#burp prompt
jurassicsickfics · 5 months
Imagine caretaker holding sickie against their shoulder, when they hear them suddenly burp. Caretaker jokingly asks, "feel better?" To which sickie softly replies, "I just puked..."
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bellyasks · 3 months
barnacleboy voice The👁️🫵 burst teasy dialogue prompts
"I really need to burp but it won't come up… I feel like my stomach's about to explode."
"Jeez, your belly sounds like it's about to blow."
"Oh, god, I'll pop if I eat any more."
"Would you just burp already? You're gonna burst if you keep holding it in."
"Ooh, there's so much pressure inside my belly… I'm gonna burst if I can't get it out…"
"I don't think I've ever seen somebody eat so much. You're not gonna explode, are you?"
"Ugh, don't squeeze me so tight, I'm about to pop."
"Please stop before you burst."
"I'm gonna finish this thing or explode trying."
"Wow, they weren't lying when they called that thing the Belly Buster. You look like you're about to pop."
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vorthodoxy · 7 months
burping pred brainrot
preds burping in glutted satisfaction, rubbing their stuffed, squirming bellies, but even more than that…
pred burping cutely while streaming on twitch
pred belching in their sleep during a food coma
pred trying to stifle their belches bc they’re worried they’ll gross out their date (tho the date doesn’t seem to mind that they swallowed someone whole shortly after meeting up)
pred insisting that, no, they have no idea where that friend went, but they’ll try calling her— ah, damn, no answer. well, she’s bound to turn up sooner or (urp) later…
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ruelpsen · 7 months
Hii, I was wondering if you have any favourite scenarios/prompts involving stuffing/burping? I've been looking for some inspiration but nothing's quite caught my eye so far
-writing anon
Sorry to keep this one waiting for so long! Here's a few ideas I've got, hopefully few to none will be repeats from past posts...
Getting ridiculously stuffed and belchy in inappropriate contexts is always a winner imo. Something about being in a place- especially one where good manners are expected- while being unable to hide how full you are, much less how much you need to belch, is so gd hot.
High stuffing sessions. Speaking from experience, it is incredibly fun to feel your sense of fullness slip away as you start to feel ravenously hungry. Put enough food and drink in front of someone who's high and you're bound to end up with a bloated, belchy, shameless mess.
Speaking of being shameless, I love situations where someone is shamelessly belching... but has no idea that they're not as alone as they think. It's especially good when the person listening is really into it!
Someone, for whatever reason, really paying attention to their burps during a stuffing session. This kind of scenario is particularly helpful from a writing perspective for thinking about how aspects of a burp, such as pitch, length, volume, throatiness, etc. change as someone gets fuller and fuller.
Getting so full that any movement leads to burping. Being that fucking stuffed and so uncontrollably belchy is so hot!
Related: scenarios where someone is able to loosen/remove clothing as it gets tight while they get stuffed, only for them to have to put it back on when they're done. Tight clothes can do wonders for getting stuffed burps unstuck!
More of a fantasy-type idea, but burps getting unrealistically loud and/or long the fuller someone gets. Sometimes a bit of imaginative thinking goes a long way...
Dom/sub stuffing dynamics. (With consent established beforehand ofc) forcing someone to eat, keeping them from being able to rub their painfully stuffed gut, being punished for burping before they were allowed to... stuff in that vein drives me wild!
Belching + orgasming during an especially sexy stuffing session. Need I say more?
Hopefully at least one of these will help inspire you!
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danafeelingsick · 1 month
nausea is hot and all, don't get me wrong, but... having a cute character with a full nice belly after a tasty meal. petting their stomach and letting this small but satisfied burps. hits different, you know?
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angstyaches · 2 years
Casual Fiendish Scenarios for your Faves
For your non-sickfic, non-angst tummy needs. As always, credit for the term “fiend” goes to @tiny-loves-rubs, and I hope it’s okay that I used it here! This is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever made, and I apologise for inflicting it on all of you.
A belly being used as a pillow by a friend/partner. Even if they’re hanging out in a group.
Tickling around the stomach/waist area.
Hugs from behind where the hugger’s hands end up on the huggee’s belly.
