#bts sope fanfic
caleb-alfa-centauri · 2 years
Baby's tum-tum hurts
BTS Sope Sick fic/ Little space
Warning: Sick fic, Hoseok in little space and out of it. Yoongi his boyfriend and caretaker. Past trauma, abuse, and safe little space.
Mention of emeto, abdominal pain, cramping, scat, burping, explicit diarrhea description. Non sexual, non kinky. Abdominal medical and doctor play examination. Medical mentioned. Doctors medical devices, sad baby, bloated belly, gassy, noisy tummy, Hurt-comfort.
Hoseok wakes up early to go to work, Yoongi is having a bath, but Hoseok discovers he doesn't feel good. His stomach hurts a lot, and whenever he feels sick, his coping mechanism is to go into little space.
Yoongi is his boyfriend, and when his boyfriend is in little space, he makes the role as an older brother, who takes care of baby Hobi.
Yoongi knows his boyfriend would slip into his little space mindset when he is tired, overwhelmed, sad, or most common sick.
Hoseok had woken up, as soon as he try to sit in bed, he felt sick all over, his stomach hurt a lot, he felt nauseated, and his abdomen was cramping badly.
He returned to bed, and knowing he had an awesome partner, boyfriend and caretaker, he left himself slip into his little space. Little Hobi felt so sick, he curled in a ball, and began to sob quietly.
Yoongi had went out the shower, and he couldn't find his boyfriend in the kitchen, usually je would be making breakfast for both, or trying to shower as well. He walk to the bed, fearing his boyfriend was sick.
"Baby?" He asked noticing the younger one still in bed.
"Yoonie?" The little one asked, it was a name for Yoongi, when Hobi was in little space head. "Yoon...." The little baby sob.
Yoongi understood his little one was sick, but he didn't knew how severe it was. He needed to call in sick for both, but he couldn't call their work, until he knew what was ailing his baby boy.
"Baby Hobi, what's wrong my little baby?" He asked even softer, he say beside Hobi in bed. The little boy had his arms surrounding his torso. "Tell Hyungie what's wrong...."
"Hyungie....Yoonie... Hobi's tum-tum hults...." The little one said, his voice sad.
"Oh no, again? Baby, come here, Yoonie will take care of it for you, probably you just had something bad for dinner, with a tummy rub and medicine we can solve it. " Yoongi told him patiently, soft and caring. "Come here, sit on Hyungie's legs, here I can rub your small baby tum-tum."
Hobi moved outside the bed, the little one sat on his Hyungie's legs where he felt safe, but when Yoongi was about to touch his abdomen to see the damage, the little poor baby, who was so sick, couldn't even tell his older brother, his tummy was hurting to much.
Baby Hobi felt his belly churning,he could feel a lot of movement, bubbling and pain before it happened. He heard his tummy going Wilde with awful noises.
Yoongi heard the bubbling coming loud and strong from his little one's tummy, and the next thing he knew was his poor baby, was having explosive diarrhea on top of both.
The brown hot gush of liquid came from little Hobi's butt, in seconds both were covered with the little one's diarrhea fluids.
Hobi began to cry hard, the little one kept on sobbing and screaming his lungs, his tummy felt so bad, he couldn't stop from whaling.
Yoongi had to carry him to the bath tube, they shower and bathed, then he cleaned their clothes and bed sheets, he replaced them for other ones, and when they were clean and done, he brought his little one to the bed, Hobi had a diaper, and a pajama with bears,the t-shirt was a children shirt he loved wearing in little space. But his tummy was so bloated the shirt was all stretched out. He had stopped crying at least.
"Yoon Hyungie....Hobi is sorry... tummy ouchie...poo poo came ...sorry..." He said shyly.
"Don't worry baby, is not my little baby's fault. Baby Hobi's poor and sick tum-tum needs medicine. How are you feeling baby? Is it too painful?" Yoongi asked, he smile warmly but he was worrying like crazy. He hate watching his little one in pain, and he was tired from cleaning the diarrhea.
Hobi nod so sad. "Yoonie, Hobi's tum-tum hurts. .." the little one said his little hands on top of his distended tummy. Even though he was sad, even in little space Hobi was always positive and happy, so he had try to smile for his Hyungie who he loved so much. "Tum-tum...roars....gurg....gurg... tummy is angy..."
When Yoongi had bathed his little one, he had noticed how distended was his poor stomach, the baby boy had a canon ball for stomach, a bowling ball on the stomach, or even a pregnant looking abdomen. This concerned him a lot. His baby Hobi was bloated and so swollen. And the poor abdominal surface kept on producing awful sounds.
"Baby Hobi's tum-tum needs to be seen by a doctor. Baby I'll make a tummy doctor appointment again, so you can have that poor sick painful tummy examine again, I'll call your special doctor, he has to listen to this angry tummy. Yes baby?" Yoongi told his little one, he was sitting beside the poor distended boy.
"No Yoonie, pwease no....Hobi don wan to.... Doctors hult... tum-tum.....nooo pwease no..." The small child complain miserable. The poor baby hated his "tummy doctor" his gastroenterologist knew about his little space and treated him like a baby boy. But he hated having his tummy all examine everywhere around and on the inside.
In all that time his poor sick belly haven't stop from doing all those awful sick sounds. Everything was moving inside of his small but distended poor tummy.
"Oh, don't cry baby, Yoonie needs to take his baby to the tummy doctor. Can you hear that baby?" He asked concerned he placed his ear delicate over his baby's poor ballooned stomach.
Hobi nod. "Is Hobi's tum-tum...my tum-tum is noisy....Yoonie.... tum-tum doesn't feels good...." He said, his baby hands pressed against the noisy big abdomen. "Yoonie....is Hobi pwegnant ...? Hobi's tum-tum is so big...." Hobi said excited, he was so curious he was drumming his baby bloated massively distended abdomen like a little drum, using little hands.
Yoongi giggled at his little one curiosity and imagination, Hoseok was always so full or energy, curiosity and excitement even been sick. "No sweetheart, Hobi is just full of air, your tum-tum is so sick, it bloated, so that's why you are so big, little Hobi's tum-tum looks like a balloon." Yoongi kiss the boy in his tiny head and then on the big tummy. "You know why Hobi's tum-tum is so loud baby? Why it has inflated so much? And why it keeps moving so much and hurting?" Yoongi asked to convinced him.
The big tummy gurgling madly, the baby's cheeks turned red. He hated his tum-tum growling.
"tum-tum is sick?" He asked. The baby boy understood Yoongi's point of view.
"Yes my poor baby, little Hobi's tum-tum is so sick, that's why you are having diarrhea too." Yoongi said. Hobi nodded.
"Yoon, Hobi don wanna have tum-tum so sick... tummy ouchie.." .the little one said drumming still his distended abdominal cavity. "Yoonie ... Hobi is afraid....doctor hurts Hobi or tum-tum?"
Yoongi relaxed his baby wasn't crying any longer. He was curious asking. "Want us to play tummy doctor, so you know what your tummy doctor is going to do?" Yoongi Asked having an idea.
Hoseok was excited, he clapped his little handsies. "Yes Yoon Hyun ...Hobi wanna play doctor....."
Yoongi had a medical equipment it was from his cousin who was a doctor, so he placed on the white rob, and using the real stethoscope, he took baby Hobi to other room, where there was an individual bed for guests, and that was just cover with a white sheet to simulate a doctor's examining table.
Yoongi carried his baby, and placed him in the middle of pf the bed. He took a chair next to it. His baby was laughing through the pain, he loved playing doctor.
"Now once we are inside the tummy doctor office, in a bed like this one, the doctor will ask questions. Like this. Little baby Hobi, how is your tummy? Do you have pain? Tummy troubles? Do you have nausea, diarrhea or vomit?"
"I see Yoonie....Yes Doctol Yoons... Hobi tum-tum is so sick....Tum is big... Hults...is noisy....moves a lot....and Hobi did poo poo before...." Hobi the cute boy said playing doctor with his Yoonie Huingie.
"Perfect, that was easy..."
"Is that all?" Hobi asked unsure and excited thinking it was over.
"No my cute baby, my baby boy, next is examining Hobi's poor tummy...."
Hobi was sad again. "Does it hults?"
"No baby, look, as Hobi's poor tummy makes a lot of bad tummy noises, your tummy doctor needs to hear your tummy, he will placed a little device, that is cold but it doesn't hurts, over baby's tum-tum, he will listen all those tummy sounds...." Yoongi explained patiently.
"How Yoonie? Are you also going to listen inside .... Hobi's noisy tum-tum?" The little one asked confused.
"Yes, let's begin, your Doctor will ask you to uncover your pretty stomach. Baby Hobi, can I uncover your tummy to listen inside?" Yoongi asked he placed the stethoscope on, and lifted showing it to Hobi.
"it hurts?"
"No baby, is just cold...." Yoongi said.
His little one nod. And placed his little hands at the sides of his body, so his Yoonie could move his clothes.
He uncovered his little one's horribly distended abdominal surface, his poor baby Hobi's abdomen was so big, it inflated worst, with each breath, the rounded big swollen and protruding stomach, was bursting from how big it had inflated all inside.
Yoongi even had to open his baby's diaper, so he could also hear the most lower belly. The little ones stomach kept on producing horrible abdominal sick noises everywhere and each time he breath.
Hobi was nervous looking how his Hyungie's hands rolled his t-shirt up, he noticed his tummy looked so bad. "Yoonie... tum-tum is so big...is it ugly?" He asked poking his tummy that trembled like jelly.
"No sweetheart, Hobi's tum-tum is the cutest thing, I promise, it's just that, Hobi has a balloon tummy right now, but doctor would also like Hobi's tummy." Yoongi said lying, he felt distress noticing how big his little one's tummy was, all sick and hugely expanded. "Hobi's tummy sounds like a drum or a balloon." he said drumming carefully and soft his baby's poor ballooned stomach it bounced and jumped everywhere. "Doctor will have fun curing your tummy sweetheart."
The child again laugh watching his tummy being drummed in and producing drumming echoes. "Now baby, I'll hear inside, please don't move, and don't talk, Doctor Yoons need silence to listen inside his Hobi." Yoongi took the cold stethoscope that was already warm, and placed it on top of the big abdominal cavity, there he could hear. The turmoil inside his baby boy. He listened everywhere. On his navel, the lower belly, his huge sides, his top belly, and mostly over his bowels.
The little one was curious watching his aching tummy being listen inside with the weird machine. He was quiet and not moving, he felt how the small cold metallic object slides through his balloon stomach. He felt a little shy, he knew his Yoonie Hyungie was listening attentively all those awful noises his tummy did. He felt a little embarrassed.
"Want to hear inside yourself?" Yoongi moved the apparatus to his baby's ears, the small child was excited, big open eyes, gasping in excitement. "Yoonie,.... tum-tum.....noises.....bubbles..... Hobi tum-tum is so mad, is grumpy...."
Baby Hobi have never heard something so awesome he heard bubbling, rumbling, water and bubbles everywhere.
Ones Yoongi finished listening inside his little baby tummy, he continue. "Baby, ones your tummy doctor has finished hearing inside, he needs to touch Hobi's sick and big tum-tum. He will press, touch, poke, prode, and sink his fingers on baby Hobi's tum-tum jelly big surface, like this." Yoongi said explaining everything to his baby sick boy.
"Ow Yoonie, tum-tum hurts.....Does Hobi tummy doc has to listen to my tum-tum? Does he need to touch Hobi in his tum-tum?" The little one said drumming still his stomach.
"Yes, but why baby?" Yoongi said he had stopped palpitations over his poor baby boy's sick and swollen abdominal cavity.
"Tum-tum is big so Hobi is shy ..." The little one admitted feeling shy. "Tum-tum is so noisy..... Tum-tum is so sick....Hobi is embarrassed..... tum-tum so sick, having Tum like this ... Makes Hob nervous..."
"I know baby is uncomfortable but no one expects Hobi to have a healthy Tum baby, Hobi goes to his tummy doctor when he is sick. So doctor would be there expecting us, with you, with the sickest tummy ever. He understands Hobi tummy does noises and is big because baby is sick. In fact Hobi is sensitive in the tummy, so that's why we already have a specialized doctor for your tum sweetheart. He already has listen that cute tummy."
"Okay....Yoonie can we still play doctor before going to real tum-tum doc?" The little one asked.
"Yes my baby.... Then the next step is palpation, doctor would need to feel those organs inside Hobi's tummy so he will press like this everywhere...." Yoongi began to press his baby tummy lightly and feeling each organ inside, moving in circles his hands, all the way from the top, to the lower tummy.
"Ar we done?" Baby asked believing it to be all it was left....
"No my baby, Doctor then needs to drum Hobi's balloony tummy, he needs to drum your cute little drum belly.... It helps doctor asses Hobi's poor tummy condition...."
Hobi was laughing again. "I like...Hyungie ...you drumming my tum-tum..... do it! Pwease play with Hobi's Tum....pwease!" The little one was clapping his hands excitedly.
"Then Hobi, can you breath in, and hold the air inside tum-tum, I want to see that tum-tum-tum getting bigger baby, inflate more that cute balloonie abdomen, all round and cute.....yes like that, hold in like that, come on baby, I know Hobi can do this... Baby boy push the tummy out.....Good boy!"
Hobi was so happy he loved playing with his Hyung, and he loved having the tummy so big, he had began to enjoy having a little balloon shape in his tum-tum. "Hobi is a good boy...." He said pushing even more his noisy and sick huge abdomen......"
Yoongi got even more concerned with the shape it got. It grew so much, and he got even more concerned he had never seen that size on his baby's abdominal distentions over the years.
"Baby close your eyes for me..." Hobi obey, and when he closed his eyes, he took a photograph,he needed his baby's abdomen in display so sick like that to show his baby's tummy special doctor. "Now don't move, Yoonie is going to measure that cute little stomach baby."
Baby Hobi opened his eyes and nod. He was happy watching how his Hyungie measured his belly, placing a tape measure device, under his back and surrounding all his protuberant abdomen.
"New record baby, Hobi's tummy is so big....you can stop pushing now, it must hurt, let me go for something quickly wait here."
Baby nod. Hobi lay there, with his diapers a little open at the waist, and all abdominal in display, he filled the room with his awful abdominal sick noises. He was farting like crazy, but at least he wasn't pooping his diapers yet.
Yoongi had went and called his doctor assistant. Jimin, was Doctor Seokjin's assistant. He ask all the information. Yoongi send the picture,the recording he had take, and the measurements of his little one's abdomen. The doctor said he was so sick, he make a little space to see one of his favorite patient. He said to bring him in after meal time, to see the baby's tummy reactions to his meal, he needed to have a full belly to see if he continue pooping or vomiting.
Yoongi returned to see the room smelled like rotten eggs, and little Hobi was sad. "What's wrong baby? Baby farted? Tummy is so sick right baby?"
Hobi nodded with his cheeks flushed. "Hobi is stinky...." He said and a tear rolled.
"No baby, is just that Hobi tummy is so sick. Tell the doctor your tummy is gassy, he needs to know how bad little Baby's farts smell...." He said rubbing his little one's belly, the big ballooned stomach sagging like jelly.
"Doctor need to know Hobi farts stink?" He asked confused.
"Yes baby, he needs to know, so he can understand why baby's stomach is sick and hurts. Now let's continue, I'll drum your little belly, as the doctor will."
Hobi got happy he clapped his hands. "Yes Hobi loves when Yoonie drums tum-tum..."
Yoongi began to drum more lightly than the doctor would do it. He playful drum his little baby in his cute but sick big tummy. Each time the poor abdominal distended cavity jumped, his belly sagged, trembled and bounced like a real ball. Baby Hobi at first was enjoying the drumming noises, but soon he felt pressure inside.
Yoongi heard how when he drum on the little stomach, the noises came worst, and the tummy bounced to much. He had never seen his baby this sick before.
Each time his hand collided with the naked abdominal sick shape, little Baby Hobi would burp, or fart even more.
"yoonie.... tum-tum jumps! Tum-tum....jumps....* The baby said noticing how his poor belly moved all over the place. "Doctor will make Hobi's tum-tum jump?"
Yoongi smiled warmly to this little one who was curious. "Yes, probably because Hobi's tummy is so big, it bounces, my poor baby has currently a little ball for stomach, you are so gassy baby, do you want to go to the bathroom?"
The little boy denied. "Yoonie ... That's all tum-tum needs?" Hobi asked watching his stomach inflate and deflate still naked, and still rumbling so angry.
"Yes baby, once that is done, Doctor will know hot to cure your little stomach.
The child laughed again at ease even though he had a lot of pain, and he couldn't stop farting rotten eggs.
Yoongi had to open a window without his little one noticing it, the stench spoke of how sick was baby Hobi's poor tummy.
Yoongi had also message Seokjin their doctor, about the gassy belly, the stench, the horrible flatulence episodes his baby was having.
The doctor asked to listen to it, and to the baby's stomach, so Yoongi asked his baby.
"Baby, tummy doctor wants to hear your tummy, how about we call him, so he can see and hear little Hobi's sick tum-tum. He loves having sick bellies to examine, he will love yours ..."
"Really? He loves my tum-tum-tum like this?" The innocent kid asked excited, not knowing it was to hear his farts, and his noisy abdominal noises.
"Yes, baby. Shall we?"
The baby nodded. Yoongi used his computer to video call his Gastroenterologist Seokjin, he placed de laptop on baby's Hobi legs, from there Seokjin could see the child with the most protuberant abdomen he had ever seen the little one with, and also he could hear the most awful noises a stomach ever made, the farting was constantly, and he could listen clearly how the little one's farts wounded wet horrendous, and long. He understood the little one was suffering with an awful pain.
Once th video call ended, Seokjin instructed Yoongi to skip the meal, and to bring inmidiatly the little one to his personal office.
"Baby, doctor was so excited with your cute stomach, he said he wants to examine you now. Lest get ready to go to your Tummy Doctor appointment." Yoongi said sadly.
The baby nodded still bothered with the cramping the abdominal pains, and farting. Yoongi dressed him again closing the diapers, placing on some pants, and a hoodie, then he took extra clothes, diapers, and cleaning supplies. He carry his baby and took him to the hospital.
They already knew the little one, they had been attending him, ever since he first was sick I'm little space, so Hobi felt safe there, no one judge the little baby.
Yoongi went in with his sick baby boy. He placed the kid on the examination table. Seokjin asked Yoongi to undressed him and he did. Hobi was at ease because he already knew that would happen.
Seokjin began to listen to the bays stomach, but when the palpation began, Hobi began to sob so hard. Yoonie had lie to him, his tummy was so sore and big it hurted so much, and Seokjin was trying to press more lightly but still he needed to assess the bloated abdomen.
"Don't cry baby...."
"Yoonie say it won't hurt tum-tum..." The little one whined.
The doctor spend a lot of time palpating the baby's poor stomach. Hobi felt so sad, he wanted to stop, but for some reason the doctor kept pushing inside his tummy.
"Baby, your belly is so sick, it is big, I can't asses you that well. What did Hobi ate to have his stomach this big and sick?" Seokjin asked.
"He ate normally what he would, but yesterday Hoseok went to a party and probably he ate something he should have not." Yoongi explained. His baby was farting so bad the doctor understood finally the stench Yoongi had mentioned, he didn't say anything.
"Had Hobi's stomach being sounding like this?" The doctor asked again.
"Yes, all morning....he had diarrhea." Yoongi said.
When the doctor was trying to drum his belly, the baby sob harder, it hurts his tummy so bad, and he had diarrhea without noticing all the diaper ended up full in his diarrhea fluids.
Yoongi cleaned his baby, and put him a new diaper. The doctor continue examining him.
"That's it?" Yoongi asked ..
Hobi felt so sad, nothing was the way he had expected it to be. Everything was wrong with his tummy doctor appointment. All Yoongi played with him and explained to him was different.
"No, I have never seen him this sick before. I think he has a gastrointestinal strong virus or infection. He needs to stay so we can keep him under strict vigilance. First, I need you to feed Hobi his meal, a light, digestible meal, liquid diet, I'll give you a private room, and there they would take his meal. I need to do other abdominal examination once he is digesting the meal, to see how his tummy reacts to it."
Yoongi nodded, he already knew Hobi needed to be hospitalized. He had appreciated the private hospital room, as not all people understood Hobi when he was in little space, and he didn't want anything to alter, cause more distress or embarrassed his little one.
Hobo felt sad, he understood he needed to stay at hospital so he began to cry.
Once they had been moved to the room, Hobi was placed in the bed, some devices minoring his signs, and an IV connected to his little hand.
He was sobbing quietly, he didn't want to upset Yoonie, his poor Hyungie. His little but bloated stomach hurt so much, and they have him just in his diapers, because of the fever he had.
"Yoon....Hobi....wan to go home....." He said sadly.
"I know baby, but your tummy doctor wants you to eat, so he can examine you again on a full tummy, to see if you are digesting correctly." He explained to his baby, he sat beside the bed and he kept rubbing his tummy. The stomach kept on gurgling angry.
"No Yoonie....No. Hobi need more examinations? Why? Why with tum-tum full?" The little one asked.
"Yes baby. Because he needs to listen again your tummy but working, digesting food, to see if you still have diarrhea or grassy bowels ..." He explained to his baby boy.
"If Hobi has tum-tum examine..... Hobi can go home?" The little one ask again.
"Yes baby."
When the food arrived, Yoongi fees his baby the liquid diet, soups, liquids and more liquids. The baby ate and drank everything, his poor little tummy bloated more, his tummy was worst, the noises it did were unstoppable and unhealthy. His little stomach had became a gurgling burbling pot. He was so swollen, and full of liquids that each time the baby breath, or move, his tummy sloshed all around and inside.
Seokjin returned back to the room, he closed the door, and was shocked to find his little patient more sick than before, the little one's abdomen had grow and double the size. It was even more noisy, and seemingly for the child's tears, also painful.
Seokjin struggled to examine again, each time he placed the stethoscope, the noises would distorted. Then pressing his stomach and palpating it proves to be imposible, ad the little one had a lot of pain and whine each time his massive abdomen was touch. Finally he try to drum his abdomen, it was the most painful, embarrassing and uncomfortable experience for baby Hobi's tum-tum. He felt the pressure, and also saw how his stomach sound worst, all sick, and sloshed each time the doctor hit his tummy making it bounce up and down.
Hobo finally relaxed believing it was over, but for his bad luck and frustration his hospital trip was barely beginning. "His stomach is so big, noisy and sick, I couldn't examine him properly, we will need to do, lab examination, imagery examinations, scans, an ultrasound and probably he will need to spend the night, the virus he has is really strong one .
Hobo cried so hard when Yoongi explained his little one, what was needed. He was so sad and afraid, they drew out his blood, his pee and poop were taken in samples to be examined, and the worst part was, he needed to have his stomach naked under some strange machine that was the x-rays, then his stomach was scanned with a noisy machine, and finally Seokjin ultrasound his tummy, the baby boy had his tummy so big, the ultrasound looks if he was expecting a child, from how huge his poor stomach was.
He spend all the rest pf the afternoon and night, with bad diarrhea, vomits, horrible noisy, bassy, smelly and rotten farts. His gassy belly was producing a lot of air and gas inside so he looked like a balloon the next day.
He cry so much, and Yoongi remained by his side, rubbing his baby boy's tum-tum softly, giving it kisses. Cleaning him from diarrhea or vomit episodes, and trying to make him eat or drink water.
Like that the baby spend other morning and in the afternoon he was finally left to go home. Still with a lot of medicine, with the strongest intestinal viral infection he had ever had. But with sweet Yoongi taking care of him.
The end.
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borathae · 2 months
Just Relax
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“Yoongi is very hesitant about bottoming, but something about his best friend Hoseok makes him ease up. One night, he comes to his place with a very important favour to ask. A rimjob, but please be patient with him, he is very shy.”
Pairing: Yoongi x Hoseok
Genre: best friends with benefits!AU, polyamory!AU, Smut
Warnings: implications of accidental listening in on a threesome, shiest sub!Yoongi, he is scared of bottoming and needs someone to be patient with him, listen this is very difficult for him but sometimes a kitty gets horny and can't think straight anymore, patient Dom!Hoseok, praise, encouraging dirty talk, making out against a wall, shy nudity, frotting, oral sex, a rimjob in the shower, accidental face sitting, Hoseok is way too skilled with his mouth, Yoongi tries to stay quiet but fails, handjob, spontaneous anal sex, they're both very horny for each other, multiple intense orgasms (Yoongi receiving), creampie, cockwarming, a little bit of subdrop, reassuring aftercare!!, you guys must know that Yoongi never asks for stuff like this so this is a big deal for him!
Wordcount: 7.3k
a/n: i'm actually fucking obsessed with shy sub Yoongi 😩 just as i'm obsessed with patient Dom Hoseok 😩 fukkc besties i might just be obsessed with this duo 😩 have fun hehe i hope you are enjoying the art to it as well hehe 👀 i might already be working on something else with them 👀💙
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Hoseok opens the door to Yoongi in his biker gear.
“Yoongi hey, what are you doing here?”
“Can I come in?”
“Sure, always. Come in”, Hoseok says, stepping out of the doorway, “you’re coming at the perfect time. I was planning to pop open a blood bag and watch a show. Want one?”
“Thanks, I’ll pass. Blood bags are rancid.”
“No, hairy animals are rancid. You’re getting fur mixed with your meal.”
“Touché”, Yoongi says, shrugging off his leather jacket to reveal a white t-shirt. Yoongi steps out of his boots. “Still better than refrigerated blood. That’s like cooking your favourite meal and waiting for it to get cold before eating it.”
“Your loss then”, Hoseok says and abandons Yoongi in the hallway.
