kingleedo · 1 month
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triopsarecute · 1 year
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Well, I am dead
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I’m going to singlehandedly destroy the world
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misswoozi · 2 years
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decayedhearts · 2 years
Rook/Deuce for the crackship meme?
Send me a rare ship/crack ship and I’ll rate it !
not for me / ok / adorable / sexy / kinda hilarious / wow perfect / holy shit i never thought about this / this has been a secret guilty pleasure / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell / I've been thinking about this ship ever since that ask you sent me, bruh.. I just.. they're so.. unexpected??? And random?? Makes me wanna see how it would go .__.
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lisa-russell · 3 months
Luckily tumblr shows some of art if yah leave alink....i love this soo much. If yah noticed my art style is very robotic and all this wire and sruff 👌
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Hetalia Mating Season Au: Canada
The official warning here: THIS IS A SPICE POST!
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You’d been pinned harshly to the wall, Half-nude, with him more than halfway inside of you. Your vision was only accompanied by the light of the cracking fireplace. Your breath hitched, and a few tears escaped your eyelids. Your mind was reeling from the reality whiplash.
 One moment you were fine and at home making maple cookies and some batter fell on your cheek. He playfully licked it off, and in doing so you could catch that familiar glint in his eyes. It wasn’t entirely full of malice; something else stood close to the lustful intent and threatened to come into the foreground. Heat, desire, and tension flooded the air. It blended in with the sweet batter making the musk of the air similar to that of Matthew’s characteristics. 
He pulled out to let his cock trace the outside of your pussy to increase the budding pleasure. Earlier, he’d concocted an aphrodisiac lubricant that was created with some of the tree sap from the sacred dark forest. He’d been daydreaming and dreading this moment. The fear that would inevitably be in your eyes as you realized you’d been dragged to hell.  
What was it about you that made him go wild like this? Normally participating in the mating season was something he avoided in favor of an elongated hibernation. But, that one night when winter's cold hung close, and the sun's warmth hardly lasted until noon. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I know this is jarring for you Maple.” His tone was sincere but stated in an inhuman voice that was deeper, like the depths of an abyss. Your mind was stunned by the entire experience, so you didn’t respond. You simply held your blank gaze just right outside of Matthew’s vision. He knew not to chase your orbs, even if he desperately wanted to so he could read all of the emotions that were flashing across your face. He didn’t dare to for now. He kept a firm grip on your bare hips. 
You did pick up on the hints of sweetness that was in his threatening voice. It held the fresh spa of early spring, brimming with new life. You did let out a squeak when Matthews's nails had sunk into your soft skin a little too deeply. The air was still tense, but you were not going to suffocate in this vacuum-sealed silence forever. 
“Matthew…” You finally bring your eyes to meet his glowing red and violet eyes. They reminded you of marbles. 
He lowers himself down closer to your face, and his arms make their way down to your bare bum as he brings your heat closer to his half-hardened cock. Your heart rate immediately sped up. You could feel the thumps of his heart harmonize with yours. 
‘Is this what it feels like to be alive?’ The flurry of emotions that you felt overwhelmed you. You’d been tossed into a cavernous flaming sea that was glowing with passion, fear, love, and confusion. You began to feel an excessive amount of heat pool to your thighs and vagina. 
You were beginning to slip down from the wooden wall your hoodie that was protecting your breasts got caught on a coat hanger pin. A wild grin makes its way to Matthew’s face. His cock twitched in excitement. His strong thighs which were still partially covered by his black slacks, constricted around your legs. You could practically feel the hormones coursing through his body. 
“You won’t be needing this Y/N.” The audible sounds of cotton and polyester being torn to shreds greeted your ears and rained on your eyes. There was no more protection from the King of Maple Fleau. 
Shock covered your face initially; then it moved into begin to relax somewhat. The aphrodisiac was working its magic on the nerves that were more concerned with what reality you were actually in. 
The sweet maple demon had entranced you. He was taking in your glorious bare form for a few more seconds before his hands were back on your booty as he reeled you in closer to him again. 
