#dragon laguz
theia-eos · 11 months
How old do you think the dragon laguz are?
I'd like to preface this answer by, an answer to this question will vary from person to person, as there is no hard set answer given and so the answer depends on how you want to interpret various canon and canon-adjacent facts (Canon facts being explicitly what is contained within the games and nothing more, canon-adjacent coming from artbooks or developer interviews and such things).
I've already explained in depth how I get to my interpretation here, but the basic gist is that the canon-adjacent chart that's commonly passed around as "canon aging" comes from pre-development of FE9 and it: contradicts canon facts; contradicts things the devs say in interviews post RD; and contradicts the hawks' designed ages in the same art book. Therefore, I mostly throw it out when I'm setting up how laguz age within my own interpretation of the age of various laguz and Branded within the games. That's not to say other people who use it, or people who came up with their own ideas, are wrong, but I have my own opinion and they have theirs and we can coexist.
But you asked me, and so I will provide my interpretation. The tl;dr for quick reference:
Dheginsea: 862 in FE9; 865 in FE10
Rajaion: 365 in FE9
Almedha: 304 in FE10
Kurthnaga: 103 in FE9; 106 in FE10
Ena: 233 in FE9; 236 in FE10
Nasir: 563 in FE9; 566 in FE10
Gareth: 451 in FE9; 454 in FE10
More info and details about how I arrived at these answers are below, but it is according to the detailed chart I provided here when going over how I think laguz likely age.
Dheginsea: Since the Pact with Ashera's heroes occurs in the year 131 BT ("Before Theocracy" which is a term being made up by me to function as BC/BCE does IRL), and the flood occurs in the year 155 BT, and the games occur during 645 BE ("Beginion Era" which is used by Almedha in RD) and 648 BE, and Dheginsea is designed to appear around 50 for a dragon, my best guess is that he was born around 217 BT, and therefore around 86 when the pact was formed and 862/865 in the games. (According to my timeframe of laguz aging, he was about the equivalent of 16 during the war against Yune. Young, sure, but Ike is 17 in FE9, so I'm chill with this).
Rajaion: Well, he was fun, because in his profile, he is designed to appear around 23, but Almedha, his younger sister, is designed to appear around 26, so one of those had to go, and it was Rajaion's designed age. With the freedom to pick my own age for him, I settled on a rough equivalent of 30, meaning that he was born around 280 BE and is around 365 years old in FE9, simply because I don't think dragons are having kids back to back to back seeing how long Ena is pregnant for (anywhere from ~4 to ~23 years, and I'm siding on the ~23 end of things).
Almedha: As stated above, Almedha is designed to be around 26, therefore I set her to being born around 344 BE, with an age of around 304 years old in FE10.
Kurthnaga: We do have, per canon, Kurthnaga is at least 100 years of age, so with him being designed to appear around 17 and the canon facts in mind, I see him being born around 542 BE with a rough age of 103/106 in the games, as it appears the Japanese description of his age is "roughly 100" (ああ見えて、ざっと100年は生きているはずだ, and I am, as always, using Google Translate, so I am unsure of the accuracy of this translation), whereas the localization says "more than 100" and 103 is true on both counts.
Ena: While she was designed to appear around 18, that would only make her around 122, which just bothers me thinking about the fact that she and Rajaion were an item at least 20 years before the game, if not earlier (making her 16-17ish). Therefore, I decided that she was born around 412 BE, was around 233/236 years old in the games with an equivalent age of 23. It makes me feel better.
Nasir: He has a designed age of around 32, but that would only make him around 414 years old, or 181 years older than Ena, which is not grampa age (292 years older, while at least possible, is also not really grampa age for dragons, if I had stuck with the looking 18 thing for Ena). Therefore I set him to being born around 82 BE, giving him an age of 563/566 years of age in the games, and an equivalent age of 38, and he would be 330 years older than Ena which would allow him and his child to get to around 165 years old each before having a child (20-21ish) and not bothering me with how long dragon pregnancies seem to take.
