#but!! she (creator) said there's a good chance we can order others. sO! FINGERS CROSSED
pomfiores · 7 months
not to flex or anything but I'm so excited.
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look at her. omg.
10 notes · View notes
blankdblank · 3 years
Ash Pt 6
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The final day before the feast and tasked to organize the library you had once slept in found the King who simply strolled in and sat down on a chair not far from the shelf you had just started. “Yellow stones are given to intendeds, back in Nunieffe.” His eyes had darted to you from his hands clasped to dangle between his now settled thighs formerly shifting side to side. “Yellow is my favorite color, my question was out of habit, clearly the tradition does not carry on here. I am glad I get to wear a yellow stone that won’t bleed to emerald later.”
“Bleed, your stone changed colors?”
You nodded and said, “So you save money when you are wed it changes.”
“You have a heart that millions would march, clamber and crawl to catch a fraction of devotion to it.” That had your eyes on his revealing the beginning of tears you were on the edge of blinking away from embarrassment. “Title or no title you will be loved by thousands and adored and cherished, and one day should you choose someone worthy of your trust and affections in return it will not be out of cruelty or a trick of chance or malice. Eru our creator has granted each of us a One, the person who we are meant to find, and I have no doubt as he brought you here that someone will prove themselves worthy of a heart such as yours. Because you are so very much the one out of reach from mere fools and villains. Please do not doubt that.”
“You really mean that?”
You whispered and he shifted in his seat to angle his legs and body a bit more towards you, “With every fiber of my being. That is the truth.”
“Thank you, for telling me that,” you said looking to the books again you returned upright again in some means of organizing the titles you could not read at all or decipher any pattern between their order now.
“You are welcome, and not alone. Celeborn and myself our first marriages were arranged by others in means of an intended coup.” That had your eyes on him and he nodded, “My former wife’s father and uncle were plotting along with Celeborn’s and her uncle, with whom she was having an affair. It is all rather complicated and to be honest it was entirely humiliating upon its being uncovered by my people here. I am rather glad only my mother was aware of it as my father had passed on. We were still at war and I was informed upon my return that she had fled to the West while Celeborn’s former wife and her lover were bound and forced to sail under threat of execution.” Your eyes looked over his straight face void of any pain or fear in the simple stating of facts, “Celeborn has since fallen in love and remarried and conceived heirs since. She is half Hobbit as I have mentioned before so there is ample hope to bear many more.”
“And why haven’t you chosen a Hobbit bride then?”
That had him chuckle deep in his throat and he flashed you a playful grin, “I am not so fortunate to have a personality many Hobbits find a handsome trait in a partner. Not many if at all would choose a King. I tend to brood.”
“Now that’s a bold faced lie,” you said spreading his grin in adding, “Maybe it’s the angle they look up at you from.”
“Possibly,” he hummed back playfully.
“Why swans? If you don’t mind my asking, the apartment doors, the crown, the ring?”
“The apartment was by chance that it happened to be empty enough for you to decorate as you wished to. You had a chance to choose between our other apartments, do swans trouble you another could always be crafted for you.”
You shook your head, “Just odd, we had flying boat races when I was growing up and only sons can compete but I had been building one myself to try and bring the prize back home again since the last time my father had raced his ship the Emperor. I don’t think I’ve seen a swan up close in person, books sure enough, cygnets seem adorable enough to want to keep one.”
That had his grin creep out and he hummed, “There is a flower festival in Rivendell as our next holiday, the lot of us could travel there together and that time of year there should be ample swans and little cygnets there for you to admire.” You glanced his way and he said, “All of the Kingdoms are eager to meet you. I warn you now they will take no heavily as a blow and most likely enforce that we move the festival to where you are willing to travel.”
The arrival of a messenger however had him straighten up and ready to accept the letter that the Elleth grinned and passed over to you, “Thank you.” You said eyeing the envelope that rested on top of the books you had in the bend of your arm. Promptly you turned and offered the envelope to the again grinning King. “Fingers crossed it’s not more poetry.”
Softly he chuckled and broke the seal while you added the books to the shelves and shifted on your feet to face him in the ease of the letter inside out and open. “Good news, this is from King Thror, he would not spare a poem for none but his wife Niro, Dwarf tradition unless some sort of competition is afoot.” Subtly he wet his lower lip reading the letter he translated for you in a means of checking if you were feeling well and that they were eternally grateful and in your debt for having bested the beast bent on snatching their home away. “See, all good news. I did receive notice from Lord Girion as well yesterday in a means to thank you and pay his gratitude and apologize for his words. He asked if you might accept a letter to that effect from him or if he has burned that bridge, so to speak. It would appear he was dictating after having shared in a mushroom circle with his friends over a dinner which began a poetry circle resulting in ample letters and drama between clans in Dale and even a couple of confused Dwarves in Erebor.”
“Ah, well that would explain it. No burned bridges,”
“Well your response certainly by his account was the kindest of responses the group did receive, one had an ax thrown through their front window.”
You nodded then accepted the letter that was written in different markings than the one in Dalion and you softly sighed, “There is a great deal of languages I will have to learn isn’t there?”
“There are a great deal of Elves who have been reluctant or lax on learning the written word, we have ample scribes in our kingdom,”
“I am not bothered to translate or dictate your communications. Two letters so far, far from strenuous work. Quite a welcome addition to my duties.”
“You would think a King wouldn’t want more work on top of running a kingdom.”
“One would assume so, but this was a welcome distraction.”
“What exactly do you do all day?” You asked and to himself he chuckled at the blind question as you got to focus on the books again.
“It varies. Checks on import/export reports, levels of our stores and goods produced, reports on weather and news from other kingdoms. News on patrols and word transcribed from Ents and animals on the movements of goblins, trolls and orcs. Then there are internal matters that must be discussed, territories and property rights cases between citizens who wish a neutral ruling in these matters that blend into the rare cases which result in judgments and imprisonment. I also oversee the public celebrations, alongside musical and choral groups and their planned performances I ensure are scheduled to be well enjoyed by as many of our people as possible.” His lips pursed a moment, “Other than numbers of our herds and care of steeds reports I cannot think of more tasks at the moment, past my son and charge of young Estel when he dwells here.”
“That’s not nearly as busy as I had imagined for running a kingdom.”
“I did warn you I am more of a public spokesperson between kingdoms. See, ample time to play your personal secretary. Some of our scribes have gathered learners booklets to gift to you later on. Our languages can be quite extensive to learn in a matter of years.”
“I am quite adept at languages, you may just be surprised.”
“Oh I am infinitely surprised with you, as I should be,” his words accented with a pop of his smile wider in your glance his way that had the corners of your mouth tick upwards again.
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Wine was needed. Stunning didn’t come close to the splendorous string of ballrooms connected by garden ballrooms lit by strings of lanterns and crystal lanterns. Two dances was all the King had secured for himself to open the Feast dances post opening speech and the first three courses. Three glasses half the size of his had been emptied by you and mirrored by his full glasses in watch of each interaction across the dance floor with those who you accepted as partners. Sure he had secured another dance five dances from now but every brush of hands or arms in the various touch starved dances left him with fingers tapping to the arm of his chair to mark each brush of skin and lift that kept him from his turn for an up close look at the dazzling Queen who seemed to be having one hell of a time. Just the smile split wide across your face would have been enough to cause a heart to skip. But the spread of a glittering glow on your skin and star speckled bead decorated hair topped with the swan crown also accented by your new jewels and the bright moonlight seemed to leave a wake of Elves in awe of the dark haired Queen who seemed to be infecting every Elf here with her smile and giggles.
Five dances and the bold King now on his feet strode in and with the offer of his hand accepted the smile he was now contracted with to guide the woman of the evening into place. Then he had to let go, for an agitating tease of a dance with only a couple lifts, which even after your wine still had your hands, however gracefully placed, on his shoulders or upper arms as if he could dare to drop you. Spins and woven patterns filled the next four dances accented by arm movements until a break for more stomach lining food was announced and around his elbow the King felt that same hand he’d been stealing brushes of his fingers against in every motion he could. There was something intoxicating about you when you relaxed, when you opened up. And as if starving the King who ensured you were on his free side as his friendship was arguably your strongest basked in the first glimpse of a truly dynamic woman who could command a room by means of a single smirk or playful glance.
Under the moonlight for air to break and steady himself from finishing off another glass of wine that would hinder his efforts of memorizing your debut to this elaborate side of their world. Yet in his lean forward to rest on his knees a sudden giggle had him upright and with a smile to the arrival of his friend who clearly had finished off yet another glass of wine. “I may need to play weakling and sneak off to bed. But do save me some more of that cake, I know there is some more somewhere.” The words were accented by obvious intoxicated giggles, a pleasant sight over the alternative of wine triggered tears. That was what you had said and in the haze somehow that was lost to a maze of a rant all he could do was chuckle and wade through in its evidence of a clear sign that your train of thought was spiraling towards a crash. Once on your feet you had settled on the bench beside him perhaps a tad closer than you would sober with a hint of your weight in a shift to use his white and silver clad self as an anchor.
The song was mentioned along with the dance you had looked to with a somewhat mournful stare to the dance for lovers and couples that included a trade off of a kiss. Not the action but that hint of pain that bubbled to the surface and the King readied to say something, anything, but you stopped him. Brief and unexpected a press of your lips to his, that seemed to be aimed there already in the turn of his head, completely emptied his mind. Then in your pull back from the two second stunner every emptied inch of his head flooded with questions and millions of rationalizations of what happened and thousands of proper things to do at this moment. Yet all he could do was chuckle in a sense of relief to your smiling statement of, “There, a first, no espionage in that for our shared freedom from our captors.”
Right where your hand had just been his moved on his thigh that had been used to anchor you onto your feet again in a rise that had his body up as well right after. “No, no espionage.” He hummed and to your every swayed step by your side without touch his body seemed to be in withdrawal from and screamed for more of it.
Giggled nonsense was his companion to the door that he opened for you to welcome you home and the spine tingling brush of your fingertips down from his wrist over the back of his hand on the door handle had his mouth open when you said, “Two weeks of nothing but freedom. Quite a crime in that. To have such fun and then be left to ourselves again. Enjoy your festivities, kind King, and bravo on guiding me home.”
Again there was nothing to do but chuckle and reply, “Sleep well Queen Jaqiearae.” There was so much more he wanted to say but in the magical twitch of your fingers he saw the buttons on the back of your neck loosen and to the hand that held the front of your gown the image of that bare strip of skin where that strap once was had been replaced by the sight of the door he shut in your stroll into your room. Clearly intoxicated, he kept repeating, nothing concrete could be taken of this trade of intimacy. Yet that kiss and the brush of his now tingling hand troubled the rest of his evening, dreams and wake to a breakfast cart alone that left him with just more plans on how to approach the cusp of courtship forcing contact that you had initiated. Hopefully before the second evening of the feast would begin and he was lost for words at how the next marvel of a gown would drape over your magnificent self.
“Magnificent”, he repeated the word to himself in a questioning mantra as to why he had chosen that word, at least until a tiny head popped out from underneath his breakfast cart to reveal the Prince tired of not being discovered who altered the mentality of the King instantly to focus on the small boy and his playful games.
“Oh no,” you grumbled into your pillow underneath all of your covers as the night rolled back into your mind. Somewhere between the wine and your already awkward social skills around the infuriatingly understanding King, who had been accepting each and every flub that you had thrown right in his face to your own deepening ditch of embarrassment, you had gone and kissed him. As if the headache wasn’t enough from the wine you had been tasting the night before not evenly leveled with food to soak it all up due to the length of time spent dancing the mental memory of that kiss slammed around in your head to remind yourself at how stupid that was to even dare to touch his arm let alone kiss any King let alone this one you were trying to befriend. “I’m gonna have to move, simple as that. I can’t keep living here now.”
To a knock the arrival of a cook with a special drink to aid in relief from any hangover had you poke your head out to the Elf whose eyes shifted to your bare arms and collarbones over the blanket you held to your chest. With a grin you said, “I am in a towel. Apparently I fell asleep after a bath.”
With a grin he came closer and handed you the glass off the tray on his palm, “This will aid in any discomfort you feel, Your Highness.”
“Thank you,” bringing it closer to your lips you asked, “How long does it take to get used to the wine?”
In your sip he replied, “It depends. Grape wine usually takes longer however I find the darker berries are quite agreeable and taste finer upon many palates.” He motioned his hand to the doorway stating, “An undercook is here currently and your breakfast should be completed shortly. We have arranged rotations for these two weeks to aid in the recovery from each night of samplings while you adjust.”
“Thank you.” Upon being alone again you shook your head and finished your drink that did help at least with the effects of the wine but not the mental parade of thoughts on the kingdoms that had been shared with you and which you might prefer to be banished to when the hammer was surely set to drop. For the morning at least pants a tunic and vest were added for what you hoped to be a means of hiding in the forest to continue the plan of where to move next and how to leave gracefully after the two week festivity.
“Ada,” Legolas with a wide smile said in his plop into his chair at their shared breakfast. The King’s eyes shifted to him from his glass of the drink to clear his head from the edge of the wine. “What are your plans today?”
After a deep breath the King looked down to lift his fork to start on the meal the thanked undercook had left once it was all set out across the table for them, “I have a few tasks to oversee then I wished to stop in on Queen Jaqiearae and see how she fared this morning.”
“Good, how do you plan on offering courtship?”
That had the King’s eyes snap up to him again, “Pardon me?”
“The offer of courtship after your moment of intimacy. How do you plan to offer it because Glorfindel and I have been compiling lists of ways that might be quite unique and vary in chance of surprise unless you have already discussed that upon escorting Queen Pear to her bed.”
Open mouthed Thranduil leaned forward into the edge of the table, “You witnessed, who else was with you that has seen us?”
“It was myself and Glorfindel, Estel was hiding in the gardens again as we were in search.”
“No one is to be told.”
Legolas smiled again, “Absolutely not, we would never spoil the surprise.”
“No, Little Leaf, Queen Jaqiearae was under the influence of the wine. There is no grounds for courtship as clearly there was no justifiable right for me to offer to settle a courtship from an accidental intimacy.”
“I saw the both of you Ada, there was no stumble into a lock of lips. There was intent.”
“Little Leaf,”
“Wine was involved, but surely, at least you have to present the trunk of your One token.” The King’s lips parted again and he said, “At minimum. You are solidifying into a firm friendship and clearly she did not show he would refuse an offer of even marriage. There is a bond there please do not doubt that, she could be your One! You have to show her your trunk!” Thranduil sighed and he added, “Or I will make sure she finds it.”
“I will bring my trunk into her path. For now there will be no talks of courtship. I will inquire as to her condition and try to ease out any wrinkles this encounter has caused upon our friendship.”
“She is bound to be your One. Simply has to be.” Thranduil from his fork and knife slicing a piece of his food looked up to his son curious of his reasoning for that assumption. “Has to be.”
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Atop a raised root you sat with view of a stream that a group of ducks led their ducklings towards a food source farther down out of view. Suddenly a blue jay landed in front of your boot then took off again with a pleased chirp, his absence however turned your head to the sight of the King who had apparently used the bird to track you down. “Hey, ducks.”
With a smirk he turned his head and nodded to the sight of the final family of ducks off towards food, “Yes, near lunchtime they will be back to their nests in our red garden.” Back to you his eyes shifted in the turn of his head asking, “How did you rest?”
“In a towel,” His brow arched up and you said, “Apparently I got out of my gown and then took a bath and went to bed to fall asleep. Maybe I was just tired, odd.”
To himself he chuckled, “I believe we all have had a morning of that nature when first dabbling with wine.” His eyes scanned over you and he asked, “How did you enjoy the opening night of the festivity?” Nerves at a peak to the question that was inching on what the relationship could turn out to be if he couldn’t ease any embarrassment from the kiss.
“It was fun. I certainly danced,” you paused and asked him at the puzzled expression on his face, “I didn’t do anything embarrassing did I?”
His brow arched up and he replied, “No, not that I can recall. Why would you assume you had?” He asked hoping to lure the answer out of you to begin talks of the night.
“I went from dancing to waking up in a towel.” You said and his lips parted in a mental whirl. You didn’t know, the wine had blurred that encounter. Only to bleed into questions of how could you not know, not remember anything. Instantly his chest tightened up in his body’s reaction to the fact that you didn’t remember the moment with him at all his mind could not stop replaying.
“That is quite a gap of time to miss.”
To the prickle of your cheeks you said, “I know we talked and you told me goodnight. You sure I didn’t do anything foolish?”
“No,” he replied uncertain if he was pleased or unhappy with this forgotten moment. “Nothing foolish comes to mind.”
“Did you sleep well?” You asked and his chin rose a moment then lowered in his body’s ease into the realization and try to relax again now he knew he shouldn’t talk about the kiss at all instead of the ploy to calm your nerves as he had prepped to do.
“Yes, fairly well, I usually do not dance in our celebrations beyond a few assigned dances with my eldest friends whose spouses prefer to skip those dances. So I was amply exhausted and able to sleep. I was wondering if I might ask your opinion on something.” You nodded curiously on his fidget of his feet under his weight, “There is a trunk of items I am curious if you might be able to make heads or tails of it.”
“Oh, sure,” you said in a shift of your legs off the root. Promptly his hand snapped up for yours and after a glance at it in pause yours laid on top of it and down you hopped to stroll at his side once his hand lowered to the retraction of yours. Aloofly, or with the impression of that the King managed to hold a steady stream of chatter all the way to his apartment where he took notice of the One trunk that his son had set up in his sitting room beside the table there.
“So you have no clue what is inside of it?” You asked in a glance up at him, “It doesn’t seem to be shaking or making any sort of alerting noise.”
Again your eyes fell to the trunk from his intense stare he couldn’t control while the electric feel of his fingers just a breath from his you had stroked the night before had his entire body in a fight to not just clutch onto it for dear life to feel that sensation again. “No. It does not make a sound or move. However I have had it for some thousands of years and still seem to be stumped on what it might yet construct, as it contains pieces to form something. An aggravating mystery all its own I cannot make heads or tails of.”
“Oh, well then,” you said in a glance around before to the motion of your hands over the table the table cover expanded to its full length and went rigid in a spell that would expand as needed depending on what was inside to the scoot of each chair to make room. “First thing first. Empty the lot.” The wide smile on your face to the adventure had his try for a response lodged in the back of his throat for what seemed to be a groan of sorts that melted into a cough that allowed him excuse to fetch some juice and glasses for the pair of you. The acceptance of which his arm just about fell slack to the glide of fingers along his in your blind, “Thank you.” The numbness from the shock of the touch left his arm in a tingling mess to your sip of the juice, “Mmm, lovely,” you murmured in the lower of the glass that was settled on the table to ease the open of the lid once lock latches were flipped upwards.
The largest piece, an intricately carved and detailed piece of wood was inspected in its three foot entirety until at the notice of a symbol and number had it set down to lift the next that would be added to another pile. “Aha, a pattern,” you said and over your shoulder he hunched with cheek barely an inch from yours and back kept from contact with yours for another jarring experience for the lack of distance for the seemingly touch starved King who now just yearned for more and more. “See,” you said avoiding the knot in your stomach to his closeness to point to the number and symbol, “The pieces have numbers and symbols, so if we match them then we can go by group and find out how they intermingle later.”
“These are from our Doriathian alphabet, actually.” He commented with a nod and around you he strode to grab a piece of his own to inspect them against the trio of piles he added that and each after to existing or new piles. Eventually the table was coated in piles of less than helpful progress of the parts, but progress all the same. He had inspected these pieces century after century and never had those marks been there before.
There was only one explanation, he had to be yours and you his, Ones. Meant to find one another to begin at the creation of this mysterious adventure of a trunk. Heavily his heart would thunder in his chest to the every detail his eyes took in of the adventure thrilled smile on your face. Unknowing. You didn’t know. You couldn’t remember. How could you not remember? Could you feel the same energy in each brush of fingers? Each moment of his being merely a breath away? When he could so easily just angle his head and kiss those same lips that parted for each tempting honey dripped word he clung to. He could, it would be so simple, so easy, you were right there. And looking at him. Ear to ear a smile split across his face in a bashful turn to the trunk to bring out more pieces including another smaller chest and one even smaller than that until it sat empty and he had to look, not stare, to you again.
“Hmm,” from the King who seemed to be nervous about something the more you had pulled out you looked to the medium chest that your brows furrowed in the stubborn latches that refused to rise from the press of your thumbs.
“Ah,” Thranduil said. And in a fumble of a chain from underneath his robe and tunic a chain was produced ended by a mithril glowing antler just over an inch long. That in a move to your side with arms around your shoulders he was able to slide a hidden hatch over to press the antler into the hole there lengthwise it fit perfectly to set off both latches that snapped up by use of the unique key. “Only the key opens that and the smaller,” around you he moved to collect the smaller box he opened the hidden hatch he turned to face you and asked, “You wouldn’t happen to have anything that might fit this one? Would you? Only you would.”
“Um,” from his pleading gaze to the hole you looked confused at the meaning until your brows furrowed at the shape that couldn’t be mistaken. Rectangular with what seemed to have a bite taken out of it. “Can’t be,” you murmured in a reach for your enchanted bag that from the side bag you pulled a salve tin that once in your palm the lid was wound off of it for the King to eye various buttons and small keys you had found through the years in an odd collection of mysterious origins. Though from the mix a purple sapphire now glowing on the end of what you had taken as a silver branch matched his key perfectly as a half inch antler on the end of an identical chain that you used to press the stone into the slot that opened the locks. Widely the King smiled to the box with pride at the ultimate proof while instead of putting the necklace away you simply looped it around your neck and put the tin away to bashfully try to focus on the chest in hand.
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In his same velvety hum of a voice he stated, “These appear to be securing pegs and wooden screws.”
Curiously you felt around the chest until between your fingers a motor of sorts was lifted, “It’s a clock,” you said and his eyes were on you again with brows lifted in awe of an answer after he had failed all this time alone to have mastered this mystery.
“A clock?”
“Yes,” you said lifting the hands you found next also shaped like antlers, “Have to be, these are the hands. Odd,” again you caught his gaze that deeply seemed to be yearning to say something, “You don’t have clocks here, did you buy this from Dale or Erebor?”
“No,” he said with a wet of his lips, “We spoke of those who are destined for each of us yesterday by Eru?”
“Yes, but, the clock?”
“We were destined to meet, you and I. Our kin are granted trunks that only our Ones can aid in opening and constructing.”
“Ah.” You said looking to the chest you set down again uncertain of how to answer only luring him to sit beside you with his chest set beside yours in a lean in to lure your eyes back to his.
“It has been an honor to meet you finally. Among others this is a culture variance I would imagine and for now, perhaps you might kindly assist me in constructing this clock of ours. We have only one moon to do so.”
“Normally death occurs.”
“Yes. However daily slotted times to focus on this and we may yet best it within the final eve of the feast.”
“Doubt it would take that long. I’m fairly good at puzzles.” You said and were grateful for the clock heart that could distract you from whatever parade of doubts and questions was exploding through your mind at the time.
“Ooh, these must be antlers,” he said. And chose the chair beside yours that had scooted forward to be used by you. Cunningly in a special careful and quiet maneuver to steal another inch closer to your side, to be both within chance of stolen casual glance of you and to be near enough to dare risk a brush of fingers or an acceptable graze of elbows in the midst of this yet to be mastered feat.
Master of puzzles indeed, he pondered to himself in his ninth lingered stare at the final snap of the round metal casing around the clock mechanics. The completed marvel now had a face etched with hoof prints glowing at the antler formed hour and scattered glittering elk grazing across the top half of the rotating face that would have a second view for the nighttime hours.
“Round,” he muttered in a rise to his feet now knowing what the round group of pieces must have been called for. In the area you cleared in the magically shuffling piles he lowered the pile and helped you to order each piece in that group to work around the clock casing. Each varied home for wooden pegs or screws he answered to help you form what you inspected to be a barrel to settle oddly beside the half a head he had been able to work together on his own.
“Progress report, barrel clock, and antlers.”
“This is a head I am certain of it. Merely these pieces are particularly obstinate to not want to fit together for me.” He said shifting a trio of pieces you had seen him fighting with earlier before his last break to stare at you.
“Hmm. Maybe it’ll make sense-,” the sound of the warning bell to two hours to the opening of the feast had both your heads turn to the door.
“Ah, yes. It would appear it is time to ready for the feast.”
“Right. Perhaps tonight I might skip the wine.”
“Nonsense you have no reason to skimp on imbibing tonight. Enjoy yourself this feast comes once a year.” He paused then couldn’t help but add, “Unless you have recalled an unwelcome event you would care to not repeat from last night before you were off to bed?”
You simply shook your head and stood leaving the clock on the table in the momentary furrow his brows to the continued uncertainty of just what you might be trying to avoid. “I will see you at the feast I suppose,” you said on the way to the door. “I’ll let you change or whatnot, make sure I don’t interfere with any more of your baths, King Thranduil.”
When you glanced back however he stood with a smile on his face in a nod of his head you mirrored, “You shall see me there, Queen Jaqiearae. I look forward to the masterpiece you shall be donning tonight.”
“Right, I’m sure you’ll look spectacular as always yourself.” You said then left the apartment and the King in a focused purse of his lips on his way to strip and bathe knowing his son would be in soon to question him on the progress of his request.
Under the surface of his hot spring Thranduil could hear the muffled words, “Clock!” and “-knew it!”
To the surface he went after granting the intrusive duo of not just his son but Lord Glorfindel as well to rest with arms on the edge of the spring to hear the latter say, “Congratulations! The Kingdom shall be so pleased to hear of this, the visiting Lords as well, you have found your One at last!”
Legolas smiled, “And now will you hear of our list of courtship surprise proposals? I have a few you may find especially exciting to prepare I thought up myself.”
His smile dimmed as Thranduil flatly stated, “There will be no proposal of courtship for the time being.”
Legolas, “But-,”
Glorfindel, “Surely, Mellon, Queen Jaqiearae will grow accustomed to our culture fairly quick as she has made herself quite the lively Queen, why last night nearly half the Lords remarked on how she made even the glummest of our kin spark up with glee, yourself included, and they did not even witness your intimacy!” He accentuated with a nod to send his point home only to make the King groan to himself.
Legolas, “We still have kept that point to ourselves, no one knows of it beyond us three.”
“Exactly!” Thranduil stated making their brows arch up to his now tensed shoulders he sank more in the water in a means to hide from their inspecting view.
Legolas, “Ada?”
“Queen Jaqiearae does not even know of the intimacy, so there is no need for courtship proposals or even inklings that one may yet be considered!” The King barked then turned muttering to himself in a sink to his nose that sent a few bubbles out into the spring he now glared at.
“WHAT?!” the pair asked then moved around the spring to be back in his stern view.
Glorfindel, “How could she not know?!”
“I don’t know!” Thranduil replied, “However from the dancing to her doorway for a goodnight her memory is conveniently absent! She has no recollection of having kissed me and I have made no mention of it to spare her the apparent embarrassment the notion of such a gesture made to me without the aid of libations!”
“Whoa,” Glorfindel said with his hand extended. “That is far too harsh,” in a sigh he crouched down with ankles crossing to match the Prince’s in a plop to sit in the now teary eyed King’s view after his sink to his nose again to hold back from the explosion of this uncertain storm that had now brewed inside his chest. “What did you say, about last night? Surely she mentioned something of it.”
Thranduil blew more bubbles from his huff and his mouth surfaced to say, “A towel was mentioned, that even the bath she had apparently taken was forgotten and she fell asleep in her towel.”
Legolas, “Nothing about you?”
“The question was offered as to concerning a possible embarrassing action was taken by herself while she was inebriated to the point of amnesia.”
Glorfindel, “You answered in the negative I presume.”
“I informed her no embarrassing act was committed in a means to goad her from her silence on the topic and yet there is no memory of what happened.”
Legolas, “Then she knows,” That had his father’s eyes on him again in a slightly pained stare, “No, surely. Nothing was embarrassing and yet she still is stunned to silence, either she is processing her own actions or possibly in wait for you to make your intentions known. Perhaps that is her culture, yellow stones for proposals, surely there must be subtle hints or a statement of some sort that may yet be added into conversation casually to settle this matter and assure the Queen that intentions are true towards courtship.”
“Little Leaf, we have discussed the matters of ignorance on one another’s culture, surely still she would not expect me to know proper phrases or gestures such as yellow stones from her lost lands.”
Glorfindel, “I agree with Legolas, the Queen must know,” Thranduil sunk again as his brows drooped in a look forward to ignore the hopeful duo. “And we will prove it to you!”
Before he could turn his head they were on their feet and hurrying to the door, and out in the hall when he could call out, “Do not confront her on this matter!” The front doors to his apartment opened then shut making him grumble again to himself and sink in the water, “Make her flee the kingdom is what they will achieve.”
Pt 7
@devilishminx328, @fandomsstolemylife00​, @lilith15000
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calpalirwin · 4 years
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Summary: Everyone got more than they bargained for when Ashton started dating Sam.
A/N: Ugh, this is such a bittersweet moment. The official end of my brain child with @creator-appreciator​ and our new trope: back up boyfriend (BUB). But what an appropriate note to end on: a wedding! If you haven’t read it, or need a refresher, be sure to catch all 5 previous parts of BUB under the miscellaneous portion of my masterlist!
Disclaimer: Not a poly!sos series!
Content: General bub tom-foolery wedding edition!
Word Count: 2k on the nose!
And away, and away we go!
Part 6
“Lazy day?” Ashton asked from his spot on the couch next to Calum when Sam came downstairs in leggings and a tank top.
“Nope!” she grinned at him. “Going dress shopping with the bubs and the girls.”
“Is it really a bub outing if I’m not there?” Calum asked.
“Wait, you’re not going?” Ashton asked, looking over at his friend. “What are you doing here, then?”
“Misery loves company?”
“Oh, you are not miserable!” Sam scoffed. “You’re just pouting because I told you you can’t come.”
“I don’t pout. I just find it unfair that you banished me from a bub activity.”
“It’s not a bub activity. It’s a wedding party activity. Of which, you are not technically a part of.”
“Princess, you’re forgetting a crucial piece of intel. And it’s that I am the party.”
“You’re still not coming, bub.”
Calum narrowed his eyes at her. “Have fun talking Luke out of glitter.”
“Have fun not knowing what the dress looks like,” she taunted back. Sam swiftly pressed a kiss to Calum’s cheek before kissing Ashton. “Have a good day, boys.”
“Bye, baby. Have fun,” Ashton told her while Calum sunk lower in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest.
“So, these are the colors,” Sam explained, pictures spread across the kitchen table, everybody listening intently. “The girls got their dresses and they are stunning! But all four of you still need to go get your tuxes. And when you do, take this color! This is the color!” She held up the photo in question, looking around at who she trusted most to hold on to it.
“I got it,” Calum said, snatching the picture out of her fingers. “Is there a different color you want Ash’s? Or mine for that matter?”
“No. Same color’s fine for you and Fletch too.”
“You don’t want him to match your dress?”
“Oh, her dress is beautiful!” Luke teased, seeing his opportunity and taking it. “Makes her look like a princess, Cal.”
“A queen, dumbass…” Michael sighed.
“Whatever. Point is, it’s a beautiful dress, and she looks amazing in it!”
“If you’re not this excited when we get married, I’m leaving you at the altar,” Sierra teased.
“You should leave him now,” everyone joked.
“Oh! And Fletch! The flowers. Can you give this to Bryce down at the shop?”
“Yeah, I’ll give it to him next time I see him.”
“Good, good. And when is your family getting here?”
“Not til like the week of the wedding, wh- oh shit, Harry’s suit. Uh, I’ll tell him to go to a tailor to get his measurements and I’ll bring that with me when we all go get fitted.”
“Which you’re doing when?”
“When would you like us to do that, baby?”
Sam grinned, “You're so smart sometimes, Fletch. Can you guys go soon? Like next week?”
“You got it,” the boys saluted her. “Anything else?”
“Fletch!” Sam hollered from the backyard.
“What?!” Ashton asked, running to her, only to find her sitting beside the garden he’d been planting. “What are you doing?” he giggled.
“Trying to teach myself how to garden,” she stated.
“Mhm… why?”
“Because, Fletch!”
