karfild · 10 months
The only "death" i wanna see in btsv is noir and it needs to be funny as shit. him cause as far as i'm aware, he's the only one with some sorta immortality (god wont let him die) aside from porker (death slips on a banana peel chasing him), and by death i mean he has to get obliterated. full on decapitated and then show up next scene no explanation i think i'd be really funny
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keatonbackstage · 1 year
wake up y'all ive decided to single handedly revive the entire backstage fandom
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neverwashere · 11 months
i literally cannot and will not live if miles and gwen do not reconcile in BtSV so this is my copium drop because i also cannot imagine miles just forgiving gwen after she like apologizes (unless the writers do that and pull it off in which case i will combust)
it has been stated that in BtSV there will be multiple iterations of Gwen Stacy and that they will affect miles someway
so because i refuse to believe that gwen and miles do not end up together this is what i think (and hope because that would be really cool) happens
in some other universe (42??) miles meets another gwen who is like kinda cooler and he also kinda crushes on her partially because shes cool and partially because shes gwen and then somehow someway she falls to her death and he fails to save her (because thats probably a canon event and so that box is checked off for him meaning he doesnt have to lose Gwen (also yes i am capitalizing Gwen to diffrentiate from other gwens)). after she dies and he cries(?) he realizes like oh dang this is what Gwen meant at the clock tower by "doesn't end well" and then realizes how much he actually cares about her and then yada yada yada Gwen shows up with the spiderband miles is like so relieved that shes not dead she apologizes but is cut off by being yanked into a hug and we get our Happy Ending
if miles and gwen do not reconcile because miles is so sadge will not forgive i will understand but also die
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wiploww · 11 months
Those who are following my campaigns
I’m sorry, but life has been super busy and it’s about to get busier! What with packing and preparing for college, I don’t think I’ll be able to continue writing them for a while. I’ll definitely try to add more, so I’ll keep you guys posted!
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the-kr8tor · 20 hours
I love how we all just deny the existence of Hobie's MJ
Like yeah he has the initials on his guitar but they prolly stand for Michael Jackson, or it's his guitars name duh
MJ the person? A Hobie Brown love interest MJ? Um no what r u talking ab lol
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z0nic · 1 year
actually great news
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cucumberteapot · 1 year
I feel like people aren't as open to discussing E-42 Prowle because there is so much about the character we don't know or the films haven't explicitly told us yet. However, I'd like to think writers have presented us with enough information that we can make a strong assessment as to not to what kind of role they'll serve (I think it's fair to say Miles G is going to be an antagonist later-turned hero or anti-hero in BSTV), but what kind of character this is and how they challenge Miles as the main character.
I'd like to discuss one crucial aspect of piece of body language and physical characterisation. This right here:
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This is our first proper shot of E-42 Prowler and it closely parallels Aaron Davis in then first movie when he's watching Miles run away.
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Now I want to pay mind that in deliberately holding off the plot twist of Aaron being the Prowler, the audience is given no key identifiers as to the Prowler's true identity. He doesn't even have any lines of dialogue until Miles is hiding in his apartment and we after we get the reveal. In every sense of the term, Prowler is a gun for hire. Except he doesn't use guns. The point is he is a hitman. He consistently does what he's told by Kingpin - "You can count on me, sir. I don't ever quit." But then when he's confront with the reveal of the kid he's been hunting is his own nephew and he must choose between his identities as Aaron and as Prowler, that loyalty is severed and it costs him his life.
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Which leads us to this specific visual of E-42 Prowler dangling from the rafter before dropping down to face Miles. The camera doesn't cut away from how he drops. Instead we're put entirely in Miles' perspective as to this guy's every move. Between us and Miles, the crew don't want us to miss anything. So what are we seeing here?
