#bsd futon
hey. guess what. more Human Abilities AU, starring the Armed Detective Agency!
Kunikida's first up, with Matchless Poet/Doppo Poet (I don't know which one's right-), or just "Poet"! Poet is much like Kunikida, wanting to keep up with work and having an organized and well maintained scheduled. But while Kunikida scolds the others for slacking off, Poet is more kinder with his words. Still has the scary factor though when the others push it, and definitely if they mess with his organization. That's his thing, organization. Mess with it, and you'll end up with a binder at the face. Regardless of his scary factor, Poet is more or less the diligent and caring big brother when it comes to his voice claim. ex: maybeee (goodness voice claims are hard when you have a itty bitty mind and you dont know much voices-) "L. Lawliet" from Death Note.
Ranpo's Super/Ultra Deduction, or Suiri! (going with romaji for some of these-) Suiri is as much as a smarty as they are a foodie. And while they have the same confidence in their deductions like Ranpo, Suiri is a actually a lot more mellow and quiet about their accomplishments which correlates to the fact that Ranpo doesn't actually have an ability. Sometimes they wonder why they're still around when they're at their lowest, but the rest make it an every day occurrence to make them feel needed. Hey, at least they know their way back to the agency. But some thing's for sure when it comes to their voice claim. They have Ranpo's sass and shoot-backs. ex: Nagisa from Assassination Classroom.
Yosano's Thou Shalt Not Die, Kochou(a less common name meaning "butterfly", the other being just "cho")! She is very much similar to Yosano as a feminist and a very independent woman that need no man. But in the sense, she does more of the dirty work. She's not afraid in getting her hands dirty. But even then, she knows beauty just like her iridescent butterflies when she sees it, more or less giving her an elegant but straightforward voice claim. Not as sadistic, but it's still in that scary factor that a single unamused and threatening stare could have many sit down and wait for their demise if she were to unleash such on them. ex: Lust from Full Metal Alchemist (at this point, im just going through random tiktoks of voice claims to figure something out qwq)
Kenji's Undefeated by Rain, or just... Rain! Rain a literal carbon copy of Kenji, with a bit more knowledge about city life... but somehow still not enough. Very much a social butterfly and polite just like Kenji, if not somewhat more mature than the boy. One poignant thing about Rain, though, is his strong nature of not wanting to hurt, so he's actually a pacifist. In a way, he is in the back lines when it comes to things, acting as defense more than offense which Kenji is. But similar to Kenji, if someone were to try and tilt that, Rain won't hesitate and punch someone a block or four back. And for his voice claim, taking to account that he's a but more mature but still golden hearted and he knows where he stands in situations. ex: Lune from The Cat Returns.
Kyouka and Demon Snow, or Shirayuki (romaji once more). Now Shirayuki is different from the others. The reason being is because she was previously Kyouka's mother's ability. Her phantom takes after her mother. With one last order given from her, Shirayuki is immensely protective of Kyouka, acting more or less like a mother-figure in place of Kyouka's. And really, the phantom resembles her mother, and it brings her comfort. So in a way, Shirayuki will take after Kyouka's mother. A nice and loving woman but can be silent and deadly with the help of her katana. But after being linked with Kyouka, she began taking after Kyouka's straightforwardness. Basically motherly for her voice claim. ex: well... Kyouka's mother from Bungou Stray Dogs.
Tanizaki and Light Snow, or just Snow! Snow has that strong familiarity sense, she is very much like the big sister to both Tanizaki and Naomi, and is more or less confused at their antics and a bit concerned, she's just glad they're close (she does not know the full extent). Snow is basically the only one besides a few notable others that have normal braincells in the agency, a good balance of work and having a bit of fun in the office. And similar to Tanizaki, can be ruthless when she wants to be (or if someone hurts her family [that includes the agency too]). And surprisingly, she gets along with everyone, ESPECIALLY Byakko, which often than not shocks most. Because if anything, Byakko is close with Shirayuki and whatever is going on with Rashomon. ex: Sisu from Raya and the Last Dragon. Taking into account about the braincells but also the fact that she somewhat acts similarly to Tanizaki
And you know what, have a Katai with... "Futon". Hm. A bit of a change to the alternate name, "The Quilt", and we now have Quill! Quill, the poor man, is a hopeless romantic. And compared to Katai, he goes out. He touches grass. While Katai is an information broker, Quill is more or less the hacker to get the more restricted information. it's for the greater good, promise! While being a hopeless romantic, Quill is more encouraging and keep seeing the days ahead. Mellow and mature, but he can and will drag Katai to go outside and bet the stray cat at the end of the block, or go to a hole in the wall shop for some deadly good dinner. ex: Joe Gardner from Soul
And last but certainly not least, Fukuzawa and All Men Are Equal. Or in romaji, Hito! Hito is a fair and balanced man, and while Fukuzawa has his agency, Hito watches over the agency's abilities. He takes care of them and spends time with them, a silent father figure moving around as he mostly keeps to both Kochou and Suiri, but he won't hesitate to help the agency members when they need the president's opinion but the man isn't in at the time. One thing, though, about Hito. Hito is silent. Silent. No one, not even Fukuzawa, has heard the man talk. But just his presence, his aura, and his acts, it's enough comfort to help them. And if someone were to try and hurt his found family, he won't hesitate and return to old ways and hurt the perpetrator back.
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knightpetrichor · 4 months
yall i just had the stupidest kunikatai + skk au idea. so basically dazai and chuuya have the highest scores at the arcade bc theyre 16 year olds who settle all their disputes there. and theyre very well known for it. like, if youre a teen growing up in yokohama, u have no idea who slug and mackerel actually are but you probably Despise them. but one day, someone takes the top place on the leaderboard. so skk are competing with this mysterious other person on like street fighter or something. full plans to try and stalk whoever it is, figure out their identity (because skk are absolutely the type of teens to threaten someone into not going to the arcade anymore LMAO), etc. its a Whole Thing. meanwhile, at #1 place, is katai, probably because of his ability (kunikida comes with him but doesn't really play lol). and kunikatai are Just as devoted to this rivalry as skk are.
it eventually tapers off. years later dazai mentions his arcade escapades and kunikida connects the dots and is just. fuming. "THAT WAS YOU????"
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odyooles · 7 months
happy valentine's day!
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i hope you like rarepairs :)
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Atsushi: Kunikida... I don't want to be the one to tell you this. But I overheard Katai telling a woman he loved her.
Kunikida: Was her name Yoshiko, by any chance?
Atsushi: Er....yes actually, did you already know?
Kunikida: That's not a woman, that's his futon.
Atsushi:....Well that's a relief.
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littencloud9 · 3 months
MORE gay people for you
lemon futon + "focus on me."
kunibram + "..perhaps this is unneccessary"
kunichuu + "don't surprise me like that!"
fyoran + "should i have expected anything else?"
so many gays,, also im scared of writing fyodor AND ranpo but i hope i did them alright o7
lemon futon + focus on me
"It's easy," Katai says, gesturing to the half-folded paper star in front of him. "Just focus on me." Without missing a beat, Kajii replies, "That won't be too hard." Katai glares through the frames of his glasses, but he can't force down the embarrassed chuckle that leaves him. He continues folding the paper star, puffing it up and putting it in Kajii's hands when he's done. Kajii lifts it up to the light, squinting at it, like he cannot believe such a contraption is possible. "Astounding," Kajii says. "You're amazing!" Katai flushes. "It's just a hobby... Kunikida and I used to fold lots." "Really?" "Uh-huh. Jars of them, sometimes." "Can I try?" Katai blinks. Kajii's sudden enthusiasm is taking him by surprise. "Y-yeah, sure." Katai reaches for the stack of paper strips at the side, tearing one out and passing it over. When their fingers brush, his heart stutters while Kajii actually beams. He has no clue how he got here, but this crush is getting severely out of hand.
kunibram + ...perhaps this is unnecessary
Bram can feel his control slipping. How preposterous. He is Bram Stoker, the Lord of the Undead, a terrifying calamity, the very definition of evil. He should not be losing it over— His fingers twitch as Kunikida removes another button, exposing more of his pale skin, specifically his neck. Bram can hear the blood rushing through his veins, the sweet, inviting scent flooding his nose. Before he knows it, he's reaching out, a hand pushing at Kunikida's forehead and forcing it up. Kunikida goes like a doll on a string, so unlike his usual stubborn front. As Bram leans in, nose nudging along Kunikida's neck and feeling him shiver, he stops. He's going dizzy from desire, but he still has a sense of guilt and dignity, and he doesn't want to turn into a mindless, hungry beast in front of the only human who trusts him so deeply. "...Perhaps this is unnecessary," he chokes out. His fangs press onto Kunikida's skin, right where his pulse thumps the hardest. "It is not a must for me to feed. If I were to—" "I'll stop you if I have to," Kunikida whispers. His voice is hoarse. "Do it already." So demanding despite the compromising position he's in. Bram brings another hand up, grasping onto Kunikida's collar and tugging on it, the fabric crinkling between his fingers. "If you insist, my queen." Before Kunikida can bristle at the nickname, Bram bites, and a heady sensation begins to flood his brain.
kunichuu + don't surprise me like that!
