#business ventures
pizzaplexbonnie · 1 year
Skog: this is my girlfriend twist and her girlfriend Soriya
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mattnben-bennmatt · 3 months
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Biography Magazine (July 2002)
Ben Affleck on stardom, settling down, and working with best buddy Matt Damon
By Sheryl Berk
Ever since their 1997 Oscar for Good Will Hunting, no matter what Ben Affleck and Matt Damon do solo, it's hard to envision them as anything but in-cahoots. Any time one of them is mentioned, the other's name comes up. So, is it fluke - or fate - that Affleck and Damon are both starring this summer in spy thrillers based on bestselling book series? Affleck plays Jack Ryan in The Sum Of All Fears, while Damon is Jason Bourne in The Bourne Identity.
"I know what it looks like," Affleck admits, "that we somehow planned it this way. But I swear it just kind of happened. The fact that the movies were released around the same time was just a bizarre coincidence. I mean, there aren't all that many weekends in the summer, right?"
Actually, Affleck doesn't seem to mind having most of America think of him as half of the Ben-and-Matt team. "We've known each other since we were 8 or 9," he says of his longtime pal/writing partner. And they intend to be part of each other's future: Between their individual acting jobs, they're thinking up new projects under their multimedia production company LivePlanet. "We'll be writing together for a long, long time," Affleck predicts. "We're on the same page because we share a lot of the same life experiences. It's nice to have someone who understands where you're coming from."
Benjamin Geza Affleck was born on August 15, 1972, in an Oakland, California, hospital. His father, Tim, had a range of jobs, from auto mechanic and electrician to bartender and janitor (he is now a photographer and a counsellor at a California drug rehabilitation center), while his mother, Chris was (and still is) a school teacher. His family lived briefly in Berkeley, California, before moving to Massachusetts when Affleck was 2. "My brother, Casey, was born in Falmouth shortly before my third birthday," Affleck recalls. "We knew he was coming, so my parents threw a party for me three days early so I wouldn't miss it. But Casey decided to steal the show anyway: Right in the middle of my party, we had to rush to the hospital.
At age 5, the family moved to Cambridge and young Ben attended the public schools where his mom taught. But it was acting - not academics - that mainly interested him. "My father had a theater background - he worked with a theater company in Boston before I was born. He and my mom had a lot of friends who were actors, and I was around them all the time and it rubbed off." One of his mother's college friends ran a local casting company in Boston, and her husband was an independent movie director. He needed a 7-year-old boy for a film and Affleck volunteered. "After that, I wanted to do more. Maybe I was precocious; maybe I was just fooling around."
When a casting call went out for a PBS kids educational show called The Voyage of the Mimi, Affleck tried out for the part - and landed it. "I don't think at the time I had any clue how lucky I was," he says. "I didn't realize that most people audition and don't get the role." The pilot was shot in Maine, and the science and math series eventually got funding and a go-ahead. Around this time, the Afflecks divorced, leaving Chris to raise her sons single-handedly. When it was decided that season two of Mimi would be shot in Mexico, Ben's mom accompanied him on location.
"She was great - she was tutoring me. It was always very important to her that I have as normal a childhood as possible," Affleck says. Before the shoot was over, Chris got pneumonia and had to go home. She was assured that Ben would be safe and supervised, but "I was pretty much on my own down there, getting into trouble. I was earning money and I had my own hotel room; I thought I was all grown-up and had all the answers. Mr. Big Shot at 13."
When the series ended, Affleck returned home and started his freshman year at Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School. He began to plot a path to Hollywood and enlisted the support of an old elementary-school friend, whom he nicknamed Matty D. Affleck and Damon would hold "business lunches" in the cafeteria and go to New York on auditions (Affleck even helped Damon find an agent). "In high school, our friendship got more intense as we realized how much we both had similar goals," Affleck says. "We had these fantasies about all the things we were going to do, and they were all sort of silly and romantic and half-baked. We never really imagined that any of them would come true."
One of those "half-baked" fantasies began with a 40-page script that Damon wrote in his Harvard playwriting class in 1992. Affleck had dropped out of the University of Vermont to pursue acting and was struggling in L.A. ("barely able to pay the $300 a month for a one-bedroom hole") when Damon sent the story to him. The pair agreed it had the makings of a great movie - and they were right. It eventually became Good Will Hunting.
"It probably had a million different incarnations," says Affleck. "I was 19 when we wrote the first version. There was one where my character was supposed to die. One where the government was after Will." The project sat on the back burner as Affleck found his niche in independent films. Damon continued to act as well, but both were frustrated with the lack of quality roles being offered to them. They returned to their script, eventually completing 1500 pages.
"We would just sit around BS-ing and kicking things back and forth," Affleck says. "We'd talk it out and it would fall into place. I think we have a great dynamic. In our case, two heads are definitely better than one."
They gave the finished script to their agent who showed it to a few studios. It was accepted by Castle Rock for $600,000. "It was like we won the lottery," Damon once remarked. But a year later, the project remained in limbo - the studio wasn't willing to give Affleck and Damon the creative control they wanted (not only did they want to star in the film, they wanted it shot on location in their native Boston). It took clout and connections to turn things around: Damon had just starred in Francis Ford Coppola's The Rainmaker and was suddenly on Hollywood's radar screen; Affleck's director/friend Kevin Smith was willing to take the script to top execs. It was Miramax's Harvey Weinstein who saved the day and agreed to pick up Good Will Hunting for $1 million.
"Harvey really believed in us and told us it was okay to take some more risks, to go with it," says Affleck. "So we had the opportunity to write the story that we really wanted to write, as opposed to what we thought somebody else would like."
The film was a hit, both critically and at the box office, pulling in a total of $229 million worldwide. It was nominated for nine Academy Awards; it received the Oscar for Best Screenplay, and Robin Williams won Best Supporting Actor. "That night, I remember feeling like I had just been in a car accident," Affleck says. "It was that same feeling of shock, of 'What just happened?' I remember Billy Crystal did his song montage to open the show and we were part of it. He was singing 'Matt and Ben, Ben and Matt,' and I turned to Matt and went, 'Man, this is crazy! Surreal!' I mean, we were a joke that people got. And then Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau announced our category, opened the envelope, and read our names. I expected As Good As It Gets to win, but instead, it was us. All I know is I staggered up there - it was like this weird out-of-body thing followed by exuberance and screaming my head off."
From that day forward, Ben and Matt were Hollywood legend: the 25- and 27-year-old writing wunderkinder who won Oscars their first time out of the gate. Along with the notoriety came the trappings of stardom. Affleck bought homes on both coasts (a three-story Hollywood Hills spread complete with five motorcycles and two Cadillacs, and a New York City pad outfitted with his favorite vintage arcade games) plus a house in Cape Cod for his mom. He even dated an It Girl - Gwyneth Paltrow - for over a year (they're still friends) and has been linked in the tabloids with (among others) Mariah Carey, Chelsea Clinton, Sandra Bullock, and Britney Spears (For the record, he has denied being involved with any of them). He also went through a period of partying too hard and, a year ago, decided it was time to get his life back on track. These days, he's much more future-focused and serious.
