#bsd zombie au
rusmii · 2 months
a/n:: this was completely self-indulgent.. it was to help me get out of my depressive state but i don’t think it’s working. decided to take it out of the drafts for you guys though aha💀
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#( DAZAI🪽. )
apocalypse!zai who was walking around the streets one day on a case, when he witnessed a bloodied grandma tackle a little girl in her jammies. dazai knew that the world was doomed when he saw the incoming wave of zombified humans running in his direction.
apocalypse!zai who ran in the opposite direction like a madman, stopping by multiple shops to steal the necessary supplies to survive on for the next few days while the breakout was still in its peak—dazai wasn’t the type of person to leave warnings ignored though, always yelling at everyone inside that the apocalypse has started and that it was time to pack it up or die ignorantly.
apocalypse!zai who breaks into a car, and shoves everything he stole inside, hijacking the wires till it works and drives to the agency. upon arriving, he is met with the sight of multiple stressed faces—debating on leaving without bringing any civilians along with them. when they see dazai, they tell him to make a choice; save as many as they can or save themselves.
apocalypse!zai who has to weigh the situation, makes his final decision when he sees everything becoming more dire. the military was already on the case, but would they make it in time before the zombies bit everyone? being okay with what dazai chose, the agency sets off with their packed belongings—questioning dazai when they realize he wasn’t going with them.
apocalypse!zai who has to explain that he can’t just leave them behind. not minding their surprised expressions (with the exception being ranpo), dazai tells them that he’s been hiding his relationship for a while now, and now he had to get back to his lovers before deciding to take any drastic action. rushing away from them, dazai runs down the chaotic streets of yokohoma, praying silently that chuuya had already reached you before those monsters did.
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#( CHUUYA🪽.)
apocalypse!chu who didn’t know about the outbreak until he got reports of suspicious looking people attacking his men. grunting in annoyance, chuuya is tasked with dealing with the aggressive group of people on ground level. but when he gets there, he is shocked to see the hectic uproar of literal zombies breaking in and eating his men alive.
apocalypse!chu who decides that it wasn’t worth the hassle to save his already infected men. chuuya orders for the uninfected to retreat inside and board up every entrance they could possibly leak into, and goes to deal with the zombies himself, swiftly taking out as much as he can before he makes a break for it and runs outside to the port mafias garage/parking area.
apocalypse!chu who had a few run-ins with the infected, but that didn't stop him nor deter him. after reaching his bike, chuuya is already out before the zombies could fill the place. he sighs, stressed when he sees the chaos emitting in the streets. gas stations ran through and blew up, cars crashed into each other, and chuuya himself couldn’t differentiate between what was human or not.
apocalypse!chu who races against time, drives to your work office as fast as he can while avoiding obstacles that pop in front of him every now and then. using his gravity to drive up the building, he finds your floor and breaks through the window, ramming zombies down with his bike—shouting for you to get your ass on when you come out of hiding.
apocalypse!chu who drove back to his place in the air once you were secured. knowing that dazai will go to his apartment, chuuya is quick to press on that gas and zoom straight to his balcony. he has his gravity locked on you to ensure that you don’t fall off while looking at chuuya in horror, who was dodging falling airplanes.
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#( SKK🪽.)
apocalypse!skk who meet each other at the same time, dazai immediately running up to the both of you to inspect for any injuries. dazai breathes a sigh of relief when he sees no bites, save for a few bruises, but that’s fine. at least it wasn’t anything open. chuuya asks dazai to help him board up any entrances, telling you to go sit down and rest.
apocalypse!skk who huddle up with you in the living room, blankets and pillows scattered everywhere as the duo map out the entirety of yokohama—debating on the best route to escape from. you were asleep, too tired from running away and sneaking around the office zombies.
apocalypse!skk who decides that its best to stay in yokohama while the outbreak was still happening, opting to do all the supply runs and barricade upgrades while you take care of everything inside the apartment. when they come to an agreement, dazai and chuuya get themselves comfortable next to you, falling asleep soon after.
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raccoonwxrks · 8 months
A Soukoku comic about my necromancy au
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This is part of the lore of the whole story, but it's kinda spoiler (?)
