#bullet briggs
fancypantsrecords · 2 years
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Joe Collinson & Sam Houghton - BPM: Bullets Per Minute Original Game Soundtrack | Black Screen Records | 2022 | Red Translucent with Black Swirl + Orange Translucent with Black Swirl
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partycatty · 4 months
you write for mk11 gramps johnny? have serious brain rot for him
if so could you write a fic of him dicking us down for being a brat? u can make up a plot or not i just need it and need him. love ur writing either way!!
- 💙
alright, im using this ask but i have a very specific image for this rn. this is gonna be a meaty post so hear me out
older!johnny cage > waste ur time
this is based off of the song WasteUrTime by Kevin Walkman with some lyrics (in pink) sprinkled in. you and johnny have a clear age gap, trying to avoid giving into desires, but 3am rolls around and you consider the idea of having a late night visitor.
warnings: smutty, age gap, ur both horny demons, virgin reader, i dont know how military ranks work, affair, sonya never gets Rocked
notes: this is going to be a little more artsy that what i usually do, so apologies if the format change is not ideal. this is more of an actual fic than bullet points. also the lyrics are out of order and not all included, so you don't need the song to enjoy this!
word count: 2.6k
[ masterlist ]
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give me a glass of your innocence.
training was hard, your skin glistening with sweat and your face flushed from overexertion. the task was relatively simple; to climb up a deeply sloped wooden platform using nothing but your grip and momentum. your comrades were cheering you on, including briggs, commander cage, her mother, and her father. straining yourself to grip the ledge of the platform, you finally hoist yourself up and stand upright, not before doubling over to pant.
the others applaud and surround you with cheers. a firm hand finds its place square on your back, rubbing in circles.
"atta girl," the voice leans into your ear with an audible grin. "knew you had it in you."
your head turns to thank the disconnected voice, but out of your fuzzy mind, the realization pulls through that none other than your superior, johnny cage was the one congratulating you so intimately. his praise makes your cheeks flush even darker and your gaze averts, too afraid of such direct appreciation which johnny notes. you weren't used to compliments.
this is my creation, here's your invitation.
you knew something intense was brewing with each lingering stare or gentle squeeze to your shoulder. how intense exactly, you couldn't pick out. with minimal experience with others lusting for you, it didn't register in your head at first just how hungrily he gazed at you. not that you were complaining necessarily, he was part-time action star, part-time military leader. he was built, charismatic, and a family man. it felt impossible to not feel weak in the knees around him.
johnny knew he had an effect on you, as he did most others. despite watering down his hollywood charisma, he couldn't bring himself to deny how sexy he was at his older age. something about a buff salt and pepper man telling you what to do had you following commands like a dog, doing anything it takes to have him praise you more.
even still, you couldn't do anything about it. johnny was a married man. his family was your coworkers, hell, it was their job to command you! the guilty thoughts would creep up on you no matter how badly you wanted to avoid them. couldn't you have chosen a more... single man?
you seem so damn nervous.
"how can i be of service?" johnny asks, leaning his front half forward ever so slightly to show you he was interested in every word that dripped from your lips. your vision was too blurred from anxiety to properly articulate what you needed from him, so you nervously swirled your drink. damn the special forces and their free alcohol parties.
"how do you do it?" you ask with a stammer. "earthrealm, netherrealm, tarkatans, ninjas, thunder gods. it all feels so unreal. how do you stay so calm?"
"mm," he hums, lowering his own glass after a brief sip. "well, you get used to it. turns out i was born to a mediterranean war cult's gene pool. watched my daughter kick an elder god's ass while i got maggots down my throat. went face-to-face with younger me. there are just some things that are too damn ridiculous to ever fully understand, so i accept it for what it is. when you're my age, fighting for all of these otherworldly things, most of the little things feel like a walk in the park."
"don't get me wrong, sir, i'll fight for earthrealm, but this is all so... dizzying."
johnny visibly tenses up at 'sir.' "tell you what," he grabs his drink napkin and opens a sharpie with his teeth. "you ever wanna talk about it with someone that's seen everything, you come to me." he writes his personal phone number on the napkin and places it in your palm with a smile.
you fidget with the paper before pocketing it, worried you'd pick at it too much and rip it to shreds before you could save the digits. the most you could bring yourself to do was half-bow, half-nod before scurrying away to the bathroom to cool your hot face. johnny could only chuckle to himself with a shake of his head.
long walks of shame look so good on you.
a long time was spent staring at the new conversation on your phone. despite your inexperience, there was a simmering feeling that johnny didn't just give you his number to let you vent. he wanted to talk to you outside of work. the thought makes you sweat.
why would he want to talk to you? if he wanted conversation, he would reach out to his wife and kid. he had it all, and yet he still wanted to put everything on the line for you.
you're moving fast, and i'm into it.
"lieutenant. it's reader," you shoot a simple text out, lying to yourself when you justify texting him for the sake of him saving your number. it was late, too late to be texting your superior. another lie you told yourself: i'll just send the message now so he sees it in the morning! your shameful justifications are ripped from you when you receive a reply, almost immediately.
"couldn't it have waited until the morning?" he replies bluntly, and you're ready to type out a spew of apologies before a second text comes through. "i'm teasing. johnny, by the way. no need for titles."
"sorry." you try to remain professional with your response, fingers dancing wildly across your keyboard. your eyes flicker up to the clock in the top corner, realizing it's well into the night. "didn't expect a response so late. have a good night, lieutenant."
you're ready to throw your phone out of the nearest window out of sheer embarrassment, but you stop when you feel another buzz come through. your stomach flips.
"johnny. you usually stay up late?" he texts, drawing the conversation out much to your surprise. "it's 3:30 in the morning."
"my day's been so boring," you decide to lean into the more casual chat, hoping to find a softer side to your boss. you should feel disgusted, repulsed, put off. he was double your age and then some. but dear god, his attention on you was hypnotizing even if it was just words on a screen. "hoping to waste some time before tomorrow comes. lots of training."
johnny's reply takes a suspiciously long time to come through, his bubble appearing and disappearing. just before you thought you lost the conversation, a photo comes through. johnny's laying in bed, hair ruffled and shirtless. his eyes have a soft, pleading look to them and his lips are curled into a pretty smile. the tiniest glimpse of his chest tattoo pokes through the bottom of the image, and you had to make a conscious effort to swallow your drool and close your jaw. you almost don't notice the text attached.
"maybe i could waste your time?"
you choke on your saliva, glancing off to the corner of your room as if an invisible camera was perched there. this man held zero shame, that much was true. you suppose it's from his age. there's only so much time in one life, so he's seizing every moment. it terrified you, to the depths of your core.
"i don't follow," you text back, playing dumb. this was genuinely unbelievable to you, you needed to hear more from his perspective to make sure you weren't actually dreaming or reading too far into his offer.
"come on, girl," he teasingly responds. "don't play dumb. i may be old, but i'm still sharp." another photo slides into the chat, the same idea s his previous one but now fully displaying his torso. his broad chest with his name painted on it was now boldly on display. his hand laid flirtatiously on his abs, fingers spread out. at the very bottom, you could make out the beginning of a thick tent in his pajama pants. it was like every inch of this man was maximized. you'd seen his shirtless form in his old movies, but seeing it now... it was personal. that photo was for you. "i know you're still fucking with me. i see how you look at me." you bite your lip, wondering if maybe sonya was sharing the other side of the bed. your stomach churns.
"i mean..." you leave the text at that, rapidly typing and deleting. you're not quite sure what to say, how to carry this now heated conversation. you'd never... had to before. "if i may state the obvious, you're... older. and my boss. and married."
his replies stop for a good couple minutes. you wonder if maybe he was regretting his advance. you hoped not.
"is it something that you'd mind?" johnny asks, hesitation in his words as he breaks away from his flirty comments. his question makes you ponder. you were a virgin at your age, holding onto this trait longer than almost everyone at a similar age to you. work was your priority, never giving yourself enough time for a serious commitment. but here you were. johnny was throwing something onto the table that you never expected to happen. were you going to pass this up and stay a virgin forever? hell, no!
"sent you my location. let's try something new, lieutenant."
"johnny." he corrects you one final time before falling completely silent on his end. your stomach twists and churns wildly, realizing you have opened the flood gates to a hookup with your boss. you throw your pajamas off and replace them with a cuter, coordinating pair. you brush your teeth again and try to fix your hair into a neater updo, not impacted by the friction of your pillowcase. shoes and various discarded belongings are shoved under the bed and into the closet. you hadn't had male company, well, ever. you had to come off as somewhat decent for him.
jesus christ, your mind grows dizzy. you were going to lose your virginity, now, or in however long it takes for him to arrive at you apartment. you're not far from work, and even still the time it took for you to hear footsteps in the hallway must have been a century at the minimum. you were seriously going through with this because it was about damn time you enjoyed yourself and spiced shit up.
the heavy footsteps come to a halt, the shadow overtaking the faint hallway light glowing. a part of you wants to hide, maybe jump out of your fire exit. your nerves were blinding, and taking the steps to the entrance felt like an olympic sport. that is, until a new text appears.
"let me inside."
do you open the door? leaning against it, you can smell his musk just through the crack alone. damn his hypnotic... everything. if you open the door, his entire career, marriage, and life could be over. that is, if you spill. you wouldn't.
keeping shit a secret fits you like a glove.
you slowly open the door, hand frozen on the doorknob as you're met with your boss towering over you with a heavy look in his eyes. it's hard to avoid his own hesitation too, but his hard breathing betrays his morals. he looks ready to pounce at any given moment. johnny's mouth opens first, but you beat him to it.
"i'm a virgin," you blurt, mind too empty to feel embarrassed at the fact. you felt the need to tell him now, before he was on top of you and you laid there like a fool.
johnny's brows raise up ever so slightly. "what?"
the heat of the admittance catches up to you, and you twiddle with the hem of your shorts. you repeat yourself meekly, letting the predicament set in between the two of you.
"that's..." he trails off, glancing into your room. "um."
"i'm sorry-" your face heats up, your eyes pricking with tears at the awkward air. "i just... i didn't want you to be surprised, because i don't know what i'm doing."
something new stirs in johnny's core as he understands the weight of the situation. his fists clench and he takes a lumbering step toward you. you back up on instinct.
"that's alright," he purrs, voice hitting a new low, one that's far away from his professional volume. "'cause i'll take care of you. i've got you."
he stands up straight, scratching the back of his neck.
"if you'll have me... i guess that speaks for itself. i'm here, aren't i?"
you nod with a nervous chuckle. your bodies move in sync as you figure out where to put your hands. they settle on his neck, wrapping your arms around him to pull him in. his hands hold your waist. jesus, his hands are big. you'd kissed before, so this is familiar territory.
