#but I think it’ll be cool to have a before audio for when I start working on my voice again
rosicheeks · 24 days
#I recorded a lil clip of me singing the last classical song I learned back in high school#surprised I still know it so well#I’m not posting it cause DAMN I’m rusty as fuck#but I think it’ll be cool to have a before audio for when I start working on my voice again#lol wish I had a BEFORE audio from before high school and all my lessons#OOOOOFDA BESTIE NAH#I thought I was so fucking good and then I get to my performing arts high school#with a bunch of talented people and I realized I in fact sounded like a screeching walrus#but then I worked and studied through high school and I think I gotta pretty good#even went to a few competitions which was super weird but fun#aw I miss those days so much#so I’m going to try and get back into it#gonna be hard since I’m not like surrounded by it all the time#but I’m gonna start brushing up on my music theory and maybe even fuck around and compose a little bit#I used to learn songs in all of these different languages#I miss it so much#and I’ve decided I’m going to start creating the person I want to be and stop wishing I was that person#anywayyyyyyyyy#idk where I was gonna go with that#if anyone is *genuinely* interested in hearing my classical audio send me a message#but I’m not gonna post it cause bro let me tell you it’s rustyyyyyyyy#I got my high notes down but everything else? (and even leading up to the high notes) nah not there#supposedly I might be able to see the aurora borealis in my area tonight but I’m not holding my breath#I live next to too many damn lights and people ☹️😤😤#if anyone gets to see the lights tell me all about them! and if you have pictures please please PLEASE send me them!!!!!#shut up rosie
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nattikay · 1 year
Shoutout to my mom who let me dump a bunch of spoilers on her so I could cry about Neteyam. Finally had the chance to get all that sobbing that dehydration robbed me of yesterday out of my system, and I’m feeling a little better now. I mean, the situation still makes me sad, but I don’t think I’ll continue to have my eyes suddenly start leaking every other hour like they did for most of today. :’)
so uuuhhh now that I’ve more or less gotten over that hurdle, I can finally sit down and make a post about all the other stuff from the movie! So here’s a list of some of the other thoughts and observations I had, not exactly comprehensive cuz this is all coming after 24 hours of grieving so I may not remember every single little thought I had, but here we go anyways (also tagging @tenebrius-excellium cuz you said you wanted to hear my thoughts):
-I just want to watch the first five or so minutes on loop for a while (although maybe without the cuts to Neytiri singing the songcord because 🥲, good golly the moment I saw that shot I, already being familiar with the lore behind songcords, was like oh NOOOOO), just the scenes of those ~14 peaceful years where the kids are growing up and the RDA is gone and everyone is happy together and it’s all just so sweet, this is the content I want, I want more of it, please pretty please, I know it’ll be a while before all the gif-makers are able to get a hold of those scenes but man as soon as they do goodness gracious I’m just gonna stare at it all for hours 😭
-While I was already assuming that the Metkayina didn’t actually know English and that we the audience were only hearing English for convenience, I was expecting that issue not to be directly addressed. So I was pleasantly surprised when it was subtly addressed with Jake’s voiceover about now being familiar enough with the Na’vi language to understand it as easily English as the audio of the kids bickering swapped from Na’vi to English. Theory confirmed!
-Speaking of the Na’vi language, I did feel very excited because I was able to understand some of the unsubtitled lines, which was a goal! so yay!! I mean, I didn’t understand every Na’vi line spoken (some of the longer ones I’ll definitely have to listen to more than once to piece together), but to even understand any of it at all, especially the ones without subtitles, felt very awesome!! dopamine rush babey!!!
-And on that note, the fact that Quaritch of all characters was making an effort to learn the language really surprised me! He struck me as the type of character to not give two craps about that sort of thing but hey. I definitely got a kick of out of Spider absolutely roasting him for his lack of skills hrh (note, I very most certainly do not condone actually mocking new learners making mistakes, obviously, but seeing as this is Quaritch we’re talking about...^^”) Spider’s line here was also a place I even managed to catch a subtitle discrepancy -- iirc, the subtitles read “You sound like a three-year-old!” but the actual line was nga plltxe na ‘eveng ahì’i! you speak like a small child! Which, I mean, y’know, same gist, but it was cool to be able to understand the actual words!! I also greatly enjoyed Spider trying to teach Quaritch the distinction between na and nga, just because man that’s one of those things every learner has been through, idk it was delightful to watch it go down between canon characters hrh
-Speaking of Quaritch and Spider....wow, I was surprised just how early they dropped the “Quartich’s son” bomb. That had been a pretty popular and plausible theory for a while, but I was expecting it to either be left up to interpretation or used as a bombshell later in the film. But nope, from the get-go it’s pretty heavily implied that not only is Quaritch Spider’s biological father, but that they’re both aware of this. So. Yeah, that was certainly a surprise.
-Kiri “I would rather drink acid than have Norm be my biological father” good gracious girl! like I mean yes the idea that Norm and Grace were secretly hookin’ up is obviously preposterous, but what did Norm ever do to you to deserve that reaction ^^; haha
-I mentioned in my High Ground post the three primary theories on Kiri’s origins. Having now seen the movie, I now think the mystical-Eywa-conception theory is by far the most likely. However, canonically it still remains a mystery/up to interpretation. Perhaps we’ll get more answers in movie 3...
-Y’know what, vulgarity is not typically my type of humor, but Lo’ak flippin’ Quaritch the double bird when asked to let him see his fingers did get a chuckle out of me hrh
-hey um yo the Metkayina kids were absolute JERKS, what the heck?? like good golly heckin’ rude. Except for Tsireya she’s chill I like her :)
-Personally I don’t think the story of this movie is a total rehash of the first one overall, but I can very mostly definitely see how people would consider it so. There were several lines in two scenes in particular, the one where the Sullies arrive at the Metkayina clan and the one with the tulkun hunters, that were just soooooo similar to lines from the first movie, not quite verbatim but certainly awkwardly close. I can absolutely see this becoming a common complaint from internet critics.
-Tuk pretty much solely exists to make the audience go d’awwwww!!, and y’know what, that’s ok because boy did she succeed :’)
-unfortunately, Quaritch’s ikran has by far the coolest design of all the ikrans, like bruh that color palette is heckin’ dope. what a shame ur now stuck with this jerk lol. Though I did snicker at Quaritch feeling the need to bond with the ikran “the hard way” solely because he couldn’t stand to be outdone by Jake lol
-I liked Lo’ak and Payakan’s friendship, it was very sweet. Also very interesting design-wise that a tulkun’s queue is in his mouth, and that the mouth has more of those bioluminescent patterns on the inside.
-The fact that the tulkun hunters are 100% aware that the species they’re hunting is fully sapient feels very ick to me. Sir that’s...that’s murder. Good gracious. and um “tulkun brain juice stops human aging” wh...what?? can uh...can we get some more explanation on that??? like is that gonna be somehow relevant to later movies or is it just some arbitrary thing to make the brain juice valuable, valuable enough to attempt to justify murder idk but uh....yyyyyyeah 😬
-minor thing, but I was surprised that the swimming baby from the trailer was, in fact, not Ronal’s. In fact, we never actually meet Ronal’s baby, which, again, surprised me. Why make her pregnant if we don’t get to see the baby, it feels kinda random ^^; to link her to her spirit tulkun who just had a calf I guess?? idk. once again, maybe it’ll become more relevant in movie 3.
-until proven otherwise, I am heretofore declaring that final “a son for a son” line to be Spider’s official adoption into the Sully family 😭😭😭
anyways, I guess that’ll do for now. I’m sure there was other stuff but I’ve been sitting here typing for over an hour already. Perhaps later I’ll come back with more comments, idk. I’ll be seeing the movie again next week with the rest of my family, so maybe I’ll notice different things/remember stuff that got swallowed up in the feels. Will I cry more than I did on my first viewing because I’m gonna try not to go in dehydrated again, or less because by then I’ll have had a week to process and accept everything? I have literally no idea. Guess we’ll have to just wait and see...
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kenonade · 4 months
stella maris reading log #1
its about damn time i start noting down how i feel when i read what i read. hell yeah. hopefully this makes me a better writer.
spoilers not really about the plot (bc honestly is there even a plot in the sense of a plot) but more about the language below the cut woooooo
tldr: book cool. writing insane. wtf. wtf. wtf. head ouchie. 越级打怪的后果就是头晕脑转 (dizziness is the consequence of attempting to read beyond my level). ooga booga man talk abt english
reading stella maris is so interesting because im just sitting here wondering like. how the FUCK did mccarthy accumulate all this knowledge about a variety of very distinct fields. my brain hurts. this is so much information. im learning nothing and learning everything at the same time. how the man managed to learn all this stuff and how he managed to put it together like this puzzle me equally intensely. its one thing to acquire knowledge. its a whole other thing to convey it in language so dense with information but also character. like, not to be that guy, but when osc does his infodumps i think to myself okay old man lets get you to bed. every time alicia opens her mouth i confront my intellectual inferiority and contemplate the meaning of life because it is alicia talking.
not to mention what the FUCK alicia. if only you’d have KNOWN. EUGH. WHAT. WHAT. WHAT.
my head hurts. the reason why im writing instead of reading is because ive already reached my reading breaking point where my eyes glaze over and the words go in one and out the other. its only been two hours. difficult language i can handle fine, verbosity is fine, i inhaled the ender stuff and only took breaks when osc pissed me off, but stella maris is information overload in a way that i’ve never experienced before. im like, texting three separate people all the time. oh i should vet this w my math guy. i need to show this to my psych classmate. this has to go to my orthopedics bestie.
i started this book saw the page number and went oh sure. its half the length of the passenger. the style means that it’ll contain less words overall too. i should be able to finish this on a three hour hsr ride. WRONG. i CANT. it’s TOO DIFFICULT. im running into roadblocks very similar to what i felt when i read the passenger: dont know place/name/context/big word. except im finding stella maris to be even more difficult because unlike some nautical jargon or random place in the midwestern usa that i can just look up, i cant. i think its impossible to even begin to comprehend all this math.
that’s definitely part of the charm of stella maris. the format of audio transcripts creates a much more intimate connection between the characters and the reader. the target demographic of this novel, though niche, is definitely not as niche as to comprise only of genius mathematicians with a burning passion for music and a hatred of psychology. the reader might be a master in one of these fields, but alicia outsmarts them in it along with all others. viewed through this lens, the reader is the doctor. the reader is the one who converses with alicia, trying their best to piece together a mind that is so extraordinarily genius and extraordinarily tormented. it’s a position of emotional significance. the reader sits through these audio recordings because they want to understand alicia. and to understand alicia is to love her. (this is a certified when i truly understand my enemy i love him moment)
all of that sits in stark contrast to western’s narration in the passenger.
i wrote an entire paragraph but tumblr fucking ate it. im pissed. its ok. for love i’ll write it again.
western’s narration is detached. it’s impersonal. mccarthy’s clinical and direct use of language alienates the viewer and prevents the formation of any sincere rapport, allowing only mild sympathy for western’s continued suffering. the reader is merely an observer, piecing together the life of a strange, curious creature through inference and deduction. nor is the reader meant to empathize with him. he’s the one who chose to abandon alicia, the one reckless enough to chose race car driving over his degree, and therefore the one who shoulders alone the responsibility of alicia’s death—or so he thinks. in a sense, because western is comparatively lucid, the detached narration becomes almost a punishment for the guilt he’s assigned to himself. he’s not the one in the mental asylum, afterall.
its interesting to me how mccarthy presents this duo to the audience. i have many Thoughts on alicia’s sexuality and stuff but i should finish the book before i synthesize those thoughts. anyway. thanks for reading 👍
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simplysummers · 8 months
Weird Questions ask!
3, 6, 7, 11, 13, 18, 26, and 36
Damn Pax that a lotta numbers. It’s giving 2021 Sev vibes. But thank you!! 💛
3) What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
My writing ritual isn’t really cursed but it is lengthy. I don’t need a lucky charm or to flick the lights a certain way, but my editing process is as follows. Cry. Cry. Cry. (No I just have to go over it at least eight times in both audio and visual formatting. And considering my fics are around 8-12k a chapter, it’s a lot.)
6) What is your darkest fear about writing?
That people won’t like anything about it. I don’t mind constructive criticism, especially because I’m doing this for a degree and it’ll make me a better writer, but I just hate the idea of someone liking absolutely nothing about my work, that all of their reaction is just negative.
7) What is your deepest joy about writing?
Just the utter freedom it gives me. Cringe I know but, it really does just take me some place else and I love it. Also when I get positive feedback, that brings me so much joy.
11) Do you believe in the old advice to "kill your darlings?" Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
Well I do and I don’t. I do in the sense that sometimes things can be unnecessary, and they need to go for the overall outcome of the story, but sometimes I just love a scene/character/line so much that I don’t want to take it out, especially if the impact isn’t changed massively, so I’m not super ruthless. Like with Greta Gerwig and Barbie, how she wouldn’t take out the scene with the old lady cause she loved it. But I do grieve sometimes, and I do have a little folder for pieces of writing that I love so much that I know I can use elsewhere if I do end up cutting them out.
13) What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
Easy would be anything family related, I think I handle that very well. I don’t think there’s anything I can’t write about, but I definitely have a preference to avoid certain things.
18) Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
Passage: Seren's hand dragged along the edge of the metal railing attached to the side of her hospital bed, the chilling surface instantly cooling the clammy flesh of her palm. She liked the cold, preferred it even, the cold had always been a bearable force that could be rectified with layers of clothing and hot beverages, or even embraced and allowed to consume ones person, to snap them back to the reality of the natural elements.
