#but I feel bad for not having done much with the au lately so maybe this’ll fix it?
spittyfishy · 1 year
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Lol idk I just thought maybe this would be fun! A way to make the au a bit more interactive I guess? It’s sort of an experiment to see if people would actually be interested in this format and if I can keep up with it if they are! So yeah lol, hopefully y’all also thinks this’ll be neat!
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meliohy · 1 year
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allfearstofallto · 3 months
hii! can i make a request?
I've been thinking about angsty things a bit. say if, reader got pregnant, would she hate it? how would scara/childe react? in my opinion, id like to think that scara thinks of this as a way to tie her down to him more, plus its canon he likes kids!! and as for childe i think he'd be very very happy since he has soooo many siblings, (maybe he wants a lot of kids too??)
and..what if reader miscarried? i have this thought of where scara would still be cold to her but give her breaks and more space than usual, but what if reader completely locks herself in and then when he confronts her about it they get into a huge argument, how would scara tackle that, would he resort to abusive tactics and would it increase readers hatred & distance more?
just a brainrot, you dont have to write about it if you're not comfy^_^
This took me so so so long!! I'm so sorry if you were waiting for it!!
I don't typically write for things like pregnancy because it makes me uncomfortable, but I'd be lying if I said I do not absolutely fucking adore angst and hopelessness.
Yandere! Scaramouche x Fem! Reader
Forced Marriage AU
TW: 18+ MDNI, Dark Content, Forced marriage, Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Mentions of Dub/Non-Con
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A week late turned into two. Two turned into a month. A month turned into three. And three turned into unusual cravings for foods that didn't go together. Sickness and vomiting clouded the hours of your mornings. Dread filled your body the second you realized what this was. Stress makes your cycles late, you told yourself, stress makes your entire body change, and this was a stressful situation, but stress wasn't causing this, was it?
Scaramouche could tell the changes in you immediately. As someone who constantly kept tabs on your life, it was only fair to assume that he'd noticed your slight fluctuation in weight and lack of asking for your monthly cloths. When you were called into his office, you felt a hot flash all over your body, you assumed it was fear, but it could've also been nausea.
His office was a place filled with dread. The air in the room was too thick and worst of all, he was there. The room made you feel small, the only good thing about it was that he was usually too focused on his mile high stacks of paperwork. Except today. Today his razor sharp gaze was focused on your trembling form as you bowed to him, his eyes following down, then back up.
“Answer me honestly,” he began, hands planted on the wood in front of him, “Are you with child?”
If you could throw up again, you would. Of course, you knew all this time, but you never wanted to say it. You hoped, just hoped and prayed that maybe if you never acknowledged it, it would all go away. It would all be a bad dream. But it was true. There was something disgusting living inside you. And it was his.
“I believe so, my lord,” the words couldn't even completely fall from your lips before you were a blubbering, sobbing mess of anguish and fear. Despite the fact that you were completely breaking down before him, he had a small smile on his face, like he was proud of what he'd done to you.
“That's good,” he said calmly, wiping away your tears and planting a forced kiss upon your face. His touch felt cold as ice, but his hands against you made you want to melt your skin away.
The reaction to the “good news” was immediate, whether that was good or bad was up in the air, but everything changed. The tight obi of all the kimono you owned would put too much pressure on your budding stomach, new one's were ordered to be ready as you grew more in size. Your diet was changed completely, less of the Inazuma raw delicacies and more lean meat and vegetables. Daily classes of calligraphy and tea ceremonies were switched to resting with your feet up or light stretching, everything to keep you happy and healthy during your pregnancy.
The biggest change was Scaramouche himself. A man filled with so much hatred and disgust, was suddenly being kinder. Or trying to at least. You watch him open his mouth to make a comment, only to shut it again in favor of saying something still rude, but less insulting.
The Scaramouche that believed that he could take your body whenever he pleased was long gone, even though that was what got you in this predicament in the first place. He'd taken to leaving you in the middle of the night and going to the bathroom to sate his urges. He'd come back with cold damp hands and lay next to you, a protective hand over your stomach as he kissed your cheek and told you how much he loved you.
The day you saw blood between your legs and felt an aching pain in your stomach was a joyous one indeed. A part of you wanted to scream out in glee, but you didn't want to wake your already on edge husband. The blood that coated your fingers could only mean one thing. One good thing. It was gone. You were free of it. Almost immediately, the dark air that seemed to linger over your body vanished and you let out a sigh of relief.
Scaramouche was informed shortly before breakfast that same morning. You relayed the information to a maid, who then told him, whispering the words in his ear so quietly, it sounded like she was speaking gibberish. His face, his expression, changed to one shock, then horror, then pain. You didn't even know he could make such a face, yet there he was with tears in his eyes.
“Wh-what happened?” There was that tone again. The one you were used to. The anger and distaste for you in his voice. He slammed his fist down on the desk, turning his head away from you as his voice became high and breathy, so desperate for answers, “What did I do wrong?”
You stood in his office awkwardly, even this display from a person you hated, this display of agony was hurting you as well. You thought it would be funny. Seeing the man who pulled you from your home and forced you into marriage in pain was supposed to make you happy, but you felt your own chest clenching, felt your hands tremble.
“I-i suppose…I was stressed, my lord,” you muttered, his already labored breaths hitching at those words. The few months you were carrying that thing inside your body, was when he asked for less from you. He expected you to laze around all day and relax. For your body to fall into a daze like trance of naps and delicious food. He wanted happiness for both you and his child that you carried, yet you were still the most stressed you'd ever been in your entire life, knowing that he had something inside you. Something that would continue to fester and grow, until it eventually ate you alive.
He sat back in his office chair dejected, hurt, and empty. Scaramouche's normally sharp, glaring eyes were wide as he stared at the ceiling, body limp as he bit his lip, “Leave me,” he sighed, his voice barely above a whisper. Had it not been for the quietness of the room, you wouldn't have heard him.
Leave him you did, closing the door as silently as possible and not lingering behind. You felt yourself finally stop tensing, telling yourself that all your woes were over, for now. The thing was gone. You were happy. For once, even if unintentionally, you'd won over your captor.
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thetriumphantpanda · 11 months
you, her, me | joel & tommy miller
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Summary | It was never going to be as easy as getting pregnant on the first try. Tommy is away, working on some project out of town, when your next ovulation test tells you it's time to go. You resign yourself to another month without what you want the most, until Tommy suggests distance needn't change your plans.
Warnings | Y'all. You know what this is. Alcohol consumption, Girlfriend sharing, breeding kink, fingering (F), oral sex (F receiving), unprotected PiV sex, Tommy yet again getting cucked (but softly), phone sex, praise kink, Joel just being a fucking stud and a dirty talking menace once again. No use of Y/N, no outbreak AU.
Word Count | 3.8k
Authors Note | Well. Part one blew up, and it was never going to take first time around was it? Thank you for all the love on this first time around. Hope you enjoy this one just as much. If you like this, please consider reblogging, commenting or popping into my ask box with some love!
Part One | Main Masterlist
It’s not like you hadn’t expected it, but that single line on the pregnancy test still annoyed you. You’d done everything right, waited until the perfect possible time to let Joel fuck you and it still hadn’t taken. Tommy had been incredibly understanding, squeezing your arm and resigning both of you to the fact you’d just have to try again. Not that it would be a terrible thing to have to try again. Joel had been…. Well, Joel had been incredible, and if it were going to feel like that every time you had to try then you surely wouldn’t complain, especially if you could have Tommy’s eyes on you the whole time. 
That’s why, when you take the ovulation test the next month, and that smiling face is looking up at you, your stomach drops, because Tommy isn’t here. He’s gone for the whole week, working on some project out of town so Joel could stay with Sarah. You resign yourself to another month with an empty womb, throwing the test in the bin with fury. 
Tommy phones you that night, fills you in on his day on the jobsite, tells you exactly what he had for dinner, exactly what was on the TV, before he picks up something isn’t quite right on the other end of the phone. 
“What’s wrong, sugar?” His warm voice soothes down the phone pressed to your ear. 
“Nothing is wrong,” Your tone dismissive yet defensive, all at the same time, you sigh, this man knows you more intimately than anyone else, he knows something is wrong, “I took one of those stupid tests and it says it’s time to try again, guess I’m just frustrated that this is another month wasted.” 
He chuckles on the other end of the phone, “It doesn’t need to be wasted.” 
“But you aren’t here.” You point out. 
“Do I have to be?” You’re silent in response, “I don’t physically need to be there to keep an eye on things,” You can almost hear the smirk in his voice, “Or an ear.” 
The coffee you’re drinking splutters from your mouth as you cough, understanding exactly what Tommy is insinuating, “You want me to phone you?” You ask, making sure you’re understanding correctly, “Phone you whilst Joel fucks me?” 
“I sure do, sugar.” 
“And you’re cool with us being here alone?” 
“Shouldn’t I be?” He asks, “Like I said the first time, it doesn’t mean anything, I know he ain’t gonna try anythin’ stupid, so I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to take what you want from him.” 
“Okay,” You relent after a few moments, “I’ll call him tomorrow, it’s getting late.” 
“Alright sugar,” Tommy replies, “Sleep tight and I’ll speak to you tomorrow.” 
You don’t know why, but it takes hours for you to build up enough courage to phone Joel. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to wait this month out, wait for Tommy so he could be here. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Joel, far from it, but there was something about knowing the love of your life was in the room whilst his brother tried to get you pregnant that put you as at ease with the situation as you could be. 
You’ve spoken to Joel countless times on the phone, but in order to even dial his number, it takes nearly 24 hours and a glass of wine. When you hold the phone to your ear, you almost hang up, but you leave it too long because Joel’s sweet Southern drawl is greeting you. 
“You alright, sweetheart?” 
“Oh yeah, I’m fine,” You reply, “How are you?” You curse yourself, inwardly cringing at how unsure you sound. 
“Yeah, m’all good over here,” He responds, “You need somethin’?” 
“Well, actually yeah, I do,” You rub at the back of your neck, “I um… I did one of those tests and it says I’m good to go, to like, try again, so yeah, this is me phoning to say that and make a really fucking terrible job of asking if you’d help again.” 
You hear him chuckle on the other end of the phone, “Sarah’s at a sleepover tonight, I can be with you in an hour?” 
“Okay, yeah, that sounds good, I’ll see you in a while.” 
“See you soon, pretty girl.” 
Pretty girl? Fucking hell. Joel had always been a flirt, smiles and smirks and little nicknames, but he’d never once crossed the line with you. Knew you had eyes for his little brother, would never get in the way of that. He’d never crossed that line until you’d invited him, point blank to do so. You had to remind yourself that he was only doing you a favour. A really massive, incredibly fucked up favour, but a favour none-the-less, and once that had been achieved that was it. He’d just go back to basically being your brother-in-law, wouldn’t he? 
An hour later, you’d swapped the wine for a glass of whiskey, just like the first time. There’s a tentative knock at the door, which has you downing the last of the liquid before you open the door for Joel. He’s similarly dressed as last time, dark jeans and a flannel shirt open over a dark t-shirt. He’d obviously showered before coming over, hair mostly dry apart from the very ends of his curls. These damn Miller brother’s won the gene jackpot because in the setting sun, Joel is fucking beautiful. 
He leans down, pulling you into a hug, “Evenin’, darlin’,” He whispers into your ear before letting you go, “You gonna invite me in?” He asks, when you don’t move to let him in. 
“Oh, yeah, sorry!” You exclaim, stepping back, “Come on in.” 
When you close the door behind him and turn around, you can feel the tension in the air. He’s wandering aimlessly through the open living space, standing with his hands in his pockets. It’s weird. You can feel the butterflies settling into your tummy already. 
“You know, you don’t need to make me feel good, right?” You muse, stepping from foot to foot by the door, “You can just fuck me and leave.” 
His head drops as he snorts through his nose, “Darlin’, I can’t in good conscience let you conceive a child if you don’t come at least twice.” 
Joel interrupts, “Answer me this, pretty girl,” He growls, “If I were Tommy right now, how many would he give you?” 
You think for a moment, “Probably three,” You shrug, “Once with his fingers, once with his mouth, then he’d make me come on his cock.” 
He smirks, knowing you’ve proven his point, “Well then, get that pretty ass over here and let me make you feel good.” 
He’s holding out a hand for you, coaxing you to come towards him, which you take gladly, suddenly feeling like you’re in some weird form of trance. He takes your hand in his, leads to you the couch and sits down. You’re standing in front of him, his face level with your tummy. He takes those wide palms and drags them up the backs of your legs, under the material of your dress to settle on the supple skin of your ass. 
“I gotta call Tommy,” You speak quietly, “Wanted to listen in.” 
“You can call him in a minute,” Joel’s voice is commanding as he kisses your tummy through the material of your dress, “Let me give you one first, get you nice and relaxed, yeah?” 
Joel puts his palms on your hips and turns you around, puts his fingers into the waistband of your underwear and drags them down your legs. When they pool at your feet, you step out of them, Joel’s hands keeping you balanced before he’s pulling you down onto his lap. He’s got his legs closed together, yours straddling either side of his. One of his hands is pressed on your tummy, pulling you flush back into him, the other is already snaking between your thighs, held open by his legs in the middle. 
You take a deep breath, and let yourself sink into his body, broad chest acting as a weighted comfort. His lips start to trail hot kisses down the side of your neck and onto your shoulder as he runs his fingers down the seam of your pussy. Joel’s fingers dip just below, and you hear him gasp and then chuckle when you’re already wet. 
“Pretty girl,” He coos into your ear, “You been thinkin’ about me? Thinkin’ about how good I made you feel last time?” 
You don’t reply, just tip your head back to rest on Joel’s shoulder, sighing in pleasure as he drags his fingers through the folds of your pussy, fingers brushing ever so gently across your clit, “So fuckin’ wet for me, darlin’,” He groans, letting his fingers dip back down, “So wet, so easy for me to do this.” 
He slips two fingers inside your pussy with ease, immediately hooking them in just the right way that has you keening, hips bucking in time with his slow thrusts. The hand he had on your tummy is moving downwards now too, dragging slowly across your mound until he’s got his middle finger touching your clit, two fingers still buried inside you. 
“Joel – fuck – Oh God.” You moan, his fingers applying more pressure to your clit now, setting your skin aflame. 
“You like that, huh?” His lips are still trailing hot kisses along the skin of your neck and shoulders, “Can feel that pretty pussy clenchin’ around my fingers already,” You can feel his smirk on your skin, “Gonna be so easy to finish you off, pretty girl.” 
He proves his point in minutes. His fingers begin speeding up, thrusting into your aching heat, curling just right to his that spot inside you, whilst his finger doesn’t let up with its tight circles across your clit. 
“I’m gonna – fuck Joel, I’m gonna come.” 
“That’s it baby girl,” His voice is low and you can feel his solid cock under your ass already, “Let go for me.” 
You do just that. Thighs shaking, Joel’s name falling from your mouth as your first orgasm slams right into you. He’s pulled his fingers from your pussy, walls clenching around nothing, but his fingers are still tracing those gentle movements along your clit, working you through the aftershocks. Once he’s sure he’s milked you for every second of your orgasm, he presses a chaste kiss to your cheek. 
“Up you get.” He taps his hand on your thigh, helping you to stand. 
He switches your places, you sit on the couch, legs spread with your wet cunt on display, him dropping to his knees in front of you, hooking your legs over his shoulders. You’ve barely had time to catch your breath before his mouth presses a soft kiss to your clit that has an obscene moan dropping from your lips. 
“Phone him,” Joel murmurs against your skin, motioning to your mobile phone on the side table, “Bet he’d love listening to you gettin’ your pussy ate.” 
You push yourself up just far enough to be able to grab your phone, fumbling with the keys as Joel continues to press teasing kisses along the skin of your thighs. You hit dial on Tommy’s number, listening as it rings three times before he picks up. 
“Hey sugar.” He greets. 
Joel can obviously hear his brother’s voice, because he chooses this moment to take his tongue and lick a wide stripe up your sex with the flat of his tongue, dipping between your folds to flick your clit. 
“Hey baby,” You reply, looking down at Joel’s face between your legs, “Your brother is here.” 
“That so?” You can hear him shuffling about on the other end, “You wanna tell me what he’s doin’?” 
Joel uses one of his big hands to spread your pussy open for him, taking his tongue all the way down to your weeping core, where he literally drinks from you, lapping up your slick like he’s gone forty days and forty nights without water. 
“He’s got his face between my legs Tommy,” You groan, “Eating my pussy so fucking well for me.” 
“Let me hear you, sugar,” Tommy coaxes, “He makin’ you feel good?” 
Joel’s tongue works its way up your pussy, tracing circles over your sensitive clit with the tip of his tongue. You let out an obscene moan down the phone, hips moving towards Joel’s face to chase more. You need more. You want more. His mouth needs to be closer to you. 
“So good baby,” You moan, free hand tangling in Joel’s hair, as he focuses all the attention of his tongue to your clit, “He’s going to make me come.” 
“Go on baby,” Tommy speaks, you can hear the clinking of his belt in the distance, and you know exactly what he’s going, “Let go for him.” 
Joel doesn’t even have to add his fingers to the equation this time. He wraps those perfect lips around your clit and sucks, tongue still flicking desperately over the sensitive bud, and you’re gone. Body arching off the couch, thighs clasped around his face as you cry out. You can hear Tommy on the other end of the phone chuckling, coaxing you through it, telling you what a good girl you’ve been. 
Joel finishes between your thighs with a final kiss to your clit before he’s pushing himself up off the floor. You’re taking deep breathes, pulling the phone from your ear to put Tommy on speaker phone, setting the phone back down on the side table while you stand, shedding your dress to leave you completely naked in front of Joel. He eyes you as he takes off his own clothes, letting out a low whistle, turning his head to the phone. 
“Fuckin’ hell brother,” He comments, letting a low whistle out, “You’re a lucky son of a bitch, getting to see her naked like this every day.” 
The tinny reverb of Tommy’s voice barking a laugh down the phone makes you smile. The way these two men have opened up and worshipped you, both in their own ways, but worship none the less, makes you feel like a goddess. Makes you swell with pride. You watch intently as Joel sheds the last of his clothes, letting your eyes drag over every inch of skin he reveals to you as each second passes. Then, once he’s as naked as you are, cock sprung to attention, he sits himself back down on the couch, guiding you to straddle his hips. 
“Gonna take what you want from me, pretty girl?” Joel asks, looking up at you with those big brown eyes, his big hands are guiding your hips, head of his cock nudging through the wetness of your slick cunt to push ever so slightly inside you. 
