junker-corvid · 2 months
my giant roadrat headcanon list
I've been writing this for over a month now. [some of these are heavily implied anyway, I just like to bring attention to it]
has difficulties breathing without his mask
sleeps like a ROCK but also snores super loud. prob has sleep apnea idk, someone get this man a cpap machine
junkrat designed and built his traps
under the mask, he has a stretched septum piercing, a double chin, and a cleft lip [every time someone draws roadhog with a chiseled chin an angel loses its wings]
pierced nipples (mostly already cannon, but only applies to certain skins)
the spiked tire on his left shoulder is an old piece of a riptire
selective mute, but junkrat still understands him from vague gestures or certain looks. junkrat will also occasionally speak on his behalf. will only be open to having conversations when theyr alone :3
drinks the shittiest beer known to man
always being yelled at to turn down the TV
big fan of plushies [especially pachimaris]
pescatarian [vegetarian but still eats fish]
goes crazy for steamed bao
spider bite piercings, 11mm gauges, along with a left nostril piercing next to his mole
has autism and dyslexia
has hearing issues
deals with memory issues, roadhog helps him remember
this guys got SERIOUS mommy issues
claustrophobic and brontophobic [fear of storms]
paranoid, "hes a liar. lies to himself, most of all" [from wasted land comic]
has frequent back pain from hauling around his rip-tire lol
rarely stands up straight
roadhog will keep him focused when he gets distracted on heists
lost his left arm and leg in his teen years. hes gone through a few prosthetics over the years but the ones he currently has be built himself.
has strangely good balance
caffeine addict (mostly coffee)
will stay up all night coming up with and drawing bomb designs
very light sleeper, turns and moves a lot
REALLY bad at keeping secrets,, its a problem
terrible at cooking, will manage to burn soup
after escaping the wasteland he still struggles to eat properly, but roadhog tries to help him eat better
sews his patches on with flossing string [iykyk]
goes crazy for milk tea boba
they pierced each other's right ears together sometime in-between ow1 and ow2
both have PTSD, and they help each other cope with their nightmares.
trans4trans 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️💥💥💥
they smoke so much weed oh my GODD the stench
theyr SOOOO in love but they don’t care to put a label on it ref
bonus: cannon stuff that I just think about a lot
I already mentioned this but for their OW2 designs they both have their right ears pierced and only their right ears. this was a common sign of being gay before the 2010s ref1 ref2
they have matching black nail polish,,
junkrat often messes up spelling. he usually scribbles it out, then tries again next to it
they bicker a lot [but in the way old married couples do]
junkrat has a small canteen on his belt. it's filled with milk tea with boba [half sweet] ref
the bar in junkertown sells boba [and cricket crisps??] ref
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madamequagmire · 1 year
I don’t work with color very often, and I’m notoriously bad at nailing Key’s likeness, so this seemed like a good challenge and a way for my brontophobic self to get through the horror that is the Fourth of July while sporadically yelling, “Shut up!” at fireworks.
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
akksjajd idk if you meant comment on the post or send you an ask but if i made it in time kagehina for your speedwrite thing you just posted hehehe
HAPPY 500 ATE!!!
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Ships: Kagehina
Warnings: Thunderstorm mention
Prompt: Shoyo Hinata is heavily brontophobic, meaning he cannot stand the sights or sounds of thunderstorms. One night during a match with Sejoh, a severe storm falls above the gym. How will little bby react? And how will Kageyama make him feel better?
Tags: @lisiwalker, @rebloging-everything, @fushigum, @koushismatchalatte, @littlebbyleesfw
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A sudden clap of gentle thunder caused Shoyo to flail and fall to his butt, allowing the attempted quick attack to fall completely short.
“Hinata wh-“
“ ‘msorry! Won’t happen again!”
“Wasn’t that supposed to be that formidable quick that everyone was fawning over?” Oikawa teased with a sneer, letting his fingers brush along the net, “Or maybe the great savant Hinata is finally falling short.”
“Shut up!” Kageyama barked, “Stop using such big words to make yourself sound cooler!”
This pissed Tooru off, causing the brunette to groan and narrow his eyes. The blow of the Ref’s whistle brought them back into play.
Hinata and Kageyama lined up for their freak attack... With an audible smack, the ball completely whizzed past Oikawa and Iwazumi onto the floor.
“There’s the formidable quick.” Kageyama teased in a heavily mocking tone.
The jet-black haired boy couldn’t relish in their little victory over the great king for long, for his mind was fogged with suspicions about his partner.
“Hey, asshole. What was that?” He inquired gently as the team was called for a water break.
“O-oh! Nothin’! Just a little jumpy is all.” Hinata lied straight through his teeth, squeezing an eye shut at the sudden flash of lightning.