"i'll take that as a yes," his eyes flick to your lips, visibly restraining himself from fully taking advantage of you. he leans in for a tender kiss, your lips and his moving together. it turns heated quick, with his tongue darting out to get a taste of your mouth which you accept gratefully.
johnny's hands trail down to your ass, cupping the underside as if his hands were destined to fit there. he tugs upward, and you understand what he's trying to do. you jump up and break the kiss momentarily so your legs trap his waist. in between make out sessions, you guide him through your apartment to the bedroom. his lips taste bitter like alcohol but cleanly sweet. exactly how you imagined.
your mind is hazy with lust, your pussy clenching around nothing as you envision taking a monster like him for the first time. a part of you wonders if it's even possible. instead of throwing you onto the mattress, he lowers you like a princess, supporting your head and back with each hand which does nothing to help your aching wetness pooling between your legs.
johnny's lips dive to your jaw, sucking and biting tenderly. you wince, but replace the noise with a lustful gasp as he soothes the pain with his hot tongue. you want to clench your thighs together to relieve the throbbing pressure, but johnny's hands pry your legs open as his hips fit perfectly between them. like a forbidden puzzle piece. you feel his cock rub through your pajamas, and your mouth gathers drool.
johnny finds any possible plush flesh of your neck to take in, kissing wetly as he gently ruts into you, not even realizing he's doing it. he needed to explore every inch of this new body, this new lover... his mistress.
if you were to start praying for forgiveness, it'd be now. you internally cursed sonya for getting her hands on him before you could. your chest burned with jealousy and desire. he was so evilly delicious, and every inch of him needed to be inside before you'd start sobbing. your hands fly forward and tug him forward by his waistband.
"need you," is the most you can coherently ask for, blinded by your horniness. johnny pulls away from your collar, panting in your face. he can't bring himself to look directly in your eyes, your wet, pleading eyes.
"you..." he swallows thickly, brows knitting together. he frowns. "you can't tell anyone. you know that, right?''
you nod with a small whine. you wanted him to just shut up and fuck you.
"hhh - won't say anything," you huff back, gliding your dampened bottoms across his dick with need. he groans, and buries his head in your neck, a deep sigh sending goosebumps across you skin.
"atta girl..."
so hit me up when you feel down i'll make your ass stay 'til sundown i understand what you've been through 'cause I'm a sorry sucker too i know you're scared and that's alright just let me love you for the night
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welldonekhushi · 3 months
Call of Duty OC: Katya Kovalevskaya 🌹
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An updated bio sheet of Katya! The last one felt like it was straight Wiki format style, but doesn't really explain her character properly, I also added some changes to her character as well so, here you go! <3
Name: Katya
Full name: Yekaterina Viktornovna Kovalevskaya
Codename: "Katyusha"
Alias(es): Lady of Death (by the Red Army), Mama Katya (by her soldiers), Der Russische Leutnant (by the Germans)
Age: 32 years old (Call of Duty: World at War), 58 years old (Call of Duty: Black Ops), 70 years old (Black Ops: Cold War)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Russian
Languages spoken: Russian, German (for intelligence purposes), English
Date of birth: June 15, 1916
Place of Birth: Ural Mountains, Imperial Russia
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Martial Status: Single
Occupation: Senior Lieutenant and Sniper of the Red Army (retires after the events of the first Black Ops)
Status: Active
Rank: Senior Lieutenant (1942), Lieutenant Colonel (1945)
Affiliation: Red Army, CIA (briefly)
Universe: Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Black Ops: Cold War (alternative AU)
Faceclaim: Anna Chipovskaya
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Song: "Katyusha" by Boris Alexandrov
Biography: Yekaterina, commonly known as Katya joins the Red Army for the service of the Soviet Union to avenge her parents death under the hands of German forces. While defending her country amidst the raging Second World War, she faces tremendous amounts of obstacles and barriers in her life which often try to make them as her weakness, but the woman was sworn to take her last breath in achieving one goal with her comrades — and that was liberating Berlin.
3rd Shock Army (Red Army)
Sergeant Viktor Reznov [K.I.A]
Private Dimitri Petrenko [K.I.A]
Private Chernov [K.I.A]
Commissar Markhov [fate unknown]
Major General Nikita Dragovich [K.I.A]
Colonel Lev Kravchenko [fate unknown]
CIA (Call of Duty: Black Ops)
Alex Mason
Frank Woods
Jason Hudson
Grigori Weaver
Weapon induced: Scoped Mosin-Nagant, Tokarev (TT-33), PPSh-41, Molotov Cocktail, RGD-33
Fighting style: Hand-to-hand combat, but rarely, since she's more used to being a sniper giving covering fire
Special skills: Is a very experienced sniper, that gave her the infamous name of "Lady of Death", but Katya didn't want to coin such a name for herself when she was only serving her people as a soldier of the frontlines.
Talents: Knows natural remedies, holds a lot of empathy for others, can speak fluent German even if she knows a little bit of it
Shortcomings: Due to the incident, she lost her face partially along with the half-vision of her eye throughout the accident, faces survivors guilt, is a bit mentally depressed but she's able to push those negative thoughts down
Myers-Briggs Type: ISFJ (The Defender)
Is very protective towards her comrades: Ever since she lost her parents, Katya had always been searching for a way to cope up with her loss by taking care of the people she loves and believes in the most. Even if she never married, or birthed a child, she automatically unlocked her motherly instincts by calling her comrades as her "sons and daughters", considering them as her one, found family.
Ruthless, but at times merciful: Katya has shown immense strength and courage in the battlefield as a sniper and a squad leader, haunting the Germans in their own sleep thinking Katya wouldn't kill them and make the mattress they're sleeping on as their deathbed. But also, when Katya wants to show mercy, she'll show it. She thinks there's no use to wasting her own bullets on someone who already decided to surrender to the Red Army.
Emotional: Let it be a soldier dying, or a civilian, she'll ask forgiveness from God that she wasn't able to save an innocent despite having the duty to protect her own people. The incident that killed all of her soldiers left her deeply scarred, and believed she committed a bigger sin for being too naive and careless, and she deserved the impact on her face. It was even worse when Nikita Dragovich killed her teammates again by putting them as test subjects for the Nova 6 experiment that made her grow deranged and bloodthirsty to hunt Dragovich and his lapdog, Kravchenko in a fit of vengeance, until the CIA caught her presence.
Intelligent and observant: Katya is more aware of her surroundings ever since the incident impacted her, which caused her to be very vigilant, and grew her intelligence in the battlefield which made her useful for the Red Army as a sniper and as a squad leader in the infantry.
Katya was born around 1916 with her mother Elizaveta Kovalevskaya (neé Petrova) and father, Viktor Kovalevsky. Spending her childhood in the Ural Mountains, she learnt how to snipe at a young age from her father, who was a hunter, the reason why she took her father's skill in the field of sniping.
In 1939, she recruited herself in the Red Army as a sniper, in which her talent gave a huge role and reputation among the soldiers as a source of bravery, courage and inspiration, that gave her the name "Lady of Death". But, Katya on the other hand didn't want to coin such a name for herself when she believes she's only doing it for the protection of her own people.
But, in 1941, when Germany attacked Soviet Russia under "Operation Barbarossa", her village became a victim of the attacks, which ended up killing her family in the process. Broken and enraged, Katya wanted to avenge her parents death by going through missions and eliminating every single enemy who tried to cross the Soviet borders. Her life completely changed when one day she encountered General Heinrich Amsel, who was responsible for the death of her family along with many others, wanted to kill him by her own hands but never succeeded because he evaded before she could get to him.
Furious, the General wanted to eliminate Katya in her path, by luring her into a trap that he was staying at a hotel and could grab her an opportunity to end his life there. But little to her knowledge, it was all a set up, when he used that entire building as a decoy with the explosives attached. His soldiers locked away his teammates, including Katya but she was able to break through it. In a desperate attempt to find her comrades who were still locked inside, it was too late before the explosion could take effect, and blew her out of the building, leaving her drastically injured.
The explosion was the turning point of her life, where it emotionally scarred her and made her regret being a soldier, when she couldn't even protect her own soldiers, who basked into the flames of Amsel's planned explosion. She was taken for medical assistance, which took her a month to recover physically, and mentally. But, that didn't stop Katya from retiring, as her mind still revolved around that one goal — to eliminate General Amsel, and push all the German forces back from invading Russia.
Somewhere around 1942, she was promoted to Senior Lieutenant, and became the squad leader for the 3rd Shock Army, and participated in the Battle of Stalingrad alongside Pvt. Dimitri Petrenko and Sgt. Viktor Reznov. As the General's whereabouts were found, she led her team throughout the warzone and successfully countered Amsel, which led to his untimely death under the hands of Dimitri's sniper rifle. Katya, who held immense pride for the Private for doing something she couldn't, made him along with Reznov and Chernov as her closest comrades.
After the entire battle, in 1945, they finally achieved victory by liberating Berlin by hoisting the Soviet flag on the Reichstag, Katya was now at peace, hoping for a better future after the war's end.
But, somehow.. her life was going to go into a bigger turmoil, when she gets sent to the mission around the Arctic Circle, leading the events of the first Black Ops.
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clacefe · 1 year
Secrets whispered at dawn
Thomas M. Shelby x OC (hinted at)
Summary: Tommy reflects on how he probably shouldn't be thinking about another woman so soon after Grace's death.
Warnings: Depression, angst, pining
Word count: 544 (she's a short one)
A/N: I've returned from the land of the dead to bring you this angsty piece about one of the many characters that'll make me voluntarily go down on my knees.
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Thomas Michael Shelby watched the sun rise through the net curtains hanging from the impossibly large window in his home office. 
The sun got caught in the sliver of smoke that rose from the cigarette in his right hand, a china cup of Earl Grey brought in by a maid whose name he didn’t bother to learn remained untouched in front of him. 
He absentmindedly thought he should remind the maids that he didn’t need anything in the morning. Other than a cigarette, or three.
These days he didn’t need much to function, really. Just a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of whiskey and perhaps some brown opium; to keep him calm.
Somewhere in the back of his mind Tommy knew that the random gaps in his memory was the consequence of his continued sleep-deprivation and general amount of stress. But he didn’t care. Or rather, he couldn’t afford to care about that at the moment. 
His wife had died in his arms not even three weeks ago and here he was in his ostentatious leather chair, already thinking about another woman. Even in a gangster’s book it was considered immoral. He felt like he was metaphorically spitting on Grace’s flower-adorned grave.
And he had loved Grace. Once. Back when he still lived in Watery Lane in a house that was never silent, unlike Arrow House. It was there in that cramped bedroom that he found love after France.
But after she came back from the Americas something had changed between them. They still made love, acted like husband and wife, but deep down he knew he didn’t love her. Not anymore. He’d kept Grace around of course; she was a good companion and the mother of his child. He’d rather have eaten a bullet than let his son grow up without his mother.
Turns out he didn’t need to take that bullet, considering someone else did it for him, namely his former wife.
It made him think he was too dangerous for anyone to love. Anyone who dared get close to him either ran for the hills after seeing the danger or ended up in a casket buried 4 feet deep.
It was why he pushed everyone away, kin included.
And yet, she didn’t care one bit. She still waved at him with a merry hello each time he passed her, a great contrast with the dreary Small Heath. It baffled Tommy to this day how a serious man like Henry Briggs could have such a ray of sunshine as a daughter.