You let yourself sink fully down onto him, throwing your head back as that feeling off fullness you remember from last time. Joel drags his hands up your body, resting both on your ribcage, head coming forward to capture one of your tits in his mouth, sucking a nipple into his mouth to shower attention to it with his tongue. 
You grind your hips into his own, reveling in the way his palms squeeze your sides, teeth sinking into the skin of your breast. You settle your arms around Joel’s neck, one hand tangling in the curls at the nape of his neck as you lean back a little, hips grinding into his. The angle has you grinding your clit into his skin in just the right way. 
“Fuck,” He hisses, pulling himself away from you, “You’re gonna come again, aren’t you?” He teases, “I can feel that cunt clenching my cock baby.” 
You can hear Tommy groan on the phone, “Sugar, you’re so easy to please.” He speaks out from the side table. 
Joel’s hands grip your hips, guiding you to keep grinding on his cock like you are. It’s overwhelming, there is no other thought in your mind right now other than chasing the next high you can feel building in your lower body. Focused on nothing but grinding your body into Joel’s solid presence underneath you. Focused on listening to Tommy continuously praise you for being a perfect girl for them both. 
“Tommy, fuck-” Joel breathes out, “I wish you could see her right now; she looks so fuckin’ good bouncing on my cock.” 
“Brother, I get to see her like this all the time,” He groans, “You enjoy her for yourself right now.” 
“Joel- please…” You beg, orgasm so close you could reach out and touch it, “I’m so fucking close.” 
“Go on, pretty girl,” Hands on your ass to continue the guiding of your movements, “I know you can do it for me.” 
And he’s right. He’s always fucking right. You grind yourself into him a few more times before white spots burst into your vision, and you feel yourself let go in a way you’ve never known before. Slick dripping down Joel’s cock, a literally scream on your lips as he pulls your body to his, finally slamming his cock into your tight cunt in earnest. 
“There’s three, baby girl.” He whispers into your ear, just for you to hear. His brother doesn’t need to know he’s issued himself a personal challenge to make you come more than he does. That’s just for the two of you to know. 
Your forehead is rested on his, cock stilled inside you to give you a moment to gather yourself. When you look into his eyes there’s something in those brown orbs, something daring you to lean forward. Press your lips to his own and let him devour you entirely. Let him have every piece of you. You almost do it, then you hear Tommy moan on the other end of the phone, breaking the spell between you and Joel. 
Something snaps behind his eyes. He gathers you, flipping you over until he has your legs hooked around his elbows, pussy spread for him, bent almost in half before he slams his thick cock into you, setting a bruising pace that has your breath hitching in your throat. It’s so hard and intense that tears are gathering in the corners of your eyes. The sounds of Joel’s skin slapping against you and his groans, your high-pitched whines drown out any noise that Tommy might be making over the phone. 
“Don’t worry,” Joel manages to breath out, seeing the tears dripping down your face, “Gonna give you what you need, hot mama.” 
“Please,” You beg, the sound hitting your own ears, weak and pathetic and truly at this man’s mercy, “Fill me up Joel, fuck a baby into me.” 
“Touch yourself,” He demands, “You got one more for me, I know you do, pretty girl.” 
It takes all your strength to do as he asks, fingers seeking out your clit. The touch you place to it is blurring the line between pleasure and pain, but when Joel is looking down at you like he is now, watching his cock split you in half, watching your face as you moan, touching yourself, you resign yourself to keep going, chase one more high with him. 
He drops one of your legs from its place hooked around his elbow, big hand coming to rest over your tummy, “Fuck Tommy,” He calls out, clearly only moments away from coming deep inside you, his fingers stroking the soft skin as his eyes train on your belly, “She’s gonna look so good when I finally knock her up for you, all swollen and perfect.” 
It’s the image that finishes you off this time. You close your eyes tight, pulling your hand from your clit as soon as you’re arching up into Joel, calling his name into the dark of the room, hands gripping at his biceps, nails forming perfect half-moons in his skin.  
“Good girl,” Joel praises, “Gonna fill you up now baby, you ready for me?” 
“Give it to me,” you demand, hands flying to grip the cheeks of his ass, bringing him in closer to you, “Joel please.” 
You don’t need to ask twice. Joel stills inside your spent cunt and you can feel his cock throbbing inside you, coating your walls with his seed. He rests his head on your chest, pulling in as much breath as he can, before he’s groaning, pulling himself out of you. He leans over and picks up the phone, taking it off speaker to hand it to you, then he disappears to the kitchen. 
“You okay, sugar?” Tommy asks, voice soft at the other end of the phone. 
“Yeah, I’m good,” You mumble, closing your spread legs and bringing them up to your chest, trying to keep as much of Joel’s cum inside you as possible, “Tired.” 
“Did so good for us again, didn’t you?” You smile, responding with a quiet ‘mmm hmm’, “Yeah that’s right, so good for me sugar,” He clears his throat on the other end of the phone, “You make sure Joel gets you to bed alright?” Another response that’s just a noise from you, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
You mumble a goodbye and hang up the phone, just in time for Joel to appear with a glass of water. He sits on the edge of the couch, helping you to sit up so you can take big gulps of the liquid. One of his hands is settled on your thigh, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. 
“Y’alright?” He asks. 
“Yeah, I’m good,” You smile, “Tommy says you have to put me to bed.” 
Joel chuckles, “Course he did,” He stands, taking the almost empty glass from your hand before he slips one arm under your knees, the other across the small of your back, lifting you easily from the couch, “Come on then.” 
He walks you up the stairs and into your bedroom. You’re warm and pliant and you smile as he pulls the duvet up and over you, settling you into bed with a soft kiss pressed to your forehead, “I’ll see you in the morning, pretty girl.” He muses as you drift off to sleep. 
Joel lifts himself from the bed when your breathing settles, stopping briefly to look at you from the doorway before he heads back downstairs and dresses himself. He pours himself a glass of Tommy’s finest whiskey, letting his head drop to the back of the couch. He would stay tonight, downstairs, just in case you needed someone. Just in case you woke up and needed someone to soothe you. He didn’t know how Tommy had been last time once he’d gone home but he bets you needed the comfort. Someone to tell you it would be alright, that you’d done the right thing. It takes all his strength not to stand, strip his clothes back off and settle himself in bed behind you, strong arms wrapped around you to keep you safe. Make you feel secure. He would stay here tonight, just in case you needed him. 
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denwritesandcries · 5 months
Call me Yours – Natalie Scatorccio
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Pairing: natalie scatorccio x fem!reader
Summary: You’re in a closet with Natalie Scatorccio. How ironic.
Word count: 2,3k.
Content: NSFW, no crash!AU, cursing, arguing, jealousy, makeout session, thigh riding, slightly toxic behavior?? but it wouldn't be a yellowjacket relationship if it weren't just a little.
Note: Is it a secret relationship?? Friends with benefits??? I don't know man but they’re horny.
English is not my first language.
You're in a closet with Natalie Scatorccio.
There is a party going on outside, students filling the rooms of Lottie's house with loud generic music playing in the background, but the small room you two were locked in remained silent, too silent.
“See ya’ in 7 minutes, ladies!” Van's mocking voice cuts through the air, but a knife could have done the same; the blonde snorts and you roll your eyes, fixing your gaze somewhere in the darkness so you don't have to face her.
“Ugh, how old does she think we are?” Natalie hisses, you can feel her eyes on your face, even though you can't see much more than the outline of her body at the moment.
You say nothing, arms crossed over your chest and a frown covering your face, Nat tries again:
“I didn’t even want to come to this stupid party.”
“I get it,” you bite, just because you know her well enough to guess that she won’t stop complaining until she gets something out of you, “I get that you don’t want to be here, Natalie.”
She must finally realize how mad you are – mad at her – at the sound of her full name instead of the nickname that always seemed to be on the tip of your tongue, because you swear you can hear her teeth chattering when she shuts her mouth.
With a growl of frustration, you let your head hit the wall with a thud. Great, your night was already being shit, the last thing you needed was to end up playing 7 minutes in heaven with the person who was the cause of your bad mood. Simply amazing.
You see, Natalie had been acting weird for days now, randomly avoiding your company and acting like she didn't know you in the school hallways and being really rude to you during practice. Now, this might even be normal and acceptable behavior from the quiet blonde if you were anyone else, but you weren't. You are her girlfriend.
Are? Were? You don't know for sure anymore given the way she's been acting lately.
Maybe it wouldn't have made you so angry – confused? Yes. Sad? Definitely, but not angry like that – if it weren't for today, for the party.
You had planned to meet Nat at Lottie's party and corner her to finally make her explain what the hell is wrong, dammit, because one afternoon you're smoking with your girlfriend and friends quietly in the basement and the next she's throwing you daggers with her glance every time you open your mouth around her. Anyway, that's what you were going to do, until you found her in the Matthews' giant kitchen leaning against the counter with a cup of beer in her hand and Kevyn Tan practically throwing himself at her, keeping an arm full of spike bracelets wrapped around her shoulders and face with heavy makeup too close to hers to be considered friendly, drooling for Nat like he's always done since you've known about his existence.
Now that really pissed you off.
Who does that sad, emo, pitiful boy think he is to touch your girlfriend like that? And why is she letting him?
You think she could feel you fuming as you stared at them from the door, because the next second she lifted her head and looked at you like a deer caught in the headlights, as if she knew exactly that she was doing something she shouldn't have.
Screw it, you thought, if she'd rather act like you didn't matter anymore, then fine. You won't be standing just watching.
You turned around and only managed to disappear around the house for the next half hour before Taissa appeared with a tired frown and practically dragged you to where the group had gathered with an empty bottle, because Van and Jackie wanted to play something – 'If I'm in this, then you’re too!’ – and well, fuck.
You two have been completely quiet for almost a whole minute and that it's eating you alive; Nat has always handled silence well, you haven't.
Fidgeting with the hem of your own shirt angrily, you huff and give up on the tough act, the blonde straightens up when she hears your footsteps approaching her.
"What is happening?" Your voice comes out in a shamefully desperate tone, “Why are you acting like this with me? What did I do?"
You can see her now, being so close and now used to the dark; her fists are clenched, Natalie keeps her eyes fixed on your figure. For a moment, you think she's going to keep her cold facade and avoid your question with some sarcastic response, she most likely considered it, from the way her mouth opens and closes for a quick moment.
She turns her face to the side, trying to hide, but you can see the difference in tone in the paleness of her skin anyway. Oh, she's embarrassed.
She mumbles something you don't understand, then your curiosity gives way to the anger and your hands find her face, turning it so Natalie is looking at you.
"What was this?" You ask again, softly this time.
“You called me your girlfriend.” She spits it out fast as if it were just a single sentence, rolling her eyes at your confused face, “You called me your girlfriend to everyone when we were smoking after practice last week.”
Oh, you remember that, when Jackie decided to lecture you all about the smell of smoke that lingered on her clothes after she and Shauna decided to tag along on one of your hangouts with Lottie, Van and Tai, turning up her nose and talking about how you all – and especially Nat – should stop with this habit. ‘Jackie, stop bothering my girlfriend!’, that’s what you said. Is that what made you spend a whole week grounded in the doghouse?
“...And isn’t that what we are?” You try, unsure. This conversation is not taking a very pleasant turn toward a reconciliation.
Nat bites hard her bottom lip, you can see her struggling with the next words:
“It’s just… no one was supposed to know.”
“Oh,” you mutter pathetically, sounding very much like a wounded puppy, “So that’s the problem.”
You're in a closet with Natalie Scatorccio. How ironic.
You can tell she regrets it the moment she says it, grabbing your hands in hers as you pull away.
“No, no, I’m sorry. I– I didn’t mean it like that.”
“How did you meant that then?” Your initial anger and frustration return with a vengeance, you move forward until Nat's back hits a shelf in the small room.
Natalie always does this. Avoid anything that labels your relationship as real; calling your dates ‘hangouts’, not touching you when there are people around, leaving your house before you wake up in the morning, avoiding kisses and caresses that don't initiate anything sexual, calling you ‘friend’ when you can see that the whole team knows this is not all you two are.
Still, – still – she always shows up at your house when she's upset; she doesn't like it when you miss your 'hangouts'; always stays close to you wherever you are together; gets mad when she sees you talking to other girls, even if they are nothing more than classmates; leaves marks all over your body, but doesn't let you do the same, spots and more spots all over your neck that are impossible to cover. People know that you're dating, they just don't know that you're dating Natalie.
And then she gets mad at you for finally putting a name to whatever this is and starts avoiding you completely, even though it's been months since it all started and you've known each other for years.
Nat gasps when your hands find her waist with a firm grip, bringing your lips closer to her ear:
“I’m gonna make you want me to be your girlfriend.”
You swear you feel the shiver that runs through her body. Nat smells like cigarettes and mint gum and it tastes the same when your mouth meets hers.
Her arms are around your neck before she's even processed what's happening, black painted nails playing with the hair on the back of your neck like it's second nature – and it is.
The way Natalie tilts her head to deepen the kiss and bites your lip hard when your hands come up to caress the skin under her shirt says your actions are much appreciated.
The husky, needy moan that escapes your throat when you realize she's braless, palming and massaging her soft skin brings a cocky smile to her face, she sighs, breaking the kiss and letting her head fall back against the shelf in satisfaction.
Nat doesn't moan, not like you do. She seems to want to hold back as much as possible, taking all kinds of reactions from you and your body, but not giving the pleasure of having the same from her. You want to change this.
You let your mouth roam from her strong jaw to her pale neck, leaving wet kisses, bites, and marks. Many marks. You bite the thin skin in different spots, soothing the bite with your tongue, hoping for the spots to form and stay there for days, for everyone to see.
You lazily slide a knee between her legs when you feel Natalie try to turn you around to take control. You usually let her do it, but not today. She squeals in surprise and pleasure, hips instantly grinding against you.
“Nah-ah, Nat,” you cut, bringing a hand down to slow the pace of her hips, “I guess you shouldn’t take anything today, or do you think I forgot about how much you paid attention to that little emo bastard earlier, huh?”
“You hate him that much, huh?” She tries to say in a mockery tone, wanting to turn the tables again, but it sounds pathetic as her voice breaks later in the last words.
“Yes,” you say easily, leaving a lingering kiss on her shoulder, finding her pulse point, “He was touching you. Touching my girlfriend.”
You bite down hard on the skin when Natalie turns her head to grant access and she moans, actually moans, fuck, you did it. A full sound, loud enough to make your pupils dilate until your irises almost disappear. This, this sound, you want to hear this forever.
It's been more than seven minutes, you think, or maybe our discussion was just really quick. You wonder if you would have time to take one of her breasts into your mouth, feeling the way she rolls her eyes and thrusts her hips against your thigh, now free from your hands, when you roll her nipples hard between your fingers.
She sighs as she receives another kiss from you, much softer now, more affectionate, feeling her hand tracing circles on your cheek.
A quick, loud knock on the door startles you both, making Nat jump and bang her head against one of the shelves behind her and knock something over, “Fuck!” She screams and you instinctively reach for her head to check for injuries.
You look at the source of the knock, it's definitely not Van calling, she would have opened the door at once just to laugh at your faces.
“Girls, time is over!” Jackie's voice sings on the other side.
“Ugh,” Natalie grunts, clearly frustrated at being interrupted so abruptly, she takes the opportunity to finally take a look at the closet as you head towards the door, “Is this some kind of pantry?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, “Rich people have so many random rooms scattered around their houses.”
There are loud whistles and jeers as you leave, half the football team gathered in the busy room and giving you knowing looks, you give Van the finger when she points out the traces of dark lipstick on your mouth.
“Were you guys actually going to fuck in there?” She teases, arching an eyebrow with a smirk.
You open your mouth to retort – probably with something stupid – but Natalie is quicker:
“Fuck off Van, stop bothering my girlfriend.”
Van gives up the provocation, raising her arms in surrender and Nat rolls her eyes as if she hadn't said anything important, but you're absolutely frozen, listening to your heart beating rapidly against your ears.
Natalie looks back when she notices you standing still and snorts in amusement at your reaction, grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you with her.
“C’mon,” she says, “Let’s go, silly, I got something to do–”
“Move!” Jackie interrupts with an anxious tone, pushing you gently by the shoulder and bouncing on her heels, “It’s our turn.”
You catch a glimpse of Shauna standing shyly behind her like a shadow being dragged to the closet and Jeff sitting on the floor with the rest of his classmates with the most confused and defeated expression you've ever seen as Nat hurriedly guides you out.
When you're about to get into her car, Natalie surprises you, grabbing your waist with her cold hands and pressing you against the door, hungry eyes fixed on your form.
“I–” you stutter nervously, “I thought we were going home?”
Natalie nods.
“We are,” she agrees, “I just have to do you first.”
Well, maybe your night won't end as bad as you thought it would.
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evilcowgirl · 9 months
pink in the night
abby anderson/reader
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summary: abby nd you have been in an on-and-off relationship since the beginning of college, when you decide you've had enough of her she always finds her way back to you. (wc: 3k)
nsfw, college au, mean-ish abby, fem!reader, dom!abby
a/n: first tlou fic !!! aaa so excited to be writing again hope everyone is doing okay mwah xox
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It's late, much too late for you to still be awake and on edge. Your dorm room doesn't feel like your own anymore, regardless of how many times you've slept alone in this little twin sized bed, your body can tell that something is missing now. There’s this lack of warmth that leaves you shivering.
For months now, you've fallen asleep with your legs interwoven with hers. Her hands around your middle, pulling your back against her. Your hands wrap around your arms in a pathetic attempt to comfort yourself. You miss her so much that it’s pathetic considering it had been less than a week since you last saw her. Actually, if you were going to be exact, you saw her two days ago at the cafeteria and you promptly had to leave to stop yourself from getting emotional. She had always teased you about how dependent you were on her. Kissing your cheek as she told you how helpless you’d be without her. Until now, you never knew how bad it really was.
It pains you just to think about it. All the words she threw at you, hoping to break you down just enough so she could pick up all the little broken pieces once again. This time you actually put your foot down, shocking you and her both. You’d told her to leave with tears running down your cheeks. You had to repeat yourself three times before she realized that you were actually serious this time. The shock on her face made you feel good, like you had done something to prove her wrong.