That’s when he knew. He figured it was better to not say anything though.
“That better be all, we need you to be here and ready to kick Oikawa’s ass.” Kageyama’s lips curled into a slight sly grin, “He’s been on top for too long. It’s our turn to dethr-“
A slightly louder boom filled the team’s ears, causing them to stare out the windows out of habit. Poor Shoyo flinched and tried to subtly cover his ears with his towel.
“Hm. Looks like a storm is blowing in. I hope they don’t cancel the game.” Suga casually mentioned.
Luckily, Tanaka took notice to his underclassman’s actions, swiftly stepping over to Daichi.
“Cap.” He whispered, “I don’t think Hinata is going to be able to play through the storm.”
“Oh! I wanted to talk to you about a new play idea!” Daichi announced, shortly after pulling his underclassman to the side, “What’s going on?” He whispered.
“Daichi, he doesn’t look okay.” The wing spiker replied in a very hushed tone, “I think he’s scared of the storm.”
Scared was an understatement, thunderstorms were all too much for Shoyo. The drumming rain against the roof made his heart pound, the roaring crashes of thunder made it feel like there was cotton in his throat, the white flashes and bolts of lightning made his breathing heavy and quite uneven. Luckily, the rain outside was gentle, and the thunder was near silent, so he was okay for now.
He had a job to do. No time to worry now.
The orange haired boy rose to his feet, ignoring his upperclassmen’s’ piercing stares, and wobbled toward the court, abandoning his water bottle on the bench beneath him. He assumed his position and waited for the play to begin.
It was all the same pattern. Nishinoya or Daichi receiving Oikawa’s serve, allowing the quick to pull through. Then Kageyama to destroy with service aces, using the exact same serve as his predecessor. Everything was going swimmingly until an absolute explosion of thunder echoed through the gym. Every player paused in shock.
“Weather break. Ten minutes.” The Ref announced and the team turned toward their bench to take another, well deserved, break.
That’s when all Karasuno eyes fell upon Hinata. He was glued to the floor with his hands over his ears, fingers tangled through his hair, pulling tautly. He was shaking vigorously and trying to choke back tears, only seeming to cry harder as the thunder continued to roar outside.
“What’s wrong with him?”
“Is be okay?”
“What’s going on?”
“Daichi? Did you know?”
“Everyone stop! He’s not a circus freak!” Daichi finally hissed, making a move toward Hinata.
“Hinata? Hey, hey. You’re alright.” Kageyama stepped toward his partner, kneeling down to his level, “Everyone get out of the way, or cover him so Sejoh can’t see him.” he barked.
The team obeyed Kageyama’s wishes, placing the blame of his snappy tone for the direness of the situation. They stood around the duo in a circle, facing outward, with Asahi and Tsukishima glaring daggers at Oikawa and his team. Their blockade was perfection.
“K-Kageyama.” Hinata’s eyes were squeezed shut as he trembled, “I... I can’t. I- not... no- can’t- help. please, jus’ help me Kageyama.”
The genuine pain-staking fear that laced Shoyo’s voice was absolutely excruciating to Kageyama. He had never had too prominent of a soft spot for his partner, but seeing the orange haired spiker in such a state caused his heart to squeeze.
“I’m going to take you somewhere, just us.” Kageyama stated in a low tone, “I’ll keep you safe, I promise. It’ll just be you and me. No one else needs to be where we go except for us. Does that sound okay?”
A gentle nod from Hinata was all the team needed for approval. They all moved carefully. Daichi and Suga each grabbed an end, hoisting Hinata up from the floor and onto Kageyama’s shoulders like a backpack. Asahi and Tsukishima stood on their tippy toes to keep them hidden, and Kageyama stood breathing gently, struggling to keep his composure.
“We’re going to go to the club room. Send Suga-San when the weather break is over please, Captain.”
The first year didn’t even wait for his Daichi’s answer. He swiftly turned on his heel and ignored his surroundings. Oikawa’s sudden teasing calls fell upon deaf ears. When they reached the club room, he made a move to set Hinata to his feet, who only clung to him like a frightened cat.
Kageyama sighed and took Shoyo’s hand. He gently maneuvered his partner around to hold him close to his chest. The rain continued to pound against the roof, and the sporadic claps of thunder kept them both on edge for very different reasons.
“You’re okay. You’re safe. Nothing will get you here.” Kageyama whispered, as he brought his head down on top of Hinata’s.
“Don’ let go. Please.” Hinata whimpered as he nuzzled into his partner’s chest.
Tobio let out a fond breath of air and gently placed Hinata’s legs down, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy very tightly.
