#bts suga fan fic
farfromsugafanfic · 6 months
Rebound | Chapter One: Cherry Picking
Genre: College AU, Basketball Captain!Yoongi, Basketball Captain!Reader, Idiots to Lovers, slight Rivals to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Yoongi/Reader
Rating: M
Chapter Warnings: break up, implied cheating, cursing/sexual language
Synopsis: You and Yoongi always catch each other on the rebound. Notes: The first chapter! Enjoy x
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You hated the days where the girl's basketball team was forced to practice with the boys. It meant that you'd have to deal with the smell of boy sweat, being blatantly checked out, and many of the guys making fools of themselves as they tried to show off. Not to mention, you didn't like giving away your plays to the boy's team. Sure, you all played for the same university, but with an even amount of championship wins, this year, the competition was between the boys and the girls and who would be able to bring home another title that year.
And, you'd caught the boy's captain, Min Yoongi watching you as you ran through plays with your team. However, it wasn't the glances like you were used to from the rest of his team, the ones that lingered over your body and left you feeling like you needed a shower. No, Yoongi was watching each step of your foot, each time you faked a pass, or threw a basket. He was learning from you, and that was completely unacceptable.
You and Yoongi has been playing together since you were in high school. Now, as seniors in college, it was both of yours last chance to earn a championship for your respective teams. You both had previous championship wins, but the boys and girls never won a championship in the same year. And, this year, it was going to be yours.
"Yah, Min Yoongi! Why don't you come down here and show off your own strategy instead of stealing mine?!"
"I wasn't stealing," he said. "I was admiring." A smirk crossed his face quickly, fading so quickly you weren't sure it had even been there at all. "But, fine. Come on boys, let's play some defense."
Yoongi called over his team and instructed his starters to get into their respective defensive positions. His eyebrow arched as he got into position in front of you, his stance low and his arms out. Yoongi was known for his defense, in fact, it had turned many games. If your offense could beat Min Yoongi, it could beat anybody.
"Captain on Captain," he said, his momentary smirk returning. "Let's make this interesting. Whoever loses has to stay and clean up. Both locker rooms."
You shrugged, you often stayed for hours after practice anyway, but the thought of having to clean the boy's locker room made you want to throw up. However, you agreed—not willing to back down—and waited for the coach to blow the whistle, signaling for you to begin.
You began dribbling the ball and headed towards the basket. Yoongi was right there with you, his chest less than an inch from you. You stopped and passed the ball to a teammate before booking it over to the side of the basket where she passed it back to you.
It was a fairly simple play--the ball only being passed between you two--unless for some reason either of you was otherwise occupied. It depended on your teammates moving around to keep their defenders busy while the two of you used the free space to your advantage.
Yoongi attempted to catch the pass, his fingertips connecting with the ball, but you managed to catch it and throw it up at the basket before he could get a grip. The ball bounced off the basket and rebounded in your direction.
Yoongi managed to catch the rebound and started dribbling down the court. You defended him, but he was faster than he looked. You managed to get in his face just as he shot the ball up towards the basket, but it didn't faze him and the ball sunk into the basket.
You cursed under your breath. You turned--attempting to retrieve the ball--and your ass rubbed against Yoongi's thigh and you could practically hear the smirk break out across his face.
The game continued fairly uneventfully. The boys were two points ahead due to a lucky three point shot. It was the last half of the final quarter and you had to do something. You carefully signaled to your team to do a play that involved passing the ball excessively before one of your teammates finally passes it back to you and you go for the three point shot. You could think of nothing sweeter than winning by one point.
The play went smoothly with the ball coming back to you. Yoongi had only left your side for a moment in an attempt to catch the pass back to you, but as he quickly discovered what you were planning, he lunged towards you. Attempting to stop the ball from its ascent, he had too much momentum and smacked right into you. The ball's ascent becoming much sharper and landing far short of the basket.
You--on the other hand--had fallen straight backwards. Luckily, your butt broke your fall and you rolled onto your side and curled into a ball, out of breath from the shock. You heard the whistle blown--indicating that Yoongi fouled you--and it brought you back to reality.
Everyone seemed to be asking if you were okay, in a flurry of questions that only made you feel dizzy. You simply offered a quick nod and made your way to the free throw line. You easily made the two free shots, tying up the game.
The whistle sounded. "Games over," the coach said. "Looks like the teams are pretty evenly matched." He nodded at you and Yoongi. He dismissed practice and you turned to look at Yoongi.
"So, I guess the bet's off? Since we tied? We'll each just clean our own?"
Yoongi shrugged. "I don't mind doing both. I didn't mean to hurt you."
You laughed. "I'm fine, Yoongi. You've seen me take worse falls."
"I know, it's just--I caused this one--"
"Well, if you really want to clean the girl's locker room, it's fine. Just text me first or something so I can make sure everyone's out."
You didn't register Yoongi's text as you sat underneath your office desk. Your legs pulled into your chest as you tried to steady your breaths. He had to have known you were in your office by now. He'd been at practice and was probably changing when he sent the simple text.
"I'm breaking up with you, Y/N."
You knew your now--ex-boyfriend had probably left already--probably already had another date lined up. God, you hoped it wasn't with one of the other girls on your team. Partially because of the awkwardness, but also, because every girl on your team deserved better than a boy who would break up through text.
You heard a hesitant knock on the door. You huddled down closer underneath your desk, hoping that if you could keep your sobs quiet enough, whoever it was would just go away.
"Anyone still in here?" you heard Yoongi ask, as he peeked into the empty locker in room. Your office was connected to the locker room, but the blinds on your window were closed and your door was closed. You pulled your legs as close as they could possibly get to your body and pressed your head into your knees, hoping Yoongi would clean and leave thinking simply that you'd left already.
You heard as he shuffled around the locker room picking up half drank water bottles and making sure all the locks were secure. Your sobs were building up in your chest and you feared you couldn't hold them back. You inhaled sharply, but the exhale came out shaky. You whimpered, trying to hold the tears back.
The nearly completely concrete room carried sound better than some music rooms and it was only a moment later the shuffling paused.
You stayed quiet, even forgetting to breath for a few moments. You weren't sure how he immediately knew it was you. Maybe it was because you were always known to stay after practice and do your homework or work on strategy, often not leaving until it was dark. Or, maybe you two had simply played long enough together he could tell you from the others on the team.
You phone vibrated, somehow reverberating off the walls. It was simply reminding you of Yoongi's unread text and you muttered a silent curse as you heard the shuffling stop once again.
"Y/N?" he asked again, this time approaching the door to your office.
You closed your eyes and tried not to notice how the light was suddenly blinding you, even with your eyes shut.
"Y/N, what are you doing down there?" he asked. "Wait, what happened?"
You opened your eyes and looked up at the boy who was crouched down in front of your desk and examining you with his frustratingly puppy like eyes.
"It's nothing," you said, crawling out from underneath your desk and leaning against it and crossing your arms. Yoongi followed you, standing up, but not leaving the room.
"It's not nothing," he said. "I haven't seen you cry this much since you broke your wrist at championships Freshman year."
"At least I made the shot though," you said, smiling for half a second before it faded.
"I-I didn't hurt you earlier, did I?"
You shook your head. "No, really, Yoongi, I'm fine. It's stupid."
Yoongi stood in silence, waiting for you to explain. He wasn't going to leave without an explanation or a fight, and you were too exhausted to argue with the boy. Normally, when you were grumpy, he was the first person you picked a fight with, but you hated him seeing you in your weakened state. And, you knew he would see through your attempts at trying to argue for what they were--trying to annoy him into leaving.
"Isn't Ji-yoo waiting for you?" you asked, your attempt at stalling causing him to sigh and release the tension in his shoulders. You knew mentioning his girlfriend was a sure fire way to piss him off, but the girl was sweet and a decent player. You honestly didn't want her to have to wait on your problems.
"Y/N, just tell me what happened. We've known each long enough. I'm not gonna tell any of the boys about this."
Your eyes shifted away from him and your hands gripped the desk, your knuckles turning white. You held back another sob that has built up during the conversation, feeling more pathetic than ever.
"Chan-woo broke up with me," you said. "He texted me a little before you did." The sob came out and you hid your face in your hands.
You felt Yoongi's body envelope yours. You immediately fell into his warmth, your face hiding in his black T-shirt. You could still smell his body wash and a small hint of a musky cologne. He'd obviously showered just after practice and you couldn't be more thankful as you took in his scent and you felt yourself relax against him and the desk.
"I'm sorry," he said, his voice soft and deep. It was the voice he used when he pitied you. His arm tightened around your back and you propped your chin on the center of his chest. He looked down at you, his free hand coming up to carefully brush some of your still damp hair from your face. "I know we're not really friends, but I don't like to see you upset. What happened to the Y/N from high school? You were the one breaking hearts then."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes playfully. "Like yours? Remember when you asked me to homecoming and I said no?" You dragged your fingertip over his chest and felt his gaze harden. Not maliciously, but enough to make you pause.
Your body tensed again under his gaze. His dark eyes looking at you in a way you couldn't describe. His gaze felt warm, but it was like sitting too close to a fire, the sparks began to burn.
"Yes," he said. "Yes, I do remember. I also remember driving you home after you got stood up that night."
You pulled away, losing his warmth was nearly painful, but you wiped your eyes, the tears having stopped spilling. The sobs were no longer in your throat, but you could still feel where they sat.
"Oh yeah," you said. "I, uh, forgot about that."
"I know you're upset, but you deserve better. You know that, right?"
"No, its okay. I know. He was a jerk, anyway, and I really should've seen this coming. I always saw the way he looked at the other girls on the team. I don't really know why I'm so upset about it. I know I shouldn't be cause he was probably cheating on me anyway, but--"
Yoongi's lips cut yours off. It caught you off guard, but your hands seemed to naturally gravitate towards his freshly washed and still half damp hair and your legs spread allowing him to come closer. His hands anchored to the desk on either side of your hips. The kiss was short, but heated, and when he pulled away you felt yourself yearning for him to come back.
"Stop talking about him," Yoongi said. "It'll make you feel worse."
"Yoongi, what was that?"
"You were rambling."
You couldn't help but let out a girlish giggle at his excuse. Yoongi's eyes seemed to soften when you laughed, but his posture was still tense, his hands still resting on either side of you, and his body still so much closer than you two got outside of the court.
"I never liked the way he talked about you in the locker room," he said, his head lowering slightly. His gaze falling from yours.
"Mmm, is that right? How'd he talk about me?"
Yoongi seemed surprised at your response, but his gaze shot back to yours. It had darkened though, from a look of concern to one of need.
"All the things he wanted to do to you," he said, his voice becoming raspy and breathless. You noticed his gaze slipping downward, although you had no idea where.
"Like what?"
Yoongi's right hand moved from the desk and onto your thigh, pushing up your basketball shorts slightly. His fingertips brushed the edge of your panties, but he didn't attempt to go any further.
"He wanted to fuck you on the court. Right at half court."
"Is that all?"
"Well, he was more specific, but I'll spare you the details."
Yoongi's face was dangerously close to your own, your foreheads nearly colliding.
"Don't guys talk about that stuff all the time?"
"Yeah, but it was different."
Yoongi knew you were baiting him, but as his fingers began to slowly massage the skin of your thigh, he seemed to care less.
"Cause it was about you."
"What makes me so different, Min Yoongi?"
He didn't answer the hair on his forehead tickling your skin.
"Is it cause you've known me so long I've become like a sister to you?"
"No," he said.
"Is it cause you have your own fantasies about me?"
Again, he didn't say anything, but he bit his lip and let out a shallow grunt that seemed to be in affirmation. "Just cause your glances are subtle, Yoongi, doesn't mean I don't notice."
His glance was less than subtle coming to rest at your lips and finally meeting your eyes full of something primal.
"What do you want to do to me, Yoongi?"
His lips brushed against the skin on your neck—testing the waters—and when your neck lulled back allowing him full access. He was eager and immediately his tongue came into contact with your skin and made you shiver.
"I want to fuck you on this desk," he said.
"Then, do it." One of your hands returned to his hair, while the other played with the hem of his T-shirt. "And, don't spare me any of the details."
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champagneher · 2 years
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BASED ON | them spending their New Year's Eve on a party with their friends and sharing their New Year's kiss in front of everyone. GENRE | f!reader x idol!yoongi, established relationship, drabble, hidden relationship. WARNINGS | none.
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The relationship between ____ and Yoongi to their friends could be described as full of flirting on both sides, with lots of teasing and hidden feelings. Both were always commenting on each other, either in a joking manner or looking to touch a nerve with the other. Pissing Yoongi off was no easy task, and ____ enjoyed finding something new to tease him with from time to time. Yoongi on the other, hand enjoyed seeing the frustration on her face when he looked completely unaffected with what she spent so much time preparing and swearing would make him lose his mind.
With Yoongi working on finishing his album and you with the holidays being when you were busiest with your work as a photographer, your friends hadn't heard from you for a while. Well, you had talked through the group chat you all had, agreeing to spend New Year's Eve together to welcome the new year in a special way. Other than that, no comments with any tease or jokes had been thrown by either you or Yoongi, which made them think that you had finally confessed your feelings for each other, or one had annoyed the other so much that you hated each other. There was no middle ground.
Chae: so we all gonna go to Soyeon's before 9pm, okay?