On the opposing end, the heat was practically inescapable, you can only extract so much coverage before you're as bare as the day you were born, and even then people fell short and were still consumed by its waves. The heat was a predetermined source of torture, and she'd had enough of it.
Four years of consistent heat, darkened hallways, cells and endless hours of binding pain were enough to convince her that moving to Alaska or Iceland didn't seem like a bad idea in the near future.
Much like a fever, hot climates were infectious too, she noticed immediately that her hand warmed the metal beneath it ever so slightly, natural body heat radiating from her skin and contaminating the opposing chill beneath it.
Heat concurred, heat destroyed. The world at its core was hot, and the world...the world at its core was evil.
This is a piece of original work I’ve been working on since I was in my teens. It’s about a story of a girl who is healing from a deep trauma, ikr so original, but it really focuses on the recovery from said trauma and how it’s not all one straight line uphill. I feel like so many thriller books focus solely on the trauma itself, and not what that trauma does to you afterwards. I also sent this to my uni professor, along with other extracts and he said it showed extreme promise. So win ig!
26) How do you get into your character's head How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
I get in just by either watching/reading all of their clips/passages (if it’s a fanfic), and if it’s original then I literally just lay there and ✨think✨. Sometimes it isn’t nice coming out of that because I make myself cry, but the result is worth it.
36) They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know?
I’m actually doing my end of semester assignment for scriptwriting on a girl who is suffering with an eating disorder, because I actually suffered with a very severe ED in my early teens. I’m doing a lot better now, that’s for sure, but those feelings and emotions are tied to me in a lot of different ways, so it makes for good writing material (which sounds grim doesn’t it).
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sleepless-rain · 2 years
Haikyuu radio drama - Track 1″Troubles councelling” [TRANSLATION]
I might as well throw them here as an archive.
Karasuno Haikyuu radio club! Original radio drama (script written by Furudate Haruichi!)
[These are fan translations. I do not consent to anyone using them for videos fanclips etc because these will be sold at a later date via CD please support the original by purchasing them when they are released.]
You can listen to the audio drama here!  ( starts at 27min 59seconds)   please note that this eventualy gets archived and sold as a CD so the link may not work a few weeks later!
  H: Huh...? The gym isnt open? K:mmm... H:... oh a text message! Tanaka-san!...overslept...he said he has the key and to wait a sec. K: mmmmkay.
[birds chirping]
H: hey Kageyama. K: Huh? H: You know how after morning practice you have second breakfast? K: Yeah. H: Even then, when it gets to second period I get super hungry. K: u-huh... H:But if you bought extra and ate every period you'd get stupidly sleepy right? K:Mmm. H:But then if you didnt bring extra and anded up eating lunch early...y-you get what I mean right!? K:Yeah. H: After school is just empty stomach hell!What am I supposed to do about it!? If I hold back from eating lunch early I just spend periods 3 and 4 thinking about my lunch! When I think, 'oh, its been about 10minutes' and I look a the clock only 30 seconds have passed!! [silence]
K: Protein shakes...I discussed it with coach Ukai H: ...wha- and he said that protien is okay!? K: In order to keep your body from feeling hungry, your body supplements itself with energy, meaning you could possibly lose muscle. H: What did you say!? K:If you drink protein shakes and consume carbohydrates, it'll elimiate energy loss. H:I see! K:You blood glucose level doesn't go up either so you wont get sleepy. H: Whhaaaat! I-I'm going to do that too! Me too! That's right, preotien shakes seemed like a post practice thing! I'm going to do it too! K: You can make it with easily with just water and the powder. H:Shaking and drinking the protein shake during break seems pretty cool! I what should I do... maybe I'll drink it next to someone eating junk food! "Hey, you still eating junk food? I've graduated from junk food. Of course there are times when I want to have a chocolate or two. But, you know, I'm an 'athelete'," K: I feel like smashing a ball into your face. H: Why!? K: ...what flavor do you normally drink. H:Chocolate! K:Huh... H:...what about you!? K:[smirks] Like. H:...nngghh...y-you... K: What? H: Y-your're just trying to be cool! K: Huh!? H:Since you made a more adult choice. K:What are ytou talking about? H:Lime....lime huh.... .....is lime good? K: Huh? It's good. H: Really!? Maybe I'll buy it!! But I wanted to try the strawberries and cream flavor next. K: Either way. I won this time. H:Wait, what? What did you win? K: I asked the coach about it first and I worried about this first. H: What!? I was the first to think about getting hungry and what I should do about it, way before you! K:I thought about it before you! H: How do you know!? K:I've been worried about this since I was a child. H:Well I have too! Right after having breakfast I would think, "What are we having for lunch?" K: I thought about lunch while I was eating breakfast! H:I think we should focus on the meal before us!! K:....guh.....I was hungry the moment I was born and cried. H: So was I! Oh, my birthday is earlier than yours, meaning I was born before you so I wi- K: Tanaka-san! Morning! H: Morning!
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New KITTIE Music In 2024 'Would Be Really Cool', Says MORGAN LANDER
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During an appearance on the latest episode of "The MetalSucks Podcast", guitarist/vocalist Morgan Lander of reactivated Canadian metallers KITTIE spoke about the possibility of following up the band's upcoming shows with some new music. She said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I have a whole phone full of riffs that I'm, like, 'I think I could probably use these.' And preparing for these shows has obviously opened up that door a little more and sort of motivated me to do that stuff — be more creative and write. But I don't have a deadline."
She continued: "I feel like it's tough to focus on getting back up to speed with the tour and then also write at the same time. Everybody's navigating their jobs and family stuff and all that, so that's always tough. So I feel like it's kind of like one focus at a time. But we definitely won't stop playing shows. I think we'll be really choosy about doing some festivals and things like that. But I do have maybe kind of a skeleton timeline I'd like to have some of these ideas put forth by. I think new music in 2024 would be really cool."
Morgan added: "I know I've said this a few times, and maybe if I continue to put it out into the ether it'll actually happen, but the idea of maybe re-recording the first album for, like, the 25th anniversary — something like that — T-Swifting it up, it's kind of a really interesting idea. And I think with the musicianship now and how we all kind of sound and jell, I think it could be a really interesting exercise. That's something I thought about as well."
Morgan and her sister Mercedes, who plays drums in KITTIE, held their first rehearsal together since 2017 in April. A month earlier, Morgan confirmed to Anne Erickson of Audio Ink Radio that KITTIE will play more shows beyond the already announced appearances at the Blue Ridge Rock Festival in September and at the When We Were Young festival in October. "That's it for this year," Morgan said. "But next year, we definitely will. But I think those opportunities will come later on.
"We don't have anything set in stone, but I think it's something that, like I said before, once these doors are open, I think we can expect to feel comfortable doing a few more little things here and there and hopefully we'll be able to do some more one-offs in the States and Europe and that type of thing," she explained. "So the possibilities are endless."
Joining Morgan, Mercedes and Ivy at the above-mentioned shows in the fall will be guitarist Tara McLeod.
Asked in an interview with the "Talk Toomey" podcast what led to Vujic returning to KITTIE for the upcoming dates, Morgan said: "Ivy played on two of our albums, the last two albums that we did. She left the band right before the very last big tour that we ended up doing; she did the Soundwave Festival [in Australia] with us in 2012, and those were the last shows that we did with her. And she just kind of settled into her life, started a family, got married, and so that's sort of been what she's been up to. But Ivy's a metal girl at heart and she's always been super, super easygoing about stuff. I just sent her a message and I was, like, 'Hey, can we talk?' And we had a really, really great phone call and I just sort of explained the situation, explained what was going on. I asked her if she'd be into doing it, and she was, like, 'Yeah. Sounds great.' … It's very much one of those things where you don't talk that often anymore, you don't see each other that often, but then, when you all get together again, that chemistry and that vibe is always there."
Morgan continued: "I feel like that lineup of KITTIE in particular was always very super pro, super chill — no stress, no drama. Just, like, 'You know what? We're gonna go out there and we're gonna sound amazing.'
"She's an incredible bass player. I don't think that Ivy gets enough credit. She is absolutely incredible. So it's gonna be great."
Vujic joined KITTIE in 2008 and appeared on the band's fifth studio CD, 2009's "In The Black". She also wrote and recorded bass for KITTIE's sixth album, 2011's "I've Failed You".
When We Were Young will be held on the Las Vegas Festival Grounds on the Strip on October 22, October 23 and October 29.
KITTIE has not performed since its reunion show at London Music Hall in the band's native London, Ontario in 2017, celebrating the group's documentary "Kittie: Origins/Evolutions".
In January, the original lineup of KITTIE — Morgan, Mercedes, Fallon Bowman (guitar) and Tanya Candler (bass) — reunited for an online chat to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of its gold-certified 2000 debut album, "Spit".
Candler left KITTIE after the release of "Spit" in order to finish high school and was replaced by Talena Atfield.
Bowman exited KITTIE in 2001 and started her own industrial/electronic project, AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT.
After KITTIE completed the touring cycle for 2011's "I've Failed You" album, the band entered a long period of inactivity during which Morgan focused on a marketing job for a chain of fitness clubs while Mercedes worked in real estate and more recently at a software company. The group also began work on a career-spanning documentary, "Origins/Evolutions", which finally saw the light of day in 2018 via Lightyear Entertainment in North America.
"I've Failed You" sold 3,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 178 on The Billboard 200 chart.
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s3899602 · 10 months
Blog #4 - Week 3
Pharos Designer - I started to play around with Pharos and created some tests that I would like to play in The Capitol on Thursday. 
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I really liked the effect that the ‘wave’ preset gave, I think that would look really cool in space. I’m not sure how bright it will be though, possibly a lot brighter than the wall. 
Music: Not Impossible Vests - The vests were a very interesting experience. I had a bit of a sensory overload and I don’t know whether it was a good or bad experience. At first, it felt weird, but once I knew what to expect, I was less nervous. I liked the music more because I could somewhat anticipate what the vests would do, and I think the vests actually do enhance your experience when you already enjoy something.
Colour Theory -
Yellow is the colour that represents happiness/cheerfulness, but I also think exhilaration/excitement is yellow. Maybe it’s because I don’t think red is a very happy colour, I associate it with things like anger, passion, blood and death. I think it’s quite a heavy colour if that makes sense? And orange is too warm of a colour, when I think of orange I think of more delicate emotions like contentment and optimism. I associate yellow with sunshine, energy, happiness and fun, which I think describes my definition of exhilaration quite well. 
The Capital Second Visit - 
I haven’t decided on what I will create on the sound side of things yet, I’m thinking of some sort of running/chase scene that starts off serene, maybe some water flowing, and builds into this exciting running sequence with yellows and reds and oranges. I wonder if I could achieve exhilaration by just using sound effects and no music? That’s definitely something to consider. 
Upside Down People - 
Darrin has a meeting at 3:00 today to talk about the project - will update. I’m quite excited about it, but it would mean that I would have to sacrifice some of the time I can dedicate to my solo project. 
Ask if you can add new folders - I assume you can do this? I added new folders to be able to control singular wall lights to make cool effects. Upside Down People mentioned that they would like colours that represent flowers appear on the wall, so I tried to create something like that. Unfortunately I did this in Pharos 2.9.3 before I realised that I had the wrong version downloaded so I couldn’t show it today but I will recreate it in the right Pharos version so I can see how it goes in the theatre, but I have a pretty good idea of what it’ll look like based on what my test showed me today. 
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Questions for next week 
Why do some presets not work when we drag them over? Do they work differently or are they just not able to be used?
Is there any way to copy and paste a light to a different location or can you only copy and paste on the same line? 
Do I have to create my own sound/get someone else to create it for me or can I use something that has already been made?
Notes from my Capitol test: 
Ceiling light overpowers wall lights when all turned on. 
Green was slightly teal/blue. (had it on R0G150B50) - Changed to R0G160B0, funny how it didn’t look blue in Pharos but looked very teal in person. Stick to main colours.
Yellow is hard. Sometimes the yellow had a little bit of a green tinge to it so maybe adding a little bit more orange than you think it needs might be good. 
Start green and blue and transition to yellow/orange/red? Try with an audio
I think it needs to be around 4-5 minutes to make people feel exhilarated. The build up needs to be long enough that it's exciting but not too long. 
How fast can we go with the footprints? Do I want it to speed up until it can’t anymore? 
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3/22/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Deuteronomy 32-34, Psalm 91
Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible Chronological I'm China. Today is the 22nd day of March, welcome. There's so many M months, really there's just two, but was like, which one is it? Definitely March. Welcome. Glad you're here. Today we are going to be reading Deuteronomy, chapters 32 through 34, and we are also going to be dipping into the Psalms. This is the fun part of reading chronologically because you don't do too too much of it for the rest of it. Like really it's just the beginning in the Torahs where you kind of like start a book and then you'll jump into another one and then you'll go back to it. But now where we're starting to go is we'll jump into some of the Psalms and some of the Proverbs. It'll pair along with the Scripture, which I feel like has allowed me to understand the Psalms and the Proverbs a whole lot more. So we'll be in Psalm 91. And we're in the New English Translation this week and we're going to read the song. If you remember yesterday, Moses, he's reciting a song to teach the people. And this is the song that we're going to read today. I will be reading it, not singing it. You are welcome. You're welcome to sing it if you would like, but we're going to read it today.