"If I were to guess what the next 10 years of my life would be, I would think they'd involve less acting, particularly the kind of acting that requires you to do a bunch of publicity, the kind that changes the quality of your life as a person," he says. "Eventually, I think I'll tone down the degree to which I expose my whole life to the world and put myself out there. If I was doing less of that, I feel it would be more conducive to settling down, getting married, and having a family. That's important to me."
What's also important is the quality of his work, although it doesn't hurt to command upwards of $12 million a picture. Since Good Will Hunting, he has starred in more than 10 films, including Shakespeare In Love, Armageddon, Bounce, Pearl Harbor, and Changing Lanes. Affleck insists it's the story, not the paycheque that convinces him to sign on the dotted line. Case in point: The Sum Of All Fears. He knew the role of Jack Ryan, hero of Tom Clancy's popular novels, came with baggage. "Two fine, fine actors, Harrison Ford [in Clear and Present Danger and Patriot Games] and Alec Baldwin [in The Hunt For Red October], already played Ryan. You know people will always be comparing you - there will be guys on the Internet discussing how I measure up. What can you do? Just your best and be true to the story."
"It was very courageous of him," says the film's director Phil Alden Robinson, who describes Affleck as "a member of the team, a people person, a hugger. He's genuinely a modest fellow who gives it his all. The fact that it was a challenge only makes him work harder."
What appealed to Affleck was the concept of creating Ryan's early years - giving new depth to the character. The film is a prequel to the other three: Ryan must confront terrorists who have possession of a nuclear weapon they plan to detonate at the Super Bowl.
"This is a different Jack Ryan," he explains. "He doesn't have all the answers; he doesn't have it all together. He hadn't yet become the U.S. Intelligence superhero. He's starting out, just getting his feet wet. He writes this paper and it takes on a life of its own. That, I could identify with, because that's how it was for me with Good Will Hunting. You write something, it takes off, and you're sort of whisked along with it. Ryan's not sure where he'll wind up, where this will lead him, but he's going with it. He's going along for the ride."
Ben's Big Business
In June 2000, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Chris Moore and Sean Bailey founded LivePlanet, a company that "creates entertainment experiences that break down the barriers between traditional media, new media, and the physical world." Translation? The foursome and their team come up with outrageously creative, one-of-a-kind projects that allow audience members to not only participate (through TV, film, wireless, the Web, etc.) but in many ways, influence the final outcome.
It all started with Project Greenlight, a 13-episode documentary series on HBO last year that chronicled the nuts and bolts of making an independent feature film. Matt and Ben announced an Internet competition, and 10,000 aspiring filmmakers sent in their scripts. From them, Pete Jones' Stolen Summer was chosen as the winner, and Miramax agreed to foot the bill to produce it (it was released this past spring).
"I hope that young writers are encouraged by us," Affleck says. "And as long as our partners, HBO and Miramax, are ready and willing, we want to keep it going. We want more first-timers to have this great opportunity."
Also in the works is Push, Nevada, a 13-episode ABC TV series that blends elements of fact and faction, drama and reality. The show centers on a series of strange events that occur around a missing seven-figure sum of money. By following the show - and participating online - audience members garner clues that will lead them to a genuine bankroll hidden somewhere in the U.S.
"The idea of LivePlanet is to change the way you can tell a story, and to chance the degree of involvement the audience can have with it," explains Affleck. He expects LivePlanet's wild ideas to raise a few eyebrows: "You have a much higher risk of failure when you're doing something that's never been done before. But that's also the fun of it, the excitement, and to me, the most fulfilling thing I can do in my career."
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skyasimaru · 1 year
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Need this for a thing. Incoming podfic... 
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narrlsy · 2 years
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Skog and glib are my favorite. All other ships can leave
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blitzendoggo · 1 year
Not to Me, Not When It’s You
When you are both a Ranger of Power and a full-time student, it can be easy to forget to take care of yourself, but that’s what Glib has Skog for.
Ranger Blue/Skog Abderus (2321 words) Consenual Blood Drinking
Fall had always been one of Skog’s favorite seasons.
It isn’t hot and just bordering on cold, giving him an excuse to wear the sweaters his mom makes him, and when he wears suits, he doesn’t feel like he is in an oven. He loves the colors of the plant life as the leaves fall, and the warm smell of spices in the air.
To him, fall is quiet and comfortable, but the same could not be said about his boyfriend.
Glib Murphy was in his last year of getting his Ph.D. in Magical Probability, which is time-consuming enough, but he is also Ranger Blue of the Rangers of Power. The Rangers of Power, as Skog understands it, are the magical police of the area, chosen by artifacts left by the founders. Years ago, when the concept was explained to the businessman, he had no earthly idea why a college town would need magically-selected guards to protect it until he visited the town and saw giant clay monsters destroying the buildings only to get held back by these magic police.
For some reason, every year the monsters become less frequent during the summer months, as if giving the rangers a break before coming back twice as hard during the fall. Combine the increase of monsters and the new classes of the fall semester and Glib is absolutely wiped by the time he makes it home. If he makes it home, that is. There have been many days where he passes out in the library while doing school work, or in the streets after fighting a monster.
But today, he makes it home. Skog hears him stumble through the door from the study where he is sitting in front of the crackling fireplace, reading The Complete History of Sailing in Vontral in his tall back red chair with a cup of honey lavender tea and eating handfuls of chocolate, cherries, and almonds.
“Skog?” Glib calls weakly, accompanied by the sound of his backpack thunking to the floor and his stumbling footsteps.
Skog notes what page he is on before placing his book on the table next to him, gently wakes their two sleeping cats -Anchor and Squid, black and grey brothers that Glib begged Skog to bring home, and Skog is weak to resist his pleas- in his lap, and swiftly stands up. “In here, Glib,” the orc says as he walks to the doorway. Skog pauses as he examines his lovely boyfriend who is battered and bruised; coated in clay, dirt, and blood; exhausted to the point of near delirium; but he is home in one piece. “Welcome home, my love,” Skog says as he crosses the room in two strides to the smaller.
“Hey,” Glib says tiredly. Skog reaches out to hug him and Glib leans away. “I’m fuckin’ coated in monster slime,” he explains. “You’ve got a nice suit on, I don’t wanna ruin it with this bullshit.”
“There are cleaning charms for a reason, Glib,” Skog says as he scoops the smaller up and into a tight hug, the fight leaving Glib’s body immediately. His hands tighten into the pinstripe shirt and his legs weakly wrap around Skog’s hips, clinging to his boyfriend as tightly as he can.
“I need a shower,” Glib says into Skog's shirt.
The orc nods and carries him up the stairs and into the master bathroom. Using one hand he holds up his boyfriend while the other starts a warm bath. He picks up a bottle of a viscous teal liquid and pours it into the filling tub, the liquid almost immediately turning into white bubbles.
“Bubble bath? Really? I’m not fucking five,” Glib grumbles as he watches Skog work, face pressed into the larger’s shoulder.