Soyeon: Yes! Don't be late so we can have dinner and tHEN alcohol, so we can remember at least something the next day :)
Jake: tell that to ____, she's gone after two bottles
Yoongi: Should I bring four or five bottles of champagne?
Jihyo: I think with four we're gonna do good
Jake: o.O
Chae: what now Jake
Jake: Sooo nobody saw that?
Joon: Stop being annoying
Jake: I just said how ____ is weak with alcohol and Yoongs didn't back me up :O
"Aah Jake is annoying when he wants to be," Yoongi complained, putting down his phone and leaving it on the small circular table in the living room. He stretched out his limbs as best he could on the couch, holding your legs that were in his lap.
After a short silence, you nodded your head, realizing the reason for his comment. You locked your phone and looked at him.
"Well, he has a point." You shrugged.
"What do you mean?" his full attention was now on you.
"Oh please, Yoongi."
"What?" he asked, even more confused.
"You never passed up an opportunity to tease me about my drinking skill."
"Skill? What skill? You're gone in thirty minutes-"
"See?!" You laugh, trying to feign seriousness, but you always find it difficult with Yoongi's obvious face. His brow furrowed, his eyes looked even smaller than they were, and his pink lips slightly parted in disbelief.
"Aaah," he grumbled. "I don't tease you all the time..."
"Obviously, now you have the wonderful opportunity to say it to my face," you teased him with a grin as he blinked rapidly, suddenly feeling shy at your suggestive tone of voice. "You're lucky."
"Me lucky?"
"Yes. Lucky you."
"Lucky I might be if you'd let me kiss you in front of our friends."
You let out a sigh and slumped back on the couch, things weren't as simple as they seemed.
The relationship between you and Yoongi itself was very new. Both of you having known each other for quite some time, but always under the light of friends annoying each other. Nothing more than that. But everything changed when the pandemic hit, and suddenly you found yourself talking to Yoongi every day, all the time. Both of you looking each other for the support you needed during those difficult times. Remembering the moments you both shared, laughing when a joke between the two of you came up again, or when you simply talked about music and your days of doing absolutely nothing. Yoongi showed you a side of him that you had never seen before and that you were grateful to be able to appreciate now. You let down your walls with him, you felt understood and appreciated when even your family couldn't show you the support you always longed for. Yoongi became your family in an instant. When you were finally able to leave your homes, the first thing he did was come to see you at your flat, where you spent hours talking about everything and nothing at the same time. The days went on and on, and before you knew it, the two of you were sharing days and nights together.
You could never tell your friends, and you never understood why. There were always pros and cons that they both went over in their heads, difficult not being able to say them out loud because of fear, but they both knew they were there.
Yoongi felt braver lately. And that was the effect you had on him. He felt that he could do anything, face anything and no matter what the outcome, he would be fine. He supposed that was falling slowly for someone, but, on Christmas Eve night, he realized that he was already in love with you. Spending Christmas with his family, all he wanted was to come to you and share gifts and a nice meal together.
Your insecurities always hit you. You mean, among your group of friends, you always talked about everything without any restraint. Remembering how your male friends, including Yoongi, talked and bragged with the models they had been with, people of high status, women who were practically princesses, of course hit your insecurity nerve. They would always make friendly bets on which idol Yoongi would end up with, and you were no idol. You weren't even close. So, what your friends might say or think about your relationship was seriously scary for you.
You could never tell Yoongi, but you knew he was suspicious of your thoughts, because - you mean - he's Yoongi. He might be quiet and all you want, but he was a very good observer, and he had certainly noticed how the joking tone you were making with who he would end up marrying had turned sour.
Hell, he couldn't help but stare at you at all times while saying that he might end up married to someone different from who they thought, but that he wanted more than anything by their side. Couldn't you see it? He wanted nothing more than to be by your side always. He was sickeningly in love with you, and you still had doubts that he would go with someone with a job like him, when that was the last thing he wanted.
The conversation after that moment was left in the thin air, concentrating on making dinner and then Yoongi making love to you in his room.
On the one hand, you knew that Yoongi didn't want to keep pretending to be just your friend among his group, since that meant listening to your girlfriends trying to get you to go on blind dates with one of their friends. Hell, if Yoongi didn't gnash his teeth every time he heard Jake or Chae telling you about the qualities of some guy they know with whom -according to them- you'd be the perfect match. Yoongi would be your perfect match, and he had to bite his tongue to keep from telling them that all they were saying was bullshit.
You didn't need someone to buy you all the most expensive gifts, you needed someone to listen to you. You didn't want a doctor or a lawyer, you just needed someone to love you and be your best friend at the same time. And he didn't want to brag, but he knew he had more money than any of those characters who wanted to steal you from his arms, and as you told him, he was your best friend, so.
The day passed quietly, on the morning of the last day of the year you decided to go back to your flat to get ready for the night. Obviously, Yoongi was against that idea, saying that the two of you should spend the whole day together, because he knew that at night he would have to pretend again not to be crazy about you and just call you "a friend".
That feeling of wanting to shout to everyone that you were his partner was never a part of Yoongi, he always loved his privacy, he still does. But, his possessiveness over you sometimes got the better of him. Obviously, he didn't expect to announce it to the whole world, he just wanted his friends to know about the two of you. Nothing more. The rest would remain the same, the outings, the drinks, the banter. But like you being an official couple. He was getting tired of having to leave the comfort of your bed in the morning and then pretending to arrive at lunchtime with your friends to chat about their weeks. Or making fun of you - in a friendly way - with your friends when all he wanted to do was put his hand on your leg and then tell them it wasn't true and get teased for being so gentle and soft with you.
Even though Yoongi accepted that you still had your doubts about telling everyone about you, the desire to be able to kiss you tonight at the stroke of midnight was permeating his chest.
You arrived a little early at Soyeon's house to help her with the final preparations for the New Year's dinner. You were barefoot and in your silver dress that you knew Yoongi would love, since he happened to see it a fortnight ago in a shop on his nightly runs with you, and commented on the pretty shade that would contrast with your eyes. Not to mention that it matched you perfectly, and let the imagination do the rest.
"The others should be here any minute, I think we've got everything ready."
"Yep," you agreed with your friend, arranging the cutlery on the table.
After a brief silence, Soyeon just watched you with a grimace that said she was ready to confront you. "So…"
"So…" you smiled at her, encouraging her to continue.
"You and grandpa."
You looked at her confused, what was she talking about? "Me and my grandfather?"
"No!" she laughed. "You and Yoongi."
"What?" You looked at her puzzled, turning your whole body to face her. "What are you talking about?"
"Oh, come on, ____. I've known you since we were 10. I think I can tell when you're in love with someone. And I can also tell when someone, especially if that someone has the emotional range of an asparagus, is in love with my friend. Which is kind of obvious." She shrugged her shoulders, satisfied with your surprised face. She had figured it all out. "You know, at first I thought you'd tell me after a couple of weeks, then I thought, oh, maybe in a month? But it's almost 3 months now, and I'm assuming it's even longer with you guys?"
"I- Soyeon…"
"I don't want to rush you into anything nor do I want to force you to tell anyone or am I going to tell anyone. I just want to tell you that I love to see you happy and loved like he loves you. You deserve it, and I'm so, but so proud for you."
"____, you can tell a mile away that tangerine man loves you." She laughed, making you do too and lower your gaze to the floor. Everything he was saying was giving you a lot to think about. "We went through a lot when we were young," this time he moved closer to you to place his hands on your arms in a comforting way. "And when you are happy, I want everyone to see how beautiful my friend is when she's enjoying her hard work and all the good things she deserves. If you are happy, show it and don't hide it behind that hateful expression every time someone jokes about how good Yoongs would look with someone else when he only has eyes for you."
11:50 struck the night, only 10 minutes left for a new year to begin. Talking to Soyeon - or rather her being the noisy friend that she is - about your relationship with Yoongi, really gave you the last thing - that you didn't know you needed - to digest and accept that you really, at last, were living the life you'd always wanted, and Yoongi played a key part in that equation.
They were all together on the balcony of the flat that provided a beautiful view of the city of Seoul. Each with a glass in hand, ready to welcome the new year. They were talking to each other while Jake set up the audio system where they would listen to the countdown.
"Come on, Jake, didn't you study for this? It's the only thing I asked you to do!" Soyeon got angry, approaching the boy who was still moving some wires looking for the best way to listen to the channel.
"Calm down, woman. I already did. I'm just looking to make it louder."
You laughed, walking past him to where a certain someone was leaning on the balcony railing with her eyes lost in the city.
"They're something else, aren't they?" You commented as you casually joined his side.
Yoongi looked at you for a few seconds and then looked back to the front. He just nodded.
You let out a sigh, feeling the courage you had gathered over the past few hours slip through your fingers. Holding on to the last of what you had left, you snuggled closer to him and laid your head gently on his shoulder. You could feel his body quickly tense and then release the air that had built up in his lungs and relax into your touch.
"What are you doing?" he murmured, almost inaudibly. He cleared his throat and shifted his weight on his feet. "The others are going to say something."
"The night is beautiful," you bit your lip. "Soyeon is our friend, and she really helped me today."
"What are you talking about?"
"I want to start this year being really happy, Yoongi." You broke away to stare into his eyes. His eyes reflected confusion but excitement at the same time. You knew he was building an illusion in his chest, and you didn't want to destroy it now or ever.
"Okay, one minute left! I'm going to faint!" Chae shouted, running from the dining room with a bottle of champagne in his right hand and his glass in his left.
"Finally!" Jake smiled victoriously as the channel host could be heard announcing the seconds remaining.
Yoongi looked at them not even for a second and then looked at you expectantly. All of your friends were now closer to you, though everyone was in their own world.
"I always thought I would be the most open in showing affection," you grimaced, ready to tease him. "But who knew my boyfriend would be the real softie."
Yoongi rolled his eyes, but couldn't stop a small smile from forming on his lips.
"Let's start this year in the best way."
"I'd love that," he smiled and stood right in front of you, gently cupping your waist.
"Happy New Year Yoongs," you smiled softly at him, you really started the new year with a strong love in your chest, and you couldn't be happier about it.
"Happy New Year, kid." His soft smile turning into a full one of his, showing his teeth and making his eyes narrow, almost hiding the shine in them.
Feeling the euphoria running through your veins, you approached him as slowly as you could -which was almost impossible- and you joined your lips with his, looking for that first kiss of the year with him that you always wanted to have. Yoongi didn't stay behind and joined his body with yours, turning the kiss deeper.
The noise and celebration of others remaining in the background for you, while you immersed yourself in your world. If you had paid even a little attention, you could have heard the gasps of your friends when they saw that the two of you were making out - almost disgustingly, some would say - starting the new year together.
"Well, I didn't see that coming." Jake commented to then receive a soft smack from Soyeon who was looking at her friend happily.
"Oh, fireworks! We should dance After like!" Chae screamed.
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thank you so much for reading! let me know what you think.
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sanjithesimp · 7 months
♡bite me (pt.1 )ft. jeon jungkook & min yoongi♡
a/n: i couldn’t stop thinking about this idea so i had to write it right away. though i will be dividing it into two parts hehe
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warnings: nsfw (minors DNI).fem reader. pwp (porn with very little plot). unprotected sex. fingering. rough sex (kinda). nipple play. degradation kink. praise kink.
summary: some horny thoughts i had.
playlist to listen to while reading this fic
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he had always been very quiet but always nice to you. you had become somewhat very close, living all together in the house they have bought after they debuted. he was like a big brother for your boyfriend, they shared everything; yoongi took care of him, taught him a lot of things. jungkook always looked up to him. but now you weren’t so sure, you had made a mistake and this would change jungkook forever…you were doing everything possible to make sure he would never know about what happened that weekend when he was away for a photoshoot.
you had cheated on your boyfriend. it was a hot afternoon, yoongi and you were the alone in the house. a total mistake. he was nice to you, and he would give you advice whenever you needed it. you never imagined something would happen between the two of you.
“bored?” he asked, suddenly startling you. he smirked, something about his smile was
“a little bit, yeah” you admitted.
“want to play a game or something?” he suggested, it was kind of weird coming from him but you had nothing better to do. so you ignored it and followed him.
he was fond of playing cards, you never understood what was so fun about it. but you were going to give it a try. he offered you something to drink, and was surprised when you answered that you wanted exactly what he was drinking.
“didn’t think you would like whisky?” he said as he poured the golden brown drink in an old fashioned glass with a few of slices of lime and a couple of ice cubes.
as the hours passed, you kept on playing and drinking. things started to get more serious, but at the same time you both had loosened up, probably from all that drinking.
while yoongi poured some more whisky on his glass you watched him. you didn’t know what it was, maybe the alcohol but you seemed to think he was incredibly hot. you had never thought of him like that, he was like jungkook’s older brother. but his pink lips, his long raven black hair, his hands adorned with veins. it was almost driving you crazy so you had to look away before you started having more nonsense thoughts.
“what’s on your mind?” his voice made you jump.
“n-nothing, i just think i should stop drinking for now” suddenly feeling heat all over your body. “is it hot in here?” nervously going to open a few windows.
“i think you’re right, you should stop drinking” yoongi said laughing at your actions.
as the night went on, you kept on playing. things were starting to get weirdly flirty but you tried to ignore it, telling yourself that it was the whisky going straight into your brain and making you imagine things.
“should we make this more interesting?” yoongi asked, getting closer to you.