Mock-punching aimed towards the character’s stomach. Maybe they join in on the silliness and dramatically hold their belly like it actually hurt.
Those situations where a character’s lying on their back, maybe in some long grass or on a bed or on the beach, looking up at the sky or looking across at their partner’s face, and their hands are just gently resting on their stomach.
Growls that take them by surprise, because they hadn’t even realised they’d been getting hungry.
Gurgles after they eat.
Tummy noises that happen for ✨no reason whatsoever✨
Burps that are just random, harmless burps.
Random stomach noises while kissing, cuddling, having cute conversations, or any other light moment.
Any of these could end in a multitude of ways, e.g. a) the character getting a little bit embarrassed and being reassured, b) the character or their friend/partner laying a hand on their stomach, or c) both/all of them dissolving into laughter.
Stretching so that their shirt lifts up and reveals a sliver of their stomach.
Accidental belly reveal because their clothes have shifted around while they’ve been sleeping or getting comfy.
Crop. Tops. Yes, intentional showing of the tum.
The rise and fall of their stomach as they breathe and relax.
Both hands tucked into the single pocket in the middle of a hoodie, drawing attention to the tum.
Arms crossed over their stomach because they’re cold.
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askbloatedbellyblog · 7 months
I need a place to scream about one piece belly thoughts so here I go: sanji would be an AMAZING feeder. As a cook who knows his way around food, he'd know exactly what to put in his meals for the desired effect- he knows what'll bulk you up, what'll leave you bloated and burpy, and he'll make sure you aren't gonna waste a single bite.-
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On the whole, I definitely agree with you, though I also think now that the live action is out, you could break things up a little bit.
He would be an amazing feeder and is probably one of the people in the world that has traveled the most so has the most experience with most food and what it can do, on top of the diverse needs of the crew and what they want.
There's a few things I'd add. First is that I also think Sanji can pack it away too when he wants to. He definitely has sampled his own cooking and even had big meals to know what can pair well together and not make someone feel sick. Second is that I think a lot of this comes from a place of love (though kink is definitely involved).
Because of his time stuck at sea without food, it left a strong impression on him and I think it makes him happy just to see people not only enjoy his food, but be well fed. He's helping from preventing that from happening to anyone else. If people eat so much that they are bloated, even better.
And where I agree with you is not only knowing what to serve (though yes I do think he'd alter things by the eaters tastes) but he also knows how to keep them going to and make sure they eat every last bite.
So for example, if it's Zoro then yeah he'll probably pop insults the entire time and question why he's not eating it all and calling him weak to keep Zoro going until every last bit of food is gone. Even bringing attention this is to help him bulk up and get stronger.
However, if it's someone else and he knows that they require more encouragement and a more gentle touch, then he knows how to pour on the charm, compliment them on how well they are doing, maybe even rub their belly if need be, even hand feed them if it helps to keep them going until every last bite is gone.
And if someone requires them him to vacillate between running hot and cold on their encouragement, he'll do that too.
I also think that he'll often take burps as a sign of a good job on his part and think of burps as more "compliments to the chef" than anything of rudeness. So someone being super full and burpy is probably music to Sanji's ears.
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warpedlegacywrites · 5 months
Hi Duchess!! Some Fluffuary fluff for Theresa/Cullen this eve: how about "Borrowing clothes"?
