#don’t get me wrong - twitter is nice to say lightly
robotsandjunk · 3 months
I find it a little ironic that the most comfortable I’ve felt in the tf fandom is on my robot pussy blog
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fantasticalchaos · 9 months
So Twitter is down, guess that means there’s more time for Tumblr and some ideas I have in the drafts (the ones I made on a whim lol)
Also in case to any of my moots from twitter that found me here, hey 👋
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littlealeta · 1 year
In Defense of Vincent Brooks
I’m obsessed with Vincent and I can’t stop defending him. Right now, I’m feeling pretty mad because I recently got into a fight with Twitter over Vincent and the discussion ended up being not productive at all and just ended in insults and lost arguments. I think the things that make him divisive are actually what make him well-written as a character.
TW: SA, Domestic Abuse, R word, Cheating
Okay, let’s start with the number 1 argument:
“Vincent cheated!”
You are looking at the game from a superficial perspective. I’m sorry if some of y’all were in a bad relationship and were triggered by Vincent’s story. You have my sympathies. But please don’t look at the game as some simple typical story about someone cheating on their significant other. Vincent never asked for some random girl to come up and molest him. We never really see Vincent actually make a move on Catherine, it was always Catherine first. We are seeing through Vincent’s perspective who doesn’t remember the details and thinks he’s cheating! If you look at the big picture, because of these things, you can see that the cheating angle was never clear cut in the first place.
“Vincent should’ve said he had a girlfriend”
Who doesn’t even treat him nicely in the first place? I won’t argue with you that Vincent shouldn’t have been so codependent on two Karens and I’m not going to trash you if you ship Vincent and Katherine but the entire point of the game is Vincent trying to figure out what he wants in life. You don’t just get out of high school/college and suddenly know what you want out of life. Adulthood is just the beginning. You may not have cliques and peer pressure anymore, but you have careers, families, relationships etc. which can be just as hard and confusing. Vincent is stuck between a girl who he has loved for so long and a girl who loves freedom just as much as he does and on top of that, both treat him like shit! Of course that would be confusing. It doesn’t mean he’s a cheater because he doesn’t make a move on Catherine in the first place, he’s just confused.
Vincent should've told Katherine that he cheated
Excuse me??? Vincent should've told Katherine that HE FUCKED UP? Don't you realize that we're talking about a fictional character here? Most cheaters or people who have done something wrong would NOT FLAT OUT TELL the person they KNOW is going to punish them. I mean, yes, he was under the influence, but often people don't forgive others for using the alcohol excuse.
“Rin doesn’t deserve him because he hit her!”
Which he tried to make up for? I won’t argue with you that that was rude. What I will argue with is saying that he doesn’t deserve Rin for this. Vincent just lightly slapped Rin, which was probably accidental because sometimes we get so stressed that we literally can’t control ourselves. Plus, friends fight and break up and make up. That doesn’t make them bad people or that they don’t deserve each other. Vincent can get back with Rin and start a healthy relationship.
“Vincent is a completely horrible person with no redeeming qualities. He is the worst.”
Oh God, so much to unpack here…
First of all, are we talking about Catherine or something? Have you guys not played Full Body or even interacted with any of the sheep or bar patrons? Have you fallen for the harmful misandry messages? Are you trying to be hyperbolic on purpose (because that's real funny man, real funny.👏👏)? HAVE YOU EVEN BEEN PAYING ATTENTION TO CATHERINE IN THE FIRST PLACE OR ARE YOU JUST TOO BLINDED BY YOUR TUNNEL VISION WITH VINCENT'S FLAWS? Look, I am guilty of feeling strongly about some very awfully behaved fictional characters, but as someone who used to dislike Vincent, even I wouldn’t be foolish enough to say this. I dislike Caillou, but I would not call him a bad person. He’s a toddler with barely developed morals and parents who don’t discipline him. If you think about it, nobody in Catherine are really much better than Vincent. They all have different issues, but that doesn’t mean they’re angels either. In fact, Erica, Orlando, and Katherine have all manipulated and lied to their partners just like Vincent yet somehow Vincent is the worst? WE HAVE A SUCCUBUS R WORDING, ABUSING, and MOLESTING MEN, A BARTENDER TRYING TO KILL MEN VIA NIGHTMARES, A MAN WHO GIVES NO FUCKS ABOUT LIFE OR PEOPLE IN GENERAL, TELLS HIS FRIEND TO GO CHEAT ON HIS GIRLFRIEND, BULLIES A FRIEND FOR BEING THE YOUNGEST, IS CONSTANTLY INSENSITIVE TOWARDS SOMEONE GOING THROUGH THE WORST TRAUMA IN THEIR LIVES AND STARTED A SHADY FISHING BUSINESS AND SOMEHOW VINCENT IS.THE.WORST?!?!?! Vincent is not a terrible person just because he’s meek and cowardly, those traits aren’t inherently bad traits to have. Vincent CAN be a bad person, but that’s only if you’re going for Catherine. In the other endings, he becomes a better person. That’s what character development is all about. If Vincent hadn’t made those mistakes, there would be no conflict or character development. There are characters people love dearly who act much much worse than Vincent, yet people despise and demonize Vincent because he’s a “coward”.
“Vincent deserves everything he gets”
Okay, I’m going to repeat some of the things I said in the Jerry Smith defense post that I made (which I will admit, I don’t even like Jerry anyway, I just feel like people saying he deserves all the abuse he gets and that he is the worst while we have Rick and Beth sitting over there is pretty disturbing and confusing to read). Jerry is, you guessed it, another meek and cowardly underdog character who everyone loves to hate on. Again, you need to look at the big picture instead of what a fictional story full of asshole characters are saying. Yes, Vincent should get consequences for his actions but the consequences he gets are often too severe because again, THIS IS A FUCKING VIDEO GAME. The game is not trying to send any positive messages about dealing with men who are sheep and have commitment issues. We only have that conflict because it makes a story interesting and unique. We love to see characters struggle and try to overcome it. But saying that Vincent truly deserves all the horrible trauma, near deaths, and abuse he went through is the disturbing part about it. Again, I and many others are guilty of saying fictional characters need to be cancelled or killed, but that doesn’t mean it’s a logical thing to say.
“Vincent is a pussy”
Uh… yeah? Again, that is the whole point of character development? Not everyone needs to have a flaw where they're only rude or amoral or arrogant. And did you not pay attention to the fact that this dude got r worded, molested, abused, pressured, accidentally cheated, and had to survive through 9 days worth of sleepless nightmares climbing blocks and running from monsters? What were you expecting? Vincent to suck it up and be a typical overly assertive, opinionated protagonist who shows no emotion to the things he was going through? Would you think differently if he was a woman? We need more emotionally vulnerable men in fiction!
Do you just hate passive characters in general? If so, okay, but that doesn’t make them bad characters. Passive characters can be written well, but the problem is most people write them this way just to be the underdog or because they’re too lazy to have that protagonist further the plot or have any other traits besides being passive and nice. At least Vincent is a multi-dimensional character, he does further the plot (by lying and hurting K/Catherine), and does have some good reasons for being scared. The major problem with him is that your choices don’t actually matter until the end.
But put yourself in Vincent’s shoes. How would you feel if you had to survive through all the stuff he was going through? Even if you may not understand the codependency issues or his tendency to hide and lie his way out of everything, I doubt you wouldn’t lose it as well. Some of y’all might even act way worse than Vincent ever had. You probably only hate him because he’s a vulnerable, scared man who expresses his emotions over the things that he was going through.
Edit: Oh, here's another common complaint I found.
"Vincent didn't tell Toby about Erica's gender"
Y'all are just looking for any reason to shit on Vincent huh? Not that many of y'all's takes weren't bad and shallow enough, but I digress. Why should Vincent bear the responsibility of telling Toby about Erica's past? That is THEIR relationship and THEIR business. In reality, Erica was more in the wrong for not being honest with Toby. I don't even think this is the case of being socially awkward or impolite. It's reasonable enough for Vincent to assume that since they were in a relationship, Toby possibly could've already known about Erica being transgender unless they were actually seeing Erica lie to Toby.
ERICA was the cause of the strain of her and Toby's relationship, NOT Vincent and his buds. But again, you just like to ignore everyone else's actions and think of them as perfect or good human beings, while Vincent is the one who gets all the shit because he is the opposite of them. Unconfident, unassertive, fearful, insecure, and socially awkward and again, none of these traits make someone a bad or evil person.
I’m not trying to say that you should like Vincent and I’m sorry if I may have overreacted a bit (trying to be nice, I swear). I just feel disturbed by some of the things people have said about him and to me during some of our arguments. I understand he may not resonate with many people, especially westerners. But I feel like people can often be a bit too hard on him. I understand feeling strongly about fictional characters, I often get like that too, but I’m just hoping my essays would get people to see Vincent in a new light instead of this shallow black and white protagonist and inherent hatred for any meek character. 
The point of his character isn’t to be universally relatable nor is he the typical stoic badass protagonist. Not every character needs to have either one of those traits. I’d much rather watch a quirky character in a quirky story rather than a character who acts exactly like what I see in everyday life. I admit, I don’t entirely relate to Vincent either. I would never cheat, lie, smoke, drink, or stay in toxic relationships. And anyone who knows my account knows that I am FAR from meek. But Vincent isn’t supposed to be a role model so… 
But let’s be honest, as someone with severe anxiety, I would break too if I was in Vincent’s situation and I’m sure anyone would. I’d likely actually go crazy. Dude got sexually assaulted, believes he may or may not have cheated, and had to solve complex puzzles and get chased by monsters in an ENTIRE week. And on top of that, no one gives a fuck about him or treat him kindly but Rin (the only one he acts normally toward), which he loses midway in the game. How would you expect him to be sane and well-adjusted from that?
I’m not trying to say Vincent is perfect because he isn’t! But he is not an irredeemable devil. No one in the game is besides Catherine and the Boss. Vincent isn’t supposed to be perfect because again, there would be no character development if he was. Vincent tried his best, many people don’t even care to fix their issues or take responsibility for their mistakes unless maybe they get some huge wake up call while Vincent tried to fix his mistakes before getting those wake up calls. Some people go completely off the rails. We got to give Vincent credit where credit is due for trying to clean up his mess and try to be a better person even if he stumbled alot because growth isn’t linear or easy.
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keithisbae1 · 8 months
Modern Sasuke X Shippuden Sakura - Part 2
Sakura learns to adjust to this new life but she keeps getting excited over the smallest of things. She’s in awe at all the cars and trains and Sasuke would either have to kick her lightly for her overreaction or in some instances like when their traveling by train and Sasuke uses the ticket to go through the gates, Sakura is still standing there in awe at how this technology works. So, he has to go back through to drag her with him because otherwise, they’ll never get anywhere. 
It’s not her fault that they have such advanced technology, she doesn’t even know how to make posts for social media and unfortunately, the Sakura in this world would post a lot. So Sasuke has to help or be the one in charge of her social media accounts to make them look less suspicious to their friends. During all this, he accidentally discovers his Sakura’s alt-Twitter account where she would either rant about her bad day, what she's been doing or about him. More specifically about her feelings for him. 
Things like how she struggled to be so close to him now when her feelings never changed. How nice it was that she felt confident enough to call him a friend but that her remaining feelings would ruin it.
It was true they had gotten closer over the years, Sasuke was the only one who knew of her nightmares that still plagued her when the three of them were ambushed by the group from Sound. How vivid they were and that's when he found her underneath the cherry blossom tree. How she felt content and peaceful. And it was no secret how much she liked him over the years, even if her fawning over him had died down. He wouldn't have imagined that she was feeling like this and it felt wrong to scroll further and pry into what was essentially her diary, but he needed to know. Then when he looked at the other Sakura, who no doubt had been through a lot worse than any of them here could imagine. Sasuke found himself missing her. ‘She’s right here.’ He tried to tell himself but that wasn’t the truth. “I need to go.” He told her leaving Sakura by the cherry blossom tree. She looked sad but let him be, knowing there was no point in talking to him.
Sakura wasn’t any different. She misses her friends, her family, she knows Naruto needs her to get their Sasuke back. Wondering if she would get something like this with her Sasuke, but then when he has his moments like this of leaving her without warning. Without saying anything as to why… again. She gets flashbacks from the night when he left the village… and she hates it. No matter where she is, Sasuke always leaves. Why her? What did she do? Maybe it was best to be the first one to go? 
It’s not like this place was her home, that they were her real family or friends. And spending time with them takes time out of her day to get back home. 
She goes to school the next day, like she usually does except she left without Sasuke asking ‘her parents’ to tell him she’ll meet him there. This had never happened so when Mebuki tried to ask if they had a fight Sakura laughed it off and just mentioned she needed to get to school early. Her parents didn’t pry further.
~~~ “You could have waited for me.” Sakura wouldn't have imagined he'd be able to get here so quickly. She hadn't even gone through the school gates. He was panting too, did he really run all this way to catch up with her. 
Regardless Sakura had made up her mind. “I think it’s best if you don’t get involved.” This was not what Sasuke had imagined. He had an inkling something was bothering her, that she was angry but where did this come from? 
“I appreciate your help and everything you’ve done for me so far but… this isn’t my home. I can’t keep pretending to be her. I need more time to look for clues, something anything. To go back home.” “I can help, it’s better to have two heads than one-” 
“NO! I mean, I need to do this by myself. You need to focus on your own life, I’ll figure out how to get back to mine.” Leave him before he leaves you. She brushed past him before he could respond back, leaving him by the school gates. What sweet irony. 
The image of his confused and hurt face made her falter but she didn't look back. Don't look back, or you'll only cave in. She’ll put distance between herself and Sasuke, then her friends and stop going to school thus giving her time to start digging for clues. 
In class Sasuke couldn’t stop looking at her, she wasn’t even paying attention to what Kakashi was saying and yet still was able to answer any questions he threw at her with ease. Her eyes were either focused on the window, the notebook, their teacher or Ino when she was happily gossiping but never at him. Something ached in his chest, a feeling he had never felt before. 
Was this what it would have been like with his own Sakura? If it became too much. Did she plan to put distance between them and never look his way? Why did it bother him so much? He unknowingly snapped the pencil in his hand.
Sakura mindlessly doodled on the notebook. A habit she picked up on thanks to Sai. Trying to remember what 'he' looked like when she last saw him. Where is he now? Has Naruto found him yet? Would they ever see him again?
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tobiokuns · 4 years
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— morning after with haikyuu boys
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summary: when you wake up after an amazing night, you’re sad to see that he’s not there anymore. [start / next] tags: suggestive content + aged up characters, hurt/comfort + angst to fluff, insecurities featuring: bokuto koutarou, miya atsumu, sakusa kiyoomi, hinata shoyo image credit: @seerlight on twitter
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—bokuto koutarou
when you wake up and bokuto is no longer in the bed beside you, you think, ah, i should’ve expected this. he’s always been popular, going off to do big things, and there was no way that he would settle for you.   
you think that the way his eyes sparkled as he rocked into you last night, chanting you’re amazing, y/n, must have been just in the heat of the moment, because there’s just no way bokuto, larger than life, would want someone as quiet as you. then your phone pings, and you see a text from him.
bokuto [10:12am] hey hey, i had a great time last night  ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ bokuto [10:12am] have a good day y/n!!!
your heart lightens a little, but you notice that he doesn’t say that he wants to see you again, so you turn off your phone and leave him on read. he was probably just being nice anyway. 
a day passes, and you don’t receive any more messages from him, so you think you’re right. but then the door bell rings, and you open it to see bokuto standing there, his hair deflated, his eyes downward, pouting at you. 
“koutarou?” you urge him inside, tamping down your own feelings, “what’s wrong, can i—”
“did you not have a good time?” he bursts, holding you by the shoulders, “cuz i had a really good time, but you didn’t answer my messages, so if you didn’t, please tell me what i could do better!”
you look at him, bewildered, but also a little embarrassed. you could’ve at least replied to his text, you think now, but you were so sure that he hadn’t wanted you back.
“s-sorry,” you blush, “i-i just thought you were being nice. you left so i thought you didn’t want to see me again—”
“that’s not true!!” he exclaims immediately, wrapping a strong arm around you, “i was just excited, i didn’t want to scare you so i left, to give you some space or something. was that wrong? i won’t do it again if you don’t want me to!”
he’s talking so much, his voice booming. you start to melt into him, your face in his chest, just like last night. he stops when he notices your cheek rubbing against him, and lowers his voice just a little. 
“i should’ve just stayed, huh?” he asks sheepishly, holding your shoulder tightly against him. you nod, laughing lightly. yeah, you agree, but just don’t leave next time.
—miya atsumu
atsumu shows up at your door exactly a week after he’d left you alone in bed, a dozen roses in his arms. you stare at him for a few moments, taking in the sight of his pleading eyes, and shut the door on him.
you had been completely ready to roll over and tell him all your feelings that morning: how you’ve been watching him since high school, how amazing you thought he was, despite all the bad things people say about his personality and attitude. you didn’t care about any of that, and you wanted to tell him how much you admired him, but he hadn’t been there.
you laid in bed for the next few hours, wasting away your sunday, and when you get up to wash your face, you decide that if he’s not going to at least call to say where he’d gone, then maybe he was as bad as people say.
“y/n...” his voice cuts through your thoughts, but it sounds muffled, as if he had his head against the wood of the door. “y/n, can ya hear me?” when you don’t answer, he continues: “i’m sorry fer leavin’ ya... ‘samu said i was stupid, and y’know he’s never right, but since ya haven’t talked to me... i think he might have been this time...”
there’s a pause, and you wait, still refusing to open the door. it’s been a whole week, you reason.
“how do i put this...” he mutters, lightly tapping his head against the door, “i guess i was jus’ feelin’ awkward ‘bout it... i never done that before so—”
you rip open the door, cheeks red, “never? ‘tsumu, you’re a virgin?”
you think about all the girls that have flocked to him over the years and the way that he easily interacted with them. you thought you never had a chance, not against the girls with the prettier faces, the curvier bodies, the glossier hair. but when he had kissed you last night, sloppy and desperate, you felt all those feelings melt away.