Gareth: Thank Ashunera, we are finally no longer dealing with anyone who has to account for Rajaion and Ena's relationship. He has a designed age of around 35, so I set him to being born around 194 BE with an age of around 451/454 in the games.
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rubindraws · 2 days
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dragon branded researcher (once experiment) and his funny new bestie (mysterious sea creature extraordinaire)
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tigertrotter · 4 months
White Dragon Laguz: A Haiku
White Dragons of light.
Ivory scales and light breath
With magic-based stats
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(Images not mine, all rights go to the owners)
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octo-l95 · 2 years
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Red Dragon
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the-emerald-wyrm · 10 months
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Attempting to draw a dragon for one of the Futhark Runes- Laguz.
I thought this blue and orange dragon was appealing.
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randomnameless · 10 months
Who's winning the racism contest, Three Hopes with it's “the Orient is composed near-entirely of stupid, bloodthirsty slave-owners who take pride in raiding other countries for fun” or Tellius with it's “racial miscigenation is bad because one of the parents of the mixed-race child will lose their racial traits just for having the child at all”?
Fodlan bcs Dimitri is racist and Rhea BaD promotes isolationism
At least Nopes can pretend to be in the same world as Houses, so Claude, off-screen, when he goes to school, apparently manages to "teach" his people to not raid Fodlan and instead try to have regular and not bloody relationships with them -
But Tellius still takes the cake, because that's how its world works, it cannot be changed at all (unlike Almyrans who can be civilised by a Claude who went to school in Fodlan and this is totally not problematic in itself nope not at all).
So while Fodlan really really sucks because it reveals in 2022 some "writers" still think "the Orient" is full of bloodthirsty savages who want to raid and pillage for funsies and must be civilised - Tellius sucks even more, because the writers, while not showing irl bias, basically wrote "and you cannot have mixed race children otherwise you die" and went with it, while selling the hero as someone who supposedly bridged the relationships between said races.
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vellatra · 11 months
Path of Radiance - Alternate Outcome Fic
I was plumbing the depths of my old, often unfinished, Tellius fanfics (may or may not have to do with the Tellius Big Bang event!), and found this one... enjoy! Or don't. :P ;)
– Almedha –
Crickets were chirping in the distance as I stood in the courtyard, counting the constellations. I thought of my son. Did anyone teach him the constellations? I might never know....
I started and looked round. “Who's that?!”
Clinkety-clink-clank. The hedges at the edge of the courtyard rustled and gave way as a dark shape appeared within them. Something jingled as the figure shuffled out onto the flagstones, clutching his stomach with one hand. The breeze picked up. Suddenly I knew a lot about my visitor. He was a man of my country, he hadn't washed in several days, and his whole aura was rank with fear. And I knew exactly who he was.
“How did you get here?” I gasped, coming to meet him. “Are you ill? What's the matter? Say something!”
My brother shivered, and hugged me. I could feel a broken chain hanging off his wrists. He brought his lips to my ear and hissed – a low, trembling whisper.
“I came to... f-find you. You need to escape. It's v-very... bad. You're in d-danger. Unngh!” He convulsed in pain, and gripped his stomach again.
“I can't leave my son here,” I said. “What's wrong with you? Why are you chained?”
“H-have... to go,” he groaned, leaning against me. “Ashnard's... hurting us. K-killing us. He's got me. Y-you have to run... while you can....”
“What are you talking about? ...Rajaion!!” for he had crumpled to the ground and lay there, moaning.
“G-g-go,” he whimpered, writhing a little. “Hurry... May....” The shifting began.
“Rajaion?!” I said again. He growled and reverted.
“Leave me,” he hissed. “I'm l-losing my mind. I might... hurt you....” He groaned and shifted again, clawing at the flagstones in anguish.
“What have they done to you?!”
