#but FUCK now I’m starting to see the appeal in this AU
allastoredeer · 1 month
What do you think about the AU where Alastor meets the Devil while he’s still alive? there’s plenty of potential with that 😏
I have a couple of fics saved with that AU!
But otherwise, I haven’t given the AU a lot of thought. It would be fun to explore a dynamic between Lucifer and Alastor if they were to have know each other pre-Alastor death, even more so if Lucifer forgot about Alastor and Alastor very much remembered him.
Lmao it’d bring a whole new context to Alastor’s instant saltiness towards Lucifer. The guy got wham, bam, thank you ma’am-ed and then Lucifer never called him back. The bitterness is so real.
Especially when he realizes Lucifer doesn’t even remember him (or recognize him 👀 due to his deer/demon characteristics). Alastor probably wouldn’t say anything about it, though, he’d just keep needling and insulting Lucifer like a scorned ex-lover, and Lucifer has no idea why but he’s gonna needle and insult him back, even if there’s…something strangely familiar about Alastor…something he can’t quite put his finger on…
FUCK - I literally haven’t considered this AU AT ALL, and now I’m developing a whole fic idea. Anon what have you done 😩
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izvmimi · 2 months
cw: pop star!au. fem!reader with diva & tsun tendencies. sfw but suggestive. possibly may have more parts.
When you finally show up to the studio, having woken up hours past your expected alarm such that you had to skip your yoga and your poolside brunch, your assistant is not happy to see you in the least, and the rest of your camera crew is at least a little bit miffed.
And quite frankly, you don’t give a flying fuck. 
You’re about forty-five minutes late, but the fact of the matter is that the main attraction is you, and only you, and as one of the top international pop stars of the decade, you have gotten a little too comfortable with letting your whims set the tone of things. The hustle and bustle of the set however starts up again the moment you walk in, as your head assistant claps her hands and lets the crew know to set up cameras, makeup and outfitting to get ready to put you in their chair and turn you magical. 
You walk right up to her and give her a cheeky grin. 
“Sorry, I overslept.”
Aya wishes she could throw you out of the nearest window but settles to say slap a script in a sheet of paper into your chest.
“This is the plan for the music video. Read this and don’t piss me off.”
You frown as you take it from her then scan through the crumpled piece quickly. Your newest music video is supposed to be a bit sexier than usual, with a pretty generic storyline - you play a damsel in distress saved by a dashing hero, the trope subverted by the fact that you’re a succubus, far from someone to be saved. You’re excited for it, having played a little bit too close to sweetheart territory for so long, and it’ll be your first time having an actual top Hero as your love interest, unlike your prior models who were more props than anything else.
But there’s one issue.
You crinkle your nose in distaste.
“You got Deku!?”
Aya raises her eyebrow adjusting thick rimmed glasses as she repositions her stance as though she’s preparing for a fight, her arms crossed over her chest.
“Is there a problem?”
You groan dramatically, then rush past her, pretending to be aggravated as you make your way towards the breakfast spread that has remained untouched until you arrived and stuff a dry croissant in your mouth.
“I asked for a hot Hero! Sexy! I ask you to do your goddamn job and you hire a man with green Teletubby energy!”
Somebody beside you scoffs, and as the two of you glance in the worker’s directions, he’s unable to stifle his laughter before he walks off, pushing a cart of cleaning supplies with him. You twist your mouth to the side, hands on hips, then turn your attention back to Aya.
“So you’re telling me Dynamight, Red Riot, and Shoto were unavailable?”
Aya’s lips press into a thin line. Despite being your assistant, she’s still one of your closest confidantes and she bites back just as hard as you can, and as usual, she does so now.
“I said, don’t piss me off, Tinkerbell. I’ll have you know I spent a lot of extra time making sure to-” she stops chewing you out suddenly, her eyes wide, and you blink, then turn. 
Deku is standing right behind you, and you’re 100% certain he heard your exchange. If he’s upset, he doesn’t show it, instead he’s smiling sheepishly, his hand scratching the back of his neck. 
“I think Kacchan was a bit busy and uh… Shoto probably wouldn’t have done this anyway, he’s not the type. As for Red Riot… that I’m not really sure...,” he trails off, pensive.
You blink at him rapidly as you crane your neck to look at him.
Pro Hero Deku is a lot taller than he looks on television. His face is still boyish and friendly, the harmless look not necessarily limited to television, but when you take a look at the rest of his countenance, broad shouldered and thick, it’s clear that there’s a reason why he’s topping the charts currently.
Even if his soft look doesn’t particularly scream sex appeal. 
“Sorry you’re stuck with me.” He bows politely, hands pressed against the sides of his jeans. “Let’s work hard together!”
When he rises, he’s looking at you with hopeful anticipation, and the way his eyes practically glow with earnestness actually upsets you.
You open your mouth then close it. The diva persona of yours isn’t without an ounce of empathy, but he’s already getting on your nerves. You look at Aya who gives you the glare she does when she wants you to behave, but you’ve already stomped your foot and stormed away.
Frustrated and unsure why.
“I’ll be at my trailer, call me when we get started.”
The problem is that he’s hot, and you hate to be wrong.
The type of hot that makes your head spin when you’re too close, that makes you forget the words you’re supposed to be singing to him, that makes the fans that blow through your wig and flowing clothing not enough to manage the heat that runs through your body.
“Get closer!” the videographer screams behind the camera and you swallow thickly as Izuku moves first, crossing the already minimal distance between the two of you to wrap his arm around your waist and the other around your shoulders. It’s supposed to be a romantic, protective pose, and he’s not looking at you but at the camera, but he’s so close, he smells good, his clothes are dramatically torn, ripped in the way you’d expect after a tense battle but artificially so. Your heart thumps as if he were protecting you for real, and you hope he can’t sense it, the disarray that’s running from your center to your fingertips as you try desperately to figure out where to put your hands. 
“___, can you please find a way to make this look more natural?” you’re being barked at by your greatest hater and favorite employee.
Aya, please shut the fuck up, you want to tell her, but Deku hasn’t let you go. 
“Next take.”
Deku finally releases you and you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. He’s smiling, the makeup dust and grime and blood barely marring his handsome features, in fact accentuating them.
They didn’t have to make him look this good. You’re going to have a talk with the visual designer, this is getting ridiculous.
“Sorry, was that okay?” He’s still smiling, bashful as if he’s the one who can’t stop looking at you, and imagining how his hands would feel pressed against your chest, when it’s very clearly the reverse. You wonder for a moment how easily he attracts the opposite sex with this sweet boy act, as if the plentiful scars on his broad chest, littered over his arms and likely below the pants hanging low on his waist, creeping past the Adonis belt aren’t evidence that perhaps he’s not so toothless after all.
You want to practically smack him, he frustrates you so damn much.
“Adequate,” you answer. The director tells you to take five and you step away quickly, practically falling off the fake set rubble on your way down.
You can’t even stumble the way you want to, because Hero Deku is fast and is holding onto your arm before you can make your way down.
“You okay?”
Unwittingly, you give him a distressed look, and he lets go quickly, and you storm off.
“I’ll be in my trailer!” you announce again, while the workers grumble that you’re supposed to literally only take five.
Aya is chuckling to herself this time, because she’s clocked you a mile away.
Tinkerbell has a crush.
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selfishdoll · 9 months
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You're the queen of the superficial, And how long before you tell the truth?
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sum: being a physical therapist assistant wasn’t easy work at all, and it didn’t help that one of your patients was beginning to plague your thoughts, in more ways than one.
PURE COINCIDENCE . camboy & martial artist! kashimo hajime x physical therapist assistant! reader
cw: strangers to lovers (lowkey), kashimo & reader are 19-21, kashimo is ooc of course, modern au (no cursed techniques but he’s still strong asf), sex work, pet names, teasing, degradation & praise, shy!reader, curvy reader, kashimo is an ass man, lowkey corruption kink, slightly public sex, kashimo is reckless & dumb, dumbification, manhandling, rough sex, multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, choking, cervix fucking, unprotected sex, etc.
i spent so much time on this & was winging it fr so it didn’t come out how i liked 😭😭. & it got much longer then i wanted it to be. also please excuse any typos or errors, it’s late 🙏🏾
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You always thought boxing, wrestling, and martial arts were such violent sports. You didn’t see the appeal of beating someone black and blue— or forcing them into submission. You weren’t a pacifist by any means but fighting was just something you didn’t get it. Especially, when it came to making money off it.
Truthfully, however— you didn’t need to see the point. Your only concern was massaging your patients and assuring they didn’t overextend themselves.
Which happened often.
Today would be a good day for you, a starting point actually. After two years of grueling work, several months of training, and being placed in a hospital you hated; you were finally sought out by a private practice— a gym for martial artists. From what you’ve heard they were good; winning tournaments back to back and putting on quite a show for the audience.
A name that frequently showed up was Kashimo Hajime, the proclaimed God of Lightning. A title earned given how fast he was, no one able to keep up with the amount of punches that he landed on his opponent. You were sure that was impressive in its own right, but you simply couldn’t get past the name.
It made you giggle each time you heard it.
Your eyes trailed away from the building infront of you and over to your phone hooked up to the stand in your car. You pressed your lips together, “Looks like I’m here..” You mumbled to yourself, feeling anxiety gather at the pit of your stomach. A new job always did that to you, imagining just about everything going wrong. From possibly falling or messing up a chart.
First day jitters always killed your motivation.
But, you took a small breath; eyes closed briefly as you sinked into your seat for a moment. It would be fine, this would be fine. You’re gonna do great. Such affirmations swarmed in your mind, pushing you away from delving down a deep hole of anxiety and insecurity. Once you felt your heart relax just a bit you grabbed your phone and tote bag, turning the car off and soon exiting it. Shutting the door behind you, you assured the doors were locked before approaching the large metal doors of the building. Pulling them open, your eyes scanned the large area. It looked like a relatively regular gym; punching bags hanging from the ceiling in a few places, weights, and treadmills. The most interesting thing was the boxing ring in the middle of the room.
“Hello, miss? Can I help you?” You jumped a little as the voice interrupted your train of thought, turning to face a woman who was seated behind the front desk. You flashed a false confident smile, approaching her while shifting through your bag. “H—hi, I’m [Full Name]. I’m here to start as a PTA.” Your hand finally clasped around what you needed, lifting a packet of papers from the confinements of your bag and passing them over to her awaiting hand.
Her eyes scanned the pages rather quickly, “Oh, you’ll be working with Ms. Makoto.” She mused, flashing you a small smile as she passed the papers back. “She always comes late, so for now; I’d suggest walking around to get a feel for your surroundings. Maybe even talk to your future patients.” She shrugged to which you nodded, a small thank you, escaping you.
You wish she hadn’t suggested the thing at all, given how nerve-racking it felt to you. However, you now felt obligated to do it, especially with the way she was smiling at you so sweetly. Damn her.
Situating the strap of your bag onto your shoulder correctly, you headed over towards the actual gym area; eyes on the swivel to assure you didn’t end up in anyone’s way. Like you hoped, however, the martial artists were far too focused on their training, paying you no mind as their fists slammed against some punch bag or they pumped their legs on the treadmill.
The atmosphere itself was nice, really. You didn’t mind it, maybe you would get used to it.
Once you were finished walking around the people lifting weights, your eyes traveled over to the boxing ring in the middle, noticing two forms entering it and several people surrounding it. Interest quickly invaded your mind, moving towards the crowd to get a better look. You luckily found your way to the front, staring up at the two men that were currently stretching.
One was unimpressionable; hair shaved short with tanned skin. He was shirtless showcasing his simple build. He wasn’t small but wasn’t big either, sculpted but not bulky? It was clear he wasn’t a seasoned fighter. But, as your eyes turned over to his opponent; the difference was all too clear.
Standing at an impressive six feet, cloaked in a tight black shirt and baggy white pants, bandages wrapped around his forearms. You watched as he cupped his hands together behind his back, stretching his arms and fuck, were they big. Or rather the man was big in general, enough so you pitied his opponent.
You watched as he rose his arms above his head this time, eyes zoning in on the way his shirt followed— revealing his toned stomach and the pretty blue trail that traveled down. Oh, how you wanted to see where it lead to.
“Huh!?” You gasped out of your daze, head snapping over to a woman that stood beside you. She had short black hair that illuminated her pale features perfectly, sharp dark eyes already staring at you. Her gloss stained lips curled once she had your attention, “I’m Makoto. I’m sorry for being late.”
You gave a nervous smile, “I—I don’t mind. I was just uh.. getting to know my surroundings.” The physical therapist nodded at you with a smile, eyes turning over to the ring as a small sigh escaped her.
“I’ve told Kashimo to stop entertaining these rookies.”
Makoto nodded with a soft hum, crossing her arms over her chest. “They always want to fight him for some reason, riling him up until he finally agrees to a spar. It’s ridiculous,” She mused, tapping a finger against her skin. “It’s clear whose going to win.”
You pressed your lips together, eyes turning back to the ring. To your surprise, Kashimo was standing upright while his opponent was in a fighting stance. Cocky.. Was what ran through your mind, eyes darting between the two men.
The man with a shaved head blew air from his mouth, springing towards Kashimo in a single step. Your eyes widened as you watched the cyan-haired man step out of the other’s way, bawling his fists. The sound of skin to skin contact was the only thing you could register, astonished by the pure speed of his fists, opponent trapped under the flurry of his hits. Makoto was right, he didn’t stand a chance; falling to the ring the moment the god of lightning was finished with him. The match couldn’t have been longer than five seconds.
“Kashimo, It was only supposed to be a spar— not a knockout!” Makoto called, softly complaining about unnecessary concussions. You watched as Kashimo’s bored expression fixed onto the physical therapist, a small snarl on his face. Makoto hissed at this, fussing at him not to glare at her.
He didn’t entertain her yelling long, eyes traveling away from her and fixing onto you. You didn’t hold his gaze long, or rather— you couldn’t, given its intensity. You simply turned to face Makoto waiting for her to get over her yelling so you could get started.
. . .
A few hours of work passed, the only major concern being Kashimo’s opponent and assuring he had no fractures or concussions from the match. Much to Makoto’s relief, he didn’t. Other than that you were observing and looking over charts, noticing the inconsistencies in Kashimo’s. Makoto then explained to you the man ignored injuries and she quite literally has to corner him to get him into her office. The mental image made you laugh softly.
Soon enough your shift was over, being informed you did well and to come at the same time tomorrow. It delighted you to hear such a thing. Exiting the building, you approached your car while searching for your keys in your bag, humming softly to yourself. Finally finding them, you pull them out; attention however, shifting over to the gym doors when they opened.
To your surprise Kashimo stepped out, holding a large duffel bag in his left hand while his right? Reached for the end of his shirt, lifting it up and using it to wipe his face. All under your gaze.
You felt ashamed staring at him in such a way, especially since he was technically your patient.
“You need somethin’, Miss [Name]?” His voice was muffled against the damp fabric, pulling his shirt down to reveal his sharp eyes starting at you. You jumped in surprise, nearly dropping your keys. “Oh, oh, no! No..” You breathed out, shakily pressing the button on them to unlock your car. To your horror the man gave you a small smirk;
“Safe travels then.”
“Mhm! You too!” The words escaped you meekly and far louder then you wished. Snatching the driver’s side door open, you entered the vehicle, barely even slamming the door closed before you turned the engine over. You quickly pulled out of that parking lot, attempting to forget the scene that just happened.
. . .
A soft sigh escaped you as you sat on your bed, leaning back to lay down, arms laying across your stomach. The sky was painted black, stars twinkling overhead with the moon rested aimlessly. It was getting late and you needed to get some sleep for tomorrow. You weren’t sure how work would be but you wanted to mentally prepare for the worst. However, you just.. didn’t want to sleep yet?
It was weird, really. You didn’t feel tired despite how nervous you were today. You almost felt proud of yourself.
“Still need to get some sleep though..” You mumbled to yourself, rolling over to your stomach. Pressing your face into your plush blankets for a moment, you mulled over how to force yourself to sleep. Milk, melatonin maybe? You don’t know if you had either. You spared two more minutes of thought before an idea entered your mind.
Masturbation. You were a genius.
You reached blindly for your phone while turning onto your back again, scooting up farther onto your bed as you opened the dreaded X app. Ignoring tweets from friends and celebrities you went straight to the search bar typing in something random. You just needed to get off once, it normally worked for you.
Using one hand to scroll, the other went down to your lower half, happy you previously discarded your pants as your fingers brushed across your thinly covered pussy. Warming yourself up, your fingers pressed against your covered clit, slowly rubbing it; feeling the gentle pleasure travel up your spine.
Fifteen minutes passed of this and your agitated scrolling, frustration building as nothing in particular caught your eye. Each video was either too short or too boring for something to use, or even some too much. This wasn’t supposed to be difficult anyhow. Just a quick session and then sleep. Yet, here you were; boredly scrolling.
You nearly settled for your imagination rather then a video until something caught your eye. Your thumb hovered over the video, eyes zoning in on it. It was simple, a male by himself, showcasing his lower half but nothing else. You saw the imprint of his dick through his sweats, strong hand gliding across it; teasing himself.
Pursing your lips, you clicked on the video, getting into a comfortable position. You watched as he delicately pulled the strings on his pants, watching the band loosen. His hips rose, hooking a thumb under the waistband to slowly tug down— not far, but far enough his length slowly came into view; popping out when his sweats rested on his thighs.
You sucked in a breath, watching his veined hand clasp around his pretty cock. He was pale, tip a soft red with precum spilling from the slit. He was also.. well, big; lengthy and thick— particularly around the base. You attempted to imagine it inside you, pussy pulsing at the thought of it splitting you open.
His thumb rolled on the crown of his length, collecting some precum before smoothing it down his shaft. To your surprise you heard a soft groan, feeling your stomach tighten from the sound. Most men on this annoying app were quiet in their videos, something you couldn’t stand. And while he wasn’t loud, it was loud enough your hand went straight under your panties, beginning to roll tight circles on your clit.
You moved in sync to how he fisted himself, his soft sighs and grunts escaping your phone’s speaker; envious you couldn’t hear such things right into your ear. You bit your lip as your legs shook, two fingers traveling down your slick slit to plunge inside you. Your hips rose, grinding your clit into your palm as your eyes focused on the man. You gasped out, watching as his pace quickened, hips rising to meet the thrusts of his hands.
His voice became ragged, pants desperate as he chased his release. And you, your own. You were so close, watching this stranger fuck himself. A pretty sight you couldn’t look away from.
“Oh, fuck..” Was what he hissed, nearly making your eyes roll back. You were there, right there, so close, until— you noticed something. Your eyes had unfortunately wandered from his cock to his stomach peeking out under his shirt, spotting something.
A soft tuft of cyan colored hair.
Your eyes widened for a moment, feeling your pleasure come crashing down as flashes of Kashimo in the ring and outside the building entered your mound. The way it lined below his navel so perfectly, it was all too familiar. “There’s no way..” You thought to yourself, attempting to rationalize it in your head. Kashimo Hajime, martial artist known as the god of lightning just didn’t seem like the type to do such a thing.
But then again, you knew nothing about him, so who were you to declare it wasn’t like him?
Such thoughts killed your lust filled high, pulling your hand out of your panties and quickly clicking out of the app. You turned on your side, phone rested face down on your blankets. Your eyes pinched close, attempting to calm your racing thoughts and think of solutions to this.
It was all pure coincidence. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe dying happy trails that particular color was some trend you didn’t hear about?
You seriously hoped it was.
. . .
Despite your many thoughts last night, you fell asleep shortly after that event. Though you did wake up and feel miserable, just imagining how nervous you’ll be facing Kashimo.
It’s probably not him.. right? You continued to try and convince yourself, closing your car door shut and beginning your trek over to the gym. Opening the doors and entering, you gave a brief smile to the receptionist that greeted you and made a beeline to Makoto’s office, reaching for the door.
Only for it to open, right in your face.
“[Name]! I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were there!” The physical therapist hissed softly, watching as you soothed the pain on your forehead. You only gave a small smile, shaking your head. “It’s okay. I wasn’t paying attention anyway.” The brief pain knocked Kashimo right from your thoughts, something you deeply appreciated and nearly thanked the reckless older woman for.
Makoto looked you over for a moment before sighing softly, nodding. “Alright, well. Set your things down. It’s not a lot to do today, but that could change.”
You gave a brief smile and nodded, entering her office. It was simple, resembling a hospital room with shelves lining the walls and a long black bed off against the wall. You placed your bag beside her own, turning around to spot Makoto at the door, talking to someone.
Moving closer you quickly realized it was Kashimo. His expression just like yesterday, bored with a snarl pointed towards the older woman— who was currently nagging, just like yesterday. You swallowed a breath, flashes of the previous night entering your mind, far too quick and vivid to ignore. It didn’t help that in the midst of her words his eyes traveled to you, causing you to still; wishing to fall through the floor right then and there.
The corner of his mouth twitched, “Don’t you have someone to mentor instead of wasting your time, naggin’?” Hajime questioned, finally releasing you from his gaze to stare back at Makoto. The physical therapist’s voice rose in pitch, Hajime turning on his heel and walking off much to her annoyance..
And your relief. You hoped he was too busy training to acknowledge you today.
Two hours passed with you following Makoto around, writing down a few notes on people’s charts and even tapping some people. They were nice and encouraged you even when your hands shook a little or you stumbled over your words. You really did like this job so far.
It was the afternoon now, Makoto letting you go on a thirty minute break. You entered the lounge room of the gym, hand clasped around the black container of food you had grabbed from your bag. Approaching the microwave, you opened it open and slid the container inside— shutting the door and pressing a random time. You leaned against the counter, scrolling through your phone for a moment before an idea creeped into your mind.
Assuring no one else was in the room, you clicked onto the app you used last night, going to your previous search and beginning to scroll. It took about five minutes before you finally reached where you wanted; the video you watched last night. Taking your food from the microwave, you clicked onto the account of the video, waltzing over to a chair and sitting down.
You attempted to rationalize looking at porn — or rather a porn account at work. It’s not like you were actively watching the videos, or touching yourself; you were simply searching for something, anything that signified this wasn’t Kashimo’s account.
But, you weren’t given much. Firstly, the account’s icon and header was blank while the bio was empty too. Despite this, it had quite a few tweets and followers, highlighting this account was quite popular. You bit the inside of your cheek once again, looking around you for a moment before clicking on the media section of the page. You scrolled, leaning your cheek into your palm. Most of it was solo stuff, showcasing his lower half and never his face. Your heart thumped however; when you noticed the spiky, cyan colored hair that rested behind him in a certain video. You bit the inside of your cheek, jumping when the lounge room door opened.
To your horror, Kashimo entered— giving you a brief glance before walking over to the fridge in the room. His hand reached for something, snatching it from the fridge and rising to shut the door, moving over to the microwave. While opening the door and placing his food inside, you watched his other hand fish his phone from his sweats.