“I’ll be back when you calm the fuck down.” She said to you as she left your dorm that day. Even in her defeat she still lets you know you're not strong enough to stay away from her forever. When the door slammed behind her you flinched, the silence leaving you to really think about what you wanted. In the moment, it was peace and quiet and maybe a drink. But now, six days and a handful of hours later, all you wanted was Abby’s hands on your skin. She was always so gentle with you, completely contradictory to the way she looked to most people. Only you really got to see that softer size of her. The side that would wrap her arms around your waist and call you hers. It was easy to remember the good parts of Abby when she wasn’t there to remind you just how mean she could be.
You sighed, turning over in bed for the umpteenth time. Your blanket falling off your shoulder and leaving it bare and chilly as you gazed over at your phone sitting on your bedside table. It wasn’t a good idea by any means, but it was late and you were lovesick in the most dreadful definition of the word. You reached over to grab your phone, going to her number was second nature. Your fingers hovered over your keyboard for a while as you thought of what you should say. It was a little past 2 in the morning but you knew Abby would still be awake, she always stayed up much later than you.
“i miss you a lot”
You hit send before you could second guess your decision. Immediately you tossed your phone under your pillow and pressed your blushing face into it. Your heart was beating fast enough for you to feel it in your throat. The embarrassment had set in much quicker that you thought it would. You still had time to unsend it, you reminded yourself. She’s probably busy with her friends or something and wont check her phone until later tonight. You could unsend it and turn your phone off and forget this even happened.
“I miss you too.”
When you felt your phone buzz you stopped breathing. You half hopped that you imagined it, but when you checked the notification was plain as day. “Oh god, I’m so stupid.” you whispered to yourself as you started typing.
“come over?”
Her response was immediate, like she was waiting for it.
“On my way now.”
You tossed your phone once again, squealing a bit into your pillow at what you'd just started up.
Abby knew it was going to happen at some point. To give you credit, she definitely didn’t think it would take this long. Around day 3 she actually started to get nervous, asking her teammates if they thought she really messed up this time, if she’d lost you for real. She had the tendency to take things too far, it was basically what she was known for. Whether she was working out, or fucking, or pushing her girlfriend to the edge for the millionth time, she never knew when to stop. You didn’t deserve it and she knew that. She didn’t know why she acted the way that she did, all she knew was that you seemed like you could handle her. Apparently she had been wrong. The walk to your dorm took half the time it usually does. She was on a mission to make your forgive her, she couldn’t go on like this. Not knowing what you were doing every hour of the day, not hearing your voice. It was killing her, not that she would ever admit that to you.
She used her spare key to unlock your door, cracking it open and slipping in as to not make too much noise. Your room was dark, barely lit by a little star-shaped night light plugged into your wall. There was a sugary vanilla scent in the air that she was oh-so familiar with. She steps over a few of your stuffed animals to kneel by your bed where you sit waiting for her.
Soft light from your bedside lamp illuminates her face and at that moment you think she's got to be an angel. You know better though, shes far from innocent and she had proved that to you a thousand times over. She’s looking down at your lap where your hands are fidgeting.
"Abby." You said simply. The word left your lips so naturally, it felt more right than anything else you could've possibly said in that moment. Just seeing her in front of you made your hands twitch. The need to just touch overwhelming you. You wondered if she noticed; Abby always seemed to notice everything. At hearing your voice she finally turns back to face you. The way her eyes soften when they meet yours makes you want to forget all the things she's said to you.
"I'm here," She says and you almost laugh. You probably would've if you weren't so painfully thankful. "Are you. . . Alright?" She says in a weird almost nervous tone. It's jarring to hear her like this, and a part of you knows how wrong it is that you like it so much.
"I'm okay now that you're here." You say. It's genuine and the hopeless look on your face tells her that. You look so lost without her and that's exactly what she wanted isn't it? But now, actually being face-to-face with you, she's being forced to rethink. She sighs quietly, rolling her head back a little like you'd just done something irreversible. You secretly hope you did.
“You remember what you said, right?” She asks you, her voice all soft. She pushes a large hand under your soft blanket. You inhale as she stops right on your bare thigh and leaves it there.
You nod. You knew she would do this, make you think about what you did. Make you regret it.
“You didn’t mean that though, did you? You don’t want me to leave you alone.” She tells you and you couldn’t agree more. Her hand starts to kneed at you, like she’s prying out a response. You give her what she wants.
“I didn’t know what I was saying, Abby. I need you so bad, I can’t-I can’t think without you.” You whine to her. She smiles so sweetly to remind you how she’s getting off on your pleading. Her hand is wandering now, it feels like a reward for giving up your humility for her. You don’t feel ashamed for it though. Her hand moves higher, closer to where you’re warm and growing wet just from. being close to her.
“Such a good girl” She whispers, her voice so low you almost miss it. At that, your thigh twitches, clearly amusing her. “I suppose you want me to touch you?” She says with a sick grin on her lips. You nod with your eyes stuck on her, bright and filled with hope like she was some kind of god to you. She loved it, it turned her on more than anything else. “I know, I know. . . d’you think you deserve it though?”
You debate a bit in your head for a moment, looking down and away. Did you deserve it? To have Abby make you feel good after you’d tried to leave her? She shifts closer, her face close enough to yours now that you feel her breath on your cheek. “Tell me you’re sorry, then i’ll think about touching you.” It’s the best deal anyone could offer you.
“I’m so sorry Abby, please, I need you so bad.” You plead to her with your sweet little voice that makes her swoon. Your pretty glossed lips tremble when she hums, considering let you have what you want.
“Yeah?” She asks you. A large hand makes its way to the soft material of your panties and she can feel the heat radiating from you already. “Jesus. . .” She says under her breath.
She’s got to see you, she has to. When she pulls off your blanket you shiver at the shock. All you’ve got on other than your underwear is an oversized t-shirt that definitely belongs to her, with her high school football team’s name on it in faded letters. It’s one of your favorite shirts to sleep in since she left it at your room about two months ago. The last time she saw you in it she’d gotten all possessive and fucked you until your bed frame scratched up the wall behind it. She remembered it vividly. How loud you had been for her that night, the way your hands gripped at her arms as she entered you. She thought about it a lot, it was one of her favorite daydreams. Right now though, in the present, her eyes were trained on the damp middle of your light pink panties. She crawls up onto your bed then, laying you back as she did so she could hover over your lower half. Your legs part for her easily and she kisses your thigh in return. She sucked in a breath as she brought a finger down to trace over your slit through the fabric. There's a cute little bow at the top of your panties that she toys with. She watches your stomach tenses up when she touches you like that. She brings her hand lower, stroking up and down the length of your cunt lazily. She blinks up at you and you look almost pained, eyebrows knitted together and a pout she wants to kiss off your face. God you're so spoiled.
“Abby. . .” You said shakily. The feeling of her fingers on your pussy was heavenly, but you needed more. Her skin against your skin.
“Shh, be patient.” She tells you.
You watch as she adjusts herself to get closer and you feel a burning in your stomach, knowing exactly what was coming next. She placed an open mouthed kiss right up against your clit, tasting your wetness through the thin, soaked through fabric. She loved doing this, every time she ate you out she started like this, and without fail it always got you worked up. The next time she brings her mouth down on you, you can’t keep your noises in. A high pitched sound comes out of your mouth, a sound that you forgot you could make after all these days away from Abby. You missed how good she could make you feel. You feel her smirking against you, cocky as usual about the effect she had on you. She decides to give you what she knows you want now and pushes your panties to the side with two of her fingers. Your exposed cunt aching for her.
“So pretty.” She says before licking a short stripe against your folds. Seeing you like this, exposed just for her makes her want to ruin you. Now’s not the time for that though. “You’re so wet for me, just for me.” Her mouth is on your again, pressing kisses against your sensitive clit before she starts torturously slow licks.
“Just for you, Abby. . .” You assure her, you’re all dizzy with pleasure. Looking down at her with her mouth busy on your pussy is almost too much. You feel like you could cum already.
You push your hands into her hair, it’s slightly damp still from the shower, only in a messy ponytail instead of the braid she’s almost never seen without. Your fingers comb through the shorter strands that frame her face, pushing them back as she continues to eat you out like you’re her last meal. She’s so pretty you think your could cry. She looks like a painting while going down on you, the distinct slope of her nose and the thickness of her dark lashes. You almost want her to stop just so you can place kisses all over her face. Her focus on your clit becomes overwhelming for a moment and you inhale as your hands tighten in her blonde hair. She smells clean like soap and the moisturizer you left at her place. “God, please. . . I- It’s s’good.” You ramble like this when you’re getting close. The feeling of your manicured nails against her scalp is addictive. She loves when you pet her like this while she pleasures you.
“Gonna cum for me? Go ahead, my good girl.” She says with her lips moving against your pussy. She uses her fingers for the first time, but not to enter you. She glides them through the sticky mess she’s made of your cunt. “Want you to remember this,” She says. The tip of her middle finger slides right against your entrance, circling around a bit before slipping in. “Want you to remember I'm the only one who can get you this wet without even trying.” She moves her finger in and out a few times, the thickness of her digit driving you crazy. She leans down again. Pushing her tongue into your hole, replacing her finger with it. Your hips buck up, pushing yourself on her face and she doesn’t stop you. Only placing a large hand on your hip you guide you as she moves her tongue against your pussy. She's so good with her mouth, you feel jealous just thinking about whoever taught how to go down. You can hear your wetness, it's so obscene but you love it. It doesn't make you shy, just more desperate.
The room is unbearably hot now, you feel your shirt sticking to your skin with the thin sheen of sweat that’s covering you. As you get closer to your release, you move a hand up to your tits to touch your nipples, rubbing your fingers over them uncoordinatedly. Abby would help you if she wasn’t so focused on getting you to cum on her face. She knows that she’s the only one who can really touch you the way you need. but it’s cute to see your try.
“Abby, abby. . .” You chant, your words slurring a little bit.
“Go ahead, baby.” Your heart skips at the pet name.
When you cum, it wrecks you. A strangled noise escaping you as you arch into her touch. She doesn’t stop either, her fingers still moving against you as she watches your face intensely, not wanting to miss how pretty you are when you’re finishing for her. She leans up to press a kiss to your open mouth, which you return immediately, pulling her face against her’s the second you get your hands on her. You can taste yourself all over her mouth as she sucks at your tongue. Her hair falls over her face with how you've ruined it. The strands get in the way and she makes an aggravated grunt as she pushes them back again. You can barely keep up with her as she hovers over you, only pausing for a breath before she’s kissing you again. It feels like hours pass before you pull apart, both of you sweaty and tired out. You more than her of course.
“Missed you so much.” She tells you. You laugh a little, “I can tell.”
She looks down with a bashful smile, “Shut up.” If you weren’t so angelic looking in your fucked out state she’d shove you. “I’m never letting you push me away again.” She says. You can tell it’s a promise. You want her to keep it.
You both fall asleep rather quickly. Abby’s arms around you, making you feel safe. The sun is just beginning to rise, bringing enough light into the room for you to see her discarded sweatpants on your floor and her hair tie on your nightstand. Abby is still asleep, you can tell by the slow rise and fall of her chest against you. Under the blanket your legs are tangled between hers and you can feel her breathing against the top of your head. When you both wake up you'll beg her to take you to the coffee shop on campus like you both love to do when you're not mad at eachother. Today would be one of those days.
Until then, you're content with just being with her in the serenity of it all. No matter how messed up it is, you know you’d rather fight with her everyday for the rest of your life than give this up.
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sea-lanterns · 7 months
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synopsis: (slasher! AU) your creepy telephone stalker decides to pay you a visit.
featuring: kuki shinobu
rating: 18+ smut (men and minors dni)
warnings: sub! afab fem reader, blood, stalking, mentions of murder(s), kn.ives, home invasion, oral (reader recieving), tongu.e play, c.lit stimulation, slight fin.gering, tongue kissing, manhandling, hair pulling, kitchen counter se.x, may be ooc.
art credits: pumpkin night
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“No, I don’t want to go to tonight’s party.”
“Wha—? But you never go…!”
You twirled the spiral cord connected to your telephone out of boredom, rolling your eyes at your friend’s desperate pleas, as she tried to get you to attend tonight’s college party to try and get you out of your shell. You weren’t much of a party girl if you had to be honest, as loud music, drunk people, and obnoxious sex did not sound like a fun time to you no matter how “exciting” your friends may phrase it. 
“I don’t want to smell sweat and alcohol while I’m there…” you groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Besides, we have midterms coming up. I have to study or my GPA will drop.”
“Ugh, you’re such a buzzkill!” Your friend huffs over the phone. “Midterms don’t even start until next week, you have all weekend to study!” 
You let out a sigh and made a fake “bzzzt” noise with your mouth. 
“Oh no, you’re breaking up…” you mumble sarcastically, staring up at the ceiling.
“What? No! You’re just making that sound with your mou—”
“Oh god the connection is really bad. Sorry, I think I have to hang up.”
“You little—”
You slammed the phone back on the receiver before she could get another word in, tiredly making your way over to the couch and face planting right into the cushions due to exhaustion. It had been a long day of classes for you, and since it was only a Friday, you decided it would be best to rest up and maybe watch a movie before studying for your exams. 
Grabbing the remote to the TV, you flipped it on and began mindlessly scrolling through channels before a particularly interesting horror movie caught your eye. “Oh…neat.” You sat up on the couch and watched as the hit horror movie film: Nightmare on Elm Street began playing while you settled down to get comfortable.
‘This is already going way better than going to that party…’ you thought to yourself, before deciding to get up and make something to eat while you waited for the intro to be done. You had the whole house to yourself due to your parents being out of town, so every snack and food item in the kitchen was all yours for the taking without any repercussions. A giddy smile was on your face, as you began grabbing bowls from the cupboard to pour some of your favorite chips as a snack, usually unable to do this since you weren’t allowed to snack so late at night.
As you began pouring the chips into the bowl however, the landline rang again and you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of annoyance. Your best friend had a habit of calling you at the most inconvenient times, so you quickly washed up your hands and grabbed the phone a bit snarkily. 
“I can’t believe you’re still not going!”
You groaned when she continued her little game of coercing you to go to the party, slamming the phone back down on the receiver before grabbing your bowl of chips and shoving a handful into your mouth. You had a habit of being unnecessarily sarcastic when people were starting to bother you, and while it did come off as rude, your friend should’ve known better as you’ve made your decline to her offer very, very clear. 
Too tired to even get that upset, you set the bowl on the table in front of you before lying down on the couch to sulk. You watched the movie for maybe a few minutes —ten if you wanted to be specific— but ended up slowly dozing off since you were too tired from a long day of classes.
‘Just a short nap…’ you thought to yourself, feeling your eyelids droop before closing them shut. ‘I’ll get back to studying when I wake up…’
The last thing you heard before falling into unconsciousness was a shrill scream coming from the TV, and the light downpour of rain starting to occur outside…
You hoped your friend wouldn’t call you again.
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You woke up to the sound of the telephone ringing and groaned before rolling off the couch to glance at the clock. The TV was still playing in the background, but as you looked up to check the time, you realized it was 2 am, about five hours from when the party started. 
“Son of a…” the phone rang again and you hissed with irritation before scrambling to grab the phone. 
“Are you serious?” You shouted into the line, clearly frustrated with your friend still trying to get you to come. “It is 2 am, why are you still asking me to go? Shouldn’t you be at home by this time?!”
The voice that greeted you over the line was not the voice you were expecting. 
Instead, a deep, slightly husky, yet feminine voice chuckles over the other line and sighs. “Uhhh…I’m sorry?” You could hear the smile in her words. “I suppose it is pretty late, I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, sweetie…”
The stranger’s voice sent shivers down your spine. It was so unbelievably sexy, and you found yourself accidentally blushing since you weren’t expecting such an attractive voice to greet you. “Oh…I’m sorry…” you say in a much softer tone. “My friend has been calling me all night, so I expected her when I answered the phone and it’s been driving me a bit crazy.”
“I like crazy.” The stranger responds with a throaty chuckle. “But you don’t sound that crazy to me…”
Your heartbeat began to pick up the more she spoke with you. 
“Aha…well, that’s comforting I guess. But uh…I think you have the wrong number, I don’t really know who you are…?”
“No, I think I have the right number…” The stranger hums sweetly. “You sound like a sweet enough gal, care to talk to me for a little while longer?” 
Several warning bells were going off in your head, but the sound of such a delightfully sweet and sexy voice kept you on your toes. You knew it was dangerous, you knew it was stupid, yet you couldn’t help but want to hear more, pressing on further to push a small conversation.
“Okay…what do you…wanna talk about?” You ask after some hesitance, unsure on how to approach this.
“You, doll.” The voice answers back, sending tingles down to your core. 
“Yes, you. Let’s start with some cheesy lil icebreakers, hm?” The stranger hums gravelly. “What’s your…favorite scary movie? Since it’s near Halloween and all.”
“…Oh.” You thought about it for some time, before coming up with a funny, yet witty answer. 
“Uhhh, Matilda.”
“What?” The voice let out the huskiest laugh you’ve ever heard, making you blush as you pictured the woman behind the phone chuckling at your joke. “That’s not a scary movie,” the stranger says once more. “You have to pick an actual horror film.”
“Matilda is a horror movie.” You argued back, a playful laugh coming out of your mouth. “That scene where the principal was chasing them throughout the house gave me anxiety.” 
“Heh, fair, fair…” the voice hums with amusement. “No but seriously, what is your actual favorite horror movie, doll?” 
“Why do you wanna know?” You tease playfully, coiling the wire of the phone around your finger. 
“Well, mostly because…” the sexy voice suddenly grew even lower, dropping an octave until you could barely hear what they said. “I wanna get to know the person I’m looking at.” 
Your heart slowly sank when that sentence was uttered over the other line, blood running cold as you quietly processed what the person just said. 
“I must admit, I was a bit sad when I didn’t see you at tonight’s big party…” the voice continued to say, nonchalant to how creepy they were sounding the more they spoke into the phone. “Maybe it’s for the best, however. I wouldn’t want your pretty lil eyes to witness such a bloody and messy massacre…”
Your throat clogged up and you couldn’t help but pull the phone away from your face.
“That…That isn’t funny.” You say with a scowl, your face turning hot with anger as you glared at the phone in front of you. “Haha funny prank. You can hang up now you stupid prankster.”
“Awww, babygirl I’m hurt…” the voice spoke in mock sympathy, “You really think I would play a sick trick on a girl like you? I’m not that heartless…” Their voice toned down to a whisper, the smirk barely covered up in their speech as they groaned. “Though, if I’m not pranking you, that must mean everything is true, hmm?”
Your eyes widened and you realized you have yet to receive a phone call from your friend at the party. You assumed it was still ongoing, but..