“how so?” you said, worrying about what he would say next.
“let’s play strip poker.” yoongi said so casually, as if he suggested to eat some ice cream.
“what? no, no, no…are you drunk?” he snickered at your last question.
“it’s just a game, or are you worried you will lose?” he dared you.
you dammed yourself for falling into his game. also you were wearing way less clothes than him.
“no of course not, i’m not a chicken.” you said, feeling confident.
but that was the last time you felt confident. even though yoongi had taken a few pieces of clothing you were the one who would wound up fully naked. it was just your boyfriends shirt and your panties still on you.
“i think we should stop” yoongi said without explaining, his face had changed.
“what, are you afraid you might lose?” you said mocking him.
“no, it’s just..getting late”he said as he started washing the dishes.
”i think you’re just afraid…” you whispered in his ear, teasing him again. he suddenly stopped and looked at you and without saying anything else pulled you in to kiss you. the taste of the strong whisky still on his lips.
you yelped as he placed his wet hands on your ass. you could feel the hunger in how he kissed you, the way he nipped at your skin. the way he moaned as you pressed your body closer to him.
“fuck-” yoongi said, feeling your hand palming his erection through his pants. he then guided you to your room, and then to your bed. the bed you and your boyfriend shared, you could still smell him on the bedsheets. this was all wrong, but you couldn’t help it. you couldn’t stop yourself, you wanted more.
yoongi slid his hands under jungkook’s shirt, his fingers ghosted over the lace of your panties. suddenly feeling an electric shock all through your spine. a moan escaped your mouth, suddenly making you feel embarrassed.
“are you that desperate to be touched, little whore?” he said, a smirk drawn across his face.
you nodded, not being able to formulate any coherent answer.
“i’m going to fuck you so that you never forget this” yoongi said, it was as if he was another person. you couldn’t believe the words he had just said.
he then ripped your panties off your body and discarded them somewhere in the room, you shivered feeling the cool air, your pussy already dripping wet, with desire to feel yoongi’s fingers. he teased you a bit more, his hands running up and down your thighs.
one of his hands went under your shirt, his fingers teased your cunt, he traced them up and down as he spread your juices all over your folds while the other hand fondled your breasts.
“fuck, i had never seen those.” yoongi said surprised that your nipples were pierced. he licked his lips at the sight of your hardened nipples decorated with the metallic hearts piercings you had chosen.
“do you like them?” you bit your lip, loving the way he was devouring you with his eyes.
“no…i love them” yoongi said and he took one of your tits with his free hand. he started licking it, his tongue making circles around your bud, and gently sucking on it. making you moan and whimper, you were sure you were just gonna cum by how he was sucking on your tits.
he introduced two of his fingers into your cunt, curling them to reach your g-spot. you could almost see stars as he kept on pumping them in and out of you, watching carefully what you liked the most by how your moans got louder whenever he sped up his movements.
“have you ever been like this for jungkook?” he said as he left a trail of kisses all the way from your chest to your neck “soaking wet, like a little whore”
you moaned his name, his thumb pressing on your clit. he was such an idiot for asking you something like that.
“answer…now” yoongi said, desperate to know the answer.
“n-no” you replied, loving the way he kept rubbing circles on your sensitive bud. you definitely didn’t want him to keep asking you questions about jungkook
“fuck me hard, yoongi…please” you begged him. right now you didn’t want to think about the terrible thing you were doing to your boyfriend.
“as you wish, princess” he said, pulling his fingers out of you and licking them clean, not leaving a single drop of your juices as he looked at you, his eyes filled with lust. you audibly gasped, thinking that was one of the hottest things you had ever seen.
you had imagined he was big, but not that big once he released his cock from the confinements of his boxers. it was painfully hard, his tip red and dripping with precum. you wanted to suck it clean but first you wanted him to fuck you senseless, until you could forget that this was so wrong yet it felt so right.
“you’re so big…i-” you started saying but he shushed you.
“i know you can, baby”yoongi said, lining his cock with your cunt, sliding it up and down, coating his dick with your juices.
you gripped the bedsheets until your knuckles were white as the sheets, every inch was getting less painful but you still weren’t sure you could take him all. once he bottomed out, you both moaned in pleasure, he could feel your velvety walls tighten around him, as you could feel his tip kissing your g-spot.
“see, i knew you could do it…such a good girl” he said as he started slowly sliding his cock out of you, leaving only the tip inside. you suddenly missed being full of his cock, but it didn’t took seconds before he thrusted back into you.
the lewd sounds filled the house as he rammed in and out of you, your loud moans and whines, his groans and moans, his balls slapping your ass, it was a sinful orchestra that you had both created. and you didn’t even care anymore if someone found you like this, under your boyfriend’s best friend, moaning and babbling nonsense as he fucked you hard on the matress that you and your boyfriend shared.
his thrusts were getting harder, you both getting close to your high. he could feel your cunt tightening around his throbbing cock. he could cum in that moment, but he wanted to enjoy it a little more. he liked the sight of your tits bouncing up and down as he sped up the pace, your face contorting with pleasure as he fucked you like no one else had.
he fucked you until you squirted all over his cock and the bedsheets. your legs gave out as he was still trying to reach his own orgasm.
“you look so fucking pretty, y/n” he said, your body glistening with sweat, a soft flush in your cheeks and your lips swollen. he continued thrusting in and out of you until he came inside you, filling you with his hot cum, not letting any drop go to waste.
he then pulled out of you, and laid next to you. his raven hair messy and some sticking to his forehead. he had never looked that handsome as in that moment. you turned and got on top of him and kissed him hard, tears started to run down your face.
“i’m so sorry, i-” you started saying but you couldn’t finish your sentence. “jungkook, must never find out about this…” you said, still crying as yoongi cleaned your tears from your cheeks.
he didn’t say anything else for the rest of the night, or the following days.
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moccahobi · 6 months
Tangled Mess: The Park
Summary: You texted Hoseok asking to meet up at the park you met at. Hoseok is nervous.
Paring: Hoseok x GN Reader, Yoongi x Jungkook
Genre: Soulmate AU, Grad School AU, Young Professional AU, Angst, Fluff
Warnings: A Breakup
Word Count: 787 words
A/N: One more wrap up! I hope you all enjoyed this series as much asI have~
Tag List: @@daisies-and-dandelionpuffs
Part 13 << Masterlist >> Next Part
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Hoseok looked around the park, taking in the familiar green spaces, the people resting in the sunlight, and the dogs running around. Once again, he’s at the closest park to his apartment. Normally he only spends time here when his work was extremely stressful. Long days stuck in the library made Hoseok yearn for a bit of fresh air and green. Somehow being here for a reason other than that filled him with a sense of wrongness and anxiety. For too long this place has been associated with releasing stress and exhaustion, but less stress during the semester was different than less stress during a break. 
You were late. Hoseok didn’t know why you’d texted him asking to meet here already but now you were late and that was making him more confused. You weren’t often late to things. In fact, unless something was actively delaying you, you often were waiting for Hoseok by the time he arrived. 
“Excuse me!” A child ran up to him, their eyes shy and apprehensive, and they barely looked at Hoseok. They looked anxious  and that made him feel worse, “Do you think you could take a photo of me and my dog? My mom is off somewhere and I need this photo now.”
They held out a battered phone.
Hoseok nodded slowly, taking the phone and watching the child run off to a dog by the water fountain. After taking these photos, he would ask the kid if they needed help finding their mom. The kid seemed too anxious to be here without their mom. 
After taking a few photos though, the kid ran up and grabbed the phone and ran away. Hoseok turned around calling out to the kid to make sure they were ok but quickly the words were silenced.
You were standing with a big bouquet of flowers and giving the kid a wad of money. 
“What’s happening here?” Hoseok asked as he got closer, confusion growing as the kid giggled and ran away. 
“My cousin wanted to help.” You said with a shrug, a small smile stuck on your face as you took Hoseok in. 
“Help with what?” 
You took in a deep breath, “Well… I… Gosh this is hard and I practiced it.” 
Hoseok came closer, rubbing your shoulder to try to comfort you, “You got this. There’s no rush.” 
Except Hoseok was wishing you’d spit it out. This was very nerve wracking. His fool heart was screaming at the flowers but his mind thought had no idea what this would possibly be (because it couldn’t be a confession). Why had you paid a kid to get Hoseok to take photos? Why did you have flowers? Why were you so nervous? 
“All the time I’ve known you, you’ve been so thoughtful and kind. I really… like that about you. You’re considerate of everyone and work hard to make space for them. You shine so much. And your so passionate about everything, it’s breathtaking. All this to say, I like you romantically. I know you have a crush on someone and I don’t mean to confess so that you don’t confess to them, but it was on my mind so much and the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to tell you because otherwise I’d be full of so much regret. And these flowers are for you, you don’t have to accept them but I just felt like someone as amazing as you deserved something with a confession but Jungkook told me not to do a marching band or a banner or something too over the top.”
“You… like… me?” Hoseok asked slowly, his mind barely computing. 
You nodded, holding out the bouquet for him. 
Slowly he took it and smelled it. He’d never been given a bouquet from a romantic partner or potential romantic partner before. 
“You don’t have to respond or accept! I honestly don’t expect you to. I just had to share. I hope that you’re able to date your crush and that it’s a long lasting relationship. We might need to talk about boundaries and stuff but I don’t mind that. I want what’s best for you.” 
Hoseok looked down at their pinkies. Their hands were so close together that the string was smaller than a pen. Moving his hand closer, the string to smaller. Grabbing your hand, he watched as the string almost disappeared. 
“When Jieun said I had a crush, they were referring to you.” 
A large smile grew on your face, “Me?” 
He nodded, readjusting the bouquet and pulling you into a hug. It was awkward because he also refused to let go of your hand but it was magical to Hoseok. 
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shadowofahope · 1 year
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Warnings: hurt/no comfort
Pairing: Idol! BTS x friend! (f)reader
Premise: Running was their thing. But when it became a problem rather than a solution, it was time for you to start running.
Author’s notes: Hey Babes! HAPPY FRIDAY! Just another small scene playing out in my head that I had to get out 💜
Word count: 1.1K
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You knew he’d call eventually. You’d been waiting for it since you picked them up. Responding to their SOS calls made you feel like you had purpose in your life, like the world kept spinning as long as they were smiling. Maybe you were too soft on them, but then again the same could be said for them towards you. Either way this relationship felt like it was becoming symbiotic. Was the air around you always this heavy. Or was it the impending weight of what you were about to do finally dawning on you. 
Standing up from the large cloud couch you head back to the kitchen, refilling your glass of water from the tap. Your eyes ghosting over each member cackling away at the TV in your oasis. This cabin was left to you by your parents, you had only been there twice before. But you had never brought anyone there. Tonight would be the first time and last that these rooms hear the echos of laughter, since your parents left. 
Placing the glass down gently on the marble countertop of the island you brace yourself against the cold material. The air of the night was warm, seemingly too warm for you. The vibrations from your phone snap you out of your staring just enough for you to blindly reach for it in your back pocket, but not enough to peel your eyes away from them infront of you. Bringing your phone into view you recognize the number. You’ve been waiting for this.
Without hesitating you swipe to pick up the call. 
“Y/N?! Are they with you, please tell me they are!” Bang Pd’s voice sounded winded and anxious. 
“Yes.” Was all you could say. The boys didn’t know the company had your number. 
“Thank god. When they told me they had run out of a shoot I was loosing my mind. They said they got into an unmarked vehicle and I could only think the worst.” 
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not you fault Y/N, I’m pushing them too hard. I know that, I know I’m loosing them.” 
You eye they members not taking any notice of your absence amongst the chaos. This would be your only chance to patch things up between them, they deserved so much but at this point they’ve chosen to run away instead of communicating and working together. You were their scapegoat. 
“One moment please.” 
You round the island to the glass patio doors, making sure to close it quietly behind you. Letting yourself slip into the night to stare out over the lake. The reminiscence of the campfire you had going earlier had died a few hours ago, leaving behind the chairs as a reminder of who had sat there.
“They are hurting. They want to prove themselves to you but they are scared of disappointing you. You put so much faith in them. They don’t want to let you down.” You explain slowly, voice quiet on the night air. “You all need to be able to talk. Properly talk. I can’t always be here to stop them from running.” 
“I know, thank you so much for bringing them back every time.” 
“This will be the last time. But I won’t be giving them to you.” You don’t bother to hide the sadness from seeping into your words.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s time for you to come get them. You need to trust each other and….I’ve become an obstacle for you achieving it.” 
“Y/N that’s not-”
“They can’t run anymore. They need to face this together. And you-” You take a deep breath “You need to be the one that comes to get them. Tell them how much they matter. You’ve said all the words to me, now you need to say it to them.” 
He’s silent, for a few beats all you can hear is your heart in your ears. 
A sad smile makes its way onto your face. You won’t let yourself cry, not for this. This will make them stronger, teach them to stay. But it didn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt.
“I’ll send you the address in the morning. We’ll be staying here tonight, I’ll be gone by the time you arrive. The rest is up to you.” 
“Where will you go?”
“I don’t know, maybe back home? Either way, after this I won’t be keeping this number.”
“Please don’t run.”
“It’s only temporary. We need time apart.”  The reassurance dies across the phone line. 
“I wish you luck.” 
“You as well.” 
“Good night.” 
