#bts hero interview
peachyjins · 1 year
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228. [SCAN] 6th Term BTS Global Official Fanclub ARMY Membership Kit ‘Hero Interview’ w/ Jin
© beehobi94
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Peace and Blessings! My name is Brandywine I’m a black plus sized writer girly just looking for a good time and the space to post drabbles, writings and ideas that come to my mind.
I’m just gonna tag fandoms I frequent 😝
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neimiismycoolgirlname · 5 months
Okay so my takeaway now that we've seen all 6 intrepid heroes's BTS interview is that Beardsley did something mechanically batshit insane and they nat20ed so Brennan had to honour it with gritted teeth
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savnofilter · 10 months
Wet Dreamz | Katsuki Bakugo
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Pro Hero!Katsuki Bakugo x Pro Hero!Black![FEM]Reader
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CONTENT WARNING(S): sexual content, mutual (?) pining, hint of infidelity, bakugo & reader are a duo, reader is in their head a LOT, clubbing, grinding, shifty hands mentions of perversion, voyeurism, fingering (m->f), making out, blue balling, mentions of infidelity, slight sero x reader, bakugo & reader are basically playing cat and mouse.
WORD COUNT: 10.8k words (45 mins).
I/B: wet dreamz by j. cole | wired interview w/bts
READ MORE: masterlist + [bakugo & students masterlist]
y/n = your name.
l/n = last name.
h/n = hero name.
h/n/n = hero nickname.
c/n= country name.
g/s= grading system.
h/t = home town.
"italics" = words in full quotation marks is indicated as English.
bold = words in full quotation marks is indicated as your native language.
A/N: just because ie didnt want reader to just be a american, i left things like talking in native language to be up to interpretation. almost everything is up for interpretation in this one lol. slowly tryna get used to writing real stories instead of just fuckin. makes me wish ie was doing this earlier because it's actually really fun to think stuff up for stories. not rushing and getting smt out to have it out lol. the lyrics are… interpreted in a different kind of way, sort of play on words if you will. anyways hope y'all like it! i sure did. 🫶🏽 thank you anon!
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"Cameras rolling in—"
The camera crew were finishing the set up in the background, the makeup stylists were adding their additional touches and you only had a few seconds to mentally prepare for your filming.
"Three, two …. !"
"Hi! My name is Y/N, better known as H/N!"
"And I'm Bakugo Katsuki, also known as Dynamight."
"And we are here with WIRED to answer the web's most searched questions!" You two finished the cut unanimously.
The camera cuts to you as you turn to him with a nervous jitter, still with the joyful appearance you always kept. "I'm pretty nervous, people are wild these days."
A hero that represented what it means to be a young, headstrong role model. A hero that was from a country outside of Japan whom Bakugo was immediately infatuated with upon first meeting.
His interest in your last name marked your own culture, despite being foreign to him. The name you didn't say as you introduced yourself to the camera.
Your first name that he is always itching to say, practicing day and night how it'd finally roll off his tongue when you two could get to that stage. Today seemed to be that day.
You two had been paired up as a duo for about over a year now for some hero promotions and the chemistry between you two had been gradually growing. Indeed, you did not speak much as you had initially expressed not being confident in your Japanese abilities when you moved to Japan, but he is deeply impressed by your determination to continue learning the language.
"Oh! The boards are in English, I might excel in this." You joke, towards the camera.
"You excel in a lot of things, H/N/N." Bakugo promptly responds and he's just as quick to move on after he pulls up the cardboard and tilts it to the side, ready to officially start the interview off. Your lips purse together as you swallow the budging feeling to crack a smile at the personal nickname. Bakugo always had a knack for nicknaming people, but hearing yours out loud in front of everyone else gave you an entirely different feeling. One you couldn't place.
"Who is in…?" The blonde-haired male tilts the board as he reads it, proving his dexterity as he also rips the label off to reveal the rest of the first search. You could tell he was struggling a bit and you move your head to read it as well.
"Firecracker," You finish off with a smile, sitting closer to the edge of your seat as you look at it. "Although we just introduced ourselves, I'm sure we can spruce it up a little?"
Bakugo takes the initiative with a subtle nod, using his other hand to gesture to you as he introduces you for the repetitive round of introduction.
"This is, Y/N or "better known as" H/N. One of, maybe, only heroes I can tolerate."
You can't help but laugh at his rendition, nodding your head as you adjust yourself in your seat. "The honesty, wow! We have, uh," You turn more to your side, looking him up and down before looking into his eyes. "Lord Explosion Murder: Dynamight? But you may know him as just Katsuki." You look back at the cameras as you finish, a bit of sass as you conclude.
The way you said it just sounds so much better than when anyone else says it.
An unexpected chuckle comes from him as he teases you back. "I think I liked my intro better than yours." He rips off the next label and turns the board for you to read.
"Who in Firecracker got their quirk first? " You hum and look up at him, face full of concentration now. Bakugo's gaze is completely focused on your face as you go into deep thought, scarlet eyes taking in your change of expressions. His gaze follows your body and takes in the details of your outfit, the volume in your hair, and the way that the makeup stylist (fortunately) did you justice that properly accentuated everything beautiful about your skin tone and features.
Bakugo was starting to like everything about you, and he was starting to crush hard.
"I think I got mine in, uh…" You roll your eyes to the right as you look back at the camera, perking up as it comes to you. "I guess at five years old… you guys would call it during yōchien. For me it's called, "G/S". How about you, Katsuki?"
He's smug in response, puffing up his chest as he looks into the camera with pure arrogance. "Four years old. That means I win this question."
"I didn't know we were competing." You joke back.
He soon peels off the last question for the section, turning the board to him to keep it to himself. "I want to read it."
"Oh, okay…"
"Who is the strongest in Firecracker? " Before he's finished with the question you're already grinning and pointing towards Bakugo. He scoffs and rolls his eyes, throwing the bit of paper on the floor and adjusting himself in his seat, his demeanor flustered if you were paying close attention to him.
"We're both fuckin' strong. Give yourself more credit."
You double-blink as you try to rack something up to say. Bakugo has never complimented you before—at least nothing more than "good work today" or a "nice job out there" or something along the lines of that. You did notice lately he's been more communicative with you, but you chalked it up to the fact that maybe he can tolerate you more now with the fact your Japanese is getting better. Still, you had no compass or direction to tell what he was feeling at any given moment.
To your rescue, an exasperated callout comes from behind the cameras, making you laugh out as well as the camera crew behind the director.
"Watch the potty mouth, Bakugo-kun!"
You give Bakugo's shoulder a light push, immediately going to grab the next board for a visual excuse for your nervous fiddling. "We both know how incredible your strength is! I'm being real."
                     — ✮ ★ ☆ —
The rest of the recording went pretty well, and the chemistry between you two was undeniable. It seemed as though the longer the shoot went, the more comfortable you two got with each other. It hadn't hit you until now that you and him never really talked before.
Of course, it's not like you two ignored each other, no, that wasn't the case. But finding out things like what his favorite meal is during a movie, or why he loved hiking so much made you want to learn more about him. He is also much funnier than you had thought.
You were pretty aware of the rabid fanbase that followed him consistently. The fan edits, the stans, the ones who truly believed they were going to marry the young man. The thought made you cringe as you thought back on your first reaction upon hearing that you two were being paired together for this joint project.
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"This will be a great opportunity to reach a further fanbase across the globe in countries that love to support their favorite superheroes!" Your manager exclaimed in excitement before wiggling her brows as she nudged you. "And by support, you know what I mean…"
"Financially?" You finished her sentence, an uninterested look on your features.
"Yes! This will be such a big break for you. Think about it -- they see you paired with one of their top heroes. One, they'll think you can keep up with him. Two, this is an opportunity to grow your exposure as a fairly new hero on the scene. But third, and most importantly the country relations." She looked at you with a serious look this time, her gaze strong.
You scoffed at the implications of the "perks". You were sitting still in the comfort of your manager's old office, your unmoving reaction giving her an insight into how you had truly felt.
"Look, I know you like to be on that 'I can do this myself' tirade, but this will look great. For both of you."
"But at the expense of me though," You crossed your arms and looked down at your feet as you couldn't help but feel blindsided. "I mean, you didn't even ask me. I have never been to Japan, and I don't even know this dude. He could be a fucking creep for all I know!"
"Y/N." She said it as a warning for your tone. She sighs and softens up a bit, but still maintains her composure. "This is something that could be good for you. Think about the titles, the awards, hell even the recognition. Isn't that what you want?"
Not when it sounds like that, no. You didn't become a hero and train this much for the fame of it. You weren't an idiot, and you knew that part of the job is to get your face out there. But a part of you feared that you could become a person who would only go for things that will look good without actually doing the part.
"Do you seriously think you'll be some big-shot hero while staying a nobody in here? We need to expand."
You scoffed at her wording, eyes flickering up to look at her in offense. "So you think I can't be successful on my own?"
"I get that there isn't much of a demand here, but I feel as though I am fulfilling my duties. I don't need to be famous to make an impact. I like it here."
"You aren't thinking long term. There simply isn't enough demand, and that has to change. I know it's hard but you have to trust me." She reached across the desk to hand you the papers, the gesture not received on your end.
Sasha called out your name as you muttered a dismissal from the meeting. You stood up as you gathered your stuff from her desk, packing up the discarded papers and other supplies. You knew you were being dramatic, but rightfully so. This was never discussed, nor did you ever think you would have to live in a foreign place. It was so painfully random and left field that you couldn't help but feel slighted that such a big decision was already made for you. Especially where foreigners weren't exactly welcomed and that thought alone made you nervous.
That night was hazy if you remember correctly. You didn't have anything to attend to, you just wanted out. You were worried sick about this new endeavor. You would have to say goodbye to everything you had built at home. The community, the friends, the experiences. All for this opportunity. You were an emotional mess and honestly, as you cringe thinking about it now, it wasn't that serious but it sure felt like it. You were only given a year to brace yourself for the inevitable, train, say goodbye to the people you were used to seeing every day, and on top of that, learn a whole new fucking language.
One thing you did remember correctly though was your manager calling you to check up. When it had slipped up that you were currently out drinking and sad about yourself, she hopped in her car and immediately came to your rescue to pick you up before you could do something stupid. The car ride was silent as she didn't want to chew you out then and make you feel any worse than you already did. When the time was right, she had thought up something to say. It was her words that stuck with you that made you start to reconsider this business decision.
