#but I blocked both accounts
blubun0309 · 9 months
(TW: disscusion of tc*st/s*x implied in tags I'm literally so sorry 😭)
I used to think the internet was safe. I had heard stories, but nothing had happened to me and I thought I was safe...
So I just ran into 2 Leo and Donnie ship accounts on X previously Twitter and I want to die 😭😭😭
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yanguazalie · 3 months
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I dedicate this cool-down drawing to donut bagels, Uglydolls, and especially Wang Chung! :D
Evidently these two have had a hold on me the past few posts lol
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anon-402 · 5 months
While my Pissa art (and some fics) of mine can be read as queerplatonic, my rambles include more of a romantic reading. So if you're uncomfortable with it, I guess this is your call to block me lol.
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b1tstar · 4 months
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BURNOUT SUUUUUUUUUUUCKSalso haaiiiiiiiiii 2 of my fav idv skins as THEM!!!
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the-catboy-minyan · 4 months
I'm a NON-ZIONIST, I hate both Zionists and Antizionists!! they both are really hateful and bad and spread misinformation!
my problem with zionists is they say *insert a genuine issue Zionists are talking about but phrased like it's a non-issue they're bitching about* and *something a genuine self-identified zionist would never say unless they were a troll* and avoid talking about *insert things about the i/p conflict none of them have any obligation to talk about*
my problem with Antizionists is they say *insert the most wild antisemitic accusations phrased to sound like it's rare for them to say it* and *actual blood libel but against """IOF soldiers"""* and refuse to talk about * insert anything positive regarding Israel's existence or its residents outside of them being a """terrorist""" state*
both sides are bad!!! all of you are evil!!! I'm the only normal person here smh my head 😔
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gurorori · 4 months
haha oh no im definitely not at all disturbed by the prevalence of leftists on all platforms who are loudly 'anti-genocide' when it comes to the palestinian cause (and a couple others at best :3c) yet the only time ukraine [ʊkrɐˈjinɐ] leaves their mouths is in critique, in stark comparison to the former or in complaint about their (american) government sending aid.
at first what i saw often was pointing out the differences in western media framing [ukraine vs palestine], and that's fair (until the words and the agenda of western journalists are used to paint, as a whole, ukrainians who have been actively going through genocide as some kind of white supremacists hogging the blanket of global attention when they kinda just want to live and have the rights to their own land, culture, names and families)
but no one is even caring to do that anymore, today bitches just invent metaphorical scenarios and people to get mad at and to throw an entire ethnos away because wahhhh i decided that you care for X but not for Y!!!.... all while doing the exact thing they are condemning. the exact absolute same and they don't even hide it but do lack the self-awareness to realise
#'ohh i saw white people still go out to rally for ukraine' yeah have you considered they are ukrainian or have ukrainian loved ones or uh#simply have humanity in their heart to care about several humanitarian tragedies in the world?#this is both aimed at a post i saw on here and at SEVERAL. MANY. twitterians with a thousand palestine flags all over their accounts spewing#misinformation hate and sometimes straight up russian propaganda tactics because they're this fucking insane#i don't care about sounding nice anymore by the way. i know my heart lies in the right place and i have the capacity to care about more than#one ongoing genocide of indigenous peoples#removed incidents of bad actors having a ukrainian flag on their backpack doing hateful shit does not somehow okay dismissing a genocide you#so vehemently claim to oppose. they are not ukrainians who are getting bombed on the daily for years#i saw a very lovely 🍉🕊️ lady denying holodomor and using literal russian talking points while patting herself on the back for being such#a good person. i saw one of the most popular leftie accs on twitter be actively anti-ukraine and using slurs. luckily we mass reported them#and they're gone#i'm no longer being careful with my words because i don't want to be misconstrued. i know my values go beyond twitter and tumblr#if i catch you in any way undermining the genocide of ukrainians or only bringing it up to point fingers and bitch i am blocking you forever#don't care how far this post might go cuz of ppls questionable use of the search function. and i didn't care to censor anything#like. masks off. just block me if this is your rhetoric
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grinchwrapsupreme · 3 months
being super normal about White calling Billy "a dreamer"after the events of Maybe No Go
