#buddie wip wednesdays
gibuckaroo · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
got tagged by my best friend @babybucks! this is my first time to join and is there a format? because i've found i'm bad at formats, but anyway
this is a snippet from the first part where buck and natalia break up in my multi chaptered buddie fake dating fic which has been sitting in my gdocs since nov? i normally don't have wips because i go for one shots and upload it as soon as i think of it and it's done. but this has gone through so much edits and changes that it's not even the fic i started with (sorry i'm ranting)
“Just made me remember about the situation with the LAFD a few years back, wasn’t it?”  He nods curtly, ready to drop it, asking instead about the incident that happened with her—he can focus on that, the present, her, here, the fact that all he’s doing is pretending this isn’t coming undone as he speaks.  “I searched about it. You didn’t tell me Eddie was the one who got shot.”  The claws ease. The hold slackens. The nails sag. He prays she wouldn’t continue.   “Yeah,” he manages to croak out, "he was.” “And you were there, too. There was footage from a civilian, from one of the buildings—it was all over the news. I’ve heard of it, for sure, but never connected two and two together.”   There’s still this nonchalance in the way she speaks as if Buck’s world didn’t turn upside down in that moment.  Snapshots infiltrate the back of his eyelids, heavy and uncomfortable as the memories appear to him in flashes. As iron fills his tongue. As he sees brown eyes slowly close, in a space he so desperately wanted to reach.  “I was.”  “That must have been exciting! No, sorry, that’s not the right word, but thrilling—I mean, your job generally is.”  Buck doesn’t speak. Natalia shouldn’t either, but she does.  “Does Eddie talk about it? Must have been so cool—" The claws disengage. The hold lets go. The nails lose.  Just like that.  Buck stands up, his chair scraping across the wooden floor so loud that it gets the attention of half the restaurant. He gets money from his wallet, a few bills he doesn’t even bother checking and storms out of there before his vision gets too dark and he goes to a place he hasn’t been in for a while.  He reminds himself to breathe, but the smell of blood is overpowering, and he can feel his hand twitch to reach even though there’s nothing there to grab.  Cool?   Cool? Cool? All he can see is red. The red on her shirt, the red from the fire engine driving by, the red that swallowed his face whole covering his tongue for weeks, months—he could never truly wash it away.  (He should have stopped. Should have stayed. Should have let her finish her sentence at least. She has said the same thing to him once, and he only responded in laughter.  What’s the difference now? What’s the difference between the lightning and the shooting?) (Eddie.  Eddie’s the difference.)  The taste of iron on his tongue and Eddie’s eyes hollow, as life slowly drained away from him. He inhales and exhales as he jogs up to his car and he hears the steps of another person following him. He can’t even face her right now. He can’t even look at her without exploding. 
tagging @evanbegins @likegoldintheair @letswishuponastar @loserdiaz @strawberryspence @yramesoruniverse + anybody who'd like to share their wips <33 (pls tag me i'd love to read)
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theotherbuckley · 2 months
WIP Wednesday!
Tagged by @steadfastsaturnsrings 💜
So I had an idea for a new fic. Not sure if I’m actually gonna write it because I have 7 assignments and 2 tests to do over the next month but I just had this idea and I thought it was funny so here’s a snippet.
(Or Eddie gets transported back in time and meets Buck 1.0 at a bar)
“You keep staring at me.” Buck’s voice comes from beside him and he startles.
“I uh—“
Buck chuckles. “So, you wanna buy me a drink or do you wanna get out of here?”
What? Is Buck… hitting on him?
Eddie frowns at him. “I’m not uh—“
Buck rolls his eyes. “Really? You gonna pretend you haven’t been checking me out all night? Please,” he scoffs.
“I-I have a kid!” Eddie splutters out. Seriously Eddie?
Buck's eyes light up and his whole expression changes. He looks more like the Buck Eddie knows.
“I love kids!”
Eddie fights the urge to say I know. “His name is Christopher… he’s e—“ shit how old is Chris now? “Six?”
Buck furrows his eyebrows. “You sound mighty sure about that, man.”
Fuck now Buck thinks he’s a bad parent. “No, no, sorry uh yeah he’s six.” Eddie takes out his phone to show Buck the picture of Chris saved to his Lock Screen. Chris is so small in the photo — his red glasses are slightly too big for his face and he’s holding onto his blue crutches that had dinosaur stickers plastered all over them. Damn, Eddie really misses those days. Well, he supposes he’s got them back now.
“He’s super adorable,” Buck says, beaming, and Eddie knows he means it. Buck raises his hand to signal the bartender. “Question still stands though, drink?”
He shouldn’t… “Um, sure.”
Bucks eyes widen. “You’re—you’re not married are you?”
Eddie hesitates… technically. “Uh…”
“Oh shit! Sorry!” Buck is quick to apologise.
Eddie shakes his head, “No, no I haven’t seen my wife in… a few years? She left us.” And she’s dead in another universe but that’s a bit more complicated to explain.
“Sucks man. Her loss is my gain though,” he says, and there’s that smirk again. Eddie wants to kiss that smirk off his face. What? “I’m Buck, by the way,” Buck says, stretching his arm out.
