lady-griffin · 4 years
Probably one of the funniest things about Katarina Claes is how she has unwittingly amassed this harem, but she actively ships thd members of said harem XD The woman's a shipper on deck while being the face that launched a thousand ships XD
I absolutely love that about Katarina’s character.
And your description of her – “A shipper on deck while being the face that launched a thousand ships”
Katarina is someone who loves romance and is very aware of romantic tropes, but yet is completely oblivious to everyone’s feelings for her. It’s absolutely hilarious.
Katarina is an active romantic at heart. With her love of Otome Games and Romance Novels, but she will do backflips to avoid the obvious conclusion that everyone is in love with her.
We literally have the girls confessing their feelings for Katarina when Katarina’s specifically asks about romance and her just being like – “That’s sweet. But I wanted to know who they romantically like.”
Geordo is whispering sweet-nothings into her ear, is deeply invested in agriculture and sweets (giving them to her), and visited her like 3 times a week when they were growing up (if not more).  
She knows (to some degree) that the only girl Geordo mentions is herself, but yet still assumes that the second he mentions Maria, he’s in love. Because she’s never known Geordo to mention another girl in front of her…because he’s always talking about Katarina.
Katarina sees potential couplings in  
-- Maria and all the guys
-- Keith and Nicol
-- Keith and Mary
-- Alan and Mary
And the thing that gets me about Katarina briefly thinking their is a romantic triangle between Keith, Mary and Alan, is that she herself is kind of in the same situation. 
Particularly in regards to Alan and Nicol, who are deeply in love with Katarina, but are reluctant to act on their feelings and are the most likely to repress them, because she is engaged to Geordo, their friend and brother.
Also, in no way should Katarina ever want Maria to be with one of the guys, aside from Alan, technically.
In her mind, Geordo and Keith falling in love with Maria is her downfall and she has no idea what happens in Nicol’s route in regards to Katarina. But yet…
She can become an odd mix of excitement and anxiousness when it comes to Maria having “romantic moments” with one of the guys or even feel bad for realizing she’s ruined said “romantic moment,” only for her to realize that’s what she wants.
She also states that she wants Alan’s “Beloved” song to be about Mary, not Maria, because she thinks Mary being downright territorial to Katarina is a way Mary expresses her feeling for Alan.
I just love her so much…she has romance on the brain and sees couples and ships everywhere and despite all the odds or maybe because she’s always looking at other people, she never realizes she’s the romantic lead of her own story…
She’s perfect and I love her.
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eastofthemoon · 4 years
because were in this together, maybe an AU for My Next Life as a Villainess? (specific au yer pic cause i cant think of one right now)
Sorry this took so long but I wanted a good idea and then Gull finally gave me one.
Behold the PHANTOM THIEF AU in which the setting in the same except Nicol is an actual phantom thief.
1. Nicol is a phantom thief due to family tradition and his grandfather was the last phantom thief. His task is to steal dangerous magical items before they cause trouble. 
2. No one in the main group knows about this secret, not even Sophia, except for Katarina due to having played the game.
3. Katarina accidentally walks on Nicol during a heist and he believes that’s how she figured out his secret, but in truth Katarina walked in on purpose to avoid one of her doom flag and had to pretend to act shock at the reveal.
4. Katarina helps Nicol out with his heist and Nicol enjoys having someone in on the secret.
5. Katarina and Nicol are always whispering and the group, except for Alan, is suspicious as heck. Sophia is convinced it’s because her brother and her favorite person have a thing going on and is fully encouraging it.
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musubiki · 5 years
Would Leon tell Sonia everything he knows about Rose's business junk at the start of their adventure? I mean, my drama llama self thinks no. Not because he doesnt trust her, but because he worries about her learning too much and being considered a threat. Thoughts?
i think he would definitely tell her everything!!!! because he knows he can trust her with it, and he realizes all her investigating the dynamaxing and the darkest day will inevitably lead to her and rose’s paths crossing, and worries that rose might try to use her to further his weird experiments/obsession. so after a lot of thought, he figures that the more she knows, the better. 
the thing lead to his conclusion was a conversation between the three of them around the beginning of their adventure, where rose asks sonia what shes up to nowadays, and Sonia replies that Professor Magnolia gave her an assignment to research the darkest day and its connection to dynamaxing/the red light. and rose pauses for a moment, and he gets a look in his eye that leon recognizes and immediately knows this means no good, and rose says “Is that so...?” 
and leon makes up some EXCUSE and PULLS SONIA AWAY REALLY FAST before she says anything else that might get rose more interested in her and her research. 