“...ya don’t hafta say it like that...” he pouts, and when you start to giggle, he scowls even harder. “i was just... waitin’ for the right time, y’know?”
when you don’t say anything, staring at him dumbfounded, he manages to stutter, “s-so? w-will you take the flowers?”
your eyes soften, covering his fingers with yours, “yes,” you agree, “but only if you agree never to leave me again.”
— sakusa kiyoomi
sakusa hadn’t meant to stay the night—he knew he had an early morning practice that he needed to be properly rested for, but after the way you had clung onto him, and realizing how good that felt, he decided he couldn’t just leave you. and when he wakes up, glancing over at your peaceful face, he also decides to just pull the covers up to your chin and text you later.
but when you wake up alone and a little warm, with no new messages from him on your phone, your heart sinks. you think of the way he let you pull down his mask, the way he pressed forward to kiss you, and wonder if it all meant nothing. you leave him a message anyway, pressing send before you second guess yourself. 
y/n [9:52am] kiyoomi, if you didn’t want to see me again, you could’ve just let me know. i don’t blame you or anything.
you throw your phone on the bed and proceed with your day as if nothing had happened. life goes on, you tell yourself. but when the doorbell rings that evening, the last person you expect to see is sakusa, who looks a little worn out, still dressed in his training attire.
“kiyoomi? what are you—” 
he cuts you off, his voice so deep and serious that you shrink a little:  “i had practice. i left my keys here, so i was going to come back anyway.”
“so you just needed your keys?” you repeat, a little numb, and turn away to grab them from the bowl in the doorway. you hand it it to him with a tremble, mumbling, “...here you go.”
he takes them from your hand, but intertwines his fingers with yours anyway. “no,” he says slowly, “not just my keys. i forgot to let you know where i was. i’m sorry.”
“i-it’s not like you have to tell me where you are all the time...” you’re blushing, your heart thumping in your chest. 
he grips your fingers tighter, “yes, i do,” he pulls you closer gently, “we’re together now, right?”
— hinata shoyo
when you wake up, the spot next to you is still warm, but there’s nobody there. you blink, thinking about how gentle hinata had been with you last night, the look in his eyes as he pressed into you, and wonder if he’d changed his mind.
“shoyo?” you call, but there’s no answer, which only confirms your worst fears.
hinata had always been too nice and a little immature. you can’t imagine that if he wanted to leave after a night like that he would be able to effectively communicate it to you without messing up. well, you think as you turn over, staring at the ceiling, maybe this is better than rejection.
but then you hear the front door open, and someone’s bounding up to your bedroom door. hinata pokes his head in.
“y/n, you awake? i got food, i didn’t know what you wanted so i kinda got a lot but if you can’t finish—” he stops when he realizes that you’re curled up beneath the covers, your glassy eyes blinking back at him.
hinata scrambles over, dropping the bags on the floor, and burrowing into your side, “what’s wrong? are you sore? was it me—”
you start to wail midway, cutting him off, “i-i thought you left!” you hiccup, “you weren’t there when i woke up so i thought you regretted it and—”
“no, no, i would never—” he protests, and his gaze softens when he sees your patchy face, “y/n, please don’t cry! i-i won’t leave you ever! come on, let’s go eat, okay?”
you wipe your tears hastily, lip still quivering. but you believe him, his eyes as bright as they were the day you met him, and you say okay.
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btsydtrash · 3 years
So Far Away [4]
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single father yoongi x preschool teacher yn; mechanic vmin
Living as a single father, Yoongi had to make many adjustments to his lifestyle, specifically in two aspects: his sleep schedule and dating. Both of which, he doesn't get to pay enough attention to.
Things all change when he meets YN - a warm-hearted girl who gives him butterflies and makes him feel as if he's floating on cloud nine.
Now, all that he has to do is get her to actually notice him.
Masterlist / i dont have a tag list / find me on twitter  /  word count: 3.5k
(author’s note: taehyung is a sneaky little thing. i dont agree with orchestrating things like this, but sometimes it is the drama that some stories just need yk!)
(angst / fluff / smut / gore / yandere)
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Chapter 4 - ‘Puppetry’
Things don’t magically change overnight with the realization that Yoongi is the elusive Mr Min that you were trying with all your might to keep to yourself, and that you were Yoongi’s long-term teacher crush that made his heart race and his pants tight.
Taehyung actually finds it kind of funny, holding this trump card close to his chest.
It isn’t nice, and YN would probably have his head for it, but he likes being able to figure out the older man before he introduces him to you.
Learning ones enemy is the first step to victory, or whatever that book said that one time.
Taehyung does make three mistakes nearly immediately, however.
First mistake: he doesn’t tell you about Yoongi.
He thinks about it but since the last time you dated someone without his intervention, you ended up scammed out of money and depressed. This time, he wanted to vet the guy without your influence before he let you get close enough to actually bring things to reality.
Maybe the older man had poison hidden behind his gummy smile. Maybe he was a bully, or a drunk, or maybe his feet smelled - he doesn’t know, but he refuses to let you walk into this situation blind. You caught feelings easily, and you were a dummy in love (so was he, but that isn’t the point). You were too gentle and special for him to just let this guy run rampant without doing his homework.
He tells himself it’s because he’s doing his due diligence and he’s being a good best friend, but he also knows that a part of him just finds the older man’s blushing and stammering endearing. He knows that the older, kind of closed-off man wouldn’t be halfway as open with his emotions if he were aware of the truth.
So, he makes notes in his brain whenever he overhears Yoongi talk to someone about you.
Or more specifically, how he talks about you.
He acknowledges Yoongi’s apparent attraction to you, but you’re hot like burning, so that isn’t a surprise. What Taehyung is more concerned about is whether or not Yoongi respects you as a woman, as a person, so he makes it his mission to ask purposefully irksome questions to glean his responses.
“Do you know if she’s single?”
Yoongi glances up briefly from where he’s overlooking some paperwork, confused for a moment before recognition blossoms in his eyes. Then, he half-shrugs. “There’s no ring. I checked.”
“Some foreigners don’t wear rings,” he responds, lightly. “She could be a divorcee.”
Yoongi tuts. “There’s nothing wrong with being divorced. I’m divorced.”
That stops Taehyung in his tracks. “Really?”
He nods and retorts, teasingly, “How do you think my kid got here?”
He makes a gesture with his hand, a ring on a finger and then a finger going into a hole. It’s crude but it does rip a surprised laugh out of him.
Taehyung flushes around the collar, suddenly embarrassed. “I just assumed.”
Yoongi snorts. “I took responsibility if that’s what you’re asking.”
Some moments go by where the two men fall back into a natural comfortable rhythm before Taehyung interrupts the silence with a soft, “Hyung?”
Yoongi looks up again, over the edge of his glasses. “Yes?”
“I didn’t mean to be rude,” Taehyung says, honestly apologetic. “I was curious about the girl you like and I overstepped.”
Yoongi waves him off. “It’s not bad to be curious. I didn't take offense.”
“Hyung, why did you and your ex-wife split up?”
Yoongi’s expression hardens for barely a moment before he exhales. “Let’s just say it was miscommunication and leave it at that.”
Taehyung nods and turns back to the tools he had been cleaning. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he says, and Taehyung isn’t sure but he feels like his tone of voice became a touch darker. It makes the taller man shudder.
His second mistake: he doesn’t tell you about Jimin.
His small, minuscule, infinitesimal crush on his colleague exploded into something unbearable very quickly. The shorter man was just that lovable. He laughed with his whole body, throwing himself to the floor whenever he found something funny, eyes crinkling into half-moons and disappearing. His teeth are white and sparkling, and just a little crooked, making him feel real - human - where the rest of him exuded unattainability. When his expression cools and he becomes serious, he feels like a different person. The strong line of his nose and jaw come together with the softness in his cheeks and the warmth of his eyes to create the perfect composition.
But, it isn’t just his looks that are out of this world. His personality is just as wonderful. He teased Taehyung from day one, making him feel welcome to their already tight-knit unit. He always brought him snacks whenever he knew Taehyung would be staying late to catch up on work. He leaves little notes in the bags that Taehyung looks forward to reading in the privacy of his office.
Seeing Jimin in the morning quickly became his favorite part of the day.
One night, Taehyung had come back after forgetting something unimportant in the garage and he saw Jimin out back. He was curious, and a little suspicious, as to why the other man would be there so late, especially considering it was so cold, considering they were nearly kissing the end of November at this point. He watched the other man shuffle around back near the garbage bins and he fished into his backpack for something small. He couldn’t see what it was from this distance, but when the other man put it down and waited for a moment, seemingly watching for something in the dark, he realized what it was.
He was feeding kittens.
The weak mewls of the kittens nearly brought tears to Taehyung’s eyes. It was so cold, and they were so small and sickly-looking. There were two of them: a tabby and a black cat.
Taehyung was moving before he ever realized it. “Do you need some help with them?”
Jimin jumped in surprise, yelping and scaring the kittens back into the dark.
“Tae! You scared me,” he chastised, breaths coming out in quick puffs, white air puffing out of his mouth because of the cold.
Taehyung smirks but ducks his head into his scarf (YN had knitted it for him some years ago and it works perfectly fine and was his favorite color and he thinks it looks wonderful) before he asked again, “You need help?”
Jimin glanced down at the kittens before his cheeks bleed in embarrassment. “What are you even doing here this late?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Taehyung remarked lightly before crouching down beside Jimin. “They won’t survive out here by themselves.”
Jimin’s frown deepened before he nodded. “I know.”
“We should take them to a vet,” he said. “This one has an eye infection and they look like they’ve been starving. When did you find them?”
“Yesterday,” Jimin replied. “They wouldn’t come out last night. I brought food and left it, and it was empty this morning so I thought if I brought more, they might come out.”
Taehyung nodded. “Let’s take them to a vet.”
“They’ll run away if I grab them,” Jimin complained. “They don’t trust people.”
“Understandable,” Taehyung replied. He took off his scarf and opened it out. “This looks big enough, right?”
“It’ll get dirty,” he murmured, brow furrowing.
“I have a washing machine,” Taehyung replied, easily. “Help me?”
Jimin took a moment to survey Taehyung. His expression wasn’t exactly distrustful, but it was as if he couldn’t figure him out. “Okay.”
The two men slowly approached the animals that were comfortably eating out of the tuna cans that the shorter man had brought, but they were aware of their surroundings. The black one broke out of the hunger induced hypnosis and began to cry and growl when it realized it was being surrounded by imposing figures. But, with the two of them, the kittens were no match for their strength and speed and within minutes, Taehyung had his backseat full of Jimin and two baby cats, en route to the nearest veterinarian clinic.
Jimin had spent some time talking with the vet out back while Taehyung waited in the front, signing papers and schmoozing with the receptionist.
When Jimin came out, he seemed lost in thought. Taehyung had to step into his line of sight and put his hands on his shoulders to break him out of his reverie.
Jimin jolted, shocked. “I thought you would have left by now. It’s late.”
Taehyung shrugged, suddenly shy. “I wouldn’t have left you.”
Jimin paused, brow furrowing and he said, expression tight, “Your girlfriend might get mad at you.”
Taehyung averted his eyes to stare at the fish in the wall tank opposite them. “That’s not a problem. Don’t worry about it.”
Jimin hummed but said nothig more and it makes Taehyung feel nervous.
He asked, “What did the vet say?”
“I have to come and pick them up at the end of the week,” he said, gently. He smiled a little and Taehyung felt his stomach swoop at the sight. He wanted to bottle up this feeling and store it somewhere precious. He continued, walking towards the door, “I now live with two kittens.”
Taehyung asked, strolling in-step with the older man, “Why are you such a softie?”
Jimin rolled his eyes. “I’m not a softie. I just don’t like seeing things weaker than me in pain.”
“That’s the textbook definition of a softie,” Taehyung retorted, lightly. “You remind me a lot of somebody very precious to me. I think that’s why I like you so much.”
Jimin paused before he pulled open the car door, looking directly in Taehyung’s eyes, seemingly searching for something. Just as Taehyung opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, Jimin averted his eyes and slid into the passenger seat. When Taehyung slid into the car, Jimin refused to look at him. Instead, he stared ahead the entire ride back to the garage. Taehyung could barely breathe the entire drive.
“Hyung, don’t forget to wear gloves tomorrow,” Taehyung reminded the other man as he tried to get out of the car. Jimin shot him a quick glance before he nodded, stiffly, and got out. Taehyung wound down the window and called out to Jimin’s retreating figure, “Drive safe!”
Jimin waved him off without looking back and he climbed into his 2017 Jeep. He doesn’t pull off immediately, but Taehyung is too far away to see what he’s doing, despite being unbearably curious. Taehyung knew he should have driven off as soon as the other man had gotten into his car safely, but he couldn’t bring himself to for the longest time.
And when he was in the middle of his ride home, he realized that he didn’t even get what it was that he wanted from the office. In fact, he tried to call to mind whatever it was that he needed and it felt like all he could think about what the feeling of watching Jimin’s back as he walked away from him.
Beside the emotional entanglement that he had found himself in, Taehyung’s first month at the shop concludes happily.
He’s excelling with his clientele, he hasn’t fucked up any jobs and he doesn’t argue with anybody - something YN was very concerned about, considering your best friend’s very typical mercurial Capricorn nature. He walks into work that Friday to a series of cupcakes all decorated in his favorite colors - gray and purple - and he’s rightfully confused.
Hoseok glances up from where he has been taking quick snapshots of the impressive spread, and he says, “Jimin made these yesterday. To celebrate your first month.”
Taehyung chokes a little on his spit.
Jungkook snorts. “Don’t get too excited. It’s a habit of his - he did it for all of us.”
Taehyung fights the urge to give the younger man a solid glare. “I’m just surprised. I wasn’t expecting anything like this.”
Jimin comes out of Namjoon’s office as if summoned and he stills at the sight of Taehyung. He’s holding some matching balloons and paper plates. “You’re early.”
Taehyung gives him a boxy grin, beaming brightly at the shorter man. “I’m on time.”
“You’re always late on Fridays,” Jimin corrects, with a meaningful brow raise. He puts the objects on the table and gestures to the table. “I made enough for any customers too.”
Jimin seems a little shy, shifting his weight from foot to foot, and Taehyung can’t help it. He approaches the other man and wraps him up in a big, tight embrace. He whispers into the other man’s neck, “Thanks, Hyung. I really appreciate it.”
Jimin freezes in his hold, before stiffly patting him on the back. “I-It’s fine.”
Taehyung releases him and holds him at arm’s distance. “I mean it. I don’t forget things like this.”
Jimin grins, rubbing the back of his neck, sheepishly. “They might taste like shit.”
Jungkook makes a noise of disagreement and around a mouthful of cupcake, he says, “Nah, Hyung. They’re delicious.”
“Yah! Those aren’t for you, you greedy pig,” Jimin chastises and swats at Jungkook’s head. The taller man ducks out of the way and scurries off, grabbing two more cupcakes as he disappears into Yoongi’s office.
Hoseok tiptoes towards the table and asks, with his eyes, for permission.
Taehyung nods and the older man makes a happy noise of appreciation. After biting into his purple heart decorated cake, Hoseok says, “Tae, the rest of the guys were thinking about going to a club today. Do you want to come, celebrate your month the real way?”
Taehyung snorts at the mechanic’s mischevious expression. “Of course, Hyung.”
Then, a thought pops into his head. “Can I bring somebody?”
Hoseok locks eyes with someone behind Taehyung for a moment, his expression stiffening, before he returns his eyes to his face and he nods, lips thinning. “Sure, kid.”
“Thanks,” Taehyung says, excitedly. His plan was coming together so nicely, and he didn’t even have to do anything. He grabs a cupcake and fishes his phone out of his back pocket.
Juicy. I know you don’t have any plans later so get dolled up and meet me at the address I’m gonna send you later. Don’t argue with me. ‘The Wire’ can wait until the weekend. Love you.
His phone pings minutes later.
First of all… You’re right, but you don’t have to say it like that.
He’s about to respond with something equally as sarcastic when his phone pings again.
What should I wear?
That’s what he likes to hear.
The backless white dress that I got you, with the fluffy heels.
And if the rest of the day, he’s practically floating on air, that’s his business.
They close up shop early and he drives home to eat something and get ready. YN won’t be home until much later, usually staying at the school until at least eight on Fridays to get some preparation work done for the following Monday. After food, he showers and grabs something he knows will look good because, come on, it’s him and he always looks good. He grabs some silver jewelry and puts all of his piercings in, small hoops and studs along his ears. He wears a patterned grey, red and white silky shirt tucked into black cigarette pants, cinched at the waist with a belt and black loafers.
Before he leaves, he leaves YN a short note to boost her confidence because even though she’s stunning and she knows it, she still deserves being told and that’s his job. Hi, pretty girl. You look beautiful - you always do. Take a picture for me so I can obsess before you leave. See you soon, love you. And then he’s off, meeting the guys at the bar for nine sharp.
The music is already pulsing and as soon as they step into the building, Taehyung practically feels the vibration shuddering his lungs. He hasn’t been partying in a long time, too occupied with the move and working, and honestly, he doesn’t miss it. He liked having easy access to guys, sure, but he much prefers spending time with Juicy at home or working on cars and doing something with his craft. He feels like maybe he’s grown up a little without even realizing it.
The boys are already there, in a booth to the left of the DJ decks, according to Jungkook, but when he arrives, he only sees the long-haired man, who is sifting through the varying bottles perched in a ‘bath’ of ice. Taehyung is surprised at how nice their set up is. He greets Jungkook, who brings him to his chest and pats him on the back, smoothly.
At Taehyung’s confused expression, he explains, “Hobi-hyung and Yoongi-hyung know the owner. They do music sometimes, and they’ve performed here before. They’re actually really fucking good. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard any of their stuff, but they might play some tonight. You know, it’s good to get exposure or whatever.” Jungkook looks good, in a black and white tartan shirt, dark jeans and a bucket hat. He grins and hands Taehyung a flute of champagne. “We, also, got a bunch of liquor for free so I’m gonna get super drunk tonight.”
Taehyung snorts and taps his glass against Jungkook’s in agreement.
The two of them sip their drinks languidly, and shift along rhythmically to the music, excitement building in their bodies. After a while, he asks Jungkook, “Where’s everyone else?”
