#bruh she was a full professor she didn’t have to take me down with her
suboficialflores · 10 months
Once upon a time I was a Spanish lecturer at a university. They trusted me with 100-300 level classes (lol wild)
Then I was pulled into a Title IX investigation that really had nothing to do with me, and like an idiot I did what I thought was the right thing
If a professor rapes a student and another professor asks you to testify on behalf of the student, you may get fired as retaliation (even though that’s illegal)
Last I knew, the accused professor is still tenured
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keepitmovinshawty · 4 years
Ok watching the Snyder Cut again but this time with notes!
Kids today will never know the struggle of buying a movie only to realize that it’s the full screen version instead of the widescreen version.
The opening sequence actually made me tear up a little.
Superman’s cry of anguish is more powerful than Zeus.
Amber Heard. Gross.
I like how the Atlanteans and Amazons have their Mother Boxes in secure locations but “man” has theirs tossed in the back of a closet. Sounds about right.
Because of course Bruce Wayne knows Icelandic too.
So Arthur takes off his shirt to swim but leaves his jeans on. God the chafing...
Alfred dragging Bruce is always hilarious.
Ok this bank scene with Diana was in the 2017 version but it’s a lot more violent in this one. And I guess the desaturation of the scene also makes it seem less like a cartoon. There’s actual tension in this. Editing matters.
“Boring.” Diana said cut to the damn chase. She doesn’t have all day.
Diana really makes use of her greaves.
Not Diana vaporizing this dude.
I want a whole movie of just the Amazons.
I actually like how they did the live action Boom Tube.
The Amazons are beasts with their lassos.
I love Hippolyta.
Part 2! I like how this was split into parts.
No one ever says Superman’s name. It’s always “him.”
Diana always wears white.
This whole scene where Diana goes to Athens is left out.
I think this conversation between Arthur and Vulko is too.
I forgot this movie is canonically before Aquaman.
Steppenwolf is an actual character in this one.
Isn’t this the second time Diana has broken into Bruce’s place?
Ooooh a Green Lantern!
Professor Lupin defeating Darkseid is a highlight.
Forever giggling at how the Amazons and Atlanteans do the most to hide the boxes while Man just buries it in the forest.
I want to meet someone who makes me stop and stare like Barry and Iris did.
There’s always a fruit stand.
Barry giving new meaning to running out of your shoes.
Cyborg’s origin story is easily one of the saddest.
Also, 2017 cut his mother entirely out. I mean, Whedon damn near wrote him out the movie.
I wonder if the Sarah they were talking about is Sarah Charles...
Victor helping the single mother was 🥲
Dr. Manhattan is Barry’s father.
Competitive ice dancing. Very competitive ice dancing.
Batman with a lasso...
Victor is still in his bitter stage.
J. Jonah Jameson and Commissioner Gordon are the same person.
Amber Heard again. Gross.
So the Atlanteans here can’t speak underwater. They only make these trill noises. But they do speak in air pockets.
How unfortunate that Arthur saves Mera just in time.
Steppenwolf wants all the smoke with Diana for some reason.
I love Wonder Woman’s theme.
Aquaman casually late but he holds the water back so it’s all good.
The Anti-Life Equation. That thing that makes earth so special.
Darkseid enters the chat.
Steppenwolf without his armor... Yeesh...
How did Darkseid forget which planet kicked his ass 5000 years ago?
Not Arthur looking incredulous about Victor being able to speak to intelligence. Dude, you talk to fish.
Why do the Nazis find everything?
The little explanation about the Mother Boxes was cool. Also a scene that was cut.
Swanwick being Martian Manhunter this whole time is wild. Also cut from the theatrical version.
You know in other versions of his “death,” Superman isn’t actually dead. His body is just comatose as he heals. But he appears dead to humans because his heart rate slows down so much.
Lol the ship AI is like “this is a monumentally bad idea I strongly advise against it please don’t do this” 🤣🤣🤣
Ironically, Superman returning is the worst part of the movie to me. Not the fact that he’s back just how it’s done. The whole fight sequence to me is ridiculous and a waste of time. Like why has he even forgotten who he is in the first place?
Well in this version there’s no awful “do you bleed” and Lois gets herself to the scene.
Bruh... Victor done watched both parents die now.
Henry Cavill is really pretty. Dude has that old Hollywood gorgeousness.
It’s come to my attention that Bruce and Clark’s mothers have the same name.
Time to go fuck Steppenwolf up!
Black suit Supes flying up into the atmosphere to get some of that sweet, sweet solar radiation.
They finally got that thing to fly only to fuck it up as soon as they get there 😅
Steppenwolf is antagonizing Diana and idk why. What did she do to you, bruh?
Wonder Woman 🤝 Aquaman 🤝 Superman
So this whole part with them essentially losing and Barry having to run back time didn’t happen in 2017 at all. Instead they just had him... save a random family?
Seriously... Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Supes treated Steppenwolf.
Y’all outchea feeling bad for Steppenwolf but let’s not forget his debt was 150K worlds. DeSaad said he still had 50K left. That means he destroyed 100K worlds already. Fuck him.
Man why they tease Granny Goodness then didn’t have her speak? And if she doesn’t sound like Ed Asner is it even worth it?
Ryan Choi! Aka Atom!
Silas’ voiceover during the ending was so touching 🥲
Words cannot express how much I hate Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. I actually like Lex as a character but I hate him in the DCEU because just ugh. Worst casting ever.
Oh look it’s Slade. Or Deathstroke. Whichever name strikes your fancy.
Just throwing Batman’s real name out there.
Amber Heard again. 😒😒😒😒😒
I actually like Jared Leto here. Tho that laugh needs work.
I know it’s the Knightmare timeline but I still have a hard time believing Clark becomes Darkseid’s lackey because Lois dies. I get the pain and anguish but dude... Lois wouldn’t want that.
This epilogue felt like the ending, a mid-credits scene, and a post-credits scene put together.
Welp that was great! And I’ll probably watch it a 3rd time this weekend with my siblings.
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vinca-majors · 4 years
Michaela Brown, ScaryMommy:
Upon graduating college with my hard-earned degree to teach high school English, I almost immediately began planning for  my graduate studies. Lots of high schools around the country require their teachers to have a masters degree, so that was a motivator. Plus, it came with a pay raise. And, I truly enjoyed going to school. In fact, at the time, I hadn’t ruled out going on and earning my doctorate as well.
I did end up graduating with my M.A. in secondary education, after writing a thesis I’m damn proud of. My path changed a bit and I never went on for my doctorate, but you can be sure as hell if I had that I’d claim that Dr. title. That my students—even the grumpiest of teenagers whose eyes shot daggers at me as I made them read Shakespearean sonnets—would be calling me Dr. and not Mrs. or Miss.
And as I’ve encountered other professionals with that Dr. title, I’ve never hesitated to refer to them that way. My children’s formal principal went by Dr. Matthews. No one questioned it. I’ve had professors at the undergraduate and graduate level use the title. Again, that’s what we all called them. With respect. And without hesitation. Just as we refer to famous figures like a man we’ve all heard of—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.— because each of these people put in the work, the years, the money, the commitment, and the dedication. Each of them earned their Dr. title.
So yeah, when Dr. Jill Biden completed her education and earned her Doctor of Education (Ed.D) from the University of Delaware, she rightfully earned the title “Dr.” and deserves to be referred to as such. Just as any other professional with that level of expertise does as well. Is she a medical doctor? No. Does she claim to be? No. Have professionals in academia added Dr. to their titles once they’ve earned their doctorate for centuries? Yes.
However, because some ignorant asswipes remain stuck in 1950, or don’t understand how higher education works, or simply are bound and determined to hate on the Bidens as they hated on the Obamas even though they are kind and supportive of others—regardless of political party, her title is under scrutiny.
The Wall Street Journal stupidly published an op-ed, which has now gone viral, that was moronically entitled, “Is There a Doctor in the White House? Not if You Need an M.D.” And, of course, this piece of trash essay included a byline that reads, “Jill Biden should think about dropping the honorific, which feels fraudulent, even comic.”
Joseph Epstein, the “writer” of this ignorant word vomit, opens by condescendingly calling Dr. Biden “kiddo” and offering her advice, as if he is in any position to advise the First Lady of the United States on literally anything. “Madame First Lady—Mrs. Biden—Jill—kiddo: a bit of advice on what may seem like a small but I think is a not unimportant matter,” Epstein mansplains.
He then goes on to insult her dissertation on student retention at community colleges, calling it “unpromising” and, in the same paragraph, refers to the idiotic but commonly used quip that no one can call themselves “doctor” unless they’ve delivered a child.
Let’s break this bullshittery down, shall we? First of all, Mr. Epstein, your piece reeks of envy. We’re sorry you didn’t have the… guts? courage? stamina? intelligence level? (who knows) to actually ever earn a doctorate, but you sound bitter. It’s not a good look. Also, it’s clear that you don’t respect the value of community colleges, which is where Dr. Biden has spent a large portion of her career. And, finally, the world now knows that you are threatened by smart women. Bravo.
Also, we’ll be sure to let all the medical doctors out there who’ve tirelessly fought COVID-19 this year, holding the hands of dying patients, and also those brilliant scientists who thankfully have brought us a vaccine that offers a beacon of hope, that they don’t get to call themselves “doctor” because they’ve never caught a newborn baby. I’m sure they’ll appreciate that tidbit of info from you—*checks notes*—a man with one single undergraduate degree, no earned doctorate, and zero medical expertise.
Basically, Mr. Epstein, it’s obvious that you have some personal issues you need to unpack. Maybe take some time over the holidays to do a little self-reflection? Like, why do you even care what title Dr. Biden goes by? Why are you so scared of women who are more successful than you?
Your piece then goes on a long, barely coherent rant about “honorary doctorates,” which is not what Dr. Biden has. If you’d like to blast the validity or point of bestowing honorary doctorates on celebrities like Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers, for example, go right ahead, but that has nothing to do with Dr. Biden. This lack of cohesive argument is why I’ve referred to you as a “writer” a few paragraphs up, because it seems apparent that you don’t understand the need for basic textual support.