So we start off with today's reading with a very interesting song. And, I mean, these are not like the songs where people are sitting in a room together and, like, how can we write the next headlining worship song? Like, this is Straight from the heart. It doesn't rhyme. It probably has a cool beat, and they're definitely not singing in English. So it sounds beautiful, and it is beautiful. The things that Moses is saying and that they would be singing are a witness to what the Lord has done. And it's a retelling of everything that we know. Like, Moses life is wrapping up. It's probably the last song he will ever sing. And then there's it's a long song, and it tells of who the Lord is and what they have witnessed. I think that's just so important. So I know I kind of made a joke about it, but I actually think that these are the songs that are so profound. And would we sing this now? Probably not. But to read through it and to sing it from a place of your heart that's remembering who the Lord is and remember what he has done and remember your sin and what he has saved you from is the beautiful thing in doing that in song. It does something to you. Singing in itself calms your nervous system or humming or just anything of the musical sorts. It calms your nervous system. So I think that whether they knew that cognitively, they knew that when they did that, there was some sort of power in it. And so anyways, I thought it was beautiful to read that again with just the remembering of who God is, remember who he said he is and who he continues to reveal Himself to be. And then this is where we I love that Moses is giving blessings upon all the tribes of Israel. And I love that some of them are very more long and sweet. Or like the one of just, for example, of Dan. He said, Dan is a lion's cub. You will leap forth from Bashan, where it's just like straight to the point. Great, awesome, amazing. And then we read about the death of Moses. And this is sad. We've been with Moses. He's been with us, we've been with Him for quite some time now. And so to pass on from reading from Him, I definitely feel the sadness in my heart. But like we have read in the last part of Deuteronomy today, it talks about, but Moses laid his hands on Joshua, and he was full of the spirit. So Joshua is fully equipped. We're not walking into this blind or without someone or not knowing what's going to happen next. We know that the Lord is going to continuously lead his people and guide his people through his people.
Lord, I thank you for the life of Moses. I thank you for the honest life that he lived, how he was devoted to Your Word, and before this was even a thing, that he was totally about your kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven. And though he didn't get it perfect all the time, I thank you that he was still utilized and that he was still faithful, that he was able to see you face to face and live, and that you chose Him when he wasn't even supposed to be alive. And I thank you, God, that ultimately you just have that much power, that you are the all powerful, almighty God. And so I thank you for stories like Moses, the life of Him that we get to just be in reverence and awe of. And I thank you for the lives that he lives. Pray that we would be encouraged from it and that we would be inspired and that we would continue to read Your Word with eyes to see and ears to hear. I thank you for it. Jesus name, we pray, amen.
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Community Prayer Line
Hello DABC Family, this is Diana from Florida, and I want to pray for Tiffany from New York, whom tragically lost one of her students in a sad car accident with his father and a few others. And I also want to pray for my supervisor, whom had a similar incident where his neighbor passed away in a car accident. But the offender was a student from his daughter's school. His supervisor, my supervisor's daughter's school. The student was driving under the influence and crashed into the neighbor. So let me pray. Dear Jesus, I thank you so much for this evening, and I pray for the families of those that have lost loved ones due to car accidents over God, both in the case of Tiffany and in the case of my supervisor. Dear God, I pray for the family of that child father and those that were in that accident in new York. Lord God, I pray that you would bring comfort to those families, that your love would surround them and be with them. I also pray the same for the families here in Florida that are now suffering the loss of two, the grandfather or the neighbor who was 71, his family and that loss. And then also this young student whom because of a mistake of drinking and driving, is now responsible for the death of another human being and will have to face the consequences. Lord, I pray that your grace and that Heavenly Father, your presence and salvation would be
Good morning, DABC. This is Tony calling from Suffolk again. This is Sunday, March 12. I wanted to call back specifically for desperate VA. I just wanted to apologize because I don't know if it was offensive, I didn't mean it that way when I said that God gave us common sense. But I'm calling back to apologize in that manner. I didn't mean it if it sound out of character, but I just wanted to say mainly that God give us free will. And as I was stating, I personally know how you feel because I say I dealt with that and it was not good at all. He was a narcissist. And as I stated, just please, please ask God to guide your steps and allow him to talk to you because he would definitely lead you in the right path. Like I said, everybody's situation is different. But I say again, I can honestly say that I am truly at peace and I thank God for that because he was the one that carried me through it all. The best thing that came out of my marriage, as you stated, was your children, I would say is my daughter as well. So once again, I do apologize because I was not trying to offend you. When I listened to it, it kind of sounded that way. So I just want to call back and apologize. And I stated that I'll definitely keep you in my prayers and just once again lean into God's understanding and not yours because he would truly guide your footsteps and direct your path. And I love you and please continue to be encouraged because you will get through this. You will be on the other side of things. So have a blessed day.
Hi, DABC. It's beloved daughter. One beloved daughter. I no longer feel upset with God. I repented and asked for forgiveness. I am dealing with an awful lot. I'm overwhelmed. I can't handle so many things at once. I need a new bank card and the bank is not giving me one. And I cannot do my financial stuff I need to do with it. I can't download apps for work. I got a new job, so I'm just totally overwhelmed with that. I need to buy new checks and like I said, I have a new job. I have to go have new tests I've not felt good this year. I've had the flu. I'm having migraines, and I have to go have an MRI plus some other tests, some other regular tests that are due, like a cloth. But for this mammogram sorry. For these migraines, I have to have an MRI and MRI and different things. So I am just feeling terrible. And then this weekend I had off, and I'm just laying here in bed, can't get anything done because I had a bad cold. So it's just like and I had nobody to help me with all this stuff. I think I might have bed bugs again. And the houses I put back together from the last time I had them, and I don't want to deal with that again either. So please, please pray for me. Thank you. Love you all. Pray for you as I listen. Bye.
0 notes
vicea · 3 years
dream merch discord recap (june 12, 2021) - disclaimer: i may have missed some things or mistakenly heard other things, apologies in advanced for that!
he has not played the new minecraft update
dream “knows” the date george is coming to florida but he’s not saying it :p
dream doesn’t have anyone muted on twitter
dream guesses his favorite disney princess is belle
sapnap has seen dream’s feet before
he’s not actually connor’s dad in the dsmp lore
dreamnap do not have nicknames for each other D:
dream likes olives but especially black olives
his mother makes homemade pickles
he doesn’t have a phone case
he has dropped his phone from his ear onto concrete in the parking lot before and the screen didn’t crack
dream has six fingers /j
he pours cereal first not milk when making cereal
dream calls sapnap nick most of the time :D
what’s your dream car? “idk the one that gets me to point A to point B consistently”
he finally fixed his sleep schedule, woke up at 8 am today
mrbeast owes dream a tesla because he never sent dream the audio file
dream is a very analytical person - he thinks with numbers/data
creativity is one his strengths that he is the most proud of
3 to 4 years ago, dream used to say george looks like shawn mendes a lot, now he doesn’t resemble him as much
patches is currently sleeping <3
swimming is very relaxing to dream, he swam the other day!
many houses in florida have pools than other places, even the cheapest houses in orlando have pools
dream has merchendise defects (misprints on merch) + milestone merch and he wants to give them away to those who live in orlando (probably to anyone but the event will be held in orlando) though he doesn’t want it to be a covid super-spreader thing so once you pick up your item you gotta dip. just all an idea though
he has been donating them to charity too though :)
dream has likely read Heroes of Olympus before a long time ago
he says that he’ll do a give away of his childhood books with his signature on it
he was obsessed with the series (Percy Jackson) 
he really liked the Alex Rider series
has all of Maximum Ride books, 39 clues books
has read the legend series, the twilight series, and the maze runner
has all/read of the harry potter books, divergent, eragon
he would read all the time, to the point he would read more than one book a day (a book worm he says)
dream had a goal to read 200 books in a year and he wind up reading about 150
he doesn’t want to call it a library but- growing up he had something like that that had 600 or 700 or more books in it (privileged he admits it)
he has not read a book since he started youtube (about 2 years)
dream has a folder called Book that has his own writing in it
word count: 76000 words for one of his stories 
another one he wrote 5 chapters of
he sounds very excited/embarrassed talking about the stories he wrote he’s so endearing
the very first paragraph of one of his stories (he was young when he wrote this) “What exactly is darkness? is it the lack of light? is it a pit of nothingness? ... your mind is full of darkness...” then he couldn’t continue.
the story is about a kid who wakes up in a cell and has no idea where he is with other people who are in the same situation
dream has a world building document
he has a sequel to the first book he has ever written
he found a query letter that he wrote because he wanted to get his book published- he finds it very funny
he’s calling himself a nerd but idk it’s kind of endearing
“as you can tell i’ve always been incredibly cool and not a nerd at all! ever.”
he cringes at his own old videos
dream took a lot of inspiration from witches and wizards by james patterson for writing
the story is written in a way where the main character is actually writing the story so you’re getting input from the main character during it. there’s a lot of sarcasm in it and it’s making dream laugh
very first person narrator
he feels like it’d be very cool if he were to publish his works he wrote when he was 16 on amazon or something but he probably never would because he’d have to read through all of it and it’s just embarrassing for him
dream used to video call sapnap fairly frequently- even before youtube
he strictly remembers, a very long time (at least 7 to 9 years) ago he was at his old childhood house he video called sapnap. he was wearing a (technically) suit and he remembers specifically that he was giving sap a tour... 
“snazzy in a suit”
he had no reason to put on the suit (wow time is a flat circle huh)
drista is pretty close to sapnap’s height, she’s like 5′7″ but sap is still taller than her
dream filmed the whole thing when he and sapnap met but... it’s... gone because when he was clipping that one clip for twitter... it edited the whole video
he’s sure when they meet up with george they will film that too :D
DREAM IS PRETTY SURE THAT HE AND GEORGE WILL MEET THIS YEAR-- HE SAYS A 95% CERTAINTITY the five percent is like either restrictions or visa issues
dream does not play any instruments but he had a guitar hanging on his wall when he was younger...
dream is convinced they’re the same height but also sapnap is probably taller??
they had george compare his height to a door frame and dreamnap were googling for any doorframes to find any possible chance that george is taller than 5′8″ ... nothing came up
there’s a chance they’re both lying about being 5′8″
sap and george will literally just show up in stilts to prove they’re taller than each other /j
dream without shoes is between 6′2″ and 6′3″ with shoes he’s 6′3.5″
dream is talking about awesamdude’s fake height arc again LOL
dreamnap are very private people so they don’t bother each other but george doesn’t care and would just barge into their rooms and start bothering them- they were all joking about that over a voice call
he will visit europe
he thinks that greece would be a cool place to visit because sapnap’s family is from there :) so it’ll be like a nice “treat” to go back with sap :D
dream isn’t entirely sure that the dream team meet up will happen this year but he’s working out the details because he wants to make sure it’s safe
he’s talking to youtube about his face reveal
it’s up to george if he wants to eat healthy when they finally move in
dream just has a lot of meat and vegetables in his house
spinach with chicken is good
not much fruit (only apples and tomatoes)
“DRISTA IS 5″ is trending on twitter LOL (her height got cut off)
dream doesn’t want people flying to different places because he doesn’t want to encourage travel so he wants to do all of the meet ups with a two day heads up at most
he thinks that it’s awesome that ranboo and tubbo are meeting soon !! :D
it’s very cool to dream to see how far everyone’s has come since the beginning of the dsmp. everyone has done so much
dream finalized his youtube plan a couple weeks before he uploaded his video and he was talking to drista about how he was gonna be a big youtuber in a parking lot :”)
she was the first person he really ever talked to about it
dream would love to teach george how to drive it’d be really funny :D (a very good video or a livestream idea) 
dream knows how to ride a bike, he used to have to bike to school
he can’t explain dnf.gay he has no clue he is not responsible. sapnap was the one who found it LOL. he is adamantly exclaiming that it was not him
dream doesn’t worry about views/likes/dislikes a lot- mainly views but that’s for the new uploads
he hasn’t uploaded in like a month and a half (*cries*)
he wants to stream at some point but he doesn’t know when 
he wants to play geoguessr but not now... he doesn’t want to alt stream rn- maybe tomorrow!
he is insisting that the splash text on his minecraft home screen is by callahan
he asked callahan to send him bunch of text files that are dream team related so that the splash can rotate through it but callahan thought it was funny (it is) to put only dreamnotfound <3 so it doesn’t ever change at all and dream doesn’t even know how to change and he has asked callahan to change it but he said no (even though dream pays him LMAO)
the video referenced in the padilla’s video is still in the works, it might be handed over to sapnap though !
he has no idea if he will be in MCC pride yet
padilla got dream’s input for the video, dream found him to be a very nice guy ! :) it’s the first interview that dream did that wasn’t by a person with a negative opinion of dream
dream felt relaxed doing the interview with padilla 
?????? he’s blaming callahan for his “dnfisreal” nickname in bedwars 
he’s blaming callahan for a lot of dnf-related stuff
callahan runs the dream fanart account thus the liking of dnf content
he’s so insistent that it was callahan
dream admits that he was lying about the twitter and other stuff but for sure callahan did code the splash text in LOL
dream liking that tweet “the chances of george doing a hot tub stream is the same of dnf dating” was “funny” he wasnt trying to do any commentary...
the inside joke of “oh it’s all just a joke to you” originates from george and sapnap actually always fighting (like them yelling and shouting at each other) and george said something really mean and sapnap was hurt then geroge said “it was just a joke” and sapnap replied with that line and ever since then it’s been a meme LOL
he says that everyone does the hand-on-the-passenger-seat-while-reversing thing
dream is offline raiding with his chat with 6k people
dream appreciates us and will talk to us soon! 