I know, you’re my best friend. “Eddie,” he replies, shaking his hand.
“I look forward to getting to know you,” Buck says, his eyes wandering over Eddie’s body lustfully.
Eddie swallows. This was so not what he signed up for.
Not that he’s complaining.
Tags <3
@disasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @jeeyuns @wildlife4life @honestlydarkprincess @eddiebabygirldiaz @spagheddiediaz @jesuisici33 @your-catfish-friend @ladydorian05 @giddyupbuck @eowon @elvensorceress @watchyourbuck @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @king-buckley @rainbow-nerdss @cal-daisies-and-briars @evanbegins @diazsdimples @wikiangela @bucksbirthmark  @underwater-ninja-13 @daffi-990 @aspecbuddie @lover-of-mine @nmcggg @tizniz @monsterrae1 @smilingbuckley @loveyouanyway @hippolotamus @incorrect9-1-1 @buckdefencesquad @actualalligator @pirrusstuff @actuallyitsellie @dangerpronebuddie @bucksbackwardcap @loserdiaz (let me know if you want to be added or removed 💜)
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wildlife4life · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by the super amazing @cal-daisies-and-briars @daffi-990 @bekkachaos @tizniz @diazsdimples @wikiangela and @theotherbuckley
SURPRISE!!!! In honor of the Kansas City Chiefs winning back to back super bowls, I have posted the first chapter of Three Taps for the Lombardi aka NFL Buck! Woooooo! The biggest and loudest shout out to @hippolotamus who so graciously beta read this, was one of my biggest supporters, and kept my secret! You are so amazing! This fic is my pride and joy and I am so excited to share it! Hope you all enjoy!
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Three Taps for the Lombardi
Mature // 3.8K // Chapter 1
Eddie Diaz is the 118's new transfer from Houston and he is a bit of mystery. The team knows a few things about the stoic man. He's was a medic in the army with a silver star, he has a son, a dead ex-wife, is gay, and has long term boyfriend named Buck who he moved to L.A. with. Oh, and Eddie is never on shift when there is a home game for the L.A. Rams. Evan Buckley has been traded to the L.A. Rams from the Houston Texans. He has amazing stats, awards, and been named one of America's most eligible bachelors. All he's missing is a super bowl win and a WAG to cheer for him alongside his sister in the stands. Or at least, that's what he's led the world to believe. Almost ten years ago Paramedic Diaz ran onto the Texas Longhorn's field to help college football star Evan Buckley after he was knocked unconscious. Months later, secrets are made so dreams can come true. Can they keep those secrets intact as Eddie takes on the challenges of being a firefighter in L.A. while Buck battles for the Lombardi with a new team?
Tagging for WIP Wednesday (no pressure): @watchyourbuck @lover-of-mine @spotsandsocks @devirnis @buddierights @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33 @jeeyuns @exhuastedpigeon @aroeddiediaz @giddyupbuck @rainbow-nerdss @loserdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @eddiescowboy @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @athenagranted @evanbegins @elvensorceress @malewifediaz @911onabc @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @ladydorian05 @bigfootsmom @thekristen999 @spagheddiediaz @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @doublecheekeddiaz @buck-coded @prosperdemeter2 @lemonzestywrites @gayedmundodiaz @transboybuckley @nmcggg
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elvensorceress · 8 days
wip wednesday
been tagged so many times recently and ily all 💕 life outside the Tumblr has been asjsfdhlkjklads 🫠 recently and idk that I will be around much but I have a little bit of fluffy Buddie cuteness for you. Still forever working on the Unless finale 🫠🫠 @eddiebabygirldiaz @hippolotamus @tizniz @daffi-990 @suavecitodiaz @hoodie-buck @kitteneddiediaz @ronordmann @spotsandsocks @shortsighted-owl @lemonzestywrites @loserdiaz @diazsdimples @your-catfish-friend @thekristen999 @rainbow-nerdss @littlerosetrove @exhuastedpigeon @messyhairdiaz @smilingbuckley @blutterlie @astronaut-karenwilson @spaceprincessem @bekkachaos 💕 to you all
It’s been a whole month. Buck wakes up and Eddie’s still tangled in his arms, and they’ve been together for a month. Four whole weeks. Buck has been able to kiss him and unabashedly love him and he gets to be Eddie’s partner in every way. 
The first thing Eddie does— because of course he woke up first— is prop himself on an elbow and run his fingers through Buck’s hair while smiling down at him. 
Every other thought, feeling, memory, piece of knowledge that has ever been in Buck’s head immediately goes out the window. The way Eddie looks at him, so soft and adoring with so much fondness, no one has ever looked at Buck this way. There are so many years of closeness and affection, so many moments where everything was falling apart but they held onto each other and made it through anyway despite all of it. Eddie looks at him, and Buck doesn’t just feel beautiful and wanted and needed. He knows he’s loved. He knows how deep it goes. He feels how unbreakable this bond is between them. 
When has love ever felt like this? 