(Calling you a jealous asswipe, well, that’s just a reflection of your character.)
Finally, your last “supporting argument” (again, use of quotes intentional here) as to why Dr. Biden should drop her title is because apparently doctorates don’t count anymore. Back in the day, you explain, doctoral exams were far more grueling, but today’s candidates get off way too easy.
“One had to pass examinations in two foreign languages, one of them Greek or Latin, defend one’s thesis, and take an oral examination on general knowledge in one’s field,” your op-ed states. “At Columbia University of an earlier day, a secretary sat outside the room where these examinations were administered, a pitcher of water and a glass on her desk. The water and glass were there for the candidates who fainted. A far cry, this, from the few doctoral examinations I sat in on during my teaching days, where candidates and teachers addressed one another by first names and the general atmosphere more resembled a kaffeeklatsch.”
(I had to look up what kaffeeklatsch meant—it’s an informal social gathering at which coffee is served. Excuse my lack of knowledge there. I’m just a silly woman with a higher degree than you.)
And, as you end with, “Dr. Jill, I note you acquired your Ed.D. as recently as 15 years ago at age 55, or long after the terror had departed,” you not only insult her by addressing her as “Dr. Jill”, but you also imply that because she likely didn’t faint while taking her exams or defending her dissertation, that somehow her degree isn’t real.
That’s the crazy thing about education—it evolves. Today, kids even use these neat little things called computers! You wouldn’t believe it. Another way we’ve evolved is to realize that shockingly, our doctoral candidates don’t have to become physically ill to prove they are smart and worthy of their degree!
(I mean, you never even tried, Mr. Epstein, so I guess even today, doctoral programs are only for the toughest among us, like Dr. Jill Biden.)
Also, it seems that Northwestern University, where you were previously listed as “emeritus lecturer of English,” has scrubbed you entirely from their website, stating that it is “firmly committed to equity, diversity and inclusion, and strongly disagrees with Epstein’s misogynistic views.” Again, evolution! Change is good.
Hmmm. So one of you is a misogynist with no teaching history to even brag about as your previous employer has disassociated with you, and another is a successful educator committing to helping all Americans have access to a proper education. Oh, and the second one goes by Dr.
Looks like the real “comical fraud” is you, bruh.
And just so we’re clear, Dr. Biden has always been committed to ensuring that everyone (not just pretentious twats like you, Joseph Epstein) has access to a fair education. Earlier in her career, she worked in a psychiatric hospital where she taught English to adolescents with emotional disabilities. During that same time she also earned two (yes, TWO) master’s degrees, one from Villanova University and one from West Chester University. In 2009, after earning her doctorate, she began teaching English at Northern Virginia Community College, and advocating for community college education has since been her passion. “Dr. Biden has always said that community colleges are ‘one of America’s best-kept secrets.’ As a teacher, she sees how community colleges have changed the lives of so many of her students for the better,” explains former president Barack Obama’s White House website.
Sorry, Mr. Epstein, but not everyone can afford to enroll in an English class at Northwestern taught by a raging sexist who gets his balls in a bunch when women succeed. For many, community college is a better fit, and Dr. Biden is a big part of that.
“In 2012, she traveled across the country as part of the ‘Community College to Career’ tour to highlight successful industry partnerships between community colleges and employers,” the website goes on to say. “In the fall of 2010, she hosted the first-ever White House Summit on Community Colleges with President Obama, and she continues to work on this outreach on behalf of the Administration – frequently visiting campuses, meeting with students and teachers, as well as industry representatives around the country.”
Imagine all of the hard-working Americans Dr. Biden has helped by supporting community colleges. Future teachers just like her often get their degree while working full time, raising a family, and going to college at night. Who knows, some of them may even—gasp—go to grad school too. High school kids who choose to forego going away to a full-time university and instead, take classes at a community college closer to home, are given that option because of people like Dr. Biden. Kids who go on to be EMTs, police officers, technicians in trade industries, engineers, and find success in the business world. Or, they transfer those college credits to a larger university down the road when they have the means to do so. Single moms doing their best to give their children a good life often attend community college classes online, after their children are asleep, proving that they have the drive and determination to do more and be more.
So, what it all boils down to, Mr. Epstein, is that you really, really hate that there’s about to a woman in the White House who’s smarter than you. And not only that, but she inspires women everywhere to work hard, earn their degrees, and then they’ll be smarter than you too. Yikes. That’s a tough pickle to be in, Mr. Epstein. We’re sorry that you are so insecure and unhappy with your own lack of success.
At least you can still wrote those stellar op-eds though! Good luck with your “writing” career, kiddo.
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war-sword · 6 years
the ilvermorny exchange (2)
Part 2 | index | masterlist
summary: you’re an Ilvermorny student, and you’ve applied to the International Magic Student Exchange Program to attend your sixth year at Hogwarts instead. You and your friends are excited to go to school overseas, but a certain blonde prefect has decided to personally make your exchange year suck. You decide to give him a taste of his own medicine. (draco x reader, enemies to lovers, female reader) words: 2,724 warnings: cursing a/n: @cherrie511 said bet so here’s another part for this hehehe. ALSO i forgot to mention this in the first part, but this is an AU where Harry defeated Voldemort as a baby and so like he’s still famous and stuff but there’s not threat of the dark lord anymore, so Draco never has to do any of the sad shit in his 6th/7th years. it’s important for parts of the story later on but mostly give Draco a better life 2kever. p.s. sorry if it seems like i’m making us (you guys, the readers)/ the other Ilvermorny students super American with slang and stuff, but i based all the dialogue on how me and my friends speak. OKAY THATS IT LETS GO. taglist: @tragically-cordelia @mhftrs @2pumpkin-pasty @gingerlouisgirl @seriouslynotfunny @clockworkherondale  
For the next month, things only got worse. Quite the opposite of what Hermione had hoped would happen, Malfoy took to annoying you at every turn. While the trio tried to tell you to just let it go and he wouldn’t lash out so much, you were not one to sit by and let shit happen. If he tried to trip you, you’d do it back. Insults about how unbearable each other’s accents were would be thrown across corridors. You would sit in Divination class, throwing pieces of parchment at each other’s heads when Professor Trelawney wasn’t looking. If you and Harry were together, it was twice as bad. Malfoy loathed the both of you with a passion, and several times Alex and Ron were pulling the two of you back before it got any worse. All the Ilvermorny students hated him just as much and often you would stand up for each other in the face of his and his gang’s opposition.
Back at Ilvermorny, you were nearly a model student when you wanted to be. You got good grades and liked to please teachers you found worthy of your respect and time. Since coming to Hogwarts you’d wanted to keep up your good student reputation, but Malfoy was getting you dangerously close to being in trouble with the administration. It was almost a game to see how far you could get.
“Watch your step.” Malfoy stuck his leg out, nearly causing you to fall down the spiraling staircase that led from the Astronomy tower.
You managed to catch yourself on the rail just in time. “Aye bruh, chill,” you said, righting yourself.
“Aye bruh, chill,” he mocked, imitating your voice and your American accent. “I hope there’s a charm out there somewhere that can make you learn some proper Queen’s English, listening to you talk gives me a headache.”
“You sure it’s not just your giant ego taking up all that space in your skull?” You called, following him down the stairs.
“No, because it only seems to come on when I have to look at your face.”
You ran down the stairs, and as you passed him you pulled the hood of his cloak over his head. His hand snapped out and grabbed the handle of your knapsack, keeping you from running forward, and he yanked back so you fell against him. “Ugh,” you groaned, twisting around so he let go. “Get your hands off me, Malfoy.”
He pushed his hood off his head and leaned forwards. You leaned back to avoid his face, almost falling down the steps again. He laughed. “You’re never going to win at whatever this is.”
“Try me.”
“Oh, believe me, I am.” His storm grey eyes that haunted at you at night glimmered with anticipation as he side stepped around you, swishing his cloak dramatically. You rolled your eyes.
Later that afternoon when you and the rest of the Ilvermorny gang were hanging out in the courtyard, you decided to exact your revenge and gain the upper hand.
“Hey, everyone. Watch this.” You got up, tossing your cloak onto your backpack.
“Don’t go provoking him, y/n” Sarah sighed.
“No, guys, I promise this is going to be funny.” All your classmates watched as you strode across the courtyard. “Hey, Malfoy!”
He turned, the permanent glare on his face present. “What do you want?”
“Come here, I want to show you something.”
You walked towards each other, meeting in the middle. He crossed his arms. “Well?”
Below your waist, you stuck out your left hand, your pointer finger and thumb making a circle. When Malfoy looked down at your hand gesture, you brought your right hand up, and slapped the back of his neck as hard as you possibly could. The corner full of Ilvermorny students erupted into hollers.
“HOLY SHIT, SHE NECKED YOU BUT GOOD, DRACO!” Kenny screamed. The boys were absolutely losing their shit, doubled over in laughter. Alex was wiping tears from her eyes. The other Hogwarts students who didn’t even quite understand what had just taken place were laughing along with them.
Malfoy’s hand flew to his neck which was already turning an angry red. He looked up at you while you laughed at him, pure rage in his eyes. But instead of throwing an insult, he reached out to grab you. You jumped out of the way, surprised. “You’re gonna pay for that,” he growled.
You turned and ran, laughter still bubbling from your mouth. “Not if you can’t catch me!”
You sprinted to one end of the courtyard, grabbing a column and sliding around the corner and onto the walkway. The Ilvermorny students cheered you on as you sprinted out of the courtyard with Draco hot on your heels. You ran out of the castle and onto the grounds. You turned a corner and climbed up a tree, hoping you were fast enough so that you would lose him.
Not a second later had you been covered by the branches, Malfoy burst out of the corridor and looked around for you. You tried to control your heavy breathing, being still as possible. Blood rushed though your ears.