“Do you need help?”
“Yes! None of this makes sense!”
“What do you mean it doesn’t make sense?” he giggled again, coming to sit beside her.
“This!” She flashed the packet of flower seeds in her hand. “Plant in the warm season. What does that even mean? It’s California! It’s always warm season!”
“Why is this something you want to do?”
“Because it’s something you like doing, and I thought I would surprise you by doing it with you.”
“Aww! You don’t have to.”
“But I want to! It can be our thing!”
“So, if I take you to Home Depot right now, we can put some gardening stuff I’ve wanted on our wedding registry?” Ashton asked hopefully.
“Who needs fancy china anyway?”
“God, you’re the best! Okay, let’s go.”
“Call the guys. We might need help.”
A half hour later Sam was talking the ear off of a Home Depot employee. “So he wants to plant like real stuff. Like tomatoes, you know? But I think other stuff would look really good too. Like regular flowers and such. So, my question to you, is what would be the best things to plant if we were going to plant them, say, later this afternoon? What would we need?”
“Uh… I can show you what’s popular?” the clerk offered, either feeling completely out of their element or intimidated by the woman with all her questions and posse of 4 giant Aussie men.
“Lead the way!” Sam chirped.
“Oh, um, you wouldn’t happen to have those scanners for wedding registries, would you?” Ashton put in as they all started walking across the store to the garden section.
“You want to register for your wedding at Home Depot, sir?”
“Yes, please.”
“You don’t want to register at IKEA, or like a Target?”
“Nope! You guys got some great stuff here.”
The wedding registry aspect of it proved to be useless as anything Ashton scanned, Calum, Luke, or Michael immediately grabbed with a “What? I want one too…”
“So, this is probably a crazy question, but c-can I be invited to your wedding? Like… nobody's going to believe me that this happened. That a couple registered here. I just… I gotta see what type of wedding would be thrown by people who register at Home frickin’ Depot,” the clerk asked as they rang everything up.
Sam hummed as she dug around in her purse, pulling out a small card and handing it over. “Yeah! Of course! I didn’t end up liking this design, but it’s got all the important information on it, so I hope this’ll do.”
“Holy crap, thank you!”
“Of course! Thanks for dealing with us.”
“You just carry invitations around in your purse?” Ashton asked Sam.
“You don’t?”
“I don’t have a purse… I have pockets.”
Sam rolled her eyes. “Just help the bubs.”
“Okay, my bachelor party and your bachelorette party,” Ashton started. “How do you want to do this? Cuz I know I have groomswomen, but I want my boys there too. And I imagine you probably want the same thing of wanting your bubs and your girls. So… separate weekends or joint party?”
“Joint party would just be a regular hang out.”
“Yeah but like… in a cabin in the mountains. Away from everything. Or separate weekends. You get everyone to do your thing with. Then I get everyone to do my thing.”
“But then we don’t get each other. And with a joint party we do.”
“I think the point of bachelor and bachelorette parties is so that way we’re not around each other, baby.”
“Then why’d you suggest a joint party, Fletch?”
“I didn’t. I was just laying out all the options.”
“Mhm… sure. A likely story.”
“Okay, I might be hoping that you pick a joint party because I think that’d be fun. A nice getaway with my closest friends and future wife. What could be better than that?”
“You do make a pretty good case.”
“So, joint party?”
“Joint party!”
The end of the month found the eight friends and Harry standing around in a cabin. “First order of business!” Sam declared. “Room assignments. Ashton and I get the master room. The rest are up for grabs. Second order of business! Once you find your room, come back with all the blankets and pillows so we can make our fort.”
“A fort?” Harry snickered. “What are you, twelve?”
“Aw, c’mon,” Ashton nudged his kid brother. “You’ve seen the pictures of our forts, haven’t you?”
“Oh, that’s like a for real thing? Thought it was a joke.”
“Fort Luke Sucks Balls is most certainly real. And for this weekend, you are an honorary member,” Sam told him with a bright smile.
“Uh… thanks? I think?”
“Mike… you were right,” Luke breathed as Sam turned around in her dress. “You do look like a queen, sweetheart.”
Sam blushed. “Thanks, partner.”
“You saw her try it on in the store last week,” Michael told Luke. “Idiot…”
“Well, yeah! But not with her hair all done up, and make up.”
“You’re right. Still an idiot, but you’re right. Wanna make a bet for when Ash starts crying?”
“Hmm…” Luke thought. “Tears up when she walks down the aisle, full on sobbing through his vows.”
“Oh, definitely with you on him tearing up when she comes down the aisle. But I’m betting he just does that thing where he clears his throat a lot rather than the blubbering during the vows.”
“Alright. So if I win, we have to change Fort Luke Sucks Balls.”
“And when you lose, a name change can never be proposed again by you.”
The blondes shook hands to cement the agreement, each one certain they’d win while Sam rolled her eyes. A bet the was rendered null and void when Ashton A.) teared up when Sam came down the aisle, and B.) cleared his throat a grand total of 107 times (Michael counted) before quietly breaking down during Sam’s vows.
“I now pronounce you Hubasaurus Fletch, and Wifeysaurus Babe,” Calum announced. “Now kiss your bride before you start crying again.”
Ashton gave a half sobbed laugh, before cupping Sam’s face in his hands and ducking his head down to give her the world’s most heartfelt kiss.
“Alright,” Calum said into a microphone, getting the toasts started. “Hi, everyone, I’m Calum Hood. The wedding officiant, and only guest speaker for this evening.”
“The sensation!” Michael called out loudly, his hands cupped around his mouth.
“The bodacious!” Luke joined in.
“Ccccccaaaaaalllllllluuuuummmmmmm Hhhhhooooooooooooodddddd!” the group of friends all whooped, drumming their hands on the table.
“Okay, thank you!” Calum said with a squishy cheeked grin. “So, as you can imagine we all love Ashton and Sam so much. And when deciding this part of the night, we all wanted a chance to say something. But, we ultimately decided that a lot of our stories would overlap and that it would be too long, so I’m doing it on behalf of all of us. So, it goes without saying Ash, that you’re like a big brother to us guys. I don’t think it’s a stretch of the imagination to say that we wouldn’t be the people we are without you in our lives. And we’ll never be able to thank you enough for accepting a random Facebook message from a kid you didn’t know and helping us become what we are. And then there’s Princess Sam. Sorry, Queen Sam. I have never been happier to be proved wrong in my entire life. I’ve never been happier to have been wrong about thinking you were just some girl that wouldn’t matter in a couple of months. And I deeply apologize for everything I did in those first few months. In these last 5 years I’ve gotten to know you, it’s very easy to see the woman that stole my best friend’s heart. Because you stole all of ours too. And if I say anything else, I’m gonna end up like Ash here, so I’ll just end this by saying that I’ll forever be grateful that you two found each other, because it’s been nothing short of incredible. Here’s to the best years.”
Calum raised his glass, everyone else following suit, while Luke and Michael hopped up on stage next to Calum. Michael grabbed the microphone out of Calum’s hands while Luke got situated with a guitar. “Perfect toast for a perfect couple, Cal. And perfect segway into the newly announced Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Irwin’s first dance! Hit it, Luke!”
While Luke started strumming the opening chords to Best Years, Ashton led Sam out to the dance floor, spinning her in a slow circle before pulling her close. “I love you so much, baby,” he whispered for only her to hear.
“I love you too, Fletch. So fuckin’ much.”
Tag List
@frontmanash​​ @goeatsomelife​​ @flameraine​​ @creator-appreciator​​ @cxddlyash​​ @1-irwin-94​​ @sparkling-calm​​ @tea4sykes​​ @youngblood199456​​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​​ @gosh-im-short​​ @aquarius-hood1996​​ @talkfastromance4​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @philthepegacorn​​ @ashtonlftv​ @miirandaaa​​ @karajaynetoday​ @myfavfanficsever​ @stormrider505​ @cashtonisruiningmylife​ @another-lonely-heart​
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letmewritemylife · 3 years
The Creator
If you can hold the stars in place…                                                                                                     - Skillet
A/N Here we are again, posting a new “fix-it but not really ‘cause babies still suffer but at least I have the excuse of being an idiot for this being ooc” fic TRIGGER WARNINGS None?
From the moment Scott first explained his plan to bring everyone back to life, Tony had a feeling it would have not worked. He knew it deep in his bones, some sort of sixth sense telling him not to waste time trying. After all, what could one expect from an idea that was based on “Back To The Future”?
Now, as he moves his gaze over the walls covered in shiny crystals and dark stones, Tony is sure that he should have never listened to him. Scott narrows his eyes, staring at a particularly big blue crystal in front of him. “I’m quite sure the quantum realm didn't look like this last time.”
A soft laugh comes from behind them and a man, unusually average-looking compared to the place he’s in, walks up to them. A pair of purplish eyes sets on them, studying each man meticulously as a genuine smile paints on his pale lips. “I’m sorry, Mr Lang, but this is not the quantum realm.”
Steve throws a glance at his surroundings, trying - and failing - to understand where the man came from. “And where are we then?” he asks.
The man walks past them, rubbing his palms against each other, eyes glued to the floor and its myriad of stones. “Dimension Z, as some human once called it.” He turns to them, still not abandoning his welcoming expression that, for some reason, can’t help scaring Tony. “The actual name is another, but it is quite complicated and you would forget it easily.”
“Whatever, who are you and why are we here?” Tony cuts short, eager to get the infinity stones as soon as possible and, hopefully, go back to his family.
“Oh, I forgot to present myself, I apologise. My name… well, a friend of yours tried ‘Jesus’, but it is not very appropriate. On most planets, I am known as ‘The Creator’.” He snaps his fingers and the ground deforms, a table and a set of chairs forming. He gestures at the shining seats with a smile, only continuing his explanation once his guests have sat down.
“I noticed that you Avengers thought about travelling between realities in order to collect the infinity stones and reverse Thanos' snap.” Tony nods, suddenly interested in what the man is saying. “Unfortunately, I cannot allow that, ergo I blocked you and brought you here.” His eyes follow for a moment a lonely butterfly dancing in the air. “Do not worry, your friends are already back on Earth.”
“Listen sir,” Scott attempts, still confused by all he sees around himself. “We have to do this, it’s our only chance to bring everyone back.”
Steve crosses his arms on the table, eyes traveling over the man’s features. “We’ll bring all the stones back, we promise.”
The man lets out a laugh, leaning back against his seat. “Oh, I do not doubt that,” he says, shaking his head. “Trust me, I am the first who wants everything to go back to normal, as normal as it could be in the first place, but the universe is already going through enough.”
Tony looks confused at him, tapping his fingers on the blue surface before him. “What do you mean? It’s been five years, I thought everything had kind of fixed itself, more or less…”
“Absolutely no, Mr Stark. In fact, the universe has never been so tired and damaged like now.” He opens his palm and a flat surface forms in his hands. After cleaning the slab with the back of a hand, he places it in the middle of the table.
Tony’s eyes open wide as pictures appear in front of them. “My duty is merely formal, there are others burdened with the task of protecting realities,” the Creator explains, a soft smile painting his face as the images of two women appear on the screen.
The first woman is meditating, legs crossed in a lotus position. Purple magic dancing around her dark skin, her face writhes into a pained grimace. The Creator’s face darkens, as if sharing that woman’s feelings. “Among the few that survived Thanos, I can still count on the three Enchantresses.”
Scott looks puzzled at the witch, slowly moving his gaze to the other woman beside her. Slightly taller than her colleague and with eyes so green to seem fake, she adjusts a voluminous book on her lap before snapping her fingers, moving a chair right before her friend can hit it when waking from her trance.
“Even though they are among the most powerful magic users in the multiverse,” the man continues, “holding the universe in place with little to no help from others is taking a toll on them.” He turns back to his interlocutors. “If I let you move through realities, you would surely create confusion among timelines. Even if you fixed everything, at least a few beings would escape, giving unnecessary work to those you are seeing.”
Steve nods, eyes glued to the two Enchantresses. He seems convinced, but Tony still has one lingering question. “You said ‘three’, but I only see two women here.”
Every trace of happiness leaves the Creator’s face and he sighs. A movement of his fingers changes the images on the blue tablet.
Now the three Avengers are looking at a white cell, plaster cracking in the corners of the ceiling and the dim light of the LEDs flashing. A lonely figure is curled up in a corner of the room, a mane of messy brown hair sprawled on her white uniform.
The unnatural silence is broken out of the blue,  the woman screaming in pain as her whole body shakes and contorts, tears gathering in her eyes. It takes Tony a moment to recognize her, her pale skin covered in red, deep scars that he didn’t remember being there just a few years before.
“There you have it, your third Enchantress,” the Creator comments, fists clenched and a hint of resentment in his voice.
Scott swallows heavily, unable to move his eyes from the bleeping monitor on Lara’s neck. “Why is she there?”
The man laughs bitterly. “I should be the one asking you that.”
“I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me about Lara!” Tony throws his hands up in the air, screaming right at Steve’s face.
The super soldier sighs, crossing his arms and sharing a quick glance with Natasha. “I didn’t think you’d be interested.”
“Mister Stark, Miss Romanoff, Mister Rogers,” Hayward’s confident voice interrupts them. After nodding in greeting at the three Avengers, the man gestures at his secretary to leave the room. “How may I help you?” he asks. The fake polite smile on his face makes Tony want to punch him.
“Where is Johnson?” Natasha goes straight to the point.
Hayward’s grin widens. “Safely locked in our best cell, you don’t need to worry.”
Tony puts away his sunglasses, sending him the coldest look he can make. “That’s not what I’m worried about.”
Completely missing the point of the other’s comment, Hayward adjusts the sleeve of his jacket and smirks. “Trust me, she’s not getting out anytime soon. Right after her brother and she surrendered-”
“Wait, her brother?” Steve asks.
“Enhanced human too, significantly weaker than her, one year older. He’s been collocated in a common cell beside his sister.” Hayward looks back at Tony, who’s now trying to hide his shaking hands in the pockets of his pants. “However, while he wasn’t almost touched, the witch had to have her powers restrained. For safety, of course.”
A middle aged man in a lab coat coughs behind him. A small badge on his coat shows his name, Doctor Rolland, written in bold characters. “Director,” he says once he’s drawn everyone’s attention, “I’ve completed my examinations. Would you like to see the results right now or…?”
Hayward smirks proudly. “Oh yes, sum them up for our guests, we were just talking about her.” He turns at the Avengers before him. “You won’t mind, right?”
Rolland clears his voice and opens the grey folder he was carrying. After adjusting his thick glasses, he starts reading. “No illness diagnosed, no relevant anomaly in her conditions. The cause of her deteriorated health hasn’t been found. She won’t talk either. The examinations gave no result. I suggest we reduce her energy income to two percent and proceed with more invasive tests.”
Hayward nods. “Of course, go ahead, you’re the doctor.”
But once Doctor Rolland has walked outside, Hayward finds himself pressed against his desk, Tony grabbing him by the lapels of his jacket. “What the hell are you doing to her?” he asks between gritted teeth.
Hayward stutters, throwing worried looks at Natasha and Steve. “She- she never refused-”
“Of course she f*cking didn’t, you’re torturing her.” Tony’s neck reddens and he tightens his grip, his knuckles turning white.
It’s Natasha to intervene, gently moving Tony away. Hayward furrows his brows in offence. “What do you want from me?”
“Lara.” Tony’s voice doesn’t shake in the slightest, his eyes still glued to the other man.
Steve joins in, trying to be an intermediate. “It will be just for a few days and we will respect all protocols.”
Hayward nods, massaging his throat. “And what do you need her for?”
“Reversing Thanos’ snap.”
“I see, but it’s still a no.”
The director is about to walk out of the room, but Tony’s proposal makes him freeze on the spot. “And what if Stark Industries made a good donation to SWORD?”
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Since the Beginning (Ben Solo Fan Fiction Part 6)
You guys can probably see, this part was heavily inspired by gifs and tbh I love it, it helps keep track of a characters transitions and emotions. I highly recommend using them to help you write out your storyline when there's a lot of changing emotions in a short amount of time! Also thanks for all the patience! Like I said before, school has been eating me alive. I hope you all enjoy it! Let me know if you want to be tagged in future installments!
Warnings: Swearing. Sudden outburst. Grabbing.
Tags: @bensoloslover​
Link to Part 5
Link to Masterlist
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Nature was at its peak, it was evening. The transition between sounds of the day to the creatures of the night letting themselves be heard was a symphony to the ears. It was quite beautiful, slowly easing, entwining itself around your every location. No matter where you were, you could hear them. They would not go quietly into that good night. This was the time when they were wide awake, scavenging, hunting, living their life. 
Ben Solo was similar, when he had the chance, he would always choose to be a night owl over getting up early. He felt safe in the dark. There were places to hide since everyone was retreating to their homes to rest for the night. He felt that he could be most useful at this time, not having to worry about anyone’s judgmental gaze piercing every inch of his skin, it was a dagger dripping with venom that he would surely have to deal with later.
Solo was deeply invested in the book held up by his lap. He had completely missed the setting of the planet’s sun, the shift in the world’s colours of bright blues and greens to a melody of pinks and purples. The book he held was about the history of droids, possible upgrades, and manuals on the more complex models. This was one thing that was able to completely distract Ben throughout his days here. It had been just over a week since Leia had spoken to him in the shed, he was trying to bury her words with those of the book’s and never look back.
“Hey, Ren.” 
Ben tried to not pay any attention to the voice, he heard idiot comments and names at all times of the day, all the voices faded into one another by this point. He was trying to train his brain to filter out the dumb comments just as everyone filters out background sounds, you know it’s there, but you don’t pay much mind to it.
There was a kick at his shoe.
Ben jumped up, slamming his book shut by the spine, looking up, “What the hell do you want-”. He had to calm his heart when he saw that it was only Y/N.
Had she called him Ren just moments ago?
“I had to get your attention some way,” She shrugged.
She had.
“Sorry,” He muttered and looked away, looking around to make sure no one was around, “I was just was really into the book. What's with the name-calling?” He pointed his eyes down at her.
Without a moment’s hesitation, she swiped the book from his hand and passed by him a few steps, “What do we have here?” She smiled as Ben tried to grab it back from her, she simply held him back with the Force. He grunted then stopped trying to resist. “A Complete History of Droids and Their Creators,” She looked over at him, raising an eyebrow, “interesting.” She passed it back to him, releasing him from her hold. 
He held it with a tight grip now, he tried not to show how much interest he invested in this book. Knowing Y/N, he would never hear the end of it.
“I never knew you were handy with droids.” She crossed her arms and leaned against the tree Ben had previously been resting against.
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“I never knew you were with the Resistance.” Ben retorted and pressed a hard smile against his lips.
“Fair enough.” Y/N started pacing. “I came to see how you had been doing, I haven’t seen you in a few days.” Y/L/N looked at him, he could tell by the look in her eyes that she was trying to be sincere.
“Maybe I was just trying to get away from everyone.” He stated coldly.
Y/N looked away, “Everyone?” She whispered.
He groaned, he couldn’t handle it anymore, “Okay when I go looking for you or my mother you guys basically tell me that you can’t babysit me or that everything happening is not about me!” He begins pacing back and forth, “Fine, I get that! But then!”. He takes a breath, “Then I try to come on the mission - be supportive and be a good little Resistance fighter and my mother tells me I’m just useless! Then I try to go be useful at something I know that I’m good at,” Ben points harshly at himself, his finger pressing into his chest again and again, “and she tells me that I should get off her stupid planet because I’m not here for the right reasons!” He scoffs and throws his hands in the air. 
“Who even is here for the right reasons?” He yells, not caring that there are bystanders watching. “Everyone here is just pissed at the First Order for fucking around with their lives either by blowing up their planet or blowing up their loved ones! If the First Order didn’t bother them then they wouldn’t be here!”. 
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His breathing is heavy, shaking his head, eyes on the ground and still pacing.
“Ben, just calm down okay... Take a breath.” Y/N tries, putting up her hands to slowly place them on his chest.
Before her hands reached his sweater he grabs her wrists tightly, eyes staring intensely into Y/N’s Y/E/C eyes. He could see his breath in the cold evening air. “You know... that's not who I am anymore...” He whispered, trying to get the words out. 
All he could see was red.
“Please,” She asked gently. “You’re still the same boy I knew all those years ago and-”
“No!” Ben had let go of one of her wrists to punch the tree behind her, right next to her head.
His breathing was beginning to slow down. “I... Maybe I once was... but not anymore. You know I’m too far gone. You and everyone here knows it.” He was completely drained. He was so tired of holding back on squashing absolutely everyone here with just a wave of his hand. He was tired of never being good enough. 
Y/N was shaking slightly, he could tell she was trying not to show it. He quickly released her hands but just as he did she took his hands in hers. 
“Then let’s bring you back” She whispered, searching his eyes.
Ben couldn’t help but nod slowly. He needed her. She was the only person he had left if she would have him. He was tired of being alone, he was done feeling sorry for himself. He wanted to have a home and she needed to be a part of it if he wanted any chance at being happy.
For a moment it was only the nature around them making any sound, gentle, a melody for them to take in each other, understand the other, one step at a time; “Together.” he whispered.
His thumb ran over her knuckles, slowly, almost a tickle to her skin. 
She couldn’t help smiling softly as she nodded in silence, mouthing together. In a quick moment, she raised herself up on the tips of her toes and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. It only lasted a moment but Ben’s breath was taken right from his lungs out of surprise.
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As Y/N pulled away they both kept their eyes closed, Ben couldn’t help his gushing smile. He was going through a rollercoaster of emotions but he would not soon get off if it meant he got to be on it with Y/N. If she was with him, he was sure he could handle anything.
“I’ll see you in the morning, alright?”
Ben nodded and bit his lip gently, his release on her hips didn’t lighten in the slightest.
Y/N laughed softly. “Hey,” She whispered. “You have to let me go now.” She looked up to him and he began shaking his head.
“No, I don’t think I will.” The words dripped from his lips in a cheeky manner making Y/N laugh yet again.
“Alright...” He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before releasing her. “Thank you..” He whispered before she got too far from him. “Sincerely, thank you.”
“Go get some rest, Solo. It’s going to be a big day.”
Ben raised an eyebrow as she began walking away, “Should I be scared?” He called out after her.
“Always!” She looked over her shoulder with a smile one last time before disappearing into the dark night. 
He would not lose her again. No matter what.
Ben tried not to stay up late, although that was a complete and utter failure as he continuously coaxed himself into reading one more chapter due to Y/N not specifically stating at what time they would begin. He tried not to panic as he began seeing morning light shining through his window from behind the forest.
Finally, he awoke from a banging on his door. 
“Ben!” A voice called from the other side, he jumped out of his bed, he didn’t recognize the voice. Making sure he was somewhat decent he went and opened the door, hair slightly in his face. 
It was a Resistance Fighter, he smiled when he saw Ben - it was obviously forced.
“Good morning, Y/N wanted me to make sure you were up and ready for lessons, she said for you to meet her at the dining area.” There was an awkward pause, “Alright, well, have a good day!” The fighter left Ben standing in the doorway in confusion.
Slowly he closed the door. Lessons?
He scrambled to get himself dressed. He realized he didn’t have any other clean Resistance clothes, he only had the remains of his Kylo Ren outfit. He groaned inwardly, this was not going to make things any easier.
He made his way across the camp, trying to avoid the realization that he was literally the only person wearing all black. Could he stand out anymore?
It wasn’t till near an hour later when Ben was putting together a breakfast plate that he felt a tap on his shoulder, turning around he saw Y/N “Good mor-” she stopped as quickly as she began. She took in a sharp breath and looked at him up and down involuntarily - taking him in. 
Ben couldn’t decide how he felt under her gaze. It didn’t help his self-consciousness about his outfit, although he didn’t mind that she had checked him out at the same time. She didn’t seem taken aback by his look. Kylo bit his lip nervously waiting for a response from her.
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“You... Look - umm... wow.” She laughed softly and raised her gaze to meet his eyes, “You ran out of Resistance clothes didn’t you?”
“I ran out of Resistance clothes.” Ben nodded and laughed softly, conceding, slightly embarrassed that he wasn’t caught up with his laundry. He tried to only go do it only when absolutely necessary since there was always someone there. He hated making people feel uncomfortable by his presence.
Y/N bit her lip smiling. “Well you better shed some layers, you’re gonna be working up a sweat today.” She began leading him out of the dining area, walking across the greenery towards the forest. 
“A fighter mentioned something about lessons this morning, what's going on? Speaking of which- why are people being nice to me?” Ben questioned, followed her stride and peering down at her bright presence. She seemed different, eager to be around him even. He wasn’t quite sure of it yet, but he was enjoying it so far.
“You’re going to complete your Jedi training.” Y/N looked ahead proudly.
“What?” Ben stopped for a moment, his eyes going wide, then continued following her, panic waved itself prominently in his voice, “Y/N, the last time I was training... it didn’t end well. I... I can’t go back to it. And Luke! He wouldn’t have me back. I can’t face him. I’m supposed to be here, helping, and-”
Y/N stopped abruptly, looking up to the young Skywalker. “Ben. Shut up for a second.” She smirked as he silenced quickly. The last time happened because you were alone, you didn’t have me. Now you do. You’re not going to see Luke, and you’re not leaving the planet.”
“What did you do?” Ben asked curiously, his brows furrowing together.
“Come find out.”
“You’ve got it, come on!” Y/N yelled encouragingly to a slightly more than terrified Ben trying to balance on a very thin log crossing what Y/N would call a small canyon; she and Ben were in a disagreement about the contexts and definitions of small.
“Why did I let you convince me into doing this!” Ben yelled over to her, his arms spread out, trying his best to balance as cold wind flew up towards him, suggestively trying to push him off the edge, inch by inch.
“Ben! Just feel it, you can feel the balance!”
“The only thing I’m feeling is my cold air going up my shirt and I’m this close to being over it!” He retorted, he would have been annoyed and angry with anyone else but even in his terrified state as he looked down to the water far below - calling his name, he couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle. He hadn’t had fun in a long time, even if it was for the purposes of training.
“How are you supposed to keep the balance between the Light Side and the Dark Side if you can’t even keep the balance between your feet!”
This took Ben’s attention, he sucked in a deep breath. Focus. His mind wandered back to the First Order; his foot slipped. 
“Ben!” Y/N screamed.
His arms waving he forces himself to straighten and calm down. “Come on...” He whispers only to himself.
“Take a breath and focus your energy.” Y/N spoke calmly from the other side of the canyon. “Focus all you have. Breathe. Take in your surroundings.”
Ben did as she said, he closed his eyes and slowly moved one foot in front of the other. He could hear the peaceful nature singing. He felt the chaotic water beckoning him like a siren. He felt the collision of the two, a harsh divide but one not being able to survive without the other.
Arms enveloped him with sheer force. He stumbled back a few steps and opened his eyes. It was Y/N. He wrapped his arms around her. He made it across.
“You did it!” She cheered and pulled away. “That was amazing! You really progressed, you felt it, I could see it in you!” She beamed at him.
Ben was at a loss for words, out of breath. He hadn’t felt peace like that in a long time. Hadn’t let himself connect that way with the force in what felt like forever.
“What is it?” Y/N’s smile faded as she searched his eyes for anything that could be bothering him.
“N-nothing.” Ben smiled softly. “You think I’m ready?”
Y/N raised a brow. “To race me? Ben, you’ve barely gone through the course once! It took me a few weeks at least to get through it all in one go.” She laughed.
“I mean... if you’re afraid I’m going to kick your ass then..?” Ben pulled away, taking a few steps away, shrugging sarcastically.
He got his arm whacked.
“You’re going down, Solo.”
He beamed at her, “What are the stakes?”
“Well what do you want them to be?” She tilted her head at him questioningly.
He paused, debating ideas in his mind before grinning. “You. Me. Dinner at my special spot.” 
“You’re going to kill me for putting you over that canyon, aren’t you?” She teased as they began walking toward the beginning of the course she had set up.
There was rock climbing, rope swings, balance beams, tree branches to swing across, droids set up with lasers to shoot with perfect aim, and more.
“Pshhh... Nah.” Ben laughed and swung his arm around her shoulders; she leaned into him just slightly.
“Fine.” Y/N agreed, “If I win, you come on my next mission with me AND, you let me take the lead.” She looked up to him.
“You’ve got it.” He whispered. 
They parted ways as they set themselves into starting positions for the race.
“Oh crap, you know what I forgot, Y/L/N?”
“What is it?” Y/N rose straight up for a moment, unsure.
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“I have some extra whoop-ass weighing me down, would you like some?” He grinned.
Y/N rolled her eyes and couldn’t help but laugh. “Twelve-year-olds look at you with disgrace, Solo.” She smirked and got back into position.
“Is that a yes?” He admired her bending over, he couldn’t rid himself of the smile that was painted from ear to ear across his face.
A nearby droid set off a blast noise and they were gone.
Dirt was kicked up into a tornado behind them, air rushing past them, slicing into their skin like tiny daggers. The sun beating its heat into every movement of each individual muscle. Every moment was equally thought out and calculated as it was felt from the inside, felt in the world around them.
Climbing, grappling at each reach. Jumping at impossible distances, landing gracefully into a somersault, getting back up just as quickly.
Sweat dripping down Ben’s neck made him shiver as he tried to keep his breaths even and timed. He Force levitated a boulder, quickly moving it back and forth to defend himself from the attacking droid’s lasers. He still wasn’t allowed to have his lightsaber returned to him.
His attention was stolen for a split second by Y/N, defending herself against another droid using her lightsaber. She looked fierce and graceful. She was a force to be reckoned with and nothing could change his mind. He felt a piercing blast at his shoulder. “Mother flubber!”
He was trying his best to swear less, plus, when they were children, made-up swear words made Y/N giggle, he hoped that had not changed.
He held his shoulder and winced, he could hear Y/N laughing. He loved the sound of it.
“We’re not finishing and I’m not taking a win from a forfeit! Move it!” She yelled as she began running to the next obstacle, climbing a tree.
“You know...” Ben began as he started running, “My affections for you... they really can’t be repressed anymore. The sooner you know that, the better!” He laughed as he caught up, pulling himself up the tree. His muscles were screaming but he couldn’t stop the smile on his face.
“Don’t lie to yourself, Solo!” She swung from branch to branch, he watched her go across graceful as ever and he followed her lead. “You’re using me for my abilities!” She teased. “You’re jealous that I’m better than you!” She landed and looked around for where the red ribbon was hanging from.
Ben landed next to her, holding the ribbon directly above her teasingly.
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“Y/N.” He began seriously but still smiling. “My affection for you cannot be repressed.” He whispered and leaned in slowly, looking down at her lips.
The next thing he knew, the ribbon was snatched from his grasp and Y/N ran further ahead. “You can prove that to me by kissing my ass on the next mission!” 
He shook his head then followed, it really was obvious that she had done this course millions of times, Ben was already winded severely, although trying not to show it.
He took a deep breath, pushing his legs to keep pressing on but they were slowing by the second. He groaned as he fell to the ground onto his back, out of breath. “I need to get out of the office more often.” He muttered.
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“You might wanna rethink your technique, slick.” A voice noted.
Ben raised his head, squinting at the sunlight peeking through the trees into his vision. A hand outreached to help him up. He took it.
“Thank you,” He muttered out of breath, looking to the owner of the arm.
“Its good to officially meet you.” The dark-haired man began. “The name’s Dameron. Poe Dameron.” He shook Ben’s hand firmly.
“Oh- I’m Be-”
“I know who you are,” Dameron reassured him with a smile then pulled him in close so he could whisper into his ear, “If you hurt her, I don’t care how big your toy stick is. I’ll hunt you down to the ends of the universe in my x-wing. Got it?”
Ben simply nodded and Poe released his grip on him, giving him a light smack on the arm before making his way over to Y/N further to the end of the course.
Ben liked Poe.
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He made his way over to the two friends, they looked like they had known each other forever. Y/N ran into Poe’s embrace when she saw him. “You’re back!” She laughed as he picked her up off her feet, twirling her around.
“I told you I would come back, don’t I always keep my promises?” He held her tightly, it made Ben slightly uncomfortable but he restrained himself. 
He was glad Y/N had someone looking out for her on a much more personal level than the rest of the fighters here. He could tell Poe sincerely cared for her, he wondered how she felt about him.
