#but I need him. viciously. carnivorously.
keyotosprompts · 7 months
Guys I miss my man (DEFINITELY NOT MY MAN) so much (I just saw him today and we interacted a lot) (we are NOT dating) 😔 currently I am on delivered while he is ACTIVE.
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Chapter Nineteen: Scarborough Fair Pt. 4
 “We’re doing this. After all the bullshit Envy has put us through and the lives they’ve ruined, it’s more than fair to get some shots into them. Get Mr. Mancer tied up to the roof of the hearse.” Edward’s eyes narrowed as he spoke out his opinion with Freddy looking less than thrilled with being sacrificed like that.
 “I don’t care if you’re just a kid, but fuck off you little asshole!” Freddy yelled out as Edward gained a thousand yard stare before he exploded into violence. “DON’T CALL ME ‘LITTLE’!” Edward screeched at the offense as he lunged at Freddy and clung onto him like a wrathful koala. 
 “Brother, come on, we can’t be this rash.” Alphonse tried to pry his enraged older brother off of Freddy only to be met with high pitch screech about being called ‘small’. 
 “Seriously Edward, you can’t make a one sided decision like that. What if that causes attention to be drawn to the hearse given how loud an elephant rifle is.” Winry was about ready to get her wrench out from the toolbox to pry Edward off of the famed Face Fur, the conversation becoming derailed at this point.
 “Edward Elric you get off of the Face Fur right now! Otherwise he’ll demand curry as his final meal and we’ll all suffer from that one!” Greed cried out after having heard the horrors of the curry aftermath from his chimeras, the chimeras cowering at the thought of the curry returning.
 “I DON’T CARE HE CALLED ME ‘LITTLE’!” Edward howled out in rage that would easily attract the local predators to the cabin.
 “Fine! You’re not little! YOU’RE A WHALE SIZED ASSHOLE!” Freddy slammed his back into the wall to liberate himself from the vengeful murder koala named Edward Elric. 
 “That’s it, Edward, you go outside and Freddy you go to your human kennel. You’re both going to have a time out now until we can have a civilized conversation.” Lust went in to pull the two bickering idiots apart, ready to basically let the eldest Elric deal with Envy on his own at this point.
 “But he started it!” Freddy yelped as he was freed from Edward’s grasps, although Edward had clumps of Freddy’s hair in his little hands as a war trophy. “I don’t care, you two are separating right now. Dolly, hate to ask this, but could you watch Edward for a bit until he cools down?” Lust looked to Dolly as she needed a stable group of people to discuss the matter properly that won’t result in a full out brawl in the cabin.
 “Fine, but I will have to look over Freddy’s head after the brawl that happened there…I know Joel is going to be laughing his ass off over Freddy getting viciously attacked by a kid.” Dolly started to escort Edward outside for his impromptu ‘time out’ after that rage-filled assault on Freddy.
 “Sure, after the discussion is over, I don’t think Edward or Freddy would be stable for this talk after what happened.” Lust figured it’ll have to be a discussion with the mature members of this group, the irony of considering Greed as a mature adult was already a stretch in Lust’s mind. “I’m right here you know.” Edward grumpily stated, glaring at the fact he was getting treated like a small child.
“Well yes, I know, but frankly, I don’t care. You need some fresh air again and get your act together.” Lust pointed to the back door to go out as she didn’t want to see any more monkey shine from either human at that point.
 “Come along with me, I think we should have a proper talk anyways if we’re going to work together on this matter.” Dolly gently said as Edward looked rather uncomfortable around Dolly’s murder claws and matching fangs.
 “You’re seriously leaving me in the care of the clearly obligate carnivore?” Edward whined a bit, not thrilled with being around someone that has likely taken down large prey items before. “Don’t you act like that towards Dolly! She’s never eaten a human ever if that’s what you’re implying there!” Freddy cried out from his bedroom, the human kennel, making things look a lot worse than it actually is. “Freddy, the adults are handling things here, go back to your kennel and cool down in there. Dolly, take Edward outside right now.” Lust was starting to understand why Envy uses violence as a means of stress relief.
 “I’ll take Freddy outside instead, it’s clear Edward isn’t comfortable around me.” Dolly wasn’t about to attempt getting Edward’s trust since it was pretty clear kiddo was nervous and not something to be poking at. 
 “I hope you’re happy now Ed, you’ll have to stay in Freddy’s kennel with Hughes while Freddy gets to go outside instead.” Lust had to hold back the urge of making Edward sit in the murder shed instead out of retaliation. 
 “It’s a bedroom…” Edward raised an eyebrow as Hughes started to usher Edward to the ‘human kennel’.
 “Don’t care, we need a calm environment right now for how to handle things going forward.” Lust pointed for Dolly to take Freddy out of the cabin right now before she has a mental breakdown over everything. 
 Not wanting to test and see how far Lust could throw Freddy, Dolly started to lead Freddy out of the cabin. Freddy gave the look of a bearded puppy that had been kicked twice over at how he was being treated by everyone as they headed out to the backyard. The breeze had picked up a bit during the day as Dolly sat down with Freddy to calm down not only him but herself as well. It wasn’t ideal to shoot Envy with a rifle, let alone an out of place elephant rifle as a deterrent. This was likely the reason why Lust had asked her to head outside with one of the fighting assholes, a vote was needed and that vote needed to have no bias. It was silent between the two Mancers as they watched the long grass wave in the winds that led the forest, the scene alone calming them both. Sure there was a questionable hunting shed with an inappropriate weapon to hunt with, but it was the thought that counts. Perhaps it could be torn down later to build a small crafting shed at some point with a couple of lilac bushes surrounding it. That alone would improve the trainwreck shed in the back as Dolly smiled for the first time since yesterday night. Glancing over from his spot, Freddy noticed Dolly finally smiling for the first time in the day.
 “What’s on your mind?” Freddy asked as his eyebrow raised a bit at Dolly having a smile. “Thinking about tearing down that shed to build a nice crafting shed in its place. Maybe plant some lilac bushes around it for good measures.” Dolly hummed a little as this would give her an excellent excuse to get lilac bushes planted finally. “That would be a good idea, hopefully there aren't human remains underneath.” Freddy joked a little bit before the shiver went down his spine of that statement being a possibly true one. “Well if you know how I work, then you know we’d have to give the remains a proper funeral complete with the song.” Dolly shrugged slightly as she eyed the nightmarish shed that was trashed before belief with a nicer shed taking it’s place in the future.
 “Of course you’d bring up that morbid song. Look, I’m glad you’re looking a bit happier now. I likely won’t ever understand what you see in that terrible reptile, but I understand that everything has been difficult for you since yesterday.” Freddy couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the idea of the funeral song being brought up.
 “That’s an understatement, I’m panicked. Envy’s Mom is absolutely deranged and it's clear, the Queen of Decay is someone that is willing to harm her own offspring in pursuit of something lame like immortality. Envy is likely suffering right now and now there’s an elephant rifle being brought into this grease fire of a rescue plan.” Dolly answered honestly as the weight finally came off of her chest to finally say it.
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shini--chan · 4 years
Hi and welcome on Tumblr! Can I ask for Yandere!America with a Soviet Spy!Crush?
Finally, the first Hetalai ask! I already posted a story to that on my other accounts: Masquerade
Doen’t matter I want to expand on that.
Yandere America x Spy! Reader
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Your eyes narrowed at him, your target, all gay in that excessively youthful manner. He was overwhelming with this exuberant presence and it made you want to gag. Nevertheless, before he could sense that something is off, you put on a pleasant smile as you went about your business. Naturally, he caught he noticed you, somebody new and fresh that had been promoted to the point that you’re allowed to be around with him enough to be noteworthy.
“Hey there, fella. I’m Alfred Fucking Jones, the best man there is to be. And you’d be?”, he introduced himself with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.
It was your mission to infiltrate the upper levels of the US government and dutifully report to your boss. Working hard, you’d finally managed to rise to the level your target was. Beforehand, you had heard a lot about him, how he was an infuriating little weasel that didn’t take anybody seriously. However, upon arriving at where you need to be to observe him, you feel even cheated – you have a self-absorbed man-child in front of you. Seriously, how could the Americans be so stupid to hold such a person in high regard? 
The naïve glint in his eyes vanished the moment you turned your back to pick up the phone. Hopeful sky-blue transformed to the cool sharpness of ice. Alfred traced your figure with his eyes, traveling from curve of your shoulders and down the slope of your spine. The jackal was standing right behind you and you didn’t even notice it. Maybe you’d be able to save yourself before he pounced to tear your throat out. 
…Although he wouldn’t let you have the chance. Honestly, it would be your own fault that you underestimate him, and he’d abuse the fact. Whether you know he if his nation or not, it doesn’t matter – evidently, you’re not wise enough to consider him a force to reckon with. Sweet child, the persona of the gregarious boy-next-door is only the tip of the iceberg. Alfred is an superpower that bathes in the blood of his enemies.
Quickly you rifled through the papers stored in the surprisingly orderly desk. Having nicked the key, you’d taken the chance to snoop. So far, however, you’ve been unsuccessful, just finding manuals for outdated machinery and pages filled with doodles.
You head footsteps approaching and swiftly shut the drawer, looked it, and shoved the key in your jacket. Jones bursted into his office with his usual enthusiasm only to then stared at you perplexed.
“What are you doing here?”, he asked unusually seriously.
“I lost my keys somewhere. It has to be somewhere here”, you lied guiltlessly.
Make no mistake, somewhere down the line this dude is going to find about your true intensions. America won’t be happy, in the beginning at least. Not that he ever really trusted you to begin with, you were just a new curiosity to him, one that he’d gotten more invested in than he tended to but a curiosity, nonetheless. Very well, if this was you wanted to play rough then he would make you pay.
Lying on your couch, he idly tilted his head back as he sipped on ice-chilled whiskey. Eyes, glued on your back, he watched as you fixed yourself your own drink while desperately trying to pretend that he wasn’t being a complete brat – which he was.
