#broken engagement
whats-in-a-sentence · 3 months
He took off the ring of golden ivy leaves and handed it to her.
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"DragonLance Chronicles: Dragons of Autumn Twilight" - Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
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trk360 · 11 months
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katiajewelbox · 11 months
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When he thinks he's going to get your money, but he gets the broom instead!
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thenightbeauty91 · 1 year
Willing or Not
As Hokage, there was much Shisui could avoid. This was not one of them.
An arranged marriage by their clans forces Ino and Shisui into awkward and unwanted situations, breaking the hearts of their loved ones in the process. Heartache and desire leads to healing and unplanned consequences.
Continuing As a Multi-Chapter Event, now.
Willing or Not - For Renaerys
Characters: Uchiha Shisui/Yamanaka Ino
“You’re lying.” Shisui sat back in his chair, his right hand raised to rub the sudden throbbing at his temple. He eyed the three Uchiha Elders carefully, his brow pinching with concern at the stoic faces. “You can’t just decide I’m getting married, I’m the Hokage for kami sake!” His pulse thundered in his ears as his heartrate jacked up, their disapproving stares always enough to send his anxiety into overdrive.
“We are well aware of your position, Hokage-sama.” It was Teruna who spoke, the old bat talking down to him like he was someone to be chided. She straightened, her shoulders pulling back into the stiffest stance he could imagine. “You are a beacon of hope and pride for the Uchiha Clan, the symbol of our future with the village.” Shisui’s rising pride was ruthlessly squashed as she continued, “Which is why it is imperative that you marry.”
“I just-“ Shisui swallowed, his thoughts drifting to the woman currently waiting for him. It was after hours, far past time for him to be heading out. “I don’t think we’re quite ready to take that step, just yet.”
“Are you referring to the woman you have been cavorting with, Hokage-sama?” The comment from Fugaku had Shisui’s eyes widening.
“Cavorting-?” His voice raised in pitch, a laugh quickly dying on his lips at the stern expression from his best friend’s father. “You know damned well Sakura-chan and I are not cavorting, Fugaku-sama! We have been in a healthy, stable relationship for three years!” His palm slapped the top of his desk.
“Three years too long.” Uchiha Yashiro sneered, arms folded over his chest. “The clan does not need more Senju influence on the Main Family.”
“Watch your mouth, Yashiro!” Shisui snarled, standing has his chakra flickered dangerously. “You do not get to say such things about Sakura!”
“It is true, though, Hokage-sama.” Fugaku interrupted, his ever present scowl deepening the further they talked. “Sakura-chan is a highly skilled kunoichi, yes. She was trained by one of the Sannin and the Copy-nin. No one doubts her talents on the battlefield and in the hospital.” He seemed to hesitate for a moment before continuing. “It is her desire to assist you in fulfilling your duties to the clan that are in question.” His eyes met Shisui’s, the next words unnecessary to the younger man. “Your duties to your bloodline, in particular.”-
“If you’re suggesting that Sakura-chan quit being a kunoichi just so we can have children-“
“No one is suggesting that, Shisui.” Fugaku eyed the boy who had practically grown up as his own, in his house, at his table. “Sakura-san has made it quite clear that she has no intentions of settling into the role of wife and mother, anytime soon.” Shisui’s heart plummeted, the rising suspicions confirmed. “That is why we have already confirmed your marriage contract.”
Stunned silence. Shisui could not formulate words, his thought process unhinged.
“Who did you think was a better fit than Sakura-chan?” He managed to croak out after a moment.
“…” Fugaku glanced worriedly at the pale face before him, hesitant to strike another blow. “Yamanaka Ino.”
A dry laugh escaped Shisui, genuine amusement clashing with stark disbelief. “That’s impossible.” He cracked out. “She’s Sakura-chan’s best friend. I can’t marry my girlfriend’s best friend! You can’t make us!”
x x x x x
They could, indeed, make him marry Yamanaka Ino, as evidenced by the ring that he numbly slid onto her left ring finger. The confirmed husband and wife avoided looking at each other, one set of dark eyes focusing on the ground and the tear-filled blue ones on her left hand. After the rites of purification were performed, they were released to proceed to what was now their home.
