#btw i swear im trying to get these all done i just got busy :’)
prince-of-red-lions · 10 months
lu warriors in a princess dress
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WHOOP WHOOP THERE HE IS‼️‼️‼️ guys I finally got something done!!
so ummm. kinda like how it turned out. I used a reference for the dress but I lost it so sorry guys :(
other than that I think he’s slaying it tbh
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woundedoves · 2 months
Yan!Playboy(OC) x GN!Reader
this is like a… plot but im gonna be busy for a bit so i wanted to at least post something! you can send requests or questions about every yandere type i’ve done btw! id be hapy to hear your thoughts<3
warnings: possessiveness, toxic asshole alert, beating the shit out of someone (not the reader obvs dont worry), not proofread!
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thinking about a hypocrite yandere!playboy. says you cant touch anyone cant have sex with anyone but him, but he is free to fool around however the hell he wants.
you would protest if he wasnt capable of absolutely demolishing your financial and social life, i mean you’re a virgin anyways but god, you really wanted to lose it in college.
yan!playboy who puts these restrictions for you! yes darling<3 we cant have those filthy fucks who’ve fucked the whole campus ever lay a hand on you, no no no that would ruin you. thats why he has never gone over flirting with you, he’s too afraid to taint that perfect image of you that he made up in his mind. that you’re this meek little thing that would never ever disobey what he wants as long as he got you whatever you wanted!
he invites you to a party, you tell him you’ve never been to one before. of course! you’re all so new to this so you’ll be his + 1 for the night, isnt that great?<3 until he gets a few shots down and starts acting like a horn dog like he always is to anyone that slightly looks like you or is the same gender as you, he’s all over them all while looking at you and telling you to keep watching because fuck, your expressions and your attention are so euphorically orgasmic that he can’t even imagine how that perfect fuckin body of yours would feel against his used up one.
once he gets drunk as absolute all hell and you finally get sick of his shit you just try to get out but the person you’ve been eyeing since the start of the semester comes up to you . one thing leads to another and you’re there , on one of the bedrooms of fuck knows whos villa, you’re making out and god you almost forgot how fucking good it felt to have another persons lips on yours; shivering as their hands reach your skin and carress you just right.
yan!playboy just a stumbling mess, murmuring your name and looking around for you until he opens his bedroom door to see you making out with that fuckin asshole on his bed. instantly sobering up, he yanks the person from their collar just as you gasp in horror as he proceeds to beat the shit of them. telling them to get the fuck out before he really shows them what money can hide and do, and they obviously do leave with a concerned look at you through their bruised eyes.
yan!playboy turns to look at you, he’s fucking furious, “what? i leave you for 5 fucking minutes and you go to suck off a loser’s face? are you that desperate?!” you get up, tears are bubbling up and threatening to spill as your voice wavers, “YOU are the one grinding on people while telling ME to watch! what the fuck do you expec-“ your words are cut short as he takes you by your nape and meets your lips with a really harsh kiss. making you groan in pain as he nips on your lower lip, he takes your face in his hands with force, making you look straight into his eyes
“you’re mine. you got that? you’re mine and only mine and if i see another fucker ever touch you i swear to god ill fucking kill them and lock you up and collar your pretty neck so you’ll finally be a good fucking pet. got it, darling?”
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asocialangel · 1 year
sitting on itzy's lap out of habit.
Chaeryeong - fluff - 609 words
Other verions: Yeji - Lia - Ryujin - Chaer - Yuna
Chaeryeong: would instinctively push you off, then regret and talk you into coming back, swearing she won't let herself be surprised again. She would be super nervous the whole time tho, so it's not that comfortable.
why is it my itzy content is flopping ? where are MIDZY ? hahaha, i find this writing very cute, had the idea while i was reminiscing a mini apple flavored kit-kat i bought in Japan... (btw i try not to care when sumtin flops. It's hard bcos social media made me used to look forward to big numbers but hey, i write for myself and the niche fandoms that could enjoy it-)
Through the screeching sound of chairs being dragged on the floor, people starting to chat again and the door getting opened by the teacher, you search for your phone in your school bag. On the tip of your fingers, you feel it and grab it as you’re lifting your head up. There you saw her, sitting on her chair, hair all over her notebooks. ChaerYeong was still writing something and didn’t even bother to look at you. You got up and started pushing your chair back under your desk, when you remembered you had something for her. Well the both of you. You reach again to your bag, taking out two mini kit-kats, one strawberry flavored, the other peach. You got up again and started walking to your friend. She still hadn;t turned her head, but she knew you were coming anyway.
“Sup Y\N ?” She greeted, without even looking at you, still finishing up prettifying her notes. “3rd period is still as boring as ever, but great. Chaer, we have a 10 minute break, better make the most out of it, stop thinking about class for 10 lovely minutes”, you answered. “Hm right’. She suddenly started tidying up her desk and putting her books away. When she was done, she pushed her chair back, to be further away from her desk. She finally turned diagonally to see you better. “I don’t wanna get up tho. It’s not like there’s anything interesting to do anyways”. “True”, you agreed, looking at your kit-kats. You handed the strawberry one to her, which she accepted, thanking you softly. You knew she’d prefer it anyway.
As you started opening its wrapper, you mindlessly started sitting on her lap. I mean, it’s not like there was another free seat. But you could only start bending your knees that Chaeryeong had already pushed you off. “W-what are you doing ?!” Embarrassed that she reacted too loudly, she looked around her to see if anyone was staring at her, but thankfully no one cared. The classroom was so busy, everyone was focused on their own thing. Unimpressed, you looked at her face. She seemed flustered more than mad, so it was okay, it’s not like you broke any boundaries, just caught her by surprise. 
“Uhm well nothing, just sitting sorry”. No hard feelings nor embarrassment in your tone, you just dead-pan started eating your kit-kat. Realizing she might have overrated, Chaer started talking you out into coming back: “Sorry, I, uh was startled. But come, it’d be unfair for you to stay standing while I'm comfy here.” After a few back and forths, you finally accepted and placed yourself on her lap.
You were both facing the table, but you turned your head back to her when you were talking. “You have a peach one right ? I wanna try it please, can I ?” You nodded as you stretched your arm behind you. She stuck her head up and took a bite out of the chocolate. As she expressed her delightment (“Mhmm that’s what im talking about !”), you whispered under your breath that she was so cute. She heard it, of course, and you felt her whole body tense up. I mean tense up even more than it already was. 
To be completely honest, sitting with her was not the most comfortable thing ever, because she was so nervous. But spending time close to her like this, made you overlook that.
A\N: did you like it ? My fav itzy song recently is snowy. Comeback was announced this mornin !
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b0mblover · 3 months
Bubble Bath? WHERE??
By: J
Oh god lopt what have you dONE-
[disclaimer; do NOT put bubble bath in the toilet, it can clog pipes!]
(no tws)
i uh, haven’t actually wrote like this in a while huh? sorry this actually kinda sucks ass but it was haunting my brain.
(this is ur reminder that im not a writer btw)
uh lopt adopts a stray cat (no animal abuse i cant write that shit /srs) and puts bubble bath in the toilet bc he wants attention idk im not good at summeries
im sorry to all who reads this
lopt could be, for lack of a better term, needy. 
mason, since he had met lopt, had always referred to lopt as a cat, considerring how he could want all the attention in the world one moment, then want to be alone for 100 years the next.
today was the former.
mason had been working on more pages for “conspiracy theory” for hours now, this dissatisfied lopt.
he didnt know everything about humans, but he knew that he often got tired of paperwork, so he knew (or at least assumed) that mason was overworking himself.
logically, according to lopt at least, he walked into the ‘office’ mason was working in, and started to bother him with random questions.
“hmmm would you say that being a journalist is comic or tragic?” he spoke 
“a pain in the ass is what it is” mason said before erasing another line
“no but really, what do you think it isssss”
mason stayed quiet for several minutes, sighing several times as he kept trying to rework his sentences.
lopt sighed, “fine, fine, i get your busy and all, but couldnt you at least take a liiiiittle break?” lopt said with a semi pleading voice
mason erased the same line again, staring at the page, before turning his head up to lopt, he sighed aswell,
“no, i cant. im sorry. you know i love you and all, but this is important. you *know* this.”
lopt looked at his eyes, seeing the exhaustion
“cmon not even 10 minutes? please???” lopt pleaded with his lover
“i will once i get to a place i can stop, and if youre going to stay and here, please try to be a little quieter”
mason hated scolding lopt, but sometimes he had to be treated as a child to make him understand.
and sometimes it backfired.
lopt sighed and walked out of the door behind mason, giving one glance at him before shutting the door behind him.
he went back up to his room to think of anything to do since his partner was busy, he knew that his work was important to him sure, but he couldnt understand just why he pushed himself to do it so much.
after an hour of laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling, he decided to bring mason some fruit, it was partly an attempt to bring his boyfriend out of the room, but also just because it had been hours and he knew for a fact mason wasnt eating in there.
(alr back)
lopt cut up strawberries and peeled an orange for his partner, knocking in the door before opening it.
he sat the plate down on masons desk in front of him, hoping to draw his attention.
mason looked up 
“oh god what did you do.” 
“wha- i? nothing??? i didnt do anything? is it wrong to want to give you something to eat?” lopt fake pouted 
mason sighed “well thank you, but seriously. what did you do.”
“i didnt do anything! promise! not yet at least…” lopts voice trailed off
“uh huh…if you say so..” mason sounded like he didn’t believe him
lopt being and idiot that thought on the spot started to speak again;
“im gonna go onna walk okay? wanna come with?”
mason stared at lopts face, 
“its pissing cats and dogs outside, lopt. youre gonna get a cold”
lopt sighed “ill be fine i swear! its not like..ill get hit by some truck..or.something….?” 
(i feel deja vu writing this line wtf)
lopt cut mason off “so im assuming that means you dont wanna come with?”
mason rubbed the bridge of his nose
“i love you, but no. i already will have to deal with one sick dumbass, better
not make it two”
lopt pouted before kissing mason on the cheek saying he’d be back soon enough.
he walked up the stairs to his room, he didnt really know why he said he was going to take a walk, it was raining like hell, and (catlike) lopt didnt prefer to get wet.
he sighed grabbing his house keys and phone just in case, before he walked out of his door he grabbed his wallet aswell, just out if habit.
lopt grabbed ‘his’ (more like masons community jacket) jacket, pulling the hood up and walking out the door, quietly shutting it behind him.
he walked down the side walk at a normal pace and past the park, 1/4 of a km down, he seen a cat, it looked to be 1-2 years old, missing half its right (front) leg and its left eye, it looked like a grey tabby, it seemed…familiar, to lopt.
it was stuck between two very narrow buildings, why would anyone even leave such a narrow gap? lopt helped free the cat, petting it (and just looking at it) he could see that the poor thing was soaked, gods know how long it was stuck there.
the cat purred and rubbed around lopts now wet pant legs, it was quite friendly, but he also knew that this cat was indeedly a ‘stray’, he had seen the cat one day, he looked around for its owner before a nice old lady informed him that she was a stray cat since her owner had died.
he picked up the cat, now deciding to go over to the pet store 3 blocks down (idk blocks i dont live in a place that has them sorry!)
now holding her, the cat snuggled into lopts semi wet t shirt that was now exposed from the zipper of his jacket accidentally being pulled down.
now walking, he tried to remember what the lady said, “something something her owner died of an overdose” he couldnt recall if it was said if it was on accident or not.
he also remembered the lady saying how no one would take the cat in, even after begging, it was mostly apartment complexes that didnt allow animals sure, but did no one really try?
he walked into the pet store, cat in hand/arms, he picked out a small bag of food, and some small toys, he would have to come back to get litter and such after he leaves the cat at home.
he payed for the items and started walking back, in another store window, something caught his eye.
(dont ask this is illogical but fuck it why not! for some context lopt is carrying the bags with one hand and cat in the other, chill ass cat)
it was bubble bath, typically meat for kids sure, but what was lopt if not a kid turned into a god (what)
(just assume they allow animals in there idk at this point 😭😭)
with on hand/arm lopt picked up around 5 bottles of bubble bath, he didnt have a plan in mind sure but he’d figure out some use for it.
lopt payed (again somehow only doing this with one hand) and left to go back home.
struggling to open the door, he set the bags down, twisting the knob, picking up the bags, and walked in.
he sat down the bags on the dining table, and decided to go show mason the cat.
“lopt you do know i’m allergic right?”
lopt was shocked, 6 months of dating and he never knew that?!
“i- what- n-no. i” lopt fumbled over his words, he knew the cat had lived im the streets for a while now, he couldnt just put it back out there!
“calm down-“ mason said before sneezing “its pretty mild anyways, its not like ill die or something”
lopt had some tears in his eyes, scared of having to pick between his boyfriend or a cat, he was never a great decision maker
“s-so we /wont/ have to let the cat go…?” he asked with some hope in his voice
“no we wont have to let the cat go” mason said slightly laughing “im shocked youre so attached to it anyways honestly” he seemed to find some amusement in lopt, a god, who had been alive for hundreds of thousands of years, was worried about having to let a cat go.
“i- well!” lopt said playfully frustrated, 
sighing “how about you help me go set up some food and water
for it okay?”
“sure sure, you gotta litter
“no im gonna go back out to get that”
mason stood up “alright alright” mason said putting his hand out for the cat to sniff, before petting her.
they used normal bowls for the cats food and water since it wasnt like they had food bowls yet, lopt pet the cat and went back out to get some litter for her.
on the walk there, he contemplated just what to do with all the bubble bath he bough, and a plan came to his mind, he knew mason still only came out of his room to watch the cat and help set up the food and water, he went back to working on his book thingy right after.
if mason wasnt going to give him attention, then he’ll have his own fun.
he bought litter, a litter pan, and a few extra things such as a few more toys, extra food, a harness and leash, etc.
he knew exactly what he was going to do.
he walked back, he decided to put the litter pan in the half bath down stairs so the cat wouldnt have to go up and down stairs to eat and shit all the time (kill me now 😭😭)
the cat seemed nowehere to be found, he walked into masons now open room, finding the cat sleeping on the left side of masons desk.
this was the best chance to put his plan into action, he tried on more time to get mason out of his room, failing again.
sighing, he grabbed the bag on the table and walked up to the full bathroom upstairs.
he went over to the toilet, and squeezed 2 1/2 bottles of bubble bath into it. 
nothing seemed to happen.
(idk how bubble bath works sorry if this is wrong 😭😭)
he sighed, flushing the toilet, since nothing seemed to happen, he just had to wait until mason came back out, as he was going to leave he turned around, looking into the toilet, he seen an asston of bubbles starting to form.
he waited as it grew and grew, he decided to go get mason “to help” by time they both got back into the bathroom it had completely over flowed with bubbles.
mason and lopt both started to panic, lopt didnt mean for it to go this far, but the bubbles just kept going.
mason thinking fast, went down stairs and grabbed a mop.
he essentially attacked the bubbles (mopping them like normal.)
but they just kept coming.
and his arm was getting very tired.
he decided to set a timer for 10 minutes to wait until it got bad again then to mop them up.
mason repeated this several times, around 2 hours worth (12 times) before it looked mostly gone.
lopt decided to try and flush the remaining bubbles.
and it worked! no more bubbles in the toilet!
why hadnt they just thought of flushing it a second time.
mason high fived lopt and sighed.
“welp, back to work”
mason walked back to his office, lopt groaned, knowing that it would take mason even longer to finish his work now.
at least now they both have a cute cat to keep them company.
