#brought my energy levels to normal person's energy levels
apolloamy · 1 month
irl house said that i can come help teach the students next year in his practice room, i just have to get a solid grade on the final exam 😭🥺
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friendofthecrows · 1 year
Wish I had more of that stereotypical "refined genius psychopath mystery villain" vibes and less "dysfunctional no sleep cycle can't tell when/if they have emotions traumatized mess doesn't feel like a human paranoid future true crime psychopath" vibes. So that was word salad. Moving on.
#i have been described as a genius but unfortunately the#aspd and other mental illnesses mess with my impulse control and risk vs return and energy/motivation levels#so it kind of gets in the way of showing off my intelligence most of the time#which probably makes me less insufferable but also leads to some people underestimating me#or just thinking of me as too much of a mess in general#both of which i hate#and when it comes to the 'coolness/sophistication factor' vs 'unfortunate creature that needs to stop interacting with humans vibe' well.#trust me i would go into seclusion for the rest of time if it was financially viable and if#my various projects didn't require working with other people#ugh I'm not really that upset today I'm just frustrated by my brain#also my body and other people and the universe and the concept of time but that's a whole different subject#sometimes the stars align and it's like the best aspects of everything 'wrong' with me are displaying at once#and i actually feel like myself and like myself#then something shifts idk but the worse things start showing again and the best bits lose some of their influence and#suddenly I'm struggling to get through a day with a decent level of functionality and without engaging in destructive behaviors#the AND is very important because i can usually do or. At least i have that i guess#today i don't feel like a person i feel like a poorly written character who's been brought into real life#only to find out that when faced with normal everyday problems#their fucked up little traits are way more of a disadvantage than they thought#i could probably blame it on the trauma or the aspd or a million other things#but maybe it's just because i am the person i am#and idk how to feel about that#just want the stars to align again
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appleblueberry-pie · 2 months
Diamond Buried in the Dirt
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He felt his lips purse on their own when your aura swarmed the room. He felt his spine strain slightly, his arms and legs flinching at the feeling of you approaching his home of worship. He knew something was different, even when you weren't in the room. He could feel your spirit and mind connecting with his own as if they already knew each other.
His lips parted slightly when you entered, eyes fixated on your form only. But even with all of these emotions and feelings you caused him to feel, you seemed to not feel the energy in the slightest. Were you just that powerful? He watched you sigh, displeased as you walk up to where he laid. Your walk was a sign of power, even with the slump in your shoulders, face aligned with the ground. From what he could see, he could make out your beauty, a sight to behold. Why were you here? What brought you here? How come he has never met you before? He couldn't tell you that you didn't need to kneel on the dirty carpet the other monkeys did the same on, his voice unresponsive and seemingly disconnected with his mind.
You slowly placed your knees on the ground, tucking your feet underneath your butt and sitting. Your hands rested on your thighs as you finally spoke up. "Geto-sama." His followers were silent, smiling and ignorant. It was easier to ignore then and to single you out from the rest of them, especially when you sounded like this. Felt like this.
"I have a confession to make," You blink a few times to gather the courage to speak some more. Years of suffering, years of being called delusional and crazy. How are you supposed to admit it all to some random man who probably doesn't know what you're talking about? Something pulled you to him, though. You could feel his energy, you could see his aura. Maybe there was a hope that he was similar to you? That he could actually help you?
"I've been seeing things.....strange things." You sigh quietly. "Since I was a small child, monsters have been cursing my vision. Everywhere I go, almost every single day, I am...disturbed with their presence." You finally look up at him. He sees your humility, your emotions and fear in your eyes. Your energy almost seems to wrap around his throat, making it hard for him to breathe as you continue.
"I feel as if i am a beacon, because I continue to attract these monsters wherever I run. They talk to me, try to hurt me sometimes. I see them hurt others and I tried to get rid of them, but it never ends. No one believes me when I say they're on their shoulders or when it kills them slowly. They always find a way back to me. No matter how much I try to hide my presence and my- my...." You raise your hands to show what you hope he can see. Your cursed energy surrounds your being, and he knows that you can see his, the way your eyes watch the outline of his body that it lingers around. "I don't know anything. I don't know if I'm fucking crazy, if there's a name for it, if you can see it, or if there are anymore like me. I just," You pause and shake your head, looking around at the still people surrounding you. "I just wanted to know if I could ever have a chance at a normal life. And be free......because I am so....so alone."
"An angel like you doesn't deserve the suffering and pain you have gone through." His lips almost seemed to move on his own and he watches your face switch to one of confusion. "You are so much more divine and ethereal than you believe." Geto feels excitement rush through his veins at the thought of another person he could finally connect with on a personal level. Someone pure to set his mind and even his planned new world free. One where he could have someone like you on his side. By his side. He sees a future in your eyes that makes him more determined than ever to have you in his arms. There is so much for you to know and learn. And when he teaches you everything you need to know, he knows you'll be everything he's ever wanted. Now standing, he holds his hand out. The look in his eyes as he stares down at you makes you believe that this guy is either the real deal or he is the biggest scam you've ever put your money into.
You thought he was reaching out his hand for you to grab and you almost reached out yourself, but then you see energy from all throughout the room collect itself into the palm of his hand in a way that was similar to how you manifest your energy sometimes. The realization makes your heart jump and you leap to your feet at the sight. Geto smiles brightly at you. "You are not alone." A large weight that you didn't know was on your heart lifts and you feel your body lighten like never before. He was just like you. He was just like you! You crack a small smile and step back.
"I didn't know it was possible." Geto stops his manipulation technique and steps closer to you. "It's all possible with a blessing like ours." You felt a little awkward when he first grabbed your hand, but a surge of his energy almost seemed to transfer to you and you gasped, pulling it back. "It's okay, it's okay. Just a little playful is all." It almost seemed to linger under your skin and it made your stomach bubble with happiness. "Is there......is there more of us?"
He gestures to behind his curtains. "I have an entire family waiting for me when this is all over. They'd be thrilled to know that there's going to be an addition to the family. There isn't much of us here, but-" "Wait, addition to the family?"
Geto takes another step closer to you, wanting to close the gap. "Of course. An extremely small percentage of shamans are living in this world. There isn't much of us out there and I am willing to go to extreme lengths to create a better world for us who aren't seen and heard. And in order for that to happen, we need people like you on our side. I know it's hard to think about and I apologize profusely for throwing this onto you, but you are needed just like the rest of us."
He could tell he was losing you when he said that. Shit, was he moving too fast? All he wanted was to get to know you better. Maybe it would be better to do this gradually over time. But if he tried to take things slow, who knows when someone else could snatch this opportunity away from him? He needs you to join him and be on his side. Be in his family. His wife. You were perfect for everything he desired.
"I have an entire life outside of....what you're hinting at. I can't just....throw my life away, Geto-sama." And I barely know you, you wanted to add. You took a step back, which made him step forward. "Yes, I understand. Maybe I was being too straightfoward. Maybe you can set up another appointment with me and we can talk about it more in depth if you have more time in the future, if you would like?" His face was calm, but his body language made it seem like he was desperate. You had to think about this from a different perspective.
There is an entire world that you didn't know about. You tried living normally amongst other people, but you were actually a "shaman" who had the ability to get rid of monsters and could see and attract monsters. You assumed if there was a certain percentage of these types of people in the world, there would also be good and bad ones. What was Geto's motive? You actually didn't want to know. He wants you in his "family", found out your potential, has a room full of regular people as his followers and acts as if he's a monk? What does he do with people that aren't "shamans"? Everything about his set up was weird and made you scrunch your knows when you realize what you possibly had gotten yourself into.
You were staring at him. Your stare was stone cold and made his face twist from a fake smile into almost genuine restraint and confusion. Suddenly, you were gone. Space and time continued where you left off and you appeared back home. Geto was left in the room to understand that you had teleported away. When he realized you left, he felt his anger rise. He wouldn't allow you to forget him. He wouldn't allow you to slip out of his fingers either. He needed you and he needed your strength and legacy to continue where he left off if there would ever be a time that that would happen. He would find you if it meant killing all of the dirty roaches that infested this city and will pick you from your safe space to be in his arms. He deserves everything he's ever wanted, and if it's you, then he'll get you.
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elliespeach · 1 year
no chances part five | ellie williams
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pairing: ellie williams x afab reader synopsis: you and ellie are on rival volleyball teams and after letting your competitive nature get the better of both of you, tensions are high on and off the court. warnings: i keep forgetting to add to this that i am totally ditching the way the game is played like i am rlly making up my own rules, their teams have gone against no one else lol ITS FOR THE PLOT OKKKKK just pretend!! as always, explicit sexual descriptions, ellie gets head, reader gets mouth finger combo, kinda sex in public? they almost get caught but in a hot way, car sex, they smoke again but its brief, foul language, mean!ellie in this part, mean girls make an appearance, and angst :( authors note: sorry
today was the last game of the season, tensions were high as the buses rode into the parking lot. ellie was parked in the far corner as she always is, she watched diligently from her car as your team spilled out of the bus. chatting amongst yourselves and ellie spotted you in the crowd of people, smiling and passing jokes between teammates. even from so far away you could see her as you turned your head, the spot in the parking lot being all too familiar as of recently. your smile didn’t fade but it went from friendly to snarky really fast and before you could stare for too long, you returned your attention to your friends and went inside the building. 
it had been almost nine weeks since ellie had driven you home, the coldness vanished into spring and with it the end of the volleyball season. your teammates have noticed a shift in you since that night in your dorm with ellie. the normal level of your competitiveness with her had risen to uncharted territory and ellie wasn’t one to back down. despite the screaming fits across the court, the very obviously personal plays against one another and the overall hatred you both had against each other, neither of you could keep yourselves away from the other. it had become a ritual for you two, verbally assaulting one another to the extremes and then somehow finding yourself in the bathroom with her, or in her car, on the rare occasion in either of your dorms. 
regardless of both of you admitting that whatever it was that you felt for one another, it seemed like that conversation by her car never happened. or maybe it was just lust. maybe it was just a competitive fling. at least that’s what you told yourself, or she would have done something about her feelings by now, wouldn’t she?
that first game after the night in your dorm had been tantalizing in every way possible. ellie showed no mercy on the court, spiking the ball on you over and over again only for you to return the same energy. you two had always given each other stare downs through the white net, but now it was different. you mostly stared at her hands, the same hands that had been inside of you causing you to breathlessly say her name. they taunted you without her having to try, and ellie couldn’t stop seeing the doe eyes that stared into her while you rode her thigh. and it felt natural when she had pulled you into the bathroom when the game ended, locking the door behind her. 
you had looked at her innocently, as if asking why she had brought you in there. she rolled her eyes before her hands found your hips, pulling you into her, and she spoke into your neck, “you look at me like that all game and think i won’t do anything about it?” 
and that was only week one. 
the next week had been a particularly rough game for ellie. your team had won and it wasn’t a close game by any means, leaving her frustrated with herself and you found her by her car smoking yet again. “licking your wounds?” you mocked, leaning against her car as she inhaled the smoke, a devilish smile on your face.
“yeah, whatever–” she tried to dismiss you, but you came up beside her. you took the joint from her fingers and she let you. you hit it slowly, not breaking eye contact as you did and suddenly her sullen demeanor shifted as she watched you. it wasn’t long before the joint was cast aside and you were in her backseat, slotted between her legs and pulling her shorts down. ellie cursed as your tongue made contact with her pussy, relieving her of any stress from the game. her hands tangled in your hair and rocking her lips to the movements of your tongue, she couldn’t help but succumb to your touch and let herself come undone as you pushed your fingers inside of her. 
another week would go by, another frustrating game played and you made eye contact with her while she sipped on her water by the bench. your eyebrows raised and it was seconds before she was making her way to the bathroom down the hall, you followed behind only a minute later. she leaned against the wall opposite the door when you entered the room, letting the door swing shut behind you. you didn’t waste another second, your hands snaking around the back of her neck connecting your mouths for sloppy, desperate kisses. she had picked you up by your thighs, carrying you over and sitting you down on top of the sink and spreading your legs apart. her hand cupped your cunt through your shorts while she left wet kisses down your neck, all of her pent up desire for you spilling out. 
you weren’t able to conceal how good it felt when her hand slipped under the hem of your shorts, finding how wet you had already become. a string of moans escaping you while she rubbed circles on your clit and it was music to her ears. she had removed her hand, pulled down your shorts and was nose deep in your cunt when a knock came from the bathroom door. she didn’t stop, even when one of your teammates called your name and you fought to sound coherent. 
“the buses are leaving, are you coming?” ellie smirked at the words your teammates had used as you caught your breath, gripping the counter you sat on to ground yourself the best you could. 
“i’ll g-get a r-ride!” you had yelled back, eyes rolling and just wishing they would leave already, but they continued to speak through the door as ellie’s tongue was bringing you closer and closer. 
“are you sure?” 
without taking her mouth off of your throbbing clit, ellie slid her finger into you, causing your breathing to hitch and an embarrassing squeak came out of your mouth. “y-yeah–” was all you could say in response. ellie knew you’d have a hard time keeping quiet and it was all the more fun for her watching you squirm to remain silent while her fingers pulsed in and out of you. she brought her face back up to yours, still pumping like her life depended on it. she covered your mouth with her free hand, just in case they were still waiting by the door. 