"Listen, if I told you, I know that you would say no," Sasha said as she held your hand, voice softer than ever. "But I know you deserve better and bigger than this." She sits up a bit in her chair that sat on the side of your bed and properly tucked your hair back into your hair cover. "It's not because I don't think you're incapable. It's because I know you would stay here in this small town without growing and staying in your ways."
"But I like it here… I like the people. My family is here… the community needs me…" Your voice cracked at the end as tears started to spill from your eyes. "I can't just leave. it's more than the accolades, the fame. I want to make a change and I c-can't do that if I'm not here."
She hums as she brings you in for a hug, a twinge of hurt coming from her. Sasha felt awful seeing you like this, and she was aware that even when in her best intentions her decisions could be harsh. Even if she wanted nothing but to see you succeed, she wanted you to be happy too.
"Listen," She starts as she wipes your tears. "We'll figure something out, okay? You won't be abandoning this place. If I can secure a deal like this, I'm sure I can sway some more from the company to get you happy. Alright?"
You meekly nod, your overflow of emotions never stopping as you can't calm yourself. You were too destroyed to come around to the idea. You were terrified of the turn of options and all the drinking you did that night did not help one bit. You are so used to being well-liked, what would the world offer when you change from a small hero in your H/T to a big international one? To what lengths did you have to keep giving yourself up to make the higher-ups happy? Were you in over your head choosing this path?
These questions were justified, but it all came back to the same common theme: boxing yourself in. If you didn't want to do this, you would've called it quits long ago. But here you were, and even with all the villains you've taken down, this seemed scarier. Nothing is more frightening than putting yourself somewhere you are emotionally vulnerable. And for the lack of a better word, alone.
You'd have to start again, meet new people, start a new routine. How would you be able to adapt?
"You'll have a year and some change before you go over. I've already been scouting for the best Japanese tutors out there." She pulled back when it seemed as though your sobbing had subsided and she smiled. "I'll get you the best of the best and I'll be damned if you're not taken care of."
You nodded wordlessly and wiped the tears from your cheeks. She handed you your water bottle once you sit up, a hand on your back for support.
"So think about it, please. I know it's scary to think about, but this can help you. Seriously." She stands up and tidies up the area before gathering her stuff. "And you won't be alone, remember that."
She smiles before closing your bedroom door leaving you to your muddled thoughts.
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Later on, it was revealed that your pairing would have the "organic" formation. You two would be put together for a few big missions and soon enough when the public would notice, that's when the process of being in a semi-duo would take effect. Your manager made sure to stress how it was important the two of you kept your individual identities to cover all basis. No fan will be completely pushed out of their comfort zone while you two could rely on each other when the job needed it. The other part of the deal was that you would be able to work almost more than half of the year in Japan whilst being able to use the other days to visit back to your country and most importantly your home town.
It was a win-win and you couldn't thank Sasha any more than you did when she relayed the news. When recounting it, you can vividly remember the amount of relief that washed over you to the point it made you emotional again. The feeling of embarrassment had also risen to the surface and you profusely apologized about the prior outbursts to the initial news. In manager fashion, she hushed you before reassuring you that it was her job to get her client right and out there. If you didn't have her, you honestly weren't sure where you'd be right now.
But unfortunately, the things you overthought about weren't exactly wrong either. Most of the things that popped up in your head had come to fruition, some worse than others. Being in a duo with a male counterpart was rough. Especially if he was hot young and (seemingly) a bachelor. People didn't like to see their fave with the opposite sex who seemed to be of that same description with the added addition that they don't come from the same background as well.
Recently after the WIRED interview, the fans were starting to come along to the idea much more than it seemed. Many more positive comments were starting to pop up online and now the public perception of your pairing was really starting to kick off.
There was a mixture of comments that ranged from, "Wow! They look so cute together" "You have to admit they do get the job done" to "I fucking hate XYZ" and we don't need to address the vulgar ones…
Of course, at first, you use to read those comments for hours. You'd be stuck on an unhealthy loop, emotions from high to low as it seemed there was never a day that didn't have all kinds of comments and interactions. Some days are better than others, and some days you'd have to force yourself to log off and do other things in your life. But all in all, the interview seemed to be a hit so now both your agencies are scrambling to book more to boost engagement.
You sigh as you stretch out onto your couch, thinking about how two years have been both hell and a blessing. You stare up at your ceiling as your phone locks, setting it on your coffee table.
The idea to message Sasha as you recounted past and recent memories started to poke at you. You still hesitate on the action though considering the fact you know she's always busy with her schedule. You feel a buzz and you pick up your phone, the text catching your attention.
Sasha-Sama 👯‍♀️
Are you up for going out today?
[->] Sent 13:34.
'speaking of the devil….' you smile and swipe up to correspond to her message.
depends. what am I leaving for?
[✓] Sent 13:35.
Sasha-Sama 👯‍♀️
I've got a client I want you to get closer with.
Management says it'll be good for you to get more acquainted with the heroes here. You might actually like her.
[✓] Sent 13:41.
You hum in curiosity, thinking about it a bit before replying.
who is it?
[✓] Sent 13:42.
Chat bubbles pop up on your screen and you watch as she types up her response. Today you were taking a very much-needed break for the week and you weren't too sure if you wanted to go out and do some crazy amount of networking.
Sasha-Sama 👯‍♀️
Mina and a few others are in the top 10 for Japan.
You may have met her already, at those galas a few times.
[✓] Sent 13:47.
Your brows quirk up at the name. You're quick to open Instagram, wanting to see a more personal image of her than the one you would see from a search engine.
Yeah, you remembered her. She was lively for sure and everyone around her seemed to like her as well. Her page was a mix of official posts and personal ones, perfectly balancing out professional and niche drives to curate an audience. There were even a few posts that were shitposts too.
You were intrigued. Now that you thought about it, you didn't have any friends here… like at all. You spent most of your time focused on work, and if not that, then interacting with your fans in person and online. When you weren't doing either of those things, you were studying Japanese. Surely the studying paid off though with the additional advantage of living in the environment to grasp the content. One could even call your behavior shut-in, but could you blame yourself? Even with your determination to get yourself out there, it was hard. You were still trying to adjust to all of this, and you haven't hit your time mark to visit home just yet. Hell, you can't even remember the last time you got laid.
Your phone dinging catches your attention again and you realize that you hadn't got back to your manager yet.
Sasha-Sama 👯‍♀️
So is it a yes? I will be forwarding your number to her.
[✓] Sent 13:56.
You think a bit before coming to a decision but you need a bit more info first.
yes for now, but who else will be there?
you mentioned something about a few others.
[✓] Sent 13:59.
Sasha-Sama 👯‍♀️
Well, I know that Bakugo will be there, but I am not sure who the other people are. Just got in that it's actually not just the top 10, just a few other heroes around the province as well.
[✓] Sent 14:02.
You hesitate at the information on your screen. Bakugo is going to be there? You're not sure why, but a sense of anxiousness starts to flood you as you start to think about him in such a casual setting. You blink a few times as you rub your forehead, now starting to rethink your decisions.
Sasha-Sama 👯‍♀️
Y/N, you will be fine. I'm sending a car to pick you up at 18:30. Wear something… "cunty" and cute. There might be paps there so look good pls. 👀
[✓] Sent 14:05.
You groan loudly at her text and almost want to throw your phone. Is she for real? Even when you need to go out to meet people, it's still about your image. You wanted to text her your thoughts, but a better part of you knows that this outing is probably for your good. You just hoped that these people weren't controversial and this wouldn't be hard work to clean up anything that comes along with their bullshit. You doubted the idea as you remember how much your agency wants to push you to the public. Anything that could be a blip in your appearance was always scrapped and replaced. They were your last safety net to coast safely in this whole hero-ing thing if you were being honest.
Sasha… 😐
"cunty"??? PLEASE.
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[✓] Sent 14:09.
Sasha-Sama 👯‍♀️
↳ Liked your picture.
Love you, N/N! And stay safe, you know to call me if anything is going on. 💪🏾
[✓] Sent 14:11.
You jokingly send a thumbs down in retaliation to her message, albeit hearting the message as you know she means well. Turning your head to the side, you find yourself staring back at your TV's black mirror. You still had a lot of time left so you decided to at least start prepping for the evening ahead of time.
To prevent the inevitable disruption of hunger, you make your way into the kitchen and decide to get something to eat. You prepare leftover protein to eat with noodles that you've wanted to try all week. It's like when you think of mixing a food combo but take forever to put it into fruition. In anticipation of your ingenious meal, you eagerly await its arrival as the smell taunts you as you wait.
Once it's done you are in no rush to scarf down your food. You even sit down at one of the high chairs on your island with a half-awake presence. It was no surprise that you woke up late today due to the fatigue that comes along with being a pro-heroin. You couldn't even recount the last time you sat down and ate a meal like this. Back in the day (why did you age yourself like that?) when you were in, H/T, you always had enough time to do everything. To experience everything. Yes, you felt blessed to be here even with how hard it's been, but to be able to just sit and relax was a whole new feeling of euphoria you haven't felt in a while. The feeling was pretty nice.
You scoff as you try to think about how things can change so fast. As you blankly stare at your surroundings, you map out the different things you should get to make your penthouse more "homey". It was a very nice and very, very, very expensive place. One that you were definitely not paying for yourself, one that your company took the liberty to do. You have only been able to get the basic things you need for a living space, and only some decorations to truly make it yours. Hell, you even had more clothes than furniture and dishes combined. But that was thanks to sponsors and of course, having to properly ration your paychecks. You had to admit your living space being taken care of for you was an immense help to begin with so you didn't want to complain too much.
Your phone buzzing on the couch successfully gains your attention and you can't help but sigh in annoyance. One thing to also note about being in Japan is that you were practically on call all the time. There was a reason you couldn't leave your phone on silent. You finish up your current bite before hopping down from your chair and trudging your way to your device. You light up upon the contact on your screen. It's an unknown number but the person messaging you makes themselves known in their message.
hiya! this is Mina!! heard you were coming out with me tonight! 🤟
hope this is the right number lol
[✓] Sent 14:39.
Hey! Yes, this is the right number, haha.