Your face was smushed against his blood-red military jacket and you were able to inhale the Oud wood in his cologne. It only helped to intoxicate you more and you subconsciously wrapped your delicate arms around your demon boyfriend. Your hands grazed against his large leather wings while you did so. 
“You look delicious Y/N.” The clear desire saturated his voice. 
You purr out. 
“Oui?” A small smirk arises on your face. 
“Je suis chaud”  His hands squeeze your butt once more before he lifted you into midair. It didn’t take much for him to feel much of his blood rush to his cock. He positions himself at the front of your entrance again. As he forced you down onto his magma-hot girth. Since you were on a stimulant, this only added to your heightened senses. You let out a long gasp that expressed undeniable pleasure and scorching pain. 
“Ahhhhhhh ….nnnngh……umph….Matthew.. Unh.” You wrapped your legs tight around his waist so that you felt more support while being suspended midair, and so you could better take him in. 
Matthew was allowing you to adjust to the size of his cock. You could feel your insides wanting to clench around him. Not yet. You wanted to have some fun. However, when you felt him grow inside of you a little more, your cheeks flushed with red paint. You threw your head back, and your low moan prompted him to continue thrusting. Watching your boobs bounce helplessly as he pounded into your core was a sight for dry eyes. 
Once you finally recovered from his initial thrust and growth, your arms reel you back into Matthew’s torso and neck. It stood out in the sea of confusion you were in, like a well-lit lighthouse. You rested your head on his shoulder as you could feel that he’d fallen into a rhythm while he pounded into you ferociously. He was the same person but also different. 
Matthew inhaled your sweet (favorite flower) lotion. It coaxed him closer to climax as his mind was flooded with nothing but thoughts of you and the life you could have together if you actually accept being his Queen of Maple Fleau. You wouldn’t abandon him like some of the others before. But, still doubt still had clouds that hung low in his heart. 
“Matthew….” You snapped him out of his worry and back to the present, where looking straight into your eyes briefly brought him to snap. 
“Y/N…ahhhhhhhh” He begins to moan as he released himself inside of you and continued to thrust so that he could ride out his orgasm. This process would reset again shortly. His body had missed too many Spring seasons. His hands made definite indents in the sides of your hips that would only get worse and possibly permanent throughout the night. 
When he finished, you gently brought your hands to his face, which had been coated in a thick layer of sweat. You moved some of his golden locks of blonde hair from his face and tucked it behind his ears. Your bright (eye color) shined through the glim lighting. They fired ultraviolet lasers straight into Matthew’s heart. His heart is congested with so many emotions that his brain was unable to think of words to describe the predicament the two of you were in. Only 15 minutes ago the two of you were in your kitchen making Maple cookies to celebrate the oncoming of Spring and the new beginning of you deciding to move in with him after years of dating. This was an unexpected turn of events but not one that took you by total surprise. 
“Do you want to verbalize at least what’s going on, Matthew? I’m not going to be angry….” Knowing he needed more reassurance for him to open up. You’ve realized that prefacing statements in this way gave him the go-ahead to be real with you. You felt his muscles relax and your feet finally touched the ground after 20 minutes of being in mid-air. 
He bites his lower lip and you could see the all too familiar sharper than usual canines he had. His eyes turned back to his bright violets. He maintained his tight grip on you as if you were a wild deer that was trying to escape. He didn’t allow his gaze to meet yours, instead he had a staring match with the soft red rug that was beneath you. 
“Yeah… but it’s hard to eh?” He finally says, as if he’d just been defeated after a war. 
‘This is the end, isn’t it? She won’t accept. She’ll hate me and tell me …..’ 
“I love you, Matthew Williams, but how can you say it’s hard when you’re being fully honest now?” You begin to giggle a little at the absurdity of your current predicament. Fully naked, probably lost the ability to walk for a week, and your boyfriend of 3 years is a literal demon. 