“Jimin doesn’t like bubbly, so he’s getting more bottles of whiskey and gin, I think,” he explains. “Namjoon and Hobi are in the bathroom. Yoongi is late, like usual.”
Taehyung frowns a little at that. If Yoongi doesn’t turn up, then his plan for YN and the mechanic to meet will go up in flames.
Taehyung asks, having to shout a little over the music despite their close proximity, “Did he get a baby sitter?”
Jungkook nods. “He said something about Sena going to a sleepover this weekend.”
“Good,” Taehyung answers. He turns his body to face the club and tries to spot the guys in the crowd of people. The club isn’t empty by any means, despite it being relatively early in the night. He sees Namjoon’s tall form shuffling through the crowd, in an all-white outfit and matching white Air Forces on his feet. Taehyung is surprised at his taste in outfits, considering the older man only ever gave him ‘green, museums and bike-rides’ vibes. Hoseok is to his left, dressed in a colorful hoodie and denim jeans with brown and pink Js on his feet. He has on a peach hat and his smile is vibrant even in the dim lighting of the club. He waves when he sees Taehyung, and, equally as excited, Taehyung returns with a wave of his own.
Behind the two men, carrying a glass of scotch on the rocks, Jimin is walking and it feels as if the man is moving in slow motion. He’s wearing a black turtleneck, and a leather jacket and skin-tight denim jeans that seem as if they had been painted on. Every twitch of his strong thighs is visible through the material and Taehyung feels his body respond. His dick twitches in his pants and he has to look away, draining his flute and filling it quickly with another full glass of alcohol.
Taehyung’s phone vibrates and he pulls it out. A beautiful mirror picture of you, in a white dress, showing off your milky brown mid-rift and your hair is a mess of bouncy curls and ringlets. You are smiling brightly and you’re wearing the sparkly bracelet that he had gotten for you as a Valentine’s Day gift two years ago. You had both been single and you bought him a beret and made him his scarf that he treasured more than any of his other belongings.  I’m calling my cab now.
“Hi,” Jimin’s voice comes from his right and Taehyung blinks in surprise. Jimin stares him up and down, cataloguing his body and outfit, and he compliments, warmly, “You look good.”
“Uh- T-Thanks, so do y-you,” Taehyung replies. He straightens out, looming over the shorter man who, despite wearing all black, shines more vibrantly than anything in the room. “I thought you would’ve worn something colorful.”
His brow pickers, cutely, and he enquirers, “Why?”
Taehyung half-shrugs. “Your personality… is bright.”
Jimin goes a little quiet at that before he states, an almost regretful look marring his features that Taehyung wants to wipe away, “I’m not as good as you think I am.”
The two men, seemingly lost in their own bubble, don’t notice the inquisitive looks they were on the receiving end of. The supposedly taken, straight man and his gay co-worker who is open about having a world-ending crush on him.
You might be asking what Taehyung’s third mistake was: he doesn’t count on Jungkook having eyes.
- end -
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
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script-nef · 4 years
How their relationship gets revealed (iii)
Characters: Akaashi, Oikawa, Sakusa, Tsukishima, Ushijima
Category: fluff
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Akaashi Keiji
You’re a best-selling novelist and incredibly famous
Akaashi has been your editor for 3 years now
He’s such a hardworking and dedicated worker
You buy him a lot of presents and he does as well
Constant uploads onto social media with new gifts and meals together
Which happens a lot because you need constant feedback and reviews
And so your readers kind of ship you with him
Lightly, like “Y’all are cute together” and “I wish I have this kind of support”
They don’t actually think you’re together and also don’t want to force it on you
But little do they know that you’ve been dating for over a year now
Because Akaashi is:
1. Kind and caring 
2. Really hot/pretty 
3. The gentlest person you’ve ever met and 
4. Is incredibly professional and can separate work from personal feelings 
5. Just look at him
He confessed his feelings for you after your last book sold over a million copies
Because he was drunk after the celebration
But you also liked him and a new relationship was born
Mainly kept on the down low because it’s just easier
You and him both have meddling people around you
But feelings grew day by day
And you desperately want everyone to know your boyfriend is such a wonderful and amazing partner like scream it from the top of your lungs
And so a new book was made
In the dedications page, you wrote “To my other half, thank you for taking care and loving me”
Reader are surprised at the relationship update
But are super happy for you even though they don’t know who it is
The book is a really sweet and cute novel
Readers think it sounds kind of familiar for some reason…
And at the end of the book, it says “To Akaashi Keiji”
(Turns out it was loosely based on yours and his relationship)
The reading community is flipped and your book reaches bestsellers in record time
Oikawa Tooru
Oikawa comes to Japan for a match against the Schweiden Adlers
His return was met with thousands of fans and plenty of photographers and reporters
Every one of his fans were saying how much they love him and hope he wins
And tons of gifts are given left and right
He gives his ever-so charming smile and gracefully accepts them
An interviewer asks him what he missed most in Japan
He rattles off a list
“My family, my friends—Iwa-chan isn’t here though—Japanese food. There’s this wonderful ramen place in my hometown! I also have to see Mattsun and…”
The reporter smiles and nods to his replies
His fans are screaming how they’ll buy anything he wants in the background
He thanks them but that just makes them scream louder
Then his face goes soft, like he’s remembering a really happy thing
“...but I missed [Name]-chan the most.”
The reporter’s eyes widens along with all his fan’s
Even hardcore, and I mean hardcore, fans didn’t know about this
“They’ve been supporting me so much and it’s been ages since my last visit… I just want to see and hug them.”
His small smile is so full of love and affection, even a blind person could see he’s in love
They had zero idea he was in a committed relationship
Most of his fans scream that they hope he has a good relationship
(He ignores the ones that are shrieking“No!”)
Photos of you with him are uploaded after he wins against Schweiden Adlers 
He’s smiling like the sun in every single one of them
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Sakusa hates interviews and reporters
Because they keep sticking microphones, which is covered with theirs and everyone else’s germs, into his face
And expect him to be polite when he’s so uncomfortable
So he has a reputation for being a little (read: extremely) difficult for post-match interviews
Nearly everyone had given up
And then all of a sudden, he’s actually civilised in interviews
Like, answering questions and even smiling a little
Everyone’s thinking 
“Is he okay?” 
“What’s happening?” 
“Oh god he’s finally lost it after being in a team with 3 crackheads #PrayForSakusa2020”
In reality, it’s because you’re the one interviewing him
He doesn't want to do it for anyone else, but you insisted that he has to
And now he responds to other reporters as well (albeit incredibly unwillingly)
But he only smiles for you
Fans start noticing after 3 – 4 interviews
“Is it me or is Sakusa really nice when that reporter asks him” 
“No I noticed as well” 
After a match, you finish a live report which people can chat on (just say there is one)
It’s in a sheltered place so currently not a lot of people are around
And he doesn't walk away, just keeps standing there
He thinks the camera is off now, and so do you
But is isn’t it’s still on and going live
You’re about to pack up and walk away
But a small tug stops you
It’s Sakusa and the people are going wild because holy shit, is Sakusa actually touching someone??? Our clean freak?? Are my eyes deceiving me??
You take his hand (“What the hell?”) and softly ask “Kiyo? What’s wrong?” (“DID THEY SAY KIYO UGH CARDIAC ARREST”)
He mumbles about how he doesn’t want you to talk to his teammates, even for the sake of interviews (“IS SAKUSA JEALOUS??? OUR DETACHED BOY???”)
You giggle and ruffle his hair, kissing him over the mask (“I AM FAINTING CALL 119”) while saying you need to do your job
And then look over to the cameraman
Whose jaw is on the floor
And you can see the red blinking light from the camera
“Ah, shit”
Tsukishima Kei
His teammates (*cough* Koganegawa *cough*) outed him on social media
You were working overseas and came back after months
The day coincided with a practise match, but Tsukishima was able to excuse himself
So you’re having the time of your life with your saltTM
He’s actually a really nice and sweet boyfriend underneath all that salt and sass
Even made a date course to explore the city
Had a good lunch and some strawberry shortcake in his favourite bakery
You enjoy it immensely, so he was smiling secretly
But then his phone starts blowing up for some reason
When he checks it, there are thousands of questions flooding his messages and social media
Turns out Koganegawa slipped up
He was doing an Instagram Live and when someone asked where Tsukki was
Did he come up with a good excuse?
Nope, he immediately said “Oh, he’s out on a date!”
Everyone’s confused because our salt has a partner?? Since when??
And then he realises he screwed up, especially with how private Tsukki is
The only thing stopping the exposed boy from returning to the gym and throwing hands with the setter is you
You kept saying it’s fine and it’s okay
He reluctantly gives up on planning his revenge (not really though)
You distract him enough to go to the museum he’s going to be working at
And he later uploads a photo of you from behind while you’re reading a dinosaur’s description
(And a separate one where Koganegawa is in a dogeza pose)
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Schweiden Adlers won another match
Ushijima answers interviews, like he does every match
One particular reporter asks the root of his energy and passion
They expected an answer like “thirst for success” or “pride and honour” or something along those lines
But he smiles softly, which breaks everyone watching because they have never seen that before
But the next thing breaks them even more
He says “[Name], my spouse.”
His teammates knew about you but not everyone else
People are spitting their drinks out and absolutely flabbergasted
Even his own teammates because he didn’t seem like the person to say that
He says it’s your first anniversary as a married couple
But he’s overseas so he can’t be with you today
Says that he sent a present and he hopes you’ll like it
Then bows and just walks away to change
Like he hasn’t said the most scandalous thing since the start of his career
Tons of articles and Twitter posts are made about him and this new revelation
To the point where it’s trending #1
He doesn’t care though, and you really don’t either
It wasn’t that big or important of a secret
He just didn't mention it up to now because he didn’t see the need
He doesn’t have to publicise the extent of his love for you because you already know that
The present was a brand-new, top of the line laptop along with a new phone
The same brand as his (awww couple items)
So that he can FaceTime/video call you with HD quality
His teammates have to listen to him being sickeningly cute every night now
And complain about it on interviews 
#BestHusbandUshijimaWakatoshi starts trending
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Chloe doesn't deserve redemption. Saying "Oh, Chloe's just a wittle kid she doesn't know any better uwu" in response to her abuse of her closest friend and mistreatment of literally everyone around her is so irresponsible and false. Teenagers DO know better. Hell even little kids know better. "Don't be an asshole to your peers" is a very basic concept and isn't hard to figure out on your own once you see that your negative actions turn good people away and make them dislike you.
And even if Chloe wasn't "taught" how to be nice, she HAS been confronted with her behavior and been given good examples through the kind people around her. She CHOOSES to ignore them and continues being mean because she's hateful and thinks she's better than everyone else. That's it. It's not deep.
Instead of worrying about Chloe, I think we should show more sympathy for her victims. Namely Sabrina, who's caught in a toxic and abusive friendship that is likely to affect her self-esteem for years to come.
As I have previously stated in the past, teenagers are idiots. What matters is the ability adults have to reach out to them and help them change for the better. Chloe has done several bad things throughout the show, but the problem is that not all of them are properly addressed. The subway incident in "Queen Wasp" and her working with Hawkmoth in "Miracle Queen" are never mentioned outside of those episodes. Instead, we're supposed to see her being mean to others or taking control of a student film as proof that she's an irredeemable monster. If the writers wanted to show the audience how bad all of Chloe's actions were, she should have faced more consequences for the really bad instances instead of sweeping those events under the table.
Yes, some people have tried to call out Chloe for her actions, but that's really all they do. Nobody ever really reaches out to help Chloe change other than saying something along the lines of "Hey, you're kind of mean. Stop it." All Adrien does is lightly scold Chloe for what she did in "Despair Bear" and went back to enabling her by the end of the episode. Miss Bustier showed some kindness to Chloe, but never confronted her on her actions, which I believe contributed to the negative reputation she has among the fandom. Even when Ladybug has every reason to go off on Chloe for betraying everyone, she just sternly tells her that she can't get the Bee Miraculous again. If you want to help someone change, you need to do more than just tell them to change. I had some anger issues growing up, and it was thanks to the intervention of my parents and some of my teachers that I was able to get them under control. They helped me to find ways to cope with feelings like these and helped me become a better person. They didn't just tell me to stop being angry and leave it at that. I'm not trying to blame the other characters for what happened to Chloe, but I just don't think it's accurate to say that they tried everything to help Chloe change her ways.
As for Sabrina, the show never really takes Chloe's treatment of her seriously, and like with "Queen Wasp" and "Miracle Queen", is rarely ever acknowledged. And again, Chloe is never really called out for it even though everyone has a good reason to. We're simply told it's bad by Astruc on Twitter while nothing is done in the show to help out Sabrina, because again, the other characters don't confront Chloe on stuff like this.
I'm not trying to say that you are wrong for saying all of this, and I hope you can at least consider my argument here. I am simply a person who likes to see the best in others, and believes that change is possible if the right actions are taken.
151 notes · View notes
junicai · 3 years
| summary | When Aria's with her boys, it feels like the sky's the limit.
| word count | 2.3k
| warnings | none
| era | circa. June 2021, filming for Hello, Future music video
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The grass in the empty stadium had been liberally covered in fake flower petals - the healthy green of regularly watered grass slowly becoming overshadowed by the light pink and yellow that settled lightly atop it. 
The white corduroy overalls that Aria donned were splashed with colour in fake paint splotches to compliment the petals - yellows and greens and pinks mixed with blues and oranges in a jumble of streaks that were stark against the otherwise plain material. The Doc Martens that all eight of the members had been fitted for were all padded at the toe and the heel - lest the hard rubber break away skin and cause them to bleed during filming.
Aria crunched several petals underfoot in the heavy boots as she wandered over to the other boys who had been released from hair and makeup a handful of minutes before her. 
The sun was just reaching it’s highest point in the sky, the heat bearing down onto her exposed midriff and almost entirely cancelling out the cool breeze that threatened to rise goosebumps on her stomach. The floaty, bell-sleeved crop top was, in Aria’s opinion, absolutely gorgeous. She had already planned out the best way to corner Heejin unnie - one of the stylists that had an especially soft spot for Aria and her pout, when used effectively. 
Shaking her freshly dyed blue hair out of her eyes, Aria broke out into a light jog to catch up to Renjun, swinging an arm around the boy’s shoulders. 
“Hi!” She smiled brightly. 
Renjun wrinkled his nose at her playfully. “Hey. You done in makeup?”
Nodding, Aria replied, “Yeah. They wanted to touch up the colour in my hair and stick a couple more tattoos around.” She pointed to the new daisy sitting underneath her eye, and the Make Peace, Not War written in differing fonts along her left forearm. 
He aah’d exaggeratedly, patting his own upside-down HELLO on his arm absent-mindedly, before frowning lightly. “Is your colour coming out already? I thought they only dyed it a couple days ago.” Lifting up a hand, Renjun brushed away the strands in Aria’s fringe that were falling into her eyes, cringing lightly when they came away covered in blue residue. 
Aria pulled away from his fingers, shaking her fringe back into place. “They didn’t have any dye left, so it’s hair chalk.” She explained. 
Renjun made another noise of understanding, looking at his smurf coloured fingertips thoughtfully. When his eyes flickered up to meet Aria’s, they had a mischievous glint in them, and she barely had the chance to turn on her heel and break out into a run before Renjun was giving chase hot on her heels. 
Her boots were beginning to rub the skin around her ankle raw, still not broken in enough to stand the test of a sprint through a football field, but Renjun was behind her - holding up his hand threateningly - and that was enough to keep her powering through the burn.
“Stop it!” Aria panted, laughter beginning to soil her already failing lung capacity. Her pace was lagging, but much to her relief; so was Renjun’s. With a final burst of energy at seeing the ground she’d gained on him, Aria made her escape attempt-
Only to be captured by Jeno, strong arms wrapping around her waist and swinging her around in a circle to be plopped right back down in front of a now jogging Renjun, an evil smile on his face. 
“Lee Jeno!” Aria protested, wriggling against the arms that had yet to release her. “Let me goo!” 
He deigned not to respond, but Aria could see the matching glint in his eye, and she resigned herself to her fate. He shared a nod of understanding with Renjun who was advancing slowly now that his victim was immobile. 
A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. 
“Renjun, I’m sorry.”
His smurf-hand raised threateningly again. 
“I’ll do your dishes for a week.” 
With a final step, Renjun was now within a half-arms distance from Aria. 
“Jenooo-” Aria cut herself off with a squeak, as Renjun dragged his fingers over the bridge of her nose, leaving behind a trail of the blue hair chalk. Aria flailed in Jeno’s grip, but he held her fast, even going so far as to tug her down into his lap on the ground to hold her steady. 
Now entirely stuck, Aria resorted to flailing her limbs as much as she could, which really wasn’t a lot when Jeno tucked her legs beneath his knees, trapping her with all four of his limbs as Renjun rubbed the rest of the hair chalk off of his fingertips and onto Aria’s nose and cheeks. 
Revenge enacted, her attacker eventually settled back onto his heels, fingers now chalk free - having spread most of it over Aria’s face as a replacement for blush. 
Aria let out a small sneeze when the loose dust tickled her nose, blinking harshly in surprise. 
With her eyes closed, she couldn’t see the hand Renjun held to his heart, or the pout that Jeno’s lips formed at the cute sound. The two men peered up at each other, silently agreeing that: Yes, it was unfair that she looked so tiny and cute with blue blush. Sometimes, life wasn’t fair, and it was coming for Renjun and Jeno’s heart in the form of a very tiny girl with a blueberry nose. 
With a pat on the arm from Renjun, Jeno released Aria from his grip who promptly turned around and rained a series of light smacks onto his chest, only stopping when her rings snagged in the necklace he wore. He made no effort to help her, asides from holding her up when he accidentally leaned back and nearly took her down with him. 
“Traitor!” She declared once she had untangled the jewelry. For her own revenge, she ran a finger through her hair to collect the chalk and smudged the colour onto Jeno’s cheek in a bright smear. 
The shocked look in his wide eyes was enough to have Renjun coughing out a laugh, the other two soon following. The patch of grass they had settled onto was far enough away from the filming location that there were no petals to hinder Aria’s plans of laying down onto her back, hands splayed over her stomach as she laughed along with the boys. 
