#bts burps
breadcheekstete · 1 year
More fat Tae please. Maybe one where he is really big and lazy?
hello hello (ôㅈô)/” you know how much i like chubby tæ so it was a pleasure to write it. i made him kinda slobby and it might be messy but i hope you like it 🖤 (i tried to make him as big as i am comfortable with, please understand)
[CW / Slob behaviour]
th has been watching the news go on for what feels like an eternity. he made the bad decision of leaving the remote on the coffee table when he turned on a movie that finished too long ago.
he could get up and change the channel? yeah. but he actually can't.
adding a whole 2l of weight gain shake, two and half gallons of ice cream to his already ample frame is his favourite activity and, honestly? he's already thinking of dinner.
you see, th is a big guy. he does not just have a gut and some spare kilos rounding his edges. and as someone that weighs 136kg, he's what anyone would call a slob.
a big belly sitting and spilling down his lap and between his thick thighs, spread open to give it some room. his arms hug the last ice cream tub, too tired to even prevent it from spilling in his already stained t-shirt. at this point he just wears it to hold his moobs in like a crop top, or even a bra, now resting pliant on the shelf that is his overstuffed belly.
he scratches at his double chin, itchi from the ice cream spilled and licks his finger clean, hiccuping a burp.
his spoon finally makes it to the bottom of the ice cream and he discards it, throwing it not so carefully to the floor. he hums, contently rubbing at the sides of his belly and pressing on the few pockets of gas.
not that he drank soda in the past hours but he's just so gassy all the time. he pats his underbelly, caressing the flabby area and dipping his finger into his belly button, expecting a burp to come out but is a loud fart what comes out instead. he even feels it rumble on his seat.
it felt really good to let out, but is not enough to ease the discomfort for dinner so he rubs circles on the expanse of his belly, taking turns with each arm so he doesn't get tired. in the end, is the hand resting on top of his belly that finds the wet belch he was looking for and he leans back on the armchair, relieved to say the least. 
the air is a bit heavy when sj comes back from work. th doesn't even hear him come in as he let out another resounding belch with his eyes closed in pure bliss.
"only you would eat ice cream as an appetizer," the older says.
th whines, belly gurgling under his touch. "if i could order something to eat, i wouldn't start from the dessert."
sj sits on the armrest, slapping his belly that barely wobbles at the motion but causes th to burp. "last time i let you order when i was still at work i found you being fed by the poor delivery guy."
th takes a fist to his chest and belches deeply, that felt so good to let out. "i wouldn't let him do it if he wasn't yøongi hyung. he knows our code."
"he knows it for emergencies!"
"it was an emergency, i couldn't get up."
sj stands right in front of him and brushes th's chin gently, daring. "can't even get up for the food you ordered yourself?"
"i'm sorry hyung, i was too full.." past full like he is right know, sj would dare to say. he's got other plans, though.
"if you can stand up by yourself and sit on the couch, i'll feed you."
"pasta with lots of tomato sauce sprinkled with weight gain powder and a 2l bottle of cola?" he asks with puppy eyes, and sj nods. it makes him so fond how under all this fat he's still the bright soul he knows.
th makes an attempt, arms quivering and belly annoyingly hard to even let him bend forward. he tries again, grunting and rocking himself back and forth to regain some strength, and then…
"damn it, tæhyung. that's gross," sj complains at the strong smell coming from the younger's agonizingly long fart he just ripped.
"you said, huff ." th stops to fan his nose. "you said i had to stand u-UuuURp, and i needed a little impulse."
"little ? the neighbors could sue us for that."
th stumbles a little as he balances himself and waddles to the couch, letting himself fall onto it and he shuts a loud cracking sound with another burst of air. "come on," he demands, patting the side of his belly. "it's dinner time."
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soft-for-yoongi · 10 months
Also found this cute clip of Jungkook pulling the mic away to hiccup/burp
The laugh at the end heals me 🫶🤧
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pudgecuddles · 1 year
Yoongi who’s not used to physical affection from Taehyung but still wants to show how much he loves him by feeding him. Which then turns to also surprising him with new clothes as he grows fatter. Before long, Yoongi has a massive Taehyung on his hands.
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“This looks like kind of a lot, Yoongi.” Taehyung stared at the spread of take out in front of them.
“Yeah, maybe.” Yoongi rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “But hey, there’s always leftovers. Besides I know that Thai’s your favorite, you can have a little of everything and pack the rest away.”
Taehyung hummed, contemplating his options before shrugging and loading up his first plate with, like Yoongi said, a little of everything. “If I end up eating all of this, it’s your fault.”
Yoongi held up his hands in surrender. “Got it. Got it.”
Plopping themselves down on the sofa, they started up the movie they were going to watch, Ratatouille. It was Taehyung’s favorite movie and always inspired an appetite in him.
Needless to say, there were no leftovers that night.
“Heal me dammit!” Taehyung shouted as he tapped frantically on his keyboard. “Can we get a fucking Medic on our team already?! Red is pulverizing us! They have Uber already!”
The match ended shortly after, Blu team having failed to prevent the bomb from being pushed into their base.
Yoongi walked in with a platter of snacks just as Taehyung smacked his forehead in exasperation. “Did we really need three fucking Gibus Snipers? Really?”
“Playing casual matches again?” Yoongi was amused at how vocal Taehyung always got when he played his games. “You know that comp has better communication.”
“Yeah, but sometimes I just don’t wanna be roasted for maining Demoknight, okay? Casual doesn’t give a shit.”
“True.” Yoongi wanted to lean in and kiss his boyfriend sweetly, but hot embarrassment ran through him at the thought of potential rejection. Instead, he offered the tray to Taehyung. “I made you a consolation prize…”
Taehyung’s eyes bugged out at the sight of all his favorite snacks placed so prettily on the platter. “Yoongi, you shouldn’t have. That’s so sweet of you!” It didn’t matter to Taehyung in that moment that he had just eaten breakfast, or that he was actually trying to lose a few pounds. The kind, loving gesture from his boyfriend outranked silly little diets.
Taehyung grabbed a butter cracker dolloped with nutella and popped the whole thing in his mouth at once. “Mmmmmm…”
Yoongi took that as approval. “Well, I guess I’ll leave you to it-”
“Nuh-uh.” Taehyung swallowed audibly. “You’re always my good luck charm, I’m keeping you here.”
Taehyung stood up just then, pulling his tight shirt down his newly grown belly. Yoongi gulped at the sight. “I’ll stay.”
“Good, now come over here and sit.” Taehyung gestured towards his large, comfortable gaming chair.
Confused, Yoongi obediently sat on the chair, sinking into it’s softness. Hmm, this was nice.
Suddenly, all of Taehyung’s weight dropped onto Yoongi’s lap. “Oof! What-?”
“Sorry Yoongi, but you’re trapped now!” Taehyung grinned, lowering the chair so that he could reach the keyboard from his elevated position. “I knew you’d say no if I asked, so I tricked you.”
Cheeky brat. Yoongi Smiled, glad that his boyfriend was one to take initiative.
Taehyung got into queue for a new game as Yoongi tried to get comfortable. They have had Taehyung sit on Yoongi’s lap in the past, but this was different.
You see, Taehyung was 33 pounds heavier than last time, and Yoongi felt every ounce of it.
He knew only because he checked their scale’s history feature. Taehyung used to hover around 137 pounds, now the chubby boy clocked in at 170.
170 pounds sat right on Yoongi’s poor dick.
This was going to be a long match…
After months of weekly take out, and daily snacking sessions, it was about time that Taehyung started having trouble with his pants. He’d grown a little bottom heavy over time and he wasn’t sure how to feel about it. On one hand he really didn’t care what size he was, but on the other, he values Yoongi’s opinion more than anything in the world. What if he was grossed out by him?
Thoughts for later.
Grunting and groaning, Taehyung’s double belly wobbled viciously as he jumped up and down trying to squeeze his dimpled thunder thighs into his favorite pair of jeans. It’d been a while since he’s worn them, having defaulted to his comfier pair of sweats for the past month and a half while he was between jobs.
Now, he had a job interview in an hour and needed to wear something other than stained sweatpants and BO coated tank top. Besides, that one tended to leave a bit of his lower belly hanging out to jiggle for all to see. It was fine when he was at home alone or with Yoongi, but he somehow doubted that a potential employer would approve of it.
“Dammit!” Taehyung flopped onto his bed, causing the springs to creak from the sudden weight. “I guess 276 pounds is officially the limit for Levi’s…”
With a brief knock at the door, Yoongi came in to see Taehyung looking like someone gave up on pulling the pants up their too fat Barbie doll and just tossed it on their bed for later. “Taehyungie?”
“Don’t start. I know how I look.”
“I wasn’t gonna say anything.” Yoongi held up one hand in surrender, the other holding a medium sized box. “I actually brought you something that I think will help you out.”
Taehyung lifted his head, giving himself a double chin. “What is it? A present?”
“Kinda…” Yoongi blushed. “I saw the other day that you kept pulling down your shirt, so I decided to grab you some more clothes… Uhm, bigger ones.” He mumbled that last part, hoping that Taehyung didn’t take the gesture badly.
Taehyung again wasn’t sure how to feel. Yoongi went out of his way to cater to his larger size and buy him new clothes, that had to mean that he didn’t hate him right? Otherwise, Taehyung had no qualms about going up in size, it was just part of getting fatter.
“Thank you, Yoongi.” Taehyung smiled, deciding to be touched by the effort. “Lemme try ‘em on.”
The ones on top of the pile, XXL, fit perfectly.
Both men ignored the bottom pile of XXXXL outfits.
Besides, it was smart to have clothes with room to grow on hand.
“-Urp!- Can I have some more, Yoonie?” Taehyung burped politely into his fist. “I’m all out…” He set down his big gulp cup in the cup holder of their new sofa, Taehyung having broken their old one.
Yoongi called out from the kitchen, “Coming up!” The sound of a blender cut out anything else he might have said.
Taehyung’s tummy grumbled. The large double belly hung off of the couch, between his legs and rested on the floor. It’d been over a year since he’d started seriously gaining weight and he already found that most of his days began and ended with his massive ass on the sofa, stuffing his face with whatever Yoongi presented to him.
It was a special occasion this time though, he’d reached 637 pounds that morning. A full 500 pounds more than his starting weight. He and Yoongi never really discussed what they were doing with Taehyung’s body, they just both knew they didn’t mind it. Maybe it was a subconscious effort to see how far they could go, maybe it was just their love language in action. Either way, Taehyung had seriously ballooned and he didn’t care at all.
“Here you are.” Yoongi stepped into the living room, handing a second big gulp cup to Taehyung. “I added some prunes this time. You know you need more fiber.”
“But Hyung!” Taehyung whined. “You know that makes me gassy…”
“Everything makes you gassy nowadays.” Yoongi deadpanned.
“True.” Taehyung sighed. He brought the cup up to his lips ad began gulping.
And gulping.
And gulping.
He whined slighting as the mixture hit his stomach heavily. Yoongi immediately came over and began massaging his taught upper belly. Willing his stomach to digest faster. To grow fatter.
Gasping for air, Taehyung hiccuped loudly. “That- hic! Was so good, Yoongi.”
Taehyung let out a loud belch.
Yoongi continued rubbing his hard gut, encouraging the release of gas, used to it by now. “That’s it baby, keep going.”
That last one was gurgley.