Plus I don't remember posting anything else about this au here, so idk if you're interested I'll gladly make a post about this au and the role of the characters in the story 👁️👁️
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lesbianranpoe · 1 month
and if i wrote a bsd zombie apocalypse au inspired by the untold origins light novel what then
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dreamsicle262 · 9 months
fanfic update! dazai fell down the stairs.
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sojuyae · 11 months
i need you to PLEASE expand more on the bsd zombie apocalypse au
more so if its yan 👀
bsd apocalypse au
bsd ada various / reader
notes: mild yandere themes, zombie apocalypse thingies, NOT PROOFREAD sad face and teary-eyed emoji
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-> your 'first' encounter with dazai is nothing short of terrible. your dull knife was pressed on his bandage-clad neck when he managed to sneak up on you. it's so easy to mistake dazai as a zombie when he looks so dead. dirty bandages adorning his arms and neck, dried blood sticking to his skin and clothes (not like you were better yourself) — had it not been the absence of rotting flesh and flesh (or the loud whine he had let out when your knife barely pressed on his throat,) you could've killed him.
the man took your hand in his with fervor, his eyes twinkling with cheer that does not suit a man like him. meeting him was terrifying enough, but him to ask you to join his group? utterly horrifying.
he didn't even give you a choice to decline.
if he had to be subjected in multiple earsplitting berations by a certain ideal donning co-detective for you to be accepted, there's no need for you to know. actually, he would let you know. he'd use it against you everytime you don't do something for him — you're complaining about having to go on a supply run in his stead because he's lazy? next thing you know he's letting out a scoff and telling you about the 'traumatic' scoldings of kunikida he had to endure just for you to be welcomed in the team.
-> dazai's words of 'persuasion' — if you could even call it that, rarely works. and you learned it the hard way. you watched timidly on the sidelines as dazai dismisses kunikida's reprimands and barrage of insults with a playful laugh, shrugging off any comments of how bringing any more people in the agency will only mean more mouth to feed and how 'kenji's appetite' is already worth 3 mouths.
despite kunikida's prior disapproval of you being an addition to the group, kunikida instantly — a little too instantly, warms up to you. in fact, when you were begrudgingly let into the team, he was the first to hand you a new and fresh set of clothing.
kunikida’s kindness and compassion warms your heart and it is often that you find yourself in his presence when something is troubling you. always able to lend his ear and provide some insight while he assigns the agenda.
kunikida proves himself as a reliable friend, so much so that you don’t know question how almost every supply run and night watch is spent alongside him.
-> if there was someone you were in favor of in the entirety of the agency aside from kunikida’s amazing diligence, you would’ve been sure yosano takes the crown.
she’s a formidable woman — always so quick to treat any wounded teammates. its almost a miracle how every single one that comes out of the infirmary looks better than ever, not a single sight of bandages and scars that would’ve littered their skin.
she is as quick to hound you in her empty infirmary whenever she manages to strike a deal with kunikida something about not being too ruthless when treating him? you don't know. she bemoans off your ears about how you’re always assigned to do some menial tasks with the others when you could be staying with her instead.
whenever you’re alone with her, you feel more of those large bear plushies you'd see displayed in malls more than anything — you're meant to stay still as she treats your lap as some kind of chair, your shoulder as a bed, and your stomach as some kind of pillow. her butterfly hairpin digging in your skin painfully while she rests her head on your shoulder.
-> when you met ranpo who was sat upon his desk, you thought he was very familiar — not because he was the self proclaimed greatest detective of all time that you kept hearing about before, but because you had a feud with him about this one last sweet remaining in of the aisle during the apocalypse. you won with a cheap trick that he surprisingly fell for; pointing at the air with a, 'look, there's more sweets!' and making a break for it.
by the looks of it, he didn't seem to forget about the incident, and it doesn't seem that he'll be forgiving you anytime soon too, with how sharp his glare is from across the room.
dealing with ranpo is tough. sending you in supply runs like the recent run wasn't just a day ago because he apparently ran out of sweets (then what are those in his desks????) always ordering you to bring him this and that as if he couldn't reach it with a stretch of an arm, even going as far as making you feed him because his hands were busy (they're literally just behind his head.) and skillfully ignoring the looks everyone in the agency gives him.
really, you should've let him have that sweet.
