#brother banging bees anon . TEARS
prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
FANG I never really understood it, but I stumbled on your incest fics and I'm fr like frank reynolds sitting here like. I Get It Now. There are thoughts I'm not used to thinking bouncing around my little brain. Like bees. Like brother-banging bees.
i need to know how many ppl ive caused to discover this bc this is NOT the first time ive recieved such an ask and it is always SO fucking funny to me i am so sorry
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with-love-anu · 4 years
Undefined Coma
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: Sirius hates you and is forced to marry you.
Warnings: Mentions of torture, passing out, swearing, death, not a happy ending.
Word Count: 1,581
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You ran, trying to catch up with the raven-haired boy. He was fast.
“Sirius! Sirius, wait up!” you shouted apologizing to people you hit on the way. Catching him finally, you placed a hand over his back, making him turn towards you in a huff.
“What. Do. You. Want?” he hissed as you gulped.
“I just wanted to talk to you. I thought t-“
“I don’t care what you thought. I don’t ever want to talk to you, why don’t you get it?” He barked as you felt you felt something in your stomach squeeze.
“Do we have any other choice, then?” you whispered as you saw something change in his eyes. “I thought you, of all people, would understand seeing we are going through the same thing.”
Sirius let out a dry laugh which only served your stomach to twist further.
“Same thing? Same thing? We are on the opposite ends Y/n. Completely opposite ends. You want money without earning it and have pulled me into whatever this is. Marriage, they call it. I hate you, Y/n. And I hate everything you stand for.”
“You act like don’t even know me!” you gasped as he just shook his head.
“I knew you.”
You stood there as he turned and left. You watched his back silently not knowing whether to laugh or cry. You wondered if he would ever realize. If he would ever even try to see through the narrow hole he had created. You wiped away the tear that fell down your cheeks. What did you agree to?
“No! Please Bella, no!!!” you screamed through the tears, beating your hands furiously to somehow break the spell they tied you with, not that it worked. “NO! TAKE ME! TAKE ME INSTEAD!”
Your heart thumped out of your chest as you screamed for them to stop. Your sister’s cries rang loud in your ears as they continued to torture her.
“Cruico!” you heard Bella scream as a hot red energy spread through your body, making you feel like you were on fire. You shouted and screamed as the pain didn’t stop. You felt dizzy and your brain banged making your surroundings feel fuzzy. You clenched your eyes shut at the agonizing sting that stretched throughout your body. You remembered seeing people running before darkness consumed you.
The great hall was full of chatter and life as the first years got sorted into their respective houses. Sirius smiled a little at the innocent, care-free children who were going to start a completely different life at Hogwarts. He listened on to James as he talked to a new-bee. He was grateful to have such a great friend. He was so scared when he finally ran away, thought he would have to leave James’ house the very next morning. But he didn’t. The Potters had unofficially adopted him. He spared a glance towards Regulus, who looked hollow. His heart clenched at the sight. He wanted to take him with himself, but Regulus wouldn’t budge. Dumbledore stood up, making everyone turn towards him.
“To the first years, welcome to Hogwarts!” he paused looking through the swarm of children. “Normally, I would have let the announcements wait until all of you are fed and fine, but there is something very important that you all need to know. Miss Y/s/n Y/l/n died a few days ago at the hands of a death-eater.”
Sirius’s heart dropped. Y/s/n? Was he hearing correctly?
“Her sister Y/n, present at the same place was tortured severely. We’ve somehow managed to keep her alive and she’s currently in the hospital wing in undefined coma. Times are dark for us. If…”
Sirius tuned out of the speech feeling something wash over him. He looked over to Regulus who rubbed at his eyes. It didn’t take him a much to figure out he was crying. Sirius looked down as a memory attacked him.
“Sirius, no! We’ll get caught!” you giggled making him smile involuntarily.
“Y/n, trust me, it was somewhere here!” he said, taking her further into the woods. He finally spotted the lake.
“See?” he said as your eyes sparkled taking in the beautiful scene.
“Wow. This is so pretty!” you gasped as Sirius took in your expression. “Wait until Regulus and Y/s/n see this!”
Sirius scoffed. He went to sit down over a rock gesturing you to sit beside him.
“This place is only for me and you,” he grumbled making you laugh.
“If you say so.”
There was silence for a moment as you took the beautiful spot in. Sirius however, couldn’t stop thinking.
“Why do you always want to bring Y/s/n and Regulus too? Am I not enjoyable enough?” he whispered as you looked at him.