“And there is nothing wrong with what and who you are.” You do your best to try and get him to look at you, but he seemed to be frozen solid by the allure of the carpet. You roll your eyes as a mischievous grin spreads across your face like wildfire. You kiss him on the nose and playfully poke his lips. 
The playful kiss sends cupids arrows to Matthew’s heart. 
Y/N breaks from Matthews's titanium chain-like grip and in doing so immediately falls over due to not being fully capable of walking. 
Just before you fully pummeled to the floor, Matthew’s tail catches you and brings you back to his tight embrace fully facing him. He snickered at your attempt of trying to be playfully sexy. Your willingness to face crazy things never ceased to enamor him. 
“Alright, Y/N I admit it I’m a demon… But not just any demon, a demon King and it’s Spring, which means that it’s mating season for us. We all go up well, most of us go up each year to try and find a human mate that would be willing to become one with us and rule our kingdoms and if said partner is a woman, have our heirs. In the most basic sense. If we don’t like the partner we’ve chosen, we do have to kill them since all have either gone insane with knowing that hell does exist, or they would expose too much of the underworld to humans.” 
Silence floated between the two of you for a few minutes. The crackling of the roaring fire was the only sound that your ears could pick up. It gave you the space to work out the further implications. You were going to ask him if it was possible for you to at least visit the surface world at least once in a while…..
“Y/N?” Your lack of response prompted him to search your bewildered eyes. He gave you a sympathetic smile as you turned your full attention to be on him again. He gave you a gentle peck on your lips. 
“But, I promise I won’t hurt you …. I just….. I know I’ll be gentle… I know it’s a lot to ask …I..” 
You kissed him on the lips simply to stop his ramblings.
“Matthew.” You managed to get him to look at you directly in your profound (eye color). Your hands were once again on the sides of his face. You hoisted yourself onto your tiptoes. You wanted to make sure that he had your full attention.
“It’s okay, I still love you, you know?” The words sound unreal to him and he was waiting for you to yell gotcha! It’s just a prank. He’s on a television show of sorts….But when you keep your stare directly on him with no other surprise to spring upon him he finally noticed that a  few tears clouded his vision.  
“Y/N…” A cracked voice rings out into the dull darkness of his large bedroom. 
You led him in with a gentle kiss and turned up in passionate fervor. 
Matthew could feel himself become extremely excited again as your tongues interlaced. He allowed himself to purely feel with less thought involved. Why would he need to when both he and you were intertwined with love? 
He quickly discarded his slacks, socks, and shoes while you made progress with his coat and stuffy shirt. He ripped it off his black shirt and tossed it to somewhere in the room. At this moment, all that mattered was you. Thunderbolts hit the pit of your stomach as your hearts began to harmonize.  
“Je serai doux.” You loved it when he lost himself and began to speak French. It sounded like a scared incantation only spoken to those who were special. His boner was once again raging and would need release soon. He pinned you to the ground, the fireplace illuminating your features perfectly. You look like a Renaissance painting splayed out for his liking. He drank in the sight of your fully nude form from the tip of your head to your toes. All of you looked magnificent to him. 
‘How becoming of a Queen.’ 
He planted one more long kiss on your luscious lips. He dragged all of the air from your lungs. His boulder-like knees crashed down to the soft red rug between your legs. He forced them apart almost to a 180 angle. The same hot rod feeling from before greeted your entrance except this time it felt a few degrees hotter. Before you could ponder how that was possible, you felt your thighs begin to sweat profusely like the rest of your body. His dick traced the outside of your vagina while he left a few butterfly kisses on top of your forehead like a flower crown of sorts. Claiming you will be less stressed with the full knowledge that things will be alright between the two of you afterward.  
“Je t’aime… Je t’aime….J’taime…” he chanted as he began to kiss your cheeks. His noes briefly grazed, and he kissed you briefly and swiftly moved to your neck. At first he licked your skin smoothly like it was soft-serve ice cream before brutally biting down on your smooth skin the smell of your (favorite flower) lotion intoxicating him like taking in a fresh line of white. As he left hickeys on your neck, his tail whipped around wildly, and his wings trembled immensely. 