(and leon knows what sonia is like. shes a strong-minded girl, and maybe shes not too interested in the research subject (yet), but if her grandmother gave her an assignment, shes gonna finish it. despite any protests mr champion might have about it)
so she huffs and puffs and asks “What's the big idea?!” after leon drags her away, and he tries to give her the message without disclosing any details that might put her in danger, telling her things like “you should stay away from the chairman” and “dont tell him the things you're doing!” but of course she keeps asking “why” and “whats going on??”, and he knows if HE doesn’t tell her, then she’s gonna go investigate it herself and find out the hard way. 
so TLDR YEAH!!! HE WOULD TELL HER!!!!! and in the long run, he’s glad he did. because: 1) their investigations together gave them time to get close again, 2) he didn’t have to carry the burden of knowing all by himself without having anyone to confide in, 3) sonias bright mind is an ASSET, and 4) he wouldve gotten lost trying to investigate all by himself LMFAO!!!!!!!
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startadraws · 5 years
I cant help but imagine Hop hiding in dubwool's wool, letting it carry him near a pokemon/enemy/somethng and then just popping out and throwing out his other pokemon in a SURPRISE ATTACK! Dubwool is the Trojan Sheep. Plus its such a crazy plan that no one but Hop would even consider it.
this is so dumb i love it i need this to happen in some way shape or form holy shit
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b4kuch1n · 5 years
Okay I love the way it looks, but I really wanna ask, why does Leon wear his jackets over his shoulders like that? Outside of it looking, like, incredibly good on him I mean.
I ah, I just hc him to like capes haha,, it ties in with my trans!leon hcs as well as my hc-ing him as a theatre kid who’s also interested in period fashion. design-wise I started drawing him like that while making the first comic, so that was a signifier of a transition state of sort? he did stop wearing his jacket like a cape when he bought the Battle Tower outfit…
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corefenarts · 5 years
I'm sorry I love yer stuff so much and I really am looking forward to more voltron comics from u but it's just.... Bby lotor. I love him. Im so happy u drew him I wish there was more fanart of him at that age just cause whoever designed him was clearly drawing inspiration from those overly cute animal folders from when I was a kid. You know the ones.
I will make all the set ups for bb lotor content and one day someone will write the time travel trope fic i really want to read
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thebiscuiteternal · 5 years
For the request for voltron writing and such I suppose I'd love to see more AU's featuring pre-rift zarkon and fam or, alternative, alternate universe good guy zarkon and fam? Friend of mind and I still have an ongoing fic with this very premise but I'd love to see it done more often in a way that doesnt feel the need to tear down all the other characters in the story.
Hhhhhmmmrrrrn. This is actually pretty hard, since the other Canon Paladins were barely treated as more than set dressing. I suppose if I were going to make an AU where Zarkon never fell based on the series canon, there would need to be two main alterations:
- SAFETY AND ETHICS GUIDELINES. My God. I love Zarkon, but going all in on Honerva’s experiments the way he did with no protections or backup or anything was a spectacularly stupid move. It never should have gotten to the point that she was being driven insane by the quintessence radiation or whatever. Apparently love makes you a dumbass in his case. 
- The backstory of the Paladins was super hamstrung by the retcon of how they became a team. The complete removal of all the training and bonding Coran said they had done was a seriously bad move. Not only did it strip out a metric shitton of potential characterization, by relegating the three other Canon Paladins to the background that way, we have no reason to see them as a support network for Zarkon like Alfor was. And Zarkon desperately needed a support network, since clearly Alfor alone couldn’t keep him from making really bad decisions.
So, yeah. Make Honerva into less of a Doctor Jekyll. Actually have the Paladins bond. 
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clairelutra · 4 years
Oh dude if you liked Hamefura you would LOOOOVE "Beware of the Villainess!" its a korean webtoon but you can find translated vers online atm. I highly recommend it. It is a cathartic joyride where our badass main systematically calls out and dismantles all the main guys one after another on their shitty sexist behavior and it is GLORIOUS!
i don’t go for korean media much but i’ll definitely give this one a shot, thanks! :D
hit me with your ‘lovable wreck’ recs!
