#bussiness mindset
osucessotriunfal · 11 months
O caminho para o sucesso triunfal e a liberdade financeira
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Como a bíblia nos ensina a importância da boa administração e responsabilidade com o dinheiro  O sucesso triunfal é o sonho de muitas pessoas, e uma das áreas em que esse sucesso é mais almejado é no campo financeiro. Muitos buscam o dinheiro como fonte de felicidade e realização, e acabam esquecendo que ele é apenas um meio para alcançar esses objetivos.  A Bíblia, em diversas passagens, nos ensina sobre a importância da boa administração do dinheiro e da generosidade para com os outros. Em Provérbios 11:25, por exemplo, lemos que "o que dá com generosidade prosperará; o que recusa dar só empobrecerá". Em outra passagem, em 2 Coríntios 9:6, encontramos a seguinte afirmação: "Lembre-se: aquele que semeia pouco, pouco também colherá, e aquele que semeia com fartura, com abundância também colherá", já em Provérbios 13:11, está escrito: "A riqueza obtida com fraude diminuirá, mas quem a ajunta aos poucos terá aumento." Este é apenas um exemplo de como a Bíblia incentiva a prudência na gestão financeira e nos alerta sobre as consequências da obtenção de riqueza de forma desonesta.  Outra passagem bíblica que fala sobre a relação entre trabalho duro e prosperidade financeira é Provérbios 21:5, que nos diz: "Os planos do diligente conduzem à fartura, mas todo precipitado acaba na penúria." Esses versículos nos lembram que a realização financeira exige esforço e planejamento cuidadoso.  Os ensinamentos bíblicos sobre o dinheiro nos mostram que o sucesso financeiro não está ligado apenas à quantidade de dinheiro que temos, mas também à forma como o utilizamos. O empreendedorismo, a inovação e a escalabilidade financeira são importantes, mas devem ser acompanhados de uma preocupação com a sustentabilidade e a responsabilidade social.  Os caminhos para a riqueza são de extrema responsabilidade, garantir o sucesso e estabilidade financeira requer uma autoavaliação e de superação de antigos costumes e uma visão global.  Um bom exemplo é José, que conduziu os negócios de um governante egípcio com sucesso, tornando-se o segundo homem mais poderoso do Egito na época. Sua história nos ensina que a fidelidade e a diligência podem ser recompensadas financeiramente.  O sucesso triunfal no campo financeiro não é uma questão de acumular riquezas, mas sim de utilizar o dinheiro de forma consciente e responsável, buscando a sustentabilidade e a generosidade. As passagens bíblicas sobre o dinheiro nos ensinam a importância da boa administração dos recursos financeiros e que é possível ter sucesso financeiro sem perder de vista os valores éticos e morais.  É importante lembrar que o sucesso não pode ser medido apenas em termos financeiros. No entanto, para aqueles que buscam fortuna, existem muitas histórias de sucesso que envolvem dinheiro e que devem ser estudadas. Um exemplo clássico é o da corrida do ouro na Califórnia no século XIX.Muitos garimpeiros tiveram a sorte de encontrar veias de ouro que lhes renderam uma incrível riqueza da noite para o dia. Embora muitos outros tenham falhado na busca pelo ouro, essas histórias de sucesso ainda circularam pelo mundo inteiro, atraindo mais pessoas para a região.  Outro exemplo mais contemporâneo de sucesso envolvendo dinheiro é o de algumas empresas de tecnologia e startups que alcançaram um rápido sucesso financeiro, como a Amazon, Google entre outras. Essas empresas encontraram maneiras criativas de fornecer produtos e serviços úteis, alcançando muitos consumidores em um curto período de tempo, resultando em uma grande quantidade de dinheiro e sucesso.  Para ter sucesso, estude o sucesso, aprenda com quem o conquistou, busque todos os dias a melhoria e independentemente do caminho que você escolher, se você for determinado e souber explorar as oportunidades que surgem, o dinheiro pode definitivamente ser um meio para um sucesso triunfal, te levando a conquista do sucesso, riquezas e muitas prosperidades!