“Cela pourrait faire mal….” 
He swiftly inserted the tip of his dick back inside. While he did this, he did his best to be slow so that he wouldn’t injure you. His right hand gathered both of yours and pinned them to the top of your head. He inhaled you as he railed you. (Yes, I’m going with that dumbass rhyming line.. I laughed my ass off writing this line.) He was determined to get you pregnant that night. One of your nipples was sucked on until somewhat raw. His tongue ravenously licked the underside of your other breast and bit down on your nipple harshly. 
“Ah! Mattie!” 
Your cries fell on deaf ears. 
He continued his rampage on your body by using his wings to force your core closer to his dick so he could penetrate you deeper. His girth was becoming distending and filling you to the brim. 
Your body was swelling with heat. Your mind could no longer concentrate on anything. All you could do was feel. You began to feel tiny seeds drop all over your body. 
“Ahhhh!” Matthew had found your sweet spot and began to concentrate all of his efforts on it. 
The jackhammer-like pounding was prominent in the forefront of your consciousness, along with the seeds beginning to sprout. 
“Say my name Maple~” He practically roars out in a harmonious roar. 
“Matthew! Ugh..” You were trying to adjust to his cock, but that was difficult to the size increase stretching you out. “Matthew…” 
“Je’taime…..Je’taime….”He was beginning to reach his climax. His tail wrapped around your waist tightly to prep for the final push. Both his hands and the soon-to-be vegetative seeds constrain you tightly to the floor. 
“Y/N!” He thrust his dick to the very center of your sweet spot and unleashed the pressure in his girth. He let out a loud moan, and his thrust became much more gentle. Seeds pooled upon the red carpet making a small sea. He brought you in for a long kiss as his otherworldly limbs allowed you space. When your lips finally did part, the two of you stared into the depths of each other's souls for a few moments. 
You broke out of the trance with a deep sigh. Simply moving your legs was actually painful with all of the seeds that managed to escape Matthew. There were now seedlings residing in your womb. 
“Let me help you, my sweet maple.” He picks you up bridal style and carries you to the wide white tiled shower. He turns on the hot water and he helps get you clean. The lavender-scented soap added charm to the atmosphere. All of the candles were neatly placed around the windows, sink, and tub. 
“You really did think all of this through.” You wrap your arms around his neck and he gently sits down on the built-in shower chair. The warm water was a welcome feel on your beaten skin. Matthew’s firm hands cleanse you from tonight's fun. 
“I love you Y/N.” 
Thanks for reading! I made this one up on the fly and only followed the first page and a half then I spun this as quickly as I could. Hahah. Apparently, I like to torment myself. I’ll post the written draft tomorrow. 
Oui= Yes 
Je suis chaud(e)= I’m Horny 
Je serai doux= “I’ll be gentle.” 
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soaked-ghost · 2 months
The fandom being ableist with Ink is so true actually and it's so unfortune really. People have been complaining about this since 2019 and still nothing fucking changed..
Also, there's a lot of tropes that this fandom uses with him and all of them somehow ties to 'disability' tropes. Like the 'evil and mean because of their disabilty', 'Ink provides character growth to other characters, but never himself', 'infantalized by everyone and treated as an animal', 'his lack of soul must be cured or he'll never be happy' or the 'becoming soulless is a fate worse than death etc..'
I'm aware that in Undertale, the interpretation of soullessness being some somekind of disabilty is purely interpetative and perhaps not even Toby Fox's original intention with this concept but with Ink however, it 100% is (i could even argue that comyet landed in some dangerous writing paths by making his condiction a clear parallel to disabilities, but this is for another day). Ink is totally unable to function without his vials canonically, as he's stated as being unable to move, interact, talk, think etc... If that's not a disability i don't know what it is.
I'm not EVEN going to talk about the horrible tropes people use for his vials (yes, a lot of them ties to ableist tropes about medications). Some people treat his vials as the most horrible and sad things ever, when it's like..... just medication?? What's so 'edgy' and 'horrible' about having to take medications anyways??
exactly!!!! EXACTLY!!!!!
u were able to word every single one of my thoughts in a single ask!!