Buck grins back at him, sure the look on his face is absolutely stupid with gooey fondness. “Hey, gorgeous.”
Eddie’s smile widens and he does that huff of a laugh thing that happens when he’s incredibly amused. “Hi, love.”
A rush of sugar pours through Buck's veins. They call each other all kinds of things, and Buck loves every one. They’re so— every name is bursts of joy that make his heart stronger, faster, fuller. He doesn’t know how to pick a favorite. But “love” is way up there. One of if not the best. 
Buck tips his head up toward Eddie. “Are you thinking about kissing me? Because I am thinking about you kissing me. I think you should. I really think you should. Since you’re so gorgeous and I’m your love and everything.”
Eddie laughs, actually laughs and it’s the sweetest most incredible sound ever, and then he cups Buck’s face with a large, warm palm and presses their mouths together. It’s not soft. It’s solid, intent, too eager to be controlled. “Happy one month, baby,” Eddie whispers before kissing him again and the bright rush of joy that captures Buck’s heart is too much to handle. 
“The happiest,” Buck grins and giggles like he’s far closer to Chris’ age than his own, like he could be a kid all over again, falling for someone for the first time and reliving every first he’s ever had because he’s never had firsts with so much love behind them. 
Eddie nods and then kisses Buck’s cheek and settles on top of him, tucking his face right against Buck’s. He runs a hand over Buck’s hair until he’s simply cradling him like Buck is precious. It doesn’t feel like anything else. Buck is precious and irreplaceable. Buck is wanted in so many ways. Not just for sex. Not because of what Eddie wants out of Buck. Eddie just loves him and wants him around, which sounds like such a simple, tiny thing, but since when does this happen? When does Buck ever get to feel like this? 
When has love ever been something Buck didn’t have to question? 
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devirnis · 15 days
WIP Wednesday 🌲
tagged by @daffi-990 & @tizniz
Started a new WIP last night for what has been affectionately dubbed "stalker summer". In all likelihood this won't be done until after my vacation (so late August) but have a tease from early on!
There’s an ancient-looking metal object mounted on the wall next to the bed. It seems a strange item to display – like a frying pan with a lid and a really long handle. It almost reminds Eddie of a … “Is that a bedpan?” Eddie asks, wrinkling his nose. He knows the owners are proud of the cabin’s history but that seems a little much. Buck follows his gaze, and then starts snickering. “You don’t need to get grossed out. It’s a bed warmer.” “A what?” “You know.” Buck drops his bag on the bed and flaps his hand. “People used to put embers in them and stick them under the covers to warm up the bed.” “Sounds like a fire hazard.” “Oh, it was. Plus, the fumes from the embers were not great. They were common from the mid-17th century until people invented hot water bottles.” Eddie hooks his fingers in Buck’s belt loops. “Mm, keep talking about bed warmers.” Buck laughs. “Yeah? That’s what does it for you?” “When you show off that sexy brain of yours?” Eddie yanks Buck closer. “Fuck yes.” A blush rises on Buck’s cheeks. “Well,” he drawls, looping his arms around Eddie’s neck, “there were also these things called bed wagons, which were, like, wooden frames that you could put the pan in…” Eddie kisses the words right out of Buck’s mouth. After that, there isn’t much talking for a while.
If you wanna @bigfootsmom @homerforsure @princessfbi @bisexual-buck @bidisasterevankinard @spaceprincessem @sibylsleaves @eddiebabygirldiaz @honestlydarkprincess @giddyupbuck @jeeyuns @bvckandeddie @loserdiaz @monsterrae1 @messyhairdiaz @shitouttabuck @exhuastedpigeon @sunshinediaz @lemonzestywrites @rainbow-nerdss @underwaterninja13 @father-salmon @thewolvesof1998 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @watchyourbuck @smallandalmosthonest @wildlife4life @starlingbite 💜
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 8 days
wip wednesday
tagged by @wikiangela
thanks so much darlin! <3
today i offer some lighthearted, domestic buckley diaz shenanigans because im scared about tomorrow and trying to cope asdfghjkl
Eddie leans back against the counter and raises an eyebrow at Buck.
He knows Buck understands his silent question of are you good, because he blinks twice in confusion then gives Eddie a tiny smile and a nod.
Then Buck turns away from him and looks back at Chris, saying something in response to whatever Chris has been telling him that Eddie hasn’t managed to hear or process. A tiny bit of guilt pricks at him, but Eddie doesn’t let himself chew on it. Instead he lets it settle down and then casts it aside, keeping one eye on the timer he set for the chicken and another on Buck and Chris.
Buck settles down onto the stool beside Chris and his hand comes up to the back of Chris’ head, a light and loving touch that Chris allows for a few seconds before wrinkling his nose and pulling away.
Buck laughs and tugs on one of Chris’ curls.
Chris throws a carrot at Buck’s face.
Eddie nearly chokes on his own spit.
He’s not sure what is funnier, the absolute gaul and sass of his kid or the stunned expression on Buck’s face. That expression doesn’t last long though.
Almost immediately, both of their faces are overtaken by a mischievousness Eddie knows all too well.