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24hlevi · 3 years
can i just say that i've just finished reading that angst headcanons/imagines/scenarios or whatever it's supposed to be called about the boys reacting to y/n dying and i'm just...i'm just a sobbing mess.
it's well-written so 1000/10 for that, but whY MUST YOU ATTACK MY HEART IN THIS MANNER???? i love your work, but my poor heart ack-
btw is there any possibility to ask for a request for a same scenario but for kazutora, mitsuya, and hanma? like for kazutora's part, imagine if it wasn't yknow who died but its y/n 🥲
omg you’re so nice first of all thank you 😭 and OMG YES
TR Boys Reaction To You Dying Pt. 2
Tokyo Revengers Boys (Kazutora, Shuji, & Takashi) X Gn!Reader
Genre: Pure Angst
Warnings: Swearing, Suicide (kind of? it’s what happened to baji did so idk what to label it as 🤷‍♂️)
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Hanemiya Kazutora:
All Kazutora could think was that it was all his fault that this happened. He was too caught up in his own world that he didn’t even know what he was doing anymore. He didn’t even know you had shown up to the fight until he stabbed you instead of Baji.
“Y/n?” Kazutora asked, dropping the knife immediately when he saw you standing between him and Baji, blood dripping onto the ground below you. He completely froze, not knowing what he had just done or why he even did it. “Baby, are you okay?”
You held onto the stab wound, coughing up blood as you looked at your boyfriend. “I just wanted you…to stop.” You choked out before collapsing to your knees.
Everyone had stopped and was watching you by now, shocked that you had even protected Baji from both sides when your whole body landed on the car below you. Spitting blood out of your mouth, you laid on your back, staring up at the blue sky that was dusted with white clouds.
You heard multiple people yell your name, but you couldn’t even tell who it was until you saw Kazutora kneeling beside you. “Y/n! Keep your eyes open, okay?!”
You shook your head from side to side, raising your hand to put it on Kazutora’s face before quietly speaking, “Give it to me, the knife.”
“What? Why? Look, Y/n you just gotta stay awake okay?” Kazutora spoke fast, clearly freaking out on both the outside and inside, not even caring about the gang fight anymore.
“Hand it over, Kazutora.” You said his full name which caused him to go quiet, staring down at you with saddened eyes before handing you the knife that already had your blood on it. “Thank you, babe. I love you.” You told him.
“I love you too, Y/n.” Kazutora said to you.
You bundled up your shirt at the top, putting it in your mouth so you had something to bite down on before plunging the knife into your stomach and twisting it around, then pulling it back out and dropping it.
Kazutora wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him as you lived your last moments, and he couldn’t even say anything. “I’m sorry, Y/n. I always will love you.” Was all he said after you died.
Kazutora then took the blame for killing you, resulting im him ending up in jail again but he wasn’t angry about it. He was just sad. So sad that he didn’t even try to get out of jail and get back into the gang life. He just sat around, continuously saying,
“It’s all my fault.”
Hanma Shuji:
Shuji swore that he would never allow you to get hurt while he was away doing gang activities that he didn’t want you included in. That’s why he always had someone beside you and a bodyguard to make sure you would always be safe. But even then, it didn’t work.
It was half past 1 in the morning when Shuji’s phone rang while he was with the other Valhalla members, beating up some random other gang member. Shuji stopped punching the other male, standing up straight and took his phone out of his pocket and opened it, answering. “Yes?”
Shuji’s breath hitched when he heard your shaky and quiet voice, and he immediately knew that something was wrong. “Y/n? Where are you, darling? Is something wrong?”
“I’m…at home. B-But someone..got in.” You tried your best to reply, but it was coming out shaky and slow. 
“I’ll be there in five minutes. I promise, baby. Okay? I love you.” Shuji told you before turning around and looking at everyone, taking the phone away from his ear. “Kazutora, you’re in charge until I get back, understand? As for everyone else, just do what you’re told.” He said to everyone, proceeding to then walk out and make his way onto the streets when he started to sprint down the different roads. 
Now he was just making sure that he made it to your place in five minutes like he said he would, which usually he would be able to do easily, but he was more determined now that he had heard something had gone wrong whilst he was away. Upon reaching your place, he saw the front door opened already and he quickly rushed inside. “Y/n?! Baby, where are you?!” He called out as he started to run through every room in the house. 
He finally made it to your room where you laid on the floor, a puddle of blood beneath you as you were taking shallow and slow breaths. “Y/n!” Shuji yelled out your name, going over to you and kneeling down beside you. He grabbed you and lifted you up, holding you in his arms as he checked for your pulse. When he felt it he let out a sigh of relief but it was very weak and barely noticeable which made him realize he probably only had a few more moments with you. 
“I’m sorry, Y/n. For not being here when I should have. I’m so fucking stupid, I should have just stayed here with you. I’m sorry, darling. I’m sorry.” Shuji said to you, his voice cracking halfway through as tears welled up in his eyes.
You looked up at him and smiled lightly despite you dying in his arms. “It’s okay, Shuji. Don’t...blame yourself. I still love you.” You had never seen the boy cry before, that’s how you knew that he did really love you, that he wasn’t just saying it so he could manipulate or get things from you. 
“I love you too.” Shuji whispered out. 
Soon enough, your head went limp and your eyes were stuck open, all of the life drained from your face as blood dirtied the floor and Shuji’s clothes. “Y/n? Y/n? Wake up, please.” The boy pleaded to your now deceased body, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to get you back. Not ever again. 
Shuji became what you would have never wanted him to become, a terrible person who killed anyone if they even looked at him the wrong way, and most importantly, one that drank all of his feelings after the day was over, crying to himself over your death still. 
Because he would never get you back. And he regretted that the most.
Mitsuya Takashi:
Takashi was the most important person in your life, just like you were to him. He had told you on multiple occasions that he wanted to be with you forever. And he thought it would really happen. Boy, was he wrong. So, so wrong. 
You two were walking down the busy street, eating street food while going inside stores and just admiring the night scenery. Everything was going perfectly normal, until it all changed within a few seconds. 
“Hey, babe?” Takashi said, looking over at you.
“Yeah?” You repled. 
“Do you wanna get married some day in the future?” 
The question that came out of your boyfrien’s mouth shocked you, and you didn’t know how to reply. You both were still teenagers, how the hell were you supposed to know? “Only if it’s you I’m marrying.” You aswered with a smile. 
Takashi smiled back and pressed his lips against yours before pulling away quickly after. “Same here.” He told you. 
Suddenly, car tires screeched on the black cement road and one zoomed around, an all black van. It’s windows opened and guns pointed out of them before they started to fire. Takashi quickly wrapped his body around you and covered you with his, not even caring if he would end up getting killed because of it. 
After the car drove off, Takashi looked at you and asked in a frantic voice, “Y/n, are you okay?”
You looked at him, then down to your side, shaking your head as you spat out blood. Takashi’s eyes widened as he yelled out your name, but you had collapsed onto the ground, grabbing at your abdomen where the gunshot wound was, blood beginning to soak through your clothes and onto the sidewalk below you. 
“No, no, no. Y/n! Stay with me!” He yelled, taking his phone out of his pocket and about to call the polce when you grabbed his hand, stopping him. “What?”
“Don’t. It’s okay.” You told him, a small smile on your face. 
“It’s not okay! I can’t lose you! We-We just talked about getting married some day!” The boy continued to yell.
“Maybe...in another life, we will.” You spoke barely above a whisper, your vision starting to darken and turn blurry. “I love you, Mitsuya Takashi.”
“I love you too, Y/n.” Takashi replied to you but you didn’t respond. “Y/n?” He reached his hand over and shook you gently, and when you didn’t move he looked at your face, then realizing that you were gone. He sat on the ground, and put his hands over his face, beginning to cry. 
Takashi cried and mourned over your death everyday, despite people telling him to move on. He just couldn’t. He would never be able to find someone he would love like he loved you. He knew that. So that’s how it remained the rest of his life. Lonely, and depressed. 
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saturnsstufff · 3 years
howdy, i’m here to help feed all my fellow techno simps. with that being said, techno x reader, but ranboo asks them to babysit michael 🥺🥺 im thinking a walk through the forest together and Michael keeps picking flowers for techno and the reader. and when they get back, reader goes to fix some lunch, but when it’s done techno is asleep on the couch with a little michael on his chest— just the thought of that makes me so soft
also if it isn’t already taken, can i please be 🤠 anon? i love your writing btw <3
You all are hitting me with dad techno and im so fucking in love, its such a weak point i swear. Also of course you can!! Welcome to the cult!! And thank you so much sweet pea🥺🖤🖤
Technoblade- Babysitter
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   Living in the Tundra was amazing. You had your lover, his friend, and even a neighbor Enderboy. It wasn't hectic or loud, rather instead it was always quiet and cold. The only heat coming from the lit fireplaces. Even visitors were sparse.
   So as you can imagine, well making breakfast, the last thing you expected to hear was a couple of knocks. Of course being in the middle of making French toast, your hands were a bit full of egg.
   "Come in!" You called out, quickly trying to wipe your hands free of the remaining egg. When you stepped out into the living room you were slightly shocked to see the Enderboy Ranboo with a small Child in his arms.
   "Oh hi (y/n), Sorry to interrupt you. I was uhm- just curious if Technoblade or Philza was around." He held the little boy close to his chest as he shifted his weight the movements obviously very protective.
   "Tech's up in the bath right now, and Phil's on a mining trip hon. Is there anything I can do for you?" You watched as Ranboo's ears drooped a bit. His thoughts collecting up.
   "Mining trip... right... right-" the Enderboy looked to you. "You uhm.. your familiar with Piglin behavior right?" You smiled a bit more.
"Of course Ranboo. I married a Brute" he went pink a moment before glancing away in embarrassment. He must have forgotten Techno was a Hybrid.
   "Right.. right...- Well you see I have to go with Tubbo and do some mining. Foolish is building around our house right now, so we don't have a babysitter... I uhm- k-know that Phil, and Technoblade are familiar with Michael's species so... I was kind of hoping they were free..." you nodded slowly to his words.
   "Well Phil's a tad busy, but Techno and I were planning on staying home all day. We can watch him if you would like" you said softly, watching the Enderboy's face light up.
   "That would be perfect- I would really appreciate it" his thankful tone coming through. He set his son down carefully. Watching the small Piglin child look about the room in wonder.
   "He’s got that curious look Tubbo gets" You mused. Ranboo chuckled gently.
   "Mhm! Yep!- Ok Michael I'm going to go ok?" You watched as Ranboo kneeled down, trying to be eye-level with his son. "This is (y/n) their going to be watching you, be good ok?" You watched as his little boy nodded. Ranboo smiled gently and gave his son a hug before standing. "Thank you (y/n) it really means a lot..." you smiled softer and nodded.
   "Of course Ranboo... Anything to help, best of luck on the mining trip" you waved to the tall boy as he stepped back out into the tundra. Leaving you with the small Piglin toddler.
   "Techno is up in the bath right now bud, are you hungry at all?" You asked, watching Michael turn to you. He gave a small nod. "Want to help me cook breakfast?" He gave a small nod again so you offered your hand to him, letting his small hand take it.
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When Techno finally walked down the steps he was easily surprised. The last thing he expected to see was his lover with a child on the counter. Well you happily ate with Michael, you turned when you herd tech.
“heh?” his face shown how baffled he was with the moment. “Darling when you asked for a baby I didn't think it worked that quickly” you giggled gently at his side comment. 
“Ranboo dropped him off, It’s his son. He just asked if we could watch him, he’s a Piglin like you” Techno’s brow lifted in question as he strolled over. You watched the adorable scene play out in front of you. Techno sat looking down at the little Piglin boy. His face didn't convey anger or over joy, he looked a bit uninterested.
“I see...” Leaving the conversation at that, Tech simply rested his hand on the boys head. Patting it gently before he looked for a clean plate.
The morning was quite simple really. Techno kept on with his daily things with a small shadow following. Of course if Michael needed anything he just came to you about it. But it was very obvious that Techno was much more interesting and appealing then you in his mind.
When Tech made comments about leaving to the nearby village, you offered the idea that he should take Michael with him. With some loose grumbling the two left. You could tell Tech enjoyed having a child around the house, the small new change was warmly welcomed.
Maybe it meant it was time to ask techno for one of your own.
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When the boys came back you at first didnt hear them. To be fair your book was really good, so it didnt suprise Tech too much when you didnt hear the door.
When Techno saw your occupied behavior he simply set the little toddler down. Whispering for him to run over and suprise you. With a quick happy nod Micheal ran over to you.
When you herd the little patter of hooves you subconsciously put your book down. Smiling brightly when you saw Tech. Of course you couldn't miss Michael either. Your heart could have melted on sight. Michael was proudly standing infront of you with a handful of wild flowers. The thing that made it even more adorable was how he slightly puffed his chest out.
"Awh Michael... are those for me?" You kindly asked, your hand gently outstreched to take them. As a responce you herd a quiet 'oink'. Techno's soft smile never faltered well he watched. When you took the flowers you couldn't help but gently hug the little boy.
"We saw them and Thought of you" Techno said well walking over. He sat next to you, his arm wrapping around your shoulders as a show of love. "Micheal had fun, he was playing with some of the cat's well I traded" your hand rested on Technos leg, a soft sign of your gentle affection for him.
When you let Michael go he was all smiles. Of course he wanted to join the affection huddle tech and you had going, so he climbed his way up into Tech's lap. All three of you relaxed into the couch, letting the warm fire mesmerize you both into a soft state of comfort.
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After a while you did end up departing from Techno's arms. It was nearly dinner, and you didn't feel like sending Michael home on a empty stomach. So well the boys relaxed in the other room, you mixed up somthing quick.
By the time it was done, you went to retrieve the boys, but instead you were met with somthing else. There, on the couch, was Techno. He was asleep with little Michael on his chest. Both happily asleep.
Techno's hand was gently on the boys back, offering up support for the small boy. Honestly the sight absolutely melted your heart. Things like this is what made you fall for Technoblade. Not his blood thirsty side, but instead you adored his soft compassionate side.
The side you fell in love with.
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
Sooo, about the ask thing. First off all congratulations I love you and your writing 💜 you seem like such a nice, intelligent and funny person. But was thinking what if namjoon comes home drunk and guilty about something he did and vixen comforts him. Love u💋
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Title: Drunk (&) In Love
Pairing: Namjoon x reader (nicknamed Vixen)
Wordcount: 2.6k
Genre: crack, fluff, (also, vaguely allusive)
Synopsis: apparently Namjoon's stag party went a bit too wild. Mostly since he was drinking guilt away. What could that possibly be about?
Trigger warnings: swearing, consumption of alcohol, horny!drunk Joon, he clumsily tries to seduce his fianceé in front of yoonjintae (second-hand embarrassment), stressing over vows, mentions of kinky letters, they discuss future and the fear of marrying young and pretty much out of the blue and they be mentioning the idea of having kids. Also, watch Vixen being the caregiver.
Author's note: Thanking the sweetheart @ironicarmy !!! I love exchanging WIPs and Beta reading! It was so fun and I AM LOVING YOUR WIP SO HARD IM GONNA EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait for it to be out so I can fangirl in public LOLOLOL; also thanking @dopesportsoperatorzonk for this request! (I got your feminism ask, I promise I'm almost done, I wanted to have a quite thorough view before replying and I'm still thinking about some stuff, but it'll be readdy super soon!!!)
Here's my masterlist, btw, and enjoy 💜✨
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You weren't supposed to wait up for him, but it was like your sixth sense was telling you to do precisely that. And your premonition turned especially accurate once you were met with the sorry sight of Namjoon hanging off Taehyung's and Seokjin's body, grinning as he saw you appear at the door, head to toe smitten, only to turn to his friends with a sneer as he realised you were wearing his favourite silk robe. The deep crimson colour seemed to spark the colour of your hair on fire, and make the lineaments of your face sharper, older, with a kind of allure he still couldn't understand. “Little fox,” he said, going grabby hands while his arms were still around his friends' shoulders.