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
hi dana.. if it’s possible can i request some angsty wangsty based on niki la la lost you with eric🥺 and ughh i really love your writing like crazyyyyy
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♥ title: la la lost you in april [also part of @sunlightwoo ‘s 12 Months I Loved You collaboration project]
♥ member: tbz eric
♥ genre: f2l, ex! eric x fem! reader, model! eric [SFW!]
♥ warnings: swearing, some mentions of sex [like, once i think]
♥ wc: 3.4k
♥ a/n: sis when i first heard the song I absolutely loved how you used 'angsty wangsty' so I hope this one does it for you the way you imagined it <3 [fyi i wrote it in like, a camcorder recording audio format which is something i’m trying out so please hmu on whether it’s difficult to read/understand!]
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[REC: APRIL 2, 2019 - 6:39PM] SOLO LOG #1
Are you seeing this? This is the most beautiful sunset I’ve seen. I gotta get a shot of this-
Hey! Hey! I could help you take a picture with the sunset if you want to!
Oh! Would- Would you? That’d be great!
Of course! 
Here. Is it alright?
Yeah, yeah, it’s cool! Thank you so much!
Are you recording something? Is it a- Are you vlogging? Are you a vlogger?
Yeah, no... I’m actually on a solo trip for a bit.
Oh, where are you from?
Just the next state. 
Ah! You’re taking a break off... life then? I assume? Sorry if that came out weird.
No! No no! It’s alright! Yeah, I just needed a short break from... y’know, school and everything. My semester ended pretty early on so I took the chance to come out here and... see some new sights, meet some new people.
I get that. Well, for a start, what’s your name?
Oh, I’m y/n. Nice to meet you! And you?
I’m Eric. 
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[REC: APRIL 4, 2019 - 10:34PM] SOLO LOG #2
It is the 4th of April, 2019. I know, I know, I’m meant to do a daily vlog for all the 50 days I’m here but... it’s been... wow. Um... so I met Eric, the first day I touched down. The beach is just, about a 10 minute walk down and the sunsets are absolutely gorgeous. But uh... call me a fool and say that I’m living in the clouds but- what are the chances?
He’s funny, he’s such a great person to be around with y’know? Never a moment of like, awkwardness or stress and my God, look at me talking about a boy like that, though I met him 2 days ago. 
Um, he’s a freelance model. For those freelance shoots by UNIQLO or Target or something and he complains about the pay sometimes, but he looks good infront of a camera, so he’s... actually the one who won at life, really.
I’m not seeing him soon because he’s got a shoot out of town and he’ll be back next week. But I did get his number and he’s been texting me since. 
Wouldn’t it be funny if we end up together and then I have this whackass of a reel to show him? Jesus... I need to stop getting ahead of myself here. Freakin’ living in the clouds, aren’t I?
Anyway, I’m gonna go and see if I can get my weird projector shit up and working. See you.
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[REC: APRIL 7, 2019 - 5:14AM] SOLO LOG #3
It is... 5am... uh, April 7th- and I was just binging FRIENDS through the night, waiting for the sunrise before I get some shut eye and then... Eric just asked me out. Oh my God! Um, he’s coming back this Thursday and I’ll go see him at the airport before we go get dinner.
It was really funny ‘cause he had to wake up early for a shoot today and so his day has just begun but mine’s coming to an end and I just- I’m rambling so much, it’s kinda- it’s kinda sad, isn’t it?
I think I’m too happy to sleep right now so I’m just gonna text him some more before the sun rises- oh! He replied!
Anyway, I’m gonna go and finish up this last episode before sleeping. Hopeful I can sleep. Bye!
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[REC: APRIL 11, 2019 - 4:28PM] SOLO LOG #4
I am on my way out right now to go meet Eric at the airport, and I’m... it’d be an understatement to say that I’m excited. I know I’ve only known him for like, 2 days before he left but... I miss him. Is that possible? Missing someone despite knowing them for 2 days?
Anyway, I gotta go. Don’t wanna be late to see him.
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[REC: APRIL 13, 2019 - 10:23AM] SOLO LOG #5
Oh! Is that what you had-
Yeah! It’s the same camera!
What are you vlogging for, actually? Like-
Nothing, really. It’s just for my own usage-
Wait, you didn’t like set that up last night while we-
Oh, God, no! Who do you think I am?
I don’t know, I mean, we’ve known each other for... is it two weeks-
Just under two weeks-
I know, I know, oh my God.
I don’t regret it though. Yeah, like- I don’t really go down to the beach that often in the first place and it just- it just so happened that you were there that day and I saw you struggling with this old thing-
I was not struggling!
Yeah you were!
I wasn’t-
I’m kidding! Gosh, you’re so cute.
Are you gonna have the camera recording while this carries on?
I forgot it was on-
One day we’re gonna accidentally make a sex tape-
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[REC: APRIL 17, 2019 - 1:15AM] SOLO LOG #6
-ould you pass me the hot water?
Mm? What?
The kettle over on the counter. Careful, it’s hot. Yeah, thanks.
Do you need help with-
It’s just instant noodles, sweet. Doubt I need a diploma for this. You’re recording again?
Yeah, does it bother you?
No, no, ‘course not. Though that means I can’t really do whatever I want to now.
What does that mea-
I can... still taste that bit of milk tea you had just now-
Could you tell it’s zero sugar?
I don’t think that matters, it’s still sweet and not great for your health to have that so much.
Aw, and yet you’re the one who suggested noodles at this timing, yeah?
You were hungry too!
Here, it’s done. Help me get the bowls? 
Did you even wash these?
Yeah, I did. If you don’t trust me, you can run them under the water for a bit.
Mhm. Here.
If it’s not enough, we can call for Macs.
Y’know, I’ve never had Macs past midnight back at home.
What? Really? Well, when you get back in May, would you try?
Yeah, why not? Maybe I’ll do that when I’m back in school. 
What date is it today?
April... hold on, um, 17. Careful, that’s hot.
When are you leaving again?
May 22. 
Are you planning on coming back anytime soon after?
I don’t know. I have school to worry about and the only other time I can come back’s probably during winter break in November.
I won’t be around in November.
Mm? Why not?
I’m moving.
To where?
I’m not sure yet, but I need to move depending on whether I get it and where the shoot’s at.
Shoot? It’s a big project, huh?
Yeah, it’s- it’s a pretty big deal.
I’ll- Let me just go and...
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[REC: APRIL 20, 2019 - 7:49PM] SOLO LOG #7
-idn’t have to!
No, c’mon! It’s such a great time to get this on camera! Come on, tell us what just happened!
Well, I just scored a huge model contract with Calvin Klein - in Manhattan.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I’m so fucking proud of you, oh my God! Can you believe it-
No, fuck off, I can’t either! 
Oh! Calvin Klein!
I swear, you’re an angel sent to me-
Fuck off!
I’m serious! it’s so timely- I just can’t- I’m just so happy to have met you.
Well, you heard it first here, ladies and gentlemen. Eric Sohn is a new model for Calvin Klein - Manhattan.
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[REC: APRIL 21, 2019 - 12:40PM] SOLO LOG #8
It is 12.40pm... April 21st, 2019. I’m finally back in my apartment after crashing at Eric’s for the last... 10 days? I think it was 10 days. My clothes were running out and I didn’t want to hike up his water bills so I just came back and- y’know did my own laundry.
Well, it’s- it’s been an absolute dream. The last thing I expected to... have, or meet? Here, is Eric. Um, but I know I’m probably going to regret this. Especially when May 22 comes. Uh... this is... it’s real bad. I mean, we’re great, y’know? But... it’s bad, because I know it’ll hurt. Like a bitch. When my time here is up, and I gotta go back to my reality, and Eric’s gotta stick to his. 
We haven’t really talked about it. May. I don’t think he wants to, and I don’t think I want to either. 50 days is too short. Either that, or I shouldn’t have come here in the first place. I shouldn’t have gone to the beach that day, in that hour. 
I just wish we had more time. I wish 24 hours were... maybe about 100 seconds more per minute. Does that make sense? 160 seconds per minute. Then again, I don’t think that’d solve my problem. I’ll still be on a ticking... time bomb. 
I know I shouldn’t say this. I know I can’t. I know I can’t afford to. But... I... I love him. I love Eric. With every... bit of me. It’s so... disgustingly cliché, but I feel so... comfortable with him. There’s really nothing we’d fight about, and even if we disagreed on something, we’d play it off like a debate, then forget about it the next day.
I love him. I do. And I’m going to regret this later. Without a doubt.
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[REC: APRIL 27, 2019 - 2:02AM] SOLO LOG #9
-ou can see the stars?
I don’t know, that’s why I’m trying, sweet.
Can you see them?
Yeah, maybe if I just turn this ISO- Oh! I can kinda see the North Star-
Oh! Yeah, you can! It’s really feint though.
It’s okay, we can just lay it down here-
On the grass? Will your camera be fine?
Yeah, yeah, or else you can just put in on top of my bag- here.
Here, can you see me? Am I in frame?
Yeah, you’re in frame.
Okay, great. Now get over here!
I can taste the smoothie you had just now.
Too sweet?
A little.
Oh my God! Put me down! Oh- not there! It’s ticklish- AHHHHH!
y/n, I have something to tell you.
Mm? What is it?
Hello? Earth to Eric?
I... I love you. So much... and I can’t bear to see you go in May. 
Oh, Eric...
No, I- I don’t want you to stay- or even think about it, ‘cause, you have your priorities and I have mine y’know...
I just... I just wished we had more time. 
I do too. I really do.
I love you too.
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[REC: MAY 1, 2019 - 4:23AM] SOLO LOG #10
1st May. 4...30? Am? I believe. Um, Eric’s sound asleep in his bed and I couldn’t sleep so I decided to do a log. 
I have... 3 weeks left. 4 weeks have gone past just like that, and I don’t know what to think about it. I came for a 50-day retreat. No stress, just myself and peace and quiet and tranquility and yet-
I- I don’t know if I can do this.
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[REC: MAY 7, 2019 - 3:58PM] SOLO LOG #11
So, Eric’s in shoot right now and I’m on the way into the studio with some donuts and coffee to surprise him. I called his manager and asked if it was okay so- I’m pretty psyched to see his workspace. 
Hi, I’m y/n, I’m here to visit Eric?
Ah, okay! Hold on, let me just get you signed in with the pass-
Count me in!
You sure? This Saturday at the prep-party?
Yeah- Oh! 
y/n! What are you doing here?
I wanted to surprise you. Am I... interrupting anything?
Oh, not at all!
You must be y/n! Eric’s told me so much about you!
Did he? And you are...?
I’m Chelsea! I’ve been attached to the same Calvin Klein contract he recently got, so you could say we’re colleagues!
Well, nice to meet you! Oh, right, these donuts and coffee are meant for you guys actually!
Oh! You’re too kind! Eric, you’re such a lucky man.
I know, she’s just... everything.
Anyway, thank you so much for these. I’ll bring them back down to the studio for the crew to share. But Eric’s pretty much done for the day actually, so you guys can leave if you want to!
Are you sure? Don’t you need help downstairs with the equipment?
No, no! It’s fine, there’re more than enough people downstairs. Go have your date, and maybe you can bring her along with you for the prep-party this weekend!
What’s the prep-party... preparing for?
Oh, you’re so adorable! It’s a prep-party for the end-of-May shoot we’re gonna have. it’s a collab with DAZED so it’s a pretty big project.
You never told me you were involved in a collab with DAZED.
I was gonna tell you today.
He has been pretty busy recently, maybe slipped his mind. Anyway, thank you so much for the donuts and I’ll hope to see you at the pier this Saturday, mm?
Yeah, sure. Thanks Chels.
No problem! It was so nice to meet you, y/n, I’ll see you Saturday!
Okay, bye!
Bye, Chelsea! It was nice to meet you!
Sweet, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?
I wanted it to be a surprise. I thought you said you’d end pretty late?
The filming was cut short because the shots were better than expected so we ended early.
Oh, I wanted to film you while you were at work.
You have that on?
Yeah- why?
No, just wondering. 
Are you uncomfortable?
No, no, it’s just... I really didn’t expect you to come to the studio. 
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[REC: MAY 11, 2019 - 11:12PM] SOLO LOG #12
It’s 11:12pm, 11th May, 2019. 11 days to departure.
I... saw... Chelsea and Eric... um, out by the garage- 
Well, I guess... it looked like they were just... having a really good talk. Or something. 
I left. I couldn’t watch it. So, I left without telling Eric. I did tell his boss that I wasn’t feeling well and I had to leave first. 
I guess this is the part where I regret it, isn’t it? Um... I don’t know... how... I’m gonna explain this to him when I see him again. Which is supposed to be- um- the rest of the night. I was supposed to go back to his place with him and I’ll stay for the weekend before I come back to pack my things, so-
y/n, are you home?
y/n, I know you’re home. I heard you talking. Open the door, I need to talk to you.
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[REC: MAY 12, 2019 - 2:00AM] SOLO LOG #13
I look like shit, don’t I? God, my eyes hurt like a bitch. 
I don’t think I need to say what just happened for you to guess what just happened, right? This... says it all. 
I shouldn’t have come here. How did- How did my retreat turn out- turn out like this? 