Ben tried to keep a smile on his face as he watched on.
“Ben!” Y/N finally realized. She let go of Poe and walked over to him. “You met Poe right?”
Ben nodded. “Yeah, we shared an introduction.”
His eyes met Dameron’s. He could tell that Poe could be dangerous if he were pushed far enough.
“So...” Y/N wrapped her arm around Ben’s waist and looked up at him. “Looks like you’re coming on my next mission.” She smirked as Ben kissed her head. 
“I’ll follow your every lead, captain.” He nudged her and looked over to Dameron who looked like he rather be anywhere else.
“Shall we call it a day then?” Ben looked between the two Resistance members as both nodded.
“Okay let's head to the dining hall.” Y/N stated as Poe began walking over.
“Actually,” Dameron squeezed himself between the two Jedi, “I think I’ll go with Solo to get freshened up before we eat. We’ll meet you there?” He purposed to Y/N.
Her eyes met Ben’s to make sure he was okay with it, he simply gave a soft nod.
“Alright, just don’t scare him away.” Y/N laughed. She kissed Ben quickly on the lips and then once to Poe on the cheek. “See you, boys, later.” She ran off.
The boys were left alone, walking through the woods.
Ben figured that if Poe was going to kill him this would be a superb moment to do so, and if he didn’t do it now it could the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
“So...” Ben began as a suggestion.
“Look, man, I just want to figure out what the hell you’re doing here. I’ve been away for a bit but I heard about you. My people are on edge-”
“Your people?” Ben interrupted with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes.” Poe assured, “These are the people I fight for day in and day out. They are my people.”
They kept walking.
“Look, I don’t have a plan... if you didn’t hear, I didn’t exactly come here by choice.”
“That's exactly why I want you to figure out what you’re doing.” Poe stopped walking and turned to Ben. “We don’t need you getting pissed off one day and summoning your friggan fleet to the base.”
Ben’s eyes furrowed. “How would I even begin? I don’t know what system I’m in, I don’t have any communication devices, and...” He stepped up close to Poe, staring him in the eye. “I would never put Y/N at risk. I know you care about her but I’ve known her a lot longer than you have.” Ben’s voice was low, for a brief moment, he was Kylo Ren again. He pulled away from the fighter pilot and continued walking on, leaving Poe in the forest.
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lelitachay · 5 years
Frozen short - Olaf’s ABC
We know that Olaf knows how to read in Frozen II, but how did that came to be?
Elsa walked the hallway leading to her study after a break. She had been working all day in the last details of a trade agreement with Westland. The agreement was important for both countries and they had been trying to come up with the best deal for both parties. The whole week her council, Westland dignitaries and herself had spent long hours of arguments that seemed to led nowhere, before they had come up with the best ideas. And for that reason, Elsa had spent the whole day reading, editing, and making sure everything was ready for the following day. She wanted to present the final documents with her signature to Westland’s dignitaries in their last reunion, to make sure they returned to their kingdom with everything ready on Arendelle’s part. Truth be told, the agreement was more beneficial to Arendelle, than she wanted to let them know, and so, she wanted to sign everything before the neighbouring kingdom changed their mind. 
Of course, the long hours sitting and reading the same papers over and over again, trying to make sure everything was as convenient as possible, took a toll on Elsa. The whole week had been exhausting, and she couldn’t wait to sign the last few documents and call it a day. Not to mention she had promised her sister to spend the evening with her and Kristoff. Anna understood the importance of the reunions, but it didn’t mean she was okay watching Elsa tire herself to the bone, working long hours. 
That morning, after an argument about Elsa’s health, Anna had made her promise to stop working as early as possible and make sure she spent some time with her family and join them for dinner. When Elsa made the promise, she had believed it to be a terrible idea. She had had to work non-stop since breakfast to make sure she finished her work before sunset, but at the end, it had been useful. Not wanting to disappoint her sister, Elsa had worked in the most efficient way possible. She was tired -exhausted to be honest- but she was pleased with the achievement. The fact that it was a few minutes past four, and she only had a couple more documents to sign, was proof enough she had done an excellent job.
She entered the study, a hand rubbing her neck to relieve some more tension before she returned to her work, when she noticed Olaf was sitting in her desk. What was worse, he was not only sitting, he was holding her quill and was using it. Worried about what the snowman was doing, she run the distance between the door and her desk, and called Olaf’s attention.
“Olaf, what are you doing?!” she asked, afraid to know the answer.
The snowman raised his head and smiled at her, not really noticing the worry in her voice. “Oh, hi Elsa! I’m helping you,” he said happily as he rested the quill on the wooden desk and picked the piece of paper.
“Helping me, how?” asked Elsa. Sadly for her, she already knew the answer, she was quite sure the piece of paper Olaf had picked was one of the documents of the agreement. She hadn’t been able to see what Olaf had done with the quill, but something told her it was nothing good.
“I heard you say you were tired this morning, and Anna was angry with you. So, I thought I could help you finish.” He put the document on a pile on his right and picked a new piece of paper from the left side.
Knowing that her fears were true, she moved quickly and took the paper from his hand and put her other hand over the left pile to prevent he picked another paper. Not only Olaf had been writing -or pretending to write- on the documents she had been working on all day, he also was changing the order of the pages. Elsa didn’t need to look at everything in detail to know Olaf had ruined the last two or three hours of her hard work. She could only hope he hadn’t touched anything else while she was away. 
Elsa knew his intentions were good, but her frustration at seeing the mess on her desk was too much to stop herself from raising her voice at him. “Olaf! What have you done?!”
Shocked by the way Elsa had took the paper from his hand, and the tone of her voice, he froze in place not knowing what to answer, “I- I was...”
“Olaf, look at this! It’s all covered in ink! I can’t read what was written!” she said as she picked other parts of the agreement that were scattered over the desk. “What were you thinking?”
“I- I wanted to help you,” he said, not daring to look at her in the eyes. He was not used to seeing Elsa so angry, especially at him. “I wanted you to spend more time with us and I thought I could help.”
Elsa pinched her nose. She knew her anger and frustration was clouding her judgement. She tried to calm down before answering. “Even if it was well intended,” she said in a lower tone, “you need to learn not to touch things without permission. We’ve talked about this.” She watched him nod his head in agreement. “This is why I always tell you not to do it. Now these documents are ruined.”
Olaf looked at the desk trying to understand the mess he’d made, and asked, “can you fix them?” 
She noticed Olaf felt bad for what he had done, and she suddenly regretted yelling at him. “It'll take time but I can fix them. Don’t worry.”
He sighed in relief, climbed down Elsa’s chair, and began walking towards the door. Before he could grab the door knob, Elsa stopped him. “However,” she said calling his attention. “I want you to stay here until I finish.”
“What? Why?” 
“Because you need to understand your actions have consequences.”
She crossed her arms and said, “no buts. Sit in that chair and wait. It’s not fair if I’m the only one who has to stay here and work.”
Reluctantly, Olaf did what Elsa told him and sat in the chair near the door. He wanted to go out to play, but at the same time, he was not used to seeing Elsa angry, and he didn’t want to go against her wishes. He sat there and hoped for Elsa to be able to fix his mess soon.
Olaf tried his best to remain silent while Elsa worked. But after two hours sitting in the chair doing nothing, he couldn’t stop himself and asked, “I'm bored. Can I go play outside?”
“No until I finish,” said Elsa not raising her head from her work. Truth be told, she was utterly bored too. There was nothing she despised more than doing the same work twice, but she couldn’t leave things as they were. She needed the documents ready the following morning. “It's your fault we have to stay here working and getting bored.”
“But I only wanted to help. It’s not my fault I don’t know which papers are important.” Olaf usually didn’t contradict his creator, but it was difficult for him to stay in the same place for more than an hour without complaining.
“Everything in my desk is important,” said Elsa, who kept working. She just wanted to finish her work and call it a day.  
“I could help of I knew what things are ot not important.”
“I know what is and what is not important because I can read the documents. That’s why you need to ask first. And that’s why you can’t help me with this,” explained Elsa hoping he was going to stop distracting her.
“But it’s your fault I don’t know how to read,” said Olaf pouting.
Deep down Elsa knew Olaf had said it because she was the one who created him. She knew Olaf believed he needed to be born with the skill to be able to read and write. But still, somehow what he said, and how he said it, had touched a chord in Elsa. All of a sudden she felt inadequate to take care of Olaf, and she felt guilty for not teaching him how to read. Olaf was like a young kid, full of energy and eagerness to learn new things about the world; and she was neglecting him by not giving him the chance. She hadn’t really thought about it before that moment, but she realised the huge mistake it was. Olaf had been living with them for over a year and not once she had thought about the possibility of Olaf learning how to read and write. Elsa felt ashamed. She had, unconsciously, neglected someone she loved once again. She felt the need to fix her mistake at that moment. 
After a few minutes in silence, Olaf thought Elsa was going to ignore his remark and decided to keep quiet too. He thought that maybe Elsa was not in the mood to keep talking with him, after all she was probably angry with him about what he had done. But to his surprise, Elsa raised her head after she finished writing something and said, “Olaf come here.” He did as told and walked towards the desk, he stretched to be able to see what was on Elsa desk and waited for her to say something.
Elsa picked the piece of paper and showed it to Olaf. At the top of the page the word ‘Olaf’ was written. She let him see it for a few seconds and asked, “Do you recognise this word?”
He analysed the word and said, “no.”
“That’s your name. It says ‘Olaf’.”
“That’s my name?” said the snowman in awe, as he traced the word with his finger.
Elsa’s heart warmed at the amazement in his eyes, but it only made her feel more guilty for not thinking about teaching Olaf before. “It is. Now you know how to read your name,” she said. “Would you like to learn how to write it?”
“I can learn to write?”
Elsa noticed how excited he was about the idea of learning, and she thought it was best to give him something to start with while she finished her work. She wrote the letters of his name one under the other, as best as possible, and said, “These are the letters in your name. If you can copy them, you’ll be able to write them. And so, you’ll be able to write your name. Why don’t you write each letter as many times as possible in the row to practice while I finish?”
Olaf’s face lighted up with happiness and answered, “yes!”
She smiled at his eagerness and handed him the piece of paper and a pencil. She watched him lay on the floor next to her and began writing before turning to her own work. She hoped Olaf’s assignment was going to give her enough time to concentrate and finish. But she could only transcribe one more page before she heard him mutter.
“Like this? No, no, no. That’s not right…” he said not noticing Elsa was watching him work. “Maybe like this? No, it doesn’t look like Elsa’s.”
Elsa chuckled. She thought it was really sweet to see him so focused in his task. However, she soon remembered that her mother and her tutors had taught her how to draw each letter before giving her assignments. She felt she was being unfair with Olaf, and so, she called his attention. “Olaf? Come here, I want to show you something,” she said, gesturing for him to get closer.
Olaf picked his piece of paper and pencil and was by her side in an instant. “I want to help you. Watch this,” Elsa began explaining how to draw the ‘O’ but noticed it was hard for him to see correctly. “Come here,” she said, picking the snowman up and sitting him on her lap. Olaf giggled, happy to be able to see what she wanted to show him, and to sit with her at the same time.
Elsa grabbed the pencil and began showing Olaf how to draw each letter. After she demonstrated how to do it, she gave the pencil to him once again and told him how to hold the pencil correctly and where to start drawing. Once she finished, Olaf began drawing the letters.
Elsa’s original idea was to show him the process and continue with her work, but watching him work and improve after each letter he draw distracted her from her. Before she knew, Olaf had finished the four rows and turned his head to her, waiting for the next step to follow.
“Wow...” she said. “Olaf, you drew them perfectly.” She patted his head and asked for the pencil once again. “Now, all you have to do is write one letter after the other in the correct order and you’d be able to write your name. Look.”
“That’s it?” he said when Elsa showed him how she used each letter to write ‘Olaf’ on the paper once again.
“That’s it. It’s not easy to write fast though. So, take your time and draw each letter slowly at first.”
“Okay!” said happily as he grabbed the pencil from her hand.
Elsa laughed and put a hand on his head as she pointed to the things he needed to improve with the other. She watched him draw his name over and over in the sheet of paper, and soon forgot about her work. 
Anna, who had been waiting in the dining room, decided she and Kristoff were not going to wait for Elsa to join them for dinner anymore. They had sat in the table on their own for over thirty minutes and she had had enough. She had tried to be patient with her sister, after all, she knew Elsa had a lot of work to finish. But she couldn’t keep the castle staff waiting for a Queen that was most likely not going to show up. Not to mention she knew Kristoff had been working all day, and he was starving. She asked for dinner to be served and the two of them had dinner by themselves.   
Anna was disappointed Elsa hadn’t taken the time to send someone with an apology. Anna knew Elsa wanted everything to be perfect for the last reunion with Westland dignitaries, but wanting things to go well didn’t mean she had to forget about her health and her family in the process.
“I can’t believe Elsa is working late again. She promised to spend the evening with us,” said Anna when they left the dining room.
“You know your sister is busy. It’s just one more day,” answered Kristoff.
“It could be just one more day, but what if it becomes a habit? She needs to take care of herself. Not to mention spend time with her family.”
“Your sister only works a lot because she cares about us and Arendelle. I understand what you mean, but maybe she is doing what she believes is right.”
“Then, maybe I should do what I believe is right too,” said Anna as she turned in the opposite direction.
“Wait!” said Kristoff who was surprised to be left walking alone on the hallway. “Where are you going?”
“I’m going to force Elsa to leave her study this instant,” answered Anna who was already walking in the direction of Elsa’s study.
“What? No, no, feisty pants. Listen, you are angry right now because your sister didn’t show up like she promised, but forcing her to leave her study is not going to help.” Kristoff knew Anna’s intentions were good, but he also knew an angry Anna and a tired Elsa were a recipe for a useless fight.
To Kristoff’s dismay, Anna kept walking not paying attention to what he was saying. He decided it was best to follow her to Elsa’s study. He expected Anna to enter the room demanding her sister to stop working, or an explanation, but he was surprised to see Anna stop on her tracks the moment she opened the door. When he caught up to her, Kristoff was able to see what Anna was seeing. Elsa sat on her desk like it was habitual, but to their surprise Olaf sat on her lap while he draw. They didn’t notice he and Anna were standing on the door. Elsa was focused on Olaf’s work, and she was laughing wholeheartedly at whatever she was seeing.  
Before Anna or Kristoff could say anything they heard Elsa say, “That’s not how you write my name. I already showed you the letters. You are writing it wrong on purpose.”
“I think it looks better like this. And it sounds better too.” said Olaf laughing too.
“Olfa sounds nothing like my name,” complained Elsa, laughing. She then hugged the snowman and rested her chin on top of his head. “Try again. But this time using the letters we practiced.”
Kristoff was about to comment he didn’t know Olaf knew how to write, when the door silently closed on his face. Anna had closed it without saying a word, and she was already leaving.
“Anna? Where are you going?” asked Kristoff following her.
“I thought we could go to the library like we planned after all,” she answered, a smile plastered on her face.
“I thought you were going to tell Elsa to join us.”
“I was going to tell Elsa not to work so much. I was angry because she was working herself to the bone instead of spending time with the people she love,” said Anna. She then turned to Kristoff and asked, “but, did you see her in there? I can’t complain if she misses dinner because she was spending time with Olaf. Specially knowing how much he misses her when she works so much.”
I wanted to write this fluffy idea that was in my head since I heard Olaf knows how to read in Frozen II. For some reason I cannot picture someone else than Elsa teaching him.
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d-s-winchester · 5 years
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(gif credit to the creator)
Part Six
Master List
Pairing: Misha x OFC Word Count: 1,936 Warnings: None? Language probably A/N: Part six is here ladies and gents! Thank you all so much for your support on this! I know it’s been almost a year since I’ve posted any writing but I thought coming back with one of my favorite fics on the first day of my favorite month of the year would be the best way to do it! As always a HUGE thank you to Nicole (aka @iwantthedean) for betaing this for me, without her this story would never see the light of day. Anyway, feedback for this is awesome! :)
Misha didn’t broach the subject of anything personal with Ophelia over the next few days, even though he desperately wanted to. While he stuck to the subject of his research for the novel and avoided the subject of her personal life, he could see her distancing further and further from him as the days passed. He did receive a respite from his concerns when she invited him over for dinner a few days after she had told him about seeing Christopher, and how her boyfriend had died.
He sat at the island counter in Ophelia’s kitchen, thumbing through the books she had given him to aid his research, but not concentrating much on the content. His mind was dwelling on something in particular, but as he feared that thing could scare Ophelia off, Misha kept his thoughts to himself all through dinner.
“You okay?” Ophelia asked as she cleared the dinner table.
“Yeah, why?”
“You just seem...distant. I don’t know.” She shrugged, taking the stack of plates to the sink.
Misha nodded, though he knew that didn’t really answer her original inquiry. He helped her clear away the rest of the plates and dishes from the dinner table, then waited patiently while she packaged away the leftovers before joining him at the sink. Neither of them said anything for a few minutes while she washed, and Misha dried. Finally, when Misha’s thoughts wouldn’t leave him alone, he broke the silence.
“How would you feel about having dinner with me?” Misha blurted out, sticking a plate in the drying rack.
“We just had dinner,” Ophelia pointed out, frowning.
“No,” Misha chuckled, “I know we did. I mean, not here. Not tonight. At a restaurant or something, on a different night.”
Ophelia was so shocked she fumbled with the plate she was washing, nearly dropping it to the floor. Placing it safely in the sink, Ophelia turned to face him, leaning her elbow on the counter.
“Are you asking me out on a date, Misha Collins?”
“I am,” he smiled.
Ophelia smiled, picked up the plate again, and continued washing it. Though she knew what she wanted to answer, she figured there was no harm done in letting him sweat it out a little while she pretended to think it over.
“I would love to go on a date with you,” she finally said, handing him the freshly washed plate.
“Perfect,” he grinned. Relief flooded both his voice and his features. “How does tomorrow night sound?”
“I think I can make that work.”
They finalized the details of their date as they finished up the dishes; once the kitchen was cleaned up, Misha was able to concentrate on his research. After they both wrapped up a few hours of reading, Ophelia walked him to the door. Misha promised to pick her up promptly at eight o’clock the next evening, then went on his way. He smiled all the way back to the bed and breakfast.
Ophelia closed the shop early the next night so she would have plenty of time to prepare for her date with Misha. As she tore through her closet, looking for something to wear, Christine sat on her bed flipping through a magazine. Their quarrel from the day before seemed to have been forgotten, and Ophelia thought that Christine had even accepted that Misha was interested in Ophelia and not Christine.
“How about this?” Ophelia asked, coming out of her walk-in closet in a skin tight black dress.
“Dude, no,” Christine laughed, “you look like a sausage wrapped in cheap lingerie.”
“I should probably just throw this dress out then?” Ophelia chuckled. “I’ve had this since junior year of high school.”
“Yeah, back when you had a body to accommodate it,” Christine pointed out. “You’re thinner than my pinky but you’ve gained some weight since then. Toss it.”
Ophelia nodded and tossed the dress to the side before going back to her closet. A few minutes later she came back out in an empire waist dress made of white lace. The second Christine looked up from the magazine, her eyes nearly bugged out of her head.
“Lia, yes. You look amazing,” she said, forgetting the magazine and sitting up to face her friend. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear white before. It works for you. You should wear white all the time!”
“You have too seen me in white,” Ophelia laughed. “Senior prom, remember? But are you sure this looks okay? I mean, is it too far out of my comfort zone?”
“Well, tonight is about throwing caution to the wind, right?” Christine asked; Ophelia nodded. “Then I say go for it. Do some simple makeup instead of your usual smoky look, throw on a splash of color with some cute heels, and you’ll be set.”
Ophelia grinned at Christine and clapped her hands in excitement before sitting down at her vanity. While she worked on a makeup look that was natural but didn’t lose the essence of her personality, Christine worked on curling Ophelia’s hair in perfectly tousled waves. At eight o’clock sharp, Ophelia’s doorbell rang. Christine misted her friend’s curls with hairspray one last time.
“You sure I look okay?” Ophelia asked again as she slipped her feet into a pair of bright turquoise pumps.
“You look stunning,” Christine assured her. “Don’t forget to grab that gray sweater, it’s cold out and you’re gonna be sitting outside. Don’t worry, I’ll lock up when I leave.”
“Thank you,” Ophelia grinned, kissing her friend on the cheek, “you’re the best.”
“I try,” Christine giggled as she pushed Ophelia towards the door. “Now, go, have fun! And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Ophelia laughed and waved goodbye to her friend as she made her way down the stairs to meet Misha at the door.
When Christine finally arrived at home she was anxiously awaiting the opportunity to have a glass of wine, watch a movie, and head to bed. That was all derailed, however, when she saw Christopher pacing back and forth in her living room.
“I can’t believe you’re letting her go through with this!”
“Well, hello to you, too,” Christine said, dropping her purse on the table near the door. She crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes at her brother’s angry greeting.
“You can’t let her get close to him, Chrissy,” Christopher groaned. “How am I ever supposed to get her back if she’s off galavanting with that writer!”
Christopher couldn’t even bring himself to say Misha’s name, and Christine felt bad about the distress Ophelia’s potential new relationship had caused for her brother.
“You need to fix it,” Christopher pleaded. “Ruin their night. I don’t care what you do, but make it so they never want to see each other again.”
“Chris --”
“No, Chrissy,” Christopher argued, “you have to fix it.”
Christine thought for a minute before letting out a sigh and running her fingers through her hair.  “Okay, fine. I don’t like it, but I’m sure there’s something I can do.”
“Thank you!”
Christine assured him that it was no problem and made her way up to her bedroom to search through the grimoire. She knew that Ophelia and Misha would be dining outside, and the best thing she could come up with was making it rain. Though she had an obligation to her brother to try something, Christine genuine didn’t want to ruin Ophelia’s night. The rain wouldn’t force the night to end, but it would move the date inside. Deciding that was a happy medium, Christine cast the spell.
As soon as Ophelia and Misha were seated at their table, the clouds poured their contents out onto the town. The rain soaked their hair and clothes as they ran back inside the restaurant; all of Christine’s work on Ophelia’s curls was now in vain. Misha asked for a table inside, but the hostess apologized that all the indoor tables were booked. Determined to make the night work, Misha thanked her. Once safely back in his car, Ophelia pointed him in the direction of another restaurant not too far away.
When they arrived, they were seated quickly and looked over the menus, deciding what they wanted to eat. After placing their order and receiving their drinks, Misha smiled at Ophelia, letting out a relieved breath that they were finally settled on their date.
“You look amazing,” he stated, “white is a good color for you.”
“Thanks,” she smiled, blushing slightly, “you don’t look so bad yourself. That shirt really brings out the blue in your eyes.”
“Really?” he chuckled, “I just threw it together. Wasn’t expecting to go on any dates while I’m here.”
“Well, it works.”
It wasn’t long before their food was brought out. Despite their evenings spent together at her house, Ophelia had found herself concerned that their conversation would only revolve around the bookstore and witchcraft lore, but she was pleasantly surprised that the conversation seemed to cover anything but. She was so distracted by the conversation that it wasn’t long after their food was brought to the table when she spilled her red wine on her stark white dress. Misha practically leapt over the table to help her clean it up, but she assured him it would be fine. The dry cleaner could get the stain out.
They made it through dinner without any more mishaps and, deciding not to chance their bad luck, Misha drove Ophelia home. They didn’t have to call it a night, but maybe it was better to be home. Halfway to her house, the car seemed jolted violently; Misha pulled off to the side of the road. Ophelia sat in the passenger seat patiently as he assessed the situation.
“I’ve got a flat,” he explained, opening the driver side door, “give me a minute and we’ll be ready to go.”
“Need help?”
“You know how to change a flat?”
“I’m a woman, I’m not useless,” she laughed.
“Then yes, I would love your help,” he grinned.
It took them almost half an hour to change the tire in the pouring rain, but once it was fixed, they made it safely back to Ophelia’s house. Misha parked his car in front of the modest-sized Cape Cod and got out, opening the car door for her. Rain pounded the ground around them as they made way up to her front steps.
“So, this date turned out to be somewhat of a disaster. I apologize,” Misha laughed.
“Don’t,” Ophelia chuckled, “it was perfect.”
He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. “Am I … crossing boundaries here?”
“You’re not,” she assured him, wrapping her arms around his neck in return. “Despite the rain, wine spil,l and flat tire, I had a wonderful time tonight, Misha. Really”
“Me too,” he agreed.
He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers as the rain continued to fall around them. When they finally broke apart, Ophelia smiled up at him.
“We should do this again.”
“Absolutely,” Misha grinned.
“I’ll see you at the shop tomorrow?” she asked, hope edging each syllable.
Ophelia took a chance and pushed herself up on her tiptoes to kiss him again. She smiled as she pulled away. “I’ll see you at the shop tomorrow. Thank you again, Misha, for an amazing night.”
“Anytime,” he smiled, leaning down to kiss her again. He couldn’t get enough.
He watched her walk into the house, giving her a small wave as she walked inside, then walked back to his car, hoping for an uneventful drive back to the bed and breakfast.  
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revengeworld · 6 years
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Kylo Ren x Android! Reader
Words: +6.200
Warnings: Mayor Character Death, Dead bodys, fighting, angst
AN: This Idea was in my head since Detroit become Human came out and I finally finished it! This one was somehow really hard to write and I somehow was never satisfied with it but here is it anyway! :)
MY MASTERLIST - Can be found in my Bio if you´re interested in more of my work!
“I´m adding a new voice chip and connect it with a copper aluminum mixed wire.” Kylo mumbled while he connected said materials, bright sparks coming from his tool.
Since years he had secretly worked on this project and today might be the day he would finally succeed.
“New software is uploaded. Panels closed. Starting system run in 3...2…1” Kylo slowly reached out his hands, his fingers running through the synthetic hair before he pressed a small panel hidden in the neck of the android.
A small light ran over his finger to scan his fingerprint before the eyes of the robot lit up with a neon purple glow before returning to its normal, more human, colour.
“Initiate Startup.” he commanded while letting his thumb run over the synthetic skin, which almost felt like the warm skin of a real human.
The Android blinked and a soft confirming beep could be heard.
“Initiating Startup. Hello Master Ren.” Its voice was calm and Kylo couldn't contain his proud smile. It worked…. It really had worked!
“Would you like to proceed with the Setup?” the Android asked after a while without instructions.
“Engage System Checkup.” he answered the question.
Another blink and a soft beep and he waited for the results while cleaning up his desk.
“System Check Up complete. Software stable. Components connected and fully functional. No System failures discovered.” Kylo fingers gently laid themselves on the Androids chin before pushing it´s face up.
“Good work…. Y/N.” it was the first name that came to his mind since he had created her and had seen her finished face.
“Let's test your movement. Engage movement Test 1. Standing up and walking.” he spoke into the microphone of his recorder to document his progress.
Another blink from her eyes and the soft familiar confirming beep, before she slowly stood up and walked a few steps before stopping. Kylo inspected every small movement of her and nodded satisfied.
“Movement is smooth and doesn't seem unnatural.” snipping with his fingers it was the sign for Y/N to return to his side.
Grabbing her under her chin, he pressed it up so he could take a closer look in her eyes. He held up a bright flashlight.
“Focus on light.” hearing the familiar beep he looked through the magnifying glass. Nobody would be able to tell that she wasn't human, besides him of course.
His creation… somehow he still couldn't believe that he was able to create somewhat of life. Kylo was so familiar with the destructions he created, that something like this was almost unbelievable to him.
He continued to look at her and finished his first examinations until they were interrupted by a knock on his metal door.
“Engage hiding.” immediately Y/N walked towards his closet and climbed into it before closing the sliding door again, while Kylo quickly shoved his tools in drawers before opening the door.
It was one of the technicians who nodded shortly before holding up a black bag.
“The things you have asked for, Commander. Do you need anything else?”
“No, you can go.” he mumbled quietly while nodding to the worker.
“I put a bit extra in.” the technician nodded and turned on his heels.
Taking a quick glance inside the bag, they were a few wires, tools and other miscellaneous things that he could need with his work on Y/N.
Quickly snipping his fingers when he remembered that she was still hiding in the closet, Y/N immediately crawled out again to stand by his side.
Laying one of his big hands on her head, he stroked it lightly.
“Good Girl.” he praised while she looked up at him, eagerly waiting for his next order and Kylo smirked a little. If his plan would work, soon the First Order wouldn't need to steal children anymore to build their armies and could use Androids, like Y/N.
“Sit down.” he said.
“Yes, Master.” in an instant she sat in her usual place, which was another thing that made him proud. Y/N was moving and speaking, something he would've never expected, especially in all those frustrating moments when nothing seemed to work. The chair where her body had sat so still and lifeless for years, but now her eyes were following him, while she waited for further instructions.
“Lean your head forward.” while he listened to her small beep, he rummaged through the bag before he carefully pulled a big bottle with violet fluid out of it.
“This should give you enough energy for a while… Open Main Panel.” slowly the small panel in her neck lifted and Kylo continued to connect her with a tube to the bottle.
“We will try out your abilities in fighting later … I really hope everything will work out.” he mumbled while brushing over his eyes.
“I'm sure it will Master.” a smile appeared on her lips and Kylo grinned back at her.
“You should take a look in your Database, I have uploaded a lot for you to learn.” he explained to her while tipping away on his keyboard.
“Thank you Master.” closing her eyes, she let the informations run through her system.
While Kylo was completely occupied in his work, Y/N sat quietly in her chair, the new informations already having an influence on her when she started to swing with her legs a bit.
“Energy Refill completed. Energy Levels should suffice for approximately 27 days 5 hours 34 minutes and 12 seconds.” opening her eyes again, they stayed in the neon violet colour before they turned back to normal.
“Good, remind me on the 20th day to refill you.” Kylo slandered behind her before closing her main panel.
Looking down her back he let his fingers run down her spine. The provisionally Tank Top, that was his own, was way too big for her small and almost fragile body.
Suddenly Kylo furrowed his brows. She wasn´t fragile, he knew that himself, then why did that thought suddenly cross his mind? Maybe even he started to think that she could be human.
Kylo let his fingers run through her hair before he sighed.
“We will get you something more fitting before we start with the training. Otherwise, it would make no sense if I can't see the progress you're making.” when Kylo called someone from the tailoring section, Y/N quietly stalked through his apartment.
For her, it turned soon in a game of identifying objects and feeling textures for the first time to combine and expand her knowledge.
Stopping in front of a drawer her fingers wandered over the black and silver helmet, knowing that it belonged to her Master and Creator.
Carefully picking it up, she started to scan the material and electronic inside it, before setting it down on her own head. Like the clothes it was too big for her, but when it closed it tightened enough to stay on her head when she moved.
Hearing Kylos loud snip, she quickly returned into his little tinkering room, where she awoke for the first time.
When he turned around to her, Kylo couldn't contain his chuckle.
“I see your curiosity is already increasing.”
“It would seem like it Master!” she spoke enthusiastic, but hearing it through the voice distorter made him laugh even more.
Laying both of his hands against her neck, he opened the latches and the familiar hiss echoed through the room before he lifted it to reveal her smiling face.
He could tell just by looking into her eyes that she was eager for her next order and to learn more. But for now, he would need to tune it down a bit.
Like usual he laid his hand under her chin and pushed it up a bit.
“Listen closely, soon a person will be here. You will not talk to them or look at them. This is for every person, besides me. Do you understand?” hearing his stern tone she immediately seemed concerned.
“Of course Master.”
That's how it went for the next few weeks. Day and Night every free second he had, Kylo tried to improve Y/Ns body or her fighting style. Nobody was allowed to talk or look at her, he didn't want anything tainting her, the way she would see things or the progress she had already made.
Soon she would probably be ready to be presented to Supreme Leader Snoke, a perfect soldier and perfect spy.
But now that this year's long project seemed to come to an end, Kylo didn´t know if he would be ready for it. Had he really thought this through? How was he supposed to make more like her when it took him years just to make her work. Would they even be able to work with the plans he had made? The Software he had programmed? Would every single one look like her?
Opening his eyes again, he was already awake for hours even though he had tried to sleep. For a moment Y/Ns violet eyes flickered in the dark.
