#but I definitely prefer Tumblr to a whole amount (bias)
fantasticalchaos · 9 months
So Twitter is down, guess that means there’s more time for Tumblr and some ideas I have in the drafts (the ones I made on a whim lol)
Also in case to any of my moots from twitter that found me here, hey 👋
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lunarrosette · 2 years
Survey Results Finally!!!
Ok! So before the whole breakdown I wanna address a couple biases and shit. So I posted this on tumblr and on a couple dndads discord servers I'm in, notably the patreon server, both of these almost definitely caused some bias in stats particularly in patreon subscription and most used social media to engage with. That said it could have been posted elsewhere (which I’m totally fine with and actively encourage the bigger and more diverse the sample is the better) but I only posted there because I wanted to minimize potential non-fans taking it and I don’t have a twitter. I also added the question of whether you have relistened and your race, ethnicity, and nationality later (as it was suggested and i thought it was a good addition) so the sample is not the full amount of people who took this survey and is smaller than other question therefore less conclusive of the dndads fanbase as a whole.
I got a total of 142 responses (and the survey is still open) so let break down all that
There were 65 questions in total, while I’m not going to break down every single one I will break down most of them
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Majority listen on spotify with patreon coming in a close second, the small individual answers are a mix of a combination of two or more platforms or platforms i forgot to add/didn’t know existed
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A little over half of the fandom is apart of the patreon but still remember that there is a bias in this question because of where i sent the survey
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Majority of the patreon is subscribed to the EX-L level (like me!!) with EX in a pretty close second (other is apart of EX because i forgot what is was call when I first made it)
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Ron comes in a very close 1st between him and henry for favorite season 1 dad
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Grant takes 1st in another pretty close one between him and terry for season 1 son and surprisingly Nick Foster actually got votes! (/j)
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Scam likely with quite the lead as a fan favorite NPC
Now favorite episode was one I had to track separately because I set it as a free response but her are the top 4 favorites:
In 4th with 13 votes Episode 42 Henry’s Father and the Chamber of Secrets In 3rd with 16 votes Episode 56 S.W.A.P. (SWitched Ass Papas) In 2nd with 17 votes Episode 44 Deck Picks In 1st with 23 votes Episode 61 Death of a Salesman
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Normal with fan favorite season 2 PC with almost half of the fandom
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Terry Jr (surprising to me I love him but ig it's the silent majority cause i never see much about him) is first place
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Very unsurprisingly hermie the unworthy for 1st place, bitches love this gay theatre kid but it is a little surprising the amount of a lead he has
Another one I had to by hand but the top 4 favorite season 2 episodes are
In 4th place with 5 votes, a 4 way tie between: Episode 22 Army of Tree, Episode 4 Barf Bum Movie Men, Episode 12 Scary Movie 2, and Episode 9 Debate Me Cowards
In 3rd place with 6 votes, Episode 5 Dance Dance Revelations (surprising to me as it’s not the part of the dance with Lark and Sparrow and Normal’s crisis)
In 2nd place with 8 votes, Episode 11 That thing? You Dude
Unsurprisingly in 1st place, the episode that I’ve heard some people say is one of the best episodes of Dungeons and Daddies, with 50 votes, Episode 23 Alright
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Ron takes overall favorite
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Hermie surpasses (one of) his father for favorite NPC
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Jodie wins as the guest PC, which kinda surprises me
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Oakworthy wins as the most popular ship, most of the thin slices are variations of “I don’t ship” and some less talked about ships
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The majority of fans don't have a preference between season 1 or 2
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At the Mountains of Dadness is the most popular piece of bonus content
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The majority of the fandom have relistened to the podcast
The subject of Jodie, almost everyone liked how Jimmy played him but the views on his character are a little different. Many poll takers said he grew on them and the majority of the fandom seems to feel neutral to positive to him. A lot of people said he was a good narrative foil to Glenn (I agree!!) and that he’s “funny as fuck” (i also agree) however some people also voiced dislike him do to messing up the timeline, being a cop, messing up Nick’s character, and just the plotline he was apart of. Lots of ACAB in the responses.
Lots of funny responses on this one:
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Asexual bitches and queer bitches love dungeons and daddies (I'm an asexual bitch myself) there was a whole one (1) fully cis het allo survey taker.
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The fanbase skews pretty heavily to the younger side with the majority of the fandom being 18-25 and a huge majority if you just look at it as 25 and under.
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Non-binary bitches love dungeons and daddies (I’m a non-binary bitch as well)
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Huge majority of fans are neurodivergent with most thin results being a variation of “I don’t know, somethings probably wrong up there”
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Anxious bitches love dungeons and daddies (i am an anxious bitch)
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Majority of people who responded are white, however this question was implemented later and only has 62 responses.
Most fans got into dungeons and daddies from word of mouth, typically from friends or mutuals online
Relationships with fathers are mixed. A decent amount say good, some say bad, but a lot can be put as complicated. A good amount of people used parallels from dungeons and daddies most often grant and darryl.
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Your dads cool as fuck
Relationships with moms are also mixed, but a little more drastic(?). The positives are generally stronger but the negatives are also more negative.
Most sibling relationships are good! However there were a decent amount of responses stating the relationship was distant
Majority of fans are from america but there's a good variety from all over.
