#but I don’t know what to make of Kyle straight up dissolving the team
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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The Defenders (1972) #75
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colehasapen · 4 years
(ONE SHOT) What is a legacy? DC
When Wally had first met Earth's new Green Lantern, the  oh-so great Torchbearer, he'd wanted nothing to do with him. Wally - he'd grown up with Hal, then later John, and even Guy, and now all three were gone. He'd grown up with Hal dipping in and out of his Aunt and Uncles' house like he lived there. He'd grown up coming down to breakfast in the morning and seeing Uncle Hal there too, having just come back from space to crawl into bed next to Uncle Barry. When Aunt Iris had been killed, and Uncle Barry started spiraling out of control, it had been Uncle Hal who had kept everything together, who had promised Wally that he wouldn't let Barry out of his sight, that he'd watch his back. It had been Uncle Hal who Wally went to after Uncle Barry's death and the weight of being the Flash was too heavy.
Uncle Hal had been Wally's Green Lantern.
But Hal had broken too. He'd gone crazy and killed the Corps and then vanished. Hal had caved under the pressure no one had known he was under until it was too late, and when he'd come back he was mad.
Wally hadn't wanted a new Green Lantern, wouldn't give him the time of day, until he'd found himself outnumbered during a meeting discussing Hal - Lord Parallax - and had tried to argue that his Uncle needed compassion, understanding, and  help , not a fight. They'd called him too close to the situation, too young to know what needed to be done, like Wally hadn't been a hero since he was thirteen, like he was still the little kid in yellow who followed the Flash around and started at them all in childish awe. They could never separate him from the child he could be, but the new Lantern had never known him then, and had stood up and agreed with him.
It had worked too, because in the end, Hal had taken the hand being offered to him, and died to save the world.
After that, Wally had found himself seeking the Lantern out on his own. They still bickered, but Wally found that it reminded him more of the playful ribbing of Uncle Barry and Uncle Hal than any genuine bad blood. He got to know him, started genuinely thinking of him as a friend. He learned that his name is Kyle Rayner, that he’s two years younger than Wally and an independent artist that struggled to pay his bills now that he couldn’t spend all his time on commissions. He’s told that Kyle was well-liked growing up for being generally friendly and easy-going, but didn’t actually have friends until art college because he was just a little too weird for other kids to want to be around him long enough to actually hang out. He learns that Kyle’s mother is an Irish immigrant, that she was his biggest supporter growing up, and that he doesn’t know his father because the man walked out on them when Kyle was still very young, that the only memory of his father Kyle has is vaguely of him speaking Spanish. He learns that Kyle is multilingual, that he grew up speaking English and Gaelic, and learned Spanish in school. He learns the hard way that Kyle is lactose intolerant, and allergic to nuts. He learns funny little anecdotes about Kyle learning to draw before he learned how to walk, he learns that Kyle loves spicy food but doesn’t eat it often because the right spices don’t exist in space.
He learns a lot about Kyle, and it leads to Wally learning about himself as well.
He’d always known he wasn’t straight. He liked and dated girls, of course, he thought they were beautiful, but there was also a part of him that lingered a little too much during training. There was a part of him that looked at certain friends and said,  damn I’d like to kiss him. Dick had been the first, back when they’d still been young sidekicks just starting out, and it had continued on wards for a bit too. It had been reciprocated too; they’d messed around together a bit, but they’d ended it on good terms because Wally wasn’t ready to completely come out yet. He’d been happy for Dick, when he’d started dating Kori, then Babs, and then more and more people. After Dick had been Roy, for a little bit, because Roy was the cool, rebellious older boy, but it wasn’t long before that little crush faded away and Wally started looking at him like an older brother. He’d had that really embarrassing teenage crush on John Stewart for a while, the one that had made Hal burst a gut laughing at him for, before ruffling his hair and telling him under no uncertain terms that it wouldn’t be happening.
Well, Wally had known for a while that he liked men too, even if he hadn’t exactly come out to anyone but those he was closest too. His head was filled full of his dad’s hateful words, something he was working hard to shut out. Kyle though, he didn’t hide the fact that he was trans, or that he was pan - he’d grown up in California and now lived in New York, both of which had more of a thriving community than the likes of the small Midwestern Blue Valley Wally had lived in before moving to Central after getting his powers, and then Keystone after he became the Flash and living in Barry’s house was too much for him.
Kyle was - well, he was nice. A breath of fresh air, really. He was a fellow hero, a member of the main roster, so he knows Wally’s identity and understands the demands of being a superhero better than a civilian would. He’s his age, but didn’t grow up with him, and he  gets  what Wally is going through, standing in someone else’s shoes and being judged as less worthy compared to his predecessor. Before Wally knows it, he finds himself drifting closer and closer to Kyle, to the point where he’s heard older heroes whispering between them of another Flash-Green Lantern team up.
Apparently it brings back nostalgic emotions to see a Flash and Green Lantern dozing off in the rec room, lights dim and some silly movie or another playing in the background. Wally’s just glad he and Kyle have more control than Uncle Hal did, and haven’t been found in a cleaning closet somewhere.
Now, Wally is pretty sure he knows how Uncle Barry felt whenever Hal would stumble into the house at all hours of the night after a long mission in space to pass out in the bed next to him. He’s gotten used to the faint green glow that accompanies Kyle powering down, the faint hum of the Lantern uniform against his skin before it melts away to whatever civvies Kyle happened to be wearing before getting called out. There’s a soft warmth that comes with waking up in the morning to find Kyle sprawled out next to him, lit up by the soft golden light streaming in through the windows as he breathes, deep asleep. There’s a giddiness that comes with finding more and more of Kyle’s things slowly being added to his apartment; it starts with pajamas and extra clothes, but soon Wally is finding art supplies scattered around, or Kyle’s favourite butterscotch shampoo in the shower.
It’s how Wally realizes that he’s in love with his teammate.
He’s staring down at the innocently placed soap he remembers seeing before in Kyle’s shower when it hits him. Nowadays, Kyle spends more time at Wally’s apartment than anywhere else other than the Watchtower when he’s planet-side, and not out rebuilding the entire Green Lantern Corps on his own. Wally isn’t even sure when it started, that he started bringing more and more of his things to Wally’s small Keystone apartment. He thinks back to the sketchbooks and half-finished paintings scattered around the rooms, of the lactose free milk he didn’t think twice before buying when grocery shopping, of the space in his drawers made for Kyle’s clothes and the paint stained shirts in the laundry basket. He thinks about the lack of nut products in his apartment, of the boxes of tampons and pads he doesn't even blink over stocking up on anymore.
Wally moves so fast he’s dry instantly, bursting into his bedroom where Kyle lays among rumbled sheets. His white t-shirt had ridden up in his sleep, and the waistband of his track pants down, exposing a thin line of the packed core muscles that came with the training they all endured in the League. Somehow, his dark hair looks artfully tousled, inky against the sheets, and lashes just as dark are fanned across sun-browned skin and freckles.
He’s unfairly pretty.
Kyle jolts, ring flaring green as he stares around groggily, looking for a threat, “Wha-”
“Are we dating?” Wally blurts out, uncaring of his nakedness in the face of his realization.
Kyle blinks once, twice, looking fuzzy, before he groans, long and dramatic as his uniform dissolves into green sparkles and he drops back onto the bed, throwing an arm over his eyes. There’s a long moment of silence, before the Lantern snorts, and then bursts into breathless giggles.
Wally flounders, “I’m serious!”
Kyle slants a look at him from under his arm, brown eyes warm and almost honey gold in the morning light, “I’d hope we’re dating.” Kyle tells him, voice thick with sleepy amusement, “Otherwise I’ve  really been overstepping.”
Wally blushes, feeling a little silly, now that he’s thinking about it. They - they really  have been dating, haven’t they? “Oh.” Flustered, Wally rubs a hand down his face, hoping to brush away the burning in his cheeks.
Kyle snickers again, expression warm. “You’re adorable.”
Wally groans, “I’m never going to live this down, am I?” He mutters, listening to Kyle dissolve into giggles again.
“Oh, definitely.” The Lantern teases, before sitting up and stretching with a yawn. “Well,” he drawls, amused, “now that I’m awake -” brown eyes rake across Wally’s body, and an eyebrow quirks, “- got a reason for this  visit ?” His voice takes on more of a purr, and Wally blinks in confusion.
Then he remembers.
“Oh.” Wally squeaks, red spreading rapidly across his  completely naked body. “I - shower -  soap - it’s just-” he cuts himself with an embarrassed groan. "I'm making this worse."
Kyle doubles over from the force of his laughter, holding his stomach as he wheezes, hand flapping. “Kidding -” he gasps, “- I’m just kidding.” The Lantern slides off the bed, still snickering, to press a lightning-quick kiss to his lips that, for Wally, lingers for so much longer. “Go have a shower, babe.” Kyle tells him warmly, “I’ll make some breakfast.”
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dilfdoctordoom · 4 years
Star sapphire Bette Kane AU???!!
