#but Ajak excuses all of it
Thena watches her gladiators while they train. And she certainly enjoys watching her champion while he trains 👀
Ajak smiled to one of their many advisors before they bounded off. She turned to Thena beside her, "do you remember a single word they said?"
"Do you?"
"Thena," Ajak frowned, although her daughter was not nearly as chastised by her tone as she might have liked. Thena turned her head faintly, looking out into the courtyard as they walked. "You cannot avoid them forever."
"Forgive me, Mother," Thena smiled tightly. Usually, she did her best to avoid royal duties all together. But she had made her mother the promise that, if she were allowed to stay by Gilgamesh's side while he recovered, that she would never deny her mother again.
A promise she still did not regret making, no matter how many meetings and banquets and diplomatic invitations she had to endure. Gilgamesh was alive and well, and she had kept her promise to her mother since.
"Speak of the devil."
Gilgamesh, former Champion and now Captain of the Guard, was training the new recruits. Newer, younger gladiators who would need to know how to handle themselves in the ring in the name of Queen and Country.
"He is a fine teacher."
Ajak eyed Thena beside her, not that her daughter was paying attention to anything but the man directing their new gladiators. She cleared her throat, "there are questions, my dear--about your marriage?"
"What about it?" Thena mumbled, head practically craned so she could watch Gilgamesh as he gave a lesson on wrestling, seeming about momentum and using an opponent's size against them.
Ajak huffed; Thena had developed somewhat of an impertinence about her since the Eros debacle. Ajak halted her steps, since Thena had come to such a natural halt herself. She tugged at Thena's dress, "about it happening, dearest. You are expected to choose someone now that you have all the power in the world to do so."
Thena continued to ignore her.
Ajak had been trying to get her daughter to consider marriage for years already. She was more than of-age, but the Queen also had vowed to never force Thena into something she truly did not want. And marriage seemed to be at the very top of that list. They were lucky she took the throne and had Thena when she was as young as she was. She had half expected to hand over the throne by now.
Thena tilted her head, admiring the Captain as he...worked.
Ajak sighed, shaking her head faintly. It was so plain to see, and yet Thena had not even mentioned a fondness for the Champion who fought for the freedom of her hand rather than the possession of it. Even Ajak could recognise the romance of such an action.
"You could choose him, if you wish."
Thena finally looked at her, torn from her revelry of watching a bunch of men - one man, rather - horse around. "Hm?"
Driven to distraction; Ajak nodded her head towards Gilgamesh, "I am sure he would find it most agreeable."
"H-" Thena blinked, her head moving between her mother and their chosen and promoted Captain of the gladiatorial forces. It happened a few more times, just for good measure, "G-Gilgamesh?"
Ajak laughed faintly, patting Thena's arm; she wasn't sure when her daughter had become so much taller than she. "Have you not even considered it, dear?"
Thena looked back at the Champion himself, who had his head thrown back in laughter with his troops. Her hands wrung in front of her, "I...I suppose not."
Horseshit. But Ajak held her tongue and tried a more gentle approach with her remarkably stubborn child-turned-grown-woman. "I would approve greatly. Not that I think that matters to you at all."
"Mother," Thena furrowed her brows at her as she patted her hands into submission. "Of course that would matter to me."
"Well," Ajak turned her eyes back to the Captain, who caught her eye this time. She offered a smile.
Gilgamesh stood upright and dipped to bow to their queen and princess, the rest of his troops following suit.
Ajak moved into the sun of the courtyard, still holding Thena's hands and incidentally dragging her along. "Your training seems to be going well, Captain."
"Yes ma'am," Gil responded with a happy smile, despite speaking with the revered Queen Ajak herself. He looked at the recruits behind him, crossing his arms, "they have a ways to go, but I believe they will fight well for you."
"And you?" Thena asked eagerly, nearly cutting off the end of his words with her own, "are you healing well?"
Ajak nearly rolled her eyes; she had healed him herself, and it was weeks since he was able to leave a bed.
"I am," he smiled at her gently, though, his voice going as soft as a lily petal. "Thanks to you and your mother, my Lady."
Thena smiled.
Ajak took in a breath. This required more direct action, and for once, it seemed Thena was not in any mood for directness. She drew her shoulders up faintly and turned to her daughter, "Thena, I have another diplomatic meeting."
"Oh, yes," she agreed, per her promise. But her disappointment rang out from her like a gong. "We shall-"
"You can skip this one, dear," Ajak uttered quickly. This would need to happen fast. "It shall be brief, and nothing but politics. Perhaps the Captain would escort you inside for me?"
Gil startled but straightened his shoulders, "o-of course, my Lady!"
"Very well, then!" Ajak smiled at them before all but dropping Thena's hands from her arm and dashing away. She spared them a wave as she picked up the billowing white of her skirts to move as swiftly as possible. "You have my full faith, Captain."
Thena frowned at the odd statement from her mother, following her even more odd behaviour. "It is a walk; I would not think it required any strength of faith."
Gilgamesh shrugged, though, holding out his arm, bent at the elbow. "Still, it is escorting the royal princess. I'm honoured."
Thena smiled, indulging him as she settled her fingers delicately in the crook of his elbow. "Very well, then, Captain."
"Uh," a young voice cracked, "sir?"
Gil eyed his young bucks over his shoulder, "you can conduct yourself in my absence, right? I have important business with the Princess."
"Yes, sir!"
"Important business?" Thena murmured to him as they took their leave back into the shade.
He bent his head closer to her too, like children snickering about their teacher, "breaks are very important, my Lady."
The two laughed between themselves as he guided her back inside and out of the harsh daylight. Thena cleared her throat, moving her hand further from his bicep and more to his forearm. "How are you finding your new position, Gilgamesh?"
"The promotion was kind, my Lady," he smiled at her as they strolled at a leisurely pace through the open and breeze halls of the palace. "I've never been so rested."
"But do you like it?" Thena clarified, her eyes imploring the truth out of him. "Training the recruits?"
He chuckled, smiling at her more gently (if at all possible). "I love it, Thena. And I know it's because I needed time to heal after my fight."
It was a consideration most were not afforded, given the nature of their profession.
Thena sighed, eyeing his chest place in memory of the scars still there, "you should not have to fight after what you endured."
Gilgamesh shrugged, though, back to smiling blithely. "Part of the job, my Lady."
"Thena," he replied, laughing again. He patted the hand of hers on his arm with his other hand. "It was generous of your mother to promote me. I don't take it for granted."
"Yes," Thena agreed, warmth stealing into her cheeks. It was she who had suggested the promotion to get Gil out of the barracks and into a more comfortable position, both in work and life outside of it. "Mother is generous in spirit."
"You've had a lot of meetings since the tournament, huh?" Gil asked, more and more casual and comfortable the longer they walked together.
"Unfortunately," Thena sighed, also losing the polished edges she wore as Princess. She looked at Gil - just Gil - with a smile that was just Thena. "And they are all terribly boring."
Gil let out a laugh that echoed through the palace halls. Thena stared at it openly.
"Our advisors are demanding I select a spouse," she confided in him as they left the more open halls along the palace walls to the interior. "You would think Mother was abdicating tomorrow, based on their urgency."
"I'm sorry, Thena."
She looked at him in shock.
"I didn't mean to put that kind of pressure on you," Gil frowned in the softer light of the room. "It didn't occur to me that being free to choose would-"
He looked at her in shock this time.
"Don't ever apologise for that," she shook her head at him. "You...you have given me something no money in the world nor the crown itself could give me."
"Without you, I would be under the same expectation to marry, except that they would be chosen for me. If not selected by our advisors, then any challenging prince looking for a prize."
Gil frowned at the mention of Eros, even now that that particular thorn was removed from their sides. He gave her hand a squeeze, "I would never have let that happen, Thena."
She smiled faintly, her head tilting and her hair tumbling off her shoulder, "I know you wouldn't have. It is for that exact reason I will never have enough gratitude to gift you."
"Well, I don't know about that," Gil smiled at her, his lighter mood restored, "the fancy new bed I have in my palace room is pretty nice."
Thena did not manage to catch her laughter before it escaped, "Gil."
"Really, I mean it's nice, and the sheets!" Gil continued until Thena gave his arm a light shove with the back of her hand. It seemed to possess no force at all, and yet he looked at her as if it would rouse him from sleep. "Really, Thena, you've done more than enough. I'm the one who should be thanking you."
Thena just sighed as he brought her hand off his arm and up to his lips in a kiss. It was more gentle and reverent than any from a suitor could hope to achieve.
Ajak watched from behind one of many pillars offering her cover as she spied on the Gladiator who so possessed her daughter's heart.
"My Lady, we really should-"
Ajak shooed away the guard about to blow her cover. She really did have a meeting she had to go to. But this was far more important.
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redheadspark · 1 year
Fluff request
4. "What are you doing up?" "My personal heater was gone." With Druig.
Happy Writing!!
A/N - YAY STELLA! I would love to write this one for you! I hope you like it (And I hope you're feeling better )
Summary - Druig always ran cold. But you always kept him warm
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Warnings - Fluffiness all around
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You barely heard the door opening into your room, nor could you really hear the soft steps of bare feet on the Domo floor under your bed. But you did feel the first touches of calloused fingers along your bare arm, then one leg right behind yours with knees touching the back of yours. You shivered, opening your eyes barely and seeing how dark it was in your room. But breathing in the distinct sweat and muck, the touch along your skin. You know who it was.
"Druig, it's nearly 3 in the morning,"
"And I missed ya, is that a crime?"
You grinned, though sleep was still evident in your eyes. Moving to be on your back, Druig moved up to sit over you as you eyed him in the darkness. He was in his undergarments, his hair ruffled, and some dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. Humming, your gaze went to the window that was showing that there was snow falling.
"What are you doing up?" You asked him as your eyes were staying on the massive snowflakes that were hitting the window.
"My personal heater went away," Druig replied smoothly though you rolled your eyes.
"For the last time, I am not your personal heater." You said to him as Druig was melting into your arms again and chuckling, "And secondly, you stayed up too late for me to sneak into your room and be in your bed. We do need to stop sneaking around like this,"
Ajak was never a real stickler when it came to rules and couples together on The Domo, but you respected her far too much to break that trust she had in you and Druig being a couple. Druig never minded being a bit reckless when it came to his time with you, always holding your hand, sneaking kisses on your cheek when he could, had consistently proclaimed his love for you. Druig never held back, and you admired that about him. Inwardly, you wished you were like him in the department, but Druig never cared.
One of the things you both loved to do was sneak into each other's rooms late in the night to cuddle and be close together. Sure it was rather childish and silly, but you both loved each other's company. It was never anything past that, that was far too risky when others were sleeping close by. Druig simply wish to have you in his arms when he slept, claiming your body heat helped him sleep faster and stay asleep longer. Maybe it was only his excuse to hold you and pepper you with kisses as you tried to sleep, but you liked the thought anyways. He did run a bit cold, body temperature-wise, and he proclaimed you as his personal heater.
"I had to talk to Makkari about something she swiped from the market," Druig explained to you as he cracked a grin, "She wanted to show me a ring she thinks she can trade os something bigger,"
"Makkari never liked jewelry a whole lot," You reminded him as Druig just smirked, "What would be bigger for her to trade that for?"