Alfred smiled wickedly to himself. Watching you get so worked up was some much fun.
As you sauntered towards the armchair that was placed opposite the couch, you asked in that viciously beautiful voice of yours: “Aren’t you too young to drink alcohol?”
“Ain’t ya too much of a loser to boss me around?”, he questioned without hesitation. At the sight of your lips thinning, he grinned and lifted his chinned in that irritating cocksure manner of his.
While, he doesn’t take betrayal well, he excepted it. So, he drew fun out of playing this twisted cat-and-mouse game with you. He’d flip the tables, finding out everything anybody could ever discover about you. When Alfred plays, he plays to win big. Being the object of his obsession, he’d set out of studying you, manipulating you, and eventually claiming you. 
Shocked you stared at him, at a child that had abruptly shed his skin to reveal a ruthless man.
“Wipe that stupid look of your face, sweety. You knew it would eventually have to come to this. Now, do I have to do something else drastic or will you cooperate for once”, he murmured smoothly, voice soft as velvet, soft in the dangerous fashion that screamed carnivore.
Your mind was still reeling from the sudden revel. Still you nodded numbly.
“Good”, he said pleased. A large hand placed found itself on the curve of your waist and he tenderly stroked your cheek. “It makes everything way easier. The other option would have been so messy.”
No matter what you try, he’d eventually unveil his true nature. That also meant compromising you and capturing you. Alfred would take his precious time to convert you to his way of thinking, using any means necessary. Indeed, he’d see it as doing you a tremendous service to free his lover of a poisonous ideology.
He pressed a longing kiss against your lips, which you gently returned. Alfred then stared you deeply in the eye and whispered excitedly:
“I’m so happy that you’ve finally excepted your place by my side.”
Of course, he’d be delighted if you fully switch sides and make yourself useful to America as a country, Alfred would also settle with you being arm-candy. Anything as long as he’d have a semblance of bliss with you, anything as long as you solely belong to him.
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kewltie · 5 years
Dragons were once thought as gods across the land. Legends spoke of how their footsteps would shake the ground wherever they'd tread, a beat of their wings was said to have cause windstorm to appear in the horizon, and their roars could call down lightning; they were indomitable beasts.
Katsuki’s people had dedicated more than a thousand year and generations of their blood, sweats, and tears to bring these great beasts to their heels. To be chosen by a dragon to be their soulkin is a special privilege reserve for the few—the strongest, smartest, and best people.
It's sacred. And not everyone can even touch a dragon, let alone—
“Who’s a good boy,” Izuku coos, rubbing his hands all over Kithura’s snout like he's an overly large and eager dog, and not at all like a holy beast of Katsuki's people. “The very best boy? You are, it’s you!”
Kithura lets out a pleased rumble, the end of his scaly tail swinging back and forth.
Katsuki pinches the bridge of his nose at the sight. This sickening, horrendous thing he's privy to. He should kill the both of them to save himself from this utterly embarrassing shitshow.
Laws and traditions are carved into the foundation of their society, but if Izuku not even going to bother respecting that shit how is Katsuki supposed to be rule over anything?! "Oi, get the fuck away from Deku, you stupid fat lizard," Katsuki snaps, temper fraying at the edge.
Izuku's hands startle to a stop and Kithura raises his overgrown head, snorting an offended fume out of his nose. Not fat, he grumbles, like that's more important than the stupid part. This is also somehow Izuku's fault too; his dragon didn't just turn into a lapdog overnight.
"Kacchan!" Izuku's face lights up at the sight of him angrily stomping his way toward them. "You're finish with the council meeting?"
Katsuki grunts in acknowledgement. "What the hell, Deku? He's not a damn pet." He gives Kithura a pointed look. Have some fucking dignity, he scolds.
Kithura just puffs out hot air and curls closer to Izuku in defiant of Katsuki's earlier rebuke.
"Oh, I know." Izuku smiles brightly. "Kit was just kindly keeping me company while I was waiting for you to be done." His smile widens even further. "I wanted to show Kit my appreciation."
Kithura grins down at him in the way that only a dragon can. Full of menacing teeth and bite, his jaw bigger than the size of Izuku's head but that doesn't stop Izuku from going soft and heart eyes at Katsuki's murderous fire breathing dragon who had crushed hundreds of his enemies’ skull under his foot.
"What," he says flatly with a twitch of his eye. "What the fuck you say?"
"I wanted to show Kit my appreciation?" Izuku repeats with a curious tilt to his voice. He bites down on lower lip unsurely. “Should I have not done that?”
"No," Katsuki snaps, right hand itching to reach for the sword his side so he can ram a hole into his own head, because seriously, the hell? "I meant, what the fuck did you just called my dragon?"
"Kit?" Izuku blinks. "Sorry, I just didn't want to accidentally butcher your partner's full name. It sounds beautiful when you say it, but I—I don’t think my tongue can bend that way." He scrunches up his face and then tilts his head up toward Kithura with woeful eyes. "But you don't mind being called Kit, do you?"
Kithura, that traitorous overgrown lizard, lowers his head and nuzzles Izuku's cheek appreciatively as Izuku once again idiotically coos at him like he's a demented puppy that Izuku had picked up from the road and not the horrorterror of the sky that everyone knows Kithura as.
Katsuki had spent his twelve summer out in the red desert battling for his very life against the searing heat, carnivorous cactus, and even the fucking sand was out to kill him. All of it so he could find a damn dragon that would speak to his soul and hear its cry; his soulkin.
He had fucking bled and fought his way to a giant slab of sandstone hilltop where he'd met him, napping leisurely under the glaring sun. With scales the color of a sunset, a mulish blend of red and orange, he was breathtaking and Katsuki had wanted him. His soul called out to the winged beast on top of the butte.
It took Katsuki nine days. Nine fucking awful days of fighting for his life and future to claim this wondrous beast as his own and have the honor name him. Once the beast had fallen and lowered his head before Katsuki in submission, he’d bestowed his title to him; Aku'kithuramulea.
In ancient Selvine, a tongue that had long lost its meaning to the outside world except here in brutal the brutal landscape, it translate to: the Unconquerable King of the Red Dunes. A fearsome and grand name to go along with a fearsome beast. A name that no one else but Katsuki had rightfully earned the privilege to give.
Names are power. It's ownership and subjugation.
Early on, Katsuki had shortened it to Kithura because even he's not an idiot to try to shove that mouthful pass his lips daily. Kithura is at least more dignified than some childish pet name Kit. But now his own fucking dragon had let someone else renamed him.
Katsuki glares at Izuku. "You can't go around giving nickname to people's dragon! That's disrespectful to the warriors who had bled for that honor," he bites out viciously. He turns toward Kithura meaningfully and glares. "And you! Don't let others renamed you just for shit and giggles. Where’s your goddamn pride as a holy beast?”
Izuku's face falls. "Oh," he says, voice small and crushing. His eyes drop down to his lap, hands anxiously clench and unclench in front of him. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know."
For a sharp, brief second Katsuki feels a stab of guilt hitting his conscience. And it hurts.
He doesn't have time to dwell on that thought for long because Kithura quickly removes himself from Izuku's person to shove his scaly head up at Katsku's face. Kithura's gold eyes narrows in reproach as his wings flares out and the air around them is charged with danger and a steady building anger.
No, no, he insists loudly in Katsuki's head. Be nice. Stupid little king. Deku is future hatchmother of little king's younglings, he huffs in annoyance like Katsuki is somehow in the wrong here. Now, he won't hatch eggs for little king anymore. Because little king is mean.
Katsuki nearly snap his neck looking at Izuku's puzzled but curious expression as he watches their one sided exchange before he turns toward Kithura in horror. "That's not how the human's body works! Does that large skull of yours only contain air or fucking what?!" he says, outrage thick deep in his voice.
Kithura sulks. Big brain, Kit has.
"Not your name," Katsuki snaps reflexively, but Kithura is already plowing on ahead anyway, won't be stop by anything once he got some ridiculous idea in his head.
I know. I am your soul, little king, Kithura tells him. But Deku is your heartsong. You want to mount him. To put your seeds in him.
Katsuki's face flames up as murderous rage sets in. This fucking dragon is going to be the death of him. He swears. “I-“ He resists flailing his arms around to deny it, because he’s not stooping to childish level. “I do not want,” he lowers his voice to an almost embarrassed mumble as he flickers his eyes toward Izuku’s expectance but puzzled face, “want to put my seeds in him.”
Why not? Little king needs a queen, Kithura insists sternly. Deku is great mate. He's kind. Clever. Loyal. Heartstrong. And more importantly, got that youngbearing hips. Will bear you many young ones. A full nest of them for Kit to play with. He looks on proudly down at Izuku as Izuku smiles ignorantly in respond. That fool.
Katsuki drops his face into his hands and groans.  
You'd chosen good, little king, Kit continues to prattle on proudly. There will many young broods in your future. Deku will breed well for your kingdom.
“Kacchan?" Izuku asks amidst the terse exchange between him and his dragon that he wasn’t mostly privy to. "Are you okay?"
Thank fucking stars for that because then he has to kill Izuku and then himself to save them all from the utter humiliation of having to explain the fucking garbage that came out of Kithura's brainless head. But apparently he's not done, because Katsuki hears Kithura rumble and moving his hulking body around.
He removes his hand from his face just in time to see Kithura snuggles up to Izuku again as Izuku looks upon him dotingly. “Would you like some snacks?” he asks like a total dumbass. Ugh. “I think I may have something for you.”
Little queen, hatch many eggs, ok, Kithura implores to him as Izuku turns around and rumbles through his leather satchel.
That’s it. Katsuki has enough.
"I'm going to kill you, you fucking dumb lizard," Katsuki declares, reaching for his sword. Soulbond be damned.
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renaroo · 4 years
17, JLI
A/N: I literally squealed with delight, it would’ve been embarrassing if I was embarrassed by my passionate love for these losers lol
Best Boy
She has a childish instinct to try.