“You’re taking this the wrong way, Sirius. I always want to bring them because I love them. I don’t want Y/s/n to sulk behind. Father is still grieving over our mother. She wouldn’t say it, but it affects her a lot. She was way closer to him anyway. I just want to make sure she stays happier than me. I always wish that I could give her everything she hopes for. I’m certain you want the same for Regulus?”
Sirius smiled. You really did love your sister.
“Yeah, I do.”
James shook Sirius, breaking him out of his reverie.
“Sirius, the food his here!” he said as Sirius nodded.
“Yeah, yeah.” He said placing something on his plate. He tuned out of what his friends said, lost in his thoughts.
Sirius tossed and turned through the night. He couldn’t sleep. Your thoughts ravaged him. He got up from his bead and quietly went over to James’ bed. Taking out the map and the invisibility cloak, he tried to make as less noise as possible. He went out of the common room, looking for anyone who might be roaming the corridors and stalked towards the hospital wing. He took off his cloak at the entrance, looking for the signs of the matron, but she wasn’t there. He tiptoed inside, walking towards the farthest bed. They always kept the more severely injured people there.
“What are you doing here?” a voice came, making him jump. He turned to see Regulus scowling at him.
“I’ve come to see Y/n.” he said calmly.
“No, you don’t deserve. Just go back to your Gryffindor friends that you love so much. Leave like you always do,” Regulus spat as Sirius’s stomach lunged.
“I don’t take orders from you.” Sirius said sharply as Regulus scoffed.
Sirius moved towards your bed, ignoring his brother. He had to see you, just once.
“Of course you don’t. You don’t take orders from anybody. Mighty big of you to come and see Y/n when you were the one caused this.”
Sirius’s head snapped towards Regulus.
“I’m the one who did this?”
“Oh, don’t act like you don’t know anything. Y/n made a pact with the death eaters to not take her sister in exchange of marrying a pure-blood. You couldn’t have waited 4 more days. Just 4 more days,” Regulus croaked, as a tear fell down his cheek. “They went after them the moment you ran away. Tortured Y/n and-”
Regulus broke down, taking in big gulps of air to control himself.
“No,” Sirius whispered, the weight of Regulus’s words crushing him. “NO!”
She wasn’t marrying him for money or- He felt stupid. So stupid. Sirius tried to breathe. His legs felt weak as they quivered.
“Leave.” He heard Regulus say as he stood fixed on the spot.
“I SAID LEAVE. YOU DIDN’T GIVE A FUCK THEN, YOU DON’T GIVE A FUCK NOW. LEAVE.” Regulus shouted, his voice echoing through the hall.
So he did. He left. He ran towards the room of requirement knowing he wouldn’t last long without breaking down.
He dropped down on the floor as his body shook with cries. He screamed. He screamed until his throat felt raw. He couldn’t see. Regulus’s words echoed in his ears as his brain made him remember all moments he spend with you and Y/s/n. He was the reason Y/s/n died. He caused you to suffer through everything. Come to think of it, wasn’t he the one who cut you off from his life? He was the one who stopped talking to you the moment you were sorted in Slytherin. He was the one who ignored every attempt made by you to reach out. He was the reason you ultimately stopped trying. And that, that ate him whole.
“I’m okay,” Sirius sneered as you just shook your head.
“I’m sure you are,” you said taking his hands softly and looking at the red lines on his palms.
You took the wet cloth slowly placing it on the flesh as Sirius hissed.
“Why do you always have to go against them Siri?” you asked softly.
“They were wrong, okay?” Sirius said before hissing again.
“Yes, but you know the consequences of speaking up. They would never listen to you. Why suffer more?” you whispered as he looked at you. “I hate to see you hurt Siri.”
You took his palm, placing small kisses all over making his heart flutter. He almost whined when you pulled away.
Sirius sniffed feeling numb. He didn’t want to go back to his dorm. The room seemed to understand him, turning into a cozy bedroom. He sighed, getting up and laying on the bed, transforming into his amingus form. He curled up, sadness giving way to sleep soon.
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A/N: This was requested by a lovely anon. I feel this is complete and won’t be doing a part two!
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gyu-nim · 7 years
Take Care of the Ending [Songfic Request]
Hello lovelies! 
So this is based on this request, and it actually surprised me how fast I got this done because I really enjoyed writing it. It could be considered semi-angst but as always with a happy ending. I hope the anon who requested it enjoys it! Oh and all of you guys as well of course. 
