#bugsnax text post
Assigning lemon demon songs to each bugsnax grumpus
(Some have multiple songs bc I’m indecisive)
Filbo: fine/white bread boyfriend/hip hop cherry pop
Wiggle: being a rockstar/ indie Cindy and the Lofi lullabies
Floofty: eighth wonder/mask of my own face
Beffica: vow of silence
Wambus: eyewishes/bystanding (Idk I couldn’t really find one that fit him perfectly)
Cromdo: marketland/money dollar bills/I earn my life
Triffany: archaeopteryx
Lizbert: action movie hero boy
Eggabelle: sad
Snorpy: touch tone telephone (ofc)
Chandlo: the too much song/pizza heros
Shelda: also archaeopteryx
Gramble: something glowing/sad (again I couldn’t really find one that fit him super well)
Also some honorable mentions for the entire game as a whole:
-the wiggles hate each other in real life
-dinosaurchestra part 1 & 3
-nightmare fuel
-ancient aliens
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orb-the-watchman · 1 year
Weregrump (part 1/2)
Part 2
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icosahedron-wav · 1 year
I heard from a friend who i trust with this information that Unity is basically taking the decision back 90%. Since I heard about it though, I redownloaded a bunch of Unity games and realized just HOW MANY are unity. Like, just to name a few favorites, Slime Rancher, A Short Hike, Bugsnax, and Spiritfarer. And I mentioned Subnautica in my last post about this. I LOVE these games and I hope Unity's image never recovers.
Edit 2: asked for a source, so found this one on the official unity blog
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loch-detected · 1 year
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spooky-salesman · 9 months
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durasposts · 2 years
fucked up bugsnax theory (MAJOR SPOILERS)
the reason why bugsnax "speak" their names is because they still retain parts of the grumpuses they used to be. those grumpuses are gone, but their voices still live, albeit in a food bug form.
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snorpdawg · 1 year
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I am a man of my word. Under the readmore are some alternate variants based on viewer-suggestions.
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nomsnax · 2 years
Color Symbolism and Character Design
I may be the absolute last person to see this, but I just realized that the predominant color in each of the grumpuses designs reflects aspects of their character! So naturally, I organized a list of those grumpuses, colors, what they symbolize, and how it relates to the character. I couldn't say much about Shelda, so sorry. Feel free to add on with examples or other things you've noticed related to this!
Cromdo is red, symbolizing passion, anger, and warning. Cromdo's character is full of passion, as he is determined to meet his goals at any hefty price, including stealing, scamming, and generally manipulating. He is also agressive in game, annoyed whenever talking to another grumpus. When approached, he has a short temper and will respond in such a way to the player and the other Snaxburg citizens. He also has a bad reputation with stealing and lying, which implies 'warning', as he isn't to be trusted easy.
Wiggle is orange, symbolizing flamboyance and success. Wiggle's character is very animated, always swaying and singing to speak. She is also a popular musician who was top of the charts, hence 'success.'
Clumby is also orange, symbolizing impatience, being over the top, and adventure. During the beginning of the game when we meet Clumby, we can tell from her dramatic reactions to the film we're shown and our conversation with her, that she is an impatient and 'over the top' character, as she slams her fists into the desk and has a short temper when dealing with the journalist, and their previous failure. The 'adventureous' aspect of her character comes from after the DLC, when it is revealed that she has connection with Snaktooth island and the conspiracy behind it and the Snakolytes. From this information, we can assume she had a similar experience to the journalist, when trying to find a good story on the mysterious island.
Snorpy is yellow, symbolizing caution and fear. Snorpy's character suffers from paranoia about government conspiracies, and takes extreme caution to protect himself and his lover from the imagined threats, going to lengths such as [using the player to] capture different bugsnax he suspects to be related to the Grumpinati, keeping tracking devices on his loved ones, and having machines made in preparation for future bad events. This is the part of Snorpy's personality that is cautious and fearful.
Triffany is green, symbolizing acceptance and earth. Triffany is very calm, instantly jumping back to a normal tone after discussing a heavy topic, as well that she is content with the fact that life ends. She is very accepting of death and other issues within life. She is an archeologist and explores old history. This aspect, obviously, relates to 'earth'.