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Majority of the fandom interacts through tumblr (this still is one with bias)
Majority of fans say their experience with the fandom has been very good
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Majority of fans make some for of fan content
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Oaks are very big on the fandoms kin lists, especially normal
Most common fandoms: NADPOD TAZ D20 TOH MCYT/Minecraft DHMIS OFMD PJO TMA
Most common past fandoms: Danganronpa Sanders Sides TMA MCYT/minecraft Homestuck TAZ Voltron FNAF Theatre Cartoons (ex. Gravity falls, infinity train, TOH, ect.) Undertale Harry potter PJO
Fave fan creators: ajaystillblue Kineticallyanywhere Braindos Nick-close Awnrii Critdeeznuts Nolassolace Cerealforkart Tortelliniboi Oddkid on Ao3 Midnigtartist SandrC Submergedmemory Koszmarnybudyn Harveydoesart Roolt Coolestclowns Blu3boi Nojaloarts Sapphicx Mrslikely Almondcroissantsandink
Popular headcanons: t4t henry and mercedes Trans nick Generally gender queer/gnc oaks Season 2 teens autistic Ron autistic Basically all the season 1 sons dated each other at one point (queer friend group moment) Taylor uses mobility aids (notably a cane) Bi ron
Specific headcanons I really like (if any of these are your feel free to reblog as to claim them) I think Samantha likes to dress very colorfully while Ron is on the plain side, except when she gifts him an accessory that is just as colorful as she is, and while it clashes w/ the rest of his wardrobe he treasures it because he loves her lots Walter owns chickens and he grows herbs around their pen as a natural pest repellent Glenn is a sex-favorable asexual The shortest one I can fit here is that Glenn has a lot of stick n poke tattoos that are all made by Morgan (which disappeared after the verdict) and lark has bpd Yeets skateboard is a prosthetic Terry is the only son to go to therapy AROACE SPARROW <333 Hermie rights in Cursive like an asswhole Jewish Terry Jr and Samantha
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Cats are by far the favorite animal in the dndads fandom with 35 votes
And the top three favorite colors are Blue with 23 votes Purple with 30 votes Green with 39 votes
Most common recs The Magnus Archives TAZ NADPOD Just Roll With It Self care (hydrate, sleep, take care of yourself) Mob Psycho Bears in Trees Malevolent Dndads fanfics (on ao3) OFMD WWDITS Will wood Ride the cyclone The Crane Wives
Oddly specific recs
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
as the time approaches us, i just wanted to say that i am IMMEDIATEY sus of anyone who does not have an F mc (mainly @ those who have an mc for each ro EXCEPT F Hauville) and/or (doubly sus) doesn’t have any F content on their blog. 
as someone who's also black myself I definitely agree with the F hauville not being as popular, specially since friends to lovers seems to be quite a popular trope in if, specially when the character in question is white or ambiguously light brown/tan skinned, but the author never mentions where the character is actually from (I wish more authors put where the character is from in terms of ethnicity and nationality because the amount of white washed art/erased ethnic features in art I've seen generally in the IF community is not cute but anyways). I do have some problems with the way F and M are portrayed and treated by the author at times, specially when it comes to some of the racial stereotypes used and the portrayal of Sin, an assyrian character in Book 3 as a trapped man, but that's a point for another day. I absolutely adore Wayhaven but I do wish that F was treated better by the fandom. I think sometimes some fans kind of infantilise F and just brush them off as the sassy best friend with no other role in the story, which is kind of sad because if you actually play they're route you get to see that theres more to them than meets the eye in the same way that the other ros do.
why do i need to say more when you already said it all so well anon?
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bloop! what more can i say to this? this is true facts. like i get that sometimes a lot of people ARE tired of that trope -- especially on tumblr; and people do love the angsty. But it is STILL a very popular trope for a reason. And I've seen with my own eyes how the sweet RO/best friend RO goes well over when they aren't black (and in certain circumstances, when they aren't a person of color period -- but especially when they aren't black*) that I can't fully buy that the preference argument isn't back with some racial bias. But whatever, people can make peace with themselves about it. I will remain sus.
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have you been reading my brain anon? because that was going to be my NEXT bitchy/vent post. But I was like let me pace the dashes. But respect for put it all out there.
I need writers to bring back putting descriptions on their intro posts (they did it for a time but stopped) or doing a description post immediately. 1) Because of what you stated and 2) because I want to make sure I'm not wasting my time on a game that is fully white. /shrugs. I mean I guess it is good that, if they feel they can't write minoroities not to include them at all -- because as you said, I wouldn't want to invest in a story where the black and brown characters are then treated stereotypically. But that still doesn't mean that I want to read a story where the majority is white and the lone amibigously brown/East Asian RO is barely developed.
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No, do go on anon. (When you feel like it that is!) I'd love to read your thoughts. I do think Sera has improved in respects of her writing of F and M as characters in the story, both in and out of their own routes. However, I do agree that the whole Sin thing did make me side-eye hard. I heard she's gotten sensitivity readers, so we shall see how that goes.
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Well stated. This is, in the crux, is my frustration of the matter. That and the fact that this is STILL an issue. As I stated in my tags, I HAVE seen improvement -- but just going through the F Hauville tag shows how much F is still a general afterthought to the general tumblr fandom.
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
Ok since hockey has slowed down a bit, im gonna properly listen to The*Russ*an*Five by Ke*th Gave all in one go and pick it apart like i do. Any names/keywords will be censored because of tumblr's idiot policy of auto tagging shit. My OWN liveblog tag will be "trf liveblog" for any blacklisting purposes, though i dont think i will spam too much. Sorry. Just be grateful its an audio book and i no longer own highlighters and notebooks like my poor history textbooks. I could be WAY more annoying trust me.
Some notes on the bias - this book is interesting because its a primary source, but the author is uhhh.....pro america to put it nicely. Im not exactly a fan of the united states of america, i think thats pretty obvious from my blog - my personal point of no return was in high school: learning about the imperialist policies and interference in south america and the sheer hypocrisy of how my country does one thing and then will condemn another country for doing what amounts to the exact same thing. The writer of this book, however, definitely falls under the category of america stan. :/ i think he tries to frame it like its because he was an active agent during the cold war, and ok sure.