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investmentblink · 2 months
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theselfmasteryclub · 3 months
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talktoday · 6 months
6 Empowering Your Career Growth in a Neglectful Workplace
In a workplace where career development takes a back seat, it's up to you to take control of your professional journey. This means proactively seeking opportunities, honing your skills, and forging your own path toward success. Despite the company's lack of support, you can empower your career growth and pave the way for a brighter future.Taking control of your career development when your company doesn't prioritize it can be challenging but is essential for your professional growth and job satisfaction. Here are six ways to proactively manage your career development:
Set clear goals and objectives: Define your career goals, both short-term and long-term. What do you want to achieve in your career? Having clear objectives will provide you with direction and motivation. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
Continuous learning and skill development: Invest in your skills and knowledge through self-study, online courses, workshops, or certifications. Identify the skills you need to advance in your career, and take proactive steps to acquire them. This may include pursuing formal education, attending relevant conferences, or finding a mentor who can help guide your learning.
Network and build relationships: Building a strong professional network is crucial for career development. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and connect with colleagues in your field. Networking can help you discover new opportunities, gain insights, and find mentors who can provide valuable guidance.
Seek out challenging projects: Even if your company doesn't offer opportunities for growth, look for challenging projects within your current role that can help you develop new skills and showcase your abilities. Volunteer for additional responsibilities or propose projects that align with your career goals.
Create a personal development plan: Develop a structured plan outlining the steps you need to take to achieve your career goals. This plan should include timelines, milestones, and action items. Regularly review and adjust it as needed to stay on track.
Consider external opportunities: If your current company consistently fails to support your career development, consider exploring external opportunities. Look for job openings at other organizations, update your resume and online profiles, and actively apply for positions that align with your goals. Sometimes, a change of environment is necessary to advance your career.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Punk Percy Jackson headcanons but by an actual punk instead of someone who thinks skateboarding is an aesthetic
So first off this will include my Pjo self-insert Lex de los Santos since i'm a book!Percy selfshiper(and Walker is my little guy so expect lots of appreciation for him on this blog too)and if you're gonna be hateful of that,please just scroll past thanks!Now lets get into it:
Always had the punk mindset as seen in canon by her being anti-authority,rebelling against all corruption she sees and being extremely protective and loving towards younger minorities
But was too poor to afford the clothes and piercings and such.Didn't bother him though since he cared more about acting and thinking punk than looking it
Thalia was his first real experience with the subculture headon and that's a big reason why he admired and was lowkey jealous of her along with a bit of gender envy
Goes to protests with and does charity work with Rachel
And she buys him a bunch of punk stuff(From punk bussinesses ofc,otherwise what's the point)
Learned to DIY so many things it's a running gag
Riot Grrrl and Mcr fan-Also not punk but stans Megan Thee Stallion,Ice Spice and Lo-Fi beats too.Also really likes Green Day!!
The specific types of punk Percy is are afropunk(i hc them as half afro-dominican and half black-greek),seapunk(NOT because of Poseidon but because of Sally)and either crustpunk or pastel punk depending wether we're talking her as a bigender transfem and a misc between masc and fem presentation or her as a super femme trans woman.Not for gender roles reasons obviously because that would be ridicioulous but i just think that their lives would be significantly so that leads to a few differences in personalities and tastes
Persephone Ameila has comics!Starfire hair and dyes her faded from gray to white streak sea blue to blend in,Perseo Isadore has dreads and keeps his as is because Lex finds it hot.Here are illustrations of them by @honeypotsworld and @leo-thecactus using bases from the Pjo graphic novels!!