“I’d never let you go in a time like this.”
He moved to lay them both down on the matting, snuggling the spiker close into his chest. When the thunder began to rumble, signifying an oncoming boom, he covered Hinata’s ears. They remained here until the weather break was over.
When Sugawara gently opened the door, he was met with his two energetic first years cuddling each other on the floor, with Kageyama’s hands still over Hinata’ ears. Except this time, the spiker’s eyes were shut peacefully. His eyebrows were furrowed, but a patient smile was on his face. Suga let out a fond breath of air. Kageyama did it. He put a petrified Hinata at peace.
Perhaps they could have a different setter and spiker for the game.
Since, you know, it was still raining.
And he was pretty sure the boys had fallen asleep.
Suga shut the door and turned on his heel, ready to tell Daichi what he saw, and what his plan for the game was.
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spaacejunk · 7 years
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oH HoW niCe.
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confess-tourabu · 5 years
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“You ever wonder if Mutsunokami is brontophobic? Like, picture what might be a relaxing rainy day. Then, cue the rolling thunder, and the poor guy is spooked and s h o o k e t h. Also makes a guy wonder if there are weighted blankets available at the citadel for those who need it. Save the pupper from the big scary sky noises that go crash and boom.”
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olyollyoxenfree · 6 years
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@regina-de-testudines-est-vacca suggested:Taylor gets spooked and is comforted by the Stuffed Friends
On Friday, her Aunt Heather came over for a visit and brought her cousins, Cassidy and Priscilla, to play. Her cousins are one and three years older, respectively, than Taylor, who is 7.
It was a pleasant afternoon–playing on the swing in her backyard, making snacks, and picking flowers. Around 5, the sky became filled with dark grey clouds, so the girls’ moms called them inside. The group headed into the living room and swapped stories: Cassidy complained about being “unfairly” disciplined by the substitute teacher earlier that day (she kept talking to her friends about an upcoming birthday party during silent reading); Taylor recounted her overseas adventures with Patchwork, Cheshire, Rose, and Sunny; Priscilla took advantage of the dark and gloomy atmosphere to share a scary story a friend’s brother had told her.
She creeped closer to Taylor and Cassidy, who were holding each other and listening intently on the couch, and as she neared the final line, she leapt forward and there was a crash of thunder, frightening the two young girls to the point of screaming!
Aunt Heather expressed her displeasure to her daughter, apologized profusely to Taylor’s mother, and reassured the frightened girls that the story was pure fantasy. The time was 7:22, and as the sky indicated a heavy thunderstorm was approaching, she and her daughters said their goodbyes, promising to visit soon, and made their way to the car.
Though curious and adventurous, Taylor is easily spooked. As she prepared for bed, she couldn’t help but look over her shoulder; she felt as though she was being watched by a nightmarish creature. When she made it back to her bedroom, she checked the room for any signs of a monster. Luckily, there was nothing, but that didn’t ease her mind much, and the storm outside wasn’t helping (she’s brontophobic).
She lay in bed, unable to sleep, the shadows on her walls threatened to harm her. She trembled under the covers, trying to keep her breathing steady. She repeated to herself, “There’s no such things as monsters,” and squeezed Patchwork. Her breathing began to steady but was ruined by a loud crash of thunder and a bright flash of lightning; she began to hyperventilate and cry.
Immediately, Patchwork squirmed away and climbed to her head, gently stroking her and calmly assuring her, “It’s okay, Taylor. It’s okay. I’m here. You are going to be okay.” He motioned for the others to help comfort their beloved friend: Sunny sat at her side; Rose located Taylor’s favorite book and began reading it to her; and Cheshire returned with a mug of warm milk, set it on the nightstand, and took Taylor’s other side.
It took some time, but they managed to calm her. Cheshire offered her the mug, and she pet his head before taking the mug and drinking small sips. Sunny fluffed her pillow. Taylor nestled in to bed, her eyelids drooping. Rose placed the book on the nightstand and tucked the young girl in more snugly. They all snuggled under the covers with her, wishing her goodnight. She hummed appreciatively, too exhausted for a proper response, and closed her eyes.
The group of stuffed animals watched her for a moment: her breathing soft, her chest rising and falling slowly and steadily, her face peaceful. Patchwork let out a relieved sigh and planted a gentle kiss on Taylor’s forehead before joining his friends to the land of dreams.
“Sweet dreams.”
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earthdeep · 6 years
storms in this country seem to have gotten so much worse these past few years. I remember growing up and the awful thunderstorms we had one year ('04 or '05, I forget) and the autumn floods up north every couple years afterwards, but I didn't spend so many days over winter and spring worried another tree would come down or the wind would take the shed door off again. and I know for a fact the wind wasn't this bad bc when it gets loud it sounds just like thunder. as a brontophobic kid who got spooked when someone took the bin in, I woulda noticed.