Not that he is alone in the kitchen for long. Mere seconds later, he can hear the distinct pitter-patter of Yoongi’s waddle walk. He only does this walk in front of people he feels comfortable with. Ever since that one fateful, drunken night, Hoseok definitely is on the list of comfortable people. 
The latter takes out a blood bag and pierces it with a metal straw, slurping out of it. He looks at Yoongi, who is sitting by the dining table, gawking at Hoseok. 
Hoseok scans his eyes over his torso. The shirt hugs his chest and arms, showcasing how strong Yoongi actually was. He is wearing silver jewellery on his arms and hands. Necklaces and earrings match in colour. As if he dressed up.
“Everything’s good with you?” Hoseok asks.
Yoongi nods his head.
“I’m just asking ‘cause you never visit without an invite.”
“I just.” Yoongi looks away and rubs his neck nervously. “You were on my way, yeah.”
He definitely wasn’t, but Hoseok knows better than to pry.
“Ah nice. Were you somewhere?”
Yoongi nods his head, now playing with his ear piercings.
“I had a few things to do in town. I’m on my way to the estate and thought I’ll check in on you.”
“That’s sweet of you. Thanks man.” Hoseok leans against the kitchen counter nonchalantly. He takes a sip of the blood and licks his lips. “I can’t complain. The house’s been kinda quiet ever since the others moved out, but other than that it’s good.”
Yoongi nods his head in understanding. 
“Are you lonely?”
“Lonely?” Hoseok almost chokes on the blood, catching himself at the last moment. “Dude, what?” 
“Sorry, I don’t know”, Yoongi looks to the side. His cheeks are slightly flushed.
Hoseok finishes his meal, discarding the empty bag in his trash can. He washes the metal straw and walks to Yoongi afterwards, sitting down on the chair next to him.
“It’s not lonely now, is it?” he says, giving him a playful grin.
Yoongi glances and blushes harder.
“You look very nice today.”
“Uh…I just put on stuff, yeah.”
“It’s nice. It fits you.”
Yoongi flusters, nodding his head. “Thanks, uhm.” He gestures at Hoseok. “You look nice too.”
“You think? Thanks, it’s just an old sweat suit.”
Yoongi doesn’t look at Hoseok as he speaks, “it looks good on you.”
“Aw, thanks.” Hoseok gives him a smile even if he knows that Yoongi is too shy to look at him. “Why are you really here, hyung?”
Yoongi’s entire face is bright red within a second.
“I told you. You were on my way home”, he whines.
“Is that why you dressed up and why you put on fresh cologne?”
“I didn’t do any of these things.”
“Hyung, are you here for sex?”
Yoongi widens his eyes and looks away instantly. 
“N-no, no I, uh, I no I”, he stutters and stutters, “no I, I, I…” He lowers his head. “Maybe”, he whispers almost inaudibly.
Hoseok grins triumphantly.
“See? Once you Doctor Love, you never wanna go back.”
“Fuck, shut up you freak. Forget it, I’m leaving again”, Yoongi groans, scurrying to his feet to flee in embarrassment.
But Hoseok acts quicker, using his powers to catch up with him in the hallway. 
“Don’t run. I’ll take it seriously, promise.”
Yoongi gnaws on his own lower lip, glancing at him.
“Promise. I’ll stop the Doctor Love act. You’re gonna get Hoseok. Promise.”
Yoongi inhales and exhales, sagging his shoulders in defeat.
“I wasn’t even in town. The estate is busy. They, uhm, are having a threesome”, he confesses.
“Uuh sexy”, Hoseok coos, wiggling his brows.
“No, noisy as fuck. They keep taking turns on each other and they’re being so loud about it, it’s fucking insane.”
“It’s sounding better and better.”
“Sorry, couldn’t help myself. When you tell me that ___, Tae and Kook are fucking, I can’t help being a perv.”
“You are, yeah.”
“But what’s that got to do with you?”
“I listened in.”
“Hah! I knew it! You do that too!”
“Not willingly, it happened”, Yoongi hisses.
“Sure hyung”, Hoseok grins, earning himself a soft nudge.
“Whatever asshole, I just overheard them and they were uhm, eating each other’s, like uhm, asses?” 
“Hot, very hot. So you came to me ‘cause you wanna get your ass ate too.”
Yoongi looks to the side.
“Fuck, yes basically”, he babbles and turns his back to Hoseok slightly. “Whatever, it’s stupid. Just forget it.”
Hoseok stops him from leaving, holding his hand. Yoongi squeezes his hand instinctively. 
“It’s not stupid. I can eat your ass.”
Yoongi glances, blushes and looks away. “Fucking hell, what are we doing here?”
“I don’t know. Flirting?”
Yoongi laughs slightly. Hoseok smiles and nudges him closer and closer to a wall.
“Wanna do it now?”
“I guess we could.” Yoongi, who finally notices that Hoseok is nudging him to a wall, but can’t do anything against being cornered, panics a little. “It’s not funny. This is weird”, Yoongi hisses.
“You’re thinking too much”, Hoseok says.
“Stop being cocky, I-”, his words get knocked out of him, back hitting the wall. He gasps and gasps again when Hoseok cages him in with his hands on the wall on each side of his head. 
“You’re thinking too much”, Hoseok whispers, “you want this, don’t you?”
Yoongi nods his head, switching between looking into his eyes nervously and gazing at his lips longingly.
“Then stop thinking. I don’t judge, you know that I’m not.” 
“I-I’ve never done this before.”
“What? Gotten a rimjob?” 
Yoongi shakes his head, “no went to, to someone for sex. E-especially not a, a man.” 
“And you’re nervous about it?”
Yoongi nods his head.
“Don’t be nervous, hyung. It’s just me.”
“You have to keep it a secret.”
“If I remember correctly, you were the one telling ___ all the details the last time, not me.”
Yoongi lowers his head in embarrassment, getting it tilted up again by two of Hoseok’s fingers under his chin. Hoseok laughs softly.
“I’ll keep it a secret. Promise”, he is teasing Yoongi, who flutters his lashes vigorously. “Try to relax, okay?”
“I’m trying”, Yoongi gets out, gulping heavily. His entire body is tense, his breaths leave him in short, ragged huffs.
“No, you’re not. You’re tense.”
“I’m trying, I mean it”, Yoongi says, huffing out air in defeat. 
“Close your eyes”, Hoseok orders him in a soft spoken rasp.
Yoongi flutters his eyes closed, parting his lips slightly. He parts them even more when Hoseok brushes his thumb over the shape of them.
“You’ve got such pretty lips, hyung”, Hoseok whispers and leans down to kiss his upper lip. Just his upper lip, gently to get Yoongi wanting more. 
Yoongi tilts his head closer excitedly, sighing against his will. Hoseok tastes sweet like the blood he drank, his lips are very soft. He keeps licking his upper lip. His tongue is so soft and wet and slightly cold. It makes Yoongi really needy because it feels like he is teasing him.
The kiss breaks, Hoseok puts enough distance so he can look at Yoongi’s flushed face. Yoongi keeps his eyes closed, breathing heavily and pressing himself against the wall. Like a nervous little kitten being cornered into a situation it has no clue whether to like or not. Hoseok wants to coo at him. His hyung can be so cute without even trying.
“Open your eyes.”
Yoongi’s eyes open instantly, making contact at first before flitting to the side instinctively. 
“Eyes on me.”
Yoongi obeys even if the eye contact makes him really, really scared. He is scared that Hoseok can see how nervous he is, how fucking inexperienced he is in stuff like this and how, despite his inexperience and fear, he is this close to submission.
Hoseok brushes his thumbs under Yoongi’s eyes, cradling his face this way. Yoongi holds his breath. His thoughts are racing. What am I doing here? I should flee. What are the best escape routes? This is too revealing. I’m showing myself too vulnerable. Stupid cunt, he is younger than me, I have to be a strong role model. I’m the strongest, I’m a Creator, I have to keep my head up. I’ll be ridiculed if I’m vulnerable. I don’t wanna be strong right now. I wanna be small. It’s too dangerous, don’t show yourself this way. Oh god why is he looking into my eyes? I want to be kissed again. No, don’t think about this. Stay strong. I want to relax and kiss. Stop thinking that!
“Relax, hyung. You’re thinking too much”
Yoongi freezes up. Can Hoseok read his mind? Hoseok, however, can’t read his mind, he can read expressions and right now Yoongi looks at him like a frightened deer in headlights. He doesn’t need to hear his thoughts to know that they are racing.
“Relax, okay?” he tells him.
“I’m trying.”
“I know you are, just try harder.”
Yoongi tenses up more, “I am.”
Hoseok laughs breathily, sliding his hands to the nape of Yoongi’s neck to rub it. Yoongi tilts his head back, leaning into the touch this way. A hint of relaxation washes over his features.
“I think I’m doing more harm than good with this”, Hoseok says.
“No, I-I’m trying.”
“Good job, I’m proud of you.”
Yoongi’s knees buckle, his eyes cloud over. This seems to work.
“Close your eyes again.”
Yoongi obeys, holding his breath. Hoseok’s touch is so gentle that his head feels droopy and he wants to relax his muscles.
“Good job, you’re doing good”, Hoseok praises, watching in delight how Yoongi’s tight body softens even more. Praise is the magic spell. Hoseok bites down on his tongue. Fuck, he wants to ruin him, but knows not to act too quickly. 
He slides his hand to the back of Yoongi’s head, tangling his fingers in his hair. His nails scratch his scalp gently. Yoongi tingles all the way down to his toes, fighting the urge to open his eyes. It is very difficult for him to trust Hoseok to the point of blindness. Not because Hoseok is an untrustworthy person, but because Yoongi has issues with touch and trust and love. They are scary things to him. So this is difficult, but also really nice. Hoseok’s fingers are so gentle in their touch. It’s so, so nice. 
Hoseok closes the distance and kisses him again. Yoongi is more active this time around, tilting his head and claiming his lips wholly. Hoseok smiles, pulling back slightly so needy Yoongi wouldn’t already spoil the surprise. But needy Yoongi is so needy and when he is needy he needs a proper kiss. He needs and needs and needs. He tries to chase Hoseok to which he always pulls back. He tries to tongue kiss him to which he always pulls back. He tries to peck his lips and even then he pulls back. 
Yoongi huffs out air in frustration, opening his eyes. Hoseok, who was looking at Yoongi with half-lidded eyes, gives him a playful smirk. One which flusters him again, but which also makes him want to kiss him even harder. 
“Good job, hyung. Keep doing so well”, Hoseok praises, weakening his mind with it. 
Droopy, so droopy. Yoongi can barely form coherent thoughts by now. 
Hoseok moves in to kiss him. Yoongi moans against his will, squeezing his eyes shut so he could enjoy the kiss fully. He kisses him back needily and quickly, taking off his hands from the wall to instead grab his waist. Hoseok’s waist is small in Yoongi’s big hands. It feels firm and sculpted like the waist of a dancer who has used it for decades. Right now, it is the only thing keeping Yoongi from running away. The kiss turns his brain into mush. The last sane part of it screams at him to flee because right now he is sober and doesn’t have the excuse of intoxication to fall back on. Hoseok’s waist is the one thing which keeps Yoongi from listening to the voice. This and maybe his sweet kiss and his good touch and his scent and the way his left hand grabs his hip. Yoongi gasps, breaking the kiss with it. He can count all five fingers dimpling his hips. The grip is possessive. Yoongi dares to look up at Hoseok through his lashes. His eyes mirror the possessiveness. The rest of his face carries a mask of patience. Yoongi gulps. He is suddenly hyper aware of the throbbing of his well-kissed lips and the ache between his legs which seems to grow more and more. 
“Turn around for me”, Hoseok orders in a lowered, desire-soaked voice. 
Yoongi obeys, squishing himself against the wall with squeezed shut eyes. Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck. This is too vulnerable. 
Hoseok purrs and steps closer, pressing his body against Yoongi’s while his eager hands rub his waist back and forth. They touch his tummy, his lower back and his sides over and over again. Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut even tighter, feeling dizzy. 
“Relax, kitten. You’re tensing up again.”
“Ahm”, Yoongi lets out, trying to stop his stomach from tensing. He exhales deeply. Hoseok takes it as his cue to move to the next step. He opens Yoongi’s belt from behind, then the button of his leather pants. 
Yoongi balls his hands to fist on the wall, suddenly feeling his eyes burn in nervous tears. 
The zipper next. 
Yoongi is going to pass out. 
A hand slips inside and grabs the hem of his shirt to pull it out of the pants. First in the front, then in the back. Hoseok has to put a little distance between him and Yoongi for the back, using the new position to check on him. His cheeks are deep red, his nose scrunched and his eyes squeezed shut. He is also barely breathing and breathing way too much at the same time. Hoseok slows down, keeping his eyes focused on Yoongi’s face as his hands work his tight pants down his hips. His breathing quickens more and more, but he stays in the position. Hoseok reaches the first hurdle, Yoongi’s big bubble butt. He works slowly, tugging the pants down inch by inch. No retaliation from Yoongi and so Hoseok manages to expose his entire ass to his eyes. Down and down and down, he tugs his pants. 
Yoongi currently feels as if he was in the most dangerous situation he ever found himself in. He fought feral werewolves, evil witches, bloodthirsty vampires, angry humans and old demons. Nothing, truly nothing, came close to the danger than this right now. Being pressed against a wall and getting undressed so Hoseok can stick his tongue in his hole. Every single instinct and supposed rational thought tells him to run away.
Hoseok kneels down and tugs the pants down the last few inches. It pools by Yoongi’s ankles. 
“Look at you, your legs. Damn”, he speaks softly, running his palms up the outside of them. 
Kill him! Yoongi’s brain is going haywire. Kill him! Kill him! Run away! Run! 
“So smooth and silky. Your skin is like porcelain, hyung.”
Hoseok slides his hands under the swell of Yoongi’s buttocks and runs them down the inside of his legs. 
“Wait”, Yoongi calls out and steps to the side. He turns around, staring down at Hoseok with widened eyes. Hoseok gazes up at him patiently, keeping his hands to himself. 
“Changed your mind?” he asks.
“That’s okay. Wanna borrow some of my sweats and then just watch a show?”
“No, I mean, I-I didn’t change my mind I just, I just need to shower first.”
Hoseok smiles. He is so smitten for Yoongi and how shy he is. His cock is so hard in his tight briefs and his body is flushed all over and here he is, thinking about showers. He is so silly sometimes.
“Sure, but you don’t need it you know? You smell really good.”
“No, I stink. I’m sorry I need to shower please.”
“Okay.” Hoseok stands up, fixing his sweats because they are pinching his boner. “You know where the bathroom is.”
Yoongi nods his head and leaves as quickly as his weakened legs allow him to. He runs up the stairs and moments later, slams the door closed. 
“Sorry!” he calls out in apology then seconds of silence follow until the sound of running water ends the entire moment. 
Hoseok takes a deep breath of defeat, bending down to pick up Yoongi’s leather pants. He shakes them out and folds them neatly, placing them on the dresser by the coat rack. He fixes Yoongi’s boots and his helmet then looks up the stairs. 
Some time has passed between Yoongi fleeing and now. The water is still running and something tells Hoseok that he should go up there and check on Yoongi. Something that keeps telling him that Yoongi is currently going down a spiral of complete self despair. 
Yoongi tries very hard not to cry in the shower. That’s what he gets for doing things out of his comfort zone. He gets an achy stomach and racing thoughts. He can’t be a bottom. He can’t do it. He wants to do it, but he can’t. He needs to accept that he is supposed to be the strongest and that the strongest doesn’t act like this. Yoongi doesn’t know how to end this shower or how to go outside again and tell Hoseok that he wants to leave, because he doesn’t actually want to leave. He wants to be pressed against a wall and have Hoseok claim his little hole. But how does he go about all of this when he has never done it before? He thought that doing it scared was already enough, but is it really? When is he enough? What does he need to do to be enough?
“Don’t think so much.”
Yoongi whips around with a yelp and tries to push the intruder away. But Hoseok acts faster, catching his hands to pin them against the glass shower wall. The impact makes a shrill sound like knuckles hitting sturdy glass.
“You, you, you”, Yoongi stutters, staring at him in shock. He didn’t hear him come in, neither did he sense him or smell him. He should have been able to, but didn’t. What is wrong with him? Did Hoseok really mess with his clarity to such extend?
“Relax, hyung. I told you that you should relax”, Hoseok tells him, caressing his hands softly. 
The water runs down both their bodies, soaking their dark hair and wetting their skins. Hoseok matches with Yoongi, wearing nothing more than the nudity he was put on the earth in. This is the first time that he sees Yoongi in such a state and yet, Yoongi feels as if he had done so before, as if it was okay for him to be naked in front of Hoseok. 
Their skins are the same colour, the shade of their nipples are the same as well, even their cocks share the same nuances of pretty colours. Yoongi realises in this moment that they are so similar and he finds comfort in it. He isn’t a weird looking alien, he is human. 
His once wriggly arms stop, his wrists find comfort in being pinned by Hoseok.
“I’m scared”, he hears himself confess. 
“Scared of what?”
“Of this. It’s so new, I’m doing it scared but it’s so hard to do.”
“You don’t have to force yourself to do anything.”
“But I want it. Why is it so hard for me to be normal like other people?”
“I think you’re pretty normal.”
“No, I’m not. I’m the strongest and, and a Creator and I need to-”
Hoseok silences him with a finger against his lips. Yoongi gulps. 
“You need to stop thinking right now and let me do my thing.” Hoseok says, stepping closer to Yoongi until their crotches are touching. They are both soft right now, but tingle at the contact between their cocks. “You want this, don’t you?”
Yoongi nods his head.
“See? Then stop worrying about it. Even the strongest needs a break, hyung. And deserves to have his ass ate.”
Yoongi laughs at that. Hoseok laughs with him, grinding his hips into him slowly. Just enough to give Yoongi glimpses of pleasure and to relax him with it. 
“Especially when that ass looks like an entire buffet”, Hoseok adds, wiggling his brows.
Yoongi looks away, pushing at Hoseok first before pulling him closer to rest his forehead against his shoulder. He closes his eyes.
“Shut up, you weirdo.”
“Then turn around and give me something to shut up with.”
Yoongi gulps.
Hoseok smiles and rubs Yoongi’s shoulder.
“Whenever you’re ready.”
“I know.”
They stay like this for a while. Hoseok has one hand against the glass and the other on Yoongi’s hip. While Yoongi grabs his waist. There is no movement at first, but then his hands get needy. The water warms Hoseok’s body and makes his skin so soft. Yoongi’s hands grow restless, finding relief by feeling up his waist and hips. Hoseok lets him ease into it, resting his forehead against Yoongi’s ear and keeping his eyes closed while the water soaks their hair. 
Yoongi smells really good up close. Especially now that the warm water brings out the scent of his shampoo. Hoseok moves his head a little, enough to brush his lips against Yoongi’s ear. Yoongi shivers, cock throbbing against Hoseok’s. It makes Hoseok’s cock throb as well and together, they grow harder again. The small movements Hoseok makes suddenly feel electric. His instincts tell Hoseok to reach down there and jerk off their cocks, but he knows that this would scare Yoongi away again. He needs to be patient with him. 
Lost in the slow moment, he begins kissing the parts of Yoongi’s neck which are naturally exposed by the position. Yoongi seems to like it because he moves his head to reveal more of his neck to Hoseok’s lips. The latter claims the new spots instantly, kissing and sucking the tender skin until Yoongi is shivering.
Yoongi wiggles his hips. Hoseok moans softly, forgetting all about the fact that his lips are oh so close to Yoongi’s ear right now until Yoongi tenses up and squeezes his hips. 
“Sorry”, Hoseok breathes, “you did something with this.”
“I did?”
“Mhm yeah”, he brushes his parted lips against his ear to which Yoongi rolls his head to the side. This is the time. “Turn for me”, Hoseok orders and Yoongi obeys instantly. 
He presses himself against the glass of the shower and arches his back. The water traces his spine, running down his buttocks and legs. His head is staying dry like this, now only dripping water from a past soak. 
Hoseok knows not to waste time, falling to his knees to continue where they left off downstairs. He slides his hands to the inside of Yoongi’s legs to feel up his silken skin. 
“I meant it when I told you that you had the sexiest legs, you know?” he says and dares to kiss the back of his thigh. 
Yoongi tenses up but moves it closer to him. Only a small sigh escapes him. 
Hoseok takes the cue and begins placing more kisses on Yoongi’s legs. Just the back of them at first to get him used to the sensation. All while Yoongi keeps letting out small sighs and the occasional gasp. 
Hoseok finds himself whispering his name and then his lips are already on his lower back, kissing and exploring the silken skin. He holds his hips for it, purring happily. Yoongi has dimples on his back. Hoseok licks them slowly, soaking in the needy arching Yoongi does in reaction. 
He glances up at him. His face is hidden from him, but he radiates a readiness to go further. Hoseok dares to slide his hands to Yoongi’s butt. A gasp, a little tense but nothing more. With his eyes still gazing up, Hoseok lowers his lips to his butt to kiss it. 
Yoongi moves his hips from side to side, purring a nervous sound.
“The whole buffet, I’m telling you”, Hoseok says, smiling brightly when it makes Yoongi chuckle.
“Fuck, Hoba”, he lets out breathily, looking over his shoulder. His cheeks are flushed, his eyes are a little glassy.
“Still down for it?” Hoseok makes sure.
Yoongi nods his head.
Hoseok rubs Yoongi’s buttocks slowly. They are really soft and squishy under his palms.
“Arch your back a little”, he orders.
Yoongi obeys without hesitation, letting out a little sigh as he does it. He turns his head away again, feeling way too shy for eye contact.
“There we go, good job”, Hoseok praises, using the new position to finally part Yoongi. He flinches at first because the newly exposed state of his hole made the warm water run over it and that felt really hot at first. He relaxes afterwards, breathing heavier than before while Hoseok takes in the view before him.
Yoongi has the pinkest hole Hoseok has ever seen. He is not exaggerating when he says that. He is so pink and so obviously tight. Not many people breach this hole, Hoseok just knows. 
“You’re so handsome”, Hoseok whispers, ghosting his thumb over his hole without touching. Yoongi, unaware of the potential touch, arches his back more. 
Hoseok gulps hungrily. He is so pink and tight and smooth. Not even one follicle of hair is to see. 
“Hyung, did you shave before coming here?”
Yoongi’s hole clenches.
“N-no?” he stutters.
Hoseok smiles. Of course Yoongi would deny it.
“You’re pretty, hyung”, Hoseok says softly and lowers his lips to kiss Yoongi’s hole.
Yoongi’s reaction is expected. He tenses up, wiggles away with a shy noise leaving his constricted throat. Hoseok doesn’t let it discourage him. He buries his face deeper between Yoongi’s buttocks and inhales deeply, taking in every fucking molecule of his intoxicating scent. He growls into him, dimpling his buttocks possessively.
Yoongi swears that he might throw up in embarrassment. Someone is smelling his butt. How fucking humiliating.
“Your scent’s like a drug, hyung”, Hoseok comes up for air, voice sounding distorted in lust, “don’t ever fucking say that you stink again, got it?”
Yoongi’s brain scrambles again, every ounce of embarrassment is gone. He arches his back, presenting more of him to Hoseok. 
“Yeah, that’s it. Let me see you. Fuck, you’re so pretty and you so smell good. Can you stop being so perfect, mhm?”
Yoongi drops his head against the shower wall, mewling shyly. His face is wet. He doesn’t quite know if it’s only water. Being praised like this is a lot for him.
“Of course you can’t. Shit, you drive me insane”, Hoseok purrs and buries himself back between Yoongi’s soft buttocks. He growls as he does it, wiggling his head from side to side so his face is grinding into his hole. His nose to be more exact. He is so rough about it that Yoongi gasps and tries to flee by getting on his tiptoes, but Hoseok merely grabs him by his hips and pulls him back down, exchanging his nose with his tongue.
“Ah!” Yoongi’s loud moan bounces off the shower walls, taunting him. He throws his hand over his mouth and squeezes. Don’t be loud, don’t be loud, so embarrassing, don’t be loud. But it’s really difficult. Hoseok’s tongue is a little cold in comparison to the warm water. The contrast between these two sensations is a lot to someone as sensitive as Yoongi.
One must know that Yoongi is very sensitive, perhaps he is even the most sensitive of the bunch. He likes to say that it is Jungkook, but that isn’t the truth. Yoongi with his pretty flushed cock and his pink little hole is the most sensitive.
Especially when it comes to having a mouth (or two) on these spots. And especially when it is something he really, really wanted.
So yes, it is very difficult to stay quiet right now.
Hoseok watches Yoongi’s arm flex as he tries to silence himself, now seeing it as his goal to make him relaxed enough to forget all about it. He purrs and parts Yoongi farther, grinding the flat of his tongue against his hole. He is so soft under him, clenching and throbbing repeatedly because it feels good. Hoseok knows that it feels good. He has confidence in his mouth’s skills.
He breaks away for just a second to spit on Yoongi’s hole aggressively.
“Eeh”, Yoongi squeaks and flinches, having no time to really get embarrassed about it because Hoseok slurs up the mess he made, giving Yoongi the fucking shivers as he does it. The grip around his own mouth lessens, his head feels so heavy even resting against the glass. He won’t be able to tense up for long anymore when Hoseok keeps this up.
“So fucking delicious”, Hoseok lulls, digging in with an ecstatic moan. He stays at Yoongi’s rim for now, flicking his tongue up and down on the tight ring of muscle. He needs to get it relaxed. Yoongi is way too tense right now. So if he keeps flicking his tongue, applying slight pressure each time his middle is against his tongue, he will help him.
Yoongi can’t do it anymore. He can’t keep his muscles from relaxing. He croaks out a weakened noise behind his hand and admits defeat, relaxing his hole.