“Guys!” It was Mark’s call that drew their attention away from the coloured chalk - although Renjun did let out another snicker at the light blue cloud that Aria’s hair left on the grass where she had been laying - and together the trio made their way back over to the other five members. 
When Jeno and Renjun got distracted in comparing the temporary tattoos they had both been decorated with, Aria slowed her pace enough to let the two wander ahead without her. 
She slid her focus away from the duo and towards the group that had settled in between the flower-covered goalposts, some standing, some sitting.
The bright colours of this concept was a nice change, Aria thought. She loved doing sexier concepts - don’t get her wrong, she loved the empowerment that came with it, and the twitter reactions were always fun to scroll through - but she’d missed this kind of bubble pop. Songs that made something uncurl up in your chest, complemented and encouraged by all the bright colours and messages. 
When Aria had read through the lyrics the first time, she’d never felt like she’d loved a song more without hearing it. They meant something, especially to her. 
Hello, Future; and all that.
And the costuming was always so fun. Short skirts were never the most ideal things to dance in, and the heeled shoes were the bane of her existence (no matter how good she looked in them) so the sturdy boots and durable overalls was a welcome switch-out. 
Her boys looked happy with it as well.
With Hot Sauce, there was an infinite amount pressure to get it right. It was the first full album that NCT Dream was going to release, and it was 8DREAM. They had Mark back. They were all adults at that point. There were expectations to meet. They couldn’t pass things off as being children anymore; they had millions of eyes watching them, and it was like having someone breathing down your neck. 
The pressure just kept mounting and mounting until it loomed over them all like dark clouds that you could just know held heavy rain. It was like they were debuting all over again. Re-debuting as eight again. Aria doesn’t think she remembers a single thing from the set at all. The whole thing is just a blur in her memory. 
Hello, Future, this time around, is different. The members had gathered in the living room around Donghyuck’s laptop when the Hot Sauce music video aired, watching as the views racked up and positive comment after positive comment poured in. They’d read through each and every one, Mark and Aria translating the English ones that the others couldn’t read. 
If Aria cried, one arm wrapped tightly around Jaemin, with the other held Mark’s right hand in his lap, then no one commented on it. It could be, because they had tears of their own in their eyes - but no one can say for sure.
They ended up sleeping on the floor that night, laptop discarded on the couch that was stripped bare of pillows and throw blankets. Curled around each other - this time with her head on Renjun’s chest and her stomach monopolized by both Chenle and Jisung lying horizontal from each other, Aria felt the tension and the fear that had been teeming underneath her shoulders for the last two months abate. 
The terror that if the album had flopped, then they’d be facing disbandment like so many kneitzens wanted. 
Or worse: Dream would keep going, but they’d lose Mark again. 
Even the thought made something horrible curl up in the pit of Aria’s stomach. 
Never again. 
The odd sleeping arrangements were not something that were uncommon in the Dreamies dorm (Honestly, Aria can’t remember the last time she had slept alone in a room, let alone a bed. They had a system worked out for when someone genuinely needed time alone, but otherwise, most bedroom doors remained open all night.)
This time, Mark was forcibly settled into the middle, everyone clamoring that he’d missed out on nearly three years of them - and he wasn’t getting ride of them that easily again. 
To his credit, Mark went without much argument, although that probably falls down due to the fact that god, he had missed them too. 
Over the weeks of practicing together, re-working the choreography for the songs that had been released when Dream was seven members only, they found their rhythm again. The one that they had lost in 2019, the one that Mark had taken with him when he’d graduated from the group.
Finding it again felt easier than breathing. 
Aria thought she’d never get to see her boys smile so brightly as they did together again, giving the colourful flowers lining the grass a run for their money. 
From her position a ways away from the group, she watched as Chenle immediately launched himself at Jeno as soon as he was close enough, tackling the older boy onto the ground where they both landed with a thud, Chenle’s head whipping backwards with the force.
She watched as Jeno - ever careful - had tucked a hand behind Chenle’s head to catch him even before they started to fall, his hand taking all the impact as they came into contact with the ground.
Jisung was quick to clamber up, eager to pull Renjun over to Jaemin and show him what they had been doing. She watched as Jaemin held up a small crown made of the fake petals, held together loosely by the short strands of confetti that were scattered around the goalposts. 
Mark was leaning his back against the post, head tilted down onto Donghyuck’s shoulder. Donghyuck was watching Jeno and Chenle wrestle with each other - cheering for one or the other, depending on who was winning at that exact moment. 
Aria watched as Donghyuck slowly slipped into silence, tilting his head down to look at Mark’s peaceful expression as the eldest seemed to almost doze off on his shoulder. 
And, she watched as Donghyuck lifted his eyes, flickering from each of the members. His eyebrows furrowed, scanning the group again before he craned his neck towards the rest of the field.
When his eyes locked onto Aria’s, he raised an eyebrow, but deigned to stay quiet - choosing against startling Mark with a yell. His expression was enough, though. 
Donghyuck understood Aria on a certain level that she thought not a lot of people could. She had a unique bond with each member of Dream, but Donghyuck sometimes knew what was going on in her head before she even did. 
Which is why, instead of teasing her for being an introvert, or running away; when Aria strolled up to join the group he just extended the arm that wasn’t wrapped around Mark’s waist, beckoning to her.
After being firmly tucked into his other side, Aria curled into his chest with a sigh, shivering lightly when the sun slid behind a cloud for a brief second and the air felt cooler than it had all day.
Feeling her shudder, Donghyuck tilted his head down to look at her the same way he’d looked at Mark a moment ago, before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. 
“You okay?” 
Aria nodded. “M’okay.” 
(Donghyuck didn’t realize that his lips were blue from the chalk until Jisung pointed it out, some thirty minutes later.)
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antihero-writings · 3 years
Before it Kills You Too (Ch2 Snippets 1, 2 & 3)
Fandom: Lore Olympus
Chapter Summary: When Hera gets into a car accident after a fight, Zeus has a moment to ruminate on their relationship. Written using the song “Wait” by Maroon 5 as a prompt.
Character Focus: Zeus
Please note!! This is the previous Ch2 snippets I posted + a new snippet (the new snippet starts with “I would venture to guess she was driving too fast.”)
I’ve been having trouble with this chapter for a very long time, so I’ve decided to post it snippet-by-snippet, because that seems like the only way I’ll successfully finish this fic. 
While this should be as close to the final version as it can be, anything in this snippet is subject to change when the full chapter comes out. (And, hey, to that end, if there’s anything you think needs to be edited here, please kindly let me know!!)
Im really excited about this snippet!! Definitely one of my favorite parts of the chapter!!
Thanks again SO much to those who support this fic and want to read more!! The fact that you want to read more really does mean the world to me!! I appreciate your kind comments so much!!
I’d really appreciate it if you could leave a comment and/or reblog!!! I’m not kidding when I say that makes my week!!
Tagging some folks who’ve shown interest!! @jayyy007 @autumnmoon21 @sunsetsofanemoia, @lynnie51 @what-the-fuckaroni @masquejj
And please do let me know if you’d like me to add you to a taglist for this fic, or message you when new snippets/the next chapter come/s out!!
Chapter 2 Snippets 1, 2 & 3:
Hera was standing in the crowded meadow, surrounded by her friends, laughing that girly little giggle full of sunshine that just about made Zeus’ heart ooze in a puddle out of his chest.
Her blue dress made her eyes look like two shimmering sapphires.
“Have I seen her in a dress that color?” Zeus inquired excitedly from behind the bushes.
“How can we know what you’ve seen?” Aidoneus muttered. “With you creeping around, you might have seen her naked for all we know.”
Zeus punched him in the arm, (lightly).
“I don’t think she’s worn a dress that color!” Posiedon bubbled.
“Thank you, Posiedon. At least someone can answer a question.”
“I think she looks like the sea on summer day.” He put his hands on his face, them sliding slowly.
Zeus eyed him. “Alright, keep it in your toga, Little Green Man.”
“Should we really be here?” Aidoneus muttered. “We weren’t invited.”
“Oh come on,” Zeus stood up, putting his hands on his hips. “Who wouldn’t want to see the King of the gods here?”
Poseidon grinned and stood up behind his brother. “No one!”
“Hestia, Demeter… assorted sane people.” Hades muttered as he stood to follow.
“If that’s sanity I’m glad I’m insane.” Zeus trilled as he strutted up to the entrance.
A cute pink nymph—(rather well endowed in the chestal region—not that he noticed!)—greeted them at the archway.
“Oh! Zeus!” She flushed and bowed. “It’s an honor. Welcome!”
“Why it’s an honor to meet you, my lady.” He kissed her hand, and she giggled. “See?” he turned to his brothers. “They’re delighted to have us.”
“I’ve got a bad feeling.” Hades muttered.
Hera was closer now; she smelled like summer, and she looked like it too. Poseidon was right about the ocean thing; she practically shimmered as she spoke with her friends.
“I’m gonna go talk to her.”
“Wait—!” Hades was soon swallowed by the crowd.
Zeus scooched behind her at lightning speed. One by one her friends began to take notice, their eyes widening.
Hera took a step back and would have tripped in surprise if he hadn’t caught her.
“Careful there, you might fall, Birthday Girl.”
“Oh, Zeus!” She looked up at him, the back of her head hitting his chest, “hi!”
That golden smile.
“I made you something!” As she spun to face him, he produced a little carving of a bird from his pocket. (And, no, he didn’t make it).
“Oh!” She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, gently taking it from him, “It’s beautiful!”
All his responsibilities and stresses melted away with the sight of that smile, and he forgot there was anyone else at the party…in the world.
(…He wished he saw that smile anymore.)
Zeus’ chair was spinning empty at his desk before his assistant could say another word—
And Olympus wept, distant peals of thunder rending the sky into pieces.
Lightning crackled and cackled through his hair, creating violet tracks through the air, as Zeus sped through the sky.
It was freezing, and people were staring, but he didn’t care.
All that mattered was getting to his wife.
“My you look stunning.” Zeus sidled up behind his wife, running his fingers gently along her arm. “Is that a new dress?”
“New as that girlfriend of yours.” Hera grunted.
His eyes widened with shock, his voice with an indignant undertone to it. “Is something wrong?”
She paused a moment. He could see words fluttering behind her lips—(like they did so often, too often)—the words Yes you did something wrong, how can you not know?
He knew she wouldn’t believe him when he said he didn’t mean to hurt her.
“You weren’t invited,” she said softly.
“Not invited? Me?” He put his hand to his chest, like the thought of him ever not being welcome to somewhere was absurd. “To what?”
“The party, you nitwit!” She whirled around, her hair nearly whipping him in the face. “You just came barging in like you owned the place!”
“Well…to be fair—”
He stopped short at the look in her eyes, like two blue-hot flames.
He knew it was taking her a great amount of effort not to slap him.
“Do you know how long I’d been preparing for that?! How long it took me to get everything just right? I told you, but you never even listened, did you? And then you just barged right in!”
“Why are you so upset? What’s so important about a party?!”
“They were my friends.” Her gaze softened, and her tone became more serious. “They were—” Until she cut herself off, and her expression hardened as she whirled around, her hair billowing behind her.
“Bunny, wait!” His tone was softer too.
He wished she’d just turn around. That he could say sorry.
Was it really so hard? He should have started there.
Had he ever apologized for that?
He was always doing that; barging in where he wasn’t welcome. The world was his, yes but…he had to concede there were some parts of it he ought not just barge in on.
When he burst into the hospital, however, they wouldn’t dare tell him he wasn’t invited, wouldn’t dare tell him he couldn’t see her.
“Where. is my. wife?” Lightning slammed into a lamppost just outside the front door, shattering its glass box, and making the light spark, the rain pounding at the window like rabid dogs.
The desk clerk looked like she was about to pee out of sheer fear.
“Sh-sh-she’s not out of surgery yet, your majesty...I understand you want to see her, but I can’t let you…until-until they’re finished.” She was practically vibrating. “I assure you the moment she gets out, we’ll notify you.”
Surgery? He wanted to demand. She’s the queen of the gods, how could she be in surgery?
Electricity sparked in his eyes, trailing throughout his hair. He could say I demand you let me see her. He could say I don’t care! She’s my wife, and I’m not waiting! She’s fine! She’s the queen—she’s my queen—she won’t be hurt from a little car accident!
But there were some places he ought not just barge in on… and the surgeons room was probably one of them.
The lightning let out a sighing crackle, before he closed his eyes, his hair falling back upon his shoulders. It was then that he noticed he was dripping wet from head to toe. He sighed himself before muttering something like a garbled “I understand, thank you.” And turning to sit in the lobby. Behind him the desk clerk’s coworker held her to keep her from fainting.
He snapped his fingers, drying off, so as not to get their nice, barf-colored carpet all wet. Once he sat down in a chair—(the cushions didn’t have any cush to them)—a kid in the chair across from him scooched away.
He could have that kid lightly charred if he wanted.
Instead he settled for a nice glare, and reached over to pick up last month’s—(or maybe it was a few months ago)—issue of  “Goddess weekly” listening to the rain die down to a drum.
The same old gossip. Usually if he picked one of these up he’d check for any news he ought to be aware of. You know, as the king. Not to mention the ladies weren’t unappealing. Now he flicked through without seeing any of it.
Speaking of ladies, there was a nymph sitting across the room from him, her skin blue, her ears down, and a cute little half smile. She surely wasn’t in here for anything serious. She kept glancing from her own magazine to him—but not in a nervous way. If he wasn’t mistaken, she wouldn’t be opposed to a session of hide-the-German-sausage.
If he wanted he could take her there in a darkened closet in the hallway. It wouldn’t take long—(if it didn’t need to…or it could take all night). That would be a nice way to relieve the stress bubbling in his body.
—Someone was laying next to him, her skin smooth, practically glowing. There was rather a lot of it exposed.
She turned over, her eyes fluttering open, a small smile creasing her features as she rolled onto his chest, tickling his chin with her fingers.
“I had a wonderful time,” she twittered, and he practically purred, staring into those big blue eyes, glittering like river stones.
He pushed her green hair behind her ear.
“Is that all? I’d like to think a night with the King of the gods would be more than merely ‘wonderful.’”
She giggled. “No no, it was much more than wonderful! It was spectacular! Mind-blowing!” She threw her arms in the air.
“That’s more like it.” He grinned—
When was that again? Two years ago, or two days ago?
It could have been either.
Had he apologized for that?
Would it have mattered if he had? Would she have forgiven him? Would he have stopped?—
Bile rose in his throat, and he dove his nose so hard into the magazine he almost smacked himself with it.
His wife was bruised and bleeding, and potentially worse in a nearby room, at the mercy of some quack holding a scalpel and a few comforting words…and here he was thinking of betraying her for the…
How many times had it been now?
He threw the magazine back on the table and sank in the chair till his head was nearly on the bottom cushion, his lip flapping his he blew out a breath, making his hair fly up a little.
The kid and his mom got called, and seemed glad of a reason to leave.
After a healthy dose of moping he pulled out his phone. After checking fatesbook and playing a few games he decided it was time to open his messages.
He didn’t want to be alone. He wanted some sensible and non-conjugal company.
He scrolled through and clicked on a name.
A number of old conversations sprinkled the page, often detailing Zeus asking about getting together and the correspondent saying they were busy.
He thought a moment about what to say—(a rare occurrence for him)—before deciding any vague requests would probably get ignored, so he simply decided the boldfaced truth:
Hera’s been in a car accident. She’s in surgery.
“WHAT?!” The word was spoken aloud—and very loudly at that.
Hades was standing in front of him. If the king being here wasn’t enough reason for weird looks, this outburst had sent more than a few eyes their way.
Zeus did a finger wave at the nymph, before he grabbed his brother’s arm, whisking him off to a less crowded hallway.
The only thing here was a vending machine, and a few overly picturesque pictures of trees.
“How did this happen?!”  Hades shout-whispered.
“I would venture to guess she was driving too fast.”
“I could have gathered that myself, thank you very much!” Hades was clearly trying not to shout. “What was she doing?! Where was she going?!”
Zeus rolled folded his arms. “Does it matter?”
“Sure it matters! Well at least it’d be good to know!”
“…I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?! What do you mean you don’t know?! She’s your wife—!”
“I said I don’t know!” he kicked the vending machine.
The air shattered and reformed itself.
Zeus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, his voice softening. “I…I don’t know.”
Two sides of him warred. One wanted to shout at Hades. He expected him to know where she was at all times? Oh yeah, that would go over well with her. What kind of helicopter husband would he be then?
And yet, it felt wrong for him not to know. Like some sort of failure. She was his wife. Shouldn’t he? Shouldn’t he have asked? Shouldn’t he care?
Hades’ gaze softened.
“I upset her.” Zeus murmured. “We got into a fight.”
Hades leaned against the wall. He was probably resisting the urge to say he could have gathered that too.
Zeus leaned his head forward onto the glass of the vending machine, his hair falling to the side, his reflection vaguely eyeing him.
“We got into a fight and she…I hadn’t even realized she went for a drive.” He paused, observing the chocolate and chips sitting in neat rows in the machine. “Do you think she liked Twyx?”
“Do you think she liked Twyx?”
Hades pondered it a moment. “Probably. She tends to like things with caramel in them.”
Zeus smiled wryly. “See? I didn’t even know that.”
“I’m sure you’ll be able to ask her all your burning questions about her favorite candy flavors very soon.”
“That’s not the point.” Zeus whispered.
Zeus was feeling a little off-kilter.
He nearly fell into a three-thousand drachma vase.
Okay, make that a lot.
The sound of heels on the staircase. The white one they’d painted for that one event…what had they been celebrating again?
His hazy gaze made her glitter even more than usual.
“Have I ever told you that you’re like the sea on a summer’s day?” Zeus’ voice came out blurry. He put his hand in his hair, trying to look sexy, you know, like the kind of guy you’d wanna forgive.
This was met by her hair slapping him in the face as she walked by him. She paused a few steps below him, turning.
“Is that alcohol I smell on your breath?”
“I may have had one—“ He hiccuped, “or five, appletinis.”
“And this is what? An intelligent conversation you’re trying to have?” She folded her arms over her chest.