Kunikida freezes in his tracks when Chuuya appears from the ceiling, hanging upside down the door frame with a grin. His hair stays perfectly done due to his ability and he waves, eyes filled with mischief. "Chuuya," Kunikida admonishes, "don't surprise me like that!" "But you're cute when you're startled," Chuuya shoots back. His grin widens when Kunikida gives them a cross glare. "Welcome home, by the way." "Terrible welcome," Kunikida claims, side-stepping him and ducking into the house. He hears Chuuya come down, feet landing on the floor with a soft thump before hurrying after him. "Aw, c'mon. Do you want a different one? I can make it up to you." "And you're a terrible flirt," Kunikida huffs, refusing to give in despite the smile on his face. Chuuya grabs his arm, spinning him around. He hooks his hands around his neck, pulling him down with a smirk. "Are you sure? I don't hear you complaining when I do this." And then Chuuya goes on his tiptoes and brings their lips together, and Kunikida drops his bag down to pull him closer. "You're not forgiven," he mutters between kisses, even though he's actively melting. "Right," Chuuya agrees, grinning against his lips.
fyoran + should i have expected anything else?
"Fyodor-kun!" Ranpo shouts with glee, dashing up to him. "There you are. I found you!" Fyodor raises an eyebrow. He wasn't aware they were playing a game of hide-and-seek, although he did keep his location a secret when he sent that letter to Ranpo, asking him to meet. "You deciphered my letter?" he asks, turning his chair to face Ranpo, who nods with his hands on his hips. "Of course. Should I have expected anything else?" "Obviously not." Ranpo's bright smile melts off into something darker as his eyes open. His stare has always fascinated Fyodor. No other regular human being could have such a piercing look, as if they know all the secrets to the universe. Ranpo is the only exception. "Well?" Ranpo asks. "What was it you wanted me for?" An unnecessary question. They both know it. Fyodor doesn't reach out, never one to intiate first, even if this was his idea. He lets Ranpo come to him, lets him make the first indication of want. Like a moth to a flame. "I think you know, Ranpo-kun." Ranpo grins. "Of course."
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zukkaoru · 4 months
lemon futon AND kunichuu + "THAT's who you were talking about?!" "look at who you're holding hands with!"
nikomushithaniel + "it could have ended differently" "i know."
beast souheki + "why?"
i offer you some silly fun times followed by ✨angst✨
lemon futon & kunichuu
“THAT’S who you were talking about?!” Katai demands, gesturing wildly with one hand. “Kunikida, that’s a Port Mafia executive!”
Chuuya rolls their eyes.
Kunikida bristles. “You’re concerned about me? Look at who you’re holding hands with!” This, he thinks, is a fair argument to make. Because Katai is holding hands with one Kajii Motojirou, the Port Mafia’s notorious lemon bomber, while Chuuya is a well-mannered, polite, individual who just happens to also work for the mafia. There’s a pretty big difference between the two, as far as Kunikida is concerned.
Needless to say, when Katai said he would be introducing his partner to Kunikida, he did not expect to see a familiar face. Definitely not mafia familiar.
“You hate the mafia,” Kunikida points out.
“So do you!”
“As far as I’m concerned,” Chuuya cuts in, “you’re both hypocrites. You two can argue all you want, but if this goes on for too much longer, Kajii and I are going to ditch you and go out ourselves.”
Kajii grins, maniacal and dangerous. Kunikida tenses.
But…he supposes Chuuya gets like that sometimes too. The wild, carefree, laughter. The wicked glint in their eyes. And while it scared Kunikida at first, it’s now one of the endless things about Chuuya that he finds indescribable beauty in.
So maybe he can trust Katai and give Kajii a chance.
nikomushithaniel + “it could have ended differently” “i know”
“It could have ended differently,” Mushitarou spits out. It stings, like a knife to the gut; he says it like Nikolai doesn’t care. Like he hasn’t lost hours upon hours of sleep combing through his memories pointing out all of the moments he could have done something—anything—to change the ending.
“I know!” he snaps, hands clenched into fists at his side. Curled so tight his fingernails are drawing blood. He knows, he knows, he knows. They could have stopped Nathaniel, could have talked him out of it. They could have simply escaped with him in tow.
They could have done any number of things, but now—
Now, it’s too late.
It could have ended differently, but they both missed every opportunity to bring about the needed change, and now they’re left alone with the broken pieces. Nathaniel was the blood binding them together, and with him gone…
“Just get out of here,” Mushitarou orders. “I don’t ever want to see you again.”
Nikolai doesn’t argue. He just leaves.
beast souheki + “why?”
Ranpo didn’t go to the funeral.
He knew exactly where and when it happened, but the gathering was so small they would have instantly noticed an enemy in their midst. It wasn’t his place to intrude regardless. He never meant that much to Dazai.
Then again, no one did.
He refused to let himself care about anyone. And now he’s gone.
Ranpo sits in the wet grass, back against the headstone, face tilted towards the sky. Two weeks ago, they were in Dazai’s bed, back pressed against the mattress, teeth sinking into his skin. And now—
“Why?” they whisper.
No answer comes. The dead cannot speak. Ranpo knows this all too well.
The dead do nothing but leave you with unanswered questions and ghosts that you cannot shake.
Dazai never even fully removed his bandages when they were together. It meant nothing to him, and Ranpo knows this—has always known this, but—
The one thing he doesn’t know is why Dazai jumped. The one thing Ultra Deduction cannot help him figure out is Dazai’s motivation. Ranpo has tossed and turned for hours, rolling the question through his head in the middle of the night, but they always come up empty.
It doesn’t make sense.
They knew he wanted to die—knew he planned it out, down to the second.
But he would never explain why.
Now, he never will.
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frankenjoly · 3 months
hi hello may i interest you in some misc ships both rare and not <3
"i want her back" + higumitch
"none of us go on forever." + fukufuku
"what? sorry, i'm a bit tired." + mushiango
"we can beg for forgiveness later" + lemon futon
*cracks knuckes*
higumitch + “i want her back”
“Gin!!!” Higuchi called out, running towards them so fast she basically collided against her friend when finally getting there. In fact, if Gin wasn’t strong enough to counter such a speed with ease, the two would have ended up on the floor. “I need your help, please! It’s… an emergency.”
Gin let go of her and took a step back so there was enough space to motion, then signed a simple ‘Context? Please.’
“Okay… I’ve just met a very pretty girl, and I’ve also totally made a fool of myself and…” She let out a deep, embarrassed sigh. “I stumbled so badly. Then I panicked and fled, and almost tripped with my own feet too and… fuck. Bet she thinks I’m a complete idiot.”
‘No. Doubt it.’ Gin replied, stretching a hand to readjust one of the clips on Higuchi’s hair, and before she could ask how anyone could be that sure, the answer manifested in the most literal sense.
Margaret was approaching them.
“Hope I’m not interrupting anything.” She said when arriving, a polite smile on her face. Gin instantly shook his head, which wasn’t much of a save but didn’t count as throwing Higuchi under the bus either (as if her friend would actually do that, but well, she was nervous). When she mirrored the gesture, Margaret continued. “Then I want her back.”
“O-oh! Of course, yes.”
Said and done: tapping her shoulder in encouragement, Gin quickly took her leave.
lemon futon + “we can beg for forgiveness later”
“And if something goes wrong and we get caught?” Katai asked, already dreading the answer he might get.
“Ah, don’t worry! We can beg for forgiveness later.” And… there it was; just as he was expecting, Kajii didn’t exactly reassure him. In fact, he was so nervous he might be about to puke at any moment. Still, he didn’t let go of Kajii’s hand and let him guide them both to the place. “Have you never ever risked getting into trouble just ‘cause the thing you were gonna do was fun?”
“Uh… no, not really.” Growing up, Doppo had been his only actual friend, and the only one of the two who ever got into trouble as well even if it was about defending certain causes and not looking for fun per se.
“Oh! In that case, will you let me show you, my dear Katai?” Instead of seeming upset in any capacity, there was a glimmer in his eyes hinting at how the possibility appealed to him greatly. He even stopped for a second, now taking both of Katai’s hands and smiling from ear to ear. It didn’t take a genius to notice the silent plea that accompanied the gesture, nor could he resist it.
“I--” A smile tugged at Katai’s lips. “Alright, I will.”
fukufuku + “none of us go on forever”
“None of us go on forever, I know.” Fukuzawa said, after only a brief moment in silence; it felt like, if he left anything unsaid, it would be like that permanently. And given how they had to return from the book’s space eventually, the feeling was rooted in something very real. “But I wish things had been different.”
“Me too, Yuki. Me too.” Gen’ichirô replied, and something stirred inside his chest at the sound of those words.
‘Yuki’ was a remnant of way simpler times, where they could be just kids and their first separation was still so far ahead none of them could have predicted. And getting called like that, now they were heading for their last…
Without even thinking about it, he held out his hand to the side, and shortly after their fingers were entwined. They way it had happened many years ago, as Gen’ichirô led him towards his latest discovery (a new bakery, a stray cat, the train they shouldn’t miss). The way it had also been when they became a couple.