Panting and still hiccuping, Taehyung rested his chubby hands on his bulging love handles and squeezed. “Look what your excellent cooking has done to me, Yoongi. I’m huge!”
“I know, Taehyungie.” Yoongi slipped his hand into Taehyung’s cavernous belly button, hidden between his sagging upper and lower bellies and wiggled his long fingers. “I know.”
Taehyung moaned, only recently getting used to Yoongi’s courageous showings of affection. “Y-Yeah… Here’s to another 500.”
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m-jelly · 9 months
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Bedtime stories
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, CEO Levi, fluff, romance, married couple, Dad Levi, daughter, telling stories, teary baby.
Your daughter took a long nap today, so she is unable to sleep at night properly. After waking up in the night, Levi tells you to rest for the night. He goes to his daughter and spends a fun night tell her stories and eating biscuits together.
Dedicated to my wonderful friend @ladycheesington <3
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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It was dark in the bedroom, but the warmth of your body against Levi's soothed him. It was hard to fall asleep because he'd had a nap with his daughter that day, so he was rather wired but he always had to go to bed with you. Holding you in his arms was the best thing in the world.
A soft cry of his daughter came through the monitor. Worry filled his heart when you stirred in your sleep ready to go to Lilly, but your husband stopped you. With a delicate touch, Levi moved his body from your grasp and gave you a loving kiss.
Your eyes only opened a little as you inhaled deeply. "I can get her."
The thought of you going to Lilly while you were so exhausted troubled Levi. He wanted you to rest up, you were his Queen. He placed a loving kiss on your lips. "I'll go to our princess. You sleep. Please, sleep."
"Are you sure?"
You groped his thigh. "Mm, have fun. Love you."
"Love you always."
You squeaked when he spanked you on the bum before leaving. "Little devil."
The hall to Lilly's room was softly illuminated with a single fake candlelight that was on a timer. It was soothing to Levi, just like you were to his heart. As he got closer to his daughter's room, he felt excited to see his little princess. His heart was filled with so much love for Lilly and you.
Lilly's room was full of cute things, soft colours and lots of cuddly things. The carpet was soft under Levi's feet as he walked over to Lilly's bed. She was sat up in her little onesie covered in bunnies. Only a few tears stained her adorable chubby cheeks.
It was a comforting warmth that came from Lilly when Levi wrapped his hands around her middle. With ease, he lifted her up and out before bringing her close to his chest. Her gentle cries came to a stop when she recognised she was in the arms of her father.
Levi collected her favourite bunny and blanket before making his way to the living room. "All right, my little princess, I think we should hang out for a bit. We both had a very long nap today. Naughty us."
Lilly gazed at Levi as if he were some magical God. "Eh."
"I agree. Biscuits are a great choice and we'll have some milkies too."
With great skill, Levi kept Lilly on his hip as he heated up two cups of milk and placed them on a tray with some biscuits. The tray was balanced on his arm as he made his way to the living room. He only turned on one soft light so it'd help make him and Lilly feel tired.
He gently adjusted Lilly on his lap before handing her the sippy cup she loved. "Here you go, my little princess." He grabbed his cup and started drinking as he carefully watched his daughter. "Mm, we should have some biscuits."
Lilly gazed at Levi with her bright steel blue eyes, she looked so much like him. "Da!"
"I know, I'm looking forward to them too." He picked up one and handed it to his daughter. He felt his heart soften at how small her hands were. "Enjoy."
She took a little bite of the biscuit before offering it to Levi. "Ah!"
"Oh, thank you." He leaned down and took a bite. "Mm, yummy."
She giggled and took another bite. "Mm!"
He chuckled and grabbed his own. "Right, little princess, I think it's story time to help you sleep."
Lilly reached for her cup. "Bah."
Levi handed the cup to her. "Here you go." As soon as she was done he moved the cup to the table and helped her burp. With a slight adjustment, he shifted on the sofa and lay Lilly on his chest with her blanket on her back. "All right. Let's think of a fun story."
She clung to Levi's shirt. "Mm."
"Once there was a beautiful princess who was all alone in a castle. She wanted to meet a kind and sweet man, but all she got were annoying men who wanted her money and title. So, she decided to go on the run!"
Lilly giggled at her father being expressive. "Da."
He played with her soft hair. "She ran to an old castle in the mountains and there was a dragon man. As soon as the dragon man saw the princess, he fell madly in love with her. When the princess asked for help, he agreed to everything."
Lilly started fighting sleep, but Levi's deep rumbling voice against her little body and his heat was making her sleepy.
"She took care of the dragon man as payment for his kindness. She cooked for him and made sure that he cared about himself like he cared for her. As time went on, she forgot all about why she was there and fell in love with the dragon man. She saw beyond the scales and horns. She saw the gentle, emotional, kind and loving man under it all."
Lilly's eyes slowly closed as sleep took over.
"The dragon man slowly became more of a man because her love healed him. The two of them wedded and started a life in his castle. They started a community of people who were their friends. As time went on, they started a family and welcomed a beautiful baby girl. They cherished their daughter and their love for eternity."
The room filled with silence. With just one sweet story about you and Levi falling in love as a princess and dragon man, Lilly was sleeping for the night. As quietly as possible, Levi returned his daughter to her bed and lay her down.
Once everything was cleaned up in the kitchen and living room, Levi hurried over to you in bed. He carefully climbed in as he tried not to disturb you. A long sigh escaped him as his body relaxed. He perked up a bit when you rolled over and partly lay on him.
You hummed a little in your sleep state. "Was she okay?"
"We had milkies and biscuits."
"Sounds delicious."
"I heated the milkies up. I then held her and told her a story."
You raised your head and kissed Levi. "You're such a wonderful father."
A blush graced his cheeks. "You think so?"
"I do."
He wrapped his muscular arms around you and held you close. "Thank you. You're an incredible mother and wife. I'm so lucky."
You showered Levi's face with kisses. "Thank you. You're the best husband ever."
He gaze you a gentle squeeze. "Flirting words."
"You're flirting back."
He rolled over onto you as he growled causing you to giggle. "I wanna eat you."
You squealed when he attacked your neck with nibbles. "I'm all yours, Levi."
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
WOW I AM LOVING THESE SPOTIFY DRABBLES! idk if you're still taking requests for them? but i'd like to request yoongi and number 29 please. (i want to see other members too but he's my bias so yeah lol)
I got delicious taste, you need a woman's touch in your place / Just protect her and keep her safe / Baby, worship my hips and waist
» pairing: yoongi x f!reader
» genre: BTS | 18+ | drabble | established relationship | fluff? | an attempt at humor?
» wc/date: 755 | December 2022
» warnings: reader is making fun of misogynistic ideas about womanhood/hetero relationships | overuse of "daddy" (as a joke) | nakey nakey
» notes: PLEASE RECOGNIZE THAT THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY. THIS IS A JOKE. I AM A FEMINIST. also i totally get you 😌 min yoongi supremacy 😌
» masterlist | AO3 | send me ur thots 👅
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At some point, you decide that your relationship with Yoongi is serious enough that you can be unserious. 
The honeymoon phase is long over. You’re perfectly happy to burp the most obscene burps in front of him. There’s no pressure to look pretty all the time (even though Yoongi always insists that you never need to try to impress him). Hell, you’d even asked if you could hold his dick while he peed. (He eventually gave in. It was definitely worth it, and now you maybe have penis envy. No one tell Freud!!) 
But sometimes Yoongi needs to loosen up. He’s a great guy, for sure! You adore him. He treats you with love and respect. He’s thoughtful and caring. There’s honestly nothing wrong with him, aside from the fact that maybe he’s a little too good. And you’re a little too mischievous. 
Which is why you decide to really give your man a heart attack when he gets home from work. 
“Hey, baby, how are y—” 
Yoongi’s jaw goes slack and his sentence trails off as if his throat is closing in on itself. You watch him swallow, lips falling open. After a moment he seems to remember that he was in the middle of taking off his blazer. You suppress a laugh as his blazer falls to the floor when he tries to hang it in the front closet without taking his eyes off you.
“Wha-wha-what are you wearing?” 
“Oh, I just thought I should play the part since I’m working from home more now.” 
“P-Play the p-part?” He furiously tugs at his tie but lets his arm fall limp to his side when you turn to enter the kitchen. You can’t see the way his eyes bug out of his head, but you have an idea of how flustered he is when he starts babbling again. Can you really blame him? All you’re wearing under your apron is a thong. 
“What part? Baby. Babe, play what?” 
“Shh, relax, daddy.” 
“Daddy?!” Yoongi chokes on his next inhale. 
You flash your boyfriend a dazzling smile and point at the spread of food on the kitchen table. “I’m just trying to take care of you, daddy. You worked so hard today.” 
“No, I didn’t!” he practically screeches. “You know I’m always dicking around at work on Fridays. Fridays aren’t real work days.”
You click your tongue against the roof of your mouth. It’s only slightly difficult to keep your composure while he freaks out. You know he wants to say the right thing, to not be disrespectful. But he’s absolutely devouring you in the most shameful way. Pink cheeks and guilty eyes meet you when you press your fingers into his shoulders, forcing him into the kitchen chair. 
You lean over him and whisper against the shell of his ear. His entire body shudders when you drag your tongue up his earlobe. The sound of his breath hitching when you suck on his skin makes something grow inside your chest. It might be a bit of pride and untamed ego, you’re not sure. 
“Baby, what is going on?” The desperation in his voice makes the pressure in your chest grow even bigger. You can’t help but smirk, though he can’t see you. 
“I’m your woman, aren’t I? I was made to serve you, daddy.” 
Yoongi slams his glass of water back onto the table after having lifted it up to take a sip with a shaky hand. 
“Excuse me?” 
“You don’t think so?” You drag your lips up his throat, letting your tongue slip out to flick against the goosebumps that raise in splotches across his skin. You’re being unfair and you know it. 
The sound that erupts from the back of his throat sounds strangled and heavy. 
“Babe, I don’t—” 
It’s honestly rather ridiculous, but it gets the desired outcome when you abruptly stick your finger in Yoongi’s mouth. His lips immediately wrap around the digit. He even dares to suck, though you aren’t sure if the action is intentional. 
“Hurry up so I can suck your dick while you finish your nightcap.” 
The poor guy can barely breathe at this point. 
You twist your hips to make sure your ass jiggles as you step out of the kitchen. You’ve got to get away. It’s too difficult to keep a straight face while Yoongi is turning red all over at the table. Once he relearns how to breathe and talk, you’re sure he’ll get back at you somehow. The possibilities make you giddy. 