BUT my own grandfather was at the center of the space race during the apollo 11 era - im looking at the medallion he received sitting on my desk as i write. And from everything i remember, whenever we would go to the museum of flight and grandpa would wander around commenting on this or that, he spoke with the same admiration for the advancements russia was making during that time as the stuff he worked on himself. And i think there's something to be said that without the political competition and nonsense, the united states as a whole would never funded the space race like they did, and grandpa might never have gotten his rocket to the moon. And yet there's also something to be said about how so much money was being poured into going to the moon, that other areas of public life were being neglected. - lovecraft country makes this arguement heavily, so does hidden figures. My grandfather was working in a tiny integrated subsection of alabama (with very FEW black coworkers - one of whom i met), on a project intended to showcase the prestige of american ingenuity to the world, at a time when segregation and racism marked our country's history horrifically and caused countless deaths that history would prefer to forget. But russia is the enemy we are supposed to hate.
What im saying is there is nuance to everything. And this book has fucking NONE of it lol.
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fandom-research · 2 years
First research results!
I have managed to turn analysing the survey to be part of a uni project I have due next month so I finally found time to analyse the basics! I will link to a less colourful and "boring" table view of all of these results in a later post, as I still need to write the code for that part and it's late. For now there is image description on there!
This analysis is based on n=100 people.
Question 1: Where do you mainly read fanfiction?
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Unsurprisingly most of us spend a lot of time on AO3, but I think we should pay respect to the three lonely souls who use ff.net, wattpad or tumblr respectively. But how much time are we spending reading on average? Well...
Question 2: How much time do you spent reading fanfiction in a week?
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I don't know if I should be concerned that nearly 1/4 of us is spending over 15 hours per week, meaning at least 2 hours a day, reading, but then again I strongly belong into the orange category as well.
Question 3: What fandom(s) do you regularily consume fanfiction from?
I have cut to the top ten of fandoms mentioned, because the list of mentioned fandoms is too long to nicely display in any form. It isn't all that legible already.
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Quick switch to bar chart, because the pie chart got too crowded and because this is a multiple choice question so the percentages wouldn't match up. Our top 3 consist of Merlin at 19%, Marvel at 37% and Harry Potter at 71%. This is the point where I really questioned the data for the first time. I don't know if these percentages are representable for fandom as a whole or if this is a case of a "selffulfilling prophecy". Meaning the channels over which I distributed the questionnaire reached only a specific group of people, namely the Harry Potter and Merlin folks, as I have the most contact to those fandoms, accidentally biasing the data.
Question 4: What ship-category do you read most often?
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Funfact: for the first ... 50? 65? entries, F/M wasn't represented at all. We love our gays I guess. Different funfact: there IS the option to choose F/F in the questionnaire. It just wasn't used. Even now there is one (1) lonely soul who picked that option out of 126. (The form is still open so on there I can see more answers than I used in the analysis)
Question 5: What type of fan-content do you create?
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This one was a surprise. I didn't think that there were this many people actively creating content, but then again, this might due to the people reached by this questionnaire, so possible bias again. (Top 3: Fanfiction 77%, Fanart 35%, Podfic 9%)
That's it for the fan-related part of the research, let's go on with the neurodiversity and demographic part. Especially for these coming results keep the possibility of a bias in the data in mind.
Question 6: What form of neurodiversity/mental health struggle does apply to you?
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This one was the reason this research even exists, and while I haven't yet looked up what percentages of the general society have any of the neurodiversities, I believe that this is rather high, proving my subjective observation: A LOT of the people reading fanfic are neurodiverse in some way. Over half of the participants answered that they have some form of anxiety and/or depression, with some people even leaving me comments how fanfiction is their safe-space, helped them grow and accept themself. This one I will be focussing more on in the future analysis.
Question 7: What is your gender identity?
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This as well surprised me to a degree. Even without comparing I know that this is FAR off of the official gender demographics of the general society. Especially the amount of enbies is surprising but nonetheless welcome.
Question 8: Do you consider yourself as part of the LGBTQIA+ community?
(No picture due to the 10 pic limit on posts) Results:
Yes: 90%
No: 6%
Prefer not to say: 4%
Now, again. A LOT of us are queer as fuck. This is most definitely not the norm in general society and even with a potential bias is significant enough to say that the majority of fanfic-readers are part of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Question 9: If you consider yourself as part of the LGBTQIA+ community, what "part" of the community?
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The answers here refer to the orientation differing from hetero or the gender identity differing from cis. Keep in mind that this question was voluntary and therefore not everyone did answer this. Actual percentage might be higher. (I don't know the number of people that answered that question right now but will go into more detail at a later date)
Question 10: How old are you?
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Again a voluntary question. But on average the community seems to be in their mid or late twenties, although there are also a bunch of adults over 30 enjoying fanfiction. This graph especially reminded me to not assume anything about people within the community. The other person could be someone in still in school, dealing with their first crush or big exams. It could just as well be someone working full time or someone with kids, someone with grandkids even. Fanfic is and always should be open for people of all ages.
Question 11: Where do you live?
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Sadly I haven't been able to reach people in africa or antarctica but oh well. The form is still online, should anyone from there want to add their input into this statistic! ;)
Overall results:
People reading fanfic are a lot more queer, neurodiverse and in general divers than one might expect. I for one was surprised to see how willing people where to answer a stupid online survey that wasn't supposed to lead anywhere.
Thank you to everyone who answered and especially to those that left me nice comments in the form <3
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huangels · 6 years
eleven questions tag ☼
tagged by: @lstkpopflsgood ty babe !
rules: answer the eleven questions if you’re tagged, and then list another set of eleven questions for the people you tag to answer!
