#not the dynamic I expected but i
jayktoralldaylong · 2 months
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You know what? This is.... Paces the room and slaps the wall with an open palm. No, this is definitely..... Punches a hole through the wall.
At this point, at this point, if I was Laurent, I would just let my uncle kill to be fucking honest. This is the height of things that have happened and I am losing my mind. It's not like I'm surprised, it's just the overwhelming audacity and endless betrayal.
I'm the one with unnatural feelings? ME?? YOU'RE the one who f*cking RAPED ME at the vulnerable age of THIRTEEN!!! I would lose my shit.
Not only has the Regent let this stupid believable rumour foster because everyone is well aware of how much Laurent worshipped his brother Auguste, but now he raises it as a countermeasure against Laurent ever revealing the truth. Like who the fuck are the people going to believe? Their bitchy prince or their seemingly benevolent leader with a heart of gold (he goes around fucking children!!! He's been bedding Nico since he was TEN!!! SCREAMS IN UNDILUTED RAGE!!)
I can't! I can't stand him. How?! Omg. Hoooow can people lie like they speak the truth? How can they do it without a shred of remorse? He took advantage of a young child at the time he needed him the most and he's flaunting that vulnerability, he's using it to his advantage because no one knows he likes children, because those who do know would never fathom that such a good man would do such a thing to his fucking nephew! He turned his nephew into a viper, he is the reason Laurent has no friends, no allies, betrayal and betrayal and yet another betrayal. And when the truth about Damen comes out everything is going to fall apart and I can't stand it. I can't stand any of this! I'm losing my mind. How? How has Laurent possibly put up with this for nearly ten years? I would have just given up and let the Regent take me, this is madness!!
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Aya’s new dad count goes up again in the worst way possible
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plutonicbees · 10 months
season 1 tao's "once you get into a relationship, friendships don't matter anymore" vs season 2 charlie writing "charlie ♡ tao" on the heart locket + "wait, isn't that for you and nick?" "no."
sorry yeah I'm just lil emotional over the portrayal of platonic love as something that can be just as worthy as romantic love. i'm okay.
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chocostrwberry · 12 days
My chocoau! Versions of Ladybug and Chat Noir!! 🐞🐈‍⬛
I’ll also create my own love square between them :D
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eloquent-edits · 3 months
🗡️ You give so much to others
It’s time someone gave back to you 🗡️ acts of service and fluff prompts
Character A hates washing the dishes and Character B hates cooking, so they do those things for each other
“You don’t have to do anything to pay me back. Your happiness is more than enough.”
A is going through a major depressive episode and B comes by to help clean their room and give them company
B sets up candles, a warm bath, and dim lighting for A to relax in after a stressful work event
B carpools with A a lot. They notice the gas tank is running low and plant a $20 bill in the console for A to find later (B vehemently denies ever putting it there, but A absolutely knows)
A is sick and B goes out of their way to grab medicine and extra tissues to drop off at A’s doorstep
After A ends up in the hospital, B makes sure A’s place stays clean, their pets are fed and taken care of, and that A will have nothing to worry about when they are well again
B automatically sets aside a larger portion for A’s meals because they know that A will be hungrier than they expect
A is sensitive to light and B buys blackout curtains for their room so they can sleep better
“I’ll handle this! You go have fun, I’ll be there in a second.”
B will always pick A up after they travel internationally for work so A can sleep and recover from jet lag
B covers the corner of sharp tables for A (listen it’s just THE SWEETEST thing I’ve seen done for someone ack)
A is busy putting on makeup, so B gently detangles and does their hair (and it’s not as simple as just putting their hair into a ponytail, I’m talking weaves and braids and intricate designs that show B paid attention to this)
“Let me take care of it.”
A complains about their back or neck pain so B gives them a massage (mainly to stop their complaining LOL)
B will occasionally take A’s bath towel while A showers and run it through the dryer so it’s nice and warm when A gets out
A is anxious about finances (they just got a new job) and B helps them work through it and understand all the confusing things
A’s new apartment is not on the first floor and the elevator is out of order, so B moves the big furniture for A up all those flights of stairs
Chronic pain makes it difficult for A to leave the house sometimes, but B makes sure they never run out of medication by picking up A’s prescriptions
“You really didn’t have to do that for me.” “Well, I wanted to. Now you don’t have to do it!”
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fumifooms · 4 months
Quick Falin analysis. Congrats on her going along with her loved ones’ wishes becoming explicitly canon and not subtext btw!
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Thinking of it, becoming a chimera and literally being puppeteered around by the will of the dungeon and its lord is such an… Explicit visualization of her demeanor in life of letting others’ wants and whims dictate what she does and where she goes. Shows the most extreme & worst version of it, of where that could lead her down the road. Dunmeshi loves often showing that with everyone, with the winged lion warping even the most selfless well-intentioned desire into something intense and destructive.
If Faligon is her retreating into that comfortable role of just on-pilot mode following what others want, that’d be an interesting angle too. Because we see like with the dragons fight at Thistle’s house that the monsters CAN act rebellious, meanwhile Falin was just so on board with the commands she got ever since she got transformed.
