#brother damiano
jayktoralldaylong · 5 months
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You know what? This is.... Paces the room and slaps the wall with an open palm. No, this is definitely..... Punches a hole through the wall.
At this point, at this point, if I was Laurent, I would just let my uncle kill to be fucking honest. This is the height of things that have happened and I am losing my mind. It's not like I'm surprised, it's just the overwhelming audacity and endless betrayal.
I'm the one with unnatural feelings? ME?? YOU'RE the one who f*cking RAPED ME at the vulnerable age of THIRTEEN!!! I would lose my shit.
Not only has the Regent let this stupid believable rumour foster because everyone is well aware of how much Laurent worshipped his brother Auguste, but now he raises it as a countermeasure against Laurent ever revealing the truth. Like who the fuck are the people going to believe? Their bitchy prince or their seemingly benevolent leader with a heart of gold (he goes around fucking children!!! He's been bedding Nico since he was TEN!!! SCREAMS IN UNDILUTED RAGE!!)
I can't! I can't stand him. How?! Omg. Hoooow can people lie like they speak the truth? How can they do it without a shred of remorse? He took advantage of a young child at the time he needed him the most and he's flaunting that vulnerability, he's using it to his advantage because no one knows he likes children, because those who do know would never fathom that such a good man would do such a thing to his fucking nephew! He turned his nephew into a viper, he is the reason Laurent has no friends, no allies, betrayal and betrayal and yet another betrayal. And when the truth about Damen comes out everything is going to fall apart and I can't stand it. I can't stand any of this! I'm losing my mind. How? How has Laurent possibly put up with this for nearly ten years? I would have just given up and let the Regent take me, this is madness!!
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sionisjaune · 9 months
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A real unaltered screenshot… they are so brave
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diari0deglierrori · 4 months
Damiano dei Måneskin e quell’incredibile somiglianza con the man in a possum skin hat in a game’s catalogue
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the-invisible-queer · 9 months
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(Sorry if I’ve sent you multiple things. I’m very bored) I know you said you hate Damianos…but what about this one?
This damianos is Nicaise approved 13/10 excellent cat would pet if he let me
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austenwazright · 21 days
I particularly just find Nikandros aversion to Laurent hilarious. Like, stop and think about it, his king was murdered by his own brother and that traitorous blonde snake, his country is being stolen and he doesn't even know which one of the main players are worse, the hateful jealous brother? The blonde bitch? The fucking veretian?! And HE is having to work with Vere!! With their stupid prince!! And he has to deal with all the border problems, and Makedon, and he just lost his brother, his brother the one true king!! And then there he is, keeping up his side of the bargain and OH MY GOD is that Damianos??? How can the gods be this kind??? Things will be ok now, the fucking kyros who were all so happy to roll over for kastor will change their minds, the future is bright again, his best friend is alive, Akielos is saved!! Oh no who's that?? It's blonde and blue eyed and... and a bitch!! And Damen has his puppy eyes out!! No not again, I can't deal with it all again!!!
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marzipanthots · 1 month
Pet Laurent 🔥🔥✨✨😌
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Adventures of Charles bonus 💕-
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as rabid and feral and naughty as possible !!!🔥🔥🔥 I find it interesting that this fandom has been around for almost a decade, but there’s less then 10 fics on AO3 about this AU. but understandable as there’s are just so many cool interesting ideas out there to explore with damen and Laurent world and supporting cast 💕🧎🏻‍♀️ BUT PLEASEE I NEED ITTT!! ILL DO ANYTHINGFF!!
I have one version of this AU idea where Laurent is a pet sent as a disguise he is really a spy to get more info of the rival kingdom as his cruel uncle send him to akielos to be torture used base of the rumors the new king damen obsession with blonds and is blood thirsty- in reality that’s Kastor, ) and of course damen is kind king but blind to his brother treachery. Laurent fall in love with damen as kastor want to own Laurent bc he hate his brother. Laurent help damen see the truth of kastor side . And they have endless nights of feral nocturnal activity together 😌😌🔥🔥🔥
I suck at writing but I will dream and hope one day🙏🏻🙏🏻😔😔🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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tototalks · 3 months
Now three quarters of the way through Captive Prince and I’m currently devouring this book like a vulture with its face in a carcass.
More ✨thoughts✨
- Love how there’s a whole conversation where everyone is sitting round eating grapes like “oh wow yeah Kastor was really beat up about the death of Prince Damianos. He looked real sad.” and Damen is just like… stood there… very alive… two feet away in big ol’ gold chains metaphorical sign over his head saying “NOTICE ME” lol
- On that note, spidey senses are telling me there’s no fuckin way Laurent doesn’t know who he is in a very “you killed my brother prepare to die” kinda way… unless he doesn’t?? Like am I wearing the tin foil hat?? Am I the fool?? Have they pulled a fast one on my dumb ass??
- Omg Nicaise. My heart kinda breaks for him. He’s a thirteen year old boy trying to survive by any means necessary, and if he’s gotta stab a bitch in the leg with a fork to do it then so be it. I support him.
- Ancel really is 💅that girl💅 in the same way Margaery Tyrell was that girl. He’s manipulative, he’s beautiful, he can spin fire, he’s out for someone to buy him a Birkin. Legend.
- I am, once again, requesting nice things for Erasmus and desperately need a whole training arc of Ancel teaching him how to use his looks to get what he wants. Glad my boy is safe. (Is he? Please say he is. Damen was on his best behaviour.)
- “He’s too old for my uncle’s taste.” SIR?? EXCUSE ME SIR????? 🚨🚨🚨 🚩🚩🚩 🚔🚔🚔
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papysanzonew · 2 months
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Merlin is a 24-year-old rock band leader. Arthur is a 32-year-old who by coincidence is their manager. Merlin comes from a normal, unpretentious family. Arthur comes from old money and has decided he wants to pursue a career of his own without the help of his father. Both are nerds, although Merlin shows it more with his tattoos. Both have always liked music and both, in some way, live for it. Arthur is aware that he has no practical musical talent, but he has an excellent ear for music and a sixth sense for up-and-coming artists. So he may not be the talent but he discovers talent. Merlin is a guy who likes to be around people and is friendly with everyone (although he needs moments to be alone and quiet or he gets anxiety attacks), Arthur is a more reserved type. The first time Merlin flirted with him Arthur told him that he does not do casual, much less with clients, Merlin replied that then they are very lucky because he does not do casual either. On their first anniversary, Merlin got Arthur’s crest tattooed because “I know it will be forever” and Arthur gave him his mother’s ring and sigil. As Merlin soon found out Arthur is quite a possessive and jealous person (and if he has to admit it at least to himself he rather likes it) so at every concert Merlin wears Arthur’s presents because even if Merlin is on a stage in front of millions of people Arthur has to know that he is only his.