⇢ What do you think it could win on a battle: Water or Fire?
ever since i was little, i’ve ALWAYS wanted to touch fire…and i have once (well almost). i stuck my hands into a fire place when i was like 5 y/o ? but my mom saved me before my hand can touch the fire. anyway, weird ass story aside, i love fire but i guess it depends on the amount. like if there was an equal amount of both elements, then maybe water would win but it all comes down to the science of it because if the amount of fire is vast and of high enough temperature enough, it can evaporate the water quickly into steam which means it wins. but if there’s a small fire and a whole firetruck (wHOOP WHOOP) hose then of course the water wins. i would call it a draw, both elements are super powerful.
⇢ What do you love and hate the most? and why?
love — ok you’d think i’m exaggerating but i’m gonna say renjun. he’s my bias for a reason, he’s my ult of all ults foR A REASON. of course i mean he’s maybe not the thing i love MOST in the world but there’s just so much to love and appreciate i have for renjun. he’s beautiful and ethereal, he has so many cute features about him, like his snaggletooth (rip), and his dimple, and the two front teeth that kinda stick out, and his birthmark/mole on his hand. he’s also amazingly talented and caring (even when putting members in chokeholds). i just love him so much :’)
hate — hate is a strong word and i like to live my life without using the word hate too much so there isn’t really anything that i hate but for the sake of this question and this tag, i would say that i dislike slow walkers (maybe not the most but) they’re really annoying, especially if they’re walking in the middle of the sidewalk or hallway like hELLO people (me) have places to go.
⇢ Do you thing it’s really necessary for us to live with another person? To have a couple life?
honestly, there are many people that live their life without a significant other (wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend), so no i don’t think it’s necessary. a person can find love within other people and things without having to date or marry anyone. for example, love shared by friendship or families or pets or hobbies even. i mean it’s different for everyone too, some want the love shared in a romantic relationship. but it’s definitely not necessary to have a significant other. it’s whatever makes one happy that they should pursue it.
⇢ Are animals better than humans?
i don’t know if they are any better but they aren’t any worse than humans. of course, some might think that yes, animals are better and have more morals or something but that’s mostly because we have yet to discover or invent technology to understand animals. so it seems as if they are portrayed to be pure and innocent though it is nature and predators feed on prey and prey feed on plants that are needed for oxygen. so i don’t really know the answer but i do know that humans are corrupt in a way that animals are not.
⇢ Do you have a favorite something? If yes, what is it and why?
this is so broad my three brain cells are working hard to try to find an answer but i’ve got nothing so i’m gonna be boring and say my favorite animal is a dog bc they are precious and pure and deserve the world
⇢ What is your favorite music? Why?
i don’t particularly have a favorite genre of music, i mostly listen to what sounds pleasing to my ears ? but i do have a ‘style’ of music that i lean towards more and that is more pumped up/groovy/funky/unique/etc songs (ex: romance - shinee, fallin - mx, get it - tbz, monday blues - cbx, pretty boy - taemin, thunder - exo, etc.) it might seem like a weird description but basically songs that aren’t too slow or too fast, songs that have unique beats or melodies or lyrics. i don’t particularly like slow sad songs because it makes me kinda…sad ? like if i listen to sad or slow music, i just get emotional and think too much idk anyway. i prefer more upbeat songs because it’s like a dance party everywhere i go. (i still listen to sad music anyway bc [REAL EMO HOURS] also listen to baby by the rose thnx)
⇢ If you read, what is your favorite book?
i’m gonna be quite honest here…i haven’t read a book that i wanted to read (like picked out at the library or bought) in like years… i’ve just haven’t had the time to read books lately and the books i do read are for my classes or for reports that i didn’t particularly pick out for myself. but from the books i’ve read through my life, i really enjoy reading mysteries, thrillers, and sci-fi books. a good favorite of mine is ‘american pyscho’ (i love really fucked up shit i’m weird don’t judge) but i also like the book ‘the bell jar’ (also kinda fucked up story). i guess that’s what prompted me in my interest in writing mysteries or thrillers but i don’t have much experience in it so i’ll stick with fluffy short fics for now
⇢ Where do you would like to visit/live in?
i really looooove traveling !! though i haven’t traveled to that many places, i’d love to visit literally everywhere, doesn’t matter if there’s barely anything to do. living wise, if we’re being realistic, probably texas because real estate is cheaper and basically everything is cheaper, but if we’re pushing money and bills aside, probably back to china, up north somewhere idk lol ?
⇢ What is your zodiac sign? Talk a little about it and say if it fits you or not.
my zodiac is scorpio, and honestly i don’t know much about astrology except for the sprinkles of zodiac posts i see on instagram or tumblr sometimes. but from what i’ve seen around, scorpios are supposed to be sex driven, mysterious, cold, and bitchy, and i don’t think i fit into any of those traits lol. but my friend, who’s a big astrology nerd, says that my appearance is the LITERAL definition of a scorpio (idk what he meant so i just went along with it). i mean i guess i get it kinda ? bc my outer appearance is kinda cold and i’ve been told i have a resting bitch face so if i don’t smile then i look angry or mean (so i try to smile more now heh). but if there’s any other traits you guys know about scorpios, feel free to tell me bc i’d like to know !
⇢ What you think it’s your funniest moment til now?
my life is just a big fat boring so this took a while to think of (idk if this is the funniest bc i have the memory of a goldfish) but recently about a few weeks ago, i went to this cafe to have lunch with my friend and as we were eating my fucking statistics professor came in and my friend points it out to me. i didn’t know if i should say hi or not bc i didn’t know if she knows who i even am (bc i rarely attended that class since attendance wasn’t mandatory and math is my good subject) so i just ignored her. then she sat down at the table RIGHT NEXT TO MINE and then the fucking TA’s for the stats lab joined her and it was just hella awkward bc i think the TA’s remember me (long story short i was late for my final bc a bitch slept in and i basically begged while knocking continuously on the window for the TA to let me into the lab to take the final and they did eventually) so anyway i think they remembered me but i still didn’t want to say hi. my professor got up later and i thought they were gonna leave and i can finally breathe but then SHE FUCKING WALKS UP TO OUR TABLE AND ASKS MY FRIEND IF SHE CAN TAKE A PHOTO OF HER AND THE TA’S and at that point, i was about to scream. so my friend took the photo and i STILL didn’t say hi even though i SHOULD’VE then. and the whole thing was a mess and it wasn’t funny then but looking back at it now, i’m laughing my damn ass off at myself
⇢ Milk before cereals or cereals before milk?