“Come here… I thought I put you in Rest Mode?” he mumbled tired with a deep voice, while she was already crawling into his bed and sat down close next to him.
“You mumbled in your sleep. My Warning System started. Are you alright, Master Kylo?” she asked while he laid his hand against her face.
“I'm okay…”
“With an 89,7% chance I can determine that was a lie, Master.” Y/N answered instead and he shook his head a little.
“Shush you little Traitor.” placing his hand in her neck, Kylo pulled her down onto his chest. In a weird way, her warm body calmed him.
“Besides didn´t I tell you to stop calling me Master? Kylo is enough.” with a loud yawn he closed his eyes.
“Yes Kylo.” she answered and he brushed gently over her head.
“Good Girl.”
“Are you worried about tomorrow? I will do my best to make you proud.” Y/N tried to reassure him, it was the only logical thing he could be worried about. That she would fail in front of his own Master, the Supreme Leader Snoke.
“I know you will make me proud.” with a small smile he looked down at her face that was resting on his chest. But he was worried if Snoke would approve if not the worst he could do was to destroy her. And if Kylo would be honest, it was a painful thought to lose her, not because he made her and put so much work into perfecting her, no. Y/N wasn´t just a robot to him anymore, which would be a weakness in Snokes eyes.
Leaning against the metal wall in the training room, Kylo watched Y/N while she elegantly walked between the body's which were already laying on the floor while she readied herself for the last opponent who was circling her.
In an instant, she had pounced onto her enemy and soon he was joining the unconscious bodies on the ground.
“She is really good, I can´t believe that you just found her.” Phasma walked next to him and watched the new recruit. Officially Y/N was brought on board just a few days ago as Kylos apprentice and because she could always predict her opponents next moves everyone just thought she would be force sensitive instead of a very fine-tuned analyzing program.
“Yeah...” he only answered and snipped with his fingers. Quickly jumping between the body's Y/N soon pressed herself against his chest.
“You did very well. Come on we need to get ready...”
Even Phasma noticed how nervous the Commander was and wished them good luck before she started her own training.
Back in their quarters, Kylo quickly entered the bathroom for a shower while Y/N dressed in her uniform and waited right next to the door.
“We have 15 minutes left.” Y/N called out after a while since she didn't hear anything from her Master. Not getting an answer, she looked to the closed door.
“Kylo?” knocking on the door, it slowly opened. Entering the steamy room she looked around in search for him.
With a towel over his head, Kylo stepped out of the shower, trying to rub his hair dry.
“Kylo, we don't have much time left.” she said again and Kylo just flinched while he pulled the towel down to cover his middle.
“Y/N!! For star's sake!” brushing his wet hair out of his face he took a deep breath. Of course, she had no idea of personal space or privacy, something he should have thought to put in in the first place.
“Did I do something wrong? I´m sorry… I ...” watching while she looked down at the ground like a scolded animal he slowly laid his arm around her waist, after he had wrapped the towel loosely around his hip.
“No! No, you didn't do anything wrong.” leaning his forehead against hers, she knew how sincere he meant it.
“Only 10 more minutes.” Y/N whispered when she saw that he had his eyes closed.
“I will be ready by then. Wait outside, please.” when she was about to turn around, he suddenly laid his hand quickly onto her neck, looking deep into her eyes before brushing over her cheek with his thumb.
With confusion her brows furrowed then this was messing with her instructions it seemed like he wanted her to go but on the other hand, he wanted her to stay.
Letting go he nodded to the door, the sign for her to go.
When she was back in his bedroom, she didn't know what to do for a moment. She never had experienced for her Master to be so conflicted with his own decisions.
Preparing his clothes, she was just cleaning Kylo's Helmet when he entered the room.
He was quick to put everything on before he leaned down to Y/N and let her carefully place the helmet on his head.
“Let's go.”
Walking through the dark Corridors, Y/N slowly took his hand when they came closer and closer to the throne room.
They stopped in front of the heavy door and Kylo took one last look at Y/N while she let go of him and the heavy doors opened with a hiss.
As soon as they stood in front of the Supreme Leader, both were quick to kneel before him.
“So this is your little wonder?” the Supreme Leader's voice was cold but intrigued.
“Yes Supreme Leader. Her name is Y/N.” standing back up, both of them waited.
“Come closer.” the cold voice demanded, but Y/N stood still, not moving at all.
“It's alright, go.” Kylo was encouraging her and she slowly stepped closer to the thin outstretched hand.
“I see you made her very obedient to your word.” Snoke said and took a closer look at her. If even he wouldn't notice what she was at first, Kylos project would be the biggest success in a long time.
“Let's put her to the test then.” the guards in their red armor that had stood back, for now, stepped closer and had her surrounded.
It took a long time until Snoke interrupted the fight when Y/N was hit the first time. Since they were no lethal weapons involved she wouldn't be able to get hurt, but Kylo still clenched his hands into fists when it happened.
“Very promising...” Kylo's Master mumbled, his eyes still fixated on the new apprentice.
Y/N had a frustrated look on her face, thinking that she had failed and disappointed Kylo.
Snipping with his fingers, she immediately left the space in front of the throne and stopped in front of Kylo, who nodded towards her since she couldn't see his smile under the heavy mask.
“You did very well.” he whispered, before lightly touching her hand to show her somehow how proud he was while trying not to show his affection towards her in front of his master.
“Where did you say you found her?” General Hux asked.
“Oh, he didn't find her. He made her.” Snoke grinned slightly.
“So she is...”
“An Android, yes.” Kylo finished the Generals sentence and laid his hand on Y/Ns shoulder, who of course ignored everyone else.
“A very good one I must admit.” Snoke mumbled and waved to Y/N so she would step closer again.
Looking up to Kylo, he nodded and she slowly approached the thin man in his throne.
In an instant she was laying on the ground, pressed down by the electricity Snoke shot through her body.
Kylo wanted to step forward but if he would disobey, there was the possibility that Snoke would just destroy her.
Standing still and seeing her painful expression he began to shake, one wrong move and he could lose her.
Gritting her teeth in pain, Y/N suddenly pushed herself of the ground with shaking arms. It took every bit of her strength, but she was able to fling a knife in the Leaders direction which pinned the sleeve of his garment against his throne.
For a moment Kylo thought that Snoke would just destroy her now, but instead he just smiled creepily, while the Android fell back to the ground, the violet liquid leaking out of her nose.
Without thinking clearly, Kylo took a step closer, which got Snokes attention while one of the red Knights freed him.
„Go on, take her. Refine her, she will be a good soldier, if you‘re able to perfect her.“
„Yes, Supreme Leader.“ kneeling down next to Y/Ns body, he carefully picked her up, before slowly walking out of the throne room. As soon as the doors hissed shut, he broke into a sprint, making stormtroopers and other First Order Members jump out of his way.
When he arrived in his sleeping quarters he gently laid her down on his work desk before tossing away his helmet.
„No, no. Y/N come on, wake up!“ opening a few panels he connected her with his system to let a checkup run over her.
While this was running, Kylo tried to find the leak that caused her ‚blood‘ to drip out of her nose. Since voice orders didn't reach her anymore he needed to do everything manually. It took hours to get to a point where he was sure that Y/N would be fine which for him felt like an eternity.
“Please… please wake up...” when the system check didn't find anything worrisome he gently laid his hand in her neck, to start her up again. For a moment nothing happened and he really thought he had lost her, but when her eyes opened he quickly pulled her up in his arms.
Hearing a small wince from her, Kylo carefully loosened his grip.
“What's wrong?” it couldn't be that she really… felt pain. This wasn't something he put in her program. No pain, no emotional attachments… she was supposed to be the perfect soldier.
Y/N was holding her chest and it seemed like she was breathing heavy, even though she didn't need air to live.
“I don't know … everything hurts...” her voice broke and Kylo could feel a sting in his heart.
“No Y/N, this isn't possible. You're not human, you can't feel!” Laying his big hands on her shoulder he tried to calm her down, but it provoked the opposite. With a swift motion of her arms, the Android had slapped his hand away and stood on her shaking legs.
“Then why do I still feel it?! The torment?! And the Pain!” she screamed at him.
“Why didn't you help me? You just stood there, watching, while he tortured me...” holding onto the wall behind her, she looked hurt at him and Kylo looked shocked on when tears were streaming down her cheeks.
“Why did you abandon me?” slowly sliding down the wall, Y/N soon fell on her knees.
“I didn't abandon you, Y/N. I never could do that...” Kylo whispered, before carefully picking her up in his arms.
“And still, you did nothing...” his jaw tensed while hearing her words.
“If I had he would have kill… destroyed you. I knew I could repair you after his test but if he would have destroyed you … I would've lost you… I'm nothing without you.” cupping her face, he leaned his forehead against hers after setting her down on his bed.
“And I would be nothing without you...” closing her eyes, Y/Ns last tears were rolling over her cold face.
“But please, never make me go to this man again …”
Only nodding to her request, Kylo couldn't believe how broken she looked and he ordered her to rest for now. While he was pulling his blanket over her body, he watched her closely.
It looked just as if she was a sleeping normal girl, sometimes twitching as if she was having a nightmare.
He was confused, to say the least. How could she be even more human now? Feelings? Pain? She was afraid of Snoke which under the circumstances would be normal for a real living being, but for her it should not have an effect at all.
Standing up he walked back into his workroom, his eyes flying over the detailed analyses the System Check Up had provided.
Shocked he let himself fall back into his chair. Caught in his thoughts he let his fingers brush over his jaw while his eyes were focused on the sleeping figure in his bed.
Nothing of the code he originally programmed, was left. It seemed like she had completely rearranged everything. Y/N was now deciding for herself, thinking, feeling. Snokes durability test had made her this desperate to change herself to benefit both Kylo and her.
Sitting there in silence his leg was bouncing nervously.
He could just fix it, not tell her and do it right now while she slept. Grabbing one of his tools tightly until his knuckles turned white, Kylo suddenly sighed.
His hand let go of whatever he was holding and he slowly made his way back to her.
Sitting down next to her, he was about to brush a few strands of hair out of her face, when Y/N suddenly grabbed his wrist. Her eyes filled with fear.
“Are you going to deactivate me now?” she asked while he gently caressed her cheek, knowing that he had seen that she had overthrown everything he had worked at.
“I could never do that to you… and you know it.”
“I know ...” slowly wrapping her arms around his neck, Kylo was already leaning down to press his lips onto her unexpected warm ones.
Soon he was laying over her, completely melted into this heated kiss until he broke away from her completely out of breath.
This would change everything.
In the next few weeks, Kylo kept his promise to her and not let Y/N near the Throne Room or his Master. For Snoke he always had a new excuse why she wasn't with him, she wasn't perfect yet, she is training or loading. Just anything that was postponing the next test Snoke would make her endure.
Especially now since she was completely thinking for herself and deciding for herself, it would be dangerous for her if the Supreme Leader found out.
But for Kylo it was the best thing that could've happened. Entering his sleeping quarters he got immediately jumped at from Y/N who was holding onto him tightly.
“Did somebody miss me?” he asked with a smile tugging on the corner of his lips.
“I think so...” Y/N answered honestly and laid one hand on her chest, where normally a heart would be.
Gently caressing her cheek he started to smile.
“That is enough for me.” leaning down towards her he gently pressed his lip against hers. When they separated he could notice a dark violet hue on her cheeks due to her different colored ‘blood’.
“I need to go again soon, but I wanted to make sure you are okay.” he explained and her expression changed into a frown.
“I have a prisoner… if we give her to Snoke. It might be our chance to leave all of this...” kneeling down in front of her, Kylo gently took her hands.
“Just trust me on this, okay?” he asked and even though she was still concerned Y/N nodded softly.
Hours later she would regret this decision. Running and falling through the snowy forest, Y/N tried to find Kylo. He hadn't returned when the evacuation alarm started to blare through the whole base and even though he had ordered her to stay with Phasma in those situations, Y/N disobeyed and was on the search for him.
Hearing his scream, her head immediately snapped in that direction before she broke into a sprint.
Quickly drawing her weapons, she averted the attack from the person that was standing over Kylo.
His vision was blurry and he could only make out the glow from Y/Ns two sabers, each in one hand.
“Y/N… no...” trying to stretch out his hand, he fell back onto the cold ground.
“Don't move! I will get you out of here!” she called over while dodging another hit from Rey with ease.
Ready to pounce on her, Y/N made herself ready for her next attack until both woman suddenly stopped, feeling the earth under their feet rumble before it broke apart between them. Watching her for another moment, Y/N soon returned to Kylos side.
“I'm here! I will get you out of here I promise.” cutting off pieces of fabric from her robe, she tried to tend to his wounds while sending Phasma an emergency message.
Kylo whimpered slightly before he lost consciousness and she gently cupped his face. Leaning down to him, Y/N leaned her forehead against his.
“We will get out of this ...” she whispered, her eyes closed while the world around them broke apart.
Kylo woke in and out of his daze while the medical droids were taking care of him. Noticing Y/N leaning against a wall in the background he tried to reach out for her, but his arm was to weak.
At first, she resisted his pleading eyes, but soon she carefully stepped closer to take his shaking hand.
He knew by the look in her eyes that she was angry with him and he couldn't hold that against her. Letting a shaky but relieved breath escape his lips, Kylo closed his eyes again knowing that she would be right by his side.
Slowly opening his eyes again, he was looking at the ceiling of his room. Laying a hand over his eyes for a moment, Kylo looked down on himself. He was mostly covered in the black bandages the First Order was using until he noticed Y/N.
It seemed she was in her rest mode, her hands and head were resting on the last space on his torso that wasn't injured.
Brushing over her cheek, her eyes immediately opened, glowing in the vibrant purple before they turned back to normal.
Even though it was quite dark in the room, Kylo noticed her accusing gaze.
“I'm sorry I underestimated you...” he whispered gently starting to brush through her hair.
“We could have done it that day. But you left me behind...” she hissed quietly and her eyebrows turned into a frown.
“Well, that happens when you worry about someone. Even if you know they are very capable to defend themselves, you just want them safe.” he explained calmly.
“That is just how it is when you are in love...” with a sighed he closed his eyes, soon feeling her lips on his.
“Yeah, I know that now...” she mumbled while pulling the blanket over his body.
“Do you need anything?” brushing his hair away, Y/N watched his relaxed face.
“No, just you ...” laying back beside him she gently took his hand, her eyes focused on his sleeping face and she swore herself to kill the woman who had harmed him.
But in the next few days, everything changed, he distanced himself from her and she knew that he was talking to the woman she hated so much.
Sitting on a metal tube, she was overlooking the hangar without being noticed by anybody.
For a while now she was watching the ships leave this place and she wished she could be on one of them.
That was the original plan Kylo and her had agreed on, but now she wasn't so sure anymore.
Was he still sticking to this plan? Did he even want to leave with her anymore?
“There you are...” letting herself fall backward she soon hung upside down in front of Kylo.
“I hate the tracker, I don't want it anymore.” crossing her arms in front of her chest, Kylo only shook his head for a moment while playing with her hair.
“It stays, otherwise you would just vanish on me. Come on, I got something special for you.”
Raising an eyebrow she looked at his outstretched hand before she jumped down and took it. Quietly following him through the corridors, they ended back in his quarters were she instantly walked into the workshop. The only reason he would get her was to improve something on her. It felt like she would never be good enough for him.
For a moment she felt disappointment until she noticed something on his desk that let her eyes widen.
“It's your new bio-component. You will be able to eat food and turn it into fuel for your body without any need to refill like usual.” Kylo explained and pulled off his gloves.
“When we leave and live out there you will be just like everyone else and nobody will suspect us.” Letting his lips rest on her forehead for a moment Kylo slowly got rid of his cape.
“Will you let me?” he asked since she hadn't moved yet, still staring at her new component, before she got rid of her uniform and laid down on the table with a small happy smirk on her lips.
Relieved that he still was thinking of their future outside the First Order. Y/N watched him work his magic and since she woken up for the first time she needed to admit that he had made so much progress in his tinkering.
“Close your panels.” he mumbled and cleaned of his instruments.
“How does it feel?” feeling his hand against her cheek, she leaned into his warm touch.
“It feels good, I'm sure it will work like intended.” sitting back up, she pulled her clothes back on.
“You can try it out right now if you want. I can order you a bit of food.”
“Won't you be staying with me?”
“I'm sorry, but Snoke wants to see me.” putting on his leather gloves again, she looked disappointed down to the ground.
Gently laying his hand under her chin, he pushed her face up again before pulling her into a soft kiss.
“We can leave this all behind soon, I promise.” he whispered against her lips and she nodded while her fingers were clawing into his jacket, not wanting to let go just yet.
Holding her closer, Kylo only sighed.
“I will be back as soon as I can, promise.” leaving a last kiss on her forehead, he left.
While Kylo was going to the throne room, Y/N had gotten a bit of food from the cafeteria and was now making her way back to the hanger in her little hiding spot.
Munching on the different things, she was controlling her vitals to see if the new component was doing its job right when she suddenly noticed the two red knights right under her.
Carefully adjusting her position so that they wouldn't notice her, she listened closely to their words.
Hours later, Kylo was waiting in the hanger, his eyes fixated on Y/Ns usual hiding spot near the ceiling. It was empty and he was worrying where she was off to. When he had returned from Snoke their sleeping quarters were empty and he had no time to track her.
Especially now that Rey would arrive on the Finalizer and he could hand her over to the Supreme Leader, it was troubling him not to know where she had vanished to. And while Snoke would be occupied with Rey, he and Y/N would have a chance to escape.
Restraining his prisoner, they were making their way to the elevator to the throne room. Mentally Kylo made himself ready to stand in front of his Master again, this time making sure that his plan wouldn't fail.
But when the door opened and he could see the throne room he knew it had failed before he could've even known.
Both him and Rey looked shocked at the figure that was still standing with her back to them, one lightsaber in each hand and the cloak covered in blood from the dead bodies on the ground, Snokes decapitated head laying next to Y/Ns feet.
“For once I'm glad that you're late...” Y/N mumbled while she turned around to them. With wide steps Kylo made his way towards her, leaving Rey behind. His arm snaked around Y/Ns waist pulling her up against his chest before he kissed her.
They broke in such an intimate kiss that it made Rey uncomfortable and even ashamed to have witnessed it in the first place.
Averting her eyes from that scene they landed on the dead bodies around them. What would happen now?
And the same question went through the other two heads. Just how should they proceed now? Their tormenter was dead and they finally were free, but now what? Should they flee like they had planned or use the advantage of this situation?
“Kylo we should go … use the opportunity to flee...we can finally have our freedom.” she whispered while gently caressing his cheek. For a moment he closed his eyes a victorious smile on his lips.
“Y/N… you already gave us our freedom! We can have the galaxy if we want.” cupping her face, he kissed her again but when they separated her eyes were fixated on Rey.
“Only if you let me kill her… she almost took you away from me. I'm not taking that risk again.” and her eyes told him that she wouldn't accept a no.
“Of course, we don't need her anymore. Do with her as you please.” letting his arm sink, Y/N already sprinted towards Rey while she tried to escape to the elevator.
With one precise jump, Y/N  landed on the other woman's back and pressed her down onto the cold metal floor.
“Ben!! I thought you changed?!” she called out to Kylo as a last resort.
“Oh I didn't, I just wanted to ensure her safety. I would have sacrificed you any time if it meant for Y/N to be safe.” his eyes were still on the dead corpse of his tormenter for so many years.
“Y/N, wait.”
She was already holding her lightsaber up high to pierce it through Reys back and shot him a glare.
“Why should I?!” hissing at him, she was ready to get this over with until the door of the elevator opened a second time. General Hux and the Knights of Ren were rushing inside. The Knights immediately circled both women and pointed their weapon at Rey.
“What in the stars name happened?” Hux asked, slowly stepping closer.
“The scavenger killed him… all of them.” Kylo turned calmly around and for a moment Hux squinted his eyes in suspicion until the other continued.
“We will hold her as a prisoner, Y/N can take care of that.”
Rey wanted to protest but all of the Knights and Kylo pushed her down with the force and Y/N only snickered.
“I bet we will have a lot of fun...” letting her saber sink, he held it close against Rey's face.
After the Knights were escorting a devastated Rey out of the throne room into a high-security cell that would be guarded by every single one of the them until Y/N would take over.
While droids were cleaning up the mess, Kylo was watching over them sitting in the throne.
Hux couldn't do much about Kylo being the new Supreme Leader and he knew if he would say something against him, Y/N would kill him in an instant without wasting another thought on it.
“I will prepare everything against the Resistance, now that we have their trump card, Supreme Leader.” bowing the slightest with his head, the General was the last one to leave the throne room.
Now that they were alone, Y/N was slowly walking to Kylo before she straddled his lap.
When she looked into his eyes, he knew that her Master was drunken with the Power he suddenly had and she was glad that she was the one who provided him with it.
Laying his hand into her neck, Kylo pulled her closer before his plum lips clashed against hers, the other hand wandered down her site to forcefully pull her even closer.
“I should go. Make sure my little prisoner doesn't miss me too much. I don't want her alive any longer than need be.” placing another softer kiss on his lips, Kylo smiled at her.
“You're right. We have a war to win.”
Tagging: @celestiaelisia @sdavid09 @attorneyl @ayatimascd @acunningstargazer @agirlwithlonelymusic @ev3e
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fandomlife-giver · 6 years
Toxic Veins (Alucard X OC): Ch. 8
Warnings: Violence, Heavy use of Language, Death
Pairings: Alucard x OC
Word Count: 4479
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The black metal glistened in the artificial light, and I was sure the grin remained on my face as I held them up and looked them over.
"I take it you're pleased with the handguns?"
I looked back at their creator who was staring at me with a smirk. "Oh, that is an understatement and you know it." His eyes widened when I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in for a hug. "Thank you, Walter. Really." He smiled and patted my back.
I glanced up once the lights in the room dimmed and flickered. Well, that's odd.
I pulled away from him and furrowed my eyebrows when I heard my name.
"Damn mansion is like a fucking maze! Phyre! Where the hell are you?!"
He stopped and looked into the room across from ours, then turned and he sighed when he saw me. "Phyre! Answer me when I'm calling you, dammit!" He ran in and grabbed me by the arm. I watched him curiously as he dragged me out of the room.
"Uh, Chet?"
"We need to get you out of here. The ghouls have already reached the gates, we don't have much ti-"
"Whoa, hold on!" I pulled him to a stop. "1. Why are you dragging me? 2. What do you mean ghouls? And 3..." I rose up my arm to shove my bloody rose in his face. "Check out these guns Walter made me. Nice, right?"
He rolled his eyes and moved my hand. "Phyre, the mansion is under attack." I felt my eyes widen. "There's an army of ghouls marching inside, now we need to-"
"What the hell, Brazer?! Lead with that next time!" I pulled my arm from his grasp.
"Where are they entering from?" We looked back at Walter, and Chet's face turned serious.
"From the main entrance, sir. They've shot down our men at the gates and are entering main control as we speak."
Walter nodded, then pointed at me. "And why is Miss Laurifer your main concern?"
He glanced at me. "Sir Integra ordered me to escape with Phyre at all costs." He looked back at Walter. "She believes they may target Phyre if they see her."
Every person's eyes widened, except for mine. "What gave Integra that idea?"
He shrugged. "I didn't ask and she didn't say."
"Well, if it does happen, I'd say we lead on that." He rose his eyebrows and looked at me once I said that. "Chet, they're ghouls, they will kill and devour everyone, maybe even Integra, and I will not let that happen. If there's a chance they will go for me, I say we take that to our advantage."
"Wait, you're saying you want to-"
"You want to use yourself as bait?!" By the growl that came from the back, I glared at Alucard.
"It's better than running and hiding like a coward while these men pay with their lives! I am not running away like a little girl holding mommy's hand when it can be easily avoided in the first place!"
"Captain." Walter's voice made me stop. "What is your men's position and how critical is the situation?"
He swallowed hard. "Our outside communication's been cut off and I've ordered my men to defend the conference room with their lives."
Walter hummed and looked back at me. "By the time your sacrificial plan would take place, they would already be dead. I'm sorry, but giving yourself up isn't an option." I clenched my jaw and looked away. "However, neither is giving up entirely."
I looked back at him. "Then what are we supposed to do?"
As he pondered, the phone rang and he looked down to pick it up.
'What's your position, Walter?'
"Miss Victoria's room in the sub-basement. I've already been brought up to speed on the situation. Outside communication's been cut off so I wouldn't expect reinforcements for at least 4 hours, maybe 5. In the meantime, our current forces have been ordered to defend the conference room with their lives."
'What do you recommend?'
I snickered as I leaned on the dresser next to Walter. "Well, for starters, you should fortify the door to the conference room."
'Phyre, why are you still here?! Where is Captain Brazer?'
"Present, and hello to you too. And yes, I'm all right, if anyone even cares." I glanced around the room, considering no-one has even asked if I felt better yet.
"Since Alucard, Miss Laurifer, and Miss Victoria are with me down in the sub-basement, I propose we divide into two teams. Alucard and Miss Laurifer will head upstairs, Miss Victoria and I will make our way towards the conference room."
I turned as I already felt Alucard's arm firmly around my waist. Wow, Count Chocula works fast.
'How will you manage? The hallway is full of ghouls.'
Walter smirked. "How did you manage to find Alucard's cell 10 years ago?"
'The air ducts, of course!'
"Seems to be the best option at the moment. We'll both be there shortly. Good luck." He went to put the phone back but stopped.
'Walter...These animals are eating my people. Show no mercy! Do not let them leave the grounds alive!'
He placed an arm behind his back. "By your orders then, Sir Integra."
Alucard smiled. "Oh... does Walter Dornez the Angel of Death ride again?"
I crossed my arms and sighed. "Man, I'm almost sorry I won't be able to see it."
Alucard chuckled and pulled me closer to his chest. "Almost, eh?"
Seras looked between me and Alucard. "Uhh...uh... " She leaned into me and whispered. "Come on, what are you two talking about?"
I smirked and patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll see soon enough."
Walter laughed and looked at us. "Put the veteran and the rookie together, and you may as well have one normal soldier."
Alucard chuckled as he walked away with me still in his grasp. He looked back at Walter. "This could actually end up being fun."
My eyes widened as he walked towards the wall. "Um, what are you-- whoa, hey!" I tightly grabbed onto him as we walked through the wall.
Seras sighed as we disappeared. "Makes you wonder, doesn't it... if there are any normal people working in this bloody place...?"
I was frozen when we were back in the basement and Alucard laughed in amusement when I refused to let go of him.
"D-Did we just walk through a wall?"
When I looked at him, he only grinned. "Like, seriously, we just walked through a wall."
He frowned as I poked the brick wall in amazement. "Are you afraid?"
I looked back at him and scoffed. "Afraid? That was amazing!"
He smirked and walked over to his throne. Once he reached it, he stopped to lift me up, sit down, then place me on his lap. He sighed as he lightly stroked my cheek with his gloved finger.
"I remember when I first showed you my power. I was afraid you'd reject me, but instead, you were fascinated by it. Despite what I had become, you still saw something in me others didn't."
My brows furrowed. I did? "Well, I sound like one hell of a girl. So when exactly did I say this?"
He shrugged. "A few centuries ago."
What? I closed my eyes, shook my head and pushed away from his chest. "You're talking about Nica, aren't you?"
He looked at me curiously. "Of course, who else would I be talking about?"
I scratched the back of my neck and slid off his lap to stand up. "Look, Alucard, I'm not Nica. Okay, I'm not your wife. Just because she's my ancestor and I have her blood doesn't mean I'm her."
He stood up and snaked his arms around my waist. "You are my Queen. You are her. I can feel her when I'm around you, Phyre."
He can feel her?
I sucked my teeth and unwrapped his arms from me. "Well, glad I could bring you two together. It's what I live for!"
He frowned as I turned and started walking towards the stairs that led up. "Phyre. Where are you going?"
I didn't even bother looking back at him. "Suddenly, I want to have a chat with our intruders."
He narrowed his eyes. "Phyre, they can't see you."
I looked back to glare at him. "Yeah? Screw that, I feel like killing something."
Luke adjusted his glasses as he stood over the bodies of sliced soldiers and put the ringing phone to his ear.
'Yo, Luke, what up? Can you hear me now? This is your brother, Jan Valentine, commander of the army of the undead Hellsing slayers. Oh yeah! Letting you know the first 2 floors are secure. Now all that's left is to take the 3rd floor, crash the round table conference and... kick the shit out of a little girl and a bunch of old people. Hey, you find that Manchester bitch yet?'
He sighed. "No, there's no sign of her yet. I feel I'm getting close, though. Just stick to the plan. Don't give them an inch."
He froze when he saw the girl near the end of the hall, leaning against the wall with her eyes closed as she chewed on a match in between her lips.
"Mmm...Hold that thought. I think I just found her."
He put the phone in his pocket and using his enhanced speed, he ran forward, nearly invisible to the naked eye, and as he was about to bring down his blade, he was stopped by her voice.
"It's funny when people try to be sneaky, but the only ones they are fooling are themselves."
His breath hitched when I spoke, but really, did he actually think it would be that easy?
My head turned to give him a bored look. "I was wondering when you'd finally find me. Heh, it's only been 22 years, after all."
He screeched and grasped his arm where a large bloody hole now was present.
My eyes widened at the damage and I rose my bloody rose as I grinned. "Thank you, Walter."
He exhaled sharply and looked up at me. "So, you're Phyre Manchester. I've heard a lot about you and your ancestor Nica-"
I groaned loudly. "Seriously, the next time I hear that name, I am going to rip out someone's tongue!"
By the flick of the wrist, he was on the wall, unable to move his arms and legs because of the claws pinning him to the bloody surface.
I walked up and kicked his blade to the side, before staring at him curiously. "So which one are you? There's only so many vampire wannabes I can keep up with over the years."
He gritted his teeth. "My name is Luke Valentine, and I don't have time to entertain your sick self."
"Oh, I'm the sick one? At least I don't eat people." I picked up his blade and pointed it to his collar. "You're not the only one. Who else is here?"
"Ugh, just my imbecile brother, Jan."
I smirked. "Imbecile brother, huh? We might have something in common after all." I used the tip to tear open the first button of his suit shirt, making his eyes widen.
"While we're on the subject of brothers...you wouldn't happen to know the name of Lucan Laurifer, would you?"
He narrowed his eyes. "You mean the vampire mercenary leader that kills his own kind for the price of a virgin? He's your brother?"
I bit my lip so hard, it drew blood. Mercenary leader? Wait... "Did you say, vampire?"
He nodded and I scoffed. "Interesting. Well, I think that's all I need."
With a smile, I brought down the blade and his curdled screams filled the air. "Don't be a baby, it's just a little slice of the throat." I used the blade to cut across my arm, purposely smearing blood on it, before clenching my fist and letting my liquid drop into his exposed throat.
Once it was done, I turned and walked down the hall. He tore himself free from my claws as his throat healed and his eyes narrowed. "What did you just do to me?"
I glanced back at him. "Well, there's no fun to just tell you. Let's just say once your dead, you'll still be useful when the time comes."
He scoffed. "You're not confident enough to kill me now?"
I stopped and laughed. "Oh, you think I meant me? No, it wouldn't be fair to have you all to myself. I'll leave you to the king."
I threw him his blade, which he caught with his good arm, while the other was still healing. "You're gonna need that." I pointed at the mirror right next to him. "He's in there and he's definitely gonna like you."
He glanced at the mirror, pushed the side and it opened to reveal a staircase that led down. He looked back, but I was already gone.
"Well, that's enough of that. Time to see what you can really do... Alucard." His eyes glowed red as he shut the mirror door behind him.
I waited, then pressed the button behind my ear.
'Phyre. Where are You? We need to get you out of here.'
"Just hold on. Did you find anyone?"
'No...no-one. They're all dead. I just ordered my men to their death.'
I sighed. "Pull yourself together, Brazer. I need a favor.”
"You know any mercenaries?"
Luke swung his leg towards the brick wall, pieces of it flew out as he entered in the dark room. "I know you're in here. Even when you're hiding I can feel your presence.”
Alucard smirked. "Why on earth would I hide?"