“Actually,” he held up a finger. The action made him feel off-balance so he leaned against the railing, trying to land in a sexy pose. “There is something I wanted to say.”
“You’re barely coherent when you’re sober, at least spare me until then.”
He rolled his eyes—(and made himself feel even dizzier).
She turned to go back up the stairs.
“Wait!” He shouted.
She stopped, looked over her shoulder, eyes narrow as a cat’s. “What?”
“I-hic!” He covered his mouth as if embarrassed. Clearly emotion was dangerous. “I wasn’t trying to get wasted! I just-hic!-needed more than three or four to say this.”
“Oh yeah? Spit it out Grape Sorbet.” She folded her arms over her chest.
“I’m…” he held on to the railing for support. “I’m sorry.”
She raised an eyebrow. “I’m listening.”
“You…You were right.” He took a step closer.
“About what?” Her breath bated.
“I just…I didn’t want to admit it. I couldn’t…” He looked away. “I couldn’t tell you sober.”
“About what?” The words had a rough edge to them, her chest heaving with breath.
Ah. She knew. She knew what he was going to say, even before he said it.
“I…I did cheat on you.”
“Wh-What?” Her eyes tinted red…but there was so much hurt in the word.
Fear and shame rose in tandem like ocean waves, threatening to bowl him over, and he realized that the truth wasn’t going to help at all. But all he could do was let it pour out of him.
“You-hic-You asked if I was with-hic—”
“Stop.” She covered her mouth as if to keep the worst words from spilling out, tears welling in her eyes.
“But I—”
“I said stop!” Her voice rang through the room like something shattering.
Maybe something was.
Her heels against the stairs, fast and sharp, and away.
Turn around please, let me apologize, let me explain, I won’t do it again.
He threw up in the vase.
“Daddy? What was that all about?” The small voice made his blood run cold. “What did you cheat at? Were you playing a game?”
Zeus turned, horrified, to see Ares, hiding behind a crack in the door.
“I shouldn’t have yelled at her.” He breathed. “It was stupid, really.”
Hades put a dollar in the vending machine and punched in a number.
“People say all kinds of things when they’re angry. Doesn’t mean you’re bad, just means you’re people. Which…” Hades looked him up and down, adding under his breath, “I wonder about sometimes.”
“...You must think I’m a terrible husband.”
Hades grabbed two chocolate bars and handed one to his brother.
“I think you need something sweet, maybe a little hydration, and some rest.”
Zeus unwrapped the bar and took a bite, not really tasting anything.
After a moment Hades sighed.
“It’s not so simple as that.” Hades said between bites, “I don’t necessarily think there’s such a thing as a ‘terrible husband’ or ‘the best husband.’ I…I don’t even think there’s such a thing as good and bad people. There’s just…people. There’s just husbands. But there are rules that come with being a person, and/or being a husband and…” he paused, trying to choose his words carefully, “you don’t always follow those rules.”
Zeus fell back against the wall, looking at the floor, denials dying in his throat.
It was raining.
No, actually it was pouring. And thundering. The lightning was like cracks in a collapsing sky, and Zeus’s gut was twisting like the snakes on the head of a gorgon.
“What? You-you think you can just undo this?!” Hera’s words were biting. “It’s done!” Her laugh was wry and sardonic, like an ache in her throat, red tainting the blue of her eyes. “You can’t just fix something like that! Once someone cheats at the game no one else just keeps playing!”
“It was a mistake! One stupid night!”
“One stupid night, huh?! Then how do you explain this?!” She held up his phone. The pictures. The…Oh Gaia.
The snakes in his gut bit down, and he bit his lip looking away. He hadn’t known she knew about that.
“You’ve got it all wrong! That was just—!”
“I thought you were different!” She bit off his excuse, the anger cracked, and the pain was bleeding through, and he wasn’t the only one making it rain: A tear fell down her face, then another, her mascara running black along her cheeks. “You made me smile, you made me laugh! You saved your brothers from your father. And I thought we could make a kingdom—a world—together!” She shook her head, grimacing, trying and failing to keep more tears from falling. “I thought we could be something!”
“We are! We have! I just made a mistake! I—!”
“No, Zeus.” There was a finality to her tone.
Tears streamed down her face now. He hated it when she cried. She didn’t do it often, and whenever she did he was ready to smite whoever hurt her but…he’d hurt her worst of all.
“I thought you were different. But you’re—“ the words were like an antique vase, riddled with cracks. “You’re just another bad guy.” She punched him in the arm, and the vase broke, the defiance into pain. She punched him in the arm…but it was weak and far too soft, and that’s how he knew she was really hurt; she could bring the sky down on him if she wanted.
She looked down at her hand, twisting her wedding ring with a finger.
“I’m staying with a friend tonight.”
Her wedding ring tinkled on the floor.
As she turned and walked away the word rang out like he was hoping his voice alone could rewrite his sins and bring her back:
She didn’t stop, didn’t turn, didn’t make any indication she’d even heard him.
“Please…Please just wait.” These were soft.
He fell to his knees on the marble, scooping up her wedding ring and enclosing it in his fingers, holding it to his forehead, and trying not to bring the sky down upon himself.
He’d seen her angry. He’d seen her sad. But this? Seeing her break for him…was so much worse.
It reminded him too much of another time. Of a scar on her stomach. How she broke herself just to be his.
—(And he wondered, for a fleeting moment, if it would have been better if he had been the one to break.)—
“There you are!” Said a voice. “You can come see her now,”—a cleared throat— “your Majesty.”
Notes: Aright, so this chapter had a few things I was unsure about I thought I’d ask about here!
1. Does anyone have any other clever play-on-words for candy brands? I feel like Zeus would know that she likes caramel in general, so it’d make more sense if Hades said “she likes [X similar candy] so she’d probably like Twyx.” But Twyx is all my brain came up with and I don’t even know that it’s all that good XD
2. I’m aware that the gods don’t call each other “people” they call each other “beings.” However, Hades’ lines don’t have as much impact with “beings.” Did the fact that I used “people” stick out too much? Should I change it to “beings”?
3. I know Ancient Greek wedding ceremonies are different from ours, and they might not even have wedding rings. But that image was so impactful for me I decided to use it. Should I remove it? Or did you find it impactful?
Please let me know if there’s anything you felt was inaccurate to their characters!!
Thanks so much for reading!! 💕💕
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kaimelia · 3 years
Hi, In Twitter and tik tok I see photos about Megan coming back to grey’s for Teddy and Owen
Wedding. Can you write something about Amelink in the wedding ? Please
last hope
a/n: me realizing you probably wanted fluff but. im a sucker for an amelia/teddy friendship and also angst!
"The day that was over ten years in the making," Amelia muttered, bringing her flute of sparkling water up to her lips. "Congratulations."
"Things finally feel right." Teddy glanced over at Amelia. "Thank you for everything you've done. I know these past few weeks haven't been easy, but this wedding wouldn't be happening without you."
"Who am I if I don't help plan my ex-husband's wedding?" Her eyes trailed to the dance floor, where Owen was dancing around with Leo in his arms. "Third time's the charm."
"Did Tom say anything to you?"
"He asked me to remind you that he's a plane ride away and that he has access to a private jet, so say the word, and he's on his way," Amelia wiggled her eyebrows. "He asked me if you were happy, and I said you were, and he said that he's happy for you."
"That doesn't sound like Tom."
"He did also add that you would be happier with him, but I was leaving that out for the sake of the moment."
"He keeps asking me about you," Teddy started softly. "Says you won't talk to him about what's going on and that he's worried about you."
"That also doesn't sound like Tom," Amelia laughed gently and looked over to see Teddy's stern expression. "He's seen me through bad times. And, I don't like to think about those, so I don't respond when he asks about me."
"If you ever wanted to talk to someone, I'm here, you know? Or if you just need a friend. I know what it's like to feel like everyone hates you."
"I'm guessing Link told you?" Teddy nodded slowly, a slight grimace across her face as she took a sip from her wine glass that lasted a second longer than it should've.
"He did, but I'm also assuming there's more than his side to the story. There was when I was in my own situation, and you were one of the only people to look out for me. You didn't have to do that, and yet, you did."
"He won't listen to me," Amelia whispered, her gaze trailing out to where Link was talking with Jo. "He won't even let me speak; he just shows up to get Scout and then drops him off like we're complete strangers."
"Owen did that to me, and then you went and yelled at him, and now we're here. Do you need me to go yell at Link?"
"No, not yet, at least." She looked down at her glass, swirling the small amount of drink left around. "I just want things to go back to the way they were last year. Even in the beginning of COVID, we had a nice thing going, balancing all of the kids and everything, and I just want that back."
"What happened?"
"Shouldn't you be dancing? It is your wedding, after all." Teddy waved her hand in dismissal and shrugged.
"I'm not a big party person. And, I know that talking to you right now is probably the only way I can escape the crowd of people because I look busy."
"Fair," Amelia muttered. "Things just fell apart. It was like, at first, we always had opposite work schedules, and when we were both home, one of us was leaving for work. And then, he got caught up with Jo and making sure that she was settled to get custody of Luna and everything, and it was like I became less and less important to him." She traced her finger over the top of the flute. "He stopped checking in, and it honestly seemed like he stopped caring about how I was doing, and then he proposed."
"And you said no."
"I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything; I mean, what was I supposed to do? Fall into a marriage where we don't care about each other but still wear our rings? That's not what I want Scout to grow up thinking is love."
"Do you still love Link?" Amelia sighed, and her hand moved to the charm on her necklace, the one Link had gotten her for her birthday this past year. She ran it between her fingers.
"I don't know."
"Do you want to fix things?" Another sigh, and she looked up towards the roof of the tent shielding them from the night sky.
"When things were good, our relationship was the best thing I've ever had. But when things aren't good, I can't even explain what it did to me." She looked over at Teddy. "He just doesn't understand what it's like to be an addict. Or, he doesn't try to sympathize with it."
"The thing I've learned is that sometimes, you have to put yourself first. You have a child, and you want him to grow up learning how to take care of himself and be his own person instead of being completely tied to someone else. I spent years idolizing what my relationship with Owen would look like, and when we finally got to that point, I didn't recognize myself as a person." Teddy placed her hand on Amelia's shoulder. "Don't lose yourself because you want your relationship to look a certain way. It won't work for either of you." She set her wine glass down on the counter behind them. "By the look on Evelyn's face, I don't think I can hide over here any longer. But, Amelia, anytime you need something, I am always here." She walked away, trailing her hand down the neurosurgeon's arm as she left.
Before she even realized it, her feet were leading her towards where Link was standing, and suddenly, she was right in front of him with her arms dangling awkwardly by her side.
"I'm gonna go," Jo muttered, stepping away after raising her eyebrows at Link.
"I want to fix things," she started, clasping her hands together and subconsciously picking at her nails. "I miss us and the way things used to be before it all fell apart, and I know that maybe we can somehow get that back if you'll listen to me and promise not to ignore what I need because I don't want to get married and I'm not going to change who I am so much to the point that I forget who I am for you." She exhaled heavily, trying to read the expression on Link's face.
"Why are you doing this right now?"
"Because I need you to hear that and stop going around and telling everyone that I'm selfish and rejected your proposal because I don't care. We both know that's not true." Link dropped his head down. "You know how difficult these past few months have been for me; why would you think it was a good time to ask me to marry you?"
"Because we needed some joy, and I thought being engaged and planning our wedding would be that joy. All you had to do was talk to me and let me know that wasn't what you wanted."
"And all you had to do was check-in with me like you promised you would do before ever proposing!" Amelia bit her lip after speaking, noticing how the people around them had turned to look as their conversation increased in volume. "Link,"
"We shouldn't be having this conversation here," he muttered, picking up his wine glass from the table. "I'll find you later."
She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see Maggie standing there with a sad smile on her face.
"Let's go home," she spoke quietly, taking Amelia's hand and leading her out of the venue.
"He hates me," Amelia muttered. "He hates me, and it's like it isn't even him anymore. That's not Link; Link would never act like this, right?" Maggie pursed her lips.
"I don't know."
"I had hope. I finally had hope, and I thought that if I went up to him and was clear about what I need, he would understand, and we could work on fixing things, but he didn't want to understand." She stopped walking. "What the hell did I do wrong?"
"You didn't do anything wrong, Amelia." Maggie approached her and took her hand again. "I promise. You didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes, things just don't work out, and you don't need him to be happy."
"But I miss him," she whispered. "I miss his kindness, and how much he cared about me, and how no matter what happened, he would just wrap me up in his arms at the end of the day and tell me that everything would be okay. He would always listen and be the one steady thing in my life when everything else was falling apart." Maggie sighed softly.
"Amelia, you'll always have me, I promise. And if he doesn't care for you, if he won't listen to you, then he doesn't deserve you." She tugged lightly on Amelia's hand, and they resumed their slow pace until they arrived at the car. Maggie opened the passenger door, and Amelia slumped down into the seat.
She rested her head against the window, finally allowing tears to silently fall from her eyes and watching as the car drove away from her last hope.
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xxcyj · 4 years
I wanted to make up for that angst earlier ahahaha So here’s the Yeonjun Fluff I had ready~ Request are open. Right here >>  Masterlist
part 2
Summary: A walk to the bus stop with Yeonjun
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.3k
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It was a lazy Sunday in the practice room. Soobin and Beomgyu were both taking naps on the floor, Taehyun and Kai were both looking at memes on their phones. And here Yeonjun was, trying his very best to concentrate while attempting to braid your hair. You watched him from the mirror as his nose scrunches up in annoyance while pulling on your hair lightly in confusion.  Amused by his cute facial expression, you pull out your phone and take a photo. However you forget that your shutter was on causing Yeonjun to snap his head up and see your phone. You giggle as he leans back and jokingly pouts. 
“Y/N, I’m trying my best. It’s not nice to make fun of me.” He mutters as he gets tired of trying and gives up. You laugh at his effort and try to undo the knots in your hair while he goes up to get his phone. 
You had met Yeonjun through a mutual friend and became very fast friends. He soon introduced you to his members, who you got along with just as well however you and Yeonjun remained to be the closest. Usually you’d sneak them late night snacks, you were also their ears and eyes to the unfiltered side of Moa twitter and kept them updated on what fans were saying.
“I need to get going, it’s getting late! I’ll see you guys soon.” You smile at the conscious members as you put your jacket on. Yeonjun was by your side as you waved your goodbyes, it was his habit. He would walk your bus stop and wait with you until your bus came. 
“You know you don’t need to walk me every time. I’ll be alright, not like this is a dodgy part of town.” You say as you both walked out of the building. Yeonjun just shakes his head and brings his arms to his chest.
“Nope, it’s unsafe for a lady to walk by herself in the dark. I don’t care what you say.” He stubbornly replied. You roll your eyes and smile, just happy to talk to your best friend. 
“What a gentleman you are!” You sarcastically remark as you both sat down in the bus stop. He lets out a chuckle and puffs out his chest making you slap his arm lightly and shake your head. “How are you these days though? I know that you guys have started planning for a comeback.” You tilt your head curiously as you await his answer.
“I’m excited obviously but I’m just preparing myself for all the late nights and extreme dance practices. I know I signed up for this and I shouldn’t complain because I have fans who I am deeply grateful for and who never fails to amaze us by how dedicated they are but I’m so tired, this comeback is probably gonna be super busy. I think I’m burning out. I still love being an idol and I love knowing that my music is making an impact in people’s lives but it’s also mentally draining you know? I just don’t want to let down my fans.” He let out a sigh as he titled his head back. “And also it’s just, I know I shouldn’t be reading them but, I see some of the negative things people write about my members and myself and it’s disheartening. We work hard and still some people think that we just leach off the success of our seniors.” 
You watched him air out his frustrations and listen intently. Moments like these was something you treasured close to your heart. Hearing him loosen up and talk about his worries knowing that he can trust you made you admire him. Honestly, when you both weren’t very close until your friend group got drunk and the both of you just vented and ranted to each other the entire night. After that, you were each other’s go to person whenever something was bothering the other. 
“Yeonjun, it’s ok to feel burnt out. You guys have been super busy the entire year, barely getting any breaks. Moas understand that you’re a human as well, they’ll love you either way. People need to take breaks here and there or else we’d fall apart. Everyone knows you love what you do but it’s ok if you just need a little break from it.” You reassure him by rubbing his arm and smiling. “Anyway fuck those people who talk shit. They’re literally just jealous of you. Those people don’t know jack about what you went through to get to where you are now. Trust me, if they even tried to fall what you do for a day, they’d probably quit. They don’t know how hard you work everyday and how much much you’ve had to sacrifice. Send me the links and I’ll cuss them out for you.”
He lets out a hearty laugh and looks at your clench fists, as if ready to fight. “Thanks, I think I will do that next time.” He takes your hands in his and unclenches your fists before patting your head. “You don’t really make for an intimidating person in real life though so let’s try not fight anyone in person.”
“Hey! I can throw a pretty good punch!” You poke your tongue and laugh. 
“Anyway what about you? What’s happening with life in general?” He asks you gently. 
“Well, school is bitch but it would be better if I actually did my assignments as soon as I get them instead of leaving them to the last minute.” You mutter, knowing full well that you were gonna get a snicker from him. 
“You’re just like Soobin. When will you both learn huh?” He shakes his head. “But seriously though, take care of yourself as well. Make sure you eat well or else whatever you study won’t stick. And I also know you just love staying up all night finishing your assignments but you be sleeping. It’s not good for you if you’re running low on sleep.” He says as his hands hands squish your face and stares into your eyes to make sure you got his point. 
Usually you’d roll your eyes and act like an edgy teenager by saying “yes mom.” But something seemed to hit you it hit you at this very moment. You’d only ever seen Yeonjun as a friend, a handsome one at that, but it was always platonic. But something about his smile made you feel electric. You felt butterflies flutter and you suddenly wanted to kick yourself for falling into the falling for my best friend troupe. 
Your distress must’ve been plastered on your face as Yeonjun frowned and leaned his face close to yours as if to inspect your face. You push him back and look away. “Hey, what’s wrong? Did I say something?” He asked seeming genuinely concerned. 