That, more than anything, is what Ice thinks is her ultimate downfall. Ice has allowed many things to happen to her, happen to the League, all in the name of making solid attempts toward something bigger and better. In this childish hope and dream that when all things are equalized, she can push their rather infamous luck toward being something greater than it used to be.
And Ice really wants this to work. She wants it to work more than she wants the recent photoshoot. She wants it to work more than she wanted her date with Guy to work out. She wants it to work more than she wants to see what Booster and Beetle have planned when the reruns of Next Generation hit too many same-old notes.
Most of all, Ice wants to be able to keep him in her room, too. If Martian Manhunter allows it.
It starts as a team-up with Green Lantern ironically.
No, not that Green Lantern. And not him either. And she’s never met that one.
She doesn’t say anything about it when she initially leaves the embassy with him because Guy is always strange about any of them hanging out with other Green Lanterns. It’s rather cute in Ice’s opinion — he likes being their one and only Green Lantern.
But this Green Lantern, the first first one, reminds Ice of her grandfather in some ways, he mentions that he likes her advertisement pictures and that he has a daughter of his own in the industry. So how can Ice not help him out with a mystery involving the fashion industry?
When Fire gets back from her European shoot, she’s going to be so jealous that Ice got to be both a superhero and supermodel in one single adventure.
It doesn’t take that much detective work — nothing to call Elongated Man or Batman about — but at least part of that is because of their help.
Ice, being from another country, has never heard of having a super pet before this adventure.
His codename is Wonder Dog and his civilian name is Streak.
He is the best boy in the world and Ice, in fact, loves him.
Which makes it easy for her to answer Alan Scott’s last-minute request to provide supervision for his furry partner while he goes on a business trip.
She goes to Blue Beetle first because, if anything, she figures Blue Beetle has the most experience trying to cover up things from the rest of the League.
He’s sitting cross-legged on the ground, arms folded to his chest, starring intently at the short, furry corgi like it owes him money.
Streak licks Blue Beetle.
“Yeah, I’m a cat person,” Blue Beetle says.
Ice decides immediately that Blue Beetle is no longer someone that should ever be trusted.
Aghast, she pulls Streak into her arms and twists away from Blue Beetle.
“Do you know how many artificial potted plants that thing is going to pee on in this building?” Blue Beetle asks. “At least ten! That’s ten spots of urine stinking up the embassy alongside whatever smells are coming out of Guy’s room.”
“Wonder Dog would never!” Ice gasps. “He’s a… he’s a good boy!”
Blue Beetle holds up his hands and pulls a face. “Hey, it’s your funeral when J’onn finds out.”
“If you tell him, I’m going to tell him about the diet Chacos!” she hisses at him.
Immediately, Beetle puts a hand to his heart. “You wouldn’t!”
“I will!” She promises. “Anything for Streak.”
She receives a lick on her cheek and she knows, at that moment, she will die for this dog if she must.
When Guy scoops up Streak and cradles him like a baby, Ice feels her heart melt. He even rubs the good boy’s stomach and nuzzles nose to nose with the Wonder Dog.
Beyond pleased, Ice practically hugs herself and looks at Guy.
“I always knew you were good, Guy,” she informs him happily. “And look at his little face, Streak agrees! And is happy!”
“Sure he is!” Guy says back, full of bluster. “I grew up with dogs. My sister and I always took care of them, couldn’t count on the ol’ man to. Just as well, huh, li’l guy?”
No matter what others say about Guy, no matter what Ice even knows about Guy, she has always seen the goodness there beneath the surface. She feels so validated and warmed to see the evidence of it so clearly on display before her now.
“Will you help me keep him in the embassy until Alan gets back?” she asks sweetly.
Guy, immediately, stiffens and looks at her. “Alan? Who’s Alan? Are you seeing him? How tall is he? I bet I can fight him.”
Ice huffs, rolling her wrist at Guy’s antics. “You know Alan! Alan Scott. He went on a business trip and needed someone to watch after Streak.”
A strangely judgmental look grows over Guy’s face as he looks down at Streak. It hardens. “This is Alan Scott’s dog? The first — unsanctioned, mind you — Green Lantern who uses the Starheart instead of an Oa issued ring?”
Frowning, Ice tries to make sense of Guy’s serious tone and expression. Is this the more serious side of Guy she’s always known was there? The one that trains in the Green Lantern Corps and acts as an officer of the peace in space? To be frank, she’s never been acquainted with him.
“I don’t know about much of any of that, but Alan seems very nice and noble and Streak helped us solve a mystery last week,” she explains.
For a moment, Guy nods and that seems to be the end of whatever interrogation is happening until Guy lets go of Streak. The dog yelps but is caught by a bright green construct that looks and is emerald green cuffs and chains around the dog’s paws and tail.
“Yeah, I’m taking this guy in for questioning,” Guy says.
Working on instinct, Ice lets out a shriek and blows Guy back with a gust of wind, freezing his ring hand until he drops the construct.
“You will do no such thing!” Ice declares, scooping up Streak and stomping out of the room.
“OW! Ice! TORA! It was a joke, are you kidding me!?”
Ice, though, is not kidding. And she doesn’t look back as she marches through the embassy to her next stop.
Fire is her best friend and, when she’s not blowing her top, she’s the closest thing Ice can find in the embassy to a voice of reason.
She’s back from a trip that went well, so Fire isn’t really near blowing her top. But she is skeptical and standoffish toward Streak.
Ice finds this rather insulting to her newfound canine loyalties.
“Is it going to be tearing up the furniture and,” Fire lets out an exasperated noise as she waves her hands, “my clothes or something?”
“He’s a Wonder Dog, Bea,” Ice admonishes. She lowers to her knees on the floor and pampers the corgi. “Of course he wouldn’t.”
Immediately, Streak hones in on the scrunchie around Ice’s wrist and begins timidly grazing his front teeth on it. Then, after a few misses, he grabs the scrunchie in his canines and pulls it off of Ice’s arm entirely. It’s one swift motion, very well-rehearsed.
There’s not enough willpower within Ice to resist the giggle that bubbles to the surface as a result.
Once again, Fire looks unimpressed. “You’re just going to let him tear that up?” she asks.
“It’s his scrunchie,” Ice answers.
“Oh, really? For how long?” Fire presses, bending over enough to get a full view of Streak viciously shaking his head, scrunchie in tow.
Using a babying tone, Ice wiggles her shoulder at Streak playfully. “For as long as his little heart has wanted it!”
Groaning, Fire pinches at the bridge between her eyes. “This isn’t going to end well, and considering I’m still paying off the fire damage I did to my room, I do not want to be roped into this,” she informs Ice. Like a traitor.
“Then you will not be his Auntie Bea,” Ice says, pulling Streak into her arms to the dog’s playful dismay.
“Somehow I feel like we’ll both live with that,” Fire rolls her eyes.
“Should it be in the kitchen?” Booster Gold asks over the loud blender.
“He,” Ice corrects.
“What?” Booster yells a little louder over the blender, though he doesn’t stop mixing his shake.
“He not it!” Ice repeats.
Post-workout Booster is sweaty and not wearing his signature goggles, so Ice gets to see his squinting confusion at her. At long last, he turns off the blender and then points at Streak who is patiently sitting right on top of Booster’s feet. “Dog. Should he be in the kitchen?”
“Where else would he eat?” Ice asks pointedly.
“Probably your room under the bed in hiding,” Booster jokes, pouring the contents of the blender into his awaiting glass. “Protein shake! You want some?”
“I am now vegetarian,” Ice says, staring seriously at Booster and completely ignoring the angry rumblings from her stomach.
Licking the sides of the blender for the drips of shake, Booster smirks at her. “Since when? You had bacon yesterday.”
“This morning,” she says, crossing her arms. “I will never harm an animal again! Wonder Dog has shown me the light!”
“Okay,” Booster snorts. “The carnivore inspired this?”
“I thought you were complaining the other day about twenty-first-century diets,” Ice argues. “You said it was weird that we ate so much meat.”
“It’s weird because of what it did — is doing,” Booster quickly corrects himself, “to the environment at the level you — we — make it. That was my point. And grease. You guys ruin things with overcooking. But we need protein. And it’s weird that you guys made fun of me saying meat-farming is going to go away, but you meet one admittedly adorable dog and you’re completely changing your lifestyle.”
“It’s just meat,” Ice says, hugging herself to muffle the growls.
“I meant your lifestyle of not being homeless since J’onn is definitely going to throw both your adorable butts out on the street when he finds out,” Booster jokes. He pats Streak on the head and Streak humors him by acting appreciative.
That’s okay because Ice knows that Streak knows to pee on Booster’s bed later.
Really, it’s only a matter of time before she opens her door and sees the Martian Manhunter on the other side.
Ice still dares to think it should have been longer, but then again J’onn is a telepath.
And also not a fool.
“May I come in?” he asks, red eyes already honed in on the corner of Ice’s bed where Streak is curled up napping.
Puffing out her bottom lip, Ice steps aside and watches as the martian crosses her room and rather quickly begins patting on the dog. She folds her arms self-consciously and watches.
“He’s a good boy,” she defends unsaid accusations.
“Perhaps,” Martian Manhunter agrees and looks back to Ice almost softly. “I know of this dog, he belongs to the original Green Lantern.”
Perking up, Ice steps forward. “Yes! He is Wonder Dog! Mister Scott needed someone to watch him while he had business out of town! And we had just teamed up together and got along so well…”
He stands tall, towering over Ice as he looks down at her. There isn’t the darkness and fear that Batman inspires but Ice does feel a large dose of anxiety wash over her.
“Ice, we cannot keep animals on the property permanently,” he informs her.
Deflating, Ice bites nervously on her nail. “I know.”
“However, taking into account the considerable merit of our current houseguest, and the temporary status of his stay, it is only fair to amend the rules,” J’onn says kindly.