“you can let it out now,” she whispered in your ear with a slight chuckle, feeling your cunt clench around her fingers. she knew your body all too well at this point and you groaned into her hand as you finished. 
ellie knew that she was playing with fire, but in any context you clouded her mind so much that she indulged any chance she could. whether it was a good game or a bad one, she started to look forward to what happened after and not so much the games themselves. knowing that at the end of the night she would have you screaming her name with that desperate tone she loved so much. it consumed her, you consumed her. she didn’t want to think about how you felt about it, obviously she knew you liked it as much as she did but was it her? or how she made you feel? 
she didn’t realize you were thinking about her as much as she was. the week feeling excruciatingly long before each game and in weak moments touching yourself to the thought of her, whispering her name to yourself as you would finish wishing it was her instead of yourself. but you both kept up the act of hating one another, to everyone around you and even between yourselves. teasing, mocking and yelling back and forth became a game. who could make the other more frustrated before the final whistle blew and then taking it out on each other after. 
it had been nine weeks of fucking till you could barely walk and now it was all coming to an end and you found yourself dreading the game to come. you didn’t talk to her about it once, fearing if you did it would all come to a stop but now that the season was ending you couldn’t help but think about what was to happen. you strode into the gymnasium, your team buzzing with excitement but your eyes were glued to the doors. 
the whistle indicating the start of the game rang in your ears, and ellie was nowhere to be seen. your eyes scanned over the faces of the people on the other side of the net and her auburn hair was missing from her usual spot in the back row. she was replaced by another teammate and your eyebrows furrowed together, biting your lip in thought. you recalled seeing her by her car in the parking lot, so where was she now? 
deciding to just let it be, the game started. thanks to ellie’s absence, scoring points for your team was easy as the replacement libero had no idea how to counter your plays. it almost felt unfair. it felt like seconds had passed and the coaches called for a break, but when you looked at the clock it had been an hour and she still hadn’t shown her face. during the break, you left the gym to refill your water and were met with a few of ellie’s teammates. 
“hey, where’s ellie?” you couldn’t stop yourself from asking but keeping your voice monotone, pressing your water into the fountain and letting it fill to the top. 
a girl with short black hair turned around from her conversation, looking you up and down. “we thought you’d be happy she wasn’t here,” she spoke with a laugh, but not a friendly one.
the girl she was talking to chimed up from behind her with a nasty tone, “yeah, i mean it’s working in your favor isn’t it?” maybe ellie wasn’t the meanest person on her team. 
you rolled your eyes while you capped your water bottle. a sigh left you a little harsher than need be before you started walking back to the gym, feeling embarrassed that you even asked. but as your hands met the metal of the gym doors, your head turned to the exit doors at the end of the hallway. it wouldn’t hurt to check, right? 
backing up from the gym doors you made your way down the hallway. you could hear her teammates laughing as you did and it felt like they were laughing at you, so you rushed out of the doors before you could hear anything else. the spring air was refreshing and even though it was well past eight o’clock, the sun was just setting. your eyes immediately focused on the back corner of the lot and her car sat idle in it’s spot, although you couldn’t see her anywhere. 
you lazily went down the steps and into the lot, following the breeze all the way to her car. as you approached it, you realized it was on, the gentle hum of the engine becoming louder the closer you got. coming up on the passenger side you could see her sitting in the driver's seat, staring blankly at the phone in her hand. confused, you tapped on her window lightly and she looked up from her phone. your hand gestured for her to roll down her window and ellie sighed deeply before obliging. the window came down slowly and she returned her focus to her phone, you didn’t want to look but your eyes had a mind of their own and you could see she was just scrolling through twitter. 
“are you gonna come inside or…?” you asked, your hand gesturing for you. 
she didn’t look up from her phone, “probably not–” 
“because.” she said matter-of-factly, her thumb swiping up on her feed. she wasn’t even reading it. 
“my team is winning, you know,” you teased, leaning down and into her open window, your forearms pressing against the uncomfortable door. you didn’t know why, but you felt like she would be receptive to your teasing as she always is, but again she didn’t even look at you, “hello? earth to ellie?” 
“good for you guys,” her tone was flat. 
you scoffed, standing up straight and pulling at her door handle. the car door opened and you planted yourself in her passenger seat, pulling the door closed behind you with a slam. she finally looked up at you as your body turned to face hers. “the hell is wrong with you?”
“nothin’,” she said nonchalantly, returning her gaze to her phone. your eyes rolled and you reached over, plucking the phone from her hands and tossing it in the backseat. “the fuck?” she half yelled, looking into the back seat and seeing her phone fall to the floor with a thump. 
“why aren’t you playing?” you inquired again, peering into her eyes as they returned to you. 
ellie pinched the bridge of her nose, letting out a deep breath, “i just don't want to, okay? go back inside.” what ellie didn’t want to admit was that she was paralyzed with the realization that the season was ending and along with it, the fucked up relationship you two had. all of her feelings she had repressed for months bubbling over but she threw aside any thought of asking you out. embarrassed with how many hateful words came out of her mouth directed at you, embarrassed that she had let it go this far to begin with and overall she felt like that would be the last thing you wanted; to be with her. childishly, she felt if she remained in her car nothing would end and it would be like this forever. but time doesn’t work like that. 
your tongue poked your cheek as you thought about her words, not believing a single one of them. “and your scholarship?” 
she sighed again, this time your name pouring out of her mouth along with it, “leave me alone, please.”
“ellie, just tell me–” 
“oh my god, it’s you,” she finally admitted, remembering a similar conversation you both had at the beginning of the season and now realizing why you were so adamant on not talking about it. 
“you’re skipping the last game because of me?” you asked, almost disappointed in her. ellie felt a wave of shame wash over her with your words and quickly returned to being defensive. 
“you got your answer, now get out of my car–” she yelled, motioning for you to leave, looking right into your eyes. your own eyes widened just a bit, a burning sensation building in your chest with her tone. she hadn’t been this nasty with you in so long, you were able to handle anything she said to you during games but as of recently, she had never been this mean to you. your shocked silence filled her with regret but she had already gone too far so she doubled down. she yelled your name,  “–get the fuck out!” 
your hand reached for the handle while still holding her gaze and you fought back the tears that threatened to spill out. it was obvious that you were, ellie could see your breathing pattern dysregulating and your blinking had slowed but it was most obvious in your eyes as they glossed over from the wetness. she had never felt more guilty than right now watching as you turned to leave. 
you opened the door, pulling yourself out of her car and made your voice sound normal even with the lump that settled in your throat,“i liked it better when we actually hated each other–” you slammed her door shut, not looking back while you walked back up to the building.
part six
tag list: @robinismywife @gold-dustwomxn
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taeminsung · 5 months
♡ ˚⁎⁺˳ ── my muse..
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pairing ||  hyunjin reader summary || if hyunjin could capture love in a photograph or painting, it would just be of you. genre/s || love trope. fluff. romance. angst. trope || hopeless romantic masterlist || stray kids as love tropes mina’s notes ||  just soft for this man, it's fine really. please enjoy ♡ 
The low beats of a song could be faintly heard by Hyunjin as his turn for hair and makeup was wrapping. Already he could tell that this was going to be different than the previous photoshoots they had. No one was ushering them around from station to station, shoving clothes in their face, and telling them to change quickly. No. This was a new atmosphere. While he knew there wasn’t anything else on their schedule, he still couldn’t believe how laid back the set felt.
It was only made clearer when a normally anxious Han was fluttering around like he would if they were in the comfort of their own studio. Laughter could be heard from the members who were waiting their turn. Hyunjin really didn’t understand why everything about this held a different type of energy, one he hadn’t seen from his members in a long time. The constant schedules had brought their energy levels so low for things like this. A usual hush that fell over them while they waited was replaced with light conversations and loud laughter.
Curiosity seemed to get the better of him once he was in his outfit for the shoot, causing him to wander off to see how Felix’s photos were going. Hearing Felix’s laugh as he turned the corner, he stopped as he found his younger brother laughing, eyes squinting shut with his small hand covering his mouth. The sound of shutters clicking immediately followed. Hyunjin watched as you stood from the crouch you were in, moving to show Felix the screen of your camera. He couldn’t tear his focus away as he watched his member’s face light up before saying something only you could hear.
For a brief second, he could see the blush that dusted your cheeks as you turned to move back to your previous area, a small smile tugging at your lips while your eyes watched the floor. Part of Hyunjin thought maybe it was just Felix feeling comfortable with his clothing and freckles on display, yet another part of him thought that maybe it was the atmosphere that you and your team created. Either way, he couldn’t help but smile watching the scene in front of him. Instead of going back to wait where their stuff was littered about, Hyunjin found himself inching closer to where you were busy working.
When it became Han’s turn to go, Hyunjin moved even closer to where you stood, wanting to hear the conversations, or lack thereof, that were bound to happen. It wasn’t you that he doubted, but he knew Han didn’t care to make small talk with strangers. Yet, he was shocked when Han skipped up to you, quickly explaining that he was excited to see what you would come up with, and he didn’t have anything in particular he was wanting to see. It was enough to make Hyunjin’s head tilt and attention drift to you, while you nodded your head, asking if he was more comfortable with standing or sitting shots. In a few short heartbeats, you had produced multiple options for Han to review. With your camera showing him the images, Hyunjin’s eyes were stuck on the monitor that showed the larger image of what you were showing Han.
A small gasp left his lips as he saw what you were capturing. Photos of Han in his most comfortable state, of him just being him. The him that the members got to see every day. The him that Han wanted to show people if he didn’t freeze up in a few moments. There was no added pressure to look a certain way, to pose a certain way. Only showcased the confidence that is brought out when he was on stage.  You were somehow capturing the members and bringing out their personalities in the photos, something no one they had worked with had been able to do. It impressed and inspired him.
As you returned to where he was standing, the same blush could be seen spread across your cheeks as before. You smile at him before focusing back on your work at hand. Hyunjin couldn’t help but watch the way you worked. Completed in awe at the way you were able to bring different things out in the photos without them having to change outfits, hair, or makeup. You were someone he wanted to learn from. Not even just in the form of photography but in the ways, you were able to see a version and execute it. You clearly had mastered some part of your craft that you were confident even no matter how many times the members made you blush through the day.
When the shoot finally wrapped after the group shoots, Hyunjin felt anxious to continue to be connected to you. He knew he wanted to keep in touch because of his desire to learn more from you. There was something about you that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. While he likely wouldn’t admit it to anyone, he felt his heart tugging him to make this decision. It scared him that there was a chance that you didn’t want to be friends with people you work with, but a small part of him hoped that you’d maybe say yes since he had lingered near most of the day. Hi Y/n! he greeted you as he approached. When your attention turned to him, he watched the smile light up your features. Hi! You simply greeted back, standing to face him. I was hoping, that maybe, I could get your number, he started before scrambling to say, to discuss photography. Also, art if you are into that. Or even just ask for tips on things, he was rambling and didn’t know how to stop so he ended it with, and, and, I don’t know, become friends? Why was he so nervous about this? A small giggle escaped you before handing him your phone.
♡ ˚⁎⁺˳
Time passed quickly whenever the two of you were together. It didn’t take long for the friendship to bloom. Moments together were usually spent at museums, exhibits, or a small coffee shop that offered privacy. They were few and far between, but it allowed him to ask you questions on your craft. It wasn’t long before he used the tips you gave him to not only improve his art but also apply it to his career. While he showed you pieces, he created, he couldn’t bring himself to show you the ones he created without anyone knowing.
The pieces that he felt didn’t quite capture your full beauty but were starting to get closer. With each passing day spent together, he learned how you adjusted your view on things. The way you tried to find beauty in everything and art in simplicity. In truth, it was how you were able to start to capture different idols in a more comfortable state without the extra things here and there that drew Hyunjin in even more. Yes, there were times when it was needed and called for, but many times you prefer to capture them in ways that allowed their fans to see the true version of themselves.  
It was why he started to paint you. You, who was able to capture him in a way that no one ever had. You, who was always behind the camera. His thoughts were left to wonder if you were ever captured the way you did others. So, slowly he tried to find a way to paint you in a way that showed you the way that he viewed you. If the soft smile that usually played on your lips when you reviewed a photo you took was ever shown to you. Or the blush that would creep across your cheeks when someone complimented you. Mostly, he wanted to showcase the way your eyes sparkled when you spoke of your passions and dreams.
Over time, you became the first person he called with news or when something happened in his day, both good and bad. When he got the news, he would be the ambassador for Versace, all he could think of was that he wanted to tell you. Maybe that’s why he called you so early, knowing that you had a shoot late into the night before. He filled the message in your voicemail, telling you everything down to the event he was to attend. You were the only person he wanted to celebrate with even though he knew that your schedules didn’t align for weeks to come.
When your schedules did finally work out, he walked into the coffee shop, a small bag in his hand, filled with a painting he felt was finally good enough for you. It was a present to congratulate you on landing one of the gigs you had been working so hard for. One that took you away from him for a few weeks, yet one that he was so proud of you for achieving. You slide across from him, a smile already gracing your face. Maybe it was how he was such a hopeless romantic, but he couldn’t help falling for you a little bit more with your messy hair. I ordered your regular, Hyunjin broke the silence as he realized that he even knew what your coffee order was. He knew he was in deep with you.
The time seemed to move slowly for once being with you. Hyunjin knew it was the nerves. The thought of giving you something so personal to him but likely to you too. Really, he didn’t want this day to end. His cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing with you as you got caught up on everything that happened since the last time you were together. It was something about your friendship, while you chatted when you could over the phone, nothing seemed to beat these stolen moments together. Only when Chan called did he know that he had to give you up to go work on the new choreography for the comeback.
Before you go, I got you something, you said reaching down to the black bag at your feet that Hyunjin didn’t even notice when you walked in. I wanted to gift it to you as a congratulations for everything you’ve been doing, the same blush he adored dancing across your cheeks. I hope you like it, you whispered before passing it over to him.
Would it be bad timing if I gave you my gift now too? Hyunjin laughed before handing over the bag he kept tight to his leg. If you were going to be shy, then he was going to be with you. This was a moment he hoped he could remember forever. Without even trying to open what you gave him, he watched your face as you pulled out the small canvas that Hyunjin deemed a good representation of how you looked in his eyes. He saw the way water lined your tear line as you stared at his art. When your eyes shifted up to him, he couldn’t help but smile at you before saying, I wanted to show you how I see you. The version that I don’t think you get to see too much. It was then that Hyunjin really wanted to capture you, tears in your eyes, a small pout on your lips, attention back on the piece he’d given you.
You should really open my gift, you half laughed trying to keep the tears from cascading down your cheeks. Finally breaking his attention off you, he opened the bag pulling out a small book. The cover was simple with a daisy embroidered on it. Flipping it open, he couldn’t help the gasp that came out of his mouth as he saw the first photo. A photo of him at an exhibit he had asked you to attend with him. The next was at the museum he tried to visit every time they rotated what they had. As he continued to look at the pages, he realized that each was from a moment you had spent together, but never once did they show him looking at the camera. Instead, it was moments of him looking more closely at something or wandering around in a space.