My name's Y/N :)
[✓] Sent 14:40.
your name is SO CUTE! it really suits you <3
[✓] Sent 14:41.
Your heart flutters as you receive the compliment, a giddy grin spreading across your lips as you get more eager to contact her.
Thank you! I could say the same for you 🫶🏽
[->] Sent 14:42.
Your thumbs hover over your screen as you try to think of something else to say, not wanting the conversation to die so fast. She hasn't seen your message yet and hopes something comes out of this interaction. Deciding not to stress about it too much, you resume finishing your meal.
So many thoughts run through your mind as you try to prepare yourself for tonight. Even in your hometown, you didn't frequent clubs or bars often, especially not with well-established individuals your age either. It seemed as though Mina was nice enough but you had to factor in the fact Bakugo was going to be there. Then it was also the added stress that other people you didn't even know would be there as well.
You still have no real idea of Bakugo. He seemed pretty reserved, almost goody-two-shoes-like. But honestly, you're sure you gave off the same image as well. Something about him just gave… in the clean. Saying innocent felt like a stretch but you were starting to lean towards that with his mostly clean record. But that could easily be attributed to the fact there was no doubt his agency was probably paying out-of-pocket to keep the shit he does on the low. Maybe you should take it upon yourself to look into him…
Amid your inner thinking, you had decided to clean up the kitchen after your brunch. Having just finished eating, you are now cleaning your dishes. Some dishes were left in the sink and strewn about, but the place thankfully wasn't a pigsty. You rest your hands on the edge of the sink, thinking about the many ways tonight can go before reminding yourself that any time you have tried to predict the future, shit has always gone left field. You hum as you shut the tap water off when you finish and push off the sink to find a towel to dry your hands with. You make your way back to your phone and sit down on one of the high-up chairs as you check your phone.
this is sort of sudden, but do you want to go shopping with me tonight? figured you don't have that many friends anyways
we can get to know each other!
[✓] Sent 14:57.
Well damn. She ain't have to say it like that. You feel a tad embarrassed at the wording but make up your mind anyway. You itch the back of your neck as you reply immediately.
Of course! I would love to. When should I get ready?
[✓] Sent 14:59.
i figured you'd say yes lol. omw what's your address?
[✓] Sent 15:00.
Your brows shoot up at the late notice and hesitate a bit. You look at the time before deciding to go along with it anyways.
000-0000 Shibuya-ku
[✓] Sent 15:03 P.M.
sweet! will be there soon 😉
[✓] Sent 15:04.
                     — ✮ ★ ☆ —
"Hey!" Mina calls out from her car as soon as the windows are rolled down. "You are so much cuter in person!" She unlocks her doors and gives you a wink as you bashfully laugh at her friendly flirting.
"Thank you, you too." You smile as you get in and adjust yourself. You look around as you get settled and admire the layout. You still have yet to get your license and being driven around could sometimes get tiring.
"I was thinking that we should go to that new store in that big shopping district mall in the district. They usually have cute stuff on sale there." Mina suggests. She expertly pulls off and looks over at you with a grin before reaching over to playfully nudge you. "No need to be so tense around me! I totally get you are probably really nervous. Don't worry, I can get you hooked up." She smirks as she looks back at the road, giving you a small glance before she finishes her thought. "In more ways than one…"
"A-Ah, I'm not too sure about that one." You nervously laugh. "If I'm being honest I haven't done anything at all since I've been here… especially, that."
With the gasp she let out, you would think that you just told her you work for the League of Villains. As she reaches a red light she looks over at you with a shocked look, completely flabbergasted at your admission.
"Are you serious?!"
"Not even joking?"
"I am so serious."
"...how?" She looks away completely in silence and scoffs. "Doesn't matter anyways, we'll get you laid in no time~"
You chuckle at her determination and shake your head. "To be honest I'm not really in the mood for that stuff… I kind of like being by myself. It's way less stressful."
"Well, no one said you have to be committed. A little fun once in a while doesn't hurt."
You hum in agreement and rest your arm on the armrest. Mina wasn't completely wrong, but you were totally out of the loop by now. You had to leave behind all of your suitors and sneaky links in H/T. Even then you were too busy with work. There were moments when you wanted to get out there for some sort of excitement to ease your boredom, but nothing ever came of it. Your desire to relinquish your needs always ends with you, your toys, and your imagination. A bit devastating if you think about it too hard.
The bustling shopping district Nina talked about isn't too far from your place and you have also learned that Mina lived pretty close to you as well. There are so many people moving about; lots of people doing their things and plenty who seemed to recognize you both. Luckily, she knew of some ways to avoid crowds.
By the time you two had made it to the mall, basically half an hour and then some had passed. Mina sucked her teeth as she looked at her phone to check the time, her manicured nails tapping against the screen as she spoke to you.
"Ah, who cares? The place is pretty laid back. Being a little late might make you look cooler."
Mina had persuaded you to stop by her favorite boba cafe near the newly opened stores. And surely after reassuring you a bit, she had convinced you to let her take care of the spending for today (although you decided in your head that you'd pay her back).
She grins at you as she finally puts her phone away to look at the menu board. You watch as she effortlessly orders her usual at the kiosk. You attempted to keep up with her movements but it proved to be a difficult task. This pink-haired girl was much more assertive and bold than you thought she would be. Everything she did was done with such confidence and carefree energy that you felt mesmerized by how she carried herself. Though her bluntness did shock you a bit from time to time. The way she talks to you is like you two have known each other for years instead of the fact you two have only greeted each other in passing at formal events. It was her unique sense of being a girl's-girl that made it much easier to get more comfortable with her.
The wait for the drinks doesn't take that long and soon enough you two are on your way to the clothing store. You admired everywhere around and swore to yourself to go out more often. You hadn't realized all the cool stuff you had been missing by just focusing on furthering your career. You were pretty amazed at how the store you were visiting occupied two whole floors, with another giant store on top of it as well.
You and Mina were separate in the store since you two were looking for different things. You were looking for a new pair of bottoms while she looked for accessories on the floor below. You mindlessly sifted through the clothes on the racks not sure what you were looking for specifically. Periodically you'd look out the window and admire the view outside, the day's sky shifting to a more dreamy sunset tone. The music you couldn't recognize softly played in the background, but the ambiance of the 2000-early 2010s feel certainly encapsulated the store.
You find yourself humming softly to the tunes though, a bit shocked that you could understand some of it. Some songs and artists you could recognize while some seemed to be either Japanese or from a different place entirely. As you paid half attention to the clothes while the other half tried listening to the music, the next artist that comes in makes you stop. You're unmoving in your spot and look around as you listen closely, a smile spreading across your lips as the tune properly makes its way to your ears.
It was a song from J. Cole and shockingly enough it was uncensored too. You lightly laugh to yourself as they tend to do this, playing foreign songs with the cuss words on full blast without a care in the world. You couldn't quite place your finger on which song it was though and it seemed as though the song was about to finish anyways.
Soon enough you can find a pair of pants that would suit the outfit and idea you had in mind have half a mind to try it on. You find your way through the options as the song unfolds, looking at the different clothes on your way to the dressing rooms. You softly hum along to the song although making sure not to be too loud. Lord knows you already stick out like a sore thumb, but god, you did love a good J. Cole song.
As the unnamed song comes to a finish, you are on your way to find the dressing rooms. A courteous attendant asks normal customer service questions before leaving you to be in your presence. It's not long before the next song plays and it so happens to be another J. Cole song, except you knew this song very well.
You breathe out a laugh as the intro starts to play and you have to keep your excitement in. You could hear the song much clearer in this section as it was more closed in than the rest of the other area. Despite the music being clearer now, the faint chatter around did indicate you were not alone, and many people liked this store as well.
'note to self: find the furthest stall to avoid any confrontation with anyone else.' You thought to yourself and continued your venture to the furthest spot.
By the time you had made it to the back, it seemed like there was one last stall at the end of the hall. At first glance, it seemed as though it was empty, but as you grew close, you noticed the door was ajar. You had half a mind to barge in but what you saw in the changing room made you freeze.
A familiar tuff of blonde hair and a toned figure dawning in a dark green tank that complimented his tan skin caught your eye. Your gaze followed the chain that adorned his masculine neck, his strong shoulders were next to fall into view, and his well-defined back that his shirt that perfectly molded to his skin was last. You could see he was hunched over in a position that didn't seem as though he was trying something on, but still moving nonetheless. A soft gasp that's immediately hushed makes you look up and your eyes widen. The sound was way too feminine, and it certainly was not from you. Another noise makes you squint, trying to see what was going on.
"Stop teasing me," She whispers to him and that's when you finally realize what the hell was going on.
Before you could turn around a pair of eyes makes contact with yours through the reflection of the mirror and you suck in a quiet breath at the fact now you have been caught. The reflection of his deep scarlet eyes showed no direct emotion and you couldn't read what he was feeling, much less thinking. His movements continued without faltering though and another soft sound of encouragement followed his actions. One thing was clear and there was no mistaking it: you could see him and Bakugo could see you. You know that you should leave. However, now you are dangerously curious and confused. The worst part is that you were frozen in shock.
Prettily manicured fingers lightly glide over his shoulders and trace his tanned skin before finding its way to lose itself in his hair. You could hear her question what he was looking at before guiding him to pay his full attention to her once again. It's when he breaks eye contact you can finally break out of your trance.
It was at that moment that the song over speakers reached your ears again and the irony that hangs through the air is almost laughable. No longer wanting any part in listening or seeing this go down, you swiftly turn around and walk away pretending nothing happened in the hope to find the furthest stall away from him.
When you find a stall you immediately close the door and throw the store's clothes onto the side. You rub your temples and close your eyes, another sigh leaving your lips for the millionth time today. Much to your dismay, closing your eyes didn't ease the impending headache that was about to hit, nor did it halt the memory of what you just witnessed. Your mind only brought the visualization of what you just saw to the forefront. You purse your lips as it didn't help that her voice accompanied the memory.
'it started off real innocent my ass.' You thought to yourself as that part of the song over the speakers made its way to your ears. When you open your eyes you're met with your reflection in two mirrors and have no other choice but to look at yourself. You felt like you were going crazy and rightfully so! You weren't innocent yourself, no, but have some damn grace. To be so careless like that, you're starting to realize that the coworker you thought you had a general idea of is way off.