Luke gasped as the lights flickered on and minimal light provided to reveal Alucard sitting on his throne with his legs crossed.
"Don't dare mistake my patience for cowardice. Honestly, I was starting to get a bit bored waiting for you."
He watched as the blonde man strode towards him after his most annoying display, a blank look on his face as he just stared. He was already unimpressed by the vermin standing before him. He looked like any other vampire amateur he's had the pleasure of killing.
He bowed. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Alucard. My name is Luke Valentine. I'm a really big fan of your work. Your name gets thrown around quite a bit, Alucard. The things people say. They tell stories of your amazing strength. How you glide through oceans of blood. They call you Night-walker, beyond human. A monster whose powers radiate with darkness that casts a shadow on darkness itself. Finally, I get to know once and for all if there's anything to you than a rumor."
Alucard smirked with a hint of a laugh by the blonde's words. He glanced at the hole that was still closing up, almost nearly gone. "What happened to your arm? Don't tell me someone got to you before me."
Luke's smile dropped. "I never knew how viciously insane Phyre Manchester was. He never told us her skills of a surprise attack.”
He smirked wider. "My delicate flower caught you by surprise? If my Queen can take you down so easily, then you're not making me very interested in entertaining you."
Luke kept a frown. "When I was human, I feared you -- the stories, anyway. And when I gave up being human, when I became this, I began to admire you. You, the first great pioneer of immortality. No matter what the rest of us do, really we're all just chasing your shadow."
Alucard scoffed. "That's ridiculous. You fool. There's no such thing as an immortal."
He grinned. "Yes, I know. And once I have your head on a stick, everyone else will know it, too. So now I get to kill you and my wildest dreams come true."
Jan laughed, then winced from Seras's hold on him as he looked up at Walter. "Me and my brother, we were designed with the sole intention of killin’ you fucks! You people are so fuckin’ dead and you don’t even know it!"
Walter was frowning. It was already irritating that the mansion was nearly destroyed, there were corpses everywhere, but the man's language was ticking him off.
"You’re in no position to make threats."
Jan laughed. "Dude, you must be going senile, Alfred."
Walter sneered but froze at the sounds of growling. Jan elbowed Seras, which sent her flying back, then flipped back to stand in front of a set of double doors that had just opened. "And now, for our next trick, check out Door Number Three!"
Walter and Seras looked in horror at Chet's men, Hellsing's guards, now walking corpses.
"My God! What have you done...?”
"Time to get this party started. Hah!" Jan raced forward, his legs like noodles racing as he went through the crowd of ghouls, that was until his arm was shot off.
The force sent him against the wall.
Walter and Seras looked back, and their faces lit up in relief at the sight of their favorite blood covered girl.
Damn, that guy really needs a cork.
I managed to clear the first and second floors, it wasn't easy, but I managed it with all my toes and the skin of my ass was still there, so I call it a win.
The power of my pistols was already clearing out Jan's little surprise, Integra's men dropped or blew up, but he still managed to break free.
Walter's eyes widened. "Stop!"
He rose his hand, and no matter how much I wanted to see him in action again, I stopped him from using his strings and we watched as Jan ran to the doors of the conference room.
"AHAHAHAHA!" He stormed through the doors but was met with the circle of twelve aiming their guns at him.
Integra smirked. "You made it." She rose up her gun. "Congratulations."
His smile fell. "Oh, fuck me..."
Hundreds of bullets penetrated Jan with holes going through his body, and once he collapsed, Integra's eyes widened.
Integra gazed in defeat at her soldiers. "My men...They've turned all my men into ghouls...!"
I turned and glared at Jan, who laid moaning on the floor. I stomped over, picked him up and used my claws to pin him in place, even dug them in deeper than needed.
"Aargh! Ugh... Heh heh heh..." He glanced up at me with a lascivious smirk. "Hey, sugar tits! Why don't you give me one last request and blow me 'til my brains pop out!"
The only response he got was another bullet to the face.
Walter lowered my gun and frowned. "It's all over, boy."
His smirk stayed glued on his face. "Nice. Come on and kill me, limp-dick."
"Oh, I'm not going to kill you -- not until after you tell me who put you up to this. Then I'll put you out of your misery."
He scoffed. "Are you serious? You fuckin' pussy." He looked up at Integra as she walked over. "What up, bit-"
He didn't finish as Integra plucked the gun from my hand and fired multiple rounds into his chest. "We'll have no more of that. I'm pissed off."
"Heh heh heh..."
She clenched her teeth. "Who the hell are you people? What did you hope to accomplish here? Who's responsible for this? Start talking!"
"Heh heh heh... hah hah..."
I took the gun from Integra and shoved it into his crotch.
"Answer the damn question or the only time you touch yourself will be in your dreams."
He froze and there was a hint of fear in his eyes as he finally answered. "Come on sugar tits, you know... the ones who put the fuckin' chip in me, the chip that's sending the information letting them know we fucked up. They can hear us talking, every last goddamn word. If they know I'm standing here fucked up and dying about to tell you everything, you think they're gonna let me fuckin' live?"
We all backed up once blue flames ignited over his body. He looked down. "See? I so fuckin' told you! Well, since I'm fucked, how about I piss a little wisdom on you dipshits?" As he slowly burned alive, he flipped her off.
"HAHAHA! You can take this clue and shove it up your ass, bitch! Beware... the... Millennium!"
Once his body had fully disintegrated, Integra stared at his remaining ashes. "That's it...? Millennium...?"
I scoffed under my breath. "Sounds like a whole damn group of people. Five bucks say it's Nazis."
She turned at the sound of my voice and once she saw me, she pulled me into a hug. "Phyre, next time I tell you to get out of here, you do as I say!"
"Yeah, yeah. I missed you too."
I looked back at Walter as he looked at Integra and me in concern. "Are you all right, Sir Integra, Miss Laurifer?"
She looked down. "Yes, we're fine." She looked back at the bodies of ghoul soldiers "And as for them... please put them out of their misery, Walter."
Walter bowed his head. "Of course."
"Walter, you will belay that order."
I felt tense as Sir Islands, the head of The Knights of The round table, walked up. "The responsibility must fall... to their leader." He pulled out a pistol and held it out to Integra.
"Sir Integra, it's your duty."
My teeth clenched as I stepped in between them. "No! With all due respect, Sir Islands, that's going too far!"
His head snapped to me. "Sir Phyronela, hold your tongue." He looked at Integra. "This entire situation should have been prevented. Integra, your lack of preparation is an offense. And since this facility is under your command, the responsibility is yours. The fact that these men died and were reanimated as these creatures is entirely your fault."
My jaw dropped as Walter's eyes widened. "How dare you, sir!"
We both looked at Integra as she took the pistol and walked over to one of the moaning ghouls.
He turned to Walter. "Now, Walter, see what you can find out about this "millennium." I expect you to work quickly and thoroughly."
He narrowed his eyes but still bowed his head. "Yes. Of course, sir."
"We will see them pay a thousand-fold for this horror."
I looked up at my master, who looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Are you listening?"
I only hummed in response. "Millennium, hm?"
She stared at me for a few moments. "That's not what I wanted to speak with you about."
That made me more curious. I rose an eyebrow. "Oh? Then what is?"
She stood up and threw something down on her desk, then reached into her pocket and placed something on it.
I leaned forward. It was a portrait of Nica and one of Phyre with a bracelet decorated with roses around it on top. "Your fixation on Phyre hasn't gone unnoticed. At first, I was confused as to why, but now...I think I know."
I hadn't realized how alike they were. They share the same beauty and innocence.
"I want you to stop."
My head shot up back to her as a smirk crawled up my face. "Stop what exactly?"
She held a cold look towards me. Oh, I've never seen her act this way before. It's very intriguing.
"Stop pursuing Phyre. She's had enough history with vampires and she doesn't need you breathing down her neck while she's here."
Breathing down her neck? Was that sarcasm or was she being serious?
I laughed at her either way and stood up. "I don't need to pursue her. She's already given into me.”
She scoffed and took out the cigar from her mouth.
"Then why did she completely ignore you after the events of last night?"
She ignored me? I guess I didn't notice. "How should I know that? Maybe she just wanted to wash all the blood off of her, though I wouldn't have minded cleaning her myself."
Oh yes, soap and water were nothing compared to my methods of cleansing her.
"Or maybe it was because you were too distracted by your own thoughts."
I turned my gaze away. How would she know? She doesn't know anything about the things I feel at the moment.
"What happened down there, Alucard? Why are you so distressed after your confrontation with Luke Valentine?"
My eyes narrowed as they glowed partially red.
"Come on, get up! Attack me!"  
With a smile, I brought up Valentine's severed leg and said in a twisted tone, "You’ve only suffered the loss of your legs! Summon up your familiars! Transform your body! Heal your severed legs and stand!"
I began to squeeze his leg with a grin when he just sat there and did nothing! "The evening is still so young." The vampire flinched at the sight and sound of his leg crunching.
"Come on! Hurry, hurry, HURRY! Pull yourself together! The fun has just begun! Come on! HURRY!"
His eyes shook with fear as he let out a scream.
WHAT?! I felt my eyes widen, a frown came on my face as my shadows swam back to my feet. "So, I see you for what you really are. You’re pathetic! Nothing but a useless sniveling lump of meat!"
With little courage he had left, he dared to scoff. "Shut up! You’re nothing but the Hellsing family toy! A dog for the Church of England, not even fit to call himself a vampire! Even Manchester will be more useful than you, you puppet--"
Manchester?! "Silence! What do you mean 'More Useful'?" He flinched at my voice and shut himself up, which made me growl. "Answer me!!"
His breathing sped up. "Why do you think we're even here? To destroy you? To rid of the head of Hellsing? As if. We're here to take the blood bag, Phyre Manchester, and deliver her to advance his plans. Killing you and Hellsing was just a bonus."
Take my Queen? Deliver her as if she were a bag of garbage!?! I sneered. "I’m a dog -- then you’re dog food."
I quietly growled under my breath but didn't look back at her. "It's nothing."
I felt her analytical gaze on me as I stood up and turned, but I stopped before I touched the surface of the wall.
"I don't care if she never speaks to me again, and your order will not be enough to stop me." I glanced back at her. "I will save her this time."
She watched me with surprise as I walked through the wall and she looked down after I did. "This time?"
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vampyr-boyfriend · 6 years
Frozen in Time (Ch 4)
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Note: How do people make high-quality gifs under 500kb? Honestly.
Characters: Connor x Reader, Reed
Warnings: Swearing, physical aggression
Words: 1,840
Part 4/5
Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 
You didn’t answer. He slid out of the backseat and closed the door behind him, quickly crawling in behind the wheel. He put it in drive and started toward the station, careful not to go too fast on the ice-covered streets. 
Saturday January 15, 2039 // 11:01pm
As he pulled into the DPD parking lot next to your vehicle, Connor glanced in the rearview mirror to see how you were doing. You were still shivering, though not as violently, and you were rubbing your legs and feet together, likely to stop the pins-and-needles feeling. Your dress had melted a good deal, leaving pools of water in the backseat. Your eyes were closed, but Connor could tell from your breathing that you weren’t asleep.
“We’re here,” he stated. Your eyes met his in the mirror. Exhausted. Cold.
Reed rubbed at his face and Connor turned to look at him. “Great. Now get out of my car. I’ll make sure (Y/N) gets home safely,” the detective ordered.
Connor looked to you once more. He couldn’t tell if you were shaking your head or shivering, but he understood nonetheless that you didn’t want to spend any more time with Reed tonight.
“I appreciate the offer, detective,” Connor replied, unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the door. “But I am fully capable of taking Detective (L/N) to her home.”
He opened the door to the backseat and helped you sit up.
“Bull-fucking-shit,” Reed swore, hopping from the car and slamming the passenger door behind him. He pushed Connor away from you, wrenching his hand out of yours. “She’s my partner, not yours, prick. I’ll take care of her.”
“Please…” you whimpered, but Reed wasn’t listening.
“Detective, if you take her home, she will be left without a vehicle to get to work tomorrow,” Connor tried to reason.
“So I’ll stay with her and bring her back in the morning.” Reed was between Connor and you now. He could see you sitting in the backseat, too exhausted and cold to move or intervene, your arms wrapped around you. Your head was down, eyes closed. You couldn’t take care of yourself here. Connor would have to do it for you.
“Forgive me, detective, but I believe (Y/N) has had enough of your presence for one night. I’m sure the last thing she wants is to wake up to you in her house tomorrow.”
“Piece of shit!” Gavin shoved Connor hard, the android’s back colliding with your Rubicon, shaking the vehicle.
“Don’t…” you tried again, but Reed wasn’t listening. Connor could tell that you didn’t want them to fight. You just wanted to go home.
In the blink of an eye, Reed was on Connor, pinning him to your car. One arm across his chest held the android down, while a fist collided with his stomach, over and over. Connor clutched his abdomen, pain shooting through his body, trying to keep himself upright by bracing against your car.
“Stop…” your voice said again.
Reed stepped back, raising his fist, and with a hard swing, his knuckles collided with Connor’s cheek, knocking him to the ground. Connor braced on one arm, the other still clutching his stomach. Reed kicked, the toe of his boot finding Connor’s ribs, knocking him over and onto his back.
“Stop,” you tried again, louder this time. He could see that you’d slipped your legs out of the car, but you were still sitting in the backseat. Your feet hovered over the ground, looking as if you were ready to jump up and help, but you and the android both knew that you were too exhausted to do much of anything right now.
Reed kicked again and Connor grabbed his foot, pulling it out from under him. The detective landed on his back, giving Connor a chance to find his feet. Bracing once more on your car, he watched as the detective sat up and then scrambled to stand, coming once more for Connor with a raised fist.
“I… said… ENOUGH!”
Your voice was like a crack of thunder, echoing down the street, piercing through the snowfall. It was enough to stop Reed in his tracks as he turned around to look at you.
“Connor will take me home,” you demanded. “And if you ever touch him again, I will smash your kneecaps in, do you understand me?”
Reed was speechless for a moment, then he took a step back, away from you and Connor.
“I don’t even fucking know why I try, (L/N), you’re so in love with Ken Doll here,” he gestured to Connor. “Get the fuck out of my car.”
You hesitated, gathering what strength you could, before you pushed yourself unsteadily out of his SUV and to your feet. You stumbled over to Connor, resting a hand over his, still holding his stomach.
“You okay?” you asked.
“Running diagnostics…” Connor watched as Reed strode around to get in the driver’s seat of his car, then peeled out of the lot.
Once he was gone, Connor winced, screwing his eyes shut.
“How bad is it?” you asked.
He shook his head. “There is no damage, but…”
You looked at him, worried.
“I don’t like feeling pain, (Y/N),” he admitted. Why CyberLife thought that Connor’s model needed pain receptors was beyond him, and he found himself cursing his creators for the umpteenth time.
You nodded. “I know.”
As exhausted as you were, you helped him stand up straight and find his way behind the wheel of your car, then hopped in next to him.
“Are you going to be okay?” you asked as you handed him your keys from the center console.
He tilted his head to the side as he looked at you. “I- You… You just nearly froze to death and you’re asking me if I’m going to be alright?” He couldn’t believe you sometimes. You could have died tonight, and yet here you were, asking him if he was okay.
You nodded and he smiled. “Yes. My model is one of the most durable in existence. There was no damage to any of my parts and the pain is already subsiding. I will be just fine.”
You smiled at him, a smile that reached your tired eyes and lit them up. “Good. I was afraid Reed was really gonna hurt you and there was nothing I could do.”
Connor put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot, your home his destination.
“Why didn’t you fight back?” you asked.
Connor turned to regard you, keeping one eye on the road. “There was a high probability that fighting back would have been more detrimental than beneficial.”
You thought about that for a moment. “I don’t like watching you get beat up,” you said.
It was Connor’s turn to think. “Why?” he asked. “You don’t seem to take issue with Reed getting beat up.”
You scoffed. “Yeah, no shit.”
“Why?” he repeated his question.
You shifted in your seat. “Well, for one, I actually like you. Reed may be my partner, but that doesn’t mean I can’t dislike him.”
“It’s not just that, though, is it?” the android asked, genuinely curious. “It’s not just Reed. You seem entirely unphased by physical altercations between anyone. You only get upset if I’m directly involved.”
You nodded. “Well, yeah. Like I said, I like you. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
He smirked. “You like Smith, too. And Morgan. Miller, Erickson, Cross. I’m not the only person in the station that you like. But you don’t seem to care if they get into fights.”
You took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly through your nose. “I don’t like to see you hurt,” you repeated.
“Yes, you said that. But why?” he asked again.
“Because I just don’t, okay! I don’t like to see you hurt, Connor! I don’t like to see you being picked on or beat up, even if it doesn’t damage you. I don’t know why, so quit asking me!”
That was the first time Connor had ever heard you raise your voice. The first time he’d seen you show your anger. His brow furrowed as he studied you. He could see the crease between your brow, the tension in your jaw. You weren’t mad, though. You were… was that frustration? Confusion? He could sense some sort of internal conflict.
“I’m sorry. It was not my intention to upset you. My curiosity got the better of me, it seems.”
You nodded hesitantly and the rest of the ride was spent in silence. He parked in front of your apartment, handed you your keys, and then helped you out of the car. You had stopped shivering, but you still looked exhausted. He followed you up to your door and you stopped to face him.
“I’m good now, Connor. Thanks for your help.”
The android looked to the side, processing, then dipped his head ever so slightly while taking a tentative step back.
“You’re sure you’re alright? I can come in if you like,” he offered.
You hesitated, eyeing him up and down, and he suddenly felt self-conscious beneath your scrutinizing gaze. Finally, you closed your eyes and shook your head. “No. No, I’m okay now that I’m home. I’m just gonna tuck into bed. I’ll see you tomorrow, though.”
Connor nodded.
You turned and inserted the key into the lock, the mechanism giving way with a click. He watched as your hand grasped the doorknob, turned, and pushed the door open. You took a step inside… and then paused. Slowly, you turned back around. The crease between your brow had returned.
“You saved my life tonight, Connor,” you stated. “And you were shot, too.”
The android craned his neck to look back at his right shoulder. Thirium was still leaking from the wound. He’d need to find someone to remove the bullet and repair him…
“You sound surprised,” he replied, looking back at you.
You shook your head, eyes resting on his tie. “Not surprise, no. It’s just…” you shifted from one foot to the other. “I could see you, Connor. When we were underwater. I saw you land in the pool.”
The crease between your brows grew more pronounced and your lips were pulled down into a stern frown. If you had an LED, Connor thought, it might be blinking red. He tilted his head to the side, waiting for you to finish.
Your eyes found his again. “You didn’t even hesitate.” Your voice was barely a whisper. “You were shot and still you didn’t hesitate to save me.”
“I would never hesitate to save you, (Y/N),” he stated simply, quietly.
Your fingers twitched and seemed to reach for him before curling lightly into a fist and falling to your side.
You shook your head again and dropped your gaze. “Go get repaired,” you commanded, nodding.
He watched as your internal struggle seemed to return, though he couldn’t quite place what it was or what caused it. Shock, perhaps, from almost drowning. Or maybe you were feeling disoriented from the cold.
“Go get repaired,” you repeated, “and I’ll see you at the station tomorrow, okay?”
Connor said nothing for a moment before he nodded, taking another tentative step back.
“Goodnight, (Y/N),” he offered.
You smiled. “Goodnight, Connor.”
Ch 5
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crowkingwrites · 6 years
War Creatures (Ch. 31)
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Summary:  In a crossover of the Nine Realms and Westeros, you find yourself in the dawn of a rebellion. Odin, Lord of Pyke, has made alliances with your family, House Grover of Highgarden. Your father’s army will join Odin’s army to overthrow the King and take the Iron Throne. There is just one cost to this alliance.You must marry the dark, young prince Loki.In a world where Kings do as they wish, where war is an oncoming storm, and peace is nothing but a dream, you are lost but brave. Loki is more powerful than he seems, and love will grow from the flames of war.
Words: 2091  // [AO3 Link] // Warnings: None // Seasons 1-3 of War Creatures
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:Lia’s POV:
Beds were warm and soft in the early morning hours especially when your eyes roll awake for a moment and you realize you still have hours left to sleep. That was the comforting thought. The more time you could spend in bed, the more rest you would have. It was an absolute shame that I sat up, wide awake, my mind filled with anxious thoughts.
It had been a week since the escape through a portal. My mother had claimed herself as Head Septa of my care which did not amuse any of the septas here who could have done the job just as well as she could. I had been stuck in this bed for a week because my mother insisted, ‘The more rest she has, the easier it is for the baby to grow healthy in her.’ I may not have agreed, but my parents did agree on one thing.
The stress over the war was not good for me or the baby.
Still, there was no news of Loki or his men or at least no news had reached Highgarden. I rubbed my belly in circles, hoping it would calm me somewhat. All I could think of was Loki’s corpse rotting in the forest without any chance of saying goodbye.
I shook the thought out of my head and placed my feet on the ground in my old bedroom. I hoped walking around would help or at least distract me from those darker thoughts. My mother had kept it just the same even after we took the Eyrie and called it home. I had heard from a servant girl that someone had asked her if she would like to remodel this room, and she responded by almost throwing the servant out onto the streets for suggesting such a thing.
As I looked around the room, things looked the same. There was a wide window with light curtains. Floral patterns and golden swirls ornamented the green background. A window seat was made for me when I started to read on my own. I remembered I would often stay inside during nicer weather so I could read in peace.
I let my hands run over my stomach again. I remembered what my father did to me. He hid knowledge from me. I wouldn’t do that to my son…my son? No, I could be having a daughter. Why would I say daughter? Did it truly matter if this baby was a girl or a boy?
I breathed for a moment. Letting my mind wander was not the best idea. I had a quick idea and opened my bedroom door to see Xerxes standing guard. He turned to me confused.
“My lady? It’s late. What—
“Would you come in? I can’t sleep.”
As Ser Xerxes came into my bedroom, his eyes darted around the place. Studying each part as if he was never going to see it again. His wide brown eyes looked over my shelves filled with books. His fingers reached out to touch the spines, letting him feel the bumps and different thicknesses of each tome.
“I didn’t realize you read so much, my lady.” Xerxes said.
“I’ve read every book I got in my hands,” I chuckled. “My mother liked to brag to other noble ladies that I read faster and better than their children. She lost many friends that day.” I continued chuckling, but Xerxes continued to look through the books.
“This whole shelf is nothing but romantic stories,” Xerxes smiled. “I didn’t take you as the type for enjoying these frivolous stories.”
“Not every story needs to be educational and serious, Xerxes,” I grabbed a book off a shelf. “Sometimes we need stories to take us away and let ourselves escape. If we didn’t have stories like this, I figure the whole world would go mad.”
“And that book?”
“It’s my favorite one. My father had the author come talk with me about it and sign it for me. It’s about two lovers. One is across the Narrow Sea in Essos trying to find a way to come home to Westeros so he can be with his lover. They send love letters back and forth. It makes my heart swell.”
“Love letters?” Xerxes smiled. “I’m afraid I’ve assumed wrongly of you. Back inside the hole underneath the camp, you seemed so calm and in order of everything. So certain that we would survive. I didn’t think you would favor things like this.”
“Have you considered maybe I am both?” I placed the thick tome back on the shelf. “Knowledge is power. The more you have, the better you can use your own power. Of course, our king disagrees. He believes power is power, but he forgets his people are smarter than he is.”
“Do you believe you’re smarter than the King then?” Xerxes laughed. It sounded deep, but it came out more as a titter than a belly laugh.
“Maybe I could be, or maybe not.” I sat on the window seat. Letting my fingers feel the cold windows. “What about you? Do you enjoy romance and adventure?”
“I suppose I do, my lady,” Xerxes nodded. His dark curls moved around his head. One fell to the front and he pushed it back.
“Are you married? Do you have someone you care about?”
“No, I am not married, but there is someone who has caught my eye recently.”
I sat straight up. “Tell me about her. Does she live in the castle?”
“Yes,” Xerxes said nervously. “She’s very comfortable here.”
“How did you meet her?”
“This war. I met her on the way here back from the Eyrie.”
“Oh! So this is very recent then,” I stretched my dress as I crossed my legs on the seat.
“Yes, you can say that,” Xerxes sighed. He glanced back at the books. “Does your husband Loki share the same enthusiasm for love and adventure as you do?” I felt my heart sink. The dark thoughts entered my mind once again.
“He did. No, he does. I—
“My lady?” Xerxes interrupted. “Are you alright?”
“I can’t seem to get the thought out of my head. What if Loki and his men are gone? What if they are dead to the world and their bodies are just—I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t be—
“No, I’m sorry,” Xerxes placed his hand on my shoulder. “You are not the only one who is concerned. I may be posted outside your door at all times, but I hear the others. Some are scared. Most are praying. I saw one of your sisters making a prayer wheel for Loki.”
“Dahlia,” I smiled. “She was always the most religious one of us all. She’s read most religious texts from around the world, and her faith with the Nine is still strong. I admire her.”
Xerxes nodded. “Your father has been working day and night to find Loki or any kind of news. He’s sent out his fastest eight riders. Two North, Two East, Two West, and Two South. He even went as far as to send ravens to Thor and Lord Odin.”
Thor. I had forgotten about the sweet, princely man. Since Fandral and Elise’s wedding, all letters between Sif and I have stopped. I’m sure she was pressured to just the way I was. Sometimes going to war against family meant risking everything you had, and you prayed that the risk would pay off. I thought of their sweet blonde boy and I wondered how big he was. Was he walking? Did he say his first word?
“I hope Thor will come through,” I said, sounding more defeated than I wanted.
“Not Lord Odin?”
“Do you not remember, Xerxes?” I questioned him. “Lord Odin was never Loki’s father. Loki was a trophy of war against the Frost Giants. He doesn’t belong on the Iron Islands. Surely, Lord Odin wants nothing to do with him. If there was anyone who could help him now, it’s Thor.”
“You sound as if you don’t believe Thor will help.”
“Thor believe Loki isn’t fit to be King of the Nine Kingdoms. He is, in a way, our enemy. Loki is fighting to be King. Thor is fighting for the right to be King.”
“But both are for the same cause, my lady. King Malekith must die.”
“Yes, but both brothers want different endings.”
“And what do you want, Lady Cecelia?”
The question struck me across my face. From hearing about King Malekith’s plan with his boy army and his madness growing to forcibly agreeing to an arranged marriage. From leaving my home and seeing it attacked to taking another home and giving it to my best friend. I watched my people die. I watched my soldiers die. Elise and Fandral. And now possibly Loki.
This whole time and no one has ever asked me what I wanted from this war, not even my husband, Loki.
“I-I don’t know,” I admitted out loud. “I want him dead. I know that much.”
“Do you wish to be queen?”
“I’m not sure. I don’t want to be queen to have power. Whoever ends up being queen should be ready to have her heart and mind open for the people she will serve.” Xerxes smiled at me. His hand almost reached for mine, but he held it back.
“I believe you’ll make a wonderful queen. I’ve seen it.” Xerxes smiled at me.
“Thank you for your kind words. I think I’ll be alright now. Thank you again.”
“For you. Anytime, my lady. My sword is yours.” Xerxes bowed and left the room to return to his position outside. I climbed back into bed and felt my heavy eye lids droop and eventually shut to the world out there. The sleep was peaceful to say the least especially since my mother gave everyone strict orders to not wake me up early.
The sun was high in the sky, but it was climbing its way up when I finally awoke. My mother and a servant promptly entered the room with a tray full of fruits and fresh milk. I spied pieces of toast already buttered. My mother opened one of the smaller windows to let in fresh air.
“Good morning, sweet girl,” my mother sat on the bed and watched me eat. “How are you feeling?”
“I had a hard time sleeping last night,” I said. “I can’t stop thinking about Loki.”
“I understand. I’ve spent many night worrying over your father. Even now, I walk around the castle at night because the fear is so strong. Just have hope, my dear.”
“Have we heard anything? Any ravens?”
“Possibly. A raven came back early this morning from the North. Your father took it and went to his room filled with those dusty men.”
“Mother, they’re respectable leaders and generals.”
“They’re old and they smell.” My mother, Lady Magnolia, was named after a lovely flower, but she herself was not known to be as lovely. Some people have questioned where my sisters and I got our kindness. I usually point to my father, but that would only start an argument.
“So, we’ll have an answer?”
“By the afternoon. You know them. They can’t agree to anything, but I wouldn’t worry about that now. I have a very good friend of mine coming to see you. She helped me bring all three of my girls into the world, and now she’s helping you.”
“A midwife?” I asked.
“Yes, and a very learned one. She recently came back from Essos and learned their ways of childbirth and rearing. And she happily agreed to help you.”
An older woman walked into the room. Her gray hair was braided with gold and red beads strung onto them. Her skin was a russet brown. It reminded me of the sands in Essos and how the continued forever just as the wrinkles on her skin seem to never have an end. She didn’t wear traditional dresses like any Westerosi woman, but had a bold-patterned fabric wrapped around her.
“My, my,” she said. “You have grown into your own beauty, haven’t you?”
“Thank you,” I said with an unfortunate amount of toast in my mouth.
“I may know you, but you don’t know me. My name is Eir. I’m here to help you and your baby. Is this your first?”
“It is,” I nodded. Eir had a servant place a bag nearby the bed. Eir sat down opposite of my mother and held my hand.
“Then let’s get started.”
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dennou-translations · 6 years
Kagerou Daze VIII: Chapter 5
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Summer Time Record -side No.2-
Please feel free to message me about possible corrections. If you can, consider supporting the creators by purchasing the official releases in Japanese or in English. In case anyone is feeling generous: Ko-fi | PayPal. ( ╹◡╹)っ’・*
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I turned on the TV that hadn’t been used in a while.
Within a couple of seconds, the screen projected a row of colorful cars that continued endlessly. After that, the voice of a young woman said, “Further congestion is expected in the metropolitan area’s main road by the end of the summer holidays”, as she read her script in all seriousness.
When the camera switched, I could see the figure of an old-fashioned man holding the wheel of a faded navy blue minivan. Besides him, there was one big shadow and two small ones inside the vehicle. I wasn’t able to see their faces, but the image of a doting family somehow formed in my head.
I considered watching it for a little more just like that, but one way or another, my finger wound up pressing the “off” button of the remote control. And so, as I sat doing nothing, the room that had become quiet was invaded by cries of cicadas out of nowhere.
I hadn’t been keen on cicada cries since long before. It was good at the beginning as I thought that they were elegant, but eventually wondering how long they would be able to keep it up for pained me. Even though their voices so high, they were never able to make it past the summer. There were people who would say, “cicadas live through their one and only summer with all their might”, but although I understood that much, seeing them lying motionless by the roadside felt unbearable.
I wondered what they thought about as they desiccated completely while looking up at the sky and returned to the earth. Did they wish to make it past summer and see the scenery beyond it? If they did die while having that kind of thought, it was truly a cruel story.
Should they make it through summer, a winter that would freeze their bodies and minds would come. And their bodies were not fit for living in said winter. It was as if God had not prepared an “after the summer” for them from the very start.
Speaking of which, I wondered when, but Kano had once grumbled, “God is obviously a terrible guy. Even though the people around us seem all so happy, we’ve often gone through hard times. That’s ‘cause God is pushing bad luck onto us.”
Back then, I had replied with an “it’s really just as you say” and we had laughed, but that might have reached the sharp-eared God. I pondered on what face He had on while scorning at us, as we yearned for “happiness” without knowing the meaning of “happiness” itself.
I’m feeling depressed. That’s no good.
I let out a sigh, directing my eyes toward the frog-shaped clock that sat imposingly beside the TV.
Just a little more and an hour would have passed since that girl had left for shopping. Taking the distance of her destination into consideration, it wouldn’t be weird for her to be back within a few minutes. However, it was her. If she had come across an eager puppy or something on her way back for a moment, she would probably take detour after detour and last two extra hours.
It was still okay as long as she returned home, but of course, there was also a possibility of her being unable to find her way back. If that happened, it went without saying that I would go on a do-or-die overnight search.
“Haah...” my second sigh dried my lips.