if you pour your milk before your cereal, i’m gonna push you down a well and leave you there to rot
questions for you:
what is the first memory you remember? like from birth or when you were young?
what is the line between art and not art?
what job would you be terrible at? why?
what is your zodiac sign? talk a little about it and say if it fits you or not.
when people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
what age do you wish you could permanently be? why?
who is you ideal boy/girl? describe him/her if you can’t think of a person (list physical traits and characteristic traits).
what’s the most annoying question people ask you? why do you find it annoying? how do you usually answer them?
can money = happiness?
as the only human left on earth, what would you do?
what is your guilty pleasure? why is it your guilty pleasure and what sparked it to be your guilty pleasure?
tagging: @ohdaddy-nct @jaeehyuns @hyucko @jencto @jeno-screaming (only if you guys want to !! ) + anyone else who wants to do it :^]
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bangygentertainment · 7 years
tagged by @officialxiuharem
1. Ultimate bias(es)?
Bang Yongguk without a doubt.
2. who are your top 3 groups?
3. what are your 3 favourite songs?
Feel So Good
You Are
4. what do you like to do in your free time?
Writing (Shamelessly promoting my writing)
Reading (I’ve literally been late to places because I rather read than be out)
Tumblr because #tumblr4lyfe
5. are there any places you would like to visit that you haven’t already visited?
South Korea
Half of Europe basically
6. do you have a dream job?
To become a well known author where my novels make it so big that I’m traveling world wide to conventions and doing panels and hearing people say that they wrote their own fanfictions about my characters. Now THAT would be the life. 
7. if you could meet ANY korean CELEBRITY (includes actors, models, k-music artists, etc.), who would it be?
Oh my God, there’s so many. Without a doubt it would definitely be Yongguk because I have so many things I’d like to talk to him about (other than being able to look at him one on one, which is an added bonus.) I’d love to meet Taehyung because he’s literally me in male form and I’d love to debate with him about the whole Gogh vs Vermeer thing. All of GOT7 because, literally, WHY NOT? 
8. what do you love most about your bias group(s)?
B.A.P - Their heart. I mean, yeah, their music is awesome and they’re good looking and so on so forth but the fact that they’ve been through some challenges where they have overcome them, have been able to remain humble and on top of that, care more about their music rather than numbers or awards? They’re number 1 in my heart. On top of all that, the fact that they have given so much to charity and talk about so many things that are considered taboo just make me have the utmost respect for them.
GOT7 - This was the first group I ever got into. This was the first group I ever picked out a bias and basically opened up the gateway into KPOP for me. I love the fact that there are three out of the seven members that are foreigners, I love their team dynamic on how they all seem to compliment each other, I love how they all take care one another and always cheer each other on.
EXO - Funny thing about EXO is that I’ve listened to them for a good while now but it was only recently that I truly figured out who they are. I’ve always liked their music but never bothered learning the members and damn, I’ve missed out. In just a short amount of time, I’ve fallen for them and now I understand why the fandom is so passionate when it comes to the members.
9. who are your ultimate bias wreckers?
You mean the people that make me question just how faithful I am?? 
Kim Yugyeom 
Min Yoongi
Kim Jongin
I don’t have a bias wrecker for B.A.P. No one comes close to the bae but I love Jongup and Junhong with all my heart so there’s that?
10. what do you wish for the most to happen?
I wish to finally be able to have my own little space.
11. when did you get into kpop and how?
Through an acquaintance in which we are no longer in contact and it was around 2015?
12. what made you decide to have a tumblr blog?
Oh jeez, I’ve had a tumblr blog for YEARS. The kpop one is fairly new but my original one is OLD af. I can’t even remember WHY I got it but I’m glad I did. I’ve found so many communities through here and so many HD pictures lol
13. favorite colour?
14. favorite animal?
15. what are your interests?
Refer back to number 4.
16. would you prefer movies or music? 
Music all the way. I could totally live without movies but without music?
17. what would you like to achieve (or experience) before the age of 60?
To finally say that I am satisfied with the life and decisions I have chosen.
Your turn!