Yes!!!! It’s been on my mind for a while now & I really, really wanna write it ‘cause I think it could be fun. I don’t really. Have a plot. But I do know some of the things I want to happen! I’ve got the love interest down, at least. Not quite who I’d expected it to be, but, like, I’m a sucker for characters that nobody knows anything about.
And it ended up way longer than I first thought, so I’m gonna be putting it under the cut.
Bette has always had a connection to love, this is just an objective fact. Everyone she meets, every team she joins, she always tries to care about them, no matter what
But all the teams she’s on (Titans West & LA) have dissolved, everyone going their separate ways. She still talks to them but she feels kinda disconnected. There’s this overwhelming belief that she’s the second choice, that none of them genuinely care about her, that’s been instilled in her since she was Bat-Girl
So she leaves LA behind her, tries to forget the ghosts of all her dead friends, and moves back to Gotham. It’s home, even if she keeps trying to escape it, because a part of her will always be that little kid in a homemade mask, trying to impress her aunt, her cousin, the entire world to a lonely kid
And she finds that her older cousin Kate is back in Gotham too. They used to be close when they were younger, with Kate acting as a big sister to her at times, but since her teens, they haven’t talked all that much
Bette still wants that connection though. She loves her cousin (she loves all her family, even when that feeling isn’t returned) and since they’re both here, why shouldn’t they spend time together?
Kate always seems to blow her off and never gives a reasonable explanation. It gets to the point where Bette thinks that maybe Kate doesn’t want to spend any time with her, that maybe she’s the second choice once moe
Then she sees Batwoman
Then she knows
This is Bette Kane. She was a child when she discovered the original Bat-Woman’s identity and now she’s an adult, years of training and detective work under her belt, and she doesn’t even need that. She’d recognize Kate Kane anywhere
She’s been meaning to get back into the game anyway. She’d promised herself after LA she wouldn’t but after only a month back in Gotham, she feels that itch. She wants to be jumping from building to building, wants the adrenaline rush that only comes with freefalling off a rooftop. There are many things that Bette Kane loves and being a superhero is definitely one of them
She works as Flamebird alongside Kate and for the chance to spend time with her family, she pretends that Batwoman’s dismissal of her doesn’t bother her. She fixes on a smile and she goes along with the entire Plebe thing, even though she’s been doing this longer, even though she’s a fully capable hero in her own right
She’d take all the little comments, all the judgement in the world, to spend time with somebody she cares about
And in this world, like in so many others, Bette pushes herself until she breaks. Harsh words from her cousin, from somebody she adores, and she goes out into the field an emotional wreck. She should know better at this point but there’s an anger boiling under her skin and she needs some sort of release
She goes out on patrol and she comes across the Hook
She’s angry and she’s desperate to prove herself and that is never a good mix
She’s not so angry anymore when Hook leaves her bleeding out in the streets
She’s not angry at all
She just wants to apologize. She doesn’t think she’s going to make it (blood, there’s so much blood, there shouldn’t be this much blood) and she wants to tell Kate, Bruce, Kathy, Dick, Gar, everyone she’s ever tried to impress, that she’s sorry for being a disappointment
She wants to tell them that she loves them all, so so much. She wants them to know that there’s nothing she wouldn’t do for them
She doesn’t get a chance
But instead of the DEO coming across her almost dead body and using her a bargaining chip, instead of becoming a pawn in a game that nobody told her about, there’s violet light
There’s a voice, soft and kind, and it offers her an escape. It’s a ring and it asks her to accept it, to join its fight, and she says yes. How could she not?
The world fades out in a violet hue and when Bette opens her eyes, she’s no longer on Earth
Zamaron is so different to everything she’s known, the Star Sapphires a whole new ball game, but this is Bette
This is the girl that saved Batman when she was just a kid
This is the girl that was told to quit by her hero and refused
This is the girl that would do anything to spend time with the people she loves
She takes it all in stride. She’s been friends with aliens before, known an interdimensional imp. She can handle this
It helps that Carol Ferris takes her under her wing for training
Carol is everything that her previous trainers were not; kind, helpful, compassionate, caring. There’s no snapping at her if she gets something wrong, no refusal to acknowledge her skills. There’s a certain amount of respect and Bette has never been treated with that
She still doesn’t tell Carol much about her life on Earth. She doesn’t mention being the original Bat-Girl (doesn’t want to hear the overly familiar ‘but wasn’t she a redhead?’), doesn’t mention Kate or Bruce or Dick or the Titans
Out here, in the depths of space, with a ring powered by the love in her heart, she’s allowed to be Bette Kane. There are no expectations, no writing her off because of a dumb mistake in her youth. There’s just Bette, the power of love, and the growing feeling that maybe she can be accepted
And you have to remember, Bette isn’t like Dick. She doesn’t work with the Justice League and she doesn’t know much about the Lanterns outside of vague allusions from Bruce
When she meets Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner, she finds that she likes them. Really, really likes them. Guy isn’t the asshole that Bruce made him out to be and Kyle ━━
Kyle is the exact kind of person that Bette always ends up befriending. It certainly helps that Carol enlists him to help Bette control her abilities
(Because here’s the thing about the furthest ends of the emotional spectrum ━━ they’re dangerous. Rage can rip your mind apart, can change you as a person, can blot out any form of logic. And love, love is so powerful, so overwhelming, and Bette is so full of it. Control sometimes slips away from her and it’s always a battle to keep her head on straight)
So. She’s away from Earth, away from her family, and that should be scary. That should terrify her
But it’s so hard to be afraid when she’s surrounded by people that support her, that lift her up instead of knocking her down
And she knows that Kate and Bruce have only ever had good intentions. She knows that they were just looking out for her, but she’s starting to think that maybe they did more damage than good
On Earth, she was always, always thought of as the dumb kid, the airhead with a crush on Robin
Here, though, on Zamaron, she’s just the latest in a long line of Star Sapphires. She’s known for a mean right hook, the copious amount of sparkles added to her suit and her ability to befriend everything and everyone she comes across
Bette’s a likeable person. This is a fact; look at the teams she’s been on, look at the number of people she’s managed to work with
Bette’s also a lonely person. She puts her whole self forward and she’s never been treated in kind. She’s everybody’s second choice, the cast-offs, the stand-in until they can get someone better
(Maybe that’s not true. Maybe, maybe Bette doesn’t see it, the way Garfield brightens up when she arrives, the way Hank’s anger disappears because she’s making him laugh, the way Kate hugs her like she’s something important)
(But maybe, maybe the years have gone by and nobody has ever said those three little words to her. Maybe she’s spent her life without hearing anyone say ‘I love you’)
(And maybe that affects a person)
With Carol, with the Star Sapphires, with the Green Lanterns she’s slowly starting to befriend, it doesn’t feel like that. She’s not anyone’s consolation prize ━━ she’s a respected member of a powerful force of love
Can you imagine what that’s like? Going from your lowest point, bleeding out with the belief that you’re a failure to everybody you’ve ever loved, to a hero of the cosmos, with violet light sparking off you at every second? Can you imagine the thrill of it?