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & AO3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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eoieopda · 1 year
Please please please please I read your Dad!BTS drabbles and I would love if you did a head canon for Seventeen as dads! Thank youuuuuuuh!
oh fuck. this is gonna break me, hahahahahah.
seungcheol: i mean…. he has twelve kids already. have you seen the way he parents them with just a look/gesture? born for this. still, i feel like he’s as baby as… his baby? idk. i can see him being a lil jealous of the attention your kid gets, so you’ll have to shower him with affection to remind him that he hasn’t been replaced. absolutely the kind of dad to yell at his kid’s referee when they make an unfavorable call during a game. will also buy himself one of those “#1 dad mugs”, to be used unironically. def instills principles into his kids early — everybody’s well-mannered, responsible, etc.
jeonghan: i think he’d be so so so sweet with kids, but that he’d get burnt out easily. he also strikes me as the type to constantly prank his own kids?? teaching them something that is so completely false for his own enjoyment, like that time he convinced minghao a shopkeeper would accept shellfish as payment in lieu of money ☠️ he would also help them set up a lemonade stand with questionable business ethics so they can swindle the neighbors out of their money. watch out — your kids are forming a crime syndicate of bratz dolls and are plotting an elaborate art heist from barbie’s dream house.
joshua: he doesn’t believe in the needless gendering of hobbies, so EVERYBODY is learning how to bedazzle shit, make friendship bracelets, build with clay, play ball games, etc. absolutely kills it with an easy-bake oven. your kids think he’s weird and they’re right. their father is insane, but in a fun and whimsical way that makes their friends jealous. he’s also def the dad who volunteers for shit at school, like chaperoning field trips, etc. he probably bakes them shit to share on their birthdays, while keeping in mind everybody’s allergies 🤧
junhui: i think junnie and his kids have some secret language amongst themselves that you don’t understand? he’s their favorite — sorry. he’s not great with sports and neither are your kids, but he will go to every single peewee league soccer game (rain or shine) and treat them to ice cream as if they won, even though they lost terribly. he’s amazed by every single thing they do, too. adding non-milestone shit to the baby book because he’s so proud of them for burping and farting at the same time.
soonyoung: he has no idea what the hell or fuck he’s doing, but he tries so hard and loves so completely. your kids’ homework is just as confusing to him as it is to them; regardless, he will stay up all gd night with them to finish it if that’s what it comes down to. he shows baby pictures to every single person he passes to brag about his kids, 100%. he has more energy than them, tho, so they have to tell him when it’s time for a break during whatever backyard game they’re playing. unlikely to let them win because they need to learn how to lose graciously 😇
wonwoo: so sorry to say this but all of your kids’ teachers are in love with him. i feel like he would volunteer to coach your kids’ xyz team despite never having played xyz sport because he wants them to feel supported. does he know what he’s doing? no, but neither do the kids, so what does that matter? def wouldn’t be surprised if you woke up in the middle of the night and found him gazing adoringly at your sleeping kid from the doorway like 🫠 UGH.
jihoon: surprise! parenthood made jihoon physically affectionate, though he still likes to pretend that’s not the case! he always has one sitting on his shoulders, the other(s) clinging to his legs, and he adores it; you catch him grinning when he thinks you’re not looking and he immediately gets flustered. it’s not at all uncommon to find him passed out on the couch with a sleeping kid on his chest — and they have matching expressions, even when they sleep. your kids have 40,000 different extracurriculars because their dad is good at everything, so… uhhh, i hope he got his license to help with all the carpooling back and forth, lmao.
seokmin: also in the “i don’t know what i’m doing but i’m so fucking happy to be here” camp. world’s biggest hype man for his kids — damn near petitioned the government for a parade when they took their first steps, etc. i feel like he’d THRIVE with telling bedtime stories and make-believe games. creativity is off the charts, but in that very unhinged way we know and love. oh, your kids don’t want to eat their veggies? he’s created a whole ass play that teaches them the value of fiber. and it WORKS.
mingyu: omfg he is absolutely the dad that all his kids’ friends have crushes on. there are always 40,000 children at your house for this reason, and because mingyu makes the absolute fucking cutest/most elaborate packed lunches, and everyone is jealous. he coaches your kids’ sports team and is actually qualified. he’s wrapped around their finger — the epitome of “the other parent said no” so they run to him to get whatever they want, and he caves EVERY TIME. he pouts more than they do, too, so good luck!!
minghao: omg your kids are going to be so shockingly well-adjusted but also extremely old for their age, lmao. he’s got the toddler speaking affirmations into the mirror every morning. they’re waxing poetic about nature. they’ve converted his morning tea ceremony to a tea party, except they’re actually fully partaking in the meditation with him — albeit from a plastic princess teacup. no kid has ever expressed gratitude as frequently and as sincerely as his!!
seungkwan: his kid is def the type to hang out with the adults during their own classmate’s birthday party, lmao. he raised charming little schmoozers who are well-connected and beloved by all their elementary teachers. he’s also big on self-sufficiency, i think? like, he teaches them early on that shit like cooking, cleaning, etc. is not eomma’s purpose in life; and they better pitch in (although none of them — including him — forego the dramatics when they have to touch wet food in the sink, etc.) he’s a one-man cheer squad. he showed up to your kid’s class concert with a fan chant he spent all night creating, and he yells it with his full chest, unabashed.
vernon: omggg. the chillest dad 🥲 he’s not the voice-raising type, so any time he needs to step in and parent, it’s the gentlest, most empathetic shit. i feel like his kids think he’s the coolest dude who has ever lived and want to be exactly like him, so they pick up all his interests?? they probably have a weekly movie night and discuss their thoughts while he’s tucking them into bed afterwards ☠️ imagine them dissecting the themes of shrek while he’s checking for monsters in the closet adhdsjakfnwksnf.
chan: MADE 👏🏻 TO 👏🏻 BE 👏🏻 A 👏🏻 DAD 👏🏻. he’s the full package — a partner to you in raising them, the goofy + fun friend, and the extremely emotionally intelligent mentor they need??? tbh he’s better at a lot of the practical things than you are; he had to give you tips on how to change a diaper, etc. because he STUDIED and he PRACTICED ON TEDDY BEARS, okay? he’s going to be the best dad to ever dad, just watch!!!
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oliveoomph · 2 years
Dempsey Bryk
Willow finale BTS dump 1 (spoilers ahead 🚨)
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Me and Ellie
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Me, Ellie, and a man who wandered onto set one day
Proof Ruby is my actual sister (and actually hits me)
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Erin Kellyman
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Erin Kellyman blowing a burp into my ear
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Amar insisted I post this specifically…
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…to show us guys were serious gym-goers
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Tony forbade me from posting this specifically (the disguise he uses to fly under the radar in public)
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Throughout time there always has existed, and always will exist, the boys.
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Ellie DOES know how to sit in chairs people (the rumours aren’t true!)
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crystalsnow95z · 11 months
so i actually dreamed this other night lol. could u do something with early bts (2013-14) and they’re at the airport for whatever reason, and jk starts feeling really sick but tries to endure/wait it out thinking it’s just nerves. he feels even worse and starts panicking and tells jin he thinks he’s gonna puke. jin just rushes him to a bathroom and jk starts puking really hard and crying. jin just holds him and comforts him cuz he’s never seen jk in such a state. the rest can be up to u :)
Oh gosh.. I usually don't use a certain timeline and ive never actually been on a plane..so this will be a challenge. I hope its accurate 😅
Sorry it took so long. I hope you haven't forgotten about your request 😅
This is our first time performing outside of Korea..I've been studying the Japanese lyrics but I'm still so nervous..my stomach hurts like crazy..
Jungkook leans his head on Taehyung's shoulder, trying to discretely rub his knotting abdomen. "I'm so scared, Taehyung-sii.." He whispers, confiding in the second youngest.
"It's okay Jungkook-ah.. we spent all night going over the lyrics together, and we got the moves down pact. There's nothing to worry about." Taehyung takes his hand, giving it a squeeze. "Do you want to go over them again?"
Jungkook shakes his head. "I don't want to lose my voice.. my throats already a bit sore.."
"Is Junggukkie okay?" Jin asks when he sees the youngest huddled close to Taehyung.
"Yeah he's okay. He's just nervous about tomorrow." Taehyung answers for him.
"You'll do fine Jungkook-ah. We've been practicing for months. You did it perfectly yesterday." Namjoon reassures him.
"Right.. thanks, Hyung.." Jungkook gives him a smile, but despite not feeling as nervous, his stomach still gurgled uncomfortably. The car came to a stop, Jin opening the door to lead them through the airport, everyone trailing behind.
They weren't big enough to use the private entrance, but they still had fans calling for them. He bowed to every single one of them, but each time he folded over his middle, he only ached more. I have to get used to all these eyes on me..
He grabbed onto the back of Yoongi's backpack holding the small strap tightly in his hand, temporarily blinded by one of the camera flashes he accidentally looked right into.
Yoongi takes his hand, leading him to get his passport checked. "You okay, Jungkook?"
Jungkook nods. "I'm okay. There are too many flashes..That's all." he presented his passport and ticket to the airport staff, trying to focus on the staff in front of him.
"Could you lower your face mask?" The woman asks politely.
Jungkook takes it off one ear, startled by a scream when he does this, several more flashes go trying to get a clear shot of his face. He grabs onto his closest hyung, gripping their shirt sleeve. All the attention was making him feel queasy.
"You okay Jungkook-ah?" Hoseok asks when he feels the younger grab him. He didn't mind it, wrapping his hand around Jungkooks. "You're sweating.. take your passport back, and we'll get settled on the plane."
Jungkook nods, turning to the lady who took it. "Is it okay?"
"Yes, all is well. Here you go. Have a safe flight." She smiles, holding out the passport. Jungkook's hands shook when he grabbed it, quickly putting it back into his carry on.
Jungkook tried to wait quietly for everyone to get their documents checked, but his stomach churned violently,making him feel weak. His knees threatened to buckle underneath him. I can't do this..
Jungkook urgently pulled on the eldest, trying to get his attention. "Hyung.. Jin..I..I don't feel good.. please?" He pulls aggressively on his sleeve, making him lose balance.
"Thank you Sir.."Jin puts his face mask back in place,quickly bowing to the man helping him and taking his passport back and turning to Jungkook. 'What's wrong Jungkook-ah?"
Jungkook holds his middle, his stomach giving another painful grumble, the acid trying to rise up. "I'm..I'm gonna be sick.. Hyung I need.." a wet burp stopped his words, clamping his hand over the face mask. "Hyung.." Jungkook whimpers, his doe eyes watering.
"Okay. Dont panic, i got you.."Jin starts pulling Jungkook through the airport, trying to spare him from getting sick in front of all those people.
"Hyung, where are you going?" Namjoon called to him with confusion when Jin doesn't slow down."That's the wrong way Hyung.."
"I need to take care of Kook. You take the others. I'll catch up." Jin quickly calls back, dragging his ailing dongsaeng through the crowd. Jungkook clung to his arm for support, swallowing down the bile that filled his throat. "I know, I know.. we're almost there, honey.." Jin cooed, pushing through the crowd until he finally found the bathroom.
Jungkook was trembling with effort, struggling to get his body to keep moving. He wanted to tell Jin to slow down, the quick pace only making him feel worse, but he knew the moment he opened his mouth to speak, he'd throw up.
As soon as Jin slowed down to check for an empty stall, Jungkook felt the hot sick push its way up, unable to swallow it down. Jungkook felt the warmth fill up the face mask, gagging again at the smell.
"Sh*t..Jungkook-ah.." Jin pulls him into the nearest stall, removing the soiled face mask from his face and discarding it.
Jungkook dropped to his knees in front of the toliet, Jin hardly having time to lift the seat before the next wave hit the younger. He heaved loudly, the contents of his stomach pushing up and spraying the back of the toliet. "I..I'm sorry Hyung.." he sobbed in-between gags, splashing more sick into the toliet.
Jin kneeled next to Jungkook, rubbing his back to try to comfort him. "You're really sick baby, it's okay. You don't have to be sorry for being sick. It's not your fault."
"Seokjinnie-hyung! Jungkook-ah! We need to get on the plane. There's not much time left until take off we need to go." Hoseok called urgently, looking for them, freezing when he heard Jungkook bleaching up more sick.