But what did this make you? You stood there and watched them. Not for long, but long enough. Long enough that he saw you. Bakugo knew you were standing there and didn't do anything about it. At first, you thought that his expression was unreadable, but the more you thought about it, you had completely missed the challenging look in his eyes.
The piercing look of instigation with a hint of his curiosity. It was as if it was a look of provocation. As if… beckoning you to try something. Or are you desperately trying to justify why you watched two people doing lewd acts to each other while you just stood there in shock? One of them being your partner in fighting against crime.
You harshly scoff and turn around to avoid looking at yourself to hopefully put off letting it run through your head any longer. You start to strip your clothes off and face the door as you get undressed. As your mind starts to clear, you hear the song playing over the speakers and can't help but humorlessly laugh at the fact the song was about to finish. It had only been what? Almost four minutes and this whole thing had you in shambles. It would've been easier to handle if you didn't have to see him so soon—as in literally a couple of hours—but nope, your dumbass decided to go out today. To, "network". To have fun.
After finishing your haul you have long forgotten any songs playing over the speaker and now you just wanted to leave this store without encountering those two ever again, actually. Unfortunately, never seeing them again isn't an option, and making sure not to cross paths with them for now will be quite the challenge.
You slam the door open and accidentally startle the other shoppers due to your outburst. While apologizing profusely you hear a familiar voice call out to you, a wave of relief hitting over you once you realize it's Mina.
"Ready to check out?" Mina asks, completely unaware of what just happened. You wordlessly nod your head as you follow behind her, ready to get out of this place as fast as possible.
                     — ✮ ★ ☆ —
The club's music did not disappoint. Admittedly, you have been to a few clubs here and there that completely sucked. Like… really bad. The clubbing scene is totally different and it was clear that the culture here was adversely opposite of what you were used to. Not to say that every club you went to back in H/T was spectacular, but you could at least anticipate people having a ball and throwing ass. Consequently, you were pleasantly surprised by the one you were invited to since you chalked it up to cultural differences. However, it may have just been that you needed to find places that worked for you.
As aforementioned, you and Mina did end up arriving late but it seemed as though many of the other people in your party were milling about and having fun anyways to pay attention to that fact. You met a few others that your manager had briefly mentioned and had the pleasure to meet.
The first was Momo, a hero that had lots of prestige and was very kind. She often modeled but did other charity work as well. She had offered to put in a good word for you as she deeply admired your beauty. The next was another woman, Hagakure. You had heard about her before, and somehow her outgoing presence and energy rivaled Mina's. The downside though you knew to keep your distance since she seemed a lot more.. chaotic which is why you had already known about her prior.
Then there were the other guys there. Denki who was practically Mina's partner in crime, and another one whose name is Sero. He was pretty chill, not going to lie pretty cute too. He had a level of nonchalant charm that had you intrigued. The top hero of the country who everyone knew and loved was also rumored to make an appearance, but Sero advised you not to hold your breath. It was a whole workaround just to get the top three heroes in a public setting like this even when they could find refuge in the V.I.P section such as this one. It was a miracle that the second top hero—Dynamight A.K.A Bakugo Katsuki—was in attendance that night as well. Women and even men were always trying to find opportunities to throw themselves onto their desired hero, hoping that they'll be, "the one". The thought always made you laugh at the insanity of it all. Throughout the interaction, you did find yourself swayed to chat it up with him. He seemed sweet and Sero was honestly a calm breath of fresh air compared to the vibrant personalities that you have met so far. Even with how well you two were kicking it off, it did feel like something was looming around. Almost as if someone was watching you.
You assumed that you'd be safe on the terrace as there were a handful of people out there too. When you looked around you couldn't see anyone, and it seemed as though everyone was doing their own thing and partying. You're not sure how but at a certain point you two had gotten closer in distance, thighs touching and personal space becoming slim. You'd lean into his ear so he could "hear you better", his calloused hand resting on your knee that touched his and you had to admit that you didn't want it to stop. The small amount of liquid courage was making this easier for you. The alcohol gave you a level of confidence that made your words have a lighthearted cadence to them, much more fluid than when you are sober and worrying if your vocabulary is fluent and with the trends.
"D'you wanna dance?" Sero proposed. There was a playful grin on your face and you were more than welcome to oblige.
"I'd love to."
Both of your bodies are close and you can feel his strong hands on your hips. There is no space in between and there was no mistaking that you could feel his,,, friend down there. But you welcomed it. You even pulled his arms closer and ground against him. It had been a while since you have danced like this and he was cute enough for you to let this continue.
While feeling the rhythm (and his obvious boner and shifty hands) you catch the attention of someone you weren't expecting. You're too into feeling the motions of your environment to properly be stunned but it was no mistake that it was the same guy you vowed to avoid until further notice, Bakugo. You two never break eye contact as you tilted your head to the side, the horny male behind you taking it as a sign to kiss your neck. Your brows scrunch in pleasure as his lips are undoubtedly skilled, his teeth teasing your skin numerous times but not deep enough to leave any marks. Your hands find their way to tangle in his hair, egging him on to continue.
Bakugo's eyes are intense just like you had witnessed in the changing room. It seemed as though he had no plans on breaking eye contact with you and it scared you in a way that he was unwavering. While you cowered coming across him and his presumed girlfriend, he openly stared at you. Another challenging look with confidence oozing from him. Just when a hand starts to wander a little south on your body, he starts to move towards you and now you're starting to get anxious.
Breaking eye contact, you're quick to turn around in Sero's hold, an apologetic expression on your face.
"Too much?" Sero asks, his hand coming up to wipe a strand of hair from your face and you shake your head.
"I have to run to the restroom real quick, okay?" You squeeze his hand before leaving and take a few steps before actively making your way in the opposite direction in which Bakugo was going.
Your eyes search desperately for the bathrooms and much to your relief signs were pointing in that direction. Despite all of the dancing bodies and other people trying to make it around as well, you can find refuge and go into the restroom. You immediately walk up to the sink on the furthest side of the room and place your hands on the ledge of the sink. A deep sigh comes from you as you try to calm yourself down knowing that you were starting to get too cocky outside.
What the hell even was that?
You have had your fair share of rendezvous' and sneaking around, but never have you made eyes at someone's boyfriend or whatever the fuck he was to her. Everything about today was going way too fast, and you were sure you were going to need another drink.
You turn on the water and grab a paper towel to wet, applying the wet paper to clean off your face and skin. You were right about one thing though: Sero was pretty skilled and you wondered how he was able to contain himself and not mark your skin. Had it been any other bumbling idiot, you would've had to be covering up your neck and shoulders with makeup for a good few days or so.
You bend down to catch the water instead, fully committing to the idea that you'll reapply your makeup, if any, before leaving the bathroom to get yourself together. As you try to sober yourself up you hear the door open and close behind you and pay it no mind. The running water of the sink distracts you for a hot minute before it hits you that there was no movement at all after the door had initially opened. You turn off the water and turn around, a sharp gasp coming from you as you fully take in who's at the door.
"Having fun?" Bakugo asks in a tone you've never heard before. It was deeper, a light husk to it rather than his regular monotonous or rambunctious tone. He steps closer and you back up, trying to create more space between you. He scoffs at the action, stepping forward again and watching as you have nowhere else to go. You have no other choice but to watch him slowly make his way up to you, and you aren't sure what to expect.
"Bakugo," You start but fail to continue. What do you even say to him, how do you even start? Your mouth opens and closes as you try to collect yourself making him chuckle.
"Keep going and you might turn into a fish."
His mockery successfully makes you close your mouth and glare at him. Bakugo's calloused hand reaches out and softly touches your neck, tracing where Sero's lips once were. His thumb lightly traces your skin, a low hum in approval at how his work is pretty much unnoticeable.
"You shouldn't be in here." Your voice is low and timid. He grins at your words and places his hands on your hips, pushing you to sit back on the counter behind you. You curse yourself for choosing the last sink in the corner and you curse yourself for responding so easily to his touch. "And we shouldn't be like this either." You try to reason more with yourself more than anything.
He scoffs out a laugh and leans in close to your ear, lips brushing against your skin. "Why not? It's just us."
"But that… girl?" You lightly pull away from him and place your hands behind you to support yourself. His face shows confusion for a split second when he merely pulls inches away from you.
"Camie?" Bakugo's cocky demeanor returns as he slides his hands from your hips to your thighs, parting them enough to fit himself between them. "So it really was you at the store, eh? Didn't know my partner was such a pervert."
The nerve. He was the one who left the door ajar. If anything, you should be calling him the pervert.
"I-I wasn't trying to, you left the door open." You counter back, eyes narrowing in response. He lightly shrugs before moving in to kiss the opposite side of your neck Sero left untouched and places an open kiss on your skin.
"Must've forgot."
A humorless laugh comes from you in reaction to his answer, a soft gasp following in its footsteps. His teeth sink into your skin and you are sure that, unlike your first pick for the night, Bakugo definitely left a mark. You softly whimper as he places his right hand on your waist to press your body closer to his. Your back arches into his and you move your head to welcome his rough kisses, the stimulation undoubtedly reawakening the lust you had on the dance floor. His hand on your hip grips your thigh and slips its way to the middle of your legs, wasting no time pressing the pads of his fingers against your heat.
You moan at the pressure and hurriedly press your lips together in embarrassment. Your eyes are closed to avoid making eye contact with him as you already know he was gearing up to tease you.
"Shit, when was the last time you got fucked, princess?" Bakugo grips your cheeks and forces you to open your eyes. There's no way he expects you to answer with his grip, and you're sure he's not expecting it anyways. "Soy sauce face ain't do it for ya'?"
You look up at him with a dazed and confused look, the look in your eyes making him groan. The nicknames he picked were certainly unique, and you can't quite pinpoint why he coined Sero that; much less what their connection to each other is. He was under the assumption that like him you were actively 'busy' in your free time. You certainly weren't if that wasn't evident with how receptive you are to his touch.
"I'll get you all fixed up, baby," Bakugo leans in close to your lips, "make you forget all about that dunce's face." He finishes the declaration with a kiss, his grip softening on your cheeks and then moving to your neck.
The kiss, albeit sloppy, intoxicated you. His lumps were plump and soft, a hard contrast to his strong and calloused hands that held your thigh and waist. His tongue brushes against your lower lip asking for an entrance and you gladly allow him entrance. You moan as his tongue dominates your mouth, his wet muscle caresses yours with passion.