“Where the hell did she go,” he muttered, looking around the patch of grass.
Malfoy passed your tree, and you waited a few seconds before changing your position to sit on a branch to wait it out. You were not a runner. A few moments passed, and you let yourself catch your breath. Underneath you, someone cleared their throat and your heart skipped a beat.
You looked down slowly, only to see Draco grinning up at you. “Shit,” you whispered.
Malfoy shed his own cloak and began to climb the tree up after you. Your instinct told you to jump down or climb higher, but you were too tired to run from him again. A jump would be too far without getting injured. So you stayed put, deciding that in the tree he couldn’t do you much harm. He settled on the branch across from you and wiped his palms on his uniform pants. Silence.
“Well? Where’s the dramatic and biting quip?” You asked.
He braced his foot on your branch, stretching his leg across the small gap between the two of you. “Don’t have one yet.”
“I must say, I’m disappointed,” you said with mock disdain, sticking your nose in the air.
He chuckled. “What does this mean?” He asked.
You turned your nose down to look back at him, to his hand. He had his fingers in an O shape, and he reached across the gap between your branches and awkwardly slapped the back of your neck, almost throwing you off balance.
“God fucking damn it,” you muttered. “That was a quick turn around, even for you.” But you couldn’t fight the small smile on your face.
“Got you,” he said, a satisfied look on his face. “Couldn’t pass it up. But seriously, what is it?”
“Necking? Never heard of it?”
“Sounds dumb.”
“Well, that’s what it is. Usually, you do it across the room. Trick the other person into looking at your hand, and they have to slap themselves on the neck, or you get to do it to them later. Or if someone does something dumb, you tell them to neck themselves as punishment.”
He considered your words. It was weird, having a conversation like this with him. “Interesting. So, you neck yourself for being dumb enough to let me follow you up here.”
“I was tired, okay? I didn’t feel like moving. How about you neck yourself for being dumb enough to sit on a tree branch that’s dead.”
Malfoy looked down, slightly alarmed, and you laughed. “Gotcha. Neck yourself.”
“Fuck off.”
“You fuck off.”
“Fine.” Malfoy climbed back down the tree and slung his cloak back over his shoulder, not looking back as he walked off.
Since the day of the necking incident, your fighting had escalated from just tossing words at each other to more physical fighting. It started with you grabbing each other’s robes as you passed, so hard that often you’d fall down or into someone else. You’d get in his face when you insulted him, so close you could smell his shampoo, and poke your fingers into his chest. He’d grab your hand so hard your knuckles would crack.
But you would admit you’d made a mistake by escalating it to hair. As you and Sarah were leaving the library one day, you saw Malfoy hunched over a table studying, his back to you. As you walked past, you shoved your fingers into his hair and pulled his face into his book. It was funny at the time, but you hadn’t considered that you had the longer hair out of the two of you, something he often used to his advantage. Like today.
You were on your way to Potions with Hermione and Alex, when you felt a hand brush against your back. Draco grabbed one of your two french braids, pulling so hard you arched back to avoid the pain. “Ugh, bitch!” You cried, rubbing your scalp. Malfoy spun around in front of you.
“Funny, I only see one in this hallway and it’s not me,” he sneered, walking backwards to keep pace with you.
“Get out of my fucking way.” You pushed him square in the chest with both hands, but he didn’t fall. Instead, he caught both your wrists and yanked you forward.
You stumbled into him, and became instantly terrified of how your chests were pressed together. You fought against his grip and got back on your feet. Hermione was not one to stand by, and she reached out to pull your arms apart. “Leave her alone,” she growled.
Malfoy merely glared at her in disgust, smirked at you, and turned to walk down the hall ahead of you.
“Y’all’s sexual tension is crazy.” Alex said flatly as soon as Malfoy was out of earshot.
“W-what?” You sputtered, heat crawling up your neck. “Absolutely not!”
“You can’t keep your hands off each other!” She exclaimed.
“I certainly don’t think y/n would have a crush on the boy who bothers her to no end!” Hermione cried.
“I said sexual tension, not a crush, Hermione,” Alex said.
“The only reason I ever touch Draco Malfoy is to curb my burning desire to deck him right in his nose, thank you very much,” you said haughtily.
“Whatever you sayyy…” Alex sings, as she leaves you and Hermione at the door of the potions classroom, skipping the rest of the way down the hall and around the corner.
You and Hermione take your seats at your table, getting out your textbooks and ink. The room falls silent as Snape enters, the door slamming behind him. You take to your usual posture of slumped in your chair with your arms crossed.
As Snape begins to explain the lesson, you kick your leg under the table to get Ron’s attention. “You reckon I can make the throw into Malfoy’s caldron?” You whispered.
“Oh, for sure,” Ron nodded feverently. “I’ll spot you. Make sure it’s something that’ll explode.”
The two of you laughed quietly, but were cut off by Snape’s glare. “Y/L/N, Weasley? Something funny?’
“No, sir,” you both said quickly.
Snape did not look impressed. “Five points from Gryffindor.” Ron groaned and slumped in his seat. “Y/L/N, get up.”
The word ‘why?’ was on the tip of your tongue, but you held yourself back. You sighed and stood, putting on your knapsack and grabbing your textbook, awaiting instructions. Snape put up an arm. “Go sit next to Mr. Malfoy.”
Your eyes bulged from your head, and across the room, so did Draco’s. Hermione, Ron, Harry and Neville all looked at you with pity. You just kicked your chair back under the desk, stalked across the room, and set your stuff down before dropping in the chair next to Malfoy.
“As I was saying, you’re all going to be making the Draught of Peace today. And thanks to Mr. Weasley and Ms. Y/L/N, you’ll also be answering the questions in the textbook on page two-hundred and seventy-two, to be turned in by the end of class with your potion.”
Everyone groaned loudly.  “Fuck”, you muttered, leaning your head back. Ron wore a matching grimace. You locked eyes across the room and mouthed ‘sorry’. He just shrugged back.
Snape told everyone to get started, and Draco wasted no time. “Nice going, Y/L/N,” he said, kicking the leg of your chair.
“If you want, you can make the potion and I can do both our questions,” you offered.
Draco seemed to consider this. “Fine, but don’t expect to do this all the time.” He stood, going to the store room to gather ingredients. You cracked open the textbook and took a look at the questions. There were a hundred. Great.
Draco started the potion as you got out two pieces of parchment for the questions. “Can I see a piece of your homework?” You asked.
“So I can copy your handwriting, duh.”
Draco rolled his eyes and passed you his quill. “Just use the mirror charm.”
“The what?”
He sighed loudly and turned away from the cauldron. “The mirror charm? Charm my quill to yours so they write at the same time, and mine will write the words in my handwriting. I thought you’d at least learn something useful in your school full of cheaters.”
The blank look on your face said enough. Draco huffed. “Fine, you do the potion, I’ll do the questions. Don’t screw it up.”
“I’ve already passed Advanced Potions, thank you very much.” You stood up and held your quill out. Draco snatched it from your hand and you roughly brushed past each other to trade places.
You were mostly silent for the rest of the class. Draco answered the questions, the two quills moving in unison across the parchment. Once or twice, he slid the textbook over near you and silently pointed to a question to get your opinion on the answer. You made the potion, watching the clock to time the adding of the ingredients and stirring. When you finished, you carefully filled two vials with the Draught and stoppered them. Draco had just finished the questions, and handed you your quill. You wrote your name at the top of your copy, and handed him a vial. As the two of you walked up to Snape’s desk at the front and offered your work to him, you realized you had finished first, because of your… teamwork?
Snape skeptically snatched your parchments and vials from your hands, and looked over the answers. When he seemed satisfied, he opened your vials and sniffed them. “Decent work. You are free to go. Please bring your cauldron up, I would like to retain the rest of your potion.”
You and Draco nodded and turned away to go clean up your area. As you walked back, Hermione was gaping at you. You gave her a confused look and a shrug. You gathered your things up from the desk and placed your cauldron on Snape’s desk, and left the classroom a few paces behind Draco. You didn’t catch up to him, and he didn’t bother turning around.
For the rest of November and December, Snape kept you and Malfoy seated together. You managed to get through most classes requiring individual work with little arguing. Sometimes Draco would set a container of an ingredient on the table after using it and it would be empty, and you would just huff and go get a fresh bottle, flicking him on the back of his head as you went.
When it came to partnered assignments, Draco was actually not a horrible person to work with. Like Hermione, he was skilled at potions, and with your knowledge from having already took the class you were often the first ones done. You’d still criticize each other on your chopping technique, or disagree about measurements, most of which the discussions would end with just a stomped foot. But you did learn things from watching him-- how to more efficiently use the mortar and pestle, the proper shade of green for skele-gro. You caught him cutting scarab beetles the way you always did, which made you think he learned for you, too.
And, despite what Draco had said your first day sitting together, you did often split bookwork and potion making. He was always the one to suggest it.
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sketzocase · 5 years
Okay y’all- brace yourselves. It’s a 2 AM random fandom question time!
You ever just had a thought and can’t explain it?
Like geeky/fandom wise?
Mine currently? (and spoiler alert- it’s ALOT)
-I would like to see how Uruk kias were made up close. I would also like to know how Saurmon got his fucking hair that straight. Like bruh- that’s Beyoncé level flawless.
-I know the Ents ‘lost’ their females or whatever, but I am obsessed with how exactly an Ent would go about mating. Also would like to point out that if a lady ent were to turn on her guy ent when they arise in the morning- she would technically be giving him morning wood.
-If Harry Potter can fix shit- why doesn’t he fix his glasses?
-Why the fuck would the ‘chosen one’ only use like... five spells? Come on Harry- get your shit together.
-I don’t think Dementors are inherently evil. I think they’ve been used that way but by being put to use via wizards- they really don’t get to decide- right? Aren’t they technically magical creatures? In which case, can we really not make a case that in using them in Azkaban, the wizards essentially made a kind of house-elf situation?