When his eyes drifted back to you, he watched you bite your lip, likely nervous about his reaction just as he was of yours. I love it, Hyunjin finally spoke, it’s, I don’t even have the words to describe it. Just as your smile began pulling at your lips, he couldn’t stop himself from rambling on, I really do like it. About as much as I do you, his eyes darting back down to his favorite photo. It was three heartbeats of silence before his head snapped back up to realize what he had just said. Only you were looking at him like you had stars in your eyes.
I like you too Hyunjin, you whispered as his phone buzzed on the table. Our next get-together will have to be a date then, he said as he moved to put the book in his backpack for safekeeping. It was routine for how these hangouts always ended, with one of you having to rush you. But he really wanted to make sure you knew that he was serious about that comment. I mean it. The next time we can, it’s a date.
from mina with love ♡ ˚⁎⁺˳ ── thank you for reading! ♡ tag list || @orchid-mantis-petals; @i-dontevenknowman; @deadcrow-donteat; @turtledove824; @hhwangsmoon; @kidrauhlschik
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frankenkyle19 · 9 months
Kinktober Day 2: Food-play With Peter Maximoff
word count: 4k
Description/warnings: Food play, Oral (both male and fem receiving), unprotected sex, fast fucking (it’s Peter, so it’s fast fast), Peter being a goof
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Peter had to admit it. He had some… odd kinks. Or… unique interests is what he liked to call them. He didn’t have a ton of experience but he did have a very vivid imagination. He wasn’t too eager to share some of his kinks, but maybe, just maybe this one wouldn’t be too weird? I mean it wasn’t by any means considered normal or vanilla, but it also wasn’t hardcore at all.
It was no surprise that Peter had a bit of a sweet tooth. Constantly snacking on something that contained high levels of sugar. It kept his blood sugar up and his metabolism didn’t burn through it as fast, and… it tasted good. So why wouldn’t he like it? 
Twinkies, whipped cream, cakes and ice creams. Peter liked it all and could probably eat it for every meal if he was allowed. Protein? A balanced meal? What’s that? 
Peter was also into all sorts of freaky stuff. He’s definitely not the kind of dude to be vanilla. He had outrageous ideas that usually turned off most of the partners he’s had in the past. They weren’t too wild, but still, it just hadn’t been their thing and that was okay with Peter. It didn’t make him want to test out these things any less though. 
Once he met you everything changed, as cheesy as it sounds. You’re down for anything and everything that Peter brings to the table. He kept it chill for a while, not wanting to scare you off, but you were always down to clown with him and would hear him out for any idea he had, no matter how odd.
So when he brought this idea up to you, you laughed right in his face. Not because it was an odd or even bad idea, but because he had been so shy to bring it up to you in the first place. 
“I want to cover you in whipped cream and syrups and lick it off you. Y’know? Like- it’s called food play. I really wanna try it. The idea really fucking turns me on baby- why are you laughing?!”
Peter watched you for several seconds before your fits of laughter subsided, leaving you to catch your breath as you shook your head. Peter was kinda freaking out. Why were you laughing? Oh god were you laughing at him?
You finally managed to catch your breath as you looked at the silver haired mutant in front of you. 
“Peter- I- I mean I’m totally down to do that with you, but why were you so nervous to ask me? It’s not like anything outrageously freaky. Did you really think I’d say no?” You questioned. 
Peter sighed and covered his face shyly with his hands before peeking out at you. 
“I was just-“ his voice was muffled from his hands covering his face.
“I just was… I’ve been wanting to do that for a really long time and was worried you’d shoot the idea down. It’s like- one of my fantasies.” Fantasies. What the fuck was wrong with him? He wasn’t in some cheesy porno. Get yourself together, Peter. 
You couldn’t help but giggle a bit at how shy he’d become. Peter. The man who always had a comeback for everything. A snarky response to absolutely anything. You realized then that he truly had been nervous to tell you this.
“I’m not like that Peter. Sure, there’s things I don’t like but I’d be honest with you. You don’t ever have to be afraid to tell me your interests. I want you to be happy and I’m more than happy to try out new things with you.”
Peter let his hands fall from his face as his dimples peeked out, a big shit eating grin that showed you that he was back to his normal goofy self. Goofball…
“I’ve got a bunch of ideas baby- whipped cream, chocolate syrup, honey, ooo cherries. You’ll be my own personal sundae.” He began, eyes darting around as he fidgeted with his hands, something he did when he was trying to stay still and keep himself relatively calm. He never stayed still, some part of him always needing to move to get out pent up energy. 
“Okay I’ll be- I’ll be right back-“ and without another word, Peter was gone, your hair messily flying around in the wind his quick escape created.
He was only gone three minutes tops and came back with two grocery bags on his arms, still grinning ridiculously.
“I really really hope you paid for all that, Peter.”
“Pfffft, course I did babe. Who do you think I am?” He chuckled, but you just knew he was lying. What were you going to do with him? Your little thief. Stealing lots of things, including your heart. 
Peter impatiently gestured to the bags on his arms before nodding his head towards the bed, body buzzing with excitement. He was beyond ready for this.
“So, what do I have to do?” You asked curiously as you made your way towards the bed, Peter at your heels.
“Ah you just lay back and relax baby. Enjoy the rideee”
You rolled your eyes but nodded, pulling off your shirt and pants, leaving you in just your undergarments 
“Take these off too?” You asked curiously, to which he nodded enthusiastically, setting the bags down at the edge of the bed, he began sorting through the various items he had ‘bought’ (stolen)
You and Peter weren’t shy around each other. Peter would walk around naked all the time if it was socially acceptable. You on the other hand were a bit more wary about being nude, but Peter never judged you or your body. In fact, the opposite. He praised you like a goddess, treating you with so much love as well as respect. It made your heart flutter. Despite how goofy and dumb he could be at times, Peter was respectful and loving beyond your wildest imagination.
So, you slipped off your bra and panties before laying back on the bed, feet shoving the bags of food items to the side a bit to give you some more room, causing a huff from Peter who was still sorting through things.
The silver haired mutant froze in his tracks when he saw your figure. He whistled lowly and shook his head as he bit his bottom lip between his teeth.
“Damn baby, you’re smokin’. I’m so fucking excited for this you have no idea-“ he said, pulling the rest of the items from the bags before tossing the plastic onto the floor. No wonder his room was always so messy…
He crawled over you and pulled you into a kiss, eager to get things started. You humored him for a moment but shook your head, cupping his cheek 
“You are wearing far too much right now, Peter. I think it’s only fair that you take a few… layers off.” You said, gesturing to your own naked body.
You had intended for him to take them off slowly, give you a little show, but why would he do that? That wasn’t practical and he never did anything slow. He ripped his clothes off faster than your eyes could catch up with before moving off the bed to grab something from the bags. 
His cock was half hard between his thighs, a bush of silver curly hairs covering his crotch, trailing up into a sparse trail of hairs that met his belly button. What was it about his dumb, silver hair that drove you nuts?
He grabbed a can of whipped cream first, shaking it as he looked you over. How did he score someone as hella smoking as you? 
You just smiled up at him, watching curiously as he lowered the tip of the whipped cream can to your shoulder, pressing down as a small swirl of whipped cream came into contact with your skin. You shivered a bit, not expecting it to be so cold, but the cold feeling was soon replaced by something much much warmer. 
Peter’s tongue lapped at the whipped cream eagerly, his teeth even nipping on your skin a bit as he made sure to clean it all up. He licked his lips as he pulled away, eyes now a much darker shade of brown then before, pupils blown wide. 
“Damn. We should have done this so much sooner.” Was all he said, reaching for the can again as he placed another dollop of cold whipped cream onto your body. Right above your left breast.
He once more leaned down and carefully licked up the sweet cream before he made it to your skin underneath, giving gentle kisses here and there as he let his tongue trace over you.
You hummed softly, closing your eyes and relaxing into the bed. This wasn’t exactly… anything special so far. But you knew it’d eventually get there. So the anticipation was truly the best part. It was a waiting game.
You flinched at the sudden sound and feeling of the whipped cream being poured onto your breasts, your eyes shooting open as you looked up at Peter. His eyes were so dark they were hard to make out as he leaned down, licking over your hardened buds as the white cream met his tongue. He moaned softly, and once each breast was cleaned, he sucked them into his mouth, one at a time, looking up at you with the most ridiculously innocent look he’d given this whole time. Damn him..
“Peterrrr '' you whined softly, chest arching into the feeling of his warm, wet mouth. You were beginning to grow a bit impatient, ready for more. You always hated his teasing. It drove you nuts.
Peter just grinned mischievously, setting the whipped cream down on his bedside table before reaching for something else.
Chocolate syrup.
“Jesus Peter, you’re going to make a mess-“
“Nope! I happen to have an expert tongue that’ll get it all cleaned up.” He said suggestively as he struggled a bit to open the container. Once he did though, he leaned over you again, going lower this time as he began to drizzle the sticky dark syrup onto your stomach, making you cringe a bit. You’d definitely be showering later to get all the sticky remnants off of your body. 
Peter set the syrup down next to the whipped cream before pulling back to get a good view of you. And god damn did you look good. 
His tongue traced the chocolate down down down, until he was at your core. He blew onto your dripping cunt as he grinned wickedly.
Oh you’d get him back for this…
He continued to tease you like this for several moments and you debated kicking him in the groin for it. 
But finally sweet relief came as the first swipe of his tongue swept over your weeping cunt. A quiet cry left your parted lips as you looked down to see his head of silver hair, the rest of his features hidden from your view as he began to eat you out vigorously.
Usually he’d tease the hell out of you before just going at it, but maybe he realized he’d teased you enough already. Or maybe he was just that desperate to get a taste of you. Peter would definitely say it was the latter.. He hadn’t always been an expert at eating you out. You had basically taught him everything he knows now, being he wasn’t very experienced with anything when you two first met. And god did your teaching pay off.
Peter brought the pad of his thumb to rest against your clit as a buzzing sensation of pleasure surged through you. That little shit was vibrating his fucking thumb. It was so much that it was almost torturous, and you gasped, trying to wriggle away from the overwhelming touch. You had a love hate relationship with how he abused his powers in the bedroom, the pleasure so overwhelming but so blindingly good. 
Peter just laughed, and that’s when you had finally had enough. You sat up, confusing Peter before you tackled him back onto the bed, shaking your head as you used all your strength to pin him. Realistically you knew if he wanted to, he could easily overpower you, but he was humoring you, curious to see what you had planned.
You grabbed the whipped cream off of the table and tapped the tip of it to Peter’s mouth, signaling for him to open, which he did. You sprayed some of the cream into his mouth, keeping him quiet for several moments as he worked on swallowing it. 
In the meantime, your hand came to wrap around his hard length, causing him to yelp in surprise at the sudden stimulation. He nearly choked on the whipped cream as he tried to prop himself up a bit, eyes laser focused on the way his cock slid through your hand. 
 Peter finally managed to swallow the whipped cream he had in his mouth, finally able to moan out in pleasure at your touch. God you were soooo fucking good at this. It was unreal. You’d been touching him for like .5 seconds and he was already ready to bust. 
He was hot and hard in your hand, causing you to shiver a bit at the thought of him inside you. No matter how many times you two were intimate, he always felt magical inside you. Each and every time.
“Hand me the whipped cream, Peter-“ you hummed, stroking over the tip, collecting the pre-cum there and spreading it over his length.
“Why?” Peter decided to question. He always questioned everything anyone ever did. He wasn’t the brightest in the bunch but was always curious.
“Jesus Pete can you just hand it to me? I’ll show you.” You had stopped stroking him to reach for the can, which he quickly handed over to you, eyebrows furrowed in a curious sort of confusion.
Soon enough, his confusion turned into shock as you carefully squirted a little bit of whipped cream onto the tip of his cock, causing him to jump. His cock twitched lightly, causing the whipped cream to wobble, nearly making you laugh.
Setting down the bottle, you took the base of Peter’s cock back into your hand to hold it steady as you leaned down, ready to clean the sweet cream from his cock.
“Woah wait are you being for real right now holy shit oh my goddddd-“ He got cut off with a whine of his own, watching with intensity as you licked the whipped cream off of him before suckling his tip into your mouth, the cream mixing with his own cream. 
“There’s- no fucking way this is actually h-happening right now holy shitttt” Peter gasped, hand coming up to run through his sweaty silver hair, pushing it back and off of his forehead as he watched your every move. Your eyes met his own as you suckled on the head of his cock, coaxing a moan from his throat as he swallowed hard, hips subconsciously shifting up to try and get more of the feeling.
“Fuck please- gotta give me more then that baby, feels so nice- god damn-“ he cursed, writhing against the bed as you took him deeper into your mouth until he hit the back of your throat, causing you to gag lightly.
Peter sighed heavily, stomach muscles tensing as he leaned down and gently caressed your hair, his big hands massaging your scalp as you bobbed your head on his dick.
Soon enough, Peter began to subtly vibrate, just like he always did when he was getting close to his release. Luckily enough for you, you’d learned that from experience and knew to pull away.
With one final kiss to the tip of his red, throbbing cock, you crawled your way back up to him, smiling softly as you kissed him. Sex with Peter was so hot and erotic, but in the same beat so soft and comforting. You felt so safe in his arms.
“So, is this living up to your expectations so far?” You asked against his lips, smiling softly as you leaned over him. 
“Better- god so much better-“ he shook his head, laughing softly as he pulled you into a kiss before flipping you over onto the bed, getting between your thighs as something popped into his mind. Another idea, but this time he wasn’t as shy in asking.
“Can I try out another fantasy of mine?” He asked, stroking his cock before he rubbed the tip against your clit, causing you to moan softly, arching your hips up against his. And in this kind of situation, how could you say no to anything he asked to try? It was simple. You couldn’t.
“W-what is it?” You asked, breath heavy as you bit your bottom lip between your teeth, looking down as he slid his cock between your folds, teasing you as he let his tip slip in before pulling back.
“Want to cum inside you. Fill you up. Be my little cream pastry.” 
He had such an awful way with his words, the sensual moment gone, replaced with a laugh from you as you grabbed his shoulders, pulling him down closer to you.
“That’s fine Peter, I’m on the pill but I- never call me your little cream pastry ever ever again.”