The flight.. the tour.. I can't be sick right now.. I'll let my hyungs down.. they trusted me to be lead vocals.. I'm letting them down..
Jungkook's stomach rippled with guilt, his breath coming out more ragged as panic set in. He tried to hold the sick down and rise to his feet, but it just erupted out of him anyway, his legs shaking violently. He hardly made a few inches off the cold tile floor before his legs become jello again, unable to support him
"Jungkook-ah it's okay, it's okay. Don't try to get up. Just let it all out.." Jin reassures Jungkook, feeling his spine arching as another round of sickness hits him,holding his bangs back as more undigested rice hits the water.
"Hoeseok-ah go on without us. T-tell the others Jungkook is too sick right now.." Jin tried to keep his voice steady, cursing himself when hears it shaking,stammering over words. He needed to be strong for the younger members.
Hoseok covered his mouth, his stomach churning at the sound of Jungkook. He wouldn't let his weak stomach win, swallowing down the bile that tried rising. I can't get sick now, Hyung needs me to tell the others... "Okay, I'll tell them. Do you need anything?"
"Focus on the flight, please? I'll take care of Jungkook.." Jin sends J-hope away, focusing all his attention to Jungkook. "Don't cry,hey.. it's okay. No one blames you. Please, Junggukkie, you need to calm down. You're only making it worse.."
Jungkook clenched the porcelain bowl tighter, his knuckles turning white. He tried to obey, but every time he tried to take a deep breath, more bile rose in his throat. "It..it..hurts Hyung.."
"I know baby.. I know.." Jin's heart thumped wildly in his chest, feeling overwhelmed by the situation. He had no idea how to calm down the mankae. I've never seen him so sick before.. he's sweating so much, I think he's running a fever.. what do I do? Should I have told Hoba to get help?
Jin tried gently rubbing Jungkook's stomach to try to give him some relief from the pain, feeling his muscles tightening underneath his palm as they pushed up another mouthful of thick bile. Jungkook whimpered, trembling in Jin's arms.
Does it hurt more when I touch him? Jin pulls away, going back to gently scratching up and down Jungkook's back. "It's okay, it's okay.. Hyungie is here, I got you.."
"You..you're g..na m..mi..s..the f..flig..ght.." Jungkook spoke in soft hiccupy sobs, Jin hardly able to understand him."I..i..t..m..f..au..t."
"Jungkook don't worry about that. I chose to stay with you. We'll figure that out when you're better. Right now all I care about is you. You need to breathe, you're gonna pass out.. please.. you need to stop crying..it's not the end of the world." Jin reassures the mankae, keeping his voice calm.
Jungkook nods, his body swaying. Each deep breath made his muscles scream with pain, clenching his teeth with a moan. He takes another deep breath, feeling his lungs fill with air that he desperately needed.
"That's it.. Good, good.. ah..are you gonna be sick again? It's okay.." Jin coos softly, smoothing out Jungkook's hair.
Jungkook shook his head, dry heaving with a whimper. He leans against Jin, trying to get warmth from the older member."I'm..i'm okay.." I..I don't have anything left in my stomach. It hurts. Make it stop.
Jin wraps around Jungkook, trusting him not to get sick on him, gently rubbing his stomach hesitating until he feels Jungkook softly sigh, gently circling his abs with more confidence. "Do you feel a little better now?"
"It hurts to breathe.. my stomach hurts.." Jungkook whimpered, his voice coming out as a raspy whisper. "And..I'm cold.."
"We need to get you out of that wet shirt..here Gukkie, sit up just for a minute okay?" Jin gently helps him sit up. "Arms up honey."
Jungkook lifts up his arms, Jin tugging the shirt over his head and quickly taking off his jacket and gently leading the younger’s arms into the sleeves, zipping it up.
"There..is that better Gukkie?" Jin asks, pushing Jungkook's hair out of his face.
The maknae nods, looking for his phone to check the time, eyes tearing up when he sees they missed the flight. Jin takes it away from him. "Th..the flight.."
"No Gukkie. Don't worry about that." Jin scolds softly, kissing his forehead. "I'll get us there. I promise. Just take it easy.."
Jungkook buries his face in Jin's shoulder. "I'm sorry.." He sniffles, trying to control himself. "I-I'm sorry.."
"Aiigo..it's okay.. I'm not upset. No one's upset with you. We'll just call the company and see what to do. Okay?" Jin hugs him close to him, rubbing the back of his neck.
Jungkook nods, sniffling to try to avoid getting snot all over Jin. "I..I think I'm..I'm okay now.. thanks for staying with me.."
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psychicreadsgirl · 1 year
ENHYPEN Reading/Information
This is whatever I can pick up from ENHYPEN. There may be tea so I will not name anyone. This is a psychic reading.
One member likes to burp a lot and not cover their burps.
One member is super superstitious and has the potential to join some cult in the future.
All members have tried alcohol. Some members like to drink a lot and may possibly be addicted to alcohol now or in the future.
Some members rely heavily on medicine/pills to function or to relieve stress. Some may be addicted to drugs or will become addicted to drugs in the future.
One member is very weight conscious and has an eating disorder.
The members all dislike one member in particular and will make fun of him or do stuff to him.
One member likes to brag a lot about the contacts he has or who he has dated/has had flings with. He even shares the conversations/photos/videos with others.
A couple members have some promiscuous/racy photos or videos.
One member is quite close to a BTS member.
One member is dating an older idol.
A few members have been forced to do some things that they did not want to do in order to advance in their career/help the group.
One member has a crush on an idol in the same company.
Some members smoke/vape a lot and may be addicted to it.
One member really hates going on airplanes and has a fear of dying on a plane, so he usually has a stern face when he's at the airport.
3 members want to leave ENHYPEN and go solo.
2 members really want to go into acting.
2 members want to focus on producing/rapping.
1 member totally regrets being an idol and wishes he had pursued his other route.
One member is addicted to eating junk food/ramen.
A few members love partying and clubbing. One has done some online dating. One member plays games online and also makes friends/partners online.
One member is in a long-distance relationship.
A few members only do open relationships and are always switching partners. A couple also cheat/have cheated on their partner(s).
One member loves to bite his nails, including his toe nails.
Most members suffer from mental health illnesses. One member is particularly depressed - please see help, this member.
One member is like a tyrant and bosses people around. He likes to kick people and chairs. He also demands the best/gets the lunch boxes first. He acts very playful on camera with the members where the pranks/touches can be too extreme if examined carefully. He has thrown some members in lockers/different storage areas or caused them to be late or destroyed their clothing somehow.
One member is so messy that most of the members cannot stand his messiness. He is a hoarder. Sometimes he leaves trash/unfinished drinks or food out for too long that mold will grow in there or flies will emerge.
One member has as foot fetish.
One member keeps buying stuff that his debt is too much.
Some members are still exploring their sexuality.
One member is very sexist.
One member suffers from insomnia.
A couple of members will hit on people online.
One member loves to make fun of fans and mock them.
One member accepts a lot of luxury gifts/clothes/bags from some fans or some people who have crushes on him.
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breadcheekstete · 8 months
i'm trying something new, inspired by taetaechum, and added some burping to this audio of Tæhyung. tell me what you think and i might do more (òㅈó)ง !!
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soft-for-yoongi · 1 year
The little burp, patting his chest, the hair
I am in love with this cute little clip 🫶
Jungkook's live: 30/06/23, time stamp: 1:46:35
Ahhh, just imagine....
Jungkook lays his head on the table, feeling miserable and burpy. His stomach is not leaving him alone, and it isn't until one of his hyungs comes over and rubs his back that he starts to feel better....
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cuddlepilefics · 1 year
That didn't work out...
Fandom: Enhypen
Sickie: Jay
Caregivers: Jungkook (BTS) & Niki
Prompt: 'Sick in an inconvenient place' @sicktember
No one’s POV.:
Jay had already woken up feeling a little off that morning. They had the day off, so he didn’t bother to get out of bed yet. All he had planned to do that day was to head to the gym in the afternoon. Niki had been pestering him for a while, wanting to go work out together and they had been making plans for weeks already. Aware that he’d need his energy that afternoon, Jay simply rolled over and continued to doze for almost two hours. He didn’t have an appetite, so he put off breakfast and stayed in bed instead. “If you wanna go to the gym with Niki later, you should really eat something”, Jake reminded as he picked an outfit to go shopping with Sunghoon, Sunoo and Jungwon, “If you eat right before your workout, you’ll make yourself sick.” Realizing his friend had a point, Jay sighed and rolled out of bed.
When Jay trudged to the kitchen, he found that most of the members had already eaten, while Niki munched some cereal, giving the older an excited wave. The maknae had been waiting for this day for so long, Jay couldn’t help but feel guilty for not matching his energy. His stomach rumbled and he lightly ran his hand over it. It was only now that he realized how bloated it was despite being empty. Not wanting to risk indigestion when going to the gym, Jay decided to have a light meal, just some porridge and fruit. If he got hungry before their workout, he could still eat a protein-bar then. Putting on a smile, he took a seat opposite Niki and hummed: “What kind of workout did you have in mind for today?” – “Hm, I don’t know”, the maknae shrugged, “No cardio training because we do that enough during dance practice. Maybe something for the entire body?” Jay nodded in agreement as he poked at his food. It really had no appeal at all but he’d need the energy, so he forced himself bite after bite.
Though Niki would’ve gladly kept the older company, Jay sent him to go and do his morning routine. Truth was, he wanted the youngest gone, so he wouldn’t have to keep up his façade. When he was alone, Jay pushed the bowl aside and rested his head on the table. He startled when there was a hand on his back and quickly straightened up, looking into Heeseung’s worried eyes. “You okay?”, the oldest asked softly, “You look rather pale to me.” Giving a rushed nod, Jay forced a smile and hummed: “I’m tired still. Kinda regret making plans to go and work out but Niki’s so excited and I’ve been promising him for a while.” – “I’m sure he’d understand if you were sick and wanted to use your day off to rest”, Heeseung mused, studying the younger’s food choice. Furrowing his brows, Jay muttered: “I’m not sick, hyung. Maybe the busy schedules of the past few weeks are catching up to me but it’ll be fine. If I don’t feel good, I’ll just take it easy. I can still be there with him and give him advise and stuff.” The oldest nodded and pushed Jay’s bowl back in front of him. “You should still have something in your system”, Heeseung reminded before leaving to meet up with some friends.
Jay had forced himself to eat most of his breakfast but he just couldn’t bring himself to eat the last few bites, feeling the food sit heavily in his stomach. Though he had been out of bed for a bit now, his energy was still low and he doubted he’d get through a workout without having some caffeine but that would mean challenging his stomach even more. Muffling a burp, he made his way back to his room and plopped onto his bed. Most members were already out enjoying their day off and he was dreading having to leave the dorm. The more time passed, the more Jay was suspecting something was actually wrong with his stomach. Maybe some indigestion brought on by weeks of stress. He’d still have an hour or two till they’d leave for the gym and he didn’t know whether he should ask Niki to go right away in case he’d feel worse later or postpone their workout by a few hours, so he’d hopefully feel better by then.