-> whenever you enter a room, your gaze automatically meets atsushi's. he would almost immediately stiffen under your stare and as if he was caught, would continue on his task without much of a word. the same routine would repeat over and over, you step inside a room, both of your eyes lock together, he resumes in what he's doing, looks back to see if you're staring, then he's back on wiping the same spot on window again and again.
your brain came up with the explanation that maybe, atsushi doesn't like your new addition to the agency, that he hates you. rations are limited and you're enough of a burden.
so when you're paired up with him to look for supplies (kunikida was bedridden, and you swear you can hear him weakly croaking about how dazai should go in your stead.) you're eager to prove to atsushi that you're not a burden, that you can help the agency.
it doesn't end well. if anything, you became only more of a burden — you didn't think that there would be a zombie creeping up from behind you. atsushi manages to stop it from going near you with his trusty ability, his claws ripping the undead to shreds; he didn't even stop until you forcibly pulled him from the mush of undead flesh.
an apology was ready on your tongue until he tackles you in a tight hug, his face buried on your neck, muttering words of how you're safe now; you would've been glad that your misunderstanding of him hating you is cleared up — you would've been glad. had it not been the claws that are still drawn and wrapped around your back, the mauled and unrecognizable zombie who's still spasming on the dirty floors, the smell of rotten flesh hanging in the air, and the violence he displayed in front of you.
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carrotkicks · 7 months
HI!! I’m the original anon that asked abt the bsd fnaf au and!!! Oh my god it’s so interesting!!! I love your choices for the characters… especially Yosano as the puppet and dazai as Michael afton it fits both of their characters so well and just !!!!
YEah so Dazai was definitely the original reason I started thinking about this au. Firstly to give him unnecessary trauma, but also I think Dazai being in a hero/protagonist role is far more interesting than him being the mastermind to the plans. Need more of Dazai getting rough and dirty. Actively grabbing the plot by the reins. I'm tired of how he gets used by asagiri. I NEED HIM TO FAIL.
So firstly, Michael is a really cool character (for such a barely present one) because he's simultaneously a bad guy but also a person trying to do good, and definitely not a hero. It fits well with Dazai's premise. Alternatively I think Michael being a zombie, a ghost possessing his own corpse, would be an interesting concept to apply onto Dazai. Dazai who believe he's No Longer Human, and craves death because he doesn't want to exist, because living is painful. Now in this au Dazai actually died, but he didn't stop existing. He should be dead and gone but he isn't, he survived, but he's still undead and decaying. He is literally no longer human but now he longs to be human. Life was painful but death is Excruciating, and Dazai never liked pain.
I also think the dynamic between Dazai and Q is far more darker twisted than whatever Mike and Crying Child had (considering Q said Dazai was the reason of their suffering, and Daz seems to genuinely detest Q). But if you recontext them into a normal sibling dynamic, it really could end with Dazai accidently killing Q.
Anyways misc things about fnaf!Dazai: I think the timeline would be: 14 during 1983, 16 in 1985, 17 when Elise dies, 18 in 1987 (in order to get an overnight security job), between 18-22 for Sister Location when he dies, and 24 for Fnaf 1 in 1992. All the dead kids have a personal connection to Dazai in a way, which is why he continues on with his mission. Shortly after Elise's death, Dazai learns about Mori's crimes and tries to get Fukuzawa to help him take him down, but Fukuzawa refuses, so for majority of the story, Dazai is on his own, until he finally reconciles with Golden Feddy (aka ghost Q and Aku) and they team up.
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here's him. He usually has a security uniform jacket on but I wanted to make it known that he still does the bandages. He wears a wig and illusion disks(lmao. if you know, you know) to look a little more human. And Dazai never wore bandages except for his arms before he died, and he always covered the bandages with his sleeves. After being scooped, Dazai wears bandages more to hold his body together. He has a lot of exposed leftover wires from Ennard and a lot of torn up patches of skin. He also has the hollow possessed eyes like the other ghosts.
Onto Yosano as the Puppet! I don't have as much to say because I thought this was a relatively obvious decision. Mori's first victim. Her healing powers can fit in a way to the Puppets life/possession giving powers. She's Fukuzawa's daughter in this universe. she's 11 when she dies.
