#but I still went and stood under freezing water for five minutes bc it was unbearable
myname-isnia · 5 months
Walking home from grandma’s was literal hell and I only made it by some sheer miracle
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ribcage-rodents · 4 years
Post four
“How did you know that?”
Robin’s glowing eyelets appeared as he swung hanging upside down from a tree branch.
“Tall, buff, inhumanly strong woman wearing rustic leather armor.. Pretty obvious.”
He then swung back up.
Wonder Girl
Hesitantly she followed him up.
More time passed as the two crawled up the tree Robin using his mask to see and pick fruit, then tossing it to Wonder Girl who dropped them on the ground, neither had a basket and Wonder Girl’s other hand was occupied by something that she used to see in the dark bc it's night rn and I didn’t think that through.
“Do you have a plan?”
Robin asked as he pulled another fruit down.
Wonder Girl
Wonder Girl caught the fruit staring at the floating white eyes.
“A plan to get off the island, you’re the team leader right?”
Robin said as he maneuvered his way up to a higher branch.
Wonder Girl
Wonder Girl followed after him.
“No, we don’t really have a leader, we’re all working together as a team.”
She stopped, pulling on a mango until it snapped from its branch and letting it fall to the ground.
“Do you have a plan?”
“An inkling,”
He responded sounding far away,
“There’s a lot of trees and vines, fruit too. I was thinking of building a raft.”
A couple seconds passed as both thought this over.
“You know it might work better with your team, I mean you have an Alantian right? He could help steer and-”
His voice got quieter and faster as he spoke, seemingly falling away from the situation as he neared the brink of an epiphany,
“Kidflash could be a sort of motor.. We could make a compass out of Speedy’s arrows maybe..unless mine is still working, and Wonder Girl could definitely help build the raft… assuming that Amazons are trained in desert island raft making…. Maybe she knows how to make a compass.. If only we could solve this with like a sword fight.. Then we could just do it and the others would be an emergency back-up..wait! That's it Wonder Girl can help cut down the timber.”
Wonder Girl
“Hey Man of Mysteries, focus!”
Wonder Girl called peering into the dark tree line for any sight of Robin.
Suddenly he dropped to the branches in front of her.
“I think we got enough, we should get this back before he dies, plus we need to work shop our escape plan.”
Robin stooped down and grabbed an armful of mangos before running off into the woods.
Wonder Girl
Wonder Girl stood staring after him.
“Since when is shadow demon part of our team?”
She then grabbed as many mangos as she could and followed after him.
Scene 13
As the two heroes emerged from the jungle mangos in their arms, Garth stood up from the freezing water.
“Where is he here!?”
He growled. Speedy twisted to look at them, his eyes popping wide before his face was transformed into one filled with anger.
“Yeah get that demon freak outta here?!”
Speedy yelled reaching back for an arrow but finding nothing.
Wonder Girl
Wonder Girl dropped the mangos at his feet then held a hand hard on his shoulder.
“Speedy shut up!”
Robin bent down next the Kidflash slapping him lightly holding a mango under his nose, Kidflash stirred briefly blinking his eyes blearily, a heavy hand coming up to bite the given fruit. After four mangoes Kidflash started to gain a better grasp on his consciousness, upon noticing who was caring him Kidflash revolted.
“Ah! Demon dude, demon dude!”
Robin shut Kidflash by handing him another mango then completely ignored him, Kidflash’s head whipped to his teammates looking for any amount of alarm when he was met only with Speedy’s rage and Garth’s annoyance he settled.
Robin stood tossing a mango to each hero,
“I’m here because I have a plan that’ll save us, but it’d work better with your team.”
Wonder Girl
Wonder Girl spoke up before any of the others could.
“What’s the plan?”
“Raft, we’ll need to gather supplies and some more fruit for Kidflash. Wonder Girl take Speedy and Garth out to the jungle,”
He pulled a batarang form his belt flicking it transformed into a battleaxe, he pulled two more turning them into different swords.