In the end, Jay did neither. He had spent the past hour sipping some peppermint tea to help his stomach and when that hadn’t helped, he chewed on a slice of ginger, which made his tongue burn but didn’t necessarily help settle his stomach either. Jay winced as he changed into his gym clothes and noticed how bloated his stomach looked. No, he wouldn’t be taking any pictures today. He looked fat. Softly palming at his tummy, he went to get Niki from his room and chuckled when he realized the boy had already been waiting for him. The maknae sipped an energy drink as they made their way to the gym and Jay couldn’t help but envy him. He felt so rundown, there was no way he’d perform well without at least some caffeine but at the same time, he knew he’d make himself sick if he had any.
They were somewhat lucky though, the gym being mostly empty. Jungkook was exercising in one of the far corners and Soobin was just finishing the last round of his routine. Soobin waved at the two as they started to warm up and stretch. Well, Niki stretched, Jay didn’t really dare to. His abs were tense and when he tried to stretch, a cramp twisted his insides, so he decided to really take it easy today beside, he had barely warmed up and was already drenched in sweat. Jay’s felt sore in general, though he hadn’t been to the gym in days and when they picked up the weights, Niki frowned at the dumbbells the older chose. Was his hyung using light ones to not make him feel self-conscious? If Jay had to describe what his arms felt like, overcooked spaghetti was probably the best comparison. He had picked a far lighter weight than he’d usually use but still he struggled to lift it. They had barely started to work out, yet he was ready to go home, his stomach hurting more with every minute.
Niki froze in shock when Jay dropped his weights and rushed over to one of the walls. The older had been mapping out this route since he had first stepped foot into the gym earlier, memorizing the exits and trashcans in case he’d need to make an escape. When his stomach suddenly lurched mid-exercise, he knew he wouldn’t make it to one of the restrooms and rushed over to the closest trashcan. Jay braced himself against the wall as his stomach violently expelled the small breakfast he had forced himself to eat. Over the ringing in his ears, he didn’t hear Niki’s panicked voice, asking him what was happening. Panting, Jay spat into the trashcan and took a seat on the floor as his head spun.
“Pushed yourself too hard?”, Jungkook asked as he made his way over to his dongsaengs. Niki was still rubbing Jay’s back as the older tried to catch his breath, one arm wrapped protectively around his middle as it cramped painfully. Weakly shaking his head, Jay muttered: “Sick.” His voice was scratchy from just throwing up and he swallowed thickly unsure whether he needed to be sick again. “Hyung, why didn’t you tell me you’re sick?”, Niki frowned, feeling guilty as Jungkook brought Jay his water bottle. Tiredly thanking his hyung, Jay took a sip and breathed: “Thought it was just a stress stomach ache or indigestion or something.” – “You’re running a fever”, Jungkook determined, feeling the back of Jay’s neck. “Suspected it”, the younger winced, his skin prickling with goosebumps, “Figured I might be sick when my arms felt so incredibly weak.” – “Wait!”, Niki gasped, “That’s why you picked such light dumbbells?” The other nodded, wiping his eyes. He didn’t want to cry there but he was starting to get overwhelmed. This wasn’t a very convenient place to be sick in.
Jungkook sat with him for a few minutes to see if his stomach would calm down any, while Niki retrieved his hyung’s hoodie from the locker room. “Do you want me to take the two of you home?”, Jungkook offered, studying Jay’s still ghostly pale face. Taking a deep breath to calm his stomach, Jay whispered: “I appreciate the thought, hyung, but no need to cut your workout short because of me. We’ll get home alright.” Niki nodded. He was worried about his hyung but he didn’t want to inconvenience Jungkook either. “I was already mostly done anyway”, the older dismissed, “Have some more water and tell me when you feel ready to move.” Taking a seat on the floor next to Jay, Niki guided the other’s head to rest against his shoulder and Jungkook cooed at the cute sight.
Jay was glad to rest for a bit, the raising fever zapping his energy. He felt humiliated that Jungkook had to go out of his way for him but at the same time, he was incredibly grateful the older was there. “Do you want some gum?”, Jungkook offered as he packed up his bag, “The minty flavor might help with the nausea.” He was right, getting the vile taste off his tongue already did a lot for Jay and he finally deemed it safe to get up. The dizziness still lingered, so Niki wrapped his arms around his waist to steady him. Fortunately for Jay’s dignity, the drive to their dorm was uneventful and he thanked the older for the ride before slinging his bag over his shoulder. Shooting Niki a reassuring smile, Jay rasped: “Sorry, I know you’ve been looking forward to today. We’ll go work out another day, yeah?” – “Are you seriously apologizing for being sick, hyung?”, the maknae frowned, shaking his head in disbelief, “You shouldn’t apologize to me. If you feel like apologizing, apologize to your body for trying to put it through a workout when it clearly wasn’t up for it.”
They didn’t speak another word until they entered the dorm and kicked off their shoes, Jay stunned into silence by the younger’s scolding. “Sorry”, Niki mumbled, “Yeah, I have been looking forward to going to the gym with you but I- I just hate the thought that you’d make yourself suffer for my happiness. I wanted to go and work out together, so I could spend a fun afternoon with you. We could’ve just as well watched movies and I wouldn’t have minded if it meant you were okay, hyung.” Before he could get worked up, Jay pulled him into a hug, reminding: “I really didn’t realize and you know, I wanted to spend a fun afternoon with you too. Actually, I wouldn’t mind watching movies for the rest of the afternoon. Let me just go brush my teeth first.”
Niki sighed as the older disappeared to the bathroom. He still felt guilty but at least he could ensure his hyung would rest now. After texting the group chat to let the other members know that Jay had caught a stomach bug, the maknae made his way to the kitchen and turned on the kettle. He had heard the other’s stomach gurgle when they hugged, so he figured it must still be pretty upset. He’d make some tea and fill a hot water bottle to hopefully help with the cramps a little. Niki left the hot water bottle on the couch and went to his room while he waited for the tea to steep. As he made his way back to the living room, a stack of blankets in his arms, he ran into Jay and smiled: “I hope you already decided on a movie while you brushed your teeth.” The older chuckled at that and got settled on the couch, gratefully accepting the hot water bottle. Sipping his tea, Jay cuddled into Niki’s side and closed his eyes. Sure, they had had different plans but now he was glad, that that didn’t work out.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
Has someone put out a bat signal for passive aggressive Tae 'fans' or something? Because some of these 'fans' are moving like haters in these asks.
Like half of the videos and shipping shit to this day is focused JK being obvious as hell about how he feels about Taehyung. The only reason we know about Taekook in the first place is because JK always wore his heart on his sleeve and made it so obvious; closing space between him and Taehyung, staring at him, the fact that he seeks out subtle touch with him more than he does with the others, his protectiveness over Tae, the fact that Tae gets away with anything, JK can't say no to him etc
Now all of a sudden, JK is deep in denial? Are you all new here or something?
Now Taehyung is baiting shippers when in chapter 1, you were all pissed at him for, according to you lot, not doing enough while JK was, according to you guys, doing all the heavy lifting and Tae was being dismissive and too social, driving JK mad with jealousy because he wasn't centering him enough?
Pick a narrative, already 🙄
None of you are as smooth as you think you are and we're not as dumb as you seem to think we are either. We all know what anti, solo and alt shipper rhetoric sounds and looks like so stop wasting your own time and at least be upfront about it rather than pretending you're a fan.
And if you are a fan or at least like to think you are;
Have any of you considered the fact that Taehyung has openly spoken about being depressed for a while until recently so maybe he wasn't in the mood to be making videos with friends that only act as platforms for 'fans' investigating his every move and motive like you're getting paid for it. Maybe they've had more time to meet up with other now that it's only Tae (and not the group's) schedule to be accounted for? Maybe they're working on something together? Maybe their friendship has gotten deeper and they're hanging out more lately?
But you'd rather choose to question Tae's integrity first? 🤨
Leave him alone, already 🙄 He literally cannot breathe, blink or fuckin burp without his own 'fans' questioning him, picking apart his intentions and implying shit about him with no damn basis for it---people were just here the other day questioning his friendship with Jimin, for lords sake. Making him out to be complicit in some big company lie about how close they are and implying that he was actively lying to fans about their relationship.
But none of you guys are piping up when it comes to other members, are you? None of you are here talking about Jimin's motivations for supporting his group or any other members motivations or how about JK's motivations for even addressing questions about Tae that he could easily ignore if he wants to? JK is out there playing Slow Dancing, smooth moving to it and singing along word for word. He's choosing to answer questions about Taehyung and you're all like 'Aww'
Why isn't that ship baiting?
Is there an outcry of ship baiting when any other member interacts in the same way with each other?
No, because you take that at face value and know it's just friends being friends (or a supportive boyfriend) and it's nothing shady because damn, as if any member of BTS even needs to be pulling rookie tricks for more attention 🤨 You really think they don't get enough?
You really think they've gotta mine TikTok for fan attention?
It only seems to a problem when it's Taehyung for (so you say) Taehyung fans 🤨
And if you're legit considering yourself a Taehyung fan and you're still here pulling this bullshit and implying that he's an attention seeking liar and a user then why are you even a fan in the first place?
Get a clue, get a whole life and leave Taehyung out of it. The pressure you put on that man to justify and explain every... single...thing he does to meet standards YOU put on him is ridiculous and top tier entitlement.
He's allowed to keep his relationships secret. He's allowed to publicise them too. He's allowed to have friends and he's allowed to hang out with them. Hes allowed to have a whole life and social circle outside of JK (just like you all seem to allow JK to have without writing soap opera fanfic)
---and his own fans should respect that without getting triggered just because you're not getting Taekook content and landing on him being a terrible person whose relationship all have ulterior motives to them because of it.
And his haters, you can go touch water, feet first.
Anon doing my ranting for me! 👏🏻
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nuggetsofgems · 1 year
How you met BTS: (Hyung line)
A/N: I am the first person to admit I love reading these kinds of fics. There is something so wholesome and wonderful about them. Somewhere along the way I made up my own little universe and I thought I should write it down for others to enjoy. With that being said this is the first time I really wrote anything like this. I know I haven't 100% nailed the personalities of the members but I hope it is still an enjoyable read.
Oh! One more thing. I am not a gymnast, not a neurosurgeon, and I don’t know much about art. I thought it would be fun to learn more about these topics for this series. I did just basic google searches for this one. I plan on doing more thorough research in the future. If you know anything about these topics, I got anything wrong, or know any good resources so I can learn more let me know!
Warnings: mentions of anxiety but nothing too graphic. Let me know if I need to add anything.
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Kim Seokjin
You meet Jin through a mutual friend. You weren’t looking for a significant other at the time. Heck, you weren’t even planning on living in Korea. However, your best friend, Ha-Yun, happened to give birth to two baby girls. She is a single mom, the father disappeared as soon as he heard about the pregnancy, and desperately needed help. You of course volunteered to help your best friend. She was there for you through thick and thin and you always promised to do the same for her.
Thank goodness you were on sabbatical for your job. You dropped everything just to be with her. It was the second week of your stay when you officially met Kim Seokjin. Ha-Yun had just fallen asleep along with her baby Ae-Cha. However, Mi Cha just couldn’t sleep so you took it upon yourself to help her. You just gave Mi Cha her bottle and were in the process of burping her when Seokjin knocked on the door.
He would tell you later that he never saw someone more beautiful than you. When you opened that door your hair was up in the messiest of buns, your clothes wrinkled, a burping rag over your shoulder covered in whatever Mi Cha just burped up, dark circles under your eyes, but with the most loving eyes and gentle smile. 
“Hi, can I help you?” You asked so softly as not to disturb the calm atmosphere. 