Hoseok moans deeply, gazing up at Yoongi. He did it. He relaxed. Hoseok opens his mouth hungrily, letting his tongue slip inside his relaxed hole. He furrows his brows, mewling in blissful realisation that there is no resistance. He really thought that Yoongi wouldn’t let him breach him that easily but there was no resilience. There is tightness of course, but no obvious resistance. Hoseok slides his right hand to Yoongi’s lower tummy and applies pressure, resulting in his hole to slip farther onto his tongue.
Yoongi reaches behind himself, grabbing for a bundle of Hoseok’s hair. The twist stings but motivates Hoseok to keep going. He moans deeply, wiggling his tongue as quickly as Yoongi’s tight hole allows him.
“It’s deep, please”, Yoongi whines, convulsing around Hoseok’s tongue.
Hoseok purrs, pushing down on his tummy again. Deeper and deeper his flexed tongue goes, resulting in burning electricity to shoot down Yoongi’s leg. They wobble and lose strength, forcing poor Yoongi to sit down on Hoseok’s face with all his weight.
Hoseok squeaks at first, not having expected it.
“Sorry!” Yoongi yelps, trying to flee instantly, but Hoseok doesn’t let him.
He wraps his arms around his hips and pins him down, craning his neck as he wiggles his tongue deep in Yoongi’s hole.
Yoongi tugs on Hoseok’s hair, throwing his head back. He has to admit defeat again. There is no way in hell that he can keep quiet any longer. The first moan is taunting him, the second already feels a lot better, the third comes easy and then Yoongi stops counting because all he can concentrate on is the sloppy, fast tongue job he is getting. Holy fuck, he won’t be normal after this. Oh god, Yoongi really needs Hoseok to fuck him afterwards. He wanted nothing but a rimjob at first and now all of this just feels like one amazing, long foreplay session. He is so needy and drunk on pleasure and, and wow. 
“Oh god, wow, oh god, wow Hoba…”
His legs are shaking so much. Yoongi wobbles and has to admit a third defeat. He has to keep both arms on the glass otherwise he will fall. He drops to the front again, arching his back to keep Hoseok close. He drops his head against the glass, keeping his mouth parted as the noises never want to stop.
“Hoba…aha Hoba…Ho..ba..”
Hoseok swears he might have nutted already. He knew that he could get Yoongi to relax, but he didn’t think that he could get him to this kind of level. The weight of him still lingers on his face like a blissful touch, his taste is coating every inch of his mouth and his hole feels as if it is actively trying to suck his tongue in. Hoseok needs to breathe, but he doesn’t want to. He doesn’t want to break away. Not even for air. He needs to give Yoongi what he deserves, perhaps he needs to give even more.
Yes, more sounds good.
Hoseok dances his hand down from Yoongi’s tummy to his cock, wrapping his fingers around it to jerk it off. He doesn’t want to go slow at first, he needs Yoongi to shake instantly.
Yoongi doesn’t disappoint, he shakes instantly, changing pitch as everything just feels way too good. He knew that his cock was sensitive because the water felt blissful on it, but he wasn’t ready for how intense a real touch feels on it. Especially not a touch as Hoseok gives it. Not such an amazing, electric touch. His fingers are so long and so strong, pumping him just right. He won’t last long…actually he won’t last at all.
“You’re making me cum”, Yoongi keens and clenches around Hoseok’s tongue. He doesn’t know where it starts, but he knows that it is way too intense. If Hoseok wasn’t holding him up right now, he would probably collapse. It is so intense in fact that he instinctively gets on his tiptoes to escape it. Of course Hoseok chases him, moaning into him like a feral animal as he milks every last drop and shake out of him. His cum is shooting everywhere. Hoseok’s hand, the shower wall, his own stomach. It just doesn’t stop as Hoseok overstimulates him in the hottest way ever.
Yoongi begins begging. He can’t help it.
“Stop please! Stop! Stop please!” Yoongi is panicking because the pleasure is getting too much. He won’t be able to hold himself anymore.
Hoseok growls, twisting his hand around Yoongi’s weeping cock and sealing Yoongi’s fate with it. His legs give out on him, he falls down, surprising Hoseok who ends up unable to support him any longer. Yoongi grabs the shower handle in his last attempt to catch himself, turning off the water because of it, but neither man cares.
Yoongi falls to the ground, resulting in Hoseok to instantly tower over him. His swollen cock grinds against his ass, his heated breath swirls against his neck. Yoongi shivers, lying under Hoseok on the wet tiles with a dizzy head and way too much pressure in his lower body, twitching like a fish out of water.
“Holy fuck, are you okay?” Hoseok gasps.
“No”, Yoongi croaks. 
“I’m sorry, did you hurt yourself?” Hoseok asks, running his hands over Yoongi’s body in search of wounds.
“No”, Yoongi chokes out and whimpers when Hoseok flips him so he could check his front as well.
Yoongi follows each touch with a writhe, looking up at Hoseok with glassy, blurry eyes. He feels so good. He is so happy. He wants Hoseok to make him his’.
“Hyung, your knees are bruised.”
Hoseok looks into Yoongi’s eyes, “yes?” 
“Please more”, Yoongi chokes out and squeezes out tears.
Hoseok kisses them away instantly, giving Yoongi a warm touch by pressing his chest against his chest, running his fingers through his wet hair. Their swollen nipples are rubbing together. It is so good for either man. 
“You did so well. You came like such a good boy”, Hoseok whispers his praises, tensing up for a moment when Yoongi wraps his shaky fingers around his wrist.
“Please more”, he begs quietly.
“Are you sure?”
Yoongi nods his head.
“Holy fuck. Okay, okay stay. I’ll make it more comfortable for you”, Hoseok promises and disappears for a small moment to get lube. He returns so quickly that Yoongi wasn’t even able to recover from his high and then he already feels the familiar hardness of a lube syringe up his ass. He also feels how much Hoseok loaded it with today, whining in complaint.
“Sorry fuck, way too much”, Hoseok is dragging his words, sliding out the messy syringe to use the rest of it on his cock. He lubes it up and drops down on Yoongi again. “Lift-” 
He gets interrupted in his orders by Yoongi lifting his legs all on his own. Hoseok meets his eyes. Utter, trusted submission. 
“Damn you, wow, you”, Hoseok doesn’t know what to say and so he lets his body do the talking.
He sinks his cock into Yoongi, groaning his name with fluttering lashes. Yoongi is so tight, squeezing his swollen cock.
“Ah”, Yoongi lets out, clearly tensing up in discomfort. He bites down in his lower lip to the point it pales. 
“Hurts?” Hoseok asks, stilling his hips.
Yoongi nods his head.
“Want to stop?”
“No”, Yoongi croaks and arches his back with a whimper.
“Are you sure?”
Yoongi nods his head.
“Breathe, hyung, breathe. I know the first moments are tight. I need you to breathe.”
Yoongi obeys, relaxing instantly.
“There we go, holy fuck. Holy fuck, you feel fucking incredible”, Hoseok croaks and wraps his arms around Yoongi tightly. He drops his head in the crook of his neck and moans his name, chasing the warmth of him carefully but deeply.
Yoongi’s eyes roll back and stay like this. He drops his legs around Hoseok’s waist, keeping him hostage this way.
“It feels good now, doesn’t it?” Hoseok gets out between heavy breaths.
“Yeah, good. So good. Taking me so well, feeling so good, hyung.”
“Hoba”, Yoongi moans, scratching down Hoseok’s back while his left hand grabs a bundle of his hair.
Hoseok growls, using the slight pain as motivation to go faster. Yoongi’s hole is so easy to shape. He expected more resistance from his body and he was ready to work around it until Yoongi was comfortable, but his hole is so quick to adapt. Oh so naturally tight and small and yet so easy to shape. 
“Fuck, you’re so perfect hyung”, Hoseok speaks his thoughts, burning up in ecstasy as he drills his mouldable, wet hole. 
“Hoba…aah Hoba…”
Quite frankly, there are no words on this earth to describe how amazing it feels to both men. Truly, ink would run dry before the words could be found. This moment is beyond what either could have ever imagined this evening to become. Yoongi swears that he hasn’t felt as submissive as he does right now in a long time. This is something he never thought to be possible with someone who isn’t his trusted princess and it is definitely something he never thought to feel so good. Hoseok is pinning him down as much as he is cradling him. His weight and strength are making Yoongi feel so small and weak and it brings tears to his eyes. What truly makes those tears fall however is the raw, overwhelming stretch his hole currently finds itself in. He knew that it would be intense to ask for cock so soon after an orgasm and with such little preparation. But he expected pain, not blissful ecstasy. Yoongi cries because he can’t believe how good it feels to let Hoseok fuck him senseless.
Hoseok swears that he has never felt like this during sex before. This is something he never thought Yoongi to be capable of and he never expected it of him. And yet here they are. Hoseok is able to hold his wet, naked body against his own. His taste still lingers on his tongue, his blissed out scent is in his nose and his hole takes him so willingly despite little preparation that Hoseok swears he might need to bite him. He never feels the desire to bite. He has perfect restraint. At least he thought that he had.
“Hoseok, it feels so good”, Yoongi wails, sealing his fate.
“I’m gonna ruin you”, Hoseok growls, punishing Yoongi for something he needs no punishment for. But if he didn’t fuck his hole into ruin, he would actually bite him. He can’t do that, so he ruins the one thing Yoongi willingly presents to him.
“Hoba! Please! Please don’t stop!”
“I won’t, fuck I can’t stop. I, I can’t get my hips to stop.”
“Good”, Yoongi cries, bruising Hoseok’s biceps as he clings to him. His tailbone is getting sore from the movements. The floor is so hard, but the fuck feels so good. He needs to fuck back, meet Hoseok’s movements. The friction against his rim burns, not painfully but in nothing but pleasure. His prostate feels like bursting from how much pleasure it experiences. He swears that he keeps convulsing as if Hoseok was constantly making him climax.
“I can’t stop. It’s like I’m, urgh”, Hoseok drills his cock deeper, biting down on Yoongi’s neck as he feels how much of his warm walls he actually fills out. There is no blood drawn, no skin broken but Yoongi cries all the same, curling up under Hoseok as best as possible.
Yoongi nods his head vigorously and shakes out of control, screaming his little lungs out as his orgasm overwhelms him. It feels so good that he has to reach to the side to hold something, scratching his nails down the shower wall helplessly.
“Yoongi”, Hoseok has to follow him in guttural moans of his name, holding him so tightly that he almost breaks bones. “Holy fuck, you’re such a fucking turn on, urgh cumming so fucking hard…”
He keeps fucking and grinding and pounding until neither of them can go on anymore and their bodies are truly milked dry.
Only then clarity returns and their situation finally sinks into their consciousness. They fucked. This was never supposed to happen and especially not with such intensity.
“I’m sorry”, Hoseok gets out, dropping on Yoongi. “Fuck, what are we doing?”
“Do you hate me now?” Yoongi croaks.
“What?” Hoseok shoots up in shock, gawking at Yoongi. “Why would you ask me that?”
“I don’t know”, Yoongi whispers, lower lip trembling. 
Hoseok softens his gaze and cups Yoongi’s cheek. Yoongi leans into the touch. His body twitches every now and then as it recovers from its high.
“Of course I don’t hate you, hyung. You did really well, yeah? And I still like you, yeah?”
Yoongi nods his head, letting out a sigh of relief. 
“How are you doing?”
“Mhm, but you’re in a safe space”, Hoseok hugs him, scratching his scalp slowly, “I promise, this will stay between us.” 
Yoongi relaxes completely, hugging him back.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.” 
“No. Thank you.”
“For what? Eating your ass?”
“And then fucking it like we’re stupid animals?”
Yoongi snorts, having to laugh, “fuck, yeah.”
Hoseok chuckles, “that wasn’t part of the plan, right?”
“No, not at all.” 
“But I think it was nice. You?”
“Me too, yeah.” 
Hoseok snuggles closer, sighing softly with Yoongi when his cock shifts inside him. 
“Are you still down to watch a show later?”
“Funky. Maybe I’ll eat your ass again on the couch, mhm? Make you lift your legs all on your own, mhm?” Hoseok coos teasingly, following it up with obnoxious kissing noises.
“Fuck, shut up you pervert”, Yoongi whines but laughs, pushing at Hoseok softly. 
Hoseok laughs with him. He really likes Yoongi and Yoongi really likes him. It’s as easy as that.
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kawaii-leilei54 · 3 months
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Unforgetful Summer
Crush! Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Friends to lovers, becoming of age, fluff, crack, swearing, smut, angst, mentions of anxiety
After graduation, jungkook, y/n, and their friends decide to have a unforgettable summer before going their separate ways.
A/n: some themes maybe from the C-drama : When I fly towards you (my favorite c drama ever) mixed with "Our beloved summer" (K-drama) I recommend listening to this playlist while reading! Enjoy :3
Unforgetful Summer
Character intro:
Y/n : (19) a student, likes books and the beach, like to hang out with friends and can be adventurous, but shy.
Jungkook:(19) also a student, was in soccer for 4 years and was on the student debate team
Namjoon: (19) student, top of his class, was on the basketball team and loves books way more than y/n, has a small crush on park minsoo (a girl at school)
Kim seokjin: (19) was the captain of the debate team (won every time) likes gaming and has a horrible sleep schedule
Min Yoongi: (19) was in the basket ball team and loves the library and stays uplate too but reads BL books (and writes them) instead of sleeping but makes up for it by sleeping all day.
Jung hoseok:(19) is the shy one of the group like y/n but likes going outside and doing things, it's a bit anxious and insecure but loves his friends more than anything, is very sassy when least expected.
Park Jimin:(19) is hoseok’s best friend, is way more sassy than hoseok and doesn't care what anything thinks, (like seokjin) he is confident and flirtatious and has kind heart.
Kim taehyung:(19) bougie but very humble, he helps out with volunteer work and visits kids in the orphanage on his time off, he hopes to go to college when he graduates and become a caseworker
I don't own any of BTS and this all strictly FICTIONAL!!
Chapters: Loading..
Chapter 1: Set me free
Chapter 2: For the summer
Chapter 3: Mask off
Chapter 4: Love yourself first
Chapter 4.5 : Groupchat leaked
Chapter 5: He likes who??
Chapter 6: Vacation and spilled emotions
Chapter 7: Enough
Chapter 8: The truth untold
Chapter 9: We been knew
Chapter 10: FINALE
Epilogue: Memories
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portlicat · 5 months
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30.04 — jamais vu
não sei se vou doar mas se me mostrar o plot, faço o até banner
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ihopecore · 4 months
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nucleo-bang-tan · 1 year
Destiny's Route | JJK
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Pairing/s: F1 Driver!Jungkook, Rich!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Smut
Ratings: 18+ Mature Themes
Warnings: Arrogant Jk, blonde!jk descriptions of an accident, jk sorta ruins his entire career, fangirls, random ass bells (like the ones from Your Name, sorry), creampie, tit play, penetration, Dom!Jk, dry humping, sex to songs (had to make my smut unique), they're in lOvEeee, major character development, cute ending, bad smut according to me, messy writing and plot
A/N: I had written this when Smoke Sprite had just came out. I might be new but judge me well and don't be a silent reader, leave comments
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Formula One: World Championships 2020
"Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook!" The entire stadium roared and he hadn't even stepped into the sights yet.
His leather racing gear tightened and the helmet in his arms was enough of a proof that he was a racer.
A smug smirk on his face and body blooming with pride in himself, he finally stepped into the stadium.
Oh, it was louder than anything you've ever heard. Louder than the thrumming hearts of the other racers standing near their cars, louder than the vrooming of the engines that would be heard in the near future and definitely louder than the poor commentators.
It was his habit, this countdown he had in his brain. Counting each second hours before his race.
'15 minutes till I start' was the thought that overpowered all the screams.
He put on his helmet and nodded to his manager who seemed to speak, but the only thing Jungkook could hear was his own voice saying '13 minutes...'
He pretended to hear them, the screaming fans, the panicking manager, the warning by the referee to get ready for the race.
Maybe the only thing that Jungkook heard was a slight horn blowing and suddenly he could hear everything.
The imaginary clock in his mind had stopped and the battle had begun.
Immediately leaving the brakes, his car began at a relatively fast speed. Some who over exaggerate might even say, it was like a bullet out of a rifle.
But those who know and watch his races could clearly say he was just getting started.
Instantly at the front, he heard over his comm, a simple, "That was a good start." by his ever so cold yet sweet coach
"And a great start by number 5, the crowd is already going wild for him." One of the barely heard commentators announced.
Jungkook was famous to say the least. Not only did he amass a male audience with his driving skills, he attracted the unlikely female locals with his charms too.
Everyone wanted to get a piece of him, being invited to various talk shows, mainstream award ceremonies, and much to his rivals' dismay, being named one of the greatest racers among present F1 drivers.
But unlike most, he was never humble about it. Why should he be, he answered whenever questioned by his coach. He works hard for it and he's different than the others, he's never lost a single race he's been in.
Nobody liked his attitude but the arrogance added to his confidence and charms.
"The first one to complete the 20th lap is number 5, Jeon Jungkook. His teammate, Kim Yugyeom is however far behind." Hey, Jungkook played his part perfectly, why should be bother about his teammate.
But his whole team knew Yugyeom wouldn't survive a second after he dared to mess Jungkook's race up.
"Pit stop?" His coach asked over the comm.
"I suppose the tires could use some help. Don't make me lose time." Jungkook replied.
His car slowed down gradually and took a detour to his team's pit stop.
It was so quick he could barely spare a glance. But he did. Something caught his eye, or rather someone.
It was like the time itself had stopped, Jungkook's eyes would've missed it if he didn't pay enough attention. Now, he had seen many and plenty beautiful girls in his entire lifetime, heck he fucked two yesterday.
But the one he saw that moment, made him forget where he was, what he was sitting in that car for. Her eyes didn't meet his eyes, but he caught all of her. Her brunette tresses, the red Formula 1 team jacket she was wearing.
She wasn't from Jungkook's team, Ferrari; he could tell. What was she doing in Ferrari's booth then?
She was smiling at someone, talking to them, he supposed. It was the most beautiful smile he had seen. Call him a fool but the first thought that processed through his head, or rather through his dick was, I need to be balls deep in her. Fuck her good.
Were those bells?
A faint sound of bells ringing was heard to only Jungkook and he suddenly became too overwhelmed by it all. They weren't loud but it was the most unique sound he had ever heard, the most beautiful one.
His coach practically had to knock his helmet to get him going. He had wasted 12 seconds of his precious time causing a commotion around and outside the pitstop.
Taking his eyes off of the girl who was now looking straight at him with her lustrous gaze, he pushed the accelerator and went level ahead without looking at where he was driving to.
"Jungkook what's wrong with you?" He heard.
"I'm horny now, shit." He replied without hearing what his coach had asked.
"What? This is being recorded man."
"Yeah, sure. What's the status?" He couldn't care less if people heard what he said.
"You're second now, damn it."
"Fuck, all cause of the bell girl."
"Get your fucking head in the game." His coach yelled. "You can still make it."
Lap after lap, Jungkook started to fall behind. This has never happened before. His mind only on the red jacket girl. He was too overwhelmed by the noises, the constant yelling of his coach, the winds that hit him.
He wanted to puke and could barely breath, a knot formed in his stomach. He was nervous for the first time in 5 years of his career.
His body started to fall weak and he was about to shed tears. He was losing his first place?
"Jungkook, pit stop." His coach said after around the 40th lap. By this time, Jungkook was barely holding onto the wheel, getting weaker per passing second.
"I'm already losing, I can't." He managed to mutter out.
"There are 20 more laps, you can catch up easily."
"I said, I fucking can't." He spat out. There was no way he was losing his first place. He was Jeon Jungkook, he never lost.
His horniness far gone, he finally decided it was time to overtake the fucker who was in the first place.
"Jeon, slow down and enter the pitstop right now!" His coach warned and he ignored it.
He sped up, going 200...210...220, testing the limits of his vehicle. Little did he know, his tires did reach their limits.
He was finally returning back to his normal state. However, when he hit 260, it was a new high to his senses, as well as his tires.
One of them ruptured by the heat.
It was a matter of split second but Jungkook couldn't process any of it. Wails of women, men alike were heard; he was mid air. And the next second he was lying upside down on the side track, his helmet cracked but still protecting his head.
He was still awake, that's what made it more painful. He tried to get out by removing his seat's safety gear, but he could barely move his legs weren't hurting, they were just numb. But his chest hurt like shit.
'Great, new low.' he thought and started losing consciousness. 'Cue my head getting dizzy, and...' was the last thing that went through his head. He slipped in and out the unconscious.
Blaring alarms, sounds of an distorted ambulance, his panicky manager panicking more than usual. He could tell why everyone was in chaos.
He didn't know why but he wanted to see the girl in the red jacket more than anything at the moment. He didn't care if he shouldn't be bleeding out of his thighs right now and the piece of metal certainly shouldn't be sticking out of the left one.
He wanted to see you. And he did.
Faraway from the commotion, you were holding a horrified expression, tears ran down your face and an older man in grey suit comforted you.
The last expression he held before passing out completely was the same he had when he entered the stadium, a smug smile; you were crying for him.
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The room was silent apart from his heavy breathing. The stuttered beeping indicated he was in a hospital. Everything hurt so bad, even breathing was a task. He slowly shifted his head and opened his eyes.
No one...
Ofcourse, there would be no one by his bedside. His parents were in another country and he had no one else with him except his team whom he treated like shit.
The door opened revealing a man wearing a white coat, presumably a doctor, who was attending on Jungkook.
Jungkook slightly raised his hand even though it was sore and gave him a slight wave.
"Oh Mr. Jeon, good to see you awake." He quickly checked the beeping monitor for his stats.
Jungkook cleared his throat, "Is there anyone waiting for me?"
"Unfortunately, your manager and team has went back to their respective cities. Only your coach stayed back."
"Where is he now?"
"I've sent a nurse to look.... And here he is." The doctor corrected himself after he saw the man barging in through the door.
"Jungkook! My man! How are you? Are you breathing good?" His coach grabbed his achy hand.
Jungkook couldn't help but smile at his display of affection by his usually stern coach.
"Ouch..." He winched slightly when his bed was slightly moved by the older man's momentum. "I'm good Mr. Bang."
"Is he good, doctor?" He looked over at the man jotting down something on his notepad.
"He'll be able to walk in 5 weeks time of full rest. After that he can be discharged."
"Thank you." Mr. Bang bowed. "Thank you so much." The doctor bowed in response and left the two of them alone.
"So, kid? Are you ready to talk about it?" He turned to Jungkook.
"I got horny, that's all." He laughed earning a tut from his mentor. "Why did the team leave so early?"
"Early? Jungkook it's been a week since the accident." Ofcourse the racer had no idea it had been that long. "Also I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"Not now, maybe later. It's something important, yeah? We have to meet to administration."
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"What do you mean, let go of me?" Jungkook had to be held back by his coach, or one could say ex-coach. His anger knew no bounds as he was about to jump his manager.
"Y-you can't let me off, I've given you so many wins, you can't." He pleaded through his anger.
"Sorry Jungkook it's not my decision take it up with the board." The manager said nonchalantly.
And so he did. He hasted into the door labeled CEO without hearing any instructions from the presumed assistant.
He burst through the door heads turning towards him. One of a man he had seen before but couldn't quite place and one of the CEO of Ferrari himself.
"Well if it isn't Jeon Jungkook!" The other man said to which Jungkook didn't pay any heed to.
"Jungkook, what's wrong? If you want to talk you can get an appo-"
"I don't want a stupid appointment, I just want to know why I'm being let off. You can't just let me off. I've given my everything for this company since I was 18. And no one, I say, no one can give you as much money as I earn a single minute. It was just a minor accident, we can work over it, doesn't mean I need to be fucking thrown out of the company." He pointed a finger at the man in authority.
The CEO was quiet through his rant and finally spoke, "Jungkook please have a seat."
"Just answer my fucking question." He reluctantly took a seat, his leg was starting to hurt a bit.
"Jungkook, do you know who this fine man is?" He pointed towards the familiar man in the gray suit.
"No, and I don't necessarily care." The hot headed man scoffed.
"This is the CEO of McLaren. And he has offered $90million for you."
Jungkook's eyes widened in realisation, he wasn't being let off, he was being sold off. Any other driver would have been estatic, jumping off the ceiling, but Jungkook was horrified.
Ferrari had been his home since the beginning of his career. He couldn't possibly let go of his home, his team and especially his coach.
"No." Jungkook said, mind not able to process the information.
"Yeah we know, we knew you wouldn't like being traded and after the stunt you pulled, not listening to your coach, our reputation has been tarnished severely. Have you been seeing the news? People are furious that we let you drive like that.
So to answer your precious little question, you can't be traded neither can you be kept in our company. Hence, we're letting you off."
Jungkook got up and banged his fists on the glass table, cracking it a bit. "Fuck off, I don't care, coach will find a way to get me back in."
"Jungkook, he won't. You're not coming back on track. Not from Ferrari atleast." He smiled.
Jungkook was in tears at this point, leaving his home because of his own mistake was something he thought would never happen in a million years.
It was you. It was you that had caused it all. Even though it may have been unbeknownst to you, it was your fault.
Ever since Jungkook saw you, he had this uneasy feeling in his stomach, almost as if he drank tons of alcohol and couldn't puke how much ever he wanted to. Nothing had been going right, and Jungkook wasn't having it.
"F-fuck all of you." Was the last thing he said before storming out of the CEO's office, never to enter it again.
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"So father, how did it go?" You asked. "Did Jeon agree?"
"Ofcourse not. I know racers like him, he lived for Ferrari, and he wouldn't give in that easily." Your father said, adjusting his gray suit.