Have I thought about this AU too much? Yes. Do I regret it? Never.
(P. S. The band consists of Merlin, Gwaine, Lancelot and Gwen. Morgana is a wedding planner and is already planning the wedding between her brother and Merlin, although the only one who knows at the moment is Gwen (who wants to have the last word on the cake even if the wedding is not hers))
Thank you Damiano (Maneskin) for the pose reference
My other Merlin art
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Bayverse Headcanon: What kind of music do they like?
Idk why I had to do this, but I just had to.
Also, one day I might make more detailed versions of these scenarios.
Warning: Long af, spelling bc I'm dyslexic.
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There are a few sides to the leader in blue. The part that sits in the dojo for hours, meditating in complete silence. Probably one of the few things he had to practice on - meditating with noises all around him. And then there’s the part of him that listens to music, while doing mundane things. Whether it would be cleaning his room, taking a shower, a warm up before training or just chilling in his room or on the rooftops. Leo do enjoy music a lot, he just has clear rules for when he can hear it. No modern music in the dojo! Martial arts should be honored, and to do it in other that silence would be an insult to the arts and the old masters. But outside of the dojo, it would be possible to find Leo with a pair of headphones on every once in a while.
Leo is a rock kid. Not heavy metal - no - that is just not Leo’s kind of music. But old school rock and maybe even glam rock. It was usually music with prominent guitar or bass that he often found himself listening to. It kind of fitted the way he saw himself. Th stoic leader on the rooftop, fighting with an edgy soundtrack in his head. Edgy and cool being the way he described it in his own head. It gave him a slight tingle in his stomach, when he jumped from roof to roof with his headphones on, listening to certain rock songs. He felt like a true leader, jumping high over people’s head, listening to “Zitti E Buoni” by Måneskin. When really feeling it alone in the shower, with the same song booming from his blue bluetooth speaker, he would channel his inner Damiano David, singing along to the fast part without any mistakes. Now, Leo is not usually the one to sing along to songs. He doesn't even hum that often, but when he does, it is usually in the shower. But there was this one time Raph walked past the bathroom, while Leo was screaming his heart out to a Måneskin song. Usually Raph would find a way to make fun of his brother for such a thing, but this time Raph decided not to, mainly because it didn’t sound near as bad as Raph though Leo’s singing would do.
Another artist Leo would be singing along to in the shower is Micheal Jackson. He might even do a few dance moves, but he would NEVER IN HIS LIFE, do them outside of a locked bathroom.
One of Leo’s favorite bands had to be Blur. He really liked Damon Albarn’s voice and the guitar of Graham Coxon, and would often find himself listening to them before going to bed. At one point, Leo even tried to sneak out to see all of Blur play live. Did he get in? Yes. Did he watch them from somewhere just below the roof? Yes. Did the bassist spot Leo, blink in confusion, only to look back up to find the spot Leo had been hiding in empty, with Leo having fled the scene? Yes, and that’s why Leo doesn’t do concerts anymore. But he never told his brothers. Mikey would not be happy to know that Leo had sneaked into a concert, while having told Mikey time and time again that he wasn’t allowed to.
Leo has a thing for languages when it comes to music. He grew up in New York City with English as his first language, with Japanese from Splinter following right after as his second. He decided to learn Spanish, just in case it would get useful, and since he had an Italian first name, he also learned Italien. That would probably explain some of his love for Måneskin. But Leo just really liked languages. He doesn’t have to understand the lyrics in order to enjoy it. One prime example of that is the song “Stefania” by KALUSH and Kalush orchestra, even though it is hip hop in genre. Did Leo understand any Ukrainian? Nope. But did he have a general idea of what the song was about, and found the Ukrainian language beautiful and interesting? Yes, very much. He found the courage of Ukraine inspiring, and would often use that inspiration in his training, which is why this is one of the very few songs he will actually train to outside of warm ups.
A true bedroom song for Leo is “Demoni” by Joker Out. He wouldn’t do much while listening to that. He would just lay in bed with headphones one, eyes closed while either bobbing his head or right foot to the beat. Leo isn't much of a dancer, but more a bobber. That was usually how his brothers knew if he liked a certain song; he would bob his head slightly to the beat. That only fueled Mikey’s imagination, creating a picture in his head of Leo head banging in his room to heavy metal, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Stoic Leo didn’t head bang, but he did move at least his head or foot lightly.
Now, what does Leo’s brothers like about his music taste? Well, to be honest, most of the time they weren’t too sure what kind of music Leo liked. They did know that he was into rock, and they knew very well that at this point that he liked Måneskin and Micheal Jackson. But there was this one time while driving the garbage truck, that Leo somehow got in charge of the aux. None of the guys really knew what to expect, but “Gladiator” by Jann wasn’t it. Mikey even said something along the lines of; “emo Leo doesn’t listen to My Chemical Romance”, causing Leo to remember once again, why he normally didn’t want to be in charge of the aux, and liked keeping his music to himself.
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Raph listens to music quite often. Probably not as often as Mikey, but still at way more than Donnie and Leo. One of the main reasons why Raph listens to so much music is - you probably guessed it - training. He would often lift his weights to the beat of the music, in a way that most humans could only dream of doing. But he would also listen to music on his own, either riding his motorcycle through the streets of New York City at night, or while knitting in his room.
A favorite song of Raphael’s to ride his motorcycle to was “Would You Ever” by Skrillex and Poo Bear. Swerving in and out of traffic, causing people to yell in anger in his direction, or causing groups of girls to giggle and point at the mysterious bad boy that just rode past them. Covered in a helmet and covered in a big leather jacket and cloves, he looks like a big hunk of a man, showing off his motorcycle. But would Raph play his music out loud while riding down the street? Normally he would not. But there was this one time he just couldn’t help himself. Stopping at a red light, Raph found himself beside an open roofed car, filled with giggling human girls. Most of them were tipsy, and Raph wouldn’t be too surprised if the girl in front of the steering wheel was too. Obviously, they had something for big guys, as they started asking about his name, how old he was, where he lived, or if they could get a ride on his motorcycle. Or if he would come ride with them. Raph didn’t say anything, he just pressed a button on his motorcycle, causing the music to disconnect from his helmet, and started playing from his motorcycle speakers. He saluted them, just as the light turned green, riding away while the girls stared at him in awe. In his opinion, it was very much worth it.
Raph has quite a few songs he liked lifting weights to. One of them being “Hello” by Will.I.Am. When Raphael is lifting weights, he will do it proud and loud, playing his music on a red speaker, much to the annoyance of Leonardo, who very much wants to meditate. When it came to boxing, Raph would often listen to Eminem, hyping himself up with the music or the angry lyrics, causing Mikey to ask him what the hell Eminem had done to him, since he would get the need to hit something whenever he heard his voice.