And flying! Bette has always been an adrenaline junkie, hasn’t bothered to keep it a secret, and this, soaring through the stars, is a high like no other. It’s pure joy and it’s all hers, not the product of someone else, not some false happiness designed to appease the people around her
Bette’s a nice person
A too nice person, some would say
And maybe Carol gets her first glimpse of this when, in a fight against the Sinestro Corp, Bette gets taken, prisoner
She’s a terrible choice, to be honest. Anyone, Yrra, Carol herself, would have been better
Because Bette knows how to make people like her
It’s a talent, really. One that’s been honed since she was a kid desperate for approval and one that might be a little out of practice (because with the ring on her finger, she never needs to pretend to be something she’s not), but it’s always there
You can’t spend years twisting and turning into a different person to please whoever you’re around for such a skill to go away
So Carol gets to see this, and the kindness, and that ability to make friends with anyone, when the rescue mission gets called off
Called off because Bette makes it back to Zamaron, offering Lyssa Drak a kiss on the cheek in thanks
Called off because fear doesn’t do much against a girl shaped by it. Because the machinations of the Sinestro Corp has nothing on the terror induced by the gaps in her memory, the razor-sharp smile she sees in her nightmares, the feeling she got on the edge of death
Called off because once Bette Kane sees somebody she thinks is attractive, she can’t stop herself from flirting
Called off because Bette is used to being friends with villains. Because Bette has forgiven everything Hank Hall has ever done, has rolled her eyes and told Tara Markov that her past doesn’t have to define her. Because she forgives, coming from a place of unending love
That’s not to say that things go perfectly all the time
She gets hurt. Sometimes it’s physically, when a threat is a little too much for to take, even with her training, even with her ring. She’s only human, after all, and humans falter all the time
And sometimes, it’s emotionally. She gets hurt when she goes to Thanagar and sees the face of one of her oldest friends, when she’s struck with the memories of his funeral
She gets hurt when she has to fight Charley Parker
She gets hurt when she feels the love radiating off them both regardless of what side they’re on
She cries for the first time in a long time on that day and she tries to hide on some desolate planet, away from Carol and her kindness, Guy and the way he always understands, Kyle and his calming presence. She wants to feel the hurt, feels like she deserves it (because she failed him, didn’t she? She didn’t look into his death and now one of her closest friends has become one of her greatest enemies)
She wants to be alone to punish herself and maybe if she was still on Earth, if she was with the Bats, that would be allowed. They are, after all, the masters of brooding on their lonesome
But she’s not on Earth. She’s in space, she’s surrounded by people that care about her and all their numerous friends
It’s Hal Jordan that finds her and she thinks there’s something funny about that. Something that would drive Bruce insane and she can’t help the choked back sobs when she thinks of him and his disapproving looks, his petty demands designed to stop her from being a hero, his funeral and the darkness that descended after it
There are plenty of people that know about regret, about feeling like you’ve let down the people closest to you, and the man that launched himself into the sun looking for redemption, who made his time as the spirit of vengeance offering second chances, is one of them
Her life as a Star Sapphire so far from perfect, but it’s better than the one she had on Earth for one simple reason ━━ she’s no longer defined by her past
Or by her future
She hasn’t told them that she was a hero. She knows that Carol suspects (she was, after all, the one that treated Bette’s wounds when she first arrived, the one that saw the Flamebird suit), but she doesn’t know about Bat-Girl. She doesn’t know how to tell any of them about her past
She doesn’t think she can tell them about her future. It looms over her, as it’s always done, this impossible reality where she will die, where she dons a Batwoman costume of her own
She used to want that, to be Batwoman, but the years have gone by and the mantle seems drenched in red. It’s not for Kate, not for the woman that deserves to be Batwoman. No, it’s soaked in blood for the girl that didn’t notice the holes in her aunt’s story
(Or maybe she did. Maybe somebody made her forget)
She’s never wanted to die, but now, when it seems like the universe is finally on her side, the idea is terrifying. She’d accepted it before, on some level, let herself run headfirst into danger because she doesn’t die yet, the future version of her said so, there’s still so much to do before the green of the Lazarus Pits takes her over
That acceptance has been gone for a while
She laughs with fellow Star Sapphires, gets drinks with Guy Gardner, goes flying among the stars with Hal Jordan when it all gets too much. She talks strategy with John Stewart, those years under a master manipulator finally paying off, she rests with Kyle Rayner while he sketches. She spars with Yrra Cynril, feels the rush of adrenaline that comes with the knowledge that this woman could kill her, and she talks about make-up and fashion with Arisia Rrab. She sneaks away somedays for a secret meet-up with a woman that’s supposed to be her enemy, indulges in the destructive nature of Lyssa Drak for just a moment, lets herself be consumed in soft kisses and whispered threats
And in all of those moments, the need to live is a thrumming, living beast within her
She knows she has to go back to Earth at some point, has to face her future head-on, but she doesn’t want to. She doesn’t want to die by an old friend’s hand
She doesn’t want to watch Duela Dent kill her. She doesn’t think that even a Lazarus Pit could really bring her back from that
Bette is afraid. She’s not a Green Lantern; she’s not supposed to be fearless
And really, it’s not her death that she dreads. It’s what comes after it. It’s the glow of a pit, the hollow smiles her future self gave. It’s the emptiness of her eyes
It’s the missing ring on her ring
(She thinks that might explain why her future self seemed to be missing something)
She doesn’t have the words to tell anyone this, though. She’s been taught to keep her fears to herself, lest they ben used against her, and besides
How do you tell the people that you love care about that you’re destined to die?
Bette Kane believes in destiny. She has two friends granted powers by the Lords of Order and Chaos, has seen twisted paths all lead to one final destination. She knows that she’s going to die, going to be thrown in a Lazarus Pit, going to fight against her family
(Her old one, at least. Future Bette never mentioned her new family and she hopes (she prays) that it’s because they’re safe, just far away from Earth)
She’s still Bette Kane, though, and a Bette Kane that’s spent so much time with Green Lanterns, with the champion of love. She learns about stubbornness in the face of an immense threat. She learns about survival through sheer willpower, through the endless power of love
She thinks she might be able to manage it
Bette Kane has always had a connection to love. Her ring works off of it, feeding off and into it, an endless loop that lets her soar among the stars
She’s seen love accomplish the impossible
She doesn’t see why she can’t just use love to stop that future
So she avoids Earth, the place she’s destined to die
It’s not that hard, not like she has to go there often
It’s not like anyone would want her back, anyways. She remembers her final conversation with Kate, remembers all of the times Bruce told her to give it up. She remembers her friends splintered and going their separate ways. She remembers slipping away for a year in between Bat-Girl and Flamebird and remembers nobody even noticing
What reason does she have to think that’s changed?
Which helps her decision to avoid Earth
And she does avoid it. It’s not hard, with all the different aspects of the emotional spectrum breaking out into fights, the Rann/Thanagar tensions, the million and one issues running through the universe
It’s easy to pretend that she isn’t even avoiding it
Until Carol needs her help
Until Carol asks for her help
Until somebody that she loves needs her
Okay, that’s all I have so far... it’s a work in progress. There’s still, like, what’s going on Earthside to work on.
But yeah!!!! This is the BS my brain has been focused on. It makes no sense, it’s bad & I love it.
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#kymanweek ~ Day 2: Fight
A/N: I know I'm late, but while I was writing this I wanted to add a few things to make the story a bit more interesting. At least I've finally contributed to this amazing week! Enjoy reading!
Kyle laid back against the wall with a cup of pina-colada in his right palm (although he was forced to ‘take his damn foot off the wall’, barked Clyde himself; it took him and Mr. Donovan years to afford this kick-ass house, and he wanted to keep it as neat as possible before his dad gets back from vacation). He was also talking to Token, who said was glad he was at a decent party that doesn't take place in his parents’ mansion, but at the same time questioned Clyde's contradicting decisions; he loved his new home, but he practically invited half of the students at Park County High for a fucking house party, what did he expect to happen? Token then said he would be back because he left something in his car, before heading towards the front door.
After Token left, Kyle looked around the room. The entire Junior class were here; one group lounged near the snack table and gossiped, another group toured around the Donovan’s residence by themselves, and a few of the teens were even attempting to flirt. The entire room has an eerily feel, the only source for light was on the ceiling, dimmed down enough so any noisy neighbors walking through the house wouldn't have to see a group of underage teenagers drink alcohol, get high off crack, or make out near the kitchen. Speaking of which, that was almost exactly what some of his classmates were doing; Clyde was livid when he caught Jason White and his crew cutting cocaine with a razor, let alone at the coffee table. Not to mention Annie Knitts and Bradley Biggle seemingly going second base upstairs in his dad’s own bathroom. He kicked all of them out of the house respectively.
Kyle took a long sip of his pina-colada before slightly tilting his head back against the wall, taking up some mediocre pop song that was playing on the radio. He didn't really want to come here; besides the huge History test sometime next week, only Cartman of all people decided to bother showing up (not that Kyle minded at this point). Stan bailed on them for a movie date with Wendy, and Kenny practically protested to stay with his sister for the night. It had been months since all four of them hung out together, and as adulthood lurks their consciousness - like a fog on a gelid October morning - there was no need to wait another minute before the group part ways. Kyle then realized that Cartman wandered off shortly after grabbing a new bag of chips off of Clyde's dining room table, and the redhead was talking to Token for about twenty minutes. Kyle cursed under his breath and stared at his half-empty drink, considering that from now on he and the rest of the boys need to plan properly; because when they don't, things usually backfire and at the end of the day no one would be happy.
We have got to be more prepared. Anything could happen...
Suddenly, a group of three unrecognizable faces ganged-up on Kyle, the first guy yelling “Yo, fuckface.” Kyle turned around; but before he could say anything else, the guy got closer and pushed him, causing the redhead to stumble backwards, spilling his lukewarm drink on his jacket and fingers. He looked up and glared at Douchebag 1; who was some pretentious blonde football player named Mark, wearing his stupid green Letterman jacket (he was apparently on the same team with Clyde and Stan, but neither of them payed a whole lot attention to him).
Speak of the Goddamn Devil…
He and Kyle never liked each other, especially since the time the latter rightfully told on the blonde for catching him threatening one of the school geeks. According to the Rules of Douchebaggery, doing said act on a school jock wouldn't get you a beating; the very least you'll get is said jock humiliating you every chance he gets. There was something that Kyle did to be on top of Mark’s death list, too bad the former didn't know what it was.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” Kyle shouted, getting off the ground and stomped towards Mark, refusing to back down. The room was getting silent, and Clyde was screaming at the boys to ‘stop all this roughhousing bullshit!’ before he was shoved away by Douchebags 2 and 3.
