#bulk ask replies
002yb · 1 year
A lightning round of ask replies below the cut:
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The moment Dick straddles Jason’s lap, Jason is (⁄ ⁄•⁄Д⁄•⁄ ⁄), hands slapping over his own face even as he turns to look away – so flustered he flushes everywhere and he just.  Slips right out of the chair, between Dick’s legs, and onto the floor before scrambling up and looking scandalized and Dick barks out the most beautiful laugh because Jason’s so damn cute.
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Bonus points if it’s Superman.
Bonus points if Superman and Dick have the same Superman lunchbox, so it happens on occasion that they get mixed up (the lunchbox was a gift from Lois – she uses it whenever she makes lunch for him to tease him; Dick is just Dick).
But anyway, Superman forgets he didn’t bring a lunch, so he ends up taking Jason’s on accident.  So when Jason goes to grab it, it’s missing and he’s ʰᵘʰ (ꐦ○_○)✧
Then he storms around and finds Superman eating the lunch Dick made for him and it’s so devastating.  Of course this is how heroes truly are.  Jason shouldn’t have expected different.  This is Batman’s bullying all over again. ;A;
Meanwhile Superman realizes what’s gone wrong and is panicked and so guilty.  And he apologizes profusely and offers to take Jason anywhere/bring Jason anything to make up for it but Jason is forever petulant.
And when Dick finds out Superman is just devastated because this boy who has loved and revered him since childhood ices him out; it’s a travesty.
Bruce patting Clark’s back because he’s been there.  And Clark just groans because their crimes are completely different, don’t even.
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Okay but Jason being like those cats that hunt things and bring back kills to their loved ones in a show of affection ahahaha.  Dick having that similar reaction of ‘please don’t–’ but also ‘you love me so much🥹?’
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Jason being the sole omega of the pack is one of my favorite omegaverse story details.  So is him being estranged and the toll that takes on him.  And where the family doesn’t realize until something drastic happens and they all freak out and step up and ahhhhh.
The visual of Jason starting out with a bleak safe house and having a nest that’s all scraps.  Everything ripped and torn because it’s not right no matter how he tries to fit anything together and he shreds everything in his frustration.  Jason sleeping just outside of his nest’s broken borders.
The family sneaking things with their scent onto him, or leaving them at his window.  Until Jason has a warm nest that feels begrudgingly safe.  Only now it’s wrong because it’s empty.
Just lots of nest things.  Where Jason runs away with a wounded Robin and sequesters them in his nest.  And when an alpha comes calling – Jason snaps his teeth at them for trying to take his pup and said alpha is surprised, but not upset in the least.  They’re downright smitten, in fact.  Because omega?  So strong and protective and nurturing and ferocious?  Hot.
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It’s so over-the-top smitten, but you’re not wrong anon hahaha.  Something about Jason seeing Dick as this persistent beacon in any darkness (be that in a reverent or begrudging way) is something that appeals so much.
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Yes.  Do I know what to write for this?  No.  Would I read it in a heartbeat?  Yep.
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Jason’s crew absolutely wingman for him once they figure out that their boss has the hots for the wingding bastard.  They’re weird about it, too.  Simultaneously helpful and threatening in the same exchange – the same sentence, even!
And they keep it on the down low because their boss has got a maiden heart and would get embarrassed (and kick their asses), so they’re always luring Nightwing to sketchy af locations to like they’re conducting a sketchy af deal/exchange.
At first Dick is confused, but for as subtle as Jason’s men keep these interactions, they’re pretty straightforward in what their expectation of Dick is.  It makes Dick feel a little fond despite the theatrics of these exchanges because Jason has a lot of people supporting him and want him happy and that’s nice to know.
Dick taking these people up on their advice and Jason getting seemingly irritated about it each time, bristling but relenting without putting up too much of a fight.  At which point Dick realizes that oh, maybe these people that work with Jason are for real?  Little wing has a crush on him?  What?  The realization hitting him right as he’s taking Jason out and Jason grimacing because wth is with that creepy smile?  And Dick is surprised at himself because he’s smiling?  Oh, he is.  Huh.
Just Dick being happy about Jason’s crush and developing a bit of a crush himself over the course of being set up with him by Jason’s crew.
The crew being real smug about how they’ve successfully hooked their boss up.  Only to revolt once they realize this means their boss’s ass is gonna get tapped.
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The crisis is that it makes Red Hood all the more appealing.  👀  Which of course Dick feels alarmed by, so he pulls away.  Which causes a misunderstanding of cataclysmic proportions because Jason isn’t aware of Dick’s moral struggles – just that Dick finds out Red Hood is Jason and all at once Jason’s been iced out and it hurts.  There’s no way Jason doesn’t take that personally.
While Red Hood had been unwittingly settling down, soothed by Dick’s affections – having Dick pull back on him reignites the wrathful fury and vengeance.
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Jason taking Dick and Slade at the same time and while Jason is a breathless, dazed mess, scrambling for purchase - anything to hold onto (I like to think Dick’s shoulders, though Slade is pressed up right along Jason’s back; he’s not going anywhere), Slade and Dick are just taunting and bitching at one another like Jason isn’t there at all. 👀
A kinky take on a round robin tournament where Jason seduces everyone with his contradictory vixen and maiden-like ways (bonus points if it’s not even intentional) and ascertains his position as ultimate bottom.
