#but I had to figure out why I can’t stand this movie
ladykailitha · 2 days
A Love Connection Part 1
In a very special engagement (as in a don't normally post 5 days a week), I introduce "A Love Connection"!
If the premise looks familiar the original idea is from here, where a couple of people in the notes or tags said they'd love to try it. And after a year, I figured I'd try my own hand at the idea.
This will update on Tuesdays at 10am and 10pm EST. With hopefully eight chapters.
Summary: Steve has tried everything under the sun to find someone to truly connect with, so he gives up after a particularly horrible date. Then Chrissy introduces him to her favorite game show "Love Connection". When Chrissy and Robin apply for him, they don't think they'll except him, but he does. His suitors are Billy Hargrove, Tommy Hagan, and Eddie Munson. Will Steve crash and burn again or will his connection be there waiting for him?
Look, to say Steve’s love life was a disaster would be unfair. That would be underselling it. It was a fucking catastrophe. He had gone to bars, joined hobby groups, used all the apps, even Grindr; though that was mostly for hookups, which sucked. But that was the nature of the beast if he was honest.
And the beast had completely devoured him. All his dates were either only interested the casual, cheated on him, or wanted one-night stands. Which Steve absolutely did not want. He wanted connection. Intimacy.
“I absolutely give up,” he whined to Robin, after the last date tried to slip out in the middle of the night, knocked over their lamp into their goldfish bowl, killing the goldfish, then he tried to hide the evidence by dumping it down the garbage disposal and turning it on! Lied about it, then stole their last beer as “compensation for his trauma’ and told Steve to never call him again.
“Look, Ryan wasn’t the best guy,” Robin replied with a grimace. “He liked Oasis and Tool unironically. Always a red flag.”
Steve snorted. Robin was a music snob most days, but she wasn’t wrong about that. Ryan and he had been dancing around and with each other for weeks before they finally got so hot and heavy that they went back to Steve’s for sex.
“It’s not fair,” he huffed. “You went to that bar and you a hottie girlfriend and I went to that bar and fucked a fish killer! I loved Garfield! He lived for five years before that bastard mercilessly murdered him. That’s long than my last ten relationships combined!”
Robin winced. “Ooh... I’m going to have to call Chrissy and let her know we can’t go back to that gay bar again.”
“Oh he’s so dead now!” Steve ranted. “Not only is he fish killer, he has driven us from our favorite bar!”
“Let me order us some take out,” Robin said standing up, “then I’ll call Chrissy over and we’ll all cry over Ciarán Hinds and Amanda Root falling in love.”
Steve sniffed away a couple of tears and nodded. “Then can we have a funeral for Garfield?”
Robin tilted her head and smiled sadly. “Of course we can. It’s a Sunday so none of us have work. We can watch as many weepy romance movies as you want, okay?”
“Okay,” Steve croaked. She gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek. He watched her wander into the kitchen to see what leftovers they had in the fridge so they could order from somewhere else. He loved her so much.
Sometime in the afternoon when they were more than a little tipsy, Chrissy commandeered the remote and turned on her favorite game show.
“Love Connection”
“Noooo...” Steve whined, burying his head into a throw pillow. It was Garfield shaped. It was what inspired the naming of the valiant fish. “This is the last thing I want to see. It’s so fake. No one gets together on these things. It’s so cheesy.”
“Exactly!” Chrissy crowed. “That’s why it’s perfect, we get to make fun of them!”
Steve thought that the only good part of the show was the second half. The first half was split into three different rounds. The first round was each suitor answer the one question, for a total of fifteen and then the catch would rank them, best got three points, second two, and third only one.
Then in the second round there were a set of rapid fire either or questions that the catch would yell out and the suitors would write down their answers. If their answer matched the catch’s they would get a tally. Whoever had the most tallies would win five points. Then three points to second place and one to the last place.
Then in the final round, each suitor would be asked separate questions and the catch would rate their answer one through three and that’s how many points they would get. Then at the end of the round all the points would be tallied up and the two highest would move on to the next round.
To the part that Steve actually liked. The first question always asked was “what would you do for a first date?” And the suitors got to take the catch out for the date and then afterward for drinks, the two dates would ask the catch some of the questions he asked them. Then the catch would pick the one they connected to the best.
It was all the stupid questions that bothered Steve. That was the fun part of dating, having these conversations and learning about them as you go. But then maybe that’s what Steve’s problem was, is that the people he dated didn’t care about these types of conversations.
“Why would you say you hate sports,” Steve huffed, waving his hand at the screen, “when the guy is a major soccer fan? Like did she think that she was going to put a stop to him enjoying it after starting dating?”
“Ooh yeah,” Chrissy agreed. “Just pick a different catch.”
Robin turned to her and tilted her head. “Do they get to chose their catch? I thought it was all random.”
Chrissy paused the show and pulled out her phone and the Wikipedia article. “Okay, it says here that people can apply to be suitors,” she waved at the row of women in the three booths. “Or catches.” She indicated the guy with her hand. “If they’re chosen to be a suitor then they are given a list of catches, headshot included. Then they rank vote them, so if four people pick Henry, then one will be on their second rank vote. And that part is randomized. According to them, anyway.”
Steve snorted. He highly doubted anything was randomized or voted on. They went for the biggest drama and everyone knew it.
“How long has this show been going on?” he huffed. “Like please tell it’s new and shiny and that’s why people like it.”
Robin snorted and shook her head. “Sorry, babe. But this is season twelve.”
“Oohh...” Chrissy said. “We need to show him the season six finale. That was hella juicy!”
So despite Steve’s protests, Chrissy pulled it up on her streaming services even though they hadn’t even finished the episode they were on.
When the credits rolled, Steve stared at the screen in utter shock. “What the honest fuck was that?”
Two of the three guys got into an all out brawl when the one guy had scored the lowest and felt that the second place suitor cheated. Not first place, second. Both guys were arrested and hauled off the set.
“It came out later Sven was right,” Robin said. “Elliot cheated. His cousin was an ex of the catch so he went in knowing a lot about Stella. The things he got wrong were things that had changed since she was dating his cousin.”
Chrissy nodded. “That’s why the have partitions up between the suitors now and why they have vigorous screening now. The show was almost canceled.”
“So why wasn’t it?” Steve asked honestly. “That was a shit show, if I was Stella I would have sued them into oblivion.”
Robin squirmed uncomfortably in her seat. “She did, but they settled out of court.”
“Basically,” Chrissy said, pouring them more wine and handing the first glass to Steve, “she wanted them to completely overhaul the system. She didn’t want it off the air, she wanted it safer for future participants.”
“The more the fool them,” Steve huffed. He took a long sip of his wine. “All right, fine. Let’s start at the beginning.”
Robin and Chrissy cheered and they all huddled up together on the sofa to watch this absolute train wreck of a show.
They were about half way through the third season and twice as drunk when Steve slurred, “Why are there no gay peemles in this? It’s a trav–trad–tramajesty.”
“Travesty!” Robin slurred back, her language skills always being the last to go when she’s three sheets to the wind. “And you are absolutely right! This is homophobic!”
Chrissy nodded solemnly and pulled out her phone. “I’mma show them...” she muttered with her tongue sticking out. “At loveconnectionUSA Need more gays, hashtag loveconnection hashtag need more gays.”
It wasn’t long after that that the three of them passed out on the sofa, empty bottles all around them and a message on the screen asking if they’re still watching.
There was a loud beeping noise and it absolutely was hurting his head. He reached over to where his phone was usually plugged in on his nightstand, but his hand went straight through it. He waved his arm all over the place but still his nightstand eluded him.
He peaked open one eye but his vision was obscured by a mass of blonde hair. He tried to push it out of the way but it kept falling back into his face. Finally he pushed Robin off him and onto the floor with a thud.
“Hey!” she yelped.
Steve peered over the edge of the sofa with a look of confusion. “Why are you on the floor?” he muttered over the still beeping of his alarm.
“Stop!” he mumbled and somehow, blissfully it did.
“I’m on the floor because you pushed me there,” Robin huffed, getting to her feet. She did a sniff test and grimaced when she completely failed. “God... how much did we drink yesterday?”
Chrissy struggled to sit up and blinked at her girlfriend groggily. “Not enough if I feel like this.”
Steve rolled over and looked at them both in confusion, then the events of Saturday and all day Sunday came flooding back in.
“Oh fuck...” he muttered, sitting up himself and rubbing his face. One eye was blurry from where his contact had shifted in the night. He wasn’t even sure why he had them on. Probably from sheer force of habit.
He got up and stumbled toward the bathroom where he emptied his stomach of all its boozy contents. He really didn’t remember them eating after breakfast, only a steady stream of harder and harder liquor.
While his was puking his guts out, Chrissy and Robin stole the shower. Thankfully only taking the time they needed to get the gross feeling of being hungover off their skin.
Then Steve closed his eyes as they exited the shower and snuck into Robin’s room to get ready for work. They all worked at Hawkins Middle School, where Steve was a history teacher who coached swimming and basketball. Chrissy was a health teacher and advisor for cheerleading. And Robin was the language teacher. The principal snatched her up because she could teach French, Spanish, and Italian, with her only needing to hire a German teacher.
Steve got his shower and then opted for glasses instead of his contacts, not trusting his shaky hands not poke out his eye or some shit.
They all were mostly human once they got coffee, painkillers, and cereal in them, the three of them, no doubt looking like escaped extras from a zombie flick. They moved as one, gathering up their stuff and shuffling out to Steve’s car. Chrissy sat in the back, Robin riding shotgun.
Chrissy opened her phone to check to see if she had any messages. “Holy shit!”
Part 2
Look I'd be sorry about the cliffhanger, but you're only waiting 12 hours for it, soooo...
Have fun!
1-@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @cryptid-system
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @justforthedead89 @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
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onlygetssmuttier · 1 day
Scream for me!
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Synopsis: A young woman is home alone until she get’s a call from an unknown number. Ghostface forces his way inside to play a game of psycho killer, making her his helpless victim.
TW: CNC and knife play
The living room is dark, and the tv is on. Halloween is playing and the flicker of the tv lights up the dark room. The sofa is empty. The room unoccupied.
Vvvvvvv-vvvvvvvvv, vvvvvvvv-vvvvvvv.
The phone on the coffee table a mobile lights up. The phone rotates, eager to be picked up and held. A hand reaches out, and picks it up. Holly stands there with the phone in her hand, and a glass of red wine in the other, wondering who’s calling her at this time of night. It’s an unknown number, caller with held. Maybe it’s the Boogeyman.
She answers hesitantly. “Hello?” There’s a second of silence. She takes a sip of her wine, already over the prank call this obviously is. “Who is this?”
Then a voice. It’s strange, ominous, but sweet and playful. “Who do you think it is?” the voice responds.
Holly’s posture relaxes. “I don’t know… is this you Tommy?” She sits on the sofa.
“What makes you say I’m Tommy?”
“I don’t know, you said guess, and this seems like something he’d do. He’s an immature boy.”
“Well I’m not Tommy, Holly. ”
“You’re obviously someone who knows me. If you’re not Tommy, then who are you?”
“I can say I’m not an immature boy like Tommy.”
Holly rolls her eyes, “of course, really mature, if you’re not going to tell me why shouldn’t I just hang up?
“It’s more fun if you don’t know – don’t you know anything about mystery and suspense? The great Alfred Hitchcock was the master of it, you’ve heard of him haven’t you?”
“Hitchcock you, bitch!” He spits violently. “Don’t you watch any movies? Psycho, The Birds, Rear Window. You need to learn some respect.”
“Oh yeah? Who’s going to make me learn it, you? I don’t even know who you are or what you look like.”
Vvvvvv vvvvv. A message. Holly lowers her phone and opens the message from the unknown number. It’s a photo. It’s dark and low quality photo of a figure in a black cloak, and a Ghostface mask.
Holly leans back, eyebrow raised, bitting her lower lip. Raising the phone back up to her ear and puts her feet up on the coffee table, “you didn’t tell me you were a masked man,” she says seductively.
“Does that interest you, Holly?” She can’t see him, but she imagined he’s smirking under his mask on the other side of the phone. “Do you like a man in a mask?”
She lets out a nervous giggle, thinking about the photo, she raised her hand to hide her shy smile. “I’ve always had a thing for masked men! So maybe I do know something about enjoying a little mystery!”
“Oh yeah? Ever had a man have his way with you while he was wearing a mask, Holly?”
Holly blushes and shakes her head shyly, “no, I haven’t.”
The man on the phone laughs. It’s a low laugh – slightly menacing, but seductive.
“So what do I call you Mr?—”
“— Ghostface. You can call me Ghostface.”
“Ok, Mr Ghostface,” she relaxes back even more into the sofa with a smile on her face, taking a deep drink from her wine glass, “I wonder what you look like under the mask?”
“You should be more focused on what’s under my robes.”
“Oh?” Slightly surprised at the bluntness, but a little aroused. She smirks to herself, and slowly slides a hand between her legs. Her voice changes, sounding needy and helpless. “Do you have a large weapon you want to use on me?”
“You could say that, yes.”
“Are you going to get your weapon out for me? I can run my tongue along it, Mr Ghostface, if that’s something you’d like?” She closes her eyes and lets out a soft moan. Her hips start to move as she touches herself.
“Why don’t I come in and show you?”
Holly stops, snaps back to her senses and sits up rapidly.
“What did you just say?” She says with genuine fear.
“I said why don’t I come over and show you.”
“No, that’s not what you said.”
“What did you think I said?”
She turns towards the front door. She can’t remember if it’s locked. She downs the rest of the wine in the glass before putting it down on the coffee table, then she slowly gets up from the sofa and moves towards the door. She’s a metre away! KNOCK! KNOCK!
She freezes. From the phone in her hand at her side she hears his voice, “Holly, are you going to let me come inside?” She reaches out slowly but before she reaches the door, the door handle moves and the door opens. In the doorway stands a figure in a black cloak, and a mask. It the man from the photo, it’s Ghostface. He slowly tilts his head to the side, “Surprise, Holly.”
He rushes in, the door shutting behind him sealing her in, before she has chance to move, and grabs her by the throat and pins her against the wall. She panics under his grip. “You said you like a man in a mask. So how about we play a game?” He leans in closer. “Let’s play psycho killer. I’ll be the killer and you can be my helpless victim. You’re home alone, and I’m going to cum inside.” The look on her face changes, changes to a naughty curiosity. He grips her throat a little harder and she goes doe-eyed, and let’s out a whimper.
With his free hand he reaches into his robes, and takes out his hard and throbbing cock. She glances down and she’s hypnotised. He wasn’t joking when he said he had a weapon. It had to be eight inches – bigger than she’d ever seen in person.
“Let’s begin,” he says, as he releases the grip on her throat and forces her to her knees, grabbing her jaw, forcing her to look up at him, “you did say you wanted to use your mouth, you slut.”
He pushes his cock into her mouth, spreading her lips around his head, sliding in deeper. She gags but he doesn’t stop. He places both his hands on her head, and pushes her back into the wall as he begins to thrust his cock in and out of her mouth, face fucking her. She gags. Tears begin running down her face. He continues to thrust his cock to the back of her throat, moaning under his breath, “fuck”, ignoring her gags and pleads for air. She can’t take anymore, and he pulls his cock out. She gasps for air. His cock glistens, covered in her drool. Stretching from his cock back to her mouth is a strand of spit, as it drips onto the floor. Her face is a mess, with tears running down her cheeks, and spit dripping her chin onto her clothes.
She looks up at him, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. She moves her head closer to his cock and takes him back into her mouth, this time she’s in control. She runs her tongue over his cock, looking up into the mask – sucking on his balls, making him moan. She wraps her hand around his shaft and strokes the length of his sloppy cock. Her hand gliding over it. She can’t help but moan as she takes him willingly into her mouth. He moans out as her throat takes all of him. Gone is the helpless victim, now only the cock hungry slut is left.
Ghostface grabs her hair and pulls her head away from his cock. She lets out a moan, not wanting to stop. Holly can’t remember enjoying a cock this much, especially because it’s a cock of a stranger – of a masked stranger. He pulls her across the room by her hair and throws her onto the floor. He towers above her. She understands she’s to play the victim, so she turns and crawls, and for the extra authenticity she let’s out screams of panic. Ghostface tilts his head, his cock getting harder as he takes himself in his hand and strokes it, enjoying the helplessness of his victim. She doesn’t get far, and he steps over her, leaning down. He grabs her by the throat from behind. She looks helpless, a look of fear in her eyes, but begging for more. He reveals a phone in his hand and he turns it on the two of them and takes a photo. He lets her throat go, flips her onto her back and pulls out a knife. His knife slices through her dress and he tears away her clothes, leaving her naked on the floor.
He picks her up and throws her over the back of the sofa, using his feet to spread her legs apart, he pulls off his gloves. He reaches around and spreads her pussy. “What a pretty pussy you have, although it’s looking a little empty”. He slides his fingers inside her pussy. She lets out a moan of pleasure. “Oh you are a slutty victim. Your pussy is dripping for me.” She moans as he carries on sliding his fingers inside her, commanding her to come closer with a beckoning movement of his fingers. She pushes herself close as he finds her g-spot, while his other hand rubs her clit. The sounds of her moans, mixed with his and the sound of her wet pussy fill the room.
“Please, Mr Ghostface, I need more,” she breathlessly says through her moans. He replies with a low cocky laugh. Pulling his hands away he grabs her hair and slides his cock inside her, both letting out a moan of pleasure. He starts thrusting his cock inside her, speeding up. He moves his hands to her shoulders so he can pull her down on his hard cock as he pounds into her, using her for his own pleasure, like she’s his personal fleshlight. “Fuck yes, your pussy feels so good for my throbbing cock,” he moans through his gritted teeth.
He pounds harder into her, pulling he down onto him with each pound. She can no longer control herself, her moans get louder, they begin to turn into screams of pleasure because she can’t take his cock anymore. Her pussy is sensitive, and her legs begin to shake. She lets out a whiny cry, “I’m cumming,” and she moans harder than she had before. Her legs begin to shake violently.
He doesn’t slow down. He grabs her arms, hooking them behind her back. She moans hard, in pleasurable pain. He starts grunting and breathing heavily. She cums again, and again. Her legs weakening beneath her, he keeps pounding. “I can’t stop cumming” she whines. He grunts harder. Then he lets out a loud moan as he cums, shooting his warm sticky cum inside her, filling his victim up.
He pulls his cock out of her wet pussy, and his cum drips out between her lips and down her thighs. Her legs are weak, but she manages to fall onto the sofa, a bare naked mess, dripping with cum and covered in her own spit.
Ghostface laughs at his victim, now completely helpless and gasping for air. He puts away his cum covered cock and turns away. He walks towards the front door, and leaves, closing it behind him.
Holly lies on the sofa in a state of ecstasy, questioning whether that did actually just happen. Her phone vibrates and she picks it up, and in the chat is the photo of Ghostface standing above her desperate and needy face, with her throat in his grasp. It did. She bites her lip, replaying what Ghostface had just done to her body. She can’t help herself looking at the photo, and with his cum still dripping out of her, claiming her as his, her hand slowly makes it’s way back between her legs to play with her cum filled pussy.
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arliedraws · 9 months
Rewatching the PoA movie as I do chores, and I gotta pause while I’m thinking about this.
People who know me even slightly understand that this is my least favorite HP movie. In my opinion, it totally misses the point of the book and tries to simply hit plot points without understand what ties them all together.
If this is YOUR movie and you LOVE IT, this post is NOT for you! Save yourself some grief and don’t click the ‘read more’ below.
Here’s what the film does right:
- Wise/playful Sirius. We get a wink and nice touchy moment with Harry, and I see a glimpse of the Sirius I love here. This is good! The quiet moments with Gary Oldman is Sirius are VERY good. As time goes on, I am much more confident that Oldman would’ve made a very good Sirius given the opportunity. That intimate scene with Harry and Sirius at the end is a good cinematic interpretation of the internal longing Harry expresses to the reader.
Okay, that’s it. That’s all I like.
Nitpicky bits:
- The editing is just. Weird. We see ONE dinner scene with Marge and it seems like Harry just blows up one night (or blows her up lol) as if he’s just got a short fuse. Harry is a quiet person. He watches, he listens, he puts up with shit until he breaks. This scene needed to be longer, it needed to have more tension. We needed to understand the deal between Uncle Vernon and Harry + signing the permission form for Hogsmeade. One way this could have been shot with Harry at the table with everyone and slooooooow down the conversation. Build the tension. Close-ups, shots of Harry trying to pretend he doesn’t hear her. The book scene is very tense because Harry is quiet as they are talking about him as if he’s not there. THEN, he quietly speaks, drawing their attention.
- Don’t get me started on the Firebolt scene.
- Sirius saying when Remus is transforming “OH NO HE DIDN’T TAKE HIS POTION” as if Remus regularly took Wolfsbane back in the day? And then Sirius pleading with Remus not to transform??? Like Sirius, I think you know werewolves don’t work like that.
- I hate the werewolf design. It doesn’t HAVE to look like the wolf in canon (which is nearly indistinguishable from a regular wolf), but damn, it just didn’t do it for me.