Chandlo is light green, symbolizing productivity and peacefulness. Every morning, Chandlo's character goes on a run, and a huge aspect of his character is exercise and taking care of himself. He's never not doing something, showing his character to value productivity. Another big part of his personality is how peaceful he is. Every time he speaks, it is very mellow and cool, and he shows that he is a peacemaker when characters break into a fight, and he breaks it up.
Wambus is blue, symbolizing honesty, responsibility and stubborness. Wambus's character isn't afraid to voice his honest opinions, especially when they conflict other's. He is a hard worker when it comes to his farming, which is an occupation that requires a lot of responsibility and accountability, which Wambus has no lack of. Similarly, when he had to chose between his farm and wife, he stuck with his farm, believing in himself over everything else, showing his quality of being stubborn and unwilling to adapt and change.
Filbo is light blue, symbolizing harmony. Filbo's character is fairly neutral. He tries his best to bring everyone together, doing all he can to help out and make friends. The way Filbo strives to being people together throughout the entire story in the game shows his ability to bring harmony.
Floofty is purple, symbolizing ambition and uniqueness. Floofty's character is full of determination when it comes to their work. They will push limits, moral and physical, to acomplish their goals. These aspects show that Floofty is ambitious. Floofty is also quite different from the other citizens. They stand out from the crowd, from their autistic traits, to gender identity and expression, to their rudeness to all persons. This aspect of their character represents their uniqueness.
Beffica is also purple, symbolizing royalty. While Beffica isn't actual royalty, her personality can be described as such, in the way that she acts better than everyone. Beffica's character holds a position of justice above everyone, as she collects slander and secrets against the other grumpuses, exposing them against better judgement.
Gramble is pink, symbolizing sympathy, sensitivity, and love. Gramble, from the moment we meet him, is shown to be a sympathetic and emotional character. He cares deeply for his pets, putting himself in their place when he makes his stance on eating bugsnax clear. This represents his sympathetic personality. Gramble is not afraid to show emotion or cry, and he does get emotionally involved a lot, especially when it comes to the bugsnax and how he precieves they feel. This, of course, shows his sensitivity. Lastly, love is symbolized through his focus on caring for the snax and towards Wiggle. He happily opens his arms to new members to join his found family.
Shelda is brown, symbolizing nature. Shelda's character is very connected to a religion that is based around the ideas of nature and earth. Her whole character is around the way she values the earth and its creations, denying bugsnax, as they are a parasite and in her eyes, not natural.
Eggabell is white, symbolizng virtue and delicacy. Eggabell has high moral standards when it comes to other's health. She will give up things, such as when she demands the player and Filbo go back to Snaxburg after they try to get through the endgame door, to protect other people and their well being. She believes in helping others with their health, and will strive to keep her loved ones safe, healthy, and protected. Eggabell is also a delicate character, because so much of her self worth is dependent on her ability to doctor others and prove herself as someone worthy. One event, such as when she failed to help the grumpuses and they proceeded to yell at her, can cause her mental wellbeing to shatter, and she feels worthless afterwards.
Lizbert is gray, symbolizing compromise and control. Lizbert's character is the leader, and with that role, comes the ability as a person to bring compromise. Although we know very little about Lizbert's character through gameplay, we can assume things about her. For one, when she went missing, Snaxburg fell apart. While she was still there and the active leader of Snaxburg, she must have had the ability to compromise and bring such different types of grumpuses together under the idea of a singular goal. The 'control' is related to her role of being a leader, and how she knows how to change a situation or fix it.
Alegander is black, symbolizing mystery. At the end of the game, we hear Alegander's voice speaking to Clumby. Before the DLC, we had no idea who this character was, only that he had some part in the bugsnax, and the conspiracy behind it. After the DLC, we know a bit more relating to his character and the Snakolytes, but we only ever meet him through his recordings, and for the most part, he is still a mystery.