It’d always been that way, even before he got sent to France to fight in the mud. And secretly, even if he didn’t want to admit it to himself, it made his day just that bit better. It made him think of something else than just business, or men fighting for their lives in the trenches.
Each time she opened that lovely mouth to speak to him, his hands balled up into fists with his nails leaving crescent marks in his palms, just so he didn’t touch her. Or take the basket filled with fruits and vegetables he’d seen her carry sometimes. 
She made him feel like a sliver of the old Tommy, from before the war. And it scared him.
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the-silver-chronicles · 3 months
5 Songs and 3 Outfits
Tagged by @g0dspeeed @nightbloodbix @voidika @onehornedbeast @inafieldofdaisies and @strafethesesinners
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @softtidesworld @adelaidedrubman @strangefable @turbo-virgins @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @corvosattano @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @afarcryfrommymain @megraen @minilev @starsandskies @deputyash @deputy-morgan-malone @dephellseed @derelictheretic @chazz-anova @snake-in-the-garden @cloudofbutterflies92 @florbelles @foofygoldfish @fourlittleseedlings @gaeadene @henbased @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @skoll-sun-eater @shallow-gravy @thewanderer-000 @titiagls @trashcatsnark @vampireninjabunnies-blog @shellibisshe @wrathfulrook and @aceghosts + anyone else who wants to join.
RULES: Post 5 songs associated with your OC(s), followed by 3 outfits they would wear.
Gathered Silva Omar, Kamski Neon and Ernesto Stallone for this one. Read under the cut:
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Dream -Bishop Briggs
"I wanna break down where your heart gets So torn it's almost breaking mine I wanna lay here, lost and bitter So long, I feel like I could die I wanna tell you what my truth is But it's buried down inside."
Last One Standing - Skylar Grey ft. Polo G, Mozzy, & Eminem
"Now you see me standing in the lights But you never saw my sacrifice Or all the nights I had to struggle to survive Had to lose it all to win the fight I had to fall so many times Now I'm the last one standing."
Safe And Sound - Capital Cities
"I could lift you up I could show you what you wanna see Take you where you wanna be You could be my luck Even if the sky is fallin' down I know that we'll be safe and sound."
Heat Waves - Glass Animals
"I just wanna know what you're dreaming of When you sleep and smile so comfortable I just wish that I could give you that That love that's perfectly unsad Sometimes all I think about is you Late nights in the middle of June Heat waves been fakin' me out Heat waves been fakin' me out."
Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye ft. Kimbra
"Now and then, I think of all the times you screwed me over But had me believing it was always something that I'd done But I don't wanna live that way Reading into every word you say You said you could let it go And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know."
Note: The women in the images below are not Silva's faceclaim and I unfortunately could not remove them. I had done my best at removing their features but if you notice a difference between the women and Silva's faceclaim, please ignore it and focus on the clothing instead. Thank you for your understanding.
Below is Silva's dress which she pretty much only wears at home, a longer version of the deputy uniform, and her casual clothing (plus that of which she wears during the Reaping). Yeah, she doesn't like to show off a lot of skin.
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Another note: These are not the right colors.
[No Faceclaim Acquired Yet]
Enemy - Imagine Dragons ft. J.I.D
"Oh, the misery Everybody wants to be my enemy Spare the sympathy Everybody wants to be my enemy Look out for yourself!"
Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons
"Whatever it takes 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do whatever it takes 'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains Whatever it takes You take me to the top I'm ready for whatever it takes 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do what it takes."
Some Nights - Fun.
"Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck Some nights I call it a draw Some nights I wish that my lips could build a castle Some nights I wish they'd just fall off But I still wake up, I still see your ghost Oh, Lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for, oh."
All The Stars - Kendrick Lamar ft. SZA
"Tell me what you gon' do to me Confrontation aint nothing new to me You could bring a bullet Bring a sword Bring a morgue But you can't bring the truth to me Fuck you and all your expectations I don't even want your congratulations I recognize your false confidence and calculated promises All in your conversation I hate people that feel entitled Look at me crazy cause I aint invite you Oh you important? You the moral to the story? You endorsing? Motherfucker I don't even like you Corrupted mans heart with a gift Thats how you find out who you dealing with."
Spirits - The Strumbellas
"I got guns in my head and they won't go Spirits in my head and they won't go I got guns in my head and they won't go Spirits in my head and they won't go But the gun still rattles The gun still rattles, oh."
Kamski's clothing mostly consists of a worn doctors uniform, however he does use a pedestrian disguise with a mask if he's going to do something illegal or a regular casual clothing (in the habit of dressing up for winter and refuses to break habit even in the worst of Summer) when going to do legal groceries.
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[No Faceclaim Acquired Yet]
Bad Feeling - Jagwar Twin
"They say! Everything's perfect here And the sun is shining Hey! Hey! Everything's perfect here There's nobody crying Oompa loompa doompety do I got a bad feeling about you Oompa loompa I don't know, dude I got a bad feeling about you."
Hot Girl Bummer (slowed + reverb) - blackbear
"Fuck you, and you, and you I hate your friends and they hate me too. I'm through, I'm through, I'm through."
I'm A Wanted Man - Royal Deluxe
"They didn't know it when they turned me loose I shot the sheriff and I slipped the noose The law ain't never been a friend of mine I'd kill again to keep from doing time You should never ever trust my kind I'm a wanted man I got blood on my hands Do you understand? I'm a wanted man."
Bad - Royale Deluxe
"I'm bad As bad can be So bad That it's hard to believe Oh what they say about me I'm bad, I'm bad As bad can be I'm bad Take a look and see So bad That it's hard to believe I don't care what they say about me."
Bloodshot - Sam Tinnesz
"I'll take another hit to the backbone I'm picking up the heat Like an atom bomb No time on the clock It's a bloodshot 3, 2, 1 You got me bloodshot Maybe I'm a good guy Standing on the wrong side Maybe I'm a sweetheart Trying to make my own scars Don't know what it looks like Just know what it feels like Scared to let it outside Scared of what I just might find."
Stallone doesn't have that much change in clothing besides two changes in his dark blue Courser Guard/gunslinger uniform and his disguised Chosen clothing (for when he infiltrates Eden's Gate).
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got-ticket-to-ride · 8 months
Possible MBTI of The Beatles
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most people want to say that john lennon was an INFP, but that is incorrect. INFPs are generally friendly and slightly outgoing people. john lennon wasn’t friendly in the slightest, his only close friends shared the same sadistic and twisted ways of socializing.
john lennon was an INTJ. INTJs face problems but stand still- they persist in making their point. this is incredibly suitable for john, as no matter what anyone told him, he did what he could as john lennon.
he was such a cynical bastard. when he was arrogant, paul was leniant, when he was grumpy, paul was optimistic. they disagreed on several stances, but when it came to music, they formed the superego relationship.
the superego relationship is having someone standing by you, shoulder to shoulder, watching your mistakes and vice versa. they might have been siamese twins to some people, but they were oil and water.
when john said he wanted to leave the beatles and eventually did the next year, he wrote songs about paul. this is a very INTJ thing to do, as he knew where to stab paul in the places that would hurt the most. he directly addressed him in the songs he sung about him.
in conclusion, john lennon was a cynical, sly little bastard, just as an INTJ would be.
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i know most people say paul mcCartney was your loving extrovert, but introverts aim to please their loved ones in a small, collective group.
paul mccartney is an ISFJ! the most extroverted introvert. he enjoys the simple pleasures of life, the country side, and even being the center of attention, which is a little bit of an extrovert thing to do. but then again, he enjoys being alone with family.
the reason i chose ISFJ was because hes so extroverted, but so introverted at the same time. because he is so literal, and aims to make his point through the simplest of words.
while paul’s lyrics sound like this, “Back in school again, Maxwell plays the fool again, Teacher gets annoyed…”
john’s sounds like this “Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes…”
they’ve always been opposites, which made the sound so good.
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Ringo is a downright ENFJ. he’s kind, supportive, and is the upbringer in the group.
ringo is probably the most relaxed person in the world. while john was thinking his head away and paul was writing songs like a bullet train and george was trying not to scream and run out, ringo silently kept the peace. he let the others know that everything will be okay in the end.
his thoughts weren’t filled with money, or romance, or enlightenment. it was simply in the now. not a care in the world, he flew free by himself, admiring the world around him as time went by.
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george harrison may have been a bit sardonic at times, and a little harsh, but he always had the heart for a good book, meditation and keen romance. such is the ISTP
when george was younger, he was already quite independent. he hitch hiked with paul and learned how to play guitar all on his own.
when he got older, he had more of an intense personality. a thing for fast cars and money, a peculiar fashion sense. and the untrustworthyness of marriage slowly became a trait as the years went by.
To read the article in all it's glory go to: https://aminoapps.com/c/the_beatles/page/blog/the-beatles-myers-briggs-types
My 10 cents: I don't agree with everything said in the article (like the bit where "Paul is normal" Paul is definitely not normal) but nonetheless it is an overall interesting observation. Would love to hear your thoughts about them? I really thought Paul to be an ENFP. John ultimately INTJ for me. What a cynic. Which MBTI are you? Do you have similarities with the Beatles?
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beesbeesdragons · 11 months
oh. theres a certain pain in the idea of, like. amestris, if it got into a bad enough war, would definitely introduce conscription. so like. au where the Ishvalan civil war escalates into what is essentially a world war. Amestris is totally cut off from supplies and trade. its a war fought on all sides except the east. and they're running out of troops.
Consider an amestris that sticks to it's principles of being very traditional, where women are barred from joining the military. It is here that we are introduced to our two protagonists. one Riza Hawkeye and Roy Mustang.
It is 1902. one year ago, the death of an Ishvalan child trigger riots that evolved into what was first a civil war, but quickly turned into a world war; the non-aggression pact with drachma was broken when an amestrian soldier was found with a bullet in his head, right outside the Briggs fortress. Aerugo was found out to be sending supplies to Ishval. Creta bombed a small village in the west, killing nearly a hundred civilians.
they're running out of soldiers. Conscription is introduced. All physically abled men aged 16-45 are eligible. Roy, as a 17 year old, is eligible. So he's drafted. and Berthold Hawkeye, who hates the military, finds the conscription notice in the mail. In a fury, he banishes Roy from his house, ending his apprenticeship early, and stealing away Riza's only friend. Roy, who hadn't even known; the letter had been in a bundle from the post office, set on the kitchen counter for Riza to look through after lunch.
And so Roy returns to his home, with Chris and the girls. but he sends letters to Riza. and when he begins training? he keeps up the correspondonce.
It is in 1905 when he has enough leave time to visit, and it is shortly after that Berthold Hawkeye passes, from a sickness that had passed through the area.
Riza Hawkeye, newly orphaned and with no one, finds herself having a tumultuous affair with her father's former apprentice, and the two wed before Roy's leave is over.
Once Roy is called back to fight, Riza flees that tiny town, heading to Central to have the smallest modicum of support from Chris. and she gets it. she starts working at a small shop near to the apartment that Chris had helped her buy, and she's happy.