The orc pauses and looks down at him. “Would you like me to take out the bubbles?”
There is a long pause before Glib quietly says “No.”
Skog smiles as he continues setting up the bath.
Once the bubbles are at an acceptable level and soaps, towels, and pajamas are laid out, Skog gently detaches Glib from his hip, though with some effort as the vampire clings to him.
“Do you want to bathe on your own or would you like me to help?” Skog questions after Glib’s feet are steady (enough) on the floor. He knows the answer, but he wants confirmation before he does anything.
“I want you to help,” Glib says tiredly, his eyes already drooping closed.
Skog gives him a kind smile as his hands drop to the front of Glib’s clothes and lingers on the bottom of his shirt, waiting for Glib’s approval before pulling it over his head and gently ridding him of the rest of his garments. Dirt and monster clay fall from him in chunks, and the smaller is clearly fighting the urge to scratch at the irritating substances coating his pale skin. The orc tries to keep the worry from his face as he sees all of the cuts and bruises littering all of his thin body. Some of these are probably days old and certainly not treated properly. Skog elects to deal with one problem at a time as he places his hand on Glib’s shoulder, leading him to the bathtub and helping him step in.
The smaller practically melts into the water, the stress and anxiety instantly getting lifted as the water surrounds him. He makes a pitiful but happy noise as Skog begins to wash his hair, relaxing fully into his boyfriend’s touch. Once the day's worth of grime is pulled from his brown hair, the orc moves on to washing the rest of his body, using the medicated body wash -given to him by Specs- around the wounds and Glib’s favorite scent everywhere else.
Skog cleans and double-cleans Glib’s entire body before deciding that he is spotless. He gingerly lifts the younger from the now brownish-greenish-redish water and towels him dry.
Getting the vampire clothed is harder than removing the ruined garments because he is almost completely limp in the orc’s hold.
“Love,” Skog says gently once his fuzzy blue pajamas are secured onto him.
“Hm?” Glib asks, barely lifting his head in acknowledgment, his eyes staying glued shut.
“You can’t fall asleep yet, you need to eat first,” the orc chides quietly, using his large fingers to tilt Glib’s head up. The vampire blinks blearily at him before slowly nodding. Skog gives him a soft smile before picking him back up and carrying him back downstairs.
They reenter the study, Squid darting around Skog’s feet, meowing and purring for attention while Anchor barely lifts his head in acknowledgment.
“Yes, yes, hello, Squid,” the orc grumbles. “I promise he’s fine, now will you please-” He picks the cat up with his foot and gently sets him to the side, “Get out of my way.”
Squid makes a “mrrph” noise as he’s moved, but dutifully keeps away from the orc’s feet, choosing instead to settle on the warm stones of the fireplace.
“Hello, Anchor,” Skog says as he looks down at the cat lying in his seat.
Anchor slow-blinks at him.
“Will you remove yourself from my seat?”
Anchor stares at him for a long moment before slowly getting up and stretching as she walks to join her sister by the fire.
“Thank you,” he calls to the cat before carefully settling in his seat, taking great care to not crush his boyfriend’s legs. Glib is completely lax against the bigger. “Glib,” he says softly.
The vampire groans in response.
“Can you sit up for a moment?”
He weakly nods as he leans back, tittering with imbalance, and never opens his eyes.
Skog picks up a vial from the table, it looking tiny in his large hand as it is no bigger than his little finger. It glows with a soft red glow and pulses warmly as the pink liquid swirls and glitters inside. He pulls the cork from it, the smell of candy filling the air. He gingerly presses it to Glib’s lips and the small opens his mouth just enough for Skog to pour the liquid into his mouth. Once the liquid is gone from the bottle, the deeper wounds begin to heal over as the smaller ones fade away completely.
As the healing potion does its work, the orc sets to work on his clothes. With nimble fingers, Skog takes off his suit jacket and undoes his button-up, and discards both to the floor.
“Alright, you can lay back down.” Skog doesn’t even get to finish the words before Glib is falling, full force, into him. The orc lets him relax for a minute, rubbing soothing circles into his back before he asks, “Have you eaten today, my love?”
“What do you think?” Glib snaps before immediately following it with, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“You didn’t mean to snap,” Skog finishes. “I’m aware, and I’m not mad. You’re tired.” Glib nods slowly against his shoulder. “Now, can you answer my question? Have you eaten today?”
“No,” he says quietly.
Skog moves one of his hands to the back of Glib’s head and moves it to the base of his neck.
“You sure?” Glib asks even though his fangs are already brushing the jugular vein.
“Always,” Skog says, fingers playing with the damp hair of his boyfriend. “Orcs were bred for war and fighting, it's good for me to bleed.”
Glib, satisfied that their little ritual has been completed, bites down, lapping up the sweet blood instantly. He hums in appreciation of the hints of lavender and honey tea paired with almonds, cherries, and chocolate. Skog picks his book up off the table and flips back to his page, reading while Glib has his dinner. This goes on for nearly five minutes before Glib slowly pulls off and grabs the rag from the table and blots the blood.
“Are you sure that’s enough?” Skog asks, leaning up to kiss the vampire’s cheek as he takes the rag from his hand and cleans the wound himself.
After the first few times they had done this, Glib stopped pulling off before he was full. It took much reassurance, but Skog was able to convince Glib that he really didn’t mind the activity, especially since it kept Glib healthy drinking from a live source.
Glib nods as he settles back into the orc’s hold, laying his head on Skog’s broad shoulder.
The older simply reads while he waits for Glib to fall slack in his arms, but after several minutes, the vampire is still awake and looking up at him with slightly glassy eyes.
“Is something wrong, love?” Skog asks, putting the book back on the table.
“Why?” Glib says quietly, staring up at the older as if he has all the answers in the world.
“Because you should be asleep by now, but you look like you want to cry?” he answers with a cocked eyebrow.
“No, I mean why do this?” the smaller asks, voice small and weak, shaking and boarding on cracking.
“Do what?”
“Take care of me,” Glib says as tears begin to fall from his dark green eyes, nearly glowing red in the low light. “Why put in all this fucking effort when you know you’ll just have to do it all over again in a few days?”
That catches Skog off guard. He looks at his lover for several seconds, choosing his words carefully before deciding on a simple, “I love you and I want you to be healthy.”
“But why?” Glib laments, tears falling faster. “You work all day and then have to come home and take care of me because I can’t fucking take care of myself!”
The orc buries his hand in Glib’s hair and plays with it while the vampire cries, full-body sobs wracking his body.
“Why? Why?” he asks over and over, a mantra to calm his mind while his nails dig into the fabric of Skog’s undershirt and draw blood from his thick skin.
Skog waits until Glib is less hysterical and says simply, “Because I like taking care of you. It's how I prefer to destress.”
“But why? I barely talk and- and I rely completely on you for fucking everything-” A sob rips from him and breaks his sentence. It takes several moments before he has his composure back and can say anything more. “It's just a fucking chore for you.”