Raph would almost always find a reason to listen to Eminem. When Raph was angry and wanted to hit something; “Kamikaze”. Should Raph ever find himself mad at a woman; “Farewell”. Was Raph ever in a good mood and just wanted to dance and have fun; “Shake that”. But somehow, when Raph was sad, he wouldn’t listen to Emniem. If he was sad and decided to box, he would listen to The Weeknd. Mikey caught on to that pretty fast, and would do his little brother duty to bring up Raph’s mood, whenever he would hear the voice of The Weeknd from Raph's room.
Like Leo, Raph would also listen to music while showering. But it was while being alone in the bathroom, that Raph would listen to much that wasn’t often associated with big angry muscle men like him. It would often be more pop than electronic or hip hop. And god, how Raph hoped none of his brothers would hear him sing along to “i don’t wanna talk about love”, by Micheal Medrano. Raphael could just shut up and shower in silence, but nope, a man got to groove in the shower. Luckily for Raph, only Donnie had heard him once. Had Donnie laughed his ass off as soon as he got to his room afterwards? Yes, oh my god yes he had. But did he tell Mikey and Leo about it? Nope, he did not. But he did tell April and you about it though, and what a laugh you guys had over the phone.
Raph would never admit it to anyone, but he did listen to Madonna, and he did enjoy it. It started with “Future” by Madonna and Quavo, and before he knew it, he was sitting in his room enjoying both “Like A Prayer” and “Like A Virgin”, which led to him singing “Hung Up” in the shower. Madonna would lead to Dua Lipa, and before Raph even realized what was happening, half of his playlist would be pop power women. Loreen, Lady Gaga, old Miley Cyrus songs. And did he know the lyrics? Oh yes he did. And one time, his brothers would catch him listening to at least one of them.
It was one of those days where each turtle seemed to be doing their own thing, which left Raph alone with his work out equipment and his speaker. As usual it started out with Eminem, Juicy J, Kanye West and others, before suddenly “Rendez Vouz” by INNA. That caught Mikey’s attention, and once he heard and saw Raph dance and sing along from his hiding spot, he went to find Leo and Donnie. And oh, how they fought to keep from laughing when Raph started feeling himself too much, working out to “Work Bitch” by Brittney Spears. After that, the phrase “get to work bitch”, was used quite often around Raph.
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The purple scientist is very straightforward with his taste in music. If he likes it, he listens to it. He often has music playing while doing stuff in his lab. Sometimes calming lofi music in hopes that it could get him sleepy, but that usually didn’t work very often. Instead Donnie would often find himself listening to music from the indie scene, or what some people on the internet might call vibey music. Aesthetic music. What aesthetic, you might ask? Well, Donnie had no idea, and he most differently thought that the internet had no idea either. One of these so-called vibe or aesthetic pop songs was “HEAVEN AND BACK” by Chase Atlantic. Tapping away on his computer or connecting whatever hard drive, he found that the music helped him concentrate at the task in front of him.
Though Donnie didn’t seem to notice, his brothers did. Most of the songs he listened to had some not so happy lyrics. Often quite depressive, covered over with bass, keyboard, drum kit and sometimes even a saxophone. At one point Leo had brought this concern up with Donnie, causing the purple turtle shrug.
“Music is music. I listen to what I like”, he said, making another cup of coffee, before going back to work in his lab.
Those few times Donnie finally left his lab to relax in his room, he would read a book, listen to songs like “Quite Quitting” by NOT A TOY. To Donnie, music was mainly background noise, helping him to shut out his loud brothers so he could focus. What the lyrics said didn’t bother him too much. But there is one thing Donnie notices in most of the music he listens to; a smooth bass. It didn’t have to be a loud bass, often becoming part of the background with the drums, being overshadowed by smooth special effects or the singing. Donnie really like bass, but he also like smooth keyboards. There had been times where he had thought of getting a bass or keyboard, or maybe even make them himself. Mikey had his drum set, so Donnie might as well get a few instruments of his own.
Like Leo, Donnie liked to listen to music on the rooftops every once in a while. But unlike his brother, Donnie would usually stay at the same roof, remembering the names of stars, plants and constellations on the sky above him, while listening to songs like “ALIENS” by The Griswolds and Transviolet, wearing big soft headphones. Comfort over looks was important for Donnie, and being a mutant turtle hiding from the people of New York City, he didn’t give a crap about what his headphones look like. He thought they were nice, and he likes to wear them, and that was enough for him. His brothers, on the other hand, thought they were chunky and strange, to which he could only say it was good they were his headphones and not theirs. And it was at nights like those, that Donnie thought of how, maybe his brothers were right about his taste in music. He might be a little different from them, like how the alien was described in the song he was listening to. Not that he worried too much about it. He liked his head and the brain inside it, and with that came being different. That’s just how it was.
But not all the music Donnie listens to is filled with sadness and depression. Songs such as “Strange Clouds” by ufo ufo were a good morning song according to Donnie. When he woke up after finally having had a full night's sleep, he would listen to songs like that, while making breakfast or making his coffee. But then later in the day, sitting in front of the computer screen, once again not being able to sleep, he would listen to stuff like “Numb” by 8 graves. It was the lyrics from that song that had made Leo’s alarm bells ring. Mikey on the other hand wasn’t too worried. He just called Donnie’s music taste “calm edge lord, that doesn’t need to try hard”.
Now, if there was one artist Donatello had to say was his favorite, it would probably be Mystery Skulls, especially “Stronger”. A nice bass in front and center, backed up with synth all around. But Donnie also really liked Luke Black. Way different from all the other music Donnie would listen to, yet he really liked it. He would probably never admit it to his brothers, but he did listen to the lyrics of Luke Black, and he did find it more than a little interesting.
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Mikey - or as he like to call himself; DJ Mikey - listens to music all the time, every day, everywhere, rarely turning down for the sake of any of his brothers, blasting it oh so loud on his orange speaker, only putting headphones on if his brothers threatened him. Or if Master Splinter asked him to.
He sang along, danced along, sometimes even to the embarrassment of others, like the many times he would scream along to “Turn It Up” by Oliver Tree, Little Big and Tommy Cash.
Mikey likes big, loud and up beat music. Something he can move his body to and be his little happy self. It could be anything from pop to hip hop, maybe even electronic or EDM. It would usually consist of him listening to the same few songs over and over again, until he is getting slightly tired of them, while his brothers are ready to rip their heads off, or maybe dig into their skulls to rip their ears out.
With Mikey being his small ADHD self, it wouldn’t be strange for him to listen to music made by people with ADHD for people with ADHD, making a big deal out of it. One of those songs being “Irresponsible” by Emei. There was this one time he almost made Donnie deaf by blasting the song into his ears while scream: "This song is made for me!"