Druig said nothing, just looking at your joined hands that were now resting on your chest. You then knew he wasn't telling you for a good reason, you then poked his side to have him squirm since he was ticklish.
"Druig, what are you hiding from me?" You asked him, not liking that he was keeping quiet about what Makkair was doing and somehow he was involved with it too.
"Nothin' for you to worry about," He replied to you in his smooth manner, leaning down to kiss you a few times and then warp his arms and legs around you like an octopus. You knew you weren't going to get anything out of him at that point, no matter how hard you would beg or bat your eyes at him. Druig was consistent in hiding things from you, never bad things, but surprises. He loved surprising you, whether it was little things like fresh flowers or fruit from a local grove or massive things like a date in a secluded area away from the others or your own weekend getaway.
So whatever he did have up his sleeve, you knew it was going to be good.
"Hey," Druig said to you, sensing that you were lost in thought thinking of whatever it could be that he was hiding from you. You looked at Druig, seeing him smile and kiss away the frown that was forming on your face, "It's nothing, I promise,"
You nodded, and after you tucked your head under his head and fell asleep in his arms, Druig stayed awake a bit longer and watched you sleep. Druig would never say it, not out loud to anyone, but he was far too in love with you to be with anyone else. You took his temper gently and with grace, you admired his jokes and his lightness in dire situations, and you adored his selfless need to help humans. Druig found himself lucky to be with you and he counted his lucky stars you stayed with him.
So Druig was glad he said nothing since revealing the ring he had stored away to propose to you with would blow his entire plan.
The End.
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Spring Prompt Session
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zafirosreverie · 1 year
Okay but SALMA HAYEK as our lord lady and saviour AJAK?! Like~
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Excuse me while I go gaying
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That was all, thank you for your attention
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cdragons · 1 year
Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader (AKA Kaetlyn) Headcanons Part 1
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Note: Hecate!Eternal’s name is Kaetlyn (it’s still a Reader x Druig au, but it’s just easier for me to give her a name). Her powers are that of manipulating shadows and darkness. For the sake of easier writing, Kaetlyn is ENFP and Druig is INTJ. The MBTIs of the characters don’t really matter that much, but they do help me out when figuring out scenes and writing headcanons. Also, these headcanons are really Part 1 of many.
Also, because these are Druig x Reader headcanons, the reader will be referred as “You”.
In the simplest of terms, your two’s ship dynamic is very… cool & stoic on the outside, but soft on the inside (Druig) x Chaotic Dumbass Sunshine who hides their crippling anxiety (You)
You are clingy…like VERYYYYY clingy
But Druig LIVES for the fact that you love his attention so much, and genuinely thinks that you are the most adorable creature in the whole f*cking universe
Druig is constantly pissed off at everyone on the team except the following: You, Makkari, Sephia, and Thena (he drinks his respect women juice every damn day without fail)
Phastos and Gilgamesh are cool, but Gilgamesh is low-key kind of hyper for him (so are you, but at least you have the excuse of being the light of his life); also, he mostly just teases Phastos for his inventions
He also gets along with Sersi, but he low-key thinks she’s too much of a follower with how well she gets along with Ikaris and reveres Ajak
He assumed the same of you when you all first arrived on Earth, given how you and Kingo were pretty close to one another (very chaotic sibling-like antics)
But then he saw you throw a sandal at Ikaris’ face when he commented that you were too “menacing” to wear any of the human clothing gifted to you from the village women for all the childbirths you aided (leaving a VERY red imprint that resulted in a broken nose with how hard you threw it)
And then you basically converted your room at the Domo into a secret laboratory to sneak in all the Deviants you killed to study their anatomy & physiology, and just slept in Sephia’s room – all without Ajak’s permission!
You got in a HUGE amount of trouble, but you were stubborn in your belief that the deviants had to have shared some common anatomical features to target; and by studying them, this information would make killing them so much easier
It pissed Ikaris so much when Ajak ended up approving of your research (lol, what a loser), and it made you sooooo happy
To say he was intrigued – and little turned on – from that point on was a severe understatement
You, on the other hand, were fond of Druig pretty much from the beginning you laid eyes on him
Despite your stubbornness and hyperactive attitude, you were extremely observant and intuitive of those around you (you had to be, you were literally a shadow assassin), so when your gut told you that there was more than meets the eye when it came to someone – you listened
And you were not disappointed when it came to Druig
You adored how he wasn’t super showy in his kindness and affection towards humans, and you could see in the huge amount of love he had for them in his eyes
You would always try to make conversation with him, and try to get to know him so that you two could at least be friends
So, when HE was the first to approach you for conversation, you were over the moon – and it didn’t help how hypnotic you found his blue eyes to be, along with how soft his voice would get in teasing you, not to mention how soft his lips looked whenever he talked!
Makkari and Sephia both knew about your crush, and they (mostly Makkari) loved to tease you over it (but they were your #1 shippers); so did Kingo, but he thought something was wrong with you (your shadow slapped his head for that)
Druig was skeptical at first, and rebuffed your multiple attempts to befriend him – until Makkari literally smacked his head at learning this, and told him how nice you were and you honestly admired him
He decided to make amends to you by approaching you first for once – only to be sucker punched in the gut at your earnest warmth and affection towards him, and all those guarded walls came crashing down
He was NOT prepared to experience so much wholesomeness in someone who was LITERALLY the master of shadows and darkness, and he was even LESS prepared to discover how introspective you actually were compared to how you present yourself to others
He starts noticing things about you that just make him feel so warm and fuzzy, and it’s freaking him out; like how you will always have your arms open for those who civilization called “monsters” and “cursed”; always treating their wounds, making them laugh with your shadows, hiding them from real monsters (their abusers), etc.
When he asked you why you preferred their company, you explained to him that you knew what it was like to be judged by everyone around you – even going into detail of how insecure you were of your powers because some people (Ikaris & Sprite) liked to call you a monster
You then went on to tell him that you always seemed so happy and bubbly as a way for others not to see you as an enemy – and that you were so grateful for friends like Sephia and Makkari because they didn’t use your powers as an excuse to avoid you, and openly accepted you as a friend
You also go into detail that you didn’t like to use your powers that much, because you didn’t want to be seen as someone who takes pleasure in controlling others; that’s why you wanted to learn how to make medicine, so that you would be seen as helpful and not like a monster
Druig was blown away by how similar the two of you actually were to one another – he used his aloofness as a way to rebuff the others’ assumptions, while you used a mask of sunshine and happiness to avoid being excluded, but the two of you both understood the fear of rejection
And when he learned that you intended to use your skills in studying anatomy & physiology to hopefully study humans to help them (especially the women who go through childbirth and diseases) develop medicines and healing practices with Sephia (who you convinced to develop medicinal herbs and fruits)
You fell first, but he fell FAR HARDER
But you two wouldn’t get together for a couple of centuries because the two of you are convinced that the other is too good for someone like them, and so the mutual pining would continue for AGES (driving Makkari absolutely INSANE because her OTP is not getting together, like whyyyyyyy?????)
Makkari and Sersi totally have ranting sessions about how their dumbass friends aren’t getting together like they want them to
Also, your room is both a secret zoo and a mad surgeon’s laboratory
When it comes to animals (especially magical and strange ones), you have ZERO self-control, and Druig only encourages it
You found a newborn Doberman puppy with a little white spot on his belly so you named him Cerberus (Cerby for short), and when you were learning magic under Agamotto, your magic went a tiny bit haywire so then the baby pup got three heads instead of one
He typically only is shown with one head, but when he gets REALLY MAD, he will grow HUGE and with the 3 heads
Cerby’s favorites (after you) are the following: Druig, Sephia, Makkari, Thena, and Gilgamesh (bc Cerby will always be baby to them); but he gets along with everyone
Except Ikaris because he doesn’t like how the blue man is mean to his magic shadow mommy
Druig questions everything, and you want to know EVERYTHING…so naturally you are perfect for one another and NO ONE is surprised when the two of you finally get together
As always, please remain respectful and kind! If you liked these headcanons, please like/comment/reblog for more!
Taglist: @valeskafics, @its-actually-minicika, @spacetalbot, @siempre-bucky, @ethereal-athalia, and anyone else who think they might enjoy this!
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lovelyfanatical · 2 years
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I’m With You - Chapter 3.1
Good evening fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever time it is for you! It's the beginning of a new chapter! If you missed the last installment, you can catch up here, or start over from the beginning here. Last week saw one beloved competitor leave, but new surprises and more guest characters lie ahead. So without further ado, here is the next installment of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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Without someone to actively investigate, Makkari hadn’t texted quite as frequently that week. Druig thought about pestering her like he did the previous week, but he didn’t have a built-in excuse this time. She hadn’t brought up the train ride, namely the part where she fell asleep on his shoulder. Frankly, he was surprised that the pounding of his heart hadn’t woken her up. Instead, Makkari had slept until they were just pulling into the station, so she hadn’t said anything about it upon waking either. He was very tempted to ask her about it, but it felt weird to bring it up.
She didn’t bring it up when they saw each other again either. As per usual, they met outside the hotel the morning of the third week. Makkari greeted him with a smile, which he gladly returned. She was talking to Ajak and Karun, who had both been practicing their signing. At his approach, they both called out, “Good morning!”
“G’morning,” he responded.
Are you ready for Bread Week? Makkari asked.
“Not in the slightest,” he replied.
“Druig, haven’t you been practicing?” Ajak scolded.
“I have practiced, but bread is not my strong suit.”
“Mine either,” added Karun.
Hey, stay positive! Or else you’ll jinx it, and we don’t need our group losing another member, Makkari said. The group fell silent at this as their minds all went to Kingo. Ajak was the first to break it.
“I miss him too. Sadly, we are going to lose people every week. But that just means we need to enjoy the time we have together,” she said. Karun voiced his agreement, and Makkari smiled. “Besides,” she continued, “we can always add new members to our group.”
As if right on cue, Sersi emerged from the lobby, late as always. She smiled and waved as she approached the group, and they greeted their newest member warmly.
Nothing could’ve prepared the competitors for the surprise that awaited them at their destination. Upon getting off the shuttle, Makkari looked around for her new interpreter and was overjoyed to see a familiar face. Ajak and Sersi were both gobsmacked. Karun chuckled in delight. Druig let out a whoop.
Makkari ran over to Kingo, and the two were jumping up and down like excited five-year-olds as the rest of the group joined them. At their approach, he was hit with a barrage of questions.
What are you doing here? Makkari asked.
“Are you un-eliminated?” Ajak chimed in.
“Who did you lock in a closet to get back in?” Druig added.
Kingo waved these off, saying, “Good to see you all, too. I’m not back as a contestant. I heard someone needed a new interpreter, so I offered my services!”
“Is that even allowed?” Sersi asked.
“Technically, there’s no hard rule against it. I still had to pull a few strings, but he made a convincing argument for himself,” Darcy explained, walking over to the happy reunion. “You obviously have a rapport already, plus he was already committed to the full filming schedule.”
So you’re here for the rest of the competition?
“Yup! I’m here as long as you are,” Kingo responded. “Although, I won’t be able to host dinner anymore. Since they book the rooms way in advance, they had to put me up at a neighboring hotel. But I have the same lunch break as you, so we can still eat together!”
