final-bae-stination · 4 months
Thunder And The Rain (Ian McKinley)
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Prompt: The reader is scared of the thunder and Ian tries to calm them down during a particularly heavy storm.
Author's Note: This does kind of go WAY out of the "Final Destination" universe, because I like to think, even though it was proven different, they could've beat Death at the end, and Wendy, Kevin, Julie, and Ian survived, so...we're going with that.
Third Person POV Ian hated life, or what passed for it. Somehow, Wendy did it. She beat Death, and in three years, nothing's happened to him, Wendy, Julie, or Kevin. Sure, they were all still extremely paranoid, but who wasn't anymore, after the shit they'd lived through, but barely? The truth was, he missed Erin, but Y/N took care of that.
After he left Build It after Erin's death, he'd been struggling for a job. Nothing seemed interesting. And then, surprisingly, he found one: the pound. He liked animals more than people, that was a fact. Sure, he tolerated Wendy and the others, but it wasn't a necessary kind of like. And, of course, he still hated Wendy for killing Erin (though he was sure that part was fading a little--he literally went shopping with her two weeks ago). He liked to work at the pound, which doubled as an animal rescue and vet clinic. And then he met you.
You were there, just starting a week after him, and he saw immediately that you were drawn to (favorite animal). He could see it: they were cute. Hard to resist. Made sense. What didn't make sense was you talking. To him. A lot. Alone, too. Like, okay, he knew he looked weird, all Gothic and whatnot, and that he was...weird, sure. But you didn't seem to notice that. You talked to him like a normal person, and try as he might not to, he liked that. You didn't treat him differently because he was different.
It was very, very slow, but you both started catching feelings, he'd asked you out, and one thing led to here: you, on your sofa in you and Ian's apartment, watching TV. You and Ian had gotten together four months ago, and he'd finally opened up, telling you everything, from his past to Erin, and things in between, the trauma dumping: the roller coaster accident, the near death experiences, losing Erin, watching the others die, the whole Death thing. You never once doubted he was serious or anything but crazy, because he had a look on his face, talking about it, that wasn't fake.
Now, you've not told him a lot, either, particularly your fear of storms, especially thunder. You felt it was childish, even though there were a million adults with the same fear. It's just...Ian seemed so fearless after everything, and you wanted to be that way for him, so you never told him your fears (you did admit spiders and snakes scared you, though).
As you're watching TV (Ian was at work), you heard the rain, and then the ominous rumble. You tensed, hand on the remote. Another boom, slow and heavy. Shit, you thought. Please not now, Ian's almost home! But the storm, obviously, did not listen, increasing the peals of thunder until you were shivering under your blanket, trying to turn the TV up to block it out. But then the lights flickered, and went out. You gasped, feeling panic clawing its way up your throat, through your veins. Is this how he felt? You ask yourself randomly. Is this what Ian felt, wondering when he'd die, and what from, and how? You shook your head. In the dark, that wasn't helping. Something slammed, and you jumped, heart pounding. You wanted to call out but were too scared. You flinched as thunder roared, lightning shooting across the sky.
"Babe?" A voice calls, and oh, you wanted to start bawling in relief. He finds you on the couch, under your blanket, shaking. "Shit, babe, what's wrong?!" He throws his coat, not even glancing at where it lands, and rushes over, kneeling at your side on the floor. "Babe. Hey." He says, his fingers under your chin as you hide. "Baby, what's wrong?" "It's nothing." You try to say, but he's not having it. Before he can speak, thunder booms, and you squeal, throwing yourself in his arms. He barely catches you, letting out a soft "oof" as he holds you in his lap, feeling you shake. "Baby...is it the thunder?" He asks, and your silence confirms it. "Oh, babe." He breathes, rubbing your back with one hand, the other in your hair.
"I know, it's dumb," You whisper into his red shirt. "No, no, it's not dumb, baby." He says soothingly. "There's a fuck ton of people that're scared, too." He tries to assure. You shake your head, "I feel like a child." You whine. He chuckles, "Well, that's why I'm here. 'Cuz I can protect you, right?" A pause. "Right. I love you, Ian." His breath catches. That was the first time you'd said that. "I love you, Y/N." He whispers. "Why don't we go to bed, yeah? I can throw on a movie or something on my computer." "I'd like that," You blush, and he carries you to the room, setting you on the bed. You pick out The Avengers, and you both curl up to watch it. Here and there, one of the peals of thunder makes you flinch, but with Ian beside you, it's really not that bad.
