#bully alert
askchilchuck · 2 months
Skibiti toilet? Yes or no
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Back again already, huh? I still have no idea what that means. Also, why did you give me a shoe with beans in it…?
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palilious · 8 months
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midnight-love-song · 4 months
You’re 16, and in some form of nihilistic self importance, you just laughed in the face of a high school bully. She threatens to knock you out if you don’t stop. You just watched a Doctor Who in which Clara Oswald says “threats only work if you deliver” so you tell her to hit you. She doesn’t. You feel big. You feel powerful. You tell her to enjoy high school because no adult will tolerate her abuse and she has reached her life’s peak in year 11. She hits you hard. But it was worth it. Your classmates are watching, and you hug the one she scared. Later, your mum will receive a message from that classmate’s mum saying she won’t stop talking about you. You will chase this high for the rest of your life but in the end, you also peaked in year 11.
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bloodfin · 8 months
during his heat everyone stops calling dew droplet and starts calling him dribble because of the way he's constantly leaking pre everywhere
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
How do you think fish would react to a normal earth cat? Would he like a lap buddy while he meditates?
well, considering that he likes to bitch about it when Seafarer, Tim, Tam OR even Tinkerer (the fauna he's closest to) decide to hybernate curled around his puppet, i'd imagine he'd go about it just about the same way with a normal earth cat!
first he complains about it all pissy, but if the lil beast persists long enough he will just kind of deflate with annoyed groan before going back to his meditation, tryin to just accept it which he most likely will (since that is what the philosophy of RW's religion commands him to do)
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busiest-bee · 1 month
This is so cringe and stupid I’m so sorry to torture everyone who came here for Anything Else. Anyways
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Don’t look at me I’m ashamed
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namranii · 2 days
All this Hal Esposito stuff on my fyp (not complaining) has inspired me to beg like a sick Victorian boy for Hal x reader hcs 🤭🥰
FINALLY THE FANDOM APPRECIATES HIM 🤑 (cw: mention of eating disorders)
the boy can sing. don’t ask, he has bars.
history buff. ask him anything about history and he will pull out the 🤓☝️ face.
based on his dialogue has either bulimia or binge eating disorder but is in denial about it.
has a crush on marilyn monroe.
when he was a kid, he used to go hunting with his father.
strong for a fat man (tehe i love strong fat guys)
if you’re dating him will pick you up and carry you around piggy back style CONSTANTLY.
has the most surprising rizz out of all the clique members, he doesn’t look like he gets bitches but HE DOES. trust!!
still pines over eunice 😔
makes the outfits that him and lefty use to dress up frogs with.
him and ricky are childhood best friends :3.
moonwalks on a daily basis to greet his friends.
bites his nails when hes scared or just bored. due to this, has ugly ass nails.
coughing almost CONSTANTLY. holds his breath untill his face turns red so he doesn’t cough in public/awkward situations.
laughs like a hyena.
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frchillingrn · 1 year
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A picture is worh. 10000 words. Two pciture are worh. 20900 words ❤️
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spookyowlman · 7 months
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"Oh my goodness I looked JUST like @reanimated-owl !"
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"See, this is why you should try death! Look at that MASSIVE upgrade!"
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brionysea · 8 months
you ever open a b*ler fic only to immediately close it because it's blaringly obvious from page one that they do not understand mike wheeler at all
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cryptvokeeper · 29 days
post: "I can’t believe women are willingly having children with reluctant men who they have to beg and convince to have kids with them"
me: oh! because its fucked up to pressure someone into have children and itll probably lead to some not great parenting right?
me: ...because its fucked up to pressure someone into having children and will probably lead to fucked up parenting right???
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fisheito · 9 months
I've never felt so seen. So represented. Thank u aster. Here are some of my fave lines
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#after reading this i had to consult The Chart to see if it lined up with the fic and#well. yeah. guess it did 😂😂😂😂#narration in aster's voice is so wonderfully comedic and snarky i loved every second of it. u manipulative gremlin#WHY IS YAKUMO SO CUTE HE SHOULDnT BE CUTE BUT I WANTNA *knuckles turning white from my trembling iron fist*#what was that picture of yakumo with the comment like [boys with big brown eyes like a baby cow stfu]#yeah that thing. that image was pulsing throughout the fic. intrusive adoring thought#aster sees yakumo's big soulful innocent eyes looking up at him and he's all#i need to slaughter him. i need to pound him into cutlets and distribute him to the masses for insane profit#ah..... is this cuteness aggression...#I NEED TO BULLY HIM. HE IS TRYNIG SO HARD TO BE GOOD I NEED TO#hyperventilates into my pizza box#sipping tea and reading while occasionally yelling out#SO true bestie [aster]. (melodramatic sigh)#idk why it's funny that yakumo squeaks in fic. it is SO FUNNY. hey look it's a squeaky mouse#wait he's a snake? are u sure? dont snake eat mice?...........ARE U SURE HE ISN'T A TINY minuscule RODENT LIVING INSIDE A DAISY? NO???#BIG DANGEROUS BLACK SHADOWY VENOMOUS SNAKE? ok..............sounds fake..........but if u say so........................#i'm fine. i'm not still having a Time of accepting mr serpent into my life. what are u talking about. i am fine.#i am reading words and acting in ways#hahahaaha! how can you awaken something when i already know it's awake??!!#(spoiler alert: i was not truly aware of its awakeness but i've been thinking of this fic for days so i'm pretty sure the awakening is NOW)#(insert pillar men theme) (sighs wearily at my own clownery)
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daftysaph · 3 months
Hahaha short!🫵😆 (in regards to u getting half-foot)
(ps idk if it good wit me sending u asks since we're not super close mutuals so feel free to ignore this)
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Be nice to me I'm just a human shape Chihuahua 🥺🥺🥺
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blurrprime · 2 years
i think transformers would really benefit if it took the same absurdist approach to certain things homestuck did. specifically "troll [insert blatantly human thing that is now made alien by adding 'troll' in front of it]"
robbie and mo are showing the terrans bfu and arcee and bee walk over and go oh! just like Cybertronian BuzzFeed Unsolved!! and they pull up an ep and
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bee is a boogara
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busiest-bee · 2 months
I think if I were a dog I’d be a wolf dog, specially a livestock guardian dog mixed with a wolf (which is ironic, but wolves are gender so shh) I don’t think I’d be very good at my job tho, cuz my memory is very not good, and my legs enjoy being in pain. But it’d be ok cuz I’d be a cool big wolf dog and I could run around in tall grass and feel joy and whimsy
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fangsup-cobrastyle · 3 months
guy who goes to see The Used every tour just in case Gerard shows up for the first time in 20 years
[20 page long disclaimer that I like The Used for reasons unrelated to whether or not any of them fucked Gerard Way]
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