- When Harry sees Peter on the Map??? Dude that was so dumb.
- The scene with the animal noises? Why? I don’t care about the other boys in Gryffindor. Show me why the trio are close other than out of loyalty (something that the books honestly miss out on)
- Remus being so upfront with Harry that he knew his parents and then focussing on LILY??? And also, part of what we learn over time in the book is that Remus knew James but refuses to indulge Harry. He keeps all of that secret—the mystery of Remus is completely wasted in this movie. I would have personally played this up in the film. Build him up as the “cool” professor who holds back emotionally. The payoff when he shows up at the end at the Shrieking Shack would be like, “Oh shit! I knew there was something off about him!” when it seems like he’s helping Sirius. Then, he would have to earn back the audience’s trust just like he does with the trio.
- The Aesthetic: this movie relies on aesthetic so much more than “what makes sense narratively.” There is so much winking at the audience by the filmmakers it drives me bonkers. Anytime something weird happens, they’re like, “Haha this weird thing is NORMAL in the wizarding world! Look at how weird it is! But for them! It’s normal!” Like jfc we get it. I know the first two movies are like, “look at how beautiful magic and cool is” but GOD. This is the film where we need magic to be “normalized.” We get it. We’re three films in. This is a magical world. These cheesy, winking-at-the-camera moments aren’t even like…cute or fun. They’re boring and uncreative. “Oh, how about a maid opens a door and a monster screams at her and she’s bland about it.” Like. Is it supposed to be funny? Because…it’s boring.
When you’re focused on Vibes rather than Character, everyone turns into a cheap, bland caricature. The filmmakers do NOT understand who the characters are. Even in Sorcerer’s Stone, Ron is the comic relief but we understand that he is fiercely loyal. In PoA, he is pure comic relief. They don’t even understand Harry. Both his and Ron’s lines are given to Hermione in the Shack scene which is like…why????
But this is the problem. At the heart of every scene, it was as if the filmmakers didn’t understand why the scene was there. In the film, Harry is an angsty teenager and things happen TO him. Oh sure, they want to show that Harry feels something but…we don’t really, as an audience, FEEL it. They TRY to force that emotional tension by rushing events along and then showing Harry crying sometimes and yelling his feelings. yawn, honestly.
- There is SO MUCH SHOUTING in this film. Harry screams about killing Sirius when he hears the Minister/McGonagall/Rosmerta talking about the betrayal. This was so…poorly done. This boy needs to close himself off from his friends and stew in his hatred, not scream about it. We need to be angry with him, not feel sad for him. We need to want to kill Sirius too.
Look, it would’ve been a boring movie scene if they’d done it like the book. This is not an adaptation-friendly book, and I’ll be the first to admit it. BUT. What they could have done was this: use flashbacks and montages. They do it in Sorcerer’s Stone when Hagrid explains how the Potters died and it’s effective—you see Lily panicking, dying, and then you see cute little Harry with a wand in his face. That’s emotional!
This scene in The Three Broomsticks should have been a flashback with voiceover from Fudge/McGonagall/Rosmerta/Hagrid. It should have shown us Sirius and James being best friends at Hogwarts. With them, we could see Peter and Remus (who we wouldn’t know was Lupin). Then, we should have seen Hagrid arguing with Sirius about who gets Harry (the little devil in me wants to hear Sirius’s voice break, but also, we should feel like Sirius is going to harm the baby Harry). Thennnnnnn we should have seen what the Muggle witnesses saw — Peter crying that Sirius betrayed Lily and James, a misleading explosion, and then Sirius laughing. Thennnnn a close-up of Peter’s finger. Back to present.
Why is this effective and why would it build tension? As the audience, we need to be presented with proof that Sirius is a bad guy. We need to understand why this guy’s gotta be caught!
Also, show us how scary Sirius is by reeeaaaallly playing it up with a scene with the Minister in Azkaban—quiet, sinister Sirius please. Again, give us the tension! (Sirius acting all crazy in the wanted posters instead of the book’s slow blinking, empty-eyed prisoner totally misses the mark for me.) Then, show us him sleeping and talking in his sleep.
This would have been effective becaaaaaaause you could have brought back this flashback in the Shrieking Shack scene.
Which brings me to: The Shrieking Shack scene.
The most disappointing part of the film, in my opinion.
This is supposed to be it—the built-up tension (which never actually happens) finally explodes here. But the movie holds no tension so this scene is reduced to a lot of yelling in the movie. And of course Hermione taking everyone’s lines for some reason.
As as audience, we can’t just be scared. We should be angry. Sirius needs to be quiet, softer. He’s lured Harry away from safety by kidnapping his friend. He needs to be grinning, taunting Harry (I mean, he’s not, but it sounds like it). We need to feel like Sirius is just fucking AWFUL. Sirius MUST compare Harry and Ron to James and himself. Stretch this out like a rubber band until it snaps—until Harry snaps. GOD THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SUCH A JUICY SCENE.
The explanation should have been all voiceover—Remus explaining what happened over shots of the Marauders’ time at Hogwarts. Otherwise, it’s weird that we don’t have an explanation of the Marauders…at all??
When Sirius explains what really happened November 1st, we would see shots that the original flashback didn’t show (Peter looking miffed/jealous/“suspicious” behind everyone’s backs, Peter becoming Secret Keeper, a shady glimpse Peter kneeling before a faceless Voldemort or some shit, and then finally—the missing shots from the explosion in the flashback from earlier in the film.) Then, let’s see Sirius wasting away in Azkaban, growing older and older. Give us the EMOTIONAL WEIGHT. Then, Sirius’s voice breaks and we cut back to the present. We see the trio fighting with their own interpretations with close-ups.
(I also wanna see Sirius seeing the photograph of Pettigrew when he’s explaining how he knew Peter was alive.)
Also, also. Peter needs to be the Gollum of this film. Gives us watery eyes, precious. There has to be a reason he isn’t dead, and it’s because he’s so pathetic, no one can kill him. As an audience, we need to be like, “GOD, he is SO PATHETIC and defenseless!” The idea of killing Peter should be like killing a really ugly puppy. Like…ughhhh, I just can’t do it! Show us why Harry saves him. We need to see gross begging, manipulative sobbing, and completely emotionless Sirius and Remus, watching and getting ready to kill him.
Why does the film miss the mark? Because it’s about friendship, and the filmmakers had no idea.
The subplot of the book is seemingly Hermione and Ron being on the outs because of Crookshanks and Scabbers, but like Peter does with the Marauders during the war, Scabbers drives a wedge between the trio. He seems so innocent and we think CROOKSHANKS is the problem, but it’s the quiet spy. (Sure, Hermione was a dick about her cat and if Scabbers hadn’t been Peter, it would’ve been different—I get that. Not excusing Hermione. But stick with me). Up until now, the trio’s friendship hasn’t been tested by personal problems, and now, we see how Harry and Ron respond to a challenging situation with a friend.
Which. I don’t think that’s the subplot. I think this is the crux of this book.
Harry and Ron fail very hard at friendship in this story. They fail Hermione who, while extremely flawed and misguided, has good intentions. Harry treats her with indifference and then ignores her; Ron treats her with outright antagonism. They fail Hagrid miserably when it comes to Buckbeak, and we find out that Hermione has been doing her best to help Hagrid despite being rejected by Harry and Ron. And this is important to the overall situation with Sirius Black because before we find out the truth, we think Sirius was a bad friend.
Okay, let me talk about the Firebolt now because the Firebolt was never really about Sirius.
The Firebolt plot was so crucial to the story that it’s outrageous they cut this out of the movie. (But the filmmakers had no idea PoA was about friendship so I guess whatever.) When Harry loses his Nimbus to the Whomping Willow, he expresses that it “felt like he had lost a friend” so when he gets a new broom that he really wants, he’s willing to sacrifice his true, human friend for it. He rejects Hermione because she told on him to McGonagall to keep him safe—not her best move but honestly, if Sirius had really wanted to kill Harry, it would have been very easy for him.
When you are making an adaptation of a book, you must ask essential questions. What is the POINT of this film? What is the lesson we are showing? Every part of that film should be building up to demonstrate that point. Trying to hit every plot point without knowing why is so lazy. “I want to make a Harry Potter film—but the tone has changed. It’s DARK now. You gotta know—he’s an ANGSTY TEEN!” Yeah, that does nothing for me, dude.
Harry’s willingness to sacrifice himself for his friends in the Shack is supposed to show that he is capable of growth and that friendship/love should come before all else. You need to be able to forgive (Snape subplot/Hermione subplot), and you should be willing to set aside petty quarrels/greed for your friends (Firebolt subplot/Peter subplot). Sure, the plot is that “a murderer breaks out of prison and wants to kill Harry Potter” but it’s not what the film is ABOUT.
If Sorcerer’s Stone is about making friends and building a friendship, Prisoner of Azkaban asks the question, “What happens when the honeymoon is over? What happens when my friends reveal glaring flaws? What happens when those flaws affect ME?”
Anyway, I really tried to give this movie another chance (I’ve seen it about 6-7 times since it came out), and it STILL does not do it for me. I’ve come around to Gary Oldman as Sirius (but not when he’s yelling or hysterical—does he EVER yell in the books?), but that’s it.
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lovebugism · 6 months
hi bug! Can I request you a ditzy or shy!reader where some girl flirts with Steve in front of her maybe at Family Video? Little angsty because she feels insicure of herself? Thank you🩷
ty for requesting!! — steve doesn't realize he's being flirted with because he's so in love with you (ditzy!fem!r, hurt/comfort, 1.6k)
You color in a scribbled heart with enough vigor to break the pink crayon in your hand.
Steve always hangs your drawings in his locker in the Family Video break room, so you tend to take your art pretty seriously. ‘Cause there’s absolutely nothing humorous about the two stick figures holding hands — each of them vaguely resembling the both of you — that you’re passionately scribbling behind the front counter.
He’d watch you work your magic on a piece of lined scrap paper if he could. He’s too busy tending to a regular now. Mia, he thinks, or maybe Maia. She rents movies every week, but according to the system, she doesn’t watch a single one of them. 
“Well, what do you recommend?” she questions with a smirk on her painted lips, leaning her elbows on the counter until her chest juts out.
Steve leans slowly backward and tries not to cough at the overwhelming scent of her fruity perfume. “Uh… I don’t know,” he answers with an unenthusiastic shrug. “I usually just watch whatever.”
The girl squints her dolled-up eyes. “You don’t have a favorite movie?” 
Steve ponders the question for a moment. ‘Cause he doesn’t have one, really. All his favorite films are your favorites because he spends the majority of movie nights watching you instead.
So, at a loss of how to answer, he tells her your first choice. “The Star Wars movies are pretty alright.”
“Do you have them here?” she wonders.
Steve nods and points her in the other direction. “Yeah. In the Sci-Fi section.”
“Can you show me?” the girl questions with a hopeful glint in her pale eyes. Everything about her sparkles with mischief, like a predator hunting for prey. Stealthy, like a ninja, Steve would’ve called the approach a couple years ago. Long before he found you.
He’s more into forthright proclamations of love these days — bubblegum pink lipstick stains pressed to his cheek and handmade pictures drawn in crayon.
But, for the sake of Keith totally reaming him for not helping a customer, Steve nods and rounds the front counter. “Uh. Yeah. Sure. Follow me,” he urges halfheartedly, sparing you a forlorn glance as he goes. You’re much too distracted to see it, though.
You’re too distracted to notice most things, really.
That’s why Robin’s angrier than you are about the whole thing. She exhales a big huff and stands across from you, peering over the tower of tapes there. “God, he’s so oblivious,” she groans.
Your hand freezes as you color in Steve’s vest. You glance up at her with wide eyes, heart sinking at the annoyed look on her freckled features. “Huh?”
“Steve. That girl’s been drooling over him for five minutes, and he hasn’t even realized.”
Your brows pinch. “What girl?”
“The one that’s hanging all over him,” Robin answers, nodding her head to the other side of the store. The girl in question lingers at Steve’s side, a little too close to be casual. She hangs on every word he says — which certainly can’t be a whole lot, considering he knows next to nothing about that Star Wars franchise.
“I thought she was just being nice,” you shrug.
“She was flirting with your boyfriend,” Robin corrects in a monotone. “It was disgusting. I’m pretty sure her flirt got all over my pants.”
You look back at the two across the room. Steve tenses when the pretty redhead presses her chest against his arm. For the sake of not making things totally awkward, he forces himself not to shrink away. What had seemed virtually innocuous to you now makes your stomach ache. 
“She’s so pretty…” you observe quietly to yourself. 
Robin only scoffs. “Yeah. If you’re into girls like that.”
You don’t know exactly what she means, but it makes you lean slightly forward in interest anyway. “Do you think… Do you think Steve’s into girls like that?”
“No,” Robin answers, features twisted like it’s obvious. “He’s into girls like you.”
For the first time ever, you find that slightly hard to believe. Why would Steve ever pick you over someone like her? The way she smiles is pretty. The way she laughs is pretty. Even the way she talks is pretty.
And what do you have? A couple of stupid crayon portraits?
A strange feeling sears your chest when Steve and the pretty girl walk back to the counter. He must’ve told her a joke or something ‘cause she tips back her head to laugh loudly in response. Jealous tears sting your eyes accordingly. You take your art and your box of dull crayons and scurry off to the break room.
“I can help you check out!” Robin offers, suddenly very chipper. 
The redhead’s face twists. “Oh. I thought that—”
“Steve’s needed in the breakroom, actually,” Robin tells her when the stranger’s pleading eyes flit to the boy beside her. “I can handle it from here.”
“Wait— What’s in the breakroom?” he wonders obliviously.
“Your girlfriend, dingus.”
Steve blinks once. The sudden lack of your presence makes his chest ache. He stalks off to find you without another word.
The redhead, Mia or Maia or whatever, doesn’t bother to disguise the shock painting her dainty features. “Girlfriend?” she echoes, quiet with disbelief.
Robin nods and takes the tapes from her hands, knowing she’s only renting them ‘cause she thought Steve liked them. The scanner beeps as she rings them up. “Yeah. He’s kinda in love with her, turns out. It’s disgusting.”
The conversation fades the further Steve gets down the hall. He opens the door to the back room with a grating squeak. The rusted hinges screech again in protest when he swings it shut behind him. He finds you slouched over the table, vehemently scribbling with vibrantly colored crayons.
He can’t help but smile at the sight of you. “Whatcha doin’?” he lilts in place of a greeting, sliding back a chair to sit across from you.
“Nothin’…” you mutter distantly.
Steve folds his arms over the tabletop and rests his chin on top of them. It bobs with every word. “Why’d you leave me, huh?”
You shrug with a faint I don’t know type of sound.
“Can I see what you’re drawing, at least?” 
He grins and reaches for you without thinking — because you always let him see. Needless to say, when flinch suddenly away from him, it scares him far more than it should. You scramble to cover the paper with your arms like you’re doing something wrong. 
“No,” you answer in a mousy voice.
A chuckle spills from Steve’s mouth. “What? Why? You always show me.”
“It’s stupid…”
“It’s not stupid! I love when you draw stuff for me,” the boy insists with a lopsided smile, distantly surprised by your sheepishness. The pretty pink grin slips from his mouth at the crestfallen glint in your eye. He softens without thinking. “What’s wrong? What happened? Did— Did Robin say something?”
“Then what?”
You avert your eyes from his prying ones, feeling half-suffocated beneath his honeyed gaze. You start to color again with an absentminded hand, if only to have something else to look at. “You’re just…” you trail off, shifting uncomfortably in your chair. “You’re too pretty.”
He laughs before he means to. “What?”
“You’re pretty, and I don’t like that other people get to look at you,” you confess quietly, coloring in Steve’s hair with the ‘deep golden’ crayon. “It’s not fair— No one else should think you’re as beautiful as I do. I don’t like that.”
Steve props his chin on his palm and hides his grin behind his fingers. He reaches for your busy hand with his free one to get your attention. “Well, you know what?” he starts when your eyes flit up to his. “You’re the only one I want looking at me. So what everyone else thinks doesn’t really matter.”
“It is when they’re drooling all over you,” you answer with a scrunched nose.
Steve can’t help but scoff out a laugh. Those words have Robin Buckley written all over them. 
“Last I heard, Rob was giving that girl what for, so… you don’t have to worry about that anymore,” he tells you, both to soothe the misplaced jealousy and to make you smile. He thinks it only half works. “Can I tell you a secret?”
You perk up at that. Steve grins and leans in close like he’s about to confess something serious. His dark eyes twinkle with mischief. 
“I’m so stupid in love with you that I forget other girls exist sometimes,” he murmurs in true secret-spilling fashion. “And when they’re… drooling all over me? I don’t even see it. ‘Cause all I’m thinking about is how I have my own girl back home. And that I’d much rather have her drooling on me.”
“…Am I the girl?” you press in a tiny voice, just to be sure.
“Yes, baby, I’m talking about you,” Steve chuckles. “You should know that— You’rethe one drooling on my pillow every morning.”
Your nose scrunches sheepishly. “You’ve said that word too many times… It doesn’t sound real anymore.”
“What’s that called again?”
“Semantic satiation,” you answer without missing a beat.
“Well, now I’m gonna tell you I love you ’til you’re semantically satiated,” the boy teases with a knowing squint in his eyes. “‘Cause I love you.”
“I love you.”
“Stop,” you say, sterner now, though your gaze still glimmers with something soft. Your eyes follow his form when he rises from the table, shifting the short distance to sit in the chair closest to you. “Steve, stop—”
“I love you,” he repeats, anyway, taking you into his arms and smacking a dramatic kiss to your warm cheek. Between each innocuous peck, he mumbles, “I love you— I love you— I love you—”
Steve doesn’t stop kissing you until he hears you giggling again. The pretty sound brightens the dull breakroom. And all he can think about is what a lucky schmuck he is. To get to kiss you and make you laugh forever.
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classyrbf · 1 month
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SYNOPSIS...after still messing around with your ex husband, you began to wonder if you’re still in love with him after finding out about his new girlfriend…
INFO...ex husband!toji x fem!reader, reader & toji have two kids, megumi is readers bio son, nanami x reader, nanami acts ooc for the plot, jealousy, smut, angst, arguments, alcohol, drinking problem, family problems, arguing in front of kids, toxic behaviors, crying, mentions of divorce, not proofread
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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The smell of food filled your nostrils as you stirred in your sleep. The softness of the sheets wrapped around your skin, only tempting you to stay in bed longer. A soft groan left your lips, prying open your eyes to find the sun shining through your room, peeking through the curtains. A yawn escaped your lips as you stretched, sitting up in bed to find that you were completely rid of your clothes. Events from last night played back in your head like a movie, reminding you of the confession you shared with your ex husband. A small smile plastered on your face when you looked over to the other side of the bed only to find it empty. Brows furrowed, quickly whipping your head to the other side to find it was nine in the morning, way past the kids time for school. “Shit!”
You scrambled to your feet, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you snatched your robe from your clothes, tying it around your waist while you practically ran out the room. “Naya, Megs!” You yelled, knocking on their bedroom doors before opening it. You stopped in your tracks when you were met with a neatly made bed.
“Hey,” a voice called out to you. You turned around, there standing before you was a shirtless Toji, a plate of food in hand along with a glass of orange juice. “Good morning.”
“Where are…where are the kids?” You cleared your throat, slowly shutting Megumi’s bedroom door. Toji looked at you for a few seconds before laughing. “What?” You asked, confused.
“I brought them to school this morning. Got ‘em up and everything. Don’t worry, mama.” He licked his lips before letting out a sigh. “Come eat, will you?” He turned away from you, heading towards the kitchen table where he had his plate of food ready.
You breathed in deeply, the scent of freshly cooked eggs, waffles and syrup made your stomach rumble. “Thank you, Toji. You didn’t have to—”
“I wanted to.” He slides his hands over your waist, pulling you into his chest, hands now resting on the small of your back. He stares into your eyes for a few moments, getting lost in them before speaking, “are we gonna talk about last night or…?” He says in a playful tone, dipping his head into the crook of your neck.
“What about last night?” You let a small giggle when he presses kisses against your skin. Your arms naturally found their way around his neck, pulling his larger figure closer.
“I want you to know I meant every word. I swear to you.” His tone is serious and empathetic. A small sigh escaped his lips when he lifted his head to look at you, taking in your beauty even if you’d just waken up. One of his large hands cupped your cheek, the pad of his thumb caressing it. You could feel your heart beating against your ribcage, butterflies in your stomach like you were some high schooler with a crush.
You don’t understand the relationship between you and Toji, you don’t know why you two are always so drawn towards each other no matter the obstacles that get in your way. Just when you think it’s over for good, it not. It’s either you or him clawing your back up the walls that you both build until one of you are finally ready to give in. But you can’t deny that you love him—you always have.
“I missed these type of mornings with you, mama. I just want us to be a happy family again. Wanna do right by you and the kids, you understand?” His brows pinch together. His kisses your forehead as you both embrace each other, enjoying the silence.