“I wish we’d had more time, too.” Was the last thing Fukuzawa heard before the moment was broken.
mushiango + “what? sorry, i’m a bit tired”
“What?” Ango said, finally moving his eyes away from the documents he had been… glancing at, saying he was paying attention at that point would have been quite the overstatement, and Mushitarô knew it. “Sorry, I’m a bit tired.”
“I figured when you didn’t answer the first three times.” He answered, scrunching his nose a little before letting out a simple sigh.
“Sorry, really. I thought I could get this done before heading out and now it’s been… how much time has it been?” As he finished speaking, Ango moved to reach for his phone and check the hour. But instead of letting him proceed, Mushitarô basically shoved the screen of his own towards Ango’s face. And, upon reading the clock’s numbers, his eyes went wide. “Holy shit…”
“Yeah. Anyway, you’re going home.” Mushitarô turned the phone screen back so he could face it again, and started looking some things up. “And I’m going to cancel the reservation for tonight’s restaurant.”
“What? Wait!” Ango grabbed his wrist, pleading, but he didn’t yield.
“No. If you’re as exhausted as you look, there’s no way having dinner out is going to be as enjoyable as it could be. So you’re going home, I’m going with you, and we’re ordering takeout instead.” 
At what was very clearly the realization of how Mushitarô wasn’t calling their date off but rearranging the specifics, Ango visibly relaxed.
“... Oh. Alright.”
(Also on ao3.)
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For that latest ask game: Shibuvan and/or Lemon Futon?
as much as i love both of those ships! that is a lot of questions to answer for both of them. so . grabs shibuvan
- Gives nose/forehead kisses
i like the hc where ivan is taller then shibusawa and i think he'd give him many forehead kisses
- Gets jealous the most
- Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
both of them would i think
- Takes care of on sick days
- Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
ivan probably
- Gives unprompted massages
- Drives/rides shotgun
ivan would drive shibusawa would not want to drive if he didnt have to i think.
- Brings the other lunch at work
- Has the better parental relationship
i don't have parent hcs for either of them.
- Embarrassingly drunk dancer
shibusawa maybee
- Still cries watching Titanic
i! am not sure.
- Firmly believes in couples costumes
ivan absolutely
- Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
- Makes the other eat breakfast
ivan, followed by shibusawa doing the same thing <3
- Remembers anniversaries
shibusawa !
- Brings up having kids
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mango + 7, atsulucy + 9, lemon futon + 4 and 14, ada kunichuu + 6, bramcraft + 2, fukumori + 15
Bestie if I knew you were gonna send me so many I would have sent you more in return. Damn.
Mushiango: 7. Which one is the worse driver
It's Mushitaro. I'm not saying he can't drive, but I would like to point out that between him and Ango, one of them has the ability to erase their traffic violations, and the other we have canonically see driving with no problems, therefor I'll let you do the math on this one.
Atsulucy: 9. Which one swears more
See you think I'd say Lucy no questions asked, but honestly I think it's a tie. Lucy tries to avoid cussing in her work environment, meanwhile Atsushi's probably encouraged in his work environment, so in the end I think it balances out.
Lemon Futon: 4.What they do on date night
Hm... I think they either switch it up so each person gets a turn deciding for each date night (Kajii usually drags Katai out places like dinner or the opera, Katai usually decides on movies they can watch or food to order in) and/or date night becomes cuddle nights.
14. What nicknames they call each other
Bean Bag immediately came to mind as something Kajii calls Katai so I'm absorbing that into my personal canon. Kajii probably has sooo many nicknames for Katai, honestly, the most I get from Katai is a sweet petname or two. Darling, love, etc etc. Kajii swoons over-dramatically every time and Katai regrets it every time (but, well, not really).
Kunichuu: 6. How they decorated their bedroom
Kunikida was insistent their room be practical and efficient and neutral, they could always change things up later in life when they were more certain of what they wanted and not just two 19 year olds getting their first space. And while the organization and well-keptness of the room remains...
Well. Chuuya found a cheap pack of those glow-in-the-dark star stickers, and while they started as a joke to see how long it'd take Kunikida to find each one (not just on the ceiling, hidden in corners or just behind furniture) they've both grown fond of them, now.
Bramcraft: 2. What their love letters look like
Not sue about canon/post-canon (especially with. Y'know) but pre-canon? Bram writes The most dramatic, flower, purple prose cursive you've seen in your Life. His letters are essentially poetry, endless and going on and on and calling Lovecraft all sorts of wonderful and beautiful things, never less than two or three pages.
Lovecraft's are cryptic, short, and written in ink. They are always mildly damp, smell like either saltwater or fish, and to most sound more like indecipherable scrawlings than notes of love. But Bram understands them, and treasures each and every one.
Fukumori: 15. What they would change about each other
Oh boy. Okay, so
The thing about Fukumori is they both love this city, both believe in a greater good for this city, and both know this about the other. They just wish the other would agree with their way of going about it.
Fukuzawa thinks Mori's actions are too cruel, too bloody, and in the end that the Port Mafia is not what this city needs. Mori believes the Armed Detective Agency is too ineffective to save the city from true threats, in the end, believes them too soft and that, in the end, Fukuzawa will go with his heart and not his mind.
It's a shame, really, both of them think. Their mutual love for this city, their recognition of one another's dark pasts and bloody hands, are part of what draw them to each other. Yet their different way of handling these are what will inevitably drive them apart.
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trains-boy · 1 month
Beast Oda and Aku sleepover since they have the next day off except whenever Akutagawa sleeps over he wakes Oda up at like 5 in the morning
Akutagawa, shaking Oda's shoulder: Oda-san, wake up.
O: What- did something happen, Akutagawa? Why did you wake me up.
A: You were asleep.
O: ..yes? And?
A: So I woke you up. What's the issue?
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kunikiiida-kuuun · 2 years
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He's so cute omg???? 🥺🥺💕💕
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daz4i · 7 months
hello, friend :) random question that i am just genuinely curious about:
if you could have any ability from bsd, which one would you want most and why? (or you can do top three if that's too hard, haha)
oooooo that's a good question!!! ^o^
tbh, for me, probably the overcoat! and not just for nikolai stan reasons hehe. it has a very low skill floor (so unlike, say, chuuya's ability, you don't need to do a lot of very quick calculations in your head to use even its bare minimum) but has a huge potential for things you can do with it (look how nikolai saved sigma from his fall)!
close behind are beast beneath the moonlight (assuming i could control my shifting) and futon tho! 😌
hbu? 👀 do you have one you wish you had? 👀👀👀
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coolyiooo · 10 months
BSD Men : When They Have A Wet Dream About You
Pairings: Dazai, Ranpo, Fyodor, Atsushi, Chuuya, and Sigma
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❗WARNINGS❗: SMUT, MDNI, wet dream, breeding kink, moaning, masturbating, arousal, groaning, moaning, public, praise and etc
Summary :They all start off with the wet dreams. They simply just have a huge crush on you
It would've been another normal day at the office if it weren't for you jumping on his cock. Nobody else was in the office, but anybody could've walked in at any moment. Dazai was sitting on his chair while you straddled his lap. Your tight walls were soaking his cock. You felt like heaven. If he relaxed even a little, he would cum instantly. He had to try his best to hold it in.
He couldn't help but moan and whimper. One of his hands was gripping onto your ass and the other was on your clothed breast. Your hands were messing up his hair and clenched tightly on his shoulders. Your moans made it hard for him to hold himself back from bending you over his desk. He wanted to fuck you vigorously.
"How were you worried about getting caught if your moaning this loudly~? Ngh~! So tight~" he moans
"I can't hold on much longer~ mmn~! god, I've never felt this good, Dazai~" you moaned
When you moaned his name, he almost came right then and there. He felt his orgasm and he was feeling a bit desperate. Using his hands, he made your hips move faster to quicken the pace. You moaned louder "Then cum on my cock, bella~ agh~! You feel too good~ I'm gonna cum so much~!" He whimpers
Both of your moans became louder and a couple more seconds later you came together.
Suddenly Dazai wakes up. He gasps a moan as he cums on his pants. His clenches tightly on his futon while gently arching his back. Ecstacy washed over his entire body. His body was hot and twitching from his climax. His cock throbbed aggressively inside his pants.
After he finished cumming, he was breathing heavily. His mind was blank, but as he calmed down from his orgasm, he remembered his dream about you. He wished it was real. He wish he could kiss, touch, feel you. It was like he needed you. Maybe he's only thinking this way because his mind is a little fogged up from suddenly waking up. He cleaned himself up before going back to bed. It took him a long time to go back to sleep because he couldn't stop thinking about you and the dream.