“You— You’re such a sicko! Don’t joke about things like that!”
“It’s not a joke, doll,” The voice chuckles back. “I wonder if you were friends with that one blonde girl I killed. About five foot four, wore a sexy devil costume, and screamed like bloody murder when I plunged my knife into her chest.” 
The way they laughed as you stood there in shock did not help the fear rising in your throat, as the stranger had just described your friend who kept begging for you to go to the party with her. They got every single detail right, and you were starting to slowly realize that the “sexy stranger” over the phone was actually a slaughtering serial killer in disguise.
“Oh, oh my god…” you covered up your mouth and accidentally dropped the phone, the cord of the line stopping it from falling as it dangled a few inches off the ground like a bungee swing.
“Oooh, you shouldn’t drop telephones, sweet thing…” the stranger spoke again, causing you to panic as they knew what you were doing.
You scrambled to slam the phone back onto the receiver, but a sharp voice suddenly shouted from the other line. 
“Don’t you dare hang up!” The woman’s voice erupted, causing you to wince and drop it back from your hands. “Ugh…I’m sorry for yelling. I just wanted to play a game with you, that’s all…”
“What game? What game could you possibly want to play with me?!” You exclaim fearfully, quickly backing up into the counter. 
“An easy one.” The voice speaks again, a growl practically escaping their throat, “I want to play hide and seek.”
Your stomach twisted at the mention of hide and seek, hands grasping for a kitchen knife as a makeshift use for a weapon. 
“I think you’re familiar with the rules. I hide, and you try to find me…” the stranger hums with delight. “So I’ll give you a hint, sweet girl. I’m inside the house.” 
You squealed at those last words and bolted for the back door of the kitchen, fumbling with the door handle to leave before a firm, athletic body suddenly pressed up against your back, pinning you to the door.
You tried swiping the kitchen knife back to stab at your oppressor, but it was no use. A strong hand grips your wrist and you soon find out that your mysterious phone killer was no ordinary killer, as she was very strong.
“That’s enough of that.” The familiar voice purrs into your ear, that seductive, gravelly voice causing you to freeze as she quickly pins your arms above your head and wrestles the knife out of your hand.
“Stop! Let me go!” You screamed and tried squirming out of their grip, but was met with their body pressing further against your behind. The curves of a feminine figure pinning you to the door, while you slowly started to feel the pressure of an oncoming panic attack in your throat.
“Shhh…shhh, no crying…” the mysterious killer hums with delight, a plastic ghost-face mask pressing up against your shoulder and making you wince with fear. “Please…please don’t kill me…” you began trembling under their grasp, too paralyzed with fear to move. “I don’t wanna die…I’m sorry…I just wanted to stay home…”
“Shhhhh…No need for tears…” her voice mumbled huskily, the smell of blood and iron filling your nose as they waved their blood-stained knife near your face. “Unless, you want me to clean them up for you?”
“No…please…” you squeezed your eyes shut, too scared to open them as you prepared your final moments.
“…Awww, okay.” You suddenly feel a slight decrease in pressure as the hand of the killer moves up to remove the mask. “What about now?”
It took several seconds of heavy breathing and whimpers to find the courage, but eventually you timidly opened your eyes before landing on a way too familiar face. 
“Hey doll.” 
She smirked nonchalantly at you and winked. Shinobu was a classmate of yours, your campus crush if you had to be honest. She always sat in the back of lectures, yet whenever you two would accidentally meet eyes, she would always wink and lick her lips seductively, always causing your heart to flutter.
“I…I don’t understand.” You say in a shaky voice, unsure of your conflicting feelings. 
“Mmm, well you don’t need to.” Shinobu purrs. “I’m Ghostface. I’m the one you were talking to over the phone.”
“Th-That was you?!” You exclaimed fearfully.
“Mhm…honestly, I was a bit upset you didn’t realize it was me all along,” she chuckles. “I thought you’d recognize my raspy and seductive voice, hmm?”
Despite how much fear you had, you couldn’t help but grow slightly aroused with the way she was whispering into your ear. Even if your crush was revealed to be an insane, masked serial killer, you couldn’t deny the heat pouring through your veins the more she spoke sweet nothings like the regular. 
“…I can’t…I can’t believe…” you were so distraught you couldn’t find the words. 
“Awe…that’s okay, sweet thing.” Shinobu whispers in a hot and heavy tone. 
“Allow me to help you believe.”
She gently presses a small kiss to your earlobe and slides her long tongue out to lick the shell of it. The warm muscle causes you to flinch for a moment, before a pool of arousal starts warming at your lower regions. 
‘God…what am I doing?!’ Your mind screamed with instinct, body trembling with fearousal as Shinobu continued to lick and suck your ear before traveling her hands around your body. 
“Honestly, I had hoped to see you at the party tonight, but this is much better…” She purrs before catching you by the waist and squeezing a gloved hand over your thigh. “I get to have you all to myself in this giant house of yours…”
She presses another kiss to your cheek and catches the small whimper that leaves your throat. 
“Awe, I knew you would be enjoying this…” Shinobu chuckles with delight. “Naughty, naughty girl…”
“Oh, shut up…!” You winced when she suddenly grabbed your waist and spun you around, your face now facing hers as she leans in to press a dominating kiss against your lips. 
“Tch, no respect at all.” She growls before sliding her warm tongue into your mouth. She notes the way your legs close as you instinctively grip her shoulders for support, loving the way you latched onto her as she French-kissed you against the door of your kitchen. ‘She could deny it all she wants, but she knows she’s all mine…’
After a few brief moments of kissing, Shinobu lets you breathe for a moment before wrapping her arms around your waist. 
“C’mon, it’ll be easier on the kitchen counter.”
“Wh-Wha— AH!”
Despite how small and thin she looked, Shinobu hoisted you up with ease and you had no choice but to wrap your legs around her. For such a petite woman, she was very strong, and she lifted you up on the counter to get you at the preferred height she wanted. 
“There we go…” She licked her lips at the sight and you felt another pulse of heat dive down at your core. “Any objections before we continue?”
That voice. That damned sexy voice. You were practically wet just hearing her voice in person, growing aroused ever since she was flirting with you over the phone. You wanted to curse yourself for getting so turned on, but at this point you just wanted to be fucked. 
Even if it meant getting eaten out by a ghost-face wearing serial killer.
“Just…hurry up…” you groaned, already angry with yourself for getting so worked up. 
“Tch, is that how you ask for things, princess?” Shinobu scoffs with fake annoyance. “I thought you knew better…”
With that, she suddenly yanks your pajama pants off and the action has you squealing with surprise. Your legs are immediately exposed to the cold, open air, and Shinobu makes it a quick move to push your thighs apart with her hands. “Ugh…fuck…” you hear her grumble under her breath, her cheeks growing red as she stares at your underwear in such a perfect view. “Cotton? Interesting, I thought you’d be a lace kinda girl.”
“I was staying at home.” You gritted through your teeth. “Who wears fancy lace panties when staying home alone?”
“Fair point.” Shinobu chuckles, giving you another kiss before moving her fingers down into the band of your underwear. Feeling two calloused fingers rubbing at your clit was not what you’d be expecting spending a Friday night all alone, yet you can’t say you didn’t enjoy it as Shinobu was a master at rubbing her fingers around your folds till they were soaking wet with precum.
“O-Oh…god…” you whimpered out breathlessly, Shinobu pressing you further into the counter as she began pistoning her fingers at a steady pace to get you ready. “You always seemed to like staring at my tongue,” She purred in a gravelly tone, “I don’t blame ya, it’s pretty long if I do say so myself…”
As if to make a point, she playfully sticks out her tongue and your face just flushes at the sight. It looked so inhumanly long, yet your body couldn’t help but crave for it to be deep inside you, tasting you like you were its last meal ready to be devoured. 
You knew you weren’t the only one thinking this either. Shinobu was thinking of all the ways she could taste you, stuffing her tongue as deep as it would go and savoring the sweet essence that drips down your thigh with each sharp piston of her fingers. She was practically drooling, eyes locked on the feeling of how wet you were before finally pulling her hands away to taste.
“Mm…seems wet enough already…”
She sticks the two fingers into her mouth to suck and instantly groans at the sensation. Her long tongue slowly licked up the juices coating her fingers, before letting go with a wet ‘pop!’ Having throughout enjoyed herself with the tiny sample you offered her.
“Absolutely sensational…” she mumbles into your ear. “Allow me to have the full course?” 
She doesn’t wait for you to respond before taking the sharp end of her knife and slicing your panties off in one, professional swipe. “H-Hah!” You flinched when she did it so quickly and started breathing heavily out of shock, mildly amusing Shinobu with your reaction. 
“Pfft. Relax, sweetheart.” Shinobu purrs with nonchalance. “I’m a professional, you trust professionals, right?”
She peels off the remaining tatters of your underwear and smirks at the sight of your bare, exposed pussy glimmering under your kitchen light. Shinobu could hardly contain herself as she instantly crouched down on her knees to kiss your clit, sending jolts of nerves to your stomach, and making you squirm with delight.
“Ohh, the princess likes that, doesn’t she?” She chuckles in a mocking way, using her two front teeth to gently nibble on the clit and force a burst of ecstasy from the way she was teasing you. 
“Ah—! Shinobu…” your hands reached down to tug at her green hair. 
“Ah ah ah…” she gives a slow, sensual lick up your folds and you wince when you feel the tip of her tongue flick at your clit. “No hair pulling, sweet girl…”
She continues running her tongue up and down your cunt before slowly pushing the tip of it deeper into your twitching hole. You let out a gasp as she began eating you out excitedly, sliding her long, lithe tongue in and out of you before beginning to thrust lightly with the muscle. 
You didn’t expect her to be so good. Shinobu’s tongue play unlike any other girl you’ve been with as her tongue was just so fucking long. Long, flexible, and hot as it pumps against your walls like a starved man finally drinking some water for the very first time. 
‘Fucking hell…she tastes so good…’ Was all Shinobu could think as she slowly became pussy drunk off the taste of you alone. Too busy thinking about how many times she could get you to cum on her face, before you passed out out of exhaustion. 
“Shinobu I can’t— nngh…” you wrapped your legs around her head and pushed her even closer, trembling from the stimulation as the rough texture of her tongue continued to thrust into your walls. Things were starting to take it up a notch, as Shinobu suddenly gripped your thighs tightly before speeding up her movements to feel even more. 
The moans you let out were music to her ears, eyes squeezed shut as she continued sliding the warm muscle at a speed you didn’t even think was possible. (It was, Shinobu was just really, really good) The increase in pressure had you whimpering the more she thrusted, and pretty soon, you were starting to feel a coiling sensation occur the faster she moved her tongue. 
“Hnnn…Shinobu…” you whimpered out pathetically, thighs twitching for your release as you gripped her hair even tighter. “You should pull away, it feels too t-tight…”
“Mm? That’s perfect then…” she groaned in an almost predatory way. “Just go ahead and scream for me…!
And scream you did, as you threw your head back and climaxed all over Shinobu’s face who licked up all the cum that leaked out. You were too much of a panting mess to notice the way she cleaned your thighs and cunt with her tongue, but the sensitivity of being “cleaned up” after such an intense round had your vision clouding over with adrenaline crash and exhaustion. 
“Oh…my princess tastes so good…” Shinobu groans, standing up to kiss you so that you could taste your cum on her lips. “Exhausted already? Well, I suppose it is pretty late…” 
She chuckles darkly at the way your eyes droop over like a sleepy puppy, gently scooping you up into your arms to carry you up to your bedroom.
“Bedtime for my baby…” She hums in that raspy voice of hers, climbing up the steps before kissing the temple of your forehead.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to make you scream louder once you wake up.”
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Hi! You once wrote about Malleus going to the player's world, and up until now I finally got in time to ask for this, so could I ask for a similar premise as that but with Azul, Rook & Vil, please?
I have already done Vil in an indifferent post. You can find it here. I really wanted to make a new version of Azul though.
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, stalking, implied violence, death, murder, manipulation, unhealthy relationship
Azul Ashengrotto/Rook Hunt-Entering your world
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Azul felt like an octopus out of water
When he had heard Jade yelling out a warning it was already too late and he was already falling down the stairs, a student he made a deal with not too long ago standing not too far, his hands lowering themselves from the pushing him
And now he was laying on the floor in a place he didn't recognize
Moonlight filtered through the window of the room and a sleeping figure almost completely covered by a blanket was illuminated by its light and the light from the phone they were laying next to, indicating that they fell asleep whilst using it
Did he teleport to a different place? Azul still felt the burning sensation of the hard stone of the stairs hitting his body so he might have done that out of desperation...
And desperate he was when you turned over in your sleep and he could see your face
And thus, the screaming began
Imagine his surprise, no his shock after seeing the person he had admired, sought after for so long laying in front of him in their pajamas
Although, it would be better to say you did lay in your pajamas because now you were jumping up in fear for your life
But after fearing that a madman had broken into your house life with Azul was pretty nice
Azul is a pretty good cook from running Mostro Lounge so him making dinner is like going to an expensive restaurant
There is that thing about him wanting to pay you rent though…
You see, Azul is not someone who wants to leech (haha, get it?) off of someone
So he takes on "side jobs"
Nothing dangerous, of course, but I think we can all agree that Azul in ANY job position is a safety hazard
Not because he is bad at what he does but because of his, how do I describe it, manipulative (?) ways
Sooner than later, it seems more like Azul is running the place he works at instead of his boss
But when you ever were to ask him what the heck he did to change the power dynamics so much in his favour, he plays innocent so I guess one point to him (although we all know better)
Back to your more private life, he may not seem like it but Azul can be one heck of a possessive guy
He won't jump the mailman, Azul knows that there is a point where his feelings get a bit too much (huh, so he is self aware?) but if you dare to bring a friend of your over? Uh... you still have friends?
I thought a certain person living with you scared all of them away
So let's say someone is still in a friendly relationship with you, nothing romantic, just friends
Let us call that person Example 1 (say hi to Example 1, Example 1 say hi to the reader)
Azul won't mind them coming over, he won't mind cooking for them, he won't mind playing nice with Example 1 but he will mind if they decide to come more than once
That glare he will send them will make them wonder if they get to see the light of the next dawn one more time
And perhaps the merman has another side job he hasn't told you about. And maybe that job allows him to do things that make the police gag
Shout out to the crime scene cleaners. Why is there even stuff from, you know what, on the ceiling? Maybe red paint will make the stains less noticeable. Oh god renovating this place will cost a fortune
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Rook Hunt: the man, the legend, the not-so-sane hunter who could (and probably would if laws weren't a thing) shoot you simply for fun
Said man, legend, absolute menace to society, is not someone who is easily scared. Heck, he can probably hear dust falling to the ground for to his trained hearing which makes sneaking up on him absolutely impossible
What he cannot hear though is the almighty power of an author who decides to put him into a different world simply for the lols
So when the floor suddenly disappears and reappears two meters lower the poor man can't help himself but to stumble rather unelegant (unlike his usual self) into the wall, searching for something to hold on to just to smash his side against it
That does not change the situation though and the more or less mad hat-wearer gets a broom flung at his head
Rook is not someone who will sit around and do nothing though
After a lot of explaining (and you standing over him with a pan in hand for self-defense) you decide that his confused and lost self is a lot less charming than his usual one and you just allow him to stay
He will bring home edible plants and freshly shot meat (and if you live a meat-free lifestyle he will simply bring a bigger amount of edible flora)
WILL (and there is no escape from it) flirt with you in French (and now all my French readers, we all feel outraged by his bad translations)
But this is Rook so, of course, you think that this is just his usual chatter
He will also help you around the house. Your home has never been cleaner (I am convinced Vil controls Pomefiore for dust with white gloves)
He is great at ironing. Those long sleeves must have been great practice material
This reminds me, there had been an incident where he had been carrying your laundry from the cleaner and you bumped into him, leading him to crash into the exact same spot against the wall once more
Since that day Rook and that wall have a burning hatred for each other (more like Rook against the wall) and due to other events it's now 5:0 for the wall
But of course, we can't just focus on the lalala dreamland stuff
Once the dog of your neighbor decided to rip some of your stuff you owned and kept on your property to pieces
Your neighbor being an annoyance decided that “No, I won't pay. You should have looked out that MY dog wouldn't do that.”
Remember that Rook enjoys hunting?
Now, your neighbor doesn't know that so when they find their “little darling” dead in front of their house they can't reconnect it to you
Two nights later they wake up in a forest of some kind, that new roommate of yours staring down at them from a tree with an amused gaze, telling them he will let them have a headstart by one minute
Long story short, they weren't seen again
The young hunter may be a bit… much but he knows when to be discreet when he needs to be
And would you look at that? You also start to get frightened, leaving your home less and less
I mean, there have been disappearances around your neighborhood but look at the bright side, now you won't feel like someone is watching you from somewhere every time leave the house
He has a notebook that is just about you. From daily occurrences and what you did to your worries to your likes, hobbies and much more
Since Rook is Rook he will snuggle against you when you sleep and I don't mean this in a manner of you two sharing beds. Oh no, he has his own little space to sleep
This creep will slip into your bed just to carefully cuddle with you for an hour once you are asleep, then it's back to his own bed
Rook's list of victims grows double as fast as the list of great experiences he has with you
But not like that matters. All of them could disappear for all he cares. All he needs is you. Just you. Nothing else. Such a simple request, right?
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teamatsumu · 6 months
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was i meant to love you? (part two)
pairing: miya osamu x reader
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summary: the kanji on your arm says miya atsumu’s name, but every fiber of your being is in love with his twin brother.
word count: 3314
warnings: fem!reader, soulmate au, friends to lovers, some non canon events, swearing, angst if you squint, atsumu x reader, cheating trope (you have been warned), suggestive sexual content but nothing explicit
taglist: @hadukada @utopiamiroh @angstylittleb1tch @sassycheesecake
previous part // series masterlist
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The thud of volleyballs and squeaking of shoes was quickly dissipating as members of the Inarizaki Boys’ Volleyball Team slowly cleared out of the gym. Everyone had done their share of cleaning, but your captain, Kita Shinsuke, was meticulous as ever, making sure the wet mops were clean so they didn’t stink up the storage room and all the balls were accounted for. As usual, he insisted you head out, saying it was already very late and he wasn’t comfortable with the idea of you still being out of the house at this time and in this weather.
The cold air stung you when you stepped out, choosing to forego changing back into your school uniform and instead walking home in your volleyball team tracksuit. Your wool scarf did plenty to warm you up, but it couldn’t substitute for the heat of your blankets or bed, so you hurriedly trudged on.