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velkynkarma · 4 years
I dunno if this counts as a presumption since im pretty sure youve outright stated it once but I'm fairly certain you enjoy adventure stories. Which makes me presume that your preferred form of conflict in a story is one in which the characters and plot directly affect one another and are intermingled rather than one where the plot more or less drags the characters along. Although I also get the feeling youd also be ok with conflict exclusively between characters so maybe a fan of drama as well?
Adventure stories—yes, absolutely, no question. I love me a good adventure story. Characters vs plot is always a sell.
Drama—mmmmmmaaaaybe? It depends. I like some character conflict in fanfiction, since fanfiction is typically more willing to tackle platonic drama. In actual media, nine times out of ten character conflict/drama means a love triangle, and it is not physically possible for me to care any less about that. 
What assumptions can you make about me based on my writing?
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formderptron · 5 years
Allura and Coran learning where milk comes from still remains a legitimately funny scene in my opinion.
Yes! Absolutely! Valid! I adore this scene so much. Although the implications of alteans not know what milk is can get disturbing if you think about it too long. Still, the highlight of an episode filled to burst with comedic highlights. ❤
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saltwife · 5 years
Evict the admittably adorable but nonetheless evil demons!
Winter is Coming you furry little fucks!!
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lady-griffin · 4 years
The extra comic in volume 6 is max adorbs. Any thoughts about it?
I just saw the comic. Super cute and rather insightful.
I love that those small details expanded on the characters and fleshed them out some more. 
I’m sure if you asked me what the harem’s most precious items were, I would’ve given items solely tied to Katarina - so I’m really glad that wasn’t the case, actually.
For some of them yes, but it made sense for said characters. 
Geordo - First Snake Toy 
I don’t know if ever wrote it down in one of my theories or in a response to question, but I had the head-canon that either Geordo or Alan kept the first snake toy. I thought it would be very endearing if it was Geordo, but I was leaning towards Alan being the one, as it was overall such a happy memory for him and the day when things truly changed.
I’m really happy that Geordo kept the snake. It’s sweet. I am curious to how he thinks it will help to get Katarina to do what he wants, because I’m not exactly following his logic - perhaps it’s explained more in the actual novel? (Haven’t read yet, no spoilers)
 I think it encapsulates their relationship rather perfectly.
It’s a “weapon” that Katarina developed to save herself from Geordo. 
Similar, to Alan, I think Katarina learning Geordo is afraid him of snakes made her realize (to some degree) that he’s real and not the perfect two-dimensional prince from her game who had no weaknesses or flaws.
It’s also a literal representation of how weird and different Katarina is from literally everyone else. And just how truly unpredictable she is.
I mean think about it from Geordo’s perspective.
Not only did Katarina learn about his fear of snakes, but what did she do with that information? She literally weaponized his fear against him No one else would have ever done that. Even some of his rivals at the time (Keith or Mary) wouldn’t have done that, but his fiancé did.
And there is no logical explanation for why Katarina would do such a thing. A prank? To try to scare him? Why?
It’s such a great example of the complex, unpredictable puzzle that is one Katarina Claes. A puzzle that Geordo, despite how well he knows her, still hasn’t figure out.
Also, this was probably the first time, Geordo ever showed her his Dark-Hearted self. His scary look, terrifying both Katarina and Alan, and when he smiled sweetly and asked what’s she doing and where her mother is. As well as him threatening to tell on her and despite her begging him not to,  he goes through with it. 
And from Alan’s POV we know that Geordo’s smile was also a happy one, he truly was having a good time with Katarina – teasing her and making her suffer just a little bit.
It’s just extra sweet and really endearing. 
Alan - Musical Sheet
I love that his most precious item was something that Geordo gave him and that he was embarrassed by it. So cute.
Keith - Pocket Watch
Really, if someone asked me what his most precious item was, I would assume it would be a gift from Katarina. But it being a gift from his parents (and Katarina as a way of them showing him he is a Claes and their son, and is one of them, is just so much better. 
I loved that!!!
Mary - Mother’s Necklace
I liked that it was her mother’s necklace. It’s very normal and simple, but I think that’s what makes it effective. I also like that while it has nothing to do with Katarina, but she brings up that Katarina thought it was pretty.
Which makes me think that Mary showed it to Katarina when they were younger and she was probably very nervous of what Katarina thought about it as she knew  it wasn’t very fashionable for the current time and her sisters probably made fun it. 