They celebrated for a moment before Darcy cut in again. “As sweet as this whole thing is, I do need to get you all to the tent, so…”
The group headed to the first challenge with wide grins on all of their faces.
Unfortunately, the happy mood didn’t stick around for too long. Druig was already nervous about bread week, and based on the episodes he rewatched, it seemed previous contestants weren’t exaggerating about how difficult it could be. He’d practiced his chocolate orange cinnamon roll recipe diligently, but he still struggled to get it done in time, and the day of the challenge was no different. He barely managed to get the icing on before they called time. Honestly, he was still in a bit of a daze when the judges came to taste test. This continued through interviews and even partly into lunch. He didn’t fully snap out of it until Makkari sat down next to him and pushed her own plate of cinnamon rolls toward him.
Eat, was all she said. Druig obliged, tucking into a strawberries and cream roll. He closed his eyes, the sweet fruit piercing through the fog of his mind. Delicious, he signed as he opened his eyes. The judges said they were underproved and overkneaded, she began. Makkari, these are the best cinnamon rolls I’ve ever had, he said, not even waiting for her to finish her sentence. Really? she asked. Really, he confirmed. At least someone thinks so, she said, a smile finally breaking through her serious expression.
Druig was so mesmerized that he didn’t notice Sersi and Kingo approaching the table until Kingo proudly set a plate down. He had managed to scramble up samples of everyone else’s bakes and presented them by saying, “I didn’t have to make any of these!”
How do you like being a crew member? Makkari asked.
“While part of me does miss the rush of adding too much fruit to every recipe and trying to get everything baked in time, I’m also glad I don’t have to face Arishem’s judgment during bread week!” he replied, going into a whisper-shout at the mention of the dreaded judge.
“Tell me about it! Every time he looks at me, I feel like I’m frozen in place,” Sersi interjected.
“It’s the cold, dead eyes,” Druig chimed in.
I think he’s secretly a gorgon, Makkari added, which gave the rest of the table a good chuckle. As the laughter died down, another figure hesitantly approached the table.
“Uh… hi, Sersi,” Dane managed to get out, as he stood by the table, awkwardly holding his plate.
“Hey, Dane!” Sersi said cheerfully, seemingly unaware of his discomfort.
Before the maladroit atmosphere could spread, Makkari jumped in, saying, You should sit with us!
“Oh, I didn’t mean to butt in,” he tried to reply.
“Nonsense! Any friend of Sersi’s is welcome to join us!” Kingo asserted.
“Pull up a chair,” Druig added. A mixture of relief and surprise washed over Dane’s face as he set his plate down next to Sersi’s. When Ajak and Karun joined them soon after, they gave Dane a knowing look but greeted him like he’d always been part of the group.
While I knew Kingo wouldn't last long, I also couldn't kick him out completely, so he'll be along for the ride! Also, yes, Arishem is officially replacing Paul Hollywood because I couldn't resist making Arishem the Judge the actual judge of the competition 😁 Anyway, hope you enjoyed this installment! Likes, comments, and reblogs would be much appreciated!
Part 9
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Pairing: Ikaris x Reader
Summary: The reader and her son were out playing when a familiar face returns into her life.
Warnings: angsty
I should be studying for my bichem exam but I can't get enough of these Ikaris fics, he's taking over my life right now
Part 1 Part 2
"Mommy look!" Luke, your eight year old called out to you; already on high alert you flicked my head in his direction as he continued
"It's Superman, mommy it's Superman!" confused as to what he was talking about two people that you never thought you'd see for another millennium sheepishly waved
Ikaris and Sersi
"Luke, he's not Superman buddy" walking over you tried your best to avoid eye contact with the man before you, pulling your son closer to your side
"But he can fly and shoot lazer beams out of his eyes, remember, we saw him on the news" you were about to respond when Ikaris beat you to it
"I don't wear a cape" your eyes flickered up to his scrunched up face and Luke sighed before returning to his swing set on the other side of the yard, leaving the adults to talk
There were so many things that needed to be resolved between you and the male eternal being; all of which was supposed to be water under the bridge by now but you were still holding on to that grudge
"Sersi, Ikaris" his name rolled off your tongue with venom dripping as if it was poisonous, it was
"Y/N" he spoke up but you focused your attention on Sersi
"It must be the end of all of humanity for you two to show up here" she half smiled knowing that you were purposley ignoring the man that you've loved practically all of eternity
"It just might be" picking up on the serious mood change you invited them into your house and sent Luke to freshen up before dinner. You had ordered pizza and sat around the dinner table to eat as if it were some type of family visit
Technically it kind of was but to Luke it was just mommy's friends that came over for dinner. Your son laughed as him and Sersi continued to pull funny faces at one another from across the table. You felt a heated gaze on you; Ikaris
Excusing yourself from the table you walked over to the kitchen to refill your drink, heavy footsteps followed after you
"You can't keep ignoring me" standing on the opposite side of the kitchen island his blue eyes bored into yours as you took a sip of your soda. Rolling your eyes, you were going to make your way back to the table when he stepped into your path, blocking you from escaping his demanding presence
"Why don't we just skip to the part where you two tell me what's going on so you could leave me alone for the next millennium" to say you were annoyed would be an understatement, you were fuming
"Something's wrong Y/N and we need you" scoffing you moved to get past him but he wrapping his fingers around your wrist and you hated the way his touch sent shivers down your spine after all these years
"I wish I could help you but I have a son who needs his mom" his hold on you losened; instead of letting go completely he interlocked your fingers together, whatever rage you had slowly faded as he pressed your foreheads together
"I need you Y/N" and cue the anger. Snapping out of the trance he manages to get you in everytime, you ripped your hand away from his and quickly put distance between you
"Now you need me" remembering the two individuals that sat in the other room you tried to keep your voice down
"Don't Ikaris, you left me. No explaination, no letter, no nothing! You took what you needed and left in the middle of the night, leaving me to wake up the next morning with the taste of you on my lips from the previous night and a cold bed" it took everything in you to not knock him six ways from Sunday
"You think I wanted to? Ajak had mentioned that I was weak whenever you were around and she was right"
"So that gave you the push you needed to take off? Her telling you that I made you vulnerable made you leave?" unbelieveable, he'd rather use that as an excuse than admit that he has commitment issues
"Yes" you calmly placed the glass on the counter then swung and decked him in the nose, he groaned and regrouped himself not phased by my fist colliding with his precious nose
"I deserved that"
"Oh you deserve much worse"
"Mommy?" Luke poked his head in from the doorway and your lips quickly turned up into a smile
"Honnie why don't you show Sersi your dinosaur collection, I bet she'll love it. Mommy's catching up with Ikaris, we'll be out shortly" perking up he took off down the hall to retrieve his prized possession
"I'm sorry, I know I hurt you-" scoffing yet again you cut him off
"Hurt me? You crushed me, for an entire millennium I wandered this earth searching for any sign of you before I finally gave up. I found a decent human and we started a family" his jaw clenched and unclenched many times as you went on about being with another man and loving said man enough to procreate
"Now, out of the blue, you showed up at my house, demanding that I give it up and follow you God know's where. That's absurd"
"His father isn't alive anymore, he can stay with his grandmo-"
"How do you kno- how long have you been watching me?" his words had taken a few seconds to process before hitting you in the face. By the look on his face you could tell that he had in fact been keeping tabs on you
"How. long. Ikaris" hot tears stung your eyes, defeated he propped against the counter
"I never stopped looking out for you after I left, I needed to know that you were safe" that felt like a punch to the stomach, all that time he was close by and still out of reach; and he never tried to reach out to you sooner
"I was safe with you but that was a long time ago. You said it yourself, my son doesn't have his father and I am sure as hell not leaving him unprotected from whatever this is to fight alongside the others especially you Ikaris" the tears were on the verge of escaping down your cheeks but you weren't going to cry in front of him
"Thanks for finally deciding to swoop in for a visit but I need you to leave, now" exiting the kitchen Sersi could tell that you weren't going to leave with them so she said goodbye to Luke and walked out the door, shooting you an apologetic look as she by-passed you at the door
Ikaris paused in is tracks to kiss your cheek, droplets of water fell onto your face, right where his pressed against yours. Ikaris was crying, he tried his best to put all his pent up emotion into that one kiss hoping that you could tell how much he regretted his decision to leave you behind
His eyes were glossed over when he pulled away, he kissed your temple one last time before heading out the door. It was your turn to cry as you stared at his retreating frame
Even though he had a way of getting under your skin you'd be lying if you said that having him so close to you, having his lips pressed against your skin didn't feel like heaven. You missed him, every annoying and infurriating part of him
"Mommy, who was he to you?" Luke pulled you out of your daze, wrapping his arms around your waist. Dabbing away at your eyes, you smiled down at him
"My first, true love"
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marvelcinematic · 3 years
Friends with Benefits| 18+
Druig x F!eternal reader 
Summary: Druig decides to help you with an unusual problem.
Warnings: Smut, female receiving oral, male receiving oral, masturbation, sex toy, mentions of sex in general
Word count: 3.1k
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A/N: I’m back! This is my first time writing smut so be warned.
Being on Earth meant enjoying the pleasures that come with it. Unfortunately for you the men of Earth did not fall under those pleasures. Here you were, feeling human for centuries and getting the all too common disappointment from the men. You were never attached, you just wanted to feel the pleasures Sersi so shamelessly bragged about to you whenever she and Ikaris made love. Sure, you were slightly disgusted but you couldn't help but fantasize about the pleasures that you could be having. Instead you had to settle for a man's minute of pleasure every once in a while, feeling disgusted with yourself every time you walked back to the Domo. You never told anyone of course, not even your new best friend Druig. The thought of him teasing you about your sex life killed you. Poor beautiful Y/N, desperate for satisfaction that no man can give her. You were worried, you had even spoken to Ajak privately about the matter to which she just chuckled about the nature of man. "My sweet Y/N, you are having sex but you really want to be making love." You rolled your eyes at her comment, another excuse for the failures of men.
You were in Athens when you had come across a group of women. They had surrounded you with praise after you and your fellow Eternals had saved the city from the first of many deviants that would attack. You had grown close to the women, and from them you received the oddest gifts.
You had snuck out of the Domo late at night, making your way to the forest of olive trees in the night. You had make sure no one had followed as you shakily sat down at the trunk of an olive tree. You nervously glanced around you as you slowly pulled out the invention the women had given to you after you had spilled to them about your struggles. You didn't care how you got it, you just needed release after all these centuries. You gulped as you looked at the olive oil and phallic object from your bag.
You never were this nervous when you had slept with men. Maybe because you knew with the men it would last less than a minute most of the time. No you could control how long you could go, how much pleasure you could receive.