Ice squeals as she throws her arms around him. “Thank you!”
“It seems only right, considering the rules are basically meaningless in this embassy by now,” he says more grimly with a sigh. “I believe we will have more luck house training Wonder Dog than Beetle, Booster, or Guy Gardner.”
When Alan Scott comes, Ice isn’t ready. In fact, she’s the furthest thing from ready. She considers freezing her bedroom door shut and staying inside with Streak forever.
Fire assures her that, if that happens, Fire will be forced to burn the ice away and it could hurt their friendship. Even Streak isn’t worth that, Ice decides.
The boys are all lined up in the foyer with Alan Scott, Beetle has popcorn, like they’re anxious to see some big production.
The moment Ice walks down the stairs with Streak, she can feel the little guy struggling in her arms.
Lowering herself on the bottom step, Ice feels her lip quivering and she holds Streak even tighter. “You are such a good boy, and I know you’re gonna miss me just as much as I miss you,” she begins to say.
Wonder Dog earns his name with a well-placed kick to Ice’s chest, twisting himself like a noodle out of her grips, and barking as he races down the foyer to his owner who is happily awaiting him. Ice isn’t sure if she’s ever seen a tail wag so much before.
“Thank you, Miss Olafsdotter,” Alan says, chuckling as he bends over and latches an old fashion clip leash onto Streak’s leather collar. “I know Streak was on his best behavior — it’s the only mode he has — but it was good to feel assured he was with good people.” He gives skeptical glances to the snickering trio beside him and grips the leash a little tighter. “Mostly good people. I’ll send you a check for your troubles.”
“Whoa, check? She gets paid for this?” Booster pipes up.
“We have dog sitting services, too, y’know,” Beetle begins selling as he follows Alan out the door.
Beside Ice, Fire puts a hand on her shoulder. “Okay, he’s gone now, you don’t have to keep up the brave face.”
Before Fire is even done, Ice bursts into tears and flings her arms around Fire’s waist.
“Oh, boy,” Fire says, patting Ice’s head.
“Aw, Tora, don’t worry, I can get you a better dog,” Guy says, attempting to stroll up while avoiding Fire’s direct line of attack.
Martian Manhunter’s head snaps in Guy’s direction. “No more pets in the embassy.”
“Okay, but what if we’re cutting you in on the dog sitting business?” Beetle asks while Booster is already looking through craigslist.
“It doesn’t matter,” Ice sobs, “there is no better dog than Wonder Dog.”
“Okay, that dog slept for eighteen hours a day and wouldn’t even eat scraps on the floor, only in his little silver dish,” Fire reminds her. “It was the most bourgeois dog ever.”
“And I loved him,” Ice continues, rubbing at her eyes.
Martian Manhunter actually looks pained by Ice’s crying. “I will take another look at our leasing agreement,” he mutters.
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crapitskizaru · 5 years
How I died: Pure Dino Content
Hi! Thank you for you hc’s and scenarios! You are great! :D Would you like to do a scenario or head cannon where “Dino Daddy” has to take care of Small. Playful. Dinosaur. Babies? But take your time, you seem to have a LOT of hc’s and scenarios coming.
Warning: ASDJFJJKSFJKCHJFGFKKVGJ + ZoSan and a lil bit of Drake/Law
Word Count: 1,2k
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Drake felt his hair getting damper in the dinosaur’s mouth. The last bits of his pride were long gone, lost somewhere in between sharp fangs and chewed pieces of wood from his ship.
“Some help maybe?” 
“I’d say you got this,” Law said simply, leaning against the railing. Not like Drake’s crew was much of a help either, pretending as if they’re busy scrubbing and cleaning the floors. The ship’s never looked tidier, which could be a good thing, if only it wasn’t at the cost of their captain’s dignity. 
He felt a string of warm saliva drip down his neck as the dinosaur munched on his hair with surprising persistence. Someone’s little foot stepped on his thigh and another prehistoric fella appeared from underneath his arm, trying to climb up. 
Were it not for Law’s annoying presence, the embarrassment wouldn’t at least be so crushing. When they stumbled upon those three predators on an inhabited island, leaving them there was out of question for the Heart Pirates. So, naturally to everyone’s delight, Drake ended up as the babysitter.
As the evening was passing by, the humiliation continued. The dinosaur that previously chewed his hair suddenly got bored with the task, shifting its attention to the vest and biting into it with double viciousness. 
“Ow,” Drake hissed as another set of tiny teeth stung his arm. 
“They’re hungry,” Law brilliantly informed without moving an inch from his spot. 
Drake surpassed a groan and gently unclasped the dinosaur’s jaws from his clothes. As he started marching towards the galley to get some food, three sets of feet followed him eagerly, claws tapping against the wooden floor. 
He squinted his eyes in suspicion. Does this mean he’ll be stuck with a line of little carnivores behind his back for the rest of his life? He hoped not. 
“You look like a mommy.” Zoro’s sharp comment welcomed him in the kitchen.
“Big, muscly, dinosaur mommy,” Sanji added, shuffling around and trying to hide a smirk.
“Are you two done? I need some raw meat.”
Drake wasn’t sure if the dinosaurs could hunt by themselves already. He hoped they did, otherwise he’ll be the one responsible for teaching them. Although his hopes died as quickly as their appeared when he remembered there was no one else on the damn island, with their real mom presumably dead or captured, so she didn’t even have a chance to teach them at least the basics. 
“It’s in the- Hey!” Sanji growled in warning when the dinosaur tried to reach the plate in his hands, jumping in place. It moved so stealthily, Drake didn’t even notice it’s shifted from the line behind his back. He checked, and the other two were standing still, patiently waiting.
He couldn’t help but pat their heads in reward. Suddenly the room filled with desperate gasps for air as Zoro choked on his food at the sight.
“Someone’s enjoying the babysitting already,” the swordsman creaked. “I’ve seen too much of this.” 
And with those words, he left. 
“I’ll better go after him, in case he...” Sanji seemed to be searching for a good enough argument. “-in case he causes some trouble.” 
Drake watched him hurriedly place a plate of spaghetti on the counter and storm out of the kitchen after Zoro. Whatever the case between those two was, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to know. 
“Oh, no, no, don’t eat that,” Drake whisper-yelled to the brave fella who still hadn’t given up on the attempt to steal Sanji’s dish. It was clawing the counter, jumping and whining, all while making puppy eyes in Drake’s direction. 
The dinosaur certainly knew how to stand his ground. Soon, all three carnivores were feasting on raw veal mixed with spaghetti, with Drake keeping guard in front of the door. He didn’t know whether he was doing it for the sake of the dinosaurs or rather for himself and the remains of his dignity. 
Law was still leaning over the railing in the middle of the ship, so Drake sent him a careless wave to ease out the man’s suspicions. However, it seemed to carry an exact opposite effect - Law raised an eyebrow and looked around, as if unsure whether Drake’s gesture was aimed at him or maybe someone else. 
Then, after a second of hesitation, he waved back. Cute, Drake thought, before his thoughts shifted towards the three carnivores once again. 
“Hey! Where did the third fella go?” He tried to keep his voice low, in case anyone wanted to check on him and his babysitting progress. If something happened to any of those three, his head would be on the line for sure. 
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It seemed like he’s turned the whole ship upside down already. He checked everywhere - the cabins, infirmary, bathrooms, library - no sign of a tiny predator. One thing he didn’t have to worry about was losing the other two, who kept on toddling behind him during his frantic searches. 
He was in the middle of rummaging through the deck when a low voice made him flinch in surprise. 
“Enjoying your evening, Drake-ya?” 
Law emerged, as if from the shadows, and stood on the quarterdeck with arms crossed on his chest. Drake noticed the creepy doctor was blocking the path with his body, like the whole purpose of the maneuver was cutting off Drake’s potential escape route. 
“Of course.” 
Law slightly cocked his head to the side. “You seem tense. Is there a problem?”
One of the two dinosaurs whined, almost in fear, and Drake couldn’t really blame them. That guy gave him the creeps too. 
“Not at-” Drake suddenly sucked in a breath when a tiny, wriggling tail appeared just behind Law’s back for a second, before disappearing under the deck. “-all.”
The boiler room. 
He didn’t realize he and Law started circling each other, like cowboys in a cheap western, until one dinosaur took off after its sibling with a small cry. Great.
“Where’s the third one?” 
Law’s question hung in the air, ignored, as Drake decided to ditch the dubious pleasure of the doctor’s company and follow the prehistoric fella to the only room he hadn’t checked yet. 
The door were already crooked open as he stormed in. The first thing he saw - two, tiny dinosaurs standing near and playing around with one another. A huge burden would have been lifted off his chest, if it wasn’t for the sight in the middle of the room. 
Sanji’s hand was buried inside the swordsman’s pants as the two practically devoured each other’s faces in a feverish make-out session, the image that Drake already knew will never disappear from his brain only strengthened by the ferocious roar of the ship’s engines in the background. 
“Well, that’s certainly a surprise,” Law mumbled with the most unsurprised tone in his voice one could possibly take on, walking up from behind with the remaining dinosaur snuggled in his arms. “Who would have thought they’re into each other?” 
Drake decided to withdraw his comment on that, scooping the two whining fellas from the floor and silently backing off in the direction of the door. 
“Let’s just forget about this day, shall we?” 
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defleurtradingco · 5 years
Epoch- Growl
(Next: Carnivore)
"Ya weren't kiddin' mister, that there's the surliest lookin' ghoul I ever laid my eyes on!"
"Yeah, go figure huh? All things considered."
The ghoul in question growled viciously and skulked around the back of the cage, eyeing its captor and the undead ranch hand with a fair amount of rage.
Monte rolled his only eye and shook his head. "Well, that's that."