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Awwww, thank you so much!  It always makes me so happy to hear that someone enjoys my writing (though I know it's been more rambles than writing lately; so sorry - persisting struggles).  Thank you for that. <3
Personal headcanon for this is that they never actually say it with words.  Because there’s something about plausible deniability that these two cling to when it comes to each other.  Too tentative to push too far, too scared to take too much.
The love is there though.  It’s in the way they relentlessly taunt and tease and challenge one another.  It’s the lingering looks, the quiet considerations.  It’s the trust and hope and faith that they chose to have in one another, even if they’re left disappointed or frustrated or scared.  It comes about when surges of protectiveness overcome them and in quiet moments of vulnerability they never talk about later.
Basically shameless self-rec because it’s this series I wrote; this is my take on it, hahaha.
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alloarboreal · 9 months
Fuck it, I have some free time so I'm gonna run my allo aro survey again to see what's changed over the last few years - if you have any questions you'd be interested in seeing as part of the survey, let me know!
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triptychofvoids · 7 months
doc how many asks do you have in your inbox :?
not counting this one, seven at the moment.
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blood-choke · 1 year
this isnt said to stir anyone up but the type of mind numbing bliss that overwhelmed me reading MC going "...we can just be butch out in the open...for realsies 🥺" when they saw Clear for the first time changed my life's course for the better because there's just something so special about being butch despite it all and knowing no matter what you're going to be okay in the future, so EYE for one appreciate the genderlock.
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hatredcurse · 4 months
Threads exploring Madara spiraling into insanity please.
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hitracks · 3 months
twas taking sort-of requests from my friends already but is there any characters you guys would like to see my take on design wise… Perhaps with extra notes … TELL ME NOW!!!!!!
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vurelly · 1 year
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ex-jock-enthusiast · 9 months
Hottest food for a man to eat while gaining 🎤
Honestly whichever one he gets the most enjoyment out of. Although I am partial to foods used in a calorie challenge binge that's always fun. Which I guess is to say generic fast food.
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gunthermunch · 2 years
I wish mucus would get over all of their drama I just want to see Pierce and Billie and the dog
i want to show billie si badddd but she isn't popping up in a *while*🧍
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samrut · 1 year
*cracks knuckles* I’m about to order in bulk (regarding that writing asks you reblogged)
Can you please answer questions….
please and thank you! ^u^
Order Up!
[Sorry if I missed some.]
Favorite character to write?
Alfred is the easiest for me, but I am unsure if he is my favorite. It depends on the fic. I like writing for Ivan, Arthur, Tolys, and Feliks. 
What character is the most challenging to write?
Of the characters I have written, Kiku, Ludwig, and Romano I'd say, are most difficult for me.
What do you keep in mind when writing a particular character?
The character's core values, beliefs, and personal mission statement.
What is your process when writing?
Lately, I've been making outlines. One for the overall story, and then an outline for each individual chapter—although I don't always follow it.
Strange things you've had to research for Hetalia fanfiction?
How long it takes to go blind without eyelids.
Other things like that . . .
Any fic writers that inspire you or you look up to?
There are so many awesome fic writers. I've been reading through Fhujeth's works recently. Dialogue is so good.
What fic is your favourite? Which one do you want to disown?
My favorites of my works are Tag, Hotel Roommates, Rumor, and Return from the Void. Most of them are RusAme. I enjoyed the process of writing all of them, and they are complete.
Blood Splattered Banner I'd gladly disown. It was my first ever fic. It reeks of old fandom and teenage angst.
Where do you find inspiration?
I do not look for inspiration. It finds me. 
What frustrates you about writing for the fandom?
Nothing really. I do wish some ships were more popular, but it doesn't bug me much. I write mainly for myself and to vent.
Have you written anything you would have never thought you would write in a million years?
I've written some pretty strange things. Nothing surprises me at this point. 😆
Any Hetalia AUs that live rent free in your head?
So many! 
I pretty much only write AUs. Anything with fantasy, the supernatural, or fairytale/folklore is always swimming around in my brain. I am an AU generator, I swear.
What headcanons are essential in your writing?
For my Canon Divergence works I have so many headcanons. I'd say the core essential is that the Nation's are poster children and seen as international celebrities. They don't have much say in government or anything like that.
They kind of just do what they are told to do by their bosses and don't really have a say.
Have you written Nyotalia, Gakuen Hetalia, 2p etc?
Yes. I've written Nyotalia characters a few times, and 2p!Can. Very little, though.
What makes your characterizations different than others?
I don't restrict my characterizations. They vary depending on the fic. 
Do you have playlists or character boards for inspiration?
Not really. I have a small Tolys playlist, but I rarely listen to music when I write.
How do you feel about using accents in fics?
I used to use them in my early writing, but not anymore. I sometimes mention that a character has a specific accent, but I no longer write dialogue that way. I don't feel it is necessary.
How do you feel about using foreign language in fics?
I do not mind it, as long as it isn't overdone. A word here or there is fine, like pet names or a greeting. 