“I understand, Toji,” you mumble into his broad chest, closing your eyes, rocking back and forth on your feet. “But I need you to understand something for me.”
“Anything,” he’s quick to respond, rubbing your back.
“We can’t just rush into the whole process. Trust me, I’d like too, but I think taking things slow and working everything out will help us realize what we need to fix,” you explain.
“Yeah,” he nods his head, “yeah, of course.” He takes in a deep breath. “Why don’t you go and freshen up before we eat?”
“Good idea.” You look down at the robe that was barely covering you, and you were afraid to look at your hair. He watches as you walk into the bathroom, smiling to himself. Ever since yesterday he can’t stop smiling like a kid in a candy store. He’s finally making progress, showing you that he can be better, that he’s changed. It’s all he’s ever thought about since the divorce, and quite frankly, he’d never thought he’d see this day come. He’s a lucky man, all thanks to you. He doesn’t know why you even still give him the time of day with the way the end of the marriage was going, but he’s grateful you’re still here.
Toji grabs two sets of forks, setting them down at yours and his plates. He could hear the faint sound of water running in the bathroom before the doorbell rang. His eyes wandered over to front door, confusion plastered across his face. He made his way over to the door, unlocking it, expecting it to be a package maybe or a salesperson, but no, it wasn’t anything like that. It was Nanami.
Toji finally got a good look at the man, the scar on his lip quirked when he saw how put together the man was for it being so early. Hair neatly place, business casual clothing, and gold watch adorned his wrist. Just as Toji was taken aback by Nanami, Nanami was taken aback by Toji. When he knocked on the door, he didn’t expect a shirtless man who looked like he had just rolled out of bed to open your door. “Uh, good morning.” Nanami awkwardly cleared his throat.
Toji leaned against the doorway. “Morning,” he simple responded.
“Is y/n here?” Nanami asked, raising a brow.
“She is.” Toji gave blunt answers, eyes narrowing as he wondered why he couldn’t possibly want to talk to you. He couldn’t be trying to win you back? Right? Unwanted jealously bubbled in his chest, his jaw clenching at the feeling.
“Can I speak with her?” Nanami’s questions sounded unsure given Toji’s attitude.
“She’s busy.” Toji went to shut the door before Nanami spoke again.
“Well can you tell her to call me?” Nanami was becoming irritated. He couldn’t quite place it but the man standing in front of him sounded familiar, looked familiar. Though they’ve never properly met, was this Toji?
“She won’t be doing that—”
“Toji, who’s that at the door?” You walked up behind him, the cold air from outside sending chills through your body, goosebumps littering your skin. Over Toji’s tall stature you could see familiar blonde hair and you got closer it felt like your heart dropped. “Kento.” Slightly shock riddled your voice.
“Y/n, can I speak with you?” So that is him. His eyes shifted from you to Toji, glaring. “Now, if you don’t mind.”
“I, uh…” You blinked, stuck on what to say or even do. “What would like to talk about?” You crossed your arms over your chest, Toji standing behind you like he was some sort of assigned bodyguard.
“Our last conversation. On the phone. I…I shouldn’t have been that harsh about it. I regret what I said to you,” he sighed.
“What exactly do you regret?” You shrugged your shoulders.
“How I…ended things,” he admitted. “It was a heat of the moment type of thing—”
“Kento,” you held you hand out in front of him, “I appreciate you coming to speak me in person, I really do. But, I think it was better thar we ended things. You made me realize the truth about—”
“So you are still in love with him.” He interrupted, sharing looks between you and Toji.
“I am.” You nodded.
Nanami let out a scoff, shaking his head in disbelief. He didn’t want to believe he was right, maybe he was just overthinking, seeing too much into it. But no, he wasn’t. “So you were just using me?”
“God, no! You’re a great guy, and I enjoyed the moments we spent together, I didn’t want to end things with you, but when you ended it with me, said those words to me, I started to think that maybe you were right. He was my husband for years, the father my children, I can’t just forget about that so easily.” You nervously bit the inside of your cheek. “I’m sorry, Kento. There’s still so many things I need to work on within myself, I wouldn’t be right for you.”
“And when things don’t work out between you and him? When he ends up treating you the same way? Then what?” His tone was harsh.
“The fuck are you talking about?” Toji moved you to side, a mix of confusion and anger in his voice. “Wanna say that shit again?”
“You’re telling her what she wants to hear and she’s believing it. You’re so fucking predictable, it makes me laugh,” he chuckled.
“Kento, I tried to be nice about it, but now I need you to get off my doorstep. Right now. I’m not doing this. I don’t need no one fighting at nine in the fucking morning.” You stepped between the two. “Get inside, Toji.”
“You already let him fuck you, right? That’s all he wants to keep you around for—” Your palm connected with Nanamis cheek.
“I tried explaining to you, I tried asking nicely, and you still have the audacity to speak to me like I’m not gonna do shit about it.” Your nostrils flared in anger.
“I feel bad for the kids, truly.” Barely even two seconds after those words came from his mouth, Toji pushed you aside and swung at Nanami, his fist connecting with his jaw. Nanami fell back on the floor, grunting when his back hit the ground. You didn’t dare to step in, afraid you’d accident get hurt in the process.
Toji kept swinging, taking a few hits himself but was quite literally unfazed. “Don’t ever mention my fucking kids again!” He shouted.
You anxiously looked around, your neighbors running outside to see all the commotion, a few of them already on their phones—most likely with the police. “Toji, they’re gonna call the police!” You shouted. Your words went in one ear and out the other. “For fucks sake,” you mumbled under your breath when you heard the sirens approaching in the distance. “Toji, stop already!”
The cars came to screeching halt, police running into your yard and dragging Toji off of Nanami, forcefully pushing him into the ground. “Get the fuck off me!” He yelled as they placed the cuffs around him.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” you sighed deeply, running your hand over your face. Nanami stood to his feet, blood trickling from his nose and lip. Another police over came rushing over to him, asking him if he was okay.
“Ma’am, can I ask what happened here?” A police officer walked up to you.
“Um, he,” you pointed at Nanami, “came to my house this morning to have a conversation about our relationship—he’s my ex and—”
“He’s your ex?” He pointed to Nanami.
“Yes,” you nodded, watching as he scribbled down words on his notepad. “The other man, he’s my ex husband and me and him are on the verge of working things out and it’s just they both were here at the same time, and…and”
“It’s okay, take your time,” the officer assured. “So you and your ex husband are working things out…okay. Was this a jealousy thing or what?”
“Well before me and him,” you pointed at Nanami, “ended things, he said I still loved my ex husband. So he did end things and he showed up to my house this morning trying to fix it but I explained that I couldn’t personally because…you know.” Your voice was shaky.
“Okay,” the officer nodded. “Anything else.”
“He started making weird remarks. Saying thing are gonna end the same with me and him, that he only wants me for sex, and then he mentioned my kids—”
“Your kids?” The officer furrowed his brows.
“Yeah, me and my ex husband have two kids.” You pursed your lips.
“And that’s when the fight broke out?” He asked, clicking his pen. You nodded, glancing over at Nanami who was getting his nose cleaned up.
“Alright,” the officer sighed, “so we are gonna have to take both of them in for questioning, your ex husband might even end up in jail for aggravated assault since he started the fight.”
“What?! I’m sorry, but he mentioned my fucking kids! Do you have kids?!” You angrily shouted.
“I do, yes,” he responded.
“Then you should know what I’m feeling right now, what my ex husband is feeling right now. He’s talking about our relationship, about me, trying to belittle me! It’s fucking ridiculous!” You shouted, eyes wide in disbelief.
“I understand your anger, ma’am, but there’s not much I can do besides my job. I can’t just go off one side of the story. But I will keep in contact with you just in case. Name and number?” He casually asked.
“Y/n l/n, 234-567-8910.” You rolled your eyes.
“Thank you.” He walked away, getting into his car, driving off with Toji in the back of it, the others following behind shortly after.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me!” You stormed back in the house slamming the door shut. Your eyes landed upon the now cold and uneaten breakfast Toji had prepared for you. What a great start to your morning.
a/n: aye long time no seeee pookies!! Yes I know I made Nanami act so out of character but it’s for the plot yk lmaooo
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nonuify · 4 months
Hey! I think the nsfw headcanons are so hot. Great work baby girl!
joshua headcanons (bf and NSFW like the one you did for seungcheol)? Or just the nsfw if you can't find the time.(I get it)
ᝰ.ᐟ 🌐 — H.JS ; ! boyfriend headcanons
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sfw & nsfw is included ! minors do not interact 18+.
📓 ! i think shua is so sweet to you from beginning of your relationship like he would constantly worry about your comfort or anything regarding you.
📓 ! jisoo would get really flustered if you peck or kiss him even after awhile in your relationship he just loves you when you kiss him, it really has him feeling giddy.
📓 ! his love language is totally words of affirmation i think he absolutely loves you when you poor your heart out to him when you tell him how much he’s appreciated, but he also loves giving it to you, shua will always give you little love letters when you go to work, its just canon.
 📓 ! he had a really cute habit of sending you random pics all throughout his day like one of his meals, or him working in the studio or just him singing, he absolutely loves sharing his life with you.
📓 ! he admires your beauty even when your sitting doing nothing he would just bite his eyes into your ethereal figure & face wondering how lucky he got.
📓 ! you guys have matching bracelets or any kind of accessories together its a must to jisoo!!, he will let the world know your his even in little details.
📓 ! you know where in the movies the couples share some earphones while listening to music? yeah that’s you & joshua, sharing music with you is canon.
📓 ! everyweek he’ll take you on dates wether it’s a fancy restaurant or a simple picnic or whatever he will take you & spend time with his special person.
📓 ! with fights, i think he’s really calm about it it’s very seldom he’ll blow up on you even if he does he will spend the whole days after apologizing for it, cuz he’s just a sweetie :(
📓 ! with him you guys are like a black cat & golden retriever duo, so opposite yet so right.
📓 ! joshua is very smart at reading you whenever your sad about something, i think he gets worried so much abt you so that’s why!
📓 ! he’s such a hopeless romantic he will deliver flowers to you so much, with secret love letters wether it be passionate or intimate.
📓 ! he loves calling you angel, it just suits you so much & you call him shua or shushu.
📓 ! joshua is pretty chill, but when he thinks you e gone too far playing your little tricks he will get jealous, and his jealousy isn’t easy.
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! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ nsfw starting from this point.
📓 ¡ oh he’s such a tit man, he will suck, bite & kiss your tits till their colors turn & till your a sensitive mess.
📓 ¡ yeah he’s a sweetheart but in bed he’s so mean, like i stand by the meanie joshua committee.
📓 ¡ he looves to spit into your little cunt or mouth letting you swallow it like a good girl, then making you thank him.
📓 ¡ he fucks his cock into your panties till they’re soiled & slippery with his milky white cum, he’ll send you the pic of it even.
📓 ¡ joshua will be mean but he praises you never ever is gonna neglect your pretty little pussy & how it’s making him feel he’ll coo you so much but don’t get me wrong if you’re a brat he will degrade you till your a cock-drunk mess.
📓 ¡ oh he’s a pussy-slapper, he will slap your little cunt till you spew out cum out of your abused hole & your a crying mess.
📓 ¡ shua loooves when you cockwarm him with your mouth, he’ll let you there for hours till he’s satisfied enough to replaced with your wet-needy cunt.
📓 ¡ when he’s feeling it he’ll let you top him but both of you at the end of the day he’ll pound you into next week.
📓 ¡ I think he has a big big thing for you riding his thigh till his pants are soaked by your juices or even cum, he’ll look at you fucked out face & moan.
📓 ¡ shua has a big fucking breeding kink I can’t put my finger on it but seeing his cum coming out of your hole, makes him all hard again he absolutely loves the thought of you bearing his children.
📓 ¡ but shua has his passionate love-making side, he’ll make you cry from how he’s putting in so much love in you like it’s absolutely heart-warming how he does it, the I love yous & moans amusing ears.
📓 ¡ his fav position is missionary totally he loves admiring your face, holding you hands while he pumps into you.
! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ thank you for reading >ᴗ< !! i hope you enjoy this bby!!!
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luveline · 5 months
omg I just saw your post about Steve where you asked which Steve we wanted. I'm missing KBD Steve so bad rn. Anything like a family movie night would really just heal my soul rn! (love your writings so much btw)
ty for requesting <3 mom!reader, 1k
“Did you play guitar?” 
Steve slinks further down into the corner of the couch, Avery too big but exactly where she’s meant to be in his lap. She’s affectionate from years of the world's most ridiculous parents, he assumes, so he could have Avery sit beside him rather than on top of him, but why bother? She’s gentle about how she sits despite her long limbs, swinging one arm behind his neck as she gets comfortable against his chest. 
“Did I what?” Steve asks. 
“Play guitar?” She points at the TV. “Uncle Eddie plays guitar.” 
“I can play a little bit, nothing like Uncle Eddie,” he says. “Just enough to serenade mom. I’d sing her all her favourites.” 
“So you had a guitar? Where did it go?” 
“I don’t know, babe. Maybe in the attic? There’s not room for all our stuff sometimes, so me and mom box it up and put it up there.” He looks at her knowingly. “Why, do you wanna try?” 
“Can I?” she asks. 
“Not tonight, but tomorrow? Is that okay? I’ll have to get the ladder from the garage, and we’re gonna watch a movie soon.” 
Avery’s pretty easy, as kids go. When Steve says tomorrow she doesn’t whine. In fact, she gives him a grateful, shining smile, the arm that’s laid across the front of him curling tighter as she presses her face into his neck. “Thanks, daddy.” 
He thinks that it’s because he’d guessed what she wanted. But that’s his job, to understand her and make her happy. “You’re welcome.” Then, because he loves her and he’s feeling quite loved up by her hugging and the feeling of her hair under his chin, he drops his voice into some rare parentese for her, “I bet you’ll be great at it. It takes some patience, but you have so much of it, and then you can play anything.” 
She giggles. “Like the song from The Neverending Story?” 
Steve’s heard enough of that song to last him a lifetime. “What about that song you and mom like? Have you seen her?” He’s tempted to sing it, and he figures it won’t hurt under his breath, “So fine and pretty, fooled me with her style and ease–”
Dove interrupts with a laugh as she tries to join in. The words escape her, but her passion makes up for it. She climbs up from her seat across the couch, sending the jellybeans she’d been holding in the lap of her nightgown careening across the living room floor. 
“Dove!” Avery says. 
“It’s okay, I’ll get them,” you say, standing just in front of the doorway with a towel around your shoulders. 
Steve hadn’t known you were there, you were gone so long for your shower he honestly forgot what you were doing. He groans as Dove drops her face into his jaw, what a disaster, but she doesn’t cry so he brushes it off while you clean up.
“Dove’s gonna help,” Steve insists. “Aren’t you, babe? Ow. You’re gonna help mom pick up your jellybeans. Ow, baby, don’t step on me.” 
“No,” Dove says with a giggle. “Sing again, daddy.” 
Beth jumps in behind you in fresh pyjamas, her hair damp and water wetting the neck of her t-shirt. That’s why you’d taken so long —your shower had been commandeered. It’s nice to see you both in some comfy pyjamas, better to see his lovely Beth feeling better. She’d been sick for so long it was starting to make him depressed; seeing her invigorated after a good shower and chasing down jellybeans with a mischievous smile makes his night. “I got them!” she says. “I got them, mom. There’s like, seven.” 
You hold out your hand. “Thank you. I think you got all of them.” 
Steve misses the rest of your conversation, a chubby palm smushed to his nose that he attempts to throw off. Avery giggles at his misfortune as Dove says, “Sing! Sing!” 
“I can’t sing, I can’t breathe,” he says. 
Dove pulls her hand back. She’s as close to rolling her eyes as she can get. “Sing.” 
“Now I can’t, Dove, you’re making me shy.” 
“You sing,” he suggests, leaning back, shielding Avery from her younger sister’s volatility with his arms. 
“We’re gonna sing so much.” You beam as you unveil the VHS tape for tonight’s movie. In time, your three girls gasp aloud. “Daddy’s favourite movie, the Little Mermaid!” 
“It’s not my favourite movie. That movie is my enemy. It makes all my babies cry.” Even Dove ends up in tears, though she usually cries when Ariel’s upset, rather than during Part of That World like her sisters do. 
“It makes you cry,” Beth says. 
“Beth, do we have a problem?” he asks. “Are you trying to get into a fight with me?” 
Beth grins and runs across the rug to climb up on the couch where Steve’s being submerged. She sits down by Doves’s feet, wrapping her arms around Dove’s little tummy, squishing herself to Steve’s side. “No, dad. I love you.” 
“I don’t believe you. I think you know you’ll lose if we wrestle.” 
You snort. Steve steals a glance at you between all the little arms, your hip pressed to the TV stand, your lip between your teeth as you click the wrong button. It’s not like you’re stupid, just the TV is old, and half the buttons don’t do what it is they say they do anymore. Your nose wrinkles and you backtrack, and Steve wishes he was standing right there to smooth it over with his thumb. After a few seconds of searching (and harassment on his end, Dove’s fingers dangerously close to his ear) you click the right thing and the tape that the girls were watching before dinner pops out. 
You smile to yourself at a job well done. Steve smiles at you, though you don’t see him doing it. 
“Your moms kinda pretty, huh?” he asks Avery. 
“Not kinda, super.” 
“How’s the baby?” you ask. 
Steve gives the baby monitor on the table by the couch a tap with his finger to make sure it’s still on. Feedback whines. “She’s hasn’t made a peep since your shower, honey.” 
“Maybe I’ll go see if she’s okay before the movie comes on. Miss the previews.” 
He can’t wait for you to sit down. “Okie dokie. Give her a kiss for me.” 
You raise your hand in scout’s honour. As you’re walking up the stairs, Avery shifts in Steve’s lap and asks, “You smile at mom all the time, does it make your cheeks hurt?” 
He sews a hand behind Beth’s back. “Nope. I have strong cheek muscles.” 
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dambaepuff · 4 months
hey hi, could i make a request? Im happy to see another good author starting :) u also seem very nice. could i request a yoongi x preferably fem!reader? if you want you can make it a genderneutral fic. my idea was a scenario were one of them is jealous, i thought of it being her jealous of him, over something stupid, but not in a toxic way like yk just pure jealusy mixed with insecurities. And they have a little petty argument and like it ends with smut i mean they make up to eachother that way :P like smut mixed with fluff at its purest. also, i am really curious to see how u write yoongi, i see many authors making him cold and tough but i believe that he is a very caring softie haha, by the morning wood headcanons, i think you got him very well ;) thank u in advance
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Pairing: Idol!Yoongi x FEM!Reader
Genre: angst, fluff, smut, one shot, request, established relationship
Warnings: jealousy, insecurities, a petty argument, depictions of sex, crying, emotional, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal fingering, bodily fluids, penetration (vaginal), a bit of praise, light biting, squirting
Word count: 5k
Summary: uhhh idk dude just read the request that’s pretty much it
A/N: UGH I LOVE THIS IDEA!! I don’t have much experience with writing angst so this was a really nice exercise. Thank you sooo so much for all the kind words, it’s what keeps me writing. I’m also a sucker for soft Yoongi so this is right up my alley. (Also this is not proofread so lmk if there’s any mistakes or anything)
Thursday night, it’s quiet outside. You’re trying to watch a movie with Yoongi. Key word trying. His hand has been gently rubbing your thigh for a few minutes now, whenever he tries sliding it up to tease you, you grab it and put it back onto his lap. He’s clearly trying to get you heated, but it’s having quite the opposite effect. Lately you’ve felt quite out of it, your lack of confidence causing you to avoid intimacy. With Yoongi being the gentleman he is, he always accepts it when he realizes you’re not in the mood and he moves on. However, you’re starting to doubt his ability to keep going like this. What if he realizes you aren’t satisfactory to him anymore? He could easily find someone else who would be all over him in seconds.
Replaceable. That’s how you’ve been feeling lately. He could have anyone he wants, so why you? “Are you not feeling it tonight?” Yoongi’s voice startles you out of your thoughts. “Huh? Oh. No I’m sorry.” You respond, your voice growing quieter with the end of the sentence. “That’s okay, c’mere.” He mumbles before pulling you into his chest, his hand soothing down your back.
‘Will he stay with me if I keep pushing him away like this?’ Is what you keep asking yourself. On one hand you’re afraid he’ll stop loving you if you stop showing him affection. And on the other hand, you’ve been so self conscious lately about your body and if you’re doing things right you don’t know if it’s worse to ruin the relationship by pushing him away or by not being good enough. ‘Do I even deserve to be with him at this point?’
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Friday, 4:37PM. You got off work early today so you decided to stop by Yoongi’s studio. He’s still working so you’re lounging around on one of the couches inside of the room. The two of you had made plans to get dinner together when he finishes up for the day which you’re really looking forward to.
A short blurry figure appears at the studio door, they raise their hand up and place three quiet knocks onto the glass. Yoongi gets up with a huff and opens the door. In front of him stands a familiar woman, you can’t quite remember her name, but you’ve seen her around the company building before.