“Good night y/n…” 
Hanging up the call, you lingered on the balcony for a few moments longer. Steeling yourself for what would be the last night you 8 would be together. You force the conflicting emotions away, the you of tomorrow could deal with the pain. Tonight, you’d enjoy for the last moments they were.
Turns out it was alot easier than you had originally thought. It allowed you to bask in the warmth of your strongest, deepest friendships. Like a cosmic catastrophe. 7 suns to your 1 pluto, you’d always feel as though you were burning up.
It wasn’t until you packed the last of the items into your duffel, slinging it over your shoulder that you finally accepted what this was.
You knew deep down, no matter where the road took you, you’d have to walk away. Even during your first encounter you knew things would be destined to burn out. The instant connection you all shared was too much for where you were now. 
There was so much more out there for you, and for them. You just had to let yourselves see it. 
You quietly made your way down the stairs to the front door. You didn’t look back as you stepped out into the chilled morning air. It was still early enough the sun was just rising. Silently you close the door behind you, pulling out your phone and typing away the address to Bang’s contact to then turn it off. 
Placing your phone into your back pocket your footsteps crunch under the gravel road. Trekking your way down, you know there was nothing else you could all have done. This wasn’t something you could move on from, there’s no way they could have loved you more or for your lives to take a different turn. Even if they fought, or if you pushed there would be no way for this to not be the outcome. 
It was better to say goodbye now when things were still good then later when you resented eachother. So by the time they woke up and their agency took them back you’d already be gone. Haunted by the memories that once burned brightly and now feel like ash on your fingertips.
You knew they’d be hurt, but they would heal. They’d find another that made them stronger, able to stay and do what they had to do. They had run too many times, but now it was your turn to run.
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ggukbooz · 9 months
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Sem querer, cheguei a você
Sope | Shortfic | Concluída
Fazer esse pedido não foi tão desafiador quanto imaginei, então o resultado saiu melhor que o esperado! Eu gostei de como ficou, e pela autora ter amado fiquei mais feliz ainda!
Apesar de ter ficado um tempinho sem fazer capas por causa do bloqueio, até que esse resultado me inspirou um pouco
Foi um prazer fazer esta capa @/juliebluemoon!
Caso tenha se interessado pela história, deixei o link abaixo :)
Sope | Shortfiction | Completed
Making this order wasn't as challenging as I imagined, so the result was better than expected! I liked how it turned out, and because the author loved it, I was even happier!
Even though I hadn't made covers for a while because of the lockdown, this result inspired me a little.
It was a pleasure doing this cover @/juliebluemoon!
If you are interested in the story, I left the link below :)
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insfiringyou · 1 year
BTS - The Night Before (Suga x Jeong-sun) & (J-Hope x Nana)
Contains: Fluff, some angst. Mentions of RM and V.
Set shortly after ‘The Final Shift’ and ‘Flower Arrangements’, Jeong-sun spends the night before her wedding at Hoseok and Nana’s apartment. 
You can find out more about our headcanon girlfriends here.
To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook 
& our full masterlist of fics and original art can be found here
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Content below the cut
She almost didn’t spot him at first. The sky outside the sliding door was a murky blue, signalling the first sign of dusk, and his silhouette on the patio porch blended almost seamlessly with the treeline beyond the brick wall at the end of the tiny garden. Jeong-sun had checked the studio twice already, certain he would be there. But the piano lay still in the dark, no sheets of music or writing littering its surface. She hadn’t heard him play for a week at least, though she supposed she knew why. 
The door was slightly ajar and she pushed it gently; a soft trail of cigarette smoke danced through the gap as he exhaled silently. 
“Get lost?” She gently called, not wanting to startle him. 
He looked around, a smile playing on his lips, before turning back to face the small square of grass in the centre of the concrete. Jeong-sun had noted with some amusement, in the short time she had been living with him, that he kept the patch meticulously mowed come rain or shine. He wasn’t overtly prideful about it; after all, there were no flowerbeds to be seen along its edges, but maintaining it came as easily to him as brushing his teeth.
“I’m sorry, just thinking…” He said.
“Good things I hope.” Jeong-sun retorted, though a touch of uncertainty clouded the edges of her voice. She remained still for a moment, tongue subconsciously prodding the inside of her cheek as she clutched a mug of tea between her fingers, before quietly joining him on the step. He’d had his hair cut neatly the day before, cropping it shorter than she had seen it in a few months, and she brushed the ends lovingly as he took another pull on the cigarette, the red tip dancing briefly in the air, before dropping to his side.
“I haven’t seen you smoke in a while.” She commented, without judgment but unable to help the curiosity in her voice.
He looked at her, suddenly aware of his surroundings for the first time in twenty minutes, and smiled, a little aloofly. “Old habits.” He murmured, glancing down as though considering another drag, before deciding against it.
“It’s a nice night.” Her hand touched his covered arm, rubbing it gently. 
She realised at once there was something more on his mind…more than the deluge of thoughts and emotions that had been running through hers for the past twenty four hours, and she pushed at it lightly, voice soft.
“Have you heard from Namjoon?”
She expected a sigh, but there came none. “No…” He said quietly in a tone that was hard to read. “Maybe he can’t get to his phone.”
She nodded deftly. “I’m sure that’s it.” If there was doubt in her voice, she hid it well and he didn’t seem to notice.
“It was quite short notice.” He admitted, almost to himself. 
She rubbed his arm once, feeling the cotton sleeve beneath her palm. “I’m glad you changed your mind.” She paused. “At least…I think you’ll be glad later.”
“Tae hasn’t gotten back either.” 
The disappointment was now evident, though not enough to dour his mood. Still, she sensed the cigarettes hadn’t been an accident like he had claimed - there were at least four other butts visible on the patio below. 
“Is that why you’re stressed?” She asked; fingertips brushing along his sleeve comfortingly.
“I’m not stressed.” He turned to her. “Not really.”
She saw at once it was true and felt relieved. Eyes swimming with mirth, she reached for the almost-out cigarette, slipping it from between his fingers and taking her own tokenary drag, exhaling slowly into the still evening evening air, a soft smile playing on her lips. Yoongi took her other hand, fingers pressing against hers.
“What time’s Hoseok picking you up?” He asked.
She checked her watch, the pearlescent face shimmering in the soft glow of the living room behind them. “Half an hour.”
Yoongi laughed breathily. “He’ll be early.” He warned.
“What will you do?” Jeong-sun asked softly, both curious and a little sympathetic.
He shrugged non committedly. “Early night.”
She nodded, not surprised now she thought of it. “Don’t be late.” She quipped.
“I won’t.” He replied seriously.
She sighed. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?”
He shook his head at once, mouth twisting. “Hoseok and Nana will have something planned.”
“I was worried about that.” She murmured dryly.
Yoongi laughed, grinning to himself. Still he squeezed her hand in reassurance. “You’ll enjoy yourself.”
“Last night of freedom.” She taunted, eyebrows raised.
He flashed his teeth. “I doubt they’ve hired a stripper.”
She rolled her eyes, though matched his smile. “No, but Seulgi might bark all night. I’ll lose my beauty sleep.”
“Is your mom coming in the morning?”
“My brother’s picking her up from the airport tonight. She’ll stay with him.”
He nodded. “And your dad?”
“Meeting us there.” She turned to him. “I hear he’s bringing a friend.”
Yoongi watched her raise a single eyebrow playfully and sensed the meaning immediately. His chest seemed to warm, which surprised him. “A date?” He confirmed.
“I hope so. She owns a cafe by the river.” She looked back towards the end of the little garden, thinking to herself. “They’ve been friends for years.”
“Good for him.” He nodded solidly, realising how happy the news made him. He had only met her father twice, more recently when the older man came over to drop off some of Jeong-sun’s things, but the respect he had for him was immediate. It was more than the token gratitude he had been brought up to feel when respecting one's elders, and perhaps even more than a quiet sort of fondness he had for the way the man had helped raise Jeong-sun. He had seen a lot of himself in the private way he had carried himself; the mourning he had subtly witnessed for Jeong-sun’s mother who was very much still alive. He realised, this whole time, he had wanted him to be happy.
They once more fell silent, his eyebrows knitting together. She could tell there was something on his mind and made a neutral sound between her lips, urging him to speak.
“I didn’t write a speech.” He admitted, sorrily. 
“Me neither.” 
“I didn’t know what to say…” He looked away, across the garden where the shadows now grew in length. “At least in front of other people.” Pausing, he shook his head. “I couldn’t do it justice.” Slowly, he turned back to her. “I’ve always told you how I feel…” Yoongi paused, hesitating. “Maybe not well enough at first.” The tinge of doubt in his voice made her want to reach for him, touch him. But still, she held back. “I love you so much.” He finished, almost urgently.
“You’ll make me cry.” She smiled, meaning it to sound playful but unable to help the knot which seemed to form in her throat. 
He turned to look at her straight, squeezing her hand tightly, reassuringly. “I don’t think so.”
“I’ve always known.” She reassured him, pressing back against his fingers. 
“I can’t put it into words…”
“Me neither.” She quietly agreed, smiling in understanding. “I just know…” Her eyes stang a little, though she let them. “I can’t wait to be married to you.”
He smiled in response, though fell silent for a moment, lost in thought. “Do you think it will feel any different?”
“I don’t know…” Her mouth curled. “Ask me tomorrow?”
They sat side by side for a while, before deciding, almost in unison, to move to the front, where they would get a better view of the rapidly changing sky and watch out for Hoseok’s arrival. Yoongi left the sliding doors unlocked and Jeong-sun eyed the half-empty pack of Marlboros on the porch, undoubtedly waiting for his return once she left. The thought didn’t trouble her. He seemed as able to pick up the habit and quit again as she had once done jobs during her university years, and she sensed that whatever urge had driven him to the step in the evening twilight, it was serving to comfort him a little. It would be a long night to spend alone.
The front of the house was equally quiet which surprised her for this time of year. As the days grew longer there were usually some signs of activity from the street; people going to parties or into town for the evening, but on this occasion the environment seemed to match their introspective mood. That was, until they heard the approaching tyres of the Porsche as it slid around the bend in the street. Window down, they heard Hoseok’s voice before they fully saw him.
“Aw, you’re holding hands!”
They both looked down, almost unaware of the fact as the younger man parked smoothly against the curb, 
“I’m allowed…” Yoongi retorted dryly before turning to Jeong-sun. “Are you all packed?”
“It’s in the hallway.” She conformed, slowly getting to her feet. 
“We’ll take care of her.” Hoseok reassured as the young woman went back in the house. 
Yoongi nodded. “I’m sure you will.”
She returned a moment later, struggling a little with the holdall which seemed packed to the brim. Jeong-sun, in a last minute rush, had indecisively packed both her hair straighteners and her curling prongs, not sure which she wanted. He slipped the strap a little further up her arm, resting it firmly against her shoulder. 
“So this is it?” She whispered quietly, unsure whether she felt nervous or relieved. 
Yoongi looked at her softly and nodded. “Until tomorrow.” He murmured. 
“I’ll be there.” She smiled. 
“I hope so.”
They leaned in, kissing each other with a surprising tenderness, forgetting they were being watched as their bodies pressed together, her bag nestling between them a little awkwardly as he cupped her cheek. Slowly, he pulled away. The beams from Hoseok’s car lit the street and he sensed the other man’s eagerness to take Jeong-sun to whatever strange fate awaited her back at Nana’s apartment. 
“Oh! You’re not married yet!” Hoseok called playfully as their bodies moved apart. 
“Piss off.” Yoongi murmured casually, making the other man grin with delight.
Jeong-sun flashed an almost sympathetic look, though it was herself she was feeling sorry for, before slipping her bag in the back of the strangely small car, tucking it behind the front seats. Yoongi watched her get in, standing still on the stoop at the front of the house as she waved to him through the window. The car slowly took off, her dark hair just visible as they turned away and Yoongi waited until they were both out of sight before going inside. 
“Absolutely not.” Jeong-sun said, a smile playing on her lips. The small, cluttered kitchen smelt strongly of chicken and vegetables, the scent had hit her as soon as she walked through the door, but the oversized pan bubbling on the stove was not what she was referring to.
Hoseok’s eyes widened in excitement. “I’ve tried them before. It’s really good for your complexion.”
The younger woman’s face remained neutral. “Is that so?”
Nana quickly piped up, mixing the thick concoction in the plastic tub with a plastic spatula. The label on the outside showed Jeong-sun it had once held Neapolitan ice cream, though its faded surface suggested it was more used for other purposes. “I learned how to do them at a natural workshop. The teacher said it’s a secret Scandinavian recipe.”
“Is there something wrong with my complexion?” Jeong-sun blinked, not meaning to be serious, but the couple’s faces turned to alarm. 
“No!” They both cried in unison. Hoseok immediately stepped forward, 
“We just thought it would be nice.” He wrapped his arm around her comfortingly before straightening up, his chest puffing a little. “I certainly want to look my best for tomorrow!”
“But if you don’t want to, it’s not a big deal.” Nana quickly added. 
Jeong-sun sighed internally, realising not following their carefully organised plans would certainly lead them to overthink the evening, and dour the mood. “No…” She uttered, giving in. “I’ll try.”
Hoseok stepped away joyfully, uncurling himself from her frame. “Nana made your cake! Just as requested.”
“Carrot and walnut.” The older woman smiled, almost proudly.
“Yoongi says it’s your favourite.” Hoseok nodded. 