It was a bright, huge building. You were sitting in its spotless lobby. You could tell it was built to perfection, down to the last bit as you couldn't find a single flaw in it what so ever.
It reminded you of your father's main work building. Though your father's was brighter and more lively, filled with people you know since your childhood.
"Well, do you still have work here? Or we can go home?"
The older man laughed, "You can go have a walk baby." He looked out the window. "Oop it's raining, stay inside then, I'll get you something to keep you entertained."
"No, I'll prefer to walk." You knew Jungkook had stormed out and you wanted to look for him. He wouldn't have gone far considering how much it was raining at the time.
"Find yourself an umbrella then, dear. I have to go." You hugged your father and he walked into an elevator.
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Jungkook couldn't tell if he was just dreaming. If he was still in the hospital, and still in his sleep. It certainly would be better that way.
His thoughts were cut off by a loud sound followed by a sudden gush of rainfall hitting his face as he looked up at the sky.
'Great, how bad can it get' he thought as he stopped walking and sat down on a bench.
The park in front of the Ferrari head office was always his favorite place. He'd come here when he had no friends to go to. No family to look up at.
He sighed, rain still drenching him. But it was an enjoyment of sorts. He closed his eyes feeling each raindrop as they hit his face, he smiled knowing this was the most peaceful he'd be in a long time.
But the rain was stopped by someone. He opened his eyes to see you smiling brightly, holding an umbrella over him and you, right in front of him.
Jungkook was extremely pissed off by now. The last thing he needed was you to come out of nowhere after he'd lost everything.
He scoffed, "Nice of you to grace me with your presence." The knot in his stomach relaxed for some reason and he was feeling a lot better.
Close up, you looked much better than he had assumed. If Jungkook was asked to draw a perfect face, he'd draw yours. Words couldn't possibly express how overwhelmed he felt when he was in front of you, in a good way ofcourse.
"What do you mean?" You tilted your head in confusion. Jungkook would be lying if he said he didn't get goosebumps at the sound of your voice. "You know..." You wiped the seat beside him to sit on. "...I've been a big fan of you."
"I don't care, just leave me alone."
"I'm Y/n, Kim Y/n."
He sighed looking off into the distant with an uninterested look, "Jeon Jungkook." This was weirdly not how he had expected your first interaction to go. He could feel that you somehow felt the same way he did.
The drops from before slid down his porcelain skin, you almost wanted to reach a hand out to touch him, you wish you did.
"I know." You smiled. "And I know you felt something too."
He snapped his head towards you, "What?"
"The weird feeling in the stomach, yeah, I've been feeling it too." You looked down at your fiddling hand in your lap. "I-I heard the bells as well."
There was no way, Jungkook looked at your profile silently. Half admiring you, half being shocked at the new information.
Jungkook had always wished he'd find his soulmate the same way they found each other in Your Name, by the sound of bells. Of course, he was kidding himself, a way of coping with the fact that no girl interested him. However, he secretly wanted it to actually happen, it'd save him the trouble of finding a date at least.
Jungkook would never have imagined a random nobody to be his so-called soulmate.
"Have you heard the bells?" You asked meekly. You weren't sure if he did and didn't want to seem a weirdo. He nodded much to your relief.
An awed Jungkook looked at you for an explanation, you seemed to know more than him.
"Well, are you gonna tell me?"
"Tell you what? I'm dumbfounded here too." You shrugged.
'Well, that was stupid', both of you thought.
It was awkward, to say the least. Jungkook didn't want to speak, you didn't know how to speak.
"I'm sorry for the accident, how are you doing?" You finally broke the silence.
"Well, you should be apologizing. I'm good thank you for your concern." He smirked down at you.
You were sitting so close to him. Arms brushing against each other, his warm breath hitting you. He placed a hand on your thigh, letting his impulsive thoughts win.
"What? Why should I be apologizing, you idiot?" His warm hand brushed up against your skirt-clad thigh, dragging it up to touch your smooth skin.
"I don't know, you caused it all. I couldn't focus because of you. That's why I was late to start from the pitstop."
You were lucky the park was empty; because the way Jungkook was dragging your skirt up was vile, he was vile. Who does that to a girl he just met? He clearly didn't give a fuck who was watching.
He leaned closer to your blushing face and said, almost whispered, "The rain has stopped baby, what are you holding the umbrella for?"
You closed your eyes in embarrassment and pulled the umbrella shut as Jungkook laughed. "I'm sorry, but I don't see my fault here. How was the accident my doing?"
Jungkook took his free hand to a stray strand of hair covering your face and tucked it behind your ear, only to touch your cheek as if you were a piece of art. "Look at you, how could you not cause the fucking accident. Walking around in this skirt, being such a sin."
Okay, you were officially done with him. You quickly got up from your seat beside him making him retract his hands from you.
"Being cheesy with me isn't going to help your career, Jungkook. You're a lost cause at this point. I didn't cause your accident, your own dumb brain did it." You spat, walking away.
"You can't talk to me like that." He said getting up and walking after you.
"So arrogant." you mocked, walking faster. "You know, I came here to make you feel better, you aren't helping."
Jungkook realised you were a hard one, offence wasn't going to work and he definitely wasn't going to let his potential soulmate walk away.
"Fine, I'm sorry. Let me fix it."
"This isn't about....you're so difficult." you groaned. Jungkook stopped and held your wrist making you come to a halt and turn back at him. "This is assault you know."
"Shut up and let me take you out to tomorrow night"
"Ask politely."
"I never ask anyone out, that's all you get."
"Ask politely."
He sighed for what seemed to be the millionth time that week, "Would you please do me the honor of going out to a date with me?" He ridiculed.
"Meet me right here at 8pm tomorrow."
"How do I trust you?"
"I might be a douche bag to others but I know how to treat women right."
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"Damn..." Jungkook whispered under his breath. He knew you were a walking nightmare for him and his dick but the skin tight silver dress you were wearing was sinister for him.
Though you were wearing a coat, he could still see the outline of your curves making his pants a bit tighter than usual.
You were zoned out staring at the night sky, on the same bench you two had your first awkward encounter on.
A lot of things on your mind. Jungkook, your father's quickly devaluating company, and did you mention Jungkook?
Maybe you were obsessing over him more than he was over you, maybe this was all wrong and you were never meant to even meet.
You have had been a fan of Jungkook since his first ever race 5 years ago. Being such a big fan, you knew he was a playboy and wasn't going to commit anytime soon. Numerous scandals of him cheating on his celebrity girlfriends popped up from time to time and honestly, you were scared.
Scared because you heard the bells and scared because it might have been a misunderstanding.
Even if it was a misunderstanding, you got a chance with him and you were afraid of losing it.
A teardrop rolled down your face due to the anxiety.
"You know..." You were startled by the man beside who suddenly appeared beside you. "I would love to see you cry..." He reached out and wiped the tear. "...but when you're under me." He winked.
You brightened and hit his arm for being so cheesy again.
He laughed and asked, "What were you thinking about?"
"Yeah, no shit. What stuff?"
"Yeah, baby?" You felt butterflies in your stomach at such a simple gesture and he knew how he affected you.
You gulped, "W-What if we didn't actually hear any bells, it was just a coincidence both of us were hallucinating at the same time?"
"Well, those bells fractured my leg and 3 ribs, let's assume they were real shall we?" He smiled. Not an ounce of doubt could be seen on his face.
"You're something else." You smiled.
"I've been told." He adjusted his leather jacket. "I believe we have a date waiting for us?" You nodded.
You got up, following Jungkook's movements. "So, where are you taking me? To an orgy?"
"Hah, close enough. We're going to the beach."
You scowled, "Are you fucking kidding me? You're taking me to a beach, in this dress?"
"Stop complaining, honey." You both reached the exit of the park where Jungkook had parked his vehicle.
And it's not like he couldn't have chose one of many of his luxury cars. It's not like he couldn't have gotten a Lamborghini, or preferably a Porsche for you to sit comfortably in.
He chose a fucking motorcycle...
You were supposed to sit on a motorcycle with a minidress...
"I am not sitting on a motorcycle, my father would kill me."
"I have a license baby, don't worry, it's safe."
You wanted to smack him in his dumb head so bad at that moment. He clearly didn't think things through.
"I trust you but it's no-"
"No buts, you trust me. That's all I need." He put on his gloves and helmet and gave you one for yourself. You sighed, you should've never agreed to this.
You struggled to get on the motorcycle itself and the sloped seat made your front slide right into Jungkook's back.
Oh, he enjoyed every minute of your agony. You held onto him so tight, your boobs were squished flat against him.
It was special to Jungkook: meeting his soulmate. Though he was pissed off at you first, he couldn't deny his that you were his soulmate. He didn't care what the world believed or what you believed.
He was dead-sure that he heard the bells, and he wasn't going to hear otherwise.
That's why Jungkook brought his favourite motorcycle for you. He wouldn't let anyone, not even his older brother touch it but he readily brought it to impress you.
"Enjoying the ride?" He asked as you had stopped at a signal.
"Uh-" You were half disoriented at this point. "Very."
"Just let go of me. And try to enjoy wind in your hair." He suggested. He sounded so geniune there was no way you couldn't try it out. Even if it meant that you might fly off into the abyss.
You slowly let go of him, finally holding him just by his waist and striaghtening your body.
You felt peace. You understood what Jungkook meant for you to do but you were still a bit afraid to let go of him completely.
But before you knew it, Jungkook was coming to a stop.
You looked around to see nothing but an empty road and a barely lit beach which seemed to be private as no one was on it.
"We'll have to walk from here." Jungkook said as both of you got off.
"Are you gonna assault me here too?" You jested, adjusting your dress and your coat.
"Just ask me, I'll do anything, baby." You still hadn't gotten used to his nickname. You knew he didn't mean them but they still felt very personal.
"I bet you say that to all the girls you meet." You stated as you started walking. The soil slowly turned to sand. "And I bet you bring every single girl here and fuck them."
"You really take me as a playboy, don't you?"
"Because you are."
"I only fuck girls in my mansion and I've never ever brought anyone out on a date, especially here."
"That still makes you a playboy."
"I can be loyal for you." He suggested and you laughed. But for some reason he didn't.
He stopped on his tracks, "Y/n, I'm serious. I could be loyal for you."
"Jungkook, you can't be loyal to anyone. There's nothing in the world that can make me think that you'll do that to me."
You reached the shore and were still confused as to what you were going to do here.
"Wait here, I'll grab a blanket from the house."
You hadn't noticed but there was a big beach house nearby. You assumed it was Jungkook's. You never took Jungkook as a guy who owned a piece of private beach.
It was almost romantic. You walked into the ocean, water barely reaching your ankles. It was full moon, so it was well lit despit the beach having only a small number of lamp posts.
You took a deep breath, feeling better to have had agreed to come here. The smell of salt and sand tickled your nose almost teasing you to enter the ocean.
Jungkook exited the beach house with a blanket big enough for 5-6 people. His eyes fell on you bathing in the moonlight. He didn't get horny, rather, he got goosebumps.
'So beautiful' was one of the million thoughts circuiting through his brain at the moment. He had never seen such a view before.
How he wished time were to stop right then and there.
He snapped out of his trance after you turned at him and smiled brightly, the beach had made you happier than before.
"Well, are you gonna do something with that blanket or...?"
"Uh- yeah." he shaked his head and spread the blanket for you two to sit on.
"You know I never took you to be the romantic type." You joked as you took a seat beside the man.
"I never thought a person could be so beautiful, but here we are." He stated matter-of-factly and you blushed.
"Jungkook, stop staying stuff you don't mean."
He grabbed you by your arm and pulled you down with him to lay on the blanket. You fell onto him with a sqeak which Jungkook found very endearing.
"I have meant every single sentence I said since I met you, Y/n."
You were blushing extremely hard at this point so you placed yourself such that he couldn't see your face.
"I love coming here, just laying here and watching the stars. They're so much clearer here than the city."
"You come here with friends?"
"No, alone." He had a sad tone to his words. Who could blame him? He didn't have any friends to begin with.
"You know, when I first came into racing, everyone hated that they were getting beaten by an 18 year old." He said.
"What are you talking about?" You got more comfortable with him and laid on his arm, using it as a pillow.
"My seniors, they used to hit me for being too naïve. It hurt their egos because they were being defeated at their best game."
"Jungkook, I'm so sorry."
"That's why I ended up being so entitled, it seemed to scare them away. And it kinda stuck with me."
"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." You tried to lighten the mood.
He laughed, "You think I don't know that?"
He was so pretty, you couldn't help but reach out a hand to caress his face. "How are you so.... perfect?"
"Genes, baby." He carefully got up, laying your head on the blanket and got on top of you. His body tightly bond against yours.
He cupped your face, "I'm not trying to be cheesy again but, you're the most perfect girl I've ever met." He closed the distance between the two of you.
So close yet so awfully far.
In your defence, you couldn't control yourself when you held the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
Contrast to Jungkook's personality on the track, it was slow, so slow.
He didn't move his lips for a few seconds, dazed in your touch. Both of you could swear there were fireworks ongoing in both of your stomachs.
When he finally decided to move his lips, it was full of passion; wild, crazy, boundless passion summed up into a few slow estatic movement of both your lips.
Jungkook held you as if you were made of fluff, ready to crumble at his fingertips. And you were crumbling, submitting to your list for him. His hand was on one of your thighs, making you wrap your leg around him, pulling him closer than he could possibly be.
Jungkook had become addicted to your lips, they were like a drug to him, he didn't want to let go.
But he did reluctantly when you eventually had to catch a breath, your stamina clearly wasn't as much as his.
He grinned, "Now that wasn't so 'difficult' of me."
"Hey now, I didn't mean it." You giggled as he rubbed his nose against yours. A gesture you found extremely romantic.
Over the night, you talked, laughed and almost cried with him. It felt so... nice to be around him. You started to wonder if he was actually your soulmate by the way he made you feel. You hoped it was true despite it being practically impossible.
"Wanna go take a dip?" Jungkook suggested.
"No way, this is a one of kind Louis Vuitton masterpiece you know, bringing it to the beach was already a big enough mistake."
"Then take it off." He said simply.
You gasped dramatically, "And be naked around your playboy ass? I'd rather not, I'm not looking to be fucked tonight."
"Am I an exception?"
"Maybe..." You trailed off.
"You're mean, you know that?" He leaned in for another kiss which you gladly gave in to.
Ofcourse, you didn't get laid that night. But you experienced a whole new side of the arrogant play boy you had always seen.
Jungkook and you met way too many times after that and you were honestly surprised at his ability to control himself from fucking you right when he sees you.
Jungkook grew too attached to you to the point he'd end up at the gate of your mansion the second he missed you.
Your father, whom Jungkook had never met was not happy with the fact that you were dating a F1 driver famous for sleeping around. He had clearly stated he hated seeing you go out everyday and waste your time over a jobless and hopeless excuse of a man.
It was obvious to you that your father held a grudge against him for not joining his company.
But you were stubborn, you never let him stop you from sneaking out the mansion only to hop onto Jungkook's motorcycle.
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"So why don't you take up my father's offer?" You brushed Jungkook's hair back and out of his face. You wondered why he bleached it so much. Your legs straddled him and you both were sitting on his couch.
"And become a McLaren pawn? No thank you." He scoffed.
"You were a pawn of Ferrari before this. How does that make any difference." You shuffled around on his lap innocently.
"Ferrari is different, I don't know how to describe it to you." He almost groaned at your crouch and thighs rubbing against his manhood.
"McLaren is different too. We've got the coolest team, they're so friendly and sweet, it's crazy. We have had some of the best times together. There's Taehyung, Seokjin, Jimin-"
"Shh..." He hushed you. "Are you betraying me? I thought you were my fucking fan." He was slightly 'concerned' as he might put it, at your words. You hung out with other guys? Other drivers at that?
"Jealous are we?" You smirked connecting foreheads with him. The movie you were meant to watch was long forgotten. You shuffled a bit more making him whimper.
You were already too much for him, he would not be able to restrain himself. Heck, he didn't want to at this point.
"No, ofcourse not. Why would I be jealous?" He buried his face in your neck as you chuckled. "And stop fucking moving before I ram into you without any warning."
Oh, you realised it now. He was hard beneath you. You could feel how big he was. You grinded on him a little to test the waters, earning another sound from him.
You gasped as you felt a sudden kiss followed by a sharp bite on your neck.
"Please, baby." His voice was all raspy and groggy sending shivers all across your body. "Please let me fuck you."
You didn't need to reply, you just had to grind. And you did. He threw his head back onto the couch as you continued to rub against him.
You reached out to kiss him. Both of you had made out before. You had lusted over each other before but that moment, knowing the proceeding act you were going to do, it was different.
Jungkook was a bit reluctant, a bit too scared that he might hurt you. But you showed no signs of stopping.
"Fuck me..." You said between the kisses, "Please, Jungkook, I can't take it anymore."
He pulled away, "Are you sure, baby? I'll try to go easy."
"No." You smiled, "Let go, don't hold yourself. Use me, Jungkook."
Oh, how hard he got by only those words. His pupils darkened, and he grabbed you by your chin roughly planting a small kiss on your lips biting the lower one as he pulled away.
Jungkook held you by your hips and lifted you up taking you to his sanctuary, his bedroom.
Gently placing you on the bed while kissing, he didn't want to let go. He couldn't let go.
Your hand went between you two grabbing his belt and trying to undo it. Jungkook being his impatient ass, grabbed one of your hands to stop you and did it himself.
He suddenly got up and walked towards the other side of the bed looking for something in his drawer. You whined at the empty feeling, if anything you wanted to be in his embrace for longer.
"What are you looking for? A dildo?" You asked turning over onto your front.
"Why would I have a dildo, I'm probably bigger than those" He pulled out a speaker from the drawer.
"Are you for real?"
"I don't know, I just feel like it."
Fine, you were willing to roll with it as long as he put on fuckable songs. And you knew his music taste was immaculate.
He connected his phone meanwhile you had discarded your clothes leaving you in your lingerie much to Jungkook's surprise when he turned around.
"Shit..." He murmured, crawling his way toward your frame.
His first track was moderately sensual. Just an instrumental so who knows what song. But it seemed to you he got even more turned on by it. Little did you know it was you who caused that.
"I know, I don't have the modelesque features you're used to, bu-"
"Are you kidding with me? You're literally the prettiest girl out there. I'd prefer to see you everyday single fucking day over any other woman."
He gently pushed you onto the bed, giving you a slight peck while he's at it.
"Let me worship you, yeah?" He said making you gush with juices.
Jungkook had understood you so well, he knew what words to use, what gestures to do in order to make you lose your cool. He had never even touched you but he knew you like the back of his hand.
He splayed butterfly kisses across your neck, biting and licking a few, more sensitive spots. You were never the quiet type and he enjoyed your moans more than anything.
He swore his heart skipped a beat everytime you said his name. It gave him some sense of being yours.
The music was still slow and sensual matching his pace.
He kissed your body all the way down to the valley of your heaving breasts. Hooking a quick hand under you, he untied your bra removing it all together.
His breath got heavier as he processed the view in front of him. He could cum at the sight without the slightest of touch.
"You're so fucking angelic, Y/n." He leaned in only to take a mild bite of your erected nipple, stretching your skin as he pulled on it with his lips. "My baby." He said, with your nipple still inside his mouth.
"Jungkook..." you gasped and panted at every single one of his touch. Moaning as he paid equal attention to both your boobs, your fingers locked themselves in his smooth blonde-dyed hair.
Neglecting your other breast for a while, his hand moved downwards as he still sucked and lapped at your chest.
Finally reaching to the hem of your underwear and playing with it for a while, Jungkook decides to move his hand inside.
His hand made contact with your clit right away, "So wet, baby, so wet." You could hear the smirk in his voice.
You flinched, it's not like you hadn't touched yourself before, it's just the touch of Jungkook's padded thumb that had you going crazy.
It was known to Jungkook that you were a virgin, part of which was why you were so hesitant to have sex with him.
Oh, but it drove Jungkook over the edge. Getting to be the first and possibly the only person to ever touch you? He was so estatic when he first heard it; he'd never question the meaning of life again.
"It's okay, just trust me yeah?" He let you hold his arm as he came eye level to you, resting his forehead on yours.
At this point the song had changed to a much faster one and who knows how many had passed before this one.
Jungkook knew well to match his speed up with the song. He inked digits dipped in you as the beat dropped sending you over the moon.
"Please, Jungkook. I want your....fuck..."
"What's that, angel? Could you repeat that?" He knew exactly what you meant but it got him off, knowing he was making you so much dumber with just his two of his fingers.
"I-I want your cock." You managed to coax out.
His belt was already undone, he just had to pull his pants down. Which he did along with his hoodie leaving you both in just your underwears.
"I suppose you're ready." He said adding a third finger to the two already plunged inside you. He was knuckles deep sending you into a moaning frenzy.
It was too overwhelming with pain for a second but you managed to calm yourself through it. You didn't think you'd need that much preparation for his dick but you'll soon know you were wrong.
He pulled his fingers out, all of them were very much covered with your juices. He brought his tatted hand in front of your face,
"Suck." He simply demanded. And you followed. The scene itself was so disgusting, it turned both of you on more than before, if that was even possible.
"So good to me, only to me." You released his hand to help discard both of your underwears.
He was certainly big, similar to most of the porn videos you had seen. He was blessed with both length and girth and you had no fucking idea how you were going to fit around him. He smirked seeing you gawk at his length.
The music changed to more of something you knew. A song featured by one of your favourite artists, RM.
"Such a whore for my cock, can't even keep your eyes off of it." His words surprised you, he had never used anything close to a derogatory term for you. He had always been respectful of you. But this change in his words had you excited to say the least.
"It's my property." you said boldly.
"You're my property."
He teased your entrance with his head making you both hiss at the feeling. He put in just the tip to begin with. But the tightness made him double up in pleasure.
~Yeah, it's time to go off-site, smoke sprite~ The music blared through both of your ears.
Jungkook took his chance to bottom out, both moaning in unison.
"Fuck, you're so tight." He said clenching his jaw while your mouth was agape at the warmth inside you.
~Take on my knees~ You were turned on beyond what you thought was humanly possible.
"Gonna cum soon." You vocalized somehow.
"I'm close too."
Your legs were wrapped around his body. His hands crept up to your neck holding you, or rather, choking you. You were beyond gone at this point.
But Jungkook kept thrusting powerfully, practically drooling at the sight of you barely holding on to reality. His leaking cock hit your cervix at every ram.
~Fire to the low, lower, low, ah yeah don't run away~ Her words punctuated Jungkook's thrusts.
"Jungkook, I'm cumming." was all you said before you got tighter around Jungkook making him gasp. But he didn't falter, he kept fucking you deep until your back arched under him. Peppering kisses all over your face, calming you through your orgasm.
It was RM's voice that got you over the edge for some reason.
"That's my baby." He said, kissing your lips. Removing one of his hands from around your neck and hooking it under your thigh, he got a deeper angle.
"Koo... too much..." You panted. Your mouth could barely form legible words.
"Like I care." And honestly, at this point, he didn't. All he wanted to do was cum inside of you. Completely ruin you.
Keeping his pace constant, he was wonder-struck at how well your pussy swallowed him, how your body reacted to his touch, how your belly displayed a bulge going in and out of you.
"Look at....me..." He asked not so politely. You somehow opened your tear-filled eyes to look him straight in the eyes. That's when you heard a faint ringing of bells again. You looked around and at Jungkook to confirm it.
There were tears in his eyes too but not because of the pleasure. Jungkook had just realized how hard he had fallen for you. He was in love with you for sure. And nothing could stop him from confessing right at the spot.
"I am in fucking love with you, Y/n." He whispered and smiled. You could barely hear him, but you did.
"I-I love you too, Jungkook." You weren't hesitant in the slightest.
He leaned down to kiss you for the millionth time that night but then again who was counting?
"I gonna cum inside you okay baby?" You nodded and he released a copious amount of seed inside you. He thrust his cum in deeper, riding out his high.
He plopped down beside you and you both faced each other. He cupped your cheek affectionately, "I love you so much, you have no idea." He planted a soft peck at the tip of your nose making you giggle.
"I bet I love you more." You said kissing his palm which cupped your face.
"One more round?"
"Are you shitting me Jungkook?" Both of you laughed simultaneously, "No, but seriously my dad is gonna kill you if he finds out what we just did."
"Speaking of your dad..." He laughed, "I might just take up his offer."
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Formula One: World Championships 2022
"And please, please, please make a pit stop when its necessary." You said.
"Okay, I get it. I will." Jungkook pulled you in his embrace for one last time before the race. "Promise me you'll take care."
"I'll be fin-"
"Jungkook, let's go. It's time!" Taehyung, Jungkook's teammate yelled from outside the locker room.
"Be at the finish line as I win, I have a surprise for you." He kissed you deeply for a quick second and left after Taehyung.
'10 minutes before I start.' He couldn't hear anyone at the moment, not the screaming fans, not his usually calm new manager, not his coach dragging him to sit in the car.
A shiny McLaren logo above the number 7 on his back was enough a proof that he was a racer.
Maybe the only thing Jungkook heard was a slight horn blowing and he suddenly could hear everything. The imaginary clock in his mind had stopped and the battle had begun.
Your voice was the loudest screaming cheers of encouragement.
He let go of the brakes and as usual, he got the lead, followed by Taehyung. The plan was to get 1st and 2nd ranks for them respectively.
"And number 7 gets back on the track after almost 2 years of hiatus due to his accident."
"That's right." The other commentator chimes in, "Ferrari seems to have let a gem go."
"He'll be perfectly fine." Your father patted your shoulder relaxing you.
"I know, but it's his first time, I don't know I can't help but feel nervous for him, dad."
Turned out all your father ever wanted from Jungkook was for him to join his company.