“No, it’s not just a chore to me,” Skog corrects quietly but firmly. “Nothing is a chore when it comes to you.”
“But my parents-”
“Am I your parents?” Skog interrupts. Glib shakes his head. “To them, you may have been a chore, but not to me, not when it’s you.”
Glib lays limply against the bigger, his tears still wetting the front of Skog’s shirt.
“I love you,” he says quietly.
The orc smiles at him. “I love you too.”
There is silence for a minute before Glib says it again, voice a little more stable, “I love you.”
Skog dips his head down and kisses the top of the vampire’s head. “I love you too, more than anything.” He cuddles with the human for a little longer before picking his book back up and settling back into their night routine.
“I love you,” Glib says one last time as his eyes droop closed, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up to him.
“I love you too. Now get some sleep,” Skog responds softly. There is a quiet hum from the smaller before he is completely still against the larger. Without doing the motions of breathing, the vampire is effectively a corpse.
Skog waits for another few minutes, deciding to complete his chapter before standing up with his sleeping husband.
“Come on Squid, Anchor, let’s go to bed,” he says quietly as walks towards the stairs, the pair of cats hot on his heels.
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niyatisexpression · 3 days
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netincomesource · 1 month
Amelia Bond's Net Worth: A Deep Dive into Her Financial Success
Amelia Bond has become a symbol of financial success, recognized for her sharp business skills and strategic investments. Her impressive net worth reflects years of hard work, smart decisions, and dedication. In this article, we’ll explore the key factors behind Amelia Bond’s wealth, shedding light on her journey to financial triumph. Early Life and Career Beginnings Amelia’s story begins with…
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10 Photos That Perfectly Capture the Unbreakable Bond Between the Mbadiwe Twins
🌟 The Mbadiwe Twins: A Bond Like No Other! 🌟 From earning their law degrees to making waves in the Big Brother Naija house, Ocee and Ozee Mbadiwe have captivated us all. Their journey as identical twins, legal professionals, and entertainers is nothing short of inspiring. Check out these 10 photos that perfectly capture their unbreakable bond and shared success! 📸✨ 👉 #MbadiweTwins #BigBrotherNaija #NigerianEntertainment #Twins #SuccessStory #EntertainmentNews
Identical twins often share an incredibly deep connection that influences every aspect of their lives, from their childhood to their adult years. This unique bond can be seen in the way they coordinate their outfits, choose similar hairstyles, and even pursue similar career paths. We’ve witnessed this in the Big Brother Naija house with the dynamic Wanni x Handi twins, both of whom have built…
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rosamunguia · 2 months
Plotting Prosperity: Mastering Land Area Calculation for Business Ventures
Maximize your business potential with our guide on land area calculation. Learn the techniques and tools needed to accurately measure land for various business ventures. Whether you're planning to develop real estate, agriculture, or industrial projects, mastering land area calculation is key to plotting your path to prosperity and success.
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foxnangelseo · 3 months
Investment Strategies for Foreign Entrepreneurs
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For foreign entrepreneurs seeking to expand their business ventures, India presents a wealth of opportunities and potential for growth. With its large and diverse market, favorable regulatory environment, and growing economy, India is an attractive destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign investment. In this blog post, we'll explore investment strategies for foreign entrepreneurs looking to enter the Indian market, along with an overview of FDI regulations and foreign investment opportunities in India.
Understanding FDI and Foreign Investment:
1. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI):
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) refers to the investment made by foreign entities, individuals, or companies in the form of capital, technology, or resources, with the aim of establishing a lasting interest and control in an enterprise operating in a different country. FDI plays a crucial role in driving economic growth, fostering innovation, and creating employment opportunities in the host country.
2. Foreign Investment:
Foreign investment encompasses a broader spectrum of investment activities, including FDI as well as portfolio investment, venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic partnerships. Foreign investment flows into various sectors of the economy, contributing to capital formation, infrastructure development, and technological advancement.
Investment Strategies for Foreign Entrepreneurs:
1. Market Research and Due Diligence:
Conduct thorough market research and due diligence to understand the Indian market landscape, consumer preferences, regulatory environment, and competitive dynamics. Identify market gaps, unmet needs, and emerging trends that present opportunities for foreign investment.
2. Identify Strategic Partnerships:
Forge strategic partnerships with local businesses, industry associations, government agencies, and other stakeholders to leverage their expertise, networks, and market insights. Collaborating with local partners can facilitate market entry, navigate regulatory complexities, and build trust with customers and suppliers.
3. Choose the Right Entry Mode:
Evaluate different entry modes into the Indian market, such as setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary, joint venture, franchise agreement, or strategic alliance. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of each entry mode in terms of ownership control, risk exposure, regulatory compliance, and operational flexibility.
4. Understand FDI Regulations:
Familiarize yourself with India's FDI regulations, policies, and procedures governing foreign investment in various sectors. India has liberalized its FDI regime across several sectors, but certain sectors such as defense, aviation, and telecommunications have restrictions or caps on foreign ownership.
5. Focus on High-Growth Sectors:
Target high-growth sectors of the Indian economy such as information technology, e-commerce, healthcare, renewable energy, infrastructure, and consumer goods. These sectors offer attractive investment opportunities driven by demographic trends, technological innovation, and government initiatives.
6. Build a Strong Brand Presence:
Invest in building a strong brand presence and reputation in the Indian market through effective marketing, branding, and customer engagement strategies. Tailor your products, services, and messaging to resonate with the needs and preferences of Indian consumers.
7. Adapt to Local Culture and Preferences:
Understand and respect the cultural nuances, customs, and business practices prevalent in India. Adapt your business model, products, and services to cater to the unique tastes, preferences, and expectations of Indian consumers.
8. Stay Compliant with Regulations:
Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, tax laws, and reporting obligations applicable to foreign investors operating in India. Stay updated on regulatory changes, policy reforms, and government initiatives that may impact your business operations and investment decisions.
FDI Regulations and Foreign Investment Opportunities in India:
1. Liberalized FDI Policies:
India has liberalized its FDI policies across various sectors, allowing greater foreign participation in the Indian economy. Key sectors such as retail, defense, insurance, and single-brand retail trading have witnessed reforms aimed at attracting foreign investment and technology transfer.
2. Attractive Investment Sectors:
India offers investment opportunities across diverse sectors, including:
- Information Technology (IT) and Software Services
- E-commerce and Digital Payments
- Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
- Renewable Energy and Clean Technology
- Infrastructure and Real Estate
- Manufacturing and Automotive
- Agriculture and Agribusiness
3. Government Initiatives and Incentives:
The Indian government has launched initiatives such as Make in India, Startup India, Digital India, and Atmanirbhar Bharat to promote investment, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Incentives such as tax breaks, subsidies, and grants are offered to incentivize foreign investment in priority sectors and regions.
4. Investment Promotion Agencies:
Various state governments and investment promotion agencies in India actively promote foreign investment and provide assistance to investors in setting up businesses, obtaining approvals, and accessing incentives. These agencies serve as valuable resources for foreign entrepreneurs looking to invest in India.