Best writing advice you can give.
Write for yourself, not for others. Don't hyper-focus on your fic statistics. 
How would you define your writing style?
I am not sure how to describe it. Freeform? I don't follow 'proper' writing rules or anything.
My stuff is normally pretty dark and unsavory.
Favourite line in a fic?
These jumped out at me;
"It's fine. Besides him violently fucking me with his massive horse dong, he really wasn't that bad. He was sort of nice, for a sadist."
[Hotel Roommates- I enjoyed writing the dialogue for this one. Has some funny lines.]
"Please, may I have a wee bit of wa'aa milord?" mocked Jones, "the thurst is causing me frail Bri'ish body chew wilt."
"Ivan gave you a love tap, and you nearly exploded," Alfred said.
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soulsxng · 1 year
...Forgot one, sorry.
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You should write your own version of Ash in Paldea fanfic because i would like to read it
Anon, my dear, I am sooooo sorry it took me FOREVER and a day to respond to this ask! As much as I would like it I feel that would be a bit much for me to write a proper worthy fic! Such a fic would take a shit ton of planning and time and I already had some still in progress fics that have long been waiting to be updated! But your ask did make me wanna at least do a run through of which of our Paldea Pokémon would Ash have most likely gotten had he been able to hang out in Paldea! Let’s go through them one by one (or evolution group by group)! Some of my answers will be short one sentence stuff but others might be more wordy! Overall though it’s gonna come down to “can I picture him with one based on how well I’ve gotten to know him over the past 20 something years?”
I’m leaving out the four ruinous treasures Pokémon as they are considered legendaries and Ash doesn’t officially get the legendaries unless they are the “follow you from the start” ones like Nebby in Alola was for him. As for the Paradox Pokémon I was originally gonna include them (other than the legendary versions again) since I'd generally consider them to be similar to Ash's Poipole/Naganadel in being more special than other Pokemon but still fair game. However I thought it over more and considering the game emphasizes the whole "Paradox Pokemon will more than likely cause harm to the ecosystem as they are outside their own time period and so need to be kept in Area Zero where they and those around them will be safest" I think it'd be FAR more likely for them to be used in special episodes like the Ultra Beasts were treated in the Alola anime.
For the record my own opinions and biases are at play here! If anyone reading this has their own thoughts please share them!!! I definitely wanna know what others think on this!
Koraidon-Miraidon: Like I said earlier Ash doesn’t get the legendary unless they’re with you from the start and that’s the category the raidons fall under! I think either one could work well with Ash and while personally I would love Miraidon as that’s my baby I feel like Koraidon would probably mesh better with Ash’s vibes. I can actually imagine a storyline where both Professor Sada AND Professor Turo exist and are clashing with their ideals regarding past and future (so both kinds of Paradox Pokemon will be around to run amok). And while Ash gets one of the raidons as his buddy the other raidon (the alt one instead of a copy) can play as Ash’s raidon’s personal antagonist. How the relationship between the two raidons change over time would be interesting to see!
Sprigatito-Floragato-Meowscarda: The Galar anime brought an end to the tradition of Ash being guaranteed at least one of the starters. And before that Kalos broke the tradition of Ash for sure getting the grass starter. But I still feel like the Sprigatito line has the best chance of being part of Ash’s team of the starters. Is this partially fueled by how for every generation to date Ash and I have meshed on starter choices (yeah I guess that doesn’t mean much for the generations he got all three for BUT STILL!!!!) Plus I love the idea of Ash getting a Grass/Dark kitty to go with his Fire/Dark kitty Incineroar!
Fuecoco-Crocalor-Skeldirge: This friendly fella does have a fair chance, although I picture it following the same vein as Oshawott or Rowlet or Totodile before it.
Quaxly-Quaxwell-Quaquaval: Again, I can see it but in the sense of being treated like Oshawott, Rowlet, and Totodile were.
Lechonk-Oinkologne: Hmm, I can’t really see it.
Tarountula-Spidops: Really can’t see it.
Nymble-Lokix: You know, I can sorta picture it. Not one of those “oh yeah totally fits” ones but if it did happen in a canon setting I wouldn’t raise an eyebrow at it.
Pawmi-Pawmo-Pawmot: As much as I adore this line Ash NEVER gets the Pika clones since his main buddy is the original Pika pal!!!
Tandemaus-Maushold: Nah I don’t see it happening.
Fidough-Dachsbun: Listen I would LOVE if Ash got this line! My boy deserves an adorable puppy Pokemon okay? It would be the cutest shit imaginable and I would be all in for it! But in a canon setting I personally would be pleasantly surprised if he got one rather than thinking it’s one of those almost guarantees. But holy hell do I want a universe where this dream is real.
Smoliv-Dolliv-Arboliva: I find this to be an adorable little guy who evolves into an interesting guy but I don’t know I can’t exactly see Ash having one. But I can’t exactly give it a hard no either because Ash’s Sewaddle-Swadloon-Leavanny was one I didn’t think would work but ended up fitting more than I expected and the Smoliv line kinda is in that same category.
Squawkabilly: Don’t really see it.