Jungkook had gotten closer to McLaren drivers due to them being your friends. He was much less jealous. You finally saw a side of Jungkook that wasn't selfish or arrogant when he was with them.
Ever since Jungkook joined Mclaren, the press and the fans went crazy. Everyone wanted to get a piece of Jungkook with his new partner.
This in turn generated a lot of publicity and money, Jungkook had practically saved your father's falling business and stocks.
"He has you now, he won't be so careless this time, trust me."
"I would sure hope so." You smiled looking at the racing cars in front of you.
It was around the 25th lap and Jungkook had just come in for a pit stop. He was barely there for 5 seconds but he made sure to spot you and blow you a kiss at the bleachers. Even though he had his helmet on, it was clear what he intended to do.
Many fans surrounding you didn't know who you were and assumed it was for them, screaming at the act of endearment. You felt weird not having people know Jungkook was yours.
The rest of the race majorly included a couple more stops and just sitting around hoping your boyfriend wouldn't cause any mishap again.
Jungkook and Taehyung maintained their positions throughout the race ensuring their wins.
"Jungkook, what the fuck?" His coach shouted through the comm. "Slow down a bit, you'll burst a tire again."
It was the final lap and Jungkook was supposed to speed up but only so much so that he was in the first place. However, he had other plans.
Winning was something he had done a ton of times. But setting a record was something Jungkook had rarely done.
He sped up almost bumping into another driver earning some oh's from the crowd.
He was already in the first position and had a clear road ahead of him and he wanted to make this a recording breaking lap.
280 was a new high for him.
"Um, dad he's not slowing down." You gripped your father's hand tightly
"He'll be fine..... I think." You both were seated on the VIP bleachers.
"Jungkook, slow down!" His coach yelled. But he didn't want to listen.
"Woooo, it's 320, coach." Jungkook howled.
Everyone held their breaths, the fans, the team, the coach, you... They could just anticipate the well being of Jungkook.
"And this is just in, Jungkook had broke his previous record for the fastest speed ever in F1 races by going 360 Kmph." The commentator said through the microphones. "A legendary man indeed."
Finally reaching the end of the race, Jungkook came first only to be followed by Taehyung almost a minute later.
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You ran towards a tired Jungkook, hugging him in front of millions. The crowd roared in chaos. Who was this girl? And more importantly, McLaren won over all the other companies.
"I'm so glad you're okay." You hugged the man tighter than what's humanly possible and he reciprocated, dropping the helmet in his hand.
"That was..." He started
"That was stupid." You slapped his chest only to further bury yourself into him.
"I know, I'm sorry, but hey, I won." He lifted you up by your waist and spun you around making you squeak.
"Jeon Jungkook, put me down!" It's not like he hadn't done this before. But seeing his boldness to do it in front of people surprised you. You of all people should've known by now that Jungkook would do anything to flex you off.
He let you down and took a step back. A teammate brought him a microphone on cue making you confused.
"Kim Y/n." He said. The whole stadium could hear him. Everyone seemed to go nuts over hearing their idol's voice.
"Jungkook, what are yo-"
"Kim Y/n, I- uh thought I had this covered. But I forgot half the lines I had prepared so Imma just wing it." He chuckled.
"I never believed in myself truly. I was always the arrogant, selfish one in the lot. Always being alone, always being neglected because no one wanted to deal with me. But when I met you, I couldn't help but change for the better. I didn't believe in soulmates. I never thought I meet mine because she simply didn't exist and I was bound to be alone. But I'm not. Loneliness was something I got used to until you showed up. You were mean to me at times, correcting me as we went."
You were in tears at this point, smiling through the tears of relief. Relief that you had him, relief that it was you who could call him yours.
"And I believe in soulmates now because I found mine. Through trial and error I became a better person. All for you. And I love you, more than you could ever imagine. So, Y/n..."
He got down on one knee, but you weren't shocked. You had read through the lines when he began talking.
"I've had this in my pocket while driving." He laughed as he pulled out a small velvet box. "Probably shouldn't have down that."
"No you shouldn't have." You agreed and laughed with him.
"But would you do me the honors by marrying me?"
You couldn't even bother looking at the ring he held in his hand. You bent down and kissed him with all you had. Forgetting you were in front of millions of his fans, forgetting your father might kill you, forgetting everything else but him.
You could hear the crowds going absolutely bonkers with the scene unraveling in front of them. The two of you were on the big screen.
Jungkook placed the mic down and cupped your cheek wiping off the tears that rolled down along it.
"I love you." You said.
"I'll take that as a yes."
You nodded, "Ofcourse, you dummie. It's a yes."
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
The Vampire King
(Polyamory au) (Supernatural au) (Drabble!) 
Summary: Vampire hobi never imagined himself a king, but after circumstances allow himself to take a human queen for a wife wife, he finds there’s a lot of love left in his cold dead heart.
Tags: Bullet fic, supernatural au, halloween surprise gift, Smut, Double penetration, Knotting, Vampire! hobi, Human! m/c, Knight! seokjin, Dragon! namjoon, Werewolf! jungkook, Succubus! jimin, Mage! Taehyung, Vampire! yoongi, Tentacles, oviposition, sex-magic, blood-lust, fear kink, edgeing, overstimulation, Ace! hobi, Dom! hobi
W/c: 2.8k (it’s a drabble okay 🥰) 
A/N: happy halloween! here is a little surprise! i wrote this in like an hour lol so it’s heavily unedited but i hope you enjoy it! please remember to leave me a like and a comment if theres something in here you enjoyed!
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- Vampire hobi has never fancied himself much of a ruler, but still- he ends up as the king of some nation after his long running best friend dies- having been king) and hobi- having been his 'long lost bastard son' or something, unwilingly inherits the throne. 
- Hobi is old- older than many many magical beasts and things that go bump in the night. he’s old enough to think- hey i've never been a king before, might be fun, i could like it. (The truth is he’s dreadfully bored, dreadfully tired of the vampire council and his own kind). 
- for a while he even likes to plan the balls! humans did always burn bright and burn quick, but they’ve always created the most fantastic creations too. their music puts even the sound of fairy song to shame. 
- only...why are his advisors trying to get him to marry a human? isn't that a little antiquated? To fuck only one person and only one gender at that? He's convinced, because really, how long will he even be king anyway? He can only probably last another 20 or so years before they'll start to get suspicious of his inhumanly good looks and he’ll need to fake his own death to evade suspicions (humans might be interesting but they’re not the smartest bunch).
- only then, he meets the m/c, the princess of a rival nation who has the sweetest blood he's ever smelled. he’s winded in the throne room when he sees her, smells her, nostrils flaring, sure that his eyes must be flashing red. only- why is her heart beating faster when she sees him? how can such a beautiful creature love an old cold bag of bones like him? 
- Her blood sings to him at all hours of the day, through every touch of their courtship, when he gifts her blood red roses, when he whispers sweet nothings that don’t mean nothing to her, calling to him almost as much as the delicate human it's attached too. he can’t say he’s ever met someone so, new before. so fresh and happy, it makes him smile in a way he’s forgotten he could. 
- He can at least restrain himself until their wedding night. Only then does he allow himself to have a taste of her blood, explaining to her who- and more importantly what he is. what she’s bound herself too. 
- The m/c is surprisingly cool with the whole being married to a vampire thing. she quickly develops a taste for not only being in love with hobi but also helping him feed more discreetly. Why would he ever need another feeding partner when he has her? She might even get mad at one point when he tries to hunt someone else because it’s her husbands needs she’s tending too after all. 
- She loves to cuddle up in Hobi's lap while he’s sat on the thrown, kissing and pecking up her neck until they're alone and hobi can sink his teeth into her delicate throat. Being bitten by a vampire is kinda nice, the whole venom rush and all kinda feels like a drug, a feeling like liquid gold rushing through her veins. 
- Sometimes she lets hobi sleepily teeth there when she sleeps and he dozes,  vampires only need to truly sleep once a month, but he’s more than happy to just lie down beside her and close his eyes, often with his fangs softly buried in her neck. A vampire bite doesn’t hurt unless the vampire wishes it, and hobi would never hurt her. 
- There’s only one problem with their whole relationship. most vampires sexual desires wane over time, not all- but most. Hobi has fucked and been fucked in just about every single position way and hour of the day that a person can even be fucked. it’s not that he doesn’t love the m/c it’s just that...he can’t feel any lust other than bloodlust anymore. 
- And it doesn’t help that Hobi’s venom also makes the m/c extremely extremely horny too.
- That doesn't mean he's not well invested in seeing the queen fucked. in-fact, he loves to watch her loose her careful veil of coquettish composure, loves to watch her overstimulated and squirting, all over the floor of their lavish bedchambers. would never get tired of licking the slick from her lovers fingers. Just because he prefers to watch and not participate doesn't make his love for her any less real, doesn’t make the aftercare he gives her after her scenes any less lingering and caring. 
- King hobi has quite the vetting process for the queens concubines only the best lovers and cocks make it into the queens inner circle. maybe rumors start, that the king has promised a lavish life to anyone who would be the bedmate of the queen.
- There’s prince Namjoon, second in line to the dragon throne (not that anyone would ever know, he keeps his dragon form quietly leashed most of the time). both of his cocks fuck the queen well enough to have her begging for hobi to make namjoon a permanent fixture in their lives, even if his double knots are a little bit harder to hide and fit in her little cunt, hobi orders namjoon to try, making her take it until she’s crying. 
- The queen just about screams the first time her little pussy and ass are filled at the same time. cumming to the sound of hobi’s merciless laugh because “you’re cute when you cum hard my sweet” it’s all a game to him, a game that she and namjoon are more than willing to play every evening, during the day too sometimes. although they press their luck- having her attend meetings and afternoon tea time with lords and ladies with her cunt all stretched and fucked- dripping namjoon’s copius amounts of cum because dragons are known for ridiculous stamina. 
- The dragon princess endless firey stamina is almost enough to sate her permanently. Almost- but even namjoon cant contend with bloodlust in a human body, even he whimpers out “wanna knot, please my king” after the 3 hour he’s spent mounting her. 
- please imagine hobi quietly sipping wine from a velvet chair, sighing and saying “if you must” flippantly as her holes are stretched to capacity. It’s Nothing that a few hours of coddling can’t change, soothing the dragons tears.  “my little fire” he’d croon, whipping back namjoon’s bangs, “it’s not your fault our little queens a bit of a slut” both of them contending with a pouty “hey!” from the m/c pressed between them.
- the m/c loves to sleep like that fire at her back, and the cold body of her undead husband at her front. only...her bed is terribly large, surely theres room for one more? 
- then there’s knight Seokjin, who might be the only human in hobi’s bunch but isn’t anyone to dismiss, his prowess in the sack and on the battlefield is something legendary and well known among the kingdom. he’s quickly appointed as the queens royal guard. 
- His levels of oral prowess certainly never leave anything to be desired either. At dinnertime, Hobi often asks him nicely to get on his knees for the queen often because his baby deserves to be spoiled (and it’s not like Seokjin never cums while eating her out, apparently her pussy is just as delectable as her blood).
- they play this game where during dinnertime jin kneels on a pretty little velvet cushion, and as long as the m/c keeps her face schooled into a mask of propriety he’s allowed to continue, but jin makes it offally difficult when he puts his plush lips around her clit and sucks. and all of a sudden hobi’s calling jin’s name and he’s pulling himself out from under her skirts, looking dazed, his lips slick soaked. 
- sex is always a game to hoseok, he always loves to give her little tasks to tease her, don’t cum even after both namjoon and jin have cum in you, keep their cum warm and snug inside of you my queen, we can’t have the whole castle knowing who you like filling you up, would they all ask me for a chance to fuck you? if they knew how sweet you sounded when you’re being ruined?
- and it’s even better if jin gets on his knees for her while hobi’s having his meal as well, the way she whimpers and falls apart, her pleasure so so sweet in her veins has hobi often reaching down to pull seokjin up for messy messy kisses. (kisses aren’t the same as sex, hobi will always love getting kisses even if sex has lost it’s interest). 
- sometimes, when the m/c is extra extra tired and if hobi’s taken a bit too much blood from her the night before. hobi will pull jin into their bed (the knight might prefer to take the evenings in the dragon princes quarters frequently, it’s nothing against hobi or her it’s just that sleeping next to a chilled block of vampire isn’t the most comfortable) 
- hobi loves jin’s blood too, almost as much as the m/c’s, the bloodlust affects him too- enough that it causes the knight to rut against hobi’s legs, which is fine 🥰 hobi doesn’t mind it even if he never feels wanting stiring in his own belly. 
- then they’res succubus jimin, who appears in the queens quarters by complete accident, as only ‘a true act of lust could summon a succubus’ (this true act of lust might just happen to be an orgy planned by the king for the queens birthday). 
- Jimin is not only the m/cs cutest companion (succubi where designed by the devil himself to be cute, but jimin still blushes when hobi calls him that). jimin’s a lovely little bedwarmer for her on the nights that hobi simply can’t be tempted for sleep,
- But he also makes her laugh and so so happy, hobi loves to watch them from the shadows as they lounge in sunlight. jimin might also have the prettiest prettiest cock in the land, but thats a secret that you keep. the prettiest thickest little cock that the m/c loves to bounce on- that maybe even the king likes to drink from (succubi find all acts of lust pleasurable, even acts of bloodlust), he murmurs in her ears, dark magic that makes her pleasure thicker, makes her soul belong to jimin in ways it can’t belong to the others. 
- and then theres mage taehyung, who charms himself not only to have a cock, but maybe a few tentacles as well, One- two- three- four as many as she wants to fill her up. he might also make her some aphrodisiac potions, might make the king some too when he asks to just have one night, one night where he understands the wanting that the other have again. it’s not enough to set him truly back into human wanting, and yet, it’s more than enough to have their bonds all reaffirmed. 
- Mage taehyung has a lovely habit with the spells, has a mind thats almost as creative as hobi’s when it comes to figuring out new sexual deviances to torture the m/c, the edging potion in taehyung favorite, the one that makes it impossible for the drinker to cum no matter how many times their clit is spanked or how many cocks they take in their cunt or hole (mages do often take succubi for familiars, and once jimin and his bond is made, there’s no breaking it. succubi blood is a very very potent potion additive too!) 
- maybe one time, during a demon summoning gone wrong, tae doesn’t just summon the tentacles, but gets possessed by the leviathan too. he ends up breeding the m/c in their form, fucking her full of demon eggs that thankfully another spell helps vanish. the coven finds her like that, fucked dumb on the floor a tenticals holding her up and fucking her down on three, tae’s eyes rolled back speaking some demon tongue.
- “the demon king wants her hyung” jimin sniffles, once he’s managed to kick the demon out of tae’s body. “don’t want him to have her, she’s /ours/” “i won’t let anything happen to her, or any of you” hobi promises, but it does nothing to comfort the little succubus “then why haven’t you turned her yet? anything could happen to her or jinnie and they’d just be gone” 
-  Hobi’s coven does enjoy teaseing her by how eager she’d been to take the monsters eggs, they have their fun and forget the fear “maybe i should open our doors for every little beasty and beauty that comes our way my sweet” hobi threatens, hand warming over the m/c’s swollen stomach. Feeling her shiver in fear and delight.  
- the vampire werewolf wars are long over, there isn’t enough bad blood between their races for him not to allow the sweetest pup from the stables, alpha jungkook- to show his prowess in the bedroom. There isn’t a sight king hobi likes more than watching the m/c dig the heal into jungkook’s knot while the alpha whimpers from her feet, his hands carefully folded behind his back the picture of absolute obedience. All for the chance to knot and breed her.
- maybe hobi’s eyes warm at that- because he’s long since given up having children with the m/c after none- not even Seokjin’s seed managed to take. they are very very in love and desire to have a family even if their relationship isn’t the most conventions. 
- Hobi might have a particular fondness for when jungkook’s ruts sync up with the full moon and he has to fuck her in his monstrous form too 🥰 after that she might be able to take both of Joonies knots at the same time.  
- Now, king hobi has never ever been convinced by one magical species to enter the queens coven of pretty little concubines. Hobi would never ever dream of allowing another vampire to fuck the m/c- in the fear that maybe they’d be convinced to suck her blood, and her blood belongs only to the king. 
- But then one of his old friends comes to visit, vampire Yoongi, who is the first fledgeling that Hoseok ever sired. Although time and more than one broken heart separated them they great each other as more than family and more than lovers. 
- hobi gets to watch her walk with the vampire, feeling his own long cold heart warming as he gets to see her laugh and throw herself into the others arms, fangs flashing in the light. And hobi really can’t contain his heart can he? he’s too fond of the both of them, cant resist giving his fledgling and his sweet sweet little human wife what they both want. 
- maybe hobi discovers that he likes feeling yoongi gulping, likes to hear the stutter of her heart as he feeds on the other side of her throat. 
- hobi ends up taking a new fledgeling half a decade later, only because he couldn’t bear to be parted from either of them in death. Maybe yoongi helps him too- having never sired another vampire to be his own fledgeling, maybe they both bite on either side of her neck to turn her at the same time. 
- hobi laments the loss of her sweet sweet human blood (because vampire blood just doesn’t taste the same although they’ll still feed from each other often, especially as her sire, they’ll both need to stay close through nearly 10 years of blood cravings. 
- hobi can’t wait to nurse his needy little fledgling, and yoongi’s going to do so well- hobi already knows they’ll both have the cutest cutest nest- and if the other vampire wants to lean into his nesting instincts for the first time in nearly a thousand years then hobi won’t complain. 
- (if you’re wondering what happens to jin, he and jungkook happen to mate, although it’s a little non-traditional for the omega to be older than their alpha- jungkook very very good at guiding jin through his werewolf puberty) 
- He fakes his own passing as the king, and the throne passes to one of his long lost relatives. and hobi and his little coven of demons and witches and vampires flees to a castle in the countryside. where they’re all left to fuck and fight and feed from each other for eternity. 
- Hobi’s coven might not be the most conventional of covens, but it’s one he made himself with the kind of love that last centuries <3 
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studio-multi · 4 months
Thot #1 | NSFW
"No wonder Hobi has kept you to himself,” Yoongi’s fingers waste no time splitting your seal.
You pant at the contact, “please don’t talk about Hoseok while you’re fucking me.”
Yoongi lines himself up at your entrance, “why not? I fuck him too.”
With that he thrusts inside you, you bow in on yourself, hands clutching his forearms. Overwhelmed from the sensation and Yoongi's confession.
“What?” You breathe, staring wide eyed at Yoongi.
He rolls into you with languid flex of his hips a few times, tongue teasing the corner of his lips. Too lost in the feeling of you before he is able to respond. Yoongi folds over your body, forearms sliding under your shoulders.
“Hoseok and I fuck too,” He whispers in your ear, and your head kicks back into the pillow with a moan at the confirmation.
“Too bad we have never shared you.”
Yoongi ruts sharply into you, and you groan at the thought of Hoseok in your position with his pitchy moans, begging Yoongi for more.
🗝️note: sorry it’s late, I went back and forth with sharing this one for a couple of reasons.
1) I really love the wip it came from and would love to finish it because it’s so relatable to where I’m at in life.
2) it’s a smut scene and the first one I’m sharing in raw form over here, so that’s 😬
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crystalsnow95z · 1 year
This was written long ago that I planned to edit but decided I'll keep it as is since I'm behind on all my requests and its fitting with the season. This is one I wrote just for me.
Sickie; jungkook, Taehyung and Hobi
Warning; vom!t
Caretaker: ot7
Jungkook gathers leaves as Hobi talks to the camera, doing a bangtan bomb after finishing up their latest photo shoot. He first goes after Namjoon, but he notices him and points to Hobi.
Jungkook smiles mischievously, nodding and shoving the leaves into the back of Hobi's hanbok. He giggled loudly as he bolts towards the woods.
"Get back here, you little punk!" Hobi runs after Jungkook, trying to remove the leaves as he runs after the mankae. Jungkook trips, not able to notice the rabbit hole because of the blanket of leaves,tumbling to the ground.
Hobi tries to skid to a stop, but slips on the leaves, falling on his tailbone. "Aiish.. Jaykay are you hurt?"
"My ankle hurts a bit, but I think I'm okay." Jungkook rolls his ankle, checking to see if it was sprained. "Are you?"
"I'm fine..just a sore bottom..You're such a brat!" Hobi throws leaves at Jungkook.
"Are you guys okay?" Taehyung ran to catch up with them when he heard the crash of them falling, relaxing when he saw Jungkook throw leaves back at Hobi, the two playing.
"Yeah. Just be careful.. it's slippery.. it must've rained recently here.." Hobi warns. "I'm surprised you didn't fall too.."
Taehyung offers his hand to Hobi, but when he tries to pull him up, the older slips on the wet leaves once more, bringing the vocalist down with him. "Aiish!"
"I'm sorry, Taehyungie!" Hobi apologizes, hugging him close. "I'm sorry are you okay?"
"I'm okay.. you helped cushion my fall..Ah Jiminie stay away! Its dangerous!" Taehyung shouts fearful of him suffering the same fate as them when he sees Jimin running to check on them.
"We're okay Jimin-sii. Don't worry!" Jungkook reassures him.
Jimin slows down, relaxing. "I got worried when I heard Tete. What happened?"
"The leaves are slippery.. so I fell chasing Jungkook because he shoved dead leaves down my back." Hobi narrows his eyes with mock anger, throwing more dead leaves at the youngest.
"Rapmonie-hyung encouraged it." Jungkook says with a giggle, tossing the leaves back at him.
"Gukkie you got me too!"Tae whines, shoving a handful of leaves down the front of Jungkook's shirt despite the youngers struggle against it.
"You guys are ruining your outfits." Jimin laughs, nearly falling. "Come on we're supposed to be wrapping up."
"They are wrapped up.. in each other." Jin jokes.
Jimin jumps at the sudden sound of Jin's voice. "Hyung when did you get here?"
"Joon-ah sent me to look for you." Jin replies, smiling fondly at the younger members, seeing Taekook double teaming J-hope, burying him with the autumn leaves as he laughs.
"Okay, I'll pull up Tete. You can pull up Jaykay." Jimin and Jin work together to separate the youngest members.
"It's time to go. We still have practice to do." Jin says, brushing leaves from Jungkook's clothes. "You're soaked.. go change so we can go. All three of you."
"Okay Seokjinnie hyung." Hobi takes Jungkook's hand to pull himself up, everyone leaving to continue the rest of their busy schedule.
"5..6..7..8.." Hobi tried counting over the music, but his voice wasn't carrying as loud as it usually does. He thought nothing of it, just motioning for staff to turn the music down. They've been working nonstop for their new album, and between practice, making the studio recordings, music videos, and photoshoots, he wasn't surprised his throat was getting sore.
The team went over the choreography once more without vocals, then again Jimin started the song strong, but when jungkook tried to follow his voice cracked when he tried to hit the higher notes, coughing.
"Jungkook, are you okay?" Jimin quickly finds him a water bottle.
"My throat hasn't recovered since we recorded.." Jungkook frowns, taking the water from Jimin. "Thanks jimin-sii.."
"Sing at a lower range for now, okay? We'll focus on the timing." Namjoon gives him a sympathic smile. He's been doing vocal lessons on top of recordings.. I should've told him to lay off the lessons until we finished recording..
"Alright, Namjoonie-hyung." Jungkook takes a drink of water, the coolness soothing his throat. "I hope it's better by next week.."
"You should be fine by then as long as you rest your voice as much as possible." Yoongi reassures him.
"I'll make you some tea when we get home." Jin offers, looking at both Jungkook and Hobi. Even if Hobi didn't say it out loud he could hear the strain in his voice.
"Thanks hyungie. That'd be great." Hobi smiles.
The seven members start up practice again, changing notes to be lower for Jungkook. Everything was going smoothly until Hobi started slowing down halfway through the fifth song, wrapping his arm around his middle, making Jungkook smack into him, Hobi losing his balance.
"Are you okay Hyungie? I'm sorry I didn't notice you stopped moving." Jungkook dropped to his knees next to Hobi, checking him for injuries.
"Yeah.. yeah I think I just need to eat something..my stomach started cramping up. I should've had something other than coffee.."
"I'll find you something.." Jimin quickly leaves the room.
"Here, drink some water for now." Yoongi gives Hobi a water bottle, helping him take small sips. "Any better?"
Hoseok nods, relaxing with the pain dies down. "Sorry..I didn't mean to worry you guys.."
Jimin returns to the room with a banana, letting go of the breath he didn't know he was holding when he sees that Hobi was no longer clutching his stomach. "Here Hyungie."
"Thanks Minnie.." Hoba gently peels the banana open, taking a few bites. "I'm feeling better now.. let's take a few minutes break and start again.."
Practice started again and everything was fine for an hour, until another member started showing signs of pain. Taehyungs movements started getting smaller and smaller, until it was unacceptable to Hobi.
"Taehyung-Ah, It's fine to practice like that right before a concert but you have to give it your all right now. I know you're tired but so is everyone else." Hobi scolds him, eyes widening when Taehyung suddenly sits on the ground his knees giving in.
"I'm sorry..i can't move well..my stomach just hurts hyung.." Taehyung whines softly,wrapping his arms around his middle. Hobi feels his stomach drop to the floor, feeling guilty for not noticing how pale or how shaky the husky toned vocalist became.
"What? When did it start hurting?" Yoongi blinks slowly, taken back by Taehyung's sudden confession rushing to his side reaching to touch his bloated stomach, feeling his muscles constrict under his hand. "Aiish Taehyungie.."
"This morning it was a little upset.. I didnt want to complain, especially not after Hobi-hyungie and Jungkook not feeling well either, but I can't do this. It keeps getting worse.."Taehyung says groaning when his stomach gurgles.