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Straight edge
His autism definitely contributes to how how he approaches punkness.Examples include how blunt he is in it and a funny one is that he loves googling the most bizzare ass sounding and/or looking foods to make and eat and calls it 'sticking it to the man' and Lex encourages and joins on both
Their patches jacket has spikes on the shoulders and pockets and frills around the collar and his patches are the dominican,autism and trans flags,the anarchy symbol and ones to represent his most important people-A black mermaid for Sally,a pink rose for Lex,a skull for Nico and a yellow diamond for Hazel.It has a good handful of pins and his collection is ever growing but his favorites are the cat one and the Riptide one Lex made him
Goes on estrogen but light dosages and for a short amount of time compared to full transitions and gets no surgeries.Wears makeup too(*Insert the putting makeup on your gf redraw meme but with Perlex*)and has a tongue ring,an eyebrow piercing and forward helix on both ears
Radicalized Nico and Hazel,who are now goth punk and pastel goth punk.The three of them and Lex are known as 'The Outcast Godlings' because of the usual treatment Hades and Pluto kids get that the first two were no exception to and Percy's and Lex's feelings of isolation and otherness even after getting to Camp Half Blood,all of which were thankfully resolved by the the end of Hoo and the begining of Tales of Dead Seas(My fansequel to it that happens instead of Toa and has them as the mcs)
Exclusively buys his video games and consoles and legos secondhand due to being anti-capitalism
Killed Luke in TLO not only because of being the hero of the prophecy but also because no actual punk wouldn't unalive a fascist who was also a serial ped0phile the second they got the chance.She made sure it was extra painful too and even had Nico use his soul erasing power we saw in BOO on him
Owns a pair of colbat blue and black demonias that Beckendorf got him which are a little tight on him now but he wears them anyway to remember him by
Them and Lex make clothes for Nico and Hazel with Sally's help and play the Team Parents role for them in general♡
Perlex is punk4punk but Lex is pastel punk and solarpunk!!They go on punk dates like going to concerts together in matching outfits and skateboarding and rollerblading in their opposites aesthetics board and skates and defacing public property together <3 Also Percy has the cocky flirty punk guy thing going on you usually see in male characters who are but it's a Lex exclusive
@angel-beloved @floof-ghostie @gummywormlimbs @biandbored
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fog-kid · 8 months
About Q!Roier and the eggs missing
Roier said his goodbyes to Cellbit and teleported home before letting out a long sigh and slowly sinking to the floor.
Tiredness came from running, exercising, a long trip to the caves or fighting overpowered mobs. It also came from making sure everyone smiled around you even when the air weighted enough to make your lungs shut tight.
After the sight of an empty bed left the Island tumbling, blindly looking for a way to react, Roier was as tired as if he'd run miles and fought thousand mobs.
He stared down at the cold, cobbled floor and touched it, wondering if the earth underneath it had any answers he didn't.
There's not a lot you can do if you're stuck playing the part of the clown. He'd learned that with time, and he's gotten better at feeling, he really has. It's just easier to make fun of a wound than bleeding out.
At the very least, he knew Cellbit understood. Jokes can only get you so far, and he'd always been better at understanding Roier's mindset than others, if you're not counting Jaiden. Before he even tried to explain his humor, which can sometimes cross lines out of clumsiness, Cellbit understood where it was all coming from, and that was more than he could ask for.
Still, Roier had to stand up and prepare for bed without having the chance to talk to Richarlyson about how the day went. He had to go to sleep without telling him a dumb story about his uncle coming back to eat him if he didn't shower, or singing to him the latest song he had stuck on his mind, or kissing his forehead goodnight.
It was muscle memory. Long term memory, because he doesn't frequent this place, but he found himself opening the door to an empty house and an empty bed with a warm kitchen, the stove on waiting for no one.
He smiled when he saw the pan, the memory of Leonarda putting a fried egg in it just to indulge his stories still fresh. He laid on the bed beside it and closed his eyes.
They'd be back. They came back once, they'd do it again. It was just this Island's commitment to breaking every spirit anyone had left. Roier's had been squished some time ago, so he could play his part until the others found peace.
It was no one's bussiness if he cared, if he cried because he missed his sister, or his son, or every kid that deserved better. It was no one's business if he cried for Bobby because empty beds were getting too familiar. Absolutely nobody's business, because no one deserve to know of his love and pain. That was for him to deal with.
Maybe he never fell asleep, but he remembers night turning to day and practicing the smile he would display in the morning. He would not let this Island win, he would not let anyone see him cry. And when the eggs came back, he would tease them until they smiled too.