#truly alarming amount of tags on this post don't click read more fr#the venture bros#pete white#bily quizboy#billy whalen#idk man the way they balance each other is really interesting#the things they agree on and disagree on are almost arbitrary#'you can't put mouthwash in a cookie' 'trust me' vs 'we should spend 10 mil on a motorcycle instead of housing' 'that's such a cool idea'#billy trying to pep white up about the ball#'this was your dream too' like come on dude when have pete's dreams ever worked out#when have yours#'what are we gonna do now billy?' 'we'll cross that bridge when we come to it'#baby the bridge has never been more present#ALSO white calling billy the dreamer when HE'S the one who pushes so hard for things#billy has dreams that might not be realistic but they give him hope and he works around the way the world works to make things happen#like being a self-taught surgeon and believing in a magic ball#pete has dreams IN SPITE of what is realistic and he will mold reality to be what he wants in order to make it happen#like fixing the quizshow and pretty much everything that happened in invisible hand of fate#and they both have disabilities that affect them in vastly different ways and impact their relationship with realistic goals#like billy's hydrocephalus being presented to the audience as mostly a social issue for him and the hand and eye being marks of trauma#rather than like an actual block for him beyond needing to tune the hand up every now and then#vs white's albinism making him physically unable to be in direct sunlight and making him actively fearful of doing certain things and#being certain places#to be clear i know the actual effects of hydrocephalus as well as the hand and eye but this is based on how the show presents it#like billy took these things about himself into account and went ok these are part of my reality and i will work with them#and pete took his reality and went ok i will cover it up with fake tan and wigs or sunscreen and hats and make reality what i want it to be#and that's what makes them a good team!! that's why they science together well#it's also why they argue so much#accepting reality and playing within its constraints vs hating reality and changing it to suit you#these are the hallmarks of scientific progress
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idsb · 1 month
y'all wanna hear the most insane thing EVER. do you remember the crazy person who last week was threatening to get my entire Etsy shop taken down to "do right by Taylor" after they actually did steal from me and had their Etsy perma-banned as a consequence? and felt I had to sort-of play nice and offer to get their account re-instated if they stopped stealing from me, so that I didn't have to deal with literally suing them if they got my whole shop deleted for lying about copyright? yeah well! I got their account back up and you know what they fucking said to me!!!
"I really appreciate your assistance on this. I'm very good with using Etsy, so if you'd like to hire someone to manage your shop I have good rates"
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 8 months
I’m sorry but you can’t cry “human rights violation!!!!” when you are actively carrying out a campaign of genocide.
#sorry but it doesn’t work like that!#you can’t decry humans rights violations of a group that doesn’t even represent a majority of innocent people (by the way)…#…if you are actively carrying out a genocide under the thinly veiled guise of going after that group#Genocide which is y’know one of the greatest violations of human rights since it seeks to completely eradicate one group of people.#like there are innocent people being caught in the crosshairs on both sides#not everyone living in Israel or who is Jewish supports the Israel government’s bombings of Gaza#not every Palestinian supports Hamas or condones their brutal attacks on innocent civilians#but to try and conflate the actions of a militant group to represent the thinking of all of the citizens and be an excuse to destroy them…#…isn’t right and deserves to be held accountable#also stop acting like there is not a massive power imbalance present#Israel has the Iron Dome and their own military forces and funding from the U.S.#Hamas has missels and stock piled resources from funding from Iran#Israel controls the food water fuel and medicine access to those that have been forced to live in Gaza#they are not in any way shape or form on equal footing which doesn’t make this a ‘war’#I can’t wrap my head around the fact that one of the groups persecuted in one of the most horrifying genocides is currently conducting…#…a genocide on another group of people#the rhetoric of gov’t officials from Israel dehumanizing innocent civilians points to the fact that this isn’t about retribution#but to conduct a genocide#if you don’t think that the current actions of the Israeli government aren’t wrong and are supporting it you can unfollow and block me!#like it’s not black and white but the actions that are currently happening are not acceptable
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dirtytransmasc · 10 months
Are yyou team green or black? And why?
team green, though I'm not in support of every green character (namely Otto though my opinion of him is complicated. I also have opinions on Aegon and his characterization that makes it even more complicated)
[I have only read bits and pieces of the book, so my opinion is based almost solely on the show. keep this in mind]
I'm team green for 3 big reasons. they're more complex, thought not perfect by any means, more morally "right", and are simply more my vibe when it comes to characters. now this is very simplified and not at all nuanced, so stick with me for a minute.