“Aww, really? I thought it was kinda hot..” he sighed, shaking his head as he pressed a kiss to your temple.
“Definitely not, now get on with it, Quicksilver, I don’t have all day.” You pulled him closer, gripping onto his shoulders as he finally slipped inside of you, his arousal mixed with your own making it all too easy for him to slide in with zero resistance.
“Jesus Christ-“ he moaned out, gripping onto the bed on either side of your head tightly as he rocked into you, his heavy balls slapping against you with each thrust.
“F-fuck baby- fuck Peter so good to me, so good Quickie.” You moaned out, wrapping your legs around him as he sped up his thrusts. He could go fast. Freakishly fast, but he always waited for your word to go for it, not wanting to hurt you.
“You’re so good to me” Peter cooed as he thrust into you, his cock hitting spots so deep inside you it made you ache, pleasure mixed with a hint of pain. “Too good to me- letting me try out my kinks with you- so- so fucking nice to me.” He grunted, hair falling into his face as his breathing quickened. You knew neither of you were going to last long, too desperate for release.
“We’re  going to be so sticky, Peter.” You giggled, out of breath as you clawed at his shoulders. Each time he thrust into you the air got knocked out of your lungs. 
You could see that he was restraining himself. Holding back from how fast he really wanted to go. Poor thing, it was always such a struggle for him, trying to go the speed of the world when he just wanted to speed through everything.
“Peter-“ you spoke gently, carding your fingers through his sweat-dampened hair. He peeked up at you, eyebrows raised in curiosity.
“Y-yeah?” He panted out, burying his face into the crook of your neck, licking at the skin there as if you were his own personal candy.
“Faster baby, you know I can take it, I’ve taken it before.” You whispered against his ear, and it nearly had him cumming right then and there. Holy fuck, it was the conformation he needed, and he wasted absolutely no time at all. He braced his hands on the headboard, letting his fingers curl around the wood until his knuckles turned white.
He sped up in the blink of an eye, fucking you so fast and hard that it was bordering on painful. His groin slapped against your clit in such a way that caused you to moan out, the friction being just what you needed.
“There we go- fuck- such a good boy, such a fast boy” you moaned out, your words were punchy, each time he thrust back into you, you choked on a cry, holding onto his shoulders for dear life.
He reached down between the two of you, rubbing his thumb over your clit perfectly, and if that wasn’t enough, a subtle vibrating had erupted from Peter, not only was his thumb vibrating subtly, but his cock was as well, buzzing inside your warm, tight walls, making you choke out another ragged moan.
Peter was barreling towards the finish line, but he always needed to have you finish first. Not just because he was a gentleman, but because the spasms of your cunt around his cock when you released caused a much more intense, pleasurable orgasm for himself.
“Please cum for me baby, please need it so bad-“ he whined, his thrusts beginning to lose their rhythm. His bottom lip was bitten tightly between his teeth as he tried so hard to restrain himself from cumming.
It didn’t take much more for you to fall off the edge. The way his thumb was vibrating against your clit with just the right amount of please, the way his cock hit spots deep inside you that made you see stars. It was a recipe for the perfect orgasm if there ever was one. 
Your back arched as you clawed at his shoulders, burying your face against his chest as you came with a cry, your whole body shaking as pleasure coursed through each and every bone in your body. 
When he felt you clench around him, Peter was a goner. He gave a few more half hearted thrusts into you before he came deep inside your walls as you clenched around him, milking him for everything he had.
It was almost too much for Peter, the way your walls hugged him tightly, pulsing around his now sensitive cock. He stayed inside you for several more moments before pulling out, watching the trail of his cum that leaked out of you, and damn. If he hadn’t just came so hard, he’d be ready for round two. 
He collapsed next to you, looking over at you with a goofy smile. Hair all fucked up, chest heaving, pupils blown wide. He looked wild in the most beautiful way possible.
“That was-“ he panted, at a loss for words as he turned to face you, his hand reaching out to gently caress your side.
“That was the best sex we’ve ever had. Hands down.” He laughed softly, his breathing beginning to calm as he came down from his high. It was so intense, it took him much longer to recover than usual.
“We need to shower.” You grimaced, feeling the remnants of chocolate and whipped cream beginning to dry and become tacky.
“Babeeee- in a little bit, let me revel in how good this way-“ 
You shook your head, cupping his cheek as you placed a kiss to his lips, tasting the leftover chocolate as well as your own arousal. 
“We can have more fun in the shower. Only if you’re up for it though-“ you said, shrugging as you sat up. If he didn’t want to shower with you, you’d just do it by yourself.
“Hey! Wait!” Peter sat up with lightning speed, his abused cock giving a pathetic twitch of interest as he crawled across the bed to you, grabbing your hand. He had the most pathetic pout on his face you’d ever seen.
“Pleaseee? I’m coming! I’ll shower right now!” He said, standing up, picking you up with him before he sped off to the shower, setting you on the side of the tub as he got the water to the perfect temperature.
“Ready for round two?” He said, the biggest smirk ever set on his lips. Dear lord, you were in for a longgg night.
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ghirganatik · 6 days
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As I stated in another post, one of Narancia Ghirga's major recurring themes is 'youth'. To put things short (im currently sick rn but im trying to muster up the energy to type and word out my thoughts) he had to grow up early. He was a young boy who lost his mother, faced neglect from his father and was betrayed by a group he sought love and trust from. Even after joining the gang, though in a better shape, Narancia still seeks out love and respect. But unfortunately, even though he's got two whole years on mr. Giorno "buddyboy" Giovanna, he's seen as a rambunctious, childish subordinate with a horrible temper. Despite his endeavors to prove himself in order to feel like he's receiving the same level of respect as his peers, it's still true. Without proper guidance (and formal education) growing up he doesn't know how to manage his emotions, and he's seen to latch onto people whom he trusts despite what happened to him in the past. (He's seeking love and respect, remember?) That attachment earns him the title of being a fiercly loyal member to Passione and his friends. Like cmon, the guy BURNT DOWN AN ENTIRE STREET as a last attempt to not let down his peers.
now let's talk about his pivotal character moment: the boat scene.
Sure, I completely understand it was a HUGE risky decision, you're literally betraying the fucking italian mafia how is a normal person not supposed to go in a dilemma when presented with that decision??
But from a personal perspective, as someone who had a series of similar betrayals and previously had abandonment issues, back then, being able to detach or have a differing opinion from those you trust is hard. It has a "oh, what if I fuck up? I can't just let them down like that. What will they think of me? Will I do the wrong thing?" mindset and it just goes over your mind over and over again. Fugo was the guy who helped him out of the gutter, being a friend he could trust after a series of betrayals. So naturally, he holds Fugo in a high regard, he just can't let him down like that or even let alone, ABANDON the guy who saved him from abandonment. now what was Narancia gonna do?
I can't assume as I am not Narancia, but given how similar my past circumstances have been to his, I'm so, SO sure that was a floating factor when he was trying to decide on what to do. Was Narancia going leave behind his found family? Or was he going to leave the one that brought trust back into his life?
However, that mental dilemma suddenly took a turn towards one decision when Narancia felt empathy towards Trish upon learning of her situation. Now here's the thing about Narancia's character; Narancia may not be academically intelligent, but that guy has such a high emotional intelligence.
He would NEVER wish his experiences on anyone he trusts or knows. Narancia knows the pain, and seeing others go through similar situations pains him as well. Even without proper guidance and practically being a street rat for most of his early teen life, he displays so much empathy and EQ. And honestly, that's what makes his character just so human. Despite the pain and all the wrongdoings done to him, Narancia still chooses to do the right thing. And hell, given EVERYTHING that has happened, one nudge into the wrong direction and Narancia could've been villainous, he could've been a drug addict, a senseless criminal etc.
Look, if you've noticed a pattern in Narancia's backstory/character, he's following others. His blonde friend? "Sure, I'll follow him so I seem cooler!" And yeah, one can argue that Narancia joining the mafia and disregarding Bruno's statement is his first act of paving his own path and yeah, it is. But I'd like to say that scene is the equivalent of opening a door while the boat scene is the equivalent of his first step.
When you open a door, you have two options: it's either you proceed forward or you shut it without proceeding.
Even after joining the mob, he still keeps that element of loyalty. He follows Bruno's orders out of both respect towards his hero and wanting to be respected by his peers. Now, what if Fugo didn't find him? Narancia literally lived in the streets of Naples, and it's safe to say he had higher odds at becoming a senseless criminal or drug addict in comparison to being found and fed by Fugo and Bruno. He was willing to do anything for respect after all, at that time he didn't have a sense of what peer pressure was, so who knows where that could've led him?
Anyways, back to Narancia's empathy.
It requires so much mental strength to maintain that kind of empathetic mindset with that background. Bravo, Ghirga.
Youth, empathy and trust. those are three Narancia's major character themes. (There's one more, but let's save that for another post.)
so him jumping into the water to pursue the boat is such a pivotal character moment for him, he took his first step.
Additionally, it is to be noted that it is also stated in PHF that Narancia was never proficient at swimming, but he jumped in anyway. IF THAT IS NOT RAW HUMAN DETERMINATION RIGHT THERE, I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS.
His first step into pivoting his own path on his accord, no influences from other parties. He was starting to go on his own path, he was growing up. But not in the same sense as him having to enter the mob as a teenager, but in a mental sense.
This was his character moment, Narancia began to grow up.
His titles in the official weiss schwarz cards also further this character theme.
"Narancia, Choosing His Own Path" "Narancia, Way Forward"
"Narancia, PIONEER OF FATE."
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damazcuz · 5 months
Top surgery experience so far, from check in on:
My surgery was pushed back a couple of hours for a patient ahead of me, I basically just laid there an extra 1.5-2 hours waiting, kind of dozing through the early morning
I do not remember even leaving the pre-op ward or falling fully asleep. Literally one minute just laying their waiting and the next I was in the post-op area waking up.
I've had some issues in the past with coming out of anesthesia very emotionally, sad or angry, but it was good this time. No crying or yelling lol.
Everyone has been so so nice taking care of me. Im staying the night in the hospital because that was the best option for me personally. Based on everything I've heard since before even booking a date is that most of my surgeon's patients do stay overnight.
I was very sleepy and out of it at first but something like 9-10 hours later, I'm wishing I had brought something to do lol.
It doesn't hurt much. I've been uncomfortable at times and my incisions are a little sore, especially the right side. Overall though my pain levels have been Way low, nothing like what I'd expected.
Obviously I don't get to see my chest right away or anything, but I feel really happy with it. It is a very odd feeling for me, being flat in the chest.
No complications so far. Keeping an eye out for hematoma obviously but from what I hear my surgery was a breeze.
Getting out of bed just to use the bathroom is a major ordeal, I have to be escorted the 15 to 20 feet to the bathroom because I'm so unsteady rn
I haven't got to see my surgeon since before surgery but I'll see her later this morning when I'm discharged. I was hoping I would get to talk to her ahead but again, I was unconscious just like that.
The hospital has an endless supply of jello and pudding and applesauce for me. Juice too. They had me order what I want for breakfast yesterday too, so I'm getting French toast later :3
The TV in here seems to have maybe 20 channels? I tried watching something for a bit but got bored.... again, wish I'd brought a book or something
My awake and alert time kind of comes and goes. Sleep a bunch, wake up for a long while with a little energy, etc...
My drains haven't been draining a ton so far. My overnight nurse says it's lower than is normal, but at least indicates I'm not developing a hematoma so?
Bottom line im doing pretty good so far! I really want to weight myself once I'm home just to see how much my breasts weighed lol.
Overall even not seeing my chest yet, I think this was a great thing for me, and I'm glad I was finally able to do it.
All I got for now!
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mirai-e-jump · 6 months
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Animage January 2024 Issue Kamen Rider THE WINTER MOVIE: Gotchard & Geats Gotchard Main Cast Interviews (translations below)
Publication: December 8, 2023
Clear it! The strongest Chemy catching game!!
In order to seal the 101 Chemies released into this world onto cards, Houtarou Ichinose (Kamen Rider Gotchard) searches for Chemies every day with his friends from the Alchemy Academy. One day, he meets Ace Ukiyo (Kamen Rider Geats) fighting against some Jyamato monsters. Behind the scenes is Chemy X Wizard, a level number 10 supreme wizard.
Kamen Rider's Winter film will be released again this year, featuring a dream collaboration of Kamen Riders from different series. The main highlight includes Houtarou and other Gotchard members, and Ace and other Geats members being divided into teams to take on the ultimate Chemy catching game. It's the unique charm of this work that features the familiar search for Chemies from Gotchard, and the characteristics of Geats, where Kamen Riders do challenging games, which have been "combined!" The dialogue between the characters of Gotchard and Geats that you can't normally see on TV is a must see!
The presence of Geats Chemy, who looks exactly like Kamen Rider Geats, is also a point of interest. Centering around X Wizard and Geats Chemy, the drama between humans and Chemies, which is the real appeal of Gotchard, is depicted on a scale that only a film can provide. What will the encounter with the new Chemy and Ace and his group bring to Houtarou and his friends?
Junsei Motojima (Houtarou) x Reiyo Matsumoto (Rinne) Fujibayashi Yasunari (Spanner) x Abe Oto (Renge) Rikiya Tomizono (Sabimaru) x Kumaki Rikuto (Minato)
"Double" the expected chemistry!
-Is Spanner, a mood maker, the complete opposite of the person playing the role?-
"The first quarter has passed since the broadcast started, what has the response been?"
Motojima: I feel that the number of messages of support have gradually increased. At talk events, there were those who would say to me, "I'm cheering for you," and those who brought support fans (uchiwa), and I think I'm starting to actually realize it myself. It makes me incredibly happy.
Matsumoto: I have the feeling that I'm gradually getting used to being on set. I'm now trying to expand my range of acting by taking on new challenges every day, and reviewing my own performance to see how I can improve it.
Fujibayashi: As the story progresses, there'll be more scenes that delve deeper into each character's individuality. My desire to see the stories we've filmed, including this film, as soon as possible has become stronger since the broadcast started.
Abe: Up until now, I haven't appeared regularly in dramas, so I was really happy, and when I heard a kid next to me on the train talking about Gotchard, I thought, "What a great response!"