Your phone buzzed in your jacket pocket.
Samu: where are u? walk home together?
You frowned and sighed at the message. Osamu offering to walk you home meant Atumu would be there too. And you really didn’t want to be around him, not after your newly realized feelings. Or lack thereof, actually. You weren’t in the mood to once again be confronted by the fact that your soulmate didn’t make your heart burst with love like he should.
Your phone buzzed again, shaking you from your thoughts.
Samu: ur not at the gym?? its just kita here
You scowled, slowing to a stop. Where the hell was Osamu? You tapped on the little receiver icon, lifting the phone to your ear. Once the line connected, you heard his breaths on the other end.
“Why are you at the gym? You should’ve been home twenty minutes ago.” You asked, shivering. The twins had left after practice, knowing you often stayed late to tie up loose ends.
“I sat down at the store around the corner for a bit. I came back to check if ya were done. Where are ya?”
Before you could answer, heavy footsteps sounded behind you, making you cut the line when Osamu entered your field of vision. You felt your lips tug up, waving at him as he hung up and reached you, shoulders hunched to protect his neck from the cold.
“You’re gonna get sick.” You frowned as you watched him.
“Hello to you too.” He rolled his eyes and childishly stuck out his tongue, both of you falling in step as you trekked the way back to your neighborhood.
The walk was relatively silent, with Osamu offering you a packet of jelly beans. You popped one in your mouth, trying to rid yourself of the relief you felt when you saw that Atsumu wasn’t with him. It wasn’t something you were proud of, avoiding your own soulmate, but it helped that Atsumu was so focused on volleyball most days that he didn’t really care either.
You wondered if you should tell Osamu about it, but dismissed the thought quickly. Osamu didn’t even have a soulmate. If you complained about your own soulmate problems, it would make you feel like a monster.
Maybe you were a monster. An ungrateful one at that.
“Where’s Tsumu?” You asked, biting the inside of your cheek. Your guilt had spurred your question, and all it did was double the horrible feeling inside you.
Osamu shrugged. “He didn’t wanna wait at the store. Somethin’ about wanting to pee real bad.”
“Charming.” You deadpanned, before frowning at the boy next to you. “Wait, you were waiting? What for? Me to be done?”
Osamu only nodded, focused a little too much on his jelly beans. Your scowled deepened as did your confusion.
Osamu shrugged, still avoiding your eyes. “It’s colder than usual. And with the wind blowing like this, it might rain or storm. What if ya got stuck in it?”
Your heart skipped, mouth going dry as words failed you. You watched Osamu’s profile, the way his gray hair fell over his forehead, some strands catching his eyelids. His profile was all straight lines, the jut of his jaw prominent as he chewed.
Unexpectedly, tears were pricking at your eyes. You choked out a surprised sob, your feet stopping as months worth of suppressed emotions overwhelmed you.
“What the-” Osamu’s wide eyes snapped towards you, crushing the empty snack wrapper and shoving it into his backpack before he turned to you. “Why are ya cryin’? What did I say?”
You shook your head a bit harder than necessary, trying to convey that no part of your fucked up, guilt ridden, fearful brain was caused by him. You waved your hands a bit, trying to say anything at all that wasn’t pathetic crying noises. Osamu softened a bit.
“Is this about Tsumu?” His voice was more muted now, and you almost didn’t hear it over the sound of the wind whooshing in your ears. You stared at him with wide eyes. Did…. he know?
Osamu gave you a sad smile and a shrug. “It’s pretty obvious. Yer avoidin’ him. Didja guys get in a fight?”
You shook your head, looking closely at Osamu. His face was blank, but open. He stared right back, and his eyes were so calm that it stopped your own flowing tears. Something in your mind was made up.
“Samu, can I confess something to you?”
He gave you an encouraging little smile. “Always.”
That did it. Your rant started there, on the sidewalk outside a closed down bookstore, and ended at your house, on your bed, both of you out of your outdoor wear and with steaming hot cocoa mugs between the two of you. Osamu had not only listened, but he had guided you all the way home while you lost yourself in your words. And he made you a hot beverage along the way too.
Silence stretched over you both when you finished, staring down at the mug before you. Your cheeks were warm, half from how heated you got as you spilled your heart out and half from being out of the stormy weather. Osamu had been smart to return to your house instead of his, so you could talk without fear of Atsumu listening. You stared at him when you finished, but when he didn’t say anything, you tacked on one more sentence.
“I don’t know what to do.”
The cry for help was clear in your voice, and it made him look up at you.
“I…. don’t know that either.” He confessed. “I wish I could tell you.”
He shuffled a bit closer to you, directly in front of you, and gave you the softest smile. Your heart skipped again, that same funny feeling you got when he told you he waited for you. And you felt, once more, the urge to hug him tight.
“I don’t….. really know how this soulmate thing goes.” He muttered, and you listened with bated breath. For the first time ever, Osamu was talking about his own lack of soulmate. “But I do know one thing. You and Tsumu have known each other forever. Whatever this thing is, it will pass. And the universe put ya two together, of course yer meant ta be. Don’t worry yer little head about it, okay?”
You felt your heart settle as you looked into Osamu’s eyes. So calm, so unlike your muddled thoughts. But his words inspired little comfort, but in his close proximity, you ignored it entirely. Your cheeks heated up, and you felt the urge to close the gap between you two even more. So you did.
Osamu wrapped you up in his arms when you pressed closer to him, not hesitating in hugging you tight. You felt your heart race faster, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. If anything, it made your nerves quietly buzz, a soft thrumming that felt so nice you nearly cried.
You didn’t even realize when you fell asleep, too exhausted from having spilled your whole heart out. So you definitely didn’t notice the wet sheen in Osamu’s eyes, or how he rapidly blinked his tears away to make sure they didn’t fall on you, his hold on your body gently tightening.
Something changed after that night. Somehow, Osamu being the only one who knew your shameful secret brought you even closer together. While you didn’t talk about it again, Osamu subtly encouraged you to get closer to Atsumu, to spend more time with him and “mend” your failing relationship. To Atsumu’s credit, you two did end up spending an awesome night out together, which could technically be classified as a date but felt more like hanging out with your best friend. You giggled and laughed with him all night, like you used to, and some of the fear in your head melted away. Maybe Osamu was right. Maybe everything would be okay.
When Atsumu kissed you goodnight at your front door, you didn’t feel anything. But you weren’t worried. This would fix itself too. Just as everything else had fixed itself.
You entered your third year of high school with your boyfriend and best friend by your side, ready to crush senior year and then move onto adult life. Atsumu went to Youth Camp again, now being seriously looked at as a candidate for the pro leagues. You were ecstatic for him, and you trusted completely that he would crush it. Osamu was looking into culinary school, and you were looking into university as well in your own preferred field.
Graduation was an emotional affair, especially with the realization that you were splitting up from the Twins soon. You had been accepted into a university in Tokyo, while Osamu was staying in Hyogo. Atsumu was already trying out for the V League, and it had him bouncing from place to place.
Your mother was vehemently against you and Atsumu not staying together, which annoyed you. The idea of staying glued to his ass was not appealing. You wanted to carve your own path. It was only when you convinced your mother that Atsumu’s endless traveling would have him in Tokyo quite often did she feel satisfied enough, and so life as an adult began filled with a promise for new adventures.
It was away at university that you first experienced just how much you depended on the Twins. Especially Osamu.
Emotionally, Osamu had been your rock. He was always the one you went to with every rant, every problem, every worry. While Atsumu was helpful at times too, he was more of a talker than a listener. But Osamu always gave you his full attention. He would sit and listen to you for hours if you asked, chiming in at all the right places and really making you feel heard. When you started life at a new place, you were hit with the nasty, all encompassing feeling of missing him down to your very bones.
You texted him, you video called, you watched as the gray dye slowly faded from his hair, leaving him with his natural dark brown. He talked to you about culinary school, excited to share what new dish or flavor he had learned or created, and you watched as his face fleshed out more, losing almost all his remaining childhood fat and leaving him looking older. You supposed you changed in the same way, but Osamu never commented on it. He always talked to you the same, like you had never left.
You missed him terribly.
Your university friends were overly in awe that your soulmate was a pro volleyball player, and often thought you were on the phone with him when it was actually Osamu. It did hit you with a pang of guilt slightly, because while you also talked to Atsumu daily, it was never very long drawn out like it was with Osamu. You knew everything going on in his life, but you weren’t invested like you were in Osamu’s life.
And that little skip of your heartbeat never went away. In fact, it became more frequent. Whenever Osamu’s voice would first ring through your phone, your heart would jump, and your smile was automatic. His laugh would make you grin, and talking to him settled your nerves in a way no other person could.
It didn’t surprise you when a certain worry started sitting in your chest. A gnawing voice, low pitched but annoying, muttering in your head about how this was wrong, you should be feeling this way for your soulmate and not his fucking twin brother. You weren’t dense. You knew what a crush was. And you knew that these feelings were definitely indicating a crush. But you dismissed it as just Osamu being Atsumu’s twin. They were identical looking. So it was natural for you to like Osamu because he was so closely reminding you of your soulmate.
You tried to ignore the fact that your actual soulmate never made you feel this way.
Atsumu visited you often, maybe one weekend every month, which he would spend in your apartment. Your roommates would wiggle their eyebrows and make lewd, suggestive comments, saying something about how they should clear out for the weekend since you two would be getting loud and rowdy. It made you flush furiously, but you couldn’t exactly tell them nothing would happen.
You and Atsumu had yet to go all the way. The most you did was a makeout session that felt cold and distant. It was worrisome, it was a huge concern, but it was something neither of you talked about. You were comfortable with Atsumu. You would pig out on junk food, talk shit about old high school folks you both knew, he would whine about his teammates and you would fill him up on your share of university gossip, and then you two would fall asleep cuddled under your blankets. It was comforting, a slice of home, and so what if the thought of sex with Atsumu made you kind of uncomfortable and grossed out? It would pass. You were still young.
But then you would feel the butterflies burst to life in your stomach when Osamu called, you would watch his eyes through your phone screen, how every passing month made him look more like a man and less like a boy. His dark eyes, just as calm as they were when you were kids, but now….. sultrier. More dreamy. Sometimes he would send you a morning selfie, still in bed, just above the neck but you could tell he was shirtless, and you would imagine waking up like that, with his shirtless body next to you. And you would wonder what his skin would feel like under your fingertips.
This was bad. This was so, so bad. But you couldn’t control it. All you could do was deny the existence of these feelings. Waking up every morning and convincing yourself that the man in your dreams was not him, but Atsumu. Though you knew. Deep down, you knew.
You didn’t go back to Hyogo after your first year. Your parents had traveled down to Tokyo and you spent a wonderful two weeks with them before the new term started, and while Osamu groaned and complained about how bad he wanted to see you, you were relieved. You couldn’t see him, not when your head was messed up with thoughts of him. Thoughts you should never, ever have. You wondered, now very often, what you would do if you saw him in your current state. How badly you would want to kiss him.
No. God. No.
Once Atsumu became a starter for the MSBY Black Jackals, he and Osamu decided to get an apartment together in Osaka, the team’s hometown. Osamu had freshly graduated, while you still had one year left. And as per her nature, your mother started hounding you to complete your final year in Osaka. She wanted you to move in with the Twins, and for the first time in a long time, you were on board with one of her wishes.
You had missed them both so much. And you yearned for the time you spent every single day with them. The thought of sharing a living space with them was extremely exciting, so when you ironed out the details of your university transfer, you were on the first train to Osaka.
Halfway through your ride, Atsumu texted that he couldn’t make it to the station (since your train had been delayed and he had an event for later that night), and you tried to digest the implication of his untimely absence.
Osamu would be picking you up.
You felt anxiety creep up on you at the thought, fiddling with your hands and biting severely at your bottom lip. Shockingly, you had not seen Osamu since graduation. Your parents had moved to Tokyo after your first term, since nothing was holding them in Hyogo anymore, so you spent your breaks with them. And between Osamu opening his own Onigiri Place and working on his uni courses, he never got the time to come down and visit you.
Fresh in your twenties, you were a different person now. Tokyo had truly changed you, given you new experiences, new friends, new opportunities. For a brief second, you worried how your reunion with Osamu would go. You two had talked nearly every day for three years, but surely seeing him in person would be different, right?
You were right.
You found him standing next to a pillar in the crowded station, trying to stay out of everybody’s way. It wasn’t hard to spot him, since he was so tall. He had grown, which was a given. You should’ve known, because Atsumu had grown too. But you didn’t expect it. And you also didn’t expect him to have…. bulked up so much.
You knew he hadn’t really played volleyball after high school, so he had decided to start going to a gym instead. Your mouth went dry as you saw the results of it now. Osamu was wearing a tight compression shirt that hugged him in all the right places, broad shoulders, bulging biceps, down to his slim waist. His hair, now dark, looked softer than ever before, and you felt the urge to feel it between your fingers. His focus was on his phone screen, so he didn’t notice your distant gawking. God, he was…. a specimen. Was he always like this? Had you never noticed?
You felt your knees wobble like a baby deer as you walked closer to him, watching as he finally looked up and his eyes met yours. Something zipped through you like hot current, and you felt your ears buzz.
“Hi.” You sounded breathless.
“Hey.” He replied, and you saw, in real time, his eyes run over you from head to toe, before quickly snapping back up to your face. You saw his ears warm at the thought of you catching him as he looked you over, and you felt something liquid hot churn in your stomach.
When you hugged him, you experienced the true change in his strength. His arms were steady, torso firm but warm, and he smelled so good. You shivered when you felt his face find home in the crook of your neck, and you feared he would feel your heart as it jumped around frantically in your chest, trying to beat out of your ribcage.
He pulled back just enough to look into your eyes, and you were met up close with the wonderful, calm slate gray. You watched as his lips tilted up at the corners, as his cheeks twitched with that same, lazy smile.
“Missed ya.” He whispered.
“I-” Your eyes flickered, and you finally gave into your overwhelming urge, leaning forward only a few inches so your lips pressed firmly against his.
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asterias-record-shop · 10 months
hi friend!
i was wondering if you could please write a fic where ethan finds the reader’s diary and finds out all the stuff they’ve been thinking about? smut if you feel comfortable or inspired for it, thank u! (no particular kinks at all, whatever suits you or you feel comfortable writing)
i really appreciate ur work so much, the past two things i’ve requested have been wonderfully done 🖤 thank u!
—𓆩[dear diary]𓆪—
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Brother’s Best Friend! Enemy! Ethan Landry x Fem! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - smut, maybe slight angst?
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 2.5K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - Ethan and your brother had been best friends since before they could walk. You and Ethan hated each other before you were even born. You hated him, everything about him from his stupid hot face to his stupid hot body to every single fucking part of him that was fucking stupidly hot, and you expressed this in your diary. And of course, that stupidly hot fucking idiot read your diary.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - NON-GHOSTFACE AU || older Ethan || age difference (like almost 2 years, Ethan is 20 you’re late 19) || again, brother’s best friend || you write in a diary || lots of sexual tension || Ethan’s popular with your brother || playful banter || sexual fantasies || I named your brother || both consenting parties || behind your brother’s back || cursing and foul language || multiple orgasms || multiple positions || choking || cumming inside || sex while on the phone || degradation & praise || self degradation || mentions of pregnancy || 
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Ethan coming over always made you pissed off. Him and your brother Jacob were always loud and never shut up, they always did something stupid because your parents were never here at the beginning, and Ethan never stopped bothering you when your brother wasn’t in the vicinity.
Which was exactly what was happening right now as you stood in the kitchen, spooning food into your mouth.
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What you wore was not bad to be wearing in your own goddamn house, but it might as well have been Ethan’s house too with how much he was over here because of family problems. Just some normal gray sweats and a shirt that truly fit the question you always asked Ethan, “Who the hell invited you?” with no bra underneath.
You damn well weren’t going to let Ethan take you out of your comfort clothes.
They were loud as they came in, laughing and talking as you rolled your eyes. Of course your peace was now ruined.
“Oh, hey Y/N!” Your brother smiled at you, walking over and pressing a quick kiss to your temple as you finished your food. “Had a good day?”
“I was,” you respond, glaring at Ethan who sends you a grin as he leaned against the kitchen counter. “Thought you guys weren’t supposed to be back until tomorrow.”
“Wanted to surprise mom,” he said as he reached up to grab some snacks from the upper shelf, yelling as he walked to the living room. “Aren’t you supposed to be at school?”
“It’s an off day,” you say, voice pinched and full of annoyance as Ethan tilted his head. “What?”
“Your tits look nice.”
You threw your spoon at him, rolling your eyes as you put your bowl into the sink that was sadly right next to him. Turning on the water, you could feel him staring at you as you rinsed off the bowl and put out your other hand. “I need to wash it.”
He hummed, taking the spoon that still has remnants of what you were eating before putting it into his mouth and licking off what was on it. At first, you thought it was absolutely disgusting, but then it turned hot. Oh, so stupidly hot.
Ethan pushed the spoon under the hot water, rinsing it before pushing you slightly with his hip to the side to make room, grabbing the other sponge. “It’s literally a spoon. Fucking weirdo.”
“What was that? Tasted good.” He looked over at you, winking with a wide grin. “Sweet and… perfect.”
“It was sweet cream and berries, you perv,” you shot him another glare as you quickly rinsed the bowl, settling it on the drying rack before turning. “Tell Jake that I’ll be in my room.”
“Yeah,” Ethan watched you as you walked up the stairs, slightly biting his lip with every sway of your hips making his eyes go side to side. “For fucks sake.”
You paused before you moved down the hall, tilting your head. “What was that?”
You scoffed, fully thinking he said something stupid as you went into your room, despising the fact you didn’t have a lock on your door. Digging in the drawer next to your bed, you first took out the blanket before your diary with a lock on it, then took out the false bottom that hid your vibrator.
You inhaled as you laid on your stomach, lifting your butt up before sliding the blanket in between your legs in a mound before changing into some shorts and sliding the vibrator in between your folds. You let out a hum, settling yourself on top of the mound before opening up your diary and turning on the toy between your legs.
It was nice, your hand slightly shaking as you wrote down the lewd thoughts you had of Ethan fucking you from behind, forcing you to look at his phone as he took a video of you both, paying extra attention to the way you begged and drooled around his cock. His best friend’s little sister that had been dreaming of his dick for who knows how long, this diary being the main source of where you let your thoughts run rampant.