“Here’s your coffee Suga!” She says in a cheery tone. Her eyes land on you and her smile falls a bit. “Oh, I didn’t know you would be here. Sorry I didn’t get you anything.” She apologizes with a light bow of her head. You dismiss her with a wave of your hand before going back to fidgeting with the hem of your sweater. She turns her attention back to Yoongi who is setting his drink down onto his desk. “Hey Suga, a few of us are going to that barbecue place down the street for dinner and drinks tonight. Do you guys wanna come with?” She asks with a tilt of her head, her long black hair swaying with the movement.
“Uhh, yeah?” He looks at you quickly for confirmation to which you nod your head lightly. “Yeah. Sure we’ll come.”
Yoongi continues chatting with the girl. She casually leans against the door frame, the conversation between them flowing oh so easily. ‘It took me ages to be able to talk to him that smoothly. Why couldn’t I be like her?’ You think to yourself, trying your best to not let your irritation show.
He bids her farewell and sits back down at his desk. For the remaining time you spend in his studio all you can look at is him. Your gaze burns holes into his side profile, tracing each curve of his features over and over again. Why would a man whose heart only knows kindness, whose eyes and soul are so understanding of everything be with you? Your being is rotten with unforgiving bitterness, you seethe at every imperfection like a nun enraged by sin. Why would he want you?
He’s like a wild flower. He needs to be pollinated by the love and kindness of a bee to bloom, yet he stays with you, a caterpillar feeding off of him, biting off his flesh for your gain. Eating away at him and leaving nothing. Maybe you aren’t even a caterpillar. They can eventually turn into a beautiful creature with wings of eyeful colors, yet you can’t become anything more than what you are. You’re stuck in a vicious cycle, devouring every resource without paying any mind to the fact there will be nothing left when you’re done. What does he get for loving you if you can’t be of use? You can’t make him bloom.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N)!” You snap out of your thoughts, the reality around you giving you whiplash. Yoongi is kneeling in front of you, holding your jacket out. “Let’s go, we’ll be late.” You try to take it from his hands, but instead of giving it to you he holds it up so you can slip your arms inside. Once it’s on you he turns you around and zips it up for you. “Okay, let’s go.”
As you’re walking down the long hallways towards the elevators, Yoongi notices something odd. You usually grab onto his hand the moment you start walking somewhere together, but your hand is tucked away in your pocket now. He gently pulls it out and intertwines your fingers together. You can’t bring yourself to grip onto him like usual, instead you limply keep your hand at your side, letting him hold it. He’s a bit confused by this, but nevertheless he keeps holding you, his grasp only growing tighter in an effort to reassure you.
Yang Sunhee. Her name popped up in your head the moment she sat down across from you and Yoongi at the long wooden table. She’s been leading the conversation at your part of the table for a while now, mostly talking to Yoongi. To her credit she has tried to include you into the conversation a few times, but you didn’t really give her much to work with so she gave up.
You’ve been pushing your food around your plate for a while now. It’s mostly pieces of meat Yoongi placed down onto it for you, your favorite in fact. You just can’t get yourself to even place anything into your mouth, anxiety squeezing your throat so tightly you can barely even swallow your own saliva.
Sunhee is laughing at something, her eyes bright and her large smile hidden away behind a polite hand. Yoongi is laughing too, maybe not as hard as her, but he’s still laughing. ‘Why am I not the one making him laugh right now? Am I not funny anymore?’
As you’re glaring down at your food you feel a warm hand make contact with your shoulder. “You wanna go home?” Yoongi asks quietly, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “Yes please.” You breathe out, barely audible. On the drive home Yoongi tries asking what’s wrong multiple times, but all he gets in response is a simple “I just don’t feel too well.”
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It’s been a few days now since you had dinner with Yoongi’s coworkers. He realized something was wrong so he’s been giving you some space. To be quite honest you aren’t sure if the space is helping or making it worse. After spending the whole day quietly sobbing to yourself in bed you decide to see what he’s up to. You find him sitting in the living room watching some sort of documentary and looking like he’s about to fall asleep. One of his cheeks is squished against a pillow and his hair is going on all the wrong directions. He looks adorable, your heart almost breaks in two knowing this is who you’ve been pushing away lately.
Taking a seat next to him, he lifts up his blanket so you can use it too. Just as you’re getting sleepy as well his phone pings on the coffee table. Instinctively you reach down for it so you can hand it to him, but when you see the contact name annoyance squeezes at your chest.
Yang Sunhee
Sent a message
“Why is she texting you?” The question slips from your mouth before you can even think it through. “I don’t know, let me see.” He responds while extending his hand out for the phone. You peer over at the screen, shamelessly trying to see what she sent. “Ah it’s just the schedule for next week.” He says and likes the message before setting his phone back down. Now you feel a bit guilty. Why were you questioning the intentions of this woman? She’s his employee after all.
Yoongi’s large hand comes up to cup your face, his thumb gently gliding over your cheekbone. “I know that look, what’s wrong baby?” He asks, his dark eyes skimming your face in search for answers. “It’s nothing.” You respond a bit too quickly, your tone stiff. The corner of Yoongi’s lip quirks up. “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
Your eyes shoot open, “N-no!” you sputter out a weak defense. His hand slides down to your chin, the grip tightening a bit. His smirk spreads into a smile which angers you. He thinks this is funny?
“Don’t fucking touch me right now.” You say in a way harsher manner than you intended, tearing his hand away from your face. A flash of hurt runs over Yoongi’s face, his smile instantly falling. “Don’t look at me like that! I just- I need a moment right now.” You say in an apologetic tone. “You need a moment? I’ve been giving you a moment for days now. What about me? I keep trying so hard and you don’t show an ounce of being grateful. What’s your problem?” His tone gets louder as he talks, anger evident in his facial expressions.
“Problem? Oh it’s a problem now that I can’t always feel one hundred percent happy? Go sleep with some happy drugged out whore then if that’s what you want!” Without realizing it your tone has risen to a yell, you’re standing now, no longer in the comfort of warm blankets on the couch. “Don’t yell at me!” He yells back, tears beginning to brim his eyes.
“You’re yelling too asshole! Oh you’re gonna cry? Go cry to Sunhee, maybe she can suck your dick to make it better if you can’t go a week without me sucking it!” The moment you finish the last sentence a silence falls over the apartment. Yoongi stares at you wide eyed, unable to form a single sentence.
He looks like a kicked puppy, his eyes watery and his hands trembling. Realizing you went to far the only thing that pops up in your head is leaving the apartment for a bit. You speed walk to the front door, tugging your shoes on quickly and pulling a random jacket on. “Hey, hey! Where are you going?” Yoongi follows you once he realizes what you’re doing. Unable to look at his face you grab your keys and walk out, slamming the door behind you.
Not knowing where to go you walk to the nearest park. Taking a seat on one of the benches you stare up at the moon. “Why did I say that?” You mumble to yourself, tears stinging at your eyes. Your throat contracts, guilt choking you. There’s no holding back now, you let your sobs loose, tears running down your face uncontrollably.
“(Y/N)? Is that you?” A soft voice calls out to your right. Your head shoots up, trying to find the source of the sound. There stands Sunhee, she seems to be in her pajamas with a puffer jacket thrown on top. Her hair is a mess and she’s holding a leash. A little white dog sniffs around near her legs, you assume it’s her’s.
“What’s wrong?” She asks as she sits down next to you. “Ah don’t worry about it.” You mumble, sniffling lightly. “You’re so pretty (Y/N), I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look good while they cry before.” Sunhee says with a genuine smile. “I- uh what?” You tilt your head to the side in confusion. “If I didn’t have a girlfriend I’d be jealous of Suga for having a girlfriend as pretty as you.” She giggles lightly.
“WHAT?” The question comes out harsher than you intend, the whole situation confusing you. “Listen, if you ever leave Suga just give me a call.” She says with a playful wink. You laugh in disbelief, your tears completely gone now. “You’re funny Sunhee.” You say, still sniffling lightly. “I’m not joking, but thank you.” She giggles along with you.
“Now why are you outside so late?” She asks while pulling her dog up into her lap. “I had a fight with Yoongi, I didn’t really know where else to go. I’m kind of scared to face him right now.” You answer truthfully. “Girl, have you seen how he looks at you? That man is a goner, I’m sure whatever you argued about isn’t that bad. You should go home and apologize, you can talk it through.” She says while giving you an encouraging smile. “You think so?” You ask quietly. “I know so.”
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Even with Sunhee’s encouragement you’re still unsure. Guilt wracks through your whole body, pressing down on your insides and making you nauseous. You try to be as quiet as possible when you enter the apartment, but the sound of the heavy front door closing and jingling of keys betrays you. Just as you’re taking your shoes off you hear shuffling down the hallway. Yoongi’s dark figure emerges, you’re ready to hear something nasty from him, but instead you’re met with two warm arms wrapped around you.
“Thank god you’re safe.” He mumbles before kissing the top of your head. “I’m sorry Yoongi, I’m so sorry baby. Please don’t leave me. I didn’t-“ you’re cut off by a hiccup, your tears returning. “I didn’t mean to say any of that. Please, please don’t leave me I’ll never do that again…” You sob into his chest. “Shhhhh, I know you didn’t mean it, I should’ve done some things differently too.” His hand softly pets your head.
“I’ve been trying to figure out why you’ve been acting so weird lately and I think I get it now. You look at her like she killed your dog. You know she’s a lesbian right?” You can’t help but laugh a bit at that. “Yeah I kind of found that out just now.” You mumble, your fingers tangling into the material of his shirt. “Why don’t you like her?” You can feel him softly smile against your hair as he asks the question.
“I don’t know I just-“ You try to form the right words, but they won’t come. “Ugh! She’s just so pretty and she’s really open, it feels like she’s perfect and has everything you could need and I’m just sort of me? I don’t know, it’s stupid. I’m just projecting.” Yoongi listens intently to everything you say while he takes your jacket off. “Lately I’ve felt like the shell of who I was when you met me, you know? I’m just sort of bleh- and every other woman around me seems to have her shit togehter.” A tear runs down your cheek and Yoongi chases it away with his thumb.
“It’s why I’ve been avoiding having sex lately. I just feel gross and ugly while you… you look like you were sculpted by the ancient Greeks. You need a Hera to your Zeus. I’m like a satyr or something!” You let out a bitter laugh, trying to mask your feelings. “Hmm I think we’re more like Orpheus and Eurydice. Except I don’t want to lose you the way he lost her. They were such perfect lovers, yet there was something tragic about them. What’s love without tragedy?” He softly spoke, continuing to wipe your tears. You let out a genuine laugh and hit his chest lightly. “You idiot! You don’t get it.”
“I think I at least partially get it. I mean hell you make my knees weak whenever you look me in the eye woman, and we’ve been dating for years! I’d go to the pits of hell for you a million times more than Orpheus if it meant having a bit more time to spend with you. There’s no other person that could fulfill your role in my life as well as you do. I love you for you, you’re my muse. My light.” He places a ginger peck onto your forehead.
Love and desire suddenly flood through you, grabbing the collar of his shirt you pull him into a rough kiss. A few more tears make their way past your eyelids, but these ones of relief and joy rather than sadness and frustration. Yoongi gladly accepts your advances, kissing you back firmly. He barely wastes any time trying to get his tongue intertwined with yours. Your interwoven muscles becoming a metaphor for your souls combining together, the act of physical intimacy projecting your consciousness into one being, content and whole.
One of your hands shoot up to grip his hair a bit tighter than necessary which makes him release a deep moan. He pants against your lips, trying to catch his breath, but unable to fully separate your bodies. As he had endured yearning for you such a torturous amount, how could he let you go now?
He presses you flat against the door, holding you down chest to chest. His cold hands slide up your shirt, the contrast of temperature making you shiver. Caressing the skin of your stomach so lightly it tickles, he snakes one of his hands behind your back, swiftly unclipping your bralette in one movement. You let it drop to the floor, the only thing on your mind right now being the feeling of his body on yours. With his hands lightly ghosting over your breasts now, you shudder each time one of his fingers brushed against your nipples. Slowly he pulls your shirt off, the cold night air bites at your skin making your nipples harden. Instinctively your arms shoot up to cover yourself, but Yoongi stops you. He firmly grips your wrists and pins them down above your head.
Now fully exposed to him, he looks you in the eyes before licking a fat stripe from the area between your breasts to your neck. Lightly blowing onto the wet part of your skin, you take in a deep breath from the sensation. He begins to trail kisses down to your chest, letting go of your hands so he can bring you as close to him as possible. You tug at his hair softly as he mouthes at ode of your breasts, his tongue lightly teasing the soft bud. He groans softly before kissing down lower so he can get onto his knees.
He kneels before you know, unashamed of the submissive position he’s in. His teeth occasionally graze your stomach between sloppy open mouthed kisses. Looking up at you through his lashes, Yoongi starts undoing your pants. He pushes them down as if they’re getting in the way and moves his kisses down to your thighs. His uncalculated mouth moves dangerously close to your clothed cunt. Hovering over it he purposefully breathes through his mouth so you can feel his warm breath on your skin. You gasp when he suddenly pressed his nose against your pussy and inhales deeply. You can peel the tips of your ears heating up from embarrassment, but Yoongi doesn’t seem to care in the slightest.
“Ugh, fuck how I missed this part of you.” He groans as he kisses over the thin fabric. Finding your clit almost immediately he starts to roll his tongue against it through your panties. Your arousal and his saliva mix together in the material causing an uncomfortable need for real contact.
“Yoongi, take it off already…” you whisper to him, brushing his bangs out of his face. Looking up at you with a cheeky smirk he grabs onto the hem of your underwear with his teeth, making sure to lightly graze your sensitive skin with them as he pulls down. Your panties don’t even have the chance to reach the floor and his mouth is already on you again. He runs his tongue through your folds, making you instinctively angle your hips to give him more access. Heedlessly circling your clit with his tongue, he occasionally sucks on it or flicks it. You’re unsure if his mouth is glistening from his own saliva or from your wetness, but the sloppy noises he’s making are causing you to involuntarily buck your hips into his mouth.
“You’re so beautiful like this, my sweet girl.” He mumbles as he pulls away, nuzzling his head into your thigh. Replacing his tongue with his fingers, you let out a quiet moan when he slips them inside of you. “I love having you like this, only for me to see. You know I’d never do this for anyone else, right?” He emphasizes the question by pressing his fingers down against your sweet spot. ”Shit, Yoongi. I love you so much, no one makes me cum like you do.” Your response comes out in a dragged out whine.
Satisfied with your reply his mouth returns to your clit while his fingers work you open. The combination of sensations makes an orgasm built up in your abdomen fast. “Yoon- Yoongi, I’m gonna ah- I’m gonna cum!” You moan out, trying to warn him. This only encourages him to go faster as an orgasm ripples through you in harsh waves, your head falling back against the door as your eyes roll into the back of your head. You spasm slightly as he continues to work your cunt, trying to pull him away so he doesn’t overstimulate you.
He licks off your juices from his fingers, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. As soon as he’s back on his feet you go in for a kiss, leaning on him for support while still coming down from your high. He refuses to let your lips part as he leads you to the bedroom, his shirt and pants getting lost along the way.
“Lay down baby.” He mumbled against your lips as he led you to the bed. Kneeling down between your legs he made sure you were comfortable on your pillow. No matter how basic, missionary was always the best when you needed to express your love sexually. Parting your lips he pulls you down a little so your thighs are pressed together. He grabs his erect cock out of his underwear, not even bothering to get rid of the boxers. Pumping it a few times he gives you a dopey look, a lazy smirk spreading on his face.
“You ready?” He rasps out, rubbing the tip of his cock against your swollen clit, mixing his precum together with the aftermath of your previous orgasm. “A little too ready.” You replied, running a hand through your hair. “Mmm I can tell.” He teases while spreading the natural lubricant over his cock. Slowly he pressed the tip in, “Fuck, it’s going in so easily, o barely had to prep you. You really want it, don’t you?” his brows crease together in pleasure as he slowly bottoms out. “Yes, fuck Yoongi I want your cock so bad.” Your hand shoots up to grab onto his shoulder, biting your lip at the fullness.
“Please, (Y/N). Can I move?” He murmured, holding onto your hips tightly. “Yes, fuck me Yoongi.” You replied, grabbing his face to place a wet kiss onto his lips. He let out a low moan as he started thrusting into you, the warmth and wetness of your cunt feeling better each time he fucked it. You lightly squeezed your walls on purpose knowing it drives him crazy. “Oh my- ah shit I won’t last long at all if you do that.” He said breathily, his hips jerking forward involuntarily. You hooked one of your legs onto his hips, pulling him forward so he’s pressed into your cunt as deeply as possible. The both of you groaned at that, as soon as you let go he started thrusting into you with a quicker pace. His movements rapidly increased with each slap of skin that echoed throughout the space, his head thrown back. That look on his face means he’s absolutely lost in please and that makes you proud. He molds so perfectly inside you it makes all of your doubts melt away, it’s like he was made for you.
Matching the pace of his thrust to his fingers flicking your clit, Yoongi can swear he can feel you pulsating around him. “Ah, fuck (Y/N) I think I’m gonna cum already. Shit I’m sorry it just feels too good.” He groans, the already pink tips of his ears darkening. “It’s okay, go ahead baby, cum inside me.” You breathily respond, continuing to moan with each of his thrusts. He speeds up before abruptly stopping, the feeling of his warm seed filling you up making you clench around his cock. “Wait, shit, shit run my pussy please I’m so close too.” His fingers immediately speed up on your clit, furiously flicking it as your abdomen tightens again. As the hot white pleasure rips through your whole body, making your muscles spasm you hear a wet noise. Looking down the moment you can open your eyes you see Yoongi’s lower stomach covered in a clear liquid.
“Did you just make me squirt?” You laugh in disbelief. “That’s a first.” He mumbles before pulling his cock out, various liquids gliding down your ass. “I’ll go get a towel. He quickly gets up, trying his best not to make any of his surroundings wet.
As the two of you are laying in bed, your warm baked bodies pressed together, you feel Yoongi’s chest vibrate as he speaks up. “From now on, you always have to tell me when something’s bothering you, okay?” He softly says, stroking your hair. “Okay.” You whisper back. “Promise?” He questions while raising his pinky finger up, you lock yours with his, pressing your thumbs together. “Promise.”
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love-hs28 · 4 months
Give me the chance to explain
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Summary: You had been giving JJ the silent treatment all day and he can’t figure out why. It only takes you accidentally hurting yourself while cleaning for the two of you to see eye-to-eye.  Hurt/comfort & Angst  gn!reader CW: Reader accidentally gets cut with a shard of glass  1.3k words  Posted on: 5-24-24
a/n: My second post!! Hope you enjoy, I promise I'll write a happy one sometime haha :)
You and JJ are alone in the chateau one night while the others are out getting snacks for movie night. They had convinced the two of you to stay home while they went out because you had kinda been fighting all day. ‘Fighting’ meaning you had been ignoring JJ and he had been desperately trying to get you to talk to him. 
You had all gone to a party the night before, and you thought you saw JJ flirting with another girl (granted, you never really gave him the chance to explain himself… you’d kind of just been shutting him out all day.) Kie, Pope, Sarah, and JB had also so kindly given you guys the job of cleaning up the chateau. There were beer bottles scattered around and paper plates and cups littering the floor. Right as the group walked out, you stood up from the couch and started cleaning up. 
JJ sighed and leaned back into his seat. “Y/n, come on. You gotta talk to me.” You continued cleaning up, moving into the kitchen to grab a trash bag to hold as you walked around. You had been giving him the silent treatment all day and he wasn’t having it anymore. “Y/n. This is bullshit, whatever this is can’t be fixed if you won’t even look at me! Come on, they expect us to have all our shit figured out when they get back, and honestly, I would like to not spend the rest of the night in awkward silence.” 
You sigh and bend down to pick up a beer bottle, but it slips out of your hand as you stand up and shatters on the floor. You straighten up and rub a hand over your face, take a deep breath, and roughly set the trash bag on the floor to crouch down and get ready to clean up the glass. JJ sighs again and stands up to come help you. “Here, let me help.” 
You stand up and push his hand away from the trash bag. “No! Cut it out, JJ, you know exactly why I’m acting like this! Quit pretending like you’re clueless and like you don’t know what’s wrong.” 
He frustratedly laughs and rubs a hand over his face. “For fucks sake, y/n, I’ve been trying to talk to you ALL DAY to understand why you’re so upset! I legitimately have no idea what I did wrong, so please, just cut the bullshit and tell me!”
It’s your turn to laugh now, and you aggressively sit on the couch and throw the trash bag on the floor. “No, YOU cut the bullshit. You can’t expect me to act perfectly fine when we go to a party and I see you flirting with another girl who is basically THROWING herself at you and you just let it happen!” 
JJ looks at you like that’s the craziest thing any person has ever said. “Are you serious?? I was absolutely not flirting with another girl. Not only was I completely wasted, but I was literally with you the entire night.” 
You roll your eyes and get up from the couch to pick up the broken bottle. “Whatever, JJ. I’m done talking about this. If you wanna lie about being with that girl and about ‘being with me the entire night’ then go ahead, but you can do it to someone else because I’m not having this conversation anymore.”