Thanks for this @dadrunkwriting prompt! I adored writing this scene for them:
When Cullen wakes in the middle of the night to an empty bed and silence, he isn’t worried. Rising with a low grunt from the usual aches and pains, he pads across the cool marble floor and down the hall, finding his trousers on the way, but not bothering with a shirt. Moonlight stretches silver shadows across the hall, sliding over his pale skin as he makes his way to the second floor.  He finds Theresa in the library, pacing the length of the room. Their infant daughter is cradled in her arm, one chubby cheek nestled against her shoulder, Theresa’s palm flat across her back, patting it lightly.  “Is that my shirt?” Cullen asks once he knows Theresa’s sense his presence – he doesn’t want to risk startling her while she’s holding the baby.  “I ran out of my own,” she answers wryly. “Ones that weren’t stained with some bodily fluid or other, at least.”  “So you’re now adding my clothes to the stained pile?” Cullen wouldn’t mind, normally – in fact, he quite likes the sight of her in one of his shirts and nothing else. But the fact that she’s currently using it as a burping blanket as well as covering is a little annoying, on principle. “Why don’t you use a towel like I do?”  “Because I never remember to grab one ahead of time when I’m feeding her. And it’s too hard to stand and walk with her in my arm when she’s feeding.”  Cullen gives an understanding hum. With only one hand to maneuver with, getting Ellie into the right angle for nursing is a feat unto itself. Usually, Tess has to use a soft surface to lean on as leverage.  “Here,” he offers, holding out his own hands. “I’ll take her.”  “I’m perfectly capable of burping my own child, Cullen,” she snaps.  A beat passes. Then two.  “I’m sorry,” she says on the third. With a weary sigh, she turns and allows Cullen to take Ellie into his arms, and rubs at her eye furiously. “I’m just so tired��”  “I know,” he hushes her, bouncing with Ellie propped at his bare shoulder. “It’s alright. You can go back to bed. I’ve got her.”  But she doesn’t leave right away. Instead, she leans against him, resting her head on the opposite shoulder, swaying with him as her hair tickles his skin and Ellie coos and burbles between them.  “It’s ironic,” she says as a pensive hum. “It used to be our overwrought work ethic keeping us awake at all hours of the night.”  “And the nightmares,” Cullen adds blithely.  “And now, when there’s nothing more I’d like than to lie down and sleep for a week solid…” Theresa’s hand comes up to cradle their daughter’s head as she looks down on her in quiet wonder. “...this little one refuses to let me.”  Ellie lets out a proud burp, quite impressive for one so small. Mercifully, nothing comes up with it, and Tess chuckles.  “Of course, she stains all my clothes, but leaves your naked skin completely clean.” She lays a kiss upon her tender brow, and whispers fondly, “Ungrateful child.”  Finally, she agrees to go to bed. Cullen watches her go, admiring the sight of her wearing his shirt. It’s so large on her it nearly reaches her knees, and her bare legs peek out from underneath as she makes her way up the stairs. Retreating back into the library, he holds little Ellie aloft and smiles up at her tiny face. Just like her mother, in miniature.  “That’s my girl,” he whispers.
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moraygrotto · 1 month
the idea of A controlling when B burps is just 🥴🥴🥴🥴🔥
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jurassicsickfics · 8 months
Some little sounds I love hearing from movie characters 🎧🔊🎙:
1: Sniffles
2: Burps
3: Sneezes
4: Crying/Whimpers
5: Gags
6: That spitting sound when they spit out mouth wash or something
7: Coughs
8: Nose blowing
9: Whiny sounding groans or yells
10: hiccups
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bellyasks · 3 months
more burp prompt/scene idea lists .. pleeaaseeee......
hewwowww i dont really go to burps Too Much so these are probably pretty mild but i tried
The timeless classic: your character badly needs to burp, but they're embarrassed to do so in front of whoever they're with. They hold it in, and the pressure builds inside them until their tummy can't take it anymore, finally unable to hold back an enormous burp that catches both parties off guard.
Your character is challenged to chug a big bottle of soda. Not one to wimp out, they accept the challenge and down the soda as quickly as they can. Their belly looks and feels like it's about to burst, at least until they pull the bottle from their lips and an astonishingly long burp immediately rushes out, visibly deflating their belly.
Not wanting to come off as rude, your character spends a good chunk of time holding back their burps even as their tummy strains and grumbles under the pressure. Now, they finally have the opportunity to let it out, but after holding it in for so long, the gas is thoroughly stuck. Their stomach feels terribly bloated, and they're trying every trick in the book to force up a burp. If all else fails, maybe they can beg a friend to come help.
Your character is on a date, and they're a little nervous. Feeling antsy and restless, they eat their food a little too quickly and wind up with a bellyful of swallowed air. Now, little burps keep slipping out whether they want them to or not. How do they feel about it? How does their date respond?
Your character is in the company of a very stuck-up, proper person. Somebody else in the room lets out a tiny burp and receives a lengthy lecture about manners. While this is going on, your character's belly is feeling uncomfortably bubbly, a good-sized burp building up inside them. Are they the type to try and hold it in, not wanting to be scolded, or are they going to show their prissy colleague what's up?