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Definisi | Gejala | Penyebab | Cara Mengobati | Psikologi | Tonitrophobia | Brontophobia | Keraunophobia Definisi dari Astraphobia adalah suatu kondisi seseorang yang memiliki ketakutan atau kecemasan secara berlebihan. Biasanya phobia ini kebanyakan diderita oleh anak-anak khususnya balita, namun ada juga orang dewasa yang menderitanya. Astraphobia Astraphobia juga memiliki nama lain yakni…
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callofthecorvus · 2 months
Some Afterdeath headcanons <3
Geno has generalized anxiety disorder. Reaper often calls him a 'worry wort' as an endearing term. [Similarly to Geno calling him 'bird brain' ]
Reaper is autistic. A lot of his special interests and hyperfixations can be seen as childish so he's generally embarrassed to share them with anyone other than Geno/his close family.
Reaper loves stuffed animals and has a whole collection of them. He generally prefers "rescuing' abandoned stuffies and stuffies with imperfections. Every single one has a name, gender, and personality. It's become a game for their kids to hide them around the house in weird places.
Reaper has a strong bromance with Error and the two often go on what Reaper calls 'broship outings' together.
Geno has brontophobia. It's gotten better with time, but at the beginning of their relationship it was very common for him to lock himself in Reaper's room until a storm passed.
Along with brontophobia, Geno also has cynophobia. A phobia he developed after their move to the omega timeline, where he was attacked and bitten by an untrained dog. This fear has gotten a lil better when Reaper rescued a great dane puppy who ended up bonding with Geno, but he's still extremely warry of strange dogs.
Reaper has an albino raven that he rescued after the poor thing got frostbite and nearly lost a leg. His goal was rescue and release, but she stuck around afterwards and now has free roam of the house and the outdoors. Raven named her Specter.
Reaper has a pot of skeleton flowers that he treats like a child. He's often seen carrying it around and talking to it. He has to have Life revive them almost every month as he accidentally kills them very often.
Geno's favorite color is purple and he is often seen wearing purple outfits when out and about. He has a mini collection of purple stuffies that Reaper has gifted him over the years on a shelf in their bedroom.
Geno has an ex boyfriend. He doesn't like to talk about him.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
i really like the headcanon of Nico having astraphobia/brontophobia, mainly as like a result of the whole thing of Zeus hunting down his family for like a week until killing his mum cause I imagine that would be Slightly Traumatizing (especially since from his perspective it wasn’t that long ago). But also it kind of pairs as a bonus continuation of the theme with Big 3 kids not handling certain elements of the other Big 3(/children of Kronos) well (Percy afraid of flying [Zeus], Hazel getting seasick [Poseidon], Thalia afraid of heights [arguably Hera], etc etc.)
...But also, like. Yknow. You could totally do an OHSHC with it.
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...just saying.
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sezja · 8 months
Febuwhump Day 1: Helpless Alternate 9: Lightning Strike Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV Characters/Ship: Sanson Smyth/Guydelot Thildonnet Triggers/Content warnings: Brontophobia
"I thought the Sylphs'd cured their tempered," Guydelot says - quietly, though it nearly startles Sanson out of his skin, all the same. "So what's all this about primal activity out here?"
You couldn't have asked before we left Gridania, of course, Sanson grouses to himself, shaking his head in reply; the Sylphlands are alarmingly quiet. He fears the reason why - anyone raised in the Twelveswood comes to know that the absence of birdsong, insects, and beasts is cause for alarm... and the Sylphlands are alarmingly empty of Sylphs.
They'd found Little Solace abandoned, with the lamps still alight. None of the conjurers or Wailers stationed there were anywhere to be seen, nor did anyone at the Hawthornes' report seeing anything out of the ordinary; it had been a soldier sent to relieve a sentry at Little Solace who had reported finding it empty...
And then, the same day, a Skywatcher reported storms brewing above the Sylphlands.
It could be a coincidence, Sanson thinks, moving carefully through the violet grass. The air feels charged - Guydelot's hair sticks out at odd angles in the heavy static. It could be a coincidence... but almost certainly isn't.
The rest of the unit is working through way through the rest of the vast lands held by the Sylphs, seeking evidence that a primal has been summoned. In the old days, the task would have fallen to the Scions, but with the group disbanded - officially disbanded - and the fear of tempering greatly diminished, the Order of the Twin Adder had seen no reason to delay until one of Eorzea's heroes could see to the task; not when Sanson and his unit still had warding scales. It made them the perfect choice to seek out the primal.