In conclusion, foreign entrepreneurs have a myriad of opportunities awaiting them in India's vibrant and rapidly evolving investment landscape. With its robust economic growth, diverse market opportunities, and favorable regulatory environment, India offers a fertile ground for foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign investment across various sectors. By adopting strategic investment strategies, understanding FDI regulations, and leveraging the country's growing consumer base and technological advancements, foreign entrepreneurs can position themselves for success in the Indian market.
The evolving regulatory landscape, liberalized FDI policies, and government initiatives aimed at promoting investment and entrepreneurship further bolster India's appeal as an attractive destination for foreign investors. Initiatives such as Make in India, Startup India, and Digital India provide incentives and support to foreign entrepreneurs looking to establish a presence in India and contribute to the country's economic growth and development.
Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation and innovation, opening up new opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs to invest in sectors such as e-commerce, healthcare technology, renewable energy, and digital infrastructure. The resilience demonstrated by Indian businesses and the government's proactive response to the pandemic highlight India's ability to adapt to challenges and emerge stronger in the post-pandemic era.
As foreign entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of the Indian market, building strategic partnerships, understanding local consumer preferences, and staying compliant with regulations will be key to their success. By investing in India's high-growth sectors, tapping into its demographic dividend, and leveraging its vast market potential, foreign entrepreneurs can not only achieve their business objectives but also contribute to India's socio-economic development and prosperity.
In summary, India's journey towards becoming a global economic powerhouse offers unprecedented opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs willing to invest in its growth story. With the right investment strategies, vision, and commitment, foreign entrepreneurs can unlock the immense potential of the Indian market and embark on a transformative journey of growth, innovation, and success. As India continues to chart its path towards sustainable development and inclusive growth, foreign entrepreneurs stand poised to play a pivotal role in shaping its future and reaping the rewards of their investments in the world's largest democracy.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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yojinvestment · 5 months
Here, we explore the ever-changing world of investment opportunities that await astute investors in our in-depth guide to the Nepal Investment Summit 2024. This summit provides an essential forum for examining Nepal's potential in a number of industries, as the country continues to emerge as a promising center for corporate endeavors and economic progress. Accompany us as we explore the opportunities, alliances, and routes influencing the future of investment in Nepal.
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prateekshawebdesign · 5 months
Maximize Earnings, Minimize Costs - Top 4 Online Business Ventures
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In the digital era, the quest for financial independence and entrepreneurial success often leads to the vast realm of online businesses. With lower overhead costs compared to traditional brick-and-mortar ventures, an online business presents an appealing opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs.
Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking a lucrative side hustle or a budding entrepreneur ready to dive into the digital marketplace, the key to success lies in selecting the right business idea that aligns with your skills, interests, and budget constraints. This blog unveils four low-cost online business ideas, each poised to offer maximum profit gain with minimal upfront investment.
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Top 4 Online Business Ventures
1. Dropshipping:
Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn't keep the products it sells in stock but instead directly ships products from a third party to the customer.
2. Affiliate Marketing:
Affiliate marketing is a performance-based approach where affiliates earn a commission for marketing another person's or company's products, leveraging their own platforms for promotion.
3. Online Courses and Coaching:
Online courses and coaching involve creating and selling digital educational content or offering personalized coaching services in a specific field or skill over the internet.
4. Freelancing Services:
Freelancing services encompass offering professional skills and expertise - such as writing, graphic design, or web development - on an independent basis to various clients.
1. Dropshipping: A Deep Dive
Concept and How It Works
Dropshipping is a streamlined form of retail business where the seller accepts customer orders but does not keep goods sold in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product using the dropshipping model, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the seller doesn't have to handle the product directly.
The biggest difference between dropshipping and the standard retail model is that the selling merchant doesn't stock or own inventory. Instead, the merchant purchases inventory as needed from a third party – usually a wholesaler or manufacturer – to fulfill orders.
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umarfarooqzahoor · 6 months
Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor is one of the most successful and dynamic business personalities in the world today. He is an entrepreneur and investor based in the UAE and is known for his philanthropy. He is the former director of the Ameri Group and has successfully dealt in various sectors like oil, real estate, infrastructure, hospitality, and gas with several different countries. Though he is one of the most successful businesspersons in the world today, the path to success and glory was not easy for him at all. He struggled a lot when he was young, but based on his hard work and talent, and he successfully ran several successful businesses today. His struggle has taught him a lot of life lessons, and therefore, he believes in giving back to society and contributing towards the betterment of the world through his social work.
Being a humanitarian, Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor has been involved in social work all his life. During the crisis of COVID-19, though it’s not the first time he is doing work of this kind. He is involved in philanthropic work, keeps donating to different charities and organizations regularly, and is respected worldwide for his kindness and human nature. In the course of his corporate social responsibility work, he has assisted numerous individuals from various backgrounds. CONTRIBUTION OF SHEIKH UMAR FAROOQ ZAHOOR
As an entrepreneur and investor, Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor has hugely contributed to the improvement of the economy of the UAE, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic that has affected economies all over the world. As a private investor, he has helped the GDP rise and rescues the economy from the crisis. He has taken the initiative to bring sustainable and renewable energy resources to the country, keeping in mind the problem of climate change and the measures needed to solve the problem.
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blitzendoggo · 1 year
Hate Him?
They have the same secret, but it's not the same as it was.
Erik Statton/Garrick Whitman (4407 words) Referenced Homophobia
Erik is stressed, pacing back and forth in his room like a caged animal. He might have just ruined his life and there is fuck all he could do to fix it.
This is all the Game Master's fault, he reasons. He found their secrets. He put the gun to their head.
Now, Erik did not know the other contestant's secrets, and their secrets could easily ruin their lives and their company just as Erik's could, but his secret doesn't affect his company. It affects him. It affects his marriage.
Three solid knocks ring from his door, nearly scaring the tiefling out of his skin. For a moment, he considers not answering it. He has a guess about who stands on the other side and he doesn't know if he is ready for that conversation just yet.
"Erik, it's me. Let me in," Whitman's voice rings from the other side.
The tiefling tenses until he shakes before nervously approaching the door. Garrick doesn't sound mad, he sounds just as scared as Erik feels.
"I woulda thought you went drinkin'," Erik murmurs as he opens the door for the dwarf.
"Wanted to talk to you before I drank myself stupid," Garrick answers as he steps through the door, maneuvering until he is standing in the center of the living area. Erik's room is set up to accommodate many people with a living room area taking up the right half of the room and a bar/kitchen area taking up the rest, leaving his bedroom behind a locked door. The tiefling intentionally requested his room like this so he and Garrick can hang out when they had downtime, but they haven't been able to do that, and given how today has gone for Erik, he might never get to spend time with his husband again.
His throat tightens at the idea nearly making him gag.
Erik hates this. He hates how guilty he feels, he hates how nervous he feels, and above that, he hates how nervous Garrick looks. The dwarf should know he can trust him. Well, "should" being the keyword. Erik might have just broken that because he didn't push the button.
No matter what Garrick says or does or did, Erik didn't push the button.