This is- This is too much. Too much in too short... of a time. 
I don’t think... I don’t think I can do it. Not anymore. 
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[REC: MAY 19, 2019 - 9:59AM] SOLO LOG #14
It’s May 19th, 2019, almost 10am. I just came back from a morning walk by the beach just to... reminisce a little before I leave on Wednesday. 
I... haven’t seen Eric since the prep-party. I blocked him and I told him not to come over, though I think he has, like, a few times. I thought I heard someone come up to my door, but he never knocked. 
So, this is how it ends, huh? A 50-day romance cut short like that. Into about, 40? 
It’s crazy to think that I had... the experience of a whole relationship in 40 days. I definitely did not sign up for that when I booked this 50-day retreat. 
It was fun while it lasted, though. It was. I don’t think I’d find anybody else like Eric, and I guess it just sucks that it had to end like that. Things happen, right? That aren’t... in our control. 
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[REC: MAY 21, 2019 - 8:07PM] SOLO LOG #15
May 21st. About 8pm. I leave in about 15 hours. 
All my stuff’s packed. Definitely more things to bring home than I brought here. Half of these things were bought by Eric and given to me. I’m... actually not sure if I should bring them back. 
I don’t- I just don’t think I’d have the heart to throw them away.
Nor look at them when I’m home. 
Should I even bring this camera home? Maybe I should wipe your memory before I bring you home, hmm?
It feels like a dream, doesn’t it? Everything that’s happened. It feels like a fever dream. Maybe when I’m finally home, I’d wake up and it’d be the day I come here.
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[REC: MAY 22, 2019 - 10:03AM] SOLO LOG #16
-ny more luggage?
Alright then, I think you’re all set. You still have about an hour’s time before the gates are open so you can get a cup of coffee or something, yeah?
Okay, thank you!
Have a nice flight ma’am.
Good evening ma’am, can I check your boarding pass?
Yeah, sure.
Okay, you’re good to go. Have a safe flight.
Thank you!
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[REC: MAY 22, 2019 - 11:34AM] SOLO LOG #17
It is about 11.30am and I’m on the flight, and here’s the view outside. Sky’s pretty clear and this thing says that the weather’s great so, it should be a smooth flight without turbulence.
This is it. This is really it. 
Hi, ma’am, I’m gonna need you to keep your camcorder.
Oh! Yeah, sure, sure, sorry!
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[REC: APRIL 2, 2020 - 12:48AM] ERIC LOG #1
Wow, this is... weird. How did you do this last year?
Um, hi. y/n. If you’re watching this then I’ve somehow managed to get this synced into your camera by some weird... bluetooth, iCloud shit that Felix helped me figure out. 
It’s been a year. And... I just thought you should... see this, or hear me out, at least. I know we didn’t end on the best terms... and I’m sorry. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have yelled at you for being unreasonable for something that was... suspicious. I should’ve understood. 
I should’ve been there. To see you off. And I’m sorry I didn’t. I... was scared, that I wouldn’t be able to let you go if I went to send you off. I was a coward. I still am. 
But I do want you to know that... those 50 days were the best days of my life. Albeit it ended horribly, but nothing could... nothing- nothing will ever replace what happened last April. 
I said I love you and... I still do. Every day I think about you and your smile and your voice and- and I cry to sleep... worrying that I’d forget how you sound like, or how you laugh and how... how you smell like. My bed smelt like you even after you left. 
I just- I love you. And I miss you. And I’d do anything to go back to what we had. I’d do anything to get- to get you back. 
I’m sorry.
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the clip comes to an automatic stop. the white triangle slapped onto the screen, begging you to play it again. you look up from the screen, watching the famous calvin klein ad that hasn’t stopped playing in the last month. 
he hasn’t changed one bit. not his hair, not his smile, not his voice. 
it’s a bittersweet pot of memory stashed in the back of your head when the memories flood back. looking back down at the camera, you count back the days - it was synced just last night. 
the pile of tissues by your thighs are carelessly huddled into the bin next to your feet, mentally berating yourself for going through the memory instead of formatting it. 
you stand, fingers shutting the screen back onto its body with a soft click. the tv blacks out when you press the red button on its remote. 
you’re halfway into your kitchen when there’s a knock at your door, and you immediately gasp, blinking rapidly.
“oh, it’s my fucking projector!”
rushing to the door, you don’t hesitate to get the door open. 
and yet, like the heavens were providing you with all the light to stop you from doubting yourself, your lungs empty themselves like vacuums. 
your heart stops.
your breathing stops.
“eric... what are you doing here?”
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Animate Kuji B Prize Tokuten Drama CD [Reiji・Kanato・Subaru]
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Original title: B賞ドラマCD (カナト・レイジ・スバル)
Source: Diabolik Lovers Animate Kuji Tokuten Drama CD [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi, Kaji Yuki & Takashi Kondou
Translator’s note: Reiji suffering hours never end in the Sakamaki manor. Honestly, for how serious and low-key boring his HDB route is, Reiji is by far the most entertaining character in the early era tokuten CDs. He’s the only character who is actually trying to keep everything together but chaos just breaks loose every time lol.
Subaru enters the kitchen.
*Rustle rustle rustle*
Subaru: ...!? The fuck’s goin’ on in here...?
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: ...Ah, fuck! ...Where am I supposed to walk...!?
Kanato: Subaru, is that you? 
Subaru: Uwaah...!? Kanato! Where the fuck did you just crawl out of...!? ーー Or rather, what are you doin’?
Kanato: Can’t you see? ...I’m looking for sweets!
Subaru: Haah...? Didn’t you have a cake of some sorts for dinner just earlier? 
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: ...I’m hungry...but I can’t find anything to snack on...Uu...Even though I’m starving...So why...? Uu...Sob...
Subaru: Argh...Geezー Shut the fuck up...I only came here to fetch a drink! Oi! Did you happen to across a bottle of mineral water?
Kanato: Don’t ask me. Look for that yourself.
Subaru: I can’t because you flipped the whole damn kitchen upside down!
Kanato: I can’t help you if I don’t know myself. ...Right, Teddy? I wonder why he’d lash out at me like that when I clearly said I don’t know? When he could make an effort to search for it himself, he just takes out his anger on me instead...That guy should just drop dead already.
Subaru: Che...! This is such a pain in the ass!
Kanato: Hm...I wonder why he’s there losing his cool in the corner by himself. Right, Teddy?
Subaru: Che...!
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: Haah...Ugh...Huh? ...Tsk.
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: Ah! Found something!
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: Oh...Crackers? ー Ugh.
He chucks them to the side.
Subaru: What’s the problem? You were searching for food, right?
Kanato: You really don’t understand, do you? I’m looking for sugary treats. I finally found something, but it turned out to be these bland-tasting crackers...Haah...Are the people in this house trying to starve me to death!?
Subaru: Ahー Everything has to be loaded with sugar for you, doesn’t it? Hm...?
Subaru walks over to the counter.
Subaru: The fuck’s this? A small container and a bottle...? There seems to be some sort of white powder inside? Sugar, maybe?
Kanato: ...!! Give that to me!!
Kanato snatches the bottle away from Subaru.
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: ...Uwah!? ...Oi, aren’t those the crackers you tossed away earlier?
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: ...? D-Don’t tell me...!?
Kanato rips open the crackers and starts pouring the sugar on top.
Kanato: If I do this...Then the crackers will become sweet...Fufufu~ 
Subaru: No, wait! I said it might be sugar! But what if it’s something entirely different...?
Kanato: Haahn...
*Munch munch*
Subaru: Listen to me!!
Kanato continues eating.
Subaru: ...How is it?
Kanato: Fufu, it’s sweet...~
Subaru: Which means...It really was just plain sugar? The fuck. There wasn’t a label on it, so I thought that maybe Reiji left one of his shady concoctions laying ‘round. ーー In that case, I guess the liquid in this bottle is just plain old water as well. 
He opens the bottle.
Subaru: It’s transluscent and has no scent so...It should be fine, right?
*Gulp gulp*
Subaru: Haah...
Reiji enters the kitchen.
Reiji: What are the two of you doing in here this late at niーー 
Subaru: Che...Geh, Reiji!?
Reiji: Ah...What happened in here!? 
Kanato: ...
Kanato: I was only looking for some sweets.
Reiji: Ah, geez! I’ve told you before that your snacks are in the shelf over there in the back, haven’t I!? Your searching method is to blame here! ...Wait, Kanato...What is that you’re holding in your hand?
Kanato: I poured all of this sugar over the crackers and ate them. ...Fufu, it made them at least somewhat palatable, right, Teddy?
Reiji: All of it...!?
Subaru: Oi...Did we make a mistake?
Reiji: ...Why do you people always put everything in your mouth straight away!? That medicine is still in its testing phase, so I cannot predict the effeーー
Subaru: ...!? Ugh...
Kanato: Uu...
Subaru: My headーー!
Kanato: ...It hurts...! It feels like my head’s splitting in two...!!
Subaru: ...Aaaargh...!!
Reiji: ...And that’s exactly why I keep on telling you lot not to eat everything you see...
Reiji: ...?
Kanato: Ehehe~ Such lovely weather we’re having today~! It’s like Mr. Sun is smiling brightly at us~!
Reiji: K-Kanato...?
Subaru: Yeah, mate! On days like these, I just want to go for a nice, long run!
Reiji: Subaru!?
Kanato: Ooh~? Rei-pyon, didn’t see you there! ...What’s wrong~? Why are you making that strange face?
Subaru: Kanato! Rei-rei’s face always looks weird, remember? You shouldn’t tell him straight-up though.
Reiji: R-Rei...pyon? Rei-rei!? 
( Is this the medicine taking effect...? )
Subaru: Rei-rei! If you keep on making those troubled expressions, you’re only going to get even more wrinkles, you know? If somethin’ is weighin’ heavy on your mind, why don’t you join me outside for a round of soccer?
Reiji: ...I have no worries! I refuse to play soccer as well!
Kanato: Rather than playing soccer, why don’t you join me and Teddy and bask in the sunlight~? I’m sure it’ll be a blast!
Subaru: No! A healthy mind in a healthy body is key! You should play some soccer as well, Kanato. Ah! I guess the more, the merrier, right? I’ll go call the other guys as well! Hehe~!
Subaru runs towards the door.
Reiji: Ah...! Subaru! Halt!
Reiji stops him just in time.
Reiji: ...Either way, we have to sort out this situation first. If you insist on playing soccer, please wait till later.
( If I let the other brothers see these two in their current state, things will only get even more troublesome. For now, it is most important to get a good grasp on the situation. )
I’ll start with you, Kanato.
Kanato: What’s wrong, Rei-pyon~?
Reiji: ...! ...Please stop using that disgusting nickname at once.
Kanato: Eeeeh~?
Reiji: ...
Kanato: Ehehe~ 
Reiji: I suppose I should retrieve the drug first and foremost. ...Kanato, please hand me those snacks.
Kanato: Eh...?
Reiji: ( I suppose he is still reluctant to hand over his sugary treats. However, the usual Kanato would most likely throw a tantrum here. I suppose I should push him to the very limit. )
Kanato. Hurry up and give them to me. I’m confiscating these! 
Reiji snatches the crackers from his hand.
Kanato: ...Ah! ...Uu.
Reiji: ( ...!? He’s not getting mad!? )
Kanato: Uu...Hic...Rei-pyon...I’m so sorry. Will you give me back my sweets if I promise I’ll be good...?
Reiji: Ah...N-No...I did not want an apology from you or anything...Here.
Kanato: Ah~! Thank you, Rei-pyon!
Reiji: But like I said, no more of that nickname! ーー Well then, how about Subaru?
Subaru: Hah...Hah!!
Reiji: ( ...He’s doing sit-ups...!? )
I take my eyes off you for two seconds and what are you doing now!?
Subaru: Can’t you tell? Sit-ups! Nothin’ feels better than movin’ your body! 
Reiji: ( The drug affected him in this way, huh...? )
What happened to your usual self, Subaru? While it is more than fine you decided to stop destroying everything in your sight, this is creepy on a whole new level. 
Subaru: Hm? Taking out your anger on other things isn’t good, you know? If you’re got any worries, I’ll listen to you, okay? Come on, tell me!
Reiji: ...
 Subaru continues to do his sit-ups in the background.
Reiji: I didn’t think I’d ever hear those words coming from you...
( If I have to try and reason with them any longer, I will surely lose my mind. While I am still not certain about the exact effects, I should prioritize getting started on an antidote of some sorts. )
Kanato: Rei-pyon? Is something bothering you? Want some sweets?
Reiji: No, thank you. 
Subaru: Then want to go for a run? You’ll feel reborn afterwards!
Reiji: I am fine! ...Either way, I shall prepare an antidote at once, so just drink that!
Kanato: Uu...Sob...I’m hungry...Uu...
Subaru: I don’t remember leavin’ my room and comin’ here at all...Although I’m strangely exhausted for some reason? ...I wonder why?
Reiji: Haah...
Subaru: ...Hah? The fuck’s with that face, Reiji? You look like an old geezer.
Kanato: He is older than us, so of course he does, Subaru. Fufufu~
Reiji: ...Who do you think is to blame for that?
Subaru: ...Aah?
Kanato: Say, is dinner ready yet? Did you not hear me when I said I’m hungry earlier!?
Subaru: Ahー I could go for some food as well.