-Why the hell didn’t Bucky tell any of his friends what he’d done to them in his past upon meeting them? If I had worked with an asshole who killed a loved one and he knew it and never said anything to me fifty-something years late? Fuck yea- I’m pissed.
-Why the fuck does Azazel have a shit ton of kids but somehow only four survived? Like okay- in The Draco we could say that Nils is probably the youngest. And we can assume that Kiwi Black appears to be older than Kurt- who I guess if I was pressed we would say would be late 20’s early 30’s? This means there is a great few years where Azazel is either actively impregnating one woman after or another- or a time when he is a fuck hiatus only to come out a few years later and start actively impregnating women.
-OH- and Impregnating women can be hard! It can take YEARS! Does he just have a magic dick? Like... does something in his powers just make him a sex wizard? Can he get STDS? Can he heal himself if he does? How can he be sure that every single one of his offspring will be mutants? He had so many kids to open a portal- but the had to have some sort of teleporty power. How can he just see a kid pop out and be like ‘yup. It’s a mutant’.
-Why do all of Logan’s kid’s come out looking better than him?
-How does Daken have a tattoo when in ultimate x-men Logan gets tattoos of girlfriends to impress them, knowing it will heal.
-Daken’s tattoo pattern doesn’t really change much. Did he design it himself? When he loses that arm- b/c it’s ALWAYS that arm- does he get like super annoyed because he’s going to have retat himself up?
-How do Daken and Laura not have Logan’s ‘hairy motherfucker’ genes when both Raze and Jimmy Hudson seem to have got it??
-Does Laura have to double shave legs/armpits? Would she even think too?
-Is childbirth easier on Mystique because she can shape her body far more easily than a human? Don’t pregnant women’s like hips or something move or whatever? Can’t Mystique make it easier on herself?
-Are Johnny Storm’s bodily fluids hotter than most? If so, can he burn a partner by coming in them? Does he have to have like special insurance for his person/partner’s/items?
-Can Reed Richards assume whatever size dick Sue wants/needs at the time?
-Professor X makes a future kid with Mystique, does that mean his junk still works?
-Why the everloving FUCK did Remus wait so long to kill Romulus? Or try? Like he’s her twin- right? Can’t a sibling usually tell how sucky or evil a sibling is going to be pretty early on? Like my sisters a little evil- I’ve known it since she was three. Was there not a moment in their childhood where Remus just went ‘wow my brother is really fucked up. I should do something about that before he hurts someone!”
-Why the FUCK did she get Logan to try to kill her brother? Like bitch- you let it get this bad. Go handle your own shit!
-Theoretically, If Rogue wears something from head to two only leaving her lower bits exposed and Gambit wears a condom- can they have sex?
-Does Scott see different shades of red through his visor or is it all the same color?
-Is Colossus’s dick able to go full metal as well as his skin? Like- come on, what’s he packing under those pants?
-How does Sabertooth do day to day things if he can’t retract his claws- ever? Like does all of his shit just get scratched all to hell?
-How do heightened senses peeps function in normal society with all the extra smells/sounds? Is their taste enhanced? Can they do things like listen to headphones safely?
-How the fuck does Scarlet Witch work? Just like in general- I have a lot of questions.
-Why doesn’t Bucky seem to be aging really?
-how old ARE the x-men?
-Am I to believe that Bobby Drake is older than Cannonball? Nah. I don’t buy it.
-What happened to the Guthrie brood? Wasn’t there like... three mutant siblings?
-How the fuck did that one pairing (speaking on Guthrie) have sex IN THE AIR?
-How is angel ever able to do like... anything? Is it a pain to take showers if he has to get his wings all wet (assuming their feathers).
-Movie part here- in Dark Phenoix why the fuck didn't anyone tell Kurt- ‘oh yea, by the way? That’s your mom. Annnnd she’s dead.’ He was made an orphan AGAIN. Furthermore, why didn’t any of the original x-men who were on the beach react when he picked up a fucking knife and used real similar moves to his daddy?
-why didn't they explore that relationship more?
-Does Iceman have a ice dick? Like- he’s been pretty naked before. Where is his dick? Where does it go? If it is there does it react to chilly temps like other dudes?
-Can venom technically contaminate his host's partners if he is somehow involved in sexual relations WITH his host at the time?
-Why do so many aliens talk English?
-How do the x-men understand Doop?
-How do some of them understand Lockheed?
-How many top brains will be introduced only to be topped by someone else?
-How smart is Reed Richards?
-How long can Norman Osborn be the goblin? Are there any other personalities that he’s formed over the years?
-Why the fuck don’t the x-men permanently partner up with Legion? Like ... get on that.
-Why the fuck don’t they just shut the entire hellfire club down? That NEVER ends well and it’s got a lot of the same members over and over again- shut it down, keep it down.
Annnnnd... yea. Those are all my questions/thoughts.
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The Prince and The Boy
Chapter One: Still Tippin
A College AU
Texas Southern University (Houston,Tx)
Ship: Chiron x Erik Stevens
Warning(s): slight slow burn
Chapter 2 Chapter 3
It’s hot as shit. Chiron thinks as he makes his way across campus towards his first and only class of the day. The sun beats down on his neck, making the two minute walk from his car seem much longer.
He shakes his head as the music bumps lowly through his headphones, continuing his commute across campus. Sweats seemed like a bad idea now, but it’s cold in the buildings, so it balances out right? he thought.
Several people smile and wave to him as they pass, and he gives a small smile in return. After two years he’s still not used to people he doesn’t know acknowledging him. Girls coming up for hugs or waving at him, guys dappin him up like they know him, but he’s always polite enough to speak.
The introvert in him is uncomfortable with the attention, making him want to shrink in on himself and blend in with the crowd. He’d accepted the scholarship to TSU for one reason: he loved to run. He could easily do without the rest.
Track is his escape. He puts his heart and soul on the track. He stops thinking and just runs. His body feels free, and he is in his element. It helps that he has a competitive spirit by nature and loves to win.
He walks into the building that houses his Sociology class, the air conditioning immediately cooling him off. As usual he is one of the first students to arrive, taking his seat up front.
He mindlessly scrolls through his phone as his classmates slowly start to trickle in. Out of the corner of his eye he catches a glimpse of a fresh pair of Concord 11’s. His eyes take in  grey joggers, and a fitted gray TSU t-shirt.  Noticing the pecs that show through the shirt, he continues on to the mystery man’s arms. Damn. Arms stacked with muscles that seemed to be hand carved by Michelangelo himself. God had took his time with this man. His eyes finally made it to the man’s face, admiring his nice full lips and deep dimples.
Damn he looks good as hell. Who is he? Chiron thought and just as he began to put his phone down to grab his notes, he hears his voice, still scratchy and deep like he had just rolled out of bed. He stills, intrigued by how intoxicating he sounds. His mind imagines hearing that husky voice first thing in the morning, whispering all kinds of dirty things as he thru- He has to snap himself out of it… Chi... chill out. He says to himself and pulls his book and notes out so he can pay attention.
He gets one more glance at this fine strangers face briefly meeting his eyes, before the professor announces that class has started.
“Erik have a seat please, thank you.”
Erik…. Chi nodded, making a mental note to remember that name.
“My bad teach.” A smirk graces Erik’s face as he heads towards an empty seat in the back.
Today’s lecture focused on the damages of toxic masculinity which had Chiron intrigued but he wasn’t one to participate. Class went on as usual. Chi payed attention as various students talked, though none of them said much, causing him to tune most of the lecture out. It wasn’t until he heard that same intoxicating voice that he turned around, and he wasn’t the only one. he entire class had turned their eyes to him. His voice carried towards the front of the room, nothing but confidence exuding from him as he spoke.
“In this society, we as black men are condemned for showing our feelings, let alone admitting that our feelings exist. Our white counterparts demonize and denounce our humanity.”
The whole room went silent and Chiron nods. He agreed with Erik one hundred percent and was glad someone said it. The ignorant white man that he was arguing with however, was not. He was obviously heated, getting flustered as he responded. Erik laid back in his chair obviously amused, drinking his coconut water and slightly shaking his head. All eyes focused on him as the white man’s voice continued to elevate, his facing turning beet red. Erik waited patiently for him to finish, smirking the whole time.
“You’re singling out black men in this argument as though you're the only ones who experience toxic masculinity.”
“Nah that ain’t what I said at all bruh but go off I guess.” Erik says taking a bite of his waffle, “Might wanna calm down though yo face getting a little red”
“That’s what it sounds like to me. I was also taught that crying isn’t manly. It’s not exclusive to just the black community.”
“You’re absolutely right it’s not. However what is exclusive to the black community is the issues we have in addition to society’s skewed views of masculinity and how it pertains to black men. That aspect of it is special in my community due to the hundreds of years of mental, physical, and psychological hardships that you as a white man cannot and will not ever understand. So when I said what I said, I was speaking from my own experience because that’s the only one I know.”
“So I can’t speak from my experience? Our experiences can’t possibly relate?”
“Yeah you can speak your truth, just know that your truth can never compare to mine. And they won’t ever ever relate. That’s facts.”
A lone “Preach, my nigga!” was heard before the classroom was quiet. Most of the students  looking at Erik with respect and admiration while a few saltine crackers had a look of disdain. One thing was for certain, everyone’s eyes were on him and they all were listening. Especially Chiron.
He’s fine and woke? Too good to be true. Chiron thought as he gazed at Erik.
He continued to study Erik as the professor jumped in before the conversation could continue to escalate, the ignorant white student walking out once he realized he couldn’t win.
Professor Henderson brought everyone back and brought up the next assignment for class. A paper due in two weeks. Groans were heard all through class. Chi actually didn’t mind writing papers, he just hoped he had enough time to write between track and work.
“Class is dismissed, I will see you all next week. Have a good day.”
As everyone rose from their seats, Chiron couldn’t help but sneak another look at Erik. Before he could look any longer his phone dinged with a text about practice. In the time that he looked down to answer it, Erik had slipped out the back entrance, leaving Chiron disappointed when he looked up and noticed he was gone.