Two pairs of blue eyes darkening in challenge, fingers twitching towards the vegetables on the counter, lips pursed to hold in laughs that don’t sound the same but carry a similar brightness that Eddie hoards like treasure.
And he knows exactly what is about to happen.
“Boys,” Eddie warns.
tagging @spaceprincessem @shitouttabuck @canonbibuck @bibuddie @elvensorceress @sunshinediaz @jeeyuns @spagheddiediaz @exhuastedpigeon @spotsandsocks @devirnis @bvckandeddie @messyhairdiaz @sibylsleaves @transboybuckley @rewritetheending @madneywedding @eddiediaaz @bigfootsmom @honestlydarkprincess @loserdiaz @bi-buckrights @monsterrae1 @saybiwithme @hippolotamus @shyaudacity @bekkachaos and anyone else who wants to share!
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renecdote · 11 months
@nymika-arts said that Buck probably didn't even know he had lichtenberg figures because he was in a coma for days and then she chose violence by also saying 'eddie tracing patterns in his skin where the figures once were and buck never knowing that that's why' so then I had a heap of feelings and wrote this about it
It’s not the first time Buck has woken up like this: Eddie’s body a warm weight against his side, the room dim in a way his apartment never quite gets, Eddie’s fingers tracing idle patterns on his shoulder and down his chest, lines branching out over his heart.
“Morning,” Buck mumbles before he gets his eyes open, blinking away sleep so that his boyfriend (his best friend, his everything) comes into focus.
Eddie’s hand skims down over his stomach, then disappears. He’s smiling when he answers, “Good morning.”
Buck smiles back. “You okay?”
There’s a tiredness in Eddie’s face that wasn’t there when they went to sleep last night, a heaviness dragging down his shoulders, but even as Buck watches, something lighter creeps in to chase it away.
“I was just thinking about how lucky I am.”
“Oh yeah?”
Buck tugs him in by the shirt and Eddie comes easily, his arm bracing on the pillow as they kiss. The first time they did this, Buck tried to turn away—wait, I’ve got morning breath—but Eddie just rolled his eyes and said, I’ve waited five years to kiss you, do you really think I care about morning breath? It might have been the most romantic thing Eddie has ever said to him. Or perhaps just the most memorable for the way they both laughed through the first attempt at a kiss and ended up getting up to brush their teeth anyway.
“Mmhm,” Eddie hums against his lips. “Because you’re going to make me breakfast.”
Amusement bubbles with the happiness coursing through Buck’s veins. “That’s why you’re lucky?“
“Well,” pretending to think about it, “I got to wake up with you too, so.”
There’s a soft, gooey spot in Buck’s chest just for Eddie. It nudges right up against the spot for Christopher and the one for the little family the three of them make, all overlapping his heart.
“Yeah,” Buck breathes. “I’m pretty lucky too.”
When he holds Eddie close to kiss him again, his hand finds the spot where a bullet almost took his partner away and he swears, for a moment, that he can still taste the blood. Then Eddie’s hand slips under his shirt to touch warm skin and it’s just them, the early morning, and the life stretching out in front of them. Suddenly, it doesn’t really feel like luck at all.
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dangerpronebuddie · 8 days
WIP Wednesday!!
Tagged through the week by lots of people (thank y'all I always enjoy reading your stuff 💜) and today by @wikiangela and @inell who both shared AMAZING stuff y'all should show some love 🩷💚
Still working on Severed Artery, but it's been slow going. It's been... a week™, and the words just aren't wording. I am hoping to have this finished soon because I really like it (most of it anyway lol). While I sit and stare at the doc until it stares back, have some of The Boys vs Helena Diaz:
“Mom,” Eddie says before she can get started. “I know you're worried, but we've got it handled.” “Eddie, you can't even walk more than a few feet without falling over,” she points out with a huff. “What makes you think you can single handedly take care of Christopher? Or yourself?” “Not single handedly,” Buck declares. Helena turns her icy gaze on Buck. “Excuse me?” “Eddie can take care of himself and Chris, he has been for years, but that doesn't mean he's been alone,” Buck says. “I'm not saying he's incapable,” Helena says slowly. She always did that when she was trying not to explode. “All I'm saying is he's going to need help.” “And he has it,” Buck says easily. "I think you might be overstepping, young man," she says in the same tone she always used to scold Eddie with his whole life. “You've done what you were asked.” “Don’t you dar-” Buck stops Eddie's protest with a reassuring hand on his shoulder, his gaze never leaving Helena's. "I step in wherever Eddie wants me.” “Like taking my grandson from me?” Helena scoffs. “Mom-” “Why didn't you tell us?” she asks, looking at Eddie with watery eyes. There are a million reasons why Eddie didn't tell them. A million more why he never intended to tell Buck. But Buck needed to know, deserved to know, and it was the only way Eddie could give Buck his heart and still protect it from being shattered. “I knew how you’d react,” Eddie says, taking the easiest explanation. “You didn’t even consider the possibility of him going with you,” Helena huffs. “It’s not about that,” Eddie counters. “Christopher’s life is here. He loves Buck-” “And he loves us-” “I’m not saying he doesn’t, but-” “Then why choose-” “Because he loves Buck like a father,” Eddie blurts out.
