acestea #atelierdebroderieoanasimeria #broderiecaransebes #personalizarecaransebes #caransebes #atelieroanasimeria #broderie #embroidery #cadouribrodate #cadouripersonalizate #brodare #brodat #personalizat #trusouingeras #trusoubaiat #cutietrusou #trusoucunume #ingeras #trusoupersonalizat #personalizarecaransebes (la Caransebes, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgRQk7MsiNN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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doveyeellie · 3 years
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littlechien · 3 years
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littlechien      posted   this
Fanny  Brodar
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polkadotmotmot · 10 months
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Fanny Brodar - Toss Up, 2023
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
what does galra society as a whole think about half galra/mixed race galra? how do these opinions differ among the class levels (as in like regular everyday people to upper class military soldier types)?
Imperial opinion of Keith as a hybrid | Imperial racism against non-galra | would Lotor's hybrid status impact his imperial reputation? | hybrid lifespans | Lotor's altean strength: a blessing or a curse?
The idea that the galra are “superior” is a pervasive attitude that’s been around since Emperor Brodar first led them beyond Daibazaal [...] but with galra hybrids being so unlikely to survive gestation—and then, even if they do, experiencing a massively shortened lifespan—the societal perception of galra/non-galra relations has been severely warped throughout Zarkon’s reign from being gently discouraged, to strongly disadvised, to damn near criminal. Over the countless generations since Zarkon first took the throne, Imperial attitudes have essentially shifted from “don’t have children with non-galra because our genes are too strong and hybrid children will almost certainly suffer a slow and painful death,” to “don’t have children with non-galra because outsiders are weak and any half-breed spawn produced by coupling with them will be just as pathetic.”
The above is from my "Lotor's altean strength" post and was, itself, a summary of something said in several posts before it, but my point still stands: though historically the first galra to venture out into space en-masse for the purpose of conquering other planets very much did think themselves superior in every way, but as the Empire grew and the alien peoples they had conquered became Imperial citizens themselves (see first post linked above), this attitude, from your average citizen, at least, gradually lessened. Non-galra Imperial citizens became the galra's colleagues, neighbors, and friends, growing up alongside one another as more-or-less equals, with only two overt cultural holdovers:
Non-galra Imperial citizens may not join the Imperial Military proper, but rather are limited to local security jobs.
Non-galra Imperial citizens are prohibited from engaging in intimate relationships with galra Imperial citizens.
Now obviously these two factors scream "prejudice", but both are so deeply ingrained in the Empire's foundations that the majority of Imperial society (both galra and not) doesn't ever think to question them in the first place... until you bring a flesh-and-blood hybrid into the mix, of course. Remember, hybrid-galra are //rare//—by which I mean they're the 0.0001% of the 0.0001%—to the point that despite Lotor actively seeking people like him, he managed to find only four others (well, five, now that he knows Keith), owing to the fact that between the cultural & genetic roadblocks to their conception, on top of the further gestational difficulties, hybrids are a particularly scarce minority.
But let's approach this from the perspectives of the three pillars of Imperial society, shall we?
As a quick refresher for anyone who doesn't want to reread that entire post, the three pillars of Imperial society are the State, the Church, and the Military, and these groups can be further subdivided by hierarchical position within each pillar.
First, the Military, which encompasses Cadets, Officers, Lieutenants, Commanders, and the Admiral (a role traditionally, but not always, filled by the Monarch). As an organisation, the Military is inherently prejudiced against non-galra citizens as they're simply not allowed to serve. As you can imagine, this makes it a more hostile environment in pretty much every way for hybrids, because they're the only "non-galra" galra able to enter military service, which leaves them systematically othered. Broadly speaking, the higher up the chain of command, the less civil soldiers tend to be towards hybrids, as they themselves have spent a great deal of time interacting only with other galra, or,,, the non-galra "enemy" of foreign planets who they subjugate without mercy. They are literally trained not to view alien people as people, because sympathy breeds compassion- compassion breeds weakness- and weakness breaks insubordination and defiance of Emperor Zarkon's orders.
Second, the Church, which encompasses a million different Imperial religions (with galra and non-galra origins), but chief among them is the Druidic Faith, with its Deacons, Priest(esse)s, High Priest(esse)s, and the Archivist. The opinion of hybrids according to any religious group can vary wildly, and is dictated chiefly by their faith's doctorine: some consider them abominations of nature, others no more or less than anyone else, and others still akin to demigods. The Druids, however, take the stance of hybrids being a non-issue, as their only concern is whether or not a child is capable of manipulating quintessence (something that marks them as beloved by Sa, and therefore worthy beyond compare) or potentially capable of passing on latent druidic alleles (therefore potentially siring a druidic child).
Third, the State, which encompasses the majority of the Imperial populace, comprised of common civilians, the equestrian order (exceedingly wealthy "new money"), the aristocracy (old and revered bloodlines), and the Imperial family. The divide in this pillar is a pretty clean one: upper class aristocrats, tend to have inherited the prejudice of their ancestors due to their families placing such intrinsic value on their blood (even by galra standards), and from their pov, hybrids are a tainting of their nobility by mixing with "lesser" people.
But the general public? Your average citizen doesn't particularly differentiate between those who are galra and those who are not. As we saw in the space mall episode (s02ep07) the Empire is massively multicultural, with day-to-day citizens simply going about their lives: Sal didn't look down on his customers, and in fact seemed to take genuine pride in learning from Hunk how to make food they could enjoy, while Varkon's only prejudice seemed to be against "space-pirates" for threatening the sanctity of his place of employment. So if these people were to be confronted with a hybrid child whose very existence is taboo… well, they're still a //child// aren't they? Meaning they're innocent, and invaluable, and supposedly a GeNeTiC aBoMiNaTiOn except they're perfect in every way because Imperial culture holds all children—galra or otherwise—in the highest regard, so why should this be any different?
Finally, however, we come to the Emperor, who sets the tone for the entire Empire, and has obviously remained unchanged for the last 10,000 decaphoebs: Zarkon,,, who publicly declared his hybrid son a traitor to be killed on sight,,,,,, that message was abundantly clear, and the galra are nothing if not loyal.
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