And that’s when a idea popped into your head. A very, very stupid one. Your face turned back to your phone screen, biting your lip. You were still trying to convince yourself this wasn’t him, this was just some random man you’ve never met before.
And so, if you were to like a tweet of his where— your name was completely visible, you were sure he wouldn’t react at all. Your plan seemed solid, ignoring the nagging feeling in the back of your mind.
Taking a shaky breath, your thumb pressed against the hollow heart of a random tweet, slowly placing your phone back onto the table. Maybe.. maybe you were imagining it but, you could have sworn you heard the soft buzz of a phone.
One that wasn’t yours.
Fear shot up your spine, head moving slowly to the side, eyes traveling to the only other person in the room.
Who was already staring at you, cradling his black cased phone.
Your eyes locked, watching as a grin pulled his features. It was him, oh it was definitely him. Your eyes widened as the realization set in, quickly turning forward to snatch your phone and food from the table, getting up on shaky legs and heading towards the door.
“Not hungry, [Name]?” His tone was mocking, far too teasing for you to ignore. You didn’t even spare him a glance as you quickly shook your head, snatching the door open and exiting the lounge.
The realization of the situation finally dawned on you as you sped over to Makoto’s office, nearly crushing your container of food in your hand.
You had found Kashimo Hajime’s twitter, his.. special twitter. And he knew, you knew it was him.
. . .
About three weeks had passed since that fateful day. You were, surprisingly— okay. The day after it happened Kashimo seemed normal, not ignoring you but focused on his training. You remained on edge for the rest of the week expecting something. Maybe a big blow out or a private conversation, but you got neither.
And if you weren’t sure if you were happy, or upset by that. Either way, three weeks went by with radio silence and you growing accustomed to your job.
It was about forty minutes until you would clock out, seated at Makoto’s desk and flipping through papers. Your eyes scanned the page, assuring each chart was up to date and nothing was out of order. Luckily no one has gotten injured majorly these last few weeks, but the necessary procedures had to be done.
You heard movement beside you, eyes drifting away from the stack for a moment to spot your boss grabbing her things and placing them into her bag. Noticing your stare, she turned with an apologetic smile— “Sorry, [Name]! My daughter needs to get picked up. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
You nodded at her with a smile, glancing at the clock. You would have been nervous to be left alone, but it was only thirty minutes. And once you clocked out anyone that stayed back for training were on their own.
The door closed behind Makoto as she exited the office, your head turning to focus back on the papers. You hummed softly to yourself, pressing your cheek into your palm as you scribbled something on a page, flipping to the next.
Several minutes passed with this continuous routine, eyes finally shifting away from the work over to your phone. Five minutes until your shift was over. With that, you stood, collecting the papers into a neat stack before placing it back into its manila folder; placing that into your tote bag. You glanced around the area, assuring you weren’t leaving anything behind before grabbing your bag, pulling it onto your shoulder. Turning on your heel, you approached the door and opened it; letting out a soft startled noise.
“Oh, I was expecting Makoto..” Kashimo spoke, leaning against the doorframe. He was dressed in his usual attire; a black tight shirt with white sweatpants. His dark eyes traced over your form, tilting his head at you. You attempted to ignore the way his lips twitched a bit, as if holding something back.
You quickly cleared your throat, “Did you.. uh— need her for something? She left early is all.”
Kashimo hummed softly, “No..I think you’ll do.”
“Think you could get the kink out my arm? I must have.. punched the bag wrong.” Kashimo claimed, smiling down at you. You withtook a breath, clenching the strap of your bag tightly. He was lying, and he knew he was lying too. Kashimo Hajime, punching the bag wrong? You could almost laugh at the thought.
And that smile? Oh— it was far from genuine, far from pure. Every alarm in your head rung, warning you to refuse and leave. Yet, you didn’t listen to a single one. Your body instead turned, waltzing over to the desk and setting your things down. “You can sit on the bed. I’ll take a look at your arm.”
The words barely escaped you before the deafening sound of the door closed behind him, a soft thanks, escaping him as he sat down. You felt his eyes on your every move, watching as you approached the sink and began to wash your hands— shakily, you might add. You spent extra time there, afraid to face the man.
Soon enough, however, you grabbed a paper towel from beside you; drying your hands and turning the faucet off. Tossing the soiled towel in the trash, you turned and walked over to him. “Wh—which arm?” You questioned softly, watching as he lifted his right one. You nibbled on your cheek, gently grabbing his bicep, thumbs pressing against the muscle carefully.
“If it starts to hurt, tell me..” You murmured softly, room back to being silent. This was stupid really; you making such a show of things. You knew he wasn’t hurt, shown in the way he reacted little with each squeeze you gave him; even pressing harder to see if he would react.
Like you suspected, Kashimo didn’t react at all.
“I wonder..” You blinked as his words interrupted your jumbled thoughts, blinking over to him. He was already staring at you, a small smirk pulling his lips. One that caused your stomach to drop. One that he wore in the lounge room that day. “—when you connected the dots, when you found out it was me.. did still watch me?”
You breathed softly, releasing his arm. “I’m… I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean.” You played at acting dumb, a useless facade he didn’t fall for at all. Instead, Kashimo chuckled softly, turning to glance away from you.
“Oh, don’t play dumb sweetheart. You know I’m asking if you fucked yourself to my videos.” His tone was harsh, eyes turning back to you; gaze intense. You swallowed heavily, watching him slowly lift himself off the bed. You stepped back, murmuring as he met your step, backing you against the cabinets. “Bet you wished it was my cock instead of your fingers; splitting you open, fucking you until your nothing but a crying mess.”
“Kashimo..” You spoke softly, rising your hands and placing them at his waist. You needed space, air— you felt like you would suffocate with his large form covering; with his smell swarming your senses. You gasped softly as his lips moved to your ear, cool breath tickling your skin. “Please..”
“Haven’t even touched you and you’re already beggin’ for me.” His words were mocking, a breathy chuckle escaping him shortly after. “Go on.. tell me what you want, [Name].”
You could nearly moan at the way your name fell from his lips, eyes pinched closed as your hands crumbled his shirt in a tight grip. You struggled for a moment to form words, eyes pinned to the floor to avoid his gaze. Unfortunately for you, this was one of the few times Kashimo was ever patient; hands seated perfectly on the porcelain cabinets, refusing to touch you until you answer his question.
Finally, after what seemed like moments you glanced up at him, rising to lock your lips with his own. You, please. Was what you whimpered into his mouth, feeling him react immediately. A hand rose to wrap around your neck, the other coming to the underside of your thigh. Kashimo’s clenched around your throat a little, driving his tongue into your mouth and marking it as his own. You whined softly at this, gripping his shirt so much the fear of ripping it entered your mind briefly. The heavy makeout continued only his hand dropped from your neck, grasping your either thigh and lifting you. Your legs wrapped around his waist, feeling him walk backwards until he sat on the bed.
Your pussy rested just above his crotch, feeling his hardening length through the fabric of your stockings and his sweats. Your arms wrapped around his neck, murmuring against his lips as you slowly ground against him. To your dismay; the man rose his hand, slamming his palm against your ass— the sting causing you to jump, pulling back as a whine escaped your throat. “Kashimo—!” You hissed softly, glaring at the man who grinned back at you.
His fingers soothed the path, rubbing slowly circles into your covered skin, gripping every once in a while. “I suggest you fix your face or you won’t be coming at all tonight.” Kashimo breathed, slapping the same cheek once again. You lurched forward, gripping him so harshly as a soft cry escaped you. “Gonna take my time with you.. explore every inch of you under these clothes,” He hummed softly, hand reaching under your black dress, running his fingers across your thinly covered ass.
“— and i’m not gonna rush just cause your slutty pussy is desperate for my attention.”
“Kashimo…” You whined softly, pleading with your eyes. The man only smiled at you, a sinister smile; highlighting how much he enjoyed toying with you.
“It’s Hajime, princess.” The martial artist corrected, leaning to place wet kisses against your cheeks and neck. You moaned softly, feeling his fingers curl under your dress, slowly pulling it up your body. You moved uncomfortably as the cool air hit your bare skin, feeling him reach behind you; fiddling with your bra for a moment. Once he had unclipped the undergarment he tossed it aside with your dress, pulling back to glance at your exposed chest. You grew nervous under his gaze, having half a mind to cover yourself. Only, he didn’t give you enough time to do so before his large hands grabbed the soft mounds, leaning down to suck a kiss on your collarbone.
His thumbs pressed against your slowly hardening nipple, nicking your skin with his canines. You breathed softly at this, hands rising to curl your fingers into his hair, gasping as you felt his kisses lower; soft lips grazing your areola before he opened his mouth— wrapping his lips around your nipple. The unfamiliar feeling caused you to gasp, eyes pinched closed as you felt him began to suck; gently grazing his teeth across your heated skin while his tongue slid across your pretty bud. Hajime’s other hand was busy playing with your unattended breast, groping and rolling your nipple between his fingers.
Your moans grew, rising your chest into his face more; chasing after the pleasure he was giving, searching for more. All he was doing was sucking your breasts and yet, your pussy was clenching around nothing— feeling as if you were an inch away from release. You gasped out as he gently clamped down on your nipple, rolling the tender bud to hear you squeal. The ministrations continued as a hand traveled down your body, tracing the stretch marks that lined your skin— rubbing across your rolls before his fingers collected your stockings; pulling them down your body with such force they began to rip.
“Ha—hajime, they’re ripping.” You whimpered softly, words ignored as he snatched the rest of the ruined fabric from your body, tossing it to the forming pile. Your breath hitched as his hand traveled between your legs, two fingers gliding across your covered slit, feeling the wet spot forming on your panties. A soft swear escaped you as he pushed down, pressing against your clit, slowing rolling circles against it.
The added pleasure caused you to lean your head back, eyes pinched close as the feeling consumed your body. This was wrong, more than wrong actually. He was a patient and this was your boss’s office, the bed used by several others when being checked on. Yet here the two of you were, dirtying it with your own selfish desires. You should be embarrassed, maybe even ashamed.
Maybe you would feel so after he was done with you.
A soft pop escaped him as he rose away from your chest, the pretty mounds now tainted with his saliva. His eyes carried down your form, enjoying the sight; your hips moving at an attempt to find more friction in his hand, biting your bottom lip to cover the soft, pretty breaths threatening to escape your throat. Hajime hated himself for waiting to touch you like this.. to make you his. His eyelids lowered as he leaned close, pressing hot kisses against your skin again. “Using my hand to get off, huh? How pathetic..”
In any other situation you would have been offended by his choice of words, but now? It only caused you to moan softly, hips moving fast against his hand— feeling Hajime’s lips move over to your throat. You gripped him as you felt yourself grow more and more aroused, a band forming that was ready to break. Your moans grew louder as you got closer, digging your fingers into his shoulders before your eyes widened; feeling him move his hand away from between your legs.
The band slowly faded, high slipping through your fingers. You nearly sobbed— his name exiting you in a soft whine as the man did nothing but grin down at you. Hajime’s hands traveled up your form, soon tenderly wrapping his fingers around your neck, leaning close.
“Quit whinin’..” He cooed, stamping a kiss against your skin. You gasped as you felt his hood tighten a bit, hand drifting right back between your legs, breaching your panties. Without much warning he curled two fingers inside you, feeling your wet walls clench his thick digits. You swore softly, feeling his fingers reach much deeper then your own could; stretching you out and working you open.
Your pussy began to squelch with each thrust of the digits inside you, thumb rising to push against your engorged clit; hand continuing to hold you steady by the throat. Hajime enjoyed the way your pretty broken moans escaped your throat, voice vibrating against his palm. He curled his fingers once more, watching the way you jumped, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “Can’t believe I’m fucking you dumb just from my fingers..” The words came out in an astonished coo, cock twitching under the confinements of his sweats and pants. Oh he couldn’t wait.. wait to see the way you fell apart as he split you open with his length.
But he needed to be patient. Needed to warm you up properly before completely ruining you.
So the pace of his fingers quickened, sounds of your messy pussy surrounding the room; acting as background noise for the high-pitched moans that escaped you. Your hips met each thrust, gripping his wrist to ground yourself. Your thighs squeezed his forearm, head knocking back as you came all over his hand. The man’s fingers soon slowed to a complete stop, withdrawing them from your wetness.
You barely registered him sticking his fingers into his mouth, sucking your mess off them. Once they were clean he leaned forward, kissing you softly— allowing you to taste yourself. So dirty..
Your lips moved slow, his thumb tracing your throat as a soft praise pushed from his lips. Soon enough you felt his hips rise, pressing his clothed cock against your wetness, grinding slowly. Even if you were still sensitive from just a few moments ago, you wanted, no, needed him desperately. So much so it nearly physically hurt.
Hajime rose, switching your positions to slowly lay you out on the bed, pushing you up higher. You whined as he body left you for a second, the sound quickly dying down when you noticed him unclothing. First was his shirt, revealing his sculpted torso and that damned happy trail. The man smirked at you as he tossed his shirt to the side, reaching for his bottoms next. Pushing them down, you watched as his length was revealed. To have it right infront of you rather then on a screen, well.. your phone didn’t do him justice at all.
“‘S not gonna fit.” You mused softly, eyes snapping back to his face, nervous. Hajime almost felt prideful from your words if it wasn’t for your tone of voice. He leaned close, pressing a kiss to your chin. “I’ll make it fit.” He mumbled, pushing close against you, grabbing his cock with one hand while the other grasped your thigh. Rubbing the tip across your slit, he smoothed your juices down his shaft, biting the inside of his cheek. Slowly, he pushed inside you, watching the way your eyebrows twitched, how your legs began to close.
A pained sigh escaped you, Hajime smoothing his hand up and down your heated skin. “Taking me so well, baby.. Just relax.” He spoke softly, hissing when he felt your walls clench from the praise. Soon enough his hips stilled the moment he pushed all the way inside, grasping the underside of your thighs— eyes closed. It took everything not to fuck you into the bed right then and there, feeling the way you carefully moved to adjust yourself; but each clench caused his resolve to wither away more and more.
Moments passed before Hajime opened his eyes, glancing down at you and searching for any sign of pain. When he realized there was none, he experimentally pulled his hips back so only his tip was inside, pushing back in— watching in delight at the way your mouth fell open in a ring O.
Nothing else held the martial artist, soft ruts quickly changing into slams. His cock bullied it’s way inside you, filling you completely. Your legs shook in his hold, gripping the fabric underneath you as broken moans escaped you. Hajime was knocking the wind out of you; pushing your legs up higher so that your knees were touching your chest. The stretch was uncomfortable for a moment, something you would surely feel in the morning— but you didn’t care. The pleasure this man was giving you overshadowed it all.
Your walls clenched him with each drag of his hips, his dark eyes captivated by the way you hugged him so tightly. “Wanted me so fucking bad, didn’t you, princess?“ Hajime hissed, grinning as he watched your eyes attempt to focus on him. The man chuckled softly to himself, leaning over you, trapping you under his body. “Oh, you don’t have to answer sweetheart— I already know the truth.”
The man was drilling into you at this point, tip kissing your g-spot as shameless cries escaped you. Tears treaded down your warm cheeks, grasping his arms for stability. Your breaths were hurried, stomach clenching as you felt yourself get closer and closer. “H—haji.. Fuck, I’m so close!”
He relished under the nickname, slamming you into the bed as he planted hot kisses against your skin. “Go on, then. Make a mess on my cock, sweet girl.” With his permission you came, gushing around him; arousal dripping down his length to the floor. You trembled from the feeling, gasping once you realized he hadn’t stopped moving. So sensitive you were, crying out to him as you reached to grip his arm.
“I—I cant, Haji—!”
“You can..“ The man corrected, angling his hips to push deeper inside you. “Waited so long to fuck you like this, to watch you go dumb on my cock— ‘M not stopping until I repay you for those three weeks.”
And he wasn’t lying either. It was almost felt like hours passed with him putting you into different positions, driving you deeper and deeper into the bed to the point it began to creak. By now you could barely speak, could barely form a sound other then a jumbled babble of his name and a soft gasp.
In the midst of it all you were suddenly pushed against the wall, thighs wrapped around his form as he shoved himself into you; a spark of pain washing over you each time he brushed your cervix— pain that melted away rather quickly.
From the way his hips stuttered you knew he was close, his face pushed into your neck as he gripped your skin harshly. Skin on skin contact filled the room, desperate sounds of pleasure following until Hajime swore; spilling into you. The warmth alone pushed you over the edge, cumming for the upteenth time that night— walls milking his cock.
The man’s hips finally came to a halt, breathing heavily as he simply held you there up against the wall. After a few moments he walked backwards, sitting on the bed; the two of you groaning in sensitivity. He pulled your hot body against his own, cradling your lower back with his fingers tracing the dimples there.
The room was silent as the two of you caught your breath, simply enjoying holding the other.
Soon enough the man pulled back, continuing to smooth his hands across your skin. “You’ll probably have to call in sick tomorrow.” Hajime murmured, grinning at the soft chuckle that escaped you.
“Yeah.. you’re probably right.”
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multixsposts · 3 months
The Jock
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Context-> Suguru Geto is y/ns sneaky link and he demands you tell no one about the relationship. Because outside of you two fucking, you mean nothing to him.
Warnings-> Geto is basically a bully to the reader, name calling will be mentioned.
a/n-> This is a college au if you aren’t fond of strong language, name calling, or sexual scenes then this is not the story for you. Thank you.
Fandom-> Jujutsu Kaisen
Ship-> Suguru Geto x Fem!Reader
This story will contain Sexual Content. Minors Please Do Not Interact.
therefore if there are any typos i’m sorry !.
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You were running around your dorm room making sure you got everything for you next class that starts in 20 minutes. You’ve never been late to a class. Ever. and you weren’t about to start now.
Gathering your things you rush out of your room and dash to your class. You don’t think you’ve even ran this fast before, the door to your classroom is approaching so you slowed down a bit to a jog not even bothering to check your surroundings which causes you to bump into someone.
You fall onto the floor, the papers that you had in your folder scattered out in front of you.
“watch where the fuck you’re going, freak.” you look up at the familiar voice only to make eye contact with the schools very popular jock.
Suguru Geto.
Someone you know all to well. You two have been sneaking around for a few months, after the first time you’ve hooked up you came up to him the next day at school and that was the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done.
It was humiliating
He acted like he didn’t even know you, he spat at your feet.
he called you a disgusting pig and told you to get lost.
All while his friends laughed.
everyone laughed at you.
so now..
you don’t know how to end this…thing the two of you have.
You can’t say you don’t enjoy the way he makes you feel when he fucks you.
In fact, you enjoy it so much you almost, almost forget how he treats you outside of the sex you have in the janitors closet.
“s-sorry..” you whisper out as you collect your things that covered the dirty tile.
“tch.” he scoffed as he watched you down at his feet trying to get the folder that was underneath his sneaker.
“um..” you look at him hesitantly. “sorry..but do you mind…l-lifting your foot?.” you ask and his eyebrows bunch together in an irritated expression.
“are you telling me what to do?.” he asks as he squats down to your level. His face close to yours.
A feeling you’re to familiar with yet you could never remember what his lips felt like.
Sometimes he wouldn’t even let you face him while he fucked you stupid.
Let’s just say that the back of your head was more appealing to him.
“oh- n-no it was just a question.” you whimper, as your eyes drift to his friends behind him, their smirks letting you know they’re enjoyed this.
“…whatever.” you hear him grumble out as he stands up quickly- his foot moving off of your folder and you don’t hesitate to grab it.
you stack your things together, keeping your eyes on the floor in front of you only to see a folded up piece of paper.
you grab it and look up, watching as geto and his jock friends leave you in the empty hallway.
you open the note.
‘after practice meet me underneath the bleachers.’
this was…new. He never left you a note. Usually he just drags you away when you’re alone.
and this was also a new..location. this was out in the open..anyone could see.
he’s not this stupid is he?..
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You’re underneath the bleachers just like the note said.
You got here a bit earlier, your anxiety eating you away at what he could possibly want..
This is to public of a place for the two of you have sex. You wouldn’t allow it…
So as you sit, a book in hand, waiting for the football player to join you.
“what’re reading?.” a gruff voice asked to which you jump a little.
Your eyes find his and you smile a bit.
“ah..little women.” you tell him and he looks at you confused.
“you’re reading a book about little people?.. are they fairies or somethin’” he respond and you laugh lightly..
you didn’t catch it but your laugh made the corner of his lip quirk up into the tiniest smile.
some days aren’t as bad as others, you two have conversations every now and then, but the majority of this relationship is no talking and just rough sex. These are the days that make you forget what kind of person he truly is.
“no..it’s not.” you tell him as you stand, dusting the grass and dirt from your jeans as you stuff your book back into your bag.
“mm.” he hums out as he grabs your wrist and starts walking.
“S-Suguru?..” you question.
“what is it?.” he asks, not looking back at you as he continues to walk to the parking lot by the football field.
“where are we going?..” you allowed yourself not to panic as you watch his car grow closer and your staring at the passenger side seat as he holds the door open for you.
“you gonna get in?.”
“uh..w-where are we going?.” you ask once more and ‘tchs’
“it’s a surprise.” this is new. this is all to knew to you.. You have never been with him outside of school.
You have never been inside of his car.
yet you get in and so does he.
The drive was quiet and quick but what you weren’t expecting was..woods.
You two were in the middle of the woods.
is this his way of killing you..
Your heart rate was starting to pick up.
he helps you out of the car.
“relax.” you hear him say, in a voice so calm you swore it was a different person.
“i-i am relaxed.” you tell him and he rolls his eyes as he grabs your hand. leading you further into the woods.
As you make your way through you hear running water..
you get closer only to see a waterfall and your eyes widen.
“it’s beautiful..” you say with a hushed tone and he smiles a little as he watches you. Noticing how your nerves relaxed as you watch the water flow from the hill down the pool of water below.
“that it is..” he responds as he sits down. You taking a seat next to him.
“how’d you find this place?.” you ask, your eyes never leaving the water.
“i..was just wondering around one day and stumbled upon this. I come here sometimes to…think.” he reveals and you turn your head and look at him.
“why..did you bring me here, suguru.” You ask and he looks at you.
“just..thought we could use a different scenery when we have sex.” you don’t know why you felt your heart sting at those words.. honestly you shouldn’t have expected anything less.
“and…think of it as an apology.” your ears perk up at those words.
“yknow..for all the times i’ve been a douche.” he says and you smile a bit.
Suguru Geto..just gave you an apology.
you couldn’t believe it.
“thank you suguru..” You tell him as you lean in and place your lips onto his.
Things started to escalate pretty quickly as you ended up underneath, Your clothes thrown to the side as he brushes you hair back.
“you’re beautiful..” he whispers out and your eyes widen at such kind words..
He’s never complemented you in this way..
So you blush and he kissed your forehead.
You gasp as he pushes his dick inside of you.
Your nails immediately leaving marks on his back as you need something to grip onto.
“fuck..” he grunts out.