JJ looks around like he’s about to go crazy. “Y/n. I swear to god. I was literally with you the entire night! From when we got there, to when we got drinks, to when we left! You’re acting ridiculous, I genuinely don’t know what you’re so mad about.” 
You stop in front of the damn glass shards once more and angrily pick up the trash bag again. “I just fucking told you what I’m mad about! And I never got drinks at the party, you did. You left about ten minutes after we got there and I didn’t see you again for the rest of the night.” 
JJ sits down and rubs his hands over his face. “I’m actually so confused right now. I know I was wasted but literally remember spending the whole night with you. We got drinks and danced and then left at like 2.” 
You shake your head, internally realizing that maybe he mistook some other girl for you. It had kinda been a rough week for you overall, and maybe you were overreacting just a little bit. “Whatever. Everyone’ll be back soon and I need to get this shithole cleaned up.” You start to pick up the shattered beer bottle but end up accidentally being too rough and cutting your hand on a big sharp piece. “Shit,” you hiss and suck in a breath, dropping the bag to hold your hurt hand in your other one. 
JJ looks up from his hands and sees you bleeding and immediately gets up. “Y/n, jesus.” You can feel tears prickling from the cut, and also probably from being stressed all day - no, all week. 
You pull away from JJ and wipe a tear with your good hand. You sniff and try to stand up. “I’m fine. Stop.” 
JJ puts one hand on your holder and the other on your elbow to gently make you sit down and kisses your head. “Let me help you, honey. Sit here, I’ll get the first aid kit.” 
You sit on the ground and clutch your hurt hand as tears stream down your face. You’re beginning to feel absolutely horrible for treating him like shit all day. 
JJ returns from the bathroom a minute later and sits next to you. “Sorry,” he whispers, “It was shoved under the sink. Took me a minute to find it.” 
You sniff and look away from him as he starts to clean out the cut. You can see him out of the corner of your eye and he keeps looking from your hand to your face. 
“Doesn’t look deep enough to need stitches. It should heal itself in a week or two.” Once he’s done cleaning it, he covers the cut and gives it a kiss. You let him hold your hand and rub it. 
You couldn’t stand not talking to him all day, and realize now that he made an honest mistake, and you felt like a complete bitch for acting the way you did. You guys had never fought like this before and it hurt so much that you knew you would do anything to prevent it from happening again. You start to cry and he gently pulls you into him. 
“Oh, honey.” He rubs your back as you cry and grab onto his shirt with your good hand. He sighs and starts softly talking. “I think you realized this by now, but I still want to say it so you know what happened. I thought I was with you the whole time at the party. I swear on my life. The other girl must have looked very similar to you, or maybe I was just wasted out of my mind, but I swear on everything I would never flirt with anyone other than you. I swear to you I remember being with you the entire night. Not some stupid touron. I would never do that to you.” 
You lift your head and rub your eyes, letting out a sigh. “I know. I think that’s why I got so upset about it. It wasn’t like you and it scared me. I’m sorry. I feel like a complete bitch, I should have just talked to you about it. I’m sorry.” 
JJ shakes his head softly and holds your face in his hands. “Don’t apologize. You had every right to be upset. If I was in your position I would have probably assumed the same thing. We just need to talk to each other first when things like this happen. I hate fighting with you, y/n. And I hate seeing you so upset, especially when I’m the one who caused it.”
You lean your forehead on his, and he kisses you sweetly. You sit like this for a few seconds more, then JJ starts to get up and helps you do the same. 
“Alright, let's get this shithole cleaned up before everyone comes back and bites our heads off, yeah?” 
You softly smile and nod, wiping your face again. JJ sweetly smiles and comes over and hugs you. 
“You and me forever, okay? I got you.” 
a/n: I hope you enjoyed, thank you to the moon and back for reading <3. Again, PLEASE leave requests, prompts, questions, or anything for me!! I want to make this a usual thing of posting so please give me any & all feedback. Love ya!
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chironshorseass · 9 months
ok i really really really enjoyed watching the first two episodes and i think the show is already so faithful to the books in ways the movies wished they were BUT i’m gonna be a bitch just because i can and rant about a few insignificant but at the same time very important Things the writers didn’t Understand:
percy is angry.
and i know this is seen with his anger towards poseidon in the show, but i’m talking angry. as in, generally speaking. when he’s with grover and they’re talking about nancy, percy says something along the lines of “we should fight back,” and grover’s like “noooo we can’t stand up to bullies.” and then percy stands up to her and blah blah blah…but in the books percy’s first line is “i’m going to kill her” after she throws a sandwich at grover. grover talks him out of it because he’s already on probation.
with just this scene we know percy stands up to bullies, and that’s partly why he has so much trouble at school! in the show, he stands up to nancy, apparently for the first time, and gets kicked out because of it! sorry but as someone who worked in a school, i know for a fact that kids can get away with so much more before they’re actually kicked out lol. it would’ve made sense, like in tlt, that he’s already at risk of suspension so him “pushing” nancy is the final straw. it’s just very weird, considering it could be only a line of dialogue that makes percy’s anger and the connection between his outburst and him getting kicked out more clear.
consequently, percy arrives at his appartment and gabe is just a general (still admittedly abusive) jerk instead of a drunk, violent (also abusive) man. when we meet gabe, it makes a lot of sense why percy has so much trouble with his anger. it’s easy to see that connection. literal child + alcoholic abusive father figure = there’s bound to be some trouble….that’s not really the case in the show, especially in the way that sally easily stands up to him. people have said a fair bit about this topic already, so i’m not gonna expand on that, but i really wish the writers had focused more on percy’s internal anger, as it’s such an important part of his character and affects the way he reacts to things throughout the books; it just worries me that in the first episode it wasn’t as established. i. e. he hates dionysus on sight because he reminds him of smelly gabe, he hates the gods—is angry at poseidon—because, where was he when my mom and i were suffering at the hands of smelly gabe? ok i’m not gonna talk about more of this or of sally because other people have said it and i could write a four page essay of what the show got wrong plus i want to talk abt other things before this gets too long:
the monster scenes.
the mrs. dodds being a fury reveal felt sooo…weird? even the movie version did it better lol. it felt super rushed and strange how percy’s just standing there and the next he’s on the ground, but he had riptide with him so he just impaled her and then she turned to dust??? in the books, not only does she get percy alone, but grover tries to stand up to her—which is a big deal since he knows what she truly is and shows how much he cares for percy in that moment. percy has time to be genuinely terrified bc he’s alone with a literal monster and he’s about to die…and chiron throws him riptide just in time, but then he too vanishes so percy’s left wondering if he imagined everything. but no, in the show mrs. dodds comes out of nowhere and attacks him, and it’s so fast that percy doesn’t have time to dwell on wtf happened. the situation doesn’t seem as serious as it does in the book; in the book she tries to interrogate percy bc she thinks he’s the lightning thief, and when she doesn’t get her answer, she attacks him. this is another thing: the stakes. they don’t feel as high in the show because there’s no annabeth trying to ask percy what was stolen, no hellhound, no fates cutting a string, and no alecto/mrs. dodds interrogation. there’s not much of a lead up to the quest, really.
theeen the minotaur scene, which also feels super weirdly paced and there’s just not that same sense of urgency. again, other people have talked about this, so i’ll just stick to another main concern of mine: grover’s role in the scene. it was so strange how in the book he’s semi unconscious and in the show he’s fine (so fine that sally does something completely out of character and makes grover swear to keep percy safe? she would never put that much pressure in a child???) ok so he seems fine in the show, but then when they’re running percy’s holding him as if he can’t walk???? they’re not even fully sprinting, given that a monster is chasing them lol. (the problem with the stakes; i mean with the way they run and have an entire talk with sally makes it feel like they’re not in any real danger).
back to grover: he was perfectly fine, and he got percy back safe. not at all like in tlt, where percy has to practically carry him back, after loosing his mom and killing the minotaur. THEN percy passes out and later wakes up at the big house. this is important, bc grover’s entire THING is being percy’s protector, and he couldn’t do that properly bc he was indisposed. he felt awful. of course he did. his character arc is overcoming the guilt and insecurities—that he’s not a proper protector and therefore can’t search for pan; his main character motivation—by successfully completing the quest and helping percy retrieve the master bolt.
these are just little seeds that needed to be planted in the first two episodes of the show…so that the rest of the show feels cohesive and makes sense with what happens in tlt. if these character traits and scenes are looked over and not given proper importance/not replaced with something similar, then the show will have a different tone than it does to the books. i don’t think it’s necessarily bad, but it is disappointing that the details sprinkled in the source material are lost in translation. they may have seemed insignificant to the writers, but not to meeee!!!!!!
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aliidarling · 5 months
I love you <3 Danny catches the reader using a bullet vibrator while he stalks her? No sex just him breaking in and using it on you 💕
“yes daisy” they all chant in unison..
i may of gotten overboard and wrote him fucking us :3 oopsies
camera shy
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DANNY JOHNSON x fem!reader
nsfw content — pls scroll if uncomfortable
summary: danny is stalking us and comes across us using a toy on ourselves and decides to have some fun!
warnings: dub con, p in v, dumbification, toy use, vibrators, sweet reader, mean danny, overstimulation, rough sex, size kink, pussy slapping, stalking danny is his own warning
nsfw / dark content below!
danny has had his eyes glued on you for a while now. following you home from your college classes, watching you get your favorite drink from that corner cafe, taking stops at the local bookstores, watching the latest movies, he was always there.
you were adorable to him. a sweet girl, with the prettiest face and a body he would love to kiss and caress, big eyes that would suck his soul if he ever looked into them. that’s why he stuck to stalking, creeping from the shadows and peering through windows.
you were his favorite hobby. he loved to analyze you and find out the reasoning behind everything you did— he wanted you. he didn’t understand what it was about you that was different from his other victims, but ever since he laid eyes on you, he knew there was different about you.
he had you in his head as the sweet girl next door, with pretty bows in her hair and a pink bedroom. you watched horror movies in your free time to thirst over the killers, read romance books, and baked sweet goods for your friends. you were a dream come true, he just wanted to swallow you whole.
which was why when he came across you on your bed, laying on your back with your hand between your plump thighs, he was surprised. very surprised. what were you doing with that toy, sweetheart? he would of never expected this outcome. he was almost offended. how had he read you so wrong? you were a dirty little slut using a vibrator on yourself, not his sweet innocent girl, what was going on?
his teeth gritted at the sight of you. his eyes were glued to where your small hands were holding onto the vibrator, pressing it against your clit as you writhed into your silky sheets. your eyes were fluttered shut, gasps leaving you as you squirmed like a little worm, feeling so good and satisfied. he had never felt more angry. he could do so much better then that stupid toy, why were you even bothering with yourself?
the urge to burst through your window and grab you tempted him, to hold you down as he uses your tiny hole and taught you a lesson, but he knew he needed to be patient. plus, he had a good view, why not enjoy it for a few minutes before he acted?
his eyes glanced down to your slick pussy, watching as it glistened and twitched. you kept whimpering pathetically, your hand going to grab one of your stuffies to cover your mouth with it, muffling your pretty noises. he wanted to rip that stupid plushie to shreds, hear the moans you produced, force some more out of you while he’s at it.
his self restraint was slowly disappearing the more he watched you. his cock hardened in his pants the more you let out those needy whines, pressing your pussy against the vibrator, your hips almost trembling. you were overstimulating yourself, dumb bitch.
soon enough he can’t stop his hand grabbing onto your window and slowly opening it, the small creak going unnoticed by you. you were too busy being a slut, and what do dumb sluts get? a psychopath creeping into their room in the late hours, a blade in their hand.
he creeps over to the edge of your bed, his tall figure looming over you and standing there menacingly. he was already smiling under the mask, almost giddy at the thought of you opening your eyes and getting the jumpscare of your life. oh, he hadn’t felt this excited since his first kill.
your dumbass kept moaning and rubbing the vibrator against your clit, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure through your body and causing you to clench down. your eyes were closed, mouth agape, legs spread and bent at the knees. you were curling up like a kitten the closer you grew to your orgasm.
once you felt your orgasm wash over you and your cum drip down onto your fluffy blanket, you slowly opened your eyes, planning on throwing your blanket in the washer. you were caught off guard by the sight of a huge ghostface standing there.
you immediately screamed and closed your legs, your heart dropping. what the fuck. why is there a gigantic ghostface staring at you? especially when you were just jerking off? that was the jumpscare of your life, you swore, you felt your heart jump out of your chest and make a beeline for the door.
he realizes you're not as dumb as you thought when you immediately roll over to the edge of your gigantic bed — why was your bed so big anyways? a pretty little thing like you could do with a twin bed, you spoiled brat. he's quick to act, grabbing you by your ankles and throwing back in the center. princess like you deserves to be in the middle, center of spotlight.
but you’re also a whore, he remembers, a dumb slut who thought touching yourself was okay.
“shut the hell up, bitch.” he sneers, straddling you quickly and almost tripping over his robe. jesus, he definitely should of gotten it in a smaller size. he holds you down as you thrash and cry, tears already filling your cute doe eyes. he couldn’t wait to see how your tears would stain your pretty pink bed.
“w-who are you?! what do you want from me— i have no money! you can t-take my stuffies if you want— or my make up! i have a l-lot and it’ll probably add up to lot of m-money!” you ramble, whining under him as your legs are forced open by his body, your round face flushed with embarrassment and humiliation. mostly fear.
he suppresses the urge to roll his eyes at your pleas. “just shut up, and i won’t hurt you. pretty thing like you can do that, right? or are you dumber then you look?” his words are mean and harsh, striking daggers into your big golden heart.
you tear up under him, shaking as your pussy is forcefully spread open from the position. you felt so exposed and humiliated, opened up for his amusement. was he gonna hurt you? kill you? you do you ur best to listen and nod, your bottom lip quivering. he takes it between his fingers and gently pinches, making your face scrunch up to an adorable expression. he smiles under the mask.
he’s quick to grab the vibrator by your side, snickering as your eyes fill with an unreadable expression. you watch confused but still scared as he toys with the vibrator infront of you. it’s embarrassing, mostly.
“h-hey, put that down—“ you plead weakly, whimpering. how could he just play around with something so personal of yours right infront of you? you wanted to curl up and die right now, hide in a ditch for the rest of your life, anything to forget whatever was happening right now. you didn’t even know what was happening— you randomly opened your eyes and then got jumped by a fucking horror movie character?
“what is this? huh?” he hums casually and starts clicking random buttons, giggling childishly as it starts vibrating intensely. you flinch at the sight of him waving your vibrating toy in your face. god, what was wrong with this pyscho?!
“put it back!” you screech, trying to sound firm but only sounding like a pathetic wimp in the end. your voice even cracked. today was definitely your lucky day.
“put it back!” he mocks in a high pitched voice, laughing down at your terrified expression. god, you were just too cute. all teary eyed under him, lips quivering with your legs spread and glistening pussy on display, he could do whatever he wanted to you.
“dirty little slut, you were touching yourself, weren’t you? your pussy’s all wet, baby, is it for me?” he coos and rubs his hand over your pussy lips. you gasp at the friction and try to pull your hips away but you’re pinned down, pinned down and forced to react to how his large hand rubbed your needy cunt.
“oooh, you’re getting off on this, huh? not surprised, i’ve been watching you for a while now, i’ve seen you squeeze your thighs together while watching those masked men on tv.” he shakes his head, watching as you writhe and whimper at the feeling of getting your tiny hole prodded at.
“ohhh, i get it now, you’ve never had anyone touch you down here? only that pathetic piece of plastic, right?” he laughs at your face. “let me see how small it is really, i’m curious.” he grins sadistically and slowly slides two of his thick fingers inside, pushing in nice and deep until his knuckles meet your pussy lips. he doesn’t miss the way your brows furrow and how you moan.
“please, pull em’ out, please pleaseee!” your words slur as another moan is forced out of your pretty pink lips. his fingers are thick and big, stretching your pussy out and making you feel things you’ve never felt. it felt so good, to your horror. your legs couldn’t help but spread subconsciously, toes curling in as he starts to scissor you open.
“don’t lie to me doll, i know you like this. you’re practically dripping down my fingers. you’re gonna ruin my gloves, slut.” he scoffs and gives you a little swat on the cheek, making you flinch and gag on your moan. you were hiccuping and crying so pathetically under him, some moans slipping in now.
he almost laughs as you frown and start to apologize, blabbering little apologies and crying out as he slides his fingers out slowly and slamming them back inside. you were so precious, apologizing for ruining his glove.
“so sloppy.” he tsk’s, pulling his hand out and delivering a slap to your hole. you jump in surprise and attempt to squeeze your thighs shut, but he quickly holds them open with his other hand. he’s brutal as he spanks your pussy, slapping it over and over again, watching as your cum from earlier and your juices dirty his black fabric.
“ow! ow! why are you— ow!” you shriek. the pain of getting your pussy spanked was surprisingly pleasant, you almost started drooling. why did it feel so good? why did it feel so good to get mistreated and spanked like a child? you had no idea.
he chuckles and parts from you after a long minute, your body under him shaking so much. you had tears all over your face, legs quivering, pussy all red and swollen. it was so adorable.
“fat pussy, what are you feeding it?” he says meanly. his hand reaches for the vibrator again and pulls it back into his grasp, playing around with the settings. you hiccup and watch him, blinking through your glassy tears.
“u-uhm.. veggies?” you say lamely. he gives you a glare before suddenly pressing the head of the toy into your clit. you immediately react in a cry and yelp of surprise, eyes rolling back as your clit is overstimulated beyond belief. you were still so sensitive from your session before.
“o-oh! nghh— oh, please,” you pant, the moans leaving you like butter. your chest was heaving up and down, eyes rolled back with tears on your cheeks. you were such a pretty sight, all slutted out in your girly little bed. strangling you with one of your satin ribbons sounds like a good way to end you, but first he wants to make you cum so many times you go dumb, if you weren’t already mentally stupid. then maybe he can think about keeping you.
two orgasms later, you’re limp on your bed with a mess between your thighs. you have your cum all over your pussy and dripping onto your pink blanket, shaky hiccups leaving you, your throat dry from all the moaning he caused. you could barely feel your legs. your clit throbbed and burned.
“you’re such a good girl,” he soothes, scooping you up into his arms and petting your hair as one would do with a pet. you were so cute, you would make such a good puppy. “did so well, baby, took it all.” he presses your face into his broad chest, holding you closely.
you were such a sensitive thing, probably would break if he squeezed too hard. you were barely coherent with your words, only letting out barely audible mumbles. you barely notice as he starts to press his hips against yours, the large bulge very clear.
“w-wait, no, can’t take no more..” you protest weakly. he ignores you and lays you back down, spreading your legs and giving your pussy a little pat before parting. he reaches over to your nightstand and grabs your satin sleeping mask, slipping it over your eyes. he smiles at the sight of you and gives you some chin scratches and rubs before pulling away.
“don’t look, kay? if you do, i’m gonna gut you, okay? good girl.” he was practically talking to himself at this point. you were so tired and overstimulated you couldn’t even take a peek if you wanted to.
“mhm.” you grunt out. you hear the sound of fabric wrinkling and rustling. you could only assume what he was doing, and in this type of situation, it was pretty obvious.
he pulled off his robe which left him in his dark tee shirt and jeans. you hear him unbuckle his belt, the metal clinking together making you flinch. he dryly chuckles at the reaction before unzipping his fly and pulling his clothes off swiftly. he would be more fast with this, but these jeans cost a lot and he wasn’t gonna wrinkle them for a slut like you.
“gentle.” you plead. he ignores you and pulls his cock out, pumping it sloppily, his precum dripping down his length. he was thick, with a good advantage on inches. he knew it would hurt for you, and he was looking forward to it. poor baby had only had his fingers before this, and now he was gonna put his 8inch cock inside you.
“mmmm,” he hums absentmindedly, burying your face in his chest as he leans over you. he pushes your thighs up to your chest, opening you up. your pussy sparkles, winking at him maybe. he smiles and rubs his tip against your tiny hole, sighing lowly as the feeling makes him flutter his eyes.
“relax for me, mkay?”
he honestly doesn’t care if he hurts you or not, but considering he cared about his dick, he knew you would need to relax your walls. he didn’t want his blood circulation to be cut off, that would be an awkward drive to the hospital. especially with blue balls.
“uh huh,” you mumble as you hesitantly relax. he drags his fat head across your slit before slowly pushing in. your eyes squeeze shut under the sleeping mask you wore, teeth gritting at the pain. oh god, he was ripping you in half. that’s what it felt like.
you let out a mix of a cry and moan, hole clenching down on him as he buries himself inside you. your body quivers delicately, struggling to take him. danny watches with narrowed eyes, his hands on the back of your thighs and folding you in half under him, his breath heavy. your pussy felt so tight and warm, he felt like he could cum already.
“i-i can’t—“ you choke out. he chuckles at how pathetic you sounded, crying at how big his dick was. he hums and start to give you shallow thrusts, pushing out a few inches and sliding back in.