Nacli-Naclstack-Garganacl: Originally I would’ve given this one a pass but I’ve kinda grown on the idea of Ash having one? I don’t know I guess it’s a step above my reasoning for the Nymble-Lokix line for some reason. Yeah, this is one of those “I can’t explain why but the idea is more interesting than expected” ones.
Charcadet-Armarouge-Ceruledge: FUCK YES! Please it would be a travesty if Ash didn’t get one okay? I actually have an idea that follows that plot that tends to get repeated of Ash taking in another trainer’s abused Pokemon. Ash taking in this poor little Charcadet that had been let down over and over by its previous trainer and slowly learns to find a new happier and healthier home with Ash and his friends. And as it grows stronger over time it also has to face up to those emotions it feels over what it went through with its old trainer. And trying to sort through those emotions and how it grows and accepts different aspects of itself and what happened to it and how it will live on comes together when it has to decide which armor it will wear, and thus whether it evolves into Armarouge or Ceruledge. And honestly I think good arguments can be made for it picking either evolution (Ceruledge is my baby so I want that option so badly) but I feel like Armarouge and everything that evolution stands for may ultimately be the one that it takes.
Tadbulb-Bellibolt: Another one of those “don’t picture it too well but wouldn’t be too surprised if it happened” ones.
Wattrel-Kilowattrel: This is a tough one in that Ash has a habit of getting a regional bird (though this tradition is not that set in stone but still happens). But Paldea doesn’t exactly have a true regional bird. The closest would probably be the Wattrel line. I don’t know I’m really fond of the idea of Ash getting one but I’m not as set on it as I expected to be.
Maschiff-Mabosstiff: I don’t think so. I mean a small part of me can picture it but for the most part I feel like this fella is way more associated with my guy Arven. And in this hypothetical anime with Ash I do indeed picture Arven in it and of course they’d give him Mabosstiff.
Shroodle-Grafaiai: I won’t give this one a hard no. I’m not sold in all the scenarios I’m picturing but I can warm up to the idea.
Bramblin-Brambleghast: Not really seeing it.
Toedscool-Toedscruel: Haha I live for the silly run this guy has in the game but no I don’t see Ash having his own.
Klawf: As much as I think this goofy fella is entertaining I don’t see one ever joining Ash’s squad.
Capsakid-Scovillain: I can’t imagine this spicy fella with Ash at all honestly!
Rellor-Rabsca: No I can’t see it.
Flittle-Espathra: I really like the evolution of this line but I just can’t see one meshing well with Ash. But part of me would want it to happen just to see how the anime would make it work!
Tinkatink-Tinkatuff-Tinkaton: Listen I’m surprisingly invested in the idea of Ash having one of these fellas on his team. Like it can be genuinely cute and cool and I actually like picturing Ash helping out Tinkatink with gaining bravery and confidence, and how that growth and bond between them affects each evolution.
Wiglett-Wugtrio: Nah, not at all 😂
Bombirdier: Not seeing this one either.
Finizen-Palafin: I’m more into this than I expected! I can’t say hard yes or hard no. But I like the idea of it and would wanna see how it would work in the anime.
Varoom-Revavroom: I don’t see it.
Cyclizar: I don’t see it. And it’s not just because I believe Ash would get one of the raidons, even if they didn’t exist I don’t see Ash clicking with a Cyclizar.
Orthworm: Gosh I love this silly looking guy so much but half the fun is when it’s that giant Titan sized one and unless Ash gets that giant goober what’s the point???
Glimmet-Glimmora: Another one I really don’t picture Ash having for his own.
Greavard-Houndstone: No I don’t see it. I actually picture this Pokémon to be more evolved in a special episode with Ryme that goes into her backstory rather than Ash getting one.
Flamigo: Gosh I want it. I find the idea so funny! And I think Ash could actually work well with one of these guys. Just….the idea of Ash going around with what is basically a fucking flamingo 😂😂😂
Cetoddle-Cetitan: This is yet another one of those 50/50 “can’t say yes for sure but can’t give it a firm no either” ones. I actually find the idea of Ash getting one cute!
Veluza: Don’t see it.
Dondozo: Another don’t see it.
Tatsugiri: And a third don’t see it, sadly!
Frigibax-Arctibax-Baxcalibur: This is an odd one in that you can make a fair argument in either direction and I’d probably say “yeah I get it” every time.
Gimmighoul-Gholdengo: Ahhh this oddball. Yeah sorry, I cannot imagine it in the slightest.
Annihilape: This is one where it’d be nice to have Ash’s Primeape make a comeback for a potential evolution into Annihilape! And you know what it can be a fun episode of character growth of Primeape centering on whether or not it WILL evolve and what that means for it and its character and all the training it has done so far and will continue to do. Plus I love me those good old evolution drama episodes they make for some good character stuff!
Paldean Wooper-Clodsire: I adore this adorably cuddly fella so much!!!! But hmm I just can’t imagine Ash with one. Like I try to picture it and it just doesn’t come through.
Farigiraf: Not really. I never really could picture Ash with a Girafarig to begin with, so it hasn’t really changed with the evolution.
Dudunsparce: Nah, I don’t see it. I can imagine it showing up in a couple joke episodes though!