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flodaya · 5 months
idk why people wants tom and z to be friends with people of hollywood so bad lmaoo who are their friends its very telling when you see who they hang out with and these people are co workers lol and nothing more
not to be up tz's ass but half the appeal of them is their disintrest in captial H Hollywood, like ofc they play the bussiness, they love their work, they love acting and movies and money (let's not deny it lol), but for as much as i complain and whine i like that we barely see them, i like that they genuinely just want to live their happy little life with their tight circle, and i was talking to someone about this yesterday, it really is such a wonderful chance of luck that they've found each other because it seems to be rare to find someone in the industry who shares the same kind of mindset as they do
and this is not shade at anyone else, i like other celebrties who are more "out there" and love doing appearances and love attending random red carpets and events, but those two dont, and that is one of the many reason i assume why they fit so well 🥹
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princemick · 4 months
Cillian Murphy was getting paid for his hair cut Charles is doing that for free
weak bussiness mindset fr
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fandomwe1rd0 · 25 days
All the times Rick cares about Morty ~ Season 1 edition
Yep. I'm really doing this. I wanted someone to do this for a long time so I was just like "Y'know what? Fuck it." Soooo here I am!
Episode 1 ~ Pilot
Him planning to get Morty and Jessica before he blows up the whole world, which, while unethetical, show that he does care about Morty on some level.
Subjective since he needed Morty's help, but he freezes Frank, a bully who was about to cut Morty
Uses serum on Morty to fix his legs, again more subjective since he did need Morty to help him, but still sweet
Puts his hand on Morty's back while he gives Morty props for coming up with a good idea "Good job Morty! The student becomes the teacher!"
Gets offended when Jerry implies that Morty is stupid, which while he insults Morty not too much later afterwards, showcasing his "Only I can bully him" attitude "What are you trying to say about Morty!? That he's stupid or something!?"
Episode 2 ~ Lawnmower Dog
Although it had selfish intentions, him working hard so Morty gets an A in math so they can go on adventures together.
When Morty gives him props on a good idea, Rick smiles and say "Thanks Morty, it's nice to be on the same page every once in a while."
Fist-bumping Morty after they succeed in giving Morty an A in math
Episode 3 ~ Anatomy Park
Can't think of any tbh
Episode 4 ~ M-Night Sha-Aliens!
"They made a big mistake this time Morty, they dragged you into this. Now they're gonna pay."
The crystal fight with Morty even though Morty was a simulation, it seems like Rick didn't know
"You simulated my grandson's genitalia!? You bunch of diabolical sons of bitches!"
Episode 5 ~ Meeseeks and Destroy
Rick being so sweet and caring after he finds out what happened with Mr. Jellybean, deciding to throw the bet so Morty's adventure can have a good ending
Rick killing Mr. Jellybean
Episode 6 ~ Rick Potion #9
Rick rushing to Morty's aid once he realizes his mistake
Him choosing the closest dimension to Morty's original dimension.
Episode 7 ~ Raising Gazapazorp
None tbh but this was mainly a Rick and Summer epiosde
Episode 8 ~ Rixty Minutes
Rick smiling at Morty and saying "I'm proud of you, Morty."
Episode 9 ~ Something Ricked this way comes
Rick smiling when he saw Morty coming back and happily saying "Hey!" then clearing his throat and saying "Hey." Bro thought he was slick. We all saw that.
Episode 10 ~ Close Rick-Counters with Rick-kind
Crying when he saw memories of Morty, possibly about how one of the last things he said to his favorite person was "Because you're as dumb as I am smart! So that's why when I say shut up, it's really good advice!"
Episode 11 ~ Ricksy Bussiness
Rick just bonding with his grandkids in the ending
Not Rick's most affectionate season, and there's definitely more times where he treats Morty like crap, but there's still a very clear love and affection there, but he had a huge "Feelings are for losers!" mindset here, so he was terrible at showing it.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
You know what's sad? Jared seems fine with the idea of something not working out and being out of work. But Jensen doesn't. He doesn't even seem to want to be at home. What is this guy going to DO when work dries up one day? How depressing to think about.