Just the thought of him forcing your face into the bed, keeping your ass up as he pounded into you from behind, one hand holding his phone to videotape you as the other pushed into your open mouth, forcing you to gag and drool. Just the thought made you rut your hips into the blanket, biting into it as you set down your pen, humping the vibrator to get it against that perfect spot.
You could feel your stomach start to tighten, holding back loud moans by biting even harder into the sheet, continuously rolling your hips to get the vibrations in just the right place. Oh, you could just picture him slamming his hips into you repeatedly, moaning into your ear before thrusting his hips forward and cumming so deep inside of you that he would have to scrape it out of you with his long, nimble but thick and perfect fingers.
You had written about being his cumdump before, his breeding whore and freeuse slut that would be there for him at any point – there to suck his balls or gag on his dick, kneel in front of him for him to use your mouth or bent over the table or couch for him to use whenever they want. Oh, for fucks sake, the thought had you pushing the vibrator deeper against your cunt and bucked your hips forward, quickly coming undone.
You inhaled as you bucked your hips, quickly reaching down to turn the setting lower to ride out your high before turning it off. Quickly, you reached for the disinfecting wipes and soap before standing and shoving the blanket back into the drawer before closing your diary. No one would come into your room anyways, so there was no need to lock it or hide it.
Squeezing your thighs together, you carefully walk out after attempting to close the door, rushing as fast as you could to the restroom. After doing your business and carefully cleaning yourself up, you do the same to the toy.
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Ethan had come up the stairs, noticing the open door to your room and looking around. Your brother had gone to the store to pick up some snacks and such, but had just texted him that the closest store didn’t have what he was looking for so he moved to some other stores.
This left Ethan bored, and you were certainly the perfect person to play with that night. Truthfully, you were the only person he wanted to play with, and not in the way that other people might think. For fucks sake, how could his best friend’s little sister be so hot?
His brow ruffled when he didn’t see you in the room, looking around before seeing the book on your bed. It makes him smile, walking toward your bed and opening it up with a laugh. Oh, he was definitely going to use this against you, the words fuck and pound immediately jumping out at him.
As soon as you walked in, you saw him, reading your diary as though it was a biblical text. “So that’s what Jacob L/N's little sister is… a cock hungry whore, hm?”
Your mouth went dry as he stood up, throwing your diary to the side as he leaned his phone against your bed’s headstand, the ding of the camera making you swallow. “E-Ethan, I didn’t-”
“For fucks sake, I know you want my dick, so just shut up,” he starts undoing his jeans, smirking at you. “What are you waiting for? Come choke on my cock.”
You hated him and his stupidly handsome smirk as he quoted your diary. Fuck him – which you were about to do.
For fucks sake, how much did this man read? He had pushed you into over five positions — each time making you cum over and over again on his cock. He had already cum inside of you twice, both times in a position that had his cum spurting so deep inside of you that you could feel your stomach bulge. Oh, and how could you forget when he forced you onto your knees and pushed his cock into your mouth, cumming at least twice and continuing to use your throat like a fleshlight until mixed cum and saliva trailed down your throat.
For fucks sake, you never thought being a whore for your brother’s best friend would feel this good.
“Hey, why do you look so fucked out, hm?” Ethan was teasing you, a smirk on his face as he held the phone in front of your face, his other hand shoving his fingers knuckle deep into your mouth. Your drool was dripping down his hand, a wicked grin on his face as he kissed against your ear. “Say it. Say it’s because your brother’s best friend is fucking you like you’ve always wanted him to.”
You squealed around his finger as his hips started to speed up, loud slaps of skin against skin and your cum filled cunt squelching lewdly. His balls slapped against your ass, his mouth hot and wet pressing kisses to your skin, his words already making your eyes water. “Say it. Say how good I make you feel or I’m not going to let you cum.”
You choked as he shoved his fingers farther down your throat, pulling his hand out so you could inhale deeply. “E-Ethan, Ethan! I feel so good, so fucking good, don’t stop! Please don’t stop, don’t stop!”
He laughed as he wrapped his hand around your throat, the page you wrote about him choking you finally coming into memory as his hand starts to squeeze. “Say how long you’ve been dreaming about my cock. How long you’ve been dreaming about me fucking you.”
Your eyes rolled back into your head as his thrusts got harder, the bed squeaking as your body goes limp, your torso falling into the mattress making him basically growl. “No the fuck you’re not,” his hand moved from your throat to your hips, forcing you to stay up as his thrusts got slightly sloppy, an indicator he was going to cum soon. “You think I’m done? I’ve been dreaming about fucking your pussy for way too fucking long to be done. I’m going to use your perfect little cunt until I’m satisfied, now fucking say how good my cock is making you feel. Fucking say it!”
“Fuck, Ethan!” You screamed out, sobbing as the camera zoomed in on your face, your mouth a drooling mess and the tears from your eyes truly adding to how much of a whore you were. “So good, I feel so good, Ethan! You’re making me feel so good, treating me like a slut, I feel so good!”
Ethan groaned as he kissed against your cheek, holding you tightly so you wouldn’t fall forward before his phone started to ring. He cursed as he stopped moving his hips, a whine coming from your lips before he gave you a soft kiss. “Give me a minute, darling, you’re doing so perfect for me.”
You smiled as he answered the call, humming. “Hey Jake! What’s up?”
Oh, but then he rolled his hips.
You rushed to cover your mouth, eyes rolling back as his cock slid in and out of you, a soft groan falling from his lips. “Oh, me? I’m just… entertaining myself. Oh yeah, me and Y/N are really… bonding.”
The rolling starts to turn into shallow thrusts, Ethan laughing. “What? Y/N loves me, I don’t know what you’re even talking about! Oh my- you know what? You go have dinner with your parents and I’ll keep Y/N company. Hell yeah, by the time you guys get back, we’ll be fucking besties.”
Or you would be pregnant. Either one worked.
“Alright, see you later man! Oh, you wanna talk to Y/N? Here she is!” He leaned down, holding the phone to your ear as he started to thrust. Oh, you couldn’t even focus on his words.
“Y/N, seriously, everything’s okay, right?” Jacob spoke, tilting his head as Ethan grunted softly, his thrusts getting faster as you let out a high pitched hum.
“Yes! Everything’s fine, perfect!” You say, choking as Ethan hissed, his hand on your hip squeezing as you felt the knot in your stomach clench, your cunt squeezing his cock as you neared your orgasm. “Everything’s just- fuck!”
You cursed as he slammed his hips forward, the knot in your stomach tightening before releasing as you came, his thrusts getting faster as he chased his high.
“Y/N, I swear to fucking god, if Ethan’s fucking you-”
“N-No, I just hit my knee, I swear!” You lied, gasping. “Have fun with dinner, I love you, see you soon, stay safe!”
You rushed to hang up, thankful that as soon as you hit that red ‘end call’ button, Ethan slammed his hips forward and let out a broken moan as he came inside of you. It was enough to make you scream out, finally falling forward and humming as he panted against your shoulder. He kissed against your cheek softly, humming. “You did so good, honey… Did I make you feel good?”
“So good,” you whisper back, gasping as he quickly moved you to lay back against your pillows and peppered kisses against your face.
“As good as you thought it would be? Or, wrote about?”
“Oh shut up!” You laughed as you pushed him away, sighing. “Yeah, just as good.”
“Well… guess that means I need to take you out,” he bumped his nose to yours, laughing. “Doesn’t it?”
“Guess you didn’t read the first page,” you whisper, humming as you cup his cheeks. “‘Cause that was the first thing I’ve ever wanted you to do.”
He laughs, shaking his head. “This was still good, wasn’t it?”
“Oh, it was so good.”
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thank you guys so much for your support! sorry for lack of inactivity, i'm trying to get back on it!
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© asterias-record-shop
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sunflowersatori · 11 months
kiss it better
sukuna x nurse!reader
contents: modern au, f!reader, sukuna is just a guy™️, he keeps getting in fights and coming to the clinic you work at so you can patch him up, some swearing, shoulder relocation (not graphic but it happens)
a/n: i do not know enough about walk-in clinics or joint relocations to be writing this but i hope y'all enjoy (also i have a follow up blurb ready if people want to read that)
When you checked the patient walk-in list you tried not to grit your teeth upon seeing the name that was next in line.
You stepped out from behind the desk and into the reception area.
“Ryomen Sukuna?”
It was easy to spot the tattooed man, who smirked slightly when he stood.
“Please follow me.”
He followed as you led him back into the clinic and into a treatment room.
You closed the door and turned around with a frown, “Alright you asshole, what did you do this time?”
He fake gasped, “You need to work on your bedside manner, Miss Nurse. Aren’t you happy to see me sweetheart?”
“No I am not! Don’t you know I have patients to tend to?”
“Yeah, and I’m one of them,” He had a lazy grin as he leaned against the bed. You could see that he had a cut on his forehead with a bruise blooming underneath it. He was cradling his arm as if trying to hold it in place, and his lip was split. To top it off, there was blood on his knuckles too.
He’d obviously been in a fight, just like all the other late nights he’d come into the clinic.
You sighed heavily, “Other than what I can see, what’s wrong?”
“I dislocated my shoulder,” he nodded his head at the arm he was cradling, “but don’t worry, the other guy looks worse.”
You shook your head, “Sit, and I hope that fight was worth it because this is going to hurt.”
He sat and you moved over to his injured side. Even sitting on the table he was taller than you and his broad shoulders made you feel smaller than you were. You took his arm as gently as you could, ignoring his comment about you treating him so well, and manoeuvred it into position. With one push, you popped it up and back into the socket. 
“Fuck!” Sukuna barked out a curse at the pain, and you gave him a pointed look. 
He inhaled through his teeth as you wrapped up his arm in a sling.
After gently securing the sling with a knot at his wrist, you looked up to find him watching you, still grimacing a bit but clearly trying to play it off, “Damn sweetheart, what else can you do with those hands?”
You chose to roll your eyes and not comment. You did feel bad for him for having to go through the pain of relocating a joint, so you let it slide. Instead, you gathered some more minor supplies to tend to the rest of his injuries.
The blood on his knuckles wasn’t his, so it was the easiest to fix with a gentle rub of a disinfecting wipe. The cuts were also relatively simple to deal with, and didn’t even require stitches. You cleaned everything and grabbed a small ice pack for the bruise that was now fully settled on his forehead.
When you were done you took a small step back to survey him, “Does it hurt anywhere else?”
“Yeah right here,” he pointed to his face, “maybe you should kiss it better.”
“Why would I do that?” You scoffed and turned to dispose of the trash from your used supplies.
“A kiss always makes it feel better.”
He was grinning at you when you looked back at him, though it was a much less smug expression than he usually had. You wondered if the late hour or the pain was making him a little softer.
“That’s not a service we provide at this clinic,” you said, voice soft and trying to hold back a blush as you opened the door to the treatment room, “You’re all set to go Sukuna.”
“You mean you don’t want me to stay?”
“Fine, fine, you’re a busy lady, with people to help. I get it,” he stood and walked toward the door, but paused in the doorway.
You felt the fingers of his good hand tilt your chin up so you were looking at him, and he leaned down to get close to your face. You felt your breathing stop.
“Thanks for taking such good care of me sweetheart,” Sukuna murmured, low and soft and right next to your lips. Then he was heading back toward the reception area.
You watched him until he turned the corner and was out of sight, and then you stepped back in the treatment room. You closed the door, even if you only had to quickly sanitize the place he had been sitting before the next patient came in, but you needed a moment to compose yourself.
It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. Sure you usually had to get close to him when you treated him, but this had felt different. He’d been a bit sweeter than usual tonight, some of his normal swagger put aside.
You couldn’t deny that you found him attractive, but normally it was easier to brush aside your thoughts and focus on your work. Now, you weren’t so sure.
What you did know was that you were, against your better judgement, looking forward to seeing him the next time he came into the clinic.
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hanjsquokka · 5 months
Better Than The Books - [ Han Jisung ]
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📚 SYNOPSIS : Growing up, you were a sucker for romance. The thought of finding the one was your dream since you were kid. You were searching for true love in the wrong places because the only one you needed was right next to you.
GENRE : romcom, fake dating, best friends to lovers, idiots in love, college au, fluff, smut, slight angst
PAIRING : han jisung × fem!reader
CONTENT WARNING : will contain swearing, mature content such as drinking, smut (probably?), and a mean minho (but i love him very much so no hate <3)
minors dni. if you click read, you agree to nsfw content
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RULE NO. 1 - make minho jealous : You thought you found love when you dated Lee Minho — the resident bad boy of your college. He dropped you off at your classes on his motorcycle, took you out for late night rides and gave you flowers. But you were just another girl for him. He broke your heart, leaving your one and only best friend Han Jisung to pick up the pieces. You wanted to get back at your ex-boyfriend for playing with you like that. How? You fake date your best friend of course.
TAGLIST : @raeinydays @moon0fthenight @skzstaykatsy @imsiriuslyreal @rockstrhanji @bbokari711 @cupidcures @chans-muffin @adestayskz @hyperpixie
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The neon lights were almost blinding as music vibrated throughout the club. Hot, sweaty people moving to the beats as they danced all around. The air smelled of beer. Your own shot glass of vodka was in your hands as you swayed to the music. The adrenaline still hadn't worn off from the performance that ended a few moments ago. The boys were done, as far as you knew, so he'd be here any second. It was like he did it on purpose, flaunting those dark curls — a hairstyle you mentioned might look good on him. You hadn't expected for him to actually sport it at his band's first performance in a club off campus. Paired with that black shirt and those chains and rings — all train of thought left you as you downed your nth shot of vodka.
Maybe it was because of the alcohol coursing through your system, you thought it was him who was walking towards you with that lustful gaze. Jisung wrapped his hands low around your waist and pulled you closer. “How was I?” His voice was deep and seductive. His fingertips sent sparks of electricity wherever he touched you.
His mere presence sobered you up almost instantly, that faint buzz in your brain going away. “Amazing. As always. I like your hair.” Your hands went up to touch the dark locks. Blurred lines of friendship, but who cared? Maybe the rational part of you did, wondering if this was all a game or not. It was you who started it, but Han Jisung hated losing. He was going to make sure he was victorious and he was going to make sure he enjoyed teasing you along the way.
“Someone mentioned I might look good in them.” A smirk played on his lips as you met his eyes again. You could stare at him for ages and never get bored. His honeyed skin. His big brown eyes. That heart shaped smile. Rules were flying out the window as you felt a magnetic pull from him, drawing you closer. He was like a siren and you were his prey, his alluring voice being the only thing he needed to lure you into his trap. You felt like you were thirteen again, realizing that you have fallen for your own best friend. Even though it's been a decade since then, the feelings were still fresh. And now… all you had to do was close the distance. “Y/n…” He murmured. His lips were so close. “I'm sorry —”
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Two weeks earlier
Of all days, today was the day your alarm decided to betray you. Final exams were coming up and your professor told the class he'd be taking a special lecture to cover everything on the syllabus — but your alarm just chose to not ring and you ended up missing the entire 10AM class.
Okay, maybe it wasn't a good idea to stay up reading romance novels after you finished studying but in your defense, you've had a rough week. You thought you found love when you dated Lee Minho — the resident bad boy of your college. He dropped you off at your classes on his motorcycle, took you out for late night rides and gave you flowers. But you were just another girl for him. He broke your heart exactly three months after he made it official. At the café where you went on your first date with him.
In his words, I'm sorry Y/n but you're just not it for me and I met this other girl I really liked.
Dick move, Lee Minho.
You went through the five stages of depression in the span of three days only to wind up at stage two again — anger. It infuriated you to know that Minho did not, not only to you, but so many other girls. Your friends warned you about him being a player. But your naive self thought you could change him.
The past day and a half, you were only thinking about one thing — how to get back at him. How do you show him that he is just another guy and that you could do so much better. You ended up reading. Reading calmed you down and gave you a peace of mind. At least that's what you told yourself every time you picked up a book. Last night, you read Better Than The Movies at two in the morning, fueled only by Red Bull and the need to know if Liz and Wes kissed or not.
Romance novels were your thing. It was what bonded you and your mother before she passed away. She read fairytales about a princess finding her prince and living happily ever after, away from evil stepmothers and wicked witches because true love triumphed over all right? You've always believed in the concept of love and soulmates. You believe that the one for you was out there, waiting to be found.
You thought it was Minho until he ended up as an asshole.
“Matcha frappuccino for the lady.” Jisung set down a coffee cup with your favorite Starbucks drink, instantly brightening up your mood. You picked it up and gulped down quite a bit of the cold drink. Jisung chuckled, setting down his baseball hat and running his hand through his hair. “I just blew half my wallet on that and you finished it in less than a minute.”
“Very funny. I just love coffee. Especially this very specific coffee.”
“Because it's expensive?”
“Because I only get to have it when someone buys it for me cause I am broke and I cannot afford this.” Jisung rolled his eyes to your response. Your best friend had been unusually kind this week — you figured it was the whole Minho thing. He was well acquainted with your ex-boyfriend because his band mates from 3RACHA were in the same class as him and they were his friends. You've known Jisung for longer than you can remember. It was like you two were destined to be friends. Your parents were friends which ended up in you two becoming friends. You were also, coincidentally, born only a day apart and lived right next door to each other.
He was the one constant thing in your life. He was there when you fell down a slide and scratched you knee. He was there when you first learned how to ride a bike. He was there when your mom died. He was there when your dad married another lady. You didn't hate your stepmother, no, she was actually a nice person. But Jisung was there during every cross road you had in life. You were practically joined at the hip and you knew everything about each other. Your bond ran so much deeper than it seemed.
Of course you had a silly little crush on him when you were twelve but that crush soon died when he go his first girlfriend and then another and as the years went by, that crush dulled out. You were happy with him being your best friend.
“Earth to Y/n?” Jisung waved his hand in front of your face. You blinked out of your little daydream and focused back on him. “This is why you're not supposed to stay up so late studying.”
“Fun fact, I wasn't studying.”
He groaned. “Reading? Really?” He ran his hands through his dark hair. “Which book?”
“Better than the movies.”
“Ah, that one with the romance obsessed girl? What was her name… Linda — no, Liz! Yeah, Liz. I can see why you like it.”
You looked at him quizzically. Han Jisung didn't like romance novels so he certainly didn't read them. At least that's what he told you. Never in your whole life have you seen him read anything other than manga. Half of his ego was because of his abnormally large collection of manga and anime. “How do you know the main character's name?”
“You were literally texting me about the book yesterday.”
“Oh yeah.” You still didn't remember texting him, but then again you probably did and you forgot because lately you seemed to have the memory of a goldfish.