The pair stand in uncomfortable silence, not looking at each other as they stand far apart, like strangers, until the tiefling can't stand it.
"Garrick I'm-" Erik begins only for the dwarf to begin talking at the same time, faster and louder than the tiefling.
"I didn't push the button," he spits out quickly, guilt dripping from every word as he wrings his hands. A wave of relief crashes over the tiefling, but Garrick continues talking, "I'm so fuckin' sorry, baby. I didn't know what to do, I know the odds -I know the game- but I couldn't do it. I'm sick of fightin' with you constantly in public and I don't wanna live in hidin' anymore, I don't wanna hide you." His eyes are darting around, never looking at Erik. "I know we wanted to wait until it was a little safer in Wecland, but I-" he stops, looking up at the tiefling, pale with anxiety in a way that Erik hasn't seen on him. "I'm so fuckin' sorry."
Before Erik can respond, Garrick is walking to the door.
"'Ey! Hold on-!" the tiefling exclaims, walking after him, grabbing him by the wrist, and trying to pull the dwarf back to him only for Garrick to rip his hand away like his touch burns him. The action hurts Erik, but he understands it as the dwarf shakes his head. "No, you're mad, and I don't wanna fight right now-"
Erik shuts him up with a kiss, wrapping his arms around the dwarf in order to pull the shorter flush with him. Garrick is stunned, but only for a moment before he is kissing back like it's his lifeline.
When they pull apart, they rest their foreheads together, Erik smiling and Garrick confused.
"You are the stupidest motherfuckin' dumbass I have ever met, Garrick Whitman," Erik says, pure emotion laced into his words as he kisses him sweetly. "And I love you so much."
The dwarf blinks slowly. "So, I ain't a single man?" he asks, eyebrows scrunched.
"Why would I break up with you? I ain't a hypocrite," Erik teases before pausing. "Well, I am. I am a hypocrite, but not right now."
Realization dawns on the shorter. "You didn't push it either," he says, looking for confirmation. Erik nods with a smile and Garrick's entire demeanor changes. "So, I just overreacted then, huh?"
Erik snickers. "Yeah, a little, but I was nervous too," he soothes, just enjoying being close to his husband without the seeming weight of the world on either of their shoulders.
"Well, now we have all mornin' to wait until we hear the results," Garrick says. "Wanna do somethin'?"
Garrick snickers. "Well, what do you wanna do?"
"I don't care," Erik answers with a carefree smile.
"And just like that, we are back on Earth," the dwarf laughs. He steps back, Erik instantly following, to look around the room. "Wanna just relax on the couch and watch the Game through the Gerald's eyes?"
"Absolutely," Erik answers with a smile as he drags his husband to the couch.
Erik fell asleep on Garrick's chest not even twenty minutes into the show, not that he stood much of a chance anyway. The dwarf had chuckled when it happened before flagging over the Gerald and having him get a blanket to throw over them.
He watches the show for a little bit longer, enjoying watching the others squirm uncomfortably before turning it off once the Game Master begins to reveal their secret. He was framing it like it was some big scheme, possibly with love magic involved, and Garrick wasn't particularly interested in it without Erik awake to make fun of it with. He is certain that everything the Game Master was about to say, he's heard before.
Sensing a shitshow coming, he casts Silence around them before reading a random book he pulled off the side table. It happens to be The Hobbit and he makes a mental note to either thank Erik or throw the book at him when he wakes up.
He gets just past the first chapter, familiarity with the book allowing him to read quicker, when the door flies open, Philip J. Munson (a traditionally purple tiefling who is currently redder than Erik) storming in with Arliss hot on his heels.
Upon spotting them, Munson somehow becomes a brighter shade of red as he begins to yell something. His jaw is moving too fast for Garrick to try and read his lips. On the other side, Arliss also begins speaking, but the dwarf cannot tell if it is to him or to Munson as the aasimar looks rapidly between them.
He watches it play out for a moment before the rest of the contestants pile into the room, also speaking quickly, hands flying everywhere. It's not until Twist walks over to the smug-looking dwarf that any of them realize that there is a Silence spell active.
"Is this your spell?" she mouths carefully. He nods. "Release the spell. We want to talk." He shakes his head with a grin. Twist's eye twitches. "Why not?" she demands.
Garrick points to the tiefling still happily asleep on his chest. "Sleeping," he mouths.
Arliss and Twist have a stare-off before the human looks back at him. "We will be silent. We just have questions."
Garrick doesn't believe her, but the spell is bound to run out soon so he dismisses it.
"Shh," he says quickly and lowly, "He's asleep."
"Yes, that is precisely the issue," Munson says, getting steadily louder. "That Erik Statton is asleep on your chest!"
Garrick glares, not rising to the bait. "Firstly, it's Erik Whitman, secondly he's sleepin'," he reminds with a raised eyebrow. "So, keep your damn voice down."
"Was sleepin'," Erik gripes as he slowly wakes up, moving just enough to see the people standing around them. "Mornin'," he says with a loopy smile.
"Unbelievable!" Munson roars.
"We should get you tested for potions, both of you," Arliss says, already plotting. "Yes, yes, this has to be the work of spells."
Garrick huffs a laugh. "Yeah, sure."
"It's not like we were friends for a year before even datin'," Erik adds as he sits up and stretches.
"But you guys hate each other," Juniper points out, as she goes to stand with Arliss.
"Yeah, I hate him so much that I married him, uh huh," the tiefling teases.
"Then why fight publicly?" Twist questions.
Garrick shrugs, noting his place in the book before putting it down. "It became our brand on accident and since it kept us safe, we just ran with it," he explains.
The contestants look between each other. "Safe?" Sariya finally prompts.
"Wecland ain't exactly supportive of same-sex relations," Garrick answers. "They're barely okay with interracial marriage."
Erik snickers. "He's nicely sayin' that we didn't say anything because it woulda gotten both of us in deep shit."
"So, you were waiting to come out?" Juniper asks quietly.
"Yeah, more or less," Garrick answers easily.
"I'm sorry, can we circle back to the fact that the two of you -who have publicly fought, nearly daily, for nearly three damn years now- were friends?!" Arliss demands.
"Sure, what about it?" Erik asks with a lazy grin.
Arliss makes a broad, wide-eyed gesture. "How?!"
"Are you asking how we met?" Garrick prompts.
Arliss makes a noise like they are about to pop a blood vessel and Juniper lays a hand on their shoulder. "Yes, how did you meet?" Juniper asks as she tries, in vain, to soothe the aasimar.
"You wanna tell it or should I?" the tiefling asks, looking at his husband.
Garrick smiles softly at him. "It's funnier when you tell it," he reasons.
"True," Erik agrees with a grin before looking at Arliss. "Long or short?"
"Seeing as we have all day, long version, please," they say, tapping their staff to the ground as they plop down on the floor, cross-legged.
"We have chairs- eh, never mind," Erik says before lighting into one of his favorite stories to tell. "Picture this: I am a 20-year-old Wecland University college student with a middle part in the middle of finals working at a bar as the relative youngest bartender they have ever staffed."