You closed your eyes and leaned back, raising your tunic as your hands slowly guided the toy covered with oil to your folds. Just as you felt the pain of the tip enter you your head shot up as a voice murmured from in front. "I think you're doing it wrong." your cheeks heatened as your eyes shot open and made eye contact with Druig's amused eyes. You gasped, shutting your legs and putting your tunic down in embarrassment as you tried to search for words. You sat flustered, unable to make eye contact with the man as he slowly approached you. "You didn't need to stop the show." "Shut up Druig!"you snapped as your hands ran through your hair in frustration. You would never hear the end of this. Druig chuckled, "Got tired of men now so you've moved on to objects?" he bent down and picked up the phallic leather toy stuffed with wool and looked at with genuine curiosity. "Y'know I don't think olive oil or even leather is safe to be put, you know, inside of you." You glared at him as you pulled your knees to your chest now more angry than embarrassed, "I will stop being your friend." "Over me walking in on you trying to masturbate? I would think this situation would be inevitable?" "Which situation?" "The one where you finally admit to me that your sex life is...disappointing." Druig said with a smirk as he glanced you up and down. He knew you were too good to be treated like a mortal woman. He knew of your sex escapades, and how he could feel the disappointment off of you as you tried to sneak past him. "My beautiful Y/N, these men fuck with the intention to breed whether they think it or not. They're no better than the animals you so dearly love." You interjected, "That's not true! Sersi makes it sound so nice." Druig rolled his eyes, as he held your gaze, "That's because she's in love." He wasn't going to give the benefit to Ikaris and say he was good at sex. "Well that's not fair!" you were frustrated, even Druig could feel that. You were his closest friend now, and he couldn't help but pity you over your lack of release. Of course there was a selfish part of him that lusted over you, especially when he found you exposed in the night. Centuries of admiration were built up, but he held himself back over respect for your bond. Besides, it was easier for him to relieve himself of this lust in the privacy of his own quarters. But you? Arishem had cursed you with creating you as a female on a planet that wasn't exactly sex positive yet. Druig crouched in silence in front of you taking in your words. "You need to find out what you like first." he said matter-of-factly. You looked at him in confusion. You had never thought about what exactly you liked, you didn't think sex was that contemplated. "What kind of foreplay do you enjoy?" "I don't think this is an appropriate conversation." "The men don't offer you foreplay now do they?" "I mean I like kissing." Druig rolled your eyes at your response. It was amazing that all of these years you were depriving yourself of pleasure. "Have you ever been fingered?" You blushed, looking away again. Sure you tried slipping in a finger or two, but you've never actually gotten off on it. Druig looked around to make sure there were no prying eyes or ears. "I have a proposition." Your cheeks filled with warmth as you felt what was coming. Sure you've fancied Druig and maybe fantasized making love to him, but you prefered to keep your friendship in tact. "I can help you, you just have to set the boundaries." he looked at you with anticipation, part of him wanting to help you and the other part wanting to breathe in your scent with lust. You closed your eyes, nodding. If you wanted to experiment what better way than with someone who could you trust? Besides it didn't have to be love making, it was just sex between people who respected each other. "Okay. But thus changes nothing about friendship, we never talk about this, and we don't kiss." Druig was taken back by the last part, but he supposed it was fair. You figured kissing meant there was something more implied. "Shall we start then?" you nodded, as you stood up. Druig shook his head and motioned for you sit back down. He stood up and walked behind you, noticing how you tensed. He nudged himself behind you so your back was against him and his was now against the tree. "Relax." he whispered in your ear before you relaxed against him, your warmth melting against him. You made note of the hardness pressed against your back, taking in some satisfaction that you made him feel something too. "You need to know how to fuck yourself first." Druig muffled into your ear as he gently grabbed your hand with his right and pulled your tunic up with his left. You instinctively spread your legs, feeling hot at the eroticism of it all. He guided your hand to your folds, careful not to be carried away. "Can I take control?" he asked attentively, you nodded. His eyes glowed as he slowly took his hand away as he instructed you to rub yourself. He peered over your shoulder as he watched your fingers rub your delicate folds. Touch your breast with the other he instructed. He watched as you caressed your left breast, gasping at the sensation as you felt pleasure from your hardened nipple as you rolled it between your thumb and finger. He inhaled sharply, noting his increasing arousal at the sight of your pleasuring yourself at his command, but restraining himself as his only focus now was you. You started to rub frantically, feeling more pleasure now than ever, wanting the release. Patience, don't tire yourself. Let your fingers explore the inside. You did as he commanded one finger slipping in before the other followed. You looked down, your hand now caressing your other breast as you slowly pumped your fingers in and out of your sex. You were sweating now as Druig instructed you to abandon your breast and rubbed your clit as you fucked yourself with your fingers. You were desperate now, not caring about the man behind you and in your head as you felt your climax build up. Druig knew exactly the move that would bring you release Curl a finger. You gasped as you felt your g-spot and suddenly you felt your release wash over you. You tried to hold back your moans as you fucked yourself through the orgasm but Druig thought best you got the full experience let go. You winced, unable to hold back your moans as Druig wrapped his arms around your waist, stopping you from slipping off of his back. Druig inhaled sharply, feeling your pleasure as the two of you were connected and suddenly letting go when he realized your orgasm was finished. He glanced down at your panting, sweating form with pride. He helped you do that.
You glanced up at him with a weak smile, feeling suddenly high. "Thank you." you could kiss him right now, grateful he helped you explore your body. Druig gave a small smile back, hoping you wouldn't recognize how sexually frustrated he was now. You rested his head against his chest, not minding that his arms were around you as you tried to regain composure. The two of you sat in silence before you glanced up at him, "What's next?"
Druig raised an eyebrow, "I just taught you how to pleasure yourself, what else is there?" He didn't want to expose how badly he needed to release himself, but you had him on the edge now. You sat up and turned around to him, shrugging off your tunic and tossing it to the side. Druig gulped as he glanced down at your breasts, hoping you wouldn't notice him breaking eye contact. You smirked leaning back so he could get a better view of your front, you purred "Fuck me like a man is supposed to fuck me Druig." You looked at him through lashes as he inhaled sharply, suddenly he was at your control. He nodded to himself, this was the deal after all, besides why were you the only getting all the pleasure. He crawled forward moving you so your back was against was the tree. It took everything in his will power to not kiss you at the moment so instead he leaned forward and encircled his lips around your nipple. You gasped as your hand gently caressed his head as his tongue swirled around your nipple before he gently bit. His other hand worked your other breast as you threw your head back in pleasure, he had noted how you liked it when you toyed with your breast. His leg nudged forward to your core and your hips instinctively bucked to rub against his thigh with your still sensitive pussy. His lips found their way to your neck, his hand still toying with your nipple. He kissed your neck before sucking, you moaned at his love bites, your hands softly going through his hair. He stopped and nuzzled your ear, "If it any point you want me to stop tell me." He gently nibbled your ear with affection as he noticed how hot with frustration were getting again as you continued to rub yourself against his thigh. He slid back his hand grabbing your thighs as he looked at your throbbing sex. He inserted two fingers and curled them upward, your toes curled and you moaned never taking your eyes off of him. He smiled in satisfaction as he glanced up at you, "My beautiful Y/N, you haven't experienced cunnilingus now have you?" He knew the answer, given the disappointing nature of men. You shook your head and he smirked. He knew you would love this. He nuzzled your clit with his nose before slipping in his tongue as his finger were both inserted. You moaned, your breathing quickening as you felt Druig fuck you with his tongue and fingers. You were soaking wet now as he started suckling on your clit before slowly licking your pussy. He watched you through his eyelashes as you edged closer, one hand gripping his hair while the other tried holding yourself up. He switched off between slurping, suckling, tongue fucking, all the while inserting his fingers once in a while until you finally released on his face. He licked up your juices scooping some up with his fingers. As you regained your breath he offered some of your pleasure to you. You looked at him as his fingers slipped into your mouth. Druig looked down at your sweating form as the moonlight hit your naked body bathed in sweat. He needed his release, but if you wanted him to eat you out throughout the night until dawn he would do it.
You regained your composure once again, noting how dressed Druig was. You shook your head, as you reached for his clothes, watching to see if he would have any notions of saying no. He let you take off his clothes, his eyes never leaving yours. He had to take in this moment as much as he could, as this could be his only chance of spending the night with you. You switched places with him, he leaned against the tree. You noted how beautiful he was, from his eyes to his abs to his thighs and to his member. You admired him, wondering if the sculptures could ever capture his beauty. You snapped out of it, remembering how frustrated he must be right now. You gathered some of your own juices that were left behind, your wet hand lubricating his cock as he tensed. Let me do this for you. He nodded as you bent over moving your hands up and down his shaft before your lips wrapped themselves around his tip. He moaned at the sight of you looking up at him through your lashes as you took him in your mouth. His hand ran through your hair gently as you took him, trying not to gag as he hit the back of your throat. You worked him for a while, your hands shifting from his shaft to his balls every so often. Just as he was about to release you stopped. You looked up at him as you removed your mouth from his still hard cock. You didn't have to ask out loud, he nodded as you steadied yourself, your hands gripping his shoulders as you tried aligning yourself with his cock. Your moans melded together as you slowly adjusted onto him. You pressed his forehead to his, both of you not knowing how much you wanted to kiss each other now. You panted as you sat up straight Druig admiring how your breasts looked in the moonlight and how good you looked on top of him. You shifted up and down, moaning as Druig steadied you with one hand on your back and pleasured you with the other rubbing your clit as you rode him. You lost track on how long you were riding his cock before he moaned, "Y/N please." You moaned at his pleas as you sped up the pace until he groaned, his release spilling into you. His forehead pressed against your shoulder, your hand running through his hair as you felt him softening in you. You placed a kiss on his ear, "Thank you." You removed yourself from on top of him, rolling so now you were besides him, leaning naked against the olive tree. The two of you sat in silence, regaining your composures and enjoying the sounds of the nighttime that were previously interrupted by your sex and moans. You looked back at him and inquired, "Druig?" "Hm?" "How long did you know I was having sex troubles?" Druig chuckled, "Ever since Babylon. You always took your frustrations out on everything else." He never was the jealous type, after all he knew he could pleasure you if you gave him the chance. It killed him to see your disappointment, but now he had you. You rolled your eyes, "Then why didn't you help me before?" You wondered if he lusted over you like you had over him, but you were afraid to know if he actually viewed you in that way. Druig shrugged and smirked, "'Cus I figured your frustrations would eventually lead to me." You blushed at the response looking away from him. You teased, "Pervert." Druig scoffed, "I wasn't the one trying to fuck myself with olive oil and a leather toy." You threw your head back in laughter, not noticing how Druig was admiring you. He knew he was screwed when he focused on your smile instead of your naked form. Of course he admired both, but right now he took pride in making you laugh. He wanted to kiss you on your lips, he had explored nearly every inch of your body tonight but the one thing he wanted was the thing he couldn't have. You looked back at him, looking into his cool blue eyes. You could have kissed him right there and then. You stopped yourself as you looked away and stood up, Druig watching your figure as you went to pick up your tunic. At the moment you were at a cross-roads, ruin the friendship or try to find something more. You sucked in your breath as you smiled back at him, "Thank you again my friend." Druig couldn't help but feel hurt at the reminder at the end. They were just friends, no matter how much they were able to explore each other. It hurt sure, but he understood that he would rather be your friend for eternity than for the romance to fade in centuries. He watched as you turned to leave, he slipped on his clothes as you started to walk away. "Y/N." he called out. You looked over your shoulder, hope rising in your stomach, "Yes?" You're beautiful, please be mine for eternity and I will make sure your nights will never be alone, let me just kiss you and tell you that I love you. "If you ever need me for anything just know I'm here." You nodded, satisfied yet not completely fulfilled before turning and walking back home.