“I think you should dial down on the caffeine.”
“Would you rather me drinking beer?”
“Oh god no. You're a nightmare when you're drunk.” Jisung laughed, which made you laugh too. He had a way of distracting you from whatever you were thinking about — in a good way. He didn't want you to get too into your own head, especially with what happened with Minho.
Your expression fell as soon as you thought about the boy. You just couldn't stop thinking about it. What did you do that made him uninterested? Where did you go wrong? Was it the lame jokes you made? Or how you dropped by his class every now and then so you could go somewhere for lunch?
Minho was a reserved person. To everyone else, he was a cold, yandere-type guy who was a player. To you, well, he was someone you loved dearly. Loved. Past tense. You hated him now. You hated him since the moment you saw him with another girl right in front of you. The same girl he told you not to worry about. So ironic, you mentally scoffed.
Two can play that game.
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“Holy shit, you're actually insane.” That was Han Jisung's first reaction to your crazy idea. He started to pace around his apartment while you sat on the couch. “Don't just sit there and act like you haven't dropped a bomb on me!”
“It's a good idea.” You replied nonchalantly.
“Good idea? Good idea? Y/n, for the love of all things holy- the only way to describe your idea is insane. It's insanity. It's right up there with robbing a bank. Actually, robbing a bank would be easier.” He let out an exasperated sigh. “I need a drink.” He went to his fridge and took out a bottle of tequila and a small glass. After downing the cup, he turned back to you. “Let me get this straight, you want to fake date me — your best friend of the past twenty three years of our existence — just to get back at your ex-boyfriend? To make him jealous?”
“Yes.” You nodded.
“You want me to kiss you and hug you and go on dates with you?”
“Fake dates.” You clarified.
“Oh right, sorry. Fake dates.” He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he went back to pacing.
“And no kissing unless absolutely necessary.”
“Of course.” He massaged his temples before he turned around and walked towards where you were sitting. “Y/n. I ask this with pure love.” He crouched down right in front of you with the most concerned expression you've ever seen him in, placing his hands on your cheeks so you could look him straight in the eyes. “Have you lost your shit?”
Only Jisung could say something like that with an expression like that. You stood up from the couch and face him while crossing your arms. Jisung stood up as well, his hands in his hoodie pockets. “You're making this such a big deal. Everything is gonna be the same. It's just the both of us hanging out. We'll go to fun cafés or that amusement park you've been wanting to go to —”
“It's not a big deal for you.” He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes for a second before focusing on you again. You could tell there was so much more than he was letting on. He ran his hands through his hair and squatted to the ground with a loud groan. “You know I can't say no to you. Why are you doing this to me?”
“Two weeks. I promise. Two weeks and this is done and we can go back to being friends.” You said, trying to hide how desperate you were. “Please, Jisung.”
Usually, you could read your best friend like an open book. He was very expressive with his face and could barely hide whatever he was thinking of at that moment. But as the years went by, you could see he'd mastered the art of concealing his true feelings. Even now, you couldn't decipher what he was thinking behind those brown eyes as they became unfocused. “Why me? Why not… someone else you know?”
“Minho is not going to give a shit unless it's you. You're my best friend. You're the one guy I told him he would never have to worry about. Just like how he told me that she was just a friend. Just a friend, my fucking ass.” Your throat burned as you took a sharp inhale. “So are you going to help me or not?”
“I'll help you.” He said after a beat. He placed both his hands on the back of his neck and stared up at the ceiling. “I'll help you get your revenge.” He looked back at you. “But you have to promise me that we're going to be okay. I'm not risking my friendship over some dipshit.”
“We'll be fine. I promise.”
“You're confident.”
“Of course I am. What could go wrong?”
There was a flicker in his eyes and they darkened as he strode towards you, leaning down so you were eye to eye. He was so close, you could smell the cologne you bought him for Christmas. “Promise me you'll still be my friend, no matter what happens. Promise me you'll never hate me. Promise me… that this is all pretend.” You swallowed thickly and nodded. The words were stuck in your throat the second he came into such close proximity to you in such a… sensual way.
This was not the Han Jisung you knew. The shy, playful boy you've hung out with all your life. This was the Han Jisung your friends rave about. The Jisung from 3RACHA, the youngest in their little trio, one of the hottest boys on campus (your friend's words, not yours). You knew he wasn't a virgin by all means. He had his fair share of girlfriends and one night stands. But he was decent about it. You never understood why he kept breaking up with people, but you knew he wasn't someone like Minho. He wasn't dating for the thrill. But now… You didn't know what to think.
“Are you sure you can handle this?” He questioned, not moving a muscle. You were so close, you could feel his breath on your face and the minty smell from the gum he was chewing. Could you handle this? It was like he threw a lit matchstick onto kerosene. An old dull flame sparked inside you. A feeling you'd tucked away into the farthest part of your heart because you knew that Han Jisung was unattainable. He was your best friend. But with this new idea, you weren't sure how far you could blur the lines before friendship turned into something far more dangerous?
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AUTHOR'S NOTE : I was so excited while writing this and I wanted it to be perfect, you know? So I rewrote the scenes multiple times. Let me know what you guys think <3
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©hanjsquokka | copying, translating or republishing my work is strictly prohibited
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longlivesteddie · 1 year
soulmates au where you start seeing color if you lock your eyes with your soulmate, rockstar!eddiesoulmates au where you start seeing color if you lock your eyes with your soulmate, rockstar!eddie
I need Steve to love Corroded Coffin so much he goes to their concerts every time they are in Indianapolis. This time is different. This time he manages to push through the crowd until he's almost next to the stage. Maybe he shouldn’t have done that. Because if he stayed behind like all the previous times, there would be no chance for Eddie – the singer – to look him in the eye. The world would not start coloring itself. The singing would not stop mid-song. And Steve would not have to run away like a kid.
Eddie deserves someone better. Someone less damaged, someone less needy and clingy. Steve’s so wrapped up in his own head in the train on his way home. He’s obsessively refreshing the corroded coffin tag on twitter, but it looks like the concert continued after.
And then for two months, there's nothing. No news, no concerts, no paparazzi photos. And then suddenly a new mini album. It’s under Eddie’s name titled: to my soulmate.
Steve manages to not listen to it for the whole 20 minutes. It’s just 4 songs. And they are all beautiful, all heart breaking.
The first one starts with Eddie saying: “This is for you, sweetheart.”
One of them talks about Steve’s face and the color of his eyes and Steve’s sure that Eddie couldn't see it from the stage with all the lights around them. Does that mean that he went through footage from the concert trying to find a glimpse of him? Could he check the names on all the tickets he sold? Did he try to search for him online? Did he go through the endless follower list on his instagram account, hoping he’s gonna find Steve?
Another one talks about how Eddie understands if he’s not enough for his soulmate. And Steve’s whole chest hurts so bad as he sobs through it. Eddie is more than enough, Eddie’s perfect.
The last one is a love song. Love at first sight. It’s about everything Eddie accepted to feel if he ever found his soulmate, it’s about how wrong he was, because the words can’t describe the overwhelming love he felt the moment they looked at each other. When the song ends, Steve can hear Eddie breathing: “If you want to give me a chance, I’ll be waiting where we met. Friday, 7 o’clock.”
And then it’s quiet.
Steve’s determined not to go anywhere. He has 5 days until it’s Friday. And then it’s gonna be over. Then, Eddie can find someone else. Someone better.
On Friday, he finally confesses to Robin. If she could reach through her phone, Steve’s sure she’d pull him by his ears and kick him towards Indianapolis. He tells her all his worries, all his reasons to not go to the club. He tells her that Eddie would not want him anyway. Who would want someone like him?
“Don’t you think he should make that decision himself?“ She asks and she’s right.
The last train leaves in less than an hour and Steve barely makes it. Shaking like a leaf he sits next to a window and tries to calm himself down. He managed to take a shower before, fix his hair and put on a Corroded Coffin hoodie. He’s gonna be 20 minutes late. And he hopes, he prays that Eddie will wait a bit longer.
When the bouncer finally lets him in, Steve runs down to the stage. It’s way past 7.30. He’s not sure where Eddie could be. There’s no band playing tonight. The club is half empty so it’s not that hard to check every table.
Eddie’s not here anymore.
Tears sting his eyes. He squeezes his nose. And goes towards the bar to ask for rum and coke. He chugs half of the glass on his way towards an empty table. He writes Robin a quick message.
After he finishes his drink, he’s gonna find a place to spend the night, because there are no more trains going back to Hawkins.
Robin replies back almost instantly: “check his insta stories.”
But before Steve’s able to do that, there’s someone standing in front of him
When he looks up, he’s lost for words. Because that’s definitely Eddie. Eddie, who looks so put together. A proper contrast to Steve’s red face from running and his puffy eyes from tears that haven’t fallen yet. It takes him a solid 5 seconds to say something back.
Eddie gestures at him, smiling, like he can’t believe this is happening. Then he scratches his head and says: “I didn’t think this through.”
Steve starts laughing at the absurdity of it all and then he hears Eddie joining him.
“I’m Steve,” he finally introduces himself a minute later. He extends his hand.
“Steve, hi. I’m Eddie, but you probably already know that.” Eddie’s hand is warm and his handshake is firm. And he doesn’t let go afterwards.
“I’ve heard your songs... But you probably already know that too, since I’m here at all.”
“Did you – did you like them?” Eddie looks at him like it really matters. Like Steve’s opinion is important.
“I love them,” Steve exhales. “I’m sorry.”
Once he starts apologising he can’t stop.
“I’m so sorry Eddie. I didn’t. I thought you deserved so much better than me.”
“It’s okay. Hey, it’s okay.” Eddie says he grabs Steve’s chin and makes him look up. Eddie’s eyes are the prettiest shade of brown and Steve’s so grateful. “You’re here now.”
“I’m here,” Steve repeats. “I’m here and I’m not leaving.”
Less than a month later, there’s another mini album. Another 4 songs, but this time, they're all happy. And maybe the last one is Steve singing for Eddie.
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97keanu · 6 months
winter-themed phone sex w/ Dave Lizewski? like, y/n and Dave had plans to see each other but then a snowstorm hits and both of them are stuck in their own houses, so they have phone sex?
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*˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳WAIT I LOVE THIS ONE!!! A few years of a LDR has me basing this one on some experience... 🤭
. 。✩Tags/CW: dave and reader college au, boyfriend!Dave, circa 2010s vibes, skype s*x, mutual m*sturbation, dirty talk, I think usually Dave is a sub but today I'm feeling surprising dom!Dave(oh the confidence you can find behind a screen...), belt kink, talk of spanking/choking/slapping, semi aggressive talk, d*ldo use, cozy end.
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"So, I'll see you tonight after your last class?" Dave asks, pushing his glasses up and leaning against the wall near you to try to ask suave.
You've both just exited your last shared class of the day. You reach up and pull his hat down over his ears, knowing he's going out in that cold weather today. It's been freezing, but no sign of anything else.
"Yes! I'll be headed over to your dorm soon as my night class is done." You smile, fixing your own cold weather garments before leaning in to sneak a quick kiss.
Dave's eyes flutter behind his glasses as you kiss him, practically melting into your lips. He knows it's kind of embarrassing to kiss in front of all the other students trying to get out of their own for the day, but he also kind of likes than everyone can see someone as gorgeous as you being the one to kiss him.
You give his hand one last squeeze and head off so you aren't late to your next class.
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You're checking the clock over and over, practically aching to get out of class. Night has set so early as it does in December, and from your seat by the window, you can see the flurries of snow getting larger. Everyone is rushing, packing up quickly to try to beat the snow, but by the time you get outside, there's already more than a few inches.
You fight against a wicked wind that blinds you in a cloud of white as you try to get to your car. Your cheeks burn red from the cold, and you quickly brush off as much of the heavy blanket of snow on your car as you can before it starts to fill up with white again.
You weren't one to keep an eye on the weather, but when you finally hop into your car, you check your texts, seeing a million from Dave asking if your class was cancelled or not. You crank the heat of your car and wait for it to warm up, taking a moment to call your boyfriend.
"Babe! All you alright? Should I call a snow plow to come save you?" Dave's voice is half alarmed, half joking when he answers.
"No, no, I'm fine!" You laugh and assure him, knowing your big truck has four wheel drive and you're not unused to this weather. "But I'm not sure I can make it over tonight..."
"I totally understand..." Dave says, despite the pouting tone in his voice. "But I'll miss you..."
"I feel the same way," you say, leaning against your foggy car window. "Maybe I can make it up to you later this weekend if the snow clears."
"Yeah," Dave says with a sigh, then begins again as if he's had an idea. "Well, hey! Maybe we could try out having one of those virtual dates if you can't physically come!"
"Oh really? And what does that entail?"You laugh, not someone who's super tech savvy yourself for these things.
"W-Well," Dave says nervously, unsure it this would interest you. "We could each set up a little dinner in front of a Skype call and watch each other through our webcams? Maybe watch a movie together if we hit play at the same time?"
You think for a moment. It actually doesn't sound like a bad idea, and it's not like you really have much to do when you get home either besides maybe study and bundle up from the cold.
"That actually sounds really sweet..." You say with a smile into the phone. "I'm going to drive home, but you get it all set up for when I get there!"
"You got it!" You can tell just by his voice how excited Dave is.
. 。✩
You finally arrive home, taking twice the time as usual from the low visibility and your cautious driving. You're lucky to have made it, there were a few cars on the side of the road having had swerved and gotten stuck in sudden snow banks. You pound your boots on the entrance mat, trying to get as much snow off them as possible. You shake a flurry off white off your body and peel yourself from your scarf, hat, and coat.
Finally, you're free, taking the time to send Dave a text about your arrival and your plan to make dinner then meet him for your Skype date.
You settle upstairs with a big mug of cocoa and a few slices of left over pizza finally, and get set up in front of your computer. The good news about dating Dave was that he had helped you completely outfit and build a PC that could do just about anything, despite the fact that you only really use it for school, YouTube, and the occasional minecraft server with him. He also had a webcam installed so that you could take your online classes as well, or give him a call if you felt the need.
You strip down to just a big comfy sweater and a pair of lacy red panties, happy that the webcam only sees your upper half. You made sure to turn up the heat in your apartment, so with the vent beneath the desk, you feel perfectly cozy after a rough time in the treacherous snow.
You quickly figure out how to use Skype once more, and before you know it, Dave appears on your screen. He's in his dorm room, outfitted with only the most prestigious nerdy memorabilia on the walls and shelves behind him. He looks more than happy to see you, giving a big smile.
"It worked! Awesome! You ready for our dinner date, babe?" His voice comes through your headphones, and for a moment, a chill runs down your spine as you remember how sexy you find it.
"Of course," you say with a smile and raise your plate and mug to the camera.
Dave does the same, showing a can of Coke and a bowl of Mac and Cheese. Then he pauses as if he forgot to mention something.
"Oh! Of course, our dinner wouldn't be a date if it wasn't candle lit!" He pulls a tiny candle into frame, its small light flickering on the screen.
You laugh, finding the effort a tad romantic, and mainly happy to still be able to spend some time with him.
"So, I picked out one of your favorite movies for us to watch. I'll send you a link!" He works something on his keyboard and screen and you wonder if he really knows you well enough to find a favorite of yours.
You click the link he sends and audibly squeal.
"What! I love The Princess Bride! How did you find it?" You hadn't seen it on any streaming service in so long, so you were surprised he could pull it up with ease.
"I have my ways..." Dave says with a small blush then pressing his glasses back up once again.
The two of you chat about your day, you telling him about the wicked snow storm, and how you barely made it home. He tells you about his latest comic he's been reading, and you enjoy hearing his interest in things he's passionate about. Your mug of cocoa warms your hands and you find your little date to be not quite as good as just being together, but the next best thing.
Eventually, you two start the movie by counting down and pressing play at the same time. You get comfortable, and find yourself loving this time together while the wind rages on outside your bedroom windows.
About half way through the movie, you get up to grab a pillow from your bed to get comfortable with, and forget that the camera can see much more than it did before when you walk away from it. You hear Dave's breath catch in your headphones.
"What?" You laugh, still bending over your bed to grab your pillow, ass now completely void of any sweater coverage.
"I-um..." Dave clears his throat nervously, then tries to be a bit suave. "I didn't know you would have worn those to see me tonight, they look good on you..."
Your body freezes and you turn to the camera, where your lingerie is overly apparent. You're not sure if you should be embarrassed or not! Dave is your boyfriend, so of course he's seen you naked before, but something about the fact that it's on camera has you pulling your sweater down and heat in your cheeks.
"Aw, c'mon, you don't have to hide it..." Dave continues, his nerdy voice obviously entranced by your form.
You carefully get back in your seat, not showing anything uncouth anymore.
"Oh my god..." Your face is so red, you wish he couldn't see it right now. "I can't believe I flashed you like that, I'm sorry, I forgot how much this thing can see."
"Hey...I think it's kind of hot that I can see you like that, even when you're far away..." Dave smirks and you have to admit, the thought is starting to turn you on too.
You decide to toy with him, leaning back in your office chair so he can just barely see your thighs. You watch as Dave leans closer to the screen, obviously entranced by your figure. You lift your sweater ever so delicately, slowly revealing those panties that made him so interested in the first place.
"Like this?" You ask coyly, as if you're completely innocent as to what you're doing.
"Y-yes." Dave stammers out, and you think his glasses will practically fog up from how red his cheeks are getting.
"If you want to see more," you say with a smirk playing on your lips. "I think it's only fair I see some of you..."
You didn't think it was possible, but Dave's blush deepens even more. He pulls back a bit from the screen and tries to laugh it off how worked up he is right now.
"O-oh! I mean, I uh..." Dave's hand reaches back and gives his dark curls a toss. "If that's, wh-what you want..."
"Now who's the one being shy?" You say, raising an eyebrow and letting your sweater drop back onto your thighs in protest.
Dave tries to come up with answer to that one, and fails. He clearly wants to see more from you, however, and he repostions his webcam so you can see more of his body. Particually, his lap. Through his jeans, you can see just how hard you've made him with so little. You love how easy it is to rile him up like this.
"Sh-should I do a little striptease for you?" He jokes, but you think that's actually not a half bad idea.
"Maybe...at least take it off slowly..." You reply.
Dave begins to lift his shirt, but you stop him.
"Let's start with your pants. That way, we're even..." You play with the hem of your sweater while giving him your best doe eyes.