"You are to determine the truth of these rumors," his orders went, "and report back. Do not engage the primal under any circumstances."
"Reckon they'll call Eve to deal with it?" Guydelot speaks again - no matter how quietly the bard speaks, it sounds thunderous to Sanson's ears in the eerie silence. "Why not let us take a shot at it, eh? The threat was always tempering-"
"Will you please be quiet," Sanson hisses, but Guydelot only grins.
"Easy, Chief." He's still got his bow in his hands as they walk, strung and with an arrow loose in the string. "I've got my eyes and ears open."
If you could but keep your mouth shut, Sanson thinks, but fondly; there's no one else he'd rather be this deep in the Sylphlands with - it's no fault of Guydelot's that his nerves are frayed. No, it's the threat of a primal again, when this very trouble was meant to be over. They'd strengthened their accord with the Sylphs, who had never posed a tremendous threat in recent years to begin with; why now...
Guydelot freezes, and trusting his bard's instincts, Sanson does the same, reaching for his lance. "Guydelot?"
But the bard holds up a hand, silencing him now, listening intently.
Sanson does the same, holding his breath.
Silence. That same deep, unnatural silence.
"I know I heard something," Guydelot whispers, frowning. "I-"
And then the air fills with white-hot pain.
Sanson is flung back by the strike, slamming hard into a tree; winded, he sprawls gracelessly on the ground. Not a direct hit, thank the Matron, but a damned near thing: the ground where he and Guydelot stood still sizzles, aetheric lightning dancing across the ground in violet arcs.
He looks for Guydelot. Swearing, the bard staggers to his feet where he, too, was tossed aside by the heat and force of the lightning strike.
"The hells was-"
"A warning, if I'm not mistaken," Sanson says, climbing shakily to his feet. "They'd no need to miss us." His own words chill him. "Rather.... he had no need to miss us."
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Al Karpenter/Al Karpenter & CIA Debutante — The Forthcoming/S-T (Ever Never)
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The Forthcoming by Al Karpenter
Al Karpenter swamps threads of song in seething banks of noise and dissonance.  You find yourself focusing on blaring surface noise, while sense and melody percolates somewhere underneath.  It is very modern in that there is too much going on and you are always distracted, always struggling to find the point, but you know it’s there.  If it doesn’t make sense that’s on you. 
This pair of releases allows for fervid collaboration, across and within the noise experimental genre.  The Forthcoming supplements the Spanish outfit’s live line-up—Álvaro Matilla, Mattin, Marta Sainz and Enrique Zaccagnini—with like minded samplers, warpers and droners: Sunik Kim, Dominic Coles and Triple Negative.  The self-titled brings in medieval futurists of CIA Debutante, just off their Siltbreeze outing Willow, Down, reviewed here a month or so ago (“The sound is immersive and disturbing, noises like factory equipment clashing with eerie Suicide-like beats.”).  You can’t really call one disc a solo album and the other a joint effort since both gain intrigue and unpredictability from outside influences. 
But let’s do it anyway  The Al Karpenter disc dissolves and reforms across six tracks, now muttering imprecations over inchoate punk noise (“The Forthcoming”), now approaching bass thumping electro-dance clarity (“A Brand New Brontophobia”), now disintegrating into incantatory chaos (“Poison Sun”), depending on who is involved.  The title track, aided by London’s Triple Negative, launches florid arias out of a chaotic mesh of guitars and drums, where the instruments natter on towards their own ends, unconnected by time signature or key.  A shimmery, shoegaze-y instrumental break tips into lyricism but slides out of true, an antic beat erupting from it like an irregular heart in flight.  Contrast that with the clean, driving agitation of “A Brand New Brontophobia,” where Sunik Kim guests.  A jittering, techno bass rumbles, clipped onslaughts of snare-like drum machines rattle, as Mattin murmurs and croons.  “Happy B-Day,” one of the cuts with Dominic Coles, opens giddily with keyboard before cutting all the way back to guitar notes and murmured threat (“I’m not afraid to kill or die”), alternately minimal and maximal.  “Drood (Can You Hear Me Now?)” offers the clearest distillation of Al Karpenter’s haunted eclecticism, layering vertiginous synths over muttered alienation. 