“Don't play innocent, dipshit,” the blonde snarled. And just like that he punched Kyle square in the jaw. Kyle stumbled towards the dining room table and was yanked by the collar by Mark. The redhead kneed him in the balls, causing him to shout in agony, before grabbing him by the back and waist, flipping the athlete to the ground. Kyle tried holding him down before taking a blow on the back the head, nearly losing consciousness as he was shoved back to the ground. Behind Mark was one of the other guys holding a solid metal stool at the legs, and Kyle quickly held his arms to his face as Mark continued punching him with an audible growl. Mark's crew then backed him up and attacked Kyle; and the redhead screamed and squirmed as he felt balled-up fists and steel-toed boots invading his entire body. Kyle felt helpless; it was no use, it was three against one. At this rate, all he could do was give in to the world of pain, and give to the screams of fear from the other teens in the room, who were either yelling at the gang to stop, or running away from this terrifying moment.
This is it. I'm going to fucking die.
Then it happened. One of the guys let out a yelp as he was pulled away, the dim lights inside the living room returning to Kyle’s eyes. His arms were still covering his face, even after Douchebag 2 ran towards the boy who would save Kyle's life. Kyle seized the opportunity, and grabbed Mark by the back of his neck and with all his strength, he punched him straight in the eye, making the blond throw his head back with a shout. He got off of Mark, and turned around to see Cartman, screaming a colorful sorts of profanities as he slammed Douchebag 2 to the table; meanwhile the third Douchebag was on the floor, barely recovering from Cartman's chokehold.
“Cartman!” shouted Kyle, as he ran to the other teen. Cartman threw Douchebag 2 to the floor, and glanced at Kyle with slightly knit eyebrows and glossy eyes, before carefully taking his hand, “You okay?”
Kyle let out a weak cry, and took his hand away with a hiss. Cartman stared at Kyle's hand; the skin turned red from all of the punching, and his knuckles were slotted with wet stains of blood. Just a second later he turns to see Mark running towards him and Kyle. “Look out!”
Before Kyle could register what was happening, Cartman got in front of him and grabbed Mark by the wrists, turning the blonde around and slamming him against the wall. One of them knocked over a lamp, causing it to fall and dissolve to glassed bits. “Who the fu-” Mark muted for a second and squirmed against the brunette, but Cartman kept his wrists against the wall. But seeing that the blonde showed no fear, and his face was an eerily red from anger, there was no telling if he would surrender. “Who the fuck are you supposed to be? His boyfriend?”
Before Cartman could say anything, he felt Kyle touch him in the shoulder, “Cartman, we have to leave now.” The redhead’s voice cracked a bit, and he glanced at Clyde calling the police department. “Eric, please,” he pleaded, shaking the other boy a little, before he felt Cartman shift stiffly. The brunette continued to stare grimly at Mark, who then smirked at the two before letting out a dark chuckle. As Kyle and Cartman hurried towards the front door (with Kyle having to drag the other boy out of his trance), the jock murmured with malice, “See you queers later…”
“Ow! Fuck!”
“Shit, sorry dude. Here. Let me do it slower.”
Kyle nodded before Cartman tried again - he dabbed the redhead’s open wound with the alcohol-induced cotton swab in swift motion - not pressing too hard, but enough for the swab to collect bits of Kyle's blood.
The drive back to the Broflovski residence was over a half-hour. The second the two step foot into the empty house they had made their way into the family bathroom, and Cartman insisted Kyle to relax on top of the toilet seat while he got a stool nearby. They haven't talked much as Kyle was getting treated, and instead the redhead stared at Cartman as he took a bandage out the First Aid kit. The brunette apparently took his coat off before he came back, with Kyle's own jacket folded up and placed at one side of the bathtub. Just like his companion, he has bruises on his debauched arms and face. Kyle’s lips were still sealed shut; not wanting to disturb the peaceful silence, but also wanted to know what the brunette was doing before the fight.
As if he read his mind, Cartman finally spoke up, “I caught Token smoking in his car and decided to talk to him for a bit.”
‘Huh. So he was outside Clyde's house the whole time,’ thought the other boy. Though to be fair, Kyle wasn't paying too much attention with his own timing.
“Then he brought up that Mark kid for some reason, apparently he used to hang out with him and his other friends everyday after football practice. But after a while it turns out that they only wanted Token for his money; surprise, surprise. So Token dropped him like an expired Taco Bell coupon. And then one day after school Mark and those asskissers tried to beat him up, and Token said that he was wrongly accused for sneaking a bag of crack near Mark's stuff in the locker room. Mark was suspended shortly after the investigation, and he's been physically violent ever since.” He punctuated his monologue by placing a bandage on Kyle's last visible wound.
“It turns out that the bag of weed belong to neither Mark or Token, and someone was fucking with Mark's feelings without him knowing it. You remember Chad, right?”
“You mean the shitstain who hit me with a stool? Yeah, I remember…” Kyle reached for the back of his head again to make sure it wasn't bleeding. Thank God that blow didn't do too much damage.
“Well a few weeks ago Token was heading home when he caught Chad smoking marijuana near the train tracks. It's been only five days since Mark was permanently kicked off the football team…”
“Jesus Christ,” whispered Kyle. The fact that a close friend of the former football player was ruining his life as they speak, for shits and giggles nonetheless, was incredibly low.
“Those guys were on your ass for too long, Kyle. And I...shit. I wish I would've known sooner, before they got their dirty hands on you…” the brunette stopped for a moment to cover his eyes with his right hand.
Kyle shifted closer to the other boy, “Eric…”, he then tried to pry Cartman's chubby hands away from his face, and the first thing he saw were sky blue orbs, wet with his own tears. Kyle caught one drop with his thumb and wiped it away, all while examining Cartman’s face. There was no permanent damage; but the small blotches were still there (they were most noticeable below his right eye and left cheek) along with the small, bright red daub just below his nose. He kissed the first healing scar, making sure his lips doesn't press fully on it, before moving to his nose. Cartman decided to loosen up, accepting the redhead’s reverence. He froze completely when those full, chapped lips pressed against his, and once he was sentient again he parted his own mouth to deepen the kiss.
How did we come this far? Then, we fought each other, but now, we fight together…
Talk about irony.
There was no guarantee if they would stick together on the long run, but they would not use this time to worry about the probability. They have each other to count on, and as long as they stick together, everything would be alright.
No matter what happens, we'll both be okay. We'll all be okay.
In the meantime though, they needed a good explanation about all of this when Mr. Donovan comes home.
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CW WAR 2020  Six-Person
OOC: Written by Jon Willis
Terra Skye: Well that was certainly an interesting interaction between Jack Michaels and Zephyr Quinn. Johnny Vegas: THAT BITCH! Terra Skye: Oh please. She’s entitled to her opinion - Just the same as everyone else. Boy: SEVENTY FROGS FOR SALE! Terra Skye: ...Anyway. We Are Relentless continues with what could be the penultimate chapter in the story of Matt Knox taking on the forces of Insidious. Johnny Vegas: Look at the big brain on Ms. Public University! What's that word even mean though? Terra Skye: It means "second to last", and you'd know that if cheap liquor hadn't already rotted what few brain cells you were born with in the first place. If Knox and his team are able to win this match, Matt Knox will finally have a one-on-one match with Sah'ta Thor, the man he hates more than any one person or any one thing in this world. Johnny Vegas: You know, I just don't get what Knox's issue with Insidious is. If you ask me, Thor's just misunderstood! Terra Skye: That's exactly what the leader of Insidious wants you to think. Thor's ability to control the narrative, gaslight, and bring out the worst in his followers is what makes Insidious such a dangerous force in Carnage Wrestling. They'll do anything for Thor, and they'll do whatever it takes to see his twisted vision of the future come to reality. I'm just glad that Adrienne Levi, Matt Knox, and Silvio Leon have stepped up to stop Insidious from consuming Carnage Wrestling like the cancer those not blinded by Thor's propaganda know it to be. Johnny Vegas: You know, you talk about Insidious as if they're a bunch of evil villains, but last time I checked, Nathaniel Grant- Terra Skye: I'm not going to debate you, Johnny. You're not worth it. Plus, the time for talk is over. Let's head ringside for the introductions for what will undoubtedly be a pivotal moment in the careers of all involved. Besides, you couldn’t stand Thor a few weeks ago and now you’re abdicating for him? Please, decide which side of the fence you wanna be on… Then maybe I can take you seriously. Johnny Vegas: Just because I don’t know a mans name, doesn’t mean I dislike him. BITCH! The siren song of Insidious, a mashup between "Broken Dreams" by Shaman's Harvest and "Burn it Down" by Linkin Park, plays all throughout the arena as Aaron Fredrick Hudson, Lu Chen "Kyuubi" Hudson, and Melificent "Poppy" Lasciel come out onto the entrance ramp, all wearing matching ring gear, all presenting a united front. After a few seconds of the three staring out into the crowd and soaking in the chorus of boos that greet them, they all make their way to the ring. Johnny Vegas: See, lookie here. They’re coming out as a unit. Terra Skye: As much as I hate to admit it, I have to wonder if the close bonds of