Fujibayashi: Did they realize that you were Renge?
Abe: I don't think they noticed (laughs). I'll do my best to get them to notice!
Tomizono: At first, when I played the role I thought, "Who is Sabimaru…" But, as he interacts with Houtarou and the others, I gradually felt that I was building up my own image of Sabimaru's character. I'd like to carefully build up Sabimaru's growth in the future, and I want to do my best to make tablets more popular (laughs).
Kumaki: It seems that there are events at kindergartens and other places where they hand out Gotchard cards, and my friends send me pictures of their children receiving the cards. When I see this, I realize that I'm creating these children's dreams, and that joy is my driving force.
"For the photo shoot, we got the impression that Fujibayashi-san was at the center, and that everyone else had a relaxed mood, but is Fujibayashi-san also "in charge" of things on set?"
Fujibayashi: No, I don't think that's the case.
Tomizono: He's got so much energy, and I feel like he raises everyone's spirits.
Abe: That's for sure!
Motojima: Even when we greet each other at 5 a.m., I can't believe how energetic he is.
Kumaki: It's so early in the morning that everyone else isn't fully awake yet.
Fujibayashi: Lately, I've been paying attention to everyone's mood and greeting them in a calmer manner.
Everyone: (laughs).
Kumaki: You've become an adult, huh?
Fujibayashi: I've become an adult (laughs).
Motojima: But, when we're filming early in the morning, having Yasu-kun (Fujibayashi) around makes me feel more energetic.
-Appearing together with Geats, filming was peaceful from start to finish-
"In this work, Houtarou and his friends split into teams together with the members of Kamen Rider Geats to take on the ultimate Chemy catching game."
Motojima: It's interesting that we're teamed up with those who have similar personalities. Houtarou and Tycoon, Rinne and Geats, Spanner and Buffa. I think that because of our similarities, we can relate to each other, and there's some good "chemical reactions."
Matsumoto: I've been working with Kan Hideyoshi-san for a long time, and I was trying to take in things from Kan-san's acting that I could apply to Rinne. Also, Houtarou falling into a trap so fast was so funny, that I laughed during the test takes (laugh).
Motojima: When I read the script, I thought to myself, "That's just like Houtarou….." (laughs). I thought it was charming because he has a childlike quality that's different from the Houtarou in the TV show.
Abe: When we were filming, I remember that it was very windy (laughs).
Tomizono: The sandy beach scene of our capture game was the first scene filmed of the movie. The wind was strong and it was raining quite abit. Furthermore, Na-Go Chemy gets covered in seaweed (laughs).
Abe: That's right (laughs). I feel like alot of the scenes with Na-Go Chemy were filmed with lots of imagination.
Tomizono: There was also something about jet planes. It was fun to film.
Abe: We were the imagination team (laughs).
Fujibayashi: In that sense, Buffa Chemy and I were both part of the imagination solo team.
Tomizono: I guess so (laughs).
Fujibayashi: Both Spanner and Buffa's theme color is purple, and they also have slightly stuck up personalities, so when the film was announced, there were many people on SNS who were looking forward to us appearing together. The interactions between the two of them are very interesting, so I hope you'll look forward to it.
"In a scene with Kugimiya Licht, Minato was depicted in his teacher's attaire."
Kumaki: I remember well the first time I greeted Motomiya Yasukaze-san, who plays Licht. Despite him being about 4-5 meters away (13-16 ft), I felt an overwhelming aura that made me feel like he was right in front of me.
Everyone: (laughs)
Kumaki: I was alittle nervous (laughs), but once I gathered up my courage and greeted him, he was very kind to me. I felt a sense of security all at once, and performed with the intention of receiving advice from my senior.
"What's your most memorable experience working with the Geats team?"
Abe: There was a part where I could feel the experience of working on a project for a year. In a scene where a drone is used, Mokudai Kazuto-san noticed a mark (for where to stand) and asked the staff, "Is this okay?" We weren't paying attention to it, so it's amazing that he noticed it instantly and acted accordingly.
Tomizono: We'd never met before, but they created an atmosphere where we felt comfortable talking to them and had alot of fun. During breaks, we'd play games where you have to hold back your laughter. Kan-kun is also from the Kansai region, so we got along really well, and were able to film in a really friendly atmosphere.
Matsumoto: Everyone was very kind, and I remember that they talked to us alot.
Abe: It was easy to talk to them.
Fujibayashi: The two of you had a girls night out with Tsumuri (Aoshima Kokoro) and Neon (Hoshino Yuna).
Matsumoto: That's right.
Abe: We had some girl talk.
Tomizono: I'm sure you did.
Fujibayashi: What did you talk about?
Matsumoto: Things like painting nails, perfume and other stuff.
Motojima: To be honest, I've been paying alot of attention to my appearance lately, and I've been asking Matsumoto-san and Abe-san alot of questions.
Matsumoto: It's true
Motojima: When Tsumuri-san heard about this, she set up a prank for the makeup artists to teach me fake beauty info. I was completely fooled.
Everyone: (laughs).
Motojima: I also felt that everyone from Geats did things very freely. They included adlibs, and there's a scene where Ace says, "I'm glad I was turned into this," but it was interesting to see Ace say things in a way that he'd never do during test takes. I thought he was very good at keeping the atmosphere on set peaceful.
Tomizono: But, when it was a real take, it was really cool.
Motojima: That's right! There was an incredible difference.
-Becoming a level ... Chemy?!-
"In this work, the Geats members are turned into Chemies, but if you could become a Chemy, what would you want to look like?"
Fujibayashi: Because It's obvious what I'd be, I probably don't need to say it.
Motojima: What do you mean?
Fujibayashi: I could only be a spanner.
Matsumoto: Ah!
Tomizono: If not a spanner, what Chemy would Yasu become instead?
Fujibayashi: None, I can't think of anything else.
Tomizono: You've become Spanner Chemy. What do you do?
Fujibayashi: Loosen the screws in people's heads.
Everyone: (laughs).
Fujibayashi: Everyone becomes so stupid, that they forget how to transform and can no longer speak Japanese.
Abe: That's terrible (laughs). That'd make you the strongest, wouldn't it?
Tomizono: What'll happen if you combine with another Chemy?
Fujibayashi: Valvarad uses it, not Gotchard.
Tomizono: I see.
Fujibayashi: Sabimaru would be a tablet, right?
Tomizono: (laughs). As Tomizono, I'd like a Chemy that's really cool. Like a dragon, but softer.
Fujibayashi: Like something you'd find on a souvenir from a school field trip?
Tomizono: Right, like something on a keychain.
Fujibayashi: I think children would love that.
Tomizono: That's good. I want to appear like that as a level 10 Chemy.
Motojima: I want to become a level 100 Chemy.
Everyone: (laughs).
Motojima: I want to be treated like a legend.
Matsumoto: What would I be? Maybe a bird?
Abe: Ah!
Tomizono: Is that what you wanted?
Abe: I've been beat.
Fujibayashi: But, it depends on the type of bird.
Matsumoto: Hmmm…a crow?
Fujibayashi: A crow, huh? I'd like to own one atleast once.
Tomizono: People say they're smart.
Abe: They're said to have the intelligence of 5 year olds.
Fujibayashi: Well then, they're smarter than me.
Everyone: (laughs).
Tomizono: Is there a reason why you went with a bird?
Matsumoto: I think it'd be nice to fly across the open sky. The wind would feel great too.
Abe: You get it!
Matsumoto: And crows are cool, aren't they? That's why I want to be Crow Chemy.
Fujibayashi: Oto-chan, what kind of bird would you like to be?
Abe: I want to be a black kite.
Tomizono: A black kite?
Abe: When I was little, I remember them because they used to attack me alot when I went camping. When I’d be eating a meal, they'd suddenly snatch it away. They're agile, can fly, and they can enjoy scenery that we can't normally see.
Fujibayashi: I want to steal someone's food.
Abe: Right, right.
Tomizono: Really? (laughs).
Abe: I think black kite's are the strongest.
Fujibayashi: What about Kuma-san?
Kumaki: Because of Bumblebee, I like cars.
Fujibayashi: Ah, from "Transformers."
Kumaki: I think it would be cute if I were a Chemy that looked like Bumblebee.
Tomizono: Would you be a transforming Chemy?
Kumaki: Yeah, I'd transform.
Motojima: I think that'll be in the show sooner or later.
Kumaki: When will it appear?
Fujibayashi: It'd be alot like Golddash.
Kumaki: Ah! That's right!
Motojima: Then, it'll be like a car version of Golddash!
"We would love to hear more, but we'd like to conclude with a message from Motojima-san to our readers on behalf of everyone."
Motojima: I think the highlight is that the character's charm, which is different from the TV show, is brought out by interacting with the Kamen Rider Geats members. Many of the strongest level number 10 Chemies appear, and the development where humans turn into Chemies is also unexpected, it's unexpected plus unexpected twice expected…….it's like unexpected x2.
Tomizono: So double expected?
Fujibayashi: Are you saying…it's going to turn out to be more than expected?
Motojima: Ah, that sounds good.
Fujibayashi: You just said it yourself. You bite your tongue?
Tomizono: Did you mispronounce something?
Motojima: Well uh, it turned out to be more than I expected…
Everyone: (laughs).
Motojima: The unpredictable development of the story is appealing, and the fact that it features Chemies that can talk is also a key point.
Abe: Agreed.
Motojima: Please watch out for how Houtarou and his friends will interact with the talking Chemies, which have yet to appear in the TV show!
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maevearcher · 3 months
...okay so here's part two (part one is here) of my so-called analysis, attn. @pennyblossom-meta This covers second Kira, up to the beginning of Yotsuba arc. Part three will wrap it up, but my silly ADHD brain insists on cutting it into pieces...
After Misa makes her appearance, and after Light is officially brought in with the task force, things get frustrating and funny at the same time. L only really allows himself to be authentic in his inner monologue from now on, in sharp contrast to the half-lies or downright full lies he is poking and prodding Light with. To be honest, I can’t even imagine how much energy he consumed in this process of….on the one hand, actively and furiously trying to unravel this puzzle, suddenly turned even deadlier than before, with legitimate concern for his life….and on the other hand, putting up this cleverly constructed front of the somewhat inept and naïve person, relying on Light for help and friendship. While it isn’t unconceivable for him to need more sugar intake as the case gets trickier, both for fuel as well as for comfort, the manner in which he’s eating is so childish that it is clearly a ruse to push every button in Light’s mental panel. I can also see his constant eating as a…way of alleviating  restlessness, a way of releasing some stress by chewing on something, I feel he holds a lot of tension in his jaw and neck muscles the way some other people hold tension in their shoulders or lower back.
It's so endearing to me how he cannot suppress his own natural, human, fear of death once he realizes Kira and the second Kira have joined forces…..to the extent to which the only one he is being honest and vulnerable with is Soichiro. The way L admits to him that his judgment is basically gut instinct this time, instead of logical reasoning, and possibly clouded by his fear of death, speaks volumes about L’s ability and perhaps even willingness to form attachments, to care, to trust when trust is warranted. And I love him all the more for this emotional integrity.
However, in the “stealing Misa’s cell” scene, he has  regained enough composure to be a comedic genius, swear to god, Oscar-level acting, from the matter-of-fact way in which he’s bullshitting Light about the other Ls, to the fangirling over Misa, to the way he’s being so….”understanding” of Light’s emotions as  he sees his “girlfriend” arrested as the second Kira….  L does not show any signs of discomfort being among so many people, as long as his identity remains shrouded, so his lifestyle of isolation is definitely a logical choice, dictated by necessity, and not an emotional one, out of discomfort in social situations or inability to withstand human interaction. (Which in turn makes me wonder if, between cases, he does indeed go out and watch andmaybe even interact with people who have no idea who he is…. And I strongly believe he can play “normal” if he wants to, I mean, in the particular scene he had to maintain the weirdo act for Light, but in a between-cases situation  I don’t doubt it that he is able behave in a socially acceptable way if he wants to, and I’m mainly referring to sitting normally, because that’s what people notice first and that’s one thing he does nothave to do unless he so chooses).
Another thing I love in the manga, I don’t know how intentional this is, but I’ll give the creators the benefit of the doubt and treat it as intentional, I love it how the way he is drawn is slightly different, he is more childish and caricatural in some scenes, such as the cell phone one, and more mature (and handsome) and in accordance to his inner self in scenes such as Misa’s captivity…and even more markedly so in scenes containing his inner monologue. Such a nice little contrast between appearance and essence….
As for the “I’m…a pervert….?” line….It just occurred to me… Misa appears at this point to play some sort of weird game, seemingly disregarding that she has been told she was arrested as the second Kira, and now she’s apparently playing this coy game of being held prisoner by a stalker. And I wonder of the question shouldn’t be read as “Is it ME who’s the pervert here…?” instead of him puzzling over social norms which he is well too aware of…
(At this point I’m afraid it’s no longer an analysis, but a sort of….living it with him through it all.) I’m right there beside L as he all but unleashes his inner contempt towards Light in dripping venomous sarcasm when Light comes confessing that he might be Kira… I’m by his side as he undestands and is compassionate towards Soichiro’s anguish and allows him to have his confinement, albeit a mild one. L quickly realizes the depth of Soichiro’s pain and sense of justice, as he articulates his predicament for him when Soichiro can’t find the words. Soichiro says “I don’t know what kind of actions  I may take…” and L calmly, almost soothingly does him the utmost honor of empathising and not arguing with him, even translating Soichiro’s pain to the others: “Yes…I could imagine you killing your son and then yourself….”
And when Light renounces the Death Note, I feel his frustration as nothing really makes sense anymore, but his innate lie detector tells him that “…for some reason, it feels true…”, frustration escalating to the point to which he drops the honorific for Matsuda and swears internally “What the heck is going on…?” (and on that note, I think he said “what he hell”, but I’d really wish I knew Japanese so I’d understand the nuance, the severity of the profanity in the original…)
He is right. He knows he is. It’s not only that he’s childish and he hates to lose, but his instincts have never been wrong, and if he allows that sort of doubt to creep in, if he starts to second-guess his intuitions….then he’d collapse upon himself and crumble into a useless shell of a man. And I think that’s precisely what happens in his depressive period. It can well be childish sulking and not wanting to admit he was wrong…..but I think it’s also a profound dread that  he’s barely masking, a dread of losing his very essence, his very core. He has build his whole life, literally his entire life, on this unmovable pillar of a fact, that he can get things right….and now that absolute certainty which he has embraced in lieu of mother and father and school and friends and everything else…that absolute constant of his life is not so absolute anymore. It’s enough to send anyone into a tailspin, without the added pressure of his physical, biological life being on the line too.