S/T by Al Karpenter & CIA Debutante
The album with CIA Debutante also delivers dystopic poetry but couched more rhythmically and with the agitation of punk rock.  “Born Dead” lumbers like a giant mechanical beast, its beat slow and inexorable, giving shape to masses of guitar feedback and intermittent shouts of the title.  “Public Scaffolding” bangs more frantically, as a voice rages against income inequality.  It slips into static but doesn’t lose its structure; you can hear the toms rattling all the way through.  “Medieval Cocaine” sounds the most purely CIA Debutante-ish of all these tracks, the ping and squiggle of electronics framing unknowable, evocative verses. “Fuck You All to Fade No More,” dances inscrutably on synth rhythms and shattering machine beats, as the lyrics shatter the f-word into fragments, repeatedly.   
None of this is especially easy listening, and you won’t be putting it on at your next dinner party.  But it is full of layers and passionate inquiry, and the chaos is like the world right now.  Listen and feel the ground under you crumble and everything sure come into doubt. 
Jennifer Kelly
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pony-central · 10 months
Sick Boyfriend Fears and Biology Facts
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Sick Boyfriend has a pee pee size of 9.5 inches when fully erect
He sports long hair when his hat is removed
Sick Boyfriend bites his nails
He has missed over 5000 injections due to his fear of needles
He prefers being the bottom during intimacy
His Phobias (a long list)
Acousticophobia - the fear of noise most likely fireworks
Acrophobia/Altophobia - the fear of heights. Ties in with any phobias related to planes and/or flying
Agraphobia/Contreltophobia - fear of sexual abuse because he's worried about experiencing it someday
Amychophobia - the fear of scratches, which is why he wears a coat when stroking Mrs Snickers
Arsonphobia - fear of fire
Astraphobia/Brontophobia - fear of thunder and Lightning, which doesn't help with the thunderstorms Parodies Town frequently gets
Ballistophobia - fear of bullets or missiles
Trypanophobia - fear of needles and/or injections
Chichephobia - the fear of chewing gum, because he has touched dried gum under the school desks, which causes him to panic
Coronaphobia - the fear of COVID-19 (yes, this phobia exists)
Demonophobia - the fear of demons
Dentophobia - fear of dentists
Eremophobia - fear of loneliness (there are other names for this phobia)
Genophobia - fear of sexual intercourse. Although he HAD this phobia, it still applies to sex with girls
Gymnophobia - the fear of nudity. Specifically, being naked in front of DrugFriend or anyone else
Hemophobia - the fear of blood. This is an important one. He refuses to watch any adult shows because he knows that they contain blood and gore
Iophobia - fear of poison, because he's afraid of being poisoned
Ithyphallophobia - fear of seeing, thinking about, or even having erect male anatomy. That fear had eventually subsided once he did it for the first time with DrugFriend
Kolpophobia - fear of the lower part, particularly girls
Menophobia - fear of... Well, I'll let you guess. It's to do with blood
Necrophobia - fear of the dead
Novercaphobia - fear of his stepmother
Obesophobia - fear of gaining weight, since his cousin is slightly chubby
Oneirogmophobia - fear of WDs
Placophobia - fear of tombstones
Pornophobia - take a wild guess. He slightly has it, but he's learning to control this phobia of his. This was one he developed in high school
Scopophobia - fear of being looked at especially if Sick Senpai's watching him
Selacophobia - fear of sharks, since watching Jaws gave him nightmares for weeks
Spermatophobia - fear of germs (there are several names for this fear)
Suriphobia - fear of mice.
Triskadeikaphobia - fear of the number 13 (Friday the 13th)
Urophobia - fear of urination, since he gets scared easily, resulting in him peeing his pants each time
Virginitiphobia - I think you can guess which fear this is
Xyrophobia - fear of razors, since he's afraid of shaving his legs for the summertime
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POV: you're a fanfic writer making notes and wow these words sure are words
Puthery: Calm before a storm
Alpenglow: Rosy Mountain Sunset
Petrichor: Distinctive Rain Smell
Fulvous-Duck color
Nepenthe: A hallucinogenic used as "anti depressant"
Vespertine: Evening occurrence
Barathea- Weak Silk
Bellonoid- Needle shape
Bismer- Shame, Scorn
Blewit, edible toadstool
Blennophobia- Slime phobia
Borsella- Glass making instrument
Boutade: Outburst
Bulimy- VERY hungry
Bufoniform-Toad shaped
Brontophobia- Fear of lightning
Bugaboo- Nonsense
Buss- Mischievous kiss
Buccula-The second chin
Broch, Mangata, Moonglade-Moon ring
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enjoy-my-swearing · 1 year
📺 😱 🐷
For the getting to know you asks :)
Thank you for the ask ���
📺 - Favourite show?