Until it arrives.
a fairly innocuous telegram. standard, by all accounts. but she's a soldier's wife. she's a working woman. and her husband...he's MIA, presumably a prisoner of war. And Riza knows, she knows how prisoners of war are treated. So she makes a decision.
she returns to the town she vowed to never return to, returns to that god forsaken house. and she digs. she digs, and she finds it. a letter, unsent by her mother, addressed to her estranged grandfather, whom riza had never met, let alone sent a letter to. but she does.
Dear General Grumman, she writes.
My name is Riza Hawkeye, and you are my grandfather. Two weeks ago, I received word that my husband, one Major Roy Mustang, State Alchemist, has gone missing. It is my understanding that he is under your command.
I know this is an unconventional way of doing so, but I beg of you. Please, find my husband. Please, return him to me. Do so and I will owe you my life, for that is what he means to me.
Sincerely, Riza Hawkeye-Mustang
All she can do after it is written is wait.
and wait she does. she waits for two years, until she receives a telegram from her grandfather.
We found him. He's coming home.
Riza and Roy reunite in a busy train station, seeing each other for the first time in three years. Roy, who had suffered as a prisoner of war, has had an honourable discharge after losing sight in one of his eyes. Riza, who had been mourning her husband for the past two years, had kept her job, had built herself a life. and they both get to live it now.
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islandtarochips · 1 month
Call of Duty OC: General Alana Kalani🎖️
A strong, single mother and independent woman. A woman who was been abandoned by her lover who want nothing from her pregnancy. A woman being disowned by her parents who was pregnant at a young age. Been taken in by her older brother. And had a beautiful baby daughter. A woman who had signed up to the military to fight to protect her home and her family. Even protecting her baby daughter.
UNIVERSE: Modern Warfare/Modern Warfare 2/Modern Warfare 3
🎖️ Name: Alana Kalani 🎖️ Alias(es): General, General Kalani, Ala (her brother and other older folks that she knows), Lana (mostly her brother) 🎖️ Gender: Female 🎖️ Age: 51 (2019), 54 (2022) 🎖️ Birthday: December 22nd 🎖️ Nationality: Hawaiian 🎖️ Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii 🎖️ Home: Honolulu, Oahu 🎖️ Spoken Languages: English, Hawaiian, Arabic (conversational), Russian (Military Purposes) 🎖️ Sexuality: Heterosexual 🎖️ Occupation: General of the Marine Corps
🎖️ Eye Color: Brown 🎖️ Hair Color: Light Brown With white streaks 🎖️ Height: 5’9”/177 cm 🎖️ Scars: A line of scar on her left forearm, 2 bullet wound on her right side of her waist and got burnt scar on her back on the right side. 🎖️ Face Claim: Kelly Hu
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🎖️ Color: Silver 🎖️ Food: Anything that her brother cooks 🎖️ Drink: Wine/Liquor/Sprite 🎖️ Flower: Any Hawaiian flower related 🎖️ Hairstyle: Natural (usually let her hair down when she's home or out of duty) and Tight bun (during work time)
🎖️ Myers Briggs Type: ISTJ Alana had become a General for a REASON. So she had taken her job VERY seriously. She took full responsibility for her men and the Task Force that she is taking over. She's a kind woman once you get to know her OUTSIDE of work. But when it's work time, she will make sure that you will DO your job in the right way. 🎖️ Organized: Alana is always organized the mission. Trying to make sure that everything is in order and planned well before sending her men out. She wanted them to finish it in the RIGHT way. And if things went south or it's not according to plan, she put her trust in the Captain to lead the way. 🎖️ Systematic: Alana has a good way to give direct and correct orders to her men. For she had experienced once of losing one of them in the past. And had learned her lesson as she made sure to think before acting. 🎖️ Practical Judgement: She had good sense of judgment before giving out orders. Making sure to bring her men back alive. Negative Traits: 🎖️ Mostly her sarcasm. She couldn't hide her tone of being sarcastic to someone who sounded really dumb or stupid. She can't even hide her face expression either while saying it. 🎖️ Small temper can ruin her image. But it depends if they started to push her buttons. Like, if they ever mention threatening her men or her daughter. She will try to punch something else instead of SOMEONE'S face.
Skills and Abilities: 🎖️ Fighting Style: Hand-to-Hand Combat and martial arts 🎖️ Weapons: MK16 rifle, M4 car, 🎖️ Distinct Weapons: Hunting knife and M18 🎖️ Special Skills: Has good mind of organizing everything before sending it to her team. Making sure Family:
Aelan Kalani (Daughter, Alive)
Ola Kalani (Brother, Alive)
Noelani Iona Kalani (Sister-in-law, Ola's Wife, Alive)
Keona Kalani (Niece, Ola's Daughter, Alive) Trivia:
🎖️ Alana was her parents "perfect" little girl. Choosing her over her older brother. She HATES it. 🎖️ She got pregnant by her boyfriend and he had disappeared after finding out about her pregnancy. How charming. 🎖️ Was disowned by her parents once they heard she was pregnant. Was all alone. And was too afraid to ask for her brother's help. 🎖️She was 17 when she was pregnant.
Background Story:
Alana is an independent woman. A single mother who had raised her daughter on her own before her older brother, Ola, came in to assist her while she went out to deploy.
Her parents had disowned her because of her getting pregnant by her boyfriend. Who had left her when he found out about her getting pregnant. She was young, like at 17 and she wasn’t close to getting a diploma yet.
So her parents had kicked her out of the house and let her live off the street. She is fine with it because she can take care of herself. Until she forgot about where to LIVE.
Ola came in and took her in to live with him and his girlfriend, Noelani. He was furious at how their own parents would do this to a 17-year-old.
Ola had already talked with the Principal of the situation and wanted Alana to continue her classwork in school. Which he kindly accepted and let her continue to take her classes. There are some bad rumors about Alana but she ignores them and just focuses on her class.
After graduating, at the age of 18. Alana had given birth to a healthy baby girl. Thanks to Ola’s expertise on delivering babies.
She was very happy to see her baby girl. And she promised herself that she’ll do ANYTHING to protect her. So after 7 months of resting and taking care of her daughter. She decided to sign up for Military. Just to help out with the finance and also wanted to protect her home from the enemies.
Already enlisted and been serving in the Marines for 15 years and that’s when she’s a Lieutenant General. And that’s the year she had met one of Tiala’s older brothers. Hōne, Rangi and Kanoa.
Three most trusted soldiers that she had ever depended on. Even mostly Hōne. She saw how much potential he has and she trusted him to take this mission along with Rangi. Relating to trafficking.
The dealers were taking the children that they had kidnapped to be deported to Asia. That’s when she sent Hōne and Rangi to stop them.
She thought that everything went well from the mission. Until Rangi had come back with only Hōne’s dog tags. She was shocked and devastated. Guilt had climbed all over her when she found out about one of her best soldiers who had died under HER command.
She also experienced the same guilt of almost losing her other soldier. Tiala Toa. She knows that she is related to the three boys who had worked with her. And she had released her to rest for a while until she was back on her feet again.
Having all that guilt had made her take a lack of sleep, overworking and also didn’t keep in touch with her family.
Until she found out about her daughter already signed up for the military to be a medic. Which she is deeply proud of. And started to contact her sometimes and apologize for not keeping in touch. Which her daughter understands (such a sweet girl).
A few years later, Alana got an unexpected call. A call from the CIA of the US. It was Laswell. A long time old friend.
Asking for her help of assisting Price, Alex, Gaz and Farah to find the stolen Russian Gas.
Will she accept to send someone who has the skills to assist these people or will she deny this request so she doesn’t have to lose another of her men?
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qs63 · 2 months
Tell us about it aaaahhh haha (I remember now. ANGST)
🙈🙈🙈 I'm sorry I haven't finished this.
This is a post canon fic about one of the East City vs Briggs trainings. In Briggs. The plot was "angst and injuries" so Riza gets injured saving the team's doctor during an avalanche.
"You wouldn't happen to know how to make a stethoscope would you, sir?"
"I do." Roy got his wallet from one of his pockets, and took its content out before throwing it into the ground. He clapped his hands and transmuted the metals in the ground and the leather wallet into a simple stethoscope. "It's mandatory for the State Alchemists to know how to transmute basic military equipment. Medical equipment included." The doctor smiled as he accepted the stethoscope. "I should have known." Roy looked away as the doctor proceeded to examine Riza. Her gloved hands caught his attention. He touched her left hand. Those weren't her gloves. "Those are mine. The gloves she was wearing aren't good for this weather. She was showing signs of frostbite." Roy clicked his tongue. "She doesn't like the heavy ones. They make it hard for her to handle her guns." "She has no use for her guns if she loses her fingers." Roy gulped. "Is she in danger of losing them?" "I don't think so. But I don't have a lot of experience with frostbite." No. As an East Area doctor he was probably more used to missing limbs due to bullets, explosions, and infections. Roy took Riza's left hand in his. "I'll make sure she wears the right gloves moving forward."
Now you made me want to finish this. It's actually pretty good. Also Olivier ftw.
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michellemisfit · 7 months
🚑✨Weekly Tag Wednesday🪄💫
Look at this super fun tag game @deedala made!! And thanks for the tag @lingy910y @energievie @tanktopgallavich @mikhailoisbaby
🚑 Get in bitch, we're going on a mystical adventure through space, time, and reality. (in ian and mickey's ambulance of course) ✨
Name: Michelle
Zodiac Sign: Pisces ♓️
Personality type in enneagram, myers-briggs, or both: I’ve done all of these quizzes and I can NEVER remember what I am. Whatever that personality type is where the answering paragraph literally told me I couldn’t be an EMT because I am incredibly studious and hard working and great in a crisis, but I am also convinced that literally anything going wrong is my fault personally, and it would kill me. That. It me.
Before we hit the road, what snack are you gonna bring for our trip? Normally I’d say POPCORN but @deedala is already bring that so I’ll go buck wild and say crudités & hummus, because road snacks can be yummy AND healthy!
Navigator gets to pick the music so what song are you turning on? I’ve got a whole road trip playlist, and I hope we’ll listen to most of it, but this should always be played in a car!!
💥 What is a universe from a fantasy tv show you would like to visit? The Golden Age of Albion, ie. BBC Merlin
And what about a fantasy movie? Fuck Rowling, but Harry Potter’s a pretty good world.
Okay, how about a scifi tv show? I don’t really watch Sci-Fi and the things I have seen… well, I don’t wanna live in Stranger Things world, or Humans, or Lost in Space, so… The Umbrella Academy? Mostly the normal world, and I can stay away from the weird shit? Maybe?
And a scifi movie universe? Again, don’t really watch Sci-Fi, and any I have seen I wouldn’t want to live in. Also there’s just too much fucking running in all of them. I’d be dead within 24 hours, let’s face it. Planet of the Apes? I might do okay there for maybe 72 hours… 🤔
Any other tv show or movie universes you'd like to swing by before we move on? Shadowhunters? Normal world with added magic and a fuck load of cool tattoos? Yeah, I’d do okay there. As long as I didn’t have to do the running bit lol
Okay hold on to your butts we're switching gears to fanfic universes. Tell me which fanfic universe we're visiting first? @deedala is spot on about cooperative gameplay by grayola for hours and hours of YouTube watching!! Also I Keep Going Over the World We Knew (Over and Over) by Mellacita, where Arthur Pendragon returns to solve the climate crisis with a lot of science and a little bit of magic. I would like to live in that world please.