“As the strongest of the group you should be able to get some thick logs for the raft.”
Robin handed the weapons over to Wonder Girl.
The trio of heroes descended into the woods Wonder Girl handing a sword and battleaxe to the boys.
Kidflash paused in his frantic eating,
“Hey I’m strong too!”
He cried standing up to the other boy.
Robin regarded Kidflash with a bored look, pulling out another batarang to slice open the mango.
“You’re a speedster, your strength comes from your speed. You can knock a baddie out with your pinky if you go at the right speed. You’d be able to to get us timber but the forest is thick you can’t run full speed to knock a tree down, plus it’d be overly destructive.”
He went to pop a slice into his mouth but seemed to remember that he was wearing a mask and stopped.
“And you’re pretty smart, I realize that building a raft isn't exactly science but I think you’ll be more useful with me.”
Kidflash stopped eating to retort, his eyes becoming daggers.
“How do you know that I’m good at science?”
“Well, the Flash got his powers form a science experiment therefore his sidekick probably got his powers the same way,”
Robin went to turn away.
Kidflash followed after him cautiously.
“How’d you know how the Flash got his powers?”
Robin stopped twisting to look at the other boy cocking his head to the side.
“News interview, aired a couple of years ago, caused a bunch of school science classes to be banned,”
Kidflash’s eyes went wide and a splotchy blush rose up on his cheeks.
“Oh right, the interview,”
Scene 14
Robin and Kidflash bent over the beginning of the raft, tying a few more logs together with vines and some spare rope Robin had.
Robin pulled on a vine tightening the knot.
“Hey I get that I’m a stranger that was fighting with only a couple of hours ago, but maybe you could tell me how Captain Cold’s tech works I have a couple of theories,”
Kidflash stared at him contemplative but a smile slowly slid onto his face.
Scene 15
The three teens wandered through the jungle looking for low hanging fruit, Speedy snuck a glance at Wonder Girl moving to bump shoulders with her.
“Are you sure we can trust Smudge Boy? I mean wasn’t he trying to kill us like.. Five minutes ago.”
Wonder Girl
Wonder Girl rolled her eyes.
“No, but we don’t really have any other choice right now, so at least for tonight ‘Smudge Boy’ is a part of the team.”
Wonder Girl walked ahead leaving Speedy to glower behind her.
Garth had ventured ahead of the other two heroes, ducking behind a tree he pulled out a slim necklace with a small pendant and raised to his mouth.
“Log day #1, these ‘heroes’ are just children in ridiculous outfits. So far during this mission the land dwellers have only fought one another and come up with useless nicknames. I think taking them down will be easier than we originally planned.”
Wonder Girl
“Garth! Come help us bring the extra fruit back!”
Wonder Girl called from where she and the still pouting Speedy were loading themselves up with freshly picked mangos. Garth emerged from the dark trees tucking his necklace back into his shirt.
Scene 16
Robin stood up dusting his gloved hands off.
“Alright Kf, I think it’s done!’
The bright smile fell of Kidflash’s face, he looked at the ground.
“Ok I can do this, just say something cool and relatable, Uncle B’s right I’ll have a friend in no time.”
Kidflash muttered quietly to himself, he looked back up at Robin.
“So who do you think the hottest girl in the JL is? Wonder Woman is a classic bombshell but Black Canary is super hot!”
Robin whipped around a fierce glare on his face draining all the color from Kidflash’s face.
“That’s disgusting. You do realize that those women are crime fighters who save the world on a monthly basis and their cities daily? And their suits are clothing they feel comfortable fighting in, not something they use to impress others and even if they did want to impress someone it wouldn’t be some greasy little teenage creep.”
Robin’s voice was stone cold.
Kidflash’s face flushed red again as he stood up at super speed.
“What kinda guy doesn’t like girls in leotards! What are you gay or something?!”