Firstly, they're more complex. the greens have very deep, detailed, and nuanced lives and stories that lead to them being very complex characters that can't be put into a box. Alicent was a child bride who had lost her mother young became a mother young and suffered at the hands of power and men all her life. her children were affected by this and the world they were forced to grow up in throughout their lives. even individually her kids are drastically different; aegon the child who was forced into a life he did not want and suffered due to his father neglect and mother pain. Helaena who was never understood and grew up treated like an oddity. Aemond who was never seen to his full potential, always ignored or looked over, angry throughout his life. each of them has strengths and weaknesses, flaws and benefits, they're imperfect but never completely horrid. they're also never simplified (not entirely, even when the plot and writers seek to simplify them) to the point that they put on a moral pedestal or made straight evil (i'd even argue that the attempts of the writer to oversimplify them as evil and in the wrong makes them 10x more fascinating). I find TB characters tended to miss the mark on that, always put in the moral light, not even allowed a moment to reflect on their actions, lives, or positions in any nuanced or meaningful way, so they always just feel dull. they're also out on a moral highground that they can never be budged from, which makes them harder to like and honestly, really boring. they get away with everything instead of being emotionally and morally nuanced.
secondly, they're more morally "right". I will never say that any of the greens are perfect, they are far from it (with the exception of Helaena and her kids, who have done literally nothing to anyone, but I digress). what I will say, 9/10 times there is some level of reasoning that has some level of reasoning. Alicent always tries to do whats best for everyone, all throughout the series she tried to do best by the court, the king, her children, the realm, and Rhaenyra. did she always succeed? no, but she always tried and her mistakes were almost always honest. I will say she held resentment towards Rhaenya, but honestly, I can't blame her. Rhaenyra's lies and behavior hurt Alicent over and over again so for her to be angry is expected.when it came to succession, Alicent backed Rhaenyra until it was made clear she and Daemon would be a threat to her children's lives and even than she held mercy for Rhaenyra. Aegon's drinking can be blamed on the abuse and neglect he suffered at Viserys, Otto, and Alicent's (though the abuse and neglect from his mother is insanely different and nuanced. she perpetuated her pain onto him because she couldn't heal herself. so I hesitate to call it abuse, cause its so much more complicated than that) hands. though nothing will justify his rape of Dyana, I personally think it was a bad add in on the writers part, and leave it at that. Aemonds rage after years of being ignored doesn't entirely justify what he did to luke, but he had reason for his cruelty after years of Luke (and jace tbh) being cruel just because they could. TB characters tend to do terrible things in response to either A. nothing B. their own terrible things. Daemon kills who he wants when he feels like it, even for stating facts. Rhaneyra will lie and hurt those around her to protect her bastard children. both of them conspire to protect themselves and allow themselves to be wed, really just cause. while there are times they have their reasons, its a lot less of the time, and typically the backing to their actions, is they were trying to unbury themselves from within their own graves. (to preface, I don't care about rhaenyra sleeping around, it doesn't bother me, but its the fact that she will hurt everyone around her to protect her lies, allowing a child to be maimed and people to be murdered)
thirdly, they're my vibe. I like morally complex character, who are, to be frank, pathetic. I like characters with complex trauma's and issues, who aren't perfect people but its not entirely their fault. I would much rather watch a whole show about alicent, a child bride who tries so hard to be a good wife, queen, and mother while not prepared for any such role. Aegon who is a boy with severe mommy and daddy issues, a drinking problem, a flawed past, and constantly wet eyes. Helaena an ignored girl who has suffered for no better reason then her family. and Aemond, a boy who was tormented, bullied, maimed, and made stronger by it at the cost of his compassion and emotional stability - over a nepo baby who was coddled by her father, her murderous husband with a knack for unneeded violence, and her similarly coddled children (the show boiled them down to this, in my opinion). one is simply more up my alley than the other. I want character that need to be dissected, who have suffered, who hurt me to look at.