Your character is very shy and easily embarrassed. They're also with somebody they care dearly about. They're also feeling very bloated. They don't want to burp in front of the other person, but their friend/partner can tell they need to let something out and urges them to do so, reassuring them that there will be no judgement and possibly even helping them bring up the trapped gas.
Perhaps they're in some sort of eating contest, or perhaps they're just exceptionally ravenous, but your character wolfs down an enormous amount of food in record time, leaving their belly taut and bulging. It's not just food pushing their tummy out; they've swallowed a ton of air in their frenzy. There's so much pressure in their stomach that they don't even have to try to bring up the trapped air; the burps simply rush right out with no effort.
Your character isn't one who typically burps out loud; they try to stifle it and make it as quiet as possible. On this occasion, however, their stomach is feeling exceptionally bubbly, and a huge, loud burp erupts from them before they even know it's coming, startling both them and anybody around them.
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belliesandburps · 2 months
You know I gotta ask for Ace Trappola immediately
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Burping in public
"Haha! Not too shabby, right?"
"HA! Beat THAT!"
"Heh, s'cuse me."
"Tch, that was weak. Hold up... (gulps down air and lets out a louder burp) Ahhh, there we go."
"Oof! Heh, dunno where that came from."
(hits his chest a few times and expels an afterburp) "Mph, sorry, think I drank my water too fast or somethin'."
(rubs stomach) "Dude, those tarts were soooooo good..."
(grunts and rubs his chest) "Ugh...heartburn...huUrp...mph..."
"Tch! Deuce, c'mon, man, show some manners!"
Post-stuffing burp
(smacks his lips) "Ahhh, my compliments to the chef..."
(rubs his bulging belly) "Ohhhhhh, man, I'm STUFFED..."
(pats his belly heartily) "Whew...that was a good one..."
(grunts and hits his chest to knock loose another deep burp) "Guhh...man, I'm feelin' gassy..."
"Gruuuooohhhh man...I'm gonna bu-uuUUUurrrp....ooohhh...b-burst...urp...ugh..."
(goes cross-eyed) "Ooooohhh FINALLY...duuuuude, that one was freakin' DYIN' to come out...!"
(lazily rubs his belly) "Mmmmm, tastes just as good comin' up as it did goin' down, heh..."
"Ooooohhhhh dude, I'm gonna explode..."
"Mph...that wasn't all of it... (slaps his belly and expels a GIANT belch) ...oooohhhh damn, there it is...WHEW...!!"
Nausea burp
(covers his mouth with one hand) "Mph...pretty sure somethin' came up with that..."
(grimaces and firmly rubs his aching belly) "Ugh...baaaarrrp...guh...brrruuuUUUuuuuhhhhp!!!! Gruuooohhh...I don't feel so go-oOourp...g-good..."
(groans as he rubs his gurgling gut) "...Urrgh...my stomach hu-UUUOOOOoorrrph-guuuuh...h-hurts so badly..."
(lurches and covers his mouth) "Mph...h-hold up a sec...I think I'm gonna... (barely stifles a large, wet belch that puffs his cheeks) ...ohhhh, I'm gonna be sick..."
(leans forward, one hand gripping his knee and the other clutching his stomach) "...Huuurgh...that one didn't feel too great comin' up..."
(frantically covers his mouth) "...B-Bathroom..."
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emoticonheart · 10 months
for prompts/scenarios, what about a new witch's apprentice (or something of the sort) who's basically paid to taste-test potions? maybe they drink a potion that makes them burp a lot, or maybe they just drink too many-
as someone who's also going through some intense writer's block, i hope you get through it!
oh this is adorable!! i love this!! i can totally see this apprentice testing a few potions back to back and her body having a bad reaction, but instead of big, powerful belches, her body just keeps producing these cute and tiny burps. but they just keep coming, interrupting her every two seconds. just literally nonstop. she's incredibly shy and embarrassed about it, worried that her constant burping will annoy or even anger the witch she's working for. after all, she's hoping to become a witch herself one day, and she doesn't want to taint her reputation!! the witch, however, doesn't mind at all, and actually finds it extremely adorable. she doesn't say it aloud (tough love and all that) but she thinks she's made the right choice in her apprentice.
also thank you so much, indigo!! i hope the same for you as well!! i have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your works about felicity, and whether you write more about her or you focus on different characters, i'm so excited to see and read more from you!! let's hope we both get out of this funk soon!!