Your hands now gripped onto his strong shoulders like that other girl once did. You can't help but think about her, your thoughts starting to cloud about the two of them. You pull away as you start to feel guilty, a string of saliva connecting you two as you part.
"What's wrong?" Bakugo wipes the string of saliva away, a soft pant to his words as he collects himself.
"I just can't, Bakugo. You have a girlfriend."
"She's not my girl, not like that," Bakugo reassures, his thumb pressing against your lip before moving his finger to press various pecks against your lips. "I ain't never did this before, but I've had my eye on you for a while." The confession shamefully made you blush. You had always thought he was attractive but never thought deeper about it. Even a few days ago from the WIRED interview you never made the move to ask or even care about getting to know him. But here you were, sitting on a random club's sink with him between your luscious thighs.
Your cumbersome thoughts start to lose their way as he leans in to kiss you again, your worries washing away when his soft lips find yours. His kiss is overwhelmingly commanding and you love it. You were used to guys taking a more passive approach with you and the lack of control his kiss held undoubtedly made you more responsive to him. Even with that distinction from before, the kiss now is more controlled this time and his composure shows he meant business now. His tongue works smoothly against yours and doesn't shy away from wrestling with yours. You were so enraptured by the kiss you hadn't noticed his left hand had slipped into the front of your bottoms, the feeling of his fingers pressing against your clothed cunt making you buck into his hand.
You whimper as he continues his stroking, your hands never letting up their hold on his strong shoulders. His fingers welcome your grinding and he pulls away from the kiss to look down at the spot between your hips and watches in interest.
"Katsuki," Bakugo corrects you and tilts your chin down to maintain eye contact with you once again.
You bite your lip and your eyes flutter closed once he presses his fingers against your clit eliciting a breathier moan from you.
"Say it and I'll put them in, Y/N." He lets his fingers slip down to collect your slick, the tips of his fingers lightly pressing at your entrance before tracking back up to play with your clit again.
"K-Kat," Your jaw locks up at his diddling, a frustrated pout adorning your features as you try to keep up with him. "I—thought you said you haven't done this before, hm?"
He lightly laughs at your accusation, softly shaking his head at your confusion. "Messin' around like this, princess." His eyes flicker down at your movements and softly groans.
"So it's not about me being a foreigner?"
"That too," The question gets a genuine laugh from him, his brow raising in amusement as he slips in a finger whilst he answers. "used to stealing other people's girl's, not the other way around."
"Shit!" Your fingers grip his tank top and you bring him in for another kiss. His experience is clear in the way he maintains his rhythm in both his kiss and fingering your sopping cunt. Bakugo slips in another finger when you start to lubricate more, a lewd squelch welcoming in his digits.
He curls his fingers to find your soft g-spot, his touch delicate but rough at the same time. You were a vocal one for sure and he loved it. When he presses his palm against your once abandoned clit, your sounds let him know how much you appreciated the attention again. You two break the kiss when you both need time to breathe, lips still very much pressed against one another as you two take each other in.
"Katsuki, fuck-"
"You're close aren't you, pretty girl?" He hums and you nod your head in confirmation. He barely reacts when your nails press into his skin, his eyes scanning the way your body reacts to his movements and how unabashedly expressive you were. So many other women were always focused on how pretty they looked and wanted to be prettier and more memorable than the last the young man encountered. You seemed so natural and into it and he greatly admired it. His crush that he has developed on you for some time now was growing for sure and it was all by chance that it was panning out like this. At this point he didn't care if you were using him to get your rocks off, he wanted to see you like this more often.
With bliss written across your face, your orgasm washes over you in an artful visual. Bakugo had grown to love all your expressions and this one by far might be his favorite. Your brows were scrunched as you released, eyes closed and your mouth shaped like an "O". When you opened back up your eyes to look at him, he knew what you were asking for. Bakugo softly sweet-talks you as you come down, his fingers slowing to a stop before pulling from your pants to lick his fingers.
You're a mess, a light pant to your breath as you watch him lick up your essence from his digits. You move to palm his hard-on, but his other hand immediately stops you.
"Fuck me, Katsuki." You mumbled against his lips, the look in your eyes showing nothing but a lustful plea.
"Not yet, princess," Bakugo answers back in the same manner, his lips brushing against yours as a way to tease before pulling away. "Can't spoil you too much now, can I?" He gives you a look over and scoffs at your dumbfounded seemingly fucked out state.
You call out his name as he washes up and leaves you behind in the bathroom.
You sit on the counter and stare at the door in shock. Your body felt like it was on fire. Your panties were now soaked and to add fuel to the fire you were left horny as fuck.
You slump against the corner and roll your eyes in exasperation. You no longer wanted to go back out and the pull to get another drink quickly died once you found yourself getting drunk on lust from what just occurred. You press your thighs together and groan at how Bakugo successfully blue-balled you both. You knew he was hard as fuck too the way his dick pressed against your thigh confirmed it.
You tilt your head to the side to observe yourself and have to admit you look a hot mess. Your eyes are half-lidded, you weren't sure how but your hair was a mess and now your once clear neck is now adorned in marks from Bakugo's rough kisses. You look away from the mirror and begrudgingly hop off the counter, the need to go home and take a shower finally reaching its way to your nervous system.
hey girlie, I'm heading out for the night. thanks for hanging out with me! 🫶🏽
[->] Sent 1:24 A.M.
You make sure to text Mina to avoid any miscommunication of you randomly disappearing during the night. You took your time to gather yourself not wanting to leave until you were ready. Once you leave the bathroom, you make a beeline towards the terrace needing to grab your things before having to leave in a cab for home.
"Leaving already?" A male's voice behind you makes you turn around.
"Ah, Sero," You smile apologetically as you properly face him. "I just… I'm not feeling well all of a sudden…" It was a shit lie and you knew it. You couldn't think of a better excuse but it wasn't a complete lie either. After your encounter with Bakugo, you needed to spend the night preferably alone.
Sero nods his head and gives you a warm smile. "I get it. Could I uh… get your phone maybe? Only if you're comfortable."
"Oh!" You light up and nod your head. "Yeah, of course."
After searching his pockets, Sero pulls out his phone and hands it to you. You quickly type in your number right before getting the notification on your own device that your ride is ready.
"It was nice meeting you, Sero." You lean up to kiss him on the cheek, leaving not too long after. It was a bit hard moving through the crowd but you were able to leave, and hopefully, you would be able to go home without any trouble tonight.
But what you didn't know was some people were paying attention and saw that whole exchange.
Quite a few, actually.
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lokisasylum · 3 months
I love it when Company Stans finally open the 3rd eye in their butthole to realize that the company is NOT their friend.
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The company is NOT your friend.
Hybe does NOT care what the fans want.
Bang PD is NOT your friend, he is NOT the "father figure", the savior or the hero armys have made him out to be all these years.
He's the biggest money and power hungry manipulator, gaslighter, gatekeeper and bully of them all.
He even admitted openly in an interview into GASLIGHTING and GROOMING the members for YEARS (since they were minors) in order to force them into WORKING HARDER. Sometimes overworking them into exhaustion, sickness and even injury. That's his "secret formula to BTS' success".
Bang PD is NO DIFFERENT from any other asshole in the industry.
We've been telling ya'll for YEARS about this, but instead of heeding our warnings you tried to silence us OG fans, 'cause the illusion of the "perfect family" would crumble and you'd be forced into admitting that BH/Hybe was no better than SM. But that's exactly what is happening now, everything Armys have criticized/condemned for years from other labels, artists, and fandoms is coming back to bite them in the ass.
Now we got Scooter Braun in the mix also taking advantage of the artists and fandom. He openly MOCKS and HARASSES Armys on social media for being against him.
Hybe Staff that are part of HIS team are now also openly mocking armys on social media for the multiple boycotts going on (the protest trucks around Seoul for the company's lack of transparency & failure to protect the members against malicious messages, the boycott against the member's merch or content being aired in Isr*el, ect).
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spicybylerpolls · 4 months
I am gonna speak my truth. Don’t throw tomatoes at this poor anon folks but I stayed quiet too long. I fully believe with my whole heart that Finn had a crush on Noah when they were younger which was super noticeable especially during season 2, (by season 3 promo Finn was in a different period maturity wise than Noah, in his wanting to be seen as older/cooler era and that’s when I felt a distance grow with Noah, at least publicly, which was sad but hey they were kids!) if you ever watch any of the stuff from that period it’s just…. I’m sorry. I see it. It wasn’t as obvious as the fack stuff (which I didn’t follow but I’ve seen a video or two and… uh wow well ok then lol) And ofc I saw it from Noah too. Like you can’t tell me little Noah didn’t have a massive crush as well and maybe some hero worship (I still suspect he does but we would never know bc bts and interview stuff with them has been lacking for years now)..But yea that’s that on that for me. Doesn’t mean I ship them, I don’t expect them to date and I honestly don’t care if they did, but I have eyes and was a little kid once with crushes. I see a lot of me and my younger siblings behavior in them. They were just precious is all. Young Noah was so incredibly adorable and Young Finn really treated him very much in a Mike Wheeler looking out for him kinda way and he was very much different with the other guys. As was Noah. flame me if you want, once again not shipping just pointing out observations.
Thank you for speaking your truth! I don't know whether it's true or not, but what you're saying is definitely possible!
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jackoshadows · 2 years
Hi, so I watched GoT+ am on asoiaf 1 rn and I have a Q about Dany; why is her character so divisive? I read meta by pro Dany fans and its "Dany's compassionate, self critical, a good ruler, a political reformer, frees slaves she'll be a hero at the end" and the antis "shes entitled, vengeful, profiter of slavery, a coloniser and GRRM wont validate a foreign invasion with nuclear weapons; hes anti war!!" Like, wHAt? Surely her character cant be THAT ambigious?! These are popular opposites??
Alright, I'll try to explain this from my perspective as a Jon Snow fan. However, this will be spoilery if you have read only one book. I would suggest reading all the books before joining in on discussions about the character.
It's a combination of things.
One is most definitely sexism. I don't throw that word around lightly having been constantly attacked as a ‘sexist dudebro who hates women’ for simply critiquing a female character.