Much to Leo’s annoyance, Mikey didn’t follow his rule of “no music in the dojo”, since Mikey often found it easier to train with music. This man can do all of his katas perfectly, if only “Hypnodancer” by Little Big is playing in the background.
If there is one thing Mikey likes, it is listening to “Pac-man” by Gorillaz, and making eating pizza into his own version of pac man, in which his brothers are the ghosts, and he has to steal pizza from them. At this point, his older brothers know to keep a good eye on their food as soon as that song starts playing... Or if he just plays Gorillaz at all.
Another thing Mikey likes when it comes to music, is when his brothers somehow enjoy what he’s playing. It had happened before, and it would most likely happen again. Mikey sat in the middle of the lair, happily dancing where he sat while reading comics, playing “Go Bananas” by Little Big. Raph didn’t growl at him from his bench press, but instead started to lift the weights on every other beat. Donnie sat at his computer, pressing the keys of his keyboard in beat with the song, probably without noticing. And Leo was bobbing his head ever so slightly while sharpening his katanas. This had Mikey over the moon, which only caused him to want to play more music for his brothers. Every once in a while they would let him do it, just to make their little brother happy. That was the main reason why Mikey is the aux guy.
When Mikey decided to skateboard, he would most often do it with old school hip hop playing. As a turtle in the sewers of New York, that only made sense to him, which is why he often would skate up and down the sewers, vibing with “The Message” by Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five. And of course Mikey could rap the whole thing. Now, this was one of those few songs that Leo, Raph and Donnie didn’t mind Mikey playing over and over again.
But then there were those times on patrol where Mikey just would start singing out of nowhere. When he started breaking into “Sax” by Fleur East, complete with thought out dance moves in the way only Mikey could do it, Raph was ready to throw him off the roof and down to ongoing traffic.
It would be no surprise to tell you that one of Mikey’s favorite artists is Little Big, and that he also loves Gorillaz. But he would also quite often listen to the music that his brothers were playing. He very well knew that Leo loved listening to Blur, and that most of Raph’s playlist was made up of power women, and that Donnie’s secret favorite was Luke Black. And of course Mikey could sing every single word to the songs of his brothers' favorite artists, being the little attentive brother that he is. And because his music taste had room for more than theirs had.
You can tell I’m European, can’t you?
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kybelles · 1 year
laurent’s damianos vs damen dilemma is so fascinating… re his first pov in kings rising, he refers to damen as the akielon slave instead of damen or damianos. even internally, he refuses to say his name (damen or damianos) because to even name damen inside his head is to acknowledge him as his brother’s killer. he’s so deep in willful delusion that he tries his best to see damen as two separate people: one is the akielon slave he’s in love with, and the other is a coldblooded brother killer. the akielon slave is the honorable, hardworking and extraordinary man who was the only person who genuinely helped laurent after auguste’s death. the akielon prince is the barbarian who slayed auguste and caused the collapse of laurent’s entire world. the akielon slave is safe to love, the brother killer is not.
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lucky-clover-gazette · 3 months
kings rising highlights & annotations
chapter 5
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indented text is from the book. some quotes have commentary, some do not. some comments are serious, and some are definitely not. most of them will only make sense to people who have read the series. and, like, there are spoilers. so please read the books first if you're interested!
also: part of the reason i'm doing such a close reading is to study cs pacat's style, especially in terms of how she does romance and erotica. there are "craft notes" that might seem weird, like i'm being redundant or restating something rather than analyzing, but those are more things that i want to remember/take away from the writing!
i'm going to tag these longer posts with "sam reads capri" in case anyone wants to read them all at once.
this is a google doc i wrote with overall content warnings for the captive prince series. it's not perfect, but i do think it's important to include.
Meetings of this kind could take months to arrange; the speed at which it happened now was dizzying, if you did not know Laurent.
i like how damen has immediately fallen back into his book 1 & early book 2 habit of giving laurent backhanded compliments
He sat on the audience throne, with a single oak seat empty beside him and Nikandros standing behind him.
you know, damen, i can think of someone who has recent experience with oak chairs…
When prince met prince there were protocols to observe. You did not greet each other alone in a diaphanous tent. Or thrown to the ground in chains in a palace viewing chamber.
and yet, given the choice between protocol and hanging out with laurent in a tent… i think damen is seriously struggling with which he would truly prefer. if not already decided, in his heart
The last time Akielon and Veretian royalty had met ceremonially had been six years ago, at Marlas, when the Regent had surrendered to Damen’s father, King Theomedes. Out of respect to the Veretians, Damen had not been present, but he remembered the satisfaction of knowing that Veretian royalty was bending its knee to his father. He had liked it. He had probably liked it, he thought, about as much as his men disliked what was happening today, and for the same reasons.
“he had liked it.” ouch. but also showing the subjectivity of damen and laurent’s shared history
It was not like the ecstatic entries Laurent had made into the towns and villages of Vere. No one swooned or cheered or threw flowers at his feet. The camp was silent.
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Laurent strolled in, beautifully;
He came down the path that was cleared for him, as though walking unmolested through an Akielon camp was simply his right.
because it is, because he made it so 💅
Damen’s own men watched as a man might watch his enemy sauntering into his house, unable to prevent it.
“sauntering” perfect word choice
‘My brother of Akielos,’ said Laurent.
i know the “brother” thing is part of the “language of kings,” but it’s extra awkward between laurent and damen because 1) damen killed laurent’s actual brother and 2) they’ve literally fucked
Everyone knew that in the Akielon language, princes of foreign nations addressed each other in the fraternal.
and everyone also knows that damen killed laurent’s brother, and that damen and laurent fucked, so it’s weird for them too!
‘Our brother of Vere,’ said Damen.
oooh, damianos has to use the royal “we” since he’s king, further removing himself from his individual identity as damen. part of the kingship/“kingdom or this” theme, which we’re seeing a lot in book 3, for obvious reasons
He recognised Guion, the Regent’s most loyal Councillor, who, sometime in the last three days, had switched sides.
don’t worry about it
Damen lifted his hand, offering it palm up, with fingers outstretched. Laurent lifted his own hand calmly, resting it atop Damen’s. Their fingers met. He could feel the eyes of every Akielon in the tent on him. They proceeded slowly. Laurent’s fingers rested infinitesimally above his own. He felt the moment when the men around him realised what was going to happen. Reaching the dais, they sat, facing outward, the twin oak seats now twin thrones.
of course they had to make this announcement in the most dramatic, shocking, and tense manner possible. like idk, someone could have explained the alliance with words first, just to make sure everyone’s on the same page when the two leaders sit down beside each other. i get that this wordless performance might simply be the appropriate protocol, but damen and laurent still somehow manage to make it feel inappropriate for the occasion.