You tried to keep your expression stern as you looked at the two men literally holding him up. “What is this? Didn't I tell you to bring him home whole and safe?”
Taehyung lowered his gaze to the floor.
“Is this your idea of safe, Seokjin? I expected better.”
“You know him. He did this to himself.” Yoongi spoke neutrally from behind the three.
“Yoongi. Him being a fucking grizzly doesn't mean he can hold his liquor. Bring him in,” you said, freeing the entryway for the triplet coming in, Yoongi in tow.
“We should have brought him to the dorms,” he muttered.
“Dorms?!? Aneeyo…” Namjoon babbled, shaking his head, falling with his ass on the sofa. “No babylove in dorms,” he said with a hiccup. “Hello, little one,” he purred, grabbing your hips and trying to pull you towards him.
You blushed and slapped at his wrists. “I'll deal with you later—”
“Feisty brat,” he spoke sultrily, making Yoongi shake his head while Seokjin and Taehyung snickered before being chastised by your scolding stare.
“How come he's drunk off his ass and the three of you are perfectly okay?”
“He's the one getting married,” Taehyung replied, matter of factly. “And yes, he was the one who swallowed a bottle of hard liquor without even flinching.”
You glance at Namjoon with a scornful expression.
He did some very drunk, very clumsy attempt at a wink that made you inhale as you desperately looked for a crumb of patient left.
“You'd better go home, before I smack you all on the head,” you said, shooing them off.
“You'd have to reach it first,” Taehyung muttered, making Seokjin giggle, Yoongi rubbing his face at the verbal violence that was about to come.
“Kim Taehyung. I may not be tall enough for your royal head, but your girlfriend is my best friend. I won't say much more because I'm sure your friends aren't interested in your ass getting bruised.”
Yoongi smiled smugly at that one.
“Hell yeah…” Namjoon chuckled from the sofa, one hand reaching for the back of your thigh.
“No. Not now.”
“Later then?” He asked with puppy eyes before they turned into a very tipsy version of his intense dragon glance. “You’re so sexy when you’re mean,” he rumbled, a hand reaching for your thigh underneath the robe.
“Kim Namjoon, if you don’t stop I will unwife you in this instant.” Still, the other three men in the room were a mess of embarrassed coughing and teasing snorts. “You can all go home right now,” you said with a curt tone.
“You’re not gonna be able to take him to bed by yourself.” Yoongi cocked an eyebrow as he spoke calmly.
“Mh, Vixen, take me to bed, please,” Namjoon murmured as he tried to seduce you, just as you looked at him and replied, “No need to take him to bed. He’s sleeping on the sofa tonight.”
“See? I told you she found out! She has a sixth sense for this stuff! She can sense it! She can smell fear! I told you!!!” Namjoon babbled, grabbing your wrist. “Little fox...” he cooed, making a fool of himself.
“Go home. All of you. Now.”
Taehyung was the first to leave without even saying goodbye. He knew he would pay for it. Seokjin was the next, saying bye to Namjoon very briefly before bowing to you — just slightly. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience, goodnight,” he apologised, making his way out.
He rubbed his neck. “I’m sorry. Really. I— I didn’t do my job.”
You shook your head. “This is a mess I’ll have to deal with.”
“You know you’ll kind of have to deal with him for the rest of your life, right?” Yoongi looked at Namjoon, head in his hands, fingers tugging at it nervously.
You followed his gaze, meeting Namjoon in the poorest of states. “I know. He’s my business now. Go.”
Yoongi left without much resistance after that, the door of your apartment finally shutting for good.
“I’m sorry,” Namjoon said, staring up at you as you stood before him. “I fucked up, I’m sorry.”
You placed your hands on his cheeks. “What happened, Joonie bear?”
He shook his head, lip going wobbly. “I’m so sorry!” he babbled again, eyes glossy with unshed tears.
“Oh, no, baby…” you managed to whisper before he dove for your lap, burying his face there. “What happened, love?”
He shook his head.
“Nothing’s gonna change the fact that I love you, big bear.” You caressed his hair as his voice confessed, half-muffled against your tummy.
“I sneaked a look at the dress.” You could hear his words coming out from a pout.
“Please don’t unwife me!” He cried out, his voice way too high pitched. “I don’t want to sleep alone ever.” He hugged your legs and held you closer. “I want to sleep next to you until I die.” He got even more emotional as he went on. “I want you to always pet my hair and tell me you’re proud of me and cook for me and be my sweetheart and my babylove and my little fox forever, even when we’re old and I get bald.”
You smiled and invited him to let go of your legs before sitting down, your legs slightly parted laying across the sofa. “Come here, big bear,” you said, patting your stomach. He did as he was told, laying his head below your chest and stretching his long body all over the seat. He struggled a little, his sense of balance temporarily worse than usual. “Soon I’ll be lawfully your bride. Forever. We’re almost there, honey. Just a week.”
He nodded.
“And then I’ll be your little fox until I’m nothing but ashes. And then some,” you reassured him, petting his lovely head, digging your fingers into the knots in his upper back.
“Writing the vows was so difficult.”
“I know baby,” you kept rubbing at his trapezoi until he released a relieved grunt. “I know that must have been really stressful for you.”
“I had to rewrite them sixteen times. Sixteen!” His hand absentmindedly reached your thigh and started rubbing small circles there. “Everytime, they were too long, or too cliché, or something I just couldn’t read in public because you know our letters.”
“I know our letters,” you confirmed, thinking about his messy handwriting on cheap paper, and entire sheets of words that he sent you everytime something important happened, everytime he had to travel for his job, everytime he just needed to make love to you on a deeper level. And then, thinking of your replies, always heartfelt, emotional, with fine calligraphy on expensive ivory sheets often marred with rough spots where a tear fell — most of the time because of joy and gratitude and obliterating, overwhelming love. “Will you read to me the other sixteen versions too, once we’re alone?”
He nodded. “I’ll read them all. I’ll write new ones every day. Small, simple, absolutely mundane. Stuff like, ‘I’ll do the dishes tonight’, or ‘Let’s go out for dinner’, or ‘I wanna grow old with you’ or ‘I don’t wanna watch that porn tonight, let’s just stare into each other’s eyes while naked and have the best tantric sex ever performed’.”
You chuckled and placed your hand atop of his. “I like the last one.”
“But I couldn’t say it in front of your parents, therefore I couldn’t write it in our vows.” He scoffed and shook his head before planting it between your breasts, nosing at the lapels of the robe until he could kiss your naked skin.
“I might have written something along those lines in one of my drafts.” Having this conversation with Namjoon while he was halfway drunk off his ass was extremely entertaining; however, you felt sad at the possibility of him not remembering this moment.
“What else did you write in that draft?” He closed his eyes, waiting for your soft voice to calm him down.
You smiled and slightly teared up at the thought, his chin propped on your chest, one of his thumbs reaching out to dry up a tear. “I wrote that I hope I get to make you smile every day and see that insanely cute and sexy dimple of yours every morning after you wake up. And I want to be the only one listening to your deep bedroom voice waking me up. And I want to listen to you as you talk to our children. I wanna hear all the stories, and watch your smile shine on their faces.”
Namjoon hid his face against your chest, feeling tears roll down his cheeks.
“I want them to have your eyes. I want to see your complete wonder as they learn about the world, as you teach them about the world in that grand and beautiful way you see it.” You sniffled and he cupped your face, kissing your lips so slowly, the heavy tang of liquor barely tainting the moment.
“I want to walk by your side, until we’re too tired to walk and watch time pass by, without worries, without haste. I don’t care where we’re walking because you were the place I was destined to be.”
Namjoon couldn’t explain tenderness or love or devotion or faith as deep as the ones he felt for you. He probably wasn’t skilled or trained enough.
“I know we’re young. I know this is more of a bet than an actual marriage. I’ve seen people who have been together for years part ways so easily and I don’t even know why you said yes to me. Sometimes I doubt I’m deserving and I see in how many ways I’m lacking and I ask myself, 'why the hell did she say yes to me?' ” He snickered sarcastically. “I wouldn’t have said yes to myself.”
You shook your head and kissed his brow.
“But I’ve been with other people and you have too and… I don’t know, sometimes I feel like this will take a lot of effort but then I hear you laugh, I hear you calling my name and I know, I can feel that that’s what it is supposed to sound like.”
You smiled at him, fixing your position so he could lay on you without worrying about smashing your body.
“I’m so confused and so grateful for this. It’s like… Suddenly winning the lottery. One minute you’re just a person and next you realise you’re going to be a husband. And you don’t know what’s going to happen to you, how your life is going to change, but with you I’m not scared.” He chuckled. “Well, I am. But you make me braver than my fears. And I know I could lose you any day. I could fuck up, or we could just drift apart or something. But any moment spent with you is bigger. It’s better and brighter.”
By now you were a teary mess, face drenched in tears, his arms around your torso as he held onto you. “My soul has found a home in you and I will cherish it. I’ll take care of that home. I’ll make sure nothing damages it. I’ll help you work on it if you want to change it. I will make more room when our family gets bigger. I will fix it when I can. I’ll stay by your side when I’m not skilled enough to heal you. To fix you.” He sniffled, voice hollow and weak as he spoke through a lump in his throat. “And I’ll leave if you ever ask me to.”
You shook your head and hugged him, letting him sob in your arms. “I hope I never lose you.”
“Don’t be a silly bear,” you comforted him, lulling him, holding him close to your heart. “I’ll be your bride. Your spouse. Your wife.” You kissed his head. “And your home. Your relief. Your dirty, secret affair. Your devoted companion too. Your goddess and your toy. I’ll be your friend. And the mother of your children, when we want to.”
God, if he wanted to… But first, he needed to enjoy having you all to himself for a couple more years. Just to make sure you hadn’t been both bold and immature and absolutely stupid about getting married almost two years after meeting for the first time.
“So I’m not getting unwifed for sneaking a peek at the dress?”
You shook your head. “It looks completely different once worn.”
“Really?” His expression exploded with euphoria.
You smiled. “Really.”
His drunken grin was back. “So I’m gonna sleep on the bed right?”
You acted as if you were even thinking about it. “You’re really drunk.”
“I’m soberer now.”
“And you embarrassed me in front of your friends,” you reminded him with a cocked eyebrow.
“Not my fault my wifey’s so hot,” he said with a slightly more accomplished wink.
“Not your wifey yet,” you reminded him.
He tutted. “Just a matter of days.” He kissed your sweet spot, on the side of your neck. “It’s only a technicality.”
You looked at him suspiciously. “A technicality, you say?”
He nodded and held you tighter.
“This technicality could still leave you at the altar, waiting,” you teased.
“Come on, I want to sleep next to you.” He kissed your cheek. “On our bed.” He kissed you again. “Where we’ll be making so many babies.”
“Stop right there, mister.” You placed a finger against his plush lips before you shook your head no. “No babies for a few years. I want you all mine, hubby.”
He chuckled and pressed his forehead against your chest bone. “Okay, fine, but I just meant hypothetically. You know, for practice.”
“Yeah, I think I could use some practice. I want to be perfect at it.”
He smiled and kissed your nose. If only she knew how perfect she is, he thought, haphazardly sitting up and waiting for you to help him on his feet, the whole discourse sobering him up enough that he managed to sit on the bench in the bathroom as you washed his face and brushed his teeth, as you undressed him and helped him in the shower, undressing and joining him, his body too tired and unstable to initiate anything fancy.
And then you towelled him up, rubbing body lotion on his always-too-dry legs before helping him in his boxers.
And through the process, he understood how it was that you loved him so much anytime he got you ready for bed. He should let you do this more often. Especially when he wasn’t exhausted or drunk, so he could properly enjoy being cuddled and fondled and babied.
What he didn’t expect was for it to feel so comfortable when you slid up against his back on the bed, spooning his ridiculously large body with your smaller one. “Sleep tight, big bear,” you said before kissing his nape. “Eight more sleeps and we’ll be married.”
He smiled. “Goodnight, little fox.” And with that, he caught your hand in his and fell asleep.
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Syndicate + gang leader au where Henry kills his brothers
Jacob x Henry because it’s healthier than Lanyon x Henry
Anyways <3
Gang leader / Syndicate crossover au:
Henry is the youngest of the three brothers, Raphael and Kent are nonidentical twins. Henry is two years younger than them and has always been the baby of the group. Raphael and Kent have always been protective of him and also love to mess with him.
Their parents were abusive, Raphael and Kent decided to take the opportunity to leave Glasgow the first moment they got and they took Henry with them. They moved to London and one of their uncles-- who owned and inherited quite a successful shipping company by the London docks-- gave Kent and Raphael jobs as Henry went to university. The uncle died before Henry graduated, and left the business to Raphael and Kent.
Henry did not talk a lot to his brothers while in University. He tried to reach out to them but suddenly Raphael and Kent were "incredibly busy", Henry assumed they were busy trying to keep the family business going well.
He went to visit them on their dock after he graduated and got his doctorate. He had learned a lot about the London "culture" and gangs from Robert (and Rachel) telling him everything there is about the London underground and the aristocracy. Much to his horror, he arrived at the docks to find his brothers dressed as Templars.
Henry was quickly forced into the Templar order against his will. His brothers gaslight and manipulated him into joining, other members threatened to hurt him or his friends if he didn't join, and it ended up being Henry's biggest regret.
Henry spent about 13 years in the Templar order working in secret for it. He was allowed to do as he pleased as long as he made poisons for them. In the meantime, Henry tried to make up for the guilt he had from the suffering he had caused by helping people on the street. Hungry, dirty, sick people who quickly becoming loyal to the doctor who always feeds them and gives them what they need to survive.
In this part of the au, Henry more directly creates the gang. He realizes that these people are willing to fight for him and they have placed him on a pedestal. He can't get himself down from it so he takes advantage of it. He makes sure that the Society is under constant protection and that the gang brings in money that can be spent on taking care of the members and keep the Society afloat. No Lodger cares enough for the finances to notice the sudden influx of money, and Henry merely tells Rachel and Robert that it’s “sponsors”.
It was only when the Frye Twins entered and began to liberate London that he decided that it was the perfect time to finally break free from the Templar order. He had long since lost any love he still had for his brothers and he would do anything to be free again. He ended up cornering and murdering his brothers in cold blood while his gang distracted the Blighters, and he blamed the murders on the Frye Twins afterwards, the very same Frye Twins that quickly would... Well... Realize that they did not kill these Templars and instead try to track down the murderer that blamed it on them.
In the end, they find their way to Dr. Henry Jekyll's office. Henry had done a good job and working behind the scenes and no one had really suspected him of working for the Templars, so the twins-- while hearing from Greenie that it was rumored that the Jekyll Brothers and Dr. Henry Jekyll were related-- did not know that Henry himself used to be a Templar.
Henry, however, assumed they had broken into his office to kill him. He had already resigned himself to his own death, he was not going to fight it. He had burnt every photograph and document he had that connected him to his brothers and he had merely been waiting for the twins to come and kill him. He was, honest to god, quite disappointed when the Twins seemed confused and instead asked him if he knew anything about the murder of the Jekyll brothers.
"...The murder of my brothers, the Templars? The murder committed by someone close and well trusted by them, the murder that went undetected, and that was later blamed on you? The murder that had slank past the eyes of public after a convenient gang fight right that moment?"