So, when Katarina said it was pretty, Mary must have been so happy, not just for the compliment, but just because someone was being kind to her.
While I think Mary and her love is very similar whether it’s for Alan or Katarina, there is a slight difference, I can’t help thinking of.
When Mary improved herself to be the perfect wife and a worthy partner for Alan, I think it was also out of a need to prevent any future bullying. Looking how talented, skilled, smart and perfect she is – what is there to even criticize. But I wonder, if she had the fear that if others learn (including Alan) of how much work she had to put in to become that way, would they think less of her or make fun of her?
When Mary improved herself to be a worthy companion of Katarina, it started out the same as it was from Alan. But Katarina learned about the work Mary was doing and how hard it was and instead of making fun of her for trying so hard, Katarina was impressed and in awe. 
And in general, I think Katarina’s kindness and always being supportive of Mary, made Mary realize she deserves better treatment from others.
Maria -  Scarf (Mother’s gift)
I have the headcanon that this was the first gift that Maria’s mother has given her in sometime do to their strained and repressed relationship. So, it’s just very sweet that it’s Maria’s most precious item. 
It’s also just a nice symbol of their relationship improving and overall the fact that it is in a far better place than it was earlier on.
Nicol - Fountain Pen
I really loved that it was something he inherited from his father and it’s a very practical gift (but has meaning for the two of them). That just seemed very Nicol and something I wouldn’t have thought of.
I also like the connection of his father using it when he was aiming for Prime Minister (to be with the one he loved) and he hopes that Nicol will do the same for Katarina -- not become Prime Minister, necessarily, but actively fight for her. 
Sophia - Sophia and the Emerald Princess
This would’ve been my choice and it just works. 
Katarina is Sophia’s first friend and this is the book they bonded over. Also the way Katarina complimented her appearance was similar to the book. And just, Katarina was the Emerald Princess for Sophia and her hero and in a way, Katarina was like a fictional character out of a book to Sophia (which is a nice little twist, unintentional or not).
This unbelievable person, who is a highborn lady, beautiful, and impossibly kind and she thinks Sophia is also beautiful and has no fear or disgust in her eyes when she looks at Sophia. The person who showed Sophia the beauties of the outside world and introduced her to new people and new friends and who saved Sophia.
I just…of course that book is Sophia’s most precious item
Raphael –
Poor baby, just let him rest.
Sora – Katarina’s Jewel/Brooch
I loved that it’s the Jewel that Katarina gave, because of course it is. I personally have two head canons about it -
1. Sora wears it as an accessory (a brooch) and is very open about how it’s a gift from Katarina and it represents their bond and relationship. And everyone, particularly Geordo and Keith, just hate him for it. Geordo definitely wants a present like that from Katarina, but has no idea how to ask for it and Sora is just so goddamn smug when he rubs it in everyone’s faces.
2. Sora tells no one how he came by the jewel but the others have seen him playing with it in his hand or staring at it and smiling softly to himself. Raphael asked and to his surprised Sora actually blushed and quickly pocketed it, while rambling on with a very obvious lie from where it came from. Raphael quickly realizes it was something to do with Katarina and while he feels jealousy, he is honestly just too tired to deal with the prospect of another rival.
Anne – Everything Katarina has given her
Super sweet and lovely. I also love the running gag of Anne ending the questionnaire and everyone (especially Geordo and Mary) are super jealous of her answers.
But everyone is jealous and desperately wants a passionate letter from Katarina telling them not to got through with a marriage to another person.  Because of course!
 It was simple and cute, but I thought  really expanded on some of the characters and each item fit each of them nicely.
I do wish we got a specific item form Katarina, that would’ve been interesting. (Doesn’t have to be from a member of the Harem)
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eastofthemoon · 4 years
How about Plushies with Narti from VLD?
Title: Squeak! 
Rating: G
Series: Voltrong Legendary Defender
Note: This is part of the Black Paladin Zarkon AU I write with @cutekittenlady
You can read the full series HERE
“Narti,” Zarkon called out as he knocked on the door. “Are you in there?”
There was a moment of silence. Zarkon frowned, wondering if maybe the child was somewhere else when he heard the quiet footsteps from behind the door. Narti quietly poked her head out, with her tail just slightly wrapped around her ankle.
“Ah, yes,” Zarkon replied as he rubbed his neck. “Thank you for coming.”