(tags under the cut. As always, please let me know if you want to be added/ removed):
@13shadesofanni @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @tizniz @loveyouanyway
@ronordmann @steadfastsaturnsrings @daffi-990 @kitteneddiediaz
@exhuastedpigeon @spagheddiediaz @hippolotamus @diazsdimples @thekristen999
@actuallyitsellie @daniwib @fortheloveofbuddie @wildlife4life @theotherbuckley
@rainbow-nerdss @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove
@lunarspark-cos @idealuk @shipperqueen6 @slowlyfoggydestiny
@misshiss727 @likeamollusconarock @lin27 @jshadow01 @orangeboxfox92
@smallandalmosthonest @thegeekcompanion @emilybahu @lemotmo @awolfnamed-nyx
@kaseysgirl86-blog @darkrose6578 @totallynotagoraphobic @dandelioncasey @bibuckbuckgoose @whatsgoodinthehood22
@lady-elaine @buckley-diaz-rules @buddiedaydreamer911 @monroemary @pirate-hunter @nonspeakingkiku
And @just-passing-through04
And anyone else who wants to share!! 🥰🩷
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honestlydarkprincess · 2 months
WIP Wednesday!
tagged by so many lovelies @daffi-990, @bidisasterevankinard, @usersiren, @devirnis, @exhuastedpigeon
@hoodie-buck, @wikiangela, @homerforsure, @bibuckbuckley, @neverevan
have a lil bit from the buddie fwb pining fic
“Hey,” Eddie said quietly when he stepped in behind Buck, closing the shower door behind them.
“Hi,” Buck whispered, switching places with Eddie so he could get underneath the shower head. The hot water felt good against his tired muscles and Eddie leaned his head against Buck’s shoulder, humming a pleased sound when Buck picked up the shampoo and started lathering it in his hair. They were quiet as Buck washed his hair and the picked up the body wash to do the same, scrubbing him down with care. Eddie felt his throat go tight at how gentle Buck was being, at how this was everything he had always hoped it would be when he and Buck finally got together.
“My turn,” Eddie whispered, switching places with him and grabbing the shampoo. He repaid all of Buck’s careful washing and then some, finally letting himself explore Buck’s body with curious fingers and lingering glances. The sex had been rushed and dirty— in the very best way, of course— but now Eddie wanted to take his time.
“Eddie,” Buck moaned softly, tilting his head to the side so Eddie could press a kiss to the side of his throat.
tagging: @bigfootsmom, @loserdiaz, @monsterrae1, @watchyourbuck, @maygrantgf
@sunshinediaz, @spagheddiediaz, @bibuddie, @buckstommy, @goforkinard
@theotherbuckley, @queerbuckleys, @underwaterninja13, @father-salmon, @giddyupbuck
@excuseme-greentea, @epicbuddieficrecs, @bekkachaos, @inell, @theyarnmaidstale
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exhuastedpigeon · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
The Eddie goes to confession fic has gained a life of it's own. It's currently 10k with a few more sections to go.... if you want to be tagged when I post it you can interact with this post :)
“Is that why we don’t go to church?” “Do you want to go to church?” “No! It sounds really boring and if it hurts you then I never want to,” Chris says, mouth set in a stubborn line that looks so much like Shannon that Eddie can’t help the tears that fall. “Don’t be sad dad. I’m really proud of you. Mrs. Yang says it’s really hard for people to live their truth. I don’t actually know if that’s the same thing but she said it’s important to support people in our lives when they tell us important things.” “Mrs. Yang is your English teacher?” “Yeah.” “I’ll have to thank her,” Eddie says, wiping his eyes and then wiping tears off of Chris's face too. “That was a really good way to respond, Chris.” “You’re a really good dad,” Chris says and then he wipes furiously at his own eyes. “Except you made me cry before school.” “I’m sorry,” Eddie laughs, a little wet. “Does the McDonald's make up for it?” “Yeah,” Chris sighs, but he hugs Eddie again. “I might have more questions later. Is that okay?”
tagged by @devirnis @dangerpronebuddie @daffi-990 @tizniz @wikiangela <3 thanks loves
no pressure tagging: @sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz @goforkinard @neverevan @inell
@rainbow-nerdss @thekristen999 @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @elvensorceress
@alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @acountrygirlsfun @rosieposiepuddingnpie @acountrygirlsfun
@watchyourbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @spotsandsocks @wildlife4life @monsterrae1
@loserdiaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @underwaterninja13 @cal-daisies-and-briars
@diazsdimples @jesuisici33 @butchdiaz @honestlydarkprincess @ladydorian05
@bi-buckrights @shitouttabuck @loveyourownsmiilee @sibylsleaves @fortheloveofbuddie
and anyone else who wants to share!
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usersiren · 2 months
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for today's wip wednesday, have something from my eddie & bucktommy accidental voyeurism fic i'm working on! i've affectionately dubbed this one "car hijinks". nsfw content ahead!