Entering the Hokage Mansion, Shisui immediately distanced himself from the blond. His quiet words were quickly spoken in her direction as he uncorked the jar of sake to pour two cups. “There is a room next to mine you may occupy. Please understand that this marriage is not my choice. You are not my choice.” His dark eyes were harsh as he turned them on her. “I would be marrying Sakura-chan if I had any choice.”
Ino was uncharacteristically silent, watching him with a pained expression. A moment passed as she absorbed his words. “You think I chose this, Shisui?” Her bitter laughter echoed throughout the room. “That I wanted to betray Sakura and marry you, of all people?! I was happy with Sai! We were going to talk to my parents about marriage, soon!”
“Not soon enough, apparently!” Shisui slammed the drink back, swallowing without a care to the bitter burn in his throat. He turned on her in a flash, his shoulders rising and falling with his barely controlled rage. “I will not be forced to betray Sakura-chan any further, Ino. You and I will never consummate this marriage.”
The relieved look that crossed Ino’s face had him hesitating. Had she truly not wanted this? It was quickly followed by a more unsettling, offending thought. Did she think he was going to force her to fulfill her duties? Repulsion rang deep and hard through his chest, stifled only by the deep draws directly from the sake jar.
It was silent as the two stood apart, each considering what they wished to say.
Ino broke first. “I have no objections if you and Sakura….continue to see each other, Shisui.”
Shisui’s eyes widened in shock, his heart lurching with hope. “You mean, you won’t say anything?”
Ino shook her head, her hands flexing at her sides as she burst out, “As long as I can continue to see Sai, I don’t care what you do.” As an afterthought, she added, “You must use protection.
There can be no children.”
“I agree!” Shisui was quick to jump on the opportunity, uncaring how desperate he sounded. Sakura-chan wasn’t going to hate him!
x x x x x
Uchiha Shisui counted himself lucky, most of the time.
He had a strong, supportive clan at his back.
Though, they were the assholes who caused this.
His best friend couldn’t be closer if they were blood brothers.
Not that Itachi had been able to do anything other than voice his objections.
Highly skilled in his career as a shinobi, he held the coveted office as Godaime Hokage.
Even that title had been unable to save him from the heartache of losing the love of his life!
Hell, he was one of the unluckiest people in Konohagakure! He slammed back the sake, the amber liquid burning its path down his abused throat. Frustrated did not begin to describe his current mood, the proverbial dark cloud that roiled and toiled over his slouched form at the bar indicative to his stressed out mindset.
It wasn’t enough. He snorted over the next cup, his breath disturbing the still surface with slight ripples. A quick flick of his tongue across the seam of his lips before he knocked another down. Shisui would be damned if he didn’t leave this bar thoroughly drunk after the day he had. Dark brows drew together with his displeasure as he ordered the reluctant bartender to pour more.
“Hokage-sama.” The familiar voice of one of his personal ANBU drew his attention from the next drink. If the shock of silver hair sticking up over the mask did not reveal his identity, the slouched form and lazy drawl would have. “Not that it matters to me, but I’d rather not have to explain to the head of T&I why you’re coming home drunk.”
“My wife can understand, I’m sure.” Shisui gave an amused smirk. “As she’s ceaselessly reminded me, this is an arranged marriage, Kakashi. Something our clans decided would be beneficial without considering the feelings of either of us.”
Kakashi responded with a sullen sigh, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. “Yeah, Sakura-chan hasn’t been taking it very well, either.” When Shisui’s sharingan spun to life at the mention of his ex, Kakashi gave an awkward cough. “I only mean that I can see how rough it is from all sides.”
Shisui fisted the sake cup, the ceramic creaking from the stress. “I know that, Kakashi! I tried to fight the elders, but they had already signed a marriage contract with the Yamanaka Clan.” His teeth grit. “It didn’t matter that Sakura-chan and I were together for three years. Or that Ino was as good as married to that artist kid.” Another drink disappeared between his lips as he vented his frustration at the situation they were in. “As if it’s not bad enough, Itachi said that Hyuuga brat is sniffing around Sakura-chan.”