"You can work at a bar at 20?" Skog asks, clearly not believing him.
"Wecland law is weird, to serve it you have to be an adult, but can't drink until your brain is done maturin', even if those numbers are different," Garrick explains. "For tieflings that means he can serve it at 18, but can't drink until 21."
"Yeah, it's weird, but not the point," Erik says before continuing with his story. "So, I'm up to my eyes in work, stressed from studying, and in comes these two dwarves, already drunk off their asses." Garrick snickers, clearly having heard this story before. "One of them is too drunk to fuckin' talk and the other one is talkin' faster than I'd ever heard before with the heaviest goddamn Welcand accent I'd ever heard."
"It wasn't that bad," the dwarf tries, but Erik shakes his head.
"You coulda started a fire with how fast you were goin'. Either way, I'm like 'do I need to call a cab?' and he goes 'nah, not for me, I'll be fine, but maybe for my brother here.' Well, alright, simple enough, right? Then I asked for their names."
At this point Garrick chimes in as he drunkenly says, "Oh, I'm Garrick and this is my brother-" he makes a slurred noise that ends with "son".
"So, when he said that, I thought he said fuckin' Dawson. I had no fuckin' clue that the sons of Wecland's most profitable business were sitting across from me, one of which was drunkenly tryin' to flirt with me," Erik laughs. At some point the others had come to stand near Arliss, attentively listening to his story, Juniper and Sariya having sat down.
"'Ey, it worked in the long run," Garrick points out.
The tiefling waves a hand at him. "Shh, not the point."
"And then you became friends after that?" Twist asks.
"No, not exactly. They just kept coming back for weekend drinks," Erik elaborates. "So, of course, I became friendly with them. Tronsan is hilarious when he's tipsy and Garrick would get a little more friendly."
"Can you blame me when the hottest man in Wecland was servin' me some good cheap booze?" the dwarf questions, pointedly ignoring the coos -and retches- from their little crowd, before saying, "And if you're gonna tease me, I gotta get my get back."
"Huh?" Erik questions. "Uh oh."
Garrick smiles at him before looking to the group and asking, "How long do you think it took him to realize who we were?"
"Not this again," Erik groans.
"A month," Skog says.
Twist tsks. "No, he's not that smart. Three."
Garrick laughs as he shakes his head. "You ready for the real answer?" He waits for them to nod before announcing, "It took him over a damn year to figure it out!"
"How is that even possible?" Arliss asks as Twist titters, "Clearly, he's not the brightest."
"First of all, fuck you, Twist," Erik gripes before explaining, "I didn't think a whole lot 'bout it. Why would the very famous playboy sons of Whitman&Smirk come down to my crappy bar?"
"Did it take you that long to figure out Smirk's correct first name?" Skog questions, just as entertained by the story as the girls are, even if he won't admit it.
"No! I figured out his real name when he introduced himself!" Erik snaps, thanking whatever deity blessed him with his red skin which hides his blush.
Munson pipes up for the first time in several minutes. "Did his name not -I don't know- tip you off about their true identities?"
"'Ey, we never hide our identities, he was just too dumb to realize who we were," Garrick teases before Erik's tail flicks across his face in a mock slap.
"Shut up, Garrick," he says with no heat. "I noticed the coincidence, but I didn't really see anything to question, ya know? It's just Garrick and Tronsan. They come downtown for drinks on the weekends after working all week," Erik elaborates with a sheepish shrug. "I just didn't think about it."
"The best part is that he didn't realize it until a week after we began dating when I invited him over to meet my dad and Uncle Smirk," Garrick teases with a grin.
Erik nods. "I saw that big house and I knew I had to marry him," he says with a cheesy grin, receiving a pinch to the leg from the dwarf.
"Okay, but if you guys are happily married why do you publicly fight?" Arliss asks, bringing attention back to the main issue.
The pair look between each other before Garrick tentatively explains, "It was a fluke."
"How do you accidentally make fighting with your husband your whole identity?" Twist asks condescendingly.
"You semi-publicly argue about something that no one has the context for one time and then your PR teams run with it," Erik says flatly.
"You fight about mines, that's common knowledge," Arliss counters.
Erik rolls his eyes. "Yeah, now we do. The first time we were publicly arguin' a nosey journalist overheard us bickerin' about wedding rings, and assumed we were arguing over the mines."
"How could someone mess up that badly?" Juniper asks.
"Because Erik told me that I wasn't allowed to buy him a fancy wedding ring, and so I asked if I could make the fancy wedding ring," the dwarf explains.
"So, I told him that he can't buy expensive materials," Erik continues.
Garrick tilts his head to the side. "But what if I mined the materials?"
"You can't do that, it would cut into our profits," Erik counters. "And that's the part the stupid fuckin' journalist heard."
"He heard Erik say 'our profits' and instead of realizing he was joking about our shared business, he just assumed Erik had his own mining business."
The tiefling nods. "So imagine our shock when the next morning, there's headlines readin' 'Whitman&Smirk trying to keep small businesses down!'" Erik explains tiredly.
"And you didn't try to retract the statement?" Skog questions.
"No, we did," Garrick explains tiredly. "But the public had sunk their fuckin' teeth into it and wouldn't let go."
"So let me make sure I'm understanding this," Arliss says, waving their hand. "Your PR team had you make an entire company for a PR stunt to get profits up?"
Erik nods. "Yeah, basically."
The aasimar makes an exasperated noise. "How did you even pull that off?"
"We was considerin' makin' some sort of currency that would be localized through the entire S.U.," Garrick explains. "So that workers in other sections of the S.U. that work for Whitman&Smirk wouldn't have to wait an extra day for their well-earned paycheck to be converted."
Erik nods before adding, "And I like programmin'. I've been makin' things like False Faces for as long as I've been able to cast spells."
"It was easy enough to make a company off that and make some public scandal about us competin' for mines," the dwarf finishes.
"How do you stomach fighting in public? The two of you seem so sweet to each other," Juniper points out to which the others hum.
Erik snickers as Garrick says, "We don't actually yell when we fight, never have."
"Then how do you fight?" Skog questions.
"Tight-lipped words and not lookin' at each other," Erik says easily. "We also don't fight, like, ever. We talk through our problems like goddamn adults."
"But all you've done is fight while you've been here!" Munson snaps.
"And?" Erik questions.
"How can you possibly argue like that and not mean it?!" Munson howls.
The tiefling and dwarf look at each other with grins before Garrick's becomes pinched with irritation and Erik's becomes smug.
"Oh, suck it up, Mafia, it's one mine," the tiefling says, the perfect picture of a spoiled twenty-something-year-old.
"It was ours first," the dwarf responds sharply.
Erik flicks his tail out to the side. "Cool, now it's mine."
"There's metal down there that we need," the dwarf says hotly, voice steadily raising.
Erik huffs. "Yeah, and there's coins that I need. Go somewhere else."
"We had it first, it's ours by law!"
"Well, now we have it!" Erik snaps smugly.