“i’ll never forget how tight this pussy grips me.” He says lowly as he starts to thrust in and out of your wet cunt.
This is completely different from the other times you’ve had sex. He’s being so gentle..so nice…
what’s going on?.. maybe he’s had a change of heart..
“hey..focus on me.” he slaps your cheek lightly as his thrust grow harsher..
“y-yes...sugu~” you moan out, not realizing what you said. As you focus on the way his dick fits perfectly inside of you.
Filling you up so good that your legs shake as you wrap them around his waist.
“f-fuck..princess. Don’t call me that.” He groans as he feels you squeeze around him. Him on the verge of cumming inside of you at your choice of words.
“sugu~..f-faster…” you say not caring how he told you not to call him that. You feel his speed pick up as you hold onto him tightly.
“s-shit..baby…gonna cum..” he moans out as he feels you getting closer to your release.
your heart fluttering at the nicknames he’s using.
“w-where..” he asks
“…i-inside.” your reply makes him stop. and your eyes shoot open as you look at him, panting.
“w…what?.” he says.
“cum inside me..sugu~” you tell him and you brush his hair back.
His pace starting back up quickly as you both cum together.
You moaning as you feel his hot cum spurt out inside of you.
To you this is the best sex the two of you ever had. You silently thinking how different things will be tomorrow..How you’ll be able to talk with him in public, maybe hold his hand.
you couldn’t wait.
but to Suguru Geto..
The way he felt when he saw you smile and laugh at his jokes, made his heart and his head confused. He doesn’t really know why he brought you to his spot. He refuses to believe that these feelings mean anything..so to him this is just a normal day and nothing is going to change.
He’ll back to ignoring you in public and fucking you in private 
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This is kind of sloppy and i apologize, but nonetheless i i hope you enjoyed. 
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boba-beom · 2 years
ೃ⁀➷ airport crush | choi beomgyu NSFW
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pairing: beomgyu x f!reader ( x childhood crush yeonjun at the end)
genre: fluff, smut | non-idol au
warning(s): lower case intended, edited, mature language, swearing, fingering (f!receiving), hickeys (both giving and receiving), a little praise talk from beomgyu, public setting (airport restroom lol), beomgyu’s such a tease, reader lowkey playing hard to get, just horknee gyu and reader, yeonjun gets a little jealous 🤭
summary: while waiting 4 hours for your next flight, you see a cute guy at the airport and decide to kill some time.
note & disclaimer: this was extremely unplanned and I’m going through a beomgyu brainrot ever since he dyed his hair purple— allow it :p perhaps a part 2 on the way as well / this does not represent the artist in any way. it is just fiction, thank you.
wc: 2.8k (for no reason)
taglist: @wccycc @ericyjun @hotboyyeonjun (taglist form here)
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“you need to learn how to stare at that guy without drooling.” your brother’s friend calls out to you, snapping you out of your reverie.
the said guy adorned plum-coloured hair and a matching essentials hoodie and shorts set. in your opinion, you disliked when guys wore essentials. you thought they looked too much like ‘hype-beasts’ as they call them these days. you eyes ascends from his white air forces, up his toned legs, admiring the way the black essentials set fit him well, and landed on his pretty eyes. his mask made it a little tricky for you to imagine what he’d look like without it but you could tell he was attractive the moment you laid your eyes on him. heck, the moment he made that brand appealing to you.
“shut up, YJ. and you’re no better gawking at these girls’ asses in their gymshark shorts.” you sigh while rolling your eyes at him.
he scoffs in response, “touché. anyway, go get some snacks, wonder ‘round or something and leave your bags here.” you watch him motion his hand in a shoo manner while you passed him your bags, then starting to walk away from your brother, soobin, who seems to be jet-lagged as hell.
“don’t go ‘round getting your dick wet.” you half-joked, knowing that this guy you grew up with is the biggest fuckboy you’ve ever known; he could get any girl he wanted, and it still baffles you that you used to have the biggest crush on him.
you walk away with your phone in hand and stuck your tongue out at him while he held a sly middle finger up at you. it was your first time travelling abroad with just yeonjun and your brother, and knowing just how over-protective they can be was a pain sometimes. at least this time you were able to wander around the airport without them.
walking past airport souvenir shops was one of your favourite ways to pass time, you knew you weren’t going to buy anything since this was your first stop-over flight. after admiring some keychains representing the country you were in, a familiar shade of purple caught your eye from a distance.
there he was again; tall, lean, handsome and around your age. he’s casually walking around, his hand gripping onto the black bag he’s been carrying around and your mind is going places it shouldn’t, especially about a stranger.
stop staring, you told yourself. but as if he heard, your eyes meet for a few seconds before you turn your body and start walking in the opposite direction. well done.
you’re done for. mentally patting yourself on the back for being an embarrassment in public. you fucked up and you don’t even know this guy, and now he’s going to think you’re a creep for staring longer than an average human being would–
“excuse me?” you halt in your steps, shutting your eyes at the sound of the honey silk voice behind you.
dreading to turn around, you did so regardless of how you were feeling that moment, and met with the same pretty eyes you did earlier with yeonjun. this time, you were able to see his face properly, his hair partially parted in the middle and wondering when he took his mask off.
“yes?” your voice was stern, putting up a front and refusing to get caught off guard by this attractive man standing before you.
“I saw you earlier and was wondering if you’d like to walk around with me?” it was definitely not what you were expecting but you were immediately drawn to his confidence. “sorry, is it weird to ask a stranger to hang out for a while?”
you could see his eyes smiling shyly, it being the only feature on his face that was partially hidden due to his bangs slightly framing his brows.
you bit the inside of your bottom lip, refraining the smile appearing on your face. “yeah, it is kinda weird.” your voice stoic and unbothered. he stretched his arm and scratched the back of his neck, his confidence faltering.
“I’m beomgyu by the way. you can call me gyu, though.” he held his hand out, anticipating yours. you looked down at his hand, noting how his fingers were pretty.
it would be nice to talk to someone else other than your childhood crush and your brother for the next 3 hours. “yn.” you shook his hand briefly before exiting the shop.
1 hour later
your back is pushed up against the mirror in one of the restrooms, the space big enough for two people. beomgyu’s hands were roaming from your neck, your waist and the other only finding purchase under your thigh to wrap your leg around his waist.
“mm gyu, stop for a second.” you were panting from his lips against yours, lips slightly puffy from his occasional nibbles. but you want more.
his hands were planted on either side of your hips, him situated between your legs, his confined erection against your lower abdomen and your hands grasping onto his shoulders for balance. he whines cutely, refusing to listen to you and places slow yet delicate kisses down your neck until he reached your collar bones.
“gyu pleasee~” you imitate his whine, only to receive a low scoff. he rested his forehead against yours while waiting for you tell him the reason that stopped him from continuing his lewd actions. “use your fingers,” you whine again, “please.”
a satisfied smirk crawls up his lips realising just how horny you were, but it was no surprise that it matched his level so perfectly. he couldn’t blame you, it’s not all the time you manage to pass first base with an airport crush.
“you’re bad, huh?” he asked rhetorically, his fingers fumbling with the strings of your sweatpants. “you just want to be fingered at the airport so you could boast about it to your girls, I bet.”
he pulls your sweats and panties from the hem and down to your knees. the cold surface of the countertop meeting your butt. your fingers scrunches up by the collar of his hoodie, pulling him as close as you can.
“impatient too.” he slides two fingers from your core, gathering the slick up to your clit. it was hard to hold back a moan, leaning your head back against the mirror.
“c’mon quit teasing, gyu.” your knuckles turning white from the grip on his expensive-ass hoodie. another moan slips from your lips and the sound sent blood rushing to beomgyu’s dick, and if he wore grey shorts you would see his dick print for sure.
“gotta answer me honestly before you get what you want, sweetcheeks.”
“beomgyu, I swear down. I will walk out this door if you don’t touch me.” you pulled him in, clashing teeth and lips, and hearing him chuckle in between. he loved how needy you were, never had he met someone almost on the same page as himself.
cupping your cheek and lacing his fingers through the hair behind your ear, he pulled back only to see this new shit eating grin plastered on his face.
“why’d you agree to have some stranger touch you like this, hm?” though he somewhat had a valid question, all thoughts of reason for this behaviour flew out the window the moment he laid his hand on your waist.
“beomgyuuu, please–”
“tell me, why?” he couldn’t resist the urge to trace the sweet spots on your neck with more kisses, marked with the light hickeys he left a few minutes prior. yeonjun and soobin were definitely going to kill you if they see them.
you sigh, knowing he’s the type that likes his ego being fed, but you thought fuck it, when are you ever going to see this guy again? “you’re cute. you’re really good looking, actually.”
his fingers repeats the lewd action once more, noticing how much wetter you’ve become in the matter of seconds.
“oh really?” and there it was again, that annoying-ass grin that sent flutters down to your clit. “you think I’m that good looking I made this cute little cunt wet?”
“ugh shut upp–”
his fingers circles your your sensitive nub with the slick between your thighs enough to send you towards your orgasm if he sped up even in the littlest way possible.
“why are you so stubborn to admit it, baby? scared to admit a random airport crush can make you feel better than anyone you know personally?”
you hate that he was right. his fingers were soft but they definitely knew what they were doing. your mind was too hazy to even speak a word, not even out of surprise, just never thinking you’d ever do such a thing.
“fuck- ‘kay, you're better than any guy I’ve been with." he inserts his middle finger into your core. it was slender and you could feel the tip massaging against your gspot already. "you’re really attractive, and I hate this essentials set you’re wearing but– hah– you look really– ah– hot in it.” your fingers bury themselves into his plum locks, long enough to curl your fingers and tug on it slightly. you smiled against his lips when you heard a soft groan from him. he felt the way your you walls fluttered when he inserted a second finger.
“you just want to cum, yeah? I can definitely do that for you.” at this rate you were in no shape to kiss him back. the pressure and the pace he was alternating at rubbing your clit and pumping his fingers in and out of you was enough to reach your orgasm in the next few seconds.
his teeth nibbles on your bottom lip once more before kissing and nipping at the skin of your jaw, behind your ear and down the column of your neck. a thin layer of sweat was starting to form at your temples, around your chest and you could feel his bangs begin to dampen against your forehead.
the restroom was filled with the vulgar noise of your wet core and his fingers coming in contact with it, along with your moans and high pitched sighs echoing in the enclosed space. “gyu, so close, baby. so, so close.” you adjust your position so you could bury your face into his neck, reciprocating the light bites here and there with your hands clawing at his shoulders.
to your dismay, the pace beomgyu’s fingers were set at didn’t falter. he kept it consistent knowing that any sudden changes could interrupt your orgasm. the orgasm of his airport crush. with his middle and index finger continuously rubbing your numb bundle of nerves in circles, he could feel the change in speed of your breath fanning against his neck. his eyes scrunches due the to pressure in his shorts but that wasn’t his priority right now. if anything, there’s a close chance for him to cum right there and then just from him fingering you.
a mantra of his name and curses were tangled up on your tongue, pushing you closer to your orgasm with your legs shaking on either side of his hips.
“that’s it, you’re doing so good for me. you’re so hot like this, oh my- fuck-” his string of praises stops when your lips finds his sweet spot, sucking on it and followed by light licks on the pink and red splotches decorated on his neck. something else that made his head go haywire was the contact of your hand caressing against the outline of his hard dick. he was thankful you weren’t directly touching him because he had a feeling he would’ve came the second your hand wrapped around his shaft.
beomgyu helped rubbing you through your high. you were panting a lot more than you did from your brief make out before. your essence drips down his fingers, coating his hand and hoping not to soil the cuff of his hoodie. he places his free hand on one thigh, rubbing his thumb across the small surface of your skin to calm you down.
“shit, we really did that.” he laughs against your lips to give you a few pecks.
“no way you’re that good.” you peck him back between each word.
"oh, but I am." he was cocky, but he was hot. he pulls back from you momentarily, lifting his slick-covered fingers into his mouth and releasing them with a ‘pop’. “mm, and you taste good too.”
you push his shoulder and share some giggles between you, still fucked out and waiting for reality to hit you that you let this hot stranger finger fuck you in the public restrooms.
beomgyu went back to kissing your neck slowly, taking in your scent and the touch of your skin against his lips, not wanting this little rendezvous to end. grabbing your phone beside you, your lockscreen was full of numerous missed calls from yeonjun and soobin.
shit shit shit shit.
you check the time and you have just over an hour to make yourself look a little more presentable, find the two older males and the gate for your next flight. a small part of you didn’t want to leave beomgyu so soon, and though it was most likely a one-time thing, you didn’t want it to be.
“hey, I’ve got to go.” you push him away from your neck a little, his lips still try to chase the area of skin he's gone over for the 100th time.
“that was so short-lived.” he groans, tilting his head back to see his prominent adam’s bob up and down.
“yeah I know,” you jump off the counter to clean between your thighs and pull up your panties and sweats. “but at least you made me cum.” you winked at him.
he was cute, and you were sort of surprised by this side of him already. your compliments only sent his ears to turn red and a his failed attempt at keeping in his grin.
“I’ll walk you back to your gate?”
“if that’s okay with you? wait, what’s your gate though?” you make eye contact with him through the mirror waiting for his response.
“gate 5, you?”
“shut up,” you received a confused look from him. “that’s my gate too!" an idea came up and you remember that you have one more stop over flight, and if he's on the same flight as you then that meant you'll both see each other at the next airport. "what about you?" remembering how hard he was, you reach out and gently stroke his semi-hard dick through his shorts, but he shakes his head at you and gives you a smile.
as if catching on what you were thinking, he wraps his hand around your wrist and drags the palm of your hand down the length of his hidden cock. "no no, it's okay. plus, now I know we'll still meet at the next airport, I can wait."
you felt his arms wrap around your waist, leaving one more kiss on your neck, with his lips forming a smile against your skin before adjusting the collar of your tshirt. he attempts to hide the marks he left on you but failed miserably. his neck, on the other hand, could not be hidden with any sort of attempt unless he wore a turtle neck, which he did not. you mentally curse at yourself for leaving marks so high up.
“it’s fine. I’m not the one travelling with two other people, so don’t worry about it.” you blush from his statement. but also think about how yeonjun would call you a hypocrite, though technically, you didn’t exactly fuck beomgyu.
you and beomgyu walk back to the area where you left yeonjun and soobin almost 2 hours ago. you lean over to grab ahold of your small suitcase, which was laid flat on the floor, and hear yeonjun scoff behind the both of you.
he saw the light marks peeking out from under your shirt and can’t help but feel weird from the sight. he knows he shouldn't feel this way about his best friend's younger sister, yet he made a mental note that you look good marked up. yeonjun's mind couldn't help but wonder what your moans sound like, or even how good you'd feel around his tongue, fingers or his now-growing cock.
“and you were the one that told me not to get my dick wet. you better hide that from soobin or else he’d kill me for letting you wander around for too long," yeonjun eyes beomgyu, "especially with a stranger." he huffs, breaking his curious daydream about you, he observes the way the other guy was standing close to you. yeonjun's still a little taller than the purple-haired male, which managed to boost his ego in the smallest way possible because he was always that competitive.
“don’t worry, YJ, I didn’t wet his dick yet, if you’re that concerned.” you hear beomgyu chortle from your response, not knowing just how jealous yeonjun was growing.
“whatever. that’s on you if you get in trouble.”
“okay, okay!” you nudge his arm, letting him know you were just teasing him back. “what do I need to do for you to keep this a secret? I’ll do anything.”
yeonjun’s ears lit up from your offer. “anything?”
“anything!” you look up at him, watching the gradual smirk climb on his face.
“just wait and see when we get on the plane.” he smirks, turning away.
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© boba-beom ; do not repost, copy, alter or translate in any way.
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
so, first, accountability statement: I plan on trying to finish the “zedaph steals a baby” fic by the end of the month and god is that one-line summary no longer accurate but we’re sticking to it, said here publicly so now I have to do it. obviously I also have recursive exchange and the writing I have for hotguy comics zine, but I am not SUPER worried about either of those time/inspiration-wise at the moment and also for Reasons I know it won’t be long until I have more free writing time after that, SO.
various items that are on my potential writing docket, I am curious which of these appeal most:
I dust off the supervillain support group au. two ways this could go: I chip away at the second arc of my original outline and acknowledge this will be like a 300k fic I’m not ready to feel “done” with or “ready to post” with for ages, or I re-work it into something a little more doable and less ambitious keeping the same premise (ren runs a support group for supervillains, doc pov as he starts to heal and redeem himself). this MAY honestly be a target for “if I don’t hate the first 50k on re-reading it and I can actually make my brain write the second arc, do a slower release schedule and then start releasing chapters before I’m done writing”? but this ALSO runs the risk of “I stopped writing it, which is often a sign I was having trouble writing it”.
pearl monster au, which has been cooking in my head for a long while. the basic premise is “one day, pearl, with no memory of how or why this happened, wakes up in a facility as a monster and must try to figure out how she got there, escape, and find her way home, even knowing she may be irrevocably changed”. now with bonus season 10 fish flavor to add to this creature design I’ve been iterating on in my head for forever! this one is ALSO an experiment for me in “can I write a fic where I can’t write dialogue for basically the entire first act”, which would be interesting to see from me, you know?
the related “bigb folklore au”, where after secret life bigb is woken up by Cat and Dog by the tracks of the King Snake, which bigb can recognize as the railroad track, and decides to journey down the railroad to see if he can figure out what the fuck is going on. I need to do video review of life series bigb for this one. this is my excuse to get Weird and Metaphorical and also assign everyone to various animals for no reason, along with using some very specific aesthetic I have wanted to use for some worldbuilding but hadn’t gotten around to yet in any of my stuff. man walks through the desert with animal, confronts train that might be the watchers, might be death, and might just be a train. also, realizes that “confront” is the operative word there and has to deal with that. you know how it is.
““office au””, in air quotes because it’s not REALLY what anyone going to an office au is looking for so much as an excuse to write weird horror. iskall, normal-ish software developer man in a boring office job who does game jams in his free time, goes to work one day to work in his boring downtown office on a payment system for a client. and then things, uh, Take A Turn. this would be a LITTLE me going “what if I wrote an au with a guy who works in tech but like, the boring side of tech I’m in. like, banks and consulting and manufacturing and shit. where you sit in meetings all day and tweak java 8 code even though that language is ten years out of date. but THEN. something exciting happens in the worst way possible.” I’m doing to iskall what I did to mumbo stuffed bird is what I’m saying. it’d be fun.
DO ANY OF THESE PARTICULARLY INTEREST ANYONE. your input will be valued. like 50% chance i get hit with a strong bolt of inspiration then IGNORE that input but it’ll be valued all the same,
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svtdarlingbby · 5 months
"He's just a fuck-boy-frat-bro" Fratboy!Bang Chan x fem!Reader
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pairing: Frat boy! Bang Chan x fem!Reader; featuring stray kids, '97 liners in Kpop, TXT genre: college au - enemies to lovers - slight angst but mostly fun! warnings: cursing, mentions of alcohol, reader is kinda mean but so is Chan, one mention of blood, slightly suggestive word count: 8904
Whoever declared the false dichotomy that studying English was “easy” did not know the amount of work that went into it. Sure, writing has always been one of my favorite hobbies, but perhaps analyzing the arguments that came into play when it comes to creating effective writing is where my passion lies. 
“You know, it would be more effective if you cut out some of the background information. No one wants to read all of that.”
Speaking of arguments.
“Chan, can you just shut the fuck up and finish the peer review?” I rolled my eyes. Workshop days were usually pretty helpful especially since I tend to procrastinate while being a perfectionist about my writing. However, the professor just had to assign us pairs today and of course, she paired me with Christopher Bahng. Or as he liked to call himself, Bang Chan. Maybe I’m exaggerating, but he’s such a fuck boy. He’s a part of some frat, a string of Greek letters I don’t care to remember. He’s always out partying too with his group of friends. They were so loud when I had the displeasure of meeting them when they sat near me at the library during undergrad as I was trying to write a paper. Let’s just say that I didn’t stay in that area for too long. To put it simply, I did not like Chan, nor did he like me. 
“I’m just saying” he began in a sing-songy voice, “Can’t you just assume your audience understands the background context?” 
He knew how to get on my nerves. “First of all Chan, yes. You’re right. The audience is academic so they probably know what I’m talking about,” I began as he smirked. “However, I only included that much background info to strengthen my credibility. That’s called appealing to ethos. Remember that?”
Chan rolled his eyes as the smirk that was plastered on his chiseled face vanished, “Yeah, whatever,” he groaned as he started to read the rest of my paper. 
I suppressed my laughter and looked back at my laptop screen, which displayed the work Chan had for peer review day. As expected, he came in with only an outline for his paper. Probably couldn’t get anything down because he was out with the boys, I thought as I began to scan his outline.
I hate to admit it, but as I read further through Chan’s outline, the more I began to see his vision. He was researching the shift in attitude toward mental health in the 21st century and the language behind that, and honestly, it was a great idea for his thesis. The thing about Chan is that he is intelligent. Despite his annoying attitude and lifestyle, he knows how to write a pretty damn good paper about something he’s passionate about. Maybe that’s why he also found himself in grad school for English with me. I was hoping that he’d go to another university after undergrad, but like me, he stayed for grad school. Just my luck. It didn’t help that we were one of the few students who stayed at our school for grad school with the rest of the cohort coming from other universities. Essentially, I was the only person he was familiar with so Chan always found his way to sit near or even next to me in all four classes we shared. Even during our training sessions, he found his way near me. I just couldn’t get rid of this guy, but at least I can get somewhat authentic writing advice from him.
“Hey Y/N,” said Chan, a suspicious smile growing on his face.
“What?” I said, trying to keep my eyes on my laptop.
“You forgot a comma here,” he said and began to giggle.
I swear if my eyes weren’t permanently rolled into the back of my head by now. “Ha-ha, very funny Chan. Ever take a look at Bean’s hierarchy like we did in training?”
“Yeah, that’s the joke. Or was that too advanced for someone as uptight as you?” he retorted, the smirk back on his face. 
“Uptight? I can take a joke,” I said, trying to sound confident. 
“Yes, you’re uptight. I’ve never seen you at a party before. You should come with me this weekend,” he said, trying to act suave.
“Now why would I want to go to a party with you?” I said, fully looking Chan into his eyes. 
“Everyone in this room knows that you have an ass, why not put it to good use?” he spoke lowly and smirked, not breaking the eye contact as I began to feel myself blush. 
“What is fucking wrong with you?” I said, trying to sound angry but it came out more flustered and whiny. I won’t admit it to Chan but wow, does my ass look that good?
“I’m just kidding, we all know I’ve got more ass than you,” he laughed as he went back to reading my paper. 
“You know damn well that’s a lie,” I blurted out, still staring at him rather than my laptop.
“Oh? Would you like to prove it to me?” replied Chan, almost a little too quickly. He seemed almost taken aback by how quickly he responded yet still smirked. 