also, team black created almost all of their own problems. seeing as the main source of contention had to do with Rhaenyra's kids being bastards, which was Rhaenyra's problem, which she caused, and kept digging and digging that grave (faking Laenors death just so she could marry daemon, turning the blame on aemond when luke maimed him furthering the divide amongst the house, trying to wed Helaena to Jace putting her in danger, trying to take the driftmark throne and killing Vaemond for a claim her sons did not have, etc,) till viserys's death, earns her a lot less pity from me. at the end of the day, her being a woman was only a needle in a haystack worth of problems she caused herself that hurt her claim. if she had just strived to create to connection with ancient and her kids, and didn't make herself look like a threat to everyone who lessened her claim (which alicents kids would be the first people to be taken out) alicent would have backed like she had all season and there would have been no war, maybe conflict, but no war.
theres also the effect of the fans on my opinion. I have faced more cruelty, terrible media analysis, and outright ableism/misogny/(blood and sexual based) purist ideology/etc. from the TB fans then I have ever witness by TG fans. TB fans have ruined almost all of the TB characters for me in more ways than I can count, so I will say I am very biased.
thats why I'm team green. as a whole they are simply more appealing, their stories are more interesting, demand more attention to detail and emotional understanding, and from my point of view were the "right" side to be on in the war (the war was wrong on both sides, but my chips lie in the favour of the greens).
#THESE ARE ALL MY OPINIONS IF YOU DONT LIKE IT IGNORE THIS POST. MY ACCOUNT. MY EXISTENCE AS A WHOLE.#BETTER YET. IF YOU REALLY DONT LIKE MY OPINION. BLOCK ME.#I dont want drama. so dont bother me if you disagree#and to clarify discourse and conversation (even if we disagree) =/= arguing. name calling. harassment#if you can be constructive and respectful even while disagreeing your fine to stay#(the fact I have to clarify this in this fandom is embarrassing...)#defintly could have gone more in depth and better explained some things#but I'm tired and know if I don't answer this now I won't ever cause I'm a chronic procrastinator#so this is the best y'all are getting#the pity I have for all of them compared to any of the TB fans is honest to god my entire reasoning#but so many people don't understand them at all so I can't just say that#and I say this as someone who on my first watch was swayed by the intentional moral framing to hate the Greens and support the Blacks#with my whole chest. but I've grown and reflected and rewatched the show and realized I was wrong.#so I've been on both sides of the argument#I know what I'm taking about#pro team green#pro alicent hightower#I'm damn near anti TB/Rhaenyra#but I say lukewarm feelings on them to be more accurate#alicent hightower#aegon ii targaryen#aegon targaryen#aemond targaryen#helaena targaryen#rhaenyra targaryen#daemon targeryan#luke velaryon#jace velaryon#not tagging TB I like my life and sanity#they're so mean all the time and in the last week I've been harassed by them multiple times
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vrains-rewrite · 5 months
Me after watching 13/120 episodes of a show: hm, I think this entire thing needs a rehaul!
and 2 out of 3 are watching the dub? Really? There's no consistency to be found by "nostalgia" alone at this rate considering that.
I want to hope you are trolling people on purpose and this is a social experiment of some kind. Please be trolling
Hi, I am actually currently going through a rewatch of it and taking notes episode by episode. I have advised the other two to watch/rewatch the show for this, though quite frankly, they have their own specific areas of expertise, and don’t really want too much involvement outside of that.
Void is only here to help me write aspects of the worldbuilding that relate to technology, and to help me use the right terminology, because she is studying computer science at college (and. there’s many hackers in the show). Utopia is only here to help me write duels, because she plays yugioh competitively at our local cards store and frankly is the best duellist I’ve ever met. We had intended to explain this today actually in the intros (I was just waiting to speak to Utopia’s about hers before posting it).