Reiji: Aah, god, I know! Fine! Whatever you do, don’t touch any of the bottles theーー
Subaru: Tsk...I’m thirsty as well. ...Oh! There’s a bottle right here!
Reiji: ...Ah.
ーー THE END ーー
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runningthe-maze · 3 years
Mateo Chavez x reader
Request (anon): neither one of you can bake but you try to make a cake together
Warnings: A burn, description of a burn
A/n: ahhh so sorry this took so long. I wrote a different version but ended up scrapping it bc I didn't like it lol
main masterlist | 911 masterlist
not my gif
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“I kinda need this to turn out halfway decent, cause I told the team it was gonna be the bomb.” Mateo fumbled with a set of measuring cups, dropping them on the counter without much warning.
“Why would you set yourself up like that?” You laughed, handing him the bag of flour.
“Have faith in me.” He felt the corners of his lips tugging upwards.
“I had faith in you last time, I know how you bake.” You jabbed.
“Yeah,” he started, turning towards you with a mock attitude, “I know how you bake too-“
“All the more reason why the cookies were trashed last time.”
Mateo couldn’t argue there. He nodded in agreement before pulling out his phone. He had an audio recording of a Chocolate Fudge Cake recipie saved, and ready to play. He started it, and the two of you got to work.
The recording went by too fast, and you both struggled to keep up. You needed to leave a hand free of ingredients just to pause the recording every few moments.
“How much is a sprinkle?”
“How am I supposed to know?”
Despite the simple directions stated in the recipe, you and Mateo were struggling. Baking was neither of your strong suit’s. Judging by your lack of improvement from the last time you’d tried to bake together, you thought, it would never be. How hard could baking a birthday cake be?
A failed batch of batter and two raw eggs dropped on the floor later, you had the cake in the oven. All that was left to do was to clean up the awful mess you two had made and wait until it was ready to frost.
After the designated baking time, the cake didn’t quite look done. It looked mushy, and was still far more liquid than solid.
“What’s wrong with it?” You asked, poking at the center with a fork.
“Maybe we messed up a step somewhere. Should we just leave it in for longer?”
You shrugged, “I guess so.”
The two of you laughed at the situation, leaving the cake in for another few minutes. Thankfully, it finished baking in that time and looked half decent.
“I gotta go to the bathroom.” Mateo announced, taking the pans out of the oven. He set them both on top of the two potholders you’d laid out and excused himself, leaving the kitchen with a purpose.
You continued your task, finishing washing the utensils. As you went to start wiping the counter down, a small edge in the corner of your eye caught your attention. One of the pans was hanging off of the counter, just a little. It was a bit of a safety risk there. Either one of you could walk by it and bump it, resulting in either a loss of half the cake or the pan burning someone. Without thinking much of it, you grabbed the it to move it a safe distance onto the countertop.
A blinding heat cleared every thought from your mind, and stopped you in your tracks. A yelp escaped your mouth, followed by the smack of the pan landing back on the counter. You subconsciously crouched down, clutching your hand into yourself.
“Y/n?!” Mateo called out, you heard swift footsteps bound towards your location.
“Are you okay? What happened?” He appeared by your side, crouching down to find out what was wrong.
Your jaw wired itself shut in a clench. All you could do was let out a single heavy breath in replies. Mateo looked around, eyes landing on the misplaced pan seemingly thrown on the counter.
“Were you burned?” He asked, already knowing the answer. After you nodded, Mateo requested to see the affected area. Reluctantly, you let him have your hand.
The burn itself was spread across your hand, you could already see it starting to blister into your palm. Thankfully, it wasn’t extremely severe. 2nd degree at the worst, even though it sung like hell. The skin around the blister was red and swelling up quickly. You could feel the throb throughout your wrist, and the pain was increasing as your initial adrenaline began to wear off.
“We need to cool it down with water before the heat spreads any more.”
That was all you needed to hear before you could not stand still anymore.
You left him in the dust in your beeline back to the sink. The faucet started up quickly at the coldest temperature you could turn it to, but you were prevented from submerging your hand into the stream.
“Wait!” Mateo felt the water temperature, “You can’t put cold water on a burn like this.” He turned the handle to the left, warming the temperature just enough to make the temperature less icy.
You squirmed in place, barely able to manage the heat radiating from your hand. At this point, you were nearly in tears. You’d never really had a high pain tolerance, and the surrounding area had swollen enough to ache at every little movement. When Mateo deemed the temperature correct, he reached out to take your hand. Noticing your reluctance, Mateo softened his eyes. He sent you a reassuring look, gently taking your hand in his. He carefully guided your hand into the cool-temperature water stream, holding your arm as if you were made of porcelain.
The burn itself cooled with the water, and you felt the tension in your shoulders loosen. The two of you stood there silently for a few moments, and you finally felt your jaw unclench. Mateo’s brows were furrowed and you could see the concern for you embedded in his features.
“How does it feel?” He looked up at your face.
“Like I picked up a hot pan.”
He chuckled, turning his attention back to your hand, “You kinda did, babe.”
After about 20 minutes of being under the cool water, Mateo shut it off and left to retrieve some treatment supplies. The burn no longer ached to your core, and the swelling had gone down significantly. When Mateo returned, he examined your burn more closely than he was able to before.
“Give it to me straight, fireman,” You started, drawing a small smile from Mateo, “How bad?”
He looked up at you with serious eyes. “You’ll live.”
You fake laughed. “The burn, please?”
A cheeky grin spread across his face. “It’s not bad, thankfully. I’m gonna put some stuff on it to help with the swelling and pain, and then wrap it. It’ll need to be changed every couple days, but, I can see you making a full recovery.”
You thanked him for his help, and waited patiently while he treated the burn.
“No need to thank me. All in a days work.” He flexed an arm. Your uninjured hand playfully shoved him, and you rolled your eyes.
Mateo cracked little jokes and talked to you about things he’d heard from Marjan and Paul at work as he took care of the injury, doing his best to distract you from any pain as much as he could. When he finished, you had a bright white addition to your hand. The gauze bandage covered a lot of your hand, but it didn’t feel too tight or suffocating.
With another thank you and a kiss ‘to make it better,’ you started to pick up where you’d left off before the injury. You grabbed up the rag with your fully functioning hand and started cleaning the mess off of the stove, trying your best to ignore the feeling in your hand. Once Mateo caught wind of what you were doing, he moved to put a stop to it. His hand found its way to your forearm, grasping it.
“What are you doing?” He questioned.
“Cleaning up? If we're gonna frost this thing we need a clean counter.”
He looked at you like you’d offended him, “You just got hurt, y/n, you shouldn’t be doing much.”
You laughed at his concerned face, “I can help clean up.”
He knew you could. It was possible. Lots of things were possible and not necessary.
“Why don’t you just..” Mateo looked around the room for something, “take a seat here?” he spun a dining room chair around for you.
You rolled your eyes. He sent you a big smile, scooting the chair closer to you.
“Beautiful. Now sit down and let me do the cleaning, please?”
With an exaggerated huff and a thankful smile, you agreed to his request. “Captain Strand better love this cake.”
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felassan · 3 years
Jon Renish (Foundation Technical Director @ BioWare, working on DA4) recently did a Twitch stream where he played through some DAO. Although he works on DA, this is his first time playing through DAO. He’s playing through it looking at random details from a dev perspective as he’s currently working on DA4 and therefore wants to know more about the previous games.
On the stream he mentioned some tidbits on the development of DA4. There were also some insights and anecdotes about the development of DAO and similar. It’s a 3 hour stream so I collected them here in case that’s of use to anyone (for example not everyone can watch streams which don’t have subtitles/captions). The stream is a fun/interesting watch though, so if you’re curious or able to watch I recc doing so. 😊 The rest of this post is under a cut for length.
Please note that there’s some paraphrasing on my part, this is not a transcript.  There are also some additions from another dev who featured on the stream to give some commentary. The stream also contains more snippets that at times I couldn’t make out (I tried my best!).
(There is a mention of Cullen’s VA in the text below.)
Jon said he can talk about things about DA4 that aren’t “consumer-facing”, but he can’t say anything about the game that would be consumer-facing but which isn’t already publicly available. There are several reasons for this. One, that’s not his job, there are people whose job this is and they let each other do their respective roles. Two, BW are a publicly-traded company, so if he said something that could affect that that would be insider trading. Three, they’re not done making DA4 yet, so if he said that they have added [x] to the game and people got all excited about that or pre-ordered on that basis, but [x] ended up being cut, people would be like ‘BioWare lied to us’, when it’s just that things changed during the course of development, as is often the case
He’s glad that fans are excited for the game but notes that fan expectations are always double-edged. It can be really tough as some people started ‘playing’ the game in their heads as soon as they heard of it. That’s fine, he loves that, but he hopes that peoples’ expectations don’t turn into requirements. Clearly BW have alluded to certain characters, like Solas, being in the game, but some fans say things like “If [say] Morrigan isn’t in the game, then, rahhh!” Y’know, there’s a lot of talk about how certain characters have to be in the game, and yeah.
On characters which are quantum (i.e. characters which can die or which can have similar end-states as death in previous games): their being quantum makes it really hard for the devs to work with those characters in subsequent games. The devs naturally aren’t going to put as much effort into characters which could have died previously. A character can have had an amazing appearance throughout/role in a previous game, but if there is a risk of something happening to them and of them being removed [effectively] from the plot, it just doesn’t make sense to have them as a major character in a subsequent game. If a character can, say, sacrifice themselves in some glorious ending, the devs have to make sure that if they use them again, in worldstates where the character didn’t do that, the character is kind of ‘muted’, as the devs don’t want to disrespect the players who made a different choice
A comment in chat expressed a wish for Shale in DA4. Jon’s response is that he has no idea on that front
Bugs don’t come out of crunch, they come out of development in general. Crunch does impact on the quality of a game though. In recent years BW are always really trying to reduce crunch, they’re currently working really hard to bring it down. The best way of doing that is by controlling scope. As creatives it’s tough to balance wanting to make great stuff and be industry-leading with the desire to constantly do extra passes over things they’ve created like the audio, art etc. Their biggest enemy is time, other ways of reducing crunch or time spent in general include iterating tools to make often-repeated processes as time-efficient as possible
I think the following was an observation on the industry in general as opposed to a BW-specific/-exclusive comment: he thinks that as a result of this sort of thing [working to reduce crunch], a lot of games are going to have to be smaller and a lot more focused in scope i.e. the devs will have to focus on hitting the key selling points of that particular game/series as hard as they can, and cut down on branching out sideways/wide on a bunch of random other stuff
Jon doesn’t personally engage in character creators in games, but he knows that for some players that expression is worth a lot of time and focus. BW want to be industry-leading in this kind of stuff as it’s something which is interesting/key/integral to their games
In a way BW have made their own nest of problems what with every DA game being so different to the previous one. Still, he notes that each game has a staunch fanbase that says that their particular favorite game is the best one in the series
He doesn’t want people who think that DA4 isn’t what they want to buy it and be upset - there are so many other great games out there! BW are going to make the game they’re going to make - if some people like it, that’s great, and if some people don’t, that’s cool. Sometimes waiting until reviews are out and/or really seeing beforehand if a game is something that you want [has things/features in it that you want] prior to getting it - as opposed to jumping right in or pre-ordering - is a good idea. Fans don’t always know what they want, but they do know what they like - these are 2 different things
He hopes that whatever they ship for DA4, people go “I enjoyed this experience”, and that then, if there’s additional content for it down the road, people can decide, “do I want this further content?”
On hair: BW are using the new hair technology in the latest version of the Frostbite engine, so they’ll see what they can do! This was said in response to a comment about the hair in the latest FIFA games (as EA make FIFA)
A comment in chat asked about a flying mechanic (griffons). Jon’s response is that flying is such a heavy gameplay mechanic that you can’t put it in a game without everything in the game being built about it (see Anthem)
Relating to the above comment, in DA4 mounted combat would be cool but then they’d have to make the game ‘around’ mounted combat and make the mounted combat feature meaningful
On the underwater concept art: it should not be interpreted as a promise of gameplay. BW have amazing artists who sit down for a couple weeks while they’re in early production and just draw loads and loads of all kinds of stuff. Concept art is like a moodboard or Pinterest board. Elsewhere in the stream he advised, take all the concept art together like a mosaic and ask, ‘what is the overall theme[s] here?’, and to zoom out from individual details. [This stuff echoes PW’s word on concept art]
BW don’t generally write things or the choices as bleak as the choices in DAO were anymore. This is a conscious choice on their part, they want their game to be fun [note: this was said when the side quest in Orzammar where the Warden has the option of convincing a dwarven mother to abandon her young baby to die was being played through. It seems to refer to intensively grimdark choices/beats of this kind]
I think this was more of a general comment on games: SSDs (solid state drives) mean that players will see shorter elevator rides (Mass Effect - was this a reference to the remaster?) and fewer switchback corridors (those are actually loading zones). Generally, these are going to change mechanically the time it takes to do stuff in games
The devs have lots of features on their backlog that they’d like to offer players but each will ofc involve implementation and subsequent maintenance, and each one that is chosen to add is being chosen over something else. And sometimes, it’s hard for them to tell if [x] feature or [y] feature would be better to add to the game
They’re about to work on a giant feature (a pure tooling feature, something that isn’t consumer-facing) that is probably going to take ~2 staff years of effort [I think “staff effort” includes multiple staff working concurrently, so 2 years of staff effort doesn’t = 2 years of time chronologically] to get done in the next few months. They’re investing all this effort across the people working on it because they don’t want their artists and designers etc to have to deal with the problem that it’s going to solve anymore. I’m not sure what this feature is but elsewhere in the stream they referred to tooling and automation and gave the example of, the better your tooling is, the fewer times you have to manually set the camera for a human vs elf vs dwarf position, for dynamically-generated [cinematic?] content and for the first pass to be automated (if this is the case, less time is spent/wasted on redoing it and manually touching it up) [see last bullet point in this section]
He doesn’t know how big DA4 is going to be but said “let’s ballpark and say like most games it’ll be somewhere between 70 and 100 GB”
If we kept our Wardens as the PC throughout all 3 games, at the end they would be so powerful that it’d be a bit like “Let’s just do [thing], I’ve killed gods before, whatever”. He thinks it’s good that they have fresh characters each time in DA in order to reset that power level. Some people want more Commander Shepard in the next Mass Effect and he feels like, ‘what else could you possibly want / what else could that character possibly do after 3 games?’