Nana frowned. “Though not very traditional.”
Jeong-sun joined them by the kitchen counter, glancing sideways at the plate in the corner which she guessed was the object in question. Nana had covered the enormous mound with a chequered gingham cloth which fit well with the colourful decor of the kitchen. “Thank you.” She murmured, sincerely. “I guess we’re a bit counter for taste.” She admitted, lips turning up at the corner as she remembered the expression on Yoongi’s face when she had first ordered the delicacy, some years ago. They had visited a small bakery off the streets of Insa-dong one morning afternoon after work; his dark cap was as inconspicuous as her oversized sweater, but he had bought it for her and added another for himself just the same.  
“I had to look it up. I’d never made it before.”
“She got the carrots from the balcony.” Hoseok gestured towards the kitchen, where a little row of planters could just be glimpsed beyond the old-fashioned net curtains.
“I had to supplement them with ones from the market.” Nana admitted sadly. “We can’t fit that many in the pot.”
Jeong-sun sighed. “I’m really grateful, but you didn’t have to.”
Nana’s eyes widened at once. “It’s my honour.”
Hoseok nodded eagerly. “She really means it.”
Jeong-sun saw from their matching expressions that it was true, not that she had doubted them. The pair always seemed so earnest in a way which seemed foreign and unfamiliar. Perhaps it was her own upbringing that caused her to view sincerity with distrust. Lost in thought, the sudden bubbling from the stove, which seemed to grow a notch louder, caught her attention as Nana turned down the heat.
“Dinner’s ready.” The older woman said, sliding the lid off the pan. The smell grew stronger and Jeong-sun peered at the contents with curiosity. A thin, brown liquid shimmered, rainbow-like, on the surface. 
“Is that for us?” She asked, trying not to sound ungrateful. 
“No.” Nana laughed, immediately catching the look of relief on Jeong-sun’s face.
“It’s for Seulgi.” Hoseok reassured, glancing sideways at the dog who sat quietly in the basket in the corner. 
“It’s a type of broth. The dog loves it!” Nana reached down for the metal bowl by the dog bed and the canine sprung to life at the sound, wagging her tail eagerly. 
Jeong-sun smirked, raising an eyebrow to herself. “Do you always cook for the dog?”
“She’s been poorly lately.” Nana sighed, bending down to pet her head. “Upset stomach.”
“I’m sure she’ll be alright tonight though.” Hoseok joined her side, giving the dog a reassuring stroke. “The vet says it’s just something she ate.”
“Where does the dog sleep?” Jeong-sun asked, trying to hide her apprehension. She didn’t dislike dogs exactly, she’d never been bitten or had one startle her, but having been without pets her whole life, she never really understood the infatuation with them. She’d considered getting a goldfish once upon a time, when she first moved into her apartment downtown, but she figured the company she’d get from its presence wouldn’t make up for the time she spent cleaning the tank.
“Not with us.” Nana quickly retorted.
The target of her statement gave a sorry look towards the canine, affectionately. “Aw…” Hoseok cooed. “She sometimes sleeps with us.”
“Not when she’s sick Hoseok!” Nana replied, a little harshly, making the man back away. Her tone suddenly lightened as she bent down and stroked the soft fur on Seulgi’s rump kindly. “She’s got a lovely bed downstairs.” She sang, almost soothingly, as though trying to convince the dog of the matter.
“And where am I sleeping?” Jeong-sun asked cautiously. 
“Oh, don’t worry about that!” Hoseok dismissed kindly.
“You’ll be comfy, I promise.” Nana added, straightening up now the food was served. Seulgi lapped at it hungrily.
“And no sneaking out in the middle of the night.” Hoseok wagged his finger scoldingly, though he grinned as he said it.
“To spend the last night with your husband to be…” Nana added, almost innocently.
“He’ll be fast asleep by then.” Jeong-sun admitted, hoping it was true. She hated the thought of Yoongi being kept awake by nerves.
“Masks!” Hoseok suddenly claimed, only just remembering as he picked up the discarded ice cream tub from the kitchen counter. The scent of bananas was overwhelming and Jeong-sun spotted the large slabs of fruit dancing on the surface of the pale formula. Nana, it seemed, had used a whole bunch. She silently took her cue to follow them into the adjoining living room where the T.V stood blaring a colourful film; the tone informed her it was old, from the 90s perhaps, with subtitles. A group of women in shoulderpads sat clustered around a table in the middle of a bar; their perms as subtle as the slices of bananas in the mask. 
“Have you seen this before?” Hoseok asked, half watching the conversation on screen. The women’s accents were strong, even Jeong-sun could tell that, and a little familiar. She had never been to Australia, though her mother’s partner could be heard on the phone sometimes, asking her questions in the background. She thought that might be it.
“No.” Jeong-sun admitted.
“Oh, it’s great!” He beamed.
Nana glanced and smiled. “Hoseok’s discovered Abba.” She murmured approvingly. Jeong-sun didn’t quite get the reference until the next scene, when the music started; she recognised ‘Dancing Queen’, to which Hoseok gave an enthusiastic rendition. 
Jeong-sun sat down on the little sofa, pulling aside the blanket which was covered in hair, with some disdain. “I’ll ask the DJ if he takes requests.”
Hoseok paused, eyes wide. “You hired a DJ?” He asked hopefully.
She looked at him with an expression Yoongi would have been familiar with. “No.” 
His face dropped, disappointedly, before turning back to the screen.
“Min-seo sends her love.” Nana joined Jeong-sun on the sofa, obviously ignoring the now folded blanket which she sat on.
“You spoke to her?” Jeong-sun asked.
Nana nodded cheerfully. “She came around to help with the cake. She had to leave early to feed Eun-ju. She wishes she could have been here though.”
“Eun-ju’s grown so much!” Hoseok turned around just long enough to flash an affectionate smile. The scene on screen had once again moved on. It quickly dawned on Jeong-sun that the movie was also about a wedding and she wondered whether the choice had been deliberate.
 “Min-seo’s picked her out a dress for tomorrow. She’ll look so cute.” Nana smiled, face half covered by the yellow mask. Jeong-sun hadn’t noticed her put it on. 
Hoseok turned back, his attention drawn away from the film by the strong scent. “Do mine.” He pleaded, joining Jeong-sun closely on the other side of the sofa which hadn’t been designed for three grown people. 
“Erm…” Jeong-sun handled the spatula nervously. “How much do you want?” Her lips curled. “One scoop or two?”
“Lay it on thick.” Hoseok beamed, moving his face forward, as though holding it out for her.
“He likes to eat it sometimes.” Nana smirked.
The film had finished with a predictably buoyant ending. Muriel had stood up to her bullies and headed for the airport, never to return. The movie made way to another foreign one; this about a time traveller in England who used his inherited powers to get the girl, though the trio seemed to quieten down once the masks had dried and the clock counted down to midnight. At some point Seulgi had made her way between them on the couch, her head resting against Hoseok’s thigh with a surprisingly human-like sigh. Unsurprisingly; Jeong-sun had gotten the rump end. Still, she stroked her fur casually, almost without realising. Sick or not, Nana hadn’t protested her presence. 
Jeong-sun yawned without realising, stretching her back against the uncomfy back-rest. Her face felt tight beneath the mask; though she had gotten used to the fruity scent.
“Are you tired?” Hoseok asked, speaking for the first time in fifteen minutes. 
Jeong-sun blinked sleepily, realising she was. “Big day tomorrow.”
“Did you pack your jammies?” He asked seriously. She looked at him; eyes wide beneath his thickly smeared mask, and laughed to herself. “Nana has some if you didn’t.” He added.
“I brought some.” Jeong-sun nodded. “Besides, I’m not sure Nana’s would fit.” She admitted with a shrug, casting an eye over the other woman’s tall, slender frame. 
“They’re very versatile.” Hoseok commented, though Nana broke the conversation by getting to her feet, gently pushing the dog off the sofa. The canine yawned, stretching its long body before plopping heavily on the rug.
“I made up the bed for you.” 
“Where will you sleep?” Jeong-sun asked.
“Here.” Nana pointed at the sofa, barely small enough for the three of them, without concern. Jeong-sun didn’t question how uncomfy they would be, she knew they would protest. 
“Thank you.” She nodded kindly. 
“And I’ll be up nice and early to get you ready.” Nana beamed, scooping up the now-empty ice cream tub from the side table and taking it into the kitchen.
“Me too!” Hoseok quickly added. 
“Thanks.” Jeong-sun smiled. “That means a lot to me.”
Once the room was cleared Jeong-sun slowly made her way up the stairs, to the single master bedroom which was neatly made up compared to the rest of the apartment. She remembered the mask and considered going to the bathroom straight away, but instead slipped her phone from her jean pocket.
The photograph was unflattering but she didn’t care. The mask had set firmly against her features; a large slab of banana visible beneath her fringe, in the centre of her forehead. She tried not to laugh as she sent the picture, sitting comfortably down on the bed. I smell like banana. She typed, hitting send.
It occurred to her at once he might not be awake to see it, but predictably the reply came a moment later. Two single words. Dear Jesus.
She smiled to herself, wondering if she too would be able to sleep.
I love you. 
Her phone pinged a second later, before she’d even had time to take off her socks.
I love you too.
Thank you for reading. To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga  /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook
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pennyellee · 2 years
SUGA, WE'RE GOING DOWN by Chaoticpuff17 ○ TRAILER (yandere!au)
Hello!! It's been a while y'all. You know, shit is heavy, life is hard and stuff... HOWEVER - I've finally managed to get into trailer making again and of course it is for one and only the queen of all the yandere fics herself @chaoticpuff17 ♥ I myself cannot wait to see what's next for Y/N and Yoongi, so I hope this might help to seize the wait chummers ♥ The trailer will be premiered on the 14th of February precisely (I'm so sorry) at 6:00 AM CET simultaneously at 00:00 AM EST. Go and read the story, give my queen the love she deserves ♥ Enjoy xx
Happy Valentine from me to you ♥
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mskaniav · 1 year
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redhead-33 · 2 years
Hi guys so I finally finished the Yoonmin fan fiction I've been working on for like 6 years! I hope you like it!! Here's the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43639221/chapters/109730550
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farfromsugafanfic · 7 months
Rebound | m.yg
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Genre: College AU, Basketball Captain!Yoongi, Basketball Captain!Reader, Idiots to Lovers, slight Rivals to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Yoongi/Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: cheating (once and not on OC), alcohol consumption, smut, sexual assault (one instance by a third party) (additional warnings at the beginning of each chapter)
Synopsis: You and Yoongi always catch each other on the rebound.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad in 2018.
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moccahobi · 8 months
Tangled Mess: Solitare
Summary: Studying is tiring. Somehow you know exactly how to help Hoseok refocus during a long and tiring studying session.
Paring: Hoseok x GN Reader, Yoongi x Jungkook
Genre: Soulmate AU, Grad School AU, Young Professional AU, Angst, Fluff
Warnings: A Breakup
Word Count: 362 words
A/N: Super late lol. Been away and sick so I wasn't super active. But the series is back up and Imma queue a few too!
Part 4 << Masterlist >> Part 6
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Hoseok needed a break. This was something he knew on so many levels, his body aching from sitting in the cafe chair for four hours, his head throbbing from too much caffeine, his brain fuzzy from too many hours of memorization, and his heart hurting from confusion. 
Hoseok couldn’t take a break though. The final for his Victorian era fashion class was in two days and if he didn’t get all this information memorized, he was going to be at risk of failing the class… which could set him back from graduating. 
Rest was a privilege that Hoseok didn’t have access to. Despite taking a week off of his part time job to study more (only made possible because Seokjin, the amazing roommate he is, offered to cover 3/4 of the rent this month so Hoseok could work less). He needed to pass this class.
“Oh! Hello there!” 
His eyes snapped up, you were standing in front of him, all bundled up from the cold weather outside, a large smile warming the room. 
You can’t think like that Hoseok.
“Hi! How are you doing?” 
“Ok. Better now that I’m talking to you! I’ve not talked to anyone today.” You said with a laugh, “How are you?”
You nodded, letting a beat of silence brew between you before asking, “Is it ok if I join?”
“Sure! Although, I’ll be a horrible table mate,” Hoseok started organizing his notes and flashcards, “I have a final soon.” 
You winced and nodded, going off to the register to place an order. 
Soon enough, the two of you were working away in silence (well you were reading a book while Hoseok worked). That was until Hoseok grabbed his phone and started to scroll away, his brain too foggy to properly focus for a bit. It wasn’t a good habit, but scrolling through mindless media offered a pause to his mind that he desperately needed. 
“That’s some odd work you’re doing.” You said with a laugh, already looking at Hoseok when he looked up. 
“Oh. Yeah. I needed a break.” 
You nodded, “Rest is vital. How long have you been studying here?” 
“A few hours probably.”
“Damn. No wonder you needed the break. Will you be able to stop for the day soon?”
Hoseok shook his head.
“Hmmm. Then I will be here to help you relax while you’re breaking!” You laughed quietly before pulling out a deck of cards, “Have you ever played solitaire?” 
“Of course. I’m horrible at it though.”
“Perfect! I can teach you then! I’m amazing.” 
After clearing their table of everything but their drinks, Hoseok and you fell into a rhythm of playing solitaire. His coffee got cold before you stopped to let him work more but he didn’t mind. His heart raced every time your hands got close and he saw the small gap between the red strings but he tried to ignore it. His mind felt a little more tired but he surprisingly had more energy to get back into homework. 