Here's her Ghost Form :)
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evermorethecrow · 4 months
asking really nicely so you can properly explain? please? pretty please? with a cherry on top? 🛐
fine because you were nice
Every evermore au summarised PROPERLY
1) Yuuko au-
Chuuya gets a kid at 14 and has to deal with it
2) Cryptid au-
Chuuya nakahara died in 1935, came back and is now murderous and evil (and a giant ram sometimes)
3) High school au-
Chuuya nakahara is a 15 year old who wants to be completely erased from memory when he dies, simultaneously he wants to fight with everything to keep living (it doesnt work)
4) Vampire au-
Chuuya was born (wrong) into an aristocratic heavily established vampire family with a lot of not so great traditions. after escaping from them the third time he looses it a little bit and decides to now dedicate his life to murdering them all off, as well as anyone who gets in the way. hes aproached by mori ougai the head of a powerful vampire slaying organisation and joins to help his plans. i also gave him a gun
5) God au-
born as the god of luck and fortune chuuya is stolen by humans and placed in a shrine to bring insane luck to the earth. then shit hits the fan. Now hes stuck as the god of curses (and bad luck) and cant walk around without hell breaking loose
6) Plant shop au-
Chuuya nakahara ends up at a police station at 14 and meets murase (as well as some other cops). Chuuya is going to be given a death sentence but after some less than legal talk with his supervisors murase can remove it completely. the only condition is rehabilitating chuuya back into society, which proves a harder task than thought considering a few extra issues that went down in his past.
7) College(idol) au-
At 15 chuuya nakahara is the lead of a world famous pop idol group. Shifty treatment from his manager makes chuuya decide to quit, however on while preforming his last show something technical goes wrong, the stage explodes, the other members got away safe but chuuya was hospitalised. the world assumes him dead and since he contract is over he decides to keep it that way, content with living his life like a normal person now. until hes in collage and it turns out his new roomate was the biggest fan of him and his old group. chaos ensues
8) Sky casino chuuya au-
After hardly a year in the sheep chuuya is found by fyodor and placed inside the sky casino for safe keeping. now at 16 hes very good at his job and very bad at being tollerant of annoying house guests from the port mafia
9) DOA au-
15 goes wrong, chuuya gets hit a lot harder by the sheep and he ends up at fyodors doorstep (through less than natural circumstances). hes been working for the doa since. Dazai and him re-meet at 22 after hes captured by the port mafia. it goes intrestingly.
10) Scene kid au- a fun au where everyone in the show wears some kind of alt fashion (also theres like the worlds impending and quickeningly near end looming over everyone but that doesnt matter)
11) God+Vampire slayer au-
Chuuya is the (born human) reincarnatation of the god/lord of the wild in an era where vampire-like zombies run wild. he meets a boy who turned into a vampire but somehow remained concious and is now working with him and a shifty doctor to blast gore everywhere try and find a cure
12) Ability swap au
Chuuya has no longer human instead of Tainted but keeps his singularity, dazai has flawless but keeps being anything but. They have eachother. (that could be enough)
13) No Yuuko au-
Yuuko (that kid who chuuya got) never actually MEETS chuuya and instead through a long path of events ends up in the custody of a 20 year old dazai. what could possibly go wrong
14) college au 2 eletric boogaloo-
Chuuya nakahara grows up strict catholic and ends up a single parent in some lousey apartment trying to ballence class and like not killing his child. also his roomate is an annoying bastard who wont shut up
15) Nun Au-
Chuuya's raised in a cult and then joins the mafia.
16) Pokemon au Red-
All the bsd charecters live in the world of pokemon. chuuyas a gym leader and secretly a team rocket executive following his bosses order to prevent some kid finding mew
17) Pokemon au Blue-
Pokemon exist in the bsd verse! Canon except they all have pokemon to fight with and chuuya may or may not be spiritually connected to a lucario
18) Demon ability au-
Instead of tainted sorrow chuuya has an ability reminiscent of kouyou and kyoukas. (hes still got that singularity unfortunatly but this time its in a huge fucking demon?) his role in the pm changes acordingly
19) Mermaid au- chuuya's a mermaid happily enjoying life on land. Dazai is a mermaid hellbent on dragging chuuya back to the ocean
20) Circus au-
when chuuya joins the port mafia hes placed under lippmanns command instead of kouyou's. unfortunatly its not that easy and the port mafia's fronting as a circus. now chuuyas got to learn how to use rope.