"It's a good thing ya came, I thought it was one'a them stories bout that uh...bout that uh goat-sucker whachamacallit. Always thought it was aliens or somethin'!" The other dead man exclaimed as he glanced back to the cage. “They’re always talkin’ abouts it an’ such- or- well th’ kids are. Dem young’uns like th’ oddest things nowadays-”
“Billy you’ve been herding goats since 1897 and still live in the same pile of sticks ya always have, and ya think THEY’RE weird?”
“Well ain’t nothin’ wrong with goats is alls I’m sayin’-”
The ghoul suddenly crashed against the bars, sticking its arms out and flailing its claws around as the hair on its back stood up, giving it the appearance of quills.
"See, that's where th' confusion is. Ain' no chupacabras or none'a that nonsense. They're ghouls. Toss 'em almost anywhere in any kinda weather an' they change ta fit in! Look!" Monte approached the cage and rattled the bars a little.
The ghoul swiped at him repeatedly to no avail and hissed angrily as its face suddenly split apart at the mouth, revealing several long tendrils that whirled around chaotically.
"Holy Jesus, well wouldja look at that!! That’s th’ plum scariest thing I e’er laid my eyes on! An’ I still got my eyes!!”
"Blood sucker for a reason ya know. Anywho...I laid stuff around th’ perimeter of yer property. They shouldn’ be botherin’ ya none fer a good while. Just don’t try ta do anything that invites ‘em over. You’ll probably get swarmed. Er, well, the goats will at least.”
One of the goats nearby’s bell clanked loudly as it looked up at Monte from afar, making a spitting noise afterwards.
"Course mister, I won’t! It'll be great not havin' ta find poor ol' goats all drained dry n' left out there'n the sun. Poor lil' fellers… Ya know- I’ll tell ya what they did ta poor ol’ Rosey an’ Abraham Lincoln-"
“Ergh- another time. I gotta go.”
“Oh! Well alright! Anywho, thanks again mister! Always a pleasure!!”
As the other dead man walked away, Monte sighed aloud, sticking his hand into his pocket and pulling out his phone.He moved around to the front of his truck and opened the door, sitting in the driver's seat as he text.
Done with my last job sugarsnap, headin’ home. Might be a couple days.
Ok, cya when you get back. Drive safe!!!
It had been a long drive from New York City to New Mexico, with a starting point of Kentucky before either of those two. It wasn't hard for someone who never had to sleep. Not at all. It was only the length of the journey he found boring.
If anything, he was glad that cars existed. They were much faster than horses.
The radio sputtered to life as he started the truck and pulled back out onto the dirt road. The small farm he'd visited had been far away from the city, where old Billy kept his goats for the last century and twenty-something years. Nothing but a long stretch of dirt and some highway for miles. No one ever came out this far. One could live in peace out in the middle of a desert rather easily (as for how animals like small livestock tolerated it, that was another story…)
For what it was worth, the landscape looked awfully pretty during sundown.
As he drove along, he spotted movement in the brush on the side of the road. Something person sized. 
The truck rolled to a stop and he got out, looking around with his hands in his pockets. Scratches in the dirt were strewn all over the place, as well as bits of coarse hair and animal bones (he hoped.)
The ghoul in the back began to act up and make loud noises of distress.
"Now I jus' come back from a job an' got one'a yer little buddies.” Monte announced, “Don't let me end up havin' ta nab you too! Don't think ya'd like relocation much!!"
The ghoul in the cage in the truck bed rattled the bars and roared, only to be responded to by another ghoul in the brush. The one Monte had just seen.
He grunted, annoyed. "Now go on, git!!"
The free ghoul grew bold and emerged from a prickly patch of cactus and other sharp plant matter to hiss at him, only to back away when he came closer.
They played chicken for a few seconds with one another before the ghoul grumbled and retreated back down the side of the road and into the dust.
Monte smirked triumphantly. A small victory.
Something caught his attention however, and his smile faded.
On the ground had been a shoe. Beat up and chewed on. Someone must had lost it out there long ago. But who would come out that far? Maybe one of the ghouls carried it with them. It wasn't that unusual for them to carry keepsakes with them.
He came over to it, stooped down and picked it up, turning it over a few times and looking out towards the desert again.
Nothing. No one.
Shaking his head, he tossed it before turning to go back to the car. As he did so, the ghoul that had run off made a high pitched noise out in the distance, wherever it was.
Monte looked over his shoulder again, seeing the ghoul running in circles some fifty yards away, maybe less. It stopped to look at him a few times before hopping around and making the same noise again.
Scavengers circled overhead, high in the cloudless and dimming purple sky.
"...Huh," Monte scratched at his head in confusion.
The ghoul continued to wait and beckon him over.
"...What's a lil' peek gonna hurt I guess," He muttered as he made his way over.
As he came closer, the ghoul maintained a certain amount of distance between them at all times, but it stuck around.
There was a small dip in the ground there that had made a sort of sand pit that he couldn't see from the level of the road. As soon as he stood at the top of it, he caught sight of red down below in the crater.
"Holy hell-" Without any hesitation the cowboy slid down to the middle. It wasn't very deep, a person sized slide at best. "Hey!! Shit, hey!!"
There was a man lying on the sand, face down with a mop of extremely red hair tied in a tail and ripped, dirtied clothes that looked more suited to a bargain bin. He looked chewed up, and not by the ghouls. The black and blue bruises looked fresh.
Monte glanced around again as he knelt down to feel for a pulse. There weren't any footprints or signs that indicated anyone else had been there. There wasn’t anything in his pockets or in his jacket, no wallet, no form of ID.
The man was alone, and beat up.
"I see ya breathin' buddy, good enough." And he wasn't dead, for what it was worth.
Monte sucked in a breath and pulled him up, throwing him haphazardly over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes as he climbed back out of the sand pit.
The wild ghoul followed them back to the truck, only stopping when it reached the edge of the road.
The one in the cage continued to jump around and screaming, trying to break free.
"Listen I know yer goin’ apeshit back there but yer gonna need ta pipe down. Can’t have ya screamin’ like that th’ entire damn way!" Monte waved a dismissive hand at the caged ghoul once he had secured the mystery man on the passenger's side.
He slammed the driver's door shut once he was in, and drove. Fast.
There was no way he could bring him to town with a crazy screaming ghoul in tow. He’d have to drop it off first somewhere, and then see about helping him.
"Bit of a bumpy road, mind yer head." Monte gave a short laugh as the truck jerked and rocked as they went along.
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merryfortune · 6 years
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V
Ship: Starve Venom Fusion Dragon/Yuri
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Angst, surrealist elements
Synopsis: His dragon was truly the only salvation that he had in this world which did not want him, even though he desired it dearly. 
  The card was something of a mystery. That’s why Yuri had grown so fond of it. Because he was something of a mystery too. He could relate to it in ways that he couldn’t relate to his peers around him. They feared him just as much as they feared his card.
  Yuri, however, did not have any qualms regarding the dragon contained with his card. The card that only he could wield and was, therefore, sole master of. He thought it beautiful. He salivated over how it was able to bring such havoc to a battlefield. It was different to other monsters, Yuri thought.
  It was as though this one had as much as soul as he did. Though, admittedly, Yuri was something of a blank. He had a beating heart and coursing blood, but he didn’t have the “soul” that other humans seem to have. A soul which encapsulates that beyond hatred and wrath; emotions he was well acquainted with. They were two of the same, so to speak.
  Thus, Yuri was able to stave off his loneliness. Not that he would confess to such things to begin with. He was fine by himself. He had to be as others wouldn’t dare approach him because they feared him, and he did relish such fear and cowering. He was the prince of the school, after all.
  Professor Leo saw something in him. Saw potential in him that the other children lacked. That was something Yuri took pride in. He was different to his peers. He didn’t have to bow to their mediocrity in order to make himself feel good.
  But still, Yuri can’t help but wonder what that look in Professor Leo’s slate grey eyes is. It’s not pride nor mirth. It was cold and cynical; like he’s remembering something from a past life which was still affecting him now. There was a glassy, unreal quality to the ways his eyes would sometimes observe Yuri as he duelled as viciously as he could; enjoying his opponent’s pitiful movements with sadism befitting of a carnival or carnivore. It was as though he doesn’t see Yuri as Yuri but as part of a different whole. Perhaps the sum of his achievements; perhaps not. It was difficult to discern, and it did attract Yuri’s attention sometimes.
  Yuri tries not to dwell on that even though it’s a concern he has frequently because he was so, so starved of attention and affection. It was a concern that he had which writhed beneath his skin and tormented him. He wanted to remain being the apple of Professor Leo’s eye, that’s why he domineered over the school’s population with an iron fist, and yet such endeavours of power seemed to go ignored. It hurt. It hurt a lot.
  Because remaining such an asset to the professor was one of the few ways Yuri could acquire the nurturing, paternal or otherwise, that he craved as a child without known familial ties. After all, he was something of a mystery. Appearing out of nowhere, just like that feral dragon he prized.
  Starve Venom Fusion Dragon was the thing that Yuri valued most in his life. His earliest memory is that of awaking, suddenly, from a reverie so deep that it felt like he had just taken a breath after being underwater for so long. And the thing that had brought him from such depths of thought was his fingers clinging so tightly to the card, so that the wind couldn’t take it. So that no one could take it. It was the only thing which tied him to the outside world. After all, he seemed to have manifested from thin air; no parents to claim him at the end of the school year, though there was little of that nowadays ever since the Professor’s curricular reforms.
  His beautiful dragon, scrawny and drooling, was the only thing which tied him to something greater than the island he was forced to call home. He didn’t willingly call it home. He couldn’t imagine home. He could only imagine the opposite. Destruction, loss, a wasteland which was completely and utterly inhospitable.
  He doesn’t wonder why. He doesn’t have to. Its because it’s all he knows. Undrinkable water in the sea; a land which has claimed more lives than what’s known. Enemies all around him.
  The only comfort, the only salvation, he has when even those somewhat kind to him unequivocally have an ulterior motive and those who outright spurn him, is of course his dragon. He needs no others; though, he does have Dennis, but he can tell that Dennis is afraid of him, keeling because like a dog he knows not when to test those stronger than him.