His heart was even more confused though. You were just being friendly. Just friendly.
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shadowofahope · 1 year
Gone Once More
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Warnings: hurt/no comfort
Pairing: Idol! BTS x friend! (f)reader
Premise: Too many mistakes. Each one a new regret. The only hope for you to not be seen.
Author’s notes: Sorry loves, I promise to try to come back as soon as I can! I'm currently 33wks pregnant, so my mind has been all over the place. I'm also trying to move at the same time. I know, I know, all very poorly timed on my end. I'll work hard on completing my WIPS and getting them up for you! 💜
Word count: 823
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Your body feels heavy as you sluggishly make your way through the throng of people. It had been a long couple of days setting up for this event. Thankfully you and your coworkers had managed to finish with a couple hours to spare. Last-minute final touches had been placed and as the idols and actors began to turn up, you had all been dismissed. 
Walking past the last building, you begin to place your head phones in your ears. Ready for your walk home. However, you hear something that makes your heart stop.
You hear the familiar voices from somewhere in the crowd. Catching a glimpse of a face you had wished to forget.
You back step quickly rounding the corner to hide from the figures headed your way. Holding your breath you close your eyes and beg for them not to see you. Willing yourself to be one with the wall. A sense of relief plummets over your like a cold bucket of water on a hot day as you finally hear their voices pass. 
You barely catch a glimpse of their backs as you hastily push through the thickening crowd.You don’t want to appear panicked for fear that would draw attention to yourself. 
Swiftly you approach the crosswalk, legs trembling more for every second you wait for the light sign to change. The road in the process of being closed down for the event today. You remain steady on your feet, but your body delays briefly as it finally changes and you walk within the other people.
Reaching the other sidewalk, against all the screaming in your head, body shaking, air burning your lungs you stop. First mistake. Second was benign unable to not turn around and stare blatantly at the group you had hidden from. You needed to see them, even if it hurt all over again.
Standing across the street, you cant find it in yourself to keep moving. To finish your escape successfully. The few cars passing by and the strings of people do nothing to obstruct your focus. 
The pain from past memories seeps from the floor up your legs, like an iron chain holding you down. 
Eye contact, the last mistake you made. Pairs of eyes turn to you one by one, survey your figure. The uncertainty etched into their faces, were you really there or were they just hoping to see you again.
The world slows around you, breathe slow and deep. An almost calm settling over you, atleast outwardly calm. Your mind flashing through your anger you thought you had long forgotten when you left those years ago. But somehow in this moment it all felt so fresh, a wound that never healed, easily reopened. 
One of them takes a step in your direction, your name said out loud appearing on their lips, snapping you out of your stasis. Before they can truly believe you're there, you turn to sprint down the path to the parkway. You hear your name called again, this time over the blood pumping in your ears. Without slowing you push yourself forward, calves feeling as though they will spilt in half after being on your feet for so long. But you don’t stop, you don’t falter. Your lungs sting as your breath comes out ragged and sharp.
You know they’ve followed, you can feel them behind you. Dashing through a throng of people casually going for a stroll, you take a dramatic turn towards a small wooden bridge. Hoping the mass of people would create enough confusion. You all but fling yourself down the shallow bank, stumbling to your knees on the rocks and dirt. Without stopping, you roll yourself under the wooden structure. 
Barely a moment passes and you hear the approach of many shoes on the cement path. Your name screamed by many voices. Voices that have haunted you for too long, ones that used to only carry sweet words, but by the end carried the poison that deteriorated your self worth. Like a venomous snake bite, one that wouldn’t kill you but left you crippled, no amout of anti-venom could stop the affects.
The footsteps rush off away from your hiding spot. You stay there, long enough to catch your breathe. Your heart rate finally slowing down again, allowing the blood flow back to your head. Giving you enough strength to sit up, peaking your head out, ears on full alert for any sounds of them reapproaching. Hearing nothing, you slowly crawl away from the shadows. When you finally drag yourself back up you realize you’ve not only ripped the knees of your jeans, but blood soaks your right pant leg. However, you don’t feel the pain, mind still distracted by getting away secretly to your home before anything else can happen.
Limping in the other direction of where they ran, you make your way praying that these ghosts will be gone once more.
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sope-and-shine · 2 years
Feelings In Major - Part 2
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-> Pairing: Pianist!Yoongi x Violinist!Reader
-> SFW(PG-13) // FLUFF, ANGST // s2l
-> Word Count: 7.5k
-> Summary: In a kingdom where music rings from the lowest dungeon to the farthest mountain peak, it’s no surprise that everyone wants a chance to play for the royal family. However, only one can be chosen, and the Royal Musicians were the best of the best. The only obstacle that stands between you and being one of them, is your competition and your stage fright. It will take a miracle to get you on that stage...or just a grumpy piano player.
-> Warning(s): Fem reader, Mild language, Mild violence, Irrational men, Self doubt, Your dad is a bit of a dick(a major dick)
a/n: I would like to formally apologize for having this ready since the last part came out and just not posting it.
Part 1 // Masterlist // Part 3
“Careful there! It’s a-da-gi-o…” Yoongi warns, enunciating each syllable slowly as the word suggests, “-take it slow and make every note count. It’s not a race to the end, it’s a performance.”
You follow his advice, pulling back on the tempo just a bit. Your tendency to rush through a section has gotten better. You don’t find yourself trying to just get through a part anymore, though old habits die hard. But with a General like Yoongi, you’ll break it in no time.
“There you go! Beautiful~” He compliments. Out of habit, he claps along with your music, aiding until the end of the section where you’ve been stopping every repetition. He sighs in satisfaction with a pleased smile, “If you keep playing like that, then you’ll do better playing around the kingdom than any Royal Musician could.”
“Even you?” You ask, a teasing smile on your lips.
He scoffs, “Don’t get ahead of yourself. I think we both know which one of us has more talent.”
You place the hand holding your bow over your heart with mock sincerity, “Of course, I do.”
“Oh, my apologies. I didn’t realize you’re a prodigy.” He bows about halfway before he stops himself with this fake moment of realization. He looks up, face full of false empathy, “Oh, that’s right…”
You glare at him, “Words hurt, Yoongi.”
“So does losing.” He reminds you, placing a hand on your shoulder, “But with the progress we’ve made, you won’t have to worry about that.”
A low growl sounds from in the distance, confusion falling over you, “Did you hear that?” You ask.
He nods, “I did.” 
His grip on your shoulder tightens as he looks around the clearing, but it’s almost impossible to see anywhere past the tree line, “I don’t see anything…”
“That’s because it’s dark out. It-” Yoongi stops talking, turning his head to the right. There’s a soft crunching sound, followed by the snap of a branch. It makes you jump, and Yoongi is quick to push you in the direction of your case, “Put your violin away. We’re leaving.”
“Okay.” You agree without hesitation. You put your violin away as fast as you can, barely securing your bow in place before you’re slamming the case shut and hastily locking both sides. Behind you, Yoongi still watches the area where he heard the noise, fists clenched tightly at his sides. He’s never been one to talk with his fists, but he would if he needed to. 
“Yoongi-“ You hand him the lantern off of the stump and he takes it without a glance, “-we should go.”
He doesn’t answer. He’s spotted something now. Something moving just in the distance. It’s not easy to see, but it’s there. Though, the light from the lantern doesn’t help him to see any further, it gives him slight assurance that he’ll have something to fight an assailant with. But that small sliver of hope goes out the window when a burst of fire explodes into the distance. It’s a sight that can only be described in so many ways, but Yoongi isn’t willing to sit around and find out which theory might be correct.
“Run!” He grabs onto whatever part of you he can and pulls, taking you in the direction of his home with your elbow held tight in his grasp. He runs harder than you ever thought he could, zig-zagging between trees and gripping your arm like he knows he’ll lose you if he lets go.
As soon as you make it back to his home, he slams the lantern into your hands, pushes you inside, and slams the door closed behind you. He’s quick to flip the lock and close his windows and curtains, blowing out candles as he goes. He races around his home in silence, leaving you standing in his living room with no idea what’s going on as he plummets the both of you into darkness.
With all the lights out except the lantern, he comes back to the living room. He takes the quilt off of his couch and brings it over to the cold fireplace, setting the fabric over the ash and dust and sweeping most of it to the floor.
“Sit down and don’t move.” He instructs, pointing to the now empty fireplace. In the dim light that’s left, you can see his face. Yoongi is someone that always looks serious, and when he’s really serious he looks almost angry. But the only thing you can see right now is fear being hidden by a brave face. Whatever’s going through his head right now, he’s obviously trying not to let it show for your sake.
You listen to him, handing the lantern over and climbing into the tight space of the fireplace. He follows after you, squishing your bodies together in the cramped space. As soon as you’re both settled he puts out the lantern, leaving you both in total darkness.
“What was that?” You ask, your voice barely a whisper.
“It looked like a dragon.” 
“A dragon?!” You ask just a bit too loud, Yoongi shushing you. You apologize and lower your voice, “But dragon lands are far away from here.”
“That doesn’t mean dragons won’t come here.” He says, “Just stay right here and we’ll wait it out. We’ll be fine in front of the stone.”
You can’t help but wonder if staying in the fireplace is really a good idea or not. What if it sets the rest of his house on fire, will you really be protected in here? Will Yoongi? And what about your family and the rest of the kingdom? Are they in danger?
You can’t help but grip your skirt in your hands for comfort, feeling small in what could be your final resting place, “Yoongi, I’m scared…” 
“I know. I am too.” He admits. He raises his arm and wraps it over your shoulders, pulling you in close to his side. His other hand reaches over himself, patting around your lap before he finds your arm and slides his hand down to your own. He grips it tight in his own, “Just stay right here, okay? I’m right here.”
By the time morning light comes peeking in, you’ve already fallen asleep against Yoongi’s chest. The sound of his beating heart finally lulled you to sleep after hours of eerie silence. But the pianist remains awake. His cheek rests on top of your head  with his eyes closed, his arms keeping your body close to his. But his ears are doing their best to pick up every sound. He tries to pinpoint every creak and every gust of wind. If there’s anything that doesn’t sound like a normal noise, then he wants to be ready. Though, if there were a real, imminent threat of a dragon within the kingdom, then alarm bells would have been going off hours ago.
You stir in his arms, moving your head around to change its position to something more comfortable. You unconsciously cling to the fabric of his coat and bring him closer, humming to yourself. Yoongi tries not to blush at your actions, but it’s hard not to when you’re this close to him. It’s hard not to think of how beautifully you play, or how beautiful you look when you do. That look of concentration that settles when you finally let yourself enjoy the music instead of fearing what others will think of you. It’s so peaceful, and it’s so different from the content look on your face as you sleep comfortably here in his arms.
‘She’s asleep, Yoongi. Pull yourself together!’ He scolds himself, trying to replace his thoughts of you with thoughts of what he’s to do.
The threat should be gone, and perhaps the both of you had mistaken something else for a dragon. Possibly another warlock or witch, or a fire eater practicing on their own. Though, what kind of fire eater would practice in the woods? A terrible one, probably. Either way, whether the threat was real or not, you’re still in his home at dawn. 
Sleeping in his arms.
He knows you’re probably exhausted, but you shouldn’t stay at his home again. You’ve already done it once, and it apparently didn’t end too well that first time. He didn’t want to get you in trouble with your Father again. 
“(Y/n)…” He whispers, squeezing you in the arm that cradles you. You don’t respond, so he shakes your elbow with his free hand, “(Y/n)!”
“Huh?!” You jolt awake, nearly bumping your heads together. You immediately think back to last night’s events with fear and panic, “Are we in danger?”
He shakes his head, “No, but if we don’t get you home then you might get in trouble.”
“But we didn’t get to practice much last night…” You whine, disappointed.
“I know, but-” he yawns, “-your Father will be cross with you if you’re not home when he wakes up. Remember what you said happened last time?” 
You do. You were able to fool him once, but there’s no telling if you’d really be able to fool him again. But there’s a part of you that doesn’t mind the scolding he’ll give you. You’d much rather stay here with Yoongi than return home to be questioned and interrogated over your progress and your whereabouts.
“Did you sleep?” You ask Yoongi, eyeing the way his eyes droop as another yawn passes his lips.
“I slept.” He says, but you don’t buy it. He looks tired - more tired than usual. You give him a pointed look and he sighs, “I rested my eyes.”
“Yoongi!” You scold. You pull away from him and tap his arm, “You should have woke me.”
“We didn’t both need to be up.” He argues. He slides out of the fireplace and stands, stretching his tired body before dusting himself off, “I just wanted to make sure we really were safe before I let my guard down.”
He stayed up all night just to ensure your safety. Granted, it was also for his safety, but he put your needs over his. Of course, Yoongi’s never been one to sleep when he should, but he’s not one to waste it either. To hear him say that he sacrificed his own sleep to protect the both of you makes your heart light. You can’t just leave him with nothing after an action so brave and caring.
You slide out of the fireplace as well, “I’ll tell my Father that I left the house early to pick some flowers or to look around the market.” He offers you a hand, and you accept it. You stretch and you dust yourself off, dusting your hands off as well, “I can make you breakfast while you get some sleep.”
He shakes his head and sighs, “I can’t ask you to do that.”