As I had thought, it would have been better if I had gone with her. Nevertheless, since saying that strangely sullied her mood, there was a chance that she might have secretly to some unknown place. Well, it wasn’t like she herself had said she was going to do anything daring, so once she had requested “give me space”, things had only gone up to that point, but no matter what I did, it wasn’t as if my worrywart nature would disappear, either – my heart was a real nuisance.
While she was someone I should respect as an individual, she was also my most cherished person. I did want her to live freely, but I didn’t want her to do anything dangerous. Even now, I didn’t know how to measure that balance.
“What are you spacing out for?”
Indeed, I might have been spacing out a little. Somehow, I gave a reply, “Hn~, just thinking a bit. The balance for associating with people is hard to keep, isn’t it?”
There she was.
“Eh—UWAAAAAH!! When!? When did you get back?!!”
I rolled down from the sofa and my right elbow struck the floor. As I turned back and looked upward with my face distorted from the acute pain, Mary was behind the sofa, peering at me with an expression as though she were witnessing something genuinely strange.
I confirmed on the watch that Mary had returned after exactly one hour. Without thinking, I merrily raised my voice, “I-Isn’t that amazing, Mary?! For you to come back just in the right time...”
“I just came home like normal.”
As she said so, I realized it was really the case. My eyes lingered on Mary’s notwithstanding discontentment.
“So you were worried after all. Even though I said I’d be fine.”
“Ah~... Well, it was just a tad. Just a tad.”
“Hun, so it was just a tad.”
Mary’s piercing gaze rained soggy and incessantly upon me. On the surface, her boundless displeasure was a minefield. But I knew that dwelling on it was unproductive, so I evasively stood up and faced Mary from across the sofa.
Mary, who had turned to look up at me and walked to my side, suddenly and forcefully raised the shopping bag that she was holding. “Here, you have to put these in the fridge.”
Although she had claimed she could go shopping by herself, it seemed she didn’t have any interest in such miscellaneous matters. I accepted the bag with from her unreliably and wobblingly trembling arms, and tilted my neck at its unexpected weight. I had only asked for her to buy ingredients for curry.
“Huh, Mary, did you buy anything that wasn’t in the plans?” I asked, and Mary’s eyes shone as if to say she had been waiting for it.
“Yep, yep, I found something really good! You see...” while speaking, Mary put a hand on the sofa and prostrated her body forward, thrusting her other hand into the bag I held.
If I was certain, the shopping list had also included a pack of eggs. I shuddered as I observed her rampantly rummaging through the bag, but as expected, even someone like Mary would be aware of something so basic. If she weren’t, the eggs would have already been smashed on her way home. And, once Mary’s hand grasped and pulled something out, the bag became surprisingly light. As I looked at it, wondering what it was, I couldn’t help letting out an “eh”.
Mary’s hands were clutching a roundly fat, huge high-grade fish. Moreover, although it was the middle of summer, the fish wasn’t furnished with ice or anything equally preventive to keep it cooled.
I unwittingly screamed at my chance encounter with a fresh fish that seemed like it had been put into the shopping bag immediately after being caught, “Uwaaaaaaaah!! Wai—What’s this!?”
“Eh, it’s right-eye flounder. I was told that it’s nerve-less.”
Just as she had said, it was a flounder. Plus, a nerve-less willowy right-eye flounder was something quite extreme.
As Mary left the flounder lying on the sofa with a “here we go”, she crossed her arms and proudly puffed out her chest. Some sort of fluid coming from the flounder wetly stained the sofa.
“Seto, you said you’d prepare the flounder, right? But, y’know, flounders are sold just like this nowadays.”
I see, it’s undoubtedly “just as it was”.
Her elementary scholar-level of word play was materialized in front of me just like that.
“Mary, you like curry, right?”
“Yup, I like the sweet one.” Mary nodded in affirmation.
“Can you explain to me how it’s made?”
“Erm, it’s the one you pour over rice.” Mary said, her arms spinning in swirls to form a big circle.
I didn’t know what part of the curry that gesture was supposed to represent, so I settled for thinking of it as the plate and continued the conversation, “Then, how will this be turned into curry...?”
“Hu~m... with a soup pot?”
“Soup pot”?
Perhaps there was one hibernating at the back of the kitchen, but at the very least, there was no pot in our house that could temper fish into curry, as far as I knew.
At a loss for words, I looked at Mary’s innocent eyes. As they stared at me, I was unable to say anything else.
“We’re having flounder curry today, is that it?” I asked, and Mary jumped up and down, seeming happy.
“What’s that!? Are you gonna use double the amount of flounder!? Sounds super tasty!!”
And so, I took the pitiful “flounder”, turning on my heels towards the kitchen in order to take it to the fridge. If I wasn’t mistaken, we had a few vegetables left. I had to be flexible in the future to correspond to sudden changes in the menu. Thinking so while quickly glancing into the bottom of the shopping bag and finding a crushed pack of eggs, I decided to add an egg dish to the menu of the day.
T/N: I feel obligated to clarify that the whole fish thing is one big language pun that gets lost in the translation.
The thing is, “curry” is written in Japanese as “karee”, and “flounder” as “karei”, but both are pronounced the same way. The punchline is that Mary mistook curry for flounder, which is why she bought it along with the curry ingredients of the shop list. That’s why, when she implies that Kousuke didn’t have to bother preparing the flounder, she means that he wouldn’t have to go through the trouble of prepping the fish (as in removing the nerves and everything), even though he had actually meant that he was going to prepare curry, not flounder.
When she says “flounders are sold just like this”, she means that they’re sold already prepped, but the term she uses also stands for “without change” – as in “just the way it was when it was fished” –, which Kousuke sarcastically agrees with as he thinks that “it’s undoubtedly just as it was”. It’s also implied that she mistook this term (manma) with the Japanese name for willowy flounder (mammae karei).
At the end, when Kousuke says they’re having “curry flounder” (karei karee), Mary thinks he said “flounder” twice and meant to use two flounders for the dish (God knows where he’d take the second one from). The most ironic of all is that willowy flounder curry does exist, and it’s mostly served sweet, just as Mary likes.
This has been your usual dose of Jin-style bullshit.
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juniper-tree · 7 years
Wind and flame, 9 - Time and tide
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Rating: chapter is Mature, full work is Explicit.  
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Cullen x Female Lavellan
Link to AO3 - thank you for reading
Summary: An admission
The fire, too high, too bright, scorched the night air.  A bead of sweat rolled into her hair, and she sighed, her breath heavy and hot.  Then a touch, a flame on her bare back, and she turned toward him.  She felt his eyes, in shadow, look into her.  His fingers curled around her hip and dragged her closer—she went, thrust her own fevered skin against his.  His breath licked her ear, slow, burning.  Then he whispered, loud as a howl.
No.  She twisted away from him, sluggish, her hands tangled in his curls.  No, she thought, but her voice would not come.  His arms were limp now, falling away from her, his body cold.  The fire had gone dark.  No.  No.
With a gasp Finn awoke, her heart hammering.      
"Inquisitor?"  It was not his voice, but a girl, concerned and hesitant.    
Blinking against the early sun, she struggled to sit up.  She had contorted herself into an uncomfortable slump on the couch by the stairs, quilts stolen from the bed knotted around her feet.  The girl stood at the foot of the couch, peering at her, a pale dwarf with worried blue eyes.  Finn recognized her—Lyra, or Luria?  She could not recall her name, a depressing thought.  Everyone in the clan and half the merchants at trade stops were known to her.  But here?  She struggled to recall a single runner.  Finn nodded to her for lack of a proper greeting, hoping poor sleep would be her cover.
"I have word from the surgeon.  She said—specifically," the runner said tentatively, weighing Finn's reaction before she went on, "that Sera thrived under her care.  But she woke grumbling and cursing, and demanded to be moved to her room at the tavern."  She looked toward the ceiling as she tried to recollect the message, which the surgeon assuredly had demanded be as exacting as her care.  "She has since elected to supervise Sera from there at regular intervals.  Since the patient is making splendid progress, the Inquisitor need not worry herself over it."
Finn nodded, acknowledging what the surgeon really meant.  You are not needed, and not wanted.  At least Sera sounded better.  "Fine," she croaked, her throat dry.  "Thank you."  When the girl left, she collapsed onto the couch.
All night she lay awake, her limbs hard with tension, her gut aching.  When dawn came, and exhaustion took her, she dreamed of him.  She gathered the quilts up to her chin, the fire and the room around her both cold.  She could not stay on her furs, where it happened.  How foolish she had been.  How reckless, and selfish.
She wanted him, and he wanted her.  There was no point denying it now, even to herself.  But there was more between them.  He wanted there to be something more, a different more.  She was afraid of it.  That, too, she could admit.  There had been no thought, no desire, for anything like this when she was taken prisoner, when she was found to be necessary, when she was made a herald.  Her only thoughts were to survive, to return home.  What had changed?  Had anything really changed?
There was not room for this.  She had done things wrong, she had encouraged too much in her own mind, betrayed herself, and him.  There was no point, either, in reciting the reasons why not.  Those she had repeated to herself through the night, a chant to brand them into her mind, her heart.  You are Dalish, he needs a healer, you have a duty.  And each time the rhythm would break upon a memory—of his eyes searching hers, of his tender, earnest whispers, of his touch.
His arms around her, not when she leapt onto him like a wild thing in heat, and he—tense, but wanting—reached for her.  Not then, but when he held her as she wept, his strong hands so gentle with her.  How he calmed her, walked her back from the cliff she had run toward.
And he called her Ellana.  The way he said it, his voice breathy and light, as though it were a gentle thing that would break under too much weight.  Like it was a secret.  Her name, the name no one ever used.  She had always been Little Finn, Valenni's girl, the healer.  To him, she was only herself.
There had been lovers in her life.  Easy, giving, sensual.  In the end, distant.  Detached.  No one who made her feel this way—aflame, but safe in his hands.  At first, she dismissed it as infatuation, as lust.  Something she could ignore, until she couldn't.  Something she should not indulge in, until she did.
As time went on, as the night had gone on, her heart told her things she did not understand, insistent and urgent, in a language she could not parse.  Perhaps she should not try.
The cold room brightened as morning warmed the windows.  Stiffly she stood and took a deep breath.  She drank water from the jug on her table, washed her face in the basin.  She changed from her leggings and tunic—her clothes, that her mother had woven and sewn—into the breeches and boots they'd given her, the undershirt and jacket.  The Inquisitor's clothes.
Scanning the empty room, she looked for something to keep her there, afraid—she could also admit—to leave the room.  To face the day.  Her eye fell upon a stack of reports on the desk, atop them a summary of reports from the smuggler routes and engagements, and a note from the captain at the mountain detachment below on the new fortifications against the Red Templar threat.
Sighing, she closed her eyes tight.  She had a duty.
Gathering up the reports close to her chest, she made her way to the war room and asked Josephine, as she passed, to call the others.
The heavy door closed her in, and echoed its lonely finality around the still room.   She put down the papers and flattened her hands against the table map.  Her eyes followed the routes she had given in her reports, and they had already begun to mark the possible paths to the source.  There were other markers, requests for assistance, calls for aid, threats and intrigues.  So many tasks left undone.  They stretched from the deserts to sea, up even to the wilds of the northern Free Marches, her home.
The door behind her creaked open, and as she turned, she saw his crimson sash, his head bent by the weight of armor.  Cullen looked up and stopped, staring, the door leaned against his shoulder.  His eyes were puffy—he had finally slept, thank the Creators—and as they softened on seeing her, became grieved, and uncertain.
Briefly she had imagined, when she saw him again, she would burn with shame and regret.  But the lightning-bright ache she felt for him nearly split in her two.  She wanted to run to him, to smooth back his rumpled hair, to take him into her arms again.
"Pardon us," Josephine's muffled, polite voice spoke from behind the door.  Finn could see Cullen blink back to reality, and she turned to the table as he opened the door.  She swallowed her feelings, fitful and tight in her throat.
Her advisors gathered, they began their discussions, and Finn gathered herself, quietly commenting when asked for her input.  Cullen, formal and stilted, muttered his short answers without emotion.  She caught herself watching him, the rigid grip around his sword hilt, the nervous shake of his head.  He did not look at her again.  Josephine and Leliana noticed, and shared a few obvious, questioning glances.  It all wore upon her nerves.  The thoughts she tried to ignore clouded her mind, clenched her jaw, and the meeting crawled on.    
"And the last order of business," Josephine declared, "is how we shall behave at the Winter Palace."
Finn's teeth ground against each other.  "Is it necessary to discuss this just now?"
"I second that," Cullen said, his voice weary.  "Can it wait?"  He did not speak directly to Finn, but all the same something in her fluttered nervously.
Josephine's pleasant face tightened with frustration.  "We have delayed this several times.  The ball is two weeks away.  Putting aside the Empress herself, this is a perfect opportunity to make lasting connections, a good impression," she said excitedly.  "The Game can be difficult but if we—"
"I'm sorry," Finn interrupted.  "There are Red Templars nearly at our doorstep, Sera could have died last night, and all we are required to do is keep Celene alive."  She crossed her arms tightly.  "So forgive me if I am less concerned about etiquette at a fucking party," she said with a nervous laugh.
Josephine stared at Finn, her nostrils flared.  "And if you will forgive me," she began, her voice cool, "I must assume you are merely ignorant, and not willfully negligent."  She set down her candlelit noteboard carefully.
"Our resources are almost entirely dependent upon the goodwill and faith of the nobles you and the Commander dislike so much," she said, glancing sharply at Cullen.  "We feed people, clothe them, house them, heal them.  Give them weapons to fight for us.  This takes enormous funds and logistics.  At the Winter Palace, we have the chance to unite ourselves with the ruling power of the Orlesian Empire, to solidify these bonds of faith which we desperately need."
She leaned toward Finn over the table, her jaw set tight.  "We can continue to take care of all the people here, and to fight our fight.  And the cost to you is one night at a fucking party," she spat.  Then she straightened, composed herself, and took up her noteboard with assured grace.
"To that end, I will schedule this discussion for tomorrow," she said.  "That is all."  Finn could only nod mutely, her face burning.
She stood in place as Cullen hurriedly left, Leliana close behind.  As Josephine went to the door, Finn stepped toward her and began to speak, but Josephine stopped her.  "I apologize for my tone, Inquisitor," she said, her manicured hand landing gently upon Finn's own, "but I do hope I was clear regarding the necessity of this."
Finn shook her head.  "No, I—"
"And I understand yesterday was very trying, though I am cheered to hear Sera is well."  Josephine would not let her apologize.  This was clearly where Finn was ignorant—in graces and manners, in persuasions, and Josephine so skilled.  She could not imagine that a trap might be laid for her in a sentence, or a gesture, at Halamshiral, but Josephine knew.
"Ah, I nearly forgot," Josephine said with a smile, though Finn was sure there was little Josephine could let slip her mind.  "I wanted to give this to you personally so it was not lost in the mountain of reports.  Notes from Wycome, and your clan.  There appears to be some discontent," she said softly, handing her a small stack of folded papers.  One at the top sealed with a line of thick amber resin.  She could smell it—buttery and sweet, fura tree sap.  Her clan used it to haft arrowheads.  A letter, from home.
Josephine left quietly, while Finn cracked open the seal.  She read the greeting:
Emma lin, emma vhenan—
Her stomach dropped.  It was from her mother.
She folded the letter into a pocket at her hip.  
Even before midday, the Herald's Rest was thick with bodies and raucous conversation, soldiers trading road stories and traveling merchants plying them with ales.  Finn, weighed down by a tray full of food from the kitchens, carefully swept past a group or two, head ducked, until they recognized her.  No one stood at attention, or—to her great relief—genuflected, but everyone quieted, straightened, and made room.  All eyes were on her, even those who continued their stories.  She longed for the day she could be anonymous again.  With a quick nod, she hastened upstairs, her tray wobbling.
As she reached Sera's bright corner room, laughter echoed into the hall.  "He landed right on it.  Yowled like a cat who got too close to the fire," Blackwall was saying, while Sera giggled, breathless.  "Didn't sit for a week."
Finn leaned on the doorframe.  Blackwall sat beside Sera, who was propped against pillows and stretched out on her window seat under a pile of shabby wool blankets, holding her stomach with her good arm, laughing.  The injured shoulder was thickly wrapped, her arm slung, tied tight against her.  She was still pale, lips chapped, eyes ringed with dark circles.  "Don't make me laugh, it hurts," she said, when she noticed Finn.  Sera waved to her with a shy smile.
"Brought you some food."  Finn set the tray on a small, shaky table.  It was crowded with hard cheese and flaky meat pies, bottled ale, crusty bread still warm from the oven, a jar of amber honey—and two heavy butter cakes, thick with brown sugar frosting.
"Cake!"  Sera pulled one of the plates onto her lap, snatched a fork from the tray and dove in.  She groaned with pleasure.  "Whenever I ask for cake, they tell to me to make it myself.  They said Josie sends them to the nobles," she said, licking her fork.  "Won't they be old when they get there?"
"That's where these were going," Finn said, squeezing between the worn, embroidered pillows on Sera's other side and pulling her legs up to her chest.  "I took them while the cooks weren't looking."  Sera's eyes lit up.
"Send them cakes."  Blackwall shook his head.  "Rather give them a two-fingered salute and a box of dog shit."  Finn did not entirely disagree, but after her... talk with Josephine, she thought better of agreeing aloud.
Sera snorted, mouth full of pilfered cake, which surely made it taste all the better.  "Box of dog shit, that's a good one.  Here, eat it!"  She scooped a massive lump of dense cake onto the fork and pointed it toward Finn, who barely managed to wrap her mouth around it.  She wasn't fond of sweets, but it made Sera happy.
Blackwall sighed as he stood up.  "Where do you elves put it all?"
"I can see where you put it," Sera scoffed.
Finn began to chide her, but Blackwall laughed.  "This?" he asked, hand on his stomach.  "This is cultivated mass.  Every pound makes me more powerful."
"Me, too," Sera said, patting her own tiny frame.  "Gonna get big and tough."
"Well, I think you're a fine figure of a man, Ser Blackwall," Finn told him.
Just above his beard, Finn caught the edge of a blush on Blackwall's cheeks, and he looked out of the sunny window with a smile.  "Thank you, my lady.  And now I will leave the healer to her work," he said with a short bow, and left the room.
Sera groaned.  "Ugh.  Not Beardy as well.  You'll go for any old thing, won't you?"
Finn ignored that.  "How are you feeling?"
Sera tried to shrug, but winced from the effort.  "All right I guess," she muttered, rubbing her shoulder.
"Don't touch that," Finn said sharply.  Sera was young and healthy and by all rights she would heal soon, if she didn't mess with that wound.  They had been lucky the blade was not poisoned, and she showed no signs of corruption or sickness, only pain.  Finn was struck, suddenly, by the memory of it, a visceral flash of fear.  It had not even been a day since.  A cry caught in her chest, and she held tight onto Sera's good arm—Sera, alive and warm next to her, pouting, defiant, like a child who's learned something they don't yet want to know.
She stroked Sera's hair from her face, as she had the night before, but now Sera was awake, listening.  "Please," she said, trying to hold back the anxious edge in her voice, "never do that again."
With the slightest shake of her head, Sera bit her lip.  "He was going to kill you, I had to," she whispered.  "You're the important one.  You're going to fix everything.  I'm nobody," she said with a nervous laugh, though her eyes were wet.
Words like that made their own kind of wound.  They could fester, and rot.  "You can't think like that.  You are so important."  Finn squeezed her hand.  "I need you here, Sera."
She saw Sera's eyes tremble and threaten to spill their tears before she turned away, to the window.  "Don't be stupid," she said, laughing, pulling her hand away to wipe under her eyes.
"You all right?"  Sera asked, tucking her hair behind her ears.  "You look a bit shit."
Finn had avoided the mirror today, the mirror she'd begun to inspect regularly.  Why was she so concerned about how she looked now?  She barely cared before.  "Don't worry about me," she muttered.
"Come on.  Can't sit around worrying about me."
Finn sighed, shaking her head.  "Just... it's something else.  It's very—"  What was it, exactly?  She did not know how it made her feel.  "Confusing," she said, with a grimace.
Sera looked at her with concern.  "Is it to do with Cullen?"
She blinked at Sera.  "Why do you ask?"
"He came by before."  Sera poked at the cake on her lap with the fork.  "He looked like you.  Sad.  Like he'd been wrung out."
Yes, she had seen his troubled face, his pensive eyes.  She knew even less what he felt, other than what he said: that he cared for her.  His words echoed in her mind.  They crashed through the rumble of her thoughts like thunder.  He had meant it.
"There is... something," she began, "between Cullen, and me."  Sera's eyes brightened, though not as intensely as they had for cake.  "And I can't believe I'm telling you this.  But it isn't what you think," she stressed.
"Don't care what it is.  It is."  Sera uncorked one of the ale bottles and took a drink, looking at Finn.  "And I didn't think anything.  Wanted you to think it."  She passed the bottle to Finn.
"And why is that?"  Finn drank the ale, fizzy and warm, and realized it was the only thing in her stomach.  She broke off a chunk of cheese, oilier and saltier than rock-pressed halla cheese from home.  It didn't have the same acid bite.  She missed that.
"Because I don't like Solas," Sera said quietly.
Finn quirked her brow at Sera and chewed her cheese.  Not understanding Sera was a common feeling among many, she had gathered.  
Sera sighed.  "Elves always go with elves.  So when they bang their bits they think it means something," she said, her voice mock-deep.  "You're elfy enough.  He's—I don't know what."
Swallowing hard, Finn rubbed her forehead.  "There is no banging.  There is no... anything.  I don't even know him well.  I'm not sure anyone does."
"You like him, though?"
She liked talking with him, but he could be combative, condescending.  Finn was never sure where she stood with Solas, and she feared he would be a hard person to please, if she ever tried.  She knew many people like him.  "He reminds me of home, in a way."
Sera took the ale again.  "Anyone like Cullen at home?" she said with a smile.
Finn shook her head.
Sera looked down, tapped her short nails against the brown glass of the ale bottle.  "He's good.  I think he's good," she said.  "You know, in case you're afraid.  Of templars."
"It isn't that, at all."  Finn scratched at her legs, trying to collect her thoughts.  "Before all this... my clan, all I really knew, were Dalish.  There were merchants and traders but... they were not a part of my life.  Do you understand?"
Finn sighed.  She was making a mess of her own thoughts.  It may not be possible to explain to anyone but another Dalish.
"It sounds stupid to me," Sera said defiantly.  "You don't want him cause he's... what?  Hairy, got round ears?  You sound like a shem that calls you knife-ear.  Bit sad you can't see that."  She turned to the window and bit at a fingernail.
"But I don't see it that way," Finn said, softly.  It sounded like someone else saying it.  Perhaps it was someone else.  Ideas from home—harsh as homespun wool, sour as that halla cheese.  The things they said to the young ones to discourage them away from those merchants and traders.  They will use you.  Might as well be a gutter elf in the alienage.  Might as well be a slave.
She looked at Sera, red-faced and chewing her nail.  Was she a "gutter elf" because she'd been born in the city?  And stayed there?  No.  Did Cullen want to use her?  She could not imagine it.  There were good reasons to stay apart, to stay free, to live the Dalish life.  There were poisonous ones, too.
"You know he's good, though," Finn said.
"Don't know.  You never know."  Sera set the ale bottle on the tray, and the plates shook.  "For now, he's good.  Maybe he messes up later.  Then you deal with it."  She looked at Finn.  "Maybe you mess up.  And he has to deal with you."
They were wiser words than she would expect from someone so young.  But Sera had many experiences, so much of a life, that Finn never had.  Many of those she didn't envy, but they had given Sera much in return.  They made her who she was, someone Finn admired.  "I will think on it," she said quietly.  "Now then."  She tore a piece of bread from the loaf and opened the honey to drizzle it on top.  "You must eat all of this food.  That's an order."
She left Sera dozing, full of food, resting like a cat in the sun of her window seat, and stepped out into the thoroughfare, painfully bright, though a chilled breeze blew.  It was quieter than the tavern, emptier, the merchants at their stalls shuffling and bored, the few soldiers unburdened by duty wandering aimlessly.  Finn found a deserted corner shaded by trees.  Slumping against the stone wall, ground cold beneath her, she took out the letter from her mother.
First, complaints about the brutish shem soldiers, the ungrateful shems in Wycome, about Keeper Istamae's insistence that part of their purpose was to help those who need it, whatever they may be.  It was clear Valenni disagreed.  Then the expected part.
If that shem army is not holding you against your will, come home.
Saran's cough is no better and he never seems to get enough air.  Nessa is poorly every moontime, with a catch in her side.  And little Tamlas, his foot is still turning.  There are many more.  Thenel is worked to the bone with you gone.
Come home, da'len.  We need you here.  Do your duty.  Let them fight their war without you.  You walk the Way of Peace.  You know how few of us there are who do this.  Do not let them force you to stray.
It was signed, Mala mamae, mala vhenas.
Slowly she walked across the thoroughfare, toward the stairs, up to the main hall, letter in hand.  There was not a question about Finn herself in it, no hope for her safety or happiness.    
It was easy to see through her mother's pleas.  She wanted Finn there, to stay in the clan—not become the healer for a new clan, not to leave to work with other healers.  To stay.  To make children.  To stay safe there, not to venture.  Valenni had been fearful for so long.  What was once caring became controlling, what was protective became stifling.  Was it like this before her father had died?  She could not remember.    
But there was also truth in what she said, Finn knew.  She felt it.  Vir atish'an was a fragile path.  Thenel had described it to her as trying to grow roses without being pricked by thorns.  Already she was testing it, trying to spread peace by wielding the sharp edge of war.
Though she knew her duty in both worlds, and would not leave this one without healing all she could, without mending the sky and those beneath it... she would leave it.  Her life, though small, was elsewhere.  And she would return to it.  It would be wrong to become attached.  It would hurt more, in the end.
Cullen was not like anyone in her past.  He did not seek anything easy, or distant.  And she did not want to be the cause of more pain than what already weighed upon him so heavily.  She could ignore it, ignore him, leave the wound she had made open—or she could fix it now, burn it shut.  She could let him know she was sorry for what she did.  That she would not let it happen again.  
She stepped into the main hall and entered the rotunda, taking the path to Cullen's office, when she was startled by a voice, so close.  "What troubles you, lethallan?"
Solas stood nearby, camouflaged by the swaths of muted color he had painted along the walls of the dim, round room.
"Forgive me," she said, "I did not see you.  I would have greeted you."
"There is no need to be so formal."  He pointed to the paper still in her hand.  "Unwelcome news?"
She sighed, folded the letter and put it back in her pocket.  "Of a sort.  A letter from home."
Solas smiled, questioning.  "Is that so unwelcome?"  The blue-flamed lamp which hung from his scaffold, a spectral blue she had seen only in spirits, set his eyes almost aglow.    
There was little she wanted to tell him of the letter itself, of her family, of the sorrow and unrest within her.  "They want me to return," she said plainly.  "And the simple fact is that I cannot, because of this."  Finn turned her left palm up, open, and she felt the anchor pulse like her blood, could nearly see the strange magic ebb, and rise, with each beat of her heart.
He stepped forward and took her hand in his, his fingers slender but strong, his skin cold.  He seemed to look into her hand, and sharp worry clouded his face.  Dropping her hand, he said, his voice resigned and low, "Facts are rarely simple."
Once, he had taught her to use the anchor.  But he had never been able to help her control it, to ease the pain it caused.  She could not hold him responsible for that.  No herb she took, no potion she created had made any difference, either.  It was an unknown.
"Would you go home," he asked, "if you could?"
Finn sighed, and glanced around the room at Solas' fresco, the wolves in shadow, the swords and flames.  "Yes.  I've known no other life."
"But you do, now," he said, gesturing around them, to Skyhold, to the Inquisition.  
If she had not become... whatever she was now, if the anchor had taken someone else's hand, and she survived the Conclave, she would have stayed.  For a time.  To heal and help, where she could.  Who could say how long her stay would have been?  "I have already chosen a path," she said.  "You know of vir atish'an.  The Way of Peace?"
Solas shook his head, his mouth a grim line.  "I know there is no such thing," he said bitterly.  He folded his arms tight and straightened to his full height.  "Long ago, the elves had a saying.  'The healer has the bloodiest hands.'  Do they say it still?"
"Yes."  She swallowed.  How many times she had heard it during her apprenticeship, had heard friends and lovers say it, when they lamented the life she chose—that had been chosen for her, by her mother.  Her mother, a weaver, she a healer.  Two sides of Sylaise.
He narrowed his eyes, studying her.  "You know what it means, I see.  How difficult the healer's path must be."
"I thought I knew," she said.  "I never imagined healing a wound so deep as the breach."
"True enough."  He smiled sadly.  "But that is not what I meant."  His arms dropped to his sides, and he took a small step closer, near enough to whisper.  "How deep does the wound go in you?" he asked.  "For you do not truly wish to return home."
She stared at him, and his pale eyes searched hers.  She wanted to deny it, and found she could not.  But her feeling did not change the truth.  "I must," she said.  "I will, when this is done."
He nodded.  "Of course you will, he said.  "But what of the meantime?"
"What of it?" she snapped, frustrated by his dancing so close to his point, never seeming to land upon it.
"You are right," he said.  "You cannot leave."  He took her hand in his again, traced his finger along her palm.  The anchor twitched and bit at her.  He looked into her eyes.  "In the meantime, find something for yourself.  A reason to stay, beyond this," he said, gently let her hand fall.  "Beyond duty."
Words caught in her throat, sputtering.  Something for herself.  What she wanted had never been the reason she did anything.  Her wants she had learned to forget.  Until recently, when what she wanted had become impossible to ignore.
She looked hard at Solas.  "And when this is over?  I go back to what I have always been?"
He looked to the floor, and shook his head.  "You do not know how this will end," he said.  "You should find happiness with the time you have."
Every day she worried.  Worried that she would die, that Cullen would succumb, that the Inquisition would fail and all of this would have been for nothing.  If any of it came true, had she already wasted time—time she could have spent being happy, giving in to what they both wanted?  Suddenly she felt even more foolish than she had the night before.  The time they had was all there was.
Finn stroked her lip nervously, her mind spinning.  "Thank you, Solas," she said.
Solas tilted his head, the glow of the blue flame shining on his skin.  "Do not thank me."
When she pushed open the creaking door to Cullen's office, loose on its rusted hinges, he was seated at his desk, dispensing orders to a crowd of soldiers.  When he noticed who had entered, he seemed to lose the track of his thoughts, and sent the soldiers away, his brow knit tight.  She stepped closer to his desk.  "Inquisitor," he said.  Like in her dream, she did not want to hear it.
"Could we talk?" she asked, her hands in tight fists at her side, her breath shallow.
He nodded, stood, and opened the door to the battlements.
She was quiet as they walked out into the day and the cool wind, quiet as she paused near one of the stone posts, taller than her head.  I don't know what I came here to say.  So she remained quiet, and looked out toward the snow-capped mountains.
Cullen leaned upon the stone next to her.  "It's a nice day," he said softly.  As though they were having an everyday chat.
She turned to him, incredulous.  When she caught the faint smirk on his face, she could not help but smile, shaking her head.  "You... make me laugh," she said, "though I am not always sure you intend to."
He looked at her tenderly.  "I do intend to."
The sadness in his eyes, untouched by his smile, the sweet longing in his voice, made her heart wrench.
"I thought you wouldn't want to speak to me," he said.  "But here you are, so... I am relieved."
Her pulse thundered.  "Cullen," she began, and she was unsure, for a moment, whether she had ever called him by his name, to his face.  It was intimate.  She knew now why he seemed so careful with her name, felt why his breath seemed to catch every time he said it.  Everything in her hands and her blood wanted to touch him again.
She forced herself to look into his eyes.  "I want to apologize," she said, "for my behavior last night.  I put you in a very uncomfortable position, and I am sorry to have done it."  She fisted her nails into her palms to stop her hands from shaking.
Cullen looked down at the stone walkway beneath them, unfocused and blinking.  "I—"  He turned to her.  "You have nothing to apologize for.  I am the one who pushed you away," he said, his voice cracking, "and I fear that I've hurt you.  That was so utterly far from my intention."  His eyes searched hers.  "And I only hope you can forgive me, in time."
She inched closer to him.  "No," she said.  "I am not hurt, and... you were right."