Buck is in Tommy’s lap. Buck is in Tommy’s lap kissing him. Buck is in Tommy’s lap kissing him and grinding the front of his jeans against Tommy’s hand, and Eddie whips his head back around to face forward, his face flushing with heat at the same time he feels it start to race south. Eddie curses softly to himself, wipes his suddenly sweat palms on his jeans. Fuck, anybody could walk by and see them, what were they thinking? But as Eddie looks around the parking lot, he realizes they’re the two cars furthest away from the building, so nobody would need to walk by them to get to their own car. Nobody except Eddie. Against his better judgement, Eddie slowly looks back into the backseat of the Jeep, and he tenses when he sees that Tommy’s hand is now inside Buck’s jeans, the back and forth motion of his arm erotic and undeniable, his eyes blown out and locked on Buck’s. Buck’s hands are on Tommy’s shoulders, digging into the fabric of his t-shirt, and something turns dark and twisted in Eddie’s chest as he watches one of them slide up to grab the back of Tommy’s head. Eddie is hard. Fuck.
tagging @bigfootsmom @honestlydarkprincess @swiftietartt @holdmygum @princessfbi @underwaterninja13 @father-salmon @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz and anyone else who wants to do it! 🩵
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hoodie-buck · 22 days
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thanks for the tag beloved @wikiangela 🩵
hiii i'm back <33 this is something...new i'm working on. i started it last night and its already over 4k 🙈 anyway hoping to have it up later this week! this will be the last fic i post...before chris doesn't come back au, bc that is FINALLY finished ya'll 🫶🏻
Eddie turned to the firefighter that had jogged his way, Eddie’s knees almost giving out at the sight in front of him.
There, in all their glory was his firefighter. He was even more gorgeous than Eddie had conjured up.
“Nice catch,” the guy called out to him, lifting his hands so Eddie could toss the ball back.
Eddie stiffened a moment before getting his hands to move, the guy moving closer to him. Eddie wished he’d just thrown it back.
Up close, the guy was even more beautiful. He had eyes as pure and blue as the ocean, along with a blotchy birthmark that cut just over his left eye. His smile was killer too, like the sun beaming over to him.
Eddie felt starstruck or something.
“Thanks,” was all Eddie managed, tossing the ball back.
Eddie figured that would be the end of it, but the guy stopped him as he made to turn away.
“You know we ah, we could always use ah, another player.”
Oh, he sounded nervous. That was cute.
Eddie hitched his thumb over his shoulder.
“I have to go pick my kid up from school. Raincheck?”
Raincheck? What was Eddie even saying?
The guy’s smile only widened.
“You have a kid? I uh, I love kids.”
Eddie found himself smiling right back. Any mention of his son had Eddie softening in an instant.
“Well, I love this one. I’m all he’s got.”
Again, what was he doing? He was talking to a complete stranger for Christ’s sake.
“Buckley, you gonna bring that ball back over here or keep flirting with that poor man?”
His firefighter, Buckley, blushed with a duck of his head at his teammate’s callout.
“I uh, I should get back.”
Eddie gave a nod, watching as Buckley wandered back over to the others. Eddie couldn’t help but to notice Buckley’s gaze stayed on him.
tagging: @loserdiaz @redlightsandicedtea @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @spotsandsocks @wildlife4life @daffi-990 @bi-buckrights @eddiebabygirldiaz @hippolotamus @elvensorceress @underwaterninja13 @jackluvsdaniel @queerbuckleys @watchyourbuck @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @bigfootsmom @father-salmon @thewolvesof1998
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theotherbuckley · 2 months
Tidbit Tuesday/WIP Wednesday
Tagged for TTT by: @underwaterninja13 @perfectlysunny02 @actuallyitsellie @tizniz @exhuastedpigeon @rogerzsteven @cal-daisies-and-briars @wikiangela @dangerpronebuddie @jesuisici33 @bidisasterevankinard @diazsdimples @thewolvesof1998 tagging you all back for WIP Wednesday
Uh so here’s more from “Eddie goes back in time and meets Buck 1.0” yes I did forget about this fic in the midst of bi Buck and bucktommy sorry 🫣. Anyway me and @diazsdimples were writing this uhhh I’ll write more… eventually (I have 2 tests tomorrow and the day after and 4 assignments to do so like once uni fucks off a bit I can write more I swear)
By the time they reach Buck’s place, Eddie is aching in his pants. He’d had to stop and adjust himself twice on the way over, much to Buck’s amusement, who kept looking at him smirking. Eddie could see the thick line of Buck’s dick pressing against his own jeans, so he’s happy to know the struggle is mutual.
“Huh, guess nobody’s home,” Buck says as they walk through the door before his whole expression changes, and he smiles. “It’s my lucky day,” he grins, “means I get to do this.”
Buck slams Eddie against the door, hungrily kissing him again. His hands drift down Eddie’s chest before creeping under his shirt.
“Off, off,” Buck demands, tugging at the hem of Eddie’s shirt.
“As you wish,” Eddie jokes, reaching down to do just that. Buck slaps his hand away.