“I want to.” You assure him. He still seems unconvinced, so you take the hand that held yours for most of the night and squeeze it, “You protected me, and for that I owe you.”
His eyes linger on yours, seemingly lost in thought. You wonder what he could be thinking about when he finally comes to his senses, “Just long enough for you to make breakfast and not a minute longer.”
Yoongi moves to his bed as promised, leaving you to figure out what to do first. You head to his kitchen, looking around to see what he has. Of course, he has eggs, bread, and some fruit. He has a whole bowl filled with tangerines and a garden outside of his kitchen window littered with peels. Some eggs and toast would be quick and easy, and the tangerines would be good for him. But it’s too simple to make. He’d barely get any sleep if you start on food right away.
“I don’t hear the stove going.” He calls from the other room.
You roll your eyes, “I don’t hear you snoring!”
“I don’t snore!” He yells back, making you scoff. You shake your head at his childish antics, especially when you hear a very soft, “If anyone snores it’s you…”
“I heard that~” You respond in a sing-song voice.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m going.”
He does end up falling asleep fairly quickly. It gives you enough time to clean around his home. Sweeping up the ash and dust, tossing his unused melodies into a basket for him to sort through later, and even cleaning up the quilt from yesterday on the clothesline outside. You manage to get quite a bit done for him before you finally get to work on breakfast, and it’s not long before you have it all finished and ready for him. You wish you could say waking him up was an easy thing to do, but his fatigue from the night before doesn’t help. You practically have to pull him off of his bed just to get him to his couch where you set his plate down. But once he starts to eat, he begins perking up just a bit.
You’re cleaning off the dishes when he comes in to place his empty plate in the sink, “Yoongi, I know I said I would go home, but why don’t I just stay and we can practice in the clearing now.”
“You need to go home so your parents won’t worry.” He reminds you.
“But we were doing so well last night! Besides, why be scolded now when I can be scolded later?” You ask. You make a good point and you know he knows that, “Please Yoongi? Just another hour~”
“Just an hour.” He agrees.
So, the two of you make your way back to the clearing, following the same path you usually do. It’s different during the day. There’s still buzzing from the insects and the soft breeze blowing through your hair, but it feels a bit more alive during the day.
When you make it to the clearing, it’s obvious that Yoongi’s suspicions had been correct. There are a few burn patches near where the two of you had been last night. They’ve been doused in water, but they’re still charred from whatever dragon made them. The only indication as to what kind of dragon it was, are the muddy footprints that leave the pond that are about the same size as your head.
You bend down to touch it, tracing the outline with your finger, “It must have been a baby…” 
“And there are boot prints with it.” Yoongi says, noting the 2 pairs of boot prints that follow the much larger ones.
“Dragon smugglers?” You suggest.
Yoongi shrugs, “I don’t know, but they better hope they don’t run into the mom.” You nod in agreement.
The both of you settle into your usual spot, you running through your warm-ups as Yoongi listens carefully. As per usual, he corrects what he needs to as you go, clapping along when he feels you need the assistance. But you can’t stop fidgeting from all the soot that still lingers on your clothes and your body.
“What are you doing? I thought you wanted to practice?” Yoongi asks when you finally give into your temptation to mess with your collar.
“I do! But the leftover soot is bothering me.”
“Well, we were in danger. It was the best hiding spot.”
“And I appreciate that, but I can’t take this dirt anymore!” You set your violin down in its open case and set your foot on the stump next to it, pulling up your skirt enough to mess with the laces.
“Hey! What are you doing?” Yoongi asks when you kick the first one off.
“I’m taking a swim.” You answer, making quick work of your other boot.
“It’s mid spring! It’s still too cold for that!” Yoongi scolds, but you’re not in the mood to care about any of that. If you have to spend another second covered in soot and ash, then you might just scratch yourself raw.
“Then I’ll make this fast and you can warm me up by your fireplace again! But I am not sitting around with all of this dirt on me.” You ignore any of his protests in favor of the cool water. As soon as you’re ankle deep, you don’t even hear his protests anymore. It’s cold - colder than you’ll ever admit - but it already feels better with every step into deeper water. You can’t help yourself, and without a second thought you pinch your nose and fall back into the water to completely submerge yourself. 
Yoongi‘s scolding hits you as soon as you breach the surface again, “-(Y/n)! I knew you were crazy, but c’mon! You’ll catch a cold!”
You wipe the water from your eyes, smiling and ignoring the chill the water brings. You turn to Yoongi and call out to him, “You should clean the dirt off of yourself as well.”
“I am not getting into the water.” He protests, crossing his arms over his chest.
You shrug, “Fine, do what you will. But I am going to enjoy myself.” You let yourself fall back again, only this time you float on the water and kick your feet.
It’s not even a minute later before you hear Yoongi scoff from the shore, “Ugh! Fine.” The grin that spreads to your cheeks as you watch him kick off his own boots and join you in the cold water is almost evil. Especially when the water reaches his waist several feet away from you and he has to stop himself from jumping at the cold. Even when he makes it to you, he doesn’t seem as thrilled as you to be in the water, “This is childish, I hope you know.”
“This is clever.” You argue, “A bath and laundry all at once.”
You swim around him, kicking your feet as you go. But swimming only gets harder as your skirt continues to resist in the water. Yoongi even notices, “Okay, your skirt is going to pull you down. Let’s get out now.”
He tries to pull you along after him, but you pull back, “But I want to swim more.”
“You’ll end up drowning if you stay in here with that thing.” He warns. He makes a good point, but you can’t find it in yourself to listen. It’s such a nice day and you’re already spending it with him. Not only that, but you feel much cleaner with the soot being washed away by the water. You don’t want to give it up just yet.
“Then I won’t wear it.”
“What-?” Yoongi thinks he must have misheard you, at least until you start playing with the fabric around your waist. His eyes go wide, and he’s quick to grab at your arms to try and stop you, “Hey, what are you doing?”
“I’m taking my skirt off so I won’t drown. Just as you suggested.” You answer, your hands still loosening the fabric despite his protests.
“I did not suggest for you to get naked!” He argues, a light blush coating his cheeks.
You chuckle, “I’m not getting naked, I’m wearing undergarments.” You push away from him and pull your skirt down, making a show of waving it in your hand before you decide to swim a bit closer to the shore where your shoes lie abandoned. There’s a branch in the water that hangs high enough for you to place your skirt, and you trudge through the water just enough so you can lay it over top of it. Then you work on your shirt.
“Oh, not your shirt too!” Yoongi complains from behind you. You don’t glance back at him, both in excitement for what you’re doing and fear that you might be getting too comfortable with him, “This is very improper, I hope you know.”
That makes you laugh, “Oh? And is hosting a woman you aren’t courting in your home all evening - not once, but twice - very proper?” You ask, turning to face him with a smug look. You try not to let it show that you’re more nervous to be exposed in your undergarments than you are. He doesn’t seem to have a response, but he’s also doing his best to avoid looking at you as well, “I didn’t think so. Now shut up and let me enjoy the water while I can.”
You swim all the way back to him, earning a disapproving scowl when he finally looks at you, “You’re ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.” 
“Says the man being choked by his own wet clothes.” You retort, pointing out the way he keeps adjusting his collar.
“Who was it that told me to swim with her?” He asks.
“You didn’t have to.” You argue, “I’m not holding a sword to your throat, am I?”
He scoffs, “You might as well be.”
You send a soft splash of water his way, “Just take your outer layers off and stop suffering.”
He sighs in annoyance, but he does as you say. He swims over to the branch and sheds off his clothes, leaving them next to yours. It leaves him in his undershirt and his underpants, the latter still submerged in the water.
He gets back to you with that same scowl on his face and a light blush. It makes you chuckle, “There. Now, was that so hard?”
He glares at you, “Don’t patronize me.”
“But it’s so much fun, Yoongi~” You tease.
“You know what’s really fun?” He asks. You’re about to entertain his question, but he sends a heavy splash of water falling over and on your head before you can answer him.
“Yoongi-!” You shriek, hands flying to your face to wipe the water away.
Yoongi bursts into joyful laughter, his gummy smile on full display, “I think you might be right, (Y/n)! This is enjoyable!”
“Oh, that’s enjoyable, is it? Why don’t you have some then?!” You ask, fighting back with your own splash of water. It doesn’t cover him quite as much as his did to you, but you still manage to hit him in the face with it.
The both of you break into an all out war, splashing and giggling and swimming around each other. You don’t think about “being indecent”, you don’t think about how cold it is, and you don’t even think about your parents. The only thing you can think about is how much fun you’re having in this moment.
Yoongi manages to get close enough that he grabs your arm and pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing, holding them hostage at your sides, caged in between the two of you. You try to wriggle out of his grip, but he keeps a tight hold on you. He grins, “Where are you going to go now, huh? Are you going to splash me again?”
“Holding my arms? I don’t think that’s fair.” You challenge with a playful smirk.
“You know what I don’t think is fair?” He asks. You quirk your brow, but your confidence falls when Yoongi’s face comes closer to yours. His nose almost touches yours and his eyes are looking right into yours, “Getting undressed and tempting me to undress with you. And then you fool around with me, soaked to the bone in nothing but this flimsy undergarment? Do you expect most men to control themselves around you? Do you know how hard it is to resist every temptation to stare at your curves or the top of your breasts? To resist the temptation I have to touch you more intimately then a man who isn’t courting you should?”
“Yoongi…” His confession has heat rising in your cheeks. It leaves you nearly breathless, like your air got caught in your throat.
He continues, only now he moves to the side of your head, brushing your ear with his nose, “Or to kiss you just so I can know what it feels like to press my lips to yours? I’m a man of simple needs, and you’re creating these thoughts in my head. I have to urge myself not to defile you.” He practically whispers into your ear, making your stomach drop in excitement. He pulls back just enough to place his nose in front of yours again, “I think the only person playing unfair is you.”
His eyes are lidded, looking at you through lashes. He holds you so tight against him, and you can’t ignore the way his eye flickers to your lips, but not any lower. He’s holding true to his words, but you can feel his hands digging into your back. You can feel the want radiating off of him, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want him the way he wants you.
And you’ll be damned if you don’t give in.
“Perhaps I don’t want you to control yourself around me.” You whisper. You let go of the fabric of his undershirt and instead place your hands flat against his waist, your fingers playing with the hem of his pants. You don’t miss his gasp, and you take this as your opportunity to let him know exactly what you want, “Perhaps I want you to defile me.”
That’s all it takes for Yoongi to kiss you, lips crashing against yours. A surprised moan leaves you, but it’s muffled by his mouth. Your lips move together in an act of passion, something the two of you have been holding back for awhile. He releases your arms from your side, letting his hands explore your sides. He feels your waist, sliding his hands down your sides and groping every inch of you that he can. He grabs the back of your thighs and lifts you up, letting the water help him hold you as he guides your legs around his waist.
You wrap your arms around his neck as well, drawing him in tighter to your kiss and as close to your body as you can. He licks your lips and you moan, allowing him entrance to explore your mouth. You lose yourself in him, enjoying the way he tastes and how he feels. You enjoy the way his hands touch you, caressing you with soft, gentle touches. You don’t want this moment to end. You want him to hold you forever and never let go.
But you’re so lost in each other that you don’t notice the splashing that approaches you.
You’re being pulled off of Yoongi before you can even register it’s happening, a firm grip on your upper arm dragging you into the water. You stumble onto your own two feet, a surprised scream leaving your mouth. You try to pull away from your assailant, but their grip on you holds firm.
“Hey-!” Yoongi - who was also stunned by the sudden attack - tries to come after you. Fear for what’s being done to you sets in before the anger. You reach out to him and he lunges for your hand, grabbing it and stopping the person from pulling you any further, “Don’t you dare treat her like this! Let her go!”
Your assailant drops your hand, giving Yoongi the chance to pull you into his arms for safety. He planned to push you behind him, but a fist makes contact with his face before he can do so. He falls back and you grab him before he can fall back into the water, “Yoongi!”
You’re grabbed by the back of your bodice, your assailant trying to pull you away from Yoongi. You attempt to pull against them, “No! Don’t touch me! Leave us alone!”
“Damn it, girl. Drop him!” Your Father yells from behind you. Your grip loosens as soon as you hear who’s behind you, giving your Father the chance to take you by both arms and pull you back away from Yoongi. His dark hair disappears under the water and you scream. You try to run back, but your Father turns you and pushes you towards the embankment, sending you stumbling into the shallow water where your Mother stands calf deep ready to grab you, “Take care of her!”
“Get up, (Y/n). Now.” Your Mother demands, taking over for your Father. You let her, your eyes more focused on what your Father is doing.
Yoongi’s head pops up out of the water, the pianist shaking the water out of his hair and regaining his balance to continue the fight to protect you - unaware that it’s your Father in front of him. But your Father is relentless, and he grabs Yoongi by the front of his soaked undershirt, “You have some nerve touching my daughter like that.”
“Daughter?” It takes Yoongi a minute to let the information sink in before the realization finally hits him, “No, please-Ah~!”
Your Father knees Yoongi in the stomach and you scream again, “No!”
“(Y/n), get dressed!” Your Mother demands, her voice gentle but stern.
“No!” You refuse. You pull out of your Mother’s grip and run back into the water, charging at your Father and pulling at him before he can do anymore damage, “Don’t touch him! Don’t hurt him!”