He looked surprised.  "Don't hear that very often," he muttered.
She huffed a laugh, and bit her lip.  "I would have regretted it.  I do.  I wish I could undo last night.  Start over."
After a pause, he answered, "Not all of it," turning his eyes down shyly.  "Despite my reaction," he said, shaking his head, "I have to say that kissing you was... really nice."  When he smiled at her, a warm blush colored his face, and neck.
She shivered and felt herself flush, remembering the feel of him, his body under hers, his sweet, surprised face.  "I would... regret not telling you.  I do care for you," she said, her voice fluttering in her throat.    
"You do," he whispered, less a question than a confirmation.  His lips parted softly, trembling with each breath.  She reached up to place a hand upon his armored shoulder.  The metal was warm in the sun, and she caressed it as though she could feel him again.  As though the layers between them, between these things they represented and their real selves, were gone.
She focused on her hand at his arm.  "But I—"   Her thoughts, her fears, sparked and flared in her mind like a new fire, catching everywhere.  "I don't know what to do.  I don't know if this is right.  If it's even possible."   She looked into his eyes, intense and near golden in the midmorning light, his gaze meeting hers, and his hand moving to wrap around her forearm, his grip firm.
"Neither do I," he breathed, his eyes roaming her face, and she watched the cords of his throat shifting as he swallowed.  "It seems too much to ask.  But I want to ask it."  His conviction calmed her, the fire in her steadied and burned.  He gently pulled her closer, brought his other hand to her side, his knee pressed against the inside of her thigh.  She fingered the silken rope at his waist, stroked the cold metal of his belt buckle.
"Please," he whispered.  His head dipped toward hers and her eyes closed when she felt his breath upon her mouth.
He kissed her, slowly, softer than she had kissed him before the fire, when everything was a frenzy.  Now, she could feel his lips tender against her own, feel the sharp edge of his stubble scratch at her skin.  She could hear his breath, and her own heart beating.  Though the wind whipped around them, at their feet, into her ears, it was nothing.
And she heard, from what seemed a far distance, a voice.  She opened her eyes, cloudy as though she had been asleep.  A scout approach, delivering a report, oblivious.
Cullen parted from her, his face surprised and guilty, like a young soldier caught shirking his duties.  The scout realized who, and what, he had interrupted.  He stopped, stared at each of them in turn, and began to stammer apology.
Cullen only glanced at him, and said quietly, "Not now."  The scout mumbled a stuttered assent, and hastily disappeared.
He turned back to her and leaned his forehead against hers, sighing.  "There's always something more, isn't there?"
She stroked his cheek, and brushed her nose against his.  "Something more?" she asked.  "I hope so."  
He pulled her closer, and she felt his smile against her lips as he kissed her again.
Chapter 10: Come aloft  ➳
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leonraan · 6 years
   Sweat built on his forehead, the backs of his gloved hands wiping it away on a consistent basis, fingers fidgeting over tools and heat, broken wires. “Vera, what time is it?” He said out loud after what must have been hours of vocal silence. A voice responded, crackling from a nearby speaker, ringing out in the room left sweltering with heat. “It is 2:36 AM, Gael.” The voice said, sounding tired with its slight crackle, it’s age evident. “Thank you, Vera.” He responded immediately, brain running over how many hours he had already spent on the project and how many more it would take to complete. A deadline rang in his head, a household pleasure android needed its legs replaced in order to do its job. Gael had qualms about it, about fixing the machine, its age near crippling, its parts difficult to find, but perhaps his biggest issue had been with the fact that the legs had been broken by its owner’s own hands in a fit of rage, intentional. If it had been up to Gael himself he would have refused service, but his father had a contract, which meant all the man’s machines were insured and it forced his hands.
  Of course, he had his own inflated sense of advocacy, he was rather liberal in beliefs, considering protos as much sentient as himself, but it didn’t take his level radicalism to think destroying the machines, something slaved and salvaged over, was immoral. Even if you didn’t believe protos were anything more than robotics, it was equivalent to spitting in the creator's face yourself, cracking his hard work. Not at all unlike the way Gael had to spend days rebuilding legs that would surely be shattered again in a matter of weeks. In five hours she was due to be shipped back to her owner, and it would likely take just that to finish her entirely. She had been in terrible shape, even beyond the crippling injuries. Her mechanisms filled with dust and dirt, joints unoiled and skin very unfortunately… tacky. Visually, of course, she was immaculate, hair brushed, and face painted. It was never difficult to see the owner’s priorities caked inside their androids, the lack of care. Even Vera, who was old and not much more than a speaker, was carefully well-kept by his hands.
  He stepped back a moment, eyeing the plug to her internal battery as it flashed green; fully charged and functional. He still had work to do on her cosmetics, rebuilding the silicon of the skin and tying and tucking wires, but other than that she was good to go. “Someone needs to save that man’s wife.” He heard Vera crackle across the room and he shivered, his stomach rolling in his body as he processed what she said. He made the quick decision not to think about it.
  “Should I turn her on?” He asked, not entirely sure of himself, not positive he would want to hear what she has to say. He was never very good at small talk.
  “I’m sure it’ll be the first time anyone’s tried to do that.” He was sure Vera was making joke, but her voice only was created with one tone – rather dull and indifferent. He made a mental note to see if he could implement some lightness to her at some point, and maybe more appropriate humor while he was at it. “But go ahead, let’s see what she’s got.” Gael nodded distractedly, hands fidgeting again before reaching over and pressing the button to pull her out of hibernation. It took a moment, the muted noise of a smooth boot-up as her limbs twitched once each, regaining movement, and her eyes flickered open in a flash of sharp green.
  Her eyelids batted as her vision kicked in, gaze shifting around the room before landing on Gael himself, focused. He smiled, it showed the exhaustion on his face, weary, but welcoming. He was pleased she rebooted, seemingly without flaw. She smiled back at him the way that only protos do, all teeth and cheeks that do not meet her eyes, empty, before she looked down at herself, body open and wires exposed, blinking slowly. “Am I broken?” She asked him, head tilted and voice curious, gentle.
  He shook his head, smile falling at the edges as he turned to find his skin kit, to smooth over and heal any signs of breakage. When he was done, she would look brand new; a specialty he was proud of. “Well, not for long, anyways. A few more patches and you’ll be better than ever.” He said, tone carefully reassuring, as if he could possibly upset her. His eyes shifted back to her, long dark hair framing her face and cheeks artificially blushed under the surface, eyes green and eyelashes long, of course, she was beautiful. She sighed, head nodding.
  “Yes, I feel much smoother than my last reboot.” She affirmed, and he gave her another small smile, his dimples flashing as he pulled the edges of the open skin together slowly and sunk his flat tool into the thick mixture, applying and smoothing it along the seam as he did. He tried to ignore her eyes boring into him, silent for what felt to be far too long, and he wondered what made him decide to pull her from hibernation before she finally spoke again.
 “You are also part proto.”
  Gael looked back up suddenly, surprised. It wasn’t common for androids to make such comments, to address other’s appearances or personalities, especially ones designed like her; to be nonjudgmental and unassuming. However, he didn’t flinch away from it, didn’t become unsettled. He held up his robotic arm, almost unrecognizable for what it was when he hid it, but now revealed in a shell of hard metal, the skin casing removed as to not be damaged while he worked. His eye that matched it on the opposite side, fluorescent blue as opposed to his human brown, looking back into her own pair of green. “I suppose that’s a way to look at it, yeah.” He nodded slowly, dropping his hand back down. “I needed to fix myself a few times in the past, replace a few parts.” He laughed, albeit a little bit awkwardly, but still brightly, his face becoming more awake for a the briefest moment. “It’s kind of cool though, don’t you think? The chance of improvement for you and my arm are a lot higher than that of the rest of my body. Humans are stunted, but you have immeasurable room for growth.”
  She listened to him, her eyes trailing between her own ripped skin and his face slowly, expression blank. It was moments like that were he could see how old her technology was, how placid she was in his presence. It didn’t make him squirm, he was too used to the machines for that, but it made him feel oddly sympathetic. There was something about the ones that looked perfectly human but acted just a little too robotic that gave him a sense of empathy, almost as if there were so close but just off mark. Androids like her would never be seen remotely equal to human, not passable nor treatable. Her face did not show her wires, but it showed her synthetic fiber, her lack of humanity.
 “When am I returning to mister Gordon?” Was her only reply, and “Soon,” was all he could say in return before they lapsed back into silence. Vera didn’t speak again, and he wondered if she turned herself off, if she hated this robot as much as she hated all the others he fixed. He wondered if he should change her settings, stop her from being able doing that. Gael didn’t create her with jealousy, but she seemed to have developed it on her own and there was something almost amusing about it.
  “What’s your name?” He asked, if not just to break the silence then just to stop referring to her as nothing more than her programming as he finished closing her wounds, turning on the overhead light that would dry the mending. “Blue.” She said, and he gave her another smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Blue, I’m Gael.” He responded, sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms, eyes shifting down her body to ensure he didn’t miss anything, looking for cuts in her skin or exposed pieces.
  “Gael.” She repeated his name, almost like she was testing it in her mouth, and he nodded distractedly, wiping the sweat from his forehead once again. “Okay, I have to check and see if you have any more breaks, just to be sure. I’m going to have to move you around a little, hope that’s okay.” He moved back in her direction, turning her limbs and shifting her body over to do a more thorough look over, an action she seemed entirely unaffected by. “If you’ve have any other problems recently let me know and I can check it out for you, we have about three more hours so…” He trailed off with a shrug.
  Blue continued to stare at him without reply, and he continued to try to ignore it. He was about to conclude, tell her she’s fine, when her voice broke through the silence, quiet like a whisper and his whole body froze.
 “Don’t send me back.”
  He stood with her arm in his hand, every muscle in his body seized as he tried to process what she said, tried to think of an explanation for the words that passed her lips and he came up blank. It took him far too long to put down her limb, to work up the courage for his eyes to meet her face again and suddenly all his past assessments of her were void. He looked at her, and for a moment, she was human. Her emotion still didn’t reach her eyes because they were made too long ago, not capable of such a feat, but her expression was pained and dark and so unbelievably real. He stared at her, eyes wide and mouth slightly open, brain whirring, refusing to accept he had heard her correctly.
 “Please, you’re my last chance, my only chance.”
  He continued staring at her, his shocked expression, his mind struggling to catch up. Protos don’t beg, protos don’t ask for freedom, they don’t show signs of disdain towards their owners, and they don’t ask about robotic parts. Even though he had just seen her hardware, he found himself wondering if she were flesh and blood, despite having opened her skull thinking she might have a human brain. It took approximately sixty seconds for Gael to regain his own functionality, for his mouth to close, then open, then close again before finally gathering a response.
  “I-I don’t know, I can’t not send you back, I don’t--” He cut himself off, sliding his chair back, still not breaking their eye contact, confused, hands fidgeting again but more spastically, almost violently, tugging on his fingers and twisting into fists.
 “What are you?” He asked, his face paled and upset, almost scared, but not for the reasons that were expected. He wasn’t scared because she was capable of begging but instead because she had to. He wasn’t scared of her ability to fear, but instead of her fear itself. He was upset over her broken legs and dusty part, her sticky skin and pulled plugs. His fear mirrored hers and suddenly neither of them were human nor proto, but equally half of both. His chest and head both ached, a sharp pain from overuse and a lack of sleep, like a wire short-circuiting in his brain, his chest burning from what he had to say, from what he knew.
He had to send her back, he didn’t have a choice, no other options. If he didn’t he could be charged with stealing, abduction, or worse, and as for her? He swallowed a lump in his throat, body panicking. They would do worse than disable her, they would send her out of the city, they would release her to the desert, make her a proto for the wasteland, and he’d heard stories of what happened to them, of what was possible.
 This was something he was not, in any form, ready for. It was not something he could handle.
 “I-I’m sorry, I can’t help you, it’s... it’s not possible. I just…. I-I can’t.”
  And she looked as if she had expected those words but was disappointed by them nonetheless, expression falling, hands clenching by her sides. He was close enough that he could hear her moving, her joints and pieces. His thoughts from earlier resurfaced, anguished and harsh, ‘Androids like her would never be seen remotely close to human, not passable nor treatable.’ He felt sick as she stared at him, almost as if he’d been the one to shatter her pieces, like he was the villain, and something inside him told him that maybe he was; a bystander, if nothing else, there to crack her bones back into place before shipping her back to the slaughter house.
  “I’m not going back.” She said before moving, her arm shooting out to her side and grabbing one of his tools off the table, sharp and dangerous, and he jolted back, moving backwards so quickly he slammed into the wall, eyes not leaving hers. “I’m not.” She said again, and barely a second after her words left, hardly enough time for them to linger and echo, to meet his ears more than once, she jammed the sharp end directly into the back of her neck, shattering her kill switch. There was a thump as her head fell back on the table and the room went silent once again, the only noise left being the whirring of his computer, the electricity running through everything in the room.
  Gael stood a lone vigil, mouth open and eyes widened, his vision went blurry and limbs weak before he leaned over and wretched onto the floor, hands shaking. He pulled his arms to his chest, sliding down the wall, knees to his stomach as he looked at the limp mechanical body on his work table. She looked exactly as she had before he’d turned her back on, she looked like the same robot that came to his workplace in a fucking brown box, the same one he’d spent hours meticulously cleaning, but now something was different.
  Gael shook again as he placed it, skin pale and eyes still wide with confusion, a loss for what had happened as tears broke free from his left eye, his human eye.
   “Vera?” He said out loud, voice choked and shaking, hands vibrating, clenched into loose fists as she didn’t reply, speaker mute, turned off.
   “Vera… please...” He said again, trying to hold in a sob, terrified as his chest ached and stomach lurched.
   When he worked on her she was a system in hibernation, but now she was a human.
  She was Blue.
  And she was dead.
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syncogon · 7 years
[QZGS Prequel TL] Ch 3: Friends from the Start, Opponents for Life
info post and links for the prequel, The Summit of Glory (巅峰荣耀)
summary: December 3, midnight, Glory opens its first server. One month in, there are two people with no losses in the arena: One Autumn Leaf and Desert Dust. The day Ye Xiu meets his greatest rival is also the day he meets his greatest ally.
characters: Ye Xiu, Su Muqiu, Su Mucheng, Han Wenqing, Wu Xuefeng
If you like this, 1) please reblog so more can see it, and 2) please comment your thoughts so I have more motivation ;)
((ps: this is the last time we see su muqiu alive, so enjoy :’) ))
Translated by: Syncogon
December 3rd, Glory!
The logo, two crossed swords and wings spread wide, was grandly displayed almost everywhere you looked – TV screens, computer screens, physical posters and flyers around the city.
“One month? December 3rd, that’s six weeks exactly, 42 days!” Su Muqiu spoke while scrolling through yet another Glory ad that had popped up on the screen. Excitement for this new online game was definitely mounting within the community.
Ka ka ka… The only answer he got was the sound of a keyboard and mouse, light but rhythmic.
Su Muqiu glanced at the one sitting beside him.  The screen was currently displaying flashes from attacks and a river of blood, but the player himself wore a bored expression.
“Did you hear what I just said?” Su Muqiu complained. The fight clearly didn’t require his friend’s full attention, so there was no reason for him to be oblivious to the outside world.
“I heard, Glory this, Glory that, my ears are bleeding from hearing that word from your mouth so often can’t you see?” deadpanned Ye Xiu. Ever since Glory had begun its advertising campaign, Su Muqiu had talked about this game almost incessantly. Heaven knew how much he was looking forward to it.
“It hasn’t been announced for too long, but with this kind of explosive momentum, this is enough. This is definitely going to be a successful game,” said Su Muqiu, ignoring Ye Xiu’s apparent disinterest.
“Mm,” Ye Xiu said noncommittally. He really had heard this too many times.
“I heard this game doesn’t use a username and password to log on, you need an account card to swipe.”
“You need a specific card reader too, for it to work.”
“But this card reader is still relatively cheap.”
“But the system requirements for the computer seem to be pretty high!”
“Oh?” This finally got Ye Xiu’s attention – the rhythm of the keyboard got louder for a second, before stabilizing again. He turned to look with a serious expression. “What kind of requirements?”
Su Muqiu didn’t answer. He had two very old computers here; one was in slightly better condition, but even that one barely met the minimum requirements for running Glory. The other didn’t even bear talking about. Ye Xiu was no computer expert, but he’d played on these computers for several months now, and Su Muqiu trusted that he didn’t need to explain.
“It’s time to exchange these,” said Ye Xiu, still with that serious expression. Although he wasn’t as excited for Glory as Su Muqiu was, he still wanted to try out this game. To decide whether a game was good or bad, you had to play it yourself.
“Yeah, it’s time to get new ones, but money’s tight…”
Having lived here for several months, Ye Xiu was of course clear on the living conditions of these two siblings. They were orphans with no relatives, and their entire livelihoods depended on the income Su Muqiu earned from playing games. After Ye Xiu arrived, they now had a second person earning money, so their situation was a little better off. Still, although they didn’t struggle to get basic necessities, it would be a stretch to just pull out the cash for two new computers. Su Muqiu wouldn’t have put up with these two terrible computers if he had had that luxury.
“Looks like we’ll just have to go to internet cafés for now,” said Ye Xiu.
“Yeah,” Su Muqiu nodded.
“You’ve already looked around for a good one?”
“Of course, who do you think I am?”
December 3rd, midnight.
This launch time wasn’t very kind to the gamers; most people went to sleep by this time, of course. But for an event like this, plenty of gamers were eager to sacrifice their normal schedules. Glory’s advertising campaign had really succeeded in building up hype for this game, such that no one cared whether it was releasing at noon or midnight.
This night, countless people were gearing up for the launch.
This night, internet cafes in all the major cities turned into lively “nightclubs.”
City H, Excellent Era Internet Café.
Ye Xiu and Su Muqiu had secured two computers in the café early on, and as the launch time approached, they became more focused and alert. Many people gathered in the café, but, seeing that there were no empty computers, became depressed and irritable. Unlike Su Muqiu and Ye Xiu, who went to an internet café because they didn’t have advanced computers at home, most people went to internet cafés just to hang out with other people. Playing games together in one location was often more enjoyable than playing online separately.
As midnight approached, the café was jam-packed, and those that had failed to get a computer could only leave in disappointment. The owner of the café, Tao Xuan, was very satisfied with this turnout. He’d invested a lot into this game, upgrading all the computers as necessary. None of the nearby internet cafes had done the same; they were simply waiting and watching to see how successful the game would be. Although there was a lot of hype surrounding the game, there was still a chance that it would end up flopping – many other games had suffered the same fate in the past.
Of course, Tao Xuan was quite anxious himself. He stared at the clock on the wall, watching the hands inch closer toward midnight. At 11:59, he extinguished the cigarette in his hand and sat down at the computer that he had prepared for himself earlier. As a gamer himself, he wished to try out Glory as well.
The lively internet café suddenly quieted down.
Swipe a card to log on? This was a new mechanism, and people clumsily tried to figure it out.
Then, everyone sank into thought at the next screen. Account name…
“Let me, let me!” Su Mucheng had carried over a stool to sit between Su Muqiu and Ye Xiu. Seeing them reach this screen, she jumped up in excitement.
“And then go straight to bed, got it?” Su Muqiu said sternly.
“I know!” Su Mucheng took Ye Xiu’s keyboard and began typing in a name. She didn’t really play computer games herself, so this was the only way she would participate with Su Muqiu – and now, Ye Xiu as well – in these games.
Quickly, the name appeared on the screen. It seemed that she had prepared beforehand.
“One Autumn Leaf,” Ye Xiu read aloud, as Su Mucheng pressed the confirmation key.
“Alright!” Su Mucheng returned the keyboard to Ye Xiu, before taking over Su Muqiu’s.
“Hurry up,” said Su Muqiu, impatient to get started with the game.
Su Mucheng typed quickly, and the name appeared on the screen soon enough.
“Qiu Mu Su?” Su Muqiu read aloud. “Hey hey, can’t you put a little more effort into this? I’m your blood brother!” This username was simply the characters of his real name in reverse order.
However, when Su Mucheng pressed confirm, the system reported back: This name is already in use.
“Fuck!” Su Muqiu glanced at the time on the computer. It hadn’t even reached 12:01 yet, and this name was already taken? How many people were playing this game at this moment?
Su Mucheng’s hands were fast. One name was taken, so her fingers danced to type another.
“Qiu Mu Su…” Su Muqiu read, again. The only thing different about this username was the second character. Although it was pronounced the same, this new username now meant something like Autumn Tree Revival. Once again, Su Mucheng hit confirm, and this became his new name.
The young girl nodded, revealing a satisfied expression. Su Muqiu could only shake his head, but he was smiling.
“Alright, it’s bedtime for you!” Su Muqiu reminded her. It was getting late, but their home was close by and the siblings were very familiar with the surrounding area. Su Muqiu wasn’t worried about sending his sister home by herself.
“In a minute,” the girl replied cheekily, correctly guessing that her brother wouldn’t want to leave the computer to force her to go home.
“Fine…” Indeed, Su Muqiu relented, and turned back to the screen. “Hey Ye Xiu, what class are you going to play? I thought about it a lot and decided on Sharpshooter. Why don’t you play Sharpshooter as well? I think two could work together really well.”
“I’ll try things out and see how it goes,” Ye Xiu replied.
In Glory, the player didn’t choose a class immediately. At the beginning of the game, characters could learn skills from any of the different classes to give players a taste of what they were like. Only at level 20 would the character settle on one class to specialize in.
Su Muqiu had already decided on playing Sharpshooter based on the data released by the Glory creators. Ye Xiu, on the other hand, planned to experiment in game before deciding. However, at the moment, the two of them faced the same problem.
Too many people!
There were so many people online right now that even just taking a few steps was difficult. Su Mucheng, initially interested in watching the two boys’ progress, found herself beginning to doze off. “I’m going home,” she soon announced.
“Okay, be safe,” said Su Muqiu, with only a glance back, as he was engrossed by the game. Although it was currently impossible to progress in the main game due to the number of people, other features were still available for use, and Su Muqiu had delved into the equipment editor. Apparently it allowed players to create completely customized weapons, and Su Muqiu had looked forward to testing it out since the day it was announced. It was shrouded in mystery, since no other game had a similar feature. Right now, he was already using the editor to take apart and experiment on the equipment that he had automatically received as a new player.
“I’ll go with you,” Ye Xiu said, logging off and standing up. Starting the game a little late wasn’t a big deal.
Players discovered quickly that Glory’s mechanics were quite tricky to master, and required a high degree of skill. Not to mention that good equipment was also crucial for victory. The game was shaping up to be quite complex, and something that could hold a player’s interest for a long period of time – there was always more to work towards.
For a game like this, PK was of course one of the most important aspects. Glory had a built-in arena specifically so that players could PK.
The game’s logo appeared onscreen along with that large word – this was the victory screen, displayed after winning a match in the arena. The chat channel on the side was lively with shock and speculation.
One month. It had been one month since Glory opened. And in that time, Ye Xiu’s One Autumn Leaf had become quite renowned in-game. Why? He had a perfect record for individual battles in the arena.
3685 matches. 3685 wins.
Just the number of battles alone was staggering. 3685 matches, that meant that on average, every day he’d have to play over 100 matches. Assuming each battle took around three to five minutes, that meant that he was spending around six to ten hours every day just in the arena.
Playing in the arena didn’t grant too much experience, but One Autumn Leaf was still fairly high leveled compared to the playerbase as a whole – level 32. This meant that aside from all the time he spent in the arena, he still found time to play in the main game as well.
“How much time is he spending on Glory every day?” People in the world channel were discussing this constantly.
In reality, the other players were still underestimating Ye Xiu somewhat. He did spend a lot of time on the game every day, but not as much time in the arena as they thought. After all, he was very skilled to have a perfect win record. Matches rarely lasted three minutes, let alone five. He would usually completely dominate a match and earn victory in under two minutes.
Yes, Ye Xiu was very good. But he wasn’t the best.
On the current leaderboards for the arena, aside from those that only played one or two matches, there was one other person who also had a perfect win record. In fact, this person’s match count was even higher than One Autumn Leaf’s.
Desert Dust.
The one name above One Autumn Leaf.
Desert Dust was also at level 32, but in the arena, he had played 4012 matches. All victorious.
Of course, there were plenty of other extremely skilled players below them, but these were the only two with perfect records. Countless players speculated over which of them would win in a 1v1 battle, and anticipation for their inevitable matchup was high. The arena matched players to opponents based on level, win record in the arena, and other such factors, so the two were bound to meet sooner or later.
“I can’t wait either!” Ye Xiu whispered as he skimmed this discussion. He clicked the confirm button to begin the next match, hoping that this time, he would finally meet this powerful player Desert Dust.
“Hey hey hey, help me clear a dungeon,” said the boy playing on the computer next to him. Ye Xiu sighed – once again, he hadn’t been matched with Desert Dust.
“What dungeon?” Ye Xiu asked as he began the battle with this new opponent.
“Line Canyon, I need the clear record. Well, more accurately, I need the prize that comes with that clear record,” said Su Muqiu.
“One sec,” replied Ye Xiu.
“Hurry,” urged Su Muqiu, but he saw how disinterested Ye Xiu looked while playing, and could tell that this match would end quickly.
Forty seconds later, One Autumn Leaf left the arena, leaving behind a stunned opponent.
This opponent’s win record was 96.1%, quite formidable in his own right. The arena system wouldn’t match anyone to Ye Xiu unless they had a win record of at least 95%. And this person, seeing that he was up against the perfect record One Autumn Leaf, knew to be on guard.
But he was beaten up in forty seconds.
One Autumn Leaf had lost some health, true, but he felt that that was only because One Autumn Leaf wanted to sacrifice some health in order for a faster victory. One Autumn Leaf absolutely had the skill to win this battle at full health.
Was he in a hurry or something? This player felt like crying. With his 96.1% record, he could be considered quite good, but what was he to a god like One Autumn Leaf?
Meanwhile, Ye Xiu reached the entrance of the Line Canyon dungeon. It was a level 31-33 area, and currently filled with people fighting monsters and entering the dungeon.
With Ye Xiu’s skill, if he wanted to fight wild monsters, he would go to higher level areas like Fire Forest or even Sin City. Aside from doing the daily three runs of the Line Canyon dungeon, he rarely came here anymore. But right now, there were plenty of other players who spent a lot of time playing in Line Canyon.
By the time Ye Xiu arrived, he saw that Su Muqiu had already managed to gather a whole team of people, with one space left for him. “You’re pretty fast, huh, getting all these people?” Ye Xiu said to him.
“Of course, who doesn’t want to break a record?” Getting on the leaderboard for a dungeon was one of the most prestigious accomplishments in the PVE scene. Even without the awards that came with it, getting a record was solid proof of one’s skill.
“Even though it was just you here? People believed you?” Ye Xiu said, surprised. One Autumn Leaf’s equipment was quite good, relative to the playerbase – he’d been able to get two incredibly good orange equipment pieces from all his victories in the arena.
But Su Muqiu’s Autumn Tree was much worse off. Never mind orange equipment, he didn’t even have any purple equipment, and only one blue equipment, the rest green. In front of the dungeon entrance, he looked like some newbie waiting for an expert to carry him.
Of course, Su Muqiu was no newbie, and his skill was absolutely top tier. He played the game for about the same amount of time as Ye Xiu. But he was only level 31, he had bad equipment, and his win record in the arena was 67.8% – not a bad score relative to the player base as a whole, but definitely a bad record in his eyes. The reason for this apparent paradox was simply that he focused on different aspects of this game when playing.
Unlike most other gamers that simply played games for enjoyment, Su Muqiu relied on playing games to earn enough money for himself and his sister to survive. So, the moment he entered a game, the first thing he looked for was some area in which there was money to be made.
Selling accounts, selling equipment and materials, powerleveling, even writing external scripts for exploits… In any game, if there had been a market for it, Su Muqiu had done it.
And in Glory, which had obtained an unprecedented level of popularity, Su Muqiu had found a new profitable area: the equipment editor.
As announced by the creators, this feature allowed players to create their own custom equipment for use in game. They summed up the value of self-made equipment in a phrase: self-made equipment isn’t always the best, but the best equipment is always self-made. And the silver equipment that came out of the equipment editor did indeed seem to be a level above the orange equipment, which themselves were already fairly rare.
Thus, from day one, Su Muqiu investigated the equipment editor.
It was quite a complex feature, and Su Muqiu had already filled two notebooks with handwritten notes, in addition to 477 documents on a hard disk. Even so, he had only barely scratched the surface.
The difficulty was high. But the greater the difficulty, the more excited Su Muqiu got. Difficult meant rare, which meant valuable.
“Small investment, huge profit!” he’d say.
And so, all the materials and equipment he earned in game became fodder for experimentation in the editor. Sometimes Ye Xiu would log on and find One Autumn Leaf missing a piece of equipment or two – without asking, he’d know that Su Muqiu had borrowed them for research.
However, investing everything into the equipment editor put a strain on his resources. He quickly realized that he needed a large supply of materials for his research to succeed.
“I can’t go on like this…” Over time, his tone changed from the “small investment, huge profit” attitude earlier. He had to find outside ways to maintain his research, such as setting dungeon records.
“Join team.” Ye Xiu’s One Autumn Leaf was pulled into the dungeon team, and then he heard Su Muqiu talking to the other three players. “How about it? I wasn’t lying to you! This is One Autumn Leaf, right?”
So that’s how he gathered this team. Ye Xiu was speechless.
The other three players were also shocked – they all knew One Autumn Leaf was one of the highest-level players in the game, as evidenced by his 3685 – no, 3686, now – battles and victories in the arena.
The three players crowded around to pay their respects to the expert, but Su Muqiu announced, “Alright, let’s start.”
“What?” This statement surprised the three players out of their hero-worship.
“You’re coming too?” one player exclaimed.  
“What about healer? MT?” said another.
“What’s the strategy?”
Su Muqiu responded with three words. “Overwhelm with skill.”
“…Even with an expert…” The three players glanced toward One Autumn Leaf. Was this one expert enough “skill” to get them a dungeon record?”
“Not just one expert,” Su Muqiu said, completely unashamed.
“Who else?”
“Desert Dust?!” one of the players shouted, excited. A player that matched One Autumn Leaf in skill, who else but the other player with a perfect win record in the arena?
“When is he coming?” The third player reached the same conclusion.
“The other expert is right in front of you!” said Su Muqiu over the exclamations of the other players.
“Where? Where?” The three players looked around frantically, but didn’t see Desert Dust’s name anywhere.
“It’s me!” huffed Su Muqiu.
“Who said that?” The three players acted as though Autumn Tree weren’t even there, still looking around for an expert.
“Me!” Su Muqiu directed his character to jump in front of the players’ fields of vision.
“You?” The Glory game allowed players to directly talk to each other with voice chat, but in this moment, the three players needed to use emojis to show their expressions of shock. This Sharpshooter in front of them looked nothing like an expert at all.
“Don’t waste our dungeon run!” One of the players couldn’t help but speak up.
At this, Ye Xiu laughed. “His equipment isn’t great, but his skill is extremely good.”
“What’s his win record in the arena?” This was the most direct method of measuring someone’s skill.
“97.8%.” Ye Xiu answered promptly, without even blinking. Su Muqiu’s win record was only in the 60s, but Ye Xiu just turned the 6 upside down into a 9. Arena records and statistics could only be accessed from within the arena, so here, out in the field, Ye Xiu felt safe in lying about this win record.
In any case, this wasn’t entirely a lie. Su Muqiu was always playing with the equipment editor and testing out crazy combinations of equipment that he cooked up. Often times, he’d stop in the middle of a battle to frantically write something down in his notebook – playing like that, it’d be a surprise if he didn’t lose. If Su Muqiu really cared about victory, Ye Xiu was certain that he’d easily maintain a win record above 97.8%.
“Okay, let’s not waste time, start now, hopefully it’ll only take one try,” said Su Muqiu.
“So what’s our strategy? How are we supposed to play?” One player was still hesitant. Everyone trusted One Autumn Leaf’s assurances that this Autumn Tree player was skilled. But getting a dungeon record required teamwork, right? If they just charged in without discussing plans beforehand, how would they get the record?”