"Aiigo, Voo, you should've said something earlier.. You shouldn't push yourself so hard.." Jin sits next to him. How could he have missed how quickly his health declined. "Do you feel like you're gonna throw up?"
"I don't think so.. I just want to lie down and try to sleep the pain away." Taehyung whispers, closing his eyes tightly as another ripple of pain hits.
"I'll get someone to take you home." Jin looks to the staff members.
"Can I go with him, hy..hyung?" Jungkook clears his throat when his voice breaks. "I don't think I can continue singing anyway..it was only high notes before.. but now it's hurting to talk.."
"We could end practice early today." Namjoon suggests. "Jungkook and Taehyung both aren't in good condition and I know everyone else is tired too."
Hobi nods in agreement. He didn't think it was just a lost voice with Jungkook. The young vocalist was also out of breath much quicker than usual, and his voice was weakening at an alarming rate and his own stomach was still aching."We got the choreography perfect today and yesterday. We'll be fine if we cut out a few hours."
Jin and Namjoon lead Taehyung to the bedroom, pulling the blanket back, easing him into his bed. "Here Tae lay down, Yoongi is going to get you medicine.." Jin rubs his neck gently as Namjoon gets a trashcan to put by the side of the bed.
I don't understand..just yesterday he was playing with Hoba and Jungkookie..
Jin frowns, feeling sweat on the back of Taehyung’s neck. "Namjoon-ah I think he's starting to run a fever. Could you get a thermometer?"
"Of course Hyung." Namjoon leaves the room, brushing past Yoongi.
"Here I got some medicine for you, Taehyungie." Yoongi presents the medicine bottle, measuring a dosage of medicine out.
While Yoongi preps the medicine, Jin helps Taehyung sit up, feeling his body sway. "Woah, I got you.."
Taehyung felt dizzy when he got up, leaning heavily against Jin's broad shoulder. His stomach churned as soon as he was upright again, pushing up the toast from breakfast. "Hyu..hyung.."
"F*ck..Sh*t.." Yoongi quickly picks up the trash can from the floor when Taehyung burps, pushing up the sick. "It's okay.. you'll feel better once it's out.."
Taehyung hugs the trashcan as he empties his stomach into it with a loud retch, splashing sick into the plastic liner. Jin scratches lightly across his back, feeling his spine arch as his stomach pushes up thick bile.
"Taehyung.." Namjoon stops in the doorway, eyes widening when he sees how pale Taehyung became in such a short time. He thought he was doing better after he was asleep the whole car ride home without any problems, but he was foolish to think a short rest was enough to make a difference.
"Go get me a wet cloth and a bowl of water, please. His temperature is rising fast." Jin orders, Namjoon quickly leaving the room again. "It's okay, hyung will get you feeling better, just try to take deep breaths, okay?"
Taehyung goes to reply, but another wet burp comes instead, more sick filling the small bin. He presses the trash tighter against his stomach, trying to ease the pain with pressure. "It..it hurts.."
"I know baby.. I know.. you're doing so good.. you're almost done.." Jin encourages him gently, rubbing his palm up and down Taehyung’s sweaty back.
Yoongi holds Tae's bangs out of his face. "I'll get you a heat pack when you finish. It'll help with the pain.."
Namjoon returns to the room, giving Jin the wet cloth and placing the bowl on the side table. Jin thanks him, using it to wipe the sweat that was pooling on the back of Taehyung’s neck.
The amount of sick that came from Taehyung started to dwindle down,making the three older men start to relax as the younger took deep breaths, the tension in his shoulders ebbing away.
"I..I'm done.." Taes voice comes out as a hoarse whisper, loosening his grip on the bin. "Water...?"
"Here baby." Jin opens the water bottle for him. "Rinse out your mouth first then drink okay?"
Taehyung nods, taking in a mouthful of water and swishing it around a bit before spitting it out, trying to rid himself of the awful taste, then taking a few mouthfuls, cautious not to drink to much in fear of making himself sick once more.
"Can you swallow some medicine for me, Vuu?" Jin asks gently, rubbing his stomach.
"I think so.." Tae says hoarsely, accepting the medicine cup Yoongi offered him, swallowing it down quickly. "I'm sorry you had to see that.."
"Don't worry about it." Yoongi brushes off his apology. "Do you feel any better?"
"My throat and stomach hurt..and it's cold.. could I have the heat Yoongi-hyung..?" Taehyung asks, rubbing his hand across his sore stomach, muscles screaming in pain from the force of kicking everything out of it.
"Of course. I'll go get it." Yoongi leaves the room without hesitation. On his way to his room, he jumps at the sudden loud coughing coming from Jungkook "Are you okay, Jungkook?"
Jungkook made the 'okay' sign with his hand, continuing to cough into his blanket. Taehyungie-hyung was throwing up.. I can't distract them from taking care of him. Not for a cough.. I'll just take some medicine and go to bed early.. "I took a drink of water, and it went down wrong.." Jungkook says, pointing to the water bottle on the table.
Bullsh*t.. the lid is still on it.
Yoongi didn't call him out on it, though. He could worry about Jungkook later. Right now, he told Taehyung he would get him a heating pad to help his stomach. "Well, take some medicine just in case. Taehyungie is sick, and you were all over him yesterday."
"Okay Hyung."
Yoongi goes back on his quest, getting the item and returning to Taehyung ,plugging in the heating pad and placing it across Taehyung lower abdomen. "You can't use it for too long though, okay?"He says as a gentle reminder he couldn't take heat well.
Taehyung nods, the heat easing the pain away, his body relaxing"Thanks Hyung..that feels better.."
"Good..try to get some sleep, okay? Namjoon-ah." He motions for the rapper to lean closer."Go check up on Jungkookie, please? He was coughing really badly." Yoongi whispers by his ear, not wanting Taehyung to hear.
Namjoon nods,taking the medicine from the table and going to his room. "Tae is doing better. He was falling asleep when I left." He starts the conversation lightly. Jungkook had the awful habit of hiding his pain, not wanting to add more stress to the older members.
"Do you think we need to take him to a doctor?"
Namjoon could hear Jungkook holding back a cough.
"We'll see if the medicine helps. It might just be a stomach bug and he'll be okay in the morning. How about you? You were coughing a lot during practice. Are you feeling okay?"
"I just have a sore throat. My stomach doesn't hurt like Taehyungie-Hyungie, or do I feel feverish. I think I just overdid it." Jungkook tried negating his worries, down playing how he felt. He left out the pounding headache that he had all day and the fact that despite fact he hardly ate anything all day, the smell of Jimin and Hobi cooking in the kitchen made his stomach queasy "But Yoongi-hyung wants me to take medicine just in case.."
"Yeah he told me that, so I brought it with me." Namjoon feels the tension leave his shoulders when jungkook brings it up on his own, relieved he wouldn't have to fight with him to take it. He pours the younger the small cup of medicine, handing it to him
Jungkook takes it with a shaky hand, swallowing the medicine quickly hoping that Namjoon didn't notice.
"I'm tired, so I'm going to rest until dinner is finished. Its been a long week and its rare we get time to rest.." Namjoon says in hopes Jungkook would lay down and get the sleep he needs so he can recover and he falls for the trap.
"I'll lay down too. I'm a bit sleepy.." Jungkook lays down with a big yawn head hitting his makeshift pillow not taking more than a few minutes to fall asleep, snoring softly.
Namjoon gets up from his bed slowly, using the thermometer to confirm the low grade fever jumping back to avoid Jungkook coughing on him. "We're down two members.."
"Jaykay...jungkook-ah dinner is ready. Do you think you could eat?" Hobi goes into the room to check on him. Namjoon told him about his fever and that his cough became worse, but remembering the youngest vocalist only had one piece of toast with jam that morning made him unable to comfortably let him sleep.
"Mm..? Hoseok..ah..hyung..I'm not hungry.." Jungkook's voice sounded worse than earlier, coming out weak and scratchy. He was hardly awake, eyes not even open as he tried to turn him down.
"But you haven't eaten in twelve hours. Could you at least try to eat some soup?" Hobi tries encouraging him, gently running his hand up and down jungkook's side.
Jungkook stretches out, coughing into his arm. "Okay..okay..I'm up.." He could hear the worry in Hobi's voice and the older was right. He couldn't go to bed without eating something. What if I do have what Taehyungie-hyungie has? I don't want to throw up without anything in me..
Hobi helped Jungkook sit up, placing a tray of soup in front of him. "Do you want me to feed you?"
Jungkook tried to eat it on his own, but when he picked up the spoon the itch in his throat worsened, making him cough, spilling the soup onto the tray when it makes his chest rattle. Hobi quickly pulled the tray off.
"Aiish.. you scared me." Hobi sighs in relief when he sees none of the broth got on Jungkook.
"I'm.. I'm sorry.." Jungkook says between coughs.
"It's okay baby. It was an accident. I just didn't want it to spill on you. Let me do it. Okay?" J-hope feeds Jungkook bite by bite.
Meanwhile in another room, Jimin was helping with the second youngest, carrying a tray with him.
"I made you some soup. You don't have to eat it if you arent up to it though." Jimin says sympathically when he sees Taehyung was awake in his room, coughing Into the pillow he wrapped around.
"I don't know lf I can..but..I'll try.." Taehyung sits up slowly, closing his eyes when his head spins."If I don't eat I can't get better..and I feel awful.." He whines to himself, fighting against the dizziness.
"I know.. it's okay. Just a few bites for now okay?" Jimin scoops up some bean sprouts with the spoon, blowing on it before offering it to Taehyung.
Taehyung opens his mouth, taking in the bite, then another instantly regretting the second when he gags, having to force it back down with a hard swallow. He turns away from it, the smell of food making him feel worse. "No.. no.."
"Sh*t.. I'm sorry.. I'll take it away.. I'm sorry." Jimin quickly takes the bowl from the room. "Hyungie, Taehyung’s too sick for food.. His lips turned white after a couple bites, and he hardly forced it down.. what are we gonna do?"
"We'll get him some mineral water or something to replace food until his stomach settles. Why don't you go help Hoba? He didn't eat yet. He said he wanted to check on Jungkookie first." Jin heart sinks at the fact he couldn't even hold down soup, but didn't want Jimin knowing how worried he felt, quickly changing the subject.
"Alright. I'll go check on them." Jimin leaves to Jungkooks room relieved to see at least one of their patients eating. "Hobi-hyungie let me do it. You almost fainted at practice.. you need to eat."
"Oh..right.. I need to eat too." Hobi says, despite the fact he didn't feel hungry. It must be all the stress..
Hobi lied to himself. He refused to admit he was getting sick. Not when the two youngest were coughing up a storm and unable to eat. He leaves to the kitchen to get some kimchi Kongnamul guk.
"Oh good, you are eating. I was worried you'd be too busy caring for the others. I already had to force Jimin to sit and eat before seeing Voo." Jin smiles when he sees J-hope take a bite."
The warm broth soothed his sore throat, taking a few bites before talking. "What about Namjoonie and Yoongi-hyung?"
"Namjoon-ah said he wanted to sleep more and Yoongi went to the store." Jin explained. "I'll get Yoongi when he gets back and Namjoon when he wakes up. He's been working all nighters on the bonus track trying to make it usable before the album drop. I'm surprised he's not the one sick."
Hobi only eats half of the soup he put in the bowl, filling up quickly. The food felt uncomfortable in his stomach. "I'm finished. I'm gonna go lay down too. I want to get up early to help Joon with the song."
"Good idea. I wish I was better at songwriting so I could help." Jin admits. "Good luck."
Yoongi was a light sleeper, jolting awake when he hears the toliet seat smack against the porcelain bowl. "Aiigo..Taehyungie.." he rushed to the bathroom, slowing for a moment perplexed when he heard J-hope gagging, not Taehyung. "Hoba?"
It didn't matter which it was. He still opens the bathroom door, kneeling beside the ailing teammate. "It's okay, hyung is here.." Yoongi gently pulls Hobi's hair back with an elastic hair tie, rubbing his back.
Hobi goes to speak, but ends up burping up sick, eyes watering as the smell of his own Vomit sends his stomach whirling, pushing up mouthfuls of thick bile without breaks to breathe.
"Breathe Hoseok..you'll hurt yourself.." Yoongi urges Hobi. "Please try.."
Hobi tries to obey, but when he breaths in, his throat fills with sick, spraying it all over the toliet. He whimpers, head spinning making it hard to even keep sitting up right. "Hyung.." he whimpered, feeling himself sway despite his death grip around the toliet bowl. Yoongi wraps around him to keep him upright.
"I got you.. it's okay.." Yoongi could feel Hobi trembling in his arms as he pushes up everything he had left in his stomach, continuing to dry heave even after he had nothing left to give.
"Hoba..hoba...Hoseok-ah.... hey..you need to breathe.." Yoongi's voice was filled with panic when he feels Hobi get heavier in his arms. "Sh*t.. Hyungie! HYUNG..."
The sound of Yoongi's scream wakes up the house, Namjoon, Jin, Jimin and Taehyung rushing to see what was wrong.
"What happened Yoongi?" Jin is the first to ask, eyes widening when he sees Hobi Iimp in his arms.
"Hoba fainted.. he just..kept trying to throw up without taking a breath and then he just stopped.." Yoongi explains talking quickly, cradling the now unconscious Hobi in his arms as Hobi's body works overtime to catch up on oxygen it desperately needed.
"We can get him to a hospital if he doesn't wake up within a minute or two.. he probably just hyperventilated." Jin speaks calmly despite his heart thumping hard in his chest, eyes dilated in fear."Taehyungie, you should be in bed." Jin scolds him. "Jiminie, Joonie take him to bed. Me and Yoongi can handle this."
"No.. no let me stay until Hobi-hyung wakes up..I'm okay." Taehyung begs with tears filling his eye,ignoring the fact without the doorframe to lean on he wouldn't be able to stand. "Please..?"
"Tete..Tete, hyung.. is okay..i..I just.." Hobi tried to speak, but he was still struggling to catch his breath, continuing to pant with each word"Go..go..back.. to bed.. I'll..I'll come lay with you in a minute.." The last part came easier, sitting upright to help himself breathe easier.
"Are you sure you're okay Hoba?" Namjoon asks, looking over Hobi. "You still look pale."
"Yeah. I'm fine. I just..freaked out because I couldn't breathe which only made it worse..I'm sorry..I didn't mean to scare everyone.." Hobi bows his head, shakily making it to his feet. "I'm feeling better now.."
"I still think you should go to a hospital.." Yoongi speaks softly, breath still coming out strained.
Hobi hugs onto Yoongi. "I'm sorry I scared you.. I'm okay though. I feel sore, but I don't feel like I'll be sick anymore.."
"But what if it doesn't last? What if you do later?" Jimin frets, eyes widening with fear.
"If I do then I'll go.. until then I'll cuddle with Tete." Hobi smiles.
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borathae · 1 year
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"They’re best friends, drunk on wine and with Hoseok's pornos running on TV. It was supposed to be a silly thing to pass the time while outside it storms. Hoseok suggested it and Yoongi agreed. What bad could come out of it? It’s just silly, little porn starring his best friend fucking someone who looks scarily simliar to Yoongi."
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x Vampire!Hoseok
Genre: Smut, hinted polyamory!AU, best friends with benefits
Warnings: Dom!Hoseok, sub!Yoongi, watching of Hoseok’s pornos, Yoongi being a shy blushing mess and Hobi being way too into him, exhibitionism in the form of Hobi confidentally being hard and rubbing his clothed dick, sex on a couch & against the wall & on a chair, multiple positions, drunk sex, making out, gentle finger sucking, neck worship, clothed frotting, handjob, anal fingering, big dicks because Hobi has his vampire dick out, slight anal fisting, passionate anal sex, lube kink, he stuffs Yoongi with so much lube, dirty talk, Hobi goes a lil feral, Yoongi drools like a happy bottom, and cries from pleasure, strength & slight size kink, hair pulling, creampies, overstimulation, multiple orgasms (Yoongi receiving), male squirting, cockwarming, slight subdrop at the end but Hoseok helps him get down gently, emotional conversations afterwards, also lmao the ending is funny hehehe, they’re just two best friends having drunk sex <3 we love them <3
Wordcount: 11.4k
a/n: i do not know where this idea came from. i do not know why it suddenly appeared. and i also do not know how ooc this feels for both of them but i honestly don’t think that it does <3 they had those vibes with each other in MV and i will now think about this smut wherever i go. have fun besties, or should i say good luck because help fnadnsf
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Hoseok looks up from his phone, following Yoongi with his eyes as the latter walks back into the living room with a confident swing in his hips.
“The sweater looks good on you”, Hoseok says, sitting up.
“It’s scratchy around the neck”, Yoongi says, tugging the collar away.
“It’s real wool.”
“It’s itchy.”
“I know, that’s why I’m avoiding that sweater.”
“Why did you give it to me then?” Yoongi asks in a laugh, sitting down on the sofa. He pulls his legs up on the cushion, getting comfortable that way.
“Because all my other stuff is in the wash.”
“Yeah sure”, Yoongi scoffs, “fashionista Jung Hoseok ran outta clothes.”
Hoseok laughs and hands Yoongi a glass of the red wine he prepared. It was one of the many bottles of the witches��� wine he took with him. Laced with their magic, they are sure to make them as drunk as humans get on normal wine. Maybe even a little tipsier.
“Take this as my apology”, he says.
“Thanks”, Yoongi says, accepting the glass with an amused sparkle in his eyes.
Hoseok lifts his own glass and clinks it with Yoongi’s.
“Here’s to a hard day of work.”
“Mhm yeah.”
The two vampires have been working diligently the entire day. Hoseok wants to renovate his place and he asked Yoongi for help. The latter agreed instantly, arriving at Hoseok’s doorstep an hour later in his work clothes and cans of paint.
You and the others weren’t there to help. Seokjin and Emma were back in Gordes, running her perfume shop while the rest of you went on a romantic autumn holiday in New York. Yoongi didn’t really want to come and neither did Hoseok. The latter because of renovations and the first because he wanted to have some time alone. Not that he has been having a lot of alone time ever since you left three weeks ago. He spent almost every day at Hoseok’s place helping him with renovations. He was planning on going home tonight and watching a basketball game on TV all alone, but the weather had other plans.
So now here he is, sipping enchanted wine with Hoseok whilst outside it felt like the world was ending. Hoseok lit a fire in the time Yoongi showered upstairs and changed out of his dirtied work clothes into something comfortable from Hoseok’s wardrobe. The latter took a shower as well, even going so far as to spray new cologne onto his neck.
“So what you wanna watch?” Hoseok asks.
“The game, I told you. I don’t wanna miss it”, Yoongi says with a slight pout on his lips.
“Don’t worry”, Hoseok turns on the TV. The right channel switches on instantly, “I already prepared it.”
Yoongi glances at him, sending him a shy yet grateful smile. It was only really a lift of the corners of his lips, nothing more.
The two vampires share the bottle of red wine as the game progresses. They cheer when their teams scores, complain about the opposite team and talk about the game whenever someone did something really impressive.
By the time the game has finished, the weather got a little better, but they are properly drunk. Their cheeks are flushed from the alcohol and they are talking just a little louder than necessary. Hoseok also keeps giggling with every second word Yoongi says, throwing himself all over the place as if Yoongi was the funniest motherfucker he ever met. Bear in mind that Hoseok was a terribly sleepy drunk, but witches’ wine is special, leaving one happy and giddy no matter what kind of drunk you were. It was, after all, a magical intoxication.
So they two vampires have been properly happy, giddy and talkative. And in Hoseok’s case, also very creative.
“Hoba. What’s that?” Yoongi asks, watching the younger vampire stumble back into the living room after having disappeared upstairs to get something.
“My porn collection. You’re watching some.”
“Seriously? Why do I gotta watch your porn? Come on”, Yoongi whines, laughing as he does.
“Because they’re good”, Hoseok answers him, squatting down in front of the television, “now what decade are we talking? Nineties? Two thousands? The twenty tens?”
“You shot porn in the twenty tens?”
“I’m still shooting porn from time to time. What’s your point?” Hoseok says, looking over his shoulder.
Yoongi studies his face, scoffs and throws himself back on the couch, “nothing. You’re one strange motherfucker.”
“Fine. Nineties it is. Bear in mind, the nineties were a weird time for porn.”
“Fuck, I can’t believe you’re making me watch your shit”, Yoongi mumbles, rubbing his hand up and down his face.
“You’ll like it”, Hoseok says as he slides a cassette into the player. He stumbles back after pressing play and drops on the sofa.
The movie starts playing. A cheesy porn music track introduces Hoseok and his co-star. A lady with obvious fake tits.
“That’s not even sexy. What is that editing? Why are you guys on the screen with seventy percent opacity?” Yoongi says between laughter. He is laying on the couch with his feet facing Hoseok and his own hands rubbing his tummy mindlessly. Every now and then, he runs one of his hands through his hair or reaches to the floor to lift his wine glass for a sip.
“Because it was the nineties, man. They were a weird time, okay?” Hoseok answers him, mirroring his position with the only difference that he is resting on his side and with his legs pulled into fetal position.
The movie isn’t as bad as Yoongi thought it would be. The storyline was nonsensical and dumb, but that was to be expected of porn. The acting was good however. Bear in mind that the moment Movie-Hoseok took off his clothes, the older vampire looked away and sat up just to kick real Hoseok gently.
“You’re so fucking weird for making me look at your dick on a big flat screen TV”, he hisses.
“Would you rather me show you the real one right now?” Hoseok throws back.
Yoongi glances at it, flusters and plops down again.
“Whatever”, he murmurs, switching his eyes back to the movie, “ah god, why do they gotta zoom in so close?”
“Yeah right?” Hoseok laughs.
It continues just like this. Yoongi watches the movie, sits up to complain about it to Hoseok only to end up watching again. The movie is a rather generic porn movie about a woman stealing the man’s (in this case it was Hoseok) carrots and him having to punish her for it. It was totally stupid, the dialogue was cringey and the camera work borderline criminal, but it was still very obvious that Hoseok knew what he was doing. By the time, the fourty minutes were over, Yoongi hadn’t complained about anything for fifteen minutes.
“And?” Hoseok sits up.
Yoongi glances at him. He is resting in fetal position by now, with his hands between his knees.
“Are you hard?” he gasps, widening his eyes in shock.
“Yeah duh”, Hoseok says, “shit makes me hard. Why? You’re not?”
“No?” Yoongi scoffs.
“Show me.”
“I’m not gonna show you my dick right now.”
“Well then, I’ll think you’re hard as fuck and just hiding it from me.”
Yoongi frowns. Hoseok drinks his wine with a cocky smirk on his lips.
Yoongi gives up with a sigh, rolling to his back to show off his crotch. He was – just as he had said – flaccid.
Hoseok pouts, “well, that’s disappointing. I thought my stuff is hot.”
“No offense, but it’s the nineties and I don’t like it when women get shoved around like that.”
“In my defence, I only did what I was told to do and I made sure she was good afterwards.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes.
“It doesn’t make it hotter.”
“Yeah? I can change that. I got something else”, Hoseok says and gets off the couch. He takes out the cassette and switches to the DVD player, sliding in the right disk.
“Hoba no, I”, Yoongi sits up, “I watched your stuff. Why do I gotta watch more? It’s not gonna turn me on.”
“Yes it will, trust me”, Hoseok says as he switches around aimlessly in the start menu.
“Why the fuck do you wanna turn me on either way?”
“Cause I want you guys to finally accept that my shit is hot.”
“And I gotta be your first victim?” Yoongi asks in a laugh.
“Yes”, Hoseok says and presses play.
“Fuck, you’re such a weird dude”, Yoongi murmurs, resting back against the cushions in defeat.
The movie starts. Judging by the increased quality in both sound and picture, it must be one of his newer ones. Maybe early twenty tens.
“This one is kinda cool”, Hoseok explains as he hurries back to the sofa, “there’s five movies on there with different storylines, but the same theme and they’re all sorted into chapters.”
“Okay? And do I gotta watch all of that?”
“Yeah, you do. It’s just two and half hours.”
“Two hours and a half hours? Are you insane?” Yoongi almost yells the words, sitting up straight, “I don’t wanna look at your dick for two and a half hours.”
“Relax, we’ll just watch the first one and then go from there.”
“How long is the first one?”
“Just twenty minutes. They’re all of different lengths.”
“Fine”, Yoongi gives up, resting back against the pillows. He has his legs on the ground and his arms crossed in front of his chest, “the first one and that’s it.”
The movie finally changes from showing the environment to showing Hoseok and his co-star. A man this time around. He is similar to Yoongi as far as his figure and height was concerned. He also shared the same hair colour as him.
Yoongi glances at Hoseok. The latter is grinning at him boyishly.
“What?” he asks, wiggling his brows knowingly.
Yoongi points at his own face, waving his hand around and widening his eyes, “seriously?”
Hoseok laughs, “only you see him like that.”
“Yeah sure”, Yoongi says and looks back at the movie.
The first chapter wasn’t very story heavy. It was just Hoseok and his co-star starting it off by covering each other’s bodies in oil and then rubbing various body parts against each other in a slippery battle for pleasure. It begins with heavy petting and making out, changes to mutual handjobs and frotting until his co-star gets on all fours and Hoseok begins exploring his hole.
That is when the real Hoseok glances at Yoongi. The latter notices instantly and looks at Hoseok.
“What?” he hisses, “don’t look at me.”
“You like it, don’t you?”
“Not like this. The camera work is good”, Yoongi says and looks away. He gulps down more wine and even goes so far as to prepare himself a new glass.