Insidious give them an edge. Adrienne Levi and Silvio Leon seem to be good friends with Matt and all three of the talented wrestlers seem to mesh well with each other, but Levi and Leon are new recruits to this war, and Insidious are seasoned veterans. In a further show of union and solidarity, Insidious is introduced as a group. Kelly Carmichael: The following is a six-person tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, at a combined weight of 456 pounds... the team of Aaron Fredrick Hudson, Kyuubi, and Melificent Lasciel... they are... INSIDIOUS! The three members of Insidious all begin warming up in the ring and talking strategy with each other as they wait for their opponents. Soon enough, the melancholy bassline of “The Game” by TRAPT begins to ring throughout the arena when, all of a sudden, it appears as if the track starts to skip. The stage lights cut out completely for a moment as the fog that usually accompanies Matt Knox’s entrance continues to gather. After a moment the lights snap back on in a deep blue as the guitar of “Overcome” by Creed tears forth from the speakers. As the verse begins, Matthew steps out onto the stage to the cheers of the legion in attendance. He reaches up and removes the hood of the sleeveless hoodie he’s adorned in and raises his arms. Kelly Carmichael: And their opponents, introducing first from Monterey, California...weighing in at Two Hundred and Forty-Four pounds...Matthew “The Raven” Knox!!! He runs to either end of the stage, pumping the fans up. He pauses a moment to pay Johnny Vegas a two fingered salute, before returning to the middle of the stage and waiting, bouncing in place as he waits for Adrienne Levi and Silvio Leon to make their way from the back, eyes locked on Insidious as they await the three in the ring. Johnny Vegas: This fucker. Terra Skye: Sure, Matt Knox hasn’t been a model father, but I’m sorry - The guy seems like he’s trying and I gotta respect that. Johnny Vegas: It’s all a PLOY! The house lights are dimmed to near darkness as smoke gathers around the entrance at the top of the ramp. The opening guitar solo of "Superstition" by Kyle Primus echoes across the audience in the dim, with the Carnagetron showing flickering black-and-white images of a Ouija board planchette moving on its own slowly along the arc of letters printed across the board beneath it, raw crystals and tarot cards scattered around its borders. Just as the rest of the band kicks in to join the guitar, the entrance is bathed in beams of black light, Silvio walking through them, cast in their unnatural glow for a moment before the house lights flash back to life. Kelly Carmichael: From Seattle Washington, weighing in at 195 pounds, he is your Mystifying Oracle, Silvio Leon! He brings both hands up to eye level, palms out, fingertips touching to create a triangular planchette shape out of the negative space before throwing his arms down, with pyro firing off to either side of him. Johnny Vegas: FREAK! Terra Skye: I’d love it if he’d teleport you to another dimension. Johnny Vegas: I’d love it if you’d shut the fuck up but I guess neither of us are getting what we want. He stands at the entrance with Matt, waiting for Adrienne to come out. As she does, Matt and Silvio stand to either side of her, flexing and leaning over slightly at the waist, framing her between them for a moment before starting down the ramp to the ring. Silvio interacts heavily with whatever audience may be present - winks, finger guns, high-fives, exaggerated, wounded reactions to anyone who might boo their trio that dissolve into laughter. Silvio joins Knox on the ramp, giving him a casual fist bump as they both await their partner. The house lights dim as Waterproof Blonde’s lead singer Rachel Hagen declared, “Inside me a light was turned on, then I was alive!!” Right at that instant, the lights flashed back on in a purple hue as "Just Close Your Eyes" went into its electric chorus. Adrienne Levi makes her entrance adorned in a long-sleeved purple top, purple and black tights stylized with her logo, and a pair of shiny new black and purple boots. Kelly Carmichael: Finally, hailing from Clearwater, Florida, weighing in 135 pounds, this is Adrienne Levi! Johnny Vegas: LOOOOSERRRRRR!!! Terra Skye: Oh my God… Adrienne Levi is one of the most promising up and comers that this promotion has seen in a long time! Boy: BUY MY FANGS! Smiling at the announcement, Adrienne scanned the crowd before making her way down to the ring. Bumping fists with any fans in the ringside area, eventually she joined Matt Knox and Silvio Leon in the middle of the ramp. The three competitors look at each other, nod, and dash the rest of the way down the entrance ramp, sliding into the ring, all three immediately locking eyes with their opponents. For a few tense seconds it looks like all six competitors are about to start an all-out melee in the ring, but Silvio and Levi both put their hands on Matt's shoulders and lead him back to their corner. The two teams spend the final few seconds before the match deciding who will compete first, and it ends up being AFH and Knox sharing a ring together as Boy rings the bell. Boy: WHO WATCHES THE WATCHMEN?! DING DING!! Boy emphatically rings the bell, shattering it in two, and a nearby ringside assistant calmly takes it away and replaces it with another one, pulling from a small box seemingly filled with nothing but timekeeper's bells since apparently Boy tends to forget how strong he is. AFH and Knox meet in the center of the ring, and AFH smirks and begins talking to Knox. Knox doesn't say a word... he just nails AFH straight in the jaw! AFH staggers back, and Knox lands a liver kick! AFH continues retreating, stumbling backwards, and Knox catches him with an elbow to the side of his face! Johnny Vegas: Oh, Booooo. Terra Skye: What did you expect exactly? Johnny Vegas: I don’t really know. AFH loses his balance, going to his knees momentarily before getting up and retreating to the ropes! Knox pulls himself forward by grabbing onto AFH's jeans as AFH retreats, landing a clubbing blow to the back of AFH's neck! AFH ducks under the middle rope and extends his body to where he's half-in and half-out of the ring, doing his best to dodge Knox's fists, but Knox continues attacking! Knox didn't say a word to AFH to begin the match, but he's now screaming and shouting as he continues to hit AFH with shot after shot after shot! Johnny Vegas: Somebody get that maniac back in his corner! Do your damn job ref! The referee does indeed step in to force a rope break, and Matthew Knox comes dangerously close to disqualifying himself by shoving the referee out of the way. The referee stumbles into the ropes and attempts to regain his balance, his back turned to the competitors in the ring, as Knox's tag partners begin shouting at him to calm down. With Matt in a blind rage and risking instant disqualification every passing second, Adrienne Levi attempts to enter the ring to pull Knox off AFH, but the referee immediately warns her away as he's getting back to his feet. Terra Skye: Oh come on, she’s trying to get him to calm down so he doesn’t disqualify their team and all this ends up being for nothing. Johnny Vegas: Hell it might all be for nothing anyway. You don’t know. Terra Skye: You’re right. I don’t. With the ref's back still turned, AFH nails a low blow on Matt Knox! With Knox continuing to fire bombs at AFH, the Insidious member drops to his knees and lands an uppercut right up into Matt Knox's most private area! The referee turns around to warn Matt Knox that if he tries anything like that again he'll be instantly disqualified, but his look of stern admonishment turns to confusion as Knox writhes in pain on all fours! Terra Skye: There! There are your heroes, Johnny! That's Insidious! Johnny Vegas: Matt Knox was attacking him like a mad dog! He was ignoring the rules of the match! He shoved a referee! Matt Knox should be disqualified! This whole match should be thrown out! Matthew Knox got exactly what he deserved for his blatant and flagrant disregard of the rules of this match! Boy: ON FRIDAY NIGHT A COMEDIAN DIED IN NEW YORK! Terra Skye: BULLSHIT! AFH hauls up the wounded Matt Knox and shoves him into a corner of the ring, where he begins landing hard spears to Matt Knox's gut. After three consecutive spears, Matt Knox goes down, his head resting on the bottom turnbuckle, and AFH begins stomping a mudhole in his opponent. The referee warns AFH to stop and then quickly begins a five-count, but AFH pauses at four and a half and cockily grins to the audience, who boo mightily. He then heads over to his corner of the ring and tags in his wife, Kyuubi, and the two execute some double-team offense. AFH pushes his wife into the ropes, then whips her forward hard with an Irish Whip, and the added momentum adds extra impact, as Kyuubi launches herself towards the still-prone Matt Knox and catches him with a Missile Dropkick right into the corner! Kyuubi drags Knox to the center of the ring and goes for the first pinfall of the match! ONE! TWO!!! And Matt Knox defiantly kicks out at two! Both competitors get up, and Matt Knox begins showing signs of a second wind! Kyuubi attempts a kick to the gut, but Matthew catches it, only for Kyuubi to counter with an Enzugiri! Knox is sent stumbling into the ropes, and Kyuubi quickly closes the distance, sending Knox across the ring with an Irish Whip! On his return, Knox manages to duck under a Yakuza Kick, and when Kyuubi turns around, Knox blasts her with a superkick! Knox scrambles over to his corner of the ring and tags in Adrienne Levi! Levi heads to the top rope and waits for Kyuubi to turn around! When she does, Levi goes sailing, catching Kyuubi with a Top Rope Crossbody! Adrienne rolls with the impact and gets back up to her feet as the fans cheer! Terra Skye: Adrienne has a lot to prove in this match and she's giving it her all! Johnny Vegas: She's out of her league! One wrong move and Insidious will send her back to reality right on her ass! Boy: THE DUSK REEKS OF FORNICATION AND BAD CONSCIENCES! Levi eyes up Kyuubi and plans her next move. Kyuubi manages to get up on her knees and elbows, and Levi runs at her, floats over her, grabs her up, and catches her in a Schoolboy Roll Up! The referee begins counting the pin! ONE! TWO!! And Melificent Lasciel breaks up the pin with a big