Cool, do you have one more you'd like to stop at before we head home? Literally any and all of Ravenheart’s Magic AUs
Alright, on our way out of fanfic land you get to snag some tropes to bring home and apply to your own life, think fast! - - soulmates or enemies to lovers // coffee shop or flower shop // fake relationship or slow burn // amnesia or time loop // body swap or miscommunication // love triangle or arranged marriage // sharing a bed or drunken confession
Wow okay, hope those tropes work out for you!! Our adventure has finally come to an end, where in the world am I dropping you off? Can I please be dropped off in malu’s There Are No Gays in Football universe? Where Arthur Pendragon is the bravest puppy - For love, and a little bit because it is the right thing to do.
Thank you kindly.
Tagging @suzy-queued @mybrainismelted @too-schoolforcool @creepkinginc @heymrspatel @mickeysgaymom @mickeygifs @sleepyfacetoughguy @sam-loves-seb @look-i-love-u @loftec @callivich @transmickey @scurvgirl @sisitrip @celestialmickey @sickness-health-all-that-shit @darlingian @ian-galagher @iansfreckles @rutherinahobbit @palepinkgoat @whatthebodygraspsnot @gardenerian @metalheadmickey
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gipsyavnger · 1 year
Call of Duty OC: Isobel “Medusa” Williams
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When she enlisted in the United States Army at eighteen, the Combat Exclusion Policy had yet to be lifted, so she could not follow in her father’s footsteps. Instead, Isobel followed in her grandfather’s footsteps and became one of the best attack helicopter pilots the Army produced. She was recruited to Task Force 141 by Captain John Price at the request of Kate Laswell.
Name: Isobel Guinevere Williams Call Signs: Medusa; Echo 0-1 Rank: Lieutenant (British Army); Warrant Officer 4 (US Army, former) Gender: Female Birthday: March 25th, 1991 Nationality: American Place of Birth: Fort Benning, Georgia Home: [Redacted], Herefordshire, England Spoken Languages: English (native), Italian (native), Spanish (fluent), Pashto (fluent), Arabic (fluent), and Russian (conversational) Sexuality: Heterosexual Occupation: British SAS operator for Task Force 141; AH-64D/E Pilot (Formerly; separated from the US Army)
Father: First Sergeant Colin Michael Williams AKA Coyote, US Army Ranger (retired) Mother: Maria Gulianna Williams née Giordano, US Army nurse (retired) Siblings: Sergeant Aoife Elisabeth Williams, US Army medic. Relationship with parents: Isobel adores her father. He’s her hero. She wanted to grow up and be tough and fierce just like him when she was a kid. Her relationship with her mother is a little strained at times. She loves her mom very much, but being raised by the hot-headed Italian made things a little interesting, especially when Isobel was trying to prove her independence while Aoife was running around being a little shit. Relationship with sibling: Isobel and Aoife fought like cats and dogs when they were younger. They were three years apart but so close in personality. Poor Colin had to deal with three Italian-tempered women running around his house, causing chaos. Isobel loves Aoife with all her heart, but they still have the typical sister relationship. They get on each other’s nerves but would kill to protect each other.
Extended Family These people are not related to her, but she grew up with them and views them as family:
“Uncle” Robert “Badger” Tully, US Army Ranger (retired)
“Uncle” Jack “Omaha” Wagner, US Army Ranger (retired)
“Uncle” Greg “Elvis” Sumner, US Army Ranger (retired)
Pets: None. She loves all animals. Except small yippy dogs. She especially hates Pomeranians and Chihuahuas. It stems from when she was six and was attacked by a small dog.
Task Force 141
Kate Laswell
Captain John Price (Bravo-6)
Sergeant John “Soap” MacTavish
Sergeant Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley
Los Vaqueros
Colonel Alejandro Vargas
Sergeant Major Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra 
Eye color: Dark brown, in the right light they look black Hair color: Dark brown; if she spends enough time in the sun it lightens to a soft brown Height: 5’4” / 164cm Build: Lean, muscular, and athletic Blood Type: AB+ Scars: Many; one over her right eyebrow, scars littered across her stomach, a long scar down her left shoulder, one down her right thigh (all from her first helicopter crash), and a bullet wound on the right side of her stomach (from the Alone mission) Face Claim: Lyndsy Fonseca
Color: Black and red Food: Pistachio pesto over homemade tagliatelle pasta Drink: Coffee and/or an energy drink Alcohol: Bourbon Song: If I’m There – Bad Omens Album: Finding God Before God Finds Me – Bad Omens Flowers: Sunflowers and Lilacs Hairstyle: A loose messy bun, loose ponytail, or half up in a bun/half down (Normal/relaxed days); tight French braid or military standard bun (For missions)
Myers’s-Briggs Type: ISTJ-T (Turbulent Logictican)
Strong-willed and dutiful - Isobel’s integrity is everything to her, portraying it in her words and actions. She works hard and stays focused with patience and determination, which others admire.
Responsible - Her word is her promise, and promises mean everything to Isobel. She is loyal to a fault.
Jack-of-all-trades - Isobel is a repository for a vast wealth of knowledge. She learns quickly and can utilize what she’s learned at the drop of a hat.
Compassionate - She’s a bleeding heart for those in need, willing to throw herself into the line of fire to protect an innocent person without a second thought.
Intelligent - Isobel is an avid reader, consuming whatever she can get her hands on. Had she pursued college, she would have more than likely gone on to receive a Ph.D. in whatever subject she’d chosen to study. Safe to say, the woman is borderline genius.
When someone first meets her, Isobel can come across as stoic and withdrawn. It takes some prying, but eventually, she will open up to those willing to try to be her friend.
She goes into a certain mindset when in the heat of battle. She looks like she could kill you and probably will kill you.
Permanent case of resting bitch face
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Fighting style: Sambo, Krav Maga, Judo with a mix of Kali
Sniper Rifle: Barrett MRAD .308
Semi-Automatic Rifle: M4A1
Pistol: Sig Sauer M17
Knives: 5–10 thin, easily concealable blades hidden/tucked into her tactical vest; great for throwing or stabbing. Not meant for slashing.
Distinct Weapon: Her concealed knives for close combat
Special Skills: An expert in tracking, survival, and hunting.
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Is obsessed with Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.
She has a ridiculous amount of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings lore memorized and can recall it anytime.
She has a replica of Darth Vader’s lightsaber, Aragorn’s sword Andúril, Legolas’s dual blades, and Arwen’s blade Hadhafang in storage at her parents’ place
Loves to read; her book collection is ridiculous. Isobel isn’t picky about what genre she reads, either.
She was caught reading a few times when she flew helicopters and was stuck on standby.
One of her favorite things to do in her downtime is go to used and new bookstores and browse for hours.
In her senior year of high school, she applied to Yale, Brown, and Columbia to keep her parents happy. She was accepted into all three but declined and enlisted in the military instead.
She married Lucas Greer (US Army Paratrooper, deceased) when she was nineteen. Their marriage was rough, and they legally separated when she was 27. The divorce was finalized in 2019 when she was 28.
She stays in touch with Lucas’s parents every once in a while.
The end of the marriage to their son was rough, but despite that, Isobel loved her in-laws. They were nothing but kind to her through everything that happened.
Covers her prominent scars with tattoos, but she’s also obsessed with tattoos. She currently has five, the biggest of which is her partial back piece.
Has a lovely singing voice, but her party trick is her ability to scream like Courtney LaPlante.
Born to a mother who served in the US Army as a nurse and a father who held the record for the most kills under any Army Ranger’s belt until he retired, Isobel grew up in a military household. When she was younger, she wanted to rebel against her parents and become a lawyer, but she always idolized her parents and eventually grew out of her lawyer phase.
Growing up, Isobel spent every second she could with her father when he was home. Colin deployed a lot, so the man treasured each moment he could be with his family. He took Isobel (and her younger sister once she was old enough) on every hunting trip, using the time to teach her how to shoot. He also taught her the Ranger Way. By the time Isobel was in high school, she was an expert in tracking, survival, and evasion. If needed, she could survive off the land for an indefinite amount of time, given the right tools.
Isobel had a somewhat normal high school experience. Her senior year, she was the Track & Field team's captain, bringing her team the gold for the 200 and 400-meter sprint at the State Championship and anchoring the relay team to take home first place. Besides participating in sports, Isobel was the captain of the debate team and a member of the National Honor Society.
Thanks partly to her well-rounded high school career, Isobel had her pick of colleges to choose from…but that was the opposite of what she wanted. On the day of her eighteenth birthday, she marched down to the nearest Army recruiter and enlisted.
She made it through Basic Training with flying colors, earning herself an Expert Marksmanship badge. Sadly, she couldn’t pursue her dream of becoming an Army Ranger like her father, so she became an attack helicopter pilot instead.
Upon graduating from Warrant Officer Candidate School and Warrant Officer Pilot School and flight training, Isobel found herself a fully-fledged AH-64D/E (Apache Longbow/Guardian) pilot with the callsign “Medusa.” Around this time, she also met her future husband Lucas Greer. He was a dashing paratrooper, and their romance was a whirlwind. Within three months, they were married. Things were blissful before the deployments started, but during their second deployment, Lucas began getting abusive. 
The marriage continued to grow more and more toxic, and eventually, friends and family began to take notice. One in particular was Hannah “Sparrow” Clayton, Isobel’s best friend. During this time, Sparrow had an accident climbing K2 in Asia. The night Isobel got the call saying Sparrow had disappeared was the straw that broke the camel’s back, immediately filling for legal separation when Sparrow woke up from her coma. 
By 2019, twenty-eight-year-old Isobel was legally divorced and happier than she had felt in years. She completed another two tours before being shot down by an enemy RPG after she and her gunner were scrambled to deal with the aftermath of the 2021 Hamid Karzai International Airport bombing, which landed her at Walter Reed Medical Center.
Isobel had served her country for twelve years, facing the prospect of being medically separated from the US Army or stuck behind a desk for the rest of her career. That’s when Laswell sent the uncut footage of the helicopter crash to Captain John Price, informing him that she was recruiting Isobel to Task Force 141.
Price arrived at the hospital and officially recruited Isobel on Laswell’s behalf. Isobel spent six months with TF141 before the Los Almas and Chicago events transpired. After proving her mettle, Price pulled some strings and pushed some paper to have Isobel officially become a member of the British Armed Forces to go through the SAS selection process.
After passing the grueling training, she came out the other side a member of the British SAS and a full-time member of Task Force 141.
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Continued from here.