“Wait, no, let me,” Buck says, and of course Eddie lets him. He has no idea why the fuck he’s here or if any of this is real, but boy, is he enjoying it.
“So fucking hot,” Buck says, staring at Eddie’s body. A deep red blush blooms across Eddie’s cheeks, spreading down his neck. “Pretty, too,” Buck chuckles.
Tags for WIP Wednesday under cut:
@fortheloveofbuddie @goforkinard @wildlife4life @honestlydarkprincess @eddiebabygirldiaz @spagheddiediaz @your-catfish-friend @ladydorian05 @giddyupbuck @eowon @elvensorceress @watchyourbuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @housewifebuck @king-buckley @rainbow-nerdss @evanbegins @bucksbirthmark  @daffi-990 @aspecbuddie @lover-of-mine @nmcggg @monsterrae1 @smilingbuckley @loveyouanyway @hippolotamus @incorrect9-1-1 @buckdefencesquad @actualalligator @pirrusstuff @babybibuck @buddieswhvre @loserdiaz @bucksbignaturals
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watchyourbuck · 7 months
Hi there! :)
For the writing prompts:
“W-who did this to you?”
Buck shouldn’t have shown up at Eddie’s door like this. Not today, not like this. But he has nowhere else to go.
His hand trembles before reaching forward, knocking once, maybe twice. It definitely slides down the wood after, and he has to support himself on the concrete wall to avoid hitting the floor.
Behind it, he can hear Eddie’s steps. He’s talking to someone on the phone, but it seems shallow. He thinks he’s about to hang up.
“Eddie-,” he tries to call, but his voice is faint and undetermined.
Please open the door.
Then it opens.
The scene in front of him is out of a horror movie. “Buck?” Eddie says, eyes wide, heart in his throat. His phone hits the tiles, a click ringing in his ear.
The man is showered in red. Blood that he can only assume is his going down his body and staining his clothes. He blinks. His lip is busted. Oh, dear god. His knuckles are- his wrist is broken.
“Help,” Buck says, and this is the day Eddie thanks his military training, because he’s able to catch Buck in his arms before he passes out.
It’s possibly hours later that he wakes up. He’s laying down on something, either a couch or a bed, and his head is heavy with pain. He tries lifting his arms but something is pinning him down. “E-Eddie,” he calls, unaware the subject of his need is sitting right in front of him.
“Who was it?”
His eyes adjust at the speed of slugs, and he has to force himself to sit up. He blinks until the world makes sense. “Eddie?”
There’s tears. Salty, whimsy, slow tears going down Eddie’s face, but he’s never looked less sad. Buck gulps. Eddie’s angry.
“Who did this to you?” he asks, breathing heavily. He’s sitting on a chair, legs spread and elbows on his knees. He’s covering his mouth with his fists, observing down Buck’s body.
He hesitates. “Eddie-,”
“Buck, for the love of god, who did this to you?”
This is his fault. After everything Eddie said, after all the things he warned him about. This is his fault.
He tries to move his wrists. One’s broken for sure, the other feels… twisted. He sighs, wondering if maybe he’s in less pain now that his receptors are going wild, focusing on too many alarms at once. “I-,” he starts, cutting himself off.
Eddie wastes no time. He rises from the chair and sinks back down, kneeling in front of Buck and grabbing his face with both hands.
Buck realizes he doesn’t know how to treat him now that he’s so incredibly… unglued.
“Tell me,” he pleads, but it’s an order. He knows him too well. This is the last lock before he unleashes a monster he hasn’t seen in years. “Tell me before I find out myself.”
Buck breathes, glancing down at Eddie’s lips. It’s only a moment he allows himself glory before spilling his guts with truth.
This is his fault.
“I told my dad about you.”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Consider this my Wip Wednesday!
I’m very tempted to write a second part to this where Eddie confronts the Buckley parents. What does the crowd think? I’ll read u!!💗
tagged by @jamespearce9-1-1 @daffi-990 @hippolotamus @malewifediaz @wildlife4life @eddiebabygirldiaz @callmenewbie @jeeyuns & @thewolvesof1998 (haven’t been able to get to some of your works yet! but I will tonight, thank you!!💗✨)
also tagging @spagheddiediaz @housewifebuck @lover-of-mine @fortheloveofbuddie @evanbegins @smilingbuckley @giddyupbuck @cowboydiazes @try-set-me-on-fire @your-catfish-friend @honestlydarkprincess @honestlyeddie @disasterbuckdiaz @buckleyobsessed @mattsire @loserdiaz @wikiangela 🤍
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elvensorceress · 2 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @bekkachaos @tizniz @spotsandsocks @confetti-cupcake @wikiangela @hoodie-buck @exhuastedpigeon @sibylsleaves @daffi-990 @theotherbuckley @hippolotamus tagging if you haven't played yet 💕 @eddiebabygirldiaz @wh0re-behavi0r @eddiediazisascorpio @kitteneddiediaz @monsterrae1 @lemonzestywrites @pinklobstertale @jesuiscenseedormir @jesuisici33 @chaosandwolves @frenziedblaze @family-tree-of-ships
some more of this little thing 👀
When Buck opens his eyes, someone is sitting on the couch near his feet the way Chris does. Someone who shouldn’t be here. Buck sits up frantically and stares at the vision of Eddie, healthy and beautiful and here and unharmed. 