boot to Adrienne Levi! Levi gets up holding her jaw as Matt Knox enters the ring and immediately begins running for Lasciel! But Adrienne Levi ends up holding him back! Levi is making sure Knox doesn't do anything else that might get the match thrown out! Knox eyes the Insidious corner angrily and goes back behind the ropes, but when Levi turns around, she's blasted with a Superkick by Kyuubi! Too late, Matt Knox curses and realizes the error of his ways, and pounds the turnbuckle pads to try and raise some support for Levi. The fans cheer and begin clapping in unison, but it's all for naught as Levi is dragged over to the Insidious corner. Kyuubi tags in Lasciel, and together the two execute a devastating Powerbomb/Double Knee Backbreaker combo! Johnny Vegas: See? And now he just costed his team! Terra Skye: I’ll admit, he’s gotta keep himself in check because this did hurt their team, but Adrienne is a tough competitor. She did just beat Insidious’ leader at Chaos 96. Johnny Vegas: Didn’t happen. Terra Skye: Are you serious? Johnny Vegas: I said I do not recall. Therefore it didn’t happen. Levi rolls around in pain clutching her back as Poppy walks around her, rubbing her eyes and pretending to cry, mocking Levi! When Levi tries to grab hold of Lasciel, Lasciel angrily swats her arm away and drops a stiff knee right to Levi's prone body, catching her right in the stomach. Lasciel drags Levi to her feet and sends her right back down, pulling Levi down by her hair into a backbreaker! The referee admonishes Lasciel for the hair pull but Lasciel shrugs and smiles. Lasciel stalks Levi as Levi gets to her feet. When Levi turns around, Lasciel attempts a Springboard Moonsault, but Levi ducks and Lasciel goes sailing past her, landing hard on her stomach! Levi runs at Lasciel and lands a Double Foot Stomp to her back, using her opponent as a springboard, springing forward and tagging in Silvio Leon! Terra Skye: She got the tag! Silvio Leon is about to take it to Insidious! Johnny Vegas: And what the hell is he doing? Boy: ALL WE EVER SEE OF STARS ARE THEIR OLD PHOTOGRAPHS! Silvio Leon springboards into the ring over the top rope, but he doesn't immediately go after his downed opponent. Instead, Leon waits for Lasciel to get up, then begins pointing towards AFH and motioning him forward. Lasciel looks confused, but AFH nods, and Lasciel goes over to the Insidious corner and tags in AFH. Leon nods, goes to the center of the ring, and motions AFH forward. Leon begins bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet as he continues to motion to AFH, urging him to come closer. AFH looks confused, but then smirks and shrugs, and attempts to hit Leon with a big haymaker! Leon sidesteps and keeps bouncing left and right, circling AFH! AFH locks his jaw in frustration and begins letting his fists fly, but Leon keeps dodging! Every time AFH goes to throw a shot, the next second, Leon simply isn't there! Terra Skye: And what do you think of this? Johnny Vegas: I think it’s horseshit. AFH attempts a right cross, but Leon ducks under, then AFH attempts a left uppercut, but Leon dodges to the side! AFH rushes forward in frustration with a Clothesline but Leon leans backwards Matrix-style and AFH nearly falls over his own two feet as Leon arches his body back up, turns towards AFH, and begins shouting at him! Leon backs up into a corner of the ring and motions AFH forward! And the Insidious member takes the bait! AFH rushes forward and begins assaulting Leon, but Leon uses the rope-a-dope defense! Almost every ounce of force generated by AFH's punches gets absorbed by the ring ropes and turnbuckles, rather than being absorbed by Leon's face or body! Johnny Vegas: Stand still and take it like a man you tarot reading tattooed freak! Terra Skye: He's embarrassing Aaron Fredrick Hudson and wearing him out all at the same time! Hudson is gassing himself out because he can't handle anyone daring to disrespect him! Boy: I'M JUST A PUPPET WHO CAN SEE THE STRINGS! And just like always, Terra Skye calls it correctly! The second Leon senses AFH's punches beginning to slow, he makes his move! He ducks under AFH, and when AFH turns, Leon blasts him with a Spinning Heel Kick! AFH is shoved back into the turnbuckles from the force of the blow, and Leon continues the offensive onslaught, bouncing up onto the second rope, twisting, turning, and hitting AFH with a Jumping Springboard Enzugiri! The fans cheer as AFH stumbles forward and falls flat on his face! Leon turns him around onto his back, points to the top rope, and signals for The Color Out of Space! Leon goes to the apron and begins climbing the turnbuckles! Terra Skye: Smart thinking from Leon - And now he’s going to put Hudson in a world of-- But Kyuubi gets into the ring and begins pointing and yelling at Leon! The referee and Leon himself are distracted by Kyuubi, which was exactly what she wanted, because while all of this was going on, Melificent Lasciel had jumped down from Insidious' corner and was running outside the ring over to the neutral corner Silvio was in! Before Silvio has time to realize what is happening, Lasciel jumps up onto the apron and shoves him off the top rope as hard as she can! Silvio goes flying into the air and lands hard chest-first on the guardrail! Johnny Vegas: BAHAHAHAH! Terra Skye: Oh my god, that was a terrible fall… Jesus Christ! The fans boo as Matt Knox hops down to check on his partner! And Adrienne Levi storms across the ring apron and launches herself at Melificent Lasciel! Levi launches herself like an arrow through the ropes, catching Lasciel with a spear, sending both women down hard on the outside! The referee turns at the sound of the impact, and Kyuubi capitalizes by jumping onto the top rope and executing a Flipping Senton onto both Matt Knox and Silvio Leon on the outside! Johnny Vegas: All hell's broken loose! Terra Skye: The referee needs to regain control of this match! Boy: IT CAME TRUE! YOU'RE LOOKING AT IT! AFH gets up dazed and confused, looking around the ring and finding his wife, Melificent Lasciel, and all three of his opponents all down outside the ring. AFH smirks as the referee begins restoring order. He first separates Lasciel and Levi, then orders Kyuubi back to her corner, and finally, he checks on Leon and Knox, but only for a moment, as AFH rudely hauls up Silvio Leon and shoves him into the ring. AFH kneels down over Leon, grabs him by the back of the head, and starts hammering Leon with hard shots to the face! Johnny Vegas: GET IT! The crowd boos loudly as the hard camera picks up AFH shouting "DODGE THIS" with every blow that comes crashing down onto Leon's head! Leon's eyebrow is split open and he begins bleeding! Like a shark smelling blood, AFH begins elbowing Leon right on the cut, causing it to open up wide! Leon begins bleeding hard! AFH sticks his hand in Leon's face and then covers his shirt with Leon's blood! He holds up the barely conscious Leon by the back of the head and points to Matt Knox! AFH begins shouting at Knox and pointing to Leon's bloodied face, shaking Leon by the back of the neck for added emphasis! Terra Skye: That sadistic son of a bitch! He's enjoying this! Those are your heroes, Johnny! Johnny Vegas: Well, uh... That's what Silvio Leon gets! Yeah! That's what Leon gets for making a fool out of Insidious! I never said they were nice guys! I just said they were misunderstood. Terra Skye: How do you misunderstand beating a man to a bloody pulp?! Boy: WE DO NOT DO THIS THING BECAUSE IT IS PERMITTED! WE DO IT BECAUSE WE HAVE TO! Matt Knox begins shouting and cursing at AFH, but knowing that Insidious has been preying on his brash actions all match, and with Adrienne Levi attempting to calm him down, Matt ultimately looks at the bleeding Leon with a sad look on his face and doesn't get into the ring. AFH grins, laughs, and drags Leon over to the Insidious corner before tagging in his wife. AFH spends a few seconds still inside the ring, propping up Leon in the Insidious corner. Kyuubi measures her opponent, nods, then hits Leon with a spinning backfist right to his cut! Leon goes down hard, and Kyuubi dashes away to a neutral corner on the opposite side of the ring. Kyuubi then runs with a full head of steam directly into Leon, catching him with a thunderous Yakuza Kick as he lays with his head against the bottom turnbuckle! The fans boo as Kyuubi drags Leon to the center of the ring and pins him! ONE!!! TWO!!!!!! And Leon kicks out! The boos turn to raucous cheers as Leon kicks out! Kyuubi looks around confused before tagging in Melificent Lasciel. Lasciel and Kyuubi execute some tandem offense, with Kyuubi executing a Sidewalk Slam on Silvio Leon while Lasciel catches him with an Inverted Reverse DDT. Lasciel drags Leon to the center of the ring, runs to the ropes, and nails Leon with a spectacular Springboard Moonsault! She immediately goes for the pin! ONE!