  His Starve Venom Fusion Dragon is the only one who knows him how he knows himself. His strengths, his weaknesses; someone to share himself with. Be it in moments of championing light and victory or moments of darkness such as these. Wherein temptations beneath the mask of night get the better of Yuri. He may be powerful, but he was still an adolescent. He had needs and wants; even though he had done his best to purge himself of such things, so he could become human ascendant, like the demon he gets called by those beneath him.
  Starve Venom Fusion Dragon is beautiful. Its roar resonates within the very core of the faded soul that Yuri possesses: so evil and twisted. It makes him smile even when he wants to cry out. He could want for nothing and yet had so much want for everything. Only Starve Venom Fusion Dragon could bring him the soothing that he needs because no one else was privy to the inner most sanctum of Yuri’s mind.
  Yuri gets up. He had been tucked up, knees beneath his chin, dwelling on all the whirling and swirling things in his life that he didn’t understand. Tears did not glisten on his cheeks, but the starlight did.
  In the low light, streaming in from outside, of Yuri’s penthouse accommodation – so separate and distinct from the other dormitories, Starve Venom Fusion Dragon was gorgeous. A touch washed out, but the faded colouration of its usually noxiously bright scales made it seem glamourous. Mysterious.
  The mysterious dragon without origin. Just like its master.
  Yuri stroked its nose. He harrumphed. The tactile sensations were simulated but he enjoyed them. It was hard to describe how his beast, born from Real Solid Vision, felt. Its scales did not scratch but nor were they decidedly smooth. The sensations betrayed the mind and the visual input it received.
  Yuri would have preferred it if Starve Venom Fusion Dragon could be as dangerous feeling as it should be. He wouldn’t mind pricking his hands on its snout. It growled. The reverberations numbed his digits slightly. He liked it.
  Starve Venom Fusion Dragon was tall. Yuri was of notoriously small stature, but he never felt insecure for it. Especially not now as his dragon bowed to him. It nudged against his face. Its jaws gaped. Drool, thick and silvery, pooled along its fangs and jowls. It dripped unto Yuri and the floor. Yuri didn’t mind. It felt like water, but it did not stain or wet him like water. Yuri wished it would though.
  He was oddly aroused by the idea of being bathed in the saliva of his dragon. It would be a baptism, of sorts. Twisted and carnal.
  Yuri kissed along his dragon’s mouth. He licked at the saliva. It left no taste in his mouth, but he imagined how it ought to. Sweet, like nectar, but with the twang associated with vile poisons. Perhaps with a nutty aftertaste, like cyanide. He could imagine all sorts of delicious possibilities and his kiss deepened. Wettened.
  Starve Venom Fusion Dragon growled. Such a low and bestial voice which resonated so deeply within Yuri. His heart throbbed and moved Yuri. He couldn’t identify the warm emotion welling up inside of him as he kissed back, as Starve Venom Fusion Dragon kissed him back.
  His dragon was truly the only salvation that he had in this world which did not want him, even though he desired it dearly. Be it as conqueror or destroyer.
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Stephen Strange had been having a particularly hard day. His day had begun with a cup of coffee down his robes. Well, almost. He was a wizard, after all. From there, the day had pretty much gone downhill. Wong was down with the flu and was grumpier than usual. And while Stephen had grown exceedingly tired of being snapped at for the most ridiculous things, he could not find it in his heart to snap back. Wong had endured him at his worst during his initial stint at Kamar Taj without any (with little) complain and he intended to return the favour.
But now, Stephen was exhausted. He had been hit with a really nasty spell and it had caused some serious dizziness and hallucinations. All he wanted was his boyfriend-not-boyfriend 
(they were working on the terminology) and a steaming mug of that hilariously expensive coffee Tony got for him. He was milliseconds away from creating a portal into Tony’s lab when a shrill alarm blared throughout the Sanctum. It was the distress system Tony had installed. “I can’t possibly text you every time I need you in battle”, he’d said. Stephen allowed himself one quick deep sigh before snapping into Sorcerer Supreme mode and portalling into the Avengers compound.
The scene that he was met with at the other side of the portal made him question whether the effects of the spell had really worn off. He shook his head and tried to focus his consciousness. Nope, he could still see a tiger and a lion lounging on the couch. He looked around trying to make some sense of how these animals possibly got into the Avengers Compound. “FRIDAY?’, he called out. “Yes, Dr Strange” came a response. Stephen had never been happier to hear the AI speak. “Who triggered the distress call?” he asked. “That would be Mr Parker” FRIDAY said. If not for the haze of tiredness and panic in his head, Stephen would have noticed how the AI sounded way too relaxed for a situation like this.
Before Stephen could ask for further clarification, a screaming Peter Parker tumbled into the room. Stephen could barely make out the words “Dr Strange, you’re here!”
“Yes I am Peter. Now what the hell is going on here?! ”
Peter opened his mouth to shoot out an explanation but then abruptly closed it. He hesitated a second before he took a deep breath. “OK, this is going to sound totally made up but I swear it’s not and the most important part is that everyone is alright. Well, not alright, but they’re safe, for the most part.”
“Not helping Parker!” Stephen’s nerves were charged with worry and tension. He felt like he was about to explode.
“Okay.  Okay. Here goes. So I came here after school but Mr Stark was on video call with some SI people so I came to the common room to wait. Loki was here.” Stephen’s heart filled with dread at the mention of Loki’s name. No matter who vouched for him and what stories they told, he was not ready to trust the guy.  
“So what? You two decided to rob the zoo?”
But Peter continued, seemingly oblivious to Stephen’s outbreak and the parade of unrestrained, mostly carnivorous animals around him. “After a long awkward silence, we got talking and he started telling me stories about Asgard. And he told me this really cool one where he turned Thor into a frog and-“
Stephen was losing his patience now. “Kid, this isn’t story time. Get to the point”
Peter huffed in slight annoyance at being interrupted again. “I told Loki that I didn’t believe him and he took it as a dare. So long story short, he turned every Avenger in the compound into different animals.”
Stephen paused for a second. “So what you’re telling me is that every animal in this room is an Avenger?” Peter nodded. Once Stephen’s brain processed the fact that no one was in mortal peril, he broke into a grin. Now that he was calm, he could see that aside from occasional loud noises, everything (everyone?) was surprisingly calm. He looked around the room before turning back to Peter. “So which one is Tony?”, he asked.
Peter smiled sheepishly before running into the kitchen and coming back with a little black cat. “Wait, that’s Tony?!” Stephen reached his hands out to cuddle the cat. “Oh my God, my precious kitten is an actual kitten!”, he cooed. The soft meowing he got in response had him melting into a puddle. He took a few moments to pet the cat’s fur and scratch him behind the ears. “Okay, so any idea on how to change them back?” he asked as he took a seat on the couch. “Well, Loki was about to change them back when Mr Kitty started scratching him. So he teleported away.” Tony growled viciously at the name but it came out as a soft hiss, causing Stephen to scratch his belly while looking at him goofily. Tony couldn’t help but purr at the sensation. “Wait, how badly did Tony try to scratch Loki? I mean, yes he turned him into a kitten but that doesn’t warrant a violent enough reaction to drive Loki away”, Stephen asked. “Oh no. He was mad because everyone else was turned into a big vicious beast and he became an adorable little furball.” Peter laughed as Tony (tried to) glare at the boy.
“So once we find the spell Loki used, we can revert them back to their original species.” Stephen said. “Yep, that’s all we have to do.” Peter replied a little glumly. After a minute of silence, Stephen spoke, “Do we have to? At least Tony. I mean, he looks so small and fluffy! And listen to him purr!” Peter’s eyes lit up at the idea as they both laughed. Suddenly Stephen felt a sharp prick on his hand. He looked down to see claw marks and very clearly pouting cat. He smiled. The scratch wasn’t remotely close to drawing blood. Of course, Tony would never hurt him, he knew that. But the little kitty pout was just too cute for him.
Stephen got up from the couch and told Peter to stay put till he got back. Then he opened a portal to the Sanctum’s library and walked through with Tony in his arms. As soon as the portal closed behind him, he nuzzled his face into the cat’s fur and whispered, “I’m gonna change you back. You know why? Cz you don’t need to be a cat for me to make you purr.” The ‘meow’ that followed was the best sound he’d ever heard.
Loosely based on and inspired by this post by @im-tops-bottom . Hope you all like it.
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Darkest Hour (17, C)
In the time period between Christmas and New Year’s, my family spent two days with my dad’s parents. In those two days, we all went to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Darkest Hour together, movies I wasn’t particularly excited about, and that made one person fall asleep at each screening. I’m hoping to ring in the new year with more reviews, and certainly more articulate reviews about things I liked, rather than the rambly piece about The Work. Given that I should be posting a personal ballot in the coming months, that will definitely happen. But in the meantime, here is an unimpressed assessment of a new release, with another possible to come soon.
The one that has its talons deepest in the Oscar conversation, or at least in the most prominent categories, is Darkest Hour, the story of Winston Churchill’s (Gary Oldman) ascendancy to the seat of Prime Minister and subsequent organization of the Dunkirk evacuation. It’s a fraught story, one I didn’t realize was such an uphill battle for Churchill, newly anointed as a compromise choice with a somewhat shoddy record up till that point. Churchill himself seems nervous and unsure about the prospect, as his wife Clementine (Kristin Scott Thomas) primps him for his meeting with the King and banters with him as encouragement. It’s a generous step for the film to depict his home life before fleshing his new political station, especially since the couple sparkle with so much warmth and humor in their conversations. In her first scene after Churchill accepts the position of Prime Minister, the couple has a celebratory drink at home with their adult children, who are never seen again. Clementine’s speech is a diplomatic love letter, recognizing that Churchill’s real love is to his country. It’s a credit to Scott Thomas that this speech and her performance throughout rings with as much good cheer and devotion as it does, and then the film recognizes her acknowledgement as number two in his life by more or less leaving her behind. She’s left to fret about financial woes that are only brought up once and bolster his confidence, romantically but without building him up from nothing. It’s a good sport rendering of a woman who relegated herself to being sidelined, and not every film with this Supportive Wife character needs to look at these characters through the angles that Nixon and The Lost City of Z do. Not all are able to either, but Clementine Churchill as written, directed and performed cannot help but pale next to what those films do with the same biopic archetype.