In the morning, he got up to get ready for work. He was still thinking about the dream. It felt too real to just forget about it. When he arrived at the office, he noticed that you weren't there yet. Since he didn't sleep well last night, he decided to sleep on his desk for a couple of minutes.He was woken up by someone shaking him awake
"Dazai, get up" you said in a soft voice
When he heard your voice, his mind went straight to how you moaned in his dream. He jolted a bit before looking at you
"Kunikida told me to tell you to do you work. Do you think I need to help you with your papers, again?" You asked him while raising an eyebrow and sounded slightly annoyed
He kept staring at you for a couple seconds. His cheeks had a small tint of pink. It didn't help that your hand was on his shoulder just like it was when he was dreaming about you "There's nothing I'd like more, Bella, but first I must go to the bathroom" he gave you a warm smile before he rushed off to the bathroom. You just looked him confused
When he made it to one of the stalls, he palmed his erection. Why did you have such a huge impact on him? His hands were moving on their own as his right hand began to stroked his cock. He wanted to stop but he also didn't. It felt too good. Images of the dream popped into his head, only fueling to his arousal and pleasure. He was panting quietly, trying not to be loud.
His hand was stroking his cock aggressively. He was so desperate to cum. He imagined fucking you like he did in his dream and cumming inside you. He didn't last very long after the thought of it. It wasn't even five minutes before he came. Cum was spilling out of his dick. His cock was Throbbing against his hand as he gasps. His cock was covered in his own cum, except, he only wished that it was covering your walls instead.
He walked back in the office to see you already doing some of his paper. You pulled up a chair next to his chair. He sat down and pretended nothing happened. He looked at you with a smile "if not doing my work makes you sit next to me, I might just never do it"
You rolled your eyes with a smile" I believe you, and because of that I'm never helping you again after today"
He gasps dramatically "that's so mean! But you said the same thing yesterday" he smirks while resting his head on his hand "do you have something to tell me?" He teases
You smirked and leaned towards him. His eyes widen slightly and his smirk went away. You rested your hand on his thigh which made him twitch. You chuckled softly before saying "You fucking wish"
You took your hand away and went back to doing his papers. He was dazed as fuck. He whined "don't play with my heart like that, bella" he cross his legs to hide his new erection, cursing himself.
You laughed "well, hurry up and finish your papers, idiot"
It's an understatement to say he's obsessed with you. He really hopes one day you can call him yours and he can call you his.
He doesn't know how, but you were in his apartment and you were both on the bed. You were on top of him and riding him in a desperate way. His head fell all the way back, exposing his neck and Adams apple. His hands gripped your hips and digging his nails into your skin. His moans were loud but his whimpers showed desperation and how much pleasure he was feeling.
Your moans only made him tremble and closer to his release. "So amazing~ ah~! you feel amazing~!" You moaned
"I cant get enough of you~ mmn~! J-just like that, y/n~!" You suddenly jumped on his cock more quickly and rough. Pure ecstacy flowed throughout his body. You moaned louder and tightened more around him. "Y-y-yes~ ah~! don't stop~! I-im- gonna c-c-cum~!" He whimpered loudly
"Me too~! Mmn~ This feels so good~!" You moaned
His cock couldn't handle the pleasure of being around your walls anymore and came inside you. He arched his back and whimpered loudly. You did the same and came with him. His whole mind went blank for a couple of seconds. His breathing was shallow and his heart rate was quick. He suddenly woke up. It was morning and he was exhausted. He was beginning to move around, but felt something sticky in his pants. He looked down and saw the mess he made while he was asleep. He then remembered the dream he had of you and blushed.
He felt gross, not because of having a lewd dream but because of the gross feeling he made in his pants.He cleaned himself up and put on clean clothes to go to work. He was sitting at his desk and couldn't do anything besides think of you and eat his snacks. He stared blankly at his desk until you randomly threw some candy on his desk and slightly startled him.
"Thought you would like them" you simply said and gave him a smile
He looked at the candy and smiles "ooo~ someone's been thinking about me" he teases as he looks at you
"If anything, it looked like YOU were thinking about something or someone" you tilt your head at him "what were you thinking about?" You asked
He blushed since he couldn't tell you the truth. He began to whine "I'm simply bored!" He made an excuse
"That doesn't answer my question-" your sentence was cut off as he fake snores
You sighed and dead panned, but you just ruffled his hair and went back to your desk. When you ruffled his hair, he slightly leaned more into your touch. After the dream, he wanted to feel more of your touch. He wanted a real touch from you and not by some dream that his unconscious made for him. Before you left completely, he stopped fake snoring and said "give me a head scratch, y/n. That felt nice" he made another excuse
You chuckled "I'm guessing you haven't washed your hair and there's just a bunch of dandruff in it" you teased
He looked offended as you giggled at him "what are you talking about? Look at YOUR hair" he teased back
Now you looked offended "your hair is greasier than mine" you began to laugh
He smirked at you "you know that's not true. Compared to yours that is" he put his hands behind his head and laughed
You gave him an offended look, but he knew If he wanted you to scratch his head he'd have to apologize "I'm just kidding, y/n, but please scratch my head for the world's greatest detective" he smiled at you
You rolled your eyes playfully and smiled "just for a bit"
you began to scratch his head. He had a soft smile on his lips and sighed softly. He loved your touch. He felt at ease and comfortable when you did. You stopped scratching his head "now get to work" you smiled and walked away
He sighed and laid his head on the desk as if he was tired and bored, but he just didn't know what to do with himself besides just think about you, but he smiled to himself softly. Hes never felt so disappointed yet relaxed and happy. He didn't like this feeling, but for some reason, he couldn't help but think it also felt nice.
It was in the middle of the night. You sat on his desk with your legs spread apart and he was in-between them. His cock was feeling your tight, wet walls for the first time. His legs were slightly trembling. His body only felt immense pleasure. He fought the urge to cum by closing his eyes and focus on something else just for a few seconds. He gripped so harshly on your hips that he'd probably leave bruises there. You moaned softly while gripping onto his shoulders. Your hand was clenching his hair. He moaned softly as well
"amazing- ah~ oh, lyubov~" he had a soft smile on his face.
He loved seeing how good he was making you feel. He loved how you were both one. He loved this moment. "So good~ faster, Fyodor~" you moaned in a pleading way
He pressed his forehead against yours and chuckled softly. His pace became faster and you both moaned louder. Your walls tightened and twitched around his cock. He was deep inside you and hitting all the right places. You arched your back as he kissed your neck "so beautiful~ your mine now, love~" he moans against your skin
"I-im- going to- c-cum~!" You moaned
"Me too, love~ ngh~ don't hold back~" He went faster and just as he was about to cum, he wakes up while breathing heavily. He cums in his pants as he gasps. He closed his eyes and felt the ecstacy go throughout his body. When he finished, he was panting heavily and slowly remembered the dream. He sighed from slightly being disappointed in himself. He got up and out of bed. He realized it was 3 am and decided to go take a cold shower.
It was morning now. He was working on his monitors and you saw him. He seemed to be focused as you walked towards him. "Good morning, Fedya"
He realized that you were there and looked at you with his normal calm face "good morning, y/n" he looked at you as you walked towards him
"Have you been working all night again?" You sigh slightly disappointed in him as you begin to sit on his desk
He noticed you sitting on his desk and remembered that that's where you were sitting when he dreamed of you last night, but he ignored it "I couldn't sleep"
You hum in response, understanding his reason, but you smirk "were you dreaming about me weren't you?" You joke
His eyes widen slightly but he decided to joke along too "wouldn't you like to know" he teases
You chuckle "how rude, and I was going to make you breakfast, but I guess you don't deserve it" you get off the desk
He chuckles "I'd appreciate it if you did"
You sigh to pretend your annoyed "I guess I will" but before you left you kept looking at Fyodor's face.
You noticed how tired he look and he looked back at you He didn't say anything but was curious as to why you were staring at him. You tilted Fyodor's chin up slightly to get a better look at him. He looked at you with a slight surprised look. "you need some sleep, Fedya. After you eat, go sleep" you told him softly. You just cared about his health
You walked away and left him slightly Flustered. He smiled to himself softly . He loved your touch and how you cared about him. It seemed like this crush wasn't going to die down any time soon.
You were underneath him. Your hands were on his back and his forehead was on your shoulder. His hands struggled to hold himself up from the overwhelming pleasure. He moaned loudly but so were you. Your moans were beautiful. It was a way of you telling him that he was doing a good job at satisfying you. Your skin was soft and your body was perfect just like you. Your walls made him unable to think about anything else besides you. His pace was fast but gentle. Your legs were wrapped around his hips to feel him deeper inside you. Every touch you made on his skin was just pure pleasure to him because he was sensitive.
"Your so beautiful~ mmn~! how did I get so lucky?" He whimpered
You put a hand on the back of his head "this feels good~ ngh~ don't stop~" you moaned
His pace became faster and a bit rougher. He wanted to treat you gently and give you a perfect experience. You arched your back slightly and scratched his back gently. You kissed his neck and shoulders lovingly as if you truly admired him and his body.
"Your doing good~ mmn~ just like that, Atsushi~" you moaned against his skin He gasps slightly
"Your so perfect~ ah~ i- can't hold on anymore~" he whimpered
"Me too~ ah~ don't stop~" you pleaded
His thrusts became faster. The pleasure was unbearable for him now as he lost his limit and came and you soon came with him. Your body's were trembling and your hearts were pounding. You moaned loudly and he was in pure ecstacy.