He sighed, playing his music again and walked out of class. Thinking about Erik as he made his way back to his apartment. He’d gone to the same class for the past two months and not once had he noticed the tall dreaded man. Now that he had, he was sure he’d never be able to forget him. Those dreads, that smile, his dimples, those wide shoulders, fuck, his eyes. Everything about him was captivating, everything about him left Chi wanting to know more. He shook his head as he tried to rid himself of these thoughts. Now was not the time.
Chiron was breathing hard as he rounded the edge of the track. His chest rising and falling as he made his way to get his bottle of water. One hand on his hip he clenches his eyes shut as he tries to rid himself of the image currently ingrained in his mind. All he could think about was Erik. He’d dropped his baton twice during practice. His head was definitely not on the track. Instead it was with Erik and those goddamn dimples. The way his voice sounded when he responded to that cracker, how confident he was, his voice unwavering as he spoke. He didn’t have to get angry, he believed in what he said so much that, he made everyone believe in him too. The power behind his eyes, it was clear he got whatever he wanted. What if he wanted me? Chiron thought. He’s taken out of this thought when one of his friends comes up to him.
“Aye Chi, what’s up with you today?”
“Nothin man.”
“Really? Cause you been actin’ real weird.”
Chiron shook his head, “Nah, I’m just a little out of it today. I’m good, though. Promise.” He takes another gulp of water.
“Alright man, if you say so. You going to the game?”  
“I don’t know, man.”
“It’s the homecoming game. You can’t miss it.”
Chi wasn’t trying to hear it. He needed to catch up on some work and sleep.
“Besides,” his friend continued, “You know Kayla gonna be there.”
Chi wrinkles his nose. “Kayla? What she gotta do with me going to homecoming?”
His friend sucked his teeth, “You know damn well she feelin you.”
“Nah, man. We just friends.”
“You tell her that?”
“Didn’t think I needed to.”
“What’s wrong with her? She fine as fuck. You not tryna hit that?”
Chi rolled his eyes and sighed. “Then why don’t you get at her?” He puts down his water bottle and starts packing his bag. “Look man, I’ll be there aite?” Chi holds out his hand towards Bryson.
“Aite nigga, see you later.”
Chi, makes his way to his car. He wasn’t interested in Kayla. She was cute, but she just wasn’t his type. His mind swirled with thoughts of the person who actually held his interest.
The October air bites at Chiron as he sits on the bleachers. He should have worn more than a sweatshirt and sweats to this game. He didn’t have much time to get ready though and he really didn’t even want to be there so he hadn’t given it a second thought when he pulled the TSU gear over his head. He’d walked into the stadium right as the fourth quarter started. This is so stupid. He thought. Why am I here?
His reason showed up in the form of a 6’3 Adonis. His breath was stolen from him when he saw Erik in his uniform, the number 12 etched across his back. Subconsciously he gripped at his thighs, doing anything he could to contain himself. Erik looked so damn good. How could a nigga he’s never said a word to have so much control over his body and mind?
Suddenly, he could see Erik above him, thrusting into him as his hands scratch down that broad back. He can feel the pressure of Erik’s body on top of his, the way he would give Chi everything he needed, and Chi would gladly take it all.
“Chi! Yo Chi!” Chiron is once again taken out of his thoughts. His head snaps in Bryson’s direction, his lips pursed. This is the second time his daydreaming has been ruined by this nigga. Can’t he just leave him alone?
“What’s up man?” They nod at each other, Chi still distracted. Bryson notices him clutching at his thighs. “Yo, you good nigga? What’s up with you today?”
Clenching his jaw, Chi shakes his head. “I already told you, I’m good nigga.”
Bryson held his hand up in surrender, “My bad, nigga. I was just making sure you aight, shit.”
Before Chiron can respond to Bryson, the crowd around him erupts into cheers.
Chiron looks toward midfield and sees Erik bobbing and weaving through his defenders. Damn he’s fast Chiron notes.
“He’s at the 30! The 25! The 20! He’s going all the way folks! TOUCHDOWN TIGERS!!!”
Chiron finds himself cheering with the rest of the crowd, but his eyes stay on the receiver. He watches as Erik runs over to the sideline, celebrating with his teammates as special teams set up for the extra point. He watches as Erik removes his helmet , dreads falling perfectly over those beautiful eyes. Chiron is frozen, staring at the deep dimples that accent his gorgeous smile.
That smile doesn’t go away as Erik’s attention is pulled away by his coach. Chiron watches as Erik bends over to hear whatever his coach is saying. He takes this opportunity to admire Erik’s blessed backside. He can imagine gripping that ass as the hips it was attached to thrust into— Dammit, Chi. You doin it again.
Chi was so caught up in his thoughts of what he would do if he was alone with that masterpiece of a man that he didn’t notice when the huddle broke. Now the ass that he was looking at was replaced by a crotch. His eyes made their way upwards until they connected with another pair of chocolate eyes.
He was met with a smirk and a raised eyebrow causing his face to heat, for the life of him he couldn’t look away. He sees Erik’s shoulders jump with what he assumes is laughter, before turning his attention back to the game.
Chiron continues to watch Erik as the final seconds wind down on the clock. His eyes glance at the illuminated scoreboard and smiles at the score. The game ends with a score of 24-14. Before making his way up the bleachers, Chi found himself seeking out Erik once more, hoping to get another look at him. His prayers were answered when he caught the very man he was looking for already staring at him. Erik gave Chi what must be his signature smirk before he is swept up in celebration by his team. Once he loses sight of Erik he decides it’s time to head home.
On his drive back to his apartment flashes of Erik pop into his mind. The way he talked that morning, the look he gave him at the game. He had an effect on Chi that he hadn’t experienced since his last failed relationship. It was overwhelming. He didn’t know what to do with himself, but he knew he had to make something happen.
tag: @wakandas-vibranium @bartierbakarimobisson @randomwordprompts @storibambino @theultimateblacknerdwithglasses @stressedgyal  @great-neckpectations @wakandan-flowerz @blackgirloneshots @panthergoddessbast @maya-leche @texasbama @killmongerdispussy @yaachtynoboat711 @hearteyes-for-killmonger
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huangels · 6 years
➧ 85 questions
Tumblr media
tagged by: @jencto ty my love! ♡
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people @ohdaddy-nct @dcyoungs @rxnjuns @reunjun @angelita-gordita @taeybear @taezhu @lycheechann and all who wants to do!! (only if u want too bbs)
↳ Last…?
1. drink ─ hot burning coffee that i almost spilled while driving to class bc it’s pouring outside
2. phone call ─ laura (my friend who just graduated high school !!)
3. text message ─ my mom (telling me to drive safe in the rain uwu) 
4. song you listened to ─ jump by shinee (the album = a whole ass bop) 
5. time you cried ─ oof i cry for the lamest and dumbest reasons but last night i was looking at nct fanart and i saw a cute ass noren one where jeno was dressed in a big moomin costume and wished renjun a good day w/ a ballon and it was all hella cute and shit lemme find it i rb on my personal (THIS ONE) it was,, so cute,, i actually cried,, 
↳ Ever…?
6. dated someone twice ─ oof i rarely date let alone the same person twice lmao yikes
7. kissed someone and regretted it ─ i kissed this huge asshole in high school for a dare and he wouldn’t stop saying we had sex for a whole ass week,, this is why i dont date
8. been cheated on ─ nope
9. lost someone special ─ yeah but that’s the circle of life i guess :(
10. been depressed ─ oof did you mean: my four years of high school 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up ─ uhh psh no i don’t drink underaged,,, mhm
12. fave colors ─ WARM TONES!! nudes (skin colors), maroon/burgendy (just like a dark bloody red), rose gold/dusty pink (the light shade of pink but not pastel), black (just bc), royal blue (the only cool toned color i like idhhdh) 
↳ In the last year have you…
15. made new friends ─ yO making new friends is my middle name (i love making new friends !!) 
16. fallen out of love ─ i’ve never BEEN in love... 
17. laughed until you cried ─ if it’s after midnight, anything will make me laugh and cry (also i laugh at everything so yes)
18. found out someone was talking about you ─ lmao hell yeah high school drama everyone was out for me bc i look like a bitch and people are so quick to judge ://
19. met someone who changed you ─ umm not really everyone’s pretty chill. my roommate, who’s also like my best friend, is a huge party addict so she brings me to many parties, so i guess i’m more out there ? idk moving on 
20. found out who your friends are ─ literally once i graduated high school and went to college, all of the snakes just left and now i’m surrounded by my real friends uwu :^] why tf is everything related to high school i don't wanna remember that
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list ─ bruh i only have facebook so i can get extra rewards on iphone games ksjkdj 
↳ General
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl ─ refer to #21
23. do you have any pets ─ i, myself, don’t have one bc i live in a dorm, but back at home, i have a doggo. she’s a thai ridgeback and her name is 巧克力 (qiao ke li = chocolate) and i miss her vv much :’))
24. do you want to change your name ─ for the most part no, i like my name, but when people call me ‘ran-you’ or something of the sort, i question why i live in america
25. what did you do for your last birthday ─ i traveled around china alone (well with my two friends back in china) without my parents for the first time bc i was an Adult™ now
26. what time did you wake up today ─ i was supposed to wake up at 8am but i didn't roll out of bed until 8:30am but hey, i made it to my 9am class 10 minutes early somehow
27. what were you doing at midnight last night ─ looking at nct fanart on tumblr and wishing that i coud draw/paint like that :’))
28. what is something you can’t wait for ─ my trip to spain!! i’m traveling to spain for 2 weeks with my friend at the end of june to july and i’m so excited bc i haven’t hung out w/ him in forever
30. what are you listening to right now ─ i’m in my accounting 2 class rn,,, so my professor lecturing about debits and credits (yes i know i should be paying attention but i’m an independent learner so i prefer reading the textbook and taking notes,, i’m just here bc attendance is graded)
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom ─ my old high school teacher whose first lecture was about corn and how it’s in EVERYTHING that is mass- produced today,,, well his full name is actually thomas
32. something that’s getting on your nerves ─ it was raining as i was walking to class and even though i had an umbrella, somehow my pants are still all drenched and this lecture room is SO DAMN COLD and i’m shivering someone save ME
33. most visited website ─ my school website lol
34. hair colour ─ jet black but in the sun it turns reddish brown ?