“yeah you can, shut up’ and relax.” his words are gruffly as he focuses on sliding in and out of you, a small groan leaving him. his grip tightens on you. if you told him an hour ago while he was getting ready to stalk you that he would end up balls deep in you, he’d call you crazy and probably gut you.
“mppphhh…” your voice is muffled as you press your lips together, whimpering at his large size. he shushes you. he doesn’t really care about your pain, he likes you(he likes you as much as a psychopath could), but he could care less if he was stretching your pussy. if anything, it made it better for him, knowing he was too big for you.
“what? am i hurting you? grow up, sweetheart.” his words are mean as he starts to harden his thrusts, slamming his cock inside you every second. your moans grow louder and your body squirms, mouth falling agape. everytime his tip brushes against your sweet spot all the way in the back of your sweet cunt you clench down, making him hiss and think about wether he wanted to stab you or kiss you more.
“your pussy may of just saved you, baby, can’t kill such a sweet girl with such a tight hole.” he snickers at your immediate reaction of horror. he’s quick to start thrusting harder and faster, chasing his own high. more moans are forced out of your throat as your lips quiver.
“a-augh! i-it’s so- feels good..” you whine shakily, giving in to the blissful feeling he was shoving inside you. he laughs at you. “yeah?” he hums and shifts closer to you, gaining a leverage with his hold on your waist, and starts to slam himself inside you repeatedly. his cock brutally batters your insides.
you looked so dumb under him, whimpering and barely making out coherent words as he fucks you hard and deep. a part of him wonders if you’re even fully conscious, did he shove his cock too deep and puncture your brain? that would be a funny way to die.
it’s not long before he cums deep inside you, groaning lowly and probably giving your little body bruises. you let out a few sobs, tears all over your face as you pant and shake. there’s cum all over your pussy, your lips swollen, tits bruises from him groping them and slapping them. he’s never seen a more delicious sight. it almost makes him want to give you round three— no, like, round four? no, round five. it would make him want to give you a fifth round just to hear you sob at how deep his cock hits, but he’s getting tired now. and he has a 9 to 5 tomorrow he’s not looking forward to, but a man has to make a living somehow, right? not everyone can murder all day and come back home to a mansion.
“yeah, yeah, i know.” he says dryly, pulling out of your abused pussy. he rubs the cum into you a little before parting and looking you over. you were a pretty sight, he’s definitely gonna come back. he pulls his robe back on and fixes his mask, his dick still semi hard. but whatever, not everyone can get whatever they want.
“a-are you gonna go now?” you sniffle quietly, laying limp like a lifeless doll, too tired from the pounding to move. it’s silence for a little too long, all you could hear was rustling and the sounds of objects clattering. you’re wondering what the hell he’s doing before you suddenly get hit hard on the temple, the pain blinding you for a moment before everything goes black. the masked freak really just knocked you out, huh?
you wake up later, not knowing how long it’s been or what time it is. you saw your ceiling as you groggily stirred, the pink walls blinding you for a second before you yawn. your head throbbed, and so did your body. it felt like you had been run over by a train.
your lazy as you sit up, rubbing your eyes. your head hurt so much, oh god. your pink bed had stains on it. small flashes of last night appeared in your mind, the memory of getting pinned down and used, but it all felt so unreal. there was no proof he had done what he did, only the bruises on your body.
you peered at your nightstand, blinking slowly at the sight of plan b and a polaroid cluttering your table.
the polaroid showcased you and ghostie, you being passed out behind him as he held up a silly peace sign. your belly was covered in his cum and was smeared into a messy heart.
on the back of the polaroid was a note written in a handwriting more terrifying then the situation.
hi baby!! i loved our little playdate <3 can’t wait to see you again, make sure you’re not late to class! you have one at 8am this morning, better start getting ready ๑(◕‿◕)๑
you squinted your eyes and looked at your alarm clock. it was 8:24 am. oh crap.
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
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From @plasticcrotches. Thank you!
It shouldn’t have mattered. It shouldn’t have affected him like this.
But the lights going out unexpectedly after flickering for nearly a full minute sent him into a dark spiral.
He could vaguely hear the kids talking, probably coming up with a plan to get out.
Robin’s safe, at least. She’s with her parents out of state. She’ll never have to go through this again if Steve can help it.
He should listen to the plan, figure out how he can use his body to protect the kids, get them all out of here.
Steve turned to see Eddie frowning at him, coming closer.
“We’ve gotta get you out of here,” Steve stood, looking around for a weapon, any weapon.
It was too dark.
“Stevie, it’s okay.” Eddie’s hand gripped his arm, warm when everything else felt so cold. “Just sit down. Lucas and Dustin already went to check.”
“Alone?!” Steve tried to pull away, but Eddie’s grip tightened.
“They’re alright. We’re safe.”
“No we aren’t! What if something’s out there?” Steve finally pulled his arm loose, looking back at Eddie. His eyes were adjusting in the dark and he could see the concern on his face.
“Steve, where do you think you are?” Eddie asked, stepping in closer, hand gently cupping his cheek.
Steve looked around. It was difficult to see much, but he could see the shapes of the kids sprawled across a couch. His couch. In his living room.
His body relaxed slightly as he recognized more of his house around him. Not the Upside Down version, the real one.
“Sorry,” he said as Eddie leaned in closer, his forehead almost touching Steve’s.
“Why are you sorry?”
Eddie’s breath was warm against his face, sending a shiver down Steve’s back.
“Feel stupid. Thought we were back there for a minute,” Steve whispered. He didn’t want the kids overhearing. They had enough to worry about.
“Does that happen a lot?”
“No,” Steve could only think of one other time and Robin had been there to bring him back. “I’m okay. I should go check on Lucas and Dustin. They’ll probably break something.”
“Wait,” Eddie’s other hand gripped Steve’s hip. “We’re okay, Stevie. I’m safe because you got me safe. You protected me then and I know you would if you had to again. You know that, right?”
Steve felt his heart stop momentarily in his chest. Eddie usually kept a distance between them, maybe scared to get close to Steve after everything. Steve had sat by his side in the hospital every day until he woke up and Wayne could be brought in to see him.
But since then, they’d become friends. Just…they didn’t get physically close. Steve didn’t know why.
He wanted to touch Eddie, wanted to lean his head on his shoulder during movies or rub his back when he decided to stand in the kitchen and watch the kids take over Hellfire.
He wanted to play with his hair and kiss him.
He wanted.
But he couldn’t.
“I wish I could’ve protected you better,” Steve admitted, voice breaking. “I should’ve been with you.”
“You can’t be in two places at once. I did a stupid, unpredictable thing. It’s not your fault.”
“But I could’ve stopped you,” Steve argued.
He could see the kids leaving the room out of the corner of his eye, probably going to check on what Dustin and Lucas were doing.
“I wouldn’t have let you,” Eddie argued back. “I can be just as stubborn as you.”
Eddie was still touching his hip and his face.
His eyes were wide as he searched Steve’s.
“It’s over, right?” Steve asked.
“It’s over,” Eddie reassured.
“We’re safe.”
“We are safe.”
Steve should do it, he should kiss him. They’re alone and Eddie’s giving signals that he’s never given before. Or maybe he has and Steve just didn’t realize it.
Actually, he definitely has.
Steve leaned in the few inches he needed to brush his lips against Eddie’s.
He expected Eddie to pull away quickly, to stop touching him.
Instead, he let his hand drift to the back of Steve’s head and pull him in closer, nipping at his bottom lip playfully before kissing him harder.
Steve let out an embarrassing noise as he reached up to grip Eddie’s hips, stabilizing himself as Eddie groaned into his mouth.
“It’s not dark enough for us to not see you, ya know,” Mike snarked from the doorway.
Steve pulled away, ready to come up with an excuse, but Eddie wrapped his arm around him and pulled him into his side.
“Shut up, Mike. You can handle two people kissing.”
“Not when it’s you two.”
“Oh, are you homophobic?” Eddie smirked, already knowing that wasn’t the problem.
“No! You know I’m not!” Mike was flustered now, clearly looking for a reason to leave. “Just- just go somewhere else!”
Steve rolled his eyes. “This is my house, dude.”
The lights came back on and Steve fully relaxed against Eddie.
Eddie must’ve noticed, kissing the top of his head before all the kids rushed back into the room.
No one else seemed to notice the position they were in, but that was fine.
Steve didn’t wanna hide, and it seemed like Eddie didn’t either. If the kids did notice, they’d be fine.
As long as Eddie was there, he’d be fine.
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tinytalkingtina · 2 months
Cool Whip
Rating M | WC 1330 | Ao3 link
Tags: getting together, first kiss, innuendo, bisexual steve and eddie, eddie speed-runs a sexuality crisis, inappropriate use of whipped cream, fast burn (these two have never gone slow in their lives), fade to black
Written for the STWG July 28 prompt "Oh. Oh."
Steve stared at Eddie in complete silence.
Eddie fidgeted under his gaze. “So. Perhaps. In this instance, giving into the gremlin that lives inside my head was not the best choice I could have made,” he said sheepishly.
“Really Edward. You don’t say.” Steve was still holding the incriminating weapon, had been since he confiscated it. Every so often he twirled it around in his hands.
“What if you uhhh, did it back to me? We’ll be even?” he offered. “Come on, it’s fine, I won’t even fight you on it!”
“Can’t do that because we’re at my house, not yours, and this was my last pair of clean pants and underwear. So, unless you want to walk around like Winnie the fucking Pooh for the rest of the night, maybe we don’t spray whipped cream down your jeans too.” 
Steve ran an agitated hand through his hair. “I’m going to go take a shower and wash this shit off of my junk now, ‘kay? Just put the ice cream back in the freezer, we can do a movie night together another time, I guess.” Disappointment was written all over his face. Oops, Eddie didn't realize how much he must have been looking forward to watching Raiders of the Lost Ark. 
As Steve turned around to go, Eddie knew he should let him. Unfortunately, Nosnum Eidde, the impulsive gremlin living in his brain, was still firmly in control.
“Wait, let’s not waste it. Let me clean you up!” He blurted out.
“What?” Steve was staring again, this time with eyes wide in confusion.
“Let me…clean up the mess I made. On your body.”
“Eddie I really can’t tell if you’re joking or not.”
It did sound like a joke didn’t it. But if it was a joke, why was the thought sending sparks of lighting along his spine. 
“I don’t. Don’t think I’m joking right now,” Eddie said slowly. “Give me a minute here.”
It wasn’t like his brain had a perfect track record when it let Nosnum have the wheel. Like those times it had told him that he could climb the tallest tree in the trailer park without getting stuck at the top, or point out how hypocritical O’Donnell was acting during class without getting detention. 
But it had also gotten things right on occasion. And with Steve standing so close, it was busy pointing out things Eddie hadn't thought about before: like for example, when Steve chewed on his lips in agitation, they became invitingly plump. And, despite the growing damp spot on the front, those jeans were still hugging Steve's ass perfectly. 
Perhaps most importantly, he wasn't rushing forward to punch Eddie's lights out for insinuating, well. He just stood there with a faint blush coloring his cheeks. In his house, a place currently unoccupied by anyone else, not even Robin. While wearing a shirt that was just on the wrong side of too tight with his hair coiffed for a night out and oh my G-d—
“Steve…was tonight supposed to be a date?” Eddie was shocked the question fell out of his mouth so steadily.
The blush on Steve's face grew darker. “I mean, sort of? Was getting mixed signals from you but—yeah.” He shrugged. “We haven’t been able to hang out one on one since I figured things out. Thought I’d see how tonight went before making a move.”
“Oh. You. You had a plan to seduce me.” Eddie wheezed a little. "You like me like that?"
“I uh, kind of put two and two together about a month ago. Had a really long talk with Robin, and turns out apparently normal men don't want to, you know, make out with their guy friends. Or imagine Harrison Ford holding a whip when he’s all sweaty and—wait, what about you, Mr. 'Propositioning My Friends To Use My Mouth?’ How long have you known?"
“About five minutes consciously.” Eddie said in a strangled voice. “Maybe ten if we consider what I did to your pants subliminal foreplay.”
Steve snorted. The gremlin in Eddie’s brain was convinced this made him even more attractive. Huh, maybe this had been going on for longer than he had realized, if a snort could set him off.
“Not really sure what submarines have to do with Cool Whip, but yeah we can probably count that. Welcome to the ‘part gay’ club man! You’re taking this really well, no offense.” Steve pat him on the back, the brief contact sending more sparks through his veins.
“Yeah, in 1985 I’d probably be doing something destructive right about now.” Eddie agreed. “But the me of 1987 can’t really muster up the energy for another panic attack after finding out about inter-dimensional portals or. You know. Everything else that happened.” Wow, real smooth Eddie, way to kill the mood of whatever fever dream was happening right now.
“Besides,” he tried for a joke. “1987 Eddie has a high school diploma. My brain’s so full of facts there’s no more room for anything else unless we shove it into my mouth and—“ His eyes widened as he caught up with what he was saying. He ducked to hide behind his hair. “Uh, what I mean was, um. Yeah I’ve got nothing to say for that.”
Steve gave another adorable snort and walked closer. “We may have to work our way up to that one, but maybe I could give your mouth something else to put its lips around instead?”
“Dude that doesn’t even—what, do you want me to vacuum seal your mouth with mine? How would we, wait, please tell me that isn’t the secret move you pulled that had all the cheerleaders in school losing their minds over?” Eddie squeaked out.
Steve blushed again even as he laughed. “First of all I only ever actually dated like, three people in high school, I wasn’t as big a slut as rumors made me out to be. And okay that might have sounded better in my head, but in my defense I kind of can’t think of anything but kissing you right now.”
Eddie rapidly nodded his head. “Yes, that’s. We should do that. Please.” After a slight roadblock in which both of them on autopilot tried to take the lead and grab the other’s face, they finally managed to actually press their lips against each other.
And oh. Oh. 
Look, this was far from Eddie’s first kiss. But this was the first time someone still wanted to kiss after seeing him eat eggs with maple syrup on them. Or who knew he secretly slept with his childhood stuffed animal. Because Steve wasn’t angling to get cheaper weed, or trying to get back at his parents by having Eddie knock on the door in his ripped jeans for a date.
Steve knew Eddie’s whole sordid history, and kissed him anyway, holy shit.
The kiss itself was short and relatively chaste. But after they stopped, Steve didn’t immediately lean out of Eddie’s space. Instead he gave the tip of Eddie’s nose a quick peck before resting their foreheads together. A giggle bubbled up out of Eddie’s chest.
Steve rapped his knuckles on Eddie’s head. “Everything okay up there?”
“You like me. Steeeeve Harringtonnn likes me!” Steve smiled softly at him as he cupped Eddie’s cheek in his palm.
“Yeah, I do, you big dork. And I’d love to continue this, but because someone sprayed whipped cream onto my junk, I need to go shower it off before it gets even crunchier because wow, this is uncomfortable.”
Now it was Eddie’s turn to blush. “Sorry about that again. But if you want maybe uh, maybe I could join you and actually help clean it off?”
Steve smirked. “I think we can work something out, yeah. Come on.”
Running up the stairs while Steve tightly held his hand, Eddie decided that perhaps this time, his brain might have had the right idea after all.
Later that evening:
Eddie: "Wait, I was flirting with you the entire Spring Break from hell wasn't I."
Steve: "That was point #1 on Robin's 'Eddie is into you' list."
Eddie: "In hindsight this does explain why she kept saying I could be myself around her last week. I used the opportunity to give her a 2 hour long intro to metal music lesson."
Steve: "Yeah, she said I still owe her for that."
@augustjustice @stellarspecter Come get your fast burn Steddie!
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aliaology · 7 months
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SUMMARY: you and jack had been dating for around nine months now, and recently his ex has been coming back around. this causes you to go on a social media stalking rampage, and soon you become a little obsessed with her.
PAIRINGS: jack hughes x fem!reader
WARNINGS: social media stalking, shit talking exes, use of jenna and nicole (nicole is a real person tho!!! bratters gf), use of (y/n)
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if i told you how much i think about her, you’d think i was in love. and if you knew how much i looked at her pictures, you would we’re best friends.
It wasn’t hard to figure out who jack’s ex was. The way he seemed to barely look her way when one of his teammates brought up the fact she was at the game. Instead of sporting a devils jersey, like she used to, she was wearing a rangers jersey, and holding a sign for a rangers player.
it also wasn’t hard to immediately become jealous of her when jack’s teammates talked about how she used to always show up to games. it almost made you feel.. belittled. especially because you had a job, you couldn’t always make jacks games, but he understood that.
by the time the game ended and you sat on a bench, waiting for jack, you’d already find yourself scrolling through her instagram. you looked at every picture, how she was such a pretty blonde. short, tan, blonde, the stereotypical puck bunny. but she knew puck.
for the next fifteen minutes— she stayed on your mind.
‘cause i know her star sign, i know her blood type, i’ve seen every movie she’s been in and god she’s beautiful. i know you loved her, and i know i’m butt hurt— but i can’t help it, no i cant help it.
of course as soon as you and jack got home, you began to search her up online. so invested in your research, when you and jack ‘went to bed,’ you carefully snuck out of the man’s arms and back to your laptop.
she was an actress, of course she was an actress. she starred in a few movies, she was amazing. you bit your nail before quickly exiting the tabs as you heard your boyfriend’s footsteps.
“baby what are you doing up? it’s 12:44, come back to bed.” he spoke, hand rubbing his eyes.
you stood up from the stool and walked over to him, your body pressing against his as your arms wrapped around his torso.
“sorry love, i was just finishing up work.” you lied.
jack just hummed and the two of you went back to your bedroom. your mind began to cloud with thoughts, thoughts of her and jack. did jack treat her the exact same way he treated you? was anything special or was it shared? you know he loved her at one point, but now he loved you, so why stay butt hurt?
i’m so obsessed with your ex, uh huh. i know she’s been asleep on my side of your bed, and i can feel it. i’m staring at her, like i wanna get hurt. and i remember every detail you have ever told me, so be careful baby. IM SO OBSESSED WITH YOUR EX!
it was the second game against the rangers, this time and away game. the blonde was sat in the regular stands while you were in the WAGs suite. you could see her from where you sat, and your eyes burned holes in the back of her head.
thats the woman who had jacks heart before you, the woman who slept on your side of the bed, the woman who cheated on him twice. oh you knew a lot— especially from what jack told you.
“she cheated on me with some guy on the rangers— a real work of art, both of them.” jack told you.
you didn’t realize you were zoning out until nicole, one of the other WAGs, placed a hand on your shoulder.
“you alright there lovie? you seem to be staring at something down there a little too hard.” she asked.
your eyes flickered to her. “yeah im fine— just zoned out. when i get too excited it happens.”
nicole smiled. “well— hopefully our boys can kick the rangers ass. im tired of jenna constantly texting me to rub it in my face that we lost. im not even her friend.”
jenna was jacks ex. that was her name, jenna. she was still texting some of the devils girls? even after everything? you almost laughed, but instead you out on a confused look.
“jenna?” you pretended not to know her.
“oh shes jacks ex— we can’t stand her, especially after what she did to the boy.” nicole told you.
good to know.
she’s got those lips, she’s got those hips, the life of every fuckin’ party. she’s talented, she’s good with kids, she even speaks kindly about me..
the devils won, which called for a celebration in some random club. even though you were still in new york, people congratulated the team on the win. maybe they hated the rangers too, or they were islander fans. you didn’t really expect some of the rangers to show up though, and especially not jenna.
her lips popped with the bright red lip stick she adorned. her hips swayed with every step she took in that mini silver dress. in that moment, she became the life of the party. in that moment, you felt your hands wrap around your body.
that didn’t last for long though, especially not when jack was there. his body pressed against yours as you both danced to the music. his hands gripping your waist, your arms slung around his neck. the sloppy kisses he pressed to your jaw. you had this, she didn’t.
but she had to ruin it. “wow you are so pretty!” her voice rang out. this caused jack to slowly, irritatedly pull away. your hands fell down to his arms as the smile on your face slowly turned fake.
“oh thank you.. uh do i know you?” jacks hand squeezed your waist.
jenna gave a look to jack, which you caught, before looking back at you. “one of jacks exes. you are?” she spoke.
“his girlfriend.”
and i know you love me, and i know it’s crazy.. but every time you call my name, i think you mistake me for her. you both have moved on, you don’t even talk. but i can’t help it, i got issues, i can’t help it baby.
“(y/n), baby?” jacks voice rang through the apartment. your body tensed slightly as his voice, scared that maybe he said the wrong name and that maybe you were just another jenna.
“(y/n)? have you seen my shirt?” he spoke loudly.
you sighed through your nose, “which one?”
jacks footsteps padded on the floor. you hid a smile as you sat at the kitchen island. you expected him to speak, but instead his arms wrapped around you from behind, causing you to let out a laugh.
“well it seems to be right here, isn’t that right?” he pinched at the fabric that draped over your body.
you feigned a look of innocence. “oh, you meant this one?” you smiled.
“when did you put this one on, pretty girl?” he asked you.