Does anime count? I was never a big fan of TV series. I have a few that I enjoyed but nothing I would gladly binge watch again I think 🤔
😱 - What's your biggest fear?
Existential dread lol. But other than that I have brontophobia. It's gotten better along the years but one thing you can be sure I am scared shitless about are storms.
🐷 - What's your favourite animal
I really love big cats and giant pandas!
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nursingscience · 1 year
100 – Types Of Phobias ( Fear)
(For Nursing students)
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1. Arachnophobia – The fear of spiders affects women four times more (48% women and 12% men).
2. Ophidiophobia – The fear of snakes . Phobics avoid certain cities because they have more snakes.
3. Acrophobia – The fear of heights . Five percent of the general population suffer from this phobia.
4. Agoraphobia – The fear of open or crowded spaces . People with this fear often wont leave home.
5. Cynophobia – The fear of dogs . This includes everything from small Poodles to large Great Danes.
6. Astraphobia – The fear of thunder/lightning AKA Brontophobia, Tonitrophobia, Ceraunophobia.
7. Claustrophobia – The fear of small spaces like elevators, small rooms and other enclosed spaces.
8. Mysophobia – The fear of germs. It is also rightly termed as Germophobia or Bacterophobia.
9. Aerophobia – The fear of flying . 25 million Americans share a fear of flying.
10. Trypophobia – The fear of holes is an unusual but pretty common phobia.
11. Carcinophobia – The fear of cancer . People with this develop extreme diets.
12. Thanatophobia – The fear of death . Even talking about death can be hard.
13. Glossophobia – The fear of public speaking . Not being able to do speeches.
14. Monophobia – The fear of being alone . Even while eating and/or sleeping.
15. Atychiphobia – The fear of failure . It is the single greatest barrier to success.
16. Ornithophobia – The fear of birds . Individuals suffering from this may only fear certain species.
17. Alektorophobia – The fear of chickens . You may have this phobia if chickens make you panic.
18. Enochlophobia – The fear of crowds is closely related to Ochlophobia and Demophobia.
19. Aphenphosmphobia – The fear of intimacy. Fear of being touched and love.
20. Trypanophobia – The fear of needles . I used to fear needles (that and death).
21. Anthropophobia – The fear of people . Being afraid of people in all situations.
22. Aquaphobia – The fear of water . Being afraid of water or being near water.
23. Autophobia – The fear of abandonment and being abandoned by someone.
24. Hemophobia – The fear of blood . Even the sight of blood can cause fainting.
25. Gamophobia – The fear of commitment or sticking with someone to the end.
26. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobi The fear of long words . Believe it or not, it’s real.