35. long or short hair ─ super long, it reaches my waist lol 
36. do you have a crush on someone ─ does renjun count? jk kinda ?? but not really bc,, idk dating doesn’t really act as a major objective for me right now
37. what do you like about yourself ─ friendliness and outgoingness ?
38. want any piercings? ─ oof i already have a lot but i want more yes (i have 3 on both my lobes, 1 on my both cartilages, and on my right ear i have a snug ? is that what it’s called idk) lowkey highkey i wanna pierce my nose but we’ll see
39. blood type ─ o 
40. nicknames ─ all nicknames i’ve ever gotten: ren, renu (my baby cousin calls me that bc she can barely pronounce words), fish..., nyu, rennie, r, human fish, + many puns on my name
41. relationship status ─ single and tired
42. zodiac ─ scorpio 
43. pronouns ─ she/her
44. fave tv shows ─ the office, black mirror, we bare bears, law and order,  futurama, stranger things, bob’s burgers, bate’s motel, american horror story (i love the duality between cartoons and fucked up shows dsdkjh) 
45. tattoos ─ i want ones !! (prob small in hidden places) but um maybe once i graduate undergrad at least 
46. right or left handed ─ right handed
47. ever had surgery ─ no - kinda? i have a scar on my eyelid bc when i was like 3-4 y/o, i was playing hide and seek w/ my uncle and cousin in china and i was running around and i turned quickly around a counter the same height as me and the corner of the counter cut open my eyelid,, this is kinda tmi but i was so stunned bc blood was running literally out of my eye so i didn’t even cry, i just stood there like ‘oh...that’s a lot of blood...’ i went to the ER to get it stitched up but idk if that counts as surgery :p
48. piercings ─ refer to #38 
49. sport ─ currently i play volleyball and basketball for club, but played a lot in high school too
50. vacation ─ anywhere i love traveling !! also east asian,, mostly just china i miss my friends and family :’))
51. trainers ─ ?? uhh as in shoes? or the gym? idk,,
↳ More general
52. eating ─ as in what i ate today? if so, a bagel and a boiled egg for breakfast
53. drinking ─ coffee that’s now cold rip
54. i’m about to watch ─ uhh my professor continue talking about accounting and economics 
55. waiting for ─ this class to end so i can eat lunch 
56. want ─ a change of pants bc i’M WET AND COLD 
57. get married ─ i sure hope so
58. career ─ i want to start and own a fashion brand/company/line (i’m double majoring in international business and trade + leadership management right now)
↳ Which is better
59. hugs or kisses ─ both i just want affection ;((
60. lips or eyes ─ these are hard to pick but eyes !
61. shorter or taller ─ taller even though i’m pretty tall as it is 
62. older or younger ─ older or the same age ? (rip sorry renjun) 
63. nice arms or stomach ─ arms? i need you to be able to put me in a chokehold and KO me (not in a kinky way,,, maybe,,,)
64. hookup or relationship ─ relationship duh ?
65. troublemaker or hesitant ─ team too-lazy-to-be-either
↳ Have you ever
66. kissed a stranger ─ uhh prob not
67. drank hard liquor ─ no officer i don’t drink underaged mhm
68. lost glasses ─ i literally have like 6 pairs of glasses that i keep thinking i’ve lost but then find it again 
69. turned someone down ─ oof yeah sorry 
70. sex on first date ─ no i have standards 
71. broken someone’s heart ─ i hope not ! at least not intentionally  
72. had your heart broken ─ prob once or twice 
73. been arrested ─ in my good christian household?! (i’m not even christian tf)
74. cried when someone died ─ well of course i have a heart
75. fallen for a friend ─ all my friends are hot as fuck no lie
↳ Do you believe in…?
76. yourself ─ always :D !!
77. miracles ─ eh,,
78. love at first sight ─ maybe not LOVE but something similar
79. santa claus ─ i-is he not real... (i’m kidding dbksj)
80. kiss on a first date ─ sure why not
81. angels ─ renjun is a walking angel on earth
↳ Other
82. best friend’s name ─ vincent, alyssa (my two fave people) 
83. eye colour ─ dark poop brown
84. fave movie ─ i watch too many to have 1 favorite but for the sake of this tag, i’ll say coraline 
85. fave actor ─ i have a big gay crush on dilraba dilmurat also tom holland 
el fin
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Dancing Shoes and Silver Strings: Chapter 3
((Yup...here I am finally. It’s been like two or three weeks, huh? That’s unacceptable. Sorry everyone! By the way, the fucking comeback is legit as all hell, you guys!! My edges. They gone, bruh!)) 
Pairing: SoonyoungxChubby-Black!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2,328
Summary: Inconsiderate Jihoon works his magic, but will cut a bitch if you waste the effort. Soonyoung is too enamored with you to feel threatened or worried. 
“Stop fidgeting, Soongyoung.”
“I can’t help it. I’m nervous.”
“Stop looking around like that.”
“I can’t help it! I’m nervous!”
“At least try to control yourself,” Jihoon hisses, staring Soonyoung down with his piercing gaze, “If you’re trying to avoid coming off as a creep, you’re not helping your case.”
Soonyoung pouts, but purposely tries to do as told, resisting the very strong temptation to turn around every time the little bell over the door chimes. Considering it’s mid-afternoon and they’re sitting in the university coffee shop, he’s bound to get some kind of neck injury if he doesn’t relax.
Following the shameless groveling he did in the cafeteria, three days passed before Jihoon texted Soonyoung with the news that you had agreed to meet with him the following day to assist with a new song.
“We’re going to meet for coffee,” he had said, Soonyoung on the verge of shouting from the spike of excitement that pierced his chest, “Make sure you’re there by 1 PM or I’m never doing anything like this for you again.”
Soonyoung got there at 12 PM, Jihoon face-palming when Soonyoung told him as he arrived 10 minutes to 1:00.
Now they’re just waiting for you, Soonyoung more and more unsettled as 1:00 turned to 1:05…1:06…1:07. “She’s going to be here, Soonyoung, stop frowning so much, “Jihoon says, sipping at his coffee, “She texted me. She’s just running a little late.”
“Okay…Okay…” Soonyoung nods like a bobble head, holding his drink too tightly and sitting too rigidly, “…Ack! We didn’t get her a drink! Should we get a drink for her? I’m going to get her a drink. Wait! Do you know what she likes? Can you ask her?”
“No time now,” Jihoon muses just as the bell chimes again, “She just came in.”
“Hey! Sorry, sorry! Sorry I’m late!”
Soonyoung’s whole body racks with shivers, a pretty red blooming on his cheeks and up to his ears. You rush over to their table, breathless and trailing a citrusy-coconut smell that makes him dizzy.
“My last class went over because one of the students decided to have a debate with the professor. It was fun!” you explain, beaming at Jihoon as you take the seat next to him.
He chuckles and waves it off, “It’s fine, Y/N-ah. I appreciate you coming, though. I know you’re busy practicing for the showcase.”
“I’m getting so nervous, it’s sickening, but I’m also really excited!” you reply, the both of you sharing a smile.
Soonyoung is stunned, beyond happy to be this close, to see you so clearly after admiring you from afar since the beginning of the year. He doesn’t even care that he hasn’t been acknowledged yet, but when you turn your pretty brown eyes on him, a thrill dances up and down his spine. You look surprised at first- eyes doe-wide and lips in a perfect circle- but then everything melts into warm kindness with a hint of mischief in the quirk of your lips.
“Hello,” you greet with a small bow, “I’m L/N F/N.”
All Soonyoung can do, aside from look like an idiot, is bow back and mumble incoherent gibberish, maintaining a goofy smile because wow, you are so pretty. Jihoon starts to regret agreeing to help with this- Soonyoung is managing to make a completely fool of himself in the two minutes that you’ve been sitting there- but he shakes it off and draws your attention back to him by clearing his throat.
“Sorry, Y/N-ah, I forgot to introduce you,” Jihoon says, gesturing to Soonyoung, “This is-”
“Kwon Soonyoung.” Jihoon pauses and Soonyoung’s mouth falls open as you absently tug on one of your curls, lips quirked up, “I know who he is. Everyone knows Kwon “Hoshi” Soonyoung!”
Soonyoung nearly asphyxiates on his own spit. You continue, oblivious to how the dancer tries to control his choking by gulping his drink, only to make matters worse by choking on that. “I didn’t know he was gonna be joining us today,” you say to Jihoon.
“It wasn’t planned,” he says, rolling his eyes as if Soonyoung had been a pain in his side for longer than Jihoon would like, “He likes to meddle in my business and wants to stay. Is that alright?”  
“I’m fine with it if you are,” you answer with a cute bob of your shoulders, sparing Soonyoung one more glance before devoting your attention to Jihoon, “So, what’s this new song that you need my help with?”
From here, Jihoon just goes through the motions. He pulls out a finished song and tells you that he’s thinking of adding string instruments to accompany the original piano piece. He asks for your opinion and you do your best to advise him, but you say more than once that the song is perfect as is and doesn’t need any kind of revising or additions, no matter what he thinks. You even mention that it seems odd he’s asking for your help with a completed song and Soonyoung- who’s been quietly watching you the entire time- inwardly panics that you’ll figure out it was all a pathetic ploy for him to meet you in person.
As smooth as ever though, Jihoon waves it off and says that he just wanted a second opinion before diving back in to talk about the piece. Thirty minutes later, Jihoon checks his watch and curses because ‘he’s going to be late to his study group’.
“I’m going ahead first, but before I go, let me buy you a drink. A ‘thank you’ for helping me,” he says to you.