Hoseok watches him with a cocky grin on his lips and his hand rubbing his clothed boner mindlessly. It’s fun to watch Yoongi fight the power of the movie. Hoseok knew that starting a movie where the co-star resembles Yoongi will work. Especially when it’s one where his co-star is the one submitting. Hoseok watched Yoongi interact with you enough times to know that the Creator might not be as demanding and bossy as he lets strangers on. But Hoseok is not a stranger anymore. He took over for the role of best friend and knows Yoongi way too fucking well.
The movie changes from kinky anal exploration to Hoseok fucking his co-star’s ass fast and hard. Hoseok keeps sneaking glances at Yoongi, but the latter does an incredible job in hiding his emotions. Hoseok even keeps glancing at Yoongi’s dick, but not once does the older vampire seem to grow harder. Even if he sometimes catches his hips doing a little squirm on the cushion.
The movie ends with Hoseok creampieing his co-star and the camera zooming right in on it. Yoongi pulled a grimace of faux disgust as that happened.
“And?” Hoseok asks once the black screen fades in.
“It was okay, I guess”, Yoongi says dryly.
“Wanna watch more? It’s with the same dude”, Hoseok asks whilst in the background the second chapter already starts.
“I mean, it’s already started hasn’t it? You’re not gonna stop it now”, Yoongi hisses, but Hoseok knows better. He wants to continue watching.
“Yeah true, I wouldn’t have”, Hoseok says and does the unthinkable of turning up the volume.
Hoseok lets the movie run, watching it with his hand still massaging his own cock. He doesn’t care that Yoongi could catch him. On the contrary, the thought of being caught gets him off even better.
The second movie is about an experienced gay (in this case, Hoseok) wanting to help his shy roommate experience his first anal orgasm. It starts off with them kissing on their bed and Hoseok sucking on his neck. The making out scene goes on for about seven minutes and then switches to Hoseok fingerfucking his co-star’s mouth gently.
Hoseok sneaks a glance at Yoongi and widens his eyes. Yoongi is watching the movie intently and with his fingers tracing his own lips mindlessly. His cheeks are reddened. Hoseok can’t seem to look away. Yoongi, who instantly feels his gaze, looks at him.
“You’re flushed.” 
“No, I’m not.”
“Yeah you are. You’re flushed.”
Yoongi pulls the sleeves of his sweater over his hands and cups his cheeks.
“No, I’m fucking not.”
“Yeah, you are”, Hoseok is smiling, scooting closer to Yoongi, “you’re flushed.”
“No, I’m not. It’s the wine.”
“You like it, don’t you? You like my movie.”
“I’m not flushed, okay? It’s the wine and it’s fucking hot in here and I’m wearing a stupid sweater”, Yoongi lies, tugging at the collar of his woollen jumper. 
Hoseok closes the distance between them until his chest touches Yoongi’s arm and he can rest his bent legs on his lap.
Yoongi stops fumbling with his clothes, tensing up at the contact. His eyes stare at the front almost obsessively, he is holding his breath.
Hoseok places his fingers under Yoongi’s chin and with a soft nudge, turns his head so he would face him. He travels his fingers from his chin along his reddened cheek just so he can tug a strand of hair behind Yoongi’s ear. Afterwards he travels his touch back to Yoongi’s chin, holding it safely between two fingers.
“You’re blushing”, Hoseok rasps, looking at Yoongi’s lips. Even they are pinker than usual, glistening in the dim lights, “I can see it.”
Yoongi doesn’t know what to say. He forgot how talking works. How breathing works. How anything at all works. He is hyperaware of two things only. Hoseok’s legs on his lap and his fingers holding his chin. In the background, Hoseok’s praises in the movie are filling Yoongi’s ears. They aren’t making it better. 
Hoseok looks up to meet Yoongi’s gaze, only to realise that the older vampire has his eyes lowered in utter coyness. The flush on his cheeks has intensified.
Hoseok looks back at his lips, glides his hand to Yoongi’s cheek to cradle it and closes the distance. 
The kiss is gentle. Nothing but lips against lips. Yoongi tenses up and gasps because of it. Hoseok feels how his lips tremble against his’ before they break away. He knew that Yoongi wouldn’t allow the kiss to last long, so he doesn’t feel surprised by it. 
He looks up, finally meeting Yoongi’s gaze even if it was clouded by embarrassment.
“Why did you do that?” he asks with his voice shaking slightly.
“Because I wanted to”, Hoseok answers him.
“Your lips look pretty tonight.”
Yoongi’s eyes flit down. His left hand comes up to rub the side of his neck. It was still hidden in the sleeve of his sweater. 
“Pink. And soft”, Hoseok continues, sliding his thumb over Yoongi’s upper lip, “and so tender”, he rasps, tracing his lower lip even if that makes Yoongi lower his head. 
Hoseok tilts it up with his other hand and two fingers under his chin, “I watched you play with them as you watched my movie.”
“No I didn’t.”
“I know you aren’t aware of it, but I noticed”, Hoseok whispers, pushing his thumb past Yoongi’s lips just enough that his teeth grace against it.
Yoongi tries to tilt his head away but Hoseok keeps him hostage with merely two fingers on his chin. He pushes deeper into Yoongi’s mouth until the tip of his tongue presses against the pad of his thumb. He feels wet and soft against him. Softer even than Hoseok imagined his tongue to feel like. 
He pushes further. Just past his knuckle. 
Yoongi lets out a small sound and moves away. His thumb slips out, leaving behind a string of spit down Yoongi’s chin. The latter reaches up to touch his own lips, doing so with both hands and only his pointer fingers peeking out of his sleeves. 
Their gazes meet and while Hoseok’s eyes are tainted in dark desire, Yoongi’s glisten in shy embarrassment. 
No words are exchanged. Yoongi forgot how to talk while Hoseok doesn’t want to waste time talking. Instead, he slides his right hand to the nape of Yoongi’s neck, forcing the latter to gasp and tilt his head back from the strong grip. Just enough that his lips part naturally and Hoseok can claim them in a kiss. 
A real kiss this time around. A real and passionate kiss. The kind of kiss which forces Yoongi to squeeze his eyes closed and to push at Hoseok’s chest as an attempt to flee. 
But Hoseok doesn’t let him flee. No, Hoseok slides his other hand to Yoongi’s cheek and uses the grip he has on him to push him down into the pillows. Yoongi falls against his will. The impact knocks out a small whimper, even if he didn’t want to whimper. 
Hoseok swallows it hungrily, sucking and nibbling on Yoongi’s lower lip while his body naturally finds its spot between Yoongi’s legs.
He pushes against him and begins grinding instantly. Yoongi breaks the kiss to gasp and tell him to stop, but he doesn’t get to because Hoseok kisses him again before he can. Yoongi squeezes his legs together, resulting in his cock to bulge more and therefore rub better against Hoseok’s. 
The small and helpless whimper he lets out taunts him as much as it turns Hoseok on. He releases Yoongi’s lower lip and dances his tongue over it. It feels swollen under it. Yoongi whimpers again. His lip is throbbing so much. Hoseok made it so sensitive. He parts his lips to gasp for air, but regrets it instantly as Hoseok claims his moment of vulnerability to feed him his tongue. Languidly and terribly sensual, he massages Yoongi’s tongue with his own, forcing the latter to reach up and grab a bundle of his sweater. 
Hoseok feels the older vampire shiver under him and then, as if someone pushed a button, he finally kisses him back. 
The feeling makes Hoseok moan. So that’s how Yoongi kisses. Holy fuck. Hoseok pushes him deeper into the cushions and increases the pressure of his grinds. Yoongi gasps and mewls shyly, but Hoseok doesn’t stop. He keeps rolling his swollen, hard cock against Yoongi’s equally as swollen cock. He thinks it’s such a turn on that he is so hard already. Finally, he can’t deny anymore how needy he is. Hoseok growls into the kiss and pulls Yoongi’s head closer with his hand on the back of his neck. It forces a trembling sigh to slip past his lips and for the kiss to break just enough that a string of saliva keeps them connected.
Hoseok opens his eyes, coming to the conclusion that Yoongi is staring up at him. His stomach churns in desire. Shy, yet utter submissiveness glistens in his dark brown eyes. Hoseok knows that Yoongi isn’t aware of the state of his eyes. Just as he wasn’t aware when his fingers played with his lips as he watched the movie. The flush of his cheeks has turned into a deep red by now. He is out of breath and clearly messed up. If he still had a heartbeat, Hoseok knows that it would be hammering against his ribcage right now. 
He lowers himself just a little, feeling his tummy flutter when that makes Yoongi tilt his head up and part his lips as he thought that he would kiss him again. Closer. Just a little. So he can watch it happen a second time. Yoongi isn’t even aware that he does it. Hoseok feels dizzy in desire. 
Who would have thought that the Creator looked so good like this. Hoseok was so scared of him in the past and now he has him gazing up at him with submission in his eyes and colour on his cheeks. 
He can’t bear it anymore. He has to kiss him again. And he does. Oh, how he does.
Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut and hooks his shaking hands behind Hoseok’s neck. He feels so dizzy. His lips are so sensitive and his cock is so swollen. And on top of that, Hoseok keeps feeding him his tongue in sensual kisses. He tastes like wine and desire. Yoongi feels so dizzy. Oh, he is so dizzy. 
Hoseok drops Yoongi’s head gently for the sole reason of needing to touch him more. He runs his big hand down his neck and collarbones, along his pecs and down his tummy until he has his waist between his fingers. Hoseok uses the grip to pull Yoongi against him and therefore send electric pleasure through their cocks. 
Yoongi mewls and grips Hoseok’s shoulders, while the latter growls and grips his hip. Just for one second because then he gets too desperate for more and begins tugging at Yoongi’s shirt. He knows that he has to work fast. If he gets Yoongi to think too much, he’ll get embarrassed and Hoseok doesn’t want him to be embarrassed. He wants him to feel ecstatic because of him. 
The kiss breaks because Yoongi broke it. 
“I don’t want this.”
“Is this a convince me ‘cause I pretend that I don’t care no or an actual no?”
“I don’t like being shirtless”, Yoongi confesses even if that makes his eyes burn in embarrassment.
“I get it”, Hoseok says and slides his sweater back down his torso. He grabs his pants instead, “is that okay?”
Yoongi closes his eyes and exhales shakily in nervousness in sync with his hips lifting off the pillows. 
Hoseok takes his consent and tugs down his pants, including his briefs. He doesn’t want to waste any time. Not when he is so delirious in desire. He shimmies down the couch between Yoongi’s legs as he takes off his pants. Once they are off, he throws them on the floor and takes the chance to take off his own pants. His eyes flit to Yoongi when his pants are just down enough that his well-groomed pubes are visible. The older vampire is staring at him with hunger in his eyes, pressing his sweater paws to his own cock to hide away. His eyes carry the same amount of desire they did when Hoseok caught him watching the movie. Speaking of movie. A new story started already, filling their ears with corny porn dialogue about how Hoseok’s cock can cure any kind of anal ache. Yeah, it’s corny. But neither of them really take it in. 
Hoseok because he is mesmerised by how hypnotised Yoongi seems by his cock and Yoongi, well, Yoongi because he is fucking hypnotised by Hoseok’s cock.
The latter changes into his favourite pose and makes a show out of taking off his pants. He has decades of practice, resulting in Yoongi to squeeze his legs together and part his lips. 
Hoseok’s cock springs free and hits his stomach. 
Yoongi gasps.
Hoseok wraps his long fingers around it and jerks it off slowly, letting out a languid moan. He squeezes the tip just so he leaks onto the couch. The scent of his arousal taints the air sweet. Yoongi gulps because of it. 
“So fucking hard”, Hoseok rasps and drops his heavy cock to instead take off his shirt. He feels no shame in being naked, showing off his body in sensual stretches. 
His shirt ruffles up his long hair a little, Hoseok’s fluffs it up again with his left hand while his right slides back to his cock. He poses by thrusting his hips into his own fist.
Yoongi is panting for air at the view. Hoseok thinks it’s adorable how mesmerised he is. His widened eyes follow his fingers obsessively and his cheeks are pink in desire. 
Hoseok climbs up the sofa again, connecting his hands with Yoongi’s waist just so he can feel him up. He does so with enough pressure that he feels Yoongi shiver and squirm.
He slides his hands over his pecs and past his shoulders, propping them up on each side of Yoongi’s head. 
Yoongi is wheezing for air quickly, looking up at him with nervous eyes. Hoseok thrusts his hips into Yoongi’s, forcing his cock to rub against his balls.
Yoongi lets out a gasp, reaching up to hold Hoseok’s wrists.
For just a second because then, Hoseok guides his right hand down to their middles to grab his own cock and guide it to Yoongi’s hole.
“Stop”, Yoongi gets out and grasps his hand.
“What?” Hoseok asks, holding Yoongi’s hand, “have you never been touched before?”
“Of course I have, don’t be ridiculous”, Yoongi hisses, squeezing his hand.
“So have you ever been touched like this before?”
“Yes, why do you care?”
“Well then, have you ever been touched there by a man?”
Yoongi lowers his eyes and Hoseok understands. 
“Relax. I’ll take it slow.”
And with that, he connects his lips with Yoongi’s neck. He slides his hand out of Yoongi’s faltering hold and places his palm over his cock. It is terribly hard, twitching into Hoseok’s hand upon first contact.
“I know what to do. You don’t gotta worry”, Hoseok whispers as he leaves kisses along the shell of Yoongi’s ear. He massages his cock skilfully, switching between fondling with his balls and rubbing his tip. It leaks each time Hoseok squeezes it. He picks up the sweet pearl of pleasure whenever it happens, using it to massage Yoongi where it feels really good.
Yoongi didn’t want to make sounds, but by the time the corny porn dialogue turned into sounds of a passionate handjob, it is getting hard not to. Yoongi glances at the television while Hoseok is lapping at his neck. The Hoseok in the movie is jerking off the co-star who looks like Yoongi while his fingers are in his ass. That is when Yoongi lets out the first moan.
Hoseok lifts his head, checking up on Yoongi. His eyes are racing over the pictures on the television. Hoseok sits up and then down on his heels, looking at the television as well. Of course Yoongi would moan at that. Now that Hoseok is massaging his cock. He looks at him now that Yoongi is distracted. Flushed and veiny. Of course. Dark, well groomed pubes against fair skin. Flushes of pink and red are scattered all over Yoongi’s inner thighs. Hoseok thinks that he looks so much better than his co-star. He picks up his cock and picks up the rhythm he has going on in the movie.
Yoongi writhes because of it, attempting to close his legs which results in them rubbing against Hoseok.
The sound is filled with surprise and ecstasy, followed by a terribly shaky exhale and his hand falling over his eyes in embarrassment. It was still hidden in the sleeve of Hoseok’s sweater and right now, Hoseok wants to fucking rip it off of him for looking so good in it.
But he doesn’t. Of course he doesn’t, because Yoongi doesn’t want to be shirtless. Instead he slides his left hand in between Yoongi’s legs and touches his rim. Yoongi tenses up and flinches away, reaching for his hand again.
“Don’t be nervous”, Hoseok whispers, “I’ll be careful.”
“You, you’re not d-doing that dry”, Yoongi stutters.
“Yeah right, I wasn’t planning to. I just wanted to get you used to it”, Hoseok says and abandons him on the couch, “lucky for you, I got lube in my movie box. Doctor Love knows what’s up.”
Yoongi watches him with a dizzy head. What the fuck is he doing here? What the actual fuck is he doing here? Yoongi feels nervous and jittery. He reaches down to get his wine. He finishes it in one go, even if he knows that he will regret that. He is already so drunk and that was so much enchanted wine. He’ll be such a mess. But then. Nothing will mess him up as much as what he does right now. He is letting Hoseok touch him. What the actual fuck.
“You won’t even feel a twinge of discomfort”, Hoseok says as he struts back to him confidently. His hand works skilfully to lube up his fingers.
Yoongi doesn’t answer him because he can’t. He has to keep concentrating on the warm buzz of alcohol in his head and not the nervous lump in his tummy.
Hoseok gets between Yoongi’s legs again. He wastes no time, connecting his lubed up fingers with Yoongi’s hole to massage it slowly.
Yoongi presses out a nervous “mh-hm” and squeezes his eyes shut, tilting his head back as his body instinctively tries to flee. 
His trembling fingers close around the pillows, holding them for support. 
“It’s okay. Everything’s okay”, Hoseok whispers soothingly, leaning down to kiss Yoongi’s neck again. He noticed that this makes the older vampire relax. Right now is no different. His once very clenched hole, relaxes within seconds after Hoseok starts kissing his neck. The latter continues what his lips are doing without speaking a lot, knowing very well that being spoken to would probably throw Yoongi off. Instead, he keeps kissing and sucking on his neck as his skilled fingers massage his hole and jerk off his cock. He keeps doing so until it feels heated and flushed under his fingertips and Yoongi’s cock keeps leaking onto Hoseok’s fingers and his own clothed tummy. 
He slows down his kisses on the spot where his ear meets his neck and pushes. Two of his fingers slip inside, knocking a surprised and very helpless “ahng”, out of Yoongi. 
“Relax”, Hoseok whispers, distracting him by massaging his frenulum, “you’re okay. Everything’s okay.”
Hoseok pushes inside until the last knuckle and begins searching for Yoongi’s prostate instantly. There shouldn’t be a chance for Yoongi to grow shy. He has to feel and experience the sensations and not rationalise them until he gets scared by them.
It was whispered and shaky. Nothing else follows from Yoongi’s lips.
Hoseok moans against Yoongi’s jawline, listening to the new vulnerable sound of pleasure the older makes. It was so quiet and filled with so much nervousness that Hoseok feels bad enough to lift his head and check on him.
Yoongi’s eyes are squeezed shut to the point of wrinkles and his puffy lips are gasping for air. His cheeks are glowing rosy and his forehead is carrying a faint layer of sweat. 
Hoseok’s cock throbs at the view. He wasn’t uncomfortable, he was enjoying this. 
Hoseok moans in ecstasy and connects his lips with the other side of Yoongi’s sensitive neck. Then he begins pumping his long fingers in and out of his hole, still searching for the spot which will make his legs shake. And Hoseok knows that his legs can shake. Yoongi gives off that kind of energy. Maybe not in the past, but Hoseok’s been his friend long enough to know better these days. He is sure that he can make him shake. 
He curls his fingers, massaging Yoongi’s walls. He is so warm and soft inside. Hoseok can’t wait to feel them around his cock. 
By now, the movie has progressed so much that the graphic sounds of Hoseok sucking a cock fills the air. It is so nasty that Hoseok almost loses his rhythm, while Yoongi doesn’t hear it because of his pounding head and the intense pleasure throbbing between his legs.
One move of Hoseok’s fingers and the pleasure explodes inside him with such intensity that his legs shake and his throat produces the most fragile moan. 
Yoongi feels Hoseok smirk against his neck, but he can’t do anything against it. He just has to take the constant wave of unbearable pleasure as Hoseok massages his prostate in a skilled and quick rhythm.
He found it. Hoseok knew that he could and yet the achievement still leaves him with an aching cock. Yoongi’s legs are shaking so much, his voice sounds so nervously submissive and his fingers can’t seem to stop grasping his arms desperately. He knew that he could get him like this, but he didn’t plan on it so soon. Not with the first touch already. Not so goddamn soon.
Hoseok wonders if it is because Yoongi has never been touched like this before and as he wonders, his cock throbs and the unbearable urge to make him see stars overcomes him. He slides another finger inside, pressing it against Yoongi’s prostate instantly before pumping his fingers in and out of him quickly. He makes sure to never break contact with his prostate and to start the movements from his wrist. It feels smoothest like this and way more intense than if he used his arm for it. And as he does, he makes sure to fuck his cock with a tight fist around him, using his slick for it.
Yoongi arches his back and scratches down Hoseok’s arms. Another helpless sound of pleasure slips past his lips. His trembling hands reach down and close around Hoseok’s wrist. They squeeze tightly, feeling clammy against his skin. He tugs and tugs until Hoseok has to let go of his cock to instead press his hand into the pillow beside Yoongi’s head. The latter moans and squeezes his wrist gratefully. The desperate clenching of his hole gets less and Hoseok wonders if Yoongi did what he did to prevent an orgasm. 
“Fuck, so hot”, Hoseok gets out in a breathy whisper, fucking his fingers even deeper. The thought that Yoongi might have been close already turns him on so much.
By now, Hoseok isn’t kissing his neck anymore but instead is blatantly staring at his face. Yoongi looks ruined from pleasure. Skin glistening and flushed, pouted lips constantly parted, dark lashes against tender skin and black long hair messily sprawled on the pillow. Hoseok thinks that Yoongi looks so much more delicate and pretty than he normally does. Like a pretty doll. Hoseok knows not to call him that, but if he could he would. A pretty, flushed doll. Made to shake and blush and squeeze around his fingers. 
Hoseok feels feral in lust. And because he does and Yoongi feels so relaxed around his digits, he slides another finger inside. His pinkie. The last one before Yoongi would takes his entire fist. Like this, his thumb presses into Yoongi’s swollen balls and his walls pulsate around him, desperately sucking him in for more.
Yoongi arches his back to its breaking point and then whimpers one word. One single word and it is enough for Hoseok’s vision to blur and for his lungs to fight for air.
He whimpers his name. Once. Quietly and with his voice pitched. 
And Hoseok swears that in this moment, he wants to take him until he can’t speak anymore.
He pushes his fingers deeper into Yoongi. He can feel him struggle around him. He knows how close to fisting this comes. He knows that Jungkook is into it and that he and Yoongi regularly do it that way, but Yoongi’s confession from before was enough that Hoseok is also aware that the latter never took a fist himself. So to watch Yoongi react by squeezing his wrist and moaning his name while his hole convulses in pleasure, makes Hoseok dizzy. 
“I wanna fuck you”, he presses out, grinding his wet cock against Yoongi’s shaking thigh. He twists his fist inside Yoongi’s pulsating hole, eliciting a pitched moan of pleasure from him. He is so tight around him and yet he is moaning so freely. “Please”, Hoseok pleads, “I promise I’ll be careful.”
Yoongi nods his head. This is everything Hoseok needed. Consent. He treasures that shit like nothing else.
“Fuck, thank you”, he moans and slips his fingers free. Yoongi’s hole closes slowly, pushing out the lube which Hoseok once fisted into him.
Another word leaves him, which forces Hoseok’s lungs to gasp for air.
It was whispered. Whimpered.
And Hoseok swears he can barely open the lube bottle because of it. He manages to do so with trembling fingers, spreading it on his cock messily. He is huge in his hand and it’s Yoongi’s doing. Hoseok normally has perfect control over his cock, growing and shrinking his cock whenever he wants to. So to stare at his full vampire cock, over which he had no control in its growing, fills Hoseok with an uncontrollable surge of pleasure. He is going to fuck this huge cock into Yoongi and show him what he is doing to him. He furrows his brows and stares at Yoongi’s middle. The latter has his eyes closed as he is fighting for air. His legs are propped up and squeezed closed in a way that would almost hide him from Hoseok. Even now he is so shy. Hoseok lets him stay in this position because the part he wants to ruin is so painfully exposed to him. His hole. He is so pink and wet. Hoseok can barely guide the lube syringe to his hole from shaking so much. Even there Yoongi is flushed. Hoseok has to swallow down the most sinful of words in order not to scare him away.
He slides the syringe into Yoongi’s hole and pushes. The latter finally reacts with a scared gasp and his legs closing further. He even reaches down and tries to feel for what Hoseok is doing.
“Relax. Don’t be scared”, Hoseok whispers.
“What…you doing?” Yoongi gets out and touches the syringe. He feels it up with trembling fingers, clenching around it.
“I know the lube’s cold, but I’ll warm it up soon. Just gotta make sure that you’re lubricated”, Hoseok tells him as he slides out of him, “when we were shooting porn, we always shot lube up our asses between takes to make it glide painlessly. Trust me, I know what I’m doing”, he explains as he sucks up another round of lube with the syringe. Once it is filled to the brim, he guides the tip back to Yoongi’s hole. He nudges his grabby fingers away from it and slides inside. Once deep deep inside, he pushes, covering Yoongi’s walls in an even thicker layer of lube.
“Stop”, Yoongi whimpers, shaking desperately at the sensation of being pumped full of cold lube, “it’s, it’s too much.”
“It’s not too much, you’ll love it. Trust me”, Hoseok assures him, sliding the now emptied syringe out of him.
Yoongi’s hole pushes out enough lube that it soaks the pillow. He clenches nervously, squeezing his legs together.
“It’s too much, it’s leaking out of me”, he complains in a shy whine.
“Hush, I know”, Hoseok says, closing the distance between their bodies, “that’s why I’ll be there. Relax”, he says and nudges his clenching hole with his cockhead.
Yoongi presses out a shaky, “fuck” and relaxes his muscles.
“There we go”, Hoseok says, wrapping his arm around Yoongi’s legs to use his once shy position to his advantage. He squeezes around them, forcing his legs to bend by their knees. Once folded in half, Hoseok uses his leverage on them to lift his hips until they rest on his lap. And then, only then, does Hoseok part Yoongi’s legs to guide them around his waist.
Yoongi opens his mouth to complain, but he doesn’t get to because Hoseok shuts him up by sliding his cock into him slowly. Carefully. Inch by inch. He fills him out with his cock. His hands caress his inner thighs, his abs continuously flex as he clearly fights his urges to drill him violently.
Yoongi feels tears escape his eyes and a whimper slip from his tongue. He squeezes his eyes shut and throws his head back as best as the cushion allows him to. His hands search for Hoseok’s. The latter meets him in the middle and allows him to squeeze him to the point where it hurts just a little.
“Does it hurt?” Hoseok asks.
Yoongi shakes his head vigorously.
“Mhm, it’s new. I get it”, Hoseok speaks soothingly, caressing Yoongi’s knuckles while his cock still slides inside. Almost done. The amount of pressure around his cock drives Hoseok crazy, but he knows not to rush, “I’m almost in.”