He concedes, standing so that most of his waist takes up the camera. You find yourself leaning in now, a wetness growing between your legs as he takes off his belt in such a perfect way. He snaps it jokingly and laughs, but pauses when he sees your reaction.
"What? Should I spank you with this next time I see you?" Dave snaps the belt again and watches as you bite your lip coyly.
"I wouldn't say no..." You say appreciating your boyfriends figure as he slowly unbuttons his jeans.
His confidence continues, and you find yourself being turned on more and more as he unzips and slowly removes his jeans.
"Maybe I will bend you over my knee and treat you like the bad girl you are..." You know he still has a wave of laughing it off just in case you're not into the dirty talk he's starting, but you sense he's also getting into himself, especially with how hard and large his cock looks beneath his underwear.
"I'd like that..." You murmur, entranced by the screen before you. "I think you should tell me how you would punish me if you were here..."
"I would, um..." Dave tries to find the words, working it out. "I would turn you over and spank you until my handprint remains..."
You give a small moan to what he's said, your hands gripping your breasts and thighs over your clothing. You hear Dave's breathing pull in sharply, and you know this must be turning him on as much as you. You pull back your sweater once more, those red panties looking tantalizing on you once more.
"T-that's right... Take more off for me..." Dave's voice wavers as he tries to find a commandeering tone, but you oblige your sweet boyfriend just this once.
"Do you have any uh, toys?" Dave questions you, voice getting huskier by the second.
"Oh...? Why, do you wanna see me play with myself?" Dave is already nodding before you're finished, and you can see the need filling his blue eyes.
You stand, letting him get another view of your ass as you pull your typical toy from your nightstand. You see Dave blush once more as he gets a gander at your large pink dildo.
You sit, opening your legs so Dave can get a good view of your cunt, your red panties already starting to be soaked through. Dave had been rubbing himself over his boxers, but upon seeing so much of you, you watch with excitment as he slowly lets his cock flop out. You know youve seen it before, but his fat cock always surprises you with how girthy and thick it is.
"Take off your sweater." Dave commands, his deep and voice full of want.
You do as he says, realize the air of being unserious about this has shifted. Suddenly, you feel very inclined to do whatever your boyfriend tells you to.
You watch as Dave strokes himself, the tip of his cock growing wet just from seeing your tits fall out of your sweater so nicely. You weren't wearing a bra underneath, so he gets a nice view of them immediately. You hear him hold back a moan, his hands working just a bit faster once he sees your full figure.
"Tell me what you want to do to me..." You whisper into your headset mic, and you watch as Dave struggles between his own pleasure and dirty talking for a moment.
"I...I want to lay you on your bed and fuck you harder than I ever have..." He says it as if he's admitting it to himself his own dominating tendency.
Usually, Dave was pretty submissive in bed, and you liked that about him, but right now, something inside both of you wanted him to be the one to take control. You slide your hands up and down your body, feeling your own tits and pretending it's him.
"I want to be on top and see your face when you take such a big cock..." Dave mutters while biting his lip to keep another moan back.
Your legs feel tingly, and a shiver runs up your spine as you hear such little whimpers from him so close to your ears right now.
"Oh yeah? Tell me more..." You encourage him, and he takes it happily.
"I want to grab you by the neck, and make sure you know that it's me who's fucking you so good... I want to watch you choke a little while I fuck your brains out." You're a bit surprised by his new wants, but you don't mind.
In fact, you wish he would say more, say something really dirty and wrong that he would want to do to you.
"Let me see it..."
You already know what he wants, but your still tease him by slowly dragging your red panties to the side so he can get a good look at your glistening cunt. A groan escapes him when you do.
"Fuck...I need to fuck you so bad..." You love how easy it is to get him here.
"What else would you do?" You let your pretty pink dildo slide up and down your slit, teasing but not entering.
"I want to see you stuffed and filled with my cock, I want to slap away any moans you make from it, even though you can't help expressing how badly you want it..." Dave leans back into his chair as he speaks, hand still working himself, but getting lost in the moment.
"I want you to slap me until my cheeks go red..." You admit, and you can tell by his little sounds how much he wants that too. "Tell me what a dirty whore I am..."
"God, you're such a dirty whore...my personal little slut that I use up when ever I want to." Dave opens his eyes and watches you play with yourself for a moment.
"Put it in. I want you to stretch yourself out on your toy and imagine it's me, slut..." He finally commands you in such a way that there's no thought of even denying him.
Not with how badly you want this right now.
You let your toy slide in deeper to your folds, going past your most precious point, and deeper. You let your legs open wide for the camera, showing off your little cunt taking such a big dildo as yours. Dave watches intently, loving seeing you do exactly what he says, loving seeing you so filled up when he can't do it himself.
"Fuck yourself for me. I want you to moan my name and beg me to let you cum..." Dave is getting closer himself, the tip of his cock red and engorged as he strokes on.
You let your free hand play with your clit, slow circles quickly getting faster and faster as you take more and more of your own pleasure. You fuck yourself deeper, letting your toy really work your cunt in ways only you know feel best. You feel your skin prickling against the cool air now that your sweater cannot warm you against the cold of your apartment. You hit just the right spot inside of yourself, and Dave's name comes from your lips. You imagine it's him, fucking you into this computer chair, his hand around your throat.
"That's it, be a good little fucking slut and show me how you play with yourself..." Dave continues to entice you towards cumming.
"You better not cum without begging me though...you got that, bitch?" You can't believe your sweet, nerdy boyfriend could growl something so mean to you, but that's what makes this even better.
"Yes," You moan, agreeing to his terms.
"Good. You know how to be a proper whore then..." He sighs while he takes a moment to watch you, his own cock wanting nothing more than release right now.
"And if you don't cum for me now, I'll have to edge you relentlessly later." Dave threatens, and you feel yourself getting closer.
"Fuck, Dave..." You squirm in your seat, your cunt overwhelmed and swollen from how much attention you're giving it right now.
"That's right, baby girl..." He encourages you.
"I'm...I'm going to cum..." You whisper as you find yourself coming undone. "Please, please let me cum...!"
Your voice quivers and begs, your body spasming but holding off as you were told. Dave let's you keep it up for a few moments, stroking his own cock harder than ever, before groaning out.
"Cum for me..."
You feel those three magic words work their way against your skin, and suddenly, you're falling over the edge, waves of pleasure across your body, blossoming from your tender cunt. You watch as Dave finds his own pleasure, cum leaking out and eventually shooting down his hand, a low moan escaping his lips. You both ride out your orgasms together, and when you're done, there's nothing but the sound of heavy breathing and the snow storm raging outside.
You both take a minute, before agreeing to take a moment to clean up. You both snap off the camera. You trot on liquid legs to your bathroom and for a moment, you can't believe you just did that. You had never had phone sex, let alone letting Dave see you so vulernable with yourself. You're still surprised by his sudden dominating energy, but you find yourself now yearn to enact what you two talked about. You'll have to bring it up next time you're over. You hope he isn't too shy when the camera isn't on.
Eventually you come back to your virtual date night, having a new mug of hot cocoa ready, and half of The Princess Bride to finish. You get the pillow you originally were going for before being sidetracked, and feel cozier and more close to Dave than ever despite the physical distance. Dave doesn't even mind when you fall asleep in your chair just before the credits roll. He leaves his computer on, but snuggles up in his bed, telling you goodnight from there and leaving his headset on to hear your soft breaths.
Maybe the snow storm wasn't so bad after all...
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Taglist: @lazyneonrabbitt @nikistan @remuslupinsno1slut @haha-im-dumb @shakedogshake @beep-boop-baby @aesniri @pinkyyy666 @lpeanut-butterl @shrekscrustybudassy @lookatmelookatme @dreary-salem @almostjollypizza @boo8008 @arabellacrybaby @imaslutforcuddles @yasugardaddieshouse @real-sharena-h @stilloverthinking @tvgirlsbluehair @magicalgoopdeanhuman @jazmin25 @sknnylgndsstuff @lenasdmns @iluvkr @d3psta @sinjinpools @whotfistaylor @mut4nts @loser-lover0527 @vselva-blog @adrienette715 @jayjay57 @gildedgwen @izzyisstuff @casuallycruel-tswiftie13 @winter-bearv
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mssonepiece · 5 months
🩷High School Sweetheart🩷
🩷Chapter 1🩷
The Text?
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Megumi Fushiguro x fem!Reader; Modern AU, no curses, cursed spirits or possession of cursed techniques; Reader and other characters are in college.
1.3k+ Words
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Dear Megumi, we've been friends since middle school and I've been thinking maybe it'd be nice to know if you feel the same way that I do about you.. I hope I don't regret this... I feel more close to you than any of our other friends and lately I can't stop myself from wanting to be around you all the time, it's okay if you don't feel the same. I love being your friend and I'm so scared to lose that because of this.
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Looking at the message you typed out on your phone five minutes before you think of how this is the corniest text you've ever written up in your life. It would be utterly embarrassing to send this message just to be left on read or be told that your feelings are not reciprocated, making things awkward between the two of you. But you've felt as though you've had this crush on Megumi for so long that it's either shoot your shot and try to be something more or force yourself to stop hanging out with him in hopes to lose all romantic feelings toward him. Will that ever happen though? Would you be able to lose feelings even if you did ignore him? The more you think about the situation the more you feel like the text is a bad idea. Is it a good idea to ruin this friendship for the chance of something... more. Ding
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~After The FaceTime With Maki~
You and Maki talked on the phone for a good hour and a half before you had to end it short for a bit of grocery shopping. You should have done it much earlier in the week, then you could have stayed on the phone longer. If you don't go today though then you will have nothing to eat tonight. On the way there you think back about what Maki told you over the phone. She of course had more to say about Mai, they've been living together for a year now in an apartment their parents pay for but Maki is the only one doing the daily chores around their house. You think that if you were her, you would have made Mai do more or move out way sooner. Maki of all people is surprisingly patient with her though.. at times.. It seems like she's also having the usual problems with her father too. They always seem to have some sort of dispute going on but today was particularly bad. He doesn't accept what college she has chosen to go to and is trying to have her drop out and transfer to the same college that Mai attends. Mai goes to a more high-league school but Maki has no interest in going to a school that is only to help her family's public image... It's that bad. Well her father called again pestering her this morning and when she declined for the hundredth time, he called the college board saying that Maki was very interested in transferring soon, even asking for her transcript. He's taking things too far, you can't help but feel bad for her. Wishing you could have talked to her more on the phone and carried on walking the short way to your local market.
The sun is setting, casting a beautiful blend of colors across the cloudless sky. On the side of the sky where the sun has already subsided, stars are starting to appear. Your feet slowly stop moving forward as you crane your neck up, getting a better view of the whole night sky. You could look at it forever but the awkward feeling of standing in the middle of a sidewalk was creeping up on you, making you take slow steps towards the market again. It's a silent walk other than the cars and people passing by. It's peaceful. Well until the sudden thought of wanting to share this moment with Megumi. Leading to a slideshow of thoughts. Your head felt like it was spinning and full of so much information that it just wanted to drop on the hard concrete ground.
The market doors seem to appear in front of you out of nowhere, arms instinctively reaching out to pull the handles. Maybe you've been a little in your head lately because of this whole Megumi thing but none of the choices of action are appealing. If you were to end up ruining your friendship with Megumi over some high school crush then you’re sure you could never forgive yourself. He’s always been there, mentally and physically. Ever since you first became close in middle school he has been the first friend you would choose to hang out with, even though he can be a bit of a bore sometimes he is good company. You could be sitting in silence together for hours, him reading a book and you playing a video game, watching a show, or sometimes reading along with him and neither of you would have anything to complain about. But if you carry on feeling like this without ever telling him then it would soon be too hard to even be around him anyway. It’s slowly becoming a comfort to have him just hanging around whenever you have something you need to do. You would have even asked him to come along shopping with you if you had not felt embarrassed by the whole text you wrote up earlier, and didn’t even send. The urge to text him now is strong but what to say isn’t coming to mind. You’re better off getting what you need from the market and going back home. Maybe then you'll be able to think of something to send him.
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Setting the few bags of grocery’s down on your dining room table you finally take a deep breath for the first time in what seems like hours. Reaching back for your phone from the back pocket of your jeans, you open the messages app. 
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After updating Kirara and texting Maki again about your crush situation, you decide it’s best to put your phone away for a bit while you make dinner. Choosing to ignore the fact that you told both of your friends you were going to text Megumi. But also sending a text to Nobara that will catch her attention, riling up her pho mo.
Your kitchen isn't very big, only having a small one bedroom apartment often doesn't come with much foot space. You still try to make it look nice with decor and furniture. Plants really have helped with brightening up your home, bringing different greens and yellows throughout your house. It makes you feel like your apartment is 'homey' and more livable. Everywhere you've lived before here never really felt like your own. Going from your family home, to a year long roommate situation, and finally now you rent your own apartment off-campus. It's such a different feeling knowing that you have the place to yourself and of course the responsibility of the bills will definitely make you feel that difference too. It's close to campus, just a short five minute walk. You're even able to stop by Starbucks everyday, you don't.. but you could. You basically live in the center of town so you can walk to most places with ease, making rent much more tolerable too when not having to pay for a car. You'll have to deal with your college loans later in life, but that's the least of your current worries.
Dinner is as boring as usual, chicken and rice. Anything that is quick and easy to make so that you can relax sooner. It doesn't take long to make the rice and start on the chicken. You start to feel like it would have been better to order food but it's all worth it when you get to sit on the couch with a steaming bowl of chicken and rice. Situating a pillow in your lap, then the bowl of food on top. You use your right hand to hold the bowl in place on your lap and the other to reach for the tv remote now that you're comfortable, turning on the television to Netflix most recent watches. Episode 13 of "Orange is The New Black" brightens the display from the dark loading screen previously there. You raise your hand to the spoon sitting in the white glass bowl and take a bite from it as the show starts. You hear a faint ringing of an iPhone from the kitchen but choose to ignore it til the end of the episode.
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Tag List~ @m00nglad3-mp3 @we-loveebony
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Black Light 8
Warnings: namecalling, violence, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: thank you for waiting! Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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Jazzercise in the park sounded like a great idea when you signed-up. You didn't put much thought to the demographic until you showed up. Amid the grannies dressed in their most neon oranges and hottest of pinks, you stick out like a sore thumb. Still, you don't mind the excuse for some fresh air and to make some friends.
A sheen of sweat breaks out on your forehead and you feel the fitness flowing through you. You look over at Gladys as she nearly puts you to shame with her spry lunges. You sigh and look to your other side, wishing Hottie was there. Too bad she has work.
You follow the instructor, a woman in her late fifties, Sonya. She hops and bops to the vibes of Wham as she hollers at you to get moving. You find yourself bouncing all over the place, the pedestrians along the path and the sitters on the benches watching at all angles. You might look ridiculous but it feels great.
You jump a bit too far back and crash into another body. You expect Meredith and her tight spirals flowing over a sweatband, but instead find yourself on the path, nearly stampeded by the large body heaving and sweating. You get your balance and untangle yourself from the stranger. Not a stranger at all.
August's curls are slightly dampened with his sweat, his skin glistening, as he wears a sleeveless black muscles shirt and even drabber shorts. A little colour wouldn't hurt.
"You," he snarls as he steps back.
"You!" You cheep brightly, "are you here for Jazzercise too?"
"What? I'm running--- Typical. I just can't seem to shake you. Like a bad cold."
"Hm, is there a such thing as a good cold?" You tap your lip, "maybe if it helps you build immunity--"
"Enough," he checks his watch and sighs, looking down the winding paved path, "I don't have time for this."
"I don't either," you put on a scowl, "you know, I'm out here tryna get in shape and you're running into people--"
"You jumped in my way," he accuses.
"My bad," you put your hands up and step off the pavement, "as you were."
You spin and dismiss him. You come join Gladys as she runs in place and you focus on Meredith's barking demands. Whew, this is awesome but you're gonna be in bed for at least a day recovering.
You walk home alone, enjoying the sunshine and the song birds flying around the statues. You follow the trail to the gates and onto the street. It's not very far from home, a couple blocks if that. You feel the adrenaline fading and the nip of fatigue that underlies it. You can't wait to chill, and maybe take a shower.
You pull at your shirt, trying to air out your sweaty torso. As you turn onto the next avenue, you hear a step out of rhythm. You look over your shoulder but only find a Ford Fiesta driving down the road. You shrug and carry on.
As you come to your house, you see the drive way is empty. It's not surprising. Your mom and dad are social people, more so since you aged into college. Hottie says it's a midlife crisis, but you expect they just feel free now that you're and adult. Well, you do your best.
You hop up the steps and take out your keys. You leave it unlocked as you stop to take off your shoes. The only thing on your mind is a tall refreshing glass of water. You don't think orange pop is a great post-work out refresher, as bubbly as it is.
You go into the kitchen and fill a glass. You head out to the deck, leaving the sliding door open as you sit in the shade. You drain almost half the glass before setting it aside on the patio table. You lean forward and undo your fanny pack, putting it next to the water.
You lean back and close your eyes. You really should get washed up. You're a little smelly. Oh, maybe Hottie's done. You can't remember when she said she worked until.
You drag yourself to your feet and finish the water. You leave the empty glass in the kitchen and stop to look at the crooked whiteboard on the fridge. You fix it and turn your attention to your phone.
Your mom texted you during the class. Her and your dad drove up to your aunt's for their big summer blowout. The same one they seem to have every week or so.
You go upstairs and to your room. You undress a piece at a time. The body suit wasn't a great choice as you peel it away from your skin and the leggings catch around your ankle. Ew, you feel nasty.
You wrap yourself in a fresh towel and walk down the hall to the bathroom as you message Hottie to check in. It's a perfect night for a sleepover. Your dad always drinks too much when he's around your uncle.
You put your phone on the counter and swing the door behind you, not caring that it doesn't clasp. You put the towel over the bar and slide back the frosted door. You bend to crank on the faucet letting the water heat before stepping under it.
You bask in the steam and wash away the residue of your workout. You take your time, a rare chance to do so. You step out and find the whole room foggy. Jeez, like a sauna or whatever.
You grab your towel and pat yourself dry, swathing yourself in the cotton before letting the steam out into the hall. You hum that George Michael diddy as you come down to your room and hit the high note just as you find an unexpected figure on the foot of your bed. It's not your teddy bear.
Your heart drops and you barely keep the towel from doing the same.
"August?" You gape in confusion, has the steam made you delirious?
He smirks, the first time you've seen anything but fury in his features. You gulp loudly and clutch the knot of the towel. You don't like that little light in his eyes, like a wolf about to feast.
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