“I-” Before I could respond, I was interrupted by a notification from my phone. It was a text from my friend Rosé, who swears Chan and I are soulmates because she thinks we are so similar. Thankfully Chan notices me get distracted by my phone and uses that as an excuse to drop his absurd question and continue reading my paper. I couldn’t wait to tell Rosé about what Chan just said.
Rosé: ok i know we’re both not into frat parties and stuff but Jaehyun is being dragged to that frat party on saturday by jungkook and mingyu and he wants me to come. You don’t have to but do you think you could come with me?
Oh god, she had to be referring to the party Chan mentioned earlier. I thought about it. The worst thing that could happen is Jaehyun getting caught up with his friends and losing Rosé, which I doubt. Jaehyun was truly a gentleman and he was also a part of the English program with Rosé and me. He wouldn’t do that to her. But at the same time, these frat parties were unpredictable and what kind of friend would I be to leave my friend in that kind of situation? 
Y/N: yeah i heard about that party. Don’t worry, I’ll come with. But you’re promising me that we are avoiding frat guys especially Chan
Rosé: of course! We’ll just stay with Jaehyun who would prob want to leave early anyway.  
Rosé: but
Rosé: it’ll be hard to avoid frat guys especially Chan with your ass 🤭
Rosé: and his ass honestly. You guys are both hot so…
Y/N: Rosé i swear I’m not going to the party now
Rosé: NO i was jk. But fr ur hot
Y/N: thank you 😇send me the details of the party when you get them. Also what you’re gonna be wearing!
Y/N: OMG speaking of, guess what Chan said
Rosé: omg what
Y/N: he was trying to invite me to the party actually and he said something about me having an ass yet his was still bigger and so I called him out on that statement and he basically asked me to prove to him that my ass was fatter 🤢
Rosé: HELP OMG now why would he say that 😭
Y/N: cuz he’s a typical fuck boi
I put my phone down because I suddenly remembered I had to finish up Chan’s peer review. Just as I was about to focus my attention back to my laptop, Chan’s annoying voice spoke up.
“Who were you texting?” he asked, so nosy. 
“None of your business,” I responded, still looking at my screen.
“Is it a guy?” he asked, before looking up. “I saw the way you were smiling.”
“Oh my god, it was just Rosé. Why are you so concerned?” I snapped, regaining eye contact with Chan who smirked once again. 
Chan’s POV:
My plan is working, thank god Rosé’s dragging Y/N along to that party. God, she’s so fucking hot when she’s mad, especially at me. She’s so funny, all of my friends, her friends, and even everyone in our cohort know that she finds me attractive yet chooses to hate me. It’s crazy, she’s the smartest girl I know but she’s so stupid, denying her feelings. I just pretend to hate her to keep the game going, and it’s been going on since like freshman year. I feel like if she truly hated me, she probably would’ve reported me or something. Not that I’d do anything creepy, no, I have boundaries. I just love to mess with her. And perhaps I might also love her. 
I don’t know why I ever admitted that. The boys made fun of me so much. 
“Wait, I know you love to mess with her, but you think you love her?” laughed Changbin among the boys. 
“Well, I-” I stammered, before being interrupted. 
“Bro, how? She hates your guts!” laughed Jeongin.
“Okay but-”
“I don’t think Y/N hates him. She would’ve blocked and maybe gotten his ass kicked out of here by now if she truly hated him,” said Minho, a matter of factly. 
“And even though neither of them would admit it, they seem like friends. I mean, they’ve had classes together for five years now. And I’ve seen Y/N willingly sit next to Chan all the time. They’ve even had lunch together a few times! If she hated him, she would’ve moved seats and ignored him all these years,” added Felix optimistically. 
“Oh my god, are you saying Y/N probably loves Chan?” asked Seungmin, wide-eyed. 
“YES! I’ve known it all these years. I’ve seen the way she looks at you, all that tension from denying her true feelings. This confused girl loves you!” mused Jisung. 
“Yeah, honestly, if she wasn’t in the grad program, I might not have pursued grad school. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is,” I admitted, feeling flustered in front of the guys. 
“Okay, so how are you going to tell her?” interrogated Jisung. Of course, he wants me to do something about it. 
“I really don’t know. I never really planned on it honestly,” I revealed, earning a few dramatic gasps from my friends. 
“How about at the party on Saturday?” asked Hyunjin.
“No, she hates frat parties. But I’ve also heard from Rosé that Y/N can party so I don’t know,” I answered, feeling almost hopeless. 
“Wait, Chan,” began Minho, a smirk arising on his features, “What if we make Y/N go to that party?”
“Dude, no. As much as I like messing with her, I won’t force her to go somewhere she’s uncomfortable,” I replied somewhat urgently. 
“No, not like that. You know Rosé, right? Those two are like best friends. She’s dating Jaehyun, right? He’s in the frat and I know his buddies Jungkook and Mingyu are going to drag his ass there,” explained Minho. “So how about we use Rosé to bring Y/N to the party?”
“Damn Minho, why do you have this elaborate plan?” chuckled Hyunjin.
“I still haven’t gotten back at her for that one time she went out with Jisung,” spoke Minho lowly, “If this plan doesn’t work, at least she gets to see me all up on Jisung.”
“Whoa calm down Minho, it was one date remember? Before we were a thing? I ghosted her after that!” laughed Jisung. 
God, I remember that. I was so angry when I found out Jisung’s Bumble date all those years ago was Y/N. Granted, that was freshman year, but still! I shouldn’t be jealous, but Jisung’s one of my bros even though he has clearly moved on. I’m sure Y/N has moved on, God, I hope so. 
“Anyways,” I began, “What exactly is going to happen at the party once she’s there?”
“OH! Rosé should totally abandon her! And then you can swoop in and not act like a pretentious asshole for once!” chirped Hyunjin. “And you’ll be surrounded by all the frat guys, who are going to be acting like that and maybe she’ll see that you’re different than the rest!”
The room erupted in agreement from the guys and I began to feel myself warm up to their elaborate plan. “You know what, I think you guys are onto something,” I nodded in agreement as the guys cheered. “I’m going to text Rosé, I know she’d love to set her bestie up.”
Chan: Sup Rosé
Rosé; oh god what do you want
Chan: ok I’m being fr rn. But I have feelings for Y/N
Rosé: that’s the big news? 😭come on, we all knew that. 
Rosé: I mean, everyone but Y/N she thinks she hates you but we all know that’s a lie
Chan: wait-
Chan: what do you mean???
Rosé: oh um
Rosé: Y/N is literally going to murder me but
Rosé: at our last girls party, I don’t know what she was on but she admitted that she finds you hot 😭
Wait. What. Y/N thinks I’m hot? Oh my god!
“GUYS Y/N THINKS I’M HOT!” I blurted out to the guys who all cheered in response.
“YES CHAN’S GONNA GET IT!” screamed Changbin as he smacked my back rather harshly. 
“Sorry bro, the gains, you know?”
I ended up telling Rosé the plan and surprisingly she agreed on the condition that nothing bad happens to Y/N and that she won’t stop her from leaving if she gets uncomfortable. Okay, fair. And I know Y/N. She’s super loyal to her friends so she’ll be at that party either way. God, I’m so excited but nervous. She’s going to look so hot too, I wonder what she looks like outside of her school clothes. 
Thank god class was almost over, but why was Chan so concerned with who I was texting? I brushed him off and finished peer-reviewing his outline. Surprisingly, I left a lot of positive feedback but made sure to sneak in some snarky comments. And I corrected his grammar just to be petty. How are you in grad school but can’t differentiate between a dependent and independent clause? 
“Here, damn,” I groaned as I hit send on the email where the peer-review was attached. 
“Aw, you liked my outline!” rejoiced Chan in that annoying voice of his as he opened the attachment. 
“You should be lucky that you’re receiving my feedback. I’m the only one here that would tell you that you suck to your face,” I said as I began to pack up my laptop into my bag. 
“Well honey, from the looks of it, you found a lot more positive things about my outline than negative,” laughed Chan. 
“Whatever,” I groaned, “Have you even finished peer-reviewing my draft by the way?”
“Almost done, I’ll send it to you in a bit,” he said as he started typing once again. 
“Thanks, I guess,” I muttered as I left the classroom. 
What I didn’t know was that my half-hearted “thanks” caused Chan’s heart to skip a beat. 
The day of the frat party came by faster than expected. Honestly, this whole week was a whirlwind. Thanks to Chan’s surprisingly helpful feedback, I was able to finish the essay before the weekend. I usually don’t drink, but, even being around alcohol can get hungover somehow and I wasn’t going to let a stupid frat party be the demise of my grade. Plus, I had to drive back home. 
Usually, I partied with my close friends and attended quite a few parties during my college career. I wonder how it’s going to be to go to a “real” college party, especially as a grad student no less. Maybe Chan was right. Maybe I am uptight. Whatever. I know his dumbass is going to be at that party. I might as well show him what “uptight” is. 
With that, I had a fun time choosing my outfit! I’ll admit, it was kinda low-cut. Okay, it was really low-cut but it flattered my good in every way. I haven’t worn it in a while but the black blouse was flirty and fun, with the dotted fabric of the arms sheer and the cropped nature of the shirt sitting right at my waist. I’d pair it with some nice jeans that flattered me. The outfit was far from uptight. And I could tell it would be a real crowd-pleaser based on Rosé’s enthusiastic reaction.
Y/N: LMAO thanks but prob not!! 
Y/N: I’d rather be all yours anyways 🙄
Rosé: awww
Rosé: I wonder if Chan’s fave color is black 🤭
Y/N: OH GOD why would you say that 😭 i hope not 🤢
Rosé: LMAO I’m kidding lol butttt he is gonna see you like that just saying
Y/N: okay and? Not my problem
Rosé: yeah sureeee anyways are you almost at my apartment so we could head on over?
Y/N: Yeah, just found a parking spot. Heading over!
Flipping my hair out of my face, I headed toward Rosé’s apartment. Honestly, I was feeling kind of nervous going to this party. What if something bad happens? 
Outside the apartment building, I saw none other than Rosé accompanied by her boyfriend Jaehyun. Ugh, they looked perfect together, hand in hand and conversing about something they both could only hear. Until I interrupted.
“Rosé!” I yelled, quickening my pace.
“Y/N! You’re here!” she exclaimed, letting go of Jaehyun’s hand as we hugged each other and flooded one another with compliments of how we looked. 
“Damn Rosé, that ass of yours in those jeans?” I swooned, fanning myself. 
“Oh! Hey Jaehyun!” I exclaimed, caught off guard by Rosé’s quiet boyfriend.
“Hey Y/N!” he laughed as Rosé joined him, presumably at my flustered state.
“Listen! I wasn’t trying to take Rosé away from you! I would never!” I tried to explain, “Even though she was my friend first,” I mumbled that last part under my breath.
“It’s all good! Should we head over now?” asked Rosé as we began to walk toward the frat houses. 
The walk over to the frat house was longer than we thought it would be, but thankfully we all wore sneakers. The chill of the fall air blew as Jaehyun draped his sweater over Rosé’s shoulders. God, they were so cute. I can’t believe someone like Jaehyun was technically a frat dude. Come to think of it, Rosé was also in a sorority. I’m sure they knew their way around these parties. 
We opened the door just to be met with some frat bro who I quickly recognized as one of Chan’s friends. 
“Sup Jaehyun, I see you’re in ratio” he smirked as he let us in.
“Thanks, Hyunjin” laughed Jaehyun as he fist-bumped his brother as Rosé and I followed him inside. 
“Ratio?” I asked, perplexed. 
“Oh some frats have this thing where a guy should bring two girls with him to be let into a party,” Rosé explained as I quickly understood despite an even more confused expression gracing my features. I chose not to dwell on it as I took in my surroundings. Of course, red solo cups are in the hands of every attendee. Some of Chan’s friends were setting up some music. Sports were playing on the flatscreen TV. So far, so good.
“Hey, Jaehyun!” yelled Jungkook, who seemingly popped out of nowhere.
“Jaehyun!” yelled Mingyu, following behind the older one. God, Kim Mingyu and Jeon Jungkook. I’ve always thought they were so hot; I couldn’t help but feel a little shy as I scooted closer to Rosé.
Jaehyun greeted his friends as they all clapped hands, hugged each other, and made small talk. I felt kind of awkward just watching them honestly, so I turned to Rosé.
“I’m not drinking tonight, but did you wanna get a drink?” I asked.
“Sure, why not? Oh my god you know what I just realized?” she said, eyes brightening.
“What?” I asked, ever amused by her.
“You might actually see me drunk in person instead of over text!” she laughed.
“Wait, oh my gosh that’s so true!” I exclaimed with excitement as she grabbed a drink, making our way back to Jaehyun and his handsome friends. 
“Oh there you are,” said Jaehyun as he turned around, his eyes lighting up when he saw his girlfriend. 
Before any of us could respond, the house suddenly boomed with music and a certain boisterous voice made himself apparent.
Oh no. I expected him to be here but outside of school, he’s going to be ten times more annoying. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I sipped on some water. 
“The party is just getting started, my boy Jeongin made this fire playlist. Let loose, enjoy yourself, and remember, tag me and follow me on Instagram @gnabnahc!” he smiled into the microphone. All the frat guys began to cheer, encouraging him. I exhaled, just staring at how ridiculous Chan looked, with his white tee shirt, fitted so perfectly against his sculpted muscles. And his black jeans, emphasizing that dumptruck of his. Of course, he was wearing a cap too.   “Let’s have a great night! And-” Suddenly he stopped, creating an awkward silence despite the booming music. 
And then I realized. He was staring right into my eyes. I blinked a few times before looking away, feeling Rosé nudge me as she stifled a laugh. 
“I lost my train of thought!” Chan laughed, shifting the mood back to the energetic one he had created mere seconds before. “Anyways play some beer pong, dance, have fun!” And once again, all of the frat bros cheered as the party began.
I still felt flustered and annoyed, but also powerful at the same time. Did me just standing there make the cocky and confident Bang Chan flustered to the point of freezing up in front of the boys at a party no less? I smirked, though my cheeks still felt warm as I saw Changbin laughing and smacking Chan’s shoulder. 
“Y/N! Did you hear me? Or were you too busy staring back at Chan?” smirked Rosé as she waved her hand in front of my face. 
“Wait what?” I blinked as she and Jaehyun began to laugh. 
“I was saying you and Chan had a little moment right there! Locking eyes, the world disappearing around you two?” laughed Rosé.
“Very Jane Austen” added Jaehyun in agreement.
“Jane Austen would never write about a frat guy at a frat party no less,” I scoffed, crossing my arms as the couple in front of me shared knowing glances. 
Chan’s POV
I will never hear the end of this. Changbin is still smacking my shoulder with his sheer strength and keeps laughing at how I got distracted. 
“Oh my god, my abs. I’m not gonna have to train them anymore because of you!” laughed Changbin.
“Will you quit?” I rolled my eyes at his antics. “Very funny, I got distracted.”
“It’s not even that you got distracted! It’s who made you distracted! Tell me, what was it about Y/N that made you practically drool in front of everyone? Was it her hair? Maybe her eyes? Or was it her tits- OW!” 
“Not now Changbin,” I muttered after I smacked him. God, I need a beer. I left Changbin behind to find Minho handling the drinks. 
“We all saw that, dude,” said Minho somewhat apologetically as he handed me a drink. 
“Yeah, whatever,” I said, drinking from the cup rather quickly.
“So, the plan?” asked Minho expectantly. 
Right. The elaborate plan of the night. Initially, it seemed easy enough but I didn’t realize just how flustered by Y/N I would be. God, how does she get hotter every time I see her? 
“I was gonna wait a little later into the night to tell Rosé to abandon Y/N,” I explained to Minho who nodded. 
“Why don’t you go ahead and break the ice with Y/N? I think you acknowledging her early on will show her you have some decency,” suggested Minho. 
“That’s not a bad idea,” I replied as I glanced over at Y/N across the crowd before making my way toward her. 
Y/N’s POV:
Rosé was too busy talking to Jaehyun as I took in my surroundings once again. The party was beginning to get lively with more people dancing, especially Hyunjin, who was already surrounded by several guys and girls alike. Dancing would be fun honestly, but it would be awkward going up there and not knowing anyone. Just as I took my eyes off the dance floor, I met the gaze of none other than Chan. 
“Oh god, what do you want,” I muttered unenthusiastically as he walked toward me. 
“So, you made it? I knew you weren’t as uptight as you let on,” smirked Chan as he leaned against the wall, drink in hand.
“Don’t you have a paper to write?” I asked, trying not to take in how attractive he looked at that moment. Maybe all that alcohol around me was starting to intoxicate me somehow. He never looks good.
“Well someone provided me with some extra good feedback on my outline the other day,” he began, smiling, “Let’s just say that was an easy paper to write.”
I scoffed, “No way you wrote twenty-five pages in two days, weekdays no less.”
“Oh, but I did. I know you think I’m just a typical frat bro but I do care about the mental health movement,” he said, cocking an eyebrow up as his gaze bore into my soul. 
“Whatever,” I said, breaking eye contact and feeling a bit flustered. 
“Anyways,” began Chan, “It’s nice seeing you here. Nice to see you outside of class, I mean,” he stumbled as his eyes scanned my outfit. 
It was my turn to make him flustered. “Are you talking about me, or my tits?” I smirked, standing up straighter as he shuffled. 
“Well, I-” he began, before regaining his composure, “I expected to see your ass, not your tits today.”
“CHAN!” I yelled as he laughed, “Well, at least mine are bigger than yours!”
“That I can agree with,” Chan laughed, causing me to chuckle and playfully smack his arm. 
“We can finally agree on something,” I admitted as I playfully rolled my eyes and he nodded in response. 
“I’d say we’re finally on the same level of debate,” Chan winked as he referenced our TA curriculum. 
“Yeah, I would say that we passed conjecture so we’re definitely on definition right now,” I said as I dramatically furrowed my brows, pretending to be a teacher. 
“God, I’m so glad we’re actually applying what we’ve learned to the real world!” Chan exclaimed, dramatically opening his arms and gesturing to the “real world” that was the frat party before him. I hate to admit it, but Chan was actually funny. He knew how to appeal to my sense of humor. As hard as grad school is, these little jokes make me feel like I’m not alone. As we were laughing, I could just feel the stares of several people burning through the bubble Chan and I created. He could feel it too. In the corner of my eye, I could see Rosé giggling at us. Oh god, she probably took some pictures too. I also felt the knowing stares of Chan’s friends, even Hyunjin who was surrounded by guys and girls had his gaze fixated on Chan and me. Also, did I see Jisung, that one guy I had that awkward date with freshman year, stop making out with Chan’s other friend Minho just for them to look in our direction? What was going on?
Chan’s POV
I’m glad Y/N is warming up to me, she’s honestly not uptight at all! As awkward as my first glance, well, stare, at her today was, I’m so glad she didn’t bring that up. Speaking of staring, what is wrong with me? She saw me staring at her tits god I want to die. I mean, she didn’t murder me! That’s a good sign, right? As fun and lighthearted as our conversation was, how come the guys and Rosé had to be so fucking obvious? I thought this plan was supposed to be low-key, not “everyone-stare-at-Chan-to-see-if-he-finally-asks-Y/N-out.” I think Y/N is catching on, I mean, I practically feel everyone’s staring at us. I need to find a distraction, quickly. 
“Ahem” I cleared my throat, “Do you want another drink?” 
“Oh, um, yeah sure,” she replied as I snapped her out of her thoughts as we made our way to the drink table. 
I don’t know why I was reacting so quickly but as Y/N reached for a water bottle, something in me told me to grab it for her. It wasn’t until our hands met on the same water bottle that I snapped out of my actions.
“Here, I’ll grab it for you,” I said, handing her the water bottle.
“Thanks,” she replied, looking down. Oh god, am I screwing this up? Did I make it awkward? From the corner of my eye, Felix gave me an apologetic smile as I wearily shook my head. I had to fix this. 
“So, you’re not drinking tonight?” I asked, breaking the ice. 
“Nope. I’ve gotta drive home but being drunk would be fun,” chuckled Y/N before taking a sip. “Yeah? How’s ‘drunk’ Y/N?” I asked using air quotations.
“I don’t remember,” laughed Y/N, “The videos I’ve seen of me in that state are hilarious though. I get cocky, witty, and flirty, so kind of like you on a regular basis. So yeah, I turn into a fuck boy.”
“That does sound like me,” I chuckled as we sat down on the couch. “We’re pretty similar, don’t you think?”
Y/N grimaced. “Rosé thinks so.”
“Oh yeah?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, and it’s so far from the truth!” she exclaimed dramatically, “Rosé, come here!” she yelled over the couch for her friend. Ugh. Just when I thought I could get her alone without Rosé having to completely abandon her friend. 
“Yes?” asked Rosé, another drink in hand.
“Come on, sit down and tell Chan about your delusions. About how you think we’re the same person,” said Y/N who scooted away from me, gesturing for Rosé to sit between her and me. I swear if Rosé cockblocks me…
Fortunately for me, Rosé takes a seat on Y/N’s other side. “You two are so similar oh my god, Chan you don’t even know the full extent,” giggled Rosé as she leaned into Y/N. Ugh. That should be me. 
“Yeah? How are we so similar?” I said glancing between the two women expectedly. 
“You both are studying English!,” laughed Rosé.
“Oh yeah, I didn’t know that!” scoffed Y/N sarcastically as I chuckled.
“Oh, oh! Your zodiac signs are compatible!” Rosé smirked as she raised her eyebrows. 
“Oh yeah, you’re a Libra right? October 3rd?” asked Y/N expectantly and I nodded. She knows my birthday?! I don’t know why my heart began to race at this fact. (A/N- guys for the sake of the story let’s pretend every zodiac sign is compatible with Libra lol!)
“Oh- and don’t forget, your MBTIs are super compatible too!” exclaimed Rosé.
“I’m an ENFJ, what are you?” I asked as Y/N looked away and replied (your MBTI). Oh my gosh, ENFJ and (your MBTI) are like, supposed to be soulmates. (A/N- guys for the sake of the story let’s pretend every MBTI is compatible with ENFJ lol)
“Oh- and also! Remember the blood drive for the frats and sororities? You’re type O Chan!” chimed Rosé.
“How did you remember that?” I chuckled looking between the clearly intoxicated Rosé and Y/N. 
“I’ll let Y/N explain that one!” exclaimed Rosé as she darted her eyes between Y/N and I. 
“Ugh, unfortunately, that means your blood type can be accepted by any other blood type, Chan. So your blood would be accepted by mine,” gagged Y/N, “I’d rather die at that point,” she deadpanned, causing both Rosé and I to laugh. 
“Really? You’d rather die than receive my thick, juicy, red blood from these veins?” I asked, making a fist so the veins on my arms would appear. Y/N bit her lip and exhaled as Rosé laughed even harder. 