I am in control of the majority of the plot and character depiction and arcs, but I want to credit my friends because I could not do this without them. I understand I’ll struggle to do the lore aspects mostly by myself, which is why I said I’d be open to other writers joining, with the permission of my friends.
I am an english & psychology major. Yugioh has been my special interest for much of my life, and, although I’ve used a different name and different blog because I don’t want my prior works to be associated with this, I’ve written fanfiction for this fandom before, with little to no complaints. I am not trolling.
I find it fascinating that you assumed this project to be some sort of social experiment, before the first chapter is even released, before you’ve read any of it. I can only assure you, this is me and my friends having some fun, it may become more than that, but as of right now its just a plan. I’d say ‘don’t like dont read’ but there isn’t even a fic to read yet, you’ve sent anonymous hate over the mere concept of a fic you don’t think you’d like.
- Teal
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gremlingirlsmell · 4 months
the transmisogynist trolls are already trying to piggyback off-of the aita post:
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kittenadventurous · 1 year
If you follow me / interact with my stuff, you need to have your age (or at least an age range) in your bio/pinned! and if you post/reblog adult content, you also need to have 18+ or 'minors do not interact'!
If you don't meet these requirements, i will block you!
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dumpsterhipster · 1 year
I have so far avoided talking about this publicly because I don't care for airing drama, but today I was shown something that has crossed the line so hard that I can't keep ignoring this weird one-sided feud any longer.
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@elfinismsarts, you need to stop.
It's really weird that literally a year and a half after we last interacted you're still holding onto this bizarre idea that every comment or anon you don't like comes from me/my friends, and that I'm spearheading some kind of targeted harassment campaign against you. It's sad that I know you won't believe me when I say I'm not and never have, and that nearly a full year on from your callout post about me, I have much, much better ways to spend my time and energy.
I'm in my thirties. I don't have 'enemies'. I honestly find it a bit embarrassing and juvenile that you do, and that based on your reddit account you're still posting literally every few days about these 'enemies' who--I repeat--haven't interacted with you since 2021.
Until now I was willing to just roll my eyes and ignore it. But I can't ignore that you apparently think it's completely fine and normal to track down my irl socials, identity, habits and family and then post about it publicly with thinly veiled allusions to what you could do with that information if you had malicious intent.
Grow up and go away; it's going to be incredibly sad to have to address this again in another eighteen months otherwise. And if you can't do that, my boyfriend says you could at least buy his album.
Evidence that OP of the screenshot is @/elfinismsarts under the cut.
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oleanderlvr · 4 months
i love blocking people so much. "Pro/comship/neutrals dni"+"Darkship/toxic selfshippers dni" BLOCKED. GET OFF MY DASH. GO AWAY. SHOO. SHOO. GET OUT. YOUR BORING. You post stuff im simply not interested with? BLOCKED. SKIDDADLE. GET OUTTA HERE. I block so freely its my favorite. I especially love audibly going "BLOCKED" and pressing the block Button like some goofy ass super villain
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I feel like everyone needs to fcking understand that Acotar is a mediocre FICTIONAL story!!
Just because people stan a specific FICTIONAL character (Tamlin or Rhysand or Eris or Nesta or Feyre) DOES NOT DEFINE THEM AS PEOPLE????
And critiquing FICTIONAL characters is NOT a direct attack on the Stans of that character!!
I personally have nothing against Rhysand Stans (contrary to the beliefs of anons in my inbox) I am perfectly aware that I do not stand on any moral high ground. Tamlin's character was ruined but he also abused Feyre, and he tried to make amends and that's about it I can accept that fact and still stan him AS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER. No one is excusing his behaviour. Why can't Rhysand Stans do the same?
Nothing makes abuse justified. Not the fact that Tamlin and Rhys wanted to protect Feyre or that Rhysie's abuse isn't acknowledged and recognised so Tamlin's won't either.
Also people need to understand: you cannot bully someone into submission and change their opinion on your favourite character.
U wanna hate Tamlin? Go right ahead! U wanna stan Rhys? No problem! U wanna stan Feyre the Queen of all Queens? As you should!
Stop trying to force ur opinions on others and calling them delusional for liking a FICTIONAL character!!
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