The problem is that people have a WAY TOO EDGY perception of ink as a person, so anything connected to him is turned into something horrible and evil
Which is STUPID and DUMB because ink is literally supposed to be a nice guy
Take how people portray ink when he runs out of paint and becomes 'empty'. I've said this before but ink when he's 'empty' genuinely sounds like the lowest point of a depressed person. (And depression is considered a disability btw)
he becomes numb to everything around him, he can barely bother to care or move or speak, he's literally just super depressed in that state but people INSIST that it's actually creepy and spooky thing when he's empty :/
He's literally just feeling bad what is wrong with u.......
He never gets a chance to be good, he's always scheming something or thinking about stabbing people in the back, like ALWAYS. and when he's demanded an explanation he always gives the 'because I'm soulless' answer which bruuuuuuuuuh be for real.
This fandom has a loooooong history of just being plane bad at having takes about characters and also just having terrible media literacy
And about the point u've made about his vials being always dramatically edgy for no reason. Not only is it treated like the worse thing ever for a person to go through, have u guys noticed that even with his vials, his emotions are not 'real'? like his vials don't work or make him even more of a liar? and the 'artificiality' of his emotions when he takes his vials are always treated as bad?
Like bro those are his MEDS what are u insinuating??
His vials literally help him function!! what are u trying to say when ur telling me that it's bad because it's 'artificial'????
The problem with ink is that he is covered in layers and layers of misunderstandings, ableism, and a lack of understanding of themes and arcs.
What ink is supposed to represent is not that people without souls are evil and unredeemable!! he's supposed to represent that u can bounce back from ur darkest hours and live on a full happy life despite what might limit u!!
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ellenthefox · 4 months
Chayanne's swings against Cucurucho, the little knocks against the glass bro he so didn't want to fight the siblings he swore to protect meanwhile empanada steeling herself and going for the win, her survival instincts activating, I'm gonna cry dude. He runs away mid-fight, I can't do this. Empanada still loses in the end. I can feel the relief the fight is over, the stare off before empanada goes for the door. bruuuuuuuuuh
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smileysuh · 1 year
in no way am i saying ‘plz make this into a fic’ but in a way i’m more so asking your opinion/thoughts on ‘what do you think the fic could consist of if it were to be written’
- work anon :D
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i've had a rock band hip hop line wip in my drafts for mONTHS- and this is- this is them- holy fuck-
the crack synopsis as it stands right now is: The classic: i’m the hot lead singer with a hot girlfriend that all my besties wanna fuck, that i bring around like bait on a hook, then act shocked when a sharky boi takes a chompy chomp. - with Cheol as the lead singer-
but tbh- we could also do y/n as the lead singer, bass Mingyu, guitarist Wonwoo, drummer scoups- and they all wanna fuck her so bad but the bro code stops them from making a move, and she just- gets increasingly horny and seductive until Mingyu snaps and fucks her, then Scoups and Wonwoo are like excuse me- me too please-
god... so many options.
so many delicious options-
my wip list is a mess i can tell you that much- they are SO FINE
is Mingyu even ALLOWED??? that SHIRT- *dies*
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bloodsoaked-gown · 1 year
thinking hard about whats my purpose in life and stuff and also why am i procastinating bruuuuuuuuuh study you bish
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goodeye-cyborg · 2 years
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kysnorf · 2 years
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bruUuUUUuUuh look at my cheesecake
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clash-rat · 1 year
I have a second portion of an interview coming up and I wore my only “office attire” outfit to the first interview bruuuuuuuuuh
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Yea…….it didn’t end well…
and Harukia was blamed for her parents divorced and thus…
The pain feeling in her chest started after that
Fuck the homewrecker
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dvmni · 2 years
bruuuuuuuuuh Don't ask me how I survived today. Or how many tickets I closed. they kept coming
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