Kingambit: You know I like the idea of it. Ash finding a small Pawniard who so desperately wants to become strong but is a tiny fella always pushed around. And Ash helps it to train and prove itself to the other Pawniards. And by the end it proves it has grown but knows it needs to explore more to gain more strength and improve. And how better to do that than by joining up with Ash in his journey to ever grow and improve as a Pokémon Master in the making! And we get to watch the little guy grow over several episodes into Bisharp and finally Kingambit.
Paldean Tauros: You know what I was originally gonna say no because Ash already has his herd of 30 Kantonian Tauros. But I started imagining a fun episode where maybe Ash runs into a Paldean Tauros that, for some reason, doesn’t have its own herd and is having difficulty integrating with another. Maybe Ash tries to help this Tauros bond with various herds over the episode but all failing while also he himself bonds with the Tauros. And maybe Ash at the end is like hey I have a bunch of Tauros of my own and they’re a great bunch would you like to join? And Ash has this Paldean Tauros meet his own 30 Kantonian Tauros and at first it’s like “oh Paldean Tauros has already been rejected so many times what if it happens again?” But then the Tauros happily let the Paldean Tauros join the herd. And fuck man now I’m invested in this 🥹
And yup, that’s all my thoughts on which of the Paldean Pokemon Ash would likely get if we did get a Paldea anime with him!
Yeah I know like 99% of my “no” choices basically just came down to me being unable to imagine Ash with that Pokemon 😅 But I did say my opinions would A) basically come down to that and B) be biased because how can it not be? But like I said earlier I would LOVE to hear any other thoughts, both from those who agree or those who disagree. Whatever, I’m game! It’s a fun little thought exercise, right?
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tojisun · 5 months
simon’s so possessive :(( so naturally he had to show some pictures you two took to his squad. just, y’know, to stake his claim.
(you two know he’s got the exhibitionist streak in him since the first time you two fucked in his car, in an empty parking lot, and he came within the first few minutes. it was so sudden, so intense, that simon had to resort to fingering you because he’s gotten so sensitive that a next round wasn’t even an option. you tease him about it constantly, only to end up on your knees as simon fucks the giggles out of you.)
the pictures start off ‘simple’—shots of your tits in one of his favourite set of lingerie, with his cum staining your chin while pools of it build up along your cleavage; or of simon’s hand loosely wrapped around your neck, your supple skin a beautiful contrast underneath his expanse of scars and tattoos.
the recent one is this: simon’s sitting in front of the mirror, his bulk covered by your body. you’re facing away from the camera, something johnny loudly complained about of course, but you’re bare. you’re stripped naked and stuffed with his cock, and the insinuation was enough to silence their grumbles.
his squad sees everything that simon allows them to see—the plane of your spine to the globes of your ass—and then, they break.
pitiful pleas spilling, filling up simon’s inbox. even price seemed to have trouble with hiding the tides of his own desire, and, well, is that not something?
(you and simon indulge them, of course. the pictures become more bold, more revealing, until simon’s got them adjusting themselves from underneath their slacks when he shows them a little slip of a video.
it’s not even that conspicuous; it’s just simon’s hand squeezing the pudge of your belly. but the pose, the angle—it’s what made their breaths run ragged. the way simon’s hand is tilted just enough to make it look like he’s fully covering your groin, leaving them nothing to salivate over but the stretch of your skin and the softness of your fat.
it’s not like that wasn’t enough, not when it even had price calling off their briefing and rescheduling it later in the afternoon instead because none of them could focus.
simon devours the sight they make, all reduced by you, unable to even deny how much pleasure he’s gaining from this. he licks the backs of his teeth and sends you a short message.
“want to make a film for them?”
not even a minute passed by before your reply came in.
“i thought you’ll never ask.”
simon can’t even stop the bark of laughter that tumbles from his throat, his eyes glinting with deep interest.
he knows just what to make you wear for that film.)
(it’s price’s boonie, one he snagged from their captain’s office.)
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ferritins · 3 months
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“I don't care how many years I've known you and how goddamn hot it is; we have not been friends for long enough to excuse you wearing short shorts in my home.”
“Short shorts?” Jason splutters. “They’re not fucking Daisy Dukes! These are US Army issue nylon tricot weave PT shorts! The Marines wear these!”
Yeah, you think, but I strongly doubt the Marines make them look borderline obscene.
Your eyes keep tracking to the thick, corded muscle of thighs, the ochre-gold of tanned skin cut through with dusk-rose scarring, the way the hems of his shorts strain against the sheer bulk of him.
(You’re ogling him. Knowing that doesn’t make it any easier to look away.)
“Actually, they phased silkies out of Marine PT uniform issue in 2011.” You say, mouth dry. “The US Armed Forces is responsible for many atrocities, but your slutty choice in shorts is not one of them.”
Realisation of what you've said strikes like a meteor through marzipan. You start throwing silent prayers to every god you can think of that Jason doesn’t pick up on a particular detail of your response.
You can practically see the moment that any divinity that exists in the universe decides to spite you, and the second half of your comment registers in Jason’s head.
He blinks hard, mouth dropping into a comedic little ‘o’.