“It has been six months since the wedding, Hokage-sama.” Kakashi remarked, stepping back to avoid the swipe directed his way. “I’m only saying, you’re married to her best friend. She’s a desirable kunoichi. Perhaps its something she wants?”
Shisui paused, visibly deflating with the possibility that the woman he loved would welcome the attentions of another man. I did marry Ino. He slouched in the chair, head falling into his hands. His fingers stressed the silken strands.
Damn the elders for trapping him in a loveless, passionless marriage!
He needed another drink…
x x x x x
When Ino walked into the kitchen she shared with her husband, she was not bothered by the sight of his sleeping form slouched over the table. She simply turned on the coffee pot before pulling two mugs from the cupboard. A few minutes later, she approached the table with the steaming caffeinated beverages in each hand.
Taking her seat, she leaned back and sipped on her cup after setting his in front of him. “Wake up.” She reached out with her dainty food, nudging his leg under the table. A pale brow rose as he turned, the red pressure marks across the cheek and his slightly smooshed nose providing ample entertainment. “As amusing as this is, we need to get on with the day, Shisui.”
A snort escaped his lips as Shisui startled at the kick she delivered to his shin, charcoal eyes opening to blearily take in his surroundings. “Huh?” The pained scowl he directed at her was accompanied by a slight whine, his hands gently cradling his throbbing head. “What happened?”
A nonchalant shrug as Ino drank from her coffee. “I came out here to you sleeping. You were already at the table.”
“I went to the bar…”
“Surprise, surprise.” Ino rolled her eyes, no sympathy for the man she was legally tied to. “I’m going to be leaving for work, soon. We need to discuss this issue before I have to leave, Shisui.” She pushed his coffee under his nose. “Drink this.”
Shisui huffed as he took the coffee mug, downing the bitter black substance without a second thought. Ino didn’t know his well enough to put the two cream, two sugar that he liked. Yet another reason he had to resent this situation. “What do we need to talk about?” He muttered sulkily. “You need more room in the closet?”
Ino’s eyes narrowed dangerously, brows twitching as she placed her mug down on the wood of the table with a thunk. “You know damned well I couldn’t fit all my stuff in that tiny dresser you tried to make me use, Shisui.” Her gaze flickered over his hunched form, irritated that he would question her need for clothing space. Quelling her anger, she raised her chin and broke the news, “Since Sai and Sakura both rejected our suggestions on continuing our relationships quietly, I have a suggestion.”
Shisui eyed her from across the table, a grumpy frown tilting his lips. “What would that entail?”
Ino gave a mirthless laugh. “We can find partners outside the marriage.”
Shisui’s face twisted in an unseemly way. “I’m sure with enough time, they will come to see that the arrangement wouldn’t be all that bad, Ino.”
“It’s been six months, Shisui.” The deadpan expression directed at him made Shisui wince. Since their marriage, he had quickly learned Ino’s ire was on a different level than Sakura’s. Not as physically prone to violence, she could easily fuck with your head. Her mental games ran strong. “Sai hasn’t responded to any of my messages in four months. He’s returned to ANBU and taken on long-term only missions.”
Shisui grunted in understanding, a similar situation with Sakura plaguing his days. “Sakura has been seen with other men.” He ground out, the unusual circumstances of confiding in the woman separating him from his love not above his understanding of irony. “The Hyuuga took her on a date.”
Ino’s face shifted through a grimace before she quickly schooled her features. “According to Hinata, it’s more than a date, Shisui.” The sympathy in her voice caught his attention as the words slammed into his chest, the ache that bloomed deep inside tearing viciously through him. “I’ve never even heard of Neji going on dates. Hinata says he is courting her.”