“Yeah Y/N, I thought you had an arm kink?” blurted out Rosé, who was probably drunk by now.
“Rosé!” yelled Y/N, getting more flustered and looking away from me. I only laughed harder and felt my ego rise exponentially. She’s an arm girl? Noted. I’ll have to wear tank tops more often. 
“Like what you see?” I whispered to Y/N, flexing my biceps. She didn’t respond, but I saw the way her eyes lingered. 
“Yeah Y/N! You should feel his muscles” laughed Rosé as she grabbed Y/N’s hand suddenly and placed it on top of my bicep
“Rosé!” yelled Y/N as her hand retracted quickly from my bicep. God, if only she knew how flustered I was feeling right now. Before I knew it, I blurted out “I don’t bite. Go for it.” 
“Oh, um. Okay,” replied Y/N as she leaned over and felt my muscles. I tried not to act flustered as she leaned toward me, that blouse of her’s making it hard to focus on her hand on my arm. I swear her skin on mine was something I had been craving for years. “Neat,” she said, retracting her arm but I could see the redness gathering on her cheeks. 
“Whoa, save some room for Jesus!” blurted out a boy with long, dark brown hair. Behind him was a taller boy who looked somewhat flustered.
“Beomgyu? Soobin? What are you guys doing here?” Y/N’s eyes lit up instantly at the sight of them. I could feel my blood begin to boil but I had to maintain my composure. I can’t let something like jealousy ruin the plan. 
“You guys aren’t even in this frat!” laughed Rosé, causing the two guys to chuckle. 
“Yeah and? We’re here for a good time, right Soob?” laughed Beomgyu as he smacked Soobin in the chest.
“Oh- Uh, yeah! How are you, Y/N?” asked Soobin shyly. Why was he asking about her specifically? I kept my mouth shut as I glanced at Y/N, who looked somewhat flustered herself. 
“I didn’t think I’d be here but this one dragged me here,” explained Y/N as she glanced over at Rosé. 
“Okay and? You’re having a good time?” stated Rosé like it was the most obvious thing. 
Everyone chuckled but me, but I tried to play it cool and forced myself to smile at their small talk. Ugh, I just wish these cockblockers would go away!
“Oh my god, they’re playing Rodeo! Soobin, you like that song don’t you?” boomed Beomgyu as he gestured toward Soobin. “Let’s get up there!” he exclaimed as he gestured toward Y/N and pulled her from the couch.
“Wait this song is so funny!” laughed Y/N as she enthusiastically made her way to the dance floor with Soobin and Beomgyu. 
And just like that, my jaw was on the floor. How did these two random guys, who aren’t even in my frat by the way, just snatch Y/N away from me like that? 
“Ouch,” muttered Rosé as I stared at the dance floor in disbelief. 
“Bro did that just actually happen?” I heard Seungmin say as he took Y/N’s vacant spot.
“Man, I’m sorry,” I heard Felix’s deep voice behind the couch as he leaned over to pat my shoulder comfortingly. 
“How- She just- I just-” I stammered, still in disbelief at what just happened. 
“So um, Beomgyu and Soobin know Y/N from biology class during undergrad,” explained Rosé, trying to help me make sense of this. “Soobin was her lab partner.” Honestly, that didn’t really help as I just sighed in response. To be honest, I knew getting Y/N wasn’t going to be this easy. If I have competition, so be it. 
“Give me a minute,” I muttered as I stood up to get another drink. I felt their apologetic stares burn into my back as I made my way to the drinks. I glanced at the dance floor, and of course, Y/N was having the time of her life. God, she looked so hot dancing. Putting that ass to good use like I had said earlier. Just as I was about to look away, an unsightly scene unfolded before me on the dance floor. Why were Soobin and Y/N practically grinding on one another like that? My blood was already boiling, but now it was evaporated by how angry and jealous I felt. I know my face showed that as I made eye contact with Y/N as she smirked. 
Ah Soobin, my old lab partner. My old crush. It didn’t end up working out between us back in undergrad, Soobin claiming that while he did like me, he just couldn’t devote enough time to a relationship. He was a part of many biology related clubs and even president of one. He also had a job on top of all that. Honestly, that was understandable and I quickly moved past those feelings. However, for Soobin I could definitely tell those feelings never went away. Maybe it’s a good thing Soobin studied biology; he couldn’t analyze situations like I could. Let’s face it, Chan was being extra good and not annoying today. That’s really suspicious, and frankly, I don’t know how to react to his good behavior. Admittedly, yes, I was flustered by our interactions throughout today. But he’s just a fuck boy frat bro. He’s always going to be flirting around, probably in hopes of getting laid. I don’t want to be just another one of those girls he fucks for the sake of it. I thought he knew that by now that I’m not into hookup culture. When Beomgyu and Soobin appeared, it was a perfect opportunity to test out my hypothesis: if Bang Chan wasn’t attracted to me like that, then he’d have no problem seeing me dance with another guy. I also just wanted to dance really badly. 
Also, “Rodeo” by Lah Pat and Flo Milli? The song used in every fuck boy thirst trap and slutty TikTok edits? How could I pass the opportunity to not make Chan jealous with such an explicit song about fucking?
“I wanna feel your body on top of mine!” I sang, eyeing Soobin while swaying my hips as some girls hyped me up on the dance floor. 
“Go Y/N!” cheered Beomgyu as he pulled out some smooth moves. 
It seemed like Soobin was getting out of his shell as he suddenly busted out some killer dance moves, slowly closing the distance between us. “Like a rodeo babe!” he winked. I forgot how fun it was to dance, especially with such a supportive crowd. I wonder if someone was watching. I could practically feel Soobin’s warmth behind me as we danced when I locked eyes with Chan who was heading toward the drinks. I could tell he was fuming as his gaze bore into mine. 
“I wanna feel your body on top of mine!” I sang again, trying to be as seductive as possible in the way I moved, never breaking eye contact with Chan. I don’t know where this surge of confidence came from, but god I felt powerful. Maybe this is how Chan usually feels.
Chan blinked back, seemingly flustered and even angry as he looked away and got another drink. He walked out of the front door dejectedly. I laughed as Beomgyu shot me a confused glance but I just waved him off as he continued dancing. As I was dancing with Soobin though, I began to feel guilty. Why the hell did I feel bad for Chan? He didn’t own me, in fact, he always went out of his way to make me angry and annoyed. Okay, he never went this far but still. And I practically just used Soobin to make Chan jealous knowing that Soobin still probably had feelings for me. I’ve always chided Chan for being a fuck boy, but here I was playing with his feelings and even bringing another guy into this mess by using him. Maybe I’m the fuck boy. 
The next song began to play, and I knew I needed to make things right before they got worse. 
“Hey, Soobin?” I asked over the blaring music as I gestured for him to follow me away from the dance floor.
“Yes, Y/N?” replied Soobin as he leaned down to my height so he could hear me. 
“Thank you for the dance, but sorry. I didn’t mean to get all up on you. I don’t want to lead you on, because I’ve moved on since undergrad. I should’ve considered your feelings before I did that, I’m sorry,” I rambled my apology, not really knowing what to say and hoping the damage wasn’t already done. 
“Oh,” paused Soobin as he looked down, “It’s okay, I just… I just wish I hadn’t been a coward and made excuses back then.”
“What are you talking about Soobin?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Well, you clearly moved on. I always see you with Chan especially since you started grad school. Even at this party, you were with him when I walked in. Beomgyu just tried to convince me to take a chance and try to get you back, but I can see I missed my chance,” smiled Soobin wistfully. “I could tell you were trying to make Chan jealous when you danced with me.”
Well, maybe I was wrong. Soobin read my plan like a book. Why wasn’t he in the English program?
“Was I that obvious,” I muttered, looking away from Soobin as he chuckled. 
“I knew it was too good to be true when you were moving like that. Like you had a point to prove,” chuckled Soobin. 
“Ugh, I’m sorry Soobin,” I apologized once again.
“It’s okay, I know you’re an asshole now,” he laughed dryly before gesturing to the door, “Now go get Chan. I’ll be okay. I’ve gotta take care of Beomgyu.”
I glanced at the dance floor and Beomgyu was clearly very drunk and happily dancing. Soobin gave me a reassuring smile.
“Thanks Soob. Take care,” I smiled back before making my way out of the frat house through the door Chan left from. 
Chan’s POV:
I shivered as the cool autumn breeze hit me, the hand holding my drink becoming disproportionately colder than the rest of my body as a result of the sudden temperature change. God, why did Y/N dancing with another guy bother me so much? Everything was going perfectly until Soobin showed up. I know she’s not technically mine but why does the thought of her being with someone who isn’t me hurt so much? I get so angry when things don’t go my way. What should I do!? I blinked back a few tears as I paced along the sidewalk near the building. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and saw the concerned texts from some of the guys in our group chat. 
Felix: hey Chan, are you okay? I’m here if you need anything
Jeongin: what happened to Chan?
Hyunjin: his genius plan isn’t working *insert video of Y/N and Soobin on the dance floor*
Minho: oh my god that bitch
Jisung: okay maybe I was right to ghost her!
Seungmin: yeahhh it was pitiful 
Changbin: damn I’m sorry bro
I sighed, not bothering to reply. I just needed some space to process the fact that Y/N is probably going to leave the party with another guy. Someone who isn’t me. Maybe I shouldn’t have messed with her as much as I did. I’m sure it must have gotten old pretty quickly. I should’ve just been honest with her from the beginning. But no, I just had to maintain my frat boy image. I don’t know why, or how, I could be this stupid. I just fucked up my chances of being with the prettiest, funniest, and smartest girl I know. Just as I reached to wipe my tears, I heard a familiar voice. 
I turned around and was faced with none other than Y/N. Concern and regret painted her features as she gazed into my teary eyes. 
“Chan,” she spoke softly, inching closer to me. “I’m sorry. I was an asshole. I shouldn’t have left you like that just to make you jealous on purpose. I’m really sorry.”
I quickly blinked back any tears that remained and wiped the rest off my face. “Y/N, you came to find me?”
Y/N blinked a few times before replying, “Of course. I wanted to mess with you but I could tell that you were hurt. I couldn’t just leave you alone.”
I swallowed before speaking, gently taking ahold of her hand. “Y/N, I need to come clean. I like, no, I love you. I have loved you for a long time. Since like, freshman year. I only pretended to hate you just to mess with you. I don’t know why, I’m so stupid, I just, I thought that was just how a frat guy should act. Clearly not, I just annoyed you and I don’t blame you if you don’t return my feelings. I’ve been an asshole to you for a long time, and I’m sorry,” I rambled, feeling her grip on my hand tighten as I felt myself begin to shake. 
“Chan…” muttered Y/N as she looked into my eyes. God, I’m so embarrassed. 
Y/N’s POV:
I just felt so guilty, and I’m glad I apologized. It’s the least I could do. I know Chan loves to mess with me but he has never gone out of his way to hurt me like I just did to him. However, he really did just drop a bomb out of nowhere. Chan loves me? 
“Chan,” I said, squeezing his hand once again to get him to look at me. It works. “I honestly didn’t realize you felt that way. Wow,”
“Listen, I don’t want to pressure you at all to say yes. I just think you deserve to know how I truly feel,” admitted Chan. 
“No, it’s not that. I just think that you helped me describe what I’ve been feeling,” I admitted. “I always thought I hated you, but I’ve always been drawn to you. It’s not the same if you’re away. And I’m actually kind of glad you didn’t go away for grad school because you’re such a constant in my life. Like, I couldn’t imagine not going to school with you.”
Chan began to laugh. “What’s so funny?” I asked, bracing myself for Chan to probably admit this was a whole prank or something.
“It’s just, I only chose to go to grad school in the first place because you were doing it. And you just so happened to be staying here so I followed you,” laughed Chan, squeezing my hand gingerly. 
My eyes widened, “Well this is news to me!”
“When I told the guys this, they insisted I asked you out. So we made this whole elaborate plan to get you to this party but the plan didn’t really go as planned,” confessed Chan.
“Oh Chan,” I laughed, “Did you guys think you could really fool me?”
“Yeah. So did Rosé,” smirked Chan.
“She what?” I asked, shocked that Rosé was plotting with Chan.
“She’s gonna kill me for telling you but yes, I asked her to bring you here.”
“Oh my god, that’s why her text about the party conveniently came during peer review!” everything began to click as Chan smiled. “I mean, that explains everyone staring at us this whole night.”
“There’s the smart Y/N I know,” laughed Chan, staring at me with adoration which made me flustered. 
“I should’ve known,” I laughed dryly, “But Chan, seriously, I did have a great time with you tonight. And I don’t want that to end so, yes, I’ll be your girlfriend I guess.”
“You what!?” Chan’s jaw dropped as his eyes brightened.
“Don’t make me repeat myself,” I rolled my eyes as I pulled him into a kiss. His plush lips I used to despise returned the kiss as he fought back a smile, putting his hands on my waist to draw me closer. We pulled back from one another because we couldn’t stop smiling. 
“God, Y/N. You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that,” mused Chan as a genuine smile graced his features as he put an arm around my waist. 
“Yeah it took you long enough,” I rolled my eyes playfully and leaned into his embrace. “Now do you wanna go back inside to party?”
“I’m happy wherever you are, Y/N.”
Chan’s POV
YESSSS I DID IT!!! Y/N IS MINE NOW! Oh my god, oh my god. All it took was for me to word-vomit everything I had felt about her with a pinch of jealousy to make her my girlfriend. I don’t even remember the initial plan because this outcome is so much better. I smiled at the girl in my arms, the one I spent years annoying because I couldn’t communicate my feelings. This is what bliss is. 
Suddenly, my phone began to vibrate like crazy once again. 
“Hold on, I think the guys are texting me,” I tell Y/N as I bring out my phone. I gasp as my eyes widen.
Felix: So uh, I went outside to find Chan and this is what I saw 😳 *insert pic of Chan and Y/N kissing*
Hyunjin: omg how the turns have tabled
Jisung: WHAT!! The switch up is crazyyyyy
Jeongin: oh god my eyesssss (nice job Chan)
Seungmin: phew Chan is okay lol
A message was deleted by Minho
Minho: Aw finally! (I didn’t call Y/N a bitch earlier nooo)
“What’s wrong Chan?” asked Y/N as she fished out her phone which was also buzzing with notifications. 
“Just check your phone,” I muttered in disbelief, but I couldn’t help but hold back a smile. 
I took Chan’s advice and checked my phone. Maybe something had happened at the party while we were gone? Instead, I found like a hundred notifications from Rosé.
Rosé: I know you liked Soobin at one point but like
Rosé: omg Chan is actually sad
Rosé: check your phoneee even Jaehyun agrees
Rosé: wait omg
Rosé: *insert pic of Chan and Y/N kissing*
Rosé: care to explain? 🤭
“Oh my god Rosé!” I yelled.
Chan POV:
“Actually it was Felix who took that pic,” I laughed at her flustered state. Honestly, I love that the picture exists. My first kiss with Y/N. How precious!  
“Wanna go kill them?” asked Y/N, rolling up her sleeves. God she’s so hot when she’s mad, even hotter when she’s mad at other people. 
“Gladly, but first, you never answered my question,” I began, smirking at her once again. 
“What question?” She replied, tilting her head in confusion. 
“Can you prove to me that your ass is actually bigger than mine?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow as I eyed her behind and began to laugh at her further flustered state. She paused before suddenly moving closer to me.
“After I get finished with them,” she muttered, gesturing to our friends in the frat house, “Is when I’ll get started with this.” I yelped from the sudden smack on my butt as Y/N eyed me dangerously, smirking. 
“Oh I can’t wait!”
Even though I hadn’t had a sip of alcohol, I still woke up hungover the next morning in my bed. I groaned at the slew of notifications that had woken me up from my slumber. I can’t believe that I woke up as the girlfriend of Bang Chan, the frat guy who had a notorious reputation for also being a fuck boy. I blinked a few times as I opened Instagram only to find the picture of me kissing Bang Chan to be the first post I saw. 
@gnabnahc last night was crazyyy 🥶💯😳
@yong.lixx: photo creds? 📸 jk so happy for you man
@i.2.n.8: mommy & daddy 😳
@miniverse.__: lookin gr8 bro 
@jutdwae: Ayyyy bro is hard launching rn!
@hynjinnnn: now this is art
@minho_knows: you’re welcome
@han_jisung: yeah she’s much better with you 🤭
@roses_are_rosie: so the plan worked! 😁
@page.soobin: congrats 🥲
⎿ @bamgyuuuu: it’s ok u tried bro 😤
Ok this was my first ever attempt at writing a stray kids fic! I hope you enjoyed! I had a lot of fun writing this! I know Chan would never be a fuck boy irl but as you can see it would be fun to imagine what that might look like!
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octopodeez · 8 months
𝐒𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐬 (𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐠𝐚𝐬 𝐃. 𝐀𝐜𝐞/𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
Modern!AU where you end your vacation with a bang by hooking up with some hot guy at the bar.
(Alabasta Ace will always reign supreme ❤️‍🔥)
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He must be a local. There’s a certain rhythm to the way he rolls his hips that you can’t find at home, and gyms near you don’t produce bodies like that.
One large hand is splayed on your lower back to keep you close, while the other balances on the brim of his hat to keep it from tipping as his nose brushes against yours. There’s a warmth radiating from him that balances the chill of the ocean’s breeze. It penetrates your skin and settles easily in your bones as if belonging there all along.
He spends a few songs with his strong thigh pressed against your cunt and you spend a few songs grinding on it before he buys you a shot of fireball. You admire him from behind as he leans over the bar a little too far, waiting for the bartender’s attention. There’s a large tattoo on his spine that you’ll likely never get to know the meaning of and, more importantly, dimples on his lower back that form a subtle V. His cargo shorts hang low on his hips despite his belt, and you think about how easy it’d be for him to yank them down and rail you here and now at this shitty beach bar.
When he returns with the shots, you expect him to make a cheesy frat-boy type toast as he clinks his glass against yours, but you’re pleasantly surprised when he simply gives you a toothy grin before throwing his head back, giving you a nice view of his adam’s apple. He chases it by licking into your mouth, lapping up the burn of the liquor on your tongue.
He tells you his name is Ace.
Reaching your hotel room is a struggle, and that thought of yanking down those loose shorts of his becomes more appealing with each wrong turn, but you finally make it and jam your keycard in the lock so hard it nearly snaps. Indignant to the rough treatment, the sensor takes three tries to click open. Perfect timing because you notice Ace was raising his foot to just kick the damn thing open. The door still doesn’t quite avoid his wrath, though, as he gives it a swift kick shut before nearly tackling you to the floor.
The rug feels hot on your back as your shirt rides up beneath him. He’s already patting down his pockets, trying to find what you hope will be a condom, and thank fucking christ, it was. The packaging is red and flimsy, telltale signs of being cheap, but oh well, that’s why god invented Plan B.
He holds the condom between his teeth for a moment as he undoes his belt and zipper. Transfixed by the sound of clinking metal as his open belt sways heavy against his upper thighs, you barely register your lips parting hungrily as he tugs down his cargo shorts to reveal he wasn’t wearing any underwear. The fact that he’d shown up at the bar shirtless had already driven you crazy, but now to know there was nothing separating him from the world except the shorts that hung so loosely on his hips? Fuck.
“No panties? What a slut,” you half-joke.
“Yeah, I’m known to be a filthy tease,” Ace replies dryly, but amused, as he tears open the condom. The film makes a flimsy crinkling noise as another reminder to grab that Plan B tomorrow. “And what about you? You gonna let me see what’s under those tight little shorts or what?”
Ace tilts his head to the side slightly, while fumbling to roll the condom on. Meanwhile, you realize you are about to fuck a man who is wearing nothing but a bright orange hat. Whether or not to omit this detail when you tell your friends about him is a decision best saved for later.
Shifting, you lift your hips slightly to wiggle out of your shorts and panties. Ace makes a show of gripping the meat of your thighs and spreading them to get a better view of your wet sex. He stares just long enough to make you squirm, but before you can start self-consciously fidgeting, his fingers move to trace down your slit experimentally. He seems pleased with the state you’re in now, but decides he can make you messier and dips one of his fingers in your cunt, pressing forward until his palm is nearly flush against you.
Ace hums as he crooks his finger and begins rubbing that nice little spot within you. Like flint to stone, it lights your guts on fire and has you arching to chase after his touch. Had you not been staring at the ceiling, biting your lip, you would have seen his eyebrows quirk in surprise at your response, and it briefly would have made you wonder if maybe he didn’t do this as often as his dancing suggested.
When Ace pulls his hand back, you make a small noise of protest, but then he wraps his hand around the base of his cock and taps it on your clit, all nice and heavy. Your whining becomes begging and soon he’s slowly spearing you open with his cockhead. The fire he lit within you earlier is now a full on inferno as he presses forward more and more, stretching you to your limits, and pushing him to his as he visibly struggles to maintain control. He’s quivering and sighing, trying to resist the urge to just fuck you in half right here and now on the scratchy hotel carpet, but under that cowboy hat is some mental barrier, and you quietly thank whoever put it there when she taught him how to properly fuck a pussy.
That being said, this is hardly a time you want to be even remotely proper, so you hook your legs around his waist and yank him to his hilt. Caught off guard, Ace hisses a few curses and buries his head in the crook of your neck, nipping the soft skin there in retaliation.
“Fuck, give a guy some warning,” he groans while righting himself and giving you a hungry once over.
“I got impatient.” The words come out far more confident than you expected them to, earning the look of irritation you hoped for. The hamster wheel in Ace’s head is shorting out because how the fuck were you not a blissed out mess now that he was fully plunged inside you?
“Now who’s the slut?” Ace finally replies, and he feels your walls flutter against him. A wicked grin curls over his features having unlocked such a valuable tidbit of information, and he says: “Oh, I see.”
Unable to think of a clever response, you simply huff and roll your hips. The motion lands somewhere between bratty and fucking needy, and you’re pleased to see the way his pupils explode. You do it again, harder this time, pulling a breathy groan and wider smile from Ace.
“You gonna let me do my thing or should I just keep playing sex doll?” His tone suggests he’s fine with either option.
You can’t help but laugh as you thread your fingers through his hair. For a moment, you forget the miles that will separate you soon and just let yourself enjoy how natural being with him suddenly feels. There’s something about him that’s familiar and new all at once, as if you’d conjured him from the scraps of your past partners’ best traits.
A well-timed thrust from Ace chokes off the sarcastic remark on the tip of your tongue. Another thrust draws a breathy moan from deep within your chest that’s quickly muffled by a kiss.
Ace is a multitasker, and consumes you with every part of his body. He’s everywhere all at once and having no trouble figuring out which nipple is a little more sensitive and what angle your hips need to be to get you to make more of those filthy noises. Every now and then he leans down to kiss you. He swipes his tongue over the seam of your lips and hums when you part them, licking into your mouth sloppily, filling another part of your body.