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avenging-fandoms · 2 years
Wearing richards jacket when you visit him on set on a night shoot and it’s really cold. When he finishes a take and sees you all wrapped up in the way-too-big-for-you coat, he has to apologise to the makeup artist touching him up for the next take because he runs over to you to grab your face and coo about how adorable you are before kissing you SO deeply his shoulders roll into it🥺
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you gripped your coffee cup in your hands tightly, trying to keep the warmth in your hands to keep your fingers from going numb. richard's puffy jacket was zipped all the way up to your chin, hood up with a beanie.
you watched as richard spoke to salma, but it was ikaris and ajak. you were in awe with their talent, but all you heard was your teeth chattering. the director shouted 'cut!' and you take a big swig of your coffee.
richard closed his eyes as the make up artist touched him up. "richy you have a visitor!" salma sang happily and he opened his eyes, smiling as he looks over at you.
richard beamed as he saw you in his big jacket, throwing away your coffee cup and crossing your arms, then waving excitedly as you saw him looking. "excuse me a moment, i apologize" richard jogged over to you, smile growing as he got closer to you.
"hi rich!" you smile and he grabs your face, rubbing your cold cheeks with his thumbs. "how's shooting?"
"better with you here" he breathes and kisses you slowly, rolling is shoulders forward and pulling you into him. you didn't feel cold anymore as he kissed you passionately. he pulls away and smiles at you, looking you up and down. "you look so cute, baby. where did you find this?"
"in your closet. i'm wearing one of your sweatshirts underneath too" you giggle and richard hums, kissing you again. "i love you, you're doing a great job"
"thank you sweetheart. i love you" richard smiles, kissing you deeply again before the bell rang, indicating they were shooting again.
"good luck, i'll be here" you smile and he pecks your lips before walking away. barry comes next to you and hands you a hot chocolate. "so.. when does harry styles come onto set?"
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misskatebishop · 3 years
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Lay it on me
Word count: 1.844
Pairing: Druig x Eternal!Reader
Warning: Angst. Hurt/Comfort.
Summary: You have Mahd W’yry, Druig promises he will never let you forget who you truly are.
A/N: Inspired by Lay It On Me and Remember Me by Ina Wroldsen.
Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist.
Request: Druig x Fem!Reader who is affected by Mahd W’yry and Druig is the only one who can calm her down. Fluff, kisses, and lots of angst.
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You didn't know how much your life would change from that day on.
You woke up for another day of protecting and saving humankind, well, nowadays from themselves since the deviants were long gone. You hum at the feeling of your boyfriend’s hot body next to yours as you snuggle close and he wraps an arm around you.
“Morning,” you whisper against his chest. Druig strokes your hair before placing a kiss on the top of your hair.
“Good morning, my lady.”
You blush, no matter how long you were together, you’d still blush whenever he compliments you or calls you by pet names, which is almost always, so you’re constantly blushing. You sit on the bed just to admire Druig’s body sprawled. Somedays, you couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have him. You couldn’t believe that he chose you either, even though he makes sure that you know it every day.
Druig pulls you back to bed, making you yelp. You were so distracted in your thoughts that you hadn’t realized he was talking to you. You sink into his kiss, he grabs you by the waist, pulling you into his lap.
“I love you,” he whispers, gasping from the kiss.
“I love you more,” you raise a brow defiantly.
“Hm, are you sure?” He asks, holding you tight against his body. “Because I know I love you more than anything in this world.”
You laugh. “Yeah, I’m sure.”
Druig is quick to invert your positions, and suddenly you’re under him, laughing as he kisses you everywhere. You pull him up to kiss him again, running your hands under his shirt, and that’s when… Well, when someone calls his name outside. Druig sighs.
“Bad timing,” he says, shaking his head. You chuckle, watching as he gets up and leaves the bedroom.
You get up too, opening the windows and inhaling the humid air of the morning. You hear the birds singing and chirping outside. You’re sure there isn’t any place in the world more peaceful than here. Druig makes sure things stay this way.
He was happier here than he has ever been all those years with the rest of the Eternals. You’ve watched his suffering throughout the centuries. How each death and war impacted him. By the time Ajak allowed you to go, he was miserable. He didn’t need to be told twice before turning his back and sheltering all those humans, and you… You went along with him because there wasn’t another place in the world where you’d wish to be.
Everything seems perfectly fine, you thought. You felt your eye twitch, you rub your hand on it. You’ve been having these a lot recently, and there wasn’t really an excuse for it. Somedays, your hand would glow and drag objects to you even though you hadn’t really requested it. This was weird, but you thought you maybe could use some more sleep and those tics would go away.
You didn’t know how wrong you were.
You carry on with your daily duties, ignoring any signs that eventually show up. You feared that you knew what those are, and you’ve seen them before in another Eternal. Centuries ago in this same forest, you see her turn against her family, lost in her own mind. It had been a frightening experience back then, no wonder why the idea of losing control was freaking you out.
You close your eyes, take a deep breath, as you set the table for dinner. You grip at the edge of the wooden table to keep your hands from shaking. You can’t – This – It can’t be happening – No, please, for Arishem… You open your eyes, focusing on the horizon, on the dark blue taking over the skies. You don’t see him coming in, you don’t acknowledge his presence until he’s too close to you.
“Y/N?” He calls, but you don’t recognize the name, nor the man in front of you.
Your hand closes tight around a fork and the next thing you know it’s that you’re stabbing his shoulder. You aren’t aware of the pained shout coming from him when he backs off. You wave your hand and everything on the table floats in the air before you aim it at him. Druig hides behind a wall, and when he appears again his eyes are glowing in gold as he steps forward in your direction. It makes you hesitate, frowning, the light fades in your hands and you tilt your head until his hands rest on your temples.
“Y/N, please, my love, remember,” he whispers. “Please, focus on my voice, okay? Come back to me, Y/N.”
The fog in your mind disappears, and you see Druig standing in front of you, blood splattered in his shirt. You flinch from his touch, gasping as you take in the sight of your surroundings. What a mess you’ve caused. You fall on your knees, incapable of holding your tears. You know exactly what happened, and so does Druig. He kneels, pulling you into his arms, whispering sweet words as he assures you that you’re fine.
You don’t deal with the news very well.
Mahd W’yry.
You never think something like that can happen to you until it actually happens. You saw Thena centuries ago. You knew how she struggled with this incurable illness. You had an idea of how tiresome it must be, you knew Gilgamesh asked Druig once to put her to sleep so he could enjoy some vacations. Honestly, you didn’t want to be a burden.
“You should take me to Ajak,” you say two days later. You had glitched last morning, it was brief and Druig had you under control in minutes, it didn’t stop you from crying the lost of control of your own mind.
Druig looks skeptical as he dressed himself
“She would erase your memories. You were there when she suggested it to Thena,” Druig says. “You would have to start anew. You wouldn’t remember anything we lived in all these years.” Druig sighs. “You wouldn’t remember me,” he fails in hiding the pain in his voice. He reaches for your hand, pressing his lips against it. He wasn’t afraid of you, he was afraid of losing you.
You didn’t want it either. You didn’t want to forget the life you built with Druig, but that was the safest option. For both of you.
“I know,” you mumble, incapable of saying anything more because of the lump in your throat. You didn’t want to cry in front of him again. You needed to be strong.
“Is that what you want?” He asks you with all the hurt in his voice.
You look at your feet. No, it isn’t, but you don’t want him to go through this.
“Yes.” You know that’s the right thing to do.
Druig nods, but he can’t hide the pain he’s feeling at your answer. He doesn’t try to talk you off it. He’s always given you the choice, so he makes sure to have everything packed for your trip to Mexico. It’s the right thing to let Ajak know, she’d have to tell Arishem that not only one, but two Eternals were affected by Mahd W’yry.
You feel lucky for not having glitched during the whole trip. An airplane full of civilians wasn’t exactly a place where you’d have liked it to happen. Druig doesn't let go of your hand during the trip, nor when you landed, nor in the way to Ajak’s house. He’s been by your side, coddling you and whispering those sweet words. He wasn’t ready to let you go. You tried not to act upon his acts, you tried to keep him away, but it was hard when you two have been together for millennia. When you knew each other all too well.
Ajak couldn’t keep her surprise at seeing you and Druig. You didn’t see her since that fateful day with Thena. You hug her, feeling how hard it was to see her again, as well as grieving all the memories you would lose when she learned what happened.
“What brings you here?” She asks, seeing the tears streaming down your face. You’ve tried to be strong, but you couldn’t. Not here, not with her. You’re almost thankful when Druig replies.
“Y/N has Mahd W’yry.”
Ajak looks at you, and you nod in confirmation. She leads you and Druig inside, serving some coffee. You tell everything to her, how you noticed the first signs, and dismissed them for exhaustion. You couldn’t help telling her how afraid you are, how you had hurt Druig days ago, how you’ve been handling the news.
“I asked Druig to bring me here, so I could have my memories erased,” you state. Ajak caresses your shoulder in a comforting way. Druig is leaning against the counter, staring at you, he’s serious and you know that he hasn’t given up yet.
“Are you sure of it, Y/N? It can’t be undone,” Ajak declares.
You bit your lower lip, uncertain.
“I am.”
“That’s bullshit,” Druig interferes. “You don’t need to do it, Y/N. I can take care of you, my love.”
You shake your head. He doesn’t understand, of course not.
“It’s the only way, Druig,” you argue.
“It’s not! You know that! I’ll look after you. I would never let you hurt anyone,” he says angrily.
“It has to be done, Druig! It’s my decision,” you reply firmly. “You’d only be safe if you killed me.” You spit out the truth. “Can you do that? Can you kill me if the time comes?”
“I can’t, Y/N. You know that. I can’t,” the tears rolled down his cheeks.
You look at Ajak, then you nod. You can’t help the sob that escapes your lips. Druig doesn’t leave the room, still determined to change your mind. Ajak places her hand on the side of your head, you shiver at the contact, closing your eyes. It hurts so much, you feel all that energy running through your body. You don’t want to do this. You don’t want to forget. You won’t be you anymore. Someone else will take over this body. Someone else who you will not recognize your family’s faces anymore.
You open your eyes again, and with a movement, you throw Ajak on the other side of the room. You aren’t in control anymore. You succumbed to your mind. You let Mahd W’yry take over. The thought of losing everything was unbearable. You glitched for not more than two minutes, the next thing you’re aware of is Druig arms around you, his sweet voice filling your ears with how loved you are. Sweet promises that everything will be fine followed by kisses on your cheeks.
“I don’t want to forget,” you sob, clinging to his shirt.
“I know,” Druig whispers. “I love you, Y/N. I will take care of you. In sickness and in health, remember?” You nod. “I’ll always be here for you. I'll always remember you who you are,” he promises.
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mothdruid · 3 years
silent night
pairing: modern!druig x female!reader
summary: druig’s family christmas party is always a blast. too bad you two also have to stay the night.
wc: 1.9k
warnings: 18+, smut, minors dni, slight drunk sex, pet names (love and babe), fingering, penetrative sex (male on female), oral sex (male and female), fingering (male on female)
a/n: i got this idea actually from my friend @ohnococo​ . this is a little messy and barely proofread. so i guess enjoy this late christmas fic for all you lovelies. 