@monieday @riseforrapmonsta @dreaming-of-blue-skies @missangelic12 @girlmeetsrapper @jinyoungs-hipsdontlie
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tankun · 7 years
i honestly was never going to say anything but the amount of times i've come across your ask on the sugakookie/yoonkook tags, i couldn't hold back on saying anything. while i agree that there should be a more equal amount of bottom yoongi/top yoongi and btm jungkook/top jungkook fics in the sugakookie fandom, bttm & sub yoongi isn't that rare, there are so many fics with it. and you tend to come off very hypocritical in your answers. you always go on about how much lack of bottom yoongi (1/8)
bottom yoongi fics there are and yet constantly put down top yoongi fics/people who view yoongi more as a top and not having the same headcanons as you. i’m all for bottom yoongi/switch yoonkook, but you tend to mention how you see top yoongi/dom yoongi as a stereotype and how they make yoongi out to be this emotionless jerk and yet… i haven’t seen people make yoongi out (both in the sugakookie fandom and in general all the fandom) that way in AGES, definitely earlier in the fandom (2/8)
but not anymore, and also fics constantly have the same characterization put on jungkook, that jungkook is this possieve jerk, how top yoongi/dom yoongi fics only see him that way because he’s ‘the older one and he’s a hard bad ass rapper’ and yet top jungkook/dom jungkook fics do the same type of stereotype (also very heteronormative) characterization, and you mention how bottom yoongi fics have the ‘better characterization’ but honestly most of the bottom yoongi & sub yoongi fics (3/8)
can also be very, if not more, out of character that you can hardly tell it’s him. you also talk about bottom jungkook/sub jungkook fics are always babying jungkook and yet a big portion, if not most of the fandom portray jungkook out to be more bigger and mature than what he portrays and constantly oversexualizing him and his body and making him out to be this 'cocky dom daddy’ (4/8)
(but i do agree there is some bad characterization in bottom jungkook & sub jungkook fics that actually do overdue it and are very ooc) but bottom yoongi/sub yoongi fics do the same thing as well, yoongi is a grown man but suddenly you put 'tall, strong, buff, muscular’ jungkook next to him and yoongi is this pliant little tiny thing, always going out to point out how taller and more muscular jungkook is and making yoongi out to be so tiny and weak. i’ve come across many fics with (5/8)
bottom yoongi where they make jungkook out to be this rude ass possessive muscle pig with no emotions that doesn’t care about anyone or anything and constantly over exaggerating his height and his muscles and make yoongi out to be this tiny weak rag doll thing (and tend to over infantilize/baby him). there’s stereotypes and hypocrisy in both sides, both sides have their fair share of bad characterization, but then again this is all fan characterization, all fan headcanons and preference. (6/8)
none of us know what they really are like, what their sexual preferences are, if they are subs or doms or if they even know/dabble in stuff like that, it’s all FAN PERSONAL PREFERENCE. and while i get it can be annoying that there’s not enough of something YOU like, putting down and lowkey guilt tripping people into liking the same thing and constantly talking about how there’s more of something you dislike and don’t personally see/agree with (7/8)
(also fic writers aren’t here to cater to your own preference nor do other people have to have the same preference as u just cause it’s lacking) isn’t good and honestly the sugakookie/yoonkook fandom doesn’t need the whole top/bottom disclosure/arguments cause they’ve ruined other ships before with doing that. i hope this doesn’t come off as rude or harsh cause that’s not my attention, i just wanted to talk about this because it’s something that’s been bothering me for a while. (8/8)
I do wanna start off by saying that I’ve taken to not tagging my asks (much to my inconvenience) so they won’t pop up in the tags for others to find (So I’m not sure how you saw them x-x). My asks are usually aimed at my followers who are looking fro bottom!Yoongi SugaKookie content. I do have to disagree when you say bottom!Yoongi isn’t that rare. Maybe overall, with all pairings combined, you can find a decent amount, but with all the numbers combined it’s still not that many in comparison to top!Yoongi. But whenever I talk about bottom!Yoongi it’s strictly from a YoonKook standpoint, unless someone asks about or mentions other pairings.
I do mention that a lot of top!Yoongi fics play off the macho top stereotype and make him unfeeling and so on, because that is what turned me off of top!Yoongi fics to begin with and I’m still bitter about it because top!Yoongi is the majority. But I have also mentioned that this stereotype has been used in bottom!Yoongi fics as well. I have brought up that you find it on BOTH sides, but it’s usually less in bottom!Yoongi. Which is why I like bottom!Yoongi more than top!Yoongi. Here are some of those asks where I do mention it but don’t go into detail since the ask was about something else: HERE, HERE, and HERE. I guess the true reason I dislike the stereotype put on Yoongi more, is because he is my bias and I hate that people see him in that light. But it’s not only in shipping that this is a problem. I’ve seen people put him in that light OUTSIDE of shipping. The same could be said about baby boy Jungkook. It get’s aggravating, and I know that 7 time out of 10 it’s just being used as some joke or meme based on their personalities, but at the end of the day it’s just reinstating for the fandom to write/assume that this is their personalities even though I agree with you that we don’t know what they are truly like outside of what we see on stage or on screen. 
I never once said that someone shouldn’t like top!Yoongi for so and so reason, but I have said and agreed with others on my own reasoning as to why I don’t like top!Yoongi fics. There have even been times where I apologized to top!Yoongi fans and reinstated that it’s not my intention to ‘put them down’. I’m 100% down for there being top!Yoongi fics because not everyone is going to like bottom!Yoongi, because like you said it does come down to preference, and I wan’t people to have content for their preference. Which comes back to there not being that many bottom!Yoongi fics in the YoonKook fandom. I keep getting told that it’s not that rare, that there are tons of it, so on and so forth, but I promise you that is not that case. I’ve mentioned it more than once that the numbers a GREATLY unbalanced. Nowadays there is starting to be more of it, but at the end of the day it’s still very much in the minority. My goal is to encourage other bottom!Yoongi SugaKookie fans to come together and put out more content for our side of the shipping fandom in order to close the wide gap that we have between top and bottom!Yoongi fics in SugaKookie, and never my intention to tell top!Yoongi fans that they are wrong and shouldn’t like what they like. (But even if top!Yoongi authors stopped writing for like a year, the bottom!Yoongi shippers still wouldn’t be able to close the gap. That’s how much of a difference there is in numbers and output.)
You didn’t come off as rude or anything, and I’m grateful that you wanted to have this discussion with me. I just hope I was able to explain myself to you properly (which is a huge weak point of mine.) But you are welcome to send more asks if I didn’t explain myself properly, or if you want to, we can take this privately through the tumblr messenger thing! I’m open for whatever :}
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6ungjin · 7 years
qn&ans tag
first of all i’m very sorry for the late post!! i wanted to post finish this and post it by fri but sighs T_T anyway!! 
first set of qns tagged by @noa-noa-noa!
1. If you could go to any concert, whose concert would you go to?
binch,,,, ya should know the answer so well BRUH HAHAHA of course it would be day6 oh goodness gracious imagine the amount of blessings u would be blessed if u get to attend their concert.. ;_; 
would also love to go to nell’s concert one day if i can!! 