He opened his eyes and was sweaty. He saw it was morning, but he felt gross and sticky. He looked down and saw a wet stain in his pants and immediately remembered the dream. He felt disappointed and embarrassed. He quickly got up and changed and put his dirty clothes in a washing machine. He even took a quick shower to clean himself before work.
He made it to work and started to do some papers on his desk. He noticed that you weren't there yet. After a couple of minutes he heard "good morning, Atsushi" you smile at him
He jumps at bit and blushes slightly "o-oh g-good morning, y/n" he stutters
He couldn't even look at you, but you didn't pay much attention to that. You noticed how red Atsushi was and got concerned for him "are you alright, Atsushi? Your cheeks are red" you tilted your head
He couldn't be blushing because you did literally nothing, right? He blushed more and looked at you "u-uh yes! I promise you I'm ok" he stammered a bit and afraid he was gonna make it obvious
"Are you sure? Do you have a fever?" You gently put your hand on his forehead to feel his temperature Your touch made him blush even more
"i-i I'm sure, thank you!" He grabbed your hand and placed it on the desk. He still didn't make any eye contact with you
"did I do something wrong?" You asked worried
He looked at you shocked. He was finally making eye contact with you "n-no! It's just- i- " he looked away for a second "I've just been ... Stressed" he made a small excuse
You looked at him with a bit of worry "then...let's go out after work. You deserve to have your mind free of whatever makes you stressed...if that's ok" you asked
He looked at you and blushed. You seemed to really care about him "i- I'd love to" he smiled softly
"We can buy some tea on rice. You love those right?" You smiled back
He looked at you with so much appreciation. How did you remember that he loved tea on rice? He gave you a warm smile "I'd love that" He loved how you appreciate him, notice his abilities, and comfort him when he can't do so himself. He can't thank you enough for everything you've done and made him feel. He really does like you
You were both in his apartment a d on his bed. You were on top of him and jumping in his cock. His head was on the pillow and his back slightly arched. His eyes were closed and a small smile was on his lips as he moaned. You were finally where he wanted you to be and you seemed to be made for him. His hands rested on your thighs. Your hands were on his chest to keep yourself balanced. Your moans were so beautiful and such a turn on for him. He couldn't stop looking down at where you two are connected and how well he fits inside you. Everything is perfect.
"God, your so beautiful~ ngh~ I've been waiting for this for so long~" he groans
You chuckle softly "I've been waiting for you too~ ah~ this feels amazing~" you moaned as your pace became quicker
He suddenly flipped you over and got on top of you. He kissed your neck and started pounded into you. You gasp a moan and clawed his back. He thought you were so cute like this. He couldn't hold back anymore. He couldn't handle your tight walls anymore
"F-fuck~! I'm gonna cum~ y/n, I can't~" he groans as he struggles to hold on a little longer
"Im at my limit too~ mmn~ t-too good~!" You moaned
After a few more thrusts, he came inside you. His body was overwhelmed by peak pleasure and his arms were trembling. You came with him and both moaned loudly. He woke up in his bed slightly sweaty and hot. He felt sticky and wet in his pants. He looked under his blanket to see a wet spot on them. He felt disgusted yet disappointed, but only because he wished the dream was real. He went to clean himself and went to work.
You and him were partners for a mission Mori sent you both on and he seemed a bit more extreme. He seemed more pissed off and annoyed at the thugs you two had to deal with. He basically beat the shit out of them in less than a second and seemed to be in a rush when there was no need to be. He couldn't even look at you in the eye, hell, even in the morning he seemed to not necessarily ignore you, but he seemed to have something in his mind.
After the mission you finally spoke up. You were walking beside him "Is there something bothering you, Chuuya?" You asked with concern in your tone
He jumped a bit when you finally spoke, but he just sighed "yeah, is it that noticable?" He was honest
You giggled softly "You just seem more pissed off than usual today"
He looked at you confused "what does that mean?"
You laughed "well, whats been on your mind?" You asked curiously
He blushed and looked away from you "nothing important"
You rolled your eyes, not believing his words. You threw small punches on his shoulder "your lying" you whined slightly
He scoffed and rolled his eyes "well, I was just pissed because I wanted something to be real but it wasn't"
You didn't exactly get what he was saying "what do you mean?"
He stopped walking "you know when you want something but your too afraid to reach for it?" He asked softly while looking ahead of him and then looked at you. His eyes were soft and kind
You blushed slightly and thought about his words "I know exactly how you feel"
He blushed a little more. The way you looked at him made him think you were so cute. He looked away from you and you chuckled softly
You nudged him gently with your elbow "let's go out to drink! It's all on me" you wink at him playfully with a smile
He laughed a bit "alright, if you insist"
He would never admit it but he liked it when you nudged him or punched him gently. He always thought it was cute and he didn't mind the physical contact either. He realized it was a bit cold outside since the sun was setting and you didn't have a jacket or long sleeve. You were hugging yourself to try to warm up your body, but he then puts his jacket around your shoulders. You looked at him blushing.
He was blushing slightly while looking away "you idiot, why didn't you bring a coat?"
You laughed a little "thank you, in fact, good luck getting this back" you teased and smiled brightly
You two were bickering after that, but he loved these kinds of moments. He seemed happy with where his relationship with you is at, at the moment, but he hopes it soon becomes more.
You were both in the sky casino inside his office. You were sitting on top of his desk and he was pounding into you. Your foreheads were pressed against each other. He was panting and softly moaning and so were you. His eyes were closed as he was trying to focus more of the pleasure of your wet, tight walls and how it stroked his cock way better than he expected.Your arms were wrapped around him and his were on your hips. Your legs wrapped around his to push him deeper inside you and to keep him closer. He then put his hands on his desk and began to scrape the wood with his nails, leaving scratch marks on it.
He then suddenly began to kiss your neck and collarbone "God, your so perfect~ mmn~ I want this to last forever~" he moans against your skin
You held the back of his head "it can, Sigma~ mmn~ your mine and I'm yours~" you moaned
His thrusts became rough and fast. His hips hitting against yours and making a loud clapping sound. You both moaned louder and gripped onto each other more harshly. He decided to kiss your lips passionately as he thrusts quickly. He was at him limit and he could tell that you were too. Your moans were muffled by the kiss, but they were getting louder and louder. After a few more seconds, you both came together.
He then abruptly wakes up from his dream. He feels a wave of pleasure come over him and clenches his hands against the sheets. It felt like heaven and pure bliss. He groans deeply and breaths heavily. After his orgasm, his mind was only thinking about the dream. He felt disgusted with himself in more ways than one. He also didn't like that he had to change his clothes and clean himself up. He felt sweaty and tired from the intense climax and decided to get out of bed to deal with the mess he made.
It was finally morning and you noticed that Sigma seemed to be ignoring you. He doesn't want to but he can't even look at you in the eye without his body having a reaction whenever he does. He would have a hint of blush on his cheeks whenever he saw you and walked the other way. By the end of the day, you decided to go to his office and confront him. It wasn't out of the norm to just randomly walk into his office to chat with him since you were both just that close to eachother.
You walked into the office and saw him look immediately uncomfortable when he saw you "u-um what are you doing here? You can't be here I'm really busy-" he says slightly panicking
You ignored his words and just spoke up "did I do something wrong? If I did please tell me" you asked worried and nervously
He looked at you surprised, but then he looked away with embarrassment. He looked away "n-no, you didn't do anything wrong" he says softly
"Then why have you been ignoring me?" You were genuinely asking
He looks at you surprised again and then just sighs "I just- I didn't want to-" he couldn't make up an excuse, but then he saw you and you seemed really devastated.
He then gets up towards you and grabs your hands gently "I promise you, I'm not mad at you and you did nothing wrong...I'm sorry, for making you worry" he sounds genuine
He stared at your hands while he said these words but then finally gained confidence to look into your eyes. He blushed more, but he wanted you to believe his words. You blushed and then looked at your hands that were being held by his.
He then quickly let go of them "s-sorry, I shouldn't have done that" he scratches the back of his head and looks away
you smiled and scoffed "it's fine, I didn't mind" He looks at you with blushed cheeks.
You looked back at him for a few seconds but then quickly looked annoyed and kicked his leg gently, but still make him wince in pain "don't scare me like that, idiot. I thought I did something to hurt you and you just wanted to ignore me. Just tell me you don't like me"
He widen his eyes "n-no! That's not it! I really like you- I mean- not like that, but you know what i mean-" he sighs deeply trying to calm down "I'll make it up to you" he said calmly and seriously
You punched his shoulder gently "you better. You got me scared for nothing"
He sighs in a relaxed manner "of course, I'm sorry again "
You smiled softly "just.. don't do it again"He smiled back at you.