Sexism in fandom is when female characters are held to different standards compared to their male counterparts. When female characters are critiqued or disliked for doing the same thing that male characters are often praised for doing. Daenerys is subjected to a lot of this which is especially evident in the books because she has a parallel arc of leadership with Jon Snow over at the Wall - the two characters at the ends of the world. 
An example is right there in your ask. GRRM is anti-war and hence why would he validate Dany's invasion - She is therefore in the wrong. Okay. In which case why not extend that argument to every other main character in the series? GRRM is anti-war and therefore Robb Stark was wrong to wage war for Northern independence. GRRM is anti-war and therefore Jon Snow is wrong to help Stannis in his battle against the Boltons. GRRM is anti-war and therefore Tyrion is wrong to use wildfire and defeat Stannis at the battle of the blackwater. GRRM is anti-war and therefore Jon Snow is the villain of the battle at Castle Black.
I think the main thesis of GRRM’s argument in regard to his protagonists has been that there is no good or bad and instead they are all morally gray? Yeah war is bad and most of our protagonists engage in war and they are therefore morally grey characters. I mean, Jon Snow is over there taking child hostages that he has promised to behead - does that make him a baddie? Ned Stark took Theon as a child hostage. Is he a baddie? Our main characters all belong to noble houses in a feudal monarchy - a system of governance that GRRM relentlessly critiques in the books. Are they all baddies?
This double standard is particularly glaring when Dany's battles in Essos is about helping the little guy - the slaves who are under the worst kind of oppression. The WOT5K (War of the 5 Kings) on the other hand was about personal power, ravaged the land and lead to much devastation and suffering. However, for some strange reason when fandom discusses the books and the author being anti-war they focus particularly on Daenerys - that strange reason is sexism.
If you have watched GOT, I am sure you would have noticed those obvious  double standards yourself.
Tyrion standing there making sad faces makes it look like Daenerys is doing something wrong when she executes the Tarlys - two treasonous traitors. However every other House does the same! Jon Snow executed the mutineers at the wall - even a child. After the battle of bastards, he mentions the Karstarks and Umbers having been killed in battle or else they would have been executed. Sansa wants to punish even their children!! But for some strange reason [(i.e) sexism] a female leader executing traitors is evil. That she does so without crying (Something the show runner David Benioff points out in an BTS interview) means she is evil. Jon not crying when killing people = badass, Dany not crying when killing people = evil.
Daenerys in battle with Jaime Lannister to get the Iron Throne = evil. Starks fighting against the Boltons to get Winterfell = Yay! Awesome. Thousands die in both battles - in one battle they die, burned by dragonfire. In the other one they are hacked to death and die with their guts hanging out. In both cases, people die.
The show quickly moves past Jaime Lannister, the Tarlys and their men massacring everyone of Olenna's men and piling their bodies high and sacking and looting the place. However, the show takes time to linger on Tyrion's sad face with the sad music and the men dying when Daenerys is attacking those same men on the battlefield.
I am not even getting into season 8 because it was so, so bad and full of puke inducing sexism that will need 10 pages to outline. I think you have got the gist of why sexism is such a large factor in how Dany's character is otherized and analyzed by fandom at large and made worse by Benioff and Weiss' rampant misogyny shining through in the show's writing.
I mentioned this in another post and I will say again - removing show Tyrion from show Daenerys' narrative would reduce the sexism in her story arc ten fold. He was D&D's mouthpiece in the series after season 5 - there to tell us that Dany was evil for doing all the things the male characters did.
And yes, Nuclear weapons are bad. Nuclear weapons can also be a deterrent and prevent war. Nuclear weapons can also be useful in a fantasy, magical world dealing with an existential apocalyptic threat. This is why I find one to one comparisons like these to be ridiculous. The Starks also have some fiercesome beasts that the author has indicated will be used in battle. Are we calling them evil?
The rest. Colonizer? They should look up what that means and whether it applies to Dany's story in Essos. Profiting off slavery? If one reads the books one knows this is blatantly untrue. Entitled and vengeful? No more than any of the other main characters who belong to noble houses in Westeros.
Daenerys has her flaws, not saying that she doesn't. That's what makes her a three-dimensional and relatable character. It's easy to criticize the character because she does self-reflect and introspect, is sometimes crippled by self-doubt and wants to do things differently and try different options - something that makes her human and real and very well written. Leadership is not easy and she’s 15 in the last book.
The other aspect is a flaw in the writing with respect to the setting of Daenerys' story in the series. She's the only main POV character in Essos until Arya and Tyrion get there in ADwD. And there is a lot of orientalism in GRRM's writing for Essos - meant to represent the East while Westeros represents the West.
There's much to say about how he writes the Dothraki as savage barbarians. While he gives POV characters for the Ironborn with Theon and Asha and characters like Mance, Tormund and Ygritte for the Freefolk, where's the equivalent of all that for the Dothraki? Oh but look, they are eating honeyed locusts! How exotic! There's lots of cartoonishly evil slavers who kill puppies! GRRM keeps otherizing their customs and culture as being savage and cruel and different - highlighted by the fact that we don't have a single Essosi POV giving us their side of things.
I do find GRRM's orientalism distasteful and off putting, especially as Essos is just a prop, a stepping stone for the characters before they move onto Westeros where the real story is happening. That is however a critique of the writing, not of the character. People tend to conflate the two. A middle aged white man writing in the nineties about a fantasy eastern world does not make Daenerys a 'white savior' or a 'colonizer' and it's clear from various interviews the author has given that this was not his intention either.
Daenerys is also the only Targaryen POV in the books. Think about that. The Starks have 6 POVs in the first book. The Lannisters get 3 by AFfC. The Greyjoys have 4, the Martells have 2. The only major house worse off than the Targaryens are the Baratheons with no POV characters.
We see Jon Snow through Arya and Bran’s POV. We see Arya through Jon’s. We get none of this for Dany. The Starks have a home and a loving family. Dany meanwhile is starting off the story at her lowest point - an abusive brother and forcefully married off to a Dothraki. While the Starks then end up losing that security, family members die, one of them is a hostage and the other is on the run - they still have memories of each other. Danerys meanwhile, slowly and painfully works her way to the top. 
Reminds me of a post I responded to the other day, where the OP said that Arya and Jon cannot be underdogs because they are winners (Whatever that means). That’s the attitude that a lot of fandom has towards Daenerys - now that she is queen and has power, she has it easy compared to the likes of Sansa and the rest of the Starks. Ignoring that when the books started Daenerys was in a way worse position than any of the Starks.
This is a fandom that thinks that Sansa Stark deserves to be Queen in the North because she’s beautiful, has good manners and is a Stark. And this is the same fandom who think that Daenerys, who worked her way to the top - with no family to help, no happy childhood, no teachers, no security of food and shelter, who were beggars and on the run at one point - the Daenerys who is currently spending an entire book ruling a city state, making trade deals, dealing with an insurgency and famine, engaging in marriage diplomacy to sue for peace for the slaves she freed, that Daenerys is entitled. Do you agree?
I am a Jon Snow fan and even I can see how utterly ridiculous the fan discourse around Daenerys is. When the show was on, I was only posting about Jon and there was so much anti Dany stuff on the Jon Snow tags I had to wade into discussion about the character. And the more I defended her, the more I ended up re-reading her chapters, the more I ended up loving the character. There’s so much hypocrisy and sexist double standards where the character is concerned.
And I have not even touched upon the obnoxiousness that is ‘Jonsa’ - group of morons who think Sansa is the main character in a book series called A Song of Sansa and Sansa and Jon is secretly in love with Sansa who is going to be Queen with executioner/personal spymaster Arya Stark and her consort Jon Snow who will sexually manipulate and murder Daenerys for his great love Sansa.
Sansa fans make up the vast majority of asoiaf fans on Tumblr and the majority of them dislike Daenerys and Arya or see Dany as Sansa’s antagonist - even though these two characters have no connection in the books and I doubt they would ever interact. If you look at most of the anti Dany posts on here, they will be made by someone with a Sansa pfp. There are posts about how Jon will kill Dany or how Arya will kill Dany, and if you look at their blogs they will be big Sansa fans.
These are the same people who write essays on how Arya is not a real girl or is ‘male-coded’ or who write essays on how Daenerys only uses ‘threats and force’ whereas Sansa is apparently a political genius who uses ‘Soft Power’ - a foreign policy concept - because she talked down 13 year old idiot Joffrey that one time. When in the actual books, it’s Daenerys who has used Soft Power in her marriage diplomacy with Hizdahr and Sansa has never engaged in any kind of politics with actual adults.
Notice that these kinds of ‘metas’ are popularized by fandom bnfs using blogs like asoiafuniversity. There’s this very popular idea that’s propagated in fandom that Sansa is kind and compassionate when in the actual books there are more instances of kindness and compassion from Arya and from Daenerys. This is once again an example of how sexism and misogyny in this fandom has worked to give the wrong impressions of these characters. Arya and Daenerys are seen as more violent compared to Sansa even though Daenerys’ entire arc for two books has been about helping an oppressed population. The mind boggles!
It’s the same when it comes to love and romance. Arya and Daenerys are not considered worthy of love, romance and marriage because they are the wrong kind of girls. And let’s not bring age into this considering Sansa is 11 at the start of the books and she is the fandom bicycle shipped with every Tom, Dick and Harry.
I am not even getting into the slut-shaming and victim blaming that Daenerys gets in the fandom. There was actual discourse in this fandom on how Dany was not a good rape victim like Sansa because she brought up her rape in conversation! Daenerys is somehow seen as less than because she can’t possibly have children - that apparently makes her less of a woman and a bad partner for Jon Snow unlike Sansa Stark who will surely have ten babies!
The worst part is that’s it women who engage in this kind of discourse and the same women who turn around and gaslight the fandom into thinking that Sansa is unfairly targeted because of sexism.
There’s also the usual dislike from the fans of other characters.
There are Jon Snow fans who see him as the prophesied hero and main protagonist, who don’t like Daenerys coming over and taking away main character status. I personally think there is no one main character. IMO, Jon, Dany, Arya, Bran and Tyrion are all tier one main characters, who will work together against the Army of the Dead. [Note: This works the other way as well. I have seen Dany fans who dislike Jon Snow as well and think he is unimportant in the grand scheme of things]
There are Stannis Baratheon stans over on the Asoiaf subreddit who will excuse everything Stannis does - including burning people alive for his God - and then nitpick every single policy decision of Dany’s in order to argue she is evil or a bad ruler. 