It does not take long for the twins to realize what he is hinting to. His voice his bitter and his body language is cold, yet it doesn't sound like he regrets it.
ahaha anyways i ended up accidentally just retelling the entire thing well time for some actual hcs about this au branch.
Henry gets extreme paranoia after having murdered his brothers. He swears he can still see their faces of terror or hear their screams of pain and agony when he closes his eyes and try to go to sleep. He constantly feels followed by them, but he is too used with Hyde, so he doesn't pay attention to "them". When he doesn’t sleep, they silently follow him with whatever other hallucinations he have at the moment, like Moreau.
He wanted to be the one to murder his brothers himself, he didn't find it dignified to have someone else do the murdering for him. He generally does not want his gang to murder people, only hurt those of necessity, and he still wanted to give his brothers the dignity of not having to be killed by a random gang member.
Something in him kinda... Died that day. His friends, the Lodgers, and his very on gang could all notice how Henry seemed... Colder, more tired, constantly exhausted. He refused to tell anyone why, though, and he still did everything he needed to do so no one could force an explanation out of him. It was not until the newspapers reported on the murder that people realized that he was acting weirdly because his brothers had been murdered. Henry debated snapping his own neck once the Lodgers began to flock to him with words of sympathy, unaware that he was the murderer.
He is extremely benevolent to his gang, something many feared he wouldn’t be at first. He has always been a kind person and that’s why people began to flock to him as it was, but some feared that he would... Ah, turn crueler after a while like most gang leaders. That never happened, though. He saw each and every one of his gang members as his family, and took care of them as such.
He and his gang began teaming up with Lucy many years before either met the twins. It was always fun when Rachel tried to introduce the two of them without telling Henry that Lucy is... Well, Queen Lucy, and it was always fun to act as if they had never met before and as if Henry hadn’t just been invited to dinner the night before. Henry is really good friends with Patrin and Elise.
Henry’s gang wear blue. The Blighters wear red and before the twins and the Rook started, Henry didn’t want his own gang associated or reminding him of Hyde. Blue it was, and it easily made his gang slip into crowds and disguise themselves to be the Scotland Yard.
Neither Brokenshire nor Abberline knew about Henry’s gang until Abberline started working with the twins and until after Henry was “recruited” by them. Depending on if Henry murdered his brothers before or after he joined the twins, Abberline and Brokenshire helped him cover up the murder. 
Ahaha wow Uhm. I keep forgetting how I format and classify these as rambles but anyways time for some Jekyll x Jacob <3 This is just going to be in general btw so <3<3
Henry was incredibly endeared by Jacob from the moment he heard about him. Something about a tall, strong ruffian bringing justice to the streets of London (and fighting Templars) was just incredibly... Ah, attractive in Henry’s eyes. He actually allowed himself to feel that because hell, he works for the Templars and Jacob is supposed to be the enemy, Henry hates the Templars, why not be incredibly gay for the assassin?
Jacob shamelessly flirted with Henry from the first moment the met. Breaking into his office to figure out who murdered his brothers and Jacob could certainly not read the room. Henry was far too gone that he merely huffed and flirted back... Well, until they came to the topic at hand. Even in other branches were Henry was recruited by them to make poisons, or where they met in a gang fight, and Jacob still shamelessly flirts with Henry.
Jacob tries so hard to be romantic. Henry is incredibly amused by it. He will be working in his office late at night and Jacob will pop by his open window to demand attention. He will come back to his office after having ran son errands and there will be bouquets of fresh lavenders, lilacs, and tulips. Jacob will constantly “force” him (or, well, bribe him to leave his work) to go on dates with him, dates that consists of wandering the rooftops of London and watch the stars at night or have a nice dinner together. He loves to spoil Henry rotten <3
Jacob loves cuddles. Henry was not very physically affectionate at first. He was afraid that Jacob would end up doing the same thing Robert did to him and while he couldn’t keep away from him, Jacob made sure to take it slow for him. Their favorite pastime is to cuddle on one of the couches in the train after exhausting missions, and Henry finds that he can’t keep away from Jacob’s touch for too long.
Rachel and Robert began to introduce Henry into the more... Ah, illegal luxuries of the London life. They take him to a fight club and are highly confused when Henry suddenly gets incredibly excited as he watches his boyfriend kick the shit out of people. He completely abandons them and practically fall into Jacob’s (sweaty and slightly bloody) arms the moment the fighting is done. Both he and Hyde love to check out Jacob fighting in fight clubs.
(Jacob post-fight is probably the hottest sight Henry has ever seen and Jacob knows that fully well. Jacob often uses the money he wins from the fights buying gifts for his lil boyfriend <3). 
Another ideal date in the eyes of Jacob is highjacking Henry’s carriage and abducting him. It’s all fun and games until he accidentally does that when Jasper, Rachel, or Robert are in the carriage too. That was not fun for Henry to explain.
After Jacob and Evie have liberated all child factories, Henry makes a spur-of-the-moment decision to adopt Clara (the child who wanted the twins to free the children in the factories). Clara ends up getting raised by two very protective and very lovely-dovely dads. She spends most of her time in the Society (while still helping the kids on the street) but Jacob visits her and Henry a lot.
Look I just want Henry and Jacob to raise a kid that won’t come back and try to murder them later on ok.
Anyways on to some other hcs. Jacob loves to make sexual jokes to Henry. Henry either acts dumb and as if he doesn’t understand them, or he will shot them right back until Jacob is the one blushing (or highly embarrassed).
Jacob loves to break into the Society and follow Henry around but make sure he doesn’t see him. He will be parkour over the ceiling beams and all the Lodgers will notice and get extremely paranoid, trying to get Henry to notice it too because clearly something is up, Henry will completely ignore him most of the time.
Jacob rarely sleeps because his work as an assassin rarely allows him to, but once he and Henry starts dating he always makes sure to visit Henry during the night (or have Henry come to the train) so that they can cuddle and sleep together, knowing Henry won’t sleep by himself.
Henry is always the tiny spoon. Always. Jacob loves to hold him. Henry is always cold and Jacob is always warm so for Henry it’s like being wrapped in a blanket and for Jacob it’s like having an ice cube chilling down his overheated body.
Henry gets overwhelmed quite easily, both in general and with their actual relationship. As dramatic and clingy Jacob can be at times, he always gives Henry the space he needs and especially in the beginning, when everything was so new and Henry had to take his time to process everything. Jacob is always patient with him.
Henry likes to create stuff for Jacob. It can be everything from new poisons to new gadgets, to something as simple as a painting or a hand-made sweater he did himself. When the gifts became more... Simple, so to speak, he worried that Jacob wouldn’t like them, but Jacob absolutely loves and treasures anything Henry does for him, although he routinely gives the sweaters and clothing back so Henry can wear them, and so Jacob can get them back and it smells like his boyfriend <3
(Evie always finds Jacob cuddled up with the sweater in the mornings when they can’t be together. She thinks that it’s stupidly adorable).
Jacob stays in London after Evie and Green get married and move to India. He would originally have thought of leaving London to return to the Assassin Order in Crawley, but ultimately decided to stay with his lover in London. After the end events of TGS, the two of them buy a horse ranch out in the countryside where they retire. Jacob occasionally returns to London as the leader of the Rooks, and soon they begin on working to expand the gang to other cities. Henry doesn’t normally return to London, but always eagerly awaits his husbands return. By the time they have retired and moved, Clara goes to University in London, but she always makes sure to visit her dads inbetween her semesters.
They get to die a peaceful death after having lived a long and fulfilling life. Henry died first, his body having gotten weaker after many years of HJ7, and Jacob died only a few days afterward. Clara made sure they got buried in the same grave, and their little farmhouse and their belongings (and their story) has been passed down from generations ever since. 
Lydia, Jacob’s canonical granddaughter that lives through ww1, is instead Greenie’s and Evie’s grandchild for this au/ship.
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dakotafinely · 4 years
Can I get some headcannons of the mud dogs having a s/o that got bit by a oozequitoes turning into a cute animal like a rabbit or deer?Like they're like "it's bad that you got bit from one but you're even cuter now not that you were as a human."something like that.
Oh mi gosh!! Yas!!!
Also, I think I've seen @bootyyy-shaker9000 answer a question similar to this one! (They only did Leonard tho but still) So you could go check them out if you haven't already!
Also, this gets super long so-
Word spreads fast about stuff like mutants in the Hidden City
Especially since a lot of them move down there with no place else to go
So needless to say anytime you went topside, he was worried
He'd overheard a mutant talking about their transformation and how painful it was and he-
He couldn't bear to know you'd gone through that
Even months after the whole oozesquito thing died down he still tried to be catious for you
You went on a hiking trip with some friends, they'd been begging you for months to come and you finally broke down and gave in
Leonard reminded you five times to pack bug spray
Whats the one thing you'd forgotten to take with you? Bug spray
Who cares anyways, you swear most of the time it doesn't even work for you.
You had a lot of fun on your trip, saw a large flock if birds fly right past you and even got a deer to let you come close enough to touch and pet it.
You got as many pictures as possible to show Leonard tomorrow
And as you were capturing a beautiful sunset picture, thats when it struck.
You felt like you were being stabbed by a thousand needles. Then it began to feel as though you dropped into a mixture of lemon juice and salt.
The pain was so bad your body passed out as a reflex
When you awoke is when you heard shouting.
"There! There it is!" Your friend shouted, as blinding lights began to block your vision. You began backing up, lightly bumping into the tree begind you
"Monster!" Another friend gasped in surprise. Looking dead at you.
Monster? What monster?
You try to turn your head to look around only for it to be caught in branchs
More specifically your antlers were caught in branchs
Oh... oh no
You run off, followed by the shouts of your friends. You eventually out run them and make it to your apartment.
You pass out again on your bed hoping it was just the weirdest dream you'd ever have. Only to wake up and realize it wasn't.
You were staring at yourself in the mirror, staring at the dark brown fur that covered your body. And your newly found antlers, that actually only leveled about five inches above your head, the way they twirled and sat made it look like some kind of surreal crown on you.
But you couldn't focus on anything other than the fact that
Loathsome was gonna kill you
Or at least thats what you thought.
A week passed with no contact from you. It worried Loathsome to his core
Heck, even on weeks whete you became unexpectedly busy you'd at least give him a text briefing him on whats going on.
But nothing, just radio silence.
Finally, he'd gained the nerve to break into your apartment (again)
He called out for you, slowly making his way toward your room.
When he'd tried to open it only to have you shut as quickly as possible he was partially relieved
You weren't dead oh thank anything above!!
But then came the next problem, you were actively avoiding him
"Babe?" He called out "Whats wrong?"
"Nothing!" You shouted, cementing yourself as the worst lair Loathsomes ever known
A beat of silence goes by before you sigh
"Okay, just... don't be mad."
"Mad? Why would I- oh"
Your ears twitched a bit as you waited for him to respond. Him staring at you liked he'd never seen you before.
"Im sorry!" You finally blurt out "I know you said to be catious and to take bug spray and then I forgot and-"
"(Y/N), I'm not mad."
"Your... your not?"
"No, why would I be? I'm glad your okay, and... you look extremely cute as a deer babe."
With that, you tackled him down with kisses
Yeah, sure he’s heard about mutants, even met a few! But he doesn’t think it’s that big of deal
I mean, it’s been a solid while since that was even happening so you should be all good right?
Plus you’re a photographer so it’s not like you’re not already outside a lot if you were meant to get bitten by now it would’ve happened right?
You were doing a pregnancy photo shoot. A lovely lesbian couple heard of you through a mutual friend and asked for your help.
You had done it outside in a large open space with many wild flowers and surprisingly wild animals to help make the lucky ladies look magical
Heck when you guys were meant to be taking a lunch break a small group of rabbit’s came up  and surrounded the pregnant one. Once you had a picture you lured one over with a piece of your sandwich and got in a pet before the small pack ran off
As you were packing up, the couple having already left with your assurance you’d be alright on your own, it happened.
Bit right as another rabbit came up to sniff if you had more food on you. You let out a large screech in the empty field. You hunched over to find a way to dull the pain.
You don’t pass out until you look at your own hands as they grow a brown and white marble mix of hair.
You woke up in the evening and immediately opened the camera on your phone
Yup, that was you, with long rabbit ears and brown and white fur covering you whole
What else could you but run over to your boyfriends? Not like anyone topside wouldn’t scream at the sight of mutant rabbit
You call him, telling him you’re heading over and that something happened
Without explanation btw, you basically gave the boy a heart attack
So needless to say when he just finds out that you’ve turned into a mutant- and a cute bunny no less -was probably one of the better outcomes he could’ve hoped for with a call like that
“Toots, I get it, and I’m sorry that this has happened. But at least you got lucky but turning into a cute rabbit.”
“That’s not the... I’m cute?”
Venison Jerky, of the Muntjac variety
A childhood delight of your friends and something you’d become obsessed with ever since they introduced it to you
You were heading over to Mickey to share some with him after you two had been talking about the weirdest things you’ve ever tried (He beat you by a long shot but that’s aside from the point)
You’d been swatting away flies the whole way over, you’re not sure why as the bag of venison was sealed tightly and the jerky didn’t even smell bad
You’d swatted away the oozesquito several times before it could actually get a bite on you.
Transforming you into a Muntjac of course
You stumbled in the alley way from the unexpected pain, knocking over a couple of trash cans as your vision blurred due to the pain
Mickey was coming through the portal, something he’d begun to do after you’d been chased by some no-named losers who didn’t know what “no” means
An watching you hold your head and stumble around was not something he was expecting
Same with watching light brown fur cover your body and small horns grow on your head.
Catching you as you pass out from the pain he quickly takes you to a yokai hospital
He’s actually quiet worried, mainly because that’s the freakiest thing his seen in a while. And you looked kinda like you were dying
So when you wake up seemingly fine (aside of from being mutated) he’s relieved beyond all belief
However it was not a relief for you when you realized what you’d become
Not that you didn’t like yokai’s, just that you never expected to be one
“Think about it this way (Y/N)! Now we can spend even more time together!”
“I suppose that’s a fair point, but I’m still mutated Mickey!”
“Aw! But I think you look extra cute this way!”
That gets a giggle out of you, and he grins wide
Heya! Sorry this took so long to get out! Ya know, life and stuff. But I hope ya’ll like it!!
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bangtansfavwriter · 5 years
🌷taehyung having a crush on you🌷
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(it had to be a gif w tannie ☺️💜)
-you're oblivious to the fact he's crushing on you bc he actually hides it pretty well (he wouldn't even blush or anything around you so it was actually pretty hard to figure it out, it was like a running gag between you and him that you'd make him blush one day, he was always like "you won't catch me blushing, ever" and you were like "we'll see about that posh spice")
-tbh when u guys first met, he was really reserved and took quite a while to open up to you
-he had this noir vibe when you first got to know him and he was quite the starer
- he was intimidating for sure, but the more you got to know him you saw that he's an absolute sweetheart
-now he's definitely brighter around you, smiles a lot and is more goofy
- will touch you a lot, he'll do it subtly though... you'll start to experience what a big effect a small touch can have
- makes time for you despite his busy schedule, hanging out with you is actually balancing for him and this is actually insanely fascinating for him, bc he tries to understand how it's possible that everything hectic in his life disappears as soon as he's together with you
-he's always dressed to the nines, even his casual attire is chicer than half of your wardrobe tbh
-very responsible, will help you get shit done and always has your back
-you once had trouble with your landlord bc this grumpy old fart really had the nerve to raise your rent when he didn't even bother fixing issues you've raised a complaint about
-taehyung listened to your rant while you were talking with a friend on the phone
-he asked some questions about your landlord after, it seemed pretty random to you and you didn't think about it much
-anyway, the issues in your flat were solved within 2 weeks and your landlord informed you that there will be no raise after all + he looked pretty nervous
- you asked him what made him change his mind and he just did the v pose
(you: , landlord: isn't this what youngsters do? hah..ha... *laughs nervously and leaves*, you: ???????)