It's truly sad that he seems to be constantly running away from being present with his wife, it also seems that as an Actor he has no mindset training which is something that is key for his wellbeing. Acting bussiness has a lot of ups and downs and it's important to approach it with a healthy mindset.
Jared appears to be very fulfilled even outside of his work, especially as far as his family is concerned. So I think that's the key difference, one of them is a fulfilled parent, the other is still searching for his identity it seems.
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arcade-writing · 2 years
Hey y'all, I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who's been requesting and interacting with my blog
But I really need you guys to look at the rules. It's in my masterlist at the bottom but incase any new followers didn't know or for anyone who didn't realize
These are the rules
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I had someone ask for a prompt today that described sexual abuse and I will not be writing content like that. I strongly believe that as long as things are consentual and moral, it's no one's bussiness into your sexual fantsties or kinks
But please don't ask for prompts for sexual abuse and wanting a character to force someone/you into a toxic mindset (in this case misogyny) and obdidence through sex that keeps you in a harmful relationship.
BDSM training and obdidence stuff can be safe and good sexual practices but again, it needs to be consentual
What was asked of me was not and honestly made me very uncomfortable. Please read the rules and respect my limits.
I'm sorry to the person who requested this, I have faith that they didn't know my rules or realize this was bad or didn't intend on crossing a boundary. I'm sure you had no bad intentions and just wanted to request something.
But I needed to make this clear. I'm all for dark media. I use to love yandere fics and still read fics about Slashers but I make sure the content that's in there avoids these kind of things. Consent is very important to me
but I have boundaries and I don't want this kind of thing in my requests again. This is the second time I've had a uncomfortable request that involves some form of abuse and wanted to make things clear before I get anymore
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staenless · 1 month
I feel like if a celebrity of figure hasn't come out and told people their sexuality we should just default assume they're attracted to all and no genders at once, schrodinger style, instead of defaulting to heterosexuality because heterosexuality isn't actually the default. Also this mindset will lead to less harrasment and forced outting. Also it's nobodies fucking bussiness.
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cocotangaje · 8 months
21 Agustus 2023
Di perjalanan melamar kerja posisi digital marketing dan sosial media di sebuah perusahaan kali ini nggak se-stress waktu gue baru lulus kuliah. Gue jauh lebih santai, karena gue juga punya kesibukan dengan ngurusin segala hal yang berhubungan sama data dan administrasi bisnis papa sambil ngerjain project bootcamp kemaren. Karena belajar dan langsung praktek, gue semakin tertarik ke dunia bisnis dan data. Marketing tentu masih nggak gue lupakan, tapi keinginan gue untuk membangun bisnis sendiri mulai ada bibitnya.
Sebelumnya, guetuh selalu stuck di mindset developing mulu. Tapi sejak belajar fundamental bisnis sama marketing, otak gue mulai pelan-pelan tercerahkan dan tiba-tiba melihat sebuah peluang bisnis di bidang yang gue suka. Gue langsung orat-oret di kertas, ngedesign product sample, dan datengin vendor buat nanya-nanya perihal produksian serta harganya. Turns out, sangat menyenangkan???
I never imagine myself for creating a bussiness. Karena selama ini gue tumbuh dengan mindset seorang anak yang masih punya "jaring pelindung". Gue cuma fokus berkarya dan mencintai seni, mana tau menau tuh soal cara dapetin uang biar nyampe ke tangan sendiri. Jual jasa juga gaenakan dan banyak insecurenya. Setelah baca mengenai beberapa literatur finansial, dengerin podcast dan nonton youtube di bidang yang sama, serta gimana cara dunia dengan sistem kapitalisme ini bekerja, gue mulai merasa sesuatu menarik gue dan bikin gue gatel kalo gue gak ngelakuinnya.