21) Elise au-
On his deathbed mori manages to transfer his ability to chuuya. hes now living through elise. it goes as well as you'd expect now the mafias being run by an 11 year old
22) Chuuya stays with the sheep au-
self explanitory, dazai's plan fails and chuuya never ends up leaving the sheep. then 15 rolls around and verlaine disposes of them. chuuya travels around with verlaine until hes eventually rescued by the flags
23) Ada au-
chuuya moves to the ada after stormbringer. he works with yosano in the infirmary.
24) Demon/Coffee shop au-
Ex-fighting ring demon chuuya runs a coffee shop and tries to be evil (hes bad at it)
25) Chuuya is inside my laptop au-
Dazai finds a beat up laptop on the floor one day and being the cheap person he is decides to take it. the only issue is theres someone (something?) living inside it (its chuuya)
26) Dragon au-
Chuuya nakahara is one of the last dragons of his kind. dazai wants a pet dog but gets something more exotic instead
27) Nyan bungou stray nekos au- nyan neko sugar girls but bsd derailed and i dont know how to explain this now
29) Botw au-
chuuya's a gerudo who isnt that good at fitting in, dazai's a zora next in line for the throne whos bad at everything. together they make a wildfire look like a beach holiday
Honarable mentions
Danganrompa au (Only existed so i could execute chuuya)
Vocaloid/Utauloid au (canon except they have vocasynth voices)
Evermore's chuuyai farm and factory
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cousticks · 5 months
just remembered cringe is dead and i can write whatever tropes i want. a bsd zombie apocalypse no abilities au could be real if i really wanted it to be
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bluebird8s · 2 months
Nobody demanded it but I made it anyway
BSD infection AU
I am not an artist but I will probably make some sketches at some point
Nobody knew where it began. The special operations devision suspected it started from a gifted ability overseas as nothing they knew of on this level wouldnt be on record. Though. It didnt matter where it had begun because it was going to cause the end.
Nobody knew it was coming at first when the signs were only gifted being reported missing. Across japan one by one. It was only when they returned that the horror begun.
Creatures of grey flesh. Empty eyes. Like staring into an abandoned house. Mutations making friends and family unrecognisable.
The strangest thing is. No two infected look alike. Their bodies all twisted in different ways strangely fitting of their abilities.
…do you know what your body will do. If it recognises your eyes are there? It seeks to destroy them.
That’s my little story intro about it
To elaborate the infection started because of an ability user from overseas using an infectious ability that only effects gifted it causes the ability to become conscious and seek freedom from the host. This results in the ability attacking the hosts body and untimely causing a fusion of the ability and the host. However neithers brains are able to survive this causing an activated zombie like state. As the ability has no physical form its attempts to break free essentially manifest in attacking the host and its own body. Meaning no two infected look the same. The only shared traits between infected is greyish skin that has lost its saturation and bruising throughout the body. From the constant internal fight between host and ability. Once infection is fully complete and the brain has been destroyed. The ability lashes out uncontrollably. Mixed with the aggregated state of those turned it means even non gifted have very low chance of surviving.
Symptoms before full infection begins include hallucinations mostly auditory. That makes it very hard to detect in the first stage. As who wasnt losing their mind in this situation.
By the time the headaches and bruising appear. Its too late
Its spread by coming in contact with the blood of an infected person
Anyway sorry that probably sounded dumb im probably gonna make separate posts on how each character is effected agency by agency. Their status and all that so! Yeah YIPPIE
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aliyahgracedrawing · 1 month
Hey guys!! I started writing my first fanfic!! It's a BSD zombie au one, and it's already nearly 2000 words so hopefully I have the motivation to finish it lol.