27. Xenophobia – The fear of the unknown . Fearing anything or anyone that is strange or foreign.
28. Vehophobia – The fear of driving . This phobia affects personal and work life.
29. Basiphobia – The fear of falling . Some may even refuse to walk or stand up.
30. Achievemephobia – The fear of success . The opposite to the fear of failure.
31. Theophobia – The fear of God causes an irrational fear of God or religion.
32. Ailurophobia – The fear of cats . This phobia is also known as Gatophobia.
33. Metathesiophobia – The fear of change . Sometimes change is a good thing.
34. Globophobia – The fear of balloons . They should be fun, but not for phobics.
35. Nyctophobia – The fear of darkness . Being afraid of the dark or the night is common for kids.
36. Androphobia – The fear of men . Usually seen in younger females, but it can also affect adults.
37. Phobophobia – The fear of fear . The thought of being afraid of objects/situations.
38. Philophobia – The fear of love . Being scared of falling in love or emotions.
39. Triskaidekaphobia – The fear of the number 13 or the bad luck that follows.
40. Emetophobia – The fear of vomiting and the fear of loss of your self control.
41. Gephyrophobia – The fear of bridges and crossing even the smallest bridge.
42. Entomophobia – The fear of bugs and insects, also related to Acarophobia.
43. Lepidopterophobia – The fear of butterflies and often most winged insects.
44. Panophobia – The fear of everything or fear that terrible things will happen.
45. Podophobia – The fear of feet . Some people fear touching or looking at feet, even their own.
46. Paraskevidekatriaphobia – The fear of Friday the 13th . About 8% of Americans have this phobia.
47. Somniphobia – The fear of sleep . Being terrified of what might happen right after you fall asleep.
48. Gynophobia – The fear of women . May occur if you have unresolved mother issues.
49. Apiphobia – The fear of bees . Many people fear being stung by angry bees.
50. Koumpounophobia – The fear of buttons . Clothes with buttons are avoided.
51. Anatidaephobia – The fear of ducks . Somewhere, a duck is watching you.
52. Pyrophobia – The fear of fire . A natural/primal fear that can be debilitating.
53. Ranidaphobia – The fear of frogs . Often caused by episodes from childhood.
54. Galeophobia – The fear of sharks in the ocean or even in swimming pools.
55. Athazagoraphobia – The fear of being forgotten or not remembering things.
56. Katsaridaphobia – The fear of cockroaches . This can easily lead to an excessive cleaning disorder.
57. Iatrophobia – The fear of doctors . Do you delay doctor visits? You may have this.
58. Pediophobia – The fear of dolls. This phobia could well be Chucky-induced.
59. Ichthyophobia – The fear of fish . Includes small, large, dead and living fish.
60. Achondroplasiaphobia – The fear of midgets . Because they look differently.
61. Mottephobia – The fear of moths . These insects are only beautiful to some.
62. Zoophobia – The fear of animals . Applies to both vile and harmless animals.
63. Bananaphobia – The fear of bananas . If you have this phobia, they are scary.
64. Sidonglobophobia – The fear of cotton balls or plastic foams. Oh that sound.
65. Scelerophobia – The fear of crime involves being afraid of burglars, attackers or crime in general.
66. Cibophobia – The fear of food . The phobia may come from a bad episode while eating, like choking.
67. Phasmophobia – The fear of ghosts . AKA Spectrophobia. Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!
68. Equinophobia – The fear of horses . Animal phobias are pretty common, especially for women.
69. Musophobia – The fear of mice. Some people find mice cute, but phobics peoples
70. Catoptrophobia – The fear of mirrors . Being afraid of what you might see.
71. Agliophobia – The fear of pain . Being afraid something painful will happen.
72. Tokophobia – The fear of pregnancy involves giving birth or having children.
73. Telephonophobia – The fear of talking on the phone. Phobics prefer texting.
74. Pogonophobia – The fear of beards or being scared of/around bearded men.
75. Omphalophobia – The fear of belly buttons . Touching and looking at navels.
76. Pseudodysphagia – The fear of choking often after a bad eating experience.
77. Bathophobia – The fear of depths can be anything associated with depth (lakes, tunnels, caves).
78. Cacomorphobia – The fear of fat people . Induced by the media. Affects some anorexics/bulimics.
79. Gerascophobia – The fear of getting old . Aging is the most natural thing, yet many of us fear it.
80. Chaetophobia – The fear of hair . Phobics tend to be afraid of other peoples
81. Nosocomephobia – The fear of hospitals . Let’s face it, no one likes hospitals.
82. Ligyrophobia – The fear of loud noises . More than the instinctive noise fear.
83. Didaskaleinophobia – The fear of school . This phobia affects kids mostly.
84. Technophobia – The fear of technology is often induced by culture/religion.
85. Chronophobia – The fear of the future . A persistent fear of what is to come.
86. Spheksophobia – The fear of wasps. You panic and fear getting stung by it.
87. Ergophobia – The fear of work. Often due to social or performance anxiety.
88. Coulrophobia – The fear of clowns . Some people find clowns funny, coulrophobics certainly don’t.
89. Allodoxaphobia – The fear of opinions . Being afraid of hearing what others are thinking of you.
90. Samhainophobia – The fear of Halloween affects children/superstitious people.
91. Photophobia – The fear of light caused by something medical or traumatic.
92. Disposophobia – The fear of getting rid of stuff triggers extreme hoarding.
93. Numerophobia – The fear of numbers and the mere thought of calculations.
94. Ombrophobia – The fear of rain . Many fear the rain due to stormy weather.
95. Coasterphobia – The fear of roller coasters. Ever seen Final Destination 3?
96. Thalassophobia – The fear of the ocean . Water, waves and unknown spaces.
97. Scoleciphobia – The fear of worms . Often because of unhygienic conditions.
98. Kinemortophobia – The fear of zombies . Being afraid that zombies attack and turn you into them.
99. Myrmecophobia – The fear of ants . Not as common as Arachnophobia, but may feel just as intense.
100. Taphophobia – The fear of being buried alive by mistake and waking up in a coffin underground.
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llittletingoddess · 2 years
I hate rain with all my soul. I'm not afraid of rockets, but I have a freaking brontophobia and every time lightning strikes I'm just 💀💀💀
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
akksjajd idk if you meant comment on the post or send you an ask but if i made it in time kagehina for your speedwrite thing you just posted hehehe
HAPPY 500 ATE!!!