Gue juga jengah sama penolakan yang udah gak kehitung berapa jumlahnya. Proses RnD dan konsepting ini kayak fresh air di tengah muaknya gue sama perusahaan yang menolak gue. Ada ego di dalam diri gue yang makin lama berontak karena ditolak terus-terusan. Dan sepanjang gue membangun bisnis ini pelan-pelan, gue masih nyambi di toko papa juga sambil ngamatin gimana flownya. Bahkan gue sekilas kepikiran, gue mau menseriusi project bisnis ini akhir taun ini kemudian melamar dengan portfolio gue sebaik-baiknya, dateng wawancara, dan setelah offering gue mundur gitu aja. Jahat sih memang, tapi kayaknya lumayan buat feeding ego setelah gue selama ini diinjak terus-terusan.
Tapi gue gak mau berekspektasi juga. Let's try for now. Proposal bisnisnya juga belum selesai. Mending kerjain pelan-pelan dan serius biar selesai daripada cuma anget tai ayam alias panas diawal doang.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
this person is literally a fucking maniac I’m so sorry they did that shit to you??? It’s headcanons and you didn’t even mention anything remotely offensive or required whatever shit they were spitting. Fucking SUICIDE BAITING OVER WHAT?? Dios mío. (to get your mind off it if you would like, share with me your favourite punk percy headcanons)
RIGHT LIKE THAT NIGGA REALLY SHOWED ME NOOSE PICS OVER FUCKING PERCY JACKSON💀And said i was 'fetishizing' trans people as if i'm not trans myself and as if she's not a cis woman and probably straight too.Stop projecting come mierda♡
But tysm,i will and you choose a good time to ask because i've been finally continouing my punk history research!!
Always had the punk mindset as seen in canon since she's anti-authority,rebels against all corruption she sees and protects and is extremely loving towards younger minorities
But was too poor to afford the clothes and piercings and such.Didn't bother him though since he cared more about acting punk than looking it
Thalia was his first real experience with the subculture headon and that's why he admired and was lowkey jealous of her along with a bit of gender envy
Goes to protests and does charity work with Rachel
And she bought him a bunch of punk stuff(from punk bussiness ofc,otherwise what's the point)
Learned to diy so many things it's gonna be a running in my fics of her
Rrrrt girl and Mcr fan-Also not punk but loves Ice Spice and Megan Thee Stallion too ofc.Really likes Green Day too!!
The specific types of punk Percy is are afropunk(because i hc them as half afro-dominican and half black-greek),seapunk(NOT because of Poseidon but because of Sally)and either crustpunk or pastel punk depending on wether we're talking her as transfem bigender and a mix of masc and fem or her as a super femme trans woman.Not for gender roles reasons because that would be ridiculous but i think just that their lives would be significantly different so that leads to a few differences in their tastes
Persephone Amelia has comics!Starfire hair,Perseo Isadore has dreads
Straight edge
His autism definitely contributes to how he approches punkness
Their patches jacket has spikes and frills around the collar and the patches are the dominican and trans flags and a black mermaid to represent Sally,a skull and a yellow diamond to represent Nico and Hazel and he has a god handful of pins but his favorites are the Riptide one Lex made him and the cat one(Yes i'm including my Pjo self-insert in this because i couldn't help myself)
Goes on estrogen but only a light dosage and for a short time compared to full transitions and gets no surgeries.Wears makeup too and gets a tongue ring,an eyebrow piercing and forward helix on both ears
Radicalized Nico and Hazel,who are now goth punk and pastel goth punk
Exclusively buys video games and consoles secondhand because of being anti-capitalism
Killed Luke in TLO not only because of being the hero of the prophecy but also because no actual punk wouldn't unalive a fascist who's also a serial ped0phile the second they got the chance.He made sure it was extra painful too and even had Nico use his soul erasing power we saw in BOO on him
And eventually manages to kill Poseidon too-Idk about Perseo but Persephone exists in my Pjo x DC x Spiderverse crossover where she's got kryptonian heritage and i headcanon krytonians are on the same levels of gods in regards to power so that's how.Zeus is too scared of Percy afterwards to stop her from fixing the greek myths world system LMFAOOOOOO
And for a lil more Perlex because i am down horrendous,him and Lex punk4punk but Lex is pastel punk and solarpunk!!They go on punk themed dates like going to concerts in matching outfits and defacing public property together <3 Also Percy has the cocky flirt punk guy thing you usually see in male characters who are but it's a Lex exclusive
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