Well firstly I think it's clear this is something the Prowler we know wouldn't do because this is a merge of personas of Miles as the Prowler and as a 15-year old. This reads to us as something a lanky kid would do on a jungle-gym, and the fact E-42 Prowler doesn't take his eyes off Miles not only demonstrates curiosity but almost an invitation to play. Not literally, but I believe this Prowler is someone who likes to toy with their victims (which he see a bit of towards the end). And in this case, Prowler is definitely testing Miles from the moment he starts talking about ideas counteractive to his reality - That Aaron Davis could be a "good guy" and that the Prowler identity is something detrimental to the E-42 dimensions' existence. Granted, Miles is speaking from the experience of someone who's Prowler didn't provide income for their family and represent a symbol of strength like the Spiderman identity, so it's a no brainer E-42 Prowler views Miles as antithetical to his state of being. Another thing is that this is how Miles hangs from his webs throughout the movie (under the clocktower, before going through the portal to mumbattan, etc.), so it's a nice consistent characterisation between the two.
But that only leads us into what separates them. After keeping their focus directly on the other, they have their first exchange:
Prowler: Your dad is still alive? Miles: What? Prowler: Your father... You said he's still alive. Miles: Yeah. Prowler: Oh.
Okay, let's dissect this. Specifically Miles' confusion at to why Prowler's asking this because the audience is in the same boat but for very different reasons.
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Now I don't want to make assumptions but even before Prowler unmasks, Miles already knows it's his counterpart and his question isn't so much as not knowing but a request for confirmation. However the reason why Miles is confused here is because he expected that same curiousity about identity from his counterpart - not about relatives. Prowler doesn't ask who Miles is even though he doesn't really know, and when he gets his answer that, yes, Jefferson is alive in the other universe, his reaction is played off as dismissive, separating his identity and priorities from Miles. Whatever it is, considering it's the first thing he's asks, this is a vital piece of information for Prowler but his reaction removes any possibility he can be negotiated with... which Miles continuously fails at.
Miles: Who are you? Prowler: My name is Miles Morales. But you... You can call me the Prowler. Miles: If I don't get home, our dad is going to die. Prowler: Your dad. Miles: Please... You have to let me go. Prowler: And why would I do that?
That then leads us on to Miles' question because he's not only asking for his kidnapper's name, he's asking for who this person is. And in turn who we see isn't particularly angry or vindictive - we'll get to that. Instead, Prowler's expression is complete desolation.
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It's only when Miles further insinuates they are the same by referring to Jefferson as "our dad", does he shoot back with "your dad". It's quick because this Prowler is still separating himself from this version of himself and the idea he could or would've been or had anything like his life. Finally Miles accepts that they are separate and ask Prowler to let him go, but Prowler has another rhetorical question which implies although he considers this Miles separate to himself, he still has use for him somehow. Which honestly if you had this strength-is-all mindset, it might feel rewarding to have captured this part of yourself that you considered weak - which for all Prowler knows, Miles is just this inferior version of himself who got decked in one hit.
And then lastly we have these two shots here where Prowler raises his "claw" beside Miles' head and sizes him up.
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If Aaron can scare Miles by punching the sand out of a boxing bag while Prowler only has to put his fist on it, you tell me who's more terrifying?
But truthfully this last non-conversational exchange before Miles stares Prowler back down is evident that not only is Prowler going to beat the shit out of Miles, but that Miles' "flippy, little sassy jokes" as Spot puts it, is not going to help him here. Because if he wants to survive, he's going to have to match Prowler's energy. This film has a bittersweet ending not because Miles is captured but because Miles has internalised what he's been fighting against the whole movie - The emotional desolation of being Spider-man that lets them deal with or appear indifferent to the harm or death of people around them and it's exemplified when he applies Peter's first lesson of being Spider-man:
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"Don't watch the mouth. Watch the hands."