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caelanglang · 10 months
ive noticed that everyone seems obsessed with fem skk and all that so allow this ask to be a breather. im gonna tell u about my newest bsd fanfic idea!!! i mean, i have other ppl to tell it to as well but they're not invested into bsd like i am. this is more or less a small passionate rant from an author so there's rlly no need to make this into one of ur inbox sketches or anything like that but i don't mind it if u do lmao
ok ok so i LOVE pretty much any humanoid creatures who primarily prey on humans (vampires, zombies, etc.) and now ive been thinking about the possibility of a zombie apocalypse au that's kinda kunikidazai based in which kunikida and dazai were separated from the rest of the ADA but still use their office as a shelter in hopes that they'll find their way back and be reunited. everything is normal up until dazai literally dies from blood loss after being attacked by zombies and kunikida, unable to simply toss his coworker's corpse into the ocean or smth even though he KNOWS he's gonna turn, decides to bring him back to their shelter and barricade him into a spare room. the next day, he wakes up to a now zombified dazai growling and scratching at the door, trying to get out. at this point, it's like a rlly good delve into his ideals and morals, and how far he'll go just to ensure that no one he cares about gets hurt/killed + it gives him a moment of irrationality in his otherwise logical mind. he should've gotten rid of his body, he should've left him behind and not have brought a massive burden on himself but he CARES!! it's evident he does even in canon in one of the light novels so i need to make more content for that.
anyways, days pass. he feeds dazai raw meat from his own rations, believing that it'll calm his friend down until he can find or make a cure for him to bring him back. and then he meets ranpo, the sole survivor of the other group of ADA members (yes, even yosano. zombies are undead and aren't close enough to death for her ability to work on but it's like a rlly fine line) ranpo, in short, is rather jaded. he lost his friends and even the person he viewed as a father figure. when he moves into the shelter in the office, he's reasonably upset by kunikida keeping what he likes to refer to as 'dazai's walking corpse' in a spare room that they could easily put to use now. they argue, ranpo says there isn't a cure and that kunikida should just let him go, kunikida asks why, and then ranpo presents The Glasses™, puts them on, then tells him the truth. there is no cure. he'd be the first to know, other than the creators themselves. once kunikida is stubborn enough to still keep good ole zombie dazai around, ranpo states that he doesn't want him eating their rations if he insists on feeding him. there is still a way to feed him, however. cut to them finding the nearest dead body and then tossing it into dazai's room and hearing him feast on it. not a good day for kunikida's values, that's for sure. oh wait hold on did i mention that i also want kunikida to make a endless supply of ammo with his notebook just in case he encounters danger (that would be cool, but he'd probably try to limit his notebook page usage)
ive also considered adding chuuya and akutagawa, as they got stranded when it happened and have been wandering around by themselves for awhile now. i feel like the cast of characters would be an interesting combination, plus they all have connections to dazai and are all upset about his current condition (to some extent). also chuuya could look at ranpo and go "you're that one punk from the agency that trapped me in a damn book!" cue him almost actually punching ranpo this time but kunikida stopping him somehow. everyone's abilities would be so good in a apocalyptic setting though. rashomon tearing into zombies long before they reach them, or for the tainted sorrow crushing hordes of them in emergency situations. great stuff
i haven't decided on the ending yet becuz there are a lot of contenders. kunikida could make a cure, or he could finally decide to deal with dazai, or they could all get zombified, or maybe he could just leave dazai stuck in that room forever while he, ranpo, and the others find a different place, becuz the ADA and PM are no more.
thank u for reading this rant btw! i enjoyed writing it
— dream
It was a wonderful read :)) Thanks for sharing this! I love love the idea of the bsd assemble set in a zombie apocalypse with their abilities intact! (manga spoilers// similar to the bram's vampirism but not induced by an ability kinda) There's so much to work with in that tbh, a lot of adventures and action and cool combos~
And I love the idea that it centers on Kunikidazai with Kunikida not wanting to leave Dazai behind ;w; I think it really fits them well. I remember reading an adorable webtoon similar to this—two best friends getting caught up in a zombie apocalypse, the main character tries to survive as a human and his best friend becomes a zombie that for some reason is not aggressive or attacking (protective bf troupe lezgooo) It's a very cute one, though I lost track of it's update TwT)) sorry if the comparison might sound offensive! It wasn't my intention, I just really like those kinds of troupes in apocalyptic settings hhhh /gen
Whatever route you choose for the plot, I'm sure it would be fun :)) I'm cheering you on for this au! I just hope you don't take the evil angst route /j
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lesbianranpoe · 22 days
i have so many bsd zombie apocalypse fic ideas in my google docs folder and idk which to write so im posting them here lmao
Fifteen-year-old Chuuya is on the run from Arahabaki Lab---the lab that tried to perfect the ARAHABAKI Project, an experiment with the goal of creating a human immune to the zombie virus that's ravaging Earth.  Chuuya searches desperately for a place where the scientists can't get to him, even if it means crossing the Wastes, the large expanses of infested land between Suribachi City and Yokohama, where he hopes to take refuge.