“I’m close,” Ace suddenly pants as his hips continue snapping into yours. He’s grinning like a very confident idiot for some reason and it’s the most endearing thing in the world. “I’m so fucking close,” he repeats with a little more intensity. “Jesus, you feel so good. Can’t believe such a little slut is so fucking tight.”
Ace then crinkles his freckled nose and shakes his head, all too aware of how unnatural he sounded as he makes the snap decision to focus on chasing his orgasm rather than make a joke about his shitty dirty talk. You bite back a smile, too, and tangle your fingers in the scruff of his hair to pull him in for another searing kiss. The way he unabashedly pants and groans against your mouth is way hotter than anything he could say, anyways.
Your nails scrape down his back, settling on those dimples that had your mouth watering earlier and it makes Ace’s hips stutter as he whines into your mouth, coming abruptly. He collapses on top of you and mutters something about how he wished you didn’t live so far away and then, to your disbelief the fucker falls asleep mid-sentence; cargo shorts tangled at his ankles, ass out, hat still on. Something about the gentle rhythm of his snoring and warmth against your skin makes you too tired to comprehend the ridiculousness of the situation.
Once more he has proven himself to be annoyingly endearing and it has you already planning your next trip down.
Hi, I’m the queen of shitty abrupt endings but anyways you leave his dumb ass naked on the floor and sleep in your cozy hotel bed then the next morning he gives you the sloppiest best oral you’ve ever had and you almost miss your fucking flight blah blah blah the end ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Also he eats your entire mini bar and you have to pay like $80 for a few bags of Cheetos but he apologizes so it’s fine I guess.
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anincompletelist · 6 months
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[ vol i | vol ii | vol iii | fic rec fridays ]
hi all! :D I have slowly but steadily been knocking things off of my tbr list, a few classics and a few newer fics, and they've been AMAZING! as per usual I wanted to share before the list gets too long for next time!
as always, please remember to leave kudos and a comment if you enjoyed the fic or show support in other ways, and be kind! mind the tags and if you come across something you dislike, please kindly (and quietly) move on.
happy new year and happy reading y'all! <3
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room? | @hgejfmw-hgejhsf | T+ | 5k
When the Legendary Balls-Out Bananas White House Trio New Year's Eve Party is interrupted by a security threat, Henry, Pez, Nora, June, and Alex find themselves locked in the White House library for their own protection with nothing but time, a few bottles of champagne, and some lighthearted conversation, until a single question threatens to change everything for Henry.
(+ read their first au fic here ahh!)
muscle memory | @dumbpeachjuice | E | 30k
It's been ten years since Alex was in London to stage a PR friendship with Henry after ruining the royal wedding. It's also been ten years since Alex dropped to his knees in front of Henry in a Kensington Palace kitchen. But now Henry's in the Hamptons for the summer, and who should he bump into? None other than Alex Claremont-Diaz, who happens to be working in New York all summer long.
You Are the Wave I Could Never Tame | bleedingballroomfloor | E | 12k
That should be it. Henry is doing his job; the pool is getting cleaned, and Alex shouldn’t think anything more of it. Then why does he feel the slightest bit of disappointment when he walks back to the pool house and Henry isn’t there? Or, the pool boy Henry AU that I couldn't stop thinking about until I wrote it.
if evil, why so cute? | @everwitch-magiks | E | 5k
Alex’s cat hates Alex, but loves Henry, the Bookstagram influencer who’s on vacation in Alex’s quiet seaside town. And while Alex is pretty salty about his grumpy cat’s inexplicable affection for a complete stranger, he must admit he can see the appeal; Henry is fucking gorgeous. It’s why Alex follows him on Instagram in the first place. It's just, Alex had never thought he’d be officially introduced to Henry by his own goddamn cat. Or: Henry takes a two-week vacation to a seaside cabin with the intent to read a lot of books. Instead, he has a lot of sex.
Just like that | @myheartalivewrites | E | 10k
When Henry comes home from a date frustrated by the guy’s lack of expertise, Alex starts having thoughts. And then, because he’s Alex, he sticks his big foot in his even bigger mouth.
(@myheartalivewrites listen I fell down a rabbit hole ok and if I could rec your entire ao3 here I would -- OH WAIT I CAN)
In His Wildest Dreams | @myheartalivewrites | E | 11k
Set in and around the Henry bonus chapter, this is a story about Henry and Alex’s hectic schedules, family appearances etc. pulling them apart, and about what starts to happen between them, in the quiet of night: their sleeping bodies turning to each other, finding their sweet spots and opening up. And Alex and Henry learning a lot about each other in the process
Be Worthy Love, and Love Will Come | @sparklepocalypse | E | 30k
"For Christmas this year, all I would like is a best friend who doesn’t mind too much that I’m a prince. Most of my classmates poke fun because of who I am, or treat me like I’m too special to be their friend. I want a best friend who knows me as much as my family does and still likes me. I know that you can’t wrap a best friend up in a box and put it under the tree, but you’re magic so you know the best way to bring one." (Movieverse canon divergence; Prince Henry, age 8, writes to Father Christmas wishing for a best friend. A few weeks later, he finds one.)
A Picture on Your Corkboard | bleedingballroomfloor | M | 23k
It happens on a random morning in May when Alex, age fourteen, pads into the kitchen to greet his mother and steal a waffle from June's plate and sees a man sitting at their breakfast counter, reading a newspaper, a cup of coffee raised to his lips. Like he belongs. Like it's the most natural thing in the world. June doesn't seem to give the man a second thought. She merely flicks Alex on the forehead and takes back the waffle. Ellen isn't worrying, either. In fact, she's talking to him. Asking what his schedule is like. Making plans for dinner. Alex has never seen this man before in his life.
I want to mark my skin (it is paper thin) | @violetbaudelaire-quagmire | M | 10k
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subj: Tattoo Reference Attached: 1 file (orionsketch.jpg) Hello, Attached you’ll find a line art drawing of the constellation Orion. The shoulder blade is the intended location. Best, H.J. Fox [OR: It's a Tattoo Shop AU!]
(Dil)Do It Yourself | @happiness-of-the-pursuit | E | 16k
“Listen,” Nora starts, turning her body once more so that she’s sitting sideways in the chair with her legs thrown across the armrest. “I did the math. There’s a 79% chance you’re gonna become a slut to the power of the prostate, and while we’re not dating anymore, it’s my duty as your fellow slutty bisexual to get this party started.” Or, when Nora drags Alex to a holiday dildo workshop, he doesn’t expect to find someone to use it with.
just a figure of speech | @congee4lunch | E | 17k
“Like I said: Alphas really don’t know how to fuck.” “And like I said,” Alex sets down his mug and steps closer to Henry. “I can fuck and I know how to fuck you so well, you’ll see stars, baby.” [henry, an omega, hasn’t had good sex in a long time. as his alpha roommate and friend, alex can help with that. in a totally platonic bro way, of course]
saving some for next rec, I'll see you all then! enjoy, and remember to show support if you did! <3
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fastcardotmp3 · 2 years
made that post about Steve being MJ Watson in a spider Eddie au but now I’m just thinking about canon Steve male model extraordinaire starting with small commercial gigs just to pay his way through school, finding he kind of likes getting to be in charge of his body in this way, but unable to make it a bigger thing because he can’t get any shirtless work due to his scarring.
And isn’t that just the rub? To carry around all of this proof that he’s a survivor only for it to get in the way of him doing, like, the first thing that’s really felt right, like he’s being punished for his vanity even though that’s not what it’s about. It’s about the fact that he works well with people, works well in a collaborative, creative environment, about the fact that he’s finally comfortable expressing himself out loud on his face and with his body without any posturing getting in the way.
But he doesn’t get to have that. Because some monsters and some bats and some of his own reckless protectiveness when he’s a goddamn teenager gets his body all out of sorts with what people apparently want to see on magazine covers and billboards even though he loves his scars, loves to remember who was saved or who saved him in each and every instance of puckered up skin.
So that’s all bullshit basically. And so he kind of gives up on it basically, throwing auditions out there every once in a while because he enjoys it but accepting it as a side gig rather than anything he could ever depend on.
Until one day a project comes across his agent’s desk. A music video. “Strong but casual about it. He’s world weary but ready for anything that jumps in his path,” the casting call reads and “you and that thousand yard stare of yours are kinda perfect for that don’tcha think?” his agent says.
Steve hasn’t spoken to Eddie Munson in over five years, in part because Eddie Munson doesn’t really exist anymore and in part because he hasn’t known how after everything, but he knows the guy’s stage name and he knows the band’s name and he just.
He shouldn’t put Eddie in the position to reject him, but then again it’s highly doubtful Eddie is in the casting room.
Steve has been looking for a shot to make his version of beautiful appealing to a wider audience and he can’t turn down the chance, can he? He can’t turn it down for the sake of avoiding a little bit of awkwardness or discomfort? He can’t turn it down just because he isn’t sure what seeing Eddie in the flesh again will do to him.
Fuck it.
He probably won’t get the job anyway.
(But if he does, maybe more than one good thing could come of it)
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yawnjzznn · 9 months
airport crush; c. yj
!non idol au!
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• pairing: yeonjun x female reader
• summary: you see a guy in the airport waiting for his flight and you make it a mission to get his number before he gets on board, embarrassing yourself in the process.
• warning: swearing & yeonjun teasing
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you’ve had quite the morning, waking up at 6am for your 11am flight. you’re still groggy, iced coffee in hand with your suitcase in the other.
nothing can make this morning better— that’s until you see a guy waiting for his flight alone, sitting on an empty row of seats.
your eyes basically pop out of your eye sockets at the sight, stopping dead in your tracks.
though you can’t see his appearance clearly, you can tell the guy’s tall by the way his legs are stretched out infront of him, leaning against the chair with his phone in hand.
he’s wearing a red zip up, layered on top of a black shirt paired with grey sweats that seem to appeal to you in a way it never had.
he seems preoccupied with grey headphones over his ears— but that doesn’t matter to you, not at all.
you hug your iced drink and grab your phone, immediately calling your sister who you had just said goodbye to for your vacation.
she picks up almost instantly, maybe worried that something had gone wrong only to hear you fangirl over some stranger.
“bro i’m at the airport and there’s this fine ass guy. should i talk to him?.. i want him so bad. brooo i want him so bad oh my gosh..” you start to ramble, tearing your gaze away to stare at your shoes.
“y/n.. seriously?..” you hear her sigh, “rate this guy out of a 10.”
“bro he’s a fucking 11. he’s so fine bruh oh my gosh.. he’s got fine ass headphones on..” you bite on your nails, giggling— practically flushing red over this stranger.
“honestly if he’s that fine.. get his number..”
“how?” you pout.
“just ask him what he’s listening to. then pretend you like the artist and ask for his number.”
“no that’s too straightforward.”
“tell him he’s cute.”
“no that’s worse!”
“figure it out. BYE!”
you stare dumbfounded, angrily texting your sister curses before you turn your phone off, shoving it into your pocket.
without a plan, you started to walk towards him, deciding you’d just go with the flow spontaneously.
nervously, you sat next to him, tapping on his shoulder immediately so you wouldn’t look like a weirdo sitting beside a stranger when there were many empty seats nearby.
he turned to you, confused but still taking his headphones off, letting it hug his neck, “yes?..”
now infront of him— now that you could see his face. all you could feel was regret.
he was much finer than you thought he’d be..
you blinked, caught off guard, feeling your heart thumping out of your chest, “h..hi?..”
you mentally cursed at your own words— trying to calm yourself down by telling yourself you didn’t expect him to be so hot— or his voice to be so attractive.
unfortunately, his presence alone was intense and intimidating, already having you look more nervous than you had ever imagined you could be.
“hi?..” he tilted his head to the side.
“.. how’s your day?..”
“… good?…” he blinked, even more confused than he had already projected.
“.. that’s good.”
“thank you..” he let out an airy laugh at your nervousness, definitely helping to sooth you just a little bit.
you sighed, shoulders slumping, “honestly.. i just wanted to get your number..” you admitted honestly, looking away to try and feel a little less intimidated.
“oh. sorry, i have a girlfriend. we’re actually getting married. she’s just in the washroom right now.”
your stomach dropped and your world practically crumbled in embarrassment. you felt your cheeks get even redder than before, eyes widening as you snapped your head at him in shock, “i’m so sorry! i didn’t know!”
you slapped your hand over your mouth, fully processing the information.
your stomach churned in raw embarrassment, standing up immediately to try and scramble away but he stopped your dead in your tracks, grabbing your wrist.
“im just joking!” he laughed at your reaction, even more when you slowly turned your head to look at him, jaw dropped to the floor.
now you were even more embarrassed— and even more desperate to leave, “my flights leaving in 2 minutes!” you lied in distress, pulling your hand away from his grasp to dash away.
and as you were halfway out of the lounge area, you stopped dead in your tracks once again— realizing your had left your suitcase behind.
you cursed, biting on your lip and shutting your eyes close in hopes that this would just be a dream.
snapping you out of the war going on in your head was the stranger, tapping on your shoulder to get your attention.
you slowly turned around, smiling awkwardly at him, “silly me! haha..” you grabbed your suitcase that was beside him, rolling it towards yourself.
he laughed, “don’t be so embarrassed. it’s all good.”
you basically melted seeing and hearing him laugh, mesmerized, you embarrassed yourself further more by just.. staring at him.
“stop staring. it’s making me shy.” he joked, a playful grin plastered on his face.
you somehow got even more embarrassed, now 100% sure your face was a crimson red with how warm you felt.
“can i have your number?” he smiled.
could this fine man really want your number? even though you were looking stupid with how red you were?..
nonetheless, you mumbled out a small, “yes..”
though all that embarrassment and regret floated away when you had made it to your lounge, seeing a notification from the stranger.
“that was cute lol”
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glcnpowell · 5 months
Would anyone like to join me for an 900 word not!fic about an AU living in my head involving alpha!Cyclone and omega!Rooster?
Mav pulls Bradley’s papers when he’s 17ish, right, and they’re all assuming he’s a beta bc he hasn’t presented yet. Bradley cuts Mav out of his life, moves away for school, and surprise - not a beta, just a late bloomer. He goes into heat his first or second year in college.
Bradley’s out of his mind with fear and the overwhelming heat and just. On instinct, he calls Mav bc he doesn’t have anyone else. And even though they haven’t spoken in so long, Mav answers on the second ring and Bradley manages to choke out what’s happening and Mav’s just. So terrified for and determined to help his kid despite all the distance between them. Especially because a newly presenting omega on a college campus does NOT a good situation make, right? It’s dangerous and Maverick knows it.
And Mav is calling around to try and get flown out to Bradley ASAP, trying to get him help from someone he trusts, etc etc etc. Finally, he gets in touch with Warlock and Warlock’s telling him that Cyclone, an unmated Alpha, is near there (for some reason, not important, shhh)
Mav and Cyclone haven’t met, but Mav’s heard good things about the guy and Ice says he’s a good man, too. So Mav just tucks his tail between his legs and calls and asks for the most embarrassing favor of his life, all the while still texting with Bradley to make sure he’s okay. Cyclone hears the situation and is immediately like “absolutely I’ll help, how do I get to him”
Cyclone’s really intending on just picking Bradley up and keeping him comfortable until Mav gets there, or maybe taking him to a clinic where he’ll be comfortable. Maybe Cyclone doesn’t have a mate on purpose bc it doesn’t appeal to him, again not important, but Cyclone showing up is a lot for poor new omega!Bradley to handle.
Bradley just clings to him and he’s so touch-starved already and, like. Cyclone tells him “Maverick sent me” and that’s enough for Bradley, he’s trusting Cyclone right away.
(Which, sidebar for worldbuilding, is also so dangerous!!! And is absolutely a byproduct of Bradley being assumed to be a beta, so he hasn’t been ‘brought up’ as an omega to know when to let his guard down, how to focus on pushing past his instincts, etc. And maybe that’s why Cyclone’s thinking “I can’t take him to a clinic, he could be taken advantage of by someone there because he just genuinely doesn’t know any differently, I’m keeping him with me…” ANYWAY)
He gets Bradley back to his house and starts to get a nest made for him and is, like. Talking him through what he’s doing, telling Bradley why he’s doing it, bc so much of this Bradley just doesn’t know.
And with it being a first heat, Bradley’s more terrified than he is turned on, tbh, so he’s incredibly grateful that Beau is actually so good to him?? Like, so obvi in control and caring for him while keeping a decent distance between them so Bradley knows he isn’t in danger here.
So by the time Mav gets there a day and a half later or whatever, Bradley’s calmer and the heat’s mostly passed and Bradley, like. Literally instinctively hides behind Cyclone when Mav gets there bc the Alpha v Alpha dynamic is a lot to handle at the moment. But he’s also so frustrated and very “I’m gonna fucking pull my own hair out what are these instincts I am feeling” (exasperated!Bradley my beloved)
But anyway, Mav sees how well he’s managed and he and Cyclone just share this nod and Mav is so fucking grateful. He’s able to get Bradley back to campus and they rebuild their relationship and Bradley still ends up in the Navy.
And then whoops, years later, Bradley’s at Top Gun for the first time, and whoops, Cyclone is one of the instructors. And he remembers how sweet Bradley smelled, and Bradley’s grown into himself now, confident enough that at the graduation ceremony, he tells Cyclone “your scent hasn’t changed, y’know” and is just a Flirty Handsome Boy. Cyclone is mildly distressed.
And maybe it’s a thing in this world where omegas can be on suppressants, but they do have to actually cycle every few months for their own health, so Bradley’s due for his. And obviously, he can go through it alone, but Cyclone’s back in his life and he wants.
He’s telling Cyclone he’s never had a real Alpha before, he’s only ever been alone for his heats, so Cyclone would be his first heat partner and Cyclone’s just like, “I’m not an animal, I’m totally unaffected by this” but spoiler alert: he’s LYING
Bradley just squaring his shoulders, meeting Cyclone’s eyes. “I’m telling you now, when I’m slick and out of my mind with heat, I’m going to ask for you, and I’m going to mean it.”
And that’s what actually convinces Cyclone to spend the heat with him. Bradley telling him ahead of time, when he’s lucid about it, that this is what he wants. So Cyclone agrees, Bradley starts his cycle and gets to make a nest in Cyclone’s living room for them both, just like Cyclone did that very first time.
Spoiler alert: it’s incredible and they fall in love, probably, and I think it’s great. Join me on the Cyclone/Rooster rarepair train, it’s fun ❤️
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tyxoxo · 2 years
One Night Only - III.
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ch. 1 , ch. 2, m.list
Jeno x fem!reader series
Genre: slow burn, fuckboy!jeno, enemies to lovers/hate fucking fwb! bookstore jeno → model jeno au, 00’ dream + mark + jun (seventeen) character inserts
Words: 7.3k
(future) Warnings: pure filth, jeno is mean, cocky, stubborn, this relationship is extremely toxic (i dont condone, this is pure fiction), unprotected sex, choking, slapping, degrading, spitting, dumbification, dacryphilia, oral (f and m receiving), cum play, envy, mdni!
a/n: i somehow managed to injure myself ㅠㅠ and because of that, i didn’t get a chance to include everything that i wanted in this because im in pain. but dw, i’ve divided it up and ch. 4 is in the works!
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Chapter 3
The day felt insufferable. Tuesday just had to be one of those slow days. That, combined with Renjun, Jun, and Mark being out, made you want to jab a pencil through your ear.
Only 5 customers had come and gone since the store opened and that wasn’t enough to distance yourself from Jeno. He had decided to take charge for the day…and instead of doing nothing at the register, he decided to be near you. You couldn’t tell if he was genuinely trying to help you unbox the new book repairs or just have a reason to constantly brush shoulders with you.
You remained silent as you used the box cutter to slice open the large cardboard lids. It sounded quite appealing to use that box cutter on him, maybe just a nick would be enough to fix his behavior.
Surprisingly, he had been quiet just like you, for now…
“So do you live by yourself?” Jeno broke the silence while the two of you bent down to pry open the cardboard boxes.
Yet again you didn’t look at him. You weren’t even sure if you’ve ever seen the exact color of his eyes since you’ve started working here.
“Uhmm…why is that the first question you ask me?” Fucking weirdo.
“Just trying to get to know you.”
“You’ll never get to know me.” You said it louder than expected. You trailed off with a stack of books in your hand, hoping to be faster than him so you could move onto your next task. Naturally, Jeno was right behind you, with his own stack ready to be put on the same shelves you were going to.
Your body felt tense knowing that the two of you were towards the back corner of the store. There was no telling what else Jeno would try to quiz you on.
“Oh, is that what it is? You’re playing hard to get?”
You could see from your peripheral that Jeno had his tongue poking his cheek with a devilish grin to match. There was no point in replying to his nonsensical quips, he would just have another thought up within the next 30 seconds.
“You don’t have to worry, there’s nothing appealing about you.”
It was amazing how much you tolerated his bullshit, although the heat in your cheeks conveyed otherwise.
“C’mon, say something. I’m bored.”
Silence still.
“Still nothing hm? What if I said I was sorry? Would you forgive me for calling you a basic bitch?”
“Over my dead body.” You spat back at him.
You could hear him trying to hide the chuckle brewing in his throat.
Surprisingly, that was the last of the conversation for the next hour. There were still two huge boxes left to open and every now and then Jeno would have to step away and check out someone at the register. Unboxing was a tedious task but it kept your mind busy. If Jeno was an actual decent person, you wouldn’t mind getting acquainted. It didn’t even feel morally right to ask him anything. How would he feel if you ticked him off just like he did you?
“I feel bad for Renjun.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Did you threaten him with his life and force him to be your friend?” You asked with no sense of playfulness behind your voice. You were dead serious.
“We’ve been friends since we were in elementary school. He’s used to me.”
“What do you mean, used to you?”
“He’s the only one that can put up with my bullshit.”
“Clearly.” You scoffed. It was obvious but you just wanted to hear it from him first.
Of course people acted differently at work versus at home but it seemed that Jeno was a straight-shooter no matter who was around.
“I feel bad for myself.”
You resisted the urge to turn your head and face him because of his statement.
“Because I’m here, with you. I’d rather be sick at home.”
“Who the fuck raised you?”
You deserved an answer.
There was a moment that you considered holding your head high to anticipate his response. But all thoughts of courage were ripped away from you as a flurry of wind swirled around your body. You barely had time to raise your hands and resist as your subconscious dispersed your vision for a split second. Jeno’s hands clasped onto your shoulders as he pushed you into the bookshelf behind you, his hands then settling on either side of your head. Your back arched at the harsh contact of the shelf striking your spine, causing your chest to recoil. There were no defense mechanisms you could muster. You felt trapped, but inexplicably satisfied.
You finally met his eyes, for the first time.
They reminded you of burnt charcoal…a dark, endless, loophole of black.
His cool breath hit your lips as his husky voice singed all the way down to your core.
“Don’t you ever question me about my family.”
He bared his teeth as if he was a predator. A predator petrifying its prey. You noticed that his eyes were no longer burning into your own. They had traveled down to your lips.