My brother fixed me with a hard, fierce stare. A low rumble started deep in his chest, then burst out in a roar as he snapped at me. I sprang back, trembling. He reverted and sank to his knees, clutching his head.
“S-sorry,” he whimpered. “You... you have to go. Find Soren. R-run away. Before... they get you....” He writhed and shifted.
“I heard him!” someone shouted, not very far away. “He's in that courtyard!”
“Be careful,” I heard a nasally voice say. “He should be changing by now.”
Rajaion reverted again, panting and shaking.
“I won't leave you,” I said. “We'll get away together.”
“C-can't,” Rajaion whined. He looked up at me, eyes filled with tears. “T-too late... for me. Agghh!” And he shifted again.
“There he is,” called a soldier, entering the far side of the courtyard.
A short, gaunt, greasy man appeared at his elbow. “He's going,” he said. “Catch him! Tie him down before he hurts somebody.” Dozens of soldiers ran toward us. I expected them to overwhelm us immediately, but Rajaion suddenly lashed out. Before I knew what was happening, people were thrown to the ground, winded, wounded, dying, or scrambling away in terror. I knew my brother was strong, but this... this was unnatural.
“Stop him! Stop him!” the greasy man was screaming.
“Hang on, Rajaion,” I said, vaulting up onto his back. “I'll get you out.” He bucked and writhed, but I held on. He reached up to brush me off, but I shimmied into the niche between his wings – he never could reach back there. “I don't care if you want to be left behind,” I said. “We're going together.” Rajaion spread his wings and took off as the next wave of soldiers came at us. “Okay,” I said, “I know where to go. Just let me guide you....” I leaned forward and he flew into the night.
– Kurthnaga –
“I'm surprised at how well the garden's been doing this summer,” I said, picking a basil leaf and nibbling it. “Gareth has truly outdone himself.”
“He's full of surprises,” said Ena, giving the garden a surveying look. “Did you know he grew special herbs just for the queen, when...” she trailed off, looking at the horizon. I followed her gaze.
There, soaring over the mountains, was the unmistakable form of a dragon.
“You don't suppose it's-”
“Rajaion!” Ena gasped. She immediately ran her hands through her hair. “Do I look alright?” she said, turning to me.
“To him, you always do,” I said, grinning. “Come on, let's go to meet him.” We hurried out to the front lawn, and down the path toward the woods beyond, where Rajaion seemed to be landing.
“Why's he coming down there?” said Ena. “It's so much harder to land in the trees.”
“You know him,” I said as we hit the tree line. “Sometimes he likes a dramatic entrance.” Ena laughed.
“St-stay back!” said a shrill voice from deeper in. We both froze.
“That's...” said Ena.
“...Almedha?” I called.
“Is that Kurth?”
“Yeah,” I said. Ena and I rounded a thicket and came into a clearing. My brother, in dragon form, was crouched on the forest floor, breathing hard.
“You're safe!” I said, hurrying toward him.
“Don't come any closer!”
We skidded to a halt. Looking up, we saw Almedha perched between his wings. Her hair was coming undone and her eyes were shadowy. There was a bundled cloak clutched tightly to her chest.
“Stay clear,” she said as my brother gave a throaty growl. “He's not safe.”
“What do you mean?” said Ena, nervously looking first at Rajaion, then at Almedha, then back again.
Almedha slowly swung her legs over to one side, then slid to the ground, still holding the bundle. She leaned wearily against Rajaion. “He's... mad,” she said, barely above a whisper.
“What! Mad?” Ena yelped. She stepped closer to her mate, who snarled menacingly.
“Steady,” said Almedha, putting her hand on Rajaion's snout. He kept growling. “Be careful, Ena,” she murmured. “I can't keep him... from hurting you.”
“Hurting me?”
“He's already... killed people,” Almedha whispered.
“What!?” I said, but she couldn't go on. She slid down and collapsed underneath Rajaion. He hunkered over her and eyed us warily, a deep rumble still going in his chest.