However, the Wastes are hard to cross, and when Chuuya runs into a boy who offers to guide him to Yokohama, he says yes. Dazai is annoying, but he's a good shot; and best of all, he doesn't ask about Chuuya's past.
The trip is long and dangerous. Zombies, violent groups of survivors, and scavenging missions are all hazards, and if they want to survive, they have to work together. Fighting their way through the ruins of Japan, bickering, and encountering new people, the two grow closer, but Chuuya begins to wonder... just who is Dazai? And what is he hiding?
2. Ranpoe
When the apocalypse started, Poe lost all communication with his best friend, Ranpo, who lives overseas in Japan. Now five years later, Poe decides to go looking. (Or: Ranpo and Poe are long distance besties, The Guild are a smuggling ring with a giant ass boat that is actually plot relevant, the Armed Detective Agency are doing ADA things in Japan.) (Or: Poe and the rest of the Guild sail to Japan on the Moby Dick five years after the apocalypse after like 50k words and ranpoe canon)
3. Kunikidazai
Kunikida and Dazai are college roommates that don't really get along. but after the apocalypse starts, they have to work together to survive, at least until they get to the safehouse on the other side of the city. But as they fight their way through Japan, they end up getting closer. (Dazai is immune to zombie bites lol. The idea of having a scene parallel to that one in Dazai's Entrance Exam where Kunikida threatens to shoot Dazai but its because Dazai might turn into a zombie??? mmm)
4. Fukumori (ik, im suprised too. i dont even ship them, idk where this idea came from)
When Fukuzawa was 32, the world ended. Now three weeks later, the Silver Wolf travels from place to place, searching for somewhere to settle down as the chaos of the apocalypse takes Yokohama by storm. When he finds a seemingly abandoned building, he hopes to start a new life there, away from the city.
However, Fukuzawa is not the only one looking for somewhere to live. The building he had intended to make his home was actually an elementary school—and the four children left; Ranpo, Yosano, Dazai, and Kunikida, are still alive. Most interestingly, there is a man there—a children's physician who introduces himself as Mori Ougai. His leg is injured, but as a doctor, Mori is a useful asset to both Fukuzawa and the children, so the two make a compromise: Until things in Yokohama calm down, Fukuzawa will scavenge for food and protect Mori and the kids, and Mori will take care of any medical necessities. It's only meant to be a temporary arrangement, but time passes, Fukuzawa and Mori stay; more kids are rescued, friendships form, and before they know it, years have gone by. (Or: i slamdunk fukumori into the found family trope)
5. Fukuzawa + Ranpo
This is just an Untold Origins zombie au.
When the apocalypse started, Fukuzawa lost his best friend. Five years later, Fukuzawa is a powerful hunter capable of bringing a whole hoard down. And he does it all alone. But when he saves a 14-year-old boy from a zombie hoard and the child insists on staying, he finds that maybe it isn't too late to try again. And when the kid gets in danger, Fukuzawa has to choose between keeping his current life, and starting a new one.
anyways. if any of you guys want me to write one of these, pls comment. (or if u guys want to use any of these as prompts, go ahead, just tag me when ur done writing !! i want to see the finished product lol)
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dreamsicle262 · 7 months
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bowlofruits · 3 months
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Another Bsd oc I’ve made
(She’s loosely based on eggyolc’s zombie apocalypse au on tiktok, so I recommend checking that out too)
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carrotkicks · 1 year
if... can u pls talk abt the fnaf au more im in love with the dazai design,, who are the animatronics ? is mori the dad ? why is dazai a corpse ? (and why does he look so.)
Ahh well if you don't know anything abt fnaf lore, the first 6 or so games have an overarching story where our silent protagonist, Michael Afton, is on a quest to free the souls of the children that were murdered by his serial killer father from the animatronics they're trapped in. Incidently Michael Afton is an UNDEAD ZOMBIE after he got his guts scooped out by a group of evil animatronics led by his dead sister. Its a whole deal.
I was just thinking abt how funny a bsd fnaf au would be. Dazai would be the Michael standin bc he would literally be "no longer human."