“I- I just got reminded of my mid term paper. Anyway who are you to lecture me about sleep? You’re out here getting maximum 5 hours. ” You quickly say and pat the back of your neck. He just rolls his eyes and smiles. That damn smile. 
“Then you should probably study for your mid terms dumby! Also I’ll have you know I sleep for 6 hours now.” He says as he flicks your forehead lightly.
“Anyway, your bus is almost here so make sure you study hard ok?” Yeonjun says as he helps you up from your seat and wave down the bus. You nod at his instructions and prepare your bus card out. “Text me when you get home ok?”
“I will. Also remember what I said, it’s ok to take break. Please take care of yourself!” You wave as you tag into the bus and sit my the window. As the bus drives past, he waves from his spot at the bus stop and only leaves when he can’t see the bus anymore. 
Holding a hand to your chest, you take a deep breath and release it as you try to calm down the fast beats from your heart. You would find yourself unable to sleep that night.
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kaistarus · 4 years
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Pairing: NishinoyaX(OC)-Kaede Mizuki
Summary: Kaede and Nishinoya get along great, but when it comes to dating she’d consider them the least compatible people on the entire planet. So, when her heart starts acting up around him she figures it’s best to ignore it for as long as possible
A/N: This is my favorite thing I’ve written so far and honestly I think it's my highest quality work. I’m very proud of this one, so enjoy :) *artwork commissioned @Kurushima_Kaito on Twitter*
“I’m starving.”
Kaede tried her best to ignore the boy obnoxiously leaning his entire body weight on her as she finalized the week’s task list. She ticked off the final box of ‘wash practice jerseys’ she and Yachi spent half the afternoon on saying, “you’re always hungry. I told you to start bringing snacks.”
“But that’s so much work,” Nishinoya whined, resting his chin on her shoulder. He began twirling her half-ponytail around his finger while wiggling his eyebrows. “Hey, what if you started-”
“I don’t have enough time to start babying you, Noya.” She said, ignoring his pout while securing the pen at the top of the clipboard. “I have to give this Kiyoko so you should-.”
He hummed happily, “Kiyoko.”
She gave him a quick glare before shaking him off her shoulder, “can you go bother someone else?”
“Nah, everyone’s busy,” he said, skipping after her. She glanced around to the team of boys standing around and very clearly not busy. Kiyoko stood beside a flushed Yachi as they flipped through pages of a small notebook, going over a few minor details before tomorrow’s match against Shiratorizawa.
“Hey Kiyoko, I’m finished with the-”
“Don’t worry, I got this.” Nishinoya plucked the clipboard out of her hands. “Hello, beautiful. We completed stuff. Obviously, I offered my assistance because of how thoughtful and handsome I am.”
“Sure,” Kiyoko accepted it, flipping through the pages before nodding to Kaede. “Thank you.”
Kaede opened her mouth, but Nishinoya cut her off. “You’re welcome, gorgeous.” He placed his elbow on Kaede’s shoulder. “Anyway, Kiyoko. You come here often?”
“She’s a manager.” Kaede deadpanned.
“It wasn’t literal, Mizuki. It’s a conversation starter.”
“That’s what you went with?” Kaede pinched the bridge of her nose. “‘Kiyoko, how’s your day?’, ‘Kiyoko, are you ready for tomorrow?’, ‘Kiyoko, I like your hair.’”
Nishinoya cocked his head to the side. “Hair?”
“She got a haircut.”
“Oh shit, really?” Nishinoya looked back to where Kiyoko was and his shoulders slumped. “She’s gone.”
“This is why you’ll die alone,” Kaede brushed his arm off her so she could walk to her backpack.
“You’re so mean to me.” His pout turned into a sly smirk. “I kind of like it.”
Kaede rolled her eyes, ignoring everything else that came out of his mouth as she switched out of her gym shoes to finally go home. The sound of volleyballs smacking the court drew her attention and she was hardly surprised to see Hinata and Kageyama still practicing with Yachi’s assistance.
“How come they never ask me to help?” Kaede wondered aloud, swinging on her worn backpack.
“‘Cause you’re really bad at volleyball.” Nishinoya snorted.
“That was rhetorical.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
She purposely bumped his shoulder as she walked past him to the gym doors and he over exaggeratedly grabbed it with a hiss, “are you trying to injure me before finals?”
“Shut up,” She snorted.
“You think you can just replace me as libero?”
“I think I can roll around on the floor, yeah.” Kaede slid on her outdoor shoes and jumped onto the sidewalk. He narrowed his eyes at her, but before he could rant about Rolling Thunder Ennoshita called out a few yards away.
“The second years are all going out to eat. Are you both coming or what?” He shouted while Tanaka waved both his arms in a ‘get over here’ motion.
“You should come,” Nishinoya hurriedly shoved his feet into his outdoor shoes and leapt beside her. His smile softened as he nudged her hand hanging loosely by her side. “It’ll be fun.”
Her mouth twisted while she contemplated. It would be fun, sure, but with how early they were meeting at the school she wasn’t sure she could manage. Kaede bumped his hand back before giving a half-smile that made his expression drop.
“I have an exam to study for and we’re getting up too early.” She shrugged loosely, “Next time, okay?”
“Nerd.” He pouted.
“Probably,” she poked him in the forehead. “You better not send me a stupid video at three in the morning. You need to sleep too.”
“Yes, mom.” He rolled his eyes, but his lips were curved into a smile. He grabbed her hand off his forehead and squeezed it once before pivoting around to the waiting group. “Now go be lame somewhere else before you wear off on me.”
Kaede rolled her eyes. She waved goodbye to the other boys who booed at her unwillingness to attend. She glanced down at the hand that Nishinoya had squeezed before leaving, wondering why it was still so warm regardless of the chilled night.
She figured she was overthinking and waited for her racing heart to calm down. She just needed some sleep.
Kaede yawned, rubbing her sleep-filled eyes and snuggling against Kiyoko’s shoulder. Her eyelids hung heavy as she watched rather than listened to Coach Ukai and Coach Takeda give instructions before allowing them on the warm bus.
“It’s too early to be alive,” she whined when they finally finished, wrapping her arms around Kiyoko for protection against the morning’s frigid air.
Kiyoko patted her head, “it’s already seven, Kaede.”
Kaede whined pitifully again at the mere mention of the time. Sure, it had been seven at that moment, but they’d met at six-thirty which meant by herself she’d woken up before the sun had risen. Nobody should have to wake up before the sun.
Her eyes scanned the boys lined up along the bus to find most of them were in a similar state as her-leaning against each other and half-asleep. She locked eyes with Tanaka and Nishinoya who were glaring and she lifted a lazy brow before realizing her arms were still wrapped around Kiyoko.
Like the bigger person Kaede was, she nuzzled her cheek on Kiyoko and tightened the hug. They looked like they were about to pop a blood vessel until Daichi dragged them away by the back of their shirts.
Kaede snickered evilly until a shadow loomed over her.
“Are you seriously still tired?” Tsukishima asked condescendingly. “Is that going to be your new excuse for doing nothing?”
Kaede straightened up with her fists clenched. “Well, you’re-you look-you’re dumb.”
She cringed as Tsukishima cackled, walking triumphantly back to the bus. Yamaguchi trailed after him giving an apologetic smile that didn’t make her feel any better.
“I thought it was good.” Yachi smiled cheerfully.
Kaede patted her head half-smiling. “That’s all that matters then.” She lied, the burning sense of revenge coursing through her veins.
Kiyoko lightly pushed the small of Kaede’s back when they were letting people on the bus because managers got special privileges, such as, firsts. She hurriedly plopped down beside Yachi, excited to tune out the noisy team and hopefully fall back asleep.
She unzipped her jacket pocket and shoved her hand inside, digging for her headphones. She furrowed her brow and swiped her fingers around in a panic when she felt nothing but fabric. They had been there when she left her house...
“Is something wrong?” Yachi asked with a concerned crease in her brow.
“No, I…” Kaede slumped back in defeat. “I think I lost my headphones.”
“Oh no,” Yachi’s eyes widened. “Do you want to use mine?”
“No,” Kaede waved her off. “You were talking about that book you wanted to finish listening to. I don’t want to-”
There was a quick bop on her head and she whipped around to find Nishinoya smirking mischievously. Kaede’s sneer must have been more vicious than usual because the way his eyes widened in fear made her feel slight guilt. She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, hoping that she could tune out the obnoxiousness on her own.
Not even five minutes after the bus left Kaede felt a nervous tapping on her shoulder. She opened her eyes to Nishinoya leaning beside her backrest smiling apologetically.
She sighed, “what.”
He held out his palm to show a pair of tangled earbuds. She looked between them and his hesitant expression before just raising a brow. “They’re very nice, Noya. I’m not sure what you-”
“You lost yours, right?” He dropped them onto her lap. “I’m giving them to you.”
“What?” She picked them up and flipped them over in her palm. “Why?”
“I’m not using them and you looked upset,” his nose wrinkled. “You get really cranky when you’re upset.”
“Thanks,” she said monotone, beginning to untangle the pair. “Are you sure this is-”
“Do you want my jacket, too?”
She blinked a few times before turning to him. “Why would I need that?”
He rested his head against the side of her seat. “Well, aren’t you tired? It could be a pillow or something.”
“Oh,” she paused, furrowing her brow in thought. “I guess, but I’m not sure that’s necessar-”
He dropped the material on her head and created a static mess of her hair.
“Okay, feel better,” he said before hopping his way to the back of the bus. She sat in disbelief before turning to Yachi who was hiding a smile behind her hand.
“Don’t,” Kaede said, bundling the jacket and placing it behind her head. “He’s just an idiot with no concept of personal space.”
Kaede could finally tune out the rambunctious guys and leaned comfortably against her makeshift pillow, finding herself drifting to much needed sleep. She definitely didn’t find the way Nishinoya’s jacket smelled comforting-it just happened to be nicer than the musty bus. And if she snuggled up to it a few times that was purely because it was softer than the bus seat.
When she woke up it was for the bus pulling into the parking lot and everyone pushing their faces against the windows in awe of the stadium before them.
“Holy shit,” Tanaka breathed. “It’s even bigger in person.”
They piled out of the bus, shoving and pulling each other in a rush to get out of the cramped space. The boys stared at the building with their jaws slack.
“I feel sick again,” Hinata covered his mouth and Kageyama shoved him toward Tanaka who side-stepped him, leaving Hinata to fall flat on the concrete.
“Alright, everyone,” Coach Ukai clapped to garner attention. “I want best behavior. There’s a lot of people here, so don’t go embarrassing-”
“I bet I can get there first.” Hinata said, taking off for the front doors.
“You got a head start idiot. This doesn’t count.” Kageyama said, sprinting after him.
“Do you think they have food vendors?” Nishinoya tugged Tanaka’s sleeve and they both took off. Everyone stood there watching them before glancing awkwardly at the coaches.
“-me. Oh my god.” Coach Ukai palmed his eyes.
“Yeah, good luck with that.” Tsukishima snorted as he and Yamaguchi left the group. Kaede shrugged because this was Karasuno; chaotic as hell, but somehow they made it work.
The arena was as massive inside as it was outside, but it didn’t talk long to track down their missing morons. Hinata and Kageyama hadn’t left the main vestibule, and although Nishinoya and Tanaka had found food stands neither had actually brought money. Kaede wasn’t interested in donations either, regardless how good Nishinoya’s puppy-dog eyes were.
Since the court was reserved for the teams, coaches, and a single manager Kaede and Yachi would be watching the game from the stands. They said their goodbyes outside the locker room-ruffling Hinata’s hair, patting Asahi’s back, fist bumping Tanaka, and even forcing a good luck to Tsukishima-when she turned to Nishinoya she was thrown off by his lifted hands.
“You won’t be there when my name is called,” he pushed them forward. “So I need you to high-five me now.”
“That’s adorable,” Daichi said slyly behind him.
“It’s not adorable,” Nishinoya sneered at him, and a snickering Tanaka, with a red tint to his cheeks. “It’s just for luck. That’s all.”
“It’s a little adorable,” Kaede tried to force down her smile.
“Just high-five me, okay?” He mumbled, tensely pushing his hands further out. Kaede rolled her eyes before lightly patting her hands against his. He furrowed his brow and looked down at his palms. “That high-five sucked.”
“Beggars can’t be choosers,” she shrugged, grabbing Yachi’s hand to pull her toward the bleacher doors. “You can have a better one after you win the game.”
Kaede left him there pouting as her and Yachi pushed their way through metal doors that took them to Karasuno’s cheer section. Kaede was in awe at how many people were in attendance. They had somehow managed to go from a few people to a packed stand in only a few months.
“There’s our girls,” Saeko cheered, waving Kaede and Yachi toward the front of the bleachers. “Does this mean the boys are coming out soon?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Yachi nodded.
“Ugh, please don’t say that. Ma’am makes me feel ancient.” Saeko grimaced, leaning her forearms against the railing.
Yachi apologized profusely and Kaede laughed lightly at her meekness. That’s when Karasuno came out of the locker room for warm-ups-Saeko immediately dialing in on Tanaka, hollering her praises the moment he was in sight. While he was covering his face in embarrassment Hinata and Nishinoya were waving like madmen in hopes of gaining her attention.
Hinata cheerfully waved to Kaede and Yachi when he spotted them while Nishinoya smirked mischievously, making a heart shape at Kaede with his hands. She groaned, creating one herself before snapping it half to which Nishinoya dramatically dropped his jaw, flinging a hand against his chest in mock horror.
She giggled at his ridiculous performance which seemingly was enough to please him because he went back to focusing on warm-ups.
“So you and Noya got a little something-something going on?” Saeko gave her a once-over and nodded approvingly. “I never imagined he could bag a cutie like you, but I’ll give credit where credit is due.”
“What? No, that’s-” Kaede felt a shudder run down her spine. “I would never date, Noya. My standards aren’t that low.”
Saeko hummed, thrumming her fingers along the railing. “Noya’s a good kid with a lot of love to give, but I think you’ll figure that out.” Saeko ruffled Kaede’s hair, effectively messing up her half-ponytail.
Kaede narrowed her eyes suspiciously, but for her safety didn’t press the matter further. She leaned on the railing, watching Nishinoya carefully as he received with his classic Rolling Thunder-the team erupting in laughter around him.
If Kaede could describe Nishinoya in two words it would be simple-minded and clingy. The exact opposite of anyone she ever pictured herself in a relationship with. Did she think he was attractive? Sometimes. When he was smiling or laughing or focusing really hard on something or zoning out or pouting or… Well that wasn’t the point. The point was they weren’t compatible at all and Saeko had no clue what she was talking about.
Kaede felt a warmth creep up her neck as Nishinoya wrapped his arm around Hinata’s shoulders, a bright smile spread across his lips. She shrank into her shoulders. Right, no clue what she was talking about.
When the match finally began she found her confident facade fading as she clutched Yachi’s hand tightly, her heart pounding at the fast pace of the game. Kaede’s heart swelled with pride when Nishinoya adjusted to their powerful spiker, and ignored Saeko’s knowing glances when she bounced with excitement. The same feeling coursed through her as Hinata’s bright smile overtook his face and as she leaned over to celebrate with the convenience store guy for Yamaguchi’s service ace-she even hugged Yachi with all her might when Tsukishima made an amazing block.
As the ball took its final fall there was a lull in the air before the crowd erupted into cheer. Kaede and Yachi clutched each other tightly, jumping and shouting at their team’s well deserved victory. She felt tears pricking her eyes as she watched the boys dogpile in the center of the court-the third years a tearful mess in disbelief, unable to process they were actually going to nationals.
Kaede grabbed Yachi’s wrist with a final wistful look at the guys before tugging her into the hall so they could congratulate their team. She waited impatiently, bouncing on the balls of her feet, for the doors of the gym to swing open. At the first sign of them opening her and Yachi immediately jumped onto the still smiling team.
“You guys were amazing,” she turned to Hinata, waving her fist in the air. “Your spikes were insane Hinata!”
“Did you see my last one?” He swung his arm downward. “It was totally ‘shabam’, right?”
She nodded her head without a clue what he meant, turning to Yamaguchi to ruffle his hair, “and let’s not forget about you mr. service ace.”
“Stop,” he whined, swatting her hands away with a blush lighting up his freckled cheeks.
Kaede’s excitement grew as everyone raved about each other’s performances and began talking about nationals. Her emotions were near bursting when she spotted Nishinoya wearing a lopsided grin with both hands raised for the high-five she’d promised him.
Kaede rolled her eyes, completely bypassing his hands and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He tensed up momentarily before encircling his arms around her waist.
She squeezed him before pulling back. “You were insane,” she smiled excitedly. “The setting thingy worked and your receives were amazing even though he was left-handed or whatever and everything was great-you were great!”
He stared at her seemingly frozen and she looked around awkwardly at his lengthy pause. Suddenly a cocky smirk made its way onto his lips and Kaede regretted her every decision.
“Setting thingy?” His eyes scanned her face. “Left-handed or whatever?”
“You try to compliment a guy and this is the thanks you-”
“I’m kidding. I’m kidding.” He smiled fondly before pulling her back to his chest, burying his face into the crook of her neck. “Thank you.”
Kaede blinked, loosely replacing her arms around his neck. Saeko’s teasing comments popped into her mind and her heart started beating at an irregular pace. She leaned her head against Nishinoya’s for a brief moment as her chest filled with an unfamiliar warmth.
She supposed Nishinoya wasn’t always terrible. He made her laugh sometimes and he genuinely cared about people and he never seemed to get nervous… she could admit those were decent qualities in a person. Kaede chewed the inside of her cheek as she let herself relax in his hold.
“Are you guys almost finished?” Suga called over,” we’re trying to pick a place to eat. Coaches are paying which means-”
“It’s free?” Nishinoya released her, nearly shoving her aside to get to the group. “We need to find the most expensive meat in the area guys. I’m starving, so maybe a buffet actually.”
Kaede glared at him as he attempted to use Asahi to assist him in bouncing high enough to see the center of the circle. She took a calming breath before joining Kiyoko on the far wall, slouching back with crossed arms. Kaede couldn’t fathom how she almost believed Nishinoya could be anything but obnoxious.
She knew she was right. Saeko had no clue what she was talking about.