“it was the first shirt i found this morning. i dont find it to be too endearing walking around naked.”
jacks lips met the side of your neck, as his hands ran up and under his shirt that you wore. “mm, i dont know, i think that would be pretty nice.”
you let out a laugh as your hand reached back to play with his hair. “and let some random people see me? no thank you.”
“i guess you’re right, wouldn’t want anyone to see whats for my eyes only.” he spoke.
you hummed, feeling his kisses move to your jaw and become sloppier. “lets take this shirt off you, shall we?”
your thoughts disappeared as he dragged you to your room. there was no way he didn’t love you, not after the way he just worshipped you. oh no, he was yours, but his ex was still someone who made you worry.
is she friends with your friends? is she good in bed? do you think about her? no, im fine, it doesn’t matter tell me, is she easy-going? never controlling? well-traveled? well read? oh god, she makes me so upset! im so obsessed with your ex!
as jack left for practice, you couldn’t help but wonder about his ex. the last few questions that ran through your mind. she wasn’t friends with nicole or any of the girls, but what about his friends? her and trevor followed each other, same with her and cole.
does jack think about her often? last night at the club she seemed to piss him off by coming up to you both, maybe thats all? maybe he thinks about how much he hates her? or maybe he misses her— oh god was she good in bed?
was she easy-going? you were easy-going. so who cared. never controlling? you werent that controlling, the only thing you didnt want jack doing was liking random models pictures, and that was a set boundary because he said the same thing about random male models or hockey players (besides friends of course— for the both of you).
god jenna barely did anything to you and she made you so upset. pissed— frustrated, made you wanna pull your hair out.
you were obsessed.
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im unable to tag everyone!
TAGS: @slaythehousebootsdown13 , @lxnceclercs , @honethatty12 , @outrunangelss , @absolutelyhugh3s , @hockeyboysarehot , @lovinbarzal , @shadowsndaisies , @um-mads , @bqbylon , @whoreforthehughesbrothers , @Robloxlover2007 , @p3nislawd , @alexx-stancati , @queenmendes , @-eedwardss , @if-my-heart-bleeds , @love-like-woaah , @freds-slut , @sleepybesson , @love4lando , @equallyshaw , @bellstwd , @ivy-34 , @slafgoalskybaby , @hischierxx , @dancerbailey3 , @jackhughesily , @cstads-blog , @ru-kru , @sbrn0905 , @love4ldr , @loveforaugust
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madamechrissy · 22 days
She a shy girl, but she a freak deep down
Pairings: Toji Fushiguro x fem reader
Rating: Explicit- this is basically porn with feelings kinda? Cunnilngus, rough sex, blow jobs, dirty talk, slapping, low key freaky but soft Toji (Lots of FLUFF and humor)
Word count: 6.5k- one shot
Summary: You and Toji and you have been close forever, and aside from one night of seven minutes in heaven, you've only been friends. You're in your early thirties, a single mom, he's a single dad, and Toji just happens to need an alibi for something... so he decides to take you out as a thank you! To where? Well to watch the boat races on tv so he can gamble :) And he may or may not give you the best dick of your life.
(This was an anon request for shy good girl reader x criminal toji hehe! Sorry requests take a bit bc I have too many damn fics going lol)
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Knock knock knock.
You wake up, blinking sleep away, stretching and yawning, your kids are knocked out on the couch because you all had stayed up late to watch movies. You pop on your glasses and smile over at the little angels… or demons depending on the day. But your two daughters were everything to you.
Knock knock knock.
“Coming!” You sigh, irritated, as now your little dog is barking now too, and you hush him a bit, snatching him up in your arms. He’s yappy but adorable. You open the door then, and you see him.
Toji fuckin Fushiguro.
He’s standing there in a tight black gym shirt and a pair of baggy grey sweats, and you flush as you look down at his toned body, looking quickly back up at his face and earning a smirk from him. Fuck, it’s been too long hasn’t it? And here you are, in a messy bun and your pajamas, you set the dog down and step outside, shutting the door behind you, putting you too close to him.
Toji was tall, a foot taller than you at least, making you lean your neck back to look at his stupidly handsome features. He brushes his black inky hair back, he looks all sweaty like he’s been running, muscles moving in his strong arm, flexing as he does, and you can’t help your throat from getting dry.
What’s wrong with you? You’ve known Toji forever, since he was a senior and you were a freshman, he’d always been a family friend, you had babysat Megumi countless times. You figure that’s maybe why he’s here, but you don’t see Megumi anywhere, and he’s older now, he’s a good thirteen years old.
“Toji, what time is it?” You mumble sleepily, and he peeks at his watch then, perched around a thick, strong wrist.
“Mmm, it’s seven am doll.”
“So why are you here!? Too early.”
“I already did my run and everything, but I really need some help, if you don’t mind. Pretty please.” He pouts, the scar on his lower lip twitching as he tries to hold it and not laugh. You sigh.
“What’d you get into now?”
“Just need you to vouch that I was here last night.” You blink a bit, shaking your head then.
“What’d you do this time, hmm?” You ask, crossing your arms and tapping your foot.
Toji rolls his forest green eyes. “Doll, don’t ask questions you don’t wanna know the answers to.”
“I do wanna know!”
“I may or may not have committed-”
“Never mind, fine.” He smirks, and damn if he wasn’t charming, in his own stupid way when he does. He tugs at a loose curl from your bun, and your breath hitches a bit at the contact. His eyes narrow then.
“Maybe I should take ya out, as a thank you, doll. If you could just tell them when they call I was here.” You roll your eyes.
“Take me where, Toji? Fuckin McDonalds?” He scowls now, and you cover your mouth, giggling behind your hand.
“Damn brat. You're so fancy now hmm?” He peeks at your house, which is just a modest little place honestly.
“Not at all, I’m not fancy, I bust my ass you know.” He leans a bit, shamelessly trying to stare at your ass, making you smack at him.
“Just wanted to see is all, you sure are lookin extra hot lately, ma.” You can’t control the blush at that.
“I have been working out, not like you of course, gym rat.”
“I’d love to work you out.” You gasp now, lips parting as he’s grinning down at you. You glare then.
“You want money again!”
“Do not!”
“Why are you being nice, Toji, hmm?” He leans far too close, until he’s right against you, and he lights every nerve ending on fire.
“Ya remember that day? In college when we…”
“That seven minutes in heaven?” His voice gets husky, and you can barely control your breathing, trembling like crazy, as his hand gently caresses your cheek, and that memory hits so hard.
“Oh god I… that was forever ago!”
“Burned in my brain, doll. How long has it been?”
“College? Shit I’m thirty two. So… a long time ago.”
“Nah, doll, how long has it been since you…” He trails off now, leaving that question in the air, and your cheeks flush at that, your entire body overhearing right there on your front deck.
“None of your business.”
“Been that long huh?”
“What about you? How long?” You ask then, eyes darting to his, and he smirks again, licking that scar of his with the tip of his tongue.
“It’s been a bit. Been holding out for a certain hot MILF.” You snort at that, shoving at his hard body, but he’s serious, you realize, as he’s staring down at you. “Think I’m kidding, doll?”
“I… yes. Yes I do. Toji we’ve never…”
“We were both married. We both have kids. But, doll… I think it’s time we have seven more minutes.”
“That all you’re gonna last?”
He glares now, as you just giggle, but then he’s pressing you against the door, and you feel him, his hard body, through his thin shirt, overheating you. You realize how little you’re wearing, you remember just how attracted to this damn criminal you were, the one you always helped, Toji fucking Fushiguro.
He’s hot, shit.
“Seven minutes wouldn’t even be long enough eating you out, doll.” You gasp then at that, as his words shoot straight between your thighs. “You remember that don’t you? I think I only had a little taste.”
You’re bright red you’re sure, at least you feel that way, as Toji’s trailing fingers down your hips. “Not shaped the same…”
“Shaped better. You were too skinny, had chicken legs. Now… they look real nice, doll. Doing squats?”
“Doing squats.” You repeat softly, as he vividly makes you picture that night, all those years ago. “Office job… gotta… hit the gym.”
“You didn’t have titties then either.”
“Toji!” You hiss out, and he’s chuckling. “Pervert, oh my god.”
“They’re nice. I’d like to see em, to compare you know.”
“Mmhmm. I don’t look the same, do I?”
“You were jacked then, you’re just crazy jacked now.” You reach out and touch an arm then, taking a shaky breath. “Being a felon really adds muscle.”
“You’re still a little prissy bitch. Should teach you some things.” You can’t stand his tone, not when you’re ovulating, not when it’s been… years since you fucked?
“Why now?” You murmur, and he just studies you, arm bracing on the side of you, you note the veins wrapping around it and get…
Wet, you’re wet.
“Lemme show you some fun, stop thinking so much. Yeah?”
“Oh god, fine. I don’t have the kids this weekend. So…”
“All weekend, so slutty.” You shove at him again, scowling.
“Fine, never-”
“No, no! Let’s do it. Are we gonna hide in my closet?” He purrs the words, and you sigh, as they ignite something in you. “Remember those little sounds you made? So sweet…”
College party- 2011- In some closet
“T-Toji, what are you doing!” Toji Fushiguro is sliding to his knees, after a heavy makeout session. It feels so weird, Toji is your older brother’s best friend, you were always just the tag along. Now? You’ve been kissing, grinding against him, and you haven’t had experience yet.
“I’m gonna lick this pussy, doll.” He murmurs, all sexy and gruff. Toji is the bad boy of this college, and everyone knows it. He’d always been the ‘bad boy’ on the wrong side of the tracks. And you? A straight A student, a nerdy girl.
“Gonna what?!” He chuckles, his breath hot on your thighs, as he slides your panties off your thighs.
“Haven’t done it yet?” You shake your head, nervously biting your lower lip as he sees you. “You’re so pretty down here.”
“I… um…”
“We have like five more minutes, it’s up to you doll. Could make you cum. Anyone got you off at all?” He’s planting a kiss right above your clit, and you cry out, feeling his scar rub on delicate skin.
“N-no. I have only kissed before.”
“It’s kissing, just kissing… here.” He slides his tongue up your slit, and you moan loudly as you’re already trickling wetness out of your hole. He dips a thick finger in it gently, groaning against you. “Everyone’s gonna know, hush lil goody goody.”
“Mnm! Oh… ah!” You can’t keep quiet, you’re losing your control in the quiet little closet, which is getting too warm, as he’s gripping your thigh with one hand, fingers pressing into your flesh. He’s lapping you up as he’s using his finger, then he hits some spot that makes you see stars, your back arching.
“Mmm, you taste so yummy, doll.” He murmurs, leaning back and licking his lower lip, you can barely see him in the dark room, and he's lavishing your clit with his tongue.
You know you’re gonna cum soon, and he’s smirking up at you, knowing it, feeling it, as he’s playing with your body so easily, better than you ever have been able to. And you’re gripping the shelf above you, your knees shaking, you’re about to fall apart.
“Oh shit, Toji, I’m gonna-” He hums then, he hums right on you, as he crooks that thick finger up, and you’re cumming all over Toji Fushiguro’s face. Your nipples perk up, goosebumps all over your skin, you’re shaking violently over him. He’s moaning as he laps up every inch of you.
The timer goes off and people are knocking now, and you realize that the time is over. You push at his shoulders, panting, but he’s too strong, and he’s got a strong arm wrapped around his legs. “Mmm.”
“Toji, stop, we gotta go!” You whisper urgently, but he’s not stopping, his tongue lapping at you, making you tremble with oversensitivity, you couldn’t even stand if it wasn’t for him holding you.
“Just one more taste, doll.” And he’s suckling your clit into his mouth, your knees buckling as you orgasm, your hand slapping over your mouth to keep the noise down. You’re biting your palm, hard, as your orgasm rolls through your body, and he’s finally pulling back and smiling up at you, looking so damn smug.
Present day
You never got off that hard again.
You loved your husband, you two were so young, and it just hadn’t worked out. You maintained a good relationship though he lived far away, so essentially you’re a single mother. Something you had in common with Toji, who was a single dad. And you hadn’t done much really with men, so busy with the kids, you had definitely done things here and there, but now…
Toji is looking sexy. A sexy bum.
Is McDonalds so bad?
“What do ya say, doll? Gimme a chance to take you out. Then come back to my place… for a reenactment.”
“Oh God. Am I doing this?” He chuckles, and then you can hear your kids stirring inside, so you sigh, nodding. “I’m doing this.”
“Ya talkin’ to me or yourself, nerdy girl?”
“Both. Yes I’ll go. Better not be McDonald’s Toji.”
“It’ll be KFC.”
Your kids are at their grandma’s now, and you’re getting ready for a… date!? With Toji Fushiguro. What do you wear, when you have no clue where he’s taking you? Toji doesn’t have money, he’s usually bumming from you and then he either pays you back later, or just does maintenance shit for you to pay it off. Which honestly works out well for you.
You get to see Toji shirtless that way.
“Do I like him!?” You mumble, and your dog just stares at you, tilting his cute little head, his ears perking up. “I like Toji. Huh.”
You take a breath, you’re not a teenager, shit you’re in your early thirties, Toji is older than you, at thirty six. You both weren’t young, you didn’t need to bull shit, and you knew each other. He was safe (A safe criminal) so at least you didn’t have to worry about Toji being a creep.
Well, more than he is.
You hate online dating, and you’re too busy working at the office and taking care of the girls to meet anyone. You would come home, pour a glass of wine, and fall asleep after cooking dinner and cleaning. How would you meet a guy snuggled in a robe on your couch? No… this could be perfect. Toji clearly can get you off, and you’d be lying if you say you haven’t thought of him while you…
Your phone blings, and you see his text.
Bum Toji: (Yes that’s his name on your phone, and no you’re not sorry) On the way.
Toji’s not much for texting.
You finally decide to just dress up pretty, in a black bodycon dress, one that hugs every curve of your body, it shows quite a bit of cleavage but not so much that you’re popping out. You can’t help but feel a little shy, but nervous in a good way, as you turn in the mirror and see everything looks… good. You look good.
“I’m a hot mom. I’m a hot mom. I’m a cool mom?” Your dog is starting to worry about you, but that’s okay. You slide into a pair of nude stilettos that make your calves pop, and add some height, then you add some light makeup, just a touch of eyeliner, mascara, and a light pink lip gloss.
Your hair though! It’s usually in a bun, so you decide to let it down, because why not? It’s long, curling over your shoulder, down to your chest as you brush it out, realizing you’re on a time crunch now.
Bum Toji: Be there in… seven minutes.
The little shit!
You spray on your favorite perfume, and when you hear his car pull up, you take a deep breath. This is happening.
You walk out to his car, an old Mustang that brings back a stupid amount of memories, shit he’s had that thing forever. And Toji is leaning against it, smoking a cigarette, looking like a damn model in a tight leather jacket and black shirt, jeans that hug him in places you…
Fuck how big is he, you wonder? You start feeling warm as he is looking at you with those forest green eyes that you’ve known for so long, but they look different now, they look hungry. He’s just undressing you with his damn gaze, slowly taking in every bit of your outfit, making you fidget a bit nervously, when he puts out his cigarette and walks up to you.
“Fuck you look gorgeous, doll.” He murmurs, and your heart falters, as if you’re on some first date ever, especially when he walks up to you and takes your hands in his, whistling. “This all f’me?”
“It is all for you, for our KFC date.” He chuckles and you giggle then, and fuck it feels good. You know this isn’t serious, and probably Toji just being horny, and you ovulating but…
You could get used to how he’s looking at you.
“So a spin, doll.” You do as he asks, earning another whistle. “Mmm, those squats are doing wonders.”
“Oh stop it!” You smack lightly and playfully at his chest as he chuckles, and his grin is so attractive it does something, your tummy clenches. “Thank you, Toji… you look really good too.”
“Aw, shucks, makin me blush Ma.” You roll your eyes at that.
“I don’t think I’d ever see you blush.”
“You couldn’t see that night, too dark in there.” His gruff words hit hard as he opens the door to the black mustang, you slide in and see a stupid amount of energy drinks and cigarette packs.
“Toji, couldn’t clean out your car?”
“Adds character.”
“I’ll shove it all on you!” You bend down, and find a bag, starting to throw everything in the bag then in a huff, and he’s just standing behind you, doing nothing! “Lazy-”
“Fuck that’s a nice view.” You realize then that you’re bent over, your ass on full display in the curve hugging number. And you look back to see him lick that scar, head tilted to the side to get a good view.
“Help me clean your car, pervert.”
“Nah, should just fuck you like that, doll.” You freeze then, as his words and his look make you tremble, because the thought of Toji Fushiguro railing you in your little neighborhood makes you wet.
“You’d do it too, lil slut.” You scowl then, standing up and shoving the bag into his hand, he’s grinning with those white teeth.
“What did you call me!”
“Lil slut.” He purrs the damn words, and you can’t take it, you damn near spread your legs, but instead you just glare. “Should I go for good girl instead? What’s your kink, pretty?”
“My kink!? I don’t have one.” He blinks then, in clear confusion, glaring at you now like your arm is cut off.
“What!? How!? You not get fucked?”
“I mean yes. A while ago. But just… fucked, not some kinky shit.”
“Oh doll, this weekend will be so fun.” He cups your chin roughly, with his calloused fingers, and the way he holds you, looks at you, sends shivers down your spine, and you start aching in ways you didn’t know. “So much to catch up on, with I had the courage sooner.”
“To ask ya out. Thought you’d say no for sure.” You look down then, lashes casting shadows on your cheeks, then look back up, as the sun is setting, all purples and pinks, and Toji’s handsome face is vulnerable for just a moment.
“How long have you wanted to?”
“For like… ever. But you were with that nerdy office dude, then I was with ‘Gumi’s mom. Then you were single but… I dunno, ya just seem too good f’me. Ya know who I am, what I do. Not much to offer… except some really good dick.”
“Well maybe I need some really good dick.” He raises a brow at that, and you cover your mouth, eyes wide. “I said that!?”
“Ya sure did. Well, looks like I can give ya that.”
“We’ll see.”
“Oh yeah?” He raises a brow with a smirk, but then frowns as you shove the bag back in his hands.
“If you clean the damn car.”
You’re sitting at a sports bar later, it’s lively with rowdy men, as Toji and you nibble on wings later, and you’re both actually having way too much fun. You’re so overdressed it’s ridiculous, but Toji has slung his big leather jacket across your shoulders, and now you’re feeling way better. It smells like him, like a mix of cologne, sweat, and something…
“If I win this bet, Imma buy you something nice, doll.” He says, he’s wiggling his ticket, and you roll your eyes, sipping on the beer.
“Uh-huh, sure!”
He leans over, big hand on your bare thigh, and you instinctively wiggle your hips, suddenly craving friction on your aching little pussy. Toji is still looking up at the screen, but he’s so close, his thumbs running circles on your soft inner thigh, higher and higher, to where you can’t focus.
“Look, look, look! Doll!” You have no clue what you’re watching, it’s boats racing and it looks stupid honestly, but Toji is so happy then. “Fuckin won!”
He picks you up then, spinning you, and you can’t help but giggle, at how effortlessly he holds you with his heavy jacket on. He then kisses you, a quick little kiss, but when he pulls back his eyes change, his demeanor changes. You feel those tingles run through your lips as he does it once more, as his firm lips slam down on yours, and you’re molding to him.
“Oh fuck…” He murmurs then, and your eyes lock.
“Yeah… fuck.” You whisper, he doesn’t smirk or laugh though, he’s staring at you with insanely hungry eyes.
“Doll… let’s go. Yeah?” You nod eagerly.
“Let’s go.”
You can’t even make it to the car at first, Toji is hungrily kissing you, grabbing your ass, pressing you against his hard body. You’re eagerly gripping onto his shoulders, feeling the broad muscles, and you’re grinding against him. You want more, more, more. It’s all consuming, you feel just like the day he kissed you in that damn closet.
Difference is you wanna ride his cock now, back then you were so nervous, but he’s unleashing something hidden deep with each stroke of a tongue. Finally you all get in the car, and he’s driving, but he’s touching you, hand sliding up your dress, pressing against damp lace panties and groaning.
“Fuck you’re soaked, doll. All f’me huh?” He grunts the words, and you whine, sliding to his side and kissing on his neck, strong and muscled like all of him, sensitive behind his ear, he moans.
“All for you.” He flutters those dark lashes shut for a moment, then scooches you over a bit, smiling. 
“Lemme get us there quick.”
Toji uses the gear shift, to get even quicker, and soon you all are at his place, he’s yanking you out of the car, and picking you up. Your legs wrap around his thighs as he carries you, effortlessly, kissing you over and over. People are looking as he somehow gets his keys out of his pockets, and unlocks the door. You tense a bit, looking around.
“Kid’s not here. Staying the weekend at his friend’s.” He murmurs against your lips, and you exhale, smiling softly.
“Good, I am… loud.”
“Doll ya ain’t made noise like you will tonight. We’ll get noise complaints.” You’re giggling again, as he’s casually sitting you on the dining room table.
“What, no bed!?”
“Appetizer first, doll. I eat at the table like a gentleman.” Your laugh stops on your lips when he’s slides your panties off you, and your legs tremble as the cool air of the surprisingly clean little apartment hits your legs.