-you told taehyung about the whole thing
you: i swear this man is on crack or something, he looks paranoid as hell lately
taehyung: yeah.... it must be .... the crack........ (😌)
-honestly he's your rock, he's forgetful sometimes but you still can always rely on him, no matter the weather
-sometimes taehyung can't express his thoughts properly but he can always count on you to understand what he wants to say.. he was quite baffled about that at first, but then you explained to him how the vibes of a person can sometimes say far more than words can express and that and that you would always understand his heart and, my dear, was the first time he wanted to kiss you
-he would ask you all sorts of questions bc he'd just love to hear you talk and learn about the way you think
- and he grew more and more comfortable around you, so his walls slowly crumbled around you with each joke you made and each secret you've shared with him
-and whenever he spoke about his dreams and future plans he included you like it was something completely natural and you could feel your heart race whenever he said something about this
-will take you the his favourite spots in the city and tell you his about his favourite memories he made there
-you guys would also go on long walks together, btw you meeting yeontan was one of the best days of his life tbh and this fluffy lil fella also loved you so much that tae was like "...are you kidding?" but he secretly loved it and filmed you with tannie very very often
-also, one time he left tannie in your care bc he was busy and he wasn't able to leave him with his parents on short notice... tae had spare keys to your flat anyway, so you just told him to come to yours whenever he was done
-and so he did and... he clutched his chest and was like "have mercy with my heart" because you and yeontan were cuddled together on your bed and fast asleep
-and tae stood there at your bedroom's door frame with the biggest smile on his face and tried so hard not to squeal bc this was one of the cutest things he'd ever seen, so he did what he had to do and took a picture of you two and then layed down next to you and fell asleep
-the next morning, you woke up to yeontan trampling over your chest and then hopping off the bed
-you closed your eyes again but you could still hear light snores next to you, so you turned around you were face to face with taehyung.... who's still so damn handsome that it's almost unfair bc you were pretty sure you probably drooled at some point... but he was still taking your breath away even with his slightly puffy face and messy hair
-you traced your fingers along his jawline and looked at him, thinking how lucky you must be... he snuck into your bed and now you were laying there, on a rainy morning.. like a couple that also happened to have the cutest dog
-you were caught by surprise when his eyes fluttered open and he looked at you, grinned and said "good morning' with his deep morning voice that made you all giddy... "I let myself in, I hope you don't mind..." and, sufficient to say, you did not, obviously. "tannie and you... looked pretty comfy, I wanted to join. oh, and would you mind continuing that?" he took your hand and put it to back to his face, but not without gently kissing the tip of your fingers. You smiled at him, cupped his cheek and caressed it. He slid his hands beneath your shirt and slowly pulled you closed to him, you hugged him and nestled your head against his chest. You were laying there with your legs intertwined and the only thing you heard was taehyung's rapid heart beat and the rain dribbling on your window, a moment which was the closest thing to bliss... a moment that was interrupted by his phone going off and yeontan appearing out off nowhere, jumping on the bed and running over you. taehyung groaned and grabbed his phone, as you giggled and took yeontan in your arms and cuddled him when taehyung had get up. you knew by his apologetic look that this was work and that your moment of bliss was now officially over.
-taehyung was equally upset about this, both didn't try to show the other but yeah, both of you loved the moment you shared and hated the fact that it was cut short bc bangtan had to do a re-recording
-taehyung left yeontan in your care again since you had the weekend off and promised to be back as soon as possible, to take continue where you left off. he was back at 1:28 am & drunk off his ass, turns out the boys insisted on going for drinks to celebrate that they were done with the songs and taehyung couldn't say no
-yeontan fell asleep after the 3rd walk you took him on and didn't even wake up when tae started making all that noise when he was back.
-tae's went straight for your bed and crashed there. His phone rang and you picked up after seeing it was namjoon, who got an earful from you bc you were pretty sure they didn't wanna deal with drunk tae and left him in your care, but namjoon sincerely explained to you that tae almost FOUGHT jin and yoongi when they wanted to take him to the dorms and that tae insisted on going to your place bc he had "important business" to do
you: tf is that supposed to mean?
nj: he said you need to talk things out or something. or tell you something? well, speaking is involved, idk and idc, im not too sober myself, so good night~
-maybe it was the sleep deprivation making you all mush-brained... but what if.... what if tae wanted to confess? after your cuddly morning it probably wouldn't be too far off to assume that, or would it?
-you laughed at yourself and went back to bed, where taehyung had hogged your duvet, so you got out another one and layed down.. taehyung tossed and turned, sighed and mumbled something
-drunk as he was, you didn't think much of it, apart from that, you were almost asleep, but he lifted himself from the bed and said your name
you: what is it, tae ?
him: I need to confess something
you: *suddenly wide awake* 👀👂
him: .... I.... I forgot to buy anchovies *falls back asleep*
him: ...huh?? what????
you: is that the important thing you had to tell me? the thing you told namjoon about??
-he turned around and looked at you with wide eyes, he, too was suddenly wide awake and from the look on his face you knew that this was in fact not about anchovies... "We'll talk tomorrow, when I'm sober again." ... you knew he was right, but curiosity has gotten the better of you. you agreed, but it took both of you quite a while to fall asleep again.
-you woke up the next morning, only to find the other half of your bed empty
-after throwing your pillow across the room, you got up, feeling a mixture of sadness, disappointment and anger
-he took yeontan with him too and didn't leave you a note nor a message explaining why he left
-you took a long shower, then got dressed and just as you were about to make breakfast... your front door opened and tae came in, with yeontan on a leash in one hand and a bag from your favourite bakery in the other
-you stared at him, completely bedazzled for a second but then glared at him, which took him by surprise. he smiled nervously... "what the hell, taehyung?" you said angrily, but deep down you were so damn relieved he was back. "We went for a walk and then I went to buy your favourites, since you always get up around this time" he said, while taking tannie's leash off, and smiled. "What did you think, hm?" - "well, I certainly didn't expect you to deal so well, looking at how you came in last night." - "oh you learn a thing or two when you're a performer" the two of you laughed and he knew he's off the hook. you started cutting fruits and he quickly joined you after he washed his hands. "so about that important thing from last night", he began and looked at you with a smile, as your cheeks blushed almost instantly, "I really wanted to make this right because this isn't something I want to do when I'm drunk. I think you understand that, right?". You tried very hard to hide go keep a straight face, but you couldn't hide your smile. Taehyung giggled. "Look at me..." he said with a husky tone that excited you even more. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow and smiled, as you knew what was coming and he smiled because you knew.
-you had noticed he put the pic of you and yeontan sleeping as his screensaver-
you: nice screensaver btw 👀
tae: *tries to keep his cool.. blushes v hard*
you: OH MY GOD
tae: STOP
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dontbesoweirdkira · 5 years
Hi there! Just found your blog and I like it so far. Btw being Present Mics favorite student headcanons were amazing, as a bnha nerd may I request a part 2 where Mic meets readers parents and other stuff? Sorry if my English is bad.
A/N:Thank you so much for liking my blog and choosing to request, that means a whole lot! I got you with the Present Mic headcanons, please let me know if you want any more Present Mic stuff i’m here. I’m sorry this request took so long to come out, i was busy with a few thing please love me
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-So i would feel this year would be a lot of fun, just like last year but the only difference being you are working harder towards your hero license and school is becoming much more difficult. This means that you have to up your game with your quirk skills and tactics while staying on top of your studies. You are stressed to say the least.
-Like i said previously present Mic knows when you are having a hard time, believe it or not he is quite attentive and super smart so he quickly asses the situation and realizes a few things. He sees you’re struggling with your quirk and school so he takes matters into his own hands.
-He offers to train you and offers extra help with school to you, he only wants to see you succeed even if that means sacrificing his free time.
-”oh- no no Mr.Hizashi that’s so sweet but i know you’re really busy-”
-tHaT soCCer dAD rIvaLrY iS stiLl haPPeNinG 
-Everyday after school you guys meet up at the park or one of the training centers to train for a few hours
-”Now Y/N, breath in and when you breath out use that force to push your quirk-”
-Honestly you thought the training wouldn’t be as hard as it was (it’s Present Mic after all) but boi were you wrong
-”Get up off the ground Y/N, you’ve only been running for .3 seconds”
-” hUstLe y/NnNNnN”
-Aizawa comes to your trainings and observes bEcAusE hEs nOSeYy
-He actually helps out and help with things present might not have thought of or isn’t the best at
-This year your relationship with Present actually takes a deeper turn, you find yourself around him more often both in school and after school. You both learn more about each other's quirks and personalities a lot more.
-You thought you already knew a lot about him, given he was like an open book it seemed. But Hizashi is a much deeper and emotional person than you honestly thought and he truly had such a more serious, kindred spirited side to him
-Like sometimes when you guys are taking a break from training he will open up about his life at UA and how it was for him. He told you how he felt kind of odd and awkward and how that’s probably why he can relate to you so so much uwu
-”You know Y/N as much I am super bubbly and “overly confidant” , i still feel super out of place sometimes. I guess i always have it isn’t a new feeling, although I have Aizawa and the other teachers, sometimes I still feel...not understood? If that makes any sense?? But like I totally understand how you feel, and you are not alone...seriously. Thank you for being open to me and allowing me to teach and train you. Kind of makes me feel wanted and useful..haha-”
-iM sOft 
-He always thought of you as a little “sidekick” however recently he kind of looks at you as his own daughter and he’s really protective and fatherly over you. He’s more on top of you and making sure all your ducks are in a row. He’s not controlling or anything like that tho so don’t worry
-”Did you eat yet, Y/N?”
-”are you okay Y/N? You look exhausted.”
-”make sure you finish that report for class, okay? If you need any help let me know.”
-pRotEccS yOu fRom bOys
-If he sees a teacher kind of poking at you and making you feel uncomfortable or feel bad for being a “teacher's pet” he will immediately have them stop. He feels bad you have to get crap from him being a bit biased towards you
-You guys have a secret handshake
-”YNNNNNNNNN AMErIcAAAA YoUU foRgoT yoUr lUnCH Box iN mY cLaSS *whispers* i put a donut in there for you”
-It’s okay because he lets you skip class to pass out in the library after being exhausted from everything
-You take his weird sunglasses and strut around with them all the time
-EmaiLS yOU
-” ohiyo americAa,
It’s me MiC and iM waTchING tHat drAmaA you recommended to me and Im cRyING. Also i heard from the sleepy teacher that there may or may not be a pop quiz in his class on last weeks topic...Anyways I’ll see you tomorrow...unless...Nah just joking okay mic is out!
                              sEnt fRom ToaSter oVeN”
-You get about ten of these things a week from him. help this poor man ;-;
-Made a few youtube videos with him
-He helped you pick out your hero name and outfit, you are so ready to be a hero i swear
-Once you do get your hero license..he is such big boi proud like he’s in tears, snot running out his nose, eyes all puffy and his voice is cracking. He even got you a little teddy bear with a little candy bag attached to it.
-”See kiddo, i knew you could do it!”
-” Pfft all thanks to you!! Oh and Hey, Mr.Hizashi? My parent(s) are coming up this weekend to celebrate me getting my license. I was wondering if you would like to come to dinner? They’d like to personally thank you for helping me.”
 -He somes in a very nice suit with his hair tied into a perfectly neat bun. And is thAT GLasses he’s wearing??????  (so cute omg)
-Him meeting your parent(s) was a pretty chill experience 
-”Mr.Hizashi, right? SO NIce to finally meet you and thank you for everything you have done for Y/N.”
-”Ah, it was my pleasure. And please, call me Yamada.”
-At first it was kind of awkward but once the conversation got going, you guys were there for hours
-and i mean HoURs
-”um excuse mE, wHen aRe yoU gUyS lIkE idk LEAVING???”
-Haha but no, the literal talk was just them hyping you up and how the waiter dramatically fell coming over to the table
-”yeS Y/N is such a great kid i can’t believe you raised such a strong and patient daughter”
-”Did he just trip and act like he didn’t just dropped our food on the ground??”
-”One time Y/N tripped and dropped her easy bake cookies and she didn’t even cry, that’s when we knew she was going to be a pro hero.”
-”did he step on the fries and up it on the plate and try to serve it to us???”
-Also your parent(s) grew up around the same time as Present so they had a lot to talk about and it was interesting learning about each other different childhoods and cultures.
-Your parent(s) seriously enjoyed Hizashi and they would love to talk to him again. Vise versa, it was a great time for Hizashi as well and prepare to hear about it the next time you see him.
-”Thank you Y/N for inviting me and allowing me to meet your parent(s) it was very nice getting to know them. Next time they come up, I must treat them out instead.”
-Let’s just make up a different scenario where maybe your parents were kind of rude and not as nice and welcoming, both to you Yamada
-When you heard your parents were coming up to visit you in Japan, you were at first excited. You were still in this frenzy of like “wow i got my hero license” so you weren't thinking about it too much plus you were excited about being treated out to dinner and having your favorite teacher tag along. 
-Everything was great...that was until you started to think about it more and started to question was that such a great idea?? Let’s just say your parents aren’t the nicest people (person). For some reason it seems like they were never proud of you, no matter how well or bad you literally did. 
-Won a championship game? Eh good, but could be better
-4.00 GPA? That’s okay but thousand of kids get that, you have to do better.
-You want to be a pro hero?? Ha in your dreams, that kid next door has a better chance of becoming one than you do.
-You started to realise they were one of the biggest reasons you wanted to exchange to Japan so much. It was far away from them and super peaceful. You wanted to tell Present to not come, but he seemed so excited, and you wanted to tell him how dreaded your parents were. But you didn’t want him to worry and get others involved. So you just hoped and prayed that they would be nice? And everything was okay?
-Everything was okay...for the first five minutes. 
-Well everyone greeted each other and sat down to eat, then the condescending comments started to pour in.
-”Yeah, well I think Y/N will make a perfect Hero in the near future. She’s gotten a lot stronger with her quirk and-”
-”Pfft, let’s not get ahead of ourselves now, Although Y/N has gotten her License that doesn’t mean she’s hero material. We watched the sports festival and compared to the other students, she’s severely overshinned. I just don’t think a year or so of training can fix that. She has to do better.”
-For a second hizashi just sat there with his face utter disbelief. How could someone just say that about their child...in front of their child...so camly?
-He looked over towards your uncomfortable figure, your face was colored with complete dismay, He felt so sad and slightly angry. You didn’t look in a position to defend yourself so he started to speak up for you
-”I really hope the both of you are seriously joking.” he snapped back with a sassy firm tone in his voice which made you look towards the three adults
-”No we are not, Y/N is pretty average and for you to put in her head that she could possibly become a Pro? Haha I understand teachers are supposed to be supportive but like come on now, just be honest with yourself.”
-Hizashi slammed his hands against the table, gaining the attention of everyone in the restaurant, including yourself who was previously looking down to avoid confrontation.
-”How DARE you. Y/N is PERFECTLY  CAPABLE of becoming a hero, her quirk,skills, technique and intelligence is all was stronger than you can even imagine. Do not downgrade her just because you’re too idiotic and narrowminded to see that. She is the sweetest kid I have ever met and quite frankly the purest. Disgusting how you talk about your own child like that. AND IN FRONT OF HER?? Now with all due respect, I think you guys need to do a self reflection and change the wrongs you have within you. If you need any help i don't mind emailing you a list of things.”