Kaede grumbled as she slumped into the gymnasium after a grueling day of school. She toed off her shoes with an exaggerated sigh, lazily tossing her bag against the wall and sliding down beside it like a ton of bricks rested on her shoulders.
“What’s wrong with you?” Tanaka stood over her while she sluggishly dug out her gym shoes.
“I failed my exam,” she pouted, “couldn’t even answer all the questions.”
Tanaka snorted, “that sucks.”
She groaned, letting her head hang forward and hearing another unwanted set of footsteps approach.
“What’s wrong with her?” Nishinoya asked after a quick once-over.
“She failed an exam.”
“The Calc one?” Nishinoya crouched in front of her, pinching her cheeks to lift her face. “I thought you studied all weekend?”
“I did,” she deadpanned.
He grimaced, “well, if it makes you feel better I fail all the time.”
“Well, you’re an idiot.”
Nishinoya rolled his eyes, switching the pinch to a gentle cradle and leaning forward. “It’s only one exam.”
She started to argue, but he lightly bumped his forehead against hers.
“You’ll be fine,” he smirked. “You’re annoyingly smart, and there’s ways for you to make up the points, right?”
Kaede’s heart was in a frenzy as she nodded.
“See? Nothing to stress about then.”
“Whatever,” she mumbled, avoiding his eyes.
Nishinoya snorted, standing up and turning to the court. “Kinnoshita, send your practice serves to me, okay?”
She watched him run off before turning to Tanaka. “That was weird, right?”
“I honestly can’t tell with you two.”
She narrowed her gaze at Nishinoya, carefully fixing the bangs he’d messed up. She was probably just overanalyzing things because Saeko was still lurking somewhere in her mind and it was best not to think about it. Kaede finished putting her gym shoes on and decided she’d confidently continue on like nothing had happened.
A few days later Kaede was sitting cross-legged against the wall, searching for the phone numbers of coaches for possible practice matches-her first legit manager assignment. Nishinoya had joined her during the team’s allotted break, sitting down and tugging her non-dominant hand in his lap. He played with her fingers and languidly drew patterns against her palm, leaving a tingle blazing up her forearm.
“What are you doing?” She eventually asked when the goose bumps were too strong to ignore.
“It’s too bad you suck at volleyball,” he said, lifting her hand, “cause you have really nice hands.”
She pulled her hand back. “That was the weirdest backhanded compliment I’ve ever gotten.”
“What? I don’t even know what that is.” he whined, reaching for her hand.
She tucked her under her butt and he pouted. “It’s like a hidden insult.” She put the end of her pen on her lip in thought, ignoring how he tugged her arm in an attempt to free her hand from her butt. “It’s like if I told you, ‘too bad you’re so annoying because otherwise you’d be really cute’ or something.”
“You think I’m cute?” He asked with a sly smirk.
Her face flushed red. “What? No, it was an example. I said if I-”
“That’s okay,” he flicked the orange ribbon she used to keep her hair half-up. “I think you’re cute too.”
“I’m not cute.”
“You are,” he stated, standing and stretching to prepare for Daichi calling everyone back to the court. “Now if you’ll excuse me. The most attractive person you’ve ever seen has to get back to practice.”
“That’s not even close to what I-,” she started, but he was already waving her off. Kaede sneered, writing the phone numbers with more force than necessary.
That boy had a death wish and one day she would grant it...
Kaede paced around the next practice staring down at her notebook she’d been studying. She furrowed her brow as she tried to remember terms that Kiyoko had given her, but something felt off.
“I’m starving.”
Her muscles tensed as a familiar whine reached her ears, but unlike usual arms wrapped around her midsection and a chin rested on her shoulder. Kaede side-eyed Nishinoya who was observing the notebook in her hands with a raised brow.
“You’ve been pretty clingy lately,” she pointed out.
“In a good mood,” he reached forward to grab her notebook. “What’s this?”
“None of your business.” She said, moving it out of reach. “Aren’t you worried Kiyoko’s going to get the wrong idea?”
“Nah, I’m stepping down. Giving Tanaka a better chance, ya know?” Nishinoya made a grabbing motion. “I wanna see the book.”
She grumbled, but opened it back up, revealing volleyball terms and definitions along with really poorly drawn stick figures. Nishinoya straightened up, tugging it from her hands. “What is it?”
“I’m trying to learn everything for when Kiyoko leaves.” Kaede mumbled while her face grew red.
He fought back a smile while flipping through pages, “is there a section for liberos?”
Her eyes widened and she reached for the book, “no.”
“So, there is!”
“Stop. Give it back.”
His eyes scanned the pages while she attempted to reach over his shoulder. Eventually he landed on one before turning around with a wicked grin.
“Noya, I swear if you don’t-”
“‘Libero-my favorite position!’,” he read as he dodged her swipes. He flipped it around with an amused smirk, pointing to a stick figure with spiky hair. “Is this supposed to be me?”
“Obviously,” she crossed her arms. “It looks just like you.”
“What’s wrong with my legs?”
“Those are your knee pads!”
He cocked his head to the side, mulling that over. “I guess… I see it?” He scanned both his pages with a furrowed brow before holding out his hand. “A lot of stuff is missing. Do you have a pencil or something?”
Kaede offered him the pen from her track pants and he began writing notes all over the pages. She tried peeking over his shoulder, but he turned away.
“Noya, what are you-”
“Done!” Nishinoya snapped the notebook shut with the pen tucked between the pages. He bopped her on the forehead with it, wearing a fond smile. “Now you can really nerd out.”
Kaede’s cheeks warmed as she took the book back, but before she could thank him Coach Ukai was calling everyone to the court. He ruffled her hair before running off, which annoyingly sent a thrum through her heart.
Kaede chewed the inside of her cheek, opening her notebook to the section that Nishinoya had helped fill out before her expression immediately dropped. He had written majority useful notes, but most noticeable were comments about how libero was the best position and how ‘only attractive people play it’. He even gave his stick figure muscles and encased it in a giant heart. 
No matter how hard Kaede tried to muster her usual frustration-nothing came. Instead she smiled fondly, her fingers trailing across the stupid words, ‘love of my life’ he’d written in the bottom corner with an arrow pointed to his stick figure. She closed her eyes as her stomach rolled with an unfamiliar feeling she didn’t know what to do with.
But Kaede knew one thing… She was screwed.
Kaede attempted to get through the rest of the week as if nothing had changed. She pretended her eyes weren’t lingering on Nishinoya longer than usual, that her heart wasn’t an uncontrollable mess when he laughed, or that she didn’t light up when he clung to her. Unfortunately, pretending wasn’t good enough and people were beginning to notice-even Nishinoya was giving her weird looks.
Honestly, she was just looking forward to their break since holidays were finally here. She needed time away from everyone to overthink her life choices.
Coach Ukai’s abrupt clap brought her back to reality where Nishinoya had been running his fingers through her hair while they stood in an end of practice huddle. Everyone was dispersing and Kaede looked around panicked, having zoned out and missing everything he said.
“He assigned daily work-outs for over break,” she heard Nishinoya begin, turning around confused, “he said Kiyoko should’ve given you tasks if you had any, and Kinnoshita, Suga, and Yamaguchi were assigned cleaning tonight.” Nishinoya smiled affectionately.
“Oh-I-uh-thank you.” She cringed at herself, but Nishinoya just saluted and left for his duffel bag.
“Th-th-thank you, Nishinoya…” Tanaka came up beside her with his hands clasped. “You’re so cute and funny and I loooooovvve-ow!”
She punched his arm as warmth crept up her neck. “I don’t sound like that!”
“You definitely do.”
She glanced at Nishinoya, then covered her mouth from his sight before saying, “do I really?”
“Don’t worry. Nishinoya’s as dumb as you.” Tanaka rolled his eyes before walking toward the other’s. “You could wear an ‘I love Nishinoya’ t-shirt and he still wouldn’t get it.”
She pouted at the insult, but was reassured by Nishinoya’s apparent obliviousness. Kaede followed Tanaka to the benches and plopped down beside Nishinoya who’d put his stuff by hers at the start of practice. It took all of her focus to not look at him, especially when she could see him sneaking peeks at her.
“Does anyone have plans for Christmas?” Daichi questioned further down the bench.
“Saeko’s forcing me to look at lights with her,” Tanaka’s shoulders slumped. “If I could just get a date I wouldn’t have to deal with her dragging me around.”
“I’m taking Natsu to see lights, too.” Hinata said, tossing a volleyball between his hands. “I don’t mind hanging out with her though.”
“That’s because the only thing you think about is volleyball, Hinata.” Ennoshita ruffled his hair and Hinata’s face turned red.
“Not true!”
“Nishinoya and Kaede are probably the only ones with actual plans.” Asahi chuckled, causing Nishinoya to choke on the water he’d been guzzling.
“Yeah, what are you guys doing?” Daichi asked.
Kaede looked over, surprised that so many of them were curious about her plans. “Um, I haven’t really thought about it yet. Lights are cool. Maybe food, who knows.”
“Seriously? You haven’t planned anything?” Asahi crossed his arms. “That doesn’t sound like Noya.”
Nishinoya looked between everyone panicked while Kaede’s eyes flickered toward a snickering Tanaka. “I mean, I don’t know what Noya’s doing. So, maybe he has plans?”
“I’m confused,” Hinata frowned. “Are you guys not hanging out on Christmas?”
“No,” Kaede felt warmth spreading across her cheeks. “Why would we-”
“Heh, good jokes guys.” Nishinoya grabbed her hand and pulled her off the bench. “We gotta go though, so I think that’s-”
“You’re dating though...” Hinata looked at Kageyama. “People hang out on Christmas when they’re dating, right?”
“Obviously, idiot.” He turned to Daichi and whispered. “They do, right?”
Daichi nodded.
Kaede’s jaw went slack at the accusation as Nishinoya continued to yank her toward the exit. “What? We’re not dating!” She tried to remain in place, but Nishinoya tugged harder. “Why would you think that?”
“Well, Nishinoya said you guys were in-”
“Wow, this has been a great time,” Nishinoya cut him off as they reached the door. “I really appreciate this guys. Unfortunately, we’re leaving. Have a good break or something...”
After he dragged her a good distance from the gymnasium she tugged her hand out of his strong grasp. “What the hell was that?”
“Not sure what you're talking about…”
“That!” She gestured wildly in the direction of the gym behind them. “They’re going to think we’re dating.”
Nishinoya facepalmed, “I promise you that doesn’t bother me.”
“What do you mean it doesn’t-” Kaede’s fists clenched as he continued walking without her. “Get back here!”
She caught up quickly and grabbed his hand, pulling him around to face her. He observed her scowl and furrowed his brow in frustration, attempting to pull his hand out of her grip.
“It doesn’t matter,” he claimed, avoiding her eyes, but Kaede knew that was bull shit. She tried to take a step closer, but he kept awkwardly stepping back until he hit a wall and a blush spread to his cheeks.
Kaede’s heart was in a frenzy at their position, but she wasn’t going to flake out now. She dropped his hand to place her’s beside his head so he couldn’t walk away from her anymore.
“Explain.” She demanded.
“Mizuki, it’s really hard to think when you’re pinning me against-”
“Try,” she narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re being weird.”
“I’m being weird?” His eyebrows rose in disbelief. “You've been acting weird all week!”
Kaede felt her cheeks warming as her confident facade wavered. “Well, that’s not what this is about. We’re talking about you here.”
He dragged a hand down his face before giving her a once-over, “do you actually not know?”
“Not know what?”
He glanced down nervously, “I like you, Mizuki.”
She blinked once. Twice. Then her arm fell limp to her side. “Oh,” she breathed out.
“Yeah, like, I really really really like you.”
“I-uh-heard the first time, Noya.” She said, staring at his feet. She supposed this had been what Tanaka meant by Noya was as stupid as she was.
“Right, sorry, it just felt really good to say.”
Kaede’s heart was pounding and she was surprised Nishinoya hadn’t pointed out the noise. It was so loud she couldn’t focus. Her stomach was rolling in that weird way again that she couldn’t tell was nausea or butterflies-maybe both.
“When did-”
“Shiratorizawa I guess...” His face scrunched in thought. “I mean, maybe before that. I don’t know, it feels so weird... “ He rubbed his chest. “A good weird. Just a different weird.”
She nodded understandingly. Nishinoya also made her feel all sorts of weird. He lifted his hand toward her face, but hesitated when he neared her cheek, dropping it back to his side.
Kaede frowned, staring longingly at the hand that normally wouldn’t have hesitated to hold her. She chewed the inside of her cheek before mustering up the courage to lace her fingers with his. Nishinoya’s eyes had watched her gaze carefully, tracking her intense stare with hopeful eyes.
He lightly swung their hands with a dopey smile. “You’re cute.”
“I’m not,” she furrowed her brow, a light blush painting her cheeks.
He pressed his forehead against hers with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “You are.”
Kaede pouted at how out of control her heart was at him simply squeezing her hand and from the almost cocky look in his eyes he could probably tell. Her eyes flickered down briefly and she raised her brow contemplatively.
“I feel like someone who wears a ribbon everyday has no right to claim that they aren’t-”
“Noya, I’m going to kiss you,” she interrupted.
His jaw went slack and he froze in disbelief. Kaede smirked slyly at the reaction she’d been hoping for as she guided his face closer, holding him a breath away.
He blinked back to reality, “are you sure? I mean I would love that so much, but are you absolutely sure? Because that’s like an actual thing that-”
Kaede closed the gap, pressing her lips against his to stop his rambling-whatever he’d been saying getting lost in their kiss. They had an awkward position at first, but once realization struck Nishinoya he quickly adjusted, sliding his hand up and tangling his fingers in her hair. She tried to remain focused, but as Nishinoya wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close she couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that escaped her.
Nishinoya pulled back, embarrassment striking his face as he searched her eyes.
“You’re laughing,” he stated, slightly out of breath. “Was it bad? I’ve never kissed someone. It was bad, wasn’t it?
“No, it wasn’t-I just-,” she giggled, leaning forward hiding her face in his chest. It hadn’t been bad. The kiss had just been so Nishinoya-diving head first, putting everything into it with no experience. Kaede couldn’t help it.
Nishinoya cradled the side of her face and lifted her to face him, smiling at her with more affection than she’d ever thought capable. He ran his thumb along her bottom lip before leaning forward to capture her lips again. This time he went slowly, from pulling her close to the press of his lips everything felt thought out.
When he pulled back, rubbing his nose against hers he whispered, “better?”
“Uh-huh,” she squeaked, face a brilliant shade of pink.
“This is good, right?” He furrowed his brow in question. “Kissing is usually a good sign.”
Kaede’s lips quirked into a small smile as she pressed her forehead against his, eyes soft as they scoured his face. “Yeah,” she rubbed her thumb along his cheek. “It’s a really good sign.”
“Cool,” he smiled dopily, leaning against her touch. “So, wanna go out this weekend?”
Kaede rolled her eyes, giving him a quick peck.
“Is that a yes?��
“Nope,” she said, stepping back and walking away backward. He blinked a few times before following her.
“What do you mean no?” Nishinoya pouted.
She stuck her tongue out and pivoted around a smile forcing its way on her face when Nishinoya caught up, interlocking their hands together. “I guess I’ll think about it.”
“Think about it!?”
Kaede swung their hands happily as Nishinoya ranted to her about her audacity while she unknowingly walked him to the nearest ramen shop. She was hungry, so why wait for the weekend when they could just go out now?
She glanced over to Nishinoya’s pouting face as he listed off reasons he should be allowed a date and rolled her eyes. Kaede relished in the warmth consuming her chest as she listened to him, allowing herself the happiness she’d been pushing back for so long. This was nice.
Being with him like this… She liked this. She liked him.
And she was happy she had finally figured that out.
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thekitsune · 4 years
MikaSasha Week Day 5 - Jealous Special Edition
Here’s my other submission today. This one is based off of @llamaalpacca ‘s submission for today. I hope everyone enjoys it!
Honestly, Sasha should have seen this coming. She loved her girlfriend, but she also knew that she didn't have a good childhood. Well, that's not completely right. She was traumatized as a child thanks to her parents' murder, but Levi gave her a nice home. Sasha has met her Uncle, and while he is a good man, he isn't one to give kids plushies like most other adults or show them much physical affection. When she became friends with Mikasa and hugged her for the first time, she was shocked at how touch starved the girl was.
So when they went on their first date a few weeks, she made it her mission to win her girlfriend the largest plushie they had as a gift to remember their date as well as give her a taste of what she missed out on as a child. The excitement and pure joy that radiated from Mikasa the rest of the night let her know that she did a good job.
Now, we come back to the beginning, why did she start rambling on about all this? Well, "Mikasa, you sure you don't want to cuddle tonight?" Sasha asked her girlfriend who was lying next to her...hugging the four foot stuffed panda that she won her like her life depended on it. Mikasa didn't reply as she continued hugging the plushie which caused Sasha to sigh. Glancing over at her phone, Sasha decided to let her friends know how she feeling.
Taking a quick pic, she went onto twitter and proceeded to post:
Ah, yes. Me. My girlfriend. And her four foot stuffed panda.
After uploading the post, Sasha rolled back over and stared at the ceiling. She missed cuddling with Mikasa at night. It always helped her sleep easier at night. Looking over, she saw her girlfriend sleeping peacefully while nuzzling her plushie. Sasha smiled lightly before slowing getting out of bed and walking into the living room of their apartment. She couldn't sleep so she was going to go ahead and grab a snack from the fridge. Maybe that will help her sleep.
Grabbing a snack cake, she walked over to the couch and sat down. Taking a bite out of the snack cake, she turned around and relaxed on the couch as she turned the television on. Keeping the volume low, she happily enjoyed the snack cake while watching some old anime that Mikasa doesn't enjoy watching with her. After finishing her food, she just decided to stay there until the episode finished. As the episode dragged on, Sasha realized something that she was trying to avoid.
"I really am jealous of a stuffed animal aren't I?" Sasha thought to herself with an annoyed look on her face before slowing fading away to sleep.
Mikasa yawned as she slowly opened her eyes. Spotting the panda that Sasha won her, she smiled before releasing it and rolling over to hug her girlfriend. She paused though when she realized the other half of the bed was vacant. Blinking in confusion, she sat up and got out of bed. Did Sasha already wake up?