“Hello. I’m Kim Seokjin. I am here to visit Chang Ha-Yun. She’s a dear friend of mine.” He replied with a kind smile.
“You just missed her. She’s sleeping.” You replied taking off the burping rag and bouncing Mi Cha gently in your arms.
“Well, that is poor timing on my end. I knew I should have called.” Jin muttered to himself.
“Hey, it’s okay. Come in. Yunnie had a feeling you would be coming over today. She gave me clear instructions to let you in and tell you to make yourself at home.” You chuckled leading him inside. 
“Thank you. You must be the famous Y/N I have heard so much about.” Jin responded.
“I am and this little one is Mi Cha.” You smiled brightly at him as Mi Cha cooed.
“It is a pleasure to meet you both.” Jin returned the bright smile.
Seokjin stayed for the rest of the week not only helping Ha-Yun with household chores (mostly building furniture and fixing household appliances) but also helping with the cooking, cleaning, and the babies. He became your shadow helping you with everything. He was great company and by the end of the week, you both exchanged numbers much to Ha-Yun’s glee.
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Min Yoongi
You were born with two best friends by your side. Tripletts much to your mother's joy and your father's dismay. They were your everything. They were the sun and moon to your earth. They were the land and sky to your ocean. You weren’t complete without each other. Yet it was always written in the stars that you three would part. Nevaeh the oldest of you three would travel to England to study art. You would become an author. And Alice the youngest of you three would become a make-up artist working with some of the biggest K-Pop stars in the industry.  You three were as busy as bees in your chosen careers. 
Well during an unassuming Wednesday in November you had your monthly video call with your sisters. Navaeh was living her best life in England! She went on and on about the culture, architecture, and art. Meanwhile, Alice disclosed she was going through a depression spell. She didn’t say much other than she just felt so alone. 
It was later that night you bought a ticket to see Alice. The next morning was bright and the air was warm. You went up to your sister’s apartment door with your backpack your trusty laptop and your suitcase. You knocked on the door and waited patiently. 
“Coming!” She called out rushing to the door.
Your sister opened the door still in her pajamas, her hair an unkept mess, and just by the look on her face, you could tell she just rolled out of bed.
“Morning Alice! I missed you.” You whispered giving her a light hug.
“Y/n! I can’t believe that you are here.” Alice, bless her, returned the hug and started softly crying.
“Oh sweetheart, I’m here. I’m here. Now let’s go inside and I will make you breakfast.” You cooed leading your sister to her kitchen, after bringing in your things and shutting the door of course, making her the favorite breakfast of her childhood chocolate chip pancakes and hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles. 
Alice gave you a watery smile and gobbled down everything you put in front of her. Now that you were face to face with her you saw the bags under her eyes. You saw the sparkle that was in her eyes was significantly dimmed. She seemed thinner and exhausted. With that being said she seemed at ease with you here. You sat next to her and ate with her.
Breakfast went by fast. Your sister went to freshen up, showered, and changed into an outfit she felt comfortable enough in to face the day.
“So I am off today. What do you wanna do Y/N?” Alice asked looking at you with big eyes. 
“I’m here for you. You decide.” You replied giving her a soft smile. 
That’s when her phone went off. She seemed confused but answered. You couldn’t gather much from the conversation other than apparently you were going with her somewhere.
“Y/N please don’t hate me. But I have to go to work. Will you come with me?” Her eyes pleaded with you.
“Of course! I would be honored!” You replied jumping off her couch and grabbing your backpack. “Come on Alice! It is time for an adventure.” 
You both went on a bus to your destination. To be completely honest you were not paying attention to where you were going. You were more focused on making your sister smile. You both did arrive safely. Alice got you both through security and into the room where makeup artists do their magic. 
Alice had left you in that room promising she would be back as soon as she could. Apparently, she needed a bathroom break. You decided the best way to use your time would to be look around the room. You had totally underestimated the amount of makeup these artists needed to do their job. 
“Alice-ah isn’t today your day off?” A voice from behind you started you.
You turned around only to see Min Yoongi from BTS. Right. Alice works with K-Pop idols. Don’t panic.
“I’m sorry. I’m not Alice.” You reply bowing your head wishing your sister would turn up. 
“Don’t be silly. If you aren’t Alice why do you look exactly like her?” Yoongi asked. His feline eyes searched yours. His lips twitched up into a smirk. 
“Yoongi hyung! You won’t believe who we found in the hallway! Alice Noona is here on her day off to help with the music video!” Jungkook practically yelled storming into the room with your sister being dragged behind him. 
You let out a relieved breath as you ran to your sister giving her a big hug. 
“Wait. Who’s this Alice?” Yoongi asked looking between you two.
“Do you remember how I mentioned I have two sisters?” Alice asked. The members nodded their heads.
“Well let me introduce my middle sister. Y/N. The world-renowned author.” Alice replied with a bright smile.
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Jung Hoseok
People are always surprised when you tell people that you meet Hoseok at a dance convention. Yet you are probably one of the worst dancers in Korea. You have always been told that you danced to the beat of your own drum. You had your own internal song that you and only you knew the rhythm. Your family was full of dancers. Yet, you decided to become a gymnast. That way you decided the rhythm instead of it being decided for you. 
It turns out you were good at gymnastics. You loved it and you practiced hard. Your favorites were uneven parallel bars and the balance beam. Despite not enjoying being in the spotlight you had participated in many gymnastic events and competitions. You did very well and won many awards. Once you were old enough you jokingly sent an application to be a coach for the next upcoming Olympians. However, they hired you very quickly and you were over the moon.
 This is how you found yourself at a dance convention of all things. You were there with the five young women who would be competing at the Olympics. One of the other coaches thought it would be a great idea to go to this dance convention to empower, inspire, and team build. The idea sounded lovely until you lost your team. 
You found yourself leaning against the wall near the women's bathroom deeply sighing. No one in your team was answering their phones and despite your frantic searching, you could not find anyone you recognized. You felt the anxiety bubbling in your chest, tears building in your eyes, and your breathing becoming uneven.
“Excuse me, are you alright?” You looked up surprised to see BTS’s Hobi. You tried to not freak out standing in front of one of your idols.
“I lost my team. I cannot find them anywhere.” You replied sighing and looking down at your feet.
“Team?” Hoseok asked tilting his head. 
“I am one of the coaches for our future Olympians.” You said sheepishly scratching the back of your head.
“That's really cool!” He replied. 
You nodded your head. 
“Come on! Let’s go find your team.” Hoseok said pulling you toward where the events were taking place. 
After about half an hour of searching you found your team. You couldn’t help but tackle hug the five young girls in your care. 
“Unnie there you are! We were looking for you!” The youngest said happily hugging you back.
“I see you found your team,” Hobi said appearing behind you.
“Thank you so much for helping me.” You turn around, after escaping the group hug and bowing to him.
“You are the most welcome. This convention lasts two more days. Why don’t we exchange numbers? Just in case?” He replied bowing back with a giant smile.  
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Kim Namjoon
Life as a neurosurgeon is difficult. Every person you ever operated on would never ever be the same again. Sometimes when that reality becomes too heavy for you, you escape to art exhibits.  
One of your best friends and old schoolmates Kang In-Su is a museum curator. His museum is known for its exquisite exhibits. You two have made a deal since you visited the museum so often. You pay him a set fee every month and you would be allowed in whenever business hours were open to the public. 
It was a quiet morning. It was raining and storming outside. It was a perfect day to look at some modern art. Apparently, you were not the only one to think so. 
Your mind drifted as you stared at the painting in front of you. You admired the brush strokes. The colors. The emotion that called to you through the painting. Warm tears fell down your face. 
“Are you alright?” A gentle voice asks from beside you.
“Yes, I am quite alright. I always cry looking at art. It’s amazing what the brain can do.” You reply not looking over at the stranger.
The stranger hummed in response. You two stood there looking at the art. You two seemed to follow each other around the museum. Not saying anything but enjoying each other's presence.
Eventually, you did look at the stranger. He was tall, nicely dressed, had a facemask that covered the lower part of his face, and a hat that obscured the rest. You found his presence calming.
“Thank you for looking at this exhibit with me. I have to get going. I have an appointment I need to get to.” You whispered to him.
“Of course. Have a great day.” He replied.
“You as well.” You said before heading to the hospital.
It turns out that the stranger is Kim Namjoon from BTS. You often would run into him on quiet days early in the morning. You two got into this habit of walking around the museum together. At first, it was in silence but it eventually led to quiet conversations. 
He learned about your work. You learned about the music industry. He listens to you ramble on about really interesting brain studies and you listen to him ramble about songwriting. You two became immersed in each other's worlds. Then one fateful day Namjoon sought you out before he had to leave the country. Shyly he asked for your number. Of course, you said yes, and well as they say the rest is history.
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caleb-alfa-centauri · 2 years
Baby's tum-tum hurts
BTS Sope Sick fic/ Little space
Warning: Sick fic, Hoseok in little space and out of it. Yoongi his boyfriend and caretaker. Past trauma, abuse, and safe little space.
Mention of emeto, abdominal pain, cramping, scat, burping, explicit diarrhea description. Non sexual, non kinky. Abdominal medical and doctor play examination. Medical mentioned. Doctors medical devices, sad baby, bloated belly, gassy, noisy tummy, Hurt-comfort.
Hoseok wakes up early to go to work, Yoongi is having a bath, but Hoseok discovers he doesn't feel good. His stomach hurts a lot, and whenever he feels sick, his coping mechanism is to go into little space.
Yoongi is his boyfriend, and when his boyfriend is in little space, he makes the role as an older brother, who takes care of baby Hobi.
Yoongi knows his boyfriend would slip into his little space mindset when he is tired, overwhelmed, sad, or most common sick.
Hoseok had woken up, as soon as he try to sit in bed, he felt sick all over, his stomach hurt a lot, he felt nauseated, and his abdomen was cramping badly.
He returned to bed, and knowing he had an awesome partner, boyfriend and caretaker, he left himself slip into his little space. Little Hobi felt so sick, he curled in a ball, and began to sob quietly.
Yoongi had went out the shower, and he couldn't find his boyfriend in the kitchen, usually je would be making breakfast for both, or trying to shower as well. He walk to the bed, fearing his boyfriend was sick.
"Baby?" He asked noticing the younger one still in bed.
"Yoonie?" The little one asked, it was a name for Yoongi, when Hobi was in little space head. "Yoon...." The little baby sob.
Yoongi understood his little one was sick, but he didn't knew how severe it was. He needed to call in sick for both, but he couldn't call their work, until he knew what was ailing his baby boy.
"Baby Hobi, what's wrong my little baby?" He asked even softer, he say beside Hobi in bed. The little boy had his arms surrounding his torso. "Tell Hyungie what's wrong...."
"Hyungie....Yoonie... Hobi's tum-tum hults...." The little one said, his voice sad.
"Oh no, again? Baby, come here, Yoonie will take care of it for you, probably you just had something bad for dinner, with a tummy rub and medicine we can solve it. " Yoongi told him patiently, soft and caring. "Come here, sit on Hyungie's legs, here I can rub your small baby tum-tum."
Hobi moved outside the bed, the little one sat on his Hyungie's legs where he felt safe, but when Yoongi was about to touch his abdomen to see the damage, the little poor baby, who was so sick, couldn't even tell his older brother, his tummy was hurting to much.