Infinite - Take Care of the Ending/Up to You
She looks at me, turns around and smiles
I think this is a clear sign this time
Even it it’s a coincidence, this is enough
I think I can be sure
“So, what do you want to do today?”
You shrugged as you continued to flip through your magazines. The two of you were splayed out in your bedroom, your feet on his lap as he slowly massaged your toes. You felt bad for turning him down multiple times, but you just didn’t feel like going out.
“Why don’t we just stay in today?”
He sighed, “We did that yesterday.”
“Well then we can do that again today!” you winked at him as he let out a groan of frustration.
You’re like a fantasy
I burn up every day, raising your value
You’re close enough to touch
But you come close then get far, making my head hurt
Woohyun let go of your feet and mimicked the position you were in so that he was staring you right in the face. You let out a gasp at the sudden closeness but smiled as soon as you saw his bed-hair. Woohyun without make up, with a simple white t-shirt on and lazying around in your bed was the best type of Woohyun. You stretched out your hand to brush his bangs off his face but his hand caught yours.
“I need to ask you something,”
You raised an eyebrow curiously, “Alright, shoot.”
“Are we ever going to make this official?”
You froze, “What?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about,” he frowned, “I’ve been asking you for weeks now, when can I tell everyone that we’re dating?”
Suddenly nervous, you rolled away from him and sat up on your bed, “Are we dating?”
Woohyun scoffed, “Isn’t that what we’ve been doing for the past three months now?” he said as he sat next to you.
“I don’t know, Woohyun I mean, I thought we were just…hanging out.”
You clearly seemed like you were mine yesterday
But why are you so cold today?
No way, I know this but I fall for it anyway
I can’t stop, please take care of the ending
You could see the heat cloud his face, “Explain to me just what you think ‘hanging out’ means?”
“I just- I don’t know I mean we’re together all the time and like we watch movies together? And I mean we share secrets and-”
“So then why doesn’t that classify as dating?”
“Dating is different,” you pointed, “dating is going out and holding hands and you know, constantly telling each other that you… you know, love each other.”
Woohyun sighed, “You know I love-”
You held up a finger and pressed it to his lips.
Do you feel it too? It happened often
The awkward conversations we have
Even if it’s a coincidence, this is enough
Even if I’m mistaken, I can do it
“Don’t say it.”
He pushed your finger away from his lips and stood up, brushing his hair in frustration, “I just don’t get why you’re shying away from what we have! I know you don’t think of me as just a friend-”
“I never said that!”
He started yelling now, “I’ve made love to you countless times over the past month! People who are just friends don’t do that!”
“Sex Woohyun, we had sex.”
Woohyun turned towards you with complete disbelief in his eyes.
I’m going crazy because of you
You pick me up and put me down,
While me? I’m in your hands
Should I catch you or be caught by you?
I know you’re using your head but I can’t escape
“What did you just say?”
You felt guilty repeating it to him, but it was the only way you could steer him away from this conversation again, “It was just sex, friends have sex with each other!”
“So all this time we’ve spent together, the nights where you poured your heart out to me and I to you, meant nothing to you? All we’ve done is fuck? Is that it?”
“Woohyun,” you stepped in front of in and tried to hold him, but he flinched away from you as if your touch hurt, “I didn’t mean it like that I just, I don’t know I think of you as a very dear friend and I...”
You could see the tears threatening to fall from his eyes, “A friend huh?”
“Woohyun!” you called out, but he was already bolting out of your apartment.
You heard the door slam shut and felt your own tears stream down your face. You immediately dialed the all-too familiar numbers of your best friend.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“I told Woohyun we were just friends today.”
“Let me guess, you fought again?”
You could no longer hold back the sobs that you were trying to cover up.
You clearly seemed like you were mine yesterday
But why are you so cold today?
No way, I know this but I fall for it anyway
I can’t stop, please take care of the ending
“Why don’t you just tell him the truth?”
“You know he’d never understand.”
“Jesus Christ, have you not learnt anything these past three months? The man is head over heels in love with you, and you can’t hide the fact that everyone knows you feel the same way. Go over there and tell him, otherwise you’d lose him forever.”
You hung up the phone soon after and thought about it. You knew Woohyun wanted a relationship, he wanted to reveal it to the entire universe. He was ready to take that risk, but you weren’t.