“Oh, are you hungry? Didn’t eat enough?” He smirks, kissing up your thighs then, and with each hungry caress you’re getting more and more soaked, as you’re eagerly grinding up for his touch.
“So desperate, aren’t ya doll?” You just whine, but then he surprises you by smacking your cunt, and you scream out at the sting. “Asked ya a question.”
Is this how Toji does things?
It’s hot, fuck…
You just nod a bit, and then he’s got your dress shoved up around your hips, leaving you bare to him, and he parts the lips of your sex, you shiver at the first contact, damn near cumming from that. He spits on you then, right on your clit, watching as his saliva drips down with a wicked grin to him.
“Use your words, doll. Are you desperate f’me?” You gasp as you feel it, hot and sticky sliding on your exposed clit, then he’s leaning down, pulling you by your hips. “Fuck you’re pretty.”
“Toji, please.” You whisper, and he just breathes on your cunt, that’s it, he’s breathing and looking up at you with those green eyes.
“Please what, doll? Use your fuckin’ words.” He spits again, and it’s just not enough, it’s fucking torture, and you’re wriggling, bucking your hips up.
“Please what? Ya wanna watch TV fuckin brat? Words.” You sigh, and then grab him by his hair, pulling, he grins at that. “Words, doll.”
“Lick me.”
Toji groans, then he’s diving down, and he doesn’t just lick you no, he is devouring your cunt, every fucking inch of it, his tongue sliding up your slit, then diving in your entrance, as his big hands shove your thighs apart. You’re gushing all over his face, shaking uncontrollably on the wood table, that’s digging into your back, and you’re damn near backing up, but he won’t let you.
He’s fucking you with his long tongue, in and out, and it’s like nothing you’ve felt, goosebumps all over your entire body, the sounds he makes, this moaning, this slurping, he’s drinking you. It’s too much. As his nose bumps against your clit you buck up, screaming out, urging him on with your cries. His tongue is fucking relentless against you.
You’re so close, you feel it, coiling and tensing up in your core, threatening to release, and when he leans up and looks at you, his face covered in your slick, and he says “Be a good girl, cum on m’face doll. Now.”
Well, you cum. You cum hard, so hard you’re blinded, head falling back and smacking the table, but fuck you don’t care. Your pussy throbs around the wet muscle as his tongue lavishes you up, then as you’re riding out your orgasm he’s slipping his tongue up to flick the underside of your clit, sliding a long finger in you.
“Oh my- ah- Toji it’s s’good, I-” You’re close again, within moments, as he slips past your little gummy walls and presses on that spot, the one he hit so well that night all those years ago, and you’re falling apart, throbbing around it. “Toji!”
“Again, doll. Come again f’me.” You obey, how can you not, when Toji Fushiguro has you spread on his dining room table like dinner? When he’s drinking your flowing arousal like it’s wine? “There ya go, good girl.”
“Oh my god! Fuck!” You scream now, legs trembling, back arching as you shatter around him, hands in his hair shoving his face against you, earning moans that just make you cum again until you can’t even see. “Too much… I…”
Toji plants a couple kisses on you, still pumping a finger in you, sitting you up now and slamming his lips on yours. You taste yourself, your hands are yanking on his jacket, on his shirt. He’s unzipping your dress, before picking you up again, and now his shirt is off, and you feel his hard body, feel those scars under your touch, from things you don’t know.
You don’t care what he does, not when he’s holding you like this, not when he’s carrying you to his room. You don’t care his room is a mess (it’s pretty clear Megumi cleans the house) and his blankets are slung off, that his clothes are all over. You don’t even care there are pistols on the dresser.
It makes you wetter honestly.
“Fuck…” Toji looks at your body, fully naked, and you get a little shy then, covering up. “Ah-ah, lemme see you.”
You stand there then, fully naked, and his big hands are sliding up your hips, across your tummy, up your breasts, squishing them and moaning. Your nipples grow taut against his rough palms, head falling back in pleasure. “Toji…”
“You’re fuckin gorgeous, doll, holy shit. MILF doesn’t begin to describe it.” You flush at the praise, as his hands run down stretch marks here and there, the little scar from having the babies under your tummy, but he doesn’t care, in fact he growls. “So fuckin’ sexy.”
“Ah… th-thank you, Toji, mmnh… I…”
“Nah, perfect doll. These tits, holy fuck.” He bends down, sucking the peaks into his mouth then, as he’s pressing you to sit on the bed. You’re gripping his messy hair again, gasping as he teases them, then crying out as he bites them.
“Ow, fuck!” He’s smirking up at you, and fuck if he doesn’t make your heart race, at how beautiful he is just then. “Toji… you’re… kinda beautiful.”
“Ya knock your head too hard on that table, doll?” You giggle, shaking your head, and he glares. “That ain’t the word for me.”
“No? What is it?”
“Daddy.” You blink at that, but before you can think, he’s unzipping those jeans, and you see him, not wearing any boxers, no… just a thick, huge cock in your face. “Gonna make ya say daddy so many times.”
“That’s cringe, Toji! No way.” You scowl up at him as you speak, and he just grins wide, a perverted grin that for some reason turns you on more. “But… holy fuck, that’s just not gonna fit.”
“I know, ya couldn’t even have babies normally. Too little weren’t ya doll?” You roll your eyes.
“The kids had big heads, there was no way.”
“Like their mom.”
“Fuck you Toji, my head is not big!” He chuckles as you kick at him, snatching up your foot and kissing your ankle, flicking his tongue, making you shudder, before he’s stroking that huge cock in your face. “Holy fuck… I’ll try.”
“Good girl.” You can’t hold in your moan, Toji makes you fucking depraved, and you eagerly open your mouth wide, lapping up precum from his reddened tip, leaking out of it in drips. It’s salty on your tongue, and you peek up and meet his eyes, lidded with desire, lips parted. “Oh fuck… how far can ya go, doll?”
You lap up more, sliding a hand gently around the shaft, sliding a finger on the underside of him, smiling as his cock twitches. “How far do you think? Let’s gamble, Toji, yeah?”
He’s chuckling, hands in your hair, pulling hard, making tears prick in your eyes, but you fucking love it, you melt for it. “I bet you can get half.”
“Just half!?”
“Mmhmm. What’s the wager?”
“You will have to eat me out every day all week. Whenever I want, if I can take it balls deep.” He laughs at that, as you kiss his tip teasingly, a hand stroking up the strong abs, feeling every line and muscle, hot skin under your hand.
“Ya act like that’s not me winning. All right, if I’m right, ya gotta suck me off every day all week. Deal?” You hold out a hand to shake, and he smacks it away, then your giggle is silenced as he’s shoving his length in your throat. “Ha- let’s see how good you can take it. Breathe through your nose.”
You do as he says, and you instantly regret bragging, it’s been too long since you’ve sucked dick (you were good at it just- rusty mmkay) and you struggle to push past your gag reflex, breathing in through your nose as his thick length stretches your mouth. You suck hard, hollowing your cheeks, making him groan, you peek up at him studying you intently.
His gaze is hungry, he’s biting a lower lip, and it’s the sexiest thing you’ve seen, him just pumping his cock further and further, as you grip his thighs, as he’s using your mouth like a fuck toy. You’re soaking wet again, you can barely keep from trembling, as you grind on his bed eagerly, sucking him harder, all while looking up at him, studying the flush of his cheeks, the blown out pupils.
“You’re gorgeous, doll… Oh my- f-fuck you’re so good f’me. Doing such a good job.” You’re soaking his bed, as he continues fucking your mouth, it feels so good being owned by him, choked by him, feeling him at the back of your throat now. “Mmm… can feel me here…”
One of Toji’s hands wraps around your throat, feeling the bulge as he fucks even deeper, so erotic you lose your senses for a moment, pressing even deeper, pushing yourself to take more, he’s over eight inches and thick as fuck, destroying your throat, burning it and stretching. But you want it so bad, you can’t wait to have it inside you, that thought alone pushes you further.
Tears are forming in your eyes as you push yourself beyond your limits, and finally your nose touches his pelvis, dark stubble tickling your nose. He’s gasping, and then you pull back with a pop, coughing a bit, tears now dropping down your cheeks, and Toji is mesmerized by you, sputtering, his cock leaking even more yummy pre cum, which you lap up with a kitten lick.
“Well? Hope you’re down to pay up all week.” You tease, but his mouth is just open, until he bends down, flipping you around to your knees and sliding two fingers in you now. “Toji! Oh my… mmnh!”
He yanks your hair back with one hand, while his other fingers are scissoring in and out of you. “Tight, perfect lil cunt. So wet f’me huh?”
You can’t manage a word, so he yanks his fingers out, smacking the fuck out of an ass cheek. You cry out in pain as it stings, scowling back at him. “Ow!”
“Use those words, brat.” You exhale, then bite your lip in pleasure as he’s fingering you again, hitting that spot so much you can’t take it, you’re slippery around his fingers, walls fluttering as you get closer. “Words.”
“Wet for you. For you.” You mumble incoherently, and then he’s rubbing his thick tip between your glistening lips now, and you arch back, craving more of him, pushing back and whimpering as he groans.
“Oh my… tell me what ya want, doll. Now.” He orders, and you gulp, struggling to focus as he’s grinding the tip against your clit, it’s twitching under the contact, and you’re so wet he slips. “Now, your words.” He smacks you again, and you scream out, thighs shaking, hands clutching the comforter beneath you.
“Want you in me. Toji please.” You beg then, and he slides inside your cunt in one sure thrust, stretching your little hole out so much you hiss at it, then he’s shoved so deep he’s hitting your cervix, and your ass arches up for more, as you feel so much pressure it’s insane.
“Feel so fkn perfect, doll… fuck…” He’s groaning, sliding back, then shoving his length all the way back in you, and you’re trembling, struggling to take so much pressure, so much pleasure, you’re tightening around him and he’s gripping your hips brutally with huge hands.
“Doll… can I go hard? I need to know.” You nod, eagerly, gripping the blankets even tighter, and he’s fucking into you hard now, hips snapping, skin slapping loudly with the sound of you squelching wetness. “Fuckin hear that?”
You just nod, until he’s pressing your head into the soft bed, and your cries are muffled, now he’s railing the fuck out of you, balls slapping your clit, and he’s slid a thumb right in your little ass hole. You tense, then he’s spitting on it, spreading it, going in easier, and you’re just falling into it, cumming so hard you’re twitching, pleasure rushing through your body in waves.
Toji smacks each ass cheek as he fucks into you, fucking you through one orgasm right into another, and you’re screaming against the blanket, body giving out under you, to where he has to slide you up, laying on top of you. His hands entwined with yours, and it’s too intimate, it’s too much, his eyes pouring into yours, as he rolls his hips so good you’re crying.
“Never felt anything this good, fuck.” His vulnerable words, the way he’s holding your hands, the way his curved tip drags along your walls, you’re shattering around him, breathless, and he’s slamming his lips to yours. “Not letting you go, now.”
“N-no? Th-that good, mnh!” He’s exhaling, rolling his hips just so and snapping them against your ass, now he’s nipping down your neck, biting and licking, hot caresses all over your sensitive nape.
“Fuckin perfect.” He's in a prone position on top of you, and your lips entangle, your tongues messy, drool spilling between you both, it’s messy, nasty, but it’s somehow sweet, it’s somehow…
“Then keep me around. Keep mnh… losing bets.” He’s laughing, but then it’s broken by a gasp, as you’re pulsing around him, wetness sliding down his length, dripping down your thighs, down to his messy, half on sheets.
“I’ll lose… any… bet. Fuck.”
“Not calling you daddy.” He’s yanking out then, and you whine, as he’s flipping you on your back then.
“You’ll call me that  if you want this cum. Yeah?” You’re face to face with Toji now, as he presses your thighs way too high, against your lush breasts, and he’s teasing you with his thick tip again.
“F-fine. Fine. Ugh. Daddy, please.” Toji’s nostrils flare, and he’s railing the fuck out of your already sore pussy, so deep like this it hurts, but it hurts so good.
“Again, doll. Again.”
Toji tenses then, thickening inside you, pulsing so deep, and his big hands take over your thighs, fingers pressing into the muscles as he pins you down. You’re screaming out, blinded by how good it feels, the stretch, the pressure, the every smack of his pelvis against your clit, as he bottoms out inside you, looking so gorgeous over you, his forest eyes hazy with lust.
“Wanna put another kid in you.” You gasp, and he’s smirking then, fucking slower, watching every movement, every expression. You whine out, shaking your head.
“Putting a kid in you. Wanna cum all deep inside this lil cunt.”:
“F-fuck… fine… one more kid.” He’s grinning deviously over you now, leaning forward, you lose your breath.
“Yeah? Want my kids in ya?” You nod, eagerly, and then he’s kissing you, smushing you under him in a mating press, and then you feel him stuttering, losing control. “Then beg for it.”
“Put… a baby… in me. Please. Please. Cum in me.” He’s lost it now, feral look on his face, and he’s pushing so deep, rolling up and grinding that pulsing tip in your cervix, pushing you over the edge, until both of you are cumming.
Toji shoots deep in you, hot, puffy white ropes that fill you so full, so hot it makes your climax more intense, and you’re clinging around his neck, as he’s got you folded, slamming his lips on yours. He keeps pushing, gently, and then it’s so intimate you can’t take it, you’re shaky as he eases your thighs down, as you’re twitching from the aftershocks.
Toji looks as lost as you.
You take a breath.
“Always had a crush.” You mumble, and he grins, brushing back your hair, still inside of you so deep.
“Knew it.”
“Did not!”
“So… why don’t me and Gumi move in?” You blink, and he’s grinning down at you.
“You broke-”
“I’ll help around the house! Protect you.” He’s brushing back your hair now, and you sigh, rolling your eyes.
“Oh fine.”
And that’s how you ended up living with Toji Fushiguro, a broke ass criminal with a really, really nice cock. And now you all are a family? Well, it’s been a year.
You and Toji are kissing in the kitchen, the kids are asleep, and he’s rubbing on your tummy, kissing on the side of your neck. He doesn’t make much money, you kind of pay for it all, but Toji makes up for it in attention, in affection. Who knew a rough criminal was such a sweetheart?
“Mmm, love you lil doll.” He murmurs in your hair, and you exhale, leaning back against his hard body.
“Love you, Toji.”
A/N: Hope you all liked this silly ass story. Bum Toji is my fav! He can live w/me for free too lol
Serious long Toji fic here -Dirty Little Secret
Masterlist of my fics ❤️
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faith-forgxtten-land · 7 months
I'm not sure if your requests are open, but the fic I just read was a request and was posted within the last 24 hrs, so I'm gonna take the chance that they are (can you tell I'm autistic yet?😂)
Could I request a slightly nsfw (just a lil spicy) Bay!Raph fic where the Fem! Reader is watching him workout and offhandedly mentions that she wishes she could lift as much as he does?
Her question prompts him to let her lay on the bench and "lift" the weights (obviously he's carrying almost all of the weight). Just a corny little piece that shows our Big Red some love.
Thank you for your time!💜
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Spotting | Raphael
requests are open dw!! honestly feel free to send as many requests as you want at any time, if they're not open you'll know because i'll plaster it somewhere obvious. and corny pieces are the best kind <3
since its valentine's day, i kind of went extra corny with a vague valentine's plot... i hope you like it and lemme know what you think! it's only slightly spicy and suggestive because tbh i wasn't sure how far to go.
warnings: suggestive, slight choking? (oops) valentine's day mentions, single people try not cry too much. everyone is 18+!! never proofread
summary: it's valentine's day and for some reason you have nothing better to do than watch raphael lift weights
word count: 1195
“Why are you lifting weights on Valentine’s Day?”
“Why are you watching me lift weights on Valentine’s Day?” Raphael retorts quickly and it’s such a good question that you pause.
Well, then. You sniff in mock indignance. “I’ll have you know that I was asked out by 12.5 different people ahead of today, thank you very much.”
You can’t see it, but you can tell he’s smirking. “12.5?”
“I figure Mikey only counts for 0.5 since I’m pretty sure he’d ask every woman he sees if he could.”
Raph snorts and your mouth pulls into a stupidly wide smile knowing you’ve amused him. He’s so relaxed like this, when it’s just the two of you, and your smile turns soft at the thought. There’s no one you’d rather spend the day with – Valentine’s Day or not – and the view isn’t bad either.
Speaking of... you tilt your head. Rivulets of sweat trickle down his green skin and you bite your lip watching the flexing of his muscles. He’s so much bigger than you, you’re pretty sure his bicep is bigger than your head, and he could cover your entire face with his palm – he’d done it just yesterday when you wouldn’t stop pestering him about a romcom you wanted to watch (it’s okay, you knew they were secretly his favourite kind of movie too, he didn’t have to protest so much – even grown turtles should be allowed to indulge in some Richard Gere and Julia Roberts). 
His size had intimidated you at first, had made you hesitant, but now it makes your knees weak and makes your heart accelerate with something entirely different to fear. It’s quiet apart from his breathing and the clang of his weights and you wonder if he can hear the thundering of your pulse.
“You’re staring.”
His muscles flex again and you’re quick to press your thighs together. You’re certain it's deliberate at this point. “You’re staring,” he repeats, his voice a little deeper.
You flush as you realise what he’s saying. “Not my fault you can bench press a truck,” you grumble to hide your embarrassment. “I’m jealous.”
The terrapin smirks again and sits up, his eyes bright. “C’mere.”
“Ex-squeeze me?”
It’s Raph’s turn to grumble. “You’ve been hanging around Mikey too much.”
You grin because it's true and walk slowly towards where he’s waiting. Your feet are clearly more sensible and less fuzzy than your brain (you are definitely not still thinking – and staring – at his arms, nope) because they stop just before you can stand between his legs. His eyes run along the curves of your calves and his gaze feels like a dizzying caress as it glides up your torso, lingering on the bare skin around your throat in a hungry way that makes you swallow just to watch him watch the movement. “What’s the plan, Red?” 
Your voice doesn’t feel like your own and you’re kind of impressed by how put-together you sound. It’s not the breathless wheeze you expected, it's low and sultry and suggestive and your eyes flutter as his breath hitches. The two of you have flirted before but this feels different. It’s intimate beyond your typical friendly banter and you have the urge to touch him.
He reaches for you first, pulling you closer and resting his hands on your hips. His hands are huge, and your mouth feels dry as he squeezes a little too hard to be innocent. “Raph...”
He squeezes again at your murmur. “Lie down.” His voice is rough and you shiver. He brushes his fingers across the goosebumps he’s raised, and you let him manoeuvre you with ease.
It probably looks so silly, and you fight the incredulous laughter that bubbles in your chest. The bar above you is ridiculously oversized and heavy and the thought of you lifting it is absurd and your laugh can’t be stopped this time as you look at the green-skinned ninja above you. His lips are twitching as you cackle and your eyes focus on the scar that decorates them, longing to soothe your tongue over it, as you regain your composure. “You good?”
“I’m good,” you reassure him. He’s so fucking cute, you think. You can see his nervousness now even if he tries to play it off and you feel like you’ve just swallowed a bucketful of butterflies. “Are you spotting?”
Raph runs his tongue – you do not shift your hips at how thick it is – across his upper lip, over that scar you want to taste for yourself. He looks torn for a moment, building himself up, and places his heavy hands on the bar above you. “Something like that,” he agrees before instructing you on how to position your hands.
You push up and immediately swear at the impossible weight. Raph snickers and you pout and glare simultaneously. “Don’t be mean.”
“You haven’t seen me be mean, baby.”
Oh. Your glare falters. That’s just not fair and he knows it. He’s grinning now and you curse him in your head. You push again and this time the bar lifts, as light as a feather. His hands are still wrapped around it and you’re not lifting a single thing, but the moment feels heavy. He hasn’t let his eyes drift from yours and you don’t dare look away. It feels intense and intimate and you can admit that your skin is on fire and your pulse is throbbing knowing how easily he’s carrying a weight that you couldn’t budge with all your might.
He guides the bar back down after a moment that could have been seconds or minutes or hours and you release a breath you didn’t realise you were holding. He’s still looking at you as you sit up and he invades your personal space. You have to tilt your head back to maintain eye-contact and you shudder as his palm cups your chin.
He’s so tall and imposing and you have to bite your tongue as his hand trails further down. You let him wrap his fingers around your neck and you rest your hand on top of his in encouragement, unable to stop a needy whine as he heeds your silent request and squeezes gently. His pupils are blown and he’s breathing harder than he had been while working out and you feel smug knowing you’ve caused this reaction. In a blink he’s pushed you back and he’s leaning over you. He smells like sweat and his skin is damp from exertion and it's kind of gross and it really shouldn’t be turning you on, but it is and your legs spread involuntarily.
You expect him to close the gap between your lips as he hovers above you and your eyes that had fluttered shut open again when it’s clear he has no intention of moulding your mouths together. He’s got a soft look in his eyes paired with a devilish smile and it makes your chest burn. You don’t expect the next words out of his mouth.
“Be my Valentine?”
You splutter and he laughs as he finally presses his lips to yours.
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