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!! KICKOUT! ANOTHER KICKOUT! Johnny Vegas: He's too stupid to know when to stay down! Terra Skye: He's displaying the heart of a warrior and the will of a champion! He knows how much this match means to everyone involved and he won't go down without the fight of his life! Boy: NOTHING ENDS, ADRIAN! NOTHING EVER ENDS! Lasciel pounds the mat angrily and argues with the referee. She hauls the still-bleeding Leon up to his feet, traps his arms, and attempts her "15 Seconds of Fame" finisher... but Leon reverses! Leon backdrops Lasciel and begins heading towards his team's corner! Levi and Knox extend their hands as far as they can, but Lasciel literally dives on top of Leon to stop him from getting to his teammates! She drags Leon back to the center of the ring by his left ankle, but Leon twists, goes onto his back, and kicks Lasciel hard with both feet! Lasciel is sent into the ropes, and when she rebounds, Leon grabs her up in a Small Package and goes for the win! ONE!!! TWO!!!!! But Lasciel kicks out! Leon rolls away as Lasciel kicks out and springs back up to her feet embarrassed, and in her rush to close the distance to Leon, Melificent Lasciel leaves herself open! Leon nails her with a Spinning Heel Kick! She gets right back up and walks right into a back elbow! Leon whips Lasciel across the ring, but Lasciel reverses! When Lasciel attempts to catch Leon on the rebound with a Sidewalk Slam, Leon reverses it into the Miskatonic Twist! Lasciel's head snaps forward violently, and half-dazed she moves on her hands and knees to tag in AFH! But while she was doing so, Leon managed to leap to his corner of the ring and finally tags out! Matt Knox and AFH enter the ring at the same time! Johnny Vegas: Oh shit! Here we go! Matt Knox is taking no prisoners! He nails AFH with a Clothesline, sending him down to the mat! He Yakuza Kicks Kyuubi while she's on the apron, sending her flying to the outside! Lasciel begins talking trash to Matt and Matt picks her up and brings her into the ring with a Belly to Belly Suplex! Matt Knox runs the ropes, and when Lasciel and AFH get back up at the same time, he nails both of them with a spear, ramming his left shoulder into Lasciel and his right into AFH! The crowd comes alive as Matt lets out his full fury and begins a rapid-fire barrage of punches, kicks, elbows, knees, and stomps to both Melificent Lasciel and Aaron Frederick Hudson! The referee pulls Knox off of the two Insidious members, and Knox holds his hands up to placate the ref, nodding in understanding... right before he jumps up and over the referee, sprinboarding off the top rope and sailing to the outside of the ring, nailing a Diving Crossbody on Kyuubi! Johnny Vegas: Somebody put that wild animal back into its cage! Terra Skye: Knox is letting it all out! So much anger and hatred! Insidious is finally finding out just who they're dealing with! Boy: I DID IT THIRTY-FIVE MINUTES AGO! Lasciel rolls out of the ring right as Knox rolls back in, stalking AFH. When AFH gets back up, Matt Knox puts him in position for The Murder, and he hits it! AFH's spine is compressed with the force of Matt Knox's Vertebreaker signature move, but Knox doesn't go for the pin! He's not done getting his revenge! Seething with anger and rage, Knox picks up AFH and puts him into position for The Downfall! His hatred all-consuming, Knox lifts AFH with all of his strength, hitting his finisher... and incapacitating the referee! Knox lifted and threw AFH with such force that he accidentally sent his opponent into the referee, who must have assumed he was far away enough from the action to not get hit! But Knox's rage lent him inhuman strength! Knox barely has a second to realize that the referee is down before the other two members of Insidious rush the ring and begin assaulting him! Terra Skye: Oh my God… This isn’t good. Johnny Vegas: No, this is GREAT! And Adrienne Levi comes flying into the fray! Adrienne Levi and Matt Knox are holding their own against Kyuubi and Melificent Lasciel! Matt Knox hits Lasciel with a Hurricanrana, and Adrienne Levi hits her own Hurricanrana on Kyuubi! All three members of Insidious are down and out in the middle of the ring, and Silvio Leon motions to his partners to get them up! As Knox and Levi bring Insidious to their feet, Leon ascends to the top rope! Leon throws himself into all three members of Insidious with a Diving Crossbody! But he's caught! Insidious catches Leon and toss him at Knox and Levi! But Leon is caught again! Knox and Levi catch their tag team partner and then sprint forward, using Leon as a battering ram to take out all three members of Insidious! Terra Skye: Holy shit! Johnny Vegas: Throwing that asshole around like a fucking ragdoll… Ridiculous. And the hits just keep coming! Melificent Lasciel manages to roll out of the ring to try and catch her breath, but Matt Knox and Silvio Leon signal to Adrienne Levi! Knox and Leon head close to the ropes, cross their arms, and grab each other's wrists, forming an "X" symbol, and Levi nods in understanding! Levi runs the ropes on the opposite side of where her teammates are, and as she barrels towards them, running as fast as she can, she jumps up and onto that "X", using her teammates as a launching pad, and Adrienne Levi launches herself up and over the top rope to the outside, catching Melificent Lasciel with her finisher, a Tornado DDT! Terra Skye: THE LEVITY! Adrienne Levi just debuted her new finisher in spectacular fashion! Johnny Vegas: She can call her new finisher whatever she likes, but what we really need to do is call an ambulance for Melificent Lasciel! Boy: THIS RUDDERLESS WORLD IS NOT SHAPED BY VAGUE METAPHYSICAL FORCES! With the referee just barely beginning to come back to life, Knox and Leon prepare to bring the match to a close! Matt Knox hauls up Kyuubi, puts her into position, and nails her with The Murder! He rolls her into the center of the ring, and Silvio Leon ascends to the top rope and finishes Kyuubi off with The Color Out of Space! Leon lands hard, and just barely manages to drag Kyuubi out of the ring before collapsing on the outside, completely drained and still bleeding badly! Knox hauls Aaron Frederick Hudson up to his feet, sets him up for his finisher... and hits it again, this time holding on! Knox nails AFH with The Downfall and hangs on, turning his finisher into a pinning predicament! The referee begins counting the fall! ONE!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Hudson kicks out! Aaron Frederick Hudson kicks out of Matt Knox's finisher! Knox gets up shocked, unbelieving, and he goes over to the referee, who is just barely getting back up to his feet. The referee isn't sure who knocked him out, or how, or why, or whose fault it was, but he's sure that AFH kicked out, so the match continues! Knox nods in understanding, and hauls Hudson up, shoving him into a corner of the ring. Knox uses his fading strength to haul Hudson up in a Back Suplex position and places him ass-first on top of the top turnbuckle, facing away from the ring. Knox follows AFH up the ropes and locks him up in a Cobra Clutch position! Terra Skye: Oh my god, Knox is going to attempt The Downfall from the top rope! Johnny Vegas: He'll break Hudson's neck! He'll break his own damn neck! Somebody stop this! Or… Eh. Maybe don’t. That somebody ends up being Hudson himself! Knowing what's coming, Hudson experiences a last-ditch surge of adrenaline, and whips his head backwards, headbutting Knox with the back of his skull, catching Knox on the bridge of the nose! Knox comes dangerously close to losing his balance, but keeps the hold applied! So Hudson does it again! Knox begins bleeding from his nose! It might be broken! But Knox keeps the hold applied! Knox screams defiantly at Hudson, blood running into his mouth, as he sends them both flying off the top turnbuckle... and Hudson reverses it! Hudson reverses Matt Knox's finisher into his own! In mid-air, sailing halfway across the ring, Aaron Frederick Hudson reverses Matt Knox's Downfall finisher into his own finisher, the Sliced Bread #2 that he calls Going for Broke! Johnny Vegas: HOLY FUCK THEY'RE BOTH DEAD! Hudson crawls weakly on top of Matt Knox and goes for the pin! ONE!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KICKOUT! KICKOUT!!!!! MATT KNOX KICKS OUT! Johnny Vegas: What the hell is keeping him going? I don't know! Terra Skye: Matt Knox refuses to lose! He'll either be the death of Insidious or Insidious will be the death of him! There's no other way! He hates them just that much! This means just that much to him! Boy: DRY YOUR EYES, FOR YOU ARE LIFE, RARER THAN A QUARK AND UNPREDICTABLE BEYOND DREAMS OF HEISENBERG! THE CLAY IN WHICH THE FORCES THAT SHAPE ALL THINGS LEAVE THEIR FINGERPRINTS MOST CLEARLY! AFH and Knox weakly crawl away from each other, both completely spent and drained, towards their respective corners. Knox scans around and sees Silvio Leon still down and out, still bleeding, barely showing any signs of life at all. After slowly making her way back to her team's corner from the exact opposite side of the ring, Adrienne Levi weakly hauls herself back up onto the apron and reaches out a hand. Knox collapses into his corner and tags Adrienne in, and Adrienne gets into the ring slowly, limping. Terra Skye: Damn, this match has really taken a toll on it’s competitors. AFH finds no solace in his corner. He spots his wife, Kyuubi, still down and out from Silvio Leon's "Color Out of Space" finisher. He sees his other partner, Melificent Lasciel, still down and out from Adrienne Levi's "Levity" finisher. He hauls himself up to one knee, turns slightly, and sees Adrienne Levi enter the ring. He nods, and using the ropes, brings himself up to a standing position. The crowd rises to their feet, not a single ass in a single seat, as the two Carnage stars lock eyes and begin circling each other. Johnny Vegas: Fuck… Her… up. Levi and AFH meet in the center of the ring and begin trading shots, with the fans chanting "YAY!" when Levi hits AFH and "BOO!" when AFH hits Levi. AFH ends up winning the exchange, forcing Levi to back up, and AFH charges in with a roundhouse kick... and it's ducked! Levi attempts a Jumping Knee Lift strike... but AFH jumps up as well, vaulting off Levi's outstretched knee and hitting her with a Shining Wizard! Levi is flipped end-over-end and crashes to the mat! AFH draws his thumb across his throat to signal that the end is near! Johnny Vegas: Oh shit! Terra Skye: Could this be it? Aaron Frederick Hudson hauls up Adrienne Levi and begins the assault he calls "The Fate's Edge"! He blasts Levi with a punch to the jaw, a kick to the thighs, a punch to the liver, a kick to the gut, a punch to the temple, and finally, a kick right to the head! Levi falls forward, collapsing from the assault, and falls right into AFH's arms! AFH picks her up for an Emerald Frosion, spinning her around... and Levi keeps spinning! Levi reverses AFH's Emerald Frosion into a Tornado DDT! Levi hits Levity on AFH! Levi uses the last of her strength to scramble on top of him and go for the win, with the other two members of Insidious still down and out on the outside! ONE!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DING DING DING!! The bell rings, the fans cheer, and Kelly Carmichael makes it official! Kelly Carmichael: Here are your winners... the team of ADRIENNE LEVI, SILVIO "THE ORACLE" LEON, AND MATTHEW "THE RAVEN" KNOX!!! Terra Skye: It's over! It's over! It's over! Levi wins it! Matt Knox will finally get his showdown with Sah'Ta Thor! Johnny Vegas: Fine! Fine! You can call it a victory if you want, but I call it Levi signing Matt Knox's death warrant! Knox will have hell to pay and that's exactly where Sah'Ta Thor will be sending him when they finally meet one-on-one in the ring!