2. Fansign or Solo Photo with your bias group?
solo photo for sure. fansign’s are totally fun and stuff but a solo photo would feel more personal i guess? and i can print it and paste it all over my room or like show it off to my friends like how i did with dean’s one LMAOOOO even tho it’s not even a proper photo it’s like i coincidentally got into the same angle as him xD
3. Three things you don’t like about your bias
- he gets a bit too nervous at times lmao MEME BOI chill
- his bowlcut hair. @stylists pls pls plsssssssss i want to see his forehead please free his forehead
- his unwillingness to sometimes do skinship LMAO he’s so adamant abt showing it to the camera XD
4. Blond, black, or an actual colour of the rainbow (if so, which one)?
black. this is in conjunction with hair colour, right...? xD i don’t think my skin can suit any other colour than black and maybe like... burgundy?
5. Favourite performance? Why?
i can never forget their live performance of locked out of heaven.... (here)
6. Your bias @s you on twitter vs your bias discreetly follows you on tumblr?
i speak total nonsense on twitter about my daily life so probably twitter?? there;s so many sinful stuffs i say here on tumblr BRUH LMAO SO DEFINITELY NOT TUMBLR *nightmare of the century*
7. What do you think of the pink sweater?
at first i was like jae i was like “BURN THE FREAKIN SWEATER” but then i realised how cute it looks on wonpil like im pretty sure he’s the only one who can rock those
8. If you could tell your bias one thing, what would you say?
“you have done well, i’ll support you forever” <3
next set is by @wonpillows! 
1. What member of your bias group would you stay up until 2am and talk about random topics with?
either jae or brian but most probably jae! I don’t know why but I feel like talking to him would be to a lot of different perspectives and it’s so interesting to view things on diff persps?? and honestly jae is like those silent on the outside at first but can blow up an essay about something so bro it’s jae
2. Of all your groups you listen to, who would you want to see do a collab?
there’s a lot bro... really a lot. for day6 it would be really nice if i see them collab with any of my fav bands but more specifically nell bc i’ve been listening to them since long ago!!! it would be interesting to see offonoff collab with day6 too tho... like i wanna see day6 venture into their kind of style pretty sure they have a lot lurking in their comps just that jyp wont let them release them
3. Your bias wearing a bandana or a choker?
bruh. ya outta get me. 
choker cos im a sucker for that and honestly bandanas look good on certain ppl only LOL
4. Go to South Korea to see a concert as soon as possible, or wait until they perform closer to where you live?
GO TO SOUTH KOREA TO SEE A CONCERT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (given it’s the timing that my fav grp is doing a concert lol) cos after that i can venture sk!! and like go around jeju or busan and just appreciate the country and culture :’)
5. Of all your groups, who would you have to look after 24/7? Why?
wanna one. they’re like babies that needs to be taken care of ;_; 
6. What is your favourite concept from any one group?
can I cheat and give two?? xD anw I like vixx’s voodoo doll concept cos that’s really unique and im a sucker for all these weird concepts lol and ALSO!! F(X)’S 4 WALLS everything from their song to their whole album to their physical album itself god wow perfection also when is sm releasing them from their graveyard
7. What would you give your bias at a fansign?
T___________T the thought of even meeting them... *sighs dreamily* anw! i dont really know?? probably something that’s gonna make them remember me ;v; 
8. Describe your bias with a colour, and explain why you chose that colour.
mustard yellow (the colour of my icon LOL) it’s probably cos the moment i see him, i’m reminded of that colour. he’s such a ball of sunshine, not like wonpil’s kind of sunshine but more of that warmth ray of light?? thus the mustard since it’s not a bright shade of yellow :)
My questions for you:
1. What are 5 unusual things that you like about your bias?
2. Favourite lyrics from any of your bias groups’ songs?
3. A song you wished Day6 would cover/hope to cover soon?
4. Would you prefer to have a talent in singing, dancing or rapping?
5. How did you first find out about your bias group(s)?
6. Have you ever had a personal encounter/any interactions with your bias groups? (Be it on internet or in real life) If so, describe it!
7. How would you imagine your life not being a fan of your bias groups?
8. The chance to be able to hang out personally with your bias group for 1 day or get unlimited concert tickets to your bias groups’ concert?
i’m tagging: @noa-noa-noa @wonpillows (if it’s not too heavy for yall!!) @jyplovesday6 @dowoonscookies @jaetime @dowoonbiasedtbh :)
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snapedefender · 7 years
Different anon. Honestly why are you all so extra?! What does it even mean if you're not attracted to black people you're racist?!!! And you can't even see what is wrong with that sentence. You are racist if you hate them or discriminate them in any way, or if you don't respect them as you should as a human being, but there's nothing wrong with it if you're not arttracted to them ffs, if you are well I am happy for you all, but honestly.... This tumblr extra nonsense has to stop.
Same goes for black people, you don’t call them racist just because they don’t fall in love with white people
hey my man not dating a whole race of people because of their race is literally the textbook definition of racism, you’re choosing to see them as their race first and human beings second, that’s why people get mad about it. 
maybe i’m not being clear enough: by choosing to say ‘well i’m not attracted to black people’ what you’re saying is that despite the fact that black people - like white people - have a huge amount of variety in their appearance, you couldn’t be attracted to a single one of them. why? because you’re seeing their skin color first. 
and there are a lot of studies that show that white people will predominantly choose to date white people, but also that black people will predominantly choose to date white people as well. and sure, part of it might be personal preference, but pretending that racial bias has no effect on our sexual attractions - esp when white skin is seen as beautiful and dark skin as ugly, when white characteristics are seen as “classically beautiful” and nonwhite characteristics aren’t, when people of color are struggling under beauty norms written by white people - is beyond naive. 