Still, if Churchill is unsure about the prospect of becoming Prime Minister, he and Clementine stand as the only characters who are remotely for him ascending to the position for a long while into the film. In Parliament, Neville Chamberlain (Ronald Pickup), the previous PM, and Lord Halifax (Stephen Dillane), scheme to remove Churchill from his position to put Halifax in power in reaction to Churchill’s vehement refusal to even consider peace talks, going all out on the side of fighting the Nazis until Britain is no more. The arc itself is compelling, and would be even more so if the film hadn’t basically opened with Halifax stuttering his way through a refusal of the position of PM. He doesn’t give a real explanation then or in subsequent scenes, despite his turn-around carnivorousness for the position. Churchill himself even brushes aside the idea that Halifax would turn the position down, considering it unthinkable. So must we in the audience, if only because we never learn why he decided to fight tooth and nail for the job only after he had brushed it off his lap. But Chamberlain’s fear that Churchill will undo everything he stood for in office, as he stands on the brink of a cancerous death, makes plenty of sense, as does King George IV’s (Ben Mendelsohn) reticence to this blustery opponent. George dislikes Churchill as a person, a politician, and the Parliamentary grandstanding from the opposition that forced Chamberlain to lose his position. The ceremony of Churchill accepting the position of PM from George is pointedly awkward, the men standing yards away from each other and stiltedly conversing about when to have their weekly meetings. Churchill kisses the back of George’s hand, and George almost immediately wipes his hand on his back. Animosity is prowling around Churchill, and he does nothing to stop it save stomping it underfoot by trying to prove the assumptions of his opponents wrong.
I’ve seen several reviews that position Darkest Hour’s interpretation of Churchill as a refreshing antidote to the leadership in America, even heard this from my grandfather after the film ended, but it’s odd to see this position after so many of the insults hurled at Churchill are ones that have been at Trump. From the outset Churchill is demonstrably angry and uncooperative, plagued with criticism for his war-mongering tendencies, awful diet, brutishness, lying to the public, and terrible people skills. Aside from Churchill’s vivid eloquence, it makes some kind of sense for the shriveled orange sack of cheese running America in January 2017 would be enamored with this film and the man at his center.
The film also shares in Churchill’s pro-war tendencies, one that can’t simply be excused as being subsumed into his own point of view. Small scenes without Churchill, with Chamberlain, with Halifax, with new secretary Elizabeth Layton (Lily James) keep the film from claiming a full POV with Churchill. Though departing from the protagonist doesn’t necessarily mean we’re outside their subjectivity - look at Birdman or, again, Nixon - neither Joe Wright’s directorial stylization or his interpretation of the narrative suggest that we’re seeing it through Churchill’s perspective. Of course, fighting Nazis to the death is always a superior option, and though Darkest Hour doesn’t mock Chamberlain and Halifax’s quest for peace, it frames them - Halifax especially - as outright antagonists. The decision makes sense, since the two were trying to force him out of office, but the film primarily portrays their efforts for peace talks as provoking a scenario to force Churchill out of office. There’s little sense of what either man genuinely sees in the option of surrendering to Hitler, and because of this their beliefs register only as flat opposition rather than an actual political stance. Wright is obviously filming for an audience that’s lived through this and knows exactly how World War II will turn out, but that doesn’t explain or excuse his refusal to illustrate why surrendering in the hope of keeping British culture alive is such a tantalizing option, nor why anyone would believe Hitler in the first place.
Where does this leave Churchill? In a way, who cares? Wright and Oldman do a fine interpretation, not getting gummed up on showing off how “transformative” it is. In fact, the cast handles their vocal and cosmetic changes with little fanfare across the board. Similarly, Wright does some of his best work in Darkest Hour filming Churchill’s speeches, capturing the fluctuations of the mood in the room as well as Churchill’s own state of mind in each speech, which moments are earnest or performative or compensating or meant to rile up his audience. Oldman also slips in more vulnerability than is necessarily scripted, willing to show how much this man is out of his depth and fully aware of the past mistakes he believes should have kept him from this position in the first place. But there’s something ultimately hollow about the men and women that Wright throws onto the screen, and it’s noticeable that the film’s central character is as bloodlessly realized as the figures floating around him. We hear him orate his will to keep Britain under its own sovereignty and to fight Hitler to the death, just as we hear Clementine’s fondness for her husband, as we hear George resents that Chamberlain was forced out of office, as we hear Chamberlain and Halifax want to negotiate with Hitler. None of the characters have a genuine interiority, just goals they want to support and accomplish, and Wright’s visual flourishes end up backfiring as the characters remain so opaque. Zooming towards the sky as Churchill looks up in contemplation (where I realized my sister had briefly fallen asleep), filming his lunches with King George in a wide shot to focus on the enormity of the room, over and over these vital meetings are depicted with outsized embellishments, ones that would work better if the operators involved were given a sense of depth or personhood that motives their political ambitions.
All in all, Darkest Hour winds up a politically muddled and narratively stodgy object. The effect of framing Halifax and Chamberlain as Churchill’s most physically present enemies is disorienting, especially since the Nazis are such a comparatively abstracted threat, the war kept largely off-screen despite being all everyone talks about. Dunkirk is allowed to keep the Germans offscreen in nearly the same way because their presence is omniscient and forceful, the stakes fatally present throughout. Nixon is even more stylistically and narratively baroque, but it commits viciously to the interiority of its central characters and the men and women in his orbit and how Nixon’s actions have so much political and personal history motivating his decisions. Neither Joe Wright’s direction nor Anthony McCarten’s screenplay digs as deeply into the situation as it might, refusing to complicate or personalize it for the participants and gives no room for the cast to do so either. It’s politically thin and stylistically excessive beyond it scope, a dire combination that leaves this vital history feeling under-explored, overblown, and utterly ill-served.
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greenofallshades · 7 years
I saved this for when I had the time because I liked the questions, and because it was sent by a friend, @rapid-apathy.  So I had a long rainy weekend and was able to do it.  I’ve been holding onto it forever.  You’re supposed to answer the questions you like, delete the ones you don’t, and add your own to make 100.  I didn’t bullet mine but this is close to 100 either way, I guess.
So here’s a little tell-all, if anyone wants to know.  I’m tagging some unsuspecting souls so you guys can shake your fists at me and say well, fuck, it’s Monday, so naturally.   (Seriously, no one feel obligated to do it..pretending you never got tagged is perfectly fine, lol). 
@simcoedefensesquad, @abewoodhullturncoat, @cupric-solution, @enouementonism, @thesnakeinthegarden, @zaggyswag,  @080939, @teagrounebulous, @dolfinsatdawn, @west-coast-happiness
The meaning behind my url:  greenofallshades, Green is my favorite color and adding the last part made it sound vaguely...interesting, or something.
A picture of me: will post one soon.
How many tattoos i have and what they are:  none
Last time i cried and why: During the TURN finale, lol, but does that count?  Before that, a fight with my husband.
Favorite band:  Impossible to pick one, just cannot.  Also I’m one of those people who when you ask me to pick my favorite something I freeze and can think of nothing.
Biggest turn offs:  Pretentiousness, number one by far.  Also people who drop hints instead of asking for something, game-playing instead of being direct, and braggarts.
Top 5 (insert subject): Top five cookies!  Girl Scout Thin Mint, soft baked chocolate chip, M&M cookies, Nutter Butters, and Oreos.  
Tattoos i want: *shrug* none
Biggest turn ons: strong arms, hairy chest
 Age: old lady by Tumblr kid standards, I guess
Ideas of a perfect date: Sitting in front of a fire in an empty tavern with a 6'3" ginger Queen's Ranger, drinking to the point that I'm not drunk but feel good, and he gets loose and starts telling me stuff no one else knows, then getting on his horse with him (me in front, being held securely by him) and riding out to a secluded cabin in the woods only he knows about, where we spend the night having wild sex and getting as loud as we want.
Life goal: Not to have any huge regrets on my deathbed when it comes to people in my life.
Piercings i want: none
Relationship status: married
Favorite movie: Can't pick one but I love Bram Stoker's Dracula, Pulp Fiction, Gladiator, Goodfellas, Thirty Days of Night.  Not into chick flicks very much.  Also a couple of old movies---Rebecca (a total mind fuck) and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, which I STRONGLY rec.  It's a middle-aged married couple who have company over and spend the night drinking and cursing and tearing each other apart with complete viciousness. 
 A fact about my life:  I'm boring but okay with it
Phobia:  Any and all bugs, especially flying ones.  I wish I could make all of them extinct, including butterflies.
.Height: 5'5"
Are you a virgin?   A what?  
What is your shoe size?  8
What’s your sexual orientation?  straight
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?   Wine sometimes....red.  Used to like white, can’t stand it now, and beer makes my throat close up
Someone you miss: My parents...they had me very late in life and they're gone now.
What’s one thing you regret?  Not being a better daughter
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:  Samuel Roukin, are you shocked?
Favorite ice cream?  french vanilla
One insecurity: Body image.  I had an eating disorder when I was a teenager and body issues will stay with me until I die.
What my last text message says:  From me---I might answer late because we’re doing late dinner.  To me---How does she afford it
Have you ever taken a picture naked? Taken one, no---taken one OF somebody, yes
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?  No
Have you ever slept naked?   Yes
Have you ever stole money from a friend?  No
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?  Yes
Have you ever been in a fist fight?  No
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?  Yeah, I think everybody has
Have you ever been arrested?  No
Have you ever made out with a stranger?  Yes 
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?  Yes
Have you ever been lonely?  Yes
Have you ever been to a club?  Clubbing and dancing, so much fun
 Have you ever felt an earthquake?  Yes, in Virginia it's a rare thing and I thought Jesus was coming back.