Robin rolled his eyes behind the mask and turned to look bordly at Kidflash.
“A guy who doesn't objectify women?! He must be gay. But oh no Kidflash you’ve spent the whole night with me, what if you’ve caught my gay!”
Robin mocked jumping at Kidflash who fell into the sand and panicked despite the angry look on his face.
At that moment the three other teens emerged from the tree line.
Robin whipped around a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Alright let’s head out!”
Speedy’s face twisted into a snarl.
“Dude what?! It’s like 6am, we’ve been up all night dontcha think we should get some sleep?”
He asked patronizingly, looking over at Wonder Girl for support.
Robin raised a single eyebrow, his eyelets widening.
“No, we need to head out as soon as possible our mentors are probably tearing apart the city looking for us.”
The teens shared a look before Wonder Girl grabbed one corner of the raft the other teens followed suit minus Kidflash who busied himself with eating.
Wonder Girl
“So, who’s your mentor?”
She asked in a hushed voice looking over at Robin, who was carrying the raft in one hand and trying to fish his compass out with the other.
“I don’t think I can tell you that,”
Robin answered in the same tone of voice, his eyes shifting over to her.
Wonder Girl
Her eyes narrowed inspectfully.
“Are you an assassin?”
There was a lit of humor in his voice as he finally pulled his compass out. A somewhat pleased smirk over came Wonder Girl’s face as she climbed onto the raft next to Robin.
Speedy sat closer to Wonder Girl than necessary, while Garth was sent to the front and Kidflash dangled off the back.
“Alright Kidflash use your super speed to propel us forward as quickly as possible without sending us to a different dimension, um.. Aqua..Lad? Uh you’re gonna shift the water to make sure we keep going in the right direction.”
Garth glared at Robin as he went to hand over the compass, his gaze hardening futher when Speedy snorted at the name making some comment on how that should be his new nickname.
“I can’t just water bend at super speed, it’s a delicate process.”
“Fine, I’ll keep track of the direction and make sure Kidflash stays on track.”
Kidflash made an angry noise from where he was freezing in the cold water.
Kidflash kicked off and the group descended through the fog at lightning speeds, Speedy grabbing onto Wonder Girl’s solid form to keep from flying off into the ocean. After several minutes the group smacked against the beach hard the heroes went flying. Robin was the first to recover dusting the sand from his clothes and disappearing in the early morning light. The others slowly groaned back to life.
Scene 17
The team picked their way through the boardwalk stopping at the first open business they could find. The manager of the restaurant handed over the company phone to Kidflash in a daze.
“No! No way I am not getting picked up by Green Arrow like some loser kid at a party.”
Speedy went to take the phone away but KidFlash sped out of the way, dialing and redialling, his gloved fingers moved too quickly across the screen.
“Hey Unc- I mean Flash!”
Kidflash sped away from Speedy to the other side of the room to avoid another fight.
Scene 18
All four heroes stood in the town square of the small, bustling city as a shimmering outline of Wonder Woman’s plane landed beside the large fountain the kids gathered at. The corresponding mentors and Batman exited the invisible jet, Flash was quick to envelop Kidflash in a hug.
Speedy chuckled, sneering at Kidflash being crushed, his face turning that familiar blotchy red as he loosed his grip around his uncle in uncertainty. Speedy’s tormenting was cut short by his own mentor pulling him into an all too parental bear hug complete with wet kisses to his forehead and hair petting.
Speedy groaned desperately trying to free himself from Green Arrow’s embrace. Green Arrow did let go, chuckling as he did so attempting to ruffle his hair one more time but Speedy slipped from his range angrily fixing his hair and shoving his hat back on.
Black Canary slipped behind Speedy wrapping him in a much more gentle hug, he seemed only slightly less annoyed. Batman lagged behind as Aquaman slowly walked toward Garth, a stern look on his face and Wonder Woman rested a comforting hand to her little sister's shoulder.
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