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"All because it takes place over Christmas doesn't make it a Christmas movie." Phastos exasperated to the group in the living room. It was your boyfriend's annual family Christmas party. The topic that was being discussed had started when Kingo said that Die Hard was the best Christmas movie. 
"Exactly!" You agreed with Phastos happily. Druig smiled, kissing your shoulder as you stayed involved in the conversation. Ajak snickered at the conversation before heading into the kitchen to get another glass of wine. Sersi excused herself and followed Ajak, sporting her own empty wine glass. Makkari sat near Phastos signing in agreement that Die Hard wasn't a Christmas movie.
"But it literally takes place during a work Christmas party on Christmas eve!" Kingo argued back, Ikaris chuckling at his argument. "What? He is literally coming home for what? Christmas!" Kingo added. Sprite looked down at her phone shaking her head, trying to shrink out of the conversation. Druig's hand rubbed on the top of your thigh as he took another swig of wine, finishing off his third glass of the night. You smiled at him while swirling the remnants that remained in your own glass. His thumb rubbed circles on your thigh while his eyes met yours. The look he gave you was a familiar one, one that said we should get headed to bed. That was the only thing you didn't enjoy about Druig's family Christmas, everyone staying under the same roof. 
You tilted your glass back, drinking the rest of your own wine. Ajak and Sersi returned just in time before you and Druig retired for the night. "We should be headed to bed. We have to be up a bit early for our drive back home." Druig spoke with an assertive tone, making sure no one would question it. Ikaris nodded, picking his beer up as a goodnight while the rest of the group said goodnight. The two of dropped off your wine glasses into the kitchen before heading up the stairs to the second floor. As you two walked towards the bathroom Druig playfully grabbed at your ass. You whipped around giving him a scowl and pointing at him. 
"Watch yourself, I know you didn't have much to drink." Druig winked at you as you turned back around and headed to the bathroom. 
"I know I didn't. I'm just kind of horny now and you look good in your dress." Your cheeks heated up at his comment. You knew you looked good in this dress, it was the exact reason why you wore it. It's felt fabric hugged in all the right places, the neck line showed off your breasts perfectly, and the dark red color made your skin glow. You started to brush your teeth in the bathroom, gesturing for Druig to do the same. He slinked up behind you, caging you in front of the sink while he got his tooth brush ready ever so slowly. You felt him press his hips against your ass, feeling his already hard cock in his dress pants. 
"Your entire family is downstairs." The sound of toothpaste hitting this sink was too loud in your ears. Druig rested a hand on your hip as he scrubbed at his own teeth, spitting out the toothpaste shortly after you. 
"So?" Druig set his tooth brush back into the small cup the held everyone's toothbrush. You put yours back in the cup, turning around to face him. 
"So you want your family to hear us? Is that it?" Druig shrugged while one hand pulled up the hem of your dress and the other snaked around to settle on your ass. His weight pressed against you, pushing you back up against the counter of the bathroom sink. His clothed cock was heavy against the bare skin of your thigh. Nips peppered your neck, making a trail from your shoulder to the sensitive spot below your ear. Your hips rolled forward slightly as Druig's tongue teased the shell of your ear. 
"So what do you say love? Here or the bedroom?" His smirk could be heard in his voice, that accent having a controlling feeling behind it. He pulled back, gently placing his forehead to your own. He rutted into your thigh, letting out a breathy groan when you shifted into his motion. 
The two of you giggled from the wine in your systems while you clamored down the hallway. Druig pressed you into the door, closing it at the same time. A mess of lips and teeth ensued as your hips rutted against each others. Druig's hands slipped to the hem of your dress, pulling it up and revealing your lace panties. Fingers rubbed against the black lace, your legs instinctively opening for Druig to continue. Lips disappeared from your own, allowing you to breathe a deep cool breath. Druig dropped to his knees, fingers hooking into your panties pulling them down. The cool air hit your cunt making you moan out, fingers threading into Druig's brunette lock. "Shh. You have to stay quiet babe." 
He gripped on of your thighs, putting it over his shoulder so he could have a better angle. His tongue ran itself between your folds, stopping to flick and play with your clit for a moment. The back of your hand connected to your mouths, trying to muffle your moans. The last thing you wanted to happen tonight was for Druig's entire family to hear you moaning his name. Your fingers gripped his hair tightly as Druig sucked on your clit, your pussy clenching on itself. Fingers started to prod at your entrance, entering your cunt and stretching you open. His fingers pump in and out of you while licking and flicking at your clit. 
Your core tightened, hand tightening in brunette locks, riding your cunt against Druig's face. The rocking of your hips felt melodic and your teeth sunk into the back of your hand. Pleasure hit you quickly, making your legs shake and quiver as Druig kept up with his assault on your cunt. His hands snaked around you, keeping you balanced and up right. You watched him pull back from you, a small string of spit linking his tongue and your folds. "Bed, now." 
You quickly made your way to the bed, stripping on your way there and smiling as you watched him unbutton his dress shirt as he walked over. The outline of his cock was apparent through his dress pants, making you lick your lips. His hands continued as he watched your eyes turn hungry, moving to the button of his pants, freeing himself from the confines of his pants and underwear. One of his hands graced your cheek as he positioned himself in front of you. Your tongue darted out, licking at the head of his cock. His hand moved to your hair, petting it as you took him deeper into your mouth. "Fuck."
A creak was heard beyond the closed door followed by a voice. You paused with Druig's cock sitting heavy on your tongue. Druig's hand moved to the back of your head, pushing you further onto his cock. You shot him a look, slapping his thigh right before feeling him bottom out inside your throat. You watched as he held back groans of his own while he started to fuck your face. It was as gentle as a gentle face fucking could be. Tears began to gather in your eyes as he ever so slightly thrusted in and out of your mouth. During this time you were able to make out the voices, Sersi and Ikaris. 
Druig pulled you off of him, fisting your hair he pulled you up to smash his lips into yours. He pushed you onto the bed, making your ass barely hang off the edge. He leaned over and lined himself up with your entrance. You moaned loudly as he entered you, the stretch of his cock giving you ecstasy. A hand quickly covered your mouth, trying to silence you. "Quiet." His thrusts get faster while he kept his hand over your mouth. Your moans kept coming, only muffled noises came from Druig's hand. His own breath was getting heavier with every thrust, trying to contain his own noise. Creak. 
Druig paused, his wide eyes meeting your own and hand pulled back from your mouth. Sersi and Ikaris' voices had drifted, far enough away for the two of you not to hear them. You leaned into him, trying not to laugh at the situation. Druig silently laughed as he brought a hand to the back of your head, cradling it and petting your hair. He nuzzled into the spot where your neck and shoulder connected and started to thrust inside of you slowly. "Slow and steady wins the race."
You whimpered quietly at him whispering in your ear. He kept his strokes slow, trying not to make the bed creak again. The head of his cock brushed against the sensitive spot inside your cunt, making your back arch up. You brought your hand to your mouth, covering it to keep your own sounds silent. Druig pulled back to look down at you sprawled out underneath of him. One of your hands was wrapped over your mouth, the other gripping the blanket of your bed tightly. He watched your pussy slowly take in his cock with each thrust. "Your cunt is gonna ruin me." 
Druig's head fell back but his slow and deep thrusts never wavered. The familiar tightening of your abdomen returned as he brought a hand down to your core, thumb rubbing on your clit. Your back arched while your hand tightened over your mouth. The pace of his thrusts picked up slightly, but not enough for them to be considered fast. The even but slow pace continued as his thumb didn't stop rubbing circles on your clit. Druig let out a groan underneath his breath as he watched you writhed on his cock. The tightness in your core snapped as your legs started to shake, instinctively trying to close. His hands went to both of your legs, keeping them open as he kept thrusting inside of you. His thrusts started to falter and get heavier as he got closer to his own climax. 
Druig fell forward between your legs, covering your body with his own. His hand grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand from your mouth. He started thrusting a little bit faster, panting into your ear. Your whimpers and moans were free now, covering every wall of the room. Druig's orgasm crashed over him like a wave, his load filling you insides while he groaned in your ear. The two of you sat there for a moment, him laying on top of you while the both of you caught your breath. 
"Quiet till the last moment." You whispered as you ran your fingers through his hair. He snickered at your comment as he pulled out of you. He stood up and watched his seed slowly seep out of your pussy. 
"What? I can't help it." 
"Good morning." You waved at everyone as you walked into the kitchen in the morning. Ajak smiled as Kingo just stared at you. Sprite looked up from her phone, chuckling to herself. "What?" 
"You do realize that we weren't that drunk last night?" Kingo playfully teased. You shot him a confused look for a moment before it hit you, they heard you. Sprite laughed at your realization and Ajak brought her hand up to cover her own laugh. Druig strolled into the kitchen with his chest bare and just a pair of grey sweatpants on. 
"I knew we weren't quiet enough!" You exasperated at him. 
"I don't babe, you deserve to be heard." Druig slunk up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. He pecked your cheek as the two of you laughed at Kingo and Sprites fake gagging sounds.
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softquietsteadylove · 4 months
What do you think it would have happened if Thena didn't get Madh Wy'ry? Someone else would have gotten it?
This is actually a fascinating concept.
Because here's the thing: in the movie, Thena developing Mahd Wy'ry is set up as this big thing and the reason the Eternals really went their separate ways. But I've touched on it a few times, in which they were hurtling towards an end where they would split up anyway. Their mission was done, it was highly likely they would split up eventually, if not immediately.
But I think it's the way it happened that's really interesting.
Essentially, it inserts this urgency to it that makes it a plot point in the movie. Druig is at his breaking point, they can no longer live as gods in a world among humans, they have to find a way to exist without the mission driving them. This is the beginning of Ikaris' unravelling, in my opinion--even though he's known the truth of the mission since Babylon, he's the one who suggests they stay together. Conversely, Kingo is the one who suggests Mahd Wy'ry is simply too dangerous to be left unchecked. He's the one who most believes in the little family they have, and that means protecting them even from themselves.
And then there's Gil. It was never even a question for him. From the line "Thena, please" until "I'll watch over Thena", there is not a word from him. It's not a debate, it's not up for discussion. Even when Ajak tells him he might have to kill Thena one day, he doesn't argue. He looks at Thena, who is reeling from all that's happening, and he says that risk is worth it to him.
Now, do I think someone else would have developed Mahd Wy'ry? I honestly think my answer is no.
I think Mahd Wy'ry works the best with Thena because it really makes choice a strong theme in the story. The Eternals are kind of inactive protagonists--they get plopped onto Earth with this mission and go "okay". They remain neutral in countless global events because it's not their place to interfere. Mahd Wy'ry makes a very clear choice have to be made: are you more than your mission?
Gil chooses to stay with Thena, just like Thena chooses to keep her memories at the cost of her health. And this smaller choice affects them for almost a thousand years going forward. They choose to stay together, and they also choose to go back to the fight. And I really think it encourages the other choices made in the movie. Kingo chooses to not be a part of a selective good that technically does more harm, even if hypothetical. Sprite desperately wants the choice to experience age, even if that comes with suffering and death. The Eternals all chose to separate, except for Thenamesh, but they also choose to come back together despite their annoyance with each other. And Sersi chooses to protect Earth, and humanity. She is prepared to pay an incredible cost, but she decides that human life is worth it.