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ththump · 2 years
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Solidarity ♡
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danafeelingsick · 2 years
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍᴇᴛᴏʙᴇʀ 2022
ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ ʟɪsᴛ | AO3 ᴄᴏʟʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ | ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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ᴅᴀʏ 12: Sick on an empty stomach
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1,4k~
For the prompt "Sick on an Empty Stomach" what about a seasick Kazuha when he first joined the crux fleet? His stomach is empty from the relentless seasickness, but he's still constantly feeling nauseous, and the ship won't be docking for another few days~
A/N i added another factor to this: stomach bug. which could classify it as sick in more ways than one, but i'm not going for completion in this challenge anymore. anyways, enjoy!
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Beidou stopped in front of the door and hesitated before she could knock on it, deciding against it. If she had any luck, Kazuha would've fallen asleep already, and if not, well, he probably had heard her already.
Balancing a tray of fresh water and dried biscuits in one hand, Beidou gently pushed the door open, peeking inside the room. The smell of sickness was nothing new to her, but the sight that accompanied it had her heart tight in her chest. Kazuha was only half-awake, slumped by the edge of his bed, his head looming over a wooden bucket nestled between his legs.
He raised his head weakly, catching a glimpse of her through his pale eyelashes. His eyes twinkled with unshed tears under the dim lighting, his face as white as his hair. Kazuha had only been aboard the Alcor for a few days but he'd lasted more than several other landlubbers Beidou had taken in. Maybe he was paying for it now that the seasickness had finally gotten ahold of him.
“Hey… how ya feeling, kid?” Beidou asked softly as she closed the door behind her, none of her usual loud and rowdy voice making it through the near whisper.
Kazuha drew in a shuddering breath before he tried to speak as if he had to brace for whatever could come out of his mouth, but what did were a few words in a weak husky voice.
“Not good…”, just like her, he sounded nothing like usual, his throat was sore, voice completely shot.
“Yeah, I can see that”, Beidou almost murmured, stepping forth with the plate in hand, but making no mention of it. She could already tell what he was going to say by the way his eyes followed it, his adam's apple tight atop his neck. “How's the stomach? Still, y'know?”
”A bit unsettled…”, he completed, frowning as he risked a glance inside the bucket, where a few drops of murky bile barely covered the bottom. He swallowed uncomfortably, thinking back to how heavy it had gotten the night before, where he had undoubtedly caught something nasty in the middle of the festivity.
“You didn't sleep at all, did you?”, she asked, already familiar with the answer, but still bit her lip when she saw Kazuha slowly, almost mechanically shake his head. “Did you try?”
“I did, but every time I lay my head, everything starts to spin. Nausea comes back even worse than before”, Kazuha remarked, his throat bobbing as he furrowed his eyebrows.
“You haven't thrown up in a while, huh? That's good to see”, Beidou commented, eyeing him with caution.
“Nothing's coming up anymore…”, he confessed, choosing to stare at the floor instead, it looked tilted somehow, like it swaying along with the waves, he hadn't grown used to it. He had to bite back a gag, his chest jumping slightly as he barely contained it. “I think I'm empty.”
“Yeah, sure”, Beidou hummed, her eyes never leaving his ghostly complexion, even as she sat the plate down on the bed, taking the full glass. “I bet you already know what I'm going to say.”
“Beidou…”, he tried, but to no avail, the pirate queen just shook her head, nudging the cup next to him. “I-I don't want to…”
“You're already dehydrated, and you'll die if you keep going like this. This isn't just water, I mixed some medicine with it”, she stated, giving the clear liquid inside a swirl, a few white specs gathered in a whirlpool. “I didn't rescue you just to let you die from some stomach bug.”
“I thought it was just… seasickness”, he rasped, bleary eyes as he stared at her. His hands shook violently as he tried to take the cup, but Beidou didn't let go of it.