It's not just that he is forced to doubt his reasoning, which alone could be enough to break him. But he is forced to look at the fact that he may never know the real answer. Which is even worse, and goes to show he CAN admit to being wrong as long as it comes clear in the end. His search is for the truth ultimately, not for self-gratification, as it may appear on a first reading.
And that’s why he is so damn excited when Light shows him the results concerning the Yotsuba involvement, that’s why he almost forgets for a second that it’s Light here, the one he still suspects of being Kira….it’s the first real sign of positive emotion in three freaking long months (honestly, he’s strong. Way stronger than me. He fights through his depression with lowkey sarcasm, but, god, that sort of stuff is hard to fight against…). He is revigorated by a new purpose, by a new path to the truth I was talking about earlier, even though he is struggling to shake off his self-doubt (“It is possible though my reasoning can be wrong, so you shouldn’t put much faith in me…” <- that hurt me on a personal level), and is masking how much this whole period has shaken him (“I was just sulking” <- much in the way we’re all saying “I’m alright, it’s fine” even though we feel like dying)
And then there’s this moment….when the police withdraw their support towards L concerning the Kira case….  There are a few moments in the manga that stood out to me, and made my heart enlarge and expand to build a place for him inside it. If I admired him until Ukita’s death….if I loved him afterwards…this is the moment when I wanted to protect him. It’s so multilayered as for his feelings here…. Of course, he wants to keep them safe, and he knows how dangerous it suddenly got, since they no longer have support from the police. Of course, he made all those provisions to ensure their financial safety in whatever situation….which is beyond telling for what kind of person he actually is. How can people paint him as cold and uncaring and unempathetic? He goes out of his way to ensure the well being of people who are loyal to him. Only because he isn’t the hearts-and-flowers and over-the-top gushing type?...He wants what’s best for them.
But, my heart bled with his reaction. See, I think he carries around a massive complex of abandonment, in a compensated form (a.k.a he leaves first, he pushes people away, he avoids all attachment so he won’t ever feel the pain of being abandoned). His words are telling. “…I think you should all go back to the police. I was all alone in the beginning. Almost every police officer turned their back to me …..”(lines delivered with his back to them, eyes covered by his hair).  These are emotional clues as for how hurt he is deep down. Even if I’m grateful (for the sake of his heart) that they ended up staying, I couldn’t help but wince at his pain in that moment..
....to be continued...
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just-jordie-things · 7 months
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Megumi never found out why or when he got here. He just remembered that he got knocked out during a battle, and that he woke up in another world, one where curses Never existed.
It wasn't the strangest part yet, because somehow he wasn't living in Japan anymore. He lived overseas.
Now, he was just a normal student, not a sorcerer, not anything he was before.
But life was just as hellish in this world as it was in the one he came from.
Megumi knew what other people said behind his back.
"Asian kid"
And so on. That was, until one day, you walked up to him. You were the first one to act kindly around him.
Needless to say, he grew quite fond of you.
You spent hours talking togheter, and Megumi couldn't help the feeling he got each time you talked about your passions and hobbies.
The way your eyes sparkled, the excitement bubbling in your voice, the energy that bursted out of you.
He couldn't help but feel jealous.
Because, apart from sorcery, he never had any hobbies, or passion.
He never had time to think about that.
Megumi never realised how abnormal his life actually was, how many experiences he never got to experience, how much there was still to discover for him.
Until one day, where his world literally came crushing down.
You were talking to him like usual, when you brought up the argument of a new manga you were reading.
"It's called Jujutstu Kaisen if you're interested, it's really good".
"Yeah. Jujutsu Kaisen. I can lend you the first volume if you want."
Megumi stared at the volume in his hands, completely frozen in place.
There was no fucking way.
He then realised. There was a connection between the two worlds he had lived in.
In one of those, his life was a fucking manga.
His whole world. His friends. His life.
It was all the imagination of someone else.
A lie.
"Megumi? You fine? You look like you just saw a ghost or something."
Your words snapped him back to reality.
"Yeah, I'm fine" he muttered.
"I'ts just that I never thought you would have read this"
"You know jujutstu?"
You paused for a second, surprised by his answer.
"Soooo.... What's your fave? Y'know, your favourite character".
What was he supposed to say?
Megumi stayed silent for a bit, before answering: " No one in particular. Yours?"
He couldn't deny that he was curious.
It was probably Gojo, or Geto.
"Me? Megumi, hands down"
Megumi froze in place. He was your favourite character. He was actually loved by someone.
"Why do you like him"
"Let's see..." You began " First of all, you can't deny it, he's Hella gorgeous. Like, dude is just too handsome to resist. His techniques are badass. And his personality and character development are amazing."
".... Really?..." His voice was almost whisper.
"I never met someone that liked Megumi before..." He then said.
"Really? He's pretty popular. Of course, not on Gojo levels, but still."
Right then, a new strange feeling blossomed in Megumi's chest.
People actually liked him. He made people happy.
But maybe it felt so good because he knew that you liked him.
He wasn't a hero. He wasn't even a sorcerer anymore.
But he never expected to be an idol to someone.
He never expected people from another world to love him.
Seeing you, right now, as you talked about why you loved him, was the best thing that ever happened to him.
Even though you will never know who he truly is.
Here it is! My second Megumi one shot.
It is based on one of my previous brainrots.
Hope you like it!
love this so so much. comforting my comfort character is just so fluffy it's making my insides turn into cotten hehe
very well done thank you for sharing with us!! so sweet!!
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Nameless, Faceless: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Summary: Not even four hours after the case in Canada, you're thrown into another one. This time, without Hotch. You have a sinking feeling he's not just blowing you off to get some sleep. There's something wrong.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: welcome to the first episode of season 5! i hope you enjoy this series just as much as i loved writing it! <3
I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated.
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They're all concerned about Spencer but even more concerned about Hotch and whether he's going to survive or not. They rush him to the same hospital that Hotch is in to keep them both in the same area. You've been by Hotch's side the whole time and he hasn't woken up yet. You rub your hands together nervously and look to the left of you to see your team fast-walk down the hallway.
"Hey, he's still not conscious."
"Are you sure it was Foyet?" Rossi asks.
"I felt his energy at Hotch's place. I saw what happened. Hotch lost a lot of blood but he's been stable since I arrived. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to be distracted. Plus, he was checked in with Derek's credentials that he stole the last time we saw him."
"Did they catch him on the security camera?"
"I saw him drop Hotch off but the camera is only at the entrance. I got a feel of the direction he went in but I lost him right outside the parking lot. I don't know where he is."
"It doesn't make sense for him to have brought Hotch to the ER. We know Foyet gets off on power and control. Maybe what he wants is for Hotch to know his life was in his hands."
"He could do that without risking the hospital," Derek says.
"What happened to Spencer? I heard a gunshot go off over the phone. Is he okay?"
"He was shot in the knee," JJ explains. "He's here getting treatment."
You want nothing more than to go to him but if he's still in surgery or getting care, you don't want to interrupt that. Hotch groans as he comes out of his mini coma-like state.
"Agents, he's waking up," the doctor says. "Remember, he's weak. Don't push him."
"Where am I?" Hotch whispers.
"In the hospital."
"How did I get here?"
"Foyet drove you. Can you remember what happened?" you ask gently.
Hotch stays silent for a moment. 
"What did he take?" Everyone looks at each other in confusion. "The Reaper always takes something from his victims. Do we know what he took?"
"There was a page missing from your day planner in the address section," you say. "The Bs."
"What did he leave?" he winces in pain.
"I don't know. I looked over your whole apartment. Nothing felt out of place."
"Where are my clothes?"
You grab the bag with his bloody clothes and other belongings and set them on his legs. You pull out the bloody shirt and open the bag for him to go through. He pulls out what looks like a wallet but is Derek's credentials. Folded inside is a picture of Hayley and Jack.
He's going after Hayley and Jack.
"Haley's maiden name is Brooks. I always listed her in the Bs in my personal information in case it fell into the wrong hands. He knows where they live," Hotch sighs.
"Don't worry, Hotch. We'll take care of it."
Everyone but Emily decides to leave the hospital in search of Hayley. You would have stayed behind but you're better in the field than by Hotch's side. Spencer is still getting treated so you have no business staying behind. JJ tries calling Hayley three times but she isn't answering.
"She's not answering."
Derek takes out his phone and calls Penelope.
"Garcia, I need FBI SWAT deployed to Hotch's old address."
"Oh, God, do you think he's going after Hayley and Jack?"
"I don't know. Just send a SWAT team. Tell them to wait for instructions. We're on our way."
"Consider them there."
"We need to be prepared for what we might find. Foyet kept Hotch alive. He wouldn't do that without a reason."
There's no time to speculate because Foyet could already be there murdering Hayley and Jack. When the team arrives at her house, SWAT is already there waiting. As soon as Derek gives the green light, SWAT members pile into the house with your team mixed in with them. Hayley is in the house, you can feel her. Foyet's energy is nowhere to be found which means you got to her before he could.
You walk upstairs with Derek and two other SWAT members. Hayley is in her room wearing yoga clothes, headphones are in her ears, and she is doing laundry. She turns to put clothes away and screams loudly from seeing a bunch of people in her house.
"Oh, my God!" she gasps.
"It's okay. It's okay," you calm her down.
"What are you all doing here?"
"We got her," Derek says to Emily who is on the phone with him.
"What's going on?"
"Is there anyone else in the house?" you ask.
"No, there's no one here."
"Where's Jack?"
"He's at a friend's house for a play date."
"We need to get him back here."
"Where's Aaron?"
"He's in the hospital."
"What?" she gasps.
"Hayley, call for Jack. Tell them I'm on the way to pick him up. I promise you we'll explain. Call for him right now. Text me the address," Derek says and leaves the room.
"Tell me what happened to Aaron," she says as she does what she's told.
"He was stabbed nine times presumably last night or early this morning. We know who did it and we're doing everything we can to try and find him. We think he's going after you and Jack next. I know this is a shock right now, but you need to pack a bag. You can't stay here right now. You two will be placed in the Witness Protection Program."
"Wait, are you serious right now?"
"Is this really necessary?"
"For how long?"
"I don't know," Rossi answers.
Hayley knows she needs to listen to your team right now so she starts to pack a very large bag knowing she isn't going to come back here for a while. Derek and Jack come back ten minutes later, and he has the biggest smile on his face.
"Mommy! They let me turn on the siren!"
"Wow, that's so great, baby! Did you have fun?" Hayley smiles through the pain.
"I'll help start a bag in Jack's room," JJ says and leaves.
"Okay. How many times did you run it? How many times?" Jack holds up three fingers and she chuckles. "Three?"
As soon as Hayley and Jack are packed up and ready to go, you take her to the hospital so she can talk to Hotch. Rossi already made some calls to other agents about placing them into protective custody, so those agents meet you at the hospital. Jack is waiting with one of the agents so Hayley can speak to her ex-husband alone.
It sucks knowing their situation (minus the whole Foyet thing) because they didn't divorce because they stopped loving each other. They divorced because loving each other hurt them too much.
While you let them talk, you go find Spencer who is on the other side of the hospital. You grab some jello for him on your way and you keep it hidden behind your back to surprise him. He is trying to find something on the TV to watch when you knock on his door.
"Hey," he smiles brightly and turns off the TV.
"I can't leave you alone, can I?"
"How's Hotch?"
"Physically? He's going to be okay. Emotionally? Not so much. We have to place Hayley and Jack in protective custody, so they're talking right now before they leave." You walk over to his bed and sit on the edge of it. You reach up and move some of his hair out of his eyes. "You need a haircut." Spencer laughs and grabs your hand while it's still on his cheek. He moves your palm to his mouth and he kisses the center of your hand. You rub his cheekbone with your thumb while looking into his eyes with so much love. "I bought you something."
You take the jello out from behind your back and his eyes light up.
"Thanks!" He eats a few bites happily. "Good news is that all I need are some crutches for a while."
"Don't worry, I'm going to take good care of you."
"I know," he smiles.
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If he's going to go through all this trouble to incriminate you, the least he can do is stick around to watch your downfall. The block in which he left his last victim is sectioned off with yellow police tape even though there is a large crowd forming around the perimeter. Several officers are located on the outside to keep the public from barging in, and he squeezes himself through the crowd to get to the front.
If this is going to work, he needs to know what the police know so he knows how to proceed from here.
"Excuse me, officer? What's going on here?" he asks.
He's masked his real voice with a fake southern accent he's been working on for weeks.
"There's been a murder. Everything is fine, sir."
"Officer, I walk down this street every day and night. Am I safe? I live right down the block."
"Right there."
The man points to the apartment building on the corner of the street.
"Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"
"No, sir."
The officer lifts the tape up so the man can step through so he's not stuck in the crowd. The officer doesn't take him to where the dead body is, but he wants some privacy from the onlookers.
"What's your name?"
The man doesn't hesitate to answer.
"Frank Livingston."
"What's a good phone number to reach you at?"
"Where were you last night between the hours of ten and five in the morning?"
"Out here, unfortunately. I have a hard time sleeping ever since I had a stroke a few years ago. I decided to go for a walk to try and clear my head."
"Did you happen to see anything?"
"Well, let's see. I walked outside and had a cigarette." The man chuckles and pats his breast pocket where his pack of cigarettes is. "The dang things will kill ya but I can't seem to put it down." He chuckles. "Anyway, I was walkin' and I didn't know what time it was because I forgot my phone. I saw this car parked on the side of the road, and there was someone lyin' on the ground like they'd been hit. Seeing y'all here makes me think they might not have been hit after all."
"Anything else?" the officer asks and writes down everything he says.
"I saw someone leanin' against the car, but I didn't know what they were doing. The light isn't great out here. My eyes have gone bad since the stroke. It nearly took out my sight altogether. I'm not sure what they were doin' but I know I saw hair."