Baby Hobi felt his belly churning,he could feel a lot of movement, bubbling and pain before it happened. He heard his tummy going Wilde with awful noises.
Yoongi heard the bubbling coming loud and strong from his little one's tummy, and the next thing he knew was his poor baby, was having explosive diarrhea on top of both.
The brown hot gush of liquid came from little Hobi's butt, in seconds both were covered with the little one's diarrhea fluids.
Hobi began to cry hard, the little one kept on sobbing and screaming his lungs, his tummy felt so bad, he couldn't stop from whaling.
Yoongi had to carry him to the bath tube, they shower and bathed, then he cleaned their clothes and bed sheets, he replaced them for other ones, and when they were clean and done, he brought his little one to the bed, Hobi had a diaper, and a pajama with bears,the t-shirt was a children shirt he loved wearing in little space. But his tummy was so bloated the shirt was all stretched out. He had stopped crying at least.
"Yoon Hyungie....Hobi is sorry... tummy ouchie...poo poo came ...sorry..." He said shyly.
"Don't worry baby, is not my little baby's fault. Baby Hobi's poor and sick tum-tum needs medicine. How are you feeling baby? Is it too painful?" Yoongi asked, he smile warmly but he was worrying like crazy. He hate watching his little one in pain, and he was tired from cleaning the diarrhea.
Hobi nod so sad. "Yoonie, Hobi's tum-tum hurts. .." the little one said his little hands on top of his distended tummy. Even though he was sad, even in little space Hobi was always positive and happy, so he had try to smile for his Hyungie who he loved so much. "Tum-tum...roars....gurg....gurg... tummy is angy..."
When Yoongi had bathed his little one, he had noticed how distended was his poor stomach, the baby boy had a canon ball for stomach, a bowling ball on the stomach, or even a pregnant looking abdomen. This concerned him a lot. His baby Hobi was bloated and so swollen. And the poor abdominal surface kept on producing awful sounds.
"Baby Hobi's tum-tum needs to be seen by a doctor. Baby I'll make a tummy doctor appointment again, so you can have that poor sick painful tummy examine again, I'll call your special doctor, he has to listen to this angry tummy. Yes baby?" Yoongi told his little one, he was sitting beside the poor distended boy.
"No Yoonie, pwease no....Hobi don wan to.... Doctors hult... tum-tum.....nooo pwease no..." The small child complain miserable. The poor baby hated his "tummy doctor" his gastroenterologist knew about his little space and treated him like a baby boy. But he hated having his tummy all examine everywhere around and on the inside.
In all that time his poor sick belly haven't stop from doing all those awful sick sounds. Everything was moving inside of his small but distended poor tummy.
"Oh, don't cry baby, Yoonie needs to take his baby to the tummy doctor. Can you hear that baby?" He asked concerned he placed his ear delicate over his baby's poor ballooned stomach.
Hobi nod. "Is Hobi's tum-tum...my tum-tum is noisy....Yoonie.... tum-tum doesn't feels good...." He said, his baby hands pressed against the noisy big abdomen. "Yoonie....is Hobi pwegnant ...? Hobi's tum-tum is so big...." Hobi said excited, he was so curious he was drumming his baby bloated massively distended abdomen like a little drum, using little hands.
Yoongi giggled at his little one curiosity and imagination, Hoseok was always so full or energy, curiosity and excitement even been sick. "No sweetheart, Hobi is just full of air, your tum-tum is so sick, it bloated, so that's why you are so big, little Hobi's tum-tum looks like a balloon." Yoongi kiss the boy in his tiny head and then on the big tummy. "You know why Hobi's tum-tum is so loud baby? Why it has inflated so much? And why it keeps moving so much and hurting?" Yoongi asked to convinced him.
The big tummy gurgling madly, the baby's cheeks turned red. He hated his tum-tum growling.
"tum-tum is sick?" He asked. The baby boy understood Yoongi's point of view.
"Yes my poor baby, little Hobi's tum-tum is so sick, that's why you are having diarrhea too." Yoongi said. Hobi nodded.
"Yoon, Hobi don wanna have tum-tum so sick... tummy ouchie.." .the little one said drumming still his distended abdominal cavity. "Yoonie ... Hobi is afraid....doctor hurts Hobi or tum-tum?"
Yoongi relaxed his baby wasn't crying any longer. He was curious asking. "Want us to play tummy doctor, so you know what your tummy doctor is going to do?" Yoongi Asked having an idea.
Hoseok was excited, he clapped his little handsies. "Yes Yoon Hyun ...Hobi wanna play doctor....."
Yoongi had a medical equipment it was from his cousin who was a doctor, so he placed on the white rob, and using the real stethoscope, he took baby Hobi to other room, where there was an individual bed for guests, and that was just cover with a white sheet to simulate a doctor's examining table.
Yoongi carried his baby, and placed him in the middle of pf the bed. He took a chair next to it. His baby was laughing through the pain, he loved playing doctor.
"Now once we are inside the tummy doctor office, in a bed like this one, the doctor will ask questions. Like this. Little baby Hobi, how is your tummy? Do you have pain? Tummy troubles? Do you have nausea, diarrhea or vomit?"
"I see Yoonie....Yes Doctol Yoons... Hobi tum-tum is so sick....Tum is big... Hults...is noisy....moves a lot....and Hobi did poo poo before...." Hobi the cute boy said playing doctor with his Yoonie Huingie.
"Perfect, that was easy..."
"Is that all?" Hobi asked unsure and excited thinking it was over.
"No my cute baby, my baby boy, next is examining Hobi's poor tummy...."
Hobi was sad again. "Does it hults?"
"No baby, look, as Hobi's poor tummy makes a lot of bad tummy noises, your tummy doctor needs to hear your tummy, he will placed a little device, that is cold but it doesn't hurts, over baby's tum-tum, he will listen all those tummy sounds...." Yoongi explained patiently.
"How Yoonie? Are you also going to listen inside .... Hobi's noisy tum-tum?" The little one asked confused.
"Yes, let's begin, your Doctor will ask you to uncover your pretty stomach. Baby Hobi, can I uncover your tummy to listen inside?" Yoongi asked he placed the stethoscope on, and lifted showing it to Hobi.
"it hurts?"
"No baby, is just cold...." Yoongi said.
His little one nod. And placed his little hands at the sides of his body, so his Yoonie could move his clothes.
He uncovered his little one's horribly distended abdominal surface, his poor baby Hobi's abdomen was so big, it inflated worst, with each breath, the rounded big swollen and protruding stomach, was bursting from how big it had inflated all inside.
Yoongi even had to open his baby's diaper, so he could also hear the most lower belly. The little ones stomach kept on producing horrible abdominal sick noises everywhere and each time he breath.
Hobi was nervous looking how his Hyungie's hands rolled his t-shirt up, he noticed his tummy looked so bad. "Yoonie... tum-tum is so big...is it ugly?" He asked poking his tummy that trembled like jelly.
"No sweetheart, Hobi's tum-tum is the cutest thing, I promise, it's just that, Hobi has a balloon tummy right now, but doctor would also like Hobi's tummy." Yoongi said lying, he felt distress noticing how big his little one's tummy was, all sick and hugely expanded. "Hobi's tummy sounds like a drum or a balloon." he said drumming carefully and soft his baby's poor ballooned stomach it bounced and jumped everywhere. "Doctor will have fun curing your tummy sweetheart."
The child again laugh watching his tummy being drummed in and producing drumming echoes. "Now baby, I'll hear inside, please don't move, and don't talk, Doctor Yoons need silence to listen inside his Hobi." Yoongi took the cold stethoscope that was already warm, and placed it on top of the big abdominal cavity, there he could hear. The turmoil inside his baby boy. He listened everywhere. On his navel, the lower belly, his huge sides, his top belly, and mostly over his bowels.
The little one was curious watching his aching tummy being listen inside with the weird machine. He was quiet and not moving, he felt how the small cold metallic object slides through his balloon stomach. He felt a little shy, he knew his Yoonie Hyungie was listening attentively all those awful noises his tummy did. He felt a little embarrassed.
"Want to hear inside yourself?" Yoongi moved the apparatus to his baby's ears, the small child was excited, big open eyes, gasping in excitement. "Yoonie,.... tum-tum.....noises.....bubbles..... Hobi tum-tum is so mad, is grumpy...."
Baby Hobi have never heard something so awesome he heard bubbling, rumbling, water and bubbles everywhere.
Ones Yoongi finished listening inside his little baby tummy, he continue. "Baby, ones your tummy doctor has finished hearing inside, he needs to touch Hobi's sick and big tum-tum. He will press, touch, poke, prode, and sink his fingers on baby Hobi's tum-tum jelly big surface, like this." Yoongi said explaining everything to his baby sick boy.
"Ow Yoonie, tum-tum hurts.....Does Hobi tummy doc has to listen to my tum-tum? Does he need to touch Hobi in his tum-tum?" The little one said drumming still his stomach.
"Yes, but why baby?" Yoongi said he had stopped palpitations over his poor baby boy's sick and swollen abdominal cavity.
"Tum-tum is big so Hobi is shy ..." The little one admitted feeling shy. "Tum-tum is so noisy..... Tum-tum is so sick....Hobi is embarrassed..... tum-tum so sick, having Tum like this ... Makes Hob nervous..."
"I know baby is uncomfortable but no one expects Hobi to have a healthy Tum baby, Hobi goes to his tummy doctor when he is sick. So doctor would be there expecting us, with you, with the sickest tummy ever. He understands Hobi tummy does noises and is big because baby is sick. In fact Hobi is sensitive in the tummy, so that's why we already have a specialized doctor for your tum sweetheart. He already has listen that cute tummy."
"Okay....Yoonie can we still play doctor before going to real tum-tum doc?" The little one asked.
"Yes my baby.... Then the next step is palpation, doctor would need to feel those organs inside Hobi's tummy so he will press like this everywhere...." Yoongi began to press his baby tummy lightly and feeling each organ inside, moving in circles his hands, all the way from the top, to the lower tummy.
"Ar we done?" Baby asked believing it to be all it was left....
"No my baby, Doctor then needs to drum Hobi's balloony tummy, he needs to drum your cute little drum belly.... It helps doctor asses Hobi's poor tummy condition...."
Hobi was laughing again. "I like...Hyungie ...you drumming my tum-tum..... do it! Pwease play with Hobi's Tum....pwease!" The little one was clapping his hands excitedly.
"Then Hobi, can you breath in, and hold the air inside tum-tum, I want to see that tum-tum-tum getting bigger baby, inflate more that cute balloonie abdomen, all round and cute.....yes like that, hold in like that, come on baby, I know Hobi can do this... Baby boy push the tummy out.....Good boy!"
Hobi was so happy he loved playing with his Hyung, and he loved having the tummy so big, he had began to enjoy having a little balloon shape in his tum-tum. "Hobi is a good boy...." He said pushing even more his noisy and sick huge abdomen......"
Yoongi got even more concerned with the shape it got. It grew so much, and he got even more concerned he had never seen that size on his baby's abdominal distentions over the years.
"Baby close your eyes for me..." Hobi obey, and when he closed his eyes, he took a photograph,he needed his baby's abdomen in display so sick like that to show his baby's tummy special doctor. "Now don't move, Yoonie is going to measure that cute little stomach baby."
Baby Hobi opened his eyes and nod. He was happy watching how his Hyungie measured his belly, placing a tape measure device, under his back and surrounding all his protuberant abdomen.