‘We have called you here today to witness our accord,’ said Damen, in a clear voice that carried over the noise.
i think i read somewhere that pacat compared this scene to a wedding, and that would totally make sense, both with the way its written and the way damen and laurent are allergic to conventional romance story plot beats. like yeah, this WOULD be their wedding, wouldn’t it.
‘Today we mark the alliance of our nations against those pretenders and usurpers who seek to assail our thrones.’
same energy as suspended twitter user donald j trump saying “i would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, september 11th.”
Laurent settled in as though the place had been made for him, and adopted the posture he typically favoured, one leg straight out before him, a fine-boned wrist balanced on the arm of the throne.
cunt (affectionate)
Explosions of outrage, furious exclamations, there were hands on the hilts of swords. Laurent did not look particularly concerned by this, or anything.
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Coiled and personal, Laurent’s gift was a Veretian whip, made of gold.
i remember reading this for the first time and saying “GIRLLLL” out loud to my cat
He remembered Laurent’s hand giving a little tug on the rod, infuriating, more than that. He remembered having his legs kicked apart, his hands bound, the thick wood of the post against his chest, the lash about to fall on his back. He remembered Laurent, arranging himself against the opposite wall, settling his shoulders there, positioning himself to watch every slightest expression on Damen’s face. His gaze swung to Laurent. He knew he had flushed, he could feel the heat in his own cheeks. In front of the gathered generals, he couldn’t say, What have you done?
there is a strategic advantage to this move on laurent’s part (to be revealed in a minute), but it’s also just him being a petty bitch and trying to make damen flustered/triggered on the throne
Inside the tent, Akielon men and women were looking at one another questioningly, others craning their necks to see.
and actually, this gesture from laurent also tells damen something else: “you thought i was evil for flogging you, my brother’s killer? then refuse my offer for revenge against men who murdered your people, in front of your bloodthirsty nation who want to see it happen. where’s your moral high ground now, bitch.”
‘The whip and the men are Vere’s gift to Akielos,’ said Laurent, and then he turned his melting blue eyes on Damen. ‘The first fifty lashes are my gift to you.’
wouldn’t be the first time laurent gifted damen laurent lashes out of spite. which i’m sure laurent is very smug about, saying this now.
He couldn’t have stopped it, even if he had wanted to.
i do think some of laurent’s revenge here is putting damen in the same powerful/powerless position he (laurent) had been in for seven years in arles. just because laurent was a prince, doesn’t mean he wasn’t a captive too. ultimately, it was laurent's innate responsibility to his people, felt as a prince, that kept him from just leaving entirely. but in order to stay and survive, he had to play dirty and adapt with his uncle's depraved court.
now a king, damen finds himself similarly bound to his duties, in a time of war without the support of his father. and laurent gets some kind of satisfaction in reminding damen of this fall from grace by forcing him to endure the depravity of his own court.
A part of Damen’s mind recognised how perfectly this gift had been judged, the exquisite virtuosity of it: Laurent was delivering him a backhanded blow with one hand, and with the other, caressing his generals as a man scratches a dog under the chin.
isander foreshadowing. the ethical implications of that entire thing are going to be soooo tricky to unpack when i get to it
Damen heard himself say, ‘Vere is generous.’ ‘After all,’ Laurent held his gaze, ‘I remember what you like.’ The stripped men were tied down.
jesus FUCKING christ.
okay. here’s the thing. there’s literally no plausible interpretation of “i remember what you like” that makes this diplomatic or professional. the contrast of damen being so careful and disciplined with his language, and laurent just shooting out these insanely personal disses like it’s no big deal, is SOOOOOOO…
like. what the fuck is the audience thinking when they hear that line. it would be like watching a broadcast of two real-life world leaders doing a diplomatic ceremony, and one of them is like "i look forward to our partnership" and the other goes, at full volume and in the same exact tone of voice, "i know. you told me that last night."
Damen felt his pulse speed up as he realised he was going to watch Laurent have ten men flayed alive in front of him.
although i do seem to recall damen saying to himself back in like book 2 that he’d seen plenty of akielion soldiers flayed (flogged? is it the same thing?) as punished, and even commanded it once or twice, so…
‘Furthermore,’ said Laurent, his voice pitched to carry, ‘Fortaine’s bounty is yours. Its physicians will tend to your wounded. Its storehouses will feed your men. The Akielon victory at Charcy was hard-won. All that Vere gained while you fought is yours, and it is deserved. I will not profit from any hardship that befalls the rightful King of Akielos or his people.’
laurent is so smart. he knows how to work a crowd, even when it’s full of people who despise him. and he’s not even breaking a sweat.
You will lose Straton. You will lose Makedon, Nikandros had said, but he hadn’t counted on the fact that Laurent would arrive, and begin, dangerously, to control everything.
Bloody and pulped, the men, who were no longer men, were cut from the whipping blocks. That took time too, because more than one handler was needed to lift each man, and no one was quite certain which of the men were unconscious and which were dead.
you know, maybe no one should flay or flog anyone else. like, as a general rule. have we thought of that?
Damen said, ‘We have a personal gift too.’
the return of the antagonistic lamen “yes, and!” one of the few things from book 1 i truly miss
(also, i’m glad damen didn’t come into this tableau full intending to be professional and respectful. like he planned some petty freak shit too, in advance. he is still ant with a bindle, but he has his pride. he’s always had pride, even as a slave, especially as a slave. and if damen can’t have laurent as a lover or a friend, he can at least “enjoy” engaging in weird mind games with him instead. in a way, it’s kind of enrichment for them both.)
Last night, in the evening darkness of the tent, he had pulled this gift from his packs and looked down at it, feeling its weight in his hands. Once or twice before, he had thought about this moment. In his most private thoughts, he’d imagined it happening with the two of them alone together.
okay, never mind, i massively overestimated the spiteful pettiness from damen here :( he wanted to do this in another way, lovingly and privately. he's only doing it here and now because he has to, in order to earn his army's respect. ant with a bindle, through and through.
it’s okay buddy, you can marry laurent again post-canon. and then you won’t even be figuratively divorced while doing it!
He hadn’t imagined it like this, the private made public, and painful. He didn’t have Laurent’s ability to hurt with what mattered most.
and that's why this series works. see my long essay about damen as the heart of the series in chapter 4.
‘Every man here knows that you kept us as a slave,’ said Damen. He said it loudly enough that all those gathered in the pavilion tent could hear. ‘We wear your cuff on our wrist. But today, the Prince of Vere will prove himself our equal.’