You weren’t able to process if a customer had seen the two of you in this position: Jeno…pressed against you. Not out of passion, but out of rage.
“You’re finally looking at me. Don’t… move.” He whispered to you now, but his icy breath still laced into your nose with the same intensity. You obeyed him, hoping that he could see that you still had not moved.
Your clasped hands were beginning to give out. Your knees were buckling. Why hadn’t you slapped him already?
Before you could take a breath, Jeno backed away from you as a grunt fell from his lips.
Through your hooded eyes, you saw him storm off to the bathroom. There was a tightness in your chest that you never felt before.
Your knees gave out, causing you to slide down the shelf. The floor seemed like an acceptable resting place for now.
It took every bit of control Jeno had to not grasp your chin and take a bite out of your lips. That bitch…How dare she.
Those that really knew him, knew to never bring up his family.
“You’re not worthy to be my son anymore.”
Picturing his pig father spit those words made venom pool in his mouth.
It was the same scene that played in his mind during those nights in his room. Knowing that his mother never stood up for him, instead retreating back to watch her husband disparage their only child.
He would make sure your filthy mouth never crossed that line again. All you needed was to be brought down to your knees, and taught how to take a mouthful of cock. It was the perfect way to shut you up.
Jeno shook his head of his intrusive thoughts. It was excruciating how tight his jeans were beginning to feel knowing that you were probably in shock from his treatment. Meeting eyes with you for the first time, seeing that pitiful look on your face. He craved to see that again. You reacted in a way that made him feel like he owned every bit of you.
It didn’t help that Jeno had been practically bitchless for 2 weeks. To others that was standard but to him, it was unacceptable.
A splash of water to the face was enough to cool him off but he was faced with another problem: he had a very visible boner.
He could have tried to stay in the bathroom for a few more minutes but something told him that you were going to be found by a customer and taken away to an urgent care clinic.
“Fuck my life…” Jeno sighed into his hands. Invisibility would have been perfect for this moment as his sense of clairvoyance was predictable. Once he opened the door, you were still slumped against the shelf. A customer was tending to you, patting your forehead with a tissue.
“Are you okay? Do I need to call an ambulance?” You hoped the elderly lady beside you had no idea what happened.
“I’m fine. The books were just too heavy.”
You would just have to use the disheveled floor to your advantage. Surely it seemed that you tried to carry way more than you could handle which caused your body to give out. Atleast, that’s the picture you painted for this caring customer.
“Are you sur-”
“I can help her. I’ll make sure she rests and gets something to drink.”
You couldn’t hide the staggered look on your face. Jeno had appeared on the other side of you, crouched down with his hand on your shoulder; a sizzling afterburn from where they were moments before.
“Here, take this. This should be enough to get her a bottle of water from the store nearby.”
She definitely didn’t see what happened.
How could anyone forget a snake like Jeno, trapping you within his broad frame?
He smiled and reached his hands out to decline the money she offered. You had never seen him smile before. Although he tried to hide his true intentions, seeing his lips turn upwards in a closed-mouth grin was an image you would never forget.
“Thank you for your concern.”
The elderly lady finally gave in. Once she was far enough away, you managed to see through your faltering vision that Jeno’s smile flipped completely. He had that lethal look on his face again.
“Get up.” Jeno’s voice resonated through you. You winced at how tight he squeezed your arm to drag you over to the tables nearby.
“That hurts!” Before you could protest some more, you were already seated. He didn’t even bother saying sorry.
You watched as he returned to where all the books were: you must’ve not heard them drop before he practically manhandled you against the shelves.
Jeno began to gather the books into a single pile while crouched down. You found it strange how stiff he looked while trying to put them on the top shelf.
Was he really that stumped from eye contact? It couldn’t be that. This was “vain Jeno” you were referring to.
One rub of your eyes was all it took to see a tent in his jeans. But a second one was needed for good measure.
The best thing you could do was pretend you were blind. Your eyes immediately fell down to look at your hands.
You had given up your seat at the table a long time ago so you could cover for Jeno while he went to lunch. The only indicator being that he ripped off his badge and stormed outside.
[renjun]: is jeno being nice?
It took you a second to realize that Renjun had indeed texted you. The two of you hadn’t exchanged numbers yet.
[you]: how did you get my number?
[renjun]: i asked mark for it, hope you don’t mind. something just told me that i needed to check on you.
[you]: aren’t you sick? why don’t you rest
[renjun]: thanks for ignoring my question. i’ll just bug jeno later.
Renjun’s sense of perception intimidated you.
There was only about 2 hours left until the end of your shift. It had been excruciatingly awkward since Jeno blindsided you earlier. He kept his distance but if that was only because of his boner, that was a testament to your worth.
You prayed the Mark would be back tomorrow.
One Month Later
“Hey, i’ve been meaning to tell you that there’s a new optical illusion museum that opened up in Seocho. I don’t have anyone to go with, would you be interested?” Renjun asked while the two of you were side by side attaching a huge banner to the ceiling that read “NEW ARRIVALS: Historical Fiction, Military Fiction, and more!!”
“Oh, that sounds cool! When do you want to go?”
“I was thinking this weekend? Does that sound good?”
“Yeah that should work. I haven’t been doing anything interesting lately.”
“Same here. Let’s aim for Sunday!” Renjun said while fanning the banner to get out the wrinkles.
If this was anyone else besides Renjun, you would’ve declined the invite. But the two of you had gotten quite close within the month of meeting each other for the first time. You considered Jun cool too but he spent too much time with Jeno on the clock; so he was a hit or miss most days.
It comforted you knowing that Renjun knew that you and Jeno still weren’t on good terms. You were definitely the more mature one as you didn’t want to ditch Renjun just because he and Jeno were childhood best friends.
Jeno had stopped antagonizing you ever since that Tuesday. There was no teasing, smart remarks, eye rolling, nothing. You knew he was a womanizing edgelord but you never thought he would have a chance to get that close to you. You figured that if nature versus nurture was in his favor, maybe he would’ve turned out different. There was obviously something that wounded him in the past.
“I'm open to whatever time just-.”
“Come down guys. I have a very important announcement!” Mark's clap accompanied with his interruption nearly scared you off the ladder. Luckily, it wasn’t that high of a drop if you did manage to fall.
“Ahhh, Mark you scared me!” Renjun exclaimed as he hung his head low.
You, Renjun, Jun, Jeno, and Mark were all circled around in the back of the store. Mark had a huge grin on his face as he stood and faced the 4 of you.
“I just wanted to tell you all that I have been extremely pleased with your guys’ performance. Lately, we’ve been picking up the pace with a lot of new arrivals and book signings, but that doesn’t stop you all from really outshining our competitors. I wanted to show my appreciation by hosting a dinner at Cornerstone tomorrow night at 7:30pm. You are not obligated to come but I highly recommend it. They have amazing Italian food and I'm paying for everyone’s meal!”
From what you could see, the 4 of you didn’t really have much of a reaction until Mark’s last sentence. Renjun and Jun’s mouth even dropped. You were quite shocked as well. That restaurant was located in Gangnam: one of the richest and most upscale districts in Seoul. You nearly fainted at the fact that casual dress probably wasn’t allowed there.
“Wouldn’t that be expensive though?” Renjun asked while biting his lip. It seemed he was thinking the same thing you were.
“I’m down. It’s free food.” Jun shrugged while giving Renjun a “don’t mess this up for us” expression.
“Jeno, you coming?” Mark signaled him out, most likely because Jeno was usually busy on the weekends with some girl. Everyone was aware of that.
“Since you’re paying, yeah. But I'm not going to stay and chat.” He scoffed while blowing a strand from his bangs out of his face.
“Fair enough! It’ll be at 7pm. No such thing as fashionably late! You guys can resume. I hope you all consider coming.”
“Do you still feel like going to the museum? I would just feel bad if you had to see my face that much outside of work.” Renjun whispered to you while everyone went back to their designated areas.
“Nooo it’s fine. I need more to do with my weekends anyways!”
“Okay good. Thank you for agreeing to hang out.” Renjun bowed with clasped hands.
“Of course!”
There was no reason to be this stressed over an employee dinner. It was currently 5pm and you still hadn’t chosen an outfit.
Searching up pictures of the restaurant didn’t help: it looked expensive just like you imagined. Luckily, you had a few items of clothing that could fit a fancy dining place. It was just a matter of putting together what matched.
You opted for something simple and monochromatic to blend in easier; nothing too flashy nor too plain. Plus, whatever you could do to remain invisible to Jeno, the better.
By the time you showered, washed your face and did your hair, it was already 6:30pm. You were cutting it too close. It took 45 minutes to travel via subway from Hongdae to Gangnam. Taxiing was a faster but more expensive option that you didn’t feel like taking.
“Shit…” you exhaled while rushing out the door with your wallet, keys and phone. The brutality of the winds outside shocked you down to your bones. By the time you realized there was an overcast, you were already boarded on the train to Gangnam.
You felt alienated in this part of Seoul. It wasn’t often that you could visit or sight-see, especially with your salary. Even the people on the train were dressed to impress, but considering it was an incoming Saturday night, there were bound to be people with their own expensive weekend plans.
Walking the 10-minutes from the subway station was half the battle considering the harsh winds. Leaves constantly blew up against your ankles causing you to skip along the crosswalk.
Your phone read 7:29pm by the time you made it to the doors. You hoped and prayed that they weren’t already seated.
It was quite packed inside but that didn’t stop you from observing the interior. There were so many different variations of glass vases placed around, all filled with onyx stones and lillies. Dainty fairy lights hung from the ceiling with a crystal chandelier in the middle. Every table was a polished acacia wood with red velvet booths and chairs.
You were definitely only ordering an appetizer.
Your guilty thoughts of hurting Mark’s bank account was cut short by a hostess that walked up and greeted you.
“I’m looking for a party of 4 under the name Mark Lee?”
“Yes, right this way, miss.” The hostess led the way towards the back, with a runway walk that must’ve been so exhausting to execute during her entire shift. It made you feel self conscious about how poor your posture was.
Mark must’ve lucked out with being able to score a table in the very back that was away from the noisier areas.
To your dismay, everyone was there before you…including Jeno. You technically weren’t late, just right on time.
“Last one to show up eh?” Mark smiled while getting up from his seat. You almost stopped in your tracks from seeing him in a suit. You were only used to seeing him in a white crew-neck with the sleeves always bunched at his elbows, a green apron, blue jeans and tennis shoes.
“I’m so sorry.” You bowed to him as he did to you.
“I’m just teasing. We haven’t even ordered yet, just waters and champagne.” He said while pulling back the chair for you to sit.
Fortunately, you were seated in between Renjun and Jun, with Mark and Jeno on the other side of the table. Your breath hitched in your throat at seeing Jeno. He kept his head down, presumably to text on his phone, not once to look up at your arrival unlike the others. He had a pained look on his face but you had to admit that he looked good. His furrowed brow causing a lump in your throat.
His forehead was showing, which was a first for you to witness. His hair was slicked back, his bangs heavily pomaded. He wore a tucked white t-shirt, rustic-suede jacket, belt, black skinny jeans, and black chukka boots. The only reason you were able to tell what he wore from the waist down was because of how low the table was.
Renjun sported something similar to Jeno but with a black suede jacket and beige oxford shoes.
Jun adorned a black long-sleeved dress shirt, dark blue cuffed jeans, and brown chelsea boots.
“Now that everyone’s here, I can give a proper thanks.”
Renjun cleared his throat to get Jeno off of his phone. It worked.
You watched as he raised his head up slowly before pinching the bridge of his nose. He was irritated with something, probably with the idea of being stuck here.
“As you all know, my parents are entrusting me with ownership of the store. They’re getting close to retirement age so I do have some pressure on my shoulders with taking over but because of you all, I’m able to see through to an ever growing future.”
Mark always astounded you with his way with words. You figured he was young when you first met him but when Renjun confirmed that he was only 23, it explained everything. He had a young yet sovereign spirit.
“I know that you all have your own aspirations and ventures and I don’t expect you all to stay with me forever so why not make a toast to the present? This dinner is for you guys.” Mark beamed while raising his champagne glass for us to follow along.
Who knew that a job at a bookstore would lead to an extravagant dinner hosted by your young, rich, boss?
“Cheers.” The 5 of you said while toasting each other's glass.
A few moments later, the server stopped by and took everyone’s order. You ordered an appetizer, just like you had planned. The same couldn’t be said for Renjun, Jun, and Jeno though.
“I don’t want this dinner to just be about me. Let’s do a round table of everyone’s future plans. Renjun, how about you start?”
This was one way to pass the time waiting on food but it was also nerve-wracking at the same time. You didn’t really have an intricate answer. Even Renjun was caught off guard by the question; his eyes scanning wildly out of control.
“Uh-uhmm. I’m not too sure yet. I’m really happy working at the bookstore. If anything, I want to become a vet tech but we’ll see.”
“That sounds cool. How long is the schooling for that?” Mark asked after taking a sip from his champagne glass.
“Just 2 years at any technical school. That’s better than the 4 years my parents wanted me to do. They weren’t too happy with me not wanting to do university.”
“Makes sense! I hope it goes well for you.”
“Thank you.” Renjun said while graciously bowing in his seat.
“Alright, you’re next.” Mark pointed his glass to you. But you were going to try to dodge this as best as you could.
“I’m not too sure yet either. Jun you’re up.” You covered your eyes at how much you failed to get the attention off of you.
Everyone but Jeno chuckled. You were curious if Mark would try to pester you or leave it be.
“I get it. Don’t worry, I won’t force an answer out of you. But yes, Jun your turn.”
Before Jun could speak, the server came with a tray of everyone’s food. You thought you were familiar with Italian cuisine but judging by how grande these dishes looked, you were wrong. There was no way you could accurately name them. Based on what knowledge you had, you could only recognize Jeno’s dish as carbonara.
Your appetizer was a decent sized portion considering fancy restaurants were usually skimpy on the amount of food given. Everyone began to dig in, undoubtedly hungry since it was around 8pm. You tried your best to keep your eyes glued to your plate but every now and then your eyes would scan Jeno.
How could he possibly not have a headache from how tight his brows were pulled together?
Even the way he ate seemed so mad. He attacked his plate with his titanium chopsticks. Maybe he was just hangry…
Jun continued the round table after taking a few bites from his plate of food. You smiled to yourself seeing Renjun chew his food; every now and then he would pat his own cheek to remind himself not to smack.
“I plan on moving to Germany. I’ve always been so immersed by their language and culture. I guess they’re offering a lot of editorial jobs for authors there.”
Everyone’s eyes got big at his revelation.
“Wow! I had no idea. How long have you been learning German?” Renjun asked while wiping his mouth with his napkin.
“Ever since I graduated high school. So for 8 years now.”
“Could you say a few words for us? If you don’t mind?” Mark asked with a look of amazement on his face.
Jun began talking in German with ease, so fast that you couldn’t tell where the sentences ended and began. Even though you couldn’t understand, you clapped along with the others.
Jun smiled while putting his hands together, bowing twice.
“That’s amazing. Well, certainly don’t give up Jun!” Mark said while the rest of you nodded in agreement.
“Okay, nice guy. Your turn.”
You should’ve pretended to choke on your drink at Mark’s title given to Jeno.
Jeno ignored Mark, choosing to eat his food at a quicker pace. Renjun sighed.
“Jeno?” Mark addressed him in a more subdued tone of voice.
“What?” That was the first word Jeno spoke since you’ve been here. You couldn’t tell the exact nature of his mood from the simple “what” because of the amount of food in his mouth.
“I’ve overheard about your modelling endeavors a couple of times. How’s that going?” Mark attempted to approach the conversation in a way that would get Jeno to open up. You weren’t sure if it would work.
But, modelling?
You were definitely not around when this was discussed at work. Maybe it was before you got there.
Jeno put down his chopsticks after taking his last bite of food. He sat back in his chair, patting down his jacket.
“Yeah, I’ve gotten a few offers here.”
“Oh okay. How soon until you leave us then?” Mark asked with a raised brow.
“It depends.”
You wanted to hear more but he was keeping his responses short.
He indeed had the face, the height and the physique to pull it off. You just hoped that whoever gave him a chance never got to witness his personality, unless maybe he got his shit together by then. The table felt a bit awkward now that everyone was finishing up with their meals. The clacking of utensils couldn’t fill the silence anymore. All of the champagne was gone, and no one seemed like eating dessert.
“I hope to see you on billboards someday, Jeno.” Mark winked while signing off on the bill. Out of respect, you kept your head down so you couldn’t see the price. It was best you didn’t know.
“How’s everyone getting home? Just thought I'd ask since it’s quite dark out.”
“I live in Jongno but the station is only a 5-minute walk. I’ll be fine. Thanks for the food.” Jun said while gathering his keys and phone.
“You’re welcome! What about you two? I’m assuming you all are leaving together?” Mark directed his attention to Jeno and Renjun.
“No. I need to go to the store.” Jeno cut Renjun off to his dismay. You noticed how he darted his eyes towards Jeno, obviously bothered by that decision.
“You can’t just wait until tomorrow?” Renjun asked in a frustrated tone.
“No. Thanks for the dinner Mark.” Jeno lazily saluted Mark and stood up from his seat, already making his way to the front.
“Anytime! What about you?”
“I have about a 10-minute walk to the station.” You said while gathering your belongings.
“Are you okay to travel alone?” You really didn’t mind. Seoul’s crime rate wasn’t a cause for concern.
“Yeah, I’m good! I actually like walking at night.” You made sure your voice sounded more confident so Mark wouldn’t get any ideas about escorting you home.
“Okay! Well, I appreciate you guys coming. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.”
Once you all made it to the front entrance, everyone collectively sighed. The wind was still just as angry as it was an hour ago.
You noticed that Mark, Jun, and Renjun had reached for their umbrellas that were in a caddy underneath a coat rack. Jeno must’ve already walked out.
One look at the weather app was all it took for you to curse under your breath: the forecast showed heavy rain within an hour. You were the only one not prepared.
“See you tomorrow at noon right?” Renjun nudged your arm as everyone exited to go their separate routes.
“Yep! See ya.”
You were shit out of luck thinking you could make it home before it rained. As soon as you got a far enough distance from the group, it began to pour.
If you hadn’t rushed getting out the door, you would’ve remembered to grab your umbrella out of your shoe closet.
This was the longest 10-minute walk of your life.
Although the neon lights from bars and restaurants reflected nicely off the pavement, you weren’t able to see much else around you. The heavy droplets hitting your eyelids felt too much like hail.
Jeno had managed to go to a nearby convenience store to grab a pack of condoms. For some reason that couldn’t wait until tomorrow like Renjun suggested but he figured since he was already dressed nicely, he might as well visit a new girl he began talking to just yesterday.
He managed to get her number within 3 minutes at the grocery store yesterday. Easy.
However, it wasn’t easy planning the hookup. She seemed indecisive, which was why he looked so irritated at the dinner. When he offered to show up, she brought up an excuse.
[grocery store girl #3]: well, i have a roommate
[jeno]: and? we can try to be quiet
[grocery store girl #3]: plus, my roommate has a large dog, wouldn’t that be an issue
[jeno]: no. do you want me to come over or not? why not my place?
[grocery store girl #3]: no it’s raining. come to me instead
[jeno]: i’m gonna stop by the store and then i’ll be there in 10
She was hot, but she was being difficult. At this rate with the weather, he might as well give up. But he was lucky to snatch her that day. He’d gone a month without sex. That was considered taboo.
She conveniently lived in Gangnam to which he automatically assumed she was part of the higher class demographic. Luckily, he brought along an umbrella so he could still scan the GPS on his phone. The “Maps” told him to cross the street at the next light as her apartment was situated on the left side of Apgujeong road.
The streets were still roaring with cars and people skipping along with their umbrellas. Once in a while a passerby would look up and stare at Jeno; how his long legs looked in his black skinny jeans, how he walked with such determination.
Jeno had to stop himself from freezing in the middle of the crosswalk. There in the distance on the left side, he saw you.
No umbrella, no coat…rushing to get home.
What a fucking idiot…
The forecast clearly showed a rainstorm that would last all night.
He thought of leaving you there to get drenched in the rain. Not like you would be able to see him walk past you anyways. After all, he had a girl waiting for him.
A scream erupted from your throat from feeling a tug on your shoulder. Without even seeing who touched you, you swung your arms in a feeble attempt to defend yourself.
“Hey, chill out! It’s me!”
The voice came from Jeno?
“You scared me! Say something next time!”
Once you were able to contain yourself, you saw him. Of course, he had an umbrella and you didn’t.
“I did! You couldn’t hear me.” He spoke loudly to combat the raindrops that sounded too much like firework poppers.
“Oh. Sorry. Well what do you want?”
You made sure to sound annoyed. You saw how he looked at the dinner and the last thing you needed was his bad juju to engulf your already crappy night.
“Do you want me to walk you home?”
Your body tensed up. This proposition seemed unheard of coming out of his mouth.
“Y’know what. Forget it.”
He began to stomp along the pavement, leaving you as a statue amongst the storm.
“No! Wait! Yes, you can.”
He stopped and turned slowly, with one hand in his pocket and his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. He kept his head down as he stepped up to you.
He outstretched his arm, giving up his umbrella without another word; getting drenched in the process.
“We can share. Don’t do that.” You wrapped your hand around his wrist that was holding onto the umbrella. His brow furrowed at the skin contact, but you figured it was from your cold, wet hand.
You stepped under the umbrella and the two of you began walking to the nearest subway terminal.
“Do I need to give directions or are you familiar with how to get to Hongdae from here?”
“No, I’m familiar. Can we just take a taxi? It’s gonna take fucking forever if we take the train.”
Since he had control over the umbrella, you both stopped in the middle of the sidewalk as he looked down at you, waiting for your answer. This was only the second time that the two of you held eye contact for this long. You remember the last time being a complete heart-stopper. The way his black eyes scanned your face waiting for a response made your lips quiver. You could just mentally blame it on the temperature outside.
“Yeah, le-let’s take a taxi. I’ll call one.”
“Have them come to this bar over here.”
Jeno pointed over to the nearby bar still teeming with customers. It was better to sit in there than on the wet ledges outside. The two of you continued to stand in the middle of the sidewalk, splitting the wave of oncoming pedestrians while you called.
“They said they’ll be here in 15-minutes.”
Jeno led the way to the bar, shaking his umbrella free of the excess rain once you all made it to the front entrance.
This all felt so strange. You still had a ways to go until you got home, yet here you were, with Jeno. There was no way he would go the entire distance. He would surely give up if this taxi took longer than 15 minutes to show up.
“Are you okay?” You asked while the two of you sat at the bar. It was crowded but you didn’t have to talk too loud for him to hear you.
“Why do you ask? Are you upset that I’ve directed my attention to someone else other than you?”
He totally misinterpreted your question.
Why did you even bother asking?
“Who’s someone else?”
“C’mon, you can’t tell that you’ve dragged this on for too long.”