Truth is, the only reason why you didn’t want to make it official was because you knew he’d immediately write up a press release. That was the one thing that irked you about the situation, you wanted to keep Woohyun to yourself, without anyone knowing that. As weird as that may sound, the idea of having your relationship constantly scrutinized by tabloids made you sick in the stomach, and Woohyun couldn’t see why.
Do you have a place for me in your heart somewhere?
I’m on top if you’re peak but you’re downhill
Is it love’s evil?
You exhaust me
Grabbing your keys, you decided to just drive over to his place and keep thinking in the car. You knew, deep in your heart that you loved him. You loved him so much and losing him would be devastating. But you were unsure on whether or not you could truly give him what he wanted, a very, very, public relationship.
You went over multiple arguments in your head before you finally reached his doorstep. When Sungyeol opened the door, he let out a sigh.
“We were waiting for you.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry,” you sighed and hugged him, “I’m so sorry for constantly hurting him. But I think I know what I want to say now.”
He pulled away from you, “Can I just ask you something, because I consider him my brother and I can’t bear to see him hurt like this but-”
“I do Sungyeol, I do.”
That was all he needed to hear, “He’s in his room.”
I’m a victim, still wanting to be caught by you
You’re always a question mark
Let’s stop and put a period on it
I want things to be clear.
I want a happy ending.
“Woohyun?” you knocked on his door but immediately opening it, knowing that it was always unlocked. That was one of his worst habits.
He was sitting in front of his desk, working on music. He didn’t bother to turn around and replied with a, “Hm?” like he always did when he wasn’t in the mood to talk.
You closed the door behind you and played with your fingers, “Will you please look at me?”
He swirled his chair around and glared, “Why are you here, friend?”
Hissing at the coldness of his words, you gathered up the courage and stepped closer towards him, but he held his palm out in front of him, signalling a stop sign, “Don’t.”
“You being so close is making my judgment cloud right now and I need a clear head for what’s about to go down.”
There was a ‘pang!’ in your heart as you heard those words.
Your short smile breaks my heart
Then I gather the pieces again
I can’t use it or put it away
As I constantly wait for my movie-like ending
“I know I’ve said this a million times but I’m sorry.”
He stayed silent.
“Woohyun, you know you’re not just a friend to me. You know I wouldn’t be able to function properly without you and that my days would be empty without you spending them with me. You know I love you.”
The words stung him like a bee, “Are you just saying that?”
“No!” shaking your head furiously, you ignored his hand and stepped even closer towards where he was sitting, “You know me better than anyone else to know that I love you. I just-”
“You just what?”
“Spit it out.”
“I don’t want us to go public Woohyun!”
You clearly seemed like you were mine yesterday
But why are you so cold today?
No way, I know this but I fall for it anyway
I can’t stop, please take care of the ending
He stood up, “Why?”
You blinked back the tears, “Woohyun, you may think that us going public is great because we can finally go on dates and I can start tailing you around during tours but it’s not! People are going to threaten you Woohyun. I don’t think you realize just how much your fans love you and it will break their hearts to see you with me. Not only that but it’ll endanger your career, and I don’t ever want to make you choose between me or singing because I can’t bear to see you in that position.”
“I’m not finished,” you cleared your throat and inhaled, “I know you think I sound crazy, but you’ll never understand because you love me too much Woohyun. In your eyes, coming out as a couple is all hearts and flowers but it’s not. This will turn into a mess and I just, I don’t want to lose you because of it.”
There, you said it.
I’m asking for a happy ending
Like the movie I watched yesterday
He brushed away the tear that you didn’t even feel fall down from your eye and wrapped you in his arms. You pressed your nose into him and inhaled his scent, the best scent in the world. You could feel his lips make its way to your ears.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because you wouldn’t understand.”
He pulled away, with his arms still wrapped around your torso and looked at you, “Look, if you don’t want to go public, you should’ve just said so. It may be something I really want but for you, I’m willing to compromise. Hell, I’d do anything for you.”
You sighed, “I just, it seems so selfish of me to ask this.”
“Baby,” he smiled as placed a soft kiss on your temple, “be selfish with me, be angry with me, I’d rather you let it all out than you keep it in. You won’t ever lose me.”
Placing your arms around his neck, you brought your lips to his and kissed him in a way where you made sure he could feel your love for him. Pulling away to look at him, you smiled, “We have always been official, Woohyun. I’m just asking for a little bit more time to get used to this.”
“Take all the time you need,”
“I promise you, the ending to all of this will be just like the movies.”
He kissed the tip of your nose, “Trust me when I say, there won’t ever be an ending for us.”
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