Archer kept his head bowed, quite apologetic about interrupting this doctor patient meeting. That confidentiality might not exist in this world anymore, but he liked to pretend that it did. His brow curled a little as they discussed him. He wasn't sure if this was some sort of insulting, praising, or worrisome conversation. It was so hard to tell in this place. He only kept up that polite smile. "Hello Sir. So sorry to barge in like this. You shouldn't worry though. Kira is the best. She really is! She did so much for me after I dieeeeeauh.... Uhm-" He murmured to Kira a little quieter, almost ashamed to be saying it outloud. "Well... I suppose it could wait but-" There was a sudden crash from the other room and his spine instantly straightened. He laughed nervously and began to rub his hands together. "Okay! So I was... baking you something and I don't know where it came from but there's a giant roach in the kitchen. And I don't mean just a big one I mean a-" Another crash and Archer flinched. "I mean a really really big one. Like the size of a cat! Or a dog. I... well I hit it with the pan but that only seemed to make it more angry. I'm sorry, I think I left the window open and it got in. How-... how do you kill these things?"
The ghoul, one Johnathan Briggs, if Archer was perceptive enough to glance his chart; watched Archer with a curiosity. It wasn't often you found such pristine looking people who weren't synths. Was this guy a synth?
His stumbling apology is met with a chuckle from the older man. His almost mention of dying has Kira glaring daggers into him. No one can know. They discussed this. Though Archer was worse off now than he'd ever been since that accident, he still was an oddity. A valuable oddity. Plenty of crazy scientists left in the world who'd love to get their hands on him.
Luckily, her patients weren't ones to pry. As they were afforded the same luxury from her.
The crash in the next room has her eyebrow raised now, watching him. Waiting for him to explain. Just what the hell was going on out there?! Any number of things. A disgruntled person- a raging raider- a bird got in-
A radroach.
Kira visibly shivers, her face going a bit pale. Just imagining their creepy hairy little legs and their little chirps was enough to make her stomach churn. Not to mention how... crunchy they were.
"Not gonna look too good on your sanitation inspection that you got roaches, eh Doc?" The man jests, there were no such things anymore.
"You threw a pan at it?! And it's still out there?" Kira gently moves Archer aside and peeks out the door to look into the main lobby. Where, sure enough, was a large roach. Walking it's disgusting little legs all over her floor. Knocking shit over- looking for god knows what.
Looking for her! Ewwwwwwww.
She closes the door, all three of them now cramped into the examination room.
"God I hate those things. They're so...." She grumbles and shivers, pulling the laser pistol from her hip and turning it on. The whirr of the laser charging filled the room.
"Alright. I'll be the first to admit, I don't want to go out there. Those things creep me out. Any of you wanna volunteer to shoot the damn thing? I don't want bullets flying or damage on the walls and shit." Plus... uhhh.... there were plenty of unstable chemicals brewing in this building. One stray laser could decimate part of the shanty building.
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MK kast reacting to Zoolander
Note: hello everyone! I hope your holiday was amazing and that you spent quality time with your loved ones! I wanted to make something funny, so here’s another "reacting" post. What can I say, I love the memes and the movie lol.
For early content (SFW/NSFW), check the links in the bio. Thank you!
Scorpion: He watched the movie by accident. Some of his teen students put the movie on, and he decided to join them. He doesn’t understand why they make those stupid faces or why his students try to recreate them.
Sub-Zero: He has a much better sense of humor than Hanzo, and he laughs with his students instead of watching the movie in horror. He's not into memes, but he is into a good laugh.
Johnny: He owns the lightskin stare. He was initially cast to play Derek Zoolander but got into a fight with the director, and as a result, he was fired. He does the magnum on the battlefield, to see if he can stop the bullets. Sonya or Jax push him aside every time. 
Sonya: She has to hear Johnny brag about how he was fired unjustly. She also has to see him doing the looks. He claims he does them better than Ben, but for her both of them look like idiots. 
Jax: he competes with Johnny for the best "blue steel." He knows where the memes come from and is very disappointed that the music is not the same. He and Johnny do a walk-off when Sonya is not watching. 
Cassie Cage: She saw the movie multiple times, and had no choice but to listen to her father bragging about how he was robbed of the role. She is making a bunch of memes and gains followers super quick. 
Jacqui Briggs: She is not that hyped about the movie but will join in a look contest. She will make memes along with Cassie and comfort Johnny when he starts to whine about how he lost the role. 
Kung Lao: he tries to do the boxer trick but ends up in the ER instead. Liu Kang filmed the whole thing and sent it to everyone. Despite his embarrassment, he performed a "blue steel" and now has a date with a nurse. 
Liu Kang: he has the best "blue steel" out of everyone, but he is humble and won’t brag about it. Kitana likes the look in secret, but she won't tell him that. He enjoyed the movie and recommends it to other monks. 
Kano: he auditioned for the role of Mugatu. He would have gotten the part if they hadn't called in the special forces after checking his background.
Erron: Kabal showed him the movie because he didn’t understand the memes. He thought it was a waste of time, but sometimes he’ll try to do the "blue steel" when he’s trying to flirt when he’s alone in front of a mirror. 
Jade: She didn’t know about the memes or the movie. The whole fuckery confuses her, but she likes the actors, so she’ll watch the movie. She now understands why Kung Lao and Liu Kang make silly faces, which they call "magnum," "ferrari," or "le tigre."
Kitana: loved the movie and thought it was hilarious, but I won’t admit it. She doesn’t know most of the celebrities that appear in the movie, but she has a crush on Hans. Cassie will provide her with more movies of Owen Willson. 
Kotal Kahn: he will chuckle at some scenes but remain stoic during the rest of the movie. Male modeling is a weird concept for him, and while he’d admire Hans and Derek’s physiques, he’ll say that those will be of better use in a fight rather than on a stage. 
Quan-chi: ok, but how did they put a router in the Netherrealm? must be an expensive plan. Either way, as the souls of the damned scream in agony, Quan-chi will laugh with joy at the many hilarious scenes. He mastered the "magnum" and is waiting eagerly for a face-off with Liu Kang. 
Shao Kahn: I loved the idea of the looks and will try to recreate them. Everyone will say that he is the best because they don’t want to die. After that, he decided that the next tournament shouldn’t be based on fighting, but on walk-offs and looks. It will be an interesting discussion with the Elder Gods, for sure. 
Raiden: He’ll watch the whole madness that this movie caused and ask himself if it's still worth anything for them. Everyone makes the same stupid face and makes "memes" instead of focusing on fighting. Damn it, Fujin joined the madness too and is doing "blue steel" with Johnny and Jax. Imagine his face upon hearing Shao Kahn's proposal lol.
Fujin: Ma Man provides a gentle breeze for anyone trying to look like they're in the movie. He loved the movie, and he’s trying to master the looks when Raiden is not looking. 
Shang Tsung: He is grateful once again that he left Earthrealm, as it seems the trends don’t arrive in Outworld either. However, this hype train arrived at full speed, so now instead of using advanced sorcery, he’ll have to defeat Liu Kang in a walk-off. It's time to get back to his younger self and start exercising. 
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adamstape · 1 year
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❛ ⠀𝒢𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 ⠀ ݁ ⠀.⠀ ⌛︎
› ⠀birthname⠀:⠀adam
› ⠀last name⠀:⠀faulkner-stanheight
› ⠀age⠀:⠀20
› ⠀pronouns⠀:⠀he / him
› ⠀nicknames⠀:⠀ad’s ,⠀(give him some!)
› ⠀title⠀:⠀mr
› ⠀gender⠀:⠀male
› ⠀species⠀:⠀human
› ⠀language⠀:⠀english
› ⠀nationality⠀:⠀american
› ⠀ethnicity⠀:⠀caucasian
› ⠀sexuality⠀:⠀bisexual
› ⠀location⠀:⠀new jersey usa
❛ ⠀𝒫𝘩𝑦𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 ⠀ ݁ ⠀.⠀ ⌛︎
› ⠀height⠀:⠀5'7' ft
› ⠀complexion⠀:⠀fair skin
› ⠀physique⠀:⠀average build
› ⠀eye colour⠀:⠀green
› ⠀hair colour⠀:⠀mousy brown
› ⠀physical health⠀:⠀smoker
marks / features⠀:⠀ self-harm scars ,
shoulder bullet scar
❛ ⠀ 𝒫𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 ⠀ ݁ ⠀.⠀ ⌛︎
› ⠀myers brigg⠀:⠀logician INTP
› ⠀morality⠀:⠀true neutral
› ⠀enneagram⠀:⠀4
+⠀ traits⠀:⠀funny ,⠀sweet ,⠀goofy ,
–⠀ traits⠀:⠀apathetic ,⠀sarcastic ,
asshole ,⠀angry ,⠀lazy
Adam is a sarcastic, sweet, freelance photographer who on some occasions can come across as a bit of an asshole. He is a carefree young man who was a victim of the 'Jigsaw Killer,' being described by Jigsaw as 'a strange mix of someone angry yet apathetic, but mostly just pathetic.' Despite Adam's sassy personality and sarcastic self-deprecating humour, there is an emotional side to him. He has a good heart despite his questionable decision-making some of the time. Presumably, Adam’s egoism is a reason for the lacking contact with his family. He can be arrogant and often reacts to questions and uncomfortable situations by being mockingly sarcastic and making provocative jokes. Adam, however, is capable of genuine empathy and compassion for others which was proved during his time in the 'Bathroom Trap.' He appears to have a very beautiful smile which only adds to his attractive appearance. Also living by himself in what he likes to call his 'shithole apartment,' he makes a substandard living off his photography work.
❛ ⠀𝒮𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑠 ⠀ ݁ ⠀.⠀ ⌛︎
› ⠀education⠀:⠀poor
occupation⠀:⠀Adam is a freelance photographer who makes a living by observing and photographing other people for money. One of his clients was former homicide detective David Tapp, he hired and paid Adam $200 per night to observe a renowned oncologist, Dr. Lawrence Gordon, as Tapp suspected him of being the wanted serial killer, Jigsaw. Adam followed Lawrence for several days and took numerous photos of him.
❛ ⠀𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 ⠀ ݁ ⠀.⠀ ⌛︎
father⠀:⠀Adam never had a good nor healthy relationship with his father as he was dismissive, unpresent and in many forms abusive throughout Adam’s life. This led to being one of the reasons why Adam’s anger issues developed and why he left home at a young age.
mother⠀:⠀When Adam left home, she would ring his house phone everyday and leave voicemails to check in on him. She loves Adam dearly and wants to be there for her son, but struggles as Adam finds it hard to let her in.
siblings⠀:⠀Adam’s twin brother is David from 'Saw 0.5,' Adam and David have a close relationship.
ships⠀:⠀Depends, but his main is Dr. Lawrence Gordon.
friends & enemies⠀:⠀Scott Tibbs was / is Adam’s best friend who was quick to turn into his frenemy, they have a toxic relationship as Scott uses Adam for his photography skills and openly treats him like shit. However, Amanda Young is a good friend of his!
› ⠀spouse⠀:⠀none
› ⠀off spring⠀:⠀none
❛ ⠀ 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑡𝑦𝑙𝑒 ⠀ ݁ ⠀.⠀ ⌛︎
Adam wears t-shirts, especially band ones, baggy jeans, checkered flannel shirts, shirt jackets, converse, and leather jackets. He falls into the emo, grunge, ’90s / early 2000s and punk styles.