When asked how much freedom he/they have now to focus on next gen, he said that there’s actually almost no difference on that front. The problems never change. They now have better renderers, better ray-tracing, better graphics cards etc, but they have always made DA games for high- and low-spec PCs, so it’s actually about gameplay systems. The freedom isn’t power-based and them getting access to more cores and more RAM generally isn’t going to change how the games are played. The games still have to be made for hard drives on PC. Dev creativity matters more than power here. The challenge of building a BW game is more about/from managing loads of different plotstates, loads of different art pieces, etc
On the title situation (two): names are the last thing they worry about because names have to go through legal before being approved. Every name, including character names, has to be checked in case it’s a famous person, or associated with something bad, or offensive in a different language due to localization etc
They don’t do face scans of people with big beards
There was also a bit about changes/developments to/in the cinematic design process and associated tooling [?] but I found it too hard to follow sorry >< This bit of commentary begins at timestamp ~ 1:52:45 and continues til ~ 2:00:05 [keep listening through the bit where they pause for a cutscene]
General BW
There’s currently ~350 staff in Edmonton, ~200 in Austin and more elsewhere
He notes that DA games sell pretty well, but relative to EA games in general, they’re a drop in the bucket compared to FIFA
5% of players of DAI never created a character [Q: does this refer to people who just used the default appearances/presets with no editing, or people who only played multiplayer?]
The mounts don’t actually go faster than running, this is an illusion
I think they said it has 55,000 lines of dialogue. [I’m pretty sure I remember devs elsewhere saying it has 80,000 lines of dialogue]
One of the companions had to have their name changed during development because of legal/translation reasons. It sounds like the original name sounded too close to something offensive
Back when DA2 was internally code-named “Nug Storm”: this was at the beginning when it was pitched to the team on a set of slides. The image on the slide for that pitch had devil horns, a metal hand and no flesh, it was just made out of fire and flames
The engine DAO is made on is the third engine that they tried for it during development. [David Gaider has gone into the DAO engine stuff some on Summerfall’s series of DAO playthrough streams]
The cracks on the cracked eluvian asset are modelled after the crack on the Tardis in Doctor Who from around that time, as at the time some devs had been talking about Doctor Who a lot. A dev actually added this factoid to DAO’s entry on TV Tropes but someone else (evidently not a DA dev) came by and deleted it saying that it was too much of a stretch x)
Before the game had its name there was an HTML script that randomly generated possible titles for consideration, it adds verbs and nouns together e.g. “Grim Dark”. One of the craziest possibilities that it once generated that the devs always remember is "Bone Wind”
One of the portraits that’s used for decoration around the world in-game (it’s of a bearded human man) is actually of a specific BW staff member
He played through Stone Prisoner, where Wilhelm’s son Matthias gives exposition in the cellar. Matthias is voiced by GE and this had been pointed out to Jon earlier on. Jon: “I don’t think that character’s voice acting was super strong there”
On the in-game area towards the end of Stone Prisoner: Outdoor areas in games are large and one of the things needed for them is streaming, so different chunks can be ‘streamed in’. There’s a tower [?], and technically the top of the tower was made an outdoor level so that sky stuff could be there, though it didn’t really need to be. The person that made it an outdoor level chose the very smallest chunk size for the terrain mesh, which determines how fine of a streaming they do. So when playing, every time you moved like 4 meters, the game would stream out 50-100 chunks behind you and the same in front of you (this is the bubble around the player of what actually exists). Because it was so small, it was constantly thrashing the CPU and disc to do all the loading. The devs were like “this isn’t going to work”, but they barely had any time. The solution: they made a new level that was outdoor and copied all the sunlight and other settings, but with the largest chunk size. They copy-pasted the entire level from one to the other. The problem with that many chunks then is that there was a giant expanse of flat terrain sticking out of the middle of the tower. They didn’t know if the story was going to involve shots of the outside of the tower for this sequence or not, so they took the terrain deformation tool and bundled all the terrain vertices at the bottom of the tower in a giant clump. So to this day there’s a mess of vertices and twisted terrain at the bottom of the final level that probably no-one has ever seen [not sure though if this anecdote is in reference to a place in that DLC or somewhere elsewhere in the game?]
There were also some tidbits on Anthem, however I didn’t note them down (sorry).
If you think I misheard or misunderstood anything from this stream please let me know and I will edit/fix it. :) 
(Thankyou to some of my friends who explained a tech detail from this to me.)
[source]  <-- current rewatch link
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ellavogues · 3 years
what did you wish for? - harry styles
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summary: long distance has put a strain on harry and yn’s relationship, especially as his birthday is fast approaching
a/n: last repost from my old blog, i still freaking love this. this fic means a lot to me because parts of it was based off of my own life. as always, ily all <3
The light turned to dark as she sat by her phone watching reruns of  The Office, waiting for Harry to call her like he did every night. Her  day was particularly bad, everything that could’ve gone wrong went wrong  - from her forgetting her umbrella when it was bucketing down to her  somehow locking her car keys in her car (which led to her incurring a  $200 fee for the roadside assist service getting them out). Then, when  she trudged home in the pouring rain, clothes completely soaked and her socks inside her shoes wet, she received an email informing her the  elevators in her building were out of service. Unluckily for her, she lived on the 16th floor.
All she wanted was to see his smile to  turn her day around. Harry never failed to turn her worst days into good  ones just by being him, but being in a long distance relationship put a  strain on that. Sure, they would visit each other every now and then, but both of their jobs were demanding and meant they couldn’t travel as  much as they wanted to. Harry could travel more than she could, but she  didn’t think it was fair that he’d always have to be the one to hop on a  plane and fly across the world.
The familiar ringtone played and her eyes lit up in excitement. Y/N reached for the phone and answered to hear him yelling  some utterance at his friend, to which his friend responded with something  equally as snide.
A smile crept onto her lips as she lightly  giggled at his attitude to his friend, and she could almost feel them roll her eyes at his snarky remark. Y/N would be lying if she said the  huff of annoyance he let out as he returned his attention to her wasn’t hot, as well as the way he ran his fingers over his stubble then through his curly hair.
“How do you want to celebrate your birthday, Haz?” Y/N  asked softly, not wanting to make his bad mood worse and hoping the  change of subject would make him happy.
Harry sighed, closing his  eyes as he composed his answer. “What’s the point?” His tone wasn’t soft  like hers, nor was it disappointed. It appeared that he was angry that  she brought up the topic. In a matter-of-fact tone, he continued,  “You’re not in London with me, you’re in New York. There’s no point in celebrating with you if you’re not here.”
“We can FaceTime?”
He rolled his eyes at her suggestion as if it was the stupidest thing he had heard, and sarcastically laughed at her.
“What’s  with your attitude, Harry? I want to celebrate with you! It’s not my fucking fault that I can’t be in London!” She frowned, frustrated that the distanc  between them was the topic of conversation, like it always seemed to be.
Harry scoffs in response, the look on his slightly pixelated face dumbfounded  that you would even suggest that it wasn’t your fault. “I have offered  to fly you out to London many times, Y/N. There are plenty of jobs for you  out here that you could apply to and that you know you would get because  you’re so damn good at what you do,” he retorted, tired and irritated.  Though Harry was usually incredibly patient with everyone, especially her, these increasingly frequent conversations had begun to wear him  thin and gradually made him resent FaceTiming her at all, despite still  being completely and utterly in love with her. “You’re being stubborn about moving for no reason.”
They were both quite stubborn individuals, but in the past Harry was usually the one that compromised to make her happy. He valued her happiness over getting his own way.  When they reconnected a year ago, a few years after finishing school, and quickly realised their friendship was based on more-than-friend feelings they faced the problem of living in different countries. Although it seemed like a breeze at first, Harry scoffing at  anyone who claimed long distance would be hard, as their feelings grew  deeper and his visits less frequent, they both longed for a more  physical presence of the other, rather than just virtual. This was  something Harry was absolutely not willing to compromise on. He had his whole life in London, and he knew that he could give her the life she deserves if she  would just take up his offer. He knew she was scared of leaving her  family behind to move in with him, and he understood. Harry tried to keep his cool about this topic, but eventually he became exasperated.
“No  good reason? Why should I be the one to move? Why is it me that has to pack up my entire life just to be with you?’” She scolds him for being so rude, and feels like he’s completely brushing off her feelings. “You are able to work from wherever you are. I am not. you should be the one  to move.”
“Me?” Harry was astounded at was his girlfriend’s  response, and was indigent at her crazy suggestion. “I can not leave London just because you’re scared of leaving the city you’ve been in all your life.  My work is in London, you know this. You know I have to be here to work,  just because I technically could still record in New York does not change that the majority of my work and networks are in London. You’re being a bit dramatic and unfair about this, Y/N. I’m tired of arguing about this all the time.  Goodnight.”
The fact that he hung up on her makes her see red,  blood boiling as she clenched her fists and teeth. He knew what he was  asking of her; to pack up her whole life just to be with him. He was being selfish and unreasonable and she was being exhausted of having  this stupid argument that neither of them ever won every time they talked. She felt like he never considered her friends here in New York,  and that he always brushed off how she felt about the move. This fight  had gradually become more tense as time went on, as they knew that a  decision would eventually have to be made if they wanted their  relationship to grow.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she claimed.
“I  know you and H had a fight,” Harry's friend responded, the one on the phone earlier. “He told me what  happened and he feels really bad. Like, really. I know he would really appreciate it if you were here for his birthday.”
She sighed,  starting to feel slightly guilty too for the way she reacted. She feels  even more guilty for the fact that they hadn’t spoken at all in the past  3 days, besides a text from Harry simply saying Sorry for hanging up on you.  When Y/N received the text, she was still calming down from their argument, still hurt by the way he made her feel that her career wasn’t  as important as his. She still loved him, and she still misses him, though.
“I can’t afford a ticket, you know that. Not everyone makes a fuck ton of money like you and Haz-”
The friend chuckled softly over the phone before reassuring Y/N, “I’ll  pay for it. Come and surprise him, he’ll feel a lot better and it’ll  give you guys a chance to work it out in person, where you can’t just  hang up on each other.”
Y/N knew that his friend was right, she knew that she and Harry needed a face to face conversation about the future  of their relationship because long distance hadn’t seemed to be working  for them anymore. Their virtual dates, while well thought out and  romantic, weren’t the same as being there in person with him. Being  there and lightly brushing legs as they sat down at the small table,  hearing his laugh without the audio cutting in and out, being able to  hold each other’s hands. It wasn’t the same.
Maybe that is why Y/N and Harry had been arguing so much, because their relationship relied on strong wifi connections and the ability to be on their phones all  day. And it wasn’t enough for either of them anymore.
“Okay, thank you. I’m really grateful you’re doing this for us,” Y/N finally responded, expressing her gratitude.
His friend felt a wave of relief, ecstatic that Harry might finally get out of his shitty mood. Even though he didn’t mean to take out  his annoyances on his friends, and he apologised every single time he  gave them an uncalled for attitude, but it seemed his bad mood was never dissipating. When finally asked what was wrong, bursting through his door in a fit of exasperation, he broke down and told her about  their FaceTime, and all their FaceTimes before it. About how every subject they discussed seemed to lead to the same topic: the distance between them. He admitted he regretted his harsh words, and regretted him acting like he thought his job was more important than hers.
“It’s really not a problem,” his friend promised. “I’ll email you the flight  details and the invite, I can’t wait to see you! It’s been so long!”
“It’s been, like, a month and a half. Not that long.”
“That is so long! I miss you like crazy.”
“I  miss you too,” Y/N giggled.
She flopped back on her bed, grinning from ear to ear and  excited she would finally be able to see her boyfriend again, yet dreading the impending and necessary conversation they would have to have.
Y/N had anxiously got out of her Uber when she  arrived at a friend's house for Harry’s surprise party. She was  visibly shaking, stuttering as she said thank you to her driver, nervous  that his reaction wouldn’t be good when seeing her. She was scared that he didn’t want her here anymore after their fight, despite his friend constantly reassuring her that he would be over the moon to see her.
She  knocked on the front door, which his almost immediately answered.  “Hey! Y/N!”
The loud exclamation earned the attention of  the other attendees of the party, all shocked to see Y/N after Harry had repeatedly, and bitterly, told them that she was going to be in New York for his birthday.
“Hey,” Y/N smiled,  greeting everyone. She glanced around the room, seeing the fairy lights  hanging from the ceiling, the island bench covered with a gold table  cloth, the backyard decorated with gold balloons and streamers. “Woah,  the party is super cool! Harry is going to love it.”