“I thought so too, but you're not just nauseous. You're warm, you're sweating”, she kept on as sat by his side in the bed, the mattress sank under her weight, tilting Kazuha's frail form in her direction. “Even if you puke this backup, just try it, okay? It's better than not even trying.”
“I just managed to make it stop”, he tried to protest as Beidou pried the bucket out of his embrace, placing it on the ground beside her as if putting away the only guarantee he had of not puking all over the floor and himself would bring any sort of confidence.
“Listen. We won't be seeing land in a few days, so we need to treat you with what we have”, she said, gently putting a hand on his back, and not pulling back when she felt how damp his clothes had become. “Now drink and hope this will kill that bug you brought from Inazuma.”
Kazuha didn't have the energy to fight her on it, so he nodded with a weak hum, allowing her to bring the cup to his mouth. In tiny sips, he slowly drained the cool liquid, trying to savor the relief it brought to his throat, but as soon as it ended, all that remained was the pungent almost metallic taste of medicine. He pulled back, swallowing repeatedly, trying to rid his tongue of the flavor.
“So far so good?”, Beidou asked after a brief moment of silence. The boy had a shivering hand hovering close to his mouth, the other gently planted over his sensitive abdomen. She noticed it, and put her over his, not applying any force to it. “Does it hurt here?”
“No, it's just…”, he asked, trailing off, when he felt something quickly travel up his throat, and burst behind his sealed lips without warning. Luckily it had been a false alarm disguised as a wet belch, but it tasted far too acidic for him to dismiss it. “I don't think it's going to stay down…”
As if to punctuate his words, a low bubbly gurgle came from under both of their hands, almost vibrating against the surface of his bruised tummy. If it had been possible, Kazuha would've flushed, and that would've been an improvement given his situation.
“Try not to think about it”, Beidou suggested, trying to dismiss the increasingly worrying sounds. Her hand floated up to his back and sat there heavily. “You're doing so well.”
“I'm– I'm not”, Kazuha shook his head vehemently and a trickle of saliva escaped his mouth, falling to the floor. It was getting more and more difficult to deny that burning in the back of his throat.
Beidou was about to say something but stopped when she noticed Kazuha wasn't going to respond, his lips were pressed into a thin line and she could tell he was struggling to swallow his increasingly thicker saliva.
He gripped the sheets of his bed and leaned forward, it must've been an unconscious act, because he immediately broke into a wet-sounding gag, clasped a hand over his mouth and sat up straight.
“Please, I– I'm really going to puke”, he nearly sobbed from between his fingers, his pleading eyes filling with tears.
Beidou sighed, and picked up the bucket, bringing it to his lap. Kazuha couldn't even thank her in time, he involuntarily lurched forward, nearly missing the container as the now cloudy and lukewarm water gushed out of his lips. It sounded like an open faucet, the liquid came up violently, all at once and splattered on the bottom.
“Don't worry, I've got you”, Beidou said, rubbing up and down his back as Kazuha coughed wetly, water mixed with stomach acid had scorched its way through his nostrils, only renewing the horrible burns from last night. “There you go, just try to breathe.”
Kazuha tried, but everything ached on his body, his tongue tasted like he had just taken a bite out of the bottom of the ocean. He broke into painful dry heaves, his stomach caving into itself as it tried to come up with more for him to puke.
“Take it easy”, Beidou instructed, pulling the bucket a bit closer when his frantic movements threatened to send it to the floor. While her expression showed remorse, her voice was more of an order, which was that Kazuha heard.
The sick ronin gagged, his heaving only produced another small gush of murky water before he started coughing out that awful burn in his throat. In the middle of his own deafening sounds, he heard Beidou's soft shushes, trying to comfort him.
It might've been out of instinct, or he could've just passed out, but when he realized, he was snuggling up to her side. Their arms glued together as he made her support his weight, his head on her shoulder, keeping him tilted.
“Think you can you sleep like that?”, she asked after a dragging moment of silence. Kazuha just nodded, completely spent, and closed his eyes.
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jurassicsickfics · 6 months
I like big burps and I cannot lie
You other weirdos can't deny
When character walks in with a belly ache a sick look on their face
You get sprung
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