“Wait a minute. You think my shorts are slutty?”
"...I think that if you can look me in the eye and tell me that three inch inseam shorts aren't a questionable choice when you're packing heat like that, you're lying to both me and yourself.” You reply diplomatically, tearing your eyes away from those delectable thighs.
Jason's ears flush crimson.
“Oh, like your shirt is so much better with that many buttons undone.”
You start, glancing down at yourself. Sure, there's more décolletage on show than you'd perhaps feel strictly comfortable with in public, but your shirt is hardly indecent. You look back up to find Jason's eyes trained on the hook of your collarbone, right at the point where it dips into the suprasternal notch; his eyes flit up to meet yours, pupils blown, as a patchy flush floods his cheeks.
“Wha— are you a bloody Victorian? Is showing a little bit of collarbone in my own apartment really scandalous enough to make you blush?” You ask, laughing a little with incredulity.
“Nothing Victorian about either of us, if the way you were staring at my legs is any indication about how your mind works. ”Jason retorts. Your jaw drops, and Jason snickers. “Yeah, sweetheart, I noticed.”
You feel your blood rush to your face at a frankly mortifying speed, Jason's smirk turning distinctly wolfish at your clear embarrassment.
“Okay, so we're both godless slatterns. Good chat. Glad we can end this here before I die of embarrassment.” You mutter.
Jason quirks an eyebrow.
“Slattern? Why, was ogling my thighs doing it for you, sweetheart? Thinking about how one of them would feel between your own?”
Jason's voice tips into a baritenor rumble at the end of the sentence, the sound sending heat dripping into the pit of your belly.
You can see that goddamn smirk on his face, caught somewhere between teasing and a flash of teeth, clearly enjoying every second of your fluster.
You've got to get your lick back.
“Depends. What was it you were thinking about, Jay? How pretty my collarbone might bruise after you sink your teeth into it? Or is touch more your thing, huh? Wondering about my skin under your fingers?”
The sound that leaves Jason is punched-out, his pupils blowing out to the size of dinner plates.
Your lips quirk up, something like victory in the corners of your smile.
Before you can gloat, you find yourself pressed up into the back of your sofa, Jason we'll and truly in your personal space.
Hovered over you, he’s all supposition; unyielding muscle and sharp lines, hard planes to your soft curves, flooding your nose with the scent of cologne and gunpowder.
You find yourself blinking up into a pair of ink-black pupils, ringed ever so faintly by teal.
“You are playing,” Jason murmurs, “a very dangerous game.”
“Am I winning?” You laugh.
“Fuck.” Jason mutters, husky and emphatic, then; “if you knew how long I’ve wanted—“
He breaks off, a savage huff of breath leaving him.
“Look, if you’re just teasing, I need you to say something now, before—“
With a roll of your eyes, you press your lips to his in a brief, close-mouthed kiss. When you pull back, Jason looks sun-stunned, hope and disbelief warring in his eyes.
“Idiot.” You snark fondly. “You didn’t answer my question. Am I winning?”
A moment, then two, then he’s brushing butterfly kisses to your cheeks, temple, the tip of your nose and the soft hinge of your jaw before, finally, finally, his lips press to yours, close-mouthed and chaste.
The two of you trade slow, shy kisses, soft and sweet until you catch Jason’s full bottom lip between your teeth, tugging slightly.
You hear his breath catch, and the kisses abruptly turn filthy; Jason licking at the seam of your lips until you open up for him, the electric pressure of his tongue against yours, sharp, incisors nipping sharply at your bottom lip.
You could die happily like this, you think; Jason’s hands rucking up your shirt, his mouth on yours, the knowledge of how he tastes burned into your synapses.
When you part, your chest is burning with air hunger, and your lips are spit-slick and puffy.
As much as you’d like to continue, you’re desperate for a cold drink, and only some of the sweat at your hairline is courtesy of your marathon make out.
You say as much to Jason, who groans, full throated, and sucks a savage mark into the side of your neck.
“Okay, you absolute menace. I’ll go grab you a coke, and as soon it gets below 95 in the shade, I’ll show you just how much of a winner you are.”
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wallahi england is a godforsaken nation and not just because of r*shi s*nak and k*ir st*rmer. how is the humidity 81% at 11pm at night??? “marley aren’t u african and from desert country” YES. WHERE HOT ALSO MEANS DRY, AS GOD INTENDED.
at least desert country is arid heat.
anyway: Jason Todd good hot, England bad hot (and also a failed state run by cartoonishly corrupt devils, but enough abt britpol).
this one goes out to my fellow Jason Todd apologists @sems-diarie and @stars-n-sweets !!!
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kyletogaz · 2 months
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simon riley x fem!reader
cw: smut
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not even five minutes in and simon is already pussy drunk.
he’s whining and moaning in your ear like the whore that he is. he’s got you pressed into the mattress, your legs spread wide to accommodate his bulk, and your pussy stuffed full of his fat cock. he’s rewarding you with deep strokes that make you dig your nails into his back until crescents are embedded deep in his skin.