You decline, “It’s alright, Jihoon-ah. I was happy to help, though I don’t think I did much of anything.”
“Don’t be dumb! You really helped me figure things out.”
“Doubt it, but okay.”
“I’m buying you a drink. Now what do you want?”
You sigh at his stubbornness, but relent and give him your order. He nods and makes towards the counter, but briefly stops next to Soonyoung and says, “Keep Y/N-ah company, Soonyoung. Talk to her. I’ll be back.”
Jihoon swiftly leaves, throwing you and Soonyoung into a sudden heavy awkwardness that crushes the poor boy under its weight. He hates the feeling and would usually start rambling to dispel it as quickly as possible, but he’s in this situation with you and that’s different. His eyes dart around at everything that isn’t your cute and beautiful face: the table, the chairs, his drink, the windows, the ceiling! He finds himself focusing on your hands fiddling with your phone, the nimble fingers probably worn a little rough from stroking and plucking at horse-hair strings. He wants to hold them, to caress and massage them.
Your hands set your phone to the side and fold themselves under your arms, breaking Soonyoung from his trance. He looks at you now, at the growing tension in your shoulders as you gaze outside. His heart drops and he feels like a dick because he let the silence engulf the both of you for too long and now you feel uncomfortable.
He breaks the silence with a quick, “I’m sorry!”
Your eyes snap to him, wide and caught off guard, “Um…huh? What?”
Soonyoung scratches the back of his neck, biting his lower lip, “I’m sorry…I’m making you uncomfortable, aren’t I?”
A moment passes and your shoulder relax, sun-shiny smile brightening your face, “No, it’s not really you. I think it’s just the situation itself. You know, meeting someone for the first time and that one mutual friend you have leaving you alone with them. How inconsiderate of Jihoon, right?!”
“The most inconsiderate.” Soonyoung relishes in your feathery-light laugh, the way you laugh with your whole body, your whole face. Your eyes crinkle and your nose scrunches up, your round cheeks beckoning a pinch.
He laughs with you. Comfortable. Easing into conversation at long last, “How are your rehearsals for the showcase going?”
“They’re going as planned,” you answer, absently tugging on a favored curl, “I try to practice as much as possible so that it becomes muscle memory, but the closer it gets to the day of the showcase, the more nervous I feel. My biggest fear is completely forgetting the piece come the day of.”
Soonyoung shakes his head, “Not gonna happen! You’re amazing. This is your thing. You’re gonna kill it at the showcase, I promise!”
Your smile turns shy and you duck your head under his praise, pulling the shiny curl around your finger between your lips. Being this close and tempted by their luscious fullness, Soonyoung wants to brush the curl away and slot his own lips there instead.
“Thanks. That’s sweet of you to say,” you reply.
“They don’t call me Candy Man for nothing.”
“Literally no one calls you that.”
“Yeah, it’s kind of disappointing. People should! I’m so sweet!”
Again, your body shakes and your eyes crinkle and your mouth falls open. “Soonyoung-sshi, you’re too much!” you giggle, settling back into your chair.
He follows after you by leaning forward with his arms crossed on top of the table, trying to maintain the same distance, “You don’t have to keep being formal, Y/N. We’re friends now!”
“I just met you an hour ago.”
“Doesn’t mean we’re not friends…right?”
A beat passes between you and Soonyoung worries that he freaked you out, moved a little too fast. But then you ease him with a little quirk of your lips by saying, “Yeah…I guess you’re right, Soonyoung-ah.”
Sun bursts warm his chest as relief washes over him, a quiet sigh passing his lips as he leans his chin on his folded arms. You continue to smile at him, the momentary silence settling over you far more comfortable now.
“Order for Soonyoung!”
His head pops up and he looks to the counter where the barista has set down a paper cup after popping on the lid. At the same time, his pocket vibrates and he fishes out his phone to see a text from Jihoon flashing across the screen.
“I ordered Y/N’s drink under your name and left. You better not waste all of this effort,” it read.
He stares at the message for longer than necessary, the barista calling his name again. You look between Soonyoung and the barista, understandably confused, “Did you order something?”
He shakes his head and jumps to his feet, “No, Jihoon did and put it under my name. It’s probably the drink he ordered for you. I’ll go get it.”
It takes him only a minute of weaving his way to the counter for the order, cradling the paper cup with the heavy plastic lid on top upon his return. You reach to take it, your fingers wrapping around the cup just centimeters above his. He can feel the heat so strongly despite the lack of an actual touch, the back of his neck sizzling pink. If he just shifts his fingers up the slightest bit…
“Thank you!” you say, stealing his chance away by retracting your hand, the cup in your hold, “I guess Jihoon left then? I don’t see him anymore. How inconsiderate of him to not say goodbye?!”
“The most inconsiderate! Inconsiderate Jihoon!”
Is this going to be an inside joke? Soonyoung can feel this turning into an inside joke between you and him. He loves it. Adores it, really. Craves for more. Jihoon will be everything but happy if he ever finds out that you look at him in this playfully negative light, but Soonyoung can’t bring himself to care. If it means that addictive smile of yours remains bright on your face, then he would do it a million times over without remorse.  
“Well, Soonyoung-ah, I’m going to get going now, too,” you say with a sigh, standing up with your bag on your shoulder and your drink in your hand, “I didn’t think I would finish so early with Jihoon, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, hehe. I now have enough time to run through my piece a little more before I call it a day.”
You step away from the table and prepare to bid him goodbye when he shoots up, “Wait!”
You pause, a bit startled and Soonyoung a lot embarrassed for shouting. “U-Uh…I’ll walk you,” he offers, hamster-like cheeks narrowing his eyes with his smile, “We’re both going back the same way anyway…unless you don’t want me to.”
He didn’t think about that, the possibility that he was the only one enjoying his time with you while you were ready to end any and all interaction after this. Now he feels dejected and prepares for you to laugh or scoff or roll your eyes at him. Or at the very least, throw out some excuse on why you don’t need him to walk with you.
He is ecstatically surprised when you shrug, “Alright, sounds good! I would like that!”
“…Are you sure? I don’t want to bother you.”
“Are you retracting your offer?”
“No! Of course not! I want to walk with you!”
“Alright then. Let’s go.”
Soonyoung nods quickly as you turn for the door, following behind you with so much excited energy he’s practically bouncing with each step. Maybe he looks too excited, his smile too wide and his eyes too small, but he doesn’t think about that. He chooses instead to focus on the fact that you let him walk you all the way back to your dorm and give you his number- to hang out sometime because that’s what friends do, right?
“Thanks for walking me, Soonyoung-ah. I’ll text you later. Bye!”
He watches you skip up the steps and disappear behind the glass door, leaving him encased in coconut citrus. He eventually makes himself move, aimlessly walking away from your dorm with no real destination of his own in mind, hands in his pockets, clutching his cell phone tightly and unconsciously waiting for the vibration of a text from a new number.  
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4
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leaughrilke · 8 years
(wriggles eyebrows) superbabies at hogwarts
so kara’s a muggle born hufflepuff and lena’s a pure blood slytherin (who like......easily could have gone to ravenclaw if she wasnt so terrified of what lillian would say or do if she didn’t end up in the luthor’s typical house) and they’re p sure the kiddos are going to have magic (like 90% on finn and maia??  stella’s a lil more murky bc they’re p sure that her birth mom was a witch but its not as if they’ve got like.......Offical Records on her or anything)
so finn and maia show magic p early??  from like toddlers tbh so they’re expecting their letters and then stella’s like nine and hasn’t shown any inclination to magic and she’s starting to ask when she’ll get her letter, if she can get a cat for a pet instead of an owl like finn and maia did and like??  they’ll obviously love her exactly as they always have but like they’re like lowkey worried she’ll be destroyed if she doesn’t get a letter
so they’re gearing up to sit down with her and talk to her about the possibility of her maybe not having magic and then one day she sneezes and sets the curtains on fire
finn!!!  is the first, the oldest, and he like straight up cries when his letter comes bc he’s so excited??  but he’s also dreading being away from his moms, being away from his sisters, but kara wraps him up in a big hug and tells him all about how scared and sad she was when she got her letter, how much she desperately didnt want to go but she went and it was amazing and he’s going to have a wonderful time, she knows it.  