But Ena had had enough. “Rajaion! Don't you know me?” she cried, edging closer still.
Rajaion reverted, still snarling. Almedha was right, he was mad – I could see it in his eyes. But Ena was heedless. She sank to her knees beside her husband and embraced him. He stiffened... and stopped growling.
Father closed his eyes, letting it all sink in. “So... the king is dead, then.”
Almedha sighed. “Yes. I just wanted to run, but when he tried to stop me...” she shuddered.
“It seems he was meddling with powers too strong for him,” he said quietly. “You think Rajaion wasn't the only one?”
“Well, when he tried to warn me, he said something about Ashnard hurting and killing us. I don't know if he was already... being strange at that point?”
“I doubt it, from what you've told me,” he said, pressing his forehead with his fingers. He did this a lot when he was thinking. “It's likely that other laguz were captured.”
“Well then, shouldn't we send a warning to the other tribes?” I said. “I'm sure they'd be interested in reclaiming their people, too.”
“Perhaps, but it would be dangerous for them,” said my father, finally opening his eyes again. “Even with Ashnard defeated, Daein is still full of his underlings. That, and without a cure, anyone rescued is a disaster waiting to happen.”
“...Was I wrong?” said Almedha. “To bring him back?”
“No,” he said. “Between you and Ena, he seems to be relatively docile. Only we must be careful. If he's riled up, there could be trouble. From what you've said, even I might not be able to hold him down.” He paused as a strange noise came out of Almedha's bundle, which she was still holding. “What is that?”
Almedha blushed and looked down at it. “This... is my son, Soren,” she said, pulling the cloak down a little. A thin little face framed in black hair looked out at us.
Father sat in stunned silence. “...Your son.” He held out his arms. “May I?” Almedha gently surrendered the boy. Father looked him over, and noticed one rounded ear. “...You were with a beorc,” he said softly. He looked up at Almedha, who was avoiding his gaze. “Then you cannot shift anymore?”
“How did you know?” she said, glancing up in surprise.
It was Father's turn to look away. “That was Lehran's curse, also.”
There was a moment's silence.
“How hard would it be to go back for his father?” I finally asked.
“His father is dead,” said Almedha. “But... I already told you that.”
We both tensed. “No,” I whispered. “Not... him?”
Almedha hung her head. “Yes.”
Father rose up... and embraced her.
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f3lldrag0n · 1 year
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yukyunotabibito · 5 months
[ 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 ] :  sender  is  voicing  their  negative  opinion  about  a  person  who  appears  to  be  close  with  the  receiver. (+Reverse, Goldoan times. What do you have to say, Nasir? Tell me🤨…?)
Affection and Yearning (3/?) | Accepting!
"I don't understand, my liege," Nasir says carefully, standing ever loyally by Dheginsea's side. A strange pain stings in his chest, distantly registering as jealousy. Whether its the fact that he still has something that Nasir has lost, or his own longing for Dheginsea, he could not say. He will not say that much out of respect.
He can be a little selfish though, though he reigns in a still fresh hurt and tries his best to remain civil despite the harsh words that are about to spill from his mouth.
"Love is often senseless, I know; but why someone so weak compared to yourself?" Even Lynet, a red dragon, had been able to go toe to toe with her much in the same way Gareth was able to face Dheginsea. Ah... Lynet, how he missed her more than anything... "Forgive me if that sounds rude, but it just seems like a odd match. That's all."
There are many things that he does not say, leaving the quiet once again in the air between them. Things that are better left unsaid anyway.
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elvthali · 2 years
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still having the. hardest time with focusing tbh so some dragon laguz/manakete sketches I guess;;;;
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asktellius · 2 years
Friends Through Thick and Thin
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Stop being a sad sack, Mr. Lehran!