"New record baby, Hobi's tummy is so big....you can stop pushing now, it must hurt, let me go for something quickly wait here."
Baby nod. Hobi lay there, with his diapers a little open at the waist, and all abdominal in display, he filled the room with his awful abdominal sick noises. He was farting like crazy, but at least he wasn't pooping his diapers yet.
Yoongi had went and called his doctor assistant. Jimin, was Doctor Seokjin's assistant. He ask all the information. Yoongi send the picture,the recording he had take, and the measurements of his little one's abdomen. The doctor said he was so sick, he make a little space to see one of his favorite patient. He said to bring him in after meal time, to see the baby's tummy reactions to his meal, he needed to have a full belly to see if he continue pooping or vomiting.
Yoongi returned to see the room smelled like rotten eggs, and little Hobi was sad. "What's wrong baby? Baby farted? Tummy is so sick right baby?"
Hobi nodded with his cheeks flushed. "Hobi is stinky...." He said and a tear rolled.
"No baby, is just that Hobi tummy is so sick. Tell the doctor your tummy is gassy, he needs to know how bad little Baby's farts smell...." He said rubbing his little one's belly, the big ballooned stomach sagging like jelly.
"Doctor need to know Hobi farts stink?" He asked confused.
"Yes baby, he needs to know, so he can understand why baby's stomach is sick and hurts. Now let's continue, I'll drum your little belly, as the doctor will."
Hobi got happy he clapped his hands. "Yes Hobi loves when Yoonie drums tum-tum..."
Yoongi began to drum more lightly than the doctor would do it. He playful drum his little baby in his cute but sick big tummy. Each time the poor abdominal distended cavity jumped, his belly sagged, trembled and bounced like a real ball. Baby Hobi at first was enjoying the drumming noises, but soon he felt pressure inside.
Yoongi heard how when he drum on the little stomach, the noises came worst, and the tummy bounced to much. He had never seen his baby this sick before.
Each time his hand collided with the naked abdominal sick shape, little Baby Hobi would burp, or fart even more.
"yoonie.... tum-tum jumps! Tum-tum....jumps....* The baby said noticing how his poor belly moved all over the place. "Doctor will make Hobi's tum-tum jump?"
Yoongi smiled warmly to this little one who was curious. "Yes, probably because Hobi's tummy is so big, it bounces, my poor baby has currently a little ball for stomach, you are so gassy baby, do you want to go to the bathroom?"
The little boy denied. "Yoonie ... That's all tum-tum needs?" Hobi asked watching his stomach inflate and deflate still naked, and still rumbling so angry.
"Yes baby, once that is done, Doctor will know hot to cure your little stomach.
The child laughed again at ease even though he had a lot of pain, and he couldn't stop farting rotten eggs.
Yoongi had to open a window without his little one noticing it, the stench spoke of how sick was baby Hobi's poor tummy.
Yoongi had also message Seokjin their doctor, about the gassy belly, the stench, the horrible flatulence episodes his baby was having.
The doctor asked to listen to it, and to the baby's stomach, so Yoongi asked his baby.
"Baby, tummy doctor wants to hear your tummy, how about we call him, so he can see and hear little Hobi's sick tum-tum. He loves having sick bellies to examine, he will love yours ..."
"Really? He loves my tum-tum-tum like this?" The innocent kid asked excited, not knowing it was to hear his farts, and his noisy abdominal noises.
"Yes, baby. Shall we?"
The baby nodded. Yoongi used his computer to video call his Gastroenterologist Seokjin, he placed de laptop on baby's Hobi legs, from there Seokjin could see the child with the most protuberant abdomen he had ever seen the little one with, and also he could hear the most awful noises a stomach ever made, the farting was constantly, and he could listen clearly how the little one's farts wounded wet horrendous, and long. He understood the little one was suffering with an awful pain.
Once th video call ended, Seokjin instructed Yoongi to skip the meal, and to bring inmidiatly the little one to his personal office.
"Baby, doctor was so excited with your cute stomach, he said he wants to examine you now. Lest get ready to go to your Tummy Doctor appointment." Yoongi said sadly.
The baby nodded still bothered with the cramping the abdominal pains, and farting. Yoongi dressed him again closing the diapers, placing on some pants, and a hoodie, then he took extra clothes, diapers, and cleaning supplies. He carry his baby and took him to the hospital.
They already knew the little one, they had been attending him, ever since he first was sick I'm little space, so Hobi felt safe there, no one judge the little baby.
Yoongi went in with his sick baby boy. He placed the kid on the examination table. Seokjin asked Yoongi to undressed him and he did. Hobi was at ease because he already knew that would happen.
Seokjin began to listen to the bays stomach, but when the palpation began, Hobi began to sob so hard. Yoonie had lie to him, his tummy was so sore and big it hurted so much, and Seokjin was trying to press more lightly but still he needed to assess the bloated abdomen.
"Don't cry baby...."
"Yoonie say it won't hurt tum-tum..." The little one whined.
The doctor spend a lot of time palpating the baby's poor stomach. Hobi felt so sad, he wanted to stop, but for some reason the doctor kept pushing inside his tummy.
"Baby, your belly is so sick, it is big, I can't asses you that well. What did Hobi ate to have his stomach this big and sick?" Seokjin asked.
"He ate normally what he would, but yesterday Hoseok went to a party and probably he ate something he should have not." Yoongi explained. His baby was farting so bad the doctor understood finally the stench Yoongi had mentioned, he didn't say anything.
"Had Hobi's stomach being sounding like this?" The doctor asked again.
"Yes, all morning....he had diarrhea." Yoongi said.
When the doctor was trying to drum his belly, the baby sob harder, it hurts his tummy so bad, and he had diarrhea without noticing all the diaper ended up full in his diarrhea fluids.
Yoongi cleaned his baby, and put him a new diaper. The doctor continue examining him.
"That's it?" Yoongi asked ..
Hobi felt so sad, nothing was the way he had expected it to be. Everything was wrong with his tummy doctor appointment. All Yoongi played with him and explained to him was different.
"No, I have never seen him this sick before. I think he has a gastrointestinal strong virus or infection. He needs to stay so we can keep him under strict vigilance. First, I need you to feed Hobi his meal, a light, digestible meal, liquid diet, I'll give you a private room, and there they would take his meal. I need to do other abdominal examination once he is digesting the meal, to see how his tummy reacts to it."
Yoongi nodded, he already knew Hobi needed to be hospitalized. He had appreciated the private hospital room, as not all people understood Hobi when he was in little space, and he didn't want anything to alter, cause more distress or embarrassed his little one.
Hobo felt sad, he understood he needed to stay at hospital so he began to cry.
Once they had been moved to the room, Hobi was placed in the bed, some devices minoring his signs, and an IV connected to his little hand.
He was sobbing quietly, he didn't want to upset Yoonie, his poor Hyungie. His little but bloated stomach hurt so much, and they have him just in his diapers, because of the fever he had.
"Yoon....Hobi....wan to go home....." He said sadly.
"I know baby, but your tummy doctor wants you to eat, so he can examine you again on a full tummy, to see if you are digesting correctly." He explained to his baby, he sat beside the bed and he kept rubbing his tummy. The stomach kept on gurgling angry.
"No Yoonie....No. Hobi need more examinations? Why? Why with tum-tum full?" The little one asked.
"Yes baby. Because he needs to listen again your tummy but working, digesting food, to see if you still have diarrhea or grassy bowels ..." He explained to his baby boy.
"If Hobi has tum-tum examine..... Hobi can go home?" The little one ask again.
"Yes baby."
When the food arrived, Yoongi fees his baby the liquid diet, soups, liquids and more liquids. The baby ate and drank everything, his poor little tummy bloated more, his tummy was worst, the noises it did were unstoppable and unhealthy. His little stomach had became a gurgling burbling pot. He was so swollen, and full of liquids that each time the baby breath, or move, his tummy sloshed all around and inside.
Seokjin returned back to the room, he closed the door, and was shocked to find his little patient more sick than before, the little one's abdomen had grow and double the size. It was even more noisy, and seemingly for the child's tears, also painful.
Seokjin struggled to examine again, each time he placed the stethoscope, the noises would distorted. Then pressing his stomach and palpating it proves to be imposible, ad the little one had a lot of pain and whine each time his massive abdomen was touch. Finally he try to drum his abdomen, it was the most painful, embarrassing and uncomfortable experience for baby Hobi's tum-tum. He felt the pressure, and also saw how his stomach sound worst, all sick, and sloshed each time the doctor hit his tummy making it bounce up and down.
Hobo finally relaxed believing it was over, but for his bad luck and frustration his hospital trip was barely beginning. "His stomach is so big, noisy and sick, I couldn't examine him properly, we will need to do, lab examination, imagery examinations, scans, an ultrasound and probably he will need to spend the night, the virus he has is really strong one .
Hobo cried so hard when Yoongi explained his little one, what was needed. He was so sad and afraid, they drew out his blood, his pee and poop were taken in samples to be examined, and the worst part was, he needed to have his stomach naked under some strange machine that was the x-rays, then his stomach was scanned with a noisy machine, and finally Seokjin ultrasound his tummy, the baby boy had his tummy so big, the ultrasound looks if he was expecting a child, from how huge his poor stomach was.
He spend all the rest pf the afternoon and night, with bad diarrhea, vomits, horrible noisy, bassy, smelly and rotten farts. His gassy belly was producing a lot of air and gas inside so he looked like a balloon the next day.
He cry so much, and Yoongi remained by his side, rubbing his baby boy's tum-tum softly, giving it kisses. Cleaning him from diarrhea or vomit episodes, and trying to make him eat or drink water.
Like that the baby spend other morning and in the afternoon he was finally left to go home. Still with a lot of medicine, with the strongest intestinal viral infection he had ever had. But with sweet Yoongi taking care of him.
The end.
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403tarot · 10 months
It's funny that you said to cope with frustration in their lives because I have been thinking about this for awhile. Why are people so obsessed with kpop idols ESPECIALLY Jk. I mean they are people just like you and me. Not trying to be gross but they shit, vomit, bleed, pass, and burp just like us lol. I wonder if people are just really lonely because I feel like that's a part of it. But everything you said was 100% factual and you are an amazing writer but you know that. I love your content and nothing you said was wrong. I have been seeing a lot of tarot and astrology creators vent this same frustration and it's so sad because no matter you (the ppl) deserves to be loved for who you are not for what an idol likes.
it's a bit frustrating to see how people on tumblr ask for tarot readings. they don't want to know the answers if they're not exactly what they want to hear. as for jungkook, i was just talking today with some friends about how much i like his energy and that when i take a break from readings for him, i really miss it. indeed, he is someone who is magnetic and makes many people feel energetically drawn to him. i feel like this opens the door for many people to become a little more delulu than usual. the obsession regarding his future spouse, for example, is a bit unsettling. don't get me wrong, everyone can ask about whatever they want, and i do plan to make a post about jungkook and his future spouse, but yesterday i opened the BTS tarot tag and 95% of the posts were about that, so there i thought many things... i even reblogged a post yesterday talking about this
the quality of the asks i receive has been declining, and I'm no longer afraid to ignore them completely. there are rare questions that i really like and find intelligent, and those are the ones i prioritize answering. again, there's nothing wrong with asking about future spouses or love life, but lately asks have been solely about that. it's a bit frustrating, i think
anyways, thank you for the compliments; they mean a lot 🥹💚
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