-on you still wore an embarrassed kind or dismayed face and when Present say that. hE tHoUghT yOU wErE eIthER mAd oR sCaREd oF Him. cri
-In reality you were literally so joyful and happy. LIKE DUUUDEEE. MARRY ME LOLOL. Seriously you were super thankful that he did that for you. 
-He looked around and suddenly realised that all eyes were on him. Aww poor man felt so flustered he didn’t mean to make a fuss and disturb others, he was just so angry your parents were such a*ssholes. 
-He turned to you and bowed while simply muttering “I’m sorry Y/N”, then grabbed his coat and walked out.
-Without even thinking you jumped up and rushed out the door with him, leaving your dumbfounded parents at the restaurant
-”m-Mr.Hizashi wait up!”  you called out from behind the blonde haired man, he stopped in his tracks then pivoted in place to face you
-”y/n im very sorry to you and your family i didn’t mean any disrespect. I understand if you may not want to be around me any more or allow me to train you.”
-cutting you off from your frenzy and gave you a big bear hug, “haha don’t ever let what they have said about you ever ring in your head...okay L/N? I belive in you and i know you are going to be fucking great.”
-”Really?” you smiled
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Tic toc - one shot
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pairing: Ot9; idol!Sehun x staff!y/n
Tags: workplace ; y/n being in a relationship ; Sehun has a little crush
genre: fluff; little angst; super fluff
A/n: I recently fell for Exo. Needed to write something about my bias eheh
Btw happy comeback! And happy holidays!
Silently, I went inside the dance practice room knowing the manager was inside to fill some papers with the staff.
It was already a month I got hired here as a make-up artist: it was my first job after finishing school, i was ready to learn, fresh, but being the youngest in the whole building wasn’t helping. The closest in age to me were the exo members their self. This ended up being awkward at the beginning, then lead to growing weird friendship. Well, kinda a relationship. It’s still me, who at the end of the day has to take off their makeup while they’re already napping on the chair.
I closed the door behind me and in that moment they started practising Tempo’s choreography. I got frightened by the sudden music and I squeaked. I quickly realised some of the guys where smiling at me through the mirror.
“Shit.” My cheeks turned red already.
“Y/n? Do you need something?” The manager approached me while holding some filers.
“Yes sunbae.” I bowed a little. “This is the list of next orders we need for our warehouse.” I gave him, with both of my hands, an envelope that he quickly took.
“Thank you y/n, kind as always.”
“You’re welcome.” I smiled shyly. He then asked me to follow him through the room until we reached all the staff members.
My gaze dropped to the clock on the wall: I had 15 minutes to reach the restaurant and meet my boyfriend. If I managed to leave in a couple of minutes and run to take the metro, I’d arrive just in time.
I cursed myself for being too slow changing into the little tight red dress. I also re did my make-up, maybe an unnecessary step. Now I was wearing high fancy boots that marked every step and a long coat, ready to fly outside the building into the cold night of Seoul.
“Y/n I need a favour.”
“Could you shoot the guys while dancing? Just a few song, nothing much.”
“Oh ... Sunbae, it’s not like I don’t want to, but I have an appointment after work. Is there anyone more qualified to do this?”
“Y/n don’t worry, they’ll be quick. You can do this, just sit still. Take this.” He gave me a camera definitely too heavy for me to hold. Music suddenly stopped and the boys were reaching water bottles to drink. I could see how tired they were.
“It will take just 5 minutes, we’ll be back soon.” The manager left with all the staff members leaving me and a sound technician behind.
“Y/n-noona! You came to see us dancing!” Kai run to me spilling some water.
“Not really.” We hugged for a little. Kai loved to call me noona whenever he felt sweet. No matter I was the youngest in the room.
“I got stuck at work, I should be outside already.”
“Stuck mmh?” Chanyeol came closer.
“I have a date tonight, do you think you can do this in one take?”
He winked at me and turned to the middle of the room. “Ya! Our y/n-nie got plans for the night! Let’s do this!”
I took off my coat leaving it on the table while sunbae was setting the camera.
I took it and quickly moved in front of the mirror wall, sitting exactly in the middle, shoulders pressed to the mirror. I crossed my legs carefully and adjusted the skirt.
I looked up and realised many eyes were on me.
“Y/n-noona, who is the lucky one?” Kai winked. Baek whistled.
“Y/n have mercy, someone here won’t sleep tonight.” Chen laughed, Sehun gave him a nudge.
“Boys, be good.”
I looked again at my watch, realising I was already so late. I pressed rec on the camera and the boys gathered up in the position. “Tempo” started again, the hardest part for me was not being able to dance or sing with them.
“Was it good?” Someone asked while I grabbed my phone.
“I have to text him.”
19.33 y/n: I’m sorry I’ll be late: I’m still at work. I’ll text you when i get out. I’ll try to be quick.
19.36 y/n: bae?
Songs went on, and so my texts.
19.41 y/n: bae? Im sorry i swear ill be quick
19.50 y/n: are we still in time for the reservation? Im starving! Wait for me bae!
“Is he texting you back?” Sehun laied on the mirror next to me looking at my screen. He wasn’t even sweating after dancing for so long.
“No, not really.” I said back, nervously laughing.
“Don’t worry y/n-ah, he can’t be mad. It’s so hard to be angry at you.”
I looked at him shocked. He snapped his fingers getting everyone attention. “We need to shoot the last one, and we are done. Sunbae prepare “The Eve” please.”
“Oh no.” I whispered covering my mouth.
That’s one of a few songs with a choreography that embarrass me every time. The slow hip thrust, lascivious gazes and the way they all became hotter in a couple of seconds.
First notes came, I swallowed my saliva and tried to focus while their eyes were on me. Actually, I knew they were all looking behind me, staring at each other on the mirror, but I felt being watched.
When the refrain came I just closed my eyes, too shy. And once I was able to open them again all of exo members were giggling at me. All the guys. ALL. They knew how shy I was. They knew the power of this song.
Suddenly the song hit me differently and harder, looking at some details: Suho’s arms, Sehun’s thighs, Kai’s grin, the power they all held. Everyone was doing something to me, my head started spinning.
“We need to take this one again sorry.” Sehun talked after the song ended. I moved on my place, suddenly the position wasn’t comfortable anymore. A weird hot feeling in my stomach started spreading.
I was so distracted by these new feelings I didn’t notice Sehun’s smirk. He was satisfied. I didn’t even realised my phone was buzzing inside my purse.
“Let’s be more powerful.” Chen said looking at his friends.
“And a step ahead please.” Everyone looked at Sehun.
The song started again and everyone seemed to be more engaged than before, using all their last energies.
They were one step closer to me now, and Sehun was directly in front of me. Less than two meters again, he was hip thrusting slowly. His eyes on me, and I was sure now he was really looking at me. I swallowed while fixing my skirt again, feeling suddenly too hot. He smirked.
His eyes, so dark now,were locked on me the whole choreography, I could feel his gaze never leaving me.
I felt so vulnerable. The hot feeling in my stomach now was getting stronger, I couldn’t help but squeeze my thighs together to get some relieve.
As soon as the last note ended I got up and left the camera on the table. I took the phone and I was surprised by all the messages.
19.52 bae: I cant believe this
19.58 bae: why are you always late? Ive been waiting you for so long! Im pissed
19.59 bae: ya! Text me ...
20.03 bae: where are you now?
20.05 bae: .....
20.06 bae: .....
20.07 bae: .....
20.08 bae: ... so?
20.10 bae: im leaving
“Shit shit shit shit.” I quickly wore my coat, already calling my boyfriend. I turned waving to the boys, ignoring their worried faces.
“Pick up please.” I opened the door with my shoulder still busy getting ready.
“Maybe you should fol-“ D.O. words were cut by my boyfriend’s voice on the phone.
“Y/n! Ya! You’re unbelievable!”
“Babe I’m so sorry, it’s not my fault, I couldn’t say no..”
“Sure. Always the same. It looks like you got 9 more boyfriends, who are more important than me. Should i get on the line?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t bother to come. Bye.” He hanged up. I froze, in the middle of the hallway. I didn’t know what to do. Maybe keep on desperately running and maybe he would be still in the restaurant? I tried calling, failing again and again. I was just ... frozen.
“Is everything fine?” Two big warm hands took mines, still holding the phone. I turned to Sehun’s worried face.
“Not really. He’s angry.” I said looking up at his eyes and then to the ceiling, hoping not to cry.
That was my first long relationship, we were together for more than 9 months. The first boy who noticed me, the first who held my hand to go to school. The first “i love you”.
“Then he doesn’t deserve you y/n-nie.” He whispered closing the distance between us with an hug.
He hold me tight, my head laid on his chest, his arms around me. One if his hands reached my hair and started massaging me gently.
“Ssh, everything will be fine y/n-nie. You’re too good.”
I didn’t even realised I was crying. I was sobbing so hard, my hands fisting his black hoodie’s hems.
“I am sorry.” I started bubbling.
“Don’t, we should be sorry, it’s our fault.” Sehun said patting my back lightly.
I stepped back, incredulous. “How could it be your fault?” And suddenly Sehun face got red.
“My fault...” He repeated shyly while I was wiping off the tears on my cheeks.
“Y/n?” Xiumin suddenly appeared behind Sehun’s tall figure. As soon as he saw my red puffy eyes he run to me pouting.
“Oh my girl, what happened?” He hugged me and tried to make me smile with his cute aegyo. He was the oldest yet he looked the youngest, and his pure kind soul was just one more thing to love him for.
“I lost my reservation at the restaurant.” I lied while looking at Sehun, hoping he’ll understand. He tilted his head a little, confused.
“Oh.” Sehun said quietly.
“I’m so hungry!” Baek exited the practise room screaming. All the EXO members behind him.
“Y/n is hungry too, she couldn’t make it to the restaurant.” Sehun surprised me for being strangely able to lie.
“Oh no y/n-nie.” This sounded like a chorus since all of them gathered together around me.
“I’ll make dinner for everybody.” D.O. proposed while taking my hand and gently hugging me. “Let’s go home.”
Sehun walked beside me, his hand on my lower back. “Let us treat you well.”
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offical-potato · 5 years
Y’all interested in the crazy shit that happened to me today? Ugh imma vent below
Okay so backstory...I have a 9am class so I leave for school at 8:30 and eat a piece of toast in the car. After my 9-11am class I have to rush to my other class that starts at 11:10 that for some reason today my crazy art teacher had us meet somewhere different idk man not super important to the story. however, what is important is that I’m not really hungry until later in the day and so my stupid ass doesn’t really have a real meal until I get home.
So my 11:10am class is going on and I have a small snack but mostly I’m hyped up on earl grey tea and an iced mocha that I downed in the first 30 minutes of class. Now I realize that lots of caffeine+little food is bad but normally I’m fine and this isn’t really important until later in the story so remember that for later.
Alrighty to normally my 11am class gets out at 2pm but today my teacher decided we were done at like 1:30 so that was chill. So I’m leaving to drive home and I’m chillin in the car. Basically there is this one main road where I live that’s super busy and the lanes are tight. ALSO I’m a fairly new driver and I will admit not the best one... so I’m on this fucking main road and driving the semi-old SUV (its a total mom car lol) and I HIT THE FUCKING CURB GOING 30 MPH AND MY FUCKING TIRE GOES OUT.
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Now okay listen here kids, if you get a flat you should turn off the road and slowly stop and check what’s up.
So that was I did. I turned off onto one of the side roads and there a big fucking hole in my back right tire. UGH I KNOW... so being the awesome fucking (semi) grown ass woman I am I look up how to put on a spare tire to get this shit started.
Side note: I was in the most butch outfit and I was living for it! I had blue jeans, a studded belt, a normal white tee that I tied into a crop top, and a flannel tied around my waist because it’s hot and I’ve gotta get those layers in the morning! Also I recently got a buzzcut and have 7 piercings...
Back to my story... so I’m now trying to find the fucking spare tire which is crazy and hidden. You’ve gotta take a plastic part off just to get to the jack kit like this shit is H-I-D-D-E-N! So when’s I find the jack kit I need to use some of those tools to loosen another thing to get the spare which btw is under the car suspended with some chain stuff. it’s an elaborate setup. Protip if your gonna take someone’s hubcaps Infiniti’s will be hard to take they’ve got some crazy shit.
Okay so this spare drops but it won’t come all the way out from under the car and by this time my dad gets here to help because I’ve never done this shit before. So he’s helping and we eventually...with much effort.... get the ruined tire off and spare on! Wooo I felt so accomplished like I helped with this shit and got that spare out from it’s crazy ducking hiding space like that shit was not easy.
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But potato you ask? This surely must be where the story ends? NOPE HONEY I WISH!
I get home and I live on a hill so second tip kids, if you are parking downhill you need to turn your tires into the curb Incase it slides down. So I do this but my dad said I’m to close to the curb and need to move it alway.
I HIT THE CAR IN FRONT OF MY AND BOY OH BOY IM CUSSING UP A STORM. like at this point I’m close to crying because as I stated earlier, I haven’t had any real food! I just spend sm time changing my flat! And I’m tired!
Thank fuck tho the car in front of my had a soft rack thing so there WASNT ANY DAMAGE!!!! I swear there are little things in life that make me happy and I was so glad. I was shaking at that point and so done. Idk what I would’ve done if there was damage. Also don’t tell me neighbor I hit their car....
Y’all don’t know how grateful I was that there wasn’t any damage to their car. Like omf.
Moral of the story: I need to eat more food and drink less caffeine ALSO I’m a boss ass bitch so don’t fuck with me
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oksullen · 2 years
THE SEPTUM LOOKS GOOD ON YOU i saw your face reveal! i am fond of piercings too tho i only have my ear loaded for now :) btw goodluck on your dental surgery! i hope it all goes well
the photos tho... STUNNING OHMYGOD i miss going out cos ive been busy lately. and by going out i mean out in the city cos ya know the city sometimes sucks. i miss nature, man. i'm hlad you had fun on your trip! the photos look great and if i ever come visit america i'll make sure to keep in mind your recommendations :)
also the proposal was also cute aaahhhh what did you say? did it have a ring or smth? u guys should have taken a pic!! lol
MY GOD YOUR DOG I SWEAR everytime you send a pic of willow she grows bigger and bigger but she still has that cute look on her face i wish i could pet her and chloe looks cute!! look at her stretch 😭 i bet chloe is older than willow but willow is wayyyy bigger omg
nothing much has happened in my life recently i just wanted to check on you,, tho i am graduating from my degree in two weeks which is awesome but it also means real-life adulting problems but nah for now i try not to stress so much on it. for the first time, since i love planning, i am enjoying life as it is.
stay hydrated love i am happy to hear from you!
PEA!! THANK YOU- THE SEPTUM IS ALSO NOW FULLY HEALED!! :00 I want to get my ears all pierced up to but for some reason im more nervous for that than the nose.
for the dental surgery it was a piece of cake. surgeon said I was the best patient ever, and I felt no pain after. now the orthodontist has to pull on the tooth that won't come up (yup- im not really a kid anymore and im still missing a tooth smh) also you'd think eating soft frozen cold sweet foods would be great but i got so sick of ice cream and pudding so fast- thankfully im back to eating normal!!
the trip was so fun omg- id love to explore other countries and part of the world. my countries that my family came from are in midst of extreme war so there goes that D: but omg if you ever get the opportunity to explore America I suggest it highly!! despite all the stuff America is going through right now it's a beautiful place.