This is another ancient comic strip I drew back in... probably 2018 or 19? Lehran has moved in with Dheginsea and is trying to come to terms with the loss of his galdric powers. "Grandpa" is a reference to Lorazieh - we have a headcanon that he adopted Lehran and the three heroes after the great flood, finished their upbringing, and cheered them on in battle. It has spawned many cute ideas. :)
Digitally modified for legibility - and to cut out other sketches around this comic. :)
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theia-eos · 1 year
I have no idea whether I sent this ask to you or another person by mistake so I’ll try again, sorry if this ends up a repeat ask. Do you happen to know the cultural inspirations behind the Black Dragon laguz? Thank you!
Nope! Haven't gotten this ask before. The short answer is: Maybe a little bit, however, we are probably better off for not having any firm answers.
The easiest place to start is the names. I've seen a lot of people say that the black dragons have a lot of South Asian/Indian influences in regards to names. For example, Almedha’s name in Japanese is Amrita, which is a Sanskrit name meaning immortality (Almedha seems to be similar to a Spanish name, Almeda, seemingly derived from an Arabic word for "the city"). Rajaion and Kurthnaga seem to have some influence from Indian languages as well. Raja coming from a Sanskrit word and means king or ruler and Naga being a creature in Hindu mythology (Kurth is a Germanic name, but both Kurth and Naga come from prior entries in the series).
However, Dheginsea doesn't seem to have the same influence to his name (a very clever redditor pointed out that his Japanese name, Dheginhansea, seems to be a combination of Degwin, from Gundam, and Hanse, which is Germanic.) If you're curious, Nasir is an Arabic name meaning helper or "one who gives victory," Ena is derived from an Irish Gaelic name meaning ardent or "little fire" while Gareth is a Welsh name meaning "gentle" that is from Arthurian mythology, one of the knights of the round (Gawain was also a knight of the round).
Culturally, however, Goldoa’s isolationism set into place by Dheginsea is more reminiscent of Edo Japan or other nations than India. Also of note, Kurthnaga’s host oriented hospitality speech in Path of Radiance feels very reminiscent of Ancient Greece to me off the top of my head, and as it conflicts with Ike's more guest oriented view of hospitality in the story, by confusing him a little, that could either be a real cultural difference between Goldoa and Crimea, or just Kurthnaga trying to justify his actions. (Of course, more cultures may also match what Kurthnaga said than Ancient Greece. I'm just not as familiar with them.)
As for clothes, as much as the short shorts and mini skirts seen in the Tellius games can relate to historical clothes, Dheginsea, Rajaion, Gareth, and Kurthnaga seem to be more generic European fantasy (tunics, boots, leggings), while Ena's outfit appears to have a far more Eastern Asian influence than the other dragons. We never see what Almedha wore before becoming the dowager queen of Daein, so I don't know if that's the norm.
Architecturally, I have no idea. The only shot we get of Goldoan Architecture is this of the capital city in Radiant Dawn and I have no idea what it may be similar to.
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All this to say that while you can make a case for South Asian/Indian inspiration for the three siblings in the royal dragon family, I'm not comfortable saying that for a fact, especially given Dheginsea's name not having a remotely similar etymology to his children. And, given how the developers of Fire Emblem have handled their depiction of "fantasy Europe," it likely wouldn't have been a 1 to 1 coding for the culture of "fantasy India" if we saw more of it in the game, moreso a very concerning blend of multiple cultures with a medieval European wash on top of it.
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sukimas · 2 years
also please never talk to me about wyverns outside of archanea. that'll drive me mad.
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tigertrotter · 4 months
Black Dragon Laguz: A Haiku
Black Dragons are strong.
Ebon-black scales and Black Breath
Dragon Tribe Royals
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(Images not mine, all rights go to the owners)
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deadlake · 2 years
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Kanta was a dragon tribe ambassador in fe:te. He basically was a nerd who also acted like a massive tourist in human territories.
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quirkybird · 1 year
New bird laguz
It’d be funny………
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