There are house Stark fans who hate House Targaryen and see them as in opposition to each other. There are fans who believe in Northern exceptionalism i.e the North is special and Dany is a threat to that specialness because she wants the 7K etc. etc.
This turned out to be a long post. On the whole, the answer to your question on why Daenerys is such a polarizing character is mainly because of sexism. There are other factors like the setting and isolation of her story, the lack of other POVs etc. The main reason though is sexism and ship wars.
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
All members are using IG to promote their solo projects, album, brand ambassador…etc. I admire JK who prefers genuine interaction with fans, he did not forget how BTS stood out from other idols and established connection with fans. I love him for that. But still, he has ‘jobs’, deleting his IG account and saying he is not going to use it anyways seem to suggest that no solo projects will be released in the near future… He has strong brand power and influence, if he has no ‘brand ambassador’ contract yet, it means he turned down all the offers. What do you think he is planning? Is he happy?
Is that shade I detect?
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What do you mean he prefers genuine interaction with fans? And I'm sorry, who don't?? Gworl😩
I think you trynnna gaslight yourself romanticing this as some sort of heroic deed born out of the goodness of his heart 💀
Realistically speaking, IG is just an alternative platform for reaching a much more narrow, targeted fanbase. It's a much better platform for engaging with fans compared to weverse which is still in its early development stages and only recently rolled out lives.
Jungkook himself said he wished it had options to add fans during lives and chat with them- a feature that IG already has.
While it's easier to see his actual brand power on IG, the same cannot be said for weverse cos you know he his posting to not just his fans but other members' fans as well. It's OT7 up in weverse. Not JKK.
And let's not forget both he and Tae were the first members who hoped on to IG and enthusiastically posted on there acting all giddy as if they just got out of hybe jail and were finally free.
If you want a member who dragged his feet out there it was this one right here. He's your hero.
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He is the king OT7 kumbaya gang leader. He said it himself he didn't even know what he was to post on there and for the longest time he was posting nufin.
So just because Jungkook deletes IG on a whim does not make him no damn OT7 simp. Stop. I love you but I will fight you to the death on this one- and maybe chase you with a pitch fork in the afterlife too🥴
Because, didn't I make posts about how he seemed eager to embark on his solo path way before they announced their solo careers? He literally let it slip in an interview how he couldn't wait to try a solo stage and then backtracked talking about how he didn't mean to say he wanted to go solo.
Was he a genuine fan interaction boss then when he was posting Tae and all those stories and IG live??
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Bombastic side eye.
you have to recommend me a good Jimin Y/N fanfic with a lot of smut for getting me worked up over this. Actually make that two. You nice, keep going 🤭💜
With the second part of your ask, I really don't know. All I've heard him say is he has a lot of free time and that he wishes it could stay that way for a while.
I think he and V already have their albums done. They might have been the first few members to work on theirs. I mean some of their songs were incorporated into OT7 songs if I remember right. Tae had a whole ass English song ready to go.
Jk is an artist. His band mates are busy with solo projects they won't be available for no OT7 music projects until later in the future when they conclude their military service.
And I don't think he is quitting music or retiring from music so soon so.....
If he has all that free time and doesn't want to do solo projects then he better get his ass shipped off to military and get it over with. Gotta yank the bandaid off real fast and it won't hurt.
I don't know why people are buying this whole "I deleted it cos I don't use it story." You genuinely believe that's why he deleted IG?💀
B--bcos he doesn't use it????? Okay now
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I know we joke about how bts deletes Twitter if they haven't used it in a long while but he took that quite literally didn't he?
If you're not using it, delete the app from your phone and forget about it. You don't delete your account. Jimin wasn't using the app either- I didn't see him delete his account🥴
Personally, I was worried having separate accounts would lead to unnecessary rivalry and competition with fans pitting them against eachother and making fun of who has the least followers.
Then there's this whole thing with the algorithms and analytics that would have you obsessing over likes comments views and impressions. It can mess with your head.
But then I assumed, that was something they all might have thought through before setting up those accounts.
They knew the risks and they took it. Says a lot about all of them. This is a journey they had collectively agreed to embark on. So if Jungkook is taking himself out, let's not take this lightly. Let's assume there's a sound tangible reason behind it other than redundancy and inactivity.
Then someone said he deleted it because he was angry with fans- listen yea, if Jungkook is mad at fans YOU'LL KNOW. Lmho.
he wouldn't be out here on weverse showing yall his snores while lowkey calling yall out for being crazay.
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He and his man finna pack off these streets and disappear on yall for months when yall push a button with your ghettory.
That's not his MO. It just isn't but to each their own.
It's crazy town. There's room for all of us.
And if he's clinging on to yall it's usually a sign he's isolating in his real life. (Not saying he is clinging to the fans, there isn't much interaction at odd hours to back this up- yet.)
But I do wonder where all his alleged girlfriends at💀
Yall come get your man.
I know his boyfriend is busy preparing for an album release and his crime partner- na see where Tae at too cos I see him on IG but dude staying silent on JK's public fuckups Activities. Come get him Tae
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Is Jungkook happy?
I don't know hun.
It could be he turned down all offers or now is not the right time to announce those deals. Probably because they haven't been finalized or he hasn't found a brand he wants to work with.
As part if BTS, he has worked with brands in the past and so I'm sure he has a fair idea of which brands suit him best.
He did dreamers for Fifa inspite of protests about Qatar. Sets the tone doesn't it?
I won't lie though, that's a lot of money he just pissed away deleting that account. And guess who gets a cut of that money by deciding which brands he works with? 😶😶😶😶
I really hope he knows what he is doing.
But your ask makes me curious about something- I'm not sure I want to address that here. Especially the part you said he has no contract yet- I doubt it but if it's true then I would wonder if he's perceived "social risk" is a factor. That would break my heart you know?
I know some brands tend to Stay away from certain Celebrities for fear they might be too controversial due to their lifestyle or even sexuality. I didn't say this but because I think of Jikook as queer men I tend to stress myself over these things a lot.
For Jungkook I imagine people writing to companies threatening to boycott their products if they take him on. I overthink- I do that. Leave me alone.
It's why I was so excited for Jimin and Dior.
I'm anxiously waiting for Jungkook to announce his ambassadorship so I can finally breathe- like imagine these men are not actually gay and for years I stress myself out worrying their sexuality impacts their lives
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That's just wild🥴
I also wonder if they see a major difference between using joint accounts and Solo accounts. They have the freedom to post whatever they want subject to company rules and third person contract terms but I wonder if they are seeing the same commercial success as before.
Commercializing their brand can be a bit overwhelming for them I think. But Jimin is the cautious type and I know he ponders over decisions and choices a lot before he makes them.
It's Jungkook I worry about sometimes. I just hope he's not overwhelmed by the whole thing.
I don't know what Jungkook is planning and I hope to god he is happy and healthy cos I just- I can't. If he's not I can't 😭
This is not my month. I am in a fragile state of mind because this is Jikooks most vulnerable month to me. Jimin's album is coming, Jungkook is jungkooking- lord keep the ship afloat. We ain't want no trouble.
I try to think happy thoughts
Jimin's album is a success
Jungkook is fine- even if he's not sire hang on tight I can only worry about one ship captain at a time😩
I suspend all concerns about Jungkook to after Jimin's successful album launch😌
Now who's coming with me to convince Jungkook we need his account to promote Jimin's album?😩
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radiantallomancer · 3 months
The lovely and talented @steviebanksdeposits and I are embarking on writing a series inspired by Run BTS together! This is the first installment, which Stevie wrote, and I should be posting the second installment later today!
As a promotional tactic for the rising Wonder Duo Agency, semi-retired pro-heros Hawks and Miruko have created games, pranks, secret missions, events, and live interviews to boost media coverage for the agency's employed heroes! A chance for the fans and civilians to get an inside glimpse of the different heroes’ personalities, habits, and work lives!
Episode One: Deku's Secret Mission!
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peachyjins · 1 year
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233. [SCAN] 6th Term BTS Global Official Fanclub ARMY Membership Kit ‘Hero Interview’ w/ Jung Kook
© beehobi94
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my-mt-heart · 6 months
They wanted Daryl to grow... "Melissa wanted to be on the show"... "It was always the plan"... Excuse me, if that would be true, they're idiots. There're 100 ways to let Daryl grow alone and they'd done it for years on the main show while separating those two. The only truth in those three statements are the first two. They wanted a Daryl show and they knew Melissa wanted to do the spinoff. Obviously, she didn't fit in.
In one of the newest interviews of Norman, he said, both are going separate ways, the show will be about their story until they'll reunite. Yes, why not from the beginning? Because it might not have been the plan?
By separating them, they had the chance to let him grow but even that failed in the first season. He didn't grow, he went back to that redneck from years ago but forgot about his childhood trauma and some weird scenes were born.
Not seeing the nun on the bts pics might mean, A, she died during the first part of the shoot or B, they're hiding her like Melissa at first. B could be very unfuriating and I still don't trust the writers and EP.
If one event seemed to be a timetable, that's the final event and TTD afterwards. Nothing was settled then and MMBs future on the show still unknown.
They wanted the Daryl show, they got it and they had to pay for their pettiness. I hope they're finally able to accept they're idiots with too big egos.
The excuse that Carol's absence allowed Daryl to grow is exactly that, an excuse. Not a very believable one, just like when Gimple tried to say Carl's death in S8 was important for Rick's growth. Between him, Norman, and Nicotero, I'm really tired of hearing them defend the absolutely nonsensical choices they made for whatever personal agendas each of them had, and I'm tired of AMC letting them. I'm tired of the lack of concern for Melissa's professional reputation and for fans. Carylers look to these characters for strength and hope. They don't want to be treated like they're weak, undervalued, unheard, or unlikely to get what they want.
To me, it sounds like Norman and Nicotero wanted the spinoff to feel like the glory days of TWD, which is not the wrong way to go at all, except they thought they had to "reset" the character, having him behave the same way he did in S2, which like you said is the opposite of growth, plus it cheapens everything we saw him experience throughout the rest of the flagship show. Case in point, the childhood abuse. Case in point, his relationships with Carol, Rick, Judith and RJ, Lydia, I could go on.