❛ ⠀𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 ⠀ ݁ ⠀.⠀ ⌛︎
› ⠀universe⠀:⠀saw
› ⠀faceclaim⠀:⠀leigh whannel
› ⠀penned by⠀:⠀ava⠀ఌ
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please note that this information can change depending on the roleplay, story etc. inspo for this edit came from reluctantrenegades on instagram !
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➽ ˙ ∗ ⠀follow @adamstape for more⠀!
🌠 ┊ universe⠀:⠀saw
🎨 ┊ caption layout⠀:⠀taratellr on
⠀ ⠀⠀instagram
🎶 ┊ audio⠀:⠀whore4saw on instagram
🎞️ ┊ media⠀:⠀saw behind the scenes
✍🏻 ┊ edit⠀:⠀mine
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ashes-writing · 2 years
mine || stranger things ; s. harrington
A/N ; I'd apologize for this but honestly we all know I'm not sorry about it. I got the idea earlier and decided to humor it and thus, here we are. This is not connected to my Henderson!Reader or Henderson!OC writings, btw.
Territorial Steve, anybody?
Your mood song for this is River by Bishop Briggs. Or Pillowtalk by Zayn.
Pairing ; Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Tag List ; @rampagewriting should probably see this teeheehee but like... there's nobody on my Stranger Things tag list right now. If you wanna be added, though.. Click the link below.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || rules + fandoms/some characters I write for || requests ; open -headcanons nsfw/fluffy alphabet for any fandoms characters I write excluding wrestling only please and thanks.
I do not consent to having my work reposted elsewhere or reworded/rewritten and reposted here. Reblogs -and likes, are loved though.
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18+ just to be safe. Don't you dare, I swear to God. If you're not into possessive / territorial actions including but not limited to biting/marking, fingers, body fluids, kissing,teasing, heavy sexual tension, just a real quick fight between Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington and the act of sex being hinted at well... All I can say is keep scrolling and turn away now. Definitely don't read this.
[ not my gif but i love how eddie is like cover up you slut. ]
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How do you fall in love?
Harder than a bullet could hit you
Billy Hargrove always seems to find you, to corner you up with no chance at escape. Any other girl at Hawkins High would find it hot, they’d probably throw their panties right at him and lie down - let him do whatever dirty thing he wanted but not you, oh no.
You loathed the guy. He reeked of entitlement and that was only somewhat overshadowed by the fact that the boy smelled as if he swan dove headfirst into an industrial sized vat of Brut. Stetson. Any number of heavy and smothering masculine scents that guys in your school -and probably every high school ever, seemed to think bathing themselves in was a good idea. 
Tonight’s party wasn’t any different. You’d just gotten yourself a cup of punch -heavy on the rum with a few pineapples and cherries  swimming around jovially that you’d feast on, and you leaned against the wall in Tina’s living room just sort of observing. People watching as you usually did. You’d grow bored, as one does because there’s only so much open groping and grinding a girl can take before that ol’ green-eyed monster sets in, and so you turn to leave the crowded living room. Maybe you’d wander out onto the deck, it was usually quieter out there.
The problem with this was Billy Hargrove. He stood in front of you, blocking your path. Unmoving. Expectant, somehow. When he realized it was you, his mouth turned up at the corners into a lazy smirk. A smirk that still irked you to see because somehow it was just so cocky. Annoying.
Like him.
“You.” the word came, accompanied by the usual roll of your eyes as you firmly planted a hand against the thin denim button up he wore. Every intention to push him back just a little, just enough so you could shove past him easier. But Billy was twice the usual level of drunk and dumb on this particular night so for some reason his brain completely ignored the eye roll and the tone of your voice in favor of picking up on the way you had your hand on his chest. Or the fact that you hadn’t just moved it already. Mostly because you hadn’t pushed him away like you planned yet but it was coming.
You could sense the shift in his mood and you groaned inwardly. Your hand was snatched away from the firmness of his chest with quickness and you grumbled to yourself because it was in that moment you knew.. You’d just fucked up.
He stepped even closer and you stepped away. You even hissed at the guy, this somehow didn’t deter him.
This baffled you because normally, crazy worked.
“Don’t make me pour this over your head, nimrod.” you spoke up as your bare foot tapped against hardwood flooring and you stared up at him, unamused.
Billy wasn’t comprehending. “Aw, c’mon.” he pouted. “E-every girl but you l-likes me. I j-just wanna k-know w-why. Tell me.”
“Well.” you blew at loose strands of hair in your eyes as you glanced helplessly over his shoulder. All your friends were either upstairs making the bases with their chosen person for tonight or they weren’t present.
You were all alone.
It didn’t sit right with you at all.
Billy sober was just annoying but Billy when drunk… He lacked any sense of boundaries, he’d even gone as far as to lick you at the last party you got dragged out to.
He stood taller. His hand against your hip until you lowered your own hand and swatted his away. “Stop touching me, holy shit.” you complained as you rubbed the bridge of your nose. Annoyed. Praying for a distraction. Any distraction, really.
“Answer t-the question.” Billy was firmer when he said it. Demanding. All in your personal space yet again and when you tried to get away, he’d just step closer and get right back in it.
“You’re annoying, okay? You’re annoying and your boundary issues are a huge turn-off. You’re fake, you’re an asshole and you’re too cocky. Are you happy now, Hargrove? This is why I don’t like you. Will you go now? Will you leave me the fuck alone?”
It came out louder than you meant it -no thanks to the short fuse you’d been cursed with at birth, and you stepped away even more.
Only thing is, you stepped right into somebody standing behind you.
You tensed. Were Hargrove and his idiot Hagan going to double team you now? They had the habit of doing so, to tease and harass you until all you wanted to do was punch them both in the throat after knocking their heads against each other repeatedly.
To your surprise, Steve Harrington cleared his throat.
You whirled around and you did it fast enough that the red alcohol laden punch in your cup sloshed all over his white tee shirt. You gulped.
Brown eyes settled on the spreading stain and then they settled on you. Studying you intently. Concerned.
You were distracted by the brighter brown flecks in his irises to notice when he shifted you so that you were pressed closer to him and thus, further away from Billy’s pesky and groping hands or the way he tried to stomp every single one of your personal space boundaries when he was in the mood to irritate you by popping up like this. 
“Lay off, Hargrove.” Steve’s voice was calm. Too calm. Deathly calm.
Billy chuckled, the sound was dark. Menacing. “Y-you gonna m-make me, H-harrington?” he steps up, this effectively puts you into the dream position of at least half the female population currently attending Hawkins High.
Possibly even some of their own mothers if the rumor about Billy and his thing for the older ladies that went around last week was anything to go by.
You gulp again. Gazing up at Steve and over your shoulder at Billy. Billy reaches to grab your hips but Steve snatches you out of the middle and you’re behind him so fucking quick you barely realize it. Steve steps up to Billy and there’s shoving. Swearing.
“Fuck.” you mutter, mostly to yourself. Your eyes dart around helplessly, looking for somebody. Anybody to pry the two fighting males apart but then you happen to pick up on something said in the heat of the moment.
“I told y’ to leave her the fuck alone, Hargrove.” -it was Steve who said it and he is furious, straddling Billy’s hips as his fists slam against what all the girls say is a perfect nose and batter his face relentlessly. Billy’s got his hands at Steve’s throat and he’s taunting him about it. Rubbing in the fact that you don’t even know Steve exists but you had your hand on Billy’s chest.
And you don’t like it, the fact that Steve is fighting because of you. You feel so bad about it, you had to do something.
Enter the shoe you discarded beneath a tall stool at the kitchen island after your last remaining present friend coaxed you down from dancing on the bar to some stupid -yet catchy, pop song. You were in a moment of desperation so it worked.
You threw the shoe at Billy just as he got the upper hand. It bounces off the back of his head just as he’s straddled Steve and he’s got him choked and pinned to the wood floor.
His distraction to look back at you in sheer confusion gave Steve just enough time to both get away from Billy and get his arm behind his back while holding his face down against the wood floor. He was seething in anger, you couldn’t recall a time you’d ever seen the mild-mannered boy in front of you absolutely feral with rage about something.
You’d never admit it out loud but seeing him like this was well… Kind of hot. There was something about the way he was fighting right now to defend your honor that had your thighs clenched tight and had you watching intently, flinching every time a hit landed against him. Desperate to do something else, anything else to end the altercation.
You just didn’t know what.
You reach out tentatively to tap his shoulder. “S-steve?”
He seems to come back into focus. Turns to look at you and gets off of Billy. Spits out some blood from where he’s bitten his lip or one of Billy’s wayward punches busted skin.
Billy’s threatening him that this isn’t over, that he’ll kick his ass but you step between them because hell, it seems as if none of their so-called friends seem to give a shit and this whole debacle did start because of you.
Didn’t it? It all happened so fast that you’re not even honestly sure what started it.
“Get fucked, Hargrove. He was o-only tryin t’ get you t’ stop t-touchin me.” you’re brandishing your other shoe because you’d grabbed it a few seconds prior when you thought the first shoe wouldn’t do the trick.
He gazes at the heel and back at you.
“You want this loser? Fine. Have ‘im.” Billy seems to finally grasp the fact that you don’t want him and you couldn’t want him less if you tried and the thought has you relaxing all over as you take a deep breath.
How do we fall apart?
Faster than a hairpin trigger
You turn to Steve and you grimace at the way his eye is already starting to blacken and his jaw is starting to as well, strong features marred by blackish purple bruising.
And you can’t just walk away and leave him be.
You barely know him that well but the fact remains, this is your fault somehow.
You grab him by the arm and pull him into the kitchen. Your hand against his chest to shove him down into a chair at the breakfast nook over by a bay window. And then you make your way over to the fridge and rifle around in the freezer area until you find a frozen ribeye to hold against his face.
You wander back over and you sink down, seating yourself at the edge of his lap as you gingerly press the ribeye against his face. “You didn’t have t’ do that.”
“I did.” he insists.
“No, you didn’t.” you argue.
“Fine.” he pauses, shifting around so that you wind up scooting much closer to him all of a sudden, “I didn’t have to. But I wanted to..Alright?” he holds your gaze and you can’t look away and there’s something… Hungry… about the way he’s looking at you that has your tummy doing a lazy flip or two. You bite your lip and he licks his lips, your eyes catching on the slow drag of his thick,wet tongue. 
The whimper slipped out and as soon as it did you absolutely froze.
Maybe he hadn’t heard it.
But then he’s leaning closer, leaning into you and staring up. “D-did you just…whimper?” there’s this hot little goofy smile on his face and you shiver when you feel thick digits digging against either one of your sides. Holding you in place on his lap.
You gulp, again.
“I.. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you answer with a shrug as you try to pretend that this is fine, everything is fine and you’re not suddenly staring at his lips and wondering how they’d taste.
But you’re staring so hard you’re leaning in a little closer. And the closer you lean, the more his fingers dig against your side. His other hand raises, catches hold of the side of your face and the pad of his thumb rolls over your soft skin. If you thought you shivered before it’s nothing compared to right now, this second.