“jus’ like that, si. you’re doing so good for me, baby,” you coo, breathlessly.
your praise comes out a little slurred, but simon understands every word. he wants to be good for you, wants to make you proud. and he does, making you see stars when he pulls out slowly, then bullies his cock back into your drooling pussy. his husky laugh fills your ears when you start yowling and clawing at his back, crying about how it’s too much.
“c’mon kitty, back’s still healin’ from the last set of scratches you gave me,” he rasps in your ear. his back stings like a motherfucker, but marking him up keeps you grounded.
you let out a strangled please please please when simon’s cock hits your g-spot repeatedly.
your pussy is damn near choking him to death and he loves it. he loves having you split open on his cock. if simon could keep you like this forever he would, having you strung out and full of his leaking cock while he pumps in and out of your sloppy hole until he can no longer function.
“pussy’s like heaven, baby,” he chokes out with a snap of his hips, before murmuring thank you, thank you, thank you.
you’re incapable of stringing together a decent reply. your eyes are blurred with tears and your thighs are shaking while he tears your shit up. with every moan and gasp you let out, simon fucks into you faster, almost frantically. and when he hooks one of your legs over his shoulder and grinds into your pussy, his cock kissing your cervix, you arch up off the bed. the constant waves of pleasure is all you can focus on, when your orgasm takes you by surprise, punching the air out of your lungs.
simon barely gives you time to breathe, before he’s flipping you over and mounting you from behind. “need you to give me one more,” he hisses out, before groaning at the sound of your pussy making loud squelching noises around his length. “you’re being such a good girl f’me, takin’ my cock like you were made for it.”
“keep singing, lovie.” your wails bounce off the walls when he covers your body with his, then drives his cock even deeper into your pussy than before.
simon’s muttering about filling your hole to the brim with his seed, while he ruts into you like the beast that he is. and then he’s asking how am i doing, baby? to which you respond with you’re doing so well, simon.
simon knows he’s doing his best when he’s the reason your hair is all over the place, and when your eyes and pussy are leaking, and your mouth is wide open from your constant cries of pleasure when he reaches around your body to rub your clit raw.
“simon, please.”
“what do you need, lovie?”
you whine at the hint of laughter in simon’s voice when he asks you that. he knows exactly what you need. “wanna cum. i need it,” you whimper, while rocking back on his cock.
you almost burst into tears when he pulls out, leaving you empty and leaking. but then simon’s repositioning the both of you so you’re now in his lap. you have to hold on for dear life when he starts bouncing you on his cock, his large hands gripping your ass like a vice to keep you steady. through your loud whining and moaning, you can hear simon swearing and gasping, as his hips surge up frantically.
“f-fuck!” you bury your face in simon’s shoulder to smother your wails. you’re so loud, you know someone other than simon can hear you.
and then it all becomes too much. the bouncing, the way simon’s cock keeps hitting your g-spot, and his soft that’s it, that’s it, cum on this cock. i know you can do it, baby, so give me what i fuckin’ want.
you cum with a choked cry, you’re body shaking almost violently in simon’s lap as a feeling of euphoria washes over you. and when you come down from your high, you talk simon through it. he let’s out a whine when you start to rock your hips and clench around his cock. you laugh softly at the dazed look in his eyes when he tells you that your pussy will be the death of him one day. you continue to fuck yourself on simon’s cock, it being more for his benefit than yours. he’s fucking up into you with urgency. your pussy feels so good and he’s so close. you can tell by the way he keeps muttering fuck, fuck, fuck.
you press a few sloppy kisses to his jaw, before pulling back, “gonna cum for me, si? hm? want you to fill me up, make a mess of this pussy.”
simon’s not sure if it’s your words, or the way you’re writhing on his cock, but as soon as his hips start to stutter, he’s cumming in your pussy with a cry.
when he starts to pull out, you stop him, asking him to stay inside of you a little longer.
and you know simon, he can never say no to you.
“i love you,” you sigh out happily once you and simon are lying down, his cock still in you.
you can’t see his face, but simon’s eyes are bright when he says, “i love you too.”
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a/n: idk i was listening to
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peachesofteal · 3 months
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader
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Simon's short term rental is almost claustrophobic.
He tries to stay out of it, tries to keep himself busy. Active. After a week since you asked him to go home, to give you some space, he noticed he's lost weight. The thick of his ribs, his stomach, his thighs, has thinned out, cutting his bulk, exposing more muscle.
The grief feels more fresh than it has in years. Talking to you, telling you, has dredged up long buried things, agony and regret, pain that steals his breath and leaves him paralyzed. He forces himself not to think of it, but it still finds a way to creep in. To make him feel torn apart, turns him into a ghost.
He walks a lot. Walks to the store. Walks to the pub. Walks to the park. Sometimes he sits on the bench and watches mums push their buggies, wondering if it's something you might enjoy, if you were feeling better. Wishing he had made more of an effort to get you out of the flat, into the sunshine.
He's still walking to your building at night, standing under the tree, watching the lights flicker on and off. Your windows stay lit longer now, periods of sleep more infrequent, leaving him to worry that you're not getting enough rest, not taking care of yourself.
He walked all morning into early afternoon today. Tried to quell the nausea swirling in his stomach, tried not to watch the clock, or count the seconds. Tried to brace himself for the bittersweet he knew was coming.