Mori would be the purple guy. Upgrades from traumatizing children to murdering children. I was thinking elise would be Circus Baby then?
Uhh other random characters were Fukuzawa as Henry, and Yosano as the puppet. Katai was the phone guy LOL. Q and/or Oda inside Golden Freddy.
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viscerism · 9 months
Wanna hear you talk about your aus so much, whichever one you want to tell more about. Also, would still love to read about your bsd oc if you ever feel like it ^_^
well. one of them because my bsd/doom au still makes absolutely no sense and i'm honestly still kind of embarrassed about it, but no doubt i will shove it in everyone's faces the moment i figure out how to make it work and abandon what's left of my dignity.
anyway the way more fleshed out (but just as self-indulgent) one is the same kind of au that pops up in every fanbase ever: zombie apocalypse. however, my au focuses on just a few central characters—oda's kids. (more explanation under the cut because it is kind of long)
the basic concept is that the five kids (aged up a few years for realism's sake as i highly doubt a bunch of children 9 years and younger would last long on their own) were being taken care of and protected by odasaku after shit hit the fan. they were hiding out in the upper floor of a small apartment complex that oda had spent a lot of time reinforcing and making somewhat habitable again. although he spent as much time as possible with them, he was forced to leave them for short periods (half a day at the absolute most) on their own so he could go on runs for supplies. because no way in hell was he going to be taking them outside and endangerin them like that. oda's a damn talented fighter, but even he'd struggle to protect five children and himself if a horde was suddenly alerted. so, he spent a lot of the time that they were stuck inside teaching them how to defend themselves and what to do if shit went sideways and he wasn't there. as weeks passed and resources within the vicinity began to dwindle, oda had to leave more and more frequently and for longer and longer periods of time in order to scrape together enough supplies to support the six of them. it became clear pretty quickly that he had a choice to make. he stays here with them in the area, and they starve to death, he attempts to travel a long distance with five children (meaning frequent stops so they can rest but he'd have to keep alert, leaving him exhausted and unfocused after days), or he leaves them here and travels further out to find resources to bring back. with no vehicle or fuel, oda knew the only way they'd survive is if he went out on his own and left them for a bit. and so, he prepared a small amount of rations to keep himself functioning and he made sure they had enough food and water to last them for a couple of weeks, though he hoped he'd be back in about a week or so. he talked with them about what he had to do, and that he'd be back as soon as possible. this was met with a lot of objection from the kids, though it was to no avail. he gave kōsuke one of his guns (just in case) and his coat, told them to take care of eachother and left.
despite their reluctance (kōsuke especially), they stayed put for as long as they could hold out. kōsuke went full big brother mode and took the lead while their dad was absent. he tried to keep track of food and water and assigned chores to everyone—both to keep the place decently habitable and to keep themselves busy and not worry so much about oda—that they rotated between themselves. it was as organized as a group of 9-14 year-olds could make it. it went on for a week. then two. then a full month. and there was no sign of their caretaker. and kōsuke began to stress more and more as the days went by and the cans on the shelf became fewer and fewer. it showed, and his little siblings began to take note. it was clear that something happened. it was taking way longer than it should have. and at this rate, they were going to run out of food. so, after a lot of debating and discussion, they made a decision. they had to go out and look for him, and find some supplies to keep them alive while they were at it. so, they crammed whatever they could bring into a couple of school backpacks and armed themselves with the single pistol and whatever other objects they could use as weaponry (a wooden baseball bat, a pipe they struggled to rip out of the wall, a shower curtain rod, etc.). and they left.
that's the basic premise of it! i want to make a post that goes more into detail about the type of zombies they're working with (because as your resident medical nerd i have to talk about the kind of pathogen and how it affects the human body) as well as my personal headcanons about the kids' personalities. honestly, the main reason i came up with this au is because i want to explore ideas about the kiddos more without the distraction of more major characters. considering how little canon and fanon content there is of them, i felt the need to come up with my own way of doing that, and here it is! like i said, i'm definitely going to go more in detail about my ideas later. i've already got some concept art (can you really even call it that? idk) in progress and i might even write a fic about it (in spite of my god-awful writing skills) or draw a comic (if i have the patience). but who knows. anyway thanks so much for your ask, and i'm glad you found interest in my weird aus! as for my oc, i'll probably make another post about him since this one is already way way too long lmao.
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