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Ships: Kagehina
Warnings: Thunderstorm mention
Prompt: Shoyo Hinata is heavily brontophobic, meaning he cannot stand the sights or sounds of thunderstorms. One night during a match with Sejoh, a severe storm falls above the gym. How will little bby react? And how will Kageyama make him feel better?
Tags: @lisiwalker, @rebloging-everything, @fushigum, @koushismatchalatte, @littlebbyleesfw
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A sudden clap of gentle thunder caused Shoyo to flail and fall to his butt, allowing the attempted quick attack to fall completely short.
“Hinata wh-“
“ ‘msorry! Won’t happen again!”
“Wasn’t that supposed to be that formidable quick that everyone was fawning over?” Oikawa teased with a sneer, letting his fingers brush along the net, “Or maybe the great savant Hinata is finally falling short.”
“Shut up!” Kageyama barked, “Stop using such big words to make yourself sound cooler!”
This pissed Tooru off, causing the brunette to groan and narrow his eyes. The blow of the Ref’s whistle brought them back into play.
Hinata and Kageyama lined up for their freak attack... With an audible smack, the ball completely whizzed past Oikawa and Iwazumi onto the floor.
“There’s the formidable quick.” Kageyama teased in a heavily mocking tone.
The jet-black haired boy couldn’t relish in their little victory over the great king for long, for his mind was fogged with suspicions about his partner.
“Hey, asshole. What was that?” He inquired gently as the team was called for a water break.
“O-oh! Nothin’! Just a little jumpy is all.” Hinata lied straight through his teeth, squeezing an eye shut at the sudden flash of lightning.
That’s when he knew. He figured it was better to not say anything though.
“That better be all, we need you to be here and ready to kick Oikawa’s ass.” Kageyama’s lips curled into a slight sly grin, “He’s been on top for too long. It’s our turn to dethr-“
A slightly louder boom filled the team’s ears, causing them to stare out the windows out of habit. Poor Shoyo flinched and tried to subtly cover his ears with his towel.
“Hm. Looks like a storm is blowing in. I hope they don’t cancel the game.” Suga casually mentioned.
Luckily, Tanaka took notice to his underclassman’s actions, swiftly stepping over to Daichi.
“Cap.” He whispered, “I don’t think Hinata is going to be able to play through the storm.”
“Oh! I wanted to talk to you about a new play idea!” Daichi announced, shortly after pulling his underclassman to the side, “What’s going on?” He whispered.
“Daichi, he doesn’t look okay.” The wing spiker replied in a very hushed tone, “I think he’s scared of the storm.”
Scared was an understatement, thunderstorms were all too much for Shoyo. The drumming rain against the roof made his heart pound, the roaring crashes of thunder made it feel like there was cotton in his throat, the white flashes and bolts of lightning made his breathing heavy and quite uneven. Luckily, the rain outside was gentle, and the thunder was near silent, so he was okay for now.
He had a job to do. No time to worry now.
The orange haired boy rose to his feet, ignoring his upperclassmen’s’ piercing stares, and wobbled toward the court, abandoning his water bottle on the bench beneath him. He assumed his position and waited for the play to begin.
It was all the same pattern. Nishinoya or Daichi receiving Oikawa’s serve, allowing the quick to pull through. Then Kageyama to destroy with service aces, using the exact same serve as his predecessor. Everything was going swimmingly until an absolute explosion of thunder echoed through the gym. Every player paused in shock.
“Weather break. Ten minutes.” The Ref announced and the team turned toward their bench to take another, well deserved, break.
That’s when all Karasuno eyes fell upon Hinata. He was glued to the floor with his hands over his ears, fingers tangled through his hair, pulling tautly. He was shaking vigorously and trying to choke back tears, only seeming to cry harder as the thunder continued to roar outside.
“What’s wrong with him?”
“Is be okay?”
“What’s going on?”
“Daichi? Did you know?”
“Everyone stop! He’s not a circus freak!” Daichi finally hissed, making a move toward Hinata.
“Hinata? Hey, hey. You’re alright.” Kageyama stepped toward his partner, kneeling down to his level, “Everyone get out of the way, or cover him so Sejoh can’t see him.” he barked.
The team obeyed Kageyama’s wishes, placing the blame of his snappy tone for the direness of the situation. They stood around the duo in a circle, facing outward, with Asahi and Tsukishima glaring daggers at Oikawa and his team. Their blockade was perfection.