I think that's what makes Eternals such a beautifully human experience. The beauty of life and love and getting things wrong and coming back anyway--the choice to love something flawed, and protect something even at a cost.
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redheadspark · 1 year
Hello! Has anyone requested for #3 with Druig?
A/N - YAY for the first request on this session! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Oh Dear
Summary - Druig brings you to dinner with his friends, and he's petrified.
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Warnings - Just some fluff
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"Druig, it's gonna be okay you know,"
"I know,"
"Then why are you clutching the railing in a death grip?"
Druig looked and saw it was true, his knuckles now white as he was gripping the rail beyond tightly. He quickly moved his hand away, although you caught it in time and kissed the back of it to give him some ease and release some of the tension. Druig hummed, kissing your forehead quickly as you both faced the front of the restaurant again.
He was taking you to dinner, with his intimate friends, and Druig was dreading this day for some time.
You two were a well-kept secret from his circle of friends, at least to the point where they only knew that there was a mystery girl that Druig was swooned over for the past 6 months. He liked it that way, more private about his personal life than the others. You two met in class your senior year in college, Druig getting the courage to ask you out on a date the day after you graduated and you said yes. He liked having you to himself, never needing to introduce you to his friends for some time.
Of course, you never pushed him, his parents were out of the picture and he was raised by a woman named Ajak. She kept asking Druig, begging him even, for Druig to bring you around and meet the rest of the group. He kept making excuses: your full-time jobs were draining, and you were busy with your own family that would visit. But finally, he gave in, agreeing to bring you to one of the bigger gatherings that he would go to with his friends and Ajak at least once a month. It was tradition for him to go to dinner with them once a month for years, and to bring in someone new was a huge deal.
In Druig's mind, it was, and there was no turning back now.
Druig held open the door as you walked in, telling the host Kingo's name and he immediately escorted you both to the back of the restaurant. You were surprised at the choice of restaurant when Druig told you, it was one of the fancier ones in town.
"This place is nice," You said under your breath to him.
"Aye, this was Kingo's idea. He got a movie deal and wants to celebrate," Druig whispered back as you nodded. He gave you a brief overview of each of his friends, and they sounded wonderful in your mind as he was telling you all about them. You knew he loved them all, they were his family that he would lean on in darker times.
"Just remember, they're a bit.....odd," Druig reminded you as you were turning a corner to one of the back family rooms. You giggled.
"Not as odd as you though, right?" You asked in a joking tone, Druig only giving a short smile as you sighed and laced your fingers, "Hey, they sound wonderful. And if they have been there for you all this time, I should thank them for helping you be the great guy you are now,"
"I know I know," he grumbled as the host was gesturing to the smaller opening to a massive room. You could already hear some people inside laughter bouncing off the walls and warmth being felt already, "I don't know why I'm nervous,"
"They're family. Of course, you're nervous," You reassured him, "Remember how nervous I was when you met my brother? It's the same thing, how different can it be?"
"Remind me to ask you that in fifteen minutes," Druig joked with you. You were about to say something when a chorus of cheers was heard in the room. You both looked to see a sea of faces, surrounded a round table, watching the pair of you with massive grins on their faces. From all that Druig told you about them all, you could almost piece together who was who. Yet it was Ajak, and you knew it was her from pictures that Drig would show you of her, walking over from her spot at the table with her hands out ready for a hug.
"Finally, we get to meet the mystery lady!" Ajak said to you as she wrapped her arms around you within an instant. You felt warmth, almost like slipping into a perfect bath or the touches of the rays of the sun along your skin. No wonder Druig spoke wonder things about her: she was warmth all over from her voice to her touch.
"Oh! I should have asked if you wanted a hug! So sorry, dear!" Ajak said as she released you. But you were beaming, shaking your head.
"It's alright, thank you. And it's nice to finally meet you! Druig talks about you all the time!" You said to her as she looked from you to a sheepish-looking Druig. She walked over to hug him, you watching him hug each other warmly and affectionately.
"Hopefully they were good things." One of the guys said as a gorgeous-looking woman next to him gave him a small glare.
"Don't start, Ikaris," She replied to him, walking over to you then and holding out her hand for you to shake, "I'm Sersi! It's nice to meet the lovely lady who has made Druig happy,"
"You too! Druig tells me all about the great work you do at the museum and some of the galleries you helped open! He took me to your showcase last winter, I loved it!" You rambled without realizing it. Sersi chucked with a hint of blush as another male piped up from the table, wearing a flashy jacket and a smirk on his lips.
"I like her already! Come join us and tell us some embarrassing things about Druig!" He said, the rest of the group had a mixture of laughter and groans while Sersi laced your arm with hers to lead you to the two open chairs next to her spot.
"Don't mind Kingo, he's harmless," She said calmly to you. You looked behind you to see Ajak and Druig still talking together in hushed tones, both with happy faces, and Druig looked relaxed and relieved in his spot. The tension he had some minutes before was long gone. He was calm, his shoulders slumped and at ease, and his eyes twinkling from both the lights above and the happiness in the room.
Druig briefly looked at you, the look of love in his eyes to see that everything was alright after all. You grinned back at him, giving him one small wink as you were finally sitting down with his family. It happened to be one of the best nights you would never forget. You had plenty of stories to tell his family, some good and some filled with embarrassment, and you both left a few hours with full bellies and fuller hearts.
You would end up being back in the same restaurant several months later to surprise his family with your engagement.
The End.
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Spring Prompt Session
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zafirosreverie · 2 years
The M word (Ajak x F!Reader) part 3
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part 1
"Fuck off! Sersi is mine!" you yelled, smiling as you ran down the halls.
Ajak's laughter followed you, and you knew the woman was hot on your heels, so you quickened your pace. You knew you were being childish, and the other would probably complain later that you made her lose her straightness, but at that moment you decided to enjoy seeing her so free and happy. Plus, giving Thena a little blackmail material never hurt.
"You already have Makkari and Druig!" she protested but you could hear the amusement in her tone
"And I'm going for Phastos and Kingo!" you yelled back
"We agreed to leave Kingo last!"
"Then I'm going for Ikaris!"
You laughed again as you took a sharp turn down a hallway. You turned your head so you could stick your tongue out at Ajak, not noticing that a door opened, causing you to enter the meeting room and crash directly into Gilgamesh. At least the man didn't seem affected by it.
"Are you alright?" he asked you, helping you to your feet
"Yes" you laughed "thank you"
"She touched him, does that count as having him on our team?"
You looked around to realize that the rest of the Eternals were also in the room, most of them looking at you in confusion as Druig and Makkari smiled knowingly at you. You returned the gesture and hugged one of Gilgamesh's arms just in time for Ajak to enter the room. She tried to look serious and demure as always, but you knew that everyone had heard her laughter in the halls, and the beads of sweat and her heavy breathing gave her away.
"I just took Gil away from you" you told the woman with a grin
The prime eternal simply rolled her eyes fondly and crossed her arms, smiling at you in amusement. You stuck your tongue out at her again and pressed a little closer against Gilgamesh, you could hear Druig giggling and you didn't have to look to know Thena was smiling too.
"Well that leaves Phastos for me then" your girlfriend said
"Over my dead body!" you said, letting go of the man and pressing an accusing finger into the woman's chest.
"Uh, did I miss something?" Kingo said "what's going on here?"
You looked at your family, feeling truly lucky to belong to such a special group and to be seen as an equal by them despite everything. It had been years since you had felt anything like it and you could no longer imagine a life without them.
"Oh, don't you know?" you asked mockingly
"Know what?"
You shared a look with Ajak, almost as if you were silently asking her permission, to which she nodded, her smile never leaving her lips. You turned to the Eternals, ready to drop a bombshell that only Makkari, Druig, and Thena knew about.
"We're getting married" you smiled.
The following seconds were deathly silent, where everyone seemed to try to register your words as if they were foreign to them. Kingo was the first to react and from there it was all screaming and chaos. Warm and familiar chaos.
"We found out this morning"
"No, no hold on, why did they know before ME?!"
"Because Ajak loves me more"
"No, no, I get you, Thena, I was talking about Druig"
You and Ajak looked at each other for a moment before sharing a laugh as Druig and Kingo got into a little argument. Sometimes it was hard to remember that these people were in charge of watching over and protecting humanity, especially when they behaved like kindergartners.
"Congratulations" Gilgamesh smiled at you.
"Thank you" you replied
"And who asked who?" Phastos asked, approaching you.
"Oh, none have" Ajak replied.
The room went completely silent again and you had to bite your lower lip to keep from laughing at everyone's faces. You really wished you had the camera that Phastos had given you at that moment.
"Excuse me, what?"
"Well, we talked about it some time ago and we both agreed that we'd like to take that step" you said, blushing when Ajak linked her fingers with yours "But there hasn't been a formal proposal."
"And that's where we come in" Thena smiled.
"What do you mean?" Ikaris intervened
"Ajak asked me this morning if I could help her plan something to propose to Y/N" the blonde replied.
"And Y/N heard it, so she asked Makkari and me to help make her proposal to Ajak better" Druig added.
"So here we are" you said "recruiting you all to help us"
"Oh, proposals war! I like it" Kingo smiled "what's the prize?"
"The winner chooses where we spend our honeymoon and the names of our future children"
You laughed as Ajak choked next to you and blushed so deeply that even her dark skin couldn't hide it. She looked at you with wide eyes and you had to place a quick kiss on her lips to prevent her from scolding you. You knew that was not part of what you had agreed to, but it occurred to you at the moment. You weren't even sure you could (or that she wanted) have kids, and it was definitely something you had to talk about later, but for now, you pretended it was all part of the plan. It worked if the way everyone was looking at you with interest was any indication.
"Oh, I'm so into it!" Kingo said loudly "which team I’m in?"
"Mine" Ajak said, taking the man's hand before you could react.
"Hey! That's not fair, we said we'd leave Kingo last" you complained with a pout
"What? And why me last?!" he asked indignantly
"Because you're the one who already has the entire wedding planned" you said "and we both want that wit on our team"
That seemed to calm the man, who stood a little taller with pride, not noticing the sarcasm in your voice, Ajak's eye roll, or Thena's wicked grin. Always go for the ego.
"So what about the rest of us?" Sprite asked
"I want Ikaris" you said
"No, we don't want Ikaris" Druig protested.
"Yes we do" you replied
"No, we don't want him, we want Phastos"
"Phastos belongs to me" Ajak said
"Because Y/N already took Gilgamesh"
"Sorry, weren't you fighting over Sersi?" Thena asked smiling
“We weren’t fighting” your girlfriend frowned
"Yes we were, and she's mine" you said, taking Sersi's arm
"No, no, if I'm going to be on Ajak's team, I need Sersi too" Kingo said, taking her other arm.
"Then I want Ikaris!"
"We don't want Ikaris!"
They all jumped up and looked at Ajak with a bit of embarrassment. You had to hide your smile and squeeze your legs a bit to calm the growing heat between them (that woman was fucking sexy when she got bossy, ok?!) while the prime eternal looked at them all with amusement.
"Obviously we need a peaceful solution to this. I don't want wars in my marriage proposal" she said, sounding a little too proud about the last words.
"Okay, okay, I have an idea" you said "Since it's evident that hunting them down one by one didn't work...how about you have the thinkers and I have the fighters?"