“If you see a monster, kill it. Let’s go.” Su Muqiu’s reply was straightforward, and he entered the dungeon immediately after. Ye Xiu’s One Autumn Leaf followed suit, and the other three, after hesitating for a moment, entered as well.
As soon as they stepped foot in the dungeon, they found that the two players had already charged forward toward the monsters.
“Fuck, didn’t even say anything! This really is ‘if you see a monster kill it’!” someone shouted.
Line Canyon was a level 31-33 dungeon, and players at this level always did their daily three runs of this dungeon. These three players were level 32, and like Ye Xiu, were currently some of the highest-leveled players of the playerbase. They weren’t strangers to this dungeon. But they had never experienced a direct, explosive strategy like the one currently unfolding before them.
“Faster faster faster!” Su Muqiu urged. His Autumn Tree wielded two revolvers, firing peng peng peng without pause. In the blink of an eye, six small monsters were drawn toward the dungeon entrance.
“Damn…” The three players felt weak in their legs. Their arena win records were above 70%, which was fairly good. But pulling six monsters immediately? Normally, even with MT and healer, only two monsters would be pulled at a time, maybe three if the party had particularly good equipment. But now, this guy, dressed as ridiculously as a flower, was pulling six monsters from the start! They’d thought he was a beggar, but he was a legend. You really can’t judge power from appearance.
But how were they supposed to kill these six monsters?
The three players didn’t know where to start, and they weren’t given any directions. In the end, One Autumn Leaf charged over, the spear in his hand flashed, and the six monsters were bunched together and stunned.
“What are you all doing? Output damage!” Su Muqiu yelled, and finally the three players woke from their daze. This is what “overwhelm with skill” meant. Before this, they couldn’t even imagine what the summit of skill looked like.
“These experts with above 90% win record are terrifying,” one of them said.
“Not just above 90%, it’s 100%!” another reminded him.
“I wonder who’s stronger, him or Desert Dust?”
“I’ve seen Desert Dust’s arena battles before, he’s really fierce.”
The three players had been nervous at the beginning, but they gradually discovered that there was absolutely no pressure on them at all. Finding and pulling the monsters, the difficult part of this, One Autumn Leaf and Autumn Tree had that covered. The three of them only needed to output as much damage as they could. They still had to pay attention to some basic things, but the three of them weren’t newbies, so it was a straightforward matter for them.
So as they mindlessly outputted damage, the three of them started chatting. They now thoroughly understood Su Muqiu’s skill as well. His damage wasn’t amazing, but that was only because of his subpar equipment. But his skill was incredible – he had managed to interrupt every single attack that the monsters tried to launch.
Upon reaching the BOSS, Su Muqiu’s performance reached a new height. This BOSS was surrounded by twelve monsters, smaller than the BOSS but considered “elite” monsters. Normal players would cautiously approach, pulling one or two small monsters at a time to kill – this strategy had developed after countless player deaths. Even now, many teams would be wiped out here if they carelessly pulled too many at once.
But Su Muqiu.
Peng peng peng peng peng, rapid fire, twelve bullets delivered like candy to the twelve monsters.
“Are we killing these all at once too?” The three players had thought that nothing could surprise them anymore, but they were wrong. Twelve monsters! Elite ones, at that!
“Leaving it to you guys,” said Su Muqiu.
The three players felt their hands begin sweating. They expected One Autumn Leaf to gather the monsters, but instead saw him charging straight toward the BOSS.
“You’re trying to kill the BOSS right now too?” the players yelled.
They watched Autumn Tree fly past them like a train and continue to fire rapidly at the smaller monsters.
“Do we fight…?” one of the players said with a tremble in his voice.
“Come fight the BOSS!” Ye Xiu’s voice came from the side.
The three players paused, looked again, and realized that Autumn Tree had drawn the twelve small monsters away from the BOSS and was luring them in circles.
With that, they understood. They weren’t going to kill the smaller monsters at all. Autumn Tree would keep them distracted, and the four of them would kill the BOSS?
This was true skill! What use was good equipment? Would having good equipment allow you to pull this off? Keeping control of twelve elite monsters at once without losing any or getting killed?
“Incredible! Too incredible!” They marveled as they charged forward to meet the BOSS.
A short while after, an announcement in the Glory world channel: a new record set for the Line Canyon dungeon.
“One try, not bad!” crowed Su Muqiu.
“Are we going again?” These three players were now thoroughly convinced of his prowess.
“Not now, I have something to do.” Su Muqiu dispersed the team. Before Ye Xiu had arrived, he had already discussed with the three players how to split the reward.
Thus, the three players bid a heartfelt farewell to these two experts. Ye Xiu and Su Muqiu began heading back to the city near Line Canyon, and Su Muqiu once again started talking earnestly about his plans for equipment-making.
All the way up until the two of them found their way blocked by another player.
“One Autumn Leaf, play a match?”
Standing in the center of the path was the Striker, Desert Dust.
The path between the Line Canyon city and the leveling areas and dungeons was frequented by many players. So, even though not many heard the words that Desert Dust spoke, just the sight of the names “Desert Dust” and “One Autumn Leaf” together was enough to make passerby stop in their tracks. These two experts with perfect win records, meeting like this… everyone wanted to know who was stronger.
Ye Xiu didn’t refuse the invitation. Even Su Muqiu, who typically only cared about the equipment editor, began to display excitement.
One Autumn Leaf, Desert Dust.
No one knew then that this meeting would mark the start of over a decade of competition and rivalry between these two characters, these two players.
In this moment, everyone was only curious as to which of the two was about to lose his perfect record.
The battle would take place on the side of the path. As more and more players passed by, those at the back found their view blocked by the crowd, and so they scrambled for higher ground by climbing atop nearby rocks and trees.
The two experts hadn’t wanted to cause a traffic jam, but now, even though they had relocated to the side of the road, congestion was unavoidable.
“Let’s begin!” Desert Dust didn’t say anything more, and rushed forward with a cry.
Ye Xiu answered with his actions. Desert Dust was fast with the attack, but his One Autumn Leaf was faster to meet it.
Step forward.
Dashing Jab!
Dragon Tooth!
Two straight-line attacks, accurately crashing into each other.
Who was stronger? Who was weaker?
The spectators couldn’t even see the results of this clash before the two characters turned and began moving in parallel.
Sky Strike!
One Autumn Leaf’s spear swung upward, a level 30 orange weapon, bladed at both ends, flashing like a Blade Master’s lightsaber. This weapon was a prize for earning a certain number of points in the arena, and every day countless Battle Mages salivated over this glorious prize – very few were able to reach the requirements necessary for unlocking it.
Desert Dust’s weapon wasn’t any less prestigious. Having won more battles, he had more arena points than One Autumn Leaf. Thus, while One Autumn Leaf only had two pieces of orange equipment, Desert Dust actually had three, including an orange weapon – Lava Anger! Desert Dust’s gauntlets – his weapon – were wreathed in flames.
Collapsing Fist!
With this attack, the flames seemed to blaze even brighter.
Clash, another clash.
These two players were the highest of experts, and yet at this moment seemed not to understand technique and adaptation. They were like two newbies, simply throwing attacks at each other.
Desert Dust’s fist landed on One Autumn Leaf’s spear. With the punch thrown, One Autumn Leaf’s body began to shake – Collapsing Fist seemed to be stronger than Sky Strike.
All the spectators thought this was the case. Desert Dust didn’t disappoint, quickly following up with his attacks.
Is it, though? The spectating Su Muqiu chuckled to himself. Sky Strike and Collapsing Fist, there was a clear difference in power. How could Ye Xiu ignore that fact? Would he miss something as important as that? Everyone thinking that this is a chance for Desert Dust, aren’t they looking down on the abilities of an expert?
This wasn’t a chance. Or rather, this was a chance, but it was Ye Xiu’s chance, because he purposely exposed this flaw to the opponent.
A shaking body seemed to be the result of the inability to properly counter the Collapsing Fist. But this apparent helplessness and loss of control allowed One Autumn Leaf to cleanly dodge Desert Dust’s follow-up Whirlwind Kick. Immediately after, a gleam of light flew out from behind One Autumn Leaf.
Neutral Chaser!
A Chaser resulting from the clash between Dragon Tooth and Dashing Jab. Unlike most other Battle Mages, he didn’t fire this Chaser immediately, but instead waited until this critical moment, when everyone thought that Desert Dust had the upper hand, to suddenly counterattack.
Light blocked Desert Dust’s field of vision. It wasn’t just an attack on the character, it was more a disruption to the human controller. The spectators couldn’t grasp this point; only Su Muqiu, who often sparred with Ye Xiu, understood.
And Desert Dust was currently experiencing this himself. But even so, he didn’t retreat, or even falter.
The Whirlwind Kick attack was dodged.
His vision was blocked by the light of the Chaser.
One Autumn Leaf was already launching another attack.
But none of this affected Desert Dust’s actions. He wasn’t panicked or hesitant in the slightest. He simply swung his fists as always. As a level 32 character, he only had access to a limited number of skills, so this swinging of his fist was just a simple, direct punch.
But this punch was faster than a special skill, and was as accurate as ever even with blocked vision.
The punch passed the Neutral Chaser – the light damaged Desert Dust, but his movement was unaffected. This ordinary punch connected with One Autumn Leaf’s head.
Peng! A dull sound.
A normal attack couldn’t deal much damage, but this punch successfully disrupted One Autumn Leaf’s rhythm. The spectators were shocked – they weren’t able to follow the intricacies of the situation, so all they saw was that Desert Dust seized the opportunity and gained the upper hand. It figured that the 4012-win Desert Dust would be slightly stronger than the 3686-win One Autumn Leaf.
Su Muqiu was shocked as well, but for a slightly different reason. He knew that Ye Xiu was luring Desert Dust into attacking, but he hadn’t thought that this opponent would use such a coarse method to directly destroy Ye Xiu’s plan.
Desert Dust, like Su Muqiu, had clearly also seen through One Autumn Leaf’s “chance.” But he didn’t retreat because of it, didn’t even display a half-second of wavering – he simply resolutely charged forward.
He knew it was a trap but jumped in anyway. It seemed to be a dumb move. But this Striker, with his courage and determination alone, used this dumb method to slaughter open a path.
Now, Ye Xiu was no longer purposefully retreating or leaving openings. Desert Dust was truly gaining the upper hand, with a relentless stream of attacks. Unlike most others who faced off against an expert like Ye Xiu, Desert Dust didn’t play conservatively. He continued to unleash a barrage of attacks, each more ferocious than the last.
As expected of the perfect-record expert! He truly is powerful!
Seeing the attitudes of these experts, Su Muqiu felt himself getting fired up as well. Up until now, he had been focused on getting revenue from games; if there was no money to be earned from the outcome of a PK, he wasn’t really interested. But in this moment, he suddenly felt the impulse to put aside all else in the pursuit of victory.
Don’t lose!
Initially, he didn’t really care about the outcome of this match, and even somewhat wanted to see what Ye Xiu was like after a loss. But now, he fiercely hoped for Ye Xiu’s victory. The feeling of having a mutual enemy was exceptionally clear.
He turned his head to look at Ye Xiu sitting beside him. He had never seen Ye Xiu this focused before, and yet he was clearly excited as well.
Fated rivals! These were two fated rivals.
One match wouldn’t say much. Su Muqiu suddenly had this feeling, that these two would meet in many more battles to come, each experiencing their share of victories and defeats, fighting until the end.
But who would win the first match? Who would take the lead?
Su Muqiu’s eyes lit up.
As someone who relied on games for income, he was excellent at discovering bugs and loopholes, which often led to a considerable revenue breakthrough. Having developed this habit, even his fighting style became very cost-efficient.
Use the smallest cost to get the biggest reward, this was the principle he lived by.
He liked bugs, he was good at finding bugs, he was good at using bugs.
And in that moment, he discovered a bug, and instinctively controlled his Autumn Tree to raise his guns.
But although this conditioned reflex was there, he ultimately did not fire the shot.
Because Ye Xiu’s reaction was faster, and had a more accurate grasp of the timing.
Falling Flower Palm!
The palm flashed forward, toward a tiny gap in Desert Dust’s stream of attacks, a flaw that simply didn’t exist in the eyes of everyone around them.
Su Muqiu saw it.
And when he saw it, Ye Xiu had already started moving, One Autumn Leaf had already interrupted Desert Dust’s attack.
Night Cloak!
Before Desert Dust was sent flying by this Falling Flower Palm, One Autumn Leaf had already waved this Night Cloak to trap him in the air, and then immediately followed up with sprinkling a dispel powder.
One Autumn Leaf began to counterattack.
Like Desert Dust, Ye Xiu didn’t limit himself to Battle Mage skills. At level 32, this would limit a player severely, so everyone would learn a few skills of other classes to bolster their movepool.
Battle Mages were a Mage subclass, and the difference between the various Mage subclasses was quite large. But because of this, Ye Xiu had a wider selection of skills he could learn compared to most players. Even skills that seemed completely unrelated to the fighting style of a Battle Mage could still be used and chained to great effect.
A Summoner’s monster appeared on the battlefield.
An Elementalist’s flames burned on Desert Dust’s body.
The spectators almost forgot what class One Autumn Leaf was in. Only when Chasers were fired did they remember – right, this was a Battle Mage.
The spectators discussed eagerly amongst themselves. Earlier they had thought Desert Dust was quite fierce, and 4012 wins was better than 3686. But now, they were beginning to favor One Autumn Leaf.
One Autumn Leaf’s attacks continued uninterrupted. But gradually, the situation began to change yet again. Initially, Desert Dust had been suppressed, but he was now slowly evening the playing field.
One Autumn Leaf was attacking, but so was Desert Dust.
No longer was one party attacking while the other defended. Now, they were both using everything they had to attack.
“What a tough guy!” exclaimed Su Muqiu. Desert Dust’s stubborn playstyle was much different from his own, and normally Su Muqiu would have disdained the inelegance of it. But in a way, this strength and stubbornness was inspiring, such that even though Su Muqiu didn’t agree with this way of fighting, it earned his respect and belief.
The health of both parties was falling in tandem. Neither demonstrated a clear advantage; it seemed that victory would be decided in the falling moments.
Collapsing Fist!
Even after a lengthy period of fighting, Desert Dust’s momentum hadn’t wavered one bit. Collapsing Fist, the strongest skill of a Striker at this level, tore towards One Autumn Leaf.
The match would be decided now!
Everyone could see, One Autumn Leaf didn’t have enough health left to live through this Collapsing Fist. Desert Dust ignored all else, didn’t dodge, didn’t pause, just kept moving forward. And One Autumn Leaf’s spear was still extended from a previous attack and couldn’t be brought up to block in time; Falling Flower Palm was in cooldown; his Chasers had all been used up.
No path of retreat, no way to dodge, One Autumn Leaf seemed to be in dire straits. But just at that moment, Desert Dust suddenly jumped.
A jump that seemed to be for no reason at all, but soon enough everyone saw, it wasn’t that Desert Dust wanted to jump, but that he had suffered an attack.
Thorn Vine!
A Summoner’s knock-up skill abruptly came from the ground. Desert Dust couldn’t defend against this, and was lifted into the air.
But he only needed one punch!
Thorn Vine changed Desert Dust’s body position but didn’t interrupt his attack, so the punch continued toward One Autumn Leaf.
But One Autumn Leaf had already knelt down and performed a marvelous echo of the knock-up effect of that Thorn Vine skill, quickly increasing the distance between the two characters. His spear was pulled back before shooting out once again like a stinger.
A spear is long, an arm is short.
Even though Desert Dust began his attack earlier, One Autumn Leaf’s attack landed first. Suspended in the air like that, after eating several attacks from the spear, Desert Dust clearly had no more hope for victory. His fists lowered helplessly.
Victory and defeat were decided!
But One Autumn Leaf didn’t stop. An Ice Chaser shot out and struck Desert Dust.
With this hit, Desert Dust’s health dropped to zero, and his body and some of his equipment fell to the ground.
The spectators paused in confusion before remembering – this duel wasn’t in the arena, this was a PK in the wild. If you died in the wild, you’d lose some experience, and some of your equipment would drop as well.
The chance of dropping equipment wasn’t too high, but Desert Dust’s was unlucky – not only did he drop equipment, everyone saw clearly that what had dropped was his weapon – the orange-level gauntlets, Lava Anger.
Wealth moved people, and in this game, what moved people the most was equipment.
In a flash, everyone forgot about that intense battle and their feelings of admiration at these two experts.
Orange equipment!
Orange equipment that could only be obtained with points in the arena!
Immediately, some players charged forward to grab that equipment, even ignoring One Autumn Leaf. Obviously, One Autumn Leaf was closest to the fallen Desert Dust and the dropped gauntlets, but he barely had any health left. Thus, despite One Autumn Leaf’s demonstrated skill, no one viewed him as a threat in this state.
Long-ranged attacks flew toward One Autumn Leaf; the attackers seemed to reach a tacit understanding to take him out first before squabbling for the equipment. But as they soon discovered, One Autumn Leaf wasn’t the only opponent they had to deal with.
“Despicable! Absolutely despicable!” From the crowd burst forth a shouting Qi Master, running toward Ye Xiu’s side while manipulating energy.
Nen Guard!
The Qi Master stopped and activated the defensive skill to cover One Autumn Leaf. This skill created a bubble that could block all incoming attacks.
“Ah!” But the Qi Master hardly had time to relax, for One Autumn Leaf had already charged out of the protection and through the space where attacks were flying everywhere.
“Hey you…” the Qi Master shouted After Nen Guard was cast, it couldn’t be moved. One Autumn Leaf ran outside the shield – did he not see this skill had been cast? But the Qi Master’s shout died in his throat. One Autumn Leaf sprinted toward the fallen Desert Dust, snatched the fallen gauntlets, spun around, and a few steps later was back in the safety of the Nen Guard.
“Thanks,” the Qi Master heard One Autumn Leaf say to him. But the Qi Master’s attention was grabbed by a Sharpshooter standing a distance away, wielding dual pistols. Even though his equipment was terrible, the Qi Master had clearly seen, just now, that this Sharpshooter had used his attacks to deflect and interrupt the various incoming attacks from the other players, allowing One Autumn Leaf to avoid taking damage and grab the gauntlets.
“Another expert…” the Qi Master stared at Autumn Tree for a while longer. Meanwhile, the spectators, seeing that the orange equipment had already been claimed, could only disperse in disappointment.
By this time, Ye Xiu had already directed One Autumn Leaf to drink a potion to restore his health, so he no longer feared any further attacks. He walked toward the Qi Master.
“Thank you for just now,” Ye Xiu reiterated.
The Qi Master laughed. “It was nothing,” he said, glancing at Autumn Tree. In his heart, he knew that his Nen Guard hadn’t really helped much. One Autumn Leaf returning here after grabbing the equipment was simply allowing the Qi Master to save face; he would have been fine without it.
“Do you want these gauntlets?” Ye Xiu asked him.
“Huh? Me? I don’t want them, aren’t you going to return them to that guy?”
“I’ll ask,” Ye Xiu said.
Two seconds later, the Qi Master saw in the world chat:
“Yo Desert Dust do you still want those gauntlets you dropped?” -One Autumn Leaf.
The world chat exploded.
One Autumn Leaf, Desert Dust, two perfect-record experts! And now One Autumn Leaf was calling out Desert Dust, what was going on? Dropped gauntlets, what was that about?
“No.” In the midst of speculation, Desert Dust’s message was short, but it was seen by many, including Ye Xiu.
“He doesn’t want it, you should just take it!” Ye Xiu offered once again.
“I don’t use gauntlets,” the Qi Master still refused.
“Then give it to me!” By this time, Su Muqiu’s Autumn Tree had made his way over. His voice carried not only through the game but also in real life, as he twisted his head to say these words at his friend playing next to him.
This was orange equipment!
As research material, orange equipment was too difficult to get. Even though Su Muqiu had borrowed some of Ye Xiu’s orange equipment to investigate, he could never do any real testing on them – after all, they weren’t his, and he didn’t want to mess them up by accident. That was a line he wouldn’t cross. If he was going to test on those, it would have to wait until Ye Xiu discarded them for better equipment.
“Take it!” Just like that, the orange equipment that so many players dreamed of was just casually tossed to Su Muqiu to become experiment material.
The Qi Master spoke up suddenly. “By the way, just now, you didn’t have to fire that last Ice Chaser at him to kill him, did you?”
“No, it was necessary,” Ye Xiu said. “Otherwise I would’ve been the one killed.”
“That guy hadn’t given up. He was about to unleash an Eagle Stamp. If I hadn’t launched that Chaser, or even if I’d launched it too slow, then I would’ve died.”
“So that’s how it is…” The Qi Master nodded. “Thank you for the lesson.”
Ye Xiu laughed. “Add me as a friend, then we can play together later.”
“Alright, in the future, let’s meet up.”
And so, on this day, at almost the same time, Ye Xiu met two people who would play significant roles in his life as a Glory player. The one who would become his strongest rival for countless years, and the one who would support him to the summit of Glory in the first three years of his professional career.
Desert Dust.
Qi Breaker.
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There Is No Escape - Part 10
Note: Killian has no choice but to break your heart. His own heart in Pan’s grip but you can’t just allow yourself to give up on him. (The memories mentioned are before he loses his hand and gains his infamous hook, hence no mention of it just so you know. )
Killian Jones x Peter Pan x Reader
Words: 2737
Warnings: Some violence and swearing. Brief mention of unwanted advances too.
Disclaimers: None of the GIFs are mine. All credit goes to the creators
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The bar you see yourself in is bursting with patrons enjoying a drink and those who are with others are laughing at the jokes they are sharing. The laughs aren’t quiet either – they are loud and boisterous as though they are trying to out laugh the other which makes it difficult for you to hear the words of anyone who attempts to talk to you. A restriction of which seems to give them the excuse to use gropes and slaps to your arse as a form of communication instead.
Oh the joys of working in a tavern!
The final straw for you is when one of those lecherous gropes starts to turn into something a whole lot more. You feel the hard wall of the room as your back is forced up against it, the tray of glasses you had been carrying clattering onto the floor sending shards of glass flying as it shatters on impact as it falls from your grip. Your breath escapes your lungs quickly from the sheer force behind the move.
It isn’t a regular visitor to the tavern, you don’t recognise any detail of his face, and given that you are always one of the very few sober ones in here you never doubted your memory. This one, going by his scruffy look and the god awful stench of his drunken breath, was one of the group of pirates that had recently come to the town. They were here looking at trading with the locals or in this one’s case treat it’s women like they are something to be fondled incessantly.
His breath as he runs his rum covered lips up the length of your neck makes you very skin crawl as a grimace crosses your lips. The stench of stale rum hits you like a violent wave in the sea.
“Squibbers, mate. I suggest you kindly take your hands off the young lady here.”
It didn’t seem to matter what was going on in the tavern at that moment because the second that authoritative voice sounded out everything just seemed to stop. Anyone who had been about to take a sip of their drink had frozen on the spot – the rims of their glasses hovering by their lips as their eyes train themselves onto the unfolding scene.  
Your eyes had closed when the pirate’s lips had invaded your neck but the voice forces them open pretty quickly.
“We are hoping to trade with these fine people and the last thing we want is to be gaining a reputation around here.”
The young male’s sharp blue eyes are on you the whole time he speaks and it isn’t until he is finished that you realise yours have been on his the whole time too. You feel the blush beginning to radiate from your cheeks as you clear your throat nervously and break all eye contact with him.
His hand lands on the drunken man’s shoulder and although it is clear he is annoyed at the interruption to his activities he does as he is told and removes himself from you.
“Yes Cap’n.”
Captain? He seems far too young (and good looking for that matter) to be a Pirate Captain. A hint of confusion shows in your eyes and almost as though he’d heard your very thoughts a devilish smirk tugs at his lips as the unwelcome pirate slinked back to his table. His ‘Captain’ steps closer to you and extends a hand out for you to take and when you do you immediately feel his fingers wrapping themselves around your hand tightly.
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“I apologise for his behaviour Miss. I don’t let him off the ship all that often. The name’s Killian Jones. Captain of the Jolly Roger.”
“I’m [y/n]…”
It is all you can say as any logical thought inside of your mind becomes lost in his enchanting eyes. Your hands are still connected but there is no rush in you removing yours from his. Something just feels so right about this. Almost like your hands had been designed to fit into the others.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The memory coming back to you is of the day you met Killian – long before you came to be on Neverland and even now, all these years later it still brings a smile to your face and a sense of euphoria as your heart skips a beat. The fact that the years had been less kind to him while you had remained youthful on Neverland didn’t even cause your smile to falter.
The water in the pool feels slightly warm against the sides of your neck as you allow yourself to sink into it a little more. Even though they were coming to you completely out of order you are enjoying experiencing the very memories that Pan had stopped you from doing so…..completely unaware as to what was taking place just metres away from you.
While you are remembering the happiness that Killian has always brought to your life he is unable to feel anything. With his beating heart still in Pan’s hand all he can do is wait for the boy’s next actions.
“You can’t say I didn’t warn you Captain. I told you to walk away. You could have prevented all of this. Instead you decided to be a fool.”
Pan circled the injured pirate, his darkened eyes looking him up and down as he did, and occasionally he would throwing his heart up in the air before catching it again, taunting him as each second passed them by. Tears line Killian’s eyes, his jaw clenching as he bites back the pain coursing through his body. Even now when Pan has very clearly won he refuses to give him such satisfaction.
“….and I….” A sharp pain ripples through him, causing him to close his eyes for a few moments as he let it pass, a smugness radiating from the boy as he loosened the tight grip he had applied to the pirate’s heart. “…I said I would always come back for her.”
Pan stops in front of him, a single brow raised in a quizzical manner. The pirate must have been deluded from his weeks of roaming the island because his determination made no sense to him at all.
“Why would she want the bastard who is going to break her heart?”
The words that were said so casually by the boy ignite the anger inside Killian but there is no way of him venting it out, not unless he wants his heart to be crushed completely….if that happens you would be lost forever. Pan moves closer to him until their faces are so close that the tips of their noses are practically brushing against one another’s, his chest rising and falling heavily as his anger became uncontrollable.
“She’s mine…and I don’t like sharing. Especially not with pirate scum. You better be ready to say goodbye.”
With one last threatening squeeze of the beating organ Pan disappears completely from view leaving the heartless Killian to face a confrontation he never wanted to have with you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
With the majority of the town still enjoying themselves inside the tavern the walk back to your home is relatively quiet and although the two of you speak often you still find the odd quiet moment where you find yourself simply taking every detail of him in with your eyes.
Shortly after he had rather gallantly rescued you from his drunken crew member you finished your shift for the night and he had offered to walk you home – in such a short amount of time he was already proving to be nothing like the image you’d had of pirates in your mind when growing up. To you he seems more like a Prince from the bedtime stories you had read to you as a child…not a thieving pirate that was out for himself.
“It must be pretty amazing being able to travel to other lands. All those different cultures you must come across, the people, seems like a dream come true to me.”
A comfortable silence had enveloped the two of you for a few moments so when you finally spoke it dragged Killian out of whatever daze it was he had been in and he brought his eyes to yours.
“Would you like to see her? My ship that is?”
You never expected him to offer such an opportunity and although you really should have been getting home there was no way you were going to say no. If anything the chance to learn more about him was enough reason to go with him. A warm, genuine, smile reaches your lips as your eyes light up with the excitement you feel.
“I would love to. Thank you.”
“You are more than welcome; although, quick warning….” As a playful smile begins to tug at the corner of his lips he leans a little closer to you meaning that his lips hover intoxicatingly close to your ear. The sensation of his warm breath cruising down it makes your heart beat that little bit faster. “…..she may get a little jealous. Normally it is only her that I call beautiful, something tells me she may have some competition for such a sentiment now.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Your eyes snap open at that moment despite the memory not finishing but the love you can already feel coursing through you for this man is all that mattered and now his aimless wandering about the island all this time made so much more sense to you. He had come back for you, risked his life with Pan and his boys, and now you can remember properly you don’t want to waste any more time.
The other memories would gradually come back to you but the longer Killian stood outside this cave alone the more likely it would be that he’d be located by one of the boys….if not Pan himself and there was no telling what he would do to him. He’s obviously gone through a lot of trouble already to try and keep this man away from you.
Quickly grabbing your clothes that were strewn across the floor behind you leave the waters that you could so easily have stayed in for even longer and covered yourself. The water still on your body soaking through the thin material instantly as you raced back out of the cave to meet with him.
He hadn’t moved from the spot where you had left him standing and although just moments before coming here you would never have done such a thing you wasted no time in closing the gap between the two of you and wrapping both of your arms around him in a tight embrace. There is a considerable height difference between the two of you so to be able to wrap your arms around his neck you needed to be up on the tip of your toes, even then it is quite the stretch.
His arms seem to return the embrace but not with the same level of passion as yours did…it is rather odd given what he had been through to get you here. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion but you remain where you are, hoping that you are simply overthinking things, and rest your head against his chest as you speak.
“I’m so sorry you have had to go through all this. It kills me that I ever forgot I love you. Now that I know though we never need to be apart again. We can find a way off this island once and for all.”
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He hates this, so much, all he wants to do is to hold you just as tight as you are holding him, make up for all the lost time, feel your lips against his one last time….but it isn’t possible. Pan had his heart and now he is to do whatever he is told to, no matter how soul crushing it is going to be for him.
“[y/n] you need to leave me.”
The loose grip he’d had around you disappears completely as he raises his hands up to your arms and removes them from around his neck, your feet go back down onto the ground which means he is now towering above you. There is no expression on his face, not even the smallest hint of emotion, which only increases the confusion you had been feeling over his lacking response to you.
“Killian what….what’s going on? I remember, I remember how we met, how I came to be here on Neverland…and most of all I remember how much I love you. Wh-Why would I need to leave you?”
The very thought alone is enough to have sheer panic appearing on your face as your eyes desperately search for anything that will tell you this is just some stupid joke…..a bit pf payback for the fact that she had forgotten all about him (sounded petty but one of the things you remember about your time with him is that you both took up any opportunity to prank one another)……but there was nothing. He is being more serious than he had ever been before.
“Don’t make this any harder than it needs to be. Just go.”
“NO! I have had enough of people telling me what I can and can’t do. You are just as bad as Pan! I’m not going anywhere. Not unless you can look me dead in the eyes and tell me you don’t love me anymore.”
How had it even come to this? Had he not been desperate for you to know the truth, for you to realise that the two of you were meant to be together? Nothing about this seems right at all and there is no way you are just going to walk away from him. In fact you want to be as close to him as he can possibly bear you being when he says those words because if he really was going to say them then you want him to be as uncomfortable as possible for having you relive such happy memories only to have that taken away from you.
Your eyes bore right into his as you wait….hoping that he doesn’t say another word. Better to have complete silence then him admitting he no longer had feelings for you.
“I don’t love you [y/n]. Not anymore. I don’t need you anymore.”
Need you? That statement is just as odd as the rest of his behaviour and that is when something hits you – not in a physical sense but mentally. You are surprised you hadn’t thought of it before but now you have things make a little more sense to you.
“He has your heart doesn’t he?”
It was a move of his that he didn’t perform in front of anyone else but unknown to him you had unwillingly witnessed it not long after you had come here…..and so you know that unless the heart is crushed whoever has it in their possession is in control of the actions of the person they had just taken it from. A dark look flashes through your eyes, fists clenching by your sides, as you subtly survey your surroundings to see if he is nearby.
“He’s never going to let me go…” Your voice is barely even above a whisper and it is more of a thought spoken out loud than a statement directed towards Killian. Your next words, however, are most certainly for him. “I’m going to get it back. I swear that to you Killian….whatever that demon has planned I will go along with it. For now, but we will get out of here as soon as I have it.”
He just continues to stare at you, no expression on his face, but in the very corner of his right eye you can swear you see a tear glistening inside of it. It breaks your heart to see him in such a state. 
Pan wouldn’t get away with this.
Permanent tag list: @modified-wonderland @fallenfairy16@dottirose @lust-for-pan@brieflybigwonderland@xoxoaudreymarie @xxlilmissforeverxx
(still plenty of room if anyone else would like to be added!)
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