>Hey, I'm going to be leaving pretty soon for work, and could be gone for a while. Could I see Orion before I go? Spend some time with him?
Your reply still rings in his ears. Short. Torturous.
But he doesn't blame you. He did it the wrong way. You have a child, his child, to protect, to take care of. Of course, you should be concerned. Maybe he should have found a better way to tell you. Maybe he shouldn't have told you at all.
A large part of him, the instinctual part, considered refusing you, when you asked him to give you some time, and he still hasn't made a decision about what he will do in the long run.
It would be so easy, to hide you away. To take you in the middle of the night, wake you up in a brand new home, high in hill, in a whole new country across a border.
When the knock on his door finally comes, he crams the overflow of emotion coursing through his heart into a teeny tiny box, and prays he'll be able to keep a lid on it.
"Hey." Orion turns in your grip, looking for Simon's voice, and you smother a wince at the shift in his weight.
"Hi." You look through him. Past him. To the left of his elbow, at his shoulder, the floor. Anywhere but his eyes.
"Thanks for letting me spend some time with him." Your lips go flat, but you shuffle the baby into his arms, managing to avoid skin to skin contact. It makes his stomach hurt worse than it already did.
"Of course, you're... you're his dad." You peek around him, trying to get a better look of the flat. "Do you uh, have stuff for him?"
"I went to the store."
"Okay. Well, good." You hand him the bag next. "I wasn't sure what you had so there are a few changes of clothes in there, just in case, and some bottles. They should probably go in the fridge. Diapers, some toys. Just in case... I didn't want.... I wanted you to have everything you might need." It's thoughtful of you, and he wants to smile, but you won't look at him.
"Thank you." You nod.
"Alright well, I'll come pick him up later? Just text me I guess, when you're ready. Hopefully he'll take a bottle."
"I can bring him-"
"No, that's okay." you cut him off sharply, shaking your head. He frowns.
"Why not?"
"I- I don't mind, coming by to get him."
"But if it's dark..."
"I can manage." You snap, and he purses his lips, but says nothing.
"Alright well, see you later then." You make some noncommittal noise, and then step closer, mouth pressing to Orion's cheek.
"Bye baby, love you." You finally look up at him, really look, and he holds his breath when he sees it all in your eyes. Pain. Confusion. Worry.
He did that.
The evening goes too fast. He manages to get Ry to nap, and drink over half a bottle, a huge win, but spends most of the time just holding him, walking him in circles in his flat, trying to memorize the feeling of his baby in his arms. He's fussier than usual, crying anytime Simon tries to put him down, which he doesn't mind, but concerns him. Is he like this at home, with you? Is this why you've been up more at night?
Still, it's over too soon, and when you're knocking on the door again, he stands on the other side a few seconds too long, wishing he had more time.
He's always wishing he had more time.
"How was he?"
"Good. More fussy than usual, but I got him to take most of a bottle. Is he doing alright?"
"He's been like this, the past few days. He's either going through a growth spurt, or developing some late colic. I hope it's the growth spurt." Oh no.
"Well, I'm here if you need anything. If you want me to take him at all." You nod.
"When uh... when are you leaving?"
"Two weeks or so. Once the guys get back, they'll have a few days debrief and then... we'll be off."
"Okay, well. Just let me know, when you want him again?"
"I will." He kisses Orion's cheek, whispering in his ear how much he loves him, before passing him to you. You have to reposition your posture to support his weight, and he winces. "Are you okay?" You blink at him, skeptical and surprised.
"I'm great Simon. Really peachy."
"Look, I know I really sprung-"
"Sprung? Is that what you're calling that? Simon... you blindsided me. You... you-" He holds up his hands.
"I'm much more careful now. I've learned a lot of hard lessons, and I would never, ever allow anything to happen to you or Orion." His shoulders slump, and he drops his eyes to the floor. Ashamed. Grief trying to work its way, trying to break him down just as it has all these years before. "I've learned from my mistakes." There's a long, uncomfortable since between the two of you, one that Orion fills with fussing, and then your voice cracks.
"Simon, that wasn't your fault.... I'm not... I'm not upset about... that. Or anything, that happened to you. I mean, I'm upset but not at you for that..." You take a deep breath. "I am upset for you, that those things happened to you, that you've been through such trauma, such horrible things." Tears wet your cheeks, but he doesn't move. Doesn't breathe. "I would never hold that against you. I'm upset about your job. And the danger it puts us in. I'm upset that I didn't know that you'd been gone for weeks, possibly months at a time. I'm upset that you promised me you'd be here, and then never mentioned the super secret task force that will... take you away from us." Orion cries, and you bounce him back and forth, finally looking Simon dead in the eye, facing him head on. "It feels like you've been lying to me, for weeks now. I thought we were in this, together, that we were- we were building something, together. Now it just feels like... I could lose you at any second instead. That Orion could lose his father, grow up without you." The last word rips from your lips in a sob, and you shake your head as he steps close.
"You will never lose me. Do you understand? That will never happen." He vows it, swears it, forces it out into the universe as a covenant, but you only shake your head again, sadly.
"You can't promise that."
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