#but I liked this one
fabulous-fic-quotes · 1 month
“Sorry,” Oliver apologized, not looking up from the pot that he was stirring. “Practice ran a little long. I meant to have this all finished up.”
He rolled his eyes at Oliver, not that he could see it. “It’s fine. Better than the cold Chinese food that was my original plan for dinner.”
Oliver turned around with a scandalized look on his face. “At least heat it up for Merlin’s sake! No wonder you are so skinny. Probably malnourished.”
“There are vegetables in it!” he adamantly defended his choice of dinner.
Oliver turned back around to stir his pot with pursed lips. “Probably enough salt to rival the dead sea as well.”
All That You Are - Hufflepuffin11
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nekotaku · 2 years
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i-am-a-living-god · 8 months
So I've been watching 2012 properly. I'm in season 4, and you know what? There is a perfectly good 87 crossover right here and no one talks about it.
Whenever people mention that the 2k12 turtles met the 87's before, they always reference and talk about the second crossover at the end of the series.
That one was terrible, they completely dissed the 87 turtles and made then act like complete baffoons! The 87 turtles are really freaking cool, and these looser writers did a terrible job, and made them stupid and incompetent.
The funny thing is that the ways that they were made incompetent, were actually the things that made the 12 turtles Incompetent. The 87 turtles do know how to use their weapons, but their fighting style is very resourceful and they use the environment to their advantage. Where as the 12 turtles are dependent on their weapons and can't function without them.
Also, the 87 turtles are much better at using their weapons then the 12's.
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anyway, so there is a really good crossover mid season 4 that no one seems to talk about! It's really good in my humble opinion.
I mean, yes they do make fun of the 87 turtles a bit, but not nearly as bad as in the second crossover.
A little something I appreciate about it, is the animation when they are in the 87 world. The lip syncing doesn't match up with the dialogue, and I find that delicious! Like yess embrace the early animation!!!
I also would like to mention how the 12 turtles seem to learn a bit from the 87 turtles by the end, which makes me happy.
Like, they fought and didn't make fun of the 87 turtles one bit during the last fight, and they worked together and it was beautiful!
Yes, there was still some mocking of my boys, but significantly less. So I'll take that as a win.
Go watch it if you haven't, it's good!
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nin-varisse · 2 years
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I think we all deserve a teeny tiny Maedhros
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mumms-the-word · 6 months
Love in the Time of Shadows
Hello friends I’m back with another “random things I found in the game that I just think are neat”
✨tragic poetry edition✨
If you climb to a specific part of the House of Healing roof, you’ll find two skeletons leaning against one another lovingly with a book of poetry nearby.
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Victims of the shadow curse when it descended. I wonder if they knew what was coming and if they decided to spend their last night staring up at the moon before the shadows fell.
If you open the book that sits nearby, you’ll find this beautiful poem:
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[A book of handwritten poems, the ink almost completely faded but for a few enduring words.] I hold my breath for the sun to fall, For in the hot collapse of day, I’m brought to you. While Reithwin sleeps, the world entire is ours, The grass - our bed, the dew - our silver candles, The moon and stars our private canopy, And you the brightest of them all, My light, my heart, my world. I would watch the stars with you to the end of time - But night forever arches into day, And the sleepy nothing of the sunlit hours will mutter on. So instead I shall find eternity in a moment, And by the glance of moonbeams in your eyes will I be brought to rest As rest should be - enduring, still, Longing for naught but itself.
and I just think it’s neat
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thatskindarough · 1 year
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Swedish fish
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baddygab-bi · 1 year
So I watched that anime show that sometimes randomly shows up on the #buddie tag since the series name is similar… and wow. Okay. Wow. First anime I’ve ever seen, probably will be the only. I’m not a fan of cartoons normally… But that was really fucking good. Helped fill the void of only having one show airing weekly rn. It was cute, about found family, great character development for an animated show, and a quick watch.
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my gothic horror pathfinder game pulled the plug yesterday, which was fair, scheduling got us, but I'm sad. I have no closure. I will miss my dude. Ils was a genderqueer, grave robbing, forensic investigator and they jUST started becoming a werebear to boot
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kakugori · 1 year
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what kind of chaotic academic are you?
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vi-visected · 1 year
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—learning love through violence, faye b.
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asoftspotforangels · 2 months
some of my favorite woven tapestries, by Cecilia Blomberg:
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Point Defiance Steps
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Rising Tides
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Vashon Steps
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valtsv · 4 months
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stuck between "psychological horror statement" and "objectively the funniest thing you could say to your real flesh and blood dad" in the father's day card aisle
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spitblaze · 3 months
[guy who doesnt watch shows voice] yeah ive been meaning to watch that show
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Knowledge Revenge.
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frenchublog · 27 days
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kosovo miku
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unsung-idiot · 9 days
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don't show him modern technology; it won't end well
bonus under the cut:
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