"I like it, except for one problem" your girlfriend said
"Which is?"
"I want Thena"
"Yes, as her best friend, I'm going with Ajak" Thena said
"Okay, then I'll trade her for Phastos" you said.
"You talk about us as if we were trading cards" the inventor said amused
"And I want Gilgamesh" the blonde said
"Give me Sersi" you crossed your arms, making the young woman smile at you, probably grateful for not only being taken into account but apparently being one of the most coveted.
"Didn't you want Druig?" Sprite asked 
"I don't want to be on the same team as Ikaris" Druig replied
"I'm not even going to pretend that it hurt me" the flyer smiled
"Give me Sersi and you have Gilgamesh" you said
"Done" your girlfriend smiled
"But we are 5 and you are 6" Sprite intervened
"Ikaris and Sersi are on the same team, they'll probably get lost in each other's eyes, and Kingo and Y/N are a mess together, we're really only up against Phastos and Makkari" Druig sneered.
"Pfff, that's because you haven't seen Kingo, Makkari, and me drunk and wanting to embarrass Ajak" you smirked
"We have this won!" Kingo said, giving you a high five
"No one is going to get drunk!" the prime eternal said, a little worried and blushing
"I don't tell you what strategies to use with your team!"
She tried to give you a serious look as she crossed her arms as well, but it only lasted a few seconds before she laughed and shook her head affectionately.
"So, is it agreed?" Sprite asked, oddly enough, she looked quite invested in this.
"No, wait, how much time do we have?" Phastos asked
You and Ajak looked at each other, you hadn't thought of that. If you were being honest, you really didn't even expect your girlfriend to go along with the silly game, or that the others (besides Kingo, Makkari, and Thena) would actually want to participate, so you hadn't bothered to think of a date.
"Well...in two months it's the anniversary of having met you" Ajak smiled at you
You smiled back and took her hand to kiss her knuckles gently. The heat that she aroused in you (and not just the sexual kind) was immense and despite all the games and jokes, you really looked forward to marrying her.
"Okay, before you get too cutesy and I get diabetes" Thena scoffed "we're all in agreement, we have two months to plan the best proposal"
"And the winner has honeymoon rights and future baby names" Kingo smiled
"Yeah, it's a deal" you said
"Will you ever tell us how you met?" Sprite suddenly asked
You looked at Ajak and wrapped one of your arms around her waist, pulling her close to you as she placed a hand on your shoulder and gazed at you lovingly.
"Nope" you both said at the same time
The other Eternals complained and you and your girlfriend laughed. You put a lock behind her ear and caressed her cheek softly before giving her a sweet kiss. 
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astriddelize · 3 years
Ocean Eyes | Druig
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Pairing: Druig x GN!Reader
Summary: Who knew the Eternals could feel human emotions? Much less, jealousy.
Warining(s): None!
Word count: 674
A/N:  My writer’s block has been kicking my ass and I really wanted to get some more Druig content out there. As always this is not beta read so I apologize in advance.
There have only been a handful of times that you’ve ever seen him smile. And unfortunately for you, most of those times have been thanks to Makkari.
This time appears to be no different.
You aren’t entirely sure on what is being said between the two, but judging by the blush that appears to take over Druig’s face, it can’t be anything in your favor.
Fully invested in the pair you fail to notice the other Eternal stand next to you.
“Still pining over that anti-social freak, aren’t ye?”
Ikaris’s voice is teasing, and you can’t help but scoff at the accusation.
Pushing yourself off of the wall, you straighten your posture. Fixing the Babylonian attire that Ajak so kindly made you all wear, you put on your best poker face hoping to avoid any further teasing. As luck would have it, his attention appears to be no longer on you.
“I was thinking of asking you the same thing.” You elbow the man, following the direction of his gaze. You are almost certain that if looks could kill -which they technically could considering Ikaris’s abilities- Sersi and the city’s children would be doomed.
The silence that follows is uncomfortable, and you begin to wonder whether Ikaris is even aware of your presence.
“Is it bad if I admit to being jealous of a couple of eight-year-olds?” He finally turns to you, expression unreadable. He doesn’t give you the chance to reply, letting out a dry chuckle.
“Pretend I didn’t say that.”
It’s weird seeing the ever so confident Ikaris show such vulnerability and you can’t help but feel for him. After all, you too had been throwing yourself a pity party prior to him joining you.
Placing your hand on his shoulder, you give him a reassuring squeeze.
“Don’t go soft on me pretty boy,” he shoots you a mock hurt expression before you continue.
“Now I know this is corny and if anyone asks me, I’ll deny I ever said anything. But I’m 99% sure that you would be a much better boyfriend than any eight-year-old out there.”
It’s sudden and quite frankly, completely out of character, but before long you find yourself enveloped in Ikari’s arms. All prior tension disappears and although he isn’t the exact person whose arms you would want to be in, you embrace him back.
“I would happily argue that the eight-year-old would be a much more attentive boyfriend.” The words are like venom as they tumble out of Druig’s lips.
Quickly pushing away from each other, you feel your pulse quicken. It’s not like the embrace is anything other than platonic, but the look of disgust on Druig’s face appears to say otherwise.
“Y’know we really should get you a bell or something.” Ikaris jokes, only to be met with an eye-roll from the other man.
Clearing his throat, he nods, slightly defeated.
“Well… I should probably go over the lookout schedule with Ajak, so if you’ll excuse me.”
The atmosphere is heavy, and you pretend you don’t notice the way Ikaris bumps his shoulder against Druig as he leaves.
“Listen I-.”
“So you and Ikaris huh?” His question appears to sound more like an accusation.
“You and Ikaris.” He states matter of factly, his gaze never leaving your face.
“I mean it’s quite obvious. You go missing during Sprite’s storytelling fiasco and next thing I know so does that idiot. If I didn’t know any better I would fear that you’re becoming a little too wishy-washy.”
It’s like a bomb has been set off.
Gripping onto Druig’s shirt, you bring his face to mere inches from yours.
“Woah there, let’s not make Ikaris jealous.” He shoots you a sly smirk, and you know he’s enjoying rilling you up.
Closing the gap between the two of you, you press your lips against his. It’s only after you begin to feel lightheaded that you pull away.
“I really hate you sometimes.”You sigh, resting your forehead against his.
“You really need to stop flirting with me.”
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get-your-fics · 3 years
So like everyone else I’m obsessed with druig so…if you can/want to can you write a Druig X Reader one where the reason druig finally disobeys Ajak is because the reader said so. Like the reader sees all the pain and says “druig help them” or “druig make it stop” and so he does because he sees how uncomfortable it makes the reader…thanks!!!
here ya go! warnings for mentions of violence and blood
word count: 541
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The sky was on fire.
You stood frozen in horror, overlooking the destruction and carnage as havoc was wreaked from below. Smoke and ash created a thick, black fog that hung over the battlefield like a cloud, lit up by the explosion of gunpowder like lightning. Gunshots pierced your ears louder than thunder, but not louder than the screams as bodies collapsed to the ground in a sea of blood as dark as ink.
It was always the same: they look different than us, they don't believe what we do, they don't live the way we live. The same reasons, the same excuses. Humans were so desperate to create a divide, they failed to see all that they had in common. You had witnessed many a similar conflict over the millennia you had been on Earth, but the damage and bloodshed had never been to this extent until the invention of those new weapons that tore through flesh and bone faster than any sword or arrow.
Over the chaos, you heard your name being called. You turned around to see Druig behind you. His face fell when you locked eyes, and that's when you knew the distress you felt was evident in your appearance.
He rushed to your side, concern written all over his face. You hadn't even realized you were crying until he was brushing away the stray tears from your cheeks with his thumbs. "What's wrong?" His voice was soft, soothing.
"Please," was all you managed to get out. Your chin wobbled as you tried to keep from bursting into sobs. "You have to help them."
He looked at you regretfully, cupping your face in his hands. "I can't, you know that. It's against the rules."
You clutched the front of his tunic, your fingers digging into the fabric. "I don't care about the stupid rules! People are dying out there, and you're the only one who can do something about it."
"It's hard for me, too." He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to his chest. "To know that I can put an end to it all so easily and have to watch them destroy themselves."
You squeezed your eyes shut and buried your face in the crook of his neck. You couldn't bear to watch the world you fell in love with be reduced to rubble and dust. "Please, just make them stop." Your voice was small, barely more than a whimper.
You felt his chest rise and fall, his heart beating in tandem with yours, and his grip on you tightened. You heard him sigh and opened your eyes just as his turned a luminescent gold. You turned your head as the noise from below faded, hundreds of pairs of eyes lighting up the night. The smoke cleared to reveal the fighting had ceased; the world had come to a standstill.
You released the breath you had been holding, relaxing in Druig's arms and laying your head on his shoulder. "Thank you," you whispered against his skin.
He pressed a chaste kiss to the top of your head. "Ajak will have our heads for this."
"I know," you allowed him to rock you back and forth, "but it's over." At least, for now.
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curiousgalacticsoul · 3 years
What actually happened with Ikaris:
>> Ajak tells Ikaris everything (the truth about the upcoming Emergence on Earth in few thousand years) as a secret much before, in 575 B.C Babylon!
>> Ikaris is shocked & shattered to know that the humans they've been told to "protect" from deviants are destined to die
>> it gets hard for him to live with them knowing the truth as they continue loving humans & their world (Druig wants to bring peace & harmony; Phastos wants to help them advance as a species & oh! his dear Sersi! She wants to be with them, be a part of them & spread love)
>> Ikaris knows the longer he'll stay with them all, esp. with Sersi, the harder it'll be to keep the secret a secret, & once they all know, esp. Sersi, she'll be devastated knowing what's going to happen to Earth, to humans, & that they won't be able to do a thing until their team leader commands. So, he leaves.
>> leaving Sersi wasn't at all easy for him, that's the last thing he ever wanted. But he didn't want to hurt her, couldn't see her getting devastated, so he leaves her with a heavy heart. It was very dificult staying isolated, away from them all, from her, all these centuries!
>> now in present day, Ajak suddenly tells him they all should stop the emergence as after exploring human world & loving it, she wants to save it.
>> so, if they had to save the Earth, what were all of Ikaris' sacrifices for!? Leaving all his family? Leaving Sersi, the love of his life!?? Staying in isolation? Living with the truth every single day as it kills him? Everything to waste? Of no use? His sacrifice, his patience, his tolerance, his loneliness? For nothing? He would've rather lived a happy life then with Sersi if Earth was going to be saved
>> this is why at this point, Ikaris couldn't afford to be emotional, to be loose and weak & decides to let Emergence happen. 'A loyal soldier' was rather more of a convincing excuse to hide the real reason - his sacrifice of giving up life with Sersi will go to waste if he helps Emergence delay.
>> Emergence wasn't a villainous act from cosmic pov, it was a natural process (had happened many times in past & will keep happening again in future), so supporting that plan didn't make Ikaris a villain or a bad guy at all! He knew he would die too.
So please STOP calling him a straight up villain of the movie. It's so sad to read all such things on Tumblr & mostly Instagram. If anything, we should feel bad for him, sympathise with him & understand that he had to carry the burden of Ajak's secret!
What would've happened if Ajak had never told Ikaris the truth? Imagine....
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