He liked thought you didn't mind touching his hands and that you seem to genuinely care about the friendship you two have. He hopes one day he can actually call you his
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chiliyue-archived · 1 year
Sweet Dreams, Beloved
↬going to sleep with him ♡
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Includes; Dazai, Chūya, Fyodor, Jōno
Notes; Happy (late) Bday Dazai 🫶 he may be a redflag, but reds my favorite color :>
Requested ! [Bsd M.List] ♡
The sound of kisses— or, more specifically, an empathized 'mwah!' echoed in your ear as you sunk into Dazai's embrace, his arms drawing you close to his figure. His lips trailed around your face in a lazy motion with no definite spot in mind; he was pressing pecks along your cheeks before switching to give your lips some proper attention and repeating the process once more.
" Sleepy..." Dazai chuckled at your words, hot puffs pricking your cheek. Your voice was barely audible, sluggish as you treaded precariously to the breeches of sleep.
He swore his heart exploded when you continued to murmur against him, eyes droopy as your gaze settled over him.
You shifted a bit in his embrace so that you were resting your head against his chest, the new angle making your muscles loosen and prompted a new wave of exhaustion to wash over your figure.
" Close your eyes and sleep, love." Dazai voiced, words muddled as he pressed his lips to the crown of your head, eyes watching the steady rise and fall of your chest.
You let out a cute yawn before finally slipping into the realm of unconsciousness, muffled murmurs and sounds slipping from your lips, coaxing Dazai to tighten his grip around you. One hand went to entangle itself into your hair, cradling you close to his chest.
His eyes flutter shut, relishing your presence as his heart squeezed in his chest. It was a nice sensation, having you draped over him as some kind of pillow. His lips moved to murmur one last thing, voice trailing off slightly; " I'll be here to scare away all the bad dreams."
" Comfortable?" Chūya inquired. His face was resting against your stomach, his hand sneaking under the hem of your garments. You let out a sigh, muscles loosening as he ran his fingers along your skin in a quelling motion that way made your eyes heavy and body sink into the futon.
" Mhm..." You mumbled, hands lazily dripping over his shoulders, the pads of your fingers tickling against his shirt with ghost-like touches. Chūya snuggled close to your warmth, nose brushing against your abdomen as his eyes squeezed shut.
His hair became a mess beneath your hands, your fingers tugging and messaging the locks of hair in a sloppy rhythm, but one that made a small smile curl on his lips. You always knew how to make him melt with just a couple of touches, swarming his chest in a pressure of wamrth that he chased after.
"'S warm, Doll," He murmured as his hands planted itself over your hips, the radiance of your body heating his nerves in consolidation. He swears up and down he can be in your embrace just like that for hours, his tensed body soothed after a taxing evening of work.
" Hmm... I hope you're still here when I wake up." Your voice was laced with a drowsy tune, syllables slurred together to form a scacrly coherent sentence.
You were too exhausted to feel Chūya's lips as he leaned forward to place a kiss on your exposed skin. You were too sleepy to feel his hand reach out to brush a strand of your hair aside, touch lingering on your cheek. And you were too tired to hear his words, muddled as he squished his cheek back against your body; " I will be."
His arms looped around your shoulder, cold hands running down your clothed spine with precise motions he knew would easily sway you into a deep slumber.
" Your hands are cold.." you mumbled out, staring at him with a slight pout as he persisted with his ministrations. Your protest merely brought a tug to his lips, his thumb moving to run over your shoulder blade. " Don't wanna go to sleep yet..."
Despite the words that left your mouth, the rest of your body betrayed you, functioning with contradictory movements; slumping your head against his shoulder, having to frequently blink to prevent yourself from slipping, and the numbing of your senses as your mind drowned everything else out involuntarily.
You felt Fyodor's breath tickle your temples, his lips brushing over the spot. His gaze settled over you with a small satisfied smile as you brought a hand to rub at your eyes, a yawn falling soon after.
One of his hands withdrew from your shoulder— eyes gleaming as he took notice of the way you instinctively leaned after it. Instead, it found its way to your forehead, cold calloused fingertips from playing the cello, brushing your bangs and loose strands to the side.
" Don't worry, darling." His fingers shifted down to your nose, outlining the bridge before hooking beneath your chin. You showed no resistance when he angled your head towards him, sending him a lazy smile.
" Sleep now, Myshka." He finished it off with a chaste kiss to your lips, watching to make sure you got your rest and allowing the rare warmth to accumulate within his chest.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
The sound of your heartbeat echoed in Jōno's ears in a fluid rhythm. Under different circumstances, he would have revolted the sound, grating against his sensitive ears and souring his mood. However, he held a certain bias toward yours, the familiar rhythm bringing him a sense of decompression; especially among the late hours.
You were tangled in a pile of limbs, his ankles hooked around yours as his hands adjusted the blanket over your form. Though, it hardly compared to the warmth of his free hand trailing along your forearm in a languid movement, leaving hot streaks in its wake.
" Say it, please?" You suddenly murmured, voice cutting through the silent ambiance whilst you snuggled closer into his chest; Jōno allowed the warmth that pricked his chest to linger.
" Goodnight." He mumbled almost nonchalantly, but there was an underlying tone of undisputed reverence as his fingers continued its motion against your arms.
You give a small pout, brows furrowing as you latched yourself closer to him. Jōno chuckled as he felt the pads of your fingers brush up along his skin— a small eletricying pulse running along the nerves. A satisfied grin came up to his face.
" The other thing." You slurred, eyes becoming half-lidded, but you were resolved to hear those three sweet words from Jōno first.
A couple of seconds of silence passed. " I love you." He couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped him as he heard your heartbeat spike momentarily from those simple words. He leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to your forehead, urging you off to sleep before allowing your thumping heartbeat to echo against the shell of his ear.
He fixated on it, the deep thrum encouraging an unperturbed expression to plaster itself on his features as the night carried out to an unspoken bliss.
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A/n; I'm trying out a new format, I hope you liked this :))
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littencloud9 · 3 months
hi lena i miss my gays. i miss them a lot.
can i have lemon futon + "i thought you said we were going to the opera"
LOU omg hello. sorry this took forever i hope i did your gays justice
Katai tries not to balk, he really does, but when your boyfriend walks into your room in a full lemon-patterned suit and an army of lemon bombs strapped to his back, you cannot help but do so anyway. "I thought you said we were going to the opera?" Katai asks. He believes his panic bleeds into his voice. "What are you wearing?" Kajii blinks. "We are. This is formal attire." "That is definitely not formal attire." "Oh. Is it too casual? Should I put on my lab coat?" The outfit is so bad that Katai actually considers it. Maybe it would cover up the painfully bright shade of canary yellow he is being blasted with at the moment. "By the way, I know you don't like wearing neckties," Kajii says as he walks in. Katai eyes the bombs warily. "So I spoke to Chuuya-san for a bit and got you... this! Tada!" What Kajii procures from his pocket is a maroon clip-on ribbon, a similar shade to Katai's futon blanket. He gestures for Katai to come over, then puts on the ribbon with surprising tenderness. When he's done, Kajii steps back and puts his hands on his hips. "Well? Are you impressed?" "I..." Katai glides his fingers across the accessory. It doesn't make him feel choked up the way a tie would, and it's big enough to hide the fact that his shirt isn't buttoned all the way up. "Yeah, I am. Thanks." "Then the experiment was a success!" Kajii cackles, throwing his hands up in the air to celebrate. "Let's go!" That reminds him of the previous crisis. "Wait, you are still not showing up to the opera in that—" Kajii has already left the room.
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How about BSD men when you're sick with a cold? (Totally not cause i have one rn lmaoo) I love your work btw <3
Thank you sm! And ofc! Hope you like this!!! (same, I was sick this whole week 😞😞 hope you get better soon)
(This is part 1. Part 2 with the rest of the members will come shortly!!!! I decided to slip it so at least one half of it was out…I think I might start doing this in the future to be able to post more frequently! Btw, I have seen all your requests and currently working on them!!!! Please keep requesting! I love every single one of them!)
BSD Men When Reader Is Sick With a Cold (P.1)
In this post: 🌹 Doppo Kunikida, Atsushi Nakajima, Yukichi Fukuzawa, Edogawa Rampo, 🌹
Pairing: Fem!reader/BSDMen
Synopsis; How would the BSD Men act when you have a cold.
Yukichi Fukuzawa
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Fukuzawa, being the president of the Armed Detective Agency is a responsible person. The minute he notices you’re feeling sick, he takes care of you so well, he almost rivals Yosano. He makes sure that you take all your medications, constantly checking your temperature, and will not make you lift a single finger. You are his sick princess; you stay in bed and do absolutely nothing. If you ask for anything, he would rush to get it for you. With Fukuzawa’s love and great, responsible care, you overcame your cold very quickly.
“Where is (Y/N)?” His voice cut through the thick fog in your mind, sounding distant and echoing loudly. You winced, peeking open your eyes. Reality felt dreamlike; you saw Fukuzawa walk towards you, the view of your boyfriend slanted, as you were lying on the surface of the table in the conference room. You had hoped to refresh the burning hellfire that crackled in your mind, but with no avail.
“My dear,” Fukuzawa sighed, sitting down next to you. “You should go home.” He chided, pressing a large hand to your forehead. Your elevated temperature made his usually calm face grow worried. “You’re burning…you’re going home.”