The coffee arched across the floor before the mug shattered against the wall, the absolute fury that warped his handsome face stunning Ino. A pained cry escaped Shisui before his forehead
thunked on the table top. The shaking of his shoulders belied the attempts to hide his silent sobs.
x x x x x
Shisui and Ino had come to an understanding that they were allowed to have an open marriage, choosing their shadow partners carefully to avoid the stain of dishonor it would bring upon their families. While he had not partaken of the option, he also hadn’t heard anything of Ino seeking bed partners. It was neither a happy or disheartening experience.
x x x x x
Almost nine months after his marriage, Shisui was blindsided with the arrival of four people he had no desire to see in his offices. Charcoal eyes were wide as the three Hyuuga and the pink-haired woman he still deeply loved presented themselves formally to the Godaime Hokage.
“Why are you all here, today?” Shisui dreaded the response, his nerves jacking up at the way Sakura subconsciously turned into the branch member of the Hyuuga Clan.
Hiashi stepped forward, his milky eyes locking with the dark gaze of his nephew’s rival. “Hokage-sama,” Hiashi bowed low at the waist. “As the current Head of the Hyuuga Clan, I have failed to secure a male heir for the Main Branch Family.” The contents of Shisui’s stomach curdled in realization. This was a formal meeting. “My eldest is betrothed to the heir of the Uzumaki Clan. My youngest has expressed a desire to court among the Inuzuka Clan. As such, the Main Branch will not have a suitable heir.” Shisui held his breath, horror-stricken eyes searching out the beautiful emerald of Sakura’s. In them, he saw the reluctance as Hiashi’s continued words echoed in he background. “The Clan Elders and I have formally decided to adopt my brother’s only son, my nephew, into the Main Family. The intention is to name him Heir.”
As Shisui’s world fell apart, once again, he listlessly nodded in agreement. There was nothing to contest, this was merely a formality. To allow the Hokage the necessary information on who would be ascending to the Hyuuga Clan leadership next.
“Hinata-chan is here to serve as witness to the next announcement, Hokage-sama.” Hiashi was not unsympathetic to the pain he knew Shisui to be in, but this had to be done. “We are formally announcing the betrothal of my nephew and heir, Neji, to the kunoichi, Haruno Sakura.”
Shisui’s heart deadened, meeting the brilliant green of his former love before they flickered to the milky white of her intended husband. He took in the possessive hand that gripped Sakura’s hip, turning her neatly into his side. The way she rested her own palm against Neji’s chest spoke more than any further words could.
“I, Uchiha Shisui, Godaime Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato,” He took a breath, inhaling through the pain tattooed on his heart. “Accept and acknowledge the naming of Hyuuga Neji as Heir to the Hyuuga Clan, as well as his intention to marry Haruno Sakura.” Standing abruptly, he bowed deeply. “Thank you for the meeting, Hyuuga-sans, Haruno-san. I wish you well in your future.”
His disappearance from the Hokage Tower after they took their leave was not questioned by the ANBU Operative on guard that day. The silver-haired man sighed as he sat down next to the young Uchiha Heir, also on duty. “Well, it could have gone worst.”
“Hn.” Itachi’s dark eyes flashed as he assessed the form of his best friend sitting atop the Hokage Monument. “Perhaps now Shisui can begin to heal,” he murmured. “And realize that he is not as alone as he thinks.”
“Aye.” Kakashi agreed, thinking of the sad blond that had also been attached to another of his students’ happiness. “Perhaps they assist one another.”
x x x x x
The wedding was quick to happen, for reasons that would be rapidly apparent in the following months. Shisui attended as a requirement, hiding his pain behind fake smiles and despondent laughter. It was only when his beautiful wife grasped his hand tightly in her own that he relaxed slightly. Intentional or not, her presence over the last year had naturally become soothing to him.
Shisui watched his former lover move on to a future without him, secure in the love she foundin the Hyuuga Clan. As such, it was only fitting that it was at this very event that Ino learned of the engagement of Hyuuga Hanabi to Sai, the support he offered her only crutch as they left the reception.
When they crashed through the front doors of the Hokage Mansion, stumbling due to the heavily imbibed sake provided by the Hyuuga Clan, there were many tears and laughter. They supported each other to the couch, waving away the ANBU guard as they collapsed into fits of drunken laughter. They goaded each other to continue their game of drink n forget.