"Long hair like a female's. I got out of there so fast like I was fearing for my life. You know females these days got everything goin' on. They carry all kinds of protective weapons on them. I didn't want to end up like that fella."
"Anything else you noticed?"
"Not that I can recall. Like I said, I got out of there quickly."
"Okay. If you can remember anything, please give me a call."
The officer hands over his business card with his contact information, and Frank takes it from him.
"Yes, sir, I will."
Frank walks away from the crime scene with the fake persona still on him. When he gets far enough away, he drops the innocent act with a smirk. He crumbles the officer's card and tosses it into a nearby trash can.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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burnt-out-vacationer · 6 months
[REBLOGS > likes]
hi guys !! have some mafia boss x right hand man almodnfort au content or something . a bit dialogue heavy until around the 700 word mark since this was originally just a little writing practice,,,
context for this one since its a doozy. but roguefort (famous criminal known for going solo) gets injured and almond (mafia boss) saves them from dying and in return they stick around him in an effort to repay how kind he was to them and then they got attached. btw i know nothing about the mafia i just had a burst of energy <3
reminder roguefort uses they/them !!
[1686 words]
"You're up late, aren't you?"
"Customary for people with our worklife, isn't it?"
"I suppose." Almond paused. "If you don't mind my bothering you, I've been... thinking recently."
"That's dangerous."
"Not as dangerous as some of our other escapades."
"Right as always." Roguefort turned to look at him, their normally intimidating features softened by the glow of the moon. "May I hear what's on your mind?"
"You've been here quite a while, haven't you? Two, three months?"
"You've been keeping track."
"Of course. And it's left me wondering... you haven't brought up leaving to go on your own again."
He was met with silence - not deafening silence, more of a thoughtful quiet, leaving him to keep on going.
"You're a solo act. Or, you were a solo act, before I offered you a place here. It's left me pondering whether or not you think I'm keeping you here."
"I don't," they interjected quickly, shaking their head. "I've never felt so."
"Good to hear. But, look, if you did, I was going to offer you the chance to leave."
More silence.
"Personally, I think you've repaid me in full," he continued, going over to stand by them. "You have no need to stick around anymore, if you don't want to. I will admit, I've gotten used to having you around, and it will feel... emptier without you, but you had your life before I came along. You will always have a place here, and an ally in me - you may come back whenever you please, and you will have my full protection."
Still nothing. Just a quiet intake of breath, one he might have missed had he not been so close to them before they finally spoke.
"No. I won't leave. I may not need to stick around, but I'd certainly love to." They finally met his gaze and smiled, their eyes crinkling adorably around the edges in a way that made his heart soften. "It's an unforgiving world out there. But... you make it seem less scary."
"That's what I do. It's what I've always done. Nearly everyone here has been scorned by the world that claimed to love them - I just gave them what they had wanted, what they had a right to."
"Which is?"
"Love. The feeling of home. The full trust of someone else, knowing they would always be there for you." 
They chuckled. "You really are a mom at heart."
"Shut up."
"...Really, it's amazing, what you do. Sure, maybe everyone out there would disagree." They jabbed a thumb towards the window, towards the city outside. "But I think it's beautiful."
"Beautiful, huh?"
"Of course. I wouldn't stay if I didn't think so."
A small smile crossed his lips. "I can think of other things that are just as beautiful."
"Can you, now?"
"Personally, I've always been fond of solo acts."
They ducked their head at this, in a way that was endearingly shy, before looking up with something new in their eyes. "Call me crazy, but I think I prefer duets to solo acts."
He reached up and brushed a lock of their hair back, fingers lingering in a way that made their cheeks go a little pink, he noticed. "Are you suggesting an audition to be in a duet with you?"
"Perhaps I am. Perhaps the audition was ages ago, and you passed from the very start."
"So what does that mean for us?"
"It means I'm fond of you."
"Are you, now?"
They leaned down so that they were at eye level with him - when had they gotten so close? "I feel very strongly for you. That should be made clear."
"...I see."
"And you, Almond? What do you feel?"
His name had never sounded so sweet before.
"I feel as if we've been wasting too much time talking."
They grinned, looking so delighted that it was just impossible for him not to grin back. "I would agree. Why don't you show me what you would rather have us do?"
“Well, aren’t you bold?”
“I would have thought you already knew that about me. Solo act and all that.”
He liked the way they spoke to him now. As if they were his close friend, someone who could look after him the same way he looked after them.
“I’d recommend you drop the solo act. I can see it no longer fits you.”
“You’re awfully interested in a chance to duet with me,” Roguefort said, with a teasing lilt to their voice that just about stole his breath.
He hadn’t known they could be, well… playful.
The walls of formality and politeness between them seemed to fully crumble down, leaving behind the aura of what was once a business transaction.
Now, it was… something else. Something better. Almond could feel it, an unfamiliar sensation all the way to his core, yet welcome in a comforting way.
And he could tell they felt it, too.
“Who wouldn’t be?” he said softly, in a tone unlike any he’d used before with them. “I’ve never been more interested in anything before.”
“...Never?” they said, their eyes growing a little wider. “Never.”
“Oh,” they murmured, barely a whisper in the night. “Oh.”
Oh, their voice. So breathlessly hopeful, like they couldn’t dare to believe what he was saying. Like what he was offering was too far out of reach.
That was all about to change.
Slowly, he trailed a hand over their wrist - causing their breathing to hitch in a way that made his head spin - up their arm, brushing past their shoulder, before cupping his fingers around the back of their neck.
They swallowed and glanced down at him as he brought his other hand up, too, linking his fingers together. “You aren’t about to choke me, are you?”
That got a laugh out of him, which eased the tension in Roguefort’s shoulders. “Oh, never. I don’t think I’m strong enough to, anyway.”
An admission like that would be a death sentence if he were in unfamiliar clutches.
In front of them, though, it felt like a relief to say.
“I would hope you don’t find a reason to have to choke me anytime soon,” they chuckled, letting their hands drift over his waist, promptly causing his mind to blank. “I don’t want to give you any reasons to.”
“I… I could never hurt you,” Almond said quietly, slowly bringing their head down to his level. “I’m a healer at heart.”
“I love that about you.”
Could they get any more perfect?
“How long have you loved that about me?” he whispered, heart pounding relentlessly in his chest as their nose brushed against his own.
They thought for a moment, lip caught between their teeth in what was an undeniably cute expression of concentration, before finally saying, “I think I’ve loved it all this time.”
A smile broke out onto Almond’s face, bright and giddy. “You sure?”
“I wouldn’t say it if I weren’t.”
“Just clarifying,” he said, pulling them a little closer, just so he could feel their breath on his lips.
It smelled like strawberries.
Roguefort had gone quiet, licking their lips in what seemed to be nervousness. Was that truly what was happening? Were they just as terrified of screwing this up as he was? Were-
His thoughts were interrupted when they exhaled softly, and he looked up into their eyes. “There’s no easy way to ask this, but…”
“I’ve got time,” he said. “I’ll always have time for you.”
They smiled, their expression so unguarded that he felt himself melting. “Then, may I…?”
He knew what they were asking.
And they hadn’t even finished their sentence before Almond pulled them in, eagerly pressing his lips to theirs.
It was so sudden that it caused them to make a startled sound in their throat, which was somehow adorable, before they reciprocated so enthusiastically that it swept him off of his feet.
Roguefort was surprisingly gentle with him - or at least, they were at first, as if they were a little shy to truly lose themself in it. But it wasn’t long before they had become more comfortable, deepening the kiss and pulling him close so that they were pressed against each other, making Almond’s entire body shiver with need.
His hands went to cup their face, thumb stroking their cheek, which elicited a soft noise of surprise and only led them to kiss him harder, making him go dizzy with delight.
He was already cataloging this moment in his head, memorizing the tilt of their head as they kissed him, the warmth of their hands gliding over his waist, the way their eyelashes fluttered over his, the strawberry sweet taste of their lip balm.
The way they felt like home to him.
And yet, all too soon, it was over, and they parted with matching wide-eyed expressions of wonder.
His eyes flicked over their features, and he felt a little twinge of pleasure when he saw how red they were in the face. Like they’d been giving their entire heart and soul in that kiss.
Almond blinked and suddenly realized in that moment just how hard he was breathing, and how weak his knees felt - oh, lord, were they holding him up? How had they managed to get him trembling like this within moments? 
How had he never met someone like them before?
“So,” Roguefort said quietly, with a look in their eyes that conveyed how greatly they’d enjoyed that. “I suppose a duet can be arranged.”
He let out a breathless laugh, before leaning into them and wrapping his arms around their middle. “Good god, you…”
“I’ve got you,” they said softly, making his heart flutter. “I’m here.”
“I know. I’m here, too.”
“I’ll always be here. For you.”
He smiled into their shirt, closing his eyes and listening to the rhythmic thump of their heart, almost in time to his own heartbeat. “Thank you.”
It was all he could say, but it was enough. He knew they understood what he felt.
He knew they understood just how much he loved them.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
Rocket and reader comforting one another during the blip?
You’re uncharacteristically quiet. Something rocket wasn’t used to, in fact it was unsettling to him. From the moment he had met you, you’d been nothing short of an annoyingly loud, talkative, easily excitable and overly outgoing individual. You were the heart of the group, and always brought everyone together. When everyone was arguing amongst themselves, bickering with one another over stupid bullshit, you were the one calming everyone down, encouraging everyone to work together. If they ever had a fight, you always encouraged apologies, talking things out. You had tried to keep up that front, around rocket and around nebula. In a way, you brought the two together as well. Gave them time to bond with one another and become friends and to find solace within eachother.
It was late at night now, and there was a somber silence that fell between you and rocket. He had come in to check up on you, something he had started making a habit of doing when he started to notice you stayed up pretty late, something you never did prior to the blip. You claimed that you just had a lot of energy, or that you just weren’t tired, or that you were learning more about terrans and their strange customs that you suddenly seemed interested in at 3 am. He wasn’t stupid, and he knew you were just trying to grieve in a way that you hoped nobody would notice. He knows what it’s like to hide his true feelings, in fear of vulnerability and judgement, but this was something far too huge for him to simply keep to himself. So he didn’t keep it to himself, he cried to you often about how he’d lost the only family he ever had, the only people that accepted him as is despite how much of an asshole he can be. But he never heard you cry. He had asked you so many times how you were doing, and you always said you were doing just fine. He never believed you.
It kinda hurt him, knowing you were keeping so much to yourself. He trusted you, enough to vent out his frustrations. And that takes a lot for rocket to do. Why didn’t you trust him? But honestly, he knew why. He’s the most emotionally constipated person you’ve ever met, along with nebula, and they were the only people you had left. No wonder you haven’t told them jack shit. But even before that, he realized, you were always helping everyone else, you never let anyone else help you. You always kept it together, you always kept a level head and always put on a smile and a brave face. You are the most selfless person he knows. So when do you get a chance to be selfish?
“So…” he finally says, and although in the moment he’s unsure what to say next he doesn’t think about it. Doesn’t try to think of what he’ll say first, like usual, he doesn’t think before he speaks. “you gonna actually talk to me or are you gonna dodge my question as per usual?” you says, and you feign confusion, raising a brow. He can’t help but roll his eyes, “you can fool everyone else, but you ain’t foolin me. I know you’re not out here just to look at the stars in the sky. You’ve seen it a million times and last time I checked, you didn’t give a shit about astrology.”
You finally sigh, patting the spot next to you, gesturing for him to sit. He does. He looks at you, and you’re far too tired to try and read the emotion on his face. If you had to guess, it was concern. Granted, you should’ve expected that. Normally you tell rocket almost everything, and you haven’t opened up at all to him since arriving on this planet, about everything that’s happened. Despite knowing him for years, you never ever opened up to him about how you felt about things. Even things that simply annoyed you.
You guys have been on this planet for a good 4 months now. 4 months since everything that happened, 4 months since you lost your family. Lost everything. You scratch the back of your head, “I don’t even know what to say.” you start, unsure of where you’re even gonna go with this. “I just… don’t know anymore..” you say, looking out to the sky in front of you. “Just tell me how you’re feeling.” your boyfriend says, grabbing onto your hand, rubbing a thumb over your knuckles. “You haven’t told me how you feel about any of this. How you really feel. It’s just us. No need to be strong in front of me.” he says, and you lay your head on top of his and finally let yourself cry for the first time in what felt like years. You vent your frustrations out to him, how you feel like you’ve failed everyone. How you lost your family, the first family that loved and cared for you, just like that. Like it was nothing.
You scream and cry to him, and he listens quietly. Just like you did for him, so many times.
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larz-barz · 11 months
Title: Unlikely Love
Prompt: Tanjiro x demon! reader
Summary: Tanjiro falls in love with a demon who is in a similar situation as Nezuko. Instead of sleeping to regain energy, she eats raspberries. He brings her to the headquarters and they put her on trial. She doesn’t even react to the trial and this shocks everyone, including the master.
Genre: Fluff
Warning(s): Blood, mentions of violence
Tanjiro was walking through a forest when the scent of blood filled his senses. His eyes widened and he ran towards the location of the scent. He also smelled a demon, a powerful demon. It had the scent of the blood of many humans. He got to where the scent was coming from, the demon was nowhere to be seen. What Tanjiro saw however, was much worse. He saw a family of 6, all appeared to be dead. He got a closer look and saw that you were still breathing. He breathed a sigh of relief when you opened your eyes. He noticed that they had slits and realized that you had become a demon. You sat up and he unsheathed his nichirin sword. You tilted your head to the side with a confused look on your face. He let his guard down slightly, noticing that you weren't trying to attack him. He crouched down to your level. “What’s your name?” You smiled at the boy. “(Y/N). What’s yours?” He smiled as well. “That’s a beautiful name, I’m Tanjiro!” He held a hand out to you and you took it.