“I never tried to lead you on. You’re just delusional.” If it was true that he was done aggravating you, then why did he have to announce that? Why was that so important?
“Why were you being disrespectful during the dinner? Being on your phone instead of being a part of the conversation?”
“Don’t ask me questions. It’s none of your business. Plus the last time you asked me something, I made you light headed. So I suggest you tread lightly.”
“I can handle you just fine…” Jeno knew you couldn’t. The lies you told only fueled his ego. If he had it his way, you wouldn’t be able to come into work for a week.
You swallowed that familiar lump in your throat when you saw him shake his head and smirk.
Tonight would only get worse from here.
The rest of the time spent at the bar and the cab ride was mostly quiet. You got plenty of looks from strangers. It made you wonder if they thought you and Jeno were dating. You felt off-color for even thinking such a thing. Jeno did fit the model archetype. It was only right for him to be with someone of the same standard. Hell, he looked like he belonged in Gangnam, as opposed to you.
The taxi was definitely the smarter option, a huge 20-minute difference. You were more than ready to get home, shower, and set your clothes up to dry in the bathroom.
“My apartment is just up here.” You pointed up to your home that was situated on a hill. Jeno didn’t respond, only following behind this time as you led the way to the lobby and then up the elevator to the 5th floor.
You felt a sense of impending doom. The amount of awkwardness that would flood your entire front porch once it was time for him to leave would no doubt drown you. It didn’t feel right to say “goodbye” or “see you later.” Not even a “thank you” seemed appropriate.
You didn’t know how far he lived from here but you figured he would curse at you in his head for having to walk you home, just because you didn’t bring an umbrella. For him to go the entire trip, meant something to you. He could’ve just left you once you got in the taxi. And he definitely could’ve left you in the lobby.
Come to think of it, why was he going up the elevator with you?
There was no way he was “gentleman” enough to walk you all the way to your front door too?
The “ding” of the elevator reaching the 5th floor snapped you out of your raging thoughts. You walked out, he followed.
You had your key ready in hand to open the door to your place. You made it home…finally. There was no amount of confidence you could dig up to face him and say thank you, so you chose to look down at his chest instead.
“Thanks for walking me home.” Your voice trembled again. This happened every time the two of you were alone; it was getting old now.
“You suck at eye contact, you know that right?” Jeno blurted out, completely disregarding your gratitude.
You froze.
“Why is that huh?”
You tried to ignore the rasp in his voice that undoubtedly made your hands sweat.
He took one step forward. You stood in place.
“I don’t know why I can’t stop thinking about you. It pisses me off actually.” He whispered.
He took another step forward. This time, his eyes peering at your parted lips, your chest touching his.
The moment you decided to look up at him, he backed you against your door. His arms were on either side of your head. This felt all too familiar.
To an outsider, it would seem that you were readying your clenched fist for a punch. But you were trying your hardest not to kiss him.
The man that always gave you hell.
“What is there to think about?”
You challenged his words.
You didn’t expect Jeno to answer so quickly. On the contrary, the world was still in slow motion as he lowered his head to your level, leaning in further.
“I could corrupt you…and you would thank me for it.”
Your hand clenched your key card so hard that it felt like it was leaving permanent indentations in your palms. Your stomach felt like it dropped to the floor. Jeno’s eyelids fluttered close, covering his pitch black irises.
His pride would be the death of him.
The only action that seemed right in this tortuous game of fight or flight was flight.
Your head turned at just the right moment before his lips made contact with yours, his nose grazing your cheek in the process.
There wasn’t an explanation for why you denied the kiss. Judging by the way he sighed, you figured he was forever done with you.
He stepped back, swiping his thumb along his nose.
You told yourself that you wouldn’t collapse like last time. You would hold your ground and leave him be.
He walked away, like it was nothing. Like you were nothing.
In a daze, you used your key card to unlock your door. There was still a bit of determination left in you to freshen up after being drenched in rain for the past hour.
If you only knew that Jeno would never let you go now.
He’d never been rejected before.
A part of him knew that you would turn your head away from him, but seeing it in real time confirmed that you were different.
This was the first time he ever held his head down in shame. Maybe he did when he was younger but of course he couldn’t recall that.
He felt lost. He needed to gain that control over you again. There just wasn’t another window of opportunity he could imagine besides right now.
By the time Jeno made it outside, there was something inside him that told him to go back up and knock on your door. He twirled his folded umbrella at his hip, opting to let the raindrops cover his body and drown his desertion.
With a quick turn of his heel, he power walked back into the lobby and towards the elevator.
It felt nice to finally sit down in your living room. You felt mentally exhausted from tonight's events but you managed to pull enough energy to set your wet clothes up in the bathroom, dry off your body, brush your teeth and put on pajamas.
The rain had finally calmed down but it was still pleasing to see how the last remaining drops fell down the patio door behind your couch.
Your mind was trying hardest not to linger back to Jeno’s attempt at kissing you. There wouldn’t be another chance like that again. But a part of you wondered why you were regretting letting him walk away.
“I don’t know why I can’t stop thinking about you. It pisses me off actually.”
He couldn’t have meant that. It wasn’t plausible. Time and time again he would entertain why you were so uninteresting, so average, so simple.
While scrolling through the streaming service to select a movie, you jumped from hearing two knocks at your door. Luckily, your electric diffuser wasn’t loud enough to drown it out.
You were light on your feet approaching the door, making sure to check through the peephole.
It was Jeno.
The dead giveaway was his suede jacket, but by the looks of it, he looked completely soaked.
He had an umbrella so why wasn’t he using it?
It didn’t take much deliberation in your head on whether or not to open your front door.
Jeno’s head rose from looking at the floor, his slicked back bangs not holding steady anymore due to the rain. The leftover drops on his plump lips caused you to pause mid-swing from opening the door. His umbrella was hung low at his side with the loop handle intertwined in his left hand.
It didn’t seem like he was ready to talk, despite his eyes staring deep into yours.
“Why did you come back?” Your eyes scanned for an answer, but there was only deafening silence. The pause after you spoke seemed to last a few minutes.
You briefly turned to push more of your door open so it wouldn’t close behind you.
Your steps felt way too calculated for what you wanted to do; everything else way too sporadic.
Stepping up to him for once in your life wasn’t as debilitating as you thought it would be. The courage you managed to bring forth, empowered you enough to stand meters away from him.
Jeno didn’t falter. He didn’t step back or curl away. His eyes followed your every move, finally settling at your lips again.
The drop of his umbrella was the last thing you could recall before connecting your lips to his.
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colossal-red · 7 months
Crafty Fox
TW: A smidgen of fear, overall tame I believe
WC: 670-ish maybe
Day #1
Date: November 16th
Charlie told me before leaving the last house that making something called a ‘Journal’ might be a good distraction for me as I move onto my next house… personally I don’t see the appeal but I don’t have much else to do in between staying alive. He gave me this leather-bound book that had some pretty good craftsmanship, never would have expected that of the joker.
Anyway... today was a new day, for a new start.
After a treacherous journey of stowing away in a human car, as they call it, I eventually found myself in a new house… it seems simple enough, one bedroom, kitchen, living room, two bathrooms, and an attic that didn’t seem very lived in… perhaps this human had moved in recently, it doesn’t matter to me…
I need to be careful this time… if I’m seen I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it too a new home. I’ve been working on something that might allow me to traverse the house with ease… but that’s a pretty big might hehe…
I’d stick around and write more, imaginary audience… but I really need to get a layout of the house.
Til later, I guess.
Shit shit shit shit.
The human came back suddenly, they’d left the house earlier presumably to do some shopping and now they’re here… I’ve huddled down in a cabinet… but I haven’t a clue how long this hiding spot will last…
He seems to be busy thankfully… not checking this cabinet… sadly there wasn’t anything good in this place. Only a strangely sugary cube thing… it’s soft and squishy, maybe it’d make a good pillow of some kind… if it doesn’t get too sticky…
Fuck it got a sticky mess in my fur, great.
Update once I think it’s safe.
Alright I’ve settled down again.
I’m back in the attic, these vents are surprisingly easy to navigate through… I’ve found myself a nice cardboard box I could set up in, and have taken the sticky cube back up… I’ve seen a few of these before but they’re hard to get, they don’t exactly get left out.
Anyway, the kitchen… it’s a basic kitchen, a fridge set up next to three counters with an Island in the middle; Not to mention the microwave resting on the counter farthest from the fridge and the stove beside that on the other wall.
Below I’ll draw a picture for… myself, jeez you’d think I was going crazy with thinking anyone other than myself would read this.
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Tomorrow I’m going to check out the humans bedroom… I don’t think I’ll be spending that much time there but it’s still important. Maybe I can borrow some of the fabric from that sweater of his to make a blanket… I get the feeling this winter is going to be cold as fuck.
Besides with how bright that yellow is he kinda deserves to get a hole in it y’know?
It’s hard to keep my eyes open… so I’m going to end this off with a checklist for tomorrow, good night Fundy.
P.S. oddly comforting to read my own name being spoken good night too… anyway.
Authors Note: Andddd Cut!
Heya everyone!
Colossal-Red here, it’s… been a while to say the least XD
I’m sorry for having been on hiatus recently, and I know y’all have probably been wanting new content for my au’s…
Sadly I still don’t have all that much time to write, I really really really wanted to write something though so I mustered up the time to write this short journal entry :3
However with the lil amount of time I might have to continue this series… I won’t be able to complete or continue any of the other au’s, such as SRBF, TinyHunt, Tubbee, The Mark, Etc…
I do hope to return to those au’s at some point… but as of now it’d be impossible.
So… I can only hope this post will satisfy y’all’s hunger for some of my writing if anyone missed me xd
Until tomorrow… maybe.
Also- @kayla-crazy-stuffs @poprockpanda @brick-a-doodle-do tell the rest of the family like Squishy as well cuz I can’t find their @ xd
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Taking an essay break, time to ramble a bit about dndads tma au ideas. I am not immune to putting the s2 teens into the plot of another fave media.
Starting off with the last post, Hermie was Spiral-bound but taken by the Stranger. Scam is the Spiral metaphorically only for the parallel of Hermie wanting to prove himself to his father by pulling off the ultimate scam, which here would be him attempting to merge with the Distortion, but before getting to Sannikov Land to complete the Spiral's ritual, he was taken by the Stranger. I’m thinking he was possibly marked by the Lonely at an early age and almost followed the path to serve that fear but found more appeal in the lies and deceit of the Spiral. And now he’s of neither lol.
Taylor would follow the path of Tim, with Hermie being his Danny, but Danny is also Sasha in the way we meet him before his time runs out. Basically Hermie has something of a role before he gets poofed instead of only ever mentioned like Danny since he’s already gone long before mag1.
I think Link would become an Avatar of the End. I’m not sure why or how this is just a gut reaction idea with no thought. No idea where he’d fit in with the archive crew, I don’t see him as a Sasha since that’s already taken by Hermie. Idk the AU plot is still plotting.
Scary is the Eye’s Special Little Girl. Marked by the Web and Willy is the Jonah to her Jon. no further notes, she’s the main character.
WHICH MEANS I WORMED MY WAY INTO A NORMSCARY AU MWAHAHA because Normal is so Lonely-coded. There’s also something to be said about the Corruption and how it can manifest as unhealthy love and companionship but maybe I’ll save that for Lark and Sparrow and turn their codependency up to 11. I just want to make everyone fun little monsters.
I don’t know if he’d play into the story at all but I put thought into Glenn. He might just be a statement only character. He’s absolutely been marked by the Buried; whether or not he gave in to that terror is a different story. Glenn may not have the s1 dads to lean on; may not even know them. As much as Freddie will avoid giving his characters big moments of weakness unless forced upon him (/lh), you think he wasn’t freaking the fuck out in the confinements of jail even a little bit? And then when he gets put in another cell in Heaven – and way smaller this time – there wasn’t even a little bit of panic? That he’d be trapped for another 18 years?
There were probably a few other fears at play because mag185 is so Glenn coded and the girl throwing rocks at Tina is Narcolas. If Glenn became an Avatar he might serve the Desolation based on his ‘path of revenge’ near the end of s1 and his duel with Terry Jr. in Hell – and maybe the Desolation also marked him before the Buried with all the loss in his life – but I don’t see him actually becoming an Avatar.
And I could see Terry Jr. as a Gerry equivalent but only in the way that he’s dead, stuck in a book, and used for a huge lore drop about the Fear Entities (mag111). And also in the way that he’s super goth.
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youabandonedthem · 2 years
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hey @ottiliere i ilke your dirk au i hope is ok that i put some of my headcanons into it. in my comic slick gets dragged to the psych ward so i thought a crossover where they meet would be awesome.  if you keep reading here is some of my speculation on what they could do together
 in this roommates scenario it is impossible for dirk to really ignore him like he can do with other patients. and if we say in a context where they're not both being tormented/put into comas by seroquel something very interesting can happen .
like even if dirk is rude and irritable and deliberately tries to get him to fuck off tihs is obviously not off putting to slick in the slightest. for multiple reasons. one because hes a rough mobster and thats him but mostly in this scenario he's like "ok fuck it im in the nuthouse for the time being and it's injustified and the people here are gonna be a little quirky but there is a chance they share my situation." the other patients are scared of/used to slick (they know who he is) so they pretty much ignore him if he tries to preach his truth or talk them up. or like i can see some entertaining his need to chat but just saying stuff like "sure Slick.." "yeah..." trying not to encourage his insane thoughts. so he eventually stops bothering/trusting them since they dont get it. the rest he has deemed too actually crazy for his company. e.g. he meets another schizophrenic individual and they have DIFFERENT "beliefs" or they have hallucinations so hes like get away from me psycho. (his diagnosis is FAKE!!!) hes caught on to the fact that the more he talks to the nurses the longer he has to stay. so hes so fucking bored and has had no one to REALLY talk to outside of occasional crew visits for a while now. so once dirk arrives he would take an extreme interest in both him and little cal and try to take him under his wing because hes pretty much just a kid who simply "did not draw the best cards" in slicks eyes. And i think while he's talking at dirk and sharing things such as the BULLSHIT reason hes there... random details about his life...a mutual interest could possibly begin once he learns that this completely schizo ass carapace bug man is a crimelord mafia boss. plus it possibly appeals to him that slick doesnt seem to mind his "mannerisms" . plus slick starts teaching him how to game the nurses so he can get out faster
they can possibly...sort of... bond over self harm although they do it for very different reasons. slick does not care about cutting his skin open to prove a point but essentially he thinks nothing of things like cutting any part of his body open using various tools just to achieve whatever goal he thinks it will solve. he doesnt like pain but doesnt flinch very hard . I think if he sees dirk having successfully found a way to cut his wrists in the room he would watch and htink "this kid is fucked" but not intervene or report besides probably asking him wtf hes doing the first time. if dirk gives him a rude or non - answer he just asks him how hes planning to hide it from the nurses. after that he accepts it and hes like ok sure. (addendum slick just angrily tells him to knock that shit off unless he wants to stay in crazy town for another month. he starts treating it like he treats droog smoking ...knocking the razorblade out of his hands etc. i am not sure at what point hed stop bothering. i think it is a matter that hed BEGIN bothering once he starts thinking dirk needs his help..perhaps in the first/second instance he did not intervene) BUT if he saw dirk slamminghis head on the wall he would be like heey the fuck? whoa whoa whoa thats your brain case kid are you trying to go retarded? he begins feeling responsible. (it is them vs the Nurses and Doctors in this sick sick building) also i think dirk would just do these things in the room once hes assessed that slick (at the bare minimum) wouldnt tell on him. this is after theyre all buddy buddy . Mostly i'm talking about slick's end as to present it with the knowledge i have and not make any DIRK ASSUMPTIONS !
theyowuld possibly even help each other try to escape they could even fucking succeed ...slick would fashion lethal weapons for both of them out of various shit he found/stole and dirk would take one although i dont think he would use it .slick would be showing him stabbing motions using his shank and dirk can teach him his dirk tricks . They would make it together and get to the outside world and never see each other ever again. this is really the circumstance of two completely unrelated characters put in the same cage and forced to work together. but i think it would work
dirk would really be the one trying to tolerate slick for a long time before he warms up to him a little if at all . slick is so fucking lonely that he doesnt care what the fuck dirk does plus hes way older so he has control of the dynamic really. maybe his crude earnesty appeals to dirk but hes also overly aware how insane and delusional slick is but they do form this alliance. i am also thinking they could have some "art" connection which would be honestly kind of cute and funny if dirk is drawing very IRONIC offputting work for a bit and if slick were to be present he would gesture to take his pen andthen casually draw huge boobs/COCK and/or a really shitty caricature of dirk onto the page with emphasis on his huge bleeding wrists and the glasses. I think this would be a defining moment that is literally only ever possible in this context ever . it is a testament to their trapped animal mentality.
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Hypothetical drawing by slick
basically it is like arranged marriage. theywouldnt even give each other the time of day or look at each other more than a few seconds if they were not roommates in crazy town. PLUS slick has been trying to be a good boy unlike dirk so maybe he has more privileges eg pointy objects so he could enable dirk to draw in the first place. or he steals the pen for him. also slick would be stealing dirk extra pudding cups from the cafeteria (he just grabs them off of other peoples trays) upon seeing how horrifically bony he is. hes like: kid youre scrawny as fuck. anyone feed you at home? and i dont think dirk would have any response to this question he would turn away and stop talking to slick.
the topic of interest: their viewpoints of each other and what their relationship could actually be...defined as. there is much to consider here. if this narrative had one ultimate point to display i think that it would be the nature of transient relationships. and this showcases a lot the disparity of their different perspectives. (below) 
>slick's pov. obviously he knows the ways of this world and a good idea of the relations he has and wants to keep unlike dirk. he has nothing hed label as a"friendship" but he has deep connections. let's say his age range translated to human terms is mid - late 30s not for official purposes but like experience/maturity(?) wise. (i debated whether he could be entering his 40s but slick is not that mature really... 40s is like settling down wife n kids. at least this works for this specific instance) obvy he is still a triple digits age chitinous bug creature. ANYWAY... at first dirk is just some kid whos providing him entertainment in this dull schizo jail. but he realises they can help each other out here. (the event that prompts this is probably when dirk tries to fight security and gets bootyjuiced) it's reminiscent of the karkat alliance ...they have a common goal which is gettingthe fuck out without any setbacks. slick possibly had an escape plan (serpentine like his heists) in the midst of hatching prior to dirks arrival but you see he has a 'crew' mentality. the only plan he came up with is missing a vital second person to help carry it out. (or he had a really shitass solo plan with a small chance of working out that he was going to try if he got DESPERATE. the key thing is he wouldn't want to do anything he thinks wouldnt work because again he specialises in heists which NEED to go well with everything accounted for. but he was honestly on the verge of trying it...until dirk came along and changed his life)
but like hes still not exactly 'using' dirk he does connect and see value in him as a companion due to all the aforementioned scenarios and this is why he chooses him as the worthy candidate for his PLAN. this is what causes him to feel that 'responsibility' for him i would think. not through any kind of paternal instinct but the same obligation that caused him to try to comfort karkat that one time when he was crying (and then start slapping the shit out of him). i mean i dont want to call it paternal...but he realises that he is THE adult in this situation and the only one 'in charge' of this kid in a way. also hes uncomfortable with displays of emotion/mental illness so if his most basic awkward attempt to fix it doesn't work he just starts using force (as displayed in the karkat example). this would encapsulate his reaction towards dirk self harming. ok the point is he sees it like this: they are together to help each other. and then it's a done deal. then they'll both fuck off to their 'normal lives' he figures. if he ever saw him agian of course hed be like oh its that kid. fuck was his name...Dick? but that's really it for slick. nothing deeper. now DIRK ON THE OTHER HAND... 
>DIRK MODE. it is not really that he 'hates' people and people hate him there is more like an absence of meaningful connection. or connection altogether. his friend is a doll . if this is the first time in 20ish years anyone has actually shown they respect him as an equal this encounter is going to impact him for the rest of his life. and not only would he likely use slicks treatment of him as his baseline for future possible relations but he would also become sort of obsessed with him after this whole thing is done.he has literally no one else. like maybe he doesnt even realise it at first until theyve parted ways and he goes back to wherever he lives and hejust sits there with little cal and little cal does not talk back to him. and it hits him. it's like the dark gritty version of the hero's journey..he went to the other world and was given a tool towards realisation. and now hes just back in his shit reality . but it is important that obviously this singular encounter cannot undo anything he learned over 20+ years. but he got a taste of something novel that he thought only existed for other people.(?) or was played up for fiction even . but it was real. he knows slick was crazy and did awful heinous crimes for fun. but he was nice(?) to him and helped him and wanted to be around him . there is really nothing that will be able to change his mind about this.
hegoes through life that is identical to what he had before the psych ward and whoever he encounters treats him the same uncaring way as they did before (or potentially worse/with more pity or judgment if theyre aware of his stay) and this time he thinks about how slick didnt judge him for anything and actually cared about him . he did not stare at his arms with fear/pity like other ppl do. everything what slick did for him gets played up in his mind. the brand of pudding he stole for him sticks out at the store. he sees unabashed schizo shit online and it reminds him of slicks occasional rants. he sees criminal activity reported in the paper and wonders if it was slick's crew (he mentioned the existence of his crew...Or imagine if it was visiting time and slick brought dirk along to meet them at one point...this cna be expanded on) 
i feel like this may help lead him into a dangerous situation in the future depending on how it develops. ok another important factor is slick's age relative to him. dirk possibly hypothesises that slick is around the age of mister dave.(this can mean something if you want it to) PLUS any other actual adults who were in his life (teachers..dave...anyone else) just treat him completely like a child. this could result in something interesting..the way that slick regarded him as an equal (at least in dirks perception) and was way older. i think whatever he takes away from this will fuck him over.
additionally i think it is possible he couldget desperate again for what the psych ward symbolised for him and he pulls a supremely bad suicide attempt that is guaranteed to fail for literal attention. he gets warded again but of course slick isnt there and hes just alone there like in original dirk psychward context. except this time he completely feels the emptiness. and hhis radical attempt try to attain it again just didnt work.
but i also think a second chance encounter years after this incident would truly highlight the differences in their mentalities . based on my dirk knowledge  i think he would not try to show any feelings and regard slick very casually even though his mind would be on the verge of collapse . a lot would depend on the span of time and what happened in between ofcourse and if he was given the opportunity to meet...anyone else... or develop any more social skills at all. additionally i think what your expertise would know the answer to is if he would try to seek out slick deliberately and to what degree. also if the second meeting happened and it was shitty i think hed just go kill himself. like hed buy a gun so it would work this time. it is also up to your discretion how dirk thinks slick remembers him in a direct selfaware comparison to how he regards slick. maybe he would be realistic/self deprecating about it i mean it would make sense because nobody else truly values him and he probably figures that this extends to even his psych ward saviour.
So ya idk just some thoughts let me know wat you think
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