Buck is dreaming. That’s it. Has to be. Wow, he actually fell asleep? Enough to dream? 
“Hey, Buck,” this Eddie says softly, and it sounds so real. It’s gentle and loving and full of warmth like Eddie always is when they talk. 
Buck reaches for him. He sits up and needs to hug him, hold him, feel him alive and breathing on his own. But when Buck reaches him, he touches nothing. There’s nothing to touch. 
He’s dreaming. It’s a vision. Nothing solid. Buck sags and sits back on his side of the couch and stares instead. Maybe looking at whole, healthy beautiful Eddie will somehow manifest this into reality. “You’re not real. You’re not here. I’m dreaming, right? And talking to myself? Apparently.”
“Either that or I am,” Eddie says. 
Buck hadn’t considered that. Maybe Buck is the one who isn’t real. Maybe none of this is real and the whole of his existence is in his mind. Or in the mind of someone else? 
Who knows. It’s too convoluted and too much to think about. But he’s read about this happening before. Someone’s loved one in the hospital, near death, and how their family had dreams or visions of them visiting. Maybe relaying messages. Maybe offering a comforting presence. Maybe nothing but the imagination of a mind wrecked by tragedy. Doesn’t really matter either way. 
“Why are you here? Buck asks him even if he’s talking to himself. 
Eddie swallows and looks pained. And so real. So, so vividly real. Even if nothing is real anymore. “I wanted to be with you.”
Buck reaches for him again because he has to. Eddie offers his hand in return this time. 
Their fingers go through each other. Not touching. Nothing to feel. Nothing tangible. 
They can’t touch.
Why would they? Even in a dream, they don’t get to have anything of each other. 
“Please don’t die,” Buck says. 
Eddie gives him a pained smile. “I’m trying really hard not to.” 
Buck knows that. He knows Eddie would fight. Is fighting. He had to say it anyway. “Why did you— why? I mean I know it’s our job and that’s what we do. But what happened? Why— why was it like that? Why did it end up like that?” 
Did you do it on purpose? Did you sacrifice yourself to save Tommy? Did you do that?
Eddie looks away from him, exactly how real Eddie would. He shrugs. As if it’s nothing. As if it’s just an accident. As if there was no emotion behind anything. “I know you need him. I wasn’t going to let you lose him.”
Buck closes his eyes, bends his head, and just wants to cry again like he has been for more than two weeks. “Eddie,” he sobs and clutches himself around his chest, around his own body since he can’t touch Eddie. “I need you, too. I can’t— This isn’t okay. This is worse. This is so much worse. Not that I want it the other way. It would have killed me, too. But. I can’t do this. I can’t lose you. I need you, too.”
“I figured,” Eddie says quietly. So quiet and strained and absent and distant. Too distant. “If you had to choose. You already chose. You picked him. I couldn’t let you lose him.” 
At this point, Buck isn’t sure which is worse— if this is real and what Eddie really thinks or if this is his own mind telling him what he already feels guilty about. 
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wikiangela · 3 months
tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @daffi-990 @dangerpronebuddie @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @exhuastedpigeon💖
don't have a lot of new stuff for the fics i've been sharing lately, so today smth different - coffee shop au is back! progress is constantly being made (slowly, but still lol) - so here's a lil buckley siblings moment (I haven't shared a buck and eddie moment in a minute lmao need to fix that soon haha)
prev snippet
“What?” he rolls his eyes.
“You’re crushing so hard.” she teases, and he feels his cheeks heat up.
“Shut up.” Buck grumbles, as he grabs a cloth to wipe down the counter just to have something to do. “Not like it matters anyway, he has someone.”
“Really?” Maddie frowns, tilts her head. “Did he tell you that?”
“Not in so many words.” 
“So how do you know?” she prods.
“He ordered for two people.” he says, and only when Maddie laughs, he realizes how stupid and presumptive that is. It could be for anyone, even for himself. Hell, Buck would often order something for himself and for Maddie. Didn’t Eddie say he had an abuela and a tia here? “Shut up, I know.” he groans and covers his face with his hands – and the dirty cloth that’s still in his hand.
“Ew, gross.” Maddie chuckles and pries the cloth out of his hand, dumping it on the counter. “You can be so dense sometimes.” she shakes her head. “When Eddie saw you today, his face literally lit up. He’s been waiting for you to get him his coffee, even though I could’ve done it. If you ask me, he’s crushing, too.”
“Good thing no one asked you.” Buck mutters, and Maddie playfully swats at his arm. “Ow!”
“Just ask him out, Buck, what’s the worst that could happen?” Maddie asks, before turning away just as the door opens and a customer walks in.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @transbuck @911onabc @housewifebuck @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @puppyboybuckley @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @hoodie-buck @nmcggg @jesuisici33 @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @disasterbuckdiaz @tizniz @theotherbuckley @diazsdimples @giddyupbuck
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