there’s a difference between not being attracted to someone for a certain characteristic (they aren’t tall, they have blue eyes) or personality characteristics (they’re a dick, they have too much fun, they don’t treat certain things you like seriously) and between deciding that you can’t be attracted to a single person in an entire race. i don’t know how to explain it more clearly than that. 
and tbh….. there IS also a bit of a difference between white people saying “i won’t date black people” and black people saying “i won’t date white people.” because a lot of the time when black people say they won’t date white people, they’re saying it because white people are and continue to be the oppressing majority in their lives. a lot of the time, they’re not saying they can’t possibly be attracted to A White they’re saying that white people have discriminated against their community and that makes it difficult to want to date one. which is…. understandable. for the same reason i’d understand a trans person saying “i won’t date cis people” - when you’re from a minority group, dating someone who is from the majority group, especially when members of it have oppressed and discriminated against you, is really tough. (for example: i’m hesitant to date straight guys because i’m a little afraid of them & their reaction to my sexuality.) that’s a VERY different feeling from “i won’t date black people because i can’t be attracted to a black person.”
(also listen to me right the fuck now: black people cannot be racist toward white people. racism toward white people (in america and in a lot of the western world) does not exist. racism is a system of hierarchy and oppression. can black people be biased or prejudiced about white people? sure. but it’s a very different thing and much, much less toxic and the reason why the idea of “reverse racism” is ridiculous. black people being biased against white people doesn’t get white people killed or hurt in any significant way. racist white do and have gotten black people killed and hurt in very significant ways.)
also this doesn’t just apply to black people and white people. i’ve had white people tell me they don’t date latinxs/asians/natives…. basically any nonwhite group. i’ve also had black people tell me they don’t date those groups either - which, yeah, is prejudiced. (once again: racism is murkier here bc black people don’t hold positions of power over other nonwhite people and therefore can’t oppress them.)
this isn’t “tumblr extra nonsense” (lmao…. as if social justice and the social sciences that have determined that people do discriminate in their preferences about potential partners were invented on tumblr years ago amirite) this is me saying: yes, it’s racist. yes it’s transphobic. i don’t get why y’all so up in arms about it because it feels pretty basic to me: saying you can’t possibly be attracted to a group of people solely because of their race/gender identity/religion is discrimination. it is refusing to see them as a human being - because you’re not. you’re seeing them as their race, their gender identity, their sexuality, their religion. 
and like…. idk why caring about shit has suddenly turned into “being extra” but yeah i do care a lot about this shit so i’m not going to stop being “extra” about it. 
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ethanino152 · 5 years
From Degrading to De-grading: A Synopsis
Hello all, and by all I mean the one person that actually reads this. If you look at the timestamps of my previous posts you will probably notice that I took a brief (not-so-brief) hiatus from doing these and that his been mostly my fault, but comes with some good reasoning. In between my highly unpredictable sleeping patterns paired with the work I have been doing for my other classes, my work ethic for this class has been less than pleasing. But I am going to try to get back on track and crank out these tumblr posts to the current date, so expect a lot of these coming to a URL near you.
So what we have here is a essay by a Mr. Alfie Kohn presenting the idea that grading students may be more of a hindrance to their learning than not doing so. He presents many different arguments that is both easy to understand and cited (good stuff). Me being a student with, at this point in my life, many years of traditional schooling under my belt, I have been able to see the best and the worst of teaching styles. But me also being only one person who has since developed an opinion and favored style, I have formed a bias as well. I really enjoy teachers that have a laissez-fair approach to their grading. I also have certain reservations that are not the fault of the teacher themselves, but just the incompatibility between them and the common-core itself.
Taking the stress of being graded on every little thing away from a student makes us all breathe a deep sigh of relief for two reasons really. This style usually comes with some of the coolest teachers/professors we will ever have and it takes away some of the stress that comes with having a multitude of other classes that usually get stacked on top of each other. Personally, when I don’t have to worry about getting work done for classes either before coming to the class or just having a metric ton of homework with odd deadlines, I feel more motivated to learn more about the subject in my free time, at my own pace. Whether that be looking ahead at whats to come and getting a head start, or just going back through what was done previously and really solidifying that knowledge. I am, as you so obviously already know, into physics at a pretty deep level. I find that in my free time, I enjoy learning more about my craft and even reading books about wild theories or whatever. If you know me personally this comes as quite a shock, reading books, because in high school, I for what reason, absolutely refused to be held to a ridiculous deadline such as reading 5 chapters of a complex book and annotating it in a single night. But because my schedule this semester is relatively light, at least in comparison to what it was last semester, I am able to dive headlong into my person education and even explore hobbies I haven’t been able to enjoy for while.
The only problem I can find with this teaching style is not that its ineffective in any way, because it truly does help my peers and I, its the fact that i doesn’t work well with the common-core or under-motivated kids. The common-core is a big scary monster that should scare the shit out of teachers that really care about their students, or those who care about individuality in general. While in high school, I was able to predict the outcome of myself and others lives based on a series of numbers given to us for completing tasks in classes that either would or would not benefit us later in life. The truth is, if you are not someone who takes an overwhelming interest in a subject or have a natural inclination for reading or numbers or whatever it may be, it is likely that will be your weak point. For me it was English classes and it definitely showed in my overall class grades. The other truth is, that doesn’t mean you HAVE to get a terrible grade. I didn’t care much for English but I still gave it the good ole college try and pulled a B from it. Not having a whole lot of grades won’t do too much for those who really don’t care about doing well in school, which accounts for the majority of most high school students, you know the ones, the 50th percentile and so on. Whether or not they have a whole lot of grades to keep them honest or not, they will still not pay attention and still do bad on the tests. At least with having looked over the copious amount of worksheets they may somehow be able to recall something come test time.
All in all (we’re just another brink in the wall) it really comes down to what the students prefer, and the overwhelmingly of us like not being reduced down to numbers.
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