As the night wore on, they shared stories of missions, trainings, Clan incidents. Their bodies naturally drew closer as hands ghosted over skin with light touches, comforting hugs and embraces.
So, it was no surprise when Ino turned to a clearly inebriated Shisui and stared, her fuzzy mind providing the information that this man was hot. She swallowed harshly at the way he tilted his head back to down another mouthful of sake, his throat working to take the liquid down to his gullet and provide him with further sweeth blissful numbness. “Shisui,” She slurred, shifting to the side as he turned to her. Her hands grasped his head, fingers sliding into his hair to play with silky black curls. “I think…I need you…”
Shisui’s groan of appreciation as Ino’s slanted her mouth over his was loud and throaty, his unoccupied hand sliding up to her midback to press her chest closer to his. “Fuck…yeah….” He growled out as she rubbed herself against him, dropping the sake jar to the floor with a crash before pulling her over his lap. His lips attacked her soft ones, dragging breathy moans and wanton cries from her in his fervor to answer her siren call.
Ino ground down against the very present thickness of Shisui’s cock, her lacy panties already sodden with her desire. “Ugh…Shisui…” Her head tilted back his lips praised the length of exposed skin that was her throat, her movements over his arousal become more focused.
“Fuck, yes, Ino.” Shisui thrust up into his wife, the blur of events that lead to him lifting her skirts and shoving her panties to the side unimportant. As she cried out, he forced her tight walls open to the turgid length that was his cock. So consumed were they in their sexual explorations, they did not think to consider how far and fast it was advancing. Their hands explored the other’s skin, hips rolling together in search of fulfillment only the other could provide. “Right there, Baby.” Shisui grunted, fucking up into her wet slit. “You’re so fucking beautiful. I want you to come for me.”
Ino desperately chased that high, her hips smacking down against his, her engorged clit dragging sweetly against the coarse hair at the base of his impressive cock. “Shi….sui….” Her words were broken with cries of praise for the dark-haired man, interspersed with begging for him to fuck her harder, faster, longer. As he shifted them up and over the edge of the couch, he gently lowered her to the floor.
They did not care when her pale hair landed in the puddle of the broken sake jar, too focused on the way he raised her ankles to his shoulders. To aim deeper, the blunt head of his arousal brushing against the most inner surface that was her cervix. Shisui groaned in appreciation as Ino used his shoulders to leverage her legs and work herself up and down to meet his thrusts. “Keep going, Baby.” Shisui grunted, his nimble fingers seeking the precious nub that was her clit – rolling the pads of his fingers expertly against the soaked bundle of nerves to push her higher, faster, harder into climax. “You’re doing so wonderful. Cum for me, again.”
Ino’s flesh felt like it was ready to burst, each orgasm throwing her further into the delirious void she wished to never leave. Her body writhed under his heavier form, clenching and clamping like a vice in an attempt to milk him of his seed. “Please, kami, Shisui.” Her voice was growing hoarse from extended use, the screams ripped from her with each thrust of his hips. “Please, I’m going to cum! Cum with me!”
“Ngh.” Shisui’s thrusts were becoming erratic, the sweat sliding down his back and face as he worked faster towards his own goal. His muscles were in sweet, pained tense contractions, the promise of release on the horizon as he followed the vocal demands of the blond under him. “Ino, fuck…” He gasped out, his heart jackhammering against his chest. “I’m going to cum….inside….ngh…”
Thrice more did his hips meet hers before pressing flush together, the head of his cock pressed deep inside her wet channel to unload his life-giving essence into her womb. Shisui’s lips met Ino’s in a deep bruising kiss, the heightened lust and ardor edging her into a final climax.
They breathed harshly, settling together to ride out the oversensitivity that accompanied such an intense round of sex. Their hands were not idle, stroking over dampened skin, brushing through sweat-soaked hair. And as they wound down, Shisui raised his head, Sharingan-lit eyes taking in the flushed face of his wife just shy of a year. “Well….” He breathed out. “That happened.”
A delirious smile graced Ino’s face as she rubbed herself against him, the delicious aftershocks zinging along her skin. “Yeah.” She responded almost shyly. “That happened.”