ALSO THAT GUY- he was a street performer and in major cities those guys will just pressure you into taking photos with you and then paying 😭 BUT I willing paid for the photos with the 'show ladies' (take that as you will) I totally plan on going back in the future.. NOT with my family either.
and about Willow- I was able to sit down with my mom over dinner and discuss some matters, especially those with Willow. it took a lot of convincing and its going to take a lot of my personal time but she said we can keep Willow. I am now visiting her house throughout the day to spend time with Willow. I take her outside for a while and feed her and take her for walks- or basically give her what a dog deserves. Hopefully when I can finally afford my own place I will take Willow with me.
ALSO CHLOE- she's such a smart and sweet girl but she was never trained so she's kind of a nut job LOL!!
ALSO- saw your post about getting your diploma,, IM ASSUMING YOURE ALL DONE!?!?! YIPEE CONGRATULATIONS 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 🙌 💖 (I JUST SPAMMED EMOJIS LOL) BUT THATS SO EXCITING IM SO PROUD OF YOU!! what'd you major in again? what's your plans on that?
I enjoy 'talking' with you even tho it's over a phone and our timezones are so different- though I start work again soon and classes I'm September I'd love to keep in touch!!
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sunnysidewrites · 6 years
based on this post hehehe
i just fed yall TWICE. in the span of just 2 DAYS!!! AND THEY’RE BOTH MORE OR LESS THE SAME LONG ASS LENGTH!!! yeah that’s right i went overboard again gtg
happy happy bday to the lovely admin bee of @mansaeboysbe you are such a beautiful person inside and out, and im incredibly proud to know someone like you :’))) i’ve already sent a bday message to you so im not tryna redo it LOL but just know that i love you a whole lot and i always will! 💗💗💗💗💓💓 (she’s also the same person who gave me those beautiful headers on my mlist so please give her tons of love <333) love you sm hub hope you have a wonderful and fantastic day!!!
*to all the mutuals with bdays that have either passed or are coming up, i love you all SO FREAKING MUCH so pls dont feel left out!! it just so happened that i wanted to write this au for a long time and i wanted to present it as a bday gift for this jihoon stan hehe but i rlly love each every single one of u ok babes? <333*
warnings: i feel like i dragged this on for too long but i hope it’s still cute :’)) also i put in a joke like twice LOL anyways lil wooz only gets tongue-tied around you so you become his muse for songs
You were looking for a place to stay in bc “I am a grown adult i am not living with yall anymore” you @ your parents
And they’re like lol ok Good Luck Kiddo
After a month and a half of deeeeep searching you finally find a reasonably priced place to live in
It’s quite a distance from your parents’ home but it’s the point of you moving out to begin with
On the move-in day, you’re carrying your boxes up to your new apartment complex and you hear some tunes drifting from your next door neighbor
And you’re like hey this is actually really good music but i’ve never heard of it
You shrug it off and continue settling in
Once you finished hauling your boxes, you were about to pass out on your couch
Ok you actually did pass out on your couch
But you had to unpack some necessities later that night for bathroom and bedroom purposes
All you had for dinner was pop in some instant ramen and call it a night. You then hopped in the shower and got ready for bed
The following morning it was primarily you unpacking and shifting around your furniture a little but it was challenging by yourself
You were making a good amount of noise and in the middle of the day you were met with a very loud knock on your door
And you were in the middle of unpacking your kitchenware so you were like oh shoot ahh i’ll be right there!!
Little did you know your next door neighbor wasn’t having any of it
Can’t I get some peace and quiet around here? He grumbled as he impatiently waited for you to open the door
I swear, I’m gonna tell them off they won’t even knOW what will hit--
You finally opened the door, and he’s like oh. My gosh.
You had a few pieces of hair sticking to your forehead and your hair was tied back in a messy bun
You were dressed in a faded coral tee underneath a pair of worn-out denim overalls with house slippers
Everything he planned to complain about suddenly vanished and his first thought was:
“Is that Pikachu on your front pocket?”
Apparently he said that aloud, which he didn’t register until he saw you giggling
“Yeah, it was a hand-me-down! Still cute, right?”
And he’s kinda still just staring at you with his mouth slightly agape
And you’re like oh right ahem did you need anything?
That’s when he notices the utter mess behind you: plastic covering still over some of your furniture, half-emptied boxes littered in almost every inch of the floor, etc.
And that’s when it hits him: all that noise was you unpacking
“O-oh yeah, I just,, wanted to let you know that it was getting a little loud since I live right next door”
He silently curses at himself like i almost went off at my new neighbor rip that wasn’t gonna be a good first impression
Luckily for him, you were chill about it and you’re like omg sorry!!! It’s a little tough doing this by myself, sorry for the ruckus
Before he could stop himself, he blurted out, “do you need any help?”
Jihoon internally: u doofus u have an album to produce whAT ARE U DOING
Jihoon externally: i can help you :))) no matter how smol i may be
But that internal reprimanding melted away when he saw your eyes light up in relief and you’re practically bouncing up and down
“Would you, really??? It would be great if I had another hand around! Oh, but you’re probably occupied doing something, right??” and you feel bad that a stranger, your next door neighbor nonetheless, was about to abandon his work just for you
A cute neighbor, at that
Jihoon is like ok this is your chance to get away and go back to work cmon man
But there’s just something about you that pulls him in magnetically and he finds himself trying to reason internally that it’ll just be for a “few moments”
Yyyeaaahhh that doesn’t happen lmao rip Jihoon’s songs
Jihoon is just like “nah it’s fine I can help out for a bit” and you’re like god bless this human being
When you open your door further to let him in, he’s like oh right btw I’m Jihoon
“I’m y/n! Sorry about the mess, I only got here yesterday evening”
He shakes his head and quirks up his lips ever so slightly, “i remember when my place looked like this too except replace this space with music production things”
And you’re like ooOOoOoOO you make songs??? That’s amazing!!
And that’s when you got the ball rolling!!!
“A few moments” turn into hours and the next thing you know it’s dinnertime
“Oh crap sorry for keeping you for this long,,, those songs won’t produce themselves, right? I think I can take it from here”
Admittedly, jihoon didn’t wanna leave just yet bc he actually enjoyed your company and it was nice taking a break from staring at his screen frustratedly
“Well, I don’t mind helping out. I could show you my work one day if you want”
And you’re like holy cheeseballs yES
He starts getting up and brushing off his clothes and you’re a little sad that he’s leaving and he kinda is too :(
“If you’re not too busy tomorrow, you’re welcome to help me out more! I mean, you already helped me a whole lot today, but there’s still some things left to do”
As much as his brain is telling him to NOT DO IT,,,,
He does it
Next thing you know, jihoon is at your door again around the same time and he has something in his hand
As you let him inside, you ask him what it is and he’s like ;))))
“It’s a CD that compiled just a few songs I thought you might like”
And you’re #shook bc did he really just have a CD like this out in the open or did he really take his time yesterday to transfer songs on it??
“Do you have a player or a laptop?”
“Yeah, my laptop is on my bed, you can bring it out here!” You shout over your shoulder as you arrange your things in the living room
Shortly afterwards he emerges from the hallway and he presses a few buttons and clicks here and there and beautiful melodies ring out from your speakers
You can’t help but stop rustling to take in the sweet tunes and you’re just like :’))) have i heard anything so beautiful??? :’)))
One of the songs sound vaguely familiar and you realize it’s what you heard when you first arrived here
“Did you actually produce this??? This sounds like an actual song you can hear on the radio”
And he’s like yep made by yours truly!!!
He was only using “yours truly” half-metaphorically if you know what I mean ;)))
You keep bouncing to all the catchy tunes and swaying to the soulful ones
And in all honesty, seeing your reactions makes Jihoon feel really warm and even a little proud bc it’s one of the biggest reasons why he loves his job so much
He makes eye contact with you and you’re like :D and he’s like ahEM COuGh coUGh i’m gonna dust this shelf over here
He suddenly stands up and busies himself and you’re like ???? okie dokie
He’s a real help around the place and you’re practically done settling in
As you survey your fresh living space, you can’t help but feel a little…. Disheartened?
Bc it was actually really fun to have him around even while he made blunt remarks about your taste of decorations
“This looks like something my five-year-old niece would have”
“For your information, I got that from a five-year-old!! It’s cute, alright!”
You spent the past three days with Jihoon unpacking and talking about whatever comes to mind
Jihoon is pretty devastated that he has to go back to his makeshift studio in his room as much as he will never admit it
He eventually leaves your place and the both of you are just sad little puppies
From then on, every time you pass by each other, you greet him with a friendly smile and wave and you never fail to make his heart skip several beats
You don’t talk as much as how you first started bc he’s gotten much busier trying to mass-produce a lot of songs
For some strange reason, every time you hear a melody coming from the other side of the walls, you feel like you’re somehow connected with him
Well, except for the muffled cursing LMAO
And sometimes you would also hear several male voices at once and you’re guessing they’re his friends or the people he’s working with on the song, but based on their friendly banter and the constant run-throughs, it’s probably both
You would hear the same melody play over and over again, and you’re guessing he’s stuck on a certain part of a song as he tries to recreate new melodies from that point on
“aaAAGHGHHHGGHHHH” *deep sigh* me trying to overcome writer’s block LMAO
This would happen for about half an hour and you can’t help but wanting to reach out to him, but you’re not exactly the most musically-inclined person sadly
When he ultimately calms down, he goes back to working on the song until he finally gets the results he desires
More often than not, you fall asleep from hearing the slow ballads he creates with a smile on your face
Lil Jihoon does try to visit you and vice versa!! He sometimes shows up with random food and more CDs and you’re wondering just how many songs has this guy produced in his lifetime??? He looks around the same age as you but he’s probably produced 26+ songs by the way he packs a decent amount on each CD
Usually his excuse to sharing a meal with you is that “the guys brought over too much and i have a ton of leftovers that i can’t finish by myself”
In reality, he stared at a restaurant’s menu and contemplated for about twenty minutes about what you would like. This guy’s got dedication not just for work
“Would it be weird if i get fried chicken?? Maybe just a bowl of noodles?? What if soup is better??? It would give weird vibes if i bought drinks too, right?? Or should i just go ahead and buy them???”
Regardless of what he buys, you’re eager to eat anything and everything with your fav neighbor *wink wonk*
You feel bad when he would do that though, so you try to return the favor every so often as well
One time, you ordered some takeout but the servings were waaaaay bigger than advertised and you’re like Idea!! Let’s head over next door!! So you took the plastic bags and put in some drinks before heading out the door
You knocked on the door and that was when you heard light chatter on the other side of the door
You’re like sldjfljds i hope im not interrupting anything aaa mAYBE I SHOULD JUST LEAVE--
Too late, someone’s voice rang out “I’ll get it!” and next thing you know, the door swings out to reveal a face you’ve never seen before
“Oh, hi!” He says a little surprisedly but with a smile nevertheless
“H-hi, umm,,,, is Jihoon there?”
The guy is nodding his head in the direction of the back hallway, “yeah, he’s in the bathroom” and that’s when he looks down at your hands and his eyes instantly light up
“Omg did you bring food?? You’re so thoughtful!! Come in, come in!!” and before you could protest he literally drags you in and you’re met with a bunch of other strangers who are staring back at you like :oooo????
“Who’s this?? Jihoon never mentioned someone coming over today,, AND YOU CAN’T JUST DRAG SOMEONE IN THIS ISN’T YOUR HOME”
And you’re like ya i didnt know either lmao
You’re awkwardly shifting on your feet and praying jihoon will pop up instantaneously bc you’re gonna melt in embarrassment
“I just wanted to give him some of this,” you hold up your hands to gesture your food, “since it’s too much for me to finish on my own”
“Oh that’s cool! Some of the other guys are actually out to get more lunch, but food goes out fast with all of us here,” another guy says as he pats your shoulder reassuringly. “Well, since you’re already here, you can join us!”
“I-it’s ok! I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything, I just wanted to deliver this,,, I’ll get going” and you’re about to zOOM outta there but the same guy who ushered you in is like nO DONT LEAVE
“We’re taking a lunch break, so it’s cool if you join us! I’m Soonyoung” and he’s like :DDD and you’re just like ,,,, what a hyper guy but i like him
Everyone goes around to introducing themselves
you do a headcount of 8 and you remember there’s more guys getting food for them,,,, holy heck how many people do they have???? You’re about to introduce yourself after them but then
“Soonyoung, who was at the door--” a familiar voice calls out in the hallway before he emerges
And jihoon is like dsljLSJDF what the hELL
“Y/N??? What are you doing here???” *side eyes soonyoung*
And everyone’s making eyes at each other like waIT WAIT THIS IS Y/N???
“Soonyoung dragged me inside”
“Gdi soonyoung, how many times do i have to tell you that you can’t go around dragging people to join us???”
This guy who you think is named Seokmin pipes up, “yeah he does this all the time at our workplace too. A lot of our coworkers always end up extending their stay for far too long” and you’re nodding slowly like yeahhh i can see that happening
Soonyoung’s eyes are widened and he turns to jihoon like “is this the y/n that inspired your recent so--”
And jihoon is quick to cover his mouth so his voice is all muffled
“aHahaAHHAH soonyoung’s always the joker, april fools day!!! Let’s set the table, the others should be back soon”
jihoon whispering to soonyoung: you better sleep with one eye open tonight boi
And you’re like uhh alrighty :)))???
About twenty minutes after you’ve arrived, there’s another knock on the door
Soonyoung is practically bouncing on his way to the door and you can hear more unknown voices
They’re filing in and they suddenly stop and look at you like wait what
Them: :o????
You: :))),,, what up
Jeonghan briefly explains the situation to the guy who came in the door first and you’re lowkey intimidated bc he seems to be eldest and looks like he could beat you up to a pulp
After jeonghan tells him, he breaks out into this gigantic, cute gummy smile like welcome!! :DD i’m seungcheol! And the other guys behind him follow suit
Jeonghan’s like “this is,, y/n” and everyone tries to be subtle and nods like they didn’t hear jihoon babble on and on about you for weeks
You: ok why do yall act all weird when my name is brought up whAT DID JIHOON TELL YOU
Them: i would tell you but i don’t wanna die just yet sorry dude
Jihoon, somewhere in the kitchen: SET! THE! TABLE!
You end up staying there for a pretty long time, bonding over the whole feast you have and it’s really lively and fun, not to mention super loud with 13 guys in the same room,,, but you’re genuinely having a good time
Jihoon would glance at you nervously occasionally to check on you if you’re uncomfortable in any way
Jeonghan, who’s sitting next to him, notices jihoon’s eyes are practically glued to you and he’s like “is this the part where you confess your undying love and propose”
And jihoon is like shUT UP NO WHAT this chicken tastes great *quickly chugs down water*
You look back at jihoon sometimes and see he looks flushed but it’s not like he’s drinking alcohol
“Jihoon are you feeling ok?? Your ears are bright red” which obviously makes them redder rip
“I-i’m fine,, wow is it hot in here maybe it’s just the spiciness of the chicken let’s open the windows”
You eventually leave them as much as they protest and even try to get Jihoon to guilt trip you (unsuccessfully)
“Don’t leave just yet y/n!! You should stay, right Jihoon???”
“Huh?? O-oh yeah, I mean, you can if you want,,,,, we kinda need to work though”
Everyone’s looking at jihoon like bro wTF are u kidding me
Rip reader i can feel your heart drop :’(((
You’re feeling slightly dejected but you nod understandingly. You’ve already stayed far longer than you anticipated anyways, and work comes first for Jihoon
“Yeah, I totally get it! Good luck on the album guys!” You put on your shoes and close the door
When they finally hear your own door close, they’re attacking jihoon like
“I knew it, the lyrics just suddenly got cheesier -- there had to be someone behind all of that”
And jihoon is just praying you won’t hear what they’re saying like “SHUT UP THESE WALLS ARE THIN”
Back at your apartment, it suddenly feels much emptier and lonelier
“What am i doing,,, I just met the guys for like two hours???”