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mzbuzzproline · 5 years
10 Things to do Before let go On Your wedding
Should You Love A Picses Man? understand the Secrets
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW
Dont Fall loving with Libra
How to get a Scorpio Man fall for you
Seth and Kayla, each in their late forties and married for fifteen years, ar considering divorce. “I’m through with this wedding,” complains Kayla. “I feel lovelorn and rejected by Seth, we have a tendency to don’t have associate degree emotional association and barely have a go at it any longer.”
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How to get a Aquarius Man fall for you
Seth puts it like this: “Kayla loves the children over Pine Tree State and she’s continuously on the attack. She keeps threatening to depart, which could be the most effective choice.”
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Many couples like Seth and Kayla ar able to contribute the towel and need fast solutions to save lots of their wedding. Truth be told, this is often a typical drawback, however the solutions ar ne'er straightforward.
Leo Man
A Radical Shift In mentality The good news is that if you're willing to place effort into rescuing your wedding, there ar belongings you will try this will offer you a tabula rasa. Breaking the cycle of associate degree sad relationship dynamic needs a radical shift in mentality.
Leo Man straightforward to urge, however straightforward to Lose. "HOLD TIGHT" understand the SECRETS
Taking responsibility for your half within the conflict or dispute may be a nice start line. One person’s ability to try and do this could modification the whole dynamic of the link.
Studies show that the foremost common reason why couples develop serious difficulties is that one or each partners withdraw because of feelings of hurt, anger, and hostility. during a recent study of fourteen,000 participants, Dr. Paul Schrodt found that girls were typically (but not always) those World Health Organization demanded or pursued and men cared-for withdraw or distance.
Stop The Blame Game Many couples play the blame game, resulting in a pursuer-distancer dance that causes one partner to chase the opposite around. once a short while, they're not addressing the difficulty at hand and enter into a positive feedback of hostility, frustration, and anger.
Relationship knowledgeable Dr. Harriet lyricist explains that the instruction for failure during a wedding is watching for the opposite person to vary. instead of let alone on their wedding, couples have to be compelled to lean toward one another. She writes, “It’s the discontented partner World Health Organization typically is impelled to vary. If you don’t take some new action on your own behalf, nobody else can make love for you.”
While it’s natural to require to present up once your partner becomes distant, reacting expands the divide between you. Instead, Dr. lyricist recommends that you simply take responsibility for warming things up and increase positive reinforcement. you'll say things like, “You’re therefore thoughtful to wash the kitchen” that highlights your partner’s positive qualities and belongings you admire regarding them.
Practicing what Dr. John Gottman calls emotional attunement will assist you keep connected in spite of your variations. this implies “turning toward” each other, listening, and showing fellow feeling instead of “turning away.” Dr. Gottman recommends a 5:1 magnitude relation of interactions – that means for each negative interaction, you wish 5 positive ones.
Dr. Gottman discovered in over forty years of analysis with thousands of couples that the amount one resolution to married issues is to urge sensible at repair. He calls it the “secret weapon” of showing emotion intelligent couples.
Below ar ten things to do before let alone on your wedding supported the work of Dr. John Gottman.
1. Complain while not Blame Have you developed a habit of criticizing your partner? Talking regarding specific problems can reap higher results than assaultive your partner. for example, a criticism is: “I was distressed once you didn’t decision Pine Tree State. we have a tendency to in agreement that we’d register once one in all US was running late.” Versus a criticism: “You ne'er follow through, you’re therefore narcissistic.”
2. Repair Conflicts skilfully Don’t forgot resentments that may destroy your relationship. Dr. Gottman’s analysis informs US that 69 of conflicts during a wedding ne'er get resolved, that the focus has to be managing them with success. Bouncing back from disagreements instead of avoiding conflict is essential as a result of couples World Health Organization try to avoid it ar in danger of developing stagnant relationships.
3. keep targeted On the problems At Hand Ask yourself: What am I attempting to accomplish? Avoid name-calling and don’t attack your partner in person. bear in mind anger is typically a symbol of underlying hurt, fear, and frustration. therefore raise queries that go deeper to know the positive would like your partner is seeking. Avoid sensitivity and contumeliously for your partner (rolling your eyes, ridicule, name-calling, sarcasm, etc.).
4. accelerate Physical feeling According to author Dr. Kory Floyd, holding hands, hugging, and touching will unleash internal secretion (the bonding hormone) that causes a chilled sensation. Studies show that it’s free throughout sexual consummation and fond bit moreover. Physical feeling conjointly reduces stress endocrines – lowering daily levels of the strain hormone Cortef.
5. Nurture Fondness And Admiration Remind yourself of your partner’s positive qualities – at the same time as you grapple with their flaws – and categorical your positive feelings aloud many times day by day. look for ground instead of insistence on obtaining your approach once you have a disagreement. hear his/her purpose of read and avoid motility yourself faraway from communication.
6. pay Time along with your Partner On A each day Try a spread of activities that bring you each pleasure. Kyle Benson recommends that couples adopt a brand new approach of structuring their “How was your day, dear?” speech communication that shows fellow feeling, expresses understanding, and validates emotions. Feeling like your partner is on your facet will assist you to sustain a deep, significant bond and a “we against others” perspective.
7. Communicate Honestly regarding Key problems In Your Relationship Be sure to be forthcoming regarding your issues and categorical your thoughts, feelings, and desires during a respectful approach. hostility will build once couples sweep things underneath the furnishings, therefore be vulnerable and don’t bury negative feelings.
8. Don’t permit Wounds To Fester Challenge your beliefs and unsuccessful thoughts regarding your partner’s behavior once you notice it to be negative. hear your partner’s facet of the story. ar there times once you feel leery or hurt even once he/she presents proof to the contrary regarding your grievance?
9. Develop A Hurt-Free Zone Policy How to get a Virgo Man fall for you
This term coined by author David Akiva refers to a amount once criticism isn't allowed. Without it, couples typically feel less defensive so hurt feelings dissolve. Akiva writes: “Your prime directive straight away is to eliminate the foremost hepatotoxic negative communication and cut back intense negative emotions for three to four weeks.”
10. follow Forgiveness Forgiveness isn’t identical as condoning hurtful actions however it'll permit you to maneuver on. attempt to bear in mind you're on identical team. settle for that folks do the most effective they will and take a look at to be additional understanding.
It is comprehendible that you simply would possibly feel hurt, frustrated, resentful, or rejected if you understand that your partner has verified of your wedding. successive time you've got a disagreement with him or her, stop second-guessing their reactions and examine your own responses. rather than motility down or changing into vital, adopt a resilient mentality and work on ways that you'll repair your relationship and obtain back on the right track.
This article was originally printed on The Gottman Relationship diary.
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