He chuckles and the sound is deep. It’s husky. It’s velvet and gravel all rolled into one. “You’re lying. Why?”
You shrug. Shrugging is easier right now than attempting to make your brain and your mouth work together. Shrugging is easier than telling him exactly why you whimpered.
“Am not.” you insist, pouting at him a little.
“Are so.” he argues, leaning in closer. Close enough that his nose bumps soft against the tip of your nose. Your stomach goes from lazy little flips to feeling as if someone released a swarm of bees inside. Your free hand rests against the front of that white t-shirt and you focus on the stain from your spilled beverage of choice. “I-I think Tina’s got something for the.. The uh.. Stain.” you manage to get the words out and you’re about to pull yourself off his lap but his fingers vise against your hip and the way he’s holding you locks you in place where you’re sitting.
If he knew he was playing with fire right now, you think to yourself.
See, all the other girls may want Billy now. Billy Hargrove may be the new king of Hawkins. But while all the other girls want Billy… You’ve always wanted Steve.
It blew your mind that Nancy Wheeler actually let herself be dumb enough to let him slip through her fingers. And for what?
She chose ice when she could’ve easily chosen fire and it always made you wonder about her. 
The thought is shoved out of your head because Steve is staring at your mouth intently. Licking his own lips. Steve is looking at you with those gorgeous deep brown eyes and you’re sitting in his lap. What’s more, you marvel, he doesn’t seem to plan on letting you move off of his lap.
“If you’ll g-give me your.. Your um.. Shirt.” you attempt.
He places the ribeye to the side and without breaking his gaze on you, he tugs the white tee shirt up and over his head. He holds it out to you but when you go to slip off his lap he grabs hold of your hips again. Holding you there.
“It can wait. Stain’s not gonna come out.” Steve winces a little as he says it. But he’s still focused on you, staring intently.
“It will if it doesn’t set up.” you argue despite wanting to kick yourself in the face the entire time. Why are you putting up a fight when you want exactly what’s happening?
Steve chuckles quietly.
“Do I make you nervous?” he asks quietly. Studying you intently all over again.
“Well no.” you start but your words die and fall away.  You look down, study the way your dress is hiked up as you balance on his jean clad thighs. Your legs are wrapped around him too so there’s that.
He seems to notice it around the same instant you become fully aware you’ve done it. You don’t unwrap your legs, despite knowing maybe you should.
Then again, he doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to tell to move them, either.
He leans into you. “That’s gotta be it.” he shakes his head as if confused.
“As if you could make me nervous. Class daredevil, remember?”
Steve snorts when he laughs after you’ve said it. The laughter dies away and you’re both doing it now, the thing where you both quietly stare at each other. You’re still holding his discarded shirt in your hand.
And this party has become the last place on Earth Steve really wants to be.
“D’ ya wanna leave?” the question is quiet. Tentative, almost as if he’s bracing himself to be shot down.
“And go where, hm? Nothing is open after 8 in this hole in the wall.” you ask the question as you dare to scoot up in his lap a little better, this puts you closer to him. You melt against him a little but it’s awkward. Careful and clumsy because you’re still waiting on him to tell you you’re crossing a line of some sort.
His arms wrap around you and you’re caught against him. Your face buried between his neck and shoulders. “You don’t make me nervous, y’know.” you admit it easier because you’re not forced to look right at him as the words finally work themselves free from your lips. You raise your head to glance up at him. The way you’re sitting in his lap means that you can feel him starting to strain against his jeans. He whines quietly when you wiggle in his lap to try getting a little more comfortable -and because the friction from accidentally rubbing against him feels so good you can’t resist it as soon as you realize.
“You act like it.” he pouts a little when he makes the observation, kind of like it bothers him.
 The slightly wounded look in his eyes after he goes quiet kills you and you have to… You have to do something, you have to say something because you hate seeing him upset.
“Steve, I..” you go quiet, swallowing hard. It came out so easy just before when you weren’t looking right at him. Stands to reason that it’ll come out easier a second time if the same conditions are met. So you lean into him, your mouth against the shell of his ear so you can whisper what you want to say against the shell of it softly.
“I like you. I like you a lot. It’s not you that makes me nervous. It’s uh.. It’s that.” you feel relief crash over you like a tidal wave when you finally bring yourself to say it. And you’re waiting because in your mind he’ll laugh and this is when things will become awkward as hell… Right?
Except that’s not what happens at all.
He grabs your neck gently and he turns your head so that you have to look at him. “Say it again.” he’s got this soft and wary little grin, a look in his eyes like he can’t quite believe that you just said it. Or maybe it’s the fact that somebody’s saying those words… to him.
“I like you. I like you a lot.” you repeat quietly. The way he’s still gently holding on makes it so that you can’t look anywhere but those magnetic eyes when you say it.
Wordlessly, he stands. You’re still tangled around his body and he’s carrying you towards the front door. You giggle quietly, still in awe that this all actually happened. It doesn’t click that it’s not a dream and it’s really happening until he carefully seats you in the passenger seat of his BMW and plants a shy kiss on the freckled bridge of your nose after reaching across to buckle your safety belt and before he closes the passenger door.
Can't change the way we are
One kiss away from killing
The only stoplight in town catches you on a red. One of Steve’s hands leaves the wheel and settles on the exposed part of your thigh, squeezing gently. You squirm a little and whine before finally deciding that you can’t take it, you gotta do something. One of you does.
But Steve beats you to it, thankfully, leaning across the car and into you as his hand tangles up in the hair at the back of your head and he uses that grip to pull your mouth against his mouth. The closer your faces inch towards each other, the more time seems to slow down. The more your breath hangs in your throat. The more your heart races and the more it feels like all the bones are rapidly dissolving in your body. You close the distance and your tongue drags over the outline of his kissable lips, the soft drag of your wet tongue met by a growl from deep within him as his hand tugs at your hair and his other hand squeezes your thigh like he’s trying hard to keep himself from falling apart completely.
“I’ve had a crush on you all year.” he mumbles husky against your lips as his meet clumsily, “Those cute little dresses, fuck.” he squeezes your thigh just a little harder when he says it, “Y’ drive me crazy.” his tongue drags over your lips and traces your teeth and your mouth falls open with a whine as you shiver all over. “So.fuckin.sexy.” he adds as the kiss deepens and you can already see colored dots lining your vision. His hand creeps up your thigh a little higher.
The light goes green and you come apart. Steve’s driving again and you’re pouting a little because things were just starting to get a little heated. Your pussy is dripping, throbbing. And every single time his hand moves up towards it just a little closer, you get wetter, you’re almost certain he can feel it, he has to feel it.
The wonder is answered when his finger brushes against the wet fabric that barely covers you there. And he swallows down a lump in his throat, gazing at you out of the corner of his eye. “Fuck.” he groans out quietly. He removes his hand but he grabs hold of your wrist, settling your hand in his lap as he bucks against your palm. “That’s what you’re doin’ to me right now, princess.” he groans out.
Your entire body is burning, on fire. So hot you almost can’t breathe. “M-me?” you stammer.
Steve chuckles quietly. “It’s so fuckin cute the way you skip around. No fuckin clue what you do to a guy.”
You rub your hand over the way he’s strained at his jeans and he swears in frustration, his hips arching up to meet the clumsy touch. His knuckles white against the steering wheel as he bites down on his lip, wincing in pain because he manages to bite the part of it’s that got busted in the fight.
You lean in a little, you study him. You’re curious.
Naturally, this curiosity is what lends to you reaching out. Stroking his face with one of your hands as you press your lips to his all over again.
“Now you’re teasin me, babe. C’mon, fuck.” he moans and god, the sound. You’re beyond dripping now, you’re soaked and you can feel the way it gushes down the insides of your thighs. And so can he. His hand settles on your slick inner thigh and he growls this time.
“Is that for me, princess? Hm?” he asks in a low voice as he squeezes his hand against your cunt, bucking his hips upward in the seat.
“A-all yours.” you choke out the words as his finger drags a line from the bottom of your slit to the top. When he presses that finger right against your clit and rubs it’s all you can do to keep from screaming. Your stomach is coiled tight.
“All mine?” he’s torn between awe and a more feral side coming out to play. The car is sitting at the curb in front of his house now and it has been for at least ten minutes. Steve pushes the driver seat back and reaches out, unbuckling the buckle on your seatbelt before pulling you across to his seat, settling you in his lap. Right on top of the way his cock is twitching, pushing against his jeans and begging for freedom.
“Gonna take you inside, baby.” he growls out against the shell of your ear as his lips latch against the side of your neck and suction forms between lips and skin. The suction breaks after he makes a mark you know won’t be hidden in the morning and he speaks up again quietly, “Gonna take you inside n’ take what’s mine.”
“Please.” you whimper as your mouth latches against the front of his throat because if he’s going to mark you up, you’re gonna do the same.
After all, this might very well be some hyper-realistic and intense as all hell sex dream. Might as well enjoy…
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trollprincess · 1 year
So I’ve been watching Wolf Pack because I am a glutton for punishment, and so far it’s been fine. I’m sure that won’t last, but let’s go with it.
Anyway, a few things I’ve been thinking on:
Look, Sarah Michelle Gellar is either the one making the calls or the alpha. Can we just get there already? Or reveal anything about her other than that she seems to be the only sensible investigator there? (Still creepily everpresent, however.)
The sharing powers when they sync up thing is cool. Let’s do more of that.
Okay, but are we SURE that’s their biological dad? Because I’ve been down Jeff Davis Road before and it turned out to be the crispy uncle.
NGL, at this point I’d be fine if Everett and Blake’s parents got bumped off by the werewolf and the Briggs family adopted them. And Danny. Actually, Everett’s dad can live. He seems cool.
Harlan is very pretty. He also annoys me. Sheesh.
Okay, I know Luna and Harlan have every right to be upset about the silver bullets but also they need to think with their common sense for five seconds. (Well, Luna does. Harlan doesn’t have any when it comes to Garrett.) Their father is still out there. They know next to nothing about themselves. What happens if they grow up and become violent? How’s he supposed to fight that? It says a lot he’s got that stuff stashed away in the stable and not in the house. He needs it, but man, does he not want to use it.
Mr. Garrett Briggs and his very obvious Brazilian accent. Okay, sure.
Look, I’ll freely admit that I am forty-five and therefore an Old, but I also find myself genuinely curious if teenagers are having nearly as many raves as Jeff Davis seems to think they’re having.
I am perfectly okay with Luna’s wardrobe choices but I’m not sure donating all of her midriffs to the Salvation Army is helping anybody.
I’m sure there’s some simple reason as to why Blake doesn’t carry a phone other than “It’s a thing,” especially considering she has a special-needs brother only she seems to give a damn about, and I have a bad feeling the term “revenge porn” is going to come up.
Look, I can’t do this arson investigation for the whole season. I need more. I need school. I need social interaction. I need something these kids are being distracted from because of all these changes and threats. I need Harlan deliberately ignoring Everett in a hallway and Luna trying to befriend Blake with itty bitty careful baby steps the way you approach a lost dog.
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