Walking into the living room, she realized the TV was on so she grabbed the remote and turned it off...before realizing that Sasha was spread out on the couch, asleep. Blinking in confusion, she gently shook Sasha awake. "Sasha, Sasha, wake up. You're on the couch," Mikasa told her girlfriend as she continued gently shaking her.
Sasha groaned before slowly opening her eyes. "I'm up, I'm up," she forced out while rubbing her eyes. As the blur in her vision faded away, she saw Mikasa looking down at her in concern. "What's wrong? Did something happen? Are we out of food?!" Sasha shot up on the couch in shock which earned a small laugh from Mikasa.
Shaking her head, Mikasa now sat in the free space next to Sasha and wrapped her arm around her to pull her close. "No, we still have food. I just came in here, and I saw you sleeping on the couch. Are you okay? Why weren't you in bed? I remember us lying next to each other when I went to bed last night," Mikasa asked Sasha who froze up for a second before scratching the back of her head nervously.
"Oh, uh, I was hungry so I came in here for a snack. And I sat down on the couch to watch some anime while I ate. I must have fallen to sleep afterwards, ehehe," she laughed while glancing away which Mikasa easily spotted. Before she could question her further, she heard her phone 'ding' from a notification. Walking over to it, she saw it was a Twitter notification.
"Did you tag me in a post on Twitter last night?" Mikasa asked Sasha in confusion. Sasha narrowed her eyes as she tried to recall what she posted before they widened, and she shot off the couch to try and stop her girlfriend...only to trip over a pillow she knocked off of it in her sleep. By the time that she got back up, Mikasa had already opened the app and saw the post.
Looking at her nervously, Sasha tried to think of something to change the topic so they could forget about this, but..."While I am not happy that you posted a picture of me asleep in bed on Twitter for our friends to see...I'm more curious about the caption and your expression. Do you not like the plushie you won for me?"
Sasha looked down nervously. "It's not that I dislike it. I do like it, and I'm happy that you love it!" Sasha reassured Mikasa, "It's just...ever since I won it...we haven't cuddled in bed. I miss cuddling with you at night as we go to sleep."
Mikasa frowned lightly at this as she walked over to Sasha and placed her hand on her shoulder, "You could have told me."
Sasha let out a light laugh, "Tell you what, that I'm jealous of the plushie I won for you? It sounds kind of pathetic, right?"
Mikasa rubbed the back of the arm. Out loud, it does sound kind of pathetic, but she doesn't blame her girlfriend for feeling that way. It's been a few weeks now, and they haven't cuddled at night like they used too ever since. Now she was feeling guilty. Pulling Sasha into a hug, she rested her chin on her shoulder. "I'm sorry Sasha. It's just, I've never had a plushie, and I guess -" Mikasa was cut off as Sasha let out a small laugh and hugged Mikasa back.
"Yeah, I know how touch starved you are. Plus, I know that you never got to enjoy the feeling of cuddling with a large plushie as a little girl so I don't blame you. I just...miss you at night is what I'm trying to say, I guess?" Sasha stated with Mikasa smiling as she tightened her hug.
"Well, you got me. And tonight, I promise that I will let the panda sleep on his own so we can pick up where we left off," Mikasa told Sasha which earned her a tight squeeze followed by Sasha lifting her up into the air and spinning around with her while cheering happily. ------ A few days later though, Mikasa found herself staring at her girlfriend who was hugging a four foot potato plushie in her sleep. Rolling her eyes, she let out a sigh, "Great, so this is what being jealous of a plushie feels like."
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Sen Çal Kapımı episode 47 asks
Below the read more find asks and answers about episode 47, the fragman for 48 and other miscellaneous things.
Anonymous asked: Hi! I hope you are enjoying your vacation. I remember you mentioned you would be traveling. What were your thoughts on the epi? I think this was one episode where everything was happy! No big problems. The truth about Kemal being Serkan's dad could have been dramatic but Ayse and team wrote it like a romcom. I'm not really feeling the Deniz being the saviour of Artlife like they are portraying in the fragmans but I'll wait for the next epi to make a judgement.
Thank you. Once again, I though the whole episode was a really easy watch and I enjoyed every minute.  
I really appreciate the tone this season, even something as series as Serkan’s parentage is played lightly, as you say very much rom com, and not full of heavy melodrama (as it would have been if explored during the 30s). This is exactly the tone and feel of this show that I want.  
Serkan’s reaction was predictable, but it was also clear that he just needed time to adjust and settle down and he’ll come around. I like that. 
I don’t have time this week to do full episode thoughts, but I enjoyed Serkan and Eda’s morning after conversation. Hilarious that he’d removed all the sharp objects from the room. Loved that after all of Eda’s fear-fueled reticence, once she decided to take the plunge with him, she was all in. Eda admitting that she’d been unbalanced and had been at fault for hiding Kiraz,--and acknowledging that Serkan had been fighting for them and now she wanted to as well-- was very nice. After running a bit hot and cold, Serkan deserved to hear that.  
lolo-deli asked: Hard to believe we didn't get a reconciliation scene in 47... Nobody expected sex but we couldn't even get a hug or kiss when they made up? "I want to see that tattoo" was not the romantic reunion I was hoping for. Were you at all disappointed?
IMO, we did see the important part of the reconciliation, and that was the conversation. Sure, I think we should have seen Serkan and Eda kiss in the last episode. If I were in charge we would have, but I don’t think the story actually loses anything because it’s not a mystery what happened.   
Clearly, he says the tattoo line and they jump each other, make their way to the bedroom, have sex, but don’t really communicate until the morning when she wakes up, and that’s where the show picks up and we get to see those first important moments. 
If you’re looking for romance, then I would point to everything that led up to that tattoo line in 46. That entire episode (and the one before it) was their romantic reconciliation. Moments alone where he takes in her scent and whispers how much he’s missed her, waking up in bed together when they just automatically gravitate to one another, the moments of pretending to be married that were very comedic, but also very soft and romantic (What’s your greatest passion, what’s the first line you ever said to one another), the heartfelt conversation on the bench, the actual tattoo conversation at dinner. That’s the romantic reunion. Yes, if they had just reunited after years (like in episode 40) right before the tattoo line, I  would have needed more romance, but we’ve had 7 episodes of them working their way back to one another. Everything was primed, all they needed was to light the match.  IMO that line did the trick. 
So, am I disappointed? No. I’m happy to go with the flow and enjoy every minute of what they do give us in these last few episodes. I choose not to get tied up in what I wish would happen vs what actually happens. I find I don’t enjoy any show when I put the onus on the show to conform to my wishes. 
Some might be disappointed, that’s their choice, (and make no mistake, it is a choice) but that’s not how I’m approaching this second season which is serving up so much romance, comedy, and domestic family goodness. I suffered through the 30s so I could get to this, I’m not going to waste any of it being disappointed.
Anonymous asked: Idk why this proposal was the most emotional out of them all for me. Perhaps with the other ones I just KNEW the other shoe had to drop because they couldn't let them get happily married this early and this time I knew it was finally it. Or maybe it was the fact that knowing they're married means the show really is ending soon, but I was a blubbering mess lol. Sure there's drama ahead, but it's definitely not a plane crash and memory loss or a "fake" Selin pregnancy!
Yes! Thank goodness we don’t have any of that nonsense waiting for us.  They are really going to be married. 
I enjoyed this proposal very much, it was so sweet the way he planned everything out and had everyone helping, while Eda (and even sort of the audience) was in the dark about what was really going on there.  
For me, as far as the words spoken, nothing really tops his speech to her in 27, but the great thing is that we get them all and this was special in it’s own right because he really surprised her and swept her off her feet this time around.  I loved it!
Anonymous asked: So I am confused about Serkan’s ability to have kids- it’s not a problem now? If him being infertile was only temporary, why did he say it was impossible to have kids and it was a part of why he left Eda in the first place so she could have it somewhere else? They could’ve just waited a couple years to have kids then...? I know he also left her cause he was scared of dying but they really made his reaction seem like he’d NEVER be able to have kids
My assumption is that since they were able to have Kiraz, they know it’s possible, so even if it won’t be easy (and fertility is usually not a hard yes/ no line... mostly it’s a measure of how likely it is) they are choosing to believe they will be able to conceive again.  
If you’re looking to change what his assumptions were when they first broke up and he thought he was unable to have kids (and that there was a 70% chance the cancer would come back) and deciding he should have made different decisions based on the fact that he was able to father Kiraz... to be blunt you’re looking at it the wrong way. 
At that time, he thought he would never be able to have kids. Full stop.  The fact that wasn’t necessarily true doesn’t change what he believed at the time. 
Anonymous asked: serkan being the overly protective, worrying, affectionate baba is EXACTLY what i imagined, as i'm sure everyone else did. who else would worry about the pH balance of the soap at their daughter's preschool?! serkan thinking his angel can do no wrong.. of course it was all can's plan to hide them in the bathroom lmao. i hope, and with how this season is going i think we'll get it, we get to see this serkan in action when eda is pregnant too.. even if we just see a couple minutes of it!
YES! I loved overly protective Serkan. Thankfully, for Kiraz’s sake he has Eda (who might be a bit too far the other way) to balance him out.   I agree that it was hilarious how he was trying to blame sweet Can.  Even without seeing what happened, I’m pretty sure anyone else who had spent two minutes with those kids would figure out who the instigator was.  When rabble rousing is going on, I think it’s fair to point to the offspring of Serkan Bolat and Eda Yildiz as the cause, lmao.
It would be great it we got to see glimpses of Serkan as an expectant father and also the father of a newborn.  I would love that.
Anonymous asked: I see that the "Nitpick of the Week" as I'm calling it, this week is where Serkan proposed. Because Serkan Bolat would neeeeever propose in a "parking lot" .. am I the only one seeing that it's not even a parking lot, it's a road. Like if it is a parking lot where are the other cars then lol?! Putting aside that he's proposing outside their literal wedding venue, their entire story started in a parking lot. He told her he loved her for the first time on the side of a road. I'm not understanding.
You make great points!  Their love story did start in a parking lot AND he was trying to pull off both a surprise proposal and a surprise wedding in one day’s notice. Since we’ve already seen a proposal on a plane, a proposal at a piano bar and a proposal at their place of work, I don’t really have the energy to join the discontented masses on twitter and nitpick the location of this proposal. He could have proposed in front of a landfill and I would have been delighted. 
Anonymous asked: I'm sorry if you don't find it as funny, but people's reaction to this new fragman is so exaggerated like they're about to witness Indecent Proposal dizi-edition that I literally couldn't help but find it hilarious. Like no where is it ever implied that Deniz is offering Serkan SEX, but when Eda says "just do what you have to" somehow that's the first thing everyone thought of?! Not to mention we know this is Deniz's last ep.. the dramatic reactions really have me dying lmao.
OMG! I know. So this is a show that doesn’t show sex, Serkan didn’t sleep with the woman he thought was his girlfriend during amnesia, Serkan and Eda were both celibate for 5 years, but suddenly they’re gonna have newly-married Serkan go to the edge width Deniz?!?!?!  Those people on twitter lost their damn minds.  
On Saturday, I was on vacation and had just popped in to see if the new fragman was released, I was happy to nope right out of there when I saw the insanely melodramatic overreaction to the fragman. 
It’s obvious that since the biggest issue between Eda and Serkan is Eda’s fear that Serkan will always prioritize work over her, as he did on their first wedding day, this story is to show that Serkan will 100% choose Eda over work and Art Life.  Also I’m sure the episode will have the same tone as the rest of the season, which is light and comedic.  
Anonymous asked: sometimes I go back to episode 28 and still can't believe they got that bathtub + shower scene in there with the rtuk guidelines. I've watched a couple more romcoms since starting SCK and have never seen anything close to that. I know they got fined afterwards but they were really like "screw it, we're going it for anyway" 😂
It’s interesting that the production company and network went for it there. But as you say they did get fined, so they didn’t get away with anything.  
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hey ummm im tipsy too because it's my flatmate's birthday and I'm literally a lesbian woman but sometimes I worry I might not be lesbian and it scares me because I'm scared of men but sometimes I think a man is attractive (like my flatmate) and idk why I'm msging you about that, sorry if it's weird. but you seem to have very valuable insights about life that not many others have (somehow?? idk?) and I respect and appreciate that.
oh it’s not weird! i think one thing i have learned is that it is 100% okay and healthy to hold your own sense of who you are lightly, and to not feel so attached to a particular label that you don’t allow yourself lots of space to grow and change as you have new experiences or meet new people who bring out different facets of yourself. to me the label of ‘lesbian’ is not an Essential and Immutable Truth about who i am (ie something that can never shift or change over time). instead, using that label speaks to a decision i’ve made about how i want to orient myself in the world, how i want others to perceive and interact with me, and where i choose to channel my energy & attention.
when i first came out i spent many, many years feeling like i had to justify and “prove” that i was “really” a lesbian and that i was ~~~pure~~~ of any flickers of attraction or interest in men (there’s a conversation about internalized biphobia to be had there, but we’ll save it!!). i have described this phase (which i think characterizes many young or newly out lgbtq people’s experiences) as “the push,” because for me it was basically like, to get myself emotionally, intellectually, and socially free of the rigid constraints of compulsory heterosexuality, i had to PUSH really, really hard, to get enough distance between myself and all of that stuff. i had to shove it as far away from me as possible to lessen the chance that it would suck me back in. that was a normal and necessary part of moving into a more openly queer identity, and for many women who identify as lesbian the “push” involves completely disavowing any past interest in men or relationships with men or emotional attachments to men.
the push isn’t a bad thing! like i said, i think it is quite necessary at first, especially since women are subject to even more of the “are you sure? i mean, you’re not really gay, right? maybe you just haven’t met the right guy / maybe it’s just a phase / maybe you just couldn’t get a guy to like you / maybe you’re just afraid of men so you’re pretending you like women” bullshit than gay men are. but it’s a phase that i think most people eventually are ready to move out of (well, unless you are on twitter, and then you just live in the wake of the push forever and ever i guess). and that’s because it can be quite an intense and anxious headspace to live in, as you often feel a lot of pressure to “figure yourself out” (ie pin down what exactly you are -- are you a “real” lesbian or not?), as well as a lot of pressure to prove to yourself as much as to other people that you are who you say you are, or whatever. so it’s stressful to live there, and it also requires you to draw a lot of really hard-and-fast lines (like, “this is what a REAL lesbian is, and i’m only REAL if i follow all of these rules or check off all of these boxes all the time, and if i slip up maybe i’m not actually a lesbian, and i’m lying to myself and everyone else”).
over time i’ve come to hold my own identity more lightly, and to demand less certainty and fewer fixed answers of myself (and of others, too!). the identity label i use doesn’t really matter all that much to me - what matters is 1) that i am able to arrange my life and relationships in a way that makes me happy, and 2) that others respect the choices i make (something that’s not always within our control). right now, “lesbian” is the word that i like best as a descriptor, but i also know that labels are very, very generic categories that almost have to be emptied of specificity and nuance in order to encompass a very wide range of people. to borrow & repurpose a phrase from the transfeminist theorist emi koyama: there are as many ways of being a lesbian as there are lesbians. lesbian is just a general catchall umbrella category for an incredibly diverse range of lived experiences, histories, self-understandings, sexual and romantic choices, life narratives, etc etc.
if lesbian is the word that works for you or feels like the closest approximation to how you want to identify & be perceived by others, then call yourself a lesbian! it is completely and totally fine to be a lesbian who sometimes finds men attractive, or who finds herself attracted to a specific male friend. there’s nothing wrong with that! personally, i am a lesbian who has had important emotional and physical relationships with men in the past, and it’s possible that in the future maybe i’ll meet someone who i really click with who happens to be a man. it’s not maybe something that i would go looking for, and if it did happen, it would certainly prompt some soul-searching, as does any new experience that surprises us or complicates the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what we want. but holding my identity labels and my sense of self loosely means that i don’t have to feel as threatened by the possibility of changing desires or a shifting understanding of who i am & how i want to arrange my life.
my real true belief is that the vast majority of people are probably capable of forming deep emotional and physical attachments to any kind of person, if the circumstances were right and the person was the right person at the right time and we were open to the possibility of an attachment. i think that very few human traits or preferences are ‘hardwired’ into us in fixed and unchangeable ways. in general, most of our traits are influenced by a combination of nature and nurture, or genetics + experience. so like, idk, maybe some of us who are born cis women are slightly more predisposed than other people to find other women attractive. but nurture, lived experiences, environment, social and culture influences, and the stories we tell ourselves about who we are all play a much, much more important role in determining how we make sense of that predisposition, and whether we come to use words like “lesbian” to identify ourselves. so the type of rigid, stridently defended boundaries or definitions we often feel the need to invoke & defend during the "push” are even less useful here, because how could a fixed set of black-and-white labels (which, btw, only emerged in the last 100-130 years) possibly encompass or account for the wonderful heterogeneity of human experience?
anyway i guess this is all a very long way of saying that i think your worry is completely understandable, and certainly something i spent many years of my own life feeling! but i also think it can be nice to hear from other queer women that there’s a place a little further beyond that, which is basically just this realization: i am who i am, and i accept myself as i am right now, while also understanding that “who i am” will continue to evolve & change my whole life long. you are a lesbian if you say you are a lesbian, and if you want to have a crush on your male flatmate or find a male celebrity attractive or even try pursuing something with a male partner, that’s okay: it doesn’t mean your lesbianism isn’t real, or that you are now going to be pulled back into a compulsory heterosexuality you worked hard to push yourself away from.
but it also doesn’t mean that lesbianism is where you have to stay forever, just because that’s where you’ve landed or what has felt right for you up until now. it’s completely okay, normal, and healthy to allow yourself that space to change. maybe you’ll move into a phase of your life where “bisexual” or “queer” or “pan” will feel like a closer approximation or a better shorthand for how you understand yourself & want others to understand you. or maybe you’ll come to find some other word that you like better, or maybe you’ll decide that you don’t even want or need a word to live your life the way you want. the point is that you aren’t fixed in place. you are free to explore and to experiment and to try out different ways of orienting yourself in the world. and you should do so, in ways that feel exciting and affirming and right for you.
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