It always felt odd speaking to her. It wasn’t the poor child’s fault they couldn’t speak or see normally, and frankly that didn’t bother him. What did bother him was being unable to determine what she was thinking. 
With a tone of voice or twitch of an eye Zarkon could often discern what his opponent was plotting. Narti posed a much greater challenge. He couldn’t decipher if the girl was happy or upset by the things he said to her, and that bothered him.
Sometimes, Zarkon wondered if perhaps she was unable to hear as well, but Lotor assured him that wasn’t the case. In a weird way that only made things worse.
Zarkon cleared his throat. “I won’t keep you long, but I have something for you.”
Narti’s tail twitched as she tilted her head to him.
Zarkon reached for the object he had tucked under his arm. “I won’t bore you with details, but I was forced to accompany Alfor to a swap moon and I happened to find a vendor selling these.” Zarkon quickly double checked he was alone before he held out the object.
“I know you can not see it, but it is a doll,” Zarkon said as he knelt to be certain it was within Narti’s reach. “The vendor said he had picked up some of these toys from Earth and they call them ‘teddy bears’.”
In Zarkon's opinion it was a very odd looking creature with it’s round ears and blue fur. He wasn’t quite certain if it was based off of a real animal or not and Zarkon wasn’t sure which he prefered. 
“I realize you might be a bit old for toys,” Zarkon said, “but..well, I thought perhaps you might like it.”
Lotor had outgrown such soft toys long ago, but Narti was an orphan who currently only had the clothes he and Honvera had provided for her. As her current caretaker it felt only right to offer the girl something to have for her own.
Narti’s fingers flexed. Zarkon sweated slightly until she gingerly took the toy. She examined it by running her fingers over the teddy bear’s body as Zarkon stood up.
“It has fur which I thought might feel pleasant to you,” Zarkon continued. “I know you can see through other beings but I thought perhaps that might-”
Zarkon jumped, whirling around to see where it had come from. He heard the squeak again only this time he glanced down.
Narti’s fingers vibrated as she squeezed the toy and it gave another squeak.
“Oh my,” Zarkon muttered. 
The darn thing squeaks?! Why didn’t that blasted vendor tell him?
“My apologies, Narti,” Zarkon said as he went out to reach it. “I didn’t realize it made that noise. I shall-”
Narti instantly took a step back as she protectively hugged the toy to her chest. 
Zarkon blinked. He kept his hand still, but took it back when he saw Narti digging her claws into the toy.
“You like that it squeaks?” Zarkon asked.
Narti’s body relaxed as she gave a nod.
Zarkon sighed as he rubbed his neck. “You want it then?”
Narti gave another nod and then a quick bow.
“Um...you are welcome,” Zarkon said although he was still baffled
Who would want a bear that squeaks? Granted, he could never understand the minds of children especially those of young girls. There had been days Alfor’s young daughter had puzzled him to no end.
Zarkon gave a nod before he turned away from her. “I shall leave you then, but I would appreciate it if you told no one who gave it to you. I have a reputation to keep.”
If his paladins had ever learned he had given such a silly toy as a gift they would never stop teasing him.
Narti squeezed the toy and caused it to squeak again.
Zarkon cringed. “And please try not to make it squeak too often?”
Narti nodded which Zarkon took it to mean “Yes, sir” before she shut her door.
Zarkon stared at the door before he shook his head and walked away. “I will never fully understand children.”
If he had glanced behind he would have seen Narti peeking out the door as she happily hugged the bear.
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littlecofieart · 6 years
Lotor: "YES a free out!" Zarkon: >:( Lotor: "I uh, I mean... Oh for shame. My poor broken heart. Etc, etc."
hahahahaha xD YES 
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ganymedesclock · 6 years
So word through the grapevine is that tumblrs enacted a limitation to the number of paragraphs you can put into a post now. Which is... an interesting decision to make considering it'll further isolate and drive away the majority of its user base.
As in ‘enacted’ as in, this is already in effect on some people’s blogs?
Does anyone know / can confirm or discredit this?
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purplerubyred · 6 years
Are there any gen galra fics you'd recommend people read?
Sorry, I do not have any recommendations for general Galra fics. There is a serious lack of fanfiction involving daily lives of the Galra. Most of the ones I read involves ships. If you are looking for those, let me know.
Can anyone suggest any general(non-ship) Galra fics?
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