Hoseok bottoms out. By now, the movie has switched to the fourth chapter. Hoseok is talking in the background about how he is known for taking shy boys’ virginities.
The sentence rings in both their ears. Yoongi peels his eyes open to see if Hoseok is looking and closes them right away because their gazes met.
“It’s true, you know?” Hoseok says and places himself over Yoongi’s body. He takes his hands with him, pushing them into the cushion above his head, “and I’m so gentle with it”, he whispers.
Yoongi rolls his head to the side, spilling silent tears. Hoseok leans down and kisses them away, abandoning his hands to instead caress the crown of his head in sync with his hips finally beginning to move.
Slow. Terribly slow. Just small movements back and forth. To get him used to it. He is so tight. Yoongi reacts by lifting his head off the cushions just once before dropping it again and letting out a nervous “ahmhm”. 
“Relax. You’re okay. Everything’s okay. You’re okay”, Hoseok whispers, “does it hurt?”
Yoongi shakes his head, letting out another shy sound. His hands lift from the cushions, grasp Hoseok’s shoulders, squeeze and drop into the cushions again. So nervous. He doesn’t even know what do to with his hands. Hoseok rewards him with deeper movements and his fingers scratching his scalp soothingly.
“You’re good. Everything’s okay”, Hoseok whispers, letting out a desperate moan, “that’s it, you’re doing so good.”
His hips show Yoongi exactly what he has been missing out on. What any of your little poly family has been missing out on. Yoongi may be the first to experience it, but Hoseok knows for a fact that soon he’ll have you and the others come knocking on his door as well. Good. He doesn’t want to be excluded from all the fucking. Not anymore.
He moves smoothly, using his decades old experience as a dancer to his advantage. Deep and strong. Not fast. Calculated. And with enough strength behind them that the impact of his body against Yoongi’s is loud. Skin against skin. The drenched nature of Yoongi’s hole adds wet squelching sounds to the sinful music. Truly, he is so wet inside. Hoseok is glad that he went with two portions. Truth is, one would have been enough, but Hoseok is a sucker for filling his bottoms with lube. They get so wet and so relaxed because of it. No ounce of friction, just wet, slippery fucking. And he wanted to give Yoongi the wettest fuck ever. He deserves it. He deserves to get his hole fucked by huge cock, but for it to happen without even a second of discomfort. And he knows that Yoongi isn’t hurting, because despite his supernatural size, Yoongi hasn’t clenched in discomfort once. All he has been doing is tremble and flutter and pulse around his cock while he is scrambling up the lube inside him.
He chases the pleasure it brings him, because trust that Hoseok feels high right now.
“You’re so tight”, he rasps against Yoongi’s neck, “and you wanted to tell me that I used too much lube. Hah fuck”, he laughs deeply, gliding his tongue up his neck until he can whisper against his ear, “if I didn’t fill you up, you’d just be way too tight.”
Yoongi shudders and lets out an embarrassed whine. His legs shake around Hoseok’s waist, his feet rest on his back and his toes keep curling each time Hoseok slams his cock against his prostate. He can feel how wet he is. Hoseok is fucking it out of him. His cock is so huge that it was unavoidable. There is just too much in his hole, lube was bound to squirt out of him eventually. It’s just so embarrassing because it happens each time Hoseok bottoms out. The wet sin is sticking to Hoseok’s pubes and is smearing all over Yoongi’s buttocks. Yoongi doesn’t know what else to do other than whine again and throw his arms around Hoseok. Not to hug, but to dig his nails into his back.
“That’s it, hold onto me”, Hoseok encourages him and rewards him with faster movements. He still keeps them deep and strong, but he adds just enough rhythm to them that the once two seconds of bliss where his tip hit his prostate turn into a constant wave of ecstasy. And as that happens, Yoongi swears that he loses a part of himself because holy shit it feels so good that he doesn’t know what to do anymore. He doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t.
His name leaves Yoongi as the only thing his body was able to do. His nails leave marks down his back and up again. They heal within seconds, but the deep burn remains.
“Yeah, you just keep moaning my name. I fucking love that”, Hoseok speaks in a dark voice. The kind of voice, which doesn’t sound like him at all and which makes Yoongi wish for his friend back. This isn’t him. This isn’t Hoseok. Not him. When he talked about being Doctor Love and starring in porn, Yoongi expected his movies to be goofy and borderline cringey. He expected his perverted and way too funny friend to be just as goofy and perhaps even a little terrible in bed. Can one blame him? Doctor Love is a ridiculous name.
So to be brought to the point of shaking legs and a non-functioning brain by none other than him feels like a fucking acid trip to Yoongi.
This isn’t Hoseok.
But then. This isn’t him either. All of this. This isn’t Yoongi.
He is taking cock up his ass. Not strap, but actual cock.
The Hoseok in the background movie is currently talking about how tight the boy’s virgin ass feels and here lies Yoongi with his legs around Hoseok’s waist and his virgin hole filled out by his cock as the Real Hoseok is growling against his neck. Why Hoseok? Out of all the men in his life it was Hoseok who was going to take this first? Holy fucking shit, Yoongi’s life became a series of unforeseen and twisted events.
And the most twisted part of it all?
He fucking loves it so much that he is crying messy, pathetic tears and enjoying every fucking second of doing so. He begins to meet Hoseok’s movements, doing so sloppily and with little coordination. It feels so good. It feels so fucking good.
“Stop that”, Hoseok orders him, slowing down his hips, “you’re messing up my rhythm.”
“Deeper, I need it deeper.”
“Why didn’t you say so?” Hoseok says and picks him up. It is hilarious. The two vampires are relatively the same height and build and yet right now, Yoongi feels tiny and fragile in Hoseok’s arms.
He falls into Hoseok, wrapping his arms around him and burying his face in the crook of his neck. This isn’t him and yet he can’t stop. Not when Hoseok turned off any sense of sanity with just one press against his prostate.
“That’s it, hold onto me”, Hoseok encourages him and climbs off the sofa. He uses his powers for a second to get to the next best wall as quickly as possible. He couldn’t bother to walk, all he wants is to fuck Yoongi against a wall.
And he does. Oh how he does. Yoongi wails up in ecstasy, throwing his head back and gripping Hoseok’s shoulders as the latter bounces him on his huge cock. He is naturally taller than Hoseok in this position, feeling the latter nose at his clothed chest. He hates that he is wearing a sweater right now, but he is too weak to say anything. It feels so good to be fucked.
Hard, fast and rough. Hoseok doesn’t hold back anymore. Or maybe he is, but even if he is, Yoongi feels in heaven, letting the younger vampire bounce him on his cock gladly.
“I fucking love that ass”, the Hoseok in the movie moans.
“Yeah, that’s right”, the real Hoseok agrees, “fucking love that ass.”
“Ah, please”, Yoongi begs and shakes like crazy. His legs aren’t working anymore. They are flopping around each time Hoseok moves. The only thing still keeping them in this position is the hold Hoseok has on them. His cock keeps rubbing against Hoseok’s stomach. His skin feels so smooth against his cockhead, his muscles are so defined. Yoongi doesn’t want to, but is constantly leaking white, creamy desperation because of it. Or maybe it’s because Hoseok is drilling his ass to the point where Yoongi is scared that he might gape afterwards. He knows from fucking Jungkook that roughly, how open and loose hole can get if you fuck it hard enough. And he also knows that Hoseok has his vampire cock out, because unless Hoseok’s human cock is crazy huge, the cock in his ass feels massive. He thinks of his near future for a moment. Once both of them orgasmed and the sex had to end. That future. He thinks of how he is going to gape and how he never gaped before. He feels painful embarrassment then. For only a second because then Hoseok fucks his cock into him again and his brain turns off.
Yoongi collapses into Hoseok. His face naturally falls into the crook of Hoseok’s neck, drool escapes his mouth, he can’t stop it from happening. He has his eyes half lidded and he knows for a fact that they are just a little crossed. Thankfully nobody sees him right now.
“Hoseok”, he whimpers.
“I fucking love my name like this”, Hoseok growls, “fuck, you drive me fucking insane. Say it again, fucking say it again”, Hoseok encourages him, thrusting into his ass in three deep and angry strokes. He needs to punish him for making him feel so good that his legs are shaking.
“That’s it. Fuck yes”, Hoseok moans, tightening the grasp on Yoongi just so he can change positions. It’s getting too hard to stand. He uses his powers again. Fucking like this is amazing. So freely and without any restraints. No human fragility has to be considered or even the tenderness of younger vampires. This is Yoongi. The one who created the vampiric race and whose body can withstand far more than the rough handling of a seventy year old vampire. And Hoseok feels drunk on power.
He hurries to the armchair, turns it so the backrest was facing the television and places Yoongi atop of it by his knees. He bends him over so he has to hold onto the edge of the backrest. Then he steps onto the chair with one foot and fucks his cock back into Yoongi’s gaping hole.
Yoongi takes the new position with shaking gratitude. His vision is blurred by tears of pleasure, but focused on the television in front of him. Just nine feet from where he is getting drilled, he can watch Hoseok’s veiny cock stretch open flushed hole and in this moment, it feels as if he is watching a livestream of what is being done to him.
“I’m cumming”, he wails and buries his face in the edge of the backrest.
“Fuck. Shit. Do it”, Hoseok spits, gawking at Yoongi’s hole. He knows his movies are hot, but to think that this is what would set off Yoongi makes Hoseok want to nut right with him. Not that he is going to. No, he isn’t done with him.
“Now”, Yoongi screams and begins shaking so uncontrollably Hoseok feels bad for a second. He looks so fragile and vulnerable like this. Hoseok feels so, so bad to drill him that hard. Only for a second though, because then the feral urge to fuck and fuck and fuck him overcomes him. Yoongi’s pink hole is pulsating around his huge cock. He can see it so perfectly. And between Yoongi’s trembling legs a puddle of white cum is forming on the armchair, telling him just how hard the older vampire is climaxing. He is also terribly tight, but Hoseok keeps fucking. He bruises Yoongi’s hips because of how hard he is gripping him, pulling a grimace of angry pleasure as his long hair is getting more and more soaked in sweat. It’s running down his torso as well, giving his abs and perky nipples a sinful glow to it. The shine of the television only accentuates his shape. Hoseok stops admiring his own body to instead admire Yoongi’s. Fragile torso still hugged by his sweater and buttocks flushed from impact, he looks so utterly destroyable. Hoseok looks at the way his pink hole moves around his cock. It is still tight, but less than before.
Hoseok picks up speed again, forcing Yoongi to arch his back and throw his head back.
“I know. Tight”, Hoseok growls, “put I fucked enough Gluttons to know that you guys aren’t satisfied with one, so take it. It’s worth it.”
“Please”, Yoongi hasn’t talked much ever since this started, but what he said has always been honest, “please don’t stop.”
“Fuck”, Hoseok didn’t expect that.
Yoongi begins fucking back, doing so with his ass presented in a perfect arch and his fingers gripping the chair to the point of ripping it.
“Shit, hah”, Hoseok’s voice pitches as his hips stutter. This he expected even less. For Yoongi to willingly beg for more and for his body to showcase his desperation. It’s messing with his head, “holy shit”, Hoseok presses out and grabs a bundle of Yoongi’s soaked hair. He uses the leverage to push his head down and into the edge of the backrest. Like this, Yoongi rests on his cheek and drools all over the cushion.
“I wanna break you, I wanna fucking ruin you, holy fuck I’m so fucking into you”, Hoseok chants with ruby eyes and his cheeks covered in dark veins, “I’m so fucking into you. Holy fuck, Yoongi. Fuck, your name sounds perfect like this. Yoongi, argh Yoongi.”
He keeps talking as he keeps fucking. Angrily and like an animal. No human could withstand this. How the chair is still keeping up with it, will always stay a mystery. But Yoongi can. Yoongi with his gaping, wet hole and tears streaming down his face can withstand this. Yoongi with his fingers ripping the armchair and his cock continuously leaking thick white pleasure wants to withstand this. And Yoongi with his scalp burning from getting his hair tugged and with his lungs working just a little less well because Hoseok keeps pressing him into the chair hopes that this won’t ever stop.
The movie has stopped by now. Now, only the start menu stares back at Hoseok. Him with his hard cock out whilst in the background snippets of the movies repeat over and over again. A hundred and fifty minutes. He has been fucking Yoongi for two hours and thirty fucking minutes and it hasn’t gotten boring at all. And here Yoongi wanted to complain about the length. 
“I have to cum”, Yoongi confesses with his voice so not entirely his’. Hoseok knows Yoongi as someone with a deep voice. A calm voice with a timbre that feels as if it could lull you to sleep in relaxation or make you cum with just a few words. Not in a million years would he have imagined him to produce such squeaky sounds. And he loves it, fucking him even harder just so he can make him squeak as he cums.
Yoongi begins convulsing and shaking, “now, please, now.”
“I’m not stopping you”, Hoseok encourages him and the last thing he does before Yoongi breaks is write his name against his swollen prostrate.
Yoongi orgasms with a squeak. Just like Hoseok wanted.
“Yeah that’s it, that’s fucking it”, Hoseok growls with his fangs on display. He slams into Yoongi, pulling his fragile hips onto his cock to make it ever more intense.
“Oh god”, Yoongi chokes out and begins sobbing, “I have to- I’m sorry.”
“What do you- oh”, Hoseok feels lost for words. Yoongi’s once white cream changes colours, turning more and more into translucent liquid until it is all that is left. It leaves Yoongi’s cock each time Hoseok fucks into him and therefore makes his body convulse. It is already running down the chair by now, soiling Hoseok’s foot and the floor.
“Ah, ah I’m sorry, ah, oh god, ah”, Yoongi wails, shaking against his will.
“Holy. Fucking. Shit. You. Are. The hottest motherfucker ever”, Hoseok moans and throws his head back. He squeezes his eyes shut, “holy shit, you’re making me cum”, he growls and overcome by one last surge of power, he tugs Yoongi up until he can wrap his arms around him and press his lips against his sweaty neck. He smells like his cologne, ecstatic pleasure and fresh sweat. Hoseok inhales the scent like an addict. Like this, his fangs tickle his skin.
Hoseok climaxes just like this. Holding Yoongi, inhaling his pleasure-drenched scent and making him squirt until Hoseok drew out even the last harsh movement.
The two vampires fall on the floor afterwards. It was Hoseok’s doing. He lost balance and tugged Yoongi right with him. The latter is his little spoon, shaking in his arms as Hoseok purrs and kisses his neck. His cock is still plugging him up, hard but very obviously human sized. It honestly feels like nothing is in his ass right now, until Hoseok moves it just right and rubs it against his abused prostate. Yoongi flinches each time it happens, but he doesn’t want it to end. It feels so good and once those bolts of overstimulation stop for good, it will mean that Hoseok slipped out and his hole is gaping. Filled with lube and cum, it is most definitely going to leak. Yoongi is scared of that happening.
“This was fucking amazing”, Hoseok lulls, kissing the shell of Yoongi’s ear, “was it good for you?”
“Yeah”, Yoongi croaks. Shame begins to bubble in his stomach. Shame for showing himself like this.
“That’s good to hear”, Hoseok says and lets out a content sigh.
“Hoba, I’m dropping”, Yoongi chokes out.
“You are? Hey”, Hoseok gasps and tries to slip out.
“No. Don’t leave. I-I’ll leak and, and gape and, and I c-can’t do, do that. I can’t. I-“
“Okay, hey I get it”, Hoseok assures him, pressing himself as close as possible just so Yoongi can feel how stuffed he still was, “do you feel that? You’re still filled up.”
“Don’t stop”, Yoongi gets out and rolls to his tummy just enough that his nose is pressed against the floor.
Hoseok chases him, making sure to keep his cock inside as he snakes his arms around him. He pulls him against his chest, rubbing his tummy gently.
“I won’t stop. I can stay hard for a really long time. Promise, you can warm my cock for as long as you need to. Doctor Love can be Doctor Aftercare as well.”
Yoongi laughs even if he thinks that the joke was dumb. Like this, he doesn’t feel ashamed anymore. As a matter of fact, he even feels good. Hoseok laughs with him.
“Fuck”, Yoongi presses out, “fuck, you’re such an idiot.”
“Yeah, probably. You gotta admit though, I can fuck.”
“I guess.”
“What do you mean I guess? Dude, I just made you squirt.”
Yoongi nudges Hoseok’s stomach with his elbow.
“You’re a fucking ass. Don’t make fun of me”, he hisses.
“I’m not”, Hoseok assures him and takes his once attacking arm to instead pin it onto the floor by his wrist, “it’s just that I’ve never made a man squirt before. That shit was hot as fuck.”
Yoongi likes having his hand pinned down, he also likes feeling Hoseok’s cock move as they play wrestle and he likes the conversation. Hoseok doesn’t judge him for the kind of things he is most ashamed of doing in front of someone who isn’t you. Yoongi won’t ever tell him, but it means the world to him.
“Yeah well, I’m not a man.”
“Yeah right, you’re a slut.”
“Shut up”, Yoongi hisses and tries to fight Hoseok again.
The latter laughs and pins him down. Yoongi merely did it so he could feel his cock shift inside. He won’t ever confess it. He wiggles again, but Hoseok pins him down and begins nibbling at his neck. Yoongi grows slack, closing his eyes.
“I still can’t believe that I was your first.”
“You weren’t my first. ___ was.”
“Yeah right. I was still the first man.”
“How come?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re officially dating Kook. Why didn’t he take you first?”
“Because… I don’t know”, Yoongi is whispering, “I’m scared to show myself like that in front of him.”
“He wouldn’t judge you.”
“I know, but I’d feel weird. He looks up at me. I feel…weird at the thought of being like this with him.”
“I get it. It’s a power thing. You don’t wanna be the one he has to take care of ‘cause until now, you were always the one to coddle him.”
Yoongi cranes his neck to look at Hoseok.
“What?” Hoseok asks.
“Since when are you like this?”
“Like what?”
“Like…not a constant idiot pervert.”
Hoseok furrows his brows, “ouch”, he says, nudging Yoongi, “I know I suck at being serious, but damn you really had to hit me where it hurts the most, didn’t you?”
“I’m sorry”, Yoongi says honestly, “I didn’t wanna hurt you. I just…” he studies Hoseok’s face. It is sweaty and glowing from sex and his long hair is sticking to parts of it. Yoongi always thought that Hoseok was handsome, but tonight he feels almost unbearably drawn to him, “…I get it. I’m bad at it too. I act cold to cope and you joke around. I shouldn’t have said what I said.”
“I accept your apology”, Hoseok says and grins, “no but seriously, it’s okay dude. I know you didn’t mean any harm in it.”
“Good”, Yoongi says and turns away to relax while Hoseok cuddles into him.
“We could open another bottle of wine. What do you think?” he suggests.
“I gotta leave soon.”
“You’re not leaving tonight. It’s storming like a bitch again and you’re still too drunk to drive.”
“Then I’ll walk.”
Hoseok laughs, “don’t be ridiculous. You’ll get wet and cold. I can make you wet and blissed out.”
“You want me to stay over?” Yoongi asks as calmly as possible even if Hoseok’s words make his head dizzy.
“Yeah, stay over. Drink more wine, get drunker, maybe watch another one of my movies and fuck again”, Hoseok says and rolls his hips gently, “let’s not get sober already.”
Yoongi understands what Hoseok means by that. Being sober means that this is gonna end. The ruthless, dumb fucking is over once their heads are cleared from the wine. Maybe Yoongi doesn’t want this to happen yet.
“Fine”, he says, “but you gotta promise me not to tell anyone. Just once please keep it to yourself.”
“I promise. I’ll keep it a secret.”
“I trust you on that.”
“When have I ever broken your trust?”
Yoongi stay silent.
“Exactly”, Hoseok says, “now tell me how long you still need to cockwarm me ‘cause I’m thirsty for more wine.”
Yoongi scoffs, “you’re a fucking idiot. Just get up, but don’t look.”
“Yeah, sure.”
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Despite Yoongi’s dreams of keeping their night a secret, it gets exposed the next day. Not by Hoseok – hell, this man was ready to take the secret to the grave – but by none other than you and the others returning from your holiday and running to check on them after hearing very worrisome noises from his bedroom. Yoongi didn’t come home. He didn’t pick up his phone. Of course, you went looking for him at the place you figured he would be. Hoseok’s renovations were known to you all, just as much as Yoongi’s willingness to help. You all ran, taking two steps at the time. The door opened easily, revealing the probably most shocking view to your eyes.
Yoongi and Hoseok tangled under the fluffy duvet in rough missionary, three empty bottles of wine scattered on the bedroom floor and their bodies drenched in sweat. By now, Yoongi was wearing one of Hoseok’s tanktops while the latter was still naked. They never went to sleep, their bodies were still buzzing in booze. You all screamed, then yelled, then they complained while you stuttered in shock until it ended in laughter and you leaving them to finish up.
Yoongi stays out until late into the night. He hopes that you are sleeping already. You aren’t, calling him into the sitting room, the moment he passes it.
“So, you and Hobi. Wanna tell me how that happened?”
“Why did you stay up? Go to bed, this is so embarrassing to talk about”, he whines.
You wiggle your brows, “Boongie, go on tell me everything.”
“No. I’m hungover. We drank five bottles of the witches’ wine, I’m dying.”
“And you don’t think that it could be because he has been railing you for one night and an entire day?” you ask him, studying his ruined form. He wasn’t even able to button up his pants properly.
“Fuck, shut up.”
“I’m not shutting up until you tell me how that happened.”
“We got drunk, okay?” Yoongi is embarrassed, but not ashamed. You know him. He is blushing like crazy, not only from the afterglow of the wine and the sex, but also from being shy, but he wasn’t ashamed. Not in front of you. Never in front of you, “he showed me his pornos and I just…they excited me, alright?”
“Ooooh okay, that’s shocking”, you get up to hurry to him in happy skips, “don’t tell me that his films are actually good”, you say and touch his tummy.
This simple touch was enough to break Yoongi’s composure. He is with you again. His safe space.
“I kid you not” he says and giggles, “they were really fucking hot”, he whispers as he shares the secret with you. He even leans in to whisper it into your ear. You tilt your head so he can reach you better.
“Yeah?” you giggle with him, “I can’t believe that they actually are. And is he a good fuck?” you are whispering too.
“Yeah, a really good one. He fucked my ass. Multiple times. I think I actually saw god.”
“Ooh Boongie, that sounds amazing. Tell me more. Wait. Doesn’t that mean that he was your first real cock? Holy moly, it does! Oh my god, Boongie tell me everything”, you say as you drag him to your magic kitchen by his hands, “tell me, tell me, tell me.”
“Do I gotta? I’m so hungover, I just wanna knock out”, he whines, following you gladly despite his complaints.
“That’s why I’ll be making you something while you talk. I promise, I know just the remedy against witchy hangovers. You talk, I cook and then I tell you all about New York as you fall asleep. I’m still jet lagged as fuck anyways, I can’t fall asleep.”
“Okay fine”, he gives in with a happy skip in his steps, “but I wanna lie on your couch as you work.”
“Of course, I’ll even tug in your horny ass.”
“Don’t call me that”, Yoongi complains, making you snicker.
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someoneoutthere-12 · 2 months
these dark skies,
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Characters: BTS - Kim Namjoon - Kim Seokjin- Min Yoongi- Jung Hoseok- Park Jimin- Kim Taehyung- Jeon Jungkook
Pairings: OT7 - begins with established VminKook (Jimin/Taehyung/Jungkook), Namjin (Namjoon/Seokjin) and Sope (Hoseok/Yoongi)
Setting: Gang AU - Organized Crime World - Idol AU bc BTS are as famous as they are irl - A/O/B Verse with less traditional dynamics [as explained in the introduction chapter]
Word count: +158K - completed
The story of Bangtan—the perfect superstars, the affluent businessmen, the powerful pack and, above all, the broken people. ▪︎▪︎▪︎ Where, Bangtan's Hyungs are leading most of East Asia's Crime World and their innocent Maknaes aren't supposed to know—nor are they supposed to reveal their own dirty secrets.
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depressedhouseplant · 6 months
🔞 In Darkness I Found You 🔞
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I’ve been debating for a long time whether or not to repost this from AO3. This is my biggest “hit” & I have a love/hate relationship with this fic. It took me almost 3.5 yrs to complete including rewriting the last 3rd of it because 2019 Author Emily chickened out where 2023 Author Emily went for the throat. I also haven’t reposted any of my BTS work & I thought it was time. The main pairing is SOPE with a side of Namjin & Taekook. Yes, I was a cliche. Also I want to post some bonus content for this fic for JFW so I need to, like, post the fic itself.
It’s Omegaverse & includes Mpreg, so if that’s something you’re not comfortable with then skip this one. I’ll tag all the relevant info at the beginning of each chapter. Here’s your chapter index:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
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taeluminado · 9 months
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| pedidos pessoais; wattpad cover • don't repost ©taeluminado
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portlicat · 6 months
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30.03 — nobody gets me, but you do
estudando essa pedrada da sza, senti que devia fazer alguma coisa (tô viciada em capas nesse estilo :c
pngs retirados do pinterest disponibilizados pela dona- culkin e colorsource.
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deepdeseo · 30 days
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• Fanfic postada e concluída
• Acesse a estória aqui
12 notes · View notes
jemshopes · 2 months
Tell Me Without Telling Me || Ace Sope
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--Ace Sope
--slow burn, hurt/comfort, angst (lots of angst), found family, panic attacks, anxiety, etc.
In which Hoseok is touch starved, isolated, and alone at university, and doesn't know enough to realise his disinterest in sex might mean something more than not having found the right person to do it with.
WATTPAD [the first draft of the story]
AO3 [the rewrite, currently in progress]
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