I'm happy to see Melissa/Carol get the hero arc she's owed, so I'm not too bothered by separate arcs in S2, but it's frustrating at the same time since there are only six episodes and the wait has already been hard. My biggest concern is the potential unevenness of the arcs. I don't want to watch Carol go to the ends of the earth for Daryl while he's second guessing where he belongs. I don't want their reunion to be anticlimactic or ambiguous. The payoff needs to be huge, and like you, I'm having a hard time trusting any of the EPs other than Melissa. I know she'll push for the story Carol/Caryl deserve, but the level of misogyny and gatekeeping I'm seeing makes me extremely wary.
Melissa's deal closed at the end of last year, roughly when AMC sent out a survey regarding the title, so they were well aware of her future on the show, but still decided giving the male EPs what they wanted was more important than giving fans the Caryl show they were promised. I'm worried that they still aren't doing anything to fix the problem.
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theia-eos · 8 months
How old do you think the dragon laguz are?
I'd like to preface this answer by, an answer to this question will vary from person to person, as there is no hard set answer given and so the answer depends on how you want to interpret various canon and canon-adjacent facts (Canon facts being explicitly what is contained within the games and nothing more, canon-adjacent coming from artbooks or developer interviews and such things).
I've already explained in depth how I get to my interpretation here, but the basic gist is that the canon-adjacent chart that's commonly passed around as "canon aging" comes from pre-development of FE9 and it: contradicts canon facts; contradicts things the devs say in interviews post RD; and contradicts the hawks' designed ages in the same art book. Therefore, I mostly throw it out when I'm setting up how laguz age within my own interpretation of the age of various laguz and Branded within the games. That's not to say other people who use it, or people who came up with their own ideas, are wrong, but I have my own opinion and they have theirs and we can coexist.
But you asked me, and so I will provide my interpretation. The tl;dr for quick reference:
Dheginsea: 862 in FE9; 865 in FE10
Rajaion: 365 in FE9
Almedha: 304 in FE10
Kurthnaga: 103 in FE9; 106 in FE10
Ena: 233 in FE9; 236 in FE10
Nasir: 563 in FE9; 566 in FE10
Gareth: 451 in FE9; 454 in FE10
More info and details about how I arrived at these answers are below, but it is according to the detailed chart I provided here when going over how I think laguz likely age.
Dheginsea: Since the Pact with Ashera's heroes occurs in the year 131 BT ("Before Theocracy" which is a term being made up by me to function as BC/BCE does IRL), and the flood occurs in the year 155 BT, and the games occur during 645 BE ("Beginion Era" which is used by Almedha in RD) and 648 BE, and Dheginsea is designed to appear around 50 for a dragon, my best guess is that he was born around 217 BT, and therefore around 86 when the pact was formed and 862/865 in the games. (According to my timeframe of laguz aging, he was about the equivalent of 16 during the war against Yune. Young, sure, but Ike is 17 in FE9, so I'm chill with this).
Rajaion: Well, he was fun, because in his profile, he is designed to appear around 23, but Almedha, his younger sister, is designed to appear around 26, so one of those had to go, and it was Rajaion's designed age. With the freedom to pick my own age for him, I settled on a rough equivalent of 30, meaning that he was born around 280 BE and is around 365 years old in FE9, simply because I don't think dragons are having kids back to back to back seeing how long Ena is pregnant for (anywhere from ~4 to ~23 years, and I'm siding on the ~23 end of things).
Almedha: As stated above, Almedha is designed to be around 26, therefore I set her to being born around 344 BE, with an age of around 304 years old in FE10.
Kurthnaga: We do have, per canon, Kurthnaga is at least 100 years of age, so with him being designed to appear around 17 and the canon facts in mind, I see him being born around 542 BE with a rough age of 103/106 in the games, as it appears the Japanese description of his age is "roughly 100" (ああ見えて、ざっと100年は生きているはずだ, and I am, as always, using Google Translate, so I am unsure of the accuracy of this translation), whereas the localization says "more than 100" and 103 is true on both counts.
Ena: While she was designed to appear around 18, that would only make her around 122, which just bothers me thinking about the fact that she and Rajaion were an item at least 20 years before the game, if not earlier (making her 16-17ish). Therefore, I decided that she was born around 412 BE, was around 233/236 years old in the games with an equivalent age of 23. It makes me feel better.
Nasir: He has a designed age of around 32, but that would only make him around 414 years old, or 181 years older than Ena, which is not grampa age (292 years older, while at least possible, is also not really grampa age for dragons, if I had stuck with the looking 18 thing for Ena). Therefore I set him to being born around 82 BE, giving him an age of 563/566 years of age in the games, and an equivalent age of 38, and he would be 330 years older than Ena which would allow him and his child to get to around 165 years old each before having a child (20-21ish) and not bothering me with how long dragon pregnancies seem to take.
Gareth: Thank Ashunera, we are finally no longer dealing with anyone who has to account for Rajaion and Ena's relationship. He has a designed age of around 35, so I set him to being born around 194 BE with an age of around 451/454 in the games.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hey Storm! I was trying to look for a statement Jk said to Jm, something like they connect when their eyes meet after a song/ performance. Do you know the reference? I swear I wanted to search in your masterlist but don't know what to search for. :) Thank you!
Hi! I posted a screenshot of that very specific translation in my post about them connecting on stage, which is here
But the FULL trans is from the 190703 Anan Magazine Interview they did. You can find full translations of each members interview as well as well their answers to questions such as who is your hero and when is a moment your heart feels connected to another member. Which is where JK answered Jimin, when they make eye contact on stage and also when they eat together and Jimin tells him about whatever games he is playing. And fun fact, Jimin ALSO mentioned Jungkook for his answer 🥺 bringing up watching endgame and spending time together.
Their exact quotes?
Jungkook: when I naturally made eye contact with Jimin and high fived him after the concert. I feel like we connect in some way, especially on the stage. Aside from that we eat pig’s feet and he tells me the games he’s into (haha)
Jimin: when we realized that we all had worries and fears regarding this tour, and got over them by comforting e/o. Also, when I asked “wanna go watch Avengers Endgame?” And be replied “yeah, I also wanted to watch it!”
Lol You can read those translations from this reddit post for the full magazine. Highly recommend it. Every member gives amazing answers to for their interviews
And here is Jikooks focus scans from the magazine too.
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Jimins FULL member interview (the scan trans above doesn't include the heart connect to the members Q for Jimin)
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Jungkooks full member Interview
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Video annoucement
Video Translations in eng:
Hello, we are BTS!
RM: We are again on covers of anan (magazine) releasing on July 3rd!
SG: There will be 2 different versions again.
JIN: We are the first to be on covers with 2 versions for the second time. Thank you!
Thank you!
JH: The photoshoots took place in LA, and the outfits look great. Jimin-san, how was it today?
JM: There were scenery changes too, but thinking of meeting you soon made me excited. It was fun.
V: Yes, because of you, we took a lot of great photos.
JK: And our 10th new single is out (7/3), so please look forward to it too!
We were BTS! Bye-bye!
(Translation by @JL_Kdiamond)
Hope that helps!!
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ironh4nds · 8 months
in light of today's tragic news, i want to share some of my fondest memories as a fan of buck-tick and atsushi sakurai.
i started listening to buck-tick in 2020. i was isolated due to the pandemic and depressed because my prospects of being able to leave my hometown for college were bleak. their music felt cathartic and was a place where i could release my rage, but also find joy. as of today, they are my 3rd most streamed artist of all time.
i made a DIY buck-tick shirt in my room with puffy paint. i wore it until it no longer fit.
i searched online for any official merch i could find. the only thing i have is a copy of rock and read magazine with sakurai-san on the cover. it is still one of my most prized possessions.
since the buck-tick "online fandom" is relatively small, i felt comfortable considering myself a leader in that community. i created a google form to determine the best buck-tick song of all time. it took hours and admittedly was not formatted in a user-friendly way, but i still got many submissions and enjoyed sharing the results with fans.
for a college class, my sister was given an assignment where she had to explore a music genre she was unfamiliar with. she came to me for help. together, we woke up at 6am to watch one of buck-tick's livestreamed concerts on youtube. i had had a hard time getting her to understand my love of foreign music, but this experience helped her get why i loved this band. it is still a very fond memory for both of us.
i shared buck-tick's music with my friends. i pored over the "this is not greatest site" blog for hours, reading lyrics and anecdotes from og fans. i watched interviews, even if they didn't have captions. i recreated makeup worn by sakurai-san and imai-san on myself. i wanted everyone to know how much i loved this band.
i haven't been active in the fandom for a little while now, but i still have a special place in my heart for bt, and i always will.
i miss sakurai-san already.
it hurts to watch your heroes die.
i'm so happy he got to spend multiple decades doing what he loved. i hope he's still singing "...in heaven..."
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seoul-bros · 1 year
Jimin is his own genre
This article is beautifully written connecting the tracks on FACE into a whole that helps communicate the hidden meanings behind the soundbite explanations of the promo material we have seen over the last week. No wonder Jimin's father was so emotional when he heard the album for the first time. It is difficult as a parent to hear about your child's pain and know that you weren't able to help. All you can do is be proud that they were able to turn those experiences into a piece of art that has resonated with people across the world.
"Jimin is friendly. When you interview him, he immediately creates an atmosphere that puts you at ease. His voice is small and calm, answering every question with honesty and an almost shy smile. Jimin has described himself as “the kind of person who likes to be loved” but it feels like what he’s saying is that you have to possess the sort of kindness that allows you to care for and understand others in order to be loved yourself."
It takes me back to last year when Jimin was named the hero of the lonely era by Big Issue Korea.
"One of the reasons BTS' popularity is crossing more borders may be because of Jimin's kindness. In an era where loneliness is named a social disease, his affection takes care of and comforts people who are isolated in their lives"
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Jimin is a rarity in this world. Someone who holds onto kindness and love as a central tenet of life refusing to be pulled down by his own inner darkness or the negativity and hate that sometimes seems so overwhelming if we spend too much of our lives online.
"It’s likely this sort of mentality that explains how Jimin can remain so friendly even now. His passionate expression of love for himself and others has led him somewhere new. Yet, of course, he is now, as then, affectionate."
Post Date: 04/04/2023
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
wang yibo - being a hero bts interview teaser ; the upright police officer Chen @UNIQ-王一博actually wants to play the villain?
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