"You, stupid son of a bitch-" Garrick roars.
The tiefling gets to his feet, leaning over the dwarf. "Don't talk about my mother like that you arms-dealin' bastard!"
"Right, 'cause you're straight as an arrow!" he snaps back getting in Erik's face.
Erik seethes. "Better than you and that damn brother of yours!"
Garrick breaks character laughing as he sits back down, Erik following suit.
"I think Tronsan is straighter than both of us," Erik titters as he sits back down, tail curling around his husband.
"I'd hope so, if he's gay and forgot to tell me, I might have to kill him," Garrick nods before looking back at their audience who is sitting in stunned silence. "It's really easy to ramp it up to ten when it means nothin'."
Erik nods. "We used to jokingly do that all the time anyway."
"What? Get into a screaming match?" Sariya questions, being the first one to actually spit out a question.
Erik ducks his head as he laughs and Garrick nods with a sly grin. "We'd freak out people who knew we were datin' by just screamin' at each other."
"Okay, okay, but what he's leavin' out is people just talk like that in Wecland," Erik explains. "Lots of times, you gotta scream before anyone will be able to hear ya."
"So we'd just start yellin' at each other from across the room, about nothin' in particular and people'd think we was fightin'," Garrick elaborates.
Erik snickers as he shakes his head. "One of Garrick's friends from school was visiting one time, and he-"
"He meant well," Garrick interjects.
"Yeah, he meant well but he still got between us and was trying to body-block me," Erik continues, giving the others the impression that they've had this conversation before.
"Because I was drunk off my ass and yelling from across the room at you to 'go downstairs and get more goddamn wine!'" Garrick counters mimicking himself.
Juniper waves her hand like she's trying to flag down the couple. "I'm sorry, what happened?"
"I was having a get-together with some of my friends from school and we all got pretty drunk, except for Erik who had left earlier that night to let me have a boy's night. After he was home and had checked in on us, and shit, he started to leave, but I called after him to go get some wine. I woulda sent one of the boys after it, but them stairs are slick and-"
"And I won't let Garrick near them if he's tipsy," Erik finishes.
"I almost break my neck one time," the dwarf says with faux annoyance.
Erik looks at him flatly, which only causes the dwarf to smile cheekily. "One time too many."
"I know, I know, but anyway, one of the boys who wasn't from Wecland saw me yellin' at my husband like I was and got between us. Which, honestly, I appreciate. He was gonna defend Erik instead of just letting me abuse him, but it also took a lot of explaining on Erik's end to tell him I wasn't gonna hurt him," Garrick says to finish the story.
"Yeah, he really thought you were an abusive drunk which will never not be funny to me," the tiefling says with a snicker.
"Why?" Sariya asks.
The couple looks between each other.
"Why what?" Erik asks.
Sariya shrugs. "Why did he think you were abusive, I suppose."
"I used to be an angry drunk," Garrick supplies, ducking his head. "Used to get into fights a lot."
"You are still an angry drunk who fights a lot," Erik clarifies.
"So then why are you so certain he means you no harm when he is drunk?" Skog questions.
Garrick flashes him a pleading look, "Erik, you don't have to-"
"Oh, yes, I do, Mafia," the tiefling says over him. "We were out drinking one night and I dropped my empty beer bottle, a glass one mind you, and I knelt down and picked it up, handing it to Garrick before I started to get up. Garrick looked at the bottle, looked at me, looked at the bottle, and then tapped me in the head with it. Now, what he didn't know was the bottle was cracked as hell from falling." Garrick makes a grumbling noise and Erik gives him a shit eating grin. "And when he tapped me in the head with it-"
"It shattered," Twist finishes, looking at Garrick with amusement as he gets steadily redder.
"Oh just wait, it gets so much better," the tiefling assures. "Because after he broke the bottle over my head, his drunk ass thought he hit me hard with a glass bottle, and even though I was laughing, he thought he hurt me and spent the next hour trying to convince a cop to arrest him for domestic abuse."
"Did it work?" Juniper asks, leaning forward like they were a group of teenage girls having a sleepover and not eight billionaires on a game show.
"'Did it work?'" Erik echoes with a laugh. "Of course it fucking didn't! He was clearly drunk, I was fine, and the officer literally watched it happen."
"I did spend the night in a cell," Garrick mutters.
Erik laughs. "Yeah because it was the only way to get you to stop whinin'."
"I wasn't whinin'!" Garrick corrects in a tone that sounds suspiciously like whining to the onlookers.
"Cryin' then," Erik says smugly, watching Garrick walk right into his trap as the dwarf snaps back, "I was not cryin'!"
"And that's why I got records." Before the dwarf can stop his husband, Erik has pulled out a photo of that night. It depicts a clearly drunk Garrick desolately laying in an empty cell in the background of the photo while a more sober Erik leans against the bars of the cell with its door wide open next to him. Erik wears a tired but amused smile while Garrick has clearly been crying.
"Did you have to show them that photo?" the dwarf grumbles as the other contestants look at it, some snickering at the display.
"Yep," his husband answers smugly. "I'd get it framed and put it on the mantle if you'd let me."
"No," Garrick responds quickly.
"Why the fuck not?"
"It's an awful photo."
"It's an amazing photo, 'scuse you."
"It's only nice because you are in it."
"Exactly, so let me put it on the mantle."
"Alright," Arliss interrupts as the couple gets closer to each other's faces. Their "argument" had no heat in it, but the aasimar still doesn't care to listen to it. "I believe it is time for everyone to give the two of you some well deserved alone time." Twist looks at Arliss with annoyance, clearly enjoying watching the couple's back and forth, but the rest of the contestants give some form of acknowledgement before making their way to the door.
Juniper is the last to leave, hovering in the door, clearly wanting to say something, but struggling to find the confidence.
The couple looks at each other before Erik finally says, "Need somethin', toots?"
She startles slightly as she looks at them. She gives them a smile, but it's sad and neither of the pair can parce why. "I'm glad you two are public now." She swallows and suddenly seems so much older than she is. "Maybe you'll give others the courage to follow in your footsteps." Before either of them can question her, she is out the door.
Garrick turns to the tiefling. "That was weird, right?"
Erik nods. "Maybe she's just being optimistic?"
"Probably, 'cause she's gotta be straight as an arrow."
Erik snickers. "Gotta be."
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bettreworld · 6 months
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Luxurious Elegance: Inside Andrew Tate's Voluntari Mansion
This captivating image showcases a glimpse into the luxurious lifestyle of Andrew Tate, a kickboxer turned entrepreneur. The photo, taken from his opulent mansion in Voluntari, Romania, highlights the blend of modern and classical architectural elements that define the property. The mansion, a symbol of Tate's flamboyant lifestyle and business success, features amenities like swimming pools, tennis courts, and a helicopter pad, all set within a sprawling estate. The photo captures the essence of luxury living, reflecting Tate's taste for extravagance and his journey from a world-class kickboxer to a successful businessman. Visit: https://www.omnihomeideas.com/design/celebrity-homes/andrew-tate-house-in-voluntari/
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