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tikiss · 6 years
Headcanons for the Root Pack!
Moe Tato :
- Moe is brontophobic, and when a storm is near, he asks to Weepy, who isn't        afraid of thunderstorm, if he can sleep with him.
- He is the hardest worker of the three. He takes care of most of the garden.
- He gets upset quickly and can sulks for hours if no one comes to comfort him.
- He loves cuddling but he doesn't tell anyone.
Weepy :
- Weepy has a very good sense of humor.
- He is the one who plants the seeds.
- He does not ask for much, but when he does, he feels so culpable that he            uses his "kitten eyes" technique.
- He manages his feelings except sadness.
- He settles all the conflicts between Moe and Psycarrot.
Psycarrot :
- He is the wisest of the three, and feels responsible for the other two.
- He doesn't manage his feelings at all, and will not know how to react if you say    you like him.
- He gets sick very quickly and often has to stay the bed in winter.
- Since he is a good merchant, he is the one who goes to the market to sell the      crops.
- He looks after the children very well and they love him very much.
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I have a day off and we’re having ridiculous thunderstorms. Now, every Pokémon reacts to these things differently. Gremlin and Pip are hanging out in the pantry because it’s quieter in there. Danny is tried in vain to get Katara off the balcony, but she insisted on being a puddle (I returned her.) And Hornet is asleep. However, I found Dunban huddled in my closet in tears. I suppose he’s brontophobic, so we’re having ourselves a chain mail cuddle, because no one should alone when they’re scared.
Awww, poor thing
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bluepigeon300 · 6 years
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Inktober day 11:Cruel 
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fox-mother · 5 years
I am mildly brontophobic and I’m having a small freakout...
This thunderstorm is set to go on until midday tomorrow!
I’m going to die...
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medi-melancholy · 7 years
for the video game meme - 7 (name a game that taught you something that you still remember), and for 3 i would absolutely recommend one of my favorite games of all time - the legend of zelda: wind waker! you've probably already played it but i just figured i would suggest it xP
this is so goddamn cheesy but final fantasy ix, my favorite game, has taught me a lot even if it’s messages that weren’t intended
there’s more than one way to grieve and it’s ok to grieve. don’t be afraid to be who you want to be. life is scary and bad things will happen but there are always reasons to carry on. everything could be terrible, you could lose everything important to you and be depressed beyond belief, and you could be entirely sure that it won’t get better... but that doesn’t mean you have to be a bad person.
just because you may be suffering doesn't mean you can't help ease the suffering of others. you can still help people even you yourself don’t have any help. above all, you don’t need a reason to help people
and yes, i have played wind waker!! a little bit. i had to stop a few hours in because my brontophobic ass can’t handle the storms
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tamsynmsmith · 6 years
Thunder Run
Looking back at @Contiuk Thunder Run #TBT #ThunderRun #loverunning #endurance
As in previous years when we’ve done Thunder Run, we drove up to Catton on Thursday, with the intention of setting up camp early on Friday morning. That gave us Thursday afternoon to go for a long walk with M before having dinner with friends.
Setting up camp at Catton Park
We were up early on Friday and headed to the campsite. All of the spots that were close to the start/finish and next to the…
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spaacejunk · 7 years
I'm so panicked right now.. I'm legitimately under a blanket, blasting music to try and block out the really bad storm outside. And I can't exactly go to my parents for help because it's 2:30 in the morning here, and I'm spending the night at a friend's. I keep telling myself to call mom despite the time so she can talk me through it or pick me up, but either way, I'd have to wake someone up, and I don't want to bother or upset anyone. I keep telling myself that staying home would have been a better idea, but then I feel really selfish for even thinking it.
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gezzabella · 6 years
Curled up in my bed listening to the rain on my veluz roof window and watching the lightning flashes. As a brontophobe I approve of the lack of thunder this storm has provided so far. #brontophobia #brontophobe #fearofthunder #lightning #rain #weather #raining #velux #roofwindow #nature
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Que faire si vous êtes atteint de brontophobie, la peur des orages ?
Que faire si vous êtes atteint de brontophobie, la peur des orages ?
La brontophobie, c’est la peur du tonnerre, une phobie qui ne touche pas seulement les enfants.
Océane, 21 ans, a peur des orages depuis qu’elle est toute petite. “Je ressens des gros frissons, quand le bruit fend le ciel, je suis comme tétanisée et parfois les larmes viennent même aux yeux tellement je suis apeurée!”
La peur des orages est assez fréquente, elle vient du plus profond de notre…
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