THE ROYAL “WE” 💀 💀 💀
you know, technically it was kastor, an akielion, who made damen a slave and gave him specifically to laurent. they didn’t even have slaves in vere before akielos gifted them one. just sayin
He gestured and one of his squires came forward. It was still wrapped in cloth. He felt the sudden tension in Laurent, though there was no outward change. Damen said, ‘You asked for it, once.’ The squire drew back the cloth to reveal a gold cuff. He felt rather than saw the tightness in Laurent. The cuff, unmistakably, was the twin to the one Damen wore, altered last night by a blacksmith for Laurent’s finer wrist. Damen said, ‘Wear it for me.’ For a moment he thought Laurent wasn’t going to do it. But in public, Laurent had no recourse to refusal. Laurent extended his hand. And then waited, palm outstretched, his eyes lifting to meet Damen’s. Laurent said, ‘Put it on me.’
the fact that this isn’t even damen being mean, but just painfully earnest and hurt and yearning, clearly not what laurent expected at all… :( damen is refusing to play dirty, no matter how hard laurent goads him. and he doesn’t even want to hurt laurent, in fact he almost seems to long for him. that’s probably what surprises and confuses this self-loathing mean girl era laurent the most. he keeps trying (and succeeding) to push damen away, but damen still refuses to push back.
also, lamen hr complaint #7, made by everyone present besides damen and laurent. nothing specific, but just a vague feeling of "uh, was it professional to make us watch and participate in this?" after the fact
Every pair of eyes in the tent was on him. Damen took Laurent’s wrist in his hand. He would have to unlace the fabric and push the sleeve back. He could feel the devouring gazes of the Akielons in the tent, as hungry for this as they had been for the whipping. Rumours of Damen’s enslavement in Vere had spread like fire through the camp. To see the Veretian Prince wear the gold cuff of a palace bed slave in turn was shocking, intimate, a symbol of Damen’s ownership.
i love how these books manage to make things unbelievably hot, even when they have nothing to do with sex. they might as well be fucking right now and it would feel less intimate and personal. which actually might be the entire point of the veretian pets and akielion slaves being so horny on main all the time, to serve as a contrast to the deep eroticism of this.
Laurent’s blue eyes remained cool, but under Damen’s thumb, Laurent’s pulse was rabbit fast.
laurent came here expecting to control a crowd, not to be emotionally compromised and vulnerable in front of one. and he’s probably even more flustered/upset about the fact that damen was able to make him feel and react like this so publicly, without even appearing to have malicious or vindictive intent. what laurent serves as poison, is what damen serves him back as medicine. and while laurent can handle an angry crowd just fine, he has no means with which to defend himself from damen’s endearing love and care.
He pushed back the fabric. It was more bare skin than Laurent had ever shown in public, on display to the entire tent.
“you look like a whore” <3
another accidental damen reverse card, calling back to the way damen was publicly exposed in book 1. not even meant to hurt laurent but still probably landing like revenge.
‘Help me regain my kingdom, and I’ll see you King of Vere.’ Damen fitted the cuff to Laurent’s left wrist.
his teeny tiny little wrist…
‘I’m overjoyed to wear a gift that reminds me of you,’ said Laurent.
he may be flustered, but he’s still That Bitch.
The cuff locked into place. He didn’t withdraw his wrist, just left it leaned on the arm of the throne, laces open and gold cuff in full view.
it’s like they have those matching t shirts that say “i’m hers” and “i’m his,” except damen’s would say “i’m his” and laurent’s would say “i’m terrified of attachment” and then “i’m his” in significantly smaller text
Horns were blown the length of the ranks, and refreshments were brought. All that had to happen now was for Damen to endure the rest of the welcoming ceremony, and at the end, sign their treaty.
damen and laurent just invented divorced marriage! truly trailblazers of their time
A series of display fights were performed, marking the occasion with disciplined choreography. Laurent watched with polite attention, and underneath that, possibly real attention, as it would suit him to catalogue Akielon fighting techniques.
they should have a homoerotic fight sequence instead of a first dance
Across from Makedon, Vannes was taking refreshments. Vannes had been the Regent’s Ambassador to the all-female court of the Vaskian Empress, who it was said ripped men apart with her leopards for public sport.
(can you tell that i'm getting tired of the almost entirely male cast)
He thought of the delicate dealings with the Vaskian clans that Laurent had engineered, all along their ride south. He said, ‘Are you going to tell me what won Vannes to your side?’ Laurent said, ‘It’s no secret. She is to be the first member of my Council.’
laurent feminism win. any person of any gender can be politically valuable.
(i have more complex thoughts on women in this series, which i’ve written about before. i do think laurent feels a genuine sense of solidarity with most women in this series, specifically the disempowered ones like loyse and the sex workers at the brothel. but vannes is a special case, because she’s cruel and sadistic just like the men in power, so i don’t think laurent promising her a place in his council has anything more to do with her gender than the fact that the misogynistic regent wouldn’t do the same.)
‘And Guion?’ ‘I threatened his sons. He took it seriously. I had already killed one of them.’
“i had already killed one of them.”
laurent says this flippantly, but it's kind of freudian slip. laurent admits here that he sees himself as directly responsible for aimeric’s suicide. which is… a very laurent thing to think, and then to weaponize against himself inside his own head. i think a big part of the reason laurent is able to take insults so carelessly, and even insult himself as a deflection, is that he knows that nobody knows him better than himself, and that he’s thought worse things of himself than anyone else possibly could.
‘If this is truly an alliance between equals,’ said Makedon, ‘it’s a pity we can’t see a display of Veretian fighting.’ You are seeing one right now and you don’t even know it, thought Damen.
wait the first dance thing was a joke, but maybe i just vaguely recalled it actually happening??
also, love that thought from damen. perfect read of the scene, although i think people are probably a little more aware of their freakiness than damen seems to assume.
‘Or a contest,’ Makedon said. ‘Veretian against Akielon.’ ‘Are you proposing to challenge Lady Vannes to a duel?’ said Laurent.
kind of a desperate thing for laurent to say. a weak snarky deflection, basically admitting that he does not want to fight damen in front of everyone right now.
Blue eyes met brown. Laurent was relaxed on the throne, and Damen was too aware of what Makedon saw: a youth, less than half his age; a princeling who shirked battle; a courtier with lazy, indoor elegance.
despite appearances, damen knows that laurent is an excellent fighter and a suitable match for himself. again with the backhanded compliment!!
‘But we are like brothers.’ Laurent smiled. Damen felt Laurent’s fingertips touch his; their fingers slid into one another.
“alive brothers, to be precise. not that i’d know anything about having one of those, right, husband?”
side note, i 100% see post-canon laurent calling damen “husband” just as much as his actual name. it’s the perfect mix of condescending, performative, affectionate, and possessive. between them it would almost feel like an inside joke, which we all know damen and laurent enjoy. perfect.