“Let go of me and put on your damn clothes!” He bellows, trying to pull his arm out of your grasp.
“Not until you let him go! He didn’t do anything wrong!” You cry, refusing to let your Father do anything rash to Yoongi because of a decision you made.
“Didn’t do anything wrong?!” Your Father roars. He turns to you and pulls his arm towards him, pulling you with him. He grabs you by the shoulder, “The two of you are not betrothed! You have no business whoring yourself around!”
“Don’t say that to her-!” Yoongi yells, stopping when your Father turns back to him and shoves his finger in his face.
“You better keep your mouth shut before I knock your teeth in, boy.” He growls, seething in anger. 
Yoongi wants to do more, but he doesn’t want to make the situation worse. He can only look at you and wish he could wipe the tears from your eyes. He wishes he could turn back time and convinced you to practice in his home instead. Maybe your Father never would have caught the two of you.
With Yoongi successfully silenced, your Father returns his attention to you, “Get your clothes on. Now.” He orders. You look over at your clothes, then your Father, and then Yoongi. You don’t want to leave him here. You don’t want to leave things how they are. You have so many things you want to say. So many things you want to confess. But your Father doesn’t want to waste even another second on the scene in front of him, “I said, now!”
You jump, having only ever heard your Father this angry a few times. He isn’t one that’s quick to anger. He’s one of the most forgiving men you’ve ever known! But something inside of him just seems to have broken, and you don’t want to find out just how much angrier he could possibly get.
You retreat to your Mother, this time of your own accord. You leave Yoongi behind, wading in the water with your very angry Father, “Sir, please don’t be mad at her. Be mad at me-!”
“I am furious with the both of you!” He yells, cutting Yoongi off once more. He gets in his face and Yoongi straightens his back, readying himself for whatever else your Father may have in store for him. But to his relief and disappointment, he only pokes Yoongi in the chest, “I never want to see you anywhere near my daughter ever again!”
His demand has you turning around, mid-pill of your skirt over your hips, “No! Father, you can’t do that!”
He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself, “(Y/n)-!” 
“He’s helping me with my stage fright! So I can perform for the Royal Family, and-”
“And perform what?” Your Father interrupts. He turns to Yoongi and practically spits in his face, “The Royal Family doesn’t want to see your indecent acts!”
“No! We wouldn’t-! I would never do such a thing!” Yoongi tries to defend, having to much pride for his title as a Royal Musician and too much respect for the Royal Family to ever disrespect them in such a way.
“My violin, Father. Music!” You cry. You pull away from your Mother and go for your instrument, showcasing it to your Father.
“(Y/n), you need to stop and finish getting dressed.” He demands. He takes a step back from Yoongi and holds a warning hand out to him as if it will be enough to physically hold him back. It is, as Yoongi remains rooted in his spot as he watches your Father return to shore.
You bombard him as soon as his wet boots hit the sand. You don’t care that your skirt is loose or that your shirt isn’t completely buttoned. You have something to prove. You have to talk to him and explain everything! 
“Father, please, don’t make me stay away from Yoongi. He’s smart and funny and talented, and he’s helped me so much! If you would just list-Ah!” You tried to bring your violin into position, but it was ripped from your grasp before you could even rest it on your shoulder.
“I’ve had it with this damn contraption!” He yells. 
You watch in horror as he raises your violin above his head and brings it crashing down on a nearby boulder. You gasp in shock as it breaks into pieces, its body snapping in half and the front hanging limply by its strings. 
“Isuel!” Your mother cries.
“You are done with music! I should have never given you an ultimatum. I should have married you off the minute you turned 18!” He finally shouts, admitting to you what he’d told your Mother in secret. 
“How could you…?” You ask, voice cracking. Your lip quivers at the sight of your mangled instrument. Every memory you’d made with it runs through your mind, every special moment it’s brought you. You’re in absolute disbelief that your Father - someone who knew how much this one piece of wood meant to you - could destroy something so special. 
“Do not make me the bad guy.” Your Father utters without an ounce of regret in his voice. He shrugs off his coat and throws it over your shoulders, “Keep this on and let’s go home before I really lose my temper.”
You walk between your parents, head down as your tears stain your cheeks. You look back at Yoongi, catching a glimpse of his soaked form left standing in the pond before your Father turns your head to keep you moving along with him.
Yoongi is left by himself, forced to watch your retreating form in knee deep water. Part of himself wished he’d convinced you to go home instead of coming back to the clearing. Your Father might have been mad, but you would still be allowed to see him. Or maybe he should have kept you at his cabin, safe in his arms where no one knew you were there. He feels like there’s so much he could have done for things to end differently.
Maybe his heart wouldn’t hurt so bad seeing you get smaller and smaller in the distance.
“(Y/n)?” Somi asks.
“Yes?” You respond.
Your body doesn’t move. It’s like your ears registered that someone was talking to you and your mouth made a response, but your brain didn’t get the memo. It’s kinda freaking the poor girl out, “You’re staring again.”
“Huh?” You look at her, “Oh-!” You suddenly take notice of your chin resting on your hand, realizing that you were staring off again. You pop back up and grab your needle and thread again, “Sorry…” 
“You’re thinking about that fiance of yours again, aren’t you?” Yeri asks, teasing you as she teases everyone.
“Something like that…” You sigh. 
Really, you can’t stop thinking about everything that’s happened in such a short span of time. You’ve lost Yoongi, your passion, the respect of your Father, the help of your Mother, and your own free will. One day, you had everything going for you, and the next it all plagues your mind. Nothing but a memory of what was and what could have been. 
It isn’t fair.
After what happened at the clearing, your Father made true on his promise. He immediately went out in search of a family looking for their son to marry, and he came back with a fiance for you within 3 days. Sir Kang Wooseok; A man only 4 years older than yourself. He’s a nobleman, making his social status much higher than your own. He was more than happy to meet you, and he was eager to ask for your hand. Over and over he told you how beautiful you were, but you were less than thrilled. 
You don’t want to spend the rest of your life with a man you barely know. You don’t want to marry a man just because he’s wealthy. You’d rather never play music again than marry a man you don’t love. You want to marry a man that makes you laugh, a man who makes you smile, a man who makes you dress up in ridiculous costumes for the sake of overcoming your own personal obstacles.
A man like Yoongi.
But your Father would never approve. You’re fairly certain that if your Father and Yoongi were to ever cross paths on the street, your Father would jump him without any hesitation. 
“Leave her be.” Mrs. Goo scolds the others, “It’s not easy to be young anymore.”
The bell above the door of the other room chimes, signaling a customer has entered the shop. It prompts all of you to cease conversations, remaining in calm silence as the patron chooses what they would like.
“Of course, follow me.” You hear Seowoo say from the other room. You can hear her footsteps walking around, followed by the light footsteps of someone else. You try to listen to it, focusing on something real rather than daydreaming about something that will never happen. “Here.”
You immediately freeze up at the sound of his voice, your body going rigid and your eyes widening in surprise. Of course, you couldn’t forget a voice like his in such a short amount of time, but you wish you could after everything that happened between the two of you and your parents. 
“Yoongi…” You slowly turn around, making eye contact with him for the first time in what feels like forever. He’s wearing plain clothes; just a nice pair of trousers, a blue shirt, and jacket. His hair is messy as always, and you can’t help but wonder if he even bothered to brush through it today. But none of that matters. It shouldn’t matter, because he shouldn’t be here.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, remaining in your seat as you try to stay calm in his presence.  
“I heard the news of your engagement and I had to come see you.” He explains. He looks at your fellow hatters, each lady either pretending to be busy or very blatantly staring at him to figure out who he is. Their stares make him uncomfortable, much different than the stares he gets on stage. He has to swallow his pride just to remain standing there under their scrutiny, “Can we talk? Privately?” He asks, nodding to the doorway he’d come in through.
“No-!” You protest, a bit too loud and too rushed. Your Father made it very clear that you were never to see or speak to Yoongi again. If you saw him on the street, then you were supposed to go the opposite way. He wants no interaction to be had between the two of you, and he’ll be furious if he finds out Yoongi even came to the hat shop. Knowing your Father, he’d seek Yoongi out himself, and you can’t stand the thought of pulling Yoongi into any more problems because of you. 
Instead, you shake your head and muster a polite smile, “I’m sorry, but no. That wouldn’t be a very good idea.”
“Please, just come with me into the other room. I really need to talk to you.” He pleads.
“I said no, Yoongi.” You repeat, more forceful this time. He opens his mouth to speak again, but you raise a hand to stop him, “I’m very busy at the moment, so you should go. Please.”
You don’t spare him another glance. You just turn back around to the hat you’re working on. If you keep looking at him, then you know you’ll break. You have to stay strong and push him away for the both of you. If you do that, then you won’t have to worry about anything but keeping up your appearance.
Suddenly, your hat is ripped from your hands and Yoongi’s face is now only mere inches from yours, “Tell me you want to get married.”
“Yoongi-“ You try to grab at your hat, but he tosses it behind him without any care in the world.
“Look me in the eyes and tell me that marriage is what you want.” He demands. His right hand comes down on the table, and his left grabs onto your arm like he’s attempting to cage you in. He doesn’t give you the chance to run, but he can’t stop the way your eyes don’t meet his. If you do, then he’ll see that you’re doing your very best not to let your expression show how you really feel. But then again, Yoongi has never needed to see your face to guess how you’re feeling. He figures it out all on his own. 
He moves his left hand to pull your chin up and shakes his head, “(Y/n), don’t do this to yourself. Please-“
“I’ve no idea what you’re referring to, Yoongi.” You dismiss him, pushing his hand away from you.
“You know damn well!” He yells, hitting the table with the palm of his hand. It startles you, but he continues, “What about your dream?! Are you really going to give that up?”
“My dream is to be a good daughter and an attentive wife. That’s my goal.” You tell him honestly, repeating a mantra you’ve been telling yourself over and over again these past few weeks.
“No! Don’t “Yoongi” me!” He moves to his knees, taking your hands in his own and pulling them to his chest, “You’re so amazingly talented and you’ve worked so hard to get to a good point for yourself! Don’t tell me that you suddenly don’t want that anymore.”
His eyes bore holes into you, but you continue to avoid eye contact. You’re far more interested in his hands and imagining them playing a melody. The way they’d tap along to your own playing  against your back when you’d first started your lessons with him. Now they squeeze yours, holding you tight as if you’ll slip through his fingers at any moment. But he doesn’t have a say anymore.
You’re someone’s property.
And you’re not his.
You squeeze his hands one last time, holding them one last time before you force yourself to pull away, “I think you’re overstepping your boundaries, Mr. Min. You should see yourself out.”
“Please.” You stand from your stool, kicking it back with your foot so you can step around the persistent man. You find your hat and pick it up off the ground, dusting it off and training all of your attention on it instead of Yoongi who watches you carefully, “My Father won’t be pleased if he finds out you came to see me.”
He stands, his lips forming a tight line, “I’m not giving up on you. I won’t let you give up on yourself.”
“That’s very kind of you, but I can take care of myself.” You assure him. You step around him again, only this time you take your seat to resume your work. And without so much as a dismissive wave you finish your conversation, “Goodbye now.”
You hear him huff behind you, but it’s followed by angry footsteps exiting the same way they’d come. It’s when the bell of the patron door rings that’s when you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. It’s better this way. For the both of you. If you’re not near him, then it won’t hurt your parents anymore. If you’re not with him, then you can’t possibly ruin his career or his reputation in any way. You’re protecting him. You’re protecting yourself. 
Somi - who watched in awe at the interactions just as everyone else did - leans over and places a tentative hand over yours, ceasing the trembling you hadn’t even noticed, “(Y/n)…what was that about?”
“Nothing.” You dismiss, but her eyes soften. She doesn’t believe you - and she has good reason not to - but telling her won’t change anything. It will only make things worse, “Really, it’s nothing.”
She doesn’t ask again, She only nods and reaches into the pocket of her apron, pulling out a handkerchief so she can dry the tears from your eyes.
~ Next Part: Here ~
17 notes · View notes
larryhaylik · 1 year
guess who's back
tomorrow, i might be a tiny bit wiser
on AO3, updated, well, somewhat regularly
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga
Additional Tags: Established Relationship; Alternate Universe - College/University; Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics; Omega Min Yoongi | Suga; Alpha Kim Taehyung | V; Fluff; Relationship Issues; Hurt/Comfort; Domestic Fluff; Intimacy; Teasing
"That enthusiasm will be gone in a week, mark my words," Yoongi grumbled and turned on his other side to bury his face in Taehyung's hip.
"Will it, though?" Tae teased as he ran his fingers gently through Yoongi's almost white, fluffy hair. "You know me, I don't get unenthusiastic easily."
"Higher education will get that out of you, I promise."
"You realise that your promises don't fill me with confidence, right?"
"Rude," Yoongi huffed, stretched and slowly sat up. The thin black t-shirt was swallowing him up like a black hole, and Taehyung reminded himself to remind Yoongi to eat a bit more. A diet that at least somewhat resembled a normal one would be fine.
"Morning," Taehyung said gently, running his nose over Yoongi's soft cheek, and felt him smile.
"Morning, love."
After a year apart, Taehyung finally moves to university to join his mate Yoongi. Good times and difficult times abound.
The Teagi prequel to Tell me your story, I wanna hear your voice. Can be read separately and/or as first in the series.
come read, we're on chapter 2
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