A cocky smirk twisted Shisui’s lips as he rolled off of her to land on his back. “We should get drunk at our exes weddings more often.”
Ino’s laughter rang through the room as he closed his eyes, his heart feeling lighter than it had in the last year. She followed him, pressing her well-endowed chest to his. Her nipples were still stiff, he could tell, either from the drink or latent sexual desire. A coy smile curved her lips as she dragged a single finger across the expanse of his wide chest. “There’s always another one to look forward to, you know.”
“I don’t think I want to wait that long.” Shisui grinned, grasping below her knee to shift her over his body once again. “Matter of fact, I don’t think I can wait another moment.” He was already hard, sliding home before she could react with more than a cry of surprise.
And he showed her just how much he didn’t want to wait.
Multiple times.
x x x x x
My brain is mushed. Jokage, this is all your fault. My one shot is turning into a multi-chapter project, again. T-T
Happy Fourth to all my readers. Much love. Freedom and Fireworks Galore, tonight.
- Ris
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lifewithaview · 1 year
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I Dream of Jeannie (1965–1970) Jeannie and the Marriage Caper
When Tony's future father-in-law is accepting an ambassadorship, he offers Tony a prestigious position if he leaves tbroken engagementhe Air Force.
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Day 8 - morning
You're never gonna take accountability, so I won't reach out. I don't need to send you a letter, I don't need to give you that. You'll go on thinking I'm the bad guy, and I will let go.
Goodbye, Nick.
0 notes
collophora · 4 months
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TBB cadets ideas
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sgtbradfords · 5 months
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Tim Bradford and Lucy Chen in the promo for 6x09
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erwinsvow · 2 months
i have this entire fleshed out shy reader lore for i guess a hypothetical universe where shy reader dated jj and/or pope first but eventually they broke up because of the whole season one treasure plotline not even because of a lack of love but mostly just her feeling neglected and alone. right at the end of all of that is when she would meet rafe just when he’s in that season two craziness/spiral and they become so insanely codependent and just around there somewhere when the pogues hate rafe even more they find out he’s dating shy reader and it’s just a whole other layer. so basically obx writers let me into the room.
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himbo-buckley · 4 months
Everyone saying in the Carriage Scene you can tell the moment he decides he wants to marry her but the truth is he had made the decision when he decided to break up her proposal
He made the decision there to simply ask her straight away
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ardentpoop · 7 months
truly cannot express often enuf that if sam doesnt stand out to you like a guiding light cutting through the bleak mire of supernatural's bloated canon i do not trust your taste in Literally Anything
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You know how in Right Ho, Jeeves, one of Bertie’s ideas is that even if a woman is angry with her beloved, she’ll jump to his defense like a tigress defending her cub if someone else attacks him? Well, in Aunts Aren’t Gentlemen, Jeeves returns from his aunt’s house—where he’d spent the night because he was in a snit about Bertie’s latest engagement—to find Bertie tied up by the antagonists of the week. After this he becomes completely cooperative again and redirects his previous coldness toward Bertie’s captors instead
What I’m saying is that it took nine books, but it looks like the tigress gambit finally worked
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 months
I just [clenches fist] I love how much Madam Jin loves Jiang Yanli. Yanli is not an accomplished cultivator like her. She has average looks. The only notable things about her are her kindness and her cooking abilities. But Madam Jin adores her! Genuinely loves her! And I love it!
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mikaelsrose · 2 months
objectively speaking, abh deserves more praise. the horror of the last update is very well done and despite the (undeserved) hate, the love interest are not one-dimensional, and the plot is well thought-out and engaging.
elena scatters the hints and the red herrings carefully across the chapters and ive never had more fun theorising and dissecting a book. i can't wait for season one finale and season two 🎆
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galedekarios · 1 year
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in case anyone thought i was joking. larian literally made it impossible to romance gale right now, unless you already have had the romance scene in act ii.
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anna-scribbles · 9 months
one day i will speak about the absolute romantic BLUEPRINT that is bill/rachel in the film Eloise at Christmastime (2003) and the way it is an adrinette au waiting to happen .
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