He knew from long experience when Laurent was repressing everything into a single hard kernel of distaste.
for a second i was like, “why is laurent so against this, when he’s a good fighter?” but then i remembered that he got fucking stabbed in the shoulder like two days ago
Heralds brought the document, ink on paper, written in two languages, side by side so that neither one was atop the other. It was simply worded. It did not contain endless clauses and subclauses. It was a brief declaration: Vere and Akielos, united against their usurpers, allied in friendship and common cause.
not the marriage certificate…
He signed it. Laurent signed it. Damianos V and Laurent R, with a big loopy L.
oh of COURSE laurent makes a big loopy L, and of course damen makes specific note of it.
also, help. what the fuck do the letters stand for. they don’t have last names. i thought “V” could be like a roman numeral or something, but what the fuck is “R.” i know i could look this up and probably figure it out on my own, and so i will momentarily, but i did just want to say here that i’m stumped.
okay, got it. apparently R stands for “roi,” the french word for king, and v stands for “vasileus,” the greek word for king. fair enough!
‘To our wondrous union,’ said Laurent.
And the Akielons were filing out too, the officers and the generals, the dismissed slaves, until he was alone with Nikandros, whose eyes were on him, furious, and with all the flat knowledge of an old friend.
nik private twitter vent #9, he livetweeted the lamen divorce wedding. also, a note on the nik private twitter bit: damen follows him, and is just happy that nik has a space to express himself :)
‘You gave him Delpha,’ said Nikandros. ‘It wasn’t—’ ‘A bedding gift?’ said Nikandros. ‘You go too far.’
to be fair, laurent would totally be down to negotiate land ownership with weird sex games
‘Do I? I remember Ianestra. And Ianora,’ said Nikandros. ‘And Eunides’s daughter. And Kyra the girl from the village—’
‘That’s enough. I won’t talk about this.’
nikandros: why does the prince of vere call you babygirl damen: that’s enough. i won’t talk about this
‘You don’t need to talk, I have seen him,’ said Nikandros. ‘I don’t care what you’ve seen. It’s not what you think.’
nikandros saw that laurent was blonde and immediately heard the vine boom sound effect
‘I think he is beautiful and unobtainable, when your whole life, you’ve never had a refusal,’ said Nikandros.
not wrong, but not right either. damen genuinely loves and respects laurent, like as person and not just as a fuck. and pretty much anyone damen has wanted to have sex with in life has immediately agreed, because he’s a prince. being disinterested in sex without deep personal connection, and being a prince himself, laurent is different from damen's previous partners. he's less unobtainable, and more just, like, evenly-matched.
‘You have committed Akielos to an alliance because the Prince of Vere has blue eyes and blond hair.’
… multiple things can be true. those aren’t the only reasons.
damen likes blondes #9
And then, in a terrible voice, ‘How many times does Akielos have to suffer because you can’t keep your—’
nik private twitter vent #10:
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Damen was angry, he wanted to smash the glass beneath his fingers. To let the pain of the glass cut into him.
having a “hurt” by nine inch nails moment. a “no children” by the mountain goats moment. yeah, i should make the lamen divorce playlists
‘Do you think—for a moment that I’d . . . Nothing,’ he said, ‘is more important to me than Akielos.’
i don’t want to be neglectful of the “kingdom or this” theme, because it does come up a lot. it’s just that, at this point, i don’t have much to add.
‘He is the Prince of Vere! He doesn’t care about Akielos! Are you saying you aren’t swayed by the thought of having him? Open your eyes, Damianos!’
nikandros, the slave sex user, should shut the fuck up about damen yearning for his “unobtainable” equal. damen isn’t the only one here with a blind spot.
‘You want him. It’s natural. He looks like one of the statues Nereus has in his garden, and he’s a prince of your own rank. He dislikes you, but dislike can have its own appeal,’ said Nikandros. ‘So bed him. Satisfy your curiosity. Then, when you have seen that mounting one blond is much like mounting another, move on.’
this is fucking infuriating. laurent is so much more than his pretty appearance, and a lot of his insecurity and problems with vulnerability revolve around the way people view him as a sexual object. his relationship with damen was founded on mutual respect and personal understanding. and damen knows this, and i’m sure he’s infuriated too. looking forward to his response.
The silence went on a moment too long.
looking forward to his response.
He had no intention of putting any of it in words. I told him I was a slave, and he pretended to believe me. I kissed him on the battlements. He had his servants bring me to his bed. It was our last night together, and he gave himself to me. He knew all the while it happened that I was the man who killed his brother.
right, damen is still confused by laurent more than anything else at this point. he doesn’t know where either of them stand. the only thing he recalls here is a sense of disorientation, trying to align what he’s learned about laurent’s internal workings with the way he’d interacted with damen physically and emotionally. and the puzzle pieces don’t fit, so he doesn’t want to think or talk about it. and he doesn’t really blame nikandros for his confusion or crass description of laurent, because damen still doesn’t understand how laurent could have even allowed any of the sexual things between them to happen in the first place.
also, unfortunately, i think we can gather from the way nikandros speaks here that damen has spoken this way about partners in the past. and that’s probably part of why it doesn’t bother him as viscerally as it bothers me.
‘Yes I lay with him,’ said Damen. ‘It was one night. He barely relaxed the whole time. I will admit I—wanted him.
and this probably isn’t how damen is used to talking about sexual partners, so it comes out awkward and insecure and weirdly earnest. better than being a douchebag, so i’m calling it character development.
'But he is the Prince of Vere and I am the King of Akielos. This is a political alliance. He approaches it without emotion. So do I.’
ngl this is frustrating, esp when i’m reading so slowly and taking notes… not a problem with the writing at all, but just 😬 😬 😬 how many times do i have to point out that these two men are emotionally unintelligent and needlessly evasive before they figure out their shit, put down their defenses, and talk to each other
‘It’s not the same.’ ‘Laurent is not Jokaste?’
😬 😬 😬
i am trying not to waste too much of my time with this scene but he’s wrong, we all know nik is wrong by implying they’re the same because we know laurent better than nik does etc etc etc oh my god this is exactly why there’s a trial scene at the end and damen gets to be laurent’s defense attorney isn’t it
‘I do. I know,’ said Damen, ‘who he is, and that it means I cannot have him.’
you’re literally a king, if anyone is qualified to CHANGE THAT it’s you
‘No. Listen Damianos. You trust blindly. You see the world in absolutes—if you believe someone a foe, nothing will dissuade you from arming up to fight. But when you give your affections . . . When you give a man your loyalty, your faith in him is unswerving. You would fight for him with your last breath, you would hear no word spoken against him, and you would go to the grave with his spear in your side.’
this is true, at least. nik knows damianos well, he just doesn’t know laurent or our damen. but as i myself have commented, damianos and damen are ultimately both the same guy, even though he’s evolved throughout the series.
‘And are you so different?’ said Damen. ‘I know what it means that you are riding with me. I know that if I am wrong you will lose everything.’
“i will fight for him just as you fight for me, so i suppose that makes us both noble fools.”