“Harry is going to love that you’re here and not in New York.”
When Harry finally arrived, the lights were switched off and  everyone scurried to grab their phones out to film. Y/N waited behind everyone as  the group gathered close together to surprise him when he walked in.
“Oh my god,” Harry spoke. “It smells funny in here.”
She let out a quiet giggle at his comment, but was quick to muffle it before he heard it was her.
When he made it past the gold streamers that blocked the front door from the living area, everyone yelled out SURPRISE,  going crazy and covering Harry with confetti. His face had pure joy,  happiness and gratefulness plastered all over it, ecstatic that his  friends would do something so sweet for his birthday, although he most  likely already knew about the party. He glanced around the room, and  almost had to do a double take when he saw his girlfriend. Y/N had told  him she wouldn’t be able to make it, making him dread his birthday since  he didn’t see a point in celebrating it if it wasn’t with her.
When  the crowd had dispersed, Harry made his way over to her and grabbed her  chin gently, tilting her face up before saying “Hey, love” and kissing her softly. He broke the kiss and pulled his girlfriend into a warm embrace.  She was so glad to see him, in person, to be able to hold his hand and  hug him and just be around him. In person.
They were pulled  out of their moment when Harry’s friend asked if they wanted a  picture, to which Y/N responded no and he responded yes.
“Don’t be shy, love,” he teased, smiling like a cheshire cat as he put her hair  behind her ears. “I want to remember you being here tonight, let’s take the picture.”
It wasn’t long until it was time to cut the cake,  Harry having Y/N by his side the whole night because he didn’t want to  waste a minute he could spend with her. Being with him reminded Y/N why  they were dating, and why she loved him. As the night went on, she felt  the fight that was seemingly big feel less important, because she  realised that she was making excuses as to why she couldn’t move to London  with him. She was being stubborn for no reason, and she noticed that the  only thing holding her back was her. Not her job, she could find a new  one in London, not her family because she barely saw them anyway, not her friends because half of her friends were in London with Harry anyway. When she saw Harry walk through those streamers, it became crystal clear how silly she was  being.
Harry knew what he wanted, and being with her that night just made him more sure. He decided he wasn’t going to stop fighting for  his relationship with her, and if that meant he had to settle down his  requests for her to move to London with him so she felt more comfortable, he would do that. Despite wanting nothing more than to live with her, to  wake up every morning and see her face, to Postmate her favorite coffee every morning, to surprise her with spur-of-the-moment dates every now  and then. He wanted her, and he was willing to wait if that’s what he  needed to do.
After everyone sang happy birthday to him, his arm slung loosely around her, he blew out his candles.
“What did you wish for, H?”
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haircoveredwriter · 3 years
Some thoughts after watching 11x06 "On the Inside". I'll put it beneath a break because there's more than I thought to my mindless rambling.
Okay so they're going with a straight horror movie intro but skipping the usual 'we're having such a good time out here in the woods...wait, something it out here too'
Both LR and KC do a really good terrified for their lives
Also have to say Virgil really seems to have stepped up since we met him because dude can actually take out walkers now. Good job, sir. Never stop learning.
More of Leah walking around amoungst a group of people and having no real reason to be there or contribute anything to the scene. 🙄
Damn, Hondo! Stop pulling at Frost's nails! I can't rip half mine off at work without feeling like Hershel when Rick chopped his leg. Fingers and toes always make thigs worse.
Chokeholds are illegal, Daryl. Someone needs to have him watch his own earlier seasons.
The conversation beneath the conversation between Daryl and Frost is spot on and super interesting.
Daryl's like 'look...I'm going to have to chop your finger off but it's for a good reason. Gonna save your life and who knows, maybe one of these weirdos has a Govenor closet somewhere and they'll let you take it home with you.'
Plus him taking off the vest was WAY more entralling than it needed to be, but I'm a woman with eyes so don't judge me. 👀😍(Enthralling? yup, that's what we'll go with)
It's a definite sign Daryl's not all team Reapers because he's basically taking off/hiding who he really is to fit in with his crazy ex-girlfriend's new posse.
Though my science schooling is giving how little blood there is from the amputation the side eye. Guess Frost just willed his blood some place else.
Am I crazy or is the music playing while Daryl torutres Frost the same that was playing in 10x07 while Carol tortured the Whisperer? Coincedence??🤔
Evil Monopoly man seems like he enjoys playing games with his people.
If Connie looking in the mirror is not me everyday I wake-up😏
GUYS! There were medical scissors in the medicine cabinet. You know what this means??? Queen Beth is gonna rise from the dead and save Vonnie all while less half a brain. LOL.
whoever belongs to that eye in the hole needs to get checked for jaundice.
Ofc the pencil breaks when Connie TRULY needs it. Fate really has it in for her, screwing her over with one of her most trusted friends.
These Reapers have no idea do they about how to sneak up on a building without being seen. Maybe they need it to be night before their powers activate. Funny Leah is in charge when she's the least believable one there.
Daryl pretending to be a cat hiding behind a plant with that mailbox...no one can see you my friend. You're good.
Carver and Leah remind me of the evil version of Caryl and Daryl.
They obviously have something going on and/or had a thing in Daryl's abscence. All those "Always" remarks sound an awful lot like The Princess Bride's "As you wish".
Yup, Carver is uber jealous of Daryl. Leaver is setting sail ya'll.🚢
Carol strolling in to find Kelly stuck in the mud with her casual "need some help" is perfection. I actually lol'd.
AT is also SUCH and underrated and underutilized actress on this show, I need more Kelly on my screen because she needs to be protected like the sweet cinnamon role she is.
WTH is with this episode, they really out here trying to start a bunch of new ships or something? I'm down for Vonnie.
He's so into you, Connie. Who else is gonna keep talking to you knowing you can't hear them but needing to vocalize how much more important they see you to themselves.
Oh, come on...he's said her name in this ep more times than anyone has in the last season. He's trying to rival Daryl for saying Carol's name in s10.
So in case you're keeping track...we now have Vonnie and Leaver riding the crazy shipping seas.📃
Great... more posturing about who cares about Leah more.🤮 Carver you aren't getting it; Daryl's been phoning it in since Day 1, he's not a threat just wait it out and he'll audios up out of here to go find his fire queen back home.
Leah's even telling Daryl "stop pissing of my secret boyfriend okay?"
Note to everyone: a dancing phone line is the sign to run to the basement and not a sign of an overeager squirrel running across the line for his acorns.
So the jaundice family watched The Ring too many times and think this is how all the cool kids act in horror flicks. All they keep saying is 'hungry'; Connie, Virgil, someone get them a Mars bar and it'll be done.
A+ fight put up by Virgil. He's been taking some classes during the lockdowns to better himself.
The Reapers are HORRIBLE military folk. How do ya'll not see Maggie & co leaving when you have people on the perimeter for the sole purpose of finding runners?! Do not hire them. 1 star on Yelp.
Yup I'm all over Vonnie. That "together" stuff was by far the shippiest thing we've seen all season.
And their reunion hug through the walll .... guuurl.
walker guts trick again: the express version
why do I feel like they could do a mini spin off of just a little war going on between the walkers and those jaundice mo-fos? Then one of the walkers falls for a crawler girl but her family thinks he's from the wrong side of the yellow house and don't like how he thinks he's better because he's taller than all of them.
Kelly found Connie! So happy this storyline ended with the 2 people the arc was truly about; the 2 sisters finding each otherafter years of the show hating siblings.
Now can we finish with Carol's self-hatred stuff and let her heal? We know Daryl is gonna be finished with his "gotta save 'em all" issues soon so it would be fantastic if they could finally be on the same baggage free playing field. Just a thought Kang.
Overall I thought it was a good episode. Only a few things I would nitpick ie. limited Carol, cheesy music during some of the haunted house bits, and the reapers need to go back to basic training and learn some stuff and thangs.
Ofc the spoilers beforehand were blown way out of proportion though I'm not surprised. I didn't go in expecting to see what was foretold and thankfully the spirit Gods prevailed again in defeating the overreaction we go through EVERY episode.
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honeyfizzly · 3 years
Not genshin related but instead yttd related. Just some speculations and wild guessing- beware of 3b spoilers
Alright so in Sou route rn there's only 4 survivors while Kanna route has five (smh Kanna route gets all the love huh).
So that means that in Sou route, not only will everyone get one of each role but also the death game will definitely end because there would be only two survivors left after the main game.
My bets on who's getting what role for Sou route is-
Sou with Keymaster (yttd seems like looping back to the begging with things, so having Sou lie about having keymaster first game and then actually have keymaster last game feels fitting).
Since only the people alive in this route are the ones who killed Kanna, I feel like he'd definitely try to get himself voted off to kill everyone or maybe he has an actual redemption arc this chapter and the roles of Sara and Sou are switched from first main game to last (like Sara lying about her role for whatever reason while Sou is guiding the discussion idk why she would but I feel like it would just be cool lmao)
Sara with either seer or she actually has sacrifice this time (like how she found the sacrifice card under the table but didn't get it cause she already had keymaster). Seer is the only card that Sara has never picked up or had so it's a very likely candidate, maybe she would see that Sou is the keymaster and assume that he would try to kill everyone because of how they killed Kanna. Sacrifice wouldn't trigger Sara as much as it did in chapter 2 because she repressed her memories of Joe, and also Sacrifice holds the most power in this game as well.
If Sara does get seer then two other candidates for sacrifice would be Gin or Keiji, maybe if you chose Alice dies Sou route it goes to Keiji or if you chose Reko dies Sou route it goes to Gin.
I could totally see a situation where you get the choice to save either Gin or Keiji.
I think it would pretty ironic if the final survivors of the death game would the girl with highest survival percentage and the man with the lowest.
Also if Sara was sacrifice and did managed to get voted off, you'd get the choice to either save Gin, Sou, or Keiji.
For Kanna route I feel like Kanna would the be one with the seer (since she lied about it in the beginning as well and it just feels fitting) or maybe keymaster
And reko/alice with commoner probably
Sara would have either seer (if Kanna didn't get it) or keymaster (I don't see Sara getting sacrifice this route)
Gin either has commoner or sacrifice
And Keiji either has commoner or sacrifice
I'm less sure about the roles this route cause it wouldn't be the last main game for them, because there would be three left unless sacrifice wins. The death game is meant to go on until only two or one person is left.
Also everytime during sacrifice's death, there's always the button. In Joe's death, sara kept pressing it. While in Nao's death, Sara couldn't press it at all. Idk why this stood out to me but it did
Also new rules keep getting added with the main games it seems, with chapter 2 updated the rules with trades and ties. Maybe some new rules could be adding new cards, a new way to trade cards, ect.
Also there's still some mysteries that are unsolved
Where's Mishima's head
Mishima is suspicious in general- he's the only candidate that passed the first trial who's wish we don't know (besides Keiji and I feel like this is gonna be important), and he shows up every chapter. I feel like he isn't actually the mastermind (I don't feel like there's "one" mastermind like danganronpa) but he is suspicious.
Who was in Sue miley's room? I personally place my bets on Meister since he looks all bandaged up but it could very well be a dummy who didn't actually die, Kai perhaps (since slitting your wrists is actually one of the most survivable methods of suicide I think), or a character we don't know yet (pfft watch it be Ryoko lol)
Who was Sue miley talking to in chapter 2? I don't think it's midori or Meister since the person seemed (the way the person talked didn't seem like how they would act), or anyone we actually met before since Sara and Keiji didn't recognize the voice. It could be that Rei (I think that's the name) person in Ytts that is revealed to actually have been apart of the group before being forgotten (in Ytts when someone dies they are "forgotten" so I think that's the implication with Rei).
So maybe Rei was a possible Candidate but ending up dying before the death game could ever start like how Midori did and their right to the death game was forfeited.
Next up is why was the Joe painted taken during Sou Route. When Ranmaru goes to rest and Sara leaves him before a while before coming back, the Joe painting is stolen. I think the implication is that Ranmaru took it cause in Kanna route that dosent happen. I just find it kinda silly that Ranmaru is jealous of an painting of Sara's dead best friend that she can't even remember. I just find it silly, and I don't know if it'll be addressed in 3-2.
Also who's Sara's real dad? Most of the cast in yttd is missing an father or parents (Possibly because they're parents mightve been in on the deathgame too, since Asunaru has information on them since they were children). A tiny theory of mine is that the person who Keiji killed was not Joe's dad but instead actually Sara's. It dosent really have that much proof other than I think it would be cool and both Sara and Mr. Policeman have red hair.
What got Sara into the deathgame? Sara never signed the contract so what brought her in? The only two candidates for wishing Sara in are Mishima and Keiji since we don't know their wishes. I could totally see an situation where Keiji wished that he got the chance to reconcile with Mr. Policeman's child (since he killed their dad). I'm leaning towards Keiji being the reason why Sara is here but not Mishima since Mishima and Sara don't really have an connection.
Though I guess it would be funny if Mishima wished to have more students to teach and since the death game is probably revolving around Sara, Asunaro just took that has a chance to shove her in.
What were Joe and Kai talking about? In the survalince it shows Kai and Joe both talking, seeming serious but there was no audio so we couldn't tell. My bet is that Joe was confronting Kai about being Sara's stalker or having some connections with Asunaro, Joe isn't as dumb as the fandom makes him out to be imo so it seems reasonable that he would notice that.
Alright I spilled out my brain now, time to wait 50 years for the new chapter byeeee
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