Have you ever touched a snake?  I've held snakes...they're adorable.
Have you ever ran a red light?  Yes, and it was stupid as hell because my husband witnessed a horrible accident when someone ran a red.  A man was ejected out of his car into the air came down, and hit the pavement, dead.  DON'T RUN RED LIGHTS
Have you ever been in a car accident?   Yes
 Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?  Pretty sure I have
Have you ever sang karaoke?  No and never will for the mercy of the world
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?   Oh yeah...for example today I told myself I wouldn't touch the box of Cheezits in the pantry.
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?  No, but I've laughed so hard I retched
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?   Yes
Have you ever dream that you married someone?   Yes and I woke up and it was true.
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?  No, but points for a question that made me shudder.
Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked?  *side eye glance*
Have you ever brushed your teeth?   *second side eye glance*  I hope to hell
Have you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?  Yes....I cannot watch Thirty Days of Night alone, even it's daytime
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?  No, and it's a good thing, because you don't push a woman who has naturally curly hair into the water or your ass is going to have consequences.
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?  Yes
Have you ever broken a bone?  Just a toe
Have you ever been easily amused?  Lol, every damn day...wouldn't have it any other way.
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?  Many times
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?  No
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?   Yes, embarrassing
Have you ever give us one thing about you that no one knows   I never have and I am not going to have creeps following this blog, lol.
What was your last dream?   I dreamed Samuel Roukin played a biker in black leather.  Are you seeing the trend here?
Would you be up for interplanetary travel if it was a thing?  Hard pass...I will stay safe on my couch with my fleece throw.
If you could travel back in time, where would you go?  Omg.  Again, can’t pick but I’m leaving this question up because it’s a good one.  
Do you prefer tech or real books for reading?   I like both, but prefer books
Do you dread doctor visits or do they not bother you?   They make me anxious
Favorite fashion decade of the twentieth century?  1940s
Are you wearing nail polish and if so, what color?   Manicure, Essie Watermelon; pedicure, OPI I Vant To Bite Your Neck
 Are you into working out or no?  I've always worked out, but I'm so burned out now
Do you have a temper?   Yes
Do you have one item you treat yosef with, and if so, what is it?   Josie Maran whipped argan oil
Do you eat meat?  Yes I am a happy carnivore
If yes, how do you like it cooked?  Well done and y'all can drag me for that all you want
Ever had a boss or a teacher you absolutely hated?  Oh yeah....a bitch boss who loved making lives miserable.  She snatched my engagement ring and hid it for a day so I would think I'd lost it, then gave it back at the end of the day and laughed. I was frantic.  I wish I could have a do-over with that bitch.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?  Coffee
Do you wear makeup?  Yes
If you wear perfume, what's your scent type/favorite fragrance?  I like fresh/clean scents...love Versace VersenseScented 
Do you have a girl crush?  Yes
Candles, wax melts, or incense?  Wax melts....I have a shameful amount of those bitches.  Walmart, $2, too cheap to pass up.
Favorite season of the year?  Fall, fall, fall, then winter
Fanfic---do you prefer smut or fluff?   Smut, but well-written fluff about the right character (GUESS WHO) is good too
Do you like taking selfies?  Why or why not?   I hate it.  Old body image issues, not photogenic, etc.
Do you want children?   We can't, but we'll be okay.
Do you prefer lots of friends or just a few good friends?  Just a few, not interested in crowds of pseudo-friends
Introvert or extrovert, or mixture of both?  Mixture...can and do initiate conversation with strangers but I'm an only child and I need solitude to be sane
Ocean/beach or mountains?  Ocean, if it's cold, cloudy, and the water is wild and gray.  Otherwise mountains.
Morning person or night person?  Morning...first cup of coffee makes me annoyingly wired.
Do you initiate conversations with strangers?  Yes
Milk or dark chocolate?  Dark
What do you post on your blog?   Mostly Simcoe stuff, other TURN material, with some Walking Dead, Vikings, and The Strain.  Occasionally fashion, quotes, etc.
Is it hard for you to apologize when you're in the wrong?   If I know I've done wrong or hurt someone I have no problem apologizing.  I wouldn't want it to be otherwise.  And if I ever piss off any of y’all, let me know.
Love at first sight?  No.  Like/compatibility that turns into love, yes.
Best/funniest Halloween memory?  A couple, I guess.  The first was a party when my hairstylist friend did my make up and I went as a gypsy.  It was perfect, the hair, the armloads of cheap bangles and the huge earrings, a white peasant shirt with a flowing multicolored skirt, etc. 
 The second is one I was only told about, and it happened years ago, but I laugh when I think about it.   My father-in-law(to be) was home alone and a flood of kids kept coming to the door.  He gave out all the candy, then started throwing in cans of Beanie Weenies, and when they were gone, he started handing out money.  Finally he said to hell with it, turned off the light, and went to bed.
Did your first crush work out or was it unrequited?  Unrequited
Do you like old movies---and by old, I mean OLD old?  Yes, I've even watched a couple of silent movies.  The main thing about old movies that bugs is me the ever-present music.
Do you tan or burn?  Burn---don't care about tanning/lying in the sun with the heat beating down on me.  I like myself pale, anyway.
Do you think people deserve second chances?  Generally yes.  Hard to say no considering how many times I've fucked up.  But child molesters, that kind of thing--hell no.
What animal would be cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat?   A T-Rex
Do you have any weird food likes/dislikes?  I hate cheese, esp. melted. (Ikr?) Also white creamy foods...cream soups, mayonnaise, etc
.What's the funniest real person's name you've ever heard?   Andrew Lincoln is really Andrew Clutterbuck
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pyrobled · 7 years
hold on, please. never let go.
this      broke      me     /    @empyrebled
silence                       it    was       far    too        silent  ,      breathe      hardly       heard    &      heart   beat    dulled ;       tune      nearly       completely   muted .            the   quietness    was       blinding       white  ,     all    consuming    &      controlling  ;     deft        fingers    threading    through     functioning    humanoid    organism .      fear  curled     around    beating    muscle  ,      black    cosmos    of      unforgiving        cold    freezing    kneeling    figure    from   inside .           crimson .           red      staining       the   dirty   dusty    white    of    paladins   armor ;      smeared    across   every   inch    of     chest   plates .      like   water   color    inked   by    heavy   rain        /       soaking    clothes   underneath    through     cracks .           was   this   reality  ?          or   another    bad    dream  ?         choking    the    silence    was   cut    by    battle    sounds      all    around                        metallic    screeching   of    weapons  ,      the    high    pitched   sounds    of    guns  ,       startled   shouts    &      orders    hollering    over    the    battlefield .     keith        didn’t    hear      it    though                    eyes         immobilized  ,       caught     by     lifeless    coral     seeing    nothing   of    sky      above .    
Tumblr media
     shiro .             slowly  ,      dawning    realization   settled    down        more    &     more        /         breath    growing    louder   and    louder    in    warriors    ears .          it     hurt .         it    burned .           it     burned   keith    alive .            the    knowledge    ached    deep    within    bones    as    head    fell    back  ,          guttural       &     absolutely       terrified         scream    forced    out   of     his    throat .         maybe   this    wasn’t       entirely       human                      the    raven    didn’t    care  ,        blinded      by    all    consuming    pain .          shiro .       why  ?           shiro  ,      you       promised                       you     promised    to       never        leave    me   alone .           scream       died    down        after    some   moments    passed  ,       voice       cracking        but     sobs     kept    shaking     through     survivors     body    /    tears    running  ,     falling    &     falling    with    no   end   in     sight .          this       couldn’t       be       true .            but  ,     it     was .         it    was .               shiro    was       gone               gone    to    places    keith      couldn’t     reach    anymore  ;          not   in    this   life    &     form   at    least .         anger       rose  ,          a       new       scream    rippling    through    him                -    sound    far    more    carnivorous     than    the    hollow    screech    before .    
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gone .      gone .         gone .           echoes   of    last    words    still    cling    to       immobile      lips    &     memory        ——            i’ll    look    after   you  ,        no    matter    what .            you    need    to    live   ,      keith  ..      for    the    both    of    us .            allow    yourself    to    move    on .            you’re    stronger    than    i    have    ever    been .            it        burned      red    paladin    alive   ,     insides     hot    in    pain   as     figure    rises .       a    phoenix    rising     from     ashes   ,      claws       blindly        and      sharp                    thirsting    for    revenge .            without       hesitation        the    raven     took    action  ,      ruthlessly        danced        through    enemy    ranks    to       MAKE   THEM   PAY      /      MAKE   THEM    BLEED    /     MAKE    THEM   SUFFER .           hate .           hate      knew       no    logic   ,          desire    to    take    light    after    light   ;      hoping    that     maybe     it’ll     be    enough     to       transfer        shiro     back .         moves    were       desperate  ,        blood    soaking    neck    &       hair .              keith       lost       every    sense    of    belonging  ,        every    control     over      the     rage     only    a       shadow .             fighting        recklessly  ,          fighting          viciously         former    cadet     hoped                   with        shockingly       intensity       &        finality     that     a    galra    will     end    young    life .         pilot        wanted    to      be          with     shiro   ,       nowhere    else     /     everything    seemingly         hopeless    &        empty. 
but          no    attack          reached    the    warrior     as     if          guardian      angel         was     wrapping     wings    around     fighting    paladin    in          the    midst         of     death     battle .         no .     no .      no .            it    was    like    shiro     was    keeping    his    promise                                   miracle       unfolding      &        it      hurt .       hurt       really        bad .                let   me    die    ,        half    garan     pleaded        silently         /         let    me    join   you    ,        but    takashi          never           would .        taking    this        one    choice       from    smaller    male .          
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