the whole family goes to diagon alley and like the kiddos have been before, kara and lena take them p regularly for ice cream or for birthdays or hell just for funsies but now it’s Big and Important
his wand is alder, unyielding, with unicorn hair as the core.  twelve inches even and like.......when he matches with it he literally makes flowers grow in every nook and cranny of ollivanders and stella’s literally six but she’s so entirely entranced, so finn just sort of thinks flowers and then she’s got a little bloom behind her ear, braided into her hair and she’s grinning and maybe she finally stops crying at the thought of her big brother going off to school for the year
meanwhile maia’s pretending like she’s not at all upset about this, bc she’s excited for finn??  she is!!!  but he’s her best friend and she’s not ready to lose him for nine months out of the year, but by the time they make it to the owl shop, she’s grinning and talking about what type of owl she thinks finn ought to get, what type of owl she’ll get bc she’s not pleased with finn’s final choice (a small, sleek little barn owl that he stares at and finally decides to name spock bc he’s a nerd just like lena tbh)
so he goes!!!!!  and he is a hufflepuff!!!!!  a giant soft sweet hufflepuff!!!!!!!  kara sends him her old scarf from when she was in school when he gets sorted, sends a rlly embarrassing howler that’s basically her and lena just crying and saying they’re so proud of him, they love him so much, call home as soon as you can and tell us everything! and he’s blushing a little bit but his house is full of kids with similar howlers and they’re all blushing a little, all making bashful eye contact with one another
and jesus does he belong in hufflepuff like.  he is so happy, like he’s homesick for the first few weeks??  but it helps that lena does guest lectures for muggle studies on how magic and muggle technology can be combined, helps that he can see one of his moms every few weeks or so, helps that he has a smartphone bc this is the 21st century and he’s able to facetime his family a lot.  but once the homesickness passes, once he falls into the rhythm of hogwarts, he just begins to belong u know??  like he makes friends across the board, in every house, in every year, often volunteers down in the infirmary when there’s need
jesus he writes his sisters so many letters bc they’re still young enough that getting mail is like A Thing.  like??  he asks his moms for a camera, just so he can send maia a picture of the giant squid in the lake bc she’s so fascinated by it, just so he can send stella a series of photos of the quidditch matches his new friends bring him out to bc she watches the matches on tv and is so entranced
so his first year is so awesome and quite frankly so is his second year and then!!!!!!  it’s his third year and maia’s coming and he legit cannot wait, like he knows all the secret passages and shortcuts and which house elf (no longer kept, but actually employed by the school !!!  bc mcfuck off thats why) is the easiest to persuade for a midnight snack and he cant wait to share that all with maia
so maia!!!!  she gets her letter and she literally screams, scares the fuck out of her moms and siblings but she’s like FUCK YES WHERE’S MY WAND WHERE’S MY GIANT SCREECH OWL SOMEONE GET ME SOME CHOCOLATE FROGS TO CELEBRATE like she’s been counting down the days to hogwarts since finn got his letter
her wand!!!  is dogwood with dragon heartstring, rigid, twelve and a quarter inches and is a bit, well.  it looks like a branch with a handle tbh but its kind of wild??  like a thing of nature and the minute it hits maia’s hand, she’s enthralled and there’s like a hum in the air??  like something’s clicked into place and she’s READY like hand her some SPELLS lets get this MAGIC HAPPENING
and she gets her giant ass screech owl, names it gene simmons bc why not (genie for short, obviously), gets her books and her supplies and asks if they can stop by weasley’s to grab a few things and her moms set her with a look and kara’s like maia you can’t prank any of the professors and lena’s like on that subject, you can’t prank any of your housemates until at least second term and maia’s kind of like fiiiiinnneeee but definitely slips in a few things that are definitely prank-worthy and grins when her moms pointedly look in the other direction as theyre paying
so then she gets to hogwarts and she’s sitting under the sorting hat for a solid ten minutes as it hems and haws between sorting her into gryffindor or ravenclaw and she’s a little sad she’s not even being considered for finn’s house, but she also knows she’d never fit in there, not ever.  and this goes on for a bit bc maia’s wildly smart, and she loves learning but she’s also hard headed and reckless and intensely committed to the idea of justice, fairness, always steps up to a fight, never away.  so FINALLY the sorting hat calls out GRYFFINDOR and then maia’s swept up in the celebration, catches finn’s eye as he gives her the biggest proud big brother smile and a thumbs up (meanwhile he’s secretly facetiming kara and lena so they can see this and what, they’re totally not crying)
and kara, secret old lady that she is, tries to knit maia a gryffindor scarf but its kind of terrible so they also buy her one but (and maia will never admit this) she sleeps with the fucked up one kara made her, tucked up next to her ratty old teddy bear from when she was a baby.  
what??  it makes her feel safe, reminds her of home
so she doesnt have that same adjustment period as finn did??  like she’s not super sad for the first few weeks, its more protracted than that, lasts a little longer but doesnt hit as hard, and it’s a lot of help that finn’s there, pulls her over to eat at his table when she doesnt have friends to eat with the first few days, who invites her round to his common room to eat the sweets their moms have sent them and to catch up on tv on his laptop.  but mostly???  she loves hogwarts.  she LOVES it
she excels at potions, in the same way that finn excels at herbology, great at defense against the dark arts, and shit if she’s not even better dueling, like she gets an actual invitation to join the dueling club on parchment and everything
and like???  she’s on the choir and gets her friends to dare her to explore the forbidden forest and quite frankly she’s having the time of her life
and then little stella!!!!!  she gets her owl and like.  just stares at it for a bit, trying to believe its real and then lena’s coming downstairs and sees stella sitting in front of the big kitchen window and sees what she’s staring at and shes like !!!!!  stella!!!!  cmon sweetheart, lets go get that letter!!!!  and stella’s so???  happy????  like its been weird like she’s basically been an only child in the three years since maia went to hogwarts, been on her own and now she’ll be back with her siblings and she’s so so happy oh my god
she very nearly cries when she finds her wand bc she takes the longest of all the kiddos.  no wand feels right, feels like home and she’s nearly at her wits end with it, just about to say nevermind, take me home and then, well, she finds it.  its pine, supple, fourteen and a half inches long with a dragon heartstring; god, it looks a little ridiculous when ollivander hands it to her, almost like its too long for such a small girl but then she’s holding it, then a hush is falling over the room and then there’s just light, everywhere and it feels right???  feels good, grounded
and she picks out a little black kitten!!!  its the runt of the litter and maia kind of knocks her shoulder and says awwww just like you and their moms fix her with a look but stella’s smiling, nodding, saying that one, i want that one and that’s the end of that
what does she name the cat, you ask?  well
she names it carmilla bc she’s a giant baby lesbian ok, like hell she didnt sneak the novella from lena’s bookshelf and struggle through it only to watch the series and then develop an as of yet unnamed crush on carmilla
so she finally gets to hogwarts, kind of terrified (she cried a lot on the train, only sort of soothed by her siblings refusing to go sit with their friends, instead squishing into the same bench and playing sudoku with her) but finn’s grinning at her from the hufflepuff table and maia’s giving her this steady look like you got this from gryffindor and stella’s like???  ok.  i’ll be happy in either of those houses
but then the sorting hat barely touches her hair before its screaming SLYTHERIN and stella’s like um what. 
this isnt to say any of the kiddos have that assbackwards belief that slytherin = evil bc like??  lena was slytherin and yeah, there’s some shit tied up with that but she did truly have a decent time and aunt alex was slytherin too and she’s good, the greatest, like none of them have grown up with that messed up idea
but at the same time stella’s like um.  i am the softest bitch here.  what the fuck bc while she knows slytherins arent evil, she also knows her mom and aunt alex, knows there’s an edge to slytherins that she can’t hope to ever match???  like ambition??  cunning/??  bitch WHERE
but its done, she’s sorted and she’s kind of in shock and most of slytherin is as well, kind of looking at her and then looking back to her siblings, kind of like???  the fuck????  the danvers kids are like........the Softest.  why do we have this one????  and maia’s the first to holler her name, whoop and clap and stamp her feet and celebrate her baby sister getting sorted and then finn’s joining and then the whole of slytherin is doing the same and stella kind of smiles a little bc when she sits down, the girl next to her gives her this appraising look then sticks out her hand and says i’m ari, we’re friends now before shoving a plate of food at her
and lena’s like???  worried that stella doesnt want to be in slytherin but also incredibly proud and excited???  like shit, ok, all my weird trivia abt the slytherin dorms can finally come in handy and she digs out all her old stuff, packs it up with a weepy howler that’s literally her and kara just crying about how much they love and miss stella and stella literally wears that scarf basically every cold day for the rest of her life tbh
stella feels the homesickness more??  like a Lot more, bc she had a lot more one on one time with kara and lena after maia left, isnt used to not being around them in the slightest and she’s kind of inconsolable for a while after lena’s lectures, but maia sometimes sneaks her into the gryffindor dorms so she doesnt have to feel so alone at night and that helps a lot, helps that she finds some good friends p early on as well
OH SHIT it also helps that stella’s like.  terrifyingly good at transfiguration and charms, and, later, divination and legilimancy (heh u see what i did there).  probably also helps that she’s scary good at most curses and hexes like.........she’ll Fuck U Up.  maia fights with her fists but stella doesnt hesitate to use her wand.  like ppl are a lil tiny bit scared of her but she’s tiny and adorable and v sweet, sweet enough that most ppl get over their fear p quickly
so the kiddos do alright??  finn never joins the quidditch team even though kara played and he’s never quite as fond of flying as stella; in fact, its only stella that joins quidditch for anything longer than one season, as a chaser (stella MAY be a little bit of an adrenaline junkie and MAY have the time of her life dodging bludgers).  maia joins as a beater for one season when gryffindor’s normal beater came down with dragon pox and had to go home to recuperate but she quits at the end of the season bc she hits a bludger that ends up knocking stella off her broom and like.......Fuck That ya know
hmmmmmm what shenanigans do they get up to 
well finn’s like every professors favorite student like he’s there on time and prepared for class every day and god help every professor the day maia comes to hogwarts like they’re all expecting another mild mannered danvers kiddo (like??  even their moms were so well behaved.........that said.  it shouldnt be a surprise bc alex was hell on wheels) but then maia sweeps into her first class, probably trailing glitter or something equally dramatic and like.  professor snapper looks like he wants to die tbh.  like just drop dead
i dont blame him tbh, maia is also hell on wheels, like constantly calling teachers out when they fuck up and starting fights when some punk kid starts saying shit about blood traitors like hey.  fuck u buddy
so then after maia’s torn through, everyone’s a lil cautious with stella but she’s like........a small bunny or something.  a small bunny that could probably murder you with some tricky non-verbal magic but a small bunny nonetheless 
finn’s a prefect and eventually head boy!!!  like he’s so proud of that and his sisters roll their eyes but theyre proud of him too and maybe kara and lena just.........dont shut up about how their son is head boy, their eldest daughter got an o in potions, how their youngest was the first in her class to cast a patronus charm successfully like they’re B R I M M I N G with pride tbh
hmmmm what else what else
finn goes on to be a healer!!  one of the best at st. mungos, the one you’d want caring for you after you’ve been blasted with some curse or the other.  maia first works for the ministry, in their muggle science department, but then decides to train as an auror (like why not, she’s got the grades and the grit for it).  stella bounces around for a bit before eventually opening her own little shop in diagon alley.  it’s a bit of an odds and ends sort of shop, somewhere halfway between an antique shop and a toy store tbh
and maybe she helps out on some of maia’s raids/cases
its not like there’s anyone more qualified to help, she is one of the foremost experts in legilimancy
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