You tried to protest, feebly gripping his arm to hold him back, but the worried glance Fukuzawa threw at you, seeing you pale, burning, nothing could convince him to make you stay at work.
You closed your eyes, your illness draining you far too much to remain awake. Every sound echoed in your ears, hurting your already weakened head.
When you blinked your eyes open, you found yourself in your apartment, and only vaguely remembered Atsushi bringing you home. Fukuzawa would have done so himself if he didn’t have a crucial meeting with a politician he could not avoid.
You dragged yourself to bed, too tired to change, only falling in your futon. Morpheus immediately pulled you under, dragging you to the depths of a dreamless sleep.
You opened your eyes suddenly, feeling a presence next to you even through your agitate sleep. Your eyes had to concentrate more than usual to focus on reality, ironing what was blurry, before you noticed the presence was Fukuzawa.
“Shh…I’m here, my love,” he whispered in your ear, adjusting the covers around you to make sure you weren’t exposed to any cold air. You immediately calmed down, snuggling against his chest. “Take this before you sleep,” Fukuzawa whispered, slipping two pills inside your mouth. You swallowed, knowing they were probably medication to reduce your fever.
You conked out right after, vaguely remembering finding it difficult to fall into deep sleep. You only found peace when Fukuzawa wrapped you in his arms, caressing your head.
You woke up the next morning to an empty bed. You sat up, pressing a hand to your forehead. You sighed in relief when you realized your temperature had gone down, but you still felt under the weather, your eyes burning, and your throat itchy. You glanced at Fukuzawa’s empty spot, wondering where he could have gone.
Almost sensing your thoughts, your boyfriend walked inside your room, carrying a mug of delicious warm milk with honey. “Good morning, sweetheart.” He cooed, seeing you sniffle sadly, clearly not happy you were sick. “I made this for you.” He handed the mug to you, making sure you didn’t burn yourself holding it.
“Yukichi, I don’t like being sick.” You whined, leaning against his side when he sat down next to you.
“I know, darling, but you have to rest to get better. And not stoically push through it like you were doing yesterday.” He chided softly, urging you to drink milk. You pouted, knowing he was right.
You couldn’t help but feel sadness crawl on your face, when you realized you wouldn’t be able to spend your few days off having fun with your partner, who you already saw too little of.
Fukuzawa realized, and to try and bring back the sparkle of happiness on your face, even amid a sore threat and runny nose, he leaned down to press a kiss to the tip of your nose. “Would you wish to watch a movie?”
As he had hoped, a smile brightened your face, and you almost jumped up in joy, Fukuzawa’s hand blocking you from doing so, afraid you would topple over sick. “Can we watch a romcom?”
“Whatever you desire, my love.”
The two of you cuddled in bed, using your laptop to watch your favorite romcom. You could have not been happier, snuggling underneath the covers with your perfect boyfriend, and Fukuzawa also enjoyed spending some time with you, peppering a series of kisses on your face every time the characters kissed on scene.
Edogawa Ranpo
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Ranpo is…interesting when you are sick. It’s one of the few times he shuts down, and does not know what to do, or how to react. For once, the genius detective feels lost. When he realizes you’re sick, his first reaction is disgust, and worry that you could infect him, and then he freezes when he realizes you, his beloved (Y/N), is sick. Panic infects his body, and he just..crashes. It takes a few seconds for his heart to calm down, and to regain the composure on his face. All of his panic runs behind his face, only visible through his emerald green eyes to whomever knows him very well. The moment he has calmed down, he takes control, even if the fear of messing up and making you even sicker haunts his mind. Ranpo cures you slightly chaotically, forgetting to give you medicine and then remembering late at night, but he tries his best, and succeeds in making you feel better, inevitably being exhausted by the time you are no longer sick. Now it’s your turn to take care of him.
“Where is (Y/N)?” Ranpo asked, sulking at his deck, his lips wrapped around a vanilla lollipop as his green eyes scanned the office, noticing your absence.
“She took a day off.” Kunikida replied, not lifting his gaze from his computer.
“She didn’t tell you?” Dazai asked as he spun around in his chair, accidentally kicking Kunikida’s leg and then rolling away when his partner got mad.
Ranpo shook his head, sucking on his lollipop pensively. “Nope…I wonder why,” he thought aloud. You were his girlfriend, and always told him everything. He didn’t know why you didn’t tell him today that you wouldn’t be going. He knew you knew he preferred when you were in the office, brightening his day by just caressing his hand when you walked by, busy working.
When you were not there, Ranpo usually took the day off with you, doing whatever you had needed to be doing. For a second, Ranpo’s rapid mind jumped to the unrealistic thought that you might be cheating on him, but he quickly threw the idea away, not even considering it.
But the lack of knowledge irked Ranpo, and he didn’t feel like rummaging through his pocket to find his glasses to use Ultra Deduction. Instead, Ranpo tapped on his phone for a few minutes, calling your number.
The wait felt excruciatingly long, and he only focused onto the rhythmic beeping, completely ignoring Kunikida choking Dazai.
“Hello?” You answered, your voice strangely nasally and lower than usual.
“(Y/N)!” Ranpo called sadly, pouting. “Why did you not tell me you were taking a day off? I could come over and cuddle in bed with you,” he whined, throwing the finished lollipop in the bin.
You sighed: you had hoped you could escape telling your adorable boyfriend that you were sick. He always panicked, and exhausted himself while he took care of you, and you didn’t feel like draining his energies for a menial cold. But of course, nothing ever went the way you had intended it to, still feeling a little smugness lift your lips into a smile: Ranpo had noticed your absence almost immediately.
“I’m sick,” you explained. Almost to provide you with ironclad evidence, your throat started itching uncomfortable, and you coughed for a few seconds.
When your words registered in Ranpo’s head, he froze. His eyes went unfocused, and his phone almost slid out of his grasp. An avalanche of thoughts flooded his mind, the most common theme, fear and worry. Extreme fear for you, and worry because he didn’t know how to care for you; both feelings battled in his chest, a conflicting tsunami that only rendered his green eyes duller.
“Ranpo?” You asked, your voice rough after your coughing fit, but the silence on the other end of the line scared you more.
“I’m coming over.” Was the curt reply you got.
“Wait, what? Ranpo, no you’ll get sick — and he hung up.” You sighed, placing the phone back next to you, and waiting for Ranpo to barge in through your door.
It took a good thirty minutes, but your prediction came true. Opening with his copy of the key, Ranpo flew in, his arms decorated by various bags filled with medicines. “I’m here!” He gasped, his chest heaving.
“Ranpo, did you run?!” You croaked, trying to get out of bed and hold Rampo before he inevitably collapsed.
“No, of course not.” He replied, blatantly lying. He gently pushed you back down on the bed, climbing in after you. He emptied out all bags in the center of the bed, and you widened your eyes in shock at the medium sized pile that formed on your duvet.
“Oh my god…that’s enough medicine for a lifetime,” you whispered. You did, however, feel very loved, as you watched Ranpo rummage through the pile, trying to find a specific packet. This man, who hated exercise, had run around multiple pharmacies to try and find one that would make you feel better. Your heart melted into your chest, almost making your tired eyes teary. You gently clasped his hand, pressing a kiss to his knuckles.
Ranpo barely noticed, digging frantically. “Here it is!” He exclaimed victoriously shoving a small, blue box into your hands. “This is the best one for sore throats, apparently.” He said, a proud smile loitering on his face.
You opened it, downing the pills with some water. “Thank you, Ranpo,”
“Am I the best boyfriend or what?”
“You certainly are.”
Ranpo’s smile grew, and his cheeks darkened by a few shades: receiving praise from you was on the same level as receiving praise from the president from him. “Now, they said sleep helps as well, so we should sleep.” Ranpo declared, hurriedly placing all the medications on your bed side table, before dragging himself underneath the covers, and snuggling against you.
You laid your head on his chest, already feeling your throat become less irritated, letting you exhale peacefully. Ranpo fell asleep before you, his rhythmic breathing becoming your lullaby. As felt your eyes go droopy, and your mind quiet down, resembling a calm mountain spring, you could not help but think that you truly had gotten the best boyfriend in the world.
That claim was instantly withdrawn when you were shaken awake at 3 in the morning by a sleep-drunk Ranpo, who suddenly remembered you had to take another medicine in while talking that one. You sighed, but after all, it meant Ranpo truly loved you, and that was more than enough for you.
Doppo Kunikida
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Kunikida is a man of rules, and ideals, and he tries to follow his life bound by his self-imposed rules. He has a specific page on his notebook dedicated to the procedure to follow when he, or you, go down with a cold. But his ideals, and rules get thrown down the drain when you actually have a cold. Like Ranpo, Kunikida freezes, but not because he does not know what to do, but because he wants to do everything in his power to make you feel better. Seeing you sick, and coughing makes his heart ache, and is what pushes him out of his brief moment of panic. Kunikida writes down your symptoms in his notebook, and goes out on a hunt to find the best medication. He will then take care of you lovingly, but also strictly, not letting you get out of bed, or miss some medications because you say you feel better. A small part of him will also be blaming himself for allowing you to get sick, even if he can’t protect you from everything. Kunikida will, however, always remain by your side, not caring of the perpetual danger of falling ill as well: he can’t leave you alone when you’re sick. You’ll be wrapped in his arms at all times, and that is one of the best aspects of being taken care of by Kunikida.