“K-Kageyama.” Hinata’s eyes were squeezed shut as he trembled, “I... I can’t. I- not... no- can’t- help. please, jus’ help me Kageyama.��
The genuine pain-staking fear that laced Shoyo’s voice was absolutely excruciating to Kageyama. He had never had too prominent of a soft spot for his partner, but seeing the orange haired spiker in such a state caused his heart to squeeze.
“I’m going to take you somewhere, just us.” Kageyama stated in a low tone, “I’ll keep you safe, I promise. It’ll just be you and me. No one else needs to be where we go except for us. Does that sound okay?”
A gentle nod from Hinata was all the team needed for approval. They all moved carefully. Daichi and Suga each grabbed an end, hoisting Hinata up from the floor and onto Kageyama’s shoulders like a backpack. Asahi and Tsukishima stood on their tippy toes to keep them hidden, and Kageyama stood breathing gently, struggling to keep his composure.
“We’re going to go to the club room. Send Suga-San when the weather break is over please, Captain.”
The first year didn’t even wait for his Daichi’s answer. He swiftly turned on his heel and ignored his surroundings. Oikawa’s sudden teasing calls fell upon deaf ears. When they reached the club room, he made a move to set Hinata to his feet, who only clung to him like a frightened cat.
Kageyama sighed and took Shoyo’s hand. He gently maneuvered his partner around to hold him close to his chest. The rain continued to pound against the roof, and the sporadic claps of thunder kept them both on edge for very different reasons.
“You’re okay. You’re safe. Nothing will get you here.” Kageyama whispered, as he brought his head down on top of Hinata’s.
“Don’ let go. Please.” Hinata whimpered as he nuzzled into his partner’s chest.
Tobio let out a fond breath of air and gently placed Hinata’s legs down, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy very tightly.
“I’d never let you go in a time like this.”
He moved to lay them both down on the matting, snuggling the spiker close into his chest. When the thunder began to rumble, signifying an oncoming boom, he covered Hinata’s ears. They remained here until the weather break was over.
When Sugawara gently opened the door, he was met with his two energetic first years cuddling each other on the floor, with Kageyama’s hands still over Hinata’ ears. Except this time, the spiker’s eyes were shut peacefully. His eyebrows were furrowed, but a patient smile was on his face. Suga let out a fond breath of air. Kageyama did it. He put a petrified Hinata at peace.
Perhaps they could have a different setter and spiker for the game.
Since, you know, it was still raining.
And he was pretty sure the boys had fallen asleep.
Suga shut the door and turned on his heel, ready to tell Daichi what he saw, and what his plan for the game was.
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I’ve written something similar before but I have astraphobia & sometimes it’s nice to talk to others that do, too. So my dms are open if anyone ever wants to talk.
I’m trying to get better at checking them so if it’s awhile before I respond I apologize
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ohshcfanficrandr · 5 years
Mid-Week Special
Story: Lullaby  
Author: Meynara 
Website: AO3 
Word Count: 1,996
Status: Complete 
Rating: General Audiences 
Author Summary: A thunderstorm hits while the host club is in session, and while all of the hosts are aware of Haruhi's fear, only one is able to help in the moment.
Years later, Haruhi remembers.
Relationship: Kyoya x Haruhi
Applicable Tags: Brontophobia, Haruhi and her fear of Thunderstorms, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Baby, Alternate Universe - Post-Canon, Music Room Number 3, Kyoya has a wonderful singing voice and you can't change my mind
Review (Contains Spoilers):
Haruhi afraid of storm trope that leads to so really cute fluff between her and Kyoya!
Things That I Loved:
There is art! And it's so good and wonderful. But also soft side Kyoya is equally as wonderful.
Art by @asobanana
Things I Didn’t Care For:
It was not long enough! I could have read 50k of that trope or at least like 3k more.
Favorite Lines or Quotes From Story:
There was a flicker of a smile on his face before he began to move himself out from underneath the table.
Would I Read Again?
Yes! If I am looking for some sweet KyoHaru fluff this will be a new favorite go to for me. It was cute and sweet and everything you could want from this pairing. I am a sucker for a revealed soft side from Kyoya.
Make sure to kudos, comment, and bookmark!
Agree or disagree? Am I on point or way off the mark?
 Let me know in the comments below!
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thosedaysthatwill · 5 years
I fucking hate thunder. I am a full grown adult person hiding in a hoodie right now.
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uwantsomesugar · 6 years
brontophobia is a bitch. especially if you’re 23 and it’s summer so there are thunderstorms almost everyday.
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