He said, ‘The Prince of Vere.’ When he looked at Damen again, it was a sidelong glance under his raised brows, and for a moment they were boys again, on the sawdust, throwing spears that fell six feet short of the men’s hide targets.
“i can’t believe you hit that.”
‘Can you imagine,’ said Nikandros, ‘what your father would say if he knew?’
this feels more playful than the previous conversation, a bit lighter. both an admonishment and like a “ooooooh you’re so baaaaad >:)”
‘Yes,’ said Damen. ‘Which girl from the village was called Kyra?’ ‘They all were. Damianos. You can’t trust him.’
having a hard time reading this. my best interpretation: damen’s question is a reference to the chillest part of the previous conversation, nik’s list, in order to un-harsh the vibe. poking fun at nik for keeping a list, and poking fun at himself for having a type.
nik’s response is still pretty unchill, implying that all the people on that list are interchangeable and harmless. unlike laurent, who damen needs to get over because he’s untrustworthy and dangerous, despite also being pretty and blonde.
‘I know that.’ He finished the wine. Outside, there were hours of daylight left, and work to be done.
damen has been pretty consistently self-aware about the fact that he can’t trust laurent to be entirely honest about his intentions or plans, but he (damen) still cares for him (laurent) regardless. and he’s been living with that conflict and just kind of saying “this is fine” like the dog in that meme. this scene, i think, is nikandros basically walking into the room and trying to extinguish the fire. which nik is uniquely capable of doing, because he understands damen enough to notice the things that his friend is ignoring.
‘You’ve spent a morning with him and you’re warning me off. Just wait,’ said Damen, ‘until you’ve spent a full day with him.’ ‘You mean that he improves with time?’ ‘Not exactly,’ said Damen.
damen loves his blonde nightmare malewife so much <3 nik is going to scream into a paper bag
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agendabymooner · 1 year
here comes the sun ! daniel r. x ofc (måneskin member!ofc)
“little darling, the smile’s returning to their faces.”
summary: daniel and their fans (altogether) made sure that lorelei ‘lester’ ricciardo’s weeks of return in both the paddock and stage are bearable as their son, beau, made his presence known to the public a year after being born.
OR lester continues to prove that she'll always be with the tifosi first and be a red bull driver's wife after.
content warning: dad!daniel x mom!ofc content, red bull and ferrari admins being themselves (again), baby ric/little parmesan’s paddock debut, fluff fluff fluff, grid uncles and måneskin uncles, arthur leclerc being a piece of shit on twitter but i love him or sumn like that
note: i’m back from a lecture mwehehehe. check out the prequel for the rush series, own my mind!! enjoy xx
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danielricciardo posted a story !!
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tagged loricciardo, maneskinofficial, _thomasraggi, ethaneskin, ykaaar
liked by ethaneskin, charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari
user1 MOOOOOMMY 😍🥵
user2 do y'all ever wonder if charles had a crush on her?
user3 where did that even come from?
user2 idk he's been listening to them for as long as he knew them lmfaooooo it's just a question
user4 drivers in the attendance were charles, lando, max and pierre (with danny ofc) btw
user5 oh bless 🙏
charles_leclerc watching the concert was one thing but to experience it firsthand with the little parmesan was incredibly priceless liked by danielricciardo
landonorris in the end, little par is THE VIBE. no exceptions liked by danielricciardo
oscarpiastri saw little par kick a football in monza 👌 he can still make it to the socceroos team liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo he's bout to be australia's pride
colabebe you're half italian, danny. if you're half and lester's full, bambino beau is 3/4 😽
oscarpiastri i refuse to accept these ideals, cola. i'm sorry. once an aussie, always an aussie
scuderiaferrari she's so back, welcome her 😭😍
redbullracing she is the moment your honour 🤭
ykaaar nice to see you again dan! not that i don't see your insufferable ass every other week 🤔 liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo you're making me really sad with these claims, damiano 🥲
ykaaar do u want me to kiss it better 🤕
loricciardo omg my biggest fans 🥺 liked by danielricciardo
loricciardo i love you and the little bear soooo much 🥰 liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo my favourite musician 🤩
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tagged loricciardo
liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, maxverstappen1
landonorris slee🅱️y boys liked by danielricciardo
colabebe LOOK AT MY LITTLE NEPHEW !!!! beau beaaaaar!!! 🐻 liked by danielricciardo
nora_alessandro such handsome boys!!! 😍 liked by danielricciardo
georgerussell63 excuse me, ma'am? 🤨
danielricciardo go back to your tea, my dear brother-in-law georgerussell63
georgerussell63 🙄
user1 DADDY RIC!!!!
maxverstappen1 daddy ric ^^ liked by danielricciardo
user2 this is the kind of shit that we do NOT say aloud alright max 😭
user3 us maxiel enjoyers cannot take it 🥲 stop keeping our hopes up
oscarpiastri me and colabebe would babysit him if you'd allow it 🙌
landonorris i think you and i would have to talk about the babysitting privileges first, oscar.
user5 bro really said "watch yo mouth" 😭
lewishamilton it wouldn't be a surprise if beau's just as energetic as you are 🤣 liked by danielricciardo
ethaneskin the next time i see him, i will spoil the f out of him 🤧 liked by danielricciardo
_thomasraggi uncle tommy's otw to get him everything he wants 😍 liked by danielricciardo
ykaaar he is so uncle dami-coded 😊 liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo he doesn't look like you but ok 🙄
ykaaar just wait.
loricciardo my loveeeeees 😩😍 liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo is it bad that i'm trying to outdo the little bear when it comes to your love? 🤔
loricciardo you will not need to try that hard, mio tasso. beau will always have the first place in my heart. you're a close second though 😽
danielricciardo aw it's all good, i guess. he is number one in mine too 🥰
loricciardo i'm glad we can come to an agreement then, my love 🤝
danielricciardo 🤝
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xnervouscircus · 1 year
laurent worked so fuckign hard for half his life to avenge his brother and win the chess match against his uncle and regain his throne and then gave literally everything up—even his own liFE—because he fell so fucking hard in love with damianos i’m gonna go bury myself in the earth and let maggots eat my brain
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zumurruds · 1 year
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'I heard Damianos disguised himself as a slave to uncover the secret of his brother's treachery, and the Prince of Vere fell in love with him not knowing who he was.' 'I heard that they allied themselves in secret months before,' said Alexon. 'And that the Prince hid Damianos from Kastor, pretending he was a slave, while they courted privately.'
THE CHRONICLES OF DAMIANOS OF AKIELOS by Renaud the Veretian Illuminator
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fangs-trait · 1 year
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single dad and his 5 sons (5 half-brothers of cordelia) ettore, damiano | kosmo, fabiano | micah, luka
they don't share the same last name because cordelia got her mother's (aka first wife). the rest go by father's last name - favre. he has been married 4 times already and possibly looking for another someone who won't leave or else
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