Kunikida was typing on his computer, filling a report that, initially, had been Dazai’s. He noticed movement from the corner of his eyes, noticing you slumping in the chair next to his.
“Kunikida,” you called, gently tapping on his desk to get his attention.
“Yes, darling?” He asked, still typing on his computer.
“Do I feel a little warm to you?”
Kunikida looked up from his computer immediately after hearing your words. He instantly stood up, walking towards you. Your health always took priority on his work.
You did look paler, and more tired, Kunikida thought, as he pressed his hands on your forehead. “You’re a little warm,” he sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Unfortunately, I cannot go home with you right now.” Kunikida said, hurriedly looking through his notebook, snapping it closed in anger.
You waved your hand. “Don’t worry, Kuni, I’ll just go home by myself.” You tried standing up, but Kunikida gently pushed you back down on the chair.
“I can’t let you go home alone. You’ll stay here, and I’ll take care of you while I work.” Kunikida declared, picking you up in his arms.
“Darling, I don’t feel that sick…and taking care of me while you work will just exhaust you more than you already are!” You tried protesting, as your boyfriend gently laid you down on the couch in the Armed Detective Agency office.
“Taking care of you will never exhaust me.” Kunikida grumbled, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. He took his jacket draped on the back of his chair and covered you with it, returning to his desk to continue working.
Throughout the day, Kunikida walked over to your half conscious, half sleeping form on the couch, taking your temperature, and bringing you cups of water to drink. Kunikida also gave you various medicines that he had quickly popped out to buy on his break.
Various times you caught him glancing at you with worry, feeling that he was not doing enough to take care of you. You also saw him intensely research which medication to give you, also going as far as calling Yosano (it was her day off) to ask her what she thought would be the best course of action.
Lying on the couch, slipping in out of sleep, you felt enveloped by the warmth of your boyfriend’s love, who took care of you efficiently even while he was working.
You slowly woke a few hours later, noticing that the bright sunlight had been replaced by the lukewarm colors of the sunset, and the agency was empty, only Kunikida remaining, sitting at his desk. His hair shone like golden strands in the light, and his grey eyes resembled pieces of melted starlight.
You pushed yourself up, noticing your fever had gone. Your throat was still itchy, and your nose still clogged, but you felt better, overall. You slipped Kunikida’s jacket on, walking quietly towards him. You leaned over his shoulder, caressing his cheek, your two shadows intertwined on the floor.
Kunikida turned to glance at you, surprised. “Do you feel better, sweetheart?” He asked, turning to face you, immediately pressing his hand to your forehead to check your temperature.
You leaned into his touch, nodding happily. “All thanks to you, my perfect doctor,” you cooed, sliding down in his lap. Kunikida turned a fiery red, looking away.
“(Y/N), this is highly inappropriate!” He squeaked, although his hands tentatively went to wrap around your waist.
“Oh, come on: no one else is here. It’s not like we’re fucking in public.” You joked, panicking when you heard Kunikida choke on his spit. You laughed, gently slapping him on his broad back. “Ah, what should I do with you?” You asked, peppering kisses on his jaw.
“Kiss me properly,” Kunikida said quietly, seemingly having abandoned the war cry of propriety.
You laid your head on his shoulder, admiring his sharp features that were only accentuated by the dying sunlight that slid through the large windows. “I can’t, Kuni, I’ll get you sick.”
Kunikida looked at you in silence for a second, also admiring your face, his eyes zoning in on your lips. You saw the internal struggle reflected clearly on his eyes, a dueling waltz between his love for you and his ideals.
“Oh to hell,” he croaked, before diving down to press a passionate kiss to your lips, even going as far as to slide his tongue inside your mouth.
Your eyes widened in shock, but you quickly responded, threading your hands through his hair. Kunikida slowly pulled back after a few minutes, both of you panting for hair and grasping onto each other. Kunikida turned even redder when he noticed a small string of saliva glittering between the two of you. He pressed his forehead against yours: “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Oh! How cute!” Dazai called suddenly, waltzing into the room.
Kunikida never fainted so fast before in his life.
Atsushi Nakajima
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Atsushi would know what to do, probably having to take care of his fellow orphans. But he will do everything with an underlining panic he will try to hide for your sake, but that you will inevitably notice because he’s soaking in sweat, even if it’s winter. It’s because he worries so much; anxiety crawls inside his body, and he almost dies on the spot. But once you reassure him that it’s just a common cold, his heart will stop running a marathon and he will calm down. Atsushi takes care of you with love, as well as diligence, sleeping lightly to make sure you’re sleeping well. He’ll make you take warm baths, helping you get out and in, and will cook you whatever you want.
When Atsushi had waltzed into your shared apartment, excited to take you out on a date, his heart had dropped to his stomach when he saw you bundled up in your futon, trembling.
“A-Atsushi!” You called, your voice nasally. You opened your arms, looking like a scarecrow draped in duvets and covers.
“What happened?” Your sweet jinko boyfriend asked, worry evident in his furrowed brows as he knelt next to you, tucking the covers back around your body to make sure no draft would touch your skin.
“Got a cold from my last mission,” you mumbled, sniffling. “Walking around the countryside drenched in cold, mountain water was not a smart idea.”
“You did what?!” Atsushi stared at you, even more worried because you had walked around for god knows how long shivering in the icy air. You smiled sheepishly. Atsushi sighed, exasperated, pressing one of his hands to your forehead, relieved that you seemed to have only a slight fever. But your shivers were worrying his already panic-stricken heart.
“I’ll make you some soup.” He started getting up, but you grabbed his loose tail and tugged back onto the futon.
“No…warm me up! You’re always so warm!” You whined.
“I’ll do that after I make you the soup, okay, love?” Atsushi asked, gently persuading you to let go of his belt.
You pouted, reluctantly letting go. Your face suddenly brightened. “What if you order pizza!”
“No! That’s not what you need right now!” Atsushi called from the kitchen, scolding you gently. You sighed, dropping back into the covers.
Your caring boyfriend soon walked out of the kitchen, holding a steaming bowl in his hands, his eyes fixated on the quivering soup that danced threateningly close to the edge, teasing to suddenly overflow.
Atsushi placed it down in front of, a sigh of relief rushing out of his lips. You giggled, eyeing the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead out of concentration. You reached down to grab the spoon. You blinked, and the spoon was gone, now tightly held in Atushi’s grasp.
“Absolutely not. I’m feeding you.” He said, deciding to ignore your questioningly raised eyebrow. “And I’m not exaggerating.”
You decided to stay quiet, and simply enjoy the care your boyfriend was enveloping you in, relishing in the joy of being loved. You obediently swallowed down the warm and delicious soup, noticing how it smoothed out the irritation in your throat. “It’s delicious, ‘Sushi,” You said, in between spoonfuls.
Atushi’s cheeks turned red, and he grinned shyly, playing around with the remaining soup in the bowl. “I’m a good cook, aren’t I?” You threw your arms around him, nuzzling your nose against his.
“The best cook.” Atsushi beamed back at you, kissing the tip of your nose as he put the bowl down.
Lazily, you trailed your hand down his chest, feeling his solid muscles underneath. An idea suddenly came to you, and a lazy grin spread on your lips. “Baby, I’m cold.” You whined.Your hand, who had momentarily stopped on his stomach, restarted its journey, slowing sliding down to to his crotch.
Atsushi, who had been resting his head against yours, pulled back to look at you, worry evident in his eyes. “You’re cold…— (Y/N), WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” He gasped in surprise when he felt your warm hand on his dick, his breath getting stuck in his throat.
“Thanking the cook for the delicious dish!”
“A-Absolutely not! You’re sick! No!” He stammered, his eyes wide and panicked, his hand immediately clasping yours and gently pushing you back down in the bed, tucking the covers around you, restricting your movements: Atsushi knew he couldn’t resist you for long, and needed to prevent your hands to linger on his body before he got a hard-on.
“Atsushi! What the fuck?!”
“You need to rest. Doing what you wanted to do is not resting.” Atsushi stumbled and tripped over his words, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. You huffed, rolling your eyes. Atsushi glanced at you, playing with his fingers. “If you’re better tomorrow then maybe…” He quietly trailed off, defeated by the small pout that lingered on your face. You immediately perked up, smirking at him. “B-but only if you feel better!”
“I’ll sleep right away and get all the rest in the world so I feel better immediately!” You giggled, lying comfortably down in bed.
Atsushi sighed, a small smile on his lips, knowing that his heart truly belonged to you. He quickly slipped underneath the covers, holding you in his arms to suppress the shivers that had suddenly returned. You soon fell asleep, and Atsushi stayed awake a few more minutes, making sure you weren’t uncomfortable, before letting himself be pulled to sleep. But not too deep of a slumber: he had to make sure you, his treasure, his princess slept fine throughout the night. He was ready to sacrifice his sleep for that.
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