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hylianane · 10 months
Thinking about ASTV and how it tackles different family dynamics again, and while I’m sure so many fans of Miguel’s 2099 comics would love it if one of his love interests was brought into BSTV to help wrap up his backstory… I kinda hope they don’t, because him being an entirely single dad just sounds so much better to me than him having some dead off-screen partner.
Resolving to adopt a kid from another dimension also sounds more in line with the desperation of a man whose been put through the ringer in the adoption process, than that of someone who was a husband and father but lost that in recent years. It just feels more cohesive and intimate, while not resorting to the tired trope of killing off some woman to motivate the big burly man into action. I don’t think that would be fair to Xina and Dana, specially if they weren’t already introduced in ASTV and therefore missed a pretty big chance at standing out in the narrative. I can’t claim to be the most attached to them, as I only know of them, but I know I wouldn’t want a character I cared about to be reduced to that- specially if it would arguably come to the detriment of another character as well.
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yassentheassassin · 10 months
People are theorizing that Miguel might die in BSTV and god I'm so scared he will...I really hope he doesn't.
i hope he doesn't either, ultimately i want his character to be treated properly and if they can fix the shitty adaptation they did in atsv then great but if atsv miguel is what we're sticking with then i want to see proper reconciliation between him and miles, him starting to heal from his trauma and stop isolating himself from the support system he created for his fellow spider-people
if they decide to kill him off through some sacrifice or something it'll be such a cheap tacky thing to do
the writers have overall done a fantastic job of itsv and atsv so i have faith they don't do something so obvious and overdone
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culturadelpsy · 11 months
Spiral @ Hitech Revolution #5 - 2020 - Live Streaming BSTV
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keatonbackstage · 1 year
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smiley alya is the best alya
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
how you're spiersona gonna confront miguel and how her relationship with other character
Probably have to wait till we get more details about BSTV. But i imagine the reunion to be VERY messy. Theres also the fact she pushes bout damn near everyone away bc her cynicism towards heroes and her anger more people got unfairly dragged into such bs
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alolannraichuu · 10 months
Re: hobie in btsv, I forget where but the creators confirmed we're visiting his world in bstv and we'll see a lot of it so that bodes well for hobie having more of a starring role
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
What hobies humour because I feel like he sees the dumbest thing and starts laughing like a madman
I think his humour is a mixed bag, like he sees something dumb he would actually laugh like a madman but sometimes he'd just chuckle lol
The same goes for jokes, it really depends on the joke and his mood. I'm just imagining Hobie laugh hysterically and im all 🥺 (we better hear him laugh in bstv and actually grin happily)
Also him trying to make you laugh? Same thing, sometimes the joke hits the spot sometimes you just sigh lmaooo
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babydrummer · 1 year
i need pavitr prahbkar to get the shit beaten out of him in bstv
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oneirataxia-girl · 6 months
AU where Satomi is spider woman?
well... sometime during the BSTV storyline, there's gonna be a scene where Satomi can be seen as Eath-42's spiderperson, but let's see what she'd be like if she got bitten by an actual spider <;33
KumoByte joins forces with a company called Alchemax to create tech that aims to fuse animal traits with robots -- humanlike ones that are a product of a previous alliance with Alchemax. their first experiment is with spiders, or more specifically, how to create artificial spider silk
Satomi in this au doesn't have The Car Crash™, so she's working hard to develop the tech, too
she's partnered with Miguel O'Hara, one of the best scientists in the other cooperation, and the two of them make incredible progress in advancing the project
one day, while checking up on the spider they're using as a reference, Satomi felt a shocking numbness as the spider sunk its fangs in her hand. fortunately, Miguel gave her a checkup and told that it shouldn't be much of a danger, but he should stay with her for a bit just in case
and he was right to keep her company, because just after twenty-four hours, Satomi starts to develop odd symptoms and for some reason, stuff is sticking to her hands and it won't peel off and her senses are dialed up to eleven and wait -- why are these symptoms kind of like a spider?
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give me an au + oc and I’ll list five things that happen to them!!
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