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ejsuperstar · 18 days
kinda bug and kinda snack, try to catch them in your tap
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beepbeepdespair · 2 years
how bugsnax characters would react to getting into a fistfight (as chosen by someone who's barely made a dent in the game)
beffica - goes for the throat. by the end she's covered in blood and her opponent is in the hospital
cromdo - has all the talk of a fighter but takes one hit that's not even that hard and collapses sobbing. one slap and hes done
gramble - runs away but maybe throws a bottle or something as he leaves. it does nothing. probably completely misses. however if the fight is near the opponent's house he might steal their pets on the way out
chandlo - refuses to fight, in fact invites the opponent to his house for a couple of cold ones
clumby - says she's either "too sophisticated" or busy to fight but if you persuade her to she also puts the fucker in hospital
eggabell - 50/50 chance of her either refusing to fight or fucking going to town. the best part is she knows which wounds will be hardest to fix
lizbert - pays her opponent to hit themselves and lie down pretending to be in pain so she can go home and eat cake. only actually fights if eggabell is involved, in which case opponent should probably write their will
filbo - only agrees to fight if defending someone else but just keeps dodging or running away and hopes that the opponent will get bored and leave
floofty - points out that the opponent has actually been standing on a trap they stole from snorpy the whole time and watches gleefully as they get beartrapped or something. leaves them to bleed out
snorpy - gets chandlo to carry him away, or if the invitation has been made, is very excited to participate in the drinking of the cold ones
journalist - smacks the shit out of them with a book, makes some cringe ass joke about them "getting schooled" before walking away having done almost no actual damage
triffany - also only fights if defending someone else, won't do anything more direct but might push them off a roof or something in the heat of the moment, however might actually call the police on herself if she seriously hurts them
wambus - pitchfork to the stomach. job done
wiggle - making a run for it and singing beautifully as she leaves. might also throw a bottle but actually has good aim. if she does do any damage she'll write a song about it later and it'll go straight to number one, which is the real pain
sprout - kills the opponent immediately /j
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dognightmare4 · 5 months
I recently obtained some giant googly eyes (6in diameter) what bugsnak should I make real and how much would you pay for a life sized snak
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bugsnax-prompts · 2 years
Why are Lizbert and the journalist (or Buddy) so good at catching Bugsnax when basically no one else is? Even the fit grumps like Chandlo have some difficulties with catching them, it seems like. So why are Liz and Buddy so good at it?
Lizbert and Journalist.
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girlyliondragon · 2 years
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Snippet from a certain something I started back in May out of spite to vent. It's a shame I can't post the rest of this due to the everything else not fluffy in the rest leading up to this bit since I feel like it's my better writing, but this part is cute and akin to a bit of solace/relief, so I'm doing the ol' crop and post.
I will not post the whole thing anywhere tho.
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hazmaticalblue · 10 months
bugsnax title theme makes me feel good especially playing on my switch hooked up to my computer monitor because one of the buttons don't work and my monitor speakers are a little glonky but wow it sounds so crunchy
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buggymakesart · 1 year
I'm gonna skip the next 2 days of Cringetober because A.) I don't have a fursona and I don't think I'm gonna have one anytime soon?? B.) Yandere stuff kinda icks me out I'm not really comfortable w it
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shwoo · 10 months
My parents and brother got a cat earlier this year, and my mum ended up naming him Snorpington Fizzlebean. She's never played Bugsnax, and I'm not completely sure how this happened.
My mum posted in a group chat about naming him, and I was too tired to respond, but my sister suggested Snorpington Fizzlebean, saying that she stole that from my favourite game. The cat's dark grey, so if I hadn't been tired, I would've suggested Alegander Jamfoot instead, which is also a great cat name.
Later, in person, my mum called the cat Snorpington once while talking about him, so I later texted her the following:
Because you referred to this cat as Snorpington Fizzlebean The Third today, he is now Snorpy to me, in my head. The covenant is sealed. It cannot be unsealed.
She replied with "🧐🤨", and then his name was just Snorpy forever. I didn't even meet him until like a month later, and he spent most of the time inside his cat tree.
I think if you post about a pet, you're supposed to include a picture, so here:
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...Okay, fine. I'm housesitting for my family at the moment because they're going to the coast for a few days, and didn't want to put Snorpy in a pet boarding place, so here's a slightly better picture I took just now.
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When my mum was asking my sister and I to housesit, she phrased it as "But we've got Snorpy to think about." That's a... very coincidental way to put it.
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