You sigh and you try to busy yourself doing other things but you hear a loud commotion on the other side of the walls with just a bunch of incoherent shouting
You smile and laugh to yourself when you think about how close they all are
Your smile slowly fades when you start wishing you wanna be close to Jihoon and you’re like snAP OUT OF IT!!!
A couple of weeks pass by uneventfully but you notice that Jihoon has gotten more reserved around you
It’s just him being bashful around you and he panics every time he sees you but obviously he doesn’t want you to know that
You’re standing at your little mini balcony and admiring your cute little cactus plants
Just as you start thinking about him and his wellbeing, you hear your name and you’re like wHO’S THERE
You look down and see Jihoon staring back at you and honestly he looks like he’s awestruck by your whole beauty bc seriously everything you wear always looks super good to him
[insert photo]
(also pretend he’s holding plastic bags)
He holds up his hands and you’re laughing bc you know exactly what that means
“Come on up!”
There’s a knock on your door promptly afterwards and what do you know!!! It’s the man himself!!!
It’s just funny how the both of you have this ongoing routine that you know what to expect
When you let him in, he places the bags on your table and quickly smiles to himself when he sees your laptop on your bed
You and Jihoon both mindlessly do your respective roles as usual
He slowly comes out in the living room with your laptop and he’s like “so the album is pretty much done now,,, i can’t release all of the songs yet but there’s one i want you to listen to. I’ll show you after we eat”
You’re like ooo im excited and you start catching up with him as you’re eating
You can’t contain your excitement any longer, so as soon as you eat the last bit of your food, you’re like “oKAY SHOW ME IT NOW” as you’re restlessly shifting on your legs
He nods and pulls up the media player on your laptop. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before pressing play
It’s a melody you’re quite acquaintanced with after hearing it countless times at night, the same tune that lulls you to sleep
You have high expectations for this song, and surely he surpasses them with flying colors
You’re enjoying the song and telling him “wow this is a really good song!” when suddenly some lyrics catch your attention
You hear something about messy hair pulled back, ruffled clothes, eating meals
And you’re like huh that sounds a lot like us haha is that supposed to be me??
Jihoon is avoiding eye contact with you and looking down at his fidgeting hands as the song progresses in its later verses
The lyrics talk about wanting to develop a deeper relationship, one where “it’s okay to tell me anything, your hardships and desires. I just want to see you smile” and you’re like wait,,,,
And one of the final lyrics says something about “i can’t help feeling like this, will you accept my hand?” and you’re like wait wait w a i t
The song comes to an end and silence fills the room
You’re not sure whether you should speak up first or wait for him, but either way you’re speechless and wouldn’t know what to say anyways
Jihoon clears his throat awkwardly and stumbles on his words poor bby
“S-so, yeah,,,, I’ve been working on this one the longest,,,, umm do you,,, like it?”
But you know better that he’s not just talking about the song
“Nah sorry man i’m not interested”
April fools kiddos ofc you are
“....yeah. I do like it”
And he finally brings himself to look at you and he’s like !!!!! really????
“Wait, for real??? You actually like it???”
He’s pretty much paralyzed in shock and all he can do is watch your hand move towards his and hold it
“I like it a lot, Jihoon :)”
He blinks slowly and he can’t fight the grin that spreads on his face as he grips your hand back
“I’m accepting your hand now heehee ^^”
“Okay let’s not talk about that”
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goodguidanceptc · 6 years
Louisville IM Race Report October 14, 2018
Welcome coaches, training buddies, close friends and masochists/insomniacs. As with prior race reports, be warned that this post contains STRONG LANGUAGE. Here goes:
Read the Athlete Guide. Always. Miserable cold and wet conditions. Water temp warmer than air temp, wetsuit legal. Absurd Swim (shortened due to aggressive current); T1 was all about gear choices; Adequate Bike under demanding conditions; T2 was also all about gear choices; Tough Run. Two key takeaways: 1) Read the Athlete Guide; 2) I haven't quite properly calibrated in-race fueling.
Total race time result = 10:18*
* Under grossly dis-humane weather conditions and my own flubs, that is a good result...with which I am completely unsatisfied. A no-surprise, well-managed bike and a somewhat uneven run (matched stand-alone marathon result). Feel free to stop reading now.
Pre-Race (aka: “the Dumbening”)
I cannot emphasize strongly enough: no matter how many races you’ve done, how confident you may be in knowing the procedures, the timing, the places, etc... read and re-read the Athlete Guide.
So although I cannot provide details, just know that I--through my own dumbness--was told to acquire my timing chip in T1 after an official manually noted my swim start time, while standing on the dock to jump into the Ohio River. Clearly communicated in multiple places: check-in closes at 5pm Friday. 
Brief rewind: woke up, standard pre-race breakfast, uneventful gear check and load bottles onto bike, walked over to Swim in. Shoulda found an IM staffer then, but didn’t think. Just didn't think it through; too cold and pre-race- process oriented. Got a little tunnel vision to get to the front of the self-seeded “1-1:10″ swim line. 
Announcer: The current is so strong, some of the pros were struggling to get up river. Swim shortened to .9 mile, in other words an Olympic distance. Race delayed. 
Some squats to stay warm, chat up some folks in line, never once thought to go  get my chip before passing though that big black arch.
Swim (:18 min or 1:18/100 pace)
I swear to you by all the barge traffic and catfish whiskers in the Ohio River, there is no way I was in that river for 18 minutes. More on this in T1. Feet first into the river, sight that first buoy and...
Ever look through a kaleidoscope? Or imagine a Disney version of puke from a flying whale?  The view from my goggles was: 
[Kayaks + swim caps + buoys]
(river current exceeding posted speed limits) 
flying Disney whale puke (as I imagine it rendered)
Just utter chaos. I aimed for the big wall, hit the metal steps and out. To quote one of my training partners, “My hair barely got wet.”
T1 (9:20)
Up the steps and skipped the peelers. Rationale: stay as warm as possible as long as possible. Jogged to changing tent, quickly passed the clumping “under 1 hour” swimmers, grabbed a chair near the exit.
Decision time on what to wear and how much skin to cover for the bike. I went with 100% coverage. Socks, thermal legs, long sleeves, gloves, balaclava. Plastic bag under the jersey and five of those little hand warmers hunters use (squeeze and shake for 6+ hours warming) in my back jersey pockets.
Out to bike rack, unhook and... it’s find-my-chip time. Found an IM staffer who radioed multiple people before finally sending me past the Bike Out arch to where the chip folks were.
I.  Stood. There.  Forrr -- evv -- errr. 
Trying to alleviate my own frustration and anxiety, I literally put my head in my hands and made Hulk sounds.
Now, even in my adrenalized and hyper-performance-oriented state, I remember that I brought this shit on myself. So any expectation of special treatment, expedited problem-solving or what I call the lack of a “hop to!” by IM staffers simply cannot be criticized.  This crapola? All.  On.  Me.
Furthermore, I'm grateful. (Check prior race reports, if you must. OR just trust me when I say that...) I thank all the volunteers and cops and EMTs and Traffic Management and general staff within earshot. No matter what speed I’m biking or running. Seriously. I’m all about appreciation.
All that said, Swim and T1 times are clearly inaccurate. Although IM staff noted the time of day I jumped into the water, another IM staffer wrote my time on a clipboard when they activated my chip and yet another other IM staff told me they’d estimate my T1 time. But I didn’t know precisely where to go in T1. So I lingered.
[So again: read the Athlete Guide.]
And if you are ever in that situation--which I guaran-frikkin-tee you I will NEVER be--I recommend you DO NOT stop to ask questions. Continue until you happen upon the chip folks. Worst case: you miss them and back track... the biking equivalent of going back to get dropped nutrition.
Bike (5:43)
While I definitely did not feel myself relax heading down River Road, I did feel a certain familiar comfort. I’d ridden this course a few times so even in the cold, wet wind, I was pretty confident I could manage the bike.
In the spirit of gratitude, whether passing or getting passed, I try to say something positive (looking good, go git some, stay strong).
Even on a hilly course, I ended up pacing with a few others. I try to be sensitive to any ‘gamesmanship’ (I’m not trying to get in your head competitively) but I'm definitely chatty. And the cold and wet just invited comment, even if only to distract from the misery.
Stick out and first loop was uneventful other than the number of people shivering on the sides of the route. Second loop had more than a few cars on course that seemed patient and considerate (relatively, IMO) but still required careful negotiations.
BLINDING ANGER. I admit I might have been “kicking the cat” but I’ve never experienced this on course.
On the back side of the loop, in the narrow stretch of blacktop through the small neighborhood just after the long descent out of La Grange, there’s short, steep descent with a well-marked/painted “BUMP” before a short, steep uphill. I’m a technically strong and confident cyclist so getting through here on the first loop was a piece of cake. Second time though, there was a hefty pack of windbreakers weaving(!) across the entire width of the road. Despite shouting “on your left” repeatedly and loudly, I had to brake. On an uphill. Dropped my chain. Nearly fell. Unclipped.  All in the tiny 8ish yards of that short ascent. 
What did I do? Stood there trying to get my chain back on and swearing profusely that dickhead bucket-listers with fucking no fucking business fucking leaving their fucking strip-mall periodontist practices should fucking learn to handle their goddamn bikes.
As I passed them on the descent towards the hay-bale bullseye, I gently advised them about blocking, race etiquette and having some goddamn self-awareness. In my defense, I averaged very nearly 20mph that day. And when I accidentally felt somebody too close as they passed, I always apologized. In retrospect, I’m sorry I was that guy right then. 
PROFOUND SOLITUDE Stay with me as I get a little bing-bongy here... At the split to repeat the loop or return on the stick, most folks (the fat part of the bell curve) go left for their second loop.  I was returning on the stick. 
Suddenly I was not saying or hearing “on your left” or listening for the difference between aero wheels or a passing car. 
I was alone. Like the guy in that Robert Frost poem. Miles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep. And the mental chatter started. Cold. Grey. Wet. Stupid. Wasteful. What ego on you, chump. Clips from Moby Dick, Chapter 96. Burning ship, drove on to some vengeful deed. Gloom. There is a wisdom that is woe; but there is a woe that is madness. ee cummings A Leaf Falls. 
[Stop wasting your time with this race report. Go read some actual writers.]
Even my mantras had abandoned me. I may have started singing or rapping something from my training playlist to shut down the negative chatter. And that’s about when I realized how well I was managing this bike leg. I think that’s called a paradox.
DON’T BLOW IT NOW Somewhere along one of the last ascents, I realized that I’d dressed properly! Coach Robbie’s advice for plastic grocery bag was spot on. Sure the toes and fingers were cold, but functional. Ears and neck felt okay and core temp was a non-issue. I wondered if I’d taken enough calories (thought: probably) but come on! I’d handled some real shitball conditions pretty well. 
T2 (8:49)
Pulled off everything soaking wet except kit shorts. Replaced with dry thermal long-sleeve top, dry hat, dry gloves. Run belt, bottle, dry socks, shoes. Go.
While neither T1 or T2 were very fast, I really didn’t linger in the warmth. I remember thinking, “Take two deep breaths, make this decision and move it.” In other words, time was spent actually changing clothes.
BTW, Transition volunteers? True Guardian Bros. Can’t thank em enough.
Run (3:58 aka: avg 9:03/mi)
Two MAJOR joyous moments within the first mile:
1) As we’d pre-planned, my unbelievably awesome wife told me I was 18 minutes behind a podium slot. She told me later that I barked, “FUCK!” Regardless, I steal a kiss every race.  Better than a GU and just as sweet. [Yes she reads these. Wink!] 
2) Coincidentally, she was standing a few feet from Coach Robbie (C26), who I recognized but accidentally called Mike (his podcast co-host who I knew was on course). I think I shook his hand? Or maybe just shouted a happy shout?
So those two intercepts helped make the first 25% of the run all good.  I kept turning down the pace because, as Coach Robbie has said, “your legs are lying to you.”
Then all that good ju-ju abandoned me like buoys on the Ohio River on the backside of the first loop.
I’d dropped my Infinit before finishing the entire first 24oz bottle. Why not stop and get it? I got no good rational answer. Ditched hat and gloves and actually rolled up my sleeves. My legs and shoes were soaked. (Walk-peeing wasn’t doing me any favors.) 
I felt better once I had another bottle from my Special Needs bag, but by then I’d already burned my biscuits (another C26 gem) so I was well below my planned and expected 8:40/mile pace.
I may have even cried a little. Apologies to extremely helpful volunteer who graciously ignored a grown-ass man losing his shit. I KNOW i was talking to myself, “It’s all in your head. Move it.” and other more terrible words.
The last 25% in-bound was an exercise in utter stubbornness. Coke Gatorade Coke Gatorade Coke Gatorade and tons of verbal self-flagellation to keep going. I sincerely believe I passed two guys in my AG out of pure self-loathing.
The Fourth Street Live finish lived up to the hype. There’s photographic evidence that I actually smiled as I crossed and nearly collapsed (again, super kudos to the volunteers). I was wheeled straight to medical, shivering and borderline shock-ey. Broth, blankets, checked vitals (core temp too low). As planned, Susan brought me multiple layers of dry clothes. Changed. Got my mental shit together after finding out I’d finished 16th. Gold star to Al V., the med tent massage therapist. Another Guardian Bro.  Limped home.
As with prior races, IM-LOU yielded incremental improvements in all racing phases. As I said at the top, this was a good result, with which I am completely unsatisfied.
Am I one of the guys at the pointy end of the bell curve? Clearly yes. 
Did I KQ? Unequivocal NO. Not even close.
There is clearly opportunity for additional incremental improvements to all five aspects of my racing:
Swim pace was an anomaly. 3x/wk in the lap pool could be improved by 2x/wk in endless pool.
Bike power was lost due to shitass Garmin tech. But from what I remember, I was mostly high Z2 with relatively few power spikes given the course and conditions. I definitely managed the bike with patience and smarts.
Run suffered due to fueling strategy that is just not... quite...perfected. And again, deplorable conditions.
Fuel strategy. I over corrected from IM-AZ (early run GI problems). Calories, liquids (no solids) and delivery method feels right. Timing around T2 needs tweaking.
Transitions were what they were. MY dumbassery in T1 was offset by my smart gear decisions.
See you in New Zealand in March, 2019!
I’m very grateful to my lovely wife Susan and my wonderful kids, Peter and Veronica for their support. Susan, you are my salvation.
I’m grateful to have the expert professionals Coach Klebacha and Coach Sharone and the entire Well-Fit staff and athletes who generously share their wisdom.
I’m grateful to my inspiring and impressive training partners, including but not limited to the TriFam, the Well-Fit Elite Team (too many bad-asses to list but special GOLD STARS to LIZ and LAURA) and other triathlete rockstars like Nic, Dana, Andrew, John, James, Tony, and all the Pauls and Mikes.
I’m very grateful to anybody willing to excuse my terrible smell, deplorable language and barbaric sounds during training.
Maximum gratitude to Well-Fit, FFC, UIC, Whitney Young, Get-A-Grip, Live Grit, Fleet Feet, the Lakeshore path, Louisville Landsharks.
I’m grateful for Crushing Iron (C26), Matt Fitzgerald, Joe Friel, Training Peaks, Scott brand bikes, Apple, Ironman.
Thank you to all the on-course maniacs cheering and making signs and wearing all sorts of crazy outfits to show love and support. For strangers exercising.
Special thanks and appreciation to Bernie Mc for the most amazing on course support. Extra special Top Marks to Bernie!
I’m grateful that I’m able to race triathlons. Thanks for reading.
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