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Chimera Falin doesn’t have a strong will? Oof
I do also think that Thistle is something that her nursing reflexes latch onto easily, when it comes to comforting and protecting others. It’s unsure how much of her is dormant as Faligon, or how being bound to the dungeon and the dungeon lord’s will affects her, but it’s undeniable that she acts with care when it comes to Thistle. On one hand, she fights ferociously for him, when protecting him or even just sent out to scout, but you can’t really say she’s being assertive either, not when she doesn’t complain or act when he eats all the berries and she’s hungry. She’s still that silent, sidelined guardian, only now very, very literal.
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I never bought the angle that chimera Falin mostly represented her repressed anger at the world personally, like yes now she’s loud and big and imperfect, but again, socially she falls into the same pitfalls, it’s just that now she’s top dog, below just one person, and so she’s allowed to be aggressive with everyone else. If anything, it’s the dragon soul pushing her to want more, making her act out, giving her a taste of how it feels to be powerful, carefree and impossible to oversee, but it couldn’t be called catharsis I think. In general, she seems more passive with a "as long as I have what I love, everything else can go burn for all I care" mentality rather than actively(or repressedly) angry to me. Not that she couldn’t have complex feelings over being lonely and cast out either of course, but personally I never got the sense that she resents the world or society at large. I do feel like the dogs treating her like she was at the bottom of the hierarchy also shaped her a lot
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Not only cast out by other kids and classmates, but also treated as someone that can be disrespected and roughened up by the dogs at home. She was really pushed into that go with the flow, make yourself scarce and quiet attitude. She’s never really been allowed to hope for better, or to have a dream of her own, her life path being decided for her by others. Besides with Laios, everything she learned everywhere in group dynamics was that she was at the bottom and should be content with whatever others gave her. Maybe that’s why she was so forgiving of her parents too, because at least, to some degree they did care and didn’t want to cut contact, and she takes what she can get.
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Thank you @thatsmimi for the fantranslation of the new leaked content, the opening and ending pictures in this post. Their original post about it is here, and as mentioned it is not the official translation.
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thepenguisalive7 · 7 months
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I guess if anyone was going to be bait, at least it was immortalyson
Thanks dapper for relaying vital info I guess pfft
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gratielalovebot · 11 months
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poor sigma
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chawliekin · 1 month
and if I said that dennis’ insistence on being the breadwinner/provider despite literally being a pampered princess who dgaf about traditional roles of masculinity in every other regard (aside from ego) is because his mom only stayed with/chose frank for his wealth and dennis is highly aware that he’s difficult to love and unable to show his emotions openly so he has to be contributing something to the relationship materially in order to feel like he’s worth staying for… and mac grew up with parents who were extremely ambivalent to him and eachother so he has to overcompensate by proving his worth at every given moment and seeking praise/validation from people (and religious icons) who will never demonstrate the same amount of dedication to him but he has no idea how else to desperately keep himself close to those he loves other than by eroding himself into something they’ll approve of… dear god they’re both exactly what the other needs — someone who can’t and won’t leave them even if they try — and they don’t even see it…
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detnoto · 11 months
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noodles-and-tea · 1 month
Hey there! I've said something before but now I want to say that your art is great and that you are responsible for getting me into Sherlock & co. But I have a burning question regarding your thoughts on Guy Richtie's Sherlock. Do you like it?
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I actually do like it!!!
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sparring-spirals · 3 months
so its really like. i love you. i love your power. i hate the source of it. i love you more than i hate it. i love you so much i'll never let you go. i love you. i love your power. i hate the thought of being away from you. i love you more than i hate that. if it means you reaching the full extent of your power i will let you go. i love you. i love you. that is a promise. that is a threat.
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pbnmj · 6 months
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tfw the man you love against your better judgement gets a kid to help him with his photojournalism and dies trying to expose the criminal he's been blackmailing and then the kid puts on a uniform that's way too big for him and calls himself spider-man after ben urich and you know he's going to get killed trying to serve justice to all the criminals in new york. and now there's a sixteen year old kid bleeding out on felicia's doorstep and again despite her better judgement, she cares. how much of that is a misplaced sense of responsibility for her dead lover, and how much of that is the deep feeling of injustice over how this child is the one fighting, and how felicia knows that she could never turn him away. what then </3
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jessaerys · 10 months
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sun visits the moon at spk headquarters and gets so so so sleepy
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takkton · 13 days
Can’t stop thinking about this picture lately.
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Craig is the only inkling seen and he’s single handedly decimating Octavio and countless Octarians….. because they’re all unarmed. Even Octavio just has wasabi sticks, which aren’t exactly a weapon. The most he’s seen in game using them for anything combat related is holding them up to block the player from shooting him while he’s in the Octobot King. The bamboozler is a charger so it has piercing damage which would make what little good that would do nullified. He’s grabbing Octarians by the tentacles and throwing them to the ground in one hand and shooting with the other. A few Octarians are lying still on the ground, one looking like it’s in a puddle of ink. Craig is killing the octotroopers and looks like he’s trying to do the same to Octavio. I’ve kinda felt like Craig was always the villain even when I was first playing Splatoon 1 (seriously the backstory of militarized inklings forcing Octarians to retreat underground and then attacking them further when they steal a power source even though all the inklings use it for is turf war games?), but coming back to this and seeing that Craig is the only one here with a weapon? Goes crazy. Especially since Side Order revealed Octavio does have a main weapon he used traditionally, the heavy splatling. Definitely nowhere to be seen in this pic tho.
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Idk gang I think peepaw may be a war criminal.
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mechanoize · 1 month
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losing my shit over them btw (panel dump under the cut)
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