Tanjiro noticed the sun was starting to peer from over the hills. He panicked a bit. “Uhh uhm-“ He saw your skin was starting to burn, almost as quickly as when Nezuko’s did when she conquered the sun. You let out a cry of pain, and Tanjiro was brought back to reality. He quickly got in between you and the sun, he tried to get you further into the blood covered house. “Can you shrink for me, (Y/N)?” He asked you worriedly and you shrunk down to the size of a small child. You were slightly smaller than Nezuko’s child form. Your stomach growled and you ran outside into the sun. Tanjiro tried to stop you, but as soon as you got outside in the direct sunlight the burns on your skin disintegrated from your (s/t) skin. (Btw (s/t) means skin tone) He stopped when he realized that you had also conquered the sun. “Woah…” He said wistfully. He realized that you had run off to a nearby raspberry patch, you were sitting beside it and eating the berries. He smiled at you. ‘That must be how she regains her energy.’ He thought to himself.
Tanjiro walked over to you. “Hey (Y/N), I’m so sorry about your family… I know exactly how you feel, well not exactly cause I didn’t have to witness it happen and become a demon… Anyways, I lost my family to a demon as well, my little sister Nezuko also got turned into a demon.” He put down the box that held his sister and opened the door. Nezuko crawled out, she grew to her normal size and smiled at you. Tanjiro introduced the 2 of you. You and Nezuko hit it off immediately.
Tanjiro also introduced you to Inosuke and Zenitsu. Zenitsu fell to the floor and clung to the hem of your kimono. You popped a raspberry into your mouth and tried to back away from him. Tanjiro tried to pull him off of you but he wouldn’t budge. “Tanjiro, stop trying to take away my chances at marriage!!! At this rate I’ll die an unmarried virgin!!!” The blonde boy wined. Inosuke just wanted to fight you. You ignored him and just kept eating your raspberries.
~A few weeks later at headquarters~
Tanjiro brought you to master Kagaya for trial, he personally trusted you but he also wanted you to have the rest of the corps trust.
Kagaya came out and everyone, including you and Nezuko, bowed to the ground. “Welcome, hashiras, Tanjiro, and Nezuko. I’ve been told that Tanjiro Kamado has found another demon that isn’t under the control of Muzan Kibutsuji and has conquered the sun. Would you bring her forward please?” Tanjiro stood up and grabbed your hand, he led you up to master Kagaya. You bowed to him once more. “Please stand.” You straightened your back, and Tanjiro went back to sit beside Giyuu. Sanemi stood up. “Forgive me, master.” Mitsuri grabbed his arm in an effort to stop him from trying to hurt you. He threw his katana and it stabbed into your shoulder. You cried out in pain and Tanjiro yelled at Sanemi, and Nezuko glared at the wind hashira. (Ik I’m basically copying Nezuko’s trial but bare with me lol) “Shinazugawa, that’s enough.” Kagaya said calmly and Sanemi immediately bowed down and apologized. You yanked the blade out of your shoulder and pulled out a small bag of raspberries. You popped a few into your mouth, when you ate them your shoulder healed immediately. All the hashira’s and Kagaya’s eyes widened in shock. Tanjiro and Nezuko smiled in relief.
Sanemi still couldn’t believe this, a demon who regains energy by eating raspberries? That’s insanity! He walked up to you and cut through the surface of the skin on his forearm, near where he did this during Nezuko’s trial. Blood dripped from his arm and you just shrugged, popped another raspberry into your mouth, and went to sit by Tanjiro, shrinking to child size in the process. When you sat down you cuddled against the boy and he blushed a little. He smiled down at you sheepishly. Sanemi growled at you for ignoring him. He ran at you and Tanjiro and Kagaya told him to calm himself. Sanemi listened to him of course but he was still angry at you.
~Post trial~
Kagaya deemed you a completely safe and docile demon. “Tanjiro, if you want to, you can leave (Y/N) here with us so we can keep her safe, since she’s so docile. I highly doubt she’ll even attack a fellow demon. I promise that she’ll be safe with us.” Tanjiro looked down at you, cuddled up against him. He smiled sadly and nodded, he wanted to take you with him but he knew you wouldn’t be safe enough. He would try his best to protect you of course but with you being as docile as you are, would you be able to fend for yourself when he can’t keep you safe?
After thinking it over, Tanjiro decides that it would be best for you to stay at one of the hashira’s mansions. Kagaya assigns you to stay with Shinobu. Shinobu smiles and accepts. “I promise to keep (Y/N) safe, Tanjiro.” She comes over to you and Tanjiro and crouches and pats you on the head. You smile and giggle. Tanjiro smiles at the interaction. “I trust you, Ms. Shinobu.” The insect hashira smiles and nods at him.
Tanjiro and Nezuko walked with you and Shinobu back to the butterfly mansion. Tanjiro and Nezuko were holding your hands while following behind Shinobu. Y’all arrived at the Shinobu’s mansion. “You two feel free to stay here for a few days before going back to doing missions.” Shinobu said with a smile. Tanjiro and Nezuko nodded and smiled. “Thank you so much!” Tanjiro said and they both bowed slightly. “Yes, thank you!” Nezuko said and smiled. Shinobu waved them off. “It’s no problem!”
~That night~
Tanjiro is asleep in his room, he wakes up when he hears the door open. He smells your familiar scent and smiles, still half asleep. He knows that since you eat raspberries to regain your energy, you don’t need sleep unlike Nezuko. He sits up on his cot. “Hey, (Y/N). What’s up?” He asks groggily. “I got lonely..” You said quietly in a kinda sad voice. He motioned for you to come to him so you did. He brought you in for a warm, comforting hug. Your usual scent was being clouded by sadness and something else. Something that Tanjiro couldn’t figure out. It was a familiar scent, kinda like the scent his parents always had when they were together. He immediately blushed and looked down at you in his arms. Now there’s one question he has to find out for himself. Does he love you too?
Does he think you're beautiful? Definitely, you’re absolutely gorgeous to him.
Does he wanna protect you at all costs? Yes of course, he wants to keep you safe from anything and everything.
Does he feel the way his parents described their love for each other? Yes, when he sees you he gets a fuzzy feeling in his chest. The feeling he feels is different than he feels for say, Nezuko or his family in general.
Now for the big question. Does Tanjiro Kamado love you? Yes, from the bottom of his heart and soul. He loves you so much.
He ran all these questions through his head and figured out he does love you. He wanted to tell you, he just didn’t know how. “Um, (Y/N)..?” He said, nervously. You hummed then looked up at him, letting him know you have his full attention. “I- uhm-…” He started and his face went red. You tilted your head slightly. He was struggling to make eye contact with you. “N-never mind..” He said and looked a bit defeated. You had a disappointed look on your face. “Actually, no. This is something I need to tell you.. I uhm.. I love you, (Y/N). I love you so much. I wish I could stay with you forever, sadly I can’t since I’m a demon slayer. I promise I’m gonna come see you as much as I possibly can.” Your face went bright red as he explained his feelings about you. You had a stunned look on your face and it melted into a look of pure love and affection for the boy in front of you. “I love you too, Tanjiro..” You said and kissed him softly. It was a quick but gentle and sweet kiss. Both of your faces were red after the kiss.
Tanjiro caressed your cheek and put his forehead to yours. “Does this mean we’re together now?” He asked softly. You smiled. “Yep.” He smiled as well. “That’s good.” “I promise, I’m gonna turn you and Nezuko back into humans.” He continued, a determined look on his face. You smiled. “I believe in you, I love how determined and caring you are. I love how much you care about other people over yourself.” He smiled and blushed at your words. The 2 of you hugged again.
~In the morning~
Zenitsu and Inosuke arrive at the butterfly mansion the next morning. They come in to see everyone eating together. Zenitsu notices you leaning against Tanjiro and he yells, startling you, Tanjiro, Nezuko, and all the others. You end up getting strangled on one of your raspberries. Tanjiro rubs your back and glares at Zenitsu. “AHHH TANJIRO YOU’RE SO SCARY!!!” The blonde headed boy screams. Inosuke yells for him to shut up but he keeps on screaming.
You and Nezuko are hanging out, you’re in your child form. She’s braiding your hair and you’re playing with the braid that she’s already completed. “I’m glad that you and my brother have gotten together.” Nezuko said with a smile and you smiled as well. “I love him so much, I’m so happy that we’re together now!” The 2 of you smiled at each other. Nezuko finished the other braid and smiled proudly. You noticed Tanjiro was standing at the door, eyes wide and blushing. His expression softened when he realized you saw him. He came in and you grew back to your regular size. “You look beautiful. Good job, Nezuko.” He said and you and Nezuko smiled. You blushed and looked down.
The unlikely love has come to be. The unlikely love that will last forever.
~The end~
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viviennelamb · 3 months
I don't like that lesbians dismiss the high rates of domestic violence in their relationships. Domestic violence is high in all relationships because its inline with lust, but there's no reason to deflect to heterosexuals when this issue is brought up. Nobody cares about lesbians, not even other lesbians.
Manly lesbians act like they "love women better" but can't. They see you as an object to take their rage out on because they're emotionally regressive. Sex-addicts of all genders and orientations have a shrunken amygdala and destroyed medullas, becoming violent animals (with the help of porn as well). A lot of lesbians are proud psychopaths and they need to get with each other and fight it out instead of preying on innocent lesbians cause sane & sober lesbians with dignity and standards aren’t going to deal with it just because we have a small population anymore.
Hope this trend keeps going cause these dickless men are abusive too and time is up for people who don't know what love is. They're all suffering and they don't even know it, but I'll be nice in this post due to its subject matter…
I wouldn't be able to handle somebody hitting me. That's so scary and my heart goes out to any of you who have dealt with that. I'm shocked at how indifferent people are about it, downplaying it because it's two women.
I get creeped out when somebody lies to me. I remember when it happened once and it was out of fear over something that could've been discussed. I could tell she lied because she panicked over a past experience which is the only reason why I forgave her, but I was doubting everything she was telling me from that point on. Couldn't help it. Usually, I have zero tolerance for lies, it's an indication of manipulative behavior. Her lie was believable too and the only reason why I found out it was a lie was because she confessed.
This same person went on to yell at me because of her jealousy over an imagined scenario and in my mind I was done with her, had a feeling that she had violent tendencies and left. Let her tell it, I was the one in the wrong for not putting up with it because she's used to abusing people and them staying because "it's hard to meet other lesbians." Sorry, but I don't subscribe to that mindset. I always leave whenever I'm unhappy. People who have God aren’t desperate.
I talk about about mental illness frequently because the stats on mental health are wrong, most of the population is senile. When somebody comes out of left field accusing me of something I know nothing about and they're convinced that it happened, that's terrifying to me. Then I start tripping out and start wracking my brain to see where they're coming from cause I want to resolve the situation, but they're just fucked in the head. I just don't want to deal with people who don't live in reality anymore. I used to try to convince them that everything was fine, but they're so aggressive, I just let them believe and say whatever they want.
You know what's normal to me now? Getting dismissed when I bring up an issue. I'm told it's not a big deal, I should get over it, I should go live alone in the mountains if I can't handle it, etc, but people don't understand that I only make an effort to set boundaries and communicate if I want somebody in my life. I'm very introverted, like if I go the mall for 30 minutes that's all the socializing I need for three months both online and offline. I only have social energy for people who are genuinely kind and enjoyable to be around. I don’t deal with people with difficult personalities because I know I don't have to and when there's no incentive to do something, I won't do it. Stories of people putting up with abuse on any level are incredible to me. I've never met a single person who was worth that in any capacity because when I did I was always burned.
When somebody dismisses what I say, they're telling me they don't want me in their life and I do them a favor and leave. I heard that the person who lied and yelled at me said I overreacted over "small things" and said some assholish things that I wouldn't even dream to say about her, but when I did my best to put my feelings aside for her sake dozens of times that was shat on. Selfish people can't see how hard you work to accommodate their trauma, so I'm not doing it anymore and if you shouldn’t either.
The only reason why I bothered with people like this is because they have so much potential, but the one in particular I’m talking about she was the type who was prideful about her trauma and “went through so much more then you,” even though she was so self-absorbed she didn’t even ask once about me. All mentally ill people to is hallucinate and project. And yes, if somebody is violent, that person is mentally ill and criminal… they don’t need a diagnosis or a felony to get that label.
Now I don't try to make things work with people after an initial attempt to set boundaries or explain my perspective anymore. These people are not only liars and emotionally abusive, but they don't hold themselves accountable... that's a precursor for violence and lacking willpower is the natural progression of becoming nasty work. They could heal very quickly if they wanted to, but they don't want so why should I care about their karmic circumstances when they don't? Why should I have sympathy for them when they don’t have any for me?
Even though I never get apologies from people who lack self-awareness, I don't forgive low effort apologies anymore. I need to see paper trail documentation of long-term change to let somebody back in my life, they're too much of a spiritual liability otherwise. I'm not stupid enough to think I'm exempt from being treated poorly by people who lie, cheat and steal. I know I'm going to be the target eventually. I'm not vain, I don't dream on their behalf and I don't see potential anymore, I live in the present moment and if I don't like what I see right now, I'm out. No more communicating, I'm utilizing silence to its fullest extent. Silence is the only thing I have never regretted. Silence speaks the loudest and is the only thing that incites change. The more you talk and give them your attention, the more you enable them. Silence is the scariest thing an unhealed person can experience.
People who emphasize communication are predators. Don't listen to their guilt trips and don't communicate with them more than necessary, just leave when your heart tells you to and stay resolute in your decision. Have faith you did the right thing and don't fall into the belief that you acted too soon. You know you didn't. You can't collaborate with people who don't respect you enough to consider your perspective.
The thing is, abusive people will never leave you regardless of how much they say you're not good enough for them or that you're incompatible, so don't take it as a compliment when they keep you around. (Ask them, "then why are you with me?" and they won't have an answer). I took that as that person being patient with my lack of trust even though it was the other way around, I was patient with her lack of trustworthiness. Let them take that bullshit to the next person and fuck up somebody else's life and accept them as a lesson.
Abusive people will drain you for everything you have because they're parasites. The new word they're using now is "co-regulation" even though you feel like garbage when they're around, getting the benefits of your energy... you're the host, honey. And to attack somebody they say they love?? unfathomable. I don't know who needs to read this, but don't ever let anybody put their hands on you again. I don't give a fuck who they think they are to you. You're worth more than that motherfucker and you know it. An even mind is a rare trait and you have to work your ass off to get it. Calmness doesn't come naturally to anybody in a world like this.
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